Prism the lEngWanton Demberat, April 10th. tri.tantnrbarnovEstratl.—lx e hate before noticed the new store: erected by A. Knowlton. Esg4adjoining the Bank of Binghamton, to be occaSed as a Hardware Store, by Messrs. Phyfe & Knowlton. As it approaches completion it deserves more . • add more the plaises that hare beeni bestowed on it, - and is undoubtedly in its atylel finish ard siipoiniments JIM model - store of tho (futhern Tier. lolessrs. P. 6 K. are now putting in their stock, one larger Ind More corn pletel than has hemtofore been kept in this plate. embracing all :the departments of Hardware, Builders Finishing Materials, Gas Fixture a, &c, &c.. I Mr. Blackstone, inexperienced and ready vrorkmatf. superintends the Gas Fitting depart. m,erte. took in at Phyte and Knowltons lIARDWEE,,IIOUSE FR- NISHING AND FANCY GOODS. VO 721 ,aitinionann • Of Susquehanna and Neighboring I Counties. WE 'Weald respectfully solicit your atten tion ;to our lir l ge stock of the above mentioned Goods, now instate and in c ourse of reception: For many years the trade of one of • the largest portions of the Empire State 'has • been retained by a monopoly, which has tit last given away before the rush of enterprise. PoSiessing unequalled facilities for buying , and hating direct communication with the mos t exterisivellfanufaetoriei in the Uulted States, we say', withbut exaggeration, that we can and will sell, either wholesale or retail, .at prices lower than ever offered` before west of N. V. City. While nothing has been omitted in the Hard ware line, we have given partmular attention to the House Furnishing branch of our business, and have on hand 'a stock well worthy the in spection of IlousiKeepers. Of Fancy Goods we have also a large assort ment, which, having been selected, with especial reference to 'the wants of our customers, we think will please those in need of articles in this In Conelusion,we would say that our Goods, are new, and bf the first quality, and that we hope, by strict attention to business;and aeon-, starit anticipation of the wishes of our patrons, to merit even an increase of the confidence al-. ready reposed in us. PHYFE & KNOWLTON, • Hardware, House Furnishing - and Fancy Goods Establishment, 51 Court St., Bingham! . ton; N. Y., adjoining Bank of - Binghaniton. N. B. We have a very large stock of Wood An and Willow Wire, Mats and Rugs, Britannia Ware, Fancy Bird Cages, &c. 14Ir Sporting apparatus ef everillectription, including Fishing Tackle in all its varieties, Guns, Rides, Pistols, Gun Mittrials. d . . , • . • Cotuitry ,Merchants, ' :lATILL find Hard Ware„ House Purnisking 11 V . andTancf Goods at New York Prices, te., • • PHYPE & KNOWLTONS: 'Binghamton ri_OLD and Silver Spectacles, a new just k_A - received, coniiprising all ages, by August VI. • A. 3. EVANS. " PURE . HAIR. MATTRASSES. PURE Culled Hair Mattntsses--"LiiT Geese reitbers and Pillows . foi sale at the Crock ery & House Furnishing Store at 'the )owest ,priees by J. H. DEPEU. Diqghamtors'Selit- 18. TO THE LADIES. VE are determined to snit the Ladies, hat. ing their cotnfort in view, we lately pro cured of the importers, a large assortmeat of FANCY •G00D.9, which, must certainly please even the most fas tidions taste. We have a fine stock of Hair, Nail and Tooth . _Brushes comprising many elegant stiles. Of Icombs we have an extensive variety, inclu ding many of Indial. Rubber, Iron and Horn. ' We have, beside; many other Fa" Articles, too numerous to I mention. Call and examine our Fancy Goods. - 51 1 Court St. PHYFE & KNOWLTON, ' Britannia Ware. 1 = i t VERY large ',stock at tl PHYPE & KNOWLTONS ghamtim I :To Sportsmen. Fish l ipg Tackle 6ans! Rifles ! Pistols! MS HATE & KNOWLTON b:ive now on hand splendid lot of Fishing Tackle, compris . IntMs, from Is 6d to $lO each.. i Lines,..from Sets., to $5, each. R4ls, froin • SI,AQ to.s6 each, and an assorV , menf of artificial Milt, never before equalled in this vicinity, including Frogs, .11./ice,Glass, Leath er, Ifidia Rubber, Minnowa,Gutta Percha, Grass Hoppers; Shrimp, Spinning Bait, &c., &c. Pat ent spoons to avoid catching grass while hailing. Patent Spring Hooks for Pickerel or Pike.— Socklologera, or Yankee Doodle Hooks, a•new and improved mode of catching fish.. W have a good stock of Guns, Rifles, Re volving; single - and double barreled Pistols, Pow. der, Shot, WaterFroof and other caps, Hunting Horns, 'Turkey calls, 4.c. Powder Flasks, Ponehes Game Bags, Temperance Bottles, &a. - . In fact we have every article of Sporting ap , pare us. Hooka,' for outline fishing by the hun dred! thousand. i PIIYFE & KNOWLTON. ro out' Binghamton. 1 I; ihaalt r ar 1 laUl 1 THE LADIES OF BINGHAM -1 TON AND VICINITY. Pleuse read it, it is short and of importance to every House Keeper. SHEPARD BROTHERS LAVE received their spring supply of house furnishing Goods. We can now offer ' seven beautiful styles of Crockery. One of them a new and elegant Spring Pattern of 'White En amelled Ware. Our Goods are all a No. 1 in quality, no seconds or 'odd lots. but complete netts, and can alwayb be matched if broken or morii wanted, for yyears to come. All the com a) wares ] CHINA TEA WARE, six splendid styl s of white and decorated, very low. GLASS _WARE. - a iti plete and unbounded variety always on han TEA TRAYS of our own importation. 'Fi in elegant patterns , far surpassing in rich. nee finish d durability, the 'American article ; ri usually sol i att as low prices, and by far the larguat and most complete lot ever offered in • theme parts, from S 3 to $l5 per sett of four. ' • FROif AUCTIO,NI GREAT BAR ,r ‘ GAINS ! ! Blass Curtain Cornices, Bands, Hooks, &c., stpnees that defy competition. Twenty differ entketyles of those elegant' Bird Cages, 'from 75 cents to'slo each. 34 ditferelt patterns of superior warranted Clocks. from $1 to $B5 eaeh. Watches, Clocks end Jewe ry neatly re. , paged. Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, .&c. itc. 200 Dozen Knives and Forks. Parlor Lamps, Hall Hang ing Lamps, Britannia and 71n Ware. HARDWARE GENERALLY. Masbelized boo Mantle Pieces and Grates, &e., in feet a general House Building and House -•Funiishing establisbniatt. lErCall and see ns at our "CRYSTAL PAL ACE," two doors east of the Canal. , fillr It'alir Goods-are not as represented, our , phis as low as in •town, and you are not tree. ted4well. please don't buy. SHEHARD BROTHERS. 1 Singliamton, March, 1856. g HYF'E AL KNOWLTON are Agents for a nuniber of Manufacturers, an# will supply theiToade pn as terms, and st a low price at their Hardware, House Furoialtijg and Fancy Goods Establiibment, ' 61 oortStreet. OOD Broad C lotb Caps for 8 . ibi{tio'gs piece , BELL ,& TINGLEY. TIMM POINT AGURTURAL WORKS. R. XL WELLES &ADO., Athens, Pa., f • _ MAIIITFACTEREES, WHOLESALE'AND RETAIL DEAL.. ERB IN EMERY'S AND WHEELER'S RAIL ROAD • HORSE POWERS, THRESHERS AND •••• ' SEPARATORS. • :Threshers and Winnowers combined. : CLOVER HULLERS Circular and Cross Cat Sair,Mills. Emery's Cider Mills. Feed Cutters, Cern Shelled', Corn and seed Planters. Seymour's Grain Drills and Bkoad Cast Sowers. Revolving Horse Rakes. Doi Powers. Clow's Grain Cradles. Ketch. um's Mowers. Reapers and Meiwers Combined. Magic Corn and Cob Mills. Excelsior Fanning Mills. Cultivators. Leather and Rubber Belt. ings, Meat Cutters, Apple Peareais. Refrigera tors,,Provision Safes, &c. Extras furnished for repairing Emery and Wheeler's machines. Our Excelsior Fanning Mills are second to none made in the Union. Descriptive Catalogues, Price Lists and Circu lars of all machines, Su:., sold by us, sent gratis and postage - prepaid, to all applicants. Send us your name and address. H. L. BLOWERS, of Franklin; Agent. Post Oflco address, Montroso, Pa. • Rhode's Fever and Ague- Cure, OR Antidote to Malaria; for the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague. or Chill Fe. ver; Dumb Ague, and other 'lntermittent and Remittent Fevers; also of Billious Fevers, ac 'companied, by Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, 'Ship, and Jail Fever, General Debility, Night Swegs, and , all other forms of; disease which have a common origin in MALARIA OR MIASMA. Equally certain as .a preventive or cure. Foi sae by the undersigned, authorized agent for the Proprietor, Jas. A. Rhodes, Providence, R. I. I. N.l BULLARD. Montrose, May 1, 1856. HOSTILITIES CEASED, •Peace Declared! ON such terms that secures the right of every nation to the navigation ofithe Blatiobe,and 'be it. known to the people of Susquehanna County, and the rest of the , rorld, that the} will find it to their advantage to conte to the Temp erance Saloon and Grocery in ,Main•St , Mont rose, Pa., (the only . Temperance saloon' in Mont. rose) to get Pies, such as are pies, Cakes, Cheese, Crackers, Sardines; pickled Oysters, Clams, Cucumbers, Ice Cream; Oranges, Pine Apples; Candyp, and Segars, Nuts &c. Small Beer, Ice coollemonade, and Soda Water to eat and drink' At the same pla i ce is, a good as sortment of Groceries and Provisions, with new supplies every week from New! York, such as' Tea, choice kinds, from 28. 9c.,1 to 6s. per lb. Sugar now at 9 cts. 'Test Colree 11 I-2cts., crushed, Pulverized and Granulated at Is. per lb. Molasses 3s. 6d. , per Gallon; best Syrup at 58. 6d. per gal. Pork, Smoked Ham, and Shoul ders, dried, Beef Ham, Cod, Mackerel. White and Blue Fish, Cheese, CrackeM Lard, Tallow, Sterine patent and Sperm Candles, a variety of Bar Soaps, Shaving do. best in use, Coffee Rice, and Tobacco, plug and fine ctit,l Chewing and smoking, do. in tin foil.' Fire Crackers and Fire Works. Matches, all kinds, dried Peaches, Plums. Cherries, Figs, from is. to Is. 6d. per lb. Prunes, Zantee Currents, - Citron, paste, Sa go for puddings, Spices all kin d, do: Ground Mestard, do. French Soap Powder, Babbitts Sal teratus, do. and. Washing Soda, preaniTarter, and Super Carb Soda', Tartaric Acid, Licorice, . do. root, Fancy Candy and Gam Drops, fresh from N. Y., Cassia buds, Canary feed, Nutmegs, Cloves &c., Cocoa, Brume and Chalkolate, Lor ilards, black and Scotch snuff, Raisins, from ls. to la. 6d. per lb, Suttanee seedlestißasins, starch (pearl) Corn starch, Patent Nutmeg Graters,and Clothe's pins,Sweet and Castor Oil in bottles, R,aymond's L ees, and Wrights Pills, Salts, Roll Brimstone, Sulphur, Gum Camphor, Vinegar Choice lot of Catsup; Pickles,Pepper Sauce ; Rasphery 'Syrup, flavoring extratti,-Hair Oitts,to einbelish and prevent from falling{ off or turning grey. Herring by the Box, White IWash, Scrub and: Shoe brushes, Stove and bpot Blacking- Garden seeds, slate and lead pencili, Axe hand les, Brooms, Tooth Ache Ointment, an almost sure cure for burns, Sprains, Bruises, &c.' Rus sian Linament, good for man or beast. Horse Medicine, together with a large assortment of -Children's Toys, selected with great care for both girls and boys, among which are small pails and Baskets, Horses, Dogs, and Cattle on wheels and rockera, small Tea Setts, Thimbles, Cornelian Rings, 'Tops, Clarionettes, Accorde• on, Harmonimns, Harps, and many curious things, Ladies Baskets and Sewing Birds, Sack Salt forfamily use, Corn Meal, also Flonr; kept constantly on hand, by the pound; isaek or W ren', • • • - Ritt - gm anA b o Clams, Oranges and Lemons, Phia l Apples, &c., Some Eggs, Butter, Potatoes, Beans, &c., taken in exchange. The above Goods are for sale for cash or ready pay. Thankful for past favors, I hope by strict attention to business aid small profits to gain a Lager share of patronage, and thereby all be mutualy benefited, all °Merit With the ready will be promptly attended to. , . • S. S. MOTT. • Temperance Saloon, Grocery and Provision Store in Main St., Montrose, Pa., May 20. 1856. - Burning Flnid - and Cainphene 4FBESH supply, just received, and for sale cheap, also, candles, old enough, big en ough and hard enough to"' stand alone, In sum mer time, by 1. N. BULLARD. June 9,1856. • - Starrucca XtaillC!! • IT a a aa 2 111 lb WILLIAM TRE3IAIN & CO.,'are on hand with the largest, best, and Cheapest stock of general merchandise in town. Consisting '431 Axes. Alpareq, and Alspice. Brooms, Boots and Bedsteads.' Clocks, Calicoes and Clothing. • Denims, Drues, and Door Handles. Envelops, Edging, and Epsom Salts. Flour, Flannels, and Fish.Hookk. . Giese, Groceries, and Gimblets.: - ` Hats. Hams, and Handsaws. Ink; Indigo, and Ithperial Babies (dresses.) Jugs, iseonets, and Jewsharps. • Knives, Knobs, and Kentucky Jeans. L&ka, Lamps and Looking Ginner'. Matches, Muslin. and Molasses. • Nutmegs, Nankeen. and Notionk. Oils, Oxbows and Overalls. Pork, lII'S and Powder. Queensware, Quills, and gm:krt.-Cups. Rubbers, Raisins and Rat-traps. Shoes, Shirts and Sugar. • Tobacco, Tea and Trace Chains. A Umbrellas, Under-shirts and Union Hata. . Veils, Vinegar and Nitro!. Whips, Wallets and Wash bowls. •=- Man Superfine Flour. York, Cottonades and Youth's Hai& - r Z. And many other articles which they are selling st a very small advance on :east prices. "Small profits" and fair dealing Is the motto for theliummer of 'SC Give ns a call and test the ' truth of our assertions. • • W 111; TRE.b4IN &CO. Laneaboro,Pa., Nay 26, NH. Come and See'. t EIGHTY -FIDE cents cents In cash will . boy one dollars _worth of the splendid stock of spring and summer Goode just receiving at the cheap push and barter store at Diti3ock four. cor. nets, where almost ev ery body goes now to boy thfir Moods. Flour and Salt kept always on bend... WM. H. THAYER.' Disteeek, Kay 23,1856. J, CATHARTIC S OP/MATH by ' their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimu late it into healthy action. They Iremore the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver s and other organs of the body, and; by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, sitch derangements as are the first causes of disease. An extensive -trial of their virtues, by Professors, Physicians, and Patients, has shown cures of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not subsbintiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the Suspicion of untruth Their certificates are published in my American Almanac, which the Agents below -named arc pleased to furnish free to all inquiring.. Annexed we give Directions for their rise in the complaints which they have been found to cure. Pox COSTIVE/MM.—Take one or two gills, nr such quantity as to gently move the bowels. Cos tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause of FILES; and the cure of one complaint is the cure of both. - No person can- feel well while onder a costive habit of body. Hence it shoold be, as it can be. promptly relieved. Fox DTSPEPPIA, which is sometimes the cause of Costiveness, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses —from one to four—to stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy action. They will do it. and the heartburn, bodoliurn, and sonibuni of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. %Vhen it has gone, don't forget what cured you. For a Four. Sroxaco, or Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, which produces general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to the systeni. FOR NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACRE, NAUSP.A. Pain in the Stomach, Back, or Side, take from four to eight pills on going to bed. If they. do not oper ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they do. These complaints will be swept out from the system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis orders because your stomach is foul. - Fox Scnoetrta, ERYSIPELAS, and all Diseases of the Skin, take the Pills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels open. The eruptinos will gener ally soon begin to diminish sad disappear. Many dreadful ulcers :and sores have been healed up by the purging and urifying effect of these Pills, and some disgusting diseaaeawhich seemed to saturate the whole system hare completely yielded to their influence, leaving the - sufferer -in perfect health. Patients! your duty to society forbids that Toll, should parade yourself around the world covered With-pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any of the unclean diseas es of the slain, because your system wants cleansing. Tol'enier THE Dimon, they are the best mcdl eine ever discovered. They should be taken-freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow thc, seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the system lace chaff before the wind. Bythis property they do as much good in preventing sickness as by the remarkable cures which they are making every where. : • Lycra COXPLAINT, TACIMICE,'citad all Bilious Affections min from some derangement— either torpidity, congestion, or obstructions, of the Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion. This is diaatrous to the health, and the constitution is frequently under , . mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp tom. astniction of the duet which empties the bile into the. stomach causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces 'Jaundice , with a' long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness, or alternately costiveness and diarrhcea, prevails. • Feverish symptoms, languor, lois; spirits, weariness, - restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes' in ability to sleep, and sothetimes great drowsiness; sometimes there is severe pain in the side; the skin and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow; the Stomach add; the bowels sore to the touch; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fen Cr, which may turn to bilious fever, biliouk cote, bilious diarshrea, dysentery, &e. A medium dose of three or four Pilli taken at night, followed by two or three in the morning, and repeated a few days will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to sutler such pains when you can cure them for 25 cents. Atistartsst, Goer, and all frajfitmonatory rent are rapidly cured by the punfying effects of these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which they:AM:rid to the.vital . principle of Life. For these and all kindred complaints they should be taken ir. mild doses, to move the lxiwels gently, but freely. As a Di:omit PILL, this is both agreeable and useful. 'No Pill can be made more pleasant to take, and certainly none has been made more effectual to the purpose for which a dinner pill is employed. PREPARED BY DR. 3. C. AYES & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists LOWELL, MASS., AND BOLD EV Ti Twam, ---- - THE SALAMANDERSAFES --- ---.• of Philadelphia against the , . .7 .- - . it world.—Evans & Watson, N 0.26 ; T - 'meth Fourth street, Philadelphia, • =.-- have had the surest demonstration . in the following Certificated, that Their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length fully warranted the representations which have been made of them, as rendering an un doubted security against the terrific- element: PHILADELPHIA, April 13,1836. MEssas. EVASS & WATSON:—Gents :--11 AT fords us the , highest satisfaction to state to you that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of you some few months since, we saved a large portion of our Jewelry; Books, Papers, &c., ex posed to the calamitous fire- in Ranstead Place, on the morning of the I I th inst. When we reflect that these Safes were loca ted in the fourth story oflhe building we occu pied, and that they fell subsequently into a heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of heat caused the brass plates to melt, we can- . not but regard the preservation .of the Calnable contents as most convincing proof of the great. security afforded by your Safes. We shall take much plead'ure in recommend ing them to men of business as a sure reliance against fire. GEORGE W. Smelts & Bno. Parcaott.Pura; April 12, 1856. MESSRS. EVANS & WATSON—I have to offer you, my testimony in favor of the great security afforded to my entire stock.of Jewelry, books, papers, &e., during the recent disastrous confla gration in Ranstead place, froth the fact that the same were contained in two, of the Salamander Safes-manufactured by you. Having fallen from the fifth 'story of the Arti san Building, where they were previonsly,placed and exposed to a vast heat for a long time, the preservation of the valuable deposits seemed to every one who witnessed the opening and interi or examination, a matter of profound astonish ment; To all whO may require a perfect protection from tho ravages of fire, I shall not hesitate to recommend the use of your Safes, as I consider they have now undergone the most trying test. N. E. MORGAN. ' PRILADELPIrtA, 4prill 4, 1856. Messns. EvAss & WATSON—Gentlemen—No doubtxou will be deeply gratified to learn the good condition in which I discovered - my book, policy of insurance, certificates of stock, and other valuable documents, when on Friday last I opened the Safe made by your firm. \ With my knowledge of its great exposure, both to the intensity of the heat from so hot a fire as that which destroyed the Artisan Build ing, as also fro the force of the fall from its former elevated ition in the third story, I could entertain nt slender hopes prior to its in: terior Inspeetio , that the contents which I once so highly priz 'would ever be of any service to fro the but as these fears are now happily removed, I feel it only due to say to you that I can hence forth recommend the use of "your Safes to all who may wisli-to feel a confidence in the per fect security which such means provides against so frightful an element. ' EDWARD G . /Lantz, Bookbinder.. Constantly on hand, Patent Powder and Thief Proof Locks, for Banks, Stores &c. - April 24; 1856.-47y1. 1 - • Whips by the Mika TROY se etc to 115,00. PHYFE & KNOWLTON'S. Binghamton. "IMXTILA Floor trawl 1,-2 to 8 dollars per bbl., for sate at , S. S. MOTT'S. 10 1 101 t, Dotry end•Teble nee, pet received sod X for 44017 go tleck,:kiberor Pound, by 9, 1956, N. BULLARD. lowa • I ABEL TURRELL Important to Farmers. New Freight Line from Montrose. DILL & ARMSTRONG, Commission Merchants, No. 8, Erie Build- FOR tho'better accommodation for the farm era of Susquehanna County. we have con cluded to receive freight every day in the week, (Sundays excepted) at the store of M. S. son & Son, who will attend to shipping the same to New York, and the return bills he paid in cash at their store. Capt. %Viekhain is their salesman, whose long experience on the N. Y. dz. E. ft . R.: flatters himself that justice will , be done to his patrons .with the above arrangement, we invite the farm ers to give us a trial. JUSTUS DILL C. B. ARMSTRONG.' - Montrose, Aug. 20,1856.-6 m. Bird Cages! Bird Cages ! I PnYFE & KNOWLTON havejust received a large and well selected nese-talent of . BIRDCAGES, • combining many of tile most e.egant designs and beautiful finish ; combining durability with lightness and airiness of style. From .5s 6d, to 810, each, drinking and seed cups included. PHYFE & KNOWLTON. 51. Cli'ourt st., Binghamton. FARMERS' • • AVILL find n largo lot of . • If V. hoes, Rakes, ~ . . , . Spades, Shovels, .. - Grass:Hooks, Sickles, . . • Cradles, and many other artieleS for tilling and beautify. log the earth, at Kan & KNOWLTON'S, Binghamton, N. Y. Hardware and House Fuirnshing Goods. T lllB is a progressive-age. No one doubts it; or if they did, a glance at the manifold writes on wh ch the lightning whizzes with im-, portant news, woOd•soon convince a look at the rushing cars would add more emphasis to the last and .wiSeconclusion. New proofs pre sent theinselves, ° each day ; each day- we' are more anxious to • C..tch the living manners'as•as they rise," turn them to our own account, and tak, in ts much cash as possible 7 Now a days people are averse to dealing at old fashioned Stores—those established from ten to twenty years ago: Their proprietors come thoroughly imbued with the high price Vrineiple, (or'tather lack nE. principle,) are inn: wilting to lower their demands to a scale more in accordance With the times we live in.f " • I to keep pace with the progrcssivi. spirit'of the age, we _have opened our now and spacious Store,. No. - 51, Court St., with a very large assortment; of Hardware, House Furnishing, an‘l Fancy . qoods, which we . offer wholesale .or retail, at the lowest prices, for cash or approved credit. • PIIYFE & KNOWLTON, • 51, Conrl. St., Ili ighamton, N. Y. We advise country merchants to visit us. They will find it advantageous. LOOK HERE ! 9* 9 - ABEL TURRILL LIAS just received from New York, a full 11.. and desirable stock of .• NEW 'GOODS, • Comprising a first' rate assortment •of Drugs,i, Medicines, Chemicals, Modica! Instruments,; Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, China, Glass and Ear, then Ware, (a good variety of Crockery,) annia Ware, Japanned and PlanishedTin Ware,; Shyer and all other kinds of Spoons. -Silveri Forks, Butter Knives, &c. All sorts of Lamps.! A good variety of Wood and .Gilt Frame Mir.: rocs. -Wall and. Window Paper.. 'Statioriery: Stone and Wooden Ware. "Brushes. • Brooms.' Family Groceries, Lamp Oils. Camphene.— Burning Fluid. Tallow Stearin and Spermaceti Candles. Ilide and other Whips. 'Varnishes. Window Glass, A tirst rate variety ofJew. elry, and Fancy Goods. .Gold and Silver Spec: taxies. Gold Peni. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, Ac cordeons, Violin and Veolincello Strings, dtc.-- The • .largest assortment 'of •Poeltet Kaives in &sq. co., and the best quality in 3.larket. Shot Guns, Pistols,lsingle and Double Barrel,) Re volvers,. &c. In short. the Physician, the Invalid,the Honsei• keeper, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Manufac. turer, the Professional Man, the,Gentleman, tho Lady, the Rich and the Poor, the Young and Old, the Beautiful and the Ugly, the Gay and the Fashionable, and all the rest of the people, will find something to 'supply their everyday wants .0 at 'Farrel l's. Store in the new Wick Block—Prices low— Qualities good—Call and see. . ABEL TURRELL. • Montrose, March 6,18 W o — They are 411 going to Turrell's .41n . Low Prices Triumphint. GEORGE W. SEYMOUR& CO., are now receiving a magnificent Stock 'of Spring and Summer Goods, selected with great care and with special regard to the tastes and wants of this commonly, consisting of a choice racie• ty of Eiry Goods, Fancy Goods and embrukter, ies, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hats, Caps, and' Straw Goods, Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery, &e. Which we will sell for prompt pay, at lower prices than any other establishment in this County. • 9pD laiDE - 6.k3 we would say, that they have notbeen forgotten, and that in the way of Dress Goods, we have dined for their use the choicest gems in the market! Drop in and see us, and we will take pleasure in showing you, the nicest and 'cheapest stock of Goods you ever , this place. Harford, May 8, 1856. WOODEN, Wilinw and Tin PHYFE & KNOWLTONS, Binghamton. New Goods .Arriving daily, by Express, at Hopbottom, Penn's. ' • : E subscribers are now opening a largs Tand well selected stock of new Goods.—:- Consisting of Dry Gooclic Groceries, `Bard ware, Ready Slade Clothing, Boots and Shoes of all sizes.and stiles, Flour, Corn Meal, Salt, &c. 4e. All of which they will sell as cheap as chil be bought elsewhere in the County,in exche for Lumber, Shingles, Produce of all k inds, Woolen' Socks, for cash 'approved credit. , Two shillings per pair paid for good Socks. Sixteen cts. per doz. for Eggs. • Twenty cts. per lb. for Butter. BELL & TINGLpY. Ilopbottem. April 24, 1856. • Better Late than Never: New Goods at the - Upsonvitti3 Ex. Change. • THE happy to inform his friends? And patrons that he has just received a Choice lot of Goods, direct from New York, con.. sibling, in part, of Dry Goods, Groceriris„ Crock: ery, Hardware, Stoneware, Fish, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cape, Bonnets, tymbrellas, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Ready-made Clothing, Yankee Notions, &e. dic.l which he will sell as cheap for ready pay, eviecially for cash as can be bought at any otherq establish. meat in the county. That is to say Oat he will not be beat by any braying JEWS OR GENTILES4' He Also wishes to say a word to his customers and others, in relation to -the way srome mean folks do their business. If they gave socks, Cabbages, or Turnips or anything,telse mans. werable that they wish to dispose of they will take Them to the store in ,their own town and fairly or unfairly force the merchant to buy them,, and if they have money to pay for - -Goods, they will go to Binghamton or some other place to spend it, and then report srounit hew much cheaper they can bay Goods away from home than they can et home, - All have to say to such customers is Conte to me withyoer atilt and if I have any Goods . yon want, I can and will sell them to you at prices perfeCtly astonish.. J.I.ItgaItIMAN. Upsotrillt;htay New Store! New GoOde! HAWLEY & GUILD would respectfully in vite the attention of the citizens orGibson and vicinity to tbeir very_ large stock of Fall and winter Goods, which they are now receiving and are now selling at very Low Pried. Consist ing in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware; Crockrey, Paints, Oili, Ready made Clothing, Roots, & Shoes, &c. They are prepared to ex hibit to the people of Gibson one of the largest Stocks of Ready made Clothing ever offered- in this market which they are bound to sell cheap as, the - cheapest. ,In addition to their Stock they are now receiving a large Stock of Cooeking and - Parlor Stoves, Tin Ware, 4.c. So call and , see if you do not buy, no charge for showing goods. HAWLEY 4. GUILlui Gilron. Oct. 19th. 1856. . N. B. All kinds of Country produce taken o exchange for goods, at market prices. 20121tIi1U, Carpetings, Oil Cloths LOOKING GLASSES. AND GLASS WARE At the Crockery and House Furnialting Es tablishment of J. H. DEPEU, Cheaper than any other in Itlag- hitmton. FOUR' DOORS EAST OF THE AMERICAN HOTEL. IWOULD call the attention of Housekeepers . and the public to my spring importation of wares, fur their elegance of style and beauty of finish, far surpitsSing anything before exhibited, and having the largest assortment in store, can replenish old setts and furnish entire" now ones of all the new shapes, at a • !esti price than any other House in this county. The attention of new Housekeepers is p ic ularly• called to my stock as embracing the minutia., both useful and ornamental, of ouae furnishing Goods, for a complete ontfi and being thus heavily engaged in this exe sive hraileh. offer great advantages to purchitsie CROCKERY AND CHINA DEPART.) .1 4, 1 T embraces the largest variety ever offered cb fore in this section, of all the different.kEnds. GLASS WARE of every =needed 9rtiele. Carpetings and Oil Cloths. This branch occupies the second floor of our establishment, nearly 100 feet in depth, well stocked with Velvet, Brussels, - Three-Ply and ingrain Carpetings, !tugs, Mats, Window Shades and Table Covers, which ure offered aLa small advance from cost. • s : Live Geese Feathers 'always on hand. Looking Glas4es. Gilt, Mahogany, Ornainental and Oval gasses, in great variety. . HOUSE FURNISHING. GOODS, cons:.ttiror of Wood and Willow Ware, .Plated Goods, Britannia and Japanned Ware of every description, Tea Boat ds in various styles, Table Cutlery. Feather Dusters; Fluid, Oil and Solar Lamps, Bird Cages, also fancy Baskets, Reticules Satchels, &c. &c. ar To all of which we invite your attention and - solicit tour trade, . • . Binghamton, April 20, 18156 Hurrah for the New Store ! ! THE undersigmed take pleasure io announcing 'to their friends and customers that they have moved into their NEW STORE, with an entire now stock of Goods; consisting of every variety of merchandise kept in country or city, Friends, give us a call We do not sell .at "old fogy' prices, nor " Jew" those who pur chase of us ; but trade fairly and honorably at ",live and let live" rates. We both preach and make the true business principle of " quick sales and small profits." Let it be distinctly understood that we do not wish to sell goods on a long -credit. We will sell goods so low that the purchaser can afford •to borrow money at twelve per cent, and pay down for Salt, Flour and produce s of all kinds kept- con stantly on hand, and sold at lower rates than at any other establishment in town. To prove that we are not . boasting, but telling plain truths•in a plain•way, call and purchase. N. R.—All kind* of produce taken in ex change for 'goods. R. THAYER,& Co. 'Siontrose, Sept. 26th. 1856.—n41 NEW Pethitnery, Fancy-Goods Grocerte*, Paints, Oils, Drags, Materials for Lights, &c., Just recqived by ABEL TURREL, Montrixste, Oct. Bth, 1856. No Trio in Fife-ing• THAT'S so—es long as Phyfe & Knowlton keep such a splendid assortment of' CARPENTERS TOOLS, as they now have in store, and which is by 411 hands, rival Hardwares included, acknowledged to bete BEST. AND CHEAPEST, ever offered to the citizens of Broome, Susque hanna, or any other county. • We can furnish as good an outfit of tools as Hill, Wood or Seymour, of New York city, and at pricei al least 25 per cent. lower than either. ALL TOOLS SOLD BY US WHICH DO NOT PROVE AS REPRESENTED WILL BE EXCHANGED OR THE MONEY REFUNDED. PtIYFE & KNOWLTON. Hardware, House- Furnishing and Fancy Goods Establishment, 61, Court St., Bingham • • ton, N. Y., adjoinin Bank of Binghamton. rriABLE and Poeket Cutlery, a groat variety, _L at very logo prices, at . • PH YFE & KNOWLTON'S. PATENT MEDICINE AGENCY. • •ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa., ° DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, FOR ALL THE POPULAR LIMB? OF THE DAT. Consignments Constantly Received. New Goods at Webb's JUST opened by the subscriber a full assort ment of Spring and Summer Goods, which will be sold cheap, Cheaper than ever. , Give us a call:. You cannot fail to be suited or quality, quantity, and terms.• Everything Txually found in a variety store. H. J. Webb, . s now receiving his new Spring Goods, which I he offers at his usual low prices. Montrose, March 11, 1856, Mouse Builderi Depot for. Susque hanna County, at New Milford. DICKERHAN & GARRETT are giving es. pedal attention to the improvement cow templatedin this County the comeing season, and now offer a helping haod„by keeping con. stantly for sales large quantity of Window sash and glass, Blinds, Doors, Nails, Paints and Oils, and a complete assortment of builders • Hard Waro, Ate. Those going to put up Houses in the Spring will find it for their interest to give us a call. We can furnish every thing you wantand at the very lowest manufacturing RI. ces. DICBERMAN & GARRATT. New Milford, Feb.B, 1856. _ The Cheap Store;„ 80. 28 ICAM? VT2.21E%4' . THE undersigned would tespeothlly inform the inhabitants of Binghamton and vicinity. that he has recently purchased of Edward Priest his' large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, which he has •removed from La Fayette Block to No: 28 Court Street, one door above. the American Hotel. • - • This entire stock has been pirehased eonsid,• (nobly below . New York cost, enongh so to warrant him in saving that be will sell Goods cheaper than sae be . booght at any other Store In town. NEW - SPRING AND Summer Goods, to the above stock has just been added a large invoice of Spring and Summer Goods of the latest styles, which will be closed out at 15, The Stock consists In Dart of the following Goods, - viz; Fine Lawns, flst colors, from 9 to, 18c. per yard ; Calicoes, American and English, from 4c. to 11e. per yard; Merrimack and Co cheep Prints, at 11 c.; Bleached and Brown Shee. tings and Shirtings, from 4c. to 2s. 6d. per yard ; Kentucky Jeans, from is. 3e. to 28. 6d. per y'rd ; Ladies' hose. from 6 1-4 e. to 3s. 6d. per pair ; Gingliams, from I,oe. to 23e. per yard ; DeLaines from 10c. to- 3s. per yard. Also a large lot of Linens, Quilts and Counterpalos, Curtains and Draperis, Shawls, Gloves, Table Covers, Silks, Saces,.Embroideries, Trunks, Valices and Bags, of all sifts and pri ces. Fir Don't forget the number, 28 Court street, Door east of the American Hotel, but call and see before purchasing elsewhere. H. C. GODWIN. Binghamton, April 3d, 1856. _THE _UNDERSIGiIIED would respect: fully inform the citizens' of Dimock and the surrounding country, that he has opened a store at Dimock four corners, where he intends keeping constantly'on hand a good, and well se: leeted assortment of Dry Goods, GroCeries, Hard Ware, Crockery, and all kinds of Merchandise, usually kept in a country store, which he will sell as low,if not lower, than anyothei establish ment in Northern Pennsylvania, Montrose not excepted. Gentlemen and Ladies gke me a call. and - examine my stock of Goods, and my prices. You will save at least some . miles trav el and perhaps from ten to fifteen cents on ev. ery dollar you pay out. A good Assortment of Ready Made clothing kept constantly on hand: All kinds of County produce taken in exchange for Goods at the Market price. _ _ . . W. 31. H. THAYER Dimack, Jan. 15.1'156 NEW GOODS CHEAP : AT C. W. MOTT'S. - TUSTreceived a lot or New Goods, such as De EP Lames's, De Bages, Paramettats Persian, Al pacas. Ginghttms, Merinos. Prints, and Sliaivls, iu, fact a general assortment pf Dry Goods which will be sold low WANTED—Socks, Eggs, Butter,Lard,Cheese, Flannel, &c.,auy quantity ;u exchange for Goods t cash prices. • C W. mow: Montrose,Sept. 113 C/ now be ftiund at his new stand on the ki turner of Turnpike and Chestnut Sts., few doors east of Post's store, where he elrectual4' repairs witl. dispatch K . Watches, Clocks; Guns, Jewelry, and every description of machinery. Wheel butting.. Gan and Watch materials supplied to the trade. Attention Farmers :--Plow Points OF 51most every pattern and kind now in use; also, No.-2, R. L. Blatehley Plows and . Corn Plows, may be had at any time of day, and until 16 o'clock at night, In exchange bir Cash. old lido, Grain, Eggs, or any kind of ready pay, of I. N. BULLARD. • Montrose, May I, 1856. J. H. DE PEU. Refrigerators. JUST received a large lot, at prices ranging from $5,50 to $12,00. Binghamtpii N. Y Cash for Wool. TAICKERMAN. & GARRATT will pay the highest market price for all the Wool in Susquehanna County, delivered at their store. New Milford, June 16, 1836. - PARASOLSand Fans, new styles and choice varieties, at • • G. W. S. & CO'S.- RETICULES, for Ladies, a large , assort ment at PHYFE & KNOWLTONS. PUBLIC notice is hereby given thnt S. A. Woodruff is receiving a new lot of Stoves and wares of all kinds usually kept in the Stove , and Tin line of business, among which may be found a better assortment Of stoics, hear ier, lar ger and more durable than ever before offered in this county; all the proof you need will be just to call and examine for yourselves. All stoves warranted in every respect. Kept constantly on hand, an extensive assort ment of Tin ware, made out of the best materi als which is offered for, sale as cheap as can be bought in any market, also on bind Lead Pipe, all sizes, Chain and gearing for Chain Primps, Cistern Pumps, all sizes, Brass and Porcelain, kettles all sizes, Jappaned ware, all kinds. Jobing done on short !Mice and in good or der. All Goods in the line will be sold Cheap for cash or approved credit. THE subscriber is now receivint* ' his second general pnrehase of Goops..this Spring, which renders his assortment very desirable and complete. By strict attention to business and by fair dealing, he hopes to. merit a liberal share of public :patronage. To those friends who. have yiehled ( to.him their preferences, and kindly sustained him by theirpatronage, with the in tention.of airline , Sim in regainining in part the heavy loss recenjly sustained by fire. he tenders hi, sincere thanks, with the assurance that their interests shall beniutually promoted. - PF.RSONS desirous of paying me money, on debt of ny deseription,can do so by leaving their, payment with Post, Cooper & Co., Ban: kers, Monttose, to my credit, Whose receipts will be allowed from their date. C. L.•WARD. • April. 18, 1856.—tf,_ . New Goods Cheap for Cash. - CW, MOTT has just received another Itt of • New Goods, such. as Challis, Barge De Lains, De Baes i Ginghams, Collars, Embroidery, Lawns,.Bo., &C. WHICH HE OFFERS AT TREY LOW rnicEs. SUMMER SHAWLS, a . new lot just received-4eautiful patterns m—very low prieerr, also CRAPE and BLACK SILK SHAWLS as low as the. lowest. ( flt_AS FITTING AND FIXTURES. Phyfe &. Knowlton are at all times ready to in. .sert Gas Pipe in old or new houses, in a work man like manner, and at low prices. They have a fine assortment of Chandeliers, Pendents, Portable, Brackets, Glass Globes, and Fancy Paper Shades. 'Mr. Blackstone, who superintends the work has had much experience in this line, in New York and Brooklyn. - Orders solicited. PHYFg& KNOWLTON. Binghamton. - GREAT . RUSH AT EVANS at; CO'S 1 THE het is established that 409 Broadway is the beet place in New York to buy Books. • EVANS & CO. sell Booksis low as they can be bought any where, and give with each book a prbsent va. eying in value from 35 cts. to $lOO. The value of the present depends upon the number of the book purchased. - Gifts delivered at the time of the sate. Great inducements to agents. . - • Catalogues; containing list of hooks and prises sent to any address free.. Persons unacquainted with the firm of EVANS & ca, are respeetfully referred to the following leading publishing house/ Miller. Orton & Mulligan, 25 Park Row, N. Y. Derby & Jackson, 119 Nnssau St. N' Y., Phil!Pe Sampson & Co.. 13 Winter St. Boston. Sanborn, Carter & Skit, Boston, Mass. - _ lEr. Send fora Catalogue 1 — Sept. leth.3s.. Attention at Home. W. Singleton, PHYFE & KNOWLTON NOTICE. • • - S. A. WOODRUFF. Montrose, March 20, 1856. - ' A .ArilD. ABEL TURAELL Montrose, April. 24,1856: Notice. June 13. To the Citizens of Montfose. Clje Dentrost gittitotrat. PUBLISHED ENTRY THURSDAY MORNING-Br MC ' COLLUc GEREITSON.,so,eashin advance, $2,00 If not paidwithin six months; ands2,so;at the end ofthe year. No papordiscontinned until arrears, gee are paid, except at the option of the Pub. lishers. All eommunkations 'connected with the offiee,to us attenfron must bedireett.d to the Enrroas,Jtontrose, Susquehanna Co unty,sa. One square (12 lines or less) Tinsertions. $l,OO Each subsequent insertion, 0,25 One square three months, 3,50 One sqoare six months, 4,00 Business Card?, four lines or less, 3,00, Yearly advertisements, not over 4 squares, 'l,OO One column. one - year, 30,00 Yearly advertisers will be restricted to the business in which -they are engaged ; and are considered as wishing to continue advertising unless they shall give special, directions for:a discontinuance. of -the slime.; ' faT The publishers haTing added to their Job Printing materials a large and superior seissrr. ment of Job Tkpe, are now prepared to moat - - Job Work in a manner unsurpassed in this see tion of country, and on reasonable , Blanks of every description kepteonatantly e , on hand or printed to order. 't3usintess Pirtrting. VAIL & LIRENDAGE, PHYSICIANS AND Sunasoas, SuEqa., Depot, M. IL C. FAIL, Dr. A. M TIFFANY, ',Onsician and c%nryan, llarford Susq'a County Di., Dec: 1856. Win. W. SMITH' & Cabinetand Chair Mapufaetarers,foot Maio Street, Montrot;e,Pa. • Dr. H. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist, Moptrose, Pa., ,will ,be at Searle's Ilotol,3londays and Theadays . ofeacb pSyl week . ABEL TURRELLOImurnost, P. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Cheralcals,Dye. Stuffs. Glass.ware,Paints, this, Varnishes, Win. dow Glass, GroCeries, 'Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, egk,--and Agent for all of the Most popalar Pate Medicines. . . , JOHN GROVES;. • Fashionable Tailor—Shop under Searlei ilptel,3lain Street, Montrose, Pa. . DEALER is Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Tion, ' Ware,Lodersville,near Great Bed Depet.-3 3 A. Lathrop; . , ,„„ DEALER it in enoy-aracie cdoining,. Hats and Caps. Boots raid Shoes, Pry Goods. &c; . Store 'opposite Searle's Hotel, blontrOe, C. D. Lurnnor, rind J. P. W. RILEY, i With ' •• Dr. B. THAYER. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon Montrose Pa. Office in the Farmer's Store. . , ATTOnNEY AND COVIKSELLOn AT Law,Montrose Pa., will attend faithfully to all business en trusted to him in the county of Susquehanna. Conveyaheing 'and Writing of all _kinds will be done neatly, and charge moderate. He.wili also atteud to the prosecution.ofelaiinsorsol diers, their widows and heirs,agaihst the U.S., government, for Bounty Land, Pensions, &e. May be found at an hours at the office formerly occupied by J. T. Richard, Esq., north of the Court-House.—lBs3-43 - • ,AL C TYLER, In erested with L L. Bunt IMPORT E AND DEALER in, liordware and cut. lery, Ca riage Trimmings, spiings, &c. No. :11.5 .Pearl.. Street, N. Y.: Where his Mercantile friends, in this and whey' Counties,are kindly invited,and earnest/3v solicit ed to call and purchase. - _ r • 6tf. • J. H. Parsons, . WHOLESALE AND_ RETAIL DEALER iit Cabinet Ware, Was, .Bedsteads, Tables, Stands - Chairs, &c. - -.No. 9 Washington street . . Binghamton, N.Y. Sr Coffin Ware-Room ill" stairs. • 3. D. QM, M. D. • PtIYSICIAN and Surgeon has permanently located' hithaelf at Brackiierfille, Swag's County, Penn'a, and will piomptly attend to ill calls with which he may belavored. . May. 1856.—,n21 - • • A. Pickett, . - 6 . Jusrmi. or PTHE PEACE, Collect° .of Deb* , Executor of Deeds, .Wills, Contracts, &c. Of fice, Laceyri Ile, Wyoming. county, Pa. May 9, 1856. • • SASH, BLIND, DOOR; AND GLASS DEPOT, ON CIIESTNET STb 31Ioutrosc, Pen ea, BY D. BREWSTpt. All sizes end Aeseriptions, in any quantity, made to order, or furnished on the shortest' , ne tiee. HAYDEN BROTHERS, New illifford, .Peusa'rt. %?liHOLESALE Dealers - in - Buttons • V Combs, Suspenders, Threads, Fanci Goods, Watches - Jewelry, Silver and. Plated Ware, Cutlery; Fishing Tackle, Cigars, dt.c.,dto, Merchants and Peddlers supplied - on libeml terms.' WM. HAYDEN, - TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. 41:1* • . E. F. WILMOT,. GRADUATE, of tho Allopathie 'and 10. meopathie. Colleges of Medicine s is noig , permanently located-in Great Bend Pa. • April Ist, 1856. C. W. SICYPT • - 'JOHN SAUTTER • FSIIIONABLE TAILOR. Shop'first.door north of the Farmers' Store. E.' CA ULDWELL & SONS, -icaport. ers of China, Glabs, and Eartliern Ware, N0..76 Warren. §treet„New York. • • • A GOOD assortment of Pattern Dres Lawns allprice.s, at G. W. S. & CO's. PORCELAIN and C.anita (~..he. at . CC W. 8 & COIBI _ ake. Notice). SUNDAY SCHOOLS *furnished with Libra ries of dikire.t&sizes at New York retail prlees. Call at the,PeatOffirft. • May '7, 1856: Freda Arrival of New Goods at • DICE} MANS & GARAtATT'S THE subscribers would respectfully inform the good people of Suaquchnns: Co. that they are now opening their stock 'of Fell and Winter Goods which is unusually large and. at. tractive all of Which will• be sold for:: cash or approved credit cheaper than can be bought lit any other establishment in the countyWe mean just What we say. Please give us , . • -- DICKERMANdt- GARRATTEI. • New Milfoid SePtletb,lB3s. •-' Bates_ of Advertising. JOB_ WORK. I Penna. A. 11. BRCICDAGE. JOHN COLSTEN, FRANKLIN FRASER, H. S. KNAPP, WITH [A. LATHROP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers