•W - . , , ~ O ctober, 1847,•' James' • , A LIGHT! A LIGHT! ;really. ado ed .. .,. ,_ ,1_tt .Thchanan duressea a letter to tIM Harvest Ilqvery Day larinve."'ompthlutt - Iliew. H ot i le •Cel t ralt,;timof Bt.i‘ili - s' (manly, Permayl-.IOLAYTON & BAII.X'S Self generatin.tr, - gaits , • . atnio,in w iehhe urged the extension of that 1 1:-.." Lattnai, giving the dettrestand tneatheauti, _, l me li ne , i d• ;A) deg. 30 min., called,-the Mis- A fol-lig,ht of any thing yetliseoiered: aittr7une s aid cony 1 eini. ' ;•• . ' - ' ' thel coiled by en thing else in eeenom:t —as Jhe , ..e, to the P,n,the ocean,in ll }amps are so constructed that you gett-s *plead same mtun(e.a I -hndPr( 3 l ) °. \ sed' • - - - 1 . id gas'slight kern the coalmen , burning, Fluid, I n th e 6Ontli of August I introdheed in . and three times th e amount of light from a:less the s el iat,g of the United States alt ail:tend-I i quantify - of Fluid. For sale • by, the - wabseritter meat to-the Oregon' bill, to carry out the at the Montrose Past Office. •- 1 propositionHarve s t . ] of Mr. Buchanan in, the • A. N.:BULLARD, Borne letter; to extend the eopiprotniiie line' to the Paeifio ocean, in the.same sense. and With th'e same understanding with which 'it was originally adopted. That proposition uric roisied by the Senate, went - to the House,' an d was rejected there byAbolition. and free so il v,ites. (Three groans wete-. here called for , - an d - g i ve n for the - free soilers.) I)eti't ' or omt.triffrieAls ; ;that sounds - too much like 'Know 'Nothing- music, (Laughter.). The dion ,- , , of• Representative rejected that .propo sition by almost _a sectional - vote, by North. ern Cotes composed of . abolitionists and flee s oilcrs, itten . ooriliolition prociviltica,:and ar 7 . raved ri , rain.st .. the-41m national democracy. It was 'the. rejeetfon of that proposition ,to -ex tend the Missouri line to . the Pacific ocean, as i ii.oposed by Mr. Buchanan and as introduced by m yself,:whieli led to the tumoil, strife,-sec tional hatred 'and hostility from 1848 to 1550. .To.such an - extent did that -sectional strife go, the Soitth arrayed against the No' Olt, and the North- against the South, that'the purest and . most devoted, patriots in the land • ' for the safety - lad-. perpio . nity of the ~- d i ,li, • ' Even the`• gallant :tn.' immortal ~., i:t , a „ :4 ,, man ,.ibe fzigitt• Henry Clay, ',irlitii. had -etred from the ; 2, , .ijes of his at.:i ye labors .t o the shad 4 of Ashland, there to ~.•-r.-parc! hirn self for abetter katii of existan....t_. itz.:ain took his place in the Senate, the til:.a,re of hi.; greatest 4 e hievementg and his not itatriatie trinntplts, tc tze6 if i l •e,i)tild not do scriiething . to quell the storm; to the troubled waters and reSt4r6 peace to a - distracted country.— From the moment'Qlay arrived amonr 2 .- - nA.lie teas reeogniod as the great - leader and champ ion oflilie Union men of all parties iii (..',lm ,ress. I The voiee of faction wag hushed, and i r t h e voce of the: patriot quelled for a time the aerie. -Clayas our - leader, Cass .was'•Oni right hand in:in, Webster stoodby hiss,ide, and vent . Dickinson?, Cobbs, Kings, and the other i rue men, wiii;2, , s .and democrats, alike m ill e daround the standard bearer of the Un ion, nreparol to • tr.:ll:e,...any; sacrifice for the . iteace and Itatitonyofjthe_rei)lablie. . • - • For 'ii..tit. i.tnif. !acuits . the .11 . 1110 n Tan-=- - . whi : :;'.r.it I ,leitioNats--,fiegot p-14 differtln • ' ee t•,, - toi.'l,. an! ta Atekl - .hy one common. 01t . i.. - ;:er,. : „,m!,:•,1 in the Senate Chamber, willt•ettY in tlit!!cliair, t•t devise trtemys by wl;ieli to save., 'the reprOdie. from. the: ecinsequences whielt t4.b a l. o lirj,,iti..t , , free-soi:ers and factioni,ts ;Were liiin•iii4 awen' the Country by thi:i; seclildial - ~.r ic ,., At. the end '4lf:that - herio,l - .a . hr 1,411: ...in dawned up.M the repttl , iie, and . a -- fil6ri;• ont;tNy a - a , presented - to oar view. ' The cemprt - tialse meainre.s of IS5f.) were passel, .end the j.lyfulill`tei:igenr...e went. all ot. - ..:r•• the. land that strife had ceased, that se,!tional contr,!vcry had been quelled, faction rebilk e I, and the: rttriotis.in had triumphed hi the -land. ' At otteof these great tneetin:tis J•ttoes•.i Ilachanan, theft in :private life, the' sa...te of ' . - Cash=for Wool. • Wheatland, w;ole his letter con:*ratulatinrr; D ICKIMMAN & q.I.II.RATY will Timv the . itigitt-st market price. for all the Wool in the country a l ien the great princi p le; •'es.t.Bl)•• • lipid in ' d inse trica,urei.. _ the eillaii t..i....ef the i Sti_s_queitaa7al7,)imty, delivered et their since. i New 31ilf , ird. June 16, 1856. :a:c l tli' ritzttt 'of self,.rovertiment 'in • tfte ! • ' !.-: t _______ if ..______ • .-- • __ • territories, in obedience t': - 1 the conilitittion—' - • Arrival-of the Africa. , i,,,, , ,,, rt ,;. 1 1,,,,--,... p ria,•;,,1,...3 whioi - j S. ' VC: l. i'l t . , - T-Al-.\ -- ibis day. rcee'r.-ed. per .stearm:hip A fri.. foltan, - .:, at a subsequctit - period, t o e mb,5,1,..- - i n 1,4 a, ,r , .;.lier invoiee of ilrOse ti • hriv-iled 1' AT tit , : K MF•as an. Nebraska bill. A p I , i1:1 i st. 4.— ENT T.1.VF.11. WATCIII;',s - .• 'm y store i s i i,,, % . . Th u : yoy 119,1 - 'drat Bitch:man and i n rizelf coinplete in ey,...ry des.4ripli ,n of Case, Oriutt- face wer.-ip- 24 ,..ther in . - 1S LS on 4 - 1 ' , !. • Lxa' TI.-4,tion, . and llontim, - ;„ .. Goid and - -Silver, kind I invite the i ,, , 1: . :‘ , /. . i . ~ n ) t.h. . ,-- 11,: „ .. , ,iiw , of the mi; ...., 01ri • ~.„) fix, ;.attention!of :tll persops in w a nt. _i t -it' a fiat c l ass 1. pr oirUk , .. line, I , s‘s' - ) - on the eorn nromi,- . 4 meas. -i ". ..", I•a r b ' as ' l ',', - , i4ll ". r ' ia g mY • c'il W 34 'he" di . 1 :, ~,,.., ~,. . .. • i :,.. ...;rt . a* , 4 c-.ill h" "MV customers :.:at the . lowest iire-i, an ,.1 1...)_, ..ti4,o, 13 the e k.4...t0tt or- N :. . ---- i 1 I - - . , • . e\‘ 1 1 . ii, , ,y , res(ll.?TrlCPS . Pr, , .41...t, Pi4 , i'vf'. Av he Alto democratic patty. t • . - - ' - ."--- ' AII'i2y,DI...EV ','•,s, d a , 4,41f4,10.4e,-2.reat pritnupl...:s of the comprec- , .- June -i, 1856„ _! 2.i No. Odd Fellows' lall. ' -,,,-. , mi:4.4 l of 143, - e) as fy.ndatnental artielcil . :"-iiff'the ; * .r 3,, .2 . ' . Oieentorls Notice. I - dem ae„. : :. ....... crecdr... PreSithni t 'i- Icre u. . NV:i.i; i TO TT ri",.; Eis hereby given to . persnn S having elec'.._ , 4 for tli-se.flr . inciplei, and -:the 'nution i N, ~ _ I.leriylnd s - u g . i i n s t the Estate of Ebenezer r,..j0ii:,..1 in . his irrto - ,oral address..: In 1:454-, (i.," l ge, late of Salver Lake township . , in 't:to , 444'rt it tic..NMlerni• duty tohri• ' 7 f . ir vaid bells tri,. ~. •ln '%.. • . Co., lit.C.d, that tho.c.-I.•nc intilil be preSt`ated to ,rg:iniz , .: han-as and Nebraska upon the:s7ame th e • ao t.i:irsi.l-ned for arringeMent, and all Persons.: incorporated is to sa prira!plac that were Incorporated in thd nom- ;i1 t 1 id Estate are required to snake ini.. ;Ironril.eof 1 B:lo, , a4opted by the whiffs in their mediate setticnicntl. 1 .e.mveation in Baltimore; and ratified by the 1m t r:L, an people in theelection . ' ef President. - ~. • • . . l':er: 'n Noterntter Cu ' that rear.: The ',N e- ' "" 19, 1856 - - " G . I.ra-lz:t bill rkteived the votes of nearly the - ' •• ' - . D0ct..8..-Thayer , ~1)0•.:,..5,.,,it5ii-, in the Semite; and also, a Ma- TAKES this ruetteal of saran._ to his; friends lord sat til • e.vote3'of Northern Senators. It .."'. and customers that he has- again resumed ... reccit4rd the majority of the -votes' of the...tietn- the practice of Medicine at his4sold stand . .in Mon. ceratie and `tike whig parties of this Union 7,- tense, where he` may be found stall times unless .and vk the black riliublieans tell -Vbn that f Pr"re"i"nallYemPloYe 4l - • lie would say to those owing him on old accounts that he will deduct 11.5,t the .Cort.li ryas bettaved. Whv, the: North per tent. nn r all 'accounts paid before the first Kill 6'..eil.' fir that bill•by a ni:ijoritv Of the North, April nett, (or if any poor like naptelf,) I will . rt., 'Measure oribtieatien• with .3 Northern deduct Nifty. - .n • n Seriator, am I 1 t teas supported by fi ni:tjority ..,11„ nt i ose , Feb. 2 0 ,; iB5 r 9i.f 1 - , . • of Northern States - . The .great : principle of . the demoeraY isegnalitv among the States :And .- I 4.nd still tlitiy Conic. • ' - • - self-government,• ceoraing - to . ' • flie Con . stit.u-. - .IcrEW think every. week.' Old Santa Pans is . Lion, and that each n- State has a' rightto 111. round yet and will be 'till after Nei-Nears, decide its own institutions' Or itselF. Mr Hong- • .SD pleaSe prepare for him by calling at the Postla s , after di,icussinz this qiies 'on a t ~.,-nr , idet . .. etlice..where you can get new; entertaining and able.len7th, tini:i.c - •zielutled is 5p.,....,.: • irs 61- 1 '''''ll books, O''"P: ) 1, The Hunters' Persist.- or Conversatinni around lo''•':' ;-'-'• 1 • 16 . 1) '-'!" ',-- .. ra4 6 3" Pr .'-'''''' • 14 "-Thavz a ~ t o. Cob, Fire Kite Weston nr to Willi and to ere44,l as broad as :tile - republic ;1.1 . i th..it:ex_:.- I)::, T', 1: I l'e.irs . among, the .Mait 11,4-4sj Family teuils wherever the flap of the ciinn - : , :"waVes. .I , , t ,. : if tle , Cr, home made liappy.Life on the road ,n ~.. , t appia:ise.): .Theenctuies of Lib,. .j. , ':U-inllCC-; ::idde David &c... Peter Pnrier.e lIMIIi Univer: profess a ercied . whieh ,is seetiOnto a Ml : with -,'.! i. I istnry and gift h00t: , , :., ''.TN. L—nes,:Crowen wilted they dare not cross the •.1'..,t -, .iniic - or :--a , ' flalcs New Cooi.: i-,..,., , . a•: - •..,;4.1.1 many oth •Ohio. Their motto is sectional, -.)litrovorsv, ; - , -,1 cli: : menti,:. 1iA•r.4,1.-...t::4. s'iow them to '' . -,a if .:u. will 44711. :.m1....:.:•in lowi for the and their object is to exeike ttre North .2tg•ainsi. ~ theSoutli, father agatust son brother again ti .. "' - ' 1 brother' $: - ate against. State, until Abe brad- , -j of bibtherly love , t-hall he tkissolved . and • toe • 7-- -. _ • . I_ nion sink newel to rise again. I ask,, yam. .- COMB ''ani See. von:-fellow citizen:, Win the head quar..e. - ei of- - 1 ,- .4 14:4i rY-Ftv E cents- 19 cash will lane one Washington, i'n.the. camp of the rc!v:ulu Lipt.ia: -- --d i ;I,lhirs -worth of the splendid Stink of ry'drlnv there was ever suck; .an anotnalv spring land summer Goods just ..receivinz at the . cheap eas andarr stor at Pintock f cur . pre.elyt( as a know-Notliiii& loic.;;7e proscrit:- riers,.w here h a te most everybo e s- n dy goeo.W our to buy iat'(cr,eS of •"no, no,) men, becadse of 'limi t their-Goods. Flour - and Salt kept always on relin-iouslieliefor their place of birth. NVEYth - I hand. ' • ' ' - - ,ngt,an-- welcomed men of all religions creed I, i .. ,of all. nativiries, (row . .all quarters - - of the ~.- .globe into-his camp, provided they loved lib-1 .ertY, law and -,free 'government. - Will: you ' „prove recreant •to . these principles, and : which, seven years of blood and glory• nebeilied for US.' Above all thin g s I Appeal to the (lemoc, racy of the Empire tate, to forgel past •W -- ,ferences and to. bury forever those dissi,tnions - that have prevailed .ant Arr you fo:i -t.l.tc list e, fewyeam 4 E4:4-around the standard. hear;_ ,er now nominated. • Let -the action ;or the - Cineinnati - Convention be -a staiu.te oflithita dons to wipe out the past. -. (Cries or:good, ,- good) .lly friends, I congratulate you -with . the, most heartfelt joy upon the'rennion Which I fend now to hare taken place among; you.-- It is a harbihger of great •glory` to' co uiee.= l ,- Telo are now united upon a - coin : Molt platfortri - rallying around standard hearers ;who ire : tree exponents or our .creed. You.are , now invincible, because you are united•;and • you are now , to be victorious, because you..haie no,discord in your ranks. Yea are Again - ,the Empire State of the Union, and I.'. trust. .that the November, eleetien will -show that . - .yiiu are w orthv of the eonsideratiou, -Which in tilues put lire distant and democratic portion's . °f the l•putilid hay . e, been free and eorilial in awarding tO.you. (Great. appla4se,7and.Cheer . 'qg:l ' pluO to In Bridiewater;, on the 12th ittat,, Mrs. 11F.:TSET BALDWIN', wife of Mr. Saltine! -Bahl. orniijetrlarka TS:P!',WFLUt. of room. . June 18; 1856. ' • . '; • N. U. Tne.ustaai Glass Fluid ..antp.i,ehariged to a gass Burner. g 1.13 ill IA i TO THE LADIES OF DIJYGIIAAf- TOY AN .VICIATITII Please read it, iE is 46.1 and of iniportance _to every -House Koper. - SHEPARD - .IT AVE received their - spripg sopplyeflionse th furnishing Goods. 'We. -ran now offer an seven he: titifut styiesofCroeker . ,y. Ode of them sp u new and' elegant Spring Peern - -of White En amelled Ware, Our Goods are all a No. 1 in Atli quality, no see:end:4.er odd lota. 'but Complete re' setts, and can rdwayft be matched if bitoken or th more wanted, for years to come: , All the coin- hr Mon Wareit, cruNA TEA WARE, stxsplendid ' kyles of white and decorated,.very ar GLASS WAR 4 he at a complete and unbounded variety always on to h 11(1. TEA TRAYS - of our own importation. re Fifteen elegant patterns,-..far . surpassing in rich. ;toss, finish and durability, the American article usually sold, at as IoW prices; and by far the targ:•:.4 and most complete lot ever offered in plrts, from $3 to $l5 per sett of four. UCT.IO SY GREAT' BAR= 6' ..1 .' Br ass Curtain Corniee4, Babds, Hooks, &c., at priecs . th..t defy eorn?efiii••n• ' Twenty differ, styles: of th, , .t, Bird- Cages, from. ) ,';'s to 810 eitelvf 3-t different patterns of , •ttp,4rior warraot:;:i Clocks, from $1 - ;to. $25 it..aelt. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly re paired. Plated Castors, Cake Baskets.:Spoons,. nc 1 Forks, Napkin Rings, tte, &c. 200 Dozen " I Knives and Forks.. • Parfor Ls.mps, Hall Hang ing LimpS, Britannia and Tin Ware. 1. HABDWARE GENERALLY. j Marbelized Iron Mantle Pieces and Grates, &e., I in _fact :t general - House .Building andi I FurnisWng establishment. • and.see snit PAL IACE.," two doors east of the +_'.;;.=! • _ It our (3,, , )j. , are prices as le.W • as i/l. ted well, 'please don'. , . BROTHER • - Ilinottaintoa ' Airell. 1856 i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1: 4 7 401Z0A.11: SMITH k• CO.; w1,t11,1 respeet i 1_ full' inform the public that they have elia=ed tht interest in the Niddlo and- !farness Basiness iof A. &. E. in. We h ape by •nttent!on to Inr.iness 'to receive onr share 1 of i iiblie. patronne, Comitantly •on • ham - I, narrien , i, ‘Vliips, Trunk 's.lVallees, 4-Ik. c.irrititge. Trimmings- in all of iss branches will' he mi'atly done •to . order on resonable . 1 terms. ' I Shop No. 2; .Searles Bdsement. -I ; FORDILIM SNIITII 4- CO. •Montrdse. Jan. I, 1856. .. - • i 46. i X 55. Dininek, May 23,.1830 .1.1 .7 D -t.- • • • • ,• • • 17 7 .:(.1..rk0tt " •, ETAS R.D.;.19V.E0 Odd rellow'ra Halt t' his new - • t ! • SKY .I.I9IITROOIt, • '• Ip. ihe'Brick Block,over . Bentley and Mend's.. Conic and see. Cal;ing will cost you noth. unless you buy, and thou you are surcto go away with tuprwthan "value. received." • A - niultitrifle of choice caseg.- Gold Lockets, &c., just in.• FIRE! JIBE ! FIRE!! Th!‘:fin,l.ersilmeil bei-n appointed an agent „r the. STATE Murtu.t., Fiat: INSUBANCE COMPANY, of Ilarrishurg Pa. Said company has a capital of ' . $500,000! - I It Is as safe and. cheap a company-aß.luty in the State and ineures on the Stoa and , mutual plan. , - BILLINGS S'llLOUD,4,ent. ,Iloutrose, Oct 9, 1.91 . 4-4111 - , We t.h , rotesigtwithereby state that we have done litp .. ;inega with the abova.coinp i any, and we are • matisfied that it is both sale sail -cheap.— [flour, experience we have never known' sly as , K6sstmentx on a prelniurn note. F. M , Wrn,,leasOp. D. D..Wainer. -F. B. Chaatiler; Orlan r do Eldridge. - E. B. Chut:e. figriD Broadcloth Capa 'for 3 bhi)iings a m - • • MAX& TINGLEY. g. J. Webb,:. • Ts 41WW r4keeiving his new ' Sprigs Cro4*.whieh. he o ff ers at his iisttaViow prktex. ..N.ro4tros,e, Mitreh 11,;1856; BOWIE, HOUSE FUR ,I4ISIIING AND FANCY GOODS. VIM iihnilikErB:ll76 Of 13.usquehannictind Neighboring Counties..; . 17[7 . 1: wonl4 reapecaull, eolieit atten- V,. tiim to: our large stock ofb.tho ,above` inentionedGooils, now in atorti and in coarse of reception. For .many years the trade of .anc i tif .the largest portioris of the -Empire State -has: been 'retained by a monopoly, which has at last . given i away before the rush of enterprise. .Possessing- Unequalled facilities for buying, and hating direct commuhieation with the most extensive Manufactories in the United States, 'we say, without exaggeration, that: we can and will sell, either wholesale or:retail,. at prices lower than ever offered. before west of, N. Y. Citv.i mnclusion,we'woulti say that.our Goods sw, and of the first quality, and that we by strict attention to business, and a con an anticipation of the Wishes of our patrons, raerit even.an increase of . the confidence al- Idy reposed in us. PHYFE & KNOWLTON, liardWare, HouSC Furnishing and .Funn y Goods . . • 'Binghamton. i• .. N. B. We have a very large i!itoekl; of Wo Al -en mut Willow Ware, Vats and Ilag'S, Britan:li War(l,, Fancy Bird Cages, &e. ri7 — Si , !i:::: apparatus of evry des7riptiou, ineluithig 1-'i.:,i•.! - Tai v .kle in nil its varieties, Guns, Ridel - . P. , : , ,:,. Gun INtaterials,&e.. . ! 01' ENDID 13 , 11110%'E'51 ENT )tie sl the new 's ere, ;:sq., adjoinincrilie Ilan!: ; .. loccupied as allnra wn• k • :- z • & Icpawiton. des, our' .11 you are not JAMES GAIG,E, ANSEL, GAIGE. Executors A. N. DULLARD NU: H. THAVtT NVltile nothing.ha4,-been omitted in the Hard are Ilineove have given !mitteular attention .to e House Furnishing branch of our business, d linve on hand n stock • well worthy Aho.in eetiOn of lions° Keepers. OfFancy Goods we have also ,n large assort ent ‘i7hich, having been selected with especial ference to - the wants of our customers, We ink will .plettso those, in need of articles in , this e.. Establish went, 51 Court tit., Bingham . ton, N. Y.,.ndjiiining Bank 91 _ Froin the 13'in , ,Thamtort Detlio ~ to be is:Phytii ~.mpletion it ns: ; 'aisses that have . ....tionlitedly in its .It - ,: ilic model store ,of : , le , srs. P. & K. are now • one hirger and more mom 1d ti ..a h:N 1 1;(4!• - tormy been .kept in thiS place, i ll uhracing 'ail ' i the Aeparttnimtw of Hardware, uill vrs Finishing Materials. Gas Fixtures, &c„ c.• Mr. Blackstone. an experienced awl ready lir nian.sape'Tiotencls the Gas Fittinr , depart. enti. Look in at Phyle & Knowlt9n's. 'SC CS 111 rtrk.. MEE ardware and House Furnishing Goods. /VMS is a progres,ive age. No one doubts I- it: or. If they did, a glance at the manifold . wires on „Nett the lightning whi7.7.e;4 with im portant news, icuuld Bonn covvince look at the rusting carß would, add more - emphasis to the lag and wise conclusion. New proofs pre sent thernsch'eS each day ; ezch day we are more anxious to . "Catch thb flying manners as they rise," turn, them to onr Own r.ecolint, and take in as Inuch ca-li - as possible, .Notw a liayi people arr aver to dealing . at old fashioned Stores—those e,taLlished from ten to .twenty years ago. proprietors having be- tonicthorom.thlY in - timed with the high price prineiple,.(or rather h;c1; of principle,) are to tower their demands to a scale more , in aticorilance with the times we lice in. • i , solvi,:d to keep piee with the progressive spirit of the nze, We Imo opened our ne , A• and linetons Store, No.-51, Court St., with a very iargO nssortment of Hardvir#'o, House Furni . shing, 7ind r:Lney-Go4ds; whig; bffer t%lioles* retail, .1 :he kiwest p:riee:., for cash or approved erodt. PITYFE & KNOWLTON. . 51, Col rt It.. 11i . :(„Thatoton. N. V. 1‘ c adi ire crointry.mercliant.i to 7s.s. I:ouseiOleepers, Attention !!! A IT PitYfe di Knowlton's . .ott will find every I.lll,tliine: in the House Furnishing Lino,. • except Cn•ekciry. The breakir upon this amounts toy so - 11inch that. when h'ept with *other Goods. the latter hate to pay an extra profit to support the dealer. So, House. Keepers. take• I the hint, buy your House Furniiihing Goods"at • I • P IIY•FE & KNOW LTONS. Sare a•iare-p-r e•intige, and think yo,nr stars 1 for l milli , ' read this ailvertisetnent. . • . PHYFF, & KNOWLTON, Hardware, Holise Furnishing. and Fancy Goods • ENtibli , liinent, 31 Cnurt. St:;.Binglintiiton, N. V. 13'11YFE SL:KNO'II'ON, are determined to yell aluirkt eYerything in the line or • • nousE F1.71 - INISII.ING :FANCY GOODS, • . • at glreatly redruced'priees. Try a.m. at 51, Cour` sit *Bitioh-nton • . A R NEILS • i '..VITILL find a large lot of • 1 V • noes, Ralzeq. * , Spades;.Shoyels; qrass.Hookß, • Cradlei, • I and many otherartieleq for tillidg and beautify. in , rlthe elrth 4 1t 1 1 11YFE & KNOWLTON'S', • BuirrliaaarM, N. Y. • • 1 - • MERCHANTS, HOSE wiso buy to sell 2 ,, :tin es •.' 11 T 0 , P will find GOOD •GOODS,IOW PRICES, and a large stock, from which to.select, :It i'! & Knoititoti's Hardware, House 1 7 n: hnd'F:Mcy Gpocis establiAtuent, 51- r• •-1-' Ringhamtori,N. V. ' . • TO THE LAM ANTE are determined to in; their comfort cut - ed of,Vie intprterp, ;, cl'hif•ft 1 - -v.: of Ittir, Nail and Tooth Bru , t•-• • many elegant styles. Of ~...dubs e have an ostensive variety,ineln di,,e• many of India Rubber,' Iron and Horn. We have; beside, Many other, Fancy Articles, too numeroiis to mention. Call and examine oUr Fapey Goods, PIIYFE & KXQWLTON, 51 Court $L Refrigerators. eUST received a large lot, at prices ranging from 735,50 to 1C12,001 PiIYFE & KNOWLTON N. 17 'Bird: Cage's ! Bird Cages !! 11100111 TE KNOW LTON have just received .a large and well selected assortment of BIRDCAGES,' • Jombining ;ninny of the most elegant designs and beautiful finish ; combining durability with lightness and airiness of style. From 5s 6d, to slo;leach, drinking and seed cups included. PHYFE & KOWLTON.' 51, Courfst.,flinghaniton. • . • Cenntry Merchants, Find Hardware, House Furnisitina and:Funel Goods at New York Prieeri, at .. .: • PHYFE KNOWLTONS. Binghamtnu pin & KNOWLTON are Agents .f , hr; a number or Manufacturers, and will supply the.Trado ,oP.easy terms, and at a low price at their Hardware; • Mouse Furnishing and Fanny -Goods Estatbliihinent, , bl Court Street • (;)M,Tfitnlnier. At 4.4: PfIYFE Ar. KNOWLTON'S: Mi. Sportsmen. ,tics PYFK & KNOWLTON. have. j uts*, oti hand a splendid lot of Fishing' 7ltchlt, ing Rods, from Is*Gd, to. SLA each.' • 1 'Lines, from Sets., to 85, each. . • seeis, froin-$1,50.t0 e'wh and anlissort ment4tarti6eial Balt, never iiefore- - eqtitiled iti this vicinity, including Frogs, Illice; Glnk Lea th-- er, ledia Robber; Illinnows, Gotta Perchi, Grass Lloppers, Shrimp, Spinning Bait, &c., att. 'Pat ent spnotie to aeon' catching grass white halting. Patent Spring Hooka for Pickerel or Pike.— Soesdologers,-or Yankee DoodleLl , oakt, anew. and improved Mode of catching ft 4 h. I W a good . stock of Guns, Riles, Re votving, single and.doulde barrelad Pistels,Pow der, Shot, Watr Proof and other caps, fiddling Lions, Turkey calls, 4-c . Powderi Flasks, P ouches, Gam Bags, Temperance Botles,&c. &c., • . * In fact we have every article of Spolting:np pamta.4. hooks, for outline fishing by the hun dred thousan . d. PLIYFE- & KNOWLTON. 51 ; Conrt st..,llinghatnton. . ,; No Use in Fife-in*.. THAT'S so'—ns fungus Phyfe & ICnowiton 11. keep such a splendid sisortmentvf CARPENTERS TgOLS,: as they now have in store, and which is by ail hands,' rival Hardtvares included, aektowledged to be t:to over ofreredto the citizens of Xirooms, Susque hanna, or 'any other county. We can furnish as good nn outfit of tools as tl . noci or sovmour, of New York city, and at •:• et•n,.&, loWer than either. -- • - WIJICII DO NOT PROVE . .5: i BE EECHANGED OR THE MITE St, KNOWLTON. • Ilonso Furnishing and Fnncv Goods ' , Establishment; si, Court St., Bingham ton,. N. V., alljoining:Bank ot. • Binghamton.' bTICULL.S, for Ladies,a largo spiaort ment at • - PIIYFE & KNOWLTONS. ;,, ~ ,~~, To the Citizens of Montrose.. AS FirTING AND FIXTURES. Phyfe G & Knowlton are at all times ready to in- sert Gas Pipe 41 old or new houses, in a wurk• man like manner, and at low prices. They have a!fine assortment of Chandeliers,* Pendents,.Portable, Brackets, Glass Globes, and Fancy Paper Shades. Mr. Black Stone, who superintends the work has had. Mach experience its this line, in New York and , Brooklyn: Orders solicited. * • I'HYFE.& KNOWLTON. . •Binghamton: 'OO 1).N . ,.\ 1 1, , iiA7z , z(i . ißo\VN;ll.e.iaots, I3ingh mton Whips by . the Million F ROli 25 et's to $15:5„00. at I & KNOWLTON'S. Binghatnton.!- Britannia Ware. A VERY latge stork at. 1 NIUE & KNOWLTONS. Binghamton; . . . A New Corn Sheller. - I ~ A T only .14,00, nt A T • , i PIIIIFEA KNOWLTON'S. Binglinniton, . -. . • . • . • • • ITILL and C'ross Cut Saws, at - I . !: PH IT E & KNOWLTON'S. 51, Court st;, Ilin'abaniton. rpADLE Anci Pori:et Catiery, a great variety, at very Ir*t rtrilp9 , .-At PIIPI' I: & KNOWLTON'S. virtue otwritsofii..ll.., yen. ex. issued Out I of tho Curt syf Common Pleas of &mine- I t h i:,ljsisanre7 . b .. 7. ' ap t: l, 4 6 ru e i . I ,: n r li - a d r iree ttie te c d o , u l r lvi tr llL s xp o oie in Montrose, oni Saturday the 21st day of. June I next;•at I O'tlfick All piece or parcel of land situ. ;^ the township of Sliddletowe in the cnnnty of d bounded and deleribed-asfdllou - s• to twit : On tne lands formerli Of Isaac. Pratt. now owned and occupied by Joseph Blister, on the east by lands of John Starstand. Washington . Beeman, on the south byjandi of Levi Light. and on• the west by the 'nf.',re. s:iid lancbt, formerly of Isaac Pratt. now Joseph 13rister's. . Containing' tie rat 55 acres of land, more or less, with the apPurtenart ces, one frainefi • llouse,• one framed barn, one orchard and, alinut 45 acres improved.-- Taken in eXecution at the suit •of W. W. Wheaton vs. Wm. Ellse'orth. . ALSO, All (hat certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the township of Clifford, in the eonnty.of susquehanna, and bounded and de. scribed as- foilews to wit: Beginning at pout the northearner of Benjamin Ayres land, thence along lands ofPel. - m Hopkins, north 44 deg,s. east, 124 perches and ni le tenths to a post and stones in line bf original survey, thence along warrantee tine; 46 dogs. west, 25 perches and five tenths=' to a beech tree ; thence'. north 45 degs. cast ton perches to a post, in George Salsbury's.line!; thence south 46 degs, east,llB perches to a Oast and,Stones, thence • south 44 dept. west, -165 pemhes•to a post, thence north 46 degs. west, 92 and a,half perches to the place of begerii7g., 4.7ontaining,lol amps and 20 per ehes, t:. •,r appurtenances, one f r am v i.; • • ;;",- v... small orchard and. aklr 1 7 .. - jecution at the suit of Benjamin ent Carr, with notice to Eve Carr Starch,' Terre Tenants. . LSO, All tbr.t certain piece-or parcel of land' and being in the borough of Sasq'a Do the County of Susquehanna, bounded as ss to wit on the north by the publid High -4,.y or street, pn- the east by hinds of Patrick St:ields, on thefsouth by lands of J. 11. .Smith, and on the west by lands of Jonathan Baldwin. Being lot NO. 1;0 as laid down on a map of J. H. Smith's land; by Addison McKee,Oct. 23d, 1851, being 66 feet; front on the south side of the street, and 99 feet deep. Containing 24:square ty .pro went of =in!' rods, strict measure; with the appurtenaitecs, one framed house and all improved: :en the most fas- Taken in ereivution• at the suit of James D. Slinzy vs. John: Smith. • • ALSO, All that certnin piece, or parcel of land situate and being in, the township of Sprintry ills, in the county of Susquehanna, and bounded e and described its follows to wit: 0:1 the north by land, in possessitin of .Simon. Green, on the east and sduth by land owned by lisrden • Fish, and on the west by ,the Wilkesbarro and Bridgewa ter turnpike road, containing one half an a,cre of land, more or Insisovith the appurtenances one framed house and all improved. Taken in e*ecution at the suit of Dean - & White vs. O. S.ffraey, , ALSO. All thai certain piece or parcel of land situate and beirig in the, township of Now Mil ford, in the county of Susquehanna,' and boon= ded and described as follows to wit: on the north. east and south be lands - of Charles Leach, and ' on, the west by. lands of E. A. & 0. Pratt. con taining eight acres and seven perches-, be the same more or with the appurtenances, two framed dwelling honses, me small barn and one saw mill, and all improved. Taken in exenution at the suits of Jacob W. Smith and Katiiall Ann Smith his wife, mai. Diekerinan, Jr. Vs.. Leonard Corse. 4THOtiii.APti'S, Artist's Vsints and Brush -1-4 TUARELL'S • June, 1856, . _ RESIT extre 'lour for tittle at 86 per bbl., .16s. 6d.'orie fourth Mil., at A T BELL 4 TINGLEY'S. A = large and well selected lot. of Crockery and Glass ware last recoiied. Also new lot of Tess which We are selling cheap, OATS waited at. 50 cents per bushel, cash ,or trade by . • SELL &TINGLEY: Ifopbottoqi, Pee, 14, 1,355. • - ' BEST AND CHEAPEST, Sheriff Sales. Montrose, Tune 4, 1856. MORE NEW GOODS n(muW DelasilLiiiliiimniinvairai w.s.a. , . , ' • SUMMERs AR,RANGIBLENT! ON ;and inner; Monday,' ?day 19th, 1856, th e Mail passeiver Train-. will depart froth Scranton at 10.35 a. m. Due at Greats Bend at 1.0 p.;12. - .ponnioctlog with- the Dunkirk and Buffalo Express E ast, It.t, on the N. Y. &E. a.. Passengers !AUDI': this train will arrive in aur. , falo it . p. m., and In New. York at p. m.l Returning, will leave Grant Bend at 3 10 p.m., 1 due at Scranton at 6.00 p. m. The' Freight lAecommodation Train, with . I passenger ear attached, will leave Scranton. at I 19.45 p. m.; cottnecting - With the Mall Train I west, and the Night Express Trains both ant and west . >Passengers taking this train and the I Night Express'East, will'arrtve in New York at a. m.; by.taking . the Fight Express West, will arrive in DUnkirk at - -m.,. or by taking the 11ail'firnin west, will arrive at Dunkirk . P at p. nu. 1 - Returning, will leave Great " tend at 7 a. m. and arrive at Scranton 12.05 pr, m. , 1 ' Passengers for. Wilkesbarre, Pittston; Car. bondalo,' Philadelphia, (via the Catawissa, Will ' latnsPort and Edo and Reading Railroad, via. Tamaqua.) .and'lEaston and all intermediate places, will 'find- prat class stage coaches in read. Mess at Scranton, on the arrival of the Pass. anger and Accaimmodation Trains to convey them to the aboVe places. Those choosing pri. vate conveyances will find the best of horses , and carriages of !ovary description, at reasonable i charges, ready to order. 1 I • ID. It. DOTTER.Eit, sup t. I Superintendent's Office, . 1 Scranton, May 19, 1856... • , . CLEAR THE TRACK. I , 111'4041 110 , 12424L151Z1E0 ON the part of SIMMONS - & MERRIMAN, against those old codger's a second rate Goods and high! Prices. Friends, Countrymen, and nil, (which includes everybody,) we have just received a splendid stock of Spring and Som mer Giaxis,stour store on PUBLIC AVENUE, first door above the Post Office. Which we are determined to sell for - • •READY PAY,. "leotlo" cheaper than can bo bo . ught in this market. Oar stock comprises a complete assort ment of the 4teitt styles and best qualities, of Goods, from the coarsest Brogans, to the finest Congress Siik Lasting Gaiters for the Ladies. MESS French Calf Boots, the best in town.— The best assortment of Ladies Gaiters ever in-, trodueed into this market. CRIALADItEXI% SIVILOIEGA, in great variety. Findings a general assortment. Also Sole Loather, Upper Leather, Calf Skins, Kip Skins, Patent Leather, Bronzed Morocco, Curasoa MorOCCO, Boot 'Morocco, Linings, all -.. .. . kinds. . 1 All kind of work made to order, and repairing done reatly.: .1 ' Thankful torlpist favors, wo hope by fair deal- In to - merit! a continuance of the same. ' Call and'4eo OS before purchasing , elsewhere. 1 1 SIMMONS & MERRIMAN. slontroseellay 26, 1856. Booke That Are Books. For sak:oti the iforitrose Book Store id the Post 011ier.; - . fIUST .RECE.E.VED; ilfatattlaf's History of England. • Diary end Correspondence of Amos Lawrence. Prison or' Welteverdon 'in the East Indian ArchepelagO, by Capt. Gibson. • . • .Forest Tragedy and other Tales by . Grace Greenwood • • The Busli Boss, by. Capt. Mayne Reid.. The Great Red Dragon. -- • ' The PrinCe of the House of Dailid. Good Tillie iComing. • Chiistine or Woman's. Trials. and Triumphs. . The Onyex • , • . Man of War Life. . The •Old tlemestead. - • AVoodhilli or the Ways'of Providence. - . D'Aubigne'S History of the Reformation., Pimily Testaments with Psalms and Notes. •• Pocket 'do and Bibles. Catholic, Prayer Books.. . Yankee Notions, &c.; Ste. • • 'They say That. the Montrose Beek Store is the place to get Books - and Notions cheap,: Well what if ihcOlo say so you can't tell whether atov say the truth or tof unless you'try—bnt 421121altdal Yet; t tarkful for ift•fbrora and hopeto:mere( a naimm• •6t by strict attention to the wants of the public and by keeping on hand : a good assortment of Books and qtatioitary at 'Lire and Let Live" priea. •• • A. N. BULLARD. 31ontrose,; April 2, 1.856. it ]A.Z 1 AALdWIa al .. WILLIW AMILLIA TREMAIN & CO., are on-•hand with Ihe largest , best, and cheapest stock of general ntSrchindise in town: ' Consisting of Axes. Almcca, and Alspice. - Brooms, Boots and Bedsteads. - Clocks, Calicoes and Clothing. Denims, Drngs, and Door Handles. Envelops; Edging, and Epsom Salts. : ; Flour, Fl.iimels, and Fish.tlooks. • , • Glass, GrO6eries, and Gimblets. ' lints. Ilatits, and liand.s4wit. • _ Ink, Indigo, and Imperial Babies (dresses.) lugs, Jaronets, and Jewsharps. ' ' 1 Knives, Knobs, and KentuSky Jean* Locks, Lainps and Looking Glasses. Matches, iMuslins and Molasses; .. Nutcase; Nankeen. and Notions. Oil*, Oxtiows and Overalls. • ' l'ork, PilPf rind Powder. Queensware, Quills, and Quart-cups. ' . Rubbers,ftaisins and Rat-traps. • • Shoes, Shirts and Sugar. Tobacco,lea and Trace Chains. • Umbrella.* Under-shirts and Union flats. Veils, Vinegar and Vi trot. - • ' . Whips, ‘Vallets and Wash-bawls. • Xtra Superfine Flour. , York,Cottokades and Youth's flats. And th ink other . artiefes which they are selling at silvery small advance on cost prices. "Small proOte and fair dealingis the motto for .I the Summei. 01'16. ' Give ps a call and test the -I truth of our; assertions. ' ' • Md. TRESIAIN & CO. . Lanesboro,Pa., May 26, 1856. • NetV•Groeds at the Upsentille Ex change. • THE subscriber is happy to inform his friends and patrons that he_ has just received a choice lot of Goods, direct from New York, con sisting, in part, of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crock ery, Hardware, Stoneware, Fish, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cap, Bonnets, Umbrellas; 'Wall Paper, Window Shades, •Ready : made Clothing, Yankee Notions, &e. &c., which he will Pell as cheap for ready pay, espicially fjr cash as can be bought at any other establish ment in theeounty. - That is to say that he will not be beat;by any braging JEWS OR GENTILES. ri i Ho also wshes to cap a word totiscustomeis and othersAn relation to tha way some mean folks do their -business. If they have socks, Cabbages, it Turnips or. anything else 11112a3werable that they wish, to dispose of they Will take them to the store In their own town and fairly or unfairly force the merchant to buy them, and it they hare mouoy. . to pay for: Good; they - will go to Ringhturiton or some other , place to spend it, And then report around how much cheaper thq can buy Goods away from home than they can at home, All I have to oar to such custolkers Is- come to me with your cuh and if I hive any : Goods you. want, 1 can and will sell l thclut to you at prices perfeetly astonish in'. / J. L. MERRIMAN. psouville, filsy. 10;1850; ' - B. S. MOTT'S. - • • Notice.. • • • • P . Esso . S desirous of . paying me money, On ./ debt Any deseription,can do so; leaving thug parsient with Posi, Cooper dal Co., Bew kers, bfootrosti, to . y...credits, whole receipts ,Will be allows 4 frets' Asir data, -_ • • • C. If. WARD. StarruCca Rail Road ! Better Late than Never. HOSTILITIES CEASHOs . : New,aitrit..l . 26 . n t . a t G regu ife - - :,„ : „..,....,-,...;...,_1 •A ••._,!1 i i,.. 61ii i i i.d.f.,. - . .f.,;-, ,. .7: 1 .V.A?:= 1 .` , ; .- 4 112 -1 4 . •' - 'lA4ciPligtilail, ottilitel , waCe .. e'. ,_._. • - ri _WI ViREGOZY del -,,-•-• . t eli ,-o.il L. . (AN such" mat seentea the Tight °fever'' , 4.14- hating - fOrtned . .o 00. 4 / 01 the O flatlets' tti the nairigation etthe Deaube,and purpose of,eondiacting- the ware 1311'.,•- • -,,,...- ir be it knoWn to the. people of _Susquehanna allies Vaiisoo4. breaches, .woul4..nepeccratf - County, and the rest - of the world, that they wilt f orm th e ; 00ple of Sasirehtuina -cour.ty, thn - 1 fled it to their advatitage'to come to - . the Temp; 4i,, are t i o - w o p en ing at: Gregory's Old : Stand, - eranea Saloon and Grocery In ,Mairi.St, Mont. Oliositti the - Exchange lfotel, 2 doors fr - .•_.nt 111“. rose, Pa.; (the only Temperance saloon - 111 Mont- 'Canal, Binghamton, N. Y., the largest, ehesl;est, rose) tie.. get Pio; such as are plea, 'Cakes, nal best litock of hardware ever etTeredin - li,,g : , Cheese,. - Crackers, Sardines, :tackled :Oysters, h a fi t i m. . 4 , , _ , ~ ~. , . _ ~_ . „ _. Clams, Cacnuabers," lei Crenrit; - Orankes, Pie° i Irayleininde - arrangement's ,te_ IMport Itilei - F: Apples, Candy ,- and Septa, Nuts f ile.. Soleil G English. tiods and purchase tbolr American d:- Beer, leo coolleasoriade, pad. „sac Witter to sect from:Manufacturers; they eau end will n- 11. eat and - d rink.' At the same [ ida - Ce Is a_ goodiLl- CHEAPER Ithan any- . other - estekillshmer4ki,- - : .. sortment of Groceries and Provisions; With new tows ! Their stock le now very - extensi v e, 11"..ic• sUppliesevert week from New :York, - such as thosawiiihing,to - purehase are invitedte ealiJ4- . Tea, choice hinds, from 2s. 9e...„-,to 6i.. per - lb. The following are a portion of theii leailin;!, _sr- Seger now at 9 area Best :coree: 1 i 1-9-ets., - ticle.s, vii:—Table - knives ands forks , -T ~ ., a _ . 46, : crushed, Pulverized and 'Gramilatod, et le- Per , carvers, flake andosteets,pen and pocket i t tly..e . z,, lb. Molasses 3s. 641. per Galion i bust Syrup . at ss. 6d. per gal. - Porhi'Smolted.Harriond Stionl-- SAN, shears, and razors,Airitannis , tea and o, olTe g! . [bread and ti, atelier do.,:kay and straw, sil,., i . z .., 2 „,._ ders, dried. fleof Slain, Cod, Ms, t irt i - -'kere- - -ue I pots, silviar and britedaili tea and table spconei and Blue Fish, Clikee, Crackers Lard, - Tallow, 1 silver pla!teil, brass,and iron sandlesticks, earl : Sterine patent and Sperm Candles, n. variety or Bar Soaps, Shaving do. best -in use, Cotleoltie..,l fers and trays, Kolar !steps, lard,- and 'itulper.ko and Tobacco, plug and fine eut, , Chewing' rind lamps, mantle-pipe:o ornaments,' braise !tad trot: andirons,shor eh • and totigs,. - .4te, - -.; . - .. • 'smoking, do. in tin foil, - Fire Creche rs - and - Fire Works. . Matches, all _kinds. dried , Pea-ehes, i Look ingGlasses, • and lookingglatii,platcs, - 0- i ; , ether with. a general assortment of houses 3 / 4 :cp,. Plums; Cherries, Figg;frorn Is. to 18, 6d. .perlb• 1 ing, articles. -.-• .' . . -- -. Prunes, Zantee Currents, Citron: Fli Pule, Sn- 1 ' _ . lIOUSE TRIMMINGS,. - -- " • go fur puddings, Spices all: kinds, - 0 Gro un d s -• consisting of locks, latches, butts, screws', trad Mustard, - do. Freneh Soap PoWderi'llalibilt' S ai l - nails, belti, pstent window springs, blind fastai , .. serails, do. and Washing Soda, Crearn -Tart er, ings, shutter s crews, and fastenings,44.- - and Super Carb Sode , Tartaric Acid, Licorice, - A general assortment of tools fee gltpetterit. - do.root, Fancy Cindy and Gum Drops, fresh . and loin ers._Calanet and Wagon lilakerit, - Mex 3:1::: from N. Y., Cassia buds, Canary seed, Nutinegl. and bhiciouniths, consisting of planes, saws,f.%m-• Cloves &c., Cocoa, Briima and Ctrilkalate, Lor- I Mers, hatchets, axes, adzes, cbisels,augers, anger . Bards, black and Scotch snuff; Rosins; from ls. t i hilts and hollow. angers, .anvils, • Bellows,- vi . z.szt, to Is. 6d. (pearl) Co p rn starch, Patent Ner lb, Suttanee seedless utmeg Res Graterkanins, starch d 1 1 patent drill in'aehines, sledges, atone hamt:tra, . I brick and plastering trowellt i cross-cut, mill r_sa clothe's pins, Sweet and Castor Oil in bottles, ~..,...I nr salvg. - • Raymond's Leesond Wrights rata, Salts , . Roil i c'" " . . A si.lendid assortment of Saddle ar t idiia:ll , :irs Brimstone, Sulphur, Gum Camphor, 'Vinegar 1 Choice lot of` Catsup, Pickles, P ep p er & Ince , 1 makeit' tools and trimmings. • .., ... FARMING - TOOLS, Raspbery Syrup, flavoring-extracts, !lair 0i1..,te I • . embelish• and prevent from falling off or turn ing 1 corTi.• tine s . hovels,.spades, forks,rakespecyti:tn, t noes pic aXe , iro n f t..... 4. - •by the licre 'White . Wash, Scrub; grain era(' es, , It s 'bars ,•,•.---' - grey, Herring • , - C iii stones, &c. ' - ' ' . • and Shoe brushes, Stove and boot Blaelc, i . Garden seeds, slate and lead' pencils, Axe hand. I_ Als fi - Agents - for the sale of: Whittemc-r.% les, Brooms, Tooth Ache Ointment, an . almost ' Squires & Co's • Aoricultural tools, such as PIC 7 : 8 , Sec cure for burus,Sprains, Bruises, Sze. - Rus• hay aud straw cutters; Corn !hollers, &e..°, scan Linament, good for man or beast. Horse Sole and upper leather, morocco and a:-....:; - ,. Medicine, together with - a" large assortment f lf .1 : trimming s , with a. generalassorttrient of fin , liligg, Children's Toys, selected . with great. care I Wooden ware, willow cradles,.wagons, - ehsl:e. both girls and boys, among which are small r I and baskets of all deseriptiens. - . _ 7 -- - - . Bar iron and ideal, iron axles atidsteel springs. wils and Baskets, !forges, Dogs, and -C 1 T heels nail rockers, small Tca Sotta, T h imbl e s , tt''o' thalleable•castings, coach lace and trimmings of Cornelian Rings, Tops, Clarionettes, Aecordol all kinds, paintsToile, sash, glass, putty, Szq , :,ti oni Harrnonicons, .Ilarps, and -many curious I, of which will be sold at the lowest rates. Pl:Asc.• • things, Ladies Baskets and Sewing Birds, Sae); 1 call and examine the steek for yourselves. - Salt for family , use, Corn 31ea1, - also,Flour, kept I. ,Dint , ,, hanatoa,llareh I, 1855. - • constantly on hand, by the pound, sack or bar- I _ reit. , . Great Cl.u.se for : Rejoi c ing. : •'. • . ~'.. Pearte,.rtmotm the Nations ot • the •- ' . " - FOld World. • • - • •-•- RY •.- ,- - •. p 001 IS and Clothing falling; and'have - : -:, 11 already rtiachcd a mark below ,all - reason's-.''• • . • -ble expect:looll3: and to.prove this fact call .at:-.,.. . . - ' the store of • GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM. '.' & CO, at the cast end•of•the now -Thick Btee - :-.: ' •.'-. .Seeing,is beliciing,, so call and see • lor y6 l -,r, , , selVes. Conte along without delay.,..procritsiln; , :- a tion, you know:, is in At cases Ashgerou's; . 1/.. , . ' will offer you rare • bargains, not...offered - . eisi-';-' . , • where in -northern' Pennsylvania. Weccan awl:: - •' • - , s'ill, undeisell nil our competitors. 'We • hai:o advantages in buyin,.and manufacture our ot - 4r, . . . ., elothing,.of which" we have a splendid alis.ort.- -. . .Shetiff's Sale: -_ ''-. - 1. Meat. from a little boy's jacket tatd.breeelies • to. - . TIY virtue of a ;writ of . Yen. E.c.,isined;out of I the linest Dress Coats and Pants, fofgentlete. , i , : • • . • 1.). the Court of Common Pleas of s „ spie .. or all sises.'. Our asio4ment of Fancy:and - Do• - , • - will expose t 'nest:m . lll , y Goods cannotbe surpassed by any . \ - henna County and to me directed, I to sale by public vendee at the Court- m in ,,, i n , other e.+tahlishMent in the country: • One of • , , - :11: Montrose, on Saturday', the. 14th 4 33 , . of J une i firm is i•onsttintly in the city, and is sendiog 'ld-. -....- . - next, iatto'clock, II: . M. .., . . mil:it (Lilly, (100,14 of the latest and mit fas;liQn 7 • All that certain piece or pa met of •-• land tyin' I•d able . style. per stock of -Bonnets and'..iiiiinzle.t.. - --• and being in the township of Auburn ,in sail I trim. ugs is complete. • G'ENTLEIRENS..a , VI:B, CormtY;boande and'deseribed as follows. to'wit . I loins of thl:sn.i Also a splendid kit of Mantl:lt,s, • ,•- - On tho north tiy lands of Daeld Manly, on th;.• I 4Montrose, April 220856. - - • east by lands of Samuel Hyile; south by land of, .., • . • - Edward Cooler, and yeSt, by land of James Jobbers Wasted. , . • - - ~ Bunnell, containing one hundred' acres of land, 1:: .PilE undersigned will.let breentrait ',.. , a, cl , c-.7 . - .. be the same, more or less, .with . the aipurtonao i L -75 acres of hind, from ...whichAhe-i 3e_-ber ••- • : ces one log house, one' framed. Barn .and about l and fire . Wood. has been - taken, Also 1,1 Q - ",:.! , a1. : -:. • • :.- sixty acres improved. . - • - ' •. I tin; of ens million feet. of. beadacklogs; 1.-.;511.1it, - - _• - . . .... Taken into executiOn nt the suit of Samuel I . pealing' of the bark from. the same:-..-Ak , ..) :he . . •. Tewksbury vs. Nathan Edwards. - :_:- I ,:_uttisi , g-t”A haelint , _or-the eull i agitz,,s2..,._:. - - -- • P..-P-- 1- 10 1 . 1, 1 8 TER, SIM - ' l .'OOO cordspfltaillivad wood. - •• „ ;1 • i - her i t ri - 0gic4,..• 'M ontrose , : . •.. - - ••1 The• above work tote done' this sensor. ; _ •••••• May 20, 1856. . . ••• • `will be 'parceled out to'suit anyone wigi.:n - f - Yt , . . / The above:a:do is hereby adjourned` to Satur.•l do a•piArt of: it o.tly. For: further 'partie. C.' a. 'dAy the 21st day of Jnntt inst.,. at 1 o'clock P.M'. I please apply to the Undersigned at the v. --,- :;.: - k-,/ • .-• . -'• F.4).IIOLLISTER, Sheriff.l 3.1-2 miles up -tiii: -Plank Road from Martai;e: , . - Sheriff's Oilier, 3ioutrose, ,•. :" • - - , .1 Delaware Co., N: Y. ' -.-- ~..• - - -•-:." '- / -•- Juno 2, 18.511. • t • Ten good men wanted to ' drive-_ tean - o;A:>;:' , , • • . `"work in a saw mill,:to.whiA goed.sra,ge* - .1.':1' . r - be. palrl. • Early .ap.plieati - en• • senate:4V - r ) ,%:. ~ . Oilioi address--- . -Hancock, Del. Co., X. - •; t: l• .. ' --.- :. ••• . •• - . . C. - 11:•GRIFFIS.'. for D. p.DetneSitile.l;;;: - r . - ra , -am" • - • • Clanks, Oranges and I.emous, Some Ems, Butter, Potatoes, Beans, &e.,.talert in, exchsuge. • The - above Goods afe for sale for cash or ready Pay, Thantiftd for past favors, I hope, by atriit attention to business.and small pi-06N. to gain a larger sharo -of patronage, and thereby all be muttialY. benefited, AU . orders with tlio ready will be promptly 'tittended to. Temperance Saloon, Grocery and l'rovi4ion Store in Main St., Montrose, Pit., .1:L; ti:); 1856 Here. C. SUTTON; having purchased:oc ti:Ck formerly owned by C. C. _Wright, would respeetlulle announce tolhp Middletown and vicinity, that,. he j!ISt re turned from the city with a new and full" supple. 'of all kinds of chOiee Spring and Summer Inas which. he will sell at unprecedencird tow prices for . cash or ready pay. Piease call. and see. I fis choice .lot of. Dry Goods, for both Ladics and GentlemenS wear, of Foreign and Domestic man ufacture, Ladies Bonnets, Gents Legl.orn I hits, Canada do., Chip do. Crockery, Groceries afi hard and hollow Ware., Drugs - . and Medicines. Iron-and Nails and Fish, besides , all aller arti cles usually. kept in a conntr:y stnro. li e w ill keep constantly on hand n supply of Sidi; and "upper. Leather. Wanted any quantity of Pelts, Deacon and Calf Skins- and . I.lvdes„ for which th 6 highest market price, frill 6t. paid: All kinds of Fariner's Produce : oil; received in 'exchange for Goods at market prices. Please c t itl and examine for yourselveS.at the old stand of C. C.,Wrights.• • - ..* M. C. SUTTON. Middletown, Susq. Co., Pa. . Jewelry.: - Jewelry: , - • / THE subscriber has received a large asmort... went of Goods to which he would cal the attention of his friends,. eonskting °fever/style of Breastpins, Ear Rings, - Fltiger RingA, Co!d Chains,Bracelets, A runlets, Pens, §pect.t,cle., Rings, 4.c. 'Also, a large stock. ufClocLs of a great variety of patterns and prices. Ware, and Plated,thmds. ofeiery ,kind, A very largo stock of Gold and Silver „Watches, of the ost approved makers. and of . the finest y. All of which Will be sold at the.. lowest-cash pri• res... • ALFRED J. EVANS. No. 2, Oda FuWows', Hull. Bir.Onmton, June 7, 1856 Department of .Common :echools ofronnsylvania. • IlAtiltssunc, Juno 24 1.856. To - the School Directop of Susquaanna Givrtamks - :'ApPlication having been made. by the Boirds, of Directors of a majority of the School ,Districts in Susquehanna , County, stat ing their. desire to increase the -Salary of- the Comity Superintendent of said County: you are respectfully requested to inert in Convention at the Court liouse,in. Montrose, olt:gatutday the . ,tlsth daxofJune, 1856, at one o'clock in the af ternoon, for the purpose above stated, according to the term& of the Eight section of the Supple ment to the School Law, approved the Bth - day of Alsy,. I b55.' • Very Respectfulfy .Yours;- - :.A. G. eIIaTAIN, - —Sup't ef.Comtnoti:Schools: Mulling Fluid and Camphene• • A FRESH supply, just received, and for sale 1:1 cheap, also, candles, old_enottgh, big en ough and hard enough to stand abine, In• sum mer time, by • • I. N. BULLARD. June 9,1856. - • • Fashionable - Milliner3r and Dross • Making at Harford. . . ilk Kist EDWARD S, (recently from Norwich, .IYI Conn.,) and Mies Coughlan at ,Harford; would respectfully_ inform - the citizens of their vicinity, that they aco no* prepared to do' 'for everybody in the most fashionable - style, all kinds of Millinery; Dress At atclux,- Cutting, Fit, ting, Bleaching, firiming, Prewung,,Sr,o,,ort short notice. Our &eilitice belnvuOh. AS to enable us to glve - our customers new Goods, And . rated fashions:at all times. liVe feel 'confident that we shell be able to please. Shop ()Yer thesto r ye of Johnston, Edwards 64 Co. hes 8, 18158.,-2Sma.' DOWEL/4N apOranite G. W. & CO'S. s. .:'MOTT. Conn ty. May 1,1856, Fire ! Fire ! Fire !, . . 1 rrilg undersigned is agent. Nr: ,the f011..y, - ;:iialr. ./. insuran ,e . companies, ,the /reputati ........-. i .- 1 1 ; w l. .ily:a, f ur soiveney, and honorable dealing, t.i.9.::::: . 7 - ;.Leon long known to the public: _ .. 1 TILE LICO3IING 'AI/UT LiAL. - CAPITA L. i., • - - - $2,200,000. ' 1 . - _• T l• The; F.zrzner's Unb I in nsuranee.otAthene, E•e. / . .... Capital $:),-.)0,000, setnred by Bonds and . 1 '. , ...:ra. I. state 'Nl:anal/A Ilarrisburg- 1 ,, on tile t ...-.41 stock ; I .Ilittital plan. /C l apital $350,000. _ -- , - ' ~,z47 azi., -- Appireants tan receive policies in eithcr; - or any of thh ale companies: ' - - • ' 4 - T. 1 '' . _ ./. / %BILLINGS STROUD, Agent.- , / i • 31ontr4se; May 13,1 356. T= • - -..- /Farmers to your Interest.' '.lucre. chance to= make front 12 t0, 1 25•07-.3 , 7- . per cent. on your investment. - . l'rllllll sobsoriber is prep . -wed to furnish Tart:F.li , I. ing machines and various otberAgrieul - ..ra- 1:n1 - implements, not - to- be surpassed by tiny, it... this country, from the well known • and long ea-, t.ddished ManufactorrefMeeler,Mellic.k tz. c::;y A! bany, N. Y. There are but n few fair/lei:gin this county; but what can yealisoAtto -above .11Z7 I cent- or more,,as the horse power can be app-i':-4;.1 in wan inn wooa l in log or otherwise, ehurniag, a cutting stalks, straw, and hay &e., and traric:qa other uses too numerous to mention.' For nt.or cral reasons I . ean make it an object for tlit---.. , ...1 wi . :4lin= to purchase, to call upon - menud Lave thoir orders filled.. I have the freight so err:ln- a :, led that the transportatiMi is but a mete irillP -- All impleinents warranted to be and to perti :In ras recommended, (see largo band bills.) . I e.ll also furnish machinery from other manuficts if d es i r ed, J X, A w i s your time 6 send:orders a 7,1 • your Machines will be in readineis atbarrest. E. T. TIFFANY . - Ditn4ilV u qCo Pa May 21, 186,6: Low Pricos Triumphant • . U17.011.GE %V. SEYMOUR & CO.; are now receiving a 'magnificent Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, selected' with great care and with 'Special regard:to the tastes and Wants of this cominnnity.consisting of n choictivario, ty of Dry Goods, Fancy Goode and embroider ies,iloots and ShocA, Groceries, HateXaps, and Str.aW Goods, GrOckery, Hardware and . Cutlery, &c. Which wo will Sell for pfonipt pay, at hiwer prices-than any other eatnbbibruent .75 . .7MA 16/ATAIt - we would 88 ) ;, that they ha*ii: imitheenfor t .•rot6i4 and that in the way`, of. Dress Gooda, we lavo culled for their use tlin 'choicest' gents in' the market! Drop in and see us, and we will take pleasure in ahowing,.ynu the nieeat and eheapeat stock tof Goods , you ever saw in this place: liarford f lAny 8,1856. ' •. - A GOOD assortmeni•of Pattern Theis Lawaa ' . • all liritos,. At • . 'MS. • • IaARASOLS arid Fans, new *Visa and - choice varieties, at "G. W. S.A.CO'S. A LARGE - stgek . or Srockery. Ware at W; O. av CO'S, -A, NIGW SitIPPLIG or Gmeties, I)rvge, ..Niata; Oita, Cilium, matortals for a, dt-on . - , Tvanst.vs, Jan; 1866: - - '• • Ashton- Salt; ' - rtoß Dairy -and . Table use, A n it,:-Tecep t imi kn a for saleby the Sielr, Bushel juDeat ;SOO,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers