mrYiiiwMt )llnuttnsPouotraj. PEtifei: LAAIGEST CIRCUI B. CHASE tiz - lALVE`,I DO, EDn'Ots Plotatroge, Apiit Oi-11)854 il:Felnatratii'.. ',tati .11:oiltin'iti0i1l, Trot Governor, •- WILLIAM BIGLER, CLF-6.FIELD•COLTNIT. rot 4ucige 4;3•I Suprdme,Coari, ,;TERMITAH S. BLAtit, OF:SOMORSET - fO?4Vpital ConiniWioner, HENRY'S. MOTT, i'ISA cOtYIT. , jr?'. 1:11Q stzite of our column us W prOT el 4.p vs frorngiving our. umi 41494 - of -- • • • 44" The . Vnipbrance Bill hit;ll grist'.4- ,• I ao:New Yorkj, , Aslature, has - n Yettje oy the Govanor.T 'We notice. that Senator „Matt' hI 1.40 n speech on the rk...kolntions intro4uceci Sen-ite, instructing' our Serial and., requesting our llepreentattros in Cot*sre;is, t,o,.iotelgainst the' Nebrafika W . ha - tie - not yet , i•eceived. it ; but stall JRtc it liei'ore:;:hci readers as soon asf. bl prac a e. Teo Setiaie ha,s adopted a joint to adjorrn on the 18th inst.' : - of ••Slcitkitaie. - ,AVe publish to.=day' the speech 0f..11r. • .1 the:4Lius i e o Repfesentatives on 'the Liittoi \Ver . , differ Widely.. .lirtn .. _ili6 . •arrrinuerts of the spc..eelt a , v.inst the . : , ;7,inciples of .prohibition, but. the, vee'eh-is mn shoithl be rea:l ‘vitlx.attentiou , , -y,votOrs, 3nmeb. it is 3 of:n .ruei7tcd . the reercane - y . ' . of - „lip - s.e • .eirrVers oil the Lemislatifre who pw ' fessect > tol)e':in..faror of: a .hut really managed rto . defoa!t it, when. they - tty‘ it might ,e.passe a: • - • - Thp - Ittli3O'6lask • Bill and Governor •• • pls.-ter. • . • .1 / 631; ii.D;modratic innlijher tiets; and iirocii!vities; and the .policy of ; the ..14m.ocratie prty 'of this State has- been' to thoriraghly :tried;, and so often !tested; that . there Can remain ..question, of Its. success ou its on n merits: - It has alw:ayS, appeared to us, that, in a cane assfor state .officers, proper distinctions should -he *atm-rd. We could - never see clearly 'the pecestlty or the propriety-of invol : wing , in the efectim• Of a Governor the dis cussiori -of .questiont . upon whiA: .11e Could . timer be called to act in his. executive ca-' pacityptestions over -which he. could have no . nave *control than the Inimblest citizen of . Cornnionwealth,:---quesliens helonginft government, anii . .epen for adjudication only before thenational Con:. gtr . At agenernl rule, our State'goternments, anA..tu.qm. , :tioat arising in their adniislit . trader), are' distinct and distimilar from those *tirisib.g in ithe_ndMinistration• of the gencrrd •acterldolFrup?; on y 'to f c \ latter, and When brought to influene.e the. result of a - State canvass, are generally.,illegitimate ancleuit, of place.. Carry.-emt the idea of thus minglin'g -State arid:national politics, and it ..naturally enough ends in confusion acrd Misapplication. If a Candidat:e for Governor Must. go ; betere. the people and-, be elccted or defeated h . y . , i ,the merits' or dernerats.of a question .pertaining . solely to nation:lll:concern, and in tfovise to a ' S tte. a d Mit ri s i ara t i on, wern ay just as -prop ... , i• .erlY . eall on a canditate for ile, I define lis posifiOn on matters pertaining en tirely. 'to the diffirkt. State AdMinistra' tions - , and irt - rio_•;vtise . .conected Sikh. -national al- . faiii.. , The one ib'sait - legitirnately a part 'of a ' .• • - • truth '' • ' canvass .as,the o ter. the •is, a proper distinction should be.drawn, and'-State and. national politics khotild never he blended; : un- . lei's they .may lyre some natural- dependence and relationship) , ' , . . . • . . - .The.l;;ebiaAlt4liansas Bill now - before Con • gross is'enainently a national 'issue.' Sti,.fiti" as .o.rti pending State canvass is concerned, it , hai nci natural 'Or legitimate connection with il,,anil we, , rretted to see a disposition . manifested to force.; it upon . us. .We can see no good reason . for - doing so, especially 'on the part of democrat; while we cart see - that.i., I • I lunch injury may resttlt therefrom, Distrae-. 44i01t : stares 110 ii ilie illeij at every step ifsubli : 21 : - coixtiel shall 1 - pitrsued,--a . diitraption ivilictli - vrift most certainly eventuate ia.redu .. chin- outiMajorittes :Ind disturbing, most ..seri. - r 11 ' ^ ' -1 4.t '• - ', - . ousti,„ , n •p_,.r, ; )„, :i .rt, a ion-,. Sta,!.. issui.s.s,.the ouly'issues the canvass,, :will be' lost :sight of' in i he discus. ion; `while IN:C . pre 7 I sent the ridiettlOtts position of attempting to d0.1d , . the - :Sle.\ - 1.7: question for the territory of Xebraska in . a Gube.riatorial contest in . Pent‘sylvania Ii- . - - -,--,.. . • .. : - .I.' - .....16 . • Solar as . Cm,lerrior intlnn s -Views on the ''.ls.rebraslat Till 14y, be inferred'i - froin, his past life, we htive .brit little doubt 'what they are. .We. have alivayk• und erst ood; hi in to advocate the' doctrine ... of popular stmer . eignty in the • terriiorie; - orin ;other words,' that the peo iiile., of the territerieS should be permitted to decide for themiielves -I,3ie character of - their -I , Usta , :tutions;" . v.:it out auVinterteren'ee by Cori-.. - - , grais.with that sulyjeet. He , to o this post ! . ' tion iii 1831, discussed it ...boldly and '' with . great,eff ect:. ,.T.t is indeed a hit s rd doctrine tO ', : controvert . , for it ;twelves the -great Met: of modern hcpubl:icauism,._—therl rib of the pe t i.„ • pie to Overt, 'themselves;.and, *e are:lint:lin . pi to, think - Hiatt it: is ,unfortunate fog the co . untry that the. 'Compromise of - 1850 . Was Llati:Aruide ou tliat lypis,- . :- .7 siniply declaring, in plain and *squirocal Iftriguage, that the people in all tei:ritory liemary'r itdMitk.4 the" tr,i6ll, sliottld determine for themtdve; 1: 1 4, (1 1 , 1 estion :04 Slaver. Comiiromise w 9 ulo:thqn _have Been would . have been rid of tio3 qur tau; the `-ptiorile-"4:4114 States :wculd - have I.)c . ti relier-1 (!-I from all respcmqibili ty of die matter;---agi tAtiou tul4F;trife:Wi)illitt46 teeliAlbt ;It. Toi , t .I‘fl".;.'r, f'‘7:l•l , i - D•at prir•:11;16 , vi pipttblicitn I _ .; itripbel, , and saved 4tte and' 'inaction. Butia- lEEE ark amtambign : , Arbitality''li&avt:4 l o nituiy country stead of .oii •Ae ~ . of its prk,_ to in t nature of fiction al al -considertitiblis, and noi tl. 4,i v, sit -"a 'Prin. , , I , ciple origoiirnment Ikt ja 1:*---:11A 40, was passed 'ind its finality inigted oil. as disettle . • I ment forever of the, Slaver ry question.. 'Hence tlto wrOng Of,disturbing i i't, nomi ..b,y. the .ISTe-_, braska bill, unless we lirpc\E4 tb go back.ko--. first 'priiic•iplo..ail4 oprobtl tile•ciAmpr9mis4,of 1850 2 entirely,i *hick - we4,:rtainli had better • • . r-S II nn Act every Scar o; define i-tho meauiuk 'of t i l ts sci•, i . _ ...:, i ..,:. .. • . , i ...- ~,..... . A L - ,Surposiug-. over i tor: '4or.on. then to t he' - • ~ ,i . • 'l '.l . fully coniniitte to e d?ctnne, of ncin-ryttor 7 ventioir- iloeS that coriiinit him to (the - 'e..- , ' braska Bill ' now before Cl!on-rress ? 1 Vc uni- Wer rip, butLrather azain4t.' that Bill, and for' this Itineng other' ' , ililsort •.:- That,. 81l - mb l Eit • 1 1 „„clearlY propteS in error ion, the yrry con Of his .'4l.rotrine.' TSe old ',French 4nd Spirnisll la%4S, In fs•c. e in !that ~. .tertitclry when it %yrt.l'acqui et b ..this g_orlerairient,i i s.usttiin- : er.l iiavery. , 13 ' Itke . l4:o-.1041i counirollise thoit.litws i ere iTepCaleit ant 'now should- Ilta: Compromisell rip . ied; it s uld 'col- . ilo • ..S ,s. ir4f!cr Of 'eon .. ' I r thitt -'-theS6'',lllws i ;wool • e ristored i :.fili, layery _would thus leXist ilierk , uif.r tale fir c . ctio , of th , L , o'lttws.'• IThe repeal, n. repealiu - Act .rebtPtes Pie I:11%-S Oricrirt. - Ilv , idale,-1 1 IS A very plain vein :', , • i 4. I' pie '',).::itlt.".f law il kr e'i m motr,,sensfe. ' . .ttie iNebraslca ill therefore - .roposes rcally to l es-. tannish Sla%Cry bY kiw W te, it :Is'. DOW 1;r 0 .:: , . ' • . • ' , ~ ‘ q i'' Ilitije:(l,---it i 3 fiztiTvilatto 'oft • most, miens tharac-ter, - ,nd Gover i nor laic - FEn; s. rici.;llLZ: l, Y the-doctrin s which 41c. lasWocated 'it JB5l thirst oppoe it.' 1 ' . • • , - , ; 1 . It may' ' __answered ha Mr. Bannot's 1 - 1 anaendinen prevents thelrey4-al . of those old i i laws.i Wc ireplY that:A.ll'o Iv'We', South 4e lic;i:lnCed. Mt. as .4(iori di' he offered it, v.hielt clearly :jams theii: undeAtandin 4 4 of . ; (the Bill without that anuoidinent, and. then Mr. 8....13GE,;. made a s ,:eech in which I lief ' shew l ed to the ri South, 41il'satisfitetorilY, that: .1 ~ hrhiemen to tent was coliti4d in such a Hint- ] titu l h,.r. cf words that it Hall) :meantnothing,; arid we therefore treat the'Bill as' thoughlis. „ - -mend lent liad-neyer been_ attached. . , If oc.adkicates of the, ..Nebrasto. Bill Would he' ccinkisteOt i I their advocacy of the Cbm proniise- of' ils • b also 7 .h-fil4 settkinbnt, 1 tley . ,shoulti take this f ound and\ say. "Gen tlemJn, the aompreraise of I eqo contain 4 the principle of, non-intervention. us simply, fidnlit Neb i rsifa antl),all. other territorx to form 'a g•ov ritmen't, VsiniPly declaring them • , ~..7 I admitted in accordlinte,. with that Act, iand_ if ititY douht, arises as lo - the constrtictiOn of , its iliicipl (mil,' refer . it to the topr ,ure rt fpr decision.; - There' sh 11 be . no int:a-rye ',lion by Congress in this elut i.,r2." il .... Then wou d they l have ; Veen consistent; in their • ,sopport of the ColnProinise of 1.830' as a' I. ' I final settleinebt,—consistent in their aoctrine of non-intervention,, aid the country would • - i 'hive it,,.T.n saved ,all thl ,is difficulty. We can 'see no other position for-Governor Br \a• - an. to tile i•,onsistent with his past life, and: titis is all those ii-lio opipose' the Nebraska'llill,;.save .1. 1 1 .1 1 - . - Abolitio istS,l desire- he should - do. The ?res t e li nj ith ll I l l e n c t i V e t t ' r l i - ri te s ? , - ;r llnd_, and, one consiktont ‘3,rotocratic party— a Billsustainihg fully all the i COMPfarn ir of 1 the C0111t,77 . must he sul.!!tituted'iii its p :tee. Th, are l other reason.% in Ilie principles and details Ic)f . this -Bill, its for ifistaine . ';'!‘the Claytcfn Arnendine,n," il reftirence to`niitur alized„citizens,-WhY-GOyerkpi; Bi G LErt. ill 01.1 r :01)11110u cialtat support, it;ihut our article is already quite 1?co 1611._,L , soil '' we forbear. We n o 'ca see - no ir d re am Avhy • the' quetion . sliculd 'be mixe,t up in" i the; prese.nt ca !Irak but if forced. l into it, we ha're n.? doubt 'Prov en-tor I.ko i t,on will ince. itlivith a h;.)111 front. ' ,itir . ,From 1 `.Washingt4n We learn .;that Douglas' crig l inal Bill . *lll . l .Soon he i utrOnced into the Tloniie by t a`Soutli'ern t,;! and '• , ', t ~., that the erup t, at to.rspeul,tlie Missouri Oom ., proluise Wiii probably 1....! abandoned ! L - The antiiips l i',, l ri duel heir:Ton Cuiting of Y 1 - o ew rk. an Beel:eruidge of KentOcki has been amicqhly settled. : ' " ' :'' , • - It is na* said to be almost cerizia that the Gadsden Treaty caij not pass. ' s 1 __..• The airs 9 f" the eler,tion front : ihe State, of CoMieetient, , r ,d fir as reeeiVed, thow that. ihereha4 . been no cI ee ot GOVerri' Or . .the'poi . . )le, and that,:tit.e . I..,pgisiattive Will be dec - idedlyiAlaine ' • • 4a> 41.: . -,We invite the ] attention .of our rea - ders,.to; the advertisement' of Tioraqe Vv4 terr, dealei, in linstc. and ...Musical instruments We have, rece.ved from- this egtablis.imentia . , roil of new ,and beautiful music ; and ed. to I the mel6d iont diseourted frOin it • . with inter - 0 1 ; and fey like'exelaitning, in, The Lugnage.of : ..the.,rii?t,t 41 . • "He. at Ilat.n no-lIIIHIC in sou. ;.; And 4. not, moved q he eoneord of sweet sotinds,. Ia fit•for treason,.Eatatagemt, and spoils.".. A Judging from the • many, . flattering notices of tbfs' establislitnei2i • by; the Prees,\ a'very 'where', N' i (2 fad wlrr i iinted"saving it'i4 one I of the firt class, ezitablistunints in: the efoun trk. j - ii• ?J • . griu z '' : gli.litiOttion4;-: -- ':'il.. re have receivll;the _April number` of Itnie-arbo4etk, and 3! *sparkleswiti), its i.,.. usual b Blaney. '4 contains many, good-ar ticles at Ong whielr are "Ilaigiarim, , a.,- thou • . .Floyers," and a very' i interesting hisfory on the anthorship ,s;f the; 4 I:ipaor," 'by Shel ton Mackenzie. Tenns,4B:. , . 0 ey a Boo} for Apnt Is ott • our table with fits usual` •ariety. 'The designs of, all the.the Spring '‘asbions, ajpearl in this nuta ber.ll.Th publisher protahfes \that the Lad's' Book; shall be as jt 1,- # l l74y,4iss been, the text book ; or Fashion and ,c,ite4ture. ; :" • I - ' ' • !,,:- ' , - , - HI • lee' The Peofie's, Joy*,ttfor April,- On ,-', i i 1 1 , tain4 as usnal, a variety pf, interesling mat ter fdr the far Mer and ine4anie;And can be had at the foie : priee'of 14 t.a. year, ' ' A , 1, 1 ..4 0.:,s Alfrc;ff E. Beach~ 8t; Nassau .Si, Nt•v: ). - ( 1 );k. . \ ', . 1 .. , • I I i -a I . o ~ ,Fr the Remoci,at, • ' 4 .-r::-; - : , ~, ~,,..., Nebraska! Th,e,'•otheir aide col t h e „- 1 I :..,,, .fluestieliat. - , • `ilt• eiarl4iii„twig , of the - 14asi -residing- at Sus :liiietranna Depot: haa:fOr •Weeks past been in iti,iiiiinn! and exeitiii ' toexcite , et. .' )' . .thatplace' Ihe:,p&kp eat a nd the vicinity' round. atiout to acts of reaeutnientt and exhibi tions of hidignatiini '4gaiust, the 11111 known . • as the "pouglas Nebraska Bill," and as all, • • '' l ' r ' -- ti - I i l l be •• •• i •questionsp impoi . nee.s mu t conhi _ea on "bo:th.liOes and in' all their bearings a fore , r forming; onelusion.s, 1 - would. thyoug the, 1 'medium', Of the."Ponocrat", show somethini 1 of the othOr •sidelof this - QUestion; adverse t'ó 'thefeelib'o - s and denionstrations of resoltmentl -.... P ~,, ~, . ~. tseXliirtited by- a • large:portionof the `'Nortrli ern reople"agaipst the 13111, and 'which My, oppozletit,at Susquehanna so ' Sirenuoilsly ad-! • I - vocates:J : . :• • ' 'r, .•• -...'„ ' • *', . .• 1 My potjtion on this question is i that Nort ent , pep ,lc should net Up ltu , t,;natton meet lugs, . • i • • t the one lield lifonOose. but la few days ago 1, or .hy ahy exhibitionS!of Resentment attempt' to opp . 4 . - .Ys4 i the passagii 3 Of the In'asstuni ing i i hsitihtl. do . netadvocate or appro‘l 'of wish und . erstood at the out+, set; n4iot.does the Bill adOeate it.. The last , clausei)f)the 14th- - Section 'of the Bill . .wbich iS: the. ?part my oPpouent'. objet.;ts ' to—The . .• bone • ot. , eentention--HThe rock wligli=diridefi the friend's and 'willies of the :" h?ll sits " That ; the , Ccinstiintion '-autl. Laws the . 1 . Unitedr States •witielti are not- focally in:ippl cable shall have the saute . force and effect within;tlie said Territory of Nebras . ha . as else- :where 'trithin the United titates ; except the eiolithlsettiOn.6f the net -preparatory :to the ':rtdinisstotr, of Mi, , ,lsouti . into 'the Union rtppror-' ?Batch sixth 'eiiditeen hundred and twent • . w 2rielyi being ineousistent With the principles lo i;-tateilreutOtt I) . y Congress with tilavery. ",ti es u'..Pd Territories a. 3 recognized br 1.§50 commonly called the . d .._eo,arci. In -I.),•ng the true intent ' .net, .not Legislate slav- o It. St. - T•tate, - Dor to -*vx -1: le a ve' t 1 people '1 and .regulate,. own . ..way; . e•linr t is the te4ih. Com promme • orenttii•e: xind v niut nitia4iinm cif tii erg 4nyre T rltory elude it Oierefrtin but • • thereorperfectiV free. to. fora, their doniestic iustitutions in tlich subject ouly to the C6ustitution.of tea States." Nnw in the 'name of all . t. • Ood, What is the Whole of that elan • I so 'odidtvi, , ' oi fact 'the least ol)jecitionable.— Nothing t pisitiVely'nothinz; the Bill in. its l b • - passage wou I but ;enact „for Territory the had from the adoi?tion lathe . liiiited States Constitution 1820, When by:an - unconstitutional act it, was taken froin .rivalry for Political aseend ency: wa:4 ,clevelOped ;' The seeds • of conten tion betWeem Elliot North ai l l d South were soWn, and. the i` Northern Peep e" harrowed them in; Themeople ;at the. NOM • havf.-, IKeit are unj_it4lY and tintie;:esarily'jealous of the South; IThe slavery ultimate slavery. War is and will be the r.lsidt of North- . ern jealousy, resentinent and aglitation. The evil .lies at .our - °win: doors, In. 18'20 the . North or free Ktatesigot.igaine erected into a free state. to. ofl-;etagain_...A. "Missouri a sinvel State and got the of rier, i)art of the bargain 1 • exaluding .slavery above.- $6 deg. 30 min - . to . „.. boot; • A-5.-aetnirr : a CompromiSe the -mafter. - An exaetinz.dispo - )! • . sition was exhihited :. on' both :ides; and the INortli s4ein to Have got a small adi•antagt:l . only I inniginaty an unconstitutional, which the, tiAra. , -:k.a Bill ivould 'annul and Make .vold:So tli t. slaery. beg not Le44-islaied 'into Territo'*- or excluded therefrOm. , • But the . oppirsition Will tell us that it im plies ail propagatiO)rr ,of: slavery.; They tat:e the ung(inerousAntil-republican anil ridiculOus resi•onstbi Pty tp•obieet:to..the , resti r ation of the IT S .onsittu‘ ton tol itg - olloanal• Justnes:•-• U. S. ' • I - - .' • - ' and parity.. r.lihe.North 'Claim a right over Territi) whi4h should,. according to tke ConstitOoni'qinain to govern itself in regard to its domestic! affairs;' and INyouid here snv that for ;the / - Nfirth to v', - Teld any power Over the South is u4constitutional, for. ' . ..h.e, power and:interets ot.the'iNation-flould; . and was so intended 'to be; uniforms and - counnon, .and that no, poitin; should dictate another.-- 7 These I believe-to be the . : true principles of Republiiian overnincfnt.„‘ The tnaiter_whiCh first • originated the. diillealty between ' the North and SAJilth wias buti trifle when we cons - it - It -that the Nation's food should be the .., , 1' aim of all . . ..tti rennuus rne of an a . • •',- t . of . 1 i., [ ~ rICC ./..) (.. a man and hisiWife IN-11 , 1,114d always lived ami cably tOgetheri until one 'evening sitting, to getlier ; they both caught a glimpse of some thing,'and the!lady , madea remarli'. about the mice; the husband; replieill a 'rat, mY. dear; sir 'asserts that it; a mouse, for she saw it 'quite idain, 'and 11 1 , - : tf:,:stioTTly . thatit 'ivas - .. 1 a zat,' and the ! t d iflidulty;nenmsed to a,perfect tempest F,f . woi,ds Mita tiO i ng was la'a rc but rat—mouse—latitot;e 7 an. t.ey were vo ciferated; with in diat •.nctitcs and d ecisi on that meant v.ery - raitelt.,lThc:.rat and mouse quar rel wal_never forgotten or given upon either - Side. • I. -. . ri -'- •- At the tint -of the adoption : of the Consti thtion, there;lwas Massachusetts. and New Hampshire fr4ct Ter . ri tory: Slavery existed in all the Other Territo-rY embraCed izt the con federaci, and the Federal Con . stitutioa took cognz*lce ofttlie Sam . Raise, and provided , that the subject of slavery be eOmMitted respeet-- ively to t,he . care (tribe 'govennnent of tile- Stites in which it existed. It was' liovvel?er anticipated that the tine should come when full eirez'ft wozild be given to the principles of the Dettuatipii. of . .Inkl4endence, and. that- Republican gOvermitent.sliould exist in the . full' sense of the term. The general, good. was thc'• objet with.the :Nation, and they • *eta in accordance; heeding the advice of the great gigte4iDaw, and founder of Re , - priniziplea: that 4 1i : tilted we stand, - vied .wit fill .At this time emancipation of slates cOmmenced.l Fr4Territory increased.' All the Rast4rn ,n id Middle States except. Delawar'.o Wei;e, soon non4lave-holditt'g States. The progress. lof Ftiedom and ,liqublicanism r . was onward, until alas! spirit of dissention . • from ll 'fir-e , 'l actions was generated. Missouri knocked for .Idmissiori into the Union; and, !What? iThe 'kicked at, her; .6 . -eizuse• ..he•lia_pizerp,4 l t o bo a sla l ve,:holdiig Territory.' The Nerili sower the .eetb;. o of contention.—. Yes; anti .Itarro4e l d , thent . 4` n - ..._•by''cont r i_ltued 0, 1 InitltibA' and • I* . - ntinent..'..Tllo ~aceufsed, • .., • .. • • - .-.---;•• ,-• ' P. - . ..•.- . Compromise ryas; . :tl;ered intd. 'The: fOttanaur, i of bitt'er l . waicis',Y* 'operiCi.l, and. forth 'lttui, gushed ci','cOtitino . .i floOdi•ever •.sine,e . • Tlid, , _ Nolilli4ve: beeti it jtistlY fiind thisreastlialo , . • - ' South ' ',• The` jealous and exa4ting of - 41te .f South l . Ithvo .perliapii been !equally so the 1,. - ;cif . North; MAil.we ar('.. a NatiO actually at ,war t J'. ! ' --' " : '.attiong pourselveol-il Wahiii.gtons ad l'ie.e Itrampled under AKA. - We hre dis-unittld, 'awl. 'a - separaiion tixeil . . It. Geographic lines krill be! . x . • the ultimate rl:stlt nless, we forbear o:show • 3 . . Ng Spitit . ofres:'.iitn oat; ‘l;:t'l i ep fr6M . tigitating i ,i and bourforbetrattee,ain.l-14nduess, i:tt facti ove.rcOnie evil with o.:Ood,.and by.allewing the . , . - ~ 0 • .. Bill to pass, clot; up the ilia/Main' of !bitter water ' s Olean:11$: i . .", The ', South,. should ..tI;, Bill Pais withotit opposition• or . reicentment from the North riviiidd not feel ,that they had gained _i "` ':f..• 1•• . • .-. .' • •-,t. 41: a vietorY. 4 rile feeling's of anint4ity • w ould iii. :a tneastirO subsidii, and . •Wo !51t06.1 ~ • , 1 . , ~ , in. tithe zei... on J an). old- ttiountis;-• rinft 'sla.q.) .!'- . ematanpation scot Id : beivoluntary, by tliL Stat 4 '41)1.1(11 001 :VOW arid Dixott!siline, tis at the dose of iiie ast• eet4.nry.. it- way with Oil States worth of Oil lind. 1 SIR very .is la...great. evil ; I tin; evil Of Pitch - enorthity . .that• its xvoula - [ .- I, i i wither tind..die. 4.tft itself from animigr? A free and (inlialitened .1:p (}ple . iii - a 'coMParvitiVely h ' ' plague . ' i i shorttiline no nip 0 to_ e a .F ! pot to blaiii.et4he pagii . .of Amer ; ican..l, lisiory In fit= turn years, if it. *ere not&g6ti-on and spurr ed rip liY Irtrth. - ptit agitOioft, -and. tY6 Tilail who. thiies to iustigllte a In i t*. xeite the people to acts Of rese..ntineot ggainst:the Nebraidca- Bill; I,' . • 1 -be ,I'eLawyer.nt Susquehanna or whoever he may; be is a tia tor to ltis tonntry ran en,- emy 0 pnion, and a hin(trance - and - 1,(;loff, to ~. thett4.5.c , fr,....3 ,- ,' ofidlteptiblhii - ,uisin and to the. doing away thik: eVils ofSlavery..! 1 , 0 ma'f . bett.t.','r at tempt tfi lift hitosilf oi - er the fenc.e..bY ~ I lii ~ ~ 'i ' • the of. l.n T4ots titan to attlitmt . to i . 1; • .• 1 i: o.tunttis,l :-.,.ivertf:ll , , , trmitation, for it. 1:14 the i , • • -P .. '' •,. .• 1 • -direct ether to itx,',..itt, the F. 4 ontlierners to en'- ' i • ---- 1 1 1‘ •: - orgy, ,( - 1;:p, , ,,c ..,.,try. t., a we Lue, eh-. stood ptinciple Iltt:lttinan nature that ppo- ; o • i sitioli i' the: lifki ( I V. bzi,, , ,i4e.s.;,and ex';ileinciit .- .-, . , andn•rx, osition 01 prompter to enet. - v and' ..1 exertiou. IVhal ( o the South want•of mouse sfavcl Terriktry skit to opp4s.c. , , tlte.Norilt W - i tit: i i.tivi - s they and €.i tereist lu the Territory .- (.i• N e ti n :qkri i - CO t.: inky not. More shire -hold or ' ' 8 d -, q'er&t , adversethe' ' i n " Terri; wti t 1 .(... ¶o nt- L -" the. alit c-h.oldin. planter!. for lie ' ,- ,:zesb. 2,. - . . '. , 1 N... 14 0, 0 „, I . ,..avii. ;0 coMpete with mtire, slave.-1 2 1 : mter4.. 'All ,'„ 4 11. - ts is perfectly C i i , &Af , shoo,)jis '4n' and rt4st._ntinertf.. heLet the hasl '' i hati n. 3 to ,e....utent. wot '1 hcadin`. )• yk.,.t ti(f . 0,-, $110 , 4 - ii,idi::Tra... ,, , , „ Southerner kno'li - ii witlll -e . :ontinurdk.if maysgs of . an;il the tati . thistzepil L the .2601 aihnl - httO . ind , cnt.e!ri4 uni...hilfitit. , Spirit in the. .0 'the ,I : Vit spiri,t i4n• Ikfat i . o Califqn . . , ,' .• -, •, iir . 1 t.. 4: I . an ey,, ,J,. 4 . ; •,. .i abol t riotltirr il • 1. 'p i , 1 gin p , e: 6, tlip ltp.c , ~..- M .t,, O.: canit t: . ft gt t . SIUII, . t:ll.t. di ilVrt I 11,e, Und it'ilinto f Icat•..lion'o, : ' "1 7 elirast:itites Ni.lll iof fC,telin, het-,\Feiit . - 1 ! • it! a rarrinir 11 - ini It . . 0 1.• pan; which . 14f. • i , ! us tozethcr - asi4 ... 1 , ever : if the tiMn. , t • ~ t ~t..; iyet tier f'.o I nap Ip. li : . r.eo':ler 4 . ; , .‘.1.ii1i; F-1',4. \i by ntutual cfini rst.,:ti it wo.kki 1 1 . 27 0 0 11 in:.the e , :y41:1:. Ivith I:tincii,l4,!t, andl..nhin'tyr ~...),i. I ' .. • •••• ' 73111 E n Ell MMEi , . In, nu oat tl4nly l Fell - q." of the terfm. N i • , . „...:. Not a sttot fro - .) , . 1. ' a is. e.tempt, :Ind [it jis el •,'' ,:ht 111*Iiii.utivt ; b.; tit is ail . Loexl. to nothing,, like the , ; rase or Irat, file 1 . )e,e ,, , , 1e' have' . •,- • . . , anil Inive jtunped :it Conan -I H '' ~ • ,.- , Vr , .. ttX;1,1 . 0., . t oe; diyioOn s. ~:4 , 0 .T111 rs.Butitli: i/isteid and . vi'Se versa: . `lle 'Anti. ..1 [ . la fan The sineublering fire ; • the N:ortli il mlSouth into 1.- 7 • ' ) melt and dissolv 0 - . the ! , coin- O ! r ' •ixt'it• - -S.W - e - l ye* 4 , )OU4 1 Va.tiOn. - 1 fear it not," hoW , 1 ntitzt.. be 'brol j en , it. It - ere , - . 1 s -? • - • i ti .we ititteirtpt .to .eliog ti. , -. :[hell of enmity eN, - . hit...- Bixt ..4ssic,n it Ite -feelin,g e'Oultl . ',lse . nmeh is for the general i m,mnee hfa powerfirlNnti - c,b, 'lfree goi - (aliment I,a• bright ,Pk to tlle:tvorld. t ' .- - ••:. 0: i'l 1(... , ONTIIIi11 - TOR.. - .401 27th 1854. i• ' . 'o.(silarksie.ii "Mr. futocli ,--1 1 ----.4)'" - f • - -,I !! " )or LAtE,NE coux7y, . • - 1 11'it •Iti.rit.. ViOir.,* . i '. Oii . tkp bill to prohibit il e • 41 - anu l l . .. t, .c , ) o, , rqg t••• a •par t t of . a ItAter Written - • TI : c t - II •)-' - ---,i -.Sale of Intoxicating Ligitors. b y , Ea _s e a utof ic i,, , , ,, , _ mr. „.. 44 . Alai.;:tori, in re is \3l -- .c.,. fiiraffsit:-:.1 had- • deter utied . that a i ~, h ; f -, 1 .. 1. , .., , • i , • Yr silent!, 'vote' should be the only nied um through ocf ea tipan. ft n t;••,) milplatn the ground of Wldchll. would express in views in relation to 1 ; • . , •- ~. • ~,1 • Iris opt i f;_,,;:fionito I.lle.".N.i.i.bral-,lza J - lifil",, : befol the hill now mule . eodsideration. , Had not the 1 Wholelqt . festion, e cry circumstanemand influence CongT(4-,5.• . I Wejeopy it i, 1 9 show lib , ile 'bf ,-. , •, f I .' I, .-' i : : . , 1 1' ' . Willi 1 1 • . filch we an it me snrrotinde , been so nu 'tlie. !Men, e;andid and bigh.mintlecliSoutliern expectedly inverte Confotinded an betrayed, I t••••• ' State ; .'?"k . that '-" '' f' 1 :, woul ' hlvo tiller . d' 't •i ' 0 1 . a ...s net yto that rlptermination. --inen, vie-, / pro; ision o 1 t le 1341 - ' '• - 4 ..... _ . ,_., I:. - k But 1, , , am unwtilutg,lat present, -that the discus which. repitals hoe .6tissouri t...;ornprdinise., 1 , 1 It .siorf ahould • close and the 'vote :tti recorded, , Will belset- - _ , ll thnt on sOme points it upsets witliont stating what is note tlie trap. position of completely; thersition itf Mr.-Senator Doug- this iflipOrtantc .exeitjny, question; a d.the treat -1 c t - 7 . .r. , . mentlWh e: ' rands it linsirceeived at th ands . of' its ~" la$• I t, • ' - l' • ••, ii ro.r , •, I. proves,edly ardent, devoted friends.;" I remained f ::. - F . ' 1 Tli,i.. bil raio of 1820 Wms repealed by l states; •in ~' „substaneedthat the silent 'until now,l luiping that this - task wonld eon'tprp the be ettdertaken by cone more conipetent to do s - i - • full justice toalfLparties. In this qxpectation I coinprinni ff ': oti - ,1850. . iNOW thiS f- is eitiller ,linve heer. disappointed. I will therefore prodeed, true Oil it it; nat.' .If trmt Where . is -tihe neco- ai . urli f fly as possible; to acemnpifsh the object al- . if\f Of 2 repealli , :git si.t'er. ,ft,crl.tin ? It! l b, , --- \ ~._. , . ready stated. .1 , • otnalfli rx I%itilit 'Jon to repeal a statnee. , Wliieli I belieVe,.:ilr.-.Speaker,.' all parti4s ngr j ee, that is al rtem:,>repoithil. . What end'ean be . ittain-: .when; this Legislature first convened, there w:as ed, except iliati ir i gpineing a dangerous•wear,, l in a makirity 'of its .1 Members"- fa_ to submit in-the liaitas,olliiortlieni,agitators ? ,It g i ve ,,, ting, the questioni.Of 'Prohibition • tole . vote of the of the codmionwcalth. It isleertain there theth an oPporiti lity to Itleeeive. the' igno - ratit PeoPIO is a...qrong, probal;ility .of the truth' of :this de an. unthinicirii, by representini, , ' life South as C . larat!on.. It i . s. irfnally ecrtniti the hill now fiend taithle,ics—by irts'ertine- that we seized 1 the • will be delea ed ' •What causes[ lewd nrodu first In4nekft, 'Of' I power i i',, , to;.. repeal i la 1 , .soterii c ., 111 71 tl - .11' . , ' \o ho the' - part' . ie ' s tha - t, hay - e , its c anf,e . 1 ,ho compae,f, rind Ithlit'no ref:4l2u can be• placed- originated those e . auires - and conspiied to carry , upen any. N.. , onttprornise titatite may filake......- them:into effect?! ‘Srltat rtic the ends to be at- They Will itsseit t that ofi .. a.C9lnpro t nii"..e Is. n o • tailmd by these gngnlar; unaccountable and irre more sacred . 0 anotl4r,L-that.a.l4 . We' lia;ie eoneilible tneveufentS? A few rernitiks defining repealed the I,f*ouri reitiletion; 11 ) 3I oc ° fi v d li t o P? an si S ii w d-r c u .t P h 9 e ti se. ti i i i i i s tc .(it ;o ° l„ s ta tii)# ii nu s. d I I . ll ' a v N i !e l arid ought to 'i:, ePeal. the:Zi t e Sine lin-aa11,,1.,:. neither abillhy, t Me or desire to enter Into the t.. 1 ••,,,. alio- .rous agt antklutri Will: bOlrevir , l"ildt d• 1., - . discuSsion of all the ; features' of this; verY lengthy -1. -I'' 1 -1 I ttaAonly iiF. 1 1, good utOn, hoped wa.S happi- and Jemplieatett !bill. I cannot feels tt to be nay. Fa, ly at ati..end. 1ti..1 know .the ~cotniriqn anslver duty Ito suppert i I L I Was taught. the great doe. to this piety etv ofithe stilfjetit„: but it fis a talSe trinea,ofternperancein - my earlyinfancy. ' I have one, and if it, 1 - dt`' l nil,l ittipos,e upon rtur people beedemineeted . Writlllthe temperance Movements i t v i.iii .. . not ., 1 , 1 . 4 4 t h e iii,i t h : w e t , two . told varied on in vatious; pnrts of, the enontrY, from my first faint idehs efrif, , lit and tvlttig until now.. that ildrthern tiien violas id =the Coilipromii•-e- I haVe refleeteil.tpon the innumeralle evilit rind `of y.8 . 2b ... , and o,!,ar . e . t i o . ~ ,Wrtf,,,re. r bonnd by ft. •alltirintr d,intrers f intemperate. habits, and have 'llls is' ;:f Intscitrfc,..eptioni.., , T r ite Miss - cturi-Coth-, 'avoid/4 1 " 01(4 I ant at least, a practical, if not a I prothis'e applit# to i the Teiitterc of r,ouisinnit, • Maine law, tenmerance intiMl - I.hach endettiterol . l and to that.algie.- Theip, dills no[ provii4O f i to persuade others to do likewhie."l Yet I Cianot ' that it ;Should.T,* exten ; l ( 4.l) l o . an y k,ther -ter- -go the length noW proposed of legilflating thee., rite - ry. '• T lie ecilf tract wa.s,. i . - eothplete, and bound alit)/ into the country. I believe allaueli legisla. I thin to ho ofdoubt,ful utility. .In my pinion it litis neither party irk fvlation . to tii ritoryltliereafter neveriaccomplislied any' thing for -humanity Or for to be acquired Flo far esti ' • • lb.. 43 .min1;ini•se 1 % 11 ., . the world, I - him faith in thu . efliefency . of nier- Concerned., we pitTlit, 0 ; wiiliiiu ,any violation hl littuion. ' Aly l eontidence . rernainkunslinken of its iwovittions' have eftrrie , d' Slay . ery into ' When We attemPt to inculcate moral du-, •t: ? t • ‘ new teritory - ..4 z r,1 high :is the' 4p th parallel of ties 'by legal •cnaettnmits, • l.instead- .of reason latitude, if we Itild -th P 4 )% l Eorf• ,°i''t•li 6 Y might and truth, we - barter ; the polder' of ',Goa for - the . have excluded iit, us low 4.3lh#equittor, if We w. 08 "0ti .3 of min : The temperance reform has ~ , . .r.o sed a now pri?gressed with goat steadiness and iapidity.-- . - sybul,l 181,tbmit.,[1 .. ,,'!Iii18501 - vfe ; firop A quarter of-a eentnky itg . o;• every matt im . the e p t 2. )t e n i p fi r e dttli l se ,h --- cs ll ii ta its t i t s, ne t: , ' l. i . .ttlit,th , e i l i #i.. o n t o o; ; the coMthonwealth, preached rind laytnin, used in.; rit . 8 "!•9.e. 1 1 °. tt! toxicating lignorsaa a boventge. 'e.t„ the pica old contract, 9:which:they tonic' 1. agree -or cat inure than half our male•poPtihr ion are et:- disagree,. wit heitAt any brea: eh of foii..h.,, ,Th4t'y tirely'temper , :ae. - If..elernitition"of the sixteenth rej - ecte( t l it ; 14, : this ,reft#l4) tO'enter -into a century . progressed . with eeniparitlire sluggish .. new nitattge.mtitit eannottittstify. us lin ~i-iola- ness. In another qnarter of aicentiiry the cause t hi s,. 46 wever.ii i eriA, _ of temperance will ; have - accumulated a • moral ly-1 - Ling - the' first. .4.mentioo power,r - e.qmilto .she accomplishment of all. it ,o show tlie i iliei,v wliket will . b li: taken k,f pppss. It will be,a living prin4ipllobqed the:subject Ni.i.ith,. and dSo :not. tare; to. eittbdr: ;:,-,-, ~,;. : . I ; ~ : POintlt. love anti net from fear. I .do itot -he - • ate iL . 1. ; . • 0- •, ,. •-,l'. i•, • • : `into dirt the adoptiOn of a stringent legal code I Bass ti,;n f l Int -It. the if e,..tnotatt-oft el 1 , 630 ~ will' facilitafe . its.progress or blessitsCOnselllete. - . •. t..-:1 . . .... MESE 1 4 1 auI' buro, kiii the bremili • ktill more bitter. Dr fvf• enc,oltr js -priueirie evil did in poiut.of fad' oflOti,itlien the i kin iii'tfw bill . W . 1 1 .8 t - aliiehiaslti,,.- . ,,ttit Altiglit ittk.i oili . .as;,` . . hood .tifital itk , ftif..e tut valttek;fatr, ' fi l' 1: on Its.. uaitf. : t ppivkr it Tilli3irep . eil Itll to. tli,on, lwlicii strength ' i wlt:. may, part . whi th ii. disc thus.the VltTle.eot s. and all li To of -a litioWled l ie . that - a good faith of the ci 1 g9od Tuki . that. we ; litiw we , : ritql;:,'?..'eoly. abide b'y tht , itt tirte . ilrnt; 1 4"t. ' t , I ' own viii I tile 1 ,is; c filo. mezt r irret clic r 6'icts c . fruiu appea • ,iii a, trattful ire - Xe clip it ana Repubtiectu: , gencro:lis.'lributc fl• mind : •; i i +7,* Rolv i , . I, yilars• , 11 .1 , • 1- )0-! MON. .Not ittoro . thaiti eritere:l the samt3 cyitnyfo — Niotio.i, .tlotil Ili it etlty,.4gaitist bi .pk,ll:it4itt -of."Ciyo c,qmittoucett eltJterintrvitiort my his, ititd_ to tipteitiation s subjeft:'.ii:ltiin „11(1.stilligirstit.(1 .:1141 .ert")/ithhly v . O l ofrtlie: he i)ftg - iii receir . , ii 1 G iw." .1.1 - 6 il fit/ hisi , :tolljfy,l L T' 'll - illi )f) y ; iiinm.. , ( i . , 1,: . nci . .r,:i,11.§ to '1 aad . higlii,in his ey, 'e . :mats 'of thi i Oil' ly his -c!oliel i l. ritiefl - tit,.., varie, ..silto Which lic-1 0 1, 1 4 r sir:it:l:7 :9 aduateil wjth Q! nit!: 'io ,1 . ean5 . :,1 , ; u btAii , ve,,tfni: , hcil • 0f.f4t1g,.... Wilini .e.:•-,:. ad, 'a,:t. lior• cl iii.. rkqttfiaticqi ' •V,TJ. (lee - ie . :l `tcl ; 1.. -. i is now •-orving'i Liu kcilijle a vt fnl dO?aler„ank .tittirnot 11( cominiinii,4lall , l 7 11 Of 131 V 711ti1~ .0 11C iikut I.l l ilV=o. Or;); 'e 112 term. , . talenti niaii of priu.(.ipt. .1111, krf 3 1 . one. of lea: i p 41;,-,;11 Wi‘l,' Oita or hutise, lothing, . t • : , . ) ieriona -oli , ival iNli l?e. sparethhii name will i thelion.-Atold ‘vuk - Ttl'of his' t 1;. , 1 t'lle Whole. o_ l 6try 1 pqaigng dint: peisoually of e ea' lionfarrelienf pi tli pu . . mg - poc;ple whol may 'read, adOzen .vears 1 ,- To lie was , - . • *-7 , • pouring-pklrtpi well-nigh lull tiAt book , I t 'Now his •-- ' . .otisiicioutdy with :those -of land. The gr . etit seet:et, of . Iti,t . pers - evering hpitlication . afr.ta,:•_intimi't..t . o I:attleiple. 1 !a lhis at t enti oit .at sort , e4 all' he.,inpkt.s and la+t Ve , t pk.TOrzle:ollQ. 11:itiVt,Sitate, It •t! t iject !•• :Sir. iS - for tl I'a Atayoi A§ notice. like sfitne of yOli, naive 1 . .6411 t 4,1 the g,neat i,ntr his !in . 1:6353 S 1 undevinifl i ng AVlnttri; - er el:thne the p4wer..; Many of,bis fail either. in 11;. 5 mit witin of his n of fsin-ptric.,...ri,el - yon to place InallY of g reat .10 0: " ' Raylage .Own Yo you the elei;!triii. Life is - re..:11! ma $( • stti l iou art not •lv rti . : At rte with cluahvitural , 11 to iii , thigui6li thonselv3 1J tiOlitie:;, or tlieolorr . r fOr i '' • /•' .: t 1 ti '' - d ' - - u, 11 TI energy ant __:te nes_. t le j.::furiple .ot sueli meal . ictlionL A; dozeil wan; will u in tille. ypry Illist of thi . .s • e. i ' lour de , ,tinv l i r t.r.q.. , le ft, •;, mew - 4:1.41y An your TI co', , i, your cciuntr l y's \ ViA -0 , qrrt fa: i Ilißemember, 1 Reembei t•;'. of tit:' poet tionglow— i,ire. s cilrrie. f.i. .: . " rq is of its goal 1- to ill yt retiirue itten -or the-suul ::ind pot sorrow cal ~m and Not enit . ids cora\ .11:nt to ::et, us fa In the mothrst• the biro. 1.36 not like du a hero lo !! L Lyresof ~:treat !nen all rernind !We can inakelourllies suhiil oot;tcp- on the ,- -T1(1 , . of til • 4... .1 i • 't.oot,teps; that Perhap4 : anothel • '!.s l ailitig o'er ! lifes solemn mai4 forlirn and shipwrecked tiro ;!Seeing, shell ta,ie, heart agai Let nl ,, ,..then, be ip and doing, liWith a he rt Or any fate ; Still nehieving, still pursuing, ;.i:Larti to klibar and to .11) Cli 410. pc of - 1$ nit), , , III? striTe! .ede . the. r 11 of such unnece thei r it' -bezii ;t pr:vvi4 , .„ but tliu bill :t .falso- , . troy tioNalls - - onc:...part4 , has the: art NVllieh diAoC thoy part). has Ole tot also it, teal..t.ltat. le to the . ta:4 - ilv, and sill be ` iihrogated, we destroyed can rely lupon I Ittild it to be a . to.lio ye lifly and y ful into e,- to tltu Indi- to: be a Via. candid rrO . there.- tall - dark iris Linn = was 4-k- were not Ll , ;ktlto ap iani cOur,se. a (*cliff- to onceat Lis This envious: MIME uy d'atie:=` id a 'skit- . h boaors. 7 • -aula • and -.the study t, "theti 'f the 1%U.- 'of Jlldge refireseut. a" Eccblid. a 4 e.rli.n g lie yc,u . p2 - - 110 iiieans :luta Or u.t 41 dale, ilelare and . . . , .. . ---,--......,....,--- _-. fees. -My imPrjessibe fii• ' l that : take . ..t) '6* '.. nage' bf its ' efeaff -8. i ply upon - t , he grotin, that - it IS' ' ' 11107'nex.t ten-yearh and , temperanCe will riecotli- not ;meted 114°4c - taw. before thevote is taken''— • plieh Mere without than with theselllegiill enact -- Th reitirdkehow that if.-thecie 'professed tetnpe.' eneelmber, its atlyanCriuteitti ariddestrey rack oMeniberelied.Weted for ,th . at bill it 'would ..- 'Oar eonfidenee-in its vitality . • I may - enl6.oo'e, hie "ieCeived a 1 0,-,- , and, - the:HouSeand- the sentiments; te4t experience, .the: uniereal •Cerree: Sin ewbuld have: ben 4iaved another istraggle. * tor of -all 'hereon - projeets and frailifes,itylll. tem.!. titer ly to aecornPlialf.-the •. - same Objeet: ' They i_ ., der a vetdiet:iclikeiaatistlietory !and eoneltiaivii. - has voted againiik .. .aulithiitiog. th e foc i i on. 1 ,, : , • . •..-„-Thereiire Many ohjeCtinnable seCtlimelditi. 1 ie. , the .. people,, - Thbyliave•dene this upon t le . pre- , ' preient.bill;:-It-cidinits that liquor .iS "'property,- - tenorthat•i idly Ishbuldhe *Wised, and that the and that iti; traffic. ,It' Adinits - that Ili. pee le shoulCviteeaita repeal. • Wills flimsy . quor is neceseeirt:te the well being of society fry - , ifp .text, - such - transparent subterfuges, .deceive - appointing agCnts to diStribute it . tinleugh ‘ every `sad satisfy theirlconstituente 7 Why is the Leg. • part of the Cdfutuiinwealth: But tilt it provides • isle. uro aeked.telp.u s s an ectegbmittieg this gee s ., for.seleing.aMl eontiseating this pirierty of the do to a,voto off the people? .I have alWays nu.. individval: without offering the least "rename a- ; der toed that the desire was teaseertain i wheth. lion. •It provides thaLlique r may helsold iu wage 'Cr majority esked.fer the passage cif a prohibi. ' or email quantities - by 'pert:tie 'persons for Certiin. • tor laiv:.. This'is the Object. The people„ Wish.. purposes, , •and yet it positively deellires that iio. to-rand decide, upon the great :question of liquor shall Vci manufaCturedl .Isl this in ace it-. prohibition: , - .-17,tittheiie!prOfessed frieedsOf tem- • (lance with ille. dietatwi, hf common vense, !• If .ptrance , , these - men whelia - ve heen ele'etea, upon . iiquerbejtisepl. as this \biiladmita it to: be, up, tha , issue, whO have I consumed three days' des., •.. on whet princenle• of - fiolicy . or , jUstieli :can- fVe. canting upon - tit evitinflnteMperaitidwirvated ' "prohibit ".-..ita inanufaLeu - te? 1 W e l might ae well: against this law. , , Never WaslLtio ninehetstena, . manufacture: ian c . ambunt equal !to this. lieme dedl, - as When Ilioird :a no "rifter . ", 'lie '-l . frill' from.- COnsinntion aimte!inmort4t from abkoad . . Would *the smile liPs - Whose' high sentidfint.. frofelisions the crime be. hay 'greater 7* We have' all - the fac, welt) still reverberating in 'the Ball. .And' the' ' ilities•necessary fur the s Op or po ss .t e 4 sa a ) -, pi... reaseretheee gee thence give, iii :`explanation, of istence. . .-: I' . -•-. ,• I ! . ; • , !i the)r ibex plicablh.enhdtict„is _that " the laic should • _ . ) agiiie it wilt be difficult 'to show' Why Peen- - • Le gassed aild then take a ''cote'_ on its - tepeat.n-.-- s o m ei s labor and'inatihinery 'should riot The • pot s - Sir, Lhave no confidence in.such. professions...` mated. tif pikidiese 'whatever is emikined in.- the' They, ar the core.: 'They desired:AO:kill entrunon tranSinstfons - Of life. - IBut,lif it.. be - right the law. They {haVe defeated it. Its opponents • foi 3 Otio - inan tI4 Manufacture - Mt .ailt iele - 0f...c0m- hat e bruised •and - exedriated seine par.tstititstinr; - inerce,it iS'equa ly prepilir for i any . Other whoshay• surf:tee; but leek itewardsibeheart,!if.yon - wish cheose•ta do ":so. : If it, be wrongter a part tofen - -. -to ,see the deadly :Vtound..! TliereE ia,:where' its: gage iti!aii}". liineuf busineSs, it is !wrong fotlall, .professed friendb .have, stetebed, :'':And ; as • they iinleSs the: Ceminionwealitichilintime.right of trio- pheked,their ciirSed tel away i Mark how.' the. noPolizin,g'iniqUity. . -' -•1- - '• • -i. I..''• life tide: prohibition:. followed it. -Vrepeat, I tuit• - e said that , this, bill by.apPointing eerfain th't the profewit frieeds of prohibition have de- -- persons tcOnakerbrid. sell lainors; i declares-. that - fee ed the - Inelesure, and " they. Inest go to the - intoxieating - limprers are property. 1 The - declarar... co ntry with whatever - tif.. - heiniit: or' of •-infimy "tionof rights!asSerts " that 'Mali - men.. Are born ga eres around! the' restlt:: - I - - leave. .It ',for the equally. free and iedepindent and : nava eermin in. aw ird of the- people, - tcesay,whetliet Alterre:pro .} herent and, indefeasillde riglita, among which are fes ions of devotion , to= temperance lave. come • ;thos e of . aCquiring, possessing iirid protecting gu. hing up spontaneously- from the'ptire,..tlireb- - property:" .40W, sir,-if i a:lertatn eeminodity: - 1; bing heart of purity ,aticiptitriotrsto;-.44 • -- ivheth•er ..• property-and tlic - CointeonWealtli. will certainly their authors have' bben:controlled and , !emulated not undertake to' "Al/ " tri'h;er Mechanics'. that: hy.a . pemonaland.politierml:aggrandiraimerit;which. which is nbi•Property--- - tipon !what principle •of regards the tranquility of the - Tcountry anti the'. 'reasoning eat} you -. " preb,ila'.. l ," a gieat majority . su cess of this measures•as subsidiary ,to yeir of "men." fromdo - 131441g :arid possessing, that ow distinction and - promotion::'. J' - ..•-•!.. - : . commodity? I Ii: cannOt Le' done Without. viola, • 'hey. have -told'us - that prohibition .is-liu an. Wig, this .-seetion,iii, the big of rigida. The only of er-name . for peace,- prosperity and uni *raid tenable'Aectrine is, either to declaieithtt intoxi-I hie sednese.! That - with! its introduction: .. • eating -14pior art: not legal proper4l; a A thereg "' 11 erinies.*Shall-cease, eient frandit shall • lbre no man Will!' manufacture ol• sell ' thetit- or --- fall; - : 1.- ' 2'* -- - - '''''' ' • . . - ' , that every!. man who 'houses may - any enfacture . „ Tie urtiing Justice lift aloft her setfler," - ,1 --- " acquire midi possess', the m, - if liel.coniply. With !Ili co o'er the - earth her:olive witia'-eitatid,', the requishirin of the law. ,This May - An white- robed InnoCenee .from e heaven. da popular..doc•ttine..up.4 this-prticular subject; -but; • ss , n e!. ..1\ : . r -; . . .. ! -, , , (i... . , . -it is the doctrine -of ,the constitution.aed its ap, - That 'squalid riesbrlY,'Wretebecinesaiitict cri .;! ine, plieability is as l'poed j es Inc Cbtinnen eiealth, and .wi I bid I:trews:lV' Lel earth. , ;That.:jaihr,i , 'and .' aS irresistibl,l is a truism. I• . ** - -.• ' - penitentiaries, and.ritrus.liotiies• will:ltand. only - . Again - , sir,l the* bi 11 . new pendiniprp hifes—,..._, wit- as monumenta,ofthOides and imperfections" of der. certain restrictions, whet! is kne nas -the. :in age - gone hy."'i l . , Thai taxes. wilt lie: abolished ! t i g e t. - ! if ses i• s h,' , '• 1 - • ill lfr resist all y ; :Mel enereacii- lit gniiim en &d , ....mid., all stare:. and ...c.oricention„. i merits upon the!. sanctity of; the hem and the to day-- dream .or•ceaselen - friends Of my constituents., •itis I a ek)ctrine as bamineaS.l All, all of this, andtilueh more, -we old - astite, laW, and as sacred as liberl, that pri- .1 1 • - e heard . theta declare; add. Yet the drama tie not _to be invad . cd,, nless the, ~se .watt! these same rrie .,, mix4B,...4 , o4ivcigeinsi - the I occupant be t!leirged , ;yitii . high "entries and mis- •pa sage of the bill ! Such la ; man, andanch poor denicandra. Ville, censtittitien Of the' United h ma nature. •Lihe the noYelest who:: writes a ' States ! declar'es'!- that the right of the people to-be ylu• e of licentieus.productionsenn . (rends. it wiht secure in their persons, 1:00,0.., pa c rers'and ffeets.,, . „ a o lof three lines., - •• : --- -•- against.,.•., „ , . , , unreesoliame i.',:fft7l:CiOr•F ••pn seizare:S, titian ' . -Un ted, the men • might have. car..., .not be Violated?! ~.TEI:e conSflutihn of .Penlasyl- - ri d dither of these hills ; diYided, t• hey and they vania,. 'anal dearly lovery - S•ta e ick the Onilm , - r°••• •6 ly have killed them all- all: Let , each ; coition .. capitulates the `{same, language-1 If then 4. it _he. im .tha dead,,hody of their owe favorite ;child,, considered rOasOnablei to searchMprivatel"theell, an I huegingli to their beselms bear it ow*jr - io ing—not forlthe purpose of aseertainingwhether their secluded hperiee, where.they andtheirfrietas ' its occupantill a cominitted eriale, hut for the • ca' " meet and weep over it a pretnatur.agraiiie - atid! - eurpose.of ifis; ryering whatlkind of property .it w eath its linbnilt cenotaph with the habilifitenta contains—!fit he reasonable to search' for !such i .' - l of mourning. - causes end purpopesoliere is no ',such ' thing .as Mr. Speaker, l' have said Much - More - than I in. Harireaseni blol semell, and the elabse - should be to de-•d.• - I have not given the' subjetit. sufficient stricken froin the emistitutien. Ido not believe the right of iicarel: is necessary to the , efficient el 'ar and concise as I should have done.: I um Operation ofithe- hill.; Its isnet . vital part of its. at cation to enable me to• make these remarks as n.. t insenisible•te the fact, that by saying What I organization! It is not cleinanded by the people,. hi ye, I Will incur the displeasure of personabOth It' this bill be - stilnitted'to the voters of' Penn- in and out-of the Hciuse----that my motives Will sylyaiiia, containing a! clanse'so 'adieus' to • their li impugried and tripobjects rnisrepreiented.—, feelings _so_ ieptignant to their very instincts; they S ill, I could net feel it to be 'my duty to pass will negathic.. it by 1 an Overwhelming tnejori- 'over in-silence What, shohld he known and . - sEL .-• ,-- ''' - ' " .' • - 1 - . - - ..- 1 ' • " • - ' . I will asl:iiiii: ind u lgence !of the flense,for a . . • .: !:. - feW inotifents, Willie I foilew lllisibill ;through the ~ ~ . 'At a reerular meetino• of Friendsvillelndga variousSle . 4s of its !prog,ress, since ;tiles.. beet! •- _ • - diteOdii,Pea this:floor. - ',I •desire..Os clearly • it , ro ''• tank Aptillit No. •-1.4 I, held . on Satiirdayete .., and („thfully as posiible topoint ont.The toriper! tl.e. following:resolutions on - the ocettslOn , Of . m - 6,. em e t ,t3 and, present position of the professed! le relent :death Of - Sister' Sitsan' liayon , ton friends of - pr6::!hition._ I allude tomemberi who! hive been elected Oben the tomporance issue, and - mere pteserite,d, by Ilr. N.-,Y-.iLeet,B.W, :Eat ,: .. now elaiia 1.4 be its par Ocular champions. It is. 1, , and W.2c. Waters, a:Committee-appoint . minutest to Me:commonest ,Observer, that the bill , 7 • - ~ et and .adopted*by the Lodge.- is!defe.ated. 1 Iti may !be revived :!lit afa tare . . dak • ' .' .‘.. . . I That in' ' the di4pens.ation 'of - au of the 5e,....- 1 -.14,.1immt at present there is pot a - man • - .P.e./t'et..,.. - - . . uPen'thikl-flocr who does ii - ot. believe it .szill be a" I,W - is° Providence, 'we ;have ''lost -a 'sister sated • ddeni- - to day. It Is destroyed,. 1ii11c....!:, NI liclse heart responded to 'the highest: princi lairied as eft-ch . -01y as though the vote ',was al, p c.s 'of our order,' and . whOse . life' has - .bees. ready recordlid:i -Let us examine fora moment, i' l l ! mid 'ice whai, persona. and partiei live-Contribo arized. by the practice' or those - principles a 1 :I::c4i•in virtues which endeared her .to'. riC C t4l,k 4. , .ti.!ll most lairgely to !effect this 4feat.: :It is due „1,-, tti all - the luterests'Concerned, that such an in-: alit and on. '" veStigation should ba 'neide. - !- . It] is dim •to the bright example of that which h r transcends' frieuda:and .he foes 'of' the measure, .I.Wit they . - tl 4 . ... bounds' of - • time, - 7 ie• calm and. holy should!preei t elY•uriders - tand'.the oeillitios'of,the t p..ace-she experieneed in looking -forward to conteinliog parties, .rlt i s duo ,t o -itho voter . who, li r departure adinonislies us to pray thatears at the Oetelierelectiee,east his safferage for:this . - !„. irits may,iii'cehefs, law under a pl4( from the candidate,ithat. he . . 4: be 'borne , :on- Angers; w nirS• to- - where ricknu,s- Should knoW how - basely he has been deserted 6" • that`. brief[[ . ' ' . • and,betraFe4 - ,It is dtie to the MeMbers" of -the a d serrdware - unkn owiciand where separa-- 1-Wuse,. that - each , 'voto should belheld up . to the ti ns „nerer ,corne. • • -,- - - . - .. scrutiny of . lme 'people of the. CoMinonwealth., - 1 ~ Resolved; That the StirVivingrelatives Of the I _I have, said, what no one Will deny, that this • d teased, haVe our deep indit,heartfeltSvmpa-, bill is. defeated; and Will in a+ few moments 'be- tl y in their' alltietions, and our earnest and. . - voted daWn..! In what manner - Mai this been done?* MO defeattel it? ..Ita Professed friends t is-„the .• - . a Ming. solicitude for their fUtur - e. Welfare. RI: 'I ' d Th • 1 Se t 'b ' A tett 'so ec T h at: ie., ere ary cuts rife, spontaneetsiaos' wtir of eyery.unPrejudiced. map. . This is.. the third day cens'n tied in this discussion. ,t eoMmunicate !.heso . - resolutionsto Or be lt has. one out :0 - t136 , worl Ins acontest•between r aved „. l!rcrt , her,- in a manner -suited 'hi:- his parties for :tad against:pie MibitiOn. -This is' an. d ''cP antic-Mon.: . . \ error, . •'Tliei whole' time, ciiiteptl a, few 'remarke; Resolved, That the -Secretary het , . directed has beiitfeohsumed.hy• the profassed friends of t for Ward •a copy of these - resolutions;', for the measure! The ; ,opponents df the . bill . have p iblicatiola to •the ,editors ,of both of*lhe li,a looked • silentlY upen thiss - Protracted and bitter : i. rs contest between the 'friends,of the 4 Maine law." printed' iti thia County.: •--.! ' . ''. -: '• i:!• Vile proceedings here hate not, strictly speaking . .Resoliiicl, , That the . Sisters and 446064 •1 been of the. nature °fa discussion. r They night I ‘.ear,' h . e.:: 11 . -6 u,a: l . bdr:l'..m ,d u -. i '''' . in t : ,--":: .i rt Y . , more properly be .eharacteriied :is a"tercperatice, dl-Ys - ! - -- - - - - . ..., . eaticus:', ..Alre have I listened to a. great . ' nuniVr . ! I-'. N. Y. LEFT,: ,' , , --- -1,1- . ! of firm eraiiiies.. The professed friends of prohi- • ' ' --.- B. W. BATTY,* -C.011i: bition Lave Come hate the. Ilonse - with two or ."• 7 : C. WATERS, '. ..-1' _ . ._:- ..... 3 % three difit4eht projcts. Each!Man isileterrained , D. CAELA.xiontog, Sec'y... to veto Air hi 4 own-particular notions, and for no . r ......._....... other, Each divisionh nOwS thatibysuch aeourse the wlrole tuCasure will -ultiMately crumble to at oms: But . for this •Ncry reason] they'elizi - g to it ' witlt'greaterikrtinacity. If an'''.Anti-Maiini' law Mart votes a?zainst•either of 4hes i e bill or. ;amend tnents; he is fdenetineed :is a'draniem sot and cow ardly hypocrite, sinkikg the hutaan •race, into:the lowestdeptlis of Oveitty,-wrCtchtidnessand.crim&* But the prof sled friends of thulmearsurw divide in platoons, lnar.e4 up and Vete down, they whole project by s4ictionS, 404 then. ask : God - and, their constituentsito bles.sithem,for..ilieil . laudable elf. ertsin the . great, cause of tempetanee: This is what might he.ealled ! \solema lejockery. II vote against emit! of theiul billS, and each vote -is con: nect.ed with about an equal, portion of . professed tempenitice hten. This is whittll want ilia ClAlit-' try to underetand.: This iii.wilt I Want ;tempe rance' men to take into consid'e ,ation. .I I, would like! to hear, these . members explain and ;justify their dubious and Meandering; l eoUrse. !. When time bill wasiofferinito repeal tle - local Pl'ohibi ! tory• liquor nice 'of Washington -county, they vo ' ted solid in thentlirinative.,•! Tciy.did the Weiil in regard telChester!eonnty,' As lung. as they rat voted with Invernlk4epers, for the repeal Of pro hi4ition, they .stood a ~ unit.' .11 . at asi . soon-.45!, the - great an absorbing question ofposi t iiva prohibi-tion is. brought'before theneas •Soomas thia 'ques tion of. queltions; IOW!' they say is destined to to redeem the .world, mut .clisentliral, the, ' race, turning- the 'earth into One inightt - Par,adise, and converting ifs inlialdiants imir 4.lgels—ii ! presen. - .ted' to their leonsiderntion; - ;theyt split into . frag inentS, and - defeatiOY . .their , mini ,ftotes..i' Now stir; is there hot something rotten iti Denmark!- -I 1- -I have freqUently beard -thc•thel deelaraticin di. - ! . . i ringl-thelasi_week, that there . were persena on this floor, eleetedion the temperance issue, who were opposed isliel-passge of ibis - bill—Of any-- bill.: J.beli.Sve this to he true.', Their recorded Votea.proVelt to liii!4ne. - . !Let •MS..eiaitiihe : the evidence. '..On• Thursday the bill ,intiotlnCed by . the gentleman from', AdaMsi.(,Afr.l:Ellis,) Was , cle: feated by the votes Of pr.l4eSseilltemperanii!pen; .Well, sir, it that '. was theilifght„ kind, a .!bill, if it. were a hill wi t h the ittimperande ''len t of the'Statel would Mid- ought to' have been;Satis tied, in 'what lig-hi are . these ,par!ties to bel•-tC,gari.,. -ded 'I '. Tlia waale Whole and tenipleto firohibi , tort' - laW: ',- Ther. i .verAlneri- have' ackneWled . ged its snPerifiri i ty overilior one, for wlticltthes , -:coil= tend 7 ' liektken, do theyiundertake to juStify. ,f - ' • Jur* List-April Term, ; /5!.11 , 4 - GILAIIIiD Juncnts. ._ Auburn-Thomas Adams,, They Friak, ". . 1 Brook lyn=James'Hewitt. -: : : ' ' I ' . ,Dinteek—Walter Allen ' Isaiah A. Maine. 6 - Franklin—Harry. Smith. -. I l <, .Great Bend--Peter Decker, , lli3nry Meßiaaey.. Hannony---Sainuel Brush. . 1 klarford—,E - . T. ,Follett, Dalton P. Ilifsny, a lark S. Tanner. " , i Iferiiek= , litnes Lewis.' I . Jessup William Bissell, Robert Griffis,- ' I. Jackson-Jolin W. Stone. . liiinox:-4onathin Hartley. I - • -.., , . I,Atbrop—David Wilrearth. :- .- . ' . . , Middletown--Charles `ells. -. ) Montrose--C. M. Sinulßns.: " 1 ,-,.- Silver.Lake—Luman A ll an, Michael 11111. - Springville-aaniel Tiionias - .. ThOrupson--Ebenezer Messenger: , - ' TRAVERSE 41.110111.4. • Apolacon—James Griffie o Thomas Rooney: Ararat—Benjamin H. Dix, Samuel Williams. Auburn—Jamea Bunnell, J. A. liirkhultiNiks Aura, Jesse' Hines. • Brldgewater , —Elijah Bullard, Myron M. Matti ,aeob Tewk s bury, Zuchiniah. Brewster, • Pell .Wood. - ' Brooklyn—Anson A: Maryou, A. G. Reynolds: H. Williams, B. L acre Charles R.,..Palts- Chociinut.—;ltaher Stan/0; • Cliirord—E. Barnes, ,lohn Irving jr., John hannon. Dimock—G: D. lieinpstead, Jofiti Youngs. Dand.,il l --Corydon H. Wells. Friendsville--David Hendrick, JUL Hyde. Forest Lake--Jas. c. - Riebi - ChaunceyWriglit. eth Warner. Gibson—Wm. E. Belcheri Everett WhitirYi acol D. Diwthr, Goodrich „Bum 'Great Bend--Lowre Greert. HarmonY—S. P. MeKane. Stadia Newman. tiorfortt—lra i.Parissh, Wra.".E. Tingley, Or' Oa loYartrnus, P.. G mr4ing; P. Watery:tart. 'Jukiaon 7 -0. Perry, B. _Sieelikick. ream• Isaac L Cautp,-Trgyderigk Dayton, a'ry A. ,1 irchard, Alansou D„Lang, A. D. Ps t op, Jas' W. .Smith;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers