---- ' - . The undersign , ktlires tg.retivn his sin .-: :core thanks to the Fi're Company nnd 'OW , zenslenerally,. , for their nettee - exertions in saving:tis rtSidetiee ditrint. the tdoe t ri s it fire. .. '• ' . '- - AI r ,FItED 13ALDWIN. .- ltionittise,SVr. 14; 1 1861 1. —. ... I -- - • Niiin' n e*o.. 4,griOlialtOral .N .1... 7 .....,,,,,Tlieltegular Quirt,Ar • ein Mg.' -. ' -trietilturatS..oeiety; . *iii•Lso..- held -frt licanseTon'Tne.stiay'erdning. T . '',or. • .'. tarok the seema week or cplirt, I'l . •..*!..,. • t t / 'WW I = , - n . ttititin t)y 07: A o.:R;arret l FA i tor . ,_of t Ito •Mwttr, Misi EUNICIC •• . - 111)yg" iicknoivied•geti r ..6311:e.. ' . They ivi?tilloQ, Ear itrOithl Lis Days V e • I. At liatford;.:on the ' 1 16,1h 0. C. Btu; fitne; _l4 PiekE4lso, both or fitek vA I.litrford, by the 9Ftme, l l BAEFIC S both felitrord:"- • At iunstandf,-Grant Ct!, ',lay, ,Out Ober &,2.4.1,. Mrs. 'et Joh n . I)i.Lo o f .11uAt.; ter of Col. Asa Di/noel:. In this the 7 IA 11, relict - Or die late J. Esq., aged 68. years. The .deceased this community, of Whit ident for many years. • 1.7 n disposition, and posseAs-Cel 6[l had no e,nemies, : while her ,her a multit.7 le .of lou'er of Clfrii 'she . brctiOlt. berfaith but, lived a holy, 114 :life ; cheered in' er daaclittin ;hope of &tut... blesiedneSs, ber.last sickness by the pre., ise of God. "Blessed .:cre die in the Lord,;- for ;th( l y , . rei . Lops and their works do_folli. . , List of Causes 'a t Issue al at:November s 'ke' Stillwell, Brown & ss, td Issue. • ', Custanv- rs. - Case, - .ln torel • Moore, 4 Giles, et. al. In DJ Merriatt, . s. Merriatt, Bjeeti, Cornell r 4. Leister, :. , do. . Stevens* Dunmore rs. Deans, Pari ID Debt. • • Carmalt vs. Grainger.lll.,&-j!,, Tye' sp t . - sEcottro w iv e. ` ' ~ -- Os' vurn at. aL vs. Templet ns,iL , - ,-04... urn vs. Bne., .- i i , • • rn -. Osbo vs, F. Ruud, I 4 , , . ° • 4rCliburu vs. _T. Doad, . I 4 °Aunt vs. Barton. • [ , l , Belehei-is. : Titilor,A H&J.. • 1 . , Goodrich. et. al. vs. Stourn, In Case. Newton. vs. 400 mis, et at. l ii 'c ase. , , :.Bronson Es. Lord, Tresf,ass...t • ;,..Carrier use, vs. G.t . 11.1n Debt'. ' 1 ilteGoverp, et. a/. rs, Beeman, et- iil.l Bard vs. LeNVis,ln. Ca.e - . j., ' • .:' • ~Burk vs. - N.' Y. Alt.. E. R.l P... - Co., In t " i • Jessup et. at. L'E. Aldri:4l. P.jeonient. :Perrino 4.Son tsiStoville. In Debt. ll.ruhrop TT. Se: i rle, et. a;.,lTtles.pas,s; • - ;Ban, tot. Clark,. Appeal. - 1 •I - • Rtibertx vs. Thiberts, Ejeetrntlnt. Bennett. vs. Birohard, Trosmits. - Biddle vs. Gaig«..RepleVA. 1 • .. llcad vs... Cook, In Cal.e.: 1 . . "tßuddeu as: •firainZ•s. TrP4 - 4S-' 3 . taylOr si..7fti. Y. & E. R. R. Cra., •Eir. Hart vs. Seovill - t.„, , ,it.. al. in Trt;-•p•ss..l Coniftonwe.alth vs. jiattieri, , Id Debt: .Rockivril ss. Corn.toek,! , 1 •do ...*-kinour vs. Smith, In Cuse. I. ' ..,-.. ".Slade et. 4., vs. Sutphin,'Ejeettnent. ' - te, School I. of Sidr.-r LLo 7... t, ft:atilt:l4 Tiler rs. towler, In Cor.liatit. ' Blker'it.i3ttafi.:ll, Ili C:is'it. - - ' ..W40&:„L:..0k .t, , ,:5.1.4Y141'. APP:4 I f - a-.17 ii:,sii, - ,inertc:, Tri-slow.s. .Sprague rs. Pirlteri , i7et,,al., 7 'Stewart rs Tyler,. In Gist.. _ - anddin vs: Grniuger 11 , -pievin. egrti 4 v- 01 - Errant: Asolu:rotir!.. l . 1 - 1-oldriqe tea. 'Mo:lttutnie-r.V. AP, • Stiles vi. 4 .,ertran; Atia , lttnent Ryan vs. Roan, • do. - Canis A. Thorna4. er at; Ass • Clara vs. N. Y. E. It. B. C. 4 IGwecimb vs. I.'.,'Ark. Tr..,:p .8. 11.441 VR. - 7tiolliner. In. t;), ht. IV-Ater vs. Elli o tt Jr.. 'Api.....,i' Smith vg. - :McKenzie,Ej--ottoont Stnitcvic. Colden, _do, .• 'Robinson & Sioyd vs. -- Bryonti In Dr L. 4 H. Sears, vs. 8.. k.-ti & 1 1 .turber Coleman vs. t.'-'ofemon. Eject - 44:11. Marnard vs. LI ineoot., .! d.i. CUliiiii - vs. B-ordsly, Replevin.' . 'liliijigan l's,, atontleV, CorVetlant • Maak•r earwig, Aop-al.i i i Lasr OF LErfl iternaining in the .eoit OiTic • :Nor. 15th, 1854. •• - . , Brown, Iliehaq • - Brow n , Dila!) - Minard,-IJose1)1 Baldwin,,Lcvie -Noithr4p. Augastnq 3 Phlteu, Miss Crothsswait, Edward C. Rekl. H.nry Dewey. Mrs. C. S'hantion,. Pat Edwards, Miss Margaret Sharp, Carlos { Floyd; Edward Smith. lifieloard Foster, Almon.-P. 1. 3-411sburY. B. 1 1% Guerney, Joseph B. Strang e .( Geo. B. Hsgins Miss Hannah SW.iin, ?aria 'Hazzard, MissElizahethTvler ; L H. Herd, Bridgett .7•1 1 , 1 • John Hand, nmpin, Joan Hand, Fanney - Tyler . Srleen t . listvicy, Nelson Titinnasltsarnael Howard, Benajah . Warner, pent! . _ Hitchcock. • 'kV:inner.; Wililam Hillery, Jacob A)'liite, Mrs.. G. , Hariig,l3. S. - ' White ; D. G. F. - Edwin White, D G. Co; Pe mons ealiintr, "or rim of the above betters *lll please;aay advertised. ." . "•• A. - N. BULLABA P.- X - ' , • t•e01 VII . AO% ' vvali 2s. ATLL.Kaa I - J .' : , . - - . lc! ounp , ol pgnom nag) U op pau . ern tap: paau p.* . /t) amp u gl, sit!) van JaquiDul,l4 lam ,3qap„inii ufitucti I uaaq o.llltl eq.% saamalta'a .mci jo . aviito 4642 lstu; aiii , 7sP?°o A I P C'ig 4 1 3 AT ' 4 , , ... . Al - Ml 2O " 41Pa (mill 1422242•2 arty aq 01 sill) tie; yam:Pa Jo awatua oil' et edott p r ttc*rottloorta puu Arplaw iptit ips eal irifAl,4ll{fif.ti Lag; a.iltjaa l imn" gANoP. Dylan 6 .31 11 14 :11'R 1 r T 74i a Psoddo * anu 4 A l it i loqi io wilaq /eau all - Alegi , Er fo tntla onftlitilli girt~ pap:tow:3J] as i 'Ol N t 'l l i 11 11 , (4114454gat cucsas Eulat4 pswil.t4Nas an . _,... 7 a01ir41i F . - - , _. _ - --- • ,'• • - NEVIGQpDtk ' *: -.- • Pall it. Wititei Stac ~..,. .. tz E are now recieiviatz.o r u ual W DLL 14 lite W I NT}:. a - DS, we invite' thwatienlioti *four et) . m: palaietentral)y:- - leArri ' • gr .` Montrose; Sept 27. 1 , 35 4: 1 1 • ! - . - •. • N. 0. Sprite aui Al First Atte artiulejow 4 111. Nocarniec AL atiffaio 110 LE Skins Dud No. , Nov. if : the tips cbtirt Soh iust.., -,• r. at knoklyn retnl!lli fof in I. if " t .t.-if ne. I ;the 13t11 vis I ),I,y, ocrati and Lrittl, :ma f,:niacent Inc tiosst 4- hef . ‘ye . r: hey hop ,aunt. ud b 440 Unthe Miss I- Rev. A, fiord I ,• LI 29t lilt; PAM. Bth in,IL; 11=1 , on Sun• ocu,wif4i d , , rg - EMEM >dn. arriibt h W. D.. Lria- YstiiF 0 lin, ie had h phtrusit a land) MUM e in - licr heart, shB .t 4 urn be `tliG Orto'd in id prtint, which their la . 4j ”.• Ue s A pro no* 11111 ,, z'S g yean i in‘i snrA nee :,1' lie den - t front thei ,34. Nifla d; -Co., OWN =MI in. dsse ',rft /was. , 'ME 1 II Mp. 411 fl - TreA - 4 In Debt ontrose, . . 2 I Ladeo 6 vitlelk3ookra; Drag Siore. 1 • rr, al: 4 • to.etibet entild infarin the inhohitontfifl.ll , .t.:: 11 derarille and in-rnutlinit country that he hatirreti. iy enla.gnd aini intattived tii• titore.and tilled un till h a large and ?amnia" a..an•rtnient. of Val oie; . 0m: ny . , n0r..1• - •.riie - -iitttlis4 trifidow Giti•-•." itsh. rutty, Viticish• and licneheit. Allin; . , • • . ?. ,liatesti •talleinee.iein'esiti.Gaei-war.,rerfurnpry; ',inn. EA.. NatloutwionfPW.to•rio Tniletartielee. and all atti clef usually kept in an t e eistaldlehment of the kind. .A.1:51 on hind a lan, e assorttneiot of • -:. • i i • i ! ' BOOK& tt STA TIONE.RY. i - .; • ' . • , '' Pareerranzingft.l.tr:at . , a hieh heie prepared to sign . on is ream:mat!' , teiGni , no any r•torr in the ronntry'. •• ' • - DOI: i'• JA 11ES GR/P.FI.V.. Alan keen, In -*sire room n zt cnerai as.e.ortinent nftfiii On•qctii• 14 tinii;teitii.eareftillyaeleet&d. prepared end en nerintend'A hY iiitn4ell.for hie Ima scanuttio , Littoniiu ail . ... benefit of ihr,ntiblle. • I Buitarr, Pnintero. Plty‘teionx.sthool Te?ehencitide,ed iik ii eiwiier and iitintootintie wieningto purchase sire i *lilted ic? en laud Fre fir - themi•eires —• I , , , . . . - ' . . ..k: 11 4 t t ScOtt, ! ,i . : r ood. IfitnOiri hie former nail-en, that he line in connection e-iih hie 'other humitieee 'a - cull aienrtinent Of Floats and' 211inee Torn, 4 : :i . which he can warf 3 / 1 i liild 10.11 nerP/Iponable as can be bought tit and otn ., ei: place in ,thil country. •i -i 1 1 -• ' • ,-• - L. secrr. -; I Direetly arerJelin hlcSiniiey't Flare erp 1 • " thtit. It., Leiterevill.e. , • • Mari* 7itn,;..iatrie,..tt: - • variety 4 t.f) and the . • LK1411.1(1#00 . - li TO MONTI OBE. A:B'64E wilt . lissve ",ICirkwood. passi_ni - ttaruo t ,to Cot bottsst3e, Lillie rty., .• c. , secs-root al or srt 1.1 Itt Art 'Ai lA' the 11 tro?.ios Of.ear., f , lit ia •110. A 7- A Ir4.g.tla tog Montrose at - 1 , P.11. ' ' ' - -._ -; . i i k - ET Ll RN 1N G .., ; I.eari Minii !of. daity - 4 utast*. bxesprod` at 9 t l` 91 - '.. rilcsbior-Killuovilin !in , . to tali* the.-Mail :Train, o Citro.i>oth ,Eoint awl tif tlit., ii• tog ItiS nearest - and = Intr.t. f i ,,,obl e: rota tArto roltilli tile. F.../ York. And rair , kill tolld - 1 lrblF lino ntinieoti t Irt-osol ity t i n , f0 ..„,_,_ _ ..:. ollio'ritoditionnek iryomint .: .. ed . i i i f t lT.' l7 7 o ° , :i l 7l . iiintßogolttlipu. at 7it lir eir.fi I tOntley V,4laiwd/b ! , 17 at „,l ..wriitity. 4.1.4. ~4.,........ rrien,lA Ille.L!nray.till. k,too4f Immo onel.mulloitO , rtablotlarrlitg o r• arr! nrnvith,d. sial the preimossorovvill spare 111, ;tido/. losionrowoOsli the-Tut:, ti 72.Ua t • .. Iti R. 113.1-OH. 1 11>. .- - - - • .- . NOltf;A k k wzt.„ - . , Nola% if4k D. It., MIIII Ai!. CO.'S 'pbei, dLeo!.fß• - •-i: . . . ',Watched and - Jewe l ry. .. ! - Ps' \l.'" ' rrior. -4ubeetikei,lirm+return • • .. ...1 0 .-_- ~ . .. ,i 1 L. .- vd ii.„, l jil„'w" York with.. the laigest.vorielY or . Wl.t.-4-`C . . i , ~.r( .. t ..„,,, jy.w e ts,r„ plated W . iire, pint .. . , w 1,, .. „ti ler ',Aides:in Ins hire, th'. , ,,t .t, ..--- h a s e% or been offered i, to ;I I •-, ' •,,1 , T.-;'" ', attzetis of Binglia:lntOi mid. , C oaii t i,. c,; n ;;Aing 1.1 - a very heavy stc.ek rf.l Gold ilunrint, liop•ex' Zt:ke'eirn f.tver, Kmil:.ll'i 1, , ,, te „i,,j,v k .r. Enainelcd and ..i.rie:iori %N*.ch. t .., 1! sik„,„,:,, f ,ever.. Anenor uritt. lapine do.; in :plain .1! ~,,,, flpritink eteces'.. Go'd Vest fob and ;Gen.rtt 11 Ainins, i .,5;14.r do, do.. Gohi Se;.l-t..K.:;g..1i,1,5. 4 1 11,..0k5, Swi'vets, Pencils. Th;orbles, Loch Os, Lair. 'rings. ring4r Ring , , Brea4pirc;4,CrOss.es,:spectit- ~ rleg, &* . 7. 1 .- 4 ilver C. lit% Pio , . EMIL stud Itott, 7 r K , „;l.l....,i:Siiver 1..:1,111.«. P. rk.r. Sports, copir. Card Case,,irrai Napkin . 11,11 gs, • COial* Ikad-,] Sh-11- Ciornics.i Kriiyes 'and S...icissors„ P toed (.lAsb.rs. / cz,ke and Card B.,skets, raiailestieks. Siintr ot ; And Traik, Spo , m4, Knives and Pores, Go v ii r i fig V vpry disseription. a very laroe sroett of add i '0410 , 1. Ililir :illti •*1*.,..!1if brushes. Boldoe -' rta,•it. I .fires-e:oti:-si , io and p“cliet Comb-, tine tooth and.. India Rit,ber (1 , ....-porn , NI on-ais. &v. &e. , :& , .- , ~, ~ Ti.. above I v sOs Intvinir ' 114.1.11 purctrasengit the* present,dt pressed s tate 1, 1 the Ptarklilta irtrahk,'s tieh undersined to , 4.tf-..r them 1., his VitsltAtier-• it ti0n4611% ,- lox pric4s, and 1,, - whieli he ' ,would resp• et fltliy invite rib , attenti,,n, ..r all ,p, e rs,m s wi..hing to Otat.l a:ry artTele;inhis linf'.. , '' * A I LFRED ).4:VANS, • Nn. ti. 0.1 r Fe/lows:Hail, i*. Ilinillinadon. Joie' ,:1.6. I ,ii. 3 New',Goods.at the Ready. Pay Store., , . . , '1.1 4 1F:1 have nem ritealre.llketr l'all Stuck Plpeht het' are ririn‘real G. slit'. " a b t r e tn,.. 1.. axon able terms star rea le pay.' ' , 91u/tt to .tiflr r.lliler iturehat4ea, eve us well iti.vatteil *trek IN 43enaa. taac.rubiy "trio , 44 thie r.earl. a Mil. tielnite t troPrli I fir Dry (1.,, , ,,t,. Rap;,. a n . . 1, Sta ti•m. "ll.thin :Mat e an , l cape. 40.6111)4 Shnet. 9 l'a f ,er and nyaernT.v.o....eNati.,nr, 1e.4. Flour. Salt ~, e. j'ritlyi .i..'we viii r. ,, telne. ,thett m, la the tro , !tt n.leantazettlltt fa a. Zr, w. lI—FT LIAR , ; •4-tritt;.elk of 4" *full PtPelt , sfilrop. it'que rtion 1.. will 'hat th P rrady ply . 8 nit PrtneerttPd : . —Mcintr.sa..S pt.:D.11351 Tu. - rs: non:receiving a in!gA ai LI of, NEW Gc which ♦till be Rohd at 'rvi rPafty stock coi isohtneatef ; • Drugs: Nletlieincs. Pain , - X)ruzzistis • rnniilv tirti..eru K, . P, rrulut . • ; • d:e NI St' Thil most PIApIP art tC 1/1114•AVaci.,I."•!;to.fiftilva I V411114.fi•... ItistrumtstilP nt.ci Every thiilz.nect.Ksi tiorerlir)rmism, • Oni s - • Iu short. ttAtariy;a•va•ry of. viltielt aroacies wili every - one, who cal)!-and Mont rcriir, Ort. 4, 1R54 • litYGEA.II • prorght lintn% to the I),' tr os Disrorery .C 1 Dr, C:rrtl 4 .ot thl city. in V Asthnia and i 1 ilit4.les of Dr Ifyixtrtn. or ILL " ..With this new methoe:-. ea en es : haA etnozi.lat (1. •F. n Tihv na girisn renr-F: 111 IS CAW , : Ty t , c.-athing . agrerstb:o, ical proteritie. Ci•Tlate: In - :11r4::: - ci th.farial cavity or•iwitani.-,...7.T 4 1 chtje,l prs.inos,l upon th 4 stortiob. :sod sullh-rtc-1 to t! Th 4 ITy,•rntinls A i rs/Lies! c.ll the )44r,19:11. - t • ; Act.- ;att.:man rif Ja4. nhnter; it worn nn the l•retik uu I.r the Unto pith- , not th.• ieso4: inenoventenre—the Lieat nt the Lod) bor.; fuAiciet t rat...rare th , ' j.. 4 °hired/ r.f ~e Cflt rt , like the folloOing, micht Di nArn.4,l I:One it:rir•heco !I exea la ha. cured antic: the' ASTJIMA y.•nr.! Ftaryainir• S. F K,te.herrn. P. X.nJ Da nnzwitonj Pa. t r tent cute:lllof the ..tril - 51A of :.:',yrorP,moildlovky Cnrtle' .)' • • ••• .11,'.7rearrt Ecitne; 13.-43;r/ p u„V. Mre Thr , tlt "•!.•••rmlcetrifq N. V., oat curet; of t. Ine.....h:etie hf thr f1y,...-eorm. • • .ift.r4tioohe-e nf a PIA,TI:E.FxINII Cr:lllqp nr, eere•el,yeerli nn•l in.urithlej,y her . phyplciena. : !She iea..e . eared in qt'. MCKIM D y the tly , gest,* - . ] II .. 'J it 47 , 1 , 4-it. Plr :Rz , lsesled; %Te. rfke th , ..-4 Ileithrx it Pv*.xtre..—F , ol,l hi, erTIVIS h. l' F.:1: RINA & ntlYP'Sr, ' , All. vc, 1I? tii , ftrnher. ": 7 4. .. N ',. V —4 peej,4g.• petit fr 44.11 1 exprt.!, to 41by'pxrt of the rnitv.l li.'tiit , ! I. fnr. T 4.1 l' , .T l r.ii , . . , is • inrsAt...u,i 0 ~.s•- r 7vr. ' c i1;1111V1.X.111; •11 1 *.r.)vre K. i4v•mef.tp,n. vile. 164 IN,IrTIVAT 4 'Ff wouid emigON; . 3:v —lriFt43l.• Zt Q:. .. . , .11atit rt,,l•efred a '''Atiw, 101 of islzawis ,OF :.11ilsizi.., :Ina t;ari.4l,-.. I DoOa,. ,44-4 of "gooil r.o.hirs: :.,:, 1 ~.w a: $l3. Dr. , rfie vur . - - .•.,•h t •ip. 14fort. piu 1.. c caii lii. , n 14. 5 ! 1 1). It. I,,A;ri 1 ildP & to, . , ! ) t•ror- 1.155 1--Til Iw4 ~. ', . • 1 . '7 .1W;44 WI ~..: ,,1 .1. ..I.i.i. iii:.4ry ni4, IriCia4l,4.l ; .. ~ i • ..Veilln , a. tn% f".11,4t-ii4 I ,,, ffir : : •. • I :1 vt i ou tird. fi , aWe 4.1 invl re ,,, i,loonce op. i'l , fieor.; 'i .JLI tor. ityk . ',, e1".414 4 44 411 4 11 . fri.m Stoll: Ait0 00 ,01 . 4 i E - 41 1 :14 zt any' tinte ti ) %tfit on ti..,:00i-inllx: or pOfes4.r.:Olty. the ' layer e.,opeeiully: ' th. , 4 who pretet lo lmce. tilo•iru on k dome :at then! re , :i, .. den i lie whoitlier-iivin!! in loon olor oohs. a ill pie ose . gii: nit , ..nj,:i47r 111 ; ecorilitTly ; :yid A a m :ri li Vtill r , soorrooe. Il'er.sorook r.t • :1 di-orire de,irit . o , . :I'r:itoo Meello..e.,ri he : , : - 1.-oniniooloo 4 i , it Fitv litilisil, trev. 4, , ferpeti..e.. -- While life: - work, i 0 ,,, heino A, MI: ",- A.l ;VW, ti) Ii . fa,4:., ; y I k4 ,, ;411 . 1411 ij :14 - .4L1.444 . It,: vky ~1,1 1 I' l .p - ill 44 e 1,t1111.2 1111.4.1. 4 1ing :4r , i the rirrumirtloitref. 1 of ow - p iiro . otos..' • 7V+yrio Is' 441 . 41 . ch, L ; . , 6 1 1 1 14 41 i0 „lit i •I hi! fli 4,4 4prit 4 , 11)..411 . 4,try :14ici of me [wives t,,,.,. 1 :olt.hotieh I have heen in - the loihit of - lierhieting. I ' Ffrosto ' lb too 25 I per 1.,..1,t. l'i.,.iti th r firNt.: Nv.w. .I.frienli I Will 13 . 444k .. .y041 4hk'o ' fTer,--if you: who irier,i work will! roam - % riodit aioomy and live it ,done :Mot to kr.(l,:nle lot-:1,:*1 will -w, l k: r„i , v ,, k , ( f . ,,,q7 h.:elf price :.1 , 03 'do it well too. 'ht . rioooto I - ~t , t,„,,,,. t„ . 01.,r4,,,. ..,,, high k heratose. o!oit : •rri r fr;om dread of qioo pain or 3he pray, yi.il 11 , 41 4 1 1 14 ark mid force . 414 id, .14 ' 4.141 4- nmeh time for wo nt - 4 ; '. work. iCoome 4n then lincl 3;91.1 Will find tlitie i; ,, to. chance ' for lo.ohiliieo ht Njorotiene.. • .-. 14. Vtlif.;jl...l":,ur , Ton Dcntist. Montrose, .Aiir4 19. 1854. I • New Line of Mail - Stages . raexa 111,,, _ p,,.. 142-14 : ~f t's i hers h tp a p.....t; a eorntq 4./ the .. , ii./ rilVrllit'k:',l 1i..:,, ttimt , t• hy the Saf;te enwt, !fjo. 1t..r . 0.11.,4 anti 0.01i1.., an pl•rch to tt,'.. 1,1.ii- 1 .?- .I.' hi..4nnipg, .1 rim toittin. , 7 I nrr.-1.-10 , : rvihvit w '.itt Alie...lZn. dit.A• ;. 1 nicrit, u0ti..31.:w . r6•n•1nk...... •r- 1 - %.,.. ~i . I. T.C e . r . o . ja ( .s. co tion a t the ...tit of C.i . o•ti rrtr. 1 4.6.4...A. , ....iuti..•,.. of it. , •l>tni I.t. Role agitrist .1,16 2 *l"trrre with noti,!‘• to Torn) .ht.41:1112%,. . . ',.. I ALSO -:-Ati that t., ,, tii;i 1.7c.e.- - or i)zrci.; of-Innd ': r)r i'iC:vie lot, ..iittlati, /, in r :401 bein!,;nitio• 11. , r. „!i t ri t o f $ , 1 , ..;i11..71:..an.4 De p , .t. 8.e.“ - itt Itatlti t cotin-. t c.; I) .Ivpi.-1 atp1.1,..,:ri11,•,1 41. r.•.:..•........1 t... :r ..-:.-.... . , ( ;11 I h.• tv.rii h•. t,litt...tr••••(,, 'on the H.,:04 h {alai 3 4.1:..11.•:- 11-wi.n., nn :he 1 . . w ii b; yttoi ia pp,. i.-}•-::•001 of 31 : el: t....i ,S;a;Vir3ri, and on itit:, w,..ti.v. i' 1.it,01 ri.o.v s.i foil:writ . ..of :11.! Si. V.,.. & 11 , i.: It , ,ii .. . . ''. r 141,1 Coilip:olV, hrid rot coutAai!!!!..], ITI 'fintot .6../ . f+1:1 Allri rapriipg•b x'at ' 12!1 f.-et'. 1.“1. , ,rtii , r with tip. apiaplepatsc , r., 1 fratar(i i 4 0111 g hiin,c - and - ap. impre'il . 43.. I 1 - ~ 1' •I:,•ri i:1 ..x - cvati-il at th......0it of I). A. Lyon , ' tt.; l'a , zitt r air:l. Trlo , . -t fordi.;v..! - - Al. - -i)-A:1 - tin: i!ortniti too. nn , llti 'h!itif• 'at,.r% • fia.ii,d Si -....c.ii.n:! It-p-., e"pt...inin2 l , in l'e•prit. 3:3 foci. nod In 41. inn: .:•3u to_- , -;. :tad 171 - Ort.ii:T.-k hp it pirttatit C.,,,..r-tp.....iitilt.• in iifp' to-vp-tiip ~..c. I •irtp , ,,,y, 111 !h,• e.•11:41, ,S .4' ,1.9* , ..k •liihn; Win? i . . .ip...r..0443. ! p a e..if-ti.: pit.ye e.t . 7 ~h.l.pPrelyt;t•d •,.• In WiIiZNITI, 01 . "pa A pi.- 13,r.1,4 -11 0 k; r: Jed •ii he north ht. Il.p• lat,i%yrA , li..-lit d ' , :...tne.'. , tt. Rim., h,t by. VI- ilt•TlP.ot. , t tirtl34c:. • , 1•11'.1 -1 4 1 ::'1 , 1 wt--7 by i-•1.• , ': iii ..."1;ill'.)r) Bain.. tz ,, lttaltiin.a pia; acre of .• . 7; ; .„.x,, en tion br virthe f,f writ 4 of• Lev. :re d p a ,s a r ;he snits ..f Cr.ois od 1). A. & Ira VV , 'Wjatted. - LSO—A',I tit:4 a. vain 1..1 sjlnafo in t,,tt If4.llllly.. i ik tge, ti:11 13-4•ltilitig , :it tot , 5t111 . 14 east r or a lot known-nal Mei , 11141 of lot! l'co;', IU, hi, I.!, l _rin., La I)14) id Bunnell. 'llene,. I NI sa id i 441 ny h i ..t lot• No• now I.l . eloNziror th Joseph D.Driiiker north 2.l2rierm.es t.. n R 9.4 Wi.-1 enroll-. of Lit 4 . 0 formerly , nver....l 14) l'N4•11e441.:111 I 1 hr.lll. L the lint,o 1:.r.:11 'a-t !.r lot beven 1I4 1 1141: 111.4 i 144111)' , 4 tSi (41.44•144414 ler a ha h . loo t rin!.2 1.4 I.i4r op, litt4l-41-t b%. the of ,id Wiimi-aitrifs )ainl of los No: ti• percher' n.;;-prot the north line ~f /1:),,t ~t. lare.l f : rrertriv ior 1 din ;...kohirison now II and therte.i said hilt men:ion...l line we.od 15f; 11,...ri-hes l i 3•10 •' a perch to flie rice' of liezinniag. von 207 •rires and perch°. or 1)4.4 . 111g /Dr 3-1.1111) 1,1t . t.f I , n d ~.x. vironc of %Vill of Heni v Driti4er de . c'd conv.e . teti to throp xcept 89 acres Or th.trealsods in ;0 4 . pi.4 o , l 4 s si uti 4)1 And belon7in•r to the 44.41111 E, :pialuher with the appurtenntices2fr .;rned houses, trained barns i.nd about 13 , 1 %ere.. Einp,roved • ; Taken in exeention at the suit offi%erLithrop, the e.tate of Ez-..kiel 1.:111.1 1 op !vs. Ant.. 11W - i c e I))..:4,41111 te-; i•ALSOL..AIi that certain lot of, - hind situate in Boroneh loiltrose, county ofiSiffirptelsan. described Begin!litlZ at thn „i•en t.f. she Bridgewater and Wiltio.sli , ,tri.r . turii.. pi:O.-adjoining' it int of I raj 'for-Met -1y of 1 - .:.l.lutibard Al l ery convered to 'B. thence rpt -, rill 1 ;ind 20 min. wFst alorigl said ro'ad,l iii , rchr!s to a corne"r, thifnee east c aboitt 1 ptrchi44 a arid stont-ai ill Inane 1 3 ;j,..:1 ' ,0 1/letli:tf faith 8 perCltes corner rr B. S.}rri, hit„and • I theriee by the )4111/14 , aI,,A 7 ppre..1 1 ,.• to the Regis:.: ning,•coritaiiiing sfi . perche.. more or' irks, Lein 'the li ..i.atne• lot conveved by W in. J..i.sstip :Ind wife j ill , v e ..aid , J . ohn Groves.. tovethcir with the ark, pitrtenalierot, frathed wei!ing hoteiei'l fram e d out 'door cellar and a'cl improved. • - i I Taken in execw.i.ni.at the . t.uit• Of Alexander Allen vs. John Grates. - I ALSO—AII that Certain ; pietie of - Parcel Of I land or -tot Sittiate in ithe Borouult of 5n4...1 Bnlnebanna roilni l y„tollineled and descrihed al, follows, - so wit f , On the north 1 hp the pablia highway, on the rti , ct i.y ;land 011 south 6r land of itObii•rt •.1., and west by land o' A. "...tone, so l id lot eon. ptinine in front yboilf .3j trot, and itilerith about 2 feet, to2et her with 1 sppltrlenaties, One three story lianai.d da . ellitrelmuse, &e. l and alt iloproverd. • -1 . • ',Taker: in execution at .the - suit of 'Stillwell, .Brown. & Co, vs. 114.irjaMit i l atmer,H, . • that eertaiti2 'dory trrimedibuiliding. arid dwellino,honst. end kit. lien therehi alt trh• rl.lhe neon ernitiininfl frOnt r.n the 4,t}eet 22 feet and in dePth 35 feet, the;, kitchen 1 lislintr• 19 f.,4 fronl,2o feet. in depth, - ritturited on 1 .th'p east 'side of' the. ,innin 1)1111,144 and the tut or Ivor e. of uronnti - ion which the same Wis . :ereete.l.. With, the _curt appurtenant therl.to,- - the above descrilied building and pr-ernissis being sit utitO in the Borough of-StssluPhaptts[Dopot• On] To°thF . l n. thcJudgesof ate Coutit of Quar- . 1 the ti4th side oriphin -810 et "And the lot upon t er ,s ess i tme - o f th e F ence i n : ant i for s us ..l%ilalett the s lid b4.li.ing i.oefeete'd, b.ing 111,.. 37, quelatrizaa Cavity: ' - the'vlot of the N VV Vont it Erie. It:tilio:td • • /1 1 11 E petition - or Edwin Bacon of the Borout;h eimOny's land tit' the of Susquehanna -oil I ~..., , .. -..--- Depo,- and bou n ded North .. by.tha. , rlver 'toad. [rest) !iV the lot 4 tote Grogan, ealt,.ity,:lot .'f J G. Wl, - ,.1t. t ., 11 0, e: aruilsoi4thly main street, •'. Ttikeri in xotlion , st tite . suit of E .' C.-Ilen e 4 . . . , netti . i4, John B. reoville. t:. . - ; ; - I . f4io-All that cortitln piece pr ' p:firel Ot ! land r t orte lying 'nod beniv in the township ~ir , .Iv,.e.i,ik. sugl i ik.4, :min! county, bbunded ..n.l '..lesetibil av follolen. to twit; Olt 1114• jinni) by 1.0,41 . 41,r, IVilliant - )..tvis. eft the •c..mt •by land . of Ltinfain Allen...nt he a.;uth 1?y land or Lawrence Gibtiii,!and 'on mi.'. we.4.l.'y tin. old Cite f eango . , iiorniiike,road„ containing' 1110 arrow, mile or 1.-3.5, Sho - riff is ' ales: , '_ - .4:11 .thi. :, 1 , i:1n• • 1 f . 111 11 hou•.e ;Intl b.trn pot . .1 (. I :4. r... .- nit virtue of rieidry v‘rit. ' beriei nut oribe Court or !pi le . ..4 ,( it ittr t, !o l d ah•,lit• 79!aeres iniproved. ! T..10n in- exeelti , ol,,t the suit “filraciiney & „...,.1.3i!0t (!teat of :.Ll.lltrh itittA litlta lit,: kyld to "1.• , 11. ! oabia c ,a•aalr at g 0 . c ours it 0.0... ~..~ .. • . '; / . 1 .. TI : C. ' 1 1 4 . 4 1 . 4 1 0. 14 . f . I,l i t1 " 4. 1 1: ° ::: : ‘,1 1 1 ' y , tile ialtlt day %) Sotruilirr uext. ,31.eiltil I t'.. . 1.4:1114. llown..1„ st I n'el.K:i.' V- M ---• • • '•. Al Al.`9-.A.1 iiihr , ri•rtni . O . piece' nr p•treet of -A:i that certajo p':.;:....• oi . p-Feel ;if a; rslanli"-I ; land,;.',E! o • t...1.,,h; 4 ' atid.boin d in the. to% nship of •II .1 . hino an.l ii - aiaL! hi, the b'in"lPZh ' 4 ' Siliqu!'hiuf""t• !Cliti.l..'4, SasgOelyinna coulitc„boundtol.und de. ie"llntv fir 8 " -( 1' 141 ' . 'n't ' .t!rii Slate )t. ' P " tin :•:' ise'rii•Cit 83 f•ti:tCS i 'to,..vit :illeeinninz. at. is Li2ar bottudtql-and . 1 e..er.1a..1 - a r..ileiws, to ivit : lit. j„,.,priii-i.,: dr44) il „it'd joinido the h;rid. of ----- I , tgioniti:t en the flitiwat• Icadow: 1 ..r0m!... 11 1e 1 river ',At nioion, thenc e loth 28 4!•,; : f. east 8 elja;m4 mot ; Ireall - 10 tt;e hettoN anti 11 ;krild") . turlig'''''" "te the *6 lillks /don.* I in road .ito - .llim;pini. come., l ; I .lle•iiii..i 41)rth 78 iii•Lr.rasi ra 4.ll:tit. 11 - , d', 11(t, I/11 I corner Idiot 11 . 111111;;:r li9. yierie..ll.lrlll 72 .1.. g. 1...0 50. feet. tit: ti ,, ,s-tith I . B ,dit, I ''i ~,, * ( i ziii..)ithe biti, th,.fii.t, I+ll . )4 di . )z. e,:st 5 elihiliS I.' , a pind 5 9 Imn 4 , 41)14 .if a ehathi•liwore s..ltila 07 I -L! ' ; ,..11:111 1 ,14k.m..t, tree gin the -iii;in.r sid.• •Of the rim& i 14.1... , :i5t 50 r,., t, tha•tave mat-this , d.io. i 1 , , ).• : 1". 2 - 4 , punnet: toirth . 78 ria.v. swat :1-.•lftins: th a i post" ; i,,h..,;, ; „ ,ia,i.3ti. 1 iiiith., 4:1 eit,:tlll 1 , . 'fat! i'''''''', "I 41: 1 1.1Vti 1 lit , ro.,d. tlitne.• t.ortit &I da r•eilst n vb 4i nS bo.rionit i o, viltiln:ititstt 4 / , 1 , 1 are Pei . ehq' , s ' 11 a"! 1 , "4,i it sier.l.,thet.ee t eq . : 1145 iieg. east Tell:lin.; an.; I I , • il l ,. s 'OM (1) .trio #1(11.4... MO I. 1(..-4 i;":"'" 1 ..-'" '.o .414-4 tat at reit, till are lottlt 85 110 i, etst ,1i i n Alli s on Nlekett•*s st.vvvii iti !t35-1 l'-oo u p" ; : t1; ,1 su li n k., I. a post lay that titatio titloth. i ot No. I 'S. east 1 chain to a, p . ;;;tb v • 1 roki•,ll thn re.!•ervi.ition of 2 . n;(14 On 1 Ile ;north (lid i ' 1 1,,.,„.;„ ii„ rt i, 804 4.,,, , ; its n rila.l) togetlier‘witi,'"the appli4elidnres, 01ie1:5,...e•1i,• -eh saptin r !s near tfu. hr - nok aild Lift .odd 1. 'fraint.(l nott-t• ino,i 1. Nirtl, - And, all iallui"ok ‘ ,„',l line. Ilic et• north 4.) de u. qest 16 . eliailis nt1.1 . 80. -I 1 Tak.ql ill exet"itirm 31 r. Oh' 4 1 4 ,P,t, 11.):^1:"I G. 1 itty, ,, i 1 4,i post am, :4(40;4; thence Smith ' 61: d e ,.. itiitl; vs, J;i4ipli B. 01.. tit• :Mil J.i,4-11 1,.:1t1e. • I .fwvst i 4.,/,; . 4;1)14 I to,the alum • -of beginning, i non 1 , Ahso_,T . N. oi: di v id e d one.bal l' part Or all that 1 , ,i,ii n i- ‘ ,4 •• 8 and a Ititlf avrt•m Of land, more or les., 1 1.rrinin.pleet; or ti•lreel of land. silo:aok iyito,z. ip I: . )i(lll4.thi. i with ificipimfikuir tee ,a; I ItoU.o„ - 1 barn.l" 1 i ;mall, treliard, at about t 5 tirtit4 iliaprtra-ed. (lie town-lilt, of!Jes•oy, centitly :MI - S4tte urer...e.l Il'`''"I• anti ,: h l '"" Il ' I ' d '- iii.l d ': -e 1 e.".4 :I , S • l 'I l!"" " 1.- ' .'' , l Taic i.'.t in exenidion.nt the ;.nit of Ifarri,on i i i •it : Is..givltiii ! ! , : it .. tp ! iii...6i . tor e Ow 1011t.i. l'aSt bnn l l:t, ,', ,el•l! ..f 11;;N.. AvreS: V.I. ZOprfill (.:0hh2.1. I 6 . ortit•r hereof. th e a el ; ii „ r u,loo t i„ re h,, / : t 9 a p0 , .t., ,' - A L,FiC.i-Ilv viritio of n whit of Ven.'Ev.issn.-d 1 inenre w.•41-160' penile. 1 . .. a 1) :st, ttienks..s ! oc. It i . um of the I.7utirt of (7.'imniOn Ilins nf , Nyyp.ioni.... i 00. P,raitt,. 10 .A ihrP4 Alia sione:4 tiO'nee eri . sl: I I•ountr; 'anal to me i ldira•etetii! will exPosoto pub - 160 peri•lies PI the place a 'o•lionhoz Liontairiim:. l ..11;* a ,i, - the :colic...limn :AI -plat.e-- ; • .., eort:iirt-lpii.rn . rl'r itare ,, l of I.:lnd situ: to ,%%it,liiii •` of Auburn, in Sit-queh•inn mteled .11 the nail h by hirld.i of,Nel44li i Eke east by .h...l.4.;fSulinel Vaiil;.;rder., he uouniv line he'peeen the cO i stitties or dna and WYotnimi and on the 'wlSit. by 'i'll. C.4.ei.nlaiiling alimd 113)Iaere. tppurtenineem," a C 0...., ,, and framed house. ! improved.- . , lion at the suit' of !Elhanan Rathbun.; r r : 1 r it certain !piece nr - parcel tit rr!,:vtichipof 1 i•trnionv. Row , 4 ‘ , ..ototieir.a . : P a letvioM, ! , ...7t.Z : It! 1 VI the ni'iddle '' of pi e 'pelino n t tt-ntialte, anti in A line ~ , r 5t.,,,. ••'l,y .. ! -4,,, si.i., ft thirty five •telies to la Pencil, thence by (north thirty.thren (fez. ea.,: , 4., lii :: piMit in the ini,ldle of alum aln the middle 'of the 4.z. Wr''t ''., twenty.five-pdfehe*; ifonr de,l%, west twer,‘yk;hrei• ; t o, 6,1„.4:,,,-, (jet. wcst.tlFirt,;eri lice pi lie2inninz, epritliiiiiii2 ie..l - 1 - iindriol and four! Perches. , i l ly:14 or lesia, tritli• the iqiptirte• I o l d mo,..t)y ittiprov.4l.l .. ; th;•r piece •Or pan•eli Tit Tan.l oltincierl a 4 fo:lftor.4i:on filo I of . 5.. e 0h and Jonathhh Tay I or.l is inn& firmerly belotlgmg to I le notrtha.tt by hititi it, of 1 i 't - T.4yl.ir. nnrl on tho snoth. ".rit and ,OgliquaL•o ! ti)Cnidlze, 'ty :teretiiiiiprf.reil Ohl, , ••n at the suit of: Davi4 'flay 11.. I , ' • - . I' I i G. B. LLDRED, SlieritT. ti ;S!4 4-43%0 • - 1 - I - _ of. 1 - lintrome in a Aid - . .niointy 'teipeetfnlly rrineskit.4,.thailhe hi:pro:4o snitaide eon ift•nietleo to kirlit a .Groerry..in th 6 Porouzh afbresald.: andltett•itlf•hhs intentiiin 0o apply the next Court-i 4 lan4rl;r Sealiona to be holden in and 6.r mai.14041-ity 'on Ihr toorth M..n.lay of Niii'etttivr, fill' n lieetNi! k•vil Orimery. And :0 !•4r'on;.: herr. ale or other wit jitiliors;ae. eordiwz in the AO . of Asendol y, of .I.llh 21: D. tsar. I EDWIN BACON. :116trir , ;11‘.. Mit% 29 :ten. ME= —:1.I •i• iri rho (;onntr, It point i Tu fi, tlit tn. t GT pe 5,1 ar arripthr, II fii'tt• di fifty irriee 11117 I the p! and 4.tsJ 1221321 All that above; by land Ihtv(44t tn.% f.TK the Jonwhan, ht. 13vIm tetiout fir flip piri g.. 0.1. 2 N W e;liz to; that. bpd e.iii:foNy-ta•lectie Ii FELL d 771 W:11C71 414 Vt• 3:41:1 if - 1411 1; 1, *Y. arid' krill he r'ir I NV ' ci invite die alientiun itiot:i;:!ltf, • • - • ; _ =Zit /GO6O AvLich iiirvarielv nit rit. nnality . : ran I )lsurva ,- ...4 ,),nu • t " t . :; 1 1 n! • ..40 tile Vely 11 , 1 Ct! svrt-,ral wil;l•4• ll Z. L ..sit Viz . c. ? 1 , !.4f1e5i. " 1 • I •-• I. larvo and ;votr. an:l ryg,rth iron:rty - wt• . .11:11 r i le ' : I, n :111. Ilia wj.c. - it, ..pxam „ f'-Cr, it 11 , ., Vk }Oen i% t at - Art: •1 11 1 . 1-41Ant•rt , t, 'S;itint l ' svt•ef:i.... Jr is. ()%r.:lre"at qtr.: .4.•ll:ti—k - ert Inky in t; - 14 E. ; 'l. - 1 -• T:t 7 .4.. brit f. wt . 'ye, .1 Ti - rc foillmsnrfijnent - n1 aryl' a u rs , ar j l ,ixt• d•-lA•fu.iiivci T.. a...;;111• , :),• t•af itureliklmy this. , • 1 , 1: NI•A . , ~ ' it ThAitkritt Gtr tilt!! peon - azet Ilthortit t:t wt•iwitfi etinfil,•nee tun!: th - e j Tit Ball and t•x - Intitie inn- '' til . lll'll &ti PSTEAD, Brioktyn. GODS; AGAIN. I ' %AP p ' 9 , . 3tire , snno i 41 . atirtt t wk . ! i , 6lwning , ;), yr.) Witrt . GOODl ( 1 )6 ' 0 1'1 1! F) iku • . .Our Sto i S ,ti, t. , I dad G, , il bit ! Parliir.l4 Outz .. ril?4, arid idivid' trim' fiVi.• 19 ten d..1!1 k . ofs ovesJ , . • .....t. .0,4 ~i - 1 ,....,,,t talit.r this np , . hitt te...enn t•ttftw the:i i nt , lst id .patterns 4pr P:4144 atm , 0 , 6p:olio in the 6'pupty.—..- 11.ern, the Ft.t.volvitii Froid, 'f . .r Wo..d,' IT eti...l, entirel i v new idly pretty hts/Vei. kiries r tii:t... ; ... .: ' , WO'. tVI' thitik it neodee.4s tri marl:that . we:tr;;itl;ing ir:et- , 4 .1 , d ptdgit42.frt ra the wit tti; ie.ei the . pati e :ire the prkeis and qin ty of . •• I ' - I t 101" dif_ the Clip:v. , 4 Air ( 1 .4fit - t4".:teknitwllid(l -by .tkin. , .4ov° n.tw rt i l, 4.••.:-- _... 'pa at , lehl piie.yg.,i4nd l'ritit. or all deiciptittni t the . i 1. . J. ,DICK&It.II.I Jr.. 2i. '..b.ti nn y tri r: itti•ryi at .lair former 61" "err latkfi .{._Kit uArris. , We* h., ve a '" f.w tight .Vevati..l 04. dli t. ire. tlit• 1 . /....4 .1 1 ;4111)u:414nd Tin W. r! •ry li,%vent ra;t:i. k lf : . ; r!i I Nt.tC . f',./ (1 0 '-A O' !lane ! to. Make. Mone,. ' ~.!!.1 rticif#maLt AN li, , NortauLE Emil....,,TAleirr: ~ . . a; , , 114 m . ;iliseribtl;i l deWirwtt4 fit having is9 I agent ji. iti.pl ic h c.ku it i ' i'hnd vow% of the Uititn. A . ',l`.l)t tat 4 (ppm 5 0 110 only will 14. 0..quir..0,1 4iid aiii.illipg itke iini,theiet.t, etivrgetic[ip l act c:di .k t , ii i , rAirii vireo t , 1'i1,..0 d..11.4r4 15.•rtlay ;7'6litlit4d ~.ippiu ol". the. Ag 411 1 1:; i'ow tuip!ilyeti tire riAlizin . z . 6i - ice ilini Mall. .&v i,-y itasirtu Ition will .. 'n giv. CA I by ilddret.iong, (p 4 4. imiti.) -, • , 1 . , i I .., W. 31. A KIN:i ;' R„ 13 .x 60'1. Philadrltilii% P. 4., Nst 011ici..+Wt% 3 • I i aluable orig. - for fl itI r l o !• ft4r sale bi-; .r.ilirtble ra Fia ' in (iih.;t4t towsklhip, ;Su-tiOeitaikn. t.tit'tintg Pa., eilitainirq 157 nrrt:s, - hituntrd in the "1S l+trrti part ut .aid 1...1Avn, ballot a mile tr..tn the TiitsktuOiron : k Creok.l:ind,.l 1.2' ritiles - frMii Sus na ()out, (in & E. Uu raid farts is of framed fittip,e, .3 'Barn:l. : a hOsse 4!ird, earn 11..m4,0, ytiuM;;urettardlof byttr 100 treittt; and w 4.111. waterpd. I. jlie titreis to sell lt.lr:/u pei tett• lesi than the reit! . trerits.--,Ttcn thi tis of the purchase money rash dOwn, and bat ee serttrt-d br nmrt-Intre; • WILLIAM TA Y4OR. iGibton . Nor 23. b - —47 v I ''' :.'• 1 ti ba''.v ' - _ , :l. ~ 1 11 ' • 4311d1143, • "j, • . .. W 1 i. 1.; be . exisrse ti..politie rate, on the prem . . . ..i,ii..,,,, - "I . 1.. t.• uleorr9;er, .(the pakoterriller ti;:yioelretiterl his ,fa JO:2mi) 11Oaday. the 27th 4.s "I' ,N,"v. rrisL, at 0 o'citieli: .c. 4:., th(ilialloW log prOwity, vii : :. ~_. .i ... • 1 Pra , l ,- tar .11 . 3 year*hl aierra:.ivell hioke.; 1 pal r of: F 2 rear phi5'11,414 2 vears Ohl, , 1 ye , ..trlia; ili e r., j sii s .i. eit!% T s e ll oife.liorsollilitito4r : w:so. l oii 1: 0 •h,r; e4; loo l t wr leigb; 1 two horse pleasure-- oas stellh•iia'itv4ri Oular arthiles to 4 ntli4 sus r to . . • ! to 4.inti0.4.1 „ !;- TERis. 7 --All sums orai.4,Bs.en•hdownf oVer 8,10 sir ittuitittis erttlikwith Intel ewtand apprised. ocinkril*:- 1-- , 1 , i'; .lIVDE CROCK it , : . , k„ .. Bridkaw N atr.r, oF.:.tav, /854-443. - ih' - 1 . , .. . I. . keg'istii'elfektie.o. 1 I •1 , • .. ,:. - , , • • usi..4o Ntitrue 144 ti re liT4riten IA el I 'lierson i tutterrneck in the following Litotes, 0,; Wit:* I ; Estate of. Lino.: W..l4iiii, i deonsi..d, Edwin 1 LIM Adra'r. 11 ;., C-: q . ;'• I.; '' i ; . 1 . . •••• , • E.4atii 3 Orisi4le. Ryneairson,' deed, Juhp bowl: 21 4 . - fizei••: .- ; 1 , _ ~ , ~ . 1 : i. t • Elizabeil.:-Griffitlt •Ginirdion *Of Ch . rilitlatl nO 1 14iiere. . • !? - Litito of Jon Stroud Jr. dee'd, A.lLFllkilley, Ado,*r. •I s' : - -I • 44 •te of Gell i L Lithrop, dee'sl; Climileii•Av4 cry. Arlmink i. tnitor, •.. . • - •• ;- - ;.. That the .aei..hintanN hire nettieriqheii• ae.; coOnt,. ill thelii..l.thiteetii.llieein and:l4 thvOtitte; ty id . Snsgt.tottqapt. nn:l that the morite' 011 La; 1., tlikt 'itidovs 14 * tho()Thm,' , ..C., t irvof l ~.,liti C,,uoiy.. : , sve(ittemitLy the 12ii.tfay ll , t l'ilo-; ventber ptxt fit!' 61,1,firtii ` etinn u m) m it t i wit ,ei,,,,. , ' t Itatu• or (:,.v in Sunitavrs, de e d, R. icAaid L. . 1. SOPltil.. it•intignltrator; • - . Titta the .awrontitnet.' hay settled his it etitinti inr.ih e ftegisierli.i-44lier in and ,for .the coinity/Of SoL,sioehinni, an,' ih:.t the estne will be -rireient- I•di., ine Joiigo. of tiro ()Thine' • Court - 'of ;i , aiii t;ettnly, on Thtire4.sy the auth day. ul Noir:Ober., next fur :lnoriil/P....1,0 :41.11t.iillWai lve ; • ' . I ; 1:T. LAN ( iDON,LkIigI I SIO• 1 rt,;.*U'r'S Oilitil.. 514nitrUle i • ' --' 1 . ' I o,:t. 16; 1,5341.--111w.1 . ... - • ;• . ; , ! • .• Attention Pooplei! . rillVe.: ikulbsc4l.',r Armed r, s , peetfully i ii,l'prnt .11Li the pultlie I hat ler is - titill•rlght. sidel ul) at. hi., Ri i. Ig• in the 11:1-rnent. of Se:..irle'u 11.401 p! where lie i . , ! 4 preparesl . - tib aceorultt.4lsto thou whiil4•ant now oluthitig, wr.tit his usual skill - an , d de«ptelt. . , .. I . • -i - TfIE FALL FAST IIONS ' , . , . L ., L 1 ,_'; •tre 'posted up at lils.hup, f r o m *num _y r -may. .e:ltleti ur att.)7.: , lifitiir• tit} le .you want. A: 4orle m•ate up in his .1 - :ll . 'pp is warranted to -give l stitis fartl4.n, • -1 i -. 1 : .:4.rctitlingidl i . ? no as usual tor pay tkuicu, and war'r..ntki to fit. i • " 1 • - . •• t 30 1 I \ GTIOVE. lioutrose. 04. i 9, I SS-1:-42 310... i • HAWLEY &MOTT . I irtys just! r;!!tteiYed their second Strek of rtprttig atld Summer Glloas this •se soh.— 1116' are now iiritparttd tO, show all •who fa voritnetn with - • •- t • Pr: Lss GOODsI n(nl I. the different kinds. sui.•lt as nni plaid Silks and .51anti11ati, Crap and Siik Bhlwis,• lAwns;:, ilaragitS,' ; De ~ De'Lains.!Challit4. wltite , Gomltctruien'And • i 61p/idled •sikeett .r ngs and siiircngs, in tae eery thitig it'. this I in i e..! Bcmattre.SlTFFS. e ery hirge •• • ,(„!(,1r wry lou•, all grwit;s frif!eot. ir,n.i.,rondi is thil4 braiA,•:.:l„l brown and . ‘ tellow Ct.orits.+--%Vti invite attentifin'itoonr ~ t,toi of iliaek, Green,_ and Brtiarietoth-: :014,6 1 Brit and Fancy . Casslineres; ll'i,ntueky Jean++; &e., &c. •,1 aildioraiidne Our stack of s kimmer have Stone beautiful pattrtis . at i'avorabh t price:4. . I ' Bonnets and ißonnet Riltbon, a 'good lasiiort rne4; Hosiery :ind Gloves of.all kind i ahin fur. sfila, a very large at , sortinent which-we se!! rhetip, lit obrelt i..., Travel lint! Da ,trst, "Sa tch d 1 & L`, . • • :dies Shoes. - Ctrith and Ntorroveo G .iters, Patent i r eather 11114i:ins, akti Citt.!f;ait . er,.., a' 000,1 stock, 44 ail kinds which we ,tittr tit ..UE11!4 . /1:11 I‘V fat . o4. eroekery arid 01:1.4 Ware, Fluid LtnlPA'2 l ld Finid, wood Pa is tobs,,broinnsbedeui:ds4e, qrotteries, a gorn•p:ete stitek wlllehwe Wiikselt nt :$ very sinall,n , l r vanee, also Ashton., Salt bi the gacjk, and a var 10,..; of G.tods t. , r) numerouti to met)tiAio. We invite — the . attention 01, r 11,. kh0 wish to buy godti cheap to call and exaocine; our • tttoek.- • Jtilitf 1, 1-8:11. 'HE CHEST.. . . r 1 ' Ito - ' ~ - , .. Si Astley. Ca'ape r„ Buri.`, S. 1):, the e m i n ent iff. i • dical Priletitioaer. ha I , ft a valuable i f yary 11) III! to.ortrl in ht,s Uri ai Prevcnt - ' • r • i alum 6t .oravumlition and uniailinq . ore , , ' 11,)r. Pizlin mar' DiscastAi r :vita' ojtt - ;he ;ue Sir A. C. Dalt. iiivritted atal advised (be art flttte. .211'..f1ica1 ,, ,l F'ar -Chr:a Protector; • 1..., topee...,, rf .4'll Jitgi... aryl couditions..as;...certalnleplbd ".. saf •/i. I ( A • { ,.. 4 ,.. t.. 4 .0.. os acrid • ta-.4.111,, L. timimp .. .‘ . orG - n .,Li,i„ . ); . -tt„,',%,l7n t izb:. (.8,144. •Ind other r 4 feetloofi 0' -11 l tot..:+. ehi , h •tri.e from t:•e exper:red et at'e 0( th.• ch.tr 4 •et,i...n. Coif:A.llcm, and the coutiktual elllsogya of oiir Aim ite. ; ...' ih . Pv.:Ctltar” VA :imply a eh •Wea ly prer, l, re• ; l for lined wits Pit% aryl pe•l lett, which; rospyndinl 1.4 froni, the n.ri. cu....re •he e:1••••t. ia. en , treesh't a ma tile (hat, oe/5 . ..0.n. it 42,..-,it...t si , a siren -V an 1 a mtrtfott : • th , PrAte ,- tor m " nsitlt..n.rh Ina rernistly in , '„roilltned • nt IS tm •ree • k snakinz rapid pro:risas ifirno,rls tth• Flit Al • , ra - ,ei. iheitWill las, ••••oth Amerieal. an 1 the Wert be ter I , hit- M. 4 101 , Itt rime Ls.en a staple artie'e io ,E• 141 and n 004.„ ..., • es . .nert..nt ...t . Eq.'s) .n. wh.te itli its grosa i_ , au y ronii•riss to .1.• nosition of an 4 rtirte of •Ire.', , : .I.'" - TO •I;;innnrt rate. thnse flints ningni,:esf any - t(ditllsh real ! • '.4 in your ri^io - tr ~ N r his knowirdre. it the henetleiat•er, ....1. of W nettle th i 1NT'01....t.? cti t I,r lit et re urq rn doertl : imt 0 any kiwi. '2'; lin nost of wnarEnZ :4 ht.P. iirt#lPP; b' 4 trinyy t :itn. an t ono nri:l last son... irirs.. 1o 'one; :,who matins r eh-,:th o'hl•nicrlf fir los familysrill kin lisithout. tivin. TT. lf ;ali ain thls noviritry ere no , ' alone rec. 0 004 l:A H:ream: tom?, hot tant.tly ftotnelorinte titan Ills. e !tin. Kra Ile k. er..., of Lotetiofi.an;l Manrbe.t.r..) , 4'eati 1: we el. nritins•ly ...s.ritstr 1 with the !us. tufartuye - of, the pretee•oei 1 7 t s;lamontiSiAr Ponuer. and r. ;ilium.. to ~;(..onietipv are. .t ti• to si. A LSO! :nEr tt -tit , ne. rind• q,..e..r01. teen•simen. t,11.1.1 , wh,..r.“( I Wit . .,thi " Pro t...,,ArA." tn P.- tr;th 'r 15...1nt• rentt:no. . ; R...., -Inber that this •a. a staple ailicies and nn 'Paten't Medicine. ~ I 1 1 . I nErAI PrucEs. .1 , 1 i c; , ,,,,... Site, I ! '' • • ' etsn eirts. 1 I.ll'n.' an ! , ! 2o Boys' & 31Irte• dn ;l• ' 7i d. lI.3.II(2 I3 IIII`, I IT(ADTAY. & f7n. i 33 Ann St. an 4 102 vasims e t. . New. 'Nit. 17.43. - l'i-in el lo Av . ,,... , ,,,,,.;,,.. 142 Irood St.. ehrapsi•tejonslon. 31 onlif ie - ol I, 44 31 rltet St . 311:211t.ster.Enzlan4i . 1 rt. - c'. ~ are 0 .tr0vi.v7.2 , tlepn;s roe•rhe emir. of the rror'retor ht 'ill AA I' ,t4nr I,tnensn Ph , siei ins gitrzeons. Prorgiata, Cinttlifro. ro-y ' l, i .4."rprchwits. !littera an 4 still; ii , r‘ a . .. 11 • 1 111e"non's EnEni.hinT St •rssK•snisnrs' - arn ...; rii• ;1..1 sett' this on, nsale : an I i rst,..iil ilistrlisplott of •lintn.a.t I to •sly , til n, so I heal tortste ..r.l ocr.r..i for thnii ontriTarat., tin la a}len 411 n'spOrt,tsulty opens to theta Tor cafe an I proSonlebnsinrss. - 1 .• 1 , . . '• 1 II.1:1C417 1 17i.11it tini.Eri & Il'o, i Cola 1 ' 43 kr1:1 CC, NWW-York,ll.S.;; ! ' ,' ; • ; ; ; ; . . ; • . 1 • Drew Goocs.. . re e 1 • • i• . 1 .. i G-r,4 It.s.olittnent,-4o arrive tots weex,' nt , A. low pricey; Call intili ,eyomlro.. 1 I . • : . 11.:1‘VLEY & MOTT.. M l nntros:,'S4l. li, 1'854 I • I 1 •epti.s.v, ~' b awl• I V Can Everithin' g - wOrkis. o a Chariti. Q 4 , !OTT,:10111030N & art, now: roireiNinte Q Ma-now stock or Pail and.4l:e•ready to %Ada, npon'the pi•ftple• to onOhing they Wish in the ;litto M.Dry, Gooftb, CiLthin4,. GrOcerioit, I lar'dsvare. Cruckurv, Fislt..Sal l t, Iron, Mints and 64,e, ;- Wu will surelv suit •nil that ealllttritl two w 4 itt our Store id liiirinf.rrilln • ISCOTt'JOIINSTON Co: Bjrrir~~illo,Shpt. 37 , 1 83• x: • ' - New Goods - *l4 noiv: Tecc!ving • hii; Fad G. 0,14. i l'iwy 'bring tieen bOu:ih;•jr.x; tredielY low, wilt bO sold 4,14 e lqwest . price, for; r!miv- p-r. • : • Mon trpse, Setgt: .12, 1354. j • , - , Auditor's Notico. THEnliders!plpd having hig l s apinliated in A+slitor tri♦ dktribote thie 'the '8714 Of Real E4tatti of balsitil Umusiat 4t ill .qt. tf•ntl tile'd:43 or hi,i :ippointoterit; at 'Hi of; Mentresk , , on.tiaturd:sy, the: lBth tiar of !Sitoteniber next, .114 o'clotk, P. M. 'At ;which Curti, and plapp. all porsons- intPre.ited in . Said fund arp respires! to prevent" . tkicir of be former debars.. d thi•rpfiorn.. WM. II: JESSUP, Auditoi. :Ctontrtr;e. ()cf.!6, 854:-43w3. . - - Adrele.l6flttfOr SFA/flee:L. VOTICE its fleiellysitven Abut, tog "'rata. /At mentors. upon the estetts kir - t;keek ontti detfd, lute of the townihip of Ftlinklin,hasits been flint:led 46!the Kultseriber. Alt pemionti. delded said s suite Are ho...by requ'eitte4 matt.; ittynedhite pvment.and thete tipoh mai4 tiotate preaent th'etn: to the stithieti.. beep: Lodentvil e , :.dut¢ a ttohterl I.IIENTRY'CRANt, Athier: Lnativrikviih q , • tti 25.1854.-43%6, Aca timy- at Dimock. IIE Fall term jlO g 4 Ino!titutitm wilt coif p !irli•net-Nril46t il underthe Ito, supeiyia:r, '• ! 1 4 110 ii!nntiikpl,f this int titutiail I: elniftii ft 01',5_ tien!arly eolittnrsilitit far atadents ,erioaing ri vuk a di.tsmer. < G 4,41 b9arti 1!* 'olitainatt,. for, fraia.Bll4+s' ..tq I .$1444 par leek:'iii aiitiaira rooms for those; wivhing talca , rd ,tholuselye*, Dimeelt, Novinnber,'lts4-45wd* r=M lltst Jititw terated : PA 's' . ` , Tke;;lkjiiriiayin' , '.or;" ,ifriiierpio 61,`,4nti l• . --c ' - f en:4: sac's- -..-* ' ' larif‘r4tt .._ pnitfinp.4Fq- ... -- ' ~ ~..t.n..."s sit ..lirai-oirrt .Itacl/ey.., .. i 4 4 i t . litirka 'Sr, ,Jfancloater. ~. r 1.,, . I PrincipalWarrigoliie, "0121 r ood SLrCit, ' ItelPPIIIII: t Goodnu t Critated. A 4010411 1t itabllobtarntg.' WI ',Lau Street " 4 102 `; 1 . 3sszni tOi t i,e r t e r- YOrif rN.-84-, „e . 4' ra:illy 1r vtllate4 it 4' irol4AhleAlicorrry • thr protect- , t j coo' Wig or cold ,arolAtborierMl 4l Pre• raw .n lqilhoul auy,dodor • ivy . ; tois!ecer, Too tlyifrolOsgeo Lin tlmform .1a awl 014 th, 3 34. .11 - .0 Ito ntrLaga plunge, ter powerful nutidu'e • • - . , reotie !Attest , stilther found - altre -nbini warm and lie tithy toi weir in the , ei4deet or reinsert nenther; ap the ttot cannot beanie Wilt the 11.tirAtottgers is ittsirt e4 ..I.l.lieA in ay wear the Ihr htegt en!e4 hiets'or shoes:a the in CiR , V.NIC Or 11 . :Irit //1 itailUrtitY,; Witle Cdll- pti ption prura:ent 'muting the ynuth of one ennetry i may lie Eh IP tetra bl their ret rial ntion li nn., yr tr . occr.shor6, latter esu4n the feet to pernt:rit in . it very tioshealt y: manner;, and,' iiirsi3es. are not I tivrer-ouri are's, r.7li , "tri.tot weather. Aar in.ha run here: •_ White the 'let tri milli the t‘q ; ,ti k appear . -raj tetaritt huge,. the tiFl i tosa•geriti 'bring a:we're, thin shoe of enrk r m•:1 1 1arly-p,Nci iptifie.. , l4o-,B 'nerve.* the size et. the'bnOt of ean4e the tontf - 1.4 appear untidy. To ettlhlren' thifr, aro eitewerly, nab r, a. tlf,y ctiv eti 4440 in el :vim. with co.n horilthr ef. feet,: oloettri is eta ttirettt let to 'faiewpiy. lr.o t Irku4 l ,st.fotizo tet! the..lo.ll‘ year 1 ; 4 lii;lar".l harm:all f . theicby, - ts,thelletrote ate* coto!nr.ittere kniAtri Its" Nat. 14 inere;aohq so itn Ainv)Pt Inety lib a tstelt, Last ,year'ln !ton hire; • ttAlitt.to , airaiitizhantf.'L'rerpoit 1.-o „ na4lin o twerp . Itatntid aWf ilfertin , on+ sni•creanite4 pairs of Cnrit 'Eolatt .Thia the eu.nher far ituritavo l ;het. ' " . ' • Aga the Faculty their ; crdittiot. Ar their nine , as a pre ventative' for. Cot*glts,, Cotd+, i3ronchille e ,lotbtost . , and Ciinrutuption. : - ' • 31 , nt's pr. daft, Si Cent*. sflo. .11 ,1 11 , )ys ' 0111 ‘lll.Oll, :15 ' do. , ; • No l rica'-4Frora the-nntailPriees we =LA.& very Liter. II illowunei •..... .J.,4berm .a,t,l tr.,oh , !..th-ta, ro that nay storekeeper may make . a - !tie' profit on tiltir xate, ,Ithih: they are au artige that'may-b4 kept in any ' , tore, among any class of goods., I , . For terns a.,*app:y. to :S'i . z , . , - - - - .', „...I , " 11AUCC1Cgt T.. BRAtkir.Er a Cp,„,...... - , •as tq..4-e,t Neil York. 'Co the /fun. th‘! Judgri of Or' Court.if SrissionA rjihe L'egre in and for SAsquehanna (~moty: THE petition of ItIAC;I' +it:the Borough of Cionity,:re•ip'cift;llY represent', tlcitlio ieiih wnitabl~ 'con. venicnee to koen .a• Groeery,: in the jli.rolfgh aforesaid and that it. Iy to -*h e next Court of Q•un-t'er Se ., c.ion., to be hoiden in and (or 'mid county tho third Nlonciyof c c tither, for.a liecte,c.44):eip Griwery,- ontl:to Aril strong 1)k.41., ale on otilcr inalt liffoors,:ws!or• cling to the Act of Asstufbiv 14‘11 A."D: 1851 . 11 J.iMES NIEAD. Friandsrill ~ Ott. 3O 1135f-7:411AI r. FailiGoods.• • . lAM rmw fun supplv of goals -for the fall trade 1.-..l3.uld,atthelow.cit possible prices. ('all pled see. . :. • U. • Sum rnemil 15 1854; • New and Cheap Goods- B • OUGIIT at low O*3surtrprieusiiikl will be sold accoidiii g ly BURROWS & - Co Gibson, Oct: 11, 1854.' ' • . . Cl 6 ths, C.S.A3lERESqincili.estn g s, a large, assort. men! anti at pr:ai(4lt,wer th;at we bare e\er bee-o enabled to offer . Ifient i t eretuf.ire. Oc.t. 11. . .• U. tl. & Co. Dress, G.oode..- A. GREAT var iety Of besntiful styles and'al .4.l:: . a 4 ;co 11141 * Le desired.. Oct- IL U. 13...& : GOOD +Tian:ay F'or:, iiretisci, - at 81 tts.i 11- yard. IT. B. d:. Co. Oct, 11.1854. I '• • . . .. • •• - -: ShaW).B. " -.• LONG and Sqeare.; Wool, Brnehe and very handisinzie si:ylos, and at: extremely low . - 11rice.r. , 11. i' • Brochb - ShavAs. . riflEAPEll th ever berm:L. known,Branti. NJ pattern', and tripe gnat-4y of '8,4 Br,nehe Lu!letf'a inaninfwture, at $7. - • • Oct., 11.• ' .r: ' - B. &•co. • i Bay. State 'Shaw - ft. .." • . firm qm.iity, and new at. 1 erns, t57,.`,0, e“eti. I it. CU. C4r:. • ~ , pots. . '' A coot, 'n'ltsortt,nnt ;tad handqntun. p‘t eriks 11 at very .loiv Rri6.4 . 9: '• U. B. & Co. ' Oa. 11 • H - . •- . Buffalo Robes: • LARGE '4.'4 Itarti...!4. pad of %O -them mit. dr , m• ind cent' supe• 6.reLoloni c.nd qtTatitt... B. tit Co.; 00. I, 1851. _ • ..Flour Salt. , ALT by the load 'py - !itfit,gle . bl,l. for sale at OW t„J Ilophotioin Station: : - • Alan flour is buirter taaelog' at f_42.s(tpe:i:' & lif.phottinn-Oct. ' •:• • 1000 B . glok '.Aients:Wdittbd T o C.,nrass I;.r th'p niod - . r .11i•able. publiAcd, Thy art) Writtel- by tilt. Anqp,r4 thu :day, •irykoding u m nic.ng othi., T. s. ArOtir ei of whoschyct gcenl, work, , • • Ten 1 .9 ht,? 17 . a Room,- 10.000enpies 111‘o been' w.)id within t-inontii ce. ' ' . • .'• Bookw are beautifully illustrated. (ma ny of thimi finely c ' red fitatm) . and. are prine o ,l anti bonnd in. the hi-4 in:inner. • \f ' Agents wilt find 'a plo.larit and pr,fitablet,e'm ..ployini:nt in thdr circulation:. Fir! iMrtienlars addri...ba (post paid) . • J. W. , I3RADIZI,P • u Niter, •-• 48 North Fourt}iStreet,:Philadelphia. 41m3 I I ' = Great Extitameni ♦IIONG SITFs "00W itOTITTN6I.7.' • • C.IIE T 1011 T_ ••••,' I.ID the faet• that W . Deans' -LP is'stilltakinfr some ;ri•rv' faiantir,all and life:. like DAGIJER:R.EOTYP4S: -a-teeret • and hir.has no desire to make it one Ale has just purehasedune 'and ientplete sertment ofezises, frithe all. of - winch await' your. noidepi. :: • ; I • Ako, Souie new and vaduable Doohs i itich-ate; real ty• orth buying''.(4l : and see:. .11is stoeir. of Gold - I...oeki•ts,il l ins. an'A leetion of the juieht j ., 4tt(iriti of plain 4iid faavi styles of eases; he trests'lliero is - ntithinglaa: ! - Ing. - .Ife',knowsnot what he CUT - Atly, or what.lie need to say more than has already - .been :Said; to.. induce vou to come to. hi; :Gxllefy, end .bring your frionds -- with" you. 'You have all ekperiene , ed seitithini; or iho!tottiOnetiop afforded in in;; un the I.ntlinil pletuk fan atrient friend and some of you, hav -- lei . i,own thu.sad.44easpro derived from possra'singl the likaneSs amts, loed'one who iroi' been. laid.beneath 1 thifehtireir yard moan& and fvtt that 'l.opriee t eotp.d-toke from you, A enernen.to'io " - Fur liowsnered the shadow • Sinew the suh§tonee.tme , porMoid, But..yoililierehtmee have.. friend' whMie pieturee• yot4 byte not make it. the bnminese of in.dity,' to,pior r oi , reel, he to iete. Improve the ; oppor,lOnityl, - youria—ovhile the, nisi% of heoltli . ;iiiiabm • On the' ehei4, ere yet tho mildew diiteaKe.;Aftlll,4ht hied,blwh.your'trea'sdre;', fled dish i -, rob:yOubf . 'both it and its im4go ,- --,Piet4rest , teken,itiLektar. or eliM4 . weather':., ,PriOo, from 75. rtoi..-t0,4315,00% - '. Odd Feltii4'o'llol,;.,3lOntrome. . ,14i.1:1154 ii9l;t4e. , -/,244erreegyptia: foi. s3 - or 50 COP4i: 4h4lati -lurk ;r4.14 , trill pleas{ . Toe of divers: A NOTHER rpiendid asitortmont of justly celtyliratedWittliville PoolcotKitivec voloprtoint fiaff diffeient; 30. t triyod l on4foroale Ai‘ - TURRELL." .1400.i•Ose Oct. 13, 1854- - ""' 10 009 ntior!itorOniTn. Otieddp. 9 0*};401 'n • "." :* • L .ALSIX tloifs; for wllbh ` trio; i~ es p , rice will bo p..id by - . Nov. 1. \ V. R. I , ATll t itoP4' Co. MIMEIM EMMIE sMltScr t‘ir int liousrAppletines Building * 3443 , 4nd 348 Aroaduldiv- r Straw. a-d Bouvet,' eta, bow, lowe;aipidTeathertif ,11 , clit r,einu rstsstp:OiftliciXoncy - Market; ltoli6rded to us in• creuse4 rattilities iniiiirporrime or ;;operb btock . of wr It A iv, a 114F:41.T.it;OXStil,.EP.Elleg riowgns, antqualird-lh this city, • :Lod to'ofre'r Unprece- - deritry, rotilfriec4 for CASIL• •To our stokaii . V4l*Fk,vinof4 BolurEs RumoNS. We sViiod _Car tii r o_ uttetit;on of Cri4ltttr.i4,lili,:us wu'r . rv,;tes;itivti apt' a more desirabio zo,mtlitintiot %tit* fiertcr licrate bfrered -in, thi4 city. ' 1ig . 31414,4z, iE'tCI ILJ3I, Nos. GI 413 d 06.14i1.44,01:.-FilllOl•iit t - NIY. 43E13,; . F. . • .rd 50 Wedding Cg.rdi,' . Witit'Plat . e, - r)EAU-TIFULLY.gavottAvEp for' $3, Fifty 1.) Visiting ; 1 1,:i.i'd:i`atiiiVliite; - s2.;'Silvtr Dour Note" t'ape'r; Societv, Cotntnereial Private .'en.iff.f,ty,edg p,s'rzigkiq.'s'elidirig it remit tance to , General En graver, 182 Btiti'a;%•,ly,"N. -• J. & 0.-11 cher, , ..kiano-Foito"Nan• irfac;Ors o :- - A ilmwAo hotAi . 2 - 45: 1 - 1,; 249 Twent f v.e - ight attte4:, between, 9th and. 10th Avenues, York. : , „with the YEelian; and, all pesth f rnifpißlN.:...iiiider our own sujierVisieni t Written ehtrant,;•e..gt{:en with every pritetiril men,•• and nuin'ufacturing Itirnish the \ ' beki MO;iiver teiml ihnif.eaft Itc.rfuriribh ed lintwhere.iind it hi'detiiiiiidlfir the.,•ltes:t ptace to hay Th.bs'o itgdod Plano, tin e tlone that till stand,and v:ear, welt, t'en't do brttcr :!tqn 43n13. ' Stafres , atit-Rauges: AN.S . T.tiL. rirt EIE Slil3 CI IBEitS hatieenitatid the fin.- . • X. est . asso tment AirntigiWOook - , and • Par ',or Stoves that. ena found-in the Stoves of aii stvles and cie,igus, for burn ing., Wood or peal,'Whieft we warraaln ev. , cry way. Per-Vinft in want of ,a fine Stove, for hetinty 'and Oral.iliq, will , do, well to eat, at the. •311..1T ftOP6LITA N STOVE- WAREHOUSE. HOPKINS ad PUFF, proprietors i :No. 235 Wa- . tut . ..street,.Never' York. . . . 4.31.n3 GOITP/L. CO• • - RitEslx, ors; frr~MerK, and 42 - iiriiiftielnrinir Atiltits; ( - 7 'FT 1 1( 1 11:P/MS , Lf;l34ii, 366 Broadway, Nov :1 4 ,0rk, - .; - -' • Cal itg nea ,se fit V mail. The esnal Idi+ eunt to the trade -and Institutions..." Picture-Frame4'fitrnfAted. d3m3. • o.ffice, Brgdford;Cquuty -• CAPITAL 200 1 000, sEennun us Bosns AND MORTGAGES 015, REAL EsTATE.'- ; • I NSURES ngairod foss 11- Fir. - I.llouSes,Stares I and ether Gumis, NVares, and Met etitimlise. im•aa:favutalite terms . any, similar Institution: - tna , tes pramptly'R - dhisted and pai4. . , 'DIRECTORS: Hon. Hoi:toe Wfilcs s timit'raf.v:tisTYier, GO. A. -Perkins, J. C.• - hiptiian,: p...-f. Jr. Jr. E. Canfield, Athens; Hon. , .I.ehia• Laperte,.T.o4. ,vandii,...pvn:BrAtot? -wakginan g - lA evyrj Ile ; Oen: • )I...Holiertback, chat.' 1414it,(Lapiti-te, Pa. „ Prl;4.: C. 1 7 . - Werk.sLfr. : Viye Pro;. "ind Trens.; J. E. Canfield; &.6't ;'TIME CHANGED.`.'::, 11.11.tkfiirartn4 14 IT. . - FALL AP.RA NGXtE - ET,k Tlturstiay, ; Sot, .2.1„11854,-.14 ‘.l 5cr441.4 2 . 0611 4 ' . :it. • '"". Dttt at Great I)etid at P. 1. • ' C. , tinectinz Kit ti tiir DaY , 'Expiess the N. Y. fc I. R. It., hot h east . i.veist..= Putotengerti.talittg till* train «ill arrive. in - .Dte'yr YUrria119.t0.1.....at.• and.in Dunkirk at 11. Return. win lease r;-reat • Ilehit 'int ..tbet.nrrlital. f the By 11:11O1.E W,e4tts. (4. deptrt,l otil. New• itt 7, :a: 31,--Anct arrive eltantftn ;It 'I he:Frei ht. Arr~'nituitcfatn,F '! ; t tti.'tci:ti pass enm rear att. 'wilt iiiTart'frinn Seiantrut st xi..4lu.zi Great Bond ing: the ';+l:til rTni th4l_ Njzia..4• K rtre ws . riitt.atittottt 11101 hd-wat, will depart -troth .Griat•Btad.'at. IsTrive li.Serttia l t . a, 1 11t-t' :Sfaizt:4. 11;e' w•aiiirtg .Ifie itOtyl49ltai l ,teittrei at S.i.raittiiri,.trit6th fia44a t ._tia PittAtoir i phis 4iirt 'he r;4:l'dll.olficti intenaediato - : •1 - ;.D. ILDOTTERER.4 Sup%:,Otlier; qernn;9o;i : Kept 30 ) 1554., it _- . -' Notice, to. PassOngers.:. ;.,..: ::,il ..- DASS'ENGE.R . S fi , r , itia‘fhinitt.n,t:Daiikii-it '.or - .11. , he t iVeitern:traittl,..irfp?r l ,N e w.: :York And t he ,Flisteiii . !r ; 8 in.,:,: s:i i I . f!,1:1 . tag,. "At.tieiirle,- . , licitat 31 ”atri)iW; Pn..,..`:. his Ii 1(41 .0 ) I Vi:lilik:,A.;" 11., it il it eeti tiiiill, it ti. tlw d 4 44:iiTs . 3 - . 'Tri t infc liatk Eamt aidi ‘Nr - 1, %yithoirtli.ti.ntion::::: 'Arab :17,4age;.- wilt laava at f i -1-2: P.: :•11:1.'j ciinnectine tittli.'llti, .:. Mitil.Xnt in gni ar:!. AVest,ar Great . ilend:-# . , P . . 1t:,,!, arai ntgiltExiire.is be4ls Bah/ • and West.: !, Maw,. with ilie.:.Xif,, r Irain for- Seranuia, , Cnrioondalei I Villf.sliai:it.iikalTank,hann'o r ti. :11 , vturniagi,;60.6i . ~ WI ill 1)c. 4 ..F . 4/41 1 M. 1% - 0! , t:: on • litritf 1 QC: ,t ha r Alait t i t a n e tiii ia ';''.e fLatm a '.,tit. : * I 2; ifiii.'' P., .31,,:, oh ag,iir:ii*:l ii., '44lli'trAii:lft'oth",qii4l.tiiid;,at 3 P. ':0i; Iyhte 6 511.iiii 'n 81' ten :-,-_,.: Git , a 1 ' 'RO ,t A . hit tit arrie at - 6Pdayt *a res ! 4 l :Trio - from; both Eisitt aid IV 4 ea o-it . Alm a , at.ae: {viii vi lit% ! an arrivat'-nf trainsTrota '. day, EiprilikZiiiii at 0; P.. A, return in; inni. for I rain ta''.Ni,, l ol,lllll4 every morning at 11 n'ciook. Also 11)e: Leiteiiii.f. 1 jila every 314 - 4 y, kli ilduesdav and, :Friclayt, , t , r '• ": '' : " .LEONARP g.12.11.Mc:;':. 4,lot rose ,' . Ii•-.- -_ -:. ~.. ~,.:: :. :..:,.: _ :tr.,?.:„ : - ;•••...,_,,-.-,-,5-„,-,-,, , ,i,. N. y.l& k. R. 1 ‘ fi IL: TIME BEND. ! „ - Day txp.A.2.l ,6,i i p.c Day Night. dn. I-40;': A. U. -f Night , 4l%; 1-59 3E-' Alai! i.raist, O.'. 7, A. ikt : •6.30 . ~ - ...., •1...-',....04- , r; !fi , .. , . . ; :"' ~, a Li. 411;iftniiii,;:onid sti;;fti's rim' iitiatidn7oi 3 / 4 1.'.nip h Li. Iv'si the'ilorollo. , tnlas noir owt•OplositUit: eitoilror Itrewbs, tVoul onittlashoisso. - I,cont ;and: titilktro , ilintsgo:. him 3.1 to .I.t tik; CAJUers Utiles GoOda,. Itiefotlink Pla; aut. ' anc7il 4 einnexii Oc IlsgsqjPot , trxt•ttosq.-YrroOtt St - '" 1 Silk i, . Poplins, pinshauo Zt e..,&;... ,•1t1f,4 Jtiblsons.-.attdrt :'_ liPaisilitPut` ty 4 SNYIt.., ithieh rn 'eonifootinn."'"lftlk a ' laigt , A foictlocort -.of . Stop le studja nor . Dii.tiootio,. 01600*-4, Ciiiiticry..finni ‘verla:- Ivor'. St ol . o !i, 4 0 ° 16 RDb o l itorPl- int; Obets" Mut thoic finis' arnt• .Cops 4inttlif I,l,:fr i ddoe . Phli yall.Nier*- I )iltbsulPainti,„,re.f.milk I*, iinld.rele, therm ' Cfittrn-abi.e*term, ;0 '.4GiAne,e4. piiviti p, SOFCiik k ." 'maul's or lIFOpr:Fr I medic .-- '.,..-- ..• i ...' 1 . - ~.. r. , ,li. 4. g a i t b:y 1 40111)1;os I.ovl. ';• e :1 --, ; . E ' .., . . • PliMplatitortlirrop. 21. Ifi's4. = - - i iv ' • I ittl 14 ,1 090111t101.1: Pr LI& firm.p.ra,h4er qte; erntitialt.is . - thittlay Idisitg4l4l;y, nuitnal. ennaint- •Thiii-Nottir na AFcnuntilqf thv **-Itiiru., it re. in 411eAsilds Do`ct. t6t)faik - au tkorized, Mgt ' It. T ,II AV 4 ,i 74: Iti) if.1,54:=4:404,3 • Dreis•G edi miuttliVitiltifletiOthc • ril-gao,d,"a •Aastirtmkint. - a - airiabelotai .; - 1 \,; GOOD -- CALICOES • ,at / s sh,ass islahiitiagitk:Otsk MN 'Pk Gior*l l ...Ncyt itoo, rip...4301.A* sirook, Croektly;Titi-w4spL_Gocc..sit* - at priOes ,thai..ennymt, - add top" ns ; fie , kit 1" biSiga it ,1 .\ vic icay Nt..,t . . .. . - - iio t - ratelielidlov largayiiiiiitirtiltitieat ei'rnti . O C-Finik 1 4114 . and'ega . andle Stick", and r .alkiittit:arti e ki i i din hi than. at • /Itttata4;sl, • I - 4.biligtifii I neepary to -31,ontreim *Pro.ollio =MMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers