i. i ..,..._ ~ ... • . Ctf_ii:PtiOrtri:f.:';, THE LAIthiST dtitoitArt9l l IN FORTUiIiN PEA E. 4. CfIASE . Af : AyIN . DAY, Einiong oittrost, *aft 5 1 nag.. • RAILROAD - Ant:T- "Conittgr : , throu 21 . the Ryr.'?•. • .1 • . - It an engine mcet an'enrrine •.• • - • "-Coining relitu.d curie," • ' tf Oun-smash.ttack, train, audlender, • Witat do they, deserve . Not a penny's paid to any, 5 . 6 far :at welobse.r% - e, • • -- But all aetpit•the enginee,r, When *" comtning round 'curve." ••• • It an en tr, /no- meet- a steamer. -1 '" Corning 'through the draw," • .• If they Crusli.ok drown the public, "...Creed we go to law ? . • If the engineer was careles.:s;-- • . Per'aps he's rather raw— . They don't -disharge`an honest fellow, • "Continc , thi•onge the draw.? If a steamer .cliase a steamer, . , . " Running u l p to time,"' . • If they.;bitri4 their pipes and - boiler, Whe;re's .thelmifelty . crime? . • " - 'Bll4ldl a jury in a fury; • Mak.o them par one dime, Or send ilteothcers to prison, . .."'Runnium up-to tine? • . If tieytrtaim or kill ft body, • • 01,4 body's - 4 liody . ,kite".".l. body, • 'For. lbig_l...Tago, limb •or life 1 .. if. 1111.1 otte. fpr Aatnagw.- - Vor pay for what you 1034 t brcikepiteek- or leg, . Anal hare to -meet. the cost. fari i *.r,4,':_vp . totttoitnt. TO prevent leows frog Shedding • Milk. • Collodion (iioracle)somewhat qui re cent discOvery, and bas beeli applied-to tse ful pul-pc4s by-Surzeonq, but I am not. aware that it cver . l4e.en used to prerc:nt the ,loss of milk hiv ;leakage from the udder of the cow. The makie,Of applying 'is n .follows :—After iniikir take a thin piece ofmuslin, the size cent piece, wet it in the collodion and appl:.l - it quiCkly,to the end of the teat.--J.- It . diies ithinediately, and adhering firmlv.pre-: units the leScape l of milk from the. orifice.--- . It can readily t 4 removed at the . next IDg. 011 first.' Maki art Use of this meant;, I aid • rrt. - .lt anticipate iprything more than tentporarily • . to prevent. the:ell'. Atter making a-few ap .plicatinsl. it was , • discontinued.;• and I was surpiik.d.:'to find - that ithad pert - Eta neatly the fault, Uppitreflection the 7a• as , of s •ixtudi ;appe4ed follows :—First the ei.:1,... - tiOn'coritracts the orifice • a - talen prev,:r.ws : i be escape ; and, second, the buf ibe.coining - distended, its•eapacity. is. per-. - manently.l enlarcied. .Try it. • * . . ra.r usetul purposes of this. articlenia . 3 . ' be nleatiOned. pews teats often beconie.ten , der froni Chaps and . deep fissures in them..-- . They mat .readi 7 ly, be cured by - rtioisteniug • n piec.C..of this liquid and applying it stroallilv.io — frielparts:atfeeteil. It adhe - res 61111 i V . l hilt it nr , t be loosetied r even if the cat: ac,t;awi. , .(l to draw the Ejitorr:4The above.recipe I. cut from • a Ilarri:Entir,g .paper. As , it gives no credit, it may be original,: Please - publish it in the. Stuck;k4./liter,ant:l add, that moliv,ses . :isuthe' . sov-eroi " for the - s chapped te a ts of a 'cowiHto be - :applied. after, - nplir.ing. Of 12Ouis : ., the udder saiuldbe washed With cold I, water, whith. Of 'Litself fre9cutly ..cure sliullt eases. I . • " : . ol l ikl'n'atipn and experienee though Ern _ itc.:l, , go to prove the setter plan to be letting ; • the calf hate tree access to the., claM:for twen• - • ' ty-four hours after birth ,*, The Anti nuttlnff it • administers, is justthe right trtgit 7 c•(. i' - ! the sWollen udder ; and czses - . or • -"par_cret" are'exi - riOnely rare where this plan -is:practiced.' is'aiso Touch easier to • sepe ' rate 'I he. !inotber fro the calf ,thei next 'day. - the itiatrual instinct beinr , then partially t-1- 1 11-,ekeo. Also, it' Should neverhe permitted to kill a i n,,aiky;place A-hich. the cow can :have ac cess to. Their piteous lossanga iu such: cases leave no, room to _doubt that they ret;oguite the blocici of weir oft's-print.. The -Writer has known of actual Icars pohring down the-face cif a cow, on' being shown tae I..lcsody hide of her.calf. l . These - be thought matters to's .trifling.for the, consideration, •ofmark'` is'not so ; the -beautiful humanities must all, combine, to form the pci4"ect charac .. ter.—kura/ . • It is a-well :establigha fact; fjtat nearly all.l kinds of s4til. are benefitted by the .applicatioir; of lime; but if;is ec f dally true, that some soils bear - I:ming to a much greater • extent thr.n others : and that the quantity which wiil . bring onCfiela itifb tliehighest'striteof fertil ity,'Avill be absolutely destructive to vegeta tion-in another.. -Which are the soil;, then, that are most! benefitted - by lime , How :do know that list ig wanted'enit at 'this par fienhir-tinie ?: Htin mutt will' it require,- . or hnW much wilt it bear? These, are inter estinfr tAT;:tions,•:and in' order that :we may answei them correctly, :we: ought to know •;.-hat hole is4what properties it possesses, - and what'iits objects !ted effeets, afe when mixed 'with 'IJP 4 - - Lime is composed Ofa - - - .-rnetal.‘cit7Cizent.. Mil .1 of a gas, It is'obtained \by exposing 1 limeslOne, tuarblikOystetshellsror-cladk td i Whichiroce.‘is. e;cpels tile carimilu avid,*ith whichithe lime,-'.in tee substances luentioned, is combined. When lime is thus combined with carbonic acid, it constitutes carbeuate of lime. Not one,'.of'• the substan , ces ciainnernted, holievcr; is a vire carbonate of ihrie, other minerals and- - eartiti, as "cal& of iron, firestone, rnagne4ty. ac., being 'mixed • with it.• • , • . , Lime „ (as ArepotasiCand sod . Q . Which means that it• changes. vegetable:4)We to geen,antiproducetlevervesce an' when it comes in .00ntaet, with It-las a nt-rkable'atimetion:for waker. When ialek lime, (that is; linut.'fi•esh' : frotrifile Ore,. ek • po , ed .§.t.ll4.4l,lit, ) 4sll;m4 , rtAtiricts ref its Waoi..; . l4l."Tedt;ned, to fire it gannot ~ xertfain inffits . - -cortiiiiiee:fOr, the eerbonie inin:in the air will insoitfuclite ithilie.lime 3 tlltirs't4tetirtn* tAiD c*bctuate'of ucifes riotcoily wifti.4lO lso Fitb4nauy other-swids. Combined with sulphnric4wid,"it .41horinitb*Ait!istiOled -pboalitnto of I*ot-a laitatiawee, *tell= ki inters T litto'itin , Oinn: - thaa44; on: 'of cc se, el:rcl;la* as, 4e,mgr e4i ta ble. siruetuis.i • send - Ixs , is (me. reason mvat ntintaitted itoloils. it is found' in , combined , witir:earbOnio; pllosphor*.ritrie, and various °manic acids, P.-J."1 4 0. =Alio etr=e tartarie •„ . . out it; _vegetation could not foi a moment graceed: But lnac has nisi) a chemical cited upon soil's. Of and of otheer matfeis . re-' latinn to this' subsjance, ive, shall_ treat in oui next.—.Dc r iftla etespaper. liktidej Trees. . . . , ,. AutuMn is ce,rtaittly the. trout favorable time, for, transplanting shade trees 744 any time a most agreeable' oeenpation to . ihe men, ' of taste: - . Some.; . olle. has - trulfretharked, that he. whd, plants a' tree, thereby Makes - posterity hht debtbr. 'The extent to ,which the present generation are - indebted to.the past, may be inferred from the Met and many of the for;.• eSts and parks ... . Ontidit - il# - - "the more4eitselV Settled portietig.;of . liurolit., havelx.en- plante4 by the liao oil man. -- The pioneers of the American wilderness thought little of making provision:Tor . tli% future ~sliade,. When tbe sun was alinost•eittnielv excluded from hiS gloomy home in the duck shade of the forest. Ile had too Much s tadeAlready. It nits routid. .hint and overh. in. ', But in some seet ions . of the Country,. the ivork of extermination has 1 been carried . too. far. .In many regions the,' cultivated:Tot-14ms' have beeti swept. it hare al it the proprinfOrs Were .fearful of..tlie L,Ns'- ettee of the deadly ttpas. True, this is: i' , :ir the: roil': of. the.thiug ; treeS, exhaust. , the'. soil, shade the erOps; and ob,truct enlOation ;hut the farmer wholhas twice as much laud as he, can Cultivate properly, might .spare atritling portion to add to the - cern - fort of himsOf Rild . his' flocks and herds: The English evince bet; ter. taSte. in :t . lii.s: particular; lo;ty tries stand in every hedgerow and east their shade over et-- -cr,y. melostut. !Instead df the neat Cottage, ,li4th.its shadeS ar.d : Shrubberv, lioivi much . more usual; is it to see the great, illy con 'structed farm-honse,"-withoin'a Lush to ex 7: . chide the seerching -rays of the sun, or allay the heat cf au ;Itueileati snit:mei. ' - 1 ' - In conelusiop, I would - say,to every one, . . ,, . t , plant trees.' I,t.t the old ni:in I , lant trees -he may " . tire to• enipy their •Leauty . ; ' at least they will eep :ilive : 4l - a- the minds - of por.:terity; the memory d: E one. -who liVed . tiat for himsAf Mow.. Let ithei yOuno• Man plant trees, when he is 'old they tvill . seenl like youthful associ . ates.so that -le gill not feel qui : le:alone among a - nov - generaodon.— , -.Dollar J.l7,r.u , :v;dper... ~ • , Eien-ctliv laving 4C many' how , ek die with and many :reniedie.s. given 4vithont efFect I was 'induced: 1)y. a n:Taal - It in Can;4fridgi.‘, to try. the -fo4wing for: a hori:e .in:y own, after I 11:1:4.1trieri the in com moa use lCiih4at effect, antli bad , , up . fc.r ',„ . • 1 Halt' pint .vii - ,e f - tar. bah pint. Suit pint tog.ethQ"r, itr I f)oureiltiown while To my oreqt wls . - in ,iive , • (minute:: AVIIOIIV fr('C'f: an:l ate freely —the . 11e7;:t.pi etni.rgi I on I.ny jtiarney. have Fine'' :11.t1 given tlie tl • .ps . . it 4 feet :hot in t0.;,_•.: iti.st!alice*,lizl.. , it firietl e t 'olstfni ,'fintornrafion. lion - :o, ,Rpm your, Timlli. • , -) • • 1 . I Oi - a titz=t asit. - :::: it., t61 . , ... , ..p . .tati ti . etli . ekaii.-1 If this .be iiortil, a giTat a'tici;:.:good v. - ork wiil I t:.:.. a coinpii,shit,i: 1= is a 'isi - iiiiile . rtr4tt.: to keel - the t(!etliiiir'ee ,frOlit it'd iii)i)urities,Hiffkg i,oas vill otillt fipt.tit the habit . of .lipt4thi 6.- thel 'ererY .43 •- . 'And li-lin thiq lint,it ..c F , fomtcl, ''..tt %yip ti ot 1L , ..1 ,rii;:lencip;d an; tliali c . :lt l i-i]- -, at. rt , g , :ll:r hoiti.. ..I'e't-oils tlft - : r.ecistoittOtl to Ire the I . l.ti.iii-el,4&•ty f l o 7 rW " 1 ld . - . [to atiorota , ft oo4t - tit..::ir• t‘;eZli;: - 'I heti 't.'e`e what I)e:tuti,. it-ii mr w have.' Tlicir id.r. , '_';i:iii, The: - e ii a fiu.,:h. 1 o fitl :al, rhize sNef.ut t the : the of itnpoz , c! tit. To ;4 p , r,, s the', i - .) ar.elt is I',.e.t c-•-er le - 1, - .-pnrc., and They. - , ni.:soeiat..fs with heal Li talie:S pr.:4,er. care. :, ; lit: liy ottivr auvzza oee.::r. ' 1 ....-r , ~,r.•,‘%..1......„1,! . tee taive-care of :ettli I 1. - se - t1 e 1, , rw4.1 0.,...i1y; h,• , . - e :heal p p(-.r:e(-' - .-ordet'by ..olne good deyltist. and hav, , ti' l em4f-11,..iiy:41 ecatairdv . .oriee a. ear,.. and i if thr . v r,.1%.' !i11:1i1y...41 to tit.'eaV. T.: - a tenr...nitti ise • lii wan n.n,. I•n , _. 5.„,„.5/f ~ .1 oitt.A t,en lc.), laq fk•kr the . I.fc--time.• (If se. we ta• . :.....•:: .4•Lt ~ ii::s earl must eopt ,oe. ri..17-, ,r,,,-i-f,,-,, , . , itveii - - nark% t -sliouli.l in-,% , 1 apol• her (.14112.rea t•sitl , 'the .rusb.aear- i •.; the t Vl' 'el ii.l 'k V...:- . l*. I At -,tiis . age !the ,j 1 nit trot rise env - 11 ~ . ;',1i....-- . ls, 1,:cI17 is it 1ic•ci . ....:).- . 1 rvl for ailitli.W.tr; u , e -t6611r... - ;wdt.ts, vac-11111- : 1 s;yraliirr. ,, ... If 4 the teeth ,ltare bean ,negleetil';' , . -forisolne time, .-tl;con. 5 , -J7ai.. , .g0. ,-- 1 poWder will I - lie rfeessal::,-; :11,r i t gr.iit.;• - : . 4e.; 51.4 - ...4,11. I,e. ta.-:,i 1 ; ;;,,,,•ii in, seleei,lng - zi ,pc ., \\+.1..i . . , , Many of'die deu-,11 .tit.tle .. ..,f;:ept : ;OT s, al . . ,44....,,, . 1 . 40 t 4 t.. A p.1,,,• % -.... • .raur6top:t. ; is - : goo d ; , articae. .'"\\*O 4o not; like elet.r, el iatioeal, ant L therefore 'cannot. reo-1 .01nInund-;ilis'llfie;lf 4r ,, t a.nteists keel) a good'. powder., - cm hanriJ . witli . .Wltielt they stiptilv, Iheil fati.entii.,:',,,AVe sui•rtly .. Our, pttient.. - = wittii: ~ . ~. - - :tbe- Orris4oOth p,c,,'-c.c.1•4 for Whi• - :1 messlialli , (nye' a. rew. tw. in .sotn.:.. 1 pture , attire.-- :\w o, , ::‘ • • we say again, ;:ii to 5..4 - true :ir.i)bil 0.,:1it,s - t awl 1::..."ve sour .tc,eth I,;ut Itt .go ~ ..klioruer; tie- oici . routs,,relityve•i,..tihi ,, -,e,:ilyta, ~ i*f,:, filled; th , i, whole. set . :ivell.tk...aiteLl; :awl'. then rise the bru:sh rei;ula-Liv...: .. ... - ~ ~ - . . Imtl l I'l'olll do of tag Ie•• eciu si-t . . To'Pre:let-eve .E4 - ::$1' resit. ' , l'ltt-n water -tt , -;on un.hlr-1:(4 Time, in rinanti. fr' sitfninent to (-over the Inue: la a short - 1 time a" set; rn will. rise upon_ta. surf-ar...,. Tiiell I drain . off',, the wholi water, and :1,31 .frtilt, awl i rkktut- the-- ofkra.tion . kun'. ltil : i»ote_otin ri , - ', si-'`.. Stir tn) the lithe igid itvr,ttiit, :it'd put in your ti.i'g, so that tiuiy, aa•el conipieti-ly covet- 1 d. "kt s "s'hoily ei:itaifits 'tie external ;tit itnifir,rves tfietii. irf flie iine4t order. '1 lia , ;-e tyiv . i. , e r,•;;-s' whieh have 'L;een Itept in dos w.ay•iglit niolithß.:; .:iiid A - 4 I.kitig broliouleati no‘he • iiistirigdislie , 4l Vr.ini fliozie' wilik;h . u . re fre - -h inye.l. illady win gave-rn(i. the stated that she, hld frlserred themlkerfectly good iii this way for ti , o y--er'i.'-'4ll.'eritiii.4_,:'ited.satura tion crith crater. seemq.-neee,,,RftTy to- fre:..ti o ,-- the too ; 2:rent epustieitv of 'tlie lin'te f ot.hd wise its stroli7, aflinity.f, r ihe ear . hotatte,- the . 1 , vaitaial, of the ' . 4g s], it ,'au.se,.s it 3 decompo , ition. . I .' ;. ~: „ i' l -' •\ s ', i \ $ TirE (WAS' ; TO - HAVE 400 D Reecs.---Sait 'your Intnt in a ...end tzt , •-I - :pitt snit sufficient On eacklay-tr tb cov;:lr'it; three or four clais atcr, ziake a biine as birbw4. as van be made in heilii4 wuttir; skim the ~ b rine While ma- kitiv; when ec,?l; ec f ver thd,fnest-with it, and keel) it under . the brine six weeks; theulpt dram a, , ,few , ',.m4tit • and rntitioroughty With btsiAp4ppei groin fine;'(i!le finer tite bdt ele ter* Lang andstno sztit4 . y onr bacon is Well ttrecl.. ,If ii-lstim-1.7, ' theft:l3o4e li qu tw e live ttioiattis* yeti tilted 'have u'o ' fears of bugs br I 'skip' pet's..—Pr4irie Fanyte,r. ' ' ' ; 13 U1114;--For bans crr R sygilds, :apply 'itty fie.4r-at , otice, tititd . l eep on the wound It- s &tried. Tf St 'cannot be n,lnde to . stiek, ';YTense oeoi4 tlte44#so us'io font n.ecia.t. of cAit4tiple since, to lizaT4i.to,b4:4 SQ 415 taicesPif :40:4.in.kaitire' r • pqin ,irgste to ly + . nclinvier ,the-wound he4l - st feutdeol..., F • . . • - • ~/1. Obit, people ire like an indoper3d- 1 eat pre •= t ettiinis 4ili4ttl,ll with tilOr ctlyn opirions,lnn, a truly do .t r,ress lutist ii•fier torn ~ ..__ ';To Dill 4 tisicliy Rats 4- ... ,_ _ , • - .. °` A 'friend' has just linformed. us of 'ii ph he' adopted . .to • • get irid of -rats. 1 . 4 s Fent ices swarmed with them: Ile-tool a small. fish-hook; attached .tO : a fine wire, 'and sus-, fended oil it .a. iiiecel ; Of cheese, letting it hang about a 1 . .),z;4‘ t from. the:ground. . ' One : of the rats leaped•at it andl was hooked, and Sat -. up . such a horrible :5 optetti, noise and- rattle that :ill the rent forsook him . and 'ILA Not a rat.. remained on the premises. - A few days . af terwardsltis ncPrlib4r declared that he was - :, %?igited with a- plagne' worse than those -of .V. , ipt,--;that the iitsii-ould surely eat him tif), house and all. (Our,. f riend enjoN'ed: the joke bitt!kept shack. ' This was not. philan- - thropic of him, So 1 1 (.... the bengit of 'his neigh-; Uor, whq.we hope i4kesl:the` Rana, • and the re , t of mankind; wel- Msclic. the di:with:mt . !" 1- 1 Without Oi t z se joine , yee or charging the dol ,lhr.--Rie-aal ,hero I ork; r. • , - - rut - tee:44 41 Martial Attlijie.. .., . 4 Since rotti, - 7 1 7 -especially -file lyrical form of it—leas beige a power: inlthe State, may be interesting. - .0••our readers t'Oficar . ;that . a T 'urkish ptiet,lPl l. lis Effendi,. hits :written a na tional I . yran,l, lit-• the style of the " MaNei lhti es'' u tuck ht.. countrymen are deSeribe` 1 I as, re peating with l iltaordittair tetit and-' ! ,:ttergy. Philosophers 4 (I*lge t. -to • d espi sa poet rv,a ad I-'t a • I - • to banished the poets fr,im hit nt Aul ; repub lic ; but in niruents . of crisis like, that! which the Orient, it ll , S4tlways fo•and that I,nr n will !Ife:tr, and date - 1411,1 . :,spire tni,ie p•,rdatly tin...er , . . the - Swav of 11a,.11 pt .:ion t atm .‘si I , ) ' .., , ) t , ...„ Itao.a. Li,. lex:at: 1 0 0 1r of-ner:ve and bas. k iti 0-4.lttee.l ly. - Ilt his subtle and 1 1-4.. l spirittiad pow' , ei'.• • Titel_SpaT - - !tans ,!cell!';.! itl Tria-tietts. 'l:,'.) : , :er •letisP.: nen -, , , Cited the armS *iii.t.ll beat „tow iii,on„, ,it..o. :mot 1,, l l l er the Kiners-OrlEttrop.. Kolater frotised all ... .., 'It -it-et-many •to i i il . etion. Peekce,.; . lyti 6 f:r.,:Vv.i. the 'j Rhine provincejl—andr win W.,u". th.• I author l •. -,-. - • 1 iltwo . ro'yal pefisp.ms. ' TlnYlltiVT.dtition of-IS way effected to the .• 1 (thorns of .11. I .titiir pOnr la. Ritrie,"--and Ate.' .., Isplendid II.n4:0-iatt! c.nn yo•,za of '49 was . 1 made to the ll‘ l !Xossatit M Lr'kili." Our oen, Common,wealthlz wa.:l- intro hie.ol by ti.. p - -ialin , tune,—and Jaintk tlx. t;. conch -.....ts.friticened out of - throc . htlf4loai; -lit; a dh wat. I;l0.,;lin and C tn - m1i.41 ,- - "did n •ark - a:!:In t _dt •fw 11t,2, . ~. - , 13tilish Navy -,' sit Nolsoa - aal ICJlliti:;‘.l-ood,- - -, ,• , - either writer .\oi.'iaittl'y dill •in .i.r t .t. tlLin!S..!ldan, repys, -au& all ',Other antiquariOn prosers about the savereigalyol .thy 5.•. t .: pat to.r.Alicr. It is of.no sat tll ttiitn. - ni• - ,' th., , a• di tt a native po et slryald lia. - vt - t',drawa fr,mn -etc. roclk th.... 4..• livingwaters t or , b. Oiti4;whicli litoac.!' sit:is;),- . the cournot64;iviuginittl forthy the natl-mut zeal.. To fluNi,i-whOlhave a inereiv.lnintandu terest in the ICcintest of Twit and' 14;ss, it Is pleasant to entidt the voice of . the Vu--es be side the•rittufder of i,.7antion, jt• it be-I•only, as the expreqsiolt i , f -turkher awl a. nosier itniu tat& in the affairs 'Oil rm. a ..-.lliir --no-rim. -I -• • i - • • - .... -- '7,7 ----- -or - ' 1 :? - c" --- ,", -- : - •• - • . 1 4 ai' f zi'r al,: It 1.:4 , , za i enz., .1 . , .• His sweetiotr_Tl was Ate. last hei.stmT, " The legtti, - .11:•.n, , 11,, had bei,_-9.tenrdl)ve 1. up , , • i•, on this esqui iie plei.-‘l6r ':.-t'i;t•r:ll NVq;N:Z ,4 ,, Ill', soul tilled witlOnspi , ralon , -,,r ri •1w5t..1ni,.10.1 \', awl already Clabitini; kindred wlihithat wtal i ty. After gaying-itlits la:: tO0!.:11, alt( breath ing into it tint - Candying .splril oi Sot" wltiil was to .conA•ortre it thro-,;2- 5 .i. all thil.• as• - his . - cv.;;ll , ..san•s:l'aili,' he - fell MI!, :1 g- . .. 11 he an 1 yi.fec ,illl.,11).:.:7. 4.!! A• , -1.; 11, t.i.slitt'l - to , ':'r',); 4 IliS ilall . 4!iikl,! - ;E:011 .4 : , , , ,v .:k lii Com iit. .." ' , Hither;' 5..1 id Ili:, ." I/ Ir . ; - Em' lie—lay, l : ta •k is. doae—tho ' -. ...t.5-,iiiiem---ilty It ...ill x at ---''s fix: 1-- '! v i." ; - : 7 ...t.ie),, 1 t so. dear f:lt'a,i'r," \aid •.I.•,:.g.'it-- : the gill,: fitteirilpio; iti:a. - as tc.trs is:.. , il in h?r,e•i•,•s; ‘• 6., 1 11.•in t .t. b., li-....;:d•—,-,v.t 1:).0.; b t:- .. • . I tur,.f ir even: trip' , y..mr e'.l- - •:;',11 - 1 - ; a ..i.':,ys• a r , i 011 it.. - I aiii, Stif we v.:ill -"in tke )I,on w:•11 iag till-let in i.l'b .• rltt . x'i ~ I :-..T1 • ' - .11 i 1..4 . re:re:lt lug." -i " D. - i . nOf de•cive ,votirs.lf, .Itt- love,", . 1,. •vt-,:v. • • ! I, . . I said tini! d••••tr , t I'll •r "11. - YV 't - ' ' I tom t=ab ; E'en to the t.:l4:i , 'alley of (1.-alli? - I never' be - i . e.- it.. 1 bv Ivnivi :ii I. _ From . ' 1..; ' ': I. " `-• -• • • - • '-• . i . Thy brother-- lovelthv brother asaltN - 5e11.7 I - Ho:Ill . : 11 's nt'l•r , :li , Taloa:. do l-lo. 11: fo i l. add, in „Sever not the.ties tiltatibind thee to . Itint.—, I thi'', illy dyi:lig, : i aciar.• Von. s.p.--;ke of 1efr0,. , 11- .I.lis paretrts.are tl4, parents. His - home isl I men ti my thttille—fitlz - • th,-.le. Int fast 111tki: Mile., Is 11.; - ::ini flis lie; Yirtaaas ? is 11:2- rsf 11 , ) ,.. i --s'i t t down i7.l,';',i ray pi;:al, ii4-re .- , ft) t z • thorn ,Llespiri,t '1 , 1 . 1r•1 1, ! % , -I. !, !iiii; ;Is 1110 u shimati,t.a„il i tlitil :111:' liviii_ - 1i , .0f i:it 5 , ...1...i1-., , a ill .111-r---le: encourag. , min xv: , . t thy smile, ; ' fl.tr hii 1 1 , :a rf ; me (_ , 11 , :•_. III?re ,1 , ..1 . tii.,-.! ti..),,;,•,,, m 10.-11 ,r,0.,.. 1 !lviil hate 4 , ,•:it'il, if t ,1,• - ,1mi1. 1 - . o f 1 )- 11 - j o y 1.-_, w i :, I li ' ; been Iso- long- my s.,bti....qn •at ', au I ...luligliC— wijli a v:pit.:t ear.che.l 1 - .3 - 'pm-wit:l.' 'Ls lte v:,i'n' Mt I simple : 1-,...s 1,, , 1... - • en I En-iiile 01 •I"-') . 1'-`4 ,I11 " , I , ,1t ure ,.1: 1 ,..., m .,i i ...„ , ! , . p A t i, ? - Fo„i t - k, l i i•-„, n ,-,t, 1 ; i tenoth-est enn...tion,- sunEr the folloWinrr stan lleal p•ently !w1 hirii. - 1-4 . - affection thoU I •-, i H. . . . . , _ •irnarest: reclttim liith.' , "IS adversity upon him ? ; , , ~' . ...! ..v.toes De'.‘7 . .albz. 1 . 11 . poylertv's vale. Cit 4 1111-111 '-,1101 - ' Otri -for he is tlr,'....vn brothr, " awl tit; liinffto Love . • Tim Paths - .r—is lie. not feAdo, and fall ,of I •vears?,..., Has . he, I.):rne. the bfird(Xlind 'heat of many lot - tunimeni ? Is Ine not asa ripe shock of Cott). ready -,to gatherel, -; the I.pirtter above ? you 1 - w hold him with I Cent-form, With•slow, and . unsteady step, mov lug. down the hilt life, soon, to - enter the valley of the..ShadoW ofideath. -Then bekind to. him -bear him lup [while tint: : : 'oppresSed ivi Lir the iniirraitiesoftte; comfort him amid - hiss(rrows and then .shalt thou do well.— 'lltts .hn:not labored fo • thy good? Ilas he not toilktd lowe for thy comfort ? antl does he not daily send up . hfs prayers for thy eternal Welfare. ? Admints s er 111 en tO MS wants, and smoothe his pa aa.t tti time grave. Be - kind to ti t s.- fatlir, when thou wert youno . • Who 1;0;01 Ihee t so fondly atslie tie caught tits first a events -that, fell from thy -; • toot , av, J. 1 • • jfiined in toy int-went glee." • .. Thy Mother-Ate, ioo,kis just passine , awavf' ~ i S( ;on she will sh - ,•(• where the wieCed from troubling; :md the weary are forever at I rest. "On her in6W May traces of sorrow be . Seen." her once imy and health ful, arc marl:el tlie furrow's .of age. "She is passing away Has be not nurtured and cln , rislist - d thee not. watched over I. chilkih?Yorss'gleerul hours, and youth. - directed: .thy :foots:kips in Wisdom's ways I. In IV:t‘qt%ircl 1110111illrg has she not been so- • . lit:itousTor o.obd l ill. she not. NNO”t thy. to, ,et ant oi ! lotp •Lentl‘'s ~ ,I)l';tVe4l 4 ;thy sins fo;s-iven.': 'Vh, well infiy-; ; . est • cherish an -,1 ecinfort her now, forilov ;11-1;-r and kind has sL •, . . .; , i .. ..11,. ! ",...:ti1....r t.';:y. tli ,!. , ..,41--...‘r Ow. , Mil slie. prat' ~ ~ . , A, 1,.r.; n....,..,.-i.;.voil ,•;•,- I.re:oh.. Willi ave. ills . of isice.lile.,s then, , ehuvr her lone 1 • tli;!ir tho 'dew of atT.,:tion U 4 p,': , u:' "Bo - I , ;;liti uhcl.rwer 3 - (4.1 '0:41 t4l liy far, . liie-ktithe tivpi In of the ..; • Thy and lovely l" ',..11e kind. nnd . :lll;:viimOte ?,. Turn not nwnv no:4cl:4.n'tzt•enciri,k twine iitont z. 1 1 ,;. will memory. In '4:,l4l , 3ll , .. , (l*.i.inatiliallav:z. site sportol ciimfott , zl thev!; Sliti wii l taed around thy 1,4.4- I, i;le arid - ivitil heti onus soft hand .iiresi.d • ~) . •npr Won, tor snoi. t . hytrorn h.c.r the.o ninve , 4 14-.! 110' •tvgb Lind w 47‘r;riliwy . a Lowers, • i;t..jlaita.:ll4itilizti,i).y.. • 1 . " Bo Ithiti t.t,tity s'At...r-:-nottntinv'tnr.v know . 'hive : lit” 4 fitthfinis below I?,att- Tr oN,lep of Great ,4 11;'astrononier,eltannied or anfi :--nonh :under. him, On • , • . with a •12.arci . or, a I • • , . • 'Dr. joluit•on;.r(otild never. enter " a room with his • foot l'o&inost.; if' by mistake it did get in h4:WOuld step Ca and place his ricrlit f,.Ot fortnnOsf.. - • . • • . • - I Julio, 1 coiiittls6 - I 'the„ 1 s;.) und•Of.th.und,:rktid .alwavS. wanted to get " in a ci! 11 ar or ttnt.er .around to oieape the dreadful . . • . . „ • To. \ Quei - In ;the death was full of licart..rs.... Even TaMyrand .trem bledand change/4 ,(iolor on hearing the \ word pronounced.' . • !Alat'shall Say met'and overthri.4 - op ' • 'pomng, art . an , i screamed ;vitlt tenor at the jthght Of" a teat. r I • - P;?.1 . (1. the .grelt•riottld never be perhtailed er‘ - i,s a bridgcl; aild'tbougli he tried !.•.onits.- i ter terror, .failel to uo:tio. Whenever. he set" foot on. one tic-would shriek btit in dis tress. 'anilagorry ' • • ; Dvr i bn would Fier rr help "nnYone 'to qllt l qt the table fair would he be .helped If iinV of the artiele!'liapPened 'to be spilled on tliti .tahle, hel wOuld jump up and leave his meal nufinitec.l, .; • • Thci . story . .of,lite . great Frencinnan Male bra eli hnoWn, and. Well t tz tea. lac fancied.that he carried an enoriti, - Itts le of';irmitott at•thetip of his nose. No one could convince Hint to the contrary. ..01w dny a gentleman vifirtitig,him :adopted this • plan $o , cure him• of his'iolly. He approachedliini with the intention of embracing - Min t : - wile!' Sudde)ily . he e.N6lainied. ." j ' . . ! four 1e,7. f mutton - bas struck me in the tliee : ;at Malebrititch .eipreSsecl regret. \The - frieti; went on, "Mav I ri& re ; more' thelefiettititTance with a raior!7 " ritiy'fri 01 my Mena `I ..owe.-you moreithan litL. Yes, Yes ; means ;cut ' it oil _ twinkling the friend lightly eut the tii Of the philos'oPher'S nose, and adroitly from, undtir 4:1431;. a superb leg of mutton ;nisei). it inizinnlPL - ; 1" cried _ " I live ! I breathe ain!savoi nose is free; my lieitd is free ; ibut—')at—tt was raw, and that is cook ed !" - . I t • ; but then you have" been gehted near'the Sri that must be , the .reasou." ' l l4l . lebranch was, :s.atisfied, • and from that time forward 14e ,93ade, no, more complaints a t bt,ut,,any .pint - on ;11. or any other monstrous protiberittureion his nose. untried couple Went- to . !flag ra oi;a`,+isit,land, the. gentientan in otter :to eotirtric,.e his idea! that .he was 14;tve ,as, ;cell as gallant; resolled to go down into.the „pale of-the $lO of e.ourse., objected.:! - but finding jthat.lie Ryas determined 4 ntlectionately requested him to leave his pocket book ] and watcl: b(himii.. • . , Ours at Home. 4- :- - . - , • :=I;71,:lt. thy I. l l:iir i: o'vr! , - i Y: , y tvriii-..t . - 4,, , !,ifi. , T ) i:4 ritti—' f • rhy i.. 1,1,4 ;0::i• nqty1,.,,11 , 1-("r tli%• ir91r. , 411L.-n snot., £1 , .;,1 ;Ile r.', , i.• i 4 1 . illllti.trt: , i , li!•:.?,1111, " 4:. Z. • Si3.tntli.l . l7, . TIO art kiflit:n; el'iilv-ai• to ni 'q r.% ia to t. pi tell yotir's:-.aTi. of livlngar: o . degr ,•-•,: 1).:low 3•:, !). 1 1 ri mvaii.:;'i -, [eoin': o rt - anA. * enjoy ` n.! it -atv livirti, depen , ltil; upoa. e:t,itio- , i i'a Oh! t.:nil of v .. .ki,pyalit'pr:::ll.l.an ainia oil.:; iipgrijafs difer 'etivo',iii-tlf• f.',L:1•1t... k ! •.1 . • , „. Gtt,tru. :44-414;4 fai , e ;ssot:;ittions- Of pleattl-4. 1 witicexpetiklitiire---the - notion tha, ht.-cause 1 pka.i.ure cant hh Tureltase4 Nt iiii,niot:uiy, there- 1 fore iiaiinot he : spill tw . ithont: i• s ajoy- tre.titt. Wiiit ?: thing co=t sl.ii,Mtants no true 1 ile:4nre (~-%yli- i tt ltis 91 1 ,4r . ,.11' to a .1 , 1•44; an hi yet how f - 410 Ili , .appre;latii)i?. gollerliel :by 1 110 , 6:l:er 'stittiliird, :4:s•if t1e.:1,43 iu - ere. it pleittire ... ..l in eimtildiiiire'.- - -e - r sc. .. i . , : i , i . , Let yout:si..it4le4d.a - want leirr*.y you provide 1 . zimaitist. Viati are - toot , at4trre: - L that it:is , :end • real .want • it is -‘s,:orth iv.lbilt-.. - t t p feel it . a l i .; i 1 little, in oi - ili:.r :to fee) •the retio,f from - 1 Alezn ifitt !Ir.!. tt:i 1e::.1..ed lis . to; waem (14., ix'? coursso - Oti would. lit - .( 1 :. Les . , tilic4F4; the eltealk-st.; . : rfaks rule-will 116,.. 0u1y . ,:5i:t...-e - rum-. ey, hut. &aye; alin - ti g4. - -x.)d,,deillof tridiug inde vision," :h • . . ." . 1 . . : - Toso intil'h leisure leads t 4 ex:pr ,. .5,14;.114?",.:1115... when a nianili in N s x-ant. nfi ohiautk, it of enrs. to kiln- tliltjthey are to :he la,Rl f.,1. • tn - i,aeS• ; 1 and he inch - :-. 1 ;•••• - - - - .r4cr to; pas the - time. : . .. :- . -lirtVh: . , • - : ` The totilel,pf truth isindeol tanit of stones of cry:4lll4 but in- as mi t cli"as trien ham i been eJnetTri. - .4 ill li.aritig it, it: liasto:no en's•Al ! ..l:l-: tea by a 6ttimint cotnitost.•,ll4 .1.,a., , i,ir tuaterial , •:. It' is deek• : tti.:.be. : Ituttente.) that -ttruth!izelf willattraeti btitlittlO tr.:ea:dot:l i : .att..l eii:;fan : until it be iinialg-am:tted kith 's(iin..l Itailieu _ tar part,::itt>rtitrasioa, or se•l. Onntixt.td. an i' unndtlittliitiNf it tai often . :::iirove , ..:15. unlit f or eorroncy . „, rt• faue gold fofr :cirenotton.!. Sri ', ly>.titor /11,:ii.01 has oLsetveil : " Thati Nhat i. tiAlow.i tlf i e, , trittit too ch,:ely . ma's.: tal;:e. care 1 that she kloei; not 1.:4 rile tint hi..f, teetL, .llell has little 'to: fear front truth, but he has annelt 1 to fear fiditi t o .pretened ::frienti4 pf it.: III; thentforithtt. s deal to-r.ll the li , ,.owtis hf the living alc.it: ..., e.,: i nal to the, haiardouq: task , j of wilting' ''alt.;:tory of tlitilr.: , .owit titne;J, - ivorr[ I thy •of beutg 0-an. , ,tititted ti ttirios.. thftt hie to": . 1 coute." • : f;: : 01* l'Acitztteare. " t 11l +v tig.l urst of 'LeliNtliinae..‘NUS cue livered ti.liiirefn court ofjiistiee.iu " Yout '',:hynor sits liko . on - the adorable; seat of jugtice ; likt the .44:11.ic rock of Giber :titer, -while" ! the - eternal rive .of lufl•rcy, life this eadaver6,usilviives of the Vallev, "-flows nienn'i • • dering• at.r l r feet. - i The folliwhag is tlie.eoturnennient of the siieech linter in Nov. Ji.rs....Sr " Your lioriors do, not Si,t. tiler.; like tri-trhhi statues t0 . '.114 uui.cl iih4trt. bc.i every littf,; hreeze.":t * . • Auotheril4cyei - thits• eoiriiritficed his hurl. angue.: • "Tl; • rip?'= heiimprtant crisis Sv arrive hiive ditiven," Anotho tIRL expatiated - ' • . 1 out pleit4fooUsi,m - e that tho gewletitittifrign the east his .given ,theni 4 very- le t irtied.,9'speeelt.t ha3.l - roainetl-.Avith old Rorcutusl 6oeked with old Binerates.ripped NV tk ri ( - fps;iead.e rt l Nyitli ol.ttC.iiitlw ride=: hut.avhat: lidrior,'doe.l he . knolv about the la><ti ot 'X . 19.5,-04511; . :Extract ) ' frpir the itgti e9t.ot t a -young )•cl,„s• .•,• • ce :F 7 ” Mi# it the..efi r itrt--;—li would rathor live for :41nrteen ititadred -centuries• *mall ehd,ofla thipadertkiit-:—ehi l vvi the' raggid end . of it flalt liglitnin„Lr—swallow the tor nets ofl' . .a'i'l9tinia - r. - erin f fence,, and have . tny my h0W4.451.0ra nut ty ti grOent rier, than *!o be thu7 l ailiboo ied by .6e.e...,.ii'fkltutn," • • i• -• . 'AM 4_l; 1 / I 'o -against. Oitilimgltoo. much Or . too rapiidly.!C Read fathiir iithatOntion Itty the'bookioitpi do‘N., itOpre:is (!at your mind what. foil h4v , 2 read anti rctlect; • 1 Abintitscmcnts. I •- - • • • - . , t : Stoi - e3 I Stoi. --- c4 ! t Stories S: e. -- ' 44 .irri4R- .',ere . anti ,rYellaw Lear - i e . m iod 3 . us ' r , i_,IL. th', tho fast upprit,ieft of th e . 1 4! ~ Ti •p,,s, s ni . pi i. A Grey Winter,4wlicu Otte of titen'tittsur pa-t.taitle and hilthlv approved. Stoves from i n, tuost'Lextensive 3l.trittilict;trieS in the :Union \ 'ii ... ~. , • Nlelists. Slnntr &J'ac':l7.tril, b eco me inilispintsal•le to - e4ry tatitily. We Would respectfully announce • .. . . to it 4,• cit izens of Sti-litit4 ,l l ll3 .:1 1 .k tidjoinint: •eoitirites that up LA e, just rt.Aen , Li anti reset IL. Ot•ITIV: the :I.irL:iist 30 best asit,t srittier.ft ..fst.,vo,4 ever .littrisliii'ed into EZIAtt•In l'entis Nai yd I, which. ,i.it . .., 11 u,',n e N.ril , li ,IT, 4,.1 VeN' lkolVoA, ci h „ f„ r e. T.; t.mi-.41 Ntl,,;ar,. in want. of Sinv.l4 thi.„ will find it in jl4ir itiferest to c:ill :Ind es itninel our' %%trio)? 11.44 lutrel6sing eltitethere: Tiley c ,iminisu i n ' 1,31 , :t. 4.4 itilit,itVs: 1 • • •• [ 4;qiied 4 , -''- aft'S, .. I . Oriental Parlor, t t;.:rtfrn,Que.iln E. 10., • I r enelinn,... dn A rito: 04.1).7 E Oh,' . .Fin':, :- dn. - Niiinnal Air.-'l'ighi E. , ; Q. _ / er... , ig • do 411jrnin. , Star, • I : entinne, do ' l';',,trateri‘'..-.tir...rigP, • 4.c.; 4.c. .• 1 .1 file :111ri - Vo . Stoves tire tun 'Well - kru,wit in •rt•- (i.ziryq any litittitto •liiik•..ivenin . , .1 ) ..i. 1 i z . the ni ~,t, ji into' and aviirnvett Stove in ntarkin. All who iiply.,f ton. •114 with a. l l 'II will he shown ihrongift I:ii4 l :r. lissorttn.nit wit It pl-a•ntre. !.7 . 12.i•c011ii-i. the itilidice".-•*.E \Tires firfitni:‘ , l" ()AC Price Store." \ I I li-fort. 1),.. S : •nt ' 4 1.853 —35 • . .. • . i - act • • • (ra - tltmEittx '\• LUSK )10U,E,)(311EAT'13C*1"). PA. rOir:s , ll.iertho'r. haying row:4 this wi.:l_lm,wn rt7-firTiql -in I re-ritcnistivi t it 'pp m ': iirlatry)to rt.evivt. nod h m i se s delightfully ykitn;;tml on iii • nn the line .;11tlie NetV•l"..rk . t‘, 71.1 e. and the •D daware,• inipt . an t Wcitern Rail.rmids; nverhMkinu a My s t hy. , ,eififql syytinn t.l c;:tintr and - is thy Avirma "I'svenviv nnerri dled anyavlwri.,•. ';Ar • StiIIIIFT R.F4ORT rot% Ile • frip.l from - The noisy :roil'. city fir ladies. anii tr.:WOE:awn in .intr+it of 14..a-iirc amid dhi• scenery_ /if the e:3lrit: V. this IM.atiori cannot. HYry iveary trnviller iti s.s.ntre freen the yonfasim) ino.lent. to the mei:inn:it arrival ami +LT .rtnr;.ad' tr4his, tvideh. mo o yei'.llv in shy-ni‘rlit time V.:l v‘iry i l!re.it:aMt ,van..e to !base sty' ying at Ft, tu-V.: very ; rmar the Di} d. ; - plya.s j w4•ll,fdrnish.. 11 . 1.4 P.llop with alt. the d;diyaviM: wide!) Loth ,•,oq(ry . tity marka.t.: alT.rd . :itut no rriins wil;!he sr:lred le . m.i4e his honse ply.isahtlintne his iruysts. . . :..' . .i.„% 3l :";•ings - rs .he convyved tn and frnnt ;11..1 t hour il•a)j, 0 - 11 night, in a . zou.l O.nnihu 4 • ALL'iveny ST..tr..Lr:: is . ntiaehed An the . N. V C.III.PE4TER •ni. Jiirpb ,c'7ol Vei3 —013. f E4rian nt t HaialGr2,:tt • • Pa. I „• „ „ and ~,, rvot irnnl lb'. ,t..llljival.:l3-11 , 1,i 4 tsH ..por•••41 r.tr lltrlll at ittl , ! ; ( 1 ;' ,0 11 ii/til I•.r. '111.• ri•vi•re.i. , ti of 1:0%111:4.r:4 ; and t• -i f,/r -•a l2 i f 1 , 4 ly on the N. V. !, ifis, !win. , at Oil• jiimi•ti , ii! ry., 0 14, atrl 111 • til,,st . e.)-,veniviit puitlt t.o 'oi l .) iii ill, :111.1 rt.r .l :ft; W,•II . ,1irn.t1.4..nt.••11i,•111 • 1.. ;•1*- !\;q : .„i“,„11: 1 • . • ()..1111 i ie. it iS , NEW :ii l eit,111 , 4 aVotril IlitA•4l (7)rri.n.p..11(1,4 , 141 1;11)10.4. :OW t v.4:4t-t, With ‘v,victi 411 d ip - Nurids fat-Ili-41;A at a I? oi-ion%,!‘•r•4 rcst anti_sleup, rim? •;•••"„: • , ro•re, an I‘) find Jill inn, al (1 , 431; ; r1 1 :1111'11 . 11$ . 4 F , Op. 11!•1):It. -tli • 1 - 1:S • 411 !pr. (I.•partort4l" the tr a 4 II I).,i't,r will. ,it i•/ e•,10-oet Ilb nl %%ilk tli;•i0) P!'-y.lnt ja•it cr 9 ,4 thit *twin h.n it tilt •••it,14.0,y.... :rt• itn %rake thew if desiyeil at •Brs-ita.• Irnits . •;, with th [Cal , ,ur•i! a•..!11 1 .1;11.• t•P ;t r. - . Vt-r 4. i • ' , I; PF'SORT • 'l.• -a• ; a I • • at. 4,11 v.. wit.. .lii:ty %%;•••• I 1 fo r y teertlit the t-4.1p.tr, F 4 . i • ; • "H, : A Large a,id caamodiaus , i't 1 11:101 !! ‘1 I. tiii% f.ir tire e. , rivenienet. PARrie.4„ trim nfieraveie.4 re aii.l reliable 1 1 ,1 1 . to ivait - . . tur.liet.partioilari inquire •at the tonlie • BRSANT. ; : • • - • 1 ---', . j 'NOW Arran°l3ltelltS. • .. r., 1 - 31nrsiaatti ton ore of Lois. r. , r Ole, Ira. t ( . "$l -. 0 ilt RS 4- T1,10.11:1.3 . I. i. ‘ F iv -0p1;.)...,:5i. th....„ aouotirote .to the litho!) ji. .1. • ha i l:- , .. of • i.00)-rt:v.i:e.,4Gr.-3! "ileitd mod vi .. ..'tout% , that; , . .. ii. ! at; thoy Ore! now . . r eq,ivit,4,.. a " v Fl ipplF: ii,thilol;tir,:tilradv 141-41. ,took of G ..'I", ti their ugh: lstnre reqeolly ..r. ,,, iit•ki by liavid rhioto A. :..., . tnie :i4.....irt 111-:it is, f ..c I en-iv;•,..aitii;lni iti ore ry itr. 1! tirile t!...:, ii ) t.oth-d for. :toil !t•l4 pi:sitir.i.ly-hr *Ohl l' riii"Fi'inl eiggt, Vila r•v•-r h-ford tartrd hi this J;ttrittitio of ,'tooirit.,,, eil,.ft DS. in GO eo r -' t. : + 1 - fikY GO , S. RCE4'IES. -.• • ° i'l74-nrA - eru. 1 frim, S?ert, Stii's,"Bfro . ts Bir d Sitlev, , . .... ..,. ' Flour, Ph , ii aid Salt, • - ' I . A 14 to tt•ii thittiwitisi Tintiomtnot rimmt!tatell.. witch it •roit - Aru:lN.ritiith.inittiock that (lion is. , wti:tt thrr Boost itt/tl. Win ( it• tout chi•itp..r thitu ILO) , other is . - Wrist 00,Now , P 111,11 whet w 4 toll:: you is on fats;'" wii h W 1 cria timid uji-tu ex: ll ttiuutiun 'iof our ztock uud • 3 Alt tlin%. who )' _! nett;. 11 in . a—ME Itfi gwit.iottois to porrilinFr Cood* will find it to their ativatai s ige to e 4.11 tiimo • • - STOW, ER$, - ,1,:1110.11.A:4 before acibiEr fariber; for v.hay W11:11 ti.att tsi , ent.--:lfilf. • • • ,' • lott:10 Pro'spinet Water . • ,BlStill A .114'0N NN. Y. Tilts la 4iita0. , 4 1 in; a I, ? ,.aal.irtii nu Impt !of %I•kunt.' tiie• e.opoi.o/ior.; of 11 1 ... li err rd of xu u!oltiiioot ottj)pls, of ,:iso -, e3t a ift icatcr, .stivatitaLTs for ext•rciF•e. the; ni!:, and Toni witlk up the Imo ll i'' l oifer roitioi!- 50.,-til”ry. it!t 4. itroutf;•Ur, told fro.o O'iur Ii 11 ;Y Will ilia rou.:i,too priv;- I;:get+ on the. pleeistiti wOt;•rulof (if :Ile pr - Lseliintiott -(he "Cure" . • gliert4 tft the luvoiitt. . hause is tine' nral . itpparat e xOelletr,t — . well veuti?uted;• with -230 feet piazza. 1 • 'ilk* medical (10.111itittlielll is umfte the entire ear:. .if Or. Tilly re awl l ie :fe, whit Inivei hail t:trze e:vper., icnne if!MrorrotOc practice,' .tied tire fa vorably I !Oaten as, taie,ceesfel. , ,pnietitio•terst (ltiereee Ctect liresc. with Nil] plates owl l"Ainnil. win div.. l l 4«amon iii Ihr :•51firiento tind-l!ittients. OpratfAnittem'y. Paysi nlott , y. ydrop,oll,l.siod Hygiettp' r - for which there jig, cluirg•P.. l: • - • .1"•!livtles what Ore beetv'e•niflinat.to their hetle years,:nte invited. to *eirare}paini *with - ut±.ni tie u . ..Oar in rthe trentm.:itt• tk'ati giVett and iv e to - hits deli., ion r - nch f rim) ma iy iiivi•sidiaits."•"tnake . , l o ne *mere' i*rief. - ! * • rernti . ff,nm, to Trlel wh•:•alc, Oayi l *hte rierorslialgi to roam .111V i d 'uttitirinur `.ratiente'veill provide for nerslttiO n* v:4cnriut :fartehles.2 - Ithittlttiti , „ linen:ari'eniniti•aln.eta , runt ' • • t. 0 skr, 1 . 11)18".11 fr.sielnvfi , N 1:: 11 A Icl N FY. •••- • : „ MGM • Carpec• a ad • ta i.51(14, PutviNhinfl St4e ? fr) ! ‘O6 ti 'Added . u rimiure .. in ittloti r irtiliciiits:: Plid 'ssi.vittut 11.0. r '04 1 : d i vntt•a t 9 r exiiptitii,t - IWO d iii*ltii.}Vr,W . ll irt•i - :f a'sAfirflurntl t(' ple:;ote,"and to tvlii.it We invite 'vane ientintt.. IL DE PUE. Binghamton. OutiBs3; '2O, . 1 • ' ' I , Ni 43 York kirO liOttarouce Co. Office, . 9 Wall; Str4l.. ;In Cash an.l.Apprnred Sect/lido) Inghres L9:,..5 , ur . 1) , 11))age by CO a 5.—A..4. Fttaddra..lll3 Ttrnad S , teef !..ter Q. !later, 1 spruke Atreaa afrord Itnneler. US' rho:Wormy ,t.Thtnn , ..s . At d l'eaftr Wm. t; Stinaut.l LN:.)tittOlnyd.- 377 IA e , t, t, it ib ..i.e,trrich ,tre”t ; J. 11114 9, A. 4: ,,, gt0r. 113 lirr.:tawfty : Charles N Y.; ,latnawrt C. 11411. I.,ldraza. L s,atta i W; 1,..,ada; Sr;vr It atn”cle, Is 4 Ji i,k larvet ; Stant S Tli.ll. ror IVe4t and .tra•as : J..hn 1.. Dern. Ts Wares rtrert.; D Van Wart.. 'tra..t.rae ; 11"rniiu (1311qp. car Wpot and !!tuna i'..ter rt. F4 , ti r..r. Ctintn ca•rt nail We,a Reuben 11r.A. Jr . *.;;ht Ayr!, N ,1 Allan Plat,11100.1a*: , laex . irr It Drittna..4 l Wil.r street-. :alai - al.! Stnnitir,frittone Inv; Sam uql Sbnw. 101. in Y.rlr +l. l , ttriAmltzta trit ,rs', - iT. \...c II ARLES 11..11t 1: ,;. ; (711Aitt,F.c Agent. •Ataatroir, Sept. IS-.1; Lodis,rsviiie itoolc 4 _ -- 1111 rizct Store:‘ , .„.,. , TuE ..0.1,riber:14 , 4-kuld • . il, Iv, ini iv itryle of i m . 4..e.vitle, ag.reareOtuotine: riott i ntry that he ha. e,.. t a. ly etilaisz.“l and imotpt .41 111- Stolle. o 1•4 1i1i ,, 1 tit , l4l lA, , bine , . . on 4 • ensnolete , 0.4." f usettt. ', of Pal. tR. • .11#.'.1 4, •... , 110 ,, i,...i)V , ' 11 . 1..1rb , it Inilow ClbOs. 1441, Putty,,yakt4:4l•• .L. mini Itrto.hi...t. ' Alin. ,• - ' • • . •. • i - pmens le IF. 1... •.rtent;eal. Wit.. w;ll , ',ler'lltrory, Tnn to , -,Vnti,ne. , onfoefttot•rry Tnitot ”rii , ' , .r op.! stil r aet.eioa imp,' ly 1, 01 a NW. .- a n 10.6h1111 eh tof the kind. Ale., on h•mol a Inn o n• , oelmeat .4' i, ' ' nooks 4, s I'ATIONP,R.V.• r , _ • .-. prr't4'.rinx : !r.Z•ce uhioh Ito'. pr to nit On as iealuiinaf.'..t..• no. n , voy:Ltote,iii the ei ut rte. DO (,T. .1 All RIF 1.1. V.: -' ,iO•4 tcpent ,nmn torn 'it!nier , l,nn•rit.rn.n . lt` otlioe (2 lOW R bim.; elrefolly 4otetitO. ittruntvtana vtriot...io 41 by h' , n , kf. for Itlx own a , c,q‘int'l3‘th.fal;ro the . lieo..fit of Ow nnldid , ltu;llerr Frh•7s,l nhenx in , let4l atl ein•tc"• ni.Lip7, to pturchpte aro invi'ett to ret4.'n4 tee for •therote!tts :Nlerfligle o i , Store nn: • the It. It., toiler,e;lle July • Great Curo - fok Dyspepsia! . • • It01.71:11TON'S THE TltUr. DI • *.***V •: I .Olt ' from URVNET or Or- fotri.th SttenitrN of thr . olx, otter drir,•tinroi Of Iferon IA Vihi.lli Ora t Phisirlog Chemist, 1, .1. 8. 1101.7t;11 • . ;sem...0 °4 • - • le , trelv Vetere'. Own ItretedA, for ?in unho*lthy No 4 'nee rem e ftt ii. • eAtr ers , 9601eA. flit Nellsroll;• l'iogs • ft e%tteritot ne:roielhir to the tto4re 'net hr teAtrn hy ntnAt fre'.lo tk .t lent s elfin rot n•rrater rrerk: rr witlpret 3.111. 41010... 4 . lfee-arr: of Drugged Pep.in leen - 0 Drill. , •_ - n•••?.(1 on the' ;tit tm! g.t fro . ;vine nmoont nt se:rroifir esilrner..fr..m initnal ;11hreti-try: Dr_ 1"11•4 4- olou'y of Tl;z,At.ron; or. Il.'"rfra' T. 1-I)' ,, r; Dr intoi Drlner. if Nrer Torts : Prof Pritf "4:Ilt .11. %•; Dr. C'sreenteee Phvitin'rety; An, Intrelhrr wits, rtynits of currafriru nil tin ..4 Om* rtoir , .4 ,' • , l'lTN!!—Tl*Tre , :hnt.o.* of cpnltinoi ProSIN hefty. Irrittol 4- I :rort S. II ql .1114 ri; N. ft , enlr llrr•prirtor „Pa. enpyr',l.r rie h l e‘eerto-A.. -•rr.r...nl hv fire °Clete en(li)rele-rs' . per bottle. •• ryyr i'nr Pule by %rtr,1,..1:1 - ItRELI., Tlrmrziet, \f'•nrrn•e .'.4 •I. •§"1 . V r.e.11 , 011. . • .• • , , . ?II or4b i Vorip bu :ad :Ss - imp • of 1 17 el 10Ve . .. . 1 D3ek awn 1 ~ . . . • • . . . . , ... Tms. i, , P . tr-17 ' r..7.fa'llt f2'),in'etng, aelentilleilly - i•renareel fr .tu the le:At. Itie•oe,nto ,; Herbr of lie , il*ft•- 1141 Ito lic.o and hae gatne.l An AillriNiii tea Al 1.111111, - or fir the felieujn; Ili. ri A •' 7 . 1.1!A 111 , 1 ill 1. 21 - 1141 , •tr..rr2tlteni . n4 thel.ieer in l I).„!:•Atjee 11-I , ‘Ata,. .11101 01..41'4.'11r the . W ll, l. MAI /11. , r no.relp. and thrt. ceersii all rrlllione' l'i.a Pet. *err il,ialplqin , it„.ll‘,,nev-in7• fil il,tre7=l!en. 11.1-livene- F.. 1 " 1 "'"• 11, *"• 1 “ .1. ' Feter :1711' 11I0le.".latlinlil . .e. N l.en. L 0...: of A pp,.tle.., t , ' ft, i• . ari I n , All'A' l ll LTV - 4 1 111, 1 AA. n.. 111611 ~n, l .unceW eryry -parf. 'P,,i:ir:o!F the Illeutl and aas rur:ne. .a',l, Illtivir.. , 7aut ,, le!en , ,I"l7'preni si•irrilf.. - g:ct if hei.n.,!."er-in,e'llr. F•r,',lTint‘,l;;lla.,l.er Mien, - a an tin , fare, "lintel:yr, Elictrr,Tuitiptr.'Mereti int Dis,rie, Call , . - 0 - 11 S. /GC. 1 : . ' . 11 it , L T izia-tinfr 01g - 1714k, nnA to p-rr nri nr•lper funriions pr..vey}tinz "nta;,Y.pnl.;lltl . .wl Ja g*. oil. • , :t7r,-r, 1 , , fO;PV , r2 - 10re 1V•••••ent. drug'. N.1.V.11, 1.'1;0.14'1 Int./ eating oli 4 i 4o a.t's or tip. Seive.c, i$ unrivalled in . 14 7 all ..rein'ale -Cont- ‘Weft' ,l ft"- - z. ston”ril o . lltril - t ;oft.. 4 , 4 . ..1119 - z rif tsr , Llll- , 4; • t;) I rip . entas. lS 41, 4 0.1%. Fzc..ol4ft,•liropgy TTriTio2 o nr.tln 11.0 of t 1 crop •Of Velfr•Yr itOot It•ep;lr.4l . I,v 4' . either onr=el.• jot. or in ron th - ttritlfit•-3 , t•tr it to su very e.:Vittnry noel olertitral w onst;ltinn, ire .10 nu-•I rbet•r11111) . teront• inw: 1 to the pnh'ie es• n re** rniii•thle-rti <Grit 0. • • . Voth'ell Rant. Ttrii.thler,e„. 1" : A Ay: Sootoor. 100 orl:hunk . fed'-.ln. Heir pr 3 r 11.17;iJit. C .7Q111.11, e or Prtsi tent e (1 ! •0 e T.Tti. V AV C errt t . P... IT P. ,Itttne fintrtn..on. S'Tiea . 3 ihnif Cnthc, nee* or.e•l•hinntired otbits of the r., Th il„. % nr iT.er 11, Otlrolo"T heen on,outioted 4 4 th tills ono t•fratt. , l. viol 'meth , eftwannfttetwm of ‘147.1t...a thyroonn.l tarn of lrePou itetei. Gone T have ovil,nro with it •• , moil tit op. rertii tli-e•wte. /1.4 i hA ir i•rtA it as e:tit , rtintr.l ton/411-40 Thor MARA A wilieh itriALit*..egr 04. Tr T.e.tnee:o l ly rein•thte 11,7%/fßiiirriAl , 4 svmen•ilt.it • 30. m,, tit- !, , rer. re. mnpnr Torri. , r on 4 '1,,w4t.-itv_ net the nrc..lo. tied arlm'n• Voolth - o‘glottln :01 !h•• I , Vq4'llll. A Dtpu T ed,af putrier of the Illookl it , hut!, no 1) %Tin nritmrs. n 41 3 , 4.114 1 1 53. • r r r h., m i• At: 4. 71.• • Vn. 41n. n-nnawny.:C. D ( rts.z.T.l?t, arid others OrnAltzhnitt thig nntl nthot. • . •; . • 4 .7+2.5014 in UniitniFe hi • .'•'' • • . • . • To- the 'of SusquehaßDU Covinty. •,- • 111 t 1110: VIITT . ..e;%1‘11 frara•44,fnlty-rail the • 7 n.ltPnlmtr 'Pe rr otrg s.lt.Ait Taut tI County ?rel ivnite !heir I ,rpy .:1114 1;1.11 ..eleetra ernei: 9 t.iire lU"'d; and '''irPrt?nh4rh eam‘i-t tel. tEli• le4lo toil ~ M l4.fitlZlklt• 1111.11{IgoW in eneae. h4ll - Enr the enter nit.* heesy and in-fart mil of .11.r.ifirrrnr,tryiea of gteele'whieh o , ait he rnlle4 fee re tTnil;.l,l tre are ;ie. teres;ne'T uu t Tte .,, ttlf termol i.„ , v;.1 'if y.‘,11 wi4 he an itind as eel Inv vie with err nantta.4,ur wor.l cooed. One. in part of. . Ti!neki ; Urn-aid,.stet ... "4 41r, - I.inirre, P. ;ilia i lain ly.aat Trolalnr!a. ..:sna Plain otter, do., I !. l T'lons.',lllll ,o te.' A 1.,: a/Tal . Par matte. M . dr 114ge., 1'411 , 14 Flom Or. r Sc.; T I,lr- ‘..tre veriete.- 11e.heVier Stieeels:lreeri-f; t..' Sf , " , Dar Siete , : 'bong ztia Eig.,en4 r 4V Jarntirt 4.1P1 riatt I.`lo7l,'''rbht^n• 11 4t,.n War:rra. up. I P. +Ogee 4 Spread , , Swi , el L I. 11.,01c 1 1 1.440 c. Viett.ri3 an.t Itislteol '1."V".4.; Preapt Worker Mara rioter. 114 , '. .11 , r4in lire Linen and eptPan 14 1 .retine. sirel , ..lllrting,;ll.4eateh en,tl, Jacgnaril Pieper,' . ' . " ' , •.s•—enroivs etf 111sielr . reel-fan- haat '4.4. 11 i , ontwits. Y...•vlturt.; , r; Ca.:l,m.•rettA ott.rtdot milk re ilierg lin tnr14,.., VVV , Tr. it eq. Ittn... ituS St earhmerer . %Vrni.E tr. , . I rwmtirs 44 e ~ nrst., l o 4 nr;';'f v..‘w ft's! qmntil , •t. l • MYl l .v.l ' ilTil.llle+2, ,, ll.q o ,cen ,l s;•rr ts Weep.. Ca , hmntr. .!tiokicni , rEt.,l*l”..rc .I.llca vet, FOIL Mu* A.111,. 4 e• I! • M nil 11.1,4" nst t m 11,4 e; ti n.i nrgiorv.s. 'l,Vark pre: : 11ntniF;',11.1purra. ‘lrriunHll4:•4ll. other eryl.• er4ok.releble Itei , leee. , • :• . . 71149... an 0010 , 4 varil.tv .of arllpr ..y , e• ntrn , 44 fench , t4 11nnin4L - 4th ,Cattnn and "Vr.!%. Cilk nni o , lt ton Vt•l -v. ..I,•ount,.rp.,Ane.A,,,al , io".o)4,i7liniber.4 Tlf II lieut.*, nen , i, p rii4i. Rao!, 3 , 4.. , tarme'rlfan.Sog, Van' vri ~ T ekinc. star- . lure stripe,oll Oirtsino. v.it.ll fiat.. &n.... .' '. --'• •1? 41 , -.. ..'. l -.---;-11!ti.4144.- Ittia4. Ply i lnirrahrtin bath W!‘at an 4 o.ttnn en•r!4n la.. 'l!..ttan an I Waal -tair.t:a,r-' lu'tin.l.': , *n..r•tf, .11i fli-.01, 31 . ..+1 ~ ,,T;.,4,i7: Rut . .: ':: - .11bir mt. - wok ',tr. Dry (Vi•• i... ' , 1 ;cigar rAttrinfei ' iiiiel Jr yn. ..,,,.1 1 like,. tiiren -a r relti • no.,”ltrfint 'rii ,tfeiee's. aitt l'istMl lThiint yew Rill eel! titlriAbilin & 111.:nnett'i, r!iraily pppn ,E41..1)... l'a, , Wllre. '. - ' - . EoPitrois ch•olent.ip short. in nird4it,p . - . gilzprot;mitiell hp i flice,tiye ilinctiens. it ilasirip'.). t 11l vnliti,..,l!lllltE ito piP;y illotiiw r f opitl:wite, ilhoirrttes us, . 1 4 1 w i i i i,r empininhi nr id:i!ifizeif t ietip,eeoikar4'." l l l "-:?einlq z.ll O 001\ 1 !"- r A l , if ii.tlit. I T :. whirl, lark iii it slhmi g ifi z i•i , q6419 or . :lV;r;ni 'F. - hf•a 'l)rnz: and(:,herni t gat stilrel . ' mr,,ri• of Fifili.:a n f:Aehrtioiti. rhie m,Fittli nt rut., Svite • '• •.- • rv; vv).`' ' - AAFf; 71111.f1Ef01., $500,0(i0. DR HOUGHTON'S . PEP. . . - itirmtutiiiton. =Joy F. Bron - n 9 s lE.k.se.tee',l6ll Jamaica . _ ' Ginger., . . .-r, , 11l ~ .JP tif !re,. f) tu , (~ p trt E:rguitrier 'hell i ti - 171 . . i 1 ' : sexiiits of th . ;1 1 e.i4,' in dred for ihe eithyoihf r r 4ll B 11 - .1 . If; 6, 1 ' , ir teii.orzh 'di rivifiiti.rTof. tfin fAi'li •`.l.l`efrp of 41'0114 'll'..lol,Litt' log Wt./Iniv y.; p .:, p ,,b,( 1 0. itPI% vote 0 itsi that ,tt;..ii; litirsvi dr& Ur' it %, *nit akle c 0n..1 -ionietiet:6; tolt-ri li 11 . 7 , iii.i.ry in 1 iip:iVilingp of- - Let. 4".0 - vilte. totvittliiip'afoki,iitiirl ;:littrl that it . is linkio. trilvt.iiin twapply in , j 4.1tif..0...* Cotirt. of .t4Fiort*r 3.41- .tiorprto Ilto•naldervio 4114r,r o tit irUcomit y on tho.tilinl •Mrattlay or.lantsary nem cr a lie. nar to 1c..0p worn. ~ ft 1 '01. 11 . 1 11 4 10 ,oell . ifixoft4t . beery, ste.,„ . oe - oth!r : l3 - 1 , 111, ng,1F...-9, 0 .041crit itg; to chs. ac{ ol.4ltsvotyy, of ,14th April, A. D. 1851. 1 'LOR'• ''.. j ls NZO CARPENTER.. T.ioderovillo, flee. 5. l's 3-19w4 piutto foot itialte\r, fiver A: Bat liarnt”,H Tl'lq.npilt.(- Street, M..ntr). Fatihitkatit,hielt4iloi---Shiip in the . A. liaiiltvin's Sh , )p, up mtairs 30118 GROVEfi; TO.ilor—Shv tinder 11 , 40: Ntaiti )1,,1111.1.gti, P:t. .IktitiKANT 1106,hE, Great Bed Pu. Aprnso, ; A N 7, . • 11.,. - 17J.51 1 11.01.7T; fa c inset. 1'. 4 .1T T . S COMinfir r:it,r. Fr :INGs. laitiurc, Prfr. . . . 41c Co. Cabinet omileduti)r :Thliutfaet:lrers, foo. • . . . . .. - G.E311 '0;11 FULLIP.III4- , Dia" , er. in 11;,(.1i . 5, .i.,-:de Mudi• Cll4lO • iititl V...,p,.-11,..t A nt,(l ;11,; ( , s ."& r . Suer hits "' , ''''Ws iit;11•IL :tivitirni,:t..,P,,. '• . . b. • Liverri.'• Est•lt y o,-.4e .Offii• 31,,ntr0k.. Pa. I pre: Co V. ILDIV Airing; Phtfikleit62l';:nd PSI 2 fh•i.,%y stmt, t s'OTT Dr. 11. I Stregeou'l)eft, se:iocs 11?tv1,.111i, and Tut.Aa w .1 - its cjit & . . Deniers ip 1 . ) 6' (locliety, 1.14,t,t4 and &e., Sp 11a. k -13.1 S. Eenticy & L. F. Fitch pirti.4l, s 4, thvir dr. • et; Attorilies at Law—Ofiii•e If,rnu• iiird by t,ittit• & Sirect!:r, .114rlite, Hanna Otittvy. IZALFII B. I riTLE. I ' Attorney arid efinitt.ceilor at L 1 P.,4411414,ti1.1114:r DVV443 .1 . 441 W 4,4.14 Do :1. 4141'1'4.'41y t.pposi!,e, • th , .1110):f.,";(3r,:it Dealer 'Goner !.t;;. Omit' and - rtrtn•ts, 13,.11/ MO C. iatikt.m, N. Y. ii 4.17 J. B: Whitney •1 . • .C. H. ,L.4711111C.:1 3 ' dc Ctif. . I • I • Dealers in Sips - vs .atid - 51antif4turerRlor .C.pper, ' fin;. anti iS c ivel Ir”n IV - dn' t t,l .SW9 west . :3ltll:- Main Sueet, "ppkr4;te :Dano - cro.lol Mrit = . 1 . . 1 1 fiv , . ~r .n... PrL ,. • : • ' 1 , C. 1):1,ATIN:or;.j , . • is. ii: VtionDn.t*r. • %. . - • Repaireii; Mit4eal !in. &v. Elrctru itlatiit..ri 44; 4rlt.nti ::aoiiitilv t..,t for •Se,ler iefk pp lAteildge • that' NI. .•' Sli..p . first 1-1..1.rm: the li.ot p 4: iriontirtrie 'l'ol - kniag V Establt i llfineu !.. Liaei ofg: litosciol&,• , Fastsiona.ble T;.ilpii, 43,-4 , r G. R.. 11 vt'l,•v's.St. , ri., ono d/ 'or Err,oir - 11:1:',Io.'s 11.44,, ri;My- at all liturn to . pleale i 11 i 11 - 1 . . 1 - t . - IP ,!.11. , fe 41;), nlll4l- er Ir rh . ! tasttli an d rom. foil ~f 11.4.;:t. whit ‘r:illt: viiithes% Latyst faA. i..ti,; to:.!111; , 11.‘' receiv e d, “lid old ottp4.obserx d uhott . retifo.sp:.d. - .. : • . ,----i- - ' An. T i tiitiat.,7.oL, mown; t.'l1 •i .• 1 De'al'er ill DrlilA,Nil.'Deities. Cl , r-ni - :thc,Pititt # 0i14.. bw r It'd, (;r , ,i-rrir, Dry tr.irs.. 11a 1 u,arr, Sr.,-,sir.% arr. Gt,i4.4. ty.tre, Capip erit , ,llo j itilr Fliiiii, I.thvi';,oil.;.;.Citikatvs,-Vrrt?.....q1 1 ; ' (t.w.Gi i5...4. r . Ito: and •Nifet Arti . 1 1.. :P' I. ~ Li. st r l ui ttwry. J..A.4.1ry,. :41,,,;1i5., Si'..t.:tsettis. 51'1;4144 . ittAit timvtit.,. Trti,...t... ' Nle,!ii:ll li.lrumerils 1.111 I.' , .rs, :11irr,.rs.;, Statirt ourv. Brl•ltes.,,, Stiolk4 Yankre tiroi, , ri4,_ Siv. • . Phyi,iciatt Preset.' 1 `tio•tv.4 e a...talk- t4 , tvytlt.mrl4.4rE ' - 1 . , . • FA:AN/111N. PEASE , . • Atto r n eyll%o Cciiiikeltot,i ... . . ,-..: I : • 'il hN Trtii:4E.l' VA., r. .i ~ • . Wtl ILL ittirlut 1611..f011y io nil inl9,iFiPsyi ervii (.. to Itif4`l!lth'... cowl+ y - ot.Sitton• hNivaiLl s lloilv..yaimlisa. Oil!. wri‘ii ,. g , ilf. lift , kibde trill W 1 11 .11.' nett:ly. Mill eitrtrg.• ,iii,dri•nte . ... . - I I . E 1• Wel niro'.li.tl. , 4.l.rr lb.: pn,t,c u tient of claiml.io! w t..”ldi,ri.....tlit:ii• 'rftx ., .. unit li . f-irs; ' lestiiiiit thi.thir ted :stat. , 4 :g ' uvr a i: l tliwt t, • fOr Builiit.. Laud, - 1 3 . 1 1(.,. i.11 , 00'.. - &n: .: ' ' ",] -7. ... . . I- • .. 11.7 _ I . . „ . ht.). Itottrs at titf.' infrre fortßily fweitpt. ti by I: T. ).ticlitiri . hi, .yorAh the/Ctlit Must.. - ,; • , • I "493:11 , . • CAItiaC4.IIAL,E. STA, ES, 4 Lt.e.t ,:1.,;5: : ..;';'. - 7s '•% 1 ' —.,•• , -7 , ,,, k , .- - 4 ; z. ...,,, -,06,'"V"' 4 •-41.„ .-,---;.--_-..:... 4' , ...,-;.t. t.t..-‘,- itljai - lim. '.• 1H E Silh4erih7T,!'ire •ro nnitpt a or' tit : ! ;:e7031,4tVf.'.141 C k rimgid .11.1 :Ito' .1 tit: l tigggi gggg titgg'L;wkwar. tliga g t ild. Wt. ttigggi., Dl:itilni.g. 2i). gnat... L. aieV: 1 111.. Ilit.titingr :awl gAggirgyet %dill titt 7 N , ! ritt. '-. Tig•rigriiii.ri. 1,. g o vt. gm !lie flir Ilti3 6 - :}in 1: (11:r Ole Gr..:.i. B ill & gogg-t giimet :1.1111 e . .lielx , t rolt. 'frotil t. , C .rl,4.i l iii ,1.... 1 4 .Nsestatlikt fiy .this mq int., C:, 1 htv tialt. co: , flier in 14t: , ~ t IV tither r“uti.,.l.. ..; ;-: .: , ; Fite r......i1ite11' iri Carlwindel".'ilt, 1 II?, Sol ,•4;r.1%,.r4. 11.411,.:31reet,0i: fog / 1 Brion son'' LIAO.'. ! "• : h GROW , it BRi . . . ~ , ~, : .. .1.111..E 1 141 ITSPORTA ION:: . i , j (.I"iril tryi , lvt; i ntititt ler tt . t . t in tr ri t ;:ti.in-t ' ti tft it se it ' '411),..,ndl . Ft II Jew:•li•ti"l)etitell A, Legq•rltui . It li-" 1: 4,...ti1ai Ny ;7 114 ,, ,, whit second, and h:rd Fri ntitel','6o,Di list. 4i,tible lustinttivd itt 1 4ipen tast.l4 l i ~ 4 A1)1. -It 1 r W ,'rEatiteti . ;-im . l revel. d dirPO.rfral. 84knzeriat ii. •ttie • f.0.--sultj4:lll.-d p r ievi Will tit! ; ~,are.ii nn,.”ltt in Atte intblii"! . whey and banjo X 9l. , illl , 'li littr . i.is4 tie 411 lie 41ili• . r ' i . D , , Ullk ' I 111/ 11.;1.1 13 Je%i:eted- Ill•V - IPWatehili, al' . '0..% 4in eleti.ni• silts . e.i.seS• fr..t i $-10.• . Sitql . IlitiVellIVIIN: il! . illllllllig vek.t4 'fro' f WI 'IEO; 6 1 7.t, ktal , o,ml li e :1), - .Itimi e d; -V It.tlemJeweled .te,.. fare at nd i.eculnls 111.; , ttr 68[75: sh it stinni-;luili' Anent in' el.liatiti Itinttirwenses w,iiii .sittik : .4.00 1 ,. 41'111 -8`,9.50. '- .i.O I - . 'it' tt liieli tot ve-11..; -den4luuwill 4l- I) l ;lizi... i 0 slat . Di?!iik , 4lo poiil.teil Pt ns , '11 1. 11'4 4 : 14 - . l .l ;• 1 1 t 1...i. fe.ii) . a 2,41 ....er .ester,..4. ,, tt .t”,.....it'.4. map tate.. , 1 ' Sze. fr,,itt :8 ! ,111.), .(Lift . l." Dia ist. - .lld - piiii:to;Pe 3 bit.re,si rroiii :s:l'. .it;%.;•11;y &v. SZA*: ElCllintii i Cb u t a l l '• AHJ,Tin'ii 3, :i...:;• , ..,lritiv , •rit Itt' -ekeellent,.•si rain - ri... Watoirs, piiiitio, iii. othkern, in litA i rate 01 4 ..iiigr*" . ditisill, ivilf . i , e +.lii . oiii.todir hiw i,e r ash:liks t F rei ; v iti A ttleit: i‘Vatch erysta:s,,-1 .. 1: 1 1: 1 "' rti-fitt l i as nytt., 1.,- ..•- , , ..„ .• I . - i , • N. 11,..- IVatt4t Clams and Key • arati3l o l ll . t " (t;41.4.r4-, - •••_. ,• • .- 1 . -, li , - : - • 11 ei-41"7:1Intit . of businesti frolp A... .i t , • - 1. A. SIN ii.ETON .1 -:- ::.- '.' • Wait+ . tit:dive I nd Inip!iftr . n''' "A . 104 18..t3---- - it 16t1::: -. . - , -' i ' l . i • 1 __.._L.... 1 w•l• , ... b , /arm for at:. 1 1 ~,i 'Fit ,titi wit „, ale Is Cor F»le a r *atlatshie 10 : three mile:, _ent.t or Mositrot , on th' i iiilh. Iteud,usia reur 1/ 4 [es front the Wulf ud it t a iga Fof ~,, este hisslslied AVrt.P. 70 .aersta i lo prpyrd, aliA Irl 1 buitail ) is, 1 1 i wet' watvrt4l, mid!•i a goo/ 1 4 4. 1 sittptovs-Atent". Ihns ft Trod prebend, and Will est rt., dairy ism' porpm.es 'Well («ncrd virtlt Ira' .ke. Said Culla, %lit bs, outd vet" cheap.` iAl i d " ° the out,nosibor, t * Illonthuee. Sutitot Ninon c9wl t Y'l Pit. ; 1 .i„,,, Al 3 ft • 11.4 NI ell it.'.%l It ER tif A• ~. Ztiontrose, cert. 4- 211, Itt,a!!, if - , - 1 li 13MEM ea ' rle J s • [ t Maiii' 1, I f* ILO i• opp• Ofk: . •rdwoce, 18%1' II ntfep 1.. wile! , rten." l I gub4iie Kin and t Lid; I : Tom xi bans Bing!. inn ening .It, La*, 1 nail~. En! of Illetifiettu l / 4 4 s.'cs ! ; i4il. rbong. - 41i!I in. rarii !geirg z , r;itit" iir tt. r t!ee i b!.Tti' i rett_ i ist, iQte:4'llend limit nht l i tipt tettindtha r ri' , 1 - 1' •-' - . the Sthri.of • • hleeksi :)t•Tpvt [ • .•. 1. . ?THEO.S . - -.. , : .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers