.rt A.... :y.:.44, loiiir, - 10!.],th_,:: IrA* o ..i.: ,? ,aterohe.Art, - , • ptcyAiliniti f i:tor, eft thy plaaraatßry eart 4 kitaf,l' 3: •Wileoaaja itriraq Atadatildel4 r to',itta*ria ether,fo!ki'do - - %Vhilitieili :I mast:labor _exeh day to the ' • • - • • Aed the winiet con user the summer -t,wip•Collina, I've, noticed with sorrow of heart, Yea havo- . oft •thaos tiegieeted your plow and - your eart ;I -i!. • • . Tier sheep are at rand a, gitordeily reatjb 1,4414- - your wit. Sunday, jacket . .goes every day farm, or you'll safer, a 148 `.ter li'irtone . i,hat heti': rolling wilt gather no ti* - ' '1 birowlfelittus go, anddon'klet no wait, I leak to 17;e there, to ' be great ; Where you'll be rums I y, and who know. but 1 Will be a:rich Goveriturilong•ere I die. Whilst, here, Are. 1%, husband ! I reMenabc l ltitat land is to clear, - It will cad- youltite iabei army year ; , Your .hoti!)a, sheep, cattle, and bogs, are to buy, You will hardly get se7led before you must die. - ',I So slay; &e. Illb . w ife let us. go anti don t let us stand, ' :We will purchase a iarM l i all Cleared at our hand, • I sverehorses, sheep, cattle, and hogs, are not • dear, . • , We will feast on fa t - B u ffalo half of the year. • - • , Whilst . here, &c, , , Oh, husband! remember that land of delight, Is 'surrounded by Intlianswhe mu er by night; Your houSeira be pltintered an burnt;to the • - . ground, While your wife Spa yetir children lie mangled around. . , • - So stay, &e. _ Oh, wife! lonive eqns i ideed me, argue no - more, . • .Lnever once thought of your dying before; • My children; I loie them ; although they are small, ililid - Yon;',iny dear wife, More preeimigthan SO well stay 'oti`oni i firm and 'ivy,' cutter no • • loss, For a atone that keeps rolling will gather no .Poixitoe Crsii In Ireland. The. Belfast Daily ;Mercury, of December lit, has thit following account of the pototoe eroirti Ireland': " The potatoe crop, is at length raised, and its abundant produce has been stored up in excellent condition.- ~54ine: of the newer va rieties of the ,Irish esculent , have turned out far beyortdthe Ordinary, amount of yield, and even the older and what may be called mo e finished qualities, gave!' very ample produc':., In several districts in this country the!grmS amount of yieia hag been nearly two hund red and fifty bushels per acre, on other lands two hundred bushels , were raised, and the' leseactive Sails produC l ed abOut one , hundred sted ! fiftY imshels.,:_ In Very few instances have traces . of the disease been found, .ind even where that malady had caught on some por tion of the crop, the 'tabors - so !,attacked! are still fiefer cattle-feeding, thus, in a great de gree, - making up for the lois thitt might oth lersise have been sustained. The extent of .soil .under potatoes in Ireland, this season, is given - atmine hundred And eighty-one thousf and five hundred and twenty,,nine acres. Ta.- kingtund numbers,.and averaging the total produce at two hundred bushels per acre, the gross amount of food so ! produced for, man and cattle 'would be'about two hundred mill ion bushels.: Throwing off one fourth for wasteni - unmarketable potatoes', there will be tonna a net turn out Of otte hundred and fif ,ty n illi4n bushels."! The Value of this crop is estimated by the Mercury at is, Bd,: per bushel, giving tcr the entire crop a money !value equal to twelve and a„half, millions sterling, and this, too Irithonetaking into estimation the small, the diseasea; . or the otherwise inferior portions of the - aggregate crop.; The quality .of the yield is 'said to be very fine. - • lbasyuction in Agriculture. , The extent of our country .and the cheap - aestfof land, together with the sparseness of ' our popUlation, have Operated' to delay the establishment in the 'tufted States of Agri cultural Collegis'anl' Schools.; . while in the denial:) , populated countries of turope—es peciaily .in i!russia-L-theis inOituticnta are very numerous and well-sustaitied. It is said that in this monarchy alone there are now i five :Agricultural Colleges, and a sixth is about to be opened, Where`are taught by both theory and prictiCe,' [ ibe highest branches of science connectedl with the culture and hit `proyement of the s'oill; of Agricultural Sel i bols of a more elementary order, there are ten ; Altera are also se en: sehools devoted to in-, etruction in the lcuiture of,,flax ; two espec- I iogry - -devotedstin instruction in the manage- inent . of meadOw lands; one for instruction in the management of sheep; - and . there are alba . "forttfive mode; farms; intended, to ,serve in _ introducing bet t+ Modes, of agriculture; in all, seventy-onepublic establishments for \ sg- , siculktiial educe - 00; not to mention others' .- T .. via kindred uat nit; or those . private schools ' wheri the art ani Science of good fanning are "taught. ; - ~ ,-, - - In Pennsylvani a l i ne hare "tat yet one sim ilar institution no, not even in the whole truited..Statesi Were as far in the rear of Prusia, - in her a 'cultural institutions, as ' we Brain advance o harin our political institu - tiOns4 - Freed uwe understand it, should be universal , so houlda theoretical and prac ., tie* Inwledge of Agriculture, which . is the on i r great - hairiness o the world, and without it- Ail others would soon perish.; Let, therefore, finisubjeet' to ept , prominentlf before:llw - peoplerrletlits 1-importance be c 011,664 dwelt upon; 'and we cannot permit - ourselves, to -ileatt4litt Al to neW epoch will speedily _ he itutuguroted. sa a new generation; of fir.' 'nen Iwill'-'"take thefteld," who,i ,by' iheir knowledge, ___, -, and m ustry, will scatter thit4thienee Of . lrotampleoverthelesigth - * ll 4 breadth ;of.' 'Repohlis:4 - .the full -devel oprsteut. of her' ^ wonderful agricultural .rueittr-. 80, M i9ll is. to has lastioithOiii mid .glo; 1111= ' 2 717:: - .%•:`.-11" f.':i.::: -. '.-, ! =CZ ..: , "; : :::. : 3 .? - - ,..icci -- ; - t -7 : ?T, :`,•! ~ 1; Ir, t) '-' '..r . .. - N., iltrifiglittittt ‘' :;:l r : 7- -;::. :NI • - - • . . , ...; Ire t e-8141e an onteigt sever 1*(60 '4naivn. of any Fte ctne.. . _ JUDOFOR oußssctEs - Esq., the 'Well • known leftover. of Chestnut ;Street; Philadelphia, whom ' , choice products are founitet almost every toilet; says : • " *to , hinny to say of Your Catuartre Puri, that ; lens found 'lbsen a better facility medicine, for common Ps, than any other within my knowledge., Many-.of my . friends have tiallied marked benefits from them, and co. • %rids with Mein believing that they mores ettraordintely• virtue ibr driving ourdiseees anif curing the sick. 'Phew ate not onlY effectual, but safe aml pleasant to be !Aiken —. qualities which nand make them valued hy the public, When they ire known "• • • • • . . The venetablethaneelks WARDEAW webers how, Sal. • tinrore,4Sth Alsil, 11354:;! •.. - " Da. J.' Ef. Aye" Sir: I have taken your Pills with ' real benetit,'forthe listleartiess, languor, Ices of appetite, and anions headache, which has of late years overtaken; me in the spring. ;A few doses of your Pith cured me. have used yew Cherry Pretend many years in my family Ibr cougha and tolds.with Unfailing success. You make medicine Which Cars and I. feel it a pleasure to commend you for the good you have done and are doing." JOUN DEATTY,"Eie.,Seo.ofthe Penn. Railroad Ce., • says: I ;;;. , • . • . . ", Pa. OP*, Phi7atie/pbiti; Dec. 13, 1333. " Sir :1 take pleasure in adding my testimony to the efficacy of Your medicines, having derived very material benefit from the nee of both your Pectoral and Cathartic Pills. am neve Without then, in my hardly, nor shall 1 ever consent to be, while my means will procure The widell, renowned.S. S. STEVENS, W. D., of West worth N. 11., sexism: • • . • Having used ;your writes : . Pass In my practiee, I certify front experienie that they an an invaluable purge : tive. •In can of disordered functions of the liVer,rausing headache, indigestioncootiveness, and the great variety,. of diseaseslthat totlifs.,. they are a surer remedy than .any other. •In tilatibi Where a purgative remedy is required, . Loonfidenterein . Mend these Pills to the public, as . superior to any otherl have ever found. They are rue in their operation, and perfectly safe.. - -tpialities which Make then an invaluable article for public use. I have for many - yetis known your Cherry Pectoral as the best - Cough medicine in the world and these:Pills are in 'no loreribr to that admirable preparation for the treat . event of Meese." • - .:gema„Xe., 4 ,Ake. , 4„.1&53. • • " Th. J. C. Avast Dea g.Sir : I nave been af3ieted3from -my birth with scrofula irrits went form, and now. after • twenty yeah , trial, and MI untold of amount of suffering, have been isonpletely cured in a few weeks by your Pills. With what fqtlings of rejoicing 1 write can only be imagined. when you realize what I haresulfered, and how long. • .• - "Never Until new have I been• free from this loathsome • • disease Itkeeinc shape. At times it attacked my ayce, and' . made me 'Mama blincl,:hesides the unendurable pain; at -ethers it rattled in the seep of my head, end de-troyed my-, • hair, and s. kept me partly bald all my days; sometimes . it came out in my face, and kept it for menthe a raw pu, "About fine weekiago I cmuminced taking your .01.. - thank Pine, and now ant entirely (mein:tit the etimaikint. • My eyes are well, my akin is fair, and toy hair has cm ineneed ••a healthy grow th ; all of which makes me feel „ already anew person; . • , Doping this: statement may he the trieansofionyiying hshirmation that chill do vas' to otters, •I am, with every sentiment Of ratitude, , Tours, ;c., MARIA 'RICKER." •; • " ha 4 known the abOve named Maria Ricker .frem ker cbildiord, and her statement is swirl!) , true. . :• • ANDREW .1. ItIDiERVE.,- Dien:en of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Co." ;; Carr. PRATT, of 'the ship. Marion, writes from •• Roston, qoill April, ISM: " Your Piths have cured me front a baton:tett:irk which • Vote fmtn ;derangement 'of the Liver, which had heroine *my serious.. 1 had tailed of any relief by my Physician ' and from -very remedy:l could try ; Nit a taw doses of ' your PIIIt. bare completely restored me to health. 1 have - given thetit to niy,ehittlrett for worms,ith the , 1,4:).t ef., • pets. Thiy were primildly cured:. l'recommended them to a frien4 for costiveness, which had troubled hint for menthe; told t o e in a few diys they hod cured him., You makel"lie best medicine inthe world; and I am Ism. totay ao."• • Read this 'tom the distinguished Solicitor of the Stipretne Court,.whose brillianr,abilitiee have made hint atoll known, tot only in this but the neigeming Etatea. . : . • . Aire prfraa.r, .fita slpril, 1134. - • " Sir.: 1 have greet satisfartion in aratatin y o u that - Myself antifamily have been verfrunch benefited be your • 'Medicines: Alj wik.wits cured, two yearn eines, cd a aco• were 'and clangenius cough, by' your Cattier Pecreast.„ and since then has enjoy,ed peeler . ' health. kly children ' have several times teen loved hunt smacks of the 'Mho eau and coup by it. It is an invaluable retnedy fee • these complaint.. Your Ca VIA It7lC . l'aLs have entirely 'rated isle from a dyspepsia aod Costiveness; Widen hat Frown upon me Gfi some yeani,— indeed, this cure le' - much more importaid, front the. fact that I had Gift! to get relief from the hest•thysicians which this sectioe of the country affords, and Muni any of the min:en:us rime dies I had taken. • " scent 10 us, Doctor, like a providential idecuittg, • In nut family', and you may well suppose we are'not tin-: mindful of ft. "inure re,pertiully, • • LEAVCI7 TIIA XTER." • • ; ." &heir _trra,lslA., 1854.. "Ds. J. C. A rte.... Doomed Sir: I have made a thur.,, laugh trial of the Csytt sill IC ttLla; le ft toe by tour agent,, and have been cored by then, of the iilreadttil Rheumatism under wlitch be hsnol the *suffering. The first doe re lieved tee, and a fee mtlt,-e'q,:ent have, entitekt removed the diseases f feel - in better health nem tlan'Air autne yenta hefore, Which I- attribute entirety to the etterts of your - etama.ttric hits; • Yount With crest rospeet, I.t.:CIES 11. MerI'CAL.P." ••• Thy aboye are all from . ;lessons u lit: are publicly ktsviwn where they reside. and wto would too make these eate menu without a thorough couviesinzt that thvy. were, true: . Prepated i. by DR. J. C. AYER & Prectieal and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Nisi. NEW GOODS CHEAP. i AT v. W. MOTT'S. - TUsTreCeived a lot of New Goods, such as Ds tits Lain* De Sages, Paramettas, , Persian, Al rheas, Gingliams, 31.triuos. Prints, gaud Shawls, is fact a general assortincittof Dry Good_s; which Will be sold law.- . SY ANti:D —Socks, Eggs, Butter,Lard,Chess• • Flannel, Ale., anititinutity in exchange .for Goons - at cash prices. C. W. 310 TV Montrose, Sept 1855- • - 1 Will,Fish. Bite 7 ' • THEY twill if you use the fishing apparatus -Sold iiy Phyfil 4.z. , Knowlton, 3 doors eastof Chenango Bridge. Anew IGt just received' by -Express. 27-all and exantine their large assert. went. Alooks, Line's, Reels, Poles, Snellit, Arp ficial Bait,r&c. P,11Y14.1 &KNOWLTON. • tN. B. It is, curren ly 'reported that: Fish, in this .secticin of count , will not be . caught' with other Tackle than th t sold at the above coital , Bailment. I ..-- , . Binghatitton. Aug. 'l4, 1855. _ _ ' •• I A •CARD. • \KNOWLI'OIi would most spec fully call the attention of purchasers to a larg,,assortment Of HARDWARE just ie. ceived and being daily increased by arrivals (rem diderent ?manufactures. Having purchased. at prices loWer than-those fur which articles, of -the - same irMity have been offered during - the five vast year}:, they sire - enabled to make qrtite a;re duction from .their former very reasonable - de mends, tO offer, both Au% n and - country; trade' in dticernents superior to thole of N. Y. agents: Binghamton._Aug..l4. 1 - 855. ' " Fres> i FreiArrival of New Goods at DICKFRMANS & GARAATT'S THEHE 4utmeribers would iespectfully intoim good pool:ire of, StoiUtlintui Co. that they'are now opening their stock of Fall and Win ter i Goods which s unusually large and Id: tractive . all which'wiil be cold for cash or approved credit cheaper than can be bought at any other establiehment in the county Watnean just what we say. Please give us a trial, DicKEB.MAN & -GARRATITS. New Milford, Sept. 18th,1855. ; ("JUT V BR Nails and .pikes.—Buontotr, Parker la and Old Colony, at PHYTE & KNOWITOett. intolooV.,' 1855. all and Winter Goods. subscriber would tiny to the public that has just received a general 'assortment nd Winter. Goods which' he ofrere to low`for cash or - produce. ; r. LIOSFO Tt 1 sville, Nov -3, 1635-45w6 AM. lig of Fail MEE LlB--Lutes} styled nt • • Jane . . Ittafalo Robes. - A choice lot of Buffalo gaes just r.eceivfd aUd-will sold at a low figura by " 4,-New Milford, liciir.,lBss. ILVER hove lotof odirerFoki, sizes; slot), Table, Dwain sod T. pooosjust finished and warranted as tgood so :Obis, by - AL J. EVANS. Aug.l29. - - ' ' Q - EWING NOS; some veri' for ie. ty- -"- - AL J EVANS • . , - - ;An ..,skairiwisPP. tvEgajcaoit I~3t rest, 11.4.14- orcopm 3 fmh_loi.,- Sppt. 18. *1 ) ' =!Z:== .z-Woramion 'Nbtriistinac H ;3 : Smir: or DRY GOODS A-RP SI 1 • s eiiifeitt li q edaietinuli k s Prices at the • • ONETRICE_ STORE _ I D-. C. BACON _ has ; the . pleasure.of announc its ing to his Custrimers that„he has juitt. .turned from the Eastern 'Markets NV i orep, the largest and most excellent,assortment or .. DRY GOODS'AND CARPETS • - ever opened sin this -market, which for beantY, 'variety and style &duvet be surpassed, which hay. ing WO purchased for' rash at auction and else where at auclion prices ho will sell them cheaper than .they were ever before oftered in this or any other market west 'of New York city. His rich and splendid assortment of DREgS SILKS* . is . aj tixyn seknoWledgedthe best and cheapest in town, and inelude-s Plain, Plaid, Striped, Idroende and Glace—the,,eheapest as well as the riehest goods, at prices varying kern ;37 1.2 et's to $25,6 per yard, together with a.great variety of BRILLIANT JET BLACK SILKS. Truo' Satins , d c., selling ' nt to - t4t_ 20 per, cent les3 than the cost of importation. . . SHAWLS! SIIAWLS !! • . . . , An immense . assortmentof Silk, Ciapo, 'Thibk, Caolonere, MerinoA,Broclie and SClPliner Sha - v.l*, from 1)1 to. so, togother with .n p.pl'endid variety of Black and Coio'red• '. ':' ._ . - ' MAISITILLAS, , - . . of ail the fashionntle. patternft: Sate, Silk and Embroide rod, !vhich be said cheaper than ever before. , De Lains. from_ 6 1 . 4 U.lB t 037 1:2 c'ts per ytud : Plain, Plaia, Strißed and Figured. AluAins„ Bril- Nantes, Chalkies, Bombazines, Cliatobras, Ging finmi. French, English and American from 5 c'ts to 25 c'ts per card, and e . reiy new style constantly on hadd . at the lowest prices., . . •. • 'RIBBONS. • • • • It ibtionds by the peke or ward will be nlcYn's in our stuck for 31i1liners andretaileys. , • • EZIBROIDERY. ' - • . The richest end 14 lest assi . .rtrnent:OfEinbroidery car:. always be exec u -at R. C; Ricon's,nt the lowest prices. '.Chemisetts, Collars, Sleeve.. ..Skirts. Infants' Waists,' &c., of even / fashionable style, together:with '. v . English Thread, - ' Valeuceinnes, . , , . Mahon, . • .. .. . . ' •• Guipure arki •_. :.,_ • . Brusselk Laces . ' . . • .- in went varl4y. ~ ! . • • LTNNEN GOODS. of All kinds, frish Ljneifs, Linen !Tamil:ereLief's. . Tuble Linen and covers of 411 - Napkins: Doylies, Linen Sliceting •Piilow C. se Linen froth auction at prices below.all eorup , tition. • • The atiention of house-keepers is particularly invited to our stock of Onaitin Goods, ittnontt• which may be found Lace .Curtains, -• Broeitelles, and everythinti in thbi lineof. , 7604:4, which can nut fail to .please - in faltrie;stvl e 'e or price - • DOME."I'IC GOODS. . / Bleached and Brown Silecting from the 6 . ,1.7rr,de up thO finest qu tlities. Tietiturs, Denims. Striped Shirting, Ap -o.n Cheeks.. Gingliarrn‘ and Prints,. frOnt 5 e'ts to 12 1-4 ets - per . yard,.and all kinds 4. - ‘f Cotton Goods for men or boys'. wear. flair Cloth Skirts, Grass Cloth §ki-it.e., • and Parasols,—a very rich. assortment., More Antique, Muss Fringes, Gsloons, and all descriptions of Dress and Mantilla Trimming, and everything.belonging to Abe Dry 'Goods'. iratio enstorpersq may he sue cif finding at. Baren'e; c.trt :be found in New York. "CARPETS! CARPI:TS' !! :. • Since the reeent 'tremendous Pall in the priee•of Car Paring ‘.l;e have purchased and have now en band the lart,ye.st and al6stteittitifill as , orinent of CARPETS ever.exhibited in this reilir n. at prices fully ' .go per cent: leas then' tin;y could . he sold for the, last year. All those who are in want of Carpets'are invit4t9 our where. they, will be delighted with the heduty anti cheapness ',-of th . e xariittis, p3t terns, and astonished that so good a.carpet can be 'sold_ so ! cheap: -- Brussela, . - . ' . • ; 1 - .'hree-Ply, . .. : - .1 Ingrain, • • , . . , o n i o n , • • .. . 1 . . . ' - - Cotton • •• , • and Hemp Carpetin.gi; Pim 16 eta' per yard .:.iid upwards.— floor and Table - Oil Cloths. Matts, Drug:gelk. 4.:_c_.,,equally cheap: R.'C. Bacon Aveuld- inform those of his custo mers -who have - tot already rustle :u. quainted with the fact that he has removed froth the store formly occupied; by hill in Brigham Block, opposite Court House, to the cornei of the new Week erected the last .slllll,Met next east of the canal, and havitin• a much larger, ts.-nire conven ient and pleasant store than formerly he is Ore. pared to hold out even greater inducements t o buyers than heretofore, and sueh as can but be appreciated; and admitted by' all those. who are competent judges.- - New Exchange, Binghamton,) • . • May, -1 29,-1835. S - • • Dry Goods and .Carpsts,t CcEt W1C10431 & BENNETT have . on hand large!and:well seleci o zd stock of Porvii!ii and Domestie Dry Goods slid Cflipet!i, ejpi.ra. ding almost - every article in the Dry Gotorii. line ever brought into' the market in view of theallort crop of cash on hand, we base concluded to otter them for -rimy dayi from this fit cost. Moose perspas to whom we bare fOrmerly sold Goods will at once flee that this is a rare oppor tunity and one which should be maw-Iced im mediately. !: To those who have never favo . red us with a call iwe Would say fry its once and. you will be convinced that this ie the pl4i7e to -pur chase Dry Goode and Carpets.. Oarr - stoCk is al- Ways replete with fashionable and seasoro.ble GoodS and aro deter-initial t 1 keep as rood riety as cati be fofind in this section of the coun try, and 801 at prices which cannot 6il to, please. • • - • WICK HAM St'BEINDIETT. Bingaratoni ;an: . 30 . 0855.: • • . Terrible lAteidonti I'o PP& NE D to Mr. Green the other qay..— He had bought a snit ofready-madei.lnthrs . at the Store, and the first dat's wearing tle ac cident occurred, First. off drapt his coat-tail' bv `the mere force of specific gravity, giving to un, ortunate man the apperaime of a badly trimmed craft with the flying jibin,the stern, and on stooping over to pick up the retnnant. the dread ful casualty took place—the fountains of the great deep! were broken np—Green's pants were sundered from ;ankle to waist: and Green Himself seemed to- be. s The only way try preventsuch deplorable accidents is to patronize a skillful tai lor, who Makes up his work with a determine tion that it shall not only fit neatly, but weal well. Gen buys at the clothing store because he thip . ka he can get his gearing a little cheaper. 1 , all brobability the pants - that served him so reucheronsly had passed through a lever hospi tal, been striped from a cholera patient, carried home eight nights in the week on a shutter, and 'finally, bleached mid married liy an in - genie - cis Frenchman fol• a market in the country- Take warning by poor ,Green's . mishap, and go to a tailor shop like that in the basment of Searle's _Hotelif von want Jobe suited. ' ".Cutting done as usual, and all work War. rantcd: JOILN, GROVES. Montrose ,, Aug. 21,11'4 . 55. _ - J'ust Boicetve,d A New Int of Boots and LeitbeT, and for silk - .Law (4)eitper than ever by J: A. di J. R. ASIILE.Y. Braklya, Dta: 5. 31515.- - 1114OCE. " 1. H ' given to. the OM:holders of the Ilmeklyn and Lenox Tuanpike Read cOinpa ny,thittbe. armal - election - for bfßeera-fa# th eniutitgyear te held at the Howe'of Gm* ICAO* itrklailtenroOd'ft krotidly theft 4 y Wisest' one 4 :t i c:look In the lik&n, Lit,GßOW,Preir. 19a5.1.1144$ - - , - , A1 1 11) DRESS 'GOODS Cizrtains, CA aPtP-ROOll Ma.oximwaiftem;Nmatiumi..t SALASZANDER liAillii .i ,._ l „, -,- l'lr booth Founbot. 6 Philmi. • =.3 - . - ' 'GREAT FlaEr CO PNVTNUT -1 ; " &FIFFII Me.; 'Frilley morning, i I •-•,.-- ,-, December 1511 h. &- ..154i ;- - ,Eving 1 Watson'. Baluniatigei:Sifes id. impbaut,ge they uhroya are whey. pot;io the ;terit.,. ; .. ' ' . Futt.sur.t.rutA, Decyls, 104'. llentri,Coals & Wat sou , No.-26 South Fourth St., Phihuielohja. Gcs'ructics::.— We : take much pleadure in ran ,Ominending your Merchants and ethers in want of a Sec ure means of preserving their books, pa Irian &c.;froin fire, as the „rte vi. t . purchased from you ab - ont Pevt, ininiths ai nee has preserved our books, and eashinr - as good condi: as . they were when put into it, b-fore the treat fire this morning. which ch•Stroyed the en. tire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. t ,The shove tints iu use in our other , the second door of our buildiiit*, from which plane ie f e llinto.the cellar and remained there until the fire 14115 nut. • The Safe was then reineved•stud opened in the preienite of at lenst MOO pers.-ins, who witnessed the good condition ..f the tionk.tits. Vritti.qinTlerrse ha re lit.. Stift. and Lnek.cr”l“6red as we intend to put it in uSi. again. It:, it,‘rfeet oonlidente i u its arc-proof qualities. ..; ; . •. ' , Yours. liespecifili'4;, . • and Watson take p!caStiii , in to the follitwing, alftoniz the iitany:noildictis who/love their safes in tise:—LT. S. Ntiat. Fartarra and ifecitanies'. 11:ink. Phi : Tatra z•Saninel Allen, F:eq,. lliLh sher4r Phiht (Mtn N. llen'tersott,. City Controller Cftleh Cope 4. Co.. No. . ket St ; Richard Norris and Son,r.Locontotive ders, Philada.; Oftnttroit and Sel;ers. Machtni . sts, corner 16th and Janata Sic: Franklin Fire - Ittsu- ranee Co.. Penieti Railroad Co.. Philsda.; Lacey &-Phillips, ce ner:fith and. Alicor. Stireets: Sharpies's 11to.. No. 32 south '2.1 . St.; James,. gent and s'.atiteo. No I-IT North Third Sheet; W. Ifortionan and Sollp, No. 51 North 3d St ; Ina & Co., No. 8.7 Matket 11.,Ortie, No 65Cliestnut . „ A large assortment of the alinve Safes alwaytin hand (warranted to stand it; per cent. mote tfir.. than any IlerringSofe.tiow in use.) EV %NS & WATSON, also inaniihteinre and keep for sale. Iron Shutters, Inm Uoors and Iron Sosh, for . mak ing fire-proof Vaults RatikS, Stores. pitbfic-aud private huiitlinv. Seal and Lotter Copyin Press es; Patent Slue Lined Reiriacrators, &c. Pkatto q'iro ns a cull, at N0.:16 South Foul th - St., th.lphin —lssy . 1. • NEW GOODS. - Ate MILIAN' k PARK return r.T theiatefill 'll,l - acknowled.cnient, to the public fO i r past tit= voi4; and invite at tt.n t ion to verY )40 - ge s 4 *k I of Spring:a:pi Simmer GoedN they are tiow re ekriviog, 1 . ,4r rery imr ln tulditien to. tlivir 41 , 4181 :I , s:oat:tent of stlide Dry Goods. Groceries.. Ifardwart;, Criii;kery; and 0:1 - . &e., they are pr. pan.d to exhibit hitge • as,:ortment or • LADIES DRESS GOODS of every.deseription. !'laid and Bontietg.Shawls.lcitholis,Giove:,,ll.liiery Missets hliot.q. of all a largo:Aock - of ' . , • ..11,E.113Y MADE CLOTHING; r 4 utnoter. Cloths, Mits . : me. Siuc.&e. - • f . . They .respeettully solicit :an early : rail . 7rrotW those c.ho wiAl ii) purchase . GOOD GO6I:S .AT . . Low PiacEs. .. I‘I,..MILLAN Sz PARK. Springville, May 2, 185.1. • • Dart. It Thayer '• • riTl AKES this method of savisp,* to his friends .11. and eustotners that he h:ts' resumed the practice of Aledieine at his old St:tnil in Mon trose. where he may fotand at all thilf.ts profet.sionatly 1:1 p!ttyed. wou t -1,1 1 4 okvini; hi - tn On old : - ,soonnts that, heVill deilitet twr cent on all :lecountm 1); , ..j.i before the first of rAnrir next; (or it ;in} "pcior - like - ,mrself.); I will dedoet fifty, Moritro's - e°, Feb. '2.0, 185-131-f . Iselnol'a~. C. D. I)entimt. hay romovel to n roc.vin (ivtr F. B. Chantike.istoyei trhf r& it will bt• his st . .r his friends 4 -As (pick as C; Re.hidunt Dentit.t. 110•Iti,sp. M:ji• 3 1555- ' • NEW ST 011 E • • • • -44-7.411.1. :441 .zJ - 44 'GEN ERAI. n.S , irPoent nr FaTtev, .t Dry Good-, (Irneeries, Hard ez-nre. II It:. C:tp.., rind Shf,es, Papor. Dye Si la:. :.t.tl - 011A, Sze— w . pieh 1.'0;1 1,0 "old a. eh.. ai , tite elienpA].st lur C•ibh or approved yr. dit _ 11. M. JONES.- . -11arford Jane I, 1' . 855. "; .• ill LACK car„ ai.. gaiue Sdk of toirel..tli ti,../4 . . • - ii. 51. .10N 1. 15155. I[Loci n , 1 1,1 is. • ';u : ost 1)6,, 3 :v, t . ly.• • 1.1. Jtir t• 1. 185:5. • - RE,ADV Made (.7i.ittOn2., liv.v il. Jufie 1. 183:1 A:- AMES: ‘viii li:A ~-i a great vo, : ta. ”!', - it ~.,:. rx.•-• and itililv.n l ;it, .• [I. M. JONES. ..Tune 1..1855. II A h 2iS .it Cliallizt, Barge June 1, 1855. • .Ind Witiaaw Dritprry at )1. JONES'. June 1,T855. . . 1 • • A good aso:tmetit of Btoils find Shot , 4 ut H. 3I: JONES' Juni. I 856. Q . IXTEEN lbs, Good Mackerel nno &A. hr in cash by H. ..JONES. "June 1,1855. • • .nolmbold's Rie lly Cone' oa , CompOntt Fluid Ertrail So)-sap For, the, Blood. remerinz all 4lima, from eX ,, FOS ( - ar Mercury . exposure and im p fife. ehrginie 'eon stitut imp!: dit:rasr.ariaine r, pure state iif the , lllood. arid the •only relinl ferinal known remedy tot the eure of Ser ithenm-Sealtkilead, tnerrattnnx et the 1 hru. Pains and illiwellmtra of tha Bianca, Tetter. il . . the face. andall 4 .c..i1y Eruptiour of thi•lSkirt 1 .• This nrtiekt is now. Ipres.ribed kV • • Grand and . INlvr,nifio9nt Diplay i he uthst 11,0 egnisheal Phy4tiana he •iiutit proved .nnre ein-i , nt In nrartier than art* pre OF FALL AND WINTER:GOODS.• Sarsaparilla yet offered to the . pub le. ,s ,, tret J. WI'rFENBERG and Co.. tikes pleasure in ei , i r a e , n , n ,, tt: t r i r re ;4y r p o t , li i t , i:, , .. - r, :i l te i r n r n t Ti t, t i n tn ,;r i al s ;o ri ? ru 1 n i . 1i aprilltThi'jng. t., th;. e . C 1 7 ,4 114 or Montrose, and the tie rn'estmans whielt,had fi le many . yeg,r7o 3- r e . ,, adjoinill Counties, that the'. have just received n r d " or "" adm "". lig t " ( " 1 " 1 6 " d " rf " I " III " the igrioad. and amst r,shionaltle assortment Of, - ' c n i t n i e! in t T s i r k r " eT; il I : m F..: 1 1 ::e r c . cf ni t h i e t 4 in " o l * U t t i I n r ::„ " e ir ;:te g . Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been --tVr t hellatat VFOTOdestrope4 and the, bones • brought to this portion of the State. r :-.,(- - - . fretful. , , The following eompriqes lint a small pertion . . fr v i 7 vlrf „ ° t • 7 ; ' , l4 . r ett ,,tf r :Z.. t r i a .,,TL' ible.Pt"lri Of the bumense - aSsorttdent to ki . ,.. found at this 'ru i r;:."from atio r n (mill br ftitin ' d ;e 7 n . n; ri a d tt3l 7 o' estnbliShment. , . nrsatoos .. . Thip4 nad Gantlemens Clati - ibitr. in endlesq •va. ego: ys.. Etai.i.txtrart - or nuehsi. i t: per ihfittln nets Bodtdea. fur 35 ; 'nie , l.. , at i lk,.....Arn ,. .pr:ceirqita;ll:t •itrenmh tier,/ and proftNion at . more reasonable terms to one e stion : 4- yrup or t...argat , nr!lta .' • I than can be nbt.iined elsewhere!. . Prepared and 1-inititbr U. T Ill11:11.1t e rlf,11. fiii , itnist. '283 etir.ttlut St ... Ti.t - tr :1 h.: Girt 41(0u.e. Phlitutelllhi* - _. Ladies; Drew 6.lollls:Freneh %ter' no s Pararneta : part and all Wool . Delairt„ . or most :lnv ',c ,. .for and gi * T o os and dealer' r! ' :•ll :t ery 'r t r a: l i: )1 n nP7)t.... r. 2 "11 lli.Of Ltr.ttir sirtde. .Plain black and iiiurecl,eliangeableolaid • All LrntifirP .13.cetedlo the, t'roprletor !or A eat , •efleive and striped Silks. . • . .• Irneu..dlate attent.nt. . 1 , 1 ,. tlyt. Prints awl•Ginfililms. nonnets and Itibb,,ns,. . . - 'l , N::3liir I. I 4ILFOED. ' •••= - Laces anti Embroidery. Shawls. Dauhle, and sin. ole broshe, and double • blanket. Shawls, also t Shawl & Dt3ss-Da6ds Emporium CL.herciere and Thibet Shawls,GloYes and tio. •• - • FOIL' F.;i1.14•1855( .. .• . - , : ', . • siery,.C,iirtaiti Gaods, Umbrellas, Table Spread-S, tiURAITT . wolikl inform ;his,rierabi.and Toweling, •Di:ipers.' 3insllnit. Satinetts, Cloth ~. 1F:I . ti. vul)lie, that he has now.,in store and Ca:diners and 10,000 other articles too numerous t iK.reeeivint; a fittl.aqs(titanstit - nt fall and Winter to. mentit.tt. . • - - • ;Goteig inclu lint a-- tfreat' varlet V. oil. Rich' • Fail : -Caski3uc'ers' Will find it to their benefil' . -ta Prints ial ne•x styles', Plain and.'rafitql,-,De Lunt's( give w. it can: , We_, will not be - n ndersohi. ' Our 'Plain, and rs'iLV-. sl . l 4 3 irsPiith. 4 , Piair( iina'l4l4.4" way, of transacting business is.` to a ß it 1 0 *. Coe - .11erinoes, Partuaettatt, - - Be . ilattes atul pt,oli q s: east o n . glitiii. time to good inon ited' • t b a ' r k•'' a k h - G1401 '""' ' in -ran h ti4; i lesr: ill ! lek .- - „ „ 7 ti, „n Inr, 0., e prompt in meeting our olAgatigna'and e ' xi i6i t ia g , ,Orocuilc,Pl:iin:atul. fAtiev....4l.litsi.iWool..ureche,. our emck 4 nutrik to do the salas with o x ; . !' ''' ,Ooahniere, - . Crerio, 4 otti u ilk . ..sti a l,„j s il , Ri y. h Rib.: , . ROStNIIAtISI, wrrrENBERG & Bro. : ,hous„Elennets and, FrOwers; Ladies Cloth% and' Montrose, Oct.4th, 1115.5". .• : •-., - Velve - :for Cioaks...and .11antitla' , rnudetotirl,_ , , _....... - . .._,.. (lush ere, km, &c., With a, hug' .as. ortmene: of, Stsple awl, runey -oitods, as -u nn , inetllii 7 g• Hardwale;Creekerv. lion'find . S4;ol, aints, Oils, 'Boot% and•ShneisAlatit,•-.Clocki'i. AO; Rinies,. Carpeti rigs,- ails; ~ with a new assortment Of St lets inet.TrimmingwOf-tho: best-quality; iArio'.._Toatt e .: to order expre.aely .forhis esateom T de and will, sill : heaelii. at Me lo weld,' 110 re Or a irrtt Low:. ri iii aft for eash..prodtics, orapprovS4-131' . t. - ; :. :.:•:-. '-. . :-.llLil.iT;Virdoti.Sodife, ,moiintect: for'. which 'the hiohent•pricea wil.l4ololincte to :4 4 444 -4'lo u r And Tait enhatantly.on hand.' •,. , : . -New Milfe.rd,l)stisher, igsi: , •, • . Mbest qnality of Nails at 5 et's per Pauri, 4117 - for'snle by M. JONES. • . June 1855.. TUS'r receiving supply of tinF , till Salt at • . - • H. M. JONES'. June 1, 1E155. • . - - . . ...Vitt Know Nothing Exp o se. , ANY, person patronising, Lei , at tbe-- front goner room orthe Storelalely_ocenpied ,Ly df...a.,Tyler.imn be Rc4tommodoted neeording to to /be LiteetTsehiont, iktbe beet and most- .: 'PrM l 'l 3 ,tiNklil).7.-, iktv , Ryork is wßiraied to fit if Tooperly, made, Cotting.'oterpng lutd in :, fhet every bratieb a Tikilmri!ki aim° -oniiiito4llfot-notitO•lipAithn,t who eatiersetLon of those eoneerraLd. J4tf, J. SAIThlt. •••••., ••:•••,,, ',l' • i.AcEy CRONIN , , 4, 'I ' •-i - *,e It ' .•: ...• ~..• : Mail; irneW ; Te l. " _. AbinoaluabieZiodbfort* e ingil' — " Blid*SidligitY l hoil i '" - -4dOe a.coPit • -.4 - . ' . ...- .'; ' • .-,----` --',,,. ' - 10i3;060 - COPIES 8 04.1) IN. s' ` 1 ; ' 1 'l" ' , ' LF.rift TUAN A. ISAR _A'. n It' .`l -,.`-\% s, Olit "f i r 'did - n revised ''' ' • a , ~.4 . 4 , ,,..,:. 0 , andi inproved, 'W_ jritytmart. , .. _. . ...•• ....;,., .... ~,.; .....,„__.- - r"nrery, . .)11 . ... filattWiNutfleal3[ennid ..-.., .• z.". 7,,,pi k.; _. a Saul Hook fortheistnlnted.... Jo / - . . ,;40fLitettlY -.- ' "tit .aidalvitigap Oatllztoof ‘lis ori .. - r .,,‘,:,, , -- .:, - ‘,...., 11 ' gid;prits6, ert;ireatiiiii. aide are • ', , /e, , A.; , ..\, - or every fora trf'dittroge von -, .. / ...//..INkl - • -., 0,, . . ,",,/ i trao . to •hy prorate naotirtg exual. . . , . . intereontste. lir Agit, 0110 or byfitocualosetegtc wItIN mule% for tbeir prer enciOn .le TO tehin a tiaritifaire, re, or (doling all int:die:el trebnica.itiei: and everything tbat would - offend the ear 441 Apeceney ; *itb an outline oreciniplibitr4beideat to Ferlll4ll,B, front the it; atilt .if i6ime twenty itoi ra ' Sitecess - NI practice , cs.clutlettlyidriotedtorbo cure of dloeilibtot a delleate cr prirdite pa t tlle . 1 To w hl eh i s added reeelpir tor tbe envy of tbiiiiri ' J eager. and a treatfre on;the range s,syniiit unurand I the Fever au,l Ague. f •-, i I TA,fitionnynakt Proecesot4fOitstrirain.p!lut f i kitoleird,i6— * •l'lli.. IiIIiNTIE/VI 4 NI 1:b1;;Al. ', Net N - -The tral.har n ' his rewrk .'onlelcethe..maj..r,t, (II "to odiertill.tu enry triellifP43.4%! Of 44111.4, it ere: , ' gratin:, t 4.• of "tie or t. , ,. I,eat'llolle4yoin the 4:!otted It ;41Tortl* tn+ piielliOtre•fyi r!•ernulppro ditv! py :title, el nate. or dordi o vititt l of irolpra . w tle . --, al. _ a le ege.4 exp-rhltry(l tir melt t Inner .fn .wfre hen ot. 'And 4 they nriy place the trrelittrt Yonflarnee. . : , 1 • • .111. IS. I,(FCCItiIf , )II,,V: , I . Protti - A Intoltrord, .11 13 ..x,t" Penn tit: ri',r . r.:4lt.i dr;'! . '. o - -1: ;nye.. ine f.: ,. .:LAPtir , t , l hill my teoilni•d,l pr , ,f,,4,, , nal ( '.:u s 44 , 1444.' A 11411 or o! the' . 11:„4;,,,t.,1 I•A I. '. NM!, r• ll'. 'it ...i , or D.?..“4-0: „, 00- 4 1,, , r t,!.1 ~ • r,- -4, ,, f t ;io , y , of loi, - .2 • carpi inz. h A %,. ef , rae u n tie . „t,i,-.• :r, 1.!1.7%.1,i,,,;4:;, , ..4., i,, , ,i u,....;;;.?...,t .i,; ; , , , , - .—.!,••..:•,) , ,,c,.r...,..;,L• , •• , f‘11. •, i . , •1" ,, .: r , . , 5 , :i ., 1.. ,, !i'i . •1! ai , l. tt!„ , 11 , • - te , ,%7, 4 ,0. - ,Ii in -,, , ~ ~ V. m.. 4 A . pr.trni;k4,,,i, 0, t,o L . t.' I 1.• ; ok:t :• ~ :. 1 fin , ..: 1 , V ....V 1,1 4 1111.• .)4; '):4.A4e,4, el -- r rp-fy • I ),, n hi.: t , ,nerior ,I, I ht. *onototi-h,•..! t . ii',Yl• •14,r1 . -t , r with OW A (VII , ' loni.-4.h , r4.• ~,, , . rt. r 0.1.: .i....i.ii t 1 tbrito,t,,tl.•,. r 0 lei{.. 11... 1F...1t ' 11:1.: u t0,..,:;<... t. • ‘r:l-;' , . .rietini Or exile indi.o..rUpn.. to ree...snloetvl : : eta " 4 1 ulowe ,(.rtlfost.fonal skip 4124 4 41 4 44,:}(!... 44.1'40y ti"; 41! coo orn , ',, , lictorelves. i r ., A-lilntli: [I %V., 0 I)4c,A 1:11 .. .ThiAi11.,4414h0114 eti!opt:ll44.l the ultllll (t•l',llflf an.lt,nrelliglNY wall, t414) . .ir10...41; ' on the ~ ..larr .tl' . 4i, iithieh it treati. -, A•niding al 1 titehnien.i term,. ,it eitltrelf in the reason Or Ia reit.lers -It Is :1,... nhjeettonahle teattPr. and no pnrone . hosupypi -'s ran object to plain no- if the, Ittod., of hi , gotta. thorbssdernti.d iiiany:yes:rs t o:tho treatment Ott on. i!tl!plaint. trente4 of. rind i with :01 little '!t l puff ... and to , rlittle proiumotdire t; , irnimsc.'-hn!isi tn the unrid. a' tli • r..v , (±el y 'norniur ' prior ..f Yel frills of sonxe twen tj. y ' '.' ' t aro' pilot 5n0rt...44'111 gran llerribt.. - . I . ” Sri !earlier or nsretit should '., c witb4ut then ninwledite bornoed lt• tf.l sine al drth le work It would shoe years of pain.mortieration ing(, - .rrnw to the youth . • tto er ft it eltiv g ,4 • '—Prorii'A .-14(Tccrte. ; o M . . . A t'rv.h., terlan - elerninn lo writing n -, 'l oin• ler'sNledicsilf;inuSll) snys :-." filo orand4 nod , thous ands .lour youth:dr. - cell exainel e , and : zillnentl i e nt the pa.rintlf. hare !o'er' Nil into the habit of ' self p Ito . itlll, 44i411011 1 r..nlitiiiirilp“tin's-nd fearful ronseliteimis upon therneolvi.g and tb.!ir oi ' Arerlt y • Th. -.on F.t!t. utiimut lorthf.ta . no.is alio rise•-alAiog fijinill , a hare 14,.;ti enfeeble), if not broker 0 I.ll[l , .1111 , 1 thq d o nneknow tip, ranee or . die cure.. Anythinr illi,t man ha, ‘lone sn' to - n•drhtori nip! •ititence the plid!loinindr-s to e:heek.anl ultimately tn retinii'ethis I wiar.st rend ,cotirr, or,i , timftnwret..lll.,lness.: would confer the grefttegt . hleg 4 ing nen tto the r .41:710 I/ Of . Je.ulot 4311r15 , t, on the t,e,-srnt Rua . idluliur torieration. IntenipeiatreCot , tit. , iiF.4. of;ntokirill l l4drinks , ) riltengh it hat An Irt.hritll.. IltutF upon thf)uatiedsiis not a!gte.‘ ter ...co u ice to thy hu man it".' • Areeptiny thankl:l on hob - Alf orthe a!llieted„ nod. holiere ote.your:ro-nort‘orin the goo , h Wort you are. Cr firtirrly eile,l2Talik." (lity.,ll):lV : 4 4• ,. .tire'.1( in , : . :1 , 1-one . l) vOll be t" , lrltar.l4 pncen7e,to frr.v. 41814 4ifthe r,,it.-ast.,:tt, rot -.r., .1 ~i.:, . etoe., f , l;rAt. A Illre.y.' ;port paid) f-70stil.::1 riro,ll.l4.rs - ,. .r 11n3t'loiit Phil:. lelnhia. ~ . _ • . I ", , iv - 11 , n1 , :sell.in.,C.'n.vagm•re ;and anal: A.gentrinppliea -on the nin.t itherai tfrmg., . ~.. a ' 112,411 New:Lino of Fail Stagep , - , • .. • [ • • • • = .• • ; 4 `va*. " 4 :1•: irk ~BIt~ k ' r _ _ KIRKVI00 . 1) TO IYIjETI--,1 ‘ :i-i-milik,inie.tve Kiittirood:paFFinktbr -1- 7 1.1.kuttryttle.Lib,,rtY•4 r•,41 , Aryeirc , rillpxalle r B? 1.1 di. Alai I errtlns of Carcli at i lt East arid tl' ing‘lontrof ,tql-P. Jr- I • , - - 11 .ET U R bi I N G 4 • Ltay. - 31 0 10 fgE.• dal') dua l daywievitte.d reachir,l..!ti'' ( t•io acne. t o ta k e tlu: I and, LL" , nat.....ing the neArett. fea-d•I, mutt t" reach the V.lt,-; and Erie- L. thit ri-Ikeek .3 Ili.) fol Dila" viii” an'..ll.ln ,, ock Wymtifie,• Bpd -Vilk,agba loittLo4 ati 7 A SI nrerY go l ou,y, :wean Friday. Tentn: and c”Tniortublellarriimpoi. are ..arovide rrt , priett•nwill•part.nopilitit-t otte-cdrnimni)at Ile: - ; .; ITAT 5ep:12.1414.. I It 1.0110&% & REII O .ItV,IL. - • EE LER & 5T0.1)1 . !.. 3 i sin c e 'the tnay: bt. r rlitt!ia In t11( 1 RASEM EST:OF 110TEI.. Not withstuulibtg the unpreeeth pitlity mitt; whiell . our stt')ek of 810t 3 4, S 6' went off owthe niornjng of . the tire, .hftve smile on hanii. - andiahall sing he • KEELER & STODf.)I Arintrose,Noventher; 13. 1851. Broths ff I: ;PET{ than ett-ri twf.,re knlrgn, f4ll):lttorni: - . anct tiro , i t f 3 LupPn's nittut4Cuie-, at " 0:1. "11- A - 1 • -U. R. Shawls. • T ONG Spnyo. • vrry bo..ry . kome , BLS fug. 3: 1 4 111 oxtriti :),•;• I ni1161 ,- 3's rvillne Pi t - ;:rilr. 111.11 7 ) , ,tx-v! fhb, c.on,- '7l trq • For ' ttn llis l ler 1 , . , 1 • - e• Z 1 t'S••111ti.•:•14 t. • • „ ,„ , . _ ,-,-,:+.1;:.;!".: :1, .;'67,,••.i. oapu-t,:"„..,,.H ".'s , ll - 1111;t- !, f , `/'il, ri.. y, , 1 , 7 ., in tli. , II::: .1,- -, : + r. .1,1.: p:r.: t:• ••,r-; ,:..., tilt. tq, “.I! :i ' t',... .‘ t•:i'4 . .i,el; - ...: r" . .:...” Troll ,-, l'n'. , : , :'' t. , ; ,, i,r , : 1..7 mo t?!" % , ...-1:1•:' V./14 tit r, 11, , i,t1 a W't it ', l).'}:i tri••' 5 T.,,,. rep, , :t !fr .',..r. 1 0,, . letqlol: 61'3 r•tun!) in th•••r rail-a Thr rlll , l liVrri^t ' llll! : hl4 ht•••ti pr , Ita;!)(• ihe Jerrate!l rer , e.:•; ere , - kv. , ,v• tn,Fieh l r perf(•elly i p.; in tinn. :115.1 vet Se. t'horouel flint ft parti , te 0 th.-,r3n7; nn.l pol nnon. Ilene M . trki i t etntrke nt!ie% rernediv. It cl6eo t be digeAse.in: the •4 . ...‘?NATITUTiO'I:',..% I, DEE:II.ITV. I hl , lllght r.tthw ..if- IbI.IIFP. n trin.t c,,,rti131.1 , dip, has brano!tt 'h , ovnnet• of the 11U11318 rh,e. h l Craves. tht , ! , ;n•thu.• the !.tilii4.lt ilnl'e+ of nzi blsleiltinr ili 11111.1111 I the Ow toll, 4.z.b:thltil.f ill hie ymvt h. ran he eisry I 1,, th is infilVhie r4.7m,11! a tnedielne wltirth mitt f,.me-t eep , :yht.l)l. fr 4 ply tleliente to the conlint., and ~ l e.Lnafriate 'il equal ir tnlie s found: acting. 1111 that a cure! arul ii ,oneze, CAL " 4:.b'iiee 'at. • ar I, tltax. II NTS. l ee I 49.1 tegrity to the I MA 4 - 310. • r 1 t.) rely %1. a. torn Av r Pngt• of r— rn •nit tr•liourr, ITto• no , lie varl 'enth to ,ffer ...1 it •. this the " , I.l"ref of ?Cuts: or i & CO., , OISE. 1,, i Onr the arri t,reaLL- t 2 P NI. rains if nd most Layrinzi e which sils3 sad .and the the Pub- VEST . latetire, ARLE's ntrd 0 still applied B,ntiti- Broche hi Sil l -, t•ly 1t0.% tions. 1,111,014/v1 rr.e.tges ..,exung =EMI , ' - ' =ME 1 1 .11 . i.r.111! I] ..`rrr• dr.i.litit ry . up ase. ethleh gatliaPly ento. 40,1 may a nn- Ind ;yr in the ,din. n. rcrentive I trated , r trilla, ec nrifing ndenco In in en tin e and et. fuln. Salt vim! Lept hatpins on, some of Ty. awl luta arittinu of gal • ensum of 4;a...;a4pvx nur Pub pthq every uea fur thic meth. is.asp4, af. already af-' vit And - Pro• litletitem of both Piep. Atistralia o r any placeon ate itttobeicaitit!f,Presettl.frailltit. thasi =." KtE4ER: 4. TBTODDARD'S-. • 1100 T AND SHOE 'STORE: wll new 0114'e:tea l sive aattrtment - •of. : articles in.their-line; ambraOingla general, variety . of apw so tid ega i i i ityleief Ladirr.and, Gentlemen's Near; among . *Weber's I.4adie 01,Vretkel). Silk Lastingand-.Pre. ailicchitatie,,Kt4.Aufl Enameled P,olkee.KidPat , i ant leitlik ay4 ltt.lnze4 l ,4euttY Linde. BOakiaik dud rioitch an 4 PititadoliMittz _onk-tannedt eatf . kio nue kit, ,Doms.coogream.ana, button Gaiters. NteMere3: and- Wasli,logion 'Boma; toilet slips- Ntoroeco, calf: and; , o,,ewhidr. 4ror antIPI. IVoite mid B r! . l I o`r ,Ol.J.chiltifipes: Near. Alin ,r lzreere I I , :tivirtnullk of Findiri of which c9n! riot in part of. Lasts* pega, paribleo. ifttliwtriam nßitF.i4eko. throt;sitf V/itits pirott.4o; iiwl,c ;roriou„.. genflotoner.,..lMO oat: 'tainlnett tannorl , ,tnif . ittlptlr er,PAforOero and 'Mine' Wpric ft a rden itAlttiy dolt* s Tt).DDA RD )Inly rosy, Sim ••• , ..• s!ove.! Sio : ve*o: !I' • r rHE the, itttent;oll)f t_ hi , fr: , .i!..1.4:0l P-üblic to his-very t'arge asNortlot-rst vi ,ti'lr.V3_,. Tw . w Stf.rp finiim in ,41 1 fler 4 svil4'srelct to S : Lt•n!.pinr' , 4 Stori.::!nd nAr ern! Orpr.t: Bend 4ippra. l ll; , - Ips , in add t in iii f6rnier variety' C , lviihiiirr.and Pnrl4,r Stoves, ma- he*: (.71 vt,bkh 1 St .V'whilb, q . • P.eqr.qi Branch, l, ire rti,. 3 1a.te.rn T ., oy; - .- ..ttolul lei:, -- liferLollitor i . Wart Warrior, Orirot.,_ ' Oak, 7 E,'.. -.., - \ ,WrsileLirgolier Willi his: f6imer stack will be . . pitrlinp.. tho Most oxttznsiva , and i•ftried assortment or woir sei.,,toi Stovt.x in tli Cniintv. • : ''' : .***. Clinton Stovps wet! riirnkhed at low price 4. • ,nr*.All a - rtieks in his tine kept an Inind and made to-cider as and Orilers received nt his old stand in'Grent:fend. • • • JOHN COLSTEN.. Lodersvilli•& Great herd Nov., 1853.—tr., - , - '• . • - Buffalo Robes. . r.. ._: • ' . . .':LARGF.Itt of itindsum6 Robem,.,.,n•part o, .4. thein winde, Indiqn,dressod, nod vel.y supe rinr.eolors :mil : quality, - . U. B. &. Co. ; ' . tiribson, ()et. li, 154. • • . Wiridow . - . •• * . .11. • &.D...5AY.A.f.: having heen., aPpninten 0 • :ID:tuts for an- extensive Snsli t Blind Anil. D.. 0 4. Mani:factory are prepared .to furnish an 'y articles line at le , ss rates' than the; have usually . been -sold. . . ' . • cI..I.IAVING.{ - m1;, , 0f-,t, article which every ki 'm :n *huul(i try, for R. 1 10? by.. . , ... , Dec. 4. - . ..li- • . t'l .i 7 . Nothing, • : T-Ma de . AVERY;de:qriable i!(,(-15. ai, very !o -prices . ' S H. & D., SAYRE. - , • • ... .. • M.intrege, Dee. 14,1854. '• . • ' • Dlfltcr Yonrslf: TEE PICKET RESCULAPITIS: Or, Erery . _ .. .A..v .., ... T., , lir Fly1111'1:11 Rdillop . emitetnin. Orteynodred t. • N 4 Ert4frut:ineF.4iowtiiiDiipisei;g.v , nndAtalfortnntihni"ofthe Hu / ~31, .„, -',,,....$ ,roan 'system to rttAlry••shape -'••• . ..ttnl form. •To whiett le ad -1 '''-'''' a "lad - T . ~ --A '. 41 .% ' 4 ,'' a rentlse on; Dm- . 1 . - 1, , r, ensi.e of Females . being of ' . „, :, I V;.' /AI ! the . -InElteet :importener.• • .. to ' . L , • ......4* InAre6ed people.-or 01'0E0 coil \ ' t -'>••-, ietnplatiug marriage. " jay - • I• - William ' l'oung, .LIL D. ' - Let no father he !101l rimed to reirent,a. copY or the Aeseulapino to his ghat!. ft muy cave him from an curly grate. Let no. young - mi: :or mi -1 manenterinto the secret obligations of inurriedlife without rending the Porlet Aeseniapius. Leiner 1 one suff-ring from a lineknied cough, Pain in:the Side, restless nichts, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations,rind given up , by theif physieirm,he another inomeut without . ebni; suiting the A ESCULAPItTS . Have the married, or-dose about to he inn rr;eri any impediment,vead this truly useful hook , As i t - lion been the m eons of ermine t.housetiOsofunforintiateereuturesfronithe very jriWlr of elioth . • r , - . . . . ... •- r - r Any poDon irudine iieehY, fie ten(: t'n' ctofo , fd lii a: letter. will. rec4-i . ve" ' , lie copy of this walk by snail, 0 r.fivr: ro . pies will he. Pell% for One Dollar . Adtlr..- - se (post. paid.) " . . . . N 0.152 Spruct•.St..t'hiladelphia., A , pri1401.141 —,Y4 y 1 . .- : ...I -.-, - - - - DR HOttli - ITON'S ' A • -----,----__,..•-• ... r .--- ~,,,,...---, - . 9 - 1,T 4 .r.'•ft 1 1 V . , _ . : .2 of , ic ,, ,, , ci , • - •-• • . • t ....... : ,___tt r 1 - I . ~.- • I lirf7l /,',yard./ fore luilijsstion 2!. , ./ . My.:•,,,pSig 0:t.• frac PI. , A. , : t.tiP,itold, ;;;,•• .1:1714 . 11s N3l :‘--• ahh , nithy . an ito 1 4 1:o m I.hti . getion and Dig itvp4;a.-iti.fil Id raj! tti.l,6- 8;14 by AtO : Turre9, Moptrosfi By—l HOWARD A.SSOCI4TIONI- 111111:19rhitti .312110:113Ci!Melit. rim) all person: 'Or!h .et:Kll3l diseases, such as .I. Seminal. Wea'soes.." linpotenle. Syphills.,:tc.-..te. 'The. Ilowavd. As.ociatinn of Philadel. ebbs in view oft he a‘v:lt. len rnetion of. human life and health. caused by io xntt .b.ea.es, and the deceptions which ore practiced upon, t .tatilort °nate vietims of such nave directed their con‘uiting surgeon it. a Charitable Act weir, hy of their name, to give 31«di cal Advice Gratis. to nli pergons thus afflicted, (Male ciJ male) &e.. and in cases of extreme poverty. and suffering to Petrol h Medicines Prkiof Charge , The Amiociation i• a henevolent , frotitiltio - n, tsblished by speolsl endowment . for the relief of .the,slck and distrem.ethafflicted„erithi. Virulent:m.l Epidemlepigt 7 eases." and its funds can be used for no other purpose= It has now it s irpin..effip.ans; which the Directars have Voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to mid that.the Assoriatlonaommand. the highest_ Medical Skill of the nge.and . will furnish the most apPioved- modern treatment VitluabteSidvlcegiven to ,Pick and nervout , ffl- Males afflicted with , abileininal weakness, 'Womb- C,orn. plaint. Co.tiveness;Lencorrhrea s Address. (po.t-paid,) Dr. Cleo. R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon 'lnward Association, No. 2 South Ninth tztrett, Philadelphia. Pa. • By Bider ot the Direntop, Wt. • D. TrEART WELL, Pre►3dett Gip) VADtcort.u.Secretftry • 22yl = 'Platod. Ware. TUST . rneeivii a largo lot of . - phted. e.. 01' bagketti, Cutors, al and' f:hon :hot Cotileitielts, ;'Teit Setts, o.on orsix pien •keiqra ricAl Cups . arict : Gah. 1,.1,4; also. Britt - 16k' viz: 'reo 4et.tg,iftior five nod sift pier Teo Pots, alffon &e. • As tic snliseriher . ho.s innae:tir rslifsenli•nts %ritli'the toonofueitireis'ot the above . !o furnish i terns :it tlit;lowest 31R0 witriply: hiss onstlithoTs_with extra or single . pieeeg. of any an. tie.le.jii the atifiva EVANS; at! Bin2hamtoti;ktig,29, 1836..• ..• BALDWIN et PERKINS. li'hntrr+ate and netkilAlt;ittersin l+iogr . eizlt. Pork; " en!. (34 . 4..tu• fee d.Gitimitrtionflan!to t o t or pac k.. pn Ow it pa la rce r ' O 6 OFr * 0 1 1 414: 3 4i t. CO.r fliennkt Streete- , - - Etylipid of t yvttadtChan ^ ' • - • • .114 F t r o tniAIiDIWIN, • • s ' ioSILA4 • M0ntraw,0ct,19i1855..,44'.` z CARPETS A OITICLOTHSi AL, 00.7 would. anti tho' "alleatiaa, of the public to hic large stgek at - Iy 4re iez , o, ir t i r rsirs% .3n4:llmi:eh carpoe, .tnag which ha has just purchased A nd offer:taf los er prices. think. - -o.yei ofeteii . „ fon; lo euun!ry. ana 0.4,1;ge, Mi u paciouggaipat flee ther., second . . "'lane o f hi d Pruekery„.ftpd, Ho use Furnishing ,tore Collt and 1 r convfncel that kno iiiteetatii fur btile"jl497o; , • lOngtnuntaa, 04C, it I=MI 12=111 S. 11.. S D. SAYRE IM==51!!!!T ugutinED inuilitritincrigiaiito P '; • GIB -114-11* adirilto;lo,oo,t isigniOntini;andaliVitcatinalend of the'Year. No tiatiat dlantintiattiountil ureara. a.re„ pil4,.ex4liir!itilbm*Ptiolvetitth,o,tfit. lishersi: All joinniunicationazonnitit4 els office, to re atientiort,i 2l o44badifile, 4.0. (poi. t t4; na '1):114) CUASI, Eliqoas *ohtle!fg One 'quehan unnty, , ,=„ Rates oVilkdverifisiai. ,neequare (12 Hotta or less),3lnoettip4,,C,(o -Eice h - eubeequ,ent e U'qunre thtee months, fine square siittio,ntbs, . •• . _r - ,4•0 0 • BUl4fieWl•eartiti, four lines.Or,lers, . . aitio Yearty•Advertiisemettet t net O'ver One col bolo one year, „ , Yeally naverfiperii wilt!' bi- reptpfettaAq i , t h e b it hiri; , B9 irt whiff h they a reenkagkll-47iiiiif orileot t „ - 13idered as Wishing eon tinue Advt. - MA ii'v:ltalt4 t , they shut! give 4 peeintdireetiermforA4risooktini toinee'of the -stifle. . - ".4too :w..onw.. Fir The publishers, having adilont;elr, .16L Pyinting 'nlatefial!. , t•large salt itiperioi - 4.'F.f.rt. meta of Job Type. Are nom pi pared to paecat e ,r(1 ) I,Vork in. a.niannir atismpaemelf sc•e don , ifeimfttry‘nivi on We most reitscinabliterres. • 111 - 41i,Picv'erY deseriptiim liepte6natiotty onliatnA orlpiipteti to order. • • , zu,ixic . .113B.VANT 11101316E,, - Great Bend Depot, Pa ; --- Aranso - jolhr- ANT., Proprietor. - . ••• • winizows, spitouy.* MalkllligitiCtarelltof SPROUT SCUMMED CAR , macs Sruisrp, ti , so_rning . SPrine way be hail ofl!. N.4intiose. W. 41111T31 - daVaiiL.l.,ll CabittefaolChalilfritNfaetdrero, foot MCI stroet, )lir - AFL ' SMUIXIII .- ; • , - --- ~- 9 ' ' - , Sar;eon Dentist, nantrose, Pa.,-- s will be at :Searle's Dote!, •Blondays and - Tneriof each week. •. , - . 5, , ,4,. - : ~ ~ 1,, *-' : 151 , 1 4,-. litenitLAN Dealers in. Dry Goods GOeeries,, lisrdware, Crockeiy, Boots and Pa. - 38y1 114T,TILE CitASE, Attornies at . Law—Otßeci - lbrinerlit eeet; pied by Little &Streeter,`Siontroare, Stishue. hand Cnanty, Pa: 1tn.1.11 B. LITTLE.} A... 11. DA V.116',. AND COtr„)SfLLLOIT AT Liw—Sttstitie hannit :Depot, Pa. ()Mee over S. B. NA. sex Store. Tuan.rer,L, moNTß(;',4i;pi. Dealer in Druo, 31( dicineP-, qh .Ifireati; •Die sium, Glass-ware, Paint.% Oi 13..Varpishes:Win .1,1w Glas , ,. Grneeries,Taney , 1 1 ,-rfunn•ry, &e.,—and Agent finr all ortWinoit Tam. Mklicinem. , - • • • SOINN Gatol'ES Fa'sl ionable Wallor--Shoptimier Searles Hotel, Main S'lreet, ilentro.s Pit. • - ' JOHN COLSTEN, , DEALER rs. Stoves, Tin, pep p er and Nbeet Iron Ware, Lodepville;'4o Great Bend Depotl-6tf •, .• _ Lathrop, lIEALEIV in Rendy:3l:ide: . • Clothing, Hato and •Cops. BOota and Shoes,Die Gaiods; . &e.„ pir Store opposite Seal - e l s Hotel: Die - otiose. C. 1.). LATHROP, and wit h J.P: W. RIVET, ". D". 4 -. Writ H: a.Viiiit: D RUGGIST Cutuisr, and . Dealer in D Dii.vcs; JI edreines. Chimicals; Dye Stuff" ificickv Fluid -Perfumery, 'lran Noiolitt i ami&c. • Lodersvillc!, • 11.11ritas2B,_. ATTORNEY' AND .COussr.i..t..on AT . LANV,3l44rose witt;'zitrend faithttilly‘ tn . all itinSiniss .fettlltd.to":iim in !lie en ttn ty of ritgrr.ilianrs. . Conveyancing and writiktypf all kinds Will bi dune neatly, :Ind charge moderate.. ife wi;; also rittoid to the prosecution of claims of diem, their widows - and heirs, against thelT. troVernment, for Ponuty land, Pensions, May be found'at hti hears of thi• Once formor)y -.,_.s,,eppieti Ly, 4,..7r.: 13.4.11ard,...q . ., t oxtb„pf, th • Court..l . louse.—;:tas3—ti49 '- • ed. 1 . 1. - _TYLEIt- -=•• Interettedwith 'Ilti!() T 4 tsi , id at 'Fri Y. Wherp - hrs 11prOsifiit.'fillin. 'in thig rind k iA cal! -t. • ' ' .::. 'HENRY - S;IINA.PP '' '-'. - . . .. _ . . . . . -or 3foNTRosE, PA. . , • al th - Rowe , Woodruff, , & ' Car ter , w.I4Ot;Ei.ILE.. Co•mcEus -rind Commissro, , - • klEncilArs, A , ti: 173 . 1NatAington Strut ,c,t kreen Cortland Old .1)-ej• Street s , , ities-NOik. .: . Mara 8, 1854- , -10tf. .- -- - .- . ~- • • 1114 , 41ifi1l Curd. . rk RS. E. Patrick, Ji. & G. Z., Dimock hare - f.Plifc.day forme:4 a co-pErtnership,foia more efficient and suCeeicsful prosecution of the diffe ent branche4 of their profession. All, business entrustedto them, will be atten ded to with piomptness and fidelity. • Their office tnay. be Sound over Latbrop'e. Store;East Aldo Public Avenue. • • • • E. PATRICK, Jr. • - • • • . Cr, Z. DIMOCK., 31 , ontrOse, 3farch !.. 3 2, 1'854. - ' • W. Singleton, ; • Con now ti found at . his new stand on Owe go street, 2 doors west of Searfewilotel, when he etrrc4tiriiy repa,irs ,wittt. dispatch, 'W atches, Clocks; Guns ; Jeivelry,'-sacvery, description of maciOncry, Wheel- cutting, 001 , 04-Watch rusteria supplied, to the trade.-4/ • A..& E.. Baldwin_ . • • Al - AY be found in hasetnekt rof Searle's:He tele 3 doors wemt. from thetortinr. Notre' and liteonnts that hre due .uw, wilt be:very ec: eeptable_ if paid 'snort. Montiroie,:Nov.l2;.lB,64.--47if J. H. Parsons, - vcritoi.EB.4E. XT3sti7ftririk - sPOttra Cabinrt Waio„,.Sofas, Be t. , l o.eada k .a'ablei t ,Spinds, Chairs, Sic• • _ No.. 9 t astiingtOn street,: ., „ „, - iliPlibPlaten•- N. . u° 1 !",..!1 Yr-ar0416:0(09139.5ti0n6.44a9- PATI/rl"A‘EPifilllE-4" cY A TrItRRE/rst" Afantroae, Pa., - DRUGGISt AND AGM, Wt.,4 • PieVi I Irt: F MAPMERM consignments Ow ,15,4,4tieg0E4 - --New ailtt-Cheapeeeds::l 11DOUGHT at low - premium ba 13 sold amit4inglycloy - : , • • , 4 - U. BUtilkOWill#. C 9% Gibson;'s l '• l ;` 3l ‘ s ; -, " Cirtigitat9 11,.` ; • IV ' ' GOO WijaOrtlA4l4 o . 4,Ativiptirkt *at m* XIL at Very - low prkaa t ' V4. - ifP`Oct• Ott. . ME= <4 F , [Ezni 13. CHASE. [A.. I:intim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers