Ma!IM!E 4 .y.itost prmicrat.' bertistnittzts. LIIIIG-t22 CIVATLATION 28 rOIiTUERIc rrste,k..l,c.azta, nontrusc, Thttridtty Jtitne 114 1856. speech of Eienalof Douglas. PrEsisot AND Fti.LOW DiMOCRATA-- i .When the news-paPers shall convey • tbo in. i • telligenee to the - remotestparts of this repub lie that the New Yprk democracy aro united as ono man in favor of braes BUchanan and Jiihn tl . Breekenridge, joy will. be imparted to the-heart of emir national' (Cbeers.) Now York, tho.Etnpire State ; now the pf:ii:iott which entitle'. lit,4 'her number, by her influence, bet ue.ilth; and above all by her devotion to those true -.con stitutional State rights principles which have always, prevailed wliiniever the pirtY ha3 , INC!) unite&as ono man npon the . platfoi t tn: pte*d • in con ve ntion. (Cheers) , ca_tue here" only when I found that there Was a joint.. itivtt lion: signed by bards and_ rofts-Renewed , Cheers)--diolcin . k-thezld matter oftliflionl.: dies, and uniting in one counnou effort ro rc Aeein and faVe the county - front that ‘Vlti* , pool of sectional agitation ;Ind strife and cord,to" which the epinhit:ta dopotism; the World were deirou . s to cionsig,u the , t. I have refuse,l for four years to arii dress either i•ectiot of the dvmtvzratie Itari r 'n New. York , or to ans:‘••ei arty ittviwiatt either section, .for 0/CleAt‘illi that I had solved democrat T Would ue‘er a divisio n ninon 4 ,wei t N71:4.) Ott g i ./ . .. V.) be err as brethren in a cctuntan can-e. • BA : wbeit the, jos'otts news arrived that Now York was a unit, that iterdemomacy We:o brethten that past. ditTerences :vete forzettett, that the. j• -Cincinnati C , ottia:Ltiou had Vetted out all i.e.:, meinhra-nce of the past. anal--only plescut...klL the bores, I.lte - ..glories of ate totuie, • .readv to conic and extend the haul' of . fel lo'wsiiip to tins New .York deml,tracy ainitcti , . otfe and iudisisible—teady tri'march toaciv-I• lions viciois" , and to the a , cend,incy . • our pt..v..:1134r (Cheers.)real . % to meet- the . enemy and gis o them tlc 'upon tho issues ai•lte, proudly rrochtim• i. thein two vears•ar , o..."hen this backu' licau •orgattizatiaa" was they ptrt. for ti, upon their. banner- their edef) jog the.demobraev to meet thk la on the -e 'Wi t tat were these principles . - proudl), defiantly proclairoedAo oppo. l ua pt s ? Th e y. were first the•• restcratiOn of!: that black line cal!ed the colnpro-i! ;nisi! ;.secand, the repeal of the.F4 tire Stare,: 'aw ; third, the abolition ciflrts-ery • • in 'the District of Oolumhirt ; fourth. the ';11 o ition the slave trade auong:the slateit ,tiftli, the admission' of no more Tel titer or S'lt tes to this Union, unless slavery, was first pro hibited; thus detenuiried,to cause the 'el ttei. I iNion of of every man who voted for liansa's -3nd NebraStra. The eineinnati Coaveri.tion first negatived eyery one of those principles— first proclaimed creed that Meets the cordial: approlsati l an of troy democrat in America, . no matter from :what point cf the couipass rhe ma 'come. (Cheers.) Who is now, pie- !, pared - to says that the donor:Tins-C3 irt.)z.. a . 1.3:1 pant ? The Neicorril Cowen •; proclaimed a creed so,, •so navgaivottal„: `o direct, Oat rtms may lead,' -:Lid the wayttriii.„.':nan ti,..;stami it and now we ask the Voice. thejudgement, the • - verdict of the'Atnerican people opt:nth:l ap , • itroval of that.. Creed nhiclt hats. jast• been . Presented to then). 1.) ,•crnies hare ''bay- ; y FL) C:firtil pre- ; ;antes when they first entered the canvass.-- 1 : Bear in min& my countrymen,that wide: the lnion of the combined abt)l4oais,l.ns, sffilisna, Know Nothingisin, , Maine r,.-fuor litsvistn, Woman's rights ism, and all the °tit •,; banefn)-isms--'-under this consbication •they ' were ettabled Ur throw a maj.:.:ty,note the present, Honsc of Repro--en ti Which rave them the control of that hi:ids'. .711,4 etdet ed Mr. Banks—a linOvr Notlinm o and ; tiontst, a fr6esoilerand Maine Law man, a mao who embodied all their prejudices; all their isms in his own perstha—they •hirn Speaker of 'that 111ou:s.e. Ile appointed i on every corarr t lltee in the liQnse. men of his'' " own-color and complexion in politics... They. 'tare no' excuse now for not; having brought forward their bills--for not having brought . forward their enactments to redeem the pied ! gei they made-to the .peoit,le to carry on! their professed principles; have not -iered to bring forsvvvl a bill' to restore the Missouri compromise line; they have not dar ed to bring , forward a bill to iepeal the Fil .gitive Slave .Lstw ; they have not dared .to bring forward a bill to abo:ish slavery in the DiStrict of.Coltimbia: they have not dared to bring forward a bill to -piohibit the dave_ trade ti.eiween the States : they - lave not dar , -id to bring forward a bill to carry' out oils of ' •the pledges they made to the people -at the time theft were eleeted.. (applause.) - • J ask you How. are pot in power.men4ho have violated every principle, have falsified every pledge and cho I::tte. proved recreant, to every obligation that lion . orable map couid possibly .hare' as Wed in. ' an election ? (Cries, of " No, .no.")) What excuse, de they give for (Li iseereaney on • their, part f t .) their own principles? What `excuse for not•carrying out the eherisbel. 4.1 1.• jecta they professc. , l tor, have in view,? Why .not, if they were honest men, do. wliat they professed to bore. to vew l• The. answer is, because it is-not politic to do' it. They say •it would hurt them •at the election—(laugh-. ter).and• therefore 'it is tint p•ilitie to he honest. (Renewed laughter.) . It is not politic to carry out their principles; it is not' politic . to redeeth theii pledges; it is ni t , . politic to be mop worthy of fa:th rtud'contiden.N. among hones`t men. Their actiou t ,.. showls that they are 'conscious they gottlicit present paitioii by falsification and fraticl. They desire to • pia y the same main."! till after the next Presi- •• . , PHILADELIIIIA, 46'14, 1856. o . dent; al election. With a iriaj.3rity in Congress, I Massms. Evans a, Warsvii.Gentlemen—No elected by abol I doubt von will be • deeply gratified -itionists and Know .N othings , to learn the i good cendikit in which I discovered my book, Why :do they not bling coward their •bill :tad i,ci every man pokey of insurance,. certificate of steel, and redeem their pledge 'to Dretfir l other valuable documents, when on Friday last I •of foreign birtll' y :thin the lifitits of this great 1 , opened the Safe made by your Fula' • - republic They dare not. The wish to conx-I : With my knowledge of • its great exposure. and ;deceive Spine men of foreign birth to I both - to the'intensity of the heat; from so hot .a vote for, a Know Nothing candidate under. I fire as that 'wider ,destroyed thelArtisan Build the name of freedom. (A voice—" They can't i mg, as -also from the force of the fell from its - formerelevated - position in the third story. 1. do i 4.2 ) They wish to do this in • order that, I i could entertain but Slender holies prior to its in.. '—the Man chosen—the votes of 'foreign. born , tenor inspectien, that•the contents ili lonce citizens mai. be made the de- I 80 highly.plized would ever be of Any service to. ~. . prive every uaturalized. Otizelissof Lis ;On , I me; but - se these'f r . stitu tional• rights. ' If they dare mot redeem , I feel it only due torss:yeton;:u.httPriitTeare.n,mhe°n•coved.: theirpledg,es—if they dare - not carry out ! forth recommend the use, of your Safes •tG all their p - rineiples, when , they bays , : got power I who may wish to feel a: confidence in the per. I fectreurity Which such, meanspro rid ' - at in Congress, with. w hat. facgivith : what asSu , so, frightful an element..' ro ea agam 'ranee - , can they ask , a •inoral,"a. religionS, honest people to trust theta againit (Cheers.) . c ' , EDWARD .GAsictu....Bookhinder. 1 - Pro_o7f n rJeks, for Banks,Storets 4e. ntly oh hand, Patent Po'wder and Thieflnsteal.of tarrying out. their 'pledges; they . now Wish to ignore every plank in' their plats ! Apr)! 24, 1856........17y , 1. form; they desire to dodgeall ' theissues 1 and in lieu of it make ups ,side issue upon . the •reeent events in the Territory - of ..kansna. Now, - what are - these evens I They tell .us that civil war; bloodshed and violence prevail in Kanaas. Why .is that? _ls it the.. result. of the Kansas Nebraska bill? , Bear in . mind, . , my collar-ppm, tn4t_the same law, the . Same lot of. Cdngress ' which created Kvisas i - ereit tu-,I Neh rusk* -'—hoth' Territoriei depend upon the sare organic law, - and hare the tam e (. ! ..See s9c9rd Pa:949 . *. • Ebrroit..l &re taring the ilick - to io extent serer ' before know* o . any Medicine: INVALIDS, RIAD CND JUDGB FOR YOURS2LVES' :rams *km tut., the well ' basal perfumer. 1 4 Chestnut attiet. Philadelphia, whore choice Ptoducir found at almost only tpihn„ says,: " ratirilappyio say,,of your Cautearne Pam, that' I • Nan "mid them a better &milt medicine, fir Catimoll me, than any other within of)' knowledge. Alan, of 14, 111=hairs realited marked' benefits frem Maui an d en' Irtth mein believing that they paws' erantordinstY virtues fiat train out diseases and curing the sick. They, art not 'oulystßeanal, but lab. and pleasant to be taken —., qualities which must make them valued by the public,' when they are IatOWIL" ?hi timetable Chi:mike wARDLAI* writes - fano denote , lab Aptik Ina : ' "Pa. . C Arne— Mr: I hive taken your Pill with great bratilfTer the listlessness, hairnet, lose of appetite; IlOsitheithaithe, which has of lass years overtaken me In the eyeing. lA liar donee of your Pills cured me. 11 have used your Chevy Pector is m any years in my family for coughs and folds with were= You make medicine* which cvs ; and I el ft alleasure to cuanuend you for the good you hare done are doing." ' , JOHN P.. BEATTY, teia.,43m. of the peen. Ruiroad - says . . efplii - " Ps. ktelhee,'Phirda, Pc , "Sir: I take 'Measure .in adding my testi . a mony rethe efficacy of your uurdleines,-having derived very material benefit front the use of both your Pectoral and Cathartic Pule. lam serer without them in my family, nor Atilt - veer cement to he, while my means will procure them." The wulehr renowned P. S. STEVE:NiI, M. D., of Wein • womb it. H., writes: . "Having used /Our CASHASTIC PILL§ in Iny g tractice, re realty from expeneoce that they aan inveln le puma. tire. hi mot Of disordered functions of the last, muses headache, indigestion, costiveness, and the great vane' ,,} of diseases that follow, they are a surer remedy than auy. other. In id 3 cues Where a purgative remedy is required, I confidently recommend those Pills :to the public, as superior to any other I have ever foetid.. 'They are sure is their operation, and perfectly set—qualities which make them an invaluable article for public use. I bare fir many year.. known your Cherry Pfa OP as Via best Cough medicine in the world ; and.theee Pills are in no wise Inferior to that admirable prepuatker for the treat ment of diseases." I . ' .4stos, Xs. ...Ver. 2.5, 1853. • D ' afflict from my %drib with scrofula eai its worst Lo rinand no n after twenty years' trial, and an untold of _amount of suffering, have been completely' cured in a few' weeks by your PK , . with what feeliam of rejoicingl . write can only be lotg.imagined when you realize what I have suffered, and bow • . " Never until new *are I freed fret them this loatheonte dinette in some abspe...oilt thou it attacked AN ears, :red trade sue almost blind; besides the unendurable ;at of it settled in the scalier my head; and destroyed my Lair, and has kept me part bald all my days • sometimes it came out In my face, an kept it for months ' a air sore. " About tune weeke ago I commenced taking your Ca ttle:tic Pint, and now si n entirely free f ro m the complairn. Hy eyes are well, my'skin is fair, and law hair has com menced a healthy. growth ; all of which makes me feel already a new - penteml . " Hoping this statement may he the means of conveying information that than do good to others, I tun, with every sentiment of gratitude. Yortrn,A. e.. . lIARIA RICRER." "I have kno w n die above named Ilaria Ricker from her childhood, and her statement is strictly true. - ANDREW J. !RESERVE, Overseer of thel Portsmouth Manufacturing Co." Carr. JOEL DR ATT,' of the ship Nation, writes f:om Horton, =Cn6 April, 1654: " Your Pills hare cured me front a biliiturs ttack which ante front derangement of the Liver, which had become very scrim.. I had failed of any relirif by my Ilirsician, and from every remedy I could err ; but a few deers cif y9ur rills have completely restored me ha laislth. 1 bate given them to my children for worms,:with 'the hest ef fects. They were promptly cured. I recommended them to a friend for - costiveness, which had troubled him far mouths; he bold Me in '' a few days they bad cured him. You make the best medicine in the amid; and I am fret to say an." , ' .- . ;. . . . , I Read this from Th e disting u ished R.eliciMr of the finpreme. Court, whom+ brilliant abilities hare made him well II known, hot only In this but the neighboring States. , . • ~ r • . r' Nese Orleans, ssn 4rril, lbst. ...Sir 't I lutes great satisfaction in assuring you that myself and family have treed eery muck benefited by your -, medicines. My wife was cured, two yews since.•l..f a 'se- 1 were and dangerous cough, by Your CH/CIIRII riCTORAI, and since then has enjoyed perfect heSlth; bly children hare several times been Lured from attacks of the Inhe , enza and ensupl by it. Troia nu invaluable reniedy for these complaints. YoutiCeruearic PILLS hare entirely ' cured me film a dyspepsia and cortiremes, :which lota grown upon me far tome years: indeed, this cure is r mutt netts impotent, frOm the fact that I had failed to 1 ' get relief from the best Physicians tot hints this -section al' i the eLuntry afford", and from any of the numerous seine- 1 , die+ I lied taken. ' ' , " ' " Yon stem to na, Doctor, like a preridenthrl bleesing to (+Tr f.ortit7.•, and you may well suppou we are not un mindful a it. Yours mypectfitily, ' LEAI'II - 1% THAXTP.D." , • .. S • Olie;./Fra5th,.1:51.. "Ds. i. e. Arra -- enate HonoOhredassner Sir: I hare ;made Ether cugh trial of the CATHARTIC PILIA, left area by your agent, and bare been cured by them of are dreadful Ilhetnnatiun under which he found ene suffering. The fret dose re , hcred ere, and a. few redwequent dotes bare entirely 'renamed the dies/tie. I feel in better hetilth new than I'll solute year. bekire, %%bleb I suethute entiiely to th e effects i , f spur CATHARTIC PILLS.' IYours , wi th great respect, - i - ' LUCIUS IL; 3IETCADF." r Tne above see all from persons who Me publicly ktioion scope they reside, and who would not make the-'e state ments without a thotough conviction tluit they were true. IPrepared by DR.. 3. C. 4YER & C 0.,: rfictical and Analytidal Che w, Lowell, Kass: • , 11?-11:0. ! , _ 111 - r..ts . 3 fA - YDVAr I ArE t , 1 Of Ptoiadvlphia against - the •world;---;Evau s &- :Walton, No. G • ' r osth O-Arth street, Philadelphia, • • • .• hare had the..n rest demonstration I'4 - in tho. felloWing.Certifeates, that manufacture - of liiilamander. Safes iris at length fully warranted the representationS' %Vlach liavr...‘ • been t.: de of them, as rendering ! . an' un doubted security against the terrific etement Pttsrar it tti, April 12, 1556. MESSIN. EVANS &-WAISO:---;Getits aft, fords us the highest satisfaction to you that owing to the very protective qualities of tiro of the Salamander Safes which we porch used of yort some ftn" months .since 2 we: saved a large portion of our Jewelry,' Doct.ks, [tapers, &e., ex posed to'the e.damitous.firi. in gar:stead` Place, tin the morninrof the 11 th inst. When we rtsflett that. these Safes. were lora. ted in the fourth story of the tve occit - r . l;ied ; and thaUthey fell isubsequently into alienp of burning rains, where- the vast concentration i)f beat caused the Lrass plates to tnelt, we not.bat recard the 'prest!rvation of the valnabto fly - itents as ino*t convincing proof of the great security :Curdy(' by yeiir Safes. We shalt lake tutivli ;pleasure in recommend.' lag them to men of fiu.'FinesA as ti sore reliance against fire. . nortnr. W. Sriirms & fino. • Ani4l 12, 1856. MEssr.u.. EVANS & 11:1V0- to offer von my testimony infaybr of the great secyrity afforded tb my entire Mock of .16velry, book, papers, St..e. during the recent aisastrons confla gration in IL:instead plae.e. from the 'fact that the same were ealntained in two of the Salamander. Safes - m.moraetured'bv von: Ilaviag fallen fro : m e :he tiltlistbry of the Arti. Ituilding,. where the - y were TrievionstY placed and tNposed to a cast heat fcir a king time, the t , reservatien of the talttalilo deposits se2med to every one who witnessed the opening and interi or examination : a. matter .of prOfonnd ! astonish- Meat.- . . : To all who ritty relitire a perfect protection front the rat af.,Yes ef fired I shall not hesitate. to reecanwnd the use of your Safes. ns I consider they now undergone the tnPst trying text. i N.T. MonnAN: Reeder le Indicted for Treason !I A ND Congress has ; .passed a new bounty I Land law ,soldiers, their wiaows, or minors 1 1 wh os e chime have teen suspi Th ied ' can, very many of theta, now obtain their warrants by ap plymrto me. Many' good claims are lost through ignorance or want of attention. I ,now have the law direct from Waehingtoa, and 4=ll be happy to serve :ay friends ;aondirig lo new claims or .Perfectlng old ones : C9nrultation :I fr ee. PITCH. kfenticse, 'May 21; . 1866 .-41Wo. AYEIVS PILLS' . . ... . • ' I - 11 , am etc _ vagtitammikv • niLOltigeNS, - AND INVSIC " I arpethtga, Oil Clothe.. The Cash liy Aileta t*il !' - ik " --d*P--- C" I LOOKING GLASSES,. . iii-tD Greatly Iledtteed• - 1 .. . , • . a .• HORACE WATERS . -- - . Ate; 3•") Browizectir, ••• Yew , . i t tipit FOR TUE BEST BOSTON AND FEU'. ,roLir „ . The :largest assortment of Pianos, Uniodcona Musical Instruments and 31i:steal .blerchandirse .of all kinds in the United States. l'ianos from TEN 'different msoufactories, comprising,,rbose of eitory variety, of style, from the plain, treat and subitantial 6.1.2 octavos, in _Walnut or Rose. wood Cases, fromslso, to $2OO, to those of the mostelegant finish up to One Thousand Dollars No house in the Union earl compete ‘sith th e 10,ovo in the number, variety and celebrity of its instruments„ nor in the extremely low prices at which they art sold. ”, HOttACII.WiTEns' MoDtttit Itoiltotab Plaices, With •or - without Iron frames, possesaing in their impravementa of over-atrings and action, a length'Of scale, power, and compass ot tone equal to the Grand Pianc, united with the beau. ly and, durability of structure ot the square Pi. auo.' They are justly, pronOunced by the Pres% and 4y the tinst Blusical 'Musters to be equal to theatt of .any other tnadufaeturer. They are . built of the best und most thoroughly solsoned material, and guaranteed to stand 'the 'action of every climate. -Each Instrument gnaranted to give sa tist.e• lieu, nr purchase•money refunded, Second-hand Pianos at great hatpins, constantly in store, iprivO from 830 to .8 1-30. WATEtts' Met.onzoxs, superior tu struments in tone, touch and durability , orn t ice. I (Tuned '• the equal temperament.) Itendenns of all other style* and makes. - Prize $45..560 I $75, 8100, $125. $140; doublejteeds ; 8150 ; double Reeds and two banks of keys, $2017. Less', a liberandisco•ant. Clergymen and Mut-- " dies; r.n extra .eisconnt. • Martin's Guitatit,'Browtt's Harps, Flutes, Flu- Accordeont, tioliny, and 3lnsical ilostrm. merits of ail kinds, at Inner prices than over be. for .effered•to the public: tt largo dist'alint .to TeacherS asi Setoolg. -The trade supplied on the tnnst fiberallettus. of the largest and best FUlCet' ed catalogues of Music now publitified,compri s . ing Many of the choice and most popular airs of the day, and will be sold at one-third off from the regular prices. . Mo.sic sent by mail to. ail parts of the. coon . try post paid. Particalar and persomil attention mil orders received by mail' Satisl ae. tion - guaranteeti in every instance: 'Pianos and Melodeons for sale on monthly payments. See. ond-hand Pianos taken in exchange. fur new. , -- General and select Catalogairs arta Schedule of prices forwarded to all Plats of the country by tW" Great indreonlents otTered• to a,gents in alt prig of the coently. t , ) ,Melt the llornre Wa torl' Pianos, Alelodoons, :..rd Cataio:rce of Mu sic. • Torriblo accident, T.A • 'PENEP to Nl.r. Green the other day.— lie had bought a suit of roady-toridevilqhos at the Store,.and the first day's wearing the ne eident ceeurred, hint, off.drar. bis coat-tail by the Me :e. fume of specific gravity, giving to un fortunate man the apperance of a badly trimmed craft; with the flying jib in the and on sto4ing ore: ta pick up the remnant, the dread. tack place--tfte fountains of the great deep were' broken ep--Grcrit's pants were sundered from ankle to waist, and Greon himself seemed to be. The en:). w;iy to .prevent suet: derforable ntrciqer,Ls is in patronize a skillful tai lor, vho makes up Its work with a-actermina ii ion: that it shall not only fit neatly, Lott wear !yeti. Green buys .'t the etipt 4 ;".gmtere because ifiinkt he anti got his goariog a cheaper. In all brobability the pants that ser , 'ed hint so treaChorously had passed.thron4h a fever hn,pi t tI, been striped from a cholera patient, carried 'hOme eight frights in tht , week on a ahnttev,.and tinselly bleached and zarried by an ing , cious Frew-km:in for a market in the country. 'rake Warn by poor arceri's and got talky shop like that in the b;'sment of Sea.rle's lintel if you - watt to be suited. . -- 47 - Cuttinm done as ttinal. and all worl: trar. ranted. - JOHN GROVES. • Montrose Aug. 27, ISSS. .. NI C mu 1.. s ",.. !y.....2... *:t NM th eir grateful - -,, ~ .;:.:,_,L -:: to :lie public for past fa. -str.:; art incite At teotion to the - very 'large stock :.t.z. 4 .pring and '.: - . 4 .nnimer GoodS they are now re. lit SP.R: I , 27 ' . ` I T I ---1--sz -..------- •=r - t•lrivil ,l 4 an . . •I and offer for sale at very ion? prices. In . • : th e public ocaerally, that under the firm ol i additiondo their u-nal assortment of .staple Dry A. D. Storm & Co:, she has just reoeired at her 1 Gr0.,.1 1 i., Grocell eA . Hardware; Crockery, Paint-, rooms. in Keeler & Stodd lir d' 4. attir e , up stairs., 1 and O.'s. &e., they . are prepared t o exhibit a large a large and splendid asrrtment of Spring and•l Sumer Fashioni.-consistinz of elegant Bon- i assortment of ::, .i ; , LADIES DRESS GOODS ' \ n'ets,*nd all kinds of Millinery, whieh site len' o f eeerv . clescno.ion, Finred, Plaid an open Afonday 'next. Dress making,Cutling and I Silks. nonnetsShawl A. Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery Flitting, Bleaching and Pre§sing done in the lust I Indies and . shoes of all kinds--:also a stvle and shortest:n(ttiee. I . sl(Mtrose, May 8,-1856 • 1 • t large stock of'. MISS STORM New Goods • rrking daily, by Express, at Iropbottam, Pcinea.' THE subscribers are now *opening a large and Well selected stock of new Goods.— Consisting of Pry.-Goods Groceries, Hardware, Fend}',Mwde. Clothing, 'fools and-Shoes of all siies and stiles, Flour, Corn .Ifeal, Zr.c. Alte. All:of which they will sell as' clasp as can be' boncrht elsewhere in the County,in for Limber, - Shingles, Produce of All kinds, NVooleri Socks, for cash approved credit. Two !shillings per pair paid for good. Socks. Sixteen cts. per duz. for eggs. \ ets. per lb. for Butter. - BELL & TINGLEY. llopbottom. April 'lt, 185 G. • • -- - 1 Rhode's Fever and Ague. Cure, O. Atii - cd - 7)te to Malaria; for the prevention I ‘..1 . and cure of Fever and,Ague. at Chill Fe -1 ver; Dumb Ague, and other Intermittent and lßetnittent Fevers; also Or Billioui Fevers, act. companied by Typhoid Fever. Plkw Fever,. 1 Ship :and Jail Fever, General Debility, Night SiVeats, and all - other forms of disease which , i havt h common origin in 1 1, 1 MALARIA OR. MIASNIA. . Ejnslly certain as a preventive or ; cure: I For sale by the undersigned, authorized agent .fo the Proprietor, Jas. A. Rhodes, Pr vidence, .R. I. E 1. N. JAR P: i r Tontrose, May I, i 856. . ~.... . . NOTICE. DUBLTC notice . is hereby given that S. A. JL "Woodruff is receiving a new lot of Stoves and Wares of all kinds, usually kept in the Stove and Tin line of business, among which may 'be found a better assortment of stoves, item ier, lat. ger and more durable than ever before Offered in this county, all the - proof you need .will be. just . to call. and '• examine for .yearselves. All stoves warranted warranted in every respect. Kt pt tons6ntly on hand, an extensive assort., moat of Tin are, made out of the best tnateri:: :ils in koffered for sale as cheap as eitititte: hourbt in any market, also oil hand - Lila ail kizes. Chain andl.rearing for Chain Pumas . , Cistern Pumps, all sizes, Brass and Poteerain . , ketYles.all sizes, Jappaned 'ware, all kinds.- ' • 3phing„done ,on.short notice and in good or derJ All Goodi la the line. will be sold cheap foressh or approved credit. S. A. WOODRCFI4' • Montrose, March,- tltt, New Goode at Webb's. JU ln S e T nt o c p i e r n gpr d sc riber i l/ g th g an e d snb um n full mer , assortir hi c. b will be sold cheap, Cheaper than ever.. (live us a call. You mtnnotlail to be suited orb I quality, quantity, and terms. Everything . Ily round in a variety store. • Auditor's Notice. • ' E subscriber,' appointed •to • re-audit the accounts of Caleb Cart:mit, Eer of the Wi-I of Lydia Thomson dze.,,and also to report a distribution of the funds in said Carmalta hands as Ex'r and Trustee ate., Will attend thereto at his otlice in Montrose, on Monday, the 23d day of June next at one o'clock P. AL, at which tithe all persons - interested -can attend if they think proper , or be debarred &c. • WSI: 3. TERRELL. Ana :tor. 24, i556.-22w4. • ltisTatrMEPTS: GLASS WARE At fhi Crockery . , 411 d. Iron p , .. ,. Furnisho...g Es - tabl[shliieut of ~.r.L II: DEPE,CT,' .. - Cticapet than a:iy 'other iii Olilir. . . ~.•. i ~. brimion. x lIIISEIDOORS EAST CIF TEE AMZRICAE ITOTSL. IWeg 1 4 ' D call the ptiontion off ' h ousekeeper& and the' pnblic to my spring importation of wares; kw their elegance of style and bounty of finish, fir surpassing anything beforo exhibited, and having ,the lergest assortm e nt id store, can refilenisi old setts and furnish entire new ones of all ttb tm shapes, at - less price than any other jAuse in this counly. The 4tehtion or now Housekeepers is panic.. ularly etit.od to my stoat as embracing all the minutire.toth useful and ornamental. I 0 11140 Itirnitillin "Ottli, for a complete ontfit—and being ,ha, heavEy engaged in this ~ e xelasive branch. offer great advantages to purehssers. CROCKERY AND CHINA DEPARTMENT embraces the largest variety evor offered before in this sectipn, of aU the different kinds. CLASS WARE of , every r4.edcd article: tarpetings and Oil Cloths.. branch occupied the second floor our establiihmeat, nearly 106- feet . In Gpth. wen stockep with Velvt t, Brus', Three-Ply and ingrain; Carpetings, , hugs,', Mats, - Window Shades andl'ahle Covers, which are offered at u small adv tnt.e from elMit • Live Geese Fe:lo).3rd always ot'i hand. Looking 01.1s,ies, Gift, Al:thug:fly, Ornamental nud Oval :Glasses, in great variety. • .'HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, entimimting iff %Wood and Wilhite, Ware, Plate Fit Gooch:, Britian lin and Japanned' Ware of every deseription,,Tea in variant; stylem, Cutlery, Feitther - DumteUldl Oil and Sol-tr Lanipm,B - ,rd, C3'o4, also lance Baskets, Reticules tiatrhel ,'Q c. &e. To 11 pr which we inviieynur 'attention J PEU April• 20, 1856. • LOOK . ."11.1-.E • :'; ,, c , c ; •N I • ABEL :TURRELJ.. • I. AS juui received from New York, a 111\1 LA and d4t,i rabic stnek of NEW GOOD§, c6mp r isin g .g ti - rst rate assortment of Drugs, Medieines, -;Cheinieals, Instruments, Paints, Qil, Dve Stulls, - China, !Glass and Ear thens n Ware, .0 good variety of (i..rovkery,)•Brit alatiir lVare,Japanned and Plinished Tin Ware, Silver and -other kinds of Spoons. S'lver &e. All Sorts of L:3 'rips. varintv Wood - rind t=ilt FratinOltr- Tors. Woldow Stationery. Stone and ‘Ars...-.6n 'Ware. Bra;hes. ISrooms. Family GroCerir. .Limp Oils. i. C:imphene.— Horning Flop. Tatto w Stearin and Spermaveti Candles. Hide and o ther Whips. Varnishes. ‘Vjodow &r. A first rate variety of Jew elry, and Fey Goods. • Cold and Silver Spec taeies. Gold - Pens.. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, Au eordeons, Vi4lin and Venlineello Strings, The largest. assortment of Pocket Knives in•l Sass- the best qu.ilits: in Market. Shot :'n.l Double Barrel,) Re volvers, - • - In :alert. tint Physician. the Invalid,the House keeper, the Fin-r.ter - , the 3leelninie, the 3litnur.e -turer, the IlY ,,Ptial Man, the Gentleman.- t Lady, the I:4;h ankt he Peer, the lionn, taid Oki. the Ilvateiroln t!!. ;Ind slltii. e .! the irt.,.pk. find sr,methingto :41.1 evely t!.• et 'Farrell's. Sl ,- )re in tilt; n Tirkk 131(hli—Pr"...z i good--C:in nua AITI, 7 7.'itlIECL Montrofte. Ilrarh 6 , 18: ) 43. .• -, r-ff"Tlttty re . :ti I 12 .,,)i t !:::,L . i; . ;. - ." 1 . /..'.- Zs OD S . READY MADE CLOTHING, • Cassinieres. Ttv.eeds,- Jeans, Summer . VestiOgs, Hats and Czips,Boots and Shoes &e. They respectfully solicit an early (-all from those xho wish to purchase GOOD GOODS AT _ - _ NionILL.4INI & PARK Spring ilie, )fay 2, 1854. ; . English Lever Watches. .0 sat , .c 'RECEIVED, by steamship ...:, Baltic, 2 dozen more of , 14 . ; , . ''', those splendid English Lever 1. 4 \ ci .., P Hunting I,Vatelies of my own ' 4° ' ` 4 . _., importation, ' *minified the 4: \ -Z. . e nt: it :f.:;l4&=-', very best quaii:y. Also; it ,:!.....,!;,..;4" . ...,5tna1l lot .of sera Foveri , 4 Movement;, xvileli will be eased in any style or quality, to suit purehaser4. I • . 1 . ALFRED 4. EVA NS. Binghatuton,?fayeh 14, 1856. : : i • e • T ar, subscriber is now receiving his second general purchase of GOODS this Spring, which renders his assortment very,t esirable and complete. By Strict and byfair dealin , z, he hopes to tnerit nliberal share of public lattrdnage. To those friends •Who have him their preferences, and kindly , m-tained hint 14 their patronage, with the in tention or aiding Sim in re a tinining in part .the heavy loss recently sustained by fire; he tenders his sincere thanki, with the assti raneth That their interests shallteinutually promoted. . • ABEL Montrose, April 24,1856. TURRELL Take Notice. SUNDAY SCIIOOtS furnished with Libra•. tO ries of different sizes at New;; York retail, prices. Call at the Poet Of f ice. • May 7, 1856. - Ji}it Received A New.ltit of Boots arid Leather, and forsalo `l - ch e aper than ever,74 J. A. & J. R. ASHLEY.. Brooklyn, Dcc 5. 7855. • . • `Removed NTO Brick Meek. front room, over tho Store I of M. S. Wilson & Son, • •Montrose, May • C. D. I:11MM, Dentist. 9, 1950. CLOVER and,l'imot.hy Seed ty - BALD WIN & PERKINS ?Montrose, ApFir; 1856. Supposed, to ,be cheep 11000 worth, Ready made elOthiag at DICKER:VAN & GA R.RA .New Milfre4, Sept. 18th, 1855. ___ . , , .- ~ NO* Spring Goocis• _____. A: !Sly did general roeortment of Spring Gooda, f iesaperior sursetiona in silks and prices ,are n?tv being received and opened by. H. BURRITT. New Milford, April 28, 1856. •,, . — 7 ,....--. 1 .....____ D I G 0 ItCPLAIN and Granite China at 0.. W, 9. ed, C 179. ; Now Line of Stages Fron% AASTAGE leave Kirkwoed suing throniel.bor be/4,1,111e ,Libert.Tote. ,letery otorningaftesthe vaiettlut flail traina ofOnre,hettt Emit an-1 West,r eant tiglfoutreae al 1 P. hi • I- RETURNING • Leitereldestroatdailyo.undtqe except ed nt 2 P reaelllns Kithetootin tttot to tae the MnilTraine of Care;both Esat -and West, being the neoeeM end Ttto.t falleiblerontetoreacb the New York and Erie •talittied. ratline nteratcteatri.weckAytica for Dimock:spiit:. Title eanahannock , Wyoming ...rid +VII keibarre which liquie Montrose at 7 A M every, Monday Wwineekla) and /Hilt, • Ala.. a , Inc .to. Good Telltale's! etunfortabileCtrelaget- Ale orerided .skail the Prop etotertlilipare nopainetoaccomtoodatttim Pub ile• i W K BATCH. . Sap. 12,1351. MORGAN &WEST . • -! BALDWIN 61:1 I ERBINS. - Vhoteltato avid Reirtil &Opts in Finor.valt. Pnrk. %Iril, Gram, Feed „Candles, Fish, and solar soli for par4inz Pork. On Pheanut ! It reet ...:—Eattend or Lyons & Chan (l4tsatOrs,,Ntontrose 1 1 a. • ALPE:, SILAS PERKINS. 31.natross Oct. AO. 18:,5.'—•i4. . :Erowie' Builder* Depot for Vow . . C. 7 KE R, IT AN At GAIIR F . , TT itig es, pocial fltt tion HD. itnnov reinent enn• , , tenvtortteo in trris (I,ttintir t!i eninninfiseas'nn. nnti!now offl?r h , rid. by ktoTin.• enn, starttly for mait , ,t, fa.rn•i'• girantity 01 'Window s'ish ritOatas.4. Elciorq, N an.f as...rtnient of tvtifqey, Hard &,,.. Th to-wit rir fro , n`-e-i in Sprinn will ti•; ( 1 if pyr th,=:vr injr.r.-0 •Lrivit' os-ls v• 1,174• can forhi..,l l .. evi•ry yo'n , w ,,- ,nt an d at tin , very lo , re.t tir:r4;titring nri rti INCICERAI. I 4 & Vilfont. Fe! . ! . 1P,:=1; . . , .. LOOK.AER2. - • . I ~-,.:, the best, Coohim ! . Siov,;s iti- market. w ith a Nu. - t . . porio,' assortment of Parlor,Offiee and Ship starett Pdclil.:T KNIVF. , ..--A , j",,,iti :Nsortilmiti ~i. ii).; I 1 ,..4 k o ma ;„ c „„ r) ,-,, t. , A 1.., ~,T , ,,,,, r .. .. rui: Wo ,, d tq . (3 ., at1, aim., Sii,.rt, Pipe, Zint., Sheer: %.:11%,,t!`i III:11 I , P.,tdot. • . i Ir•ot...Stoves •t•td,es, &v., • I !§t'no . Ns.—SlLVF.ll.SilVcr Pl- , t.•:i.l;••rms:i ' Siitve r I 'Phis st"di i. 4elt . .trd Irto the test Foundries , .., ._. 01.1 ntitin . ,3rware ..:1,,, , ,,i,. .x . so ~..,,,, I. of Allatav :Ind Utio.i rot caly. --, ...ith the.hest quar!ti } 11 ,1rn 1 ' 1 i ty of . Trimm;e 2 s Made:to or . ,ler for his .auutetn. I hiOs of BuyiN• Pini ,- t-... - • ' 1 trails.whit , l) lk 'll 'et•lide him in a!i ri s ..•.il'eet to defy VIOLIN STFil!i,Cg. I‘..;is, :oid , :I!! ?ilk. fis.,4 v. s. , - - vi, ilit „ . A .,.,,,, d ,,,,„ , 1 ,. it ,'„ , 1 ,, 1 , , , n ,, n., , i,. .` &e .... e . o!npetiti,,ri and will 1p , , , ,c01d at tt:“.. twist ircitie-d p: - ."•••4 furea.i. l .l ..i . appr , ovv g d ereclit. PLutt.) L'otrs: PI uil. (..,11, ~• 4' ,l' .4 . i . ' .1.1 k , oinp N.c',i' 311;fyi . (1.04:t, :-.—... •, (Eli S z . v . . E'...1 . 41.mi• Gitt)....F.r:te.g —A tiali a•4-I.)rtinent, I• 4 .„ And; L e t niii. I 'N:Gs AND PArt:Nr 11Entct.N . ,- •••••.,.„: : —.A, fir,t rat, lasartinent - md - aimqine. . •! ' . . i • lAAINTS A sn.Ott.s.-- 7 11 goneralas4ortqu•nt; ant: 1 of iTood gnalite. 1 Jk. WELII V. —A splendid rarivtr, of the neatest 1 pat ..... ,ttrna. • . I 1..1.vpr G0 , .)05• —N,'( - tarly ,":I•.C.t.v thing in this br:1601. 1 . 1 1 F:1:1"UMEg - T,:: A eh , ;i:.. , varrt , .". • Qi . t , w .upiiii,,, r..Te-1-..ed ;wady . cv, I r week.) I 1 9 ....1 1 ,, r t, Twarik• t•Or'k thing' pt•-••. ms :Vent, and ehe:ip, at the ~ ..tri- e ls; st:•,rt• ,:t. Montriofe Jan. 10..1836 STOVES. at h St,,re Room la Lodersvilie, tto ; 7 1, stwe, ant - linear 111e'Grent Bend D,l , et. He has aidition'tp his - former large • ''••••-, • •-• zarletvof Cookinff and Parlor Stores,'maey new and ; liatterns;some oftibich are— • to c,;L':•t :rnd '"ttle St Nicharsl. - Pewit T.raruhlire Foy, E.•! ) :A . VE It EJ IL mode, n Troy, ' Merk:ilion 7., D1 1 1 0(3 11_ . t Otaek Warr!nri Orirat, Oak; r Pa...13n. .11 H. 1856: r , Egg Stove. torietber witn hi, form.•r stoek DISSOLUTIIN. rrllE C.;” to rtt•r,ki'y tweffit E tilV -t). 1) , ,;40. D, D. 50. , . .• • NEW GOODS CHEAP . . A r c. W. - IT:: received a jni of New G t oodg, etch as P-• 1:1 1 1)e .:flapr.g i . Pisraineuari, Persian, Merino?.' and Sniti.vk. in flirt a Lf -}irt I assortment, of .Dry • :be said 1(..y. ------ , & c., any 't....l:l,att l ze foil at citsli pricer. - C. %V../40'11%. traiirese,Sept. 1555. • • kiremh Arrival of :lie* Good: DICK FIIyANS rp/IE would respectfully inffirin 11..1ie god people of Susquehnna Co.-that tl:setate now opening their , stoyli of Fall and Itii44er Goods which k nanstatly large. anti 'at tractive Nit of which-will be, s6ld for cash .or approved . credit cheaper than can' be bought at any Other estgltiishntent in the county Wo 'wean jnsu what we - sae. PienSe give tr-sa & GARRATI"S. - NPw Milford, .Sept. 18th, 180. '• • Clover Seed : - OF th.! LARar.s7 . KIND and Timothy Seed fop s•lie by U . •BURR:ITIR Net:ilfort i t, Third, 17, 1.856. • I - - CPT. N and S!);Ios.--rfhionton, Parker !Mills and Oki Colony, at AO( . Pei FE & KNOWLTON'S. rnton. Nor.. 1855. pARASOI.,.-I,ntest. st 3 !t.4 :it . MCat'S June 13 0 Yes: 0 Yes !! , ! SORE 1101 V Booha received :this• day at the ./.1.1..t Pest Oflion.• . • . . (7•o.rlrNiiip and Iturrir.t.ze by Mrs. Caroiinn Lee tientz. • N•, , W Ynrk Glee and Chorus Beek. Rphinsen Crn , oe new'nnil (144,1,1, ji;ditin, :Indsia; new lot of seht ! fil liiir)k4 and "St:itionars, cte., at .red u,ed priers A. NT: r.ut,LAtta April 2q. - !ENE Sign .irea--A large and! st..ip t , r or assort- Ment tit prig , ;. iirmble barrel!, nil priees.- Wttirs . fram ...3!jets up. 'Sash Gerd, Rim e Hal tei-s.; Chalk Lines. , Wrought Nails, all size:4 Gimblet painted Serew:3,:. large assortment, •ia, PM - YE & KNOWLTO;S'S• 1361;qhnintnn, Nov., 18.55. • . . . W. Singleto'n., " 001 now he found at his new stand on - the k,_)-o.Orner of Turnpike and Chestriut Sts., few ;:doors east of Post's store, whCre be efrectlially repairs with dispatch. Watches,. Guns, , Jewelry, and every description of machinery. Wheel cutting, Gun .and Watch materials supplied to the trade. , . . • ; - !Plated Forks and Spoons. 11141` received a neyx Int of Plated ware•w•rr. J-antedl to be 1 e;:i::•,l heavier—than any War/4 ever'', for ',ale in - Broome *Count ! ). Ntatich 14. I. EVANS: Iy( • C(ll.iss and Earthen . Wnre.—a choice 1 8election, and nt.l. , w.priees s rnt sale by . 1 . • 9'I.;RRELL. Montrose, A p •;i 15. At t6n !-;PlowPoints ah'no cv,. , ry pattern arid kind now in fist) atso,,Nn. It L. Illatchley' Innwg and 4 , ortiTlowtt, tniy be had at any titno of day, and-- until'lo o' night, in exchange tor Caah; old Iron, Grain,. Eggs, or any kind of road y pq r of I. N. : BULLARD. = l'ontrnse, May 1, 1856. • Portable Gtas Werke: . . , TA la desire to .call public 'attention to our newly invented GAS APPARATUS, dr signif d for lighting Country Residences. ..Factc,., ries Motels, etc. These works are efficient /li:d, simpinin -,antl..warranted to giveeatire satisfaction. , Apply to S. 'co/am, & CO.i at Archer, Warner & Coiri., 376 Broad. way s N. Y. ' • =EI .THE A _ 11111E,§1. 1 11S1:RIBKR.Souvi , :g .ta'.;:.itt the St 6re 1: and •pe ?ph:vied the Stock of . lit JODS of R. I'. Asifi.NY, are prepared to set; for Ready Pali • . .• .• •• • : • .• -•_ • VERY FINE ,ASSORTM ENT: OF GOODS. • ' • --. CROCKERY, • • - • HARDWARE• ' • I r ERFUMEIiY. • • , - YANKEE . NOTION:?, • IRON AND•NAILB, , BOOTS AND SHOES, 11.01 -- 111, AND. SALT, -, SOLE AND UPPER- LMATHER, • Sc,., &e. • .- -At shell prices as. (they thiek) cannot fail togi‘mi entire satisfaction to ull who ; fluty *favor theta' with. theft putronee, n••• • _ , All-kiads•o.l produce taken exchange for good‘. •, • , J. A. & R:, ASHLEY. - - Brooklyn, Nov. 15. 1855". Giant - Exhibition in 4prinville- Git"T AND RARE - E - XIIII3ITIGN OF FOREIGN 'AND DOMESTIC GOODS, of almost every stile atuf quality, such as will be sttre to pla*e and nceommodate all .classes . of people—from "the-child in thd Cradle-to the old and decrepit. Tht;Se gileds. are hOtight on the most favoraW terms, and will lktsold according ly: gab Os a call . and we will tit to sltp ! ply all your wants lb the line of GOODS Direr kept in a country *tore. You need not ao to Isle! York for any thimr you want,-because we h ave the m f r & s h. from the eitv.— • • SCOTT, -.MUNSON & CO.„ • Springville, Pa;, .May 8, 1855. • ,I. • • • NEW STOVES .. ... •1 • 1-11Bit. (1 ,,Rail':.';'',',"':iittsk 7 ',V,?',. - _6'7,e,t.ia..i:.( 3 includin g , lho Star Of the - Ylicht alit] N.itional elevated neon, : 1 1.31:3;•k 13.,, r. 11 - 1,1, , .York. and '.Ptithp - ,rn - Litrat , . Ovcrt, to ‘s.t,lch b. , .vrou I invite particillar ,ittention NoW-GooAs Cheap for - Cash. \V. marr bus just retwit-ed anothor lia IL/ Nov Gt, , als, sta.!) as Challis. Barge. D e Bag( GitiOnitos, Cllar s , • Embroideq; &t. VOUCH !IF. OFFERS.. AT V23I:Y LOT Pt: •N./...1/11ER a' HA WLti, a new li just reevive,t—bettutgul patterns nt very' low pries, also CR A P; and BLACK SILK 811.41VLS as lour as Mc 1 trcst. . • • • - Jr 11.. LI Nr.t)s - z!ii ! ! St oyits!!! rr!)E to the•:tt.•r:tic,n f . t , :0.,..101e P.ublic to liis•vety larga ns•scitmi•rl'or REM, r 8 perimps the mo , :t yxtensive nri v , r or well •iotee.t.ed StrAPs in thPCodintv. *(lirrton Sltnvys foro%bed, rr"-i it and • to 5, , 0 a stnrt.l • . ' -.-. ------ r . _.,,.._, ,:i 3m:.:,, , ,: •riii?; i; :••1 t!ini,t:iioil•i. ,1- ( i' , )ds, in his lin.t of Lu4iit'Or4i*i:-.-_, wei..4:. ' I'he Onblic will fin I hi , a•is• - o - rtir k , ..‘l:. •ilit his lrtieles new. .tri,rilf go6ii:pzilliy. -, -i-r.: von - sis,tm n't mAryl l '•f • .-.• .137,-,;,...., Are•iisi"rws. Pr.. ~ . ...,0:1„, - . - !)v -Stuff;. fir. , :•...:ries. . . • I ''itartr-G , iois..le-A•tAry, .., Ilerfilim..,rl:. , !, - .c. . A 1.;1:11.. TIIIIRFILT; . . ‘rontrose, -lan. to, 18511. . .. . . . 1 fr'illi7: UN DERSIGNIED'wouId respect fully inform the •citiztms of .Dimoek nod the surroundino. c o un t r y, that: he hits opened a store at Dittioci four eorners, wiicre he...injetula keeping constantly on hand a good and wall-se t leefedvassortnit.'nt of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard i Ware, Croikeri i and all kinds of• Merchandise. ' tomally kept i.n a country : store, which he will spit a s tow,it* not towlfroltann any other establish'. mont in Northern l'ennsylvlinia. :.114irttrtis.e not execpteil. _Gentlemen :.nd Ladies, give me a ran. and•examine my' stock of Goods,. and my prices. . You will FfIV E. at feast some mites trar--! (.1 And perhaps front ten to - fifteen cenl4-.on el - , 1 vry dollar you payout. . -A good assortment of 1 .Heady Made clothing kept constantly on hand. ! All kinds of County produce taken in exchange 1 for Goods-:at the . Markot prim. ..- • - . - t • WM. IL THAI ; ER Winock,. i itt . 1.5. 1856 --vl. • • CARPETS.AND OIL CLOTHS. ir H. DE PEU world call the nttention , of efi • the public to hi/ large stkqt Of Three Phl, ingrain, Velvet, Tipwry, and TITIISNCIS Carpet 7 ii)!,s - vihi e h h e ha.:: jfir,t pnrettdsed at and o%rs at lower priees than ever oiThred be fi)re in the country. and a I.ti•fze tariety, Ids spaCion. Cdrpet Room occupying the second ild , r of . hi. 4 Co , ckery and 114mse P4rnishing st,,re. Come and he cOnvinced that there is no nec'essitt for bare floors. '• • • .. ~ J. i3..11E I'EU . . 11,1 .11: 1 1!p1111)n. nth ~`;'Ppt,,, 18'65. ' . - . . The Cheap Store k - 1 - *, 11D) .28 undersigncd-woold_ respeg viOly inform Ithr inhaSitantg of Binghamton zfmt vicinity. that he hay recently purchased.of Eltv:.rd PrictA his large and well w.lovtvd stock'tX • DRY GOODS, ,wh;ch he ha; rornoved from La Fa'y'otte Block to No.! 28 :Court Street, ono door above - the. American Hotel. Thisentire stack has been purchased consid erably .below New York cost, taiongh so to warrant him in saying that fm will sell Goody cheaper than can lio.boaklit at any other Store in town-: . - N 17 W . SPRING AND Go‘ids, t,r itoi abOv(-stock has just been involve of Spring and Snminci Gools latest idylcs,.whien will bo closed ont tgye dbirg,los. , Ti•o Stock oonsits in nart of the following !:-; Fine Ltwns, - fist colors, from 9 to yard; Calicoes, Aincritati and English,- -from 4c.:to lie. per yard; Merrimack and CO.; Omen Prints at :11 e.; Bleached and Bro'wn Shoe.- tinge and Skirtings, from 4c. to :44.6d. per pird ; Kentucky Jeans, from 15.,3 c. to 2s. 6d. per y'rd; Ladies' Huse,. from 6 1-4 c.: to 3s. 6d. per • pair ; Ginghams, from 1 Oe. to23m- per : yard; DeLaines from. lac. to 3s.:per yard. Also .a large , lot of Linens, Quilts .und Counterrins. Curtains and . Draperis, Shawls, Gloves, TOOL. Covers, Silks, 13aees, Embroideries, Sz.e. . . . 'Pronkft, linlives and 11.',; 2 ... , :,.( 7, L 1 i ? Ike * and Ori yes. . . I) , •N'!for , t" Vi i . :jillbiniS . Ser4iyttitrvet,. .1 Iszrceat Bad *fin •ritf.:!-•ing ii , l4llan!tgri. Apri1,371:1556 • 11. J. Webb now receiving his rieni Spring GOo4, which I h e o ffe r s at Ws usual low prices. Montrose, March lb .:155rZ Attention at Home. H. C. 7.: GODWIN I THE MONTROSE EitOCRAT - rtanastini EVERY littlit.gii 11*yr,,Nutti.iity etufatfis a agt : TE11 131 4 4 ..-61,50.casitiri' a :`"net s $2.00 if I uotPhid six uienthti elktr., et the ad r;fthe year. Nu priperdisCenVititivituntiligrenrh. ger:tre puid, except a! tilt optioti'of-she Pub . Ifishers. Ail QOM MalfaCtlti oll tlCOnalttitil with th e Difieti,to inse re :ate') tion,tuust be eircetiA (post 1 !).., ,E. i 4. C 1111 SE, EDITO/1 4 MCILItrObC, Sus uehanua Coi..uty, States of- Advertising. Otte et ware (12 ling! , t Icvs) Einsettions,tl.oo Each subsequent insertion. , ; .• . 0,25 Oue square three 11}013 . • . • Oit4square six months. ." • t.lO • • 4;00 Jusitesa Catals,four . r' less . Yearly •itive i rtisements.,n ol . 01 4., 4 - equareP 7,00 One column one year: • Yew!) , advurtiserts will . be reAtriettn to the buSineSaipwhich they are engagt d 4 atui,syt con sidered as wishing to contin tie Unlet,o they shahgireispecial directions fora diteontim: uanee of the Same. - . . - r Jon_wonli. • . Thepublishers having addec) to their Job Printing materiats a Jarge and superior teem) tient of lob 74E4, Itre hiltirtirctrartd to extent. Joh Workein a inannerynsurpaste t i in ;his tion of country, and on reason - 2.1b1« Aerms. . Ilia uks (+very description kept constantly on hand or printed to order. musemu l. ..,,. • 11511 tSS EIRTANT , .UOILTSEi Gient Bend" Depoti POL. " Abb.limy Bar: Proprietor. BURROWS, SPROCT.& Co., Nalinfacturers or SrßollTaroalltnizb Ing!ltSVi ti(.. Siiring,s Indy bejl'itel :q. B.W ikon. VI gitrose: yiin. SMIT Cabiite,t :ind CEtnir Manufact-arers,foot 3111iio 'Street, 3l , Jrarcise. Pa. Dr: 11. Si'DIME,' ' -• ~ . Stargtoik DentiAt„. Nl"ntrose, Pa., will be at. s e „ r l l ,• H. 0t.2! `, ill 0 ry44s and Tuesdays (leach L_ wee k_ ______ _ -- 15yl . _.4• :IL Ili & IPAI[tIC, pirarker,i-in Dry doodii . , Greeries, ibrihrar e ormAiirr; Moots and Shovs, &c., "pr.ingv:lre Ps.• 13 • A. 3. DA yrs, • ATTOn NET Ain CcittNsr-t.t.oi. AT 1,Alv••---Elusque. Ifanna Depot; Pa. Office over S. B. Westa Store. . . . ABEL 'rUllal.ELL,lfGteTnost, ; Dert.Ter in Drttgg. Uedieines, ChemiralS.DTe.. As-Ware, Pain ts, Oils, Varnishes, Mr.:, dow 61,:ss, Groceries ; Fan.i. Goods, Jewelry, I'erfumery, Agent for all of the most popular f'ali-nt Ite!dieines. • . C..W..310TT ZrOl2.lY G.II6VES,.' • rzisiti6l:tine if or----Shop".tderStiarlet I lOLA, Main Strqet, Montrose ; Pa..: • • - • • JOILIV COLSTEN - • DEALEI: IN StOIT(`S. Crpper"plidSlie . et Iron Grent-tierd Dipo;.-13 . : - A. Lathrop, DE AVEI.I in Ready-Ml.oe nothing, Matt and Rpot.s:and Shop!;, Dry Onods, oppottite SearN i s lintel, Mortrese, 1). Lentior. and t J. P. IV. 11.11.ET 1 p."' • • Dr Nerrit IL I). R Ij i> 1 1:b " -r i- s > .rlh-VincC m"c"n:77,i,-7;4Dl):::thsprffi'. 0 wffia•ow con.rhine it:f•ri% 1-0.111:( 2coi€:ll' . . 6 : 1 ••••&c. • . • FRASER - AND CouNsELL'oR a2Liw,Montrose attond faiihtully to ail business en. trm,ted in tpc , county otSuseathanra. Glnveyanvio:',: and writing.of.all kinds xillbe done neatly, and charge moderate: He Ititt also ,attenil t(a the prosecution of elainteof so?, diers, their widows and heirs,agaittst Ore t.s., government, t tr Ifozzrity, Land, Rensions,&r. May lje found at nl/ theofftde frrnterly ovedpied by J. T. 'Rich ini, 12;srf., north of tfit • Court-Hon-se. -1853-13 • - IM. C. TYLER, . • Interested-withl..L. limit, • NronTr.n..4 . sz..D - F.ALE E . in iiardw4 r . e .44d lery, Carriage T ri mtnings,Sprin:, , s, b e , No. 215 Pearl Street. N. Y. iris MAreantile friends, in this and othi Cgunties,ar kindly invited, and earatstlN solicit . ed to c. it and purchase. :-Att; • J. H. Parsons,. Witor.ts4E AND RETAIL DEALER in Waro, Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands. , Chairs, &e. ...•• .• , N0.,9 Wazshington strcti, Bineiatuton;Dt. Y. Ware-Thion ) up siairs, • J. D. FAIL; it D. iVSICIAN• and S • argeon has permanently Jiwatedliir.uself, at. Ilraekneyville, Sul's County, l'ehn'a, and. will protnptly attend to all. calls- with wiiio he may be.favored. • • • - May, 186(3.—n:22. • - • A. .• SE7STICE .01" - 14:1LeR, Colieetor .of Debts , . i,r Ctip;.raer.g, Q.c. Ot• fico, Lact•yrille; Wyem . ing Ou'nty, Pa. . • Mar 9, 1,550. . PATENT RIEDICIINf; AGENCY% DRUGGIST, AND AGENT; - ron ALL THE FOPtri.AR . fij:ill.ll4Al3? •EraliklrllTM O" • TUE tt.k Y. - • - Cowignments.-4'onstqiitl,-y-.-Rereired. SASH, BLIND •DOOR • A ND • - GLASS' DEPOT, ON tI7IESTNUT ST.. • itoxitrose, Pelting, .BY D. BREWSTER,' 1 . U sizo' and descriptions, in any quantity. Ina& to order, or furnished on the shortest no tick% • HAYDEN ItROTHERSi:-- New' Penn'a• 7 offA ESA LIE :Dealors in Ruitons Carobs, Sugponderg, : Thresds s if Pane/ Goods, • Watehim,.‘Joweirv, Silver and !- Plated Ware, entiory, Fibliing.Tsakie, Cigars, '4.,dr.e. Merchants and peddlersi supplied libera) 'terms. • . HAYDEN, 6 . TRACY HAlliErt , t JOHN HAYDEN, • GEO. HAYDEN.: Olaf*: DR.: E. F. WILMOT RADUATE of tho Allopathic' And'llo. Ur . meopathie Colleges otMetlielne, is now permanently located in Great Bend Pa. • - - April,lst, 1856. MET WITTER,' As r IIONABLF: Slug) Over the F Sty',73 (1 a 317. Mott, neer Hatch's /10. H. S KNAPP, WITH E. CA ULDWELL & SON% import i,rs of Cblna, Glabs, and Eartbgra Wire, No; 76 Warroz, Straet,N,aw York, Pirtthal. A 13 E'L T 1,7 RR Montrose; :Pa., tA. tATRROT:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers