'Fall and- Winter Goods. . L ,F,LsoN & 1 1 ,RlEST hare now in store:a oniplete assortment Of desirable dry Goods ;;;;;Ihie 'or- the prescnt..;:lnd corning, season, „,„.,„ t h e y . offer for sale at prices that the clos e,t 1.,i(14 cannot fail . ,,Lo appyoiate, - Ladie4.7. Dress Citiod.e. Eli o; arc's du Rhine, from 554 to S'.2 per: Yd.. s tripe and plain colored silky from; - 34. 61 . Ayrinos, Paratro:ttas, Thom% Persians, Wool Plaids, De - 410. Frehcli, •,,.? :1' Gingh,ons andPrisits o lite (I• • to 3s. Enibtaiikrieg and Laces. i,N • 010 ilollors, -Urinbri•ll.ls, ;ILA .11,,alkornliiefs, at all priees. .erks, 11' Ip•••• ~,, le to 30 Llnen i - rom (le. to R 3. • 21 . 01trnitt?, Goqd.q. •ti,;.•'', time and rarelmiT *taken in selnet. cvnr sn dillieOlt to find, and we feel . ';,, l i.j,•at that 1.111" assortment, eml•raeing: :my texture of it 111 ":„..Ig•Fsis but Embroidet•ini.: will i' i nnt . whit npprobution. • . lrerino. and CmAnnero with silk fringe: American. •Freneli avid long -and • sxuarc jyr,;'ea Titrovri Sh aw l s. : • Houoske(ping 'Goods. .11, 1 , ;aid Whitney 11It.tikets of all sixes. Grey Blankets, Marsaiiiisg. imperi:d Hem) 'l3arngley and Irisr. Linen. pinny: ( t:ise cottons and ali Dinpvr anti' Biriisqe Toweling, Mom and ,IL - .»§Arear, Cottoraides, .Sntint.N. Sheers grey. ,;•;; and Cassirderes, Fretith Domatic.q . shirtinff.rard %ride,. from t-,•1 . Cotton rlimpt.l. ~i.stripod shirting, Apt- 5 m cheeks, Ticking • D . , 'n-. 1,r,, is. S: :P. would tnerainn that titpy go hints orte-prit•P SyStfr'7;l., 1111% their .if 1 hf , l6we,t - possib't• price Ad 11 • fit•:: v:ilmttion :11) , ,ve mtitt..t. 44 . 1 r goods to hr porti.Tt. jn . . . . , -i w.lv what, they aro rittes.r.nted. and t•tis: ~ !-• may ymy trit,.n ottaln'di , ..! 41 t.., a t-..ril-rt .!;.. '.. I :I; low a line, a 1... IN-. .r0f.,,1,t r;c4 hy pill - ive.it Of New l'ol-1: trap. • • NE,I,S(iN & PilliT.ST. . . •p.•.-.,11•3•1!ftn, s t , - 11. 20. . . Clear the Track • is 1 1 gm in 3 :Tre:rt. 1-Vov.whaT's lhi ovor r ! , :ho Post- Offiot , ll3s ja- s it rovelvo.fhe Fxpross 11: , 1V t)f 3,10 k ,: SNI .III I Wnlat Sortie thoy aro no. -.ono on he has :rot Mary 1,;!„1“,):, 'rho Path. B ind:we :,nil Fro , ri..o-11.(1)onlz. . . rtiC,lt•t• w or k s . i n Folks 13 ,,, t1:, vz.ri.. !looks ..ntir: n 1-IrQv nddifjon tr. It l v : ii.p. •• i , •. . t , . - - . • 1,. M. TURRELL. 'ritt Eloetion for Ihe Dist tiot etunii•it , ori of the r• " , . I 1 . ,/r;DSVII.T.E, SIMI, 0.1„ I'• towr i -d i jp of ,Spriirt-viil..•, ‘i i!1 he Irini agile 11 , 0.1-0 i Sept. :DWI 1855:-38-n - 3*' a 1- 7 •14,1, , ,r 1iii.11,•: , ,:x. in ,aid towti-I'ip. - , 1 ... 'nit. Eli-et - ion fir rho fristtlet etooposed of the : ... ttoer.-14.p ot .. o hihike,'... t ilt r k, will Ist tpda • lit ;lic• : •„,, ti ,-. , Sheriff's Salo. ta' a 14rit of Fi "ra.ilovoNl out of th'e Court t,f lt , 'ilso ti..w .we•tll;.e.l . by -Rob.:rt 111464.ri;41,.., in -! _O ., irtunier,n Pie". or Suit.itirilinti I Vollntr. and it, the di : sill .to • 1.1-I , lp. • • . 1 recitti. 1 wi'i t-cpe4r NI •oithiieFa`r at the' hon.(' ofllo - Tv If•irie4 in (b.. e.or:e,he,..( - %pc:aro.). on f‘aturtlity,l3th 'fife Efi.el i iiii ; for the I)i-trirt eninpOseil M . :he :. a . .,, „,., ) ,.., I „. r ~,,.x ., .„., i„. ‘1 „,,, ~...,,.._ - Borough of Sl. - -(lll(44iti il I).ptit• :will he held .:,6 i -- All tiott evi.t..in piece or parr•ol of land, situ- . 414- i tU..llls of Ellito .8, t1 , 4 ,, 1) , no W eoetipied by i rte-it:id - twin! , in the totynSliip of Apolacon in : R. Nit...l. in ti - t.iiiii•Borittiol.. 1 11:0 E - cotit , nh,:r the Ifistrirt composed Of the ' 1.,W5,,10 Wit :On fht , north :intl . rittrtheast Ity ' towri-hip of Thittri-on, wilt It,- held at the'honse ! lar..ls of Jant , s 11•11ise, William Haase, .lames .„ .. . NEV GOODS. • , • . o f. J , ,11:1. lonnt - tifg i . n sato trivfa"illip. ! 13 Isford, nod Geo. Brink. on ;h0 south ht' ;rind; - .! - I nis... make Ilitrt,wn and git -- i• notice as in and. of Avery 8.-1 - we, soothe:est by lands .if Anst•l , - .. . - 11'Efil011. :ill-actions. New and NI/ Sttlr.- 1 1‘ . „lb,. 13th s oolitioi . of the :;fort-said neti atti di- F•ox, and northwest. In- lands oc Th.- said J amey' t . :' •'''' "f r; 11 G('')d - '• in 1 " ) ' - (' - s G'"'d - 4F' ll- ;" 1 ` , '. ret•ted.••lll:.t ~ , „.ry p,,,,,,, ,-,,.i 1 ,1 j,,,tie..,-,.f . the.; . 11,,,,, ,- . ip.iirr 944' same land- et.tworeil to 1.;7:0ki. ~..• I :-..aith:, and Eaney Co.tds genor:ll!y. 7‘,'l; 2:512. I 1 ,.. ; •, e .0. w l t h skill hold are 0t1i.4... hr appe. , 32ltl2ll',Pt. et 1,1111,e by. thi et , e..rtnin deeds. The ffrst..la.s. 7,:r0:.1 variety : ineludinf.za nett ns...iirtaletit ,Of pr-til t•r 'trust Yialitr th i• I.laited St. , tes, or -,.wf •II .t:-.0.. and - wife in Ezokiel 11311,4., .lialth! June r.; . S. oil,. &r. are TIOW Itoin2 . revolved :tild will- 4 if t i„ t...tt a t e „ or or any city er iiiil:trpitf.tit..l district, i 13th. 1931: the 23 lone, .11;e1: , .,.. NO - wifo to •....,,t4 on tilt- htili4l:etre(rat'lo totins an•i 'ON•(.-.4 : 44 .;,,•th,. r ' a e ion.:l4-.-dit::e I of1).•.t• - or otherwbo... - a E7(.1,:i t .1 llnnso tinted .linv i'11.:,"1933 : and Itr t''".. l.r- - , . 11. liUit RV 17 . • '' üb..nlitint.- t illeer oiatFt:itt,le-'11.: is., fir shall Lt, ;.,3,1. eonvoy.•ll ite Avery Ili ate ::11.1 Wlft; . _ 111 1110 li• .1 - Ililforfl. Soptemboy.• 1835. 4 rinpl.iy.si tinth r r tile Itszi-Inti..,judiellary or ex- I strid Eat - . 144.1 Iliti)so., (fated I:trot:lry 16:1I 195.1, , i, eoatise dep..r.4,uont of lit F-1 ; ,:o or I.34ited States :111 of whtelt are rootir.h..l in the oill•e. for reenr . Pzttealt Apj)le .Parer s. / i •o r an y city rel• ineorp - or Jed; di‘triet 4 and :11”111- . (liar( (10011.4 in and for the enmity of Susyndirm. rill LE stihst.fit,efs :are A gcnts for the sale . 4 4 ( . hut:A . ..in - mo.initer aft (I.in ,- rrii:44, and r-f•the St., Ty. as follows: Dot-c 1 Rook N 0..-31) palre 318- the. %1. : N. : e.rtic!'.. a hir..!e. sittiply a ... , •iiit.h 1.,..";,:. : ,,„,,•. :„.!„-; ,-.f tko •......ttocit t Or co:ninon rotti :1 - 14.t.il 80, k No. 22 pn7.. 65.3. and De't-i Book •..• i.:lVt.p..i f',.lh•jVt•d direot fro:u thoir'mar.ll- • oil . 4. f al'o: eitc.i,or cuiittni . "-i"nors of :nv . ir. o orpo , • \ o 22 1 , :1 : 760 654, eoritainitor in all alvitil IC acre. .... , ..,-e , , Cht:lll.TYwereliantsm2l)l , li,4l at whole- r a t ( td.tlist r i o t. •t by I.IW int:ll:lde of ht.:ding or, be the s.:.tte more or It , A.•ith the appurtonltt. ~...t FUT.:. • . PHYFE & , KNOL:FON. i ,,,1 ni. ,,,,,-; ! ~,r, ~- ~,,1. :r.„ . 1,.„ 0 ,,,„-,.,„ or c . 1„ 0 ,..; of ~1 4 • i. •- . I:nll , ft:ll4f:ft, seine. fruit trees and - a ll imp ro v e d. • ft aJhatnton, Sept. 12, 1855. ' - ~.4.,..t i 0 :. ...... of l'r t its - Connt ~, it -Ay 2.11. aril ;h-i1 120 1114 , Soized and taken in execution ta the snit ..r. _ _ ___________. -..,,, . ; ••. ! ,r . or :hi lr_... Or other •itliii.er ai :I , iy sticii • Eiwar.l C. '',-rose to.the use o 1 folin 11. Arnold l'resit Arrivref of X4'w GOods .et : ...'.4.4.ti0n, -.hall Ito e11ig.91.. to any 4.15er.: then id v.. Ezokitd lino-e. DICKERMANS &GA:I - RAI - 7 - s i ! , i • , " ! ,t: . 1.. ; • - . , „-. „., 1 i 1 ; , .. . _ F. P. HOLLISTER. Sheriff. • ' ' 'And or '1:::.' :;:llr.e.:t .1 or . :...i'-`i'iniilr It -Is 111 - ') • mon:rose. Sop% IS. 185.5-33v. - 3 . - - -:11-; ~ ü bstirib-ofs would fe-peetfolly inform • ~.. - 7 - :• t• • 1 .• .. 4 , 1 . . 4.:, ...T 1) i -.inf. t . " :he nit .y ti ( . 11. r. .at te r, .....i.•..... ppm, •' LI- d twott to of 'zit-rine'. nr•-. c,, till' ''' • , 'l' ( ' .•• , . ~ '.•I II "'• ' "•' . Si i , r .;11, 4:, , ,,•ii1l ;T...1 , 1•• iiVe. hi the. 1 3 , nc,, Cr•ti,Thi i - Ad ministr ator's Notice.- - - ..- •-:lrti . now 4.1 , 01'1,11g their stoek r.f 1 7 :11 and- i... rot' i i,„ ,10 41 , c,,,, , m 1 4,.. ~I • •• ... . 1 .1. t•%.e. 1 rli%4 1 , `" , " Ai `t ti c - ()1•1(1.' is lie-obv .-iven 19 it I.ltters• trots_ r Go. , tis witi.-11 is 13T1 , 1,h111.111V .laT. , e nal at- , s • , c'• . '1';,... I' • i - . • .' -. i . ' ' 1 ' ' •,-, hi'vii-:•'1.1.“1-' 4.'t , '".1 . 1i -, tIIIIIIIII-"I' LIIII 1 In"II"":" 1 1 ' hivtriz,TV up di the r•strito of Entic 1)..11 . 0114; :111 of whielt will to. sOld for ei.sh or - , .. , v. t.eit. vor ...:Iltsi t11).•:1IhV ail ‘.lllVer hf all ‘'l.c•llcliilfil 1 , e 'd li i t e of Ti,„,,,,, n t p .. f t i,,. 1,,,, . u , NI n. :.. cii .eredii el•eapor - nem eat: Ito totit2l6 ..t - . .-4 . '• . • t • t L. ~! '" ' ',' : A 1. A ~, by In,- ~, 1 1 1:1 ,a, t ., ; ., 4 f .l, ( • c th rs tilt•r!., , , ,O. "i - •`f ' i *i . 11-r1 t. 4 the subserilo r. All persons trioeolts. to. : - 1'i"."( t75 143 . 1 . 1 i" 11 "'" 111111 e r(.. 441111 'Y AV.' riloil'i . , i l „1 . : 0 , 4 - ~t- at - e n :14 .10 any ~... indlitl: 101* Olt. 1, 1 .1(.04. • 2 • . ,` $ 1 • ..-, 2• 4 • ;." V, t, We 5.211•.' P14.:1• ,, i' , *ice 114 a trif.l. -• -' i . t t•• • i•. ". i tt i . 5a;..., et......:•.4.. are fr.• , -11......e.i to 1:1.:1+:e fat , . i, • • (~ l ii •r i n r .,.. e t t o n V. WOO -hall he 01,,ItIleiIr 4-ill p , y ,„,., nt .. nri ,..., 0,,,„„ . „ nix . m.7. , t:ii ni.. ., 0 p ,, ,D,..t ., id ;,,. DICKERMAN & GARRATI"S. ' : - •' ' r 4'.' i --itei a"I ,V ~" to Pr , . " - It il-''''••• "ll ilPi''''.'•''' l '•' fate to presont tiit..n duty attostoti I. u•-..-111.•nient. ?.,•11: MN .. .rd. Stitt. 18.11.1855. -. in the s :nit :......ti it 51e...1 It o ; tl l tt duty ol il4l Tv- NEIJE‘IIAII - P.lltK, Ader: ' . _ ~ .. . .- : 5•,,C,;.'1••.‘,Chi1,,1. 11)k Of Sliilhtv:lni, distrii•Ty.r 14wn. • Thornrzon, Sept. IS. 1835-38,i 6. • - ~ f l:•p, , ,c.d to be ell,-.11 . ; $10 , ..k worth-, Reads .' ; : hip wift1 :, 1 , 1,:i:. ,,• f.. ..,, i. i. 1 .. 11 , 1 , 1 „ ..1 . 4 .... , i ti ,. to t0...ph.,,,,ttit ill - --• ; ...ado (dotili'.. , at , i ••• DicK,E i tirAN & GARRATTs ; 1 , ... , r-te. or 1 . ,:• ,14, 11', nt , ti l if e yia , :t• of lt,•!dittg'•itiett .- .Portcrattlith thwils. • • • , T.,..1 . e1;h, 29 ~, ; ( . 11 Wi7lTh, fit , trith or towns - lop! for ' ; 4- 4. . N , w.Mill'red s•-pi.. Igl h. 15:55: . • : •• ' . - . . ~! , •Ila TER' :I *I began', Patterns retnilito_r for one _ . 1•11, piirp.tse rti p•eservu.4 . tho 7 ri'rlq.:s. ailt te *ii t l. ; 1, ~,,,j , .., . .. ......” NEL :3•ON Z.: I`II.IEST. - ; ; • Also th:a in' t 1 itht t.4-t-liott 01.11 .14 . no , 0 fi A ,,,....'" W •'-• """ . i. • I11111:11.111tiln. AN". 29. Stra,yed or Stolea. ' „„. , ;,• , . . t. settli,le pn:itled - .x.• :fr tO . ,•,aliticr It, I,X, , 49 ,,,,,,, ; - • 1 , t,„ • - a . r. ,„, . (trytir. ailftlr, ri l ; e ; ;;;,3d . i ns t. tr o ut the pasture of 414111 for who,. plirp,rsos., . ViiiirhVl•ti • /11.TTI ..f.t211., Copartnership. • . ~, sit:psi-titter, in t:le toWte.hip 'of Ciiilord, S:i.l9. - 1 S4O. it is on:wted that Ihe shish-aid 1811r . isee.. ri t.....,., , , , .. , , . . .„„., nivii . rs t., llt • c! TI F;Ve t.l:-, •. - ITIW as:sr - whited l' .. a youriir mare, the at-.rot' is five yr.:lns..ld.- • lion, .hill not he vons4.:tued 'as t.) prert ni ; , - ally • under Ow firm or Dieitoirns:n & (-; treat' fOr !at; to 15 hands Iti , h, of a ereant co:or, black ' militia (.11i:7er or 101rOlizli 0t1it , ...r frrOtll servifig• ris -- t • ; t le purpose o.f trnfinletin2 the mercantile Busi ili He and tail, with a strip on the 1,...k . / .:4;t v nti..? 3.1.t.r:r.., In. s pt•otor. Ire riork - at any fronend ()rope- • i l • nessnt the old stand of .1. ID.kertii.:n Jr. 'in: from mane to tail.a hlrin II: si):4 or whit, liai r '; - ci:ll.Elect ion in this t',:on:atonwealth.• A t i t a ." J. IfICKERIINN. J r.' t : ;. the fore shoulder caused lir I,eit,g; galltql by - Pil-snant to the irrrivi-iotis contNirllo 19 ° ; - - • HORATiO GAIMATT. saddle,,tind having a rou n d buneli on the ram- , 7Gth'sreetittn,of the :lel aJor(tsaid. the. Judzes of.. . New I.l4lford. Aufr 55 b;•....t hit of the off 1 t ...4.. - ,S l id in ~.r e ~1.,,,, hitsdui: . the nfor.•said district - Shall lospeetirely take i _ __ ___ - • 18. IS .'_ • .___._ Hi -. ;' , f9.wri le.- , , , 41th Li Jr'-t of it.,-,, bi.wlt - httir ellarge, or the et-ftific:oe or return of th e elttotiiiii ; • . • Notie3 Eltra. - .: - ..v.ing• from the fotorltwk j,)ilrt4, lii, ph V.*l.lt• -'i.•l• their ri-4peri it - 0 dii.:liirt', alai prolart• theta 'fit ' _:_ , Nl.hi•A nll.l at'Vrh/h..`: ("Tii It,. found at the .Any person givinir :my . information e on- : n hieotinti or 0.,. .1 mige from eat.l i . d;sttiet at the : .‘ .-•- .. I old stand, and I (rust that ...- e ll Wi ll See the ....Hint , said mire to Itaei,i Rees..DandaT ••••.;114,.. ! t.;rotrt 1.1',.u , e in, the Borothr.:11 Itt/..Nlontrost..., on i • , s t i p . - beech:S:9y of tseltliacr theVi It it! Out furtLer notice. .:ituin t Co. Pa., L.Searie, E.: I , Nom rose, Pa . ' llat• third dal' .Itor the day Itf tliti-lion.beiitg; t7.1):44.:id D.ivi.s. Lerarsvillo 131-ttrif••rd,- or trim: present lyear on Friday Ino 12.19 d ay - o f 94.tolter ; , J. DI(.7kERMAN, Jr: • ,I . AWT. 29.-35w6. . . . her to nor. of the above' mhos -d places Wlti • next, ilo;itt to do and perform toe. duties rorluir- - . . • __... :.. -, iitorally rewarded. . . i ls'i i':•'• It•}v "i . ~,,; , i ❑.1 ,, ' 11, :'• AL" , t-iiii• wh"re a r 4 - 1 ILVER. ‘VARE.-A In r. , e lot of silver Forks. e,. , . .., „ '-- ' - p - . - i .2:telp• by sie..kth..sti or tIrro...:1:11010 :11.,•; , /crii i•• un- - .1 of iii „j. z. ,,, :. at „,,, •1'',0,1,... 1),,.,,,, i :, n 4 Tea 1•11. 111`,E1) KAI VE:S.---1:2 • doz. ned e plated :;• ;'a-.lt to al,end ',aid meeting, of Jud!o•s, then the ; Spoons: just iinislit•d_and warranted' :is 'Ood, as I tid•Tea Betide, this ( law ree(44 e, (1 it:i - . • 'een(ficatv or return ararcsaid steal : be Laken ~„in , by: J. nv.ANS.. . I -..). . r A.-J. EVAN' S. - Tit -rze i..t - by our, of the I , l4perftirit or Clerks of -11. Alter. 'l9: •.: - l !Ito...tort ion of said 46-trtot, - who ..-101,1',nitt t•• r- , . .. • • ,SI E‘VINGBIRDS, soine very rim.. for sale ... • t ...I , r .: the duties required ofsaid „Itid;it.a 'Unable to ; - 1 . ehrap be • '• - • A. J. EVAN'S . -• - - PROOLAri/ATI,OTC .; . callerci. .., 1 .: - t GENERAL 'ELbtrritonr. • I - v ct ' t he S l at .1" fI-: • I t't • . . ,so. ...oa ut le s c c.ton• 0 s..tit fie I Is ' b. CA.RPErs AND OTL.CLOTH' • • I.' par:tin:lee of nn net of the. Ger•era 1 Assent- .. (..n . ,:ii:14:11 lii tt'i,• when 11,17,) or, !mir e 1. , ..,u0tie.; sl u m 4 _ • •jr 1.1. DEil'Elf W4111: . :1 4-.:11 the attention of - ltl: rf the Commonwt:all it or Prnt.N • ylv•ini: , , . c .. Tri p,), ( .. - :l d,U4ri e t for thaeloilet. tit a nic.triler or ~ P • t h e public -to Li.; bir: l 4- stock of 7'itrec Ply: -, .3!:: - ),.d ati -. rlct nAtititr , t 4 , t i ts . elvetions or the j, 111, , mtwr.- • 4.1 . tne Siqpit , .: , of this' Cortimunwv:ilth or ( - ~ ~b ar :, re , :Igrai l Tr i. . d l i. e h ly..t. '/'r ot -. Pr y. :Ind Brussels Carpet rinininnweallit.'" aitprovedthesertand day-of ill- i !•rt.!),--, - 11.,1:,.., ti; . I:,*.prvst.itt.: - .1iv,.::: of the 1 s just purt;hast.d at Art:n(oS ,A. 1). one thou s: hod •i•t•lit i•ontired and thirty- I •Str.to4 or a this , Cttlnirottlwo till', the Judges of l it. '* : .' • ' " " . e , i,. . 0 . i,.11 in i„..01 ~,tvits..hat..n!r, mot zi:, , „ tore. : and offers all Its:rer priers than • ever, offered be ;',lr,tt. H. r. P. HOIi•LI'STER. Litt•h Sheriffof fiat' 3lit- , 1 4 ; e fort" 111 the co.utetry. aced (I.l.eirge variety,;..fillin." ~.w ity 4 Sir , (litelAirittel. i r rt .."1:.41: C..inmonwealth saki. the clerks shall telake out 7: hit sin:el:tent , _ . , , . - • •• .... ita- 4 .. , : • . , 31'11111: C • irl)(4.. 1{.11,1!11 0 1.71Kin'' 016 ,neon 1' ',', ileretiy UlVe notire to the eletsfors r, , fthe eon!). lOf ail ilit%votes tyltie'h shall ,12;tve- ht.f.ll gIVCII at ! 4 , .-e . . ~4 e 4 4 .. or'said that a Ger.eral Election 13:111 lo• lir Id , ',deli diction yr...1;441e t•Olitity, her whey person .. n':" ( °I hi - ' 1- 4 •-"yril'ry a ,1 ll'ol'e r tirill'.ll .4i Ire. . (.3,•nie and Ili! cony need that there !: ..id ettuntv on the aret•(nd Tuesdav'of o,:ttober i• rot.si tor- n's such a tot miter Or menihers whieh ; necessity for bare doors. r•`- 11 , (it Ewing the .9th , a,,, of s:tid month) at shall 6, si;_mee. by N4i(.. Judges and attested •br 1 ailich time State and fjouOtv officers are to be i t the Clerk* ; lint! one ,f - the sitid Judg4 , •s shalt t - . . - . , I Binghamlon..6o. Sept .. evt:t.-u as follows. to wit :. , - I . tttkechari:e. a liUt•ll ' Cl. ' rtifie.ate and shit; posit:le e .. )iie per-ion 'N't fill the office of *Canal (!ottifflie. i thesatne at a . meeting. cif. one Jiia: t re, from ti.i.ii ! ---4-:- STEr.AtVED 01 S'l' i• • - siori.x of the Board of Pcinewl‘quala. .., ' i e(ittniV of Kieli tn::cp rfir such district. :as is or 1 ' Tv.° Nrsons to fill the office Of Al.ertibors of I mar he :ppointtsl laylaW far ih,. porpose, which i • From thi• pasture of 'ln su iil , lifulse or Representatives of the Contuattn- I reectint• si.all Le held of] l l t SeAcnth day after truss, allftlit ten dhyn Si e , • : ''.l . .tth fir Pennsylvanirt,•for Um i District . ompos„ e „ teefell. - - . . j• Marl • Cult-3 years ohi, I . ` .ll "r the chanties of Susquehanna, WV:tilling i Tit,. ru; In T, ituh:r., of the Represent:dive Disc. ; hantr:-----Any one „he sad Sulli - van.! tiit-t sump'- .. ti of 211,1' ,... , ;unti., a : 4 n...0 , 111111M : 1/iye infortantioa 4110 . , Oat: person to fill the office of County. Ctini-'l, Wrislo iti:.! and I...it:lilt - an, will meet at 'lite Criurt i be liberally reward:- mi:sioter.of the county of SusqueliatintL r ., f 11 , ,u;, , in the B..rough of 'Montt . ..se in The emus f in" PPNott to Eli . . the t.flite Of •Treastiter of i ty - of SJ.; , -,9oelfai.nia on. Tovi-•titar the Sixteenth . , , ' , Lc e.tunty of Susquehanna. • ", - 1 Gay of 0,11,•11)•n mixt , to pc . cf.irtta thoi,e dutifor en. • On" person to fill the otlice of Auditor of the joined by taw'ttpon the said Jealge,i. - - .1 A FINE: 1...0T of Aoillity of Sunqkliitnna. , ' . i • -Alm,. th-rt in the. tit st set . ..lion ilf said net. it i's 4 I • .9N lON Twist 1)oublt• Rarrrel Guns, Single . I also hereby , make known and :rive unties !en ne(od 'that •' Ort•re.-gr.neral and sporinl - e lection ; _.4 d., and extra Fine Rifles, for stile by • ' that the places of holifingt, the G••neral -Elts•tion in -.shall rte oponed'lst•twe'en Ei g ht and Tett in ibis 1 • A. LATIIROP & Co. 1 : ,. .. , ..t , e . rat Wards, Borone•hs ;and Townships i forenortn o ind shill eoritintie i withouldnt••rruption i ay 1. 'qtilin the eottirty - -of Sunqueltanna, are Its ld- : or •aljourronent ;buil Seven slielor I k in the even- . . „ it:vs, to wit: • ''.. I hit! :: 11•-n the polls . ..shill bc.tiosecl." ' . - - i . New. York Prices !.. Th. , Election for the District composed of the I -Gic. , tl udder mr .11,,,,,t, n i mr ag e ,., in t 0 . RE now being paid by A- Llthrop & Co., township of.Apolaeop, will be lield,ut the hou s ei Bo rough of 1 31•iiitri . .e , this 113th "day of Sip 'rn. to all those who consign their butter and of Joseph Beebe, in said iownshiP. ' 1 le•r. Amor Dotniiii - 1855.,,mt in the. year the' • A produce to them. - They rlt Ming made err:lmre- The Election for itii , , District co'mposed of the ' CoinntOnwenlth the sevent r-itittt It.' /' •- , 1 • 1 -N mentm are now en bled to wend all kinds of pro- Ifiwnnhip of Ararat, Will be held at the SehoOl .. ' I • v. p. HOLf,ISTER/Slieriffi -1 • • i dove to New F ork and to sell the same at the I luue . near. the - Presbyterian:ChMA, in said I - township : •._. ---c--- " -- I highest market prices. All those who wish , . . - I - i good prices and quick returns we invite to call . The Else; an N. the District ettropOnert of ..the 'I . r, 1 township al'Aubttrawill be held, itibettonse.of ' 5"‘".2 't upon , , 1 ' .. George Haverly,-in said - 64nntlip. --::-, -;*-- 2- - 1 H , The Eleetion - for_tfi . o District ciiinposa of ttosi:i township of Bridgewater; will be held nt: 010 Perftl Court Hoist; in the BOrough of .Alontlose. ... 1 ' 'vent TheThit Election for the liNtriCt ertmnitserr i,rthei,,itv: - , t ," ,,,,, hip ~f• Bp - bokive: wiiii*.. s .hod at the, lac i -Sul ase terutorly ;occupied : , by 0, ii. --,P414412.0.; in_ :setid 't...1- ;; , ; - :sitio, ~,,. . . : i' Gififiii ..- , -Ter Frifiefifth 'f•;r the 'filtrl4 . euttlf.f , '-rd of 11 -' -413!t": and e!R•vp for 'Ow E r,., 11 ). A. N. BULLARI) :NTT, ES TRAY, • rIAlkiE - inth the inelo;ere a the sq`J-erikwr -!,,rit the 20th ef un , • rear," ,Stel.r. ;11)o= ene Croon Friends :4l the Owego tornpi!it., The (' - wiler is tv'- tn prccv property. paY charge. ,an:l .tah e _ 39%%3* DANIEL Ititcrshlp otithOconut, ; I(l be h 13c hoot the ' i '" l I ' Tile LIGH Laii r lsi..l_ EXPRESS ! I house, tlimi t i llte blpitleicif - It4bi;if ,Gt . pliin, in .bald r I - I . Fare Itediteed r Time saved r: Thro' ' township. It. •• . ''''',-;':, 1 , 1 . i .; ' ! The El.sctiaP ('riot : th District composed of the i . . - '..- -•• bY Day 1 4 1 0 11 E =; = - , • . . tr, t% nsitip,pr Crittii-4) 1 100 bd j held at the house I *.'IISCAINTZeLIr 6g, am.. NICS :. , 1 , - • 6.r.perty. r o tt tiOied by, Atthur: Smith, in the rP . AVE formed a partnerz-hip 'in Montrose :tor ove rt, •of - liuntintf. - 1 -* i: i ~! i•ll • ! : ; "Joe purpose ofdoint• 4rero.4.l . y's Ti n . El,l-ejion,for the j)istriet entnposoi of th ~ . , • • . .. BLACKSNIITIENCiI • Tltirmiszh 0 .- Dirndl - dr, will be held at the Dnridnr, , : -._ • Int the old stand near Keeler',4 Itottil. . • lintel, iv : I . :oil Borougliii ; . ' * -• • • ,The Eiisrtion for -the, istrict coniposed of the. !! Rye hnve pnrebastid an entire new stock of litwnship A. ni.,,,,,k, wil be held at the House i, IRON, c ' Omprisin . gn foil assOrtment of nil kinds, of Johli iiiiki.4, in s-. 1.1 to r tenship. - ~• • i , I direct from „the etty. 11 , 0 shall keep constantly : on 1 ; . • . -.. The Eti'l•tion for the .Disfriet composed of.the i hand . ' " - bown , ddi “,„f• I; ~, , „s t . 1.,,,a.kt:, will ; be held. at tim t , . . 1 Western—Round. and :3(i us re • 1 hiite:e formerly oceupii'til by Preserved ilipifs,•in I• Caststmil Tlll . Cork Rock, 4 . . .. tsaidlloWoillip. • -. , . _ . ! • Relined Tyre Iron—all sizes, •. Tile I•;,tiction for fuel District composed a. rho I - two Iron :and • . township it .. Franklin, n•ill be held at the-idolise !_ . . pring Steel. - of 1-111ths :Tut Ile, in sail township. , ,- . •i A large assorttnent of Midahlelnirt. Coil Chains, Th e Election for thii Ilistrict composed-of the i Carriage Bolts, Ste. &e.,aire us arail, „ It ormseh 'iof Frielidsvilile. 'ted I-_be mild in. the l By Ftriet attention to busine.ss we hope to re. ! lil i • i ! •i ri . s{. ~,,, ~,,,,. Il sa,ll. _o roto.F. b,• ...; - • i cadre a Intend share of the patronage. All work Ti le E!'ection f or :b,it)i s tri,.t. com p f ,,,,,il a tf t ,.. ; a'arranteil'to give satisf,iCtit.n to lists° who - will ; I lownship he of -Great *Bend, wilt h e ld atthe ; .aYor n+ withtheir patronatze. t house of il ,F. We,•ltsini s:iiitowuship. * . .1 i - % .7 " . '"' wArioNs AN. I) C. :IRR!AGE•`• I "..eI i • , The Eltytion for th+Distriel composed of the :*iruned on short halite nod ssoek foond, or made i I ' ilk...l:Ship I .f If (711,1P , 0T1. ajli beiteld at the house of ; tobriler througliont,as may best suit our patrons. I Joseph NVashborn. in +id township. • ' ' -i* All business transactions must be settled once I The *El:cc - Hon tor th&District cuonposed of the'. a year.- Short 'settlements and- long friends is I c. ay ear._ townshiplof liarti t rd, t rill be hell .at the house ' our motto. • ; -of Nathati W. Waldron. in said tsix nship. 1 N. D. A good journeyman wanted.' to 'uhom i The Erection for thit Prattle( eollipes-d rd - the ; steady employment and higlt wages will he given..] towoshipaif 11:-11ro1=ir - iillte lipid at the house', A. E. 11 A .wm-.1,-, PEnnir JENKS. I int +AV twei7p7(id be r. 4'. ‘N'oril:. r iti s'aid township. ', Montrose. May 31.1855, ,l The Elelrion.ftirthiiDistrict'composed of th e ' 1 -- --, * ' . - toveredilp of parr? „ k. Will be hod at the house. i '-, 1140 SIC' • - of the late %Var'reti Ilitnnek, in iinid township. The Eleetitoa flir the 1/istriet composed of the i 1 ON the evenintf 4 the 4thinSt..near the Great I the Depot, or My own rosidenee, a lar71 ! •- 1 , N lawn-bill "I' J'4"kr''''"• will h e 1 " .1.1 4 the ""e of ' Iltick .Moroccti .covered War .) , cionmettein . ti i 353 1 . athanier II!ll i• i said townsiiii. . ! down to the present link . . M• 411. some pipers I T h,. i.:‘,.„6„,... t ., the District! cothposed oftho '..a n d a „„t„, :riven by w m . Book to T. D. Este.l ; t 4/Wr. l :ii) (II .Ic; s slip. will be •Ilvid at the hou:os "I' brook for 8148 or tbereahiiiits—dated Sept. 4th D.-oiief lieri, in 14iii to:Yn-hip. ; ' ~ - i 18 ) '5:: ‘Vhiiiiver finds the. above Diary and will - . Th,. Elipii.,n. far the District composed of the return the same shitll beitheralle row/oiled. ' tovship of•Letdix, wiil he kohl at the homn, of ISAAC REC,KIIOW. . Grow &. iltothel4-, in said township... •• ' -• i --- • . (Treat Bend. Sept. 13. 1855-38 w . . ri„,.. E ectio: , bit- the District composed of the i .___ __- •_ , tOwn-hit Of Libi,irty. will he, M-1,1 : 11- the ti•eiiiiiii !, 7 tlatioice L'il-t)ol.leiti Sllocli.. ttoostilwar the Iles:l.:nee Ofisanc - Comstock, in ! IIE subscriber will offer for salt , at public . said township. i . , , ' - 11-!• Veniiiiii,at -his residetwe, one Mile Wf... , t: ' - .S , . , ,-‘. . - Tll . l. l'; ' ll,.e:if , ni t t)7 . lllts 1111411tt 00:Gpw.i.:1 I.: 1.114 , , , smitmersville,./in Thursii iv th” 181li day tot - kit. townsbip.i:r Lithron, silt l' , li,'!hi it : LIP: f'" ll ''' ' t . Thieleezi Ural „ f choice DevoriCor:s and young iisla Et Lord, in kiiil loan - - stock. one %err extra Doyim 1:::;itt. Sal e 111 V 4 ,11).• .Thr . ..cliVil'4l 4'..r the 1)i-strict comp.tsiiii of the ; ni -„ rit ,,, n , I ~,,...1,,e,,,,. Si`: niwoh... , . vri.dit mi „.. L ., ,. 1.0 wr ,...1 1 1• 0 .1 'Middl e town, will he held ;:it- the ! pl.: N./tes. ' GEO. Il.kir:ll'S.ON. - 1„,,,,. „: - .1,.: e 1,1,11;—„,, in Mn!, I,,wr,ship i i • • . i N.,tv Ntoi; , .,; sept. ii;. 11..3:-. - ;-:,iBm 3, Tie- illiielliin i'ili- tho Destrict composed of' the 1 ____;_____ ” • • ' ileron.:zit of•Monlresi, will be hold.at lini Coutt ! - '•; .. Ftt cll . , T, ...., i;r5. . . . /ions,- in said Bdiongh. 1 - • -'• , - rkiirsonS wj-Itirol an Oiehard, would do well '.-'''' El'''''''"' for the D ''''''''' e "- in Pl . " l '- 21 l" : E - I. - I„ eall at Tri: nr.T.T..S . Nunsr.r.',.-4. 9 1.2 miles 1,1 v 1,- ‘!•il' - 'il . N'-''‘' llil'''' . q; wii r l I) `' 1 :' ,.; ' 1 nt II ",' i sp-iiih,,,t a. vri: n0.,1:01,.. where Apple trees •• li•ii:s e lately 0rii:.1. ,. :t. , 3 l'S .. 1, •'i11^. 1 .7. einv, in gain :!,,,l' the !m oo approved vnrietest,. of r: ,, i , d s've arid ~ 1:-li!ly. i . . , , ~,, "sit .1 . :1.v. :.,t1..•11 :....; :;.r:,. tl-1 , .1iy Sold' t.y Agents for Tho.Ett - ; ction* ;or Ole iii,striet 4.M:111141.n 01 tilt. ~ '2 eent4..v.•;ll he hail for :2 1 .1 vents. .I„,ii.-n...! ip ot (1:1 , ..1:.rci.. iyill he to dl :11 the house id !, • .A 5 i..........,, ; •,,-,- ; i,i, ~..I,_ 1,,,,,..., Plum. (1,,i n . ,.,„,,, an d n Ni , "l. i '' t "" yht" . ...El e 'mul!" -7. : 7,1 "1 i""• 1 !"- ! MoUnt ail; A-li tre..s, at reasonahitcprives. Th' , I :';'''-' 1 :-" :•ir -thil.-1 - k-triot covrp,,,orl.t,r , thei--- Pat-tic:Oar roa,rd is had to :tectiraev.(olNaniezi, tri.,••.; - ;- 3- ,li et Bash, Will] th-I.iiht at the lii ! ins.o tars!! ; ,,,I t.,,, ; ,,k0 0 r ..viel.ii.titY t a 'lri/A fruit for the tbr.rly orvi:pied by N. J. Slier,wimii,imsnitl town-' IA t . • .. -..- '' LI -,- - wli (1 i'sir 1 • ... eren seasii,,, oi ae .1. , . lil 1 t't . M=RI J P : , Lea , t l F) p , !rner or an assort-*- - •' •- • moil in' the I • • Please Take Notteo.. • i Irk 4iP Tit is very Hirable that the accounts • • ‘ l. 1r F; • & A. LATHRO? & CO. Montrose, May 1, 1855, • • from $I In I and Nitte4 ' fiv:rttp,teuel - Aritile! iitottleel, and tlnit '440,41i111: . • _ • • • O. G. lIMIPSTEAD: I,EA 1.10-6f,lrlyn, Aug, 2.0, )+1t;«. r - , J. it. D 1 MEM run , svriber in Mon. larire dark-bey. .itt RI and unlooko to iil r'•turn Naid 0)11.1T it may be found, :Awl, . DAVID POST. mEinE . - Executors' Notice. - . EYTERS Testarneritarjl upon the estate ot • .I_4• Wright' Greco, deed. late •of Franklin township. All persons indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands : will prekent theta duly attested .for seltletuent.! * RUFUS TUTTLE; . • •; • • W3L'GREEN,' • • / Franklin, Sept..lB, I 8.5.5-38w3 Ex!rs. NEW GOODS . , - Tr WEBB i+ now receiving, n new ritip -11.•• ply of GOODS., which will be soldch itap for cash. MontrnAC, Sept. 18, 1855 • - • • Slpytoerraugad. Don % 1 i'orgetful, ftienth, ont. and all Aged youthful, great stna!l— not,zoo email) That at Odd Fellows' Hall 1 , 4 the place to call To art your pietures done np tall. Now Goodi Cheap for Cash. Cw._morr has just received Another lot of New Goods, such As .Challis. B:irge 'De I tins, Do Elael.s,Ginalutrus, Co llars, Mohroid6q, Lawns, &v., tr tl. witiczt.llE On - ET:SAT vEnY Low rutcts. SUMMER SHA IVLS, n new lot just reevived—beautiful patterns At very low prices, also CRAPE and BLACK SILK SITAIVLS as line as the lowest. Jnito 13 1 . 3 It ASO I,S—. La tes t sqleA at , - C. W. mums Jnne.l3 ':i,;inqiyalittiaa L.Abberii.,,ienults. NEW STOCK OF DRY_GOOD3! • • CARPETS"" G neat Redutelion Pa.pes at ONE PRICE STORE. IlAcoN 11:4 the ii}en , ure ftnnotmei- R • his CtiAtomers that he lins jtl.t. t.rz,..4 . 1 from the Eas.tern Marlit-t8 with cne of the largest :mil most excellent a-esiirt:nent of D.RV•GOODS AND CARPETS -- . oppm .1 in this market, which for beauty, variety and e.lnnet wItio!I hay. in , liven pa•clused for cash' at am:Com and else where at .tnction pries he will sell them divaper than they were ever before offered in this Of .ny 4,thrr market we-4 of New \ ' .trt:Tiir. rich and splendid as,,ortmeni of - • DRESS SIINIS iswr.;-.; ackniaededoed the host anti cheapest in town. :it'd includes Plain, Plaid. Striped, Brocade and Glace—the cheargt as. well as the 'rieliest prices v.trylm,f •froni 371•t1 :Cs k 325,0 per yard. tiorethef . with a gra at vai ietyof BRILLIANT JET BLACK SILKS. Troe Sating, &e., sr:flino• at-least 30 per vent ! . -, roz less thad the cost- of imp,:rtation. c,•;: sist: eradho!, S of HAWLS! SHAWLS ! ,tones, &e. An immi.n-so :e.gortment of Si:!-..Crape. Thibot, Also, A , ronts for t;le sale of Whittemore: Cashmer.e, Merinos, Brodie and Summer Shawl's. Svirea t Agricultural tooll,caelt as plows, from $l-to 860. to; vt.ith a splendid variety ! and straW cutters, carp shtllers, &e. of Black and. Colored • ! Sole and Lupper lentil% morocco and shoe • MANTILLAS,. • trimmintw4ll a oenerantssortment of findin„,., of all the fashionable patterns: Sace, Silk and . willow cradles, Embroidered, which viii bc.i , oldelnT•per thin ever arpLoaggets of dc-leraptlons.• • Bar iron and steel, iron axles and steel springs DRESS GOODS. 1 ; - malleahle castinog. coach lave and trimmings of , all ki n d-, n.da:g, oils, sash, truss, putty, &r., all DI: Laing from 1.4 tt . 1 , 4 In c'ts per yruri: of whi,tl trill 1 ) 0 sold at the - InWeSt PIe:ISP P i ..ll:l,P;aii s ., * St . ripvti and Fiszarod. Bril- 'call and examine the stock firyourselves. • liantes, Bombazine:, Ch am bn is , Gi ng _ i Ilit - whamto.:, Ma • March 1,185:i. hams. French, •En4lish and AineriCan from 5 c'ts to 25r . t.s.pvr yard, and oery new style • constantly on hand at the-lowest prices. - • • RIBBONS: Rildeinds by the peke or yard will be always i• rilino, 40°de-ran and ,f .? • '4. tiiiiii;, .i, .. l . I ,;;.. :y ol _ _. in our stock for I.‘iilliners and rettlilers. -- I 31rts'f.e al,l:ll,:ishateiat . I sky-lark...inf.*, seraph, in ono • form. '4 4 1. rnore - ex - EmiqzolpEn.y. - . I ... .. • 1 tiltisifi piece-of work • an-hip we do not re:tient . Or - 1 . Tile richest and huge -1. ass , irtrneat of Einliroidcry ! • ! Der to have seen, a the elegance of its exterior car. always be seen at R. C. Baeon's,:rt the !owe-t I ' HORACE VIAT,_r: RS, • i was 4he :lenst of ts , merit-4. In tone,' it Was. prices. i..'Aleriiisetts, Collars, Sit:ctn.-4, Skirts, 1 , • _l7 i , 3:33 8 r0q ../ z r ti. y . . „Yelp 3• 0; . / T e . . utf.ll to`a orne -nction; and we donikt if.Erard; 1 .. . „ , . ! Infants' Waists, &e., of every fashionable style, •, • • - lor any other mropean celebrity, could produce . together with' - , i • The largest assortment of:Vanes, Melodeons, i a more sir i rb-voiced instrument. !Mr. Waters Enil , sli Thread, , • Musical liistruinent , : :,r1(1' 'Marie: I - 31 .' ... '' • has cape tnented in stringing Ids pianos—intro , ers. fl ! . 11O1'.,t; ; - • • . e, . Valenceinnt , s, - lof nil kinds in .the United States. .Pianos from : ducino• . decided improvement—ur.til he seems - ' Winiton, ' • - ; TEN dllferent,, manufactorie's, eoinprish these to h: e struck the fountain depths of sound,from • , Guipure and - .! of every variety of style, from the plitlit, neat and ; the most. delicate to the most-sonerous tones,— . Bros-els:l.:meg 1-snbstabtial 'l(3 1-2 oclaves, in Walnut or Rose-1 lislyirtiiiniar piano,•was valued at! 81,000, but-. in gneat variety. 'wood (,roses, fror,) :'s'lso; to ii 4.2.60, to'those of the ' we.exarainisl arid listehed to several, at priiteF .-. i • - . IA \\L\ GOODS. ,‘ ' i Most elegant finish up to One ThuisSand Dollar . ! ranging down to'quzirter that sum. all equal in i No house in . tho. Union can eoiniy,te xvith ;e ; tone, as in nil the instruments of his own .man of all kiwis. Irish Linens, Linen liandhyrelliefS ' alcove in,the number, variety ana .celebrity f its I O . :ulnae. I%lr. Waters uses the same superior Table Linen mid c,iv'ers of all s" - ae.s.. Napkin:, I) ,, viie ,. Linen . sheetin ,,,. t . nil i.,..i1i0w Case I:mt :, r, in •trurncrus t nor in the exit -'a bitZ7 pr ces at l i ulovernents," so that. while the-nen- can have , - , .. 1 ‘viiich they afe sold. . thmr :LIUSW in a luxurious ease, the . poorer can irion auetion :It prises Eeit.w hil eomplition. . ' have just as - goodltnusie in a ease suited to their Tim attention of house-keepers is- proften"arle 1 1 .97-ACE . W.IMIS MC•PERN IMPF.O`; D riANO.S;- i . ' iilVill-d to our. stock of Ciirtain Goods, among ; whit or without Iron Frames, pos essing in their ,- nleanA • ~ 31r. Resters comnierced in this city -As , aerent which may be found ! , , ' , 4 irtiptorewent..ff over strings an: action, o It•tig:11 ;, f • • i —.- -- 'l . Muslin. Curtains;or t le. sale of Gilbert s . (Boston) - iianos a . little Lace Curtains, • l '''' ' ale ' power and e ` mn i n " - " s ' f tun ' - t A i ' ll irt 1 over six rears :loft selling . but one or two a week 41rocatelles, . . , the Grami Pianni,unitell wit tilt! beanty'and du- 1 . • - now he is selling from 25 to 3gJ pianos and me and evervthim.r in this line of e'oodtl, which can - iriiliilitV of ,:.truct UN of th- gi i vare - Piani.. '.They I lodims weekly of which hnif- - :1 . -doz . en of 0;t, Ili. not f..il to please in fabric. styl:: or price. _ I are justly pronounced - I tho Press anti the . first '. ' :• • • .I. , es per-u.eek.vre manufactured by himself. in - DOME:3'I'IC', GOODS. -. -i inu•ival Ma:iters io 11. ecp4te those of any riti,.. , an : '' - : , t this eitv and two per week. iti Boston by a Blenched az - 01 Brown Sleeting frorn tli.2. lid . • 4r,..de i Crer rnan t uo.c.ur ; :r. ney are built t of the best ano . -inanufaetart a. who was for•eleven 'years' one of tap 1.1 the finest Tialities. • - Tickin , s, L)eriiia,. - 11)" , t- tffi !. r'in ' t , " S' ' ' . S'.- :, n"d I , nnte - rh '',. an '; g u ',„"r•• i the head workmen in Chickerino's establishment Strips-d Shirting, Aproh Checks. .(ilingharns and i le " I '' '" n " I' e "'"" n ( n .t "•` •r r e a. im . the • '''" s l while the balance aro Made up of the in:imam!- ' louse has t title Az . encyor T. Gil be!t , & Co.'st tures of Gilbert, Chickerihg*.liallet. - & Custom, Piints. from 5 c•ts to 12 1- - 2 els - per Yard, and 1 ; celehrated. re:n:11:1 c 1 P/31 - 11), wit . h or W:tnout the all hinds.i,lC,,tion Gm , ,l.s lon men or bur.' ear. , , i and WoodAard &Crown, oi' ilbston, and. other 1 Aeolinn. Hallett i..._ Ceinston ..4,, x - Ilair Cioth • 'Shirts. Grass Cloth Shirts, ''''''''' l " tr " 'i of the best rna' - e • the ' • ' 1 ' . . . .rs in .. le t..oun r - . .. , - f i Brown' , and Jacob Chickering's, and other Bos. , v r . ' " - , and Parasols,—a very rich,assortnamt. ' 1 i ton 1) , ,nos. Gilbert's B. , unioir Rides,' and, Flo. le examined specimens Irota_ all thesii. ma. More Anti,po; , , MosS Prinaes. Galooas, and All 1 kers, , bnt neither saw nor heard anything ;pito Instrument for smaii rooms. descriptions of Dress and 31:int iI la Trimmino, and ! ~ ; equal to those of Mr. Waters, own mitnufaiiture ach iiistrament guarante'ed to give satistac. , • , • , : of eierything belonging to the Dry Goods' trado . . . .•1 —either I(ll.l:unity and VOIIPIIO trine, or • ,ele. enstorneN may be sure of finding at Bacon's, if' g' nee of finish._ 'Still. as" ru„tny people hive as .._ ean be tound in New York. - • • (.7 . .AB.I'ETS: CARPETt'sII:! Since the recent Tremmb,:ts Fall in the Crirpeting,, tie .ve piirehn,•ed .trid ion•i the hrfiest ap•l most beautifu' of - CARPETS' ever:exhibited in ' priers fully 30 per eentiles4 soh! for the ilst year. All t!“. of Carpets are int ited to ow CARPE" where they be del' of - the that food a ea- Brussels.- ' Thre and-Hemp , zs frrim 1f e'ts e+er yard •aficl uptvaids.- 11 ) .1 ...tl4tts, Druagetts, eq :Li Ily cheap. would tlye.e Of his custo. , niers who have nut a;r(...uo+,• nride the e mselves ac quainted with'the taet that he has removi.d from the store f4trin:ype c tipiell by him. in Brigham Block. opposite Court I-10tt:4., to the corner of the new block erected the •laSt summer nest east of the canal, and ll:lrina-a much larger, more conyen lent and pleasant r;tor . e than formerly he is tire pared to hold out even ,mater indUcemerits to buyers than heretofore, and such as can but lie almrecioted, and adinittcd by all those who are competent jod , , , ,ics. • • New Exchanze,Biiimhamtna, May, 29, 1855. ; El Lt,' SAWS. wntr,intpd, n t • AIL - PUVFfI & KNOVITLTON'S pinglintriton, March 1, 11355. BttEAFrrnc.—A large. assortmvot a Gold, Cameo, Atiti Breastpinw. just reteiv• et from the Manufactory: A.I.'EVANS. Bilig113111t011.1U1i: 17. ' SILVER. -WARE.-- A large lot of silyer Forks,' spoons, Lad Rings; 6; c. fin. iehed and fur twlo by . A. J. Evnc9 .iniV . Guld .Chains of all weiglito and patterns. , • NEW GOODS. rplikl i snlocriber is in constant receipt of New I Goads, in his line of business, nearly every week. The public will find his assortmeut Ni 1, And his articles new and of good quality.. The stook consist* us minis] of Drugs. Medieineg.'Paint:4, ' Dye-Stuft% Grliceries, • • 'Pitney -Goods. Jevrelry, I • . Perfumery, &e. - . • Store - :it the limccr end ,pf the.lyirnoti digtriet. ABEL- .lunfi 18,55 C. W. MOTT =MEI ortment region, at they r alai b'e wila are in want d with thc• boanty and it tern , l, arid astonished , v gold so cheap. c'o,ton GREAT BARGAINS . IVlElltir: GOODS. W. N.-NA/MON', & CO; RETURN their warmest ,neknowledgetnents . to. their eustotners . in SaSqiiehanna County for past favors; and invite attentionle their's*); New Spiinp•Goodis, just - opened, whi r eb they pit Ose. to replenish weekly from AUCTION, and the•Cheopest :cash Houses in the City. •.. The stock embraces every ,variety of -Staple and Farley Dry Goods, Yankee Notion, Trunks; Traveling - Bags, 4.e. All of which they will bell extremely CHEAT' for CASH. Pedlar, and other Artmleslk buyers will find it greatly to their advantage to give theni a call. The Ladies-will find an exeellent assortment of Dress Goods, E mbroideri es, Th read Laces, and Trimmings of all, kinds, front AUCTION at very low rates. W. N. WILSON, & CO; Corner of Court and Water Sts. Binghamton, N. Y., April 5,1855. s New Arrangement at Gre,gury's • 11.1RDTVARE .TORE! CI. 'W.:GU:ORY.II.II),;ON SMITH, VirJ havineormed 'co-partnership tor the purpose of coniluet;t4; the Hardware business in units variou.. bronvhes,- would, respectfully in- Corn,l the people Of. Scsiplehonna .county tisnt they P. - a. now • opening At Gregory's Old Stand, (, - .posite the Exchantre Mite], doors from the canal, Ilingliamton, N. Y., tie: iorg„est, cheapest, best stock of liardWare ever offered in 13hig.. !Minton. I.l.tvins arr...ngernents •to impOrt their Goods and p . nrchase.k their American ; i!,c,et from manufaeturers, they can . ar.;l will. sell CHEAPEII. than any other esiablishtuent m th%val stswk very extensive, and those wishimi to I , 7„.Nhase are . .'nvited to ( - i n,— The foilowing are a portion of their leading ar t.ieler., viz :—Taido knives and forks, Tea . d0.,•1 carver:. forces and steels, pen and pocket knives, bread rind Luteher do., liar and straw do.. !scis- ' , 30. rs, shears,.and razors, tiritannia tea and coll'ee pots, silver ant 'oritannia tot and', table - spoons, niicir plated, Lrasr, and iron candlestieks, let's and tras, sitar larap.=; lard, hnfi suspended lamps. !pantie-Tien? ornaments; ,i)rar.a and iron a ndirons, shovels ar.d. tong=, • I 1.9-ohia ! , Glasses, and I‘;4;kin4 , glass plates, to- ; riether with a-general assortment of housekeeP- . ing articles.. imusE Tium.mix6s, t:onsistinz of locks, latches, tatti=, screws ' I-frad ma. p tent wind,e,v springs; .blind lasten -1 ' t• • • e • • A ' , vie-I.:a as:ortzucnt of te.ds for Carpenters and Joiners. Cal.iaet and Wagon Makers, Masom . i and bi..ekstuiths, of planes, saws,.ham adzes, chisels, augers, auger hilts trot holiow angers; antiis, Retitle..., vices, patent dril timehines, slcd.l4:;,stone hammers, •riek. and plastering- trowels, cross-cat, mill and circluar. saws. A splerAid assortment of Saddle and llsrness' =fliers' tools and trimmiu-s. VA MI I G TOOLS, • splOem: fork . s.rak es, 7 !:ey hes, IhOt's, ph-1i axe", iron bars,. grind ' - ' '. l- t - etullorlz I.biltrtistm . ruts. • . _ • ..on Or, purchase money refunded. Secuitd hand Pianos at Greot Bargains, constantly in - store, pricus• from 839 to .•.; 1.10. Sok' Af'tl - tc)' of P. Le. 11. W.: Smith's . M . elo. deans.(ttmed to the (Ilanl temperament) to which. was recently awarded the 'r'irst Premium, at the Nalionol U. C. Price fniut $l5 to 8150. Double bank melodeons, 8200. Iforace Water's ilolorieon.:, superior instru- , . tnent4 in tone, touch nn.l durability of make.- - e(Tuneil thh equal tempL•ratnent.) .1/ lodeons of all other Styles and Guitars, BrOwn's Harp Flittcg, lins, and musical int , trunicals- of ail A lar , o discoapt to schiiids, LeflCkerS, churches and clergvinen. . The - trade supnlied on the most liberal ternim. Music; :---One of the lar;.Test and he...sticky!: cd Catalogues of now published, compris: many of.the choice and most popular an of the day : atnonLr them arse - found Col Universally popular productions of Thomas 'Baker.- Music .sent by mail t0.a1.1 parts of the country post [Eq. Particular, .:ind personol attention paid to orders received - by mail.- :`..3atisfae tion tru•tranteed in every instance. Pianos. arid 3b-lodeens for rent, and rent allowed on par ciltk•-e. Pianos and melodeons for saloon month: pAymclits. Second:hand "Pianos taken in ex chwige fur new. • l'estintonals from- Prq,Pssoiq and •Opinions of the Pres.'s HORACE WATF.C.S, Esq., 333 Broadway : - Dear Sir—Having examined yob:. Piano Fortes from scientific and - appropriate tests, -I am 'enta= bled to form 'a satisfactory judgtnent of their merits, and'it is.-with pleasure that I ran speak of tht tn as among the most celebrated and Ito prol:cd makes f the days • . For power, brilliancy- and richness of tone . elaSticitY- of touch, and beauty of finish, they wit) nut suffer in- comparison with those of-any. calker manufacturer and those desirous of obtaining. a really good Piano Forte--;one that will prove an-equivalent for their means,- will . find .such a one-in your beautiful-instrument. • THONAS : R. A. M. Leader of Jullien's Rand and musical Director' and Conductor at Niblo's Garden.! - `For pqwer, brilliancy and. richness of tone; el.istieity of toueb, elegance .and. durability of malt% flow are in - advance 'uf any other pianos in, the United Staten, being the result of tow expo rieneo and -a aeries ui expritrionta.—.x. y. . Tiro treble is clear; pure, beautiful; and eery rnelodeon4; the bass is deep. rolling and' *ono. rons ; • the middle part is rieh and sysitpathelie: and posses the power of:singing; i..e. of 'uniting the-sound of each tone, in ade 'greet but rarely achiered-4ItNR Y C. • WATSON. For power of lone, of hens, &old brillilat. ey of treble ; tueetheri with - neehroey of touch, !hev ore oral 'to any make I :inforonotored with ar;il I cc.rdially reromhed Au) t.) Opiso,wioldat, to pur.:!;ine'.---7. '• . par frinni/s,will find at: Mr.. Waterit' i ltorn, ,tbe.•- MOTS - • • I NEW I tOgit ADITEILTIS - verylmaCttssiertnicieof-musie sad i' '' 1- 1 1 " cliertiii 1 " -- I '."cff - .,Piannn - i - nl• YttoM - -V15.601t1:4 * 11 445; -Gen4Tl A - 7 g 4 1'90 11 11114n thiVnlted Stittei,iiiiVvie:firge•abi-1. •• . • jiceii . si,'Aiiiittion 4 .l Ifuitdi g . i'''sq: - . • .... ifyiptheinand wt stern , to:gist!. hinitii•eill [ - --", --", z.„. ~ __,..... - 6-nii-8•48 - /4 . , :wil ... t, -,-.,... .-....,.. -:--.-'- :::. wheneiee-they 4-- go- to New Yorlt.4oritimm's I •---- • --.- ''-'•,,, " . ,,.i . . 1 .... - -"-, - . .. . • . ......- • Aftrprzine. r : ; -.. • • 1 • '-'''''' - I'. ' - :BAGS- ANI) - BA Pir g e.. .: ..,, , :,..., . .. We consider them worthrof .Oppeialtittention:• l •. :=-, - .. , :-.!- - .NoyEs.-& - WHITTL . iiY; --• ~ 4 :-• . ..t- . :1--" from the resenintrrind - xfxpeedingA musical temel--. -, -,..2i n t- -- 4 ;,;- -"iii4,.,-*,;.-it ICS -.n EE irif ., .'._ Which Mr.. Waters has succeeded tct attninittg.- , 7 - = , . - r , . - , t'. l- 7„... . • ' • ,- _._.• . . - .•• '.. • . •"- '. r-w ii *Li • - - = - ',: ,:- - N. Y.',ifusical IVorltt 4. 'Pima. :, -.. ..:,.-... , .I , •.'...'" - 2-:-Ifri'iNE4A - -° 14 "4 .1/ ' "- • ' • • • - - • The Horace Waters -. pianos are .- - ofSUPe : tier : . i -I ,l lfveebtastil TftlY er , hand. and - ',rnnn. nf actt r - *l' - order, i . ~,, - :.-- • - l_ tone and elegant finish.—N. Y. Christ/tin .inqui-,: rer. - -••• . - '", ` -• I 11:4,6 loir'.Ftattr, - Grain, tics igaltin_,.., . _ .. : Nothing at the. State Fair'aiSy,laYe . d greater ex- i . ',; wheat; Ham t : & , ,- -.- ... ~. cellen - t;ein - any department than the - PiniM.Ferte i - - ttrouid ,nlso Call the attention of Country ger , manufactured . by Horace . %Va:4lN ill.hi4 , ,eity.— i chants; to their nitsortment- Of - -. -. - - - -.4 -.- -1-- -.. • 'Cituncumax...' - . Horace Waters' Piano Porter are of run t rich, i • - , 1 . 5 , 863:14.e53 & Farthors' . Bage6 .-..-... , and 'even tone, and' powria - 1.-N. esn o> Iterietr. • _ I • 1 ' :If tL_LER S' B 4 G S i ..'..r .. ... . , . • ..,. -_ .., ....., .._ . .. , ... • , • The s Editor or the S:tvrprzah RepuTdic.qn, Sa- ! ~.. i:Designe'd and 'printed to order, expressly fol,theiti .' Vannah, GJ. speaking of the'Piam;:i s tiitils kepi. r ti -, e , ..- .-,... .. . . . . .. - ' • ......,.1. by 3.1e5.5r5..'.1. W. 31orrell ,& Co. of that :city, 1 1 - Our tacilitit: l s tare sn - ch.that we call-nuPPl.V r ftwn.'. .. . seys :: . • . . I • • • 1 - • • -•- 1 10,000 1o12P;000 bags ptr day:: -‘• It will be seen that thir stock compriseS ill, ' , Also' Iltuporfers and heaters iti ..... - ' _-- • 1 . --" - . 1 .. struments 4 every. grade 4‘f ekeellenceifroin the .1 .. .-.;, t. '.',GU' BAGS AND BAGGING,' - ' :;- 1 well known* mantifiteturing estalifislunenis. ,Of i (.71fickering & Son, IT 1, ill , oree s , . eters. 1.1. - ..WorCeS„.I -, art andl - ' 'ons ..- kinds of Thread - and l i win - e - ,,1)01h - ':• ter, Nuans and Clark; andlßacon and Buyen. ,It' Lm . m.m-,:aid .whielt, 'We', are' rf. - eeivitle inight well - Int Supposed; that. in so. large% a col- , i cii al. 1 111dl . SujP l . l 7• :' - lection .there would be. - some very 141 "-' - in ''i t t!'" / I F.ttiirbaislt.s 4 . Pi*loriu-tila. 3 .- . f.ifin!i, or mulls. But therels one which; "for icanty of - ~ ‘ ., ... : ~:g4- . .....t:et4-.. ,.. -... , i '-A:'-:, finisb and richness and brilliancy of-tone. equals, I iit does not excel, anYthing of, - the. kind- vre j 1 - 0.117 ,2 41.: , : - KS & - •.Co, have. recently :--41 - peneil -- st -. } ! ire ever seen. It is ft'om the establis!rnent of je spaeitius Warehouse at 189 Broadway, - Nevi- • York, where "theyoffer, at•.wholesalean4 retail,. Iforace Waters: . :Being conso.'acted 'Of the best . and most thoroughly !ti - Ntsoneti material; and no- the most eempleto mot ertment of Weighing - - Ap- 1 paratus to be found in the Huited - States. f. -- Atutirtg on improved t,.:'•ltit . .tiPles, it capable of resisting 1 , , , i Inc articles offerred will- be- fountk•upwards of'- the art!zin of t;yery climate; and -of standing I a t seventy different tnoditications-y&PAIRBANKS' long tune in tune. .1 The keys are. - of pearl; the recess fdr i the' , fingerboard is inlaid with it j l ' ScAES. - 'AI I SO a great Yztrieiy of.BANKitm',/e - •. 1 1 viers', Drugtrist's Grocerie, and other ' Seale.s. - --- pearl, die legs , nre most elaborately ears an& i St•rini,Balances,l'etentßeams,l 4 l.ster'S Weights the whole instrunnint finished up in - a style -of t groat excellently and beauty.. And }'e 'its chief ! and 3feasures; &e., ,&c. • , ... ... . , . , HAY and COAL'S.CAIMS set in any part at merit lies in the Power brilliancy . , and eitltness of its tono, and the,elastieity of. its toach.” ; the - countryby.experienced worineri. - I or othi "11-- A TitousAt:ri I nt r.xt . pit! bon, J (lg.:. .. Jon. - 7 . visit the ottier'dav to the-music iktore of Mr.'llor a FAIRIIA'KS & Co., 189 Broadway - N. YOrk i: Watem.•333 Broakway,.on intrposo, to - see spi - clinen of his . pi...,pos, jn . st manufactured 'at liS " r° - _... ) to‘vn . .Qtlbli.hinent at wii :1 we lid heard 1 -: -, • - CHARLES E. FOGG, . . ''. .. ul. • i... • . , • , it i a good" deal of boasting. -It, may. not be f.t.terztl.. 1 ciliAmBER FURNITURE; Bedsteads, 'Mat. ly knowa that Mr. V%'atersllias been f!..m. ii Ltil lA Ca I k :.,/ tresses, Washsiandi, EnameledlSets, Lm in tHs city huta litwhile; havingse .iq a i ires, Chairs, Pillows, Coutiterpites, &e., 4) ;mall way some sht years a. ,, -87,erit - 'or aI , - Pearl :it., N; Y., beim ~ n -' - ..51 , • .Viti V ~,,, Ye..._ .41D) as age..._ ' 448 _ ~ 4.`d . , .wee.. Boston firm, andkgone on by dint of industry and 1 lOuiG- .. M idisen and Chatham st. enterprise, till he has become one of the most i New 'I 4. - !seoVery. . . ', prominet:t •ronsic, publishers and de:dere .in tthe,,;N and Valuable Di . country. Ilia rallsittni instruments.. are - well I 'Dr: Ham's Aromqtic .Inripirating Spirit. Unir.vn for their superior quality, though they ‘ This;deliciens beverage!is superior to all in : ' Fearcely surpass in! richness, volume of tone and vigorating Cordials; Schnapps, INervines,&6; in:,,: . .deliccy of touch crifflQ instruments of more ob- use,-for the cure of Dispepsin, NeivonSness, ." seure .nrikers; V.'hi(ih We have seen; yet, even •in Iteartburn, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaint; Mel th:.-a, prime respects, ‘Vaters' best pianoS and aneholy, D,:liriuth Tremeni, Internperanee, - &c.,. melodeons di illenge etitniairisen with the finest i', it will invigorate and strengthen, but will not .... . • made anywhere in the•country—though those of intoxicate pr-sttipery: Chickering. Gilbert and others are more fainous. i PersonS who have become habituated to the The p:irticillar pr. iao' we Wen.. tto see, though I excessive use of Tobacco,.QPinin and 'Spirituous; ;. , is certainly - a superb affair. ,' It is characterized - Liquors, will fiiid.'ipee'dy add:perreanent xeliet, . by great fullness and softness of tone, and re:, from ihe desire to use these. destroying, 'n, , ients; :. inark.ktic exprr;ssit e ' , lower: while its , externalsby-tuking a bottle . or two of thispeliciotsMedi , ', , .are equal ty'note.worty :it has a rosewood case,' cal_ Beverage. . , . • ~i - .elegantly itiaid with mother-of pearl. and care ; " Weak and -Siekly'FaUl' . ilieS will find Dr.ioam s ~ •ed in Various cabinet designs; altogether gut up Invigorating Spirit a quick and'sure cure' for!';lf with every care of finish. °diet pianos We hoord temate !difficulties, it tieing i RegeneralOr' MIS Welt_ ,- in'the same room, of equally fine tone,.:-thesame as a Strengthener of the Ili man System.' lEach' eheis of icSailments, in filet. except the east ofcomplaint that the.Arciumtieinvigorating Perak! . I . fered for -a fraction of the ei);4• of this very ele- is valet - it:4rd. to cure, is ~n- a iried on tire' 6-rapper gnat one. Persons wishing :for instruments. of aecompaying each . bottle; and full direction.sfor , this kind, whether at the mosteconorMeal or ex. use arc :Hs() ininUttli; given. .. . :- -trars:g•apt prii:c.. !,yi!l be likely to be , ,nited at the •'. Price ;r_tl tier bOttle, Prepared by Dr.• Darius . ware-A.9m of Horace Waters.,-170 iejdurnni. Liam. Principal Office, No . : 2 Lierty Street; oaf . A . A TitiXo or BErry.—We Lad I e pleasure „York, were wholesale ordeissliould be . addres e'd. teday or two since, of inspecting .a. :oagnifis. it , For . sale by! Drugkist throughout the United: : Atnefican piano, at the, spacious w. re-tors of 1 Staten.. , Horace ',Vaters, whose,reputation is ; eSta istitil,' .Seld by A . . Turielli Montrose; B. F. &i 0 tr.: ,i 0 over.thc country as one of the incs - ..uccess:.salon, IlarfOrd; Church & Plinny,Ltandaff 4 L. f . ful vtd extensive dealer and one o the best- 1 ..:* it, Grea.E.t.tncl. ' •r. ' -23-41 y. makers of thepiano, this side'of t Atlantic.— 1 . ; ~ Pi Wrouoli Th,'instrument in question, was) ne of his ,own i . ;;Iroil p° , - ~, -• , i martrtracture : a . s . vrea oc t avo , e .u ve d. r ,, woo it i For . Ira. .. &fain and Jo mee 0.; : .110.,re 1,•,,5t , , inkdd with varions.colo Al mother-of-pearl 1 . 4 - - cit.,.A. '79 Joirn. - Blreei, New Y,-..±1,-, miipit with keys of the same • mat nil, and altogether 1 - - fa:livers arzreaters fit iirrovgitt lion Pi;ort., m i ;: h t c tney o f ~m e L T-hirleti d ciffere . nt sizes- constantly on,lyi Alin n! , and souridin7 as i. ndi i . many tastes Mr. W. holds hitnself prepared: to serve any and ev;'ery customer, with any desired make : Enolish or Fr4.-Och ticeon,and With or without .r,olian or otlwr at takhthent. 3lusic and in]Nical instrument dealers, teacherS, composers, and t:t'3 press in all sections cifthe Union;:have United in pronounCing Mr. Yates Pianos second to none; other, of American .er European make. as to,priees„Mr. W. does licit :to' be undcrsold in fair, open trade, - His melodians —of which he keeps a large: stock—range from. Bto to 8150, and his pianos carry . to the tune from 8150 t 0.81,000, It is searsely possible fur the dealer,' or the buyer of a single instrument, not to satisfy himself at Mi. Waters' d pot.' In connection with thin branch* of lie trade, Mr. Waters is one the most extens; publishers of music in the Union, lid,kesivratsteady we,* light presses, and his popular music, by the Most eminent votnpusers; is flying everywhere .broadp cast throughout the land We doubt , if Oliver Denton of Boston, said to be - the largest . music dealer in the . Untted States, turns ninuore sheets or better music, than Ilorace waters. -- When 31r. W. commenced in this city, he was told by eiMspetitors that he had better "move on" as the pianos he offered were 4 . no go;" but Horace. be= ink' a. pretty stubborn Nkir Englander,concluded he wouldn't "move on" the wad his rivals Meant at- least,-until be tried the'marlict; and his con: elusion new,. after six years trini; during which- . 'he has been - Compelled to enlarge his 'premiSes_ several nue% is , that he, will '• move - •on," nnd, i 'keep moving - orr until hels able to sell 100 in; I struments a. week, instead 6t . 30;' ar.b make - et least 25 of th,i 100 himsslf..: After all,- - Sli. lVa;! ter's/success is mainly to b 4 attributed to his lib oralpatronage of the press, There is searcely a paper.in the Union of any respectability, 'intp which his advertisements have not found their _way. By no other means could he intro - short - a time have-arisen to his - present- position. - L.Hts late reduction of price °lnitiate and instruments' his also largely inereaSed'his tride. Ile - means if Making and soling the superior article - rat • the lowest.pribes will ~trect it, to - Ono - on, so.•:far,-, that competition - with lag in the rear 'lf in Worth :any one's weite—buyer or , not—to ~ drop. in, ,St - No. 333 Broadway, (his.depat,) ands'ee - same of his things of beauty, cut-,-- - :;,.,. - , • : - ' ---;.! - ' -; " A thing of beauty - 3443v' ferever.7.' i . Pei:min - cat a dsstanco wishing to pOreltaie.wicW ble forwarding their orders, have iheir ‘i4nts as , trell and as die4ply bU" 1 0 6 0 Paws* ppited-____ • ly present ! . : .... ; 6 - ._.i _........_:,..,:.... ~, :.--.............::_. English Lem's' , Wa c es. TIM sebscether, has - just-re h - 41 ',by:steam ship Bill tic!„s notheriniOtce ;cl . , .. is;elebrated English Paitinfittifußitkihitoti. .tieitii?'.Wittehes, making fourteen different...yariettesOp Plain and. Hunting cases, to Which he - 'WeiiYi call ; theAtto,: . lion of PeisOntitifjthiligt.W. prkehitksi tie* t time pkreok; -1 -`. \ '--- ---: --- & - .I;4IIFAN, , . •. . _ - W,IT - ,:oderelio%F.4' trau„j. I • . :.. v L ...., ~ -. : ' Bl:igtina.t* ,711?'47'1 , 164.-. , -. , d ~- •-_. i •tiers by mai OTW Ise WI ..,cr en. . ° with V ;Live. C.11(4i,.. Elbows, Tees. and L , e‘ : :ory. . variety of firtinl.7s for-t same. Asheroft's Stenui - Gtiges, -Whistles, Oil .lups. &c. Ifeaters for Stelae Engines, Steam and \force Pumps, Boiler' Flues, Tuyere band Soap Beger coils, •Serew_ Plat es and Screwing - .Machine'. itt ildings Warm ed by Steam and Lighted .by Gps.,. All orderk, \\ for r(Tairs, and country orders receive prompt it ... tention. • , " "," ; ~,,f i. 01 - M . . &:. Cl.), :Leg - to 'call' tli attention` if owners of.factories, hetels,r&e., tci,th'eir'Oiperitli, GaS Generatini "Apparatus, now in.:use nt. the . St:: Nb•holas Ilotpl, New , York; - ! Mani:l - leiter; Conn., Great Barrington, Mass, Roudiville; Cone.i._ and various utlier parts of the eountry. , 24- 3p - -, - - Largeit and.Cheapc.vt Stock of Pry Gooils.jiri . Xerc York. - ' :-. 1 f . . ARTIE who are about to visit Ithe eity;are invited to . Lord . & Taylor's 'immense,-es- r tablishUlent, `,.i. 5 5,, 257, 259, Grand Street, ,corner Chrystie Street..-or attheir.other store, new num- . bers, 47 end .19-Catharine'Street, at bOth Of Which - stores may be found at all Mimi , . most attractive Stocks of Fashionable Silks, Shawls, Mantillas,. .I).ress G oods, Flannels, Domestics; Linens, tiosiii= - ry, Gloves, Lacet.i.Ernbrodsleries, and otery . Other rh.scription of si.asonaW goods; :Also Chrpetin,gs, Oil Cloths, Buis, Dritggets; 4e.:, in great variety; to all `of which additions are: comitantly _ being - made 'from - foi•eitrn, markets 'and nnetion ' snlys,,.._ and purchasing. or to most Mivantag,crius - tertits, e- are enabled to sell sit - shith.• remarkable' tow privts vi to oder to our customers greater induce-' ments than ever.. I - 25--.6trt; , . . . , . 110SIERg... ' Exclusively fort efloYb.: H. ThitOWN' Co:. 34 Liberty-sL jw . ro ir • &ion; liotow the Post Office, N. Yl, p, - ,rters andlibers of, Meh's, Women's, and Children's Hosiery, Gloves; and Me; ring and Cotton Shirts and 'Drawers: Woolen" Yarn. Sosperiders, Silk and - Cotton Handktr:: and Cravats; Silk, LiAo Thread,,CottOO; and Woolen,Giores - and Mittens, and all tho ra ! l - rietii - .s of Goods in this - line. . 13eiir c•xtensive iniporterv, andlate-buYers:at wil rti nd . it greaq 10 their vanta!te to examine our stork..' 33rtia: CASH paid fttr Land Warrants. .11 R. LATHROP. June 21.1855. To Dairynien. DUTTER wanted. The highest markle,t,-pri ees nil! be pahl in cash for good Dairy But-s -ter, by . . - - S. H. & D. SAYRE. !. . June :16th; 1855.. I NEW GOODS CHEAP at the Mead of Navigatiot. - TE anittrsilirtSd uiost respeetfrillyounees to the `public that he is stilt SellintGacids at the old Stand, MO that, has au eriti . ru.noi stuck 'clack be sold 4.-Imitp. Montrose: 'NM , 31, 1855: • , _ ' - 11YGEANA. , Brought-Mont to the Door of the Millio' A WONDERFUL Discovery has recent been Madn'by lA. Pr. Carrie. ot ci;y., in the tree truest of ColtrutuSer tion; Aotttmsaad ali diseases. ef the Lung. 'We refer sts " Dr. Curtis" ilygeima or Inhaling . llrgesti Taper sod` Syrup.''.. With this new method Dr, O. Ws restored *natty Mai AQI ones to perfect health ; as an evidence of whirith•-' has ionumerable tlicat es: Speaking of the treatMenti it physician rerairkp 11, It,l a evident thatirtimilrignitatit ly breathing an itgreeable, !waling yagor,Ao medicinaL propertiesman. come In direct cpn t Act with the whole of she_artal city I(y of thelunee, and this escape the tinny MA varied ,hang„ pr,duced upon tittle when introduoid igfp t h e stomach, and subjected to the process of dtgratlett....., The Tii,;ernkist for thsle at an the druggists throughout tbu' country . . -- : .Nets Yurk nute.Portan ofJon..l4.fr - " The , Inheler Is warn Oh Slit hrea,r under-the llttentliatbs nut the lean ineonvkalettee.-the heat of the hod, - beim" auffleie, or toevaporate the fluid, - . -- :,-,,. -• 21-',. !T ,-' fintidrede of t3ASTA et CliitiSPl.6" the ' cottoning 'Wald he named. 0130 'Nei/tire Orfrygta!'4bat Calt4l.nie of the ilitTlialik oral: Year* "Wading:'_:' ..., • ---' ~.. „•- -- • _-,,,,,,-' ~,,, L ~. :, • . Joi. F. Kieberry, P. IlLentoteroritaa." - eti. -',,,. I ars f irmed etehe ASTIINA of 11? ye ars standing by pr.: Cattle itygeaDil. ... • , _ <. `a: ..,: ..... -...,,.- Im. . Ma eves; .Ensfasa; 1 0 00 44.01.&-Y* •:' re. Patel o No.l 3 3tantntlifiltii - 'ldV: V., wati-,atived et a'l - vete oast of iirottehetlibr'ahelisearie t , .- '-= - '._.i "-, '-',, • 1 .. __ My deter he beinlaiwied - one ill Tit l6lll ,So - : - .oolAilt Of, aevetal years tairdtny,roldriaelded to be Ineuriblily Mr . t pholehule, 7 , .”. Fat FAMPilii 0. 24 4 . - ',*(e+lll - ,b7'-:thitlry : ,:_ • 1 attaulh---7.' , _ -...-,,..-.._.- * ~. ~ . j. i f . 41,11,,5ert, P. Auf., .4..0.1,,t, I,- Pitiortbree toilers . * Paeltage..4leld by TO . itymr,k,liiiry)) fa. PAtI.NO, 14 v.fielwobow. ti1. , : n:1 , ... 1 .4 IPiklf I+ol ieo : tree ti' Ait"V ik,1":1 4 1. - paAt ,p1,t14,114144,4 -.- Iltitettfraoretr finilers: , , , ....., ,z4,4 I jt,'lt t .4...etette ,IlytreSs. IS t bit. :,OIt PITAAV-viadliiitbt ": 4 tiiIITYNN 144/1611.11,141 47.0 !nAll t :" .11411 !..:10 3 rtittlitii311- sir [ eltf-end-Paritli.iP4 oydate c fEit; e -' $.11,0 13 , 0 t ,,,, • 44,,, T' , i *Alid-r013 0, V. '-• - ":'` • ' - ` 3l s! , - - Vlststier . .k S., ,Hier 1 . /..7-yr.r . E4a:4' IV Ahtl Torro7l, r ti:4l..eoi, .4. l 3taxi4t;,: p. 4 ; 1 . •\ \- - 1 - - H . - ~ - . ' :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers