M !_M:. Priusittut List, For the I,Susirtietantia AgrictaturtilSo ciety ;1 Fair and Cattle' Show to be held .in NEAT CATTLE. 'For the best Dilatant 80, 2 y're, and : up -24w. be aN s i t s \ For the best Devon 1-131111,2 y'rs, do. * 5 241 best 1 3 For .the best grade or mixed bicoxl, 5 2d best' 3 For the best milcb cow 5 2d best : 1 • ' 3 3,1 best For the best 2 y'rs-old heifer 5 I& best 3d best F or lhe . tiest lot of stint:, calves, not loss • • than five _ .5 2d best • • sti 'best j; • 2 for the Best pair of working oxen' -6 2d best • 3 ta best • , 2 4th besto. For the best pair of 3 y'rs old steers. - 5 2d best 13d t)est 2 For the best piir a 2 y'rs old steers. 5 'best \ • 3tl best'' • . For the best lot of , yearlings t . not less •• than five 24beit 3d best ' SHEEP. - 'For the best fine woolled Buck 2d best • , - 'For the best South town !..>d best - For the best long wooled 2d best For the best lot of fine Wooled ewes, not _ less than three 3 2,1 best 2 For the 'best - lot of South Downs - 3 ` 2 2d best 2 For the best lot of lob(' 'wooled 3 - .12 , 1beA 2 SWINE. Vdt the lor.s.t:Boa.,r 3 2d best; o -'• ' - • . . -• ... For the hest sow `.. , . 3 '2d best : - , ' - • 2 F,or the ;best iv, est lot of sprink , hot less • •• .- than •fiy'f3 - . 3 2d best' ' • -.! `LIORSES. . \ I For a t e kst. Stallion- fur all. wo:k . - :•,- , t ; . , 2.1 best i . . . . : ./ 3 , : , e.i best F . - , , • • •-..- .ff" 0 ... . For the hest breeding rriarO,Fith col ay , , bet side, raised in the county ._ (":' . 5 . 21 liesl . • i •3 -2.iliesq . • '' .'--, • • , ,/, - • - 2 For the hest single gelding, raised in the taunt be,t • .31 best Fur the pair matched horses raised dri-t lte .county ,be.t, 8 , 1 beLzt, : • • 2 • '.POULTRY. For the pet lot of chickens not less than . .%; - elye • - , 3 best;'. '3d bestk •-• . - F6•r,thc 'best 'Air of fowlS, Rooter • • Hen . • Lest • - BUTTF.M.• For the !beet firkin of Butter 2d best ; &l best • , 4th 'best For the iv:nate - it quantity made from any given number of cons aceater. . • CHEESE. For the best cheese, not less ibati 211bs 2d bst; 3d best' , • VErlEtak)3l.E.q. For tbebest variety, of vegetables best'- • . • 'EMIT. For the .bet specimen of fall fipples, not lets than j bushel ' 2d best • ,1 For.the hest freeim oil winter -do. .2(11.4 _ lIONEY. For the bestiox of Honey, without "defi truing Bees -. • 2,d bet- • VINE4AB. • For the best :5 _gallons of cider vinegar • 3 2i.1 best • .LEATHER. AND ITS ,MANIitACTURE. For" tbelbeit lot of shoe leather - 2- . 0 best 'I -- • • 1 Fur the best lot ot flarn6s- 2 For the Lest lot of calf skins 2(1 best . • 1 Tor the Best double team Harness " 2 Fur . the best single carriage do -. 2 .For the best 4 pair of calf Boots' 1 • CABINET i WORK. For the ''best 'best exhibition of cabinet. work k- " 3 2d best • FAY -AIPLEMENTS... For the besj, plow for general use • . • 3 . ^d best , • • 1 . • For the best cultivator - For tbe.best straw and. fodder cutter • For the'best corn slailer.- ' For the -bestushurn For the best lot of butter firkins • ' - 4 8 . 2 , 1 best ' 1 For, the best .ebemze press . 2 For ti.d bestAiorie .rake . 2 : •- 2tl best! ' • 1 For tlie best single eat 5 2d6(4;1 ' - 1 3 T 0 Ihe eibibit any im plem-ent of bisliwu invention, wbi4:ll - • ', in the opinion or ihe- committee .w.crthy of merit and has not already . obtained a prernitim . 3 • DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. , For the best:flannel. not less than 10 y'ds 3 td best - 2 ' b 3d est• ''' , 1 , For the best woolen cloth' _ , 3 2d best • 2 tld first _ 1 For the - best witolen carpeting, not less than 15 N'rds I 3 2d best • - • 2 For the best-rag carpet trot less l than, 15 y'rds • . 2 , 1 best ' 2 - For the I,44•quilt fancy work'. . ' 3 . - 2d best - 2 3d best I For the beat / doz. of woolen soots .•2 .2d I;est „ • • BLACKSMITHING. For the best . lot of hor'se shoes for the-- road 2d hes,t `GRAIN. Preraiums to be aviarded at the meeting of the society-in January. ' - Fur the best, crop of winter wheat, not less than 2 :name hest • For best crop ofspriiig wheat - '2(l best - Fcir best crop of corn, uot Its tbau .2 acres U - -I'Nft . . . For. the, heat crop. of potatoes, not less 1 than 1. of -a6 sere • - - •.; .-. ;ki • '2d best • 1 ' ;• - _ ' ' l g .a • , To the farmer who will Show the great- ; : ,est results from his farm for the past .:season in proportion to'the number{ of ..: - • ... 'acres improved,—a certificate of mar- ; 1:. it and; - • • : ,; -. • - , i . : • :1- 3 2d ; best , . . . - - 0 - ~ .'. It is to be understood that all neat stoele . exhibited fur premiums shal l be raised in the • _ •.. county. 1 . _ .' 1 .. , .• • 1 . • The Executive committee ,in - present* the fOregoinilist of. premiums. would tali.je occaSion: to remark that ;it has been : - forn4d with an intention to. give the greatest .4- coilrovipent to competition - consistently 'with the means of the Sbetety. It 'is hopek" - 1 , , P that Inetntcrest heretofore taken in the ; ar until air• will continue to inereas . e : The ,great object in thc.formation . of the fsociet [ 1 was to give a' stimulus . 19 agriculture...qv means meetings and addre4; on the subject, - Whereby men's minds rouiti . F .• be mote , earnestly 'Wilted to it, and their 4- ergies *iced 'as t.o. the-best modes . of 0 eul -- . eating the land and raising of stock: - It is believed'that flinch good has already been eirected.! 'The 'Qommittee would theref4ip invite all Oho_ an interest in the pros . - NI ity of the county to give a liberal suppor t ¶o the ensuing exhibition.. 1 ' ''l ' l', • Applicants for:'premiums on grain and pO tatoes, are requested to give the 'Mode :, : t cultivation and complete proof of the'.• qtuitt • .. tity raised: ' - .- . 1 ; Tiros. NtetioLsoN, ,:,:' Fire ! Fire ! ! ar The r4,ntrose Fire Company will hold thelr Semi-annual tneetineon Monday ; July 7th - ,ittP7 o'clock, tt Tul atsyndance is desired. F. B. CIiANDLER, Ste v. Fourth of Juir. FIRENIEN.'S AND CITIZENS' CE:I.EBP,4; •, - TION IN - MONTROSE. -; • The B:Ult. - Hi and Rendv, and Montrose Fi'• Engine Companies propose to telebrateithe co ing,4rh of July. as.fel lows : The several CmTanks (with theiriEnrin and Hose Carriages appropri.ael t. l decorated) w form in procession in front of tho Now Go, House, at .12 m., and march. 'through the prin pal streets of tire town. • - • After the pnrade, the Companies §. till 2 p. rn.; when they, together With !mei' of U tir_ good citizens and friends from abroadois eitonfi to join -with us, trill zepair. to the .:V.:3(1....4ny . Its where a dinner will ,be provided, consist - M.' of t fattest and best the season I '!; After the eating, there witi be toa•itin'g, spea ing, vireering. nnd such general and social ex i ei.es 3s the day and: the festivities of the oe lion may seen/ . Ticketl for the dinner may be 'obtained at ... S. Mutes Tempel-awe Saloon, or of the until signed Ceinmit:; e tfArrangernentA. 4. _ • -. . NV. IL JESSUP, ) _ , . . • . D. t3Aril.E„‘ R. &R. No W.. 1 B. Dka-xs. 3 F. B. CHANDLER, ; _ , . -.. J. P. W.,ltzi..E.r, 3lontroie, No. 2 . . E. Mu:T. .• . . Fire Corbp:thieti from abrlond arse exri ed. ~ Celebration of the.4t.h . ol Intl - 74: acksOn. ,1 .1 ,• There will 1)..',. a piAebrati:l4:,f;the- al'sovo p. 4)- , ed day, at Iteks, rn' Corners, at fxhreb ;time ' tic Rev. Geo. P. I,lndon wif tieli%:e4r an Oration. ' The people „ f -nhea4ty inr tion to the eitizenslof Ttitvn,:•: to u with them in r.nd-ring inetaornWe the s'3lhb day of American Several - other speakers arc erpected to dress _the 'Good niusie wift be in tt.endanee- , 4-a cRnI, will be sem - O . —nisi), Fire Works in th4•evtial • , By order .olCounnitt(:; 1: ftg• I= 321ga1t41,4, Th. i In Anbnrn, the 14 thinst.; 1)y John Tevvk s pry 31r.` . Anstn OEMARER, of . .Nl:vnoor, %Yy. and Igiss MAr.T ED WARDS. cif Aulti:rn, Swiren Cu.. Pa. . - _ _ .. 1 . , / - • : ;LIST OF LETTE:t, ....i .Remainingin thS Post OrNee, -- at Won! :i , n c -- - '• June 30th, 1856. : - p. Allen Ir.rs. Ann : ' .1 . -:mst9n Sancti . ;.,• BureheltFratilclin . King Riehar'i • , , Bit , .h-H.:,P. . , Le R4y George ~,',-)• Bailey F. IL •.•• Lynch H. °: V - 1., Birehard John L. Morgan IL i 1: Bierman Martin- :. ItleNlivken Hawn im Booth Henry • 14.-.Collinn .1. B. lt , Brown Joseph •.. 11 : yers Myers (C. L i d Br'rene Joel H. i • Phillips John Bush Mr s . Marv; - P.l7e. W. It: • Barramm Mrs.. Jane L.lrratt-li. •'• • i Birchard Miss Einily." Picket Alnion L. 13lowerS•Eliza A. • Paze F. L.l . Cromwell John . • - Robinson 0. P. • Colenian.Jmnei Quick Da4(l_ - • Clapp d.Co. ; - Ripley P. W. • Finch.• Margaret; • • Steiger Miis Mat Fisher Thomas ; Stanley .Ik.lls J.tt Filler Miss Diantha , •Sines ilernlan • .Graves James' Smith. Wlliam, i .Graves C. C. .. "Se.A. in aMI A. B. tel Gaines Ann Mart - Twining dlw-tel :Hines Miss. Agues - Tewksl;nryi, 13. , F Hudson Mrs. -, Wolf Edward L 11allelian Jnhatmah Warner Mys. Mi, Jiadil- a P..•., Wilon H; S. .1 - ones Wm. P.. , Whenton I)r. • • A. N. BULLAIID, I . ' ;Montrose July 1,1856. • 'Latest Telegraphic ("A Li _line is in'gnoct an.ci. NJ' ing - sucerssfully. Mess toes part of tlse Erwin:a stntis with disi)utch..: illontrose:Tviegrnph 611k t i, . - Julv 1,183 G.. - • •• Strayed or Stol4n. ROM the preinisew of the subrrihe •11 F2,7(11 of June fait. a middle sized dark red color, about eight or uinr years whoever will return said cow to the sub or dive infortnaticin where At e wity witl be liberal!: fowarded: • - Bridgewater, June 3CI, 1856.-7;u:2* • A LlGillr T!! I Every... Day Brings! .omelking •riLAYTON iIAILY'S self fienerati • Lamps, giving the'elearest arid tnost, ful light of 'any thing vet discovered qualed by nny thing 'else in ecOnomy ?amps are so constructed that 'yeti . eet.fia id gass light. from the common morning I nod three times the amount of light riot; quantity-,of For sale.. by Ithe at the illoutrose Post Office. , . A. ti. ULL; June la. 1866. "N. U. Tin. usual Maus Fluid timps t!' . ton Bass Burner. , I law ADVERTISE XE S. uortotiAm, gurrti & CO., *sold_ t"spect, au fully iuforti tbs - public thotlthey e pur chaseil,tlie interest-in the-t` . 4idltis and ;tritest Betsiness .ot A. 4". LIE. Baldwin." VV:e,cope by strict attention to toisluesi to reteivo otr*shnre of Pubiie . patronop , Cnnutantly lqn 11mM, bud: dies, Bridles, liarneA — V,Vitipsi Trunkti. tte. Corrriage Trimmings in all l i ef its ttruiches li lll be neatly done. to' order on renilsoliable Shop No. 2, Searles Basetnent. • FORDHAM 131 1 6111 . to: bioritijose, ha. 10 4 146., 1 • BALPN% P. M. WttLiam:i...o L.. lie I l 1 11 A. , of a (ut)ud, ew. gaffs . UDC- I '.. the I I - Fluid, les.% 1 41.! ., ,' L rarer OD. anged HARDWARE, HOUSE FUR- NISBING AND. 'ANCY GOODS. n vat -RIMAgitiVA.E73 Or Susquehanna and Neighboring Counties. . _ • • • • • would respectfullysolicit -your atten . VIV tiOn to our large stock of the above mentioned ,Goods, now in store and in course of reception. For many year's the trade of one of the litrgestl portions of the Empire State has been retained by'a monOp.ily. which has at last, •aii•eittwitY before-The rush of enterprise. .Peissessing unequalled faciljties for Ibnying, and :having direct communication with the most extensive Manufactories in the United States, we say, without exnegeration, That we can and will sell, either wholesale or retail, at prices lower than ever offered before west of N.Y. City. - While onthing has been. omitted in-the liar& ware line, we have gken. particular attention to the 11Mrso,Furnishing branch of our business, and have on hand a stock well worthy the in sperition of House Keepers. Of Fancy Goods we have also largesort ment, which, having been - selected with especial reference to the wants of cur customers, we think will please those initee4,,of articles in this tine. In conclesion, we would say that our Goods are new . , and of the- first quality, and that - we hope; y sfrietatterition to business; and a con stant anticipation of the wishes of our patrons. to merit even an increase of the confidence al-. ready repaed in II In I 1 . FE .& KNOW LTON;• Hardware,' House Furnishing and Fancy. Goods Establishment, 51 Court St., Bingham . . ten, N. Y.,ackiiiining.Bunl: of • Binghamton. N. Bi We have a very largo stock of Wood en Mid Willow Ware, lids and lturrs, Britannia Ware, Fancy Bird . Cages, &e. C:g"Sporting, apparatus Orevery ri ption, - ind tni nig' Fishing Tackle-in all its varieties, Guns: Rides, Pistols, Gun, Materials, &c. From thel i ßiughamtim Oeiniierat,April 10th. Sti!!LENntii Imintovr.mr.s..r.—We flare b,tifore • noticed t.titt new "store erected by A. Knowlton, rdjoinimi the Batik • of ' occupied as a Ilaratvate , Store by Phvle o Kno%\ As it npliroaeltes e ompl,;tion ,it it :mire awl m..ire the; praises that have I !been tiestoHid on it, and is undoubtedly in its style. finish and r.prointmentß th^ model store • - of ! the Siluthern Tier: •Alessrs. P, & K. -are mite puttins._f in their steek, one large& and more com plete than 11-_oy heretofore been kept in this VinCl`, the departments of Hardware, Buiiders finishing Materials. G.is Fixtures, 'Le. Mr. - Ellie:it:stoats, nq e'xperielleed and ready workman, tirtiierinti nds the Gas Pittinr2 depart ment). Look in at Thiele & . Hardware . and: louse Furnishing • - • 1 . ,Goods. ill HIS ji 4 profzresNive ay. No one doubts " -- i itt or if they did, ngl ince at the manifold wires. on which the lightnMg wlylz,zes with•im portant news, Would, soon c opvinc e ; a l oo k a t the Mit leg cars would . add more emphasis to the last and :tile .-ontdasion. New proofs pre vent them,wiv4eneh'-triy ; each day we are more anxic.us to' . 7 Y'.6ol t -1": I the living , manners as they rise: . turn. thtm .-) our ow:i recount, z;nd take in as much eash l alt possible.. - - NOw a lot's people.are averse to de.,ling at old fashientd rlitot•;. - s—tiveic, est:Mb:heti from ten to twenty ycnrs ago., Their phiptietors having be ep:lle thorMl:7lllv inrhilod with the high price. principle, 6)t. rather Ic.clunt prlite.iple.) are un- Wiliing-to;tower th-ii demands, to 3 -.cake wore . in acito-rdnn.:e ‘vitli_ tlw - times we live in. eQalvol p:iee wi•.h progressive sp 7 rit of IWO age, wo liavo 1 :;,•nori over hew rind spactous - titbre, N9..51; Court :"_;! , with a vo:.y large as-ioritrrp , : nt of Harsl7are, House Furnishing, • 'and Faney.'Gonlis, whioi we . ofn.r wh ol es ate or rotiii, at the lowos! priers. for e;;sh or apprc.,.red er, (EL- 1 3 1-IVVE.& K. i'! , ;";(:) LTO N, 51 ; Culla St., .1.5 i ti. .V. • 7,•?7 , j"" ahi , e eutintry thcretiatitm to visit its. They it ath-atitaaeotts, PARBIER,S WILL find n hirfre lot ft } . • Spades, Gra,3,l - loohr., S V.l • I Cr:14.1 nryl tunny 'otherorid beninify in, the at, • PI IY rE & Bingiiniiiton, N. Y. • - - •- .TO THE - LADIES. • nrie determined to suit the Ladies, bar -1 V" ingt their comfort in view, we intely pro cured of the inipotterx, n'larg,e as.cirtment of • • ' FANCY GOODS, • certhin!y p!ense oven the most fas tidious te. I. We hAr i o A firm - stiiek of Nail and Tooth 13rOshi.s Comprising' many . ett.-7.ant. ktyl 1.2:1 Of 0 e fi l ah4 Ita:e an exten , sive varietv,Thetu i- : din, m::ny of India, Itubbtir, hurt And 'torn. , many 0t.% , :r Raley Artie,lem, to:Emmet-6ns to Intllion. Call and en:nine our Friniv Goods. P fIYFE KNOWLTON, • :it c ! , , l rt Si Itefrio•erators• • J UST reeeiv(l - 1 a !ame lot, at, prices -ranging friltit $3,50 to $1:1,0U.- PIIIFE & KNOWLTON. BiWainiton N. Y. I . • Bird. Cages Bird Cages !". 11101-IY.Ft S. KNOWLTON have just received Ia lahje ar.d ucil seloctt,.d a3surtalen!. of . . • BIRD CAGES, erunbinitig malty of the ,most ete,r,rant desigru, find beatitiful 6ni4h ; conitlining durability with lightness and' nirinet , n of sty le. Fr4.m Eps Gd, to $10.; each, drinking and seed enp , ; inel !Hied. ' I';ll . F} & KNOIIILTON. 51, Court st.. Biagi) nintori.. Country Merchants, WILL find H:trilwnre, House Furnishing :anti Flinn' Gond-sat New York 'Prices, & KNOWLTONS n ,T 1 n, ton 111 TE kKNONVI,TON are Agents for a P , nualbkr. Mannfadurers, and will supply the Tra;civ on easy terms, and at a low pri..:e at tiu it ti:;rdwaro, Fisrni,,liing and Panay GoOds • - 51 Court Street. r rABLE-tand Podiet.Cutlery, a great variety, _L At:very low pi-icPs, at PILYFEI & KNOWLTON'S. anners to your Interest. A rare chance to make from 12 to 25 or .2D per cent. cm your investment. T"Flibseiiiler is prepired to fir rnish 1. it Mac iint , ta ned various Other Agricultur al implements, not to be surpassed". by any hi this cutrutry, from the well - known and long es. tublish l ed . Manufactory of Wheeler,slellick & Albany, N. Y.. There are but a few farmersin thiti catinty,.but. what -can rearlse the above per Cent. at more, as the hers power cap be applied in.r+awling in log or. otherwise, churning, cutting stalks, straw., and hay &e., And various other uses too numerous to mention. For sev end reasons I can' make_ it un_.object far those wishing to purchase - , to tall - upon mend hare their ,orders filled. .1 have the freight so arrang ed that. the transportation is. hut,n mere tritle.-s All itripleinents waqanted to -be and to perform ns reeemraeriderh (see large hand bills.) I can also ernitili machinery, from other manufactors if desired. 'Now is yourtime. a send orders end yotir inanhings will Li 3 in readiness nt harvest: , ' • - - • - • E. - - T. TIFFANY. : Dlinoek, Su ig. CO., Pa.:May 210856. f HE subscriber, appi,inted: to re-audit the, se. .J. counts Ca:eb.earmalt, Exr of .the Will of Lydia Thomson Zoc..4ed also to report .11 dis: tribution of the funds in said Carmales handset Ex'r and Trustee bo., *ill attend thereto at his office In•Montrose, on Nionday,.the 25th day of I July ueat, at one_o'clo P. M 9 'at which.time A NEW suppur t. 0 Grileeries, Drugs; ail perabns ' interested 'van attend if they think fo.i2ta, Oils, 'Glase r .- materials fqr-liOith.,; proper, or be debarr4 1 e.- • • • &44; It = • . • TURRELLsii.' .= r was; J.ITURRELL,Andfior; h r i.. lo t 1856. . .-• 1 • Auly - ,484.4-18014.; • . —_----.,,---1. • --,----- _ To SOrtspion. ... i Fishing Tackle I G fins ! ' Rifles ! Pistolg ! I 11Y rE & KN . OWt PON have 1 now on hind ;_. a splendid lot of Fishing, Teelrle, eornpris- 1 .in - p: '. _ . . • . - '. • . . Rod4,Tram Is 6d, 61010 es-eh. . . Linea, from 3cts., to $5, " • . Reels, from $1,50 tet $6 etch, and an . ahaOrt ment ef.artifielat Balt, tieverbeforo equalled in this vicinity, ifieltidingßrogs,:ilice,Glaskteath, er, It Rubber, MinribwS,Grutta Percha; Grass Hopperi, Shrimp, Spinii,ng Bait, &e., &e. Pat, ent. spoons - to avoid catqli'lng grass while hailing. Patent,Spring Hooks for Piekcre.l- or .Pike.— Soitiidlogers, or Vanko Moodie ;hooka, a nen. nod iniproved tnode` of !pitching fi.! h. %V have a good- stobt: of Gutty, Rifles, Re. solving, single and.don4le barrel:id Pistols. Pow der, Shot, Water Proof h 6rid -ether caps, huntin g Hormi, Turkey callg,l4e Powder Pouches, Game Bags,•.Temperetive Bottles, &e. &c., &e. R In fact we have everyi article . of Spatting ip -paratus. Hooks, for oqtline -the hun dred thousand. PIIITE 'S.- KNOWLTON. 51 Court t., IlinghaYtton. No Use #i Fifo-ing .rpirAT's co—n 3 Ion• BB Piis fe & linowltoo keqi Hoch a tiplear id ns , ,ortruent of I '• - C.ARPENTE t.S: •TpOLS, 1 h'i they nnw. ime in t,tre, and which is bf all hands, rival ilardw rey xpeittded, neknowledged to be •the . .- • • , • • BEST AND tfiEAPEO, • ' i i ever ofil,red td the citric cs . f* Broome, Susque• _o litanon,r any-other coultY ) . • .. .: W o ca n furr i isti iis g..iqzi .111 outfit of tools as !Till, Wood or Seyrnoott of New Wrk city, nod at prices'al leaAt 2.5 pe-r 4ent. lo . wer than either. ALL TOOLS SOLD ST WHICH .DO ::UT rnovr. - AS ItENIF.SENTED WLILVIE EXCHANGT.D - OR THE MONEY IZETCNDED. rr~VJ'C&.kNON.VLTON.. Hardware. tion4e rurniiking ttnd : Fancy . Goods .F.',,,tabiblitment, ul, Fourt .Bt., Bingh in • ton, N: V., adjt/ning Bank ot ETICULES. for :,•adies,.:l lame ns,sort- I.k , nient at • • PI rat & KNOWLTONS: To tho Citizoni of Montrose. s FITTING ANI) FIXTURES. Phyre ez. Enowlton are.at alf times ready, to im sert Gm; Pipe its old or:Fiew hotfs.es, in a wor.l:- Man lik,r!thatter, amd at. low price. • Thoy have n tint!' assotment. of Chandeliers. I . Pc - ndentA; Port Ale, rirae:ets; Glas.a Globes. and . Palley Paper ,Shades.• 1 Mr. IllaekStone, .Whoti superiatends the wort; ! hats had ranch experienml in - this New !' York and Bra'oid-,-n, Orilers solicited. Pill" E & KNOWLTON • • Ilinglinunton 107001)EN, ‘Vinovviold Tin Ware.nt I • PHY.Fit& KNOycLTONS, Binghamton Whips by t o lon. F ROM '2 5 eti to 8.4 A. & KNOWLTON'S Iling,hyse ton. • - Britanni4 A VERY large gt uk t; Ef t & KNOWLTONS Bingt;anit,;rl . OW A T ra . lly $.5,00, at l'111 . 1? A.KNOV% LTON S liin_heniton A 1 , -- 1 LI, and Croi. nfitiawk , nt It PHYFCI & KNO WLTON'S 51, Court st.. Bittgliuniton. Fir© ! Fire ! Fire ! rr lIE under:ilgned, ii fitreut for, the following, •_L . COnip:Mit'S, the reptation fOr - s:.frc4ncy, :turf lifutorable been lone known to the puyie: Tf IE INCOMING mq:rtrAL. CAPITAL, E , '2,200 7 060 Ti., Fa LTaion li;iaranre of Athens, Pa. .C31,11a1 F;;Quo,ory.), secured lq Bonds And .11ort- tat. - .! Mutual at Itarris'lhurg, on the stack and Mutual Ilan. CApital 5P,50,000. • • : Applivanti .. ?an rdeeive . policies in either, or tni of the ab:,ve • BILIANCizi :3111015D, Agent: :kl..utroso; 1856. TIOGA P.OIATT AGRICULTURAL WORKS. R. il. WE LLES & CO., t liel4 Pa.. MANUFACTUT:ETIS, wnor.*ALF: AND dT:TAIL,DEAL- ESIER'S . "S AND WIIEr.LER'S RAIL ROAD lIORSE POWERS. TIIRESHE.IMAND ,SEI'ARATORS. - Threshers and Wiani)wers eptrlbined. s CLOVER. IPJI.I,ERS Cireularand Cross Cut:. Saw Emery's Cider Mills. Feed. Cuttrs, Corn Slnte:s, Corn and seed Platiters. Seytnonr's Drain Drills and tio. , (l•Cast Sowers. Ri•vol.ving 11( - .rsq Rakes. Deg Powers. Clow's .Grain Cfadlis. Ketch-„ nin's Mowers. fter.persfand 3lotvers Combined. Slagle Corn and Cob 34115.. Exeelsior Tatiainf Mills. Cultivators. Wither and PAbller Belt ings, 7deat Cutters. Apple Pearu,s.a t ißefriger.l.- tors, Provision Safes, &e. Extras furniitred rep: irinz Emery and Wheeler's Our ExCel:slor Fanning Mills are second to none made in the• Union DesTriptive Catalogues, Price Lists and-Cireu iars of all machineq, & , ,c4 sold by us, seut gptist and pOstage.priyild.o all applicants - „ Send ui your name and addres.i.i BLOWERS,. (X Frankl in, Agent. Post Office address, SlontromO, Pa. • IMPOSITION. ruro.credtbly informed -that E.l'. any of Susquehanna COunty has taken the-un authorized liberty to wilt° his natn4 on several (4' our Poste ra, mak Mg,: hi in se if appear the pUblie n ouragent fur l ithe sale of Threashing machines Sze ' How eny lionorabls 4 or, honest man emi . id be guilty of ;such tneanneNs we can not understand. Knowing of no other way of proteding,eurgelves frim such injustice; we hereby publish our protest agaihst the use of our property by Mr. TilratiV to injure uS and same ranee his ewe private ititerens; and at the same time deceive the, publici Mr. H. L. la our only' authorized Recut in 'Susquehannat ounty.' . M. WELLS St. Co. Athens, l's., Jane 28,91856 • Cash fot•WooL 'VHF; highest priee; - iti will be.Pui4 for Wool by • H. BUAMT. New Nlilfortl, June, 23, 1856. . • Wiiited. • . TWO dozen fat . Turlieys by the first. of July. At*Y-Eit elliektr/R4t. m'arrs. - ‘sfinittotte;ya; • •: . I7XTRATIour from!? I. to 8 dotiare per 124 LW., for - tette at MOTT'S. Auditoes Notice: MMIE!MMEI orn She • • &arra" ca.-, Rail. Road II! is ' 1114 .8: ala LEI 7 . 2 WiLLIAm TREMAIN & CO. are- on band *Stith the largest, best, and cheapest Ikea of general Merchandise in Consisting of Axes. Al' and Alapice. ' I Broome, ootsand Bedsteads. •- .• Clocks, Calicoes and Clothing. • I Denials, Drugs, and Door Handles,: . I Envelops Edging, and Epsom Silts. I - FlOur, Flannels, and Fish-Elooksi • • Glass, Groceries,and Gltnblets. flats. Hants, and Hand-attys.. — • Indigh, and Imperial Babies (dreasesl.) Jugs, Jseatiets, and JewsharPs. • 1 , Knives,. Knobs, and Jeans. - I. • Locks, Limps and Looking-Glasses. Matches, Muslins-and-MotassCale -- Nutmegs 'Nankeen. and Notions. Oils, Oxbow's and Overalls. - • I • . •Pork, Pills'and Powder. • ..1 ' Queensware, Quills, and Qii.irt-ctliPif._ I - Rubbers, Raisins and Rat-traps.. - J Shoes, Shirt's and Sugar. ;I • Tobacco, Tea and Trace Chains. . • Umbeellai, Under-shirts and Union Veils, Vinlegar and Vitro'. Whips, allets and Wash-boo Is. ] Xtra W uperflue Flour. York,Cotkonailea and Youth's flats. • -I Z. And Many - other articles which the •. arc selling at a 'very small advance on. cost !tilers. "Small pro6..is' and fair dealing's the motto for the Summer`, orsti. Give us a call and-test the truth of our assertions. . • • . WM. TRESLUN' & CO. - Lanesborci,Pa., May tIG, 1856. Better Lath than Never. New - Goods at the UpsonVille !Es- change. , anb'Scriber is happy to inform 34 friends . and Pathins th•tt Iv: has just rocei+ed choice lot of Goods, direct from Now Yorki con si.ting, in part, of Dry' Goods . . Groceries, _Clrock., crv. fiard#/s.Stnnewato, Fish, Nails, Poots and rsitveV, II its and Car, Bonnets, Wall Paperi, ulYilid6w • Shades, . Ready:ntadti Cti, ping, Yalnkee . Nottons, will bell.as cheap. for ready pay, especialliti for cash a 3 ran be bought at any other establish. moot in the county. Thlt is W say that 11U will not bo-beat by any bra (Tina ' •n • JEWS Olt GENTILES.. Ile also wizihes to say a word to his ciistl Met arid others, ju to the way some 'ilneaa . folks do thir -11vincs. If. they have 46elcs, Cabbaqes, or Turnips • or anything elt;e, tlnans wer,:ble that they wish to Ai! , posc of they, will take them to the store in their own town and fairly - er toefizirly force the merchant to but them, and it•they have money to pay for Gootisi-latty v. ill go to Binghamton or dome other„pla f eo to spi;nd it. and then report around hbw- Much cheaper they can buy Good's away from home than 04 an at home, 'All I have to 4:w. to such custibMers is come to me' with your cash and if l have any Goods you want; lea and sell.them to you at priee.4 perfectly awtc nish, ins. - J. L. MERRIAL N. • Upsonville, May 1"0,18.36. 1 • • l' Como -and See. 1 . vIGHTV,-FIVE cents—itt - ci,lt Will be • one 124 dollarA worth of the . splendid stogy ' of spring and summer Goods just receiving itt the cheap eakh And barter store at Dimoek for cor ners, where' altnegt everybody goes now to buy their Goodsi. Flour and Salt ki.pt alwqa on hind, , . Dimock,,:qay 23, 18:16 • . I BIATI II 4. . • - .iPc .nro Markot,". .1, • E_LTAS RENIOVED frow Odd Fellow's' lia!I to his flow : • 1 • ';' SKY LIGHT ROOMS, In the BriCk Block, over Bentley and Read's: • "Come and . 4co. Collins will cos: youlbethN unlei4You-bny,;nr.(l then you are sufej to gb :okay with : lll4re than .‘valtle received." '1 multitude of choice eases ; Gold 4eliets, &c., just in. Doct. R. T4o.yor pAKES this method - of saying Lo his friends and 6u. - its.mieri that he has. again - maul:led the practice of Medicine at his old stand iiS Mon: trOse, where he may be found at all times unless Profe&tlionally employed; lie would say t 4 those. owing hint on old accounts that he will deduct 25 js cent. On all accounts paid before the first ref April neit,,(or if any poor like -myself,) 1 - I, will deduct fifty. , . • Moritre, Feb..20,1855-9ef -1: • And still thet Come. NTEW Pool: every week. Oki Santa C sits is' 11 round .yet and will be 'till •after . New [Years, so - please:pretiare for him by calling at the Post office. velye re you can get new; entertaining and ,useful heeks,° . chenp: - The finnters Feast. or . Conversations iimind the Camp Fire, Kate Weston or to Will.find to Do, Ten :rVe•,.rs among the Mail Bags, arrillY , Past imesi.or home mnde Happy, Life on t 6 road. or Claude Duval - Ste.. Peter Parleys' new Univer- j sal flistery and gift books, Mri. Leslies, ClroWen 1 and Hales New Cook boOks etc., and - mai oth.:„ erS I eat inentiOn here, but can show then' to you if you will call, and sell them low for the Ready, - * - ' ' • • A. N. BULLARD, Montrose Dcc. 26, 1855. : • Cash for Wool. 1. • fIICKERMAN & OARRATT - will pay the hiii;lvist tnarkef *price for the Wool Stpmnehanna - Co , nty. delivered .at their store. New Milff,rd, ne 9,6; 1856. • . • Arrival of the Africa. I IHAVE this day reeelved,.pet .4earnsl+Afrl- - eaoMother - invoice of those unrivalled. PAT-, ENT LEVER WATGIIES.. 'My stock i'a I:loW complete in . o'rer• description and Gold and Silver; and. I inv.te the att , mtinn, of all parsons in. %Yak of a first etas~ Wandi; as-by ithporting , my own Watches di .reeti earnsell to my cnNtomers at the lowest New Fuck IrsolcsaTh prices,' • • : . ALFRED .1. EV . Ns, No. 2 Old. Fellows' Hall. . Executor's Notice . XTOT CE. is hereby given to persons IN--demandi against the Estato.of. Menezer GaigeOate of Silver Lake township, in f Susrea Cu., d4'd, that tne.same must be presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and allperiwns indebtid to said E-,tate.are regnireetu make im mediatesettlement. Juno 19, 185t.—w6 Jobbers Wanted. c I PIM undersi, fi ned will lot by contract to clear 5 acres of land, from which the lumber and lire : wood. has been taken. Also - the Cut ting of one million feet.of hemlock logs, and the pealing of the bark from the same. Also the cutting and, hauling or the .eutting—alone, tyf' 2006:cords of Rail Road weed. Tlic above work to be done this secslfn, an 4 will Ife parceled out to suit any one-mist! ng to do n j rirt of it oily. For further particulars . pleaie apply to the unddraigned at, the Work, 3 up the PlankP.93d from Itiocock, Delaware Co:, N, ; • Ten good men 'wanted to drive teams and work in . , a saw"mill, to which'good wages will be paid. Early application solieited • Pest 011100 addiess—llanecick, Del. 'Co., N. y; • :C, B. GRIFFS, • 3iny 1, 1856. for P. Demerest dif• Co. LITIIOGR AP LIS, A , , t /tine, 1866. LiftESH extra Flour ''',l6s. 6d. ono tourt Montrose, Juno 4,:U Burning rinid and . Camphipne, . - A rl ~ FREOH.supPlhitist received, anti fors: te,. - ''. :cheap, ;No, &tad,' ei l old enough, rtiig _ea.', 014 ''s . pa InFil enough Ao stand' alone, [ ln. tow mer tome; iik ' ,1. N. Buti,?iro. Tolle 9.1858. Wg. 11. THAYI JAMES GAIGE, ANSEL GAIGE. - Execlitors IR I : I VT:MO*I 4-444-46ax-4.-.1 Delaware, Lackawaliuntst.W.R. B. SUSIMER ARRANGEMENT ! N • and after Monday, May tOth, 1856;-tileO Pissenger will - depart :from Scranton 4 10.854.. W. ~ D ue at Great •• Bend at 1.45 p. m. Connecting. :}pith the Dunkirk and . Buffalo Express East, on the N.Y.., & E. R. R.' Passengers taking' this train will - arrive in Ha. .falo at" p. tn., and in •New ,York Returning, Will leave Gteat Bend at 3.10 due at Scranton at 43.00 - - The freight - Accemmodation. Train, :With passenger . car attached, Will - leave Scranton 'at 12.45 . p. tn.; connecting- with the Mail Train west,' and the Night Express Trains both - east and west. Pessengers•taking this train and the Night ExpreasfEasti Will arrive in New York tit a. tn.; by taking the Fight Express West, will arrive in Dunkirk at.- tn., or by ;taking the Visit Train. west, will arrive at Dunkirk .at p. m. • -- Returning, will leave Great Bend at T n . i n; and arrive at Seranten ip.oa p.'m. _ • • - Passengers - for Wilkelbarre, Pittston, Car.. -bonding, Philadelphia, (via the CatatVissa, lamspurt and Erie anti Reading Railroad,. via T.arnaqua.)•and Easton and. all 'intermediate places, will . find first ass stage coach - es in read. iness at Scrartion,-on the arrival • of the Pass enger and Acconimodation Trains to convey them to the above 'places. Those choosing pri. gate conveyances will • find 'the best of horses and carriages of overt' description, at reasonable charges, ready to order. • • •D. }l. - DOTTERER, Sup't.. Superintendent's Clflice, • . Scranton, ilav 19, 1656, • • . CLEAR THE 'TRACK. . V 14.-2 IDMOZAI22S ON tho part of SIMMONS & . ME4IIDIAN, . .rtga;n4 those .old eotlger's "s,teon , l rate Goed.s and tlf!r i. Prii.nris, Countrymen, and utl, (Which ineludv:s..Civerybo:V,) WI) bitVe just received a oplentlid stock of Spring and Sum tnerGoods,'atonr store on PUBLIC AVENUE, first door titiore the Post Office. Whielf we are "deteriined to sell for t . . . l• READY. PAY, f'leet!e" cheaper • than can bo bought in this market.: Oilf stock -comprises a cotnplete assort ment of the latest styles "and best qng litics Of Goods, from the coarsest Brogans, to the finest Congress Siik Lasting Gaittirs for. the Ladies. NI ENS French Calf Boots, the best in town:— The best - assortment of Ladies Gaiters ever in, 0-Milord into this' market. C IA It 'ATLI° ES in great variety, - Fintlines a gewral assortment. Also Sole Le utter, Upper Leather ; Calf Skins, Kip Skim!, Patent Leather. Bros; %d Moroueo, Curitsna. Morocco, -Boot ;40"rotteo. I ' . kinds. AU kind of work made to-order, and repairin,f4 dune ready. •- Thaul; fat for past favors, 'WCr hope by fair ing to a contintiauee.of same. st:e ns byfore els(iwhercy. SINDIONS & - - Montrose,HaV 2'), 1556. • " - HOSTILITIES CEASED, Peace Declared! fAN such terms thatse.ctirvs the right of every V/ nation to the , nanigation of Elie Danube,and be: it known to the peiipta of Susquehanna . County, and the. rest of, the v:.orld, that they will 1 find it to their advantage to ` coneto the Temp ,erance Saloon and Grocery in Main St, font j'rose, Pa„ (the only Temperance saloon in Mont ` rose) to get Pies, 'such as are Pies',, Cakes, Cheese, Crackers, Sardines, pickled Oysters, Clams, Cueuinbers, lee erearn, Oranges,- pine 1 Apples, Candy, and' Segnrs, Nuts &a. Sinai! Beer, Ice cOol Lemonade; and Soda Water to eat and drink. At the 'same place. i. 4 a good as sortment of Groceries'and ProvisiAns, ivith new supplies every week from New York," such 'Tea, choke kinds, -from -9..5..9e.; to 64. per lb. 1 Sugar now nt ets. Bast .Cot Tee 11 1-2ets„ crushed, Pulreriz.:4 and. GraoulatTs.l AL Is. per lb. • Molasses 3g. 61 per Galion; best Syrnp at •55., 6d. per'grd. Pork, Smoked Hata, r.nd timmt .jets, dried; I.lef Ham,. end,' Mackerel, White and Bice Fish; Cheese, Crackers, Lard, 'ralloW, Sterine patent and Sperm Candles, a varictr 61 Bar Soaps, Shaving do• best in Use, Coffee like:, and Tobacco, plug and fine cut, Chewing, and smelting, do.in tin foil: .Fire Crackets.and fire Works. Matches, all kinds. dried Peaches, Plums, Cheiries, Figs, from Is. to Is. 6d. per lb. Prunes, Zantee Currents, Citron,:k'ig paste, Sa go for puddings, Spices ail-kinds, tie. Ground Mtz stard, do. French Senp:Po wder, Babbitts Sal mrltus, do. and Washing Soda, Cream Tarter, and Super. Carl) Soda Tartaric. Acid,. Licorice; 'do. root; Fancy Candy - end- Gum Drops, • fresh ,from N. Y., Otssin buds, Canary seed, Nutmegs,' Cloves •Sz.c.;- Cocos ; Brom aad Civil kelate, Lor- Birds, black and-Scotch snutf,-Rasins,. from Is.' tp.l.s. 6d. 'pet lb, gut tanee seedless Posium, starch (pearl) Corn starch. Patent Nutmeg Graters,and -Clothe's pins, Swept and Castor. Cid in bottles, Raymond's Lees, - and.Wright`S PillS, .Salts, Roil -Brimstone, Sulphur, -Gam Camphor, Vinegar ,Choice lot of 'Catsup, ; Pickles, - Pepper Sauce; RaSpbery Syrupifiavoring extracts, flair Oils,to euibolish and prevent froth-falling Otf Or:turtling lgri , y4!erring. by: the.lloa, White Wash,, and Shoe brushes, rStaCe and boot 13Lie kin g, Gaiden seeds; slate and lead pen'cifi+,' Axe hand les, Brooras, - Tooth Ache Ointment, an almOst stub cure for terns,Sprain.a, Bruises, ',ice. Rus sian Linament,golul- for man or beast: Horse Medicine, together with a • larae ; assortment of Children's Toys; selected with ; great care. fur. both ,girls and ,boys; among which era small pailS and Bask'els, Horses, Dugs, and Cattle. en wheels and roekers, Small Tea Setts, Thimbles,: Cornelian Rings, - Tops; Clarienettes; Arkorde od,ilarmnnieoris;_-Harps` and Many 'entiouf4 thing*, Ladies" Basketsand Seining' Sack Salt for fatuily use, Corn Meal; aISO Flour, kept. constantly on band, by the: !found, sack'or bar run. • . AFtM Clams, (Di:loges abd 'Lemons, Pino Apples, &e., Some Egf_m tintter"Potatoos, Beans, &e., taken in exchange. Tlie4horo GOod3 aro for tale for cash or ready pay.., Thankful for pagt favors, I hopo by`strict atteLtion to bo4ineas und small profits to gain a larcer share of patronage, and thereby all ho mutdhly benefited, - all orders with' tho ready will be promptly attendeii Tetnporanco Saloori,'Groeery andTrOVision *ore in Main St., Montrose, 1836. Attention., Farmers. Look Here. C. SUTTON, having:purchased the stock formerly owned by C. C. .Wright; he 'would respectfully anuonnee to the citizens of M r iddletown and. - vicinity, that he has • just.,.re -turned from Ole city with luni3w and, full aupply. of all kinds of ehoieo Slimmer Goods which . lic will sell a unprecedented low prices for'' cash.or ready pay. Please Call and see. His choice lot of Dry Goods; for.hoth Ladiet.and Gent letnens wear, of Foreign and Donrestin man. , ufacture, Ladies Bonnets, Gents Leghorri Hata, Canada do.; Chip do.. Crockery, Groceries of; all hard and hollow Ware. Drugs 'and Medicines. Iron and Nails and Fish,, besides all other aril wles usually kept in a country store. fie will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Sole - and upper Leather. Wanted . any, quantity of Pelts; Deacon.ind Calf Skins and Hides t _ for .which,tho highest . market -.price will be paid.--- 'All kinds of Farmer's Produce will be received, In exchan z ge. for Goods at Market Please call and exaunne for - yourselves at the old stand of C.C. Wright& Middletown &I Co Pa 1 Jewelry,!' , J.iir e:welry - THE subseriberliasrecced aiargo as I. went . of Goodit tu.Which he would cell the attention of-his frlekatt ionoistlog ()fever)! stYie of Breastpins, Ear atm; Fitter Binge, Cold Chains Brodelets,' --Arwttete;- Pewit s pectacles, 1ting 14 :4 43 1 111 4.* ..Also,A large stock of:Clocks of a great variety istpattertui And prices.. ilver %Vat" and Plated Goods, otevory kind., , dt.viary large Etock of Gila ,*pd Silver Matches, _the met approved tilak`eraonil finest quality. Ail. of :which- Will be a`e'lit et the I,9*eet • Y:Eiriars: , NO.'2;codd ". Bk.ihaeston, Inns 11155; • 1111 i?MT,g3 -- - I._ . , _ ... - - -- :.....- - -mllE.sAtmtiortiEßsAFEEt , ~.-,. -_, Let Philadelphia .. igaiust Abe:, 1 7,4* -- ' ". . %tett: 4 . Evs ns ar 'AN: atone. lie:tw: ' r -': loan. Vv..... 5t. ' %.4... :t...,4, 4: : ' '''''.- ( ... have had the.stuitt demenstreues:. is the followingArtificittes i that: • their. mantititeture of SalamandeeSsiss has itt length fully warranted the representitioitstirbliths have been made ofethem, as rendering;an tt , ;' doubted security against the terriflo• element ' s -' . ....- : ..,= • , Puttanstrliti, APril 1 1 2411168.. • 54FISItil. EvARS dt. Wapacort--Gents - .:-Lit ar fords us the highest Satisfaction to state to ycof that owing to the very,pretective qualities of iwnr. of the Salamander Safes which we. lIIMIWIedOr 1 you some few months since. 'we saved . ItAstipti., , portion or our Jewelry, Booha,'Papets, - ._dten. t Er. posed to the calamitous, fire 111 Rstlitald Placee on the morning of the I.lth Inst., When we reflect that , these Safes *as loitit.;- ted in the fourth story' of the building tio-otteti," . _ pied, and that they fell subsequently into slest: - °rimming ruins, where the vast cofterttratlort'„ °fleet:caused the brass , plates to melt.we on': _ not but regard the preservation- of the valuable;': contents as most convincing pied of the geut security afforded by your. Safes. _ 1 : - ~ , .:- We shill take much pleasure In te6oDtilerld• ing them to men of businesit as. a ante reliant** against are. .y . GrOaciE W.----Simoiss, Itt - Bittg. - - . PIIILADELPIII4 Apa,l2, "1850; Evazot & Waxson—l 1.0 Ora ' you my testimony in favor of - the great; aecurlq - afforded to my entire stock of . .leweliy,_,booksi , . papers, &o.; during the recent disastrous coda ration.fit Ranstead place, from the fact that the. same were contained in two_ of the Salamand.o - Safes manufactured by you.- Having fallen froth. the fifth Story ; of therlirti.. - . - san Building, where they were previously placed 'and expottetko a vast heat for a long time,thit presen-Slion_of the valuable deposits seemed icr` every one who witnessed the opilningand Intent• `- or examination, a matter of profound astonish _ . 'TO all who tiny., require - a perfect .prateation from the. ravages . afire, shall not hesitate, tor._ recommend the use of your Safes , as consider" they have: now undergone the most.ttying.teSt,.. • N. E. MORGAN... . Pnaanra.pata, April 14, 11356, _, I Messes. Evass.4l.. Wxtsmi--Gentlemen42icr doubt you - will be deeply - gritified telestra . .tb(. good conditicn in which I discovered my book,- - policy of insurance, 'certificates of stock, and. other valuabledocumenis, When on Priddy last r I opened the Safe made by your fume " .1 I With my ittufwledge of . its great: exposure ~ i both to the intensity of the heat from ISO ':hot a fire as that which the Artisan Build I- • Jog, us also,from the force of _the fall - from Its, 1 former,elevated position in , the third- story:" I Icould entertain but slender hopes prior to in.. terior inspection, that the contentsi,vvhichienco" I so highly prized would ever be of tiniFe.rviceSto . Ime, but as these . feari are now happily remoied f t I feel it only due to say to_yott, that I.,!=t hence ( forth recommend the use of vbur Safes ' 0 alr I who may _wish to feel a , confidence in . the per-' 1 feet security which such moans piovides spits% ,i, I so frightful_an element. - -,.' 1 Enw,a.n.n ( - lasi:lnt., Bookbiade.r._ 1 •Constintly on hand, Putout Powder nadThlei I Proof L0e144, for Banks, Stores &c. - _ April 2.1; 1E356.-J-17.0. -.. _. - New Arrangenuitit it GrtiOrsei %HA.RD WARE STORE! W. GREGORY & JUD6'ON warn , •hs ving•formed a en-partnership" foi Abe G. purpose of conducting the Hardware business-lw all ha various branches, - would tespectrogY form the people of Susquehanna. county.atbil), they are now opening at Gregory's Otd opposite the.Ezehange Hotel, 2- doors from - the Canal, .ginghatuton, N. Y., the largest; cheapest, nni bast stock of Hardware , ever.offeredin hamton. - • • arrangemerits to import their - English - Goods and purchase their Atnericali rest, from manufacturers, they cane and Will CHEAPER, thnn any other eatibliihinetit in! ; tows! Their stock is nowvery •ezteasive, and-- 1 those wishing to purchase are invited - to . call,— The following;_are-a portion of their -leading at: . , titles, viz:—Table knivei and forks, Tea do:0- carvers, forks and steels, pen and pocket knively• bread and butcher do., hay - and straw doi 4 - 111141 b: sors, Shears, and razors; britannia'tea anilcoffee' pots, silver-and britannia tea and table-spoons,!_ silver - plated, brass, and iron candlesticks; saute fees and trays, solar lamps, lard,and suspended lamps, Mantle-piece ornamente, brass and iron' andirons,shovels and tongst dze. ' • EnekingGlasses, and looking glaispistes„to-' 1 gather with a gennrut assortment of houSekeeK ing articles. _ • r - • HOUSE TRIMMINGS, •emisist,ing pf,locks, latehes, but;f4 ; scre.ws s. brua. nails, bolts, patent winder Eih prin ga_ t blindfit atet v. ,ings, shutter - screws, and fastenings;. A ;tenet-al assortment of tools for Carpenters' and Joiners. Cabinet and-Wa„men and blacksmiths,censisting plancSi.sa*sillaut; mers, hatchets, axes, adzes, Ch 4 isels,aogersaget" pitta and hollow angers, anvils, Bell - 0w1:L . 4. Tiellre-. patent drill machines. sledges, stone ban brick_ and plastering trovrels, crosp-cot„ . mill Ara 'circular saws. - • - _ A splendid aSsnr,tment of Saddle and Harness' 4nakers' tools and trimmings:: RMING- TOOLS - eons4ting . 4f s r hovels, epatieg_, forlts,rakes,sigthes.: grain cradles, hoes,,pielt l4rs t viz& Also, Agents for the sale of Whittemore:. Squires & Co's Agricultural toolsdauch hay and straw - cutters, eorn shellerS; &e. Sole :Ind upper leather; _morocco and 'shoo', iriaimings, with a general assortment Of findings;'` _Wooden ware, -will6w eradre Ittgens, - . clattic and bagliets - of deScriptiims. ' Bar irOn' and steel, iron axles arlsl.4leltsPtiogir malleable - castings, coach; lace, and - frimmmgs 'of all_ kinds, paints, oils, sail], grass,. putty; dm., all ofwhre . ,ll, will ,he sold At the lotvestrates. Phyttitt call and examine - the stock' rot' you'rselv,es„ Binghamte6,3larch , 1t165. Great . Cause for '. Rejoicing. Pettee. among the,. Natlott! of, the . • *Old • Ti r lll 7 GOODS , and Clothing faith*, and. hare: 51.41tE1v reac,hed a mark below all hatotiap ble vxpeetatioria'; and to prove, Witt _fact . -call.4* the tire of GI:ITTENISERG . ,. ROSENBAUM ',sz, CO., :it lheeast end •of tta new. AriokAillOck:. Seeing iilielieving, so Calf and ace_ - for selves. . Coin() along'wit Itout.delay,,procrastinaw tion_rrou knoW,l , tn_ all 'eases. dangerons.,. will 'offer you :r rev.. bArgains, not. offered:,,nissi whom in nortikit PenniYivanin;. We' Can and wilt undersell - all our tatupetitors.. :Ws "hive; advantages in totyitl6r, and tnanufiiciairti our own' Clothing, of which we ltive 'nploadist meet, from a huh bet jael;et and lii4ettiee,to` the finest, - Dress Coats and 'Pauts,Sor, getdioatin.: of . 11l sizes. r assortment of. Piney and Dif;" tne 4 tic Dr y Gaols Can.-not, ho auriatnaedim.atif other' establishment in the countyy.. ~One.of Our firatis eons tzt ati the City, and lif-,sondirig most dllily,GoOd4 of ttio latest and moat ahie style,. Oar stock of Botineo And flonnei. trim:lige. hi complete. GENTLEMEN'S !LATS.!, lota of thew. ; Also LI. stilendid tot of Slantillots.' . .: Montrose, April. 2'4 1856. S.. stern - po D'At .. .iyt: i i i r t aftu l g e, a -itt -Mos . :Ted rot saki by the Sztek,-unaher NAILMLAILD: }856, yashionable - .making_at Arm RDWARDsi (rooo fOFVfl°4l]*., - Corim,) and' Mos Coughlot °I . 2, would respeetruity teforpi the eitissiOr ...L 4 g it id i r t: - vicinity; that thy uro now:tioimi*, l everybody hi- ther meta fashionible• stver ti y . kinds at ty; pieei CuttiNt • Qur - factlitles_ bin 600 81,1:1-rT111. us tivtito orr-etisteineis tuek 00‘044,21, hilbieus'at all Times .. We. r feel ,C 6 '?.l l To b il Pr o 46. Shop gm wci - si,ialP ablit,t(i'Ple- • 04etittstoht'Edwards* ‘., St C.. SUTTON. Cl_OM BromMoth k o ir plaid at — ' BETaIIeTR,WW " ~y:r--ate iSEEMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers