r - and -dUcheat •T' • un urn-. , e rk>e4:co akppo t4.lolaiifearizUriteiai t i ote i t . in . GiefiCtfaiti of iituiry..riki,-; kir: the e ritilon ,ef o ffiaeri.:anclo:che - tranaii4low,et fill o ther, basin eas..ifirliliffig-i.4lie, annual . theet-. - :4 ~ 'ORY '1853. • 3w. NQTACIR; hereby given to the 404-Holders, of the Brool~l}'► and'Leno7t - Tuffipik.e Road Co, thitthe anonal,f,lection, of 'said company will heltrat : the honse,of grow:Si. Broth.: • 0 .1 llondav the '2d' day: 41: : far t • a t , 0 • , • - .o'elork P. 31. ,Glenwood,. ILOROiV, Pres. f virtue of wi,... - H o f the Court of ComiriOn' , Pleas of Sua gnehanna County, and •to niel directed, 1. w ill expose to public sale at the oitrt, House, in _. Noctrose; en-Saturday, the 1 th.day , of Jana -„rr..next; at' I ; o'clock P. 3f. .- -- ~--, ; i,„ '. . All that certain. piece or-paieel.Of Land Sit; rite !ying and :being in the Township of Clif .f,nd Smquehlinna.County, bonnded .. and dea ctibed as follows, to Wit--on the north by the Public Highway; on theoast - by tlib 'Cal : , ender farm; and on the iouth . and west by lands formerly of John Baker, -containing one 1 halfaire, more or less together with the apt purtenancesrone framed House: ar, Bern. ,- L so;:one other.picee or parcel of land sit .llite in • the Township and County' aforesaid,' bounded and described as follows to wit :—.,on i ,the'noith east hy.lands of l'Knicltabulter . .:on the south east by lands of Chauncey Deciei, , on the nortliwest.bv lands of Drew Youngs and.' N . Co? -, sea oii the south . - West by lands.of Jobe Wallace, containing:about: Fifty acres ' more or less, together with the appurtena' noes :one Barn and athlClt thirty ; acie.s.i.,•iniproved, -which landi andttenements _have .been' con. l demned hy a Jury of InotteSt..' •.„ .. , Taken in execution at the snit of Thomson . A nd Chittenden,* nt•rainst - John- - Baker 'Oren , Thscher and S. N. / Baker. 11l that - cert! i dn piece or pare,el of land situate. , king .and being in the, township of Lathrop:' county of Siispiehanna, and atata, of Pennsyl ,,a4;and bounded..and described as follows, to wit: ---on the Korth. by land .Of NVilliam. Squires; on the 'oast by land belonging to, the heirs of Jam Deepny and on the south.and AVeSt by lands of Daniel Searle, containing; fifty acres, with the, allowance of sir per cent.. for 'Ro:ids, together with the alipurtenanees . one framed House and . Barn, and about twen .ty five. acres improved, which lands and tett— etnents were.condemned by a .I . ,nry of Inquest Taken ;n execution at' the' nit of 'Daniel ;Searle againscElisha L. Lathfctp. By virtue of writs of alias FL' Fa., all that Certtin piece Or parcel of 1 fetid; iiituatelyin.,7: an.; tieing in-the Tow : fish - 4)i of Brooklyn JIM:- ford and Lenox,' Susquehanna county, - bound-_ el and dak iydescribed,tiih the sLo s i t i o b w y s _ twi t o d , :l o t f ::—: E o . n ms t t l: o n rt: t h e y . : s o n: s he o n f ia N i V c i l 1 6 i r a p m en P te e r rk a in ,n a d - r ii .o nd b . e D d a ia n i - 1 - •;11Aon, on the south by Obediah Johnson & ' mnel ‘irrizitt ; on the vivst by,lands of Wise ,Vright conisining-abont iwo_ hUridred 'and i•;.zteen acres' more or less together_ with‘'tlie ppurtenapees t.'oj framed dwelling. houses bne wood Honk., fOur Barns, two sheds, one Oder hoagie; one- oretrard" 'and- about one hun: Ared and'fifteen acres improied. • • ' Taken in execution'at: he suit of Niles L. tarpente . r to the use of . other 'parties holders ;firyalue received against Amos B. Merritt & - Joseph W. Holly: :AUDITOR'S NOTICE.. Srs,QfralAysA, CorFry, ss:: T•ll'lindersig,ne haying : been appointed.' by the Or tla urt. of said county, an kilditor to,distrib e be assets belonging tothe estate of JamesAfey,,in the hands of Ilfilbonme mid Janine A. Oakley., Atim'rs, ."attend to the datiet - •ef frii appointment, ai itiA !.office in Montrose, - 'en Mendayothe 9th day, cif. lanuary next, al to o'clock in tbaorenoon, at U•hich"time and - place„ all .persons interested present their qiirris, or be forever Isariio from coining in upon said fund. FRAISINIIN FRASER, - Auditor. "December 12; 1853.-150w4. ,AUDITOR- 1 5 . 1:754:01L - F.HLIC - , - ITHE undersigned having, been appointed by the Ceurt of t7 l ommon Pleas of mid county; an Auditor to,"inake distribution of ith'e assets inibe hinds'eflainef N. Greens, as stgnee for thibeneftt of creditors of W. P-Ager, will attend to the duties of his, eppeintment at his office ii I'dontrose, tin'Trtesdaiy. the 10th Li of JapuarY next, at 1, o'clock in - the ifter untia, at is hick time and &CO,. ail 'persons in tussled will present their claim.,,orbe forever i barred from eotninn: in-for.a share of, said as sem- FRANKLIN. .FRAS4R, Auditor. Decembei • - I . _ ArbITOTIOS NOTICE. THE undersigned, an Auditor appointed - by the Court to distribute the assets': in the\hands of the Adaiinistrators of the eitate ofJhhn Simpon, dee'd,will attend-tope name at tti office. on Saturday . the 7th day of lii ca , epext. All person's ititeredied-are bvitod to appear, or-forever- be' debarred, - &-e. • • .• • .• N. NEWTON, Auditor, \llantrobe, Doe. 10, 1853.—Z0W4::- Will i lb lllainik . f-':-,:. w-the are..ill crest 7 who e t :has pieced us I fur son ded ue with, the ( , I O-Od p' 1 .rTe,h6altiai or re dia r it'w en , liisti and giv -en I 4 *Nbil, to. illy Agate is .I.nieertain the _ '.-- .',. prd rtfeiland elects upon- oa organiii . stion, of , t h. m iens ; , atanels sia, - 11 elo la the naatt fl \of Settlement Ila tbe Orphateo costs enta iiithin our:, tar.lAtme of Lydia. ThomptHm, of Snag tlebaalti 'CO,.„; h a n d:- ~,-, d er 4intr c0 i,4 1 02-• 1.. • : .4- ~. .4, -,i ,c.4-bearmitc,Es'r. ziorptions Med, &s, . arid' ..' ~.,' " - i,.,t a i rn ii i.A 4 i t p u p ate d rpm undersigned . berebk-rioiifies the user' - n p on li tl ie i e t -I n i lc o - ;t - a tr e p A iinciples of nein ra—lif-. 1 ties•interested in the aboVe matter; that I ter earefair, amdying sud - AmpfirttniM *g with 'fie will attend . to the hearing of the:sanie on l'ih e v ar i ous elein eri ts_shti eompolititn4uon-the ' Th , ur i i ,_ 4l v the s th day of Jhrloorri 3 o.it.ot-ooe-d" vent diseases iiii arhieb. it, is reemiimended. e'ci, P. AL, at his office in Montrose. -- - 4 , ere la no gtiOn!!-warli*r chance - havird i d 2l et Vii ':•:' ' Wm. 3..TURR:ELL, Auditor. - IL 'lt :stela, upon strict_ lehemical, pliyalociiiicil i ' Montrose, Dec. 12, 1853.•—:56.e4. • -, -- : an 0 .ple•lairi,an4 43. therefore h depend 7---4-- - - , __. • ed 1 with:peffeet eartainy, itr eitiing fihert ; 4 Adinintstratoes: Nouce. .'., : 1 i n igPitosjßroises..flurni,-tilvekr4 SpfrOne, • .._ : 4 . NOTICE is hereby triven.that LetteratTes-11 , ir re,. of any - kind,. and fmf lore in.,eaked breast LI meniary upon the. estate ' - of- Calvin 'eh .hands, Itetters .or rintreviirits., , The Ville . deed, late of Aubilra township , have ; ~.. L ;Al bottles dailysellinci pro o f • wig 'been ' ted to 'the - subscriber. All pampa l a' 1 4 =`• '4.. '' --I -- .11141 4 11 VET Or. RIAD: indebted to .said estatic , are 'hereby neste d \ .f. ..- -; Irt . suaratesad.lt*.Csif 4glitii, .- to mane immediate paytuent, 'aniribosie ' bai- - il' .. , ~.....-. 1 . : • -,' •---- ' • -7',.' , -.-. Mdtift.PrelPr.• iFg claims upon said estate to ";pietwtnt theui dlny lqtested for setilement.4! ' : • A. S—LOW, Adler. Auburn., Dec. 12, -1853-;-50w6. • • • !Om Goodll.4tbick' 14.2 'Flail Ina At the, Head - of .fiavigaticin..-. E. T.L4LET wouldreellyigifprn his friends,. and clistoilier4 and Ossesssoi this Ticiiiittgetter:: 444 tbit he Is nor triosiiing a aarty 3 aszt.:l,sid dun", SiiSTOCE steams 'Cops -sele#64- 64 - with gnat We, SOP.vice is adaitiou io Lis tossed' stskk; sstatts Ws, TI? - SHEETING S ¢; Sli7IRTlll ' Gs trnv r . %pa 8 1 441 - edfrom ewe. '12%, 1 "lan- nelA;Donititi6Gaigialas (mai% to/ 8 11N 4 - elmime rel ,o rm amain, gattaetts, Tweadll."? Jaaasok.a. frie.,2bloar et:ebeaper that:rim LADIES DRESS 060 DS- . I Piedd lei or merhm; sat Wooi - Detsitiei a Pavataattas. • Thlbet Clothe...WM*4 i-Penaallit kc.. IILANTS, a very large kot,froro Nclop,se• , CHEAPIDELAINES . . A Lee Sat to Ike. at•Uge.aiitictit taanti anapatterg / metorare said at 20c. - • 8L 1 F 4 .1. 1 4t0 - ROBE'S, 1 6a1 ewboesk ns. 1 • .CRANE SALT_ - 1 7 akk or • • Kamm* Nlog t 9 1853 *-- Attor lex NiTlLL.4lilekti L.':!ttasted fie wtalio, ..oteotdie Tjaiipit &e.- C IT E4I taittiftAity la id It`rilti I -he th ', • nd to the + I 'id . ciwo. - an • Ver tri!it! 1 . .', la ' all , ho, H 1! I Mai ..iii ilia, ni tirly it!Triplit` b i 4, of Ole ''iliiii,ll, tr .. 0.0, Tri, . . , 7- .. r , .. s ibeki . ctraily I NE* FA;i:ii . ad: 11'14 ' 1;1 4 A) iti c io 'variety spa c, iilipnois, be inay it e4lbi an , titt flie Empire istritei ;... rW . 0.1 1 11 IDTIDELE:I . .. . . „ ~. . - OrefctrY o illiaid fk*li t lisie - . 44. ,1 pie PiiiMorta and'. per iiird:l. Fren ch 'l irinclee of . i retttarka)) ' clip 'a,'" . ''' .. ' -.- 10.06 y ard .if Ika Witter. 1 9e toNts.:l - lie& OW Gioghnius ••. li 3.99 said ' - trioachert, au. pod Sbittl gli, fr ROO to le dd. 1000 yo 5.% rte. fted otidy. lid to 6.4.1 00l Goodit Of ere, ... :1000 dr- ilk, Itrops34.• from. We) {: deto, the lo Dress Tri i eferery dm. . 1 . ':', El .1). ..4.1157, a A: larg . oeit ' itr . Auction. I Tratelito ; ' atiezienslye 4anil•-••' I ~:. -;'' ' • • • -.'• • l'iiieffort,viili iie:foili s re4 01' lb - to-merit ecrotinuance of the p I lie bashifherto ost generouil .vlitat It 4vtu It sincere and h ' . ...'e01 . 41i of.o otet- - .V niter ..ir er 10. Nearly °opera the .Americi l / 4 10 '; 7 .• ] . 41 rFAtio A 11e,•6 ."1 crtooB lcit, pet received. a • - - Sprinlsil.l34. '. Ile .5 11 AW.1. 4 3 S A iftw tett or wool eqn g Aaw BFirPflPitle, Dec43d. . . . . i -, )..: - • . • - - ...... .H ;I - 031 E ,111. N r ittitiii-e's k inititi*.yibitr. I : V T. lire* t prices. -.. . r .. . _!.... - ' _....r. , • . • •;__ ,-- • - OT 4! . - nna:itlinv and 'irreg. ili li li itef. Oribi stints, an(l. , D snillo ln Knality;and iiricts: Dece yer 34. .1 araOrtfaent of , , call ilitollwe can . i. . .. '. aqp,.. ca.. • WitiVer..Btoc 'ol;Girbirs.:•.:l - ;.1....: LAST -IN: II glatTi l ,l) . DeCortibt, 1843:- rli, • .- I' lfltlaubiteribira, hare the 'mania of angdtpielfigtO is „." 1 1, • their 'custom - it i: and the;puhto getiettil63 „that they* . 'Pow iteeet pg a tart addition to thellatoekOt GooilS, tight at a toweat prlper.T.lttee , thtZiotrin mark'' ..and whicl 'they are prepare 4 to Ir I 4f,.. .very .... AL I,4COVATICII:' ;11tio do not ronsoo , it - o ary . to l a 7 ; name ,Tery article a our Ho fUffiCe!it. LO. Ole' we eau conchters ail who w 'give us a 11, that in QrViTITY, I,OIIApiTY orrltlc it , our a k 10111 bear 'cots:op:4'4°u with I.:other wta tlllahrueot n : the epuntfl 1- . • .' '7 . ' ''•'' l• ' -' BETarar..k.rtaip. •-. 1 i vt •41;:r.Etitll i*hai..l; • of, , r ain, eesp*.t. I Flaipet, , I T lit oolen t_to e ir, - Trillow, 'Lard, ' trued I. l tPples, or U. 'ln ezeharig I, k‘r hoods 1 • 1 LI • 1 label s: Is:. ..:. .•- • AIi*I'LEY . ..T4:A I I* - 1 4 ---- , -,--- ,•-•.4,..-1.- ....... .....4....___.•_,.,__ ... Flrm .for. Sept. I.i ; i l , TAT laygp ivid_rupelior fttin in ' k)irnemli itoiviiihip , trued by, Br. - 1044fr0 fA i l iti , ris, is Tor. eitlio -for kt Ifixiii sum! . oi , upon 141iIrt.s— , ci- - r. with or iv I . r.lllt stocktthercon. ".111 terms.v• i 6 given; d good - se Ty ••efititt l i t• . .i . . 1 r terms A particul rs . inqnire .0 iop, UT. I ligtied . : l i .' ' '7O-E : AI'V,S.I 4.pnt. !flock, ri ;. 106.53 - w 4 . - 1r • rent ther will de ItO I VIX7C 1 /ea tovilEi!!:!' • • ca.ll - to t h eatte,t—n of. Ids rkrels and the Public t 3 4 s very (44 ru,s3ort .. • I S. "r_ Q Stnre . li In rrsvi~ir , Heirs store, and carat Great Tend De l i ition to his :tiler anre variety F.:Stoves, ma y A Patterr4 3 roz!:i - I Pia& ranth,l Fire - V.Moh , ther with fo r 'Mork- Ateniive and %se' asporttomit of ol 'tithe County. , I 4to forgot ten, 3 the 'right and 'better to ,erial than th;os i courdry.hyinilleeteed vedlare. • large& 'lac; with j h,rge fnriiit nvcqof trill:Mang* a s Pedlars fm tdrh, weA triontned, . • .1 1 wes are not made ' with nbl Iran iie,auil none that have brim soldt eitictleiln Me line azia prilers teat Bend, al' able Fare' su senberoffer, arm in 'Gibson- toi 1; Pa.; glstern - 'part.sai the Tuniihraunock *impish anaa De COI th, fr f, , said Cann Ig a fro, She'd; corsi- house, rees, awl is well v.. offers _to sell fo Tara thin town . and baian ' on,".A os_ 23, : 1 I' i iri , ' r, . 1 ',...1. -, . :- , ' D - `i ,11 . ' .. i t 1.• : ' • •._ .., i f 1 . . 1 ' • i I - I D 1 7 _.; Admitslstra E'' ti I t T OTIC erebx . giv.en h Le era es- . 6 - MentarYi iippn!The estate Or IYeimits 641, latO of Bikei Lake 01'1104. vheert granted to the sobseribei.l . l l All per 1. indebted :to said:. estate`' h rO i y,, re `ed make immediate try :114641 and having ifainis ipon said eatati, "to` pre- Oeiiiduljr.ntteated fox; MARV DRE.t3I tike,'Dee: 12, 1'853, r AIIMITTOWifIIIOII4 S scFrai i CF tr 1 77,15 - j a T HE uncleisigiied,hiting` - ' ;Y...tke Orikabigr.,..Cilkrt I Auditor tiVendit 'thei 41 - "eabi *yrs - one ortho administrator . 6 i*sick ThSyre(deed; wet( i. ,el4l te nd ti 6 4 ategAatet 01 101 ittead . t . ' the dation:of' id' kiirilficei iiitelifriSti, ' ' on ; glarth9f/ uariiiixt,it ettioii,it -piai-tiiripd interested. site */ if I. 4 4.--- .:1' --I-- . MAN WE; ' ' Deetulber , 2 2.1843 0-40 w, li - .' •'' '._. 11; ' . spi } MA se,llor 4 vI4 r i l4 ., 1 ": r-I 1 r / 0 iifi - ttil 04 en• county; ots eq t ne . ;• , of all kind 4 will be erate.; <,7 1 I 1 1 1 secation 6 fataimili llraheirs, agai n the for nounti Loud, at. the office for hurditi Esili, north L 493-1- , i , ~ .„ 1 - L '3 . - ...),-. f,,, j::-.. , .....: e at t , nn ..ifi e' Oa , Ito hie I i eh fo lexterit,'. l i yui"u I rpare - 1 i ..,erhi : ay-be I AWI49 - ': I' , .' :. fyiete 1450 e. to', 1.. , . .froaillii go se:' alt 'en i dieoloe; .., 44 T. *an (II otLi rtoni - 1 r,l f iTill ' . s cigirli . iiii low El nneli ':troilk •le ,yVni,l. or ine4'4l4lboyit lei 4, ..11.PLeliklilait, ~ tlupetgo4:. „ s,loftlit.y.-. °P... •'' . .lr -..f - .1 .- I- eel 000.r ” , e4 14 ,-. ~, ~,,. A-entemN ‘nPi It de heap rely 1.: Otif I w" " • Slc anti Lindy on B. Vrniter an. pub - , land for I 'Art of; the. onage, , whic; 'erorded Wthanke.' ;N , W 11 40 ells/Mug' io it . i.et. 14 •ai t t l a • L. S., it. no krn: ullicb • ' , Y. • KM, t • erliipt. 1 tierct- ?vacs of bawled ttobt ma t2o 23 .20 rqicwnt mebare I ert on .hand i%o • Ted - at bb ihd r made to ;stand is ,JOIIN 0 "crv,lBs37—t ,n 2 for ..' , - Sa le: 1 fat' to hia . .Fahlabla .. trahip ? ' '..Satitiehaana 1 .57 aciait, saqtatO .in tJ Jima, halt - a talk. ,reek,l acid , I• V miles t. oil . the. N I !. .- a r r. B. 'ed. - blase; . arch;. a Out% ott aid o.f aver tr 1.,: rlx?',,,weitacie). - ' . .. . . o. l Pktt3Frat T i TE StiEsccribr iikairtiidfrona. - igh , re.,lnrge, and )rirneo,ol nun' retie; ii lid ' Pan. hick ' he - ariml. ce:./atiOli: et . iiiii`.fi teeniest& to eun a;- .. iiittlies . it to ...4 goesis. was never 4 • .. - • pa. ..... the . Staei nn,:es his:lt belmb t for ettili, lie cannot be endorsed .lie a ill:fake 'pleaatirefifiskparingAtis - tvlio may favor iiitn,witka gall; feelin no "persea wisisineta pttroltase vitt fail theniselveS liptir its, to quality and ptiee ;- -.- .": - .5-4' L." - '. : '''' 5 • .. - ; •: . , , . •., Ni , ,. 2 Odd Fell( Binghamton, S.W. 2-1.1633: . -' ' . 1 '. . ANTATC il i.;:i.-:-A large, stab % Of I' 1:, and Sillier iWalcites, of every pr ee,by • • .i , -.. ~: :• , --• 0v.24. I AR RI :WS . and Bryant ;Pine, in 141 etSeid jiattefud, iome entirety ne • ';ii,irnii=(T;;;;:T%Zif;..;i t.,..3 - Ring's; Fruit - Kitives, Soup Ladle/ jr.sl 111 tier Ktilies-ISit. - &-C.; by ow 24. - L • - • ANS.—..i. Itrott lut•of i aUdeUturt ' able-for-patties, by' •. ,-Ae.".l'. - . - C f:11 R • Beads; PI Ou - and . cut. Cori .LATEDlrcitles; itc:••=!1 h just rec'd, tiy" - • ; 'NEAV - I GO - 0 1 1) ?. ~, • - . assortment ment po goinprise4 •ry article 'Weaned; • .and we-. l.b t are trot.reafited, which , we Will aij atiale articles at - lese' thrli.'en: --, inelneeptirt., - • U. BURIIPW • - . Gibson,PeL26; . .:1853. •r . • -•-- S RAWLS Aji W(XJI_,,,EN .1.0 NO SH: qultttcs, and` can u 1 trcrtily 11.. UR- Gibson Oct. 2C-. - • • -Z FREN - - FINE r ivnoi Is ut $4:25: ' Gibson, Nov. 1.. . • it!..lltit , . . 1' ' - BUFPALO , ROBE . • . :...Tttize.lnt. maw+ -of t hon. ellorer ichole i very suna-onivance an the cost: - 1 I:3ltbon., Nov. l'. ;' . .- .. U.. BURR , Shade r ' Lar n e lot of7iainflontr;.poitnted,ihadesii leibPort - , . Cheap De Lain 1 ikLargo lot of handsome" Gold Alcial% 1)e Lame , at 111 Ga. Ter yard. • awn. Nor. 1. . r U. Itintri: I. ' Dress Goods. .. A Lawn and desfraible assortment of 7 -rt rely, cream. Gibton. Nor. 1. r =RR - • 1 . , .:, til et .- Goods I- . New -12 It : rt." EATEL2O2 O ..: i sr. new rpceitiing i Ilerre acti I , easclill4 oT.Gos - Alsi.widela in tuNitionAo=thotr To . ck, thi-y.oacr cane or: the largett and 1 oTgooda to tioloond Irv. the , country." !kill not iiiil to sult thipioithat wigh.t , LADIES" DRESS 00 i litack . Gro its Rhimi • .Fancy and Plois • _ - .Freacli-,lllerinoeS, • • , • Thibet Cloths, • -1 Alt: 00l 'Delaines; -Plaid "and Fib do ••• 1174, l i. 1 Black and . Fig. do, • . (.lashmere,.. . • . 'Ladies' cloths for „clock tLOTIIS. Broad of all gradis a Brk Doe Skin Casaimar!s; a.saorttnent.. • ••• , Fancy . and',Plain G,assimer - Sherpa Grey; - .• ":Kentuck v' deans, -; _ - . Pilot . 'do Satin and Silk "Fleikiy - `'.do• Tailors'.Triarmings, Slieetinrs at all priceK - Striltiags,brown White Gaed . ifiif every k 1 Cotton • ~ •• 13ronli and bleach•- , 1 Co Red and Wliite IVool . • . Linseya. - - tickings andStripea, Seataless baba, -•- •-•• earkt, do" • OA Floor and Table Cio Rain' idanketa Silk bMcke•and bayrst . ate:S; Comforters," .• .' ' rVintei Gloves . • - Black. slitten Land • 'Claire - Pi' Hosiery of all destrlprioas; Fall style silk Hats. Hali . and,Capilo suit every Boots and. boes.a Complete Upper sal:l'B6le Leather. ' Calf Skins, -' Oyer slaves . - Buffalo Robes,, ".. Sl.eighp ; • • Ijrooni i . •,. • A'ails,. • • Tube • Wash bioanis, • • ilipktktet, ;.. .- Window sash of all -Sugars of all kinds and at at A -10 t• titore-ofthoso good-T• Sugar:House- syrirp, Molas.nes, • - Groierica of all - kinds, .11 ow. lase.. snArni . • ,• •• ••-tocke-ry - and Olissrivrare,,,t assortmentever offered in Har . dwire, - .• _ • - Coarse aid. Erne Salt, Packing • do . racking _ . bold. Inar of all kinds; iltot these nine and 'oe. Brest :inatk . • sell at. Ole eery` I owemor examine of Ire„. essi;il4l4l wiLl sell. Goo • • an be bought is any. , Produce k t esihs.extikange ftri goods at, ash psi . _ . , -Mr- We kill continuer tolbiward B rit of tatty khul to - heripmfoelt. .-Au - you fa Big Pthes and (Mick Rettirwu tall on ''" • LA -- .. . .' ..- AllEo. FIIILik z• - - • li. , ... . 1 DrASittst readied :tail - 1;U 1 0d ‘wi . 7!!toUli — Of gOk . . - 1 - 1 . and - 11 93 13 - - -.fl '' - ',7 • ~ ' • --- . ----- - . - - .7' ltbadyatade ,- Mad e Cl ot hing, „ ...i ..:, Embhieh;iio ipr 044 0% ii . ; . virieii i'ltLoiritie•4lfrOcit , Suck, and liiiksa OW4s , —ohiptit-..Punt .Woolan” Under Starts , all4Drolvaril.-Illie White: $ ii!, FILMY. do Callizi4Over. A il...—St , iello ' 01 . 0*to; - 4• o.;z.‘tei. ~,, -' .3 ' A 'foal' turscittnient of faebl nal4ir T. - - ::: .-- -, . .." • -I. "rli ATS --.-- CA PS .. . r '3k.ns.-Winoetis Miiisasi. Boys and tll4llreis .11,69TA1 i 1 Cia 0 . 138 .:, 40 4 11 :3bot..non ;'t , hois kud S andals 2' • I A nOw..O4prily. or WALL r PER, diretttla Parier,Bot'- dor, &a.- V oakum:l-St:4l4p ,V. .I. .- . .1 , - • - , i=Algo v.l'runks; G Out,: Trav Illna , Thigr i . Itookefei Cod.- 1 fish , §tugot t lau,' Cargo, &.c.; , u 4 a yotiitty ..of kaUcy i r...' lick.,. ":I.ll,ptriat4o 11 ,-- readSiayand , e prie»Coth or zrOdufit. IM.itoru opposio Searle. ittnei. ,- ,: •- • : lllfrlE bag :-J.7.-- th--i. s ow York . biltatirui Vti'tOti4; .1/Obitear rill - this leuds." It lento the lay i that celiod in ods 'were 1. by any. 1. Od3 to all ourulhat I .f suiting wait. otc. 4', 1553, • • y Ow!: bvi ill al -or barrel. o, B'.tho SOfre. 0( t.ltulloori gontrose get.,6l, 18:53. 4 R.:, LA -S EL 110 G biYl,i,l/114 EIKE ery, Van.. Ptyleti,by ANS- Cabitet Ehon i ..Sus Ttehanna. .-TII. -- II - alLteribee la nowhe ag alt . liftila of Wlltli clone oiler; ait.l4o,ao tree*, a baud i Bar,OrlWl.. Tables, , ands, ' , se:. warratited welt .• adv.; it t also-4hatr% , cam' 1 s g e Xe ' r " a a lfr a i r :tili w an tl :ll . . ° 2/At k l irart "li tt4..ftit e ii r u n rw e tli e l ' Vo ' well to calf.. ItepattiacatdjYaral! ng - clottp:ott alias flake. . .il .: .• ' ' •:. • ." ..1•1•• Collins iiid :iithAleli d*lllacf . ci ortlerlo thebeal style.' - . • !.• . ' .1. -': . • 1).:1.. 111.1111E11.,: !.. / .taileptellaana tie ot; Der.... 10, .18:4;... T .,-Aey 1. ~.- , -.-. , 1 - Pie tiuci • , bepot, rams 'fof . rr.TIR embseflbri*wili , net 'as 'agenes for buyi ng .and' Pltate,—Farrosi dliittsee, 1211. i Lots -1 Jelled in :S'ttsinOtanna .. or sin Ilroomi. 'Cionnt,'N.; Virj,lola Land . W.arrants. All . 'Whoyrish to O ff er their property ferrate an giro Ai:- nut e deter. iptiannfilaydr.fanukor,LOts as follows t:No. , of fterts hOW,Taally Improved; and bps watered; linitd. infix; (l infix; grafted or: common' frult 3 - other'frult ton far from . C ire. Pew,. the.niMrest (point to -thedl.l,,St R. R. null Y. f and trrms.of payinent -* 1 - •• Ail who sciol t miry : steal Estwto. .rees Ireproniptenti by ottim nr a ddresfing "fns at Grea att t Bottcl.'Susgueltrinna emultY. Pa. tionreyanto from- ()reit -. Rend - to 'tile. premise* free of charg. l' _1 • ' °Mee on Main street ; in tits &fretting house of S. S. 'Fhp4e,lately 9 ccuplcil by -N. V. earilentOr: aps; suit ! A$S-.. nt ANSI. edy stock VANS. most pr. ~Ar. I some • 11 01, cost • off' ' I'3lo. • c.to: . „. • VYLS,. al) niterns v dt 1.0 WS. • -: • ;FIETER:ORIIKER, , •;, - e,IIASE. • Greatotk. 4tli, ' • • DION:EY-I'Not . . --, 4Eit ' tir. y cau be •savetiThy parchaing or AIL Lecrnpo'laii.. 4 Co, at -). l in:. , ktuntan; who keep ihe largest assortinent betweilt New York . ,and'Cincinnati', 9T Drugs, "Medicines, Paints. r Oils; Dye-stuiD, 'Varnishes,-,lGhtei. Itrusites,. Chenticals.' Patent Medicinei i rerroinery, r an : . .,cy _Goods, At.c."' Also, 'Win:deal Gless•of ail sizes froni'7,by 9 to‘ . .3B:llj' - 36;1'114:14 - Paint - •Tirtisiries., Graining Brush'e's,Wa"r Glais are, and other things too . -nuntetoos to Mention in'this notice. ... ' All of which ,we pledge" inirsilves.to:Sell'on as. glad terms as th ey can ba tinitkht in i the city .of New York_nr . alis%sher i e-. ' • . ' ' - -.. . -'. We are prepnrco, : to supply dealers .as hell as . : • 1 consumers ut the lowest markettat-es. 1 - - .1"; - ' - LAN:ITM AN 1,,, Co. ompgins . Block, .... .• • , • ' ' - .oct. - 17. tSSI-2,•11:113:'` 1 -!lobes at a Vrti dc C 6. at 7.ota‘Vi- Ilta6cheslo•• !! "' Joseph L. . la' e t r " ithaa-s, ' -:_ ESP EUTEHLLY in:rot - ins his fricads that .I.Tla he - u. now rec'eming api r of cite:cc Goods from the. great "•' Empniiutri,l ichlch together with hisreid.sitzck- . nrilcCs his . assortment quite complete, and. - *ill enable him to . ricerr..rfuify compete with his; ieighbors. ' 'i_Aniong hip stock Amity be found 4 good •qtipply 01l Dry Goods, Pro r cerieN - Ctockery.LHardware,: tai . Waodet..yrare. Nails, Fislii. Paige anfl - Hses„..Paiu.ta alit) - Oils, 1 . Bunts and Shoes,: (a iuperior.to,.) Data and. Caps.' Ladies Wimei pounets, satChi)lB.' Carint. Davi, 'trunks, Reatl;;lMade Clothitihr,:, ftlectectcrpreit - • /y far service,,a-nil a thouSanct-nther useful arti cles not necesithry hi.reiti meaSion.'A)l of which ' he-wilt sell at the lowest.-livi„ng'-profit for. Cash: I :Produce, or epproi.ed cra - 44: I ..• .=: ' - - -. 1 - • Upsonville z Sept. f 2-1 1853.: 1 - rtss. Gooisi irs i l Sr. to ods! Co. e assortment wee :Winter est &fleeted .14 nt.'priee* R . :DU," Geodi . , "tlO 0041_14civelleoii - ILI-1 1 01. . TtS - p.reeeired "'atilt receiving .ati Efitons' 9ne Price 0 *tore. the grii.test and, largast i post: . or .Fancy, Do-. roAitic, :and I Tapia Goo.is ever broa I.t. tato Susqucliari tut County . lila Ono, uArel thtse4 , rr Goods,; , compris. tog* pint as CoDows: .. , i ... - Rich Chang-able 'Silks. Stripedo.Plaiddo. Black do, Colored Bonnet silk, Von ni,t satino„Aii Wool de fitines, Irbita in do,. Plaid d ; COssa; 'ClOnded de Berge,English :iferinoes,: pararn:itta, Spa- - - -'' Exectutor . #lsTotieeF , i vise POthili, Cohtigh's, Frerilt. Changirble , de TOTLCE is hereby g ive n that all - penning who iteise;E:nbroidered ROhes.Giughams and Prints," .111 have demands:egeii the };s4t e of Dan. Scotch" Plaido; White floode,l Wrought dollars, el Tingley,,late et .TaCk l u township, deeigived, do 1.1. Alin, Edit:airs, do Cambric Edgin a, d will-present, them. to th. er. undersigned, duly iet.' 1 Linen Edgings, Fdshicraiible:sflklieur satin Iltn- lested•for settlement, rind,:iill riersonsindebted to neto,'2oo,p.Bonnet,Ribbons i WOB pa plain Rib- .siid Estate, are- releteit(ol toirake -j,immiqdiate lion:i t - plain and printed Velvet - Trimmirige'i, 100 paid:lent; - - fancy DreisPrinimingo 1.14 is Buttons Velvet, . ' : ',- .01: A .!, 0, TINP LEY. --,-- .. Figured and cidored:Veliato: ;SO MIST state wool • - ::,:., ~,, r ,. . ,Execatorg. Shawle. Cashmere do, Brochtt 410, Sill do,"Glove 1 VG: --, - I and Hosiery, sssi., : e. -..- ' :1- z , - -:. Clotho,:Caitiimeres..Vestine. Flannels, Wool Blanket/, Pickints; Da rimik, "spreads, Linen do, Linens, Bleck Mustine:" " .".. 1 ',.... „._., .. , - - ... . ', .•,B. F. tir,R.;II.'EATON: ' Ilarford Pa., Oc. 'IBM. ' 1 • - d colors,. late Finnnel9, do _, - • • --T A CAR D. . ® ` .&~ .• • • vir 0 ri"I I I.TEI lE°l3.lllll6lLe. - -.'. ' -I: ' *I4OOIIi I OUT, ,••••-' ' • . .. • :f- , „' .: ~.' ," r‘. 13LEAS:E examine- the:foll , owing Gatalogue, THE Stibwriber ha.f.ioP hang atitts'lrVlOP I.- . and if you , there -find. ail thing mentioned, •. - .i l n y Le son n ri tix ii i t t ib lzi l g u •gis:§Ortrinent of _ready that you may•want, call- at the store of the,sub.. ninth , ed . ift . the:lbest i man scriber and you .can .buy it,lat a ,tower price ; tier. ; He'7vill 'aid! then ifitera ftre'shiliiags 1.6 - than at any tither atore in thO country, qnahly a dollar 'mill - tett fir ea : Please "giveltini a Considered. .(u - the"followingilist is enuure'rated- „ , per •1 . • . iii , T Avurrkrx a part of my stock- 7 . -. : i .. - - - - 12 18i _4 .- 51 - ,i6 i ~..- 1 . --:, , , Prints Do Laiues' Alpaceas, Cohurge, 80rn. .., . , , . , ~.. .. .. . baxines, Toldi us, :Silks, Sati4us,. Moislrui Lace, ~ , Tee . ~..,• ..rt : -;- es— ...2...........- 1i..,r , Edgings, Einbroidtries, 'Linea,. Silk and Linen ', ,11.1PW : .,:[ 1./711 U. '',, opriusvium is '- .] h " fldlefs, black Lace Veils, Mullin colfais,Sbowls,f A /r e a rm . so II NS', / E 4.: STIER:MAN.. ay... , , GlOies' tiosierf."&c., Sic. ;.1 . •-• '- \.i 1111 in purchased, itte• interest;; -of ~ Anson' IBror:deloths, • Caskimeres, 4 . VeStitigs,; ReAdy-.1 f i c ,i, t i n the Rim or tptt 4 ROot, ta e this. Made Poets, Vests, Pante, sth r i e , .14nWers,,,and I methiid:tif annOuricing„ . the :indilie 1,..ha they. Undershirts; ilita.taPs, ' , %114Pr; Boots,- Slisas,. l "inay be found st.the Ohl stand of .4r.„ .S ott• in Trunks, TraVelliog Bags: Umbieliits, 4-c , kc. - : ',,s - plugedle., where them live filarge and 'care- . , • Ptanno:a.-:theetings,,..Slditiriga, Picks,- Horse: 'fill k selected asseittnent . er . F.oOrfs, ' l Whic ' Iwilt 4 .Blaniteta, cotton Yarn, cmah, Diapers, •.Table- - ,b e soldcheaper than ; el r. ';-, -. ~,.. ~, ,„ ; -1- Clotlis:"Tahle'Spreads; ci- r ,:. __ - . . •: : i porairMrtrizent- convi: s 'or the (argent 1 1 - Will-.Papei Window Shades; Viall&r . Whips.' ,rio, of pry-i G o ods, Gro. ries,!#(6., .ver. -4 kit .- Trips, !Saw .11itadlea,f - flandsaws, Bush i in 'this' plait.... -"" WO irii,deterMined. that Scytho4 . - Rain ''.,4hrivelit, Rd: Painted .do, and 1 who give us a call shalli otgo, owaf wanti quite it variefy s of Farming , 3 . 11Y1 ge - aarally.- , -.. , t- Retnrnint Our thankit to' thet Tpubtic! . (o -. ,Brciltd Axes, Narrow do:J . ' dieS, Planes . and :liberal' patronage. irt:d tier . .loarselvei- t lieusljbench Screws,' Framilig Chisels,: Piltent; 'shall riot' be forgotten, I. r "paSsett. by, . -not Handles*.we can offer greaterin ,cements 'lliett:e' i ier,Lopkr!; our oldtfriends.:" Give .i a 90. 1 -__ - '• '' __'` wr Fasten- ,:. "'" ', . _ -,. .... Slit) 1 , J9HIS Still : & • 'is, Grind- Spriniville, go . v, 154'2853 7 --46w6 Flat" ;arid " • " - .- ' -- 4- ". 'll - Sietres.. els, Berl-. Wooden 4.c, one; • • • ..Iment, pneep,.. • 1.- e bent: Montrose; • tire-'vi.. , laaae call 'and as I.IIIICAP evezy 404-. A wait anythin. , in mfline,j at cal hivo it.at a - • NO Milford; Nov. 8, 1853. Groberies-.-Mliolesale In great,Tarietr, considerable, q. entity, entito. i'lei,qaatii apd cheap foi. cash, o exchange for most kinds or rizerchiatilide proclaCe, on good terms. His stock of. Sug4rs, Teas, Tobacc9, Spices,-Sic.., being, so nurner4ne, be deems it. ori-, ppcessoaryto:spy t that almost anyihing in the_ Grocery used by fatnilien; tan ba.fitinnif - Upon itorpiiry said eociaequeiily ePpineratioP j. cousiih seed superfluous.•` fu particular : he ironld ask - an imination af,blisgtf Sugar, 2s . Tobacco, and 40 Tea. kiledaction worth saving made t 4 those who buy: in largequintities..l • 113ITI1LARD. Montrose, ta. Pa CO. Chair in Aar- anti, in s. keip con .• auk". ' 1 4 6 , C O! Wi k . • ti . ; '• • I Itrki Hoar_:alit' Salt, - F$W barrels of kichigoi 4tl. Also 144!41. P rk and: Salt, tiy. the, barrel -or load. „A; BA4IMIN • I,4l9ns:foie, Feb. 16, ; 183_1. „, ;ken in 9034 ° . 1 , 14 th , load. for. Fete tit eL ~ 6n0. : fTLiEIt t_ HR & Co.'s Ai)- NT oiNBW-GOODS; ,nd &mei ic rockery, rage; Dyea, d 0 . 41 :regard to If you and, you can LITTLE...-. . . .• 1j ~...., t ,,, , ,,, , ,•••., .'• . -. ~ 1 - 17te. - itriettiteittethpriette, adiettottio:4lle*Ool t. , : .6, sou fw.ewroWl• 4 4l . *iill,ftttpl 1 Irt V "of ,D "y7 f f, r 1) 3 I P la litil i an - tisp i tdLotmt Pg' $4.00 ; wilii , - i n , ii . out Oood#1.;:' ; Cto#tsl ger Jul ~. e , . . . ~, t. s . . i face:din - MK lay' thing' in'ttiet 1 Pi - 7*MM rewdest the r areortmetit cotnpleie, e.pd to *MO we ia,►ite-tiie. Fatell-.. 1 ticin otbuyinti'stattring tireak_ . alitt, they`Will i 14 . 4 flOotet as cheap ,es - at. toy other , Wetelitlithosent ;. ;. '-• .• •,,,,,--;,_ • . • t"= - .,, , ~-.., 1. :•-•- - i '"• i: 4; 1 I'itZSTLET 4k-,11,13,A1k,- :Montt..lie; koiv.l 1!53 '..1., ,-: ,' ; .:,...:•., :-. ~,,-,,,,e•:-:. saioan' -4.u.p`pei.' - CeltiAt' 1.44tr.•;.:-1 - iii .o..4: 4 F,smiiti: it.; tnent nttti . n . beat kind,-ixinatintlir nnhandi - t . ..';: 1%-zE . ...... ,. 4-ti. • - -... ... -„,_ - . ~ J., . -.: 1 ; IiENTLEY- seloi-i4P ...:-. - • ,- . -• T ABE-I- TU , - RELL: , -. is now - receirity . . li i 4 t atm,. and,. ti, trter . , s . . 7 - . - st , r ,pit f .4. . . : :., , . - -,..1.-i • , i...• _•.-,„ .• ~ t i ik k . . j a - 4 66 6 t i ... 4 1. 7 • il, :: - , -;. C ° l2l N A S T i i , !. T t l .t?litltiil i ti ; F e .) 1. 1 i r : t t i'l 1 I : i iCt . ti n t:l S t t.a t . : I ;: ii' alil li ll t t 4' fall to - ptirtse.l. ,The.poidie urn tty tcd to ca:Vand - ..e-C , !- illnitie thrill. I :• - ' Monfrofe, N0T.1 . , lEr4l ::, i 'T . ---- --f - 7. -1 - - t", :: 1 pktigv, . ge4 7 .ciiip4 e 1 . . A fic4- rati nitnrtnaii„ . 11 , 1 ) 1 P ll- o;Xrptri:e l a " :4 l ; l trittp'l l l l ll - , t t4i °tap Inl eal n tidailim.arttnin*p,Ll and Vatiety I..it,prelof : :.' , l, ..---e-----r---- , - PA LV7'43:- a1L5....4!- . . , fl lY . . 4 .5. pirleot. hat WI L1111h43 t Aylll94i tet,i!t Pltiltl. 4 6.0 ,. t . !i a'4thii - sfore of A.'!I•I3II4ELL': - , " -I . • rel•wen.rQ All ft r'Vt Ctt j epahrftelng. a•gand I.sortment .or celeSia44l-71Faterbtlry Pnekoz' Etbne-w .sze- itt • • Dire girilto . 4 aelit at . --; - T • ' ' '!- iquoir , 4,--;;Al. cbcace :vatlttot piluner. reirz nal purposra, ut f =oleo Musical ihrern, EtenzA, r Aconrilitans, Flutts. Fir.. lalton.l tn.., Hanky.; Tutlitig . . at: ••:•:•. '1 0 4.5.we1tr. , y atrtr e of;. ...31:41.G . . - Vert . tismkeriA..irlerl ii.!evrtznerit .. - uf chi ,. k:e. PeTfarce?-ry, at. - ... ~: • ... a • i .; T70,1 4 . , 1.7. , • .......,....,,_„.„•,.............„.. t .._ ...........,,,...,,....,..:_• • r.:••••,-„,,..* . ii; ft-Ai u' .. - ii'plit. e Net Li nn - lieA:se. A f t larrn :iati tint ra e mAgirttnititv '. The bolt place Jolt T. NutiOns, le n,rt,tt itoieni } ! • -: -1 A. l'CitlLEt.l2.ti-r, a.lOll .II rdi r i es k-- gr'Pat . rviiety. a rll cul -1 brittitlg tiiitrlyall of theln et . alusNe kinflg: it : : ' • .*- ' '. ' Tt.7.EtlttLitg. ...._:_.[..1...._;_....,. 11 .. -.......____. • • • - .: cks.. „ , Lizht. - 4Entii4ng.Pulq.„ tAmpisene,VtrnlJeli'ltnit,n good sarlely : ol'ltemp 0116%4;4, tit . Ohl ott_l,.:Utubrollin , , Whips. Mirrors, Wall Paper; Stn? O•tionery; rl4l and Oil Inis,•Putt y„ . Nalli.; Tr, usset porterie., Shoul4er.,llr. poel'm en t r nies,._.Ttki ill. enrs • Pencils, Spooos. otte.i I,;:pistsi kg. ton Prone?. ous to nwrition, telling hos, ra. . 1 1 Triest \-: - i. . ta •• 3 . --7 3 3 • Ex:peutorti' Nb'oe ' ' ''''', x7o:rirE ii heTiehr iivia 41 1 0. aliie l rionr who! Ili, lfsve,dontatull'aaitinkt th - /state Of /teary. , Ellstrbrilt late;of .11.trfiiril to . iliip,l37ed. Will present them to Charles Ti n t yof Sail" township .. doll attested for P , Aileitk!4, it , all periwunt-ht iltthted to ?,aid Estate, are fNO , st'ed 4o tnaliopay_-' merit to said 011a4es Tiri4ley.' L , - • c --. ,::. • : • - ~ Cll AiItAFIS ;TING.L . F;I7; - • • • . , - I..A.Tr r•VL I IVtiß•rir i ,- P. ...- .. sectitors , olll.- liswo'l di, de"e'd.'" s . Nor. 3, 1853,-44 tell H. ' :• r, • - * N ligliir G 040113%. : - . LT , - I. sci,i , :rta 1 $ ifont- iirei ring his Fall:Stock .1.14, Of - Goods. - Pleitse •:eitlrlaud - exAritrne:,as they will he...sold cheat fOfcash. : •*- '1- . : ' . " 1• loatrose.,:septl4i 18,:$3.:" I - .i; • Fresh • Alrililva o - - --..- • \ • NIEW. VE0.0 7 1) - $. - ' . Q 1.4: ti sAi4 4, iii,- - - - - .. •_ ~ as seee wing a r,a- K. 3- rie4y of New t. - ,:pociii : alltnicwhish,ntay be rw iAtt ". Ori ..t `i. ' - fla - - - --- '1( - 4 -;'` , . .1). 'lt / . perppr,- ea 3 7 made Clothintr,:opltiied Oirpet Yarn; Do:LtiilleS, Do "forgo; ./oshrnere,. 1 , rkett,iEnglue . , and: . ..,..ttx .7 t ony - Merinoes; iSt-0., all, Odwhielt 'lrve rill , ,st;11 as cheap if not cheaper t.h . !it I . e ch eaptst -for Weerrly ray-. ' •:: '' - s. .! },E -_Montrose, - Nov;t:cs'o,. _4 _._.„. lacit gen, Nov IS - . ', Li. ~~'.~` iv . . G Allf aP*l the prOat . 4 the 81thiattiker a V Brilris Coiii ; ivii.V lilif faci. !. The . iiiv;i 7 iris regfielted 40oir jpini tiy; pay chirkep and take her away. 'i 11 11' • • - I __.' -‘. - - .- ..' ;.,ID. ID liltuKril"; ' Newlfliftiteycei. e; . 434./.0% . 4 • , -i. •• • ,• , ". Guardia ii4 5 . V . : 7 , 4 .til.. . ~'see be r to iti ri . l .. a ll . 11 . 0, I .id the towps pc4 rept Bead Fitirty. 144i:1314 of Jar nexA, al i o'c loc as the estate cif.the ml or children . or 11 Arnold:_ deeesPed; by 14 1. 1 the of-au orderf Urphalfs Pourt of, S isetiduria Coppty uudiiided i;iro - thfida''pp •- •Ul'i thelfallitiii , scribed piee - or latid'.londed:tind:ifes I fitilevrat•te wit:- Ott the borth hy !arid o Dayton, Oa the Suet bi' ihe ,51puietiari on the south' by lauds ollikaA4tl .A.itiol4. - the west hy•land tof,,-/Utin • 4,:oltitti; c4n about 50 acres; and 'ntUsit4y .l'jtnproved,a tie apportenarices, a Prat : dwelling! hou. and wagon shed ante lard! :1 .••.• .., ,- • lt Teens inadenown ~ e diy - -,'•of-emle. . VRO 111r.r; 27,11130 ft i l s -1. , 4.i1 , ,-::•-Gtt,r 18534-1116 U-4- - F 2: Gie4t . ,Ellna,'Pec. Si; To 4_40'7:1•44"-J,-4. ter, Sam:anti .of 4he. . • ry of:Sits4t - jek pu petition of ~I •JL township - ofßitit lipeitfally:pppreOistkl Village .54. Lade rev Me; thetitir,hi, ititintia,ir OE Qoiitei.:Bo 6 lol.. :00 11 4.004:t...0 a li**l.4oo:ep,i,g'it.,' tit*, iileir,Olithlk 4444.***1y Dec:Loderi~vte 0•1 i,Em -W uiii..l4oQpl -0 , a ,-„P:. 0 b 4•, , , , - w ,- . - o: K. _ .. ,- , ! .ti„#oiiireoopTal,,ir,, r-v,!f,:77, ' 5-,, ivo-6fogsT, ? !rig. : f,f: i plyT .. , 2.t i bli - ii..),,-,44-- - it s -e4g. , ;.,ti,*:.444 # 10;,1.*4.4_,*,,0t-:-„i,i shi'vicl)Tyvaco*.i....4 , s-vorTrqr,rtif,r4fit,, 1t;,.. 4 L4t4' . ..9 4 , 1 -1'llk:01, .1! , •.-.,• ...;.^,,• •,''.:..„ :`.2. Il i iinlei;id'rifi)Mt.,oo.64l47,-5tA.l. i giiiti, ;tilt4iiiiiitigti; , BlCeirtfr'll3l6l6l.it7;and litoiletic*e.t4lo.abli4i.ispre*lii&Olcittil-,,aa f tehritiOidiP.4 mid lilisme,:flii m Ifiiiits;:sind' Sliiiihill.;"&i- :!•A'iittlii9'ert:: - 4 ,i 4 eti-9 1 Pers'#Mrg,,,steMir,otjmi141,---14;:,;'-$-; I! IT, • ,r:::,,I, AliettailradCOrothing - -:: , ' , ;e :' ''''''':''' . C:141 ?104471...,..406''11- ti and ps; 134mts & .§2l.ry*-4,:e.' ~ "- • . .1- -, - i ••••;-.', 1 ' -, ltikstorieiMbisMiorti. more exterislire.iimi,'yiiietliMs. O r t m _e-4.4 . 4 r i. bu il t ! ck, r i, . awl be.; is4r i ep,a.r r ld , ko" )301 MA; " i -:-• - •1'- . - . •- .` ,--- t'•i• '..!:'.'..4'.. ---' , .ni-'•:'•,,,, --1-:,=.1-''• '- 4 1 ' . r if sr - ' -- 1 a 4 ...-r =.• - * -- -'' - , ttpe 0. - n If; tneltici. , .. - 2 , f,j,:t... , _;if,„ ; 4:6 .4rs: Y----- ~ ' - , :0..---• 1••,,...•-•-•-.=4. 4-.•ie .-_, , i - : Ito iv..sperlf.lol- 3 , solicits itlielit'lr,lif ont....hhi fl•tr(4l ;1' i n .v.„b o th4es - oqiiring gooi, goo . ", t • ari l v 0.4 tik...ito • priceiumed• ra.:(heml7-'-'--' .*•••••:--,.. : '''', l- ',."7, - ,'7 ~'''''..,, ,', ;•.:: 1 ~-------7.4.ttiiiiiimiiii, : llll.l-4'...120i,1541-z,-4; ,f3' •-17,'.-ig'i* . -'niT:-.lj CliVtrii&ils:4 , 2o4() , ploc4:...p *BOl. - i?apeit,,all ist„.yP2s . • *i,T, F irl e cir,. gi q .. : •- ' - t•-•"-- , 11 1 i lirgt, MiWortuirr i t- vete. orieredi In:, Mts. ,mmdr.sr, irioni • s'iltiti, new -., • - -• • • - - ..,.. . . ...; - :.•:, ~ J A I •,s itr. R ItINS. 'r-..... 3 . 1 4.4 eel • perti 111 ~, ...........,_:. —...‘..,„) ~, •.• , , • . ,_. • ~ . • ~- :gr I . ]nir7 ,- ,ii`2. -. ':' 4r,iii,4":4 oieloi , u , .; -. -.; ,, 5,„,.,.-. . . ? p ~ -', ',...: -1-"-:,, '.:; '..,:. ‘, : a . Cii'crit)ii)Oce'int'ili 'biqb4 ititiittOt fitiYgglutt• . 1 ---., : , - .:... ‘•. • • ,-,- •, . ..- •i 1 • ii- -..1-.....i...,... •.:•:•.1 • • -,.. _ ~-. 4.%,.:, ..-.,.; ~,,.,,..,, ....„.„ ..., ~}•,,,.., er--tprytcerirmt•s..ll • -,::'•'-'"-- -'l-'1•-":;'" --'•1'• 'tr . E ' - ' 'l f - 7-77 —7 1 7 * ':t It . RIP' tER 4 --S l'O DkWB - -- - ' ' r - . 11 P ' lt . i i i , 1-: ,- 'IY Ilk' 1! So-,- :. ' . ...''''"'"'7 • r:' - '• • -•‘" ti• '' - •-.!"-: :. ii - i • ' ,--••=.: i'-r . : O ::'•:* -:'''' - -.' '. ' ~. onc!,o . - BtfOr' l tNDlllot A STORR::#: , =F!{;: . ,i.!4: - ,0..... I .1 - • -.--- id t.-:- ' - - -itti-.ll• **a' ifeeiteli -- ' le- - P" -1 : -- '& 4 AVIP . 1, .I 0 111.1. W ntil4 '-',' •••• a , - --,'. . ~, '-,•-_ -,-„ 1: - iiiitidiSlid . . ~ I tsiii.oioitriti,.llt k4: , '•gr.ti.ci 11. , fipmarlt,pnN .: . i i ri - 144 , 50i1t : • ---- : 1 - enitilicitiii liiii . iiiiitil ,l ?Otfely: . 4.i!riq; , o,.:#-d.fh. g- 4 0.1.--- .--.' ''') - :::.t.'.&'' l ." . fitials of 1.4.04 - osAtitl, , ,C4`ent,lero.tio`-ri -1,„ ! •1 2 .,',: , .. f ti r ip A 11 ge „'.,.4-n:•,,t, • -,..,. -..- .Itr;ri- arell.;lolllltit'iOticti:.:SllK.bi.ll.Ori'ttiidi'ticii. '474it iOir. in .Prig plttiitiatiii4i:Vd '..iiiiii: .PlAirie,l'd 41 1 . 1 0 7 1t*.11Cctkit, :i , F to :i.: ; , .'.„::.. -,:.,.::, ; • Ptite:ltt..isi*lter..autt,..bioui,r4 .jiiiiii : , ir..;44.4 - ::•Bj . 0:1.; 0 earilri3 tifiA . tit j ktO,PittyljZif , : , ;4iiiiqi!imii * 'i ',l:re tittl -441;f 1 ;i1:0, -. U:- . 101.36r - ,:: !', - 6• - „ ; i.doip.to:i, iiiti,i:::iiino:6ilrglifri'4ticri,lptoo64tt.ii4l.:iii:trifai.spi.im 1 o `es i ritiii: 61106'4 . Gititi4s; M. Onto riy::':ltitfV. AV** 4 :4;% , (00 . 14ii-„- and i. i hittin ).I,itiotic toilet ': - ' , ..iiiittq l i:.A.l.orkor i Focaji:..4o4,l- . tejAi!.it(iitiiiiigtil 'Cow A CPW I P S.* 4V.t...7,AoYiliPi calf 14 ,i4 - §,k . :i ';.;:koike.i .,- ,.. iiia.epoiki inifi'.l2r6O:tto e;', lit! kititiol,Ot 4 tilitittOtti seti 4 , • pia;col ) . eitpo ., :. 61;11 . 0i;i'iiii r e;i??:"Itlit - .4 . a'ire`iietlitli: 0 4 0 ,T!("010t.tti . : . ..'7 , .rf r-- - - .:::-: - Fititfingsi'liwhiOttzt 6tis!st-J in:.lo,!ti,t'fliGl4tts,Rof,l4. : iltr t iOi l ofi In:a ll : I piorhtlioEi;thflan%*olo,4.l?..Att,F,liiii 10t-ipfl,.-..,w..0xkl ` i :'• '. :-;a:• : •-' 'fins I ^ . P . l:i4.4btnalitl-1'; s':"'l i3 = , : , :r.is,te;,: i'.40'd... - irtbij:,„4.r.L.... s . "-...'.'i . --• •'.' , i,: i ',.. - -..',-• -• . itliti; a l iiiiihi;:`St - of.? T'A toy bak'itii! tg - iiitiii* - :tiii*ii:ol":, ";-":.- 4- : L ., z 'T'`7,:• calf l nti, , ,ioi.if„ii3tVlo.le.leathiiii - AlorcgCoT ikiriti at!1.••=.! 1 .. 1 i7 1 ,..;t"7!' lint,:ilili.l:.pfl:-;. -, 1" .;-:,:-.-. ''.l. : ".' :t':.tr - -..::::;'' f ,'!.-72:., -::..,', - -1: . ,; '..e!' ) t!`”? - r 64 i! ' '," . ' l ~. ~ . - : ;IY 0 F,ft:5 1311 to P .I)r.ler Tina ie:Pairiliitlittlti,r.ilt4 i i , A; 0!.p7,41:1iei!,!.f,‘.qij . -.4:-, f , : : . [ : ,..,..:e-;":,y.: , ,,,... - 1-- , f'-„ .. •7-'•: . ,.":;,:1f 7 .-..„. ~ . '''' '''''. -• ' f - '''' '' B E 4 E ft - A . .. 8- t I PPDA - 4E 1 114- -i-',::Uetiireri - liiittr l ,(i givOti : .Oplliatttioti-till'a:oio,-../,; , ,.„ Monty . ... ... . ....,.. .-- : . ,,,...,...1... ' 4 I . e.. If 4)re.g ITer,v. we 4 , - ... - -:: • -4'.` 1 ; ' ~, .- A . - - ' .'. 5;.'-•,.% , , , ~ . .X. , "; '5,..:- : i,! - ..i ':..': , ,--,':: ' : - ..,15.1..tti IE1? - :',13 0 .1-tA.o'.t-:::.y.':- - T.-1 -, '-'..; -,t - 23 i rt ' • , '.....!.-:.- - . :, -el il if _. -..-.' - - . 4 :;.. : .i. - •':!' - 71:'::tiikiiiii;:"-' - s':' '''' . v ..:- i ifir . '„.. : :ift .' -. 783 ,:j.. ,, i,,.-.:1.k:..4Y , ' j , .. ,_,.; 4 1'$ : , -- .0.... ' .. i_ ,., . iii.. ..ti. ,iiii k._ - -L ,- ..1 • . . .. - . . . , [-;.- STOVE.. :lAN,WAltgatirOx,;,,,-. c -, 111.{ - i:;4if.ol3o7:4lt,! . 4i'.'clt..iv,:i ; iufd4:4-',(tiiir:,.'...- .. , A.:F-'l.ili.iiksffil i lie::liebi!PiC4'-.:thi'!‘i.,:410:.:644,::::., - ;...... .4ili;'pe9tiJe tit . cPP 3- f;Y0; thltC: ". 1 40 , :iiiiii - riiiili4.*.i,,:,:::, 64i.a,litiOrn - el4 Of!:iiii I?iii:ec. - ii,:iiiii:*lltotttite: - ;* ?ti?: O.O ..} .. -:, : ~.:P.r.i* s fdlft.n',.,.s** ii.-.dt.ir.,, 0 -,. 4 f ..:i .66'*-#6e. ..'..,.,f'...,7 41i.4.1trpii.wiit:ttoflo6 ; wtO0tyciititO4 . 7r ,:i :.": ,i: .:;; ,... I ' , ' . : to kiet ‘Oytiltili- 14r1ve , ii!eijtrieit:114,:,irek Tirtictppori)lTO#3iti,ifiOi tO4:Witt..#;iVOC [*l l j4li:;tlfl,:.V.iii;trll as . - cli!tv.,of:leey-,§ ft *-*:: 10iiilit i fif.thi cf : any'atliet.op,iis(*;i:trtifmt# l4-,: !stx;, - iiyA Tiiid:!hc.follegixitOiiiii'otitti*i':: ' .611 tisitero tti - jintexitioit:: - ,,•. - _:;::„ - ., - ,.. - :17: -.. . f - 1 . - , ,,:•...; !..::: . L.-..tliif T:::: ; '.. - . l !*;•iaii - iiii.ti2f.eii i -* - 04= 3 '7..': I n. - .:,' 7 4 , ::: : 4 .:ll4ll'iiileit ',27, - -04 . /\:. .!'-:':-.:.... ' -. - ::: , ', ,, ....:±?1 . 4 . ) . 4 i.ic.,;;L7r :...'"f...7.7.4igt5t0:...:*ate..--. -- . - . ..,..,7 , .. 1 - 1 , 11.1.4 , 1•70/0 1 . 4 . 1: - .::i . .... --: ..., L:‘,,r. : 4,/i s fasuAl . (e.i;,- .....; i :::: : ,:: . ::: - --C:::,.,. t,:i,..',1Fqre,4 7 . ttefrii: e4 . F4ted, 904 - ..,-,....:_ - , -, ,,::,..•: . f;T..,,, AlMo. l i . ciic -'::-. ':,-..''-'- '-':'- -.. " - ; : :: : '' .•- .7, - :i.- 4 1,. , :i.4 , :x wo; , .:Pirloi -; 011icfr , sti r ! shop -:. , F t-cliFflci",:eurv,rl.4-4-.,:..vA1 5 ,e4 'P.aiin:e'.'l7lOi ' iii , . 'fotikaOeti: -, To - r:::iiiiiiix:•";;P.ittitir , k4 p!itdixgs,* 0,, - 4ptel. - piC:;_,..,§tiwAsl4*glo4' .• ,11; , -.' ; .;. I: t OP 4 4*; - • , i s qeiii:olr l i, itiiii-POMKOl ! iti4io ; ai g e* ,:, £3:112112 Mill past al: pre I,thal :ver to Eltatf , .river; f na oft:' • 'ding dr the bard. r cou . • .. li aims* Cjirpenftir of th . p . t ißand in said coo y. re liat he is provid d with . !tb keep a Croce ill the rt z' appry il ro a tte r nOS .Court eaa 7and 4 , Alegi in and or sul , . o. l l.4 o PannarY 6 3 0f0r, q,:iiiimi ito . sell dant I pe..l"Eig*Ocordin lgifihi* 1 .41et4.A.: D. 18 1',.....,..40 1 ! PACAPEN 'MIL'. .1 *C. ' •• -;:l . : : ;: . ' s ~....: i c - ; : ..;‘ : ,... i . ..„ : ,':;., - ' ,II . . . iti lar . 4k V ... '*?.... ' 11 1. lit T lltVir . • It — ' t;1„;.7 :;.L.. ,'. 111,.1111 ..t . .1t ., .q._:' . ...• ~ .t...?1 - : f i t i':..34l4*. , t. ;: f - rios Remedy •foratk. - 4i - Jury.. , • - sv." : "' - ': . 1::Iss"' ‘ l !iiliseliiir:l .... 1. ("grKin:;q 0 i A,CS'ILT . .t. 4 tinct Sine:Mitt - dote for' SATiliiisriir , f -,. - ismseiritsiisss'snd InitastlciSii..- - ..to,stieh. ) . ,* e iiiiiiSiiis NVet.ißliiminittisni. 14kiiel.Sak. Pilisl-: Si.; l a :flab. .i: Py DPett':',Dthalselt.ii; .. Toptha bi;,.i soei ;.- r 111 "..iAitiAlreNs; Dr.u;sstOlenrnis il leaihiA. • ; ~- .. ,11-istiki".4oso , lo'l.l%iiii:rs no 4,r z'.. twits 1110 Rint - D 611 40P414 , -A.;*" . ftAT,, ritill iti 11 4.4100 is :.ns'i, Oaks; Fiit ilii:sersernis;pssisnOe..sylestp,ilikttvg Itssixedinfikiitios iiin of tii 1 . .Aliigs'.sEW:alf , . Ali ; ko%thich I.: nip. Atli. inkejesiti, . - , 4. 4 .4....: .._._,• ' :''....z.,••!. -.. • . . .I:fisi!, --Abut .1 ur,slii 3lrtoss ii*: n i : 41E '.- li . fis . .A 4 i.il: . .WilikrAtit ..,-Itrltt.'. " ' gi. D ak •.1 finise,slis‘gs. , lcSlL:i: hi VAi.f.l7'.l - -ti.: i - ii' 3' '•• •: 1 t .. i . • , • ••,3 . : ,4 1 , i . *;4ri.**ins 1 O : Barg : 1.. • iiiyei:ii . V:O e ill • —.l.i. • j: : % / ,. ./ ii; #fti • a eilli , v.ik*ootittig tiiiii :tie - • :lke :Al! e. :ew,F.t spire, sisic pgeltarint . for Illiiii NU. liii rigio ~ siVit il l .; &'l , •` - 7 ,- 0 . :., • 1 ,• •' ' .". 4 '''i.9 4 2"::' ' q, 4 . 86 . ifiteigitindit);l74:. reiliriArig;v::lF 4. . 1,11, r .414/ Tiii;l . .en .. .tse, luta Coppe r . , iiiitto.lielpz4. •allilkeeth ,-al lot which Mil be eid Very low' ' ' down. or 4 Tivinged for produce. et r rates:: • .'. -.:;..,. ,-. :.:19.4e to wish to purchase 'Sic* To r" Shit*n?its; i : ' 4 . Artors et did ft't ',t hal e4aLceeit fo- gi veil ii• i ik;. na)4,'Ass. I we. te:de .., - toed. figi*enatilrdsetienln pricort . iuid • tnilk; 1 ' lig . • ,• 1 •:." • .i ' 1:. •.. • ' ~ _. - - I!: . ~...• .: 1 4 r.• 4;:... itri wipricA l inkat our isaCT witii punctnalli3r_ ' •• • 4ril lien liffillitbr:' I ' - • • ••-p• 8k est' kl t iOriete, few 4wk_iielew l - : •: t . ~ „ 7 ,,a,d,,,,,i, • 79'Est.e the Lientekrat'oeli4;::: ::;.. . - :r ~-: .. 11' 4 1 .1...; .0., . .-, e..v. , t,,: . : ~,jkatc114140:33.-,, ,- S. • ... 34Q0D11 i • - ..0 •"•• -,is•T •" • ..--: '.' . ' . 4 . 0.. Y , ... • ‘ • .• .... ; . 04/01+ ' idiot; Sheep . elis : - D . :II; . IATITROtr .&A 0/Zig ' 1 1. .. ,_. • 31.EXt QV NEW , 00 i ' ' Fal - iii*ie- - - -- - - d- .z ........... it , , •.;:." • •-•,; luOrir i'sx eV'. i OdS , I . • •-.. f, . 1. 4 •• .. • _ ~ • ....: r...4,r . . and Muter Goode, by. which' 0 keno** inep!,,Wlll ficluily,replenklied in eve :deitart_niei+ - 14 - di -oidtweally Sailing and complete,: pa ietilarlyzlii,kiiW l 'etiylW orl..inlies Deese Cocas, itich ri d tnilltinik, .D tnipmea ?knit iNshniere;Paramettiis: f nat. , 11toilarr.... fie Baior, Mohnic Lustre, Einbroldered , obeli Mil* Bon' nits. Rick; ffonnee Ribbons, eitargea d new wiiidginitt'. • ^t" IWkitShnwle,,. Ladies , Fur .t, :Ilietbdueik • d 1 kluge. L adles Itubbek Boots SlipperA EMS tiTICI: giyaill‘. ti -. kr. or. egin• int; ',war. eiylee, And; a netw - emeete3;/.... _ilf. on « prior anl Cooking Stocct.nftit a gr.eat Tett, ~ 3 1'. .fle ther Inc, ii,l2tairleGoodsvideh irittlieS - Soldo2lC tio ; most aronibltterin F., offering esPerieindsiFeinents tg, .4r. lime Mimi- ' ' •l• : •,, :, l'' , t • New 111 fise4.-trov. 24, 853 i I" i ..... : 1 ..c. . , —.1....:... . 42). 1- . .• ..rew-Stove. , ' -- -' • . . H: IlUitnITT is irsiv,rsicaiving a nem avid - fall assort : : AA .-sisoilt .of CookincParlar and. 'limp Steles,. ti t , Wirat in ilitoM.ini in.-ennaeotion with Is previntis • . will.caal,*arelo.aotterbaialrte &sac mint of tile • ' pe;:ttilar 44dImprof,ed klnlacd"l ' -•--: '-. - • '';:i .-lir Ti_6hc, - .Eteeitted; 00in, re*iu m .. d i - 'F' •! . ritLa_ if , 1. ' • -'-. '•.I . Y . I' .-- "r ..ria4Cl:PaOreft.: II - ' -' ,, ,r •'• 1 ' . 4 .. . . • • .• • - . , • • .... Al.o,Ptiwe P4e s 'Ascii: ison:Ziniii ?tots - .rtibes . '&e.; 'deli htiritl.seil. at. thqoltestipactil e. ll Pit - c , raPl' '''' • ' " Viii . .ilB s *% , :; :;- • -. 1 . . t - •;:il • Iti i',".4. 1 11;Obt inilseiold 7l;;,.:lltiai r d,'OCt. i 1 / ' ' tr- ~.....--,..----.-•---- ~.ortritent•to iiorvitztz Salt, for !attelv• . ~ cte.tisuollyrt' . kf . ~ 6 -,.• . - • i , LiCeti Mftford, Oct. . / s n l S2_i ',. • .- , , Visolirchcattprr le To. ----;"'----.- '-- -fit.‘"Siilleh iiiii 11e . dtiOn th a Citizens 0 4 Ili '.. n . i -- w` . -z•zG 7 ' .1- , ..,- . re Fre .' ''' - -'''- V.44'. 1 ' .:.. , *% '''' .Y . i . '* . r't i''.7'na uonnuy,..-, . 1 f i r I - , A , i i k: Thi' ' swbtrolit reePeetfbitr-C" Pi' ' - 'IN - P C*. ' l:4l ' lf all pert=onsAu §esilY" - , °*- r ' -41 1‘'' At vl "l i t t; t:ithetr' large ititt 'liet!' - ' 84 : i f i l l , ccionty'Ood e ti ii , "4 r.t.rgetfilibleb ceit!ksPC of; 1, ;.. 1 ptOttk -of DO' aoo e, _ - ( ° ble r'" now Iti T ,Ex l t e isiet ell "thltt L , . fl'ild ear ° l 4 ,Z;e n e 4, 474f.grav___ . o and .li i trt";, 4 4'. ~ vino ror, twitr!ovci,, , - Z ' tiCAlitreientsVit °f-A-P'',..,"in.ine_l tPirte-iti::ll.*srirs?q, nalei est: lll2l lr % Waif a tbnnght of. • "lye err r - tc , ta vor - ut wttlt •ti. ceill : we '- lild ase _ re etebt_ 4 if yooo.ll be 1 1;"'!'".* 5 t) or ' s t o 4k.7 or -DMIG:0013c1, v e....lioik bin. (otttlittirn _ 1 Ititii/k0 onlr .*";!"/ g °°d : f • ''• ' - - I =.tte'so l . ti el.. 1 '*= i n part of . rt. ay.' cable,. and /3 12- ',, ""-Ento Kite Plitld,strtr'°i- ""*''' - A -plidti' fon- - lack, ~,c,,,,,,'„ipota votataesarer- fi'lk , '' In. J Pl° ' .ll.ll- ' '---- Ttitbeta. Altifteqes,,ker"?"ll t ten d'''',. B „r iltZitittriletViya.' ;"C olor eil e b'/ ? ;*nbe!..„ 9 3 1, M. de itw e . .' ,f- . . 7 . -,.:' .. -- '1 I IC 1). 4 44. 4c t4:: - .:' 'r rf ' iititii:refleie an •elidl:oss ItarititY, , , t, ...p. A:ttif.-.. 1 .0-..w vto sp i 114. State; i s - - : :-,, ' --, l'Ulualatl"11"-fel iti Thibet, ko-, &e.-: , - - w i t ,' •'-,- .. Li e -oi n ":441"141° " Yiilan4 '11 41 1410 Plidd- - -411C-gdzieie. 3 , r e t.l D *? ,:± 4 ig t ..=, '_,, L,NY fi1.44 thwitte- a .. i mopor, - frratt peelt ? I t -.7%litti• _ , Itritoa,tllirdarbElie:e&Au irorithd, ‘ l4l. , 4 'ElnlZ l :n i f 1.-,,, -- ''Tv't '4 , 1 ' ,• -, e-e = . lr lk * Aft 01 ITK ref z _ -:: i l b Linen, L 1 aewlitulii ' - il*"" ' 61141111417 1110 %Vest' 4.: t f illii" 1 :11.1' jitt,r . : . __,,,,,, 'Os re_ciPt.--"F ",cluen. c„ k b t t' e , L' rien: UT_ _. ,„*„. . ~ ~ , ~.. ....' fn .,- "',.•••• .• ; ' -- - :;1" ilt shePe: l4 """l'i " tare "4 moder_lidkiet u e l eT,T e ZZ tv ., t , .....„ . -' -;„ . p r (7", ~. __..„,.,, .., ' v nciff°l7a C0At02511,4414t."14•11.171 . .' . ' -2 ' tt i v'rei ,:a gEOSSZI4I44I-7*-:-J A 14 . 117 r, „Tedlierce,nwn- ilfteittoid-ntsttlea', of,,mo t k:aiid ' 2 ~ ,p_ 4 .. . ..... „ notice 31,,,+,,, ...it. o.i,„..g.ert,,,trinnef-e-,;,-,,,„k....E1ii,.3-;,71,_ rt,JE:Crliietitrill.Flll/.1"91." a lt, ,, t i ~.-,.... 'L ~ filet/12.'4'1y '- - Kentucky Jean,' 4:8 ( .1 111er r k . ' = 1 , • •.t. t -"sets ftntrtobea re-:114'4.04* - ,i•-'•'' 1111(414' SheeP 4 a tr,iik Verna ge4 ill l'ek' 4 * 4 tt l Wli 4: ' ' .''' " ' !I- .I li. U. Dewitt & -- -Ltittioii•Oht:-, , Y - - 5 r 1T. , ,.-twi a l `Tire, '''ke'' -141**1615 ' .191 W . '' P;sl :tact are" 01 holder,-b Ihirittlit - 'ot irottf . N iTketatkir'' seek ' Ciente PasklP/PPY'.M.,,:. holvin,Laat.:" .Y, •, •• ` a i - • It 9 11 4 1 4 1 . 1 " f iu • I ! 3i rt es '• '''u.-' '•- ' ' 'iirertie. &o:Nd• - - d0nr...81461m55,0R, ''-. -..J, l' 7 4 :4 -. .',.,- - - Ai , rete ii e ,l,h 4t - he, / erk er'"1""111.13 - d 'Gets* .loves, %le- .mitchilialtiltOkblete 0 .. _ . 1 . 51 ._ , : : 7 b x - 4 e g vaarett,_ 'Misses en, / 4. , TATitt4; 0)s : _-= le ti , h„, ensonek,t, s tn a .:tak:i.,. __,.. lr * mi..- bmike;fi , unitoefret , "v rt . , ..,.. , , ,-. r .-n , - ;sh..ms !, . ~Y -I - .ii, Eta Allit kilt *WI i1' 4 71 1 , t . - , t er Kid. unek.oldo,Ao- a s't - ;a nd t' 4 , - ' whsle stiot,.ing Or 0 ( Ung- 1 ,. -- ~•, . i bytes' It ttifiit;al,l4Kintr(l'lntee.444"mi,4ll9is .o . o'i a 4 l Ai 4 :4 !'the." itifityspr tkcl°:"fill, acCtrilt4lBlAl4,63l 3fitield, Eleekeate" ~ ind vett otb, -' • sit 'MO efloP ° -'-' rbti , /I.****. td ritioaud Silk' de'll - 41 -4' 'cliiiing" 1 1I . '' '' , 4 - 'Ol ootet4 egehaleiv- 1 :n-w ery i t , _. , ...4 f,.. , IIV-1.0 - 1 - -1 7:;' :.- -.! ..0-,;,..„.:,-Tokeutocoriberit:,W.t. I ...•Ylett - , "' I li!! . 'LYtellifltonab rlitt Zoitber-et/I;i*r"tal. ar itl' ttlzeitiett%Wftlitie./I";'‘YTOMi-11PIIP Alan, Prk t n"tte r. 4 .7 ,,,,,- e!italit'ocit; Arrikit ivi. lic l tt ' H !!,,'l4r-f -CP, -, = ....- ,I-- the -.,- t ace otitinia...l7, Imin4ak..ut- ----- ----.- offs Tuouelii* p*lirt roans 01'Pu PP.L.,- , - , ,-,,it , ottal Ceeeterle'a, 31 7 • lc ° "king.' it tb,-:, . ..t.ci. - n - t .` t. - fh o p• 'it' oP, 'aiiiiii(y._../ciglitr!,:-'f-.411 0 -..- , R a e an d ffoisii tankers, • "....., •.1 , f "-so ho - -'".. • ~. c d . - -•-• • . I. - iftird , ,-,1.1 •"nr'llerg' ripe; Oita, attig4 Ou'Pett.".' 'tat. thijkfiiiik e rttT. 9 41t1 - P ri talPtl'' , • f'.. _ raroeev mli z i ns es.-4'4:-%/I:l*Tht-ft- te lY e l Lrit' s ool u tele - - 4 ..' -7 Meehin y 44.44% LW, 44e. e'--4105;11131;''''i' oetood %Am ou. ci oths 4 *oat Pio. . ft u , •.. : _ ,•,_ :-.. , ..1 .. ...., -- - _ - -_ , 1.- ,.. - --... ,-, thim-PF " Xe • l 'd, v ;d e t e e 0 citim i lo e tef -6 n l I "' ' k'V-riViiiiiiirbei;; AilM'ls;:itf:a. ',;h%;%-- , onfitteleor ' Dr ?' - „„tait- elit 0 ooodiei,n4,*lrr ,-. , ... , ,-- .. r.4,.... ,, ~.?- ,!. ~_, mum s k i t o ore Altood wi 4 -.*; lieintiWai\,lt. rwism _lhr -,, 5ate , f4 1 4,, ,, , , -- -- 1.........10-Wi •'4..ff10p., 'r 1 'l 7 . • t.td-pa,-i..", ~..4;\:tyP-:):',-' ^`,‘'ld!.-'...4.114, wi. . '', ...- - fj;4 - -•', .S= -Th- Al''''':' • "-• Ps7 iri.lr - Nee4 13'56-7*4 ''Y''• " ' - I' -.;: - ' ..6 bit' ‘bei l 'ciffo - ' - taf tiitrii aVitV4lthit'Tittr*4-' lbekberfg'' 'TT° 1111 4r' 7ftt 6i -iiiirtiiiiii ~ din., mai:4BoA er, " - ".. ~.. ~=', = •=1 ...- -1.. ,' Aoaft,..• - •._,, • •••,,,,, ...' fop.' - thiltiturnac-i ; a tposit.,..,-F- . . him , mat Mtge. ... e.t- ...,,. - v...., p.t...g.,41 ,v „1,,,-ity• 't .:' itintired ttereii;"7o,'-!'irea-sin,lPTV*C°:te, ;-. 5....".....4 h ''l.4 . '' . 're rii.*in ilkWittrilidgellt6,o4'7;'''''t. .... - 0 4-grirt , ; ~ - , -,.--,,,,- ---- - ~.. -- .--a,,,„' `rlir.'2l ot , ' ''' eat •-• boal osgood%ottrearo,<• kota • • ~,.,, , ittitoptOveni , ,t , „._-..- . ..-, ,-- i,,,-,, -ir - 'l;l_,-:,... te 1 , s t ayeaiiiited to datiying.:potrtAlki,2,,,f!,•%l•S`fMrPr '',ij" f t. - wall ke' : -' - agad , hail. *rttif;bel'-sathVtt ';:-.,--:„. oh%4Pil. •"s a ,-- • '.. - /hi•-'".. " 414.-Fyeriiitteife','lt' ',-.'.' -, [4441!,' - 'it t l .. lres t y , ,4, , ~ ~, h:.. * .-&•"'is,'Vk 4---;'•;,'l','': 1114 n , ik- °"k airi k • a*- ...t.Lia,--Tifkifijo,4o,illif- :: • , ...-.. 1 _ -":1-.,-.2. - . 2;4 . ,_,-., ...,, -_,,..„._-,---.,,,-:!... , ~.., :..,-;,-,...„,„ ~+.....-,..;„-5 , „, • , . t tkre rk , Ifft i..rari-10ax•...-,c.--u..1,,,,r-z-t ----111!!!! ...14,4,..,,, ...`,,,',` -, -,...: ',,,1,r,•,,,,0"v -4 t • r f . ()cm" p. , f ?! ' • 4 , f rom I. ‘Patittrk,iii I i'latiiiiiil' .. , i ..,.,. , r .... r .".:1 • • ', -.... Lives of greats . . likes ' - -•••••• We an inake;oustry tilbile, - . s • , • ,Arad.depanium leilai • . diltilLir. . , .! Pictures wASAittilt f 80Mt fine /.' . ~ r;ctures,l o ol=l *LOPAT A < , t • ..• J . ir- ~Valtliscola- ' 'llairt. , .', f l ea f. .. SOUth tOrtOnt WIWI!! . .lell:§t9thlT, • ~,.. ' • " 1 t 1 geeintrialleitowit ItOatelittrffliiki)es t lLl gr.... 1 The elPreeillt`trt ug-biU etridetle.fite&Vailiot, 1 *glee the publle the bead *tit: VI ulfr-lutt 111111 ! nil , - i . ' ,l 4 l lllrtect-ta7 Ylse, guiliteitiol!sand` 'Bo lint got Nati . , ore Past like um.' • _ .- . .- 1 We have no hand a recent irupplt serft:4lhilige" to tie{ e y tine, which wo wish to 1.11; - ill.bursg,trati 4 th u r • • expressly far that peirvee 1 " - - , ~.:.!:. ,:- Perrone bum the ooustry.uhea etettlsitoiss,sho d . e It crud tosAn'lf.etri'cifbrielness to Call at . 1 , W. B. DEA.)I 8' Baguet ryas Gallery. ' . Octrli Fellows Ilitli up stairs, 'lldatitrolte,Nov.l JA.I4. • i • , ,-=. : •., i.)' 7..,.,..........=. t'." - . ' s ~ : . :2 1 1. - ..,. .-,:t., ! , - .••• , ._,,, • 1 -. : . . - - : .1 . • : .-• I.*-t-. .---...).--, ', , s • ;.:, ~. .. .... . ! -:- .i.:'..;!:1LT:'.".*.iii.1.11.0"; fealdida - reatc to) i Thla4litio Intel ...sprinOille, Totli Larhlch tratea.Mon day and Vridae.! . ii&.a. RocaVreatit 4 , icandAbiaTiil nialat4lll4:l'.o4, 0) .... berti;l Imz:zz : ii i. 0 (1j7 66 111111111 0 11 t f t l: a il i .11 *- 13 9 . 1 al ti oriats . , ready PaY • ' a *All kWh; of Prod .fo ' t t'Vre;L : i::.lr:yon don' X ll f t se sept‘ / 5 i I. Li: !V ,(1,-- lidEsioili '..iit . 3o.liitibifilGingcv ~ • •". 5 7 . ..Th10p0i€ . s ca'iatii:pielatfatiottirof..ninfaitiirex.:. iiitlice;**4 ..i. Oifiat:Y. 4 l,o'hii i irsliki#lintliia.l7: era ki; 16( 4:•00 111 :: 4 00itif•-lrirxriiilcut3t the :-• ,-- - j oi !woo; ~ 00 . 5:,10iii 0 rfie"tinal;lp irOyie. 110-..: , • - 1 • , i . a thipitat 10ailf.af is tvidemli,c,bioletitzt4 riirri- . I.. l *fi' 1 4dlopleii is tit*liiid rien; ici-.9 PEaanallY F 4s ';P'•' -. - 4 . :,:e,...., itifi.fa - I.ljr..'iii-indiviilliat "OrAlaiell'er *Ulla - 1 I,, i tiiiiig),,,,3 . - :i.A, ,i'. it 8 n i al)4ellic.....4:yitcm:lo : reiibx., ..the tittaio "iif ipaii)ient dire aee • wbighLtilsX in a' ' •,' • Cga ... .' e 1l ii(cic:•i':'-••- - -' / -, .. ' ,r0;: : ,•• -- --' •-•' .tr r ioti; , Berliertild get the 'rentlin!:;i7tatilsn• Will ii Ai . l . ...)lirepaiik::only :by i I '. ,B II 0NV144: 5 ;(41. 1 • pi ' sand chemical . Store , N: .E! -e . 'ei/if ) :V . '4)74 Gsiiiii.ittt Strectx, PhiladelAtit', : :iiiid :tor: ile by all thiii-Tespe et able A pOliecetres in tiro , , '• UnitedStat4i f and at :%lantramaPia;lif, ..-:.- .: •:- . l (•• ) G..i' 1 ) 1 A Btr.c.:ll3 . Xplr t r4,.. -' . • 1. ' .. Arksi ..l :liiiiiiiiernertts ..,, : ., -- ,- f ,- 5 .. .'-'" . . 1 le . Bing :****l!irc at podvralvil te l Fit- ; 1 VirE)t S. 4., Tlibikika; --,,: ;..: : =. l ; WO_I • oni.o4fge ll Y th itto ol lieAriffie_hThab-4-. , ' , =r,i.f,.; , :4, , is 001' 'ILO - iiiiiiitfilliii- great 14414`snd v i',.... ,, , ,-. ..: . ,j einity;thli c, - fisilii new feceiting alteiv . rap-:,f:,,:y4•A ,Iply;.tcr. tiled ci.;!slready : -laige, Meek of Good's, h t ) . ,t.syi, i .,: ;char anal Ilore:. • recently erected,. by • D a g , j; ' Alionii* .1-• - . •WYA The:assartrilent•is ex tensive, 'oltthriteing OerNik.. 1, itrtielst.tisuilindalled fOr,i sno... wilt pOsitirelii b - ni,ea i solif - cheaperifot caak.tttittt, aver;before off red it 4 .4 this section of pOnnirY.-:siinsistinst of ~. t - :, • :i;,.,.. :F „,.0 c i§ i i:•.:::G/t,,,r Gi:00 A 6, - on 0 CEIZZE . "":':;- P1 41 %! 7 '"rt:Y. 1 Cepr4er#: . ltvaKi,.;t4 /Vail , Boots an - ghoe-T4, l'.4juii:l74/iii*Cl Sail; -, , •: ,- ...,1 ritaoed-added isifirOitnotions not enurner„,d. 4 emir',-,,.; ri,„ 47 ,,,r,,,,, it genera :1y 'indetitc.fi 'that CAirtx'."':„*.b4.iber:ittost ';'ealit, aria'fort evdi, kwill seIL ( N o. l o,POtettP) • oat. chiPiterr hirn -3 illY pin [ other malt! ~... i44 l VesOirfAew,Yorti; . z"; ' I - pleriiit(iir etilibiii that whet we . tell„ yen 'ir.,, net., l'hetion,. bit ‘ttilbortt faCtS." whir ii . we ban i O \ will dentoss -ate upon exarninat„ki n,o f ' o iir stock. and prices. ', ' -- - , .' - ''' .. , • 1, All ttiOie i taho hafre; - boon '.O Abe lialsit of g'irit . fri'ffinelanit on to rttitc . .iii . .;e"(.gOdis Will .and it 10! their eidrallage to disPl r 4z ,..„, , , ~..- .: . -:, A , , 1 fir'ol 4 /jERS ii. THO/IftE.', fart%er,'foi.ivei brrce vt-hat you all - -. • ~.. ,: z . ...,..;...,.:-.; li. nußnrrr' • a. Ii 111311 A 811=111MM n Ma Horse- powersh. ste NT 4 lttiioP aurE 4 sgtoetA lteows sitfitphipgiGOA,parpoes,-ioda asteet'Pfnt galo iwtr 4 1 34.717. ' ' R rxrirv. & • vech the Preirleti i b: lE :4l % . he - ';'a trl-VeekV; , -. looek,.W.yigostr4 'iota iit 74.1140 d o i Tin,,ii If neer*" he'd comfort:WWl; eters will spare,n . 1441 4W.q i trrnii . IPois~r mock. I *.cilldify • fri. lava- arrailitv.!. palbe....to.... A ciiim. 11ATC11.%;;4.1 k 1r tST .t' 4 -S!':l4 - O.R.Nk-.4110..0'h,:,. - . : . T.:,...; . .., _ • treat Bend - f jPa._ , - • rm of this Instilatiolt!...*ill ccP - Wednesday. Anz.001.1C34 . 1.,•.• A. - - nodiaan hudding_heritig443;fit,,- tidies . from a dietanUe:::eat-p,rocires its in the_ family of the. Priacipitf • ' -‘ a AryjA - ppartmeut Fier "guar . ......1'1'.. , - - •., • - .:• - $2,00' . . thmciic. History and Pb ye- .; •. -.. ' - .....'- , ''-.. 3,ilCr ehs, Mental anifilliiiiii ray . 041 . 1er 111}1.theiiiiyiii; -- ' - 4,CD . i isi.°4itia and ' : Ge4 . Lan p,, . ,i r • - ;.N/ -- -- 15,0CP w in .. - • ainting ater 'caters, :', - - - l _, i_ , (extra), %CD' •, _ ..', Ste., (use of instruments-' (f . 31 01 1) / 0 70-g- .4.-:: ' • • • • -.:' " - Pl" . ;4' -' ' ' '.44%,:., - C,Z itreliaellrkaiii•j. A deete4lotili tut 1 , leriirol:ll4l.,2iireCeiya ' '•• -.' wirers are engted- ifi tar the,-; - ';4).• /r. =.f 4, ext. Work dime en - eherrigl7l-.. eelerdie. ; 0 - iirdnotte and qniok ace- taken " t belirive it, eail and: see; . w tasl . EB c •-• •: .:( I . ' ''-xi `- .. ~.. ~, 6F?', • .• 't•4• "'.l" •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers