tticrtistmtuts. :IiEviiT,,7I:IIIFORD _ .. li . hrin_ ! . . 4 Dress Goods Emporium -, '.- =', - FOREALL 1855. It _ RDRRITT ould inform his friends and P I f • 1 • KA: the ,a '- t A he' hail now in store and is fliCeit`ltig a snrtment of Fall and - Winter Yu_, Etiiiiti: inclitifin 'ar great viriety of Rich Fall Niitaiit liivr styles, Plain and Fancy. De Lines. Pfeil ailllaaey Ntohlir Clothe, Plain and Plaid Merinos~, Paremettas, Do awe -and Poplins; Wilt Rich Gintthams, in Fall Styles; Black Bincide, Plain and Fancy Silks; Wool, Quiche, Ciiiiinere, Crape and silk Shawls; Rich Rib bons, Bonnets and Flowers; Ladies Cloths and Vahreta for Cloaks and 111int;Ilas, Broadcloths, Castiniere, Btc„ &c, with a large assortment. of Staple and Fancy Goods as usual, includi -tr Hirdware,Crock6v. Iron and Steel, Paints. Oils, Boots and Shoes, Hate, Clock, Baffalo Robes. CarPetingot , . 4.c, with Anew amortment of Stoves and Trimmings of the hest quality. being made to - nrder expressly for his Custom Trade and will alt be seta at the.lowest fienre or a -LITTLE LOW an for cash. produce, or approved credit. - N. B. Wool Socks wanted tar which the. highest, rices will continne to be paid. Flour and Salt constantly on hand. New 51ilford. October, 1855. -...- Irving's Life of Washington. . Will be completed in Three handsome 8 mo. volumes—llll'4lr:tied with PORTRAITS and Plans, at 110,00 perplume. 'Of this Biography °tete PATRRIt of his conit iry there is but one opinion. It is the most com plete-ever issned, and by the pen - of one of the Grestest Writers of the Age. • Every family in - the lind should possess it, :and every person should read it. Aczent.; are wanted to %ell thiiand Revere nth frlhtportant work 4. Tempt are QT. EVANS. 18 Gitaev 61;01141z New York ; nr C. H. SCRIVEN, 19 Eist t cnnati, Ohio. - ,Copie4Rprit freo of poslngO on receipt of price. Oct. 10. 1855.-41 w 3 NEW MASONIC HALL, Plid wanted in every town :yid county in the United States, to sell the .heautiful picture of the Grand ILedgeltootn. In t o NEW MASONIC HALL, Philadelphia. ThiliPlate is selling very ripidly, and cliritsl_the admiration of all, fur the correctness and fidelity with which the . ''Sraturzry, Fresco Painting and Furniture. Are representiatL'and the artiAic beautt and liar ninny of the colors. Size of Phlte, 22 X 28.. Price, $3,00. ,Boillcsellers and Picture Dealers wishing to Lake agencies for it, will plea.e address, for fur ther information, L.N. ROSENTUAL. 413,63 . LithorzrAnher: Grand and Magnificent Display OF FALL AND WINTER,GOODS. J. WITTENBERG and Co., takes'pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Montrose, and the adjoining Counties, 'that. they have just received .the largest and - most fashionable assortment of, Pall and %Vintex Goods, that has ever been brought to_this portion of the State. : I The following corripriseS but it small . .portion O . the immense assortment to be :found at this establishment_ . . • flopi and Gentletheris Clothing, in endless va riety and profusion at .more reasonable terms than can be obtained elsewhere. ,: Lades Dress•Ooods, French Merino,Prtrarneta .. i part and all wool Detain, of most any I c " - " " d i Groat Exhibition in Springville shade. Plain black and-fig,ured,changeable plaid i , - rand striped. Silks. ' . ( .:IREAT SND RARE EXHIBITION OF ; Prints and Ginghims.- annheis and Riblons, t,---4 FOR } -AND .-DOMESTIC ,GOODS. T.etees and Embroidery. Shawls, Double, and sin- i "1 . almost 'e , iery f•tic and quality, 'such'its will be • also i snro to pleastr and :won/Mod:Ile all ;classes of • gle brosbe; and double blanket Shawls, the child in the'cratileto the old Cashemere and Thihet Shawls,Gloves and H. 1 Pe°Ple-. — fr"M Wiery,Ctuttin Goods, Umbrellas. Table Spreads ! and deerepi. T.liese goods •are bought on the •"Toweiing, Diapers - Muslinst, .SatinettS, (1 , 0, 1 most favorabl . !terms, and will 'be sold'aecording i' ! i. ,• . Casitners and 10,000 other articles too numerotis k 1 3'. ' i c• • • • - I • • to mention. i Melte pro - us a call And lie' will try to sup : Cash •Buyers will' find it to their benefit to l ply ' ll You 1" wants in thlr line df GOODS ever give us a tall. We will not be undersold. Our I kept ill a mussy imrP:f You neet.l,not .go to Yi)rklfor any thing Son want,'because we way of transocting business is to sell low. for, New -cash on . shott time to good men, intend u; to b e ; havi' ll 4'm resh fr!t`m the 'city. !.. I - sco're. JomisoN, & co. prompt in meeting our oblig,ations.and expecting l' t our cu sto m er s tOdo the sano- with rm. • i Sorinoilie.. Pa., May 8,1855. . 1 ROSENB AU 31.. WITTENBERG &lire alonteoKe, Get. 4th, 1855. New Spring .Goods. • -• . liBURRITT would announce to his friends a hand the public that. he is now opening an unusually large Stock of SPRING and Sum } ItElt GOODS: including a great variety of Prints from 4cts to. Is.-per yard: Plain and Printed Lawns, Barege -Dettiines, Gin hams, Brocade, i.Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Silk Dress TiteMes and Bareges, Poplins. &e., &e.; with a superior assortment of Silk, Broehe, Cashmere and Thib bet Shawls, Mantilims. Parasols. French Lace and Straw and Silk Bonnets. Rich Ribbons mid Flow. eat, with t large variety of other staple and fan cj.• DRY - GOODS, Groceries. Crockery. Hardware. Iron and Nails. Soots and Shoes, :lints and Capi, Carpeting, Wall paper., Painted Window Shades, Floor Oil Cloths, Clocks, Stoves. Oils and Paints, Ploughs &e.; i n s ho r t, the largest kind of .piles of rich and cheap Goody too numerous to mention, but just the things to purchase. all of which will be ano at the most reduced prices and - on . the most favorable terms for cash, exchange, 'or ap : proved credit. N. B. Salt and Flonr.ionstantly on hand. New 'Milfor.l, Miy 5. 1855. • . " TIME CJANGED. Delawitre, Lackawanna & W. P.R. SPRING .ARRA_NGENINT N and . ' after 31 , .nday, .M:ly / 7.- 1855. the O Pastenger Train will leave &Tauten , st I 0.:20A. M... Due at Great Rend at 1.30. F. o g i nec ti ii i, with the Dunkirk Express. Train west, anti the New York Exprest4 EVA. nri the Y. & E. It. It P:otsenaers taking this train - will arrive in I)tntkirk at 11.15 p. tn. and in New York ai 11.15 p. m. "ItAtturn..wili ie.tve Great . Bend at . 4 p. m. due Serantoe 6.45 I.7:u. Tue Freight ft.-coturnod ttion Train...with pass enger car ttticited, will depart front Scranton ::t I.O'J. P. at.. connectin?, with the MaTrain bound W e st. and the Night Express Trains buth. Elst :ind We",t- PlP44eng.ers taking this Train and the Night Exqmss arrive in Neir York nt 10 5 A.. to By - taking the Nizht Fxpress W.est, will jive in Dirikirk tit 13 M„ . or by taking the Mail Train West. arrive in Dunkirk 45 m. - Returning:. wiii depart from. Great Bend it 7.00 A. X. and arrive at Scranton, 12.10, A. Y. Stan.,;.; will be in waiting on the arrival of Pas sencrer Train- it . kieralton. .convey p: v ,en gt .rpt • to Car:3 , 4;14110, Pottston, Wilkes-Barre, Phitadel. phis ria the R.eading, IL IL, Easton, and all other intermediate places. D. H. DOTTERER, Sup't. . Sup't Offiee.ScrantoS, . May ?,1855 25tf • yntE! VIBE ! FIRE!! • - • • Thenitiler,igned has been appointed an agent of the STATC MIIITAT. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of HarriSburg. Pa.. Said company has a capital of 8500,000! It is as safe and cheap a company ; sa,. any in the State and inqnres on the firocit and metes' PI2OI. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. - Montrose. net 9,1855.-41 d ' - We the onflettioned hereby state that we hare • done hwtinmta with- the above company, and we. . area pi a ttitiGed that It .e both safe and cheap.-. In( - ire experience we have nover known any . as. attasstents on a premium note. - F. M. Williams - Wm.JewtoP• Worrier. • ' F B. Chandler. Orlando Eldridge. . • E.: B. Chime. irIUT lyills and Solkeao-130012t0n. Parker 1 11.1 Mills and Old Colnnv. at i .. ' PHTFE & goovit4o4. . 14 "stag Nov, nig • ill Oa: EMIEM . The. Know Nothing Expose NY pr Alm patronisingfine, at the Expose r; cre' ' nt tetsper vitur •tif the-Store oreispi!fl, by M.C. Tyler.; tab areontemdatedsoeordlOg to to the Latest Alaimo, hi thi beat arid gloat rip• proved roanrier. ' . • My work isvarrated to fit - if-properly nuuie. Cutting. un..adingapd in Inert! every branch of Tailoring done o the shortett rimier), and thdt to the satisfietiotrof those eotteetitetl: i• 4.l3Aurtitit. _II Black 'Wit - - A 7: O r ' d UE quatitY U. B. & Co. (et. 11. 454. • WOol! Wool!! " ool!!! 104000ipTe t T l x i : xed f n! w tt i l t i ? rarf i r: 7 higheat market . price I:rili be ;end in r Cash le b t I I A. LATHROP ar, A. "Jiine 12, 1855. • - W RING GO,l DS. . A ; Superior I‘4inst received; and nn 7 offering at. the 4nriitttpish.prices for ippro cd• cred. it or Ready pay, ti,y A. I r ATEIROFI & -Co. LOOK H E. , 1 ~ . rocKyr KritvEs.-rA! goo agsortment of -the hest kind in irr . market. Als able,' Knives and Forks. - • . I 1 SPOONS.-r-Sitst.n. Silver Plated,German Silver Albrata and I Britania-wato I Spoons, Also all kiwis of Butter Knives... . . Ittot.tx Sumas, Bows, and all the fixtures, Violins.,Accordentot, Flutes, Tuning Forks, &c. FLCID "Atoms, Fluid, Caulphene, Cana les, LAM!). Oil. &c. I FAtetts Gr.otzEntits.—A full assortment, new anti good. . I . - :Milos Awn PATfittlfentclixs.—A first rate assortnikt Ind, cennitio. I, 1 l'Ats'rs AND Oi L t.s.—A general stptsortment, ant. of ,good qualit.l.l . . 1 J EWELKT. —A) splendid variety, of the neatest paterns. I ' • i '4 FA NCT ' GOOD —Nearly ectirything in this branch. . l'Enrcisr.n-.iY.--, choice variety.l .. (New supOlitlsreeived nearly every week.) In short, nearl • everything persons want, and cheap, at the va j riety store of ' • A. TURRELL. 3fonttroso, June 13. 1855.. , 1 ! . LanoShorn Furnishing Establish , 1 . 1 - • .inent, - . TBi i sutiseriber keeps constantly . on hand and Will ma l e to order, s•poors, Blinds, Windows,and as indliw-Sa.h. Odor and WindoW- Fr3mc'ts,and'all otherdartieles tnafte of wood and use,d • in ; buildincr. -.. Blinds painted and hung on short ;naive. , Glass' , 'all. sizes, qualities and Glass'. , quantities fo.t , a 1.1., • wiring plained'and match ed :it from i';‘,l6 till, per Lotto menurnng done tO'order... 1,1,i0 :I t reneral.assor of, . - 1 cArr..vir- TrA I? E.. BoTeaus Tab es and Strnds, of all - carietie4,— Chairs, Bfilst. (Is. Srtteeg, Sze., &:e. ',Cans. no tice. dy . ntad . il io or, made to Order or, the ii hottest no. . Good Plne,:Chtirry or Whitewood iluinber. and _rain - of all kinds, Lkeri -in exehahge for the ;lbOve. ' . . - • 1 i * . . Rjr Ttnms-4,-Rondy pat or three tpontha time, with approved credit. • . • . All nrdi..r4 addressed to me will relive prompt attention:. . . 1 , I 1 JACOB TA VLOR. $335. • 25----6 M. Llnesttorh, 18, 1 • i . GREAT lATTRA3TIONS; 1 AT TIIP UP• 'O.VVILLE XCIIANGE. • r • ' THE Subscriber is noW reeeiiing a well se. lAvted ns. , Ortinent. of Pry Gooils, Groceries, F . -I . 11 1 'W' • Cos .k.i. f vt.• a - NT d is 1. aro art - ,, - L . _ ~,, L.I 3.-: 3 eClothing, • Unto Ilrhnets ! (a sqtenrid . asnrtntent,) . .V.ile, i Paints, Qil4 , . Dye-Stuffs, Yankee Notions, in fact, i nlmokt 't..vtirYthing Usually 'called for at a cowl / try StOre, inelu ing' Plant. Salt and 'Meal, all of which he is desi oils of selling for Cash, or anyl kind of Farmer, s _Merchantable! Produce. or . on 1 good approved Short • Credit. His _friends Are I most reispettfully invited to give him a eall - and'i he will satisfy them that .the. Exchange is Mel pine for farmers to trade. The highest price I 'paid, in Cash fur Bnit/r. I ' J. L. )lERRIMAN. . Upsoriville' Maw 15.11855. 4.• , . PATENT yiErimuy E AGENCY. .1 - ABEL TURRELL, , 1 liontfose, lIRVGGrIST. AND AGENT, TOH ALL THE rormis IP L Y . i I I7I3 I ? attDlt3:l7l l Z OF TRE 4T. • Calysignmenfs, Co - 10(1'911y Rereire(t. i' . Erigli t sh Lever, Watehes. 1 THE 'poitc..4iber has pst reeeiyi:"o by fliYlllll I Isiiip Baltie.snnthe•r Itiviice of hiscelernttsi i Eneitsh,Pistent anti skeleton Lever Watches. 1 rwikir:r fourteen different ynrivt'4% s, in Phin and 1 Hunting ratics. to which he would ca!l the - latter). 1 tion of nil perstins - wishing to p;orchmose perfect time peees i l. 1 O A. J. EirANS,... 1 i 1 . No. .OM Fellows' Hall. I ~.. !. 1 1 ttinoitamton. July [l7. -1855 J I .. PLATED TAME. EvivEs --Twelve doz. of tlie-4e ,erne TaLle and INseri Knives mnteli vor forks, for sale by A. J. EVANS. Q IL% E 1:j- mn In.,de to futon. 70'r 17. .1 large Lust.ortment meo, Breastpinu. ju the 11fulufuetory. A. J.. nuston. July 11. B" . et: from Bingl 1 I GBH: T BARGAINS IN twiny I Gootr4. - I N. WILSON , . & CO. - 1100 EVIAN their warmest acknowtedg,ements •It to their catomers in Susquehanna County for past favors, lad invite attention to their stock of . 'New Spring Goods, - - past opened. which they propose to replenish weekly from AUCTION, and the 'cheep ...14 cash flows in the City. The stock embraces every variety . r Staple and Taney Goods, Yankee Notior , Trunks. Truvelinz Baas. ¢e.l 'All of which they will sell extremely CHEAP fot CASH. Pedlars and other wholesale buyers will find it greatly to;their.advsntage to give them a call. • The I:CA4i will find sn excellent assortment of Dresi GoOd, Embroid eriee, Thread Laces, and Trimmings df all kinds, from AUCTION at very 'low rates. . .• W. N. WILSON, &. CO. Corner of Court rand Water St& • Binghninton.N.Y„ Apiils. 1855. i . -r ceotrgrs AND OIL CLOTIIS. T H. DE PEU would exit the attention of gj • the public to' his large stnek of ruvw Pip Ingrain, j7lirstry. and Rrussds Carpet whic/t be has just parebaseid et . Auction and offer* at . lower prkes than ever offered be. fere in the country. and large viriety, filling his *paddle' Carpet Robot occupying the second floor of his . Crockery and Haase Purninhing store. Come and br convinced that there 1s no necessity: for bare Boors. ' .1: H. MC PELL ffetrhamoes. !opt., MU • , tll . i . 'iOiti* . :: . , s Pii.tiStOits: . ` NSW STOCK - or DRY GOODS! ~CA!R.P.ETS!! Great itehltection ip Prices at Ike • ONE - Pitwkirroitz... `C.UACON hits the `plinisurn of antionne- Ilkcingtn his Customers that ho has just re: turned from the Eastern Markets witJr,one •of the largest :rad, most excellent nasortment oL DItY GOODS AND CARPETS evar opciunt. i i this market, „which for beauty, -variety and i.tyle.cannot he.surpassed, which hay ing been parichased -for cash at auction and else when; sit. iitiction prices hu will sell them cheaper than they Were ever before offered in this -or any other market west of New York city. • . His richwncl splendid assortment of . • DRESS SILKS is always scanowledned . the best and cher:post in town.. and includes Plain, Plaid; Striped. Brocade and Glare—the chtoperit nerwell as the richest goodx, at prices - varyiror (tom 37 1.2 A's-to $25,0 per yard, together, with-a great variety of . • BRILLIANT JET BLACK SILKS, - True Satins, &r....; selling at least 20 per Celut leas than the eoirt of importation, • SHAWLS! SIIAWIS!! ( An immense assortment of Silk, Crape, Thibet, Cashiriere. Merinos, Broehe and Summer Shawls, from $1 to $6, together with a splendid variety of Black and Colored ' . MANTILLAS, . . of all ,tlis fitshinnable patterns: Sate, Silk and ErnbrUiderod, which will be sold cheaper than ever bcfork: 1 - DRESS GOODS. 1" De Liins from 6 1-4 c'ts to 37 1-2 els per yard: Plwn,Plaid,Striped and Yigueed. Muslin& Bri I- I i a nf e .,, Challies, Bombazines,. Chit Ovals, Ging ham:4. French; Mulish and .American from 5 c'tS to 25.e'ts per yard, and evert new style emistatitly °Oland at the lowest prices. RIBBONS. • Ribbonds by the pelee or yard will be always in our stork for. Milliners and retailers. EM BROIDERII. • : • The richest and largest assortment of Embroidery can always be at R. (7:Bacon' the. lowe.t priees. Chernisetts, Claims, Sleeves. Skirt, , 1 1?rantW, Waists, &e., of. every fashionable style, together with English 'thread, • • Valeneeinnes, • llenitoa, • . Guipure and . Bros.els Laces • • - • in girat variety. • ILI NN - E N - GOODS. of 11l kinds: ;Irish Linens, Linen handkerchiefs, Tahle Linen and covers of :ill sizes. Napkins, Doylies. Linen Slicetin,...r•and Clse Linert from auction Int priees below all competition: The attention cif house-keep.oi is particularly invited to our stock of. Curtain Goods, among which may .13e•found - Lace Ciirtains, • Brocatelles, , and everything in this line of 'aonds, which can not fail to please in rdwic. style . or Price. • DOMESTIC Goops, BleachM and Brown S , leetintr, OTT the 6d grade up to the finest qualities. Tiekinv, DfnitnN Striped-Shirting, Apron Chts•ks. Ginghsnis and Prints, from b- e'ts to 1] 1-2 c'ts per yard, and all kinds of Ciitton Goods nr men or I),,t'+ . wear. • Hair Cloth Skirts, Grass Cloth Skirts, and l'am-ols.—a very. rich assortment. Moro Antigne,,Moss Fringes. Galoons. and all degcriptions of Dr....LS.Bnd 3lantilla Trimming, and . et:erything belonging to the' Dry Goods' trade .t eu.tOmers may he lure of finding at BaLmn'ti., if it .1 can be found in New; York. - CARPETS! ;CARPETS!! • the recent Tremendous Fall in the price of ICarpiling, we hive purchased and have now on 1 Irina theilrgest. and most beautiful assortment of CARPETS ever exhibited in this region, at priCes fidly;3o per-cent. less then they could be sold for the last year. All thoSe who are in want Of Carpets are invited to our CARPET:ROONI whc7. - they Will be delighted with the beauty and cheapness of the virious pittern+, and astonished that so good b carpet can be sold ao cheap. • Brussels, - Three ply, • ;Ingrain; Union, - • • - : j and !temp .„ Carpeting from 16 c'ts per card and upwards.— Floor ,and Table Oil Cloths.' Matts, Druggetts.. • &c., e•t int I If cheap. • K. Bacon would inform those of his custo 4tters who have - not already . mute themselves ac quainted with the• fact that he has removed front the store formlc occopid by him in Brigham Block. oppositel.:o . urt. Utilise, to the corner of the G new block erected the last summer next,east of The canal, and having a much larger,notre e-onven lent. and pleasant store than formerly he is pre , pared to hold out even greater indlicements to IntV ers arm heretofore,.and such as can but be - • appreeiato, and admitted by all those who are I competent' judges. • ! New Exchange. Binghamton. May 29, 1855. Dry Goods and C r rre ts at Cc ii W ic(lAB4'iE e Ngrrhlye r han* large and well SlC:eds tockoFore n and Domestic Dry Goods and Carpets, embra cing almost every article in the Dry Good's line ever brought into the market in view of they short crop of cash on tin rd.w e ha. a concluded to offer them for si.ay days from this d Ife at cost. Those persons to whom we have furmurry 14,041 Goods will at once see that this is a rare oppor. thrifty and one whisk should be embraced im mediately. To.those who have never favored us with a call we would say try us oncS and you will he convinced that this is the place to pur chase Dry Goods and Carpets: Our stock is af-- ways replete with fashiorilble and season Ade Goods and are determined t e keep as good a va riety as can be found in this s e ction of the conn try,- and sell at prices which cannot fail to .please. WICK I TANI d. BENNETT Binghamton, Jan. 30. 1855. • . Tlig UGH i iti.lNs EXPRESS ! rate Reduced Time Saved:: Titre* by Day Light::: • HAWLEY & JENKS,. Ott rreeiv. HAVE formed a p a rtnership in Miintrose for the purpieso of doing er.rybody's .• • BLACKSNIITHINGI 1. . at the old atan4 near Keeler's Hotel. We have purchased un entire new stock of I IRON, comprising a full assortment of all kind., direct from the city. We shall keep coastantly on hand " • - • • •Westem—Round and Square • .c as t a t ee t Toe Cork Rods, Refined Tyre.lron—all sizes, • -• Band Iron and . . • Spring Steel. A large assortment of Malable Iron, Coil Chains, Carriage Rolts,&c. &c... give ux a call, By strict attention to business we hope to re ceive a liberal share of -the patronage. All work warranted to give satinfaetko to those who will favor lila with their patronage. Or WAGONS AND CARRIAGES...AEI ironed' on short notice and siOck found, or made to order.throughout,se nifty bent suit ourpstrons, All business transactions want be settled °nee a year. Short .settlements and long friends is our motto. . i • 1 , IN. B. A good journeyman wanted . .•to whom steady employment and high wages will he given. HawvEr. PEZET JOEL_ Montrose. May 51.1855. ~' • ' , SILVER WARE.--A are Int of silver Foals, of all sizes: al Table . Dessert and Tea Spoons, just fi nished ind warranted as frond as coin. by A. .1. EVANS. Aug. '29. , - . Q.• EWING BIRDS, :some Very fine. for mile eltesP by A: J.-EVANS. FILL SAWS. wsminted. st PHYFE & lENOWLTSWIL IMOINIttss, .11 2, i•ii, SATO WALTMAN,. . SArTIEL , - ": VtANS & WATBON,•Ntt. 26 -- i 1.7.4 . 8;ruth Fourth - St:, Philail.' .. GREAI` FIRE. CHESTNUT al. ftrat .44,-; Tildetk morning. ' ----" . December-15th. 18541 . Eirauti & Watson's ASalittnauder Safes -tri nutpltant,Us theY always are when put to the test . . Puet.Anst.ruti; Dec. 15. 1854. Meatus Ettans A. Watson, N 0.26 Soutkßourth St., Philadelohiai'- . . ...,. '. . -. i ;.. ~., .• Gcseruttscro : Ws. take -..machpleasizre in re. ointnendjnig four • Sal aas r oder - Races t 4l At. mint uti and other's I u want of a secure means of preserving their books. papers. &c.. from fire, . one we purchased from you about seven months Since has preserved our books, and cash in as gixidl a condi: tion as they were when 'put into it, before the great fire this morning. which d. strayed the ph. tire block of buildingecorner of Chestnut p iiii Fifth street.: The stdve was to use . in onroffire. on the secOud floor of our building, from which place it fell into•the cellar sad remained there until the fire Was out. The Safe -was then :removed and . opened iu the presence of at leapt IMO pentane, who witnessed the good condition of the', contents. Will von please , have the Safe and Locki repaired as we intend to put it in use strain. hiving perfect *antidotes in its fire-proof qualities. . Yours." Respectfulty, LACEY A, PHILLIPS. Muslin Curtains, Cotton . . Evns and Watson take pleasure in referring to. the fo !cying, among ,the many hundrrds who have their . fen in use:—U. S. 11linl. Philad ..; Farmers and Mechanid - Rank. Philada.; Samar! Allen. EKI , High sheriff Philo ; John. N. - Hetylenion, City Controller; Caleb Cope + do.. No' 183 Mat. ket St; Richard Norris and Son, Locomotive boil. den, Philada ; Bancroft and Sellers ; ItiChmiseri, _corner High and James Sts.; Franklin Fire Insu rance Co., Phila.; Prnn'a Railroad Co.; Philada.: Lac'ei , & Phillips; co: nes sth and Minor Streets: Sharpies, Bin . No: 32 south 2d St.; .{,nines. Kent and Santee, No 147. North Third Street; W. 11. Hortsman and Solis. NO. 5I North 311 St ; Smith. Williston lie Co., No: 87 Market St.; ./... Al B. Crow, N 0 1 .1 1 45 Chestnut Si. . 4 large iteeortment of the above Safes alwayson hand tritirruhtettin stand It) pet - iertit. more fir than any Herring's Snfr stow in use.) : RV-,‘Ns A W AT:4(IN, also- monorail.' tire :Ind keep 'for rile lion Shutters. Iron Doors and Iron, for utak ing fire-proof Vaults :or Hanks, Stores. public an. pnvate haiidings. Sent and Letter Copy-in Press ea; Pateht SI-its Lined Refrigerators, &c. Pleas give us a roll, at No. 26 Sou,th Four St., Phila 1 delphia —lsyl . - NEW GOODS. All_lC & PARK r et.slrri I.acknim 114.'111(.11V. t.r the publh• :or p. l s,t fit v”rs. unn incite - uttention t. the %cry largusteck . of Spritig anel,tiputuier Gouts the) ure u..v re-, eeiving, aria to,frer toi• sole ut rtry lore pricrx. In addition In tileie usual asstorttueut Dry Goods; Gr o ceries., Ilardwarei Crockery, P 40 &c.. they .:16- prepared to exhibit ul:irg'e as•l‘irtmettrof . LADIES DuEss,G, oons , of ever; description. Figtircti: Plaid and Plain, S t lkm. - flonnetx Ribbon:4. I-Aidiem : s aid ~Boca of kitill.—.llrin a large htook . READY MADE CLOTIIING..i Cloths. C.issimeres, Jo A ns, Summer Cloths. Ve.tings, flats mid Boots and Sines &e. &c. They respectfully solicit as early call: from those who wish to Purchase . Coos Goons AT Low. PRICES Me‘tiLLAN Sz PARK. Springville, May 2, 1854. . Doct. B. Thayer •• • AXES this method .ifisayitig to his friends L ! and customers that he has aLrain resumed the practice of Nledicino at. his Olastool in Monl trose., where 1w mar he found nt :111 times unless professionally employe& He would say to these ! owinf: him on old 3evottnts t hat he pill tleiluet.2s per cent on all accounts pail before the first id' April noxt, (Fir if tiny poor like myself,) - I will ' dedilet Ittairose. 1855-11tf • TEVVEll.ll.l'—Jldre new Jewelrc just r, e 4 direct from the m r anufacturers, and con. sistinpi or it first r-r.'4, ussortmet t I.•dies and Gentlemen's Golti finer Rin4s, Breastyins. E;tr Drops anddloups, Foh and Vest CFI ,ins._ keys,- Studs., Pens, etc. et-rsorjpwishiria t 0 pur chase Jewelry should certainly' all nt th,'Stor , 0 A. I'URREI.I.. ?tionwse. Aprii,l2. 1855 Uemownt. C. D. Virttil,Dyntii.t. ha. renoiveil to it room Oyer F. B. Chantili•e4 store, whi-re . it will ht . . hi+ pure to lit•l• hi: f~iend.~~n~gi}irktrvawi.vihlt:" C. D. 'WIRT L.' ReNident llontro4., 2. 1 R. 55 NEW STORE t . ' . ...a.u.':Dialreo_z ovls AGENERAL 4:4.lritnent of Staple -ncl Frit•cy, Dry Goolitt,Groweerit.s. tlartlw ,re, H Its. C..p. Moots snd Shoes, Wall Paper; Drugs, Dye Stuff., Paints total Oil., &e., wtiirh will he sold a. cheap as the cheapest ltor . Casli or apprtoved credit toy 1 IL M. JONES. Ilarford June 1, 1855. t. . 1") LACK 'Gm& Rhine, SOk of exreil.;nt quail -11. tiem at ' • i '; 11. M. JONES'. June. 1. 1855. R . . . ROCH and eashlnere Shawls, :it all prices also a few laptillas by 11. M. JONES. Jape 1.1855. READ. Ctott!ing, at low priewc by H. 51-. JONES June 1.1855 .41 - ncs will find a great vnrieu of Bonototz. • and Ribhons at H. 31. JONES': Juni 1. 1855. • .• • 1.. 4 AWNS. Challis. ; Barge ae :yid Gi ng . 1 al • r . It. AI; JONES'. Jun. I. 185. • ENIBROIDERIF.S and Window Driloqw,nt 11. M. JONES'. June 1, 1855 1 Tinluiblld'u Tri'nfilv r! , l7lcri, ntritqd 1 Coliefx;qn(l Flilirl Extrart Stir' .4 , l7)nrilln. - i For pnrifying thy' Moroi reinoyine. All 4f...,,,i,, ~,-I..inz I from ..x , ..t,, , q; or Mrrenry. extoe - rt , e nn•l ;.n.,rn•lon,t in I _ I life -chronic co, t l tr , i,,,,.:,..,0,.-,ae ar'..iol f ton yin Nn- 4 IXTEEN lbs. f4f.G.")(l 31ackt•rel fo.r ono. dol- 1 pm, !tate of f• t• 11:011•1 ...nil the intr o r•oi .I,te am., of 1 S 1 A for-in ra-h by ' -- ' - 11. Mo JONES. - feemY.l korr.en Ty•mi.h• f., th'e .enn. of gArofuln. ' , nit Rheum. Seyti,l Ib.:1•1. I'l , teratiou, •o 111 , . hen0t,..1L.L.4 . Jknel 1 1.1855. fain-and Swell ney of the Flone.„-retter. l'inipkY on, I . • • the. fac e . Ri l l . 101 -.e.gly I•truptintp. of cl) • Skin. ' , 1 ! • . r lIIIE 6.M qtvility of Nails at cr's . vo.r pootinot, I' Tlii% a' rtio-10. i.!t now ioro. , ;i7ilocool he .foinrs .ot ; for rude by -• . 11. M. JONES. illo• mo.t .11-flocte.hed l'he.irinny it the country. ton., hay . - .. • • 1 1 0r....,1 n•il, r•l. - 1 •yr in ne.y.fiC-e. thin "me prrpnration 11. i ' .Inne-1. 1855. - .S'ir•irir , r , 'l o l yet. 0ff..Y.41 In the i$U! , it Ser.r.te,Ye. of . , ~. ' . . o r olury sivt.hilly. ‘tereorlnl and "leeofutottY ; 1 , ...0.00vt. 1 A asottment of Boots :md tfio.. :It. 11. M. J()NESI. JnnP L 1855 - . 1 . . ' ),.,.......ntivet . e rwer.r......1 It. tlio . inottr3lllr. gra -4. of wir NM- I - UST receiting a fresh supplr 14 fint. - Aliton I lir tn•tiention- wh,-h hi.' f...r many ve tr. r...19.6..1 pfeqy J Silt at I,I.Tr AI" JONES'. ~ 1 , • ^1 . t 'emt 'Pent T lilt enn 1 hr . ! pv6to,i . Th.:, r tows r o far. 1 tn Juno 1.1855. • . . , n i.3, triktne i.y..n ! rlP. nf•lo , s'ratiry .rf , •,•-, nr nil., np.,ti. 1 eine In orTe-tine ,t•Tnr. of Ih• TllO., , 11Trtortto ,1i,,,t4n.. ,f. ter the Ihtucki, were •1es•111.1N) and the belnil. already et . • v..,...d. .. • . Caution---Lcittery Frauds. I - VO ?TOR -Ztett.r. from remonell.4# Phs . torlay...l.4 Pro- Offi#:e of thell#Ertlawl entt.oll4ated Lotteri#4 , . # ferpo .# re of a?v###.l U...ti,,t1 ( 1 . 1 t.-r..4 Awl... .ertifl , a.. a# BA ..(13g , .11111. Idai) land, June2o. 1455. i ! 1 cure. frotn Intent A wil Ihe 'oon.l Rtefl3ll4ll , lo.lCl' both Peer- T HE Commi‘minner of . the M:lrviitod s tit , oration' Imlt..riek Ivo; deemed !t his dit:v: tit l caution . m e t n ti t d „ ..!i f !s ; :1 , 914 r x+raet of Hoehn.Rl r.r. hot t I.- or 4 the public ag..inst the yttner , ;tt.4 hwindlerx whi. . ' •n^n• g 1 .11.n jy:lp r d. L1::;;171.4"'",..1.1.*3 l'i Atront!th circulate by toad :tnd otherwise. fraudulent I,nt- Prepared sod %1#441,‘ 111 T ItELMB(11.11. rhomiaa. 263 tete behentem, and pretend to be tfgent4 "tor the et . i t ri;: o ut h. .t i . ne3r . 1 4 11. °fr., 4 I 1,,u,.. phila4,4l4)#a # Turrell. Montros , . Pe., sod of fltrug sole-tif ticket* in Lotteries which are wholly flu; 1 c ho:ima .h.sie r r:' hP•il• editing. - - . an I.lattAlF .li.ect ea fro tbe Proprietor oror Agent - reeelve Itnto 'late attenroin 23yl ' , . The, only legal Lniter;em hi Ma , yl „A Are thn4te. . drawn dull,- under the anperintentienee of the t - - Clothe, totamiossiuner elected by the people or the Stantt ASAMERES and v4tin. a ,largo asanft• under the new emnittitaiinn to ex,itninp mid' ap- • egli ...) merit itntl at print ++ Inw;.r th:ln we h lye ever prove the " hem " and attend to the drawin T g been .nableti to „tT„ theta heretnffire. All OW tieltom in theme Lotterie.i and all •Pr %mg ~. - 11 At 17 , . IT 11. ~ tifiesitea of p•Tkages, of tiolt . ets have the Milo. ; graphed aignat ore F. X. Nicol. ll'-neral Agent for the ofintractor. Otti••e of the It.rvlsori Gibe. solidated I, , ittorivo,atitimtire. ibth..rl+ are fraudnlent. • For - fallinform ,tion on the mill. Jed at theAe fraudi,addrew: F. X. RaEamr. FALL STYLE OP HATS. One Price CnAtt Wore. HOMAS RAFFERTY, Mn. 57 ChAfhimuit.;‘, 'T New Yorit.Opposite Chsmheis.iit.. late of the well known honors of 'l6ffertv & l,tsk. is dklmtlit of esilinl attention to his , 4tnek. foi - the fill trade. Combining el eranee with iinrshilitr. hiq - nats maintsin the repntatlon. which for the lastlen rears he. has earned h% his smith:nos at. tention to the wants of his enstomemand bribe het. which is well oiderstnoti, that, selling., for ugh oily, every enetompr gets the worth of his stoney.,, :—. • . TUOS. R A FFERT-Y, , • r Obeihowet. X; Y. . . . ..f.., , - - ''.. ' illani , Th4yself. ~ -. An Argot snide Soo* for •As eiNkts...• merry ; family a te; - • . Aittnets copy, " • i . . . . , 1041,000 COPIES 8 . 01411 IX .:,......% ‘. 1 k. 1 14 .. - '; , , LErti6 TLIA 'Si 'A IC p.i 0.,. • A sew' ' .144•1 11 , 1 • 1 1.. fflli'll: edition.: re vlsirti aedl IS peoTril.` iti r- ,, 5, - _• " / 7 T`A. just deem.]. , ... !.. .. , ....• -.1 _ Dr. Ju n ior's %Delimit qateusi , ...... .. . " .' and Wind ltook for tbeatllletvol•;- ~,, Coutaluittran outline Willa Om, r 0.,, A •:* iti,..progrp.d.t rest:nen andri4ro, -3.. /.;" ' 9 '• %.• fre Corm tit Allier/re non. •••• - e i rr,', s 11, 1, ~,• • 0 retry .• ' traeted 'by p runt t. , thou. 4el Uld . : self obuipeor by .14'1'0..164.4..1,1th olt let r for tbetavibiatition .It tit Fri, In a t'amida r .t.f e t •VPI.IIIIA all niedleal technicalties: and eierythi nit that would offend the ear Of decency ; ~olth- a n ous tine or eoinputinto , ncidasit to /*Males, from flue re;eutt 'of mane t t irrtityleare - element. NI Practice exclusively devoted to the cure ol Alieltiet iota drltexte t r private nature. . . , , To which in added revell• ts lOC the mire of the ove ll*. . and a treatios Oh the causes,oymptotne and 'en reof the Vetter and Ague.. Tritimol , y of Pe I,rofersorooftletrirl; to Ift;rtaritl , a/etp!i PA//cptrlphiu--"DR. Ill'lrrlth 'PI vIIIDDI AI. ll t!liCA1•• —The ant hot. a this'ilror•. isrilik r the maitorit:i at -.hose who advertirr to corei thr di sra Pt , Ot 11 .11irli i.r. tropti. to a, irradu•te or lon,P 411 t.qe b-st Colleges I o the rnite‘Ntotes. .It affords me pleasure to rocompien.l him to tho urirtrtol• net e.or to the victim of malpract - Ic .it-, a : !tiroto..f tit a nd •zport• need .pritetitioner In where honor and , ntegrity they may placethe greatest confident*. . Jug s. Etratlittletttg , M D From A ll'oodtearri. It! 1.) .of Penn - University • l'hila. .1 delpl..a.-11 giver nit pieestire tr. add my trittlm. ny tu the - profeselonsd ability of the A nther a* tht••• il • Meet MAI. UAL " !V Otrirrott. Nor. of Ilflo•ti.e tai the Omit Al nirlin. , K. Penn. of thirst. of long:etnndinv. hate come tinder my ne• tire ,In which hit +kill hem been manifest In restoring to nerfNe I)4.o'th, In minim , mop, where the mittens how been eonetdered 1„.y.. n .1 medical hid. Iti Ilio ireatmont rirS'Oo• tool etraltnese. Or diserrangenitni nit hr runotiono - Pro' finer.] hy 4. Itahttnr or ItAcerr of 'fent.. y. I ,toitt ,, t know hie ..npr i rinr In the profession. I It ‘•t. been Xelitalti , ont with the I uthnt smite thirty year.. and , iteeinht nn more that. justice to him tir well a. , k.n•lnror t a he urtlo•trinite vie. im of rnrly In%liorortion, to reeummend him air one In . .1,.... limp.,, ,, ionnl 0111 and lateirriti they met safely confide thrmorlveo.• A I.,:ltltlt Ylitrt.ilvW / j ilts If. to. •• Thls•s. or•rhout nterptlnn. the otos' eqmprehonolve ant Intelligible - work puldlehed on , the Cites of Ili. or 101101 it trriiito. ,A•ahlingnll techni c al. trrin , It ad•lretio ritttrelf to •he reason orltio remiery lt i• free frrin all et ohj tionehle matter. and no parent however **a•ti.tions, ran Alert to tilrelne It itlrhr h..ti , ti , ..f ill. von• 'The oo• th:IT h e ..termed many %Piro. to Itio,trratmrot ot the vori• ou•onniplaitir- rrnrirrnl or, nnut-. with -on jt.t.loi crrn .th to p u ll' w it ., t , nitittlr nrn.iirtintinri t , .ennuis. he 11 4 .Ree'''l t• the iornrl.l.a tit merely nnmiten prlen . of 25 rent . , hr fenit of roni..Ltwent)' years • moot .tieceostu I praotice " Ifernld . 4 , N. I naeltei nr flAr••11 , ohotil dhe - verhotit toe • novrholle Imrarred I r ioinvainahle work Tr.a•oul•l no•o v"ars at p o i,,,,,,, r rille t _tiop aoit • .jr.l.• .t" r21.1 y 111.011 tinder tbeir elm tre - -1 3 c,ii•Ic'.. .1 ten"rnte. . • A Pr:••••/..1..pixil e'l•rz Man in Ohio. writing nf ...fltin• tre•lholrnl '/in nor • • m y.. _.-... rhuo•an.i. noon thous and. '-font entail i.v.eri , nxnnipie In i .: tillnenne Mahe tinr.iont , hate brim n I hut n thn habit o , ...if twilit lan. Itithon.` r •nlisin g• h• 4in ioi•I (earn'', e 'nee inorPO.r. lip. , n I tierri•elr., and !heir To•O,•rlty. rii• • to liii ti r Ifin4 tit t ho,,P -1"-!''' ' hoar " -11 ' 1 "'-' r iti' l li . • lie° , 1,40 -air.-1.1e.1. If not i.rni...r. ,i,,r,r, iti ti t he. An ttercrvile II ie ;OLIO. or he oar**. any , ' 'et - tho' ran TO. lon,- Fiii to ;11.4'11 11 11 awl "n*ltl..nne ti.,. pillainmirnl ..• to rile.... in I ii i.l.,, t ,.iy In , ronio r•l hia w i,!...r er .nnt antirrn or hunun, nrorrh...mcs. wo,, 111 o , olfor the vre0.9.4 hooloine no% t•r• tit • r I iti., o .., 1e. , 114 ehrirt• or the nrr...nt •n.l . o'n'nfi ,, •.l" , A , lnfl Pittnnnerinne .or ti,,,,,,, , nt,Aient ;n t l , Orin , ....) .1 , 011•Zli it lilt" Alm ie 01.1 ale• anOr iirnn tholtrar.l.'.ir lint . Ir.•••rer - , nnr,...; tn ,he 't it. ' ,yin rine - ‘erept nit flinnt,•nri hob •It ~f rip• olllieted. 0t ,.• i,,.',leve itte.i , .lll ..‘-won er in rh. , goo.l v. ort vnit • its rno."(irely enerttinl lb," ,• • CIO."' jr , r ... . 1 ar°;v , •orol.Ymt 1-Etv - II h- rorworde I . rree•if portare to noir pirt or.lie Ir a sir.,l .4 ,r..,, f or ••!:; ....Wit. o'l. *iv ender for . ....141. ‘:ll , lre.r• I P. , 't - m 4 1 ,1) COS DE 7% &CO• t - Pohli l•• r , -or !int Vel l'lf!lll.4!.'lia. r''' .... itoroi.O . 'ner.. 0 ilOra.**.re and Itno - k Agrut p•,innlie.l on 0,.. rot- I liberni (crane. '240 - Now Line of Mail Staves i • .a. ... . . - • . , - . • ...._ • , . . . • trr; 'Or- • • --i -- ---; 1 :' , -, - - , ....r , e ct . •,-... ..- . - - 4- - -..-vi'' • . 4.-, ; ,- - -4';:i' , ' - ‘,.i., , .... r I AP er at' KIRXWOO I) .TO riLBTFOBE.: A STA() E Trill leave. Kirkwood:pas/4Ni ihrgai, i ,lor. XX hettoville,l.lbrrty-A C..ry t•ryl.antnlneart..rtlir,irri vOnf the 'gall ervnr , of Mir...loth Eitit And West. reach mg Voutrosr at i P . M. • • . esrepted at 2 P M. reaelat 4 s.. tan UM• take' the Mattleatnat If , Carry :wit Karl and Weat, the nearer[ and atra•t feasihlt rout. thread , the Nett Vnia and Elie adroad. Thitttne el-we•.k ,} I Ina Isitum4. meek. kVyoming •n 1 Vilata4haree •eldett i r 's•rt , 4,ltat rm.. at 7 A 11 «e.ry notvlay tre•lueed” tad Frila3 %ha , . a•illr 0 :rival r.e.11 ,, nd Tema and ennalnetable:!.lrciadet are, .int:ided atoll the Proprietur.wirl , pear ti,op•ilut tntleetitnint.ata he Pub -K HATCI I . ge ISSI MOIR (I , V F.ST 11411 1 16 V - EELER & STODDARD N 1 hre th, fire. h way 11 , fonnd in the liAsemxtvr. OF :•±F..P.I.E . S lIOTrL. Notwithmtandioz the nntorrve:donted whie4t our !oot-k - 4.1 . • -went otr on t h e trtorninv•of the fir.J. tco ..tilt have some on. it3nl.:lni I;*4. .ouno:tol oin. • KEELER..Sr, BTO9I)ARD.'• 11fintre40.Xoyeether. 'I 3. 1y54. ( Brocho Shawls. EAPEtt thAt ever . I.t.f.•rt• km•vin, 11.•:tati' -k) fill ra,trrns. and tine Br•wh, Shawls. Lapen's tadnuhwturt.. lit .$7. (1.4. 11 . • II B. R r 4,.. .. .. . . • Shawls. . LONG iniT Square. Wool,. BrochP aml Silk. very handsome .41. les. alai at ,•xln• L wit,. s U. R. & i:0.,. Ooti 11 . Baltimore. Maryland. ! ETURP 'LNG HrtlinbOld'sGanninePropolthtiops. Cnapound .Ertrart qmelvr, PPP Ott h 11120 and rri.rmxplc trictute,,:ind all l'Otitr•es the Stin Ai Org.% os, Irecther in :title nr F',littsle. pion whatever rause thov tray have . originated and no matter of ..ow long; Stow - line If yon hive eontraet,t the terrib,e di+rear whieh..when snee seated It the tit , surely uo down from one gell.qatinn to ..tot her. •In , krnii Hint the t ttt IV inn »WI f.ppilla the rery it.l! flnids of life. do not iTn-t yourself in the hand- of Qtrsok• ‘ srl n .•nrr wp overy day .in n eity Tike this nrol 111 .the . p,nrn with. ularint fAlselvooi-." too ealonlated to 4 .rive this sonny! and tao. net Ir• lnnint.l with tbelt ttiek• Ton ~nrot he ton ( 1,1440 In the. aeleetion of a r.inedy in theft. enxes The Fluid Extrnet ltrt.!`in hi h«Pn pr .nnunerd by emi nent Phyyirinn.. U, trentrAt rewsrly ere' kvetrti It ix a nootieinenerfeetly plonsant I , its taate and •ory in toseent in it. a. lion. and vet an then...met 41hat it ,lanihilat. , ewers 11:arti,le n', the Tank ,nrl op t . Tirn• rf this v irratituf ; . unlike nthp. remPilit.., It .dnry pot dry. up the diren e in the blocs] • e - osiTrruriCrs; ‘L. DEBILITY. br.mght n by 4, if. hn-r, n irn./ trrTitti,.• tic4.loo. whirl. IMA t , •hnn•an.l• nr the Itainan t.. tic.• i.rllliant hone- or nat,nt•. and brgrhVynt ba I the al,. innt .1^ bition many a no m, youth. ton t.. e.err. I by t hi infclitar rrlnerly n.l nyo.lj«ine ino.t PI« t Pvt.. ptv to tho do....onrinLo invnit I..nn rqn+l b. in be (..nrri. artitur both .1.1 a our•• and prerentivn , 0 TI 0 • "I:3 n, erepy .given thit lippliention wilt hp , in nt Ihenrost ne4t4ion''of th. 1.4 1 .41.11t0re for the .eirlrter of n' to hr palled the Firm- M•rryrnirs' Mink. LoesteriA nnwinehnonn Depot. Nii9tteh•nnn count v..Penn';l. 'rho nut?. p. and ottiet't or th. Rink ;A fo r aideonnttne nod With n rittlitnl of 450 Ann on, frith the prit i ritorle - nf 41ereininn , tn 4100.000 00. Sitoquehannn Penn,. int‘t 9th. 1855. A rINE Garr OF • • ONDON Twio lion1)1 • Ilarrn•l Cr'unr.-§lnglf r_ I 4 do., and extr a Sm. Ritto4. for tltr hv • May 1. paid for Butter by " . • ii. M; JON &S. Isumr i. IN. Or any place on the ti ligit . ,C4nnuS present r~s►h' ••.• induceuesils • I►EELER 4. SI'ODDARD'S BOOT Alll L %NIUE 61110 BE. • a re ru o ri w n - o l . i ti l l i e d or w . a ete n: . a to d hei su r e i t i c ti n ts ; embracing agoneral varirtyu):uese , 9'legaut atyletsof badier. and weir, among which are Ledire French, Silk- Lastingand Pre-. Dine Gsitiorti. kid :laart Kuamejed Polka i Kid..Patss eut leather mud „browsed : Aerney Linde, 'Buskin* en d Ti r p;...xantlerneit's French. and Philadelphia ouk tanued.calf *kin auul'V t ill ctingreem and butrop.thiiterri. - ,Idunterey and Ara,uhitigtatt. Hoops, toilet. Slips , ..Nurircco. calf. and .(!asehide pros. amts.:krt. , Hoye kip. dal( and sunerhide llatite and Brogans.; all kindrsof YIPAP.a hurd.Childresn'ti what. R general tosartmenVof Findings. which elm part of lasite. prcs 4 *parader'. Ifultularinti naile,t ruckus. thread,. wax, I - Insoles', alurso.hitidint. hwls rassi.a.• • •andetome, shoe kniversi Ste, 4lem -o a k .nd lutniusislmilf supper t itl eoletemith. er,•ltornero *kin* and linings. • Work made to ortiusr andrepairinettarttl7. - dtne • KFIELF:ft & irtiDDARO Ilknurota..lnue 1 . .1P53. I • " I stove...! move* moven!!! ' Aob-eril) . er witahe.. the nttPoti.4l) I ;04 friend.; and the Publie to his very logo :,ssortment of . - S'POVF,S. .it his new Stare Rotto in 1...)(1.•r5ti11i.. next to 1,. S. I,enbeirn's Btore;,..tncl neat the Rend Hero?. 'H. too , ittioiaitioir to laie fortuer large va rktv of Cooking Nrui (lot - Stoves, maey iteve l'attern44. Ni , hnlnA,l Penth Branch,i Piet Piy, Modern Troy, Mohawk,' lilact Warrior,. Oriont. Oak, . __ Stove, Which ingetln.r former stark will be pprhap- tht in i.xtensive and v rigidussurttnent o f rt ell . 1 4,•et r d Stoves in Ihe - • * * *Clinton Stove+ well ro rti kiied :It low.prici.s. -e".A11" art ivies in his line kept on hand and nin d,; : to ns 11-n a nd orders rereivi.d at his old 4tond in Great , Bend Jt HIN COLSTEN. Ir•di•rsvill•• & Grant lkrnl Nov.. kt3s3.—tr. t LAItGE I.)t ..,f Ibtheti, a part or /IL u win 'AVl l ,lll• • dresmed. and very sape . - r wr god q uiati, v. . • U. 13. & ,Ctr. 0,1.- I I. IS'4. ; _ • & D. SAYRE having been anpOinted &T . ". a L ferttr, f"r exten.ive-Sash, Blind- and I)•.or,ctory art prepred to furnish any arti,les-itt-tilis iiae a: less rates than thiiy have ti:qtallt been sold. 14. VI Nt'l CREAll—an article' which every tri it Ail add try for' %tab. by S. IL& D. SAYRE • Dec. 4. 1 • Roviy-Mado.Olothitig, A :;toeii at very los% p S. 11. &: 9. SAY Nl,lntruso, Dve. 14. 1854 i.; ; D:intnr Yoursf. , lf : TEE . I,YOICET MESCITLAPIIIS: Or, F1,i,0 4 y on,- his own Pleyxician. ry: r i .: :: ::.ii t , : iti t , k , ; , : „., ;: , ,,, - r ,::„. l ,,,D }:. „ : „ l i i ,,, t a : r o se : Li. - • ..„ t., , and Ilalfor s ma h ticitir oldie ti 0,,,, ,,,, . ...:,-. 4 .:41‘ man el!,etrot lo evaty shape i - - ::-I• ' t i 'end form. To which i; arl• „A ) , . ~...... , . deil a Treatim• on.the , Dia -4 L I,. . , -4 14 rapes of F”Inalell. of Vf , ,- . ' ~.,T the Ititriteet importance 10 - ~ ' "..... - 4* Ma rr;rdi people .or lhoto• fin , r . i.. , templatibkmorfiage. Bp -* ' .. . • U illiam. 3ou o„ii. D. Let ne Ctilter he wired to present x copy of the lef2eMapins to hisehild. Ili may save him from au early entire. Let nn votingmen or wo manenter Din the seerei oblie ions oiittarriedtife without reading the Por.kel Aes &unit's. ;Let no one 7 , aff.rihr_ from a hitektii i cough. 'Patti in the Side. restless ti.!ryous feetiner, fl)(1.1he whole trso I)%- peptic irms.and elven .up by th• it :Inoth«r in oment without eon, salting the %P.A!!I.IL PIUS Ilave the Married, or !hose about ro bfi 'married uny this rimy n.efn I book. n, it hae been the ins 1141! of savit:L. I h.. l ,saild.'of maw!' unatt-creatu retfronithe verz jaw.. or d. Ii tori seirrlinr twenty fire cepta 'ever. ree--ive one r.opy of this ht mail, or firll" eopies will he-sent for Out ltullar Address tpipi , t paid.) ' • DR. NV fit. YOUNG, Rio. 15id Aprude St. Philadelphia. A pribi!ii.l —t 4y I . «A-Fm A; LATIIROP & Co Aiatrilia, California, Buffalo Robes Window Sash• D E it OUGI-I'l r '0.N19 ,...., _ '_- . _,_, ....... _ Great Avareerat 'wiled!, for Indigestion urn! Dyxpepsial DR.S. ilouratToa ' s repsin. the true 11t or,s.rtvE Fixtu,or GASTRIC itICE. still hfild tir•rt :,11 the various settiodie 4 tor those litinftil anti fies, , ructive etatipli.ints. It ',Nat we ' ll: own • -pccific for :in unhealthy :.iteiru. neta, N. artof 111.,n earl rival its curative ptiay. ers: " and nn sixtreier front Indigestion arid lb's pele,ta uhottlt! tall to try it. 1.70"-Soid by Abel Turre t !, 51 ontrose Byl. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIM PiDELPIIIA_ Imporlant Annottiseeplept.. gin all ver‘omt Or eted ar ; h Alex nal 411w:woes. such as • 1 1F...0nt0:0 ,V,3.;.,,4, fludotrnee. 0-.iooth , ea, 4Oret, 571,1,1115..x.e...t , . The Ilaurard .11.440riat•.•h of Philadm• phis 21. Orr ..r th, wv:al I. ,, tra , :td.h 01 hu Imo life and health. T.tuAed by • X 114: .11 ; 5C'.. 0. 0, a iorthe doeoptlon,.. a hich are practiced upott thi. uhthrtganate vartitu• or .tirete.'r b, gaaei.e. have •1i rle; ed thOr rnnuulting Agrgeon sLa a eharltalde Art wore by .rtheir n tme, to give 11..Ifen I .4,1•1 e. Grille. to al , perrimedhus afliet...d. (Nish. 0, re male) ate,. and in ems...< nt' poverty and Autterhoz , to Puna I. M edleine4 Free of Chargel , The 11.,x to %.44:).!1at. , .n 14 a bea.volent Inatitullort, e7A tablislpal byapeoia I e ndowtueht - fnr, the relief of the sick anti , Itstre,..ed. ',Cried with " 11mi - teta and Npideme 1.)i.; ea-ea t , .nod itpt rand, rat, I,e a.,,enicjio othor Tr uopn-e - it....„.., 1 .rotn. of to -nos. alito - he Directors have vot odic, ~,11, 2 41., . • the al, ',Atha., tI. noo,lhe:olt o will thot th .- A-400t . .tion entinnand. the . lzhe 11 , t ..11. al 1.1:111 41' the as... sad will fOrlo,ll the ttiost approved modern tireatinmit Valnah‘e advtee given ttiltieA anti norvou4 fo:-, . ak, •,t Mlerkl ailth andomblal it4tattexe,. Womb Co le . Taint enstivenere.l.eneorrhtea, ‘';:' I I . l •l're'n , (1 ,4 -t hail.) 1)r Geo ft. (Inlhottn. 17nasultla Ennreon.: I.war4 A raorlition, No. 2 South Ninth Streit, l'hibArlphin. l'n.. • . , 1 . , Ily order. l the Dir,",tora, . V.ZO n. fin AOT VC EI.L, P rood , ' en t. i oso liataciot.o,Socr...tsry, 2231 ...i Plated Ware. usT reeeiVeri 71 ittlre 1)1 . NAPO W:tri.; r••n•ri.tinry r.f o•kr tia4kr t.. eastoisq, Imperi -1n; ao d t Can.ilestielts. Tea ,Sett.. e"n- I.,i s ti ti g- o r six Wee w Crira rich; ettiri nitd Goh. 1.14 ' • also, tirittattia ‘Vare. viz: T•.l setts..(fonr liVe and six pieces.) Tea Pots. entree Potm,"Can diesticka. &e. • As the suhseriher• hns made nr. ran.Tl`lllotl , l4 with the' umnufactorers of the abort ossais. It.• t t ennidcd to furnish the • rtnt tern. nt the lowest priers. amt . 4411 4uttply; his, customers with extra or single pieces. of any or title in the shore lino. • A. 1. EVANS. - 1 ' Nu.l. 014 ?..flows' 11111 Birwlintnton. Any. 29, New York Pricei ! A RE now IbPinV 'mid by A. their & c o . thence eonsign their buttrr.anti j prodoeli'to node arrange. tuont4 aro now en role-V to 14.4111 all k;rt 114 a pro. iinye to New York and to .ell • th••••atme st . th o hi4 , 4est market wires. All. those who wi4ll Vf oul paves and (puck r..tortut wt invite to rail upon . A. LATIIROP & CO m 1 r? Mn' 1. 1855. French Floweig, Paris F'entlitrs StrltW & AWN nery Gooth. WE ire now ofTerine a 'novo taw!: of Prism:it Pnri4 Featl - tut, anti Ntilt;neiv Artirlex, or the totott •unirytto nod htettt itnnortnitno. to (7:oth otirehnGlern at n great rp dnetinn from tittle nrieenoinii RS We Tomo _made toTnnyetnttnt• t. ree4tive, tilts itomine senxim. olnuo•it itvory trteatoer,the ntovrot titylot of at in - nor lint.. we .woniti take 000ttsion t.. antieit Infretut4'oroi. to e rmine nor Ittoric, nt Nos. 64 &k:6Aohn.l4 4 Corner,of Witlittro. 11t.y. slot Haupt tic KETtiltlll4: :-L-.,t,to,El:l;,itosE - ,ii).Eatl.m:l4:4 WiIUIUiDAY htOltrilso,BT L 1 uUa 60* ~.41:*tei TE1C4100:...51 - 440, cash} in advance ;$2,00,0 not paid within ent inontkkiand 4112,5 u, at the end of thtiy,euir. riu paper dieeentlnUen untileffeefe• gee s:-re paid, ext.ept at the Optioic or the 'Pub. lihhera. lAII euntniunicationh connected with the office, to - in:9lre attention; ntuat. bidiceete r d (post paid) to CHAiE Day, 31 - ontrose Busgiebanne County,;Va. • . „ • Hates of Asts - ertisissmi i‘• I • One square (12 lines or lesay3 insertions. lit,o 0 Eneh Sul:sequent insert i on, . 0.24, One psittpre . tilre.e ie 2,00_ 4 /l sqin,re44 . x -months, "Blisineps er 3.00 VearLv Avertit:enter:lN not nvei -- 4, One eldninit One year, : . Yea: Iv• advertisers -; will .be restricted 11,,th e hnsine4;44 in a bleb they are 4:nonf cif ;444 age eo n . • , idererl au wishing un.eontinneachjertistnrirnlis q , Wee shi n: . give speeial direetiona f oi trinee of the'P:lllll'. JOB WORK. . • ar The putilishera having 64410 to their Int Printing Inntc•tiO?: a large . and •suporiur basun. mont of Job Type, are now pirlparid . tit eircott Job Wnric in a manner iinisurpassedthi's ate. Lion of conntryond owthe teaifitintre tennb, • Blanks {,f every description kept 'i:lristatitty . 4 on hand or printed to order.. Pirtttorg. -1104tVANT_1101U6E,.• Great Bend Dirpot. • ADDiso* Bay ANT; Proprietor. • - BUILROWS, SPROUT:I& Man nraccureim ot P.ItOUT'S COMltillak CAN 1t1.1 . 0E SretINGS, H urht s;ti LyenrniiT..Co.iPs. I Springs may he bdf,r. M. S.Wilson, MontriNie. Win. W. SMITH & CO. - Cabinet and .cluiir ManitfaCtarePi root. Ifitio street, Montrrise„ Pa„ I . Dr.'. U. S 3 111T11, Sur; eon{ Dentist, Alontr(ise. Pn. will be. • Searle's Ilt):::.l; Tue;daysofeaeb . week.. . 15y1 ' •. t;MiLeAN & PARK, - Dealer; n Pry . Gl'fi ds, Gro'eerhis, linraware Crocker), Boi;ts ant Shoes, 4c.e:, Springvill e Pa: lBel LITTLE ac''LlliSE, Attoruitis. at -Lacs•—(Hilt, f armstly ocra • pied by Little & Stroeter, nontroie, Suigtie. panne f'fbnyrty. Pa. , RALPH 11, LITTLE.] . - EZRA 8.-CH/ISI A. - J. DA VIS 4 1 ItTTORNEV AND GITILMSELLOR AT Lik--Snfqne. ICanna Dvpot; Pp.' OtfloO,over . .S. Wesep Store.l , _. Jyt. `ABEL TURRELL, MosTngsE, Efraler in Drmis,lAlt.diiines. :.Oils, Dye ittutri. Grueerieei, Dry Gonda, Doi ware, Yankee Nntionm;&e. Pfiyaicianirre- • . aeriptionm earefully.e'prapnuncled.. ' JOHN GROV,CS, - Fa`hiionable Tailor—. Shop unclerSearTer. slnin .:ti.e.ell4.Sfontrose; . _ JOHN COLSTE N , - - DEALER 13 SIDI:.. Tin, C : pper l and' Sheig Ware. Luiersvi Ile, near gient Bend Depot.-611 • _ • • A. Lathrop, •- Dr.At.En in Ready-M. tie Clothing, Hata C;:ps. Boots and ;Sitoes, Drc Good,, r-gr Store 'opposi4-Seurlv t s Hotel, MOD frarfit - C. D. LAilinon, anci• with J. P. W. Dr. Merit TX. C Vail- DRUGGIST and CitT:attsi*,- and Dealer Darns, Medicines. Chemicals; Dye St tare Ctils„ Patty,.Wlndow„ Glass, Camphine Pertomery,l'unkte Nolotm&c.,&c. . .. I • FRANKLIN FRASER; • ATTOtt'SF4T AND, Cfmtsisetton - lAT LAl:V.3lolthOle. Pa.. will attend faithfully tii all business en trusted to hint in the couniy of .Susquthstuns, . Conveyanrini snd - writing of all•liinds will hr done De/Wl . ..and ehurge nioderote. .11e- *HP also attend to.the proseeution oft-faints of sol— diers, their widows and heirs. agninst theß.S.. government for Bounty Lao& Pensions, &c. Slav be ftiund tit' till hours st the office fOrntirly' tUtenpied bY J. T. Richard, Est.q.,north of the Court Houtic.-185.49 M. C TYLER, • . Intetpsted with 1: L. 'Minty., • bIipRTF.R AND bEALER ' in Hardware and Cut leiy, Carriage Trimmings, Spring t.. &e. • • Ni. 115 Peor.l. Street. N. Y. Nh re his . slereantile this and othe r Clin ities,ark• kindiy invited, amtelarrirstly solicit. ed t -e:111 and purchase. n6tf. . HENRY S: SNAP, or ployrr:osE' t PA. . - With, Rowe, Woodruff, & Carter, w Gitoef.fts ; Comlitss)O' l F T EitCIIANT.g t Nob 1131,1,,ngttin Stree t i betwi'en Corti:lna Pey - StreetA-New -Vurk I .. I Nltarch 8, 18 : 5-1-1 . 0 . tf. • * Medical. Card. . . 11RA.: E. Patrick, Jr. & G.• .Z. - Dimori bolt t bis day foitueda co.partnership.fur3.lW4t elliciert and- successful priss•cutitin- ot the Ott: , ent In:niches of their priilession. All business ent rust e, them; will be sates. ded tai withipromptne'ss and. fidelity. . • Their • office . way he found 'over Lathr , ip' , Store, East side Pul,liC Avenue. . • : . • - E. PATRICK, Jr.. • t;. Z. DIMOCK. • . Montrose. Mare!' 22. 1854. - • ., - W. Sincieton • 'Can gee , be found at Nis new stand riti Owe tro street. 2 doors'wyst Sezir le's 1 - 11aol. lwf!i're ho eirechtally ripnirn with dispairh: Witches, Clocks, Guns, Jewetry,land de'seriptiort 'of tnnehilwry, Wh..el cutting, Gun and WateK nviterialn . gupplivii to the Inoti,.-51 . . - A. &E. Baldwi c n, . . AIAY he found in ha...ewer:l ttc . S . earleo Al L. 6.1, 3 doo!s - west the &fret. !Not' • and areannta that Are due its mill be veo:al..' eeptableif paid goon: A l & E. BALDWIN Nljpntrose,llklfiv. I 854.-----4`if J.. 11 Parsons,' ~, , 2 Wuor.r.sALE min RETAIL, DE,ti.ER in Lar.nti Ware. Sttfa;, Beclstiads, . Tables, Statit, Chairs, &e.. . - . . . o. 9 WashinetoOitrept , ' . . . Bingli'anitisa ,74 ;;Ni W coffin Wan...loom np stairs.—rs 2 • Nnw and Cheap Goods nu Gill' ni 11,w pno.nure, prices and will be twl4 amtirdingly • • • U. BORROWS & go. Gibl” - tn,Oct. 11.1854. • Carpets. A GOOD o mortntent and tnindanme 10,tern Sl nt very low wives.. • U. B. at Co .NEW - GOODS .. , , - ' , , At l'opbottom Station. TflE sistrseribers nro now receiving a genera l riapply or Dry Gowis Croekt ry, .iGlese ware,. ilodwrire. d:.e.. Sic., All or which will be sold rhesper thnn enn he °fronted elsewhere in the eonntv.. Ahio s 13a11t4 ?Ma Fhnert et low Pri. ere and gond (innlitv. ' . DELI, & TINGISY. fJ.K. Plu4 enrn• n ` Qo nil Arad()licts oll ilepbottcifis,Ort. 4. laa, B. 61. , (A. ~Lerxßd!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers