r:>: - ; `Abbertistments. . flem Rllllforill Stove Emporn , - IN FULL BLAST. , cry' Le SWIVELS now for sale At: Diekei min! A I ) Sr. Garratts. We.are in receipt of he `irg ! rst... stock" of stoves over offered in Northen I' • consisting of Coaling, Parlor and siib plate; ..th for Viroo , l and Coal, alio`a, Inn .assortment: r ,f larger sites ref Cherehes and.Storea. 1, ! L ,Would call partictilar attention to tho D o f f vi , -onia Elevated oven the most Perfect and heav 7 • .)stgoves in ' marke t. Among our variety . or . 4. v t goovens would mention the .Enapire State un, 9rover as being:very heavy' plated - nnti a perfe4 zilish and-:superliser. Farrows of Suscinhanu. 11s; you hive bees is tha - habit of purchasintit iilhtstoves stna light trimming and paying ip4 iltleh As Toe neght - to for heavy plates and heal -..rirrinslags, -, . , ' .Yreinsurt4cteire oar own furniture and se iitulat manufactured prices,let those who pa _ ktlakers profit einspeta with us if they e1m.4. 1 4*lug done as usual on short notice... ! I' ' DICKERAIAN Bc-GARRATZ - - Ifewlfilford, Oct, 4th, 1655; -------------- pas subscriber *foal& innoince to hie Mas t- 'tamers and the; Wale generally, Olathe continues to supply tire vftrions sla,gazi ups named lioloiv, at the- price ,anneze4 per annum, viz limper, :$2,25 t PlitnarTf, $2,25: lionscheld .W. 40 s, $1.0O; Slattwood,s2,2s ;Godei, $2'45 M orticulturist;iolored plates, $3,50 Hekel- 1 turiat‘plaireedwou $1,70, Litters Li n ving Age, 13.4)04. Frank -Leslies' Gazette of ,Fashions, tifi\ :32,115 ; Balloes Picto-ria1,52,50-; !Ladies RePosi ' ury,-(Cincinnati,)' $1,,63 - .; National, $1,63; 141 , that's Home lifagezine, $1,63.., 1: MC is preparediduo to fill orders for standard ,and miscellaneous books; and current liter.t .4 the day,Whether_ Worn the trade wroth w'slks of industry. - ruing had an experience o I 'Mien years in the Book and Periodigal trade, he ;' , .?.lieves he can give entire satiifsetibit to allpar . -- 17 es entranting gin with order. Specimen numbers of-the Magazines sent on receipt of A' Post 01See Letter!, Stamps, fir, the is 33 or to $2 Magazines, and foie 12 sul.h Stamps, i , 3 sample of or $6 wOrks will liel sent. Letters of inquiry: mt4t contain a at, for the 11 --, return postay. • Books. sent &oat paid) on the !receipt of Publialier'sadvertised prices. Address,' ' !! - - WILLIAM PATTON,. , * Bookseller; llobOken, N.jl.. llan. 11.—W4„._ ___ ._ _f"--___., TIME CHANGE.). .a-VMSEW-aga l " Dielsevare, Lill:Ciiinlrallllla4L SPRING AURSNGENIENT: , I ' (V 4 -and ~after Thursday, Dec. 6, 1835, the 1„) Mail Passenger Train will,leare Scranton 411.00 A. M. . r Due at Great Bend et 3.10, r. Connecting with the Dunkirk Rkpresi Train -rest, and the. New York Eikpresa Nast,' ion the & E. R. R. Passengeri taking this train sJ.-ill - arivin in Dunkirk at 11.15 p. in. and in Niw Y Irk ai 11;0 p. , ~7 1; - I. Return, will tear° Great Bend at 3p. rnedue r.t. -Scranton 5 50-r. ' '. The Freight Accommodation gain. with pas?. - I - o'er car attached, will depart from Scranton at 00, r. t.,,connecting with the Ma Train bound 's%,est, and the Night Express 'both j ist-and Wtst. = , AvissenZers taking . this . Train and tile Night I rAgress Eist,will arrive in 'New York 'at 10! 5 I s. at._ By taking thelsli , Fht Fxpress West, wall a;-rive in Duikirk at 11 or. by taking the d - • Train West, arrivb in Dunkirk' at 6. 45 • p.m. ; . • Retarning, will. depszt ;from Great Rend 'at 7.00 A. rt. , and arrive.at Scranton, 12.10; A. at. Stages will-be in Waiting on the arrival of Ns. elgar Trainssat Scrauton,,to cont.ey passenger's. 0 Carb3ndale, Pittston, Wilk es-Barre, 'Nita - def. c_4,, 1 : via Me gR. R.; Easton, and all other ntermadiate places._ ; D, H. DOTTEREL; Snet. S. 2 l4oirtco,'Scranton, - Dam 6, 1955 ! 25tf • - 'Tor the, ' Irolidays. 1 10LEGANT pieces• tit. rithelubMnces for ,- .V.l the Holidays.' Parisn St.ttuser rAncv ;Pie- ' rr, :- , r -• 'r tt " 1" ~ ,. /the 4... an a all /To Us. CO. res sod vases, Terra Cott:- Ina variety. 0, kenu- Lifal _articles, liishbon wares in vari - ow desigie, l - ,011 ice No. 5E3 Wall -Street. O elegant Dresden sud - Freneh rina iyi_ . w I CAPITA!, , - .„ - • . • 9250,000 Ow. o p s n -for inspection at J. H. DE , PEIr,. i Insurer buildings, Merchandise Furrittare,Vee. Singhsinton, Dec. 2 0 , 1g55. .155. • 1 sets in Port and their Cargoes, and other Proper? ' - FANCY' BASKETS.' 1 i ty, against loss or damage by fire. A large • variety also. 'Work stands with Aro-. l Dienexoas.—Nathaniel 1 iebards, Samuel F. kets, Reticules 4:4. at to* prices. :; ,a i Mott, Peter H. Schenck, Wm. F. Mott, Edwin • 11 4 D. Morten, Wm. W. Fox Sidney Mason Efsha WORK -ANT FANCY BOXES.':' I R. l = 3, it. L. Lord, Thos. ifarron,Russel il. N . ev.: \IL Ward, Moses Taylor,- John Stew. Ladies Reticules, Port Monnr.ies,elegantPur- t ins, Aug. els for aile by . ard, James Colh3s, Thos . . W. Pearsall, Richard ss, and new styles of Sate - . . _ 3. H. nt pur . Ti he, Peter Cooper, Henry Elswortb, Lyman, l• i • - • Denison, JohnsCiswell - TOYS! TOYS-I ! TOYS!!! 1. :I • NA.THAN. 11%1, RICHARDS, Pres, •-- --.‘ 4 tt Come one, edme all and yOtir waits shalt'be i , `v ?.l4 ' PITT PALMER. See'v. - gistified froth a' penny 'to Aollars iri , price from I far' EDWARD PRIEST , Agent, Bingham. .siir large stock-of Toys which are now offered at 1 tgri. N. Y. ' - • .. '• - DF, PEG'S. i , . , CHINA AND CROCKER Y . ! WARES. i . .... 1 'Housekeepers iteat ioursolres to 4 is °cc-years 1 i:present witlione of the beautiful sotta of Gold 1 Z . Band or Decorated China now on exhibition at . ! Do Lieu's, A really aubstantial gifiloft to lie r.e. membered in a +octal :way.. Will lyou not act up-in th - o aus, : r*tion and select at the Crockery and House Farnitildng.store, by J. U. DE' PEU. I ' '1 I - Dee. 34,1855. MS I 'FIRE I - InitEn The wadiusigned has Been appointed an, agent - at the Srfas:"Aitrrtya ' FIRE INSURANCE ;ONIPANY, of ItarriacurxlPa. Said company su a.ciplist of 7 7-- - 7 7 - $500,000i I ie as safe 'and cheap a company as? any in tbnatate and Insureti on the Stook and 1 " mutual plan. .' BILLINGS STRGUD, A. ?iontross, Qet. -9, I 855.-=-41tf . the,,,andeaigneld hereby state that we have done busineu:with the above company;; and we are satisfied that it is both safe andeheap.— lOnr esp_erienee we have nover i known any as. sessfaints on a premiumnote. ;1; - F. Ni. Williams.Wro. Jessup. Virarnei. I% B. Chandler. Orlando Eldridge. 'NEW GOODS. 1 firlliE subsetiber►ls in constant receipt of Nem o.Ws,:in his line of busiriess, nearly every week. The public will find his - sasortyleut No I, audkis articles new and of good quality: The stock consists• so usual I .., Draol, Steateines , „Dye-Stuffs„ Grroocies, • aney4txxls, Jeetelr7, ' . • Perfatuery, ABEL TUR!tEI.4. lloutroisi, ion. 10,1856. - ; • , dem WIIO WISH VA RYIS. TO Irini--- ,- - - I 1.1 an d on . 1 i ~..„:1,-Limai at's cheap price rill al" ;I" `""" l i oli i, a ttiotionle eared to the; . imose r r h a l l a coal ComfAnY: ! The ir" wa ril y Farm .. e r ion ,p l) given for 200. rare* or r00re.,„ ... .1a P.... M r — in s t o ar week or $4 per _ pityabbil hi . l e, elewm ,,,, at .a — l l T,Eik, "Rooth Peonsylva. " • vola. -11 ' 131 ' — ' - beg ' heti for its pro fited h is one the LI P! - . A- z o i end J . ala CseS to the State: T h e 114 4 , 0 4 51 is te ft :atitraim nli Ina -iiitpt...to be- 041 1 413 " 4 L w t 1 ie ,; , 17 t a ' a liments of - tioe min s how . 41 il l aid bt t w o il e h - veliis,of - ....naval ,- ' beinieGrulet i - 13 ...._ p cols4 .--x---,anal.rw-in - 4 014 4 9 44 1 • most .'-a i , aib imicir ts ra tonids. ...;-;Tike timbef l g oo d. and w atiii 3.. .. :asecte d "Aittel:-Ole"egaePn ' Y to a goo d la t e„ ' --an. ,I t n ' I ' tAaa- 4 * *ti ar tanwia." sits to commence farm in g , - .f eh u ren Or, inikleg es "P'"4 - 431611Sr u ilit 4 :, e ' i mil l '6-:; itilessi:e.4? be hid from Abel st: i ,:*- .• ft,4 ) sositirs. Letters 1 iridebtare * ea I ,4 1 , aims OMNI. I ' •tweied - Oreao,7' - ,!..P.?„ y i45 4 .. Wont Street . . 0411rELT4Teaara'N'' , ' _.,,, n t h atx,phibt, otsifourt h 'iPP - 'pi i n. the nth side betw . , , --'-. - , * . ' 2lllw : e, ir P i r : s - ed *t *ltaia sliorttos ms. . , :__ ,c...!. in tOrdt 1,..,& 0 . -t -t. - . New Artintipment 10 - Gregory's, Et WARE STOE . (1, -/ W.-GREGORY - St JUDSON SMITH %ire lavitigfonned copartnership tor.the I purposeot conducting the Hardu'are business In all its, vitrioas branches, would 'respectfully .in.. form the- peoPIO of` Susquehanna county that they ars now opening at. Gregory's Old Stand, opposite the Exchange Hotel,2 doors from the Canal, Binghamton, N. Y., the largest, cheapest, an.l best stock of Hardware ever offered in Bing- hairtton. - - Having made arrangements to import. the't) English Goods and purchase , hgir Alnerle,DTl d rect froin manufacturets,the.y,can and will sell CHEAPER. than any ,_other establishment in total. Their stock is now very extensive, and thbso Wishing to purchase are invited to call. The following area portion of their leadhig ar- . ticles, viz :—Table , knives and forks, Tea do., carters, forks and steels, pen and pocket knives, Wead and htiteher do., bay and straw do., scis sors, shears, and razors, britannia tea and coffee pots, silver and tuttannia tea and table spoons, silver plated; brass, and iron candlesticks, and fers and trays, solar lamps, lard, and sneperided . lamps, mantle:piece ornaments, brass and iron andirons,shovels and tongs, &e. _,_Y4OkingGlasses, - and lookiriegl AM' plates;to- I - Mier with .a general assortment of housekesp ing articles. • • -- - HOUSE TRIMMINGS, consisting of Picks, latches, butts, screws, brad nails; bolts, patent window springs, blind fasten ings, shutter serews l and fastenings, &e. a , A general assortment' of tools for Carperters and Joiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons and bliicksmiths,censisting of. Panes, saws, barn mere, hatchets, axes, adzes, chisels, augers, anger k bitts and hollow angers. anvils, Bellows, vices, patent drill machines, sledges, stone hammers, brick and plasteringtrowels, cross-cat, mill and circular saws. , A splendid , assortment of Saddle and Harness 'makers' tools and trimmings. FARMING TOOLS, consisting of shovels, spsdes, ffirks,ralg es,seyth Cft grain cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron bars, grind stones, &e. . - ,:„ Also, Agents for; the sale of Whittemore. Squires & Co's Agricultural took, such as plows. has , arid Straw cutters, corn shellers, &e. Sole and upper leather, Inprocco find shoe trimmings, with a general assortment of findings. Wooden ware, willow cradles, wagons, chair:- and ,baskets of all descriptions. ' Bar iron and steel, iron axles and steel springs malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings of all 'kinds, paints, oils, Sash, glass, putty., &c., :all 'of which will be sold at the limed rattis; Please sill and examine tho stock for 3:ourselves.. Bingharatoa; March 1, 1855. A Rare Chance to Buy Goods - Cheap. CC. WRIGHT being desirous of dom. f. ing business for the purpose of leaving in tho spring takes this method of informing his eustomets and the public generally, that he will sell his entire stock of Goods at cost, fo r eath or ready pay. No . eredit will be s ir e n a ft er this date. , He would say to oseln ls debted to him, either hy, note or book ' count, that the same , must be settled imme la y, without further notice. He also offers for sale his taneiy, store house, two 4welling houses, and the appurtenan eea therewith, together with 82 stores of land: lAli of which will be sold cheep. Middletown, Pa., Jan. 10, 18.56.—tt. And •till they Come. IVEW Book every week.- -Old-Santa Clans is I. \round yet and will be 'till atter -New Years. so plese prepare for him by calling at the Post office, where you can get new, entertaining, and useful hooks, cheap. ' The Hunters Feast, or Conversations around the Camp Fire, Kate Weston or to Will and to Do,-Ten Yens among the- Mail Bags, Family t made or home aie Happy, Life on the road or Claude Duval &c.. Peter Parleys' new Univer-: sal History and gift books, Mrs. Leslies, Crowen: and Hales New Coorbooks etc., and , many , oth ers I cant ntention here, but can show, them to you if you will call, and sell them low for the Ready. Montrose Dee: 28, 1855. To Fanners and Gardeners. ITOURattention is called to the Manures manufactured by the Lodi Monufaeturina Co., from.the Sinkaand Privies of New York. City and fiee from offensive odor, called - POUDILIETTE AND TAFEU. , Pouirette' is composed of two-thirds night soil and one third . decomposed vegetable fibre. Tafeu is composed of three fourths: night soil and one-fourth No. I Peruvian Guano. Ni These manurewere cheaper and better adap -ted for 'raising Corn, G-Arden Vegetables and Grass, than any other in market. Can be put in contact with - the seed without injury, and. ,canses Corn and geed.% to comelp sooner, ripen two 'weeks earlier, and yield one third snore than other manures and is a prerentatice of the Cut worm. Two bbls.PoOdrette or 100 lbs. Toren; will inanuiVinacre'of Corn in the bill. • Toren 1 3-4 cents per . lb. PandiAtte $2,00 per bbl;, or $1,50 - forany quantity_over 7 bbls., delivered on board vessel or Railroad, tree from any charge for package or cartage. A pamphiet containing every information, sent post, paid; to any one sending their address to THE LODI MANUFACTURING CO„ 60 Courtlandt st„ New York.-7m3 siterNEw GOODS - 1 A T BELL & TINGLEY'S. -A large at)d L'l well selected lot of Crockery and Glass ware just received. Alio a new lot of Teas which we are selling cheap, OATS wanted at 50 cents per bushel, cash or radp.by " BELL &TINGLICY. Dec 14, iSi6. SeeeuPP' d to be - eheap - Slooo worth, Ready made clothing at - - DICK:ERMAN & GARRATTt3 New Milfted, Sept. 18th, 1855. QTP,EL Squares-..A large and su - pforassort. 0 meat at _low prices. Guns—Single and double barrel all Hem. Wows from 25ets up. Sub Cord, Rope Hal.. t en , Ch a lk Li ll is, &e., Wrought Nails; all aim, Gimblet pointed Screws, a large assortment, at - - Parsz& Kzowl.rxes. It;aghataUm.lior.,.lBss. - - , SifigiotOn j ' • (lAN -now be found at las mew stand on;the corner - of Turnioce end chestnut' Eta" a few doors - east of Poit's "store -:WhOrt ereetuall* repsirii with dispatei,'.WatChes; CrOalta, Gans, lewelty, end entry description . cf inseldeery.. Wheel cutting. Gun Cud VlTatels saterfaisuutiplied to the trade; - • _ - TIMAKES tide:method of casing to Ms -friends, IL ' and zustinneinthet he as SOO reamed the practiceof Kodielne Aide old staid Ittittlaj Araselltraere **my be fo e a4.at all thew velem; Ordessainal)**loY4-'1Z1411)111d say to thog owing idie on old omaeonue ! ern] deduct per cent: oi4dl.neeonnti pad %fors the *it of April next, (or if aey Peer Ithoeime l 4) - will deduct fifty. , Montrose, Feb. 20, 101511-otf BULLARD. soot. 4.:Vuite*-I'J,- .L.~ - _.~_<~ „_. *rt.. ,r Pitts and tla care of one comp, .... J. ss, :'re of both.; No person cart feel well while intider a costirebabit of body. Bence it ;should ~as it can be, .promptly y relieved. , FOR DIWPEr thrt StA,which is somres i canna of.Costitettess,tand always uncomfottable,i ike mild doses --;from one to fent— to stimulate tl 4,tonisch and liver into healthy action. They will 14'! it. ma the heartburn: bodyburn, tattl--tezz.`4:; of '. - _,-sp•is.l. - j: 1 will rapidly disappeer... .NVAca it has ,7,-,c, tit,•n't 'forget what mired you. • - - 1 -s -i ' - Fora Fort; 6111 - I..ven,• fir ..11cr!tirT.Ittr: .4gni t,,ft , /e Bowels, whicii, prmilo.rm , r.iimer:ll , Acpi...::-. 0 of :I , e. spirits and, bad ticalt.h. Lt.lte from -,i,,w to. iielit Pills et first; and•stualler do - se , t ..ftet--:::.rtis, .e. til activity . ind strength is restored to the system. - --l• Forntp,v9tliniESS , Staß 1-1 1:?. DAC II - INA rst s. Pain in the .stometeh, Rack, or side to ":fr , •m C.. , 7 to eight pits Mt going to bed, _ 1r tilm - I , p :.. a'. OrWr atesufficientli., take more the tie'a cla..4mtii thy do. These complaints will be-swept c• from tl,e. system. Don't wear these and f acie I . ,tolred als- , orders because your stomach is Oil: 1 Fon Scr.otuts.; ERTSIPELAR; and J 1 Diseases 'AI” .the Skin, thke_the Pills.freely and f •Auertily, to keep the bowels open. The eruptio ..ill genes . ally soon.begin to diminish and distill- • sr. :tinny . dreadful ulcers and sores have been :aka up , trey • the purging and purifying effect of theap Pills, a 1 some disgusting diseases which: seem4to saturate the Whole system have comple;tely • i dell_ to their influence, leaving the sufferer in feet health. Patients! yens duty to society for 4 that you should parade yourself around the '' rid et4vered , with pimplea, blotches, ulcers,!•sores, '." tl all or any of the unclean diseases of the skin ,cause your systerit wants cleansing. -4 - 1 To Punts* THE. Btoon, they are taken best ntedi --sine -ever cltseuvered. They should Wtahen freely and frequefitlY, , and the immirities*hielt - sow the seeds of inciteable diseases will be swept out of the a j a system like Chaff before the wind. B ,this property they do as much good in preYenemg chness as by the remarkable cures which they Oinking every . where. • i, ' LIVER. CiNPLADiTi JAVIthiCE, .li gal sitious 'Affections rise from some liming , ens--either ' torpidity, congestion, or obstructio of the Liver. TorEedity and congestion vitiate the hile_and render .it unfit lot digestion. This is di 'strong to the health, and the constitution is tently under- . named by no other cause. Indigesti is the symp. •., 't torn. Obstruction of the duet wh empties the •t; bile Into the stomach causes theoo to overflow i into the blood. This produces J ' ndice, with al l it lcng and ththgerotui train of evils. r costiveness, cirri alternately'. costiveness and. din era, !recalls. ' F Feverish-symptoms, languor, low .tits , weatiness,..• restlessness, and melancholy, wi ...sometimes in ability to Sleep, and sometimes , t drowsiness ;1 - i=etirees there is severe pain in t, ~,side • the Ski* and ibp, wit::--• of the eyes ogee a' l eenh'th yellow •,•1 -the stomach acti . ; tin; bowels so ' Ito the touch ; I ; 1 the whole 'system writable, with a t ,::„.: 1 7, id revrr,l which may turn to bilious fever, bir 114 COlii, biliGniqr diarrhea. dysentery, &c. A meal, "u dose of tfwee, Cr four Pali taken at night, follow ' ;by two or three i. in the rooming, arid repeated a few sys, will remove,' the cause Of all these troubles. it • =wicked to suffer such pains when you can cure the for 25 cents. ! EHECNIATIGII, Gorr,. and all anaitaiOry Fr+ vets are rapidly cured by the- p. , ying effects of t these Pills upon,the blood and th ,; stimulus which they afford to the-Aital.principle o :Life. For the.e and all kindred complaints they s Auld be taken in laj t„, mild doseS, to move the welt! g t'tly, but freely. i As a Otstveu FILL, is b . agreeable :ma • useful. No INII can be ma c morgisl , . ` an t e to ta+o , ,, 1 and certainly none has been t ; de(-ru :'• ctual to the purpose / for Which A di'l -, :;:i;* --* , employed.. • I Vs. PftEPACeo ''.:l • Owl. c. - Ayy. qc.. co., . I Tractiial O.s dAt alyt. Chemisti :'t • ' LOWCLL, MA - . . , AND FOLD 8,. , , _ NEW GISODS DIP 1 • 1- AT C. W. .4110 • UST iereived a lot or New . 'r! oods, each as DA Lahr% De nage!, 4: Pawn etas, Pereisnj Al pacas, Gliaghams, Merinos. P 1 , .,• and Shawls, in fact ik general • 'Laser: Anent of pry Goods Which will be ',old low WANTf.D-7Socks, tt er,Lard,Cheese, Flannel - , &..o.,any quantity . in - change for Geode . a t ea sh".Heet.4.- - • • C. W. MOTT. Mnattose,Sept. 1855 Lt w. • Fresis Arrival , oflor Goods at .l jll[ toICKFRMANS & i fRRATT'S ' THE T Obscribers would pspectfally inform the good people ; of Su' ikuelinna Co:. that they are how opening , the: 41tock of. Fall and i Winter Goods which is uni)i ale large and at tractive all.: Of which will : soht for '-eamli or approved credit cheaper 10 can bo _ bought at any other establishment in 15. county W,e mean just what we say., Please . We u 4 a trial, - t I DICKEItMA, A & GARRATTS, New Milford, Sept', 181114855. [ s 1.1,; N.uls and Spike.' Mdls and Old Colony : Tor Eisighamton,Ntiv., 18.5 f-j IDARBSOLS—Lat4:st st'• ir • • C.W.CI W. 310TT'S Jane , Just Re & I.4alotof Boots and etfc 'per than Oer J. A. -J. IL ASITT . .FX .. Droolyn, Dec 5-1655414 ANE* SUPPLII araA Jan,lo, 1856. •-; TUST receiving a -t1 'Silt at Juni) 3,1850. ,• • N'' • ‘ , ,'.t'. ii} F : - 1 ___<_ i E . 'r"' n A,I ~,,, re -, t of„Silnle .in(iFasev , f TernoLO teiclenT". • " ; 'L ''l''" •'- ' rt " I - • - ' 1 ......., ~. ..i . •z,,. i i : : :; : c.-4 ( 1.0;: , .,•...ric:=,liard . .v:Ire, fiats, Csps H4PrE"‘"" to "ir- . 1 - ' 4 . en Il" otil.zr •I': -Y-- - - . Y',.!.. , -.)er , ..1 '.,:.,,-, . ‘V.:' I l'oper, Dfugs, Dye Stnirm, - ille lim3 bought:is ! . i of ready.iiiade clothes 1 , ...,• ~„ ; , ! , ( 1 r. ii;,. & 0 ., ~ ktiiich will be - ,, 4 1 . 4 , 0t, , ;-rlo at the Store, and the f i r s rAay , ,, wear i n g the cc- i t .: • fvf chq.l.lt ;;IT C 7ii. or :will- , 1.,-,1 t • rt . 1i t it‘' cident occurred, - , First, rig drapt his coat-tail by , • . 11. n: JuNI-lzit: the:mere force of speciflcogravity, giving to uu- ' fortunate man the appe rice of a badly ; ...lamed craft iwith the flying ji .--,' in the. stern,' and on stooping over to pick u ~;the remnant, the dread ful . easualty took pea •„7 - . the fountains of -the great, deep were broken ~ _ teen's pants • were, sundered from ankle to . -aist, and Green himself 'seemed to be. atie ~. - stay to prevent each depl9rable accidents Is . ,_ patronize a skillful tai lor, iiyho makes up his 1 1 4 ark with a determina tion that it shall not of , . it - .neatly, but. weal Weill. 'Green buys at t:i clothing store because he, t inks he can get hi . ' _caring a little cheaper. In ail.brobability the p' , ~, ts. that served him so tree leronslrhad pass'''. through a ;over hospi.: tal, been striped from • ' .l .holerri. patient, carried home eight nights in t, . week on a shutter, and final)y bleachert: and ; ed - i bl, an. ingenious Prenchnian fprs markilt id the country. Take warning by -p r Gree mishap, and' go to.:a tallbr - sho_p like that i . bisment of Searie's !fete! if yonsrant to - , - suited: _ _ . ; t o .Or Cuttletibine - usual; and all work war. !inttA.. i • . i".; . JOHN 'GROVES.. :1104koiie Apt. 21,11855. : - 1 • The S norer. 4_ , NY Perl.9ring ipper voo.rp of • . C., Tyler:ten be 14ibe iistest-roado proved _twiner. Att sear* le w Okthn,ineodlog Weds' Attie on tetbifeethitoooe ottiltioidtf! •----- i •••-, i 4 Matt, Know Thyself." AsiOnofilablellookfor 26 eitntt-. o *,wcery faultily ritotad r have a ropy " 0 •, , - 100,000 COPIES S OLD IX .*t %tlt. f • s•N. %% 0 la LLI. tilt, 'LESS TIDI V Jk 2/16.11, . A. .aleir ~ . .14. A . T i,*/4. ri, edition . refine d and inproTtd, ... e7 ~,,,,,,, - .., ~ 11xst list:leg. t.:-...':‘ • , • ...' Dr. lb:inter tr.Nlodleal Manual -,."• / ~ - .. and band Haab fo r t beatffte ted -1..._,, ... , . • - -2: 17 , ~ %,. - 'lt . • .kl.", --...,: .Z... Containingan intaglio of the oft. - `a Illutprograss,treatment 'indents ,;,:. .././.4yerty.: • • ~/,,,,,, il*,N of every form of disellre cos. i trae.ed bY,promircuouisexna tot e vcolgren,by stdf nbutteorbyllexual-meers,itith advice rbetheirprevention.writtetln -a fintlllarityte, avoiding Id I medieal t echnicatiti es , anti er erything that would offend the ear Of decency ; with an out lineof complaint &incident io Females ;from tile result of some twenty years' success ful practice Oxclusively Iterated torkia cure o fdiseasevoif a delicate crprirate nature. / ..„ ; To which is added receipt tfor the cure oft h caber die 'eases, and attentive on the eaUtee,a)lrlPtoto s ands u e eof the Fever and Ague. • ~ ,-. . _ Testimony of the ProfeeforofOisstetrit % i n Penn. College.. Ifithudietphta--"PILUUNTEIt'S MEDICAL MANUAL," f,--The author oithis work , unlik et he majority of those who idvertise tO cure the dimes scsof which' 1 treatals a graduate of one of the-best colleges is the ilnitedStates. It. affordsme pleasure to recommend him to the nnfortu. ' tate, or to the victim Of malprlctlce,st, &successful and exp.irievecil praetitioner,in whittle honn r :and; ntegrlty they may place the greatest confidence. . , Jos. 5.1.0.N08110RE,74 D. From A. p leasureWoodwar, M. ,of Petsn•University ,Philo delpha.li, gives tic p te.add my testimony to the professional ability of the Ant hor of the" Monte AL Man. vit.." Numerous cotes of Disease of the Omits lOrgatte, acme of them or long standing, have come under my no , tiec.in which his akin has been manifest in reptoring to pei feet health.. in some cases where the patient has-been cons:idered heyondinedieal aid. - In the treatment of Sem 'nal welio.: rs. or disarrangement oft he functions pro dip.,..4 by -,,1f-Itt.t.c or Excess of vencry. I do not know ; blv forfcr:- i-. 1 the profession. I have been acilitointed I with th ~.11,, - 1 Tome thirty ye,,r4. and deetni tno more -than stiee c.::',.: :Iv vt , l'. •:v kuadness to the nnfortunata vie of r' zlYlo ••••evt..`.:..n. to recommend him a's one in -a` es.e. pr ',... -, io - -i.... -.:::: v 11.1 integrity they miry safely I ,•“•:..... ..1..-s. ' l 1.1 . r. Erx WO ODWAIhD.M. D. ! '''''•,..aisis,...": it '' 1....• 11:4...ttr.itIti. tlia , molt comprehensive , ;, . i ~.., ~-. f: f7r--. 1 .•,- -, •:,-..,..-:-- -,- 11 - -•,i; .... dvou the class ol d isease of :, ...;e't : ,: • •• t ap, ttp,.lft., :,•.,..:,... , :,..-t, c.,•,, . readers It II r t es from all { nbjeetionabi...: fe.s! f- r. ::ff a :no •••arent howeveria AO:lions,. I ran cibJeet to r.i.•:::i::•.:. ;t in ! ... .eh: :::-.lv Of his lona. The au : thor half dere:C.l I, , AN •,.' yenrs to the treatment of Literati.. ens corny lento :vc;.^.te ! of. and. With too little breath to pull and too little presumption to impose, ha has offered to the woe:Cal the merely nominal price of 25 cent., ' the 1 fruit ef some twenty y'ears 'most suceessfu I inacti/f.."— Ifernid. .! No-leather or parent ihoulithe without the cnowledge imported I r tfileinvaittable work'. It would save years of roluanortilleation iind.ltrow to the youth tinder their cbatge."—People's Adromte. . A Presbtterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of tt nun. ter`sMedieal Manual" says :—"Titonsands owns thons• andslof our youth ,by evil exartple and Influence of i the pavinns, have been lc l Into the !titbit of Im,lf Pnrc l ut without realizingthe sin and fearful consequences upon themselves find thoirPosterity . Theennstitntionsoftho ns, an:ls who arc 7iivine families haie been enfeebled, if not bro.; ett'down,and they do tantknow the cause or the core. Anythine• that can be lone so to enlighten and intluenee the pnblientind as to eheek,and ultimately to removethis wide-srrcad source (+liftman wretchedness. wOnld confer the greatest. hl eCSing net tto the religion of lout Christ, on the prevent end Ao - nin:, .-en eration. InteMpera'neci or the use ofintosientingdrinke) !hough it has vlainthous ands upon thousandv.is not a Free: ' 4-urg e to thehu-: man race • Accept my thanks on beltalf of the aliliotea. antl.beliere me . youv co-Work/win the good worhyou are snactireiy engamedito" 1 .. . f ' flolleeoPY • ses•forelv env el opeli will he forwarded frecof restate. to&rty part ofthe linited States for 15 cents . or ala corieS (pc gi. Address, (post paid) COSDEN I CO., Pnbildters.nr nos 113. l'.lllladelphla. • . • . rt,r , ilooks'elfers,Oanvassers and. Book. Agent scnoolitid on-the most liberal term.. - 24y1 , . s.ati ~ I vizaNDER _ SNIP ,DS., ‘,.' lc:A.:vs & w ATSON', No. 26 _,,,-_.....-2-..,.... : -. 4 .../1 -77 . ":••• -1 ' Zwilth Fourth 40.4 - Phi:ad. : . f • :- ~,.; I G R fi .-1 l' . Fig E...ctiEsTstrr i• , - .. I sr, FIF Ili ; 7 .15., Friday looming. .•-1 -.,:. t - , i igfivi....:**l • , )erember 15th, 1z+.5.1. Evans er.. ',' 1 .. ...•• ' IValsOu s liiilatiitiniler Safes' tri , toophnuttal:tepe always life whett'pro to the test . PIIIIADtLPIIIA, Dec. 15, 185.4. Messrs Eians IVat:•ton, N 0.26 South Fourth St.,. Philadelphia. linsin.Em :- We take *much pleasure n roc ominiirling your Sialamauder Safes to More:hams and others': w waned{ a secure, Means of preserving ih,.ir books, tiapct!,l&c., from fire,• ns the tine we urchased C;9 01 yOriaholit /even mouths since has preserved our baakrsi cud club in as gtM.., .! condi tion as they 'were when Out into it, 1) !fore the great fire thisporning. which ttestroyed the en tire block of bnildinge corner of Chestnut and Fifth s t ree t s . The 4ibove was'iduse in our office, on the second ilocir)of,our building„ from which place it fell into the it.allar and roraaiued there until the fire was out.;4' ho Safe 'was then removed and opened i wale piesence of at least 1009 persons, who witnesiedt tie-good condition of the contents. Will yen pleaseliave the Safe and Locks repaired as we intend to put it iu-use again, having' perfect aantideuce in its fire-prciof qualities. - . Yours, Respectfully, • LACCV & PHILLIPS. . r,vantand Watson ta3rp pleasure in referring to the following, among theintauy hundreds who hare their safes in sae t7 t .--1.1. S.M.lnts - Philada.; Farmers and Mechanics ..Bank.Thilaffa4 Samuel Allen, F.s. High Sheriff' Phira:;".ohit N. fienderson,l City q-. Controller Caleb Copei:4- C -0., No:183 Mar ket St.; Richard Norris and Son, Loconiotive buil ders, Philada .; Bancroft and Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James Ste.; Franklin ni, Insu rance Penn'a Railroad Co.. Philada.; Lacey Phillips, eel nor sth and Minor Streets; Sharplessßro. , No. 32 south 2d St.; James, Kent and Santee; No 1-17 North Third Street; W. H. Hortsinau and Sons, N 0.51 North 3d St; Smith, Williams & Co., No. 87 Market St.; J.& R.Orne, No 183 Chestnut St- • • . • A large assortment of the al:myelin fes alwayson hand (warranted to . stand 10 per • cent. more fire than any Herring's Safe.now iu EVANS & WATSON;aIso manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters. Iron Doors)and Iron Sash. for teak-. ing fire-proof Vaults :or Banks, Stores, public and • private buildings. Seal and Letter Copyin Press es Patent Slate Linea Rt4frigeratora, Please. give ,us a call, at No. 26 South Fourfh St., Phila. deli in-15y1 t-Baonton,' Parker ci & tisowtames. Wived r ' - itather,vud for sale ;.r I Grr•t D rue 9, ry4.l- - • TC:II.REI.I:3. ES' . #tidng SP OII O. . wiling me; at the front r Store lately oeenrifed by ommodsted senordipg to in tffo beet and mod sip. to Ot If _properly =de. fad, every branch of shortest notion; Ind that thoserroxy*rood. ./.flormvste, _ Caps for 3 shilling's a TWILL 4 ?meal. • NEW GOODS. • . Afc MILLA:st & PARK return their grateful All. acknowledgments to the publie.ftir past fa vors, and invite attention to the very large stock of Spring . and Surnmer Goods they are nos re eeivin,g,.and offer for sale at very low prices. to addition to their usual aSsortment of staple Dry Goods, Groteties, llardv..are; Crockery, Paints, and 0:1s &e., they are prepared toexhibit a large as,oirtment of LADIES DRESS GOODS of every description, figured, Plaid and Plain; Bonn ets;t'illawls, Ribbons. Gloves, Hosiery. Ladies and Misses . shoes of .all kinds—also a large stock df . • •. READIz4IADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassitheres, Tweeds, Jeans, Summer ClottiA, Ves:tirtga,; Pits and caps, Bouts and S h 00S &c. J&l.t. • , They 'respectfully ,soli it an early call from those who wish to purely:se goon GOODS AT PatcrsN, Hart . ..Y . ( l 3r+, , . 1, 1:',55 LACK. GA) :7,;11i of ext•elli•nt. q11:111- JLP ties 11..51. JONES'. Juno 1, 1855. - ID ROMA nod Cslun'ere Shawls, at all prices, IP also a,few 51aniillas by IL 51. JON S. June 1,1855. READ? Macho Clothing, at low prieei, by H. M. JONES. inne 1, 1855. I ARIES will find a treat varie ty of Bonnets LA and Ribbons at w- U . I. JONES'. Juno E. 1855. • LAWNS, Cha ll is, Barge de Lains and (ling. baits at , IL M. JONES. inns 1,1855. . TPMDROIDEKIES and Window Drapery at - R. M.JONES'. June 1,1855. A good asortmeht of Boots and Shoes nt 11. M. JONES'. - Jane 1.1855,_ QIXTEEN of Good Mackerel for , one doi - kJ ler in cash by - M. JONES. /one:1;1855. MHZ beat quality of Nails at 5 ct's per pound, for sale by H. M. JOIM. Janet, 1855. - - the Lesirezeir Kati enilTirnotify Seed: for lj sale by - BURRITT. New Milford, Mardi 17,118 K • -• Stavert! Stoics V! Stoves!!! • THE subscriber wishes to call the attentiono his friends, and the Public to his very large assortment of, STOVES, . . at hf _ s new Store Room -in bonersville, neat to L. S. Lenheim's Store, and petit the Great Bend Depot. Ho has in addition to his former. large variety, of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, wavy new . Patterns, some of which are—\, , - sr....inchako,,.l Peach ilitafteh, Pitt Fly, Molern Troy, Mohawk, . Medallion, Black Warrior , .Orieat, - Oak, Egg Stove, 4 Which.together with his fortner stock' will - be perhaps the most extensive and . varied assortment of well selected \ Stovesin the County. *** Clinton Stoves well Ininished at low prices. Fir All articles in his line kept on band" and made to order as nsnal, and order received at his old stand in Great Bend. . _ JOHN COLSTEN. Leder§ville & Great Bend- i 85q.—tf. . . , - PIIILAVELPIIIA. 7 . • '. Important A tinonatevanttlitt; • , - , _ . MO all personoarllieted wln sexual ,l'ioemoes, each as . a. ' xl .. b . t.'en JL Seminal Xi:minces, itnriotence, f - iiiii , irtirra, Meet 1 Grea - c 1,..._3.1 li_ in Sikringrilie. syphiti,..tc..&. , .. The a.„,,,,,, A „„.,,..,...,i,„ „ r ., !! , 1 ,, , 1e .,. „r i 1-1113ITIG'Y 'OF ll' R 1. 1: 8 1 1Tr l it er ' A - N a iI R D E O E NI I ESTIC ' ptda. in view itf tint awfitl.l , -iitriteliin of human iife and , .„ , ~ GOODS. ,, health, ratified by si•xuiti ‘tllell , e IL , and the deceptions , , which are prim:Seed is phi, th e , tu r gr itie f i to rictimaorefteh, Pi . Di Infra ,, . le ec.riy st VIC Jlnd go:day,. such as will 1 diceaocob Quacks ,liare directed their..oit.iuitiag sit rgenn Surt. 1:1) . •p valtf and arennuintdate. all. classes - Lot as a Chttritobt» Art won by of their name, t o give 3lcdical n nip f t iti t• •ttiNt in the cradle to . the 'ad kirtee u'ratir. to aI. persons thus' afflicted, (Matt WI Ire. I" t "' g- • -- nI I il I " . malr;)&c..urtil in cases of extrerneporerty awl , uttering and sieert. ,it. i Titest• • gonas :Iry bnught On the; to vursi n medielue , FrrtnlChlrge. - most ray.° :tit terms..an& s•iil be sold according- The 11.1 ward Ao-,s-lat;niii 4re britevtlent Institution. es- , : . 1 taliliabed hy,spemiil eiiiiresatent . for the, relief of the sj'ak I.F• • . • and distressed. Afflicted wit hi , i isitlentand Epidemic Div Pleaste Wire; us a Cali rind Wt s will try -to sap= ''safes." and its funds can be tied for no other purpoesi ply Ail Vitir Wants -in the .11he of GOODS evert it , :IS now a I trpins of insane, erbleh the Direct ars have • •.. . trrited t o advertise tb e above notice Ibis needless t o add that the Association critamands the highest Wilk al skill el the age, and will forttieh the _most approved modern It h e a p v t e t i l t l i e - n u e,iuntri store i Yon need not . go to- . New Yft' . l .f.ii any thitn! y l pu want, because we frtlsh frpiti the Af.V, ' . treatment . Valuable ad eleegiven to sick and nerv's•us fr.: Wile! afflicted with abdominal wealineso, Womb Com- - M plaint. Costiveness . LeucnrrhoM s, Springvillr Va., . ioilrear(poAt-paid.) Dr - Geo. it. Calhoun. , looopliing Turce,.O. Inward lesociation,No. 2 Suuth Ninth :tract, Philadelphia .Pn. . Byorder of the Director*, . . . , ... EZR .D. 111:ARTITELL,Prerideri t. . I - Ai:OTT. JOHNSON, at; Co. i i. - ay 8,1855: I I • - . . (lI'S vktacsit.s.seeretary. • . : 22y1 N EW- STOVES . , • 11ORRIlirl' has nosy in store and IS rcceiv: al_ ing a 14rgi stock of NeW Stoves, including ‘. ,• the Star of the West-an 4 National elevated oven, 13 ALDWIN at PERKINS. : ~• 'Black River, Wide Worhil and Parrigcn Large . Wholesale :Ind Retail dealerin Flour,salt.Piirk, . . I . oven, to whii.h_ne woui invitewtrtii, r attention' Mint, Grain. Feed,Cisndles, and itotar sa it for pack- 1 us the : b, st Opiikin,...! Stoves in market with a au in2 Pork. C.ash paid for Oats; Ryf , arid Meat i' - parlor a l soritnent of Virliir,Otricennd 'ltiip stoves On Chesnut Street.—Easi and cif Lyon B Ifc.CTian. for Woi it iii , Clial, also St-ve Pipe, inc, Sheet dlerestiirc, M oeuvre Pa . • Irtin.Storem Tulles, &v., i - ' .. . , AT.FRED if ALD WIN - This Mock is melected Stiont the hest toundties. • Stt S PREtKINS. of Alb:lily Mid Utiva ror'cailli nith the heat quanti , Montrose ()et ::ii. 1 1 +55 —44; . , . tyof 'I riminimrs ninflt . .:t4 .ortlpr for his custom 7 1---- - trade, is hicl; vt ill unabl e, hito•in att respects to defy . cAapErs AND OIL CLOTHS. ~t n —'•a,-1 h - s id t . treduced p e t 4. 1 , 11 , 1 i nn. %%1 I 1...541 :II tle rnos_ _. T 1.1.' 01:1 P1.:13 would call) he attentiOn of Prices for easii'or approvA credit. _ el •-z to• pahlic-to•his large stock of Three, Ply, Nelv Milford Oct- 1855. 1 Ingrain. relter, Tarstry, and Brivisels Carpet- . 1 in L 'fii which he has just purchased at AOcTios— and offers tit lower prices than ever Offered he- a fore in the country. and a large variety, Oiling IL his spaciott.i Carpet Room ocetipyina the second Lai' floor of his Crockery and. Muse FuriiiShing Lt' store. - Come and be convinced that there iis no riv necessity for bare-floors.ree, .: 3. U. DE PF.II. - air Rinzin hataa. IRA . lieet,. 11tNi ; • ! as M..‘,i i ',IAN ei PARK HOWARD ASSOCIATIO-114 Ifonse tlnfider% Depot for 14114111m0 isamia County, at New ; Milford. lIICKERMAN & GARRETT, areigiying vs. 115 pecial attention-to the improvemvat con templated in this County the cOmeing. Season. . and now offer a,helping hind, by 1 kevPing cyan-art stantty for sale a large quantity of WindOw sash an' and sl a w, Blinds, Doors, Nails, Paints and Oils, a s' and a'complete assortment of builderS Hard Ware, &.c. Those going to put , up 'Muses in the Spring will find it for their interest to giro os a e ll, We can furnish every thing Yon whrit and at the very • towe-!. manuftetniing pri. 6es. . DiCKERIVANA OARIR, T'r. New N,filfor3, Feb. Ba 1858. New Line. of. Mail Stages 'snow . . . , KIRKWOOD . TO ' MONTROSE. ASTA.ON Irll i leave kirkviood,psirairigthtoncl eor. 13CetpritIe,1,111rty,tte.,r , Pryntoitilogstleftr ar arri alofth'e Mailrrains ote.ri,hot b. East and.Weat resell'. tlgMoatroseat 1 P:'-‘l. .. ' • iETURNING .- • . - . , Leaet Montrost,dallyOundaysexeeptedi at 2 P It renebing Kitkrtoooin time to take ithe IlailTrnins A Care,both East and Weat,belng the neareiit anti toast tettelble routt.tereach the New. York and Erle.tattroad. Tblettneintereeetsatel-weeklytinaler Dlnteekz7pried, vitt e, i'ilnkhaitneek . Wyoming. and t`itillteabarrel' •orblet lent:eotlotatrnse at 7 A. ;k1 every Monday. Werlneeoaj ant Frillay. Also,stine*o Vrlenisville,Tferayttrtllt eAlloo, ..Team Fend comfortable tlirrtages are provided. nd 1 ' Proprietorrwalipare nopasuitoaceothran4aret eP 1 lle.WI K. 114 TC I. 5ep.121 : 1135i. ' '31.0R OAN rksvicsT 1 1 :• - Attehticin at, Ho me. L 111: UNDERSIGINEP would rospee fully inforin the citizens ; of rfimoik. an the surrounding country, than Ihe hAs opened ltore nt,Dimilek four corners, where; be . intenc keeping_ constantly on hand a good. 4na . i,-.01 se ieeted assorttn-ent of Dry Goods, GrOcertes,llnr? WaietCrockery. and 'all kinds of Merclrndis i . usual, kept in a country store; which- he wi sell toklow.if not lower, than anyothr establish ment at Northern Pennsylvania, nuntrose not •exceptcd. Gentlemen and LadieSi gie me - (111. and examine my stock of Goads, and m prices. You will fave'at least some m i t es tea' i ei and pertar4-from ten to fi fteen 'cent- on e 1 ery dollar you pay on:. A good ass() roont I Ready Made clothing kept constantly n hat All kinds of County produce taken in Nthan for Goods at the Market price. • WM. H. tH;.YER , ' D.Goelc.l4n. 15...1856 —0 . . . LOOK HERE. -' ,- • . . po.exEr KistvEs.—A good inisortme, t of hest kind in niarket. Also. Table, K Ives Forks.-,, •I l ..- SkOoNs.—Sttxtn:SitterPlisted.der ' in Sil Albrata and 'Bribinia.ware Spoons. Also kinds of Butter Knives. . 1 - VIOLIN STRINGS, P-.ws, and all!! th - fiat' Violins, Aeeordenns,:i...ites, Tuning P rks, Ft.tnn lAstrs. Fluid, Campliene,gan les, :. . PAllitv GuOCF. , IIES.—A •fnil assort ent, • 1 and . , rnoti: ~ 1. I . 9IIIIGS . AND PATENT 311:1ICINES'I— first ass:lament -Ind genuine. 1 . 1 I PANTS AND Qn.s.—A genpral-asssor IGutll. o f 011141 ttil:s!ity., , . 2 ;! I r. , v;:t 7:17. -- A sptcndiu ynriety.;lc.f -he !le vr . roi. FV:tti,ln Mont.—Nearly '.exeivthin n . . • l'F.l.crr.my..;.—A ch4' , tee v , :tr;clY; : (New supplie.: In sltc,rt. n'car;y tv.;ryttlinz perlon, .4ant cheap,-nt the varit.tys . ture «t Montnise Jan. 10, 1.856. DISSOLUTION., • ' . THE Copartnership tween E. Patrick jr., and di 74 flintoek is this day disoolyed by mittaal books are left in the offietC of Or, l a t r iA, An d D. D. Searle is authorized to`e.ol‘..a , a nd s~tt!p the timed& ' r PAT PIK IG. 74 Dl lOCK. t 8564, Montrose, Pa„ Jan. tt, SASH, BLIND, DO AND CLASS DEVOTION OMEN Montrose, Penn' By 'D. BR All sizes and descriptions, in made to order, or furnish ,don;;; th ties. l • HAYDEN D THIS, New Pen ht, 4 El U 'INTEIOLESALIS 13 te V V Combs, Elaspeallers,. T reads.- Fitlicii` Goods, Watches, lowelfry Oil and Phsted Waiit c Cuttery, Fishing Ttehti, gamike4 4 84 ": ' Morthants and Peddlers s agiipiled on ' gam, 84" x, WM. HAYDEN, JOHN HAVEN, TOITICE PUBLIC. REW IMIWEEIT . rpHE SUBSCRIBERS hav i ng taken the Store and purebaaed the Stock of GOODS of R. T. Astatsv, are . Prepared to WI for Ready Pay only, • - VERY ENE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, I GROCERIES, - CROCKERY, - HARDWARE, PERFIMIERY, • • YANKEE - NOTIONS, IRON AND NAILS, I BOOTS AND SHOES, 'I FLOUR AND SALT, . SOIJE AND UPPER LEATHER, ' &c &e., &c . At such prices ns (they think) cannot fail to give entire sstilfaction to xll who may favor them with their patrooar. • All kind °Pimp - duce tal*tt in exchange for geod.:. Brooklyn, Soy. 14, 10.55,, . .. _, • , . N 1 la w , Goods Cheap for Cash. w: :OTT has just reveivecl another l ot of' •. Neui Gl',culs, such as Challis. Barge De ans, o I . a.gt.s, Gin g hams, Collars, Embroidery,. twn dte,&e. WHICH HE orrsus 4.T vrny LOW :rots SfI4LIIER SHAWLS, s• mkt , lofjust ,wiv (I—be:IMAM patterns at very low prices, f3O C A PE and - MACK SILK SHAWLS I low th e lotre:st; .1114. 13 i - '.- • . - • W. SEYkatrit &Co • , A ' receiving their Fait und-Winler Stork o GOOCls, 'which they feel 'confident they erin'g for Salo ut FULL AS LOW FIGURE S as ty e .tablialinsent in thi;seetion. Our sto ck is aTo pike* is generally fonn4 is country Store . ! - Harford, Sept., 1855.. Atisortmonv of Crockeri-and Glass Tar!, at . G. W. - S. & C.P.' .• TIORCELA IN, and dranitc China; at i• B L t OC l HEland Bay State Sn , l v s„';ll a ptaa, • ! LAC* and -BroentlS Dresa•Sfiks, for-5 and 6 `'hillings per yard, lat G. W. S. ot Co, Ik, 1 Do; . !..A . ipes, of the' s latest Styles; ; t at, co. ''IACIIELTIOR'S llair'Dye.,Lspotaiiies Balm 13 of a;thouanti flowers, and Purfumery , at 1 ' G. W. S. dr. Co, VrANXEE Notions 'of ever) variety - . at ' j I G. W. S. &Cep. • I • f GREAT AII,M,TIONS: • • - ei THE UPSONVH;LE'• XCHANGE. • HP Subscriber is now receiving a well a . the - leeted :casortment of Dry Goods, Groceri ' ub- , Hardware, Croel:iry, Ready-Made Clothin , Ha a, Bonnets, (a. sot!:lidid 4ssortinent,) Nailed Pinnts,ql4, Dye-ttfirs, Yankee Notions, in fact; .almoitleverything usnally called for at a cotin ,t_ try Sio!re,liteluiling Flour, Silt and Meal, all of ‘4 .1 wl ieh desirous of selling for :Cash, or any kind o f P.-toner's ,tlerchautable Produce, or On go al approved ShOrt i•Credit. :Hia friends -are st respeetfully invited to - give him a call and he will sati4fti' tirem that the. Flschange is the pineo farnwa to trade; The ;highest price ;II pa d, in cash for Butter: J. L. NIERRIMA. Upsansille, May 'IL 1b55. 5 " - • a • • I. . Public . Sale.., ' • Or autiza•riber will st - . 11 at Pubre Sale oti ! ::;:• 011 hit:l lV n t: r d n n i er n 4l(L. i t ;e h r i t : s t e: u o . u n t i ll p ty , ' j r ,t ) h f e A t p o r l i l l t! u ‘s e i s n t g , d-: proileity -tn- wit : '- •• . , i : • ge. 1 0: 1,i p .k,.: .kts four yiar old tnattihed,oxen e _one : Caw :l i d t.sulf,-seven tWo rear ald;Heireni, three Ilearliazs, 24 Sheep.,l - I Hug, flows, Harrow; ~ yrSEI Rake, flay, Grain. Putatnes Stove, House- h Ad furniture. and otlir things too nn►uerun% Li . inention. All hunis under. five dollars curl► he d w•n!; over, six months credit a ith appraved nd I 4curity. • Ezecul‘r'is Notice. f OTICE is lierelit. given to 101 persons hay . *ln , 7 demands o t ptivist .the Estate of Pat -1-k ' rieMoulin late of •Aitla-n, dee4 that the same 1 ~ ; , .. must be presented tt; the . unnersigneu for arian n" •gement, and ail per`sons indebted to maid estate lire required to make immediate Settlement. rat, 1 1 , , . . i IiikRy:DONLIN, ' ' • i . JAMES DONLIN 1 • ''n 6 I .liarch 19. 11356.--.6n4 Ext.'s. atest A. Ti TitRZI I 1 - AUCTION. ; - 4 ~ rit FIE subscriber Will offer for sate at bit store 1. in Brooklyn, on Wednesday:the second du l l y of April next. his whole stock of Goode, to; tho highest and.best bidder. • •.' - ! , 1 GREAT ItTUCEMENT3 --My Goode mast be d iilti, hence the public will have tbe boat - chance ()tier had to buy Oleapl My, assortment con alias of tile usual .vnriety of country stores.—. Crocrery and- Hard ware , Dry Goods, Groceries 1 414 e Ate. Now Is your chance, Farmers, to lay ~ iti a stook,- , To the Ladies-1 would say that you 1611 fiedsphpap bargainsin . - , •i , - LADIES pitEss coops. • ~! In %hart, comp one.come nll. and buy Your? eclves rich - . l.. ' . ' ._. i' Trams. all Rums 'of 'SOO or under, Cash i jewri, over sh, six ;months eredit, with good ee--' ' ' 'JAIIES V% SMITH . . illrooltlYni arch ;14, 1836. , --2** * ' ' • l EN, I. N. 11. All persenk indebted to, mobs! nets of EN. ilook account - Are l'Aue,w4ti? call :an d arrange l7*llle rule,— 4 J. F.S. . 1 -,, vrOT., WSTER. n sfi y o . d qu e n a n t 6:4 t TitA AA - GEOHAY 7. A. Sz. - ASHLEY. • 1- IRA cO.IISTOCK. 11:*reh 1856 Notice No : 2 , .• To our - Costomers we will again say. we.are , extremely anxious to settlk and balance up ~nr. a ceounts, the noire since. tine began to foot: up.l 8o Many littic4 am l ount quite - a gum, are in need of it now. To ttecautodate 1 I be in MontioSe every .414nday, for the nes..:wo Weeks, Tuesdays at the - store of Wm. 11.11 1 intyr. - , in Dirnoek, - WediAdaya El., in BOoklyn, ' Thursday at Orlando iams'to 'Franklin. This arrangament 'Moat ile emiintodate all ; stilli it it does not,you can - find list of accounts at Esquire Ar.orfs office in ntrose, Eq•uire 13eMikyti, Wm: Thayer,- Pimoek. .Come, settle..,;* 1 • . ..;. .• IL„THAYEIL. 'Montrose. Marehll3, 1856. TliE MONTROSI 1111310C1List Pt113118113D.Fi r ratt.1 1 1 1 : 1111111 T 3102,0 1 0 680114* ;f E ßais.stoo,cashia . adv.44,lo, otir no t paidwitbin six roontba ;andsoo,lls As aid (lathe y ear. No paps rdiseoatirtned ge:4 are paid, exceptat- tho option ottba hb- Berra: Ali toramanicatioas cantata with etTico.to insure attentionmeit be dinded (pod p.iid) to . E. B. CHASE, EDITOIONCISILVAIO III II.. quehanna CO unty,lPa. - Rates if Advertkis* One square (12 littesorless) 3ineeffleti,Sl Each sUbsequeat insertion, . . - ,0 0,211 Onesifahre three tnontbs, . - . 'err One square six months, . . _ BusinesiCards,kkir lints or less 1400 Yearly Idvertiseittents,not. over 4` rgtmsii 'LOO' Ine column one Year,. . p iur Yearly advertise's will be retitietel, tit ibir business in Which :theyare e ugagsd4and meet., 'Adored as wishintt to continue adrettlignungetel they s h a ll dive sT eclat direetiens ter editorials.' 11313 Ce of the sane. - JOB W 08116.1 Eir The publishers hayiegiddedio their Job Printing rnateriOi a large andirstperior assort. client of Job Ty a, are now proporod to entente JoblVorit in a manner tineurpaesed - inthil see. tion of Tintry,ian(l on reasonable terms. Blanks of OyitryAleseripticli kept eensteatly on hand or4leinted to order.: • ',it'i.iii . 'o:N . ',.- b gt,irtitir . 4 - • ' 13411tANT-HOVISE,' - • Great Mend Depot, Aprilsol :: ssT, Proprietor. BURROWS* SPROUT Con, Aanistacti,iirers of SPROlrtli CON Den* WAGE SialltellUghtiville.Lycomitt ~Ps '- -- Spritigs - tna 'be had of 11. &Wilson: ostra. • wiT4'. w. smrru & co. . Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer+, foot Main Street, MorOose, Pa Dr. 11. gums, Surgeon. Dentist, 'Argintrose Pa., will be at Sea rre's licite‘ Mondays and Tuesdays dead week; - 160- ille#lLLANlic PANS, Dealers thy Goods, Groceries, Hardware Crockery, toots and Shoe's, du., Eiptioavills Pa. - 13 1 1 A. J. DAVIS, D COUNSELLOR AT LAW:_,_s usque. rt, Pa. Office, t ner 8. B. Wleia ATTOR3Eir A henna Dep Store. Attra.,Xualknixstownoti, Dealer ;77; n1) Medicines, Chemicals, Dye. Glas*ware, Paint.% ma. Varnishes, Wie. dow Glass ' iGroeeries, Fa no , GaA t s lews)ry, Perfumery, dr.e.,--anditgent for allot the meet popular Patent Medicines. • !FJ,OUN GROVES, 1 Fashilimable Tailor—ziShop under Bork" Hotel, Hain Street,3lostrosera. , , ' JOHN COLSTEN, DEALER IN' 'Stoves; - Tin, CCpper and Shoot Iron Ware,Lodersciße,near Great Bend Depot.-13 - A. Lathrop, to.46.ini Heady-Made Clothing Hata and q i iPs. Boots and Shoeit, Dry Goods. &a. - larStore opposite Elearle's Hotel. Montroac.' C. D. LaTencre, and ) w ith • - J. P. %V. RILEY, I)i,lfferiit It C. Vail. 1 - 4RI3GOIST .aud; CHEMIST, and Dater is DRics,llediciies,Cenaicals, Dye Stiffs Paint~+ pis, Pair, Window Glass, Cainphins FluidiPerftieneri, - Yankee N9ions t &e.,&e. Lo4iersvipi, Pa.-10. - p4ANKirti.FILASER , ATTORNEY AND COVSSELtOR AT isAW, MOWN* - • Pa., will attend faithfully to ' alt business ea..' , trusted to him in the county of Susquoiasas. 5 donveyanclng and writing of all kinds will be k*ue neatly, and, charge moderate. - Hs wi.l also attend to the prosecution of eisimsof scl. , '.--- diers, their widows and heirs,sigainst the 1:. -- government, for Bounty Land, Pensiolla, ks• May be found at all hours afthe olEcs ft rinerly ; - occripied by .r. T. Richard, Esq., north of* Cohit-Houso.-1853-13 M.. 0: Intiirested with I. L. Hunt, . turoaTzt AND DEALER , in Hardware and Cut- . I c ry, carriage Trimmings, Springo. Ste. No. :11 5 Pearl &rub N. Y.. Where his -Mercantile friends, in Oils, and odor Cot nties,are kindly inrited,wed earnestly solicit ed to call and purcb.ase— , Cf. : =MIN S., KNAPP,. OF MON ROSE, PA... Withillowe, - W Odra, & Carter, WUQ LE GiIOCERS and CONNISIIIO II qVIICHANTR, N 0.173 Washington Street between i Cortiand and Dot Streets, New York. • March . 8, 1864-10tf. J. H , Parione' WIIOLERALE AND RETAIL DEALER in CAA' Waro', Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands Chairs, b_a. No.‘9 Washington street - Binghamton, N. Y.- Coffin Ware-Room up stairs. PATENT MEDICINE AGENCY. - 1' -)fotitrose Pa - • DAUGGIST, MID-AGENT, lei '• FOS 'ALI:TiiE .r.notr;.A . R. , ?-:--ratma@iffin OT THE DAT. Co nsi,gnmentt Constasitly Reetived. . . . MEDICAL ADVISEE AND ':22_4lllkag& sy. . emmil. -viislikaTia Edition, : :cloth, 2..15 pages. 1.1 , liseOlored engravings, representing altl4. diseases of the genital organs of tbe melees" femalic with the latest 4114cm:tea in reproduce tion. The dile*l3 should -no remedies be.. fore learning from this valuable work the ups. - riority : of,the author's Pafis add ,•Londoo; tree , - meat of private diseases. Both marriolaud si n , - gle should 'consult it. Sold at N0.,..2228re5d , way. and Mailed free for 81,- hy',,the author, 11., LARMONT, -Physician, and! Stirgeon, No. 4 Rea& Strei3t; corner, 290 - -Broadway, where he cures all those diseases, ficimll A. M. till 2 P., M., and 6 to 9 in the evening, Sundays exalt , . ed. Address Alt lettere., BokNp..B444New Yolk/ Post Ulla., We concur with tie-- °thee Wei, in re commending Dr. LABMONI t to the alitt , e d.:_pourrier. de*- Elias Otis. Small rob' , rkinn 4 Ay cra Book. s 'essrier, Diaper; sad Newlßrtuiswiek 'Fires. = •„-...: / H, • , ..„,_. ilut. 22; 18 . 56.-4yl. '-. • ,''_ Norarotus Rota ry Pjahing Is (Mind: VETANTED--TO an a, IVO =:Rtibta and Mr T rhiees for aitoptail Tongnigi and Grooving itaiddi*,ferbanliwnd plankw dor the NorereaeYatent-:-,41.1•60be attaehisest • of the lifiniding . Mnithitto,' writ**. will watt $ wholo bokrdS4o mouldings at Ott. OPO ittk&-' Thia'patent nikbeen -tried,iad decided la Supreme Conit MANIOC ! s in toe is frinemenlilbeisc ittipoiß liliflOdwordt i ! dine. - * A,PO7 to Wiffi t UthiTilin# T :mireot, atal h fA ktnatnelitikta,, wtatae, .vr A wiAgoi. h • t ' [AAATizer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers