,ejection of the Gat's& AVASIIINGTON . The Gadsdai Tr.;Ray is , Mel . is the cote for and l ign: oh:. AYES.—Messrs. : Atchison, 13ntlei, Cat•4s;Clay, Cl: .Nva, Donklas, :Evans; Fitz Johnson, Jones °flow. Morton, - Pettit, 1; usk, nart,ll3c4nson Nmjerse • ; _ . . N.Ars.—Messrs.'Allen, Ray:, hitse i. Dodge. of Wisconhir, 1 ri, Fish, Foot, Geer, James, . linnet, Smith, Thompson of I Talker-18. • . • The Sloo amendment. was I tes. _lf that had been ,car ight have! beensaved. • 1 . *Alk.ggg . , . ~ At' Carpdnfer's - note', in. ie% ednesdnv,lApril 12th 1854, treary,"Mr. ANTAO:4I. - BUIIT6 , eisville, mail Miss Amu - L. F 1 464hanua. I : . - . , 1 • • - f ,- • '/. .. , . '.l On the evening of the 13th, i j A. Peaty, Rector of Trinity , Cl the, Mr. GEORGE W. PECK, of 1 OtA:N. Coty.max; of Clifo 1 Ikll ~ . • , . . . . i.: ulna, this Borough,q.n Tuesday t` -- ~ Limn, ...._ -.rice -.....cciiiefs, ate. if., Mows 7.1 -- t.Eit;-in the Seth year of hisnen • SI .'' -- " t ik I &e., Fren 1 ! Needle IWork, Sivis and Jp a n e t, The providence Specified calls, it is thought; . k Eilging,s,:t4id Inserticgs, cotton Innen ,and thread fo a mornektended notiee,,th in the ! bare state; ince do'-' - 4)1 4 10411g, Ladies fashitinable,Clieniiset; malt of the fact of ,the . 'death_ of our departe. tes, Sleerds s Cellare; tonnets . 4., the larg,est-as friend. FaMiliar.as he was in early 1 Ile, wit ' Menfin Then, and at! gory !lout Prices. - •. ! the incidents' of (Mi . .. infant 'xi lion, and indeed, BaieLte lor veils, ••, in green, blue / and brown,' directly. a participant .of the 'dangers. and tri•-- BL,k lacelVails . 5.:.e . .1 !.- " a is of that seaeort-of 'conflict, vben • our falf,here gitl-:Gldres.-144 , 8 and Gents, a large assert fought and bled for blessings f which we havb mn: , cif.. .tire 'best , ntial i ty , :. .. . become the•inheritork.. His, d • - th cannot fail 0 .'lt 7 '.;s, IcAig, and sfiert;lllack,, ',mohair and !silk. r 4. Mind us that,. Very. soon, all will hialre [passed . . Sill: (114.e 5 , Blaek, white ritid'eolots.: ;Lisle away, whose hiStory einbraees, any. Positiou ',et thread; ati4 cot. do- I ' , • • _ • ; I- - r I that eventfulperiodi . . ~ : . 1 Ifriiery.Z-,-A line nssor . tment for Ladies,‘ Gents The deceaSed was born et 'pton, Worcester and ~... Id /drc,?./ 1 __ ~ ... 1 , , • ass nee. ijf ` 3 ; (1 ' s r -7 • ' ' n!Mass., on the . .27th day, of une, 1766.. The .. r ,. b f .i •!!! • a lino rin'sortment for Bennets,Slso pretieus year was the date o ' the . p. ) . ' 1 satin end : lntestring,.; in sll widths, and every col . the famous Stamp Act of the ,Britislel arlimect, __. i • 1, ~ i Which awakened sucii - g,eneral land violent-loppo, ' D I "...siii: Goods.-: ,, Sheetings;Venched and tie rAihrithrongliont llincountry,apd which altlioagli so on repealed, hastened on the crisis which wits bleached *sling: Ticking', CrtileDbipers, Table Corms, andrapkins,land in faCt; all the desirable • to 'deferminnthe question efl]iet• 'hationin•cl , ..pendence. , In. -October, of that vear, the firs Coe. .stvlils in tlii s s.departMeht. • 1 I Sneir;/5.4-Printc.dOelane, ! Fresch printed - woof, tinental -Congress was held- ie ,the city of Netv . , 1 printed!reisliinere, Iltbeile, 111 :left silk, le,e., a fin 4. 'ferk : and in trap' . years subi - equently tae Pe - fartien of Independence - wal l proclaimed. :12,i, t : . stock ofithies. l '.. - IL e dies Sloes of OVery description, at lot{- pri alt4-time the dceenned, was liyi g at West Hann_ e j s. ' , .. B q I ,_.11; )S, - .ast.:", fula chutiros shneA; in b itteat n.. whither his father had removed in„.1767!!i ?" " ' The year . l7Bl . opened . withlglooply prospect s , ~ , . v,LrietY.' . ckzits. Deets, creirse :Mil fine.. • le the coantry.. For several !years . the deadly ' 1 !, lIATSIC.II;'S .kND.ST . ' . t k . W . qoci T )3 - - •centlict with a pat and relentless . ndviers - Wo lia . v , -,la . .very. Bee stock of Flats and Cap; critlidd been waging amid. Haan} discourage ten s CanadalSapws, Palinleaf; Cura , _.(m . ,. 1.1 - arricalo, tad difficaltien. • Conecious . qf right, the hrte.', Bound !,chrlton,. Leuhorn, .Casisimllre (Ste., tor althoureh often pinbarrassed, vt-ere . not 'dispirite i. siimmerlwlar, which are - very desirable, •nil sel . e , ''. The year vellich commenced , io ..g,loomil wap a Virg eheap . 4 bo s dily propitious one, and 4losed ,•witly brig et A.gohd ! !'",:,,lssortinerit_e!' , Ladie4 Bonnets, Misses . at& animatingliopes. The rthestien of an inti,e ! - aid childrens Flats,llla;s, &c-' - pendence; howet - er, was no, Yet eejiled.. .o . lr j RI.:ADY MADE CLOTHING, - -. deceased . friend, then .a lad, bht 'sixteen years of . in this biameh of onr, busineaa, we cannot fail airs; partaking of the spirit_ e Ilich at.lie rted;oth- „to snit. ,• ..,OF stock of Clothine'is very extensive, • ei; brave and determined heark, in dannafy 1782. and - well aurae lip, in tate anri'l desirable st3-les.. eihsted as a volunteer in the ser vice9f Ills cowl.. We WitUld!ttFpClitially invite out; friends desiring ttly. He' joined the _regnbar 'army under eon- any thing it, tlik lite, to .I;ive -!iis a call.' Ge,n mand of Col. John Brooks, o Mass., and ear y. , ~ tleinens farnisliing Gcieds, of every 'description. in April of that-year was wi li the army in the A large itook of Wall Paper und Bordering. -! 4 6 0 1) ° 6° ' d - of west Point. - while '. slatin4ll Beeks e 4ationerYand YankeeNotior.s., in e'reat et! ',sew Windsor, to which 'lace Inc sChseqt eUtz• , c.i . letv. Ivlremnred in 1783, peiice was proclaimed - with .. , Groceriet • .—Tessi Great and Black, very choice , • the mother country.' Having ; ! during that .ye r a.nd fresh, lat 19W, pric s a.. i- - - reeerved a severe wound he 1 . .....-a.4 hon?rably di .! Ca frco.s.4-Superier St. Domingo and Rio. 4 ahnreed, . lie was in the. service of his country !bean tlfnl :011.1e of '' . Bro.am and! White! ting:irs, rinboutle montbsduring which he eXpeeiene d 1 t iff.AP . i - ';‘ lsse , Spices, Soap, CandieS, many privations and g o a t! su ff er i N t._, "tail eg. f 'Lamp Oil, Fitim ; &,4 Sc: . A very superior arti- t teived his discharge, he l i fetnned. to.`IN 7 e, t . ' ele of eav-. * IN] Tobtani",m, at 23 pt. , . per lb: . I pten where he . romaine ~ until Ilk, was. 24 y ats of age, assisting bY ~linmstry and her tai` We are n the stnrel'fortherlY, occupied by .Le.- . 1 , . _, throyl - &,S fishery, end . more recently,. by Geo. n i t h f e n a t e l:r in to l r 7 c.: hi t : x f ‘ a , ... i n n i t ly i i mm CI. me riublie k):itroiiago, tiy.good \attoution..add low In 1791 . he•was married i&, Miss.Sarith Coo! ! : - . ' • fold litidinf; Mas . s,• - with.l4hotll . he, moved to I Fuller, oP4oSite Sentle's liorel.F, :%Ve. would be, Ivervliappv? indeed, tn! see. out' friends, at. the . ' l II.' asiire,cleajoa and liort tiitrierit ear, share . Of rl ee a k n l: l , and erment. here he remained, suffering the' • ,rations incident to a new, cold . and - reugi] couti pit'... 'pricen. I ,• ! G • ; . — 1 • • ', •& W. '••••1.1. FULLBR. •tri; here, said an. ahrioet unbroken . lvvilderne . - Br b ar .. o 4 o, Aril 19, 1 1854. .. .• - .to 'experieece. similar privatiohs. !- \- • ! '1 •rls, - I._ Notenly Was our depicted friend,' devoted ,in . early life to tbi service of his country, butt lin -vas led to enlist in .a more eialt•ed service . W"hich wds to be continued, withoutinterrnption, • da n,g life. • In: the :14th year nf his age he 'Cade - public profession - of •1 7 iii !filith in Jesus Chrisi.: - ,hen he settled in!Pentsyliania,' thia. portion! of - .e State was a wilderness trot only in its pl 4, ail but in its moral aspect.-; Many of these who nd.preeeded him had been= c l eared amid the Chrik:. . . pritifeges unit : ordinances and institutions. 6f . . 'era England; andithey, se . vierly felt their spii • ttial privations as they sojourned where the mte ) ietry of. truth was scarcely ever enjoyed; never in-f -. leedexcept as the self•ilenying missionary locen ] ~ *gods threaded, his wenry• way through the i - *Owls to - speak a Word . .. et' cont.:ciliation to th .' billdren of God; and to leave a warning and a ~, xhortation with the: impenitent. It • wns, tot die purposg of Deacon • Tyl4r on -his • arrit'al to - Hake this his.petminent plaCe.ofresidenee r ". He . lad his - eye upiiii ...e'region.pithermO'st ; but op roaebiag2lrisr on the-ievenin . . mmHg of' the last:day of the week and desiring to-.rOt on the Sabbath, he eras invited. to attend on the morning, of the 4 y . tf.rest a littlemeetingwheM.a.few mothers With , .heir eldldeen, were aceastntried.to . gather togeth, • F ]rlfcir Such - religioirs . serVien as they -could con ' dna., It was in t 3fareli . /-80 Q that -they enjoyed he ansittinee of our departed brother.- Ile yieil-: ed to their urgent entreatien - to in his Lit ]•It11 them and concluded to remain and-seen at- H• !;•, r he moved in with his fainily .!. • ! ..; - - In July 1810,the.first congregational church of rid,gewater (the prisent Presbyterian Church of montrose) wae o fOr,med,,Dineon. Tyler, • was one. Of the original tsvelre,(Or- *born brit two "are living still)whe.e,OnstitUted - the little' . . bind:then! Organized., The service wail held in the } : barn• - Of - M.r..Walter Lathrop, which ,still -- iir stancliP" - few rode north - of itiplonne'reeentiyoecully ' the late Darliki Lathiop. ' ..)ftlris little ass 4- Lion our friend' mei chosen Deano . n.! He cot lizi-il n'ed to•manifeet 'an. interest in the 'prosperity of the little - ehureh,, whiehl he had Veen 'greatly ! instrumental in forming: iHe has been identified priaterest,!iii preycr;and.;ff . ort !with 'the various • *sons of 'religious ieterest with . ..whielf it I . T' Ince been, repeatedly favored. •! 1 ... .1 'When the form:of rrorernment .--ef- the church. - -n8 changed. In '1823; he ;was elected one of its • ling Elders, a- pciat widen he held . during, riS life,•-althongh fiir severni ! ,.years previous to •hi 4eath, -he was ; at his own lequest, excused !rpm service- beeanse, of the • increasing •itifirini • ties of age. Thest,-• infirmities disqualified .hint' or active ,duties in the service of- the 151*er hei se• long had lii - ed ; but hnnever , ceased topraii ' or and to- rejoice in the Prosperityilf,Zioil: 110 th,gpei to ,his rest . .... ..Had. hp lived: until the 27th Abe coming noeutli he woidd ha vo. renel4 . ea 4 88tIr anniversary. of his birth ;being. at his • deatifiri 111i"8'8th year.- , Ho,:has •left behind ;him theatilattiOnate companion 0f.63-years of hielfe l ; . who numbers a.s.their po4erity,•lO/ .4:lelimtir-el.ts - ., . ay the! all reach that heaven Of test and IX sii, ! ... 4. / , jugs Whither, we hare reason . . to belieee,"their • venerated sire bath g'ne. - - [COP: -! . ..1 ! -.- • - In Ilimodli,".NTaral II atii, lir, !Tilk73 ii EAc + aged 40-years; a highly ,estimate4.:4o(l:;;Oefful I eititarri . arthiii of sterling _integiity..-nud cif un, isleun s h ei i re tibtion - His death h . i spread'' .cllll P •00 ‘Aer the community: Ilis'end isms peace and hia.y.sll in the .trent 14 . .,4ioietner, ills neeur ct him, squhave no diiubt, nu .ablinti 4 nt "tin + tt - into hi bitst IdA:lniqlona. , , - . - - - Nw GOOD S. 1 :' ; Just Arririn, • -t t & cots.. 1 ~'•1 particog.r. r.u.* 4ntl our stot:k tiru bclling(34o3 eti r iirelv "me p 4s. rices> , • AlOnkose, Apfil 1871§,14, * • . Notiee Jurors;tco VoTIC1; is 6 rebY givFmo urom 4.1 Ettltnnionea by Ile for the .i4'9610 rtreek not be retitiiieli itttood. , (. 111.1).RED; She'rift [" Sheettr:t Ott ee' 31tyntro.' 1 1 ) 1' 4- 1 I ' • __,,...-,.._....,__ ~.,____ „„IvEIV , ITABLIIIIMENT.' • , . The One :Price Stoll!. - - , ,• • .; GOODS A ir _ LOW ruicEs, AND FDA nt.§.Dv: -rxv. • „. r HE uqersigned hatingassoelated theinselve together in the Mercantile ; business, are DOMt r pttiplired t 4, offer to Vie public; a very, deskrable; stock 'of GiioLls, consisting in main of •I : 2. - ' .. . !Dry (bads, an 4 Ready made Clothing, - . :/fats, Caps and Straw - Gooll4, -• ' :.1 • VBooks and Stationaiy, ' • ... 1 V r Boots - , and Shoes,! •'' ; fl i . • , . , • . - 1 whip `have notions, k.e'., &c., ,:: • , all, of: ' whip been purehiised with , reati care, and• Ave :ire satisTied, *cannot Lit to shit” those, wlictinaS. favei us v;1111.a call. . •1 :The Dr t Goods: departine4 will be found! vcry couipiete, consisting of all the leading ityles' . of - I ] 11 - • •. i ; • ' *- LADIES DRESS GOODS: Silk. ileh kocado, plaid and striped, black, ;dress and iktantiti Silks; very - rich, hidh lustre, .:ind at etieiiii , ratet --. ] i ; i • ; 'I Striped . , clanes ; :plaid Aline do. satin 4tripo, hallis, printed Lilurais; - Poplins, Dutige, ; plaid s had Printeid.Jaeonets; 'in great ivarietie , whichl ), tie are bound to sell 4tra loi6 figure. i Gitiglfanys-:-a liadfioine - assortment, Prints,] all the leddiiig styles, ' Merriiniiek, Coehe&ies,l Allefa6, Spihgues, &ei, very-pretty styles. -1 Di4ss tr. intningii,of 'the desirable stylei ' and' shades—Batik Silkfriee, •lifesiii buttons, black • velvet Itil, ioiti, sikkland worsted Praids, in 'great i . variet:y. ' ; 1 , ' ; 117 to - 4-v44-IS4llss, Jacenet, NansOok, ;Caul , briekil3iilfolis LT.va,,l and Bouk Muslin, Plaid Combrick iMuslins,; ilti ; tedSalsi Muslins,e'orded lkirt4. 164. Linen Ca brick - Ilaridkerehlefs, fi.‘; =ME ril 17, 1854. titel The fol 7, list its ratiti-441- Bell, Bright eton, Dodge (.4 mtrick,' T . 09m1,;.5, el -1; rd, 'Broittih6d,l verett, 'ovard, Sbiolik . l e utizelzy, Wade, • rt by only two lid . tiler . ' Treaty ...If • I y 'rent Rena, n 1 y the Rev. J. i . 1 ;Moat, of Stu .1 mom; of S' s.. 1 .- • • st.tythi Rti-. 1 vrell ofCcirbon. Harfora, to Miss 'Strsci'a. Cu. Pa. 41 • °ruing . t 11111 . . . -.; . tow S p r ing i Stack : ' : - - • , A.Mnow receiving a large AL , . ;.1 .addition to my stock of -b, ,41 'Good's, consis':ing.of Gold and 1 ~ .-vqBllVer Watchei Ear rings, . " ..; . Ilhiast pi ns, 1 Inger ri a gs,Gold 7 , --,-, , i.N,t_i• t c., , rli:dr.s,.S..ealS, 4.eys, Pens and ".--• - . I'encils, LoCkets, Gold and ~., , Sil et "Sppctaeles, Mad . ThinildeS, ••ilver ware in •eve y vari ty, Coral Ber.ds,,ACard Cases, 'Slier. Comfy, nibs, :Napkin lehigS,,.illonais,• Fans, Clocks, . • asters, .'landlestielisj . * Cake. Baskets, i '.s,prions, p.tls; Buiter.Knivespd. in ftet every article in fay linr ot‘business. The.above -arti cles have teen selected with - great _care, had 'Will be sold asksr.-.l•nt' l ttte-lowest d,lish prie.ek Par; ticular attntka paid to ItePairing, alt kinds.- of Watch . c.4 Lind Clocks.' • .- .. •: : •l• • .'• ALFRED J. ,EVENS. • •:. . - - ! I 110., 2, Odd Fellows Hall, .Bing,hatirton, April 'l9, 185.1; i: 1 ' . ith •yott.' once again ;my friends, 11 - cl, more my footsteps rpm.", • , you. lind•tue at MY , resulenei on ikf mita ‘'ne,itwe 'doors south from it.it-th Mitchel's Esq., hafi at anytime to wait on you,•socially or profess onally;. the :latter eipeciaily. • Those who prefet to.havd, their work 4one at their resi., donee wh4ther•living in town or out4 t will please (wive me niiticiz accOrdirig,ly, and, I am at your service.. l'erons, ht a distance desiring Teeth, earl acedtainodatcd wv house, free of expens4lwhile the 'work is bingdone. As 1; wish:to lipzisy I shall still adhere to 'my old, plSn of chitrging according to the circumstances : of- my patinas. There is =eh ,complaint of. the:high Pikes of Dentistry and of my prices too,: although have btfen in the hdbit of deducting. from •15 t 4 t 25 frocnj the first. Now,- friends I *ill make :fr•oa this offe'r,if you li•ho', - need work,' will coins right aeon_;_ and have it, done and 1,10 . keep me busy, • I *ill Work• for you for half price Mad • db.. it *ell too. The reason we have 0' charge; so high is because, either', froni dread of the pain or the piny, you hold back and force izs to kis° much time for' want of Clime on then and yen will find 'there is . .ftelcince for barrsitis at •31ontakne. • C. Di VIRGIL, Sprgeon Dentist., •Montro4e, Apribls, 1654., ITEST , EXCITSMENT. The °bra' a Bill Unsettled, ci, Cart( JOIIN TON & Cl., are now reeievl ,1 - ,ing frpm Neu; ork, a g,ener.il . assortment of Sprirzgiand St ' mp• Goods; and we cordially invite all tat like' ; o 'buy (loads cheap, to give , us i call,' s our stock is, largc ;and we are wit; ling to soi for _small profits. ;You can find here, sluing IN . y artielp wanted, al d we aro willin . g to eomrier4 Goods', and price Witlany 'store in the countyl. " Welrave taken spcizial paias to find liieerywrisito, - pleis! etc Lvfic.§, snot' as Black i Figured . r.rld fancy! Silks, Silk Tissues, Barages, ,and Beiage f.)elanes, Plain and fancy 1.3w114, Silk, Frp,lh and domestio - „Gingharns, c Figured Cartalus alid papei curtains, Ladies Culla:* Uti deOlandk'fis and - sleeteS; Mlintillas,. l'arasoli, Gloves, litta‘v and fancy Botineys; alio triin min gs to match:. 1 --. : •1 ~ ' -.. ; • A i - nt,#: lockof - Goods fur Men and boys, al so Iron,i teel, Nails, - horse "=shoes and nailnails. Ploughs,* lt, t! it, t Grindstones and Stone ware, Tin, Stove Pipe, Glass, Sash, Leat . 4- er,33ots;Ploeil,' • &e. &e: "Please .gi yo . us- 4 chance ,Of Violin''' . von our ' ` Sioek ti-foie yon ;1 - _ P . • t buy. 1 .!' ! . 1 ' ' . ' SeO,TT, JOHNSTON' .* Co. i Sprin•l' ' lille : A . 041 18. 1851 :I. ' ' ~. I . • i IA 4.1% ." 1 4 I • A WALLET containing several valuable:pa:- P9rs:ltitl about $12,00 in Bank notes was lost'on''the ith inst. between Sustea Depot jand thy house elthe imdmiigued. There were two notelt ib the 'walk when Jost. The one gl..'en by Sttiphen.ltinnings•to Martin Linsey or bt. - :t;er;ccr s7,l,oo;.ilated.Angust I.lth, -1532, due. J tine 18430th:endorsement on the same of Slesilyov:l:6, 1853.'; . : rhk, other giVen by S. P Wright, dated, Utast ;10th 185;1 ; 1•or 6100, due on demand-,.;en doksenient $55,00 .NO,. 26th, 1853.:, There were abio :several receipts and other papers, •al uatile einlyi to the owner.' • .Anyiperson returning said wallet to the oWner InOibigally rewarded. - • .1' i 1 t,' 11 • t;.E0.1161:8. BRYANT. Saek l sian' April • . . . -;'.. .'. L -., 'To Itont. . . . . -., , , 1 k• ST(iRV and n hall dwelling !musts *ill' iI L .4., • p;', garden and barn attached—also two 4. , tts of'',•roorps for; sm.lll_ fa:nil:es, or -students'l atten dirop•4l!ool, all in-Montruse and in desirabld lo ealltte.l., ! 1 , 1 (!- - 7 I BENTLEY -.& FUrcll • ltloalro. , ,e ? . April 10, 1851.-15w3 , - ~, ~. --- -- , !r, E ; ; For Salci....- ,,',: . -. , 1 - 1 NVOI wagon= ' ormerly used for peddling, ' Candy and C rraclierS—in good . repair with 100 nearly new and to be had cheap. - Ruglike at ; the filce of 1 ... •1 i, i BF,STLEY & FITCII. ' • i, ' IHontrOse, April 10, 183.1.16w3. H . Aubtion Sale. rriur, subscribers offer for iatle at public Ven: dite;'at their residence in I)imock, eu or•day_tlui — 6 .2 d day of April, (salt ! . to •coilimence ati ! ,2 -o'Clock . P. 31.) a vziriety of Stock, ecnisisting ofj • • • • Nino ,Cews, - a puir.Of l .l years old • Steers Well In:itched:and handy), 1 three years old Tull b100d . 1,1E)6-on . .lloll_whieli has taken the pretnill'll 3 hi succession in this as well as in ew I'ili. i St4o,.l two years old'Horse Colt, :1 large breedT,z,:Sow. • • I IF.II o• '*,—::Nin months, credit. All note, to drnw liittirest With approv'ed secilrity. t ! P. 11. & C. J. floLtisrEtt.. bli nek, April 10; 1854-1.5w2* REMOVAL. ••' rrlTsubserille'r wi . shes to eall.thelatentio Is friends 'mid the L'ulAie to his req.!: _. ~. assorttuent of , . . .. . , '. I'. ' : •sTo'vEs, . achis XICW Store Room in Lodersville;nex to L. S. Lenbeim'si Store, and near the Great Bend Dept.t flu hasr - in addition to his former lnrge Paii - etk of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, inaey new iitterns, some of which are— ' - ' '' • i ? i - st.l2V:rhnitsi, Perm's _Bey sch , .1. ire Fly, Mailerd Troy, . .. Mo.'. atc k, ' ..treflo4iiofi ;i Mid: Warrior ~ I . Orient, . Oak, ',. ' : H . }:4 , g StOVe, . • H !; Whichttm.Tether with his former stuck • will: be peirluMs the must 'extensiKe And varied assortMent ofiWell selected Stoves in the County. , 1 r'•'l‘,,.*lClititon Stoves well furnished at low Prices. it.V . , - All articles in his line kept on hatid.limd niiideito order as usual, and orders received at his old 8C:1:lain Great Bend. ' - -1: !: 1 ' , • : 1 • - 'JOHN COLSTEN. ILodersall! & Great Bend Nov., 1853.-44. t. . , • rani' for Sale. l ! -11"' shirseriher offers for .sale his ya , lonble farm! Gibson township, Sustinghiionx countEv, P. 1., containing: 157 acres, situattd in' . the • gasto r rn pint of said town, halt* of mile kool the i TOnk.hantiock Creek, and 12 1.2 miles from 811s qtiel4nna:llepilt,en the N.Y. 6.7. IJ, Railiond. • 1 1 jOn' said .firm is a -framed louse, 3 p 4 r:is, her;4.1,110, corn house, a young orchdrd of Over 100 treys, anclis well watered: . liti °NE's. to•zell Cro 1 °Tor ce nt. less thart the`; rcul lal ue. • ITr;i;ws.—Two . • thirds of the purchase .menerl slogs, and balance secured by inortmgel . . • WILLIAM. TAYI,OIt. -;! AGitelon, • ; ,Sale of - Fruit Trees at A action - , Hat4e's Hotel in ;310wros . e, on Friday thel s • ' 21st cl A;.ril ins/. - ' • • r• ! i NDAEW LEIGHTON respeetfullvmfpequre.-i Ai . .. . , i .es to the farmers of Se..gnehanna C. :Mat' ihtt Will.afford them an opportunity as abeoyo, to suilily themselves with i . chola. ..11,-.11 , 11 eV , . I.'i•tt4 Trees from the eelebrated Mount Hopei ';NurerleS of Eliv anger S.: Barry at RoeheOter,! :'.%1.1 . : ,: ' - • :• i : • , . The Trees will be put. up in bits, ranging front; :10 re 100 in nuinber, each lot ( - .3niptising la,c - 431- ; leetiOn of the choicest varieties of family Orlnar-: ;kt-- r -anti all 'guaranteed to bo :thrifty and ivigor:. oats, in good order and true to their- names; • i 1E M r. Li has Phinted on his own prernisesin the, lieech.Woods .within the last 'two years, ,abort, 1 . .,2.00 trees from the MI, Hope Nurseries; the lii-antiful growth of which is admired by all*ho :sire them. Ilc would also teler intendinglpur-i c.hasers le ' 1 . • _ . ~ i Ci)l. Illfus Smith, Frat;lilin; E. A. & o.Bratt,; ',.4e,v , i, Mil eul; Geo. T. Frazier, Eq., llarnibnv : i J'illii,i NV.,If: Bradford, Jackson; Seth . Abel "Esq:,! GittSon;ltcy. E. O. Ward, Dundaff; . Rev. Wil- , I iirdrtichitrason, Ilarforel ; Nathan IVheatOri,:gsq.l :Liberty : Ilion. Wm. Jessup, Montrose; to all utl chciin with hundred's of other,' in Susq.-C0.'! , 31r, Llias turldshed trees from the MI liope.:Surse Ties; ' t - . . In rdditioi?' to the Appletrees at auction, a' eilotee seteetita of Pears, Cherries and QOpe.s 'till be ,fi . ftered at private sale. • • terills 'cash. .; • ! i Slat! . cotimence at ]0 o'clock A, M. • ; . . N ..,•; 1 - 1 Administrators' Notice. 1 I Nrorict .is he: elf,: giveit.th:A Lettitrs t.sta.; i. 11: Me:lt:lry upfin the estate of Theron Beach; 4 ( .61, late; ofbiuviell:twas.hip have •betni grant tett .to theistibs:ribers., All person's' indebted tu . ; said e,:tatd are hereby requested to male icon •- mate paytnent, and those having claims •np n, i s said estate -pr them duly attested fiari t ! , tleMent. I • - -, : • • .- I . 1 i, .. t ' I -1 ALDERT A. ROOT, f - , 1 '' ‘i , AdIIMS. . ' ' CHARLES AVERY. ) Ditnnek, April 4, -1854.—1-1 wq . . !, :.-. . .! i : i F arm for Sale ONTAINING 6ii aeres,of first rate land; 511 acres iiiiiler good iniptoveuwilt, with a good 'ft-an:tea iro n se and barn , a large orehani.Of elioied fruit. - •Thn farm. is plc/10:111:1y situatedvn thd Al 4 igi 9 n . .nntil Waterford Turnpike,iwo, miles iresl 6 f (I:_e'lliiiriiad. Terms of- payment easy, land iimaie ' d'• t 1 • il possession gwen. Apply to i 301 IN LORD' Jr. i it I,,.:athrop,' i Ak)riV 4th, 184-14w3* _ ii 1 NEW ARRANGEMENT II At the Ready Pay Store. undersigned Would respectfully annon nee 11l to UM public that they have entered into a Co- ; artriership in the Mercantile bsnincas ail the i!Heird Navigation," and that\the busitie4 ivitlihcreafler be conducted under. the name of 1 - Irtley - &*Xitt. 'Where may -at all times be forini .a, gorid nAsortment of' efo ooli at priees4hat iiannut fail ito suit. New Goods being received. G. R. iIAwLEy, c. morr.: 4ptil 1,1834. I - rff' Mr, gawloy retUrns thanii l s for' the :very' iihpraf pationagr. the pa.t.t:year,i and rmoests iuntinuan4e of the same under 'the new' 1 414- i)ephation..l • TURDON'S DIGEST; - NEW 3upfdv jueeeis'ed.' Abip,l3lNti'4 11.1._ JUSTICE and CONSTABLE'S GUIP Nardi ri • GE?. FULLEft t Dr. Merit E -C. Vail. 1 - AaucclitiT • and.. CHEMIST, and Dec4r in Dittl4.9, 3lledicines, Cliernienlii,,Dve Stuff; PAnts,pil i ts, Patty, Window Giass, Gaup inii Perfumery, Yankee. NoiOns,4d.,da. , . r l'a.-10tf. • . . i TAILORING.. tsibaeriber "continues tidc carry on fife Tailining business in all. its,brani: l l(4l ctt hi') stand lately-occupied' by Lines & Reynolds,; 'oiOr thwiey's & 3lott's store, where he ‘yill s ot-, ileac' to all calls . in his proresbion, in a proraidi `AO satisfactory manner. • ' P RFYNOLDS 31tnstroO, April 15, 1.35 1.-tr. - 7 ----- f- -- '7 -- 1 ---- - ---.-- _ L ____ ---------- . - T .- 7 - h - - --- .:' 8/0 000 WANTED. ._.) PlloposALs ~,11. 4 . received at tN , Coinmis " ?isiont•irS WILT - at, Al ont rose . for talcingit loan of Teit;thousitnd dollar authorized :by act of *as : sem* to be klorroived vy. the County of Susque. hanna; forthe"purpoSe ;Of building a lieu Court: ;House andiPublk ofliceu- for said Coti,n`iy," until theWbote ttmOunt of said loan shall 'lave been :taken; •.: i ;! . . i . The saidlo4n . will be taken . fur "61e whole, amount or in iimallvir sums 'as may suit those '.wishiiig to,lrik'est munfl "-therein andrfor such ' : -time its may shit the lender-at the rittti of six per ;cent jier natiuM, fur which County poiids"Will be !issued M cenfermity with the: net ofAs;semblv.! - I :!; •J. HANCOCK, `, ; ' • i. :' . , A. - NV I LLIANI il, .'". Corm! ,'; • ;.' , A. CARPENTER,: ;;Attest, - W4. A. cnn,ism.ot e ' Clerk i • (7onitnisitoners Office.: ' Montrose 31hrell 8, 15154. INTEMir Court , House..; - .- :P ROPOSALS will be received nt :the Com : inissiOners' Mee for the ereetion of n iCourtjliniSe iii the .11cirough of Montrose, SUS quehinna Coubtv, until thefirst 3tondity of M Thiiim...ivbihing to make propositions wlll :L41(11'6351 .561ettiiropos014 to the Comruittsioners'of s;Lid County, on or before the time ahove men. :tinned. The phm.and specifications imseep nt the Commissioners!: °Mee nt an, ti nc. JAIANCOCK, A. WILLIAMS, Kum'rs , A. CARPENTER, y • 1- Atlest--,Wsj. A. Citossu,lN; Clerk. Com`rs' Ofilee i ; Montrose, • . • • • 1 - March,;25 4 1834. C nl3 '• • 1; HO. the Judges of ,the Lour[ of Quarter Se'4sii)n.i;(f Peacei in and for the:Pouniyof SOqui.4iino. • : TrI4E . itti4n of Gel°. 11. Eggleston of tile idorongli:pf Susquehanna, an,lcoanty'afolje i*;saitt,i'res.ptiatfitlly represents, that he iq provided i ! with:isuitaWe o,.onvenienees to keep a Grocery in the borough of Sasqiietian6a, comity afores:tid and that it; is his intention to apply- tit.the next (,Dort of Quarter Sei.:4(gts to be liolt4.nikk• and for itiii - entinty •un,Rh4third 3londa3+_Ot Aptil next for . .adicansoto keep a . grocery, and to sell :strong beei', ale or otbo m:dt litilions;necording :to.thl act kLf Assent* bf the 14 t h Ajiril, : A. p. 1851;i : .;• -j. GPO. lI..EGGLIII§TON.I SifiqueltAnnn, March 28th, 185.1-14-w-1. 11' Adniinistrators'liotiob. ToTEQ.E!,i hereby given that Letters Te4l. 11 itientary;ropon the estate or Jas. W. Trues. dell, !deed late of Liberty township }fare ben g,rautisl td, the subserihprg.. All personl indebtW 'to said estate are • herek)y requested telinukt rpediiito Flytnent, and these having•elaims upien said estate to present them duly attested for set; tletniint. ' • • •- % . • : ••• HERS' A.T;RUESDELT , . TII.I.IESDELL,:Admr'e....I• Liberty,' Thlreh 20, 123 . 5-1-12w0* 1 - • Farm for: Sale• •.. , r I:1 sbbscriber otfcrs for: sale ras. firm •in 'sup Sus+ CO., Pa., containing. i 0 nere4i about 46 acre 3 übder good iMproyement, a fr.inied bonito and barn - thereon, and- # 'bearing orehArd 7U ; trees. * also .convenient Sett*, 31eetings, &..e, Any oni: cmalf thrin,tho above 'will be a desirabiti proterty. Tgllts...- - -One half of the purchase . money, 0811 dowii: and tile - balanee:see.ored, by tnOtgage. .P . rsoA wil , ling to ftee tho Promise. 4 can call on J.S. who tiiill.gci on to Ibe witlvltheM and give theint..hat. inforthiltion. ttioy desire.• ! C. CA WE Ifi,jrriekvilld, Brad. 171. i I . ITlafch;!l.,4Bse%--STAPLE 'GOODS, Alt - E tiavo :Just revoived an radditittn to 41ir • 1 • Stack ••1 • t'94 f I • net fitld sis 0 , . .1 t • Sheetinos' Battin7, Wodditlg, Wiekilig, Cotton - nnd:Cari3et Warp', canton 1 tunnels., ken, tneky Jeans, Tweeds, tiatjaptts &-Kerseytneres, De Laines, Alp:wens; Call . .&es,..Grocerii•s of ev ; cry alt of which We desire 1. to dispose of during the prest•nt- month, to wake rotnit for,it new stmeir,; anti we invite: our eus tinOrs, and tlib pUbliei generally to give ti:j • call ; • •BFATLEY 50 BUSHELS: t. Prime CLOVER & TiIIOTIIV SEED rA just•reMiived, wiii be sold right by .'..BENTLEY & READ. I l eorn Basitets. One wqgott load IMit - received, ind no is your time to buy thern. • • . • 'rl ' • 'BEXTLEY & lUT AD. rite ft: s retZt breqd , . ;I . • . Family Nodieines, . • Justjreceivedi Nothihg will put a stop to a •eoutilt . so''effeetually as a bottle r of br. Jayne's Exppetorant. Wt speak r from ekperienee. • ' • BENTLEY & READ. ' ;. I • ,1 • ' ELOUP, . ". .11j- the. Barrel tk S.iek, 'for -pale byi .• 1 • BENTLEY & READ. . . • ' ' * 60F1CT5".0.1.1 - . P(IE akdereigned beg'to announen to the chi ..l.lzena-of Sitsquehunna County, that they have estahlisl4,l a Shop in KCeler's 'building, on Main street, 'Atontro'se, where they n ill keep on hand a supply of Foreign and American 31arble,nud man- . ufact.nre „the Same into ?Monuments, Ronal's, Mad Stones, tier and Centre Table Tom &c. ! UT The ?Olin will' find it to theirinterest to give us -b e foie g oi ng is,ewliere with their orders • 4111PPEY. & DE I,ON q. fflontrose, Aug. 44, 15.53—,.34mtf • i ' for anr k s r Salo. .rnuE ittlbsMberS act as agent's Pug buying 14 and Selling Real Esty.te,—Farins, I/oriscs, anci!lots . ,—located in . Susffa. county; Pa, or in Br4Orne County, N. 11180 Virginia Land Wa . yratris: MI who' ; Uislt to offer their property fotTttaleienn give a titinuto • discription of their farms' ciri LO.,ts ft;llows tNo of. acres; ny ma improved, and !how watered,; Or4ard, grafted or common frait Other *nit trees hotv far from great -Bend, and the near est"poitit ,of the D. 1;,& W. IL R. and N. & ar.d terms of psyment. %14ho wishl to BUT or sttho Real Es. tatt, receive prompt attention by calling on er 4ddidssint either cif us at Great. Bend, tius quethanun bounty Pi. .; ! Convevan 'from Great. Bend to . lthe prelnise:fre44.of charge. °flied on Main street; in the dwiilling house of S. BlGhaie * , lately loccupied NT:Carpen te ;.! 1 • S. PETRTDECEIt, I • + I ' . • • CEIAS4. • . .reat'Bon4, Oct. Mb, 18534 2 : ---- II . , Groceries---W holes a le &Retail. 144 greet" variety, considerable quantity, suPeri - or qddlity-; and elijap for cash, or, to exchange , fo ": trios kinds of merchantable produce, on good I terms. `; ; Bisitocii of I, 4 ,ugar . s, 'rens, 4 robtieco,spi. ce#, &dik'hhig e so nunicrous, he decoy it only liee esSar}i tai saYI, that ttlinoit atirthind in the Oro. i cdty 11141 Used by fatrir,F, can be tonna upon iltipii- A ' ' equeut I ryi aUe.... r eonli i cuumeration lie otitis' r • , superfittous. !;In particular he would ask au exam , inetiori Of liis . Cd Stigai , ,gs.: TobaCco„ t, and 4s Tea A!ledutiou worth saving niade,to tliose v. ha bu) id:lameqridOities. 1 . 7 . :I ~ '1 • -I. N: IIIJLLARY). 1 41foutieic, Va. i t. , . ~... i • !, „.,,, - 7 - , - -r -- ? - . -- - --- : - r ----- e ,1r....N. ~. lilkl.s 1 - 6 / i; 4 !herd d cheaper thdn ll'hite Lear! * audfreel l rom. I • • ' 1 ~atl poirlmous litedlitisi 1 - ' • i , 'l '' . ,ftillE,Tithtt' .11i1181:Y ZINC; COMPANY.Ihmin,7 giqintly . ' eutera - 4 their worksi end iiorrovwd thi.ltuality oftheir prielert4, are prepari,l to execute orders f r their SuPert. , or:Alutp. Drrk: ttel.pro Una In blt, In ass t/ tea pse.l;4l.s of 1 hour 25 t. 5.504 poundal stso;dry in' 'Jerre! of 100 potinds enh. ' , ~.. ", !i . .' ,'' : i - •Their. White i4ne, wiltilt is sold-dry_ or wanes is oil, te werrantt:Al pure end "unsitrpeo.-ed for, I.x,y , end uniform whitenesw. '1 . • -' 1 ' . 1 • . 1 ! - A. meth:4% of,preparathia lies recently bike -ithscoyered, which eniih:es thoiloiep4ey to.) warrant thOr paints t, 4 1 keen frefh and left in the ears for any reesifn4ble ttnie In this respilct *b i er piiintrwill be superior to eri7 other id the hurter. • ! ~ .-ISheir hrotiTigine ralut, which is soh ate low wriec,enqt titsonly;be.inuto from the Z.r.coresfroni!liew Jersey, is Bette well Iriaolie for its protectivo qualiti9 when aPpltc4 coirwe erettieenactstuoWurfaces. ''. :I . - . ! 1 ;Their *tone_ polor railA pos 4 ;e:tittS all the properties of the Drowri, :104 lif of un AKrentble ei.l t fdr. painting 'C5t- Lege", licpots,iout,Luilblings,Brideio; acti. • -. ' + 11)ealers rill p;4ltAkon liherat terms by theirAgente, l ' • I, - . ,- 1111:SCII 4 Itleittlll,)s.. 1., IVlLoifia*Paint'Deirleri cinif .rtilpfiriers' N. . . .. ~ L I ii. - ccipity, If lOth o t 'lll4:y*62i SIP., . IPtiradeVia• ' . ' ". ." ' , I 15Jr.6.. ' il 1' •,' i.' . Co.toEllit2 for eole,!)y UNew:+l,iltordiOeos,l:bso4 “ Soule 'things can IN done as well as otners.” run ti subscriber Ira - ving rented - the Chair Manufactory- of A. W. Urcenwood,in Hartord, s prepared to inaoulact Ore • . r . .:1 LL KIND .% OF CltAlk at reduCed prices, of goOrt inaterials,.and in a su perior style of 3vorlimun'ship. 'keep constantly on ham!, or will inanufagture to 'order, Rocl:srs, (in4korcd style,) all kinds of Falrey• and Windsor Chairs, . Flag. Scats, Scttecs, 4c. &c.- 1 All work warruntod to giro satisfaction for fire yeUrs.. • ' ' . - . arse Niorelta'utable 'Prd,(4.lce . will be tukeu Ili ex- chabge fur wink:but IV CREDIT! ' . '2. .' A.3/ES JOHNSTON. . IlftlfOrt.l, Der.. 18.531 ,I y '. . -, . 11. C. BENNETT & CO. l o f ~ jrlera (rd u' jouorr o ioreigti, anti Do . liirtic 'fry Goods. 2i. • : • . . . . .. 41 1. nny stnniT, snw•ronK, Ij i OVI.Sr in'vito theiattention of merchants in .v. , N SnyJohanna and .adjoining . Counties, to their stock . whieh willlbc foand.large.anadesira ble at all seasons of the year, cansistftnr, in part of CI )ths,.Cassirneres and—Vestings, Jeans and Tweeds, with alt the I.ot.ancl well known styles .. . of - faAt colored prints.. i . . , o, Dress Goods, White And Linen Goods, ~ . • :o.; 13roetio • long mid Ispipre shawls' Cash riiid Silkj - .3tiawis,t(i,g,etlier - witlillosiery and Goods.. . . . . • • mpt attention paid to orders, i 4y1—.3 change. .. . Al mere Mine - Pr STOVES &"TIN WARE For Su4quellituna Conuty. . . D. LATHROP SLI Co. would beg leave to return' thanks 'to their friends Tor their lib. mtreriage for. the • last year and hope they •ontinue their favois, which 'we hope to mer. strict attention to nosiness, and , low prices. are the most apprOved ,patterns of Stotts I brought-into this market, among which may onnd - • • . , c . . ~ ttn OF.7111: . iqnsT(El f rateri Oren.) i7l,,l'll'A 7'01:. .1• ,:•-• m- .. AR AG 0 .I', • i • . R - 116' WORLD, . ' . ,LOB!:, That . STATE4i,all.Air Tight,'und Oh' ers too nutnerous to mtntion. We. also 13.4ve- on hatid a large assortment of 'Tin 'Wzire 3:31'38 /teary plality, expressly fur home trade,. Cist.cri , and- Well;Putus.ot all descriptions, lead I'ipc of all size-3, gas fur chain pumps, &c. &.,e. Job work done wult neatness and despatch. All kinds of produce tiken,' or approved credit .Give'us,a!eall i:t you please. Shop on Main street, directly p stsite - the Thnt. Office. -G. D. LATEIRtiII, • . S A. WOODRUFF, - Cash paid. tor:Furs L. &-W. • NEWi GOODS - 1 . At the UpsoriN , ' ille Richange. r M 11; subscriber liercoy trifertns his friends IL (comprising the public generally) that he is now replenishitig his stock of Goods, and is ot fering, superior inducelnents fur the,lll to purchase of faro_, thoreby leeping their catpital,a s well as'; doingtheir tradinLr atihotne, among his - stock •tnay- be found a.p•cneral a:ssiitnient of Dry Goods Groceries, Croacry, ID:tr.:ware, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Boots and Shoci, Hats andraps,wall and ..window paper; Cluthing, Trunks, Yankee-notions &e., all of which he will Lo happy •to exchange for any kinds of Ertnet's produce at the highest prices, cash, or g'othl credit. Also he wants all who have neeAnnts . of over six months standim , td. ; eall.and settle them on or heforti the first ',of t`eb.;18.54, 'and all whe intend to' pay in drain retinested to brim?, it alon4as soon ns ennvenient. ' L. MERRIMAN. "NVANTEh) . to hire: a, ;;god Bl.aeltsmith; one who lintlerstandl all tiritAthes of the trade,. and can come Well recommended for sobriety and in dustry can attain fair .!tta - ges' ;by 'calling ,on the subs,eriber :4 , )oti nt L'Oonville, l'a;• • - • 1 Jqs'ertt 3.1.0,:n1:11•VS. I. - • . • • 37;13.1'.(4.0-013S. • stb.;e'llber re Spectfullyl twills the attention o these , aislting 4 to purrttn.. f-h f a r f , . C“aA,•to hfn NEW FALL trtNTElt which fOr extent ea rlety and ehZpnexe, he atop safely say is unsurpassed. by any in the Exipiro state aexonglvritichnlay botoutid TWO IIUICDUED 'SII4WLS, oforery riorility{and stY•le, iirice - s ranking from .50e. to $l4. 1001{1{{{: Priritizonts and Alantr{{4 from Is. to ss. per yard. French lifcrinoes of citerylirade and color, remarkably chort'{,. . { - :, :i -10,000 yard f 11 eI,aITICS and Pets : lan Cloths from Or to 4s. Prints and 0 in : ritachs in codle.ls quantity. 1 5.000 Yar{.ls I{:cnclo•dland {unbleached Shrefirk , and Strirtiow, fropi•Gr ttile 41. - { -- - • ° • 10010 yard?{llliite,.lle{lland Alertll4nnelp, from is ~' c 4 to G. . w..1,n;() o,ols aly eer . kind for men and boys, 1000 yord,Silk,lirocail•, Pi r id, and Plain Black from th.Auwe::t trade t. 4 tiler:lost superior quall!y.. Dress Trim mlngg cif crery tleilcrirtion..l - ' . A Inr.re steel; (Om Atte:ann. cry cheap. Trout.s and. Travelling Ile , svil au vstcalvc ilso;trnart, constantly on hapl, • / ' • I • . , - 11tr. , 1 ' cram sv No er)iii.h1 ' , Oh (II ,p.trt of the snbseriberfei `merit a cent itotanee of the OatrcMage which the public has :hitherto most generously acontef i ed Lim. and. for ithltlr.he . returns sincere nett heirti thanks. ~. - I . . Ir. N. VOLSON, . , . t." . Cerner of Cou;:t Ze.ill - tittr st... Tompkins Block. ertilY , sr.itesite tile AMericin Ll tcl, Ilipthamton, N. Y. Nov. .1.•74.15. . 4. I ' I •1 .- -• ' • , - ILoderci - i . lto , lo olii4.. ,— ar rit - Stor e, ." IE subscrib r r would iitfom the thlbitantsof Lo - M dersrille and eu rrann ding; ..ountry, that, he has grent-• ly enlarged and imPrreced his . tore, and I tilled up with's large and complete assortme t, of Paints, 011s..Dye. woods, Dyc-stuffs , Wir.doW GI es, Eash; Putty,. Varnish and Brushes'. Also. '. Patent ?lc:Banes, chernli!*lF, G ass-ware,rerfnmery, Yan kee Ii °Owls ,Gonfsetior.eri. T 44 et articles. and all articles usually kept in lny 11q , t abl it-hi:Len t of the kind. :Alta on . ... . . hand a fart e ass:, rtment of •• 1 ~ . BOOKS.(c- STATIONERY. - ' • Paper Tistr;ln,rs, .k.c. &c:, which bel.4rirupared to sell' on es seasonal,: e teiMis as any stor •in the cokintry: ! .:•• • . ' N • . ' DO • CT. JA E, Vna FIN.: • - : i i I-- - Also keeps In same room a keneral a. sortment of the: Gwitcs".4r Nlzeitciersis - ,care;fullyl select..a - , rewired-sedan r erintenili , d try Wmielf,fee bin vim Ric.= oilattcusiad the - benefit of the puhlic., i - Builders,Painters, Physician all classes and prlife-clone Wield to call and f ectOr • themselves; Would inforin his fotmc connectiou %vitt his olh6t b of hoots'aud.ghoes ;tonic 0 1 and self as rodOualilc as ca cr place iu tho'country. • • : Dirrtly ol f ierJolitt *cSi :klarcb 71.11,11154.-tr: , ---., . . • • NEW:GOO S. ..: .: T U. SI.PI.IIIN- • invitios a tentlon t . tho• ernasuall:/ e) . lar,r,t, and cOmpletetisortmentof '`„ A r t i w GM/4 for ' Fall-Setles i r • ' • ho know receiving . In aiiilition to lils usu a l supply. of Staple Dry GoOds, ()riffles, Hardware, Moires „te. he "'lse offers torah ' s Ladies ricl stuck of . -, • ". ;.. Fall and Tl'i)rtet4 Dress Goods, . . tzifin, 4. 'civet Bantetti, Shawls. Ribbons. (Navel' and . Hosiery, Veils; l'ablesprOrla 3r, ',Clothis s - Satchels, Ladies and IllisSes.llfie "toots and . 6 - hires 1.4. e., &d. To.the,tiontle. men' he offers a large stocli. of '.les, onalit ,•• . , - 4--:: • - ' . '. •' _Ready .31adi. Plothiao• Cloths. Cassiutereii, Twee4i, auil Jearis,,Ttstings,llstaand CArs, Boots & ' 44l( le' , 4.c * . . ' ' ' , lila stork ainlirities a ~ . ore .xtensiiie iina Varied sesor.• meta than heretofore, liild hi is propared to holdout ' . npcnor,- . Inducementi ' ,'• '' , . . .- to CASElpardeaser., . . Al . . i. Ifr Ile respectfully solicit .an 'early call Orn his friend • . • nod all others 1 desir'.n; dood gootlo tha t l are. F orth the price stiedfur them. l, '.. SounnersvillejSept.l2tlilB.l 2n t idp' 'Wall Paper, I.lk)U•ib t e7t ". ;assortmeatiet' c.l ' recelveitat - . . . , Afore 1...e . ‘ . Goods. , , u- BuRRIT 14. 11114 redoll4 j inotber ,general stock, or '11• Fall and 'Whiter Pen& - by elilete his assortment ` 6ll bq rally rqp , teui , li4 , l , sk es ry tlepartmantan'il 'unusn iiiiy-Inrithilf, a , rl ec.niplgte. ;artictileily In nett' style of Ladies Prevollecile, Mehl Pia d' end ~Feney Del:eines and Cashmere. Caresuetter, Frew . Merleo,"Pelleget "Mohair f.to , tre, Embroidered. Holier, like, ponveta.itich Bonnet Ilibberls, a leis*" and nVel Lir ortment of 'Whiter Slotw4i. Ladle' Fur ,Cutie, Virtofiri ,, si cud, 111uff0. ',idles Rubber, Ileds,lglipperskin.forerf , tiotjs,t3likka of astAnor at yle, end 4 new assertment f Sbnti, Perler ancleeelting ,F tures, Witld a rest rev ity , r etter - liitucrand Staple Goods which..wi/ I be, sell!. no the .miiit-tartireble terms, offering erp.icitt Euiluronent A e eakehow t!reellinrett. , ' New 3111 ford, :Ntrr:t4, 1;8.53 - .-' ' I ' - • • if • Asm oN ABLE g. 'll receNed by i• Mara 1 8 54. z . ' I Wt, itULARS' GOODS. .Seh.ol eichers.indeel ..atoparc use ace firriteil 1 M. if ;patrons that helms in siness a till assortment `which., e can warrant' ' be bong.ht•at any-gtp-' . '• L. SCOTT. ,ney'sSlo eon • ' tI It. It. hodersvllle. ' , 11 qtyles catered In iS• s' • Itits, Syrinx Style, j‘i PULLER. lostnut fetic • , A. m ;n- 7 10. Cl .iiiy.pr tliOvi MEMIMI , Treasuroi'p Salts, Of u I seated laiuls iu Stinuchaniza Co.. G a . c E ts i: r b the a y en ' e g r i a; q t e a n sie th n et: p a Of r et .e h a o li c ly o n ttt • montrealth of renn4ylvittua, directing the nidde of tinseat.id .lit»di for !Taxes, , thei follOving tracts rind parts of -trucleS Of unseated iandsitivil I I be Sold at public ventlipt quitho second Month's)! of June ut.t at the Court Bitirse iu MOUtioBo.'ior ar rearages-dtte, and the - scostit accrued in each rack. respecti 'rely,' unless thoratune Ito pa id before th . day of sule--:salo to commeticti at 1 0 o'clock the forenoon • .1 • • • Warr isintett. owners or ntitaber , s. ! Acrol. ' Briclvip4ter. - • - . • Sanitief,ltogden. ; Ch4rlQ3U. Biddle (:', , Cl ird Dbn • • _ Jon'inn ClifFord Asa,Dimock. Perlin Wells i (;real Bcnd. -,..- .. , Satni Dayton i 169 It 11,11CKciiie, . , . r , , 267 W, a 1.... Turreo 1 " ''.'l' •SU -. Natcapiel C. Gatti, .I.' ----- -87 -, , r Sott4n - att Taylor • " 50 . - IlarfitV: • 1 ' .1n cmivfoia Titusi I - Joh aimfortll,st. James Comfort Jat4s Mumfor4 , Ilorice Griswold Judge rim fora h eery Situnpsort Might F. Moils', Th6s. Merridit4 Ithficiia,Mott Dwight F. Maas S. S. Barrett saimnifton! Stunt! Kissan Andrew T3'botit, J. r.l)!Tuge Rob't Jackson I , . - ' . ' . •I , IrL'nox,. AnOreW Tvboti' f,' , Liberty, No. 40 41 J. 4 Mt!. Scadder 200 N0.;6768 75 76 E. Eldridge 4OO N0.',2035 Jehitll Dayton I • 230 N 0453 , Win. Barton. I- , 100 No.-.. 26 .9Uvrel Corbitt II • 100 J. W. Bruakate l y 1 784 S.D. an rusey ; I -, 50 . N0.,27 Joseph Ptterioti; I 'loo ) - Nein illilfurd. Hosea Benson; I i 125 I.lc4ea rainy. Est. l . 46 Jacibh Taylor , .[ 3.00 ' Elijah 13a - rlanin 203 M.A. Johnson'l I 'l3 NO4nsan Mitchel . 2 I . 130 Tlyinhas islorris . • 15 Wm. Plunlket :: Rush. • 100 Wip. J. TL‘rrell rustasou. 420 do'. i , ' ' .; 410 G. 'l. Groat I 150 Dai,ld Post -, - 100 Ile try Dzitilter I" 12-1 ' Jacob Downing j _ 118 . , Win, Prinker, 330 Jariles,Comfort ' - . 207 C. p. Tanana , lie James;turnfora . 43 • _- I reier Dunn I , '.I . _ 36 • ' • . D. R. f..A'PIIROP,Treas Treiistirees Office, '2l, 1854. NtW - yo'sx ADITERTISEM ' I:Pr4im..the Newvapti-,Adrertising Ageit PET'! EYG ILL 4• co. 1 , 2 i..; Nassau M., N. Ica, (.11 10 Slafe-$1.,-,1 'lllllc(ireat , - - • ,:- . 3301111.0. t! WATERS . I: i . 333, usto_ww_vi, N'.Ekl liOliK". ! TllE:best and most impr,ived Pianos and Melcalcons.— tV. Git.tetit & Co.'s World - ii Fair Premittat Pianos, - with pr withouft he ..Eoleatt; and with iron fraMes and dr- Cuter !tales. - The merit of these instruments is too well knpwn to needfurther comiondation., !Gilbert's'ondoir ' Pianos, atielegant!instrumint.foremall rooms. 1 atlet k Cutuston's Pianos; of the old established-fit:mot I sheik Co; M W r. Ikeirer sole agent foitall tke antis Pia as, can i (dig them to H vet than any other house. Horace waters' Piano', Manufactured expressly for Vim. basin .great • potter of tone and elatticity of touch. '333 Urpailway is the largest: depot for)lusi est Instruments In this country, affording al topportunity for selections not to be' ad Oft... ViVre, .SeCRIVI43=3I , I Pianos at great bargcini.! Prices 1 from sl.ln to $1;75. tv cry 'lnstrument fully wart ntcd on ! the !money refnittli:d. I • . ! . . : Ditz=coDEollS. Gp' ochtin Si,:Baldwin'ill'atent Organ Me ocl eons,' 1 I nlib r cro as. Nits of keys—a sweet and powerful ' Instru-1 'bent.! Price from s7s!to 8,240. S: D: st 11. W. ISmith's - I celebrated Melnlenus,Martin's unrivalled Guitars,ktrown's l ILtirps,Flutinas,. Violins, :Brass instruments. &e,&r.— Dttalers supplied with Pianos and 3lclodeons at ' fietory prices:, 12 per cent discount to Clergymen. -' i - - ‘ ' 31 11.1;S IC . , Thtc list comprises the products of the great masters-of b.lth the ..tmeritn anq Unropeau coutinents.and Is rt.cids in g constant additions bfaja ex:enEive publication of the cholcOand popular nieces of the day. Dealers; kr Music, . and Teachers of Seminaries ! VvislAine to purchase any music i ptiblisled. or niakearrangements for contit vied supplies! ofXr. Waters', newissnl, Will findlt to their Interest to! fatward tinir orders. Musi U Scut toany part of the Union! tor Canitlas, postage free. ;t lIORACE WATEItS. 1 - t - , •lim3. _ . : ' ' • ABEL TURRELL. . .' - '. ' I l',F now receiring his Wintei• runty of . . , , . ..- ji'Eirr 'GOODS ' • -1 irioNstsTuo or nearly eperything wanted. to 'll:ab.inar7 ‘,...1 ket, whiekt will be said it prices' that cannot - fait t 6 plillae.. The Oubite are 'Wilted to tall arid examine thentl, Idontrote,Jan 5, 1854. C . • i 1i i , 1 . ”' i• 1 • ' I Drugs, Medicines &.Cherieals. , A That rate a..otorttnent.c Playaletane It lla neat! an d .173,.. expeatiowly put np;at Teat:aced prilea , and Pro' - rep tens carefully courpounied• - The beat quality °fart! cies thia department will be found at the Drug and Varlet . ; r Store of .. - ABEL TURII,EL L. • 1 • PAINTS, OILS, 4- DYE. S'I'UPIPS. • A I'ill4ifsortmetif,ind of I,:lebt qualiticiut, at , • TUB IZELVIS t "g.lri)c6rl(!oy»A goriTral 4.lsortmait, and thei bc:t Ot. market etbr,ll,.at TU ELL's. • . , . . • ~. . . iDry Goods.—A natal,- but ehplee Iselectign of the latest step'. nrtleles of 1:41 Goods,. which wilt be seta. lit prices that wilt make it for the Interest .of prtir hatters' to cilia: the store of V . - A. TUI ItELL.:I DlaritArr e tre And Cutlery, embracing goad nt• sortmont of MOM:. celebrate 4 Water!mmy . l'ocklit Kahn+, Stuti-ware, &.c. &.e., at , "- TUIMPLL'S. I • :Drugs'lsts , Glasig-Vrare.iA big° 'a6sortm et t t , - TU.EtIiELL's .1 • I I • . Li q tiorm.—A choke variety of Liquors for' inedl tins! pnrposes, - • ' it RELL's.! twil , al Instrusultists.—.Vietink,Boirp;£trinis Rosin, Bridge!, Pegs, and Tall fleees,—aiso Aceordeours, Flutes, Fib ,Claronrt ta, Banjos, Tuning .Forkst -Instruc tion:Books, 3lnsle &c: at lELL'e.i Juwi Iry.—.iiew Rupp y of fuisionable dioretry. LIB dies and Gentlemen, plea.° c Hat th e fancyttoro of • • . ' TEI InEtt.l • raticy Goods ? Yttliikro liiollotts4 &i -1A atge and first tate ageottment: The best pinned° buyer ions,is at the More of - =A. TUIatELL Pet tent -Med le fne.a.--4 great va'riety, `dug nearly all of thenroet valetable !dude,' [. TURRNLL'a; Fine French. • I. W°ll:op:Shawls at $4,9.5. I" p • • thiblson'ii T ov. 1., U. BURROWS dr.. CO. '', 11 Ai L i . . .. .. , A' ST AGEWIII leaie Kirkwood, visaing .khrotitik, tors ' better filo, Liberty, 41 . 0':,, every morning Otter thee 'rd. kat of the Mai ITralno of Care, both Las _s_ and iyestiree :hi. iugllotitipse at I I'. M. - -; _-. .- ' ':' - ' , ' • i - , .', ,R ETUR N . I NG4 - 1l• 1 Les' .' ee Montrose dellyAaullibiya eseelited); it -2 P 4.1. _ rettelitnit Klrtwoosl in' tune to take the. Troia of e. Moll Cars,both Mist and West, lo•hrg the nearest and not fu0..41 , 14) rout cto reach the New York and ;Erie Mailrood4 I -h This flue Intersects& trLsteckly litta.tor Dintock Sirito - Tunklieueock, - Wrildinti, unit WilkOsbno, Which icakoolkitilkofie tit7-Ai - 51 coerY M onday, Weftl erday . knit •-itrii O ci. A, a tile *9 Prictidsvilioriter.iTorill 444 1 -doed , -Meanie and tionifor i tableesrritigeslito toyorlited), soil Lilo /Proprietor/swill moron° pnius to sitcom mods tre h 0 ritte? ?its . ' ~ -. • , 'I. _ W. ILI,TOIL - f. • ) Decenikier 21:1:4 `' -' - ':, '' - .1.10MeM14 41 % . 2 8 'ri• • .. . ioul. petrel, the this enuntY just - • i mp 1 • ,• noir recelvieg's eteli and • - 11 , leant •of Cohlting• Verlag an sheplito*, for Coal, anti in ehauection;lelthC.,:hlf—frevintli mktte a *elect 4/11i romplete:aseaFtteent,Of the itaitimptoted hinds of•• , '• • - • 4 41r Rler . .Preni • l_ pi —• I • ; , Ct hives 410. Anti , Zinc, t t ,•*a ....tehlch be tq the loaccitlAleel re! aliSt reedit 'Nes , fti'ra , e Pv9i~. ek RI t LL. Harm()pity.' 41,2 333 455 100 100 46 I Merrill; i r, •. ' 50 • • 6.1 •• GO LaTh op. . 107 190 - 250 I , NoW ino of MaikStagoci I rztops a.19;1;.1R53 • • I ; ' NOTICE To Wliblesak Dealers and Dealers '6l Atelichati: , dih within -die Colinly of Susgudunnis. - EN plissiituc'e of the Act of *Assembli, of thie . jj Commonwealth, the Act of the 4th day of May, r 4i, entitled .4,an Act to provide reivenui te 'nee the demands upon the Tresstiry,,' tad fo: other rwsee," an Act of the 10th of Aptiii;!lB4si ' entitle "an Act to increase the . revenno:etut di. mlnish.the Legislative expenses of the Commons weu tibi," a n Act passed the 22dtlayofiAprif, 1 1846, " an Act and provide for the - se action the State debt," and en Act passed Alio 10th thq - of April, 1849, entitled " an Act to criate a. sink fund, mid to provide for the gradtthl and eers tam extinguOtneuf of the debt of the Cotlimon- wealtfi'," the undersigned, Appraises of *Orem; tilt Ta'xSs of Susquehanna County, his - pre i pareft- .-• a list of all Aferchants trading within Avid. county.; and placed (Moir of the said Aterchantg fn that class which to him seems right'and jnit according to the provisions of said Act of Assembly.is fol lows, viz: - u • • Vilest lust : 14•44, , 14 14q. 4 I 4 e • 4 1,52 /14 , 2 L 11,06 1f,02 Previttors. Auburn, - John -P. Ltunbert, dO Waltman & Low, Brooklyn, F. W. Allen; Ilu Ezra S. Kent.& Co., dO Tiffany & Smith, • do • It. T.'Ashley, . • do -Nelson 'Tiffany; do - Willi= McMillen, *.dO • J. C. Lie. - - • Choeoput, Francis„Quinmt Gifford, - John & N. Halsted,: do Brundage, & Wi ten, Dundaff, G. Cone& Co. do . ' S. B. Wells, . 4.9 - E. Plunney. do Choreh"& Phin 'ey - ' Dimoek, .L. H. Woodru Friendsyille," A. Wickham, I • Gibson, ' J. Smiley, do N. E. Renedy, dO :U. Burrows & Co. 1;33 1,70 64 1,10 64 .34 7,55 8,05 2,26 2,2 G 1,9.0 8,37 2,39 7,52 2,40 2,86 6,87 6,16 1 00 3,97 dO - Great Bend - do do do do tiO , / do do llx-wous., I do - Asa Howard, !. Henry Langley,::., ,-. • vv. tiytou, - 1 Joseph Dubois, John Mc:Kinney'. Thomas & Whiting L. S. Leolieim MAJ. C. Vail; Tones Clark, • - Taylor• & June, S. A. Lyons, D. A. Leona, (lb B. R. Lions, Alp I Brant .& Chlager, Harf9o, B. F. & Eaton, ,do.; Carpenter & Sibley, do I Johnston & Very, do jS. Seymour, .fierrielr; John Miller, ' Lenox, . A. B. Merril; do E, it. Grow &Bro. Rio Shntts,-Eaton & Co. Montrose, G. IL Hawley, - W. L. & S.H. Mulford, do J. Lyons & Son, . do • F. B: Chandler, do H. J. Webb, do • 'George Fuller - do Isaac L, Post & Co. do M. S. Wilson, do : Bently & do • 'Abel Torre% • - , clo J.t.hridge, - • do D. R. Lathrop '& Co. - ,Middletown; P. P. Hollister ' •do *+ Charles Campbell, New iMilfeid,'Wni. C. Ward, 7,42 G,so. 7,42 4,46 4,16 2,86 2.24 4,46 3,1 G -1,11 7,60 3,80 2,8'2 2,46 :1- T. S. Little, - 0 TT . Bgriitt, do - J. Mc;ss ,& Bro. no !Hayden & Bro.. , do 'J. H. Sutphen, ', I • Rush', • 'll4. Champlop,' -1 o . H. Southwell, o ~ N. Granger -ct Cooley , o _ ! James Tupper, • SusgiaDepot;E. Carlisle, o ' C. S. Bennet,. o ' 'S. B. West, - - do 3, : . H. Smith,' do - Thomas In,gstrum,' . do W. fl. & 1. F.IIUI. • .: - bourd, Co do A. White & Co. do, H. Cohen - -• do A J.. Seymour,. do Edmond Stark; do • A. B. Edgett, Silvtlr Lake, R. Chichester i& Co. : Spnodville, Dean & White, :1• 1 I !do 1 Smith, :, ._ ; 1 dp Scott, Johnson 61.- Co . i 1 Idol .31cMillen 4 - .• Park -! 1 do S. 5.,-Grover,. l. Jackson, PI -Turner; - L Jesspp, • Depue & Cooper l'4 prank tin, J: L. Merriman, 14 • - elp_... : S. Fullek, ' 14 _ i i ;'List of Groceries, 13e4ir houses, . Auburn, John Riely, .: , 8 hppelacon; Harry Barney . '' 8 pi -do _ Wm. Buff . = : • ,' 8 Bridgewater, G. N. Allen, 8 , Dundaff; • ' Enoch Chambers, 8 jPriendsville John Robbe, - - 8 'Great Bend, Jelin Comstock," 8 ! • !do Lueien Scott, ' i 8 j 'do • , Corwin & 31illspaugh, 8 lldo . M. 31. Moe,. -.8 I I ; 11 do ' , Daniel Evens, • 1 8i! I j _ _do :•' L. CarPenter,, :,8 ;':, 1 - 'ido , Win, Smith, •, , - - 8 :i, 1 Harinony, „ Whitcomb 4.!, Newman,B I;Liq. Liberty, •':A. A. Beeman; . ! ;-8 li • Montrose, A. blerritran; • - ''• 7 'do . E. Bacon i .• • .: .- 8 -,i / :do - - F. ll:Fordharn, 7' l: -- do ' I. N. Bullard, '' 7 1 : 141q. New Milford, I Miteholl. & 11:tiding, .8 , t 1 Susq'aDepat,Daniet KnapP,',, - . • ..TI -LN. do" -- 1. S. Skinner, -'• flii_Liq.: do • • Win.-Ustick, 1 -' 8 'il Lig - . --. 2do . , Harvey Smith, . - do , =Georgo EgglestoW, '1 li do • •,. James Bell, r. • Bii.. - do - . N. C. &.:D. W. Norton . IL-do r k,' .W. W. Clark . - • 8 do ' ; Perrino "& Sou, . ~. ' 8 ik. do • Stegfa,Opperatio '. ' 11, - - - 1 -.-, - • . Associationi i - ‘l3 1 do - • - Edward Harnoo,- ' 'VI! 1,1%. .- ' do . Frederick Pickering, 8 lj_ • ' • . 'do •:- Bissell & Stline, „ , 8i! utt. And the Judges of the' _Court •Ot Common Pleas of said County, 'will bOld a C.dutt 'ix Appit at the Court Honsoln Montrose, in and for sal. CbUnly, on Wednesday dui. 30th day;" of ilii - nei!, at. one &clock. P. M., at tithiebitlitie an r..* p any of the Merchnnts dermixl, ,desenbo, - . and, classed`as afore said, or their agent or atto.- ney,;,, may appear and appeal frOm'said, Asset ~ meot if they think proper. , - • 1 -.. ,:,1 .. ! 1 G. W., LEWIS,-1311eAppralsor. , Dimock, March i951;185 , 1. •• - '';--; II iARDEN. StEtlS--AVholtgde, Auld 80b. - 11316.1 1 11 Y wirruntia.` all'Orts of Gondi, t. TURRVIAL'S. S-LCING Good 4 chtap.-to rout' kw. ACW Supply at ' - TURitsll:B. 'TY AY: for:sale in Forest, Lake; ' .; • " A AdminiStratora Notioe rit'OE und . ersigtii..4 having- bentt,Appninied /' • , niinistratorstO the estate of Jo))1.-Bards 4r' ceased OE DIMOCk townsh i p reqqstii those _7 . .dehteti. to'i'said'egAn'tn tnake • paktriellt imme ately, and those -Bolin t lalins - agaltist sold•cati; present them for payment. , . • • • I ts W PEanrit.% - - 41.'8. Wits* -Montrose, March 13, - 1854--:11 w 6. fiAßmet Weer SPriPtCGoods, '. - - rrHE' subheribor is,i,. : ncky motviottlit, us. J an i supply of gpfing wait 'Simuktr. *a; : offers them for alsl4ita tlieal44 the, c , - Pm , . --, - , .11.‘ Li. - itiontroso, - .March' 15,j8A4. ' '':': • !I . _ ' 'Pork,PI we and Raul. ,4L- PE*. bafralii tour, extra lit ichlganbro,- /V' Atieldopii is rli. aail, snitsby dui harm! "" '7IAVOWIX: 11- ivlst - Joe lipod at pelt Nill moot ptirt .r.- ,slo4lielfeiPet6ll-6003. ',Horse powers & -stow Engli rot laid -.vivo poise Pcweritor . .. thoshf ut. 1 1 4- 7 other pimioses, 711,11;ttief. - 4rit i i Pi Steam Engine rorii!ale tom. - 4itz SAylt . C; tjGgTLly Ar.(PZIRICIr um mu? ITa es &b. Orappror• I • 4 3 itiq.. 4 4_ .4r 4 :4-, 1,1-3, 1 4 14 .1 - 14 1 , I ■ 'l4 • ,14; ƒ 114 ;114 112 141, « 113 liq. 111 Lk. 14 - 13 3 1 , 1 , 12 111. tiq. 4 4 14 12 1 14 ,; 112 - A 114 1 13 14 1' 13 1? / 14 1 1 13 4 12 ' ll . /Y ;} 14 1 ._ / 73'_ II Lk ., 14 Liq., 14 Pq. 12 14 14 "1 13 ,1 13 1 Pq. 13 14 11 14 14. 1 14 13 13 14 12 14 TT q ' 1 Lin -3? 1 1 Lig.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers