bout few ezcipitions every . county in the State, so far, declared in' favor of . 4 010 13ack7 for this Presidency. - Alleglumy f e eintly beld ••130*4)tutibetristre CoritenCon,' .ands POEed initnlmous 63E'alutions h is s f avo r. It now appiseni..very eitid - afit . llitit the rez iStateCuaventron will be unanimous - for j i nnis' Buchanan, one:of. the greatest states men of the present age. : , ,:the following tire the Allegheny county' 'resolutions., - • ReAved, That in James Buchanan we r ecognize an able and .. prudent.. statesman ; a wiscsagacions minister, whose vigilance at :a foreign ceurt'showa him - wholly devoted to i tberndierttion of his country's interest and I honor —in him we haie a great man, fitted to be theAlef of a great people; we therefore p r oclaim himlhe‘embodirnent, of our prinei pleNcandour first' choice for president .in 1851: /?,creivel„ :That . the Delegato this day elected to the fourth of March Convention • are hereby istructed to exert -their best et': forts; to-secure Pennsylvania the ,next Demo cratic candidate for the Pretidericy, and to use. their exertion to make ; Lames Buchanan the'unaninous, choice of the State C§nen tion, . . t Sheriff's Sales. • By , yirtue of siindry writs issued out of the MAHISG . Pitp.t)A.RATloNli Foll a N A6'CIDENT. 1 .—At curious . Accidevit recently occurred on- 4or o Como t' leas ' 0 SIIS • 1 t f ton Ilt f quthnnt a . county. and s to tne-direeteil, I,Will o.vpomMts to sale the aqew Albintlind . • - Salent, ‘ 11 ‘ 11* : a ..T"...• T . h . es -br public vendue:!at the Court,' . : Mofit-: lia4nger . train, havitig four •carii 2filled - with r:iac, on Satordar.tho 19th day•of January neat' . ipaslangera, come to , the bridge. over §:ilt a t a &d oc k P. )11— . . .cree; near 13loontington, and the'eriginee • • , ALSO---All that certain piece or Imarcel of feluiag:' th a A t f . . ti-jelleavv - • ia-51"11: which' .` ll I Intel . aitunte ana hning ;n the Township of I:'n 'swelled tfle'sfrealiibank - Blilmllnd . relnlered i id, and btoMdeilin ' s fiillows, to'i. it : tio-iiiiiii;;m the bridge insecure • diretiied th e pa.4en s gera lat a p•mst o n the I li , rhwmtv :eh j'a tract of b e. ind, ' r _bur . . to g,t.-out -of ,he . bair.4: t4l' be could .te•mt the I Veted in the warrantee n:one of J.inies Jordon stteki(rt.h of the bridge. :: He cross:ed , on foot arid a corner of kind surveyeTfor GeorgeFciton: 1 . rm an& ilien-:: directed the fireman- to start , the I thence along mid llighway south 20 deg., west 1 :Ile jump roll and he :would " eatelt•it" I OM m . . . m . , 100 tWere . ht . .-s to :1 4 :take, a., corner or hind storeyed • for n Gabert, t, s t a k e due west along said Gil• ' .on the other side: The train s tinted , and on i , • • . rea : hing the centre' , of the it,Midge it ga v e thence north 20itlegq. East, 1 31 pet-Ames to- a .Wali and t h e and cars were , plung- 1 atike In a Stvairip;.and th e nc e south I'B d egre es . , ..-., •etlllto the stream and instantly. disappeaied I r, •tmt.lo9 perches to the place of beginning, :con froth view.. . 77 - ~:,; . i • .. ~. ,o • - .. I.tninin 112 acres and 105 pereltes, more or b:ss, with.the aprtartenane , s. I Log Clouse - . I framed Ram, 1 .Corn i-louse and about 40 acres Improv ed:: - . , Taken in -teen coon at the Snit of Grow & Brothers.• vs. Rile , (.Bailey., ;- . ZAI ' ,SO--All chat ,Certain piece or. parent of hind .4t.u:itemnFi being in the 'l`3;wnsltip of Iffuige. watr in the' county of Susquehanna and bound. ea :as f o llntvq; to wit : On• the north by ;tire mild Silver Like line; on the..msooth: by lands formerly . cnntraeted io-S.tephen 'P. Sti;plienson ; on th e east bz.landl In. possession of Orrin Stevens, jr :: 'And on the West .partly by said Caleb.Carmalt'..4 land, and partly lir the lot called the Fisliback Lot:containing 112 .acres, more er less, with the arinurtonancea. 1 Lo=. Hones 1 Log stable and -about 3 I e 4 aer s improved. ; • - ' , . . Seized and.tak en -in 'exe.ottion 'at the .suit of - Csleh - CArmalt. es. Samuel SX-:mge • ALSO—AII those - following described pieces or pareels of land, to wit . ; One hundred acres of find: situate in the Township of great bend, in • e county Susgiteluonfaa,nd State of Pennsyl. r. ' laW the'estate' of Jacob Skinner 2a, -and TriOnt Soniree; . doseribec. i_in a; Sherirs Deed to -Wiiliatii Dayton, dated Aril !;1311), 1844, and on Whielratanda two framed , dwelling houses, one asw milt, one framed bartyan about forty-acres iinni;Ced land. : ALSO—Ocie other tract of. land, situate as aforesaid. late th e estate of Jammob &inner, 2d., and Fllishrt Squires, described by said Sheriff's 11, , ed to said Willi/tit Dayton, dated April -13..: .!Rft:i.entlininti: 400• acres and. 140 perches of: bind with n tincei t nee of six per cent. . ....- ".::-. A TAO —One - other tract of land situate: n the T , :wnshin. County and State: aforesaid,. Contain ing fourteen bnitdred acres. miriihrneing that which was late the Estlie of . ..the : Said. Jareb Skinner 211, as de.crimecl by the said Sheriff Deed, to Urbane Borrow. 'and ?roue him' to-Williatu , Dayton by Deed hearing date 31-iy'23, 1834, tie-in;; : the some premimem. formerly purchased by .. ethane Burrow. and Elisha Willi - ma. of William. Ward nni J ec q,, L an a, and being the :came lots . of land conveyed ,hy EdWin..Eidrido and wife to Ransim Smith. by decd executed the 20th day of March: 3850. .: - - , • . - .. . ALSO •-;-:-Allhat other tract or parcel of land ' 1 ,; 1 11 1 'e in the same Township, fort: oily occupied by bY !maid Smith as the hOme farm Conveyed to him by ' the said Edwin Eldridge . and. wife by deed executed the :11 . 11 day, of May. .1840, - and 'hy to Which same seventi ' Deeds the discription of said imi. , vt.ral lots will tame fully, and at large appear,',maimi Deeds. being Recorded in - Susci: oehann t C oil ntY, ptit taining in all, :about :nineteen hundred and sixty acres of land,.b:t the same more or less, with, allowance -of six.f)er . e f •nt. -Ow the Home farm. is two dmireltingbouses` one framed barn; due log barn. one stable and abotit forty acres improved, Taken in execution at the suit of R.ansom Smitrt - Vq: Hiram Curtis. - • - - ALSO—AII those-twci certain pieces-or par- Cels of land, situate and being:in the Borough of Stisrpiehanna Depot and bounded as fiillows, to Witt : The: first twnneleil on the -north east by• lands of A. -L. Guilden, on the south ea-.;tlly the phhiic high tees ;on the szouthwest by lands ot T. P;ick with ; and on the northwest by lines of N. Y. dz.. E. R. R. Co..- Gintainin!r about 23 square rods, more or less, With the -appurtenan ces, one dwelling limiso and Blacksmith • shop and all improved. Tlie, s.memind is bounded. 00 tili , .llorlh by: a road leading-from River htTeet to the Jacksim TUroPike :on the ens.r, by .lands in pnAsie. , :sioo of Jo s senh B.Castte . on ibesou,,h by . land, of the N. :Y. & E. R.R....C0.'; and orm, the west by hinds of Levi S. Paz?... iitut —Ch , illar„ saidl.4 bein'o abont 50 fskrt ''Whiel i -Atil about 15 pescheic arld 5 links from - front to rear, with, the appurtenances oae framed dionse. and' all ha. protect. : ' . . . - fr..P. 1-10L - LlSTER; Sherifil • . . , Montroie,-Dee 1855.. ' t ~i. ..~„_ . Mass .Convention of the Dembeilatie par f-Susquehanna b . e held at i i trnse, Monday evening, the 21st inst.jor i)urpoSe of cleetipg Delegates to 6,1: Dem -o(ic State Convention, at iii . rrisbu'rg, the of March next. • - • ?; -ty ot she ocra 4th Acknowledgement.. ". r. and 'Mrs. .H. ..A. , :. Riley . tender their t!eful. aek-nowled.ereinents to their friends, , , 1 , notwithstanding. the extreme severity - of ieatlter; favored them with their presence le dterncxm and evening Of Tuesday, Bth. 1, and left their liberal donations; 4ts_also 6oSe;-who, prevented front attenditigsent or since have sent substantial tokens..of kind regard. • -. . ,1 4 - ay all - a fr.r 'richer reeoMpense ttaljtheir-Paste'es thanks; even the abiding bet i blessings of Him who i " giveth liberally" of • the blasitigs Of his grace.. -- F gnu F on itl inst to t tte'. ,tbeti Sasgul. a Co., Agricultural Society:. The annual meeting of the above , Scieiety willibe Tueselav evening., Jan. 229 a, The reports of Committees on Qrain trtlT thi's, *he 'I s ke.; will be received, and acted on at meetit,,r and officers will be elected for ' l emming year.- - SAWL .:. CARIIALT i.y- I an 4 ,1 1856. . 'NOTICE. . lhera#ililbe a public Lecture. in the Meth- It - Church at Jackson, by TR:v. A.:O. War of liontrOse, in'the evening of Jan. 18th, the'suhiet of 0 1 1-Fllow-hip A . I , cor7 invitsion is.exterided to all. . 3L Baoxsox, . L. I). Br:ssmi, • 11. M. WELLS. Committee of P. G.'s -odi: tang ups dial] 124.441.1130. ' ltt Bridzewater on the 12th int. by ,the Re4l. I. F. Dean< Mr. P. G. VILIZARD, of Sar .atoga Co; N. Y. and Misr 'CLinnina. W. BARNES of Sprinorille • O L n the 10th day ,of Jan: 1850, by James Griffin BA, JER,OSE D. Jr..AN and SARAII 46 C011 1 11, both of Factorrcille Wyoming Co., Pa, i .Attentiori' - at Home... I.if . 1 .„.: ; HE UNDERSIGNED wnnld rspect : : folly inforni the citizens of .. Diatoek and the urroundirg country, that he has opened n , - stor nt Dimoek four earners, Where he intends kee ins: constantly-on hand a good and well !..,e -leeted assuserdent of Dry Goods,!Grocericsi;liard _Ware,. Crockery, and al I kinds. of Merchandise, .usuilly kept in a country 'store, which he will •elt as low, if.not lower, than .44 other establish 'lnept in. Northern Pennsyfania,. Montrose not exe§pted. Gentletnen and Ladies "give me a ral.P rind examine my stock of Goods, and at priees. You will save at least some inilCs trav el a .d . pethnps from ten to fifteen cenfsroh ev erkollar You pay. out. ' A. good a.irisirtnnent of is y Mode elothiriz kept constantly . oh }sand. i I kind. of County produce taken idexChange loads at the\Market price. • 1 ' 's, • .AVM. H...T : IIAYER: )imock , Jan. ti', 1855.—q1. : \ . ADVER - TISEYLENTS. ipoitnin43l, SMITH & CO,would Jl4- • 121 SpeCtfaiiy inform.the public :hat they hare purthaseUhe interest in the ssddlo and Harness Bui nesCot A. &E. Baldwin. We hope by strict attention to business to receive our - shun) of Puhllie patranage. Conetantiv on band, Saddles, Brid,les, Harness, Whips, Trunks, • Valices, &.c. Carriage Triwing in all alto . branches will be ne.Wly done to - order. on reasonable term& i i Shop No. 2, Searles Basement. ' : • - . G.- F. FORDLIAM & CO. n utrese, Jan. 1, 1856. STOLEN. - • • •Trirl,KEN - from ,Henry - Clerdnna's' abop, in "42 Montrose, on Thursday, the ,3d inst., a ere, m colored Cutter, ornamented black: The Fen er on the nea es t sidebroken and gone, and .1.14" ,. trsid e broken, iiiii g — iirfFemains, tacudvd - wit a • piece of copper Sr, brass. The dash beard is ' lit: To an t v.permo4 wfio can give infOrnia: tion as to its siticreals3uts, or deliver iL tfi the salecriber,.will be givea4 liberal reward. - • -.. '..i WM., GARY. Montrose, Jan. 14, 106.-w,2, i ' . .. . ' •___,' LOOK KEKE. • , . , , - somirr Ksivr.s.—A. 'good itssortmeat ,of the le 3 t kind in inaiket. Alsu Tible 4-dives and Alt Foa ri. - ...;-Sti.vsn, Silver PlntediGergia.n Silver tS onel-- , Brii-inin-ware 'Spoons: . -- Also all •o - kin of Batter Knives. l'tot.ts Sratiou, Bows, and all the ixtures,_ Vi(4ins, Aieoiiieons, Flutes, Tuning. Forks. &e., -- . FILM!) LAM% Fluid, Camphene, Candles, Lamp'_ Oil; &e: • . - • ' 4 ElsottLY Gitocenizs.—A 401 - assortment, near allan g6iisl. : ' ' - , . • RIJOS Ann. PATEITIME.tiIONES.-...A - first rate , ' ftsiketut end genaine. - , .. i .,, . • i RAlStif Aiii)oll . 3 .--Agenerataissoitment; anti. of geedquality:- of. • Jit4staire—A,arilem.lid 'variety, lis neatest . . . • laser Iliiiis. , 44Nearlf 'tsileirithitio , in this' ik eh: .... - - - ,-,- _ - - _ - -;,...1 r `:: : '•` ERTIINFRT.+A .;boten.Nariety.. : ~'- ' -- f evialppliei'reoefied nearly seer , '-' C 1: 1 1 4 , short; nearly eveillthing thing - persons . , and cheilt, at the'v.sriety store of .4tTUltaillii, , . of ttrnik . Jan .10, 1854. - '.. • -' •- : . A ' ND W oodruff dt.yu Eldred keep rensieingnew -Stoves, Stiinkind.a 'yea( many new articles, which we think :put, help but Pleelie those wishing-to purehaSa any thing in our line of businetri. Virn, wonacall particular anent— ion ton - very . large heavy elevated oven ~ • - • COOK STOVE, . which is one half hearier'suld one • third larger .than those sold by pedlars, which :we fora:less-price, and Warrant.:in every respect..— Please call and ertrinne. , We' are prepared-1w accorninodste onr cuOtitneroi with any thing-in - our line.of bnsinbss; with as fair an artlido and et *slew prices as any Shop this side of thri )'O eific ocean. All 'Joh work attended to with , promptness and , Cash paid for Foliß and Pelts. - , - St A. WOODRUFP,' af R. ELDRED. • • DLSSOLITTION * ILL Firrii of A.•-& E. 'Baldwin -in the find. •-dle indliarnevi day die.. eked by mutual consent.' .- Notre -and . ntie.Ounts that nre due uslnuut be •piid -goon. • The bu-i -nesi, will be continued by G. r. Fordhini and E. A. Swill) & Co., who are fullycompetent• to do ult•kincis of work entrusted to them in their lihe of Business.' . • A. BALD N IN, • • • 'E. BALDWIN. - Montrnse, j4n. !/ 1856.---3 m. • . • Resister's Notice. 1017DLIC 'IOTIOE :is hereby ziren to iii.reotes conteined in the following . r;tittes, in vrit E.states of Waltir Wilatarth late of Ilarforrl town*hip.dck,ased, Charles - Tingley ,AdmiGis tratnr. , • - Estate of Ahmzo. Bryant. Into of - .L,clif•o n town ship, deceased, Citatics 'ling*, Administrator. E4talVOr Agu.slits Pie ring, Fide a. Jk. son township, d b e - ht:tsecti. Saleuei. W. Pickering and D. A. Bansol Administratoro:. \ • . That the accountants. hare settled ,their ac. counts-in the, RetriSter:s - .oflice, in and for - the .connty ei -Susquehanna, and; that the satne ho presented to the JAlges of the Orphans' Court or said . county, on INlOnday the 2 th day ofJanuary next, for confirinhtion and'sllowunee. •J. W. CDAP, Regr. . . Registketiptfice, itiontroie, Great Exhibitio n in Sp ringville AND RARE . :EXTIII3ITIGN OF FQRF.I6IN'. AND *DOM.E . STIC' (1000 S, ref thnost. every talk and quality, such . as will b sure to please_anS areommtAtte all .clagses of people-;•-•frotu..:the child lolhe cradle' to .the old arid:decrepit. .These good 4 ore botielt - on: the inost.fM•orahle terms, and will be _sold according. • • . PAts4i Ore us a -call and we will trir .t gap. ply all :your . wants in the line of GOODS ever kept in .a Country afore. You ,need not.- go to N . ew York have theta freoh froth the ell v. • • scow,. $0HNi30141,14:.• CO. .1 Pa-o . NaY: 8, 105, • ::••‘,- • 'OREN?' ATTRI UTION3. -Ars - THE UPSONVIILiE %CHANGE. irrifE Balsicriber is now receiving a Well s!e; • 1 - looted iiiisortment of Dry Goods, Groceriei, Fish, Hardware, Crockery, Ready-Made Clothing, 4latii, Bonnets, (a splendid assorttnent,) OiNtlye.BtuSfilinakee Notions; in fuel , almost everything innalbr called fir its ir,oun tri Sforei inclodiog Saltind Weal, all of Which he is 4csirons'of,seiling;loil Cask, or tiny kind of .Fttrater's Pri Y iduce, or on gtiniiiipproveil - ShOreCredit.' Hit - friends a re most tespectfolly'inlitedto,tftti fitni. - it" call and he will ssitisftthem that. the' Eichange "IS lace fat. 'fsrmaii ft higheid rice paid;: in for Batter.' ' .Li.:mr4tOrtAti; tipsonvitle.litsy 16;111,1%;' . . . 96 [:7';-'1:.101110111-1111--' -- --.=.1 . ... - COLUMN‘ • 1 • kwil.ol6 COluipo KEittlEllllll beciimeitatia'fied, ihat - • - . • , nocessary e to make known tho_greatttractions `and inducements he kti Oar- to ptirehnrs to ex itilsiittcbarliEW AND ItIAGNIFIPENT stock I!latdNvstre,'•• Crocilkeir t pl)reol•ri 1 u, Ctaitita•vraekb, Gisris-vimere.,(3oekr4 , laird cakes, Brnatte9, Lainps t • ', 'lron: ail' • s'' ties, atc.1 , 4116e., eke" This week being opened by us,,int our new and • beautiftthtand; • 2 Doors East of the Conlet,roart Street, 'a 1 4 lt - 1 1 -1 gfr READ AND BE CONY INCED That like indneemetita i loylirklm?-ers, far sur pass anything lieretof4euivpi: the `Public' in this market, in regard to uiK.- ',.CROCTC.f,RY r‘i AND y , 4,4 i Edwards White Grante:Wares," . . in particular. • HEAR ! . -HEAR! ! HEAR! ! " AISAVING OF 25 per cent,?' to phreltasors mar h . e . inad by . buying '• Edward's Ware."— Wily 1 liecausetliq are one tddrci liner, heavi er, stronger, and the sizes larger than any other '.Wareti made, - and they will not ` , Craze or Fire Crack," \Warranted so, ab all the la - rze Hotel and Boarelin,g Housekeepers in OW Cages and large.towns ‘vlll te s tify, for theyi:vol not and do .not use any othei wapt. • • --I,VD REJfEMB,ER At our stand :done can you . tin•U•nn 'assortment 01 Thvy cost inore, our prof its . at,e less, titsn if i'v4 pur,tuetil the course •of othei*Ors in selltng the light and fragile wares of the the day, - • • .Our motto ' • Q U:IOK S4 LAS , .LIGHT PRZIFIrS, : -4ND . G 001) GOQDS." • 'Atli] once more • . RIMEMBER • • We sell them a 4 as the friptgile *area of the days havre ..vpr been - FRENCH CHLyA. • A splendid assortment• or All the nest' .and beautifal . desie , ns anti tivicomtioii4, of China \rases 'fete t Tete setts,: andi e , 'The a_stonishinz strenafh. an!' iroutifol tranS, pareney •" P010_7111,AIN" :tre too well known. for farther etomnent. . • GLASS WARE . . ." CANT BE - 11EAT7 of the best Flint Glas s , 20 doz.. beattli rill Guliletis &um 1 , 4.. 6d to . 25.(1. vat+ t 3 in) tinr. 'ForahlerA. n tip - top artiele• for 64.; .2() 40z.,X1 uid•and Oil Lantphi, of ~i vt•ry.4tylc, • , a flap a..isoriment of -Solar Lamps,' a great va riety of Glass Dishes, coVercd anti nee(); en-d,on atid - off foot, Spoon I loidi.r.a, Fitt:hors,. Salts, BrittersiL.Sugats. Creams; - MalaSjtiS C ups, Nap. pies'. &e.+.1 , .. i „ • "Do it fail to noNce byfar the most iinpgr itint Brioch of oarllttairif.*si" Mat is.: H.IIZ D WARE C.on.siking of Building Ma!eripl, Clipentera Took 4grieulturni lioplanents, and general Howie furnishing Good. TO. BUILDERS. A good Nfortice or Riot Lo vii . with Porphry Knolos - at.l tivrews oomplete. for 35.; A poil Nlortico. itch, With Ktod).• &e.eumplpte for 2.. The Kt .be. warranted three times as stronLi. as 'the Mineral Knob; .;,nd nut to Ivoi-- en from 4he spindre.• .-• Ti:e !'hoen ix Nash lowk," n. Superior .artii-1. , no sprin4rs to get aut of orjer...eater l2 : ake; t y ul t . setslr le.', and can hi. pit on in ~ib.,! ii•df, II:, "cum, Of any Otlwrin n,••, tf'.:ll 6;. to tai .per ifi,i: . • " IV DERE' Bat woohl yuu belit-w. it a. " UI xri PCTT i 174 parts. vtiati7izi:r poi ih iny t ti .or close you r BEtto- .11.t:.;r! : •• your window; arid . that . A new in7eniii,n of J. C. R chid or It wit! well reply n vi-it to JAI' t to b:...t• it SIIctIV; AY6§THER TVONDER. . Carved Wood Work -pi every .1e:•4(•r:p . 14T1 run: sisting Cathti k ls 6)!.. tnnzi,,at , ,l Cornices, Brltekets, NifwvliA 11..riti; 7 ters f-r La-. &c.,:whichl we 'can : forni-h t Builder: nl} tier article, act Nt 'price; .i . 51:,•1; than they can inattol: . ct are itlern,:i • 6ao lot of satriples can he,seen at oar rooms. . ON J L • . • A foil assortment of 13 , ,0at0n Nail*, the beqt - mr ,ki e . at Sc., Wrought and Strap Hingt;s. Blit;d ani Roil- Rua.. Ser . ewi. Gut. Fasterells. IJoeks, BtAts, &c.- —PORCELAIN' very low.E4euteheons, Plates, lATartirOhe Hooks, &e., &e, .• . - . . • :iIAR.BLEIZ D IRON MANTLE kiIECES. Highly ornamented, artielt4; of great utility, in many respects superior to Marble; and at h the co:Nt, nil :s ize's, with and Without Giates,&c., fr,,tn sl3 to each, TO CARPENTERS.' • . .f.)ursty;el: :,.t Plane:i, Chisels. Sawa &ie., are us complete as money, devotion to tllis PAIVIICITLAIZ brancii. - I;urs„,Can make it 'and Pr;res ,as low,: Spear & hckson, , Bdtchers quake of Siws,or lengths and kinds. The 1;' , .-s1 Make of plancs The world- afrords.. such as iknsiei and Cr:tad:ols, Jahn Rcids, &e. in :tit their varieties; Cast steel Augers and•Att -1,..r Bitts, Pi-art -rl •o ra 4 :ated from 8c up .wards, Fir:llYr; Socket, Turners and ng ell with and without llandles. Brii . vescan4l sitts, Ir.te improvements from ai to 131:, Stubb.: dou!)1:- cut Taper Files, the gen. 'doe artieie. warranted to do the work of 4 or oimlry irtinee used wil! never be abat4l,4ned: 31nydtits Hammers, 3lortiee Gun ges, steel 84junivti l',.c1:4:1; Rules; Saw Settr,. I;nt4lAtzger Ilan ' 4les, S:tw and Plane Handlel4 &c., C4OCK , ..CsID...WATCH ECEPAIRPSG.. - - 'fly a very superior workman, neatly and komptly d•me. Cbsltinateria I, Guards, Chains, aiwaya on'.hand. 100 Cloet j4st -ierriviql, which for.extent, rea l w i n ; i t , b e auty of 4-:sign,..sOper;or gn WI and IoW prices never - have been equ a lled in tt,l 4 thin of rtiontry. • Wood, Iron, Yoreelain:Gbiss, Weiglit, Marin; in f 0 .every style from 'l up to 810, and every elo - ek warranted to ke e pnond time Oneyenr. • ; . • . . A New Arrival or those beautiful 44p paned .111R1):CAGEs, which for strength and beauty of Fuish esiinut be execlied•iu these Uni ted States, and a. much -better . Article (luta' is us nail) sold,frotn $l, 10 ' • Sjioilttnien:«./listolk,RavolVers;Pow der, Shut, Lead, Fla Site, setnethina nice, Wad Ctitterik;-111eltiox teidle4, Shot: Puuelte4 and SeltS, fishing Turkic.; etc., alway:s on hand. - . illessekefperso•-•Plated nkti Table arlons,'Airits, Butter Knives,- ine,Plavid and Biittanin Tea - ,8 , 4. of 6 pietas eac h, -f rom 88' to $59 , -,reupots„Ct)tree Pots, 10 dui. Ftnid and - Oil Brit:int* Lampe,•loo dui. Table Kriii•es and Fork* pie holiest assortment in -town. Jappened Titad.teare, front a' Nutmeg 'Grater' up to Ilsibtog, To. ment. Cutters; Ap #arers., Coffee Mills. Stored Cora-Poppers, Nut Crackerit, Egg, Beater*,To..mters, Beet steak Ilituta4 in f4et everythiez netid. • I ; :rIIREE'TIifINS - 1 • . • 40] be Remembeeedowel.4 t erms are reush attd'oee vim • • 2d. , Our Goodsare warranted reptes4nted.. 2d. Anything neeemsturf to build -and furnish it house, pleowtsraad instruttf„:youth, andtile [aged, sad grey hisded. tin 103 round at ' ' ' SHEPARD BROTHERS. Shlitaiatire N. y,..1-4thtit '.TO_ THE. PUBLIC. , .. 011 _ TtIg,SUBSCRIBERS;uoviog Itio Store "Itnd Ourehased the. 5t04.4 or,GOODs Of,R. Aiimairoite itreparod *till foi r ktsgip:Pay eitig;:t - ' VERY - F1 - FINE ASSORTMENT Or DRy Goons, GRoctwiEs. - CROCKERY% Hit RMVAR.N. PER.FII3IERV , I • YANKEE NOTION & ' • IRON ANDINAii. , E , O,Ol'S ANI)SIIOF.S, •- ' - 4 . 15/IJ it AND SAI.T, SOLE AND IJITER LEATitER,' p• At R uch price 4 , they 111,ni, J ranp-A fail to give , k:ritirt• itluy favor tliem with their putron. , g , . • All ot produ,:e :41.:€•fl in e4cli:itige for goods. J. A & J. R. Asti LRY. Brooklyn, Nov. 15.- 1555. NEW - STOVES- Bu R RETT h.„,, • i ..i't in stiir c and is recoiv.,,. nig it hirac•sto.-' , z ; ; _,''' , ---0 , 5:... vi..., inclorline , the Star of the' West 1 , , ,,1A .i;;,, , ,c! ,1„ v „ 1 „.„1 „,,.,. .Black R e iver, Widii k'V.I r it I a eui Parsgch Latlzo Oven, to which tic wool ini-it, particular Mention :LS ih t ; h t . s t Cookin t ! 5t ,, V44 i'l Mal kl.t..with -a ?o: peri.kra_ssortthent of. P-Arlin-,Otliee :ilia Shop st Cives W for . d' or Goal, aiso St.:i!ve Pipe, 'line, Sheet; Iron, Stoves Tubs, &i • -'• • : This stock is selected t r•,nt the best Pottritirien of Alltrinv and Utica-fo , r cash i - ith the best qiaTiittiii , ~ , . 1, ty ote 'a into;nzs mactii - .14t tir,l r r f. i ii l i i„, c ~,,im , tradC. which will enable I irti in ali rclteets to dery l i, competition and will laPn - - , i 1 it thii mot,t reduced prima ror cash or a parov i ercitit: • - - i, '. New Nfitfold 0ct.:185. ; • 7 . . - . NEW ESTA73ILISHAPST. L , DVORD PRIEST. tl .3.z. Priest) havrtia pareh , .Neft ti•)•• Inv l a t e !Nuttier, (11; Nelson.). :mil t.,-f ur tio r ehang,e4in the hasiness.ll.'"ti-r entire Acted; now in store at a ' .•• GREAT , RED • From . 10 to 20 per•eetit prisol. Ptitchsers will find at thv t• - • , :;• • La Fay efee Mock • ! - • . i . Great r,,--1‘,.-. •,,...-.,..- ' _ 517rti02 , 4 and silet...i:;;-. • • :•'..• f f ,, l n 5 o s . , - to . 3i.; Prints fri,..trn 4. • - - i : - :;- E.,: . t.,...N..p r inj. ? ,, p d. wide, Is; Du 1.3 . 11.•••, 1- ... ..-t ......71,..L., 6:4 1... PAV,IS nod , P.,n; i1e , ... ! -• •:•• s.:. i - t ~. 6,4 L iiii l t ' i ', French 11eri , ,,0, ll.' ui 7 , 1.:•.; \ . ', - ,.11 r n Plaids. irmu 31.),...t. t. , ; Is.; Col •1.. i 1''..,.! and I.llaot silk. froto 4s. to 32 .1 yar.l. , -. ~ . ;;* • * Embroif/ , •raox n 11.4 Laces- . . At vi.ry how prices, Collar 4 iron ttet4, to SS; Under-Sterves, tI indkerchief.4 Ste„ :it alt priers., tine . Fretteh tionit‘mCo 2 laN A :rent variety of, fnmi e,bl. t•ht.:l T.,•!gt Cut t,in ,t,, the real Valloneieno.lna I.and Gittipary. • Izirh b,resslTrill7;l;p:it . , PLit), proem% x..o.nm , •rti and Sit.% M,t,S, raAniere, Gold . :n! . 13 ..,•41.• Misses Sh ovIA aid •to,, ! ry_va. riety of prii-es. • .r g ril`" Cali and szee thelostenAivit -I.4. , ..irtment Of Tranliti:Carpet-llay. and Vati....v. they receirnd direct from 014. niazotrartnrer. and.afe to be gold at the very. P•-itt..!•!l;. - • N. B--Any . 411antityiof book's, Yarn and Rag Carpet* icantod. . EDWARD 1'71•1 7 .5T,. Corner Court. 4.1 r, Ameri can Binotlittn.tnn, N. Y., N. , c- !I. New Goods Ch fbri Ca s h. : t~w: )101"l'h jti.t 144 of • 'Ni4 , 7 Gm)cls, r•itrh -as ( . I:tilis. Bp t !Awns, &e.. &e. wurcit kr. °PIERS, .T VERY IA& rnrCs. Si'— VER BY/A 111,8,.11 n.•w• reeeivvsl , —ht• p •tr(•rt.+ c.•n. itsw pries, ako l'E S SIIAWLS asb.a. as the b•re,t, - inile 13 Pr ,serfs . . A Nif)Nl) Eitiger ititl. 2 s and fire:mt pin% frop LI . 61 t.. A J EVANS.-. ()ad FrO..A.vs' 1611 it;n.rnurbt ti, iL\R L •1111 : GOLD C . 11..\)::< . —.t 1 :..I,wk,variostsplt 1' at , : I- ) I N prl 1) , •,011. 117 is t v •r::.,r 6 j..e,mvex Gnioi ~•••• : . :,,.1•. idem..(..7rt,...grA, fi t .% Sze. WA -11:11Eii.— A ~s:,,,rtment of Gull, anfl silver Witielles;'l 114 t :11a1 Plain, frtmi $9 I.i 81%25. by I A. J. EVANS: : Irnzta:itipim, N. • Fine _Wooled ShPop TOT' Sale.. T E . TE Saboterilwr4 .301) Fr)1 . 41.1; MerinoToves..4 v. .4r.:4.4.1, o.d 11 . :Isler. They have beF•ll {art-11 irk tter . KOVI•4 ui it zr...te rare: or romiy vearx and are it v'ere rt. tr !Ot, averit•r• ifig, the past ear. four p • , 4): per Inad. whirl: gold f o r p •- p 4 71 4 thin year.— Anri, also, I. Fri.ndi - 2 y e:vs m id, bred by F. M. !Lao) . _ . 1-..pArted htl!dt.' IVe will also'selt Ll l -• ..r.liw I?(yt h in . good rertir`. ~". ' ;' 1•.!:!4‘• and . three orres of lan4 ndjoininz. 'l' h•• void cheap and on.rzsonaltie ter.,.; Also, a ~,, Dirt :he above; of two hundred :n.l- JOILNIC, ,1 \IORTLIS.. Morril.o;spgq, _ I '2.•• ;856. :". m in,„-,rrr • e . " pT ti •!. •,...4 . 1s • .4.1 7 .7", . 1 • z-4;.• WTIEREAS I/AVID VVIL -310T., c„,2 ..nrt of . oer and Terzninr, ..f "Cti!irt. if (.7,4-unnon Pl.a% and:Orphans' Clifirt. in. the 1114- teetith .indieiat the . I..tinn.. ties .Isl* : P und the non,. Joh!, Bovie and Mit,: IVarnt:r.4.- ivri,ip..164 , , , ,, ,itn3 nart;: ins be: l sritt;.r . dat dai. M. Noveinb.4., in the ve:r , •r.our eight hotoir.-d tiftv-P v.•; :41(1 t. fn.; r'liretech for boldin g a . Court-4'( ';fnri Gtoteral J 4 t 1)e livery. •r 2, ll'rri of Nfi , tit, rose. and county - of Stiqiitehanna. third • .)londay of January 'next . . 0; 7 1)1.1(1 : 4 11w -21.1 itAr : 'Notice is hereby gtm . rt-,. C•#r•mt- , '. Jitxtie es nf the Pe ieer . 3llll eminly tif SuNqueltanna. that . 111..y,in and tfi.n-p in _their proper pi.rsans.; at twn 41'.-14ti. in thQ af ternr,gn of slid d ti;, with Moir r tions and other retin4niir.tee..d. t.; thing 4 tvinehto their otHeeg Appertain to Anti • those who sire hound by the Prisoners that are or shati . .b.• in do. 1414 said county of Sompioh.nit:t.;.r... th e n and :there, to - proßeeute ng 11110 : ;*;ii tie ik1.11. - ,llitted at,lluntriow. thi-125th in t - 4:year,of our Lord, onet tlons . .todcl4llt hnn. deed .und . F. V. 11( 1.(1.0.31 - Elt., Sheriff. MontrosP:Dre...4. 1055-52,K4 4421341115t1At.. Or's i! NT hir Plat i lt.itfl'S Ntninifi" 1111 moti on W e I:7,,epti 4rOrlytit) 20 tho.sah. - eriber4 upfiii theeat:ld:yr Af11:111;,• ? .. 1;;W:or ne . ( 4l.. p e i....okl v i its4Pi.tvd‘ 10!•it.ite "Vitt pirPawe make illtriArit- all perAtull hiving 4t-in:lnd4 'sink - ayes; lid 'to 'A 11 43'4 P C %IVEY PER. - ' #E,4 ;Eta CARPENTER -"ltsiforif SI; " !Adinim C. W. 'MOTT: C M".liC, N'tir;ely pat- !"verr -I,llo€ - •m 4: Rin•rs, 1");ir,1 :11d gmod nrc, ~Ju~~ji•vljC~~: table r : .1 1 411t1011 I.' we iED ..: . . ... . ,• • ,i. = ..._....... beiii4,l6iiii:iiiiiiiii-10,-,n. - --- - SPRING ARItAgGEMENTI , - , - 2 -- ON:ail& afteil'hiirsidays . 41. ~i 855 i ti t i atilt Pasztenger,Pol will Nava Scranton at MOO A.. 41— ..—. .. Due at Greii f3anil4 • •Odaaecting with thi we'd; and tittr Nu*: Yul N. Y. &W. R - ." W. ' PI , _ will arrive :in Dunkirk' *AI iii ' . 1'1'.15 -ii.m Ityturn. will leave :tt reiniaris:so e: '+e. The INelght anger ear attached,, 1.00, st., connecting Wrgt,l and Nilo, .E:lst, :Ind West. • ra viv nin.o. taking t Exty L'lno, will arr in. By taking the t arrive in nt 1 "Crtiti Welt p. tn. , Returning, Will d. 7,00 A. M. and irrive Sta;z4-4111 be in w: , menirer Trairel, at Serai l phia . rin tit. }tending I I intermediate places. 4 D. -gap% Office: Ser.:mull - II 6. 16r.i.5 "Tlio T'Sr e lose at 13:.nd, ant. 1 What mt,all it be:II :Lad er plum, rings anti rubb' and novelty: or pleaztall 11ut . ,-4 hare Tip thought And no snit. VII To to Bei Atiti• let him t Then,' in a tin , "• Or a thake,thy. 91 .pr i o . f +4 le 'hiNA.: , :!itateli lit erase H eniitten.piovci `copy{ that on christir4 wi'd he inn,?, very, v se t • . . ' . . . - - For th .I,7 4 LEGANT piego, 1 1 t. 11.. liolidav4. i rt.. , :Ind va , es, Terra' tit' i 1., art it:les, I I imlthri% 3 :11 . .41) elegant I)restlei i forn iniyectio Binghamton. Dee. FA kv.e.y A 1:4.7.t• variety al &e..• • ifrOßE'.-07.4 Lailies Retiviik.3, new St . Ot'S 4 TOYS! TO C , blne ant. wine from 6 pen' Tn. large sl...ek of .TI crrrtiT ..4.11'D • pre gent with one - oil Band itr DeettratiA D. l'ett'A.. A re.:11I:1 metubered-itt it Hotel upon the sa , 7 l 4e-tlfml and. !louse Furnish!! B;ngli untitn, Dc FIRE! 1' • Thel antltrsig,dell orthol •••;rt-r:-: 11ur COAPAN . Y. has a eapital . • . It is! ris 4:iftt aitd el tite- Stte'ant.l re. . , plan. I '. 1311. Moii r t rose. Oet 9, NV,3 fthi. nnlesirrn. t ar e are!..o.tistif....l;that In ~t irl ,• x;irient:e w4 r . 4ess . inrinls'on n ken) F. Nl,. j D. D. Offin4.3 Frltiridge. i • . QEALED ProP;ii;a;s be.'receiveti at the dmuntissietter,e office in . :llontrose until nottd.lie the lo . orth day .of February . •D. 1856 tlir the re-huilt Fag of n Bride over the • W va l l i i4 i n t, Creekiir hushtownship,'.niar tht house .. of N. D. Snv4r . said Tlrid , ro . to be built .in a aoud and ‘Oftonantike manner, in all re. 'speets ..titetilar to the Inew just entfipleted liver the same streaw, hear H. J. Champions in township, and tit he ewnplett.ii on or before the first Mondtti . of NovembeaCourt 1856. The I'lan and SpeeifieatiOhts will be-made so as to be 'seen - at the Commissioners' office in due.titne.. CIVRPENTER,r ' J. N. SMITH. Wm. T. CASE; • r • C, ;minissinifers.. !Aoss.m.t.N. Montrose, - _ 1835: 49w9 Att-3st—wri. Corn , • • , . • • S('EEL Squares —L 3 large and huperor assert, merit et Vow priory. Gus.stiingle;and disable barrell, ali prices. Nyntp, from 25ets pp. Sash Cord, Rope fins. tors, (h:tlk LMos.Ste. e. Wrow?ht Nails, allsizes, .Gimblet pointed•Sertiws, 1. larae assoriment, nt • vil7fE & KNOWLTON . S. BiazhamteM:Nov., l lBss.. • • - • MORE NEW GOODS .•••• BELL & TINGLErs: '• A large and . 4E41 61it. of Croek,.ry CiIIVO4 ware. just reeeivs.d. 1 AL o a now lut of Alvas which'i we are 8...,11ing, ehelp, •• . • OAS wanted at Sp•eeritt4 per bushel; calf, or trade by BELL &TINQLEY.. flophotim. Deej i ti 1855. tad still they • • ,ok ever} '1 week. Old Santa Ciausis N B r l olr , u : t'et he ill] aft e - i'; Ne I,tr Yea . is.. soylease. prepare-forililm by italling at the Post ; Ibthee. whereloeC;in l Aret new t entertaining, - -fincl useia) chi Hp. The Iluuters' Frzsi, or Conyersations . hround the C.mtp Fire, liite 4Nreston.or - io.Wltilf, and to l)o, 'Pen -Yeirs uthoug the Mail flags,: family Pastimes or home in*le 11nppy,L.ife on e llte road or Cl,lude Decal ;&.e..lPeter Parlkle neW Univer. sal History and.pift hooks; Mrs.:CeslieS, Crowen and 110. es N,,r.t] . ;(i ;- o hooks etc., nud'manY nth era cant mentionhere. but can show them to, coo if you will call; gtn4l, - se)i them low - .for the Ready:, A. N. WILLARD, Montrose fee: 26:11855. - • VFIHE •4111p..eriber he, to ennstnet recleipi of - New • 1: ',Gemls; in hit lion of licoliness, tiforly.everv week. will fin , illig,ansgirttneut - No 1, n 0 him urt/efes newotguotl (panty. The 4,4tork rtinAirits aq•osn: l ,4 of Medieihktis. N 111049,1,, - 7 " , Dye:'Stittll4,-Groverie, ' • - • • • kantti-tip9la. leWelry, •. •.• -PetfOrnery, fec . ' • •. .AnELluititELL Itlont rove. Istqz 19.! 1856. f • = , lIN KR-Vi A ii4.-LA lartgo lot of rks', 0 14poons,'1ouiteii, 4, l4lllcitt Ring., &e.. just fin. Irdttsi and PI tilt)e, by, T,-Zthit, Gold Ch4iPluq allFgre4ht!'A P pfitteralf. ° 913. . 'BELL 'TING Ln _ ' .;g e" , ‘ 31:-, • • DiitkitiaaPreSA 11 , -Expres*-East, on'the .tiengent tatrift, this train t 11:15 and hi'?tiw real Befit-sal p e tn.-due Oftstion Train. \via) pies. dei , art from Scranton :A with the Ma Train bound t Exineas Trains both . . is Train and. lira Night vy in New,Ynrit• at 113 ,5 Fxpress, will. or by ..faking the arrive in Dunkirk:at 6..45 mrt from Grral Berid at 12.10, A. M. • !itinz on . the rat of Pas ' tf ! n, tai convey pnsspngors IVilknA-Barre, Phiiade!. t: IL, Eaoton, and I I oilier I. DOTTERER, 'Sup't on for Gifts" fI must make a present.- 1 . I h:ive - Oven b*Juks ani )4:l;ury,'stiawls and :strOr kli, till there is no longer le in it: • iinew,: . .. ins julAt occurred to, pie, l'tis most befitting, . , I ris' Davrierrein Rooms ` l .' Ike 3 I.4iifin4:* 1 v,old locket,' , rtii,n ease.. 1 • v i.e.." *thusej:ioulated a con . hiti.. I le, .tirelity s,.i.nred the . 4' and Own! ii nn - - tiorkbt New, Yezteg samelmtiv' t ry glad. Go troy and do Holidays. , s for ronivinhrtn , es for Varian Statwry; Fancy :t variety of beau 'itt wares in witrjous designs, in and ~Freneit, Ciotti now it .PEtr,S. th). 1855. BASKETS. 'o.• 'Work . starylti with BAS. t - InW price a.- 1 7 ..4XCY BOXES. irrt eg:10 Put f S.►Wheh fur , : r:vle J. 1-1. DE ISTU.: YS!! TOYS'.!!! 11 and vo.tir wants shall be ny to dollars in prive from )rs wide') ore nnw "if... n: 4 a . —• DE i'EU*S .. 'ROCKERY WA : It voitrselvtis to.a.Now-v4-ars 'the be,tutifol A of C.;11,1 taria Till IIA7 an ("X Itiliit . inn at, sill) oirt-oft:to be rr. I .Way. W:i I you .not aet larot'soleet at the Croekery 14 store, by i. 11. DE PELT 1855 as.! FIRE!! as been appointed an qzent “„ FIRE ' INSURANCE isbarg company J 0,000! trap a emapany ns nny in 4 n Ihe Start: and. in tonal ; STROUtcAg,ent. 1855:-41t1 d hereby. State that, %re (lav e 10 . alyivo rothpapy, and .we it is both safe and etntsp.—:: r.. hare never known any as. ; 'turn note. - • Wm. Jessup. F! E. B. Chase. TIME. .. _ . New ' Arrangemeit it -, GremPotir's The -great. rigilloi Me104114141 141 0 4 * - 1 , , 5 H-241 - 41~-,81 7 ,0.017 , ,1 - •sf.•.i.zl , -...;-.:44110 , 1F-A 11 ) 1 0 . 1.41 1 4t riA .... /I W. GREGORY 4,r, iptiso4.7ilifftli - '---. - --- - ''' - ''''''''" ' iirr'' - '''"'' ''' , --lri , haltjazfornitid a :copirttietbAifp - for the,. 11 0 FtAdE -WAT-t-AS purposeql eandnating'•itiecitaainkie'brisiness in • ' .i. , d.- ....;,,,--, -„...,..' - ' • Wilts_ yarions _brnidies., ..wimild respetTully in. • - iti r o. 333 Broadway, - se w ; -lOrk. fcirid the: 'people: of Susquetianiti conlity -that -''''.; 4 ."'''--'- 7 --- 7 - 7- - . „they. Are now tlienin,g-: et ' Gregory ' s Old -starad t :. '-- The laiiisilfiiniiiiienfoi. : iiiiiliket,OdifOn: , opposite the Exchange Hefel.2',doors front Vic; Mtisical Instrument Oa 11l " kat _Air, .. -"- Clinal o ilinghatutunl, N. Y 4 th largest,„eliaapost,. 'Orin' kinds Ili' thel-liiited l h titto, and Iniii i iituCk of liardiwe e v er ofieredia Bing.; TEN different mannfietorlea"," , i4.ipth* , tibiii . .. )Auit ( l l 4 , . , -.1. - , i '- '. -oevey*.gfit:iitystiowlsouso.34*4 . .:' twi ,,,„4l* l 4. tivol i, ntii; l o4\kn oi r t, their. Substantial -A - I r 2 :Oetates; ' lit".•,Wrifonttif -.„.;• Engl h - ih C u ods end 'pa - retinae tifeir Aturtiican di-' "wood coat: l 4qm ti33,"tet2 in - obiti:ta. ‘, : r g e t frofn, i mp u f ac t u rers , th e y ,F ,,, a ' Agy d r ,x,,j1 . 1,5e11: mcsiCelegift"firttli'lrivi&Orie: aliiittain ' CHEA5,14•1147 . i .Ort,,..'art• i i.., other. :eatabliariniefit: in .: fAio house in thivUnioia. -- can, ddirt#o4.ll4, - ' ' --.'... (tocri! Tli;•lr ste'eklanaw - '*eisi eitn - sl‘,e, -and. iibove in'theintalmij.vdriety - iLitdvii*Wittie-' . ; 7.- " - ;; tlidin wishin to Ptirv!llke•ate - InVited'.te' ea11.,--, instruments, nor; in the "twirsoithi "1131114,1044' , i --- --k 1 1'• ... The. following are a:pertion L if their loadini ill'' •Whial they, 041191 d - ,- - • 1 : - ..-.. : . : 1 ' '''' "''"' " I .k :- ' l .' tieles, viz:—Table knives and foi.L4.l",ea - ' - do., - iIOItACE ‘ 7. .i ' 4 : i/tii t iht l ;4 l l4 - bS ' iiiityrialt* "i!,,',.::: carvers, forks arid :Meets; pen In nt i- - pnellet k ti i res ,• . . hread.and'hUtcheido., hay and' St:ea - v - AG '' ' •witb•or without•lran Filupes, poSieminkinlhei :-:, .. . • • • • -'• - • 0 .. ) ‘P 1 ." , Iftforet•emititt ot l %oier stritirwutidiustiotttO ituril. - seri , .k, shears, and razors; hritanula, tes, aria citTec • • - -.- , - • - -.•—• - , '', P-iit4;silerUnd - ,britnnnia tea !nad - - - tnllle siumns . ,, r7 l(4: P Gwer'twitt " W P B6ll c l4if A tin C t i ° l 4 " . .. silver plated, braSs,,and irdii leailcilesirel;s„. spur-, . e : : ralad ' Pin "' united with. be :--'; fors 11nd - trays, solar tamps, liirdv ; 0,- rubilty s 9l stritpire of the..SclOrct,?oo;Anlr.••. - J,....... lamps, niantle-pl'eee ortiaini:4 andirons,-shovels and tonize. • --.•. ~,;,•,, -. J A : .1 musictl4thsters to be 'equal to thosetrin . ..., 144-4 , . - Sod '11.1: . 1 . .' re .T..'" Pronopeced by theyir'es. 0.dA4::.5re..„.. They ate - bnilt ef the:ti: .004"1" . Lookind-Glasset, and looking,' glass ,pintes, to:I .er 113:1nu ' aef O rer * gether ‘iirh-a getieral assortMeht of liou"selie(pLit Ti'lt thomugh'seasOnednAll_toria),_`-ftnitigiOill.f.e. ing;artieles; , -." --- ' • . ••-, l e , P.9.! tan d' ,L h e 4 0 0 415i•frfve1Y.44 111 . 1 A a k,' ,1 •...y . ' ,.: / ?Ise has the Sole Ageneyofv.cit4ii . 4o.i . .!6:. nousz 'r el i es, • _,, " '''. : • cz e. y rritect Premium Planes, with , oeMtho#, - ; tki., - ,":„.:: emvastina of locks; latehes, butts, •Sitreivs, , , iorad . nails, bolts, patent. 'windoi• springs, biind.bitem; B ev le ? .. - 1 11 04 1 4. 3 , 1 •&F,.u1 ;. 411 ,1 8 r4# 0 0 1 , - .•;." - -, „ ;:.:- logs,r°- p wr.i se rt.,, t a i l': . ) .„ 1 ,.".1 1,0 1 1 Pg•,,N.a.Pd'.. 4. 11*4. 4 , •!'-.- siattter .cre v :4 4 l.:. • o,aud faid i eniugs,,&c,'2_,': - .ll i A. general assi .ient or tc, for Carpenters i On - - 1 F 1,9 -,." r- .. Gilbert .. D ';' cl ,?. 1 .` 1 ::-.P,A.F 11 : ) 1,- - .„1 . 1. 1 ir... f .k-.. :- - . J., and - Joiner w . ei b in k, an d v v . :l „. : i b m ers, n astms l gint itisfiyintif, for iiiii'ill aiiiims...,.. "., - '-- ',' --.... i .i . .-.. and biacksmittis,censistine of planes;snws, i Each rastrfl,dentillftatlidk - id'ed ''giii - Sitijirso Iney , s, hat a iets, a -i i , ,s; - :tdzes c h i3 0,,,, , ,,,, ,gpm, " : ,.. 0 .' Lion di L purehisirtneddy refunded. Second bind -...-- bitts and hollow aflgots. an'4lls , B,lllows, - vices,: Pial3oizt, 1e14." - 84 1 14 1 0 19, CP)1 11 5 41111 4, 1 7',1CA 1 4';".. -patent drill tumehihes , sletl. l 4}, stone hamtneA,-• priers ' roar - . - - - s. • .---,,,--•,',‘ - - -, - .7 " . ,•; - -1, ' brick and f-iissteriog trowel-i eNss-cut, mill and' - sl 4 lci'A'OncY'df : a z ir<it t i'srinites - Ifek - : - --: eireular saws, . -, - • " deons.(tuned to.the.equittentperrument);tplitireb- • . . , A iplendid us , :ordment of ,addle and liar nest' . was ' v ( 0 411 3' av• 4 o-ed,th - 9 .. Vi rB S= P rOg du lllk a •Vlif e !. " --- ._ National Fair, 'AVAxiiircgton, D.''C. - ' Priee front - tankers' toots nrol -- i.rimming.. _ - ' . FARMING '(Gibs, '__ •-1.5 to $l5 . Double bank melodeons , + $2UO - consisting of Shov;ils, spades.' 6-.. forks,ralies,scy thefl: I/ Orat:WAVAter'S: itelOdironsi .ouPk i noti." l 6 l o4 - ' , zrairreradies, hoes mick • axes, iron bars, grind. menu in to - 4rie, touch owl. d =EMMY- latiiiiiii4."& , .... 4 ' . - "sale 1, . • - • ' 'rtined tile equal tenaperameito2,ll6l44rioptigti ..: . ,- A• 1•49; Azionti rov the of Witittelnore. all other' ktvles od•ninkes:: ''''''''. 4 ` l4: or-k=i- ---4 : 7 • ,0 Squires .. , eq'd A ! . .tri eul t u rat 'tool 4, 3uch as plows, -Martin's 'Ouitam, Brown's flaips ,P,hittiji,lTlcor .., hay and str:ati cutters, corn shelters. &e. .." ' 1 Tins,. and trilliignAinstruniel?l of all,'„killdEL ' - .:1 11 " . large discount to se.hoolg, tenelers,ehdrehea and . Sole and upper , leather, 1 notrocco" nail shoe I trimmingu, with a general assortment i r of finding,s,"( (7 1 'rgYEritill• ' Thil ' trade.- supplied ;on the mold S-•! Wooden ,vari , , willilw cradles, wagons, chairs ,1 lawful terms . -...- '....,-.- -.-. 1 ...L ~..-, ~.7,, ! ~nd baskets off-all de,:eriptiods. - ! Music r r ,..... ! ..Gna . of the Jargost,ail-4. b,e4.*Pc_,,_i,'.'" , ' Bar iron alai ste l e:, iron aXiesartifateel springs e 4 cataii?gue,ii - pf Plaishi L iioNi Puthistl,eiG;' 6 oo..Pruff, '' ', malleable ca,tings," coach lane and triMmings of 1 iron clan; of itte - chiiiee'und=MOSt pOpulafstri'dt all kind 4- paints, oils, sash, glass, putiy,' &c.; all ! the day ; nnumg them are found the -titveraally,.. of ‘vhicli :rill he 5 , i14:1 At the ;lowest rates. Nesse I, PoPur:kr ftredoctiOns of ,'Vhomas liakera•': i••• _?...-‘,71 ea ii an d ~x , i tnine tho ste er f .. r p i . es. . Alusic sent by mail' to all farts, et the:conntry'. - 18 -- .' -t. post paid. --Piirtieutar and.- personel attention " • • 1 ;• •-. , ', paid to all Orders receiyed -by mail.... Satiarag; tinghamton, March I, 65. llon, guaranteed in every, instance s . :Piall* atif ' 3felodeens for rent, and rent allowed . , on par. chase-. . Pianos,and melodeons for sale - Oil-Month{ '- by py,filt;rit 4 .. , s64 , :firid.Yriiiiii . Piitii6l-fatetiliiiiit.;'- chaorre-forroiw:: • •, -; •.- ,;,,..' ' " "'-.-• -"- 0 .4--;,:i14."-•..--,' . The TiEinilattart _giro Iris:std. . OffiC" Street. . , CAl l l.l` AL, 1 - - 4254;600 1 11411 res buitaArrs, (qv 4 1, dime, Furolitire,Ves: svil, in Port and ;11 -* .r' ir Cares, and 9ther t!qainst.loiSorldatnage Ere: • , Ptr.tEcroas.—Nathariei fliehitMs. • Sainiail F. Mott, l'etvr !I. Sviienrk. Win.. F. ,1/4 win I). ...11org Win. W. Pox, Sidney Niaaon.T.fihila ft. L. Lord,i'rho*. Btirron;Poissel Nvy- An 4.11. VV.Ard, IGtscs 'Pal:Tor, John 51.eit ard, James Colies,Mtios. W. Pearhait. 'tie:hard 'l'isztle, Peter Coot.ier,- Denison, John (;aiwelt. H NATfIAN I r.L- Pros. - WM. Pirr !;1E EDWARD PRIEST; Agent,..Binghtp, t.on, N: I'. ---- I , .. - • Capposed to. ha cheap. $-'itiat . :wurth, Ready inade clothitirr!:a - 1 -. . .. . . . J)11 - ..,`ii:Eti.11AN & G2IIOI,ATTS Now lii!frea, s' -pt. 18th,1855. • ' •-•" • Sapytoorr= f.)rgetful i yout:ifo:, gry: - Thit at 0. - hi ;Fell:43' . Ix tlt piak• : e. got your ificTa...i , c A a NC. SETE°. . . A rt. jult . rt.etkivioa anti Wiii".erStocii . LI:of Gooti;;, tiwy [ter!. the 3, are Miertwi for Site As Lay:_Fi,3L7EiS any CStAbliSbtlivnl Our siotk is tov.Complete as fottild in eripptry Stores. • • .ii4rforti, Sept.; 18.5.1-. A4sortment af t Cit , ekery. and , Gias4 ' Ware, at ! G. W. 8. & VOEICELAIN,;and, ;Gra* . • i G.W. S. &Co 10 ROCHE and ;Bay Stati'3 Sintw!s, nit - prhies ! Llat - 0: W. S. & . : LACK'aud orate Shiffings, „per yard, at 1?t, L ncs, c;f tho latest StOos, at .. G. VV.' S. I_ F ICIIELRORS ilair .11v . e La putaine - "t.lLltil . of a thoasarkiiakwers, iii P 4 iTtrinvi-v. at . . '.- ' . - (1,:1. 1 . 7 -. B..&:Cii; • .. . . . :VANKEE:Not 4)11s of ev n-y variety. at . G. W' S.-di-Co, New 'Milford t4ta's 4 e leinporuni ' Iry PLILI:- BLAST. -- • • STQVr..S pow for'gale„ nt • Diekerrnans lei Garrnt:B. ore 'Trt receipt- of the Ig?g e gt gtoek of stores e.rer, ofrerekiu,Northeru Pa. oonsigting of COoking s , P • artlir ntoli size_4;Tate boll, for t r 1,•,t.)d arvi COat,‘Also n tull•aggratnient of targer,%izes for Ofturehes rind Sores. ti-irtieurar attention to - the , Jetkr• - • sonia.Elevaed oveti- the moSt perfeee,tinti kst , 'stoves jii , "market . . Anioig - our v• ariety.7•of large oven: would-Mention the Empire • Stataim.. prover WI being- verk heay - pla;ed and perfect finish and soperfin•er. Farmars , §nsquVartit.. Co. yOutulve been in the 'habit •bf purehasinst" light stoves Mid light; trimming - and paying as mach a you 'ought to ftir)teuclY plates and heavy trimmings, • -/, . we man faettt re our furniture and them at mdmifacturUd r prieesi let those who :pay a Mak:lrs profit-comp;4e with uw if They iolihing dope nti on .short notice: - • - DICKERNIAN & GARRATT. New.l.lilford, Oct; 4th, 1356, • ' 1197114C.t. i -: l i ill 311 E new Brick Block Will bn l , 41 - ted .With ..I_, Canipiii.6 lights, on Fridi verniti.r - Jan,- b 25th, 1858 st 7 o'clock.. ! - • ,ilnotrizeence. 10,-1855 i , , . . , NEW Xi 0010. The 119 day lis - are Corning. , -- Tust in. , ( thed'ostoßiee and get, t on e) a netl• Book for a holiday. present. The Old,j;l ey quteton or the Faith,' l ess G uar dian, Scene,. in the! practice. of a ,Now kork Surgeon,. DoeSticks,' f:he 'V idow lledott. Papers. Ft, Giant( ,!( Pao ny.fein's New BoOk;) Caste,• Remark:ll4, 'Advent.nres of Celebrated persons. 1 - 21aniel Boon and the Hunters - 4 gen leek:3', also lots' of !3liniatuio Gift Dirtiks _ , !fur the littkle Ones,- • ,-- CointraL Last,.;—Proft, Stodard's . &cies of Arithreetits,.the htst use. by the dui, or, sin.: file ..tiarAers New Spelling Book 4e.. &e. lANAt.!S atal DIARiES rtir . 185 ti all stries_ana. sizes, evera'orket Altennaes . for the - LAW. BOOKS-4A new i , ilpply fiest ret4i.i:ed; Pardons DLgesteemplete to 185.5,—h*e.lbies-.lota - of other nice thing too nutuerous mentioa i and, " - - all for sale at the MOntrese .as oe, • 2 1 1 . '.ke:N; BULLARD.. iontro .Dee. 19,1855. . _ . Aiiditor's The untiesignad having.l):oo Ittpointositiq thud • Orphan's.Conri of Stnnftialuinna - 2e - otintv,, - ** to - distribute th'e,funds in (he hand aof _ Atte Ad ministrator. Of the *SOU of John , J : nian'doetiasod,orkil Attvod to tho duties of :his said as pnintment at his offiele in 'intttioaer:- til.eightOith 44 AsoP. i ari ft one o plop: tho afternotm;at `wttch.ikoteand PlAce all Prithos. • Intel-sated will , *toot _their claims. or, he thereafter forover,harred from;tom: ing in upon said'sfiind.- PRAZlEjkAtider; -='"l,ltOttroso, tfo94:4+ifst: MEM= ugad: ads, one and Mi— lt (IT if nut too small) Ilait . • . tall P & co , es4-Silkii; for 5 Ittl*.t; G.'W. S. &4741.7,.. IMMO v,' sti9tds tstio odi *;')::, 'hos' OF - Erliffeiff - 1 1lE-an4scril?er-haa,.revii9re4 E l ticke•fito:e the_huildintrecOttly pied by ','.de,', - t•Sra - 11t41.14 surf Read, - P Oblik nue, first 'abovo' , the 'Post .vithstauding the‘. wilted:. slate a Altied. - -1 1 .(" stringe'ney or the money' market, the:. u npu ser.thins" Rail MonopolleS, Lelt-Wfaut ern induCentents,'-and the great droughtkas extreme it . illolVar at_hec, mall human probaltiti.2 shall- have a cold winter. ,In view of this s•.: to (f thitie , q the Subscriber lest 4 that he is prepared 115.ineet the .wants . 411 hoot . & Shoe ,wearing public, with gond stailtial varieties of Buots -gastern I-1;:ne Manufaeture; warranted .eqUallifiaik better) oi.han any offered, in this;market. 1 , - stock ;mantas a general - veriety of ' , adios and Gents wear. 'eoesisting: in part t;f Ladini :Stile • LtsTiNo, Si 4 Gun ,, res.s• Gaiteri,- French'Aid Congiviti.Gait , ors, filarr.lro.Gailqs Ladies 4.l./arshal4."Ciai Ifrle ,Bronzcil - BuFkins, 'Ennt/d, `Bukkin.i, , littit 'iftiskinr, - Pat.' Lmther .-Bouts, Calf '"Lace Booti, Ercani'd =Ba# rim B.,und Buskins Silk Lacezni,r_rgl: - r. fa Gaiters, Cc:lured Gaiters. Calf La - e Kid 'Lice llonts, Jermy Liras Kip'. ii.z.lt6ei'Vhit: drew Gaiters, Rattan Shoes, - Ancle - 7:44 -Pat: Vamp, French, B.uslcins,' ea?kand kip :Shoes,. .I.'re.neL Calf, Kip and§"toga Enned, .Kiy and Cutilcide Bergs. Thiek , and Kip :Beef s, Y6 . 141,h's - .110;:e1'4 Tide; , andAti: and PO,l. Leather shfics, 4. c ., 4 c . Rubbils and Sandals a 'generaf :iSOcittinerS. fisnrsGB, Sparable.l,t Thread, %Vas, Steet!Naiht; Pegs, Tacks, -.Bristles, Heel.. Ball, Boot ,71 , 1704',7 Hammers,- Pineers, Shoe :Knives:, Edge Blacking; Goat and Gairia Bindint, Water 'PronfAthiele..• ing, - Paste Blacking; Gum Ambse, Gum Thlgif3. •Inth Edrre' Bru l / 4 hes awl Hafts Pigging Sewing awl Diades, &c. • • LEAT All kii,ds - by t4e side' or pound, to. suit cog: timers: The public' are invited to call ~ b efote purch:Tsing elsewhere. Customerstnay , felx,ttri on gettiug what they bargain tor,-. r i nd that ih better than they car.. do in. " F soave reee.i.r. they buy Ea`stern work, they . enn'be necettodated with a:s . good'an:article as. can. be found_ifillifm.` If they prefer horde_ .mariufacture they cap have it Without being,iitrimbizgc;d; - , Alt`kinds of ivork..made to order and •ivairanted. Reptilk irigdona 'short notice. - I'rlvNE.rut. for..past favors, he hoPes'britTiet attention to.-business to" merit a:,cooitturaiiir tjte,:olL6: C. M. SIMIgONS.i P. 8. It is-now over.% year-since the great Fir*. in 31ontriise; at whigh - time the Wbserlber net with tr,great loss, inifsit lost, his rout,he :cou ld -sax thoie_indebted to hith;eithet by 'or:flooli'liecoiint; that the tame *nigt•rx settied siithoni farthor notietr. , • rt :Yours, _ C. 5i4111141204, • Montrose A - Rare , Chance to.. Bur C C. Imiag deOrpcii 9 t , eifg t ., fo • inn tinsin•s• r - the purpose of lesiing,in the spring lakes this method of , inftiirming-14. eustoiners , und the pu4lie "gerterolly, thatatellll sell Lis entire stuck, of . Goods At, tosf,:fer cat c h - 'or reads•tuts.',No credit" will lie tiven "atm.' trim 'date': He wos . ltt miry' to those either:by,noto.lor book:, iticount, ;Ihat , thel l 49l o must be settfed iminediately, , witkout --- notice. 'lle 'also ofrers for: 'sale his farm;siteie house, two iiw t ellint houses;ind:the apriurten - tai. ves therewith, ito,gvi her with, iwoAterest All of which be sold cheap, 'Middletown, Pa.,lati: TO, .1856,:tt'. Watch awl Clock - . Making 17' BS.; •,rr Subso l3. ert INI4 I -Plee4sure-inform,i4eir , Friends, - and. the petilte,..„that they': here again itiade for.the, carrying_ tfial the utiove nained2businee . e, ,their atotwzit*4 . 6. 3l • , ma: J. itrapiqinoirii4lati,,,: - t of New York, end late 0 1" , „§yraeusq;ltlie*Ir 1 of •expetienee bringie,g witlihirn , tot, op An4 es, men#tioils for 'lntigfity 'skin in g neek . • : ...,Wo , -have every , Teiltoll : , tof , briiolo). that :41. ,sverit intrusted to Alit% „iv be promptly, Ad the - roughly te: - • , ' P BEN'TI,E iSilrglirY. s Ni le'All4tifeliption4 of Jew y; enrefiiity!ta= ired. , . • - 51# 1 1tioie".'hiil. 160 'Ns*3-11,wedry::, T . . Splendid assolinent, juskiiikrkea:a xontrbie, lari,:lo, i84:0, ' ri,llllPl ot Q61441..1.7' tiirll44 • w ° 679i: TURR4' k'pnratrk„, Aten -10,..1 gr UUnglill ity: Ette-= 111 r - est-: Xcl!'ir t tohirpF4i4; ci n g tiltie l6 7,- V .7- 1 1 44 . ' Dvi .4 7 ~.joertdict„., IX-41,411 - V ST-„ witint.l - !•":_; i ts 160; 10i1040k 'rim:;: ~e;.~.^,,::
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers