EEff As these vidual?le animas Rift utidoubted ly be ccion introduCixl considerible . dn - - bore, the exp:nitileots of Lh ut. Beale prOcing theit utility, end as they will be a very west vcquiiition, not only in- crossing war deserts, but mountain traveling, arid, for pack trains, we believe a coriectidstory of them - Will be interesting to our readers: TheSe narner r - Camel and dromedary, do 'trot Mark two distinct kinds; ,but are only . gfien 'to,a variety - a the same animal, which has,-however;aubsisted from time immemori al, The principal, and -perberf- tie only seuriai difference by which these two races areidistinguished, consists in tigir: the camel has two bunches on' his : back; whereas the dromedary; has but one ; the latter also, is 'neither so large 'nor ao strong as the camel. 'Mess two — races - however, pro due° with each other - , and the wised breed formed betwethem is considered the best, the molt patient, and the most indefatigable ..of all the kind: • or the two vhrieties, the :dromedary is by far the .most numerous, the. camel being scarcely found except in . Turkey and the countries of the I.e.fant ; while the other is found scattered over all the deserts of Arabia Persia, the Southern parts of Africa,' Tartars., Ind i a great arter the eastern Indies. Thus . , the one, inha bits an immense - tract -of country, the other, in comparison, is confined' to a prov - inno; the one inhibits the sultry- court,- 'tries of the torrid zone, .the- otber delights in a warm,-but.not a burning climate ; neither however, can subsist or propagate in the va rious climates' toward the north ; they seem formed for thosi countries where shrubs are plenty and water scarce ; where they can travel along the sandy desert without being in3podtd with rivers, and find food - at expect ed distances; such a 'country is Arabia, and, this'of all others, seems the moat adapted to 'the suppbrt and production of this animal. • The camel is the most temperate of all an finals, and it can confine!) to travel several days without drinking . In those yes: deArt•ts, where the earth is everywhere dry and sandy, whereithere are neither birds nor beasts, nei ther insec, ts nor vgetables, where nothing is to-be see§ but hills, and sand, and -beeps of stone, there the camel travels, rating for ward, without. requiring either drink or pas ture., and is six or seven ,days Without any sustenance-whatever. Its feet are formed for traveling. upon sand, and 'Utterly unfit for Moist or tr.arshy places the ittlia.kitante tbere fore, find a most useful assistant in this stai; mai; where no other could subsiSt; and by its Means cross those dererts with -safety which. would be impassable by any other method of conveyance An animal thus formed for a sandy and ilebert region,. Cannot be plopagated in one a ditTerentfnature. But it is very dffierent in Arabia, and those countries where the camel is turned to useful purposes. it is there consideredas a sacre4l . aaiMal, without -whose help the native could never subsist, traffic, nor travel; its milk - make a part of their noutithment ; they feed upon i a flesh, par .ticularly_ when young,; they clothe them ielves with its hair, which is. said , to moult legutarly ()ace year ; 0n..1 if They fear An invading enlinr, their camels serve them in night, and in atingle day 'they are known to - travel above a liund'red The camel is easily instructed in the meth (xis of taking up and supporting his bnrden; 'their leg, a fecr days after they are produc ed, are bent under their belly ; they are in this manner loaded and' taught torise; their burden is every thus inc:easel, by, In :;znsibled?gree; ti:i tho animal is capable of .tuppo;ting a_weight adequate to farce; the same care-is taken in making them pa tient of hanger and thirst ; while - other ani mals receive their food at stated times,' the f•smel is restrained for drys together, and :hese interyals of fsmir,e afe increased in-pro nortion a-the - nnirnal seems capable of .sus tairung them. Lc this method of education they live five or six days without food cr wa ter, their stomach is formed" most admirably by nature to fit them for long abstinence; t.oside the focr..stornachs which all animals have that chew the cud—and thecamel. is of - this number—it has a fifth stomach, which i•erves ss a resorvcie, to hold a treater pia thy of water than the animal has_immediate occasion fora It is_of sufficient capacity to contain a large quantity of water, where the I !raid remains without being , adulterated with rile other aliments; when the e cami finds' itself preied with thirst, it LSI an easy re- j entree of (penciling it; it throws - up aquae- I thy of this water, by a simple contractiot of - the rianicles; into the other .stomachs,. and ',his-serves to macerate ite dry and simple foode. mauneess itedrinks but seldom et takes a ‘ large quantity at a t , me, and trate' 1 elere when straiten4d for wltiar, have' been . eilen known to kill their" camels for the wa eer they , expegted to find within them. -1 Each of these animals 13 so sensible of his that e when his -burden is too great, Ite remains still upon - his belly; the posture `el which he was laden, ref:eine' to rise till his burden be lessened or taken away. In ;emend, ehe Ineet camels-arc capacle of car , rying 1001:e pounds weight, and sometimes e ; welve Inincited drernedary froin six . to -even hutidred. In there trading joneheys hey-travel but s!ewly, -their stages are gen abettt e tliirty 4 . or, at must, thirteefive eilesee day. . Every evening, when they ar • live at a stage, which is usually acme spot of 1 verdure, where water and shrubs are pleats; ief are permitted to feed at liberty, they are ilteri seen to eat as mach-in an hour as will eepport them kir twenty four. They seem to ',refer the eoarsesteiteeds to the softest pas lire; the thistle, the nettle, the cassia, and ether - prickly vegetables are - - their favorite.' _BOt their drivers take care to supply them with a paste :Compnititen._which serves is a more pertnaneetrrrishment. ,A 3 these enimals have often gone the same \ track,:they ire - Said to know their *ay: precisely, and to then war ene it ek their w he n the guides are ut . q. :erle astray.. W,hen then dune Within a few railes of their baiting place in the . evening, they eageeioeily scent it at a distances end ilereseing their speed, they are often seen to iroewith vivacity to their place. eree patience of this animal is Moat extra • erdinary, and it is probably. that: their suffer eeek Ale great ; for is loaded it sends .e.. 71.11 meet lareentable cries. hi - et never offers resist the tyrant that oppresseeit. -Al the ' -iglttest sign it bends it - knees and lies upon Mly e saffering itself to be loaded itt Abis eesitiria. Be- this pmActice the bald= is more crane laidepee it than if lifted_ ep while etatehnte. At another sign it rises with its t mod; arid the driver getting sena. its back :iatw.coa the panniers, which, like hamperie ire 'placed upnn each side, be akiccitirages the eeeuetel to_ proceed- with his. coice and with a ,:reg. • In : this manner the creature proceeede e i kitenteclliforward with a slow uneasy walk about fear miles an 'hour, and nlen it-, _ novae to ass reoppites place it lies down to be unloaded As_before. Mr. 13e:on-seem to consider the camel to ' lee the , Mote, trowseicated of all - creatures, indetsittitvit 'mere mails - of, the tyranny of scan imprinted on its feline Tie is Of oPine _ ion that this anitsial ie not'now to be found a state of nature; that the humps tem its bade, the callosities Open iti"tereast and jet -445, std -eveM,4„, great reseeteir for rater; areiltmirks of long saiiiitide'and dnineatin constraint. The deformities he - supposed . to be perpetuated by generation, and what at fist W&5 accident at list becomes:nature.— Ilowever this may•Vi the humps upon its back grow largefin proportion as the animal is well fed; and if examined, they will be found composed. of a- substance not unlike . the udder of a cow._ The camel!s Oink is abundarit 'and- nourish ing and mixed with water, makes the princi pal part of the beierago of the-Arabians.— These animals begin' to engender at three years of age and they ordinarily. live from forty . to fifty years. • • LOOK HEB,E! r 7 COBB °feral°, thepublic, at prices that , cannot fa il-to silt, a LUISE and SUPERIOR asortment of GRPC - 1131 Fa f 6 at the old well known establishment formerly cc copied by Oliver Crane. Stmaas,Tass;Cons; Srscvs,Taorr, 'noon, and SALT (by the sack Nor barrel,) Fmk, and' all articles foind in'erst class groCeries. The attention of nausea is solicited to a superior quality . of Gaits and GRASS SEED which the undersigned has on band and for saki. CLOVER and TIDOTILY SEED, and good SEED Miser sold at tery Oa rates for CASH. Ai I mean to merit;l hotel° receive, a liberal Aare of public patronage. Z. COBB. Montrose, March 3d, 1858. 4[3m. ATTENTION'CITMENSI 11' THE undersigned is now prepared to furnish the public with- - Groceries of All Kinds it,the nowxst POSSIBLPfIiATEL " Teas, Sugars, o Syrup, Cafes, Fish, Cheese, Spices, Fruit, (Dried and Fresh,) Raisins. Figs,Prunes, • s_ Candles, oap of every variety, ana in fact ALL articles usually 'found in the best Country aroceries. Butter and Produco of all kinds taken in exchange for Goiids, at market prices. .*;* Call at his Saloon In the basement of the Fluxion( Hem.; arid-satisfy yourselves of the truth of the above. J. F. CROWLEY. Ifontrose, Feb. 16th. 1858.-7tf. Medical Card. 1_ N tetdoring e my services to the inhabitants of Susquehanna County as an Homeopathic Physician, I deem it , my duty to publish the fol. !Owing statistics taken from the records of Hos. pitala of Europe, which show the marked supe rrerity of tho Homeopathic over the Allopathic method of treating diseases. IXFLAMZATI9 OF THE'LONGS. PAtlenta Mortality Admitted Died per et. Allopathic Hospitals 1134 200 23 Homeppathic 538' 28 • Pleurisy. N • -Allop. Hospitals 101_7 1_34 13 Horn. " 386 12 3 Peritonitis. - Allop. Hosp. 628 84 13 Ham. " 184 8 4 , Disenterp • HOp. 162 31 22 Rom. " 175 8 . 3 .Fetiera,excludingTypbu•. - • Allop. Hosp. , 9697 931 9 T How. ' " 3062 84 j 2 -. typhus. . -- Allop: Hosp. • 9371 1509 - 18 Horn " 1423 219 14 Cholera. -: . . Allop. Hasp. 1278 646- 50 'nom. "- 848. 69 , 8 All Diseases. Allop. Ho?, total, 119630 11791 10 Hobi. " " 32055 1365 • 4 Persons residing at a distance who wish to consult me can do so by letter and receive a prompt reply. No charge for consultation. J. H. THOMAS, M. D. - Great Pend, Pa., Feb. 1,'57. '[3m. Or Office at the residence of C. Dimon,Esq. 000 50 PAYS for Board and Tuition 0.1 - .( 9 in Common English, the Term of Fourteen Weeks, commencing March 18,1858, at the , - - FORT EDWARD INSTITUTE N. Y. -superb brick huildings,beautifully located on the Rail Road near Saratoga Springs. Superior facilities for Music. Painting and French. Stn. dents received at any time, and charged only for the 'residue of the Term. Diplomas awarded to Ladies who graduate,,Send for a Catalogue, with fail partienlarg. ev. JOSEPH E. - KING, A.ll , Pieripal, Fort Edward. January 13th, 1858. ATTENTION FARMERS THIS is toter:HS. that the 'fladersigaed have used Manny's Mower with Wood's improve ment, the past season, and are fully satisfied that it is a good machine,' and we recommend it to the farmers of this County as a profitable and labor-saving machine. JEREMIAH MEACHAM, ,A. Gnarls, JOKE HARRINGTON, .. L GARDNER, M. J. Haantsaras, T. P. PHINNEE, - February 25, 185EL_ For machines apply to the undersigned Agent. C. D. LATHROP. Montrose, March Ist, 1858. [rola Itht. Register's Notice. ICODELIC NOTICE. is hereby givetr to all per. .sons concerned in the following Estates ,to Estate of- Dion F Limolo,_ late of Forest Lake, dee'e, Ezra Rico, Adair; Estate of ;(. F Wilroartb, late of Jackson; deed: Orlando. Garn! 800, Adger; Mate ofWomen. lito•of laekort, deed, Iliftia, sad Wrocker, Evers; Estate of deotio tr Stephens, _late of Now Milford, dee'd,R T Stepbetts,Aoknir; Estate of Franeis Quinn„ late of Chotobttt, dee'd,F and T Quinn, Adsn'r; Final neconni• of A T Trowbridge, Gnardian all A and J A Chandler: , • That the pecenntants Lave settled their le. counts .the &Os - ter's Office,. in and for the eorint , of Somaehanne, Andihal, tho fiame will be presented to. the Juduee of the Orphan's Court of tminiy, on VA*. tho, I Stir dity, or April next. for-their confirroution and alle*ftner. •-ARLESCIi NEALE, ttegiater. -Kettistaer tiotir.;se, Jen. 401, • . D ohation. NOTICE is be obi given that the firm of • . „..• • HAWLEY & UILD 18 this dVissolved by mutual consent. , . P. HAWLEY ' Gibson, Aug. 11 18.57. E. E.• The bookstand liceounts can be found at the store formerly occupied by the subscribers. All persona having unsettled accounts ate requested to settle the salad as soon as possible. • The business *lii be conducted in future by the undersigned,-under the firm. of C. P. & O. HAWLEY, whojare constantly receiving from New York and Philadelphia, the latcst styles, of rail and Winter Dry Goode, Clo thing &Au, all-1f which will be sold at a Tery small profit for ready pay. Gibson, Aug. 31st, 1857. C. P:, i 04 M. HAWTAY. 20, GOO . WORTH Coop; at Paola PFICCBI jjjj BURRITt is now receiving large addi 11. lions of NEW GOODS'to his stock.that will be sold at pries to suit tholimes, including a great variety of I Ladles' aid tikentlemenlat Throes Goods, with a full aicortdiontjn all departments of his TRADE. and at prices much reduced. and many kinds of Goode more than 25 per cont. lower than early fall prices. I . lar He would particularly call the attettion of cash buyers to his new stock of CARPETING, BUFFALO ROBES, STOVES, dle„ ic., as large-sad rich,land at low down prices. New Milford, Dec. 15th. 1857. . SIT t yr. - itas u gai it a G- 0-0 D S! = For Caen or Ready-Pay. The subscribers have justpusehased a New and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, Coosiating of Staple and Fancy DYIGO R O O D S Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and goes l ete- r ctc., Would offer them for sale at their Store, at low er rates than Goias have been 'sold in this place for Casa or Pm:Moos; experience having taught Us that thists the only true way of doing buai ness. As have bought our Goods for Cash du ring the great money panic, we have bought them Low, and Will sell them the same. w * *Please gircus a call-and examine our, stock. • 1 GUILE & BLANDING. Ilarford, Oct. 12th, 185 . NEW JEWELRY. THE Subscriber bits ti3is day returned from New York, With a large and well 'selected stock of JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, which, having been purchased in the present ex tremols depressed state of the market, will be 'Old at unusually! low prices. Among his assort ment may be foUnd - ! GOLD Chains, Seale, ROys, Pens and Pencils, Earrings„ Breastpins, Fingerrings of every style, Bracelets Armlets, Lockets, Snaps, Watch Hooks, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Thimbles, Crosses, • Spectacles Slides, &c., &c. SILVER Threaded and plain Forks, Spoons, Butter and. Fruit Knives, Salt and Preserve Ladles, Card Cases, Cups, Childrens Setts, Napkiiarings,Chains Keys, Spectacles and Thimbles. Also, a large 'stock of Silver-plated table and dessert Knives, Carvers, Castors, Cake Baskets, Card Reeeivers,i Salts, Tea. Setts, Forks, and Spoons, doubt treble► and extra plate. A I so,Shell and ImitationCombs,Needles,Coral. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Knives and Forks, Jet Bracelets, Breastpins and Earrings, Hair and Tooth Brushes, I; 3 earl and Cornelian Sleeve Bas un% Shawl Pins, Gilt (lair ping, very rich, Leather Purses. Bags, Clucks plain and alarms, Sewing Birdsok,c., &c. All of which Will be sold at the lowest cash Prices. • • ALFRED J. EVANS, No. 2, Odd Fellow's: Hall. Binghamton, .Dec. 11. 185'7. NOTICE IS X,ERE/IY G/V_E-V rtr 111 l T ABEL TURRELL "ETAS just returned from New York, with a 11. large and:choice variety of Goods, bought for CASH, and • selected with much care, from over thirty of 'the best Houses in New York, which he offers'to his customers and the public st-low prices for cash. His stock comprises: ,DRUGS, MEDICINES, r N'T S, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, D Y'E . ST U F F S, GROCERIES, G L 'A S S—W A R E, CROCKERY,- - • MIRRORS, • C - L 0-C KS, _ • WALk PAPER, WrNDOW P,APER, WINDOINV,OIL - SH-ADES, FANCY . GOODS, MMEMM=MMII JEWELRY, • PERFUMERY, DRY G-OODS, HARD WARE, _ STONE WARE. WOODEN WA - RE; BROOMS, - , .BRUSHES, JAPANNED WARE, BARD CAGES., _ . . " CA4ARY SEED,, roc . g - ET KNIVES, WHIPS," • . UII,I — BRELLA„S, . ' GUNS, N PISTOLS, - AMILIYNITION; TURPENTINE, „ CAMPMENE, - , _BURNING FLUID, .4 Lc OHOL, LIQUORS, (ForMedioinalPurpokeS only,) TRUSSES_, -- SUjPPORTEMB, %MOULDER BRACES, PO p, m ON - AIES, SPECTACLE-8, SILVER'& PLATED SPOONS, YORKS, &e., 010 L to PENS,- . STAT-lONERY, VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, ike., And all of ebe moat popular PATEitT,MEDI - CPNES; fthankfal for thelibeial patronage hitherto re cety'ed, he hives 4o merit a continuance And large increase of the same. ABEL TURRELL. -Mont rose, Dee. 1 at' 1857. . -rano for Bale. , THE aulcriber offers for sale a Good Farm of 95 acOs in Bridgewater, four miles east of Montrose; j7O acres,imiwosed. There is on tai prethiees la large framed Dwelling -House, a good framed (Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard Oneshalfof the purchase motley will be required (1:3 - s -n;' the balance in annual instalments. ' •• ' ELIJAH' BROWN. • Dridgewit r, August I 9th, 1837. 331. f. HOLLOWAY'S Piths and Ointment, Morse's Indian Moot PM% and Ayer's Cherry. Pee. torsi' and Cathartic_ Pills. constantly - Tornio SieAdvertisements in this paper. ' ' • I Ai3EL.TURKPI,L. • , • OP. womrs MarltdrjA '0 at ' 1171tRELt. pROY7t.-.. _ S. 11. SATRE it,`EROTISERS .h,.11E NOW RECEIVING so T ay of All At i ve il" ' SPRING il ea AND MAIVAU:Vi 0 OD% • Wvery y H v l e Cil for Produce can be . 1113010 • JALL PAPER.' A select assortment jug received. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bargains offered by S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS: PLOWS! PLOWS!! PLOWS. - We Invite the attention of Farther to the celebrated Peeliskille Plows which we hare added to oar large assortment. B.4I.SA.YRE & BROTHERS, . • Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose. April 28th, 18117. ' 18tf. STOVES ! STOVES II STOVES !! OUR Stoves have been so thoroughly tries to the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend from us. S. H. SAYRE & Buoruzuss, N_ W FALL AND WINT - FR • GOODS! It is unneeessc(ry_ to acktowledge that R. KENYON SELECTS the best style of-Goods that are to be found in New York, regardless of the ex. pense. lie has just received from New York a large assortment of Dry Goods consisting of Rich All Wools Delanes, French Delaneh, Sc. perior Plaid- Goods, and Calicoes in endless va riety. Hia goods cost and are worth 25 per wire than the goods usually sold through the country, at the same prices. Kentucky Jeans, Printed Flannels, Rich Ribbonds from five eta. to five shillings, Brocha Shawls from $7 to $2O. Carpet Bags, Umbrella,, White Goods, Shootings at low prices. Ladies Winter Bonnets. Shoes and Gaiters, large assortment. Holm Carpeting, cheap. Collars, Undersleeves,Brocade Delanee. 28 inch Black Silk fur $1 a yard, something un. heard of. Debages, Hats, Caps, Crockery. A complete assortment of Groceries, Brown Sugar, at old prices, 10 eta. per pound. Call and sp.• one and all. My . reputotian for selling good cheap has not diminished in the least, come along with your cash and trade kith your Ser vant. KENYON. BOOK aceounts_with customers of over one year standibgmustbe settled as I need the proceeds. Wool Sock Shadows not wanted:, R. KENYON. Lawaville Centre. Sep. 15. NEW STOVES !. St VII 'IL' Is just receiving a large stock of NEW STOVES 1 4 1 :1, NCLUDING a full alisortment of Elevated 1 Oren, Large Oren and Flat. Top Premium Conk Stoves. for Wood or Coal, with a Superior variety of Parlor, Office and Shop Stokes, for Wood or Coal; also Store Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iron, Store Tubes, His assortment will include the moat SELECT and Drsinatits. STOVES in market, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and to which he would invite the particular attention of Casts buyers. _ • - New Milford, Iktober, 12t1r; 1967. .*1 A GOIN !.140 4.0 JUST .G But not through the hands of the %VE prefer to dispose of our, own goods, therefore GREAT IN DUCEMEVS are offered to CASH CUSTOMERS, or on a rotas CREDIT, with approved NoTr.s. Those who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, we advise to Call at the Stores of . 6uttoben3, llogithaum Ca. •7 At either Itiositrosek, Sungla Co., Po., Suioest•DePot. Or Towanda, Bra 9 d Wlfere we offer. to Suit the Times and avoid Suspension GREAT BARGAINS to purchasers of All Kinds of DRY GOODS . and READY, MADE CLOTHING, which hare been lately purchased under existing Low Prices and-sell ing at the, same. A SPII O ENDID STOCI,C OF r 111 5, Comprising almost EreryKind of DRESS GOODS, such as Rich Moire; Antique, Black awl Fancy Silks. Plain and Printed French Merinos, Shaded and Plain All Wool and Common De ',eines; Paramettas, 25 to 30 per cent. Lower than ever, &c., &c. In Domestic Goods, our assortment is complete and Astonishing Low. We also have on hand a heavy Stock of • READY MADE CLOTHING - whia:. will offer 30 per cent. lower than any other establishment in this section. Also CLOTHING MADE TO - ORDER In the neatest„and best manner and Warranted.. All kinds of Grain takep at the Highest Mnr-. ket prices; also Dried Apple's and Geese Feath ers. * * *Please call and price our goods and satisfy yourselves otthe above facts. • GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAU3I,& CO. Montrone. Pa., Nov. 24th, 1857. OLOTUS,Cashimers'and Vestirls;,very de. sirable styles, at prices that cannot fail to suit. Call and be convinced. ,C. Sarm,irs' ao_7ll,tttallics' INSURANCE 'COMPANY, N. W. Corner Second .and Walnut Streets, CAPITAL' $1,250,000. This , -Company sleets Fire Insurance on Buildings, Goods, Furniture, dm. Iflarlue Insurance xon Vessqle, Cargo and•Freighl,_ TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Inland Insurance on Gonda by Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage,. to all Parts Of -the Union up on the most favors- ble -terms. D IR Ee I' 0 It 8: 1 flox.TaroPiTtrunttstl., ri fts.* Drsott, • rho. H. ,AWKWOORG, TROS.MANDERTIELO, GAAS. A. RITAGRCAL ' - EDWOR.HEEMBOLD,. GEORGE IIELIIBOT:m, F. CACTI, BREWSTER, JAMES E.'NEAL, ~ TRAAC LEAGH;JR. THOMAS B. FLORNCE. ?resident: EDWARD It HELMSOLD Secretary . - 1. DOYLE,' Agent. wpm, New •uord- Janttpileth,.?BA • A CoMPLETEsitiortjent of mocEittgs -CIL at C.*: 'di 0.11 'FARM= OFTERNSYLAANI4 ATTEATIOIC , • . -troy can supply yourselves with Chemical Meanies, WARRAiSEED - PURE." Which his been in USE In -New‘Jersey for the past Seven Ydars--Ithey have received the DIPLOMAS of New Jersey, New. York, Delaware, ancrPennsyl vania Agrivoltuml Societies, and have been USED by the President of the UNITED STATES. on-his Garden and...on the Public 'Grounds at %IV:Minton, D. C, An by the folloiting Gen tlemen, viz:. _ Z. Locke,Esq., A. P. Laaher, Clarksboro' New Jersey. J.L. Remi t Senator Roberts, .- - William Miller, of Cape Island, N. L. Charles York, Thos. Mulford. Esq., Camden, New 'Jersey, Dr. Berens, Dr. Knight, Mr. Field, Mr. Atkinson, and Levi Johnson, all of Neva Jersey—they say is the CHEAPEST and HOST RELIABLE MANCTEE NW IN `USE, kieing permanent and improving the land by enriching the soil. It is suited to the various crops you raise—Corn, Potatoes, Grass, Wheat, Qats, &C.' By enclosing a Check, on any New Temp or Philadelphia Bank or reference to any good House in Philadelphia or in exchange for Produce, at fair Market,rates here; your orders will be filled and Shipped to yen. razz or CARTAGE EXPEIGIE. rEerEiery article sold pv me is Guaresnieed..4o Super Phoaphate of Lime, . - 540,00 a Ton. -Bone Phosphate, . $30.00 " American Fertilizer, 825,00 " tiff A barrel is sufficient for an Acre of Ground, ibroad cast. Pure Done Dust, (SK; barrels now ready,) at $5,00 per barrel or 535,00 a ton. • Poudrette, No. 1. (500 bat rels now ready,) at 2,00 to 93,00 a barrel. Land Plaster No. 1.-I,oo4arrele, $1,50 to 52,00 a barrel. Pot Ash, 50 barrels. Pertivian, Patagonia and Chilian GUANO. GEORGE A. LEINAD, Proprietor. No. 21 South FRONT Street, Phil's City, Pa. jar Wholesale Dealers allowed a liberal dis count. igr Pamphlets can tehmton application to ,etny Office, or of my Agents. mh3m. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Bencrolen.t Institution, established by specipl --tndmoment for. the relief of the sick and dis. tressed,sglictedmith Virulent Epidemic diseases. 910 ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual . Disciases, such as Spermatorrhcea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhces, Gleet, Syphi lis, the Vice .4 Onanism, or:self abuse, &c., &c. The HOWAJtD• ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexu al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con suiting Surgeon, tora cIIARITABLE ACT -woethy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class•of diseases; in all their forms, and to give M EDICAL. ADVICE bRATIS, to all who apply bv letter, with a "description of their con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c..) and in cases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Association command's the highest medical skill of the age. and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. The Directors on a review of the past s feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevo lent effort, have been of great benefit to ,the - afflicted, especially to the young, and. they have resolved to devote themselves, with•renev,•ed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just published by the Association, ',a Report on Spermatorrlicea or Sethinal Weakness, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation' or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of the sexual,'organs,by - the- Consulting Surgeon, which Iva be sent by mail (in •ft • sealed letter envelope,) FREE or 6 - lunar., on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for pos. tage. • Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. George R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Asso. elation, N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa: By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEORGE} FAIRCHILD, Sc6retary. Oct. 15th. 1857. (Iv Patent - Medicines, &c, AFFLICTED R,EADI GRAPITENBERG MEDlClRES.—Vegetable Pills Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaprila Compound, Children's Panacea, Eyo Lotion:Fe ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters., Dysen tery Syrup, Consumptive's Bairn, Marshall's Uterine, Catholicon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual of Health. Ayres Pills and Cherry Pectorlal, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment, and Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright'h Indian Vegetable Pi Ils, Rhode's Fever and Augue Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arni. ca Lineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes, Tricorn, Myrrh, Licorice, &e., &c. A new supyly just received, to be kept constant. ty , on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD, • October, st, IS 6. aDFII 4.1. - 1 4 2 4 12RD,14 . AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION! AND examine the choice stock of Spring and Summer Gopds,'iust opened for Examination and SALE, al rery low figures by C. W. Aiorr. STELLA, Cashmere, and DeLain Shawls a very loiv prices by C. W. MOTT. HATS and Caps of the newest styles, in great ;variety by C. W. MOT., . ph INTS in abundance by C. W. MCFTT BRASS Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves, Belts etc., etc., by C. W. MOTT. B'DROWN and Blue Sheeting and Slirtings— Shirting Stripes, Ticks, Denims, Summer Stuffs, &c., &c.os low as can be afforded in this market. C. W. MOTT. Groceries !Groceries!! good.assurtment of Groceries comprising Flour. Salt, Fish, Tea, Coffee, Sugur, &., and other :articles in the line too numerous to mention, which is offered for sale at low prices, for cash or ready pay, Call and examine tro Goods and PRICES before purchasing else where. . . - Montrose, Aug. 10th. 857 The Shoals and Quicksands of YOuth: Just' Publishod the 3d &limn. t srier) k• ON SPERMATORRHEA OR —_, SENIINAL DIS_PASE:—A sei "" entifie - Treatise on thelfeatment and perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness,. Involuntary Emission?, Impotency, &c., resulting from vicious habit aCquired du ring thecritical passage from Youth to Manhood. By DR. CULVERyVELL, • • Mernber cf the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1827, Licentiate-of the' Hall (1842 ) and 3e years Resident Practioneer in Lon don; Author of the "Guide to Health," "Green Book" "How to be Happy," Memories. of "single and Married Life," &o. .. Tbis small, but highly valuable Treatise, irrit a world renowned Physician and Surgeon, points oat thnly sure and permanent cure for all-diseareeMilting from self ribose, and lathe only puhlieationpf its kind written in atenev. °lent spirit - and try a scientific Man. - It should begin the bands of all whosynltte their life and health and happiness here and hereafter. • . Price 12 cents or 4 stamps, at, the receipt of which it will be sot post free, and well secured, by Dr. CIL' KLINE', No. 240 let Menne . , Box 4886,141eW York. - Tian. 28th, 1858:.-te.- rtikOClEßlrEfit;Ciciehiry;:listrdware and Ur cart - :s other ortielee to nonieroSsio ineo. iinne.:4l‘ ill which 4110 hilin4T e at t meh or Ready ray. - AYER'S • Cathartic (SUGAR COATZDJ CLEANSE TEE NiCkt . 43o EVEN raga ' Vutbiloki, =Others, Physfebalti • rfillintlisireptats, read their itilhetn, and Judge Of their. Virtues. TOE IRE Wag OP • - • Eisilitche, Sick Ileeilachetnhil h. , Prrotausa, P )* 1,1566. bs.J.C. Ana stir: Ibare boon ropody mod of the wontheadache any body con haT, by • dose Or WO of your Pills. It seems 'marble from afoul stomach, which they dowse at once. If they wilt aue ethos as they do um, the bet isr worth knowing. Touts with great respect, ED. W. TEZELE, Clerk of Snow Ckrrite. Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. • Porralettessr or rasa Wassuurros, D. C., I lid772oL} Is.: ihare mad your Pills in my wand and hospital realm Over since you made them, anp cannot hesitant° my thy ere the best cathartic weea= Their mgt. Mang action on the firer is quick and ly they an an admirable reetedy for densigeen=t7at errs. Weed, I ham seldom found sane of bilious /kr saw so obstinate thabit did not sossity them. internally your, ALONZO BALL, Si. D Pliaidas qf the *arum Dyseutiety, Relax, and Werra*. Pon Ontor r llMMUnt, LIT, Co. biter., Now. 16, 1166. Da. Am: Your PAL ate tics' perfection of needieleL They hate done my wife mew good than I can tell yea. She had been sick and pining away for meths. Went off to be doctored at mad *spasm, but got nobetter. She then commenced taking your Pills,whl& soon cured leer, . by impelling largo quantities of worms (dead) [row bee boO. They afterwards cured her and om4wo children of bloody dysenteu. One of our meighborshad it bad,and my wife cured 61m with two doss of your 11111 i0 = • others around GIP paid from Ave to twenty dollars bills, and lost much time, without Wog ensid•entirely oven then. Sods a %bodkin* as yours, whit* is actually good and honest. will be prised,bere. OIIDDOO J. 0311=1, Riettnester. indigeStiOn and Disparity - ,or the Blood Frees Ike. J' alum, Puke' of /drat Oisereli, Delos. Ds. Arial I air toed your Pills with extraordlnan • semen in Isly Way and among the,, I am milled to whit In diatrese . To regulate the organs of digestion and pin* the .)'good they .are the very best remedy I bare era lenowjwand I an eouildently recommend -them to mg tlisadw:. Tours, .z• J. T. ODIN& 'WOWS; Wileilfila CO. N. T., Oct. St, 1811/1. Dna Sea: I sat .dog your Cathartic PAL in my pros tics, and And them an excellent prone/ to ohmage Um .!sins, and wily the J foutsine et the' blood. OHN G. MEACHAM, M. D. Erysipelas, Serails; King's Evil, Totter, Tumors, and Salt Rheum. Prom t s Ibrwardiog Meschead of M. Loots, 14A. 18611. Au. Tour Pills are -the Oregon of all that is Meat in medicine. They hare cured my little daughter et ukerons eons upon her hands and-feet that had incurable. for mew. Her mother has beau ma- • ly afflicted with blotches and pimples on hers n and Ii her, hair. Atter our child was cured. she elmrtried year Pins, and they here cured her. AAA Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout. Rost the Res. Dr. Hanist, of the Methodist Epic. Caw& Przum House, B•saltlean Cia r Jatkel,l666.' Room= : I should be for the relief your • skill ham brought me it I did not report my am to you. A cold settled In my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic prim, which ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the diatom grew worse and worse, until, by the advice of your ere& lent agent in Wetmore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your P ftz Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering In is um of them Lam now entirely well. Stem Cnawsn, Mon Rome, Ls., 6 Dec., 1856. Da. Am : I bare been - entirely cured by your Pills et Rheumatic Glont.-•'a painful disease that had afflicted me for yews. VINCENT SLIDELL.' For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Corn. plaints, -requiring an active purge, they are an exce l. rent vetnedr. For Costiveness or Constipation, and as a Dinner Pill, they are agreeable and effectual. Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Intlamma. son, and even Deafness, and Partial Blind. ..4ess, hare been cured by threitentive action of these Most or the pine trionarket contain Mercury, which, though a valuable remedy in skilful banes, ts dangeretut In a public 4411, from the dreadful consommes:sit that fro. quently follow It. incautious use. These commits no our eery or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL COUGHS,COL DS, HOARSENESS, max. ENZA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING' COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA IN CIPIENT CONSUMPTION, • - and for this-relief of consemptire patients in admen! stages of the dlaeue. We need. not speak to the public or its vlrtuea Throughout scary toorn.,god &moot *Tory hamlet of the American eta s, its wonderful cores of pulmonary crim- VAttla hare made it already known. Nay, few are the hmiltes in any citilized country on this continent without some personal experience of IM effects; and fewer yet the communithe any where which have not among theta some living trophy of its victory over the subtle and &a prons eiseasee of the thros np. While it isthe most powerful antidote ye clown for thejorted. dable and dangerous diw of the ulmonary organs, it is also the pleasantest arut,ssfeet =oily diatom be em ployed for infants and young persons. Parents should have it. in Mors' against the. insidious enmity that steeds 'vow them unprepared. Ws hare abundant grounds to behave the Come POCTultil, saves more lines by two con sumptions it pmetita than these it cures. Keep It by you, and ca your colds while th ey are curable, nor tier. beet them until no human sktlycan master the inexorable Banker. that, fastened,-on the' vitals, eats Worm life away. All know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and as they know too th e virtnatof this remedy, we need notxla amore than to assure them It is pill made the best It can hi. We mare no met no crue r no toll to{ produce It the most.perfect possible, and thus afford those who rely on tt the beet agent which our skill can Dunn& for their core. PREPARED, BY , DR. J. C. AYES, ••••_ Prutical and Atmlytical Chemist, Lowell, Mau. • AND FOLD Bt 'ABELTURRELL, Mantnise, And by Dealeis'in MEDICINES everywliere. - WINTER ARRANGEIRILIENTS:_ a:AKER:AMIE New Rail Road Route, Delawarc,Lackawanna.& W.R.R. NEW and expeditious broad pine route from the North and West, via Great Berid ana Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming- valleys, •directly through to` New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, Jan. 18th, 1858, trains will boron as follows: The Night Express Train bound east on N. Y. & Erie R. R. arrives at Great Bend at 4.00 M; :Ind connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York andPhilacielphia 8.30 a. m Due at Montrose, ' 9.07 Tunkhannock, 9.50 " Factoryville, 10,13 Scranton, . . 10. • " Stroudsburg, ' . 1.38 p. Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 2.10 -" Bridgeville, Phil. pass. leave 2.40, " Junction, ~ 3.30, " New York, 7.10, " Philadelphia, 8.20, "" Passengers.,from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River, at From Phi ladelph ia, leaye Walnut St, Wharf, at 6.00 " Leave Junction, 10.55, - " Dueatßridgeville,(Phil.connection.)ll.4s, " Delaware, (15 min. to dinner), 12.00 m. Strotidsburg, 12.47, p, m Scriinton, 3.35, " - Factoryville, 4:27 " Tank hanock, 4.48 " Montrose, • • " Great Bend. ,&10, " Connecting at Great,Bena with the Dunkirk Express, west, at Accommodation Train leaves Scran. ton, for Great Bend. at 7.20 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, 12 25 p. tn. Connecting with the EmigranTrain west, on the N. Y.,,& E. Rail Road. .Returning, leaves Great Bend at 1.25 p. in. Due at Scranton, • 6.10- " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a passenger car will be at. ticho - to the Express Freight Trains, leaving. ScrnatoJ, at - • - 5,00 a. m. . , Due at Stroudsburg at 10.20 " Junction at 2.10 Returning, will leave Junction at , &. a. m. Dee at Stroudsburg at . 8.35 " Scranton at 9.50, p. m. - lassengers from New York will - change cars af,'. unction. . . To and from Philadelphia. via . B. D. R. R., leave.or take ears at Bridgeville. .For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. & 8.,R. R.., ears at Scranton. For JM4sup,Archbald, and Caibondale, change cari at Greenville.„ ' , Titketkeold, and baggage checked thrbugh. JOHN BRISBIN,SupI. Wm. N. JENKS: Gqel Ticket Agent. S. S. MOTT NSW GOODI T"." - - Sir . „ AC WEBB'S ; ire/m.OSA AP R IL, 90th 1857.. itify , office to my new residen& nearly oppo .l-Y.ll. site the Presbyterian Chnr . e.b. on Turnpike Street •T,he public are invitedlo call and - extun. too specimens °IGO various styles of:Plugging and. Plate which lam daily executing. No gas ahig.asuy lucre," friends, the. work speaks., fbi C.:D. TWILL, Resident - Dentist. oirt io re Ivo •Srept. 1851 lOU TILE RAPID CURE Or Removed, 4usinus firt•ttort cte Vj on tr ou Nniternt PUBLUIRED 11911T - 111U11110AT Bt ; .111 DREW AIMILITSOS: Terms.-41.14 per annum if paid in ad. vane, $2lOO if paid within the year, or $ll4O if not paid until the end of the year or- period of subscription. Advance payment solicited. Discontinuance, optional with the Publisher until all arrearages- are paid. Usters of Aravertishely" • One square, (12 liana 8. Weeks or, tree,. $l.OO Each subsegsent insertion,_ • . • 25 One square one year, $11.04, two sq'ra $12.05, three squares 816 ; 00, four 80area $20.00. Business Cards of six liness3.oo per year. - Job Work of all kinds .estretaled neatly and prpniptly t , Blanks always on hand. Santary late 1857. REPRESENTS A . pot PITALW' OVEK • 011.51000,000, Fo? Fire, brim, Life, and inland humus; Office, New Milford, Pa. 3anuarrlBth, 1858. , ly* Dt H Smith.* Sot, SURGEON DENTISTS. Residence and of. face opposite the Baptist Church (north *ids? Montrose. Particular attention will 'be given to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and to filling decaying teeth. - January lath, 1866. ' I. NEWTOrit McCOLLITIC ' Attorniyi a ad Counsellors at law. Offi4nn Public Avenue over H...LWebb's N. Nawrox. WM W. Skim, & ' M I Cabinet and Chair lilannfactur era, foot of Main Street. Montrose, Ps. ABEL TURRELL, MONTROSE, PA • Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware; Paints, Oils, Varnish", Window 'Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew. airy; Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. JOHN GROVES, - Fashionable Tailor—Shop * near the Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike Street. ‘tontrosP; Pa. • DR. S. THAYRR, Physician and Surgeon, Montrose, Pa. ' Office in (he Farmer's Store. . FRANKLIN FRASER, J ./ - Attorney and Counsellor at Las . Montrose, Pa., will attend faitlifully to Ali bum. am entrusted to him in the Conntof Conveyancing and writing of all lands will hb done neatly, and chargeemOderate: He wi:l attend to prosecutionlitclaintiof soldiers, their widows and heirs, against the U. B. Geyer,— mont,for Bounty Land, Pensions, &e. J• D. VAIL, M. D.; Physician "od Baryon, has ermu netly located himself at .Bralikneyville, Susq't.: County, Penn's,-and will promptly attend to all calla witit,Which be may be favored. • May 7 856—n22. / HAYDEN BROTHERS, • New Milford, Penn's.. Wlsediesale dealer. in Buttons, Com'os, VT Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Cot- . lerv; Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &d. &e. Merchants and Pedlhrs, supplied on liberal terms. WM, HAYDEN, _ TRACY HAYDEN, , JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. 4yl DR. E. F. WIlltiCIT, - radnale of tho Allepst4ie and Borneo- Colleges of Medieihe, is now per mancotillocated in Great Bend Pa. April Ist. 1856. . • JOHN SATITTER, Fstsionnblo. wailer. Shop first door • north of the Farmer's Store. _ - T - ZAKEIU'' ounal FIRE INSURANCE CO., Chartered by the- Slate of ,Pennsylvania. CAPITAL, .300,000 DOLLARS. nsures against loss or damage by fire, _on buil -dings, furniture, and merehandise - getiffilly. Wm° Losses adjusted by arbitratipi where he parties fail to agree. ja DIREI H. A. Hantz, I,ohn :Andes, , _H. Kraber, Fred. - Soltzback, William Wallace, " Eli Kindig, Samuel Dyer, Thomas David Strickler. H. KRABER, President. D, STRICKLER. Secretary. - ' 0. S. BEEBE, Agent, Montrose. Pa February 2d, 1858; [l7* anufailitrers! linsurantt, Cu. Charter Peipetual. Granted by the - State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL $500.000. Fite, Marine and Inland Trauspor• 7 30, tt. AARON S. -LIPPINCOTT, President. Wm. A. RHODES, Vice. Pres:t. ALFRED WEEKS, Seeretaiy. DIRECTORS.' Aaron S. Lipincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, • Alfred -Weeks, Win. Thomas, . J. Rinaldo Sank, WM. Neal, John P. Simmons, Charles J. Field„Jamek P. Smith: 0:f ice No. 10 Afetchant's Exchange, Mira. A. N. BULLARD, Agent, Montrose, Pa. SOyl 7,15 " HU: : M 0 - N TROSE 3 • PA.• THE subscriber having purchased, •••,- -1 refitted and newly furniAted tht Ili g above welt known and popular Hotel;. se • - is prepared to accommodate the tray eling public and others with all the attention" and conveniences usually forind firet.cho , Houses. No efort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his A,ssistanta to make the Hole equal in every paint to any in the cOnntry. The Bar will always be supplied with the • Choicest Liquors, The Stables, connected with this House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and , attentiveilostiers are always in charg ° e Mem J. S.ITARBELL. 'Montrose, May 13th, REMOVAL The Saddle, names' and Trask Sleep el r?* TOIDGME' Is REMOVED to the building' ieeently ocei pied C. C. lioßlater, ow Asia fit.; one doe' above S. S. Mott's. whole) be will be beppy, ,to wait on all who silty ramble with their patron , age. Jan. SlOth, 11,48.—t0. " , ' Artist% Materials. _..., TAINTS la Tiles. Mist's% 1"111.!: 4 12, 0 = • Silver Foil. Glass Slabs_ ma: ,mg 1 thographs, az.i., at the Str i e g o i r . juutELL. , 1- litontrose,_Gee, 11th, 1851.. _ •Fota,fo,sake by the Lo ad or buret by ' ` IYICKgRUAI I & . art Milfrirdiltice Toth, 1051. J. MeCorztrar. PORK. Pa. tation.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers