Early'EUtting d Hay. som - e,y - witi-ago I cut some my good tith- Othy . grass before harvest, and before the blos sOMs had entirely fallen off: At was cured in the very best manner, and placed it in a mow to which !Could-at any time have ac- - , cess.. After-harvest, and. when the-seed had become so - ripe as to shell out considerably; I cut thersatne kind of grass in the same field, and •placedit ins . separate mow. At a fa favorable time (in the following -winter). for making a fair eXperiment,l carried out to my • .cattle;hafficri3 the mow in which I had stor: ed that which, bad been cut while green, _(before harvest,) and fed to .each n'separatel parcel. After they had fairly conmreneedi feeding upon it, I carried to each a parcel of _that which had been cut after brirvest, and from..whielt the seed shelled when was handled. In every instance the:cattle imme- . • diately quit the, 4 benutifut, green bay," and ate np clean; that which was tilt after havest, before again : touching the for Itdeed,in I many hista%wohey threw from their mOuths the green hay, the sooner to get at, the.other. I repeatedly. tried theexperimeht, and the re sult was the same in every instance. The reason o(the preference E flown by the cable for the hay cutcafter harvest, I suppose to•be this: is Was-,much more easily masticated., and • Sireeter : i n davor . than the other that i t retained, 'hi_ the stems, leaves and seeds, all the nutriti4tnatter which 'it possessed when green and probably with some additioas, derived front the earth -Mad atmosphere, over and above that of the green hay. • The greet, early cut hay, although it re tained its green, and beautiful appearance,' was tough,cand diffloult to masticate; and very. pro - taly -the crude and • unelaboratpd sap acquired fin acid-and biitterisit taste which was disafirteable to the, palate, and deleted obs to the health of the cattle. Be this as it mny,, the experiments fully satisfy me that thecOle were pore fond. oe the latter cut • hay; that they would eat mnr of it,, and keep in better condition tipon it than upon the earlier.cut green bay. I have not so per fectly experimented in . regard to horses and,, sheep.- But I have o`bserved that they always _made the same choice .with- the epttle when opportunity offered; tin doubt for the same reasons.•J. H. IT. Seneca eo.—Country Gentlewn, • , COLTVVATION , OF cOCUMBERS.—Last spring 1 a friend of mine and myself were .plantine cucumbers at the same time. I was planting Mine, as is usual iii 'gardens, by mixinz'a small - Portion of stable manure with -the (eiF, and raising the bill an inch or two labove the surface of the ground. Observing it, tt.-= jocosely retnarged, "Letane show you how to raise cucumbers." Never having: much luck in raising them, I cheerf6lly , agreed to his propositison. lie commenced I,y making holes in the earth, at the distioce intended for'the hill, that would hold about a peek, be then Alled - them' witli•dry leaClied-ashes, coveting•the ashes tittt.rt very small quan -, tits of earth. The 'seeds were then planted on a level with the surface of the ground. , was cycilling to see Ike experiment tried, but -had uo expectation of artvthing,but a less of teed, labor and .soil. d3ut .imririo my astonishment, (lotwitbstandingA. "(fryer sea . was never ,eznown, and almost anuniver lal failure of gai,ten vefetables.) when I be held tines tt:timikably thrifiy, and as fine a crop of kticumberssas any one could wish to raise, and:they continued 'for an unusually' longtime. I u not pliolos - oPhize on the subject—but say.toail, try it,; and :instead of throwing your a-itessaway auly- it where it. will be of *;and you will reap a rich re : ward. • TEIF: COW:FI.I4 - OF .SarTrr One day, the fisherman . b.rought us a tine Yoixe boi,7 or cow fish, a species of rhanatn., and is patticufarly alrandautlii - tbe hikes in this parr of the river. I'rwas a female, about six feet lone, and alaitit- live in circumference in:ths thickest part. The body is pei feet ly .smooth, withont am ilrojections or inequali . tie s , gradually . clianging into a horiz9ntal semicircular flit- . tail, • With no appcarmee whateve,i, -of blind limbs. There is no' distinct flea -4 but. ‘lie. head is very large; and is ter minateit-ty a larva iiioath and: -fleshy lips. somewhat re;embiin , r those of a cow, Thwe are stiff bristles on . tl.Te lip. , and a few distinct ly .sqitered corer the Behind the body are two powerful\ oval fins, and jut be neath-them are the breasts, from which, en pre smite. being applied, flow a stream of beautiful white mirk. The ears are imitate • boles, and the eyes very small. The color is a duskv -lead, with, some lane pinkish white marble - A blotches on the.belly._ The skin is :about an inch thick on the back, and a • quarter- of an inch on the belly. Beneath, the akin is.a layer of fa_t of- greater or less thick . ness, generally about an inch, which is boi ed down., - to make an•' all ustd fOr light acid cooking. The intestines are rely, voluminous, the heart aboul the size of a slit.ep's, and si - t• or seven inches wide ; very Cellular and spon-• gy, and can be blown- oat like a . bils.dder, • The skull Is laroe. and: solid, with' no (iota' • teeth ; the vertanT-extending to the very tip - of the tail,showing the rudiments of posterior limbs;. the fore limbs, on the contrary,: are very highly derelop.fd, the bohca exactly cor-,1 1 • responding to tho! , e ofa human arm, having J even the fire fingers,with every joint distinct, - •yetinclosed in a stiff, inflexible skin, where :not a joint-can have any-motion. The cew fish feeds on grass at the border's: of the -rivers -and lakes,, and .swims_cittickly - •• with the tail. and paddles; and 'though the )-external oipbs of sight and bearing are so imperfect, yet these senses are said hy_hunters to be retharklbly acute, and tOrender neoes .. wiry alt their caulien to capture the animals:. They bring 1 1 3 - 11 b, one; or ra , ely-. two, young OB I" which they clasp in their arms., or pad - dlee,-while giving suck.. They are harpooned, or caught in a strong net, - .at the carlow en - Mance of a 'ace or stream, and ate killed -by drivinga wooden club with-a mallet up their . • nostrils. Each yield from fire - to -twenty ' five-gallons of ail. The fish, is very good, being somewhat-betweenhecf and . pork, and this onefurnished - Os with several meals, lyid was an to:el.:4)1e .changeliom bar fish diet. - Traveli - on the Amazon.. Xigr Quak.'r had his ,broad brimmed • hat . blown off by the wind, and he Chased it • for along titre with fruitless and yeryridion .. ions zeal. .At last, seeing. a roguish looking boy laughing at his- disaster,be said to him— tArt thee a priffane lad V The. youngs . er _ -keplied that he sometimes did a little-in that way. -- -'Then' said he, taking a half dollar • From, his pocket,'thee . may dumb yonder flee • -Ity , fifty tile cents wortli.' - -A Goon SUGGEsnow.—Tbe Albany Even ing Joitrnal has the following: , - "The best care for /formontsm would !be an enlightened and philanthlophic commis sion to go among the !demons, obtain a thorough knowledge of the character , princi• pies; liabita and practices of the presidents., prophets, priests, elders, &c. -Publish, well authenticated fact*, and scatter them _broad cast through the world. tar In the tornado which recently passed aver. a Portion of Illinois, a 'Small two story house slid for three .bundred - lyards across the smooth prim, with a family inside, the-bonse reatainining upright and uninjured. , 6ntire NEW iItI3IIIIENIS At the Old. Stand of Lathrop & co.. LATHROP & ReWITT 111 7 . G leaYe to announce to tlie public in'gen .eral .that they are now opening one of the 'largest &mews of ISltienAttrusi ever offered in Montrose. Comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Hartl.Ware, Crockery; Bc., #c., which they propose to sell at the LOWEST9.SH. PRICES., - • th.o'se•nire real, Facts. We ‘iish to demonstrate to the public the difference between hosing Goods for CASH and -os TIME. LATHR.OP & DEWITT. Montrose. April 2tilh, 1358. "HONE AGAIN," all; Q. S. D 517012., OFFICE, over WilootV's Store. LOIIG4.IIGS, at SEARLE'S HOTEL. Montrose,:4lsrell 10th, 1858.1 catr, I g",alt/I 'I GEO. biz MANN.. Wholesale Salt Dealer,— - 201 Washington Street, (directly-opposite Washin;zton Market.) - still continues to offer to the city and coantry trade, all kinds of foreign coarse and-fine salt, at thl3 - very! lowest figures; $OOOO sacks and bags. consistincrin part of Ash ton's °celebrated brand for table Isand dairy use, Jeffrey. & Darcy; Marshall's, Brownlow's, & ; and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Jjonares; Cu raeoa, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz * lYica, Nantes, &c., , all of which will be sold at-bargain prices from v6ssels, store Ilnd storehouses. . . Any purchaser wishing to select - from-a good assortment...will -find it-to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table stat put up in small bags .of -different sizes,-and constantly On hand in ship ping order. `Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in (lurk boxes, pot up and for sale "by the quantity, in cases of frve !dozen each. April 1. 1 y* • I . BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND FANCY GOODS At Greatly Red need Prices for Cash, AT THE ..Vontrose .c••.tort. THE ; POST OFFICE By A. S', BULLARD.4 on trose, March-30th. 1858. -SlKl:ga ^, 025 For Cash and Prompt Six 3Fonths' Baycis,_ BUnniTT Would invite atteut-iou- to his new Stock of PRIMI & SUMMER GOODS! TUSrpeceired, trilluding, as usual, a great variet of Ladies Dress Gads. in Prints, Gingluims., - Lawa'tt — Robes, ChaPies, Baleges, Poplins and 'Sißte; Bro:be, Stella, Silk and, Cashmere Shawl4;Ha.% Parasols, Rich Bibbons,. Bonnets and Flowers, Broadcloths, Catlimeres and Sustmer Stuffs, with a full re riely of other „ `ISTAPLE 'AND FANCY GOODS 7 nel uaing Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, S toves, Iron, 'Steel, Ilats Caps,,Boots and Shoes, Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Painted Window Shades, Wail Parer, Clocks, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &e., &c. The, i'nkiro Sfock. having been bought for CASII, and at Panic Prices, will be sold at the towEsryinrrtEs, to - CASII;and.PROMPT SIX MONTHS" . Buyers. ' N. 8.--Sait and Flour constanily on hand. [New Milford. Ma:p, Executors' NOtice. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY HAVING lJ been duly issued to the' subscribers upon the estate of Patrick liaeauly, late of the town ship of Ru;11, decensed,—All persons indebted to said estate :Ire required to make immediate payment, 'ond' all persuns having claims against . the said estate are requested, to present the same to us, duly authenticated, for settlement. JAM ES LOG AN, } Ex ecutors. ors. JOHN RONEY , • •Rush, May 10th. 1853.-19‘i-6.* D . 90 S , &c:---Some cost and some at DIN 10 rer cent. below cos&—Citti and be con vinced that 51,00 will procure you as LARGE a pile of goods.cs ccn be had at any other . ..shop in the county. A. N. DULLARD. Montrose, March 30IN 1355. Q PANISII C9I N taken atPAR,. at the Store K.) of GUTTENBERG. RO'SEN-BAUM & Co. Montrose, gay 12th, 1353. Val N~'iiwCi9 Pwi `~C.►WJ'~4 TT DAVE just received another supply of Wall. Paper, and expect -wore to arrive soon. 1 think cus•ionters will find my assortment the largest and lest in Susquehanna County, and .prices as low as the lowest. Also, Window Paper, Oil :Shades and Fixtbres, Borderimr., &c. ABEL TUIzRELL: Montrose. April)) 50' 1853. , "B ARGAINS! RGAINS!! 41 BARGAINS ! B RGAINS!! A LARGE stock of Books, and Stationery, "..n._ Pocket Knives, a warranted article. Gold Pens and I.lolders, the bet this side of N. Y.. beside• other articles much too nutnerous to 'name can be had tio- prices surprisingly low tor 'jibe DIMES In these 11-a r-d l'•i-m:-e-s. By A. N. BULLARD. iltontrose, , March 30th, 1858. GRASS- SEEDS. • -Clover Seed-of the inrge kind, and Timothy Seed, a:tcw lot just received and for sale by • IL SURRITT. ICpw Milford, Aril sth, 1854. Ll*4 9C) •-•11 PAYS forlßoard and Tuition IT ‘.,1 in Common Enfflish, the Term Of Fourteen %Sleeks, commencing March 18,18b8, at the • I • ort ,atwarb . linstitute , 7. Superb tolult buildin,gs,.beautifully located on the Rail Road near Sarato.geSprings. Superior facilities for Music. Painting and French . : Stu• dents received at any time, and charged only for the regdue of tho.Teljp. Diplomas awarded to Ladies who graduat 'Send for a Catalogue, With full , particulars. Rev. JoSEPII E. KING, A. M., Pincipal, Fort Edward. January 13th, 1853, : 11m13. •., i . steal - mit BL.NCK-SA 3 TII SHOP. r r ilE undersigned vine rented the above 'is prepared to do I kind-sof blackswithiug in the bAst style and at the f !wrest rates. For %hoeing horse. 87 1-2: cents;' oxen per pair $l. 15. Poi' setting horse shoes 8 cis...toeing, and setting, 'same - led& HARVEY PATRICK. Mottrose; April 23, 1858r-6w. , . Clover and Timpthy ,Beed. t i VARRAItiTED PHRE.4or sale. whole V v sale and retail. OLD. LATHROP. Miontrose, Feb. 18. 1858.-td. WOLF'S , Aromatic Schiedam JRlttityrs,at COMPLETE: a asortmpat of GROCERIES at • • C. P. &O. ISI.. HAWLEY'S. • tram GOODS!!: -A~ H• J WEBB'S MONTROSE, APRIL, 30(h 1858. ILPII. Cashimers, .Vostinga; very de- Caira ir ble ;Iles, at prices that =not fail to . suit. Call and be convioted.l C. W; MQTT. • LOOK HERE! ,stotiti COBB oilers to the public, at prices that Z„ cannot fail Ito suit, a LARGE and SUPERIOR asortme.nfof • - . G It Ott . 11 It I. E t % • A) at the old well ktiown establishment formerlyuc cup_ied by Oliver l Crane. - - Seuaci,Teai, Com, SPICES, FRUIT, From aniFfSatm (by the sack or barrel,)ns#, and all artii9es found in first class groceries. • The attentiol l of nutmeats is solicited to a superior quality of GRAIN and GRASS SEED whi!:h, the undersigned has on band and for sale. Cuivert and TOIOTHY SEED, and good SEER WHEAT Sold ntery Low rams for CASH. As I mean to 1 merit, 1 Kopo to receive, . a liberal share of public patron ge. Z. COBB. Montrose, March 3d, 1858. , • (3m. IS HE*EBY GIVEN T 111 11. ABE TT AS just re LI - largo anci., fur CASK, and over thirty of • which he offers at low Prices fo W I N D Y G 1 G L -XV Ai WINI WINDO MUSIC A J ;WELR Y, PERFUMERY, DRLY GOODS, A I R D WARE, STONE W A- RE, ' WOQ , DEN WARE, L R 0 0 M S, - BIR U S 114' S, JAPANNED JAPANNEDRE, BWRD CAGES, • CAN-ARY SEEP, POCKET KNIVES, WHIPS, U4BRELIIAS, - GUNS, I S:T 0 L S, A 11 N'l T I 0 N, - TU.RPENTINE, C MPITENE, BURN -IN G- FLUID, /O. CO HOL, LIIQUORS, (ForMediicinarPurp9ses only, 11RUSSES, SUPPORTERS; SHOULDER BRACES, - - PORTMONAIES, •-SPECTACLES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c GO'LD PENS,, STA T ° l ON BEY, VIOLIN STRINGS, ,BOWS, And all ,of, the most popular PATENIT MEDICINES, Thankful foil the liberal patronage hitherto re ceived, he hop es to merit . a continuance and large increase of the same. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, cc. Ist 1857. 11 - o@iD ?%0211 . . AT THE ,HEAD OF 1AV1G1TION! A ND examne the ehoico stock af Spring LI and Summer Goods, just opened for i:xaminatihn 7 and SALE, al rery low figures by C. W. MOTT. STELLA, 'ashmere, and DeLain Shawls at very low rives by C. W. MOTT. r_TArs and caps of the newest styles, in ILA great variety by C. W. MOT. p REIT TIRASS II etc., etc ,J BROWN a l Shirting, Stuffs, market. NOTICE HAwLEII mutual conse Gibson, Au The books .store formerl. persons has to settle the The busin:: the un4ersign M. HAWLEY, ' New York an Fall and thing/ice., smell profit f Gibson, Ai' THE subs, of 95ael of Montro , g the .pretnis good frarn One half of th, down; th Brid=l . 41 1 1 THE lar kept i Itwilb u Wish nnyt in; otherwiseti get the pl -MontroA PATENT .A SURE - all enet for the last 5 Keepers In t REFEItENC (half, Mon rcio candor, Tiet Post, N. Y.;l A. C, Ely, N. J.; Frede Westfield; le and Abijah G. C. Birdsa 1 Snsq'a Co. It may be I ing hive, th moved with convenient I danger fro tent hive no costs 8.2,75, beat pine 1 I of B. F. Wit signed; in G I .1 For =kin] 1 will set) to' for tke corm I give a - book hive was at the prenriuta warrant evei refund the Gana], 8 N9_TICE aimed frot No et York, with a Aoico variety of Goods, bought iselected with much ' care, from the best Houses in New York, o his ciiitomers and the public cash. His stock comprises: RUGS, D I ‘C INES, , . l' HINTS, `OILS',- 1) E OW GLASS,' , STUFFS, lOCERIES., S S—W A R E, OCKERY, -. IRRORS', - LOCKS ,_ L L PAPER, D 0 W ' - i ) APER," W OIL SHADES, FANCY GOODS, IN ST RU MEN TS in übucdance by. , C. W. MOTT Iriops, Hosiery, Gloves, Befits by C. W. MOTT. Blue-Sheeting and Siirtings— Stripes, Tido., 'Denims, Summer ~ as low as can be zdrorded in this C. W. MOTT. Diootolution. I hereby .given that the firm of & Gump is this day dissolved by it. . C. P. 1-I.Awr.cr, 17 1857. E. E. GUILD. and accounts can be found at. the occupied by the subscribers. All unsettled accounts ate requeited I:ame as soon as possible. i ss will be conthieted in 'future by 1 d, under the firm of C. P. & 0. , who aro constantly receiving - from 1 . 1 Philadelphia, the latest styles of 'inter Dry Goods, Clo , all of which will be sold at a very ' r ready ply. g. 31st, 1857. g. P. ITAwt.EY, Q. M. HAWLEY. • arm for . 3 • e. •riber offers for sa L re a Good Farm ep in Bridgewater, four miles east 1 40 acres improved., There• is on large framed Dwelling House, a Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard *purchase money will be required l ance in annual instalments. ~ .ELIJAH BROWN. Ir, August 19th, 1857; 33tf. till They Ccime! st stock of MEDICINES ever before is market may be found at the 7.1 P;;'l3' El T OP. M . elm to enumerate. When you g io the Patent Meilicine line, or Hat the Parmer'siStore. Don't for. , ckuui.town. R. THAYER:. March 3d, 1858. 1 W. PHELPS' _ COMBINATION BEEHIVE. protection against Mat hs, Mice, and .mien of the, Bee. Highly approved years by the most intelligent Bee I e Western and eastern States:_ ES.-.1. S. Gregory and J. H. ' Ber ,e, Orange Co., N. Y. • J. E. North, 1:a co., N. Y.; H. M. More, Painted Saris') Kidder, J. C. Elton, and ' lroira, N. Y.; John Bell, Newark, iek Fritz, Easton, Pa.; Hiram Holl, ass.; Henry Fillmanolddison, N. Y., ells, Gibson, D. L Hine ; Harford, I I, Jackson, and B. F. Wells, Clifford, need as a swarming or non-swarm. surplus honey sod comb can be re at injuring 'the bees. It is very or feeding- bees, and privents all robbers; it is also the cheapest pa in use. A hive with two sections three sections $3,50, made of the mber, and,ean be had at all times lard, Elmira, N. Y., or of the under. bson. lg and using, $5; hive and right 88. ?vsn rights, - having bought the righ . 12 ty. With every hive and rightly, instructing how to manage it. Mt ur County Fair last fall and took If, with the bees and honey in it. I ryhive k sellto give satisfaction, or noney after fair trial. --, - coE WELLS. risfa Co., Pa., Jan. Bth, 1858; Lst* S. H. SATRE & BROTHERS A. 11E NO 'RECEIVING 01111* of iSb • 44 ti BPRIKG , 44 ". 1 0 • li3ItNIMAIt GOODS• fHICH for Cash or Produce can be bought N V very low. WALL PAPER. A select Assortment just received., S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. CAR-PETING. Bargains offered by S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. PLOWS! PLOWS!! .LOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers to the celebrated Peekskille Plows which we have lidded to oar large assortment. S. H. SAYRE S. BROTHERS, Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Illontresc. April 39th, 1858. I Btf. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES !!! OUR Stoves have been BO thoroughly tried to tho entire satisfaction of all, that they need no reco_mmend from us. 1.14 i S. H. SAYRE & RROTRERR. saniters' xnb_ Vectanits' NSIIIIANCE COMPANY, N. \V. Corner Second awl Walnut , Street's, 1PLE0111411151311R11112612 CAPITAL. $1,250,000. .This Company effects Fire Insurance Buildings; Goods, Furniture,, &e. • Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo and Freight', TO ALL PARTS OF TIIE WORLD niand Insurance on Goods by Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage, to all Parts of the Union up on the most favora ble terms. DIREC GON.THOS B.FLORENC I C, I CHARLES DINGEE, GEO. H. ARMSTRONG, Tfiog. MANDERFIELD, • CHAS. A. RCHINCAM, . EDW . D R. HELMBOLD, GEORGE HELMEOLD, F. CARL EIREHSTER JAMES E. NEAL, .. ISAAC LEACH, JR. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. EDWARD R. HELM BOLD, Secretary. - - T. BOYLE, Agent. Office, New Milford,-Pn. January 18th, 1858. TREASURER'S SALE Of Unseated Lands in Stisq'st Co, NOTICE is hereby given, that ag r eeably to the acts ofthe — General "Assembly of the Commonwealth of. Pennsylvania, directing the mode of selling unseated' lands for taxes, the following tracts and parts of tracts of unseated lands will be sold at public vendue on the second M onday of JUNE next, (it being the .P OUR. TEEN TII day of said month), at the Court House in 3lontrose, for' arrearages due, and the costs accrued on each thet respectively, uniess the same be paid before the day of sale—sale to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Warrantees,Own- I ToWnshlps. I Acres 'Taxes. ers or Numbers. Robert Wilson Ararat 3 3102 SIES2 Leo. Sten °burner " • • 146 833 Charles Harrison - " 96 5.88 Andrew M'Conrrcll " 293 16.53 Clement -Riddle pt " 316 1842 William Simple pt "-- 267 15,22 -John Beach. Clifford 400 • 35,70. James Beach pt " 338 • 21,50 Joseph Beach pt " 15 1,21 Philip Bench pt " 184 14,09 George Porter 1 ! , • 280 21,42 Elizabeth Newport pt" 150 10,49\ Phebe Raker pt " 40 3.06 Ann Raker pt " 180 13,77. Jane Roker pt " • 141 10,80 Sam'l 51eredith No. 1 ." N I . 100 7.65 41. . , tl. 2 a 280- 2142 a . fl. f. 3 U. 87 '• . 6,63 a " " 4 " 99 7,60 a a -a ste 72 5,52 Joseph Beach pt " - 85 , 6,54 Philip'Beach pt " 50 $,84 Pt-ter Beach pt a_ 115 ' . 8,77 George Portet a 20 •-• 1,53 Elizabeth Newport pt" • 30 s 2.31 Johnathan Butler Great Bend 267 2.40 Truman Baldwin " 402 8.36 C 21... Ward - Harmony 196 14,68 Robert Trail 108 10,60 George MUntz pt 41 311 31,06 Adam Schrack " 192 18,82 Jacob Swink IVilliam Smith Patrick Johnson Frederick Barthold " 400 Joseph - Mason pt " 55 Patrick Johnson " , iOO Thomas DarMek Herrick - -- 37 Henry Hill 323 Jacob Newport " - 14 Samuel Newport 41 70 Jasper Newport Jasper Newport Grace Newport Jesso Newport J6lmathan Nesbitt " Christopher Imin " James Russ pt Charles NVheaton• • " Samuel Meredith pt " Mrs. Hamilton Clement Biddle 41 William Simple " 207 - 11,48 Hugh -Wylie pt Jacksoti 34 ' 60 'Henry Wylie ph " 28 50 Henry Wylie pt II 52 94. Daniel Talon Lenox 50 90 N0.69&85 Thomas &Whiting Liberty 200 14,53 No. 40 &41 Liberty " 20,80 No. 67 68 75 & 76 " 400 31,20 No. 8 50 6;51 Jehiel Dayton No. 35 " ' 100 5,20 . . _ .. IN 2 0 . 100 5,20 Pope & Strong 61 400 , 41,60 John Sahler New Milford 424 2,70 Solomon Findley ' " 80 _ 1,40 George Kepler " 120 2,16 Lot sold to Roach - " s 90 ' 1,62 Solomon Rink pt `: 117 . 3,16 Andrew Pyle' - " 50 90 N. Mitchell , i, 130 3,52 Amos Finley Oakland 82 5,09 Henry Willey - " . '74 4,58 William Potts " . 200 ' 9.30 William Armstrong " 400 18,60 William Henderson " . 220 6,82 John Boyer " _55 - 3,43 John Kunhler " 85 2.86 Wm. Plunkett Rush 100 1 . ,80 John Wilcox Springville 337 21,56 =Thomas Darrack Thompson 282 11,43 Isaac Miller " 100 4,05 Ceo. McCall " , 134 5,43 Paul Bradley ph " ' 66 . , 2,67 James Bradley pt - " 9 24 Peter Bradley " .. 11. 30 Jesse. gvans 1 - " 430 17 ,01 Geo. Stow , " tlo . 8,34 C..W; MOTT Treasurer. . Treasurer's Office, MOntrose. April sth. 1858. s GROCERIES, Crockery, Hardware and radr s other articles to numerous to men. shall be sold Cheap for Cash or Ready 1 ?AY•4;47-' C. W. fOTT , , imittappiav DRESS-MAKING. MISSES E. 11. BOGART dVLD respectfully annou nce to the V V Lodles•of Montrose and vieindy,that they, have opened a shep for MILLINERY soli Dans- MAICINGi three dogs east of Post's Store, where they will be happy l° wait on all who tray please to favor them wittta-eall. Montrose, May 2d, 1658,•=-48td.• • ARnANGEPIENTS. New Rail Road Route. Delaware, Lackawanna& W.R.B. NEW and expeditious breatrguage route from the North and West, via Great Bend and ,Scranton, and from thi, Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, directly through to New York and Philadelphia. • On and after Monday, May 17th, 1858,1r:tins will be run as follows: • The Cif chundi Express Train bound east on N. Y. & Erie R. R. arrives at Great Bend at 8-15 a. m.; and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves_ Great Bend for New York and Phil'a 8.30 a. tn. 9.05 " Duo at liontrose, . . _ Tunkhannock, .9.4- " Faaoryville, 10.10 " 't Scranton, -, 1057, " Moicow, , • Stroudsburg', ~ . -- - .L35 p. m Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 2.08 " • Bridgeville, Phil. (inuse. leave) 2.40 " ' Junction, • ''• 3.30 " , . Now York. . 7.15 " -Philadelphia, 8.20 " I.,Passengprs-from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 'North River, at From Philadelphia, leave Walnut St, VVharf: at Leavt Junction, Dueatßridg,eville,(Phil.conneetion.)ll.4o Delaware, (15,min. to dinner), 12.00 m. Stroudsburg, 12 47 p. m Moscow, ~ . 2.36 ", Scranton, 3.15 4 •Factoryville, 4.05 6 Tar.kbOnoek, 4.25 -" Menfroso,. 6.08 ", • Great Bend. , 5.40 " Connecting at Greal.,Bend wittitho Mail Train, West, at " • Accommodation 'Train leaves Scran ton for Great 116 d, at Arrive at Great Bend, Connecting. with the Dunkirk Expre! , s;West,. l at 1.55. and the, N. Y.-Express, east, at-2.35 p. m. Returning, leaves Gieat Bend at 9.40 u Duo at Serantrin, . 7.10- a For the accommodation of way travel on the • goUthern Hivision, a passenger ear will be lit tached•to the Express Freight Trains,leaving. Scranton, at -• 0.00 a. m. Duo at Stroudsburg at 10.15 9. , Junction at 9 10-p. m. ,Returitiatti, will'leave Junction at... 4.00 a. m. Meat froudsburg at . 7.20 " ". Scranton at , -1.50 p. m. ,Passengers •for New York:will change cat's et Junction . . -To anti from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. 11.., leave or take the cars at Bridgeville: •-: • For Pittston, Kingston,'and Wilkesbarre,take L..& B. R. R.. cars at Scranton.. For Jessup.Aseltbalil,•and CariaOndhle,caanie ears at Greenville. Tickets sold, and immure checked through.' JOHN IHUSBEN, Sup't. Wm. N. JENKS.Gen'I TickeVtgent: Nay 13th, 185 - ta. ' • • TORS 39,20 5,40 9,80 1.59 13 90 59 4,30 4,3 Q 4,30 4,30 3,60 8,31 4,36 13,85 jVir Great Discovery of Ike. - Ale. .ejf 151r0IITANT TO • TOBACCO' CHE'W . ERS, , TAI. GUSTAV , UNNARD'S , Taste' Rester .l.,/ afire Troches,—The Great Substitute for Tobacco. It is - a well known and incontaoverti bit) fact. that the use of tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the mo4t, severe ..MENTAL AND. PHYSICAL DISORDtftS to which the race of man is subject, as, careful analysis and long and painful experience haye., clearly proven that it eontains,certain narcotic & p'bisonous properties mast dangerous in their ef fects, which by .eritering , the blood derange the functions and operations of the heart, causing many to suppose 'that organ to be diseased,. • TOBACCO affects Aso the entire nervous, system, maniresiing etseif ns all who hate e'er used the will testify—in lAsitode, nervous irratibility, water ..brash. .dispepsiO, and-, many other disorders of , a similar eltaractee. The -, TAS T T di? VE TE C ILES „ T. .are designed to counteract these- baneful , elle:es, and have proved c.ompletely successful 1 a multitude of cases, ind wherever used. Being harmless in theniselves they . exert a beneficial effect upon the entire system, restoring the taste which has become vitiated or destroyed by'great indulgence, completely removing the irritation and accompanying tickling.sensation of the throat —which are always conseclueht npon abstaining, from the use.of tobaeeo, and by giving healthy tone to the stomach, invigorate the whole system. Persons who are irretrievably undertnining their constitutions and shortening their lives, should use these troches immediately and throw off the injurious & utvplaslint habit of chewing tobacco. These troches or lozenges are put up in a con venient and portable form at the low price of 50 cents per box. A liberal dtseount to the trade. Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom al! orders should be addressed. • JAS. E. BOWERS, Druggist, Cur. 2d and Race.sts, Philiida. at,Th . Bv I FARMERS OF PENNSYLVANIA 110ETENTION. ATOU can supply yourselves with Chemical , Manures, WARRANTED PURE, 'which has been in USE in New Jersey for the past Seven Years—they have received the DIPLOMAS of New Jersey, New York, Delaware, and Pennsyl. vunia Agricultural Societies, and have been USED by the Prrsident of the UNITED STATES, on his Garden and on the Public Gmunds at Washington, D. C., and by the following Gen. tlernen, viz: Z. Locke, A. P. Luber, Clarksboro' New Jersey • J. L. Reeves, Senator ft.,berts, William Miller, of Capo falandi N. J. Charles York, Thos. Mulford. Esq., Camden, New Jersey, Dr. Berens. Dr. Knight, Mr. Field, Mr. Atkinson, and Levi Johnson, all of New Jersey—they say it is the CHEAPEST and SIOST RELIABLE MANUEE NOW IN USE, being permanent and 'improving the land by enriching the soil. It is suited to the various crops you raise—Corn, Potatoes, Grass, Wheat, Oats, &c. By enclosing a Check, - on any New Jersey or Philadelphia Bank or reference to any good House in Philadelphia or in exchange for Produce, at fair MarkA rates here, your orders will be filled and Shippedeto you, FREE OF CARTAGE. EXPENSE. Et4ry article sold by me iiGuetranteed.. 4 o Super Phosphate of Lime, - - $40,00 a Ton. Bone Phosphate, - 830,00 " American Fertilizer, - .. 825,00 " j A barrel is sufficient for an Acre of Ground, broad cast. Pure Bone Dust, (500 barrels now ready,) at $5,00 per barrel or $35,00 a ton. Pondrette, No.'l. (500 bat refs now ready,) at 2,00 to $3,00 a barrel. Land Plaster No. 1.--1,000 barrels, sl,sn to 4132,(10 - a - barrel. Pot Ash, 50 barrels. Peruvian, Patagonia end Chi Han GUANO. GEORGE A. LEINAU, Pioprietor. No. 21 South Faoa Stu City, Pa. M'Wholesale Dealers allowed a liberal die count. - - Or Pamphlets can be had on application to my thrice, or of my Agents. mh3m. Patent Medicines / &c. AFFLICTED READ G'annalistic; Manimmas.—Vegetabte Pills Green. Mountain Ointment, Sarisparita Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dyseil tary Syrup, ConsumptiVe's - Balm, - Marshall's Uterine, Catholicon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment; and Manual of 'Health. Ayres. Pills and Cherry_ Pectotial, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask's Nagnatic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and PHts, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch's Heart Correctori Dennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Indian Vegetable Rhoda's Fever and &goo Curs, Mettbant's Gargling Arai. ca Lineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric; Aloes, Pieera, lilytth, Licorice, &c.,. &c., &c. A new sup?' y just ree.eivedrto be kept constant ly on land, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. October, tat ; Me: Hohnbold's Gen —0 flighty Coneentralcd, B C n oi;pauad Fluid Extract For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grave? Dropsy, 'Weaknesses, Obstruclions Secret Diseases, Female ,Comptainis, and all Disedses of tke Seival Organs, • arising from excesses and imprudences in life, and removing all improper diSehargesfrom the bind. der, • kidneys, or sexual organs:whether existing in MALE OIL FEMALE, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no Matter of how long etanding, giving health' and vigo.Y to the frame, and bloom- to the paltid cheek . JOY ,TO THE, AFFLICTED !Li It cures nervous and debilitated sufferers, and set:neves all the symptoms; among wiiieh will be found indisposition to exertion; hers of power,loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weak. ness, horror of disease, /teak nerves, trembling, dreadful bosom of death; night sweats, cold feet, wakefulness, dininesi of vision, languor.uaiversal lassitude of the muscular system, often enormous. appetite, with dyspeptic syMptoms, hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skin, pallid countenance and eruptions out the face:pain in the back, heaviness of the eyelidS, frequently black spots fiyie,g before the eves, with a tentporary surusion and loss of sight;want of attention,great mobility, restlessness, with horror of society.— Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solltude,and nothing they snore dread for fear of themselves; no repose of msnnerino earnestness, no speculation, but a hurried transition from.ono question to another. - These symptoms, if allowed to go on—which this medicine invariably remoyes—soon fellows less of mver, fittuity and epileptic fits—ln one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently followed by tho4e direful discase—insanity and'eonsump ? ,The record4•ol;the insane asylums, and the melancholy deaths by-consumption'beav em• pie witness to the truth_ortheseinssertinns. iq lunatic asylums the most melancholy exhibition: appears. The countenance is :ideally sodden & quite destitute—neither mirth or.g.riet ever vis its it. Should a sound of the vcico occur,lt is rarely articulate. "With woeful 'measures wan despair Low sullen. Sounds his grief beguiled." • Debility' is the moat terrible !"and has brou'ght thousands to untimely gnat-es, thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths.- 'lt can be cured by trn use of this .•• - INFALIABLE rer,nrEor: - If you are.suffering with any of the aboire dis tiessing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buchu wilt cure von. Try it and be confirmed of its erne:my. Itgir Beware of quack nostrums and quack doe-. tore, who falsely boast of abilitiekand references. Citizens know and :mad them,suld save lung suf. fering,inoney; and expostite, by sending or call, ing, for a bottle of this popular and specific rem edy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is'per fectly pleasant in its taste acd odor, but imesedi . ate in its; action. HELMllO_O' z ! EXTRACT BUCHU.: - 1s prepared directly accoraina-To the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest ec. curacy and chemicarknowledge and care - devo.• ted in its combination. See Professor-Dewees valuable wotks on the practice of ,physic s and. most of the late standard works of medicine. Er' 011 0 o'_4' One• hundred dollar's will be paid: to any physician who can prove thief. the' medicine ever injured a patient;and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it, 'does great good. ;Cases. of - from_ oho week to . 13 years' staudinehave been effected. The Mass Of voluntaty testimony in possession ofthe•Pro., praetor, vouching its virtues and caratiVe power islminense, embracing mines wellicnown to • Science and Faille. 10 0 000 Bottles hay° been sold , and riot a single instance of failure hasbeerrreporte4 perste ally appeared before ine, an' Abft'firrn of the City of, Philadelphia,. 11., T. Ilelmbold, Chernist,'who being•dnly 'sworn does, say, that his preparatioricontetrisnoNareetii,Mereury or. injurious Dreg, but is purely, Vegetable./ , ll T. WI rnbolti, Minufacturer. •Sti-orn•apd• subSisiibtrii becalm° this ,23a day of Nov p. lIIRBAR,IX Aid,etman. 7 3 0 a. m 6.00 ‘ 6 10.50 " 5.55 " 8.30 a. m l°2o p. m Price. pup iiittile,'or 5,: ver(4 t 9 any.-tiddress..r.aeektinprinied.* refial)le.itrid res-' pottsibleertificates.rrom Professors of..Yl;:adiesl Ciillegv'S., Clergymen, and Others. P4P:ared and sold by ; D. T. lIELNIBOi.D," .• • Practical andAntilytical• Chemist,. No. 53 South 10th•st..'betow CbestntiN Aasent bly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pa. -• ;• ! igr;To bo had of all Druggists and Realer". in the o'. S., Canarlas, 'and British •Province.s.,.. • : Beware - of Counterfeits. Ask for ljermbold's —take no. other. Cures guarantied.. Sold in Montrosesby ABELTURRELkAgent Aan..2.0; 'sB.—i y. - HOWARD AS S-OCIA - TION; PHILADELPHIA. • . • A Benerolent Insiitution,•estalgished -141 special enilotemept - for the,, relief of the kick anti tressed; allicied with irulent gpidernie diseases. *ll6' Of; PERSONS afflicted , with Seival Dise.asesuch ai•Spermatorritrea; Seminal Wen k ness,'lmpotenCe:Goriorrhena; G feet. Sy , lis, the VIM 001DMiS[14•Qt-Sell these, &c. The HOWARD AssoctiTios,-in view of the awful destruction of ham: p tife,cansed by Su u. al diseases, andthe 'dc•ceptidas4ractised. upon the unfortunate' victims of. such diseases by Quacks, several yearS ago, directed their Con` suiting Surgeon, as a ' 6IIARFFAELE AC T Worthy of their name, to open a DisOnsary for the treat ment _of this 'class -of diseases, in all their' forms, and to givellsnicst.-Ammi osans,.te all who' apply be letter, with a deseriptirm of their con. dition, (age, occupationOtabits of lift', &d,„) and' in. cases of extreme poverty, to : furnish medicines free of charge. it is needless to 'add that the- Association commands the highest medical . skill of the age. and will furnish the wdst impro'ved' modern treatment. • The Directors on a review of the, past, feet assured that their labors in this sphere of betievo lent effort, have been of great beneGi to .the, afflicted, especially to the young, and they ,have resolved to devote themselves, with ren ewed, zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. • , - Just published by the Associatinn, tt. Report an Spermatorrhota or Seminal Weakness, the Rico of Onanism, Masturbation or Self•Abuie, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, Which' will be, sent by mail (in a sealed"letter envelope,) FREE OF custtnt., on the receipt of TWO swill's for pos tage.. • Address, for Report or Trealment, Dr. George ft. Calhoun, Co silting Surgeon, Howard Asso-,, ciation, N 0.2 SoiWh.Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTWELL President. , GEORGE FAIRCHILD,.. - Secretary. Oct. ibth,lBs7, [IY. On arthood and, its Premature Decline Just Published, Gratis, the 2014 Thous'and. A FEW WORDS on the rational treatment, without ,Medicine, of Spermatorrh ea or Lo cal Weakness, Nocturnal. Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Impotency, and impediments to Marriage generally, by B. DA LANEY, M. D. Theimportant fact that the • gnarly alarming complaints t originating , in s. the imprudence 'and solitude Of youth, may be easily removed WITH OUT MEDICINE, is in this small tract; clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly succesful .treatment, as adopted by. the Anther t fully explained, by means of which every ono is enabled to eure HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the ad vertised nostrums of the day. . Sent toAny address. gratis and. Post free in a sealed envelope,- , fiy remitting ,-(post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. DE LANEY, 83 East 3lst street, New York City. • •, tu. DIDYMESPREIW lailiviOiNnray - 11141110THERS, WIVES & DAUGHTERS: ' Dr. RA. LAMONT'S periodical Compound.' The most beneficialneut successful ramsLa wan - taxa now in use or known, ter all - enses of dis. ordered, obstructed•nr iuppressed Menstruation, Lucorrlices,Fetuale Weakness &o. Ladies who have been disappoiritedin the use of Female:Pills &c , can Put the utmost eon4detice in this Com pound, Win infallitle in-the unroof all the above natnedcomplaints. ,It will.b. sent mail, to auyiddress by enclosing $2 to any mitherized agent. Prepared . by R. I.:ANDREWS, Buffalo 'N. . For sale by triNTLEY, READ &CO., and druggists generally; • - intsyt3'sB,ll e. Preparation -. ANDREW GERRITSON. Tprins.--$1.50 per .annum if paid in ad. vane,. $2.00 if paid Within the year, or $2.511 intot paidruntil the end - of the year or period of subscription. • , Advance. payment solicited. Diecontinuanees optional wjth• the Publisher until all arrearages are paid. - • • pares of Advertising.. One square, (I' lines,) 3 weeks or' less, $l.OO Each subsequent ihiertion, Onsrpta% one year, $B.OO, two were $12.00, three squares $iG.OO,-four squares $20.00. Business thirds ',of six lines $3.00 per year. Job Work of all kind 4 executed neatly and promptly, Blanks always On hand. January let. 1858; , REPRESENTS'A CAPI 7 t A 4 OP OVER • . J.. 5,000,000" For Fiie, karinr, Life, and Inland Insurance Office, New Milford, Pa. Jamiary 18th, 1858. - „ ly* QUB.GEON DENTISTS. Residence and ;A- O fice'opposite the Baptist Church (north side) Montrose. Particular attention tIl be given to insertintiteeth on gold and sic er plateiand fo filling decaying teeth. : January 10th, 1838. I 1. WM. W;, SMITH, CO:, • . Cabinet and Chair Manuitnetur-• erg, fOot of Main Street. Moutrolle, Pa. ABEL-TIIRRELL : I N ROSE, PA. Dealer in Drugs, Med' •s, Chemicals, •Dye Stuffs-, Glass-Ware, I aints l o l. ll; Varnishes, -Window Glass, Grocerivs,•Faney• Goods, Jew. elry, Perfumery, Ste.—And Ag,eilt for all the most popular Patent 'Medicines. . . JOHN GROVES ,- : • • .rfailtionable Tailor— hop near the- Baptist Meeting House, On Tu ;vitt°. Street. Montrose, Pa. • - . Cije, Vtintrost.Dtmorrat, .:PLTDI4BIIIED EVERY TilußsDAir BY T. BOYLE, Dr• H• Smith. & Son, - DR. - It: THAYER, PI) ysic iass and. Stirgecoss,, Montrose, Pa. •gilleiv in the Tarriier's ore. 3.. D. VAIL, M.:! _,ysician and Surge ai, has perms 1y located himself at Braeklieyville; Semi's ,nty, Penn's, and will prompt y attend to, all' nth which he may be favo ed. ' - 1856—nn: . i( calk csik ne ' Co c May, - . II: YDEN BROTHERS, , - New ilitford,'Peiliia'a. . . Wllaollann lc ,dealer in ,Bilittons, Cemba, StiF.pentljrs, Threads, IFaney . Gooda, W.atlbes-,•Jew4lry, Silver anti RiJte,tl Ware, Cut lelir; Fishing Tuik le., Cigars,' -; 4 Ate. Merchants arid, pe4lars,. sup ltd en liberal terms... IVII7IIAYDEtsI. ' JOUN lIAI'D,EN, - DR .11 F. WU' eAraditivie:bcthir Aufp'vti, ur,!p:.thic manefilly located -in Great Ben. ; April Ist, IBv6. • , - j - OHN SAVE Fashroarable Tailor. north of theYarmer's .tor • Tiil'lfinkcY PI INSU RAI voarst, Pa. Chartered •Ly the, State, of 300..000 I uf-tireS alsiust loss or . clamn,gcd diner., furniture, anil.merehan; zitr:V" laos.sys actiii•te,l by 1 the parties. fail to aarer e -„,_A•74 FZECI4:I4tS nartz 4 bp r, .. 4 ' B:mut' Dyer, • .1 • • Datirl Snit-1;4,4. U. KR AR St.crpt: f ,0. BEERE, Afro 185$. • . • 'll - ,i mil tits frs' - ita• ~. ~ =E= cAr.qTAL:SZO Fire, 11.4riike and tatil;a4.- , • , S. ' Wm. A 00 EA, ALFRED Sear , , • • bikIECTOII? Aaron S.: LiPineott a •• (h xtl Wm. Rlio4es,' • A Ifr.(!ti Wrnt• J.. Rif' • • • • •11 - .1))n libat les .5..-Vje.1.1,. No. 10 , Aterill'aries. • : A. Agen) ittfrel .0 - N T R . 0..6 E PA. HE subscriberliaying purchased, 5171.-* THE refilled "and - M.4ly curnihhed the . T.:: i „ abov,e well known and popular Hotel, hi prepared toNsccoMmodato the trav eling puhlle and others witli'alt the attentions .and conveniences'usbally fbund in firSt•elass •,ffouses; No-effort . will Ile kPared.by the Pro prielor and his Assistants o make the Hotel. equal iq every. point teany in the country_ \ Thei "Bar will always 1)4 supplied with Inc ! Choicest Liquhrs. ' , I. The Stables, e6np'etted with - this .flouse are large; roomy and cenveni4M. and careful and attentive Hustlers are arwayin charge afilled. . • .1; nontrose, Wray 13th: . . Tito Stiddle, liturnewii al Trunk Shop of . -2' . & T I • . Eta:raja/YE . TS REMOVED to thu 6M/ding recently mu. pica C. C. Ilollister, on. Main St.,, ono door abovo S. S. Mott's, where heiwill: bo happy to wait-on all who may favor itith with their patron.; Jan-20(!i, 1 858.—tr • •••. Artist's Matrials. lAINTS in Tubes, Brush‘ Tin, eopper and Silver Foil. Glass Slabs and Muliers; -Lithographs, &e., at the Stor'e•ef • ADELTURRELL. Montrose, Dec. 15th; 1857 L NOlllTii STAND' NG, ri• 1 7.7:"^ "had - • 6005 p roll's variety or. selected . 3 77 , goods ; keeps up No. 1. and ho is -ctnistanily. receiving :salons, every few dayS. • Prices as low as lowest.. • • -• • DOMESTiC 114STRUJENT or setv sYnts6E: AdapTed to the different varieties . of this kind of instrument. tis admitted to be the best in Market. AlSo a _,seat variety of other Instruments, for %trim s purpeses', usually kept ity Druggists, not needssary to enumerate. For salami the Drug StiAre of ABEL 'FERREL Montrose. ORATM I S. ELECT IC.OIL, the vest ,JLJ! remedy. for Ahenmatisin, Nedraigia, Lame ness, St iff Joints, Pains, &c. Aso, nearly all of the loading Patent Medicines tq market, embracing a .retne4lor. every disease to which flesh is stlb- Pot.' For sale by. .s ABEL 2TURREL. r oVESSOR WOOD'S Hair . Restoratt TURRELL'S. 'CYMAYDEN, 1. HAYDEN. OT, e, and „Homo e„ is now pi,r ER, , • htp. first door 'INT2I .CEcO.; Pcn7 . zsirlvania by fire',• on bail Ilse generally.. ~bitrativa,. whtrc :rm L: ides. • . 'r,..a.'s.pzhark; tr:11 Kinin;i:: '. ?fltoro:: ° ;1 Giay, , R, -rret;idint, fly 7 . Q;cr. i,y . the Slate cf 'I :000, • YrniaApor. MEI . ,Weekx, rilan Sank, xcha zsge, P h ir4. t; Montrose, PL ' Tlrt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers