~~~ Aidruitt ortoz,lo SUMMATE LOG'is coirespo ent -of- the l3osion: Post 'writes: - " .-The peace which was promised •by nigh. Op and. capture of Orsini is not nigh. 04 Monday - last, znother shilt, lam told,-was fired at the Emperor just. as he was Imixitlttlie littlegarden at the right of the gateway of the 'Tuileries, to cross' over to the parterre on the : Other siie. The, Shot came from, a sub-officer of one vf the reg= invents of the line. But few persons. were nresat, and he stood isolated from the little o( ilaneutt who assembled against the zrsting, to - fitie the 'Emperor pass. by. No se t of the kind is, of caurse,ever,rogistered tba - journals—fiot even to state thrti: the t, hal missed, as Usual, per to tnentiOn' "tie Stai".and 'the "'mission" wider . ;;L:;,!..:. a:A -for - whiott, ,Leuis Napoleon pro= -himself - invulnerable. 'The rum:it. -run-. Ont., the culprit Was:Shot on the in stant; :ma -another report declares that the character he assumedwawa fictitious one, and ' that he turned out, on ,:xamination, to belong do the Italian section of conspirators, although himself a Freriebman. The story is believed throughout Paris, in spite of the secrecy with. which, it-..has been hushed up, and has not tended to increase the . security of the putffic mind, as'you may -well imagine. Pam Weiumiri - ON.—WAsruscrroF April 12.—The funeral service of Mr. Benton was attended, arbong others, by the Tresident, members of-the Cabinet, foreign ministers, and members of Congress. -The corpse was conveyed to the cars for transmission to Mis- Donn. Senator Bigler .to day 'presented to The • Presidenka tender from the Adjutant Gene ral of P4nnsylvania'of a regiment of volun teers.' ' • • - - The Cabinet held a long cession-to day, with reference to the effsirsif Utah. It is said the President contemplates.sending a message to Congfess on the subject. lIMMY CLAY ' S BIRTIEILAY PIIILADSL PHU:- PHILADELPHIA, April 112.—A mass meeting of the friends of Henry Clay and opponents of-the Administration was held at National Hall this evening, for the. purpose of celebrating his birthday and moving for the establishment of aSational party. The meeting wai not very large the weather being extremely ineliment. The eminent gentlemen, who It was premised would ad dress the,meeting were not present. At daybreak a - national salute. of eight guns in honor of the .day was fired here, - and at noon a national salute of eight guns was fired in Southwark, and a like .number in Kensington, • . STORY AT TUB WEST.-SANDUAST, Ohio April .12,—The storm and- high 'state of th, water in the Sandusky River yesterday caused _ considerable damage to the -.docks, store hou ses and lumber yards here... The Cleveland and• Toledo Railroad lost nearly two-thirds of the cribbing across the end of the bay, also one mile of. track near Fort• Clinton— . trains will , not be able to resume.their - trips, before- three days. The water has not been known -to--be so _high for ninny -Tears. • o stAIRE 00. 4t4) - 44 11 . -2 _ . - The Montrose Fire Company will meet Mon- . day, April 19th, 1858,- for exercise.= A full at tendance is required. . - Then Blue Gnats, come, and,basto nlong, Toiswell the 31ontrose Firemen's throng. • :S. M. Vitmos, Secretary. I. W.-M1.11.El". Foreman. , • - Rec. R. 0. -WILLIAM3 -will preach in the Ural:eralist 'Church (1145ntrosc) next Sunday. 1_ ", - ---;;T: To AU. WllO USE Hor SES.--,11. Toßus Vaal Hopu LINIALEST, in pint bottles, price aniy sb, , ets. is warranted Cheaper and superior Jan any article in the Market, for the cure -o Galls, tameness of all "kinds, Colic, &c. This is no humbug article—try a bottle ; • speak for itself. None are genuine unless by S. 1. Tobias. Depot, 56 Cartlatbdi Nav York: - .. Sold by ABEL TUIMELL, Pe.-slsw3. • E.EAD!! Ye Alf Hated Read!!! —H. T. Hembold offers to the &Hided his Gen chid Preparation,:iluid - Extract thichn, which has accomplished We. most extraordinary cures of all othersimilar iemedics. Reba the adve.r -tisement in another Colulan,headed "Hembold's Genuine Preparation." - [ma. arGIDDINESS, &e. These pa , itts'and disagreeable feelings are gene rally symptoms of some other Complaint ; such as dyspepsia, apoplexy, and various others, all of which are calmed by corrupt 'noxious-matter, clogging the various •circulations; hence, a stream or rush of the blood .to the head, and by the excitement a great Pre&sure on the brain.-- Giddiness, headache, loss of memoir, &iciness of sight, and various other complaints are the result..-Thus it will be seen that all those pain ful and ffistressintmaladies owe their origin to the blood. - Dr. Dforse's'.:ladian Root Pills are acknowledged to be-the only medicine that will thoroughly purify the mod: . They enter the blood, and follow the stream of ° life on its jour ney through the system. 'They rootout all foul ness and impaiity, and driye out every Unhealthy obstruction. Thel'„should be taken every night lb sufficient quititities to operate briskly, by commencingwitlikvo pills on going to bed,three the next night four the nest; if the symptoms are not removed, commence again with the pills and go up ne before. Continne in like manner until the blood - is thoroughly purified, and all pain and distress is thoroughly removed. Obtain one of cur Free Almanacs, and read - the history of Dr. Morse's father, and hoW this medicine was intredueol. 'Beware of a counterfeit of these Pills—Yellow Wrappers. • All gennine :tie in blue wrappers, with the signature -of A:.l. White & Co. on each box. Price 25cts. ' [ma.' • • . In Broolayn, ou tho 4th inst., by Rev. N. Doo little; TuAnnen BELL, EN.; to Miss FAEBT M. -KELLUM. .1)140% In Montrose, April _6th, PRANK A., youngest son of Asa and Leah Day, aged . 2 years and 9 months. Funeral services were held at Brook. VII on the Bth, Where the remains were deposited by the side of his-brother in birth, WILLIE H., a•ho died, February ; 17th, 1855, aged 8 months. -Nwraas arainam,.. IHAVE just received another supply of Wall Papers, and expect more to arrive soon. I think customers . will find my . assortment, the largest and best in Susquehanna County, and Prices as lciw as tbii lowest. Also, Window Paper, Oil Shades and Fiiturits, Bordering, &c. ABEL TUB BELL. 15th, 1853. Montrose, April PAU FOR SAM , . THE subscriber offers, for safe his .. farWof -alsont. 160 are within sigSt of Harford village. It is watered by, a large number of springs, and-is in all resPeets well adapted to - dairrptirposes. ' IttTREETER. liarfoli,Aprillsth;lBsB.-45w3. rtrirE. BOXES of GARDE* SEERS for site at - • TUftilEf.L'S. blontrose, April .1 Oth, IssB. _- -- • Clover and .Timothy Bee& WARILkN'fED PURE.--For ask. ,whOe IF sale and „C. D. LATIIROP. Morktreee, Feb. 18-, TREASURER'S SALE Of tnsiated ‘ . Lanils Invizeq'it Co. , VOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably to 111 the acts - of the General Assembly. of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, directing the tnode of selling unseated lands for taxes, the following )racts and parts of, tracts of unseated lands will _be sold at public vendue on the second Monday of JUNE next, (it being the F 0 UR TE E NTH day of- said month), at the Court Ht:mse, iq Montrthie, for arrearages due, and the costa ;leaned on each tract respectively, unless the same bo paid before the day of sale-sale to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon. - WarrantemOran- i Townsyps. 1 Acres. I-Taxes. ers or Numbers. - . Robert Wilson Ararat ' 202. $11;52 Leo-Sioneburner. " ' : 146 8,33 Charles Harrison " - 96 5,88 Andrew_ M'Connell. ' 4 • 290 16;53 Clement Biddle pt- •" . - 316 - 18,02 Williath Simple pt " , _ 267 , 15,22 John Beach Clifford _4OO 35,70 James Beach pt : "- 328 - 21,50 Joseph Beach pt .it - - 16 ' 1,21 Philip Beach pt ".,. 184 14,09 George Porter - " . _ -280 21,42 Elizabeth Newport pt" . ~ 150 - 10,49 Phebe Roker - pt • " ' 40 3,06 Ann Roker pt " -180 ' 13,77 Jane Roker pt. " - - 141 - 10,80 Sam'l Meredith No 1 " 100- 7,65 44 " " 2" 280 . 21,42 4,1 LS It ... • _B7 6,63 7,60 a " " 5 " 72 6,52 Joseph Beach pt 4 * ~ 85 \ 6,54 Philip ! Beach pt " . . 50 3,84 Peter Beach pt - a . ll5 8,77 George Porter " 20 1,53 Elizabeth-Newport pt. , • ' 30 2,31 Susan V. Bradford Dimock 109 - 5,88 Johnithan Butler Great Bend 267 2,40 Truman Baldwin " ' . • 408 - 8,36 C,, L: Ward fhrmony 196 . 15,68 Robert Trail - 4 108 10,60 George Muntz 'pt " 317 31,06 Adam Schrock - " 103 18,82 Jaccib Swink . • " - .222 , .10,88 William Smith " _. 140 6,86 Patrick Johnson - " 101 9,92 Frederick Berthold' " 400 - 39,20 Joseph Mason pt " 55 5,40 Raid Buckley " . 404 39,58 Patrick Johnson "-- 100 .9,80 Thomas Darruck Herrick 37 1,59 Henry - Hill - - " 323 - 13,90 Jacob Newport a . 14 59 - Samuel Newport " • 70 3,01 Jasper Newport " _ 100 4,30 Jasper Newport " -100 4,30 Grace Newport " ' 100 . 4,30 Jesse Newport " 'lOO 4,30 Johnothan Nesbitt - - a 84 3,60 Christopher Irwin ,„" 193 - 8,31 James Russ pt " . 100 4,30 Charles Wheaton 0 322, . 13,85 Thomas Cadwalader pt " , 103 4,43 Samuel Meredith pt . " 64: 2,14 -z. Hamilton " • 60 2,58 Clement Biddle e " 316' 13,60 William Simple " i 207 11,48 lltigh Wylie pt . Jaeksbn 34 -60 Henry Wylie pt ' 28 . -, 50 Henry Wylie pt -." . t 2 94 Daniel Talon' Lenox 50 90 No.69&BsThounks &Whiting Liberty 200 14,53 No. 40 &41 Liberty - i " 3N30 No. 67 68 75& 76 " 400 31,20 No. 8 4 - 50 6,51 Johiel Dayton No. 35 " , 100 • 5,20 " ~ -s. 20 .. -- 100 5;20 Pope & Strong " 400 41,60 John Sahler New Milford 124 2,70 Solomonrindky . . " 80 1,40 GeorgolCe,pler 4 ' ' 120 - - 2,16 Lot sold to Roach " - 90 , 1,62 Solbiaton Rink pt * " 117 3,16 . Andrew Pyle " 50 90 N: Mitchell 4 s 130 3,52 Amos finley Oakland 82 5,0 a Henry Wyley a '74 4.58 William Potts " 200 9.30 William Armstrong " . AOO 18,60, William Henderson a 220 6,82 John foyer ' " 55 3,43 . . .. _ John KsOlor _ " - 85 --- 2,86 Wm. Plunkett Rush 100 1,80 John Wilcox Springville 337 '21,56 Thomas Darraek Thompson 282 11,43 Isaac Miller . "- 100 -- 4,05 Ceo. McCall a 134 5,43 Paul Bradley pt . " _ 66 2,67 James Bradley pt " 9 24 Peter Bradley a 11 30 Jesse Evans a ' _ 420 17,01 Geo. Stow i 4 31 . 0 8,34 , C. W. MOTT, 'treasurer. Treasurer7s QlEce, Montrose, April sthh 1858; a . DELIKZ,3 CZ 2'It.ILIMi IFNICKERMAN & GARRATT after this date IL/ will sell goods for ready pay only. We offer our stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, Ready made - Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps at cost without reserve for ono month. We have the lar,gest and most complete assortment of hardware in the'county,..and especiallyask build ers, carpenters, blaekEimiths, and all other me chanics to give us an early call.. Would say to all indebted that our notes and accounts must be collected. Each will consider this a personal - notice, and save us the trouble of calling on any of-eor customers legally. FLOUR.—We still continue to receive Flour on consignmetit'and offer it at the lowest Bing hamton prices, Wholesale or retail. _ STOVES.—A• large assortment on hand, sell ing at reduced prices. • TIN WARE of the best qualify, manufactured as usual, and sold to merchants, pedlera and others on favorable terms. DICKERMAN & GAItRA-TT. New Milford, April 1858.-13w4. /M . Great Discovery of the Age. J IMPORTANT TO TOBACCO CHEWERS, -TNR. GUSTAV LINNARD'S Taste Rester:. ativo Troche - s -,—The Great Substitute for Tobacco: It is a well known and incontroverti ble fact that the use of tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the most severe MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which the race of man is subject, as careful' analysis and long and - painful experience, have clearly proven teat it contains certain narcotic & poisonous properties most dangerous in their ef. fects, which by enterng, the blood derhnge the functions and operations of the heart, canting many to suppose that organ tc4be diseased. TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, manifesting itself,-astall who have ever used the weed - will testify—iMlassittide, nervous irratibility, water brash, dispepsia, and many other disorders of a similar character. The TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES are designed to counteract these baneful infla maces, and have proved completely successful in a multitude of cases, and wherever used. Being - harmless in themselves they exert a beneficial, effect Upon the entire system, restoring_the taste whic h has become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, cOmpletely removing the irritation and accompanying tickling sensation of the throat —which are alwayirconsequent upen•abstaining from the use of 'tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the stomach, invigorate the whole system. Persons who are irretrievably undermining their constitutions and shortening.their lives, should .Elreq these troches immediately and .throiv off the injurious* unpleasant habit Of chewing tobacco. These troches orlozenges are pat up in a con venient and portable form at the low price of 50 cents per box, A liberal discount to the trade. Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom -all orders should be addressed: JAS. - E. BOWERS, Druggist, apSilyj • •_ Cor.2a aid Race.sts, Philada. GRASS..SEEDS, .•,. Clover Seed of the large kind, and Timothy Seed, a new lot just reeeivedand for sale by • - H. • BURRITT: • • New Milford, April Sth, lit& • • - - _ 110111ROFESSOR WOOD'S I a r Restorati 'e at TURRELL'S. LITTLE &MIMING'S COLITIN. i -- 1 -- :'-n . - -..'-^-'----'-'7,--.--..-.'-'...-.-''''''-''''-':--------. G i _RASS SEED rim lubscibers have lust Veceived afresh 1 Ilgt of . . L, GE AND MEDIUM - CLOVER SEED, LA' GE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LA' tGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, L GE AND MEDIUM - .CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUR CLOVER SEED, LARGE; ANA) MEDIUM. CLOVER SEED, LOGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED. ; ALSO, . - • TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED TI•OTHY SEED . TIC THY SEED TL HY SEED ' TI, OM SEED IMOTHY SEED • TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED _ • _ TIMOTHY SEED , OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY,. OF SUPERIOR - QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY; - OF SUPERIOR: QUALTY, . OF SUPERIOR QUALTY OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUAL TY, FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY - FOR, SALE LOW, .BY • Foji. SALE LOW,' BY • FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE - LOW, BY LITTTLE & HARDING. •ivratro4SON, MARCH 23d, 1858. FARMERS -AND-- 4ECH-ANICS!! iNT please remember, when building, that VI V the subscribers are furnishing DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, -DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS,. Ate the Lon-EsT Factory prices, and that they keo cotstantly en hand, a large stock of NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS,- PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, - PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, D OR 'TRIMMINGS, OR ' TRIMMINGS, ' OR TRIMMINGS, iOR TRIMMINGS, OR TRIMMINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, TM fact we have almost everyibing in the way of BUIIIiMNG MATERIALS; • BUIWING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, <,::• BUILDING MATERIALS; BUILDING MATERIALS., BUILDING MATERIALS,. BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS,; 1 f *first rate quality, and will sell'them at very small advance from Cost for CASH: Therefore 7`- we confidently assure Builders, hat they will materially consult their own titerests by giving us a nail, 'Afore purch?is- LITTLE & HARDING. FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR; SALT; - FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT, . FLOUR, SALT, - FLOUR; SALT, FLOUR; SALT, AND LIME; AND AND LIME, AND LIME, 411110 LIME, ; AND LIME,: AND-LIME, AND TAME, AND LIME, AND LIME, BY the LOAD orjiAilllELteonstangy on to; and tor sale, at_t4lo very lowestratea, by ILARDIN9 4 - LITTLE - • OLSolir, ' kicH , ,ttßell 23d 1.85 8 jyt, • BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND FANCY SONS At Greatly Itatlaced Prices ltor Casts, AT TUE Bontrose TILE rioszOFFICE. •ByA. N. BULLARD. . liTolttrose, Nardi 30th, 1858. . _ BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! ALARGE stock of Books and Stationery, Pocket Knives, a warranted article. Gold Pens and Holder. 4, the best this side of N. y, te l ble other articles much too numerous •to nail° can Jto lutd for prices-surprisingly low tor the DIMES In these 11-a r-d T.i-ur-e-s. • By A. N..BULLARD. Montrose, March 30th, 1858. • BOOHS, &c.---Some at cost and. 80E10 10 JO per cent. below cost.—Call and be.coft. vineed that $1;00 u4ll proeur4,3 you as LARGE a pile of goods as .can be had at any other shop in the county. , A. N.-BULLARD. Montrose, Marcb 30th, 1858. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Montrose March 31st, 1858. Austin, Russell Olmstead, Adolphus or Allen, Miss Sarah H. • Walter Berry, Charier) . O'Dea, Lawrence • Barnes, C. E. O'Harati r Michael Brownr.E. . Perkins, George Brown, Miss Martha- Phillips, John Clark, John ' Rodes, cornelions Dean, D. W. Rogers, Mary - Drake, Miss E. T. Smith Urbane Evans, Watkin Eldred, Mrs. ZophinialiSiees, Henan Fog, Dana s• Sherman, Charles W. Falkenburg, Mrs,SeAtalSimmons, Solomon Gray, Miss Mary E.- Smith, C. F. Hunter, William Turner,Wm S. Hickox, D. Tyler, Mrs. Mary W• Harvey,.George , Voorhies, W. E. Hill, Harriet Vanliorn, J. W. Harden, Miis Emma C.Whitney, Reuben Judd, Edwin A. Warner, E. S. Jones, P. A. 2 • Welch, S. McCt rroiek James Werk, John care of COr. Malian, Michael '• relies Conboy, Mehati, " Watrous & VanCleep. Persona calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised:' Mira, 31, '5B. ~, A. N. BULLARD, P. M. SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND LIME, die., &c LIME, &C TIME; &C.; &C itIME, &C., &C IME, &C., &C TIME, &C., &C LIME, &C., &C LIME, &C., &C ,LIME, &C., &O {LIME, &C., &C NOTIOE.- A LL persons indebted to the subscribers by note; or account, must call and settle im mediately. Notes will be found at the places where they were made payable 'till duo. Office at the store of Boyd & Webster. LEE & MARSH. Montrose, March 94th, 1858.-12w2. Dissolution. THE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of SUTPHIN & YOUNG is this day diisolved by mutual consent. The Books and papers of- said firm will be, left - with It. L. Sutphin for settlement at the store. SUTPHIN & YOUNG. Sumrnersville, March 23, 1858. - Copartnership I_ . lIE business will be co tinned at the old stand by the subscribers tindar the firm of Young & Smith, on tho ready-pay system. Wo intend to go to the City the first of April, when wo shall havo a full supply of goods at prices to correspond with the YOUNG & SMITI.I.‘ linimenssitte, 'Much 23, 1858.-3 w. OTWITHSTANDING, , I . :, ..-.• , --r2-.-7r r- " INT" hard times," Abel Tar aii • .:',1. 1 1V75, • roll's variety of selected k! n ,t... . .r!":"Ki , goods, keeps up No. I, and 'I F - - - . .. • . he is constantly receiving accessions, every few days. Paces as low as the lowest. FOR: SALE. .. -- TIIREE pairs of mules , good age'ai'd in good condition, and at prices to suit the times. Enquiro of DICKERINIAN & GARRATT. New Milford, March 16, 1858. ' Still They Come! THE largest stock of DlEniciaEs ever before kept in thiimarket may be found at the R E 7.43 CTOP. It will_ be useless to enumerate. When you wish any thing in the Patent Medicine tide, or otherwise, call at the Farmer's Store. Don't for get the place, down town. • R. THAYER. Montrose, March 3d, 1858. 110 VIVALIIIMIB-51:12.411M. THE subscriber ()Gra for sale his premises in the town of Conklin, Broome County, N.Y., on the west side of the Susquehanna river, five miles from Great Bend, and ninq miles from Biughampton, and ono mile from Kirkwood, con sisting of a Wagon Shop, 42 by 20 feet, with Blacksmith Shop in basement, fall rig, both now in operation. A house and lot on the opposite side of the road from 'the Shop, t new barn 20 by 22 feet, &c. The above named property will oe sold very low for cash, or a part may be allowed to stand ono year. For particulars inquire on tbo,premises or ad dress, post paid, , II ; C. KNIGHT, . 11w4.1 Corbettsvill4 Broome County, N. Y.. Teachers' Examinations. 1 will meet applicants for certificates in the different localities. in the county as follows: May 1, Middletown, , , Choecinnt,& Friendsville 8.11. 9a. m. Apolacon,. . "3, Forest Lake, Town's 'S.It 9 " " 4, Silver Lake, Bracknoy's .. S. H. 9 " 5, Liberty, Brook dale , S. 11. 9 a a 6, Franklin, South S. 11. 9 " " 7, Great Bend, Lodersville S. H. 9 " " 8, Harmony, Oaks . land and Susq'a East Hill S. H. 9 " Depot, . . " 10, Jackson, No.• 2S.H. 9 " * " 11, Gibson, Kontuck ' . S. H. 9 " 0 12, Harford, Farrar S.-ii. 9 " " 13, Now Milford, Ward S. H.. " " 14, BridgeWiter,Montroso'Free S. H. 9 " " 15, Jessup, Cornell S. H. 9 a " 17, Rush, Granger's S. H. 9 a 18, Auburn Centro S. . 11 . 9 " • " 19, Springville Hollow ICH. 9 " " 20, Dimock-Corners S. H. 9 " " 21, Brooklyn Centre . B. H. 9 " " 22, Lathrop, Hillsdale- S. H. 9 " " 23, Lenox, Glenwood - S. H. 9 " " 25, Clifford, H. Barnum's S. H. 9 " " 26, Herrick, Lyon St. S. H. 9 " • " 27, A mrat, in Presbyterian, Chur ch 8 " " 27, Thanipson Centro S. H. 2 p. in. Each applicant will please be provided with at least two sheets of. 'bola-cap:paper, (not note or-leUer paper,) and pen and ink. . Writing done with a lead pencil "cannot be ac cepted: _ No certificate will be issued to any except those commencing 'with , the .class at the ap pointed hour.* . ' •;• • ' ' To Dtaxezons: The examinations are - hold, this season, with reference to having the schools commence on the first of June, with the school year r —the Directors in a number of towns hav ing expressed their intention of not having their schools commence until then; -and, believing, as I do, it will -prove more satisfactory when it shall have been tried. . - - Blanks for the Annual It oil - ivill be for warded to the . Seefetery tif alb Board as Soon as I am infolcied as ta:the ndme and P. O. of the person chosen to filLthit office at the late or ganizations. B. F. TBWKSBURTXo. Sup't. New blilford; Marcii.29tti, 1858: ____ D'th „ . eutolis' Notice . • L ETT. KftS TESTAMENTAKY having - been duly issued to, the subscribers upon the es tate of Wm. Wells; late of the township of cu. ford, deceased f —All persons indebted` to said estate aro required to make' imrniditite PoMenti and all persons haying claims against the Said estate,.are requested toreeent the' same to us, duty euthontitated, for settlement. JOHN WE'LLS; K. Li. TOMPKINS , Clifford Feb- 2( tb IBM --EINYO _ FOR OR TO RENT. ADWELLING HOUSE, Barn,&e. with two and a half acres of beautiful land, an excel lout stand for a blacksmith, or shoe maker situ ated in Upsonville, Susquolomna County, near J. L: Merriman's store, will bo sold low or rent. efl to a good tenant. Enquire of the 'subscriber at his Wilco, in this Borough, or-of'J. L. Merri man, esq. Also houses and lets for sale or to rent, in town.: M. C. TYLER. Montrose, Hatch 8, 1858.' - ' "HOME. AGAIN," , Ca> Co.,S. DIROMO OFFICE, over Wilson's Store. LODGUICS, at SEARLE'S HOTEL. Bloutroae, March 10th, 1858. . Noirierr-To DEALERS of BIERCHAN- . DISE within the county of, Susquehanna.— In pursuance of the several 'acts of the Assembly of this Commonwe;alth, to provide revenue to meet the demands upon the Treasury, and. for other purposes, the undersigned, Appraiser of mercantile taxes of Suiq'a Co., has prepared . a list of all the merchants trading within said co., and placed each of said merchants in that class which seems right and just, according to tho pro visions of said acts of Assembly as follows, viz.: Residence. I Proprietors. .1 Class. I P't Med. Aubuin, R. W. Healy, XIV. Waltman & Swisher, " Apolacon, E. B. Beardslee, H. Barney, ' Brooklyn, E. S. Kent. R. T. Ashley, S.D. Tompkins " 4 Hempstead & McKenzie, XII. Clifford; • Brundage & ‘Vilson, XIV. 4 John Halsted, " • Tho. Arnold, - XW. .. J. B. Slocum, " " Church &S. H. Phinnoy, " Dimock, Wm H. Thayer, XIV. a L. H.:Woodruff, J. Smith, Jr., 4t Fricndsvillo. J. Hosfore, XIII.- "' Glidden & " " Lewis Buffum, Franklin, J. L. Merriman, " Forest Lake, D. L. Meeker, Gibson, S. S. Ingalls, • XII, " C. P. & M. Hawley, XIII. Dundaff, N. E. Kennedy, John Smiley, 6: G. W. Walker,. Great Bend, J. &N. Dubois, " 64 D. L Taylor, " " J. T.Carlysle, u 44 S. B. June,- eg " Wm A. Snow, " " Thomas & Whiting, •' " Emery Simons, • ~, " L S. Lonheim, XIII, 64 S. 11. Dayton, "' " 41. McKinhey, " Harftrd, Eaton & Aloxley, u 6' • P. Carpenter, . ' u " C. 13. Johnson, XIV. 41 'Lerch Veyry, u " Guile & Blanding, " Herrick, John Miller. I lopbottom, E. &T. Bell, Harmony, , B. R. Lyons, '• S. A. Lyons, . - • F. D. Lyons, • Wm Tremain & Co., * Brant & Schlegel., Jackson, J. J. Turner Liberty, 74- Blakeslee, • • Roger Kenyon, Lenoz, Shutts, Eaton & Co., XIII. • E. R. Gtow & Bro, • 0. F: Gunther, Middletown, D. Cotentin. Brister & Riley Rose, • C. H. Plumbley, ••‘ Montrose, C. Mott, • -W. J. & S. H. Mulford, XII. • J. Lyons & Son, - XIII. •_ F. B. Chandler, XIV: - , A. Lathrop & Cc., XII. Post Brothers, 'XI. • I. N. Bullard, XIV. Guttenberg; Rosenbaum & Co., XL Bentley Reed & Co., • ' Abel Terrell, XIV. J. Ethridge, S. S. Mott, R. Thayer, Jr., Keeler & Stoddard, • A. Merriman, S. H. Sayre & Brothers, XII. Alfred Baldwin, H. J. Webb, Z. Cobb, • A. N. Ballard, New Milford, Wm C. Ward,. • - .H. Burritt, • Dickerman & Garrett, XIV. • J. Moss & Brother, • Hayden Brothers, XII. • Sutphin & Young, ' -• , Rush, Norman Granger, XIV. Silver Lakt Timothy Sullivatr, • J. Biackney & Vail, ' Springville, Scott & Riley, XII. • Grover, Philips •& Co., XIII. Susq'a Depot, A. W. Bronson, 4 • C.' S.. Bennett, ' C. S. Bennett, • A. W. Rowley, 13:West, - -' * James Bell, • XIII. ThO. Ingetrum Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & '• • R. Lowenthal!, XIV. • Gaylord Curtin, XIII. • Smith & Shutts, XIV. • A. J. Seymour, • r E. Carlisle, H. Cohen & Brother, ' • N. C.* D. W. Norton, . ' • S. Bryant, Perrine & Son, • D. G. Smith, - Tboinpeon, H. D. Hathaway, ' BE ER DOUSES, EATISG HOUSES, RESTAURANTS &c, Dundiff, Enoch Chambers, Friendsville, George Strupler, Lewis Suffern, Great Bend; Walter Paintin, - • C. C. Hamlin, Montrose, Z. Cobb," t. N. Bullard, - ' E. Bacon, VIII. • New Milford, Edwd. Cornwall, Susija. Depot, Win. Howarth; Martin Conroy, VIII. DISTILLERIES. James McAlld. -X. LIQUOR 'DEALERS. Groat Bend, _L. S. Lenheim. "ELLIARD TABLE. Clifiord, Sesq'a Depot—A. Thompson, keepei, one to ble, Heeds° 830;00. And the Judges oftbe Court of Commoh Pleas will hold a Court of Appeal at the Court House in Montrose, in and for said County, on Friday, the 30th day of April next, at one o'clock, i'. at which time and place any °Oho Merchants, dose ri bed, *defined, and chimed, a 9 aforesaid,, or their agents. or attorneys may appear and appeal from said assesment if they think PfolAr ? HARRY BARNEY, Mercantile Appraiser. Apolacon, March 22, -1858. catt U GEO.-W.-WIANN, Wholesale Salt-lieeler,— 201 Washington Street, (directly opposite Wasbingtok3farket,) still continues to offer to .the'City and,coantry trade, all , kinds of ,foreign coarse and fine "salt, at trio very lowest figfirei; 40609 Mick, and hags, consisting in part of Ash= WEN celebrated - brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey BrOwnloti's,"&c.; and 50000 .bfisholi Turks Wand,. Donates, Cu racos,,St. Utteri, Lisbon, Cadli, Ivrea, Nentes, all Of which will he sold at bargain prices from Vessels, store and stoiebotiset. , `Any purchaser wishing to soroct from sr,goo4 assortment will find it to hiA inteteit to call. ' N. D;--Fino labia salt pot Uptin Small I.). l iiie .6 t different stieicand Constantly...on hand in aidP., ping order.. Alio splendid article Of "Itock Ground salt, in 4 . tiLart 'boxes, pit u p and for 'sale by the,Ouantity, easel of five dezeu Aptll I, 1d58,.,..1y* '"- A First ari's itteleary Wtsklyrfilifir; PRESEST TO EiCR Mirka:l2.En! .'TLIE "NEW YORK - EXCELSIO R;' Irs a first clans family.Jonnial, beautifully ll lustmted. of the largest size--eight_pages or forty columns, imperial quarto, and. is devoted to Literature, Naws, Morals, and General Mis cellany. The editorial department will be under the immediate charge of Alexander D. Mango, who is ,widely known to the public as having been connected with.several of the most popular jour- Inds of the day. Although giving a handsome present to each _subscriber, intending to surpass all in our liber alityt we are determined that the . ". Excelsior" shall not resemble those journals usually known as "gift papers," in any particular: Its contents shall be suitable for Home; at our aim is 'to se cure it - a welcome in every fimily. We shill fill our columns weekly with thrilling and inter: eating totes, romances of real life, and sketches of travels, men of character, beeldei a full digest of the news of the week; and all events of gen entl interest. ' Ono of the following named presents is_sent free_of postage to each subscriber immediatory on receipt of the subscription money. _ - • - SCHEDULE OF PRESENTS. An Ebony'Caska, containing dfull sett of diamond . Jewelry, Ear Rings, Nock lace, Brooch and, Bracelets,' beside a , lady's enameledijaweled Gold Watch with Chatelaine, and a gentleman's English Hunting Case, full jowelod, • Gold Watch, with Chain, worth. $BOO Two superior Pianos, Rosewood apd - • _ Walnut cue, worth $3OO ands4oo - $7OO Watches, Hunting Case $6O to $lOO . aold Matches - . - -• • 30 . to 500 " (Lane's' and Gents,) 20 to;_ •30 Silver Hunting pattnt Levers - 16 to .30 Patent Levers •- - 13 to 15 " Watches - - - - - 7to 10 Ladies Chatelaines = = to . 2 Guard Chains [Ladiesrand Gents' 10 to 2 Vest and Fob Chains - -•- 10 to 2 " Guard a- - Bto 2 Bracelets, Cameo and Mosaic -•10 to 1 Armlets for Ladies and Children 5 to Brooches, Cameo and Mosaic - 6 to Florentine and• Lava - 6to " Gold [Ladies' and Misses] Ito Ear Drops, Florentine and' Lava - 6 to • Cameo and Mosaic - 6to • " - " Gold [Ladies' and Misses] 2to Gold Rings, plain and chased - I to Studs, Gentlemen's - 7 . 9 to " Sleeve Buttons, [Gentlemen'sl various styles' - - ' - 3 to " Cuff Pins, [Ladiesl . 3 - to Slides, for Fob or RUN, Chains 3to • 5 " Watch Keys - Ito 10- " Breast Pin's, [Gentlemen's]' - 2to 10. " Lockets, Double Glass -.- 8 to , 15 " " - - - - 2to 5 Thimbles - - - 4to . 6 TERMS.TO SINGLE SUBSCRIBERS , Two Dollars per year, with one Present. Four " two years, " four Presents. Five " three " "' five " TERMS TO CLUBS, With a present to each subscriber, and al ways an extra present to the getter up of ti club. Clubs of three - - - 85 " " five as • st . ten . 15 of twenty ( I extra to the agent )30 Clubs larger than 21 in the same proportion. The Publisher, Albert Palmer, has been knowr for many years as Publisher of the Northern & Southern Merchants' and Manufacturers' Jour nal, (edited. by Freeman Hunt,) and he with con fidence refers to the leading businesslmen in a/- most every town in the United States (to most 'of whpm the M. and M. Journal has been circu lated) as to the responsibility and integrity with which his publishing business is conducted.— Having secured the agency of a prominent Jew elry establishnlent In Newark, New Jersey, ho is lea to offer the presents in similar articles, but those who des!.re it cadreceivetheir presents in books. LOCAL AGENTS. All Postmasters, Merchanta, and Business Men to whom we have ever forwarded a copy of the M. and M. Journal, or their clerks, or any otlpar intelligent and responsible person, will confer a favor by forming a club or acting as our Local Agent and Correspondent.. PREMIUMS TO LOCAL AGENTS AND OTHERS. Any person sending 100 subscribers (with the fall price of subscription) will receive% superb Hunting Case Gold Watch and Chain, of the best English workmanship, full jewelled, and worth $BO, or, at choice, one of Prince's Melo deans, of the same value. - Tho person who can raiso a list of 300, within a period of three months, will receive a superior Piano, made by ilallet, Davis 4. Co., Boston, worth 8300, and which cost 8275 cash, or, at choice, a small set'of Ladies' Diamond Jewelry, worth the &keel amount. For List of 50 With full price,- a beautiful Gold Watch, worth No; will bo paid. , . For smaller or larger lists, persons may se lect:any article from our published schedule, of Watches, .Jewelry; Books, propor tion of $8 for each ten subscribers, fored;:carfietaiisslii caslii or 50 could for each subscriber. - ;s --" •. For further tonne to Agouti; isidross the of- Tbe names should bo sent eticjiweek until the proposed number is comple4sd,inlerder that the presents t.nd . papers may be promptly mailed. Address, • ALBERT PALMER, Publisher, - _NEW Youir &ensues, 1 1 wB.l Office; 385,Broadway, New York. E. W. PHELPS' =PATENT COMBINATION BEEHIVE. ASURE proteition against Mothsollice, and all enemies of the Bee.. Highly approved for thii last 5 years lig the most intelligent Beo Keepers in the. western and eastern States. REFEnicacis.—J.R. Gregory and J. H. Ber tholf, Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y.; J. E. North, Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y.; H. 51, Mire, Painted Post, N. li4 - Sitml Kidder; J. C. Elton, and A. C. Ely; Elmira; N.' Y.; John. Bell, Newark, N.J.; Frederick Frilz, Eastorr,Pa.; Hiram Hull, Westfield, Mass,.; Henry Filipino, Addison, pi. Y., and Abijah Willie, Gibson, D. L. Hine, Ilarford, G. C. Birdsall, Jackson, and B. F. Wells, Clifford, Susq's Co. Pa. . It may be used as a smarming or non-swarm ing hive, the surplus honey and comb can be re-, moved without injuring the. bees. It is very convenient for feeding bees, and prevents all danger from robbern; it is alsothe cheapest pa tent hive-now in use. A hive with two +potions costs 82,75; three sections 83,59, made of the best pine lumber, and can be had at all times of B. F. Willard, Elmira, N. Y., or of the under signed in Gibsqn.. For making and using, 85, hive and right $B. 1 will sell town rights,.having bought the right for the county.... With every hiVe and right, I give a book instruling how tO 'manage it. 3ly hive was at oar Ct Linty Fairlast fall and took the premium, witj the , bees and honey. in' it. .'I warrant every hive I sell to give satisfaction, or refund ‘ the money after fair trial. -.- , ' • = COE WELLS. ' • Gibson, B usq a Co., Pa, Jan,,Btb, 1858. tst* DR, 11. LaMar EXTRACT Of CiNNABIS INDICA (Alcoholic preparation front the leaves flap° (tom Calcutta ) for the , permanent cure of C u ons D M ion a /9 ssONalflus, AsuntA, tioriafis, COLDS, iv:ER vous pssiLtri;itc. l'lllOE, $2, ,nr None genuine without "Dr. It Jtunes, 1111, Grand St , JoraeyCity," blown in ttio bottle. Tor i le by ft. THAYEgo IL D I Solo Agent. tnh4td) /- Mogicene Pa. • • Hanib'oldrit*nt . o9 'Prclt4tio* Highly Concentrated Componad Thad extract, " - ludo • For Diseases of the Madder, Kidneys, Oraiel Droply, Weaknesies,.'Obstruk iii;ns. :Secret - Diseases, Feinale Orimplainis„ and all Diseases of the - Si swot Organs,. , arising from excesses and inipitidemies in life, and removing alliaprolier discharges from the bled. der, kidneys, or sexual organs; wbethir existing. in. MALE OR FEMALE,, from WhitteVe'r cause they may hive, originated, - and ne'tnitter, of how long standing, giving health and , vigor', to WO frame, and bloom to'thepallid cheek. ' an TO THE AFFLICTED H It cures' nervous and debilitated sufferers, Ina - removes all the symptoms, tichong be . focind indiripcialVon to exertiori, loss of power', lessor memory; dnctilty of breathirfg,,ged end weakness, 'horror of diseage,_ weak nerves, trembling, diewifttl- horror of death, night sweats, cold, feet, Wfd; l 3- fulnesi, dininess . • uaiversal lassitude of the tuns. calor system, often enormous , •-. ' Appetite, With" dyspeptic ; • syniptdms,bet hinds, flushing 4 of the body, dryness 'of the skin,: pallid countenance and eruptions;. on the face4min in the baek,heavinesS. of the eyelids, frequently, bl - ack ispots,,Y flying before. tho eyes, te . MPQr.4II, sufusion and loss of sight; want of 'Mongol, great inebtlity,,iiitstlessness,' with tumor so;:. ciety. ' Nothing is more desirable to such patientir • than solitude, and nothing they Mors dread for fear of themselves; nci repose of manner, DO earnestness, no speculation, but *honied" transition from one question to ;mother:4., '• These symptoms, if allowedyi go on...which this.rnedicine invariaklx,removen—ttinn knows • loss of power, fntuify and epileptic fits—in ono of which the patient may expire. , Who tap say • that theie excesses aro not frequeitly followed by those direful diseases—insanity and consump. 'Oen? Tho records of the-insane asylums, - and • the melancholy deaths by tonstimptionbear ple witness to the troth of these nssertions.. In' lunatic asylums the most melancholy. exhibition appears. The countenance Is actually sodden & quite destitute—neither" mirth or,griof ever vin.. its it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate; : , "With woeful measures won despair ' Low Sullen sounds his grief beguiled:'. Debility is• the most terrible! and has brought thousands to untimely graves; thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this fifi I . iNFALLIBLE-MEIIIEUt. If you lire suffering with any the above dia. tressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buehu will cure you. Try it , nod be conVinced ofits,efficiacy. Er Beware of quack nostrnms and quaek doe: :tors, who falsely boast of abilities andreferences. Citizens know and avoid them, and save long suf fering, money, and exposure, by Sending or call-, ins fora bottle of this popular and specific rem edy. It allays all pain and - inflammation, is per fectly pleasant in its taste amt odor, but immedi- . nto in its action. • , . HELMBOLD'S _EXTRACT BUCHU. Is prepared directly according to the rules of Pharmacy-.and Chemistry, with the greatest so- - curacy and chemical knowledge and care -demo. ted in its comb'.nation: gee Professor Dewees valuable works on the 'practice of Physic % and most of the late standard works of medicine. Egr' 10 0 jfej One hundred dollars will be paid to any physician who can prove that the medicine M 3r injured a pstien4md the testimony of thousands can be produced ta.provo that it does great good'. Cases of from one week to 13 years' standing have been effected. Tfii, mass of voluntary testimony in possession of the Pro prietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing nemes_well- known to . Science afid 'Fame. 100,000 Deities have been sold and not single instance of failure has been reported! ,- Personally appeared before me, an Aldethlan of the City of -Philadelphia, H. T. Hekallold, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say,Ahat his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug. but is purely Vegetibfe.. . , H.P. Holmbeld, Sole Manuf acturer.. Sworn and subscribed before me this 2341.d5y of Nor 1854. Wm P. HIBBARD, Aldormin: Price $1 per Bottle, or six for , $5, .delivered to any address, accompanied by reliabke end rest ponaible certificates from Professore of Vedic:tel . Collegea, Clergymen, and others. Prepared and sold by 11. T. HELMBOJD, Practical and Analytical Cherni* . = - No. 52 South 10th-st., below Chestitiif,•Aisetu; big Buildings, Philadelphia, .Pci. lir To be had of all Druggists and . Dealers in the U.S., Canadas, and British Provinces. • Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Belmbold's —take no other. Curei guarantied. • Sold in, ilftintrosellY ABEL,TUEUXF4I, Agent. Jan. 20,'57.-82t. , • . Lackawanna & Bloomabnri . 11. - R. , , AlaltjVAL AND DEPARTIUDE • ,_ o.lr TRAINS . : GOING NORTII. , , Stations, N.Y. Mail. Aceo'ri. rbll'a Malt , _- LeavOßupert, 7.ooam. 8.15p.' m. Bloom; (- '7.0 a .i. app.". Espy, • 7.18 "' • 6.83' 4 Lithe Ridge, 730.4 • •• - : 8.45:" Beywiek, .. . 7,65 a '', • 2 _. 4.10 4 ' •ffeac:h Maven; 'B.lO 4 , 4.26 " Beach Grace, 8,20". ' . . 4.85 ' ShiCkshinny, 8.35, a , , ' 4.50 . k lidnlocks C'k, 8.55'," • - 5.15 " Nanticoke, 9. _, '" 5.20 " Plymouth, 9:20, 2 ' 5.40 " Ante at Kingston, 9.80," . . 5.50 " LeaveKingstoo, p. 35 " 1,46p.m: - 6. ~ " Wyoming, - s 9.50", 2.10 - ".6.20 4 . • W'at Pittston, 9.55 " 2.20 " 6.25 a • Pittston, 10. - " p.BO " . 6.20 " ackawana,_ 10.10 " 2.45 ''' 6.40 ii Taylorville, 10,20 " 3.00'" 6.50 " Arrive at Scranton, 10.86" 8.15 "' 7.00 a ' The Now York Hail Tiain connects with the Express going Eait, on the Delaware, Lacknwaii; na & Western. Railroad. Arriie in New YOrk 7.15 p. m.. - '. " " Philadelphia, by -Camden ill:Ambof Railroad, 8.20 p. ux Fare from Rupert toNow.York $6,00.', 's • TIM' A,ccoMmodsition Trial North, conneetil at Scranton `with tho Express Train Welt iiii the D. L & W. Railroad. - ' GOING EIOUTII, '. • Stati o ns. Phil'a Mall: Acco'n. N.Y. Mail:. LeaveSeranton, . 8.00a.m.11.30a.m. 4.00p.6.- / Taylorville, 8.10 -a's 11.45" 4.10 'l / Lackawanna, 840 " 12.00. M. 4.20 i i ' '/ \ PittstOn, 8.30 " 12.15p.m. 440 " 1 57 / . W. Pittston, 8.35 ". 12.30 ", 4.3 5 / : • 1 Wyoming, 8.40 " 12.40 " 4.40 " • ' - Arriie at Kingston, 9. " 1.00 " o.do Leavelfingston,‘ 10. " • .1 4 . Plymouth, 10.15 ". - • oio ii ' / 0 5 / Nanticoke, 10.50." ' .." • .55 "' .., -•• liunlock C'k, 10.45 " ' 7.-. " Sliiekshinny. 11.10 " . - 185 IS Bench Grovo, 11.25 " ' - 7AO 4 - Beach Haven, 11..55 ' 750 " • Berwick, - 11.2 " 8.10 " • . Limb Ridge; 1220 .m.." • 835 a. 6p// . Espy, _ /12; ", - 8.45 . 4 2 , Blooui, /:. 12:40 &&- ' 's 8.50 4. - Arrive at Rupert, ACM:CI&,.*_ 9,00 li 41 -The PhiladelphiaailTiain going Sorithieott; noels with,the ,Mall 'Train at Rupert, going East.. at ).10 pnt 7 afni Catawissa, Port Clinton ? Potts; ' • vide, 'e &C., arriving at Thiladelt T ilt • . at 8.28,p,, ''. Also with Mail Train going est at &ANC -, p. m.; for Danvillc;' MiltOn, liblineyi 11 tanisportand. Elmira. „ • ,' •. _ l 4asiangeti by' the 4 eclaik P. in..'tritin going ', cirithyean take the 11 o'clbeic p.m . . Express train for Elmira and the Wititfir lodge at, Bloomsbtite _ and take the 4 o'clock _ ri. m; train going. 'East; arriving at'Philadelphia ht 12 noon. tlf Passengers for HarrisbUrg, aireet tea ' Writhe N. Y - . Kali train, (4 o'gloek J. 01.) going Sciuth, connecting atPort,Clinton with-the : Liituphin,& Susquehanna Itailioad, arriving a% Ilarrlsbing at 12 o'cloik lI . GOII, next day. . . -p. J.LEAVENWORTH - , Sip% . &tauten, Januar-1 ...'l3th, 1282. " ' • . $02.: ~ , . ~,, TiroLra Arotogitic stahoo- sehhappr. at vv • • - - - • TOARELLiti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers