• • 4 , Lord Mayor 610 . 5 y in London . Th?• banquet,. 'Ova iti t!rte, eyelOng of tilio • (fay at‘Gailbhall, is rierefientod tisk deLondon' cdrrespondents to have beett,a --magnificent af fair. Some two Allquaand guesta were prcb- enL , 1 -.., ,';- v , The iJord ii - a 4 pro Posed ',The healthil of the foreign ministers present, and a hearty .welcome' to them' lie said that when they returned - to ' , their'..Own . 'Ciannttieti; they - 4 , 010 ..there sustain that - good „opinion = of the city Of London . which :' the citizen s were desirous to maintain ',Xbera - Nas no ,: -.city- whatever : that was more interested in the peace of the world thstailis citi of ondo .1O conclu- L n .1 . ,ded by calling on. the Arierican minister to respond to the twist: i : -4 --- -- ----.--?; -Xr 'BUCHANAN aro se in a plain "dress; was! received - with loud cheertsi`and isid•:`-' - . .40n behalf - of • the foreign 'ministers . and rayaelf, I beg tt - i return . yatiu'-'' my. erndiall A n d hearty thanks tor the highhonor which you ' -have eartferrA spoU the-diphimatic coif's. ' •• I• .confess, my;lord and gentleinen, that _I have bees :cinch struck with the gorgeous 'speeta: cle I have witnessed this day. I had read much ablaut it . beforb -I came here, but 'I had no proper', idea of its . reality,=not the ' least— In this. age of utilitairianismi when the records of feudal times. are. rapidly passing "'away, it is highly gratifying :to a citizen Of : 'my cpuntry to witness ' inch a. s pectaclein ' this "ageof 'utilitarianism, I say because I hear that a -steamer, is about. to be placed on. the i . lakes of Killarney; and as a further commen- 1 -- tarp bnAhe spirit of the , . age, I •may mention that at the time I. was'e,onteMplating this gor geous spectacle 'I received a letter from m • country making the . Most minute inquiries A to the mode in:,.whlch a distinguished , states; • : -man proposes to coition:lc the , smoke• of 'Loh - - don, which they say, if it can be- accomplish- ' -; ed, will be the 'greatest tlisiing to all the.l' mannfacturing totias'in the world: : (Cheers.) I do not profess to be diploroatiat:—far froM • ; - it ; but in this age diplomacy has rendered' the I ~ • most important services to the wort& Thl: highist - and first duty or diplionacy is to pre: and , to, eultiv WI friendly • serve peac e, commercial relations throughout the rhole of ' the ciiilized World., (Cheers.) May I venture .to hope:that these best objects will be accom= plished by the distinguished diplomatists whom I,see around:Me, and that in a short .period we -shall. Wear the welcome news=welcome.te all goqd men in all parts tif-the world—that . : ell' difficulties have been settled ancl i that Eu.: • rope 14 1 still to cOntinue to enjoy the blessings' • of a firm and lasting peace." ' (Loyd cheers.) _..,.. , Horace (keels advice tolowig en. ;. The Noiivalk Register says theta young man of ihat place wrote to Mr. Greely;requek, ting his advice as 'to the policy of pursuing collegiate ethicatien to prepare him • for the professiOn, 'and received the 'following terse and cliantertistic answer. New York, Aug'., f. 16, 1853; M/Desi. Sir: Haa you asked me whether I could . advise. you • to de.sert. AgricuTtilie -for . La*, I shoUld have . answered no! very . deci dedly. There is alteady a ripetabundance of l a wyers, coupled with a great iseircity of-good farmers.., 'Why carry 'your -cm& to - Neivens. '. MI() a College FAucation, my own lack of it probablidisqualifies toe to appreciate it. - fully; but I . dd • nk.you might better be learn ing tirfiddle... And 'if you are without means, I wOuld adviiie you to hive ten acres of goOd kind, work ten hours a day on it for five days each week, and . devote all' your spay!: time to reading and study, especially to the study; of Agricultural Sciences, and thus"owe no man - any:ill - mg, while you receive' a thoroAgh, praetieid edniation such - is tiot the _advice you seek, nevertheless I remain. • Yon* ' . Hciaacz GILSELT. - Or When Genl.Eattin was in England_ on his way to Spain, whither he Was. going as • Emr_oy . Extraordinary and Minister PleMpo : tentiary, (appointed by Gen.-Jackson,) be stop.. ped at Long's Hotel.. A live Ambassador. in England is the next'thing after - a tve Sever- # itevoreridd orso of.. - i th ' oign. ,So when our jolly Old General. w . The.J eFriale , D'ort _nit, giveglis f • th e fol. ~ 0014.0 sit dewn to dinner for.the first * e i lowing se ouht of the.C. riviction. of a 'llir6ch.: it . .with` some friends in . the 'aforesaid flotel,ktlie tin chee ia l o'thouglit tat Jordan ri4i-lierd landlord came up to wait obsequiously on the I reed - t o travel; end that be had better'provide , table. Eaton whir was a hearty obi•_ coct, l tilmeel:with easy. means of transit :',- t • Seized him by the coat-tail, saying: "See Co ric ' tipnrf Re , . Mr. .71fole.—Wt• stated here, landlord, don't stand there like a nigger, some: weeks , ago that 'Rev. - John i (Mole, a but come And sit downalong with a fellow r Presbyteriati!lininister who'. forwirli taught and accordingly he'ammed tio blushing:John school in this Inirongh has been :li-rested 'in Bull into a ehair.,. The hosier and_ amaze-1 Duchess county: N. 1%,, for horse_ IstealirT.: moat of the English Parish under' 'these cir- Iliatriel:Ceme on at Poughkeepsie la!fortnight ' crinisbnees 'may beims&ed: -- . ago. . ItaPpenieci iiiathe hail stolkris many _Though such obsequioners.in England to att six ;horses, nearly as `Wiiirons and . Embassadors may be quite in accordirme with .herneroM. On. the pert '9q the defenee an et . the system of castes which dooms ninety-nine tempt was made to' prove i it the 1 lare:eiiies men out of a hundred to be the: flunklys of *ire tharestilt. of ii3 4l i'i.Yr hita lii4 !tio -11312 • the odd one, yet in this country any approach coed , for the jury returned radii* ref guilty. ci •toit is detestable, 'We would therefore, at i %'4'lizti . e not iliira - iviiit he 2 ient i eri& - `of the' this stage 'of the business, mildly ' protest . Court wain'. ' .„_:- ',._.:" ', ' "..--:' ' '-- ' r 1"! - ''' -.-- .: arinst the running np of i the . Russia-fl nag *Mi. - Mole Waiter:66l4y from o age county Ito:Aso° piii, it i'vis i ' - eliettli;esta; tun e!c..., N. Y., - . where be li. reaper. - fairly Coirneeteil: his sum, ap ailialived long enough in thii " coma-hhitja- - . bred , K know , it is all a - heasbag 'I - '''' ' — *Y• - °l ' Pighli ilite.'"D' children counto .1 • , 11-•-•*:---.-' Thu . 1 - r i t i ... 1.. ~ nsfly concerned; while on oth- traiiied hi - their 'Mother.tifiii 11 , ~ er side it is a bit of nunkeyism wholly on- - i -them were i brk Ai "a - a ,) , ... w .j tr ,* rt " 6,i. a el j, n t - b; - - \ worthy of Americans citizens. - amides, - the-1 fri a l, and thk r '' double ' headed -M i t , P i 31-t r ant 14*) . 4:11i °FI in'a In s clit ill A e l i: - a ir !Z e it ' e to Pln the e 's7l4 4 .A til bi e es th _ place - floating from ii-flig-ritsdi - .witii of sill& A ' ' r . :,• • ' . 4. -- ~ • • the republican liberty-cap. Down ,* ' ':thOt: .- '-',- . '''--. ', .- : .' I ' ` ._ . __ • - - .Tic State Tern:here Astiion' will - ..__ITS' 1 11' , Ea r The . wolvea oillfahm s seem to be un . morons and semarkably, fierce the Present sea ' son. - The secotumodation stage ' . .and Passen gers from Rockland tO 'lldsehiao were given batik from the ,irotpds neat ztiver, :and detained over night,' by a large: detachment ; of :obscure image.. On -Friday laid, Colonel Campbell was aimed bia pack of r wolves in wonda, not a half a mile From, • big' 'Brunswick. Pour of them eitne within tvferi ty feet from him, whereupon he,turned - At boy; aimed Ilrith an axe; and hisadvereiriim; alter Teeonnoitring and a few low grow' nonelnded to *stmt. , = - , The Missouri Leilisliturti . 1 1u4Ote .::tt, v 4 providing Ituttno heailaitrid tii:endarselo l 4 Witheut-the . oolsent. his indarseniontihall • in Jaw t such consent.• . , . The - I. Pear lIONT fice flex and fir new pi certain - fhis uni see ou ter. ,-. ~,,.- i , 1 i . Lit-r - A .panlll4 in-410310 f , ofj: lie • dtsting. uislied 'els!' pa tiicit,--.3MIX, Mrrctr.t wa i ri r iv . ,.: in at tho ErOhthyal 'theatre, lip. .Ir(fifi' . oii Monday 4ninig - last: , 1 It; was' p 6 $ tnenie t at: lair, 'whi h must lurieheertki 114 'earti of !the Exile. c • ppeeehes ; 44re • [Made by '-'llrtbis• o'Conner!,.the ',President; Flilitehei, , -- - littaglief, ' 3kKennil, preely, - and t others. ''. The --p4ecif 1 • . 1 of Mitehe' the , Tribtftm,' iitti ,•., \ i 1 1-amimble sunied. trated, _EI) Isom: , We°.h4fp - 1 re. teived - ii . ..•ki from -, :the' -Publish . i„, „ s ., • 1 1 i 1 ers, -11-e . gir , - P 6 w it' °I- D'avenPor-teNO.l -iyerik., and fro:ne i n- hasty iglan e et :IN' . toQntei i )l2, 1 are not.s4rped et the re itis.'.'having, with' the reading Oililia. 'it is -ritto with phwerful , i tidietieri and decp-pathein ' tl n- most ;leasing: Style of CA linpular en hor, and ,highti-eafee , lat‘..d to i good. "I%lr. Feller , has thi) 'Beiik c/t. for salo:iit this -Boroli, :' ..Prieell,23. : Call end _get, 4 -eupy;,aid s x ? iif word for .. ityoui*ill, .6 11 d it 04 of the Fnoist interesting py4licaiiiins of the se4e - .n. ' -,. h. ;- , -. I - jar Erlo - t7n WI; -hin1:1 ,41.7" 1n we , lave a i Teniiity and Nvelt written ettef froP•al y . Ounl gentle man who, promises - to, vrite regulart3i:for our * pa thropgh ;Ceopinit•tii4ionOt (.lentress." To M tiet, the a . Prelim: ions of "(inOrillutsicive •neighboi - perb ps we tail better state itir.t his name is Stuw, revilerly of 111.4:or:X. iputity. . 31 - ueli to our - rerret,' it'iji d 'not arrive Jill our paper Wa,s :A press. ITS;*it i-e'lern' :Mat 'Sir: pnoW has it troctifed ' r ite linmeste4liiii.-= Our:correSp`ondent; l :sr:h;d4 us a copy _ of tVe Bill Which Weshaiji pUblit4t in'inir fie(xtissu4.— L . We' gladly Welleouil , frieiA S.: to our Oliiinne. TO. Advertisers: 1 - 1 ',I . Those of our advertisleg patrOns, I,vho Pur pose soon:to reitei-• their advertisements;, will confer' a crearr l: - orlliy making 1114" Cliange nth ; bpCafsit in.l the enfarmanient of.(iiiriii.'per we Shall necessarily have to " re-set" all the oia "adverti6eirient r 4; that . dre nit others- Lie 'direct ed, to make theip-fit nit.- • Coumns in ithe iliri l'ii• W sheet, el t will bor:theta as - Much rworli as 1 it,;!wouldtie ii int n i p nog. i it ,iii'ai...ry. - -..4...4., . We hope thos,e interested will reinethber thi4. and send in .their admertigements . the lastof this Weekbr the first ...;ir .nimt; for after, that time 4i,sbali be . so hurried- With Ate ;work, neeessarily involvbd in-the eha . fige of tni., 'pa per, that we isliall . have but ,little tiuie itc i o. de vote to the advertising department. ::\), 1,,',! ----7 it I ... Egr The Canal Commissioners silp 24 Ares. 6t: in session - at T ilarrisbnri, We Pfeil..dna, pre: paring tlicir . aminal re ort and .ittriding to - the general; ilisineSS . ot - the §tate , it4rove: ' - .76 1 - - Ntr Hi d' f rments. I The ystone sal a, 1 o vut stan ing ~a heavy.reducti v n of tolls, the ineter;se of bus iness Swells - the gross receipts of thei p i 'liticar t some 635,004 Aver th sp. ot - the Preeceding I year. The reguetl6ll"o !rolls was IHitired in lorder to secure loasines . against 'the - ioinpeti; s lion . for the westernrtra e,;of the lidos in New [York. and Marilami:...' r i• i ' ...• ir avisair weetiai TO Lant2isite - r, cam men4Figon Fuelally,:Deetoer c i Re from jCommttiais appo: ineeting,44ll be 4 reicentea ,iciiitlil f ollowing . sabjeetw; Normal Schools ;the PriOakrOehool. 131 4trie t sO 6 c ;l- 11.rt;iiilei 3 ;` s);l4l44tiPng of Teiciers; Statiej - aif COaaty Otiliekirdeats ; School tßaelptifie i . I , 42dr e " '' "Inii . i'' : ' expee; jied fi l :Orti4eOrka' tiff:Wharf ; giiii.;(4f Alla= L ileipti i ii,iaid PtOf..fieobas: : 13 - .;afrittabwi Persons' as of itteatli gOO 'f' , #aceriagi wilt ',e - f . ' - '' . ecirtgi:ti :0 1 ' , *ii on * State Railroad'at - ! . balllthe '" lar Rik [sat the elfizOi# of . naite! bave .46 oo l ; Rive - Pie saim'xia h; . I .lol6tairtainaifiltl' I 1 -: -- • ' . ,;1 -- • MUM ,-:- tW.ltid . Cisftrn; tsi,Aiirme, iviiii s' 8144 Warder ! ... if*al:tit:4mi . IgU=Ni [ liofi O • .. .l" . . ar We e j 9 l tri!tartele .71 . rhilade)phia Sithif4iii*ay, a new pa er j ntarts‘,l..:eolatt.:GrOkinh'Ae aced plis .e4itol"kk.,atAra. Magiiol:o;l`: 4 It g is 4. to whomi,:ni,n-o,Alue,riio,oning from a per nentrat - ;in Witiq t - ; 7rlgintitled to the '‘. l i wiigh,,ilif te'langiilin:'FJ' ..-- - ---..1it,. - ' The Postmaster-Gerieral. . ,We, of, 'ennsylvimia, • feel an interest I 4.11inq.5..P41iPb.e.10 , M. 13 ,0; , .` 11. 9 Is. of iIS; lias beenaitiirteientlyabusd to be pretty Vila . • - for. it is . . Mittivit,lnitthe, man. jo.stles.the crowd in is bold efforts to-ad i lt is teilitsTist ni:9iicked rind knocked °Ter his cj-,• s; once irt still he gets on, an. the gaping bOotql. - • • wonders at:Ms exer flint lisoon o 4 of, sight ihilo he iti le the ever-illiekening erow4., of,• less-,eger tlr,...dampliell la., a self - - - nade`tuitn, and -hoe f l vone up the pool est ladder:Oh that. confi dent step which: hows ho litiew his destiny, and WAII • equal to ii.. • Ilen'are not, ,asn.gen-, - ,e. - rat rule, n unich.-belovedilf they c . •titiirip their ccitcmporaries,inthe,race.of life,andtausi ex- . .peet to hear that they, are rather , poor. e.rea- 1 bares; a ft erall,onlythey have ; had c tike Tuck A .venerable kleidog ordinal with lorig,iiirs T -n 1 style of cOinpliment.net niWays-agrepahle i lint , , 1 'Which shouldi, be, te,,,the, ,then , : who , has read men; mare aoeptable . thanopen flattetT.,... The, .=hostility tnAlr., carophell ,as a - candidate for. aJudgeship nf the , snpreine, Oeurt ,of this] tate, thougif, very an its....purpose and,ef- I , t,,preves nothing ,inore-than that a popular , l c amot hid "li,een.raised.by . those of is ene- Thies who pulled certsin.,political ....nd es and controlled certain newspapers;. but Ali se , who , looked quietly,on were. edi fi ed with - 1 e sigh; of s man , effectual ly oheekinated ;on the polit 7. icsi ch . ess-boar , by, the,, very mOvei lin might 1 have,lalownw itlil he made } -and Who should have taken a leilf from. the. book of his adver saries, and'iearod it' efore he cowl:apnea the ni gee •, At all.; vents, kr. Campbell' toil . , the. game and _ th e. Judgeship Judgeship ; for, which he should, thank his starsfor ... there weinnot a few )%-lici: wished hi mquietly on that 'dusty shelf, '. Sand out of the way: :'•• : - '., ', . We ;al Ways _kelt that Ur.. ,Campholl . Was -an underrated, man some' quarters, ' and , knew • . • that-he_ whothy t hia qiiiet adminietrative gnarl. ties, had kept the , Whole Democratic party , of the county of fllailadelphia under ,his control, wais'ilot- the man - , to "be coughed down, or kept down if knocked down; accordingly, we fitid that hnilid—no mutter , how he (Rait-,. procure the aid . -Of. governor: Bigler. nod of `Janes Buhltanan , to ; werk. ont a new puzzle in thegaine of polities, and has set the whole host of :his enemies toguessing iL Ile is "Politreaster ? General, and 7 those who dowelik e it are not in the most amiable huvrier in the world, but ' wonder. how .the. mischief he 'got there.' But-so ,it is. Ile is -there,' and hes , sixtvmhiru'eli ahun _ ] tly competent, to ldis charge the duties of ,office,.Snd altogether, , hat, quite as much asto 141fed' his opponents as angered them. - .... - - We look back over he large buSinesS'con neetion with: the Pes Office department; COT; eneg some fifteenffears,...- and we ire. -free t e. say that, Since Amos. .endall---who.did Irmo Pri`fierts Of rows with.. contrac.torspr-we [have . ;teter known thelinsiness more efficientli eon._ dieted, norpromp ter atteitionpaid to griev , itipes, .when fairly ; presented-for there [must arise accidents which no .human foresight can prevent, and such 31r. complicit very prompt-. ly,remeffies. _, . • . . " • 1 - The efficiency of the head of department is very -perceptible in the large post towriaef the conntry ; and. . in our own city, P,ostmasterldil ,.i and .ins head clerk,,3lr, • Miephy, have all 1 the advantlige in contrast With the late feeble and timid inisnagement • iuitip r . kr. Wtiite., I Tile wore is den& - Wilke celerity sndoccura-1 cy that, extorts praise from althost every edi tor of this city,:;and the• comfortable feelings we - enjoy this winter, Com-Pared to the last, 1 have mainly instigated . us to , write.thia article.i Sir..Campbelticalt a fiord, _with such' deputies, Ito sleep very snowily nights, and to bear, with ;Ty. philesophic comPosnre, almost ankablise political rivals.. . , .- -•.- in Ne7.1,7 . 1.Y0ik-41111s. • . 't il4ti3dl - .. ger hi themtaitchhip ,- m o 7 . 110opliaviwes ' . . Gretit Erie - Eta oad. We U:d in the New York, papers p. yery toll ieni, , tby . report the .History and' eraditien f the . Erie' Railroad. It is the host zoinpleth, - an/ repol. that we Ivor remember to have seen of .1145 . ;0r any other woad:There in the 'report, masa of - .the fullest information upon the oie.s giving Pointe tonihed upon. It is unde r yitoo4;tio be .o.em the len of- William J. MeAPline, late State . Engineer tor ) On . State of lice , fr: York, Zia at pr.,:itent the Engineer-in-Chief, and :deo 1 director of the Erie 'COmPany. - The lnrge, amount of capital stock and fgnded:debt in i-olved in; the work; and its wide diitiitintion f,Ebares and bonds in this: ceintry . ,and in Drove, giie to , the ii . resent virripreliensive f e i port pcCuliarinteres: . , • : :',... , I. Thecott :of"' th e road and' equipnente l at f 1 e.cl'Oie or the fiscal iear, was $3 . 102,83-1 . :1 he length -1§ ''tailes, including Ifewhurg mach, ,f• ' ' ''' '1 t I Th whole I'4 i'l 1 o origulA , t:ac -.-,. ..... 1,,,,, u % i :lite& AN:,Ailligi ncil.. .;—,•!, 2 —, 1.'" ,11, t 5,..4 Sri 4. • e s um of construction' for 1 htlasi4ear, it 84,0 . 1;101.. '' . ; %ifiib:thi Si W i l leil ew track _ was hilift, and 116.3-4 ' inile l il la al breught into . use; and such -iiroe,ese . 1 ~ • • : on other sections of the'iu*nd track ' 'b' '; t use , f0 r . 113 r .4 ' ' 'f,the . ,nng•ra o e ep ring o , 'ring : seamen, a total of aocinid tfack - ,eqiiil to 4 e l f slf the whole length .of thi -l 'had - .freia i lstek I Yoik t,c? Dunkirk: The iota .- -I gisialsQ lit;: o ) . PiilYPer iii : l!hili c h •1 3 2'iLri; ' 4 ,. tilrfkistki and 6(i. new locomotive, -..- ' niraeted fol: *id; Will be , delivered- :diri g the,iresen'' - -el A PATEL&SCHAL" B 3 lin Star contains en. account familriaiherieiat the residoece Miarvidlesirsuth, in Iteaver,lf' with the old i gretti greyelehild and surge.'. ,C440,41 1 ft , 4 1 4 . • walked into,Balralo Creek, time o .044.0 41 4 j, b il . l l :* * l I l Ya t i 49 : 1 5 .. • . ilie T S .: " The thhd clang to ttet abatattiat - - PROM WASRIN TON. ... .e ,-,,, ". 4.. ' 1 W ASth! Gli ne Dec.' .! -18 ~Ili'ilie Saii-alai'fi: Clay, 4 1 01 0.-.: 41 fil prime - Mid ,Orelereileitiale of. 4r.. IFitzi* . ~,,,S °miter from : Alitharns, in the pla ce Hof lagfrooei4;_ ..-.. -- -.,.. 4 .-. 7, 1 Mr. Fitzpatrick appeared.and wr Mr. Norris, (detn.) of N.-11., ' mous co n se ntto. introduce resole I . t ing tife death of Ms collet(gue;', l —the .ruies of. the Senate deolarild sary iriadept'aily proceeding's illi of a member oecuis during the 11 1 1 sentwas given. .• . ~ _, ~ ..] l' - il'Al./.1141.05C,'*;• ,8P*91.1-iik t b rose to a pri‘ileged iiliestien, stet raiiier ,GIIT ks; ' delegayeTroilil Wit ii Prese4. iitake ihe iustetrieil Mr2ltictiluldson; (deni.) of 111.1 1, AIM con:mission• br read before fi be taken.. -1 . 1 his opinion'- neither 'gem nor, the tontestant; m r : Lane, Itothe'seat.' ': The:Catzijiiission-' , waS read.. '.• Mr. Richardson' eaid.thie sohirved' there is, lirimi! Ateie• evidenCe of Mr. : dailigos e right;ei.- Ahough a:certificate from, the .Sec:retnry - of the. 1 1`A.ritory cif New-31exice; - givenito Mr. tatie,. conflicts With that of ' Mr . : Gallegos. -Howev er; thie.wae a matter:for the committee on 'R lections- AO investig,i4e. - Mr. ilt, -13resented avideatan;"and' the poll bduk of INeWr Wider; 'relative to t h e COnteited electio I ease in that . -- . . • ' - - Mr. Gallegos' was sworn: in. On motion; it wiis reset tlt sand . copies of the addre '0 .11rinacs'en the'oecasiori - 0 thel - of 'the - death of Vice Prohii ent- -with that part of Presiden 'is me proCeediro - in:- the United '.'St/ I 'Court, relative to the :mine sub . _ for . the use of the Hods& - . '- 1- - : 'Mr. Houiten' (dem.) of Ala.,icre4n, the'Com- Mittee 'of Wa'yti - and.Menni, .repPrted',:i hill making appropriations for the, civil and t . iiplo-- - Entitle _expenses of. the goremment.. for. r tho Tear ending. June',llss, Also la bill for .sqp , plying the deficiences in. thc`apPropriationi for 'the year ending June 1854, an atb l m ing -4 ,il ak . aPProiniatioiis for the'paymerit of invalid and other pensiOns.. Referred to the Comuiittee of the Whole.. -.. .--....;' _ -. . - T he Chairman -of the - Nara Ctimmittee. of. the House, 34. BKock, will repor . i, the follow; ,-owing :bill - to: morrow, and it U.lll l probably -be made the.speCial or.der Of the 4iylearlyin Jan..; . , nary:-. . H , , Er.c: 1. Be it / enacted, Sic.; " at tbei Serere tary-of the .Navy _be, and is here*, rMthorized . i to_" cause _*to. he constructe d `:'o r" the -..United• •-Sl,steslblaryi at ai early a day. 'practirable consistently with a: due' regard i or, etonemy, and ,elliciency; six firstelass stpatit frigates, to be provided-with screw propellers and prop. -eritly . armed find equipped. for t i tiervice; said vessels.und machinery to be. Ifkuirt.hy:coniract or in the government navy yardt, as the Sec _retai7,-of the Navy may think most adiisable -for . the, public intemet--- •-• l' : !.. —• • 2. Be it further enacted, that there be, and is hereby, appropriated, tole expended under sne-5:.!...:..... -s ~..,4a......641e i of fha Navy, for the purpose above niecifi , ma for alter ing, confpleting.= and launching -the. - few ates Santee, at Kittery, and 84ine, at New York, the sum of three milliOns of dollars out of any money =in =the treasury not otherwise appropriated. t The importance of cult' eletion upon the bill arises from the fact thai i t ailless it is pass ed at once so as to permit the contracts to be cl made before spring a year ' s, elay will occur. The appropriation of three millions is simp ,ty a commeneement,that brings•as much mon ey as can be prope!ly expended in one year. It is to be hoped Congressi will make it inv. partitive epln the Secretary to have the ships built by contract, under thei superintendence of United States officer% so, ass too see that the specifications are faithfuly carried out.— If this plan is adopted, and the work is given at fair prices to establiehedi shipbuilders we may hope to see rut great Al progress in our 4 1 naval marine as has takenlace in our mer chant marine. \ ?dr. Ilsseeck deserves g,r t credit for the prompt manner in witch he ass responded to the recommendations oi the' Navy and an al most unanimous public opinlon. There is no doubt the bill will pas with scarcely a show I of opposition. Comneted With this subject is tbe reorganizatima of the • I N 4 avy, and se haves full confidence Mr. Bscock ill be prepared at an early day tie preset tise) matured opinion, iof the Committee reetganizing the navy on an 1 enlarged and 'proper tags. ir ARREST OF NINE SAILOT4S AT CLEvELAND, It will be r membcred M i tt nine deck hands , on hoatd theer,Lonisstana w ere arrested .I .I,43sun at Toledo on Monday last, tn eomplizince with) a despatch from Justke_ South of , this eity ; they \ were suspected of be.nged ia, the robbery and murder of. A_ Anderson ecern of Clef eland ; and from sonic eaui they were discharged from.custody. .::The. nisaana AT ste 1 rived a t this port PusterdAy at n o'clock, ••-"• 'ciracer,a Lawrence Itad 8 lumens Ica. 1 zn wh edi ol l e te o l ith bw" em. eci The l ; er wo7 ad ium; latelydeothme flouted to jail. We Me it'ef nand t Mr- An = dera9n milled ea Yint Ati to WAS sec. ond mate of the steamer Buckeye t . State.— He:bore an excellent repu tion f bri t ) and honesty A Gern;an, t'h ' ~,_ • 0 came UP on th e 140 eishwa (Mak / 34 fEilet WO destined in this city as a witness, but has ilisappeare4. lie stated that ahortlY aller lea'Ang patio An denson went down into the steerage where 1 ''the German immigrants were; thttahortlY af-j 1 ter a number of the deek t bands earns down, and;began to conduct. themseivea immodestly towards: the woman; Andra remonstrated, and a fight ensuedin which be i'lla . worsted.' He then want up on dir,ek,,iand that is' the C this' German Ow otshil9, lit 15 .4 1 Ito Wr that other Pe ott h&Ve sad' they} Ander,. son robbed thrown Oyer . ' We hope i f the matter, 3' be thomu* t , and if there halt foal PlaY , tie fenders maybe ,be en tto j.' .' Whether these.) nine deek 1, or "Y eft . tiitnalfhe gailtY or, sots they should . detained 1 141 the whole affair be ebb' .to ' .is ' tioa.-.. ekreimai.r inekater• - ' - 7The: -- New of e recent, of the -Eon. • Theieriemi i.*sofEo ;;zis , • ! • ' -I ,the ._,, _ best ,., --- ~ .1. .- - The. 1444:1- p l folno ss r " i l 7 ' '---- i ,'' ' e.-, iL ° w l ‘l E 9 Lts i e ll eYß e e ll ,pli ne ill r eg. s' i ~..,,,,,,..,,, , ~_. ,_, , ,i. , ..„ ~ , ~ Ig. ;• i ,---. :Pi tr, -L - - 7 \i . '''''''itililiksuh*O4 , ti at' op-from CIOAL ' Wso„,hantl.l4l.,,niade a auee , fiftligiaat r t4t0,,,, ...1..,.. ‘,,..„ _ .6....[ i c ) 4:Axiiikettnief. ainiterfeiters, and finei ` Al l - trick t l t IS, I f t'l U. se,,*. , *_.. hi rl e.- , Pai 4 , t4it. - 4 ii ' N Jll '-- T ' f Chid I - i r',,,k .. 1 frote'On34 pb#l4tuti ,- .. iitelligilicer l .-; e retaq 1' , tf,', f . ~•-„lng't, r! ,° a . . _ a ri . ° r, ' e j . , ii 3 . , •-iwilf find thetintitiFiliis .otiL:lo4iitatisiiii!!iilvVlZ was 41 '''''#.t. re ' ll ° lll ' l4 in i u m Pi r ;', -,t u- 1 ey Indihns'Oi A poltkiii of; &pi., 4 ` . otihniSoeti; el.'* - . 4 ,s; )1 # 111, , , -, , .. -.l* . ,,NlSSigßtit arat.,,pitel4 !pat "c6;., and fatnitiarlyAnown surveying party, on the j ! iVoltern" Pizims,l&' ll , ( e f i X . Y ea i aia t e which hay ' 'been looked for i With miteh inter- I as - & 1 .. . l' Sam; To nry Erway of Potter ,Co., AC - • • • , 1. , tA. inattison of. Tioga Co., an the notorious . }', - .: T K ltus , 1 4 ..isisey, gen u tiemen . it . 1 r e . „ de a ler phid o f r I -la OA,mP, NEAR "E:L e 'R;I * IORE .3- , - . 0. otito'bi r gt 3:, tog , ~.•- - . .-, °Bout h ats a a ort time. aso,,,in - ia e - GovEnnoti::--Dieming that iti mal t be 'of in-, Phie, and very lately : , 'rector , the, min at • ter4st to yen; I hasten to Sent • you succinct, Icornill;•',..The.Y, pas s ed a anal - * llo 4 ll t , . l iAceLgat Of, ihe late , terrible .:mass"" ogre whiehl money in this neighborhood, a d;there . was neiniind lellhis vicinitY, ; , th i ou cr. Ino t.. I rn'no of foimd mong the gang eight putoi - ,c - iiia ~ _ _ i . . i the 26th iO 4, o n the; : _ 4,6 3 i ntp r i th e 1 5 t h eighty ollars,in dyes on the - ' armen . -and itt 1 instant, ealtf-. I. Ni.,Gunn ".40n., 4* a PortiOn".:D ec r u ove ~I f tellt- t ;'ai nt a : rita ol l - , 4n ll riTv - fiTivor az: : of his scientifearty, an eseirert-pf seven men, t ' - if a m ount iii pries -on - the land Mr. William i'oltii, littlfauti,!itsouide, 1 Laileasier - ' l' •D% -'-'•-- 1, 4 ; • - -: .. ~ i ,„ .. -.: i. - - , •il• --- ' - - 4 ' . ,-- - -th - ear ' -' :. -'. . " It 61 - i . -.1 left our. esinp! on ' Sevier., ;tor iho'purpose ',of ' a' first ` camm t, ar trlit ~91 1 ''•• -- ft -'" ti; iH A. - - . •-• •,;• r thifillii eat - evidence: , ' Tans': as r ei bad= just. surveying . the a -es. n f saute ~. more tn. ,I . ~ , - ~ .. :. „ ... „. moved Withl theremainder i, mi I,ixituind 14 i 'Oeeared lit 1161141ag th e u•• • •"'D'E r Pat-Y'- - V ar; Miles:up the'Sevier,iliere l'inten - diti:g to, - A•;at t: . f.ihal_a Carnini;'wh"ll-re'-they.""hia'a'J.ast;bra: kenl ' the' return' of the Tate Cape Gunnison .' i On' nit t . lftrgentrit;'-in which"-Tittisiiitin rainei' , ' the morning of the 26th,littil I ,!1.2.A. g., the Pa 0 ear, ! 1 a att therefore .en . gtve up ' '' i.... -- "' ~. d - ie ' 4 - * '' h . ' ' 1- . tli - ' to tliii OffieeFand'hair ere lii r s•lnidelis - 'bifiv non-eo-reieszoae o icerfuN e arge o e es- - :.. core eatne ,running b blest ,- ;cam &Torii the - U.IS Conti, now' sitting, -,1 under g rea . y i nto p.• .. „ , r, N. Y. . ~„, ~.,, ‘. , -- E - ..,.;.. under -saying that - their party . taid en seri/tie:9,441 11 d 's.taa'N... he believed it hadlieerl . 1. 'il ed.l '.l iiimedtato: ''' Th . ' ; eis no donbt:a very tame 'amount' tif . I.Y PiOee - edeci le the ftf .Spoi - s4th'Sil the :tininterfeit kri,ait viell'hir'of Itilli,ls deposited troops. I hail, in hops of Sacinf settle of the in this ci rgton semewhe e, read yforetreulation More arrests will nodoulat be made. , .., , • - party - or rescuing the .woanded.• , 01 - . my way , . ....i . _ 5 .,,._._., - _ ; ..,. ~ ~ . i_me . t ..tili. ee or more of - ror l ll -• eii, . - .:,' :; .- ha . d. - e - - a _ . ".... , To Tatir-Weredit. cannot the 11 . ..wareiled'Ao. coped, all of ;sip*: confirmed 'the sad intelli- •°m,e° ~.c. 9. -w• w +—think ~ w k in , e aPs e. ieree ; hat :kitiew',Ootwho.'iaillildleiti: ' Pit'Sh. ' th - e : l4 . l , i t ' l i '- 'ecm , i - tibli r" F a:i ' ffi c- leni;liiPeim- St thirly.thou--:in rapidlYen, I fe.ttehed-!at; dark the Sof • ' . Yiva 1 1' ' r ri •:'' '''''''' l '''''''" i ' ".'' '' X Egzat'-' livered"hf-both ; ' - lea, • Their ,Dre dia,ltiot_and-Lose . of Life" , i where three of the party„hadifal e ,. _. I bodies were ,filled,with,:irrow vgana4s, Waugh on'the illhioiseentralkailieda Icing, toge th er t i ; i :„ i oth , eivire e i 'MUtilated. .'-'1 fiklted ' iiii corn- ' :-, ; : 1 -, h ,,,..,,,,.„,- ' n --.;,--,e, .- .; ''' !sav; and the - - -F - - - L. s . _ mandhere ferthe night; ald!ivianed ---, ,- I; --, -4. ' ' - .., : , - ,::. " 1 ..e. = 1;,' , :: ". i,.----.3---eivn i 'r!`••••••.! 4 ,-! , .' . ! ;0. . 13 4 11 .4 Y -, "; A,lllOody ilot,to k :place among the labor. L u - P rerne -tight, whist - I s proceeded On - 4 Reaching the -.' . - ' i - _l - ''''' 'get, ire printed! • • --• A ' - 'in ' . '• - . era 91 the Illinois 99Y a ! ita'.'lraltlL.,,taat •vicinity-of 1 the camp,- I Ound „Ithe remaining• le - ye teidev roar ^' Out of 'a i auetion of ''corpses otthe ! party, all 1o , which ere strip-: .ages ' ' Al - • ' ' - i• -,' , . - • --ec '! , 1 , ...: - - f: , 4 ',-i ~- -T 1 .' p!ii and some ran tilatea- - I -1 . - ' , . .,A .ut_trw,o,u'elock, 1:1 ,A kc t i 1t1.1911.. arose 1;94 Capt. Ghnnison was - itill'ed-fly fifteen arrow_ 4 e l l ,All, 43r t,,St or y, a paat 'a tt a' t ;:' :0 4 ai a i:fi l wounds, and had hisleift!ltrai cut ' - .' f the ' latter. t ' h - ~ • 'toff .' ' ° - P •r • ' 1 IS t? (),PC' 9 .„..i creetzfeNt ha d both art'us tit4od: : The state- hot dead.-': - , altericarai- - Story's' . ~ -. ; 'it .., .. f o llows •• • :was, , --- -,• ;- -„, •-•• • - Shortly •-, -i• -.-s : --• meat-mane by the. sarYlverA es as : 7 oft : was .• attackel and ' pillaged,:, and' , Stor:i i , 1 That Caplan! Punnisani raehad the first w 6 - - li.ul:`;oneeah4 iiimseff,ina barn, wiis i ' or 19 ki a-t! ' il• ?'L on ti'elltilii insta l ati - an d - C'a - -foln lindlbrutallY ' .. .-MU ;deit4l'4S s ii - end ! Mid! eampeil Wtvrecti the !site Ind the river thickly b(l4 being ia'-';bi wrangled pag6 4 4 ‘,.,,, ' fringed -with willows : -1.11 4 . e party. arose at also red at, but escaped. it is reported ; thi,tt, day-break, and were in i.luiae of breakfasting Ai -3 k 3 • the other ;;It -• • - ; ,q .- 1 r: the tp9s orynap .on „st ct . when a ,irri 6 e Yell 748 ailed o n their left,, of the river,hai shotnine biorera. - 1 4 accompanied with adi large' of rifles and "I ,r - i .At I' La s lid' county ,j • 3 /4 t -- • • • - , --- • -- •• 1- le- ~ 3 e . SP.', a g"....•. - a"P -e e'--' ! ) 1, shower of ,:arroW,.s. c:Th 'escort seized their on the spot, and, after some ,resistanee',during litia.-S' and s9me foY silo For, e-x P-hande d ,” _which- gee Irishman was shot dead ' and itvol'. when, - finding that the I ndia ns, , l'fr,eraPial,l' i'V'Ou s iltde4 'thirty - Of the rieter;Were - tei'e . e.4 closing- around their little party, they all tried The .. • ' r.„, . O t •--th- ei i iote .- has .- escai id . ; t 4 i ;to ro ach th ew horses. T' -iose who suce . A A measureauato been, taken for his Ppprenm escaped, while those i w)o °failed fell.. The sine. , t"-:_ _ . - lowest number,of indiinisl is stated at 60. The ' --' ' ' ' -----I ' - '''''''' !Areeri!:an patty consisted. id:, twelve Menull told. • _l';- '' '- - / ames o toe ki ll ed.-1-- opttun J. 3%. unlit. pep, Corps ;of ToP. Eng; .-,' t U.,',SZA.INVEn „Pot-. ter guide, Monti; U. Asir! Tt. Ir. Xerntop: ographer of the party ,ir. preutzfeldt; Lot: I aniat of the party ; . Pii ; 44,9 Caulfield, Liptro ! tic and, Mehrtnens, eciinpa;rtthcfnonnted riflemen; John Ileiliii , s, employe - ei -- t - - '''' secured ' ei ght ' i ' `b e rth' ''-',. The Indians secur rtfles, t wo H 1,1, barrel alio guns," 41341105t0i 13 7 and about oiM,,ttioSantieatrikels ammunition,!allihei 'scientific instrunfents r i o ethepirty.,l and some of the notes of the aurry., all of those of the Wahsateli inenntainsinikil, in fait, most Of ,th " ,Sketches andicro,ll,, , ibettvoen tie ,San andthis point. I. VI . i : In.concluaieg thisbst4y note, Peirriit inci, to ; make known my obliOttlons..to - Mr. Richards fluid President' Cull, Of - tlie - elly'OfFilltho're,"for th - eii kind assistance in; enabling - me to 'send` an expreas with this irife'lliginei to.the Gener al Government and to Our Eicielleneyi t,., I am, air; with inhell •rspeet, - ' 1 ---/ • our obed . t servant, ' - • ! ... • '.- '' i 11.. M";3101KRIS, - , . Breve .4tptsta U.S.Army.- To'hisEseellener G vl, BrighamYOunn• Utah • Territory". ked nani out4r. r. Atlidrton . it nuntitess. it 3 the death ecii);f ng that Joao oath.. desired that , 'tirther: acilort• 1 . • r ay. • Ga was_entitled / 14 7 Wonderful Rou i t t of ',Counterfeit- The Pottsritie Ernilq :dmisaya, that throngb 1 the indelatig,ablo ener g and perseverance. of Mr. Geo. -Jennings, -; t itrphat of the Citiaens7 - Police of that place, ided by :the important disclosures-of Dr. ....‘_;pr ~.. now in the prieen: t, of this iCounty, several yersons charged with dealing:in counterfeit dioney have becti aries ta and either held 'td;ball.'or committed to await trial.- .Amon g . those- rrnsted, wo Jib- - derstand:that Chas.: Ihintml , tavern : -, keeper and Postmaster-at rti4ensburg, was held to bail id .$1,000.;•,. Jacob Helm; lamer, • near _ the same , Place, dare/ Sit 4.l).lartin PPnstriore.l of Donaldson, and lclcier,: stage ~driver,: - of • Pottsv'ilki, were both-41* extuliticil _in default of' rbail. ; ' • ; - ~H - :. 1. - :-..,..,.,..._. ~ ; I I - Tiernan Cutler dna. his -asOghter-s!tuth i - _ lii , . - . ljtogether With Judsc, on. lmor, Perm 4.-Temp..l lkihs, and• Dext‘ir S. 401131;-7, who -:were their, accomplices, and wlf,oilArrest for counterfeit, - 1 ',ling we noticed lt fPv . t 44" 8 ,5Pi0,, hare'. bePtu txir:•, l ken-from the 8aa1*?,..) 011, where :they:, •ddriii coafinea,,to Troy,, for r Osa9ma on. . . .4 - The examination.64iimencea tuesaay, .ana: Was c.incidae'a y 40 , 011. .1 : ,jt i,sui.Hh) in, ( o . , ,dingitie following .natded_ ,pernons, T io be, in: the sums set oppesit4lithetrdames .\ Dr -laolne, •Cetler,.s7,ooo; Puasq Ann "Ceti° ' 0,090,; . Orin . P. , TomAiTh *99 x; J4' - 0.1 4 INFIer , $5,900;-DqP4r.S: 4c41 :y; s3,' ,*(s. , Nettlte.r:i 4 the, persons : heir% db f lie,... to 1 i. „.„ btain bail ~:they, Were committed,,.. r ',.,'''',, I *:,-:; - - ~. - ... -14 4 °P ha A rart i c ,fiar l ej- 1 4 d , _wilt) -1 :t!Ire . j i*; era. named above, .asi 0 4 5 0.4rie 4 , 1 * - -P , r nti s ": . -.O I2I PAIIV ' . 7 ' 'h-elo. llll 4FtejAPCattiii , .• to4r-te " i:Pf., , 4t.V...;*: PitittiCt,-cPuf r keilklP - .6 cit.rt=s l olgay44 , fho: 44 . t 1 4.0 10 4, hich ed to -, ihe trie l e. of,',the - c:therii• - . - Ilie lee ' I 9 OII Y 4 14 itt o 4"l° •X ei. 4 * - 114v, ,-,§ e ' z '*: rtinips4 'in Ole 401AWEA ~.6 8 06 , 3 ! . 7 . Aid . . thuneb Oa knew ethett!.- to 1? 0 Pnaitaet . Oat,. in.NieW.Of gi!. Rer4i 0 1 1 44 6- . 4 *- Poi i, .*i'ltirre# the United. §Wea!p . / 1 / 0, t4T1- 11 /0:,* 1 ? tf., ) 1 44 1 - 01 \-• %A: -•• :i*fir ~,— ,i - , ~..-' -.'' -, .- 1. 1 . -'!", ...t' y , -17; - '.-.1.1 .:!.4-- , 44--'.• • : 'i4 'iliti:TiiigAlipt4iiefiwitt be' me& 10 the the incorporationatoFpluly to eopstnictlt: abschAwatertiiitittin termination of the4o,, ! *(.- Quid lit- s#igyaiitce. flietiteieileii - N. ieff44/fpin: • • ===i=m Ritilroadlnitinction Decis!.ons,a, '''l ' ' ,Pittsbitit. / : - '":* '"'" ' -',...-', -- iN -,- ritibii - D" ' 1 : 1,1853 n:Lfoitea Statei‘Cireuit boUrf,',.Tudgeir- Wlii refUied - the injii - 46tion, Of,' the‘tleveland, pal kyilla alifit Aihialnibt Railroad ClitairApi; aE s'the city 'or '' Eri .ana. , otheis:* 4 liflhe I '''.. " iir d i e - piiffoio It.tilroad Company; ;versus the ' rie and Northeaster Alliinitd-OttiipanY, 'l` ilia ,It,y' l pfErleiun' d other's; tho -1-9 19'n'Othiri - hO's lae.•iii . -gratit'rii"..The opiniofi of the'entiert yin nOt i- i l fic'eninfelf lik ther Clerk uhtif the decisien of the 'Sit'pritin^Cafirt of thiStatil hiAlie , oloo l'ilasisla's been:n4de".ktUrkii.l ' 1 -- r , r .;:-RriThe dtseourae.of tdr. farsons . ,.in - , the Spar-yard at the foot of Third st. yesterday af.. terlonikWas attended bpl! . ,. very : hirge_nsienv 1-blage of well dressed, subStantiallooking-peo- PYP st ; Pt" tli P m. i 'a t, i pili. -,i*lriti es H.. `l ' '1' 513 -u f A cte PPY _P ( '9f . 11 9 l'-'ealqi . .l l 'o , 9e. 3= i Pio l'idel# Y grow,' out 9 f h -911. !ektilat - .. he ta hl II le a h i Id 4' ;e ti :C .11 et: : 3 1 : n :a l i '. ° .! * V I I:a7 f i t 1 1 13: 1 i • :n , ' Tt of, interfere :s)l'aifiiPoireetlar 4. ! e l tellß :s i e:Aa' ,l t i 2 ..‘ I h 9 '7 ':::i i .18.81 t -c. h ti ili- e l : ' I°. a i ags u tS l : be lo ri n ti a es ' o r i sh tl ' e ti l i on e d d a g Y -111 1:11 . , '. . T :Th l'er i e s . ' : n ad- s c '.' v,, l e glf rted f fi d i 6 r t ; l io r* ,sol e' e , Il so l;i r 4 t. 'n in °" a tn 2 a 4 rty P r 11 ' 1 11 .13c P.' .. to lalf or free speech And givenhim, a' entisectoOnce _ nitich he would prObalily,ney f er hare nectikirod 1 - I.4 l ,hiafi•nit untOdeeeFertiorm r ...' „ est.erenY' Idle 4Y9r9 1 . 1; 4 P 911694 14 991 9 - ttO9fot. t 6 l ' ilterfilii , 9 1 'Pl9.9!* ( ii - v9" 9 aP d fi9i§ l .o/ . bto" 'Oi...,OOeh•' 9olPl3(;ieOlinO l2 ;tiOn,lFe r oll Wiilititlfi i sis.J . ce...Thls Woi aolt should d ie ; and we trust T lessen will not belest.'.l P . A. - ever) - 4'o 2,.'e his: say,. Whether In: aT'itieeling.honSe;_n , af6dral, er a ship-s7nra, on - ci joUthe'POlieO I p.e. t:1 1 . ody to protect fihnittthat right if`ntine - be. ea there will hfit!o oe&ision . for 'alai% or Sir ,inyiting one siaas : to, stay • ray fr o m in e . inf." 9,r:.an9th4. to. Ohailm9-,ilholr-9ii•9141# , 99a- pie their" fini3!ila.for . a -, fight,': A free field for l / 4 ely Contek of:opinion:fi::thn, . 'r -phliikinil:ly. country,And when it is fully obaelved rcc 1 0:. ems the necessisv for all otherentifiists. , -Trt., One. .' , . ~ - , , , . --• .z . . ',- - - ' , . , - .. - -.1. .111Tit.F.LIQuog Law •Pk' *.IoI,PPA /:'9P_ P ' l ""''' Ba i t ariu# 73 c . " l . -14 T , Jt is ** fi;.°T,Ali cl=. -* 1 het h . wir rat , comilailits 61 eon 9re - w _ u m. . ,-P . = -„--.. ~. •:.-.-, hidfied Foi_vio hitign4 o f ._ . t!lel*lv. Ai ( 1,99r.,,.., 3 % maile °Oaf which hst . .bo4, boo, yesterday r#:le iiideetalon.adveraeto;lo9!994o49)9lll4 of act. 'Throe P oin4. . w 9P l * ,4l e t y . t .Nl F! . : f 7Ao-' Thatiihe coolstuti? 9 '' , 49 9 , Pi r k i , 99.00i,e, ,°the 1 04°I-t°tikl 9 o 9 .9fAnYaot.or 4 eif 4 P 4 approval -9r di090 9 Y913 31 .59PLA9Pe9Tq9 1 nt.'tlut t4O.cOD9titPtj9 9 •SfP*#AYS4_i . kthi passage °P\M *grillfink ,licieSsMs..4f:'s4 .- lbe' sale of intoxicating &c liquois, . 341,. ' Thattbei 4mit4lttioniPeoVtoWth9-_iiigi l Cc? ! ! P:l4 --) r fie 4 _ 11 .4450 0 ... m-,e*!...; YPPIN Y :,.OO B ‘ R. int! , umide,..utgig #tscided. thatthenew, :kiln Yaw , •ol wgi010144i91911,1-.994V00TP01!-I;4lleed qheitiPlPlilint.; N.V9, 91 1 `4, 11 T9749*,99:1 114 _* • , 4 , B.stf. the Ply .C 9 u t ri i , - P .i:4-.01): of- ow* BL_Withoiew, , •rmi , 0 1 3 , ***,y1 - giv , t 0044:044,th t he FF 4 19i!9* .. , 0 94;91#, : 6 * .t , r on,ofilie-qoPneils t945.149k. the i . - 09,t19 • of itanstitationo4::.'lik,*S l 4: l 9ElT::-04 , oisdv-."ifii hico t ravii,a..-n;:5.,.1,t the .-.':,. i „.. ii ...iti,.;.t- . ' 0.;,•. ii$VsNSO 41 1 f9 4. 1 ';'r-=': •.-7..--:—.:., • - ','' '. ' i!,...... - fr'itlic*** - T ° l t I " l tzu r W ..- ,•. - ;r l 7 *h i , -91 *ranging itbut , o. 4l,ll i i i f 4* Ying snei 'boolk.„; kio6i'ino'illti!"--his father 4 1 4ki'90, 041. , #ft J . :tune- oithaf.: - lit4oritie - * 1 ,* 0 0:0 8 4 4 liii*ilifoode ihtimitiemati*fitlalfililip a liwifj:thjik;4iihlij i a - b ii 14 1 30/341 4 i0;iPiii i )i.'cit , fl l-6 *ti ' . Indbgtol'il * 6 6 lei 44 - 4At* iiiiigiii,f — ' '4eadiovni o f,' his: ifibir ~,:'-''. 44 - 4- Wg-r4= , i----i.,-.1.:1-.411Atilt''''k , l . h..,;.;,,.,,-,, , .--:-, ..- . - .. . ,-- —, 5 ..4 ... ,;.... ~ , i . , ,,- .. ..?;„....„ ) . -. :- - COYiTgRVTEItiEIi , ArillEir . ,..—O ne gro69.ifiltiKg:Altojibirott'anived Et Ttoy aii..f wed, - ever*: with a ma l i _zz.-_,., _, . 11,,:, • .1 . 3" .. 1 ., Mti15 , LOC)*IPO •AgAfaid to be Pivi.', %alb ',7510t,:, ."' ter an - crner47-Pireetor of the 0i... lOttatt .1.1),f counfittera!iny this State. ' Th' t litiev**j.tl4lo,lhaiF:leo'.oarehifig . fo r 'l t iei " 11 -) e''' , il iiked -, :hiin, ,to Penns 1 .- 1 T- In _ i ., 4 _:...- •- - .} Yam; -I . ooei he hall ft d, , and, .Whenpo he waa er: l imo a ,fecii des •einen., 1.110 has reentii: ' 144 "°4 1/4f et e4 Y ; th :' l "g 44 ll --o f-Ktsons•nav • 6 • .., - In jail at tiO3rre voutiterfotttn-and eoiniek NEW. -- i .--Lof 1 :i mail f c . • MUG 9 .4 OU , 0 orn mtrte stitiii.l44ifiei ikidinpiecedented rush ofsir, 4l „ Viers it i to- ilif) city iof Niw ; y: mlc from ail - pit * 4it.tiii4 . 4.lliltrx* l lit4 t.f- unusual; : quietum r . : ttrliil. -:rfitre i 4 piepty..of room tikall . the 1:4: rt4is . 'ii . "'iliiiiiiiiictiiirrigi tke, -- aiiiii - fitircli'Fii ; 1 cent tlifi,lligiiii - 3 45. rustic, costumes' ..th o , lo t . wetly;eX . hib1t..":0;.191 1 4 . , ~the CrysMl P . /pace and 0 : tileil f ike atinnAl DS can. 14Aoen wi th Out _th e - ' 4:1-'trcg 61" - ' *il ii- ' , .1041"4 41 1. 1 ,, - ,. . °ess,,Plgi 9 P --.. EiNtiz • *.owlisi• - - . 1 .!,'.. 1 - \- ~." ' ' ,-;;• ,- ,::. ' -,1::!..'..4 • ~.., rosT aI .Ala SC EMp a .--A n =ran em af tmeibe9efin-AllY eenciiCdhetweeP the-rie, eutheiitieeof the United States' . d Gtot riint 5 ' 13 ih = .viitittl 1 ( L'n relationto 'n\ 1 . , 17 , - ,--- -, 1 corqP.o . ehee-Peeekg between the: thilte‘r§tei(:; ,!, Ihe I.lp - ttedlilneom of Great :Ale,tain.end h e , lab las well, as J a i Uparti Of the-eo - n tin etn: whic . h. in,ai - 81h014 1 . 1 ,ter.. ehaerlet;er tca-eitt f0! , .. -. thir, t M te;• Phpadelp pia ~ t o the extent of iln niiif in . . m Hate, lin. 41 . 44e'rdonisii, - is ponstituted, i i m i. tar i*ith lie*jrcii 64Bostoii; - aii:ollitei s t , e. xetrii,„4:- ''' -'r - , - ".' I. , l. di 2 3lk l D, , W an flriehentsci , In.l4iNiii - i s deiice;: ieelerCtel 4 xatili b l Ilhin ,- lichfit th - el: 11141 - I.:lf t , _ awl *hat. ! . next V' “vigii next r l_Whht, nxt,'?? . , , ...,,,.. ,D p!Ess.--,7-1 1 144 ore , the -Ceurt.: - I‘lnistratig v. lieststiiittlpind!bsttericeohnsef ing'.9n9 , o._PA!fiPlesF:i. , *fe: tei at thciftrit lee they- sink. , ered i ?!fiiift.glasies'et, 4 a:S&og e bf, , " ne glass , of brmdr-: la 0 •0011 . ' - hrf me" nationeat Vi '-- "A “Dond-tiToil Visit c 'wt - 'll4e given Rev. Osborn '_,at -hi .-- holfse', it Nerd - '-3filtgiti, on, Tharstpiy•l!ee. C29th l -4ernoon ,rind-And 4 , s' n ' '-special itivil tion*ll'.b(; - -`o!reTi4 liis 1 fr:i. -. :20d-'t.ll: tinitl e:_gren`e . ritll,i*ilret:qt&i., fully invited iii nitia - d. ." Tit4g `people.in fie cveflinb,' d ' ~. ~ '',: - .....,,._..,.: . ). -=' •'--- '' E nq • fithisit; l • 'DEC ! il 21st-18'3 -; ' 1N If 2 .A1 1011. ••. - - --:. .."reneltitis thiough'plaktheConntvandiiietut of. Ednention igenei,allyi:aro . .. request - NI to at trona -4 ineitingi tit be-Alerci ,at,the. tim'Co4 [louse on , SatordaklrDee.l2rst ht lahicloci 'K - 14 for - th,e' put so of : forming 'LTitlEl r ers Associatton. i : ..Lt , :. , - ~. '.. .• • - ~,,,t;,,-,........—....t..............t.0.:1„t, i • ; Agricatitural , Notice il :,....Titos6.iatendintltp compete forplrain `on;-grnin of..whntsorteri l ltind,. , .nre lierobijA find to leave .specttne s= of - their respepti cli:ii3e;w4l.6-41.reamrge .Fuller, of ...Mowed on - orlieforo.tlutildrd Wednesday of Jan . ne:-.4-.i.nt .;.W.. ! eclOcii-_ (n0 . 0n,) :nitor ~v.l.deit ti tione - liilf t lin'idaiiitedito -- co4etitinti,;.-TII. will tiliO kiiiiliztistiCktOf ...their erolis in. t ting, ...Statinir, iheiliinmik - r ofikt hels-and t *niehi.iiSl buSllOl - *likthe certi ote.nl6 who-irisinteiditilneiiitrink, th e• gr. Clild and zr°F;AliP Pie; gritalidl,4Ciler _odd i - woe . ,lll,e,Ritantitil,of.:lnaiipre,,ip„ttister,'"'. . o*'d:initllftx - ntitinci,..„„totether. - with'llke I 'a , i' a : l i tre A ii i er l t,i ! t , fl 4 -' "itifid.:Cr°P..l; i ' proprietOi willnOi Signiiii StatenienVolit ill Iwo-the name with Mr. Fidler : in con E de, ,only to - be: knoion- by tt,to judgesk allr - th y im*:madii,tlsPirdecision. ; The Judges'o, A, Newton, : P. wok, and & R h riiii`ggart, 'ill) meet at gr . ; Kollois store jheffiiirdAYSialf :iliiy of Tan-airy nest, nt'o O'Cloiek; ro exise the speCimenslof-'graili t andmike, theiTile •ion- -,:. -...,- ; - ','T .; ~ ..; -- .. _.,._ ~., ~_•}, . -- -. .1._,... i" 'HENRY DittINKE,R,-. .M.. 1.; CATI4IN., . -* J.PHI s -i / F-DEANSI g,4,eOutivo-Committel . .. , The::edical ciet anip - at Meeting of the. Sasgacl count}* Medic it Society t ill bci 0014 in 341E04, oni,MreWrieOu.tbe -- 4tli day of la. .17: next., at, - Officens!foiltlie ensuing Sear, wiji be eb alyl'original,eoays;wiil be read.. DISIOCISee . a II - •_--,k , , 1 ~',.. -. ‘,Nrilvis‘.•- 14 .P*- 1,;1 ' mr...40. aWE . ,,iia, ,skr :--Agree2ZSlSt ioloC ontracadati ti I.gsed,yoni..' ItetnitiV - oali 'able htire Which' , was re nelerecl coo:plot 'slyly leWl bY:it W 7 ne#Pairi:, - - T.ht . h9Fse , %Yds aft, I at ihe - timiof-filie first applicatiOii: Ihivir 1 with 'difficult l y that ho could. be pit out 'sfableL4 ' , lril, "r iitedicitie Oniv..waitused . a -- ;110111eSt 48S 'entirely cured. , :1- mike this ac . in t I' on nt itra,eimple act of jasticecO:_Youi lon a at iberty , to--raalte"ouCh,Usi:or it zu sink;roper:: ,;.• 1 - . , FiTYL I AB TUIptELL, Lora, MontvSsr. - ral .4 _ • - ,„- .4. , t -,R l spisTris7s,ziptirA...... ,1::: t unuc, notice Is iteieby tiiVpit - le al ; ,:,:soni `oliitceipeditiihsestatko l 7. ol ` iliceata64, ,hlfthii'Atiititniittiater . S. -It•- i 1 .Ifitisitfisd Ms tiecoSnt in sn'gie, r. fite:to an 4 far .tho%Catrily . ,-.:0r_.§1 4 -mitt 4 ' and:4l'st the itintil Aviii be , pte:, ‘ enteii, - I jud g e ' s °tjtUe OrPlinik)ti 'Ceurl'er :•._itt - 1 tyln -Bit) . Arpse oft NV . eilnyMny the fBt I ) `i'ianithtintixt: ftir istifirraatiptua.uti t ~ t. :•t e7 L; - 1 - 1: ~,: : :i: T., — iiiN' 2 o,' -, ..,, , i - i ve - gi; - Reziftierit OffiCe:ltTizintilliS ',--. • r .•,...=F-i .--' De 9h ± B3. 1 © -f, w„ »3<9 , . L , .- t o . . oder., 1.-l Alt r adiptiff.fe`i'llie- a f:p r , ,y idpnee:' - - Frieldo 4 t 8 " - t', ineeoi subject 0 ''. It at'l e" BAP ! —,- , tiwt - v*ill.- 3 '4l.tit e .',,,ii i fi s -• -- , tw , nesdAY : in-MorifriNsev on . ...- a tir,'elObet-1* npxt;:cout,me°°l-5-10.A6 - t - ipaii - th 40 31t ', wfio:cot erint!",;.-1-,_ i..y4, ~,. ,i ,:, -.-:, ,-: rwt e.,, i , pcto:- , -:;,., , i s i;4l ~-,,., ......,,,.. s _.., ;31 _ ...,...... „.„..,,.., 1 -.7 — (1 - ili : iFi'JGoigig!'"-”-rit'ttili Turki, ,- 44, -41147,1021 i `Goods --- it ..4 regard p01.......-a-,_l- 0 fo 0, ;e.,,, g , iii . re „ t o m, - VpughtiotfiGM*tirkritilid'thei h ' e int.iiiiier Inisor , menu ,: 0 rtll7 I4iret Slgrf,t4tl",o4ll'filloP4ol° k-r4t,dpG9o4.4erhee.44''4„,a' u s: 3 4''A t ur , --d , voitiffilt;. 4 P t,-,Bollr ` 1101 "* . " 1 ' i 4 ptices.q;.,;,',.'-' ii-:'''' It' or wir l ' 4iitorii;Del . -_ - 9*- - •. 1 ' 'A 1 • 411InlCa;. : 4 1 ":• : % 'V HE innwil . 1;t ij: j .,l44nicir -and • WrifgaiYAtTurAPP lVOifitirmsite7iNiU Stienbaek; la Giiiiidiilga~ l4 .-11; Xqnsiny in InnustrislatWat : At "DratitCOMFOßn " 4 1044. Or .." Deb'' hidii ORApr .-13 A LL _ . . . , . • - : MERE i ' l _ , I ,')i-': 1'...!.'101 11f_ '1 ,,• rwsk. ; 0;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers