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' n • . • ' ,; ; ' .'' . •Zr • Z ' '''•<> • v / ,fr• • • • •' - ••••:•ii :";'..• ,f.".., : ' ' I : 0: 1 : .IL- 1 - • ~,,, _ ' ~• 1 • + - _ .. •7' ' .P . • • • (,'/. . •• fa - t•': • • •clo . 4 0 • - „' • ~,,• •• ' :\. ,•• • , . ~ ~2,'' _.i ,-- •••••._4p., ~-. ~ . ; V, ' ' ~ .. ' „ .. . ... ~ ....:',/,-. .” 1.;;(.0 ' 1 - . 4g,zd . _ i, 1 .::.- ' : - \ A. . • - . - -u. - - , ; , • I , ' ;, , .02 .l , - 1 .. , .. i. . . . _, t2?o, 1 , . ~ ,I, .. g i. '' " ' ..- •[l' 4 - ' . ['', --:- ::- , , . : 1. .. . ..-- 1 - : f „...- , i , - ,f , r:.-,; 1 . '.'• .-P'." , ;* " . t , - ' - ... . . • .. • . r • . • . , . ' ; . I - . • t . . ` . . ' . • I . 1.1 ' I' • . i ' ! ' I I . .. -. i . -. . . , , . . , . • !. 1 1 - . : :11 • . . . _l7 . • . , . . - . • _,• . . .. • • • ; . . . • • . 1 ' , • !i ..1 • • .1 -- 1 . 'i :" •• _ 1 ,15 t Pan Vroptittors, ' ~ 3 , .* l • 4- • H I - ' 1 etaiie knitted t u . .. til aid, unng.t le i disasters;. the . preapheill cenrinced.. us . how : proVidentiO it Was, thlthings .were /to worsed and the ladies...s' aid Ili '' owed us .ti:debt tie gratitudcy . for riwiting lliem! froth' the mina, that should noler. be fogOtten. ',l . ' i. • i. This oviltset broke tli" crust.: ,Y , Ou Itnew,l reader ; tint altnost. every rit'an.t) - ho trafels,i , puts o i n.a, lkind.Jef crustOike ja mantle. Some„) look oppressively, profland'in . ; a tage:- , coneli!, •or car, whose WisdOnt ,s Only _ridiculous ,s.atil l home. ' Others' 4,,iisguislitheulselvsin a show -1 '.er - of wordS,.and talk Eol stilts, but 'topple . er.;l eraol.coinedOwn asjs4.,oti 4..they . ..are detec...:; ted. . Others affect - th 4. lankuislimg mood ;!1 others, the. , • selielastih ;`,il as I said "travel] erS! l : il , I . _put 011 :1 e i rllSt ... .. tl •1 , 4 • _-, This orerset,lbrokei'llie criist,, )toWerer.—i ~ I.When.theijudge righte4 liiinelf,and review= , e r d the disaster, he. begtin at Once . to sotten.•-,. ' he fop was as comnleply d,p+treyed;..as. art ex' 1)10(4 . Bottle of 'Fintql-bee'r. . 1.1. ,man fiche chioses . to;pn t his- Whelk ca O l t al i 4 his h reech eS, ought to be. very eireftillhow! . ., he expose , it or therni :delft von Oink so 1 The coun . ; tryman brightened up, and Atone .like ilia; Mond. • IlletiOn did 14tt r:Ticid., i .. • • ',i ,You. be..kin to see tluf pitilosoppy of 'stage* i coaches 11daie say • b4Cause I Wish it te.be i distinctly Understo4;il,• Oat. this is a,' philcEO-'. [ pliieta artiele ;with-her there a transeeni 1 dental-drusi. ' twe trait-tiled ltogether, and at, i night Sleptn i togetlter;.4l in that stag.:-coacii . ..Now, tiler s :, is a, faMiliarity In, such a scene. The judgeLstiOted like I a trumpet, p and'more than' oncel : lplititged [h:edlong into a .c • lady'i; lap.', - . Do you . suppose late person . ever. he:ad thejudge 'Snore. in the illag i e .where liere.si;. ded, except his .wife, [or suppoSed a : judg; eoul - ,do Such a tlipg;: evet Saw the jedge'S head' n a !heir' s ?. Such-an infninity, it (.I . . known, .w6uld hay - • dcrtroyed, his *decision:4'; i IP • . . . . • Stage Coaches . - - , " . 1 ftecause dp-mily on the , bench, decides almost i• j lfi C !WI ki V cases as 1 W 1 .We in.' the i stqtre- 1 . STAG E-COAC'Et LS/Ve and Coarlil A•con . cr I F _- - ~, ~,.. ~ '- i . •• , -. '.- `.- ; itiist runs by' stage, ora, conch . that runs regult .... l 'coacli,Saw that, the i jud 0 ;was mortal;:`after ly eve r ry day, or_ on staled days, for - the wavy. I all ; w'e tdOk 'a.pei - ±p i ito ins 'inner life.'4- ;Lace of passengers" . - • - ,•[• ' '- 'The ladies ; . .,tiored, tdi—Graeious 1--and dash- WEnsrr.r:s ttiCTiONAI;Y. - ed'ilieir 'l.) l 6nri : ets t fleCes ias they , roIlk.;d• . - t • , .. - 114 . - ilErt,:do you ever wonder-what has be- afound,.:a ud fairly nicked, all the - starch ..'oraeiof all the stage-coaches? Yon . recOl- 'and nialuners gut o ; l each. ether; 'and •wheit . sect theirs; I know yon• do; hilt rdu hare .the slin arose,; they ii..efe soft, and subdued, 1 .r not gi l Ven them a solemn thought tor the Ist; i like ,goodnesspirati. iction. l , .' - il five years. :. Somehow, they *slipped away The .next dliS r -tii judge . *airie as melloW .1 from you- so quietly and gradually, like a tiqtril, as; 'he Viet r iof Waketield.! Ile uhravelle'd 1. in Consumption,.that you ca nnicZi'€now..poSit 1 , his whole :lire, , lit 11-has in boyhood ; .14s 1 . tivelY say when they drew their last breath. rstruz, l .-rles • ininuioliood ; hiS courtship Miki ‘ . • , .f • , . .. ~ . , , , . .. ' :1:Ou rec3llect, away down in that . ylllagt, I nlirrhig‘. . Ilit, 1 - i.e. - it:her ,Ind .countr - nian ,-: • , .where you. Was born, and went . toLschool,and (followed Wit 4 their mitobiographies ; tearing: . v lay 9 dball, and _Went in• a-bathing ten times 1 - np-frop l .tbe . riast, tender passagvs that had 1 .. a day dazing the sutnmer-solstice,.thereinSed ~l,‘lin dormantifor years - . Tli f e lades furni,litd to bj:a - staze-coach—a•dail'y coach ; .arid'.ylou Itliely historiei; and 1 - recolrvct ..now—it Al*.; recollect„.t'liat every time it came . thunderingi'rirty , years 1 1:ig,o--4hat wli'en the . eveniug , And rocking down the mountain-gorge,' in .a iglit ltd a:4;10A i the . trees, '['we' were - slowly 1 cloud of dust, how it . orerwlielMed . y<ior 1 ciimting : a liaotintair.-road,; ariiid the . 411 . c•oung imagination. 'You can hear, NOW; the dash of ‘N ate f fall and the distant ,whisth, of long crack oPthe driver's -whip,--the heavy quails, singing in full chorus, with rapt hest shuck of the . wheels—and-you see • roniSelf. ,I and soul, -A it'd Lazia'Syne l f 2 the judge, all running, don't you, 'with an-hoop and a hur- Nie wthile,.pihrg ,iii the bass as though lie rah t 6 the tarern, just- to see what tindl .. of ' were perfumiing iris last., 1 ',' • i ' 1 , folks coidd'alYord to.ride in such veichles 1.. .. • 1%..T0w,,the ',point lies berg l' what. else butl a - ..,, R .n t i when the nine -.Passengerf alighted,' Yei . :stage-coaeli Could have dran. w: . out the httle reco l lect how, you 'followed them around to w-dakstiells , of the judge's lite;; could have made i - get- a good look at them; that You ,inight:in- hiresing—fdr. Mu :Ls...uredl.l nee!' tilt Mill *d tonl your triotbef, ' when you . . went home, i not sand bfcfpre ~.i i tice he -Was • h boy ; ei•ittid . : that you bad. seen and touched ikt the . pasn- :have put tbq young' ladies, !sp, itmeli•at ease, zers in the-Stage..66:ldt. •• .• ", - -.- f • 1 as to induce' , thein td ecilinturiicate facts.ko Yri recollect all tills, s, - know. Btit.if'Vou . strangers, they had probablv - ept secret fr4n . do; ot, just- sit- • down an Ifour alone , ' ',dig . ' .shirr neio-libiiis 1 _ 'What elfe .' • Bless the i',.ld` threagh.the cares and troublc 3f tnaithoOd ;. stage-coaell(p! ' 'Vlore is tiot.i4iiglike:t l 4 lll ih. - 21oe aside the' faets and 'figures:, the bills left' in the ' . W'prli.l.*: . • 1 -i.. • .:1 paylble and bills, receivable, that lic: like s a Do you l4pow,.reader; that rjhave wonder tnountain on your heart--Lthe 'sanelieart,, r edahout t , and, iniuired attar the persensWllio rather worse for wear, that' A . -au wore When n A cotnn . c*ed thntdoad, a thousand times since. ~.. , i , , bovi r -and Tint wiii. •-. '• - • • - 1 nave , even :felt ‘ininte^.-stl in :the. fOp, illion ." • -- -I. :li ~• ' -..'y ' - -- - . le:that ` , ,r.soit shakes hands Vottrg. oun cOUN I VIAI% . • . • I gy WILLIAM J. PEAEODIE ESQ. . , seriantry !-'tis a glonotsland— {shore;:' With 'broad arms stretchafrom shore, to j • ( e broad Pacific chafe's her strand, I.• y . She hearS the'dark Atlantic roar; • 1d nurtured on her ample brenst, t •, ; How many-a goodly. 'prospect Belk. •s• . Nature's wildest grandeur dreSt,'‘ ' . Enamelled with, her loveliest dyes. ••• ch - prai'ries;deck • ed With flowers of gold„ 'Like .sunset weans roli . afar ; • • id .lakes her azure heavens • Ireflecting clear each Aremblitestar ; nd trii,;l4 rivers, mountain - born; r Go sweeping onward dark and deep,' • 1 rough* forests where the boUnding fawn'' 'Beneath their sheltering branches leap. A id cradled 'mid her - clustering :bills; )Sweet vales in dresm-like beauty-hide, Where loVo the air with music fills, - • And calm Content and Peace abide; Plenty-bere her fullniss pours - In rich profusion o'er the land; - And sent-to seize her generoniestores, There prowls , no ,tyrant's hireling band I 1 G-ext God! we•thank Thee for t • )This bounteous birth-land - of the Free; Where wanderers from afIll• may come, LAnd breathe theyair - of Liberty.;— ill may her flqwers untrnmpled spring, ilia bait est wave, het' cities rise; - yei till Time shall fold his `Wing, I Remain enrth's lovliegt P.aradise,) • here were'nollto men xlio .engros...--,64 :0; r4u 11 . ,0f my lif.,yifih plough}, as :Prop lanil ; z•pr zue ; for' their stages ran thilOugh . llour, ge. There - it : glaring at me, onl the oor-panel of ex'ery c Throp I anli Sp i agur.. I could er see Titztol:no,r, _ gue ;but their9fi r aelles Were eyer-preseut i ..- S A ': - +ie,e . rued to _be4 - V.,‘ er withdrawn from pub,_ . - 1 lie Uze. I could -hear,...tOO,'aboat 3.di. prop ut . and Mr. ; Sprague; . they — aCtUSll.y lived - 01 nPt ' Ivbere'.. • I reColleet, I. theught,,,they:wer . iwg .er large,doipulent mens; that - mo on had ailsxiglit : to ~ run,. or possibly could I run;if tie i tita , d-stages, but they . ; and - that itleith 7 i a of them should; by , chance; .appear. in die t . villi . e ". they-would, -of course, be a-public, re ! . cep i - dri .teLrleted. 'When I -gVew : olde.r,' I gre • wiser. In fact, I.became quitei strige4- - eo h-trareller. l , : . - * . : '-' '. :- I . , :1 ,1 .' .. I. - thig suggests another f thought, -IN . here -. aie 'the persons_' that used • to travel :in,Sta l ge 7 • lies--when pessengers . :feud .f re- from. iSalo to Albany? . --That . was .trivelling; Fare were rwsengers t,beL. -There is nobody • be found in a rail-rend car; :who -has any : zhtto call hiinself 'a passenger. • ~ NO Taal* t - any individuality in - such•a , -place. - ..:,He . !I I ve 4n r:dtnit u a n ct ds ly .of . sue fi ll e t il a an ti d ine, bl° a ° t .la.u l et . I' l' l a •e'. I . tverymian'smtind :is. fied • upon :the i la ,e:rif his destination;-tad what - he "trill.' do 1 :h n he gets there. His points of 'character to ,erArietar, - -ciut lorythe Entiusetnent or in- . tria l etion of 21ke,, , ,cr0wi;.• it is ' ittirrssihle;, P - Ainst the philosophy ,of_ steam nu, speed: Jut Coolly think of a jolly load of '-rail-road rs. i pa. se u n t g lte ers r l e - - : v s er i e t n; r t i tt w bsti llgeTss rdl 0 ' - ‘l2 ' . - , [- --- .w ' • 4 i .tt 1 We , louded at Buffalo, ..we ~ felt,.as : al, w : e s ,lq.re pu ting out to sea, amid:.stormsAnd„ break .e It, was important to know ..40. man- - 11 the-ship: . We were to becOnie;al:fan4l 1 y - in Pite of ourselves.;_ r and . 'sink -or. - 6,vi4e l- 4 ,. ' .. , g' :'Andher. .d in all - this, we, had- no ageueY,„; 1 wi were sorted and packed . by another. • Vt:f i e. 1" . 4 to .be, jostled and ground, - .will all , the sh.rp,isoale.rs hi our Aignity. ,;and ifortnelity : ' w re smoothed.. -We-knew, beforehand; ilult. , evry person abroad niusteither ileyelophitri-, :4:-If or submit hitnself.to he;flei'elPPel- 11 , just- now, see, in -my - .imagination, °neer • ose cargoes --myself - among t4elign;lbet: --- ., ide up o-a f a jodge, fop a oc t u,qtrym4p,,two. A cii . it,:,, three dare-devils, and a presotlei.;':-!'i T 4, i' i i togi , .:4$ (liguity itself, for the first,ten . .taileS 1 it.""-!.. V-Ilect Lord _Coke; !spoke hal a, hea , v,; . Y?' 'utentiPus way, as: though be were speakingH o r lomething, nut ~,f t h e q i ,j u d ow , „; gav- , ,,i t t)tyl 1 1 414 iiieli,. ;;, !st4lun and iniiifessive conklt;itsj 1f, , 11P - -.4ew . ..the round from hisboo' &: . -T.1ie 1 ,41,? - .. 1 cegu. -overpowered with heat, ilia Amus e kin i* f p iti n s ee nt ede , ituthrie,biashiniPirtl '' .les of-dust, frOm his. fate; -th e : - ( : : - hi tr a: ry14 4 • 'sued to himself;. and the, ..reaeher iiai ' btlitig;; btit the.stage took a 'cant, ovr w vent, andAbere we' Were, Piled, in olie niud ' oozed, 4roligh the,. window ,1 ,We were ' lintiodneed to : t,aclifottier. tilalrt t4t, mo,, tiaeut. The judge &Wore; ~t.liait: : •- il .1 . [his' po e , . iikttity..... 3.g,te fop's efotlies ".w - ere . .uined ay rninediatCy. sank down into a piece ofrd - I 1 '-i'-g.- •, , ty: itrl-pirlity ; the• countrt:man be- the stmie iiriticipie:, .a'Vpra,, a... .i..._ N.illi a , loaft.4 - in a 1. iralige' l l•ai s d 'who \v Olild I- ' ' .noi • peak t 4! Lim at iu_alie- c -tllikt is, as.soia . - tion,of idei4. :Time, 1: ; 11avO l)ekl. - ane kngrss e.r.l in the,c..6es Of.life, ,au4 bb_ then - ; ;and :what .1/Te thi• - y . tOlille f " .aslollo, l .i World • \ \L - S : ' t)1" I i li 4., liely . it, Awake al, midaiglit, Jilt i „ C , ..11/ !KT_ I 1 . . I bare .seen ; the sitine (MI coach—the ',same Ihees, just as theyiwlere tlaln--,-all winding up the-, rnonatarir; and: could. ;distinctly iliear, "Auld Ling gym.' ,ringin thrpugh - my Mem oryi amid ',the sine dash - 1 . of water-fallS jand lwhistling or quallo. , 1• ; . ~,, , ; .''..e,ader, there ivas sor4thirlg rural.iibOut 1 . stage-coaches.' 1 Theywere 'fOr, ever. pasOng throngli I;4viis, thteading l s.trearns ascending slopes arid ragged mountain-lades;. and - they Jooked as natural :on thli landscape, 'a the 'trc:ts about them; i upon birds all :knew them, 1 and looked down upon ..al they passed, With I pleasme. Wes, there was oetry about; ihem ketry i lof the Words. ''orthtan. schlool.--, (There wasla dignity, too, ' n'e;ase,_a re,p4.e cf 'Aar:met, a,never-in-a 7 litirri -hid of (...9nrild 1 ence, that i sulted well the babltS o(the age. ; They 1 wer ' ec for. instance, *,,the •; e4i who kePt khe 1 Stak-hous'ets; acane of tli rri in. cities, and 1 4.oine amid the'slef.,:py,'/Jollowpof the country., iJust find me,one of those.- Men now, if ,r-u can, Yon rec4llect, tliOyiwere large, cOrpu hint piece - S of flesh; carried 'faces of. great, betl'envoleuee; wore heavy', doc.ble-chins.,! and a reryl merry .tt)inkle in the eye. They 'were_ prorript.at the door, in pers:ni when rheptage rum h hyl up—didn't'send'a l sap 0 altern; bow out and•sh(Jok'hands,_ with' the• passengers; kisso the babies; were ; !(anxious about., and. 1 4-tripathed with every bodp And i then tiler:rise you all the news Of. the di and taliecl rnia free-and-casylrind of way rill thei while, ,as :if they knew yOu, and' had known your father and grand-father before 3-oir. These Men were landl rds. ' There .fire no landlordso now. N4body, could be a landlord lin. gOod ,010 etas -ti' ' unless ,;he - Weighed over twollinndred ; .and +laziness. and! good 'nature were absolutely i,.;icliipensible. i Now, 1 , _ ;we_ nave a diminutive,' w spi*h,l_weasell-''.facisA ,latsof,..being, .who-,only look. 11:t 40. kusi, nevi ,_4l-4 ' tavertOwe'ingl.,ll* :wriggle awl 4.wistthe coppers:. of lap; 415...c0011y kW: I fltililiotts l 74A•a4eW ti , Chinltinn . street j. who pakttiatti hem - great an' 4.rtiii,tiosition ittla will, tstind , , , lforn'brealdtig:* obt„;:into an uproar; JWllo:}vil`nOt give you 'e' . en',„"svtat's ;In' "the. *1 1 ,;...vi110 nevq - sraite,::,e e* they i i i re nri-.• tlei'lio-,obligation to; who'- ;act as nugh, hey.fownecl.all :the huinan- tier& under ; their iotiffr7lll, if thew had'a-perfe`pt iieit to. train: inert ntioniid;:iite'/Vplittoin of soldiers, 'steor... ilinkrto theli'iiibitiary -OIL ''. - - - .: ' ' All"t14 ..,reader,. .16 eiiii,l44 owing to the, debiise - '?!;.4t.ign4conohes::l )V,h4l,:rstile,e-9* 4es 4ie4,tful,gct9a. , 4 ,I*}olii . gave np ; the-lewd. : Where they ave gone, I .4O not, Inn' te,ndite say i - probabl itiAtitthi3 ',Dilijack -11 kni/s.' , i'Therehavl - be n,:lii'greidaniny , :of ' btif.N'bUi,tirey . ',are I:',Thilttir'' aliyo . ' 4 l)tit ;4, iiglit.'.':,• 1-. ''.. ' ' -•:. . • `. ..' :::-)..-"-: • -':-. ~, Aii6tliot 1141:10C ' 101tOi`iii . i;tif t go.c" iii,t I t : ofielies;' liiiii" atif.ifia.',.l; :(41•• 04-:sets. Ole ,d irbem now reader perruld ''half-way Alp the -.7 A T I 7i r o o r, R` ' 1 _ a !; I . I -7------1---77- -- TT - 7 - 7 . 7 - 1 illOUiltl ill-SidPi its faded brown 'signswing- i in . (' lazily to.nilrl 'fro. There was 'a herse 1 .1, rampant. on that sign ;alrote that had rear-1 ed at ,he_publie fur ' three quarters of a cew 1 turf; .iThis house was the. home . of oneof these SW-same landlords, It' had been in the far4ily io'r . 4ltri.se or four generations, :tad one child was torn and 'bred by each . .sucees- Sive landlord, 'to follow him: This Was' a stage-lieu:sc. You knew just what you ce.tild' have ,Yoke 4 ;there. - The. peculiar I rclisWof the mots yi*.conld taste -before yob . got jiff sight ' 3 f ii,.bcObse.fliat was an.arttbat Went through the familY'with the descent of blciOd You recollect the disli"of IsPeekled trout, the broiled - chicken, and rye-bread. You- es'en renternberfthethree lonng-erit that you 'al ways found_&%untering round it : a good-for nothing looking fellow; Who was always? 'at teinithl, by 'a fill-pole . and „box: of bait, and . who supplied:; the tavern . ; in that.line.l .- the blacksiuttli, his shirt-sleeves rolled up, and smoking-a, pipe, ,and continually askinglires :tiona';: and a large'bull-dog ; • that lay out in , the dirt,lazily r snapping at the flies.. • :.! . - - . lf you do not, recollect Any Such:inns, nor any 4+,1 landlords, in stage-coachtime.s; I do. _i got shilmreeked once, on a turnpilce in a •nt on n tai nous part - of New-England,! 4$ 'our Stage,coaelt was entirely . , detuoliSlied among the boUlders and breakers that lined the road.' ,:, We finally drlNd into one of these very itrus,' kep't by one of these -very. latnl- , lords. I There i'. I remained a day. The Old roan was as gentle . , and .mellow, and as full of-soul, as . 0111. of the Goldsmith's . essaVF.— lie leOked as Sinatile and child-like as/ thObgh • he had fished. and Lion a a flute all his life. lie put himself and his household to our er •viee, nt -once.' lie went away in the bilis with its, where We sauntered With our Otis' 1 and piles until night-fall; All this he . sef.m fed to . regard 4s' a kind of duty, imposed:',up -on hint b his, .Character of, landlord.lie gaVe us lits history, and informed us-that: he `was.at.the battle •of l3eunington. lie knew ,Molly!Stark ; liVed'next dour - to `.`her ! lind I the old Gin4;",and said the was oriel of' ; the most -4.'retharkable winfa with 'tubs in times of-sickness, he-ever see'd." (This took dOwn j the sublimity Of the old lady's revolutionary 1 rucultiry sonic:)- That he W .. as b6V),- and ex 1-pecte4'to die-•lin'the ..old tavern.i We ,eon -1 eluded the day a with game supper, qniek -1 ened With cid4r,hrandy . ; and.' fell, as tall, as the elitis aboHnt us, before we retired., to bed. 1V01,.,%s hat ihas . ail this to do with sOge coathiesl What to do ?—a ;good d ei r,! If you.* one tho . mathematical geniuses, reader, that Onnot 'endure - anything 4114 does not mares . step by step, with the preeillou,of a problem in Euclid, you . 'llad better stop rlglit Len; ; :yr to :yon, frankly, that i do not intend to tietnonstr - Ite thing this article.- . . Ilir is it, You - don't see any of thosoim6n, any of those beautiful l'ndsiiape ,. pictures that . 1 away off, 'ne tled,itttV, by plaec of ; the Rail-roads c:u reach them Yon )leer, one eyealaiting i fiz-z; a heavy_ two or three miamps umoyforests.dancing a bornpitie :::round %%lib A - NW cattle anu sae!) ming ;round at ter , aud,--that' r4m s• all. the • .I.ilge- coaches I • _ I inustinot forget the stage-driviirs.----1 They . c.ertainli - did belong to stage coatltc4 'Here .ivas, a chit,: of men swept entirely ont f existence . wheti staf. , ;(*.:•-coache‘s They are .buried with the, jaCk-kniv,e.-1; too.l Yoniktum th4 - never lived any where in par ticular; except. on a stage-box. and the Ikhole race iof tlicia• - ; seethed to belong -to ap the stilV:4:+COMpatiies in the Union: . -Where . can I find "Can't tell you, Sir s ! he is a stage-driver!" • That settles , the .4wistion. I ant ;sorry to say, that . they never dul.tutich• for - the morals of the. age in whichi v they tiourislicil- but; as, they are mostly gene— :thegenuine,. specimens,thean-LI ought_ not to'speak of tliern.- _Did you ever hate one of yhur mid-night dreams a strigeoach ; . • shattereiliinto,pteces. by a stage-driver's oath gait Oath that cracked - . like - a ride 11 You have]; thotight eo.. Dd ,you reaolletit hai -1 his fact ., lOpk , l.4l—eine side . - ot it swelldOut witk half:a paper of tobacco, like a Wen, so that fit appeared' really :painful t yea • de? Thoi;e are the charactets Ithean, , • .Taverils to them were just so. Many!ports thl!dined servant -girls and slept i wit : the Itorcs . ; that is when they did sleep. They were: 4i fathous 'singers,' and they sang! the; old ,out-of-t4way tunes ,that had been baziiblred froin philter circles :'"lr3lack-Eyed , l S.u.lan,""tai. Discay,” "The ' Bongh," and T a hOst : of others, the 'Way - •39* - 4.1.9.tne1aa eholly hallads about es . ecuted: eritzti•uafr,., and ilovesick were made rip'of driuitig,'siugug, swearing and Airiv . ing .They. are . . gone ;let tit l l ll 49. -; •• . ' • Mitat hasbecoine of all the stage-coachesl- TO:lonfv.ss truth, reader, - .I do, not : know. I %tent a-mile loni:of..,thy -way, a Slide: time sin,c,-..t0 see.* pile of them; where th 4 were stacked pp limier, an old shed. 1- They; looked roj, fr.rlorn,l3uSt, as. every discarded thing, ' doe.t, look. Tey had evidently Seen great service. They -- assumed, in• My, unagi nation, thass:ol,thoughti a kind of woodenhistory. Tii4. hid listened to so Many ..steries; anec- : dritls,.andsopg,sHhad thade the acquaintancof e many,people—had seen much of the - • ' world; that I wondered .why they didn't talk. -1 r -too of seeing , one not 164 . since, tintWly skirting along, the woods in art-outof thcfway place, as defected - and, heart-broken as 4. in;-. a .city. ..They are' no 4, , 0ne.; 3-et.;, bUt:the,. few that; stilllin . • . $1 fin ger 0n1y . .. make ,the picture . more .gleomy. about ,stage-ceailies ; scit*thing' l 4at foreibly•rethinded of-the jcminey • of life ;-,-I.have no doubt . . jou . have . re.,4 ithesgm e 'lesson; reader. Don't! I: you re member, a great many years 'ago, `. , ,that YOu . e)?Ltere , , somewhere, a stage-teach 'you . hful tune . paasengfrs in all There waa.a. grai•-headeci. obi .gertiletnan, with an. ivory top. cane, and ,a bosom full of •ttffles ; .mo, .er,ind4 . WO hlue-fiyed Children a . 4iJa- or : ts o, young, and joyous :as pr- Yoti recollect that it was a May-morriin,, 4 and, 'lO ;Ifp freshness- ,and Life. ' The.'OalloWs `werle : sweeping Apq - eltattering erier ) , ,ottr heait thera,rm .4:great pair . : aptd bustle ttii !Ot. syoff, diti49rprPPer-;bleOway.• There ~J y ! r l i ' 4 . 0 64 lafqwg..l l 6;', blew ,ofthe'horri, .and' abi:ard,'", .a:.!lappint.t9, cif Liie:4 0 9i,..1 a44: a -4 41 .* 0 r* ttaA4??:v. 0 4 .14, 3 1,91 1 AB; (1- 91 1 -0. 0 , )es!-;op 071 t444,u,que!_c;4.,*.',0 ,thin;;tbs*.tticit rob were no where" to be seen,; Weir. TO POLLI iII'EnATUBA 11151%lait_ijiLTURF, p717f)77 A (81ontust, QLOttntn, 1 tint a, Cinrsbda" PorninT i )111117,0 34, 1851. mr-r....rortv 1 • , *ere Vacant. 1.116 deiv was hardly off - the gras4and 'the voider ,of the -e c hildren, so loud and jqcius, were no longi - ti - heard. Then,tlie old matt passed aWay ; and 'then: another,aid anOtWO, until ychtrfottnd silenee, amid' 4e twilight Shad ones ofeEveblng—alohdl =listhniii to the:iiirnbling, of the wheel that Were carivin . g you still on: L there h moral. here! the good off stage-eoaeli7 es !--;/rnickerbochir. . I Prom I , utnshin's Monitly for SiarCl2: .AuccdOtes of I;Gambleirw. • - • ;.15!ZOM 716: - *RENCII 0"? .M. VERO-g. f It Was during the Consulate and Empire, that the gambling_ houses 'of Paris were ha• their Ikey-day. AS none of out readers, for tunatelv,have seen thetse theatres - of terrible and rth;eibingpag.sient, tit !quote the account 'X \Tema gives of them ; i n The first day of - the rite th,. I fOtind my self richer than 'usual': -Iliad sold a very e:e t:clientskeleton fer twenty-five francs ; and I was tible to invite two iierids - to dinner.- - -- !rolls:Sean (one of 1 his schhOl comrades)' was one of ixt; guests. He Witanxinuis to 4.etakiir me thern aver; the day ,virei 'appointed ; the rendtizious -was at six o'etttek, at the Cafe du Itoi.•1 There were - threeotits, Rotnaeaa I, and - a young niedical I,studen4 who .was fr.:A tlyz 1 mg With ,a 1 gallopping cipsurription, which had i Iteik brought on byf fatigues in the liOt ! sun ()Wing the revehttiotrnf July. All of us werel punetriarafthe - reniervotri.'' Oar host was kal ind embrirrassed# At last he said to I us, li have invited yen toillinelwith.md; bat; my parse is etripty. In i 4iis alatnaing sites !tion,?.. the I yenig physiciantsaid,,it• is prObahle we areboth (looking at + in the position as 1 Rou4seati, he spoke the truth, ilk brkW! there I\is.l.e4t4ne thing to be done; I'll go and bor. t row twenty francs ifrOar l the keeper of 'the - 1 cafe.; , J doubted ',very Mitch Whether he had I anv!erdit there ;,• but lie cane ,back with a I gold piece in his hand: tre :started off to ' dinner,', - We crossed clic - Men of the I'altkis ! Royal... Supposeiwe g 4 up - stairs, said one !Of 1 u., And risk at the regne-et noir half of Oar fortUrre--say teri! franc 1 i The proposal ‘‘j-as unanimously accepted. ' - itosseau was sent Oil' -. , ~. 1 _., _, Ito try our rortune ;he soon returned ; .1 . 1 . ':, .he had, 10t... Oar itituation became; a bad ore; we Met; feeling all the pleasure's of i hops, one of our comradely the tall G. . a charming young felibwi , and the son of l a ' 1"-J:tine:prime.. NV° told himpar story ; tin i_fortimately he c'eald .add -• to ;our purse only th'rrip'francs anti a half, and: ifil gave u 3 'to lunderstand, by n gesture, thatiltis watch was at the--pawnbraer's.. W soon induced eur I . neWichmrade in`: nisfortune to i club his. men- fey ik-ith out and to go-and-risk the thirteen; '- I frarrci-and a. half at the rapid ichances of -th ' • roulette. Our 'haver &trait; return -it Wa i past, seven' a'clock; Shall w,e- dine or not .1 1 Our fitiendappeared; he showed us 00 fraucs... We gaily Acetate Vefotir'sfor our dinner. : seafrely know wh'y, but.all itolv'ed to Bind J very ecor.amicallv. .r - :- . ~- ... We knell 1 net what else td:lo. Inittoreitirn to a garish} ling n'eu.se. Onnfriend- G. t. 7 . ..., ~ Wai elaire+l •to play all: that remained in out . coalmen purse v and We wbuld share. the 1 prcifita. In a very few.ininutes our, friend G. i i ~.; ~ had won eight hundred franesi at I rcuilette; the share of each of its was two burl ' (WO francs. - G.! . . ..; and Roussmu'hold ly 'la tared their two hundred francs, and in- a few minutes, tlie3,, , each had 1 fifteen hundred or itwo thousand francs, of winning.. ROus, 1 1 Ina Was.greatlYindebte i d at the Cafe du 'lei and at the Cafe des Niarieties ; tve tore him, sO ; to!lstiy, from" the gambling house, and i.by paying alargtelsum on account, he opened a new credit at both of the.ctifes.' Head and ears-in debt, without a cent 'Of money in his picket, and without credit in , the morning, in the evening he! was rich,' and esteemed. Such wonders easilyiturn olle's mind. ' ' The next day, after leaving the hospital, I returned elope to the same gambling house. to risk the Inhidred, and odd ifraneS which re nt:lined to me,lafter the division of the,eVen jig S'sp - oils; I *on seine twelve lours d'or ;lit 1 Seerripd like *dream i: The next day, I was at noon ' at the same place had takenthe p_tecnution to:have it retained for me. - For nearly three Mouths, I won irk this way, nev- 1 ei less thania 'hundred franCs a day, and of ten-much larger sums.' I still continued to Perfrirta my duties as an,interme in the !hos- 1 pitali; but on ill terms with my books, 1 lead- ing what is called a 4 fast" life, frequenting I the Jestaurant's,'lnd tbe. theatres: having-for i the first tinie : gold coins', in my pecket, : and, , fOr a student; large snms in my, •secretaiy. , ---.. ThOdileurt and the: bout de-tables praised:. my game. -' A; ponte, 'a professional gambler, Wiionrl had never seen,. stop` pal use one day.-" about dinner -lime, in the arcades of ' the Pa• - laia Royal. • - l'.. ', • '• - ' 1 1 4 ,l l dOnisourir he 'said, 4 'l bave nothing to ask-from, you t but I Saw yea play this morn inmrallow me to shakeharids with you i it: is impossible to4klay with more good - luck ' and - - ,! 0 016 1; 00 d se , n B e^" ; ' 1 • - ' ` 't . likiew how to stop in my winningst;and `o `I often hat the cluigrinfof playing only a uirter, of an;hour a "day. I How heavily the tuna hung on my hinds-during the rest of the'lav I Ettialette winnings:excite all aorta of immoralities, in the heart, and nothing inot,e brutali* he Mind ;nothing sooner ex itinguishei all loVp_bf labor and of study ;' notning inipires greater cOntempt of allibus-, instal, a greater loathing pf. all duty, ,_ thin, Ithose :richni of an hour vihich.foitune, gives._ Yon ; that , she' may have the pleasure of.-Ides- I poilingyou of then. ' I would speak only of the; player who wins; What- would Thrive to :MY!Of thepliyer Who loses,l In. this , irPli: icats Idleuesn, fev,ered and disquieted ".by con listatit winnings, I bad daily greater ditliculty I; to.; keep within limited ;, winnings. Had •I 'played higho,lsaid to rayself, , l would:MOIL a (large fortune. ' I had, resolved never ,to stake ',mare at fustithan ten hiiiis d'or ;;and Aluringt two or three days I daily won some ifteett hundred or two thousand franes., - .Thnalder" ter mined'.never to .stake more at first .than five hundred: francs; foritwo:dava that kizik-', lake was ititrupletely tatecessfttf.-Althotigh. during threel-months I bag '"lived lilcea tail, liirsittire;.:l3o , like - a: gerieroui.mii/ionake,;l, still had in tay'snfe (fok,l.•had'a safe) norm if . or 10 thousand franek:#l.2..gold , -or in notes, which 1.,.104.n6A- - : I opuL-110.,rmillecI4at I,,:woukl neyer,,ataket rnpre, than * thousand !franci - at, first; Yew:l:tithe first thottiehil-,1 fritic: natal. tiftkeill doubted,' f Still *Vicorr.-Z , = ll But sotion't* 'istratigiot 14attpsilftv-A l ----4tainleil nine, a• fortyi (Li playas! foray , st ,ttetattii)trut4 tii)pespfd itivincat . rne•onge (via rtri,,lnreitt,, home to gq,more monor., I returned_ a see ', sontl, and as I had invited Several .friends to dine with line that day, lileft iuniv safe only 1 some lohis d'Or; persuaded that I:sluah Id Con ' querforttine with courage ;and. large :fore& There was not. even a combat I-- I lost every time. ;t.g ambler's idea,; suggested ggested itself:to M 3; nn ; -ed " ' I visited .that {lay . every gant: ling beep in Paris; :al ; six, o'clock 1' had. scarce motley 'enough te!Pay for the dinner: i I had ord'Ored. - .' '';-1 ~ 1 '''..-• ' . ''' '.' .1 ' 4,ielt with guileor. ten thousand' franca, Ad! 1 a great tratiy - eititt/es in,the' air in the tuorn- - I ing, in 'the .eynint , I Iftd !not a_cent nor'An' .1 ilinsion. 'We gaily turi4d at : table, my foi..-- 1 tune end': my gambling litelt, and the- next mOrning:l Awoke with my heart and lily mind free, ahncis.t glad to resturieiniy..past life Of Ica-: bor.and of study, an 4 to.tend that .eare-itern 'and agitated. life of profesSiorial gambler.' , I did n6t, liowerer, openmv,books agi, tin - Wit:h.' . .otit feeling:my' .iiiind:wiu[rder. - The:o r Mb) ' reappeared; 1 reproached I ginyselfbitterly':f' 114.,r having Ali:lett-to; play' well—for having r n .after rnyi lost money. ,llno longer laid p blaine on fortune ; I impilfed it all Myself ! I er n` thought it : would !Continue to pr'plePt me. : I found means, ) fet.' tile first . title in liny life, - to barrow::*thousand!ectri, -and notwith standitig; • all my. rows, ii+tviithstanding,lnty. eve ni ng'i experienee,l lost: these, th ousand. eens ! all in one day.. Behold i . vhitlier a 'fileitdlj , dintier,'arid : the 'sale. of A IskeliAon may lead one 1 . Happily. ' these. rude 'adrontureslii*s • tored me to my. sensed, and'l. felt Alarmed 'at the danger“ had ruu.• ,-During 'these. :three mouths of dissipatiei' I icve at least witrieSs ed all the imidness'.:3f g 'etileirsl 't lave' rii et, in- t'he.se-•ganibling lioa .. artisans,- faflie`rs, 'young men; grey - ,-beardi, ' ',idler, literary risen, ;0 soinepkYsicians, and 'n ote than. 'elle public. functionary. • Every bowie! hart itsregular fre-. qiienterS ;we were all , i'lual in the eye's of the "Bank," and peritaisthe Iritined gatithler with disordered clethes,Fandalltin and pain - . ed face, !Was the mos(resPetted:-"` '' ;: i : tn I often et. - at' No. 129_, a literary Inhn i • powdered hair, ativane Ain years, and. Who in his lucky bets would rejoice over his Win nings'in !attn. - He was h :peer wretch, whom . , the least loss would inake;pe,nniless. One day lie - touched me on the Ishoulder, and.he lie' me out into- the hall-; sl,e4 T here,: said lie s . take: this Persius and this .linktal, s and givei, tife fortyeents. - Lrefusedsto 'pas- less than a ;dot: lay fur these two Latin I . .iteeets.. His joy 'id-as exeessit=p ; but in a haltT an leitir he. returned to me, I lpittting his inind lih his pocket i See here; ' said he, take- tlett imir of blitel&-Igilk - , l ` stockivi, , P, and give' mill iv, tat. yon, please, I - I had eonsented to ditninish his library, but I - could' not agree to wearis old plothes.,,,One day. I. had forty lonia d'hr :on the blue.k- of,",i trente-et-un..• I left - itthere - to 'double. !-I , tri' old frequenter of the 116uSe came up to : me.ll l Do .yon want tt wind said he • I' ave . a dis ease, !promise me . ten frailcs that' I. may ;:pur chase chase a 'bandage. „I won, and he seen:is:mt.! his, bandage at roulette, - 1 Ihave been Obliged; • in the course a: my lif." vp, - study . and consolell ' a greati many sorrows; Idtave never seen any . ll anetish more poignant _than that of the .play-! er who bag lost. some unfortunate players! - ' bear:their fitte without ;uttering a iword 04 I- comphtiut: I . ,sa'w an: Etiglishman, : sitting nest tome (our elbows - , douched;) lose at the/ trente-et-un„ a hundred-thousand francs Withl. out openinghis mouth,! and without •a: gr- 1 , - turn of impatience! or, of anger; redueed:tO his last five hundred franc bank note,. linlooki. geld; re,lneed to his lasi gold p:Ace . pf.,(wen; ty francs he took '4l:relit, reduced' to his last 1 itensfrazies, , -he played ,tlynly. at roidette and: with fOrtr-eent pieces. I Dther players on -then contram insult forttrui, land even the fai/enr , :,- , . _ ? and at the sight of; th , e 'cant which, makes: them lose they. break the -rakes. The 'clerk', , who loses at rouge;et-noir anether,.Persou'i , I money ; the speculator .Who s.eek's.at. the gambling table to • re_ stablish his 'fortune, , I ma f. r ; after ill-fortune, commitsuicidP, leitthe , professional .YzarAet ii +s . a icing -while..Fori- - tune has Very. unexpected , autos of favor; it., caprices are unlimited„! and it .-often, lakes pleasure:in, making. the gambler's eau_tbe source of his largest wilinings: 'l' have :.often I , h ad Pointed out,to me,ifathens- tvlio: have vot untarily :exiled ,theinselvei. from' Paris, far komithe ,githibiing•.hotiseti, -that they ',Might : no longer play a ;but*who, every ,twO or l „thrde :_,_, months ir -e trneti. to see attain the roulette raid the trent t-int. - They•trentaihed - itt Paris : on ly a: few hours. just 'dug enough tee.thatiiit: the: (20n-tents:of th - eir,t tine; -sometitites for-:, tune retained them : 1 re. by enorrtieus,.witil I nings.,- •The' ponies wotl4 instance itt triy-day„! ' with4iiiduand. with jey,..: a yeung • donntry-: man, Who; about:. being 'tarried. in hit. profr-.: ince, i cathe Up to Parie with fifteen •!htittdre:d: ,francs to. purchase .114 wedding-. gifte, And, who !.returned home on rat the end Of a week;, and!who .carried, hack with hitn,his - medding, ' i 'gifts; and ninety .thou tid -fratfc of 'winning*, i They.addneed alson trasbourgeoffeet liOtts,it' ' ,keepei, who, at the en ',of a.month,teturned . home - with more thanro:hundred,lliousand francs of whining*, ...he minieS 'of. , the (hi-, tunate,idone were mentioned f,, the dist-of#te. ruined . would. have ..-beett too: _ long.', i-FivAry , . gantbling house . had ita:colebrated ;nem; . ivo oftett.met at N0..129, he plaver .whOin they called' Massina•;' he played only ti quitr-,, : . ter. 4f an .hOur, • and .4*,fiftaiert. minuteelbo either l -lost.tivo--•or. three thOus.and :franca,l :or, won itivifire or fifteeni . thousand francs: i i r it is jUsliee le say that - the gambler need fear-iu - the I:) . blic ," , Ifells",.* ,. irreirtilarity, : no, *UT t prize or error; the. Bank alone was exposed:.. to'pa. - twice, And it - vlas'uot coMpletely;pro tected from swindling! ,TWe:lyOung men ;":en,-. lertid Frastiati's '.one, er mint; One 84k4 op. the rouge- fifty .loiiis ,d'or ,indouble loni*; ' t .the other staked...ma. the noi r the ~eittne i auttt.i 4., similar coins. The - rouge Won, 'And nifty lOuis; were paid 'l . to the rouse;, the istaXesAtict, the, money - *ere .immediately :taken .laW.,.a:Yi- A banker took . up. the stake.loot .ott' 010 , DPi;i: but he hoot) perceived Oilit:tWe , 46ol.lJe lonia' were merely forty cent piecei.zwell_gildel , 77. The player whor : had,.Won, had :inateutlytilla apparedi theintlier Was Arrested. ) , Be-vitas 4. .. no . ; leas (Or, ntgurnen!s,;--; I didi,noti.-ioviEo4l hei that.:l . . staked. fifteen ,10.V4 A ; jilq.lk , given , yen, cogutierftit mOney,-„Ilat lit. fPI• hundred francs. !It 'Was year • bilajwai ,tt, :k.4! : ' Attire catefttl,:hofero: 44) 1 4g4.0.;i9PP?:44 1 4' 3 iite: , .'.-T . liA.airait' 024c7:1; NMI* * *4l u1f;154 . . 01:nine MU , dr4(9 1 . 1 0, l 4be:liffsglCTlPOPra- , " it.i- :A,,-..celebratogi : glngntl , : imeialAst,tilVic l l . : 7 444 atillikt*ltiollsme,:; Poet dr 4 44itg:, thi33Empip,bl: - .44041.4tAe. Cell 1-., , ---t7 , 1 4 i lt iag fitigus,i--04. 40.i,ige - 5rp0r: , 44.M. 1 11 11 ;4 114 ,,.. Se!deli .fttihoth finds, 1 AO. vflp - 0,. , :1pf* t ..,1 • . ,sa.tlylitikti:rouitiP 0.4 t 0 *Agog*, ~ , tai to r 'if,e 1064 , he , took .tit) bilk 04 - AO tgif,:4 2 . , banker a : thousand' franc -11,9101.443101:9/# 1 0 ,1 2, he . said to the banker,' who-in turn Offere , • . , , -.:N','; ..-z..-,::..7: • - , . hum a thousand trarlo.4l4l* your iatd n, I stiked hioreth4:lliitt t .': lA,. .•Isr. 'Ms oil, and he drew etitc4t iit;inititillitait'of me ild pieces, fifteen or twenty notes of a ' ou sand francs each; - Tht;tii,aeral - yap aid ; b!ut the.lessoltilds lidtTorgotten,'lnd 'rico one was - allowed tolplay ixott-lwith• hit at .nby (Ten, :mad witli•limited , stakes: Ih:trial' the, Hundred Day!, a . ,trielt, -wat,,,played ott the, t(ardc, and whichatill;bearg the nitric .f its triiKelator. 'One - et.liti . accomplices alle.. ing a 4 pleci - o t nifiliey tO'dio - ri . nit the floor,`. ire l§tkled Ito hniat fetr If ow - ihe , flo64. alnd - : title 6 Ito; :ip'paten tly :So ...engaged, ;:he , , ttere..au infe l fpittl nklichino• -. 'At .a. Oven LnO - , sent, another aceonlige apteiCgs. this one hall pit46o l lPd w - en'te'itooped ? ,lie*ed the pc‘wdef, 'ln the- , riiidstaf the . ge . peial . fright and confusion, 'the authors of thia -,elt flPsion alone •were • calm . ;; .they sgreitmed `` . Save-tholtiOnny r' and th 4 ran off: wi . t ins fhpl t old and silrer on •be table. ',Aft ' *Alas (le eotip ntaio, the, mbneY of the lifint c died to be•exhi c Mted on - the-table •,, it wai ine oied in copper :,boxes, • - whom :ample lute' tide,, however,. ,s4ciently.!kmpi the': gat) - let's' !eyes. All, the gamblers are inconsola efor IheauppreaSidn of tire . gamtling itoUses, 'A inavittge ;was recently proposed -to a Young! zn i an; and in My pre se: nce, to alvell bot .rack 'elegant ypting: man,..Wholn -his life,.of alb littg had . r.o.ay a-tittle as•topipted the a ...eltai cyl. tors by'his a'adacionsgame, and his,eno , .ous ''..trittniaga'; tile ladys roitl#c..; 6 . i : vino/ s'sisd I Ito }tint, ii'lwo huitredi.lousand frtinciAlt! (said he sadly, sucha marriage would be pos •-sible onlY, if. the' gambli g, houses , were re.;' ';opone4. In .1.849, while : trayellipg on ..the IRldne, I . visitedall the ambling hp sea . in iGermany; I fiend, there it: great many of the ipest* - I, hind seen her in the la bling' !housealn :1818 ; Tlie s. e Miletirir, tit' same !boats i de' 165ies,.tho sti e Messieurs, i • de la,. Citan'Oreopd,,especiallyy the-same old play- ' tiers. The 'passion of galnbling, like avarice ; 1 almoit places the'hinuan. heart beyoisi the ,oth.ei)tuseries !of life;t to gambler andthe iniserlive oh•chiineras, heir pleasurerts the only , one . Which . lears n satiety • thCit-pn mixed passion is always lively. le..tps re? marl 4 for! the . honer. of j ustice and morality, the durable joys of the avaricious cost priva tions Inndl iotroWs to none btit'himsel . The !very fugitive pleasures o'. the gtiinbler may ,cost the honor-and thefuitttof families, and ms} lead] by an inse isill'e declivity a heart borw , 9 honest •to"the r;rofoi.md&t -clilettlations ii , of disponi:sty 'and Of 4..riin. b wtate b gam loco. 1 was Often the neighbor of a well bred young tnith of a.good faizily and, - P, Very a greenble face. Ilee - played a:gnine.wl9ch was long suceAsfgl, the ,non/was-and the! dcsce2z... dante. - ,Meeting recently a lady whq had been' iine:of Lis friendq I asked 'ter Whit had become of my' gambling , , eompanion; • she turnd File, 'teLlts rolled ,401% . 'n h7 l cheeks, slid ienned 'forwtird and whisper intny ear: lie was 'inn ~ in London for forgery. ! \ • .• • , • i, , i • .- -.•-:•;•, ,1 . -.:',: • SatSriday illight...• 1 .. . • t, ;..1 - -: AVbat.'Lhmsed::tbings.SatUrda'S• aig,its are,-1 and ; what would the world _ de.. withoity..thenti? ; l 'Those' breathing ruetnories.,lt the tr+rripling-, march' of :life.; those little !twilight, in r the i .bmad antl,.garOsh glare of. 4499 p; wliTttßale ; yesterdays look beautifully , :ihrougk(4e schad.•,-, 'oNl's.'andfit'ees • • 4 C:11a11 4- 6'd" ' loaf'. ito ' mile. Isweetly'ligaiWi . it th'e fu - sli ;4111et7 on4;e7re' fit , ' .ber4:"the old -folks :itt--bome,,7 „and : be! old . t , aim 'chair, am - I'A he ~ little lirotlit itt, ,lied,: and: the little sister..tltac.FaS .I,trans ; •,tedj.".,.:.:::-. : Saturday night :flakes peOple Int an i sets,. ''their liearts to beating softly, n's the± ul:4pcl i to do before the . World turned :them -ilto ward rums, and jarred.' their'illi - Vi.';'e - w i es" h_tattas.. 1 .-The-lediterelc . Aes frith - n" elash ;-' eiton domed Araultfi etiine -to:With-a ban . ; 'up go• the,shutters -With. It :will ; :clink - goes, the -14 . . in the.16ek.,,,,1t is. Saturday; inlghts t 4. busiz. floss :breathes free ; amain.: ....11OtneW ,a; • ~ .,i) l' . The 'doer that• has ..'l,t7en.. ajir',all' . t. e . ' week' gently i2ilepies behind - hinctlie'is'or a c§. ilia' out. Shut oat: ••• ..-' -:.: -*, 1•T,"';: . ''••'-',:: ' ''.--rrl Slititin, thou rather. 7 -14eXe'ar4 area. after all, and , not, in the vatil in'tbe book-4ave record in tlii Sly Bible. A.Retjpe.for Honda • One,of the.wealthy- merchants:l4 'outcity,, 1611 059, 4e; 11 .4 the p a st -,Ye4i,-u - PpivligtilY, 'mourned, o ft en told his fiiends i an aneid4te,, , which occurred i n his vv - i e.Flettice,end — Iwhich, wa s . teco!ntuened - . to all t, ose_wbo wist. to enjoy; 4 ere Tie old a i t.'e, Wilthioueal ' lowing th eir Wealth to - disturb - thei 'p iece'-of mind, -Ile said that•whin,le ha' _,obtained: ' hit,fortune, -he , . fotta& he began to , . row ',un ,easy about., his pecuniary t affait i • ;•ausl - -. wig, night-When-he was about sixty Y . .. ra of eke,: his 'sleep Was disturbed " by ;unple. '' t tliciits . - teVtietang - soide Shipments he hadjuse-mide: t In the - morning he said; to Itinitielf, - .. This will nevwdo ;if J. allOw such i th9 ll l4 ...01,1114: trhc tynstcy oNeTmet J mgst bid are.Wel 1 ,1,0, peace_all, my life., '` I a-ill - St - OP - A ` - broOd.'of care 'at 011ie . , and a a.'single bltiliV. • Acco4: i inglyyhe irent to his coin) *titi'roo -,- :apd l up. o •on•..eismination? - fotind , h 'lad 430_,0000n , e, raPneY , oti 101(111.... 14 macl . Pin! 4i list Pfi fibs:: .relatives and oihers Ile,. desired t aid, and. before 'he. went' to bed akain'he iiikd • 0v46 away every delhir - "Of . the thirty t - 43iiiind: 'lle' taid he slot' hell-that ; ' nigh • lad for n long.tipie after Ms _drew:new:6l.l,4ot Ilitt,ttrb .by- -, anxious tlaouohts,abittt hip,yimseb,,sp 1 7 P1PP0t.Y.77 ,5 ' 010 roilt7 4 ,fti: .t - tatAn, excellant inettiOd Of :it! iiogtriOlts;iibuld:beahonys the;.plate . otout neiihbotv 'and bor in our 01/Cl. •lava :fon jigy Imaginn at It Ava# yo4_ ilo,iy you alx4e,y9,nr i ;erpial yonzr i ley. yodi'intpotEa feelings \Ylioni*f oteliil4o will nadeisiand:",what Modpril,jkl* . Tay be, ifire4,4ll;; • suptkeitial imosible; abd-to cer /4 . 4 r,eitetheq in 1, ._qt4 , te , prke-c,,,rm. pv:4F.. 0, ail 0,"t104$ tho ,td. gfr,ich hifhakliatittlAl 4 1 115r-14'', fol l lo -:)...,;1:..1 1:11 el ~! . : i ii: 'Mc : .1 J ilk i 4.,. , ~-.. • “..... 4 , . 4. .4. ,' : 410rN,,'0111140 A 4) : l ,*k $ i. ' A i ii 9 Omit - 0 311 Ail; P l 4s*l4: o b 1 13CoginW6Snise` i ma an us • EA' 1 with Ottnelres mut others.. . 7 . 7 :.' 2, 1 , 1.".,7 ,- Nt - Tr 7' p..:;:i.. ..1'.....-. ,7.../., , ::,, his treasl.' PA:not. old funi-' .• r tuppk-9fir-.1 titti,W.df dart iieih ived, tau 1 10 .14 0 tqtAt! 41 , Aavr . -you' .ivtded Miti4 l main e - ft ~qtlifeon, gdailtys, WAWA/rid' Q U ntrill? iiaore 4EI ~ta a:... r~ :::11.ithitit. - 1111,-T:gxtiiib'.o',l3:' 1 14140ehomPt 1 7 1 1 laft', ex . fift.V110.10911.6 i : Pursuant to notice - , the Susquehanna doctril t Tencher's A..46eintion held its fqurth sfisl eon. in the leCtUre ilarferd SSat= urdabkiircAl 4)4 1 , _4 1854 r , ~ Tire, President riot_ Wing present - the k ince; •,,-•._ Pre4dent ,called 'the.meeting to order ; iina. a: the - Rev...k.' killer wait '-litrited to apetv'tliki'' - session with prayer. - - The q Rey el. t ,4 , in- . , , :R ' ic * -nll en,„ roet e 'ed to,address the Isiociat ; ol at H engthinEa eloinent and 'able ''lctiiii tipor(.'the " True , - mode - ofconduetingtheredicatien'Of yelith." :Tkentire lecture Wes aeolleetioyi of ;OM.' - thiiughts, rich and rare, 'gathered and treis::: • 'ured -upby the, lecturer during a; longand' ,46111if:0., - ye 'cannot dOsitati&l'lki the lea- .1 time by, giving an'ipito4 o4.si it ik - iiii' '_, ' Possible.for. us to give ^ anything more,,,And. ~ that. very: iinperfectly,- wet, - refralir frnixi:.o4- , tempting any report'of :it whitteveti'l,btik - , would inerety remark those. Who' hear d , it cs*''alenc.,appreciate it. ; . -.,;,1 . ''.. No .rnhieellaneous , busiuess,being before the '. Association the: President proceeded 'to the c . appointment of eOmrrAtteci.- S. -ti: Hankdion s C."\Y.P'earis 'and, S. W - ;Tei - vislinrY ware'sp! ' , pOinted:a Business ,committee::;.A finzrj4. : , committee being called' for the ..teresident pp- - pointed E. McKenzie,. O. R. I'aimer•iind O. - I:Northrop,: '- . 's -'. I, '- ; ;• _ '- - '• - .... On metion the Pres id e nt - the)? inriticlllie . • ~ .. -, Rev. Willaid Richardson to .-address the Aa , I -soei ation, which he proceeded - fold° in:a clear . an happy . manner. His , reinaiks - - sceie---oi , : ' ' I tin- expres s in g .l '' 1 - -tli '' haP-s practical e, c ear y . e c acter of What le, conceived to the_arecora."- - ., plished teacher .i. and also the weighty resport-_ , sibilify resting upon him. He ;demonstrated • the necessity of a change in. the' Present model: of teaching in some respect, and 'congratnlia led Parenti and teachers f Upon the oPPettnne , ; organization of the Ass4iation iand the flour:. • l'ishing condition of education:generaily. : - - - Altogether 'it would-hare :been' fortunate. could all patents and - teactreritn - the,coUnty: t.i.. ak; Jiqrt present to listen ,to the _Words of wisdom that fell from the tongue.of the- 4 01d,.." man eloi - pent," - and 'to the lucid. and , pomti- ..- cal arguments and demonstration of the tour.. ' ger soli - Air : and t'eaclier, -by wifoie Charietai : the, pi - ofesiion of teaching is se ranch 'alevrii- ted in standard ; and Purified in,practice.- . -- ,` The' discussion being neat'in: order, _the, piestiOir lni!'iislelitt, should the Common schnolk lief - liel 'kept 'open_ annually, was titan up and ilisl: - " cussed uith:uinch_arder and interest by Igo: sea Tyler Brewster, ,Edwin lingleYi , JealiTr% :. ler, Rev.- Willard Ric' la i rdson;. Ira Stevens,i 5..,;i --_ , 17. Hamiltr, .lolinliiiinding,H:T. te7kt,buz • . • ..., . , . , ry,:'The . 4 . spn4on.lastea seierat hi:Airs:and Immix S l, ' as 'd bytlioepresent.to Prl ,w. evinced tiike hold of : the rAvoi* in earnest i and' pliice our cOminoft , .sciiooiS; in that .pOsition, which , :thVitit erests-df. the people - .inflpem- tivel v ' de=-- . ,mend.: After_theAneribt - . ad ";been :1 , i . :: over::**tai - gid till4i=o,, - ,,l:i 6 bi olt't,t , books; was ; on, mption,takeni ?IN. , hut.eiiiiik... * - to•the' lateness ofithe hoar:was not discussed; On Motion n comniitoe,ebiliistintiif Rev W illOll fiie4.3kigAii; g.t._l:l4'loiiik r.- and S.' 1 - s6lolr9p, wa s 41)9iPteat.4-.):4,h104 formal :- r report at the next, meeting P on e Rubjeot4 icit'l•biaoles - ' tire. -• iti -sclkool i this' _ i ~...., ~,,,- ?i, J .-...„ i - - ~.,.: j ,iiir: + ' : g) T il h il :, Y :WAeir , , - :11 1 1i I zz.:Actt r ° '4l;d7 l :li, "- exl 140 7- O n p - rib t :-. lie Assoelation iv 4tf: 41 ; 147, - 4.4 AttAtr 1: .1 nie consultrtion_it.g*,,agreed_te, - meet at e sclioot•hostik. riissriPlP-tri11.1 4113 59 1 : 1 ,. 'w Irridq, .thstStstrof MaroklB644tit title el! • litp _ pii. .v . 1 t. : :._;,..7.% .r. : ..., ~,:,,. ,;...:.:,...- : ~.y,, „ ; -,-. 1 , it- WaStalgo.agteo Atilt 41 1 0 e 41(iiAla.;§9-ani, oftn'siness tt4sio#o6liitotlta, - * 11. a derAtrYigkbi:Aniwa i i• - , •-4 1 kvt.eople thp titeTt#eiOti . ' dfy and .1 , ,awaro ttat, notiii44.4l* - ,OY A mish foi• tkoioKia6aitle i tntiohrdoreren3Aiins,‘4 b y th f ; ;Annie* tlici:M4k4i:l44 l 4*%" friends of edunitiott &neatlyat dhe to )1 Re A. Mulei r his J a tidnessin segiiring* -4 xontincdationkfOi.thejtssOciAti 6 ;i 44 1 414_:: a!id;;Oso, to tWgenerous tlistees.l ch.arge.: 1 'tile ittiTidanie t Ih .6 leetiig ; *iis lie,ota' - 4 1 '1- lixPe9tiitioll \ari*il?ost. 11 •?'tigAle`P 1 :9T.IJa t ,G-3:1? And , flearly - -.half of that attendance liall haiima '. •lit`raAty - trO 11e* in 6 Aberi .iv'E;l;o addedl . .. ...' ~ l istof members of tili : 4ssOclatiOil liiA a i 4 . -,,. tiabk share of them ladies' . ' ‘ . ,/,., , „ / -Da motion .. ! 'grelliegni aci 6 "1101. 4 i . T 4 , ", as above - sta.tedl-4- , -... ' f ~„ ;:," .. , •, L ,- , , ~ , , ' ' -' 1 .1! S. T.', COTty:Presideliti ' IfitLie'Witkiffii. ttava-r4. oolfea' pondene citiats ' Oii" l 4 atka. td a ' l . ll ast•'''it*O t a ill t. aftkle ofd '1 .‘:sritf --.1 !3t i v.nie of ‘ o o:lpunt, , ir e blo4i' ft , * tctltti. : -. 7init. ' 'biiiii. 4 0 c:thi,a; -, fiudia , ii 3;tiPplifel,.so4oco4 ausaitfid '1 0 ‘: thai eianiotitf.'!ifixir,, Bays' adopted •04 1 ,: hAtt otttrainkisi,i They , ore - fKielk strut, ` . itto,*•44thAjteir IdanO,-,shosuldezaeove ift notk. liklitiftlek iia4 1 ooltiOr lilep-4N -bisealai iia'i l i l i i'-ltaelValt‘;r,lVlK'''tba • jao4l wil t s. qa4o ' • Pa r 01.60 - *, is A* o :o ' . 'or. p i 4.,•cm i jelioittU ' eliffrg , 4. i. • r4tr rfritlitialliil4 . , IfkaA' ,51?0,4,k , • atis:otbipeds otik iniitir."* „-ii,t :: , 2 4 , The filiiiiiis Icialia*ti ' r i - tolo -41 . 7 y=" 1. Be a young lady If he, could ; , ~''' ! INtlashealiVlloo l hAtintiNnt •-, - i To abbi thelioligheignotams- ~ 1 ; -,r._ „ , f- , 1 1.4.....:(..•,Tha -„.„ . „: ..,.. , --,: .--.u. ; •,-, i roi.irt ie nlittrifigitiplist lie ..Sail :lik:sdat Ottliiiims AO :rth' a '.w. 1410" a hil l e . titabit 4 i " V 4 l t t i hlV"t"9 favalin'bre.l47,d,,l :lee. G ood ifiini for pr664..i.:7:+5y:- F ''; =MO 1 7 • Is~ t 1.. =MEM r3~ . IMME
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