give you will know is distributed to the ne cessitous. - _ I may state for instance that the briglnal 4Cllleatt() company :neverfullitleil thiir Aim'. tract witli . tliii : tampany,that left there in June•laft, ha,.ikeett more Itarcie•hipA than any - other cuttliiiiny in the Territoty. The committee Was to. dive _tltete.n . SsiNtancie on their arrival in the Tertitory, and also find thorn in provisions for ono yenri %%hieh has net . been compiled if von say anything to' them they reply it is all the Nationaltlotnmitto,o4 when you -men- Lion it, to them', thev . f;ty,,you are n A seperate concern, we {ir ve notiting to do with vou. ,That the way you 71 rt! treated, Idler tx'ing induced to leave a eouifirlable home, to en dure ptivatiens and hardships for thei Aid So ciety to speculate. from:. For tt sample of the committee;s genero,ily, I cite to yOu one circetustance among a hundred that happens, daily: A Mr . , Bedose, Of Rockford, had lost all his clothing at the bar tie of Ozsotyaloinie, and. on his return Mr, Whitman 'glive h,itn an over shirt (of blue flannel . whieh is gen— atly wOrn -- 11eir) he had worn the Oiirt smile two radaths and 'as there had quite a gpanti tyirrived ferAistribution. he applieil to Mr. 11, (one of the ecemnittel fur,one. IThe sorer was—we have no more fur '•''ou All.. then turned and walked off - These are facts Which are too truer: Alio is 'to receive the aid that is' donated if a.rnan like that is refus ed, who tt!►s been through ell the struggles during the:surnmer au'il fall, and whose fami ly has just artived.froin Itockfcid, 1;11.? Mr was induced to come out here Iby the Rockford Co►nmitteei with the promii:se cif be ing provisioned fol a rear, and they liliewise agreed to assist but started them off without money enough to pay tlieir '.yay. _ - It appears that the Ounittrittee has been .',. weighed. and foumi . :vantind," acid there are'sexeral of the detitute in consequence. It is Wile - these transactions were !exposed, so that no more persons: may be duitild by the . committees, or by those 'AO are solicitivg aid for bleeding Kansas. I Wink it my duty to put the whole matter in a true lilzhtt - efore,die public, as I ; ibe sere- ral committees .itavk.:, been written to repeat edly and co, reply, What are those to do this winter ‘vlio now belong to tltepilitia, which will lbe Idisband ed in a-short time! What'arethe prisoners 'to do if they have the good luck to 'fret free 'from b,ondage ? .Can they' . ;;et employment ? ! C ar t th e y they 4:-v'tilom claims? That is to be s - een; or Will tli S be left. is Olk for theta • selves and turn Laiulits fur support, which Las already" commenced, and which. has been one ea it se .of th e - d itlic ti I t e si in the Territory. For instance,: the colonies •from the Soulli were sent in with. the..same' . guar antee' as those from' the 'North, with F the ad: aitiorf of their claims being - paid fir teming'into mallet and their' committee: have:also proved l'ailbles?, and what was the residt . ? 11'7,y th-rzr were forced to . rob and pia redrr jbr 5,11).,....v?e;ie!c and to raise means to gel -out ty . the Terr:itory i and a war followed .with _1 issouri.. as die' was eizar'yeci with many of these crini-es. T'll give you one mote instance of the corm. mittee's generosity . , and' close. 2:1 proctile,l ictt - 61 d f.r the Piirpose of striring tlie. baggage beh n fihl7 -- th e men %rho Wet eleld prisoners at Leeomplon. The building. had been vacant all summer an only tised•. now - . and then fur a stable. ttc any 4 - ,ne w.n o to use it. .t procured the use of it horn Guy. .:The person I have refe - ienee to, wanting the blouse to put - in hui-ses. - W !licit be longed .to theqtid Spcie.iY, put thel out of doors. wit honi. contained all of their clot hin ! , , tneonanical :tools,-4rc., Which were ex)lo.4.‘+l l to rain and the etagere k ftP, J ,6l . .e ii2dV before another I,lace •coiald . .pr..:eHri.-(1 store If that is the..A ity men iu a:e treat 4 what can arty one expect who ciones here trustingto the promises of'these ? The abOve, are stubborn facts,whieh I ilia sorry .to relate, ,La't nevertheless t)tie.atal hope this will be :if, a-arniii : z to ilio4e who mar be interested in Kansas • matter's, and who wish to come here as settlers! I sub scribe myself ' ' You r_.r?.speetfull v,. Col. J. A. 11.11LNF.r, of Flee —Ninety actual settb , rs, and neat them from the free states te<ify , to reetneis of the statement made by nu.- We observe tint' W. Spicer 'Of Susquehanna Pl. is one of the number. Spicer is a sort of Cul. Asa Spicer of Etarforti this county, and is known to many of oar citizens. Any statements inaay by him may. 'be relied upon as correct. The abore , *firms tbecharges preferred against . the I Aid Societies duriag the canvass. It goes t0 . .1 - stow-that funds •ai din the.east to aid " suf fering Kansas," trace been applied for . other - and different purposes and that, the settlers of Kansas - have not been lteriefitted 11 them. !!::::: XXIIVtIa Congress—Second Session. •• -: As yet Congress has trantAeted no inipOr. ' . .taut business. The Senate has :had under ~ consi6.ration for a week past, the Pte-ident's Message, and violent, uninstructive bararernes . on the' subject of slavery, have been _ the or der of !the day. The louse deTerteil action on Whitfield's catie until Tu \ estitiv last, when it was expected his right to-a Iseht as . delegate „from - 'l4nsas would. be recoznize(l. • In the meim time members have amused themselves and disgusted the Country ' by . denouncing • the South and a using each other. - When : will this profitles , discossiow . about shaven-, . cease to occupy the valuable time of Gongtess .ta the exclusion of itnportant and„, praetical quest as, in which all feel an interest? - . Holloway's Pill: have wrought wonders in the-uulmalthy regions of the, West . and Smith-west. In September last, Hiram Sea bury, aged' 28, residing near Terrellauteja., was cured in two weeks of bElious remittent fever (to which he had been subject erCry fall for nine year-;,) by the F•en RAI opera ifon of this remedy. This tl iserise had prostrated him season after season, at the hetziest'llinq of the year, Cansirig him great pecuniary loss, as Wei/ suffering. . The attack Ow: :el'ally:confitied . him to the pause : from (lie Coronievo:,ernatt of the i Fall -anti! the middle . of . Deeemh or . Evert remedy Ar a i the tyCould StigZ(SLtVlai tried ititiiuut asai but that which had. rietied tlicii pteserip:iiMs for nine "'lee-sive yr•an . r, was radically oiled in a forthittlit by ll.ll , ,way's Pills. Mr. Sea bury,Twriting under date „Litman- 3d, says, 'ml am now. in the el,'• • ofpm • feet . 14a1c4." • Religions• Notices. The Rev. Lan(l4,ll expeGtt4 t ( i preach in the N. E. Church in 01 6 place i-iu Sataiday &ad Sunday, the 13th, and 14tb, ice, • There *ill be a 4lonation !hit for the ben efit of .the Rex . Itosmond Ingitila,. at the Par sonage in lirttulcivn Centie neeember the 23d, inst. Iklarried - people to attend id--the. afternoon; and- yottng 4 enple in the "evening. A g , tneral invitatitAt to el is heirby giveni . . 13y artle'r n Committee.: r. • , , . il - • i - - I, • ''' ' UlB ° Vs .. - • In Ntivi .Milfcird, Nov. 29th, Loots, . oldest Foh of Wm,( ,4 Ward F.,-14.,?1gi1d 25 yenta an d 5 Liar. - i , -• Droutatuto. . . the Ist.inst, by the Rev. Geo. B. Reese, :tt Summers New Milford, Mr. FREEMAN BAR NVM, ors!. t,) ELLEN E. daughter. of Rickard L. Siitphin . - In Columbus Warren Co., Pa., Nov. 27tb, by Eld. A. l3:irris, Mr. Ensos S. FANCII4R, of Mknitrcg-e Pa. To- Miss P. Acusr. L. of the former place. . • Vestal, ,ureMber 24th, 1850 by the Rev..Tulm F. Wilber, Mr. Limos 'lvan, Jr. of Pa., to Alia.% CARO LINt ls:Crum,of Vesvtl, Broome, Co.,- N. Y. V Dee. 901: by Rev. A. 0. warren, at his reAdenre ?tfni?trof-e, Mr. WILLIAII STarroN formetly - 01 COttn. late of California, and Miss LYDIA M. WituAlts, of Brouklyn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Prospectus gor lin. THE SkTLIIONY EVENING POST. ESTAIIi.ISCIED Ai:GUST 4th, 1821. . 1 The.puldishers of, this old and firmly es-, 1 talished paper take pleasure iu calling the i attention of the .pnblie to their ptog,raintne cforthe coining year. Surfeited with politics, 1 the claims ofinerature will be mote than ev er. Wu have therefore already made arrange ments midi !the follo.wilig brilliant list of waters: ; • ILLIAM,IIO W ITT (of -England) ALICE CARY,. T... 5. ARTHUR, MRS . SOUTH WORTH, AUGUSTIN'E DUGANNE, MRS. M. A. DENNISON, the uuthor of " ZIL LAH," cf.:e - •. e , d e ommencing in the first num ber in January next, the following original Noielet : • • Talteiagetta, or the Squatter'sflome by IVIILIAM Ilowm, author of "Rural Life in England," ," Homes of the Poets," &c. This is a Story of Australian Life, Mr. Howitt linving• visited Australia expressly with the of of acquainting himself with the novel and romantic aspects under which nature and society present themselves in that singular region; 'l'llo story of a COUNTRY GIRL, by Alice Cary. An ojigiusl Novelet, written express ly for the . The WITHERED lIEART. An onginal .Novelet, writ:ell expressly for the Post, by T. S. Aithur. ! MGM - HOUSE ISLAND. An original Niivelet; by the authiir "My Con f ession,'' zuah, or the Child Medium," &c. • .. Tife,QUAEER'S PROTEGE. An origi-. nai No - velet,by Mrs. Mary A. Denison, audio! " M:uk. the Sexton?' " Ilenie Pictures, &e. The .LUI:GUNDY, a tale of • the Swiss cantons.. An o l iffinal .IN - e y e l e t, bv A in ! ! author of the" Lost of the IVildo-ti(.. ,, 5," a:0. • have also the .proinisq of a short and riiovele, by nrs. Soralliwortb, 1(.3 :no 11lroug;1 lifuout z.:ix or cight,ounLeis of the 004. .• . 'lli AtdtilliNi,, ko Ott .;Itove (tf con t:iltt“iotts, 'tie tit•sigt: ettlitinttiller the ut.u2:l tonott ttf chig-mai St:etc'::es Choice St . :le t ‘iott: front :tii t.ont ces, Aiv ice] t ta tal',l_;ettttral lea:, Ito wortms Skisieh v i,, v cif - the Prittinee end Stock 111:tiketta, the Pitilativiitltin.ltetail Markets, 13ank Note List, ElitotialQ, .F.;NGRAVINciti.—In the wa3, of Enzra , we 4-:nerally -pre!..ent Iwo weekly—one of nn instioeti re, anti the other ora humor, ourritAtneter. NEM TERMS (Cash in advance,)—Single copy 52,00 a yc;p: • y all •of t1" ! e cur ,pt: nil 4 copies $5 a year. 8 't (Ati4l ~ ple to the getter.Of C!uh) *lO. 13" (rani one to the L=etter of Chit)) $l5. :10" (And one to the oetterof Ciuh)•B2o. re ,, , always post paid, DE ACON & PETERSON, N... 03 S•rinh Third Sth , f4;, Philadelphia. tir S-IMPLE NUMBERS sent gratis to • any 4 h e, wi!en it...crested. 'IIUSICXL CONVENTION, - Prof. W. 1. BRADBURY - of New YO,rk, will conduct zi Mnsicai Conven tion, at Montrose, commencing December 22d, at2lo, A. M.. to cofitinue.three_ziase, acid -dose, Wedrestl.4-Ev..nina. with a T . • • • The Committee %%111 be happy to seethe lovers vi Music. pr'esent. The Oratorio o - P"EsTrrte.. nr the C:rntata of Daniel" by BRADPUItY, sill Le infro• uced 'l'lte and the 'Neui York- Glee and Chorus itoi•ks will be used. '?fl:iekets for,GeoticmCn, - - $l,OO . . . 50 liooks':and l'ictets to be had of J. Lyons A: Son. Admission to Concert '25 Ms: - • . M. M. 111 arr, L. F: Fricn, Wm. Id. J t.s•ur, JOIIY SHEELER,. T. A. Lvoss. . (izo. Mmitp , :e. Dee. Bth, 18fiG. • 51w2 STRAY STEER. Carve hi t° the:enclosure of the subscriber last spring, .a light red yeertiog Steer, The .owner C.:21:111 10 : 1 3 it by proving property and payivgebar gelt M. J. DONNELLY • Chrieontit, December 6th 1656. hl-3. IyNT !LOAM 110 WITT. the, celebrated Eng. .I NI t 4.r. wrilvs for The Saturday Ere- Po 4. TA I.I.ENG EtrA . OR THE Stle Prospectus in n .t fter- e. rr IlE,1 . 1)-criliers i% ill offer for side et public vtliiiine on Weenesday, December 24th, in Franklin, ithttollowing property: • A F.ittii of it& acres. with 42 acres improved, beim_r th'erciin a go .d Framed House with I Wood Plow rind Carpenter's Ehi)p sttavbe4i, a i Ilion with Sheds attacilvd, and a lierse-barn with stieits Cnws, I pair of 2-yeara old Steers. I pair ;if Dien, 4 }earlina Steers. \p ,yearlings ileifer.i, 1 ',Horse '8 . ..11. 4 11 r:4 ,i4l, 2 ( wk .. ' Lumber Wavoii, Btigav, 1 two. Sl,t , ,zh. 1 Cutter. awl intity „r i and GrAi. Fartnitig , Utcrisils, llonsehold fur. flit • • Term- , of silo 'of. the Fara') tna4e known. on the ri d e . For the -perioni:ll properly--. lel -semi liver 6.5,4 x morlthis credit uith oruved security.. „ - SILAS • - DARIUS. I'ECK, • ' • Dec 4th, f 8 -.50187;. -[ XalTral.MW.'M PIIBLIC VENPUE. .• ALICE GRAY lithos for The S-tuidait Ere li Past. THE STORY OF A COUN, TRY GIRL. Prospvius in - nnother place. . ; ART.firig writer. for 'he Saturday r Eteni4 ,Pust.., THE IVITIIERED tIEAkT. Sea Prnrpoctu. in anothi,r place_ NOTICE TS bettby given, that in pursuance of .the net of Altimblyi•the following persons have filed their petitiensiwith the Clerk ofthe _ r nun of Quarter kiessiena of the Peace Tor the County of Bosqnehan4, for. License to keep tt.Tavern in said Crinnty, Robert. Gaidv,: . A-d dins, Silver Lake Auburn S.B. WELLS, Proth. • Dec, 10th, '1 LIgirrAMUSE 'ISLAND. an : originiil No*. &et, by.the author of: ZILLAH," Sz.c..l,‘ ill b• .publihbed in Tlw Saturday Evening Post. See Prospectt+ in pot her place.. FARMERS! • . purchase one of the best' CORN SLIELLERS and SEPARATORS .a 4 ver In vent ed. • nridert4ined is now prepared to furnish JL to FAR NlERS,lllillens and others the world renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller—the wonder of the tiniesl,being the best; most durable. and easiest. runniky, Sheller now in use. 11 arra nted to shell moresorn in d shorter space of time, than any other\inaebine, entirely cleaning the ear, from end; to ., end, without crushing either corn or rob. The 'llachmes are constructed with t* o. cranks, and phlly for a belt, so thitetwo persons can turn them, or attach a belt in motion by any power, The attention of persons owning is soloiited, as the MEellincs are wonder fully adapted!to any kind of power. - They are very easily turned, and when once in motion n small boy 'cad tutu thew ; - they are capable of shelling one bushel per minute—every Farmer Ahould hare: one—as they save their cost, in Its than one 'seasons. They are Lon exhibition at Searle ; s Sayre's Fou6dry, 'Ely's NW in Drieakiyn, and at Lathrop's Lake 'Mills, wticro they can be See-II in operation. Sit art time. MI orders ad:liesi . cd to the underi;Nrit, will receive prompt mien .tion. INlaehines shipped at a dimtance and war ranted tooperate.. D. D. SEARLE. • Searles blorarose,lDecember, 11th, 18:)G. CERTIFICATE. THIS is to certify, that I have examined and used one 4 the ahove Shelters. for sale by D. D. SSARLE, and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one of the hest, i most durable and ea,iest runninz Shelters ever introduced into this comity. It will shell more corn in a shorter time than any other Macifthe, and is always ready for )ervice. I most heartily and freely recommend them to the Farmers of Suscfa County, as the cheapest and best Shi , ller, no in-use.. I have one in operation in my-mill in Dimnclt, which needs only to be been to recommend itself. Call and see IL • A. 11311 ELY. Brooklyn, December 11th, 1856. 51tf. IRS. MARY DENNISON writes,. for The AIL .s'st 161::v Evening Post. • THE QUA RER'S PROTEGE. See Prospectus in another place: • MRS. E; I). E. N. SOUTiIWORTII ciTites for The :Saturday Eveninn. Punt. Se'c Proriwctus in EMPLOYMENT FOR THE WINTER. THE BEST BOOK roti, AGENTS. To pFrsons out of Employment A :N Elegant Gift for a Father to Present to LA : . his F:Jalily! 'Send for one Copy, and' try it :,foong your hien& ! WANTEO- 7 A7elitA in eerty S'eetier, o f It, United States, citenl..te" :: . :EAR'S LARGE TYPE QUARTO BIBLE tor, ran ily titled TIIE rEoh.E.'s P1c . :0w...1.1)011E671C raIILL, Wftlt abdut Ona Tliou-and En raciii~s:: ~This usriful book is rierdined. ir we can form I . an !DP,iniott! from th e .oilers I,f llet. Pres:4, to !have enpree..dt.nted. eircula!ion in err•ry s •ctio.l'i of - 4our cortil,ent, red to fOrn, tire! er.t in ;be sale of "our works. It ttiti, rio ditubt, in a ; few years become=The Family Bible of the f..meric.ot People. • The most liberal remuneration will be allow. ed to all i wrs,irns who may he p!Ttsed to procure subseriber to the above. From M.) to 100 copies may oasily!be circulated and sold in rich of the principal Olies and towns in the Urii.m. IT WILL BE!SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Application ehnuld be Made at once ; as the field will soon be occupied. • Per4ons I wishing to art as agents, and do a gate busine , ts, can send for a specimen tny. On receipt of the estaldished price, six dollar-1.1 the Pictorial Family Bible, with a well hound Subscriptian 'Book,.wii: tie carefully boxed, and fot warded !per express, at our risk and e*p;•roe. In any ventral town or village in the United ! States, except those of California, Oregon. and Texas. Itegi‘.ter your Letter', and your money will come wife. In addition to the Pictorial Bible. we publish n large number of illustrated Family Work, very popular, and of such a high merit and un excepti,,nahle" character, that while good men may safely, engage in their'eireniation, they will confer a Poblie Benefit, and receive a Fair Com pensation for their lahor. • Orders !respectfully solicited. For farther particularg addre'si the subseri4er, (p,tst paid). ROBERT SEARS. . ' 181 William Street, New York. 1856. 51w1. ELECTION'S OVER! TheCoteut6•, is Quiet! Prosperit'y • Abounds !! • AND now that winter has tome, Farmers and all others. should prepare' to enjoy the fruits of their labors, by securing.larnoilix other requirements to Fire.side IlaPpiness) a ropy or two of snipe of the - ehoice Books jut received at th e m ob ti o , e 13-,4d. - Store, which can :ma will he sold - as eM•ap as at any other Book Store this side. of N. V. City. or even at Evan's &. CII . /4 great Gift Book sale in the City, that seeds out so many Sci sors and Penknirts. e Among: the new Books are -Western Border Life, Doril Grafton, Life. of Gen. Morgan„ Three per cept 31iintii or the Perils of : Fast Livir.,_ The Last of he - . Forester-, I')red, t o r c h light, Violet. A Post !Ake 'Directory or Business Man's Guide, a Book that every Business man in Ow County should . own, Japan Expedition, 31e titanic's 'loft Book, &e.. &e , . ALSO a new tuck Of School Books which will be sold upon the principle' that the " nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling." • A new Physical Geogriiptly of The United States by a M. Warren. the nicest thing out.— . Beprcl . 24l.listory of the United States a new 'School Book just out. Elementary Morai sons. fir Schools and Families . M :F. Om ih! - ry a first rate Min. , . Green's Elements of Engli-h Grammar, Colimins new series of Arithtneties, also.:—Greenlears new Arithmetic. • Wrbsters Dicti , maries—nll sizes and to be sold cheaper than that Penknife House in N. V. Dierks for 1857—A rood assortment, and sfl right - Mk to prier, and Almanacs for 1.857, alsn,-• A new lot of Blank Books, Writing Books, with or without copies, Ink Black and fte& Pens and Pap.r . of different sizes and colors, Scissors. Knives, Razors, Pott.Mrinius, Fishhooks mind Lines, Limps, Portfolio's, County Pocket Maps, of the different States tte.,te.e. Mold rOftP,- 24 - 1856. • • N. •11.—Chrlit mas and New i'Pnrx will here in R itYW dl).4—..ft word to tho wise &e. A. N. D. , P . ,s,_77.4nvP.tpf.r . , slngazyno it in thee Uelite:ll Se:etfee tt:th hr ItroeurtA ut Oh-current 4'1116 Engrain, nt tta. P. WANTED. ! WANTE D ! 'loooEllS„Dried Apples alely,-fp r r we , pg) , the iig4est . .tharket price. • , S. H. *, 14, S AYE, tioptristie,Dee. 2, met ec-ws A MEDICAL REVOLUTION THE VIV D UNANIMOUS • • . . . .- (A -tc a ' C\ •4 - .. 1 :•.?:1) i. • . • ,•••:. • r. 1.; 11? ...t4,,%-•-i.,•• .0 el-,„, - . - A ,- •: . •:, .-., )emsl- •••7 -'.. ;4'4 .1:) 1.1%•••, ; 4• -•' • • • •• , , , i4•- - •- c. 4) ' ,. .i .. , ; 4 0 0 ~, • '' '".- r/ - ‘z , ! •'-', / r - ..t...'%.,- ~ , N - 7 .. ~. .4. •... 110 . t ., _1 i . t; •••:,.. ~ . .i. . ',) , •- • VI i ... y V tieW' - • lit" ' .1" - -• ' ••";•-f.: s.ti ; i• • 4 , ..l t 1 - -i -- ,. -.; 1 143' , ..9-; ..s_,- t 5-k ." ,-- N•—••. ‘ i - :-.' -7, k ;,. f' •.a.* ..,,......:.?„-.-i. -• •• ... .tp ; ' , ...±. - ' •.-_- ,: ; 1 01 '.*4 .I.t' ,:41'...t1:-.`:t•.,tl:ll:*J., "7:-,....f... f•-•; : 6••.;4i, - ..:-.,,....;!.- ii.. , .:4-• .... -.- . NOLLOWAtS' OINTMENT. Tho ' Great 'Counter Irritant!! ttiE virtue of the disease often makes Ito Cway to the internal organs throne+ the pores of the skin. I'his penetrating Ointment. melting under the it. is. rubbed in, is absorbed through , the same' channels. nod, renehing the . sent of inflartimatlon, promptly and invariably subdues . lt, Whether located 'in the kidneys, theliver. the lung, , , or any other iin portnnt organ, It Penelnstes the surface to the interior, through . thr eonntless tubes that corn muniente with the tikin ns summer.rain- passes into the fevered enaih, diffusing its cool and re generating influene4. • . Skin diseaSes and Glandular Swellings. Every species ot*xterior itTitation is quickly redtved by the antiintlatnmatory action of this Oint:nent...Angry:Zntrrtoss, such as . MALT RHEUM,: ELYSIPEO.S, TEETER, RISGWORM, SCALD IIEAD, NETTLE RAt.}l, SCAEIES, (or Prot) Se., Out. to more ; under its application. Hospital experience in all parts of the world proves if\; infallibilitp in diseases of Of.) skin, the inuselps, the joints and the glands: The effect of thiS unrivalled . f.Ntepn'nl . remedy .upon Scrofula . , and other virulent ulcers and sores, is almost mihaCulons.• It first discharges the poisna which; prnduces suppuration and 'proud flesh, and flips the cures which its healing properties atterwatil complete are safe as well a, permanent. Wounds, Bruises. Burns, and . In eases of the fracture of the hones, injuries e'angoa by steam i•xplos.iong. Bnctsp.., SCALDS, Ritr.u . :ArAsat, STIFF:ass of the Jarvis, and contraction of the' sinews: it is employed and warmly rec.oramended by the faculty, This marvellous remed' has been introduced by ifs inventor in perSoni!irto of, Europe, and nt;iirirato household should be without it. Undenitilble . Testimony.. . • The Medical Stuff of the French and Ennlish Arrnids in th..ltn.a have cdlicislly signed their apnrocal of iliellowlys' Ointment, as the mast reliable dresiing. for sabre cut 4, stabs, and gun-shot wounds.f. It is - nitle used by the Aar geons of the Allied Navies.' Bath the Ointment and Pills should bs• used . in the',/ollowing cases : . Minions, Sore Less, . , Burns, . ' - Sore Breasts. Chapped hands, ;i Sore Ffead&' C i hiliitains, ~ . Sore Throats, Fistula, r • Sprains.. Lout. - i - Stirrllintq., ! Goinliamo, . , ;Salt Rhoum, Ifereurial Eruptiois; • • 1 l'ile.:, , - Skin- Diseases, 1, Rhen Ina tim, '. • Tetter, Rinaworni.• - • '',. • Ulcers. . . • s we tt,. ( l. Glands. 11 Venereal Sores. Sores of all kinds t , - • - Wounds of kinds. *** Sold. at "thii•Tantificterles of Professor Flow.owAy. SO. gpideri Line, New York. and I 24.1 SIT-rind. Loat-lop s , be all respectable Drum. 1 cris‘s and Dealers ih. Medicine thronffhout the Unit , d Siatos and flu' civilized world, in pots,. i at 25 eer,is. 432 I;2:.i.•ents. and S.l each. - • , Thrre i , a . •,-, ! con4.lerablo saving' by ta i „in.! the Inurer siz'es, . - Ni 17 Tr. • i: !I. 4* 41 N. a, —,,,r1 , ,•,,4 , ;;-; ,or the cruldntlen o f pa ti en t s in tier; dihordcr ate -:,tTixed to 'each box. ' • ft.:1 , 140 . i.. 1 • . . 11 4 7 ()TICE I.t Iter:Atv thc. firm' of !II r E Mnti bk erinkent Tho tioteß nod I . t: the hnr.d4 of C. I.V. Slott for All inlerestsd wili sare cejs.' lonlrose. 04...1;• 1856. LARGE stockof Crovkery and Gass A Ware at • Q. V. S & MILLINEIt, DRESSMAKING AND - s•roat A.. D. STORMS:CO. O d L i t 1, 41. 1 , ), r f I ci i s , p' n e t e r t , l l, u: ) .l: n a i n nnictev that e la- 11 they have opened a Fc4ocv Dress (foods Fur niAlring Sore, on llaaa Street, over the Farmer's Store,= where they,i. will be happy to see their old friends. antr ale solicit the patronage of new ones. Zliss chase will attend to the Millinery department"; the Dressmaking depart ment will be under the charge of Miss Walter- Inoz , e. Montrose. Sept. 15, 1856. 38—tf. Tromont tho 14,ustang Candidate; I Col. Freinont hard as many friends as the I 51ustanz Liniment...the opposition could not draw a coperars guard., Mr. Fremont remarked, in his di,p.dches to pre.ident Fillmore, while tr,inii:portinglo,rses and cattle over the plains of Mexico, 6' That if th6garernnent would send on a libt;ral suppla of 314flang Liniment, it would mte :25 per cent hiusses." This is very 'im port:l'4 tOr all Farmets and Liverymen to know. The Mustanz Liniment .is a wonderful article for man lir beast, .11 'should. always be used for Sores, Swellin L r.i i stiff Joints, Burris, Bruises, Kircumalic Pains, &t:Y. and . ,for Galds, Sprains, Ritegbone, &e., upon horses. Beware of imita tions The Mustangls sold br all respectable deale"rs everywhere, ,BARNKS & PARK. Proprietors, New York. • .n491m0 G. F. TGRDHAM, [srce - EQsar,. &E• BAtnwm.] • IriNurACTURER ciF S.A151)14::, lIA IZNESS & AND •.„1:111.AGE TRIMSIER NNTOULD ineite all oho are in wont of any article ever ketit at a Harness shop to give him" a rail iinro v ss m:lsl# of the beet Oilk.Tanned Leath ers (m short notice.... Ile has On h.trid rood - assortment of Car- Tritnittinf_r4 .a•lligh he offers on.the most reasonable ltrths. ('arria , e Tlitnining,, done ith neutni.s.s and dis1)101. Repairing , -dono on short notice. No. 1. 2 & .3, Basernent Searles Mute'. Montrose, • REMOVAM TAILORING E.STABLISIIMENT, ON 31.11 N ST., NEXT DOOR TO TUE FAMIEIIS STORE.. TOE undersigned' fleeing removed his 15110 p 1 frum Public Avenue to MAIN STREET is about receiving, a splendid assortment of BROADCLOTII, CASSIMERES; VESTINGS, • Which Ir. is prepared to cut and make to or der in a ktYle That admot fail to soil all who may favor him with Weir eustom. Those wish ing their work done real and durable man s. tier, will find it_ to their interest to give we a call. • - I.'SAUTTER, Tailor, Idootros'e. Noe. 27.'1556.-421f. • A. N. BULLARD, Moors, Sores, and Tumors. ;Scalds. Disolation. More and More New Goods. I3CRRITT 1) . 4:1in on hand with- ft new ,aul SECOND STOCK of FALL- SC: W INTER. GOODS waking tin usifottnent unu sually complete in all kempeets, and will be mold is tow a. 111N . i,iFTeAt, (0 lower fur Cash, Dexter, or:4fpr.,vill credit. 7: 1 I+l , •ve 118. 1856. ~ FIIRS'i; FURS, FUR Nectarines an4;Cuff.. and Bunko Rubes a new ktti4 jtiliti tvacived. and: far Rata c a m p by . i U. DURRITT. .wer.llB, IBM. i GREAT EXCITEMENT AT .Outtenburg Rosenbaum & Co's. dTORE# THERE is a general rush at their establish. meat, and it is reported that :they hare just received, and are daily hailing I- fresh "VPIY of New Goods. • The truth of this report can be beet known by caking at their store oa Turnpike Street at the foot of Public Avenue. WW have on hand a carefully selected supply of ' READY MADE CLOTHING. - for both Ladies and Gentlemen, everything:call ed for, from a pair of Hoes to a HAT or BON-. NET. Those wishing to protect their health from the cold atmosphere in this region,- would do well to call on us,'ss we- ,will will supply their wants on lower terms than any other establish ment. To our friends, one sod all, we would say, give tis a call, and We protoisc, that you shall go away fully satisfied. GUTTENBEItG ROSENBAUM & Co. Montrose, Nov. 21,1856. • " To My Patrons. T ° qualify myself the better to serve you L l propose attending a course of - instructiorit at Dental college, during he coming winter and Spring. I design leaving about the 30th of the present month, to return the Ist of Jan. and re. main at home through that month and perhaps the next, then go back to complete my course, Those wishing my services before leaving, please call within the time specified. Those in debted to me will also be very courteously re ceived if they will come and fork over the need ful. Yours Profession'illy. C. D. VIRGIL, Dentist. Montrose, Nov. 1856 4- PERFUMED BREATH.—What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of a disagreeable breath. when by using the Bal mof a Thousand Flowers " as a dentrifice would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster? Many persons'do not know their breath is bad, and the subject Is as delicate their freinde will never mention it. Poor , "a single drop of "Balm" on your tooth brush I and wash the teeth night and morning. A fifty cent bottle will last a year. A beautiful complexion may easily be acquired by wine the " Balm of a Thousand Flowers." It will remove tan, pimples and freckles from the skin, leaving it of a soft and roseate hne. Wet ,a towel, pour on two'or three drops, and wash The face night and morning. , SHAVING MADE EASY.—Wet your sha ving brush is ether warm or cold water, pour on two or threet • ops of "Rolm of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beard lel!, and it will make a•beantiful soft lather, much facilitating the op- I eration of shaving. Price only fifty cents, Be.l ware of counterfeits, None genuine unless signed by W. P. FETRIDGE & CO. n4om6 Franklin Square. New York, NEW GOODS. Mill* rrHE subscriber has this o . ' I_ day returned from New a •-•Ailk York with - a large and well - - '', , , , i1 selected assortment of * • t-- c. WATCHES. JEWELRY, g l f.. 1, c'tk i. FANCY ' GOODS, 4e. i...'9 —.-2:-' ".. Comprising almost every ar ticle in his line of bonne:a. - Among his stock • , may be found— • . Gold and Silver Watches in great variety. large portion of which are of his own importii. tion.) Cameo, gold stone; mosaic, enamelled, fruit, cornl and all gold Ear-Rings and Breastpins.. Diamond, ruby, pearl, garnet. cameo, -agate, oynx, chased; plain and children's Finger Riags. Gold, silver and plated Watch Chains and Kevi. Geld, silver, plated, steel and german Specta cles. ' . Gold bracelets,lockets, watch hooks, snaps, slee4 buttons, studs, crosses, pens and pencils. SILVER spoons, forks, cups, pie, cake, trait and but ter knives, napkin line's, salrcellam, soup and zravy ladles, card Cases, &r. • Pearl and shell card cases and porto Coral bead-, let armlets,scissors. One, three and tour bladed knives. illpss viol, guitar and violin fittings. Some, very r:eli p;ared castors, cake baskets, table and desert knives' and esxverayeandleaticks, snuill!Nar.d trays, tea setts, .poops and forks. tou'ocr and was beadc, cornelian rings. Britannia ware, sewing birds, needles. - Shell, buffalo and ivory combs. . flair and tooth brushes, ttc, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest cash pricti, at the old stand of • ALFRED J. EVANS.' No. 20ad . Fellow's Hall Binghamton, Nov. 1. 1856.—.-947 • • BLASTING Powder,Esifety Fuse. and Rifle Powder for Sale by I.N. BULLARD. CRANBERRIES and new Raisons for sale by • .• 1: N. BULLARD.. Island, Salt, by the ithek, barrel or lb. by I. !St. BULLARD. Stow. I TIME CHANGED. !, '~::- MNE Delaware, ILackawanna di W. R.B. New and expeditious broad guage route from the North and West. vi} Great Bend and Scran ton, .and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming vallies, directly through New York and Phil ndel ph ia. On and after Monday, Nov. 10, Trains will be dun asfonows: . . Cincinnati Express Train bOund east on N. Y. & E. R. R., arrives at Gt. Bend 8 A. M., from Owe Rn, Binghamton, &e:, and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend. for New York and Odra,. • 8.30, a. m. Due at Montrose, .9.10, ". ' Scranton, . • • 10.45, Stroudsburg, 1.30, p.,m. Delaware, 15 minutes to " • Bridgeville, Phil. pass , leave *2.25, " . Junction, 3.15, ". . New York, . 7.15. " Passengers from N. Y. leave Pier, No. 2._ .:forth ricer. at T'romPhiladelphia, leave Walnut sL W rf, at '7.00, 4 ' Leave Junction, • 11.30, " Due at Bridgeville, Phil. connection, 12.15, p. m. Delaware, 15 min. to dine,' 12.45, " Stroudsburg, • 1.30, " . Scranton, " • 3.40, " Montrose, 5.15, " Great Bend, .5.50, " Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train West at 6,10, p. m. Scranton Accommodation Train, leaves ' Scranton fur Great Bend at 10.451 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, 2.45, p. m. Connecting with Rochester Accinnmodation East, and Day Express West, on N. Y. 5t F.. R. R. Returning, leats Great Bend at 3,15 a.m. Due at Scranton, • • 7.30. " Passengers from New York will change ears at Clarksville. To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. IL, leave or take the cars at Bridgeville.' For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkeibarre, take & 13. R. R. cars at Scranton. . For Jessup, Archibald,-and Carboadale,change cars s t Tickets sold and baggage ehrked between all stations on connecting roads.' Passengers to and from Wilkesbarre, Wyom ing. &c., via Lackawanna & • Bloomsburg Rail road, go through ,without any detention at Scran ton, na the trains on that road run ,in connection with the Express trains on the D, L. & W. R. R.,—hence passengers may_leave Kin g ston at 9.30 a. m, and arrive in Philadelphia at Bp. or N. York at.7.13._ • . Returning, leave Philadelphia at:7 a. in., or, New York at 7.30, and arrive in Kingston at 5 p. m. -Fare from Kingston, Wyomin,,o and Pittston to Philalieipi l New-York, $4,75. Tickets seld, and' Bangrtgo checked througkr D. H. IXITTERVI s finet. Wm. N. Jens. Gen'l Ticket Agent. . BUFFALO Reber ) 116014Afir loi JitaktiogkiiN ed and, will be sold .1:ow by' •H. Boni% - pm Ml*, **be Stoves Stoves I HEVERITT, vapid irate atttentlon- to his loge Stock of New:Stoves, just received. including a full assortment of Ely ted Oven, Air Tight Large Oven, and Parlor; Office. and Shop Stoves, for Wood or Coal, also Stove Pipe, Zinc / Sheet Iron StoVe - - tub e',` & His assortment will include the most set d desirable Stoves Inldarket end, will be n o on tho most favorable terms for Cash, or on al, H. DURRITT. New Milford, Oct. 19th, 1856, .. . THE SOCIETY FOR. THE ENCOURAGE... ?ANT OWEARIN6 CLEAN SHIRTS) Na.-10a Cb4b*-st. eor. of Peari.A. NEWYOEK, Keep on 'hand extensive And complete ewe.. went of tho latest importations and best manufae. tree of DIP? L E bt E:I 1 t 1 FUASISUING Q 0 O D Equal in material, make, texture, durability and style, to any stock ever offered in this coun try—and nt prices which cannot flail to suit clos e CASH buyers. CoNsls TING; %Etat-a-with linen bosoms. collars and wristbands of the best q u alities; and now and choice styles. csrlcono.-The latest and most attractive paNns V3DERSHIRTS and DRAWEISS-Of Wont, Merino.' cashmere, silk and cotton, of desirable ;aid dma ble qualities—and the Tsviox woof. under gartn-r ants, so highly approved by Physicians. Also the "shaker shirts and Drawers. . ensvAxs.— , sOperior quality and beautiful styles, and a full assortment of .stocks, collars, Nectves, Gloves, scarfs, and Mufflers ,of the rich est kinds. Suspenders—An almost endless variety, in. el uding the finest and' most durable. • Pocket-handkerchiefs—silk and C5l/01a..--plain and printed—an unrivalled assortment. Half Hose--Wool and cotton, of .the . best ter: tore, selected expressly for retail trade. • Morning,Robes, and -Gowns—Elegant Pat terns, excellent material, and of the; best make.' This stock comprises all gradiis, ,from' the lowest to the richest. that eau be ,produced— and having nvery facility for. Importing and manufacturing. 'not exceeded by any other es tablishment in the United states—buyers. there fore, wit consult their interest 'by • examining I the 'goods which are sold - at' the - LOWEST POSSIBLE Ca-nu-mu:s. lar' Goods promptly delivered at 'all the Rail Road Depots, steamboats, Ac,. and in any pal t of the city, without charge. Shirts made to order by experienced hands, in superior style,-at shcirt notice, ,war ranted to fit. .w-Nu machine work done in this establishment.' Sept. 11, 18561—n381y . OItWAR,D -AND -- UPWARD.- THE :BORDER •• RUFFIANS ',ON MALY STREET DEPARTING. - AND the endeavor topalm off thot "Exten sire stock of superior quality" of goods lately received from an old broken dowirestah.' lishment in Ilinghamtoo, 'hay proved an entire failure -to our friends down• (men. "Seeing is briievine •We acknowledge the fact. And should judge that .seeing," (without Nieritint) would be all that was necessary to. convince the • public that - . SIMMONS' ct OfERRLILM • at their store on 14 - Etlc Avi;run first door ab9ve the Post Office: have the LARGEST And pest de sirable stock of BOOTS and - . ever introduced tnto this market, wilktii for price, (we offer 'no competition with . : v..ce..rill rate `owls) durability. and stl le, we elmllenge-cOm We are receiving weekly from the be. • louses in New York, the latest styles and, ualities of Goods, which 1:4-vp our asp.nrtment. coMpicte: Just received a large addition to our former stock, conAistinf..T of GitsTs Patent Leather Boots, Patent. Leather Short Boots, French Calf Boots, Gaiters, Shoes and Slips. all' styles. LADIES Gaiters, Buskins, Slips and Boots,beist qualities. Also, Boys, Youths and Chi Idrens Boots- Gait ers and Shoes. the best in Market. In fact ev ery thing belonging to the trade. . All null of Leather, - Findin?s, &c. • All kinds of work made to order and repairing done neatly SIMMONS MERRIMAN. Montrose, July 2.8, 1856. ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- 11. T. Tag4'4ll47go • OF 111310 CE, Co., PA., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in EERY'S & BROTHER'S, - and WHEEL, ER, 'MELICE, & Co's Rail Road HOFSC Powers, Threshers and Seperutors, Threshers and Winnowers combined. Reapers and Mowers ,combined. Mowing and Reaping Machines, of six or seven different Patentees, amonTWhich are McCormick's Bur- Manny's, Wrights, - and_ the celebrated Ketehums Machine, which is, warranted to work to the satisfaction ef the purchaser. The little Giant Corn and Cob Mill, 'the Nimble Giant, Feed Mills, with iron plates. French Buti l tone milli, for farm or mill use. Portable. Cifeular Saw Mill with 24 inch saw,.tor wood cutting &c., extra table and saw for slitting.koards and fencing stuff and general shop use. Upright or_ Feline saw for Wheelwrights nse. Croaa-cut saw arrangements, greatly improved to attach to Power for cutting wood in the loa, (it. will cut off an 18 inch log in one minute.) Emery's per table Cider Mill and Press, the best,in use, Fanning tdilis tilled for Powers. Power corn shelters, Power. Feed cutter.linproved dog. Po wers, Clover. Ho Ilers.-Wied Mills.. ot various Siz es, Stump Machines, Hay Presses, Field Prat Sower, Lime spreader, Field Roller, Fountains of various patterns, Improved Hydraulic Ram, Agricultural Furnaces,Patent self,acting Cheese Prows. Churns - of various kinds, Cultivators and Plows of every deseriptimi c Leather and . Rubber Belting, and various other, implements. In fact almost any implement a farmer may' wish, or anv one else may desire except gimlet. handles and_scandal, which no doubt can be ob.' tained at the great manufacturing establishment (ac is represented or misrepresented) in Brad. Co. They also- manufacture an excelsior Fan ning Mill, (they call it) Which may be very val uable it it is capable of blowing or clearing the chaff from the proprietor.. Alt: what would be left} • , 7.30, a. m I would say to _those .who may.have bet* humbuged, that Emery's or Wheeler's Railroad Horse Powers, Threshers &c..are not made or ailowed to be made this aide of Albany lake to those wishing - to purchase: either Emery's or Wheeler's • Id:whines, that Emery or,Wheeler has not'authorized or desire-Hr. H. Blowers to sell their machines.. . , •.: Descriptive catalogue price List. And °insular* of nearly ell. maehinot sold by rue, sent gratis and postage prepaid, to all.appliesutik .2end your name and address. Now farmersis your time-..t0 make from 12 . t o 25 0r,30 per sent. OA yoniiiliffigs4nentst, member 1 get my inachinis. direct frout<the Idanufactors. rve no middle man pith wham to divide my commission, is :lethe laae_with imVaik ethers. All aiachlnes _Sold are wvOutad to give watisfiustiOn or may he veinal. ainfeegUziOuliaa , • Bee 1140 • vbelgeter ••, • . • 4. 4 .* ..IA. Arcc•_L MENT S. Carpeting" & Oil- Clothe/ --, AL a r g e Vinety at aVie. 41 /a ' Vall 11110 ;4 0 .. 11Clir °Scrod ;or the. Fait tride.lo vrmsi -- We atleatimr of purthasens is invited, at - '. '. - _ ;.,11.,DXPEIPS; Sept 18... .. i'-' , - - . :- - ' Lookitig Olasseg , ICELY Ornsitiiented, plain Gilt alidittfaltnE any fratned flr 013, coutantlon hand sad ." for sale at , D EPEWL Sept. 18, 1850 yaw laugalion) Shawl,. Cloak Dress Goods an. poriuirt for Fall ISM: - ••• TT . • BURRITT would 'OOl _attention to tis .111.• new stock of Fall and Winter ;Goods, including agreat variety of %telt Fall . -Prints its new Styles, Plain and Fence Delaineseild446: meats, Plain and Fancy Mohair and ,Plaid Iterinoes and ..P.sramettan, Brocade, Plain and Fancy 'Silks; Wool: 'Bro.;•. . eade, Cashmere and Silk Shawls, Gents Sbawls 4 Ribbons - Rich and'Ylowers, _Ladies Cloths - and. Rich Velvets for Cloaks; Broadcloths, Casal mers, &0., with a large assortmenfof other staa • pie &Fancy Goods as usual including tlard. ware, Crockery, Iron_ and, Steel, Paints, ,©By Boots and Shoes, lists, Caps; Clonks; Buffalo, Robes, Carpeting. 4.c., With n large and , neer. assortment of . Stoves of -The most approved styles and construCtion, 'all which will be sold'!7. to Meet the vleles of the closest : Innyers ht . Cash of approved credit. - ' , - New DI ford, Sept.',lBsG. p:.L o a :11 , S T • E. I 0 UP in my ,comfortable Patios: 1t the_'_, Brick 'Block, I am Still , engaged in the I very interesting employment - of Al catching shad.,-, once." Of tny success eallingonypietitreer are my witnessess: - Prim MODe tO sCaliforithW: from rock bound New lrngland , to faroff prairie land, -hundreds are in :possession' of these un..- fading evidences of w hat the Daguerreotype Art has hitherto enabled me to accomplish. For the*'' encourakement that I hive received. I am tpilt ; thankful. and trust that the future ,will'sh4w a - material increase both - of patronage And ‘gratio• • tude. But, for one thing lam not thankful. A tell hare patronised well, but paid alas: how poorly.- Now, !fillS IS '1 4 u, artIITIF4. 'Chat my stock of patience , in ceitain" . duet. tions is quite txhansted, therefore , 6y dear for;.7 gettalfrielas. just- bear in mind that if von do not do speedily what yen yr;ontis4l to do many months ago, impterziant 4.,,mgequences may-fol low. Such emphatic language apilliestGbut a small number. To.allibe rest 1 suUcritie myself, your most obedient. , W. B. DEANS,. Phenixlock.; 341. P oor, ; Hang the Banner on the -anti!: WALL, AND LET THE aTDINC3- GO FORTn, . r IIAT .BROTHERS, ) the:- Pew' I pies' Agents_are now roceiing their ion and stock of • • • rail and - Wintiir ',toy Goodsli NOTIONS,, WATCHES,. JEWEL. RY.k.FANtY GOPDS, • --- ' Which thy are selling off at about ono lislf . the Old Fogies7Prices. ' • No charge ter : showing goods, -No Deviation in Price. • , . - - - TERMS . READY PAT.' Call and take n peep for' we tqa, around with the cheapest goiids ever offered in this section of the State. No mistake. HAYDEN, BROS; ' 2 Now Milford, Pa.,. October 1856. i41,m3'.! E• Pinribus ITionn! . • . 1 CZOIE forks trvnslate this. celebrated motto' tat One of many"-wnliers say the most literal t meaning is, " Ict thcr-tail go with the hide"...s4iit I . the real meaning is," .tip top l'ullor , is a good; institution." If you don't believe 'this, Call it . i John Greve shop,a rw e_stePs from Searlea ITO tel,..and he. ;11 convince:yea mtd showlen - ' The Fall Fashions, .... ifar.Ments•mad Boy's ; clothing - for IbS3 - . Don't ` blunder into- a J en - sharp estithlislment, -where I you aro get foole4l with bad work. My 1 littop is on. Turnpike . street, 2nd, .. :building from Searle's Hotel. I will 'Warrant ley work to, fit well and wear,w ell, and mg.. prices-leasonalii* 1 for rash down. . - . Cuttieg, done as " • - ' JOUN GROVES. MoVoqe Oct. Isth - - RS Alien s iVorla's Bair. . Restorer, sod: Lvlobitlatiturri. Bachelor's 7LignidHair" Dye, an d Mo)dayid Cream. The Balm of a .•• Thousand Flowers.. Buchans o Hungarian Balsam .; Mathewson's Infallible Remedy ; Mar. ise's Ulterite • Catholicon :Pills, and" Ointment; Baron!s Lid Glass Cemrit. ; Radway's Ready . Remedios, and nearly all ot - the most popnlar,Medlcines, - Pills, &c., to Mai; ket, at the Store ABEL TURKEL. Montrose 0ct.,8, 1866' - Aminunit,ion. _ ID LASTING POWDER, _Safety Fuse., Gips LP Powder, Shot, Lend, Gun Capu t and Worm. ers, Powder F•aske, Guns, Revolvers, Pistols ut. the Store o ABEL TPREELL-1. Montrose,Oct. 15,1856: ' Attention Patinexs. Look Here. -iirsmijESyTOoZieh:vbiyngituredrstirtih;tist,trlke Would respectfully announce to the citizens: of Middletown rind vicinity, that- he has just -re turned from the city.with a new - and full supply of all kind's of choice SpringendSutamer Goods which ho will sell at unprecidentAl lour priceifor ' cash or ready pay. Please. call- and see. His choice lot of pry Goods, for both radies and Gentl omens wear, of Foreign and Dtimeatic man - nfacture, Ladies Bennets, Gents Legho - ts, Canada do., Chip do: Crockery,Groderies of all . hard and hollow Ware. Drugs and }Widnes.. Iron and Nails and Fish, besides alphther arti cles-usually_ kept in : a countsy storg He *ill kenp constantly on hand • a full •supPlf of Solo and upper Leather. Wanted any quantity rif Pelts, Deacon and Calf Skink and Hydes, whiCh the highest market price will he paid.-- All.kinds of Farmer's Produce wine'receivesi in Oxcluinge for Goods at market Prices. Please, call and 'Guilin° for yourselves at the old stand ofC.C. Wrights.'"' e Ali. C. SUTTON. - . Middletown; Snsq. Co.; Pa. - • - EON. SALE• Moihees two Seated, Spring York !Ride ursg. ons; Enquire of Wm K. Heath Montrose Pa. an 30th Crockery & Glass War's. A Very Large Stock consisting . of a. variety 11. of abopea of thebest alum/mature* are pow offered at very low pricea well worthy the attar: tiou - of vlllege and out of town buy,rabi .1 IL DE OIL Sept. la. PATENT NEDICtIrES -ae WirHEABERG Ildetteists.Vtgetable - Pills Green :Mountaiti 'Oatmeal,' Sarsaparilla Compound, Childrens Tann*, Eye ..lintioa, Fe vet. and Ague Remedy, Health - Bitters, Dysen tery Syrup, Consumptiye%Balm, Maraltila Ut.. AWN CathaliCatt; Doct; Llbbfa - Pilo Ointinakt, and Manual of Health. - Ayres Pills and .Cherry Peelers!: `Zolaltsrls GermanDintantent.. Trash 'Magnolia Olatmeat Mlloways Ointment -and- Pais. --Thivir:.tatik Ktpa ir ,,D oc t „Pitch's Heart Corrector. Sem:a*" Root and 0: t, Luukt-:leatareigat - nalai sad . wrighte Indian Vegetable ItAroies var and. Ague Cure. Metthen4e: Gligliat Oil. Arnica LinamenVeatnPher,Caater -Pareiger le, Aloes, Plcera MYfrill'Unatieth &e.i'atts« a new sappy jut ntelitred,to = 'llitit*,ollolloW 'on hand, tor; sale . .• t -monti*petififiCi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers