TEE DEMOCRAT. ire t: %Micatailors :is Kett till :Poems Iriuna;-16SZ Ca* k,sIOFOOki L'ellAlrEil;vrrou. riornr, Dreitemiins, 1653. A. Frjend. •3Y . Klss JUL I A rLEAWC t5.~ ' C4niiiimid the to the friend, - whi coin* :..'When im sad and Inn°. And makes the' anguiih - of, my head • The sufferings of ,his. own ; . , --• "; Whci poldly shiitur i the glitteting- r throng At Pleasure's gay levee, • • „ „. But conies,to „gild a sombre hour, • - And give hews to ine. die hears comfit tny sorrow o And'when tail{ is done, - -- He freely gives me all I ask, , A sigh for every one: - -He cannot wear brow, When mine IS touched with gloom, ' 'Batlike the violet, SeekS to cheer The midnight with perfume. , Commend mato that generous heart, Which,Tika the pine on high; - - uplifts,ttio same unvarying brow - To. every change of sky ; ' 4 'irhose friendship does not fade away "'`_ When wintery .teinpests:blow, - Bit; like the winter's ivy crown, Looks greener through:the snotak ;He flies not with the flitting flock, That`seek th'i southern sky, Bat lingers where the - waandedlird Bath laid him down to'die. Oh, such friend l—ho in truth, . - What'ailislot may be, • - A rainbow on-the storm of 'life, :An inchear on its sea.. 'stcHooLs• - Among tSe many topics tonal ered , by he correspondents of the ." Newspaper, , there is :anti - that rarely , ever finds a place. = I mean a ~comfortable abiding place for our children, in 1 . the eountrir, daring the winter; where: tht the fruits of erudition Acittnin has - may,t 4)l P • ,again appeared with his chilling winds and frosty. nights. Soon all nature will be husht.d ,' ill ' ailence, when the' insect swarms and ireep ..., , ing things shall be nicety .hOusuql .in Nature's hiding 'places; when our merry litile - ones shall 1.41 cheer iturblazing hearths, while their seniors *resent to school.' In -o er. to , mature:the _priuciyles into their rniads in early youth and to perpetuate . mutton, of -cherished -infusionti, haw necessary is it:that, stiten onr children 'are out of our own jurisdiction, they should be well provided_with everrcouFerdence and_ necessity Parents, then, should see not only ,that their sons and daughterSbiirovided with upetasszy books, but that the kousis for their recqption be ecantortablei watch - dry and well irentilated.•:Sian actiool 7 houses are opan-- when"the glass is trnken, and numerous little atm= of air pour inthmagia carious.crevices in the vial la, dtc:, it must :le • very prejudicial liOtia to their mental and physical growth, and. when children ire not comfortable, it is' quite unjust to expect of- them "great progress . in a ti c ri e ki Let as see, then, 'that our school hinnies, if of logs, are well doubled and closed so as to prevent the contraction of moral- and physical disease. Good wood, and'-suitable stoves, and pipe should also be , provided. And ntiii we are paying attention to books, houses, eli••; we should riot neglect The ehar4o. tic,halsits and talentsof the tesieher. that we jnay employ to instil the principles of science jute the infant minds of our little ones: = ,The - young mind.% a taroks: plant end • unless •vre deal ieatli with it, we! . .pry crush` it%its bud, and forever drown the espirations' of an imZ taortsl;soul. How paramonntly important then that:we 16)01 hnow who ant, what pnr. teacher ;el FlO W ,lnipOrtant 'that :Jul elsopt4 he gentle and pleasing in his matmerat he ablinkibe ii.rismingtindaffectiona.o,st*eptlble -of gaining ft:muffed:ions --of hi s . pupils I Me ~ . .. . . should not be brutal not even harsh, but firm -_aid resolute.:. If wa find that in legislationfor, , the benefit : of men, it is necessary „to abolish 1 ( ; brutal i;Ysuitna 45f etOporeat punishment, Why - , should we mot pay ; some little kitention, to children—wiiitiefticsettnen !? .In . uur land of re- 7 - ... ,publicatrismoille : iffree vent is given, to . the . iapiration .4 - ge - Why should we allow u men, in - the respon '' tt e capacity of tutors, to " - beat our children like beasts 7 This is a spe 7 i vies of beatlienis* A relic .of customs long since 'natty Condemned b . all inteficent _l _ . , ._. _ 9 g Pe'l! pie. , We have abolished togging ram -- our Arinyeid Navy, and it is . earnestlY ;hoped, tkat it may soon be driven 'from our ichools.-1 ForCigners are fre4vently - emPloyed as tiach ent, 'who are awkward,` ungainlY, and (T oo ; each tnetraretifittn'beeome the" itritractors of yo " ii. , A - child cannot love lduk—eannot ,„. nven, hi= _, ; White seen ,men sluinid t l 4 ooect liat7lieintiPloyed is teachers, ill. good tutors should ie r epected, tlisir labors appreciated led. thair,cluiraFterititairiedr -, -; _ ' -.' 1 eta of epaceloiiiici u rkbe ."trusting' mind.; of ' :101.11'can* awake ned .by 'isi .... eak . leafed, ~m0d.4.04 more in4tizsu - -OAS', severe', *4,n x:!feal, .''. eltaitilamt?at;=:-We faicrier, all • pay:i , giSt, iii: - * l 4o, l6 :irOtig i ) ni, ~. liocli,;**il ~'slii *or ' , implied 04 equa 4 viiiiiiii the ; ads;iiiciatent = and ':ireilAming-ef on; progeny.-. Dotter Netts- On Tinai304014431364 atnan naPa 'Mk : 'Amid Frey was4:ing*ll',ii , catting . ,, toeii- for' Hauira4lo4oeSeturArinsbip ibis' youlty, apd Ativieg aimed . .thrash for mlt," . 11***1;ii#0:,►was Made'S 10 1 tv1)&q - *II near . ideffilar 74441,, \ la t - • '4olitii ' *mg. ,~; ~ ~~~,~~ ~►~" - '''' ''l I . 414' . • lit• — • .-",,, r- • ' ' , at .ur . - ~ , F . What bleseed Nags- 13 a - Y. ' I2 !P ,F!'r AO what Would the- world" . , , isri th thoot tIsTI 1 , Those breathing inoisettts i i , 1 march' of: life., Abtiee littl 1 tWiiighte In the bread - and garniskriare of Ip:inn, -Avhe - pale YeiiterdsryiltiOlt beeitifill th, ugh , the agadoWs and facia ‘''''folianged* . 1 ,pg l ago, smile sweetly again in the hush'; vin rrotie reinernbeys " the old 'fiiltri - Si home" and thell old-fm Sr© ood.r r ho.old o r m; c ho - i r , soplthe : liii!is brother 1' died, the little sister J hat : Wei " fransla-j l ' terl:? -1" - " -..-. ; ,' ' '' - 1 . Satisrdny pleas - risak plei 'human; set( , their heart's to 'beating eof L,. 3S, they u s ed " tri (4 before the' n''n•i to theni into wa driims,"and jarkid the } .to ',pieces -with tattoos This • ledger climes with la crash ; their; fn,_ deoied vaults!, cOme trici, with a bang; :up gi, theshaters With ' ~a will, ellek goer; the key ii ''the lock. It ~ is Saturdo,y night, and -bu s iness ' breathes free again: - .Theldec: 1r that has been , `ajar all 'the Week - gently clisses behind liiinir ' the World is ,I shut out' -Sh out Shut iti . rather. Here are the reams atter 'all, add I - not in the xaull and , n, t ici thjt book--4 Live the ' record in the old fandl ' - IlibleLand riot in the bank. ' - 1 ''' f .-•. f- . - 1. May ba . yen _are a ba#helor, 'frosty and- forty. Then; poor fellow!. - patarday 'night's . poib ingto you, just as Jet ..4e nothing ,to - .. ariy,, body.. -Get a wife, bliiie„isied .et black 'eYed 'but all trua'ry - ed—get . tviittle belle, no *TS ter how ilittle, ands .li f t e sofa; pint- to . : held e two ortw anda l• a d then •ght`, the /t f tvo E l' or the two and a h f in it, Of . is Saturday night; and theri read; .. this paragraph by- . the light of-your wife's eieso and thank; God and s i take courage. • . . 1 ~ 1 - , . 'j , :, The dire dusty, ,shops ,are swept ui ; }the I•harnmer.is thrown down, the apron is_'' offed. - and laborer' hastehe with *,light step , :n,tne , , Ward.-bound. 4 ' 'I ~.. "zaturday nigl !! fielAy m ormo t o .o 3o ;1 00 ' gaishing.as she t rug warily upon lieviccpreli "and is : there IT be, te l nettle r- . I I ' I • “ Saturday nigh . , A last," whisper's this stip; er above the dfing, ‘ n dit is .Sunday tu- inorL row, and = t.46-raortoW!' - .. - - - I . 1: , 1 i Whitt Illrii• Smit hSait4 "I . . ^'. Saint - A - thy.ll:4l been , out or' :the [-a 11/I t t.. this sumnae 1 " , 'No., Jonea said - he could t'uf ford it." . ' , 0 3iy dear,' innocent Ahiga4 Mr. Jones !Mot ~ his fOrty-nine cigar!' a dav, as usual, don't be f" . "Tes,"- A‘ Well; he plays'. billiards; eq . tidies his shtrry and ho i ck;- add 1 all of thrit sort i;if thing down wn, &te l t he i" "I suppose so.", "Welt put - tia t and th t it., getherl I Just eMr. Smith told me —eitidn't i . afford-117: 7 4' did 't dilapute the': point...' If, wits too much - .trotible. I just, smiled sweetly _of him, as if I didn't kflow wake humb4i, bla T I very quietly -went iXo -m y boudior, de. epatelied a note to i at jewel of a idoe t-4-; that I abould be talc nsiOlcritiy illi' ab ou t the t ti time that Smith came itctime to- 4 4inaer, a l tal `s'houldnli,probahliiecovr till alter aiiriP to' &rate' ' 1 or Niagara; or-some ' i of Abase . " q uiet' places..' Well he TO as ke en l , as a boar,' * ll d when S ith carnoi.tome and- sent for lalm, =he found ' ' e iii-A state of foteordeined.exhiltlon In the h ada.of infmaid 14•14.. - He fpi )33y. ',,pialse; ok e d wise, and -iwacular, 'and said i 74 e t "She.: tist have , * change : of air.", or co arse. I obj '; declat44l .neve r could be reireqed4.. was ,q te' entirely inn-desra;44- D 0 40,r *aid he -vat dn't anawter foreunsequences,- land ; fl-• nally; o oblige Mr, Smith,,ll gave - in. !Under-) stand ' Nothing like a little Oipintrutei . : 1 I Al. I 'ways Use the checkicin,ri i li dear,. if you #ant to start .Jones in any dirietion---men Are i lit cOn'traft, that'd. ill. ' They'd -Ille . p e rfect treas ures, every math 's son #f them,ititmraa noti for il4t.'" ' ,_ . „'. 1' . r: _-1 , 1 1 , I ..r 'ilk. l l l y . convalescing, e Gre en up R,ceord,.magined gageil.iil i ccnvermlinn: %f'ith a gritulating im' upaa hie re; i g , ,hitn-• :t•he his physiclan" i v ies. r ' ' , bott t me ihreagh ; " lis friend, I" od .brcuaiii! you i ss,,:not- the - doete - r; 44 , l ; Well," • - I • • i ."4 , ' be' he. dhi, at. 1 "ami certain ' will charge Om far it.fr! 'l' - - • . - - . Ml' A sick eently zentarks hitoseif - to' : he .. pioos friend, e "coveily,and aS He replied 4, l'Notno," said out of yOur i t replied :he, that the ijoet4;lF n that Goncutai Si' the stairs, you up 4t-tile-sani shin I fer hire :rnd piss on. do the mile t in ildvinee of notes t ila' ii .., bow d un . .. of eou - —7lll ti e, d li ce d e o you aithe on. A - A .ignol f in Led .....„ 1) 11 1.1! l acrec a , , ye snail fenc`e i ~F 01. ;Aare i!+bita Fifa a; but hick 11 1 11 AU gth every !Orel 1:1 andauseh* - riia eli )11 1111114 k eep . V 10, - A *Nivea 44,:teatlimati 0 . 4 bidattotht -- , : 1 '. - ,—,: ci , Be au Vy dear, that- yen eerie., nun; , screw:mho, the pours mart ; in the 'w4 ld i? tbe` o 4e Milt his.; inOnnY and Eirnden jul l e, 7o l l "" ..veeeinisl4l4;:: . 776 :: 440..7 1 eitivrobnso . 01 d fo ' 4 , 14 ; - 374 iall,t- .' 1. 15' gj t a l l .. ' ' . ll . 1 144:41111. iais entithe ehirt tailU progre4 ‘# ,, ‘lien - iiirt 1".! faxii 'B. '-' ' • , ' f "-P - " , it''. It '.l ' - like is inn th 7 it' idioms Po l 34o= l ' fresh•bitiiri ad he • hot AU natil gro ,figore in the `s !ciao- -r world; 1 lerrie. , . 11/-'"_l4) get. lii. plait dc• lis *0 ,eli - 'iliol6i ' i 4, kirk p a Ittielts '' ..." ' - i i 'u- W 4 10 1 1 031 1, tod BREEMBE ge , t, hse abo u t o iiel n nd l, ntleman! is /going .whack ae4) ni make a you; — He-,iiill ,bo* When comm ;iilisvn ntlenian . in4 . mend Eery poliskedi m . ',will m ' the IsidTl ;.' itwil I , casing her' Si / ! thing 1 1 like .und iuti4*Fin ke a . i..:• ng. ranconx s..Hippoi cam r2kNO the ( Bearded-Woman are among tWe ii; ' ' atnina*-o . ahibitingetraithe' tn. - Ths',.l3iserd i woman is emd to' be nearly as,kreat. rionrios-, i li t ti es iii; the sai bes te rd ir lesz li gra sid n o n i y i 7lo ith dress ethe s yn ia idie -mai vi e it in mind that there is no'neceneitr of.goilig e=biteited sheen Clothe ate so - '*ap„-, - aad ex , 'O-erarfaieu teed? , to. manufacture them. ..1 ... Tee just rectos the , • ,. , , .1". r` - '`-' . ---- ' AUTUMN ST-YLES , .. s.F -!.. . , - ' Gentletnestani.Bays.-, --. : ...., ,:,‘,,,,..;,,,,,: i: . li -- V4,17.110Ni ! -Therimbfic are hemkeitautiniql 6 1 etritra" iiVit - tiiiirbothig Of trOilort.theideatitit - -1 1 1 es* be hiatei la thaiArt = ii(4rtiiisiini le iM - :**Onlalligliak itairVisnisati*P' OPtug:ool3C - 1 . 1 .- il l iaistertiiiiosotioeir Wl' iiime: rettiovitt mt sittpterthilaiseinent et".4 - Sarisaliti J o= tel, - ,abeut 74,4eitit hem' " 1 1 betve - 'o4' ,- 'tv:'''''' -t ilettadeleiticieliieiriiiii.tor. pay; down. . -. . - 1 itlirt4l6fati 34t. 15, 18,53.;;4714,.. .1?..i54t 1 -,:y- [;,, i - • " 6 :3 < eartgolnk North Retitramg, leave on, the srrlval :of theinidl train from the Great Errol. l'broaearest, most db+t and 'cheapest rest from' Great trend to Carbondale: PaMwrigowa by Wallas always get in to Carbon dalseaciler In the erreitine'tlian Visa)? ether - rent.' • ,!.tiro rertilirtmlin Carbondale at ilia Store ot,the sub; serßiers, Hain *treat, stew blocks below BMus:Wit lint ;:Align t T 852. . -GROW it EROMERS 4-t New Drug & .Grocery.,Store. t pb c .i. * PATit Olt, Jr, .we uld respectfoliy itiform . - ~.. hie nanotto old and . ..well 'trial fr iends, - both in tOI ont of the Pr cation, end the public la ' general that h.Fasjast ember _in the above bawd btulnesi. semi h - ,riow On hand 4' la . atilt receletna a fall 'and • well P 1 sea assortment of every:thin* in the ' line .of Dra f ts, -lilittlicittes. Grocer' ,tryes, Pain .s;lt:C:,.4 0.. all of whleb be Wlll'aell for cash or barter. upon .the cheapest and m'ofo advantaaeoul twins to. the perch vet:- In refer `edge to blot Drugs int Medicines he. irould simply, state. that they were *elected by ulnae t.r. trout .the establish ment of.P.Shieffe in flatus" fa Co.. one the Most rail ablein the city of Itteer Vork...-rn4 for purity and exeel .ltimhe bellivm were never ex celled. if equalled bj any a lick:ever brouglit into 4 dctsqus lennaConnty, IDs stoCk 0 GrOceries is full and _well , bought nut constniutntly ettnibe wildcheap. ' HO hat a 15 0 .% few.Chnice Liquors for r r etrial pun:reel which be can afford mt. low at a more I hfior article has aenerall cat "bought for. . "Menge "all before , pnrehoming *lee sere. at the old stand of. phut ?c , Warn . ' Ming formerly known 614 the 1" Vaulters' St re," onorksite the o' Democrat' , t Mee. I %Sentra/it; 0 ..b .I, 1853. . -. : - : . '1- _ , • . . . _ . New. Arrangeme n t - for 1853. nr.ev zii Cc's itailroal Fa stotrr•Lttt a front ; Great Bend.every llonday,Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. • • .• - • • • F.teigitt will be received by Corwin dc .141ibmanph on 'rite dare above mentioned at theirS tore orthe Depot in, 'Lodereville- shin Tueelay' until until o'elocit at linntrcee'Statierit and at IN'etv Milford until the arrival of Ole freight train from Scranton. on the Rime day. ;Produceentritattel,to our reat‘e will be . forwarded to NC* York with the ntmo.t diepnteh and retnens 'paid In enrrebt 'none, at, the pieces mentioned above. fort s'sritl lie spared to acetate the b. st prices fitr Produce, and we Will transact promptly alt busitrii ent• bated to onrcaro.• u.r.nitar. cnitwlN: • .. %vat. S. 31ILLSPAUCI II :.-Corwitt & ivrillftpaugh AWILT teep constantly for isle a: full amporttnent pf lr Oron'Pries, Flour, Snit. Firh. town: Dmut i aid ,Sh Clothinc. L'intlier and a.4 g. irtileffilial wilt will iihenp . for Cub or Country Prottuct. April 14, 18b3.-16m9 : - , - • •-•.- Lodersyiilo. Book & Drug Store.' llh sobscriher would inform theinhabltants of. Lo- I. Acresilleand I:arrow:Wing; coecntry, that: he has greatly enlarged and improved hit Store. and tilledr.nn silica large and eortmlete asiortnient, of Paints, Oils, DYelroode, Dye-stuffs, Minion* Glaes, Sasb, . Putty, Varnish andllruehes. - Mae. - " Patent. Medicines, Cheminars, Glaas-ware„ Perfumery, YankeNotions.Cotafentione r y. Toilet articleie: and all articles papally aept ainl - restithlielunent of the kind. . Also on hand a-tara aeaortunnt of BOOKS tt•SIIATIONEBY. ... . . Paper Muggins, &e. &.e.,i . shich Leis ptenered to - sell on as teasel:kohl'. termoos any store in the country.' • - " bowl , . JAMES GRIFFIN. , .- -. , Also kteiss in Waine roem ii genern 1 'assort m Ant old i e Cuenca:* Mt omm as , careftflly set earl, .pirpared• and stiserintemlud by hisisself. for his - own ier.,311101041114 . 041 and the beneilt 'of the public . - . • ". Builders. Pointers, . Phwieiins, Schept Teachers: In deed ad classes and prottasions swishing to purchase are invited to ead and see for themselves - . ' . , . - • L. S(iot' Dirndl* °int , John Meßtanneifttore nn • -•- the R. R.„Lodersvrile./ 350.18,11153.—tf. - • . . , raw Veltii. tsittF4 livispvetar: Convsatg. - Office, 9 . Weal Street. CAPlTALpanCashanl, Apprpyeil gtecurit4es) • . in - sztresagainst..Loss or ,Damage by Fine. !- 'DIRECTORS. . A.. Q.. Stelibins„ 113.•Bioad Street; :Peter O. Baker, 1 spruce steel; ..131kard Ilaucker,llll Broadway; .Thomas itodzeirs. 1 8 . Celinwreet - ; Samuel Utah ]lad, 3:7 WeA street; 'Albert T. Conklin, 810:0 , eenwich street; - James A: Cfrisbjr; TlRDroad way ; = Charles Lent. Kings' .bridge, r 4 . a.ambeit..o4l:ll. Cliksio:- In .; I- Beall Bobbie- Wks, W. Leland, New Yo r k;. Pelee R.:.r..oart, 138 Bank street Stsates S. West And, LaCgbt streets; Joint t. DeinilB Watersire's ; D.'Van Wart, -lig preadway ; Gating. ear— Wert and Bar. rim streets,' Teter U. Poster, C.v. Ososenert andiVest ; Betiben ROW; Jr., Righttt Avenue Stephen Crow. irukinge,c, J.1411•,1a' Walleigt; Philadelphia ; Dexter a. Britian.-49 Water. street; Sainuei 'tribune Bytildisgs;--Siunnent.. Shaw, ei.veland.Dhlo. • . - • - - 110T,O. ciumitEaLis, Pres.. CB MILES CLARKE: iHle4!')!^ • : • cRABLERI;. BROWS, Agent( • • )lentroue, Sep. th 11 4 3 . - ' ' • • Stoves 1: .-. S_ to_ *es I Stoves 1 v • 64 'Man Sere'and Yellow Lead" retirinds 'us th4S, the LIL 114 opproarb-ot the keen Feetto of Old Orey Witter...when one of these 'pv51%77.401%01.9 and bight, app eyed stereestfroni the most- - extensirManufactorlra in t At LI olbra, Mestee. Stu sr t Pcflovd,: - become 'Judi.- perk ble to every,tatnity. We would respeciStakewn no ee to the citizens of Pallor:mini:ma .and odj.lalns con t ier *Wit ire toyeellts.t, received and are . receitrina the argert and best.a.aortineat of Sinves'ever intr9dite ed I to B,4itern Penwsylvania. whielr vitt be slot d et th e f very low est carp ikare. - Torbose sibl are. in 'want: or Stofves Wel. will dad it to;their interest •ck .call and or. era , e onr. variety beforis purehasing elsewhere, They co et-betapart as fUnola:— • • • nilid Slates,' ' Oriental Parlo4 ero4:rn Queen 'I E: 0., 4.- Funky do. !- Itiattlinal 7E: 0. -do orbini .star, - cottage. d o , Fanners' Air:-7704 7 itc,4.e. • he above Et karma - to require any ml dPacr orea are too we mar and so. pr 446 belll 4' .the-1691" T ri e*Ir wa with a ve4.Brort utirket.' max wall will ;he show* thrc.mgh t. „ ... ° l *, i1 , E ." 311 : 2 7 61 , are. "‘.yecotteet the 7 _ 7 7 otie priee store:, • - 'CARPENTER'S HOTEL „,,, D .. (Faiitrm..r.” Lipix. " )G REAT EICD; PA: - . ; 110C T RE iTrembseriber, being rented th 4 srelikneintbwe, anal re-fitted and relturniedeed in good style.ts now prepared to'receive and entertain gegen*. This house' is i i s iloiNel g sit' noted eta th"bartheCof Aheftmet.eh'ln" na river, on the liow,of the New _ V cek.61:14 Dice. and the Detainer', t4e.awasine auk ,Avestern ltaiqoadst over tooklent a nand beandfiil " sentient ot countiy, and is the panorama sef merwry nbequidied anymbiere.', , - t• - , - As ASSnxit an Hurley:fon ihe'hualnever man seekin g 'quiet Ind freedom frotntheinedieeiddin trinity lifkand for ladles cud geattamenin.purset of plenenre Med tlie rural toenery of the eountry-,this, loodionAnsittet be equedied. :Here the weary traveller S secue front the. oonfetiouluelatult , r tba mentinereartivali d departnie 1 of trains, whkh,eirp - edallyitrfhe 'night • elf ' a very 1 great issmoyane tornswe scopping at hum* very near I „ I the Divot,* ' .•1 - - ' •-- . - El ... . _ Elm fronts new: a lieu famished; his Tapia with all the 4 yliesekt whieli - •both Country' and eltymierktis adesrd;. and sio pains will be spared to make . his Itemeapleorrini borne to all Magnesia.— • . .. ..: . blittlrsirts.will be•cotniejed to add tram awaits ' at any hour day nr - night; }y .: a good :Omnibus, Tree of '.' . - A 14 1 ...T7 &TAMA i; e.t.a. , ' t 0 the noVt.e. -•, . , r • - N. P. CARPENTER. .orlttt Itend,June Vltti;lB,s3il - 211tf • . k i res#,AglniQuaxi t ios%Xr aVe dialing -44P -41,7:-Ore JO eiverriotimabla ite.4".114001 Tiirk sad Paris fiudaapoitistP 4 Orft Mosinee Sept.ls 1853. 1_ =MEM .: , . , . , . . , .. ~H 11: . ll - . ' IIOU.NT PILOSPECT .' - 1. • "Liver Complamv - , -11, ; I.YA.TEICURE 'hill - INSTITUTE,- lja q ndice.l4s P i Pq iei.. C l,lll3.ni l ' l en '. . °us . '',) - ' , 111NG11.A.31. ' UN, .N.',. Y. - i .1 D - b .- iiii ,Y. 11 - i4eases " 11 - 1 / 1 -fl Ar f id .rli e r! 1-11 rilif- • ‘ --.- - 4 - r 2 . ANt) al t &RCS raisins; IS institution - is Iuc 1 ited in a rant; U andfrom a eitiorsteett•tiver or ~; stoitiaelf,..no: t-its eoustip ation.divrtAr , pil i cattdlners ) . _ . Jl. - routantic grove at the Datil of Mount Pnto‘ or blood. to the Iread r acidity la thirst* ierDs ItrAnteall '' • ipectcand within the tor r pontoOri_Of ,tfie'vilage i. heart tr• - rn._ ilisztt.t tor io sl. ftitnest dr tist,.„ltt _the 1 i,,,,,,,....„,....1 ,„i• ..„ .i.ww,iwni supply a pinTSt Guff, StrOnltteti; I , ollr eruetatt..ns. Anton.; ornatte Ing At the r ---- "--- "''. -" ----- 7 , ' - -;„ 'bit -of .the la mach , nwintralmi 'pt, the 'hoist*: iturrleil wr 1 'tooter, advantages for exercism in , the Pore. 4 .1.! ''' • difficult. bee:itili lige Outteimg at dm iiirar,t4hOlibig''or • iftlr im i rCarnage stud foot. wulk !iiii the mount:nu, (Wee- sidoeuting sensations when in a tyir.;.s post e.d nese `looking a scenery an sarinas ! d In beauty . and 01 ,1 vision.dots or webs before the sighs ri r ier *nil quill grandeur. and "free from the Prase atm Trio It of .. __ _ 0 ., e ra h, lore halo I.l4li4ersey oCtiirspireCtioiti fyisittesneesi of e skin•andeyes,pani in the side.haekohest.lintbsl busy iitts." yv noshes or Inott.iburninglin thq11011 : Oltisi nri".h excellentiailits g nod rotyrngprivi- ,k e ,,,„,..,,,, .; legee on the pleasant waters •of the Cloltiouirii.-- stint imveioln•re .f ; I TO. a . 4 - 9rreat .Ispetsion of, xrdrits,l l ! 'Melo area : few of the proSentation the "cUre" eT 3 be ter e- ”P` II I e . 1 ." 41 b , ! 1:' 1 - ; .) ' " - ' - Dr. Illuellan4 9 4 cellbliraled ' Glerh.i offers lb the inraiid. . ~ - 1 . --.- - .. I , ,house I. The is new and ' coMmodicius-bsthflie. . ' liklan • !11l iteri 4 .l r 1 . 1 ,ampuratumexcellent-wen ventilated , will ' g 31 ); Peeptired b y. D.'r: p. A.I - Ja i- ii - ii p% t . .th..... 1 I r,• i _Jain- ii piazza. , , / , _ 1,.. . . • 'Ph& medicil deportrnetit to under the , eßtiee. Gertlidn'llledicine ' g . trirl,.l. -• ..lo'•.elkli strfel . , . 1 t 1 care of Dr. Thoyrr and wife, who hove had lime i• . -•• ... ph il a d e i, , , zia etper,ience : in Ilydroputhic practice ; mid -ear fa- I• . ,•' '. - . 1 ' . 4 i -- .. _ t Their Prett 4 .rover the altdve iii- caeca IS notexielloo. I irerithlY known ite-teteceePrel Knot ni m q' ll4 , . i ,e.luMwd. by any other iireparatioo lei the LT iced state I Convert . ; of . liecturessiwith rnir Pitit a nd in " - as .iPs-eures attest, Ite: Mony tarp ititl'sr - skiiedt Pli.f i 1 tuitions: will be' given titrotighout 'the tteitentt . .(o 'don* too roil c d. '.• . . .., . 1 - . •,.1 ,. , . the Students and 'abet te. upon'%llntotny. Physis ; pc. Tl47z si tt va itt e ,; : rs ..u t.. , r ,l o rt tr ui rlr . tt i tz the r a , t 3 te ii n . tir i rt . Pit t y 1 ay1 . 1.... , ot .11 V. • ',ea. 6 10 ErYs 11 Ydrqintlit ntlniffigi e nes for w h i O h li k ers' . of ow I.i4r :I n• 1 ,leS,trr otonds.',eLivreisiS' the wee will be , no ;additional ehargv;. .- • • „searching iiiiVer in Weaktieir.e . aartpiteOt ritor.of, the tl' • • ' ' • fgestiveorimms. thy are -14 IthaL-avire;vertailt, and pi . - Fern 4. des who 'me° tren confivied..to their beds . ac t , . -. • -r . . for yehnt, ere itgited to correspond %frith tie or i . , . - Riad and be. Con74in ' c'ed. - - f „give ull a • call. or . e_tir.c.i . e . s i n . the treatment 01 . • • .- I The Miter of its Bosto , t Dee soil. Dere '..ber 12,1-. diseases peculiar to females ., has given tie coltp-i - D R . , i, . r . r , leb,rofe t 6 . -rtrysit Infer rt;r them d.nee,Jand we day to all such. even if-tileY 'have ' or Liver t otophrint, Jhult.hre.- WI +Tens+ , throt.le; 1 , "suffered mush from- many physician 5... -. matte • Nerrouy . eb`tlity, is opterresity one l orithe i net poptal 2 - Imetlleitie of the'd:rv. Three Itittprellf{.44 been s usedi y one more trh.l; . - -- . ... :thous. it end •• *r end at rite Mbar% .•:',:e-t 1-e bail 111 I. Terms from 1 5' 4 to 89 per week. fltrk"'" i .elfrertei erd . in effeetu tlantt pt.:mien in rum of Idif i , . - - .. • `wee ly.) rteeorning Ici r 0.,,, and attention plot- : complaint _ 41 , in the u,Ft• rr MY- tilittltAy - . I,,Ver . -rie,*; 1, 9 1 .. red. - Patients will prov i oit for personal nee ti coin- i slotril cleat: iii the use 0ri1, , 1.• 1 . 11 1. ki„.. ti lsstrit 7 fort bles, 2 blankets. 3' linen , ;t . ._ A • manor imine ity-..gth iti)v.g. 4 - I :Dlet et fli. nf ore t or cotinit uniteto anti en , ridden! tion Thee are roinitseptin test. , and oemelloi oil I 6 towels. ' .1) V i . Tli AYR E. M. 0.9 . _ I ran he 11ed hy . Persons with toe poi - wt .:jet -"ft. xtntustli. I r ' • . - /10..itIattl IltViicitsit. ; with Refetf e'ele•r eny e17,1",P14i.,+.4 1t 'air ere.) , se. f 111 " ..- D. W.A. If .A 1 .RA N N EY. I'm...ter; .I from rsperien:r_ a'id r.% trt itrac,t pi. 4 e :t0... their l rie • , • ... Scott', 'Week!, . one of ritehest di4erary p4pers pub ---, -• ' - 4. 11 • 11 0/. 4 414. Allgo..t %foils- ` ..•, i7l :I . - • I .'.' Books - titl - Stationery. - i ~. f,\.. Dr...1109,,1d0..6 Getllkilie r ilteinA.toopuroctiirt r d ;by A ulO l-01, 11.4.1L e t v, K a l (I n : 1 11N , a l ; o it ne it r, r . !A . :I:J . 0 0O n : F t. lo r. b .t ; Dr.: . ,,larrlomini..ll4 now rempurrientleY tli amuse of lie 4 31 J II •It 7444 prominent meottierte.pt the vireibeal riettity ovi an ; New Tork, and menu! yew rens of ....11A.seriptien of:article of inuelfelliency in-croses a r ri:iii4l4. , ..feraciaoss...! All blank nook s. hartvc enlarged their ma nufarturiar d••-',.tern It-th ee mise , v 4 t.w""" adti'''e On .i."lf o r. , to ob a l I pertinent. and edited 2. row , R41.-C room to their eatab• ; hrtt-1.. awl it, its -....v.. thew's.: rrs mock rte '- ores.. I, r.. istonent.Are now prepared to supply %twat...Her mid anus of debilitate•l'e Oretittitinne'l , inm.9 l the - e IN! .fl: Country, kierehentstrith carry yarievy.44 Honks, Dram ' ` .. 11.1.1MIttligetsus ifltheir Wealth." a. we-14 . .0,11-nm .ex ' ri- IBootie scud Stationery. on the ins i st favorable tr.. me -", cure the , salutary effeet they havy , :uprin weak syste ''' i Their atnek uf- Diann nooks, 41 of their owl* turittufite:. I ...-. : f,• . ~ ~,,, t . • . ~.. ~ , ... :, . - , •• : , ~_ ~ victrev bogefice i t tore, conftiAts grail the. various size* . am, styles of Ae- : ~..-• eovintAlook4, Virrelleiratolunm- Pale Itoolot. Wri*ltir-C1- t The Philadelphia izei orirly Dalette, t erltti.t tarY phering, ilx .reise. 'rime. troll and Drawing !lottUe.... plipim pisha.ll.4 in OM Coiled Stares, :41 s cf:Dr..lino`• ; lanirs German nitt , r..-- , .., '. i - ••• 1 Boolsiteeping Blank s , Ste :Diaries ter !SU, -11 Ma.. vari ety. • - : .• - i -- It is c.•;ioNtt thltt :we recvminietitlitiitit are t..!rTytt..l Booloin eViry department of literature!. suitalit. for : Paint ete lleiiii.s. en the Mintbieiml, mill potrntiam. kif ' .. trhoolv. ketilentlet thtelemq•SnnottY erhanle,"Public . nue rratle:.e, and thirrefotr when we t r,ers•romene- 1 Or. I and Private•tdbmrees rltail‘toe'l works , 11 : 11 ","'" a l i d,r`:" 1 11:041.111WP CieTtnitil Mit...". nt. M 4 Ol !NV• lie .1 1 Stihrth I nn et-y: etry; Annuxisant other haeks itcntle D'InITP for tur elem. root that we all - net -prabirgintibilinvriintiv rtli the , holti4 tys..turonile flanks of every description. Itiblet'i day. that ire no'bied plinut 1•• r iv tiii, vf airrind nail It Teti I Priiy.rattd Irmo itn t're. In nit th dr roletisS. comm.. to , gotten one:. - they harr von_tliefiefutili*r race of : alt - Music Boos. act. Statiwnerv. plain sort Ate 1it'• .1,. ."T" ; chief-but :Oro nic nititie-Inno M;teliltieliell, Weeereel eIA i ll nth. "French and Ainvtlean• S'al'ett hi the ow-e al Niirt.roved „awl which hoe met Ihe bamktrapproval o the afar:tures'. 1 ..r.,..t. prices. • faculty it...tf.' ' • • f • . ~ ,11l at which they VIII .U.ll. .1 pricee river:lrving proba-i: Look ,vii iii fire nterk• or thert-n ;tin. .They hay' ~per Itilylower the "stov other estriblishment in the pity " 1 written siehattife,ot.C. tt .J %.0.1C.503: . nn . 1.1i. , 0i ti : es . . , Orders by ,1 , 131/ fflre.l fraternity arid pivonotty. and at and his t1311:0 Montle:the bailie , 'aft . wid th :l salvo' priers .14 it the porelomerPw.r present. , arm .porleu,S• . - 4 .° .. •: ,- •'_' '. ' .8140170, car . of Ciotti street , sew-York, .-27m6 ' i For:ale. witol•Plik .. ili.T r..ini .-ii tli *Gertri"Oir., e'li .. . , -, . . -- ----....- , ',we S lore. ko. 10 Arch .treu t. (mt • it r beim': -iixt h. MEMORANDUM . ... i Philadelphia. -old try re:p mable 'derilvt• ginetunt i.1: .• io'••! I nnt.lbe - rietivitry. . . , OF. r * . I - 1.).-ircx ir lai•el.-!-To enable- all chat of Myatt eG i DR.. TllllOOll DOMESTIII VIE ' - i FINER, i ruin'' the ~ .b•nri, , ...:,..., r -thor 2;1-0 . 1 ~ t,rith• ~ , era. • Sinatod FlnTit,,R 7:, ettv•ro ..• • 1 . .00111 , 0UND sritar, OF BLOOD R 00T, FOR THE ( ,"AIa for.ale by AM% TUB iti,ll.o „ . . eu a x OF: ' - Ten4 " a - ' ' I I, - • Consumption. Asthma. itrottehitis, logien:a, Coughs, i ` Whooping Cough and Croup. •,. "„ - ` . .. I . •,Dr. Throups Infant . Preserv' ative atol.-310- I ••• - -' - . thor's 1tt,11,4 t ,_. , , . • ceiett YlatistetMe:Colie. Gripes. Pintlies.Pysauteryarei i . • , Cholera ot Infants, or acy of thump:timer' la of infant : life. 1, .' • ' -Dr. Titrrp t i. Worm Wison . _, ExPells theseulthy intruders at ths human system with- , out excePtion of kitttis or 'lnsulters. • • . • • , .... . . . I • 4 : 1 ' 1' • Dr. Throojex Billious Pills ." ..4 .. .Great Cure- for .Dyspepsiti! ~ , Clare Indigretion;- Milieus disorders, Cootivenr:ss.PileN, i DR .J:S. IIOCtiIITON'S 1 6 EVAIllit. : Tilt: Tit ti 11 It ettdielle, Heartburn, 'Fiver. Inflammation, Dia:heat, i I#-J.si A' S * st• .t , a. fid •e. Olt-I:am:I le .Sta in ..,- ~ Dysentery. and .trest.ores acheslt hY., action of ad 'hot Pmyarrd front_ It EvNET or Hie ntu4th Stionae.l of ti glands - et the body. - • I Ox. atter directions or- Baron 1.1 Mot . th is great 'firth 1 . " - Dr. Thrntlp'S Ere Water - - opemesewiet;byJ. s.!tottuuto:t . az. u, Priut.4.l .. i , • Ii 'une,rpeeees fo ittre.lev virtues for any inuanitnato- ' p ies . . 41- '''" / ' ' . 1 ' .' I . , - . - . . 1 - Tine is truly NatoreP , i‘w.ii nettled forno nil "itith cyst/W.lbn Of the eye. and ~ r. Imo" Salve , . . !Stomach.- Nears 4 Mum CAW r•ttia.., 3tP ourrri I.'ftm ' 'I) T 1 ' I erg. It mitainsms tleobet.iititteas, Acids; orl 'rm. Is unsurpassed tor . dressing for Derr* anti tltlad 3, Ul• } 11141C111up. It la t.ittn•inply ;14;dttratle to the, ta., It. km cerd,Sitlt Rhona, or any ftbrasion , of the skin. •' 1 rnay be , t•tken-hy the most fee'ile p kients whol rem) ItTelsellte NVlrgle'lli-"-Detltier ft item& Hwlltrose. ; eat *Water or ss'rei wahontittentel , discrete. ea .r. ' Ig.„Orweger & Cp..ftla it; if. St.lonthereltittutb ; F 1..; of prugged Inittetions - reprinis ior a• Drug. 1 ' ' Ifellistef.ll 4 l4!etowrt.r.' D. Glidden. ' Vdtenddirille; sc"tt 1 Crir•lT.tllon.th.• 'aria, and get. . t 'serilltitre •, bruin & ROLL e'srintrville; Dr.; lenimbert . Auburn; I. S. t ertals.ewine. t'lltrzel4Vonntit tit gele tine eviden e. fro Little.: . l . :l.w Milford; Dr: ' Itrooks Great need; - . l n-I . .ishiree nittlat Chemistry ;Int doollos's , Ph mote, 'seta I . - Merrimpn. Uplonvittr; Dr , I. Derne y l : Little ; neDioest ion; Itr. t`i• nitn t, yomil t iltitl tliek . ;•lt -.ltil Afearlo .; Jasper Stanley; Chorontit; E Tiffim ttrook- ,W. Draper. It V I:3Y Vorii. Univei.i ; Prof. DPI *llsair lynt-Nittre; IL A- irdniturs,C,lifford; Dr..l4l.Otrnitertii. I physioliere " Y'r,nf ' Kiln Ilan; of - 1r.1...t (:•41ev,•; t:. 6 Dandiff; Johnsen& V.-rt. trArfont ;D. Hoeih.JisSup.'penteesphyslo ..+y; &e :'t i4erlirr ir 'illith - r.spert - , tent l Si' lll.ASOrt,Oeneral Agent; roiest Lat.: lit. , fmm all parts of the united rlatirS .` 7, : •' d . ..', Jannaty 1., I&' 1 3 . -'. -- ,; , -, ' I .=r•rinstritvit Nits 1' . ..--Eterl trittle -of thei entti 1 • • ' ' ---- -------------- ------ 7 rPI'I'SIN hcArt. thv written ......-it r 13' S. I 111 • . 1 DOCIPOR...YOII;IISELF'- ' i ' : TOY, 11. 7) , .eett • PrePrhlet PhiletraPitet .,- t"-. 1 . ilm ••• . , . , • • ' • t__•• .• ; right and Ti-ple• Mork soeun•-4. .4:-- • :, .: I - 1 ' 1 For 25 cents. : ,- I pa- eal Ihv ell tiro -roster anit Deiltrs In NI dined I • i - • •MT It RANS OF TiIE.POCKRT ESCITLAPI- I Prier; !'! l „ l .. 4 i i ; c :l: ‘ ,"', „ e n ,, ; rt .,' . 1 ., .tit ; i1 t ,„ ; , , , ...i.i „,„,,,,, r , us. or_ every one his own PhYsielnei -thi s - ' '''-.• ..' - ' "-1%',. k. -, s.- .-•'-•• •'' 9 1 ------- sixteditiont with wiwwirtv of h beettm! • Pst.ortt‘int..:te an hl retail . g.. 7, o , ~ + . y I . ir .- eogrivinmAtiowtog prey -ate aloes" in every ~ • • ' ' .t" - - I, ._--- I .I' . , - - slnme :red f min, and matfotnatio s 'orate 1 . TiIIE ROAD T O kliEilki•Oriit . I t II get:keratin. spiral; ' - • . ' - : s - Ers - .: . ii. Il .. .I ...'}.... ~..litr ~.spx••••,, / - ' - • I : ..ei . vg ) 1 ? 1 .NIV • -I/ ~„ 'IV '•;i: , /t''.l . asp Wilt ism Tann e*., RI. D - unit awl ..i. Nof .4. v., fa ..,, rai, . Th - time hos now arrived that iieISOTIP nine - nrioln ' ' ' . • ' --- 7 .: ` ' I'' :, . I' ' • _ . .1.... seeeit er dleelnee 'Peed no ' Intrre bPe* . me /tie "'Win" or t •CilitE OF A-DIS et ll DE!: lw . !FED A. D quote • yoto by the preeriptione.eteritionerl in'ltiletront ,' . • • . • • / , . t• • •• . ' • any lure mnreurr•hinutelf. 'without pitlnitiet' of ;blvd. • - • DI o RST Pali •.. . . . fire ~_' ii• -sr , - ' •-' I.: , apes or,th le trnotairtair: of the, trroftlittnuite f iyod,i•nd 'Convert :L .r Atei fro"n's' .41... R . .- R7rkAt;:.. i i Chrmial - I ".'-tt 7 .7 .3 ' , .7.,1,1 e -...Yfri Ar;l e ... a f.".,r , IT A - ,.-, f': '... - c . trith ne tenth the oast o 1 hiponie. "in stt-iiti n' to the } ~ p r i m id ;t tee / Ll, ~,, ) 1•14/1 84 j,,,, Ism. - • .L. -. 4•- • 1 ' 01 . 4 . tut Li "..'`:i "4 •." "-: .1'• . - rn air nicht.. of toir qe•lisetisejt plait' eX- Nino, the ; - ' 'f.,'. '. -•• '' •; - ' . :- .("` • - 14 -• • 4 '.‘ riiiii ' - Ali - '' tr ''' A .'"'" ^' .1"' 1-► '' ,7 l '- - i T .N.,ire,.. 4 . ti,,,!„,,,,c_.N7e• A our Pills ' lad-Oita •' •• - ' l ''' -- f - ,L 2 ' g- ^',' • -., in. - - 0 # 10 _,..• - # 0,7 4 es 'of notriboneo enrirdeolitte, with oh•••• :Ohms on t•: - 4 • -- • .'• • .. • , • kft--,i54.- , m,,Aortotiktitittn;Pittint itnu'Ainbator flit 'at rOnrAllatiositle•j 'ninny other der4nortnotit schi;th it ; Firm h ire An 'I the: hith "1 "P 0 „ " I ll' it:O r Pr m fi r r. 6 7a . i - it sleet.' ' ' ` ' - won't' not be roper to eninnoraireht _Ow otthiio oil a f,,, it 4 oy 'tio•lkiho , - for.4onle yiliiii ;i . A ruarottier. to' 'llona t ' . - c••••••• . "--- - •, ,- -"' - - --- - ''•:i •:. :-..- • '2. - .-Z . e.::-7.,•:•• - . =l• ••• .-. P.".-.Voy'rtersrin sera*: Tit ANTY-FTV it' ti l i tti eitoirs- ran • eft.r for iii :owl liteb 4- • i' .l 4l .4 is''''K'we thl•4 '1?"11:it'no % ,. . r.:-.' v . .". "!"-••''-'''. ":"r':.`"r"-P-life.- - / ' Sta.' -• . - - i ... .i. • '''..... sod. in a letter, wilt receive ono ropy.of this book by ) , tir.•nrOt3r.tlini. erriler ramp ' •,£ 0 41.1 lirrn , ti•pubt r d t o T; Viotti) rottoi?...WtstiT:Oi' , O.Oratto.l-Ati4 Oyster Frorki, 'moil, or fir,. copies.will ho aont for ono , lonne. ' „ A , i ,j r ,,,,,.. yeorr , with a Alain tte? ed lira i..ri04r40,i tlipsihOn... On tit • l'or.l 'or Isnive: R. - 13,1. en.1..1-te,-,, tot mi l s 0 t ,.(tpi .. 4 2 , nut. DR:Itif.YOUNG. N 0.152 Sprneestreit:Put r....t nny'pori k ," buLt .ne:n ...oil ; however . Rh , .':rituto me oi : the, ~•1 Ono:: . i fir. nt Te4VA. Ti a , 01-17-41.0 P.Ort-4,_•.-* -. • --: ...:..„ 1 • y q , - ,. . 1 .41 a,. •- • .: - --:' . ; - . • -- • - ~t.fr. -.I trtning. anti the hitt .niattfjott tort iklen - •Lecyroiy,,,th •-• • • iti 1 tlaytt,l'aihtn:*l.E - V45 - "Art:clt,-.lt..onshos ~ Or + ;As d it es it erl Y b ‘ o n ti l ilt ta lait. ,n ity b :re e n cEn t 7,2 1 1:t e 1l ‘l4 ttatti rl On nn s! ' s . P ...b r i t ,: . : l , i' il l e L. :..: l u i ,o7l l Or t it. " . -. 4 4!O " r e rli ni ttt. 6 e i l l ) 4 !” . b tn e.L . , r 4'74 i ' li n . ,; * 4o,, : l . 'el e ..l " . r,4tbe,lie ; .60)tt'1*.e . 7:.it . Pi i 4 ... l, , e ,. ` ' .fri e ito Pi ‘ nnri k : N i. fl l o,, : t l , 4 l . , Tc. -rl-k ... 1 14 , 1 :i n i, ,, , ,,, n ' 5 - if il . , : Ir ni,,.4; Y t e . .. o rtt i,:i .l7 ln r ., th r i t; !. 152 iSoroce street . wiry. 4ay between Sand pck tx. wk . anti atto tomrno• too • 1t31. , kz ..tLi till now. ftrOli trOlll 911 00,11 1.[,.1,!1 •L A. ,r , .r,Vl-,9144,t 0n0 , .. , ts orool. ... : 4,.., SualaYs (mt *tea .) " •.•--,: -- , : ,Ig y f, roc-Jinx 'Lou'. Alm lint] ttl'e?o ir•ltf She, - ; tinned I --' ~' '.. ,- .., -. .! ,1: . ' - , - P.rAt4V:Sr...T) ..1 , 4 ...z. , - ,•• . , -_,..•,......-..___Hk... _.... •_,....._ .--_ • take them , and nithonzit.ahe 44 , 4411 y throe otrett„ a, 1 ' . • - 4"lnearVetats4l6- 1 1,m4107in!llote1;.' .'- -v;,. The . People s . rnes. I I • ... • __L , • ;-.11 :: : : •:•: :::: : :: ,i , : a f f p :i .kree: : 10 : I s th`-',, , T .: itin , I , if ha • . p i kagbi-inthh , .l i ti lo - 8 .1 41 X 1 .5 3.., ... : : ... , ' i t''" ~ ' . i pent-Vol nIVI7 tnnee e.a.s,:s " Litt t he_tth-ro ,frOnt the.% 'f •- -' ---- , -.7 . - •••••-3.-4,; '. :5 - t .4 i ~ . ,- , i, --.....2....--...4., 7 , ' ' ••' . • ' ' ' - fetal/ ritfie nthiek.and;iht. :eirlety.ettra. - 141tIlik'apea. •i • • " ...'. -- ' ` sa. ••••.•?. ,• ,- -.: ,`-• T. T. i'.44.4'5,. of ./iha . %:lZ , , A r . 2 r ., f a . i,n D,:tray- r - ,hl f • ." r . Ai : ! "AC,,r - . 1 1n s !:' .C,'ll '':' - - , - -.. 1 -- _ -. 4a-r 44 t Th. " •' ' I •Cr and .Healing.-Extra?`(. . , . - ~ - . • , , -- - - (Sl',.tirt.t -•• it ..m :•ICTICT9II%., .. if 1 , , , i IN Extract - front the tlrint) e f Allt-d . Itlt base). and tANXT It AD ill) tkoi. g - . 1. cy.ii.E7, - 'p;v! ll,l l -ftt. l --r •kk. nu. ely fremtbat,Witb tip!. etcreptlon of little Al.l- •-. '• • •,- --• .i r ..q , ' !.. , . • , F ES' V.lt, IN ) A.N.,,b,1 3,11174, S•L'ANII:-' . coo. -o P. to`rerT el 4 .' , i • •••• n in, en i,.. n i l in,.•,1 pain An d infinininatfn :`old 501 .. 04 i . C'opy of a fet.te• toarrlti i.tt the ff•A•trt Tawii,"Cour fr0th0..111241 and bruise s . Plie*:- and' ll diatiaroq:Abe of the.10 , Afi1e4t. , ..13 - tl.i,; .It.r liar PL. •ifrofeJtO ',,,,.,, •-- ' . i # i• 'bore. le Of a ohr ore nature. twitth-d,cho, enii;a ehe,unti no, . tlaornrot 4 "rionnirit-n. tunttoon vot t ra ;.f isto: resill extellent remedy, for rematea, &. ; ' . . '.. : .-_; at New -Nan. had tree,* Land'Oring . from a.:vlrOient. rtt It id truly wh a t.te i t tru f t ..4,,,,,i i o he,."•••r n A yni;p t ,,g` r ' In etie fever rer".apw..rt. et cWe lne•abe.. wt., cli And. 1 rii i 5, , ,,i,,,.. prerbldtsee haft aratte.6.4 nioniti the' ruip.l ' hirely art:Fri red ter of tha• .94. of her; litntift..; ditricrr,t 1 4 p lota life ninny things,thrit contribute , Erratic to the. tholod,tha rt“ tojUer the Faro of th .ino•t'ot limo. in fait •nd 311ijrt4ntrdr et eveir bed. ,• helic -their Cr -at iriti nom in itoltort Tooartit 4d, bfy Otero Iv r,,....e.e..-- ar ne, an 1 wa.l may Ility he . called itErtentt nt the pee.' ridered' topet . e.At -: S rti3O , l.ei:revatit4l. - raps .It.-, , .01)e..7 , '...,. r - : . ' . 1: 1 ' , 1 * -.- . : Itolloway'e.l.4 ~ . .:erld.-1, Alie..fearented 14 dri.'an, . aenord. here to gated ntnitist. Impe Ride , A man by i•incroltbte ohm* ‘rfaceertia*.lll.c. yen:Laced a ; rote() ', t e aliment Spencer has matinriet u red - an : bifesed ti.i . .'. incitt.".oot. A:PXINr" Atirttlt,. it f NOM 'EN :OP i) i's t o a apuriontoortiete coiled thrV'Cariiii 141 raft" -- '•l'ir: , t :' ' A -- r• - '. .: ' - St - -.- '. l .. 't4S ' '8 iriudd b.• extract frilut 'Me lesz.4,:nut-ttit." minim! it as -5- ` t ' l3 4g I ;OF • 4 ' PA •••-• ,• 3 1 "TEAi white and rare a. water , whilOtite oputiola relete le eel; 1 rroin filr4rs • :Targt,,.tS4mil,'Prtsprietarttqf o ed,'whleh enehlea the ittbLie 'to •listott h.. ' i ratt:cre.•treto t -aft voncliiitt'Att,:falooringq, onetam 'slim but . throe marked i'ond's . ti Dertroyer.. . it 0pt.."1" 2,/-18) t;.• -,-•- ~, - i --; ;., ..•4. --, , ,-, ...,, .1; Iwtr.trAm K .11Arctz: - • Sitottl4me• 4 1 ,34 lrh 4 r;keyPers 4 , Tor ern fn'ein4r- Ifni liilni;•-:•§. ti• . 1,4 Alexi re, , ' 'il)141 Mid/tint deniers innernileA - gents. • 1 '.:. ' •• ' ano n to the.•.jot. efferte of ilotfeaoylre-Pilt. Tirol A i 4T .`. ' • ..L. - ...... •. .. : .... ,• _ -- • . .i n ., 1 YtorS [ .11 1 t trl . . Irghtin,-11:11,14 104 Bryant - liousei 'tiretat'J e nd , jjer... , t ta c ...s.tolit Rd,. irtlich .vens:tii,.. :44 imiuuipotard Ir. ' --'' . - 'Pn. --,, ~, ...;,_ _ ne,,,,,, , ,bi ' , ith. thAt prittotit..dinte! (r oo f .- . 1, , • - '-:,. - pat, Iwo ... 7 ' • ' ' - ~ • %t f auld.4 I .5.7•1 1 1 , I c.. Ail.tOteftrt.iita'it.l:iii"p grins :T:64 out ...- ,. ..a _oils , bititang.'!eittei 0h ' a few otar•o•Ilif . theft FIN 11..*-.. - re-4 0 1 4 1•L')Iir : 11 - i fait from the Depot'at Great mina. Id •no - otnotad rleeirOw.f ilia C0111" , i1'i...441 '. .','•4 l- 4ti1:41 Owl rn inksbed 'in steniteblei'style , for a, gbh' tlotete,,,[t her vlrt etre :. t sun mew, otool ed; by theft OA edit be kept oleo at all boars - (both Alty ti a brbt, + ,Iferetlviq nellve:•,nd evil OA "t•s•i -eid to • '1 o,r the rearprinit 411 :e.trelioria,,' tend erpeehidyrtir the ae;.i..wealetsee pr plia.*tiett .4 den 1 - mit do bee, rommodation of panneneers trovellor- on ithit ; Y: r.-& 1 - „. : ititg,) . ,41): VI, I*- - Y4 otl Argob at. , by, 'Erie It. I. & tr.,ltailroitd.. lielti.e at.theidvaimi of theit•lAires4pitific.,,E:fik,..oo;',.f.ifoi.i.(iNtrd', rs rwrIAR-Ittld‘l he moit wive:Mew. point ' t o Step In arid ; ''' -- -'- ''' • • - "••.- ~- ---.` ,.1- , „,, '."-",,,,,„,, 0 . - • • : hake refreshments soul be elf with the first (min. - rut well I . •:'• ,' : • ,•:' ''. - - ':- -•••• , •"'"'‘'"'f - Yfs -- !17 - '''''''".••''Z' ~ *s, the most'eintreident hnoisit to neeltnint Oa to i be' ontti . t ,Perarrria.tn fl'Oritlefroti • Otley.irit, INT : 1 ite.iiiiiituoit h,IY.W-; AltataN and , 11 , ' 1.1ta0211: I-- - Oftlfe, orat th.,•l• tltnei.'*ltn.,l,/ 'int - meat Iwitb ?arm. eunuch te'llettfaltle' kt.t.. WS Stkett - np. e?nrst_i_63lu•se Pills. ii,s,litin-lielk or pee' ". iiiiit&netitt rirtittnr`otrr,o4A..l ,!*,.. 1- and.ta le i ; Ibrayi set,Ar'entie.l, ,, be' tbeltsfeec ell tido direful eo• , 1 altbl.):lttl. 4): LS ait.l laiarles tend bed 'at a a 39.. - ditlistaft 4age1....ar1i...a alt albir least:titbit' .„,„it.,....i.riane..... . :.1-..,....-_.:--._...„,.4.,..1 Ta c tic celebrated Pato' tire liCil l . /irlitify . . fitlf-PatsvMere desirini rest An% illeep t ca#.lijOilant i , . • ,) .., •• -4,/ - • - ,,,,4 u • - r • !bete, sirlld•the Infinwettleacept.takiad- an. mnothitilaifil..',''", -. . -:-., - .1 . -,, , , .•!•• " 4 7.‘","4:;-., . . ." ntf-,,t.',', dad.an lan, ett well an t.lie delay ;Opt tatmert4tiltt,f, ‘ eProl. - ' - i• Ara. Aelbeni•ilillistO[lllinp'nlnis: 11l initistn. ktrl2lh• Ilatlat at the artia'al or 'I attires ''% VlUta'„ ~1:1Z-fflatIll I .traine-A-tut a 'meter will be in" Illation : t eotetni:t 4111'.i..liu`-‘ 44l " llll4 ' l l 4 ;" l3 r 4 l"•:" . hll'hnt'etY• -,,gth their b afgar i in the' B ri vit At o p , ; 9 , 1. 5 c,, ,k if . , ,64a•7 4 seinfoit - n'44'tteit lei': TOrlit fitilir-kliti'hi- f 1 r - 7.. v .!! sz a wtv i k l itt.the b 4 ,..i t 3 ,, ua l ..*ovint See, or' ache. iii;Alittlinst Y.Jiiitil•liOn4 Idler IMMO eriiar.4 (l 4 l "ft igni'ehLl C.l!i!i4i i , !Sake them ff desired. at.. i r ''' I ' l l 4. " 6-4 ' 4 0.'1 1414 ' 41 1 1 ' ' 41 1 1 .' 4 ' ime.batti at the ellitit.„ . .., ' _1.,: . ~..:,.-.,,,..• . ~ ..,t,..11- . ., ..,,, ~ .... ... _ere 3? ett,e. htti•tt nati r . , ,tirtit,:.lil '.44 1 i. .ffhAr tot:4ton of the Brialti r flonia. With ,Alter , psi TlelEutli'lnierlx.• I 'o. -16 ..lrlierit-'Viiii - : ohitOtherrav4ott It onalbtne to i Mike_ it it 'Sere Airldrible 'W ^ m'll"P• l4l,l AltitliafliitAtirOlC 4 bit. / 1 111rtitilltAlle4frr ost r brisln men'tit.:4ltors.tit - thir: 3- :€0 4 1 1 .,it t h el t 41 A 111 1 4 P 11 0i l firri , lrol!• 11 edtr.rbe may B a r ry tenst sir we^. for ,A) .ifil - days tri - trt " 4l 'AC"'" r • tqlni iii s 'B Li t' i c n4.ltr a 4 i ll 4 TAO* in 441 t r . • ,- ' • '1 - • • ~.. • t01e4 4 "; lliAtA'nrel:Millentl. trit‘gelows ' A r ~......-----• -1 - - , =••2_,, , :•• - 1 •.=;- .- -- - Mall;::;:.;.. •-••• .I Rritleh 1 , r, 1re.:& of Ili - -e 417tbe-tir It ' - - ''' ' !l4 .' , ...?.4. 'l Y . t i Oi: ir Se !! /11 ta' tq ,- '-` 'ea ne 17 1 . vile•'.'3 - rt: I'kl r ;11 .trot *. , • I . l ittiA4i4taiiiiitUii;llll ' it : -if ; 'i - '' ' 4/rtliell .l i t * it4 - "th e Dillt-h44kiiillitiitli f It:tala-i'l t ` - ' A ' trit , PAlTniKlitiiiiimityystraolhrit - ' .iinetisoloodf• 4 2i.,o- 1 4;tlit i lli a 111„ 4 ; b.Xlf.kr:. ti O soowit :.. 4lo o - PbOW4- : tti 44o t4ere * Sib' ea r lA;iits '' ' ' -: I; nt - Priine4 lie . 74 ; 4 4 1 ib1e17:: :. * I #414 . 44 . .eb0r VOMOS. fisafria 6444; Kelp ;.: 'relit nefrtnersi.•.,4 •-. , ..... • •,- ~ ,t ,......? ~:,. .. „....,lilV, - 07 - A r e-netwieluirticideli,jisitkirie ., •klti7nrymbs -,,.,... 11 ,",„,•`i' ' yi . ,..... ...T.. -- g.r . 7 .': L 4 . 4,-;• . 0,,,..=i-,;. , 1 iittlimOttate*r4detot,._-';4 , .: 4 ,. ?‘/IDlalliallf.BST'AlM- - -"' '''''''''''' • - """s' 114 I 5 4 1 rAll e 1 et1441- ,4" 01. - ..igliC - Ilkiille4ffic - - ,•; , ,.. - ',.'l_, -- - -;.= .= -. . . = ~ • 4 bt filisord rue nOiefl' nlkiliik' t - -•- -2 • ;•,. 5 .1.,,, .._ ; , ,o jj -,,.. .., ~ , „. . ~,,. ~ 4: 7 ", i n r-..... rrn •ie 1 ,.. .1 1 , , -,..... r. 1a.6 . ;41401:0 , 4(16. Ll r g', Hop I.ii:t 4.4:l46aiihtya fist's ftlis - iii:Alii ; Nit f ig ll : A * -W* 4 * I tW 114*-- .4 0 ' ; .. ,ts. , i . miggrii,.. ~ , • . 9), 14r,.. ._ 11:40: _ y _... , , ....-.-.1 .. - J.je,ana , kArt ,4 ,tre,,_',i, 4 1 1 ik. , r41 : 14416;11r-M t n 't4rierity fort% "' ' ' 0+. 1 nr.4 1 04: - ot• Onsip - - 44414114 4 .14-e i f . a * lt* *. P: tti q tl4l . l 4 ' .feil ' iv+i - ii rill 'itiqourhippe ‘" . '' . - ."' to, 4„.. : .;!-,i:.,:.;; . ~ .04,1 )00 , 01- 10.*I.VilktkPlItior!ke-1 ' -.- ' • ' ••• - - ~ - • - • - '. 71 .. , Iii*iiiitAt .ft ..: , • -.1 ti i e*l bi klipo t tli o l o .4lo4Kment l 4l - .l.4mikkelles., Gi n n * kibt - &IL — &At= Ar ' ' 1. 1 • • ••• • ''''T -- '- ''-•• - • .-i• r-,. - - ' ' A/kW:L : 4 '' 4', : ""; '.'• '. "Lib.".La.' -.`-'''.44 l'•'• 'lli'tirlitiliterttitintkftloriaii'it tittle • •Er likii i ii i tra n..lotita i "POßO l l•4l-4 1 0.Pe - et*l. pi - A ' -)Ii '''' - i ..' riini itilkitelL. -: - • COPtatiONTik'REVIER., 1 inti l * `, 1 - D v ilr:i e l! ,1. tjt'L ' Ifolt liiie• - .4 ug.2.5;1853Y—tt. ,• i - - ' ett "t li , :i - - .v.. 1 ''' '. " 1 .• '' '.: , •'' -..: - • -'• .: .- .i ' : . .-- " iiinltiknaton,,Oot, 20,; 1.853 ; 1 ... 1 iilt: apPpwrinf. EPSIN it jr, -;• I &tea - -, Couiptxa , 'i 'Syrup' of '- '' r BITS S ' ;- - •1: :- .. ,t.E . ttaiiiir '.- !libtiC . ' ,J, '.: 0 ' 1:11 1 2 - 2- 1 : , • r f , • .:'''': r:' '' : • :'-' 2 - :,-, ' '' ' -- : - .:1;114 14 . .....1 . iit1ii - '''''''''''.. ii - - ' t - iiicitt .t• ' -", .''' - ''.. , ' ~• •: , .---ti.:. , : - r il o 7,:ln g- r e !titt i ta l r i at oita P ir'ilt;i 4, c ;tint Aa 7 .l. .. s'' ,:-' . :" ' :: - . '' ',,,,, 0 * 0*t... 11 :e.,!* 4 /:P f elio* --- wris gi.iii.,4;iii lea t 4( pita 1.,.•,, , , - o,,tivitioti , ,iguiven , ...:AopBt),,r-inti:Al4lt; , l.pii - ,5 1 4 , 12 '.i 0 .-- ,- * l ' thti (01 1 °* 111 100 04014, Iii 4 . ltftrui4tibgrand Z. " rteth , .. I' - ' •-. le , ,:. t ' '..,..: ..., 4.. r -- ' ---. -. - -1- .. ....,... E • '.... nittgthe I,lrer)ltt , l.l./igesiir# h!rf•tnA, 'and Vivito ' ' tit!' -..' , ..."'• r.....-.., •1`ri0,2;,4,1.` - 4 Ito: . r- ..•• - : : . ---.`" . ' otilotttotoktt+ot.r, ant t4wwptywtwo , wtr ptuici , mt.:. f :::t . - . .. ..„ i y. , ~ isugsranghani4; , ~...... .., .... , elooti.l.lfOr ..IZA DPI eint ,( 4 -1) K. 1 1 1 e1 ,4 4 , : . q i id / ge 44 , 6n,( ',, MA 'Mb EA:er,t , K titi:6l Mitt hicitqatt urneats Prenarr..Pllo.l. it..4.l.tiAiro,-Ppter apa .; A Rue: On rum ,--; :.: :,../.--, • i,),,,;: -.;.... 06.4 ~, Jr.,,„;, ~:‘,. ... • , ..,.. !!, N‘otralt, 1, 9 54 0 411 , Prtite.tte. all 6.u.,tim: chi., i„,,a Li, . 4 . , t._ ! 0 4ii t .! 4 ,.tP . " e 7.! 1747 -nio.‘s refit Dela., • De. nourish 'and 11 lierre'etiri ,pitir.: l'it4ty)int the Binntl, p t;2li , . - -..--_,:'. . - ~: l r ,.. •••.'•-.' I (261101)- - --. and thus curiae: nil , llttltrws,:. Cautatientte - .P.reptione, .-'.- Srrofuls;Slihr,itheettit. Itrielpeinsi, Avila llrad, entAtwo t '..: ••-: yimpl•-* on the fAce,ili,o,,ebef,Ule.ere ; Turaote, SIVPUII"..I. '-,:. -...', 1 al Ditznie,Onnitrm,4e.... :.1 - . ' . . - --,. 'MAX ', -.• Recruralaq the Secret°, y.Orowas, , • ... and 5*,..1 tSlin i et! oil neif tr,lo their Proper .flintions ~.:: ' , :' t • 2Nre flev , mthet 4 1 - I,P 4 r 111 4: 1111,1 .1 4 PP,l'lttg 4tit.l 44 gecno.4 ilia .;- '',l ',-,; IT I. , en,..ee; Slrtjt.ftlenitt; an_l 7 t ittinglifeWvcoui ' , lttstit, '.(1.111111.11.T.ILS I thrie ilinjringXne rout Vritolnn . end euriol ell Ftioatiolt 1 .k.. 0 otrleFt...*tstiqpll, .., 'of the, t10rr.24, .0 I ilter,ili Netteseltin, Cramp!! attr,,.• . : j " : 7"- - ...17fr o ,- - ' ----': - 7177 . j/ is . unrica4ctl . in the mire if .11. Female 00171;:, , , ' - ~', . , eor • = - n er -- • . i:• ~ .l .. ...,. pfrnts.., - :. ': .: inrALrit. r": noottr le tly- made Clotbi IT t ... - i a. , IVe3Anngir.N•eneT:9l 4ell , lity,_irregtestrity. Otettroe- . Xi. tlatrft e.riote,Stlititfei3 4e. ',. - stere two i‘ootei boo, : , thoiks; 4.ottittior tho p..,f., Lituff......folittil, ice ‘&;pse.,l Ititr4=l; ttiatpt:, maittosp . 7,7' • ' . by . , i , ot'ttiei:** itste. Lome .itcl , l - . Phenat F,:onip - 14;tito., -tt5;•.......:-...-:-.'" . .' :...:.,,.:, ~ -'''''r " - " - Coltlii,C.Ftt;ll4 4 ,tilllTO:lo.:Jll , olln.ptio., 4e.‘,abio, 4tropsy :. ~, . '' ' ' Chtiliati;Vi s• .... .i. - • . ._ .1 •.' ...I :.------.011A11140 Alin 11AIIIXtIVE:t-11...(1-1., . 1 flaring m;t4lo.ur . e of' tbo'flotri potted .......%eitrii ,or Tellner 0' ' , :t itilding; b..%at44 , , , ,;0r..t , ,0 ow . , roit a fft ee Dop*• littot. otepnre4l 10 , Oi.Verse , 4; tie ,;,fiither nur- . _ ' - ',` :.:';.Li'. -1 1.1-' . :: ,_ •. . " , selves.. or in 'olor retnitiog. anti Sw.ling if to .4e. n V ' f Y ikßt. " " . '' 42 ' ''.. .. S:-.S:!: - Winehester _ urn r ynn.l""i4Eo l lo:trpatisina, we .1n , iricett , eticotfullii, '•• .. - , .... .......- ,j- . i . 9, - i.rertrunnothilitAsitlio;noti'to ,t 4 Irr.trY vtiltllbternt-tittirtn.:',.. A I , TT4fiv,..TP.rAir 1.4111 - TtlAkhottnock, Pa. ''.,.., 1 H-• Onetlltr 9 .t • : I trirhhtr %tti ttiol itonk,,Prritrid..nce . , ,'- J'l-' 4 tnilei Itriek IttOri. :,., , . ~... . . -, • ~ , -tlt II A 4 1. , .. 0ter.,1ii.... pat hist t t litio Wolk, Ilan% '40,i . .. --•--• ------ .. : - . . . = - r 41...D1 Rev it!iii itm pjiiii"pe. litet=.J 1,1 ittc ; htritnld• C' S i -. ' r :'. . :,.. :.. - ','Dil'lli. Rindit::: - .. ' : . i ,:4.1.@-s..divvel , r,vl,l.liii•Triki - Ails, t., tVen. Field- 39 VF,,; ir 1 ,.. KRT.. Alvri . gxe/74 , Gx .. T;;711,21 , „ 0,16 - ce i 4 . I.' a ',.‘l. Certyt 11:401....ti 11 It I...Jamer All otehin,:no .:(1 la ,-,,, ,. L, b ... 61 .. rc - 1 . ; , 1.1 1 , 0) , „ A i t . , .... ' ~.,.. „ "! err T *A- .. " 11 ' 1 1"i 1) ,'X1t. 11 t 4,1 OPTh!: Ke . rnott hundred orb = i • •,' A '''' P e -3 1 °, A . 1 '? n :re'sot Pit- ,' .. .• .. • tr . „ j ore of the in i I,Tiat protobleffW Iles. fi r Prato rare. .. '_,, • '. E . • .1% 6_ :$ 6 ,,_, -, -. -• r. , • ~ .1 Tat. ‘.ertifi i: plies 1 hriitiTer it,nitlithi.e of . rears sboon..l, : ~- t,--- ' ••• jr,;,.Acti.. - ...43C, ..,,..,D.,,_Lin515,0,,,,.,i . :.,.:„ , '' 1 noljonintod,. ett tIFIt - etoopoftititooon.t motiO: of tot t nofrlo...:',.. - As i , 'T ltri HEYS_ 4T...1.4.W, 41foriapl;e...(4gre,61:6i , ri.: - . 'r{ turn of , lorri 'rl tIrOODOOOIII 4 YNOO Of reltflW 1 . 1 00.1. 1t0rtt....1 - tex: ttli.' 4are. •. - -", I - '.. B. ic,art..stt:: SI n. CHAS!, 1 - I I bane: • Ifirlh , ;' , l, , Ltilltint.l•l'with itA ritglini operan.fi in ~ n' ''. _ . ~- * •- ' n n ' n nn Is f•-2 - n -. . '7•.` • -) ... :.: ill.pitto. n . n rpfd ~i.li +I ,V Litit„ll; 1,f4 . rrti ...Its its' ic. iviinlirll4y r . , ,' .'. '.7,1..".,„". arf,..- 1e . 1 c,,,......_,.-...,..„,_ -.. • .: ..,,..;eultlied te riktoottir Mot etnit, of iti.t.rta.•it fnr tittieth it , : • ••• :, t. , 1 Vt.: 2 ,.,;', 01 win ons; ;, - :,..:,: • i W...P I. 4. 1, eft p. i. ,t.nivil Hy - sittnihte in l'n li . g.t‘lirtit i` .Boo r T:' - . 4l4l tßillrE 3 ,fittElt "A.NDRIKPAIRER: Sjil;o - .1. tit' it ail it 'l e teti'l:vit siiiirltogvejf.. 4 "tel L tes r Irrelity ne - t . 0rer.8.41061 - 6 4 - ctiliNS.toldierri3hop, iliatitrate - , , tr,r, tit% t..4.,-. 4 r. totntfrFOi Torfotr.; omt irFort 'city of titter' --"--- .-,, '.' ""- - " d.+ - n* - ' 0rvin.3 , 1 , 1. i rlolittem heitith • rtrtnn in ien tt u • intern. ' 1 '• c 4 nipur tor , or purftleroftlir:•Mo..o it 1, p Tv; atiwp, , I Ti O V. , •,- n .- • ... -.. ...,,, • 1 7.n. , ..: t? A YU ) /1.0 ‘/P.5....Vi D e t l'r ,, ri , lenef.. 1r T,3:4t1 - 4. 1.35 a; ;..; ~ ~, . . .. i. 1...- . 7-. I`r to;i l Fto I Irv':, If or-Fo.,t CM. 'F:o. .4 Iti -Tv ntfoltro*. N. ir: -ti 1 .1' I'l.+ Ore' v.tiris:-tad othert-throughotst. this nod. rtillor oltottritta. - "-- - r - , '- .• '). - .. - .=Stiitt '-ttfettr‘ts, br -.- '); .• , Atiti, Ttal,a,ELL ... ' (tali) I - pi Y .131 t i ts forfot, pr.a.illt,tr:wiff rntreitAo tf Nil' 1 : MI: to eirtrt' stay lll,tlte rrlt.l ".1i 411;14.4.c1.114 1 t it:ay tintioe. nod rlti. core: no' tnette r r boar look wttioli n litz or ficetheg.. r.ol ret:x :ire inwit 04 to Mt Privottt it.ionot, ...... ,IS,' Notth• _, <,.' r ,-;, s • , Sort th ot.!lPtlllay tritllttot.foir Ofintorruittioit temp' nth; ..........r.to.llontrt4o o- ' -F to p."0n115.3, qtrOottcrO - tad othtirvi Atha Itsre brott. ti0....,‘ ..72".,- , ‘;'° 4 -,,e . . 1 * 4 /- 00 sdat' . i foil itoro IFY trio - oollectioit,o fit' P:lissiolan aro' invited toy ~. - --' oral 4.,- 1- ** ''.- •? '' '''''' ' ' ' '' '-• 2 '• ..". -- ' .1 t pitsrmyi: ir-I:llrottzt, tioreat.mirted in tt ttutz.roe ofi I Elie` ttAlin*'. hyeree3g.' ....e.elf ni..ttse. theerilm nre nume;- roll . • Peoria:tn.* itortre.oory,. tornlitotor ttontirmt die t, t ho i _oo. w4ttitot of t Ito Or:: trt4. Oro , of Fit drrtri'rs.. n 4iettel.th ,f. for .tosie ottlety. ttotieral , lehilitir.. or eno.titutinitnl if*. i min onto, r.n. n. +tire talkillii ,, VEZ 'lf itett.ggitry.rgtll.4 tilt the Do /Twit , i• . lt'l I•toott... Ito of..Ftt..rt oorfoot C•ltne.; „.... n i I :Ms A .1. • ip It k.Fl.3:er -thirolfroitot would iln,Well tct rot :orto•fltr,'trti4toor. thoir / Itrolth.„ blimp:ll.4lr, :wain It t n.. , 1 fly L ape9 tt e)r tiye4 l . in timelintOl4 nf,.phvAittions „it:tom:lnt i lof lII* ;:,rata of to tin lies. - it in O'rri.riiity'3rnym , ..ll.liy tr,i 4 or.; men till 11.1.0 oil, +it VI. in. the tt ttetAn fn oily .nre I ; oil,' to, I livery ~,,..tne ttnobte tittyti^ion tort tostwettikiii , i-lor Inol;inlitl9ich_ he \in mnr. , :sneremefoi then him brother 71-Pr . ..rrror.. i inii.l t ~thip it e.leyntes in of pr hiit.t. floe nil I t ~IN- . -,,, „i .' - j. - i -I 1 IF: 't rt.wrir..l" - tt,"CITIIIP..- erietn9leety devnell to e the " i et ' 1.1...n0 It. :rentintent..n't treernee of the mt;rotO t.-gone.to ' 1 , eel trl rrillll , ,WerrA upe6:. the b kly„throntormae, of leic„,t, t./ "I nsi '' Mt . ' 4 : A l• "t . " Vl' -*Ao'ortriAl rtIOU s rWitiNITI.4rIO-. ~ t en..trar , ii.,itte znl:trlt ire,. 4.-It -.ott trill-log f•nrri rno th , r, ol - ,...4 rit :mooritfeenf s ther.htnervii.i wherehi . the min- ( et minn Irtm 5 , ..7,n0te eafeehle.L. ennitiee the Itnetnt...tr,' i n , er , Toteity mullet to !at •1.•1.i , : fillyh oh eet hoonel tie:4 rto,/4 - r. i . ~. , `l -1' I " .;7l " ettt PIiST illind en 'Foy part of t h..rt•ti trd fttater,--'e t r he c:sidontri l AD Tailoring Rstlib•4 ‘, Pre ill, a 1 t •to 4:9)14r0 per nackige..-apyr. '.; ~ :,. - -'`' ".",- '‘ ' ': ','' t liShiriEi r Itt;'' - X' ' ''.. - ''-' . .., • ~„ . - .1 - 7:, - ., .-.,.: ', . . -----, . -, .-- 4 ° i'.48.,_;:& - • RA r tzt - APlP 4 .y.ttahlottnbliorPiteri I , attetiOor 1 , - 1 ureeKery aria., ...;, ..,. - ..... -: I' hell or At.= P 4 i ' lifLiim Onit Tu . !, V. reedy et a i x tia t a k ti T he oliiiiitlfuti ''' , t• th'- ant i+.. `,.. • e..nnrarly In ~.x.i. o..nii. hia. ynri.„4....014.0,... fe, n.,,,nre...4,5_: , reeti . D t e .t " ll . :O t4 4 . l !....w it h:n do ti i n d o ci e t e i t ‘ et o b b e s s: re. ' .. er tit t irtk t ll ek c j i. L:b . u t ie e is " til d r 7a 114 ,ti . '' t 01133 First ai§h tip - 3it}ie ,', --- ,- ~.,:::::,:i..::::•:.,:-:::::,,,Pt.:::ed.0:._,:inz:tett,,,-:::)pit:eb7::- - . ..,'' • ~. I . . ,_,.,,:. ,_. 1 -, „,.?. ~ , #14.4,t, t o ff er yi . i.y tow ~ , . ..- -,-- , T'- , .-: : -.. .. ' I- , ', : - - . .• , ' -:. ':. tehina-: -'‘ ..'.• -:' * J ' • ." .. 1 ~ . • :ii.iitiNr:or 4 . 41,141444:1 o.'coi•ttitt oar i . 2=7.liirtli'eel . ,t. ' 4 Tea. itts: f Oil, Ihiskete to , ' I - - .„...:- 3 1 . .' ' - 1' ':. '. ':St0111, C 11.111” ': -,...,.--- --..-• , ..' 4 at' Dirtwwrwmot re t sett;i.-Prtoteii,ond Phir Emltn",vll 6. Set t,.4, ne br the sitte,,leviei.e.'at.o, , a war iety of,heatitf. 1 styfearnt"rnilet,ii"nre . • - - "t I ' -.4. . /e Ir.i. { .I. •1.„ -i, ~.• oa oz,Gliosils,- .. - -- - • i , Ic ah o 'f6i ,,,,,:t e' t.. T. a, a 7. ll 4, rit a ri ., 4o .,% ni tzt ri blm en4l 4 l 4l : fra ark te t i4t irra 'a ct ilee et ii ii :!r 6121 . ''•- • :Gil.ss . Ware r,. - . ~ .. , . „cut. I.aral Itrittee 1- ..G Ibiete, , heeintere. , Tatuw66 , ,... ° Ihnot!p-20,, , 1 . t0teR on t04.,C0r 'it irwifets„ plobeic ,i:.411 rzyi ... bid.-1; 4 . ••• .o. - sr-c-' -. '' ' 4,64 ' 0 IS,. enpinr, --- tit 1/71,1 • 6":' •- - . 1 1.‘ii i ' , t 41 4 NIA t t 'wf of 41 "E"-ttr7. swoons% .. r..W. tiii.o:.t. t*t•ii . ,tar-1 - 4 troves. r./4aa3.104 It-f-ttleillifit Ititeke; fief i. (tee' Flateri,...oilteriu,teit 4 ! V At . 41s. '' " ' ' . . t in t, ~- Wooden. onft-WEllow Ware: it , -" P,.." .4.t.r...1: , 0r , .........v,imr..,, . itlnlia_ . 4 : trAii.., er:L'Cr tit nv; ... !. ia - r , pailft„.l4thi., 31. , Not..1'.iuraleim,;liefiketa; ,G.ie - tg... ~- 9...?-', nd...t,noll!lialrit. &I; 1 -4 1 -- ' Wiiiitt - Si d - '.-t l ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' - 4 ..' ' - r " ?.- , .9. e5.,;1,...,..... , ei Car:tie:cm Glatt earl Cll . lt , Pinicert.r.. tt... ! ,:r,, , ,,i i ., d„ ' I.otto itaa.tim , el... - ttito - Finirt.P.'.,)lelh Nquirty. ; • ~. !"-: -.1., , ),Tul,n.nn Ward •- . ~ . .Niffeteeett . e.theintlAir or. root Tithe; taiii..iiiy' llit i , It .; . . tee! 1 ' 1 4 ~ . 0 . .. 14 11111-V. it .in..:t tl ` ' J 0 . 1 . 1 / 1.4 . , r ttele4 'in , t . ott fn :: itit , i c ... t i h the if e.. 0: : 3 ; ' , , ,-- '' . ,l: . n l n% - n ;' :ffitii.ti/ I'Lt Airetthe:itrlre.„.a, e wWd Twi surw.L.t.ittSON,Tl.,qo=tars,o4nogrts4l4 iAr;piill-Pit,htr:ctupolitkfy4c..,- 'tzi-A ;i%i /f,l4i;vtts -,,- -,'"- A S , 4 of d!t:i%,...'74 1 1:, i p h .ll:,‘ , . 4 l; \ ll:ll,iits . rf. f ;gl i esit il ipArna of for ' toPit;+iit'i• . Ivi° 144 ' ~tn f l ub l tritib ra iht :„ b zr it ; - - ... ~. i h i, , r .l lof its i m i ns.ol,s4 , err held, not by. Itst e,hetre Istetitietts 1 tr,'„%„l, whet ehe Wrllt he lieie] bUt.IIP-Pee net t , b; 7:1411."' yitil),,nl/iiitlO_tli 1 ~n= 412 ,1 111). 1 1 '. V 1 , ° 1. F" 1, 1 "P P1 . z . ...,_,... 0 - 1, 21 1 iv alto tften4 to :tit Go: utteeto \ l , : i o line . Ma _th lat •t,yrti, f lirt g o it fsnorc. UM MOPE CO!/ 1 4 1 r_rh". 4 ' M a y 7,;, !sal. g..D. V j4t rt, Sugeors *rust, 1 reo v -t" • = , • - t % in be ror'ispl , iu% ors.. , I ' 0 - •.. '' ' ' , t --- 4 1. e non anii Ali eieri•thinp: in thr"..,abovsbu . -.:-1 -_,,- _ ~-u-----1 - -,-\\-,.- - ,.7.----1 - ,' .7 , ,Th.iillxive l l neottertr. ta -whelp or , ,jrar , 1 it pl''' 1 ' 4' 1' h I -t f` . .' , Id nirtirly sot itir most - AdviimuifonstoPrhm " ."' ..res . Inpot: a. rm., ~,..!:,,, ", 4,' ~.. . ~i; 6. 4 t, 4 , l i tim c on i rtmi ks. . .-- .. , .... • tendiii PM/ 1 1 " 1 " Cr tVg. g r9- ' 1 '... " - t h s t ig n7 0., .5 , :t r vi u 4 , :r icc re:e m : u rs:::::b a rs t I v ra r o v : ch ats::: :L y n: e lic op te::ttn: tin,n ,„ w. it t .,6„:„. :l ” unittsy . E . pcli . : r , " : „ :. a . ~. P4ll Isterie I thststehest Levol Anil Iter*„-es 1 %ketch- , . , s•„_ ~.. 0fh.41 in .trorrivitv. ;1 n . iea frith t.ectwnlitluirt bawl Eiroorl.c.l4bltoilat.A milk b0t. , . , tuld,,ittl's ntlites-, It 1 lir ~..4 I V. Cr')'sliVoll,Di • r= rilte piy e d i ii tw q 5t,... n 4, t ic ,,, I Ind. _The few siOhjohyor, ~ 0.. .. 11 ; 7 ;44 . p a . Jr um . ,i . )0,50 .1/3, It { 4 " 1 prie, a .art tat nee, rs t nut in thin : rOthiio' oel'' -' ' ''" cci 1.- p -1, ' heovr MI etterielluF per mango cow hostetrlL. - el-lit T• Dosttee Stottr4,4 * 1 Irr , outere tr t Volehrt! s'or AG . 1 &typo, ot..vrt• L'iortto I 111. $ lO . SPITte MO a f ar. ,1., 7_ ittilithig t'Aft , ` 4' rrihtl ',.1 :f nail:cellar linelet i ' - Aboityyearola4 eat ut ea an t i , Seeerislo 'roes ofe'ne r'; ',p a wl : merrsuerst In .4 ;eat hugging r'ou Coif I- t r "Aoto ' Is -''' .1 It ti 1 r i ea, 4 froril . 4 ;r t use to a, *beat ti #` l " AIL aJo al..- =I i•rn- , Ith titi Pew lir 4 •-,.4 nn h r I. htives in (4',,id ssi amr ~ 173' 11/.4 / rt " 4it t o . , t , ,v tkl• irner'kh• ot:i' di ve , e4m raY 4 lt ' etti4:l4itnenvittl ,- for beast, ice. A los ..11 , Ym oil A . 4 oltment rh yit iookord. /II Ildrlllyirortor i , • ti t° t An / Vtroncli I.tm Ilsil94s Ma piimod , ith 4.r. usual r okrouP. tor r N. R ii ic.Oyograill to, tholes. toroN.. ta..troit a, Xotfolk."7 - ... - I-'` • ' , - tut. 1 1 , 7 1 mot tbo i t aril - 1 .-- 1 r , 14 , heists ie- ti * t inTr,ft/tatilt-f rio/oinf In Itf 1 1 fitllefl. , ,ti t ,-- I - 'ciao* tit (hot ;. 1, if I toheo,Qa the. if,titt;tol.4l'....- ; Triti/441.. V 4., ; . 1.1 tt't A t', ... . ;I/ A.RINTIC. 'rt. ;tat 1114k6 mitt LIN .. t,4't r t° . .f 1,53 'TN', .44 X - 447, - .1 1,, -- NI , :tints. Litattrie- `."E ` - et 3 I. l rlll°, °r ri,bouLfteW ' Pie, .sYoviltooll's treat % &orioles,' !ever s% knee. ere. i flsrliarra*,224, Ibis hit jes : raerta. ithrstAgtaiut the rittrti,ln nen !olfotide by t re r7Atess,te .1 , A. IL '., 14 , W 0.4 r p 1 - - . , , i i ,a 4 tittriltibtlei oftyhtirti. 1.4'.-litiii • ; Villt•-.11",...' 'i / lin'f! 1 1 ' . . - - .... f ipms,Orsn ' tiiti!4?ai . 2' 's 4.56 ,-1 s , Mr, d rs mitt NlAlt,tpt 11.toovvx.v.t r KO aCiiiii, a. isri;frapared I 4 t 1.? ; 4 1.- 1 4 0 4 t ! A l it 0 4 .0 111 1:70 - , otkifetiilhailiitt* . .m.;_;Yolklitlit'set • 1 :•'-f_fily : tivlllu • eolt't a41116i1:•-‘ ,0, 1..o- .., tvri51y:14041,454 irg. ll l-tqk eifftlitr'llr re . ' t'.• tieritat, . .. s rr? ,o -. 1 ,44!, •' • ,,,,, %-,•:... t... ,- - - -...f1". - : 'l . !' _ ... , . r - Man4 lP ae . t , 1 4.6 ii imilin ' ' eli•;• i ii« - h,imati • mini' .-;: 2 #4 l ifaiii,..C.: i' :iiii.tp•,*, .:-., .-: .. 4ourn•iin4 - -.- .., . r‘.. ~.,•••••-,:- ~,, t : - • .. ~.r . k r ,?:••.,....:Fr•:;;„ .•• 1.... -...„ : : .... 4 : j.... :!9.i ., :i . .t.'4?...,' " ' ... ' • li g/WON/ 4 C ': : '' 1 • . k. ' • ••• ••' ' : :...... ••• il‘ ..!: ii : l t.;* ' l ,l ' • • ' l'4 4 1 - .., - .5 -- • '!.. - -- ..4' - • --,._.. , . it; 4tyl-e5.13 , 11r r - - . . . . . ...; '..'.-' .........-.. . .-.:.'-:'....::-:.;-:.,. ',.---.-' .'. , .;1!•-' . ...;- : .*:''...;::' . ...i. iii::::-:' , ...1g, i...:`.i., -••-- - ..:: - :.fr..::;;.•1111.. 1- 5 .'.....ig..?.!1 , . ; . 5f:•: .... ,:: . 1• ; ,:i5 . ::: , '..i .. •••••'' r:.t - k•-•.••!'-'-•-•',•• • .. . •h: , , ,:.,..!4:7•N.....,f4-- JXPOL IA is. tAlmovki gAroo .. .N. '44114 • i 5414 0. Istheges'iL - . - : ,;( 1 0***•f!' ..;, mount Nic :ThirruE. TN. 1 0,. ; V*, /MI.: WWI , i nitial; A. -, ,- , , 1 ' I -7. .--- 7 ,---7-7-77' '' S .-.• ' .•!. '' .. .b . t . c „ el „Ed war d s -- j biticiitx •A Iti'D f. , ,iti ( 111".0??4,,ROri:of#. 1 JI. , door , biliivcG. J: P 1, o"Ii" : *totioil: . - ',..`''.', ''' 1 ,. • t; ,:,,..,-",,,.. 1 ; s - S V•j• ' ; flT - irgil i ,I 7, TrE, , I t . ion ft Ae. I , ' . ce In , Odd i ,'t 'i'f r A o t F.-tioyreiletaltaingi coirier•of 'Turnpike Oti cbostroat lire-cod.. Operopoiot:Pi,i n ttio:tettlepoiro'rtnid ibe moot I iiierifolfr otfittOotleiCt. . -PtOie *Orli done ';iiitifthe: boot I:oratorio/ 44‘st tkie loofa, imprcisocity Igo.. -.43haripti4V7l ..., ;. -, ,-:', . '',•'' -' ::, ~--.. ..,:, •_ ~ - :-3: i' ,l / 4 ' .;:''',: i :'. Dr, "IL -Sniith; - .., --- ; . i.bi , - it iesil ' ottnctr.,,,,DENTlST:3lnntr,4o, 11.• tt , ' e i 1.3 , •11old 4/oodop Awl .Ifat.Fda)* of each - wook‘. ~... '- ' '''• - :''i ". ~,".• '•-• ' .:, . - ',- (144.1)i lYfelti lan ige Nev.:- , lIIIALEITS - 10 . Dig' a NIP, a , Isi' 4lo `;'ll4 l llltlntri t ett' lick i XX, err. Roots anti St nei. "cc . Spifuglilkwi ra. - i - tligyr, 1.... -.-,... • --- , .• ",-- -,liftW-'r4,l4•llP'•—*;;Trkiielitt too)] s- - it*NreLEr. is' 4s' vii!,17'41 . ..,: ruder Vie unt* anti. 611 . - itrs , ` at r ..- eil° .‘ BENTLEX-4. !nen." : ‘iyje.4f% - ',.. , - - 1 •:: - - • . -.: ' - 'llnutriil3V, Atlity, S:l7 - 1 • .k tt .N4.3!..T. F.rj Caj , k, i ii)choge berautiffit:ols4t . ot IttAt 41.!ftrep 30 bout TinePi&*ectslWhieb3Tll/bajold-at,"usztaLiery.,towty . D rc, 26::, .-- - -,---- Silver Ware s livestpek ustSltxt S (waninie t t as etoiaCtiNg ; eveF ? grtiTl4.grk4le.3ll-.1 , t. :Li eB6 ► 'a .nETECg ,roxravrt ovtnp.ed•lay: trlt.4 -, Etreeter, Mon. tj. • - I. CHAEC. -`"CEASE A kirrtlPS'gtultd Ouppi t ttii t it,La4, • n.siP and ; ':. Liwa*l)ffi Fr . ! 4i , opp s osi o ,, liuuse.r(U.) totigdo4 - - rtit . r.y, F s iti,i,..bk.4ozpititeritd4*.titewtomb l tbi r t f-telut4S._.* a%reelkfllo ' • ff t .:bir - io' the' c;;AtrOy*int Ist ngtiailsOn ; - • - - .. , , :arsias,.a_pd.KMVAirdeges, and .. ~ ,f - . ::--..':.' ..- :Lbts for Sale.. Tquigeni:o - iroirtm.hitzsale• tiro rollowtrig .I,,Liliettifible;*.j . ' Weil ",:etrivii; one form iv the eitoiritoliip or tl. lord oginiliktioieoqui t - t o l ly acres , • 0 . 1 0 4 i1t th i l,V lif irllje . ilk - jalPtitvill•iil,°oPe , biThi ibei ercLiietiii.lCe4ehreeou.-. - Said. raiii.:A4i,- one ogle illolkilltAtitroot ,thifv.itielt‘tilif iiirrd,. . 'LA the route •ref.thU M %sleeve _oriel ; 4 iifird Fltruk Read J•k : isV l k ht:!AOtirA illitratllieltia ;10Ciaitts , Wen !IP ; 1 gilt . ..4* - '? I•• ' ,•• : • i.. . \ : . s‘blteillie-iitiPr'fahli "liiiii . "'iii;' the 11,1 . P Tnittgilii , :* * 4l I mars droll' t.....h?..iiii . iiiiititor :ti!. l T-, :10 Fliikiiiiimeel.eitiiteilitistelibeini EigitiY aoree. twenty liiii ttenrferfwlileh'in l lirtiiiiitkil; with Ettimse'. himel.''' tit*liteitt, lttY: '' Thiii"sisit: ,iiiittable . tr)roet4 or NO' r t'ittNti location, byiitie 'lletf.tititntei ta / and witirTied: -' -':--- - - - • .. j .:.1..f 1 -''. i 1 Altto ru'vf . ~r :r /ntA at tlirtifllititiiittigrro :4010theitile14` lielth . ili*:irtirk Si '.BOY Rai! Road. Zeig 4iUte'rii fielififiar orivini:liiititioliet in 'the l'i ' . ::- 118" ho 7 ik h' - ltifirtt a E l b e h . r.. null*: __MI. I 14 , t1E1t . _ mi Mt 1 .41ri';!:6 1#...? #.V;)441111/7:71$"6:;1601,1;.-131ilt inltatv, . I ,i ttl itg. initi: tirlotritineiK e facilitiviiiie unrivaled. Is . /;11kin;}tioit!fitt Ir. thetiliti,kkititit4tY:rinitf t o, th:r belt i mlllfi t ilit'Ai ' IA ctl.A,lia . :n twiiririoneWrdiostelivi the 'I S n l4 l"n ,a ' Ilitililiiih:eiffiejoist , Pioloor for all iiit , ritie•,3,l . ,.F . -- • .inriiyi:o:#"vilt'i.:niltitprirpaviii 'AV MIN C • ferili•'-ilt! :c are2s; til 691 ial . b , u tkti;iiv-1451e7 "allo4o' uo, Man 'abd lLa olisbhpr 11841t roi . s ., • < fwt' c3tedtcli* Aiklift),.!.,4 14114‘""114 i)it. L iji4t,ol. s 4t Atll l 4. " 41 f)P" Va• . ~ s. 1' t : i. o, 3 r ' r • '. t i b ritai: , T r b, r " I:, ' il t . , i P , ; ;:. ~:" :0 I ' n ::: --;* f li nl *:' i ,'.'', 1 ' .; ,,. ','.**; 4 :7: t i , L :, l e- c r i 'l v . ' f l i .1 111 ‘ ;1.*:74 :1 :, ',To 1; 1 , e 4,,, I r e 4:,;" b r e I s f" ,,F: ‘, ;I te* I.int • Lime ?kia,idt. 04,14-t -- 1 - c i p ,„,, t oi p, ii.e.tt t IV° to t '-ra Pri:' l u l t Niroinii wvat fT"T"' - c '4, delicate or ' pntat Asse. RSH't ;Ault/mug-to tt'e cure a fible lL e u ~,. , . suo k' re P ui r m r' , ture. ~ , Sl r i — I rtiirp iirAltiocitr , ' 46 ; 0 IA ..—_....' ' --- i ro willt i b - t i t -1 ' !.4 '- oft t o .d t etlifeW. II iSP iiipli l e t4.-Fl..'io. kli 4 MPe&' l4l4l IV-tre a tit4 ; ii, ' , } r iwe ' iity-thle cow itt i .11.-k-- .: , ,i-euTrAtcht , t'ct0 . ,;01 , 1:4, i ,pir w r o Kt. I. ona o k. O>ii:' v. - -- t '' sir O . Pielle 414 ` :1 '--- t iit . r ( 4 , p,t lig e. Ad .. Ic o pupoopr., _thy Unitttl i 'et, ; 6 1 ' 1 44 oiti, ;,011,4rAtuthorf,qtre,.. t r, ri f ,' 5. , ' Snr,:e ! ,l7ll4.'l4 f rl A: ll:l i l i a'4l- ' - ‘ , 1 , „ ~ -- .4 '=' --a - , , t , !" .1, , I- Flalltjt -„ A t, • , - ,--t-,,,,,,,. i r. CWO l o it T,-0 # 0 Fi z ;,414 24 ..,r,,x t ,1 1 11 ?'5 ~,,,..4—: : '''*::' . ! -.-' ,Q.c.t.- ?-,-...., c r't , ';', ‘-.. , ‘,.• ' 4 ' . ''''' ..- 1 . , : ' ~,,, - ta '' - ; ' fps...! flak- -1,- , , z - ,,, ,g - • l AA 1 .. , ;.--- irr ' gaud' r Jurs.E. r '..: i-' '' Mit; 'IL At „..,,-:;" , ihatfei. .- curl ug -1 1 - :p . ,1- - - -,---, • ' A 4 - ..., , 4- : 'a - .......- . ,_ 'ile , neWmal • ' "go,/ ..] . 4Fpc,isnifor - ,- - „ I iodvitlP -,-.3lwimil I:2' ' a ti i h eiso - F si Ni`-.l' - r il. s.'<ir -11_bli„....r0411;ctroy It( ptstfikosivoid:• An, _ lO4ll 1 neifou4.l*,l6l, trine- s' iiiitti I rt iv A mm itA l iPtti to mfj iti 0 11 1.,t0.4 1 , 04 -li4eo* p tA t i ' 1 4. 6 : !I,' 0"" ta • IkltigOsvirt , 11 " 411 i's; , Allot a 1 1 4 .5;i: 4 ,.. !till ... , ..e ,o , i ir t y. -- ,--14.'0,- 104'0044k .......„L'.; , 4,-,: o yik 4 tiVihe I , l c/ 4at Iwo iii - iihitto).li*b n o k f4a,r i ilJ -114diongjoe aulemefg-,r - * PO *ilk. kol" ~., _, -, *PO riain'ibitebtO6r-t, ' i '4411 f , _ 2 . 4 11 ',- •& ' '' 101170 voi 4 j ?VW ~... IL ^ Wi l lla WI" '..,,.- tr rntedt c , braAr'.. AI = - - -•"'• N... ;1 llr iiti"•^l . 6:40 - 4 7 iii - _ oi,*piritritumErssno t t " • • XW;rSinithA Ca: IIA4 natsuricTuaEßBl ' driaz!sizil Wig WWI 11114.1 tplw \IA 11: 1 11? irgertlA tOirS grarli " ' ,Ilkierni"ro4,e;Pao icteth , ^-•r!1. ~ .i' ' in i - . kistlte ttl"f . IP:/)lq tw ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers