IZE== .ai;itirist.. - pentotrat, ITE f:ARGEST CIBCVIATIOIt fl 111011711Eiti . • 1 B: - NfcCOLLUM, A. 3:.I.IEItRITSQN, I:*;Ztrose, Thursday The ,ptiissostri CoMpromise. • Im clamor lately taise,deier ' the Repeal c'' the Missouri Compromise would lead the Fuptilloial thinker to supli.lee that that Act -;:f Legislation has been -mast c midi:llly con !...idereci„and invested with peenlisr sanctity. Whcreas, in fact, it was nothing more than a grnpre law passed by coo rest; having no more regal effect or unchanbility . than any ot:,'.er public law whatever. if a sneceeding C. , nriss were bound to pay ,apecial respect . to the Missouri compromiso,Lthe obligation roll, Arise only from •the tcutustances of -.,.1 , -, i.nactackent. As a law it-could be.repealed at ploiure ; any unusual eininence or au the,rity,, could attach to :it lonly *po li tica/. .r . -,' , .r.F•tre, :Ind the very nail:lel - of the Act of . 1.62 f) .tells its whole hiStory:t: It was a corn pr..r.-.,zi.t.e. Now, as the Inge ions Ilacauley ....I.s^rieS, " P,olities . lt re ' a_ Mlcession ofcom ; i.romi....es." . Itt , liberal reprisentative dov e:l.rnozit, shertAll public.'laws aro generally .3.ui:l , dificusseil t ;and where public opinion is o - -I.pendent. and . diversifiLed,l extreme Meas. 1.17 es !fa ely prevail f the,cipinions of one or the f.;W west needs yield some l what ; and the wise middle C'Arso is nsnally pursued. What i: tbii, but a compromise if Ti.e application ofldissoml r. , a Fate ' with a , Constitn ,liv•:ry, agitated Congress" and -.., • t11:,-..e or four years. ()pint ..”.,Dus) .. divided, by geographic Ille •;e7y conflict' of extreme t-scvs 11 . 70 ease in this-intelliget •:..it:v, eohntry, begat a mor %nc. r •It i", nal, moderation. In. oe !,!...f.c.••.tfi Compromise, the \ - )3.1 i,;,.1 heen reached and p ~, T., I v. , :is wearied :• and . sicken ;- independent opinip) State was -busyi ) of adjusting the diffte, efforts Henry aay idea of the geograph ; ~..--min.' The constituti.leility of the leo r-, -;inise Position was not much or thor .-'. .- argued, and msny of itie greatest le . . ...els denied' or doubted tat the .time ; c , r i nstance, the first Constitutionac jurist .',.. 7... e; icrn history, James Mitdison himself. !-,, I so happened that the ; influence, efforts, ..,:i. , '.•:,-;;Luice Of Henry Clay and his coadja ,,-,::: linvailed Over opposition. One section ,p,, } c e -I z;nd faiored the compronaise of 1820. it N. ;:s eat, in fact, a bargain '.:4. adjustment ~ -u the North and the 504,11 as parties'. :L e :. • Ail expedient for the time uopn_whicb 1.-,7 of moderate views unites! "to change , a :.., ~..L 114 situation. It merely}, postpinied a _--t} constitutional opestioni, and serious ...-. Ti .e legislation, `of 1820 made work .I • t f ..,- .....-1 , ....r generation. ' I , • -. T , , - t..,, re. then is the wondrousisacredness of - ''..i f;;:nous Missouri Compromise! It pr0 ...e,,,:1,--.-1 ...e,, , :1 ,- -.-1 from no principle whateVer 7 For what : lea in the Constit ution—wbat conformity to F;•: , .r, natural progress is illutrated or ob carved by 4 mere line—an imaginary,abstrict nnreo.l line..--a mathematical line' The,line :::-e 'f i 9 an artificial invention. i Finally. ar --'.'.f-1-;:.elis ' any 'Compromise founded - upon -it. - 7C7,2,4:Aires little political foresight, therefore, }ot-,:::sage that this improvisioned expedient L-...t . an hour: would, in doe time give way be :c.,re, our.rational progress, .13e- common gzo-l.liaof North and Soutli, , and West and -,-.-.e.-1- State. Arbitrary `and artificial p.urope .7:..;:y have been heretofore iistraitied and . .}e3entled. by the: imaginary lines traced _in , }a.,i nets and visible 'only on 'crisps; but this exransive, self-governing and leoundless}Un ,;-..e., in the inevitable' progress e)f the whole, --,7.1. each section and part of it cannot and .7.,ii;rilt not to le expre;fe.d _and crippled by Da-.• 'Tees except those of cli ate soil and .-L -2r:•ieiii surface. - ' ; . - . , in fact s the history of our' i apublic, brief 1-.1 , . it i., abundantly demoustrates that no le .,' ei lotion can stand long, unless it flows out .-. I . . • ..': cm the fundamental' Conatitutional pinea -1 - lti ' r les that underlie and r)ervade, our po i cal -extF,:4nee, observe and suit its4f to tne great 7 ..cts of nature, and consist easily frith. our -, , :.• - •+giess. , There is a continual impiovement in L. nmprehending the Constitetion; and this ' r.!,:.oveteent is forever magnifying the lavas. V. 3 'll retard to the Missouri Nmpromise, t 1.•.; doubts of Madison and Monroe have now 1,,-Qale denials among their snenessom.; in the s , :lio'ol cinitrict construction. 'tie ligantio I_ -..r:::: ; _•;etnerit. and strength of Northern !natl.. , tn....ion?, and Southern Institutions - , and their zit:ail:al:teens advance in the Nyest, &nihilists . any fragile iiatchwork expedients_ toJestrain t.'... , }2 -- i, and bays rendered it abioliitely neees r.arr - that. their natienal eo-e.!istance should I.Te -- }o:presaly and solemnly acknowledged to stand upon the oonstituxional grotind itself of . , natiozal non-interference. Herein the phi losophy of the recent Kansas-IsTebriulka legis laiion. • That sprung, it is, true, from the strong and bold head ofStephen A. Douglas, out be seas the mere exponentnod instrument of the !Tatiana' Progress r and' Destiny; the human utterance of interior an(!resistlisse.his t pride' forces. . bat the Kansas-Yebriika ',ill vas's tat .-,-al alogical sentient step in our . country's. maid!, is evinced by the cenclusive and re , :namable fact that nobody now thinks of to. sLoriug the MiaeouriCot:apron:die, . Its repeal - lei loose an unprecedented Morns of free soil agitation. Douglas &tidbit asseciates in this" - ,_,. 1 ,_,.,e,. of were exposed to a ftothing ocean of e.k) . ingaticon, invective,' and threat. The. party that stood by Dntiglas, 40 Nebraska Bill, for a - .fern:months seetnini top de inn . benesith the general urge sad ;if, :Ifni to- ‘ di.y thatparty' is strongest in the; r runidn; tiai tont'est—and the Bepablitionancep— =Anal) as it promians, theessinnic declaims, hes ceased to demand the ii4itunatment of the . rL.sst ,, • -..orai lane. The ~Coraf.romila tired only , gersestaien. The "very ' fact Arms that it '"c 4 s l4l- Lot end should not Jire . kiii ger t " AGRULTELirWORKS. • R. AL WELLES & CO., - Athens, Pa., 111111 tITACTIIRERS, wnotxsALY: MCI' rtr.irAtLDEat, barons 412847 1856: EMERY'S ARID WHEELER'S RAIL ROAD ' HORSE POWERS, THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS. Threshers and Winnowers combined. CLOVER HULLERS Circular and'Cross Cut. Saw Mills. Emery's Cider Mills: Feed Cutters, Corn Shelters, Corn and seed Planters. seymones Grain Drills and Broad Cast Sowers.' Revolving Horse Rakes. Dog Powers. Clow'a. Grain Cradles. Ketch. wile Mowers. . Reapers and Mowers Combined. Magic Corn and Cob Mills. ,Excelsior Fanning Mills. Cultivators. Leather and Rubber /kV., fags, Meat Cutters, Apple -Peare.a. Refrigera tors, Provision .Ssfes,,dtc. ,Extras furnished- for repairing Emery and Wheeler's machines. Our Excelsior Fanning Mills' are second to none made in the Union. Descriptive Catalogues, Price Lists and Circu lars of all machinery &c., sold by, us, sent gratis and postago prepaid, to all applicants. Send us your name and address. H. L. BLOWERS, of Franklin, Agent.' Post Ofßco address, Montrose, Pa HOSTILITIES CELSED I • Peace• Declared ON such terms that secures the right of every nation to the navigation of 'the Danube,and be it known to 'the people ot Susquehanna County, rod the rest' of the v..orld, that they will find it to their advantage to come to the.Totop eranCe Saloon and Grocery . in Main St, Mont. rose, Pa., (the only Temperance saloon in Mont rose) to get Pies, such as are pies,' Cakes, • Cheese, Crackers, Sardines, pickled Oysters, Clams," Cucumbers, Ice Cream, , Oranges, Pine 'Apples, Candy, and -Segars, Nuts &e. Small Beer, Ice cool Lemonade, and Soda Water to eat and drink. At the same place is a good as. en/talent of Groceries and Provisions, with new supplies every week from New .York, such , Tea, choice kinds, from Sts. 9c., to 6s. per lb. .Sugar now at 9 chi. Beat Coffee 11. 1-3ets., crushed, Pulverized and Granulated at Is. per tb. Molasses 3s. 6d. per Gallon; best Syrup at 68.611. per gal. Pork, Smoked Ham, and Shout dera, dried, Beef liana, Cod, - Mackerel. White and Blue Fish, Cheese, Crackers, Lard, Tallow, Sterine patent and' Sperm Candles, a variety of Bar Soaps, Shaving do. best in use, Coffee Rice, and Tobacco, plug and fine cut, Chewing and smoking, do. in tin foil. Fire Crackers and Fire Works. Matches, all kinds, dried Peaches, Plums. Cherries, Figs, from Is. to Is. 6d. per lb. Prunes, Zantee Currents, Citron, Fig paste, Sa go for puddings, Spices all kinds, do. Ground Mustard, do. French SOap Powder, Babbitts Sal aerates, do. and Washing Soda, Cream Tarter, and Super Carb Soda Tartaric Acid, Licorice, do. root, Fancy Candy and Gum Drops, fresh from N. Y., Cassia buds, Canary seed, Nutmegs,' Cloves &c., Cpcoa, Brume and-Chalkolate, Lor. Bards, black and Scotch snuff,,Rasink from la. to Is. 611. per lb, Su ttanee seedless Raisins, starch -(pearl)Corn starch. Patent Nutmeg Graters,and Clothe , s pins, Sweet and Castor Oil in bottles, Raymond's Lees, and;Wright, Pills, Salta, Roll Brimstone, Sulphur, Gum Camphor, Vinegar Choice lot of Catsup, Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Raspbery Syrup, flavoring extracts, Hair Oils,to embelish and prevent from falling offor turning "grey, Herring by the Box, White Waah, Scrub and Shoe brushes, Stove and : boot Blacking, Garden seeds, slate and lead pencili, Axe hand les, Brooms, Tooth Ache Ointment, .an almost sure cure , for burns,Sprains, Bruises, dz.c. Ras- Sian Linament, good for man or beast: Horse t.gothcr Wit a. laT -.Q....amt.:0 of Children's,Toys, selected w ith great "-are for both girls and boys, 'among which aro small pails and• Baskets, Horses, Dogs, and Cattle on wheels and rockers, small Tea Setts, Thimbles, Cornelian Rings, Tops, Clarionettes, Accorde on, Harmonicons, Harps, and many curious things, Lad‘es Baskets and Sewing •Birds, Sack Salt for family use, Corn Meal, also Flour,lept constantly on band, 'by' the pound, sack ot bar rel!. . . for admission Lion toleraking the country on seemed orn al Bat Iris's's, at is.al bt and demon- . statesmanlike ithe progress of acme of agita atsed ; all of seciioual in every lo ,g itself with lty ; and after ' l and others hit mal line of 3G Titatt%No 111;\13 ; , Clams, Oranges and Lemons, Pine. Apples, dte., Some Eggs, Better ' 'Potatoes, Beans, &c., taken in exchange. The above Goods ore for sale for cash or ready pay. Thankful for past favors, r bope by strict attention to business and small profits to gain a larger share of patronage, and thereby all be mutualy benefited, all orders with the ready will be promptly attended to. Temperance Baloon, Grocery and - Provision Store in Main St., Montrose, Pa., May 20, 1856. -..Tarmers- to your Interest. . A rari - ekante to mike front 12 to 25 or 30 per-cfnt. on your tnvestment. T HE subseriber is prepared to furnish Thresh ing machines and various other Agricultur al implementis, not to •be ,surpassed= by any, in this country, from the well known and long '6. tablished "Manufactory of Wheeler,Mellick & Co. Albany, N. Y. There are but a few farmers in this county, but what can realise the above per cent. or more, as the horse power can be applied in sawing wood, in log or otherwiae,;churning, cutting stagt-s, atraw, and hay &c. 4 aid various other uses too numerous to mention. For sev eral reasons I can make it an object for those wishing to purchase, to call upon me and have their orders - filled. I have the freight so arrang ed that the transportation is but a mere trifle.— All implements warranted to be and .to perform as recommended, (see large hand bills.) I can lase furnish machinery from other tuannfactors if desired. Now is your time o send orders and your:sitachines will be in readiness at harvest. ' E. T. TIFFANY. Dimock, Stun. Co., Pa.,May 21, 1856." &arra= ,Rail Road 1! I IVO Rv ,- x iajwatt,. ILAk rl IA3I & are on hand V V witivtbe largest, best, and cheapest stock of general merited's') in . town. Consisting of Meg. Alpaeca. and /aspics. Broom:is, Boots and Bedsteads. Clocks, Calicoes and Clothing. • Denims, Drugs, and Door Bandies. - Envelops, Edging, and Epsom-Salts.- ' Flour, Flannels, and Fish-Hooks. Glass, Groceriee, and Gimblets, . ! r- , Hate. Hams, and Hand-saws. Ink, Indigo, and Imperial Babies (dresses.) Jaeonets, and Jewaharps. Knives, Knob", and Kentucky Jeans. . _ Locks;Lamps and Looking Glasses. Matches, Muslin and Molasses. Nutmegs, Nankeen, and Notions., Oils, Oxbows a,nd r Overalis. • Pork, Pills and Peados. Queen:mare, Qtdlls4candQuartocups. _ Rubbers, Raisins and Rat-traps. Shoes, Shirts and. Sagas. Tobacco, Tea and TraciCheins. • Umbrellas, Undershirts sad Union Rats. Veili,Vinegsr - wimets And, Waso-bowls. Xtra,Setialine flour. y or i 4 cotsessolosiind Youth's fiat& mammy - ..other snicks which Alp are ma wary smolt advance on Cost prices. 4.l3stadi prob ts and fair dealing is the motto for the Summer W 66. Give tuts call and tat the truth of our assertions. :` - WILIZEMAIN &CO. LineaboroMs.,, Ifey . 26, 18.56. Cash for Wool. • fir/HE Idgileat Orice, cabb, will be paid fir . Wool by BURRITT. Now Wiped, ',pee 23, J 856. - • - 'ranted. ' .nrtwo dozen fat Turkey's by the first. of July. ...IL also fat Chickens, at ', •• S. 11.11Kfrrit. • Montrose, • CATHARTIC PILLS. OPERATR by their powerful influence on the istternal.viscera to. purify the blood' and stimu bite it into healthy action. They remove the obstructions of theatomach, bowels, hue:, and other ermine of the body,'and, by restoring Weer irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first causer of disease. An extensive trial 'of their virtues, by Prefessare, Phyriciaas, and Patients, has shown cures of den gereuediseasea almost beyond belief, Were they not substantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Their certificates are - published in my American Almanac, which the Agents below named are pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. Annexed - we give Dina-Nona for their use in_ the complaints which they have been foand to mins. Fon Costivaitass.--;Take one or two Pills, or such quanti as to gently move the bowels. C o deems' fr equently the aggravating cause of Pima, and the cure of ono complaint isthe ere of both. No person can feel well while under a costive habit of body. Donee it should be, as it can be, promptly relieved. Fon DTSPHPSIA, which -is sometimes the cause of Costiveness, and always uncomfortable, talc mild doses—from one to four—to stimulate the stomach and liter tato healthy action. They will do-ity.and the heartburn, bodyburii, and - son/burs of dyspepsia will rapidly diusappeac. Mien it has gone, don't ft what erredyou. roe a FOUL STOMACH, Or morbid Inaction of the Bowels, which produces general depression or the spirits-and bad health, take from tom' to ekght Pills at der, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to the system. FOR NERTOIIIINTM, filter littatmcne, Ns Pain in the Sit:mewl!, Back, or Side, take front four to eight pills on going to bed. If they do notoper ite suifunently, take mere the next day until. they do. These complaints will be swept out from the system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis orders because your stomach is foul. Pot Senortrts, Earnest /A and an Diseases of the St-in, take the Pills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels open. The eruptions will gener ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Mane dreadful Wooers and sores have been - healed. up by the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, and some disgusting diseases-which seemed to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer, in perfect health. Patients! your duty to society that you should parade yourself around the Veer:, covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, ruses, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the . skin, because your slat= wants cleansing: To PURITY THE BLOOM, they ne the best medi tine ever discovered. TLey sheutd-.he taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow the seeds of incurable diseases will Iv swept out of the =dhie chaff before the wind. Be this property o as much good in preventing 'sickness as by the remarkable cures which they are making every where. - . Ursa Comer..aurr; Ursa)ler:. and all Bilious Affections arise from some derangement —either torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion. This ii disastrous to the health, and the constitution is frequent) y under mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp; • tom. Citmetion of the duct which. empties the tel bile into he stomach tenses the b il e tocrestow into the lood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dngerons train' f evils. Costiveness, or alternately costiveness and diarrhwa, prevails. Feverish symptoms, lavgno4 low spirits, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness ; sometimes there is severe pain in the aide ; the skin and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow ; the, stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious dim-bees, dysentery, &e. A medium dose of three et four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three in the morning, and repeated a feu days,will remove theteause of all these troubles. It is sucked to suffer such pains when you can cure them for 2.5 cents. Ruslexavisre, GOUT, and all Was:amatory Fe vers, are rapidly cured by the purtf3ing effects of 'these Pills upon the blocid and the stimulus which they afford to the vital _principle of Life. For these and all kindred compla ints they should be taken in mild doset, to move the bowels gently, but freely. As a DINNER Pitt, this is both agreeable and useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take, and vertairiy none has been made more effectual to the purpose for which a dinner pill is employed. YIIEPAIIED BY , , . • DM J. C. AYER A: C 0.,. - - Practical and Analytical Chemists LOWELL, MASS., -_ - - 91 1 LIZ SA LA :11 AN Dl•a 8 A FES ..--, _......--- ,1. of Philadelphia against the 1 , :,-..: korld.—Evans & Watson. No. 26 f ' , south Fourth street, Philade,lphia, ".....--. have bad the surest demonstration _ in t he following Certificates, that their manufacture of - Salamander Safes has at length' fully warranted the representations which Lave been made of them, as rendering an un doubted security against the terrific element: PtitLanct.rfna, April 12, 1856. ItEssna. Evans & Waysox:—Gents :—lt af fords es the highest satisfaction to state to!, you that owing to the very protective qualities or,twp o the Salamander Safes which we parchasgd of you seine few months, since, we saved n large portion of our Jewelry, Books, Papers, &c., ex posed to the calamitous .fire in Ranstead Place, on the] Morning of the 11th in t. When we reflect that these Safes were loca ted in the fourth story of the building we occu pied, and that they fell subsequently into-a heap of burning ruins, where the vast , concentration of heat caused the brass plates to melt, we can ` not .hut regard the preservation of the valnable contents as most convincing proof of the great security afforded by your Safes. WeshalLtake much pleasure in recommend-' trig thetwto men of business as a sure reliance against fire. GEORGE W. Stares & Bno. s. 8. Karr PHILADELPIITA. April 12, 1856. • MESSRS. EVASS & WATSON-1 have to offer you my , testimony in faior of the great security afforded to' my entire stock of Jewelry, books, papers, &c, daring the recent disastrous confla gration in Ranstead place, from the fact that the same were contained in two of the Salamander Safes manufactured by you. Having fallen from the fifth story of the Arti san Betiding, where they were previously placed and exposed to a vast heat for a long time, the preser*ation of the valuable depcslts seemed to every i'ne who witnessed the e r nirvrand interi.. or examination, a matter of profound astonish ment.-• 'To all whis may reqn;re a perfect protection from the ravages of fire, I shall not hesitate to recommend the use of your Safei, as I consider they havis now undergone the most trying test. N. E. /dcutamit Pattanamitta, April 14, 1856. MSISSILS: WANE & Watson--Gentlemen No doubt ion will be deeply gratified to learn the good condition in which I discovered my book, policy of insurance, certificates of • Mogi& sad , other VAlsLable documents, when on Pritha' et I opened_the Safe made by your firm. • . With my knowledge of its great exposure, both kith* intenslif of the heat from so hot a fire as that which destroyed . the Artisan Build ing, sal also from the force of the fall from its former elevated, position in the third story. I could entertain but alendeehopes prior to its in terior inspection, that the contents which I once so highly prised would ever be of any so m ee to me, but as these fears are now happily'retnoval, ' I feel It only due to say to you that can hence forth recommend the use of your Safes to all who may wish to feel a confidence in the per fect security which such means provides against so frightful an element, • • . &mann GASS/2.2ft Bookbinder. Constantly on hand, Patent Powder and Thief Proof Locks, for Banks, Stores &c. April 24, 11156.-17y1. Whips bythe Milliort I F ROM 25 eta to $5,00. at _ PHYFE & KNOWLTON'B. Binghamton Britatmia = Ware. A VERY large stock at KIYFE & RIOWLTONL Irtaghatatoa: _ Take Notice. SUNDAY SCHOOLS faiiished with Libre,. ries et diffenet Wes at NQw}York prices. Call at the Post Office. . - May '7,1868.' • • ABEL TERRELL r ti"E.t • I LOOK HERE • _ ' 4 1 '• ABEL TURRELIL lASjost received from New York, a fall . and desirable Weir of . I l l ', NEW 'GOODS, Comprising a first - rate assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals ' Medical Instrumente, Paints', Oils, Dye Stull', China, Glass and Ear then Ware, (a good variety of Crockery,). ;lonia Ware ; Japanned and Planisbed Tin Ware,. Silver:and all other kinds of Spoons. Silver Forks; Butter Knives, &c. " Alt sorts of Lamps. A good variety of Wood and Gat Frame Mir rors. :Wall .and Window Paper., Stationery. Stone and Wooden Ware. Brushes. Brooms. Fantail Groceries. Lamp Oils...Can:iphene,— Burning Fluid. Tallow Stearin and Spermaceti Candle* 'lido and other Whips. Varnishes. WindoW Glass, &c. A first rate variety, ;aim airy, and Fancy Gotels. "Gold and Silver Spec tacles. ~ Gold Pena. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, Ac cordeops, Violin nod Veolincello Strineti, The largest assortment of, Pocket Knives in Susq. Co., and the best quality in Market. Shot Guns. pistols, (single and Double Barret,) Re.' volvers„ &e t In Rhea ttio Physician, the Invalid, the; Monne keePer, the Farmer, the 'Mechanic, the Minufac tarer,,tbe Professional Man, the Gentlethan i the Lady 4 the Rich and the Poor, the Young and Old, the and the Ugly, the Gay and the Fashionable, and all the rest of the people, will find soinething to supply their every day' wants at Turret re. • Store in the new Brick Block—Pricett low— . Qualities good—Call and see. ABEL TURRELL. Meritrose, March 6, 1856. ' la'They are all 'going toTurrelPs;AH . - • - . Terrible Accident, l! I 3 APPENEDto Mr. Green the otherlday.— He had bought a t.nit of ready-made Clothes at the Store, and the first day's 'wearing .ihe ste- . cident Occurred, FiOst, off drapt his coat:tail by the mete force of specific gravity, giving Ito un fortunate man the apperance of a badly tr,immed craft with the fl ying jib in the. stern, itnd , on stooping over to pick up the remnant, thejdread ful easuaity took place—the fountains let the great were broken up—GreCn's pants were sundered from ankle‘lo waist, and Green himself seemedtto be. The only way to prevent such. deplorable accidents late patronize a skillful tai lor, whd makes up his' work with a detettnina. Lion that it shall not only • fit neatly. butl went well. Green buys at the clothing store I:4:cause he thinks he can get his gearing a little ch,Caper, r In all biobabiiity the pants th at ',se , ed him an treacherimsty had passed through a fever hdspi tal, been,strip . ed from a cholera patient, Carried home eit, nights in the week on a shutter, and finally b reached sad carried by an ingenious Prenchthart for a market in the country 'Take warning by poor Green's mishap. , and got; to a tailor shop like that in the basinent of Searie's Hotel if you want to be suited.. Fir Cutting done as usual, and all worki war. ranted. 1 JOlll4 GROVES. Montrose Aug. 2'1,1855. Baoka That Are ,Booka. For sale'f/i the Montrose Book Store fn the Post Q, b ce. JUST RECEIVED, I Macaulay's History of England. Diary and Correspondence of Amos Lawrence. Prison o f Welteverdon in the East Indian Archepeingo, by Capt, Gibson. • Forest Tragedy and other Tales by „Grace Greenwood. The Buell Boys, by Capt. Mayne Reid. 1 The Gr4at Red Dragon. The Prince of the House of David. I Good Tlkne, Coming. • - 1 Christina or Woman's Trials: and Triuniphs. The Onynx Ring. Man of War Life. The Old_ Homestead. - . Woodhill or the,Ways of Providence. D'Aubigne's History of the R.eformatiOn. Family Testaments with Psalms and Notes. Pocket do ' and Bibles. " carnbmi - r - rayer - rvoustc - • •' ff Yankee Nations. &c.,&e., 7'hey-say That the Montrose Book Store is the place to - get Books andNotionscheap: what if the:y 40 , say so you can't toil ,whether ' they say the truth or , of unless you try-=-but never mind:, I feel very thankful for past favors and hone to merit a continuation of patratittee. - 1 " • by strict-attention to the wants of the public and by keeping on • band a good assortment of Books and Stationary at "Live and Let Live" prieeal • A. H. BULLARD. Montrose, April 20856. ' PERSON'S desirous, of plying me monei, on it debt of any deicription.can do so by lfcing their payment with Post, Cooper & Co., ,Rin kerl,„ Monttpee to .my credit; whose recipts will bo allow4from their date. iI C. L WARD. ' • April 18,1 1856.—tf. 1 IL , Picture 14arket," . - LTAS R.P.AIOVED frompdd Fellow'S Hal' to JLL his new • r. SKY LIMIT 0031 S, ' In the Brick Block, over . ntleY and Read'it.' 5..;0me and see. Callin will cost you noth ing, unless yoga buy, and en you are sure to go away with more than "va o -received." A rnultitisde 'of choice - Gold Lockets, &c, just in... • Low', •ricesriumpliant. FORGE' W. SEY3I UR. is CO, are bow ki .receiving a msgni ent Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, sal cted with great ,care and with special regard t the tastes and wants of this community, consi ing of a choice vlsrie ty of Dry Goods, Fancy ends and embroider. les, Boots and Shoes, G pries, , Hats, C o ps; and Straw Goods, Crockery, fardn•are and Cutlery, dtc. Whicb we will sell for prompt pay, at lower pricee'than . any othei establishment in this Countk. , . It l ll l lllllatia I _ we would esp, tbat they have not been forgotten, and that in the way of Dress Goods. we have Culled for their use the choieest gems in 1 the market! Drop in•and !see as, and we will take pleasure in showing you the nieept and cheapest stock of Goods you ever saw in this place. 1 Harford, May' 8,1856. • AGOOD isvortmeOt of Pattern Drees Latin's, all prices. at G. W. S. isr. COIL PARASOMI and 405, new syles and eheiee I varieties, at G. W. B. & CO'S. A LARGE stock of Craek,e r y an d Glass Xi; Ws!. kt • G. W. l S. AS,,go'. Groat tCanse• for Itepioing• Peace staleag. the Nations of the old worm. , TNRY GOODS and Clothing filling, and have already 'reached a mark belOw all reasons ble and to prove this fact call at the store of :GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO., at theiff s at end of the new Brick Bieck. Seeing is believing, so call and see for your. selves. Come eon without delay, procrastina tion you knov,.is is all cases dangerous. We will offer yon; rire bargains, not offered else where in northern Pennsylvania. We can end will anderself all oar competitors. We have advantages in buying, and maurrfseture our own Clothing, of Which we hays a splendid assort. 'went, from a little boy's jacket and breeches' to the finest Dream Costs and P,auts,'for retie/14es of all sizes. Ourassortment of Paucy and Do inesuc Dry GOds .can not be surpassed by limy other estatiliept in the country. One of Our 'lnn is eonstaitly is the city, and .is aending:al most daily, G4ods of the latest srid most &ships. able style.. - Ora sleek of Bonnets and Bonnet 3rinrioge Is ooriplete. GENTLEMENS HATS, lots of them. kAlso splendid lot of Mantillas. 1858. • WOODEN, Willow and Tits Wire, at , 1 PHYFE & KNOWLTONS, Bialltuuntele:r Notice• cactant - ttalr Carpotingi!, 0 - (Clotho. LOOKING . pup: SEB, AND GLASS AR E • At the Crockery and H. use iFeirnishing iEs tablishment of J H. s E.P.,6 .Cheapoil- than ,any tither in Mai. blunt: - • FOUR DOORS LAS? OF .111 IWOULD call the atten • , n a House Weepers and the public to my a. rini import:akin of wares, fur their elegance of style-end beauty of finish, far eurpassing anything before exhibited, and having the largest asscirttnent is store,van replenish old setts and ftrisaentire now ones of the new shapea, at lesio pries than any other House in this county •, . • • The attention of new If nseiteepeta is partic to ularly called to my stook as embracing all the minutia', both useful and o;ruttaental, of House 'furnishing Goods,' for a complete ontfir--and being thus heavily engaged in this exclusive brrnch. offer great advantages to purchasers. - CROCK CRY AND. CHINA DEPARTMENT embraces the largest ' variety, ever 'offered before in this section, of all i the ditThrenf klnds. ' ." GLASS WARE . - . of every needed artiele.• :Carpetings and Oil Cloths: This branch occupies the second floor of our establiahnent; nearly; 100 ' feet in depth. well stocked with Velvet, Brussels, Three-Ply and ingrain Carpetinga, .Window Shades and Table Ctivers, Which are offered at it small advance from cost. Live Geese Feathers always on hand, Looking Glasses, Gilt, Mahogany, Ornamental and Oval Glasses, in great variety. HOUSE FUOHSHING !GOODS, Cons:sting of Wood and %Viticiwi, Ware, _Plated Goods, Britannia and Japanned; Ware of every 'description, Tea Boards in ‘farieits styles, Table Cutlery, Feather Dusters, Fluid.;' Oil and Solar Lamps, Bird Cages,ilao fancy Baikets, Reticules Satchels, &c. &é. . Fir To allot' which we invite - your attentiop and aolicit•your trade. • Lit DE PEU, Binghamton, April 20, 1856. • NEW - GOODS • • A7',C. W. Std T7' 'S. TUAT received -a lot NeW' Goods, sneh as De P.l talus& De Ragas, Parainettas, Persian, Al pacas. Gingham!, Merinos. plinte. and Shawls,. in fact a general assortment of*Dry Goods which will he sold low ' • %V A : 4 IT E D —Socks,. Eggs, But t er, rd eese; Flannel, atc., any quantity in lexchange for Goods at cash prices. C. W. MOTT. Montrose.Sepl. 15551` Clovcir Seed OF the LARGEST KIND and Tiinnthy Seed ror elle by , H. BURRITT. Netrilford, March 17, 185.6. • W. St i ngleton • . CAN now be found new stand on the corner of Turnpike andl Chestnut Sta., a few doors east of I Poit'sl store, where he effectually repairs with' cq.spaiclif Watches, Clocks, Guns, Jewelry, and every des?ription of machinery. Wheel cutting, Gun and. Watch materialssupplied to the trade. ! Attention Farmers !4-Plow Points OF and kind almost every pattern and kind now in use; also, No. 2, It. L. Blitchley Plows and Corn Plows, may be bad at any than) of day, and until. 10 o'clock at night, in exchange for Cash: Old fron,'Grain, Eggs, or Any I kind; of ready pay, of . • tN. pULLARD. . Montrose, ay 1, 1856 Just Received • ,* A Newlot of Boots and Leather and for sale Z.l. cheaper than ever by & t. R ASHLEY. Brooklyn, Dec. 5. li°sss, 3, . -- .INT° Brick Block. frOnt room , oCler the Stare JL of M. S. Wilson St -. ; Son: 1, q. D. VIRGIL, Dentist. Montroge, May 9, i 806. -1 CLOVER. and Timeihv Seed 1V • BA I,DWIN & ;PERKINS. Montrose, April, 1856. ' , NOTICE; al • TiLIC notice a I is hereby givn' that S. A. i Woodru ff is receiving pew', lot of Stoves hut wares of all. kinds ugually i kept in the Stove . , and Tin line of businwis, among . which may be found a better assortment of stovett, heavier, tar tteriand more durable thin err before offered in this county, all the proof you , need will be just' to call and examine for yoniselites. All stoves warranted in every. re.spec Ksitt constantly on hand, an exl ensive assort. ment of Tin ware, made out Of the best materi als which is offered for sale as cheap as can - be bought in any market, also on, hand ,Lead Pipe, all sizes, Chain and gearing, for Chain Pumps, Cistern Pumps ; all sizes, Brest; and Porcelain, kettles all sizes, JaPpaned ware, all kitids. • . Jobing done on short notice and in good or der.l All Goods in the line will he sold cheap for cash or approved credit. . S. A. ' WOODRUFF. • Diontrose, March 20;1856. • { • 1 English Lever Wat Ches. I , 1 - ~... -DECEIVED by steamship 1 _ IP' IL Baltic, 2 dnzen more of - , ,,ip, those splendid English Lever / , ' l . c. Hunting Watchis, of my own it --- importation, wimanted the -;., . . qi::_;',. very best qualify.. Also, a \I , :-.—:- -* small lot of ver y superior Movements, which - ,will be c ased iilrany style or quality, to snit purchasers. I • ALFREDI.' EVANS. Binghamton, March 14, 1856. . .1111C,I.; HE subscriber is nOw receiving his secondTl general purchase of GOODS, this Spring, which renders his assortment very desirable and complete: By strict attention, to business and by fair dealing, he hopes to merit iliberal share of public 'patronage. To those friends who have yielded to him their preferences, and kindly eustained him by their patronage, ;with the in tention of siding kiln in regainining in part Abe heavy loss recently sustained by.firef,! he tenders his sincere thanks, with the assurance that their interests shall bensutuallg promoted: I . ABEL TURRELL liiiintrose, April 24,1856.. New Goods • Arriving daily, by E.rprees, at ißopbottam, Penn'a. ' , - THE subscribers are now opening A large and well selected stock of neW Goods.— Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries 4 Hardware. Ready Made Clothing, Boots and-Shoes of sizes and silica, Flour, porn 3d'eal, Salt, dt.c.'ilte. All of which they will sell as cheap as can be bought elsewhere in the Conuty,in exchange for Lumber, Shingles, 'Produce of all kinds, Wooing Socks, for Cash approved credit: Two shillings per pair paid for good Socks. . Sixteen eta. per doz. for Eggs. • Twenty eta. per lb. for Butter. BELL &: - TiNGLEY. Hopbottom. April 24,1858. Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure, Oa Antidote to. Malaria; for the prevention .and cure of Fever . and Ague, osX'hill Fe. Ter; Dumb_ Ague, and - other Interniittent and Remittent Fevers ;also of Billions Fevers, ac companied by: Typhoid Fever, Yellow. Fevie, , Ship . and Jail Fever,- General Debility, Night Sweats, and all other forma of disease which have a common origin in - • MALARIA OR MIASMA. Eva* certain Ws preset vo or: cure. or sale by the undersigned, atitlicirized agent for the Proprietor, Jas. A. Rhodes, Providence, R. L L RULLARD. - Noniron, May I, 1856. • 1. T.O.THE' ; P . VBLII:). . NEW 11111.11ZEMEITeic 1 111 HE SUBSCRIBERS having tattoo theStere .I. I,4nd purchased the Stock of,GOODS of& T. Massy, are prepaied to sell for Ready -Pay onisOt , . '' !' VERY. FINE ASSORTMEN,T OF . I, WM GOODS, • GROCERIES, -i ' ROCKERY, 1 • HARDWARE.- PERFUMERY, ' - , 1 YANKEE iNOTIONS, , 1 IRON AND NAILS, 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, , '1 ' FLOUR AND SALT, , 1 I SOLE . AND UPPER LEATHER, At sigh prices as 41)4 think) cannot fail to give entire satisfaction -to ail who may 'favor them - with; heir patronage. • • • Ali kinds of produce taken in exchange for good' I - II - - .LIA. &I. R. ASHLEY... Brooklyn, Nov. 15, 1855. , AMERICAN HOTEL. Great Exhibition in gp_ringville• CIREAT AND RARE . EXHIBITIGN OF IiriFOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, of alMost every style and quality, such as will be sure o please and accommodate all classesc of peop4i—from the child in the cradle to she old and decrepit..- These goods are bought on the most avorable terms, - and 011 be sold according. Igo give us a call and we will try to sup. your wants in the line of GOODS ever a country store. You need not go to, ork for any thing you want, because we beak freih from the eltv. - 11 SCOTT, JOHNSON, & CO. iPgville. Pa.; May 8, 1855, . !or Goods Cheap for Cash. CW. MOTT has jUst:received another lot . of • INew Goods,; such as Challis, Barge . De Latins De Bagcs, Gingham, Collars, Embroidery. Lawn, &e.. &e. arms its OFFERS AT VERY LOW PRICE . SUMMER SHAWLS, a new lot just Lawn, recciv id--beautiful patterns at very low prices, also O;RA PE and BLACK SILK SHAWLS as lou as the lowest. • 1 I 3 urii) 13'; Stoves: Stoves 11 Stoves: n , rp lir, 4ubseriber wishes LO Cali the attention I I Ais friends and thel Public to his veryJarge 1 , assor ment of t q, - STOVES, qd, at his , 1 1:iew S tor eo Room in Lodersville, nc_ L. S. Lenheim's Store, Land near the Great Bend Depoti HO has in addition to his former laige varieti of Cooking and Parlor Sioves, maey new Patternx. some of which are-;-• St. Nicholas Peath Branch, P ire-Fly , Modern Troy, Mohan*, - Mac/lion. Blank Warrior, Orient, . Oak, ; Egg Stove, WM eogethei with his former stock will lie perhaps the most extensive and varied assortment of wel l, selected Stoves in the County.- • *,* Clinton' Stoves.woll furnished at I owprices.; made b i A o l r l d a e r r ti a c a le u s su in al hi i s nd li o n r e d k e eg r t e n e n oi h v a e n d d at a h n i d s ‘ l i old st nd in Great Bend. JOHN COLSTEN. • Lod ravine & Great Bend Nov.; 1856.—tf. I . . . Attention i at Home. TRE UNDERSIGNED would resPect,- telly inform the citizens of Dimock and the soirunding country , rn that he has opened a stiirel Dimock four c orners, where he intends keepin constantly pn hand's good and well,se. lected ssorttnent of. Dry Goods, Groceries,Hard t Ware, rockery, and_all kinds of Merchandise. Usual). I kept in a country -store, which he will sell as pw,if not lower, than. nay other establish ment i ' Northern Pennsylvania, Montrose not except Gentlemen" and Ladies give me- a rail, and examine my stock. of Goods, and my prices. 1 You will save at least some miles tray. el; and t erhamfrom ten -to fifteen cents on ev ery dol sr vou pay out. A good assortment of Ready Made clothing kept constantly on hand. „AI L LIO at nsigof COunty produce taken in exchange for tio id s the — lttikez price: - - - ' 1, WM. IL THAYER. PPK, Jan. 75,.7856 —yl. • I The Cheap Store, . t 128 gagiilia' 1111 9 r. undersigned ivould mspectfully inform e inhabiltiants of Binghamton anti vicinity, has recently Purchased of Edwaird-Priest and well selected stock of ' DRY MOPS, IS g) FIPH ' JL t that he his fart e has removed from La . Fayette Block Court Street, one door above the on H tel. 14 hiA U) Noel Arno* ire stock has bora purchased consid- law Nov York eost,-finongh sti. to him in -sa y ing that he will sell Goode ban can be bought -.at any other Store. orally jwarrant cheaper In town INV . SPRING- AND, Goods, to the above stock has just been large invoice of i Spring and Summer the latest styles, MILO will be closed N" 1 • suramei added a Goads . put at g eat bargains, The tuck consists in Dart of the following Goods, •iz ; Fine Lawns, fast colors, frotn 9 to •48c. per • lard ; Calicoes, American and English, from 4c. to I lc. per yard; Merrimack and Go- Am" P lots, at 11 c.; Blenched and Brown Ghee. tins an , Shirtings, from 4c. to 25.6 d. per yard ; Kentuck • Jeans, from Is. 11c.• to 2s. 6d. per y'rd ; Ladies' ose. from 6 1-4 e.! to 3s. 6d.. per pair ; qingha s, from' 10c. to 23e. por yard; DeLaines (roar 10c. to 3s. per yard. Also a largo , lot of Linens, Quilts and Connterpains, Curtains and Dratleris, Shawls, Glovea, I Table Covers, Silks, Sams, Eetbroldecies, - Valices and.Bags,ef all sizes nnd T,run pri. • Fir Don't forgot the numbet,2B Court street, Door east of the American Hotel, but call and ice before purchasing elsewhere. • {H. C. GODWIN. • I 5 ma mton April 3d s 1856. .. , 1 ,- '=-_ I, H. J. Wawa, S nowlreceivini his nn Sprino. Goads, which I 1 ', he 'offers at his usual haw prices. 1 3font4se, March 11.1856, , I House Builders Depot for Ssisque •l.hau- n. Couutp , at flew Milford. i• IDICRMAN & GARRETT are'giving es. k . , . ,ial attention to the improvement.cOn temPlated in this County !the comeing season. .and now nffiar a helping hand, by keeping con stantly I'4 sale a ? large quantity of Window sash „find glad. Blinds, Doors, Nails, Paints and Oils, nod a complete assortment of builders Hard Ware, $14,, These going to put up Houses in the Spring will find it for their interest to give as a call. We can' ftirnikh every 'thing you Want and*t the very lowest manufacturing .pri ces. l . DICKER'S! AN & GARRATT. .New Milford, Feb.. 9. 1856. irsi CK11: Broad Cloth Co*, for ahillioirs a -*coat • BELL & TINGLEY. PAT NT inuEnicirm AGENCY: ABEL TUWRELL, '- Mon trose, 1 Pa., - i - DRUGGISTi- in AND AGENT, r FOR ALL T rorn,Aß IPA MET . 1 21E3Utiliiit 1 , or wom I :i i ty.- .- . C o *tgnments gonitantly Received. NiEw Goode at, Webb e• 'UST npened by' the enbenriber fall 'assort tl, of Spring end Bummer Getelit, - which leap, Cheapei than ever. IL You cannot - fail to be stilted nantityf and _ Everything . ri * variety stern. - Aoor from 7 14 to 8 dollars per kale at !• 8.8. Marra tip . .-,k oit.tr*.iii..oottat PUBLIEMED .ZVZRY IXUANDAT NOFIIING BY \ MC'COLLUM -(!r. TSOI7 TERMS...4l,5O,casb in advance, $.4)0 ttotpaid within six months ;and 82050,atthe end ofthe year. No paperdiscontinued ontilarretra ges us paid, _except at the option of the Pub lishers. AD Communications connected with the offiett,to insure attention,mtist bedireeted to the Eorross, Mitatrusc, Susquehenos County, Pa. One eignuO (12 lines or, less) 3 insertions. 8140 Esc's subiequentinsertiOn, • • • 0.25 Ono square the months,:.:.- . 4,50 One square tit months - 4,00 Business Curds ; {out lines or less, •• 3,00 Yearly advertisemects„ not over 4 , agnates, 7,00 One column, one year, . 30,00 Yearly advertisers will be restricted: to the business in which • they. ark engaged land are 'Considered at wishing to-coati/Me advertising - unless theirshall give special direetions for s .discentinisance of the. same. • - far The publishers having lidded to their Job Printing materials a large and superior assort= wont of lob Type, are How propared;to extent: Job Work in a manner tinsurpassed= fit this sec tion of country, and on reasonable terms. \ l Blanks of every description keptconstaritly o lizard or printed to order. • r Xiusintss pirttforl, BRYANT HOUSE, • " Great Bead Depot, Pa.:- A.Dpssoit Bt . !. ' err, Proprietor. - • r , • A; Wni. W. SMITH & Co. - Cabinet and Chair.Manufacturettr,fonfMnin Street, Montrose; Surgeon Dentist, Montrose, •Ps.,wiii be at Mondays and Tneidlys of each week. < ' • I-41 ABEL. TUBBELL,3foarnosr, PA. Dealer in Drugs; Medicines, Chemicals, Dye- Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Win.. dow Glass, Groceries, Piney GoOdi, Jewelry, Perfumery, &e.,—and Agent for all of the most popular Patent Medicines. C. W. MOTT JOHN GROVES,. rashlonableTal for—Shop under Searles Hotel, Main Street, Montrose, Pa. • JOHN COLSTEN, DEALER IA Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,Ledersville near Great Bend Depot.—l 3 'A. Lathrop,— DEALER in . Rendy.Made Clothing, llatriand Caps. Boots add Shoes, Dry Goode; &e. ,EirStore .opposite Searle's Hotel, biOntrose, C. D. Laurnor, andwi . th W.SRIZEY, . DRUGGIST and, CHEMIST, n' ', and Deafe Daucs,Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs Paints,Oils, Pstty, Window Glass Camphine Fluid, Perin m ery, Yon k l ee N0i0n5,44., stte. Lodersville, - - FRANKLIN FRASER, - ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW,MODUOSe Pa., Will attend faithfully to all business en. trusted to him in the county ofgusquehanna. Coaveyancilig and writing of all kinds will be done neatly, and charge moderate.;.: He will also attend to the prosecution ofclaiinsof - • diers, their widows- and heirs;against the U.S.. government, for Beunty . Land, Pensions, ate. May be . found at all hours at the ofdeolortnerly - occupied by J. TAlichard, Esq., north of the - Court-House.-1853-13 • M. C. - TYLER, • interested with I. L. Hunt, LaronTEß Ann DEALER. in - Hardware and,Crit,- lery, Carriage Trimmings,'Sprizigsac.c... • No. 215 Pearl Where his Mercantile friend's, in this and-other . - Counties,are kindly inrited,anclearnestlysolieit ed to calland purchase. . -- Stf. 3. H. Parso ns,: WITOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAtER in Cabinet ' Ware, Sofas, • Bedsteads, Tables,_ Stands Chairs, die. • , No. 9 Washington street. - , Binghamion,N. Y. ter• Co fn' Wire4oon] up stabs; - • d. D. - VAIL, M. D. PYSICIAN and Sorgeon has, permanently'' located himself at Brackneyville Sneq'a County, Penn'a, and will promptly attend _ to all calls with which he may be favored, - May, 1856.—n22; - . . A. Pickett, ,JUSTICE OF TEM PEACE, COIIIB4OI Of Debts, Eiecutor of Deiia, Willa, Contracts, dca. Of.; Gee, Lacoyville Wyoming county * Pa. - - May 9,' 1856. - ' SASE, BLIND, POOR, . AND . :.• •,. CLASS DEPOT, ON CIItESTNVIr Montrose, Penn's, BY D:BREWBTER.,' All sizes and descriptions, in any -quantity, made to order, or furnished on the shortest no . Om • • HAYDEN BROTIMIC Blew Milford, Penult,. 11ATITOLESALE Dealers in Bailout VV • Combs,' Suspenders, Threads, Fanek ..Goode,_ Watches, Jewelry. Silver and Plided Ware, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Citters,,dte.,lta.. Bferchants-and Peddlers supplied Ilia - liberal WSJ. HAYDEN, • TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, ' GEO. 'HA:YDEN. , • , .• - Dit. E. ,P. WILMOT, RADVATie °Pike Allopathic- and fio -1,- meopatitic Colleges of Medicine, is now permanently located in Great Bend Pa. April Ist, 1856. - ' • - JOHN IauTTER, , - FASITIOI4ABL'S TAILOR. Shop- _ over . the Store of. C. W. Mott, near, Hatch's Ho- IL - S- KNAPP; WITIE ,• • E. CA ULDWELL dic.sorrai - kapott. ors, otChi an. Glum and Earthern Wire; No. 16 Warren idtreet. New: York. , •/- • Burning. Fluid and Camphene• i t PAESI' supply, just received, arid far subs cheap, alio, esadies,eld enough, , big ea °ugh. and harJ'euougb to atind *lobe. in sum mer Uwe, by, - L BUIXARD., .I.lune 9, . 1856.. - • ' •, !!r subscribere would respectfully . -1. the good -people of . Suaquehnna 'Co. that they are now opening their stock of kill - aril Winter Gouda which is 'unusually large at- - tractive all of which will be cold for cash or approved credit cheaper than can be tonight at any other establishment in the countyWameaw just Whitt we say. Please give tie a trial, DICKERAIAN & GARRATTI3. New Milford, Sept. 186,1855. . pORCEI4OI ukd Gantt° China at - ANEW SIVIPPLY, - or'Gromiss, Drugs* Point% -01114.. Moi . wittortals for NOW ato., at ' TURAEU43. Jan. IQ, 1886. . MOOS of Advertising.- JOB WORK. Dr. H. SMITH, Di% Merr# H., C. Vail. IFrosh Arrival of New !foods' iit DICKFitMANS dti GARRATrig - • : (4. - trrnsor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers