4 1:f I 1111 r G.s C Clitatt , a t F.siT - C111477 . I h AtiON NORT/1:::I1'S t. t!TrAlq:,... CILASE A su.s74l.Yrr. Tfititsd4,y 3uly 3, ISSC. .. .. . 4 . From. .ftrat page. liberty to forth n por4iatiolV constitution and ...Statii government." , . • ': ' In prirvp,itce of this pnvision of their organic law, thef,.. , ,islature of the Territory of Michigan passed in.act providing for a convention of the . ', peol:le to f7,rn.l a constitution and State govern men; Which - vvas accordingly done in obedience . to the laws and -cfnistituted authorities. of the Te'rritery. - The legislature . of, the 'l'e rri fo L ry . 0 f Arkansas, !riving a.rertained by a cerise% that the Teriltorf contained.about fifty-one . thousand eight lonian-id iiih-zhilants, at a time Mien the ' ratio ef4epresentation in Congress awarded ono' . fern ~s4..iit.s.t ire to each forty-seven thousand heyth hundreillinhabitants, p.lssrd an act' authoi izing - the peoPleto fi,.?rto a coin,tittition =dash . fora& mi.sion Into tn. Union, as they supposed-they had:, right to do - under the treaty _acquiring ttiLi territory from France, which 'guarantied their iiiirni.,slon as soon as may he consistent With the 'federal &mslit (gine. Upon this point your com- Mittee adopt the legal opiiiiiM of C:0 Attorney . .Ziiiiterr . .l . 'of the'Unitekt States, (11. F. Butler.) ~- - itc. Q -* 0 4 , . . * t *. . On t 6 11th,Aay of January', 1839; a-Commit teo,of the eomititutional conventio.n.ef Florida addressed mnerisorial to Congress, ir. which they state that in 18a1 the'Ti.‘rritorial council passed_ • a lA' w submitting to the people' the question 'of ":! - Stat("` :Or. " Territory," ` to be decided at the election of delegates to . Congress In the month Of May. of that yeAr; thata decided majority, of - ifiesiiirriges o:i.en at that election was in favor ot" State;" that the legislative - rouncil Of 1838, in obedience to the 'expressed wishes-of the pep-.' ple,ermeted a law authorizing the frolding'of a ConVentfiya to form and ndnpt a State constitu tion i: thr.the convention assembled. on the l 3d of.l)(=Ceinlr.r. 1838, and enntihut:d in session un til the 41tit, of January, 1839; and that, on lie '• half ofilic people of Florida, they traa .t .. l l,i t the 4 ermstit it thn, or form of governmet,r," and L, for admission into the-Union It 4 also E, , tri Id. iii the, Memorial that in 1838 a census of the Territory tv: - is taker . ), in-obe,licricc to a law pass. ' ed hY-the Territorial council; and that this eon-- - 'sus, •idtholieli taken during the, ravages of Ina- an - hostilities..when' a large portion 4.)f - ilm inhab - itin't 'could not. be fotind at home, showed,an r0 ,,, ,(4 , 3- - 4e population of to rty-ei gilt:thousand two . !M ldred and; twenty-three Tersfyns, whiCh' the inernerialistiiin-- 4 .ited furnished satisfactory' ' :IS- ~.S ifranc64a.slifilei.sat population to entitle them tn",:tdmissiomaceording to the treaty . acquiring the country from,Spaim and the then 'ratio. of rep,re-i-eptation, which awarded a increber of .en n ,, Toss:, : to .eneti: ei,700 inhabitants. CongreSs fililiti7 to' yield its ii.-seitt to the adinision of lor.itla for more than six years after this con -oration. was formed and applicationthe Made, . ,t)ennle M‘ rkirida during all that period, remain. . f-d loyal 10 the Territorial government, and obe- i il rent to its haw's, and did not assume the right to . supersede the : existing government by putting into operatien*a Stal .governinent until the as- . ,;.;cot of CiMgress Wits obtained in 1815. The eitenittslances connected with the forma :ion of the ci . mStitution and State gOvertinierit of California 'are peculiar. During , - the 'Mexican War the,enuntry was conquered end occupied by, ox.froops, and the civil government administer- A by the military ':authorities under 'the war , power., According. to an official communication' 'of G.--meral firsifor P. Smith, acting governor of Califor.pia, tai: a committee of citizens of San .Frririvii-A - 1, tinder'date of Alnrch :27, 1849, with . - noldin,g hi•i; "ree,;goiti:m and coneurrence'", in !their prOposition "to organize a, legislative es eiribly. and to appoint jude,es and other minis-. tori:.-I oflh•ers, and to em:et suitable laws to QS; „taliliSh'principlcs.of' justice and equity, and to . give protection to life,-,- liberty and property," it , appearii . that, the Prech Silat of the United Bfolci's {sir. Polt9 and his cabinet officially promulgated ithe fitilotting'oPinions as the decision of the ek kmativ, f,e the points stet: i i . . r rst. That tit the conclusion of the tie:Ay with ;',' , 11'..-iie-o, ea the 3tith, of May,. 3848, the 'military L' - : .zovernmenteXistinein California *as k goy ,r a rpent.d:: raen. . . i. ~ - 24. That, it, of ricee,sitv, continue until Con . zrc..ss prOvi,te antAticr; beiansiii if it, cease, an• must ensue: thus inferring that no power ran establiAanv.eovernmen4. * . * :141 traeinz, step in step, the origin and histor) • ,Kansas Clifliculties; *your c , anirnittee have been-profonndly imptessed with the signif-, ilmtft fiet, that each - onehal resulted from an at rielate eirunivent the. principhiS 'and preiision:s of the act of Cougresi for the or-gaol-. • 7 4 ition of Kansas and Nebramkir. The leading idita, and fundamental principle, ta the Kansas Nt;briska art, as expressed in the-law itself, was i.o leave the actual se.ttlers-and'bona-fide inhabi tants of each Territory-"perfectly free to form* and regulate their4omestic institiltions in thei r :%v - n way, .sObject Only to the constitution of the Ut.ited. States." White this is dt:clared to be . "the trtielritetit-and meaning of • the. act," those wll,-, were opp,ised to allowing the people of the Territory, preparatory to . their .adir.isston • the Union •as n State, to decide the slivery -goestion for themselves, failing, to accomplish purpiso in the halls of Cont,rrets.s, and und er the a..rithiority of the constitution, immediate] . restored hi their respective *. States to unusual' r.id extraordinary means to control the political destinies tired shape the domestic. institutions of Kansas, inidefiance of the Wishes and regardleSs of the rights of. the. people of that Territory as :.17114.vo.utied by their ornanie law.. Combinations one. section ef the Union to stimulate an un 'natural and false systent Of °Migration. With the ;view of Controlling. tlic.elections, and forcing the • 'domestic institutions of the Teritory to assim • itatetn those non-slayebolding States, to produce directly i the. opposite result. To . these caus'rat, and tolheae alone, in the opinion of .your committee, m or ay `lie traced the origin and prorzress of all the controversies and disturban ces with Which Kansas is now convulsed: . ,If-thesei tinfortimate troubles have resulted* natural - coiasequences from imauthoriied and , - prop4Achemes of foreign interference with the Internal affairsand domestic concerns of the Tor ritnrv,it is apparent that the remedy' Must be ...simght in a strict adherence to the principles, and rigid enfnrcement of the provisions, of the. ..ilv , *.tnic kW. In this connexion your t mmittee . feel sincere satisfaction in commending the Mfrs: --,-gsy..l and pr - .4latnation of the Presid* , •nt of she ;..,Puited i States, in which we have the . grafif - Ving :r.sara nee that the supremacy f,f the lairs will be that rebellinn will be" era shed ; that Insiarrectiert will - be suppressed -,'-that aggressive .intrusion fonthe purpose 'of deciding, .tlections; 'or . any. other purpose,-will be repel led ; that tin .*,.authneized inter.metitilie7, in the local .eoncerns :of the TerritOrv, both from adjoinino. and dist . . " prelented ;.,that the federal ;nadlocal haws will be vindicated against all at ..tetnnts..of.organized resistance; and that the - v — ponple - of the TerritOry_will* be protected 'in the - 'Csiablishottent of their awn institutions, 4arbcd by' encroachments'. from withoat, and in the .full enjoyment of the ri„,ehts of self-govern merit assured* to them by the'constitution and - organic law. • In View! of theri.assurantes,kriVen under all the' conviction-that the existing laws 'confer all the ruttliorltYmecessary to the perfonianee of-these . . duties, and, that the -whole available . force of the United States will b e' exerted'to 'the extent required for their krona:wee, mittee , repose in entira.confidencs that paset*d' st , etiray..; and law,will r prevail in Kansas. • if r,4* frirther oyidenee were necessaryteprove . that all ! conisionit,..ond difflitulties Kalrila have bean - !ranee& b the schemes of foreign interferaice svitiehltai , e*been developed in this...rePort; in scoot •of the principles and •in evasion pf .the• • 4 - srevisiena :of the Kansai-Nebraeka net, it may be found dit the That. that is Nehiaalpx, to the tiistid itnt „ l id 'societies. did dot extend their ` . -operation i a; and into iwhich the stream oremign i . tion.Egas.permltted to thrisin ita usual and, nat•S • Oral:el:tit - theta:. nothing has -OCCUrd. to:disturb 4 - Werneanej and harmonyOf -the Territozy, white_ prier-1041 . pr selr:geVerninentin ohedienee i to the epnstltution, has had fair Play, and is quiety, • • tv', : iiy#4. 7 ln / Itilegitiinate result;:'.' • It'af* (Mix 4emainifor your .vOmmitte to ie kpond It the two •erseifio retommiendations :of .3 , I the President in his special message. They are as follows . : — f it sectors to rue, can be best neito Aid by providing that, !when the inianbitanti : of Kam-4a may 'dtatire it„.ritui- shalt be of numbers to 'constitute' n State, a ennvention of delegatt4, duly •eleited —by 'the qual ficti tern shall aaserritile ftattitt'a ceastitution, and thus prepr.r,c, regosr anal lan ful means, for its adriiiision into the tYnion as • a State.. T Ire spectfolly teCornend the enactment of a 14 to that t Met.' ' • "1 it co Una' :tiro, that special appropria ticia be made to de. ray'any,..exptt-te lish n ay become requtsite in the execution of the la n' s or Ohw maintenance of public order in the Territory of liannas." ' In compliance with into first recommendation, Iyour committee ask teaie to report a bill Other 'izirtg the legislature of the Territory to pravide by law for tho clectioMof deteg..tes by the Peo.. pte, and the asseiribling.rif . a contention` to form I a constitution and State government preparatory to their admission infd the- Union on `::n r4ual !footing with The. Origia:d &mei, so soon Mi. it shall appear, b'Y a eneses to he taktn 'under fit:6 slireotion of;:the governor, by the anthmity of the legislature, tinit the' Territory co n t a ins ty-three 'thousand four-hundredand tweni , in. liabitants—,:thitt being.the number required by the resent ratio of representation for it member of Congress. . • I In compliance with the other reclininendation. your committe propose' to offer to the appr4plia• , t;ou bill an amendment appropriating, such turn as shall .be !mind necessary, by the estimates to be obtained, for the purpose indicated in rekon.- dation of the President'. All of whieh — is req4ectfully,lillbwittt cbt:? the Sen:lte by your commiitee., • • Substitute '.for' Negroes. • In the-detetaninatiOn to literati the.eellil dren of the sup from the bondage of involun-' tam labor,4llose cotintries 111./ing tropical A IMISSC'S.IOII har,e been sadly puzzled to know bow to\\mipply ' the phtees of the liberated and to-'produee even mot:id:de quatvities 4 f i,agar and 'coffee from their-decerted plantations.— The English islands iii the .Antine , guing. rap idly into'it decline, pri?.: , ..ent a pieture of seini-, barbatistu.andtbe ituortation of coolie fr oin . the East Indics2„ has-been attempt to stipple. the scarcity Ofd. cultieatora; but with . Ilitile success so far. , A larke stock of ‘ltstitution and misers is added to their present supply • of that article, :andptioduction mak( s bat advance. • The Frond Ahu hid the way to t--atanel pation in :he West Indies, - have. wittit s ed . .with chagrin the desOlation of4heir f.torite. Colonies. Martinique, the ino,t. beautiful of islands, with its Stately edifikes of, stone and well built WIN ns, is ahnostin ruinst The in 4 habitants:rd. foreign ;I:irth-haYe looked for. , •wai'd to the time , —and that not far distant—: when 1144 will be . oblighed to depat t. • I A , a last effort,. it is now attempted to supply the' deficiency; of slaVe labor by importing .llndi ails from the Main. Late: ace: unts u; that a.cOmpany, called the Ceneml ;?srati time Coirpany,have undertaken to fill cit.ler: for obtaining the numbers .required. The method a6red' to do this is nut sin ekl— whether they are caught;'or hough', of, arti cled, lye do not kuow, But four veslsals are already engaged, in . this' binine_s,s, a , stares.by an official announcement in the Gatula loupe Gazette. i Twenty-oneluudled I :ail sixty.foitOndians have already arrived; and the government of the colony, which superin tends and regulates the trade, received, up to the 31e.t, of Mnich of the present year, ap plications.for so'en thousand of thee unfor tupate people. It is thought that the Whole numher for .1856 will he about eight thous .sand.to lie dig tibiae& bet Wee n. Gau(*ahmpe and Martinique. i Where are our rampant friends of frog= during this hot Weather ? ' l PAre the :Iwizi.9es the only race tit it detierVe their INtrs,rtlietr pity and their embraces? Are all Other col orsbut black distiistefal to their dintuanitv ? Certainly it is very ungenerous' to male such a noise-in one (platter and not screech a little' fur the 'poor Indian." There' is no Presidet making in Gaudalope, and noplun der to be bad from.politics.-IV, Herald. . meresting front IVaskington. - "The' Senate Chamber presented a scene of exciting interest to-dity. Mr.:Butler's speech drew an immense throng, and Was 'dispas sionate, eloquent and' overwhelming! Mr. Butler charged Set - tater SuMmer, with ering an irresponsible; insulting and malig nant speech; Had be been present,he should have asked the Senator to pause; had he gone on, Ise shouldl have demanded .next morning retraction of all offensive expressions. Had thli been .refnsed, Mr. : Butler was. not now prepared to say ;what, he have done. He met all the • charges preferred Mr. : Sumner against South Carolina-, and,pas .sing a high ellogiuM • upon the Common wealth of MasSachiisetts, he alluded Ito the fact that South • Carolina furnished Boston . with bread, and powder dunng the Revolution. In the 'speech which Mr. " swore" his. was responsive, Mr. Bailer-never 41Inded • to Massachusetts or South Carolina;—never used. the word "sec anfl.the Word "slavery' butlonc.i. Mr. Butler. denied that there had •bedia any I violation of the privilege of the Senate:; and if there had been, tha courts must determine it: No Senator had the right .to print and publish a libel; 'and scatter it over .the l coun- . try under his official: frankond call it "Words spoken in - debate." - Such • a- doctrine woul d ' -be monstrous The Speec Of Mr. Iltitler is pronounced a triumphant defence. The nigger Worshippers now say Col. FN. moat win be their choice' in the Phibidel tibia Convention. TO nominate Judge Mc- Lean, they say,wcruldbe to oppose imbecility, and 10 run antiquated notions against old fogyism. . • • Punctuality--ah.? that is the word.—Did you'ever know a nian who was punctual who did no t prosper in .a long run ? We . don't care who or what he Was high' or low, black or white, ignorant or learned, savage or civili zed—we know if he did as he agreed, and was punctual in all hiS engagements, be pros pered, and was more respected than his shift less !ying neighbors. ,fgr A dandy at aliote I wanted the milk passed to him, and thus asked for it : "Please send your cow this ,way.". To "whiCh the landlady retorted as fol lows : " Waiter, take the cow doin to where the -calf is bleatinv," Honest industry has brought that man to the scaffold," Said wmag as he saw a carpenter upon a 'staging. , _ . JR,' " I. say, Pat, ape you asleep r q Divil the sleep." " Then be after lendin' me , a quarter." , '''l 4 I'm asleep, be jab eie." " \ tar An old maid Was once sliced to sub scribe for a newspapcir. She answered no, she always made her own news. Air It is said-that no man who luta paid -regularly for newspaper, has ever ken - known to-be bitte.Ack by a mad dog. • PI sTtri,a stranger In a_ ate:age : ace," said a clerymenva enterAng : muting _office ; and you will be'stranger. to:a Wtter.filacee replied typo, "if yon do not practice closer what you preach." AYER'S Are coring the Sick to an extent Runic before , known of any Medicine. INVALIDS, lIRAIAND MI FOR YOURBELITS . • JULES lIALTEL. Eat., the well Jthowit peifinner, el Chestnut burnt, Philadelphia; whose-choice products ' are found at almost every toilet, says: "I am happy to say of your CATHARTIC • Pall, that I `are found them it bettor family medicine...for common gee, than any other within my 'knowledge. :Many of my friends have realized marked benefits from them, and co incide with me in believing that they, possess ertraordinsty ; 'virtues for driving out diseases and curing the sick. They ' are not only tillectusl, but safe and pleasant to be taken - qualities whiff must make them valued by the public, when they are. known." The venerable Chancellor WARDLAVY writes Bons Bak . timore 15th April, 1854 : J . De. J. d Atte Sir: have taken your Pills with great benefit, for the listlessness, languor, toss of appetite, and Bilious headache, which has of late years overtaken , •me in the spring. Akw doses of your Pills cured we. i . have used your Cherry Pectoral many 'years In my family . ' for coughs and folds with unfailing- SUCCett. You make medicines which mew; and I feel if& pleasure to commend n you for the good you have done and are doing." 101114 P. BEATTY, &ft.' Bee. Uf the Penn. Railroad Co., says " Pa. R. R. °Pe, Philadelphia, Dec. 13, 1853. " I take pleasure in adding my testimony to the efficacy' of your medieirma, having derived very tnaterinl -benefit from the use of both your Pectoral and Cathartie. Pills I ant never without them in my family, nor than I ever consent to be; while my means will procure-them" The widely renowned S. S. STEVENS, M. D., of Went. worth y N. H., writest "Having need your CII74IIOTIC Pula in - my practice, I eertify from experience that they are an invaluable narra tive. In caws of disordered functions of the liver, enuring headache, indigention, tostivenew, and the great variety of dioneasee that follow, they are a surer remedy them any other. In all canes where a purgative remedy is required, I confidently recommend these Pills to the 'nitrite, .116 superior to any other I have ever found. They are sore in their 'operation, and perfectly safe —uttalities which make them an invaluable article. for public use. I have' fist . many years known your Carers Pectoral an the bent Cough medicine In the world and these Pills are in no wire inferior to that admirable -preparation for the treat ment of diseases." . • " Xt.., -Von. fni, 1553. "Ds. J. C. AT Dear Sir:: I hare been afflicted from my birth with screfilla in its worst form, and now, after Sweaty yeare' trial, and an untold of amount of autferine, have been eanipletely cured in a few week. by your -Pills. With what feelings of rejoicing I write can only be imagined when you realize what I have .offered, and bow long. Never until now have I been free Rim this loathsome disease in sortie shape. : Al times it attacked my /yes, and • made me almost blind, besides the unendurable pain ; at ' Others it Fettled in the scalp of my heed, and destroyed my hair, and has kept me partly bald all toy days; sometime/ it came out in my face, and kept it for nioliths a raw sore. "Afloat nine weeks ago I comtnented taking your Ca thartic Pills, and now am entirely free from the cemplaint. lily eyes are well, my akin is lair, and my hair-has c o w_ meneed a healthy growth ;nil of which makes me feel ! already a new person. "Hoping this statement-ma!, he the means of conveying information that shalt do good to others, I am; with every sentiment of gratitude, Yours, &e. ' -MARIA RICKER." "1 have known the:above named Maria Ricker from her childhood, and her statement is strictly true. ANDREW J. - ME.S.ERVE, • Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing CO." . Can. JOEL. PRATT, of the ship Marion, writts front ' Doman, April, l&54: ' • " Your Pills have cured me from a bilious attack which arose from derangement of the I.iver, which had become yew serif:ma. .I bud failed of any relief by my Physician, and from every remedy I could try ; but a few doses of Your rills have completely restored me to health. - 1 have ' given-thein• to my children for worms, with the bt , :t ef fects. They were pmniptly cured. t recommended them to a friend for coetivenent, which had trembled him for - months; he told me In a few days they had cured' him. You ma ke the-beat medicihe in the vt °rid; and lam free to Fay so." Read this from the distinguished &inciter of the.Suprenie ' Court, whose brilliant abilities have made Idea well • known, not only In this but the neighboring states. " Xite " Sir : I have peat satisfaction in ;mewing you that .• nayeelf and family -have been cosy notch benefited he your ' inediriue.s. My wife was cured, two_years sines, of a se vere and dangerous comb, by your Cutler P:ecroust., , and since then has enjoyed perfect health. cliddren hare peverat times been cured hem attack! , of the inflm j : enza and Croup by it. It is an. invaluable remedy' for • I — these complaints: Your CATHARTIC - Pau.. hare entirely cured me front a dy - spelsda and ei*tivenese, which has • grown upon me for- some years,— indeed, this cure is .1 much more importent, from the fact that. I had failed, ti get : relief front the fat Physicians which this eection of • the country affords, and Rum any of the numerous -• dies I had taken. " You seem to to, Doctor, like a providential tdes'Nii,e to our ?Amity, knd you ntay well FIIRIOSO we aro not un mindful of at. • Yours respeeteilly - • ! TIIAXTCR.". "SewartApril stk, 1854. • " Da..l. C. Arlin Honored : liave made a thor. • ;, ouch trial of the CATHARTIC PILLS. left me by your agent, •: and have teen cured by them of the dreadful Rheumatism • -; nude: which he fi,und me eufferine. The first dose re , tiered: we, and _ss :few sebsequent ilisies have entirely . • removed - the disease. I feel in better health now than felt • some years before, which I attribute entirely to the effect, of your CATHARTIC PILLS. Your, as ith great re•Epeet, • LUCIUS B. Mr.'rcALF. ,, • The above are all fr4rn petporNwllo are publicly known - where they reside, and who would not snake these state , meats without a thomegkeonviction that they - were true. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER 'a CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell; Kam • • • • MELODEONS, AN.D The eastr System Adopted: PiiceN -..Greally,Redtteed. HORACE WATERS, •Jvt). :13 4 11rottel ;Day, Xeze York. Aq . E.NT FOP:, THE PEST 1305T0N AND NF.W ynbx ixsTRUMENTs • , The large s t assortment of Pianos, 3lelodx ens Puska) . Instruments and - ;NI usieal Merchandise dial] kinds in, the Cnited States. 'Pianos from TEN different Manufactories. .comprisin; .1/rise of every variety of style, from the plain, neat and substantial 61. octaves,. in Walnut or Rose riood Cases, from $1,50, to ::3200, to those of the most elegant finish up ti, One Thousand Dollars No house in the Union can compete with the a `o \t. t - ve in the number, variety and.eelebrity of its instr ments, nor in the extrew_lli,loll7 prices at Which ky are s(.ld. • . , , , , „ fionAct\WATEns' 71TODEnN 1.511. to 401VED rIANOS, With or without Iron fr.:lnes, possessing in their improvements of over-strings. a4l action, a:length of scale, .power, and compass; of tone . equal to the Grand Pianc, uniicd with the beau ty and durability of structureCeit the stivare Pi ano. They are justly pronounced Lv the. Press and by the first Musical Masters to: be-'equal to these of any other madufacturer.. They are built of t lo!, best and us ist thoroughly, selsoned material, and goarantced to stand the, action of every climate.- Each InAtruinent g . ,Clarantcd t- give •satisfac .tion, or'puretase,munney refunded, Second-hand Pianos at areat batfr:.ins, constantly in store, pi4re from 830 to $ 140.' Lionitcr. superior In struntents in tune, touch and durability °finale. (Tuned the-equal temperament.) iteodeons of ill other styles - and makes. PrE:e 8.15, $6O $75, $lOO. 8125, $140; double Reeds, $150; double Reeds and two banke,- of keys, 8260.-- Less a liberal discount. Clergvmtn and Chur ches', un extra discount. " Martin's Guitars,Brown's Harps, Flutes, Flu tinas, Aceordeons, Violins, and Musical Instru ments of all kinds, at lower prices than ever be fore offered to the public. A large discount . 6 Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied 'oh the most libt ral terms. MUSlC:—One of the largest and best Select ed catalogues of Music now published, comp'ris ing many of the choice and most popular airs of the.' day, and will be sold at one-third off from the rezulzr prices. Musiesent by mail to all parts of the coun try post paid. - Particular and personal attention Paid to all Orders received by mail. Satisfac-- Lien guarantqed in every instance. Pianos and Melodeons fdr sale on monthly payments. See. and-hand Pianos-taken in exchange for new.— General and select Catalogues and Schedule of prices forwarded to all parts of the country by ' • Great inducements offered to agents in ail parts of the country, to sell the Horace Wa ters' Pianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue .of Mu. sic. MISS STORM RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public generally, that under the firtn'of A. D. Storm & Co., she has just received at her rooms, in. Keeler & Stoddard', store - up stairs, Oarge and splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Fashions; consisting of elegant Bon. nets, and all kinds of Millinery, whieb she open lliontlay next. Dress makino . 6 ,Cuttingand Fitting, Bleaching and Pressing done in the best Style and shortest notice. . - Montrose, May 8, 1.11156 Notice. "DEMONS desirOus or paying me money, on debt of,snydescription.can do so by leaving - Welt payment with Post, Cooper & , Co., Ban. kers slnn vote, . to. any credit, whose receipts' will be allowed from their date. • April 18; 1886.--11: jAS 11.%•,, ret•rivrti from New . roll and desiroble stock of • NEW , GOODS ; 'et Oempritiing a first rate' itAsortnitirit of Vrugs, Chemicals, NstrimointAf; Paints,jOils, Dye Studs, China, Gla;;'s and E.lr then Ware, (a good variety of Crockery,) Brit annia Ware, Japanned Planished Tin Ware,, S,ilvee and all other kinds of Spoons. Sliver Forksr, Butter Knives, &e Alt sorts hf A gwid variety of Weed and Gilt Fr4me rors. Wall and ‘Vindow :Papr. Stitionery. Stoni and Wooden Ware. Brushes.. Family Groceries. Lamp Oils. Cam - pheno.:— Burnlng Fluid.- Tallow Stearin and Spermaceti CamPe.s. 'Hide and other WhipS. Varnishes. Wir4loW Glass,.&e. Alirst rate variety °flew elryi awl Fano/ Goods. Gold and Silver Slice tWila. Gold Pens. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, Ac eordeons, Violin and Veolincelio Strings, Th 4 largest - assortment of Pocket Knive s. in Bosh. Co., and the. boht quality in 'Market. Shot Ge4s, Pistols, (mingle and Double Barrel,);8 0 - volVers, &c. . In short, the Physician, the Invalid,the llonse keper, the , Farmer, the Mechanic, the Slanitfae. them, the Prolelsional Man, the Gentletnanthe I.4iy, the Biel' and the Poor, the Young and Old, Alt* Beautiful and the Ifely,. - the.Gay and the P:i , hionable, and , all the rest of . the people,), 411 find something to supply their every day wints at rPurrell's.'. &ore in. t 1 nt;w• Brirk Blodi—Priers 10 Qitafities getod—Call srp. ABEL TURRELL. iM.lntrose, lfan h fi, 184. are all going to 'rurtell's ". NEW GOODS: • MILLAN & PARK return their gmterui acknordedgmeilts to the public for Past fa. clay, and invite attention to the very large Stock ai Spring.iind Summer Goods they are novitjre- and otflr fur sale at rery low prices. ii In i4lditiim to their usual assortment of staple. Dry Groeeries, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, :tad C),, h &e., they arc prepared to eihibit:iiarly,e , , LADIES PRESS GOODS ~ !i • . . .. , O i f - ovoiv description.. Figured, Plaid and Pain, .411 k S. I) tinnfqa,Shawls, Itilhons,'Glove , :, I lekiery 4atiies and J1i.., , .;i3i Y.oes of a)1 kintls--, , ako• a 4.rgy ',took of . . • .. -. (11tAtrA, :(.7.lsAn-res,. 'l"weel.4,- Rang, Surn;rner Qlntr,(4.. •Vegtin:Sp, 11als and • Cap, lltiots•land Sz.c,. They rosN'etfully soiic•it an early pall t,tom those ho to purchase Goon 'Goons:.' AT );,,ow Pr.tcts. • r McMILLAN & PARE. Springville, May , 1851' • ; English Lever Watches. DECEIVED by steamship 2 :drizeri Moro of • those splendid Eng,lisls L;t•er Hunting ‘Vatches, of ray Ovn . 4 1&•.51jmportation, warmrxted the 6, 1 beSt quali:y. Also, a 4. .-"="- - • sortli lot of very .;soperier. -:.'iovetnenti, which . will be cased it any' stile or to.suit purchasers. . • . • • .-• ALFRED J. EV.\NS. ',Binghamton, 3farA 14, 1856. • . . , eri iiEsubsCrilrer is. now receiving his seccMd pnrehaSe• or GOODS thiS Spring, reticle renders his assortment very esiratle and t•ivnplete. fly stria attention to business and 4 fair dealing, he hOpe, to merit a libmal shire nil , : public patronage. To •those friends, who hsive yieldc4l to him their Preferences, and. kindly suM.tined.hith Ly their patronage, with the lin tett:ton at :oiling !attnin reg part the h, err Idc,s recently sustained by,fire, ire tend'ers Id) sincer e thanks, with the assurance that their in(crests shall be mutual!y_promltrd. ABEL TERRELL MiitrOse, April 24, 1856. • t •, NOTICE. "pUBLIC notice is hereby given that 5.A..:1: Wo:•drufr is r'eceiving a new lot of Stores ands yares of all kinds usually kept in the Steve :mil Tin line of Im , dnesti, atnong which tnay be found a - better assortnl7.lll of .st oyes, }wax kr, far gLi.`aud.more durable itma ever before offered in?iltis county, all the proof you need will be juyt to call and examine for yourselves. All stoves 'warranted in every re , pect. deptoonstantly on hand, an extensive assert mkt of Tin ware, Made out of the best nuiteri. alb which is offered for sale as cheap as can ;'be bolight ie any market, also.on hand Lead Pirie, all; sizes, Chain s and gearing for Chain Pamps, CiStern PumPs, r all sizes, Brass and Porcelain, kettles alrsizes, Jappened ware, ;IR kinds. -! - `l,Jobinc.4 done on bled note , ? and in goodior der. All Goods c in the line will be sold cheap for, cash or approved credit. - .• S. A. WOODRUFF. °Montrose, March 20, 1856. . : New Goods at Webb's.. h UST opened by the subscriber a full assert e went of Spring and Summer Goods, which will be sold cheap, - Cheaper than ever. il Give ns a call. You canna fail 'to be suited or?, quality, quantity, And terms. Everything fstially found in a variety store. 1. ,i New - Goods - :. • - ....l7lriving daily,-by Express, at Hopliottom, [P . enn'a.- T• 1, HE subscribers are now Opening a large and 'Well selected szteek of new GoimiS4— Ce!nisting of,Dry Goods,' Groceries, Hardware, Boil.dy Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes ofall sizk-and stiles,, Flour, Corn Meal, Salt, &e &c. - :Ali of w`hieh . they will sell :IS ' cheap as Oat'. be bought elsewhere in the County, in exchange for Llmiber, ,Shingles, I'rodace of all kinds, W:,)olen'Seeka, for cash approved credit. Two mhitling,s per pair paid for good Socks. sixteen cis.. per, dor_ for Eggs. • . . Twenty cti. per; lb: for. Butter. ...r , • BELL & TINGLEt tropbottorn. 4pril 24,1356. . . . .. Rhode's. Fever and Ague Cure, OR Antidote to Malaria; for .the-.'preventfon and cure of Pewit. and Ague, or Chill Fe ver• Dumb Agae, f and other Intermittent and Remittent Fevers . ; also of Billions Fevers, 'ne conipanied by Typhoid Fever, Yellow Peter, Ship :and Jail Fever, General Debility, Night Sv.rits, and all other ..forms of disease which have a pommon . originin . , I . MALARIA OR MIASMA. Equally certain as a preventive or cure. FO sale by the -Undersigned, authorized agent for the Propiietd . r, Jas. A. ILhodeir, Providence, R. • • •I. N. BULLARD. Acontreee, ilfar 1, 18.56..; . , • ' Terrible Accident, ItAPPENED to Mr. Green the other day— Ile bad bought a snit of ready-made clothes at th eac Store, and the first day's wearing the a cidet occurred, First, off drapt his coat-tail:by the {here force of specific gravity, giving to nn fortunate wan the apperance of a badly trimmed 'craft with the „flying jib in the stern, and en stoiping over tO pick up the remnant., the dreacL ful 'Fasualty took place—the fountains of the sunderedp were broken up-L -Green's pants were fromankle to .waist, and Green himself see Med to be. Tile only way to prevent stick deplcirable accidents Is to patronize - a skillful lat= lorovho makes up his work with °a determien- Corr that it shall not only fit neatly, but weal well,. Green buys at the clothing store beeatise be thinks he can get his gearing a little cheaper. in 141 brobSbility the pants, that served him So treacherously had passed through • a fever 'hespi tal, been Striped from a cholera patient, carried honte eight nights in . the week on a abutter, and finally bleached 2nd =Tied by „ats ingenious Freachman,for a market in the country. Take warring by poor Green's mishap, and go to': a Ail& shop like that In the Nutmeat of Searle's ;Ho Oil if von want to be suited. F: Cuiling done as usual; andall work war- Montrose ' Aug.ollN-41ROVES. g. 27,1855. C:L WARD 'LOOK HERE ! . r i . .I r q '• .N :., 1 '9. .N. ALEL TURRELL IttAny MAI>E CLOTHING, r'bfAltD, la,C)slfi 12i Oupetings, Oil Cloths. LOOKING GLAS• . ES, -AND GLASS ARE At the C . kockery and lirou44. Famishing Es tablishment of J. Cheaper than any other in -Bing intraton.r.• ..• • • , Faun DOORS EA.Si',OF TIIE'AdERICAN 110TEL,' WOULD mill the atterition of ilonsekeepers and the public to my spring importation of wires, fur their eleganCe of style and beauty of finial', far surpassing anything, before. exhibited, and having the largest 2V1.4 orkrii en t in store, can 'replenish old - setts and furuislliliitire now ones of all tho,new shapes, at. a les,"`a price • than any other House, in thin comity. i • , 'Vile attention t.,r new Hun a, Wady called to my stoeb minune,.iloth useful and wlt e: furnishing Glinds, .for a cons being thus heav4 engaged brane - h, offer great advantage CROCKERY AND CHINA embraces the largest variety e it} this section, of all the diffe GLASS WA of every needed article. C rpetings and Oil Cloths. This branch occopie the second floor of our establishment, nearly 1 0 feet in depth. well stocked With Velvet, Brustils, Three-Ply and ingrain Carpetings, itn4s, Mats Window Shades and Tablet`overs, whwh arc offered at a small advance from east. . " ' Livo GeOso Feathers aiwaY4 on hanA. Looking Glasse.4, Gilt, Mahogany,'Orultmental rind Oval . Glasses, in great variety. J HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, • . eonsisting of Wood and Wink , Ware, Plated Goode, Britannia and JapanT4i Ware of every desc.riptioh; Tea' Miguls in'rv4ions style , e, - Table Cutlery, Prather Duetere:Fltlid, Oil and Solar Lamps:ll;rd Cage, , rolso faneyßasketA, Itetieoleg Satchels, &e. &e. i!,:i7" To all - or which we invite your attention n solicit, our trade Binuhrimton, April '2O, 185 LOOK HE , ri)CIiET good a ssortme n t of the hest kind in market.. ih;o !cable Knivel and Forks. .• 1 • • S IVO 35.-S rt• rF. rt. Sit vt4PI: teii,GertnatieSilver. Al4rnt:i -, pions. Also all kiwis of Butter Knives. Vial,”; ST/11:1as. r111.'3, and. all. the .fixtures, Vitdins, Aeeordeons, l- ;It-es, 'Putting: Forks, &e,,,„ , Fula) I.mmrs, Fluid, t.'ataphne,Candles, Lamp Oil, &c. 1 FAmir.l.- GIiOCERIES.—A . full assortment, ilex_ and g00d... • !)taus AND PATZNT Mir INEs.—A first rat , assortment •ind genuine. l'Stsrs ANDOILS.—A goner Lt assortment, and of at , oti quality.' ~ 1 Jr.wr.t.nr.-',A splendid variety, of I.lle neatest - . paterns. . . 1 • .PANcr ations.—Pearly c -crything in this 1 braneh., • • PERFUM.ERT.-A choice variety. '(siew supplies received nearly every. week.) In short, nearly everything arsons want, anci cheap, at the variety store of • • A. TURR.ELL. Montrose Jan. to, .1850. • . DISSOLVTION. TITS Copartnership hrretofore existing, tween E. Patrick jr.,i anti G. Z J . Ditnock ib thid tiny' dissolved by inutrW consent. The books are left in the ofli.e of Dr. Patrich,•and D. D. Searle authorized to 'collect and ;nettle 6'l accounts. i E.IPATRICK, :Montrose, Pa„ San. -11, 1896. NEW GOODS CHEAP .. 4 r - - AT C. W. MOI T'S. . - JUST received a lot of New Gods, snch as De. Laines. De Bilges, Para, ettas; Persian,' Al pacns,' Ginghatns,.-Merittos. Plants, and. Shawls, in fact a g,ueral assortment ofi Dry Goods which Will be said low ' WANTED , --Socks, Eggs, utter-,Lard,Cheese; Flannel, &c., any quantity in exchange for Ociods at cash prices. - • . V. W. MOTT.. . - Montrose,Sept. 1555' Fresh Arrival of I,w Goods at DICKFRMANS S. GARRATT'S rir fa: subscribers would 'riespectfullv infOrm I_ the good jleople of .Suslptehnna . Co.Jthat they are now opening their !stock of Fall and Winter Goo& which is unusitally large and at tractive •alI of which will bed sold for cash or approved credit cheaper that can be bought, at any other. establishment in the county Wa'tnean just what we say: Please irif.e us a trial, DICKE R3I A N d/ILRATT'S. New Milford, Sept: 18th,.1p455. Clover Seed - . OF the LARGEST KIND ang-Tierkliv for .83)e by • ii-41..BUitIOYT. Neu itf~rd, March 17, 183 ".'; • . • . . . W . . Single on, •-• •• CANThow be found at lii new stand on the corner of Turnpike an Chestnut Sts., a f6w doors east of Post ' s • store, where he elrectually repairs with ispatch, Watches, Clocks, Gutts, Jewelry, and iyery description of machinery. WIN•ol cutting, Gun and Watch materials supplied to the•trakie. - . , - Attention Pal - Imre -Plotv Points (AP almost every pattern - aid kind now in use; also; No. 2, R. itelky . Plows and Coin Plows, may be hadat- a time of day, and_ until 10 o'clock at night, ixehango tor cash, old Iron, Grain, Eggs, or anyi kind of ready pay, of N. BULLARD. Montrose, May 1; 1856. . Portable Gas, ;Works. 1E desiro to call Publ‘c attention ' to our TV newly invented GAS APPAII.ATITS,de . Signed for lighting Country esidenees, .Facto.. ries,HotelS, etc. These works are etlicieneand simple in - their construction,l and warranted to_ give entire satisfaction. ApPls , to S. COATES Co., at Archer; Warner.4lCo's., .376 .Bread: way. N. Y. . Ifity 7, 1856. . - • Just Roc i lved •• ANewtot of Boots and - ather;a4d for sale ebeaper than ever by " • J. A.'dt.jJ... R. ASHLEY. • Brooklyn, Dee. 5. 1855. • ,Removcid , wo Brick Block,front'room;over the Store of M. S. Wilson dr. Son,l C. D. IRGIL, Dentist. Montrose, May 9, 185fi. . -•- ("CLOVER and Timothy Seed by k..) BALDWIN & PERKINS. ifontroae; April , 1856. I • • • Supposed to be che ap .81000 worth, Ready made clothing at I DICKERAIAN dz. GARRAtTS Now 3lilfredp'sept. 18th, 1855. • New Spring I Goods. A • - NEW and genenil • ass o rtment of Spring Goods, of superior attrictions in stiles and prices are now being receivtd and npenea.bY tt. B GERM, New Milford, April 28, 1858: • .T__TOUSg Trirnminga. at &x.Novvurovs. Take Not tee. LiUNDAY SCHOOLS furnished -AO of different sizes .4 Now! YOE, iota, prices. WI at the Post Office. May 7,1856. . I I. • . . . TO THE_ PUBLIC.' NEW LERMIDIMENT r HE SUBSCRIBERS having taken the Store .L and ptirchased the Stock of GOODS cif T. As It LiY, 'are, prepaied to' sellJur - Ready Pay. only, a - • VERY FINE •.A:SS9ItTMRNT OF. .DRY •aooDs, - GROCERIES, ' t'• - ;•4. CROCKERY; • • • - HARDWARE, .1 , PE R.FU M ERY, • .YANKEE NOTIONS, - -IRON AND NAILS,.. • . BOOTS AND SHOES, .FLOUR.I AND SALT, • .. . • SOLE 'AND UPPER LEATHER, - &e., &c., At such price as (they think) 'cannot faii tegive cntir satisfactidu to all who may favor them - with their patronage; - • . - All kiwis of produce taken in exchange 'for goods. -• " 1 & J. It. ASHLEY. Brooklyn, Nov. 15, 1855.. - ..• •. • l ekeepers is partic -1 embracing- all the !,mental, of House iplete ontfit--and in this exclusive to purchasers. 1 IDEPAII:I`3IENT •er oFered 'before nt kinds. E - Groat Exhibition-in - Svringville." GRKAT AND RARE . EXHISITICN OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC -GOODS; of almost every style and'quality,.such as will be sure to Weise and accommodate -all classes* of people—from the child in the 'cradle to the old and decrepit. 'Thesti:Eoods are botrght . .on - the most faVotable terms, and will be sold according. Lys. Please give us sell anti we willttry to -sup.. ply all your wants in. the line of. GOODS over. kept in a country %! or 9 You_ need; not go.to- Now • YCirk for any -thing you want, Itnitfse we have theniAresh from the city. • SCOTT, JOHNSON, & . • Spriniville, Pa., May 8, 1855. HBURREIT has now in store and is receiv, ing A large stock of New Stoveii, including the Star-of the West and National elevate'd oven, Mark Rovi,r. Wide World, and Paracti Larire Oven, to which he woul invite particular attention as the in•stCookina Stoves in market, with a su-, perior assortment of Parlin i Office and Shop -stoves for Wood or Coal, aiso Stove Pipe, Inc, Sheet iron, Stoves• Tubes, fSle.; , J. H.. - .DE I'EU This stock is selected from the best Foundries of Albany and Utica for cat: with the liest quariti ty (br, Tritntuinvi tuude:to - ,order for his custom trade, which Will ena,ble him in all respects to defy . competition and \rill be sold at the most rlA.duceil prices tar eash urapprevedcredit. Neu' 31ilfoid 0ct..185.5. NO* Goods Cheap for Cash.. - w. I.Ol'T has just received amithtr lot . of .New Goods, such as Challis, Burge Do Laing, Dc Bagcs, Gjaghatas, - Cqars,EmbrOidery, Layensoke., &c. WHICH HE -OFFERS AT wan.. LOW PRICES. SUMMER SILIWL S, a SAW ra just received=beautiful patte . rns• at very 'low prices, also CRA PE and BLACK SILK JS:BAIVLS as Imp as the Imiest. Stoves: Stoves :1 Stoves:l: rrIIE Aubseriber wisheS to c.all the attention I his : friends and the Public to•hi.s very large assortment, of . at'hia new, Store Room in Lodersythe, next to L. S. Lenheim's Store, and near the Great Bend_ Depot. He has in addition to his former large.' variety cif Cooking and Paclor Stovea,maey new.. Patterns, tiome of vhich Which together wits his former stoek will 'be perhaps the .most extensive and varieckassortment of well Selected - Stoves in the County: *** CI int on. Stoves well furnished at - 1 ow prices.- r-1.77 All articles : in his line kept on hand arid made to order as usual, andordersreceiredat old stand in li'reat Bend: IIIII;UNDERSIGNED would'respeet- JI--b fully inform the citizens of Dirnoek and the Surrounding country, that hr hits opened a store at Dimnek four corners, n here- he intends keeping constantly on hand a good, and. well se lected assortment of Dry. qe.ods,.Groceries,}Tard Ware, CrOckeryi and all-kinds* of Merchandise, usually, kept in a 'country . store, which sell as low,if not lower, than any other establish ment in Northern Pennsylvania, Montrose not excepted.' Gentlemen find Ladies give mc.' rail, add examine my stock .of Goods, 'and my prices. You will save at least some miles trail el and perhaps from ten to fifteen cents on ev ery dellar . coo pay out. • A ;AO assortment . of .Ready Made clothing kept kenstantly.on hand. All kindsof County produce taken in exchange' for GoodS at the Market-price... a, 28 . aDIIII7 VEirrift; T pHE tindersigned would respectfully -inform tho inhabitants of Binahamton.and'aieinity, that he has recently puTchised of Edward Priest his large and well selected' stOckof . • - • . DRY GOODS, •-• •• • , - - which has removed. from. La Fayette• Block to No. 28' Court Street, •one - door •aboye the American Hotel. • • •-• • This entire stock has•bhen purchased , eoirsid erably below New:: York cost, enoiugh so to' warrant him •in saying that he will sell Goods cheaper thancan be Iciughi at any other Store in town. NEW SPRING 'AND Summer Goods, to the above stock has just been • added a large invoice of . Spring and Summer Goods . of the latest styles, which will be closed out nt great bargain's. The Stock consists in Dart: of tbo following Goods, viz ; Fine . L.swns, fist. : colors, from 9 to I Bc. Per yard ;`Calicoes, Anierican and English, trom 4e. to' I lc. per yard; Merrimack and Co cheen Prints, at 11 c.; Bleached and Brown Shee.: ting,s andiShirtings, from 4e. to 2s. 6d. per yard ; Kenteckii Jeans, from ls. 3e. to 2s, 6d. per y'rd; Ladies' 1 - lose, from 6 1:4e.• to 3s, td.:per Gingham:4, from Ioe. to 3 per yard; DeLaines from 10c., to 3s;per yat . Also large` lot of Linens; Quilts and. ounterpains, Curtains and GraPeris,Shawls; Gloves, Table Covers;. Silki, Sales, Embroideries, &c;tite.. Trunks, VS.Bees and Bags, of all sizes and pri. . „ Dnn't forget the number, 28 Court street, 1 Door east of the American Hotel; but call and see before Turchasing elsewhere. IL J. Webb,. . Inow reeeivin g his new Spri ng Goods, which he offers at his usual low prices. Montrose, March 11, 1856, BALDWIN & PERKINS. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Flour, salt, Pork, Meftl,proin",:Feed,Candles, Fish ,aud solar salt for patking Pork. On (hesuut Strpet,--East end of Lyons &Chan. dtersstore, Montrose Pa. ALFRED BALDWIN . • 'SILAS PERKINS. Montrose Ont. 30,1855.-44. - House Builders Depot for itti'sque haunts County, at 'NOW Milford. DT CRERSI - AN & GARRETT' aro. givin g . es. peclal attention tu_ tfie improvement 'con templated In, this County the comaing season; and now offer a helping band,-by keeping e - on. atantly.for fial large quantity of Window sash and glass, Blinds,. Doors, NaUa, Paints and Oils,' and a ,eomptete assortment of buildera Hard Ware, Those going to put ._fieuses'in the Spring will find it for their Interest to give us a e a u, • We can furnish _ every . y,ou mint and Ai ihe. very lowtat Man ornate ring Da; e". • DICKERMAH 4 GARRATI i ,' New Milford, Feb, Et, 1856. • NEW STOVES June 13'. STOV E'S; St. , Pear,3 Branth, . I' ire Fly, Modern Troy, Mohawk, • -Vedcnion; black Warrior., Orient, Oak, .Ear,Stoe, - 3011 N COLSTEN: • Lodersville & Great Bebd Nov., 1856..:--tf. Attention at Home. WM. lI.THAYER Diroock, Jan. 15, 1856 7 -,y4 . The Cheitp Store, . • H. C: GODWIN. Binghamton, 1656. .„ • • THEVIONTROSE - DEMOCRAT RUBLIEMED XyEltY 211Ual3bAY - M0112050 By 4110&Oa it, 41/1411$. ER:lifi..4i,6o,ooglan'odvanoe, 82,00 if notpaidwithinsix !eon ths ; and s2,lso,sitheend of the year. No papa r ditscootinued until arrears; gee are paid, except at the option of ihe. Pub,: Ushers. All co team nicationi ccitinrcted with the office,to lase re attention;tount bo directed (post raid) to . E. B. CHASE, EDEZOR,WritrOSe, quehanna County, Pa. ' • Mites of Adveithing. _ One square (12 . lines or less) snsertiono,llo,oo Each subsequent insertion,. . : 0,25 Onesquare three monthi,.. . . 040 One square six months, . 4,00 Business Cards,four lines or less . 8,00 Yearly advertisements ,not iwer 4 stinarnio,oo One column one year, . • . 110,00 Yearly advertisers will be restrletkl: to the business in which they are engsg4; andare eon. sidered as-wish i n gip eontin ne advertising unless they shall give specialdireetions ior a diseontjb uanee of the same. Wr The pnblishe'rahaving added to their Job Printing materials a large and suPerior arsons went of Job Type, are irdw„ prepared toixecnt- Job Wor k in a mannefuniarpaated 'in this sec tion of country,.and on reasonable4enSii.' I:kaiaks of every deseriptioniteit constantly on hand or printed to order. . -- • usiness pirettorg. -7- 'Great. Bend Depot, Pa. Mamma Bt:: ANT, Proprietor. • lIVRI/0 WO, SPROUT e €O4 3latsuflicturersof SPROUTS COMBINED 1.4E0 BlA6rt Spnlsos,Hoghesville,Lyeotning Co.,Pa Springs eon be had of M. S.Wilson,Biontrose. Wnt. W. SMITH, & Co. , --- Cabinet and Chair 31annfaetarent,toot-Main Street, BMontrose,Pa, . , irk-eoA notitriciee,• - Pa., will be at Mondays atiiiTueediyi (death week. • • - lsy3 iIIenILLAN & PARK, Dealers in Dry Goofts, Groceries ' Hardware , Croekery, Boots and Shoes, &e:,Sprlp . pilre Pa. • - ATTORNEY .A:ND COMISELL6R AT LAW hanea Depot; Pa. Office over' S , . 8 . . West Store. • ABEL TURlZELLfilfonTnonii Dealer in Drugs, Dredieinrs, Chelnitali e Dye? Staffl, Glass. ware, Paints, Oils, Varnikhes, Win. dow OriicerieS, Pan..ty Goode' Je*itry; Perfa &c.,-Land Agent for toosi popular Patent '4l-edicines. • -W. MOTT JOlllll GROVES, Vashionabli, TR.ltor-Shopunder Searles Hotel, Main Stieel,Montrone, Pa. JOHN COI - STEN - DEALER it Stores, Tin, Cofperand Sheet Iron, Ware,Lodersville, near GreitißendDepot,:lr A.:Xathrop, - • - - DEALER in. Rendy-Made. Clothing, Hata and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, dm. - ' _Boots opposite Searles Hotel, Montrose, C. D. LA/M.ol', and Z:wz,t. J. P. W. RILEY, S " .. _ . . Dr. Merrit C. Vail. rvitUGGIST - and CHEST?, and Dealerin JF u.s ,ll edieines,Chemicals, bye Sin& Paints. Oils, Natty, Window Glass, 'Camelia() Fluid, Perfumery, Yankee Noiotiti t &e.; &e. - ' ' FRANKLIN FRASEA t • ATTORNEY ANTI CutINSELLOiI. ,AT maatross. Pa., will attend faithfully to all buairiesa en. trusted to him in the county of Susquehanna. . Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be done neatly, and charge moderate.- He will - also attend to the prosecutieb ofclaimioftsol diers, their widow's and heirs,against the ILK. tovornment, for Bounty land, Pen/lions, &e; May be found , at all hours st the Often fo s eterly occupied J. T. Richard, Esq., north of the • Court-IlOuse.-1853-13 la• C, TYL rU, . Interested with la. 'Bunt, IMPORTER AND DEALER in Harawarci,:and Cut cry; Carriage'Trimmings, Springs, &e. • • • * No. :115 Pearl Street, 'here his •Mercantile friend*, in this and other Counties, are kindly invited, and,earnestl:peolielt ed to ealrand ikureha - se. •. Att.. •_ - • •J. 11. Parsons, • wiiDLEsskt.r. AND RETAIL DEALER intaldnet _ Ware, Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands Chairs, &c. No. 9 Washington street, Binghamton, N. Y. Co ma Ware-Room up stairs. J. D. VA.TL M. D: • P HYSICIAN and Surgeon his pe rmanently located himself at Brackneyvi le SuPq'a County, Penn'a, and will proMptly atte nd ' to all calls with which. he may be favored; 1:856.—n22: , • - • A. Pickett , JUSTICE OF TH E 'PsAct, Collector of Debts, Executor of Deeds, Wills, Contriets, &c. Of flee; Laceyrille, 'Wyoming county, Ps. . • 514 9, 1856.. PATENT MEDICINE AGENCY. SASK-BLIDTD, DOM CLASSi 'DEPOT, ON CHESTNUT ST., irleatrose, Penn's', BY D. BREWSTER: All sizes and descriptions, in any quantiq, rondo to order, or furnished on the ohorteat -no _ HAYDEN BROT New Milford,'Peungea. v47IIOLiSALE Dealers in - -Battens ' Combs, &psi:lenders, Threads, Pesci. Grinds, Wate:lieq, 'awaits. Enter- ant Plated Ware, Cutlery, Fiahinfir Tackle, cigars, &e.,oks: Illerchanta and 04:tddars supplied OD ,liberal HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN.. DR. WILZIOT (I RADIATE of th 6 Allopathic and Ho mtioparliio ofltledicina, now permanently IneatO in 9ti,nt.,114 Pa, - April ist4-185-6. j‘", - - JOHN SAINTE/4' _ VAS MON ABLR TAILOR.' 'Shari over. the 1: 1 Store . of C. W. Mott, nesw Hatch's. Ho. tel. VA tII6I4WEIAG import ire ntghinal 414 , 4 a, and gtistim r it %am Soc s ie Warren - Street; New , _ JOB WORK. Dr.- A. J. DAVIS, ABEL TURREIL, yon trose,. Pa., DRUGGIST, AND Aomirr, Fox ALL 'tliE gonian Rannv EADatUrat§ OF TUX DAY. consionzents Coiatantly . .Reeritied; -/C,I3%.KNAPP,-WITS [A. LaTlinor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers