se pentotrat, Uttattr ------- THE LARGEST IMATIoN IN IiORTIIERN IsEtaN'A. CLIASEA ALVIN DAY, Enrrolis' r 7.llconirtrie,, April 20,, 1851. . • 1 ---*- The _ Railrolid Ride: -' ~ • .. , l All aboard"—thol captain's song, • .r , . 1 . A puff—it jerk,-W6 roll along, . And quicker now, the pulTsueceed,. ~ . . And now we go it Iwitli,(roml speed: 1 • i , ' And here% a r0c.1. 1 and . there's a ridoy.• Here's a house we've crossed a bridge— Here's a ehurckoh, What a steeple ; - . Here's a crowd of gaping people; : 1 There's'a womirabe on a log; - - ' • 1 Yonder is a barOng: dog; • • - • ... -.! Here's a river, th re's a brOok ; i•• - i Hans the road in !got a crook; - , - : • Or% the river is a ship : ; , , • Here'in bop, he As a whip ; .. • .•- -• ,i • i Here's( a shop of dolish tqs ' I : There's a School f girls and ' boys • i. There's a river . o ce. again; -, Yonder fields of growing grain ; `, • i There's a cow, and yonder sheep; . . There's a tratiL-bli!s fast naleep.; •-. . • 1 Here's a rabbit -berg's a &Oriel; . - 'i LoOk out, there't s pretty, girl ; ' . - i ••Belles a Pond—i a full of fishes • - • LoOk out yooder'‘vhat a fountain;; . :Over yonder is a mountain, -- --4• •-. .- I - .Hero's a valley, t - 's a hill; . . . . i - r 0 • , Yonder is akold,Saw mill— " .... •- . .1 .. , SO thoie trees all out in blossom— • • i * There's'a man, his'a•,playing possum; Here's wlad.with striped•trOusers; ' • Thm:elit a city=-fee what houses; ' • - • Nov the whistle sounds again.:...- - There h we're safe7-= they've stopped the train; Let its up and, getbut side - , We did'nt have a 'Smash up' ride! - - • I , •• 1 .._, ~.. • . . ptillirtmcitts. larincr . . , ep Pi oughing. ! : We must agam;,urge upon t ottr.,readerS - . the g - reat, importan l o Of deep plowing in the first breaking up of heir ground for corn. f !We hearit often sal lilt is b‘tter to plow 'shallow e l. for corn, and to go dee er for the succeeding, crop of oats, bu. rive hav , -seldom..found ! this 1 .. to" be done, if th sliroper depth was not at tained in the fin i tbreakink . up:Of tiro sod: 1 * - In nearly" eve TY section of the country dliere. will be found farms where the soil has; not been stirred, sineo .the forest was cleared ; -deep, er than three to five inehes, the latter . depth being considered an exirOine. We knoW of one case where a =farmer threaten&l to.: . Whip a lad about 16, who was his •plowman; _all . arontid the field, if he was able to detect the least evidence of' upturrnA yellow clay when the plowing was! finished.. z, • 1• - _ ____. The c2nseque ii.e of this unreasonable prac tice has been, to restrict the sitpplies of- food ;or crops to a' gi , . en and limited 'portion of ,`oil, arid by a ctntinued practice of cropping or a long series of years,- to ,exhaust this . of ' the necessary inorganic elements 'which enter' more or less into the constitution of plants,. and are as indspensable to - their 'healthy growth, as air, liglit or heat. A. friend of our,'l near Philadelph'ii„ raised last. seastat one • of the 'best.crtips o "itches iii his town Ship by sim- . , ply ploNi-i ng.six ildles deeper,bn au old, worn out and neglect d field than the plow had,eY cr before gone, ~ nd Without aiiv , manure.- 7 Our friends in the; south are often ridiculed , for.-their_wastefui habits' of farining,.and dis- 1 position to leave their lands worn out by im provident cultnrei . and Vommence again their system of exhaustion on a new soil. . The sons of Many of our northern farmers - are guilty of the same. . tiling,an4l . Consider ,firming ;will , not pay whe their . crops are; dimitfishing, I chiefly for want of goinga trifle . deepc,i with the plow. Theris literally a mine oft mine.: ral wealth very ften an inch or two! below the depth of our Ordinary' plowing, r ind which only needs.tnrni g up to the influence! of sun and air to beim ediatelyn available. . l Anoth- r l i er very importm i advantage is that, by . -a greater depth o Soil you counteract the ef fects' of a too d 75e.,11.50n, br a too wetone. In the one case, th roofs have a chance to pen etrate in search ;,f moisture, and in tale 'other the ei,:cess - of W:iter 'has an 'opOrtunity to' stagnate about . the roots of Ie 711(...bigan, and deep mould :more sought for the ;present 0 - er recollect to haVelknown, tS one of the very beSt 'signs le' reason and common. sense too obvious to escape 'the at- . Ttelligent fanner, While we that a cold subsoil, turned up le !first time,may net lx; imnle le'to the quick germination! of seeds, we also say that lost obvious. In - the present a -very frillirig expense for of lime, guano, or: poiidrette, iOrn, Will stimulate its varly roots are able to push / .doirn. o. — We have repeatedly . . seen planted ou Contiguousfarrlisi 3, on shallow' and deeply prow-1 no stimulus was applied to the!, nrh on the former the corn the advantage for the first fewll ten invariable excelled by'ther o: . selista was , over,both iniqUal4 ttnd appearance. 1 - 10 110 . / re dubous on the sub theyi r a to try . part of they field,' .by,.; k4rl pair of hoises or oxen ttc. lettingjt sink 8 to - 1.0 inches, " us the !comparitive resultS , .1 Farm Joilrual.—Farm, pass off, and dot' plants. _ . • .S.uloir, doubl bohrd plows are: spring than 'we ( and we hail it aF , of the times. T. of the tiling are tentiOn of the-it. - willingly admit to the sun foril , diately, favorably and early growth the remedy is iti 1 era of fertilizers superphosphate I to, each bill of el growth till the I x ___ in search of foo d arid known'eort the same se.asOn ed lancl,` , where 1 ' hill, and: althout ?eared to . haye" . . weeks, it has lit latter before the ity ofprixlnet i where farmers :i may be indttee attaching an f. the plow, and 1 1 and then givini next the na/..r. , .• '' „.. , Successful llviadeea ofch.. Grafting; the . , , • , . , P • ! To succe.ssfully graft the Veach • tree, . has been universally considered next to an inipo6-; sibility," ti bit in nsequence of the ease and sue.6ess'of hfid ing, this concession has!secm ed of, but little practicable itnTortance. 3 - Yet evert One "of (I) least experience in building has been nog ected qr unsuccessfully per fornied-, might e saved - and' rendered' Yalu- u able if graftin eouldlhe perfonued with suc 7 . cess• _ lam aware Dr. l ,Page-pf Washugton, published "sad Opyrighted about a year ago, -a method - of fang the peach,Jor which be claimed -armee- ' equal !to that utter ding iir- di nary graftin ” lEsplan :consisted,incheek ing the growl -- of i* tr ee ,gini t ata neo l i T y :,. with grafting, y transplanting, or toot ', fru . rung,: : - ' The play given lA° ' is more sirt)le, and from _limited, experienc * I should think more . Subdessfgl. 'i - , 1 - I - ~. It consists in gratin early, - as or oilier stone fruitAin the . ..lna , tier of the . coupon. cleft ! , : , .: .' - . 1 - , 1 - The side scars are to be witsed in the Usu al manner, the Cleft - ,fillo, and the .cud - ofr stub toveed w tlt warm or melted' corn - tion ciotti, to Tt rent curling of the bar ,it Thrif4la . plan ill succeed, is a dernonst r ra- ted feet - but - hi how - great, 4, proportion-cepa- 1 ses, experience too linrited to - determin - 6 1 , I Suffice it triArn ~ that eight scionS set in• ;jiff ; . erent bisnelies lot:s the . n - e tree, all lived ttud grew::.frith !astonishing rapidity. Will others give'thi Pfeil - a trial and report the * result- C;Gibbs, M. DI, -Perry,loltio. - T b:sitilli, fed; n,0," • ici;c;p. t o is a. ", se. , ti, ii I • o Ctire CrOlcsiiill!ors :Os illO f ,, r .(Our friend,, Martin Bell; t i ,sq. ; (if Buir d om r . - tv . entis ItHthe following !retne,'ly' I for . hpo er telt :-H"iWhen the: eraciki open,; and. make's th 1 horse - lame tage a pileceoe light hoop! it •n; six Ott eight holes i 4 it, soqbat three o fo tr- inay.,e . oine on e. ch Rile of Ole crack; an. 6 it tollie, hoo f Ai n . .ar the 'tali rt.% the solid . Fit of the , hoof solid p : perna. 'gave the p psite fOotllield tipb , an iasistrint, andfaste the plate tO its pla . ee in 4 . wOrkthaplige two nqr, with ,- ood screws abiatt threeLsixteenth otl an inch in-length.. The holes for the serew, 3.ltould he -,niade iititl eboOf wi th a sinall.spri.r. Bing aWI. I, If y; O° thei horse tai 13 - ~ proper either ridden or wor, ed Witho4 . lhitpitt - r - --' - 1 • - But to mike the en; ‘ pelfeet, aisoreimuSt b. made :it the top of. tto licitof Where' the hail. ! commenee l s', thigh it :t j+' he dbne with an inc , t 'chisel *guarded so as too not cut! deep. Alit . tle . poke Tea or Om thing elk! should be in sorted in the Wbund . (iinake a Soreotud it ! done. :I have-iseen t 1 te:plate reinain on: two or three Months, am knOW from -e*periene . thatit is much prefeltabli, to any outer !nod' I ever tried, where the horse 'lls to be used:"- - --Parin Journal: I ' : ;. ; , i 1 • - .ranger to the re an iufroductio . . Sotitc nirolers, Mr; Folitor`,. decry' . the oat crop as nitprOfltable ' whettinstead of blanliag the grain they. slionhthlatte themselves. I, Thy rear 01v.:* of . tsinnpreiltietivene;ss, is that it is required to groW Where it eau hnd nothing tip cat: Give Bats the advantage of. a generous and kindly still, 'and, always reward thb eultirator,as well, if nut more -abundantly; than most other'-grains! . TIM ehrlieroats are got in the bettor chance:is tliereofa good eroft . and rennmerating yield, therefore prepare and put iti'good , order` as .goon eat) be worked--,plow deeply, It:m.4W well; and roll the-sitrface;iespeciaily if tlai soil be light. I have'lfoitil to:attempt to .irro* oats on poor and sterile sOils, : is a useless waite of time and cash..> Asa geaeral :'one had better Sell.hia F.eed and hire out or Pasture his stieldS than ailoPt this 'conirse. . . o . ,ne:- .ScE l'orA.tots. of our:friend:l,a ver • dose atiii intelligent ObSkirvcn. as well as'good -practicalfartneri. has been in the habit fol. manyients . of selecting the' lat*.j.t and Ablest. 'potatoes for seed. ' l'hotie who hilve purchased or hitn have Ion"; marked one . peculia'r4 a ! - bout them not fo" und elsewhere,rthat they ar'e tieaily..all'of a uniform i size,with, no irniall one.s.uuxJil thtiough_thent. Ins neitrliborslut ebserved.lthis;lWithoitt knowing - the rea§on, Which our frie . ndattributeS cnti)7ely :to .' sele& : . a ti nr • th e ;rod' a.... ,i a'h 'ye . for ■,conise /mar ancl thuselest,ablithn '.• the size a. 4 apes anent, 1 ., eltameteristie. - Oat like prodtiees like is th 4 foundaticin . of all improvempatrn bOth Ivege table find m§ ]f 2T§ advantages rer spee- ' f • li cf I . lr ur , or 9.nall' ilett'oed for ''seed' .tye ~ , 1 „.,... .. ••; , , ... !, haye 14.4 ben bef4e . the I iltilie, ,24 t 4 estion ita4: civierally "been deeided after the trial of al sinkle season or tWo swoons. Whea the effect ; wifitild:not.b4; pereeptible. t[ Ilere.fsti the - other hand, are. the res4llB from c l oud nu-4 care for a mime 4 of years,aud,we considet. t li emit ighly illte rest f ng and impOr tan t—llt rni J4ltentst.r . • : i I.T 1 . 'i .. • :I - .i r ! r ; • ' : __ - _ • 7 ----7"--"- "-- - - - A Svo 17-'-''. Printers.-- ---'--- ---'------ . --------=-'• ' . ------4-7---- • te o . rinterg. : . , 1 •- I. 1 - • In this 'officeare tip nty. printers engaged; ... onl- at them ! ;In ages, ranging tiot .t.- .100 k,.,, tWeittl. to fort rfin sine nacarnPlexiot , froat , , the .oretinary stout'-;•w -., never knew a fat.iirin ter—to some thrit i m .o.ltt, crawl throttsch . :a greased flute; septe as white ..4 Circassiarti and' otken - brown o. ' rosy---your Geargt: Cracker .1 or Pentisylmnia publican. Soni bearded .", ike therPard, 'others sin ootlaacett 45 tke: ,GmieA.- Slave.' i .040 has travelled all ':ove', the Non 1 Anu . “4pat6 klontitteM;lhunted beats in Arkan-t.asoii. title Wild horse in the paiti= pis , of so*li Anterica; n another ;has bee- on on the b ad ocan,land.has - se4ni life b.efo*. the Mast Another graqiiate4 at' , Wrest - Point, t t . ....erv i ed inl the army, and acCompanied'. Co) Doniphan in hisiXenaPlianie, grand campaign allOver.lN. Mexico. . What a . book he. can write '..4 l ,..k.riotli . 'has kept tavern, sold good: at laiiction traveled offer the . I.Tnited. Stat i .l 1 - soteral nano ; , ba r been well loff:and broken- ÷ often: ./Two'hat'a been on the; "stage;.' a pra t - - , Te,ssion printers rite lunch' addietetl to; for .a- ! bout half the actors of thu .14terican . hoard's are printers.." .lie we i believe :11:i$ I preached sermons anotli , rlas s ved in 3lexico" Witt Geh. See t. A Sixth ha beenastuMperata', metidter Of the Itegisla ure ..out West, an'l. fought a dii el,We ;beli e ve. Three-have practiced Medicine, kept Store, deali , ,in ho w, cot ton;• 1;• 1- • and tteg,roc,4,' . Two lave ben .officers. I Faurl r or 'Five have been a icm,pr priVates ih' various ,nillitaryl companies. ,- ',Ole served with Gen. Ilnuston in the Texan' *volUtion; and 1 once the ganapian rebellien.t! .; Six, or 'ieight have e, i..til .andtptiblislied tic*paFirs in v - rious p fits of the . United SiA" . tes. One 14 , i licen_ o ice f of a!, packet on . tlt'a ..`i raging el •itaWl,."; 10 he was . :Weinided-It off—at the -storMing•4f 'Monterey. , Anoaer has'elerkciti it on a l MiksissiPpi steamer ? " , wili blown upand sliglglylkiilo.: , 1 'Some; are,' orlNave been mar ried! ISotnel are ;dld brichelOrs. All . lave seen more or leSsliof life and ;its Changeable scenerTh s., ey am all live• inen, good practi cal printers; spettk various lanc* . and froin i l a newspaper corps 14:14 to,sufkiss or eipa.l.4 Gin. U,' ionist. 'i - : .1 - • t 4 I -I - iiiiiiaglAmer.- ea. 1 it lth t` ' ' ir .-b ' ' an 1-•o,mi ion op, in the trnit+.l StateS are now ntien ling- the !finions institn vtiouslofleaming in this) cOuntry. This is in deed-a formidalile army, and at may safely be allirmed, that the future Poli4cs and Policy q tla:nation will Terc soot do end upon the political vie l - 6 by those entertained now at sck : .-, , Th&.'se h.'vs will Floonle totem,-` and Islia in givitig . di eittions to the vastinterept 1 , i i l4 hied in onr el coons. ' It !may therefofe he 'f - interest to a, I pho watch the signs pf • 1 the times" to ask, fan , • at; influence and agencies the young ricans, are subj ted. _What )ii the ,e;eneral-tone of sentimenta oig if ri then} . • -What, hoolia do they !read! - Yh'fit is the character of the pt'pubir literature pr of the times? The are ' , questionsof deep import, and in our iieW -the future is full of promise, foi - we :hare no doubt, that the "All Hai 'irlwill'proire- that noble :this, " 1 i , , and geni e 0u04f.,:a, will, be Telt in soCiety ton _greater atent than heretofore. , Society in America now feels the impulse from our in'iri terial-pibspelity, anchliii daf:i6 not far dis tant,. -tvlii , ti a powerfulil*ection will be given to the,thought and moi l illicnter, of the pee:- 'pie from the,liands,o those now' 'classed in the 'centis retu ins 1 ‘ youth .A stibool." The Young' 4n erica of t e school rooms will soon ‘. be of age, aud sreaki oil its,elf.l---.Nsten Tralz scrifit. I . - 1 ',' i -1 , , A n tinecdote is related of ait l aid lady who . orterthiped tray eller4' r Before her guests com menced; a meal it lapis her custom. to'' `ask; a blessing: She alw';ys delivered. herielf , this wile : "0 Lord, make Ili truly thankful -for the food befgre Mimi, hand *round thccorn bread first, arA then 414 biseTtita 4f terwaTda. men." k I'AV n ari I 'll. lh ' • ' the gayer Sir 1 .9nic 1 I ' l . , 1 3 ~ the bp'rneks they, linta,on,, :lhetter tit y feel, We g§t; ibis from aulcdd bachelor, who was early era wed is lore and afterwards sent itt to.lllo.lkawul)rokizwl-liasine.ssl 1 •,. AFFLICTED TREAD. Pi ILADELPHIA tIIFDICAL illOUSE—Established ' years ago by Dr..KINKRLIN;eorner of. Third & Union sts. between Spruce Sind Pine, l'hiladetphia, Pa. Inwailist.* are apitrised that, Dr, KINKELIN confines his raetiee to a pat Wider "branch of medicine; which en gages 111.4 undivided attention. Ice.eautions the unfortunate against the abuse Olt mercury; Ithoirsands are annually mercutialised out of IWO. Recent affections are promptly ; extinguished.d I • I Twentylrwtarsisif Experience In the tvestment of a class of diseases hitherto neglect* and Imperfectly au &Wood, bascnableillfir. KVSKELINi(Aertion or A won x ow Sete PSIRSICILVAtiona to prime that nine tenths, of l he causes of nervous deliillty,lacal and enustit ntional`weak• tress, m f!n tal and Physiealauffering, are ttneeable to ccrr lain habits, forming the. most secret Iyet deadly and fatal springs ofdemestle misery and premature mortality. ' Take eitirtietilar Nelliee—nThere is an evilltabit sotnethnesindulgedin by boys, iwsolit ude, oftin growing -up with them to eranhOodond" which, if not reformed in due time, tvlt hnly begeis serious obst aciel to matrimonial happiness, but gives tise to a series of protracted. insidious, and devastating affections. Few of those who'give way to this pernicious practitte are aware of the consequences, until they find the nein/I:pus system shattered. feel strange and unaccountable feelings, and vague fears in th.ernind.. Tile unfortunate thus affected becom6 feeble. Is linable to,labor, with ocertstromed'vig„or, or to apply his mind to study.: his Step is tardty and weak, he is dull, irresolute, and-engages In his sport With less'energythan USUAL If he emancipate himself before the practice has dine its worst, and enter matrimony. his marriage Itawnfruitful-and s sense tells him - th ati t his is causNi by ijiq early follies. Thew art eortsiderarenis frhich lihouLl awaken the attention those si,inllarly situate: narrlaire rerialrestite fulfilment of several condi tions, in order that l* may be really the eattse•ormutual happiness. • Could taer yell which covers the origin of do !nestle weetchednesi i e raised rind its true goncee in every instance disclosed-1u how Many could it be traced to Om; teal tilminlitleationSand their attendant disappointments! ATiply them while , ills jet time. In order to have your un strung and relaxed I arimnlzatlon rebraced,•revivilled and strengthened. t•I 1 1 It Eti £ iCIiT. it-rife whri places himself under - Dr. - KINKELIN'S treatMmtt may religiously confide in his hon or its a gentletimo,and rely upon the assurance, that the se l erets of-Dr. K's. patients will never be disclosed. Young umn—let trofaise modesty deter you from mak ing your etitrekimwtitokne who,from education and respec • tabillty,mtneertainlY befriend you. Tonmany think tfie.if will conceal the secret in their own hearts, and cure themselves. Alas! how often is this ,a fatal del nsiortll,and how many a promising. young man. who might have been an urn:intent to society has faded fromthe earth. • Strictures of the urethra are rapidly removed by the application of a nor tlierttp cutler% t agent. tt.edonly by Dr. K. .Weaknessand constitntional debililyi prompOy cured, and lull vigtir restored. ' Ctrs try ItsTrtll Cat* , baye, (by stating the easc l explicitly„togellter w ith m th hit: t symptoms, periet ter enclosing a remit tan ce) ; Drl K's. medicine, appropria ted accordingly, Forwarded t anYnart of the Tufted S. tates;and packed srcute from DAMAO e or CURIOSITY. • I - • RE AD ! !-,-Youth and Manhood; A I%;orous re: orA Premature Deatli. Kinkelin on Si.ll: Pre sc:ireal on-011y 25 Cents. .4 is a work emitie . htly required, as a means of ro form ingthe rices of th•tiage in •whieh we lire. Algo, . - , •t • SA,TURE'. GUIDE. Int i r li rules for Mc Pralonzolioliqf Life,just frouithe Press , letter with a relulttanee of 25 cen or the ral• starris, addresiest to:—Dr 'KINK ELI N.Phihidelphia, rilh scenic- copy - of either .of the air wc . e boul;c !)y rmofinait; or 12,eopies will he sent free of postage •l• GOnrassersi Travelling Agents, &r . lied wholesale at the Publisher's priers, whleh admit large profit.' - -All Letters mrisc be phst-r4O r vi Pa. Teti, for. Pup! alia,. California, Austf any plirce'okli Globe, eannol present greater ii darer:tents . than . • . KE F; L STE) DDA R BOOT 1 SHOE STORE. rid* fitted with a new a exten - assotnent of articles io. their line, embracing, a gene al vaiiety of new and elegant. styles of Ladies:iind Gentlemen'et wear, among: which are Ladieii iFrench, Silk Lasting and Pre nille Gaiters; Kid , and Enaineled Polkas,: Kid Pat ent leather and; bronzed jenny Linds, Buskin's and Tics; geutlerhen's French and Philadelphia oak-tanned calf it4in'and kip Boots, Congress and button Gaiters, Monterey and Washington Rooti, toilet Slips,- 11106r:co, calf. and Cowhide Bro.' Bans, &c. /Hopi, kip, calf and. cowhide Boots and Brogans ;;all kiudkof Misses" and Children's 'wear. Also, a general as+prtment 'of Findings, which con sist in part of Iligts, pegs, sparables. /Inngarlan nails, tacks.- thread, wax, :Bristles, shoe. binding, awls,t asps, rai4itones;shoe knives, &.-e . Also, oak and hemlock cinned calf upper \ and soleleath er,.Morocco and linings. 1 Work made to Order and IT pairing neatly d‘ne. 1 KEELER' & STODDARD. • Montrose, Jun ei 1.1853- SIFSQIc I .IOANNA, COUNT IC STOVE_ AND TIN WARE DEPOT. L. tVEkISTER 4• CO-would respectfully I - • inform the,fteople of this county and the people in,zeneral;lhat they have opened an estab-, lishment of theliove• kind in 3lontrose, at the old stand of Sayre and Webster, one • door north of the Dzmnrat.offid, where they intend to keep on hand a lar4e assortinent of- Stores Tiu, Copper, Brass and sheet.jrim Wares:all of which they .will sell as cheap as they can be bought hi this or any other county. Among our stoves may be found the following besides ethers numerous to mention:- . . • - A, r. Y. 4! F.:,-ie,.air-tight, for' wood. 'Pr ' Modern.,py . • " ' : or coal. Kgysion6 Stale . 0 - " • . " Vulcan : • •,. Bay Staid, . .". " ' " : Fares! Q4ecn, &rata' Orc,n. Mohawk;:i .• •I . " i Also, Parlor;.Offid,e and sl op Stores, Colver'siTat int./lot-air Furn4ces for testing Public Buildings, stores, Hotels. etc. Stor Trimming, Pipe, Zinc, sheet Lead, Lead ;Pipe, Well and Cistern Pnmpe, Chain Putnps,C.littins and Gea - ririg. . 10 - All kinds Of; Custom, Work. done. on short no tice and most retmonable terms. Our motto is small profits, ready par; and quick returns. 1 • * a *All kinds of ;a nd at ken in exchange for Wares: If yori ;het. believe it, call an see. • A. L . WEBSTE & CO. Moatrasesept. a 5, 1853. 1 • • •INFAIN 0111 4 4. flint assortthentnow comprises almost every article .wanted, mid we fear some that, are not wanted,:ivihich we will sell at cast and some articles tit] less than cost.on - that' same account,. - 11. T ., BURROWS &Co. Gibson 0CL2d,..1853. .:SHAWLS. j• gilk• WOOLEN I LONG - SHAWLS, all 1111. quallgOs, and beautiful , patterns, at rawly low prl4t.s.- ' U: BURROWS. ibson, . . • Buffalo Bobes. • • Large lot, of theth Orrice whole Robes at a very small' advance on the cost. ,Gibson, Nor:I.I,.BURROWS & Co. . , - • - The Aitist'n Greeting. I 1 Friends, Pairqns, and ?verybody, an other mile .stone has been'reached on the journey of lifef-` another degre&has been arked on the smlo or time—another: link hasbeen severed from the chain of the flitUre--anot er page has been writ. ten in the greaq volumelof the past—and again t we witness the,right oppning or a 'New Year: M K vilt w • And S, arly dae meet you, If And with !*i happy', new year"' greet you. And now; as yilul;review the year. Just departed,, and dwell upon its joys ;ind sorrows—its privi-. leges erikiyect, pnd its ;duties neglected; per chance, some Of on hay . 4 neglected 'to call on the Artist :and secure one of those " FailAfu Shildince ' ' c IVhicii light and art, wsh magical spell, y Working, together, can Catch so well! But you may yetredeemithe past. As t you lay your plans for, th'e advancing year, let this occupy nn early arid - ptonlinent place on the programme of your future' lt4entions.i • - Would you leave a lasting impresson behind you? Comet the Dagnerrean Gallery! Would you "see yourselves as others see you?" Come to the l?aguerrenn Gallery. Would you make an appropriate, 'present to a ch 2 trished friend? Como to the Picture Ro4ms! nd beside all this, would you aneouragh art, and make glad the heart of the Artist . I Then let it appear by Promising. here, . That d'u'ring the year Fifty Pour, 1 You will,one and all, be sore to call At " Odd TFellewil Hall," Second Floor. - '• B DEANS. MentroSe,lani: 2, Mt , irgAium SHOP. ' • trILIE .undersigued ha* established a shop in 1.-• the basemept of Mr.; Sayre's Store,in. Mon trose, where they; will at 411 times keep on hand FogsmrrandDlo3trarto Minims, and manufacture the aamellito•ldenumentS, Tomb-stones, Table tops, &e., dtc.? • .4 fcr Thepatipusge of Rik public: isrespectfolly solicited. CONGDON '& BEVIER Montrose, Asitg:4l2s,lBs3—tf. ..,. . • . BICOPVALfIi • ROUES. - it qroNcE 10 cj4st'reteiveof, nnd offered !or by ' ".! -'1 S(lOrr • r, JO I NSTON & Co. ' Springville, Der. 3i1.,1853. Li • . ' i I . • • ' 1 11,iiffalo Robes. A Cholee lot, artairill be nOtt, lov, by . . •!, L; , ~. ._ 11. lIIISRITT. New Mitforli;Clet .15 I 1853. ' " •. DAGS,..iVaiitoit at : • 1L • i TURRELL'S. Stover.: ::Skoves: number"—Eitos's raitlitned 4 0ne Price Store. Ilurford, CARPENTEit'S HOTEL. m - 1 " ti'k thk")t.; (Fon 11.1 • 0 , IIEAT PAL 'Tint' subscriber; having, rentiki this Weil known IL house; and re-fitted arid re-furnished in good style, is now pretiM:A .rece and entertain guests: This honk is delightfully situated on the banks of the Siliqueltannall river, on_ the line of the• New YE,ijrk and Elie, and the Delaware, Lockawannaand W,iistern RaiNl,onds; 4orlooking as most beautiful.segtiOn.:ot eduntry, and is the panorrna of sceneryitineinallott anywhere. As-A 51T31m3 7 .1: - Risont for the businesS man Seeking quietiand .freedtim from the !noise. and din of eity.,.%:, and - for 14d,ies 'lntid gentlemen in pursuit of Plensurwamid;the Oral scenery of the 4.tountry, , this tocatien-caiMot lte eiittallCd. Here the weary tratelletqs - Seeure ftoth the' confusion incident to the continuallarriviil arid departute of trains, , which, i t espcei:iii in dip night ,!;time' is,a Very great andovanee to4lMse pt9ppinglat houses very near theifiepOt. • • • /- I Itslloots nre new .Pleasan,t and well furnish ed ; his Tablewithinli the ,lelreaCies which both country and city MnrketS atTofd ; no . pains Will be spared to make itis house aideasant home to all .his mieks. ;1 • , wilbbe eonveykl to and from the ears, at nny b lur div-or;nirit 'lna good Omnibus . free of charg,(i. • r -- fir A 1.114 - .ny:STAnt.r..i4 attached to the. House. • ! • VirARPENTER.. GrOat'Bend, June 27iti, 185 I—'2,(itt• • • 4 Bryant .111,louNit , Gketat' ll' end i',l)ot, . 1 'il rit. • r •t fIIIS new and 3P:wit:ohs building. situated , but ' ..1.: 3 tew felt from the Depot at Greta Bend, is now opened 4ndittrnished in n suitable style for a i'ublic.flotthe, arid Will be , ' ; kept open n.t all, hours, (both 4ay alid night,) f'Or the reception of travellers; anß es*billv for qte - accommodation of passengors*avelling!On the N. Y.& Eric & 4, & W. ItailrondSibeing at thejunetinn of these two reads, and the; nost convenient ;point to step, in and take n4freslifiten6 and be off with thefirist train, as n - -'ell las Viii most conienient 'Muse ta tie commodate the puhlie, it is is4:W CLE.\N !Ind' WBOLBSOME!iiIth 'toomsienough to tweom.. modate ALL, beingrfitteti up With: new fUrniture to corresp,ond, and tablet{ alwiiys.set, With Ne•tOt ''..ut:ALs and )uxuries*furni-bed gat aj moments . varnino .:3'- i .. i; l .! kr"Passengersidesiring 'rest :and, 'sleep, can, by calling bete, avoid the inconvenience of taking an omnibus ti.) find an iftn, as 4 well as . 1116. delay and uncertainty oqeturning to the depot at the srrival or delarture:ofilie trains ; as a porter will be in waiting!to coriduct4hea!with their-hiiguage to the &yam! Hot*, I.)ust :Wtoss the Way," and conduct them: back'zgaut, without fee or reward, taking speeia carp; to.ftvake !them if 'desired at 1 . i 4 any hour of tle nigbt: ,i i , ' : The 16eati4n. of the Bryantl! House; with the natural.seenery ainint it - eAnibine to make it a very desirabro SIMMER RESORT for business men and'others inq toes city tvito may wish 'to "cast on' earoPlor :# feW day* to recruit ,in the eoUntry. _ . I. 1 A LaroT and flomm6frinta Hall • . -;:. ! is attached t‘ . ) f6f. the ctinvenienee of pleasure 1 5 Awitts, who . map always find goad aecommodatibns litire,ivithout regard to numbers with warm slableslor their teams, and reliable help to wait Uporviben . t. , . :i"r' For further partieulara inquire at the Bryant Douse of the proprietOr. • . - I - ADDISON BRYANT. Feb. 1853-7ttli . ... Invalids of Pennsylvania,. "Veer attention is,?urgentty invited to a careful L and candid pefusal of something that has just been introduced intO youerichi and time honored State. ' 1 , $ - , Pate-n=l 4r' s lIWro Electric'Voltaic' Chains. ' , i A new and novel Onodu of applying a powerful remedial agent, so cOustincted as to be 'worn under the gartnents; next to the skin producing a constant uninterrupted current of Electro Magnetism,efFect ing immediate relief;froin the most acute pain, and alsol permahent core of all Nervous Diseases. It seldom has l'iled to t furnish almost instant relief, and a final, permanent eitte, by being used accord : Milo directiOns, to the f0110win,,, , , diseases,--Rhen matism, Gout, Sciatica, Paralysis, Painful and Swelled Joints, Nettie Igia"of the face, Diseases of the Spine. Denfneis-tand Milliners, UtOritie Pains, Palpitation cif the Heart, Periodical Headaohe, St. Vitus Dauce, General Debility; Pains / of the Chest, Hyeterics, Dyspepsia., all diseases that !are caused by n. deficient amount of Nervous Fluid' are greatly relieved, if not permanently cutedby simply wear ing the chains a few.hotirs each day.. - Be., it Understood that it is hot claimed that it cures all diseases, brit only those flu whictt t, is rec ommended; 'and moreover we boldly clai 'and de fy that no medicinal ugent.of any kind lia perform ed so' MANY cures during thd;last year , of those ti diseasesjust named as , 1 , , i Putrermachers. Electric - Chain. And to prove, this assertion,-we' defy any person to produce so ma;ty Well anthenticated Certi fi cates of • scientific Phy icianir;and intelligent patients as may be found in 4 pamphlet of 36 pages, to be had (gra •tis) of the agent in this town. The Elt i etric Chains were first introdueed MlFrance - in 185, and after being subjected to i tha most thoropgh and rigid trial, by the first Medical irteitin Paris, they. were found to possess strange and IDS rye nous powai for reliev ing pain, wherever applied, and by their influence wels introduced into the hospitals of that city. ind alsO securediletters patent by the - French Govern ment. They are new introducpd into almost every Ilospitalia England. Germany, Anstria, Belgium, and patented in thotie Countries, where', they hat 4 become the most-; , ' , 1 Popular Cu'rattre, Agent ; in the World. They wetie first t intraduced into the U. States a bout one year minces-arid went' through the same trial as in Europe, and *ere at:once • introduced in to e vet y HoSpital in : I .IV T 'York, where they; are now in daily use,; e ffecting even More wonderful cures than had ev e r beforp,bilen awarded them. They are;highly recommended by Prof. Valeatiee Matt, Van Buren,lPostad others,lwho Ease published their views oltheir power and' valuO in several Of the medical Journals intthat 667, and are also in the daily practiee- of reP.orrimendifig their use to•pa tients.. A fall acCotint'Of their opinion may also be found in every parnithlet, and sent to the address of every person in. the State by 'applying (post paid) to ABEL TIM R EltL; Ageati'Montrom, Pa. The Chains can a sent by mail, with full Aescriptions for Use. • Price of Ghains, $3 and $6. Pfiymicians are politelY invited to call and exam ine Itheir cionstructou, and Pronounce upon their merits. o.e wean 70 INVALIDS, no person need fear that they wilt not ,accornplish just what it is claimed they can 4s, . : - , , N. B. Ono Chant ;will last for years and los; none of its o!ectrib powoi-by ;use, and can bp applied to either adule,or chilt/- ,1 ! H ABEL TUIiIIELL; 4 gent, ltioittrase,' Pa. JOs. STEINESIT., General Agent, , 56.8; Broadway, NeW York.;; ~ - 6 3 4. : 1 I 1 CarpetiCand Oil Cloths. HAVIN G ehliq,,ved and refitted our extensive Crockery Mad House stirnishing Store, ex pressly for ' l thj bus ness, we 1; have added anew feature in its depaftments. ' The 'second flooo is! devoted to Carpete, Oil Clciths and !Look' :4 - 9lasses, in which we °Oben goOd'assortmentiet, prices Which cannot fail-to please, and to which We invite your partieularat tention..; ' ;•• J; 11. DE PUE. - Binghamton, 0c18.1i3; < i• :t - THE .MARRiAGE . i , (Pfail o llrapplielat and lietellh,l or arbd, is Icknessti attend ill f • 1 -• • I • %: MOST . STARTLING I CON SIDERATIONS _ .I Reflections 'for'', the. Tiionottini. :. i 0 , Strange that countlesi - humtirt beings exist .and drag'through life as do , the beasts of the Held; or the insects of the earth,!, evincing no Mere thought Or reflection than though' the noble faculties of mind Were not vouchsafed to them. • 1 _ • . i Many such are husbands and fathers, ttion whom are dependent the health, the Well-being, and the happiness of a confiding 4uad affentiOnatewife, with perhaps a Wally of children . 1 ~ 1 • . , • , , .:. •.... now OFTEN IT II.IrrEN,S TAT TII , ~, Wm LINGERS FROM YEAR TO MR 1 i 'in that pitiable condition as not even for o e Jay to feel the happy and exhilcrating influchc , , ; incident to the enjoyment of health. 1 • • • She may not be an inrali confined teller lied, Or" even to her room ; as. her pride, ambition and energy induce and nerve her Ito take !personal charge of her household; even when. her' health will not admit'of it; but she is nevertheless perceptibly ?sinking from day to day,f,and al ways'ailing. Thus, clay after day, rind month after month tran spire:Her health daily!sinks, till finally even ',the hopeOf recovery no longer remains.; And' thus ... —.-' 1 THE BLuOIVIINaI BRIDE,: ' But a few years ago inthe flush_ of health and .. . dren ; in all that concerns the mental and phyFieal well' being of thoao childpani bre- - should bo merced in the starkest and moat • , ;, . . . BENIGHTED IGNORANCE . o ' AS CULPABLE AS INEXBUSAIIf.E I'l , How long shall this ignorance prevail seprodue• • tire et its bitter fruits I How long shall! the wife and another be ignorant of the; :a niture, charßcter and antes of the various womb - ' and sexual complaints, embittering her days by .sullering--suffcring often prolonged to years; eventuating in a cOmplicatien of diseases utterly and hopelessly; incumbld I Shall we for ever close our eyes to the results of physic)- ! logical science, by which tro may arri'o at as understanding of ourselves: as I men andl women, subject to serious I life-long/enduring diiehses, and perpetuating them to our childreni I . I 1 ' i LEI' EVERY .l i7LiE AND HUSBAND kONDER I 1 1• , 1 • No husband or Iwife need be igno'rant . of 'what concerns them most to know to secure Thep- health ' and happiness. That knowledge is contained i n a little work entitled 1 ~ 1 I ' -- THE BIAuIt.IED 11170Ilf4lc'S - PRIVATE MEDICAL lICOMPA TION , BY DB. A. M. MAUItICEAI.I, ! ! ' • - . . 't PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OP WONti. , One Hundredth Edition. 19muo.,pp 230. Prief Gb Cents [ON FINE FAFER, EXTra, BINDING, slpD.] • First published in. 18,17; l and it'ii nit ' • , SURPRISINO OR WOkIDERFIUL, Considering that EVERY PENAL , • Whether MARRIED ORINOT. can here 'acquire a full knowledge of the na• • tare. character and causes of het •• • complaints, with the various • sysnpUnrus, and:that nearly! AL F AMILLIoie coOros ettoialG ha.e been sold.- It is iMprictichtdo Co con vey, fully the various !subjects treated of, as they are-of a nature strictly intended for tho Married. or those contemplating marriage. • •UryIrARDS OF ONE lICNDItEDI THOU. • SAND COPIES II Hoye been SENT DY MAIL within tha last tow months. , CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. • 1 - BE NOT DEPR.4i7DED Buy no book unless 'Dr. A. M. Manriceau k 1W 1 Liberty Street. N. Y.. is on the title page, and the ;• entry in the Glerk's Office on tbo back of the title Rake ,• and buy only: of respectable and :honorable i s seaters, Or send by man, - utta edam., se 1).. A' hi Manricepu, as there are spuriois and surreptitious infringements of copyright. ' , . kr Upon receipt of One Dollar " TUE MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE; MEDICAL COM PANION" is sent tine) to any part of the United Stales, the Canada,. and British Provinces. An - Letters must be post-paid; and addressed to A. M. MAURICEAU, :Box 1224, New-York : `city. Publishing Office No. 1129 .Libsrty Strod e NevrfYork. fobr, SALE av—T. B. Pete son, Philad,; Mrs. cYnibia Honesdale, Blanch * Crup, HarrisbuT: J. S. North, Lelyanon ; N. DeWitt, J N Ensminocr,ltanheirn ; Spangler &. Bro, Lancaster; H W Smith, Huntingdon ; Mcionald, Uniontown; I M Baum, New Berlin;' WA Lantz, Readino-; R P Crbeker; Brownsville; Went* & Stark, Qiibondalo :! Eldred & Wright, I,Villiamsport ; S. Tuck, , Wilkesbarre ; G. W. Waynesboro'; Potterl & 31cMan, Belle innte ; G Merin, Warren;* Robert Croky, Mer cer; S. Lesder, Hanover; it. P. Cumming,s,Som ,_ ersetl. Thos Cowperthait,.!Philad ; Gunni ion, Erie; S. B. Lauffer, Grecnsbnrg; B. Hall, Pittston ; E. S. Durban, Franklin-; Dr S D Scott, Bedford; E. Ililland, Indiana; J McHally, ford ; J. W. Kidney. Brownsc,ille; G M McGet fp, Aptler ; J . S. Niekson; Chambcirsburg ; F D Sower, Norristown E Benner. Spmneytown ; H Mitchell.Pittsbnrg? G W Gettyi," Butler;, Jos. Swartz, Bloomsburg; P S De r chert & Co. Cham bersbOrg. ' 2m6 FITS !FITS !-! FITS !.! THE VEGETAELE 3.XTBACT'i EPILEPTIC For the cure of Fits, Spasms ,Cramps, and all . Nervous and Constitittiimal p Diseases. ERSON who are laboring unifier er this distressing m alady will find theYEGET tit LB 'I:PfLEPTIE PILLS to be the only remedr . ever discovered rvr,curing. Epilepsy, or PallingyitA; jf 1' These Pills possess a Epecifid action!) ni he nerrotts sys tem; and,ulthoutdi they are prepared especially for the purposS of enring Fits, they wit Me found of especial benefit for .nil, persons afflicted with Weak nerves, or whose ner vous system has beon .prostfated for thatteredfrom - any eauseerhatever. In chronic ecymplaints,eir diseases of long Standing, superinduced . by nervousness, they are exceed ingly beneficial. I • t. CI per box, or two b4est 'for 5. Persons out of the city. enclosing a remittance, will have the Pills sent them throtighothe mail. free' ,of (postage: iFor sale yb SETH H. HANCE, No 108 Baltiniora street,' Baltimore, Md., to whom orders fromall; parts Of the Union, must be addresse•Lpost ! • • 1 . • nmw'sox's .I~ fallible Remedy Injlamitory domplain!s. ' • ACEDTAIN pore Antidote for thetellowing dims , es—All Fevers and Inns:nations, to which the sys tem is slubject. TtheutnaSisto , Lame back, Piles, Diarrlues, Dysente,ry, licadache, Toothache, Revertores, Blies; Cuts, pprainm. lirtrises,li Horns and scphir. Misithelv'sonTs•llorne, itemedy, for 'Curing Rine Doors, spavins, sweeny, .Evil, Cats,. splint, Galls, Pistols, scratches, Lameuesr, erring Halt. Bruises, ,idateriilntlammatlon of the !Lugs,; and all Fevers to Which nowt sic subject. t .1 - Agents=Abel Turrell, libintrOsej-D. Dailey, 'Leroy/. rlllO-41yrus Avery, iVyalusing7-,LJ 11. Woodruff, Dimock A. J.. Sherwood, Rush. - 1 0ct.13,1853 emi 'FRESH IMPOIiT T A.TION. T UST received another Ithportation of ' those ,e) Splendid Full Jeweled DetaChed Lever and Horizontal Watches with seconds - Mid hard'en amelled. Dials, double bottonied iii open case's,all of which are warranted and received direct from Switzerland. The few subjoined, prices will at `once' point out to the public Wier° and how an 'enormous percentage can be saved: I ' Double bottom' 13 Jeweled Leifer Watches 'as ;above; in elegant silver 0480 from $lO. Same, ,movements in Htinttng cases frOin $l2. lfori. 'zontal Double bottomed 4 holei :Jeweled open 'face and 'seconds from $8,75, the same move. ?anent in elegant lnintingeases with Sunk seconds 'from s9',so'. All of whichhave hard enammelled iDiala.' Gold Diamond pointed Pena with pencil !and silver extension holders, Magazine for' loads &e. from $l,OO. Gold ;Diamond' peinted pert blades from 80c. Jewelry &a. &e. egnally cheap. A good assortment of . excellent second 'hand Watches, eminent makeri, in first rate goingcon. dition; will be sold decidtullyj low.for cash; Best; 'French Lanett Watch Crkstals, Braid re. pairing as N.B. Watch Chains and liCeyi; gratis to pur: , chasers. ' , , • Ours of business froM 7, to ?'P. M. , , J. A.slid-I,frroN, Watch tuakei r and Importer. • Aug. ik 1853--latr. • New York Tiro:Amistirance °lice, WO)11,S tr et. • - • . , , , cA.PiT AL, (In Cash aril 'ARt. cored Sectlrities) • • $5 0 0 (t 0„, , ..Insh resagainstßoss or Da age loy\fire. . blitlC ETOIBI4.+A: CLEtebblull3 Broad Slgeet; Peter C. Baker, 1 slirisce street -Qtrnrd Ilati4k et, 118 Broadway; Thomas Andiews , 136 Cellar street vii,ara 1 South 3layd, 3:7 IV;rl4 street; Albert 1.. Conklin, 81 otoeliwtel i st reet ; J =Os A. Crosiby,lllllllroadway!: Charles Lent,- Kiingibrldge, N Lambert C.Vlall,.Chicago t I Smith nobble; WM. W. w Pork;!Peter R. Ro ac h, 13S Bank strtmt; Staates S. 'Bell, cor. West and .Laight struts; John I.,.Detri. 78 ,Wa ter stre e t;; Van Wart,llllltroalway tinratio riallup. ear. West and .Barrow streets; Peterill.poster,' , cer.llansvoort an) West; Reuben Boss, Jr., -481 Dglitli AVenuel, Stephen Cromwell, Ca:ivied - 1, N. .1.; A 11,14 Wadleigh,,Pliilnil4.lo , la; beater B. Britt:in; 49 Water curet; Samuel Slrielair,Tribiine Build. .lugs; 'Samuelll.Shav4, Cleveland- Ohio I ROYAL OIL MBERLIN, Pres. • . „ CHARLES L.,CLAIIR sea'y'. . CHARLES, L. BROWN,' Agent. ilontroie, Sept. 4, STA ECM . .. L Ate 'Nei ,ContrOund-Syrtl.. 1 • o -• ' Dock-Rot . • ;.• .1' T"" Is a .Parefy Ire:getable Com liPupl4,, scientifically prepared from thetbeet,ROorsitnd Ilerbsof the Mate. 'riaf Medico' and has gamed an unrivalled, reptitation or sth a foliewingi effect s,tlvls,. Regulating and Strengthening• theLlver and Digestive Organs, Mid clean Sing the Stom ach and Bowels, and, thus cuarbin f ill pimoniu Disases, - !jiver Complaints, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness,' Piles, Ilrorlitehe, Feteri and Aguel Jaundice, Nausea, Lessor Appetite, Ztor,, and causing ; : he food to nourish and support every. part, Purifying he iliotaj and thus curing all Iturnors,Ciantaneons Eruptions Scretfula.,Salt . Itheum,Erysipelascald:llead, .Cattker Pimples on the face; Blotches, 'Weeks, Tumors, Mergurial Disease; gam i: • I '. errs, &C. ri t ; ,.• i , • 'Re , rulaliii;i the. S ecr e t o r y O r gan, . r-, l - • and by enabling theM to 2 :perforni their propfuoctions preventingand curiog many painfulland dangerous dis eases; Strengthennapeitnii quieting Vit . Nervous Sgstsm, thus allaying Nervenb Irritation, - ig all diSeases of the Nerves, ifyltteria, Negri' mini &c. , It i.s unrivalled ni, the cure. cf !mile Coni - • - . ll .ll .'plaintg. i 1 as Weakness, geneli ril - debility, titans, Swelling of the Feet, Limi ty.vrealmesr, also, IMO. and.t: '1 Colds, Cou;hs, Astlnna; Consiiiii;......,. - , -•. 1 • i Having made uses n.Kthe Coinpod . l d Syrup 'of Yellow Dock Itoot, prepared fib} C - ...mnrsp 4,,i Ce., either oursel ves, or in our families-. and finding it to be &very salutary and effectual premOtion, we do , ino4 cheerfrilly.recom meni it to the public ns. a very Valual le medicine. E. Bourne, Em., Cit,:-hier National Bank, Proitirlence,R • I.; A. W. Spencer, Es4.,,CashierLime Reck Itank‘io do do, Rey William- Phililiis,: Rev J 11 Ri hmond. C S Jones. i . editor. Provid cure 0 431 Advt., Wm, Field: 31;i W. 0 31.. Cyrus Fisher. 51 E 111 V, James Ilutithinson. 0 S Dea.. V ' .1 Bares, Bortilrnj IJAIliy. and one blindred others ofjhe mas t re=portable faMilies of Frovideni-..e, 1 I This certifies that 4 have for 'a nsiimher of years been -ttated with Of ` ,sition andrile 'ofmanufacture in' of Yell° Dock Root. I have, , its mOtlns. operandi in disease, ports it • is .. , tlmirobly calculated , for w ich it was designed.. in itaigretionand niits attend -0 healthy 4ctiou thst Lfrer, re 'City of . thi s .oegan, and `stiniu the syjteir . As a pepuratoror a' no superior. ' IATID lIOLMES;3I D 1553. 1' .1 ' I se & CO.' 40.4 . 1 G nroadway,N. ,nil, othcriithronghOut this and TO'the - Citiieo. 1 l'iCc ~ . WICKIIAII & nr..N r s' Tor • attention of 'all .r, and Vicinity to their, ;tart Goods and Carpett which 'seasonable Goods nowlii grave and ihe gay. and h -grinds which can bei4llli 'ermined not to he 141/*TtSt to favor us with a chit . w . , 56etc. of,' Dress; GOO , ' cot Black, Brocade, Plaid', .Fig. and Plain 'Wool popi Silks, Merinos , ThibCt tt; I Plaid Linsoys,Colored am $ll .1 Wl,S—Oflithicl , Cashmere Shawls . .frnin!"... .. 'rin,ay, .. 'Square do" Fig. ariddlnin Thibet , do c. lie. [.. White GootVr-Plain; Plai d, and Stripe Jaconet Marlins, Birds Eye and Bussm Biapir, Wilt 'Linen, Table Linen., Linen, Cotton; i ItiorstetU, a il Embsissed Spreads, Swiss and India Book al nslins, lctorla -land Bishops - Lawns, Linen Cambric, Linen 'Cambric . Irdk's, French :Worked Collars and t'sidcr Ililk'tt, Mnslin Drapery. Linen and • Cotton Sheeting , and Shit-01173 Bleach! and Brown, l. ei Jae-quart! Diaper, &ec. : ~ ' . Gents Deptailinetiil—Consi i s of Black and Fan cy:Broadcloths. Caisi'meres. Black rail Fancy, Satinetts, Sheep's Giey.Sentncky 'Jean, Ca. bmeret ts. Satin, Wor ste4 and ilk Vestils,lllack , artd,C .llda's,l Satin Stocks, li 1 Neck Tics, &e Fl Mnts, White, I ied,' Bine. Fellow and strip, Gents Cashmerb Wrappers , rowers, s c. &c. Our stock' of. GI 41**; oust II osarry is complete etribracintsLadies, ,kllests and Get's ' Gloyes Lisle thread CaShmere. Cassimeiki, i Pletea Lined' Chamois Lined ,Bea yes, Kid, Buck Plci4Vite , . &e. t ..t ' 1 'Ladies, illissas and, (loots Cottoi4llnse„ and ;4. /loge, Wilite, Brown, 'Mixed, Black anc. stile Colors. Alpacca, WOolcn, Cashmere., illerino and riiilkj do., and 'everymther style of seasonable Llosiery. . ; I!' - Also, an endless variety of other - atles of Goods such all Damasks both Cott.jn sand, Wool, ...i li lut and Cotton Vel vets, Counterpanes , l ikloreans. Carel s uill Jeans, Co foriteri, Rose and Grs oe Blankets, iii rd T Corn forcers, Tickings, Mar-. 10e1a n n trim, 0110uctititin. Carpet ,01,..t. &c. ' 2 ' Carpeting—llinfseli., Three ply. Ingraham' Loth WOol and Cotton. Ciilton do., CottoriMml Wool stair Car petlngiOrmsget, Oil `,.qlnths IP:ash CoripCting Rugs. ' Our stock of Dry; ,cods is riow tiotnpletei and if you , wojuld like! to see sn gopol Assortment lot' Goods and Ntw Ons yon will call' 't 'Wickham& I ennett's, nearly oppo site the Post.ofliee..l Y , , Ilinghturit oil , N. 't „11.8, IS53 44N0 I * i _ . . .., i ' Do ' Yo 1. elf :. - THE POOKiET. EE CULAPIIIS: Or, i on.Eeerl iris O 201 Phy.fician. • ' • - r• FIFTIETIVEditio i d, containing' ~.L Otte hundred Engravings, !bolting : 1 / 4 --- -5 K - DisettieS and itlalforiinationsof the Hu ,-..,.. man system in eier-31 Shape and form."--- AS To which is , added ,a Treaties on the i ~,, Diseases of . Ferneles, being, of . ]tbe highest impor. - lance to rnarried rieople, or those coternplating ~ , mar riage. By ?, 1 ; , 1 . ' - .1 ~ 1 • Willquir. Young, D, • i 1 • Let no father tie ashamed to t present a copy of the 'tesculapin toltis child: r.. may save, him - i from u early Olive., Let no It. man or wo man enter into tha Secret obligaftions ofimarried life without reading ite , Pocket ;Aefeulapiirs. Let Ito, one suffering from( rt; hacknied cough, Pain in the. Side, restless molds, ,nervous' feeling's, and the whole train of 11:).7 eptic sensations, and given up by their physicie , be another nzoment nithout con sulting the AES„ nikPILIS. ' 'havethe marred, or, those about to .1) ;married: an impediment, read this truly useful bhak, as it has'. een thq means of i snving thousandilof unforlunat creatuieskorn the veryjavve of deagt. ;. 1 ' ! • i 11.7 Apy person seading'itveriy fire' cents en closed in a letter,' Will receive /one copy of. this work by mail. Or fide copiel will be • seat for One • Miler. AddresOlost paid,]. I , ' •' • J i- ' ' ')1 1 ! . 1/121 Nt3l. YOUNG, ' , , V , ..i. arch Sth l '', 1.84 J-- fiSia: 10y1. 152 Sprute St. Philadelphia. , • 1 t i, 'rocker). aIL4 liobse - ,Xtirnishidg i Store."' T. It ri.PEtl, is now prepared to, invite the ?ell • public generally to examine his varied and etensive assortment of goods which '(as an ex einsive'dealear) !le ie enabled to offer Ivory low. - .CnisA.—ConSisting of Gold Band,`,Decoroted rind Plain, Dinner and Tea' Setts, Fruit Baskets ParoxE Dinner and Tea Setts, inter, and Plain Embossed in Setts, or by the Tsing,le piece, also variety;, of beautiful styles of Toilet 'Ware. I .1. 1 1 ' liLoosiso Gl4SRES.—.llahogany, Gilt and Or namental framed(l (}lasses from 6 14 cis,- to $75 afso,' Marble and Bracelets. !GLASS WATCE. I —Cut and dressed Geblets,De. canters,' Tunilsl rs, Cliam'pgs,l3owls f00t,,, Cord )cotters, globes, Candlesticks, &e. &c. • lII6USEKEEPOIp HAnoWAnE.,—Table and Pock. et Cutlery, Spoons; Tea Tray:9, Scales, S'addrons, Emmeled Kettles, Hat Racks, Refrigerators, Water Coolers; lee Creainpreezers, &e. WOODENAM: 1i WILLOW WAE.E,—Prpollers., Cabs, Wrigotia,Rocking Borges, Cradles,Ceder. P Pails, Tubs, 1114s,ounders, IBaskets, ocking,' High and Sto6;Chaira, &c. I 'l. ;Wranow Su,ttins.--CorTices." Glass ( and. Gilt Pins and Iread4,lßands Lapp •and Tassels, also Stain.' Pools in Variety. • JAPPAIIiD WlitE.--Toiletsett, consisting' , o Poot Tub* Slop! Jar and Water Pail, Cla.s Box , ofi fitM all articlesmanufactured in the line. Brirr4ta ASPlAlwitcrutg WARE.—Coffee and Tea Urns, EngiqoadlersiCastors„Chafing Dish ei Aetans, Pitelfers, Candlesticks, &e. , AND LAiTERNS.4II every variety,, style, pdgeand qualityf I, I'l'oys AND O:AMOY ARTICLES.--Consisting• or China, Glass, 'Wocid, Tin' Willow, Iroti,- Paper. Tena COOn Pariai and .Alabater Tins al. AO Fancy Basketa. ;Plated Ware, Table and Teaspoons, Table Dessert and OYsTr Porks,l, Dessert knives, Soup and Sauce Ladles, Castors,' Sratffers and Trays, Tea and Coffee F.atts. ' ;Bird Ca.ges,Tilble an cl floor Mats, Briishes of every'descripticin; in fiict almost every article in the tine of home! furnishing, both useful and.orna. uiental, may belfotind ht t is extensive, eat:11)118h, rn i ent.. ' ' ACMES H. DE PEU, - 4 doors ca 4 ,oft 6 A Binghaulton,Atn:lo 811 - • MIL SIZED EVERY '4IeRSDAY ..110111 DT • ,t 4 1 46* • 8.4111,- OHS AN6,PREMPRIETO TERM5C.....51,50, cash in advance; $2,00, if not paidwithin six months.; and $2,50,14 the end of the year. - No paperdiscontinued until arteara. es are paid, except at the option: of the Pub. fishers. All communications connected with the °Mee, t insure attention, must be directed (post paid) 'Li CHASE, & DAY, Montrose, Susquehann a County. \Pa. .. . ' • • . .. '.ll ten of . Advertising. : . One,sq are 12 lines or leas) 3 iiisertiontk4l,oo Each subsequent insertion, -- ; -.Y.'', 6,25 One gy 'are three months,' , i 2 ,50 One square six months, • •.• . • . . • •,.• '. 4,00 Business Cards,. four lines or less,' _ 3,06 Yearly advertisements, not - over 4 squares, 7 3 1:10 One co umn one year, . . . . . . ... . , 300 Yens i y advertisers will be ,restricted to the busineis in which , they are engaged. p of tellou Th oblishers having - added - to their Job 'P t rintin ' teriala a large and superior assort. ment' OJ ob Type, are now _pr_epared4o execute il p J4lO. rk-in a mariner nrisurpassed In Ville aft. tier' Offeountry, and on the moist reasonable terms. 131,ninks of every deicription kepeconeirtntty on hainli or printed . to order. - - - 1 rash Ho( BRYAN ,BOOSE, • Gr t Bend Depot,. Pa. Aotasor Bus- AN Proprietor.. • - , ltya Obstruc t, &c. l caused urniilatnts, as. Dropsy jAIH TURRELL JOB, WORK. • 4 gustntss turtarg. Joins. GROVES, • iioistitile Tailor—Shop under Searhis 'el, Main Stred; Montrose, Pa. •L . SPROUT, . . ufacturipr of SPROUT'S COunsEplCAi.. EL GE SPRINGS, Montrose, Pa. • Wan. & Co. Cala ii iint and Ph:4r 3!annfact4rets, foeit, . Main St eet, - • . GEORGE FULLER, ler in Books, Ready-Made Clothihg,Hato Caps, Boots and . Shoes, &c. 'Store oppo. Searle'illotel, Montrose, Pa. - De. an! sit Dr. C. C. EDWARDS, sieian and Surgeon, Harford, PIC Owe, oors. below Eaton's Store. - Dr. H. SMITH, Cola Dentist, 111pntrose; Pa.,' will be at rle'i Hotel, Mondays and Tuesdays of each ek.. 141 & PARK 4 . lers in Dry Goods,'Groceries, Hardware, 'ochery, Boots and Shoes, &c., Spring,Ble, 18y1, `LITTLE & CIIIASEy rniBs at Law—Office formerly oem d by Little & Streeter, Montrose, &also. na County, Pa. , u B. LITTLE.] I 1 CON GDON it BEVIES, • foers in - Marble Monuments:Tables, Tomb. 4 1 ,e; &e.: Corner of Court. and Exchabge reets, opposite Itroome County Bank;lling. !inton, N. Y. LATHROP & Co. itoves and Manufacturers of and Sde - et-Iron Ware.. Shop I Street, opposite Democrat Of. Pa. -1 E. : . MOONEY, • ' airier of Cloc - s, J,ewPiry, Musical Instru nts, and Gans, =& gleetro plating of oons, - Watches, Jew •iry, dz.e., done to order. has sm appointment or Sealer of Weights id MeasUres. Shop o Main Street, Opt tor below the Brick Corm , Montrose, P. :Montrose Tailoring Edi blishmein. _Lines ek. Reynolds, Fashio Tailors, over G. R. Hawley's Store, one t oor below Hatche's Hotel, ready at all times o 'please the public and minister to the tastes a , d corn. ,fort of those who want clothes, Lates lash. ions regularly received, and old ones obse ea when requested. ' ' ABEL TIURRELL ; litorrnosE, Dealer in Drug,s,Medicifies, Chemicals,Paints, • Oils, Dye-stuffs, Groceries, Dry Goods, Hard. ware, Stone-ware, Glass-ware, Camphene,Bunt ing Fluid, Lamp Oils, CandleS,Varnishes,Win : dow Glass, Fancy and' Toilet Articles, Perfu mery, Jewelry, Spoons. Spectacles, Musical • 'lnstruments, Trusses; Medical • Instruments, Liquors, Mirrors,,Statiotiery, Brushes. Shoes, Yankee Notions, &c. Physicians Preserip tions carefully tompoUnded. PRANKUN MASER, Attorney and CounselOor atLaw, MONTROSE, , WILL attend faithfully to all business entree.: T ted to him in the county Of Sareque h anna. :Conveyancing and writing of all , kinds•will be done neatly, and charge moderate.. - • " 'He will also attend to the proseeution °Weigle if soldiers, their widows and heirti; against.the rei• ted States ,government, for Bdinty 'rand, Pea. Biwa, ec. . May be found at i,ll hours at The office formerly occupied by J. T. Richards, Esq4north ofthe Court House'. • •• 1 I ' 49y.1 • JOHN coispori.. , . DEALER IN Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron:] Ware, Lodersville, near Great Bend Depot-61f " M.. C. TYLER, Interested 1 Interested with Hunt, ImritlTEn • Al:b • D2.ALER in Ilardware• and tint. lery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs, &e. - • Na. 215 Pearl Street, F. F. Where his-Mercantile friends, in this and °tier I Counties, are kindly incited, and. earnestly solicit. ed to call and purchase. , n6if. I HENRY S. X?TAPP, OF MONTROSE, PA. With Rovire,-Woodrai, & Carter, IIOL 'S its rs, LE No. - 73 WashingtonG ßOCEßS. and 3 ncStreet, between c °Aland and Day Stieets, New York. Ikfarch 8," 1854-- . -10tf. y I • ' • • • D RS. E.; atrick, Jr. &G. 'Z. Dimodskao this day.formed a capartnership,for a Moto' efficient and successful prosecution of the dilTer• ent branches Of their profession. - • All business entrusted to them, will be attit• ded to with 'premptnew and, fidelity. ; ;Their office will be the One lately ticciPiedll Dr. Dimock. , • . E. PATRICK, • ,t/. Z. IMIX& M Montrose, March 22, 48 ; 64. - cAnwollip4tap's STAGES: . - . frilE Subk3cribers are TuntanoP4o - Daily lice of Stages between Carbondaloand llopbottom Station on the Lackawanna and .Western Roil : ' roid. Distance 20 utiles. Leave Carbondale io the - morning And connee;-_with the 'ears going ' North. , Retarning, leave - on the arrival of the mail train from the Great ll:end. The nearest, .) most direct and cheapest route from Great Bend to Carbondale. Passengers by this itways get into Carbondale earlier , in the evening tk" any other, route. -- . , Fare'Vecelpted in Carbondtqe at the Store of th6,SUbftritiOrSdifitill!itreet t a few blocks below Drcinson's liotel. • ' r. GROW &. lIROTHRS. • August, 1842,—tf.1 [Ezra B: Cnist [S.'A . ..Woonxi•yr,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers