Jessup 1111 d TIAN.NAii lIAIGANB of the formerplitee.- - • ifirtlifei 25. th Inst. by, the Rtir John L. Sla te.% Mr Dakitt..N - Srgaito A• RV MLFilq, both of IttoOklytt: . :r • ••-•ORD $ In. Di miek, on Mon. ht . i. rrn lig. Nov. 12 EDlrtic - ADXS.DERT. "Elam turf Icatictt• Holley; ageti eight months awl tw e l ve 4 4y , 14111 , 1 :hr tend,+ hlt•Oro Though brief hit rst ,t,.. n i .pt ii,, • 'llitau Art rillo4l tr u.r pariv: tnitib• Oar 1 1 3 446 . itty - ett,rl4tl lJaia,. 1 - • ttrcw „.. 'must • ' Tivi.fatt hard to 13:1rt"with 411 y 11;, fir ol ir s eki .;stl- . leve. iVelp rr.itt all GatAlr 1111 , 0.1. CC 'MEWS 10or gt 4.16 'No* is" tAi:lime to niokr up Clubs ! PE - TERSOWS STAGitI7.IIIrE, - T , HE I . . , , .for Lediet%! Eetite;ii b Mrie Axx:S..tirEenr.:ssanet; CuantEs 1. PETERSON. -'This popular Maeazine, tl.e cheapest and ba.t y .of it , kind in the. world, will be -greatly improved for 1456. contain 900 patrzeS of double colum n teadino E63tter; front twenty to. thirty steel platti4; nod over 400 hundred wood etfor,lvirir,,; ichi,•h i. proportionately more than, any periodical, any price, ever yet gave. 11713 THRILLING oRIGIN:Al. STOR . I#re44o3.4atwkd..hy press, 11 . 14. hest, ea anywhere , . The.editor s - ',re Mrs..'inn S. Stir P henit • author or ft.fionte , t , •:ni." Fosly. ion and F and Chaff,- .1 thor - of ...Kate Ayie.f..rd.".-111+. etc.. ete.; and they'are :-ssistvd by Li: the most popotar rt.mah, writers of Arns•ries. , is clintinnntly bli-Pg added. rea;:rdlessof expenow, so as' to keep '-13t.terxon's MaLstzit4P" unahim•n h. able in tnerit. lgoralify and' virtue are always inculcated.-- ' Its Colored Fashion PlUteti4ra Tt is thy; Otly to-t• Plates ran be relied Each number eoritains "Fashion Pinte. en-- 4111 Step!, rolin-ed ala Inntio:and t,f imri-• called bentii. The Paris, •, and N ew y,;.,k _Fa:hi , ..s•mredt.,','l:ll),•4l, at Ipp et h. - tacit month. • Ever)' number :Com c•ir::iin. ilitz . . ert or Wore New 'Sty enfrrni-pii • .in ANn. a Pattitra, frqm which a din•nt. innntilln, e.44t.ititnlit. rut. the ;ilil a maker. •": flint p':/tll numb:T. in :hi. 444'. will save Pb ye:lT'fi-1414.sitriptinn. - Its superb .3fez;atiuts. and' other Blctl „,.., , y. _ .6 , T11. a , 1 ri ‘lir,inti, , 1 1 ,..„..1.,..„i.• .4.1 h, sultserito ron /- ..r /it n. Th.:: first •r• N..„ lola r„ a dark t-a I n . biTi. ;al h.. .iiiii st rie stil.l., TIll• 44W11. I ,yrarings, t.r lisrequeztoni ti, pro;,e r Nop Or .p .t. 1-../fr.i.•4.4 ha lllllStr• ition. excel those of :toy other 11a_. -1 ",,d '. o ‘,'• i l l" 3•,..; 4F. IRIS %VOLD azinr, each number containing a snperh STI4;•1 61c r•i ) """t"k. N'l‘' f 23 11355-18 .3 Enimtving, , eitlu.l- int•zzotint to- line, b; side the - s 4 , 444. 7'-- - 4 ~• 1 • I, • Fishion plate: and in addition. ti. 1.. ••, TFFI S" lire.- A 1 rot• and nu -rem ss-o-t rintit, , r„,,,st it tut/r i i. 4 ,,,,,,,. siipp.y. to vir.,,eries. irrozs -. ain S.. . q ~a ,_ . p . . E,,,,,,- 44. ,,, , vv n „ ii c i1t ,,, , i t , iti . rriss &,,..&,, . 1 , 11/ , ../..`. _11...-. Gli-s, lii•cal,l.ll.lf..i. Liztits, .i. - .......0t 'i. ei. nt 1 , 0 lote 1 4 , ,,,.... 4. 4. , 1 , 1 TURllll.l.'i 1, rit - nn -•-nol• lsol . 1 .•11 , 10 lei--ell, -11 nriees. ) fll4 end cft• the yesr, :done '''''''''• - t ' S -15'1 1, 1 ' Wos. coo n •25,-1., op, Rash C..rd. 11"rw 1t•.1- tor,sorth the subscriptio n price _ -I - --rs . • ritilitar v loiia 3 ; . r ies.... elialk Linos. &r. , \\'r , I N'sils. all sizen Patterns Crotchet, ..iVieilleirork. <C.v... I n tor o -,....0rttnr01. it I X }llln4ll 4141.14 44)".4411 11, 7 d -r ,f - ilie A. - I.l'lo'ml I I..ti_ i ,G . mblet tinted 4 ... Wren Q. •*, V the greatest pr1if1144,41). •In• (riven in • eery Nda pr ilitt, 1411, dif1.1.)1.1i4 114 .1 .4. 11.4 /1441141/% uorrn to Pt t vrt & K:votiwrox's. pill in,tr Teflon, ho w t o iv ork the•Ti ; also. ra t ite ("itilmift...,r oif• ...i.;. f.,1! m,ri.,,,, ,•.,, , ni,„ n . rvylirn , or,N,.v.. 1F,55 . tills in E;intiroidery To-ening:. II •••iderie Ari iit sit"ol l l . 4l , ..l.intli.•?lat they 'nine r. gain.. to re. i i, e Netting, L lee to horio, et. i. Also Pat. port to ki• the tined not all 11"•••• • ` • '. 4 . w l 'll I ii) ' t T3rribli 9.ceiclint, 1 I , rns for' SlPelre", Ci.ila r.... rnd ci, :,,1., ,:, - : done .14.ty 111 41 •r 1 e ...sou', Iti tr., Act, Ito the, , IPPENEIII., Mr. Gre4rl) tili• 11thor flay.-- i'atterns in Belt/I-work, II:dr wool; Shell-work : ' rompaiii.--. w le, .re now (.ii or the am. a 45 i H ii,. • liad !not:Alt ..-uil orretok-mildechoh:-, 1 Handkerehief Corneas • Nimes fo to akin,* • tei .s• •lin '....ii I•,t t I% i-t 1 • 1•111,, 5.,,r,.. nO.l tot. Beni[ day's wearing the ai.- ;, , , ,- • • r - 0 , ,/, . • . • r. p 1; i. ii ./ AM Killtm .144 111444... 41 ; inanut. Dien rts:wet C , lllt iin,4 3 Rper Flow ; %dile. Tile s'es er a ! Califfiinl. in aro different ' eident or• tarred. First, et!' &apt bis roat•t ail by , 1 e n with diieetions Itow , In m a k t . ii r A „4„,„ „ I . i „ s e, ~.t4t , ..„ „ill pi,,,s i m.. ,„ I Ist! it I o Irptherrovith their i foe mere force of specific Liras refits, nit leg 1.1 Un- Bow and fh - llionahle mush. is also poldisla.,l et% rolls and perll.l t the r•..p . ort! • ASA spirErt, fortunate mast thelapperanee of a b " ,•11y [stunned err month. On the whol-, it is the most corn. 1 , 1 Brio, In. ;Ist r ilri., ihth Dii2,ll. M. ' emit tt ith tliel flvitor jib in the stern. and on piste ,, nth ning.aint. in the world. Try it for '- Inspee'sir`s •-filer IL rfor,i, Nov 14; • 855-.16,‘ 3 , Inopioo' "ter to piel; up the remnani.the drs ads one ye. r 1 rid ea-11.411y took pl ii.t.--.110. rot/qt.:tins or 040 . TERMS -ALWAYS IX ADVANCE. 1 . - Administratai' Notice. er,..1.1,( 1 , wt.r.• br..t,,,n 1111-Gri iTI s rtatli a were One ropv,ror rine year. Sa; 3 eop'es for 0n... , .1 \ -r rfcE i, 1„;•,... 14 . 4 . 4 ..., Th , i i , l „. r.‘ ~,i , r lNn. ! simit,.rvel fn, -la , to st. It. and Grt en li nett If The only wiv to present such war, S 5 ; 5 copi t .,., f',, r • on, ['ease 50 ; 8 e0n,,.... rr,L. tart' upon t'n• est ita. 1.1 rliti'lll3.. rjr:l/1. (ji.,t p••••••flovti it, be.. Icor one yentr 810 ;16 copie s foro,l l , %,..,...$ ,0, ,•1. ~,,t/ , / ,i,. ~/ c h ~,,,r oit I ,, wr/ i shit, - bat,. 1,,/,/n ;deplorable aevid soli i. 4 t•• p aronize n kilifttl tai • i lo r I ii io make, fin hi., work with s eterrain '- Premiums • for getting n p Clatb. grafif.d to the stib-eaiber. / All perscins itideht t . a , it • „,, 4f • ton h' ft ~ ti • • sv, Thrt.e, Five. Einin, or Si\ tetn 1. 4 1 11 . 1•4•4 make a *4l to saui estate are to quested to make immisii• I t:',•l;,. (urea 1,,,,n„,:•.,1A;11, alt, st .t i r: fri . hot 6,. e iii . : lt e ' Cub. ,T 0 Clert insr.on 111 . 1tifla lilt 11 1 . 10). our ail' 1 4 %."vrit• "nit 11) ''" ( '•;-'''' 412 , ' lain " ''''" fti " .l fie thinks se ( . .n , o:t Its ot.arino ; i 1 I,tt.e cheaper. l'Port-Folia of Art," containing. so Eigral irto, 4.. 1 .1 , t •s t 1,1 % . prysent Ititr du.y attested for ,_ „ , , ,•,. , , - t • • • .• dI • an al nr , .o rat its tio. p int, na. si r r lint so will be given gratis: or. id'' prelerri.d: a rtipv , .l" s+lll('''lrcl -1 h ti pan.ned thriut •li 1 It•ver hos .1. , I tre.cherons y . _ , 1 _ 1 0 kxyi l Foß AN. Adm'ex he mad , zine for 1855. For 'it (doh of 16. an ex_ „ • i tits !wen ntriped front a r holm patient, carried '. , t• copy oftlie niaimz . int. for 1856 will h, sent 1 ' h''nllt• - C••fri . 2 . 1 , 1 ; 55 - 17 %3* home eight ni rhts in the week on 3 1:1 1 11ier. and in addition. Addrens. post -p did. fin •Ily hleached and -.tested bv an inOenious ; - An, Cli kS J. PETERsOX. LITTELL'S LVING AGE. m in for a market in the rountry Take 1 An. /02 C/11.44111111.,41.4. 1 31 11i34/ 4.11411 in. 7.' ; I.V. Vail' 11) poor Gre•-ti's ini•ili fp. ..nd - p.,n to a ►-nrSin'l'iniClN•wnt rrainitou,l3, if it „von. PROSPECTUS. I tailor shop iike that in tioe bisment of Scarle's , fur, r • p int-pod. All Post:meal N con,t ;tilted r 1 mil IN i, e4 t ,d l ,, te d i s i t h . s p , r i t o f 1,,;, t ,.11.,, iII• t Jr %,,ti want to be suited. toenLs. Pers , ;ns rer`ittion 'Xi 1 •7 't tit 1 v / lar - Cutting done as usual. and all tyrirk war. n, .'' , •-. , " pleas,, -u ''' .., aq.urti • I Foreign Lit. rature (wh eh I . •,trnast er to reg,,ter tneir nide!) cse 41 f"., Or• .- f 1 . , I, : f . . : • • . • rifl-1t.,/ JO:IN GROVES. ,sll,, remittance may br, at • ~/or risk. wh4nl, .„ as a 11 r. r 1 re, tote( i w 2. tle p? sl,c ..r .. .ts ems . • _ rl t ear...) out as it ic Mir,' :4.`4 1.714%tt.. .nil appears, r M mitro•e Aug' 24. 1855. !aryl in large,..n. draft should he procnred„ the •-' • • ' • d he r- to rs t ' ' :.',ft. n, [h.., (111,r glee 1.1/11 - 11 1111. , ••• Isl It • ft! . Whieh may be derlta•ted frofil the .4 iii4Unt. /11 t111:111 i ' l $ . ' • I i !1L... it olt .1% ere esclu t•st lit ati t•flih's Now Arra.nzemont at Groovry's T -----------------t------ ----- . i'i • • I i 1 t - ,j : i ..,, ~,,, u.„: ~ t tits , .t.t., 1 11f4 sto , pe to I 111E111r t OLI n :TIE. 15156. 1 , .1/.4RDIV.•IRE STORE.' 1 ' G t ,II VA' Lrol:4141 : 4 i g rem, r aim more ••ttractive vhri, I t ; i • . i ; •el W. (IRE:It/RV & JUB-ON SMITIL are a, to 1.,,i ,01"...sise ti ... ,, Ins .11. s In Ire .1 1 ,11 '.11 1 11 ‘, V 4,1 • harm. , tor lied a ro pn `li'vr-liip !or. tio. American Month/, .. / /agazi • ne-E.sf•tb/i•vifrfi t , :11 part i. f our literars. losior cal, • ind p.qiiical ~ i I i int ro ., of conourtiror The Ila luare •••isioesst in 111 ` 18 21-.Derotrd to Lit( rature, Art l7lid l '"'"'"%:"" 1 "Y i" rut , " l ) thi 1) = 11 ' , .4 1 111 - 1 !•• ' - , 7 .• y • •••- , .1.• its Var . :nos 0r . ..1ite:4i.... IA , old rt-p....tit in. Fashion. A oieric 4., re. der., }'he efahor al•-drid ..s a t r .f, E.,„,,,,'„, „i• :,..,,, L .,,,,, , form the peopl e of Sits en aina tomolv taw TUE N e w Volume eononteaeing•with th e Jai. h ir .,-1, fi„,,,,,, t , ' ~,./ 1,,,,,, r it, rtt • rtt,/, , a , /,111 , //k . tit's are mot• , 1•31111 r .st (iri . :Z. , 11" . .1 0141 81.14104 I ..ainuser number, 1856.wi1l io.ntain over tut It,. ~ ,„I , 4 4,1,„ „ j ,j,'„,.,0 1 , ,„, f' .rte,, ' l ' l , l ' s ,.. • o ; "PP ..": the Ex " l ' all " ! int ' •, i ' -2 ii '''''' fr." the dred pitges of the eltoiqest reading matter, 1 1 ,, e1 f i r ',i,,,, r ,,,,,.,,i, „ 1, 1 ,1,1.. wr : ;//r , tt i r i' i / C..p.1, 11,:,,e.Ita•pIon. ~. 1 . .. Inc 1 ,r;:. st, cll4 El i Nerl ;MCI %lir/0d Ell.on‘in,r-t, ~,,,i1 1, ,,,i r. , ; / ... , /. , . • .1 P - Y , " r ` . .. 4 ' l ,'''''''' 3lll. ian I 1.1•••• t .ruck nt IL'rtlw Ire ever ofe re d 114 fling. )1% 0 desv•riottons of raral . arid Mon it.till :5. en,- . . E Let! number tviil contain a splendid Steel r . .A' 1 •' I - 1 ;l' " '''''' ~'I 1{ ;tier to or ri iota , Ts ot ...ati-mt lire. , poi • rr% 4I; • „ ElZral ing; a,plate of the Paris Fashi,ms, f ' n nil •f•f•trients In import On , r 1 ' l . ant C•linatinoi I.,fe. bv ithe sao.odoits Speiltat.,r;' „ ' ..'"" • " 1 " .1 , .. ,i•el. elegantly rot reed, one or mor•• nen, It s. the spirk lin." Et 111111 . 4 I n(.. 1 , 1 - 41 , 1 t .. /. , a.n - 11-1, Goods n 1 inlrrh , 1 111. tlipir Ani, merle:in ch . Alliettelitt. - ' , tithlv illustrated with sorrel e:. I.a Inas: 1 , 11.••••1. l y . r f,,;; ; ,„, ---; 1 1 l''' 1 -.1 l ' '' , , i, c ., fl. •••• in Inithietirers, the% c•in a 'id wili .... II r .11. ire/ ustro#l. ~.,•••••raiy t.r.ziri re. ins t . it,.. \I i i " renn Prose and Pruort- -. n Fdaiir's T-1 I • 111. • • •• 4 • -•e .• • serisil,ll,nd en.npr. • ln . ll••lt.• c-it.,10. ni - sober -L.- "•••"- ' than t;'" t ' " f '' e e‘tah"hntent in atqlewa of Netv Bonk.: Monthly Simito .ri ; and r ,i, , ... 1 1,1 . t .„,j h i i 0., r ' 11 ., - 2 1 .. n! T•it2:r •ct•u•kli. now very extensive told ,ta‘ on Fashion, and Fashi , ,nahli. Inteilitiei ics .• • :' -.. ` ,-' •, ,'' ' ' ''',' ,% ...' f: , s r" " ie those wishing In loir -I 1....• - 4t, tea I :It - •to low ifte•• a ;in lit.- Jic L iiito utlfl .15:ii a. r. Hypo.. ~ , . - - i are , . 1 f • , ' I ; ' • Patterns 'for N-etilr. work, and new Mu • suit. 'lto i otowt o r ire a eirtuin ..1 their ii . . 5,4 1 .12 or. eepre s hf toe liitite . ,l curs iee, _and , Ante the N as t 77, 5/c c / .F..,,,,,,,i ng5 , - „, 0,....:„, :6,- I.Lib , ,„ Li .4vvrxi t% . • .iyi,.,, 4 ,'. m,,,, ;; , 41,/ B e t tis. s•z:-Talile knit,. and forks. `F, a do., Ir • P embrace 'finch' exec-wed i• Ch tF 1 •r*i• l•-tif' 11 f 1 • h d Sti rt . ' r a r ‘ ... r . .. forks arid sleets. Is•ti :aid pocket knit en. por ,raits ntc e e . r, si . • ~, r oot st„. iii-ssor, ,an , , "-- ' , lora.) and bu t c h er ,b,.. hat and straw (10.. •ici..- torati.d ladv-wrif ern of the davdtitersper-it with it'" ...H4. l Ziti'es i lard Ole ,nifilwr', admirable Juur. . I %ors. ste•ars„ :mil razors to itstinia tea and voile x tsriety of other 1441)1 . 114,1% 411 Ut•tieral interest. • 11,1 / •." .?// - ' • •r ir ' . r i I • • r I • •..1 '., ~. ltre tend 1 i, nia ti and Iht ,ft rt. ' Th e Pash.inn Plates I.V.• do it , t cl•nnider t lii.ticath •• ir .11.7:dts 1,, ; I N ' t- - - f t ~, ,i• 1 4 • '114.41 1, 1 • inl ••r; • • •11 ...•k s• f 1, .rrowitt ti li •iiii liiiiiliiii :nom Pune I: .4,11.1 %%in' ' ' ~'. .. i ltv ,' ' r. 7 . 'i f ' i : ' ' l 'nl ';''' '''' l 'i o : ~,,,n araved on steel. ..fier the lif eat Paris ' F. , hiorp4, gi v i r p, 0 „ t , ,i,d in.. c.,:m,1,.., f , ,, ie., illir: it J . , -,,,., I enott ty, in Ike uset.f the tlone ; le r ` . tl. ` v i . " - '•:' 'lr l" . "1 1- . ' Ifo• Ira "'/-1)",...,-11 der of tile Tours v, 7 ..1.41) .1. iiit rt./1 a , . tou( rani,. li t' u fs IP:11-1 fit, to• ..rttantrio 4 • isras.4 met iron th. month. Theo' hats heen pron•mne. ri Raper or,,ns. shove Is •• t: 1 tones. &,..; •.- to those published in any „flier Ainericaa lv by i' l l '''; tf•t r i '; ; lll n ir r ui , E' ''," l " . ' a l id In a" t i l . -* ' " 1 • i-, el - , • • 1 „ r„...sing iy•asse l / 4 . MI ••••1 1 •Itr:v g,,s, pl,iii•s. to- The nett gr.,avto rr oi toe proem emoines. ;. Asii nn--1 11 "i i "•r wlih a _)"merit assortment sit hineo-keep. Toe $(.3.,-.lp li-1411trou•dit Euni.. The iri`ol Engravings -1 Africa into nor-n.4,4 1 ) 0 •ramiti ; and ;will orcialy ' In g ar! ' vf "• 'kebel of the highest 6;iish, and by our best art Mlllll I i ^. if AI It ' e i i lIOUSE 'rIIIIIIIINGS, I , \ one V 4 /71114.4.1 71).4 41, ...en. . i.os„ Jr ale.- , ' 4.F.,, licilt.... serrw.., brad I I I "r.i a'..Ll l,, l'fitoans. is itli all pirts •,) the vii,,,rtil. , e"P- 1 . 4 in.: of f . 1- kM. i The Literary Matter ~„ 1b ,.. t 4i twit ~,, ,re 410 ,, ~,, t , it ~,..,•i,„,,,,..t it„, .. , nail.. 1...1t..., ~t arn{ xindets: Asfring . l. blind 1 tsten- Il.'''ennnist id . nish,,rf. Bioor •pide - .1 and Lit ;mu itila . l. l .l.2l•lii A•llPrit. 11 t • • 1 n,• 1 , ,1";•cf ~,.I in,. ' ing.....1.01n•r -erew... •diti rast..nitjs. ace s ;,.., 1, •....,.• a....nrtn.enr or 1.....d r e for earpohter, t t•t• remarg. Sk,:teb,..l ',if Trate!. Fin e A-ts. 4" , 114fi1) 14 11'id • 11:1,1,44 „ rtute•t.rn ..tintal.•- • Ant ' • V.i.i.s, Tales. Romartroc. ete. The No els and 'his mii jolly. IP 4 . 441,14444 441 Ii it ae ir. ecolinecao u 1 n '' d j ' 4 "" r '• (.11 "" 11 " 41 "%I I . "' )131 ' 11 ' 4 ' ' Thl " vi ' ..i R 4 nanret4 of “Gr.intie univ,•r, .1 ile pv. wil'i, tint bi:i...- ttio. Ihr hatiie i s ...o•ii, to ''l "I ek. '" - "" - •"*""`"'"?'" 2 fit 1)1 ""' - ". '''''' e s , h ""• inir...,11,1,-11 ts. •,x, - ..., ,di ••.„ eh sets. 'tigers, angi r *trot ledged to excel in beantv and interest ata be bst,teit'no Otto nglva tap d pro w '. 4 ..r chm. , .. ' others published in A , neriea. It , ~,,,,,,...„/,,..,, ~,,,,/,, ~i i ,q iiii ,.. ~,1 t0. n . , i n. litt , t,lt bite, and insti.,W a1.;.r.-rs. tint ils, [l.•ll.lws, ri4.,...., p..h ti • I pr,,ph,. 1 ,.., m ,; 4 . it .,,,, iput ,, „ r urr ,,,, / 'ii iteflt 4 1T - 411 111 • 1'hi11.44.. 44•4!;.1114. 44 4 44 111* Il 1i111111.4 . 44. i 1 ' Inc Editor's Tahle ' ' 1ir . ..-k 1114 pi ottetiter trot% et- crows cut will and ' llll de up i•f humorous Sh•oclies and A.o.c. ; Ge '' - ' 11 " 14•le " I ' b l" . '" )) `"• (.4 . l'o• Prostle.. / .....1 Cid . / / •s. , , . 1 41Z:1 1 104, (it ill , •41 is eiteielmg ot .11 the IA h•di. ; similar '''''',"• , , 7 ' '..^. Foreign•B•unestic a•nri Literary Go..ip.ete. divans! Ilarmoss is 0r1.i.; :bid Vota ile , ~ , ,itTr.,%,.1..., A li b e f„,„, A splerionl ass ,, rtlil-nt of Sao 77„t iffmr// c' , - ----t-g ...,:tnirnary of Curre n t Epiii IR :. 1- mai tu t u- tor ~ , ,e ....i.v. t , .11.: aid 7111 P4•1II 4.11, 14), maker.' trod , ,,ni I trinindrvic ' pre • pared h t %VIM •on D.w .. tri‘.... -, r,tuldf.e.4.4 ..1•III 1 .4% 4•ilu 'III. u% a. ) lit rt fill:t ati.1.41 . 1.1 ). in P‘R \II \ G TooLs, :ontit, 4 , r the Prineip .1 events, u hich hate t .k. r• - ivii . rs t.i•itf i thr• 01. e r:, i l l 1.1,0,0! oti /r k....1,• ~ • a t. c" 114,611 .7...r -I-% , IN •..i , l l l , • ,- f-rii•Lralses.-eylht c • `') P: ice• in the tv orld, during the preceding' rin is itpoii• efit•rel • ' 1l • ` '''. a ,neg,z •• olio it th cradles, line.,, pleis axes, iron burps grind traria,. , _ While Its e a store t.. 4 meals e the Li V I II N G AGE '''. "`•••• Il;')•• • The RevieWo. of New Ryoks from the pen of A ; 1 ' 1 0i.....r.i0.p.t0 It •ti •"`"h k• • ' f AN.... I:r.iit•i r , r toe sale of Woittenuire. i n 0 ii,p.. 111 Vo tt 1•10111..rts.-, it-- , ' r•4 real critic. air. ‘Vtallitc • .i formed of ,I hi • t hal pro , r e ,.... o f t h. • 01 , 44, mi . iit _... Squire.: & C'o's Agrieuff !Iral. tools,soeh as plows, l'ae Fashirn Art* I h• I' ' r . ~• e, t -) ) •n" . " • Scot% pm , •• •to Statesinen.liaime s ;Liwt,ers atl.lll' 0v..a:•41:1* hat ati.l straw ranters, corn shelters. 4A % on!, , • i corn•et and etunprehenalve neetiont of --to ;men', of business atid men of leisure-it is SI ' I " fifi ' l . 1 !; 11 "" r i " a" .. f r , r ` i'l l 'lr " v ",, u f t" i 'llftl• • •' .. rl , •w o r •e t r ~ , r ) ,,,„,.„,.,. 8,,,,,,,..,„ ; m 3 ,,,i 11 ,,,,, sI II //, /// , rl/rt , ,/r . 1,1/;,/,/ , it, ti ;; ;//t,. it t/ /r r it, 1,, to w lot a genera, 3.0(.6f-intim, ••••• filming,. ~.,4 " k• Et" ~ deriele 'lnd e%e'yti,:rg telt, t in. , to t , ei'r st ;se, and children. .t% e heti. ••• we cII Ic 00 I • .. 1 W int'. IA Mow er slips. w. ig ii ns, clutirs en:44in. of in:et...iv in I3die... I has do simi. ~,•, . ..i.d in hur d .s. and 111 1111 411 • ; 3 11 .1 11"‘"R 11)",11 d"rrilin""s• iiii, Needhfwork Pattern% for C•11.1:irl. Ender. ,' ' ' ' • t- ' ll r ironl.l dt• •I • '• rl 1..1 • , r -tita li , cpt. to make the t i vorl. in ft-pero, tilt in 1.c,1 ' •n,s " '• """ :.Ste ` • i n " " 'P r '"-... ) " '-;..5. Caps. Berthas, Skirts Emi•roideri e s for • ery met' inf , ,ritied huoll We sa ' nvi ' lyairir• ea-tings. c0.c111,1'4. and trimmings iit Y ri,„. „ peti.,u - , 11, I• f • ere ue s. and gt.nrrat Ntoollework, mre nti. : ht., I„.„, r „,„ • ,„ 1 ,,,,,,, ~„, , f 4 ,1 0 . 41 . iii , u : to, , it is i/ .11 kiti4.„ p lints. so f t sash. gl •ss, potty. &t... all `''`' . "l4 and !)eautifully design e d, . „„ t t,,,,„,ibi,, U. ~,, 4 • t i• I 1 •.f whieh will 1••• sofitot 1144• liswegt rat.ot Please nr ,0,,,,,4„ the in .i.,,, oi It my .1/UNIT,. ,i- 1,..fl in i / a'nd• • lest,. 111 til•lral.., 111 nri t gil t , 1 • vitt no,. ~c atn;rti- 1 /1/..tnek 1 . .. r rottr•wirrs. 1 Ilitr , hfroto.-, M-relt t. 185 r.. Ti 1 I er ir.ur :Han fit '1ty,11;... iiiig /1 slaii , tent , rripply ..1 1. 4 - ''. a MU. at 3 1139ie Sttire, would cost ni••re ~ , -, a tear'situliseription. 1.4 11.• 1111% enaraeler f' it. Iltefrat and 1111)(111 p • TEEMS' --One crypt% one volt - , in advanee. en. • ' P i "' "'l lgt [ h " ' 2l. Cflf-d * . • rqp es. B s . B v0p1,.. , oriel ono to - 4uviit 111,4 1 1 We ft?po , r th at', tiv winn.iwin . ,2 th,. wile-it Iron, , the chaff, by pros idlog abundantly for the ;loaf! I MUT np of Club.) 810 : 11 copies:and ► one in l io ttiun rind hi" a Ito 11 11 r• II • 4 'II. 820: for ,onoe ropy will h e sent ! h i ." t ' iX..t ., CO Pr. On 4, ar 4 21'441 1%. "aN Addition,. to Clulm at the - same rale as I '' ' '' vat ` ! " * • Tr" . if. 5 1i..." , r• i''.' ' r l in''f" s'llid 1114, • f .1., „4,, i 1.. r. wi• tmrt pinquee a ii-..rk tiihieli niiilf t e • p q t . , ,;,/ iil.r, % hilo. at 4h.. *mot. time it will aspire to Sii.-.4n eopies se , t gratis to threat; desi ' n"r 111.-6t il h,,. rtri- Lr i.te ,Ilse Ind rd „if• v othe In.kkL. - All .. 0111 tnnnientiOnn to be a dd r p,.,„„4 tr , I h% Toe lot log AF:e is ...tifilisiyed evert- Saturday. i E. LITTFI I. 6,7 en . C....rtier ~ i f Tremont Aid ' ' AIM 411 A M H. SEE r. 1 X 1 (. 06 , hil alittrod., • 1 I Br field Kt._• Are.tori: prim 12 1 I cents a i tiouiller • r•r six ,tor ,rs a sear in sdvatiee. 1/i. THE siiiirrisis trulitir E n tLic ... % 1 11,i tai res for :my ;10-4-ititi .toil Ise thankfully re And Blacklved's Ma pazine. et•iyed and pl:. • 1 1 1 ,1. 14.1:11 , 6•114..d 10 c: POSTAGE FREE , • i t r E.NARD, sco,, ~,,.. C., ~,,,,, y virk Cott. T.. ill subserile rs,o- i itlmi 1500 miles. ivho reosit 'intl.' to republish the followiuo B r iq.,b f in ." d r 44. 'e , firrt-v ( 4 ) 1h- o ffi ce 4 p • ilittentiou n, " oindientn. viz : . . , 1.8 st,n, Oh• su•li •f Six D. fl P .arts, I.N *in ilmi,,,. u.. th.• work lieto 'I the I.' I lull . ' . 1 , Nl ' 41 he tte tent ,, . 13 - fr,„l. •••• .1 I • qvr..* 1 r, .. a - ‘ , " e ieflY R'..."1 1.4 ", . , (11811,1 i etpiiv di•nt 1 • 114 e eirst of postnoe thilioyir-usillY ,it lAinieUrgli Reirkew. (Whiz)- , 1 elell A el m ling. out the Oiati of ttendintr :carry mati . is e , rth British Review% (Free Clutrth) , ,t , i 1 eqs,, li. tutu , open ~ e ; Free. 1 - ‘ lf l , . ll ttillster Review. Liberal) 1 i gekui„ K r„ Ed d a, „ - ~, , ' E . 1141TTEP, 4. Cm,: R ,,, tim. ~., , r . . / ur i SlignZler, t , i oryj et NI & In t p raun ant* bliii m of tiffsira i n onD Bi enier these ftlbgeafitlilt ' 1 1 6 9 Tr • t s ‘Jr . plea . esting during the year . 1854. . They will bectipy I a !Piddle , grouted -het wii,n - •this kiatily,,written Il nitwit items crude Opri{iilations, mid -lying- nar4 atm., or the daily. jourPak and the P"nder9n" Tome or the, Norm 1114nrian, written after the Living inteter,and excitement ri(the great .pidit.. 1 iest!mv44ll4 0 • the !inn-ideal have.. fia"Ae4 , l6Way,l lt to to. tht.. periodic:il+ inuat. , lrritli 1 • torithe only 'really intelligible and reliatOhj4W. fy II r Clirreati . rr4.iltS. iinil aK Knelt. in addition to the+. -, well loitahl imbed. literary st,"-lisitifie, and the. nlogieril.elftrtieter, we, urge them up in . tho e o n. i4ideration oriihe.reading radi i .. . . , I .' - ettranueinent.inre in• progress for (hi, yeeeipt i,f 47 - , K. ty ~,tie rt ., iiiitn the British llnhlisfiencliy. wt,il K h ie.• toari ho , ald e to place all our-I-4:o6m+ in tie. b l rols :,.1 p4tifi,t-rika r 4" about :14 nuiin rei th.;, , , e.:tv be fitriiii.hi ,I!with fin.t..r r ig n coli!e,t:— - A liquu..:ll ihiK will inv Are a very lirt,re iintfly "on 'rut. we ,41 - I.lli eotiintiti 1.. tho lb -lot h . es.lsiu;..the sstifu. low rates, a, hen•tofore, viz: - I ‘ - . Peri Ann: , .. . . - F., t . any J:7l4±,o"iVe f •nr Review's ; $3 Q() . For :,1% wo - i.f 'lie loud Its.V!vw% .!.5 U 0 . For ani 1 liree 1.17 II:.. poi' Rt•VieW4 ' 1 ;,7 tik) Fur nfl four 91 . -tile Reviews ' li 00 For Illackr,,,,d'4l. m ,g:zine . 1 - !3 00 .I.` .r 13 1 ,1ekkeii,,,j's nod the,Reii . ..W. i 1 ' • 9mi Forß'a,•liieoilif anil 'the noir Reviews - 10 00 Faymi•iti toile io.aile in all 'in advauee *net- current in the Slate where issued --v. iil ri. l r...-eived :it ,nar.. 1 . • Ct.t.mtv; —A diseonnt of twenty fil e'pere. nt from the al...‘ i . iirli.;,4l Will INI allowed to Club. ordeiring four or fa! trii eindepilor ,itiv taw or in-re of' the , work,... Tho.; : Foil- rui.U• i i 'of 111. , eitwolid. or of time Roi, - lew„ 'IA ill , he Ke n t to ..Ivry iiiiiire..K.f i or - r 39 :I t..iir eopies - of tlie;filir Ri;. viilws and 131,,e1,w0nd rot 8.11.1: and i.ii 0r)... il i -s - rAGE.=lit All the toin,•ipal bitten and tottl' 0) : . - L- •'11 1 i I' • il- i ' l y: 1 i•Ke . t‘{zl.,.. %%1 . . • I ii.t‘i•re • I fr0ti.. 2 .1 Ait.lAK. I)Np idll'..oage. - I,Vio , ri • Sk,flt hr ft1:1 ii 111% i',,..ta p r e to. ;:,nv it irt of:it. .1,1, - ,it...1 Seale -0-1 I I. e • hlit ill 1:en1t ! a ..,tar !.Or 13 :ark.W. , 04. Midi. hu twelve. venqc a t - (•-•r' tore eh. or ;ht. rt..% jetr 4 .. I rptitt4r.r.f - 7. litoii cornwiliiituttk4km •:loo . iiii AI ' tt - aytillp• iv , .`.r.,•44t.f4 I''-t p,lit. to the l i nblisleirs ~..i I-T i ONARD st"OTV & CO. ' 1 ' . 1;... .... .'' i I 51 Gold .t.. N,..e York: • L. S . .3,:.. 1 -- c - . 74. ILIVe r t ....1111y- 1) , ,1t!i.;,. oi, MO li Vt. 1;;,1W t'or' ' ale.. th e "Fa , mil'' , Giii.i..." lii ILI ), y St-ehete.4. ~f 17.41 , 111 m,..: a rol,Prol. ,N. , ri.,ii. ~S' Vale 17.01 t:gd, Ni-n - iinvi 1.. c tap!, ti , in 2 v.,1% roy:il,.,••11-. - ..llTif aii, in., - I 600 p . ...,-...1. 14 0t.5.1 ari. - !.611) l611!(!(-4,trrat it,nN • i Preein 11)11,4in-hind 1 ir0r.T.30. - • , 1 I :44- T1,t, 4 vc.irl i i. 4 not . tihe old- " Rune -of th.. F r: 7 .i." I . I,•l ere*UseiCated !Int! th•owli upon the to , :tk ,, t. - .1 . 8w4 i 1. , , .1 . .. , l'omd tx. . . . , ! !! . • • - --. .7,„„,- -- tortrimnrEer- - • II II BURp.rxr belt thietinittore, midis tiveir. - ing a large stack of New - Stoves, including tile Star 'lithe %Vest and National elevated oven, BiaClciroirOrldeqViorld and Paragt.n Large Ovrnota.whieh hit woul invite particular attention 1 as the hest Cook int! Stores in market. vrith .a sal:::. I).rifirte!surte;ten of EirlorPlfire and Shop stoves for Wood or tosloiso Stove l'iPe, Zito, Sheet. - Iron. Stoves Tubes, &e. - , - , - - , , ,I _ • i- This ectieek is eielected front the hest FOnndriele . of Allenby and Mira for rash with the hest quanti ty or Trimmito2.4 made:to order for hiei custom trade. wt , irh,%iillenalile• him in tali re.pects to dery eosopetition. a ml will b,,,,..44 44 t 4 41 11) I 11Xt re/JULYea fur ri.' or 4 prirgv e 4 erodit, ' New:Slilfend Oet, 1855. . : Cosmopolitan Art Association. . • -Second i'tgar.- • TIMANCP MENTR . for the Ser.and Innitunt Colter/lon grit Ateehrlitltlat of Crockery nut/ Ghisn thi new: ail e d leap(* l : tel ar ant tilting, % . rot rh•,tifro.toti - & C...- of I..tesat urea , it Art. hart Seen mole on the 'mon? ex.en %yap.. 'ire Peale. Atcone the wbrkr already ettpce..l, the t ranted rkt,TrlFf.r.'w "which .riehuilly cost Ten Th•urrW Pr , In funning the new etitlertion. the .litfunion of wen a of Anterienn ‘rt the eneonraireatent of Anierieert gelat.. here not been (*retire ke,l Conan! 'don? tare bee , h.aUtal mitt .ny n' 111 , 110 414 n:ctii?lied Amerlean %Watt.: who will Poole:P.lst.. tome of their Mlle.( produetien• Antemt then ar. three Martife nu.t.. rxrcutl.,l by the grealeitit fn~Settlntot..--Ilta wen R$ ' (lEck - ;nr, M kslirvrrrrix •rly• Faith', or hi. Coulorr A IIVSJ %MIN' IF I. Ain KI.IN. The .. .. New ; D.INI Et. Eirr. he 4 tateetnan " • 'Peetal aterit 4, 1 I• - IlMftt• - /in't ut:le careful and ju.lieinna wientie aof ft - trete . ..nor'..? of Art, butte In Bronze an .ttt .ry and Ch...fet. Paintineo. The whole forter..¢ a large and' yaluelde eolreetlon of Ihglottng- and Stattnoy. to he tlfeiaihntel PR IR am..tig the me:rater:ant the tnenelatlon en , the Feron I Year. Tr... 11 14 tIF %IRV ItS.ll IT Tie .p ,, ymma re` three doliarn enu.rtrutet now one a member ot - the . .41.4.el‘tion. and ent Ole? hi..t to tither on e or Cle (faunal 711 1 .?..zir0 1t f. . not. year. and Misn a,t)eket In the nl th - est Attu, ti and rsiothtga. The hit catorel,ene.l in eul, , tiTeer. e•!na , at- of the fol low;t1f.. to eazinr , : pf•r's Koletier• !metier. .ham'it ley'? flook.ati.l Wort. • Persona taking tire. memter-hlts are entitled to any fly. 'of the Nltirez i nen formir year. and to Stir 7 . 114.0! in the .tirtrihntion The net prneeed. tletirtit• from the sate of e.e.letatelA to the purehttFe of works of Art fcr the entll.hl. veer ' • 4nr vr ;-•.= Iheennainw 4 tatemleer of This lanoelati . n. a T 1.4 ill T , .nirt. recaeve the P o t, value or their auh.,,ertp. gotta at 'he tract ire the ?hare str-e!tre Atag. lireratm e. menTler eon , Tihutine tnwerita - choir.R'n k. of Irt:ithleh are to he 4tat , ihut rot 'amen i h , and are It 1 the reel/recipe We I rt.. left of Ile e , untr. diaboraing throvetntla of dollars thro* . its Petnon• 1.. reinittinc tnnd, rer tr. feherthill will Tl:erote eive their port (*Brier. addre?• In foil , et4linc. the : month they with 'Mai - mine to rouse .rtee. n,. Parr tLe Tete 1 4 , 4 ,4 1 al the feat riffle.- In nrerert 1 ....;• on the re. eel ref 0f'uh , ...11 a rf terrober.l4. locether with tt the ilat - nrnedenired will h.. cnew,r ie., on i• te.rt of the eon , try who T.1.1,11,:•••Arnr,.7:11‘.. c.1.44.rr e that hr tb s .l..nri.rt. , r t. 4ll"V i•r•reive oddly ` 1, 4012 r, t, 14ek.t in the annual 41.1rIbUti.m. 11, .11 at the a etne.orree t.,T for Rrir , nifte'y . Woe, &air': (WI .keeeip tionn,.eent free on ar.73.-ntion ror ire mhr r`hlP :Olt - take C t , l•llirr iteto,ea ij-tt e'th.e .he n9l KnieVe-hoet•oe.if nron4way. New York, or Irestern lt7l Inert I.t and &iwMka of Nor.. Der nn.l January : • Th© Man'iatta,Tt Fire Ins. Co. --. Office tr 0.58 Wull-Stfeet. Ca PI . • - .; 025 0 , 000 I futon.. Isuildin.N.lferelntrulim.. Fl/rnqure.Vets i t.i.ts in Port .arid thPir oilier Proper ty. ttgaii,st. or 11;1111 Igo by fire. fht:E,..-Tort,s,—Nxthanie'l 1 irh-trtig. Sao-nip; F. Al, tt, setn•nek. Writ. .11..c5. E'dwin I D. 11.62.41. Nut. W. Pm. Sidney I,la.ton. Ei;,,h a 1t,;2.,;(.. It 14 to.rd. Too.. 8ar.0n.11055...1 11. Ni.v. in., 11a, . If. 1V 461. '41 . .b. e .4 T.ivior. John Stew. ord. Jimr. G.lit.m.Tho.4 W. Peirmall. -Richard 11,•nry: Ell.worth, Lytiolit peni,on, J .htt1,:11.44-..11 - N RICIIARDS. Prett. N. PfTT PALVEIL. Some 79. :-EX' ED tVARLO PRJEST. Agent, Bingham too!. N. Y BogAlo Robes. A ':or lintrili..R.,bept jug feetrii.ed IS -, and will 1.;0 . 5 , 01d at a law fizatm by . . H. BURJRIrt NOwliß/A44lqdro@sv 'ilentilellrefeetrowor 10 wade autking t OR i ftun in great. harry. WiiY.stbaes.the IC,Ktltiiitirde',CrtiltßATrd Jsh;tioditing, 414.3 i iOnlrard 'Ofer Nt.tell ifre d,seot, 18t h , there at the Post Office his just received : ••• tpy • {Rail Ituad.-Zapratif astew,lot tit flocks and SW Sepytocirrengt_idt. ' tiorferyntidTwatit I*.romttbilltre -Don't! be forertfuL friends, one that's AO.entne on he his gilt Mary Lyndon.. The Agodlor youthful, great or Hidden Path ; My floodagi and Fie.dotn,(Doog. I (it tactton swan) lass) Berthi snit Lillie, .11..Od's choice works in That Ut'llid Fellows Hall, setta it Vol. Ice., Youig:Polks glee Book, a Wit, I * ts 4 4. 0, 0 „ to ca ll. • • 1 ety of song Rooks-sod A large additiOn to my To got your vivtures done up tail. stozli of Writing Pape r; Envelopes and Ink, all • ' of the be;t quality,' and cheap for the READY. A. N: BULLARD., itiodtrose Sept, 19. 1855. I • W.• SEYMOUR & CO • A reititteivinz their Fait and %Viriteelitnek /loot' Cv,inds, which they feel con fi dent they rte fdr e ri n , ror S at, nt•ruct. is LOW' FIGURES 36y estahfishtnria in thit.ection.. Our - stork is Gintplets as is gunerally r..nnd' in country Store~. tiarf or d , Stlt.. 1855. URCELA IX, unit Granite Ch aa . at L . - G.,W. S. 460 ROCiIE and 11#y Siate. Sh.,w!s, all prices, 1.1 G. tl7. S. & 13. - - I : At:Kn . :l.i Br.,tiadt. DresA r.l. 5 -nd 6 nNinu-s (wt. r4rd. at" W A r De L inca , of the lateAt n t G. %V. - 8 & E Dye..l.apataine's Balm iik,,C a thou.:110 ;l-swum; and l'ortirm•ry at • G. W. S.. & Co. • New Milford NittS'v Entpurniu ..•, : IN FULL SLAST. s . rovEs fur 5.,!.. :at niekermans, i & Garr:it:sc. W.. an. in teecipt of the 1-r!e+i sloe{: of ..t“ves ever ;n Northern nt - Cookiwz, l'Arior and, ..izo pl.oo Itoth Wood and Coal. also rliil,a.S.S4irtinevi. i.l larzer far 4.111/ Ston e y. Vkr+oilki raft I kitien hir Attention to the Jeffer; . on' I-Elevated oven tho molt perfeet.and hear, i 4 l , O:('S 19 r/MriNt. ItUr v-rirty 'of 1 , rgi•. , vetl.4 icortla m”ntion It.. Empire St-iteiin i Prov..r :14 benz very . 10..1ry platpri and n perfeet NIA 'FaimarA of so fl on3no, IsPrn ifl 111 s habit ofpnrchitNin‘t :lid light trimmin. , gr. - 1 eat. h von ought Ls. foi.ltetivy pixtc.and heavy We snanut*tiknrit.onr own furniture and seiri then; at priee4.lll- tito4e. who p,y prntit eopire.t,• with it 4 - they Can.-- . 1 JoLhing done ;14 an' .Dart ;noire. . . . . . . . . 14ICKEIWAN & G.IRRATT.4,S • I •• - " t_lo . 'N ew milf"rd, 1. 4th. 18 .. " • To Dairymeh. • • • lii a ) UTTER wntts e Ii l. Tiligll9 , 'st market., Dr:. . ;- NI ees will be . paid in cash for Mind Dairy But. . - . . - . • ri 1 Disso4ition. Ini e , .partber.).ip 11,1-44.4*..r e e_ti-tinty. tindyr ; ter , 1 •1 • th.• n line f.t . Wirkiri,lir & 114i:.f..rd is IN,. ! day 41i-... , !t .-4.1 he • Tout ii..l , c,;nt. Tilt. iiott-4 ! J A TIP 261`. 1355. I . anti are..ithli4 are in the linnd.4 cil A. Wiritham ------ ft,r iiimiedi...te e..11...eti..n. A. I AIcIZIIAII, ' 1 J.IIOBIfORD. I'rip.idsville.o.l. 13. 1: 4 4:1•5;--15‘i:3. • Patent Apple parer*. • 1 'PDF, subserif.ers are Agents for the sale of t 1 the a boy& artieh., a large supply, of which At -min stratr i -------- , Ti'Ndtice th, v have just received, direct from theirmann. if “. til 1-1.4 Country Merchants supplied at wholes 7cOT Nii icE 4Fo bv giv e n th .t 1-tter testa. -ale prices. I , i. tnentary tip..n the estate of Iletir - fails.l ' PIIITE & KNOLTON. d. c . d. I ate of Ilarford tr.. It ice bee gran. 1 liinr , hamtrm, Sept. 12.181.5. led to tlisr sithscril.nsr. Al, pers , d.s inde tell to r L said trr.t le Ire negro...Nal to make immediat e 1 Thek are for the People, - payi I. ni. and those having (taints upon 'mid i .4-1 Late s 4) present them duly attested for st-tt lenient, 1 j i. . The CliLapcst Reading n the 'World !! • AMA \D 1 D.uLY„Adi u ' rx . .1 UNITED STATES i MA GAZINE Ilarrord, Nov. It. 1'.35. - /-IfN 3 - - f , AND TTO. THE PUBLIC. ; -ON ITED STATES JOU RNAL !.., - ! 7, . i Fur only one Dollar twenty : true cents a gear! NEW It - 1111A - LE ifiT ' i . . . N - Ei' P-7 1 - - $ lIAGNIFI,,...NT PREMIILuS!! •-- - - - ~ `III}: SUBSCRIBE:II"; havir.e t.:l:..nile Sion.' anti Wirt basedth . Sockot GoOrN or R. , r.:c • ETC., ETC., T. AsIII.EY, are preliari..•l. to veil for Re.s;iy Pay j The United States :liagaziae is now Dray, a i in the st eotid ‘o:ume. having, (biting the first VERY FI.SE • AS'SORTMENT OF ' ,-.:it., ac k. •i,ed nil nip tr , :lelfs.l triumph. . 1 %Vile:. :lie first number appe4red. -.1 far ;1 , its 1)41 - GOODS, - ' • GROcERIES, -._ , r sutis•rior, to anything ever he*iris pitbikhe i at the CROCK ERN - . j pric e , that it um, predicted on alt It tnris, that it HARDWARE. , , must either lie iiicie ked in ,price, or surety fail —that no such m tgazine could be sustained at I'ERFUAIERV, 1 I YANKEE NOTIONS.. the i \ tr.-wain try kik• price of ONE DOLLAR IRON AND NAII.S. 1 a sear. At the -a:tie - time the laudations ef the Boors Am.) i iiioEs, . j press thr . the country were unbour.deli *`LOUR AND SA I.T, 1 —.contirlits ent.fre notice- flowing in upon its i)). SOLE ANtl UPPER LEATHER, !thousand:4. Subsertbers began -to roll in with a Sr.r.. &c., &r. I I rapidit to y be 'end our most sangne expectations. i TM. malts inc has now re 'cited a large circular. At %iteti Plres as riliPY 0110 0 i e: 6 not fail to give i tine in vet; c State and Territory of the Union, , Wire ..:41.f.:ti011 to 111 who nay favor them t therrtirriffrff • the. British Provinces, and in the with their patron- rre. I e' Al. kinds or : principal I: ropean cities, and-is rapidly incrgas goads. produce taken in exchinge 'f"r .1g 11 where% is known. • 1: k eteetrott pea from new type cast express. 3 A-& It AS HLEY- Iv tor the pariese, and is print .d on a new im. Brooklyn, ?Goes "15. 1855. - I - ' Press, makingt . 1 proved Ada one of the most , l'eaciserNlAatui beautiiiii specimens or typoLfncolly of any senid asatioik%. il u like ,iiiiit ever issued front the American Press. Lwill b o ld extituiziation s n. 6 , 1 1 .0 , RA : i The btu. [ artists :tie engaged upon its engray. Pranklin, Nov. 12th at 10 A. Nt. I imp., and each voltime will hereafter, contain i trei liett.l, ~ 12th ;it 6 P. m. , about four hundred illustr•itions. , • . Lusest.oto. " 13th at 10 A. NI. I The e•, ' t ' r-led . P' 4 • 111 'the "f i n e of the Last en. , , Minstrel." sllustrated utth over sixty enmrtvino. N M;l6,rd, ,4 Hilt :it 10 A• M 1 i., „„ vv t,,.i rj „ . ,. tI. pufild...::d,ariti will he continried Lathrop, i 4 . 1611 i at 9A,M , h i ,". J. , ~,, r ,, w , I.,ii. six num t e r,i t • Seiriii •,, vtlle .4 e. 15tli at 3 I'. M. • .1. Sk•rll..{ of over one tz,tondre.l ori,rinal desi.rns, " 10ill at 10 A. M. illiktratird: scenes :did invidents in Atneriean I )iiti,•••l:4 " • 16th at 6P.M. ' Ilt-t. O ?. . 141411 1:g 'It'll) , tan immense cost, and litid.o..water, 17th at Montrose at 10 .t. M. ; ar '`l"tbll - li'd• Iwo i't . tit im- in each number 'of L.L,,,,, , 17,1, 111 j.„...;. , "' at #-.; p. 11.; [lse .11.igazi..e, :cconipani e d 'A ii h interesting and 10 A. M. i [:milli,,'.kvielw. rontietled therewith. SiLvi , Like, 10 at Bra , •k4iiiv. . at It alio. vont:tins. front bite to tittle views of 1 ova Mill.. lOth at E. ClarkA at 6P.M. I, cities, buildin' Irs 4enery, curiosities.ll ,w- A!. . mon. 20:1i at 10 A. M. I ers a ,,, ripilture. natural h story. portraits of dist. Flietidsviil e , 20th at 6 I'. M. 1 tirqui,h'i•il itniiviiiii:ll.4, ct• , etc., to which is :la- Middletlivin. 21.4 N.l.ll.ll•liviii% at 10 A. M. , (kJ v:t.':l Month a triae of nit and, humor, front Forest "Luke 21st Tout i 's S. house • G li. M.! .. Dentocritus. Jr.." the Linghing Philosopher. Lei,... 23.! Glenu..o.), lit to NI . ' w;iti his cotnical "pifitcr..r," - * c,: t ir . . l ,i . t 23 i 0 101 ,1, ar, at G P . m . ; Allll,.mgli it is our obje c t to give PIE , magazine Herrick :Nth Methodist Chttreh at 10 A. M. l a practleal and instructivr eti tracti"-r, rather - than G. 1.-4,11, 24 , 1 i P. „ , a ti e ntii, iin.ivipatiti. and sentimental, yet we in ' •Inek, ii, • 2 • fit C I • '`l• : tend that it shalt always wear a smile that will iiolll :It 10 A. NI. ; make it. Mt rautiVe to alt. It:, articles are mostly Thomson 20th M. J: Nriimford at 6P. V. original aid from the ablest pens in the country; Arai at. iith at 10 A..M. ',while the' editorial tat e,nt bestowed upon it is un- Brookli n 28tli at 2 P. NI. 1 surp 1 , .M.11 by that or any publication in America. J....1;p, 1. , 9t It lit 10 A. 'M. 1 In a•ldition ti, th•• r.eb Piemottn pilot' whieh given to those trettitig up clubs, rewards Rosh, 30111 at Granger's .. at 10 A. NI. : '" 1. , a fil o U ri ‘ 1.1 rl2' ,. 1: ~(;) re: r , , Tearliets are te.rieste, I- to bring reader- . . 1111. t.i., 1 HOL SA ND DOLLARS. - ii-ssi in the .listriet slid Sta)es. will he given to -ending the W ILIA la) RIC,' A RDSON. co. stip't. ber Lf subscriberp.ersons for the 3_la,razine.largest num- New Goods Cheap for Cash. W. CIO rr •:midi - ter lot of 1 ..-/ • Nt'W G. 1.411%. %Orli; ri",;4 Cf.illi.f. D i rfr e D e De I &e.. &e. FERs AT VERB LOW ITRICES. tiER 811,1 WL S, new 1.4 just p.tft-ri.... ut irry prierx. ell A VE and /ILA CK SILK SIIAIVLS fix Ime as the ifftret. . • inne 13 A s t - i -- Latt - t't)lt 4 :l p w moTrs Junic . 13 . Y .INKEE ,N otions urtvery vArior, nt G. %V S. '& • MEW GOODS. - LT J. ‘VE'lllli. fifsw% Nveiving n.. newittip. Li. ply of GOODS, which will he sold cheap vaNlo. Nlontroce. Sept. 18.1855 •1111 E hi; : tiest niaricut privet will paid far all & . kin iirprodin..e in exelian,7e paid P.r,szo.ul Dairy flutter at -1 1.Aplpatmn.Ort 4th. 1855. R &T. " HATS, CAPS, 45tc- Corner of Pearl and Chatham 51., 11*, HG. LEAK, (late Ridlrrty & Leask) • been., at Vie "id state!, en the corner of Prarl alid ChattaufStreetiros good an Assort ment of Hat , 'ind . Caps as can 'be fiiiind -in the ri!v„ and at the most reasonid#le prime;• S. ! ft. Frit Beavers, in greet variety from S 1 to. Children* ' Panes. Hat:4, Umbreltars, Silk, Gitigharn, rind e.ritten at manoffieturene priers. - 38m3 :•'ll. G. LEASK. • , Watihesitlocks. Gans, N.w niut.irtrmint Ind Received from Eng ill t a m. &oft/Mind, Gerinehy. &c., +Which %ell. he Sold below the Nee York prieeii. nt SINGLETON'S. VAlfreft 1%.5%-..11:: . . . ifhe United Stale* Jotirual is one of the lurg - e - A, iirld universally aeknowledgi d to he tile cheapest newspaper in :the world. ft is pub lished monthly. cacti number containing rtrtr- SIX •,p icioUl coliltDlls or the most valuabl e and interesting "eading matter, of 67:2.coltiiiins du ring the ve:.r, an amount sufficient to. fi11.3 large ociavo yid-times of liver four hundred pages each. Asa very interesting feature, there'ls now being publi-ilied in the,Journal, - a series of beautifully engraved portraits of .distinguished • individuar i , nce , iiiijuini e d with Well-written. biographical' s' ketclics. These will. two of them, appear each ,theinttiond . he continued through several - years. l'ae. Journal his been published six yeaN. and has reneheil the triumphant circulation -i)f One flunilred Tivmsoutt Opies, and wi: Are deter. pined Immediately to increase the circulation to One iiUndred anti: Fifty thon•and. - . W e have, during the last two years, presented to rte sitt , critp-rs - : of . the . Journal two series of 4pleivim gifts of offer 81,000 each, beside over $5400 worth or valuable Books, to Muse Send ii4grelidni. ..-.,- - We now offer the third series of gifts,amotrW iii! , to over 83,000 , which wilt be presented to qt . ; subseribera of the Journal as "soon AY the cir ctilaiiiin reaclica 1544000. 'rids amount will . bo . ti,ollows:- i The first gift! will !be 4 woo in money, to be presented to one subscriber; the ten next fts, 01 one hundred Dollars etch. in money,- will' be presented inter) subsaribors; and the . mode of deciding WHICII• subscribers shall . receive these stupendous gifted will be such ant to give. each eubscriber in equal ~chunee. i . Subscribers MuSt rely upon nur!honor to see this arrangement faithfullTand fairly carrisd nut. and we trust that five years faithful dealing with the ptibtie will give them antfielent confidence ie. oat. integrity and sbilitta fulfil autiertgagements. t Therirfam..EVEllY PERMS WRO StrILICRIBILS AND Pits . nil smALL - SUM OF TWENTY-F VE CEpTS will receive one of• the largest and Most popular newspapers in the world, for one ' :rear, and also ritarid - with3nce to obtain' * . gift 0 ON ; F:, -TOOtts SAND DOLLARS or one of. the $lOO gifts which we shall freely p resent tri auricibieribjsre: Adal3d OW -d TNlfilittif rift" ii Via C. W. MOTT. I REM' yafiety of Suady ,QlOthing k ftunp ."& P.'s - :,llte.ghterli fliolice.•l Duni° i 4 hereby ziven eons Oneerned in the feirowing WIT 1 Fegale of Aaron Ftvnearson. inte deed, Amy Rynt;araon & 'bane ,Rynei thini.tratorm. That the necount.ant latit Nettled 14 in iht. negiater'a office in anti for the Snagnehannh, and that the antno will 1 ed t.. tli t , ledges of the Orph•ins Cue eiphnt - v, on the. ling day of .next, for e.onfirmation and ail. , wanee. 'J. • W. CIIAPMAIS . 31i,ntruce Get. 30. 1855. ' A 'CARD. • • & KNOWL'rON would motit re -1 ' Apt•t.l fully cull the attention of parch6sers to lava. sisiortment Of HARDWARE jt4i re ceived and tieing daily increased by arrival:steam different manufactures. H3simr, purclia4d prices bocce tirin thin for wn!i•lt articles or the smite quality have been offered do •infr tint fire pin..t year,. they ars. enlisted to make sp.ite /) re. duction from their former very reasonable! de- Mands, to ) 41Yer b4)til town :Ltd C :sultry tr 41144 sliieestiont s superior to those of N. Y. 044ines Bioihatiaton 11. 1855. ' Irr.eNts Nrrital- of Vew r att IMCKFRIIAN'S GARRA'F'I::.; - ' rr LIE '' , lll)%eribet-A. notild inr.rtn I. the )))) 'peopl e Air Sus/1110 ; n Co. thin' are how ii t pyning their stqcl...! of F,:11 Rnd -Winter (;0011,4 Which larg,!ankat ; tractive ..E.,llthieh - will he "KIM for e.:14.1 ;or approved credit .. .oeatier thin can be bought! at tithor estaiiiishinent-in the einnity W4 -111C4.1) juitt what Wt Plea•ie give 11.,a trial. ! DICKERMAN & GARRATT:i. ; I New 31ilf , .rd, Sept. I.Blh. 1855: • n all per &date, of Kenox. rson.- Ad. ncccoots teouqty of C prt.sent— rt of said Dec4tober, '. Rekr SAL & D. SAYRE The largest assortment of Pianos, 11 - ell3 e a n ,, Mustral Instrutnents and Musical Merchandise of Ari kinds in the United States. Pianos from TEN 'different manufactories, etimptiSinz thos e 11,f every variety of style, from the plain. neat sm.!, substantial . fi !-'2 Mares. in %Vakiut or Rn"e wood C,se , s, from.slso. to $2OO, to those' of the most elegant finish up to One. Thousand Dollars. tISTo hop-e in the Union eon . compete with the above in the number, variety and Celebrity of its instruments,.nrmin the extrenzeill bre prices at Which they are sold. • • . flo7Acz- WATEns'llommtt blenovco PlA:cos, with or without Iron Frames, posttests g in their improvement, ef over strirors and net ion, a.lenath or "wale, power and 'compass of tone equal to the Grand Piano, united with the beauty and du: rability. o . ,trurt, re or the squire Piano. ,They 'are justly.prontiOneed by, the Press runt the first Musical Masters to he. eqiial to those of any oth er tn:sntifaCturer. They are builtof the bestand most thorettA seasoned material, .nod 'g,ttarati t4q.ti to ktitid tits aCtion of every cirniHte. This Douse has the S.ile,A•tency oft Gilbert & Co.'s eelet.rated Premium PianoS,.With. or without the Aeolian. Hallett & C'omston's, %Voodwartl tSr, Brown's, and Sactob Chickeri n o' s , and other WS t ton. Pitnos. Gilbert's Boudoir Pknos, and (de -1 g,ant . inStrumentler small rooms. Each instrument znarantt•ed to give satisfae lion or purchase Money:refunded. Second hand • Pianos at Gien finrtriiris, constantly in store, prices from $3O to $l4O. Sole Agency of S. DA .t, 11. W. Smith's Melo • deons.(t MIA in the riml teniperarnent) to which was retttently award, id the First Pretnium, at .the NatinnnrPair, Washinzion, D. C. Price from $45 to $l5O. 'Double hank melodeons, $ . 200. Hornets %Voter's Melodeons, superior instru inent's in tone, touch and durability of make. (Tuned the equal temperament.) Melodeons of all other stvleS and makes. - Martin's Guitars, Brown'ijillrps, Flutes, Tin, fins, and mush:tat instruments, of kinds. A large discount to.sehools, teackers, churches and elergymen. • The trade supplied on the must liberal terms. Music:--One of the largest and best select ed Catalogues if music now publi4hed, eoliwri.4. ing many of the ehoieu and most popular 'at rm of the days amnngthein ore fouod the universaliy popular productions - of 'Mantas Baker, i Mush. sent by ,ntail to all 'parts of the country, I post paid. PArticular and personal attention paid to all ortier received by mail. Satisfoc. Con gatrannialiu very itNtance..a. Pianos and Melodeons for tent, and rent allowed on put „ellase. Pianos and tnel(ideotts for sale gin month. Iv payments. ' Second-hand Piano's taken in ex. I I change for new. Teatintonaisffom Professors and Opinions I, of the Press. • ffOrtACE, HATS S . Esq., 333 Broadway : Dear Sir—ttaving examined your Piano Fortes from scientific end appropriate tests, I am ena bled to form a satisfactory- judgment of their Merits, and it is with pleasure that I can speak of he as itindrtg the most celebrated and im. proved wake; of the day. • For power, brilliancy and richness of tone elasticity of touch, and beauty or fini4h;they will not suffer in comparison with those of any Other manufacturer and , those desirous of. - obtaining a realty good Pisno Forte—one that will prove an -equivalent foetheir means, will lied anekii one in your beiutiful instruments. Tnoxis BArEn; T ' R. A. M. Lesder'of Jallien's, Band and - intialent Director and Conduetor st - Niillons Garden. For power, brtiliancY And richness of t0... e, elasticity'af toad!, -elegant.° and tiur!' ' rty,o i to J mak”, they art in advAnco Of An" other pianos in the United State*, heingthS result of long cap e . riento ands)vories 01 elt P e riatoto,—.N. Y. Dis. , #ideil.inta4. •.- • L t ... , : .a to (dear •ure„ benutiful, and 'i Presented:a- --- tUtentrkpittfie'tfek Or: ,0 3 ~ • '*., ". 1 - - ' •''''' '''''' ''' • .'' twenty iiiirtifoirnibelvidr , aohnelilittfilitillor he ions ; the' tni e part is tuilt and ;z nytirpathei.4 dine that the sabseription list -shell rea..101,11 i and posses he 'Air#:oo(4ll/t; fill. anion I - hundred and fifty .thnusand7thitir.vitluolangirst l• the sofine4ri lands; on n'de itie Ilk rumd as follown • Otie $3OO, onn 1000 p uoe.--,111000 lichien 4- -• 11811 Rt-e• W a i alw ir ` - - - - - -a lts..- twq 850 .eatch.- tan B:2s.eich. and Ate $lO eac4. • For power of tOttetdoptltnfbili t biniliiii , ‘ . Pasl 1 110 circulation 4 is rapidly Approaching_ to of irate, Cogither, *A anatritiy of touch t , \ 150 . 000 , those wishing sa interest in•Altese•Mog- their . itre-eqbal to anylmtke Isnionti titdmijkl nifieent Prines shouid avnil•thetuulvesof -it .st - and I cordially recommed them:to:o willifor once. ,' ---- .. ,:, . , •-. .- . - to-purcha.—V. Q TAYLOR. - -- r•-• ' 7 _O',7 ...- 4 ur Our-friends will find** Mr : Watch ' . very .best. rissitritnept of at ulitinid of ' infUvlo. 'i -- hefoondirt the tlnited Staten. and w 4 .• iiiret . ,4l , .. moutherp and w 4, fr 4 itera .i3da to: give' itIi L O L OW ' N 'or.k... -" 't ... . •4[ 431 if .; li 1 '-' OUR; PRE3IIUM. BOOKS.. f s Every_person getting epnelebef-rworosznar i s subscribers, will receive, post:paid, a valuable premium honk- or his own selectioti: from"-* sehudilo of the brat workspiiblish e d thr6oahn o t . the world. Many persons. by n tittle effort in this way, have secured to themselveu handsome . libraries. • 4 Specimen Copies of either Joprnal 3taga T , zinc will be sent gratis to these 'wishing -to 101 np All money sent by - mail'ns st our risk. 0:C1S THOUSAND MORE AORN'T.S To engage in vetting stbsciibelis - fOi our pul.,:i;l cations; and selling, the: • •• AMERICAN PORTRAIT GALLERY: • A went national work of nearly eight htindred pa..; get+, and it.u-trated' with over three huticed.4o' fitly- beautifully' engraved flortraits. :Igen tz;, are making from five to ten:dollars n day in this, pleasant oecup-itiun. For further partunklarq, Atidre•s, J. M . EMER.SCIN& Cr., Oet; nt 1 3pruee at., N. Y. • Will Fish Bite ? TIIEY will it' vAu u se the jisluno apparatus/ ~ , „ „f d.hrphyfd& Knowlton,. 3 doorl, eamrof Bridge: A. new ict just reeelveLi by. Express. Call and examine their laree assort ment. liooki4, Nies. Arti. (Wall Bair, &e. I'll YFE & KNO% LTC*: - ' • N. 1,8. It is Currently reported that Fish, in tl4ll4ectinn of emintry, will not he' caught with 1 , 111 1 1. r Tackle than'that sold at the Libor* estab, I;:ngh.nuton. Aug. 14, 1855. ; • • • NEW. 6.00. - Z - CHEAP AT C. Tr. jlf OTT' S. ' JUST received . a'lot of NPW Goods , RIPTI as De. [Aim's: De Races. tararnettas.- Persian, Al pacas. Goilianis. Merinos. Pnnis,- ;ri n d • sio‘w.i..„ in fsct a general assortment of, Dry Goods which 'will he sold I. WANTED— Socks, Eris, Britt pr. Lard,CheesP. Flannel. &c., any qmntity in exchrinoe - for Goods at card ! prices. C. W. MOTT. lijorrro c e., p t . - , • Falrand Winter Goods. Tubscriber wynid say to theltablie drat 1 IIE -s he haki just-received a 'general assortment of Fah and Whiter Goods jwllleti he offers to sell very iow for eah or prOdu'et... J. 110SFORD.- Friendhville. Nov. 3..1855-45m; NOW Sewfdry. A Splenlid a.snrtment, jtist lirr7vcd Mnnir,,qp, '- TIiII.RELL'S Executers"- Notice. • „ MOTICE is hereby given that f.efter: Testa .l.l mentalw upon tb«. estati,'• of K;traot Stone dee'd, litteoi' IFid.fletown towniffip. have been granted to the sit h.4.!ribers. Ali persons indebted -to mkt estate are herehy'ructnt ! sted to irtaloe diate payment, - and those fßivin7 any claim. up • 'aid estate. to. ('resent dnfy attested for 4 ,, ttlentent. The `9t0 , 2 and nee . c , Tinfa will be found in the 'hand ! : or B. G:idden of Fricndsville. , GLIDDEt . ; f GEO. B. J III INSON, 5 3fiddletown, Oet p 2s. 195.5+13tri3 ALD WIN ae. PERKINS -IWhnkaale and Wptil d..a!rra In Finnr, prat, Pork, Mai, Fy4„Candi.... sari solar it fqr pack; inz Pork. Cash paid for Oats..RyP and Mrrit. (In elies:i at - Si reel.— Eust rni4of LyrnikClisn• diets stare, Wont rase Pa. - ALFRiIf) %I.DIVIN • r11:11.KINN. Montrose Oet 30.1:355 —44. Ain)/ pork llm (lumen 5. The ~great Piauo,.Melodeon had Music Establish:neat, • c.?? • • HORACE WATE-RS: . No. 333 Broad wa y. New Pork. _- give_ whtnever* they go.. to. New,. 17021 g.: • -•• . :We eertarciar t hen!h. worth* Ofipeelatitteitttott:i from the resonant anti fleeeditigly . oniattilihttni Water* tt whicis_Mr. Wa t er* has saoe'eded N., Y. 3hisied,l IViol4 - 4. Tuner. - •. , The ifitrete Sinter* .ftre. : :of , suPetiou time - and . ple , gan t- fin " NOI . . . .4thing atthe State . Pair disylaYed greafer4i.i_ fellenee. in any_departinittnt -that the'Plto FoSsr . i insaufactured -by Horace Waters, of ; th' ,- eity,,,.4. - Criunciratisr.' :: --- • ",• - : : - 1- •' - •-• a. , Horace Waters' PisnO-Fortes are oftori, - tieite ,Indeven;tone, and - POwerful...W. -Y. - .lllsisigali-, nrricir. -.•-- \ • '-- -..- .:* .. -•-: •. .....- . 1 - -.:., s The-Editor of the Savannah ,RapeAtican, BA.. vannsh, Ga., spenki ng:uf -I he Piano Fortes kept by Messrs. J. W. 1%1c:111)11 & Co., .ot - that, . city, -; .says: - . . . ... ... . .. . . "-it wiii be seen that their sfocit-c.otripr,teet .tn •- atrurnents:of every grade of eicellenee;:fremihe .. Well._ knewn: manufacturing:: establishmentifist: ' • Chickerint4 . & Son, Home-Waters Ho. Wore's., ter, Nunn* and Ciark, and •Bacon and Raven.„ might, well be supposed,- that in tin - lerge,rs Fol.. lection:- there ivould_ beisotne very - fineinstresi• nients„ lint there is • one which,' for* bestax of 4 .-. finish and riehnoss and brilliancy of tone. equals:7 - .. -., Of it dors not,;" excel, anything of • the -kind : :We,,,.. I have ever seen. It its from the establishment 4,.. : Harare Wattirs. Being, Constructed of ,the• best . ; tind - nti,st thoionghly seasoned : material, antis .inr.." 1 1 on improved Prineiples,:it is:capable .of - reaist the netiOn'of i every climate, and. of standing •s' , flongtirne in tune. - The kev:s are of pearl, and; - . i . the .ret*Pli`i • for the •••finger-board is • inlaid', irittf, , _ 1 pearl. - the leg).. aft most ela borately carved; and i ! the whole. iraiirtim'ent fi nished up hi a style of ' great exi.elletice and funnily. , And Vet its'ih.ief " . j merit .lieti. in the' power -briilianey, aid - riebnces of. its train, ndd the elasticity of its foitch.'",i • .. _ ' '•• "A Tnot4sn. l'raso.l'4-We• paid wi- ' „. , !Visi t'the other day tir the tinisiesttire!of Mr. Hoe.. • i Ace %Vatirrs:l33 - .Prank way,- on perpese."trte .. .si .- : • : . rapecimerip,of he, pianos. just mannfectitred -ii .hia'''. up-town cqtabtisinpat",.ar which we- had iitii'd' - a eood deal of ltoasting. It :nay not be #eneini. , ! Iy;kl).'ilyn that Mr. Waters has been. 'established - . .. in - tns city hut a little. while, hating Set . tip .i. s . a I Xmail . wev some six ,years -age agent fo. a. _ i to.foortirtri, and gone on by dint, of jndustry and: . eaterprise, ti ll he-nas become one of the most: • 1 prominent pita-sie . publishers all4:de:dens-in the, country.. His musical-" inirtintent*. are. well,: - know n fo r their. suierrior quality; thougii:theY: • scarcely surpas s in richness, volume of.turieincf - * • tteijrajy of touch some instruments O f titoreobs. score makers,,which -we have seen ; yr;t,eiet) in - • • these prim respects, - % Voter's" best :planite:: afict: - _ • - trielod e o ns kthallenge comparison With 11reffinest . •* I '-I in t he .- ; in-,t earl . ) w 'ere - Chiekering. Gilbert ant" others are more . rutin - mai , ' i .The partienlar 'piliho- we see, tifongh . - -"'i• ~.I,' t is certainly a superb affair. - It is charact4, rised. - --, ~ . . 1 1 by great fullness and softness of tone, an!! It: : 'inarkable eiTressiti pokier ii While.its" ext4teala . • ; are.equally notew'orty :' it Lhasa rersewendenne," . • • , ~.. (deg:TOT . inlaid with - pearl, anal, uaresi" I .41 in vartons cabinet designs ; altogether-04 - 6p.: -I .With every i enre'4:4"finish: fithel pianos we Iteord_ 1 in -the .tune room, of equally fine . totits'.-theehtie 7 leTasg of ii . stiurnents, in filet. except the case-of=- , feted for a' fracilim Of the cost of 'this. Very cies: • I ' • I r , nt• It- e l'ertim s wishing for insimnients of • 1 - 1 kind whether at the must economical!), Ore - t 1 travagant price.. will be likrly, to be suited at 41•11 ware.roistn of [brace Waters.:,---Horne.Journll--- 1..- A Ttrixi:, ,, er 13F.arrr..-W e had the . pleasure; • , ada-y or tiooTsinee, of irispeatting a.-magnifieent :•-- AitreritFiM.prino.-at .the spacious ware-room of' ... HoraceWaers, whose reputatinals-establislied alf Over . theTtiuntry as one of the mcst . ttneceseJ ;.makersful and extensive de - a:leis, and one of the . bell of the piano, this side of the.Atlantie.',. - l'he instrumtint in question, wai One of hie..risVn -". . Intinnfacture; a seven - oetavo; carved Foie-Weed " .;". ease, inlaid with various colored mother.of-pearl, ' . with key a of the sane material, 'and - altogether ; . shini ng and "sounding as. we might fancy of borer! sky-lark-ing seiaphoiri piano' forth. A more-ex. _ .-. ... 9:7 iYil te pirke of workmanship vie. do..not,retnem. - - ber to have seen, and the elegance Of its eXteriar was - the least of its merits..- - In terie,,,it .wie ' final to it grand,action. and we doubt' if Deed, or any other Eirritpean celebrity, could lar_o • rince ' a more-superb' voiced, instrilinent. 1 Mr.:Wsters ha* e•xperonentedin stringing- his inanos.fintra , . . . clueing a deeitled imprortunent—tir.til he been)", ' tit havest rttei; the fiountaii, d e aths. or9ound,frotU •-• * ‘!t) ino s t ilefleate to the most sorterons tones..., This p..rtiettlar piano; was rallied:at $1,000; bns -* , we examined And listened - to several,* at - prices. 1 ; rangino• d o w n to quarter i hai,lturo, all equal . in tone, as in nil the instrilments of his „own , num: • ufketure. -Mr. Waters uses. the .•11:1• L , snperior .. -" movements," so that. white. the . ricn -tag have - - - their mu-ic in a Ittxuriouti case ; 'the poorer can :• hat - eh:tit : as good inuala In a vain suited to•thek. " ._ .• means." • . *. ' . ' *. .. I ..:- ' --'. . ..' • Mr. Waters commer:ced in this. city, as . , :agent - .. f; - ,r the sale of Gil berfs a (Boston) phinos - little . '. over sx years.agtl selling but on. or.tWo a Week ' . ... now he is selling* from 25 . , td po piano! and:toe!" . - lodians,Wei-kly. ofwhich Italta-riozen of the pii...".•-i - : anos per-week*are inanufset tired-by hitnself.- ID this yity7 and two per week in Boston., by. 1 ". - • Manufactur e r o ho was fur-eleven . years .ohet. of - *" the head . Woirkmen in Chickering's establishment " whit,- the ba - hirtee are inti.le up of the tnnnufitc. tares_ ,t . Gilbert, Chickering flatlet _B.-:Custom, • :. land Wt etc] wank& :Crown, of Boston, and :salter . 1 of -th e be-t . inaker.Sin th e. con:lFri , - - . -. "" . We examined specimens 'rein air -these . m a . ' - kerS. Lilt ntitlivr'itaw -npr: heard. anything )364 . eq" - Mil . i), these of Mr. Waters, eive Maentacttire —eith'er in quantity and volume of tone;or ele. gance. of finish. :: Still, as" Many people have is . . • , -:, many . tantel."..llr. W. holds hich:43lrprquirrd •to . •:-.--:' -r serve any and every customer. - with:-Any desired • ~, make; Engtiste or French , action an'd - With.: or - Without ./Colinit or other attachment. : Music and .' . musical inStruntent dealers, teachers, composers, " and the press hi nil sections of th Union ; hero • I united in pronouncing Mr.l.Wnters Pismo)) second .-. Ito none other, of American or En °peen - Make: t •• • As to prices, Mr. W. doei hot ail.,' himself " .tea . , " be undersold in fair, open trade. Ifs thel - odians .- - .-of which he-keeps 'a large Stock, range *hem . _ - $4O to $150; and his pianos carry! to the .tone . I ... ! from slso' to 81,000. it -is scarsetY pOsailile for ' - 1 the dealer, or the hit- rr of ' a singie - ibatrutnebti :. not to satisfy himself at Ms. D epot. Waters' . • " -.;.• .- . . : In comn-clioM with this brand) .of he .trade, . * ' - , 31i." - .Waters 13..0rte thin must extenaive- publisher* '-- of etusie in the Union,: He keepsat sternly work"' •,•---. . - eight pi saes. and .bis.popular nmsie; b the Moat. - f . eminen comPutiers; ix-flying 'eritrywhetit . brill& . - '': ' f east t h . toghout the land We doubt Elf . Oliver f 1 lltston - flioslon . ; .said tai- be - the lart.r,ist musk - I dealer it tht. - Untted•States, turns ofrit4Dte Alieptii lor better rimsk, than Horace WS i terS.-- :When - ..' i Mr.- W. rointneneerl in this pity, he - wee told- by'. . :•': -.. - • corrtprti•pirs he liar, better "nutvenr i " nn " *a the 1 pianos Ifirnfrered were " , rthlo;". 6111.' Omer be; ' - • Ong' a prett y_ stubborn New Ertglandel., enneluded ' • - rhe wont In't "move on" the *Way his rii;als meant ' at least; until, he tried the market; and his rOii . eltision row; after six: years triaP, 'durin g . poo c h. ...;• . ' he lia4 betironefelit,ll to enlarge- his.l4tremieee.- '•--- . - several Uteri); is that. he , !kill 4- tri,iive'lim;" . and •:- : keep.moring on until." hi is Ole to„.401 , 100 - Iii: - ", strumentea"Week. instead 0f..3 0- , -7 .aibi,inak-l t t ." - - leaSt '25 4r the 100 'hinesisitir After 111,.-11f , 5..W a ..• _ . the . * siii..e,4.m is En:4OW 'PI )34 elf ritiuted-to his-lib. • - oral patronage of .tht;pitioi- .-:.!There is searcii/y a -. .• • ' paper in thellnien o f -an y:resPertability,• Info. ; - --- 'whiebidliadvertlieinehtsbarii not • 'found their- ' .-• • ... • way ; ' By no other. means could he in-so'sferr(i. -time have ariSell to his ' Present pOsitlen;*:.••4 6 ,-... .- . . - late price ef.m . nsie and ~,b).• ' - ,,, k ." '''',.." -- - : :- - - has nisi, tdi,tely Increased-Ma tiii . o. - •• ss . " 4" -'''''''''... 7 :"' . .. - . if maklag,..artifselingthei n .- ' - ,I ""'"''' H e :means ' C .. . ,•:.. ' .toiviqtt kiees w il l elf* , , - •r " ve r' ar 3rtiel ° at - fh. :-' : tha t . eoiiip el i t r„ . .. •--4 g , it, *a*. an- en - fat:. ' - , , . ...i will i t In the rear It - 14,,,wortir . . illly . OW •• . 1 -, .. . N• . - -. %,v4), e—nuser or r ..dret,'"ln at..,- - • --- - ''.... 333. BenidWay, (his depot ,)- and t!keltaiiiii • , or '- -- higilthings of beauty, for.. . ' . -- : :"._"' ---",- . :.'''• - ' .": -. . . - - ''. A thing„ of beauty tit a Jorforevet.'• . i" .- .' Peptide* at a dastanee - wiehing to purehatiewill: • by forwardint; their orders . have theii wants era ' -'• ' : *ma ands eheamt "upplik siltimigh ricimti. -''' ' -
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