• ti .. .1 Which has passed the. Senate on. this sti ,; ;ect, ill , O reprobates this miscutidnet theifolleSt inanner.r, Its passage 6v the . House .of . 134- resentatives could nut be doubtful if . a deatial contest were not pending,•with an in terest on the part of the- Black - Republili to keep upagitation , warfare and excite 'until this day Of eleetion. It will he foi people then te . decide; :whether those seek to allay 'exetteinent shall . rewit l l outliose who }tee . P.it up fur the wors.e pus of party. With Buchanan hi the eh w hi c h we regard as settled and certain- , tional agitation , will be exterminated ;he country put in it condition of cot .safety and inusperit:y. . t Politics. The cofitiwing. parttgra . ji, we 'cup_ Matthew Cary'ii Olive Bradtcli;pui)l6llt. ring- the war of 1812. The t ? etitlinents in containecl. 7 4te pecutiaily ',?tl;ll).tetl prei.elit , = Polities and.the pulpit -are tern that b a re little . agreilnent. 4'V . ound 64 . At to heard in zleureh.but thy voice of .[Noitilt divine idea.) `-!The i;ttF~d of rjvil hborty and civil' . 9vernnient gfinS .as little.as that of rtAigion, by this eoultoiptt duti.s. Those %11-4.)quit their proper .4Atit,ac ter, io ivh4does,not belong .are, l'ur the greater-p_irt, ignoiant.of.thi I deter airy itNitli and:. of the cliantete unattqu:titkLed wj,j they are so I;:athfr and inexperie'aced in all its ate tiling, .... .„...„-...s -..t. w hic 11 Way prunotfueei :with so - ntuel; ti.tacci..they havt.') nothing of pulitit:n .. s . L -.....-:- ;_.•. . • • -stun the excite. Safely .3hei auticit is ali - ••• - •‘'^'Tfc -1: -. - !;--' :: :- ,- ?a- . 1 i t 1 1,13ce. Wlloe, ()tie ,1:11,;:,,11.1.1e1.! (Aig.i. tos, .e, a...- i '-'1"..0-',.. - ; ,;:,;,t . ... ~, d • • ...ff f i . ti'..:- . L;, - .2.-.. 1,4e1 CO the dissensions! au nutuios .1e5,,0 i ..----.---..- 4114 .11kinti.”•,---,l:Zutke. e• '• • -..- .1' kr70. 1 *: .01 ;tll the abotnini.ions A wi : 4 '4, 4 j .. - - ——;. ~.s--.,.-., -.-,..... •.-.",*..,-, ,-e -;..•''._..'.."; di,bonor tills couutty „it; these portentions 1 ..---.;.-:11::;;Icid : 7•••:f2::)7 -.'..',, ,;,„ 1 ,, , , 1 know nothingipore &serving of rep- ..,;. : ....... :.•. --...- • , r.• iA , , tubation than the prostitution of the; L pulpit I, n t ~,„, ~,,.t , .,g4 . .,,,T s . ~, .f o r party or . poiltical purpilizes. .No innit 01_ ". • or . IJp.loc.x, SinsQ. CO- VA, - • c orrect Idfini can '('' 1 v1 1 =. 1 !". reflect 1; 11 p° 11 i` , Whole - sal& and Retail Dealer in 11:1010111 Slllll,lel'illg' ' .:'•.: " E. 1 .t. is ZOTilllit'. mid •til I EEL. • A tAergynai, whose funettonsine-eWIOI, iE . F11..742E1VL;, z c•t's hail 11.;•1 Ho rs e IY,require him 'to. prineh"'peaw attA ro(. il i L ' '""er-N , Thr4, ters and Si I.,•ratt.••i•S, 11R:siltI . ,. iiill among . men," ascends • the pulpitit(ltiong• an.l Wintoe.vers combined. • -. .."...- rt : c ongreg•ation,assenthic•f to mill-ain ''.:li;.,•:)iii . (•• !' . IZeht)(4.s arid :Mowers . comlant:tl• •11.olit . !J. and ailoriti the Ontutpotent Ca rt itli f.A ' lie ! ; , 4 1, 4 1 It-etiPing I . l.;vh.ne , s, (.1 -+:x or -twen (ddb•rent ." • 1.); tilatee*.api,mr , 4. 1•;e 1 1 .;:e . !let oroovZ • Bar 2,,! . 1, ;; in kis ita.ud Vie lestaineid. viti r esca. , , , I• r. ~, ~ - , "' . ' - " (q.,•;.cro-hich bitat/tes nothing bilt.poce-- ' .`. . ; M ' ' !' - ‘ l .:‘ . s ; • V ' r '''''', l ' l ',' • al "' Ile " e ' l ' l ''''' Le ' l , ~. , metvoatils a/allliine, Wilica IS Wilfr•inted L..,-work `I h e prouuniercs; and has fur a text, thrworus :to thi• satistat•thm Of the. purchaser. Tit.• little i „ t v,,, ai chri, s t.qr of hisapr,sties,ll t(l , e Inost: (,:tc tt o.. C unt stud C o l ) Mitl, the Nititide Giant, i p i r; . rie tindehry - ; and as IL saitabi , ' chco;npa- . 1 Feeil Mills, sAith frtill. plates. French But stone 4;iwitt; for an hour loaq..erho empl.opl•;a - 11-1 his 1 wills. for far:ll or flit!! use. Portable Clretil it v „ a l a ll his talents, all his influettee4t 6 the 1 S:l'y :still jilt lt l 1 inch sass fur wo‘i . il ciitliM4i • '-a•N fur'.itting a • liOar s anti flinatical the anti-Christia n, th e s „ tat ri44 pier ...; &...c,, 'extra t,‘ hie and p,,e uf _ i ,,, ,4 , 4 - n di; rw : ,,,,,,,,,,, J.. ..h . i s hear: 'Lee l i i i , ;2 , , ,, i . ! ,.. 1 , 2 at . a_ti . " .. ,t , i r d ..7 , - s ,i,ra! . 5t . 1. , , , y , . 1 . 1...... I.3 , l) . right . or , mhtt Ihilf;r'4, the most 1 . 41 - jot - is p as sihi N i.......„/ I ' " - s' !....I‘‘• it... NI. net lArn..i•n• w•i. L.ross•Lut . • ~ , • I saw arrangements. fTr.... :Hy imp-oyett (4) tal:wil - lc , preparofp twill Ibr in1;1 41- re'0 1 ; 41,, afid; .. ; :c l ' l -' l l‘'; Pttwor for enttiag wood in - the LT. (it will eut, tioii--fir ad tha itorrors.of ci?rit . wdr i lf. - , . 1'(.11 •n IS' inch log in ow) minute.) Ettierv') p•ir. -The alliirnative then is,_ tlnit ° if . 3*.i.(ion't i table Cider nal and' Press, the . hest in use. L. trash It) 142 . ..0nie the slate's of those y;iti0.,,,,,,, I.. Fanning., :.tills; tilled for POwers. •Power corn • im , e,,,,: iii l % i i .,., ar , t h em ,,: e i re , t h e 411,v,,,, of shellers. PQwer Fes;ll I.& ter, Itnprov.cd_dog Pow. Frent.,ll sl.tve..you must iilier,in the Il t rb.'l.4:to - e 1 1- ''''. ( . -. : l " v er lOliers. wind Milis) f 41)_ carious 5iZ.l . ~.'" ' Z..' i • ztutm) _Nit'ichine.: 1 I . lv l'lt.s-es, Field Drill of iIIe.dav, I :ttATHEI;CONNEX.I.Oc - *For at.' `. ''''" , • ' • '..' ,*- ~., .. , , . .., .. .: :-... , ver, 'Arne spreacter. eivia notter,;r"ountains far alter the.nattoncti i eolnonet, its to, *insure ' ~t. .. ....,i rt • tt • . ..:. ous paerits,- Improved 1 I Ydra it lie Ram, yeurselyes a duo share) n the. g„oyertAut;ut."•- • ..;:r r i c ult ur ,t F ur i n .,.. i .... es ,i.),,t. en t, s e lil nc ti o h. Chees e This clegant and stiblitoe Inoree:tiLwlticli ; press; - )s. Churns' of .vari(oni - kinds., Caltkators I•l.,.>.atlies: so much of the spirit Of. lt. Paul;' and Plows ofl•vverc description. Leather and `...,...'• every ).i..i.11.1.1...be suktie(tt to lite itiglier r4 t,s_ : Rubber Belting. atal varihns other' impleinents. .: ~ . • . ..;,„ is talon trom a sertat.it preaciA . .,'ln 1 . ,`,., 5 : ;; In fact almost ' ::ac - itoplinti-rs . t a - tarnivr - itnly t.'on. by the It\ - • Mr. Gardinef, .1111),;.,ti3, 18 12, ; wish, or :my one. rbie mat` deStre , xrept ginilVt f 1 ., ,, erf.,,,...i Itnn . ellPs and seandal, whielt no 41011 bt ...ntn; he ob. - Tile Citrist,..l.n iliitltletiOtt Of "••• • att) . ...);)./ .. : t.iined at the (*rent manlifiteturingestattlislintent tax(loa, th;.tb.is, rebtillil;l ( 1 :1 ,1 :12 . “ tli:,>ir• na'(i : ,: as i s r 4 presZtlL'a or misrcpresente.d) in Brad. .._,. gui•rarnent,.wonderrally •: - 11..i:ori - 1-;laritl.i.iile• ! lee- • Co. T:t: , c , r.. 1 , , ,) niant:rarior au ,xeekior Fan i` of, the text, v.illi:it, (.4 - eftt.le re„;`,.ler, is- -40' lli'l ' (tit •-•'' - 1 1 it) '' ' h •• 1 • —CI, o, .., .- 1 • •f t" (... vi me 111,,s oe vei: %Al • _ _ _ __ czmir pcitcr." v. 7 tli rd a nit 4e . w.oaLlertai - Cat (!t( coline.riwz"--atid I ain fi. j From ..-m,lll ap . o.,Llds of peace, fxouti. tiro it -1-e- invoos,ible much to az;.2,..17 4 • 16,1cou , l,csslif this 1 - if0i...a..1,11e. preacher e.3ll3:iiits - himself by -fal.,el , stanetimes Inippeus s it caps the odiotit •1 few veare itice, on the eve of a " . .election :u Massaeltip-ettz::, to answer puce of party, a fnbulutii 7story was e. the French lad ina••;:aolred a vessel called Cue. Ocean. It . thousand. falsehoods of Ale tame 1 Who;43 - flarlle I ;pare,. Story with avidity—wove it into - his ti arid invoked healn murderers.. lint tnaik the end: of ufjlie to ry. had not to Cool , wheu to cover the preacher L. • , tusiOn, a , restuiection of ; ;be .intirik t • 'took place. They Nturned twine Sutuid, front the siillettos of the'tifoi. ? Trench— . and belt! out a strong met theipre.acher,again,t; the' repetition! nuti-christian pri.q:ediFre. ; • The praetioe of. prO.a;.7li inTroper, -veu when a„( tyu are \ ali of: one se-u a case eter 4:a:tared: -But, are!divided; must neeessizariiy pen, what t view does it pre , ent ? df r . lion of the congregation_ differing prt.acher. tiro reduced to the. take .; t ; itiler ab'f2nting themseire'A froth di ' bhip or sitting iintkntly silent 1.1 unde'-drve, reproaches; and .ah tn:iledietions of a man who •aii his dutit. ll ., and to whom they ca a trilty. • Fair. The young l a dies l if;St.*:,P4urs . Montrose, lesign ho;diug a side of- faaey artic es at Lite AeatiiMnY AalLi i!leg on_ thpiv...rtl73a . Auglist cutitthitilf4 alrougia the next. day The obj!ctof.litiA Fair . i.; the inr 'Lim new E ,isc..n.-Inil Churrh t now belt In the Imi: ntitne,coutributions will fully ra,. e t .. e d, - ..,.. i, Meeting at liontr , • There: sill be,a Mass Meeting ); t . )''' county.: znoorae'Susquelltint;a #, • - - 1111.0:4D4.1K, the 18th day .of A gusti as! 4 - . - pliar, • also in - . - tiii.erenin! •-• W.A.,;.,C.IIARLES 131. -- .;CK'.I •- 1 Coln bi a; Co., HON, 1). S. DI ( New VortF,.,HON. N. B. 1:311.0 WY, (21.)L. SAMUEL_ W. . 11 ' 'Pittsbur g ; the gallant. soldier in 11, aud " HON.CHARIAS C . Philadelphia will be present, .a. I 'the people. •.• l'lle.ineeting will be. 'the (iourt, giving elegy lung a , good-. to come slid hear for hiingelf.- Dediocr,ltic Sims di :a t ; Co The-memilers of the Detilotra ( -%orawittee will meet ast. •113tttlis i *'Xitrose, on TOestlav the 12th it . o'eluck -P. M. A full Ittteudatiof: : : • . The tcacming:nntned perbon c Cointnitte k . : 0. L. Car , -en e,Davlt Baru. A' • ' Joh.tiftv.u..E.;G....tt r iliain4, • • tot,' Kiwthtll , I),atiit4 , -Baker.- W`: Mail; Thomas P. Phiiinev, 'Tkfti4 , • Smith jr., Wni., - x;r}l:- Keeeh, Ira • - Carpenter. L.* . -Jarnes Faurot, S. •Tkhiksbiuty; • S 1). . Terrell;. M.4•Dniio.l, • Lathrop, Daniel • MeMillan, F. •A Waif], 1). • sn,y4f , ,t, Dennis Sullivan, Justu.ilfalapp, , 'Epwitty, M. J. Muniford,..k. • 'AZOR. LATlBlOPXhairraati:. NATio.NAciDstutoca.i.ilc Ccazurn2s July 5.1856. • Stnte pxeautiye committees, county nod city clubs and rt..weiations. organized to promote the election of the Deinourgtio'nomineus for tise - Pte•itleney and Vice Pie , itleuoy of the [jju:ll Stztits, will qildre their oointnimicu• tions to lion, Crlmit.nli•.l. ratnatNntr; of Vir-' L.,riltiA. (.' it ail in the' c,na Dentocra tic .R ., :sidoit Cunt 771 e, ci+y 1).0. i)ernaerati th i•uttgLout the United Slates are teque4:o , l- to copy tl:enboi:d hot k e . By order qf theonfrnitta. i. the who ,`rtfe,d, 'Jim.. Asiticiati on. t Th.! Quarte,ily . Nlaelititz - of the SasCl'a. Cu. [Te L cht,a'sr AA•a.h.i:i.llol3 tlie ~n the 4tfi othof.,Septeniti'vr 'iziep!ing will be or...ariiiel 'at eleVeii tp . 'clock oit - Thursday.— Tia; I.er. Geo. deliver an address s! Gil the 4.1 i (1 iiiirsilay,l The' eleitis&, will be a an intere.sting aivd as the i,fS 1- hearty m e et, i 1 - to all in atten4laiwe entertain them fiee of elinig,e, notbitig can prevent.a-large ati'd Tenitilti . s.. tail% !us see-whieli will be the BANNER' TOWN. Dv (:der Ake. tltl the/ e• • I the AGRICULTURAL 111111- MIMI f•~lfa•t hey the if ticui t on k the ICBM ',Never ,li ‘ 1 )1 ,- • if it - I:4 u•- - i 1 flirt. , of itlowin r.or eleariao - the ; -44,1 was,— ..._ .- , ... 7 • about t,tu . i....,:nroti , to a id.ake and stouts; it 14 -. ay e . .i iit i ti ___ ! e i l „irk iro ihe..l.4oprieto--.. , Ah! u-,-;:tat. woufd be 1 circular sae.s. . , ••4 ..• ' . auras , • ia a tiortavr:y. ~ u- • .,:i.4. 9 ao ,, in seveu :kilii - uur r a ce , . 1' 3 leftl . , A splendid ass4rturent of Saddle and •ss • • I tora.n..ds to ;t 5t...i.t,; tl.enee iti a dirtsiimi south ...) - rd de. i... I ',V.-1 Ili i d 4.,. 41 , t - , - to th ose - v r , „ L i tt .. } Live b, t , tl i ta.•41, - ,..rs' tool, mid trimmings. ••of w e ,..„ to. a nentlock isturnpstati e ir , • l 1 ti ‘: 4.., ,„, 11. 44... • _ , nuirlivuged, Ili..v;Entery'S Pr ' eu! cr . ,. Railro..d I . - if.III.NTIN- TOOLS, ' 041,1. /1240 of Wln. 11.1rromis laud and on Ole Lora/ : flirt P 4 P•A''r•-• ' i rfiresi-er , r k - .it.• noZ mr, , ii. or i ~;,,,,i„; .-n- (o - shov,-1,-, sondes. fOrks ralres.sto:thes. • bank of Silver; Cri;!.:k.: t.tii.ulee soalti :ti, , ii , di il!olverd to be smult.• flti,i p , .. • 4 kii.);i4V ; Li-0 ',.. '„. . • , . 17 , - ... , . - . 3 . , -3 - tine of ;-....i'P01-.t.-..._,...- • , it.u.-._a I-,.. A___.... 1. • _“..' :, 041,....i, t h e. 0,0,...,0 wishin., 1,„ .1:4„..11:1;i:e ~,14..t., ., .. ... ...,. _ : 7 ,4"..iii_) . ..r 1 )2 , ....s, hue.., ,: 04.. a!,.«.•! , , jloti i!rs, :.!tinc .„ T i. rst rirm bit:, ,„T, ,, , - -i- ()Ii• -•;. 1 - •---,,.-- u,t -- #:,, = .. . ... , .- .. ~....i, .er .4',..,,,, bod.; 4•••,. ' vu - -m. ,, e:ers :.-ii:. E mais.,:l - .1 - 41 - t - Eirier?...-or-c\7lefli-r Ab. o -.A..,,..a. s fo( ow sale of' Wititternofe.l ll " . "e i P ea ' Ltll.l : l7 dirt.: 4 t4 P l 7 roll,ewialz the ~ .1 . 4, .• e lj av i s .. 1 h.,...; not nal ty , riv.o or de.....ire 'jr. 11. L Blowers i 8, 1 4 4 ; re ,:- . & C 4 4*,, A 2rie litZur.al took:surd' as plows, I 'I. suit high 1•':"k to 3 .4 ! a;t3 in a ,find,), 'PP'''. gette ,.,..a .. to sell. their 11:::012int.5... .. , . the lair- 4..).,•,,,...rip1iY.0 e:,t,ainglo• pruu...List " , end eireiltai:::: .1.1:1 ,.., y and straw eutturrs,corn ,heifers, .5,1. e. ...., and tipper leather. morocco and , of near, all ri-tebises Sold by me sett ormis - • • • - •• 3 - rt. 3 4 . 1 1 4 . 4 .,e 0 • ,• ' • - , --- - • e - " irmithins, us. I, it a general 4!-sor..u._nt ... 1,..1n_.., _ . anh.ll4K.la; r 7o. prv . ,p3iti, to all nppli‘ , :mts. Send i w,,,,,3- 34 e ,- ; . r ... •11 r P - . shoti ~ si , te the , .I,lte 4,:f ;L::,, :dgre wen . ..toned I.:lt:nert ; , . tilt•th.:C C.1.)• , :'.7 . 1 1 %:" 63 .i ',...tikv.tt:id stvaes ~ at 0)4! .. . . , fL I , . ~,,, ; al..reald tur 1ia,; , .. .i......irat 1.1...! top uf•the fir:4 , ‘ ,.. 1 ~,,,,,, cr .., ies, It „.6,,,,,, chair-. i Dill or bank s4roth or ui . ..., : - ,1 - I.4,,,actiti.olit'A race,: 4 Licence, north to the plaat - uf lieginuint,T.contaio crew uf ' • ~ 5 k)ur. name and .addre,-1. . -, and I,a,liets of all descriptions. . _ , . 1 . 1 .• . ' hi:* about a".x. sere_ , ati di or 1,- , ,, t"'th til , appur ine of „ii . •_; , ,,,,s- I:4111101S '.i.s...your time to rnirse from 12 , Bar iron an•l steed,. -iron axes allustee springs i gs . '.' , - . - " L, ' kind. • -k t. , , 25 or ;3i) per cent. on cur investmenis. Re- 1 ma ti e iwl e ea ,ri n g - s, coach lace ant trimmings ot : te , u " nees ' I ' l / 1 3 "' Han g 11 ' 1 ,n" - ' - ' ,. °" e 11 • %V L'i!•iii slid ..).11 p:trti.)l:y iritprevee. . tiz...id tile:, ui LL.iber I get .thy zili,e tines Oirect, from tile 1 „It ki n d, 1 ,,,i,,t, 4 ,i; 5 ,-.sast-4. glass. putty, Sc.. al; • ' ' e,rinut,--:. - Ma.rtalactors. Ice, no iniddie . matt with wholn c r , :.,., wilt 1 04 woie,4 .lO Mild :it hiitt It , Wc , i rates. IleaSo ; $4.1ze41 . nr)41 . taken in exceutiort at theistii: : Of : J. A. Beni:num -u'iz• Co.. t ratite use of JOhrt I..ei• .rti on the' ! t'' !-- ;i :ri , :i.• n . ,:i,Y voininis4"ll:- as-- is lii,,e, r.:-.e " i l i i .. (*nil :Th.': examine the stock for yoursels es. iiti . iilie . some (> l / 1 0E:::. •At I 11:140111nes 1..0,-1 b e . ni e are Bity•harnto, - ., March 1,185:1, . ett. us. IL:id hick and .4.-st Fisk. jr.. I. .. . . warm tried to ~ icy satisfaction t , r may be refit M. , ___ . ' - - : ALSO—A itthat certain S.M . ' 1414 )iltU)lted - oil r .. _ :. tune - ,• r i • • - '_, ~ ..... , - , ~ • • ' ..eu It n.i l•• 101.1111111.11.1111t . 4.. .74 - 40 . 14:1,11.1/.41,-(1.1,1,114k,eteck known as thO I.)riu4ibr'ereek,,rti..o miar.pub with eon- ie; -reu,a: • ( s . . • Attention Farmers. Look Hero.: .; .4e, road knurls as Curap . road, in tilt,. present . . s. c. ired - crew 1 - I .. sale'and BOOKS! B3OKS !! BOOKS.: I! I, ill-• • f"n i ntqlv "'n'n i h -Y C- 13 , - W ., ri . t i r/It ' 1 '';. 1 ., 3 / 1 11 , 1 '',.. w g, ° "," 1 " i ' l b° ,`"„: 4 , 4 ,'", r ' ll ! A " : iP a t !,L e d.. 64,..,,, t .*1 ~.1 40- 0 1, at Aact -c oli - for vie -- B ail,: Aile i. jou hai - i • A 44,11,1 respeetlultv ansionnee to the . citizens 1 .1 ! 1101111 1.) 14:L/0, .:11r bet/ 31'!”%axp,man, on itne 0;4,4 entO t.. 4 LI gone, ,l,Otpleiase I.war it in H.211;.1 iii t ~,,, 1 11 - .1•1 1, • 1 “wa and vicinity. that he h.:. -just re Iby the Lenox At Ilartially Turnpike, jou the ••• - 1 b't .-. .. , .11 .r , ii ,i .., 1 Lou;; . t „I . , .., /;, ritrrien don) the city with a new. and full supple ~,,0 41 , by l a ad in p•i55 , ...0 . ;,11 o y 1i t ., 0 4 ,• , i t or ~0 , ..: , .4* IN .1, 1' ~,I t I. ./ al ).. , I , 144.!.1 114 ..4. , , ,, • ~ , M , Th z rt , t ,„, ,8 , 4 ,. 4 st e re - iii - die ~pe s/ .- itl yi .: -„ ; - w i e . I of all ronA . of choice Sprin,, , Fun-i Sam mut Good-• rand on the. w eb t v . the 4. 40, y d. Low iti on ,..4 C 0c , 4 1 „, • . • ,- i i„ .ol . j, p . r ei. l ,q. s t , n H..- i. , 11; a i,t . ii 3,. call . i .. ii ii 16 " i .u), , 4:t4 iv) A•;11.)4,41 at m.op•-ecedioriedlow prices for 1 ruad: .-. , ~ . ;!, - - . i serwous .! i ,,,,,,, find Licoi,ki , , ;, , fatt , pri , e „ . *oat _ a Tom cent I rash . ~r reioly pay. Piease - i-a!!• and Kee, llis . Seized dad ti.i:sol. in .tsetiutiun at the suit 'of . u ngl e gs- 1 priiiiiir i i, a islti oxide. .oad .+h+l-o.ror 0,111. ~....n khoire 1..1 of Dey G00d..., for both . 1.. 0b.. , a.n...1 !TN. 6,-.. Z.i. 11. 11 irnei i),s: - .1•.',A: War . ,l. - iriutetil if i , ,,,,, :hid. Etdi .. k . i... wrint , ‘ , L. , Th . 's. , n ' t ,,, , E xo ;., lb . I G,•ntlemens wear. of Foreigin ,rid Domestic man- I - ..ALSO—A.II tr, - at - er . in Saus' -1 Mill i sittist j ed lite . U Om; 1 tb.,14 to Japan. dilic•dlitater - s Feast. White Cnicf, I (i n :. , r ii n ni n a n. l i i i - :: t ‘ c % s ip r. i i‘, l ! . llt.t e ' f .., t , C ; l , P ( l . l , l ; . ( l i i r . , g , i i :::n i i It% 1 „ 1 1 .3 , 1 1 M il . I . ‘,11,.r.i).,,,1,j,e,...rm ) fl l ll' s ' It, X . l :a ; i lid Sa , i k 'ZilTl .zi r t ..,, a :nu l ,, l !‘ j ,w il iZl . l ilY i . h' ll l- )- l'S'e --41 ? -1-I"6l'r'i, 11' -u -1-I .4 li ' l v ; i nt " ll !'g . /3 “ 11 , k " i 1,...,3 ~0 4 11,4 41 1,,-e IV- i re. proo, -4nd 1d•-,144 , - -i, - : b • ;aid Bens' ,ti -I. Skin.ier in toe present toyer'. 'hut pur- i.nv Capt. Mayne , 11t , y1-. t tietnr-ti Thfllrrtt Lion ,- - , .tits • ~ „. , , -,.., • 7 , ~ .• ; 1.- . . 1 . , . • iron ana and z fah, besides a,' 44.4er aril- I ,hip .it o:tuiatiii, (lite liartni)ny) and bounded burn the:. 1 Ktiler. vie . Sparrow-irrshss. Papers, ItsTidow La , it.. . . 11ill.isi, it i ~ ~ .,,,t,,,,,,,, 11,. . wi1t! I , . ho - . . i owned ia nat i ve i.. f , rt papers, Ilv Boort - ore mot Freedont.• tire on . -.. '" . • l' • n ' 1- ,.. • • .; . ~ i the Road. Salado i duewor- , I' i' the Seehil and Solitary, I !•Ito•re Ciark. Tout Iloorli Wrilintr , ; in it:trio-n*4 nee' 111,.• : it &A.. ~, , 4,: . ... A nett' 11,1 M . ..1.11..,1 and blatrk -I)`''' ._ _ as ....11 ,. . ? on t north .;,est by Lou . , y k0(•11 40171, 1 .41/It , y on hand a . full s uppey ot Noir : Jobt. -1 atlick, on the null by •the than known 1 iard upt.er Is.ruilier: \Vented any 4 - 3u.•ittitv of ias the - ..10hn Ililburne• I iym, now in pos.-sessiOn I) , Argal - and Gill ,tikins .- and Ilydes, - tot i ut John llilttorae, jr.. olillieehst by land ouvac‘i, tise . • ;Lnd i 1,: it .3, 4 audi . sii;ijoaa.i . v. . r , ailla ,,, Noiloii , &,,., eir.. ,.. uvoielt tne. bi l .3-hi!st ,ularket. price trill I, e paid— i 1.1 - y A. P. linprinn, on liti south by land owned b e face of , i , A , ,.„4, . 1 . ii.n.t , 4. 0 ,.. ,... . ,ii ., , t. ,, i G5.4. ,..1 , 1111 ., tot. i lit kinds t.f R.ritte.r's Produce wili be teceived ! b:,• Dartiei Bond, ant.i.D4ultl Taylor.. " . . ! mot otter i B , !e itsTre. AnV. I, I „ 11, - in i,ktii , i .. a. 1;01 , 4 11 , 4, J ,, lbirs 4 i ill 4.! 1 / 4 4'il.illge'r 0 1 Good: at market prices. . Seized and irked in Intuition 'at the suit 'of i - 1 and Over, at 'Orie tin/it shall. have orm - .do:lsis; i 1 1 1 , •:4 , .• calf_ mad examine for yourselves at the iA_ t.t..1'..i. 11. Battles vs.:l . .'A. 11'ar4.1 a1..(1---H . I wortlyehruwa is extra, or riitlO worth, sli•-.411 - has - r• 1 •'7 . . ill Sla'al of L. C. NVrights. • : * , Dougherty. i 1 - I M. C. SUTTON. ' I ALSO—AIi that - right, title and interest that • -I : . Is 2 exi - x. ' CnII ;rn , i he 42 , .nvirc , d. - .• .. , • .Pitirch, i . • - -• • - A. N. IifiLLARD 1 . -n, Suit". C . 4.,.. p a . ... . i f ifoorodi Bolles, laie of Jirh•itip township, deyl'd, 4*e f u l n o d 1 • .7.1- , f‘'' r• ••• 4 '. A ~..,... 6, 1 --ii,t; - i i . _-____- . i - 3 linti in and' to that etirtain ) )loge or parcel ofland 1 • - -• . . . . . •. - 'NOTICE . • . situate in the. township irf Jessup; County jot' Is uerii•e tf iroti, that. in, pursont.,-e •.f 11.• ~••: ••f ! :Susquehanna add • State - 4it Pennsylvania. :rind .‘,., 0 ; h1,...3-, e ~ ',431 ...vial p, r:••::, lea;. fi!ed ; bounded :nut describe' as- follows, to 'wit: , On. •'„. ~.1 , „!,,.,,,,,,,,), I h.• c , ...-',. of tio. 17 •tiii ~i i tt, north by, land of Jit - Tricti Bitili.)4, 444 the .eNs i t Q. ,- I, . ••.,,___ ~,.. ,i f ...!, , i_ . „., •, 7 ~1 , I . .;',, ,' • ; 11, ;:11 . N1. ~I )14. '41410 4 1, i 4 .l) uvid Rule, on the.: "...I,ll,llii\ Lind tini,r . •_or;44,ri.;erly .in , • posmewdon of - ! Samuel B tirthulf. apliain the -west by land! of ru,...h.;.5,111.-by 4. Botles,' dontairnmt. - siity.three mires' Derrick 1 to baud otithnreabotiis, be tho saute mono or less, ' with the hpprirtenanees, anti framed lion e, t!wo S,us.i.fa Depot. - .Barns, and anostlylimptiovtil. i• - (The interest! f.f . do. ' Delendent id the pyernises leonsiatt of the undi- S. B. ‘VE,'LLS, l'roth. 'tided onelthird Pak.” -'- -' - -•' . k) i i- Taken in eixt'entinn•nt tilt suit` oh 'Silas Mild - 1 wida6(.lN":l4,l'y Bildwili,lade - Nana Bolles I vs.., i Charles Avery; Ailiniuletrat6- . of Hannah • Buyett t 1.1 ~ et! ,. 4.1.411+1., AT.,51 . 0-,:-Ai'l - 11"iat eertahr picee - or.,pri i reel Of . lan nd d sitie antl l ,.heittg ln th.,••tnivnshlp.of Air!o.: 1 metm. - on both,isidest Of !the Ililford and t i .04'4;1g4) .. 't 41rnpike - road" lit Jim eou'aty of Stiliqueitanua a I nd b o unded, arid .d.,'lscribed as f , ,llOws to wit: Be ginning...in thieji - nd'of n tot of land.surveyedifor . .l Jeremiah TheMpsonjut the distaam,e one hundred . perehes - froth Orb tild - Tarnpike,lhe'nee ranting i alOng:suid TlOnpattes lire snit eioaislugthe Sadttl turnpike, andi,ty -Witt:, of Gear i Carmalt; sOutit 35 digit. wesi, 200..perelters,,• thence still 1,y,4,014-1 'Cik'b Cann:at-014d - mart)) sPp.'‘‘ de'e3 l ..oJl l 4 1 perehe 41. therie.e by the. 'satire durtits (I}irtY,Sioi 7leg. - 1 east .2QO Perthes; and 'thence .I.4lifill 44 deg3.,45t.4. 1 eighty perelfes to, the puree Qr _,Be . grA l l..nig, r - Iq,,"',i Mining 100 4 - iyii4r.s. lie fli,il - .rt die Mciro - or.icOstkif . i.yi i theppurttlF.nees, one. Tivilnil'o.iici, one 111rIge -- franied nat,n, i Ono , rtniiillT huilditni .efeele4 Iv, blaelitonitliff4, oho .orchard ti:Ai 41iont'Asj „au. • -os 'anoyed.. i••- !, .-„r- -. . • - :,_,' . ~:.-.• ~.. 1 Taken ini execution at, the shit cif, L. .ta.rley. . vs. I:trum rook. .. :. - : : - •V -7 : !'' '• '-' I.'• • • r: Ata.SO,l4S )1 11 that:certain pies..ai lilted, of . lancbanitie lying - and being or' trio:Boron : It of Suhqu's Dopot,!-Catutty -of -Kusifnehatitini land Stateof 11 . anntcylittnia,.boauded and deseribe4l as pillows 44; Wit: Begjhuint.r. at. tint nortfi - wolleor. 1 - nrr-of A. A. Satniersiot in the contraof a *feet, '-iiieritt-bqilkilf- nintlowist ttide•Of Bahltkqdors , l'ot 1 36.0 et to a stake; thence; li o rth.astitik'-.23: - feet I o:1110 'sou th-rast::earnor of- Waits clink's ' loio,heno nortb4e6lirly by Moiety: •Clatltl's to the cento.of the - aboie:rnentioned • *treat; 11W -. lee tioutherl. - -, a. l .ong the cent:4-4' said-stiket -, to the plaee-of begtnninz - con'lliAitig . l 3l '. o o; 7 -f e t t ;-°t *4 'be 4:10-sstati ,;rateof lost!, tozeiber iYit the i Imml eoitionten 7 , . . 1 . 1., and . i • • P-1-7,—OCL.A.TeIATI.ON. . . -,. i 11 - ria:ltL.v , i,,, 1.14,,,,,i. , .., 'DA wil). wii,. i i t . mt.ir, Presi.ient" ot 111.• Coto i : ..1 us ~, i iis}iinet 01 . I i * •.- ' (hare_.! Jail .1 l• - r • - . . ,11; erunoer, ..tt.liv. r; . :..•1 7 '1 qz c , i; , !vi ed. i 4 Q.turter, - Se.tsionr, or i ile P',..ee ,o.:41 - Co w l.. o ! be illank.. 1 (outintin Ple.?, :Ind °Thrills' Court.. in the :h.:. . , I teem!) Judieiai Distriel. r ot L p,,,oil 'or tne eonn. - I . l tii•S of . tiflNElll44):ll3ll i tt. Brailfr , rd and Sttiliv:,4l : at-ii !. CoSe' r -• . ; the i 1.11.. Johii linvio :Ind Dari,_ D. Warner. As- j s9ci•itein , leA in t•tit-giteltinna county. tetve t,.. 1 sued titrii precept.,hetrinrrliate the '2l ftt 4::v of?. _ , ' • ink-. in tho .v:tr or r.ur I.,Urti nue thottaand i•itYlit i . . I ---- l• 'i ii and ' , ' • ' flit...tilb . and to me directed, or r 1 f t m t o b i e , iti . l) L I 1,, u ,1 5 ,-iii n irt C•uirt.,, of Oyer. and 'rer:uiner and Goneral .13 1 ,1 Deliyery, in the B.ruugh ,X Mont •- --. '. • 1 ' rk'ise., and county or 50.,,,,0.b.r... 0u tho. thi r d '.. 0 _ 0 : 1 °Ing at i Meincliv of - Ali:rust: next, .(it, beiti the lic,,+:ll ; , lay - 4••• -. . . ' •tlwreol.,), 185 G., :: , ~ ILEW, of a Notioik is hereh.4 ,ffirt;tt to the Coroner, Ju.sii. [NSON". o f , res - of the peace U.tid CoUsta•hleS of said C'ourtty .of Piiiitt. i of Sn4i•itieltartha,l4.it they_ hp .then there, in their LACE ~ .,e r i proper persotus. at •; IV. o'cloelt in' the af(ernowi, 1 ,, ish, x i ean , of 'said day, - with ttn4r ree. ? rds.inqui.sitioni;, old a i t i s . ; .,, i N . .', other 'rumen:bra nee s, ,t o do I hose tbitvLs which their of[h.es upfiertztin to bo done. And th - ose id . address' who rare "bolnid by ri•Cozn'izu.nre apiiiist the prix" • ' : _ • . _ . oners that are ot Shalt be in jiii•or said` • 4. - 81 . 4 4,Y. fq . -. of Susquehanna: are - to be - liicn . there, te ' prose pportutiitri gut* againgt thein as'will.:l!i.• just. • ' •• .- • • Dated. •ni` •Miorero , ..e- the I Gib day of April. in the year of our bark vas thonsatidei;r,ht hundred and fifty ix.,.,. ,'' .4 - ,:, '..: .'" : ,:`... .:. f . , :. ..:, . ,-. % :!... • . 4 . .. , j F. P. I.IOLIASTER, SUriff. SI - i f 'rlir'.' Oirt , •('• illontrrAe, ; *." .. July E 1; 1854. , ! • ~-. • r • . T is PAtnty Hotel in sr .nt .. one s'esrnstly. To the. of r•i_ . .lS - PITTINCi' AND-FIX PURRS. Plivfe: & ... K uo wlton am , . at ail 'tink'ea,r,k‘ady to in.; aeri (.41 , !.:1 1 4118'- hoilNoi.,fn is iurk. . man hiii. •• manner - . arv,i,at.)"l4r.s.-price. .•• a„tiq • a... , irtinent •91' Br'neke 4 oi, Gra,• 7 .B Globes, ha 4 Faciry•Ryper-tihacies.. 1.31 r. I.3).aekitOte;:.rikhq ; ,:i.trperintvo.3 the Ar ortc has line r N 4.4 Y - ork and Diunkivn. ...Ortiomonlieited••.. • • .(i'lialfrie - Ole Riogivalitpurj 101 :TICIJLES,' for ladies, a; larae..as*Ort lt =ant at Notice. MENTS -- ;de's ;~'.' 1 - _. - 7,11'al rHyrE 4 KNOMTONE: ONWARD AND UPWARD.. TH& BORDER : . :RUFFIANS ON itieIiN;STREET' ,; .DEPARTING. , ND the endeavor topalm °I that " Erzten ..4lA._ site `sl o es - rf saperic”: qualit.e" of .goods tatt , Iv received from an 01-d broken clown estal3- INiinumt in • Bimthamton; has proved an entire failure to our floods down low , t. ":Seeing is hrfirring." 'We neknowle•igo. the fact. - Anil -Ito:lid fazethlt (withont .wearing) Would tie :tit ilmt, *at ucesqary to convince the public that • ..snrAro.v..sd mEßizimrtiv, at their Ntore on Pt ntac AvE.NuE firs door above the Pest.Offiee, 'MVP iho - LAS:GEsT and moat do sirtiblu :lock of BOOTS snd: clti 3 , 7 ,-. 7. -.), ,c: r .:::- . c , : ii:, - .3 • .. ( ,-. 7 . 4 , 1 0 ...---•-• i :- - - ~ 147419 ere' r introduced into thiv market, witicii for price, (we ~fier no competition with second nor govids) dui-Lib - roc and :Lyle, we challeMze coMpetition. Wr-ire r:•,-vicintr, weekly-from the beAt I lort.es in New \ ..vii, tire lati;st sqles Ami b , 4y.t. quditi(!s 4,11,),(1-, which keep our W4:4l.rtment.o.o)llphtte. • Just received n Jim* addition to-oar former •Sttfek, consiming 01 GENTS Iletent Leather Ilonts,, Patent Leather Short Bouts, French l.:811 Boots. Gaiters., Shoes and Slips, all styles. LADIES Gaiters. Iluskins, Slips and Boots, best qualities. AlsO, - Boys. Youths and ehildrens 131.015. GUiL• and Shoe., the best in Market, ,In faet cr. ry Ili te4 belonging to the trade. All kinds of Leather, Findings. &e. All kinds o f work ne:di.:to order and repairintr done neatly SIMMONS & 11 , ,ntrose, July 2S, 15513. • acres improved. • I.• Seized and taken in exttition at the suit of N. V-•!Carpenter vs., Rs:it-dish Read.. - ALSO-411 that . certitin piece or par 6 -11 or land situate Mid . being itrille tovritisitip tot rarest 14.1;e, in said county, and . buried as' fulloWa to . wit: lleginntug at u pot tfil•the•west, • ;bb corder of B. B. Fox'rti lut,• thence- !south 64 01 , . e;st 6) perches. on the said k'ox tine, to a ps.t. ; thence south 81 perches to u prist ; thence north, .7.1 Nuw Arringoment at Gr•qgury's . deo• west 118 perches oaf aline of Ilatulin's lot • . e• • /IA RDWARE STORE! ''to a past; thence south 49 deg. ; west, It perches i S.V. tilLEbßill.l" &- .113D. - iON SMI i'll lon the road to a put-Ohtinc , l!riurth it) deg,. west 1.. i• having. formed a ev•parthersbip ',ur tii. i t 23 perches on G. W . . BalTstiountlarbt to a post ;; paritos,....l conducting the flardwate It:Nine:v. It, I Obviate north 52 perches.ein a line of httestat L o ur a;; its vr.rions branches. would rasp ecttutl3 in . , chard's land to a post ;: thence: east 180 perches; t', ri l l the people of Sdtvntloaitta count t tbat ron a line of linir ph tzi n ildkiis laud . !to a •pte,t on that nn - t,:t.V •..pening t ; - ‘,.4,. :;! •ory's tit.: Stanii. the road: throe,:simui 31 deg. West 15 perches': 0 pp,... i 1;. th. 'E., :s eha r e.. ; . il o t-, ;,.:,: ,i, ..t.- f!cem the ! en the said reall, to the pnbee of be g l i inin 4 , vo n:. Can :1. ilitighainten. N. 1, - ..11 : ,.1:,r. , :, st. ~ i ...01,-st,i t.tining 1:1d . acres of landi be the same, more or ;; att,i best•stoek of hardware -el or v.:rt.:led in Bing. I kns—eNelllttetr out tiTtite :"..:17tle, always, ett , illt 11 h. tutor. i 41J acres inu the east sits ul the;.. Ridge Roach; ...1.1„ v i n.. , ma d e a rr..ngotn e nts to impart their i sold to Nelson IL Cole ,) . y deceased in his life. English Good's and 'purchase . their American di- ; time, with the appartenadees, tine d welting ItoMie! rect. Irmo manufacturers, they ran and will Sell I one Barn and mitt •orchibril and .about titjacresi CtIE.IPER. than ant' oti•er establishment it. I improved. ! •-- 1' -• i;• • ; •-• i tt,tV,:t ! 'Their stook is now very extensive, and ! ~seit.ed and taki,n in• Otecution•at: the ,wit o t' l • t.1.e0-at bvisliin , to purchase are ! - Eivited to tall.— .°tango Mutt and Edizahitit : An ge ll, l ate Eliza..; Th e f.llowi to , t:lt /I portivn.nf their loading. ar- i both . Celt, Adair's ; or E. colt: dee'd, vs. - Wm. - li.; tick., viz:—"fable knives and forks. Tea de.,,.A ALSO—AI; • . ; ~ - . .. i • . . 1 carb'ersi forks and steels, pen and rocket knives.l LSO—AI; that ceraht piece or parcel ofi bread ;mil Ito:ober do., hay and straw do— sitis-Ifiand aditate in the Buoy!, of Montrose;!eonntyt; s.irs, shears. and mints. brit:in:lla tea and colrou ',of Sibs:Veltarina and Slat . vf Peatisivani,boun.; pests, ;heir . b and . brilailnia tea anti table spenns, , ded noddescribed as founts .:to ,Wit : on the!: silver plated• brass, and iron candlesticks, brut I - north east b. t,trnpike street, of t the soute.eab-,t fers and trays„-solar lamps, bird, and suspended 1 b-V land of , Sfitt.ll:ddle, tin the south:West by ; lamps. mantle-pies" ornaments, brass and iron Cedar Lt.ne, and on ttle ! ';North-west by .lend of andirons,shttvels and tongs, &c. i Dr. Patrick, being six roßs in front and. twelv • LookinaGlaitsest and looking glass plates, to- i foil. Welt', eentalning , t1Ve!Ily:1 1 4:e . ttiliare'rOil :getlier with a general assortment et hotnJekeep. , more or less Inc,willt! apfiurtenataies one Tar te lag articles. . • I dwelling 11,,ii.c., • , Ice house, ilvtlio 'fruit I trees and ail imprevitd. -: . ;11013SE TRIM lINGS,• . l• Seized . and taken in - ext-eutinn at. the silit:or nn-isting of 1"....1,,,,, latches. butts; st•rolV., bred : " , -, . t . . I.' John r. Danmore vs.. ch.quatin Baldwin, with nails, bolts,. patent whitlow spring.s. blind Listen- ;. - . ~. .. , -• ! i . no w.. to t. erre . Teitatusi; ! : !ngs, shutter screws, and, Ihstening,s, &v. -! • 1 t A I.S0—:111 that cetnila pb,,T or parcel of . • A 2 vlneral 4s'n'll•nlent " r "" iis r " r C " r P' ld ' q ' s ! :and situate Ivit,g m a t bding in the 'WA r.-morn tti'l and Joiners. Cabinet and :Vtigon.Ma.kors, Mastms Franklin. ! ,,;, ; ,,.,,,,,, 1i .,,, f , 4,,,,„ t y , p,,. „ u „.it,,,,,,di. i ~,...:sin....is,p.rnsi.:titi2 :3f plan ! -5,5.0,v..1n - aii, i , , , „ , and bi i ill • - ett and UesCriv.a., us 1 . , :'`'::3 le evil : C,.;te\fie , at 1 .r in1i i ,:,,.,:-k:rnad,,, at. a swim.: and mbilivttr:il'nhr:bi't'iliti:ltisti'w3*.Xzell'‘..:;.dr.,S;*',7:i.-act!il,c)l.l.tiLli.go.evrs',':lt-tilif;::r: ing at the "id I stones 3,1 JUL . one red.4lrtit Or the Lill rZ:Ce Of iyatcnt drill machin, ~ sledge.-, stone. &limners. ; .. ,e ....• u rod. tannery :turner rI In a weste-ly dirt coup bric=k and plasteriti.it . trowels, cross.cut, 'MB at.ti • i - ' ..!. .... -. .!, •tfw•:i:.;111 k)tirzy.• Alati*Nou EATZ9 HOUSE G. %V. Gri•gury, o:ulsby, July 21, 1836 TIME' CHANGED. r .- . , lana re, I.ackawaikua ok, W. It. It: SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT - - -- • ON and aft i vr July Ist 1856. leave st:rardolt as follows :-:• ExesEss Fr. , ight Train, e.ist. with paftenger t;ar attaeli, d fur court-aieuce of way- pusong erF:l3.os,.a. tn. Exyg.F.s,sPamenger Train, east, arriving at. Nrvi ;au' Phit.wiciphia3 8. _p. tn, tn. . Pas4 , ll,Tee - 7kes;,:cnnneding nt Great Bend Wit Day Exprelss east and - woat, on N. Y. Erie Itaikoad, ; •-- • Ei.rzzss Train, West, et i !meeting at 4;reat Cruin ,with west, on .N.-Y, 4, Ei. 3.40, p.ni. . .• . Freight Train, West. connecting with Night -.Eavrinea . -,E.Lat and West on N. Y. & R. It.; ..to, p. • . • - Trains arrive al-Scranton at/01107=1- EXPRDSS "Taliselter :Vain ftvin Exinists Freight Train with Philhdetphiiinnvf+:. engere, by- 'Belvidere Dula yard Ituilr9o, 7.15. Ex!niss - Paset;nger 'train from 'Give Bend, MAIL Passenger •Train ftom - Great' Bend , 5.50, p:n), H. DOT - VERER, Sup't Wm. N. JVIKS..GC-IfiTietiet AgeaL. • S'operiotentleme* auto,_ BUYi9, - 1 8 4 6 . • . . .•• • Sheriff BYvirtue: of z ~ briar _ issued. Out of Eller Court of Commoti•Pleus of Sasque hannkeonnte anti to rue griectid,-I will 41Spose to sale by public voodoo - 4 the Court oust in iiiontrote,. .kiattirtiq 4lie 16th day of. Au gust neat, - at 1-o`aoek P . . 4,, the , folkriing prop erty 4 •L • AtiL that certain piece dr-links! •oflanti:Sita uate And being in tbetovfnildilp• - of Jackson in the county of Su%ritieha - rina, Jinn teantled and de scribed as followste w cOn the n'orth-west by the pablidlii3bway,. on thejcal.t.by. I. ti4s ut fit ran: liarm:s, on the south of Lewis Lo . w, containing, abotat',. three ?t;ties of land, more iess. with the appurtenances, one franied lag^ huuNe, one•fratued bar!o, ono, %‘a4or:' sh6p, and all iinprosed.• • Seiied and taken in. .uxe - uutiort at the . suit of &41;e n ntAt. ALti.. 7 o—All that .two °story dwelling•lidine, situate on the north. elifo pf Streut inlibe liorough beSuSinebanos Pepot,. in aforesaid..contitining in pdint un 'said, 4.1. st.ii.ext,. Cu feet and in dopth 12U feet, rtpd the loti or piece ofgrolinci and ear ilr a :appurtenant to building. • 1...31,ia . tut biling outded on'the north by land - of N: Lenlieint; oh the . euit.' by laud of , the N. Y. & E. Et it Moult - .Co - ip:my. un the south by B. Street,•and oni'the -West by 1 4 :-id ur C. L. Ward, it being lot Nb. -•• ! ~eized-and taken.nt the suit of Nitirris.S. Sherman vs. : F. -AVard.. • . ALSO—AII th:it certain piece., ;parcel of land situate and being in . #ll6 township of No Niilford, in the county gpsymihanna:,and boun dtd-ai follows to wit : Onitho' north ,itylimds itf John P. Ad.,;ms; on the sonth•iNt'st by . i'ages pond, on the south by 'lanky bt Samuel Guidon, and 4/1I the wet by a • lot 41. Lind known tad the Garden Lot, with the appbrteuanees one fi.Uneti. house, oii framed tiara end about twentY•fire ------r-- . .--- , appertena.nees ono framed houso.and ail trepreT-1 ed. . . .. , 1 . ALSO—Alllhat other certain pies o or parcel of land !situate in the toWnshipef 114Etnoayieoun ty and State iiforeield 'Md bawled..fs.tnd des. eribtid at &Dotes ta_wit : -- ling,enthisteut : h...east aide of the New York & Erie RAH' *adder d in the villago otlittleS*4 : :ht!.ll4.begill . .ier•ific i ll ;antra of the Betnaisitt andO l ua,litter pat road, thertee-along the ;Lae of 'eliti z Etall &Co taps. n y 's, la tad; north Nrty.fiee aegis!' eirst pigl.,'„fiiitto a comee r thentai:tioith fOrkv five deg. _ ~ . liti feet, thence seuth 41 dogs . and.:o. filtiltant " vi , 'plt " feetiind"tinis - eight ofilOotiti!'n ear ei " iO ..t1 e r turhpilte road, tt.,. nee aiimg. List. ; sa e rtc4tit 45 degs. , wo‘t 55 feet to tile plisee of bill. nnittg.con titiain..! 12 pere t hCs of :acci, be the ea o taOre or I leia, With the o.ppurteDantres 1 btoru honso ;Mil 11111 improved. : - • : Taken_ in exeention at the iait, of : I k:a vs. , lierjataiurtyle4wohh. ',I AL:6O—A4 that certain piece of 1: ying and being, in - tho village of Lane, ry of Sasqueharrea ' and State of Pt: bounded and :deain,ibed as. followa ti ginning, at thecentre-of thotrunpike r !dung the libe of laud formerly owne :Ward anti andel- 'Trowbridge, sou ;%ve4t.3ti perches to stenes,:thenee 110 r West 6 pqrelics to a Butternut tree. tl .35 elev. and :15 minutes enit 7 'andi .perqhes to a Butternut tree, thence M one.fourth dais, east, : 22 perches theuce south ,21 dep. east, 11. "pearl place of beiinning, containing thre :Imo tenth of an Mere, with the applirtt Tavern nottse. 2 small, hiasei, o r I,triostly itupro,ved: Tahen in execution at the suit of Warner vs. Ifenry Bennett. . • : P. P. IiOLLIST i Sheriff's adieu, Montrose, July 21,11856. • RE'GISTER'S NOTI PUBLIC - -NOTICE .ii hereby give so:N'ecoieerited.iu the folitiwin: - I • • ill,tato of 4.,n, Dor.EmAtt. hte o townAiip, , de.:'d, Ty etypente.r, ‘VILLIASI GaRDNER, i•ltt4!r , Ww. • istrator. Etitate ortlENßyjr., let dtmvustiip,dtic* Altrull, E.. Butasou 4' -• , Estate ' tit itANNAN, late o 1 boa' kie s tl, 111 ari II RH I iitn Adm listatts ofjdo,r.Yta rto,s, late of l'ony ()Lid II n i:tti txeotoon - i. • Esitite .41 NVeston, late tio.v4shipolee'.l. 1.1. A. IVeston.,tltcil Kstate. •t.t Wise AVright, • late townAtip, Et' win F. Bailey, 11 i bailis no etira - L:.tertnettb,anne.ro.' I I.;state,tir C. • ;Hey, lit,te' 1 - township, decd, Elwin F• Baifey, L'st4o of Wu!. SicK.'ee.t.y, late nstrip.- deem, Janies . Fatirot. AlsoTh'e Guardi;uN'accoupt of Ciaell Car; trailt,.GOar,llau of Franttis &:.CalolinUl :recess! !, BrUek, , heirs or Fredericklll.lreckl lute of Forest Lnk township, tlett' , 4. i l• • That accountants buiio- set V.e.l their tt - e- l i oi'notts in thy; Register's in I•aud for the.l -uunty of Susspiejlatins. and that do t.rante wilt !, presentzid to ill e Jtolges 4f are orphAn's Court ; t of said conitty, qn WeduchdaY 00 12 0 E4- August, ni4t; for cot.firtuatiOn • and:,tlou:tnce - i .1. W. AiniAN;Reg'r. i - . -Reaistei cs-cHt.e, rliotitrote, j .• • - • July '2!•2', 18:11. .•" ! . I 111 1 s A A .3;1 DIES OF 11 EtIG H . :0 " "1.1.1 r D • • • I • i • reot.l it; it skorl i and 10 feer4 House . . 1 i S 1.1 PAIt 11 B R Of!' 1 , 1 s T cr AvEl f i eeviyeti their spring pplyi of house • furt+lltina Goods. IWe tall now ntiltr seven bet.itifiil sty ies Crtre.kery .ohe ilftsQm . ticw'vail , ilegant Spring Fattern of iltittt En att.••lled . (Mr Goods are ill d No. 1 in • toti Erconds or hut e ...tits, and lean ti.'may, be Matched if broken or in,,r e %vat:W. for year.. Al.':••tnc. 11 the enm s,Tcswiiir; G L. S'S V/ A. AE,• ": • , , .. a compstl• and tinhounqu ; o stri: i hand. I'll.l 11.AYS I.llour. ovl Fifteen elegant patterns, For surf ness. titiis 4 : and durability,!the A ns.ntny sold; at al lov: prit.e,i, targcst nrol mt,',t votpplete lot. *hos,• pa,i'i s . from S 3 to 133 per FIZOJI ! _AO:CP.ION ! GR I ~. - - GAINS ! !I ` Brats Cartain Cornices, Bands, I)r : Mks, si.e., at pri,•izs f411:..t defy eompittltion. Twf.nty ditrer ent styles of those eleg.int .Bird • Citges, from 73 rimts to $lO eaeh. 31 ailTere, dt patterns ! of superior 'ivarranted ClOttk.s. froin )31 !to $25 en.;.:11.. Wawhes.Cliiekit Mill iewelrinOntly re - , 'paired., Plated Castors, Calie. Basktits, 4tions, Forks, Napkin • Rin g ., &e. Sz.e.. 2 00 1 I)9zen Knives and - Forks. ,Parl2ir 14..nins, - ,laill.l.an,;-. ; lag Latrip4 - , - Britannia andlin. \ - I,:ire. . ' . • . ..i lIARD li r . - 4-1/ZE diEkVERA KILT: ' MarbelizO Iron 51.intio Oeees ald ; rates, iKte.; ,in fael.a, qederal Jlouse l ßuildi, - 4; hnd House ! Fiiritibdiiiig establishment! • J.; . .. 1 a-r Cal I and seit us at nur "CRS '14;1t.. PAL SCE," two doors !. - :vst of the Canal. 11 1 :..-fr 11 41r Goods are not as retirerated, our ilrriees as low as in town,,; aull you. go not trea t it'd v;* , ll,tplease - don't buy. Slall,lltD B. • r , 1 ' llitighninton. March. 1156. • Extra Cheap Dr y. Goods! m IN° itarnen , f , and iiitrnett(7o stocks of en d. new th;f4as • LORD & TAYLOWS, . Rich_ Press Silks, ShaWls, llantillus,PALaines, Al pacas,Toburis,. DelliAstes, Challi64., , ,Tissuos, E . laleges,'Brilli:lfits, Oinghams, Freoll, English and American 'Printi. Linons, Flannels, I)ornost ies, Hosiery. I;suhrohleric;s,letees, ltitrhons,Trim. tnimzs, Clutlisi (:as.inieres, Vestitig,st.tw. • Also, at the,:.. . • • , GRAND . S'i:REEP STORE, Rich 'Gilt Cornices, Vindovi Shail4s; Curtain I.aft-riali., Tnpestry, Ornssels, yolvkt and low. priced Clupctings,, Oil Cloths, Itu'is, :Nlattirig, &i: . tsz.e„ .• -' i • '- i ' • ; ft .- -• I• ' : 'g'SPECIAL IN VITATI()N TO 1CA1.L.,,,al P.utie.if - aiout to 'visit Notv York ' t aro tC4iii74: ed. to nail before purchasini elsewhl. e,;;ancl Will T findthifs's the largest cheapest — and i i lost desira bie stoe'tis of Dry Goods in the cityk • - 1 ;I. : 23 5, 257, 259 & 261 ;GItAND §"IT. and nevi nombers; : l • • -1 -• • . • -'... • I -47-&.49 CATkIARINE ST:, N. li'. . , 1 . I 3,ii1y..1,6..18.56.-310.•.: -., ;, H •-- 1 . 14i ".- . 01v f.O i d,tivNLN are Agents fur rt nittatier of, blanufatlturers 4 act el; supply the 'frade on easy. terms, .and at a 1:oiv priest• at their 1-Itirdwart., Mouse 'Furnishing and Fancy • Good 4 • • ' • . ' 51, Cutitt•Street. . , i• they Conte: • • I\l'EW-Bno i c every Idsiinta Critils is .L . rnnsdi:Notand,‘Yill be" 'IPI r n . fte - Nnstr:Yoars,.. prepitre for Pint eatlin g .14 ttiii" yo it, - office - , tebore ynn nosy, 0441:claing . .:#iid usoftd tinoks, cheiip i • rtrisi: Con . OvniOnniirtinnn4; he Cn'i . nt) Fire . ,'lC:do•WtkkiOn or i 6 an - d.to • Do, Tun. Years : among :the ltidilittloi Fitrttily Pi,tinars or home mndo- 1 ,11nppy,,, - Life :On ,tho.rond : orOrkii i de t)u%al er Par,leyst I s:$11 I iolury and gitt - lant4N; CerT'en. dad ii4e4 N. , w Cook books Of.q., atO inanV .oth: -Ors f - ciint if)un thc, Reddy.' - • A. X: n!uLLAni). .Moritioso Doe. 28, 1855. i DissinuTloxis - ~,,, Jtil co-partnership heretafert e , iistieg-anderj the' fitth billeitillih & Pari • is' this day . ilissolvi by mutual censent- 1•'I -.- " ,:' '''.. Tleinott..,* and . stooothste—ei j e- int the -bands-or James I Meltiii.xn 7 fer.. 4347 Peelle rfc, i 1 I '.. '. , , •liin'E'3,*/1114.44 . , -' ; 4 ' '• ' ' j - . ~• '.. .l A s4 t .i ICA • - - • Siiiintrilltt,'.fu:y 7, 1 gso . . ".....'' 1 _.....•. ....,, .. ... HAREM, 1101 M =How AND FAMY 5 Ta..7,1115t Hil:M§ltistitaiM 14... 441.. 1.• .40 lot of G00d5,... . Of Susquehanna and sr- tlard.vare,;stortewure,, Fiah, Neils, Boots Neighbcnn' g ' sietenf.,l'lPirt , of Dry Gieads.Grocerlee, Crock- COW/ti t& rriti Shoes. fiat* and Caps, fionneta• thohreflus - W E 'ei wc'uld "tPectrtillY t e ock °r iat ol iQ t j e r above g; i t i bi!g ap ; . r r eilee V e in t d i Q o w itonfi h d at tt s' &, ll ? * !rtir i l l i: cnentialiv ato our , . la me • 10 A:bream/ iridourso of wfit dell at cliiiit"lor ready pat, especially for r°c ( *Pttoti .- "-int'itilpi,'lears tho..tnidie acne of arta its tan be bought :.}at , ..riny other estehlish the larg4t-poistl - of. itho Empire Vatte ha* meat fa the county. That orto say that he will hecutltainedil, it, tristeepety, which has at lest , cot , be beat by say. bragiug - gittn at°4l l- h 9r- e' ,l: he tu i th tlf`'lter - itOtle- i t ' , iEW.4 OR. GENTILFA. - Pogiett 3ll l **Ul fie lll4l kr for :l 1 Ifs also wishes to say it word to Lase:Monica and having ili t mewl ~ ~., t „ ; ;;„...r is - -- - 111 °-iwt. ,, . , ..... ( 4 tee ntst'et I and others. in rdatione to the way some :aeon e ` telhha ' ijanu 4et ,,„.,., 're the 11 :,, eit(4 Stat a a i I folks do their buvidess. It they have socks, we s ,v, without! ev-..-"tibnr- that we" e 4l 4 3 2 * i CAI/ages, or Turnips or anythhas else unarm will sell, either wholesale 4t : I " a.l ' at 11; l eall 1 werati:e taut they wish to, dispose of they will C lliw " th 41 ever offered b-61 '`" W " t ' uf 11 * Y 'l take am o e s tore Vl t the in their own town and I find; pr unfaulty force the merchant to buy , them, Wiiil i noth h Lasbe.i. 0..1.t td is the nit ~.I. wart- line, we 'h ve gicen p ,rt4cul•tr attonl'on tot ansi it they have money to pay for Goode, they the liou 4 o Fura.hhing band iGr oac bu4moi4, will s. ..m g t io `it; ft ß n . d ig t h i euito lenre n or so mrtaro ine other ; nio p w la m ee , t lt o ancrhave on hard a stock well neerthY the Irs' 1 cheaper they can buy • Goods' away from home sPeet•i'm of Hot 40 Ke O PeN• itlah they tan at , home, AN I have to say to Of Fancy Ge l )ds we have else a lar g' e aa 3e r t * ir,l h Luat"merg is `collie to me with your cash went, which, navies been %elected with especial , and a i hft ,. sly n Goods you want, 1 earl and [ reference to the wants of our customers, we 1 trt,: *ell them to you at prices perfectly- astonish think will please those la nei duf articles in this ail , • J. L. MERRIMAN. tine. ' 1. - -.e l ', NT /0 ire *pson., , . ay I . . , Ikeentlitsio ,tvo would a • tr- that our' Geed* ..-- I are new, and o f the first crudity, Ana that we ; , Como and. See. hope, by strict attention to husine.% and ~,,..n• i 1 -I IGIITY-FIVE etnts in cash will hey ono i stunt antitipatlon of the Wil"hes of our P It " 8" 1 1 .4 dollars Worth iif the splendid stock of 1'• • - ~ to merit mien tn increase of the cenlideuce al I •" 1 .prlng end summer Goods jest receiv ing at the ready reposrd ' el. . , + rhea* (441 and barter stare at Dimiack four cor i PLIVFE & KNOWLTON, it . ' h er , i , where a;most eve,-)bodi• goes now to buy II • rdwire Ijo so Furnishing sad Fancy Uwe I " ' ' . 1 ' 14 i t their Ovo:13. Flee , lad Sat kept always ore I Establilhetent, 51 Court St., Bingham- 1 .. „ ad. _ _ , I tun, N. Y. adjoining Bank. of: , N VM 1 1 AL. THAYER I Bin !li waton. 1 D„ 1 .„ .. k m s • ) 185)% I NB. We hive a verb' large stock of Wood.' i en and lVillow W.,re. Wits and Rigs, Britannia Doct. B. Tii4er :Ware, Farcey. Bird Cages, - &e. ,7, -- 4, - "Spertint; 1 orpilKES this method of saying to . t 1 •Ippitatus of every ile%:ription, includiag Fishkg * I and customers that he has a at rk f Gin resumed. 1 Tarlde in all its varieties, Guns, Rifles, P.itols, i the practiee of Medicine at his old at in Mon t Gee Materials; &e. t trope, where he may be found ut all , tint unless I 1 l professionally employed. • lie would say to hosit 1 , From the Binghamton Democrat, April loth. 1 owing him on old accounts that he will deduct:ls I Sr.t.t.Nniti IClPttovrurvr.—Wr bi,,ve b .fore 1 per cent, on all accounts paid before the first- of noticed the n4r store erected by A. Knowlton,• 1 April next, (or if any poor like myself,) I vrilt, , ~. , ' 1? q adjoining.the Bank or fLoghatut , ,n, 1.. be , de d uc t Wry. , c n i cilpi e d /14 a Hardware Store by illes,r,. Ph!, fe * ltnntrnse, Feb 20, 18.55-9tf 1 & Knowlton. I. As it 111)prot illeli Ctlalpiellan it 1 .deserves morel and more the ,praises that 'hare A, rrival of . tho Africa. If Af '• , klik. tilli received, per ...teams ip ri , been lic.towed on it. and N undoubtedly 1:1 • it-, yIL day . ,t le, ftiii,l, aril appointinents t he model shire ot ..t. ca, anol her invoice of those unrivalled PAT ', the Southern ' Titer. Me,sr% P. & K. ere nee 1 :- . N r I'EN !FR WATCIIE,S. Itiv , mt-"a l e ne * puttiii! in t ie.r , ni , one larger . it . I • t k and more coin- complete te evert' description of Cuse, upett lace plety thin his heretofore betn kt pt•in 014 picot 13 ' 1 limnin g: 61 , 1 arid Srlver,and. I nitrite thd, i•11211 , 1w:ri g nit the deplrtmensq of lisrdware, I atter:tail ni .iii , ersen, in want ()fa first class Butl:ters. Butl•ters Ftni,lyng NiatPrials, (;-.4Fixtures, &c. W , "t , hr I'S by imp ntinginy own Watches d i . &c. Mr. Bluekstone, an expel-4.r ei ,1 • *ll , eat h.lre,t. Ie In .Aell to my eus. , rn eers at the Towest workman, stiperintomis the Got Fittin , 4 d e p il l,. ` New York :the:esti:a prices,. tnent. Look in at Phyle & Knowiton'4. • i AI.FRCD J. EV Ni. ---- —-- 1 illrty 4. 1850. N. 2 Odd Fe lown , fl a il. ` • Ban- nd. 'situate tsir+,eu un n sy I es'n la . : ilad,ttirmue• 'd by Wm. • - h 44- n th 14] neize. eneel north th !nth jBl Ana Ito Att - onk, hesi to the and nni:es one e bitru and ild,rson:C a, S hyr. , Ei to; 1111 per- Estihts, tu i Bridgewat- Exehnior.- t.! i&f.tridg& tier,i Admin.: ofJackson AdiEtiirtistra- F Middletown se, dad Nur- Irooklyn fentiir. kit' Vrooklya idiniWatrutor 1 • 1 .• or tirOokly'li dmioodraLvr. Hardwark ark - 111040 Goods. lIIS is alrogreAiirti 'IL it: or •irthi,vdid s athat. wires On Ixhich the • liglimitcx portant nowt:, soon copy, t 1).; rushi , ig .woutd the ia.t and 'wise conclusion nt themsOye . s, each day ; ezc =ZEE "Calvii,rilio living tnnnner l , turn the tit to 'our own I,Ceol= tri 1/ t Now n iity Ouple nrv.nvers Instifonr-(l . St6rsH4li6se (2.t twenty yearn ago: Their proirietora hating euWe theroultlily ' 41 intbut. wj i ll the high part I (oir l .ratht.l' tuek Of itr;iteiplt4,) are ,na- Inwer theit'clemanOtt,to a scale wore in ae . 4,4:irdane#, With the times We five in.: 4.4solced it r Itetro "pace With the - protlresiii7.o sitirifvf the age, we have opdned oar i) e , ,spael 0 Ili . Stdie, o. 51; . Cour!t: St.,:with a very 4 largrt a . is'ortrpent of. ardw i t are Hoti * so and Fariey Gotxis;:whieli we Ofillr wholcsale..or retail, at' tiwi l .loWe,:t. prieeß, foyeash or '9pprOvc4l•l relit. 1. 4 1 - 11 . 02 51.. Court St..; 11i Cg Ironton, N. :Lifer - mr.i.sdrise.eountry-mt•rebuilt to viit '114.y wjii fird it n•lrnot•wi•ritlA • IFA_RMEAS • •:‘ - "%ATEA. tied a large lot of r • Hues. Tha Farmer's 11 . aion.Insarance of At ta, • ~Capital $2O - 0,001); secured by Bonds 'and:Siert- -• l - -. State Mittel! fit liarrisburg, on tag stock and 1-llutual plan. Capital 4.350,000. . -• i. : I I: . sue' Applicants ran receive peliciesin . either; 'it-or any of thi.t.aly)ve companies, ' ,:.- -. -I i - .- • • BILLINGS STROUD, Agent,* . . •-.l* . Ilfootroso„l.Ltv.l:2,4Bs. —. • TO -THE • LADIES, -1 -._ .-- , - - . Jobbers Wanted liTTF'.,.arq detorteined to .suit the. , Ladies hav- t: - , , . , .-' - IF; undersigned W4l let by oOntrnot to elosi ' V mg betreotnfort in %new, .wo latecy.prcf-li •j 75 acres - of land from which • the leinbeti cured of the importers, -a large as;ottntertt ef. d ' ' i has, been l A k - 'AJ .. .tl• ' - t . • t .. 1 an lire woot as a_ on.. _so ~, .e. p. - FANCY GOODS„ • -. „ . - - i ! ling of One Iranian. feet Of hemlock logs, and the ,which nist,Certainty-pleaSei, even the Most fas= t pealing of , - - itto . bark'frei4..thesaute. 'AISii. the. tidieus , taste. :-.7 - - - . 1 -'.- . • • '!I cutting and keeling, (Tithe cutting alone, i,f k't !MOO cordsof Rail RO:ilwood. '. ' ' ' BrushescOlpprising , thanyclopet sty lei.. ' ' '''t - : The above: wOrk -to be d6ne,:this'seasOni and Of i eentb? WO have en extensive varietv,,inclu- wilibe pareided out to suit.,any. one, wish:ng to ding many j offnclja . Rubber,l Iron end horn.. —. l dci i.part of itco.lly., FOi further . _ barticqlarS . We have, beside, many other-Fa:l4 A rticlesd"Pleaso apply to.ike nifeCSigned- , : it. thi . ii-iiitt; - teo nomerOus . 'to • tuentio_n.!: ;Call_ and.. eiamirted 31 4 tnites up tho l / 4 , Pluck Road trom.lidnteck, per Fancy Goods, • • •-* i ..' .-• ' - . ' ' • . 1 DolaWaro C 4•.,. ti. Y. :`; ~ . . . . !,- ” PHYFK '1.4:- , KNOWLTON, Ten good . • '6le7i wanted to - drive. Leant:Sand . . . • : wesk in.- - 10clw mill,.to vifich . goo44 Waget wilt • -I be p'aid. - Ear)y ;:appliention. soliolied: . •-liost 1 Office address:—Hancoeh, 'Del: to., N. Y. " ~ • " 0-13. - GRIFFIS, •"4 • for D.- P. Dome:rost,& Co,' ifety Intw' • o ayi n ft iit i lpo4ation. .in rit; r. b. ificricrui artie4 :of b r-lhe :w.ri iitic red ii ett to.f 1 BAR- . . , . , end leg , avid iny - o i t.hrnrrfetes for tiilinn. and I :3 hwify lug Oz ortrip, v.t ' PHYFE Lt;', KNPAVI.:TON't, Binghamton, N. Y. .51 Court St. • Refrigerators. TUST rticoived alt-g,ll lot, at prite:i ranging from $5,60 to .9-12,00. . • .-- 110pIERS. PH YrE & K.NOWLTON. Binuhamton, Y.. " _ • . ~ , , Bir9. Cates ! .Bird.Vages ::,': : ljflYE't 4 & KNOWLTON' hare juist - recvirt.d 1 a large and well selected. almyrttheiit 4*t ' - ' 1 . RI 10) CAGES, .: -- ••,• - . '-- combining many'of the must elexanf• ds. , B4:lntb mad beanti finiedi; combining diir:ddlity, iightness and airiness nrit43de.. Fi.rint 5s rd, to eaciiildrinlOng nnd sced.cups ' PIIYFE &IS:NOVI:U:1'0N; , •: • .• 13inghaniton. • ." _-SELL` SEALING CAltI.•: ,ThiN fruit . Can, iiimairket mathe attic!) , or Tht', others - are'sialesel by inearts Level.S6'rk , s; whieh discolor_ the knit. ofei rtahber.Rin,,„cr, the sealing is male j .4,1 i -right that the tobst care . •,!. I inake itilltire is sealing this ; Sportsmen • L ' - A e .l ;:artz - lt.l be , ing' and 'din - o to Fia - hilly 'Tackle ! • Gans!' R ifi e2 uhua - to t h` o ! 110111YFi: St- - K.NOVVfrON(inlirinl 1 Rahl** -11 10. , " - t epliehdiei;l o s of 'Ptabia o ~ Tack te, N lo°l -' lll ' 3 4 - 08 A °5rY3l,. V ... us'd FYnef GOo,ds At ti,t , • York Prirt•.s; MEI tri Rods, from Is 6a, - tu tro -each. • Lines, from Sets.; to ss,.(rwh• •; Reels, frcon $1,50 to $6 . e.telt, and.r:tn nssort- . I Plea or atLilleirtranit, never imforo itr this , iieinity, including Progs, , lfice,Glasm, -- Lnath. - e, LAM Itml.)lier,-Alinnows,Gratti Peretia: Grnsi Hoppers, Shrimp, Spiiiping Bait, &e., vat spooni to ivaitri entebing grass s‘'bilityliallin,t. P6tent Spring Honks for !Pielterot-nr. I .Soeelologers, oiNankieljoadlo Hoclitt,'±t new in:ld improved mode6f eatehitgr •- W have a goo - il -stork of Gruns,.itifiesine- - I'velving, 61m - fie end double lyarrelati der, Shot, Water Proof sing ,othireriiii.llttnting . itorns, Turkey calls 44' _ Potteh es, Ganse-Bag - si , Techporaneo &e., &e.' rti In •fact we have every irtii.g Er o - pp ng psratus. ' Pit nutliip-fishjn,wbv died thottstta. fc; KNOWLTON. 51 Coact Bt, Bingharnio)j,, - . • t. , ''' TBKE, REED -,.- ..) = Saulcup an d . sivel-Costt t„ .:...'... , 1 , ,rri HE seeounckor 'iliellii.O Orin 'Or - C:l4 - si 4-,1 ~t. -1,-'`‘Tfit hOing ris:olf'jutii tbo,Kriiida -- Or the i 'rib ri&itigtt of,' No' would iiiiipiofolly .4:0--utiti443-1 that ha is yerymnAlgtio. for aTprOmpr - settlenientl of the saint. . Airtilattilti4btud" to tuti4 (inn, ot i 1.. ther IDy_tiottor Book "rtzvaant, wit! pteiliirt -- ta,.ke, hcier eirtgla iitut of tha ontall antaant3 daa 84id firm!: ~_and 1 . 4 Order tiftweve - trotibta, eat ta. eoloniodata-.thoip indpbted, l . shaft ha :.in Mmit; , rose during August Court, to settle w4koll whet ' i- deer tt, V.ltfedient. ITAruat that' all iiidebtildiNilL mike me a coil, as I aktWootitia in town sit t er 'Court wini, • - 4 1 A T tPAI: q r Bro okl yn, week,. ' - 31; 1954,—*5. - Furnishing Administrator's Notite: . . N. , ) one tion'Uts N - rpTic.F: ig Lerety g,iven to peri.ooa having eat the irianfolil ill demands a:tineT, the Estate of-Daniel .Ah ivit'lzze4-.. with Of rtumh township, dee'd., that ;the anTo ;,inee ; u look. "at -I must be. preented •to the underaV,oed for At etroltasii to ran , retrii:tit., iud all peratins indebted to-imid. Es New -proof.: pre- tate'are regairetl to mike hninediate settlement 4ay Wk! arc more - J UT-IA M. ABBOTT, Mex.. Jul, .7, ..18'.W.*, - - .2tnt they rie i ; " )t, rind takti in as ;. • talitiAting at old Ushed from tea to . Sp 51191.-i....15. • ' Gra.4.3•liutfks, Sicklep, ountry Merchants, MMIS=MM Batter - Tate - thrintetiet, • zirew..voods..at the UP:warm° EJ arniz subscriber h happy to icform ilia' Wende— -1 sod patrons !bit be basAust received _ eb_&4' (1-,-iot of Gocideo4`ro . 4 from Nesii York* CO4- NEW ADVERTISErtrENTS. XOl-0) - .N. 11; SMITH & CO., would - respnet, hifurin the public . that 'they. have pur ela:7t.4 the lute:re:it in the , saddle and Harneas 4,1 A. S. E. Baldwin . . • We.h.ve by s , rl,:sattent!on to business to receive our flraid. Puhiie patriknage;Conefantly .ou laud, Sad pridteB, liarness, Trunks. Valieesi wCarrrisze Trilnutings in all of its hrariche4 ilt be neatly done , : to order- on :reasonable tenni. - Shop Bis(iinent. - • - FORDH SMITH . 4 co. Montras'e; 1636. - . Piro! Fire ! Fire rII,IIE unth!reigned -is r.gertt for the f:tilloyeing: • trisOran!e ttomp'aqies, --the reriatation-, of whi;,l l ; fu r ;491';ency,sand. ißytiorable tteating.;)iaso been tti_ the public. ,f,32,200.,0p0. May •I 1.85 AaEsti extrallour tf.•per'bbl.; .16s. 61 one fourth bbl., at Mionints6,ltulp 4;1856, - • Ashtoi:i- It, • •• VoltnisiFy and T:1:blo,Ose; just' rOeived - anti I X` for ititt'S iek, • Bushet or •Pound; by. MILLARD, t June 9 1859- The epeidpg Ft so large that a fill t,,54e4 Peach cal i he. admitted; or' the hand hiserted JO wash - • • • Every . an. ie perfectly-tested when inazle. tv•- ?Lail tan is ,the cheapest, in markdown, sidering - tba adrantagea - it hue env. At.t. crruZtt Onlerspromptlyi hy ;j,&, C. I:MARIA'S, Agentslir'the Patentee, 60 . 1 - nreadWay,l4. TRICE LIST. Quint Coils,' per:doz.;•-•'-=• • $9:60 lialfGallort -" -• • v i o Wretich`ea:" `=:' 'a •-• Tops, complete, for nab) by the Dozensir divot. .1A libeptl Disooutit to t110494e; • . - • Visit for =Wavh: lICICEIMAN & GA RRAT7 -‘0111,L., pilgt#~e, highettt markok -vrten - for. Alt tho, Ny: oo l,i n. Su iitiehann# County, delivered la *41 4; New 'Miffefd; `Sittei • ./Luditorit.Notice. utiderOgned _fill auditor. appoiltrf% ! , JJ the Orpfran's- etsitit of SilatiitetalitiOtltU.' ty thltie dldtibittisr of:. the piodioido, tho au4. ofroat est* of ttawari.St o 4 4lo 444Alifilt attend ifit appottAtifeg,at:hiti °Mei.;m Monttoli;voif -August.ool;4l ytit,l3chtWil i n o , todp_l4o4, all: poisoolt-ImYipg,oisiTs tittikktk*Na,. them, or hi (lebitria from coding T upon ,kid TIM FAA seft„-;„:440,4to; dlioea4 ine ! ess. EERIE cAprritL i - 51;;i filk - Artist* olnPllll4e • - 4 1 . ititt‘ • - • .4+MtltotLlM r'tj>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers