Motice. , The semi-anent Mee ti g - of the Pagsninur I o rVotrigoisx; will be..held at Great Bend; eq tanksOng pp Tuesday, the 7th of April at 2; r: the eietAng a sermon will - be, '; preached by Ile last moderator, Rev. 11. A. :Riley. On Wednesday, at half past 1 - there: mill boi : Vieaching, to be . Mowed by the' ad- - inipistratipte of the Lord's Supper. ry • A. MILLER, Stated Clerk. &Freia, Maselfil, 1856. 1 IRISV 0 Ji Remainiki% the Meritnise Post Office, Nardi 3144.856.. -j. AddreY, tewerie . llerkinier,' H. Ayers, . Judson, Miss; An tea Babcock, MeCabil John Bierman: JAL Mead, Hughi, Baker,' Nicholas ; Millie, Thomas Birrmati. George ,Ed ward '2 - ' - tirchell l ,'Fiariltliri 2. Itfceolluzc. J. B. 2 liaccob. iii: Siisan .Philliws, John 2 'Onion - 7 Quinn, John Chapman, Ralph Rosenprant.s,Misa M a . Chapman & Co, ry- Campbell, Theodore Stark, J. B. ,i-oCaimingham,Pistriick2Sinclaire, Thomas R. 'Cathy; Lairreime 2 Smith, M. •Caybley,-Mrs. Elvira Smith, Patrick ' • Decker, Henry • Steneman, James Daris;llolrerne Slone & Mott • . z, vrobeph - Star, Yilley Doolittle, Mrs. lane Taylor, Win.'H._ Deekey,"Eliza Jane .. Taylor, Mr. and - Mrs. Duna; Miss. - G eo , W. F i ciot, l B.' B. True, W. W. Fisk, Miss Jane S. Tibbeti, Ira S. •Fessendeni Mrs, Han-Tillman, Roxauner flak Wright, James _'W. I Grant', James'' Watuer,Miss Harriette t U. C. . Walt - Warner,Mrs. Elizabeth Gctltu*llerrick 2 Young,MisfEmeline 2 calling for any of, the ribove letters 101 - pliase say advertised. A. N. BULLARD, P. M. : `'.,lAontrine, P. 0, Pa., March 31 1856. DERD t - Ia Silver Lake, 'March EDGAR UOn of Ezekil fl. and Olive , Gage, aged 84 , , months and 24 days. • - • _ . - • • Books That Ate 'Books. • For sale of :As • Montrose 'look Store in the Post Office. • JUST.RECEA47,ED Macaula4Aa History' of England. Diary'and Correspordence of Amon Lawrence. Prison - of Welteverdon in the East Indian Archepelago, by Capt. Gibson. Forest Tragedy and other. Tales by Graeo Greenwood. , . . . The Bush Boys, by Capt. - Mayne Reid. The Great Red Dragon. 'The Prince of the House of David. . 'Good Time, Coming. `Christine or- Woman's Trials and Triumphs. The Onyngling. Man of War Life. . • , The Old Homestead. • • . • Woodhill or the Ways of Providence. D'Anbigne's History of the . Reformation. Family Testaments with Psalms and Notes. ,Pocket do • itudllibles. , --; • Catholic Prayer Books. *Yankee Notions, &e., &e. - • They say Th:it the Montrose Book Store is the place to get Dooka and Notions cheap. Well What if they sto, sag so you. -elm% tell whether tfiel say the7troth or. tof unless - you try---bat never mind I feel very thankful for past faVors and hope to merit krontinuaticem of patronago,e, by striet attention to, the . wants of the public, Anil by keeping ~ b and a -good assortment of Books and StAionary at . "Live and Let I,ire" prices. • A. N. BULLARD. 41 . antroso, April . 2, 1656, BY the subscriber, the 29th ult., a note for $3OO, payable at the 'Susquehantia Valley -Bank ninety days frnri date, and dated March 29, 1856.. It was signed by Levi Westfal and barked by David Lyrn. Ali persons' nre' here by cautioned against purehasinz flie—Asnid note.. LEVI 'WESTFALL. L2nesboro; April 1, 1856.--144A3# ' NOTICE To Dealers ofMerchandize within the county of. Susquehanna. N pursuance of the several nets of the AsSern. I .I . y of this Commonwealth, to provido rev. tan to meet the dernands upon the Treasury-, and for other purposes, the.undersigned; Ap praiser of Mercantile Taxes of Susquehanna °only. has prepared a list of oil Merchants tra clin4 within said County, rind "placed 'each of the said Me-chants in Alla class which' to him seems right and just .according to tha provisions of said sets of Assembly as follows, viz: •-im• ' • " .11.esidente. Proprietors. Chiss. Class Brooklyn, James F. Smith, . 13 do, E. S. Kent, ' . - L do. G. nempstead. -13 ;:o. J., A. &J. R. Ashley, 13 , "T•do. F. W. Allen, . 14 ' -- " , Jtio. .1. C. Lee, 14 ' do. L L Post & Co., 14 Lathrop, Iti2se A. Newton, .14 Hopbottom. A: B. Merrill; - _ do. Bell &Tingley, . 14 • Lenox. ShaltzEston &Co., 1-4 do. E. R. Grow & Bro., 13 Clifford. D. C. Brundage, 14 , ' do. & N. Halstead 14 Great Bea. J.' &N. Dubois, 14 ' do. B.H. Dayton, 11 do. - Henry McKinney, - 14 ' .do. John McKinney, 13 ' do. • Lucian Scott, 14 do. L. S. Lenhnim, 12 do. t Thomas &Nirbi ing, 13 Liberty. •Z. Blakeklee, • 14 do. A. A. Beeman, • 1 14 ; Franklin. ' Stilman Fuller, '• 14 do. -J. L. Merriman, 14 Ballad?. • - Joseph B.'Slocum, 13 do. Thoutsi Arnold, . -13 chArch & Pbinney, Herrick. John Miller, ' 14 . Cibson, Jona , Salley; , do. : . Solotnem Tavlor, 14 - do. N. E. Kenneily, 411 b. 14 do. 'S. S. InOrtlls,• -12 4 3 sekeon. James J..-Turner. 14 Thiimpson. L.M. &NJ 3futnferd, 14 Harmony, B. R. LyOns & Co., 13. , do. S. A Lyons, 14 - do. D. 4.' Lyons & Bro., 14 do. Benj. ,Aylesworth, 13 do, Wm. Tremolo & Co., 14 do. Brandit ilveehlager, 14. - SRN's Depot. Cyrus S. Bennet '- : 1 3 do. • -Smith & Mutts, 14 • .4 40. .I.F.Hubidrd,l3 (10 . Davis, 14 do. Tilos'. "nostrum, - 14 do. N.C. dr.D: W. Norton, 14 do. . James Bell, , 13. _ do, West, l 13 4 4 . 0 . Henry Cohan, ' -.. 13 °,°, 'Edward Carlisle, 14 ' - 6 ' A: .1. Seymour . , • 14. do. • Imes Creeran,- - 14 do. W. W. Clark. do. Miles Crenornt, 14' • do. r. • Patrick. Stack, _ -14 • do. GarlOrd Curtis, 13' H d o. John Aoher. ' 14r erro& , H. 31. Imes, - do. Penne) Carpenter, • .14 • ' do. Ze•rah 'WM 14 do. G. W. Seinsour & C 0.13 do. • lohneten,Edvrards,Co 14 'ell' Milford, Wm.-C. Ward, - 13 do. dc;i: Dicyrnart & GirOtt, 13 . Hen 'Barra, ' 12 Ar 3; oast & Brothei; 14 • Llyo. " Hayden & Broa s r: _":13 'Ata. ' Hayden 12 NiNtArtlft 14 ,•• I m oc k , LETTERS, LOST, 'dof, . VirMACtliaini; ' 14 ' .'-' i do. 4, '2 4. Smith4r., . .:. • 14. Sprinkvtlle.; : Scott Johnston & Co:12 - - ' j : do.. - McMillan ;&' Park, „ 12. -, . f L,..1 1 nt. •,: ' ; l'hillipsitz Sheldon, 13 ..., I. ,do. , I ..l.liram S.' Leivia„ ' 14 Aubtirti' ' reltmanSwiiher C 0.14 r. - do. - i l' . ohn P. Lambert, 14 .. . ; Montrose, - IV. W. Matt, . 14 ' do. :- - 'N.J. & SR. Mulford - 13 - ; do.' , - Lyons & Son, . : 1.3 do.. P. B. Chandler, , ' 38 . ' do. 4 . 3 . Webb, , ' 13 . : do.' • 4. Lathrop & Co.; 1-1 , do.: a L Post & CO., 113 d o . , . i ttenberg Rosen . .., baum & Co., 11 ntlev & Read, 11 4 , 1 41 ttirrell, 14 4 Wilson, 13 'haver, jr., 14 . 1 ihrldge ' : 14 4 & - D. Sayre, 13 id L. Meeker, - Lt. seim Quinn, • 14 lulivan, 14. itlialt,HOsforti, 14' . Marnh _dr. CO., 14 'am Mauro, 14 di L. Ross, l4 - • i l' Wright, - 14 tan Granter, 14 Canfield, 14. I, RESTAURANT", S.C. 'bard Newton, . 8 V. Cot periter, ti ' ,ry Crane. ' 8 _. q anson Hubbard, • - ' 8 ' do: , Yeller Paintin, 8 do. '. • ,m. A. Sumy, 8 4ridgewater. 4 ,,,A J. McMillan, 1.0 8 fiundtte. i 4.,., eh Ghatithirs; ~ . R Thompson* 1 ..f. Ilathawy .8 8 ktsq'a Depot. . li,-Ajacidaon, .-! • 8 do. . ,D, A. Benson, , . . 8 Ldo, ' . P),Vliite, , . . 8 do. . D .:112.. Pope, ' 8 • do. ' . O. Chatfield : . - . 8 I do. ', l'iMothy llotneti. 8 do. W. . Wigmore,7 • - 8 do. II erine 4. Son, . - 7 U. do. ~ .Ezgleston; " ; - 7 I t 5w Milford.. ' V. Shay, - ipletr 8 Ido. .: • J 1-Miller, . : 8 ilontrose - , ... . 0. (Iran .. , _ • 7 . -do I. j . Ballard, . ' do. S. 11 tt, - , i o Over Lake: Dot - r i Gaige, . 1 ' 5 ii,olacort, 11., antes- 8 i l& TILE.RIES. ' . " I Cliff4rd. . .14 a McAlla. , IQ t' And the JUdges 010 Court of Common Nam of said County; will h -!. a Court of Appeal $O, the t_i Curt Ilduse ' in Mot rose, in and lot...coid_C4olity; On! Monday. the f...)8t,' day of April int it at 1 o'clock P. 131.. at which time' od-place anyl of the March i ano defined. describe }'and classed `?as aforesaid. or their arent, or Atto pry may appear and ippsat froin raid assessment f 1 they think proper. - .1 Montrose,.. • P.. BEARLE, - I It/arch, 1856. -1 ti 4 Mercantile Ap ..* r pral_e . ~ do. do. do.' do. Ao. do. r Porestl4 t. Josepl sliver La', rriendsvil do. polacop iadieto do.. ush do. real Be do. do. do. ItIELODEG. I , AND MUSIC. e Cash.Systi 4 . Adtipted : Pricej Greatl I,neduced: ~ „ . R ,„ 1H 0 RAC '',-') WAT ER S , - . i ...No. 33 3 3 Bioaiwdy, New York. -. • ' • • 11 if AG..tiT FO:: Tli1:- rEST'.garox . ,AND 'ICE W . Yal: . 1 . _, i, • , _ ~ 'Ns' ~..i.tEtsys.. - ~: ' The largest aseortm It t of 1 Janos,. Melodeons, .i.faical Instruinents I id. 3lusical •31erchandise or 01 kinds i 4, the I.;r4d States. Pianos. from TE ditf,trent rnannfa , ories, comPritsin ',hose .of eyery variety of styl 7 from the plain, neat and substantial 6 .1' 7 2 octa es, in Walnut or Rose, Wood ,Caset.i, from $l5 ito $2.00, to:those of the mostcleg,aut fislieli up• , 'l' , oMs Thousand Dollars. No i lson,c 1:s the Ursionisan compete with the abolie in the nun] her, y • tiety and celebrity of its instruments. nor, in theifilztremely low prices at whiCh they are 'sold. .., 1 _ . l'h6,sce. \YATARS' Me' I.r.ti TIVLIM.O4I) P4ANOS,' Willi or: Wil h ,stst Ire; l',:l frames, pOsessing in' thesr imptisvetnents efsl [ver-strings : /Ind setion, a ii/gth of scale, pos4 and .compass of One equal to the Grind Pia 4, united wills the bean ty and ditrabilitY of str'Lkture of thesqusre Pi ano:l They are jusry onounetti bYthe Press and•loy the fir s t, ft.s.sics,l Masters to be equal to thosie of any other mAuftieturer. ;They are liniitlof the 'best lard no theroughlY seuested mateirial, and.guiranteed -, o stand the uticin of every. elithate. •; . '1 i .. .4(.lsisistrument guar i ted to giVs;, - satisfic : tionAor purchssfe:moneylefunded, Second-hand. ..Pianbs at great haigishil constantly' in store, pricarons 830 to 8110. '''j, lftiiicr. lsVavetss' 'Xs 4snr.exs. superior In stfahients in tone; touch'' ,s 1 durability of make (Tuned the equal tent iirament.) Ileodeotis. of.aillother Styles and nr.iltes. Prize $45, $6O , $75; 18100, $125; $l4O ;pouble Reeds. $150; double; Reeds and two b.ii ks of key55.,:',82.00.-- . - Less a liberal discount. le.rgrrnen and Clipe:s I ches s sin• extra dise.onr.t. •oi .Ifirtiits's GuitarS,BrowHarps, Flutes, Flu tissai, Atosordeons;: 'Violin •'anti - Musieal Instru: tn r. ent,.. of all kinds, at low(: prices than ever be. fore 'Offered to . the publitf.,l A Liege - discount to Tekhet's and •Schools. 1 .- o trade supplied. .on the} most liheral,terms." l :i . ;. M l . l .Sic t—One -Of the la, est in '-ksfeclettt ed,e!itAlognes Of Missid nos: : publis bed. etimpriTs ing misty . of - the choice a I most popular sirs of tholday, and will, be sot& ' t one•third off from the re , ',rillar,priees. : . - . - ,1. - -1 Music sent be mail to al( arts of the:coun try pont paid. Particular and personel attention Paid to all orders received )iy _ mail. Satisfac tion guaranteed in °Very - inkAnne°. Pianos and Melodeons for sale on niontOy payments.. Sec ond-land Pianos tairßks in- . 4than,oe for new.— General and select Catalog4s and. Schedule of prices forwarded %Olt part Of 'thevounisry by .0 mail. ,1 - t • .' - ~.:. 144 - '''', Great inducenaent4 o. pred to agents in nil parts of the country, t0,,,s ll the liorace Wa ters' Pianos, MelodeUns, anttgatalogne of 114. sic. ' .. ' ' W ' . . , . , I . NOTIC i I ' ry'lllEl notes and accounts O , _E. Tiffany .are in _i_ the hands of 11... - .0. Mit, a, Esq., for stttle f ment. , _Ali . persons intereste ` -are requested to attend to the same without toy. . L. A. SMIIII. Committee C. M. OElq. c of Lunacy. Brooklyn, March-18, 185p , :?."E STOE/ Hausa ro fittsr.--The one formerly occupied by E. Tiffany in Diirioklyn. La . /vire. _on the ,premises or of , Itia. A. 811 !TEL ' • ' , J. M. GERE. March 18. 1856.-Bvv* I , i - - _ - Vondue. ,-, - IEATI),L be exprised ht publi ti do to tlieitigli- Y r est'and post bi)der, on llie preiniie3.l* the subscriber in. Brid4e‘rater, .On Tuesday I:ke lsth of April next, at I o'o;oek 4!. M., tirtjvl - ... .. lowing property: ff. One• acre or land with a boa+anci barn, : lYin a . three miles trona AlontrOse, on to Owego (nra • piite,..4 v ery desirable location k"r a blacks:Oh Also; one.eow five )earth old, an ;a yoke of fear= ling steers, and a lwrieilake. '4440 bousebold. furnituri; ecnish,tin'g of ..two at ooking' st4vef. , , chairs, tables 41t0. - ,- e. • ' i -' / 4 Terms.lon the house and' lot toJde known . ; en o day of sale:',: On We's tither pt4,Operty,:lllsints• Of ss,o9;itir under, calif) 4014 , 4 over ss,,alx . months credit' s on approVed securv. • 1. . 11 . - .EZEVA L. IttIINEVALT. March . 1, 1:856,-L-3wi. - , - • 1 ,-.,. , , Athrunistratpr,s !tice. ~ ITYLPII3 or Administration hitting bcen - ' granted to‘ the sub,etiber, .' n tlr eAolto e t issumel:quielt; - tilts ot Sprin t Ilse township, deetersed,'all persons Indebted to 'llo'said estittai are. requestetl to make inimediaro luyinent, kid those having demands against 'e, - same . ' Will pious preseat theta duly Attested r settlern6t. f3A.1111" k, QUICK. , i March 25,1856.—i awl* , t l. in % Mai* Admitltrator ce. v i. .. A 1.1., P4rsons lorlebted 0 the Egata of ::,T IX. W. M cElwee deed.,7,lato of i'law; Jif iltdid tarp., aro i,horehy.notified ...Ao, twik ~ ' 1 ifnuveaiiiti i tr pertentl tuid all potions .having l iras pr.. ife-. auk* ImplaSt the aillEilate aro l ortriestei z to p re s en t mew dui a J 4 tioultitrieit. ' [ - ZillOtittng , 444 lef' 'March 1 0 1 Vis 6. " ' 'il -' ' ' - LOOK HERE ! 11,„J ,ABEL . . . T R REL-L 1[:,1 AS just t,eeeived Troth New. York, :a full rind, desirable, *Deli Of' NEW :-• ' , -11EW GOODS • • Comprising a 'Emit rate .assortment of Drugs, Medicines, •Clietnirals; •M t.dleal Instruments, Paints; Dye Glasi And Ear then Ware, tai otril variety, of ,Crockery,) alright Ware, Japanned riar Planished '9n Ware, Silver and. all ether kinds ,of Spoons.' 'Silver. Forks, ButtkiKniven,'&e. All sorts of Lamps. A good variety of Wood and Gilt Framo.Mir rors. Wall And .Window 'Paper. Statinnery. Stone and WOodon Ware. . Brushes. liroomS. Fautity Groe l ories. Lamp, Oils. • Caniphene.— Burning - Fhild. Tallow Stearin and . Spermaceti Candles. Vide and other. Whips. Varnishes. Window Glass, &e. A first rate.variety ofJew elry, and-Fancy Goods. Gold and Silver Spec tacles. Gold Pens. Violins, Fiptees, Fifes, Ac. eordeons,violin.and Veolineello Strinzs, The largest' assortment of Pia!lic - t Knives in Susi'. Co., and the hest quality in Market. Shot, Guns, .(single and Double Barrel,) Re. 'VOlvers, &c. • ' . _ In h hon. the Physician. the Invalid,the keeper, the Rirmer, the Mechanic, the Manufac turer, the Professional Man, theGentlernan' ' the, Lath - , the Rich.and the Poor, the Young and Old, the Ilt..aat'rful and . the Ugly, the Gay and the . Fashionable, -and all the rest of ,the people, will find sordethintr: to sapply their -every day wants at 'Farrell's. - • , • Store in the ,nevi Brick - Block—Prices: low Qualities good—Call aud 1 • . - • ASEL TURRELL. `Montrose, March . 6, 1856. " : ;:rrliey are all going to Tuireirs ' I "D virtoe - of a writ offierifireias issued nut ofthe - Cotirtof Common Pleas of the coati- Ly of Susquehanna, and to me directed, I will lexpOse to sale by public vendue at, the .Court illouseinlfontrose, on. Saturday the day of illareh lust:, at ii o'clovk A: N. All that certain piece or parcel ;of land, laicsitu i iii the township of Great B!nl and described As fotlows: flq..tioning at a 'point in' the sonth-• 'westerly line of the Great Ben I and Cocheeton Turnpike road, the south easterly side of a large Chestnut tree, at a e trner of latids'of the N. V. E, R. R. Co. thence south fifty one degrees . itnii• thirty minutes. West; along the lino of said R. R, Cos land, about; one hundred and four, teen evil to a cornerthereof. thence north-west ' Wayd':.• along the - line of said Company's laud ,•about feet•to the North-westerly side of a Locust tree with two trunks about seven feel '.atom said line; thence north fiffy-one and three• . fourths degrees east, obriut two hundred feet to the line of said, Turnpike, the north-westerly sitle'of At gate. post; thence 'south Luray-set:en degrees east, alUng the line of said Turnpike, one hundred and seventOfitieAnd a halt' feet to the place of beginning, containing, six tenths of 1 an co.?. tnore or less.: Now -erected .thereon a 1ar",?..,c three .storv' Tavern house, known as the . - Bryant Ifousc - 1 with a large Win, shed, ice - hcin , e - and Out houses, 'Bukett at the suit of Chas. G, art to the use of Silas Rillings'vs,Addison Bryan ; F. P. HOLLIS' at. Sh'fr. 'ltfarcli 5,155 G, . • • . above sala has item delayed 6r Court t o the 71h day of April tiext, at :31',o'eloe - k,ut wltirh tithe the •partik interested will be heard before Jtidge Wilmot and MS Associates. , -. • • F. P. lIOLLISfEIt; • - . :$ll eriff:s Said. . )1 virtue of a writ of Ler.rd.issued:out of the Court of Counnon Pleas of Susquehanna 'etocp:tt: and to.rn directed. I will expose to sale by!ibublic vendne at the Court-110:15e in Mont roee, on Saturday the 22d day of March next, at I o'Llock I'. M.— • - ALL that certain piece or 'parcel - Origtilsite atel in Greet Bend township, and - 111r01371Wonty, of Susquehanna, .bounded and described as fol, lo.Ws to wit Beynaing at the, south west - corn. ei iher,or, lino of Lowrie Green, and on thelnorth line of the'Depoi GrOundeer the New ! Yoi:k and - Erie Rail Ilmad,'Co. Thence by said Coinpany 4 s Gounds, south 51 degrees east, 60 feet, thence by other lands of Addison Bryttht, north 31 deg - rocs east '3OS feet, to the south side trav'elcd path of the old turnpike road, thence by said rol,d north 26 degrees west, 60 feet to the COOVT Of said Green's line, thence south 61 deg. west, !32 feet . t. 3 the Containing ahont 1:::96J square feet, and having erected thereon a large Hotel known as " ' l ' he Bryant Hotige," with barn sheds and other out-houses and oil improved. • . • - TAen in . exteution nt the suit of Elmee W. Briihatn vs. Addison • Bryant. • • F. P. IKALISTER, Shlt Sheriff. Mee, Montrose, Fero. 18, 18L6. The above sale ia hereby alj , Ptlrned to the 7th, 114,0 April next ntA o' r fork"lff, 'F. P. HOLLISTER, sh-tr. <,1330t Fad. Shoo E4pOrilath " 1- Y - V -- .4 .-: " 71 1 7 . tr,?: -- e l , ' alluldal, .4 ...W.4.1 ]aYi \ l so. ,J-14 X ), : r1 11dE subscrilsirs have retnoved their Boot and 1 , 'Shea storo into the biding ree,:ntly,oc;:u pied by Alessi* Bentley ar4Read, Public Ave nue, first abovq the Post Office. Where, hot withstanding the mixed slate of politics, the ttringeney or the money market, the " nough sunthins" It til' . ll.oad Monopolies, Junk-G:Larit-'1 ern id) acements, arid the great droughth, as one . extrethe foil!, ks another l in all human probabili ty, ur t i ! l hall . havea cold winter. In view of this st.ite of thluzs the saoscribers beg leave to way that they are prepared , to meet , the wants of the Boot el - t, Shoe wearing public, with gocid and snb tt - stantial !varieties . of /Dials ci!!.. Sfioes of Easturn or Huai° Manufacture, warranted equal (if not beiter).than.any oil': red in this market. Their stock ( ! mbrarcesa, gederal variety c . Ladies and Gents I.v . ear.' cciasisting' in part of Ladies SILK • Lesrlit;n, Pa'. l'ox lbel Gaiters, Silk Lasting tinzgrss Gaiters,•French Kid Congress Gait.: ers, 31Orroeo (Jailers Ladies illarshaltries,Cityl Made ilfoirted Buskins, •Enoild nosNizs, lied Bus.vii4P, Pat. L.-i7ithPr Buskins, •Morecco Lace i I Bitois;, ; Calf lace . fiwits Eriapfit Boos, Furl IT fraa. I! Ilas!iins 4-e., .V 44. Lriii.iiin- Pat. I i (Mr GaiterS,'Caorrd Gaiters. Calf Lace r. Boots,i Hid Lals.e.Bnuts,Jerrity Lipids Hip Shoes, Chil dieni Gaiteis, ;Rattan Sloes. Ancie Ties, Pat..;l 1 Vomit ;;French Buskins, Calf nail Kip .kni.i.s.,;; ; ~31Eve Frenc% Gulf; .1!" aui . :4/. ,It i?,,,,c;,... t . ,,,,./ Ertni'd4 Kip and C , ;; "..; '" B: :.! ... itl, s: i.i, ;, , t, ! and KiP :loots, Y.1 , ;:4:: lltiot:;:. l':. 1z an d jvc. , and 2:.;!.' r.,, , ,, -, ,,, .::::,,,..., 4 . r ., : -, , , , .. _:, . . - . mitt . .-zzydalys j - f. , .! :A!) ir,l l ll. Threa:!. N'ct ! 1;3:: • flarri l nArA. P:7: • r • e Kriicos. 1114 •;,in t r, Goat, arid G rinz, Vir Inc!, Pa.,s.te i " , ii) rstb:w, Ceint I. l r.igne. antic, l'Ago IHI-!!cs. Pegging and Setvitig Att <v.v. LE AMITE It, Ali 7 ,y ':te •side itr pnand, to snit cue. 1.0 a)%,,! 'rite aro,invited, to - call before a' pureltsin':/ • Customers may rely. up. on getting-ghat tht‘y bar;; in kr, and that is better than titer, .ean . do in site pl,ces." If they h14.r.., ,, .can work, they can bo amomodated . with as goat au article as can be found in this market. ; irthey pr!ltr".lt , itiffk tasnufaetare.theY ean.have It without being itnotbu,ged. Au. kinds Workmade t.) order arid warranted. Repair. ing done on ~!;2rt notice. - TELILVEFUT. f.,r pagt favors, We hope by strict tattentiort to bseiness,ly merit a eontinaanee bf the same. C.,51:8151110N6'.. - • 4..IIEftRIMAN. P. - 8. ft is now orcr a 'yeur :4nee the great Fire in Montrose, nt which timkthe Rubserib.or having net with:a grent.loss; inr".t, he. lost his awl, he wourd Isar to tiluse.inde ed to him, either by i t Note.or Boob itecomit, t stilts saws must be settleti iithout further pi) _- ' - YoUrs,&c..; -, ' - C.ll. SIMMONS. "Adontruse, Jac. I, ism. . • - .., UhEit And trinvivy . Seed by 2 1 , BALDWIN.4,I%P . UNS, Arilf 1058— Sheriff Sales; Dp I' virtue ofsundry writs issued out of, the. Bl' Court of Common.Plias add to ale'tee: ted, I will expose tosale,'at public. veti44 llt 'the Court' Howie in Montrose on Satutday, sth day or April next, at 1 o'cloc k P. M., the follow ing Real state LC? . wit: ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate and tieing id the toWnship of Apolacon, in the county of Sw.quetinnii, and bounded as fol. lows to wit.: on the lands of Barney McShearer and John Harding ;on the east by hinds of Michael. Rooney, on the South by lands of Caleb - Cann:tit, and on; the west by hinds of Terance Pchau and Johnson Foster; containing about 8u acres of hind, more or less, with the appurtenances one tug house, one lug barn, and about 50 acres iniprovo., Paken in execution at ihe-suit of Wit:Ulm and St one vs. Patrick Green. ~ _. . • ALSO, All that certain tract of land called the I ", Imme. Cox tract," situated on the north lima of the Wyalusing•crobk;iadjoining land sniVey ed in the name of Thatt-t . .i Dunlap on the south, . and the heirs of Henry t inker on the east, Rob eit Carson on the north and on the west by tin : kntiwn lands t. containing three hundred and thir. t ty acres and allowanco.of six per cent. for roads, excepting out of the sane one hundred acres 'now iti.pu4sess:on Of-Dan Pepper, lying on the I !scieth side of the said 'Saar Cox-Arad, agreeably 1 ',to the'survey Of the sattie, : .leaving two" }tundra 1 and thirty acres ; the Premises hereby intended 1 ,td be conveyed, being the farm on - : which The said Cartes' now lives, and - which Orra Soper-and wife, by indenture dated the ').lst day: "ofJane, 1 on-e -thousand eight bundled and thirty„four, re corded in Deed . Book,„No:9, page 245, granted 1 unto said llorace . Carter in fee. With: the ap 7 Pnrtenances, one framed dwelling - house; one ' framed barn and shed, and Orchard thereen and . abuot.ninety acres improved. - . - . , Taken in execution at the suit .of Caleb Car. - Malt vs. Horace Carter.. 1 • . . 1 ALSO—AIt that certa in tract or inreel of land 1 Situate In the towushi p• of Great Bend, in the County of Susquehatml and static of Pennsylva. pia; and in,that part of saidlOwnshipcalled Lo. , lersville, lying in Franklinstreet,beginhing at a stake about eighty feet from the Northwest cot. tier of the land sold .by Leary Green to Henry 1 MeKinney; said corner being att Iron Pig or bar; `thence at rigtlti.nos,riei from said Franklin street, 1 one hundred and twenty . -feet to another street, i lying parafel with said Ftanktin street; thence 1 southerly along said parellet:Street, sixty feet to .i stake: thenze westerly at right angles to Frank. tin street, about one hundred And twenty feet, and then:e northerly, to theldtiee of bo g iunin g , .B,lxty feet, with the dwelling house and appurte nances. . - i Taken in execution at the ;'snit of John Mc.- kinney, azs'iig - itee. of Oliver Charles A. Faratun; ALSO—ALL that- certain piece or - par cel of land situate in the township. of Liberty,in the county of Susquehanna, and bounded as fol.: f,,ws to wit., beginning at a:'-stake and stones, , the south west corner hereof ; thence'. south one and a ht,if degrees west, Oneblindred and thirty 'perches, to a stake nu , l stoirds. Thence south '67 degrees cast, one Hundred ;tad thirty-five per. ches to a stake andstunes, thface, north unpaid a lull degmes east, one liuudred and thirty per ches to a caner in Lizard PtituJ, 'thence. north eighty-seven degrees west, one hundred and thir ty . 11ve perchos to the place ofibeginning, known as lot No. 35 of tic Lawsvitl,;, tract, containing L;o:ut one hundred 'aereS tilre ux icy., with one; acre iu'eruved. T.iken in exocation at the shit of Sehial D.ty ton vs. David James and NViilinm James. ; ALSO—AII that certain piece sor parcel of laild -situate and lying and being in the b:irettgli of Susquehanna De.pot in rlturkrUn ty of Stls.quc.-hanna, rola wounded ns follows, wit the Nortli of John, Rogeni, on the ens:: btlthe patine highway, on tlio, :oath by lanls of •Yles- , rs. A. S. flarno,t, and on the ivest by lands of IL S r,lth, the same hindi. retently ec.inveyed,, by DLie.l,. to N. . . . . 1 Tahp a g e by A. G. A lon 4, exuAining about. one 1 aero. of lane, mr.±re or leBs, and nil Improve.(l. Talolo in exeeutikai at the suit iit U. S. Ben net. vsNathirniel Tzzlinadge. .. . 41.SO—At1 t int, eiirtaili piyee. or - pli . r.. ' 1 col of ;Anil sithato nod being in the township if 1 Fra11.1 . ..0, in the eonnty -of S;iisqueha:ln:l. and 1 b9utided :ma deseribed.ati followlS to wit: Oa the north by latrii euntratted to Jolla D.-Beebe, on t the east by land.s 0f.4.1. P. Whc:4ol l ,soutli by 0 1 .., public Highway - leallina up Silver .creel:; and west by. of trritlin StilWell, containing tabout 4 Ilea's, - Ancro or less, isith the apport e . ; ila n ee .:, one framed Ilons:e and dr.e liaruekl Barn Lund about 2 1-2 acres impr o v e d. . . t . I ' l'iilien in. eXeel/tif , n at the suit of William ,L. V4)st, I. L. Post, - as, .1.. L. P a t kt. Co., i•-. .Wes b..y I. . . ALSO—AII -' that certain piece or, parcel I o f Wed situate and being in the : township7(ll'l 0 .kiand, in es county,. bounded anal d - c ,, er ib e d es • follow s to- wit : On - the north by lands belonging to Ward ; & I the east by lands belonging to David Brynn:,. (as believed) on the• 'south by lands of 43corge Dyer. and oxi-the lands con tracted by - said Ward and Willi:dis to D:;- - id Day, the seine being lot No. •!3'„ as per map of re-survey of the Wharton lands, tousle in June I ; and November, A.-D. 1847, by LIM' - Boyle, eonr ' taininl. - , , one hundred and 54, acre* and thirty sev:. en pt.:relies. The fiaille being snoStlY improved . Taken in execution at this suit 41 7 . • .Hams and P. A. Ward vs. Win. Idraithwait. . ALSO—AII that certain piece - er parcel of - I land situate and being in the Township Of Bridge water in the county of Susquehanna', nnd ;mund ed aw follows: to wit On the north . ': by tile-old Silver;Lalce line; can the south byltilns fornierly' contracted - hi Stephen F. Stephimsn ; on ths, east by lands in possession of Orrin Sevens jr :and on the West partly by said Caleb Carmalt's land,,and partly by the lot called the s Pisilback. , Lot, containing 112 :ogres, more or' less, with '1 the app:irtenanees, 1 Log noose, 1: Log stable and about 35 acres improved. I • . - &died sad taleen in execution at the suit of Caleb Caintalt, vs. Samuel Strange. I ALSO. All That certain piece or parcel of land situate, inDimoek township, in the county cd•Sits- - ilnehanna, and imincl,.,! f o llows l o wit ; o n the north by landS of Jae Wulace; on the east by —l3 i mpry o n t!•; , ., 01%14 -nt..4 laeo and Char?, - • ;he west ;4 • of Charles Awe. !Zri more or 1e,•,.: , 12 acres Takcin in. :ti , at the .-nit or I ree. to th,• oil do; :. I'.icins, • rk,;!. • ALSO--I'l that certni.i piece or ip Y.; i of land lyin.g'nrid•beltor. situate in the 1•0;- -- -a.:!.:;) Ap.--dacou,in sa i d County', bounded s t o w;; • 1:• ri - vr Turn! 1.44 f, l• - ••'. i• or a lot ut f•rtnerk; ,; .77 d; to .-• o; thence 8U - to a I.).!riA7 mr!e. north 37 deg. e :4,80 perches to' a post the turnpike, thew.; . I tiong the Same, the fol.. I. ! wing 'corners and .11.-dailees to wit: north 60 dug. west, i 3 perelaes, north 31 _deg.. West, 30 perches; vomit nit:relies, and cor,th 53 degre,esi west 4 prehes, to the pl.leo of beg inning ; edit taining 40 acres and 83 perches, be the same, inora or.llPss, Wjth the appurtenances, one Barn and 20 acres improved. • Takeu in Execution at the suit. of L. p tan lei vs. Hiram Cook. i r.,.,, ri ,Administrator's Sale. MOTICE is hereby given that by viritie of an .1.1 order of the Orphan's Court of Susquehan na County, the undersigned will expose to !Wi lla sale by vendue at the late relidencn . ,of Nel son Tiffany, deceased, lireeklYni on Saturday, rho sth day of April next at, ono o!eloi;li,.P. M., the folloling described pie' es or parcels of land situate :in township r ef flarford ;' the. first bounded, on the North by lands of Joseph Moore -on the east by the lands of the Winker: estate, on the south by" ands of A. J. Tiffany. 'and on the west by lands of Bloomtield:atd 11. Goodrich, eontaining -about 'ninety-six acres, which is ,uniMprtived. - 1116;second pieee Whoa.; ded on the north byjthe State Read, ;tinning from Martin)* creek to Harford, on the east and south by lands of Dalton Tiffany,and &bra Jef fers, and:im the west lay* other lads of said &bre Jeffers, containing 36 :terse, all alilph Is improied.- • _ .1. . Toms of easy; and made known ., on day of sale. - E.A. KENT, A. 3. TIFFANY . : } Ad.u" 111=1119 -Treasurer's-Sale . . : S Of unseated lands in S'suiluhen ri a c outs t y . ,I\TQTICE is .hereby'gren that agreeably to I:mit the acts of the general astiembly of the Corittreanwfuilth ,- of Pennsylvania; directing the '!mode at selling unseated lands fOr . Taxa", th e 'following tracts and farts Of tr aits,J:of unseated lands, will be4olaat public conduct - on - the sec. 0143fonday af 113130‘ next at the, Courtnouse in ;Ventres', for arrearagei dna ' tad the costs accrued on eseh,touct,,respectively, unless the sami3 be paid hafnre the day - of salesale to eminence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. lVarrantees owners or numbers. , Acres. Ararat. Ilaril:toa Hall, ' Clifford. Irontla Clifford; • Great Bead. Wrn.l.l. Turret!, • 50 Nittlihniel C. Ltwis, • .87 , Solomon Taylor, 50 It. lll'SleKune, • - 267- triitn Baldwin, " 408 Harmony., • IluraCc- GrisWuld, 100 F'. &G. Burt, • .404 Bnock Copley, - Herrick. IthaWer :Mutt, Xtstret,t, 'Amo*H.Storm,, -• .Arde4 Jtekson. Sedate Griswold. Lathrop_ .11.1 ' 14:413 Wilcox, Mon- itros• & Co.. „ I, 102 •j Liberty. No. 69, 54. 85, ILais Est. - • No, ss, 59, 66,74, 'Pogo &Strong,- 400 68,,7b, 76,- , !Edwin' Eldridge, 400 Nb. 611, Mitzi Dubois, .100 J. , W.ll3coekney. -. 93 d Q• 233 • • 113 dd. . 109 Wp. 4. Tomei!, • • 900 ' Oakland. lattob ti.. Smith; Thomson. John P,. Dunmore, 118 846 Peter Dunn. • 36 • 1. 92' F. i & 0. Burt, 100 -20 Cro t ramond, -• i lOW 7 . 20 Jesse torpLoltor, l5O " 10 79 'rhos. Carr, . 420 4 30 24 Joibua,. Giddings, 310 - S"4 88 • Joel Ltnb Est., 100..- 7 20 -S. A. WOODRUFF Treas. •t • Treasurers Office, Moult I'7, 1856. , T 1..1. indebted to R. Thayer 4. Co., Thayer . . & CraMlall, or R.Thayer, individu illy will please take thia - kind admonition, and we must. have those accounts. settled up Now if yon call andlettle with us, and pay us when you can, we will be satisfied. Otherwise we shall be under the necessity oneaving 'atm books with a Justice for settlement and collection.' •We will givofintil - the Ist of April next, for you to call and see us. Many of these debts are small: , and the crisis would amount to more than the 1 r I i • ,• Register's Notice. !debts. So friends call and not compel us - to do TjUDLIC notice is hereby given to all persons what is so much against our feelinas. ' .11 concerned in the followin,g Estates to wit : t Also, we would say to the public, that wish Estateof LISCULN Hatt ; late of New Milford i ing to sell , out our entire-stock of Goods, Rath. dee'd, R L. - Sutphin Executor. er than miwo them, as we are going to bulidns ^Estate Of 'Futuna: NdID, late of Auburn, de- a new stere-house the coming summer, we will cmsed,lAndrew S. Low Administrator. ./ sell you. Goods at pity cost tor the next two Estate of Tunnos Ilnacn late of Dimook. de- rmonths. Shingles and niost kindi of luoaber erased, Charles Avery & Root Addnfrs, taken in exchange for Goods. - • Thati the accountants have settled their tie- I Call and sec us without dolav• . • counts in the Register's office in and for the i R. T HAY ER & CO, county Of Susgnehatina, and that the same will .. Montroe, Feb. 25, 1856 ,he presented to the Judges of the Orphans' ; Court t f slid equals, oa lb:Way. tha 14th day of Aril next; for confwmatlon and allowance. '1• •'' J. W. CHAPMAN,- Register. Itegister'Offlee, Montrose, March 19,1855. • • • ____......__, --,- - 1 : . NOTICE. - _jiUßLl&nOtice . ia hereby given that S. A I Woodru ff is receiving a new lot of Stoves tl u and. wares of. 'kinds,u.,uaily kept in the• Stove :it - scrr i ini line Of • `iineis . , arming which .tniy be fol`fri'tral beFiTtisOitnient o Istovci; heavier, lar- IggraAlmo're dn' plan - ever before offered i' this•eountv 'all Abel proof you neq,d will be testi, to . Call aa • eanitae. for ..yourtekev. All Ntoe.44:trranw ia 'cvaryi respect. • ' - F ', •7l '6l •talry-o-t-h-lid-lan evtensive assort , ment °flirt W:ire, bade oat of materi als y..41:1411 is (erred for sale as oltesp as can .be 1 tt.WT.g in any market;also on hand Lead Pipe, all t•tize., Chain and gearing for Chain Pumps, ICistern Pumps, all siie.s, Brass and Porcelain, kettles 4il sizes, Jappnled ware, all, kinds.. • .13bin:tt done - on short notice :India . good or -1 der.; - Ali .tjoods in the lino will .be sold cheap fur Cashier-approved credit. - - • . , . f , - .S—A . - WOODRUFF: . 4 , 'lntr i nse, Mardi 20• - 1856. • • ' ( fe T ij rq • • • • .1 ' - TOjTI. LA1).17.6" OF :Bt.:YOH - AM', • iTON -12V1) I - Please rgad'it i .it is short and of imp9riatoce td e'vey Hous - e Keeper.. Slf E P AR'D BR 0 - II ER S trAvt: received 'their spring supply of Loose furnishmg Goods. We, • can 'now *frer seven ibeintiful styles of Crockery. One, of them new 'gni .elegant Spring Pattern of White En.; ainelled Ware. Our Goods are all-a No. :1 in qMality, do seconds or odd lots. but complete setti. and can alway4 . bni "matched if broken or more wanted, for years!tiNcoma. All the coin rn•n :Wares, CH TES. W WARE; , splendid stylei of White:and - deebrated, - very low. • GL AS S • VirAR E, • a Complete and unbounded variety _always on -hand. TEA TRAYS of our nwn importation. Pirtecn eli.q.yant. patterns, far surpassing in rich. nes, finiSb and durability, the American article usCally.stild,/ at as low - priees, and by far the lar4;i , st and most complete lot ever .offered in .ttu'se psrtS, f“)m s3 to $l5 per sett of four. FROM AUCTION,7 GRE.-tr EAR- GALVS! • . Cr.rta:n Cornices, Bands, nooks, &c„ Oat defy competition.. Twenty differ= ent styles lof those elei,rant Bird Cages, from "iie,..nts to $lO each. 4 - 31 Patterns - of superior s wiarranted .C14 1 ?el:S. from sl' to $25 eaeli. ' Clock and Jewelry neatly re. paired. Plated Castorsi Cake Baskets, Spoons, Corkg. Napkin Binys,i&e. .200 Dozen vA - vt:* Pa Li Lunps; Hall.Hang and• Tin Ware, . - /r; ic-11 'RE GEYER:ILLY.. 11:11-V...1.1rd l fine- \tenth,. T-ieut.s and Grates, &c., • ..Ittitding, and 'House • :abliAinneet; Can ;end see ueat our"CRYSTAL PAL. .twoidoors east of the Canal. • If our Goods are not ac represented, our prices as low as in town, and you aro not treated' wco, please don't buy. BROTEIERS. Ilaren, 1:36. , . ~ . • . , - En g lish Lever Watches. • • PWEIVED- by. steamship z . , 1 - * ) Ilaltie, ti dozen more of - ,‘. .• . --„, , these IsPlendid English Lever 1 , , -.!.4 ~ f... is Hunting Watches, of my ,oven . ) ~ . ~his . _,_ .! < m iportationi, wart anted the , - %4 ;. ;.;., : . - very best . quallay; . Also, n .... -.. -, 4 , - , - '.. small lot of very : superior 3toiements,)ivhich will. be cased in . any stylo'or quality. to snit Purchasers: . ' - • • -.- - 'ALFRED I. EVANS. -.:. Itinhamten,-gateli 14,11856. . - - . . Administrater's Notice. iOTICE; is herebygiven that letter's of Ad. mistra,tien upon the ,estate of Charles C. Itansowi late of the Borough - of_ Susqu'a Depet, dee'd, tutve heen granted to the undersigned, and all peritens ihdebted to - titild estate will please wake immediate 'payments. and those having etaitns Will present the 03010 duly attested for settlement. E t N. SMITII, Adner. Stull* Deriot, March rs, 1838. • ' I'or, Sale at 1.41,f Price. VALIT4BLE Tavern etsinksithate on the A WYoltieing Creek road,l 10 mites tiorer Montrose, 10 uuies trout Lerayavllle. For pare tieulare enquire of the suhseriber on thirprena-, see. i 3. W; GR4NGER: - • Rash, ir's.,; March 2161856 4 . *4. , - • QE . VE L / . ilrglTlOr l.i parda . ofwood*sliti4 117 e •-•-1 A:.17q41,1z544•-•• Taxes. $l2 ' 3l 12 31 - 1- 80 '•1 80 10 . -140 • '.7 1 80 7.10 - 1 56 'llO - '2 30 6t • 292 103 - 4 70 60 • 2.76 3520 4 201 3 89 9 35 ! ' 4 70 1 4 57 I 16 80 1 28 - SILLIAMMEMISIN — A*O6*!! - I lant'll keep 'eleiefe V V t neir the ," - Starnteni ;Vtadikett'La and well "gaited gesoitmerit ofitg*Setekvapi. 1 ally tailed hiliCciuntq :Steritevektialith4eof Dry Gods, . weadt ClOtidetile;e3' Capa c :lloota 'and Shoei,'CrOelteiy,?,, qubetiiiware,ttocks; Hardwire;l****Teit , '- 16'4, GioCeries,'9lla. Proiiteinne, Flour. F - entl;- 18 : 11 4 ate, Drags - and Dye W9ods - ,'Mondenvd WilloirWare, Brushes, :liroonia, Stone Were 2 and a great variety of other " traps, w alitfwhich, they W M exehinge far caah or country produce, on aa,good terms as any establishment in the c on t fty 4 aad we guarantee our Goodslrove at all times tia - thoy are represented. W. ."&-co. Inwe by'eldibattentton to business . i and by fair dealing to aierit a continuance of the patronage which las - heretofore / been liberally extended.' 'The - bigheet market - rates trill at all times - bit paid - in Ooede, or Cash: it preferred, for Heat lock Baik at the Viaduct Tannery. VY:11. TRENT AIN dt - Cd. Laitesbore, Feb. 21,,185G. - BAGS ' AND" BAG - GINd 274721.08 Seas 13:132dY4 , No. 80 liritiorStreet, NEAR OLD SLIP, NEW YORK, TTAVE constantly on han*and manufacture -tO order, Bags and Sacks, Sewed'and Seam.; • I.est fuull uses, and.' ot every desdral)lo style,' and quility. - , - They lvvould,especially call' attention to their unequalled facilities for . tiniNl l ll , l l _ :211 - 11t1B- - 1' riat t . or Sacs tore Flour, Meal, Ilimaissyri • littoliarheat t tio.ras t Salt, Spices. „ ace. ItCsi all of V;llich they furnish to: order, •in the most approved style of design and , printing, and with. quiekest,despateh. .• Also, Importers mad amlers in Guntr.-Bags and Bagging,- and vAriOin kinds of THREAD 41141 TWINE, , tohth Linen and Cotton, of which ‘Ve are. receiv ing continual supplies. I March 6, 856.-816. , 'First and Last Can REAR, 0 GENtILESI War in Montrose and Washing - 1 1 . ton!! 'NO SPEAKER YET- U rplIE great Fusiqn ut Washingt . on I. as yet is nut successful, but GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUIf & CO. * . have fitsuttall. parties into one grand, victorious, and ever-in Creasing party, not for the.shedding of blood, or for the.npoits of offiec,Aint foi the pnr-. of GOODS at a losver figure than ever be; fore haVe been sold in 'Montrose. OurSl . Otlt): - "Down with Monopoly"-_ , •• - We take pleasure in - annoineinc,r to 'the . citi; zens of Susquehanna County .that we have re inured to our spi.endid in the esatond of thiN I • .._ ( • .BRICK -.BLOOM. . • . • Where we shall always . be - prepared :o wait up on our friends, and where it will :Word us the greatest - pleasure to exhibit to our customers,. and others -the larreSt and thietyt stock of GoodS • ever opened in.Montrosei n our line,, consisting of READ* ,MADE CiOnf.r.fiG, tim rargest and fin-' est assortMent,', latest stYles, good cloth and - made by experienced workmen. - Our stoi.k.can not be equalled in quantity, quality or price. . • Staple.and fancy: goods of all varieties. Cotton Goods, Laces, - Sill,, Whets Gloves, • • - ". „ . • Hosiery, Ladle's Dress Goods, Shawls, ILts, Cloaks, Furs,. #0 and the most : complete assortment' of Sheeting; Skirtings, Ticking.;, &c., St.c.,all articles usually . wanted in ihe:rieliest fir poorest tlaailies. • It is not irue,that our Goods - are inferior in any respect. We will give to Our customers the pre cise kind . et Goods in . :quality" that we fecom- Mend, or thevmay return them. • In short..we defy competition as to. quantity and quality.— Call upon : Us and, you shall not go empty or dis satisfied away. - • • • Measures taken for Ready Made clothing,'pro Vided we cannot suit eustomers - in the store, and just the gartnent-s wanted ftiraished,cni tiee. • Call and Save trioney.,. • e e • • • M. GUTTENBERG: - • CHAS: WITTENBERG, . L ROSENBAU', - I t .: • I'WITTENBERG. . kontiose,lan. 30, 1856. ' • Auction Sale. . , I,AT SINGLETON has just received instru c t 1 .1 V.. s tionirfrom . F. 11. , ,Singletan and. - others Ito offer for sale at priblie . Auction (at the tom mission and aide Rooms on Ttirnpike and, Chest. 1 i nut Bi 4:, Montrose) .on . Menday: the 7th of April ! 1856 and) toI ip wing days, - an stSsemblatre.orprop., erty comprising a large assortment of . Double and single Foling pieees in' statfr4 . and twist by eminent English and other ,makers...r .4 A:hi:4ft r . and varied collection .of A4t*atc.,‘N Ri , superior.. . des, Pistols of . overy description foreiO and Ao r mestie snake.;': Patent . Sykes, &c. dte.,. Chat - era' together with, every 'requisite appendage &e., for the sportsmati and Hunter. A various ands rare .1 assortment of Gold and Silver Wateheicompris.. ling English and Swiss patti'mt Levers, Lepine; Duplex, lierioulat and Ye : elute eseepetients, Lever, NI arind and .other..etocks in great varlet : _ . .. . The Jewelry (comprises Dm and finger rin‘ . . c . Breast .pins, coat buttons in . onyi, _Cornell. Moss Agate, 4.e., Shirt Stnds, Chains, Spec- 1 Wive, - and other. missellaneerts property too ! microns, : to idi i ertise., Persons: havingthe. Mom' or 10 thr disetiptionsof Property...lnd*is:line - to. dispose of the Om - plt:ase send . diserip tion of the' sattie nnd alt goods, intended for Sale: Elitist be deliOred at-the - Rooms - (for view): least two ele4ri days. prior to the: dais: Of addressed, W: SingletorOuietouter, and appraisier ' NontreaeTe ; -•!- • • r :N. B. AdvanCes tunde ftlad all corresponden ce' strictly private..: - - • . Rich Prairie Farms- Unimproved Viands and . Town ots, to ills ' - noisjowa, and Adjoining . States: , ,: .: UDR. sale in' 'great variety, at low_ vice", 044 I: - on favorable term& - , PAMPHLET rAT ALOGDE DESCRIPTIONS OF PROVERmI with prices hap ghedOctrw4t4' , ..l3 l+ 4lll. by mall OD aPPIIIIDtiOP•i i i . ' - ' '''':, / ''',- Oar e,xtensiveleed ceaa7Alena wili 3 ialrift4 giving eahlable inkilieVoiii of any , part _at tke went to Aillie*as - 4iiilug to _ , • i . ..--- :' ark - yepw of TillY:4l, - Contral RailrOall lAnda.can :watt tbe6tiel..kte of the ktpwAra:44 - 14 . taitill , (Iliac of Nt.i.biiptiy;,,the late latO agent, of the , aampnray. to *apply the•diftt4t4tyyir making itt7 aiettina selections. - '7' - L, ~ -- Partloolarattanthin4ivan la ideating war, rants, examining landsattniishing inaPa and (la 00,ititPtialISIVIrt; af Altai , and 4a, a genera. '''''' G ..AR hi. DUITY,.&.,CQ,.. ~ ciri)' - Oil' h' an_ avenno and South.::: - ' "" , le 'g . .. ~.. ~ ‘,. ... _ .. ,O i Tat# St., ;ear Dlia%.:eti, xxit. , • , -. .- , ,i i , Depot. Chleain Altintkik., Oilottiilli .31,4DUM4 , ' 3 D ,VlD' S. (mot, , "-Nor IL -MU. ..d gl..,ir v. Now NI your- lams _;you'd` ;...„ And so osnleattt-iontipt. , f , .L._.- - -;, „ - 111 the %Cane* oilitlyeatc.r ' , ::`„ '-- '. .- ~' Ple*G- glve - rthreal* lb. . um At - your carlinsflintif of lidol:1`, ' , Ofeeentini such a tresinarit:' ' - 'Ai ttOano,..lhe'. Unn'of noir With a tionkight Peo ll tiicatf •, ' .- And, to-suit-your- fancy place. In his neatly' finished tot. .. -- -Defor not, 0 11 toliiinterie - • • ' - ' Wait.notfor Anti SW riiiiirice 'f. '',.; 4 7.. Which come witlisiti*K,„;" ''''-`-' B u t, ii„ let Argot laltn.y - ini,4 - 1 4 S :-:L-.: ; .-= Bro youth's - witin.6loefaltnit. I*".''' .-- " -- ;-; Aid a copy tree hill inakvift;•,..---- • • _ !rho plico where.this can don .- to-Pw60.0011111- (No doubt _you have.l34iii ' canna "ftitiltatit: Ic on sure :the At Qdd AT ROM/LAGAIIir•- Perseverenrc has triuntiolaarovii A L TOwithatanding *, 4- -1. 1 4 sivilois„ and; sled monthisi Hiu completed. his New Brick EL74. idtonsf on the_ same. :ground Occupied . If Store,.thiCitsf toniunied l 4l fire; ,livilis - n- Nciar Brick_Block O'into Widen-IWtar millowrookl his stock of goods, viherwkessilt.with - plessms., w -- • ait upon patrons: - ..An entireiy sive assortment of goods b*: added' the prosent stack. Tki ps t ot9l4l or the Eels solicited; withthetasstuanco lhitalsofiskar: est, of pgrchaiers shall he - pramati‘ Mentrege,.3* . 2 4,. 056. NEssr: ADV*TISIMIttna- -. ;: . • voitimixn, SMITH '4oe - e - trully . tdrotin the publiethat they purchased the interest in the saddle iminimeasl.- Business of A. & E. Baldwin.;WeboPe b i T ats ll 4 - = attention to business to receive oar, aMirerst) Public patronage. Constantly- onbaml,Saddlek , _, Bridles, Harness, ,Whips, Trunk,, Carriage Triming lila!! or its branches will i. - neatly done to order, on reasonable UM% Shop No. 2, Searles Basement.. - = FORDHAM sserk 00. Montrose, Jan: , . _ - - YOME"Bbliofiti - ofUffering itu• • inanity:; A A -Retired gentlemen baying eurettiimesifof .L - 1 the Piles accompanist' with eruptions et the skin, atter suffering :for,npwardeof o.year" thipgs it his duty to make the remedy Ittorwafor the benefit of the afiliefedi will foritatildrit particulars for tho euro of, the same OD iii!e-tom , eeipt of a 3 coot postage stamp. Address, =^ REV. C. L RECKLAW; Feb: 12,1856.-8w4.. - . Plated Porkt mid- Spoons. . Tust received, a new lot of Plata& Ware,war it, rioted' to be plated heavier than any Wai4 ever offered for sole in B,roenin Coantp. March 14. • ' . EVANk Exec latex% Notice., _ Notice is herphy given ',to all "peryen. .demands against the &tete of -Perry Ball; Ist*. of. Forest Luke, deed, that the same-mod -A* presented to the tindersignekfor -arranyestest b r and all persons indebted to said Estate i _ire ittp. quired . to multelmieediate settlement. - - . - GEO. ALL. El . & Forest Leto, March 15tb,1836, - . - Good& at Co st::: NI) . . NI) iower too.. The.eutiscriber ioterids vieg the wercatitiw . limsiness the first ,ef- Ap rii n tut,- Sod' 1.1.. desirous fhirefore of off his present - stook of _ , GOODS. • For Cash or ready pay the public any beAtiear• ea that they can now Orange of me loirer that , Goods were ever before sold initrooklya. 117 stock consist 4 of a genera, variety etas. itr w t_ me a - call and you will make great •- • ' gains. Brooklyn, Feb. 20,11356.---84 w AUCTION SAM - IVls t e l s , :o b;. l 7 l ledsautbps:lrlleerVoene oa Tuesdayttepretas: "day. of Feb. bia, at. P one o'clecir.. Otte • Mare, one Colt, three Caws, andsistilke Sheep, —Abe-Sheep will be sold m tots, or I:AN:eller; Terms of sale r —sizty days Credit with m!mov... - ed security. - - BLANDING; Harford Feb. 4, 1856.--6W2- Auditor's N ca. The undeslgned having been appointed by Mil- Orphan's Court of Susquehannacollat.!, an Auditor to distribute the fuudi irk the bands the Administrator of the estate of Alexander Mr.— per deceased,' will• attend to the duties- of his said appointment at the . office tif Bentley 4it. Fitch h Montrose ? on Tuesday the 4th day of March next, at 2o'clock in - the 'afternoon, at wakb time and place all persona cinterested wilt. ' sent their claims, or be thereafter forever barred from corny in upon said fund. BUSIINELL, Montrose, Feb: 2d, 155.6.--:-6 Pub Sale. THE- - Subscriber sell at publierinde on Saturday, the Bth dap of March' his. Fannin. Bridgewater township, the - STOP ing property to wit; 9 Cows of goodlnedity, Ur good Sheep, 2 fiy,o old horses,- sityest. old horse; and 6 two. year olds of goods*. The _ saidproperty will be hold. to tPs highest. bidder_ on six months time, with good security: . , " • PATRICK CRCS Bridge ter, Fob. 25,-r-lwk . Registers Notice. PI7BLIC Ammo is hereby. given to ail persies ' concerned in the A:111011ring Estatetr, Oa_ .witt - Estate of DAtiD NEAVIJUiti Of aistit- . .8.41. Township . , deceased; Hoary Meriaaey mots. tor. , - , Votate of Jour SitERWooD; - late Of itstfitkrt toivnship,'decessed Apdrew jAIV . • tor. &gate of Itcoa LyoN, late of Heittek, icip, deceased, Cle orga- IL Lyon ~.43tedalatriv't _Estate otionitlt T, 8100341*, titir of Wont. - rosil,,deceasea, It H Frazier - Administrator. - Alio ther aceovit. of John , ' ItVebstefiVtitottlitr•\ under tho'will of Jossot inutlituv.ratitof Shantir kiln township; deeosiseit. , •J- • _ - 'That the aceountim4 Imotr,. , Settled 6401* counts in theßegister'S WHO, in= fortbo-Coutt.t ty of Susquehanna, atid that the-stute.,*Mit , presented to.the Judgek of the Court:- of Said county, on. Wedoesdkr,- theilite &ay os' April nrit, - for confirmation sattsiliwanee. • . - -01.1:APItAlitegir. Register's OlNet MOO,tiliea ' More)), - • tati , hie new Spring dboariwalth tit Wert *WI 11544 low - / *Ms*, *TO 13;1856,' `?- Orphan's" Court: Itale. oftui order of ,t3e effpgaVoisok - . I will be sold On Abe (nb • fluturilloir_ llth day: of Avril next, 4' I' P;.314 a lof of hind, xitxu ta t l - rfoga l 'l l in tonlib* stil34's CO', I alkint - *ern, sad • hounded on din i thifitoijdlWW, Mum, Franklin - Centre e; Seal* Creak; Ono , &SAT loas - or Uhiltb*Glitmi z na ikoti' by another Taid leading UlliXiTe Matadi ' the went btliada of 341 i Webitetv-klksma Emu*, nnd li4.Altillit4;indliduint' 30lures cleared., bite inen Webs. dennosed. 39101', 1014: ' ' :"Trustait • . • nem.llll l 4-"- " ' *Cep, over alialtell Vetiik 14416 pietiiare to R im ** P it t 4l4( „ . Mill 2 •~ i' „_ _ ._ MIES ENE f~... r:. _.;,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers