ISJUNC110:1 ASKEW son.-- . An injunction has been asked for to restrain the - Sunbury and Er!e Railto/4 Company frtinkselli ng the North Branch Cattail° the Company of which Col. Welles is President. The - ground on which this injunction is asked, is, that another party are willing m to pay $500,000 ore for the. C a . : . flats than the Welles party, and. -as i 5 per - cent, of the bonus is to revert to' the Corn' monwealth, it would make a difference to th , -- •Commonwealth 0r5375,000. • • ELEcTrUtv z NEry Hivnx.—The. Demb-. cratic majority -in New Haven foi l Mayoilis over 5001 This it. a bad show for Ole • '"Fusionists." It looks very like a reforniir "first principles"' and slight. disgus wjZ "Ametican-Republionoistpl—in Con tient. This, we believe, js theArgest tnnj' - ever _ iven in New Haven for iDejnocraticAfavor. , - Oxygenated Bitters.-Ademinent physician pronounces this medicine a specific for Dys pepsia in ail its forms., When taken accord ing to directions, it gives immediate reliet, and, in most cases, effects a permanent cure. Notice.—The patrons of the several schools in Harford School District are requested to em ploy such Teachers in their_ schools as they , choose, during the succeeding school year, but : The Teachers will be required to make their monthly reports to th,e.Secretary, and produce a valid certMeate from the County Superintendent before they can receive an order todraw money from the District Treasury. By order of the Board of Directora. E. T. TIFFANY, Sec. Ilarford, May 12; 1858-ttf. liolrace---Tbe School Directors of Bridge water harebeen informed that some in the district ire dissatisfied with teachers for opening their schools by reading a chapter in the Bible. The Directors are unable to see anything improper or out of place in opening common tichoels with prayer or singing, or by reading a chapter in the 13ible.(without comment).- They therefore leave it entirely with the teachers of 'Bridgewater to exercise theiFjndgment atri do as they think pro per in this respect. By order of the Board: • May 14;18581 .L CATLIN, See'ry. - . . Why will you suffer with Chronic Rheumatism, Colic, -Pains in the Back and Chest, when DR. TonLts' VEETIAN uc LimENT is wait-anted to cure, if ustd us di rected' or the . money will be refunded by -the agents. Depot, 59 Cortlandt street, New Nork. Price 25 and 50 cts. - Se that &ery bottle is wrapped in yellow Qaper and signed_ S. I. Tobias. None others ale gullible.. Sold by. Abel Tarrell, Montrose, Pa.. 21w3. Holloway's Ointment and frills do not belong to any special and exclusive lass of `remedies. They seem to comprehentne Snest remedial properties of all the great specifics:— Thus the c p tmenl, in eases of eruptive and 131-. . cems - disease, appeals not only to remove the external inflammation, but to sink deep into the reeesses of the s ;stem, putting out, to the last spark, the fires of fever, invigorating the circula tion. and purifying the fluids which Course thro' the fleshy fibre., the glands, and the skit" -In most cases thettintnlent is, we are sinfdrmed, waterZally assisted by an occasional dose of till - - [lw, Ilelinboldfs Genuine Preparation; concentrated Extract Riichu, for Diseases of the Bladder, kidneys, Gravel,-Dropsy, Weak. nesses, is &safe and pleasant- remedy. Read the advectisemeitt,in another column, headed qielmbold's Genuine Preparatiori.". [inje. ..gg4/1.4111D.• In Janesville, Rock county, .Wisconsin, on the tt!t , by Rev. G. W. Lawrcitive, Mr. EG BERT r GATES, formerly of Dimoel,..Sumea county Pa., to Miss EMMA L. BOSTWICK, of the former place., 41120. 'ln Franklin, May 22nd, Itev. loseph- Barlow, sg t: d 71 ears. : Seldom are we. called upon to ,eontemplate Aenth under such painful eireumstances as in the present instance. i.;td on Saturday night (22nd) the parsonage : in which the deceased resided, was discovered to he on fire; Mr., B. was roused from sleep by one of the family, and, while under the bewil -I:dering excitement, of the moment he attempted •as is supposed, to go into the rot ni where the 'fire was raging, As, he' opened the door the liatnes burst, out upon him, overwhelming him and causing death before relief could reach him. Wk ether the , last words which he heard to utter, " Mother, where are you ?" were a cry to ki.,.wife for help, or, an expression of anxiety for her safety, we may nut know; but-white they continue to tie gin the ear's 'Of that devoted com. ' panien. as long they must, bringing the terrible scene vividly before - her, they will also serve to yeurey sweet memories of that tender solicitude and wealth of affection which he ever manifested toward her tarina a union of so' many yeans. Newer was a husband better beloved by a 'site. or aifather more reverenced and almostadored by his children, and we know that we speak the langnage of many hearts, besidethecrushed and bleeding ones of that broken family circle, when we say that he.vms well worthy the heart's pun,: est and warmest regards,and thin, he gave a full return for all the kindness-and love bestowed upon him. • - The subject of this notice was born near Man chester, t ngland, hi April, 1787, He Was-con verted in early life, and entered the ministry in the Methodist connection before he attained his Stet year.. He emigrated to this country in 1819, united with the Presbyterian clinch in 1835, and' joined the Montrose Presbytery dur ing the same year. Truly a father in Israettlata fallen. Looking from our low stand-pint bf observation,, and judging with our weak judg: went, it would seem that one who had served his Master so long and so faithfully Was worthy to lie calmly doWn to die, and breathe his life out sweetly in the aims of his friend.s. But higher wisdom chose a 'different way. Time has many deep mysteries, but eternity will unfold and ex plain them all,mnd show us - why God so deals with his loved ones. Happy forms if we can feel here, as we shall.surely know hereafter, that "Though dark the cloud and ficree the storm, Ile duet& all things well." The grief-striekeia fatally; have the earnest sympathy of a large circle of friends. Werds -.cannot express it, but there ate hearts that can fee/. May God shield and bless the widow and. the fatherless. W. B. D. WOOL CARDING. • T pE subscriber is carrying on the above-bu sines as usual.. •. A. G. REYNOLDS. Brooklyn, Julie, Bth, 1858.-23tf. WOOL . WOOL! WANTED 100001bs:of Wool, for which we T T will pay the highest market price, cash'. delivered - it our store. YOUNG do SMITH. SomMericiile,June 7, 11358. - • W00L..-CARDING THE undersigned hereby gives notice that he has again,resnmed the business of Wool Carding at the old stand at - Keeler's Mill near the Mineral Springs in- Frankfin: !Stine Bth, 1858.-3w. 5 - D.. H. KEELER'. - ELECTION OF. MAJOR' GENEOAL TTN pursnace of an order from Brigadier Gen .eral L. N. Solis, •et.the First Brigade, Tenth Division, SualiehannA county, there will be .an Election held at the.honstof L. . Starte, in Mont- rose, on Thursday, the Ititi• day of, June, between the hovirs of IO aL and 2 p..m. for the purpose of erecting a Major General . for the• Tenth Division; composed. of the el/brake of gusgesehanna . and' Wayne, in place of A. A Farnham; deceased. • . - N. B.:=All Commissioned Ceders we hereby , notified 'to be 'Punctual. in - their attendance on said day: - . ASA.SPICER, Brig. Inspector, Ist Brig., 10th biv. Pa. Militia.' Brig. likepect. Office, ifairfor4 June ist 19'38. 5: 00, V ilt E - wt. • • • Are hereby notified to meet at their Engine, Howse, on MondaY, June 14th, at 6 o'clock, p. m., for exercise. A full attendance is requested. Then, "Blue Coats," come, and haste along, e To swell the 'Montrose Firemen's" throng. J. P. N. RILEY, Foreman. S. M. Wilson, Secretary _ Disease of the-Stomach.--The stom ach is most liable to get out of order. Hence how important that no diseased matter clog its operation, which would cause nausea and dis tress by the food It also weakens the brain, destroys the memory, creates pains-and dimness, and various afflictions of the head. It produces great difficulty in breathing and swallowing. Sometimes taintieg fits will ensue; also bad breath, restfessness and great loss of strength. if not-immediately attended to. the blood will (tarry the disease through the whele system, and death will end the Work. From 2 tab of Morse's Pills a day will keep the digestive organs in a healthy condition, and unclog or carry away all impure matter, and thoroughly restore and cleanse the stomach; at the same time the Pills will so purify the blood, as to drive ail manner of disease from the system. Worms.-.-In !a quantity of corrupted mat. ter, there is always' to be found a nest of worms. They cannot, neither will they stay anywbe else.. Weak stomach and bowels are subject to them, as they havenoteufficient power to digest their food. Hence a large heap of matter is lodged, and .worins must be the result. A few doses of these Pills will disturb them in their nest, and drive thetn out of the system. IT SHOULD BE REMEMBERED, that an occasional dose when in health, especially after taking cold, ill prey, ent the disease from forming in the body. i {Pie' HERR ' ING S. Patent Cham pion Fire-PrOot.Spfes—With Hall's Pat ent Powder-Proof Locks, the same that were a.: warded Separate metals at the World's F'air,Lon don, 1851, and the World's Fair, New York, 18- 53, and are the only American Safes that were awarded medals at, the Londoa World's Fair. These Safes form the most perfect seenrity, against Fire and Bu rglars,of any safe ever offered the public, and can 'only be had of the subscribers and their agents ; who have on hand and matte to order, all kinds of Ballet and Chilled Von Bank Chests and Vaults,yault Doors, and Money Box es, or Chests for Brokers, Jewelers and Private Fainifie.4, for Plate, Diamorids, and other %Taloa blos. And are also Patentees (by purchase) and manufacturers of JONES' PATENT PERMU TATION BANK LOCK. 1 'S. C. HERRING & CO., No. 2511 Broadway, cor. Murray sire' t, N. Y., ap 22 2m a.w.] Opposite the City HALL SUSQUEHANNA CO. NORVAL SCHOOL, J.Jr.'STODDARD, A. iIL, Principal. TnEl undersigned take pleasureln announc ing that the SUS('A COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL will again open in the Academy Buil dings, in' Montrose, on Aultust 30th, 1111138, to continue eleven-weeks. tinder the charge of Prot. STODDARD and competent Assistants, aided also, Tor ten weeks, by B.F. TEWKSBURY, CO. Supt., whose knowledge of the condition and wants of the.teachers of the coun(v, renders him eminently qualified to contribute much to the in. teresta of thellacd. [We. deem it proper to 'state that Mr.Tewksbury is not, pecuniarily in terested in the si!houl.) Prof. Stoddard's, character as an efficient Ed neater and popular 'Author is too well known to rcquire comment; and the'marked success and universut satisfaction - that liave attended his la. born among us in the past, are sufficient guaranty for the future. During the present summer he will visit the Normal Schools of Canada to possess'himself of whatevei,improvements in the Art of teaching they may present. LECTURES. Prof.• Stoddard will lecture on the Science and Art of Teaching and Mcral Development. Mr. Tewksbury will lecture, on Physiology and Hy giene. ..The following gentlemen will also -lec ture before the school: J. L. Richardson, Supt. of Lucerne co., N. A. Calkins, editor of the Stu dent andl Sehoolniate, N. Y., Hon. Wm Jessup, R. B. Little, and B. S. Bentley, Esqs., Rev. B. B. Emory, and others. - There will be a Primary Department connrt ed with the school, under the charge of Miss El len,C. Park. EXPENSES.* - Tuition in Normal Department, 11 weeks, $6,00 " -Primary " - 3,50 " Normal " & Latin & Greek; 9,00 Board pi. week, - • '2,00 It is desirable that tuition bills be paid in ad. vance,and no deductions will be made except in cases of protracted sickness., Students can board themselves, as heretofore. Cooking stoves and furniture can. be rented of Mr. Sayre at rea. seeable ratea. • ,For information in regard to Rooms and Board apply to' W. B. Deans Montrose Pa. or to the Secretary.- .Students,should riot fail to be . presefa at the opening of the school.' W. JESSUP, Preel. Cr. F. READ, Sec'ry. Montrose, June 8,1858.-3 m. TIOGA POINT AGRtCUIATIIRkI. annuman Vomz Atheni, Bradford County, Pa. WELLES, BLOOD & co. KIRBY'S MOWER&REAPER, WE are inanufac l tnring the above mentioned excellentlnachine for eastern Pennsylva-qa and the neighboring counties in New YOrk, and invite the particular attention of farmers to the following features of Ilirby's Mower and Reaper, .which we believe to be superior to all others in use, in the following partiedlars:—lt light est in use ; is strong and durable;simple in con struction; easily worked; adapte for horses or oxen; requires moat less draught than other ma chines; has no.gid e draught though it cute a wide swath; will work on rough ground, where no other machinifean follow it; Very difficult to be clogged in any kind of graze, be it wet 9r dry: not liable to get out of repair; iecomposed'principally of iron, is a perfect combined machine, working equally well whether mowing or reaping; and is the cheap. est in price,—Mower being only $lOO, and the combined Machine' sl2o,—making it altogether the most desirable Mower and Reaper in market. Er Farmers wanting RELIABLE Mowers & Reapers, should by all means see our machines before making up their minds ta bay any other. Additional & interesting infatuation concerning the:Kirby machine is contained in oar Illustrated Catalogue, which also "describes our other ma. chines and implements, among which are Emery's Patent Cbaugable Bail Road Horse powers, Tioga Point ImproVed Threshers and cleaners, Tliresbers and Separators, Portable SaW Milli, Plows, Cultivators, and Ilorsci ROM, tider.liiiivaud Grain fOir . • . PORTABLE DOG POWER Is a ialaiblo machine, and mach superior t&the common IcieMed wheel, and is, adapla ries of !iota five to twenty ; • •• Seniffor copieaof our catalogue and Nee list'for pp:illicit and neighbors. WELLES, BLOOD di 00; - Athens, Pa.:lnns Ist, 868. [23w6 L . -BLOWERS, Agent for Elusq's eoUnty, d'usto9ite• address, Moutrose,,Ps; ( NOTICE TO SIT FRIENDS. HANKFUL for the - Itiodzeis and patronage received from my numerouifriencis for the L thirty years , I Would aow•be t ,o, ) oave to la. duce to them as an assuciato in business, Mr. 'any M. ALLEN, and would solicit for the new I , of Evans 4. Allen a continuanee of their fa. -, assuring them that no pains will be spared the Partners to merit the same. ALFRED J. EVANS. • :inghataton May Ist, 1858. NEW j€WEIM EVANS & ALLEN have this day returned from New York with a'iCell select ed and choice assortment of Watdbes, Jewelry AND F.ANCY •Gf 0 O,DS, wl4'ch together with their former stock, makes the laTest and best vdtiety of goods in their line ever off red to the inhabitants of Binghamton; i th above were purchased for cnsh, will be sold at he lowest cash prices, and all articles warrant ed ceording to representation. The attention of II persons wishing to examine or purchase is respectfully solicited. EVANS & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall. ATCDES.—GoId and Silver Watches, of every description, of our own impor tat on, and also of various other makers, open face /Ind hunting, for sale by EVANS & ALLEN. §.VER WARE.—Table and Desert Forks; I H 4' able,u Mustard Desert,Tea ,Pie,Prese rve,Bu tter Cream, iyerc Cups and - Goblets; Card Cases; Salt lars; sets of Knive, Fork and Spoon; and Akin Rings, of sterling silver, at EVANS & ALLEN'S. )LATED WARE.—A handsome variety of Plated Castors, .Cake and Card Baskets, ps, Forks and Spoon', extra heavy plate, Tea 1, Sugar Baskets, Salt Cellars, &c., for sale EVANS & ALLEN. E%VELRY.—A very beautifurassortment of Cameo, Mosaic, Gold Stone, Enamelled, 'ne and . all Gold Ear. Rings and Breast-Pins, received by VANS & ALLEN. OLD CH AINS.,--Fob, Vest, Chatelaine and Neck Chains, s,of various patterns and Ights, by EVANS & ALLEN. I R.ACELETS.—The best stock of Bracelets ever offered in Broome County, consisting 1 old Link, Bank flair, Jet and Coral, of the 'est patters, cheap, at I EVANS & ALLEN'S, N 0.2 Odd Fellows' Hall. - tino o lamton, May 25th, 1858. QjLEEVE BUTTONS.—A very superior arti -0 cle of Onyx, Cameo, Gold. Studs, Gold and Cant) Sleeve Buttons and Stues,- for sale by EVANS & ALLEN, No 3 Odd Fellows' Hall,. • Binghamton, June 4th, 1858. OLD • I SPECTACLES—Of every age, eon- Ur vex and concave, aLo Silver, Steel, Plated and German Silver, do L 3 EVANS &ALLEN. PLATED KNIVES.—A large stockof Table and Desert Knives, also Steel Knives and Forks, for sale by EVANS & ALLEY. CORAL BEADS—By the bunch, also Coral Necklaces and Armlets, Ly Evlss& ALLEN. ' 4 OLD PENS.—A first rate stock of Gold Pens, with and without holders, by - I EVANS & ALLEN. POCKET CUTLERY —A very desirable as sortment of One, Two, Three .and Four Sluded Knives, also, a good lot of Scissors, all sizes, by Evass & ALLEN. LOCKS—Plain and Alarm, Lever and Pen: Cdulum, 30 day, 8 day and 30 hour, Wood and Iron Cases, by EvAss & NAMIN RINGS—SiIVer, Ivory and Bone, by . EVANS & ALLEN. GOLD TIIIMBLESSome very heavy, like wise Silver do., of all sizes, by - 'EVANS & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall inghamt4n, Juno 4th, 1858. THE MIGHTY HEALER! i World Known and World Tried. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. FrHE free admission of all Nations, as well as the verdict of the leading hospitals of the 0:41 as well as'the New World, stamp this pow erfid remedial Agent as the greatest healing preparation ever made known to Buffeting man. itapenetrative qualities are more than marvelous, thrc. the external 'orifices of the skin, invisible to thci naked eye, it reaches the seat of the internal disease; and in all external affections its antl-in flaComatory and healing Viitues surps..% anything elie on record, and DI- Nature's great ally. Etystfiellas and Salt Rheum ~ lire two-ot the most common and virulent disorders prevalent on this continent, .to these Ointment is especially antagonistic, its " modus oi4randi” is first to eradicate the venom and then complete the cure. - Bad Legs, Old Cores, and Ulcers. pines of many years standing that have peril. naeionsly refused to yield td any other remedy orltreatment, have invariably succumbed to a few applications of this powerful unguent. Eruptions on the , Skin, Arising from a bad state of blood or chronic di s ease are eradicated , and a clear, transparent surface regained by the restorative action of this Ointment. It surpasses many of The cosmetics and other toilet appliances in its power to dispel • rashes and other disfigurements of the face. 1 . Piles and Fistula. Every form and feature of these prevalent and stubborn disorders is eradicated locally and en titlcly by the use of this emolient; warm (omen tacions should precede its application. Its heal ing qualities sill be found thorn' and invariable. Brh the Ointment and the Pitts should be used i . , • the following cases: Bunions, Rheumatism, Sore Throats, Barns, Ringworm; Sores of all kinds Chappedllandi Salt Rheum Sprains, Chillblains,- Scalds, Stiff Joints, •Ftula, Gout, Skin Diseases, Tetter, Ulcers, Lumbago, - Swel ' d Glands, Venereal Sores, 111 . ere'l rept'ns,Sore Legs, Wounds of aI 1 Pt i les, Sore Breasts, Sore Heads, , [Binds. iIIgrCAUTION!4:-None are Genuine unless the words," Holloway, New York and London," aro digeernible as a iNgter-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; i it nay be plainly seen by holding the leaf tothe light A handso'me reward.will be given to any one ren. d ring such information as may lead to the detee- Lien of any party or parties counterfeiting these medicines or, vending them knowing them to be spurious. k . *** Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. Hoito uos-sr, 80 Maiden Lane,'New Yorkrand by alrre spectable Druggists* and Dealers in Medidine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in pots at 25 taints, 83cents, andl3l each. iTherHr e is a considerable saving by' taking the larger sizes. . I N. B.—Directions for tßir guidance of patients in: every disorder are affixed to each pot. 'June 10, 1858. 123eowly. :Administrator's Notice., WHEREAS Letters of Administration to the' estate of Ellen Bagley, late of Brooklyn township, County of Susquehanna, deceased, hare been grinted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the said estate Ire requested to make immediate !payment;- and those hating claims sgai l net the saute, - will present them duly authe6 timted rot settlement, to 'R. W. GEER. I • Administrator. I Brooklyn, June Bth, 1858..-23w6.' _ HENRY B. iticICEAV, - TTORN EY and COUNSELLOR; at LAW. Office in the Union Block—Towanda, Brad. fbid county, Pa. • • - z• • Erwin attend piopptly to all proteseional business intimated to him; in this and : adjoining c.uttieC' jje3 5811' HIGHLY I MPOrtTANT 11 F g.AT , To All Gentlemen who ,Wear Clothes. I HAVE recently made arrangements, at cou siderable expense; for doing work in the TAILORING BUSINESS on very short notice, in a neat,durable, and fash ionable manner, and at reduced prices. I will furnish garments to order,,if desired, or render the custpmer whatever assistance he may need in selecting materials of the best quality, and at the lowest market prices. - All my work will be-warranted as to fit, fin ish- and durability. No customer need take his work from the shop unless it suits him. Being permanently, and exclusively engaged in this business, it shall be my great aim to please the publie,,atid thtis secure their patronage. P. LINES. Montrose, June Ist 1858. , 1121 f. BTIktAYED • 1 - 1, o M the subscriber on or `‘..12 about the 25th of May, .one • (./. 4 Yearling HEIFER, mostly white ..!!!!!...-!•_ with a few red spots on her. Who ever will give information where the said Heifer may be found shall be suitably rewarded. ALBERT ALDRICH. Now,Milford, May 31st, 1858.-22w3. Administrators' Notice. TITHEREAS Letters of Administration to the -VT Estate. of Allen Tennant,. late of New Milford township, county of Sum's, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers; all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement, to THOMAS D. TENNANT, MON TRAVILLE TENNANT. Administrators . Now Wilford, J uno 3d, 1858.-2,2.6w*. A PRIZE. FOR 'EVERT BODY: WHO SUBSCRIBES FOR THE 711thf-tiork Zkattlita Vass. A BEAUTIFULLY I L Cr T EMIT .11.L.Wg. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY PRESS IS one of the best literary papers of the day. A large Quarto 'containing. Twenty Pages,_ or sixty Columns, of entertaining matter; and Ele gantly Illustrated every week. A Gift worth from .50 cents to $lOOO wi!l be sent to each subscriber on the receipt of the sub scription money. rEIIIIS---12f AbVANCE One copy fur one gear, and 1 gift .. $2. Three copies olio year, and 3 gifts . . 5. ' Five copies ono year, and 5 gifts . . . 8. Ton copies one year, and 10 gifts . . . 15: Twenty-one copies one year, and 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following list I United States Treasury Note $lOOO. 2 do - do s do, 500 each. 5 do do do 200 each. 10 do - do do 100 each. 10 Pat. Lev. llunt'g Cased Watches 100 each. 20 Gold Watches - - 75 each. 50 do - - 60 each. 100 do - - -50 each too Ladies. (Joh] Watches - - 35 'each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 each. 500 do Watches - $l5 to 25 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Pob•Chainslo to 30. do do Pens and Pencils -- - sto 15 each. Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Stud's, Watch Keys,Gold and Silver Thim bles, and'a variety of other articles, worth from fifty cents to fifteen dollars each. ' On receipt of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will be entered upon our books opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded rithin one week, by mail or express, post paid. There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal distribu tion among them instead of giving a large COM. mission to agents, giving to the subscriber the amount that would go to the agent, in many cases a hundred fold more. Egy- Addresi all eominuniehtions to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, May 27.=--y1 211 Cootie Street, New York Sheriff's Sales. 111DrY virtue of sundry writs issued out of the .1.) Court of Comnion Pleas of Susquehanna County, and to me directed, I will expose to sale, by public vendue, at the Court House, in Mont rose, on Saturday, June 19th 1858, at one o'clock, p. m., the following Real Estate, to wit: Alt Oat eeiLin piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township of Oakland, county of SusquehannanndState of Pennsylvania and bounded and described as follows,• to wit : Od ibe north by lands of John Hilbolne, on the east. by lands of A. P. Hnpinan, on the south by laths formerly occupied by David Bond, and on the west by land supposed to belong to John McCarthy, formerlfoceupied by and Wit sonceontaining, one hundred and six acres of andimore or less, with the appurtenances, one framed house, barn, saw mill, and about eighteen acres improved. Taken in execution at the.sult of B. S. Bent ley vs. George Herrick. ALSO—AII that certain Piece Or' parcel of land, situate in Harmony •township, State and county aforesaid and bounded and described :or follows, to wit : Begining on the south corner of the whole tract of land late of Joseph Austin, deceased; thence north 34 deg west, 10 1-2 per. to's post in an original warrantee line ; thence along the same north 46 deg. east, 372 perches more or less to a post; thence south 43 1-2 deg. east, lOQ perches to two beech saplint-marked and stones; thence south 46 deg. west, 394 per ches to the place of beginning. containing two hundred and thirty-nine acres, more or less, to gether with the appurtenances, one dwelling house, two framed barns, sheds and orchards, and about eighty-six sores improved. Taken in execution at the suit of B. S. Bent ley vs. Thomas Cook. • JOHN YOUNG, Sheriff. Sheritf's Office, • Montrose, June Ist, 1858. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of HOWELL 4. WELCHis this day dis solved by mutual consent. The ac cents are in the: hands of J. A. Howell for col lection. JOHN A. HOWELL, JOHN C.. WELCH. The Butchering business will be conducted at the old stand by lIENSTOCK & HAWLEY. Montrose, May 24th, 1858.-21w4.* MILITARY NOTICHi THE citizens of Harford township and its cinity are hereby requested to moot at the house of N. W. WALDROn in Harford, on Satur day, the 19th day of June, at one o'clock, p.:m., for the purpose of organizing .a Light Infantry Company,according tO.the Militia Laws of Penn sylvania, of the Act of eighteen hundred and eight; By request of 111/42MCP1C1ZENIS. j ASN'SP/CElVll4limpector, let ERg, 19th Pa. Militia. Brigade Inspector's Office, / Harford, May 315f, , 1858. 21w2. NO TICE" IT has beerr sometime since I have sold out my business,; .. and I wish to close, up. Those having notes duo, or tumettled aricopntiOrill please call and settle the _ same, and. says COST. If I am not at home you will find my matters with Amos Nichols at Post Brothers'• Store, where the same can be settled with him if ,st• tended to soon. S A. W OODRUFF. Montrose, Itay, 31st, 1858.-22-w2s:* Take Due Notice! And govern yonrselres accordingly, THAT IT IS TILE WILL ATM FLYASORE OF uttenbtrg, oreittituirt,,. k T ° make public announcement orthe fact that they have entered into a NEW ARRANGE MENT; for the joint benefit - of themselves and the laboring community as follow's: .They will receive SPANISH COIN at par, in exchange for - all goods purchased at their establishment from this date; and in ad dition thereto rkEDGE themselves to sell , goods from 25 to 30 per cent cheaper than any other firm in Northern Pennsylvania. There is at the pretient time, a large amount of tipanish Coin in circulation in this region; and having seen with surprise in the public printi of this county, a notice to the effect, that such coin is , reduced in value at MONTROSE, &MTrilaretr ge r Miacovulta p That we are in great need of money, and as the said Spanish, Coin is tho best silver in the market, we advise all persons in possession of such coin to bring tho same to GUTTENBERG, RO SENBAUM who gill take it at Its Former lue. We are constantly recieving DRESS GOODS of the lateststy les and of the finest qualities, comprising a splendid assortment . of -Shawls, Mantillas, Bonnets, and a superb stock of REIMICa2IIMMUS7 (113)40C+63 to which we invite the particular attention of coun try Milliners, A beautiful assortment of 'Em broidery, cotnprikin,g Collars, Sleeves, Linens, Laces, and White-Goods too numerous to 'men tion, We devote a great deal of attention to the READY4IADE CLOTHING business, and have a large Tailoring establish ment connected with our Stores at Montrbse and Susquehanna Depot. We flatter ourselves that wo can fit a man—be he dwarf or giant, and no matter how ill-shapen—in presentable style, provided always, that his portmonnaie is stuffed with the "needful" (defined by us to consist of Spanish as well as Anterican_coin). * * *Call, and get your money's worth at the Store of GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & Co Montrose, Pa., May 18th, 1858. R.,ICENVON WOULD. . respectfully indite attention to the fact that he will receive SPANISH COIN at PAR in exchange for Goods at lowest prices, or on notes and accounts, and would res'peetfully .invite attention to his well selected. stock of .DRY GOODS, consisting in part as follows: Rich Black Silks; Brooha, Stella and Cashmere Shows from $8 to $2O; Rich Ribbons; Garages, Challis, Prints, and Robes; Embroidered Collars from 6 1-4 eta. to 20 cts.; Parasols, Umbrellas, and Carpet Bags. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE. Scythes—an excerent assortment, best in "this city,"—Rakes, Hay-Forks, Straw Forks, Brass Kettles, &c.. &e., &c. Fine Stock of Ladies" Shoes, Watli-Pet- Per, and a Large Assortment of Carpeting. In 'fact et Nice Stock of RICH GOODS—to be sold at the LOWEST PRICES, for SPANISN COIN. So come one and, all, and hereafter avoid afl such as show you by their practise that they do not do by others as they wish _others to do by them. You will , please take notice that no dealer offers you Spanish' Coin at 2 2 0 contain change—they expect to get more. 'P. S. There is another class of customers that I wish to saga word to. Some seem to labor under the impression that I do not need any money to conduct my business. It will proba bly prove a fatal mistake to . theircredit with me, and if they will set themselves to work to pro cure the needful they will be relieved the pres ence of that special messenger whom no one cares to see. Goods as bereretofere will be sold to prompt six months buyers—and those only-Lon time. All those who have not settled their accounts for the year past please call and settle the game without delay. Yours truly, in trade, May 18th, 18581 R. KENYON. NEW GOODS ! - NEW' GOODS f ! -AT YOUNG & SMITI4'S READY-PAY STORE. THE undersigned would announce to their customers, friends, and the public general ly that they have just returned front , the citrand are receiving and opening a new aad complete assortment of NEW GOODS of various kinds, which will be sold at prices to suit the times for Cast or PRODUCE. We have sought the medium of the press to announce to all upon what principle wo shall lrinsact busi ness. It is termed the - • EEADY-PAY SYSTEM • OR C AAR - Min IFROVII3 01\721 PRICE to all persons for the same article, end it shall be our endeavor to make those prices-such as will induce persons who wish to Ray for their own Goods and not others, to call ht least and examine our stock, and if the prices don't come daft to the spited; we cannot expect to sell them. Seme kind friend maysay that it will be "no co," but we think from the 'experience of the, past few months of every person who hap. peaed to we the country merchants, especially if it had been standing sit months or morei with what Coaxing, dunning, threats, Atc.; they, hate been beset, we think they will all respond to the above system and resolve to bny no more goods than they can pay for, and that they are determined to support those who will establish that principle and carry it out. We will let the system established stand upon its own merits, believing that it is the most prudent and wise course to be pursued in every branch of busi. *floss, and that the day is not far distant when it will be GENERALLY adopted. Call and see US and wo will shoo , you goods at astonishing low figures. All kinds of Ilerckiaritatle Produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest raarket price. youNG & Summers, Penn., • April 28th, 1858. C FIVE BOXES of GARDEN SEEDS for aule at TURRELL'S. Montrose, April 15th, 1858. TO THE SNEEZING PUBEIC. Durtio's Celebrated'Catarrh Snuff, AY INFALLIBLE REMEDY. 4'eCIR SALE BY _ 6 • . R. THAYER, Montrose; S.D. TOMPKINS, Brooklyn; Wm H. THAYER, Dimeek. NENVIKILVORD SELECT SCHOOL. MISS C. V. HITCOpp COCK, PRINMIPAL THI ®.school i 3 now,ip session , in the build ing cermer.ty ,ocaupted by 14. fantot, and will receive sefiorale'sit the,followina !fates „ per terni . of M cote. Engl. Brat:icily:4B3 012. ”. in higher ~. 600. " French; . • . 6.00. Drawjng.aod.P " ahlting, 2 00. 4:5 - tie half of the. tultion is required in advance. one hallirr the uriddltrof the term. Miss Hitchcock-iao gmdtiate of Frapklin In stitute, NJ., a pittng *Vet high accomplish ment. , 5he.001134341 to this phoie..very highly :re— commended; and has the : highest approbation of her present patrons.. will, undoubtedly put forth her moat vignooteetfOrts - to make her school equal to the best. W. FAUROT. • •,'• NeW Milford, May. 18, 1858: - • 2'l4' NIMM=MZ!S LITTLE & HARDING'S COLUMN. GRASS-, SEED. Inscibers. have just', received afreshT lot o f ' , LARGE AND. MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND - MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND, MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED; LARGE ANI MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE. AN MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND 'MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND m.ginum CLOVER SEED. ALSO, TIMOTHY . SEED TIMOTHY SEED • TIMOTHY-. SEED TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED " TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY - SEED • TIMOTHY SEED OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, - OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR", QUALTY, OF`SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW; BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR - SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY LITTTLE d MOOING. NICHOLSON, MARCH 23d, ia3B. FARMERS —AND-- MECHANICS!! WILL pleas remember , when building, that V V the subscribers areturnishing ; DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS,,SASH AND BLINDS, - DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, . DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, At the LOWEST Factory prices, and that they keep constantly 9u hand, a - large stock .of 2141113, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, N.AUS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAIL k GLASS; PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILg,,,EILASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS; NAILS, (LASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR !MIMI INGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, - DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMING'S, DOOR TRIIIIMIXGS, ,- BASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASS AND. BLIND SASH AND BLIND S4SH AND : BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND BASH AND, BLIND SASH AND BLIND FASTENINGS, FASTENIN( FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTEIIIINGS,.- FASTENINGS, ' FASTENINGS - , FASTENINGS, FASTEXIN,G4 • FAATERLIGs, • LIME/ 4t0.., Are; LIME, &C., &C. - LIME, &C., &C. LIME, &C., &C. Drag, tiro., &C. LIME, &C., AC. LIKE, &C., &C. In fcct we havoldmost ever thing in theway of BUILDING MATERIA L BUILDING MATERIAI, BUILDING MATZRIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDIID MATERIALS,: BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS; BUILDING MATERIAL.% • • , BUILDING MATERIALS; Of fist rate quality, and -win sell-them at a very small advancefrom Gast for CASIL, Thereford qre confidently assure Builders, that they will materially consult their Awn interests by giving us a call, before paichas ing. LITTLE & FLOtTR, BAIT; FLOUR, SALT, FI o OTTR I , SALT,", FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT,, FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT; FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR; SALT '' , AND -LIME, AND LIME,' - AND LIME,. • AND, LIMIT AND tIM& AND LIM& . - .AND LIME, AND LIME. • AIIOD r•ITUE, t• , paiN.P ilk ilia band, and fir sale, at the very lowest rates, by • . • LITTLE kititlinith . !.-NICHP.I4OI7. MARCO 146., r 3 Y tad SMEM= BINWRIVETON WATER CURE BIN01:61MTON, BROO:VE CO. N. r, rpHIS'ESTABLISHMENZ has been greatik enlarged and improved during the spring, and is now ready for the reception of Patients.: -Few similar institutions in this country com bine so -many advantages for the successfuftreat.' merit of Invalids,. The locatiOn is, beautiful, the house new and cortmodiuur, the rooms large,airyy well furnished and every way arranged with a view to the health and comfort or the occupants& The, Physicians, Dr. Thriyer raid- wife, have'' hadAiielto years experience (the leak, eight at Bingtumiton)in treating diieases Hydropathically during which time they hate treated successfully; thousands of sick personaonany after their ',die *ewe have been prououimed fatal, by eminent Physicians. ; In addition to their p atients at the "titan!' theY.have a large practice in the village and surrounding country, which rakes thein fa miliar with the treatment of disonses of everir grade and 'character. They planned, built, .an own 'the "Singh Sin tonWater•C u re,"c nosey:junoy it is under their entire control-and management. In all-those diseases to which the peculiar s daptation of Hydropathic treatment bat). been successfully demonstrated, they will ileneridly guarantee' a speedy and- perfect rest Oration.-- Stich are the following, viz.—Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Nervous diseases; Dyripepsia, Scrof ula, Spinal complaints, Tumors, Ulcers, enlarge. Meta ofJointindiee:lB43B of the Throat and-Longa; Dropsy, Ague and Fever, leemile complaints of every kind, Skin diseases, Catarrh, '&e. &c. Persons who have been tong sick or bed-ridden and wlio have not succeeded heretofore in their efforts to regain their health, are especially ted to consult ur or give us a $4ll. Terms from $5 to 110 per week. ' " • • • s Fir Dr. Thayer will-be at Searle's Hotel 14 Montrose,on Thursday, July let, where any Invii,- lids •whe desire,r may consult him. For further particulars, address I• my2otdi 0. V. THAYER, M. D.. — , GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! THE original ONE PRICE and REALEIT , PAY Elplre of New 'Alilford, HAYDEN BROTHERS; The PeepleN Meaty, are'noW receiv ing a large Stock of Staple and 'Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Wall and Window Paper, Wooden Ware, Forks, Hoes, Plows, and Salt—by the. barrel. or load,✓-Yankee Notions, Jewelry and Watches— wholesale and retail; . at prices that-would : As, ,tonish those not posted in•the ready : pay bus!. rms. - We have nothing to do with Old Fogyism,- he has " gone in"—has vamoosed without s groan or kick, and the .last seen •of-him he was holding on to the tail of "Hard - TiMei4,".atia he grinned a ghastly smile as he passed h!e OLP FRIENDS.. Our motto is—Live a tad-Let Live. IMAGE FOR. SHOWINGAOOOSI- 1 / 4 Ev'etr. 9 Article Pi. arr ntcd as Represented! We thank our friend&-neti4Ustoinera for-their liberal patronage in finite. iast, sad *er-hope'l:isiT btriet attention to business,-- td merit a conga undue of the aarnei HAYDEN BROTHERS., Nrw sliiford. May Ist, 1858.-18tp. The Cheapest Paper in ',04 World. - T e, \NATIONAL .11iERCHANT". Alstige Weekly at Sixty Cents a Year. A\ are Icontains a choice selection of Literary•toat. ter; Tales, Poetry, and a large amount. of commercial information. The teviews of the Markets and \Bank Note Reports are of-them.. selves worth more than the price of subscription, and the paper :itself, before it is printed, coati more thpn we gUt - . • • For Ten Dollars we will send sixteen copies of the Merchant and a copy - of any three dollar' magazine, such as ‘(..:odey's Ladjs ,Book, Ora.' ham's Magazine. - Specinum copies mf \ the Merchant will be sent` apy'address on the receipt-of s postage stamp. Active young men wanted ,to canvass for the paper, to whom a- liberaltmAtigsionivill be al. lowed, that wi;l =ant in some cases to eighty , dollars a month. \ • , Address, S. E. ASHTON & CO., National Merchant Oice, Philadelphia. T'tyt,.. pare used Manny's : Mower with Wood's imprOve , S, meet, the past season, and are fully satisfied that \ it is ii good siachine,, and we recommend it to, \ the farn*rs of thid County as a profitable anC • labor-saving machine. JEREMIAH MEACHAM, A. Gattits, \ JOHN HARILINGTON, ' L. GARDNER, ~ - \ M.J. HAERINGTON, T . P. PHITNEY February. 25, 1858. - For in athi.les apply to' th& Undersigned Agent. -# = . ' • - - -C. D. LATHROP. Montrose, March Ist, 1858. [mhl Wit. ' • A gOOTt EAR. TitEILIILION. (JUST PUBLISHED.), A. TREAT/SE ON FERMENTED LIQUORS, or the . Art of Brewing, Distilling, Rectifying and, 'Manufacturing Sugars, Wines, Spirits and an kinds of Liq nom includinaidei and Vinegar-- witfi.Wond Gits. 'rhis work which has beer( fav;arAbif".reviewed by the New York Press.coa;, taining 1000 _valuable directions .in Medicine,' Metallurgy, Pyrotechey, Artificial Guano, Cos. antics,. Artificial ; trun Arabic, Artificial Gems, Bleaching of Shell Lac, Sealing Wax ; Cements, Pastes; Cleaning Cleansing and' Clearing Mate : , dais, Family Soaps, Starch PolishiCologne and, other Perfumed-Water s , Dentrifices, - Antiquit Offs, 'fair Dyes and Restorers, Solders and SilrSfinga, Varnishes and Inks. Price $2, mailed free by the author. DR. L. F'EUCHTWANGER, Practical Chemist. 143 Maiden 'Lane, New Y0rk.. 7 .18m2i. - leniX &c., 04C LIME. &CI LIME, etc., G R OCERIEIS: GrOceriest.r•A ePled , did aseoiltment 'of Groeeri4s fit very low' EgOres: - BOOTS and Sllicoes......Juit iectived• a forge issorment—foreale cheap. - . CROCKERY..»A new lot rust received and. for sale. . - CEDAR and Stone Ware--4n "WWl varky. . . , • ReAlly.itil*lDE flotillas' of every description. - • , To Dairymen.-.—Wo have Lipp lot of A No. 1 Firkins and Tubs for,sidi;. : :•••• „ • - ; YOUNG & Sztinmeri, Penn.• ? April.2Bth. 1858. WAN T A GOOD BAND, at - the ,business of CABIONCK and CLOTH Minklie.' Nontimeed apply unless fully compe,tell.,iiitd well recommended. ' Pay every naqnth mill' be given, or a share of the, income if d'aiiired. . Address, • I • Ciitinnown; , Bradfdtd•Co. Pa. May 25,-.11158.t , .• . 1 lORSES - fOlt .sAikgo subacti . bei - et'havea pair efgOod Wor k' w • -H o rse,whieh . they sell Low for Cub or exchange for a pair of Dien. Also 2 Tamale, - .Wegotts; nearly new , will be sold Low. - .SUTPHIN & YOUNG.. ' Summers, May 17th, 185.8.--20w4, ,• MMIIIII MO=o ONE PRICE ONLY-! Can't be beat down ATTENTIO FA MERS '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers