D 4• ve, Jeremiah Shearor, War. If. E 's t amen, Nathan Satter Mr. 1 Fiench, I)ert. Nelsen Smith , E. C. Foster, Miss Mary A. Short, John Fisk, Miss Jane S. Shoemaker, Mrs. . P. Fdotf., Chancey Southwell, Sarah . • Nster, John Shelp, John . Fewler, Miss Satth M. Smith, Miss Hannah Faulkner, A. H. \ ISweet, George IGiss, Miss Betsey ' Sines, Heman Gregory, George ft. . Sherman, Mrs. C. ' - 1 , • sell, N.l. - Strickler, Samuel ! *roman, Henry Short, Elizabeth • I Marvin • Tuntin, Francis, H. ',Harris, Richard D. Taylor, 3iis4 Harriet labward, Govener ' Utley, John • 1 " :1-tfndrick, D. J. ' White, David C. 'Karbey, Miss Elmira J. Walker, Moore 'A. N. BULLARD, F. M. .• . 1ai',.7,, Plaster Mill at ' - 'SUMERSVILLE. •E are now prepared to supply a .su .. • quality of ,l' ', '- GBOUNt) PLASTER; I . all times snd in any quantities.- I Believing , that the falmeto of Susquehan szgl consult their own interests, full add. ue and productiveness of their farms by . this valuable fertilizer more -freely tha . hire heretofore -done, we take pleasure in 4 them increased faCilities for.obtaining I respectfully ask therm to sustain us by the . iroitage. • . DAVID SUMME , 1 J. H., SUTPHIN. ' ; *.lummersville, Feb. l 2o, 1854.8w4. . i Executors' Notice. - , .i711.1:R8 Testamentary have been grantell Li d { A i the subseribens on the estate of .Jabez Gardner, ;nte of Gibson township, dee'd. A 1 peisons indebizNi to slid estate', will Make imm. %ate payment; and Persons having demands on rot them to the u ndersigned, duly attested rot *raiment. * - I ,, ;ELECTA' GARDNER, ENOS GARDNER, I Gibson, telt. yo, 34-Bw6 , B2eentors, 1 Administrator's Notice. NOTiCE is hereby given that Letters Testa ! mentary upon the estate of J. 'T. Bailey, i stp of Harmony township. dec'd,' have been gran t sed to the subscriber. All persons! indebted_ to said estate are hereby requested to (makeimme late p a yment, and those have clai s upon said !e 0m duly attested = for settle tt. to presen t 5. L. LEVIIS, Ader. vC Thomson, Feb. 20185:--SKr;! • . 1, . Patent,LeveTlVaiezib. THE subscriber takes ;1. ! I ' S ': ure in informing his Ifriends that lie has this day received direct from.LiverpOM another.invoice of his celebri%. ied : English Lever Watches. _ . ,.... o ooolll olw Casecl. in various styles, plain and Hunting, Full Jeweled, and Warranted per. tect timekeepers, ALFRED J. EVENS. -No. 2, Odd . Fellows' Hall. Binghamton, Feb. 14, 1854. LATED Forks, Spoons{ ¢c.—a heavy stock just rec'd, by . A. EVANS. INDISSOLUTION. I, Tonc'E is hereby given that the partnership /. , heretofore existing between U. M. Stciwers' ¢f Binghamton and David Thomas of Great Ber.d, ander the name and style of Stowers & Thomas is merchants at Lodersville, Penn's, is. this day dissolved by mutual Consent. . The business of th, i late firm will be settled by Tifesiirs— , Thomas '&lWhiting, who continue business'at the same Iplsee. - UIUMI M. STOWERS, - DAVID THMOAS. February 8, 1854-7w3. Farms for, Sale. - THE subscribers will act as'agetrlee for buying I. and selling Real Estate,Farms, - Houses, and lots--located in Susfia. county, • Pa:., or in Broome County, N. Y., and also Virginia Land *arrant:a.. All who 'wish to offer their property foil sale can give a iiiinuto discription oftheir farms or Lots as follows: No of acres ;• how many - improved, and ° how watered; buildings; Orchard; grafted or! common . - fruit; other fruit -trees; how far from Great Bend, - and the near eit point of the D. :441t. i NV. R. R. and N. Y, E. R. IL. price atd terms of payment. Ire All who wish, to BUY or SELL Real Ep itate, will receive prompt attention by calling on er ! addressing either of us at Great Bend, Sus iquehantia bounty Pa. - • • • .' . • Conveyance ifrom . Great Bend to the ! 'remises free of"charge. I •rOfEct;. on main street; in the dwelling house !of B Chase, lately occupied by N. V. Carpen ter.. _ , ' PETER DECKER, Great Bend, Oct.. 4th, 1853. - . • Administrator's Notice. IikTOTICE is, hereby giiin that Letters testa mentary upon the estate of Lafayette Wil- Marth, dec'd, late 'of. Jackson tov;mship, have been granted' to. the subscriber. All persona indebted , tq said estate are hereby requested to make ' iai +mediate payment, and those having any. claimi; upon said estate, to piesent them duly attested fcir settlement. • i JOHN GUNNISON, Ader. Jackser., Feb. 15, 1854-7w6 Cowls of Appeal. °P HE County Commissioners have fixed °Pon the following days and dates respecti ely , r healing . Appeals-from the' Assessments for e your 1854, at the Commissioner's °Mc 'On ontrose to wit': • . , . • Montrose, Tuesday, February '7th, 1854- - Bridgewater, Wednesday, Feb. 8, u Auburn, Rush and Jessup, Monday, Marc 204 IDimock, Springville; and Lathrop, :Tuesday; arch 21, 1854. • ' Friendsville Middletown,- Apolaco— and , Ch o nt, Wedne sday, - March 22, 1854. Silver Lake, Liberty and Forest Lake, Thus y, March 23, 1854. • Ftanklin,New Milford and Great Bend;Friday, March 24, 1854. . • Harmony and Susquehanna, Saturday, Marc w 5, 1854. , .-Tacillion, Thomson and. Ararat, Monday, March 1.854. r Lenox, Clifford and Dund.....,.. 41 " Tuesday, March 8; 1854. • - Brooklyn and Harford, NVedneaday, March 29, 54. . Herrick and Gibson, Thursdry, March 30,1854 By, order of the Commissioners. . Wm. A. CROSSMAN, Clerk: Commissioner's Office, Jan:, 27,1854. .1 Going.. Going, - Almost Gone_: LIE balance of my Goods Will-be sold with, out regard to profit'and baring been.bought when Goods were froin 10 to 15 percent lower !1:1 New York than they.now are," offer . unusual inducements to all who- wish to buy Goods r i h ! ap. Cull and see . for yourselves, a i ( 7 l you till find } I- on can buy almost it your o n ces. . • . I. S. LITTLE. New Milford,„Pec. 13, 1853. : ' . Farm. for Sale, , HE subscriber offers fin sale a valuable ram, ; three miles east of Montrose', on the lank if padviud tour railesfrorn tbißailroad.. 4t eo tains .neltundred acres, ,70 acres Unproved, and good :uildings. his well watered, under a good state of , mprovement, has a good orchard, and well adapt -1 ed to dairying purposec Well fenced with wall die. Said farm will be sold veil cheap.; Address the ,subseriber, Montrose, Susquehanna county, Pa zau,outr 1 ose, . srpt.lo, ABRAI-14M CIIAMBERLIN. 1F 52 . 11 1 D. IX. HICKOK. . ' W ,tTLD inform the public that he is located, ear the Steam Mill,. where he .intends to Mnai for years, and carry on the Blacksituithing itinainess in all its various branches. ,He keeps constantly on hand the beet of'cast Steel for, edge ,00ls.l . All work done to order, and warranted; and if you wish to know how cheap • Hickok will work for Cash. or ready pay; come and see. r 1 Montrose, Feb. , 7. 1854—Sag. • • 1 • • BOOTS &41:10ES . P sli qtoslitiettandjases. also's iood assort menfof ItutS ualit - rand.prite ber Overshoes, And Bus e&1 and'w,e can s ni t s, Drees:the-ilk!. ! .1" OARSZ Salt for sata.b7 New Hilfoid, Oct. IS,' :5,1653 . ;1 iltattmtut gertlptsan (gtptiardurts evairenvionta 4 40113irt. (Mad. and l published irkpitrsuanie of an Act of Assembly of ltals April, A. 1). 183 Vattintt of ot,ollectOrs' Accounts :,for 1843, , Co'lector's Names,. • • • • 11 • . 1 D. Ave, •-; J. Fallihee • J. Low,'i W. Robbe, D;Taylor, Z. Binis, E. N. .Lordi M. Baldwin,. ::! NVatelee,' B. IL Dix, ' I:1 B4frum, N. Roberti, , • L A. Townsend, IL P. Robins, '1". 1 L. C. Abets, 3125. S,tantey, G. Coleman; A. .G. Hollister, '• B. Sherer, 1 \ H. L. Blowers, I, : M. W.; Bliss, A. Thomas, J. Tarbox,. f SAL Barnes,. - I P. Carpenter, A. Carpenter, •1 1 L. Griffis,, 'll.'.R.,Sherman, W. MI Whitney, I. ConiStoek, E. 1 I A. Lord, L. Canfield, Win. A.' Crossmatii A. S. 'C. Eddy, • coil, • D., 'righter, o the ! Ineiog they I off'er-r t, and 1r pet. (rusurtr's ,*tattinot:t of gifitara lints tor ,t • Colleetor's Names. Tomipships. .3!. B. Benedict, • 'llClifford,;' _.• John Fallahie, !! l lAPOlacon, Jacob Low, '; 'Atiburn,l - LA. Townsend, Brpoklvn, Wnt HAN Frtendsviile, -David Taylor, ' ILdmon - Ziba Burn's, Herriek,; - J:A. Totnjie, t: Leirox, Miles Baldwin, I Middietavn, Niichael.Meehan, , 1 Silver Lake, • A Wairely, , 13. H. Dix, ! Ararat, N. Roberts, Anburn,•,. L. A. Townsend, Brboklyri. II: P. Robins, Bridgewater, &C. Abers, Clifford, _ Nathan L Stanley,! Chocobut, 1_ G. Coleman, I Diundaff, A. G. Hollister, I":,Dirnock; R Shearer,. Frit:est Lake, 11.-L .Blowers,. Franklin, M. W. Bliss, • I Friends Ville; A. Thordas, 2•I Great Vend, S: H. Barnes, -1! 114rmonY, • P. Carpdnter, Milford.; A. Carpenter, !: Ilerriek. .1 L.-Oritrvh - • ! Jacksoni 11.K. - Sberman, JeSgup, tz!‘• , . W. M. Whitney,. 1•, Lenox, Ira Conditock, - Liberty,: - E.- N. I4rd, Lathrop, B. L Canfield, ; ! Middletown, W.. A. Crosman, 1 ' 3lontrose, .A.. S. Walker, I NeW - Mi,lford, C. Eddyi • ; Rush," • • Titus Sebtt, ,;: Springville, Daniel - Wriibteri ; T4ornson„, S. B. CHASE . , Pr.. . i. i . usqtttilatt ' ~ Commonwealth Cods, , !' ..,t. Road Views, . ''.. ,' i' 8858,381 477,50 Asseisors, • 'i. l, - 637,03 1 . Tracers Jurors, . 1 -' P t - . .2248,23 1 Grand • " .'t ~ 50,74 Offices Fire Floor,' i' "\ :, ~ `"61,40 Constables, - , 309,71 Road Damage, . i . - • 313,00 General Election; ' ,•- , 354, 5 0 w Tonship " ' t ',; r , • 400,59 S. Dimo ck, , late Commissioner , , ' - 310,50 J, Hancock, ' : 66- -i , , 280,50 A. f Villiama, - I" .1 • ; 297,00 A. Carpenter , .11 '; ..' . , 31,50 Printing, , _ , i tr - ' 144,75 Stationery, ' j ' .-. 1 . , 88,26 Jail, \ . 145,42 Court House:- , ' .1, , 1 40,09 .Justicca of the Peie:e,., - 4,87 Coroners' Inquest; .' . 1 68,66 S. CrOssman, Crier,., ' , •,' 76,50 -L. W. Bircbard, Jaileri•_ - .343,321 J. J.P. Fish,.Distriet Attorney, T': - ' ' 58,00 -J. . Dimock, late District Attorney, '. 10,50 Wild cats, ' .: ' ,: ,. . ~ 6,00 R. J. Niven, late Colter* Clerl4 ..• 100,00 W. A.lCroastnan, • -a , : 1 44 L'' • , 200,00 F. M. Williams, late, Pr(pthonotaty and Clerk of Quarter !Scissions, :. 10,41 F. A, Ward, Prot. '4. Clerk of Q.-S. 230,33 J. T. Langdou, Register. ' , • 17,10 Counsel,Commisaidiert, ., • , - 35,00 New .Jail,' ' 11 .-1 . • 5768,34 E. K._Frie, Inter* ont, Loin,' 1 300.00 G. B. Eldked, Slierifl'aritl Jailor, , - , 562,38 Agricuittlial Society, .1;, 1- , • 'lOO,OO Eastern Penitentiary, ; f ' • 102,59 DLL Mutnford, IE. Ifewe,46t , Anditors.; ,' . , 18,00 Norman Foot ll . - Refanding Orderi,il" ; 1 ': 43,70 areasurer's per ceniagl„ 469,54 I II ..41' • 1 , 516071,24 DR. To amount per certifiem of quingler , U. ECUS lIT. Tovinahips: ( , Auburn,; .. A.polacoa,_ Auburn, Friendsville, Harmony, Herrick,i Lathrop„ :2 Middletown, Springville, . Ararat, :... Apolacoa, Auburti,T, Brook!Ai, Bridgewater, Clifford,: . Chocomit; Dund,atf; Diniock,f - Forest Like, Franklin; t Friendsville, Great %ad, Gibson, 7: r. , - . Harmony, ,Harf,ordi , Herric4 JaCksoN Jessup, .f. - Lenox, Liberty, Lathrop, : Middletxqva, Montrose ; New Milford, Rush,. Silver Liike, Springville, Thompson, .I. 1 Ansapirevattletabt. - . , OLDuplic:ttes, ... ..• . ••1 'Aid, by Collectors, $8953 58 F.solieratiOn to bollectors, '' ' 301 iE Percfrit:!o to 'K ,506 1 lunpilid 1 4 ; : y , , . u 211 3! Amount . , TREAstmEg'd OkripE, *).-ntoss, _ Deeepb4r 31 , :1s 53. $llOO 50 642 01 38 50 36 29 39 00 r • •,- k • egtil i ttlif44lXo 3 Sl of Duplicites, • ... ... . slloo' 30 Paid by . . $642 71 of Exonerstions to Collectors.. ...... 382 30 - of .I!e - reentage to „ 36 29 - iinStid . by; Collettors of 1850, ...... 39 00....51100 50 2. Amount t, Am'i Paid. 22 0 ' .9 29 19 89 1 02 8 13 0 24 7 40 96 52 212 89 335 .00 318 65 1 663 19 404 13 215 .05 104 47 334 5Q 225 29 228 33 89 22 420.42 425 74 429:72 350 44 181 94 254 65 232 92 257 66 204 15 (.93:711 204 00 1079 81 . 492 . 76. 256 00 312 21 368 97 103-50 $9972 8 8953 59{301 DupliCaies Atn't Paid. 39 00 1 16 00 5 00 18 00 is -DU 121 001 12 oa , 15 50 31 '5O 30.501 44'50 1 8 00 15 00 18!'001 25;50 25 , 50 1.5 50, 10100 34 1 00' 1$:1 50 14' 0 . 0 0. 50 35 00 270 50 8 00 361 50 10.:50 23 00 2'50 21 50, 21 50 ' 36 00 19 00 16 00 22 50 34 .50 1 00 15 20 23 79 5 5 ita onntg. By County Ord'ers redeemed from No. 1 to 643, inclusiFe, H . $1554 By amouunt paid County Auditors , I I Refunding Orders, , 4 . 4 Treastirer's per centage, 46 MMINIM === am't of Fines uncollected. - By 3 per et on! 183;,00' retained by. Hber. iff for Colleetion, By anet paid Victim:tree and elcarged to his aceonut,; , . • By bide of 0. B. Eld red, 13h1f; 1852, ad 18 Exoner ations. Am due 132 37 5 40 6 56 1 99 16 44 • 4 99 3 92 3 ,21 12 18 1 04 4.38 26 50 33 39 1 04 3 40 4.89 2`84 1 80 34'90 21 26 11 34 5 49 17 67 11 85 11 72 3 64 22 12 22'40 22 61 18,91 25 ~5 22 0 12 20 42 7.. 99 121 75 2 07 1 37 3 33 5'36 9 57 13 40 12.25 13 56 10 74' 4 93 113 3 , 2 1.24 19 04 6 60 '1,48 11 60 12'86 9 60 0 82 56 , 83 25 93 13 47 16 43 19 41 5 44 181506 12 211 39 e 9972 28 ....$9972. 28 . ATCII, Treasurer. ars '5O, '52, '5 Am dee' Y 30 . 00 IE 50 00 00 15. 10 18 70 30 10 50 821 1 52 87 60 80 1 25 05 \ \ l \ Corm L. 1 ! litietement Dr. I 1 To amount übpaid by C, 2, received ' f lBs2!and 1853, To "ambuoi iEI Ti ensurer', .4ious years, . ' DR. L .. (, W. K. HAT TO unOrrent, knoney, - To nopaid duplicates of. TO , 1E To met of doSicatea of $548,00 E 843, $132, ~‘ • :52; 206,17 ; *853, 9633,741 I. • ------$ 88 7 2 , 2 Ei To - acre,t: reed -from .retunied.lands, . I 6,61 Tp am't ree'd of G. B. Eldred, Sheriff; 'Fines and Jury Fees, ' , 173,33 To it!Wt, of Loan from E. • Price, Neu?, - Jail,. 1 .1 • •' 5000;00 To Bat. die W. IL Hatch, Tie/surer l 0339,85 SlatfOment of Treainiq i er's Aciqtiiunt : I • ' . DR. W. K. lIATCH, Treasurer:, To aggregate !amount of tats Tax for;1 1853, ' $8315,13 To aggregate amount outstanding of 1. prosious ye i ars, 1868,10 '1 1 ,9 atriontit aided to dap icates 45f1852, 3,73 A ; Ti ' . r .; I : - , • i,, • ' - ,- ay w 1 . , _ , -: i! . Statement Comity reasury,_San. 1, 1 To ain't (hie IV. K. Hatek,ylate Treasurer,:.. [ 823; To StiNubliaiana County finds ree'd from late Treasurer,.. 1..; . i.. 4. 31 To State :Bank Morris VI ' ' “ • -,'“' • “ • “ .. ; • ~.. , ,-/a s, : To other uneurrent fun : 1 I 2 To ain't due !from Colli*ors, 1843,. ' 1 . , . 1 , ... 1 To ."i ". 1` •I' 1853, , - ; To seVeral amounts of Notes, Bonds, Judgments, &c., about.... .. ,', . ' 1 ,.. . ~1 To ain't ree'd on Judg't since settlenient by auditors,'. ~ J. HANCOCK; : 1 We Certify- the foregoing , o be a truct statement. A. WILLIAMS,. 1 1 • 1 - 4 '• 'A. CARPENTER' '.. • 1 Attest, Wm. -A. , ; CItOSSMAN; Clerk. . • ' '-i CoOsniissiPlice a Offiee; 4fontroie, ti = ' I: Januar y 123,3 1854. i I <;• • ABEL OBAELL. ', I . , is nom 'receiving his Winter supply of,' ~_ . - ! ..0 I 131 Fr ,tr t./ VII A. 3 1 . C , ~ ONSISTINCi of nearly everything wanted In this !nar kat, which Will be sold at prices that eaniset . :fall to please. The public are invited to,eall and usual tio them. , ' • Alontrose,,,lan.-5, 111154.' :.-.. I , ; elc . Drugs , Medicines , Chemicals, First rate:assortment, Phy !clans' Bills neat! Sind ..- Ki lE. A exptelitiously put up at r aced prices, and Pres. trip ions carefully compouoied. 'The best qualitytafarti. -', i i - - 7 .ik.id AGE will leave Klilweed, passing through Cop. der thin departmeat will beldund it the Drug and itarlety bettsville, Liberty. 4.c.,• every morning after 'the an+ Store of' *!' i " 1 ABEVUNIRLL. vat of time Stall Trains of Care both tau and West, reach- ' . ' . laglloatreae at A P.M. . h'- ‘ 1 . . i 'l .RETU .NING,':': . ~ . . , , Litaie Montfore dlsitif tEutlf &Ye excepted) it 2 P. 31. 5 reachlug KirkwOod in ttme'a take the Ball;Trains of • 6r/beeries t ...A gener4 assortment, and the best:the oars, t,,,,r1h: East ;; ' and` West, ii i'g the nearest.' and most market affords, at c • TUBRELL's .. firesiblei thate to:reach the Ne York and Erie Railroad. i t. ~ , Thls'llise intersects& tri-weekli,line.for Dlmeck Spring. „„ ' ' . Iry , G . a Rho Oolle.-.A small, but Cholee selection he tine, T w at ktibitonwesotekiaWmy),:eig:m....ddawy,iink.esedparreesdba,ywhainc,ll mol t serest of parehaffiera to staple articles Of Dry Gouda, which will be sold at l Irrliay,=. Also, aline to Friendsvilic, Leragavllle. !Le. Good pri ces that will make It for the i call at the store of . • .a . .TURRALL. 'remits:mid, couttortableCarthilles are provided, _ and the .. .. Proprietor! will, spare no pains to accommodate the ,' Pub. lie h ,P. ~ , i W it. HATCH. , Decignisr 2.41,i352 . ' MORGAN &WEST. :. 4 , . ..• . _, • .7,. • '•, IN EW GLOODS , • :. - . . Druggists , GlasalWars.—A large assortment .1 • • . . I' ll.i SeTPHIN Invites tentless to the!' 1 , • laigiind eoosplete assortment of - • , ' 1 ' 1 - :i "Nekt Goods f Fall Sales,- .- . ILlqsissen.---A choice irarietyl o It f Liqiers for medicinal purposes, at 1 . I . . • TURREIL'. - he lappet receivirig. .Ls add! ion to his usual 'supply of - ;tinniest WWI trip nionllo4—Tle li no, Hows,lStrings Staple. Dry Goias. Groceries, ,Ilardwaie, Stir*, t.c. he Rosin, Bridges, Pegs, and Mall Pleees,--also Accisrdeons,. ilia otrers.to the. Ladies s h stock of Plates, Fir. a. Claronette, Hanjos Tuning Forks, Tristrup• tion Heroics, Piano Music, Ice. at . Ttanuavr. I', . i Pall and White Dress Goods, . - .. .. - . i. Satin s 4 velrii; Bonnets, Shairls. Bilatr . cr. Gloves and -Jeavellry.—A new supply of, fashtonable Jesielry. La. Hosiery, Veils i Table spread's A.; Cloth,,_ Satchels,Ladies dies and Gentlemen, please callal the fancystore of Ind Hindi tine Hoots and shoes . ke., A c ..: To the Gentl- • .. _ A . THRHELL. Omen hi otters a large stock of best quality • .- ... _. . .; ', •,' .• Ready - Made Cloth; - moult; Canimeres, Tweeds' !caps. D 604 &Shoe", de. urs Stock embraces a mm tent than heretofore, and - , L ,,,, . ilpCf101" • • Aj: ,4t...csuipurcho, . sers.i He :.reapectfutly solicit. of ;Mkt all others 'Aesiring got rice asked for them. Smnicierseille Erpt.l2th 2060 Vieeci Wall Piper Best assortment Operivod at • ( . 14:PLD Spectacles- , Spectacles Sliver Napkin-Ringe,, Chalk Thimbles, Delft Lailies—Ag4i Buttnns: Shell Hair Pi, PIATED WARE-401 ,00 - '1,0r5, 7 -Cake Baskets, Caiv 00 Trays , l:c &e. ,70 L OCKETS—A goo ,54 and 'Sitigle, bath Goldln SILVER PLATED K: ticle,Made'tn match silt' _ WEILL COIIIIS-4 Shell Back Combs, aldr GOLD CHAINS in.i Keys attd Seals.: All ; for stile CHEAP by ,t 0414. 100 pleeeifarainetta ant Mapaea [rein is. to 6s. per yard. ' I I " French klerinoes of every grade and color, remarkably ; Ott 'I6Y - COSY !Li cheer.. . i , . IBER will continues elling fipm ~ to:t.s:::PurlootivtaxidiUrer:getsTsatnndarffersiansnoty.t" from Do Of goodi AT - COST for one . or two yards bleached and unblelt bed Fheetlngsand r, and the I balance will , then be sold /z it ~ Shirting* from do to la ddi 000 yards White, Red and Yellow Flannels, from is ~ Of which dtio notice will be: giveni 6d l t d 6s. Woolen Goods of every kind for Men and boys, of ;ill kinds,i.and S!xks,..wanted in ex.: 1000 yard. Silk , B rocade, Plaid, and Plain - Black from ' , e ,'for goods. '. ; , . . 1 ! the tewest grade to the moit'supetior quality . DrensTrhi- L S. LITTL.t.. . - ' • • .. •• • NOw, Milford, Feb.. Ist, 1854. . .. • 1 ..- . PEDLARS' GOODS. .•. ' , I • . • 1 ' A large - sleek from Attillon, very 'cheap. Trunks ' d .Travelling Bags, an exteissive assortment eonstant,ly on h and . , - . '• '' SALT. - ' ' . , i No effort w ill s be spared ,On the part of the subs beet° BY the bdshel or. 'MITA or by the -load; for merit a continuance of the patronage whleh the hile has. hitherto r• It ire- nsly keeorded him: audio vadat he t ! Selilts rfiIIeSUBPC r his stoc - - weeks ion r at anctip . Gra * .chao e sale at the store pf the subsseriber. Clet.:4, 1853. ; GEO. FULLER. ~. GEO. FuLLEIL, ITAS just r.eceive& his- Fall and Winter stink -----7 Winter. St4pek orjeoods. ..a.A., or Itlen'and'lloyie, . „LAST IN M47ILET. ;beady-mad e - Decem ber , eady-Mado Clothing, • : mber 1853. * , . Embracing Over.coats of 'a variety of grades— Tug subietibers Bari "the leisure of snuotreeint to Fr(o Sack,.l and DrebS Conts—Vests---Pants— ' their ealltalaaray and th Patine nalwallY.,ltasl Om/ sr_. now !wising a large ad than to Abelr stock of Onods, Wonlek Undbr Shirts; andDrawers—Fine White bought at the lowest priet , unit, t h e decline in mirkets, SAirts," - ;Fancji do—Collars—Overalls...Stockings SE _W_ _ 1 • hlah _th _y are pre Ed !O'Neil at a eery sifikt. AD. —Gloves, &e .&e. ' , . VANCE. •We do not eo der It necessary _to name *seri ii article In our line— c it 'to say we can eosvtoe• au A gOod LOA:lenient of fashionable Nene, -. Wo. who irtu eve es aes . that In QUANTITY, QUALITY or mega, ?diesel, Boys - and Childrens BOOTS &_ PRICE, our stock II biar eonsparison 1901 soy other eil.: SHOES. Iqdia Rubber Boots, Shoes and San. abiblun"On the °'"ltY; \ ' ii BENTLEY & READ. 421*. - ' A ' i 1 ' WANTED— 11 kinds of Drain, Beeswax. mania, 4• A new supply of WALL PAPER, Cu in Pa. " w.° l ki , Talkiws LardlD"" APO"' "' °Atiffl ,Ina:change or Roods. I ' per- Border, dm Books and Stationery. ' ' Decetnbile, 1853.! I , BIBITLITAIr. RZAD• Also, Tru ' a, Guns, Travelling Bags, !sicker: ' I s l el. Codfish, gar, tea, Coffee, &e., and a variety of tltney ar tee. . ,I • , •„ His mottn,is BRADT PAY and ME PRICE—Cash or Products. i• -1 ; • Igir Store opposite Searle'! Hotel. - . ' Illfontrose,pct. 4, 1853: • ' - i' f - li . , 1 . Ai I' ' i, incli6w - Shades. ' , . A ,00, Largo lot of handacitne, painted;'nhad,ei, at , . '., 110141. - . ••• low pa ces: :, 1 / TVIE ALMANAC. GRATIS for 'overy ling' s I SS. ' N'ov. , b. ;' ti. - BURROWS & Co. V/ in Suslitehapai Gn. as 1' urtar•ws... .. 1. .... . I 1 ~ 1 , • r. . of - Trea . sames Aciaunt. wit h Militaryioul. W. K.HATCH, Treasturer. 1 -_ I tea. Hector of 1850, $39,00 By - amount unpaid by Collector of 1850 In Collectors of . " , u paid Brigade Ins ' r' as per ' i 642,71 tiis Recount Of 1852, . •• By amount paidlTressurer of Union Hill Artillery Co. 7 ordse of Captain J. L Roper, By amount paid Brigadeinspec . oriks per ' his account o 1853, I. - I . By sunonnt paid Assessors for 185; til 1 : u• of S tionery accoun I ! 4 ‘ l 4• paid Com'rs 3 'days ch,l of Triasurees per ea tar, " in Treasurer's hands, 4 - 1 . hands of pre i 373,, i t 8055,29 :Statement of T Treasurer. 1 , ' i $18040,97 $ tO'i 86,96 ,J • , i • • • -es Aceotust. , 1 -• • - -,, .; . . • I .- - i ,• i I • ..,r , 011 RA. ,i. 1 1 By ain't paid Cciunty'Auditors,] 1 18,00 By unpaid duplicates ,- 1843, 'i • 13247 Byper cordage to Collectors dup al . plica t e, of 1852, !! • $54,04 By 6xonerationi to Collectors of 1 1852, I : ' . I 54,07 By exonenitione to Collectors 1853, i 1 By percentage Collectors of 153, - By unpaid duplicates 0[1853. By .8 refunding; orders,/ By County orders redeemed of By amount due,' W.K. Hatch, et, by last Adltors' Rcpory By uncurrent money, By Treasurer's'per cantle, • ( _ • - / Ith the CoinmonWeal • - - • • 1 CONTRA. • By 5 .per ct-allowed ColleCtor on nal settlement, • • :841149 By Allowance te Collectors as per COWS ! • .Fate of County Commissioners; - - ' 285,44 IBy 'amount paid State Treasurer, • 8016,24 I By 1 per cent retained by Treasurer, 81,57 I IBy unpaid of previous years, : ' .1266,42 PAINTS, OILS, 4.D i YE STUFFS. A Pall assortment, and or beat qualltleu, at , - TURRFLL'S • littrd•vrare.aud Cutler y j , .erobraeing a tod eortment of those •celebretetl Waterbury Pocket nlres, Stone-ware, &c. &c., at . REMOV ...tiers° most generously keeordeo returns sincere and.heartyl thanks. - 7 W. N. ITIVOiC, Corner of Conrt & Water sts., Tompkin 'Block; . Nearly opposite the American Hotel, !thigh Inton,11; T. Nov. 1835. . i.mones. • A c,iime*iot,) nit reeelte . ou d ..2 listoltsnollalg t vWF. e Dpeinpillei, Dee. ad, VOL BU.IIIIO /let A . Choicelot, and, Will Ise lold low, by . X. SUNLIT!. Nina* 1111for4, 04.4:15,1'853. s39p 60,00 I \ 10,100 15,01 1,00 13,50 6142 845,10 - 257,11 z; if / '492,06 / 679,19 // 790 ff 49,76 1866, I 5 4QOO ram- - 390,14 649,00 ' 469,34 , 4 e 804'0,07 I of Perna's. 810186,96 121 9 95 10 00 1 00 7 00 t). $132.3 79 02 500 00 - SO 00 .xt to Bend large new s ill be ortmeat ion of to his sot vs. sod by "s! things can be' .lone as w , as i others•PP• • 4 TIBS ardwocriber haring rented the ; :C6 is • Manufactory of A. W. drienwood,in Harfold. • o.Pared to triandfietere - ALL KINDS OF OHAiliga • at redinted price., 9f good materiel*, and la.* perior Mlle, of trorkinanetrip. I keep corm* y. on hind. or wilt mainsail:lure to order, "Boston Rockers, (improved sigkj all kinds . 1 I, 4' Fancy and., IVindscr. •• Chafrt o I Flag &Os, Setteil;: 4f c. '&4 117 48 work warranted to glob satltrattiab five! years: , 2 : ••• Merchantable Prodrice / arillita taken in 'IP change 'for Work - Oat PIO 'CREDIT I',_ • JAMES iduNstok.l Hasfaird Dee: P; , • ,I • : co. Ingr'rpir * and omen Forciyn; and Do, 1 , Anestir pry (Mods. .1 ; 11 DIY STREET, wpm incite the attention of Merebanti W usquehanna and adjoining Owintieli ,10 their k which will be fbnad large and desirk.J ble Ott all seasons of the yeat t consisting in pirt oftloths, Cassimeres nod ViSings; Jeans aid Twee.* With all the best and well known stylii of fasCcolored Mints. • , Also;.Dreas Goods, White mid 'lnert Mote, ate. 81 41. ' • Also; Broths long and sqnsri snawlie.titA• mere and Silk Shawls, together with Hosierrand Fancy Goods. ; • • ; ProMpt attention paid to orders. • i 4yl-1 ebange.l, STOVES ' & TIN' , WARE - For ,Susquehanna County. - t CD. LATHROP &b. would beg leave to: a return thanks to their friends for their lib eral patronage for the la s t year and hope tl4y will continue their !Strom which we hope to mei it by strict attention to bdsiness, and low pric4a. We hive the Most approved patterns of arolias ever .brought into this market, among which may. be fonnd . STAROF THE WEST (Elevated Omn i ) , CULTIVATOR, , PARAGON, - 1 NilW WORLD, GLOBE,: ' • - 11 ATLAS, i • 1 THREE STATES, du Air . ..Tight, and .otb , en toe, numerous to mention. , Wei also have on hand a large assortment ) of Tin Ware of a heavy gaality, expressly for,hdale trade, Cistert. and Well Purim or all descripticks. lead Pipe ,of all sizes,lcels fOr chain pumps, ottcc• &c. Job' work done With neetneas and despatch. All kinds of produce .taken, or approved credit given; Give 'us a call if you; please. Shop l'on Main Street, directly oppositc the Dew. Offica. C. D. LATHROP A 4 S.: •A. WOODRUF L. & r 7 ' pnid,forFurs,by -DISSOLUTION. ' , pi TE Ce:-partnerShip heretofore. existing lbe tween the undersigned,lU Editing and pub., lishing. the Moran* Democrat, under the ,firtn and style of S. B. 4 E. B. CHASE, is this 'llay dissolved. by mutual consent. The notes land accounts are for the present In the. hands of! S. B. Chase far collection. ' In order to accommo. date our subscribers, •arrangements have been made, so that'payments may be made eitheiat: the Law Office of S. B. Crutsx l 'at Great Bend; 'to Amass CHASE Esq., of Ilarford; onto At t vn; DAx,l one of the Itpresent proprietors of ?;the u DeMocrat" • .SIMEGN B: E. B:CHASE. Nientrose, Dec. 31, 18531', W. is At the Upeontille Exohangel, it subscriber hereby - informs his fri4nds T Ooniprisitig tle public geerally) that he is now replenishing his stock of Goods, and isi.; of feting superior indOeements for them to purchase, of him, therilzy kebping their capital, as well as dointtheir itinding at home, : among his-stock may he fond a getieral assOrtinent 'of Dry GOnds Groc§ries, 'Crockery, Hardwiare; , Paints i Oils, Dyes', Boots and Shoes, ILO and Caps, wall' and window paper, Clothing,Tritiiks,Yankee notions &c.,.011 of which he will be, happy to exchange for ally kinds of farmer's produce at the highest pnces, ensh,.or goal credit , -`• . Also he wants all who have ace ants of- over Six •*nibs standing to call and ettle them on or before the first of Feb.-1854, nd 'all whe intend to ptiy,in grain are request to bring it slotigas somVas convenient'. J.' L. MERRIDIAN. `WANTED to!hire a Odd Blacksmith;l-one who [understands 'ranches of the ' trade ,[ ; and can Come well flee , , mended for sobriety arid in. dustty•can obtai fair wages . by 'calling oi l the sobsCriber so , , atlUpsonville, Pa. '" ' Joskru L. 51Ensfus. Jait. , 2, 854. • - . • Orr, . , • ontrosse Depot Ahead. '; - r. HE attention of theilublic is respectfull y in: ivited to the Assortment of- Wilds just re, .., . ceaVed . at I 1 J. C. LEE'S NEW STOltr, Consisting of Drugs, Nails, Shirting; Prints, Delaines, Cassimeres, Jeans; C omforters, it nista / Gle%kes, Hose, Window Paper. Shitioftery Yen, l r kee Notions, Fancy Goods; Hardware, lied wire, Tin ware &c: 3,14.;" all of which will be sold cheap for cash or barter: Please call land examine for yourselves. 1 •I , , Montr'ose, Depot, Jan. 2d . : , dministrator's Notice NOTICE is given, that Letters Tea mentary, upon the Estate of Orrin' J: W / I. isms Dee'd late of Bridgewater Townihip y liuve been granted to the Subscriber. All persons in debted to said estate are hereby, requested to make immediate payment, 7,.and, those !laving claims upon said, estate to present t im duly :it tested for settlement • EMELINE E. WILLI S, Bridiewatet, inn. 18, 185.-- W 6. D. R. Lathro dc.Co. RD selling 9fF their 'sock of Goods cheaper. than ever in order t , make room for their Spring*pnrehase. Call and se for yourselves.. Jim. 16. ' P,LAID Do Lanes my Is 6d at . R. LATHROP & Co.'s, Sh Is cheapei,-than ever . at ' D. R. & Co.'s SOME myt of that Stitr le ft at ' . R. L. & CO.'s 51"ontros Jan. 16, 1854. —l-1-`" , I .1 1 'BOwn's i Essonce of Jamaica' Ginger. l.': .. „ 'III 8 Emet , is s - 1 preparation Of ;unusual ._ wieelkenee.s. 11 / , ortll m nary diarrhata, incipient cholera. In shell, in alcities of proatrat4ou of the digestive le/talent, it it of I estimable 'alum inviting the prevalence of epidemic. Athofitra and summer complaint); of 'children, if Is peculiar. F" ly etheaciousi,no famiiy or individetal or traveller should be' trithout it. -As It enables tber system /t.. resist the 1 inthieUee of lusiplant disease which lark inu changing 'ell. ratite. . j . i CAntrox.—De sure to get the geri l utne esseene; *hick is prepared j only by r.,BROWN, at ibis Drug- and Chemleal Store, N. E., Corner, of Vifth and Chestnut Street p, Phila.' delphia, and for stile by all the respectable Apothecaries in the 'United Stern, and at 3.lontrese,Pa by t q ( 2 P7 1 4 1 - • , . 1 ADEL, TeIRELL. 1 'VENDITE. i . THEO. will bn exposed to public slate at lho '.h n ose of A.l Barr n in . Conklin on Monday the tenth day of Apri at. 10 o'clock, A, M; (if not sOoner dispoied o ) a farm containior 70 or 75tacreks, situated in to town aforesaid, and be ing' 2 Miles ,north of Lodenwille on 'the road run ning trem drent!Bettatre Binghamton and laying within Oh rods. Of thelN. Y.. &• E. 11..1t. On said farm is a convenient fentred hence, tsto tiros, a W,ciod home, and good welt of water, the farm is Will watered) With a youngerehred of grafted , MIN - ' Tußte=-Ont NW the purchase Money 'down; the balance in 3,0 r .4 yearly-pay., ta. -, ', Mae, wilt be sold the followl. Iproperty; vie: ono span or threw eowit,, 34 o' year olds, 4 . yearlings, 1 lumber two horse vnt I .n and halm* I one horse wagon and harm) , 1 one , horse Sleigh, three' ploughs and ether arming utensils and also some houstehokll an dairy furnititie and a'l quanity oft hay ands grai . q 1 !Tzsuu.s.-All-All aums under 11 ; cash dwelt; over $5, iiij months/credit witri if crest add approv ed security. - I. ' . - 1. , 1 • ALEX ; Eft BARRON. leonitlhi r Feb.' 3,1854,-1- w* - , ' . -, Porturneiy.." y picalerei iiistriaigt of arodeeptr: reastry, se t , I . i tilbUtiey r• . . _ _ Sew 4:19007 - 4kaekNei AT T AD otNAVIGATION, (2. it. HAWLEY woild respectfully inforut e - his friends andellitOlnergi and shisent ht this vicinity generally-that he-is noir receistoto, very largo she 'STOCK :of' Clams.' Goons Selected Withgreat care, which in akliticns to his .former stuck, onkel his TIFTQP:, - Steeling" dad Shirring Broil , w' and Bleselted fvo"3 - $ 1,40.40 Canton Flannels, Don:Pottle Ginghmns from 101: to 18 t4c: ' • Cloths, eatsimeiesi" .toaiittg, Ttienda i Kontucky . Jeans, 2b pet . ,ent Brett Gioo; ": . A aplendid-lot , ot ihritlow fat , *tog 1200166 Cashmeres, Parainattas, Thibet.Ciptiml, Persian, 'Orr ,jo4 from 6 1.4 to 12 ,1.20: • Cheriztl)etaines, • A fine lot to sell; :at 15 I4e. goat' VOL/ and pattern u heretofore sold at 20e.- • Beale Robes, I Bale Whole Skint. Crane 'Salt By S4rlc or ButheL , MOOliose, Feb. 7;• mar . , Gmarelittuer' '- ", /Nei By virtue of an Order'ifrom , a • Chlitatte ' Court sf„ Susquehanna County asaisitbeifrist will be exposed to :Public saki, on tbilifeidsitio • on Thursday`the 9th dip of 'March-ntrxtetitinif o'clock in the afternoan.. Said flutmsontahislik acres, is a. good warm soil and • well adaptedtot raising grain or gmaini-haS about 100 scrointtr -- der good' improvement, and under a good state of cultivation, a young Orehard, of /pilled frulti,"fit: eluding Apple,Pear; Plumb trees, dwelliug bow, : -- barns, &c., -andla well watered:,lttly:parsettf wishing to purchase-alum, wilt do Walley • lag at this before pnrelutaing-elseirhere. -- it lies in a good neighborhood, is , 7 , Miles • froth' Um - Great Bend. Depot on the N..Y. and Erialtail.,- road, and two'and abalibilei'from New village, at which" place there is a Depot of the Lackawanna and, Western Railroad Company.— Itis bounded on the Ntrth -by fands.of . Jobn-eL, Handrick,on the East i y lands of Henry H. on the. South by , lands of William Ilardiag; and Joseph P. Miller,add,on t'he Welt byßauhen Haywood and John S. Handr belonga,to the estate of the life Jared BeirdsleY'diaNt: Terms of Sale eaSy, land will be nude kno r wu on the day of • POLLY BEARDSW NORMAN FOOT; ,• • . minor children Guardians 4s, re faradßeardsky New Milford, Feb... , 1954—we! . ' ' A.dmittlitritioie Notice, NT, oncp is hereby - given that Lettere "riefaJ mentary upon - the estate _ of Augustus eying dee'd, late of Jackson township, have bean granted to the subseribers. Alt persothi Indebt ed to said estate ate hereby requested 'to make immediate payment„-and those, havhig Clain% up. on said estate to kresent them deli. attested. roe,- settlein6t. SA.lttr.z . ,W..PlcKEEnoti: Daxth A. 'know. January 18, 1858-3sve h ~'' ~, SOFT SOAP by the glllos r ot , itr t rllLiti - th . rl - THE place to buy materials , for LIGHTS iiat `-- TIARELLII. SETTLE up with' , A..TURRELL; • ' , Tatiusry, 1854. More New. Goo • . -••- m • • , liteßttiTir how sweetlVlng another &need' stalk, of HLrall sod 'Winter 00da,. - by which his asitortnimat ,rugfully replenished InAmery department and Punta-, ally inviffng and complete. particularly In sieve' as: lc Ladle+ Dress /Ueda, Rich Plaid and Fancy DeLainee and t Cashmere, Pareunettai,;' french' Sterino,Jle Bar, Moluide • Lustre, Emblvidered 'Robes, Silks, Bounirts.lbleh"BosineS. Ribbons, a large and new assortment of Minter Rhavtli e Ladleit Fur Cufe, Fictorines-and !CM, Ladta Nutbar Boots; Slippers and over Shoes;Cloakis of elegant and iarf styles, and a now.aasortment of Slop, Parlor and Odokisir Stove*, with a gieat variety of. other Fancy `and " ROUT Goods' which- will- be sold op the mixt fawoYable. knits, offerbicespeelarl odecement o cash or Mile beirehr.•• - Neirllii/ord, Nov. 24, 1953 •• . . H . ew 'Stoves.. 7 : H' ntnutzrr now receiving ,d Ow and WI adstorl: . dent at Cooking Parlor and shop Stever far W, or Coall, and in ,connection with his previa** stack wgt make n;eelect and complete assortment of the mod peps • lar and,improved kinds :erl. lfir ight Elevated Overfa, ..itrtmixti/cind • . . • . • Plate Stoves . . / • Also, stove' Plpes t steel. 'Tray, Zine; qtove %WWII:A(44 which he willed'. at, the fewest prise/16s • taskol antas= ed credit. . NewMilford.Sept. 246,1814: / ; I INTES• dt4LEYNOLDS hays removed their • -I.:J tailoring establighment to' the toots' over .6. ' -R. tlaw!ey's Store, near thel ,, Fgenfilin -Doter," „where th‘ey are prepared. to ttend proitiptly to all ,ealls in their proteggichr,, pre ginv entire satisfaotion to every Wagonette man Latest Newlrogit'.and , Paris fashions just recei i ied.• Ilfontroge, Sept. 150857: MA sump . . - bed ° ' THE un'dersighave establis oda Shop in the bosenitint of Mr. Sayiet'sStore,iii, Mon trose, where tite3r will at ail tinier Veer 60' bats(' FORITACN aq'T,ontwric hfansmer ai d litho.nfantorts s * The same into- Monuments, Totorii-stonss. tops, ice.y&c. . QT The pntroliage the Ite utrespsetfully solicit d :, CtiNGDOiNT dr. I * .IEVIER. - M. trose, Aug.2s, TBs3—tr. 1. New - Goods. 3: WEBB is now receiving hie tall atonic cif ! Gtoods., - Please call and timeline; le they ; will he eald cheap for caeh:- ' Mantras. Sept _ 14, 1853. ' • : CASH PAID FOR kitia6of GRAIN by . D. It. LATIIROP St., Co. - 1 . illrh - '' & ' isti Eittoceries4-- .....ol'esale . Re ' • IN rest variety, ,cOnaiderable quant/tY,lopeti ó liaTify.-aod cluttip for cash', or Itithange for most kinds of "merchantible produce on good terms. //is Stock of Sugari, Teas, Tobacco. Spi ces, /0., being so,Uumerous, he deems it' only" riee 7 : essary to say. that almost anything in the .Gro cerylline used liy families, can be foond.upon Algol: ry and coorequently enuniemtion, te * Aonsidired ,liii superiluontw In particittoi he would aik'd . exam ination of , Ills 6d Sugar, ° s. Tobacco, and I'fia. A deduction Worth @airing made to Oka.. to* bay in iarkeilitantities Montrose, Pa Jowl* L. 3;cm/inane RESPEGTFELLY inform' friends that tie ' is now receiving a pile of choice Goods from the great .• Emporium," which together with .hie ofd stock makes his assortmentquite complete, and will enable tb luciesafully compete v►i'th 'iii neighbors. Among his stock mil be found a goad supply Of Dry Goods, GroCeriev, Crockery. flak ware.. and Wooden ware,, Nails, Fish.. Drop end Dyes,. Paints and Oils, Boots end Shoes * (a superior. lot)' Hata and Caps;l Ladies . Winter Bonnet* * isateb. ells, caipet Dago, Trunks, Reedy !Plods Clothing, seleticdexpressly for service, end a thonsand. other . useftil article* not neeessary hire to:meation.rikltet which he will, sell et the loeOestlivink profit ter Casb.Produce,.ar approved credit. Upsonvilla, sept:24, 1853. -- 1 Valuable Fart for 111811.: , fr4l-1E sirbseriber offers f r lade Ms *Amble I farm in Gibson township; anaquehanns - comity, fa., containing Ilintsieros, situated in the Easlern part of Said town, half of a Mile from tage Tunkhannock Creek, and 12 1-3 mlimcfroln Sus quehanna pepot, on the NJ Y. dv-E. ItaiYrbitit, . On said farm is' a framed bows,. 3 Mir* s borse shed, corn bouso, il" }' mnog Orthard•Uf over . 10Itrees, and is well watered. • 1 ' -,. o offers to, sell for TO pet cent. less tluirttbo real value: ;;,.' vnlue: , . ° ' ' r • Ttnitio .... .1 140 r tilirth,Of .the: putitivie nicinety cash down, EA lialane'e eeinred bY mcittfage -1 WILLIAIrVAYLOR. , _ - Gibson, NoV., 33;185—;--4'77: i i _ Piston* nedleines.—k gkeat earfaity, Clsc nearly all of 'ha stoat valuable Wads, at Pork, Flour Ouellette- • . t -FEW terraltoliffeihi , itrs Mieldgeekende• - siiV • Alto Mess Fork ialt, toy the barite) sr lost). - A. n4Lnwili. , 4 Montrese. Feb: IC, IC3. • ittailey asCust otasavaismait. topit Al at Ma sierie n si r mmmmmmnial Adm 4 rs. REMOVAL I. N.: Mill, Noutess:lter e I.)est 'Ma
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers