„..tprorx, T., ' l gns ruitßilStr. ur.A.rion•LrCirokt•trittN . • . . .--.g, .B . ), dH.'l4:l' : 4'- A LV.I-g. .t . 0AY,; . ., f,•nrroits; Montre4o; February, 23; INS .14, ✓ er on,littaker 11111.4" liZil SIGOI;SXF.S. -" 044 1 4AP' b 1 clergyman XI? raised and grek bit-111AI silistled 4 ostirSiif fits , nrt It was an beer, ,mighrese tht ' And' round The war elan ''Twas not Wheji tti of veneFii eli on iho;field, hands:bp. 'ena wriaoiera;lted - while the Oinfta 'for:the - 0; 7 , trinii . aigl - th'i.aa*:drindoi.i• his: of fearrand t orittle i ery, teavy volumes spread i 4 in rival strength% Contending'nations meet.. 43r love oreenquest Madly kurls A mortar ii from his seat. - :"' IL - - -"- • .- - Yet one wit, there,-ymnsed to trend The path Of ,iitertal 'et - rife; -WhoktiCitio Skvior'fi flock -bad rid ' ' •• - .-Boiriae the fent of life.. ; ] 31iiiiiielthiM m a Where the black smoke Ir; ied, 'Jib head - .kiwi .bowed andi bare, •-- . -. '- ,' While.foran iiifitiatiand.helireathed' 'l , ''•,',' - ,•• ',The agoni , •ofiimyer... ‘• , '', '.. . • 1:1.;- , • .., • • • •, : . Tho-c d lumn i .r •with.early. morn, : , - 31viower 4 i? er,Biiq4er's, height, . •_ • Andproudlft,le I a race tinhorn, The paiiiiii.fathere' might; - •,-f 1: .13nt.thiku,,,patriarch, old and grof,' ... ~. 1 .. ' ',Thou prOiahei of the-free, . -• . .. • ~. Whe'linelt among the dead, that ilai--; , ' - :Whit fon° ahall rise to thee ". 1 ~ , . , - it i 9 hofineCt W'bich feol iceti6 • - That woke t We trace' it I.on :Which t10..' Arcmise thatj Shaliwah h . . at brass of stone - a touch of time; ie record _ of a faith. `ly deed sublime. a table 'fair s ,` ' s when stars wax Oslo,- the good msn's,prayer is God prevail. • Anima I TUS a a l'rialing Office UMPER'S MASHED it A , l'aukie MIIIZO 4 - • - • I I ACK. uuStrimins. • one Of the oNtativos of ,n Job PtintinZ Office, of of Univoisal Lihdity, , `Cp i n;' sal Slea National elaiio ' Come ink' . gi'llelociii• :filo' .part - ',Of the Iniati,l goOd• natured, fa raised `specinen ' Come in sir,' 'dal..." - • .. - 't • `kEhPwist stranger. j:. . . 'I s.sy, - step in.l in the_wind, and• - . 4 Lets in the w i 'Yes sir,,blowL see ?' -2-. - Want to . know. What'sup 'here ahv how ?' • • I. • . 1 . , .- - 1 - * • i. 'What's ut:' • . - • . 1 ' A Yes, w les •orr. .• continued the 1 going stranger with ,a strongly aoce ted C finceticut • pathos. •- . • - . •_ - -•- • 1 . 'l'lll4 is a 'printing office. " -.--.' -.- • ' YeouldOrt't say so s ?' . . 'Yea sir ; never in one before?' . . ...... Never in One- afore.. •. . • , . ' Ave,'. , 1 .• . • , ' Wal I reckon not: . • `Never.', J • • I "Jem-one i i tO '.1 -. .Never in a- pt - intin.' shop,. 'ztelly, , kin in :'saw mill, car in' facitc.T.: 7 -. , Jest look at that. '. -.. i .. • - . ' Got hurt is - onit, ,-,. "Waf caeilatc ,I ; did.. tri t them: two fi . ncrer,f, -. s.mashed all,, to darned - thir ders, and that ar.e yeou can see, cut clean ' A seveleoperation, I guess r - 'S.evere/openttion 1 guess ?' '' • " -1 • . `Severe operation, veou , guess? • Caelate it wasn't. anythifig else., - .. ---- ' • 'Ever in p. Ca . din' mill ?"asked the s ,an ger.. . 'Never, I beli we,". ' Ever in 4 saiv mill ?' ' , . . • • _ ''Olt, yes, See 4 saw mills,' said the, pri - ~ : 11 ,1r.'openoi, and 'in came Abe hair, hat .aud;slioniders; of a 'lir looking, flax . held, rarely f, mankind, in the rare state. repeated the :aforesaid ofti je • cautious respOnse of tiiel The door:being oien tetk the paper alAnit, don't ya Bin in I'LCCIton mill, I. reckon `Never 'Never i • - . 1 . 1 . Milne Lin round at to see at jiutrin4dotton iLili übt they ;Ire some pumpkin ....,.. '.4l.eu-fia-lar mister. . Ought —once!' - i ' I have no . do l l said the . printer ' .Sonie pump ilarned if they ii about?' - .1 7 ; 'Type in easc ‘.Thotightl the. clauck fill cif lid 'bit; no,sir (.. type in. - - • !Want id ku about:T.:, 1. .. 'Olil.oh l r =ta for books.' , ' Set . 4 for.bi they=set far;'.' ' •' Be careful, s done mischief 1.1: . - • ' Mischief Teo' •i f them dart' th Of way, how *6 v .agin !" - - . ..' I'll show vot • B. 0.:. &c.— • "And so fOurth •?' 1 Yes„ but be ' careful '. There you go again, : You see yolt l- :e . - done more damage • by. touching that Matter.' -- • . . • I . 'What triatter ? :.God darn if I . teelted - no matter. But h -o-old on.! Now I 11Ve done it ialtitelogdid . n to - these:Aar:a iypes ; .tliey• - •are:all tatriblin to everlasting stoash tar. 1 1. tin " . ' . • ' I' . • Sure enough by grabbling` at a falling ' type,-On a standing galley, the - Yankee .c 4-• lapsed ' about : one - compoAtoes hard a fla,day's work,,atp.. The printer had- now got enough of this kind: - of fun,' and, therefore, wished to c' . t the business. short with. the' • : Yankee- '* 1 • ' I. >''Sir, liav . yen any •blv . iin.esi viit.b...any orte . kern - r , . - -.1, -, -_,- • , liter Tr; ''. , . .-. „ V . . . Y, -. 66 . - . . ‘.•• - 1 - - - ....-N0,440.e5s I paint r . . f: ... • _ 'Well t4n - you had bet-,-- 7 -.-----' , ... ' Yeau -see I- ivatt putterin areonail - too ' l. see what was goin' on, and I thouot rd drai, in, h o e. --1.-do,ti.', want to be atitall curious, nor Tioth4ii t .b,ut whaes the clitip as -.makes'. th noot_papetij l ' .j . .. -.- , - . s • 'Yon- mean suppose, the '. publishers' an eartem - 67E, - .17 - • .7 .- .. -: . - ~:: .1 . ..: . • I„ .1 tl .. . `A . y : .§4..tlim i,.ai s i -ern . --',., , - I. —TEsalriliter lv . • n..to,gCt.rid of the bore, and, doubt*fliinktirg . ille editor would be \ a bl er tiiiicd c !-Iful own with the . .lrankee,par, sell' r hi nit fd, Ad: Ali f oriti. - 61 rict u tn, where . Y l ink ee , pokes in hili - itead •and ,ba:Avis out--: ..-. .', •-• •,, tSery Ave II 4; ir.- - . ; r.-. . • ..- ;, - ; -.. . - .- - :ins ? Shoo-so 7 so 1,11 l -11;e taint I bat, ichat is all ' tltis 1 m {,. , things- were ' - bird cages; IS, . - .. . partinents to distribute. 1116. • . . , .Nr! Wh`here r is all I:this ere r ke care; ti at is type :set up I soksl Gel sicit.books as i.r;.s6 - .‘. that, now ;- you,. hale say I Want to knOw- now, ug all fall down in that sort \airth do you git em up sir? There you. see is . I===l V^ i ii,,c , p l 4 4 .1 ,14 0 ,tii --- ' 'ant takesa *ea' i4a)!.. , 4,1114 1 - eg ..,.‘ clw, tl'tey say:editotitirqqlot pry' - or ';' t:-., I iin,"lm v PI ato ' Aris tidero t n ith , islni"tinekl,l", r -t r it Cti . 164 litiict'tl dst ' b - on rteons . !hiic Writ i t iqiil. 7 - 7 , , I. le juriip l id,upand at orq!_epr s 6sentkid . the strait-, • , 1-_5 2 '.-N i'..;,, t 1 . g t i.the i sanitin'ti t'itair4'' ''' . •i. . ..1 -- 4 phlNl:t3il ,. ki n' 'keep , ottri: ...Itet4i.?.: 4:L 3 -i:4' l ll+ . ' StiiingZui I li;iiuk% - jer,'d l o l S4 - ;Uic.; ' '`tir ( A" t- - t P . 4 i ;: ~ ' illti . : t t Fil i it, - 1.. - , o' qt., ttini.c , , , b. e'.., ..4iyi: 1 terposed, i bi cuntor. • i ,:,- i , . ~;- .. 1 .-,,,-;,: s • - " tYliat:iinig,lttlit'lyi I ':.1.1 1 ,..1%'4 1- 41 , -. I - ' l " . Ll - - ' - a.iit tKar i i ~_qUIIC;I.I. name 3- lenlIil? .. A f v. Imy .ilit4eo:6::' . .. if '.- -.., .I+ - 4;.) ! ,.. , .`t ,'.., , :t-•.•, ,,, , I :t.r . f , :.:; 1. ' • - An t i Ll 5 . iianii.:;:ivii-1;;;. , ' • I ••..'' ::‘'' , r ~ , .'f'l. l , 3 'i • 'oll,'•!iyiity'".fiOkr t 6; .e.li", 5a , 4 4 .-Libe straii- 1 , . ~, ,T ..r. • - I • ' 'i •: . • • ' li. -/-__' 1 - :•• 1 - 1 . 1. I . '. .- 'd ii ,o •wlt ' ' ".. : ' , . e ley4 - ,tart,sat ‘. . : ii ,o,i. ors ~.., /:-..i i 'Oh! tts_34 il'on'tlClts' 'VAIL tilfv•.ll , ll l ns iii_; . jetfiro: Jttinpei, - ftoiri"..Tinti t myitie; 131 '10il'.. 1, corn comity, State dfktoitiiee9titt,' .l '' ;' I • To whom - nill 'l. -- inileliteclior tills. '•isit, , ,, b10„.1 PqItAV iirkinifitl6) the' . (4l46r . ' : e t.' ' 1 ' -I ' . -1 -i I I c,- , . - , ! ~.;' • : ......, $ . -.- :, ' - I ' Not a ' goll datti''cittit,' iliic-teri''.2t6. - ;inel, ti cl-; ..- , - ... .. -•. F .. /.. • ;. , ..., ...., ..:-..1• , ~ ''•... • ~ :1•••..e. ' -• ':i, .....c „-..,--,-, ' • ... l 1 :--,,l:j44idr"a*,t, itt.iti..-t - 4..:.'1.c. / wII4.4 . 'AVIIV,re. ling.i:oiti., luit a-a•- 77 ,-,--,:- 1 -hellts 1 : •..10.tt - -on ' tlii.t.ll: - 4 tt.-- joott:.l ,g.it, ink ilutu that qt.i / ei i r -fixin P.- •- 'Said' Jothrd,',. I screwili4,np flni , ink till' it itartied - all . -bVer . any quantity of / eopylfor . thee ueit .d,ay'gl - ,,;,11: -14 1 PYrr'• ' ' • ,/..... • ' , I ''.'': ..','... • ,!...,:-.'. `. .';,. ' ' II:-LII.and•Seissoni.,1"at:iinee aklaittle.lTO. startled. and Urbane •editor,'... - , , 'lr . - ; :y.On ; .ace ruined pier- ,-, ~' - ';' •-: p . - i . , , ; ‘Git eoiq now 'll6w yoti , g()-pa aboutAotit,- i n ' r• -• .1., ; 1 1' .....,:i. :-...S ' ..,,..•,. • , ..r. L::, ' I wislii'vou . :it ovaod -thritainr'ai r.z :7' ' . 2 ` , : :, • • •i• r ' ' ‘.. Eli.!- I .lYhtitl?' says the - -.Yititkdt}:-,..Y. , •••'.l , t . 'G d . . to tlifill'iler I. -,, *: *- l' .; - . l ' .';:',.. '' , •••• -. - - 1 ' , t - ,:f . ' ' '''icon - be:',42:,•iill darned. - .',a'Clayeyeon 1)0'0. IhigiitviAg i ptiinp4 - in. , '. '.A . ' ..iic..'ilttte 1.7 - e ,T a.-at' 'squrislies . ;•• • ,y ibtl . nint. ti ~ t hi n' . no lißw,r , . '...:.].. . . 1 ... Just then icatelling , a`glhupSe l 2 l. ..a . qtiart•O Welister:contilqi.atillis bead, thi• - ...;1.)0re . taca-', tedthetanctunt i and)yeut dOyen . :, ..,.st:tirs =rip ping. until he.came to the . press;rOom. 41004, through which lie bolted, .and lyii 3 Oligitt - np - ,il . • standing 1.!t• the double 1 . ...ev01,rt*47i.ng . preti , L , f the Yation: 1, Clarion . of tailtlermi • 1, il)ertr . , I which bent: ; _under. a - fu11...111.' i t of ' stf:aft:t., i, thrOwing' o . the' larzest : • - cireuT4iOn -Of ,lany., 'pape,r iu , the ; world ; a - tt meted: ileiiiro'..; : alt9o,- • lion amaiiii.i , -; . . .. , . 5...,1;;„ '1- ~.',What in,.snakes yen a,,i4 , ;1. 0 , . ... „ .- ::-., • I, Take-mre, H -Ook. ont l'. battikl.the . greasy awl' black pt•ez:sninrr as'..JetltrOlgttst Mitt head ' .110 hat under the fly' - ;-; .5; , ..- - - •1 I- ••!.; 'Murder :116cik.ltere r .taWls'thq Yu ilke:e, a the lir hits luta . a rap over the' head.' I 1 ' , ' 'take ,are-take ' i'ell ' Ali - . W .. - •4:• ' l , . t... . care, ..., 1 ...• L 1...... .. . . ' ' • I .: mall. I' , i . :il 1 - .•, . 'Take it off--take it off.' I 1 f .fullout 'yOur head,: you fool, i_ and stand' hack. ' - ' . :: • : .. 1 • ••..-; -' Jtimpitf'MOs' ei Shp 'The inachine'till a feller tits a loos.e. .Mow git -eOtit - iny t. hat • there, toll' darn ,'-equ'r : J. ': e l ' • ~. 'The - r4 111(11 . 1 , it is' :flit as ii iilati- ail . •T— -...,. . .i •-• ; take it at a ili i t st „ '• . •. . ; •• . l i Poor 4 •itirol,!ltinpe+r•seiied liis.wellinashed . hat, and rpitig it oy'er leis head; bul te l l, doWn in double quit' .time, yelling--.; •iLet me.eont, w•unt - toy kilt .tt feller - 'Alin deaf with yonr ! . - ro,ll klarned,'eteriull, *nett'' fiat gled, cardin niilimq iipospaper fmens.'- : - N. /-,* D , .fichilt.rtn. • ! ----1 -; - --.6.-4001.-41.-----..--:•....-- . '. A "Irtvc - 4......:44.r...a...w.,16" "ITikiploitritsi3.!.x. ;0%14.- ' IVliett Queen tier last • Of',.sW•eilen, w'as' on her' death-bed,lter tact minitents; • Nt-ere einlif.- . tered by re!rret' at the absence of her fatiOrit4 the'LCountes„s, Stf. , ltb(VlC, I)3;ttst , 6 !M1161 1 1.1 ' and the queen thero.e k sisted. the most tender - and -1 , t 1 ti : 011 ffeelatCl:lat i .h.e tacit. . "UnfO4ttniatelt' and . • . by the most singular ceineidenee; !t he tong , 4..s.S.Steenboek' , at t.iii-saike moment lay :den , at; , 1 gerotisly ill: 'at ._' . .z.tockholro„.anu nt,; 00, greatt i a distal' ce from "tin?: doing. queen Co be carriql ! ti) her liresenee. .11 . 'i r ei• 1.7 - Irik - e , jiad breatl4 11er last, the loyal cause, as is; .'cuitotilar:,' rte i in that - cr.untry ; was: placed ht.:la i - pen•klotlin, , 1 upon an .elevi...c.l.frape in an :,riartiaent 41f the palace, brilliantly.illtaratted'..Aqii wa*..cal , ,-, i dies. .• A deulebnient 'of lloyal Horse Gila t* 1 was stationed in thelante-cluimber as a !fluni-.i Iral wata. - Durin4 'the aft ernoOn., tile ontsid"C i l door of the .a.nid-chin - ber• 0 , 4 . • - ••:neil, arit.l :114, i -; , , ~- 1 - . - , , t :: ~' , .•, , ~, f• .1 c_cynnt e , ,s z.teeanoci- :trn-IA, ireo in ;leen r.r.r---.. - . - . - ,,. ,~ ,-.., . 1 ,- •_ . l .; The soldier:, or 11.•: - ! f_tpard 17aurVaia ' ttly 4rtneil I into two lines, and presented l'iri*,'ase ri. , speit .i 1 tol the firl, dame of that palace. who'. w.lts rl- 1 ceived at d -escortk...(l)..y the coniminderi of tUt. I •[ 1 g,tturd in „o! the elianiber it - hc..ir_..ilaY . .the, I bod.; , , 1 of tier. l ' rl't f . l "TA - ifi -;" Lea ~ 1 rtt...,.1 .t . re o ... cen we r e- s'ai ., - 1 i prist4l at T ler iinepe'eted *aliil4, and at trilut; 1 1 ttur-i• her si eni.e to tlf....%inten:ll : , , i, of her ,;• r i e 'ff; • P the - I conducted her to side of tu , t! :corps ~ and t., . • . then retire 4 leatiiii,her alotie'i not . chOosing, to 'disturb he he expreiSsion ollto,:r deep einotion. The officers wziited outside fora tonsiderable tin theiCountess not vet Ottirniu c g,ilny feared , some accident had befallen her.! '; Tile , i Ilifyliestogieerin:.ralk icity -opOned tho. door, 'T . but immellirffely- fel 'back in , qie utn.lost 'con sternatioi• The , Other officers; preseit 'then' , hastened 'into, the ... rdOnt, and ill'ey alit (beheld , the queen standingnpright,in ;her colliin i i and. rvu'derly; : etni*eing ;the ,co anteks ! Tilts; tea= tiliseys-ed by all'iheiiitticers and .sohlicis cif tli'e ard." I'reset itly the apparation seethed to 'al-I' and resoli-e itself into a;l`.dense ini'st.- i.t lien this 144.1. : clisaPpeared,•tlic .corpse of the . queen was seen reposing in its' Ornier loitiOil on the bed H o f' state }''but the countess Was. no where to be ;found,...: In• vain - .. ; :lirey , .4, , arclid the chamber and the adieining roonisi--not:a trace of her could he. diseoveri;,3. • - I, , ,); 4 Courier,,Wisytt once dispitclted - td Stock-• hohn with. an account of.-tliii. - .extrao i rdina ty . occuree; and thCre it was learned that,. fly . ' Countess Steenboek had'notilert the: :capital; 'but,that shehad died, at preei.s? 21v the smite moment -iirhen she was seen r ia the arms of the deeeasedlgneen !.. ii An extraordinary ipr.otoe.Ol of i this oceuriene . wasimmediately ordered •tolle trdzeit,l,iv the officers of i the govtirmrient .aud!whicth was eountersigtietFby all present. This document is still :preseried - in ithe- lir+ chit ... .: ..,. . 1 , es. t' • ii! ' -4 ' ' ••' :I -':: .i : f , Avritoniry.—On a decent ocasiOn; at the trial of a 'case 4efore.. # Justice ofitkie Peace iii .T.eattisiana, crone rither ruivel an thorities.were cited, by'one .of the ‘'learned counsel, 'For e?zample 111 , Thc,cOurt will: observe," he said, i'that. - ln the Shylikk • Ts : , Antonio, althot i t*,ll judgem nt',l6;iend&cd. in rav or .or i)laint4f, yetl eiredttistances .preSrente(l the g.:4ecu lion whi c h, h a issucd,--trom - bong _ , carried into eff I eet." I ' • ! "What case" 'asked -the justice, "didithe gentlemln refer to ?"' 1 ' "Shylo Antonio,. 2,1 hakeL- p. 235 Johron's edition.; 'I The conk oiil. there find' the eitBt>„.repor a ted jn full.!' The "leitined counsel" went; ! on t!o - thecase.teithat II:. client'', but 'lttlei4er the `,.&yurtl' considetedi the antlierityi-fiutr4v=• Tent{ has lot vet trdluiired. 1 lar T O following lines are supposed to have btaen wrjtt by a yon lady of ronuuk4hle Lige end judgement # 1 I .;- -II ii j• 4 I hive tile in en 'aineeie at bead.; ; R_ r : - I let's the lane whe takes hitili l l. part;•; love thi:umn -who will be free; . I • ' l'l . I•leve•thn aituLof liberty; i ' ' i . I love ("luau who, laves to . labor : ' ! lf . ,ftlove, e aunt Who; lila avighha;- ;I ' - I love I e man who -hfrell hie wife: I love t e mail who oeler has shire; ' ;i 1 -' I love t e rash wholeves.not gold, ' I . 1 1 ,- I love the man earidklland bold: . I i i'; Ioyell10:0348'1 homOver.gets melloW, 1 eve the man , w hol 1 loves hie fellow: l ' ' i 4"; 1 0, : - - e i the filiaa suitimer , :and W ' . l inter, -1- '''-..- 4 , - Wlto , t.'er fergett. lc) 'tj , iy the- printer. j=: - -1- - I • 5' 1 - I , , . , f. Crockery . :*fml. furpiships Store. I; i / . • j 11..0p - 14g:1'4-pow prep irdU ko l fayOu.444, a . .,„itu1.,)11_,; ; .04h94,1y.1cr,..c1au - otrY:his yurfod And, teitensiV43 4 ., 3#01111C.4!.,§f , g00d5; vhicli,..(as an ex.- elusive dealear cflabletV'po offer : Yery,low. e.c41.8.3nd,.'• I)6c.oruted .and ••••" guls4!.- 4 - 7 1f4.Dintici . and „Tea', S . Otts,. `pfintesi ilia or _Aiy' the varjety:iifii i uticul styl&s, or. TORO., Ware. . „ ,1 C.Asui - ,5.-I.,atioggliyi_-; (lilt. and Or.: tut. in4n till fri.aii,4l, .6 1 1:i9ics liotu 075. f iktyttc - .sirtio's'.nitneul and r lSK...isa obl et s, De. c7rift t'Owls on loot, COrrailfters, Globes; 'CandlChticks, &c. &c. flor:F.Kr.r.ro; I lAlinwAnE,4--Table and Pock: et Cut4ly, - SpOoris, Tea Tray.s;Scales,'Saddronts, in ineljid Kettles,, lint 11.ack.s, • I:l4.:figiv.iipro t; ":Water 2hiolersl; Ice Cream Freezers, &e. ‘Voo'pr.ts , CabiNWa,,,nAnsi!hockii*:lT(irs4s,,Criviles .ceder. l'aits,Tubs;3lOsti, • • •• v't.Npow, GinSs, Phis and I.read;. * 'llands Lopp':iad'asse L .Ti,.s also Stain P',O6ls, TarietY. 117'.1ar..Toilets4tt, rtonsistint;i — o'r root',Tubs, SiTif) - 30.r 4na.Wakir es and all articles In the line. 7 Aiii ). Ar: (: ::4NTI anti Tea Urns, rerg. Coddlers, CitStlirs, Chafing; Dish 7 es, Aetins,'Pitiqiers, CandleStillts, &c. ANL e•ery varieti style - _ . Tors -AKD P.ANcv stlliow, Iron, 11.1acbui.Tena.c;)ffa; Alahalorr ins snTaney itiske LS. .. IVttre.—'rable !and .-.Teasp 0 0 TAT& lle;iserf and .oYster FOrk'Nt - DeSsere haves, Soup acq - Siiii,CLndles,•CaStors, .SUulrers and Trays, Tbanad'Coirce.Sstis. • I • 'Bird Cafzes,Tabli:i and'rloorrAlats, Brushes of every deseription,'in . hict alrnoSt, every. article in the line of, honie furaisiiing, both ,userplond orna., ne66l; may b6totina tit this cttensice: meat.. - • . . . fkIiPSII . . I I)E ..4.5100m c:Lst of flub Anierie.m Ilinoluitutun . June 81A . ..! DIA iin z 414,. •VRE - Onderst - gned' Ve . i'tc; to the eiti- X;',ze . ns of Surqueh . anna einin4. - , - that th:t'Y here estettlisliken shop iri 'iKeelves ibunding;on Malt] street, MonttOle, where they wits keep on hand a supply of Pbreign and American !Iferble,and man ufacture the same into , !:lloniune"nti, Teinba, head Stones. PI rand Cint'sse Table n'ops, &c: The publ ic will to.thcir interest g:vc us a call Iberaro loin ilseWli"ere with - Weir orders • •SUIPPEYS:. OE LONG illontroke, Aug. 44, 85:1--:-.:14ittf '" ' ' ' ' Ausralia, Cali iz pia, • • Or any place tioln lixa)be;•canNabpresent.grmie.-r. •• • . I:lrv:lents :1144 , a ... . - - • • F: st 7 ~ S .T.O DI) 4 RIX 8 , .11COOtAND f3` LOBJE . • •N! ITHICtI ilmant filled . with naw and.akten sive assortment, of tir.alel id thcir ; tiae, e.!nbiacing a.;;hneral variety ofi uew and elikant, styles of Ladies and. geutlenie'tirrr wear, hmong' Whieli are 'Ladies French, - Silk ' t •Lating and Pry - Gaiters, Kid atid; . Enatneleil POlkaS. Kid Pal; nut, leather and brOnzed Jenny Linds, Buskins and Tics; zentlemetrs French oak-tanned calf skiniiatid kip Diaits:, Congress and button Gaitcri,..Moate'reY and Ntiallington Boats, toilet ~lips,:Morocco, calf. and. Cowhide Bro gans, &e. • ..lirys kin, calf and dawhicici . Baots, and Brogans; all kindsot Misses ar4ilildreii's wear. Also, a general assorlrnent 'of F'indin7,s, which eon nails, tacks, thread, Nrax, Bristles,- sfloe binding, awls, rasps', sandstone's. shoe Al s n, oak and heitlock tapped calf •uppor 'and spieleall er, Moroeno skins and Work' made to.oidirir and repairing neatly • ' . • it;d:BLEI: '-&•STO'D.DARD. Montrose, Iliac 1.11;353. . . - st S ~ :Ltx: t G'uC's r STOVE .AND !TIN *ARE DEPOT. t L. WEI:STE:IA 6- CO. %would respectfully .41• inform the it . J,otle of .11-i!is" connty. r and the. people in der - lei:11, - 01:1c! they hatia opened an eltali: lishment of• the obo'f'ttiinil in .;tentrese, at the" old stand of Sayre. and 1 ll'ebster, bile door moral of the Dentlerer'fil:::•.; where they intend te.l.- - .. , p on hand 4 4ar4e. aSsorttntat of St'ov.cs Tin, Copper, Braei'and sheet Iran Warve, all of which they will bell q.li cheap .08 they Can Ix! botight in thiii or any htherennitty. • Among. ourstci•Oe may be found t? - ;'`e foiloiving bes;des others t_,o want:toils to rti-•rition . 1 ..11. I.,ci- Erir; rzir-:.; ; ;10, (,;• zt.".l. illa.l . crn 'lnv ‘. - .; - "" _. ,* , • .11. - . 4yy.l.t . jn.ft 2:',....... .! 0 . . . ... l':rt...-qn , "! " '. ' " 11 .. •-,' ,22/ Str...'.--, : • , ." L . -.,. ;.:'•aicel 6.•:...a. 1 - cifialiq - . ' : • `‘. 1 ' „, "AC Spice . . :also, reinoy, e. 'anti shop Seo - Oiesi, °Wirer's Pat-. .ent Hot-eir I.).traces for heatiify; Pat lie auildingy stores,-.)/otiela,, eta. S'leco Triili ttnin-; Pipe, sheet Lead, Lea': Pipe, INlill .and .0 stern P / mill, is,,,ril Chain Pimps, Chains and . GenrilyT. - - CilrAll kiedi.c.f. Cristam Will: ee !e i• . . tics ar,tl mOst,reaSofrable termS.lo-zr : , profits, ready pay, and quick reitary . :..., '...„ 4 ..11 kinds of Produce at l - ,li in! exchange Tor Wares. If yon don't helieve ill ciill and see. ' A. L.,u" , Ei3s - ri]rt &co . Montrole sept ir,, 15.52 , .. , ~,. OUR assortment now corm risos almostovery article ;Wanted, and we ftar some that are not :pawed, Whiclt -we will sell at cost and some apticlec at less - num -cost: on that same account. • U. 131.3 . 14.11.0‘VS Co: Gibsoia Oat. 26, 1833. • N:SHAWLS. • • .• IOOWOOLEN L° P SUAW4S, uIT giitililics, and 1. - .•:tutiful patterns, at extrenirly lot ~‘IU. BURRO ‘yS. Gibson, Oct, :26; I • tritattfalo •Rcibev.,: • . L:trge iot'of tlient (Alnico who:o . nobes . at _i . a.very-Snail advance on the ee - st: Gibson. 1. 1 ..0 BURROWS & Co. AdMinistrator's Notice. . .x - r9TicEs beteby gie i n 'Oat Letters Testa -111 mentar)-upOn -the estate-of- Lazelle Bryant _deed, late of..Trtekiton township have been' gran ted to the subscriber; All . .persor.s indebted to said estate ar,e herebs , Tquliated to make imme diate paymeut to tbeisubserii)er;id, - llarfurd, and those havinglelairns upon said. estate,te present, diem duly a tested for settfument CHAS. TINGLE]. ilarford, .!,n. 2, 104.-Iw6 110 a rtist'sA 'Greeting. . . •, Friends,. Patrops, Tzci-Everybody, an other mile stone has ben reached on the journey of life,— another degt o has . I ;een'irnithed on the scale 'of time—;another link, ;12:1s .. ,b6u.Severed from the Chain of tie future-4auothei page has been writ ten in the g reat .vornme clf itbo past-4ind 2 a,gain we, witness tlie bright openfug of a New Year: • : And edits early dawn We meet you, . - ° And with a. "happy n4w year! greet you. - And now, aii, kou i review the! year - -just departed, and dwell Upon its jiks ;and. sorrows--its privi leges enjoyMd, - and tits - I, duties neglected; pet chancersoute of you 'have neglected to. call on the Artist. Old secure ono ]of those "Fuitiffui Shadows" :;: • ..,'• . I -1, 7 • • , • Which light and art, withi magical spell, By working together, cats catch so well.! But you may yet"redeera the past. As you lay your plans for' the advaneia,g year. let this occupy an early and protningnt.i*e on the programme orvour future intentions., • W ould'yen leave last ft , :g impres s er; behind you? Cottle to, the DagUerean Gallery! Would you "see yOurgelves'fas oth rsi see you I'? Come to :the Daguerrt.4n Galle'ry, Would you make an appropiOte: proie:nt cherished friend? Come to. the Pieture,Roonui! And beside all you - encourage;tut, and make glad the heart of theArtif.t.l . i • - Then lot appor by promising / here, That 43nring..the year Fifty Four, You will. o and all The sare to call• . -At "Odd Fellows' MIT," Second Floor. • • • , W. B. DEANS. Atikntrosn, Jan. 2, :1854. r ' 1,1.. tine Fren' ch. • ; -, i5i0're44.41.9 7-i y‘.l , : Siwirtsl 1: . - 4 4 ri - 1111: Sety red! Bellew Li:ltt" 'reminds us 1 - ~_.::-..Ll'Altat, 110fastrapPrOac WO f the keen fulfill of Old Glop winteei-stilierti.Ono.o,f: these:nnsuti.' , passel; I e mod ii,iglidy.apkoicil,Stoves : frot the most - .extensive I . ,taintfacterieS. in: tile: Union, Mess:* Slustr•lSCP-a4taiii, iiecOni - e' indispensable' 19-01;,c4 fancily} We. wont d res t: et: tfu ill , a tato u nee to the I-eitizenfi of ',7quiquelianna and !adjOining, :counties that we hate ijimt-re;!eived and are re 'cidvin4 the larlicat mid ibt , st nsA' ortment Of §'toves Over int rod ueeci into Vali te . rri Pennsylvania; ;which_ will iglisold litilto vtiri,,lowesticavh. /Vito , : • To those : l i the are in wa4 Stoves t they wiii '.to the n interest to calljand e;siantinc: oe.l. y before !purchasing. eltiev,.. here. 'l'llev compr part.4l..slollowF,: ....; i . .. • . - _.... 1 1./ni/ki, , ,O.S'/alcit, i ' 11 ii , "4lleit Pt Eirs',4ern Qufen J i 0,, : ; Vonrtian, . Firejelpj?es.„.E. C.,!1 - - ~1.',0.(!l l 1 I National A ii.-Ti. , - 1E: 0. -./.-ci , :• , l• i 11. -' • - •-'i . • r:4l/otitinr - ,...81izri- i' f '-ii C4jila- - ri • larl - ; crs' i1r.•'1:4!,t,.; '; eiNt,•, 4.(2 - i• ' i ' . .- • • 1 . .TI) . labpvo: ~stut'iliilipliio; iii - ell , r lia.wn t. :quirt , -!s ) ,- minnto ddscriptiter,; , , beingl4ll - 0 , yoptil: i atiits-appe6's4Steie irihrutiliet: 'All 'nifty f; t•or . .tiS -With r:,pail- will be •,410 Wni tilt our a ;orttigql- wit li iilettsur4;••.:4 itiii:tille! 'rinnil . ...;-..-EllOwslrar Tamed , i Oni,a , Price . .‘..11 lietr ord, l'a.i.Septi, - 0532-.:415 , it .!: ';' . : . r ----- -- -1---- -,-1-,it-- - ,--.;4 4 , --4- .--,--- 7 :-. :, `.7 ,CATtitiENIrEWS Ititkrifli..,. : l ~., _ , i .. ~.(r" Oil l umpy -7.1.:t.5.Aril sF., )0 ....,1A 'T : 1 / 4 3 ND ' , , , - 9171.1 !subscriber,- hiving rc. , utedittii.s wcj&l .4) ..I„::hoii,ise, ati,d,!,,:riti 6I; ;ttid i`e-IliritiAlled - 1111 .4 41.0 e, hs new p,hepare!d:',to receive and pal. - gnestai.l This :Itotts„• , ; i. 4 delightful y situatl the bltilts ortlie Susipii.hanua!! ‘ riv,•r,. on th - of the i NeW Yoh!: and :Erie,. and the Ilel : Dlckawannautid.Weii*,in itailioads; ovc.rl( ~a 'nest heautifill setiticin of country, and ,panertua of sconery 4nequalled anywhere.-1 - . As A StiManth. 11174.ic:i:T lair the busines t s in an seckin i rfq - tiiet r jld ficePoin from the t,u4e and din of lefty lifti'a and 1.' . 0r ladies . ' and gentle' ien' in pursuit of pleasure dould the rural scenery of the country, this li?eati e n eitnnot he equalled.. I ire the,woar}' . trayo44: I's secure fOnn _the tonlision..„ incident to the. eontiildfir nTrivttl and depar urd or trains,i which, .ez;peelally, in Ulu :night . tim ! in,:} very great annhvanA to those isto,pping at.l 0ti;i:.5 . ,1 - very near the: tiepot.! t t.' • '' 'tits RO - e . ds are, new,' pleasant and well ft rriiiiti . .. 'ed ;J:id- Table. : ' , .iitti rilf•the delk:icies ivhivl),!t_lc .countrti. and 06' [Mit:hots:nal:4d; amf ',l t ti ptini-. wilt be . shared to inakq,lll.4hot.* a pleasnnt hOin - e' to all Ids gueSts. ~:, !,, . :. '-• : - .- 7 :l 4 `'Gt.;Es-A will lrt . ,; convey:ill to linklifri 1.-Z..= 1" 1 ekis, at.hhyll"Or (14 6r. night.4l - 1 a , 00d On . .. free- 0' eh : r;,* • .i : ' . • ; i , 1 :1 7 i:r•A 141 - 1:11 - 1 - siam.r. s :It; Ik7lictl Hous . '• —: - ' %. ',-,,. ,°, • N..V.iPARPENT Gre,it Dendl June: TNII, 135:1--.2GZI: . I . . i'll.l7.l}ait I'lo ttst.,4 Gri.;;Lit . l' i Livitt. .1... i! rilf,S new itml Spitcions biiiiling, situatc • .1 . .; ti •IVlv:fecit'fioll'ilti Depot at Great, n em•drbaca and fo6tisltnd In it snit:Mile Ott ...a. l'oblic .11(misie, - ati4 . Will be . ; I;4:Pt -o,Pcia . bours.,! (both. day anti night,) for' the re.l4pf travellers; and, espceially for the, account-10 • . , . of passerig•ers,travelling . , ()n th'e N. Y. Sz, 1, L. & \V. IlAilioadql.;‘ , ..lll-.at tile.junction o „ , . 1;6- rCatis, and the inost conViiiint point t iti•rihdl take.. refrelti•ticiits and, be off ‘vizli.t! trdin, as well-as the! trioSt eon 6rii(•nt hflut , ,r. comni'odato trri. pniilici:it is, 74.,1:1W' CLI•I., WlltilLESOlr. l .-ii - itli reentenOugh to tnadae F AT.l., beiti, - .7:filf 0 11p with new Imniture to correspondand•fiqbles at wiiys set, With irnr!kor I ‘ mn.kt.s. and luxdries..furni-111:.1- at a. nity...l(..!;t:. warnintr - i ' , ' ~l • :,.- - -• i . • -,• ..,i • 4 ' . , 5;;17 Passeir,jc . rs:'idtiirin7:rt:*„.,i and slee ), can, itt I,v eallino• here avold - theineotivenienee Of akin.z an orntnas tq bna)tin:ma, a5 .. .71N - en - ms - tou t clay • and uncertainty of ietiirning tii.the depot int th.• srrival or departurci oPthe trgins; as a pOrt f . r ) vi 1 +. be in waiting to eutitliiet thent'w . ith tlieiribOggagq . t.o thd BryantlllonSe, "just 4ermss_ the war,' aiNj conduct tlwinlgtek.llg'itin Nk'it6ont f_.e. (ii rovar,i, taking, special earci:!, to walte_l.heta if - "ilesirt.ii itt any hone of the ul , ,Y.lit';'.. ' ',! ':- • ' ' 4 . , ' - 1 1 2 1, lentii)n of the.: Ilrynrit'i ITcuse, With tly ,. ' natural- scenery abiluti it con lone to inalte2t a 'Ver;:. desirablii SI.7:11:111:11.1tE$ORTfor , briciness • 1 • men and ‘ - .rtUrs. ia;!. tho .city !,ilitlio ' lila.; ',i'i-h. to •east Hoff caret , for It' - f.;.d::.vii - to' rec' 'tit '•in th , ... count.i.r: .. 1,, .1 , ~; - - , - i l A Dirrr , a4.,4'( . '0,-nt!iei,ng..,l 2 ': - ! - . is attaeheil.t4 . -- iiii., 1.):,i din g I_9.* i V:tito er.ill l yeni , n - i..., of plda,tire,i',',..7:;'l.!: who -nt:ty ..lobs ling pa i d avvou4nloirati6as, liOrt.., tyliliout regartiimalutiliere. with {:varni stabli•slor;their t'4.11:1,4, and' rt•li-.llile help oo Wait 0n0n.V.i6i . . , • .1 / ).-• . ?. • j . . : - - i.r. For l'ortir'6 - r .partkul:i7,... inquire ...ai the Evyant i lOtzsi. A. iqe. proprif.tif , r. . , . . 1 /• : 1 4,0!)1,i50N BitirA'... T. • rcl). 1.55'3'4'71 4 ' i-.' --- ••- : ' - '-. • (r ro-7 - illtaidal.d l PetiljsYlValll2.;, . i . kur attention bi.nif:"... , ,ntly ia`vaed : to' - a t..crofal " I f.ail r.aal:lid.pe l rnsill of soareth:ez.tlit.;l . ti;ls j-.1.7t atrot!na'd i:.6 , i.cui- iic'hi..t,::d `bale; l;:;nortmil eznacip.Vs Iliti - 6 -• ET. - •,::r.- - ito:!,:! 1 ICitaL:r. . • ~:ew and ral nyo. l e of IPplyinz a powcrfal ....!.—.. ,- ' flat azent., so cofls , :r.llNed iliS in Iratvorii unecr rrne4!. , sH; next ~1.;) ;Ile t.itin f.‘rcducing it cba,taz:t ~, rrunted+. aft lint +l, EICC . LrIi :"*.ii:g3lutiF'lll eIT . at - in± ivitruatf rt : 1 10 fi.bri: Cle niost acute pain; and aJco tAli p.i,rrnaticnt eproi+lafi Nrii-V(';',lS DISi'L , ;•.S. it Seif2Ctin has f:4;ik-(1 lb rii,ni,,,, :,11 4,,.....1::Etri 1 .t. !relief, a! Ii affil iial, ;q.t . -mail - v . 11( care - . bringl•.• tiseii. :-..-c0r,.1.• in,;td.directhh:s; tff,thi; - fol:Llv..i . ulz, disi.t:L`ro. i.i,.—Rbt a- mat i i i i , G,-.. 1 .0. ; Sciatica, .l';i:riilysis, Painful and 1 Swe:led. Joints, Ne'4lrolfoist of til . . face. 1. 1 )!5c....-s of the S!pinc,ll)earticfls ar ` :d.l.l:inidese, Uterine P;41114 1 l'alp47.ltichlor the Ileiirt, / l eriodical lle;tilLnle, St. .Vi!asJ Danc l e4t7eue..2X.Dc'hility,tru;n:; of.:2lie:Chest, , - IfyFtrics,.l)ytpt..pgiaihll diec , cl.:.s that ai - elcaueed by a deficient stniut:ni:lof .Nervetts Fli.id are g•reatfy relie.iled; if Mit perMatiently 'curled by rirn iy wear- . • •'• • '''' -i r' itd ing tie Cila.:/ . .q alc .- pours cue ; ay. -I . . - - Bel it tinddistood . that it is dot elainiti that it , cures alCdisea'ses,'llul;oni t thoge fo e which it is rec. -. omm i catlecht !had . rtfor6 . over we liOldh . y claim and de-. fy tit 'at 'no medicuii?l iigcnt; of aiiv kind hal. perform .. , ed so MANY cures ditriag thelart year; of those diseases juStmtmeat aft , ..• ;), - I ' .• :. . 1 '. .• , • I . Plt.Ercrfnric,Yer's L'lecii-lc Chain. ; .-.- , .. . :lado prov,?•;l,titis itsse'rtion, we,:clefy any !person to , prodl ce so many iielhautbentidated- Certificates cf . ! scieutific IPl'esicisiksi tit.d intel4ent pntiel, t oasinay . be foiled in 4 pantOhliit of 36 palfes. to be.hethr:gra- • -tie) of the affent'itiltkieltown... !).'he, tlteettic Chains werelfirst in(ro - duc;'ed iin Frei:ed . :ln 1550, :and after i hoimi sohjecicd.lol4tuost . tlio'iontch and l rigid trial, 1 by the l firtt - inediciil [rich in Pcil:iS,,theY Slit're found topossess.steart,ge•jind ;nerve Ilo . ns power for reliev ing pain, wiMreve4 . ai, , iplied, null by th.eii=. influence I were introduced ilito!the ho - Ap . ithls of that city. end also securediletteei parent byilie l French Govern. nreiti." •They arit‘pott. intiedne',ed into aliiioSt every flostittal in Fngliiii4.!o"rmany; 'Austria; Belgierh, - stul patented in iltesel! eouutriei, where they havd• become the inost :I •'!! • '. • . l• . . .0:10 is allaii .1 , . . . 11')py1,4r CO•aiire Agcni:in the Tror/d. •• :i • - They were Gist; introduced ihto the 'Cli, States a ) ; boutloue Veer sin - CC, and- we:at through i the same trial r is in"; Enropoilaad were a ti; Onee intr,edneen in to every llcipitallu...X. York. ; leliere tlieiy are now in tia!ily usei el:Ter:101)k even more nondi,rful cnres than had ;ever licfpre!,beeu awarded - the- rt. 'Thty, are I ighly ettromrttended by Ptof. Y-alittinit Mott, Van ;Buren.: Post.:linti others, iiwho have published theirrvielats or theit pOwer -etult i value inj reveral -Of, the medical n that city, anti arei-aiso iu the daily Practice Of,'lrectommendilig ,their &Ise to pa tients. • 4 till] acablint.o theie opinion rimy also be. {mini! in 4v4ry pajnphlet, and - ,ient to thaddress of event/ Pet"Pah in the State .liy;.' a pplyin (post plod,to ABiL Li 711,18.11 U LT., Agentli.lfontrciro Pe. The Chains ean;lie. sent hy mail, with full eseriptions for nsit. ,Priec•oeCtlaiar, 83 . i 6 iid 86. [ - I, .. • Physicians areltiolitely invitd to call iand exam ine their c'onstrtiptlCai, and procouticiupon their mer4s.. !Iricete. wo - itoitlo, ItevAt!ins, DO 11 r4On need. fear IthaVt.hov will not accomplish just,ii - hat it - is I claimed they cant do. t - It . NI, B. One Chalu will lait fOr years andlosenouli. of its - electric power hy.use. and can be applied to Either aduli or chtichit it ACriTurtart.t.4 Agent, Montrose. Fe. ~ J 4. SlEstsmariGemieral Agent, 5 - 68 i illitiadtvay, Neor - York. - ti .-. t . -11 t 1 .6Yli - r . il. - COLgpOs '- e u411.434 flcktilis. . rtiVkil"rslG egariied and rilfitted otr . extensive 1.4,. CrpeAery 4nd: Houso Purnishing Store, ex- presly for`the Wasiness, woj have. added a new featare inits 444:art:al - ems:- 11 • Tile send fitioti! is devoied to carpets, Oil Clotils.abs;Lookin4 GlasseiOn which . we otrer_a good assortment a .priees„lvilleh . cai,doknil to plea e, atatto . silii9 . *e inVikej your' pa die ul ai at. tent On. -I' ; .', !: -. li ' JAL D•I'ITE..-' - ' Tltight4tOn,o4,lSs3:" t)il,. , . ` i. -.. ~ ---. I • 1 ,, , . . • , , . . TA4 i thrtAMAG44 ,3 , 1 , . .. shig.ifiaiti,wv4,4ldeti,A4,.,. -.47i j apir, ieitat . • • tdchusess, 0ape.1,4 el e ?. N. . ,•. _ . - —.-'''' • -•- •,, MOST - STARILRIG', • CONSIIMIATIOligl'"1: - . .. . t:1 ' React ), tions for , t , e , ..l.lloircritiftit..l . l ' • Y - • • StraDget that' eountters liuman -beings 'exist and ;Ant Iliroi t tgh ,kife at.‘10.,,./Lit heaxls 'of',..Xlte Eel; 0r.,.1 E,thjOntCCtl.4 MO eaxl,ll, 41‘ineing1 AO vibla thonOt 1,• I •or reflection than though thb noble faculties of nand i trete not 'couch:nue Ito tl;e4l. " _ . !"=l4.eYlatift. "iiitZttltigia; - ‘loi"irt - Octc9 Are dependent' the health, Plecrell-heinL4 an 4 the ; WrTiqt-ts tit 4 401 4 0 4 'ani.l.llLiikttionatklvifo, In-Ith,-, porilaits a ainilPol'ehil4rett., - , • 1 1. = = ! . _,.. i [ . ;,.... ••=.i 4 ttolv[iri - rt:si .7 r t.:A.1 , 1 , a . xs it k'r itid .. I _,,,,Wir'Z. LIITOBRS Fab*" ,YEAR, TO' YEill • ' .1 ~, ~ t. . . . t i , In :bat pitiablo condition cul not o'er) for ono illy- no -; (cc! Ith'e..happy..auyl'e"..ctitterittiug inffitenini inelcient ti tilei enjoyment of health.; 1 '. -', •kr I • • tztiol 'nay not bc al inya,3it.l,vottpoti 1411er 'boil. • • fild it -tricly .., c i.i do (1.; do or el. 3 ju to her riAkzu er. rill:, a u}Vitionj unk: "crierfl and verve herkr , Re t pert °nal' clrub~ of her rip& when _licet,LC.lldiwilt not iLlniit. of it; . bitt Atti4lnevertht;los pert:Tr: l l4ly Finking fro:lid:l7;f it day, anal alw:iyililill,i*. 1 , TEitts,i day ttft.43t.thiyt, itnill.ntintit after tujiith ' .• Spix,e; ! lier hottltb daily sin,k..3, till finalfrievell '-'t.cliti, cif Fecovery . no. , Ibn:q: !cm ain4 And 111431 ! . ..-1 I ! . --ritga BLOOMf NG EIRIpEI nut ley pears ago ill: tho.:But , ll:of hialthi •inittli'fittrluoyaney .4 ijrit.§, rnybily, Lod ti rdnllyi inexplienliiyi' I.‘teeunfrA •a feeble, t. , teltly; • bilit4tnd wife, vitt': fraimi maci4tetl, nacre. itrml, 'Epiritq clepre,s4'e a. ..iountennuce hearing itnpre 31 of sufrerme,' awl, , at utter' phi y' meni prostratir,;.. : 1 . .-,- 4, I ,: ; .soneti.".3 ctu4 doplorn ei.. atangp.ntvond n::_:,!.noin (woe& or Col ~ .t ittitiOldit C F lttfk - s. *ftetivi., , by fat oftefo,ir. f.to gross Alad itiixeut igporance of itm si,mplegi,aml plximest,.irtllds health las conntrteif vitlt• :'tlo. marriage ' flare; , .. 'viola.tion of ' wiiicli .'entaP! dileasec'tuffeing , In 4.141.iery,r,0t only to tim wtf:S blit.oflo4 , 1 , Ilerctlitary..Ciunplßial.i.upon Ih c Chili/roil ... , . most hrhce , °ugh tore." 1 ) 1": ,ncol 'fit) d , r 1:NT0 : Tin; Ti .. ti;;; . ),...,,Nrt-,:yonnTit 9 F.X1.1"..,t'l 1'0;1 YknnAmiliiiiq t c,ONSUipTlON.' SCILbEtiLi, InTacitoSiDitrA, -,lts;.•_TAniart - , el 11.; .I\ - :- ICING'S MIL; 140 oilier:inst. sis,l , 1 . : -.. 01 ! -li, ' DR EADFUL- ' 1 NH,ERiTA .E, ... 1 front the li'aKents. 'Aril , must this. cOntintit.i: I Shall Ive ..rata ti . . all that, concerns thecttle ; of tnir fields, o ir lviriesi jour • vliCep, °lie : qiiws, ottC):aen, Ca! tura', and character of. tho :oil we: 1-arses, the tc;ture and 'Anal itY i Of 61. nm }foods and nicychandisc ;. but lir alttha t , concernl out's , Ares. as-1i- :heinp,witlr. htlinan : fu.uctioas awl lia,iAit4hl, - igiihject to:great iticrang t o ,mcr.t,, involving onr'intiird 'cave a nil .halTineas—. in"all that concerns :the ht;a4th 'anti wolf:aro:- of. thi :Wife i,f, otir II {feet iunit. f :tilt:C.lh .th e mother of,our ichtf: area.; in all that'coneizrris'z tile lileiltill - riiil physical, 'Well h01n,.,;.. of: &hos& Ichrren,. we shoulekbo: im• mersed*l the (14rlte.st an jsbust • ' N I 14314 TEDI I T, ,I ONORA IN • .fts . • clt,T.P.tatac '4 , *l:.rita,-,.. , ,tai1i ! rn 111, nil)a, q 1..“. ! BE How long. this ignbrance proritil F. , produe-• tire of its Lifter fruits. !1 1 uw long -that tbtfi'llFifer and ro ther he iguorant naturr.ellinseter und . i zause6 •f the rations liomb and sexual cimulaints, :etnbilAering„her•dly.i.by, tiff.ring—suffeiting, oftin - Vielonged-ttyears, - eventmtling trict courpli`atiitedr i t diseases utterly at.l .hotKilessly int iambi L'Shalli. sre for lever close our eyes; tn, the r(nin..lts i f physio-i , logical'. science liY whi3O.: , w m e ity airi, ,5 at lin• understanding of ourselys . :is man and , 'women,- subjecti' to beriollll,i I,tfei-lorg , undo rtnig -disitatei3,, and„ ', i-ertietuating thcilt to citii:ghtlarilu.- .-- . 'i . . :LET EVELtAtrEVE AND ItUStinllD PONDER! •, i• . ..YO /iii.4;aitd or ?rife hind Le igkoran) of 'ir.,i_ll coitreras the:it nro.it ito - kitoir to srcurc tlicir Ite Ilh (pt 'filiviar,s. That knocialge i s cwtifinni,in it . li'f'e- rilork entit/ril 1 , i i; .: iti ; i:/ " ' ! : Tin L . , ,nlA,Ar..nitip 'W 0 ril: A . • _i - pIivxTE..DIEDICAL , COIPANI9N . ,- . 9, . EN mt. A. M . .. 'MAI:II.IOEAU, 'I nornsscm or ntstiasn-, '91.7 N.V.:44t71. ! . If ial : e o 4.,Edq i "* 1.1,104 .p. : 5" rriie 50 Coal/ ! ..)N FINE:rAnn, px, - kita BINthNO, $1160.1 • / - .. First liolifislicd in dr.il7%; and it is ntit ~ it..IRPRISING qk WONDERF UL ; • leritig that Fl t 1.; It 11.' Fr. Pit AL LI, tidter .111Altlak:1.1 on NOT; Call herd ryia.lre n run dciinlvlrilKi, of a hi e ta n. '. Ititte . ,..Ttistrnt-tes:!siind entoisanCilttr - syrixidoinal, nlid tatat nevirl.. ' ~ "• ALP ~,, )114,1wi• COPIES hay .., e been sold- !Ir is: iini)racticale to con tlry the: various suldoe , ts treated of,-as, they 1:a- nature atrictlyli:utenaed for Eh'? married, - c I contemplating tuarriage. . ~ , , I 14kitHs pr. ONild 11UNDUED:' T110U • -113.1,Ni1l lico•PiEs . . -. „..:1 sr.l. - T lir :Luic:l7ichin, IL.° last few. . . . . or tho 1:PAlk; .` in:~at :` ~' UTION TO.THE PII . • B ..yOr DE.Fn.IVDED , ruy' no took ribleQs Dr, A. Al. Mat:letritt, 129 Liher Y Street, Nk I' , l'.-t on the iiiiJ pr..,, , tr. andthe ; entry In the elcries• UlliCti oti t.he back iir the title ' 'vtgrt end litty Gr.:ly of i respectbhle r.nillhor.tirable ticaler. cir:ken4 by.ntail • titlia..itl:erit tit De. A. M. i‘iourreati, as therb aro'spuriotts n.t.d...eurrgititiour infr'n , -entents of etipyriirlt. '- . - it„, .. -1 •. •, ' - II i f .. z -- 4-Upnit receipt of Cir.e. 'Borst. "T ,s, MAR. BI'LD WOMAIVZ PRWATE_ LIMBIC Li' COM , p'avi I I:4: r ' , is m. s.iti b t e er . :; , /:e r 1 1: :: : , a ..} , to alr.la- addressed .0 . f c d the tb Unite States, the C:insde and -B.itish BroYinces. M. LIALTBICELLT., Botc 122. Xew-York Fiablicbin: •O cc;_ No. 12) Liberty Street' 'orb; . • • Jn ID:. - City. Now. D.ij'eters airs. ';••••:: J. S. rz; DeY.ritt, S t. 1.• •• 11 ta, 132 r , tn, •'t illy; ' 1 ; S.irl;• : Eldred: :tt ' . • :sport; S: Tue. l 4, ; G. W. fl t :6414 Br 11 LI NV‘ z tz \V C. irti: V. 1 3 ., ..m,!i0rt.'; ituttcr:L" I'le::l,:ul, , tiollv,- 2.1 . : , ..-ill. C . ,:arrit - J; jrWout Bab.Mgr ..-.,l:ui, 11 - ir.w. erl; ii. 1 3 . Cuttiml:: : ::. : :':§i)ii:. 'hos .( r.,,i;vputh i lit,• 1 3 1111:14 . ; S. b. Gunt.,i -2 ; S 4 , B. 4. 2 , 1;!; :f ',., •.GT:t2t,lL,hrtr;2.l3. lI.LII, •.• E. -4 :1, Diftli:fn, Pr. , .. , ..1i1in :Dr D Scott, :I 1. iilimid, In.ii;lnai J•J Iqt:l4:tilt', Mll- W. l Kiil:l , 2v. Brci...vlisvitle' ;.G . Ait .11,1eGet 7 t lur . ;! - .1. S...:'` , :ielzA)n, Ol'iarirtlers Airg ; F D r' , Jrriltowzi ; 13 11..;%1:: - .*..:131.11u1; :ytos.-.4; 1 ,11 :Pi';l , l)lirr? G(fitt.t.2. , §, IPtpler ;Jos Illo; - ,:ii:, 1 ,Yiii- ,, • P t.; Det:.:l•::rt .11.; t." * o; tf!Lkil . t: .2.:V.1 MEIM : ri Pi.t-t,,; iie 'urd fort! : J. Aut S,.ok•,•etr,' Nlitc:v!11 I : Swartz, 11. ~ . ITS !FITal I :EFTS 1 .1. • - • .... , Tilt 'I.:GETLIBLF.. 2X.Ti:LCT,EI`II...I:I - iII'ILL. • Fur the: nrc of Fil.s, :.it.::rsiAs: ,Cra...itps; and it.ll Xi rt:nus trild (.7, - ) . 7:..;"!:..:t bei,7l 1.);. , e4.e5. ~ • P 12 ; 6 6 ;, " 1,6 nr'' laloring tinter ti.',F;(ii!tj•esttgitlltily will fi d the,VEei ET UM: EPILEPTIC PILLS to he the only r 'tardy ever sliF.;:ovilre'd tor carhig,'hpllctii•y; or rallins; r ts. ....,, sp . • ' h • -..- • ' ' " ~ 11 ,'. Thilo ills posse.s a ecific actionOtt the tiervous sys (bin ; 'strtl t , altitiott:h they anit, prepares! eipc'elly for the ;turpciPeetcurio;; Fits, they.4P.ll;r found of. ,. .tF•eial - henefit for, all p .rFont4 r.Clicted with well; nerve , . or ivho4i tier ions system hze been prr,,t,tated or bhattertaLfr.Pll+ ;thy earsewhat.r. - s-r. .In ch.ronin to , ..tfl:rlnts,ordisti . 3.ses of lOtig Sta rdin rf.,' ~ ,u p, t Anduces.t by tfilP' ' the:i I ar,. exce'esi itl gi y• ben ',tidal. - . 1 , , Price. 3 perThox. or two liomes f , ,r.5 . .5. : ri. s. , n ,' rivet 1 ih,elty, nciehing a rc.tairth; . iie , wiii. Lave tlq. Pith , +sent 1 ' ibenl th ot,:li the Linil, rm. of I ,,,,t ng e. ': ror sal.7b sSETII S.!.t tiNcr.. No. los ;i:atiln,,r,: streetjll.l.ltim ,ro, Hst., to w ‘dat ' order: front ill parts of the Iluicr,suu.,t-' , b_ad4r,sh-d.post. pal'. _'i • . f l' 1 ~, . - TA ALT VITLINITt'; 0 30:5 • , py - tirlitiie Rcitirdy lor riiiiLtqa:tritfaly i Cbmpla lids , ~% CF:it FAIN ropl.Fttie AntiOote for theroilliving rlisi.as ICI e,--kil l'er..rs a;3.1 Ifighluvairwri,.• to which pp. sys tern issn'Oi-e: Rhetnn atisza.:; Lame lut , l:,,,Piir s• in,afavea, DysentPrv, • 1 I . e:ult.:he. T nat!thi... kleversures,.3iNs,•cii4, SprainS'. lruir er,llurns nnti.:ivalds. • , 1 1 .1atke - ,.,1,at1. liTi. , .r:4t.! Itenusily, 'for Curing Hinz llntms, Isparins, s‘l . er*, :toll Evil, . 'lutal. splint, nails, • F•A•ir,r, ;:cratvil...F., Loa r Al:-:.... sprint; 1141 r. p rrzise:i, Mange. lir - till - gm:trio:l. •of •thir 1,049g5 ; nu 4 4! Irs,rs to w high IN rser:tr.• sub:,ert. .1.....r,i-r31!..:-Abvi 'Dir. ill. Itontros: , —D.llail..s.:lternYg- II silk—(!, us Avery, Wyz:llDitig-1.. 11. Iroodiuff'lliutock A.S. Sh,Prwod.l, Itu.li .j' .. : 1 Oct.l:l l :lS7.'d . \ lin "I ' ' 111ESill r3.17011T.1117Z N. : ' 1 - '!.eC. 7 : - ;' ' rceeivell anotlif•r . firportatiob Of those sp‘A.m. , l d: Pull Jcw4l,lefl I)e.taelied I.,rer an - I :11orizontal tVati ; l ' ies with : seconds psid li'lrd en - i ainelle 4 fiDi ils, double hhttorned in tip(l cases,all i..) . whit; i arc' warranted•:!and received direct from SWitze ,i land. The foW' ,- til.jolned prices! will nt - once point out to the k,blic . where and how nn ,enormous per centilge . .t.;pn bo saved. ,• .. , Double bottom 13 Jcil.veled - Lever I .l r ateliel as above. In elegant silverti cases from :7310. • Sioie ' mover nth in Iftinttn, , i cases from $12.. Ilori- ' zontal Double bottomO 4 holes .Jecleid open face and si‘conils frotnisB,7s, the roe move , ment in chigant, hentinicases with sulk secnas 'from $0,50. All of wit,,chlinVe hard eiriaromolted, ',Dials. !IGi,la Dia , moniliiointutl Pens with pencil and sil4er extensiim lioler . ,:ina l- 2izin . fiir 'leads SLe. fraiii.•:sl,oo.:' Cold -Diamond nnted pen . ! blades' rrr.o 50e.•-Jewelry &e: &e. etinally cheap. A .7,nad — nsgortnient oi l ekeellerit sehond-, hand 's\ratelia. eminent rnal:lls, in lira i -- .44gqingeon-, 1 dition,*ill' be sold' dechilicll lowriii.cash. • 'Mist FrenclilLaitZtt Watch m er'ysfahs, 11% , IVidch re. . papit a": use, i. - . f! . '. r• ~.. - N.7. - -.AV*It Chains; thi licyagrhits b iirli chaarfi•. ' ' lar i .lloar of bush t, ess from 7 A, I 31. i iti r fi P. SE. , ~..1. ......- '. .!. 1 ' - - -.-•" . . , - --I.!' . . . • : - 1 • .1. 1. siNGLisTON, • • - Al, at i!4 tifukt)r tt:ttiw Inipotter. ~7Vti', 4, 119, 1 8,5 3—16 t 11 •. • • i,. Newiyork J'ire Insuraine--G'ol i t i ' II I'o' . 47i.jei 9 f ;. .4, i'gP l fi r ,{ i ,: I 1;; ;-_,. 1 i. i ,t c f - - ~ .161/ :int IL; (thi CuSII I it mr Xpliroieulectinfill) '''':" ''''. 14 4410 -5 40 0- . ' -,-,,:?."..•!„,.......,. 5 4 . I • • • . • . bisurgs wroitt.7l;ofs qr,Paquvroky:Ftre. , . ii I. iti. en!) gl s.-.A. 4. Steihins; 113 Iliond Stil , et; 1 , ,t1•r tt. Dakar, I epuce f•treet ; ,airardi lianckei,l- In• \;l.lroailLayf - ST hotoo-14iniArrii ; Ur. evinr kl,re!:c ;1 lnilitel "pi, 3 - 47 , 1A. 1 41t.1 !rev t . :;.' tibiit /4•_.,•C01t 1,1a,c810 1 ,1 . '1 ° ,1 1 ,11:w ' ieh atrert ; I J'a noirt A . ° Croshy,llriltroailWay ; 4 Chirlc i 1 Lent, ' Kinizahthi-e. N • Y.• Larnhart C. ilall, Chicago all.. rlinieftwitnai74viicrirmiolufvm , w-r6tit cro 'tit. u: . arti, 134 Rank • strent ; Shiatra S. Iti.ll, nor. Weatlirld' i' :l i ft 'trt*." 4 u-b i ent r. . I : ; rst i?;r .Ai iS iirolitl;caios `i).111 cot: l'iail . ; liarroi.i\i•irceti;•; Pattr H. Foster; ens.; nansvoort and 11, iNt; itgilit•ii , ,i;o•i,.i. Jr., 4 a,p4iitb, , Arcrio,.., Stcpbu.t.,:in . inihret,. 0... - AmiLl ii.'o.l. i•;- Aihnir s lVa;loo, Philailcivi;tai; Dritri• B. Ai:icy:tn. "4 - 1. Aclter, street: 'Aatatwl Slnclitiraribune/10/11-' iii;: , 4; Sant c 1 B. Shaw,“Jore'lmn(l,lthio 1 ' ii - ‘,-' '''_ 9 ' IHWAL. CHAMBERLIN' rOs' ' 11: CIIAR L ES L:. c.14.1t Nie,i lacy'''. 1.,.. M . • CitAhl.r.S;.. 11U04 - N, ;I've' pt. t . ontroir,Scpll t.,' r)a.., , , S itt . - to .- ---. ' f)(lersv itic • n ustß.ct Brut tkott..:! i rim! n i.abgrrib4ovmAN. I!fit , im the 111 ,4 PI.I/0.. tsoiTro -1 . .lers'eille, alit efiernunaing tonntsy; trait ,h , 'llaAjitrulf2 .ly 1. il ht r; , ' L 'ell .ttod 'ithOttitedlitirSt ore, and Milled ,' , l.lTveritt, , reer,e a ti , „l4.4eomplete 4aio.r.t went, of Pal nts.;Citsi py...1, Woods, nve•stuts; Wioi.toie *ltllass, Saab , Plitt:, rarl2l4 . . ..nil lirusbe4. Als•vti.l...:- ri'. \ ;:i..:t.: : • : ; 1 / 4 •., . ' ~ latent '.qn.lkines, Chlln 41;c.101assoxate,Perliimerberati `t:Se Notions ,Con feetiiine , Tlit let aitb.les. and all art)elea utually kept in apy;;eit l tai Elia:ant nr.clasitlo.3, i Alai oh \ i nand a last. O assort i nie tof L . , ‘. •. • ri,. • - BOOK.S . ' tk. $' ' 7'lo-.AIMY:., ! • i \ A. Paper 11.inzinxs,' k0.1iir.0.,.10.1 (11befs , prepatil t 9 sO. op .as sea.innabe terns inflariy Awe \ In the oatintiy. . -- i •- V L , •- DOCT.444IIFIB\6IUPPIN. - 'l'' .' -', .. •.4),+0 terw , in . Mine. .1'1301t1•12 , gen . Vl{ 4114111111.MOnt•bt She ak:4lOt:ST !It 8 n'tetartS trasecall.! set e tra, prepare4l.and slip 'n'asintyll - iie,lby itiin4sl,.tur Eis ow n a e.nncnolbahla a 4. f . te V.sn put of the i.1ub1in..1,:5.,!.- - . 7 ,,-. • . ~ , •.. :i.. '.., .. inildesa, Painters, Physidans, Feb." 1 TOaebars.lndeett nll.ehtsses arl nenfb , sibns *Tobin; to pu base are Ixi*lteti 'AO ca :1" 7: ILI see ref 4titinselees ~ ,- : •• ~ „! .. L. scovr . r Direcupove r JOili•meithiney'F sto ,vi - , 1r• :the !t.. It.,4.Xoratinv, ..,,, ~ ' . . awl • 11: 1,1 a- 1 -ito•I . . :lutyl3.llls3.—tf.'- 1 . , -.•..i... . • - , . DR, IibUORTON''3 . - - ..,.. . .. . - , ' 5-; •-• .. -.',:',. ... ... . ~ .. , . . . ~., . •....... e ,- • Grea.—:Cure for D s epsia -i✓ -• - Dit .J. ',S, 110Llt:IITC}N'S' r 13PS21C t THE 11t1311D.11 (7 Iliter t V I.: l'i, 1,.. 3 E.,): ow it,:n...t rie 3 tt fee * : , - J. , • Pi;)eit;il , from ILENTit:I. or the faurth Stomeh of (Ili 01. after d'ir,etions or Daron I,iehig. the great Physkylog lealCtentiEt,tyj. SAIOUtiIITON, M. D.,, , Philatlelprita, TisiNis trttly Nat anis 'rosin Fietnedy Par an • tnilSCalihy St miiii - Ot. No in •,f 4.,..,n can equal cniative powers.; , Tt nnotnins noAleohol,tilitter Aeids,/r Nauseous Drugs. -It k :tt.ritinely sgreit.ible to the tt ,•tc., and .uty'be taken , by the ine, , t feel,le,pa"tientsych' cannot eat'a water critel,. ei efithitittfacttteliiteess.. teivare of Drugged ILiita / Dohs': Pepsin !Slant gi Tru . . • - , ity- t.".di on the a:tent/rind get a Deseriptive ei: ci ii, ar ; .zratk. giving a,large;aytio.unt. of scientific ori‘ l '..-nee. from ' Lieliirt - 1.111r631' Chertristrk.; Dr. l.orrilhe's.' T''nysiolo,4 of Iligestian.; . or, Pin.pfga .Pe rood and,Dir.l.; Dr. .1olat.". AV. Draper, , if New );;Ork piiversity lProf. : Dungllson's N i p ! . moty- Prof. Split:tan, of Vale I.lt - ',llege ;'' Dr. Carpen(!erti l'h.ysiolngy -,,,&c.;, tocf.L.tirer criai reports of curesfron(all. parts of the/rnited !,sates. ' - . :1 - "y•-• 01) Ir.V l.". TlLlSl!—Every':bett tin, of ' the genuine PPPSTXhear., the written signature Of J. S. lIOTN.IITON„ M. 11,, set': Preprletiir Ph iladelphia, l'a - . ,ccrp - igittl:,and Tr z tfie N'...tic. tient:med. 1' - ' , '. ~,''' ' ' '. ' li', ' 2Pf'e. - 01,1 by L. D rtaegisti and Draltiz Ax ,Tiff.(l.icina: /P"i0. , .., ST 'per bottleL.t -. , - -' • ',' ; • .1 '; ,r-y- For sale by- .ITIP I. TT:DRELL Fbrizrist ' lllontioie . Pa:ornelisale and retail Agent. - . - 9vo • ' •.:Iforieg Conpoulid Syyzili. qf Vella-A :, .1 ; .:. • .Irpoe'li'fia - tilt. 1 ,•. . , . .. ~ . . T"' a,Par,4o . -Va;%e1451,e Compound, seientideatly mepariel frain the bestßoots and Herbs of the Mate ri.sf lied's, and hasgamed- an unrivalled reputatipn or . the !effusing: , &elf.: viz and StrengthtMin4 the Liver an , P-DigrStiVe Or i rans, and Cleansing the Sf,t,m isel, awl' Bowels, and. -thus „cratso all Itillious Distises, -river COanthlinifi, Ity9l.£loa, Indigelitten, Costireness, Feler and •Agne,-Jaundice, Nazism, • Loss of Appetite, art•-, aud causing, the food to noOrish. hill suppers every Part. 'Purifying the .11lood: and,thmi during lilt !tumors, Contanerms - Eruptions Sorofulaiyalt. ~,.„., sv- I.l . l lker 'Pinipke on the fa cc, tßletchcs; Ulcers, Tumors, :lie rcuriar &c.. ' ' • the ,Secretory o) , nins, • turd by Pn'tl.4lill7, , to,.pqrform their 'proper functions, preventing:lnd curia; many painful and da-gerousivfis rn•-..5: Sfrca, - 4tficraoginod quilling :the Xerrous Sys tam, . tlini•allayinii-I':..rvous Irritation, andel:ring- all disdases of the Nerves; as ll,yr feria, Netirolgid, Cramps &c. ;_ " . • t It is:lllrirrrti : l'ir, the rare rf all Female Venn-. *tabus - . • . r t e waatina-,v, general debility. TriedUtlarity, 0 strue tions, Swelling of the ,Feet, Liiobs, Joints, &o.,,fea 'r i.sel, by wetilcucss; lunir' aril Throat Compirunts c as Coujh,,, A 41111 1 ..%. Con:int:option, &c.,also, Dropsy • • • Having made usei of the 'Compound Fyrup cif Yellow , Doe!: Root, - prepareel by. C.: Morse Sc' Co., either 'Ou'isel- VCS, or in our fain if big, and finding it to be a very sultitary and effectual repartatiort,-we 10 most cheerfully re'isoms, mend it to the public as a rery 3 . 3lU:ll)l6,lli.diCilltr". ' • . E. Bourne, Esq., L'a.shier National Bank, .ProVi•rienetr, T.; A. if. Opencer. Cashier Lime Rock Bank Jo du do,. 'Rev Phillitts, Rev J B Richmond: C S Yrvnett, editor Praviienre;Orn. Advt., Wm Field, 3.1.. W. 0 M. tlyrtis Fisher, -M 11 11 P, James Hutchinson, Dea.; V .1 Bates, 1.1.,:t Ilenj Colby.anti one hundred others slate most rezpeiwabie fmailies of Providence. P; This Certifies that fl:bare for .a number Of years beett rte , ‘ nail:tr.:el with t itlt composition and mode ofoaaturfaeture of Versos Conipound Syrup'. of YelloW Dock Root, j have tAStv been acquaintel with its modus. operandi in disease - , and cal say mat mall resuects.it is admiraily,cdjunlated to rerne4.- that r;iesslofDisease's for which it Uas•desitnetl. Tr is esneCiali3••• valuable' In bedigestionand slits attend ant 7 , ympl rvaas, it emits to healthy. actiinstbe Lirert. re. mares Torpor, and inactivity 'of this Organ, dud stinin lates health• action in all the System, As a-Depuraoror purifier of tile Blood it has no superior.. • i L• : 'DAVID IrouLEs, 3T D Providence, Rt. 11353. l'repared br (.1. Morse &- CO. NO. 116 Tirostlway,l4. V. - tind sold, by , Druggists and others throughout thiii and other ronutries„ . - Sold in Nlnntriase by • , ' , • • To t-he Citizens of S County. • BENNETT' would respectfully cal Ethe - attention of ull persons in Susquehanna eclunty and Vicinity'to theiri lar..e and well selected stock of Dry hoods and Carpet.t.Whiceconsist of all the fashionable and eeesouahle• Goods nnw In,vogne, Goods suited both far the grave and the gay. avid in fact all of the different styles of goods which can be called for 'ortlinught of. We - dee de, wylcrsed. and .If yotkwill 'be so kind as to favor us wtth a till we will make our wort good. j Our ki,jl.: of' Drees Gootla consists in part of, - Blae c, llrAcx , le, Plaid ;' Stripe, Changeable, and Lining, and.Plaln 11'1101,0cl:dues, Fig. and Plain Cotton! do., Thibtts, Alpaccas. Pari , matta,3l. de4toge, Plaid Lioreys,Coltir4,l sock 'Flannels, Callones, 6c. C. S 'tv ;,?1-o(;whielt . we hare an endless' variety. Ca: - Fluncre.Sltalvls from. S 7 to $5O, Day--State,. Long and Square do., Fig. and Plain Thibet, ke. 14. C: 13:?411r C:on*“..—Plain, Plaid and stripe Jaconct Mustins',-Dirds Ey,. rind Russia Diaper, Irish Linen, Table , Linen . ; Linen. Cotttm,- Mirste.l, and- Erabossed Spreads, Swiss an rindict Book Sluslins, Victoria and Bishops. Lawns. Linen. Cantbric, Linen Cambric 11,110 s, French II ti tars :0141 uuoi 11,11: 5 3...11n51in Draper) , .-tineti and-:Gotteoa.ShJetitlg and, Shirting. Bleach and Brown: Jactinarl Diaper, 4.teterW - - metal Consists of Black and-Fan cy Broadtiot Co sidmet es. Black end fancy, 'Satinetts,' Sheep's. Grey. liiert j tucky dean, Coshineretts,Satin l Wor sted Vc3tildgit.lllack and Satin Neck :Ties, Zte Flannels,. White. Itsal, Blue, Yellstwan4 stripe/Ka:its Ms./clic:re Wrapper.,Drawers, & c. &c. Oursdiick of 41,A;Kves and invirry is complete cinbra‘elott Ladies, Olisscs•and Orris •Gloies, Lisle 'thread Cashmere. Cussitue're. Fleece Lined, Chamois Lined, Bea. ~yer, Kid, ]luck s;.11 Sta. &e. T.adieS Misses: auit Gants Opttrin Hose, and X jriose,• • White, Brown.iitno. Made -Colors; Alpaces, Wenicn,,Cashinere. j lMerino and :ilk do., and every other ° Styli': of seasonable Hosiery. Also.J'attenilless FarletY of other styles 'of Koods such is Damasks both Cotton and -Wool, Silks and Cotton Vet), 111,4, Counterpanes, Moreens,Catuhries.Tuill.leauS, j COMS fortiatB„:lteisc and 114rFO, Blankets, Nankiri3, Tiekingli, Mar= - iners stripe, Oil Cur/iglus, 'Carpet Bag s, . CsrNt•ll tit r; —llrias's.els, Three ' Ply. In.graham. both Icool and jaluttothtlettiin do., Cotton 'and Wool stair Car peting,Druzzet, Rush Carpeting Bugs. I • j • • -Our stock nr Dry:, t/Oirls is now , complete , and ;if you T6'.re d zood'hssOitminit 01 Goofs and. /SILW tlgnus lac [rip ealli at & Bennett's, nearly oppo tho itnst.nlTlec.l . ' I I Bluthatnenn, N. 1"., N0v,5,1453--ul-1. .1 = .New 41b00d..4. q. U. S;tVR . I.: are just receiviugaJvario; Er 'l.y of New;:oods, among; whiolr may be, found Ladies (;lives only 2s. por. pair,. I:cady rti:rdo Clothing : ciolo . red carpet' Yuni, Po LaMes, pe Franni, tug,lish and Saxony Itterineies,cS: iPhiCh'ye will 114:4 oycheap if not-cheaper thiralici cheapest for Rectdy Tay 3tOuti . ose, 1;;13. • — l -- -- - -!- - - . • . •: ~. ..• Expc4tor's Notice. . T-. ETTERS !es mentary have !)eeti.grailte4l to .11.1/ ibi!subsero. .oti the - est:4e of Corne,littet.. Low,di , e'd, hag' f Npborn township... Ajrper sMsinilebfed ti said estate will wake iulliwdiate 114yrunt, and.ii4 rsims haring . deitinti'd frill - ive— sent them to tti ntulersifined, difly• atte - sted'.fur .settlement. ' ' ANDREWS LOW, Ls r., ( Auburn, Jan ; 2,1841-Iw . o, - , '' ', .. :, ;A7 Fresh Lot (V 1 Ca'ssimoe, Ginghams, and other : Fancy V)...DryGeti4s,jtist'arrivtd . • , Scorr, Jolis9ro"l & Co's. lilige.:msort!nent of lrnn, &e. 4till be sold eh:cap a=nal for casll drpav 1 . ". '1 -- • Soriit & f • • • . Iforee.'povir . ere: & steam" Engine. \NE and trio tlone Powers for thrashing,. or Other • parliosee, and a sixteen horse' Power Stearn Engine rot- ) sale low. Ang,7ll. SAYRE •B eNTLEY,i & rk; - rp trv;.! ft c' s '7 (~ / 444-4UL.,A-7 . ea.A.744, IE I / tif ...Qigrtr4/4 -4)At EDOORS AIVD.PROPICCE*OI,I4; 1ngiryr.. , , , , , 1 :81,51),ca;,} 1 I t i riclydnea; ..„.. not paid Aix months ; and, .110:50,0, the end of the yeai. :-Na paper diseuntinuecYnntil arretua., ges nr.,};aid; *c eept at; the opgonyif lishers`.,cl i iAll.gpuimunigationsrconneet4with-It te 0 flice t llnsuoin.ttention, must be 4irecte.4l(ppat paid) to Cit„ist llontios.,„ustptetvAna C t; utity,T- • One. Rquue.(.l4 . lirteft ass) 3 inttertions,.. 81,00 Eneh One 6(iutre thrke;niouths,, . . : 250 One squAre • •••• ? • 4,00 BusitteC4rdo itueit'or . 3,00 „yearly Ilifyetti.senients,,not:ovr,t,squarett; r4,p16 One eoltiinn'otie year, .. •-1104.00 Yearly advcrtitqrs "be - .restrirteil to the businessln Which they•artrengneed., ;••: EMI ' :Oa liff64lltit;''. .a -1 :7 ; 'rho pol?lisberehating aillieticteCtheirlob I'riating j materials -a, large and. supEtioi.: assort.' ' „went of Etre now .Prepared,to..ekeenie / JyL j Vitoik in ; a rnanner 1111 813rpassetlItt.thilvitee-' Jinn country, and, on the rnorit:reasoortbleeteirs- ever# treieription kept conigAitfitt on h.uid oc Printeil.to ' . 7/ - ,C11.4-Ata, TM. 'lb-11115 4 /Uttar' , rear of 4. 8 A ,14 w Hiuness Shop, stir , 7- • ' •,' 911 N. GitOtES, Fashic t )pialtilelrail6r---ShotiltnaerSea; e ' s liote '-'.l.laip Street, 31ontros.t;; - reaitiVe3vd Depot, ,Po : Aviasw!sy.. 11 , irriiprietor. \ • • :7`,• ;•;' ' - 11, SPitOUT, ' ' ' t '` .- il'an,t 14 i'deturr of Srl - ',Qqs COillßl!kEtt C 4. lt,l.:4:9 l ES.MlN:G . S,)l . oi!trose,.ra \ - :' '.; . . \-.. .j,....• : p..R. nirmpro..• -, _ ~.- LivervAnd .1 :Nei - lenge- Stable. - Office in - he , rep r efNiiiso . 'e- Store, - .3lC.iiticise, Pa:.,:: il • . . . .. . D. C. '. EDWARDS, - ;1 .., Pii Na-cinia and urgeon, Ilarford, Pa: ' 0 e ,1 , ,:2 dbors beloi• Eat s n's Store.. ' : I ' Stire.nion Dentisi Seark's week.- itleili/Ll4Ati oIk \ PARK, Dealers• in Dry-Goods, .G \ eerie.% Hard , ore, Crocklry; Boots and Shoes, &e., Pa. , 18yI B. S. B to' all the nat At tont pied ';b harm a. RALPH. • °. At lornry and Connsellor'ant Lawi and . ssioner of Deeds for. Wisconsin . and .office directly opposite t h e "Lusk' Houk( Gres 'Betid,'Pa. y ' °E} .' 4FoliGulyn: ; • • • Dealt ms in Marble Monurnents,Tables, Tomb. • ..SLonts &e., Corner of Coart:and Excha,nge Streetl, opposi e'Broonut - County Bank, Bing— . hanito , N. Y. • D..LATEROP & t eo,. Dealpzis in'Stoves and 131annfacturers: of Copper, - Tip; and Sdeet-Irep Ware. Shop west. side Main, Street, oprie.A.e Democrat Of .flee,slbntrosVi Pa.' • I C. D. LAFflinot.] , 1100 NEV; Reptibrek of Clocks; Jewelry; 3rusical - inents,rand Guns, &C., &C. ',F.leOtro platiiig of . - .Spoonl,'Watehes, Jewelry,- dr.e.jrp Done order. lie ha att,appointment for Seale?. Qf Weights-. and Measures. Shop- on Main. Street, first' door below the Brick CorneK . MQotrose, , A 'UR Eti.L iticylarlme T,ailorillg Esta,btishmtlit. !Allies OIL Iternoids. Fashionable - Tailors, ov.tr. G. R. Elawley's Store,' one, doOr belOw ' liateh4's Hotel, ready at all :times to please. the public and tvinister to the tastes and corn, fort of those who want clothes. ' Latest fash. ions regularly" received, and old ones obseritii . when requested. quehanna , i • - ..:.'ABEL TUADtL I L . Mosigoss, P 4- .. ~. .._ _ Deafer in Drugs; 3fedicirtes Cheirlicals,„Paints; . Oils, Dyo-stuff, Grpeorie,4,:Dry, Goods, - Hard *are, Stone-ware,Olass-wale, Camphene,Etuirt. P ing Fluid, Lamp Oils, Candles,Yarnishem,Wirl-• - dow, Glass, Friricy .and .Toilet - Articles,_,Ptriv mery, Jewelry,- Spoons, Specticlow.M6iial . instrunents, Trusses, Medical : . Instruments, LiqUors, Mirrors, St4tionery,- BrOshes',- - Shoes, ~Yanlie- o Noqops, &c. _ Physicians Prescrip,. tions . l.tarefully corn pounded; -, !, •• •,.I'. • - . •• • • r• FRANKLIN - PRASE.R Attorney and . CounsellorM,lLa*ri, M0NT17.95.r., PA., • ••" ' - WELL attend faithfully to aLt business 'exam. • IT ted to him in the county , - of Snsnuclhanita. Con*yancing and writing of all kinds will .be - deme neatly, and charge moderate. lie will also attend to the proiecition of :lairns of , soldierS, their .widdwe and heirs, against the Uni-. ted • States; government, lot Bolinsy d, Pen - 7 slims., Lc. . • ,r . /114 be, found at all hours at the Wile formerly hy4 T. Richards, y.stj.,nortb of he Court. Huse; , 40y1 JOHN COLSTEN braiLEll. Stoves, Tin; Cqpper and Sheet Iron W4re, Lodersvillo; near Great Bend Depot-6tf i '1 .M CrTin:Fit'' . Interested with J. L. Hunt,,. . „... ~ impoIiTE:ns i AND'DE.II4.ERS ID 11:1111Ware :14 . 11p/i.L. lery, CarttiagaTrinuniniTS; Springs, Ste. , • ' ' 1 ' ' No. 21ePectrl Street," N. 1. Where his ' .. Llereantilo Mends; in. this ,and':ntiter , Counties are k!tully incit .. 4d,'And earnestly sOlitit:. ed to ;esti and pittehase. • - .1 -. • -', 116tf, ''. • .. , _ i . -- •••' C Ail lt :t ' - ' . BOND. L S E- TAGES: . . .... , THE SUbscribers' are running,. ri Daily tie of .. Stage 4 between Carbondale and . oophottont Siation on ; the Laekawatut and, Western • Rail , road. • Distance :20 wiles:, •Leitve.Parbondale in: - the' znorning and . connect vitlfthe, ears going' North': - Returning, :leave on the arrival • of. the - In:attain from •• the Great. -Bend:A . he nearest,. mos(direct and cheapest roots •from Great Boiti to C3 i liondate.•- • Passengers by. thiS line-always get i to Carbondale earlier in; ate 'evening thaw any:o her . - _ ' • • .- - •• -. = '.' ; -Pa' • receipted in' Carbiandale nt- the-Store efi the Subscribers, Main street, a teiv• blocks below Bronicin'i•Hotel. -: '- ' . '..•:-- - - -,__ • _. Atiguat, 1842.--tf . • Soli! and Upper Lentlicx.,--A aflorttate of the hest kitsd, 'eou3taritty band' , • - • • IDENTLZY & REAP. . ..,_ r 000 ihisliols of it);e,and-20:000 bushels 0 ' of Oats, for which tho hichest - 'price • wilt:be - 0Q in Cash by - ',1:1-1.,SUTP/ON:`'l SOtnipersville, Jrn. 2, 1854. - s ' 1 - ,se,. Ea;, will 61.2 it itiTiiesdays of each, IV • PARTNERS t . . ntley'dc. l l4.lr.' Vitt. I will attend, u - sinCsa entrusted to their care, under e and style of" BENTLVir • ~FiTtn." LITTLE; lO CHASE, ° 'l . es at .Laurffiee former '- , ,0 - ce*- I 'Little.&,Streeter, Memiyose,- I ounty,Pe, I -• .:LaTTLE4 [ErnA 8., • IS, A. Woointos GROW , & BROTHERS WANTED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers