DRY -GOODS FOR A._llllllN,--1859 ,:.;c1; of SILK GOOGS, 1 1 Full .tuck of STAPLE GOODS. Dr' uocluof 'FANCY GOODS, - Fashionable FALL SHAWLS, - f'.Go7'llti, CA SSIMERES, VESTING'S'. lanexis, Quilts, Table Liam, eti., etc., - EYRE & LANDELL, r !, d; Arelk.els,; Philadelphia. ..1" ---1114 , :k Wh i biesale,at low rates. Thlriains,_Daily.from New York Auctions. S'eptembiT Bth, 1859..3m.ar- A 1.1, wanting farms in a delightful climate. I. rick soil, and -secure from frosts. See ad. e:l , -ernent of Hammonton Lands in another +n. - E T E D.-A Y nu= WAS Alf . Aiuuvei Or- • ; - -AT- ' - • • Nc:o6 21! - T - N EL.krisiEs, Prints Stelia Shawls, UanGliaa. ;.1J Dusteny rairkaola and Umbrellas, and an iurtoetuic quantity of other..9ooDS which -will be Nbown ra.reof charge by H. C. TYLER.. Nay 19th, 1853. • - ABEL TV RIMELIA salting • at hart:sins to JWELRY the Call and see. July 21 MAKE THE OLD THINGS NEW! ..*Ew ARTICLE for sale in Sue queletrna County only at the Montrose Itt *(Ore. ' A Yin liogariv ClOth. 48, 45 and. 48 . we:P•s- w/.?e,—for Tablet, Stands, Bar, Store, lira? II•kr-Ccornlers, Melodeon and Piano Cdvers. P , •; T:N ED TABLE AND STAND SPREADS Orlts. and atyies, and Tall warranted to stand 1,1. or of boiling water, hot coffee pat. cara t lmie,` spirits, &c., &c., and will neither break nor crack in cold or hot weather. inat the adj. c,e. to make 'old furniture new. A N. BULLARD M..ni rose. July 2.414 1859. -FRESHARRIVAU undersigned would respectfully an :a noutie to. the public that he has just ra t:eh-ea ii .supply 0f ... - whios may be tound the very best of SU,gctr ! , Molasseg Syrup; _' „Tea, Cow, dice r • at price to - f.tiit the times, for ready pay. Don't '.4.e the place, but-call at the . Lase:heat of - 1.03 AX %TONIE TILOTIEL, your humble servant carries -on -a SALOON & GROCERY BUSINESS, r_n,, , re the public- may always rely upon 4!..-ir wants attended t.zr with promptness 0. M. CRANE. April 20th. HEED. THIS WARNING ! LOOK _OLIT FOR 'BARGAINS few Goods ' T II ‘IDEN BROTHERS' ORIGINAL C Price 'Ready Pay Store, consisting of i Dry Goods, Groceries, 0001% a: Slioes, - 111alsik Ca Wall Paper Stolle & Wooden Ware, Plst)lil . , _ ' P; s, Oils, alaas, are., Wateltr., Jea - elry. Yankee Notions, -EX.D TO THEM! JET . u a iG serer find old shelf-worn, mcdh:esten, • •;.-, er of style Goods at ilatmcs Bros.' Oal Fogies, and buy your Goods :•u can savz '2B l'ut CENT. We have : ' k of GOODS Furchased for-CASH I , ;i , 14 sold at prices that will frighten the r.,2, principles. .EVERY ARTICLE WARRANTED rre,,ent,d., No charge for showing Goods. HAYDEN BROTHERS. - Nol 11 Ilford. Pa., lane; 1859. - tm _LAD _WARRANT . CO. 3EL MAL:X-EM. 'INE imdersigied offers for sale a' U. 8. 1_ LAM) WA4RANT for , 160 acres. For 1,1.1 War.:.envire of A. J.Gerritsoo at the office ~f th- DeMorrat, or of me, or address -111 '.%1•1nLr....e, p a . IRA COLE- Augiist 2.51 h, 1859.--3 w. . P. REYNOLDS, AC I';G 'retutoe43. to Montrose for the pur p"-e 2. of resuming the Tailoring Business, announces to the public that he is prcparoci to attend to their wants with prompt- - nt:, anti fidelity: Latest Fashions .. 4.licays M hand. Cutting done on abort notice. w•arraP.ted to fit. Shop *in basement of S- srii HOtel—roroor room in front. aug4lstf. - • MORE CHEAP GOODS! i'I.ENDID New Ctialie, Lawns, Prints, and $.17 (:; , _hams. at reduced prices. Mao 13 lbs. .4' :Sugar for one dollar, er of Rise. Just unl for sale by J. LYON'S &SON.'• 11 , 41:r , ,:e. lane 15th, 1859. - . 1 - }UicNiS,G FLUID, White and Cod Fish., ..t.) zer. Ki4,S-S. Boots, and more Gnitera t o. $1.,5—a1l at TYLER'S. 1!) - ii , _ 9 - ► LBS. OF SUGAR for Slt,oo, at 1 - Li. C. 'nut's. 1R59. 3,000 ROLLS,OP WALL PAPER. .11•011111111141111 S . &C, &C. 4 Ni>.tit.SUPPLYO'stiirrivert and 'for sate _LA - A. TURRELL CoggswelPs STI-PROGISTIC SETS; a core for INFILAXIMATORY-Dirwrasei of nit klaas, for :kale b?, ARKL TURRELL Jl„6tr e. June nil. 1859. EitONS wishing to change their both:teas .11 to a rapidly ll:terms/Fig County, It New Set. tkrin-ut s here hundrode are going. Where the c;im.l.tv, is mild and delightful. See advertise. mt•nt of lintomonton Settlement, another eol- s itAPE GB OWEAS tan carry 'on theirba- Jf most successfully at Hammonton, fiota frost*. some forty Vinyard' set oat th, pa s t soa•o6. _See advertisement of Ham• nnther column SHOES: A LARGE_ LOT for men women..ad ehildrei, _LI. just rweived; and for sale at these'', low rates,•by J. LYONS, & SON. si.pB MI MM. r sul...!riber continues the above Ineinea. 'ns. 'usual' at his old stied ‘o Brooklyn Tau . Ate) ff , r Out favors he would solicits& public patronage. REYNOLDS. BrGeblyn, Mayy. 23d, 111520.-4. f. ABEL TURRELL WEEPS constantly on hand a.full assortmen of the choitkett qualities of • GOODS, - in all of the following departments =of trade. New supplies arriving every week. Buying for cash, and selling cheap for cash: • DRUGS, MEDICINES, - Misdeals, Paints, on.; Varnishes, , , Window Glass, Dyeatuft, Groceries, Lamps, Glass Ware, Crockery, illirrors, Clocks, Wall Paper, Window. Payer, Window Oil Shades, Posey Goods, Musical imta, Jewelry, Perttmery, Stone Ware, Broome, Brnahes,Whipe; - Undirellas„ Bird Cages, Pocket ' Moises, Guns, Pistol., ' Ammunition, Liquors,Trusses, Supporters, Port-monnaies, Shoulder . Erse* Spectacles, Silver and Plated Spoons, - Perks. &c., Odd Pen, Stationery, Violin, (kilter,* Baas Viol strings, Bows, &a, Porcelain Teeth, Lith ographs, Artist's Tube Paints, Brushes, to., and all the popular Patent Medicines. Also some Dry Ooods; Wonder', - Hard &Japanned Ware; Fluid and 011 Cans, Camphene, Dunning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner's, Neat Foot,Lard.Olive. Castor; and Boiled a Raw Linseed circa, White Lead, Tine, au kinds of Colored Paints, Vinegar, Canary Teed + and other things too numerous to mention. Montrose, June 16, Y 459. ABEL TURRELL. 100, BUSHELS WRITE !INTER SEED- WHEAT , For sale by DALUWIN•dt ALLEN. Montrose; August Isth. 1859. • KEDZIE'S RAIN WATER FILTERS. THE subscribers are agents for the above valuable article, and have on hand and will keep the ,different sizes for sale. They will be happy to show the FILTER to their friends and'customers,, and can easily demonstrate the value and importance of pirfectly purifying Rain Water from all impurities, and thus making it conducive ... 1e health and comfort, with-small ex penie and no trouble. Every person is aware of the auperiority.of Pure Soft Water for Drink ing and Culinary purposes, and also the great difficulty they have heretofore experienced in procuring it These celebreted FILTERS effect the object speedily and perfectly. Please call and examine them. EVANS & ALLg.7I, No, 2 Odd Fellow's Hall. Ding.harnten; August 29th, 1839. GOLD THIMBLES..--All sizes. Also, Silver do., by EVANS &'ALLEI. PLATED KITES .--- A full stock of Taoleand Desert Plated Knives and Car. vers to match. Just received by EVANS & ALLEN. EAR -RINGS AND-BREAST-PINS. The inb3cribere.have thin day received from the manufactory a fine lot of Lava, Enameled, Jet,. Cameo, Gold Stone, and all gold Ear.vings am! rinue, - tu ee apv istarg , u, rich. - EVANS & ALLEN, - No. 2 Odd Fellow's Hall. Binghamton, Aug. 29th, 1859. . • GOLD PENS.—.A very superior stock of Gold Pens, with - Sod without holders,- all sizes sod of first quality, by EVANS & ALLEN. 11) CELETS.--A large addition to our .k.JO ~tool- of Bracelets, viz: Hair Bead, Jet. Garnet, Band, Gold and Plated, Enameled and Engraved, of all sizes and qualities. Just re ceived by . • Eva's & ALLEN. LOCKETS..--iVe have now on' hand the best assortment of Lozkets ever offered to our customers from 1 to 6 fsces, and from $1 to 310. Evems & ALLEN. CIO S s PECTACIL IFS--Of every. age, Ulf and various qualities and prices: by . EVANS & ALLEN. S.Aivr, by the Barrel, Sack or Pound, rot sale by ABEL TURRELL. TIOGA POINT AGRICULTURAL WOK - , i s , " . ...1 , 4 1 7.)- - . 1 1‘ , : Railway or Endless Chain Horse Power for One or Tivo Horses. Changable ' Thrtsher and Separa tor and Thresher and Cleaner• PrIAN . LTFACTURED WELLS, BLOOD' & CO., • The.Artheia s, Pa. Improved EmerrllOrse Pow ers are equal if . iot t superior to any End less Chain Powers in the. world, and warranted greatly superior to the Wheeler Rack and Pin ion Powers. . The Tioga Point - HcrNe Powers are unequaled for convenience by any other--being adapted to a great variety of uses where Power is needed—. as five different degrees of motion are obtained without.,:+extra gearing, and also any desirable length and velocity of crank motion for cross cut Sway - no, Pumping and Churning! They ran easily, ere 'strong, durable, well finished,, and made orgood materials. Tioga . Paint Threshers and Separators. They are made of various sizes, and are supe rior to any other manufheture—of w hi c h f ac t judges of such machines will bi satiafied upon examination. Fanning Mips Fitted to run by Hori.e Power, Thresher and Separator, by Belting from the Power.' ' Thresher and Cleaner.-_ The Tinga Point Thresher and Cleaner, and -Emery's Combinel Thresher and Cleaner: th'ese run easily and thresh and clean fast, 'without wasting the grain which.is cleaned Sr for market, and are warranted to give entire satistaction. Fur Sale—Tinga Point Farming Mills, Por table, Circular and Cros-Cia Saw - Mills, Clover Hullers, and Farm Grist Mills, nil of which are very suwrior machines. -Of Persons in this and adjoining counties should by all means examine the above mention ed machines before purchasing elsex-here. No one will wish'to send off several hundred miles tor agricultural machines, when BETTER INA.. ruere are to ha had soda same at home. . Dead for Illustrated and Priced Catalogues. l, H. LBW WER; agent for Susque*tia county, Post Office:Montrose. ' August, 16th, 1859.-11. NORMAL 'SCHOOL STUDENTS ! TIKE NOTICE! AND Students of all other sehwils that ICA to procure Hooks - and Stationery at 'rata runts, will bear in mind that they can find all the Text Books used in the different schools of the county at the Montrose Hook Store. Prof. Stoddard'a series of Arithmetical, also his Elenentary and Univirsity Algebras. Eight sizes - Wbster's world renowned Die. tionaries, including the New Pictorial edition of the Unabridged, dr.e.,.&c. A. N. BULLARD. , - Montrose, August Ifni. PERSONS wishing to est:ablisb Manufsko ries- jn s new and thriving plate where business is good. See advertisement of the Hammonton Settlement. 'LIAM - LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from .12 Phita.Laicatla -railraad.in Lb. Statp, of Naw Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural puiposea, being's good loam soil, with a clay bottom. ; .The land Is a large Arad. divided into small farms,.and buntings froM all parts of the country are now settling and betiding. The crops produced are large and eau be seen grow. log: The etiolate is delightful, and secure from . frosts. Terms from $l5 to $2O per sere Mt ble within four years by initailments. To visit the.placo—Leave Vine Street wharf at Phila. delphia at 1:20. a. m.. by railroad for Hammon ton, or address R. J. Ityrnes, by letter, Hammon. ton Poe - Office, Atlantis county ,Nirs! • Jersey.: Bee tall *di-erase/zeal in another oolanin. " 1 ' 04 4 : • • •74 , 9:1_1'111. 444 READY-PAY SYSTEM • . , • TT is pertain that i i Goods can bo sold successful ' int gontrose and at Susquehanna Depot FOR CAS H . I 3. Those doubting thin assertion will do well to eall WO. stores of 6attenberg, p roven .gin., where it will be proven that the Merchant in selling his Goods can afford. to'sell Cheaper for Cash, and can offer inducements *MEMO - at to. make - it an objeetl to Purchasers, at whatever sacrifice they are obliged to make, to procure the Money to adopt ip their Purchases the Casa SYSTEM. We have just received and are`constently re• ceiviog, a..splendid assortment of SPRING 81111 MER GOODS, adapted for this !Mason, and which will not fail to give general satisfaction. They were pnr pnruhased under.the most favkrable circumetan ces, and we are en' and watt over and sell at prices far below others that will give and have given an everiastig Credit; no matter whether it is Trim, Dick, o Harry. . , EXAMINE, C MPARE AND JUDGE. OUR Y GOODS! An assortmeat her tofore unequaled by anything ever offered in Montrose. - Fancy and tapiO Dry Goods! Comprising many new and desirable styles. of Goods unknown id / this market, among *high will be found, io JLADIES'OESS GOODS, All the novelties oltho season, cheap at GUTTENBERO, ROSENBAUM,* CO'S SHAWLS_! New and choice la i tyles of Brodie double and single; Stella, Pia , Wool, Taira'', and Mantilla, and a.now style o Chenill Shawls, cheap at - Glittelibtrg, ostubintin, RIM An assortment Rile:Lys onhand,also Ladies Cloth and Trimming to match, of all shades, cheap at 6nttrnbtrl, lostabaum, k EMBAOIDERIES! In this Department we can offer great induce ments, as they era purchased directly front he. porting*hooses. The assortment comprises French Setts; Sleeves and, Collars, Worked Edgings and Inserting, and a great many More artl cies beitMg to this line too- uumeroas to-men- _ thin, cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, &. CO.S. bbons, Flowers and Wire,Stiff Net and Frames, Bonnets, ,Bi Plumes, tinge at Wholesale ind Retail,—eheap at G LTVENBE G, ROSENBAUM, dr CO'S Domestic Goods! May be found all the diff e rent qualities of Prints, Gingham, Bleached Goods, Fine - Unbleached Moulins, Tide, Stripes, Denims, Sheeting, 2 1-2 fds wide, cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S. READY ILADDi CLOTHING, As this is one ofheir PRINCTHILL BRANCHES 07 BUSINESS in Now YYork City , they certainly have one great advantae over all the rest of Clothiers; they having on !artner steady in New York city to devote all his time to this particular branch of manUfacturing.l They wi'l furnish, at. any time, a Good Garment- at about the same price for which the material can be got. They warrant their work and a complete fit or no pay. They keep coal -stocks of tautly on hand one of the best pUNDER .COATS ! t Dress, Raglan, and Sacka ANTS - iety I and Different Style,. TS - Pluili, Caaaime;; and Satin, cheap it OVER Such as Frock Is - Great - Va Such u Velvet GIJITENBE' 0, ROSENBAUM, do CO'S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, of the Best fl i oterial at short Notice. trnde Garments FOR LADIES AR WELL AS Fos GENTLEMEN, - sub as Silk, so l d also Lapbamool, cheap at _ GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM,& CO'S. WORD a 0 Is SUFFI FOR THE WBE. oust Nuxzzous ENDS =ll=l C USTOMERS - 9 And in - rtienlarl to those • knowing :themselves Indebted to us, we will say: once more , that. we will sell for Ready Pay hereafter, and all Ac counts and Notes l roust be settled Without Fur.: the: *Aire. We are tired of writing Denning Letters and Supportiag thoPeattitftee,and there .by losing. We will taitwell..kinde," - pf Grsinitt the Highest Market Prick for 'Payment, hnd-all Accounts' itandieg over' tliiMbittbr on our lieeks.will be left for Celreetioo unless settled Gatttibit titifttill, * _ Montrone, Ps., rill*, iSOIt. "• . . R. KENYON JR. & CO. WOULD respectfully solicit the inspection of a new and very rich assortment of DRY _GOODS - this day received, consisting in part of as follows: Kich,Black Moire,- Antique Silk 18s. per yard; Foulard Silk, nice style; es. per yard; Rich Plaid Silk, the very neatest patterns; 10s. per yard; Black Silk, 28 inches wide, from 7s. to 12e. per yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from $8 to .$ll, the finest assortment in Sueq'a Co.; new invoice of Ginghams r at very low pricer, also of Calicoes; large stock of Denims. Mixtures, Plaids, and Lawns; Printed Shawls - from 7s. .to $5; Brock* Shawls-from $3 to $25; Collars from 6 ctn. to 205.; Parasols from Bs. to 245. each; Bonnet, a large stock; Ribbons and Flowers; also a new invoice ofrGents Shoes-Congress, Enamelled and Calf Skin; Ladies Congress Gai ters, Kid and Enameled; Misses Calf and Enam elled Boots; Children Pit odi Boots, Gaiters and everything iethat tine. 'They would - also call attention to the fact that, having an arrangement with one of the largest Importing Houses in New Yurk they will receive regularly New Styles as fast as they appear in New York, and will take the greatest pains to please all who call and see and wish to purchase.. Particular attention paid to procuring fine goods-,-iri every style. • 1 1 . 31M-4 3 1.figs ' A new lot this day received: and would re spectfully solicit an examination of the same. Good Tea at 35., city pric' cs, also at 4s. ss. 6s. Bs. Isll3 G AILS. 41D4111PFIFE.---.fava, 'Rio and Ground Coffee. SALEttATUS.--James Pyle's. Babbitt's Med icinal, and Exzelsior, &c.Alffr.S, and also a new stock of 11VA1LL PAPER and WIN. DOW PAPER,this day received. FARM ING TOOLS of the most approved patterns. Cricoolmor3r, Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, and all the now atvlee,oas fast att they appear in New York. FLOUR constantly on hand. SALT by thp barrel or sack. PATENT MEDICINES; GLASS, and eyerything else von want. R. KENYON JR. & Lawaville Centre, Pa., June Bth, 1859. ly:e4:(6otaolOolje:Voyos7k(.)4 YOUTH AND MATURITY . ; Jut Palliated Gratis, the 25th Thousand. FEW Words on the Rational it ,Dat A Treatment without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or• local 'Weak ness, Nocturnal Emissions,-Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Impo tency and Impediment . to . slar . ri!go generally, BY B. DE LANEY, The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originatin in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed WITII - attrocna, is in this small tract, clearly de monstrated; and the entirely now and highly successful treatment,-as adopted by the Author, rutty cayloieod, lay weans of every one is enabled to cure nusse.t.r •perfectlyi and at-the least possible cost, thereby avokling all the ad vertised nostrums of the Seat to any address, gratis and post free itia sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. B. DE LANEY. 88 East lat Street, New Yorivcity. ift7ycqp. MARRIAGE GUIDE A NEW BOOK, BY WILLIAM YOUNGLM. D. ~ The-secret.clue to courtship, love . i:; ; •:5 1 / 4 1,1his-r2, & marriage: with the diseases incl. ( 1 / 4 7 : . 1:1-- it r___ dent to youth, maturity and old age; ;J-4, ,- , :F: being lights and shades of married %,."-: life, its joys and sorrows, hopes / 0:11% . P . fears and disappointments. Let all married people, or those , contemplating marriage and having the least impediMent to married life, read this book. Let every young man and woman in the land read this book. It is full of Plates, and discloses secrets that every one should know: a little knowledge-at first may save a world of trouble in after life.. Send for a copy (enclosing 2,ets., to DR.-Wm. YOUNG, .. . ap2B 31 416 Sprnec.st, Philadelphia. rrEET11....61.151 AND PLAIN TEETH, AL DOL. •runnnt.t.. THE NEW ERA! SPRING & SOMMER GOODS, at Great Bargains.:—lteady-Pay, and Small Profile ! Mr. Mt 117P11 : 1. IS. now receiving a full and choice Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, including a great variety of Rich Prints - in new styles, Gicghams, Brilliants,Plain and Fancy Lawns,Challis, Robes, Silk Dress Tissues; and Bamges,Black and Fancy Silks, Poplins, &c.; with a superior assortment of Silk, Brodie, Cashmere and Stella Shawls; Mantillas, Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and Flower*, Broad Cloths, Casslmeres, - Summer Stuffs, &c., with a large assortment of other Staple and Fancy Goods, as usual in Groceries, Crockery, Barrie?are, Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps; Clocks, Carpeting Flair Oil-Cloths, Wall Paper, Painted Window Shades, &c. The entirelitock being large and bought for Cash, will give superior opportunity for choice selections, and, in accordance with the spirit of the times, will be,sold for Ready Pay, 10 to ZS per cent below Regular Prices. An examination of the Goods and Prices will be found profit atle to those who wish to buy. Flour & Salt constantly on hand. New Milford, Mag 4th, 1839. • NOTICE. 7 COBB Would respectfully announce to the Z./. public that he may still be found at the old stand, fully prepared to attend to the wants of the community. He will keepon hand a good stock of iarrcooeirlen: SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, FR UIt,'FLOUR and SALT (by the sack or barrel,) Flail, and all articles found in First Class Groceries. He would partiefilarly call the attention of Farmers and others to the fact" that he is constantly.reeeiring fresh supplies of . FIRST RATE FLOUR, also good and medium qualities, which will be Sold RIM/T.lor ready pay, 'in quantities to suit the parchaser. "Montrcise, Feb. 21st 1859. " HEAR YE! BEAR - YE!' - i r firM IL BLACK izdCo s oret rsike, Cohere aninreeevegLae islro : 3sue for Valls, Esmeralda, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Bard Boxes and Bonnet Boards, a new sup ply of Gaiters. Corn Star+l and Tapico for puddings: Cheap at H. C. TYLER'S. Montrose,-June Bth, 1859. _ G.. F. FORDHAIII HAS removed hisidiep serous the street, to 1.1 the building one door ,below Keeler & thodda-d's, which he has fitted rip expressly fora Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop, where may be roundish hinds of 3EX.EILTILIVMEIei, from the beaviest team, to the lightest trotting harness, and a general smarmed ()Hemmings, which will be made by or sold'very low. - Carriage Trimmings: A good sesoitment, on hand, which will be sold very low; all trimming done *taper "lban else- where. OAK LEATHER" on hand, from which harnesses will be made and W.ezzeritaateira.' * * *Customers will ;Pease bear In landlhat wish to settle cm once a year. Those having unsettle:l accounts, oar notes due, will oblige by settling or malringpaymont withoutlurtber .• delsy - FORDHAM, - , Feb. 34th, 1859.1 ." Volitrose, Pa. NEW 'VIRAL flour, ,futt froilision store, At MONTROSE, Pa., 0"door below J. Ethridge's Drug_Store, .on Public Avenue, where.. will be found constantly on band a general assortment of- GROCERIES: Such as Sugars,"Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee &c., &c., &c. • Also the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOVR • I Steal, Laid. Pork-Hams, Fish, FL OUR, • We solicit a share of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to dO the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN. ' ALFRED BALDWIN.- WK. L. ALLIER WM. B. SINIPSON, • WITCH REFAIRE.B, Shop in Boyd. & Web.ter's nem building, next door above Keeler d• Stoddard's. HAVIN4I , worked for the past nine years with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident thistle can dethe most difficult fobs on short notice. Ali Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction W. B. Stwpsol has worked for me for some time, and-I•can recommend' him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as can be done in the country, and worthy of confidence. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towandalune 10th, 1858 Refers to--Wm: Elwell, E. W. Baird, E. D. Montayne, E. 0. Goodrielt; B. Kingsbury, Town". da;, -B. S. Bentley, L. S e arle, C. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montrose... * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, and•on reasonable terms. Pane 15th, 1858.— LE THE subscriber having purchased •••• refitted and newly furnished Mt above well known and popular Hotel, prepared to accommodate the trav eling public and others with all the alteotions and conveniences usually found in first-class Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point teeny in the country. ' Th - e Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with this House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive,Hosticrs are always in charge of them. 1. 8. TARBELL. Montrose, May 13th, 1858. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Penn. vow. sr_ maim:sr, Proprietor. THIS now And - commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenue, nearthe Coprt House,nnd nearly in the centre of the business portion of Blontrose, is now fully completed and , furnished, and 'will be opened on Monday. .111 e 27th day - of the present month -for, the accommodation of the public and travelerk The Proprietor (els confident that he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that,cannot fail to gir,o _ Complete Satislhation. - The Hotel and Furniture are uew, and no ex pense has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this Flan of the State. It is' well supplied with all the recent impr ovements and comforts, and obliging waiters wil always be readyto,respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this - House are New and Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of his old friendr,and the public generally. WM: K. : MATCH. Montrose, September 21st, MM. SUIIIIIIEII ARRANGEMENT. EW RAILROAD ROUTE—DELAWARE, A C4C o A w W . A D a N N e ,A x tto/111. ptli w tiot T b n road n g:a l t route from the Nort and West, via Great Bend arta Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, through to New York and Philadelphia. On and .afeer,Monday„ April 11th, - 1859, trains will be run as follo ws: The Cincinnati Ex. Train bound east on N. Y Sc Erie R. R. arHves at Great Bend at 6.10 a. m. and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend f6r Newyork and Philadelphia at ' 8.10 a. m. Due at )lontrose, 8.45 " Tunkbannock, 9.24 " Factoryville, 9.48 " Scranton, .. 10 35 " Moscow, 11.22 " Stroudsburg, 1.26 p. m. Water Gap, 1'.39 " ' Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 2.04 " Bridgeville, 2.35 " Junction, 3.25 " New York, . ' 7.15 " Philadelphia, - 8.15 " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No. 9,.North River, at Tip a. m. From Philadelphia,leave Walnut St, Wharf, at. 6.00 a Leave inaction, . 10.50 " Dueatßridgeville, ' 11.37 " Delaware,(ls min. to dinner),ll.s2 " Water Gap, ' ' - 12.29 p. m. Stroudsburg, - , 12.41 " . Moscow, . 2.26- .. Scranton„ - , 3.10 " Factoryvile _ 3.58 " - Tank hannocl, • . 4.15: " - • Mont:rose, 9.53 " • Great Bend. 5.25 " Connecting at Great Bend with the • Mail Train, west, at - 5.37 " Accommodation Train leaves Scrap. • ' ton for Great Bend at 8.10 a. m. Arrive at Great,Bend, - ' 12.40 p. m. .. . Conneetbrg with the Dunkirk Expres west at 5 10. the Emigrant Train west at 1.53, and the N. Y. Explesa, east. at 1.56. p. m. Returning, leaves Great Bend at . 2.00 p. in. Due at Scranton, 6.15 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Diviaion,a passengercar will be at tached to the Express Freight Trains, leaving- Semntou, at 4.00 a. in. Due at Stroudsburg at. 10.05 $' " Junction at 2.20 p. m. Returning, will leave Junction at .3.30 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at 1.05 " " Scranton at 2.30 p. in. Passengers to and from New York change cam at Junction—to and . from Philadelphia at Bridgeville. For, Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, tak@ L. & 8.-R.K.,cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take the Stages at Seninton. • Tjekets meld; and baggage checked througk. JOHN BRISBIN; Stip% Wm. N. Janis. Gen'l Ticket Agent Scranton, April 6th, 1859. H. GARRATT, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FLOUR, ORAIN, SALT, IC:, NSW MILFORD.'—SaIo Room, 'PRATT'S OSloo.l WILL" keep constantly on hand the bast brands of FLOUR—by the Sack orllan dred Barrels--at the lowest market prices. Also, SALT—by,the Single Barrel' or Load. All orders from Nerclumts and Dealers will bepromptly attended to. . *. Cash paid for Grain, Wool, Pelts,jlk*, and all Fanners' Produce In their season. • H. New Milford, April 2d, 1829. A CHEAP and remedy for the Piles sod .11. Corsa, Try k. Also Meyers Rat sad Kies Extertninetor, sold by J. LYONS di SON. lone lath, '69.. • - • wx. ausritio DZISUS. - • Wm.-H.-Cooper &Co. ANKERS, Successors to POST; CY:XWE'R .&& CO., Montrose, P. - oo• floor east from Post's , Store,,Turepike Street. - liobtrtissluly 140859.-if (tnys THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. PUBLISHED THURSDAYS A? morrßoss, Pk.— OFFICE ON PUBLIC AVNICB, OPPOSITE THE P. O. Tars-412 per annum, or $1 50 in advance. Delinquent' subject to charge of $2 60 per year, with • interest Discontinuance* optional with the Publisher until . all atrearsges are paid. • Advertisements inserted at 81 per Iluare of 12 !Mei; 25 cents per square for esch insertion after the first three.! Otte square one year, 08, each additional square, e 4. -Job Work of all ~kinds executed neatly and promptly.- Blanktalways on band. 11,: t rovetro ogc s e, id a doors `south of &Ode Webiterli corner. ' Montrose 0et:••25,-Bek. ••• , , BENRY B. McEEAN, . ATTORNEY and UQUNSELLOR at LAW. Office ih the Union fl I ock—Towanda, Bra& ford county; Pa. attena promptly to alt professional business intrusted to him ; in this and adjoining counties. [je3'sBtf "ROME AGAIN," Dac. tto So Maga. . OFFICE, over Wllsonsit Store. LODGIIIGS, at SEARLE'S HOTEL. Montrose:Wrch 10th, 1858. WM. W. SMITH, & CO., Cabinet and Chair Blanufactur en, foot of Main Street. Mouirome, Pa. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tallor—Shop near, the Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike Street. Montrose, Pa. DR. E. W. WELLS HAVING permanently located in Uganda(' offers his professional services to all ,who may require them: Also, keeps codstantly on hand a full stock of Drugs and Medicines, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical purposes. jap7--6m. HAYDEN BROTHERS,' New Milford, Penn's. TAjbolesale dealer in, Buttons, Combs V Suspenders, Threads, - Fancy Goode, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Cut lery. Fishing Tackle, Cigars; &c. &c. Merchants and , pedlars, supplied. on litieral terms. WM, HAYDEN; TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. &IC i\CROSTILC.- Charley Morris , with hair and Loa, Eeir,sole heir or this v a s t areA, And none to Laßosa me and hailti . Resolved to, warßant ev'ry - Let's have a rush, rs always herE, You'll find me honest, juSi and faiß. * * *Shop No. 3, Baiement ofSearle's Hotel, on Turnpike. Street. Dr. H. Smith, ' - SURGEON DENTIST. Residence and of- See opposite the Baptist church (north side) Montrose. Particularattention %MI be given to inserting teeth on go;ld and silver plate, and to filling decaying teeth. ABEL VB,RELL, moNTßosz, Ps. Dealer in Drugs, 3ledicines, Chemical , ' Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, VarnisheA, Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew. elry, Perfumery, dze.—..And Agent- for all the most popular Patent Medicines-. _ DR. R. THAYER, Physician . and •Surgeon, Montrose, Pa. - O ffi ce in the:Farmer's Store. NOTICE. 7 DR. E. PATRICK, JR., would like after a silence of nearly ten years,, to-appeal to the moral sensibilitiei of a very generous pub lic, wno have always manifested their sense of appreciation of his usefulness by exacting his services when needed or thought to. be needed, but who have given no other evidence of- grati tude or good will—particularly in ; the way of substantial aid" as Kossuth would say—that he now desires a full and entire settlement of all his accounts, also the accounts or the late firm of Patrick & Dimock ; and 116 wishes further to state that he desires nothing to be considered terorx, if, after a few weeks, the said accounts, remaining unsettled, sho'd be placed in the hen& of a good sharp tcllector, and made to account to him something that will buy Oats and Buck. wheat. - Please notice this and take action accor ditigly.—Yours Truly, jan2 E. PATRICK, JR, ! halt 1 C© MTo 51125 - SE, WHOLESALE SALT, DEALER, 201 Washingtou.st, • (Directly opposite Washington Market,) NeNrir STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Pine SALT, at the very lowest figures; 40000' sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand (or-table and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, BroWnlow's, &c. and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Cu races, St. Übea, Lisbon, Cadiz,Jvica, Nantes, &e..„ all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select froM a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of different Seizes, and constantly on hand in ship ping order. 'Also a splendid article' of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sale by the quantity, in Cases of five dozen each. New 'Y9rk, April let, 1859.-19*, 0. FORDHAM: NJANUFACTURER OF BOOTS & SHOES. Biontrose;Pa. Shop over Tyler's Store, All kinds Of work made to order and repairing done neatly. • • jel NEWS OFFICE. T vaglsraezrneYsorkaCrity 6ec., for sale e ewerT h rs e MONTROSE BO , OK STORE, bi • A. N. BULLARD. _ DFNTAL .NOTICE. TNR. A. GIFFORD has located himself in Montrose for the purpose of carrying on the DENTAL PRACTICE in all its bnlnCillen. He is now ready to attend to all calls in. his profession with promptness, and will endeavor to give entire satisfaction. All operations WARKANTED. OtrICR over Chandler's store. Sept. ltdh. 1858.—tf. DR. JOHN W. COBB, PHICSICIATE & SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Office on Public Avenue, opposite Bearle'sliotel. Muth Ist, 1859.—tr. MBE HAMAIONTON FARMER—A. news paper devoted to Literature and Agricul. tore, also setting forth' full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton, in Ne*lersey, can; be subscribed for at only 25 cents per annum.' Jacinto po!dage itampi for the amount. Ad. dress editor Of Farmer Hammonton, P. 0. At. iSntie Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, and where crops are , never cut dawn by the frosts, the terrible' scourge of the north; see advertise. pent of Hammonton Lends. H. GARRATT. SUPEItIOIII bround Coffee in can Codfish dta., for sale by _ .J: LYONS. & 'SON. June it, 1859. • - • VIII DAY SCSIOOL LIIIKAR S * , •-fiarntabed to order by L AXONS tittl3oN. • Juno tat, 1869. • - 'MEW. • L ,in my _ line . of business, arriv. iIeIC 4 TURRELL L ADECIP GA/TERISo.PA.coir 56 centa,Tby • 1. LYONS & SON, - Jolt With. - Scrofula, or King's Evil ) ip a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood; by which this fluid betotnes vitiated., weak. an poor. Being in the circulation,it periadtst he whole bode, and 'May burst out. ~. in disease on any part of it. No organ in flee from its attacks, ner-is'there oneultith it may not destrey: The scrofulous taint is variously caused .by nicrenrial disease, mow living. di, ordered ra . itillwattlik food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the elepre•=ing vista., and, above all, ...by then-venereal infeetinn. \S hat - m'er be its origin, it is hertsiitaryin the colt, itlintion.dei , eewhilv. front parents to children unto the third and innititgeneration;" indeed, . it_Acenni- te. he the rod 'or Him who pay*, .. I will—visit the iniquities of the fathers upon . their children." . Tts effects Commtnea by deposition from the blood- or corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lung .4 liver, and internal organs, is termed' tubercles; in„the {;lands, swellings; -and. on the surface, 'eruptions or stores.' foul cor ruption, which rnders in thE blood, diiire...4 the cnergies'of life;sn that scrofulous constitm tions not only stiffer from 4ernfulous cum plaints,. but they have far less power to with stand the-attacks of other dittitases quently, - vast -numbart - perish by ilisot&a, - ,which although not 44.rofolotts in their nature., are still rend_red fatal by this taint in the System..4lfn.t of the etinsumptiOn which de• cimates the human family has its origin directly in this serofithous contamination ; and many destructive diseases nftlte hem-, kidneys: brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise frOm or are aggravated by flie same One (Matter of our ;antic arc scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health. is undermined by- it, To cleanse it from the syd...nt we must:renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate .it by healthy food anti OXITCLIC. ,SllO4 : a medicine we tupply AID IS.'S Compound Estract of Sarsaparilla, the nest effectual remedy which the.niedical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fdtal malady. It is com bined froth the most active rernedigh that have heeit discovered for the cspurgatibn of this foul disorder' from the blood, and the rescue of the system - from 'its destructive consegnenee:c Renee it should he employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such us Ent.PTIT E and - 'SKIN DISLA.ES, Sr. A NTIIiiNY'S rear., 'Rosa,- or EItTAITELAA; PneiL•Ll s. 111.0TellEA; ItEsts . s and /k,11.4. TUMUIL4, TErrEu and_SArr fie‘l.o %D, STTII male and NI 1.11C1.7111 1L 1)13- EAMES, DitOPAT, DibI•LTA:A. DEatirrv, and, indeed, ALL COMPLALNTS Anisma 112UNI TED OR IMPCItE HOOD. The popular belief impurityof the Montt . ' i founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood, The particular purpose and virtue of this Samara rills is to purify and ret4eucrote thud, without which sound health is imp4sible iu contaminated constitutions. 7 . .Ayefs. - Catli . attic Pills, • FOR ALL THE , FORPOSES OF A FAMILY ;HYOID, are'so composed that t,tscane within the ranee of their action can rarel uithstand or evade them Their penetrating, .prot 'pc" search. and cleanse, and invigorate es cry pa twit of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and rcsiseing its healthy. silently. Asp consequence of these properties. the invalid who is hosed Bonn with pain of physical delility is tistoeistuel to fi nd his health or energy restored by y nu., tly at once so simple and inviting, -Nut only de they cop the , every-day complaints -of erry body, but alscis.animy fornitishle and dangerons diseases. llic agent below named is pleased to furnish grstis me American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures end directimm for their use itr the following. eumplaints : Cos:ite m-se, lint rt Iwo, Headache Ini,ion front dr:cm:Er:ll Stomach, Neltrica, 1.6;:,I,11 . 111, 14e11 rt. r, ii .11,,, , ,,i Inaction of flu: Jkace"4, F.atn , rnry, I.n , a of .4pi ,-- tit... Jaundice, and other Liner. tt.eomplton.e, arising frump Inn stateuf the: body oi:obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, YOU TUE IRY:111 Couirhs,' Colds, Inilnenza, Croup, Itvripient,rowmin;,. . lion, and for rho relief of Consumptive . Patients . iu - tidranced stagvs of the Sn side I. ;he field of itt Itscrolveas end an nu merous are the cases of its cures, that al rn .t every section of 'country ahounth in pernmat liele known. oho lota c beemrestoreti front atarniinsz nod oven dclorate di-roses of the lungs by its use. When once tried, it. superiority over carry other medicine of its kind is too apparent to earape nh.ertatiort, and where its vittucs arc knoirn, too public no longer htxitatc what antidote to employ ter the distreosing and dangionms arm lions of the pulmonary organs that arc incident to nor climate:. While many inferior remedies thinst upon' tl,.t• eionmonity hare failed and been di warded, tide -has gained friends by cerq trial, conferred hen. tits , on' the oink:Mit they can never forget, and pot. ducod corea,.tini ntancrons and two yrularkal lc to be forgotten. PREPARED fIY • DR. J. C. ANER,* CO. LOWELL . , MASZ. FOE SALE BY A. TURRELL, MODEMS% A. P. MILLER, & Ca, Gibson; J. Hoaionu, Friendavillm Yousu & SMITE, &minel7;lßA Sarrr. Springville; HAT DEN BROTHERS. New Milford; J. T. CARLISLE, Great—Bend; E. R. .Garrar, Glenwood; W. H. THAYER, Dimock; EATON & MOSLEY. Harford, and all Druggists. f mh9 Iy SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS & WATSON, Na 26 SOUTH I.TIURTHiSTREET, _ ' PHILADELPHIA, Have now on hand a large asportmeat of rice and -Thief Proof Salamander SafeCt Also, Iron Doors for Banks and Storea,lron Shutters, Iron Saab, all makes - of Locks, equal to any made in the United States. Five Safes in one-Fire.. , All Come out Right: with contents in gotid condition. 211 E SALAMANDER SAFES /05* rUILIDELPIIIA -AGAINST TOR WORLD EVANS Si - WATSON Have had the surest demonstration in the 16110*ring - certificate that their' manufacture of Salamander Snfes haii at length folly warranted , the s repreisentations which have been made of them se rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element : Philadelphia, April 12ttr, 1856, Messrs,-gYANII‘ & Warms.— Gentlemen: It affords-us e highest satisfaction to slate—to you, that owing to the Vera protective qualities of two . of , the - Salamander Safes - Which we purchased of you some months since.:jy,e 'avid a inige'partion of our jewelry,and all our books, papers, du., exposed to the calamitous lire In Ranatetd Place, on the morning of the 11th inst. - . Whin we reflect, that these &tea were loeated in the fourth %tory of the building we • occupied, and th at they subseqbently fell • into a heap of burning ruins, where .tbe vast concentration'of beat.eaused thebrass plates to melt, we cannot but - regard thit ioreservation of their valuable contents as most convincing proof of the great security afforded by your Safes. - We shall take much pliasure to recommend ing,them to men of business as'a sure reliance against fire. • - - GEORGE W. SIMMONS &BRO., Jetiekra, Who have purchased six large Safes slice. April 28, '459-Iy. A CARD. Gisson,-Nov. 22d, 1858. VHEREASthere have been some statements made by me against Rasa= A. Kauai', and whereas said R. A. Kelley' has commenced a suit sigainet me in - the Common pleas of Sus quehanna county for trespass on the CUB, now fur the , sake of a settlement of said suit and peace and -quietness I make the following as koowledgments: first I regret that I ever said anything about maid Kelley, and at this time withdmw.all charges - against her that I have made and do not believe her at this time to ho such a girl. D. F. BRUNDAGE. IHOMESTEAD FOR MO: A HOMESTAD FOR 8100; also. HOMESTEADS FOR 81000 AND OVER-, Is a desinhle, healthy E ir AGENTS WANTEDI Send fyr a Pam- Ph let: Address E. BAUDER, Liao Auer:. jy211.,H. - _ Port ..Ror#l, Va. SHOE Business and. Factories can be carried profitably At Hammonton. - See Adver.. Beement of Hammonton Lands.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers