. . . ~ --7• A Sign - Of ;the Tait ..►. . es. ... - ... - Aliffr. le 1* refttir - SP - 11WItc is rifii . C 'it niiit 4 1 =- 1 - " Aiorthi clubs. Dear Sir :—You Itav'e'liene ttle the honor to ask a full expreasienotlp,&t.4)islion ai d io. the propriety and expo'lfatityof foritaing t -ingr: inviting others to form, a,'.ieriesof," 'Cons() tu-' tional Crubs,.'' whose deign anffilialadter 1 , , may . be gathered - itotk ,:e tilii. natu l ek).. - an4..P104 , ten to mks v..r. ytha..ttli•.tit&% fratikiie*;',otte from one well-ureatinir citizen to another.-- Having no desire or motive to Conceal politi . Cal sentiments,, ['cannot vithhold, as you re t-Auest. ill: my,. imien t to your-using :the . letter. 'exactly as you please. . ' If trio ;luring events of the titrics; and the ~lowering,aspeck m of,the_future deand (as do '64 net !) fer .the of a system . 6fgov ienAipplit i a4?).-M.ll)y rt4sens i .and' vindicated bt . tiperience, neii deyelopfit...‘tit: o'f energy ntni.outuldnatieta....,atuong. llie-.L5t...-.1.9......50met -aistin"ti%:4,44..res(Ailterv9pcep..patien.of lion-. 3 ,..P4t...;41d Igyil J . 4cii qp , 4iro u 41 to . ..ut ~the;ctrintry. ..-nlkigiuniti r ,'ir - _ utitst-",aume,•,l'hcite...be . . - mjiJe;, :.,10‘.1 . jrlipp, tt:e l aik,nei4liere li t e,iliaile:" . . more SuitablY and acce . pfibl e V,thatt.tn.tlie, central "State of li.en tilly an la., -.Nt,n ny rate, .ahecting fci . posses:.S , IT iiee . ti I i ar' . lie wer, ,y...5i: ,; 1 1 . 1 4 . 1 . 1 , 1 .;, nor .%e - lit-,of. any 1- z.ltt=t -, tti tell - sting ip Cie SincerityandArinne u ,yrotir i?Avji - tions, I 'On; rSee do reason viltviVott apd'iaur . as.ociates.titay not apPeal . fto:.our -countrt men for - Co,operative ori - rat' - ;l'ion with .tft' ..... , . e. -‘. c,, , . . , . ‘-- . boldness inspired . by a grey;' ethergencY. and . ...natural toit noble of jest. ..i . 1- ..:', .„ • 'Otir, prosperity,as a nation. is a source of ,itist,firii,le. , l . 4 ii, Alike innterial, intelleettitil; :tad politica In every . ran , ..e,„' of litinaar. int . Irroretnetit, our. progress har . trwascetaded the_ riisk..oagiiine, bops, .and struCk. the .1.04 of the WorhrWithannizeinent. Whence this 73- . . ..pidity.and stibsbil grandeur sof.growtli I Cer-., thinly ifs',.etuises are. - various ; but of all its .. ; .,auSe...i, no one is SO' divar, - ,incibpuLthltc. -all ,-pervaduag. and- knudatneutal, as ,the existence • of the UniOrt. _. With --that.caur,se, the sbeial: ;Miracle is, explained. .-It,isa ennte imperfect-, i ly appreciate! abroad, but we Atne . ricans see; '.hear- and feel it in every instant of : our lives' , ~ Our. inland as, well as oar external trade, oar 1 .administration of jesti,ee,our - freed.ini initi . ce . Icrity of. interectu our qu ic k- al mosti rtsti no. , ..fire svtitpathies in joy . ..;atai sprrow, with the 1 most:distant fellow citizens, - . our:, pet fe64,setise:l . ..of security-against ei vil commotion- 7 4.n brin,4 / ..up this cause „perpctually,to our - periOtlei - 1 , _nes.'s.,. ..,,,Tho s _Untnta 1 -.:gothing equal:AO:at has I :eirer;nywliere,. "keen devised, by . statesmen, 1 churchmen or, philanthropists, as a incans.of i promoting_tite genepl welfare ; :Ind 'securing,. - the liberties' of a people—Ji: is. the one atitig i to which - we, owe. almost everything—the 1 . - pause..whieh uncbasingly., opertstes unspent • and by itself produces nothing but, good. •N 0 . ,, . ,well adjusted. mind, uncorrupted byambitious ! • Or /*limit hopes, can,, in my juckinent, con- . " . s‘ 4eafplate nianuoved ; the dangers-which have] suddenly, like clouds from: a vele:um, arisen I and environed that Union. -,, 1 - - . ...Y . ow, I take-it.that your projected !Clubs,' 1 resting-on the broad ;and.benideent platform 1 of/Democracy,- are,mennt to hare 4 /single eye 1 .to the proserVatiouof the,,Uniori—are meant 1 to foster every, measure havi tag Jhat tenden- 1 cy--,are -meant to o 4 lltect, 4r,:pose and resist.) Ny,batevcs.tlireatens to weaken or, disr;ol4 it-- . -1 1 e lite meant, .in a ii - ord, to orgaz'e,.a.power of:, , . sunaltaneouS action, through cortwporidenee, I the press,.and.titc.-ballot.-box,..which will rise 1 a rampart., at any and every erisis, - against 1 any and exery flood, lic,wever forniiilaiiki.o: - I sectional or titnatical .disunion. It' is in.. this-1 belief . that T,-not only appruve the propriety.' and exuedk , neyof your fattu, butbid you cor dially i;od- spoed, with it.' - I will not, thoughtstror.gly. temr;ted,. ad- . v.eit.t.e, the best' practical colin , es for unliold '-.Tng tb . e Union. They will necessarily engage -the d , ..libe;.ations of the -' Clubs,' when form ...pd. _ - But -there is one coraprehensiVe injUTlC tioll, whi.rlt you will 'pardon met for thinking 1 itoportant . enough, 11.oweve.r -trite, to he. ye- 1 heated liere---.Look stozdily .to ilte CLlzstit a- , lion,-anti ,e,..1 Vial:its prori:livns'. -6:stricily ere- 1 ' pared. -....'fliat instrument involves the being of 1 . the .Uttiom- :The; Constitution viulati; s l,• the 1 i:.;uion lingers only-upon sufforance-z-tlie:Con r 1 - 1 Aitution. enforced,- the-nion al Otirishes ,pith perennial -vigor.- .1 do :f of question , that a 1 ' Union existed: before tile .. Constittition--:Wai. , .tamed ; but it, was a halting;. - Iralf-Way,.pow-: axles Ustion-i : a...t nion dragging - it s - "E,14-.4 length 'along._ through. the, 'Revolution, and:, se.:l-rody -kept alive'hy the neei..sities and en- . thnsitism.oi thoSe iron •times. s'itelt.a union _ could-nnt.:encounter the . , emergencies of ener vating and. der'erish . p,ette and its eon ti b ti- - - . ante would- have kenrulown, if - not fittallv crushed out, the ePiAiii'g4it.g , onwardsant , tipwardsovith• • Which we-- . have 'n:Joyell.... The : Union of thri At - lb:lE4'6r- I.:!;.infeileration . was uot. tli`e Union' of tiie'`CiiristitUtlen ;. in con.. trast,rthe forrrier•fwas . 0 'lope of:: try and bai t eiv.iand; the - hitter A' . girdle ct 1 our native -.:;rape vine i 'swelling with..sap-and loaded . with .:lustertn . g fruit. les i. - keep to the terms or diii,.tilti xis! and - s7fest of • - orgnisic . strut=. tures -of ',goveruraent ';' keep IVigidly'..- to its': equality of *sovereignties; is,' guaranties, its : pled es. its' - reservation of 'State . rights.; "ha c. , _ ..--- - .' - e.e 'ens - tneasur Of.: bafuralit.aric , n, its, itp-'I . pret*-ivesirt:ihibition.of -religiou - I.tgislation.;'', keep-to them:a4 nf. - Sn *lio know on what thel interests, tranquility, freedom, and power ;Of , ' the contitry :truly 'depend, and , are ' resr.,fred.! • • tt.,t to - see - them' enditug.ered on sacrificed bY 1 over-wrotniitt and transitory eieiteinen:---tg-do ~ . ,i thiallirough- the inStintnentalities :You' con'.' • tertiphtte starting; and YOU will liars donethe ' 'nest mint private „ patriotic, Citizens :can do to 'perpetuate the.gloriouis Unio . n.:l' :-•• ' . it is•:po.sildetlitit Y.,* 'ina,-1 - hare notized' how partially' I' hare 'mingled? tii . ri,6litical -eon ' trover.4it.-4 sinee:leayhit's - .tile Vi4e Presidency:,' .. in 'Mara), 1819, -- With the eieeptionP:, - first, - if an anxious effort te a stistain • *-I..:at IF; known as the Compromise of 18. - A, and,'s.econd,.oca like effort oh tkihalf Of_ the ".I..tenicieratte. can . diditein 1852;1 .have _bee:a le.d, hy emnsider , ations not worth inzliti4ning, - to inlitilge in it.t :east caMparatise, mtirement. 1 refer to this, not - only as an eitense to - you for nef , replying,. , in-more turtple . detail, lint al.4u'in , order .;to , rii . e . lii" - the - fe*SUitiments 1 have expreAseci, ~,, . 'theii , iiiiht fert* - as . Offspring o. cool and un - -... ~ . iminisstoffeil'ieflecilon, - - ..- • i • ' I-a,tri,Ttieif sir;' your fell Ow-t - ifizen and friend.'': . ..- . '-- ~- -G. M. DALLAS. Dit.--•ALleilieD E. WalOar 110tIrOtitober- 1834: ~ •I Utilren - SrwritsSintsrans - . - -;-The Uarrisburo4 Ewald gives. the -follottiing .n correct list •• of 4,bosuotleuten nutted connection" with the rotted;Stati*lgenatonihip, hy oprio news , of ale u!iiruittistration, • AL...tinder. E.lrawn, EastAin ; lion. Rohert,T. Gortrati, - ; Jambs Cbilier; Pottirilre ;Col. Anti row Curtin, Belk:finite. ;:Gon: liewittown, Gotir.-Win.. X.. Johnston, Pittgbnigh t fon. John C lionW t - 'rrisburg ; Gen :Lir inter, Jr.; Pittsburgh Eon: andel Stn,*ser, 74.iorristown;i.. Thaddeus Stevetr., lAinpus • ter.VProf..o: U. Ti y; find Eton. Fredblinit - AVsitlic; Carlisle ; Ron. Davit Wilmot; Towan da. , . . Mr. S. P. CoLuz:ns, hitt , i,editor cif l the " TrilkesCßcii4i;,farnil7:' . . lui,:'.iiiels..63-i ate 341 ftPllointnn.f. ..sgtokorocc4.—AVßJiope the jotirneyripa, rolra Wiefnial to W0110)04 which how bean flicate4mattunber orlears.. Mr. Collings is •s ,gentieinan - af:'etninent .-iiald 'lnt aud dir... CriOdir-te liiP ^ 'PONliOtk: whiled 1 "an 1 _ri: - .=... - ..7.- 7-7.:_ - :- - .. Tay LARD .PRTITERN PERN . A. .W .'4 TA ." ' --.---"1, - -•-, 17.- ,;,.. ''...4- EL)1101113.' - - "....+.74.7_77- - - - -.. 4.....-4;..--7. , ; - t , 44.-_:#. -- _4.....—_-.:44-*-a-zi-. ,t -31!*trose, , ,hu radO yi !II o v 4....1 0, 044. 4. - r ...._. - 4,_ , :__ tt.4 _.;_LL —,:-.-- •-____------;:- Viir)Olical eill mils' are 'prett y' • 14-17. - l . n ~, -ilich miintA .t his week. • 'i,`artse-4.the fire, &e. li .. • , -- , —,„-----•.------4- i ~- - Nein- Post Of fice. • - Aliew .Post offiee has been o4ablislied at .. , ~I, I t Summersville,lithis eotiniy, on.l l 4dS4ronlers, ...arid .1. L. Su tIIIIIi n . a 11,0inted I?. M. . . • 1 . . . . Wood ! Wood !t - '' Thou of oui'. subscribers %vb." contemplate l _P..o ll `'..4sjß,l''''c'° . 'IL -Itjli--gie - titii- 1 - 001 liee:bY. t,ri P 0 rig ,som el] !.,1.1..p w-. , IZecoi iect,, good , wuod r illake#;y:irux : firigeri„aad . n- gOod 'paper, be ,..catis4lt.-makei'itiai Davi? good - quittrred.. :I : i • • 7 .3C4„ • t'ullopo h( is of .our patronsour frill improvei Courtru.:;, sett le -up fir the past year—' Th6rii intAjnil to avail ; i aciris:,:lv'e, , s of 4;6 ativnntnge of ad vnnce. -a re rin arre4u7:4 si nee 'January last • should not let ijCourt,*(+.eit. slip by; ye want money. 3t J e presf_mit. hiah P o riC'es of:pa'per; jonrnal :a . ti tote r patrons rnu , tt, pay. prompt-', ,c if iiiey w . buld hate theirs told np... Calf and see 'us.. ; 1.. • .Gg:EAT EIKE IN 30:1r.;;ROSE! - _1 100 1 000 011 . IPiropeilr Deidroye'd ! i .11)e' startlinV c:r7 of 4 ‘ F,i're! Fire: r" • broke '6,p b r it Ithe sill tu fk:i; of our citizens la.t Friday . ~.., ....4 ; :r .. , .i: :•-• . " I.,Mgrnillg:Ftboti,t,,five. o4clOck. . Hurrying to 1,; =i —' ' - • '1..." i toe:spot. whtelt.tlie tiatneS indicated, .it. was l!fnuisi' that. thel i building oi2ettpied by .A. Bald ! • iwni for a saddle and liarie..iS skull,—and by . , , . , . ... , I'o. l i % . l7."SiMinott it boot ainl! . shoe maker, was I..onEtirein.the rear.eorner ':ad.ioining , Bentley lan< Bend' s Sto.ii.:.• ?'fie st\ re %vas-also On fire at tip'. e.,ytzs adloluilig the shop,but„as near! v- We: Could diStili,Liuislr, liere 'Wits. more, fire on the shop than .the,stor4. There was. very . I little wind, the CUrrent. of the- nir, however, was setting north -west, -tovards Searle's i Ho.: 1 - •••• . tel. across . Public,. Avenue. i The fire . eompa , 'rty . Wds premptlY on hand, but the supply of Wateri was inadequate, aid the engine, did not,.wOrk .witli its usual force. • Tie buildings were - di -, and in, a few•rni,ittites those adjoin ing the shop Were •'enve.l4Zd iti a sheet of flante...-Extendihg O:3-5 . t, the large -building helet4ir.g to- g.,geyier t , occupied by -the •MessrS. Fordliard.:s as a Grocery and Saloon, also by- E. Bacoli Groe'ert on the.' first - door, ' - q and 'by the, - Misses ?dirt itt .•.s, 'a nA 'Mrs: Welch, had 'Mr. .5... - veet • -!atid 'family above,„ : was soon Ou fire, and this eontiituniP:itcel with tho Store 'of- -Wilson. du. Son Whie4 l : alsOlVurned. —A Small building in the rreae. of • Mr. 'Me' Vtent's,. w:iieli" had been' Used . iiS . ' af,'Candy shop season. fire:about :the Sh Me' time, "nt.: the_la - rge I i very *irk Of IX D. 'final\ , Closi iis,- was mwed -iii the greatest exertion, and tiby . favoi:ible .sitna... .;tion to ihe 'v:hid:Ward. . le .store of Post ..k. l'".. , o.,,ireress' . the Street was . sesethl. tittles on ~ - - . : • ~ .- - 1 • - 1 - - -.ure;..auit for a.snort.,titnek it seetued utterly ii ii9E45164, ' : to prevent t4e tlainei 'sweeping, :both sided of Public . Avetiloe.to thA, Tha r , C... ! aa.i. ;Hous(. i . 7:he 'wind then ehanged,its current i • more to the west, when is at once be....atne ap -1 14)atent that the whole'low - er part of the town lunust be destroyed.. Front the store of Bent ;i • ' fiq,..cz , lead the tisrnes noW.stVept west;'along 1 tu:iipihe Street,' like one Ist %vaVe .of fire.— I li'liiOlii - :; - ..`tirestere tf VA!Tnrrell„ . .so.eral ~. • l exitlOs i sjus .tooki place in; rapid liucc'essiort; 1 wliich , Ta:Adad illfi ' . Cr ) Of 44 . Powder, loOle'brit' - for, . ~• i . lte -p4wder:7 - ; 'When' pose Wfici Were-en it! gagt . .4l`iii •clehri oi.g. the' Sto - reS alAndoned -them, [to the' P-'2 , - . . '' . ' . ,--.:N r eSt came. the large store occupied by La , ihrep%and liiley'orto adjisitiing this the'briek. 1 . . 1 d %Veiling house 'Of .I..L . liest on the . ' corner:or ITurtioike and Main streets.. ..Agee a stand was -made to stop, its fu ri4er progress, but in Ivain. ~ , The ,supply'of %vui. , er was not sufficient, even with two.elose . linti of buckets from th ee eouutY Well tunl. reservor opPo,ite Hatelie'S I Hotel. Crc..o - ,.-iti r ei the st i'':, l t from . the brick I hili id l ing, the large. dwettilg-...house of Judge] PoSt wits soon an fire and ••bandoned.. Su eep ing south, ltain,,Street Wi 4 ii soon : one streain . ; hag blaze. :Thelioot-antl, hoe store of Kee lerl, ki - Stoddard,the.Gr4lry Atom of T. N. I v • 13n1114, the•stove:-andrit+ltop of ..4....L. Web- Ste! : , miff Cabinit4`op 4:C i :.`- - C i .tailitian:a, tile .building - lately occupies; by the Dania-rat . office, belonging to tie "Messrs. Tut:tell; the , building owned and oceOpied by IL F. Tay- - rell as a harn - eip shop, acid salt store, and the dwelling house:Of A. lligivley were all desrOy . ed: : The lioter l and. otlfer buildings of S. F. Keltn., were the saved b y . greatest- effort. On , • [ the oppo;ite FLia,. the large store huildings . beleugiiig to .D Post, F:4 . 1., occupied by Thay. i l er. ec 'Wnrren; and Mr. Uarringtoti, and i by ti, faMily on the:second &0., the stove :and tin Ishop . ..of.Lathrep. & Wit:Odiuff, the ;ea thy es- iablishitient..of lkft , ... fain Teton, together - with -nli the out: building% i4oluding.the carriage • honse.orthe;Messrs. Te rrell, weresoon in ash-. es. n tins . 6 . street but little was saved, Most of the goods wh ich. ere itaken from,the buil -ding,S,were burned:in the. street. West from i . filed welling. of Judge .POSt, 4::#13 . the cO*r,. l' the fire ettended to the dwelling of A.,8 6 14. , • • win which war, saved, hough gre atly .4an i . aged. The Itt - itigh & : Beady eolispettiy made 'a stand here, and fought,' till the progrest Of ' the. destroVes vVas arre4ed, though for a'' I .long time they - Were :ibUo i st . eeinpi t etely erg, 'that a cloud of flame, . id. it seemed ' "that the tutit., • :be Oriveti:beforeit. -. But they ;stood th it ground Its ttiougli- welded -to the I, earth . . . : :ides the bitildin r ,6.s ortudge Post .3e.i I, 'earth.. tots - street, 4 . ' ri il ' building of '. ' 1p: lon 'I.& . I.kittioelc, the tiwelhogi house -,of Dr.. Dint... 1 - ock, tilso of P.L'Oeke:WitredestrOjed. . - For it i4ni ifm . i! it seemed itn t eiiiiiibitiio' f fritnttittiti . r i . flaineli from eressingthe: street tothe .n biiiW ..itigslikijaiient to the ilaritist.- (lihrehi i . the . 1 evea i tilor which;: uo - ots't (Ass tell i .Iviters• -or . *bees - ttop isoubl , ,bste been *put-to thelt sar -:r : • ---.. f.:!',:": -- 1. ..• - - • -h • ;litanies of. Settirereric...- • i milosu,-,4F:f3sp, - -store-014- .0404 . 64 Aeskitss. eotatillerable datusge:lulioute 234 Suiiiture: 31r.. Wilson bail, toiisidetible ii*iiihribi*., prob.' ably: enough` . 13eirly ' to! - M - - _ cover s' lost on Gordo ' ' 7'i- • 1 . Lathretp-'& WoOdriiir. ' it..se ne.arly their i , . • nose ,s foc : of -5t01•6;4 and tin ware. - They, have a shall insurineei: - - .• • h i ]. • -, . Dye Terrell lose, 4ome *24'.500 or nixiei l i e•ith no! insurance-- Mr. 11aw1(.7 los. - ... , 5, [liii house, arid 'corisiderillile•furnittlre: • We have I not - learned : how large his instiranee ! is. . I •t. i ,' Mr;',Cl;ishmilii losts elindst ifeerilliina...:ifri . . . , Websiee,aliout 5t3017 .140ri: lesurniee.' - ..! I. N. lielfard's- • hiss is vel-:,-- heavy, I ;llel 1 ,Saved ,liut little from 'his buildink - r„ and, his .i,eseran.;e i:'s small. ••• , •, N I - , 4 I , Keehn' 4i: Stoddard - Pose about tsoo'abore \ 4 1 -t . puntheG. ' 11r.'Nle.lone':,-, occilpyiug the siime, tpiiilding,loses,llis tools„ anti .s9iiie clucks, 454:4..: We fi.;ve r4o estinia:c of his loss.. ' . [ ' we 11av,4 not 'learned. , 11(t*rs Fordliam saved : two or three; lotbilieedollarS • in cioods; sail 10.6 ins4r4ingeof 11500. Afisses Itferriit tte tikor'toosu s . • in 'the bird story, save! i i gm! illtithinir. Their' loss is •• - • • ffrry ; some ti 3 Olicin, „r mul should receive ti`te Vii; .. 3,. ti - r - eiti44l.'"Wbo have lOst notlt- !ing. •. N'elch,lOSSinot . tiscertaine4l: • ~• r ; A; 11..p.ldwin lost, a htrge stock Of lea:lier, :harness!liswhole' inti 4 .amount to. soma *4,000. Isurarwelis .(3.*,'Shmtion4, we believe," lsurca but his hook;.. - . • • , „ at & lost 'pretty much tioe,whole . : o f their 11 l at o o . stoolz - -01'.600ils, togetlit4 :with their EtOrt: uiltling,7.-.105....610,000,...---..145ut.. anti, - The: furniture r Mrs: SeY moor;, in -,. the second was Jeweler, lost - his . stock (if 1 wntchesktMl tools N', l ' • insurance. !Abel Turr4:ll lckea 1111‘ MON iUld motet of n. .1; f Cols.ll' I ois oss is 4.st• t . 1 1ma AL 44 * (100-4, • • • 1 ' • :Ind Story, saved his BOolgl PiP6is , , Latlirn) it 7. Riley saved but few Goods.— fl:eir insurance is 63,:r0,—ne.irly nove'ring los's. ;The building w:is owned bY ..I.fetlert;ivilio had a large ' cisurai,ce, upon it, , . i ,• . . L L. P,4, li:14 a stnail insurance. either oh iiis-housil ok.furillture. , ',, lli.s :kiss must read] i I - 'Several .. .. itt; institiMt;e'ini.his (;iii ' ldings. ' Ile - fuses sii 'o.reik,iit 1. trio . us.and perhaps :anew. .1). 1. 3 04 ii.ad . u, 4 . 41 ' inratle . e. . -.144,, loss will reach Wl ' t 0 i' seven thOumnd. The 3fessts. Singleton lose most of thoil i !wateliel ! janil ot'uer property in their shops.--4, We beliAve' they letve no . insuranee. • r; Thayer. 4- Warren have an insurance •of $1,006 ,*pith wilt nearly cover their 16s.s.—= Mfr. Harrington recer‘eil apolicy that• nearly cover the loss of 1,4 gOtAIS. i -_ • • !•, • , ; ' • The. utilize- anti - medicines of Patrick piinoek• f it(4,ether. with the hOute, were prini dipallYlotl".Their-library was . Saved. On iii liOn4, and FOrnitUre of Mr. Lix:le i • ae liave uotlearned that 'there was any itr4ttN anee; pole In front of Searle.'s'-'btirfied , and fell npon the Hotel; knocl:in,; .ayohng 'front' the:Mot. lie tiAl three stories, . . strucl;upon 198 feet and was but slightly in 4 Jlll.-0.1.. . The Ilotel damaged. The' *boie ini:ltule; nearly 'or quite all the sutte6 ers--all we can note frlan inemory.--; extent of each individuals- we ot couro.cannOt give accurately. About three :acres of Mound burn(' 1 over ; and the jtidgi Then!. . °Pour most, cOmneteht. citizen's: plit4: . . Lim; i r 6is neriot - Ins . 's' than t 65.001), Runc th0,141 . 0 4 1,te latter la probably tot'? In 11 '!his,. .with the fire in•'.lBsl, has lefl , hut. little, of :theanntins. portion of the r own skanditigi We - certainly. are very lot s,l is itig..Mincivcd our offle,e, from what is now' the • •' l ,, burnt. district," hut t w weeks 'ago. ".I,.)e' r nmernevi Will lire," though in this case :we doubt whether it woltld have ' , to-id the fire! This IS a flinch afore severe blow to; the:, tOrougl than t h e lire in '3l: A ert.latet property h:t ten destroyeti,land t lame 56 Si, of thesulTerers 'are thi).4o Wilt? are leastiable to bear i ; years of patient labor, icquited home add 'busines., r 'which has been- - swept. frorn them in a. single hour, It Jealli'seems. that llontrce.e is fated to destruction, judgirig,- hy the Oc . o.urr'enees of the pitst three years.--4- Several Of those sutferetl by. fire ate able.to, awl 'we presume' will, rebuild .1 early ne;ct spring, uut t he energies. of man' . seem paraltzed with discouragement and j"4- • - E=Ml Opened Again.' Son have • taken tlie old storms . 8 , r,oom in; huildinn , F. Bacon w ill. , cupy a building nearly oli po.iie his_former loca n. Bentlia2; d; Rcad occupy the storeroom tut 4ier the Democrat office. • Abel i,Turrell may be found in , Feeler's buil.ling,7-also H. P. Turrell. Keeler, &Stoddard have put their stock in the basement of Searle's Hotel, , formerly Copied by the Barber shop. • • The Ilitrber luny be found in the room bad': 4.f gest! e,s Bur-room. I N.l Bullard opens his Grocery in the . building ,near ,the Cabinet shop off Smith 4L - pp - •' - • Lathicip & Riley have moved their stock lifix4i l l. o 4 room, in' the rear en d of F. 13. Chirldlor's Store Da Chestnut street, • This is as far as we aro informed; as to lo for the future,' - • , - r Origin of the 'lie! About this there am various .opinions. first d;seevervi it was on the south ive4 cOrner of A- 13aldu in's building, and'the itdjacent corner of Bentley ds Read's store. 4— go:* fire of:oliinion that it was the Work id inecia`diaiy ; izindled between-those 1 1 0,4 1 1 1 1" re4r.. , tberts being a norms spaee sisethein • w4ieb'Wtis closed in front .L... Atut.,l l t3 nlintie beforethe trf r qs e f: the 3 : 1 11 V men emP l nieti ,his'edioe pissed do?rn the walk in front,U thoie l uUdingi, and:baw no fire or smoiie.4. 7 : . 1t 'tem from this' that it'clotild not hatie t tiOn that why, for it 'wonkl.hhle bee ,~aip % e enou l 3 ‘itien ho passed ',tsijiti ' ee' tittine*l attention, ;salons out. so: soon af ierarards with the (toy which it did. 'Others, Aleir istrit through - the .I;rintlit's 'of i . . . ... ram.ri-Baldwinitil 4101d/re .'. Ofirit,"Mike — ollt , nd infer ther.frorn, that itif i nust leave origint . , ated there, in . !ihe seeond f! t, o r )', bitrning , slowi :17 .ttll . .itigbt,ii . beeause confine d i.: _ and- thltk ipreliding furi4ol7 niacCon * siti•it tainted throf ' tti`tte air: — -'Others think ilter's:w itifil:st on 'tile Jeornett of i the Atnrcr, . roll] all We eln. le' rn,:lie are tatisfied that-tt originated in6i4ll - . One -of ;those buibling.t ; .4nd -we think the i' 'safely cif the 1, orough would he Or - Ignited, b i a . rigid 'rnforeetnetit of •• thel follow i ing role, loci. . 1 those 11 . ..%ing persons abottt their shop 4. at .werl; : - ','ifter til e. shop , : :Irt4elosed! for the 4'7e • I , ' .ning, nO.ver peitnit them. tl be opened for p un ~e s of, amnement •or jecreation, 1,,y• tit/ worliintn: W.c.. enjoin ,it . ppOn (nt!-,i; and do' - . . .1 , „ , _. I not pertutt it to; be vuilatee?. . •nnuer pennitY. of loss of .. situ4M, never allowinza worlittnM. to enter:it after it is 4;10 , 4: by the proprie-. !• • 1 .torsi There is no s:tfety where yoUttg . apprent: tice4 and other 4 are a110w.41 to asSenthle after, businesti hon rs! for fun arid frolic; i We do - t, knOW . that thud fi re origin a ted in_this wa . l, but very to:tny:•,tire4 have torigimitea so,-ami we sixi:i ; k' 'of • I( Inow in order to•atiest the ate tention Of our!..4itizens when" it lily be heed'` s t ., ( l . t, ;- -- si •'-- ... •-• i •"' , ' 1 , . Tber4 is no ,itiater of any iiinnognenee in , N , . , - the rese r v o ir in ;front of *.frle's note'. IToi. - • , . iS.it to be.' filled for': tare i e Oming;winter•?- 7 Should it fire, break out anit, , Avitere t on the Av e ,. enne noW,:it iqlikely flint tots S tore or 110 , v,_ it • .....- tel. Would be left - slaw irt.the, prt pric tor Of 'the' Witste water 't the 'Steam Mil noW let'the brini;r, it in Pipe.;• to Jlll. resei•voirs . Witholit charge for tire* water'' not, Altai liCing, pie onlYsti r reient stream tlott care be should :Timm her fire break obt,'we - 'thitik itia duty ouleitizen•sOwetl , tcm.•- s 4 -,l.yes 0 take care of their own property mil S!Tteewritiort the.ttbovq., we larn . that fantily tiatp4A Skvect, livitz in Mr. Meylertr. .r buirdin4, saved: little or. nothing.' They ttr left i•ery de.titnle. On, th ue,t side of Mai r . Street the • ; tire stoppel- at the thvening liOuSeof Mrs. itttrrell: la. Was `surrre •with burning 14iildin g 3 on[three sides, and ;lt onetime .abandoned to - We common :is impOssibli to bti , s-avcd, hviall save ,NErs. • refl.' • She, Withremarltablil presence of mind and:resOlution Or a persers. of • her advanced age,,stoOd•at a„ti upper . wirtidow, on the side racist exposed, threw 'water upon • the.burning siding. and. kejrt. the flarirS subdued, wlie l n the heat" was gOinten ,,. e thnttlrechjitters burn-\ , . ed ritul front' the' witide l w.Wher'e she stood. Sbine'.l . &tichiring ‘Vas . carried 'on, but We • cannot Yearn to;',Avliat extent: Men, wome l n And children wOrked witlti'desperide: energy • till life ;iflUmeFOrere. gverythinz r tcas.dotie.to ere st the destrover. and save the -•• • - • propertyof tlioe iti.reach t !.that lay in the power 'of artia)nciy to, . Another Fire! nut four O'itloolt this kThorsclay) . ing;!tbel,ery r,f'.fire was aTiiti -hear:l in .r streets.. The obi tavern .stan(l.on Mn strut, below Keeleris O.M.(lisetwerell to be (l i n They !',A larce.'(4.(i(l ell'HOtea at tbe tot, and - efror't, invote4l hy. the pr , ev,enteil the fire • from ei:ten(ling. to the :vij:ieent.intihlings. Th 6 ‘,14 bitil hn *r i g not inlminte4l, Bpd wnq coMparatively main: bnibtin7 !was entirely eon qnntle.i, intt timilow • w;ns . saved inn (lainligea sou liti^n The:pro-1r ! ty, waq owned by -fir. J. 11.1S:4i:1)141.y. TL 're , . is no..(imilit but t lint 'flu: pre tails the work !of some fi;ttitlif.ll %p e nal:lry I ,- ,__----4:.---...-43;:-....;.---- ,-----t ; , -'. N ett' 'York 11; 1 01'110,k • r } Tlie.rao , ,t singilar of air dee...ions is that . iiii. Iii•Id; in N,•iv Fork. .F.hir eanclidates wenc . in thes.fid.lil,-r-S ., ,mtair an j Ilronion, • Dento erais, Choi: W . hilir. and Ultniati 14,riOw Ntitli.; inr*. • St.A.lnoisrlbelon 1 " , s to tlie'ela, , .. /X Deilio ..-- '•• ' L t ' erats called, inAliat - State, r S/)ft plit.:ll-," be- . -- N, ing, principally'J'rtride. up of the Van Buren part.v.ini'4B, anfLAW_Consiention whieli nosn..- 'iliatee:l hint iiit4i , d;ReAoliolons th.claring that' the ,)i . e lq! :;s k : i kill was "isexpe , lik4tit :and un neeess.ar),-." They were ;Monied - as a kiti,l of go-bet ween on that que:stio . n 7 Dioason. u a "turd •:-.lnell"—a I)iv 4 •.:i5,6,,' pro-slavery petit itiiart. Cliirk is aSee,ard Whig \ --a Prey. , Soiler, A'nti-nibraska and I Maine' LaW: • till is a Silver',Grav: W. of the Fillruore sehool, and wit'a the , notninee. of .1 the Know . .1 Nothings.. . , .• 1 - ': TIM; equippp 'the hortes started . .for the , . „, • race. l3rottsoni run into ,the ground the tint;, he'at, to that ,the contest • 4:as .. .really bet Ween ' i the other tlire't. The 'fey .retiiins ne bad ii wliett w 4 went to preSS Ia Week,ilooked like 1 eltictingllmitii, but tl;,tfuli returns - placeli hint behind beilt Seyiliou'r and (lark. , De 4 1 1 tween tlid latter the battle, was fOuglit untiti-11 t 4 „ ly op . the , teniPerance. question. i Clark wasii for the Maine J.aw and Seymou r a '' o•ainst it.H l , - - - 1-'• • .' i . ' - 11 -HClark,was the author of that: law n the New - York I,4,44ature last winter, and- Sey mour was the Governor iirto vetOed, it.\ As I.etweenit liem':f lien the ,lines were squarely! drawn, :hid this result '"i'A.,cts S(4 . .ttiOur by' a, sniall rntijority; The eon ;&..t dik.triot turn .oar old part,Vissues,.npr.upoa the preetnt issue of, free. or slave tt:.r)itory, bt ntther upon the ii questioU,Of Rem or no It: in. .Tio' is, was the issue eontrolitig : the. Gubernatorial election,' btti.on member,s.of Congress it as different. i : The repeal of the. Mis%ouili Compromise has; 1 .- ~ entered into-and' controlled their;election en tirely. 13ut oite out of thirty-tlifee are eleel ted wliO' •favored that Measure; It .is also I said time a iniilicirity 'of the inernbeis of il e' ; . , Legislathre chosen arc in favor Of a proliil ' ii-! tory Littuer'l4ir i bid. thatiof.'cotirse ..will be attended to,b the Governor for the next give , i -years. ....• :; . • 1 : ; . .• 1 - ~. illl,inols•lClti'etiloss y" • . tudgii.Pouglas -has met the .rnoh signal overthrow in -tits-State op, the :Nebraska isstie I iticitarci s on, who engine ed-the pill through I the flott..se,:is terribly boa en,•anil so far ttw I can - Warn now the Congressional 2Th.:lei,ration' .wilt be stolid 'against th repeat. 'AV . 9 have -not .the-imijorities. -•' - ! - ' Nicht wt. - • ••!•• 1 . -The home Of Gen: Casi too, has, rtd4d - lie4l :vOice•ot;coadetrinntion ift the repeat of the', t' l 44/teitrt Corriproniise. • - rpm: oppo-tition haVti: Rtvipteirerytliteg before I.hein.- ':Not' a nor' there Statothnt:has• n6tl Peolied in the retost • -- notnixtitkabie FrinA of iettite• ":, .1 .' ' • - ` ,. ..fai4chinsetib_.l4leetipii: .'' . 1 : '-..,, The ltnnN'ir'Notliiiio ,have Swept t heStafe, from . .C.O.veraiir to the r4bintere, 'over both Whigs nod I )'einoentt. , I New ' • is - i)14111 s p to 'ee r 14 - 4:l•Tehriikii. Was been m44o' li thiiitlte, -..'i : . ' .;'• : ' ''•.l . 1 -, - • 1 . ~. i • .. .1 - . ewit - r ~ " - lti e ro, oroPet : - laler than GovernorC obb s, winch A ows that ..1 By the arrival of this steamer Atlantic, wss, , -eitlier the views of the South haws Undergone ; - 1 • i .; ave four days daker•frutit Europe,`- The:al... ;,ti yei7 . serious chande .since Governor Cobh e -lied arnsiot tia4litisllskii* to Sevitsiiipel,,,hat• liuttlettoo' k to be ;its oracle, or i'4lte,''the c''Ovati% I ;Is, yet- with Ile '4Ol.Si ‘4l. rnsurt.l... Thii • :ll,ussia, tie !ell and the Aferstry look through tte,i.y dttler hive lost•st'few:4hips,;,ene.Adtniral ;anti 50 ient 'duds ef . olsesses; The Alercur4istysi; :• „ - ~: A , ,Weil.. \ •,-:';': 11 •1 ~ -:.• :. "-..,i-- ;: -t! ' 4 ,ltist now iikuirly lifilf\n eettunVstneel,tne :---i•L'e 2 -elf.4 fi';,A4::;Fritti e % e.isiMportartt. Mr. '1 4 . 1• 1 11111 .: -4c . i . i .i e f-Su'ul1 , I ' l ' " spirit 4-41":4st'114t; .., . ~ . • • mistaken phila I SoOS, ► our Nfiniiter tu , Spittn;, svlto.has been :. t. .,, . 11 t.. 11 111'3"..ciA . i , 5..111ed . tenseasturs sit -, ... , lot ale abolition ut . the slave lists'. - It twists t visa to Nir..."l3tiehattan, England, atm ): fi , . i ie fist ,step tonaids the-grand -onstnnnt witi, rots' 'dug 0 Spain through Finta.e, has ; isnit he ex:hie:ion of slavery•itSe f. In: E. isg ; , 1 - betin expelled fren, Fr e kl, territory by oraer• land the snipe policy'lead been pi, stied, and Of he Ettiperor.Nzipolet,n.. G i . e:it t . x „i i ,.i„,„ ; , inkhe end ematieipation iii- die I,•iiii•ds e l ,t,-,.., i' eXikS in Etiglaidl an•l t'i-iitiste un the snlject. 1 "'}';'."";•". tied. " 11 ,. 11 .' u l':',.. e ' s , '. / " 4 , Hilliring ecru, is ~ ot.; tanatictsm. ' siut•uf "t hi s last act of lona. .T[4reasou:nssiglifud.. tor bis'!'4piilsion is, that I4e v the. fiist -Ober . 1.00 •*ii.ri %lid ireinkiti ~1 iii'. l 4,.t . d . i.A . ,,,liitionist, anal ti,..rel , .te dalizer,etis taught bv its terrible results, i‘ ere forced to •to.),lfe,gOveruunlnt. of :liralnie., Otir•Alinister-i , ltailt-rtyl-t lisreptestisitr - br':tiorelftstrttent - iffid: AU Yrance, 111;•._,Iss,:tm, ;1 14s. 1 , e ,,, e ,..t t,> the truer : lights thart.th4ered in .thel.extrakagant . ;I . . . . 1 higtorie,ol ; Walberforee,:fiel.• his ,ClHidi - htHrt , .--;* 1?:1111,eror ill thei must decided - •-inanner, mid' , - ;.;,- ,•., .. 1 : - •; g , i 1,;'• ll f I ilt leol-1, t,o„tispisisytunut iese.,i ,iti( !I' ta non Wl' Soule litiS teturtied ,titto . F.tiglatitl, ~ It„re • -,i'i movir i t . ,i ittui. , lleni; o f it i r .,bltio w ,i, And „ leso:l in;uns to be .se'eitiw4lideinirse ,will . .uss adopt- \ I 1,40.n5, that Mrs , ;.-141aea.. - aley,---ro!,far haisk- us 1 ~.a by . uur:sfuyetniusstit.l ,We liiipe. : - . I lie Ali: I iti4.•,),..jinit •;:eves -years sifter:the act' -had; 4,istre• I , . .• , • tat IT ,I e ''.k.'t IHilliStfillitott Will. snnw , , p ,-„ per .. r ,,,,; ( ; 111 4, e ,,,, Links (tarot, 4ietllllol, 111..-t..--:.....H13., , e st in - ;• (I 1 • ' . I I nt'ln . s,- that .`• if itsen.y" •etirs.' lietielhos4 - eol•: Inal ilenritiel refitrition for the insnlr: :liner -.1 .. . . ...... -omes-ill will 's !layers • elontiittied . should• be' 1 iOa - and lieV'rep 3 c re-ientaf,ies ithroad, 'Hitt< in. „ L A ' • • • :;. i -.•-I I - • i • i , t • ~.1 - . ' 1. - • s•_---, •• ' t . ! .t..s.to loolllt, kV t 10Ne 111 ;St He I,lt. -Hats, beep \ I itti. all fnizstrils. !Lei s have,e, war;W:ith'ab'sdisliesl,- • ritined;;.awltlinplsoitatintrilif'thein France—tliat , is lif it helnecessurv.... --:: , illl , 4lMitilitd. the!! he . 'wolAti ' 4l 3' , thlit 0 111 ":4// i• —.---- k"..." 41111. 414. , , • ' 'I 4. (411(.101(1 .." i nth! . 111 l 11(tVe " r wiped ;is Stitt ir •froin I ; 'Olin: THE Ds>loe ritr, I •our uwir, land, he , sinestiensitil :whether - vie • - : • ; • In w teritiing. Springs. i . -- ,•iliOuld have ;conferreasi, .great and signnl boon liEssas. E,.. Dudes :, - 11qur payer of the 9th . iipbti lititutinity:Us kenerar." 1111e:WbrItt, know; his apprehensions hove be...i;jllti-, ifistalit • contaiuS• nu .tirtiele front Mr. 8.;F: I lin i t . fllllY' • •; - I tied, and how emancipation liassesiinsrto - be a B,rown, of 14istio*k. lie noints snit, :IST orate- 1 • ;• • • •.. -.: - ', ~ -• •, ,1, I ~ , ,• ~. k .•, . • A (HIS. sigtlitleellt HI H y H i 'inapsiverissiment and 'Ls, tHISZ,tII e -131:111iler in Wham an intermit- 1 -slleSt ruction: . But A, is not, merely Au intititute , , ti ig spring of . 4:certain!, distracter might, lie 1 H;inssulluf! that w w o,no ainnie , i to t- Ale wish vol • rea dil y ae,,,,,„,,,i fur s upo n 5 i, n1 ,1,. , t i nt _ i to,;sliniv that vve . rillient IHtVe...idways failed tra' principle.- 4nil in i l lrt • 'll•Vtil sid'ilf °"•'' I r tc :. 'lL ' : - ti a ;lB iil ' t i l i i?U, y g •a i s ul e - i i i? - ai i it u :i ti pa l'rf tL r t in t g' sv . a l' s 6 • l t's -h ill s otell -• siphon. ' - Bin it isceins AO me that'the kind of t II 1 , •.I V", t I Ifl ' . di rest' COIISeItIVIWRS, s 'li tneaitires for, • • ti 1 '';‘l 1 4 ; • • ••- ' • • ' .i. i 4" t i,i•i 1; ,.,,, ; ,• c ,,-,,, tem ; w e d, ...- s1 , ,r. 'loan Hs, qpife , t h e ..uppres..lon'o.- t•ns• av•e ,no., , allife only another kind Igen thatdeseril•ed in eolinex- . 1. -ao.gravated the eVilsto 1 ey aimed to extirpate. i,j, h , w ith Di.. c,„i nit i, e k•,,,l , di tgr „, a • m id exp t a , - tli j This lions,lions,,s'e shall then proceed to an exam-. ,e- intithui of till slave trade' itself, as; a question Nation.l illillk!, '11...;41: . • iliac Brown's to . .if Vllal iiitere... ! t fothe Alueric4n eoutinent it-. orIY differs iniattiriallffrinn I)r. CoinStoslt's. ~,:,11. and with' Which -its future devsslopeinent 'I wive 1111 c 1 4s ' 41:1 1 . 1i 1 ;"?; 11. 1' 1118 i -0 1 e sPVcies of is Cirsseiv bonnit up..„ : .. ~I' .. inte:rnsisstou more especially alindisl to•in the "• . t)i:' n . reiu . lar , t will - r - eirieinber dint. this is no pi iii ,; ; ;,. l , ll , , „: is olie, which' occurs at. ..,.. ery s h ort , t ielv griestionlOth us. It was long singe dis „,i.,,t..,sf need,- 1 iltt , ;;s(ld in the eolunins of iliejfc/-efiry in l iervals . inter4als'4 rninutes:. that public, opip , ir . in the whole .country - or:monili ,. . This is ,the-Inotion which isll,'et• I :',.' - ''- v , , s..eems ;spins:res.' to it we •returti to it with cslps. )Ir. Bus. ii, HMI . , t.. ). ''` wi ' i i ii .l ‘ ; ' ev er l 'Y' ar d ; ex: 'stronger cotivi.ctionslind renewedlasicurance.” press an opinion, upon: the point, have-enter- .. • The Mercury then goe s •on. to• !prove. how „t• the flow untied. It the cessation ut tile is to take nuttsliiharin•gO crunit.ltital interference with plice but once, hind only' at the subsiding' af- the slave-trade has,effeeted, 'and -aoSes n's cut ter increase t`roni raia: 'or other causes, anti 1 0 4., : -- • • - ' dipsfro •• . • • 4; t , a .spring . ss Soon thereafter to begin to •1. 1..),es not the slaveltrade, in supplying, to }hell -• • • a•• a. - -',hag's • iuntil ti I inanv flout isliiier States needful for a L .,iii, ,5 or aar), t o Itllo 1- I -.„, . ........ , .• . I, ..... their , devel‘fpemt•nt, in abundantly . turnishing en r inerense find itbalenierit or until the Trine. 1 , . I to, the. world the-most •useful products of-hu mill: be drie,l . •lliP entirely—then eerrainiv 1 'I b '• 1 ' • ••••• '. . 1 •I•.' I; , .- 1 ; man a or.•in sringtng the ,savage witatn Lse the..re is no ilitil4ult v. - ; ' - \ * • i.pl: e . of civili-zatimi and Christianity, and last _ Tina or Cuinstuck intended his expfisna- I'IV, by Stilt progressinm! in itOkk;, in skid e• tis ty _tort'hyPothesis ts., apply' totprings- - that in- , amt, of all attempt~ at its.suppresSlOn, by , :iii rightfully. elaim,for itself an oil termit at brief periods h :infer. from -the fOl-'l ll '''se tithes, higher : than •inere-and and a reeogni loLvina, n•a4ons.! It V. to such: sprin , s that 1 0 ; 4 i :, - , , i non at. the hands of (roverriment othee than I 'alluded iii my former! remarks uptm this; •is ~s. cs....ordedito the: but;stitee - rtsnd-Pirate ? - We. soli)jeet,as tneyi precludtt the idea of • taking' Ldesire to„ see this; question taken - out of the ; any, ordinary and instura.increas.e and dim- hands of empty-headed fanatics, 1p• 16. have all usurped- its Control; ,and Wtein tins is in.ation in the quaittitv i - wilier .received . in I "i ( 3"g 1 1 d i me, we contidentlY epe . et! to See the sla:v4 - 3 Inc reservoir, iiito'neeoiffit in- nid . of. Inc s' i , • • I trade - classed •sonolgiiiosok mySterie:s which, phonic theory. Tile it:ll:it's in' tie language 1 . 1 s. sto-wever repuisit.-e•to fastidistus e•Ves, 'are yet .. cin't;ttt‘.l bylowate Bike :1; - -; • i ist . 'the lintels of God, the iiistruinentS'Of mint's , Ist. "Iliongli !the Doe:or descrit.CA quity'lili- 1 iiroaress:' - I •,, !-i• • • ./.: ' - , ' It . •-. / nitts'•iy the iliste r •lifielstisies requisite, ,ie says ~, 1 - 11 . 'el Jlfererti'y- dated' o • C • teher," 28,retuius 'milking .th sslatut lase so..ess no.ary as-a lariation !to ,the'suL We. ject. -: rpts:a.e e following as,a in, the voluinet - of the rill,: 'True; after finish- I still later exposition olsoutl;ern Antituertn.p in;',. his illtiStratie , n, he, ini:lrk that_'' during I off,thp_, , iilie.ut.; . _ ......,..,.. ir :,-., ,?1 ' ''. '- , ' .l rt ~ _r .;•••:• -1 -: -- i ' I' i 'Yeilt.: • t- 1 . the dry sea. oa us Lie ).e.y. it ~, 0,0. • it R,,,., 5,111. 1 , , 3 ,till' (I , (On 0 -Anne finery a ennie f I• • • ' : • (h t ', A,ie the settlement and .ctyiliz. • atiOn of•Ameri a Ailing wistils. ce:sse to flow entir e fyi," , be deplored r - foreit,...rt. emigration to cause situa ' , .+l s• tr the. "sidss I.f a nr.sus • stain."' I•' "'''' t° . .- - ,:I's i r . I beitortedden I ; becatise in.! each and all Fu= $ .11 1)1 10 " . .e , ) "..3in' l ‘v(" 11111 ) 4 •'gin 1 7- 3111 (31 . 1 ) . wliti'n I iniinity , motleys I N. 'We t ea iir them the , -. flILd the Water train the anottistat n i the. ear- '• proolcss of nian's deVelOpirient; -Hllt.i•wti hear tylthrough the i tills;” frketi which one, would - I lily, rejt;ice at it; cost what ',it. niay.,, :. • ,: . . !` Novi, are these, conclut , ioiis-just..? ..- And 4 la - i.a-s - a , )t 11 oilierSvise tO * draw . tlie...inf e r e in4 1-, 1 • t ...0. why - may-. not, il . ' %fr . ..:: ; 'I.. - .r. ti t while it did flow, ;It would. " do t e and ''' % r - • '--- '. •'-`. 4 - 1 t''''' ' l e Jet trust I • delentattl by, t lte.- satins .ausiltsrit•siL Ibis if...done eozse to fl ow a4terngtelyj?, Os In. ex lire.sse•l it n't silting in the kunst gri-it,;o•O: 1... t, :-; int the. tiPestions at - the f t)( ' l. ti o r n i,f the p • •-v 1 - '•11 I' • ''' • '''' ••• e t. ' •' .? • ~. ." 1 , i i s e." t le •ii.,e.. / s,•l .1. 9ing. -iii Tile 0, ainatiens interinemintigi 'c2sisi. In Isisexplanatten,, afte.r gout; thro' l ti.., a im,,s us,,si the pext,.pottit...,,Be with • tilling and di-eliiilrging the. r t _tservisir 1 111 " )1 .' ered • w, 4. 9 1 ' !` ( . 4 - '`.. 1.41 - t lx!'..f•or '"butiti° ll-• °nl ist , 'N hut. for the - candid mania like Mr Ma .. ee. he provvecis: " I'l it the wsster from tile' I -r • '')• -; •-•,•• •. ,1 . , , ! . ~ ~I c ati.ey, w so -are, wi s ning A0;311410-6 stayer-\.bl• rills 'eatstirissin;7 to runt until the hollow is I • i,..„...6 .. I .... ; I : .„ I ' -, 1 7 ~ ,-, , ~ .. - 1 prat.....,. lici t , 11.:111 Llt, not., syany ! siososuse ann. ;; • filled etwrsii up ti,• the -;.•*tine line; the, siphon 1 S - Ditostarv. s:andani • • Init• sdloye.• all; .Ave-ild •' •••I 1-'-- . .1. , i i *4 1 c i . o x iin h e gi t r i t o aet,•.' (i•ar from slay intima- 4 it. , -; , ,0ar5,.,,,5,5s to tae:,l'sesspseH:tle.....Zultili,,Lo tJiss aboutiwniting . furl. a rain-storns.)•• and l 's l' " m'' k l el . 3 .: i i' ' time ' l "" 4 : . 'l' v i:Or; w llO 1 5""w: 1 . . -tt . - .• its •._ i its" worliings aria :Toro-late oessitigs. 'We again diseharges 11 "-" ( ::,i3n . 3 t,' l ."'' 4 't 'he 3.. .;'e r " i 41 . i. bt,,,.7 . i. q ., i•O' r xve r 'elstini;•for African slave ,. at ortl 1 • . il • t1 •• • 1 .,. - . voir, as;before, and th4s the spring., I ry a las any auman institutions:an claim 171:027t( al, flews with e: •••rstst violence, ' antl .. the' I in. proinotbi.• the ‘rcnci-14.trOoct. ' and: we 40 •,- 1 , • , next newil , c . m . et , ases v 11. 4 1 1 6..7 ~ - ~: , • . len hesitate to say, brat : tins soninerner' who upoli 1 :1 11 :attl . S One jet isr tittle front thisis either igs--. '3d.' . Dr. Ceni.toek elrses lrlis.tre;ttise ...,, , ... - • r I iI( ir:i tit of the filets am:, ;,:strguineut, sir • is' vase this topic tlitts : -.. ha:si:springs, altlion t th not to I.is section.We di.pii*4 . -all the empty rant n exist in, y'' • . parts .* I'. '• . : - - • •••'' very eininno , ~ slavery -bui till' -kneekrtsiorT evil.': /lila -no . 'world: Dr.-Atwell lias!deseribed 'one' whisdi mill.' 5...• an • I:VIl ; tlian.societVt it - seli, With whissh• :., • ;,. . , I,\ cxansined in Devonshire, ; England. The lit Ss co-equal, this no Mote an evil than:gmvri ~ people, : in the neighborNcio4,, ascribed its' at= I (.• 1 1intetit,,Drli!i, or _parental restraint: „Tort' ti l on to SG,q' üb.sort of wittlierV,;ainl.adi:te c i t h e i i 3 rl" l "stie:is., all these are ,liletstlngts..•Andrfor li I . •• .• . 'iii , :kiet vax it is„! slavery is.likewsse'a , blessina.'• D i eetor,ne \ a Se i t did n - i- vt: ebb and flow i:ei1L1)71;, cir6ifilr : s - , i;,,- t i 4 , trti. so - p i lie . ro , . f.retati l .. ; A • rid i fin : i iy, when he an his friend were bidl4,present, 1 'es a. conehision that xst unto he resistedin. that one of them slitadd'ietire, and see what-4 iervience,to the slave:4lloC: If Aavery be an . !I • I . . , . remove. ' l ntl Objects to its :extinction, the, spring would - when only the other'wasl. evil, 1. i . . : , - .1 If a , lslessitig,.reitiove all- Obstacles tO its' dif.:. present." . • - .1 . . 1138 : 11; . .11 . . I 1 - W \ . . • -.:- - - i ' f ' t: A. WESIT,O;'. edo not see but the- Mereury is - tolie • - Brooklyn , Nov 1 4th! r 1814 • ' ' 1 aticepted2as the latest, if lot the best author ! l itY upon the (pies tiOn - in , .4.etitinversv aid 'll4` 3 its views - upon the.- Main gtiOtion . are: the, Ivilt•ws Which have Prevailed- at ,Wa„ihington. I under the 'present adiStilistraiion;• tun.' .• as ; 9oventer Cobh has not, eent sustained 'his ~ , .. 1 . 'slavery -views by Ids, constituents jn oeireda, 'die' Mercury seems entitled • to . be reektifiesi 1 - - i thiigher . - nutlioritY..e. fl . The •••autst. IglVe`t 4 something later tlisui.. Septem4keAt : , 1 .• - - - - -, ..*- - .40 AP - • 1 ~."- ----- - t ' • -, ---t-KNO,W NOTIIINGS IN i-4k13iP,.7 . 7-411. [it . ease • fried lust w ek .beforethe'POprt Of _cortunen• 1.16t5,. at ~LoWcill, (NLISS„) il:.,tke . Bifiliop pre sitTing, Ili.li. K s . : pi' i ler,nsW.Cd - ki. C. Snow, .n . , milt ness On the staio , ittlin, belonged] Ist , : tlie , . ssteret society- of. kINW-NOthings'? ...At, .. first: Show, tleiviCtl 'thitt lie 'id; ; - but] . finally, :afKerl ei.miitig . connsel answ)red 'in ,-thn,stffinxin tfyc ; MO aa lung cross- (.4 ninntion ' ,elitited: filcher stawers.. .11e-had bet .p. member --of, the ,seciety ifour-,or five motithi4. - Upon- join-- itiglt lie took ap oath,, 't so .he.l me . , ti0 . ;.1. 1 ) Thiirejire two derrieCi: in ..'iliq .:scoch., v.—.l•l l ta -cell , fit the meettni,ki : P ...i r, orti, au ..Nt.to h., and, Deacon Tpliti,Pitigtc,c, ; +Vo• cOi.ei . • wit. •iies ; in :time care. '. ,Uchno . .t4-1 ..to iiii ttle-f9rnt a t. i- ; dation,' htasittatte it might situ :note him.l iititt, expose liiirLto:pitni,shtnent,,frotn . ..thie . sOci4ty.. oblige Bishop said it .e vita.„ ..l i arding rer4ll-: ttotk . tliat. r tnen took;',se.c,retqatits, ty lii c Li . .t/ily : ris,garded,as,ala,lve.tha - oaths ad minist • eredi in.. 'On ,-n.-otrtsr,• - --.-,. A. .M.. 0ng . 0., another ','.witni:tßY , 4•111116 ,, I ; th. *".:, 3 ;-- , qtittl'hetosige4.l: . to t . he .5.4.. irate ,pri,ier,..0.n . 1.41..1 , 1 •*• , --9 .m.:)nths-Aonee: - .14, ',srkith intioyo"o ol , l Y9nAx l l4. o "iiud...t., ih at ,.b ibe -30404.6 .. t . , - ;: " / IV I " rn q t 4' 9 # 1 §-0e 101 ,.;;ind. :Illitt l li ~! e, re' •`‘cla ,i l'iAltit••.4. ? l / 1 refi.iiti*us. 4 in. ! , muen',' ,, ,;'lL,ltp ll l: l p;PALll4jO,oot;to,llo.4,' tt.,. ...4i..l,,nlihough . lie boots • ,',Anitttpcsin.,b u m„ ri t , zen, . e l till not,ill-,tile.,fiNliv: of initki i 07 . 1, lyeeittoejt wpki... ..e*rt9_ tint':, VI,l'140111*•11t,';'s -- - t h e 'i pnti for ~A pe,,rt*krtnn . lo),,.. vi,',..ted. '44, :y. ***. . he INiget,(4t 10 1 0 01 ; 1 1 r " I' • .ofileft,llo_bel4 ut '; : :• • : -• • . I ;.-; t • , ... - I . , : When Diietors di4Agree*ho shall‘ decide fI The question still rebars,•do the Southern People meat) to revive the slave undo k no‘ not: CiO+.ernor cal), of GeAria,.has lately felt 'w- pelted to writea letter 6-the New Yorl: £vv gene, in s reply to some: insintitiOnsio"that print of a Limps-6.0n the part of the SOntlite revive the slave trade. ,L • - • , ~ , . The gist of the Govornor's reply is-:eontn,iu : ;• / 'ed in the following paragraph, .which .--we• .•- , . quote : • • •• • . ~ • .- . . . • _oYour inqtfiry is- directed prineipaliiie the African: slave trade; although you discuss at sofne . iength, and inithe . osual wavocitOth q . cpiestion-•---tioinestie-i.lavery. You4esire to ic knoW, what. southern slutiittentinay•be as to li the revival of - this t.iatft.. I Will give that sen timent as I' tteciqsteni,l it; 'end I think. I uti 7 . de rsta oil i t well-the Saadi ill now,.as it Eve,' . has been :since it became unlaufal, utterly Op: pO self 'tii its'renied I.: ". ~l'ip dbuht; sir; it would V afford you lunch Pleasnre if the facts would permit you -ttiSay. as flinch' for the' North.--, Excuse me,. sir; It stem's surprising thatoti should entertain a doubtwith feltard.tesottth-'. ern sientiment o n this.ubject,. With' ii.COast extending from )laitytinal tolexiti,.ever - v fa eility abundant and ut lian4, whit is there now, or has there been heretofore, In t y 1,„, : 4 0 , 'the South'earryingottlthiS trade,. had it &Ain ! so' dispersed? ' An t i if diAinidined - to theAireeill trade' with Africa', wintt is . there : noW,'o::haa Wife been', itittuWto; to . • prociet4 an iu(lirept : trada by Aitly . of etibilir ‘-. -..' -:, .., : .: ---; Tins 011114 .ve r y Well,- and..Y!e . iYeeinst i .... comp our itlitty. ; :to the. cottyietion thiti thepropeseil , revival 4 the 'hive-, traao yelts.. taiKe alane; - wheti Ave itook,itp the Cheilek v toe' :Mercuriathe loth itiitent. - whire Wii;( o 4 l i 4 [ l e altie`e'V' ht . • ._.,. u t . Etsa linen eu a 4 - 4 ~ . - • Productiti3 1•- . , L rgaidt d ' t T tEt uctiveeeis of the so - therAntrit . . - faiiiiiible time for etnigr t i oit I le' Kans*,"*.lentlim is directed to theial ow ,. "tugfelted tri ttOr,.,by ; f it gentleman Well knaiii by.,tlle cduittrailititii,on whose ,opiniett r e ., .fiance tu4e..be-:pliteed i5.,1100 EN 1 4.0i . .3 4 0, 'JP:Ir 17,1854. • .- 'nett4 - 'ii— F.- 'lo..tilv.lwand ... erinotA to 'and in this reg;nii, Lfiud.mysetti.to,night in tid e . ',beatt:iftil town, Where are some line buldings., '"feud land and enterpri4ing • _The (;unit. ouse,,itnated in the center a, • the spare that ocrturT t he center of the vil; age, is truly an eleg:mt building . . There sire aiaso.at 'OAS two.large and well. kept. hold, !n.t hell a-; a f guat Atunlker of storeg, 16:v7,1V .Tbe lan4 t ICans'its T34ritory is. rolling; • r i c h :tire }- beatetiful,-.attti-y4thr - +m611.4(74,100; ~f ecru, hemp,' tologet-i,t and • alcospnv elseilli* f igrilleirfo l ed I)VA grr Snot s , to-Jay, some la the corn wa, MV trill - Am( the -taller Ir ian sift fyitie oii uiette , w 01114: ;be .tinhblei to iffeeh' ; 'thWidp; ihs t tun, iiieife&l to 'tass e l out; and befOre - - - t,lte - 3,40ck, had ; conipleted its growth.. aiii tOLI 'Wlien". the , con ] j e l l lturTeSted,.outy,the 141.9,r.e.n can reach 13,otne of; ,-thelottn 6.Withoutt.brestkin g , dow,u th e stalks:4U itittgliOns 4ppenta nee' t e,otwbere'ettit:-,Of duet, in 'lllinois When I pliss#throtigkf lt #st* t h e unich as.the..:l4tati,(l)kret A PS *O 4 3 / 4 nkt .0 ) r44A9e.4 1 of it in ) 11 .Y veilibtairent amisystd m: atic Belginnrfartneri,i a Kisiwns, a.- few days since.gave iiie'sonity'9'.)tie - iperierite - jn (ana -1 ing, w hired sihtefi 1)11 . abOf&s: Aceet ' ding to hisi-6tsperietie . , i not ah'goOd',,,a4-§' ! iillo,: . I) account, of the dry Aveather,,he qiis'.4l4.4lleir4arv e st is &nu, es follows: , bushels to theaere,-w • Witent . lo'itcresi::2o ushelS to the acre, at:sl,oo,4rink ng .:* ': - -- • '• "Zoo .oats.2o neres, 40 at:. 0 o.s.niaking: - SLI ,Timally grass, 12 ac es, ,2 tons to ..the acrd $lO,OO ma -lug ...-. - 2,40° Clover 2,1 aeres fertile swine., P.otatoes, 1 . acre,:2ootish.'itt,4l 4 sc" . . making ' . . •-- .Thet : produots a pewit' -to. ti 3,494. ' la li addition to ,this,helt Al. - 150 swine, whi e h,„ when ready for the knife; wilt weigh' 230 Its,. each, if as good as last, year, , and- which, at, ' six eents'a..pOund, Willine co to $2,0 - 70; I*. dtte,tingle bushels.ereern at-50tentaa bush el-fur each hogovill 14:ave;7.20.;wtsieti;added to the first, makes $014.--,„The: work on,bis . farm, including the garden, general . iMprore ntent.l,,k,c;, is done by, Aye.metta.pr hired slaves, while, the owner' siinPlY . Supenntends it. ' - From . teu ''to - fift&l..n 'hundred - .pounds of hemp to the acre is: tiii.average crep. for this land,-and the ,prieetlie year ,past has been front -120 to 150 dellsrs'a' - .tort:-.,Purtipkitift, melons, appl es,. peatile, , _ and frdit of ;11 kinds, . grow htre f .injehtnidatisdejtjuilante . Sudo i i is the land in tansasiterritory ;'for f it- is the same general- character. Let i be re membered that such'trcTs - as the : a bye are raised without e'Spdo nfui of man re, and that, too, froth year to year-for : all. time to : come, for aught I linjw„ .1 have- seen corn growing on.huid - tliat. has , been-- planted for -ti - venty•years - in sUCCelisionosnd , there was no .apparent difference between•it 'and ;the - corn orrneiv. Hand: Also, let, the' Neei,..E ag t an d fartuar remember, that, to raisefrom 60 to 86 - bushels tftorn to th 4 acre here,:no geeing if 'required. The only l. Work;..:reqitisite , after planting is to picov. a - thong-is - a-4r: few ;times, and suit work 'as-t 1 wieedirsg," . :"dialf-hilline - and "-hitting" is ;unknown: ' The.-price of tni , .., land is, for unimproved, from 25-'to '4O .dollais. ;This iS the - Orme of all the' land bet': r tiering en the Territeryloise,veral Miles smith of the,Mouth of.the .sas river, And it will ; :oon.he higher—forlthere is 'torniCaritively i but little:surh hind in-the: United.' , States . as ,this." The laud all through 04314ns:is:liver valley, in the Territory ; istqually•as good as i tlatt-ibese de_Acrited, and. worth aslant:lt to". the-acre, and will4li duce ,as large crop‘. Ii it : to - be, wondered:at, then,'.that- every ioung *Mini in MissUnri; Mid - *ter).- oldr man:Q . lls°, who has , not already. farart:of the qual ity of his - own, 'Aioniti "he - rushing into. the Te rri tory' to seenre 160 acres,' -for -,..51,25 'an when he knows it, wifl-bw•worth-11mi 423 to - . t $lOO the nionuMt,lie\gets his .tile I—Rather is it tow.strange, :tad [ wonderful 'Chit s at-I,lmstf, lone . hundred', - thintgand , persenal froth' New F.ngland, , are pot' on their way. to-this•garden , of th`e uotitl, at- thitritomentl - That such would be the .(',4- L--- ta.ieeno, _dotibtr if the gOod .qualities,4, the itarid, climate dfc, were 14)11er:4100d by them. s . well -as • they;.-are by' those in Missouri on.the - borders„, :The ,rush m fro- this State tteaK , awns territory,' is rat se much_ to secure a foolhold - for slavery. there, as to se - cure: a. forta*,j- ninveititiitanding what the newipaperssay atm utit.. No; most who go-from here. areobyermg, ,- tnen„ is want' of , . farms; and 'slavery:toSay the least, is ,a sec ondary. matter.with them; if indeed they ~are • not oppmed to itkintreduction into Kanats,... - - 'w hieh is :certainly the, case with many. - You ask, when isthe best time for:New * England 'men to go iti liniisas;l:Unquet.tion : ably the best time is:this fall. , 'Bycoming now, they can select from the' best of the laixt f tiosi• open to settlemtnt, as well -as get -their cabins and fences made, and their land plowed ready for Spring! work. The . winters; :1-- am told, are so mild , that outdoor work can be (ham with Col4lf,' iSUCii.'- AS. ; splitting. rails, fencing; buihhin ' luiusesi. ike., during most' . of ks -season.- Besdes, .if they would . .I:,e / repre,ited in t s e. Art re , Territorial-Legislatu of - B.ansasi , the ~ tnstst. be on the •ground soon: -- 1 r ' - • - " W-o.; TiGiii.s . - P . ..okii with - Imitiss:—The, Cidottiitibits Fact stator that . ; recently. -a band ot . itidietiS • ktive 'pr4foltnanee ' in Somerset, 011ie.; and iltat" two g'iiN sisters, Were se cap -1 tvated with the." ditnee and the • whoop. of these eons of ; natotiei l that ~thoy 11.4 ed , per... tniesion to' tiet;itnpatif , tikm; 'which being. gallattl, granted, thpy - proceeded as far. as Ptittiiin;'wheretheilwere overtaken by the noiliei:kif the+ girls, - i sprywidoW, Whecalled on...the. police to tild'l4.her. In reeovering hei, '' wait Oing'" daughters. l3tit 'aliiii- for Ito- - 4141 i% resistance, to lure's afikahi when press-. ell to that'elciquOtice and th:Oe'sigils of tigo , , i t rat itiDctic;il undisifu It4Y.:Nitileh these pa'. ti-.6601tS 4)(tho ,foieS.•etigti l , ',bring' 'to. beer! AftrTa Milo t#llF: 4 7'iind - Air,iiate 'itirerview with the ehi:efs, , the I f irie - the!. dischited, the police; andntde" xi; : third -," Wiiiingi.lteltt" te;folkoW .tke`indianr!‘ mon tor th e ir. w ee',t'era • ~.. . ~MS:- . IN ULEVICLAND. - \, ' • • -•: Cleveland, November 9. - Tkl Canal Bank 'of this .city - has failed. 'ing its tall Iholdera, but not deposi \ LATER. • - , .The affai of the think hare been assigned -. to W.J: Go natdJ. L. liewett, who are ;still paying. at the hank otinnter,-:ppecie for the billi, US p*mited, ~, ‘ .. , , , • The cashier says - that holders . 9f bills -I'M A - pltid - an full:- -All the ' other' Cleveland T ,_, tnlmi".are reemving • ' ' the . bills 'of , the Canal ,-.l.ianh, on mt pos it a i ; pat ' The Canal ia,art ill mieptudeot Jlaill4 *A id slits, stook: 41v illedrd -for it% m1, 11 1 ;1 6 1: 4 1 , [ 13A,NK TROVH nerer4.,;.'wittt-.*: laity -fire bOttisbushel•amonn• 1'1162,762
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers