EM=llt =2I=MM=!NM tticrnciits. •.' Ar..l , Viittenberg Eirother • . - Irk daily 7receiving a • Spriga4ind Sum. til e r Dres s - suoli as' BargiT,e3; - •plalti aiid - sitin, striped and-Plitl Organdis;Barnge Detainer, Silks of all coiurs d figures Stud. ,at New York pricci. • . - .ou.r. ;dna-of . ..shawls is ~.-w sclectaiong which - Can belbund BrOche Barag,c Thibet, C3;hin,?r,;. and, I v rindet Shawls... A splendid stock: of . 31alifillos- of the' latest J styks and s i t very low prices.. • .Our slok'of I;;lnhroidoies is selected areatest care and cannot trek to give- satisfaction. In addition we have a good.assortment of‘l.Ceedle work, Window Carlams at various prices. We. oho ofFi to :the pahlic nt .bargains,, Calidoes, I.deaefiecl and brawn Zilostin,_a good assortment of Calicbes, Redt.ickin,g, Flannel, &c. .• . 1 - loAiery atscry prices,"suvh is Stockings bleached and I)rown,-.Nlate color, black' and mix .cd stockings, a 'superior article of raw sill; Hose, also a splendid artier: of silk. 'Nits, Gloves, Rog er's Kid GloveS. . . WE; haVe also n splenai.l assortment of Bon-. also ".lisscs 'bonnets, Children's Fahey Strait t,Spii•-c.r...4 Flats, a good assortment' of Parasols, all at a - small adVs“ce above cost. Io addition to ail this we offer the pniilio the largest- and cheapest stock of Ready-made Cloth ing ever'effered in Northern Pennsylvania. Al sell - -genera: assmtinent.of Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods, such as Shirts, Colars,CrayAs.,stocks, suspenders, Drawers and under Garments, &e. Please try us--Alislpproye if you cap. - • . • .J. WITTENIVERG BROTIIER. --3lentrose, April 25, 1555. TIME CHANGED. .L•f;: Delawar Lac hawan &W. SPRING AIIIIAN,GENIEN'T! Oand alter . 111 •aday,. May '7, 1855,- the Mait Passenger Train will leave Ser. o nten at 10.:20 A. M. Due at Great , Read at 1.21, r. M. , Cot/outing with the Dunkirk Evpress iin west, and the New York Expresi ist, en the N. Y. R. Pa: -, svngezi tahin ! : , this train . . will arrive in Dunkirk at 11.15 p. nt, and in New York al 11,15_p. m. t: • 'Return. will leave Gre.it /Lad ,at 4 p. m. due at Scranton 6.15 r. at: . , Ti 2 Freight ..lecourn-lciltion Trairs. witli . pass. , ender car 2ataclied, --at'.ll"depart. frOm Scranton at 1.09, rt. .1.. connecting. with the Sla Train bound - \Vest, and the Ni4illt Express' Trainet bath re3St. :!rid WeA. • Pass;,n;:etr: takinz tii'm rain- and the, Night • Exgresi rest, will arrive in `'ear York - at 10 r, a. tn. Ily taking the Ni:zlit. I' press • West, -will arrive in Dunkirk at 13 M.', or by taking .the Mail . Train - West,.will ariiVe in Dunkirk at 6. 45 p. m. Returning:, ,-will 'depart from Great Bend at 7.00 ,a.....u. and arrive at Scranton, 1:2.10. A. at: Star , e4 . Will be in waiting on the arrival of Pus `m , sentiee Trains at Scranton. to v onrey Tassonsers ... to Carbonl.o.,Pittstom Wilices:Barre, Philadel , Vaia via the rt.".:'%iinn• R. R., Easton, andall other intermediate places. c • D. IL DOTTERER, Sul' t. Supt OiTi..e. S,ltranteitt, ? . . May 7, 1855,5:'..15tf , . - ... NOTICE, TS herAy given that applioation will be mnfie at the • next se:.sion of thi. I,o2islature for the charter or a, %Ilk; \to be ealloi The 'Form ers 4- Mcclaanirs* Bank: Located at S-usluf.lmuna Depot, Susqui.hinna Coanty, Penn'... The pur pose and, 611joet of the 8a , .:1, is for discounting and depo,:tt. • 'With •k capital of 1 R50.000 00, with the Inivii , !:ze of inerelsing to 5100,000 00. SusquA:l;:na 11)31, fern a. Inly 9th. 1855. ILIOSIERY—Men, fors, Ladies r.nd Chil : ten's' II ose and CollaN, at. . -N: & P.- / Arthur's Patent.Self-S3aling-Cans, Far preserri4, - -- 7' , :n4l,6t's, 11 . lierwricar Senli7 Cans I , ..ieh are sealed by the house- . keepers without the aid of a tinner, arid without injury .to the Cnn,.are rap coming into r!eheral use. Full direetior.s for platting up frelt , :nee.:nipaningthe - Canst and the -o .is so easily perforined, that by their / use, every family may h-ive Fresh Fruit and To: tnatoes tables all - v. inter, at :-....unalnee pri7 ceg. - • PRICES"?:—Pitit ti -2,00; Qurvt's 82,50 ; Half-GAilon, 53,5; 1 ; Three Qurt , :, 8-1.25; GalL.ns, $5,00 per dort.n.- siz.;s • ni. , st 3 in order to secure economy in trwp.)rtatioli.— ; Country Stolittc-ppeys l‘ Ili find tins new article one of ready,klle. Manufzietur;.d and sold by ARTHUR, BURMIAM; S. No. 60 South TENTH St. July IS, 1555.-301n3, PALL STYLE OF HATS. . . Osite.Price Cash Store. 'MHOMAS RAFFERTY,No. 57 ChathaM-ut. New York, Opposite Chambers-st . .. Tate of I the well known house of Rafferty & ;desirous of eallinz attention to. stock for the fail trade. - Combining elegance with Aurability. !his Iletws maintain the reiiotation, which for. the last-ten years li.• has eariwd 1))_ his assiduous tention to the wants of his customers, and by the fact,/which is well understood. that • sellin,g for cash only, every ens-whet leis the worth of his money. TilOS. RAFFERTY. 371=3. Chatharn•st., N. Y. . il''"se ' 2I Y O US 4 call no we ~ ..111 Irk to sup- i 1 ply all in wantis, - in the line of GOODS 'ever Frech Flowers, Paris Featheri, . . Strayv't.t Tailli..gery" Gooch. kept. in a eountry store, You Oeed not go to , , ~-I , New. YOrk for any tiling-you want; because we WE are LOW 4, ffrrilig AlOrZe ' -a '''' ' '' ..(4. ` 'r4'!l 2 . " .- : have tlfenll fresh from the uitv. Fiqwers, P . ,iris ~ 1•74.-atl;, - is., :ittLi 31;i,inory ; • . . 'Articles, of the most Ull'igilv 'l44lus:, L.gd latest' ~,I rin ,, liii ,,.. n _ -,,,-,..,,,„ , orK importation. to Cash .purchasurs at a great re: .2_____P ,-.•• .q. --..-.Y.0 , . • • &talon from time prices, and as we huve made i iarrangements to receive; threoming season', by ,almost every stearaer,the heWeSt s 4 tea of goods in our line, we would fake occasion t., :4,%4 :!.ash purchasers, lo exatilioe our stock. at-Nos. ;C4 &66.161 - ,u-st:, Conlin' orMjniii. N. V i 37tf AdmixAstratort' Notice. xroTlcE IN:roliv giro, cia. Tt74:l - mentary npoii ttze estate of Yefson late of Pqouklva township: l:at•c n• led to the.-subseribers: MI persons to . estate are her , :br kc.),.zted to malit‘. itarne ,watc paynient,.and those b,:. - ving any hair" iip 011 Said 12:' , 1-31e# .than duk for . A. J. TIFFANY, c . . _Brooldya, Aug. '25, 1555-35w6 . . NEW' GO6l AGAIN At the "Ezehancre," Brooklyn. SHE %tibl>r ri 1.•:r tak e .. this 11)?Q-Inurty .Of thaokinly. his friend., for. their vert' iiimrai ~ , a tronage the past season., and of ,saying to th< ut -3 addition; that, .having rereiv,4lfresh involi•es (if seasonable goods of vari4u.;,4 descriptions; Ito :is still prepared to slip ply Limost any article usu.. Aliyealled for at a 'country tore. 11 s . itssc,rt. o,ottt id now coniplete, and I,einft the laroet. in offorstite grcat6,l inducement to purtitas 'ci*.iither for :-Cush; ; Bart4r,. or o°o (shalt) Credit. • Cali acid" see. -A i • - - • 1 • • 0. O..HEMPSTEAD. , • , . Bruetly.n:, A ug:ld,' 1855; . Q ALT by tbe.bbl...or. Lilati . at.tho market. ni tea aJy" • . 0 2 G:.IIE3IPSTEAD.I-: , . rIVIE bighesi.. market pike paid. roi. Butter # .1 Lard Farm. Produce ..of nll - -kinds, ,-„od Skitmli.t4 rsimc Wnot toe— in San s; I'4•-•• • . 31PSTE A 4... • andDrugB. A, YEttS Cherry: loM— r ae oowlcdge d be the beat Pahrooni.t Remedy t.stant, .1../nAtt Eatraet-st fileedingly refuedy for divers iils—Df. Baker's' I ;t , doponotl4-0 - krtind speeihe for Disirinea,;Diss: o.*y, -Cholera-Sforbos,* g -Jan4 Phinney's and Wright's PHIS', lilerautnt's evarg . l'ittg Oil, together with a 'great L - Tarloty of Drugs . iti-vototoort use, kept constantly na.istid by . - • O. a HEMP/37E4W tinifSIVININIIRPOWII 9.3-Gm Ji()\IER & KETCHUM SETMOIM & CO • TNEsuim to eaßthe attention of the putlii their stock of • • i" • Novi' arriving:rat the bid stand of S. Sraidoutt, in the village ef f fiarford. „• - • - • • OUR GOODS - ARE NEW, have-been bought for Cash, I fully selected , and Xll be siild cheap. 'Give us 1- Ali tgforelparcha:4lnrr. Our stork consists of ' GeHMS • • , GrIOUERIES, 11.111PWARE: • - • CliorKEltY, &e., &e., I • -A variety as full' as 1.1 usually fount(Aural) i Stores. • r , 4‘W. SEYMOUR & Co. Harlon!, liar ;10,.1 5.55. • • ol 1 Wool;.::. 1.09000 - • P ei c tho harm !sylDtt x n • n zi o tiq fi l;t • highest market: iv:ace-will be paid in Cash • A.I,ATI - JROP & CO.. Juno 1°,1855; • I - • ti • sl p o. Reward. CiLI'TRAVED stolerb . n liver colors Ptiinter L. Dog. Tne,:bove reward will bp r paid to nn}; one returning hitrt to to ntore of s & co. lone 21, 1855: - • • - Mr/13E11G 'Cr 0015 S. . • A ' r. periol., just re erred, and now offering, :it the,lotreal cash pr'ilys for approved trod. it or Ready pay, by , . A:•I 1 ATI1ROP & Co. • GBOCERIES of:111 hintis.,at prices.that can't be beat: Syrup—first rate article at ,ts.. Call and exatnine ! thc Ntoek before purchasing, if you wish to save the 6'ingloy" Junq 13 • bonnets t Reduced Prices. 111.71:121Tt, will hts remaining stock Silk,LAkn, mul Stra i v Bonnets. a good assortment,at Famed prices, tt close the business the 'season, , - i •many of them cost. - - New 'AI ford. June 18.1855. I,OOK ECCItE. PoCIMT . go(f4 nssorttnont of the be s t tind in niarlief. ;Also 'l7nblo Knivvi and Forks-. SiFyer: Altirata Spuor.s,. , Also :ail kinds of Butterilinives. Viin,lN Sr/tilos, .flows, and all the fixtu'res, Violins, Aceord*ons, Flutes, Tun ingForkg, &e. FLvin L stirs, Fiuiti, Catuplsene, - Candies, Lamp Oil, - .. - F.Amtclf. Gr:oeflrrEs.—A full as'sOrtrnent, new rani good; - - 31.)411,76s . PA TMST 1.1 - Enictszs.—A first rate aisortment and genuine. I AND 07LS.-4 general asssortinent, ant: , . of rood quality. -- „,JEWELI:I7.-.1 splendii.l•variety, of the nenCest pkrns. , - . Fast: Goob.s.=—Ncarly everything in this branch. PenFtntr.rtv.—A choice vaylety. (New supplies rec . :4yd nearly every week.) In short, mc,rly ereri•thi,ng persons want, and chel:)p : :. - Athe.variety store of a •dr;o». „Var.. ' 4 DR .C. Ati 00 —licar Sir: fe,.an My birth with scrofula in tt. , ....0n , t f 'Tor, and row. after Co yearn trio?. and on uut-.1.10f 'it of been eardpletely cured in a foot weeks by yriar 1`; ‘fa With what feeling' of re.',6ki ,, u, I writ', -an on',:t itnnta hen you realize what I !Lave SOT:re I ant how I '-Never till now have 7 he,n Cree from thit„ 44 ,,, 11•0 In some , bare. At t;tne , it at Irt%el Inv 41 , .. and Made me a:roost +he nat:captor:ooe I,:,in ; at fitilerS it Settira in the snap of Uty and dr..:tro2.ed try hale. anal has kept 13101.--tr.tly hal,: all I' ray day. ; times it came out In any fare, an 1 kep i for ny.sttiii sore. About nine weeka I en•tatti•to- takia v..nr ilthri,k! VMS, and am entirely 17r." t h.• .itly eyes are welt, toy 14.111 is 4art , .. at. lie hair e )e, ! - rnencedtibealthy crouth; all of which tit:l%es me fe ijrnilf a lienr prr7f/D. ‘• 1171 , 111y!iiiiS Fintrrll , ll? 711:IY Le the inenll, Infonnati•an that shall do good to otli-r , . I tan. w.th every sentimer.t of platitude. Yours, c. ! • ‘1 " Ihare known the abor".• f13:11r,1 fiat a P.;..ker fr.en.her childhood. an. 111,; statement .t.ietiv' true. AC itit,i s J. =;t 1:;.1'r. • oTersr.ie of the P ort,,ntror b I.a Co •• 111,..Z1', of the ship Marion, 4.‘ 1 - 7.31.11 /infiffil. WWII April. 1451 " Your Pine have cured tne.fr ton billious attar:; which :more front derangement cf the. I,itcr, ulaich hatl are-ozac very,.'•rious. I it'll faitnd>nf 711 y relt.ef tor I.: A y F lq 3 and from evey relate :1y I , 0u7.1 :ry. but a few d. , 0 your Pilis bare completely restore.? e0.h.,1111. 7 hoc. , .risen thrtn to tay e1,11.1r.-ti for v•ort..: , . net 'lir .:Is Tir•V were Prom7.tly ean:,•-I I ro^ tt:..11 vii. Tit fri•-tad for co , cren... , • . which la 4,1 Wan -for atv.taths _he told mr in a few they, had eat:, I 11:-.t the best medicine!. the worhl.V.ll4 lam fit-e to ray •o:' • Rend this from the distiozni.hial Folicitor of the Su -1 prUMr Cont. whose brilliant uhillti.s ly• re nu , ,!,•, %Tr/4' will known, not only in Cala Lti . t the tate , hex Anti: 5. "Sir—l hare , zreat .a cur:.: y,ll alit eilf raid finally .have been very much b. eefl'ted by +bil. medicine. 'My wiry was cured too yeer , since: of I, a t 3,1 tlangere.cts couch .by your Cit r. ItY PECTrrsl.. 4614 slater th.en has enjoyed perfect My ehihtren have is -- erovo times been cured from atta.!l.• or the Intl.r•urt ~.' and Isrmit. by It It on invaluable remedy for the,... I complaint,* Your Ca Tr/Attract Isms.* have en , lr..ly I me f n yan t . a r ly et, et, n nta I cos. iveue•s. which la%. grown I upon me for some yea ro.---indeed this. ens.- i••rianeh more Great Eithibition • SpringvilleJ important. Tenttbe fact that"' had failf-7 to ret relief, from the best T'hyldeiltr. which this section tlt • .'eonntry 1 , GREAT ;AND • RAMP. EXIIIBITIGN OF « tllords. arid from any of the nuraerau• reniedi es I r FOI:BtGN ANI.) . Dalt EsTic GOODS "Yon t o 'l5, netor. liken pr - avideniial blessint: o 4 .11IllOSI t-ky sttle: and quality, such as will to on fatuity, and yo • u may well,. uppplo we are not on• inure to ,*tease. and acronimodate .cht:ses or .tairolful of it. Your: rem p cc, ful:v. I.E al VITT Tll.47iTiill'." peOltifrOtll l, the child cradle to the old Senate Chamber. fatain. lit.rilf;th,.lqr4. and deerepit. l These goods are bought ( ,0 th e " Dr. Arer—lluoored Sir-1 have trade a thoronth . Mont favorable terms, and - will Le'sold according. 1 trial of the Cathartic ),•rt rae by your aient. nod , hare cored by them of the ape:l:rail I;hettmat I'm under n-latchhe found tnesufferina The Est dose relirw d me, Montrose, June 14, 1855 Lattesboro furnishing, Establish mont. frtliF f su6eriLer constantly_ on hand and will inalre. to ctroer. .Door?, DlindN Windows and iVindow•Sash,'Doorand Window- Frurnes, and allother artieleS naryie of wood . and used in Intildin. blindspulled and-hung on short. notiec. (Vass of all sizes; finalities and quantities f'.i Flooriaz plaitied and firtteh ed at from E;l6 to 8:20 per 1,000 - fet.t. Turning done to.order. fAlso generalasiorttnent of JVARE. 'Bureaus,. Tables and Stands , of all varieties.— Chairs, Bedsteads, Settees, 4e., Syr. Collins, ready -made tor made to order im the shortest tice. i• , Good Pin l e, Cherry or Whit-mood lumber. and grain of all kinds, taken in exchange for. 0/0 • ::,bore.• 1 C-147' TEOts , - - -Ready pay OrAhree months tiMe with approi-12d credit. - All order addressed to me will receive prompt attention. ! Lant4orO, JuneslB. 1855 LL . , A .L kind 4 of Coiintry Produce wanted: sneli .11. as Butter, Ea:, tird, 'Tams, Socks, &e. Vic. 1 4 C. W. '107.1`.1. June 13 .. Patent Horse Rakes, , TOR ezie at the Fnriner'y Exchance by I II LATHROP, & Co: Joni. 1555 Bounty Lands. COGRESS has ree'ently passed an Addition- - j al Fluxion iasr, ufliell lextends much i t vid•!r than thtiformer laws. N 9 one . should destriMr of rteeivin ,, a land i tiTarrant w.ho has dose service u oany kind,(ither in the llevo.futionary war or •sitiee, had a husfwal, or father who Would be entitled to a pensioti if now liring.• The tin dersioneti ;:ts the /A fa" f !tlld all the legal forms fur obtaining; l'ension ! d tindpr. the said net,_ and' will prompttY obtain any ;:pplicants Pension who .is eatitled : the'reto for rel4onahle compntation,— Your Warrhnts wi I bri'ntv. ready money if rod prefer net ti.) lo9t thu, hind: • I N.. NEWTON:',. t • Mtintrose4 !Aare! 21, ) 1855-12tf. • GRDAT, ATTRUTIONS, • , AT Wit ,UP fl A \ l' "Lift £CIIA!'G E. 2 /)SUE Stitseribq is now receiving a well ee -1 I ectectassortrirent of Dry Goods, Groceries, Fish, Hard %are, Crtickery, Iteady.MadeCtothintr, Brats, Bonnets, (ai ridendid assirrtintatt,) Nails, Paints, 0;14, Dye-Muffs, Yankee Notions, in fact, 'almost everything:,i, usually called for at a coun try Store, including Flour: Saltand Meal, all of -which he ii4desiroti f iof selling for Cash, or any bind `of Faimer's „Ilemhantedde Produce, or on 'good apiiroiasi ..Sl4rt Credit.. His friends are most.respaa ifully . invited to give hi 03 a and he will satilify Lb* that. the Exchange is the plat.° for. Tanners •to trade. . The highest price paid, in Cash fu{ Bitter.- J. L MEARIMAN, Upsonville, 4ny . ).5, 1855. C ASH paid fur Dairy Butter by , 31, lONEB. 'June - 4 lek j)lesl Mika and Chaage:Lble, at onusu. 13 al low piletir. C.W. MOTT. , " June,l2, PATENT INTO/CCM 'ACIERGT. 3: A -a £ Jirr 11-8 , #,,,E 1.4., s ir ' ' 'm 4 008 ?; Pa , DROGGIS , AND AN E NT, •-. ~ '4 - t reitit o : - . ntnit ,asMlNta 01[ TBg D4r. CS744IIWIZO einistersily wI. \ • , AGRICILTURAL NAMINES F)IERY'S %VIIEHLEK _ &lasted gorge ,Poreers,l'hershPis and S'eparat ors, Coinkio. Tl2reshe.r.s. and Cleaners, Clorer table Circular Cross,Cut Saw Mills, Feed ters i :Coill Shelters, Emery's new Porieble Grat iv Circler Mills, Clow's - and Kelsey's Grain Cradles, cfc, &c. Peters improved Rice's Fan ning Mill, price 820. All at wholesale mil retail; on very favorable lent*. . . These machines and other improvements are warrantbd to be of the best material 'anti work.. manship,-MuLto operate as represented by my' Circulars: or sni t p.ct tolM returned within three months, and the pore;:ase Money refunded. I take parti,..ulare...ve- in tua i anig toy con- . tracts for canal fteioit and t,...Lt;porlation on al! Inaeltines, so that .canal and °Elie,:charges will , be unusually light. illochines for 'll,!2tielninnn county may be delivered at any convenietil sta. tion - on Er:e or I.leintwanna Railrol 1. ' : . I)esi•riptil: l'irculars, and inform:lo4in concerning all articles With prit'es, and other imp,,:lant pa be had on application to me b y ms: To save in freight, &e., all urde, forwar4d early. • Are Curing the Nick to an ea•Pfni a , rer knpuni of an'y Reird an .Itif. 7 ,,r'r for .Yonrsel:Ys. C.W. MOTT my fitmaiedze. Many my friend,. have taifdxe.l luarlied LraeEita frfm.l thi:m aud c..iicte:ilc with me in Thlt t xtraOrilinary tirt nc,. for ant cit I • etiriir7 the sick. They are uM ouiy are , t nal but safe p ant to br tafien. qualqie? TI13;: , 1° tha.lll raluad ty the when tliti ate 1.1 , 6b , ii." .• - The Yemen.' le Chtin , -ellor ites flea timore, 1: tG Arril,lSr4: " Pr. J. C. A) : I have tal., n y..tir Pilla wli h great benefit, for the liqles..n.ise, lanctior, ti , s of nriortite -and Billions hit:id:who. which in of lite timerrinz: A few closes of your Pills cured tit.• I hale used your Cherry Pectoral . many yeitri4 iii my f.mily for :coitets nod ca 1.14 with y„„ rill eR which colt, an.l f fed it a -I.lNi.ite.. t.l emit met!. you for,t he good ou liace.kue Mid are iltitig." • . .. , . .011. X F. IMATT 1i.., F..9.,:-.ee.. of the Penn-Railrma ea. ,t' eas l'. : - t 4 ,- Pa. n. R. CO:-e. mi 1.1,1., De. , In. IS' 44 Sir: I take TO.eri•ure in a Iln; myleAtimnuy to th,lef -,fle.aey,,f your me. 116) ~. h ic:n.4 .teris , l vory tn.terial ben efit frem•tht! ni.. of 6 , lth .... , ..tr P. )rat an I eath,rtic pm, .1 am naVer irithnut tb.,nt in my e.llnily. nor .:1;3:1 f eYO:cainaent to be, wl.ile my my:u....si.! proc..nre th.-:n." the .W;.l.elyrenowne. , l S. S. ST r.VEN,S, M. b., of mr,ut wofrth,N, WI writ eP ilt,yinc tuee.l, your C.athartiA tay praeti.v. eegtify frtn Oxperienee; t they inl'an4.4l•!e pur. 1. - .2th•a• la 14.;•a of ..r.-r.rder..,l f0n,•;: , 115.. cf- the :I% er. lug headrtehTl';n,liii.e.Vlr.n. to] the great va- -I pier . .; uise4es that follow, they are a purer ,emec-4 all Othr. I n alt C . ..Seft , t,h,re pv.rzatira teme,ly 1 flu ennh lantly re.-oohn. tl,l th, , e fill t•-• ;he j as fuperior to any other 1. hare ever filun:l. Theyßm.. aufe in their operation. an 4 i•erfr. - .1'.) rate. guar tie- whi-tx urt.l . ,. them an invaluable art !.e:e for'Plibik ne.. • I harp fort many years known yGtir (.7.e:fry poqnt ,il tl, best - Coni.l me,lielue in the wo!t.t. :0,4 h. , e Pilia a,e , T , wik, infarior to that windtz.bly i.t , ; - aga;ion for the treat -moat of .liseases " A. TURRELL. JACOB TA V LOR, ft. Ma Athens,. Bra.ifuni May I AYER'S PILL', .L'Lt 11.% <reit In owa pertumPr, of iCliestt,ut Ftz ert.l.ll; whoFe hoicelri,,klu; t. 4 :Ls tountl at aluno:it er, ryit °Het, : - "1 nm li,ropy to pty of yntii. t kattio PillPjtllr't I lit e founitoera to LP :t fiett.tr milt mc,i inc. f'r rolum.,n llfC:1 than riny ntfh.r and &few mil4tquent dn4ec entire!r re-nor.d the feel th tette? heAth nr,cc than • frr roar yvare f) shiCh I attribute e.,]irelv to the (7a hurtle Tours with rrer reeper,l., 1. 4 The abare are atl frrn , per! ,n. hen own aLere elf-y re4.le, in I leo won'A n , t t 'tele ;ter , ment.s without a nrn orb conlletion that they nee , true. Prepared br JAMES C..&YEn, Practical and Analytical Cbemirt, Lowell. Maga SOLD DT A. Turrell. Mont roFt. D. & 7t. n. i aeon, liarfnrd. (Mardi & Phinn , y. Pent{, Great Dend. By all Drnerieta, 'and De - aier.ln Itedielue ec cry slvere Erpt IZ—ZlTntte NEW STOVE & TIN-WARE EMPORIUM OF On va•oonzturr Lz,,nr-tr irrest side of 41fain St. and South of Searle's..Hotel, • • 'S THERE may be found the 'nest assortinent I', of STOVES ever brongbt to thisAnarket, • • together with Tin-Ware cheaper than ean be ' boultht elsewhere-this side id . New York. i• • • They sropld respectfully call thf• attention ef 1 - frsT receiving, a fresh supply of fine Ashton Salt at • 11. JONES'.ne 1,1855. purelosers to their new :Ind splendid Stlek 611 ' 4 , STOVE:land TIN-WARE, Arbich will be sold at very ifor.prices: imve the most approved p.:tterns td . • • ( STAVWV...it4 eer _brought into this - market, among wl.ich my hc.found Star of the West (.Elevated • Oven,) Cul !lea . Or (Elevated Ov.en,) Paragon, New • • "World, "Antis, • Three SiliPN, All .kir-tight, and various other patterns too rot tnerous to mention. . TINWARE-of alll:ind-i kept constnntly on. hand for household use. Jobbing done to order end in the best manner. All• Tin-ware e;refullv proved before leaving the shop. • • ; • 'They re . 4peettnlly tho patronage of 611 „who wish to purchase anything In their line, als suring; them that money cart-te saved by'examin im, their stock before purchasing elsewhere: I:.A. WOODRUFF:. - . G. U. ELDitED• 3lontrose, June 7, 185.5. The Know Nothing Expose' NY 'person patronising me, at the front AL upper room of the Store lately occupied by M. C. 75.1er,,can be accommodated according to to . the Lntrat Fashions, in the best and most ap. proved manner. My work is warrated to fit if ploperjy Made. Cuttinganeeding and in fact every branch • of Tailorinidone on -the shortest notiee, and that to the satisruction of those concerned; 14tt. t SAXITTEIL - Black A G ri fif i. u - quallty for dresses i 77 . l;tt o pe! It 43et, 11. 1854, ,E ccl rl I nerop , znry s.otd can Timm '55 7 -20in I sztz, v.r, - .Anrorrt. sarEs. •,- Di.", VA - N : 3 &. W A.T,SON , 34 . i 1. ;; ! . ..1G - -"Ili7- 7 "w-- X.4. ,, uth Fourth et., Philed.. •- -- toza...s , Zs I' . (: - /MAT EIREXUE:STNUT - I , t :4. FIF ril Ms., - Friday - Jnorning, '• ' - '. -- f' i December 15th - , 115.54.., - Evans & • • • Watson'fi Salamander , Safes tri;• . _ ouipliont,ne'litcy always ore - when pot t the.teat • linit.ani_Litita, Dec. 15, 1354., . . . '.ltears Evarta,Sc IVatedu,lio. 26 South Fourth St , rhilrideltihie. . ..• .. .. . - • 1.; F.NTI. KM E.:4 : WO . take . much plettPUIT ht ribe otitinenditrg your Solatnauder Safes to Alerthauts - : sad othqc l i in want of a secure means of prescrvipg thi4. beaks, papers, &c., front fire, as the 0 110 , w to , purchased from you , about seven .mouths since hos pre;:erveil our - books, and cash in as gotid a 'condi tion as they, were when put into it, h, fore the great fire this morning, which &strived the en tire lik.x.k of hui!dings center of Clteetnut-und Fifth streets: t The. ab - ore wa • a:in use in our office, on . the second ilocir of our building, from which place it fell had the cellar end remained there until the Ere was ant. The Sae was then removed and opened in the presence of at least WU persons, who witnessed the good coudition of the contents. Will von please have the Safe'nuil Locks repaired as we intend to„prit it in use again, having perfect jaonlideuce in its fire-proof qualities. • Yours . . Resppertiliy, • LACEY Sc:PIIILLIPS . Evans and IVatean take pleariure in referring to the following..ameng . the many itundreds olio hare their tortes in nre:J—.U. S. Mint, , Philad..;.; Farmers 'and 'Mechanics Batik. PhiLatta.; Samuel Allen; Efrt , High sheriff .John N. Henderson, City Controller; Caleb Cope .1. Co., No. 1 , '3 Mat ket. St ; Richard Norris and Son.. Locomotive boil:. dors, 1 2 ::iladit.; Panel:oft and Sellers, Machinito, cornfir iGtr. and James Sts.; Franklin Fire - Nen, mace Penn'a Railroad Co.. 4 111iladu.; Lacey & Phillip, tier sth and ,Visor Streets; Shorpless Bro.. No. 3116.4;1th f. 1,1 St.; lames, , Kent t,:•d Santee, No: l-17 Nnrth Third Street ; W. Hortom.rit and :ions, N0..51 North :id St; Smith, Willi:int.& CO.. No. S 7 Market Sr.; 3. & Orne, Chestnizt - .St., • . it large AFsortinrii: Hitt :thrive SlifVfl alci,ata en haul c%varrantril tb ttant: r mare fire any Ilerrinz'i; : 4 1 . rt. - EV -kNs & wsr:_;-;:;:.`:• OA° I Mnuracture and ;:- , zp for rile, Ir6n Slititter.4. :701i Ilnors null Ir4ll Sostl, f..rnizsk itqz fire-proof Vatilip Inwie private liui!•ling4. i Seal 4:3. l .:l;rtter Copyin Prrrs csr l'atent al tie Rqi.ier,tors, &c. Izive na a 4.1.41,.ut 40. :hi South Funrth • - 1111t7 GOODS r e MIi.LAN PARK: return their g—ntocal 4aeknio.Oed:ouonts 1.4 v the ptildie for le,st ore, and ill% itt• :attrition to the %.r9 large stork of : 4 11 . 1.1n... , ad ::inotwor.f ;oods Ahoy are now re tor sate at rcir-y prices. la :aldition to tf,eir roma'. assortment of stalpto 1)r). Goods, Gruver!o,l. Hardware, Crnelirry,l'aiat4, awr (51:e., thot..are.prepared to e diiliit n largo a.s..;odinctit of LADIES I)111.;;;S GOOI)S ' . of evert Foaled, Plaid and plaia, Itonnets.Skatv G I.7l4iies and Outs a all kiwi-I.—aim - ) a large stuck ttf 11E.Virt . MADE (iISYCHING, TwetA-,. Jeans, Sammer Vt. , tings, 'nat.; and' C;:p,.l3outs and tc:e. . - nu early call frrn d ol.:, who t,, purchase Goo') Gootis , ficr Low Pnicns. Mf:•MIIi.I:.IN & PARK I. ' Loci.: R. Thayer r.rtAKF.s. this nie:ho,l ofslyiti , ,f to his friends :old i11:t0t...7r-, 11.:ithe ri:srlined the Aledi:ine at his tri,e,.viiii•re h, nvir he louitti tit tine•s unless -Ile wout.i :Any to these •-ttv'ng ;rim rin - (0,3 :- ( •,..,• 0 nt. : t h t . will a t ...1 [1 ,1.25 pvr co. 1 un alt fwew.irt,; tiv. - tirrA (,t . r A!•ril ri,Nt,•(iu• unr rour tin - sell;) 1 • loct fifty. nw.t clry just reis- P va dir4.et fro:a in.rint%cturi•r:L and c4.n. titlLt ef a first r.rtt ;:s-ort:nent sot' I...iiics ;:fl4l (3,.1d fife rpr 1).-.ens Vt . ,t ('h sin:, Kers, t•irnds„ Perstmq vristiin . trtn pur chase Jewelry slfintild cert.rdnly call :It On Sture of • A.,117-11-111:: Arr;l I:2, 1855 ii;c:::uval• C. I). Vir. , zl.Dev.t;:if. reltirive:l to :1 ronfit 4.•;:ur F. I.l,Cll:ipLPrr's store., w4rt• it will 1.):. his ilt,:;ture to sip . ; his frlerirls" ,ittlek as vossil)le." Ite,;(lent pot/t&t. Mi,ntrcbge. 1 1 ,I‘.• :2. I h 55. STORE, •-• L...; • cf 4 \lt • 544"41',-....:14, orStaplo /I.l)ryffimili,Clroe : •ric..llarw.fre, H,t CAI): %VA Paper. Drv,:rA, Dye Sitltl"4., 1'..1111h :!r.a lit. SOLI IV , as ;he elleApe,ti to! or npprovt , ll t! tit by. I I. JONES. Ilarford inn 1, 1855. 1/ IACK Grill du Ithir.e Silk of exrellerit grtctii lies at ! 11. M. JONES'. Jure.), 1855, r;) (.7,),,ncre :rt. 8 11 I) ; O s () a few Maii,ti)las by IL AL JONES. . Juno 1,1355.:, • ; • p KADY Aide Clothing, at low-prices, Iry 11. M. JONI:8 June 1, 1855. AMES will litt4 a great v:aietS• of tormets arid Ril,') , ,ns at " U. \l. JONES'. Jam.. 1, 1535. • 1 AWNS, Chnill.4 Dunse de Lalns and nt j 11.31. JONES'. • Jisn, 1.1835. "W - 1NIIMCOIDEN.11;:i; and Window Drapo , rw :ct 11 4 U. M. JONES!: Jiiru; 1; 1855 •A good aSO: tln e tof Boots :Ind Shoes t - • 11. M. JONES' Jima 1,1855 IxTr.t.N lbs, ,of Good Slackorel Dn. 'one 'dol -1 is ea=l by . H. M. JONES. Tune 1,1855. . Yl - 111 . 11 best quality of Nails. at . 5 ct's per p..und, for-e.nle by 11. M. JONES. June -1; 1855. Caution.---Lottery ,Frauds. (Mice of the !,laritartsl eriasentttei Lott erieffl, Bit Li Jro une:B3p7S. Toc.c,i)mmis6i(,i,e r or thel Maryland Stair Lotterks 1) is docmCd do:y to enation tI) , 1)0;14; :.g..inst thz!- notneron:ti fov:ridlerx whn, eirctilato Ly wail and oglicrwisei frandolent . Lot terveln!mes, anti pretend to bit agents for the ale.of tickets itt Lo:t•sries whitin :re wholly The only legal Loaeries in 11:6 - 1tind are those dra.‘ol (Lily . under the superintendence of the Conimisbioner eleeted.by the people of the State under the new Constitution to kfiainine and up proY.e the schemes and attend 0 the drawings. All the tickets in these Lotteries and all [ter,: tifieates of prekakes - of tickets: have the -litho grap)sed signature F. X. Besa.t.Tt, General - Auent for the contractor. Office of the Blarylaod Con solitiated Lotteries, Baltimore, Mtl. All others are frattdnleat. rorTtill information fin jest of these frauds, adtires.; BnEa.t7, 33y1 • .- -. Baltimore, Marylntoi. . , ri LOTHINfa.—The snbscribir 'has on:li nd+ kj/ - .and is now mannficturimz a small stock of gently Made Cl.ithino.-of romiqualitY and Work. manahip, whinli.he ofTerd at very low prices.'. -, --; 0. G. HEMPSTEAD. !'• pars & SHOES.--A assortment of excellent qunlities, kept elinstantlron hand 0. 0.-.HOMPSTEAD. Qux a PLATED , TABLE Kntia...:.:Tweive doz. ).:3 more of these fine Tat& and Desert Knives made to match - silver.forke, for sale by "''' A. 3. Esrsi, Binghamton, JOy 17, 185.5-9t£ It.noi4l:Thy‘ se 5- A itinral4Gbit R•Ok - 15 , ern fg4mily, 31401434 /are - . . . . 104.1,t/i0 COPIES SOLD IS , . . . .. I . I g. , • ~, • ''. t u. , , ,: r ~',, s , Litt-44. THAN AlfitiAlit: A. new . •`,44:111ft,•75 ' , I I P .." . edition; revised and improved, ...XPrat " . ' . "1.6::: "Pi just limed. ~ :. - ... ~•;•' - - ' -., t• s t , .- - . 0.... . • as • 0:.. - :"-ostr- ••••_,I•- Dr. tionter',Oltedlcal klisittte.l ' ' tAll'st• - • - te, 5i1.... - and hand Cook for theuglieted-: 1 z... ,... et .........,, -•• • -At:taxi:4 f , , ..`•...' Gent Ifirlitig an 01114.311 e of the oti• ( ` - - . -.2. , --d,t•;-. -t..,:a, a ss ght, propress,treatment an t ic nr e ..-- ir.......•••'-' -...-...,5. ~ • a. of, o •., i; • t5 , ,,,,,,,a.. - of every. form of disease eerie' • tt•tie , “!'i'‘ , ‘: • tracsed by Promiscuous sexual intercourse,Dy,self at:lntent by 'canal excess, With settles for their prevention . vett en in 31 fainlticirsty•e, arolding it I Medical t echnicadtles . and every* hingthmtwotild offend the ear of deestney; with an outlitW of complaintsincidint to Pomal es; from thettoult of som.itwen ty years' fa:Meer/I -' fu I practice e act nsively .levoled loth', ante of diseases of a delicate cc private nal ti re. tot} .' . . To width is added receipt a for tlircure of the above 4111- !am., and a treatise on the em9*el,ityniptetne entlc are of the Fever and AgOr.. ,- , . Te , tirtuitt yor Me P rofeesor of (Y,lletrir ‘l , e Anin Conege. Philo:lelphic.--'.I)R. fitlNTElt't , SIEDICAf. 51 A NUA Li' —The authorn. this work, unliketlie majority of those who advertise to yore the ill sea res of which It treats!. a graducte of one oft ne best - Colleges in the cultedStates. It &ffordirme pleasure t o recommend hint to the unfit u - nate, or to the victim of malpractice. a a a au - ettetsfu I and etiperiereed preetitioner.in whose honor a bit integrity they May place the greatest confidence. Jria. 'S. LONG AliflllEe, 51 . 110 i'r om .4 . Frew/um rd% Al. D..of POI n .(7 4 1;r tn . Ally, Phila. delpha.—it gives 11113 pleasure to add my teatisnony to the professional ability of the Author of the , . 51 a 111 e It. 1 / 3 1-31- r.tx.." :a7umereup cases of Disease oftlic Ocultal Organs, 'come of them of long standing, have come under my no. tice.lo which hie ski thhes been manifest in restoring to perfect health, in some reties where the patient hag 'been contdriered beyond medleal aid. I n,the'trea tatent ofSeen inal weakness, or illawrtangepient of the functions pro duced by selfnbuse or 1-155 e....• of revery, I de net. know his Atiprriar in the profession. I have_ here acquainted with the Author motile thirty years, and deem it no more thanjustice to him ttt, well 3zA ktudnestkio the unfortunate victim of early indiscret ion,- to recommend him as one In whose profeas.ona I skill and integritt they may safely confide 01,41)140es. ,A t.pn ED vVi, OUWARI). M. it. ' .t Thi,sis, w tthoet eXerrtii3ll. the toilet." comprehensive and Intelhafttie work published on the class of distmite -of which it treats. , Avoiding ell techniral terms ,it address ell itself to rite reason of Ito re:Avert It. it free from all elojeetlnet3l.le matter. and no _ttr•ot however 1 . :v*1411330, can objeet to p Skein s . ft in the bands of his sons: The au thor has devoted many years to the treatment of the rani on= ewe plaint.. treated of, amt. with ton litihr breath to :puff and too little presumption tt• titiftare. he 'ls:. Atonal ' t. , the world .at tht merely nominal Kir-cord:s cent:, the tenet of some twantj tears' most sneer:tern! prietlce." /Jerold, - „ "So teacher or parent should be without Vie , :nowl , •dge lovotirtedir t'tis I atirtltnth le trfirk.: It, trota I sore years or pain ono:lift ration stiel.arreve to th.o youth ,uuder their elm - ge. "—People'.. .I.lrarilte.- . . A Pre•ltsterien efersyntan in• Ohio, writing of "Linn tees. lthstical Usinto I" stty• :—"Thousands npon thous• i :mix of our youth, by . evit itaturiple :tot! .influence of the i p:taefons. have dram lett into the habit of -.tit polls ion, 1 wit ho'. reiliistngt ht. ran and ties: Teti e,,use , ttlences *11)00 Ithemselves "3331tr,e1r Forst erity, 'fbectinetitusions et:thous ands who are ra.:•itig fa milli s. have 1Z1.,13 ..flreebils , ll; If not ' broken de.wnwei its "T do notknow the ea 'OF, net he cure. . i Ai...thine that ran Ite do^. so tn. r.nn,tilt.4.l and i 9 gueoce .the put-gz:litind es to rheek.ao 4 ultinetrely th reumeetl3l3l lai.te,Fprend F , t•r"e ofbittna It wret i d'elne:s. would ennfer the 0 . a test toh.vAn. to , :t ra the r e5te,,,,...• o . f J.. , 11, , ;(!hri ,, t, on the or...solid :M.l-.`/ .n in 2: ....a-ration. 1331,... , 0 , -3%311re lor the n•. ot intoxicating drink,: liteugh it ha. o l a :1 thou.:- atel'aspost th.u.ra r.. 41., i: tn./ n •zre: t ier .-:curer t, i lie !". LI. ritall2 rare Accept trio t hank/. oil hell lir -nf rite attlieted. An a, I.e!leve me. p.. 33 r el-ivirrk ei 313 t hegon 1 i ..ri.,you ere sorters - Ay ere:aged IL." 0 L . 0 ,,,,p V (, / ,a l ,..iy . .taC,l, Th ed) will b. r•imnra,,,f.tree4 perta,:e. In Ant: pit oftht• Untied Stares for 21 cents. or sin e.rr , rg for -:',41. -I , 1.1r., , 5. (port 13:lid) COS Ii EN A CO.; Puhli-her , .or flax .rws. p 0,11,4,4, , ,, p,... i - 1 - 7 - It s.t.seilers.Cassva-.ers end Llookt.l gents 4 tmalied on tl.e.nt.- I libt rat tore - is. • ...„,, I-row Linc of Mail s4tages ....,-- -ii .....,:,;‘,".4 ,r •f "" • LA:;*% Z 3. • LIMMI KIRE.WOOD TO IVI - , - ;Nrii:O.SE, A STAGE will I eAve litrtmor , jt.passingthrourt oor -I.ettsville.l.ll,rty.4-r..e`l.4ilinrrlngatterthearr- ival r. the Mail frains East and We,,t,reach lugNiontros, at 1 P. 31. ETURN G • 1., avOtointro.ednily. , ,S anda}is eicepted tit 2 P r..achicirKftknvo, in tl tn.. to take the 31allTralni of . ears.bath East alfd Ire,t,')..inr; the ttrarext abd molt rea.il , l , run tetoreaell the New rUrl, and Erie Itlilroatl. nterqeet,a tri•ur.l:l)Y.iila ft. e•treshannoci:., vrbich 1”::r., , A1,,ntrn.i.. at 7A ti 7.l.9ndavi W.flnerd. anti. Fri Cal. n.ine• T. , :.41.1 an./ o.)lntti,rtr.l,lr•.: trri.v,7e , l ate proriled .ancl the Prnprietc.r: tkop:,ito.toarenrnwodatf t Pnb- W -N. iiATCiI. 0 GA s; &W ziep.l2ilBsi 3.1 i) V & :STODDARD sinee'llte latefire, mat- th, hound in the lIASE:tt ENT OF S ttArtLE's Ihrt LI.. Not with.itatitliug tiie tinpreetlentett ra tt:(lity with which 1-?ttr st•tek Bottt<Sltnt's,&e, \vent vii" '+ln the int,rnite , iJf the lire, we still have .route on hanl, and hall anon ha suppijed. KEELEIt4t. STODDARD Montrww,Nfivvlrliitfr; 13. 1854 10,000 .Firkin Staves Wc•llited. - 1)1Y the I,Lbseribers'inimedintely. A1:3411,1eA. 1.) in!r.tinil,er anti 110..p-oleB—tiir whieh we v: ill pay the 1f;g114.44 rilirketprier. Sonqikned t:t,ves'prel'errecl.- B.llrlll lIE3IPSTEAD. I1f.,.1;(01, Fel). 13. )855. • .13roche Shawls• • _ . 11DAPER th .n . cret bef, , re known, Ilennti.: fn I phtierns. and Gnu• qunlity 8‘:-IBreehe' Shawls. I.tivn's nninullicture, at S 7 ()et. II - Shawit, T ONG :Ind Square, Wool, Broehe anti Silk, 1.1 very handsome styles, and at extremely lots• prwes ; (Irt• 11 Dort. P.tarri , , Elomeopathisl, liAl7 Le consu!ted - at 1 Hatch's Hotel, in Montrose, for thr,e (Ines, the.Gth, 7th n - nd 8:11 of etwil month, upon nirdisenses of the lin ! Juan syi•tetn, CONSI)NIPTIQN, bronchitis, Infi ',nation of the Lunf.ys, l'itroat t . i Kidneys and Splcen. Dyspepsia. (Indidystion.) , Liver Complaint. Rhutivatism,' S'crofula, I tions, Complqints, Nervous lireakness, etc • ' -- Consultation Free! Patients' visited nt thdir } residences it desired.- odice h 'urs fioni 7 n the mornint: until 9 in the evening. March .15, 1855.v1 Holmbold's Gph.nine P'i•oparationo. Ifiyh •Comvittraterl C'napon4d • Fluid E.rfract etchu, . For DiFraseg 01 the Illa.l.ler stvl Rilness,Serret 'trirtures• ireakner - 9e! , , and all I igrages of the 1 1 `..eznba Orgarpy •- - Mak - ór Fen:4l7e, . from wirtterer eause they roxy m _hove orlifited and ncr mat te.r of how long 5t4 , 11 dim( . If you infer coutrected'the terrible disease which. %then once settled in tho system. will Surely Fro dawn from ovr veneration to another, utlennlnifi.z the cenrtitettionand sapping the very * vital tlnid9 rt lift, do not trust yoursilf in the hands of Quarks. wi u start tip eiery day in a city dike this. and ail. the. papers with glaring'fal.eltotals, ton well ealenlated .to deceive the young and those not au,.' nnainted.wlth their tricks. Yoti cannot be too careful In the selection of a remedy in.these eases . The Fluid Extract linen& has been prsnounrel by coil. nent Physicians the greatest remedy erer knaen. It is! a merileineperfeetly pleasant in its taste and s very innocent in Its action, and yet co thorough that it annihilates every parties, of the rank and poi onous virus of 'this dreadful disasse; and, unlike tithes remedies, It does not dry up the disease in the blood. CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY, brought on by self-abuse, a most 'terrible disease, which has imought thousands or thti human rare to uotlooiy tL0q1 , 145t30: the hr , Ethtut hopt.+ of narrate, and bittrittiotr in the hu I the Glotinw , :i lit tdit of ro; n y a no- Lt , youth. et It be curet t ittl2l;2siff rerney. ;id . 4 4 atllt'ql(ille ‘4111;71 MM.t belett.t rritrybotly. Frcur the Kw detirtte to the confined and '-,tleepttiring .no equal is to be found, art int; both at a mire and pr 4-unitive Helmboid's Trigllly oncontrat3d ('ninptpind. Forparstyin..; Itlond reranylwz all n. , !!ing front rxm-ftes of Mg rev) y. expo•virt anal ' life. ehrmile el:milli' ii , fount (11. , cile.arining font An tut. pvirertatenf t 1.4 lthie,l..nod ay. wily .relilble and ef. fyrount knewo rieneootet. tip, - -ore,of Scrofula. Volt fi henna, Scald Rend. titeerattoor of the ' broxt and Legtt '..Painn - no.t itiyell;nzii of the ]tone", Teller. Pimple:3 , oty, the ti cit. awl AlLfc..o4 Ifiu [Woos of the Skirt. . 1_ ' • ' Tlik nrtie.le,ig.liosv pre:vrilled by.Foine of the nitoii , liditizolnlie.l Physielenn I . the country * And Alin zmireilinorii oni•lent 13 omettee thin,' tiny ptepartitlon.ot fiar , nporliht yet offer Oil to the -tux Ile. Several easel 'of neeondary Svoliill4. 'iletenrinl nu Scrofulous dinemeent hart entirely reeny,er,l in the ill^ll able ii•nrin of Our Pith lie Inntitution.'whieh 1.44 foe ntivity . yen,n• reninte.l every male of t-ef..trilynt th-it.e.viel beleiony.l. Thole eines fur. ni.li Ytylkine eitniiiyiltstoftfAe nal otNry effort* of this trit4ll. Hof' In nyre.ting, Annie of the. most; irlyeterato tliSeSirA. 'at. ter the gthuls'itertleskroyeil tint . ho Nines alrekily at . NOTlCll—Leiter* from ronttonnlh 0 PhYnielnito hod Pro. retrn% :of waiters! Llifeclieal Pollez,.'n, - ,titut enttiflootes of cur 6 . 0¢11 6 dolt aiwill be found ii:e ornotnyln;'lioth Prep. Eitriet of Bach , al per bottle or @- Bottles - for $5 ; garsaPari Its, Sony. dries , to one gallon Sycup of $a risapariDat • . Prepared attd,ridd by 11. T. 1111.611101,1). Chetralak, 263 Chestoot St: T uner the Okra d Mope, Philadelphia. • - To be bad of AFicl TUrrell, Pa;,,unsi of Drug gists sod deadens ever.vethete. All Letteridireetralio the Proprietor or .Agent roreiro' ..bismrgists titration. - • 23)1' • "c - CSAMEIttECiirld vesting , is !ergo aiUsore: moot mid 4 prices lower thin we haveiver been "enabled to offer them heretofore. Oct. 11. Anatralia,.Califorinti, Or any iquce.dit the (itutexioOlot.present iindueeratiots thun , .KL:ELEit• . • • - • : 1110011" ALND " AAT tell is low fit/ed.. with a new' and eaten= slue . assoAritent of -articles to . their line. oi a em bracing a g niiit variety of new nd elegant styles - or Ladies. hod Gentleineies wear., among which are Mares French, Lasting and Pro nilleGaiters, Kid - and Enameled Polkas, Kid Pat ent leather 'and bronzed Jenny Linde uskins and Ties; gentlemen's French' and', Philadelphia oak-tanned calfskin and kip /Trots; Vongrers mid -button Gaiters, MoutercY fluff WusbilltZl".. - B"U'. toilet Slips , - Ntrirecco, calf. and Cowhics- Bro gans, &c. Boys kip, calf and cowhide Boors and Brogans; all kinds lir. Misties and Children's wear. Also, a gement! aisortinent of Findings, which con sist in part of lasts, pegs, 'parables._ jlungarian nails,tricks. thread, waxy ftrcules, shoe binding, awls • rasps, sandstones. shoe knives, &e. - oak and !tc”ninell tanned calf upper and solelenth er,,lforocco skins and. linings. Work made to orsler and ropai dor neatly dt.no. • KEELER & VODDARD. Vont rose, June 1.1853.. Stoves: Stoves:: Stoves::: riliTE subscriber wishes to call the uttontion)f .1_ . his friends and the Public to his eery large :assortment of . STOVES, at his new . Store Itootn, in. Lodersville olext to L. S. Lenheim's Store, :;nd neat the Great Bend Depot.. De lots in addition to his former )urge variety of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, mar} new Pattern, Scook.uf which are— St Arichiihrt,- Prqch .13ranch, . F ire Ply, Mideru Troy, , 3lotattek, . Medallion, Black Warrior, Orli , nt, - Oak, E"V. StOVP, Which tegeflicr - with hip former etnek will be perhnpi the. must extensive and v:iried4siortrnent of well selected Stoves in the.cnunty.i Clinton Stoves well furnished at---144- All artiele , , 4 is his line kept «ii•linnd, and' made to order as BSI' it, and ordernrreeeived at his old stand in Great Bend. JOHN COLSTEN. . . Lndersville & Great Bend Nov, 1853.—tf.. • Buffalo Robes. A, LARGE lot of Irlintsome Robes, n part iif ft- Mein Indian tlressecl, and very snpe- - rfor enhits :Ind quality: - U. B. & Co. Gib , con. () . !•,1. 11. 1854: H. & 1). SAYRE baying been nOpointed a fT el aN for an extensive Sash, Blind and 3lantrietery are prepared to - furnish . any ;n this lime at less rates. than they- have usually beer, .eld. • • •: Dt.e.. 14. • Q HAVING Crtil.A:ITH-ca article which every Wan for axle !•!•,* ''! • S. II: &D. SAi;RE. Dee. 4. R,oad.yirdado Clothing; t VERY desirable stock. at. ve - ry !ow prices S. 11. SAY RE. • 3lontrose, Dec. 14, 1554. THE POCKET 2E3CULAPII7S: - . Or, E , ` ,. 1•, fm , leis °it'll Pki,wician. coa One I l iria N n a s l;: s l ; :* te t irn F i ril e " , r v i e l riv E: s i h t d i a o o n ti.e : • s 'N., Engruvings,stiowinteDiseasea 1 tt.4d Malformation: of the no r\ :-... '4, 0 .-• .. '‘..., :Ind form- To which i 9 ad 3t, itill - I• 4 fed .r Treatise on the Dia rp,sr) 4 itt : , „:-.4 1, eases of Females; being: of 1 , ii... ,.. .. 7 / . . ; ;o: the Itizlietit :Importance to itovil i. .. ... ( e-, j_ ~ marripd peoplo, or thotie con- ISt ‘ tr. - 77,4, 4 `;',.f, , templating marriage: - By coo r. ..,t--..:,- , • r, .._, ..........;••• . , Let no father be ti,Mained to present a copy of the A eseulapius to his rhitd. It may save him (fora in early no young ma n or wo. min miter nto theseeret ohli2 ations Of married life without rending the forlcet e se urapi u s. L e t uo ', one SMT-ring from a hark nio s d , rough Pain in the :Side. restless nights. nervous feelings, and the whole train of Oppeptic , :enations,and given up by t h e it physieinn.he another m oment without eon. .sultiog the A ESCIII.A.PII.7S. Ilnretitemarrled, or those ahoutio ho marriiql any impediment,reati this truly useful hOok, as it has heel) the means of saving thonsanesofunfortutiate creutureEfrom the very jaws of (.1.•:::11• TT - Any tienzna gPnriing twenty fre eents'en'- closed iu n toter, wiit receive one copy of This work by Nail, or five copies be scut for OttO Donor. Addresi..(posr • DR. Wll. YOUNG, • - ' No. 153 Spruce Sr. Philadelphia. A pri:Sth,lr,:?•-1.4y1, PP, Hour.nrreiz - s, • - • - , t - z .1"... ; '4= al : , r1:44? -.•: . . - t- I r 4 0'04; ',..-,,, , . . I. A.-. . • ' i g ' . ' tri • 7 . . •-•.--,..... ~.-, _ ...,2,-,....... \ • . . Great .Satural Renkcly for Licligcstion d .1.)13 .wiisii • • . an . ; ..i . i . 1) R.. 1. S. li4.wonToN - s repsin.,..thc , true 1)t -n Es . rtvE F..t.t.7in,or GASTRIC JUICE Still tiAlds7 the first plate among all the various remedies for thv,se painful sad destructive. ecauphiluts. It is Nature's own spyeille for an unhealthy •Stom :;eh.. No art of m:;n can cq ual• its curative pow. era: and no sulTtirer from Indigestion and Dys pepsia should fait t.K try it. . r :Pg.?"' Sold . by Abel -turre!l, Montrose 831: U. 13. & Co U. B. & Co Wagon Making,. Blacksolithing and . fia,mago Ironing. substwiher estiiblished himself_ a few rods ninth of pitnoek- four Corners, iw prepared to (16 all kinds-a work in the above branches of .business on short notice and the most reasonable terms. He flatters himself that with the help now in Lis eirqee ; he will - be a bl e tai fr.ive entire safisfaction who may favor him-with their custom. , • . . C. C. MILLS. Dimoktk; Nov. 23, 1854.-48tf: • N. B. Most kind. of lumber and all kinds of epuntry produce taken in payment.- _ HOWAItD ASSOCIATION, . . 1•111LADELF111:k. T 0 All permfitAltiliete , l W set ital diseases, 'such las Seminal . Weakness. bulintmece, Gotmorinca, Meet, Syphilia,&e.; & The Coward Association , Thiladel phio. in view of the awful des,truction of human life and health, caused by s. wool diseasais, and the sleceptions which ore practiced upon tile unfortunate victims of such diseases bytjuuGts,ha re directe.l their consulting surgeon as *Charitable Act worthy or their name, teglve Adfice Gratis, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male 0.1 re , male) &c., and in cases of extreme poverty and fafferlug, to Furni-lt Mediclut•s Vree of Cimrge The GewArd Association a benevolent•itts litaition, es tsblished by special endowment, for the relief of the sick mail distressed. afflicted with "-Virulent a tot Epidemic Dis eases," and its fonds can be used riot no other purpo,u. It has now a sorpins of means, whieh . the Directors have vet ed to advertise the above notiee. It is needless to add ihat•the Association command+ the highest Waite'', skill of the age,Attil will furnish "the most approved modern treatment. -Valuable advice given. to sick and nervous fe. maim& cflictad with abdominal we:Antos,. Womb Com plaint, Costiveness. Lencorrhom, 4'. • - Address- (po,t.pold.l Dr. Geo. it. • Calhoun; Consulting Surgeon. froward Association, No. 2 South Ninth Streit, Phi is delphia, Pa. Ily order Of the Director... EZD. D. imtivrivra, President.. Paltcumu,Secrotary 22Y1 .. • . . TUST received n large lot of. 'Plated :Ware, eonsbiting of cake bitt:.keti, Cit4Orm, Imperi al and Charnhim'Candlestieks. . TeaSett , i, coh sisting"of six piee es ertra rich;, Cups; amt. Go r b-, 1 lets ; also, Brittank tVare,. viz Ten. snits,_ (four lire and six liinces„) Tea l'ots,-Coitee-Peits,Cun., tile% tie h.+, 6.e. AR the s - uh3efibvii4s . ntatie , ..ar-: rringements with The of! above. goods. he is enabled to. furnish r li4 nnWeat pat— terns At thr,lnlrert priee7+,ttpd. wisp ta.sup~ly,. hid: cu m tomeis with extra. or single pikes, of any,ar-- . tide in the abhcc ling. ..; A, J..I,EVAIsiS,_:;.-• 11411. Binghamton', A ctg. - ‘.19, 1855. - , Clerk <-, N . actird - and in . toll4eat...ynang :mair, of _CIL 'anima' seivinitgn . _ 61'; iig,i;:wnated cleric ina stove, • - oan'*piliing - 16 tha .. no.; - ansidispaand to mann' hin . !ing flail- 'goad' annooage*ant.by.applli.atinifitifirtly to - . - "11. Neuf littitorl'i' July 9, 18tfij:; CHALICE—Phiio and Printed, light eotoro,ot • & U. & Co. Window .1 1Doel.:or Yonrsslf: Uri(flan). Irmtny, .3f,' 'D. Important Atsttonneentent. Plated: Ware: • • 13:.Efiletaikr rt i m ... ; sllEo Erkity. v tat.o . Ay moimixt Utet s . • . TEE3IS...: crash advanee:s2, o , ), not paid within 'six months; and e52,50,ntn,, - , iJr the year. Ncr-pnOidisontinuefi anti fu t p,. uro paid; except. at- the 011 the ihhera: Ali con4nunizatkons conneete t tai t h Office",toinsure attention, tqust be dittlled( , paid) to CuasE ez:DaY,Montrose,Sulquel lt •Cluuntr Pa. - . ' • • . - F. - . Rati,f4 tiiAdveitkins.l - . O n e square (LI line* or less) 3'insertioo, sv d, Each sUbsequent insrtion, . . . •". '..! .- 0 ;, ) , One tiquare three months, .... :... '. . . One square six mon hs; - % " ' ";" ' Business Cards, Nu lines or less, • 4,01 less, . ,(10 1 --.01. Yearly ativertisentetits, not over 4 Fquares, 7,t 6 One-column ono year, . . . . 300)/ yern advertisers will be restrittEd is tAe business in which they are engaged ; and a re tot _ sidered as wishing to continue advertising diey — shat; -give special directions for h only uanee of the same.; 30 a o'`' - 'e The publishers haiing • added to their lod Printing materials a large and superior ots ett meet of Job Type, aro now prpitred to - elect% -Job IVork in a manner unsurpassed in .thi a . " . tion ofepuntry,and on the most reasonableternti Blttulcrs otovery,deSeription kept eatistaati, on tomd;or printed to order. c.lif..6ll6,_FPic . ',.itt.oirt 811.17.1.. T 111.4d:t/SE, Great rieriFll Depot, Pa. k4.olsoNl3zy. ANT, Proprietor. , • BVRIIOWS, SPROET Ac Co., I linuttf carers ttf'Sramres-Coarninr.n CAA. SPONGS, HugJlisviltn,Lycgminz Springs nay be/web:of. 3f. S.Wilson, Montrose. .Win: W. SIWITII & Cabinet and Cirair Manufacturers; foot:llsin: Street, Montrose, Pa. - Or.; Stiegeoit Del:list, 3foritrose. Pa., will le-a Searle's 11°4.1, ,119nday- and Tkieiday. - n3 enci witek. - 15yi, ffitA.Ne Dealei-s in Dry Goods, Gioceries, hardware; Crockery, Boots and Shoes,- Se., Springville,' Pa. -• ' • 1851 LITTLE & ICI SE, . , A ttorities . 41. Cats' —.-OfHee formed!: (teen. t • 'pied by'Little & Streeter, Montrose, susque. I ,Itanna County, P a . t ! ItA,Lru • B. LITTLE A .DAVIS, ATTORNEY AND COI:NS:I...Lau._ AT LAW -. —!.. 7 0que.. bat ria Depot, Pa. Office over S. 8.. West's • Store. , , . 16%1 . ABEL TURRELL,- 3foNinosE; PA.. Dealer itr DruaS,Medivinis, Cfietnicals,Paint s Dve.stufrs, Oroyeriek, Dry Goods,'lta r d.j, ware, Yankee Notions, 4e.. - PhySivians Pre • weriptions carefully compounded. • .7- OIVN GlittriVE§; FasllioralMeTailor--Shop under So.ar 1k tvf, lain Cr ee t, llnntroee, Pa. - JO MV .COL . STEN; ItEALEIZ, IN*St6res C:iiper and Sheet' Iroi Waiej,(idermvil IC, near Great.l3e . nd Depot.-6tf I.7irao,dritif & Eldred, DEALERS TN 'STOVES and 11 nr:;!..! orefs of Cap. per; Tin, and Sheeoron N . Vare. Shop to Main r i St., he iow - Searle's . 111,1e1, kuntiose. - S.A. Woonnuir.l JO. B.IELDRED. - - A. Lathiop, DEAt.r.r. in Ready-}lade i iothing, }tat - and • Caps. Boots and Stiois, Dry GOods, Storb opposite Searie',s MontrAre. LATtinor, and W. RILEY, --5- h . " LiTnnor Dr. Merit 11 . .• C. INil. DRuccisT and CtOmisT, and Dealer DRUGs, Nrodicioes., Chemicals , Dye.Stufra Paints; Oils, Patty, Window Glaf4s, C;:kaphini. Fluid, Perfumery, Yaiskve Noiol4Sze.,&e. -• • • •- FRANKLIN FRASERi CoVNSELLOR AT LAW.:Alnllt.roSti I . Pa., will . attendlaithtully to Idl . .l;usir,css eni trusted to him in the county:ef Suseutilannal Cionveva !n — g and ri;ritin - fr. of nil kinds' . toil! 4i . . done neatly, arid charge moderate. ' lie will also atteod, to the prosecution, Of claitasaol. i diprs, theit widows' hnd heir, against-the ii.'Sl government, for Bditnty Land, Pension , ,, &e.l hill} . be found at all 'hours at the (Alice formerly', i occupied by J. T. Richard, E. 41., north .of the . Court:Housei--18.5&-n49 v . ' .• - i _ ' Bt. C. TYLER , , - • Intere,sted With I: L..Hunt i - TuronTEa AND DEALER in Harawh r e lery, Carriage Triniroings; Springs; • No. :115 Pearl Slick, N. I". Where his Moreantile friends, .in' this and 'other . Connties,are Mildly invited, and earhestly solielt• eqi - to 011 and purchase. • n6tf. • HENRY S• KNAPP, •OF. SIONTI:OSE, 'PA. • With Rowe, Woodruff,. & Cartey, NITHOLESALE - GhacEas :ina:cotnassies MERCILINTS, N 0.173 NiTat4iington :strcet. between Cart !and and. Dey - Streits;New I-drk; -Iran+ • • Medical Card. DRS- E. Patrick;. Jr: &. G.' 7 Z. Dime( . .k have this-dap foOned 4 t...ogmrtnershilLfor a more efficient and successful prosecution of the differ ent brunehos of their profession. - - AU busines,s:imtrustpctto them, will be Wen' (led to with promptness and fidelity. • - Their 'offiez boy be - Sound 'over' Lathrop's Store, East side Public Avenue. . .. E. PATRICK, Jr.. G. Z. . . ,Montrose, 9I rch 22,185+. W., Singleton, :Can nova, be fivend at his rim stand nn Owe go.street, 2 doots west of Scirle's llotti, where he qr. : wire/1y ippairs with, disprrtrh, Wntvho, Clocks, Gurvi, Jewetry,-and every_ deseriptinn of machinery. *lieri tufting, Gun and Watch niateiinis Supplied to the trade.-51 • z .Baldwin 1/114Y' be. fouirattiti bliktitene of Searle'ri Ho tel, 3 dooirs- live ! :a . from the coiner. Notes and 'accounts think are vlue - 41 s will be very sr c4tnble if paid ;soon & E. BALDWIN. itlonirose, No'v.22, 185-1.-47tf J. H. Paisois,.. WritAgat,LE sn-4 , ), RETAIL . DEALnn in Cabinet ',. = Wsio, Sofas, Bt.4st4ads, Tables, Stand 4 4e• • " - • ' No.• 9,Washingion streeW' Bin , rhainton N. Y. sW: ** Coffin %%rare-Room ap 5t5tr5.. , ,1352. - • yo i DAD ihe tut‘;'ortfseinent , .of A- -I.;1V,1111 1 9 * CO., in knotliei.column , and...go. when e.nn bu} Goods gt..n Innfain. ' LOVAIt glna . 'llllol'HY SEEP Eel. sale by . „0- - 11. 111.1111ITT-: 'New Nliffird, March.klBss,-' New and Cheap Goads- ` TIOUGHT at iew pres4are prices and . will be sold aecordngly, by:; as BURROWS Gib.on, Out, LI,I .Carpets• . = • GOOF assartiannt and lunicisaina Ititeret at very levi !Ikea. - ;Oet. t 1. L.a...1.A. l b s. 1.-SASE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers