• • Agricultival:Notice. - ' Those intedeng to compete for premtu on grain of whalsoiwer kind, Are hereby neti.' tied to leave specithens •otlheir :respective caps with Mr. George Fuller, of Montrose , . on' or before the third WedneSday of .1n - wintry. next, at 12.6'elock (noon;) • alter whi/h_ \One none w ill be ndatitied to competition. I. They will also give statistics - of their ,erops jn - ii ting: Stating the number of bushes and the l Iv w eight per bushel, with the eertifica'te of thoite 'who assisted k in measuring thogronnd and the crop; ,also the ground, whether sod or othei wit,e,tho quantity Of. manure; of - plaSter, .di e . used and how applied; togethei.with thegen.l ra! trsatment of.. the .soil and ::crop_' Each:'' •proprictor will not , sign his statement, bet will leave the name with Mr. Fuller in cenfidence, en ) v - to be kno!:Ve by the judges litter thtly have made their decision. The Judges, - S. A. Newton , P. Wells, and Sant'l Taggart, will meet at M-. Fuller's store . the third Wedi4. d a y ofJanaary next, at 12 o'clock, to examine the'speeluiens of: grain and make: their deciS. ion- lIENIMDRINKER, - • ii: L. pATLIN; • JOIIN F. DEANS, :. Executive Pcimmittee. NOTIC E. . A- general ~M ass. Meeting: in*. behalf of . the cause of - Temperance will be held at' the 'flity. tilt meeting house LaCeyvil tit voonly, Pa., on the evenly* of the : . 24th '.of DezetCher next. - A Oncial I.riyitition *is:Ai-- tended to the public as. 411 - as to nil the. Soni of TemperanN Good. speakeiw will be 'so; *cured for the occasion: i coiIMITTEE O'F AP t RAINVEMENTS: A . . pjetett, G. R. Johnioti, Geo. qpaldin'ac Bela. Cogswel well, E. Dad. • - • _, - Jaceyrille, No .19, 1853. l• I. ' 7 10ne, 41853 Arti - the,*son, Sjr:—Agreeably toyourxec ommeadation I used your' Itetriedy' oti„avalii able.herse which was - rendered coutpletely woith l"ess.by a Bone-Sprni:in. The horse . viti ! ti so lame at the time .of the first app!ieation that : it .wris . withAiffieulty that he eirold_be •got . tont the stable.. Youk rnedic',4te only was used and- the horse was entirety cured. I make this acltnowt edgement' as-a 'simple act of justice to }tau, and you are at libertyto nuke such use of it as you . think proper. / P TYLER. . ABEL - TURRELL. Agent, 3lontrnse, Pa. .~~~~~~ inlackson. Nov. 2'2, by EIS. IC, G. ; Lgnib, Mr. CuEAR LES LAmn and Miss LASE both' of Jacksoo.' - „ . ..By the. sairre,,Nev..2, tr:.;FRAIFKON Bit Lir .4nd Miss, ANNA.CGUTIS, both.'of,Jaelison• . Bc the same . .-in'Gibspn, Dee. 4, Mi. , STEENRACK Of: Steubeil N. 1%; ALId Mrss !RA BARNES of Gib;ion. • . . ... . .. . Act " darpenter's Hritel,".in \Greit ILlend; on, the 4th inst., ,:iTy the Itelt - J. i li. Siecrearvi Mr. l MAULS K.A.A.ICSIPS 4nd . iSs , lq:J*lr : t. Mc- Kt. -- A, both.of Laneslx) , Susq. county, Pa. .., . - Public. Sale,. o' . the, premises of the. subscriber, !hive miles 0 south of Montrose, • . . • • • • Tuesday the ,20th inst. Will be sold at Ve mine to:the, highelit. And bee: bidder, .the following property, to wit : 1 livoqlorsi Sleigh,- - ..• - ' ' . l• Tiro-llorse . Wagon, --` - 1 - ] Tain4.larse Spriv,.lVggon, ' •• .• I , Bol:Light Ilailtess, _•_ — '6 Head of Young Cattle.;- . .. • 2 Cotpsote.,ctc. ' 4 : - - ALSO, a pair of; . : . ,-. •• ~, • ' . 1 Matched Bay Korses,7 years eli i (-Warranted -true iii Ad' Harness.). i The above propetty;tOgether with r'Other - a ti cles, i too I/tuberous to mention, .will:..be,sOici;lin the folio Wing tering:. . ": - •, ' ~ - : ,All sums over $5, si x credit, with lin:: latest and , approved secnrity i.Ondei". t hat. sum, cash doyen ' :.;. . •- ' ;- :' .. : 1. , IT Sire to comMence at 10 o'clttck - A. 141. 4 ti` . EItBI.4EY -g#l4FEtt 'December Soh, -1E 1 53. - • ••••••• 41:iNpre*I4i:Woll Attorney . and;CouilietiorVet Law, 11Ionmoi'F.;'PJL, .- - • attend faithfully to all bnpinegs en. .1 f trusted le Itim-in'the :county . of Swope, .Conreyencing and• r ivritino• or,all kinds T4lOll be done tiently, aud charge moder ate. ' He . will ale° attend set ihe . proaecution ofelaimo poliers, their.widOwe audheira,. agaiust the United States" gocerinntit; -tor 4Ortuty -Latict, Penkions, xc . •. , be fotind at all boors at. tha . epee for merly oecupivd 'ltkeburdis s •Piti., north o! the' Court/floiiiie. „ - .A9y 1 DRY: GOODS. - . . TriE subscriber respectfully inalti. the :Utteitiont of those wishing to purehase, I:Meal; for Cash', NEW FALL and a . .. 12mm , STOCK; lictictiloe, extent, variety and climpueess: tiO may safelyrtay-is unautpass, td by way in the EinPire 'state ;.atuong be! babrid• TWO nrittun.Eiv•sliAwg.s; , ., of erery quality and style ; prices raogitic :from ;60c. to *l4. Thu pieces Parametta end dlapaeal la. to ss: Per yard. - Preach Merinoel or every y , rte _eat color, • 10. 3.ards or Detail:es:and. P eirithntioi orb s - from teas. Pri,to arid pieghattralu cadleat giatOltktr.-- 1 5.000 Yards bleaChed and tiableajbed 00Otillgs and Shirtings, from 6c to Ye nr; 1000 yards White; Redliad Ad teas. Woolen Gooda of every kaltd.tdriaerg aIt4 I IOYA 1000 yard, Silk, Brocade, Plaid, :and Plain thick; Irani the lowisi grade to' The . most , uperictr quality •—• Mims Trimmings ii.ievery4lescriptlira, 1. .., Pti ELARS! GOODS A Urge tuck from A nettfin;Wery 01.1111tp•...Tlinitus sad lravellingilsp, s , extentlie assortment Songs=Von hand, e \o effort will be Post ihe:t.i.tit.-cd the sutisoillltr: io merit s i contiriitanee of , e.Oiltrorariwhie.h - Lbt *oub- , lk has hitherto most genera Li:accorded,..)ll*.s!id for which he Taurus sincere rty,eiasno. 7`. or conk. iek; = the Atneriesoll COrner of Couit &.•*Atiii-sts,4 .Atr Nesey opposite the etielpl49A Nor. 1353. < • • ."- , _ nurreme,ROßES\ c4o.xcE lot just receive4, - aDdigfarird low • 811011WOLINSTON . , firma Dille, Lee. 34,1853. e SU AWLS' '43IIAWLS.-- , A new Int.,or Wool Long 41.1P117 .Sp ringd I lc, - ..I`.s4J- Ce ONE THINS MOIREa:. plouty ryione.iiiia ii . ft•oiii;tiniNtii' the .lowen Picea. - J. !E Co .. Winteff - Stick:i4fab ildVH,' . . t . IN-11-tir. , : #. ~ 1 .,..•,:_,- -• •. - ;_l •• " - Weaiiiitiet-i -- T• '-• - - • - f-• ,„;, of ;in - - " ••••idn g ' . , i,;,, LIE sulloqe*wi .iiwi,..ttilegts—. 7 . Slau l fia t . 'tbe iroustomoni - f `..okit '' O'ills_ .,,.„: _blic gen. s.a. " 4 ~,,,,,,Y, .. ~o f AiWY are now Jeceiviwg-A , 1040 . . 11 tR'.ug:9F! , ' , "`• - ',„_.".'"--'----1.4 Gwols, bought at '.the .lowWst P4 1 6, 1 0,1,1p , !.. ,. ..be. (4140 e, , , inackets; omit whk,h, th ey.nre.:Pl=l4--6:'111.44.41.‘ t "A U' ADVAWOIL. , S-Ari.do .. _ _ _ - 4t. ~... er 4 t, Trrgsfial7 , 9 , 'name aery artiol a In. our *walrwwwell'AL4'4/91' lirm irt ' Aurkkee all Id:in-win 'too ,Awflwall*Astr,. ~. wlcs+.=. 4a t .413114 TY oi.PI4CE, Asir stock -. milt.': lr:-'f?-- with any , .othir pitabilahnosil.*Apooniinsk . • -,: - .. --• • • : ~,: . b 1:.• Brq.LET,..& ggi9 ) .. ,: ,... • lAT. . . ANTED-All---klinti-.4;i_Vtalik:"Zatigivil—Maialial- i - Woinen *nolo; TatlowAlaqd, .W 44 14i$.1q* or .. elgnt:llll2Plttili***°*;': . , ... . , .. : THAT- tom; end . ,ffiapenor . " IL toWoohtp,•Owned 4.444"Acurniroltitiolitwl: gent either . for',a-fixed:Uatir,oeitiotut;:ti 'thin with or without uttOttileroon-: • L'ul' t " u'"' fi. gitten;an d'ir i Wur* -11 0 1 1 - 4,llnifed;:-'-' - = - For terms and,x,a,iifaigaiklitxtulre*r!!lYit dersiguad. t.;40.144;4411.0,;,041,1!"', • • ,Diand,.Dea.J.vlo,ol'4944 • -_, - . ~. e t ; G oo - ail e - w — , - - 4 8 , --/_-_- - - Irlitches!-watcheiv4Avaiehost_ O .. I I , ... - a ., • LA o p. i . . ~•.0 0;. ., . , L ..... ...,,, . , E bsortber has this 1 i '-•A . - ••• ._ ... . ' i.. '..- '/ , -.., •=l/1r:- - .diky - rettirliedribn New York 'A R ' tor" eceiving It • stied seisottebta siisortment :' -'! ....AL With a, tarn r tind' , l,:•aurt i Jlr orgood .' , which In addition to their; rortaer? Winter , ', • # ~,..---; ....,, ortmen c o rin • ~,..v v, i - t eh 1 ::, stock, they cr tine all thelargest, an :.hest •seltt d td s . • • I ' lot•orgimOs to be round in thetcsuatryt sad at ii ces " ' ' 4t :',"lC Jewelry out]; Fanny GoOds that win no fall ni soft those- at wish Yo: Iturel / I••-r . iti• 4' -"Z),....?-= to which he would Call Ile 11 , . . - 1-7 ' attilltioti . of his friends:" "_li :.:1: lE'S! - S . GOODS. ~ - • - '.. ' • - dr ' - DBE, . . . . _. , , , 01 nee igisiplenumeyAte the .. ~::•• ;,' - ., :nii . ,,eitc , r i o . - d - e Ithitna. l- .. -. : . ... " diff er en t : iindi of f goods;i • sufAmi :.it 'to 'say that =- ' - ' ,- Fapeyeand PlailiSiikii - - - • - . • hig'Ortigeet ateck Of goods was never excelled in -"- - - Freers i . lllt4iueis;; .:f ' ... , -. Thibe -Clethei . r 5- ; t : . • . '''.' . fraught for cash ,' he. be undeigoldlty any.. .'.. , ' All '1 01171>eltiisel;. li v . ...' 'lllo Oill'takerPlessure in showing his goods ie all Plaid tat Fig; de' '.E'. , . ' • . . ' l , . - WI; 4 4. rl'inf-fiqot hita with. a call; 'fe.eliagenre.thaf .:.: Kal i _ a i T c. m pueca id • . -- . ~... no person Wishing to pureitasit'eatt fail of suiting i : pleok , and fi g ..d o , 'i ' ',. .- 1!'.." _theo selgea bath as ,y) , (juality and prioe.. -. , - Cash • . I 7 :- , I. ~.' '. t - . t.',. . ~, . --- -,. . . ‘, •• Al:title') J. ItVANS. ", ,',. ►':' M0..2041 Fellows' net. :I;ailie i. clot it for:at:l . 4k: - . ' Binghamton, N .' uS.2i.l - 853.- '. LO -- . - tiVorlit Oides, nm (itittifsinicresi.!a I Piairi a!ossi m e fle Broad Clot Bl`k Doe S aisontne Flincy and . Tundes. Sheeps Or; ilieutuc-ky ileaVei , CI Pilot d Salta 'and Heavy Sbeetin l Sbiqiiii .'-".. White'. "'Cation. , , *,.Uroas ajlii bletiebca •Pot} Red, atui,f-)Vtite';{Pool -=, '.:,t, + Liuseye!iii'.: ....., , ~-... )llcki ri . wad .St iipes;: ...seauiya . , ; ~. 1 , - &veil ,41c1 .. . : . •; I d• , il nxi# aid... Table Cl .. .oihal asalat ilkii!a,; i : •' 01H 3, case ' (416:' .• • 1 . ..- . -L---• „..,.-:* • ad. bay state Shai / . - --- ..1:f Silk troche Com orteml Wait r Grio ia4 'Mitt Itoslory, of, F;d2 4tyle;ii /hail and r,i s Booth! otid " Upp4r - and s ~ Calf Skityl, .Over ell of 13 uffilo Ro ' _Sleigh b 01 Broo - • - - ' r4ils . , - -- Tian Was . - 13 sli %- %Vim li , es, . : - • • ..?;,. ly and - , Gloves, I I 1 11 ildveripilorvii. ti• Hatt: .t: . - )1 4 pi to- sn i t del a complet- it te. Leather.:. 1! boapis, t 6,. , ; • -rSfigars.of a, . ':-.. ..-• it lot more • ' : iStiillir lion' Groceries ° % .„, . itatiow GI 1. . •',.' '. Ifrtekerlf.a 1, • • 1 assortmet 1 - -i, . 1171 divare, - - • .:.. i' iOit rse :it'd ' ;k i n ki . iig. 1 ano 1.. '• - Pe king I , .. '.lt r : ifs; '1 - ~ 1.f46.'0f ail In le';' i s k 1 ... . .:',..- '-.•.-., • Ail ilbere tbingi ,1 1 j a great tnint r : Are will Reiff the very toon4 • t.. pir 4 e.e.... teise call and ex ne a4se . eint it +1 !will sell 'DoeniinsiCitlltS.P as .can" bnught in an - . lace ' P - intince ti.krary kind . le ken4 exelserige fee g ode it =sir:nisei.' . I • .''' :' - - ' '' •We et,lll erintin ' to'foiaarl Driliel. st, c 1 Produce' Of ' kiiiiTio :v. ew OA:: --Allyou'ratnietis that -*ant Si limier:al Qthek eturns Sall rvBl !% i .1- 6 - , - 1 . 'll'' . • I" '.*: 1 -T ": : :# ' Ll!rjit P - *t• CO -147 1 : ••`' im mri tii I .: r I .. puitapg.:Xiin wen t& the :.Ladles. . T our ofonion, n :thing is nbOre; the • COroPri -...kenciOn of teemtn.ititd with iitls ;prejudice. ! , 1' .morehherality„ an d -Mach - ikeett i e ..-' perception 'than meg, - When Ullew.ittia ii prr nieti; - a new ...doe tlue..ltaughti iik 4:34w. act. arorted. she grn. sit at -gulca. fi n d tvith the i cnititlityi and - cir c a lie* almost qr„instinpt decides upon its ] i tta 4 1 me! to or I trot lifttloct , tt ; -slid . f.' her ileCifiOn be . foie bl f e All ;euthits_initksill '--- a . +te e and. Fa resit Thus the mina n 'SS ,'sit, has o h -: to' ' 41-:. ." i 0 Ce lietl'the - Sliol non 3o 0 bide Jirr.a „ ye ' I . - - re safe ;" and: we itti% . rrY I ' A ik ( Flat e t hat 1 mini il i e l'.:1: - . - -;i - a Win' rave Of tt - e', At uctinr - I.; '• tent . ; - .. cy Itaie - tried i fom pited hressf., So Nippt, ..; sort;e4Chtt fen. and -Airile on . Chit,. dr 0 / as wet tni far - the.CrUnit '100.44'V/ups._ - Al- I wt. for Carat ~.reothaebe;.Poiniip the-linabs and II t joi IP, Pate r . *e.e. Erupt UMP. • 611174 1 41110 iiruives.i in t hey ' kia e always • found it 'l i t•lTictual- 7 1Ind II -tliey rtit' ottani.' like - ougels • as'4eg i are. - pro i claimingit th their , friends and:6llp; they pee I or hear trll' of.. -Wit,. are- soff , iiit4, i'ffiLo _hire I deify sa lls. for it by pentane wh`oll sr Fitch y 1 P snit'. finch I t dies recont(rtended, them :`,ti. try it,. Gq' .on "'.lad your iin ivied `terri ari . tatil Work. an then cis will Mein you fcreyenr liertl•tv advice.- . ''• - • • 2 f - - • ' BENTOCIrtit READ: ' '' Wholftalosad lietaiiii4gruts; . . 1 : •- ' ', /c 1, 1 1 1 " 4 Ps" ryes! '.Stoves . '.!! Stoves! !I; tubaseiberr witchei to call the tion a Ztts • la. tteh Ida and the Public. to has spry ;urge; - I i't ' ST 0V E ISII- 4.4,0 At :h is** Store ittioto -itt Ltideravil) it to L .LenheterieWtore, end :war the Great Peck,' Dern: basin.* . tion Whit. fortnerlarge rartaty lot • and Part ' Storea t ittatiy New - Potterneistake of w les • St ,•1 1• Proih //ranch, If i rife Pi . ' Alrodevit Troy, I • Aloha**, ,l'i Which wi ther 'with kW Prater stock I *III I r lio peril the most': , teatime sinimai strartFirtn .well'sel ed Storegin the Connty. 4 : ' ' 1 : f - And sai to be -forgotten, the Csritsa,n ' Egon r grea tat and bett or ' terial than ha [ about the I.try by utak; prtlll.ll.. teriva i g le IPrioetiforlargest size, Frith ' , funtitrre f best ins I{{ serial {: }.t With'eacH trimmings's Pe fin ' -+- ISumil siserelktgiaraledf • - - ... 1r:. 1 • dio 1 '`'TheseS wee are net 'made otdlritt as reprtenint '4 b r lI PM /I "l' and n°l 4' 4 1 " bflai Soli by nielnive 1 4 irrAll eiett To hitelhyt on hoed end sonde to, `arderas r., , and *era ' ".teelsalle lld stun/ in ' t 4 • ': q ,''.. irtUer Great Bea dr 'l'W. l -kr ' •'5 ' 4.14*. 1111 a; 9 i the . : ii .„ j iht L ts,,of, „P -tn an 4 , ,411C-Catitr • if , f st T" fri went • Tol-he ter . , ':'-' % -i171:1641 ' - - —.• • -- ". 13. ..: , itifl it* --.,•;- ~.-,. ''''''' ,-. -;',lii, 611 / 4 ..e. , 0 :1Y..... 7,' --; .1: -,:- '&.-. '• ' • , 4,644,41,0,01-40",....10gar „Ifit , I ;:Fsgill , VY 4 : l c ,- f ,,,„ .;# 4 . , - , T. ,- ' .. f'• - I 2 :.,. ' y• i ','f. .. .I.J i>. -%', , I-, d . '.;,,,'• '-'.'- -'-''' • '- •- 'I ''' , ll ~' . - ..... 2 4 ' , ' 1 , ' -- "i 4 ::;.: c - ..-;: - • ... '-. • - 1 :.' ,I ...„ , .., -,:. 1) ~-,: ..f'...-.•;- ?•,•'..•••• •- ' 7 :- I ':' i - cobirs, rge , d WWI - 17.1 tid.,l anneli, ‘do ntisent, =Z233 p l rices, kinds aiid` at a j those good Te ' "/ all ki d 9, . 11;1 es, .sisea,•. ; 2 '1 d assware, ihi er•Offeredyikl 'ipeSalt, -. 1 - - • do - ''. 1 1 lotils: • ri - i i'l '• I tirst Nutrose. ~~~~'' • TLXI ATCHES.— A lirgo 'stock. of. fue Gold' price; by Nov;24 VAR RIN:GS mud- Breast, Pine, in :every yin 'll.4: etrot patterus,.seine entirely. tisisr styles,by, . Soy. - .4.13. EVANS. SILVER .Card, Case", Tait . Mnries, Napkin Fruit Knives, Sant, Ladles, and Bulter - Knivel, &a. &c - .; by Nov EVANS: hitidti . ottlig- Fans: suit t• - • „. able for'paitioi, by, , 3.- EVANS:. , C9AL 130eade, Plitia au4 clamored, at': R " - • • • A. J.-EVANS'. RLATED Faris, Spoops„ hrivy - stock 'just recd, by A. J. EVAISTS. WIEW YGO,AIi.ID-$. OUR_ '. ;assortment bow comprises i almost ev cry article ',wanted, and we e ear some that are not wanted, which we will Hat cost and some articles at lose "than= co t on that - swam aceount. - U. Ettißß • _ ''z &to.. . Gibson Oct. 26, 18.53. -, .. . : . . - SHAWLS. • • t WOOLEN LONGSHAW-I,S, nit JIIVV , and baninifut patterns, at "c.r:fremcly low prim. - IT:BORROWS. GibsOri, Oct. • . . .;. . - FINETRENCH' • "%Voila Lftitig Sthiatirle air 64,25. ' I - '431.ba0u.N0r...1. • U. BURROW Sc Co •,-, BUFFALO ROBES . Large lot. >< tan • ot era e wee e ob Robs at aA very small tralvatice on the oast. • Gibson Nov. 1. • - - U.SURROWe. co. • s.' :Witidoir.:Shades - • _ A Large,otorh!oids‘rc, Priill44l' shades., At low pit . . . Gtbson, /Coy.ISCRROirs , . . ...- • .. 1 ' Che. ili 'De . Lainem .. , _ , _. X, Tare , A , „ l : ocorha,u/...,.... Gal 2ife4ar' Manehisfer. .Dc L int.o ails - 434. reeyitta. 1 , .. ' '. °lbsen %los. 1., .' .... -- U. Ruttnows ,t , co. , 1 tress: Goods!' • 1 - IA. Ls- wb etil.tlairal?le gsso . rhatalt." Dttss *oats, Gibmni,lior. 1. • • U. 'FM RCI %Vs leCo• • S "T.ho -New Yiziat 1854., - I On the fi rst ofitinuary next,' Gleason* Pieta-1 ial . will cromnanee.itsTsisth sixth -volume, value,andwill up- ier vastly improvetl rival! reiikciii. with ajm• ierb new beading, new typormil Ares* through .'n t, and:will ,be printed .uptati,the finest papas-- a. 1.130 proprietor: tit ilaii , •Pictorial; . has...pur• - ./ haired the entire goo&will-of . Barnum's New 1 %irk , .faustrated News',' and has Merged that Minitel in the '• Pitioriar the 'priblicriviltreap the dvantage of this concentration of . the lirength '.'• the two uppn.one, both Mi the 'lartistie : ndlitiraty departinentel . 'rho' siatre brilliant host Of . contributors end a tists .will be engaged on' Pleoson'ir Pictorial' as heretofore. and it large'addition,i,s atio mad t o the corps,. both' in trilent.and a Mber... riro most liberal Sirange nieuts,have‘ eu coini,let d, Indsucli aswill en-• Ole . the p ir,letor to pt geti-liy far thi finest gliltarattid jo riril yet pu liiired,:andmuch su ' ''.- ' " of th paper.;.Thee periortp th proprut to go ~ e e e'oluinnis - of. the . 4 Pictori I' -will conituutly be hen - till to ' all that cart ol;ii . e.luOd iti_stFtict hi./ :are iiaz ....;t!i e.`.sind its fit rary apartment will fully susta in the high -re th.tion it hug so long I -,....11 pages of ' Gl eason" Pictor ar*illciintiin'i . . views of every populous ei yin th known world,.' of all boilthogsof itote..in the ear ern or ivestetn hemisphere, of ill:the principal ships' and'ateurri ers•Of -the parr and nisichaut - se lee, with 'fiue and-egg - errgig pnit taiti ief evi4y - I)44'oler:toter. in the' worfd, bith:inale and fern In: 'Sketches Of beStititnVrieenery; taken from I re:: will also be given.with ' ti urrierous '.ifir:ci ire os from the. ani matikingilont; the binisorthettir,..sud the fish.of die sea. and will present - iirits ItilighanicaVeke 7 : claim an elega)st Specimen of art.! It will c,an ! tain fifte'en Imitifierilml siity-finir-,*sare inches giving 1' great amount of - ,reading'Matter and il lust ra tions--sor ga d formin M tim mo Eh' weeklypa - . ... ,ir• .. _ 1 per et oteen octavo pages . , - . -- - • , a tax per - annum• - - Pablia ed every Sottnutayr, by F. GLEASON. Corner Tremont and Brimfield' Streets, Bos ton, Ma . • Mew, acrits-iSt.ocii fio.2, Fall 1853 At-the Head of vaavigation. . , .. Ile ;fi , B HA} LEYa:wild reaPiethilli inferaildi Nen& ng ; %X. aa4l customers, atia - cifir,e7±t ipg this vicinity inter- 1 kb . ally *ma lie is brat reeelilna a a = wry Wire and &Taira . .bIeSTOCK of-A:muck tunes .aelretel - alai .great Tare, -1 *Web la ailOilaix { o Ms' fcioner. ataTkr aialt r ep his, TIP SHEETING S 4.. SHIRTING' S,* -- . . .1 • .. . . . i Brawn . - anilines brit frontal e.-tol2„lits. tlantoti Flan uellypealeatte iziebams groat Taal° ISKv..- • • .:. ' -•- . %Alm Caid eree: nvrr • enatiag. slatlnetta; Tweed a, Kaalasel;y4leall ; &c. &e 4.3 per et-ebeap elf lliaa ever. ' . 4 :.14A lES:DESSGOODS.: .• . " .. • . . . .. A aplinacK4-14 latlairinae; ail - wall Debacles; Caali inerea; Parainittlas, Thibet Oletba. - Ceballal.Z Par# l "?.l Twiiiroll•!. .-PKINTS;ii yen , large,kireaalbi-lalgMe. ' : -H• ' CHEAP DE GAINES, •-- - - - A•fina lot to yell; at . 15ge. se good quality and pattern as I . iimietsfote sold at 20c... •-••-- :- •: • --, ..- '• - '-: - - BPITAbo ROBE ' S. hALT, ,AlythaSikek lat . /104)4.: ' ~ .-,.-- ' " •l' .x:entitlt e:'2ll, 18*. . '. .-.- . " - ..„, . '''- ' Valatbiti • Fgraffor S -- ' MlLEAnbactiher.,:effera foi- sale-1i , ichtehle 1 ..L. firm- iu. Gibson. taaviship . , - naqaelianna ' ' If' Pii: s .. ceeteinfniltt! . e., eittiated in t IT . e'tnivii.rn 'part of "said - iin; - haitt'ir i-iii r,inri - the TtitiktMnnock - .&eeli. and 12 ; mi le 's >` Depot, on `=the" the N. Y.•-sr, B. ltilltad. ' " "'-' ': '..., `- ".. ':'• - -- '..- ' - '. 71", `:;7oiiiiid lenti:is a'AernSea;titkiii , ...:3:. - /Xiiitleiii/ bone`shed, iettsholloc;'ll you n g eirliarif,4llkov.ef ~ 100 treiMi-ifid ill ireli,erateeed. - , ,-.: ....-„, :, - . 1 'Re effers-te'eeit for 10 per cent. lem" than ~ ..,,z., 1 .7riiiitiii.;,*`sio'ihi ' lit.this: ppriliase; .. .-, ,-- 1 .11. .allloB,del,WTh. iet balance eeseeedyhi merligalpC. --: 1 , , -....-,, ...--...,:......, - ,i' .-,-".!,.[ WILLIAM -7'.4I.YLOILZ:' , ' ' /. .:..'Gitseme,,. - 1ir0c'....23;'-'10t3.47y.1.•1'.. , .-,--,' -- -.. Giiiardpues ?Sale. bli'ic;fd,e'?iihilinnein, - pi the4reitii. • An the Lownship.af Great Beindvren ihe lath Cf - Lo'cica theoilletwof -the -niincir -children - of. - Aiii‘o4ineessed, by:riritid 6 04 4 66.11 110 " The )ti,de:l abed- • :-.4;Va 0 • TTASJultreesitodialcfal4 sad Wlste; stock of !Ilitl DOT* . ' ' - ;' • Ready-.litado. Clotliirig, ; ;` Embrughiro vex-Coat:4 ofa vweety isradeb—Prock; u skisittcl 'Dreim CoaJA—Vest*--Paiiti—troolen 'Under 4hirts I"Pikwerp—Fine Mairte, Faiuir Collars—Over Aibf- ! •,-Sr.9ckIngr—titovta, Oc t , & a. ; vo/aasortmeni f±ohinrable. , HATS 'So . • ' -CAPS.' f Cis. IToilins, Mimi, Boys, and Oh%liana BOOTt& 110E.5. : ' lndia Rubber iioOtli, ehoes art 4 sandals' . -...' '..4 new supply ot, WA PAPER , I,L, e i o tr.e. Stooks Mid, fitattnencery- __ -, - . -. ' Als,ii,-Trunks, Ouns, Travelling Bags, 'Mackerel tad ' li,Stigar,Tel, Piga!, &e,, snit i variety at rapicy ...V - WA IllOttO is readppay amtort a pritteVesii or *odor*. frra taro opposite Searle4 natal. 1 '.- • , . Ston.troat Oct. 4 , 11ai3." ' •ItAT the bushel et biterel. or by .the for !laic' at the Store of the 1.1 Wier% t r ••• • ontrese, .0 et... 1.0353. • -- ' 0 SO.: VULLF.R: A ...J.. Ey AN'S Cabinet Shop,in usque anna: 11E salfseilher-kisisoes.hisltig all kinds„of wetk I tl order, ind if.4e4lM nu hand gure:ms, ' lauds, SLc:, warranted, hell made, and elio ciale - at,flast and wmdeope.-rtesklug Glislrs..,dte.,-.lledstends mserally inni., Atl thpse srautlngla..tnl , nre 4.6 . elt t o Retiairlug44l rp.mtsliMg on shell It7" - 00111tss_rsecly made *t stligiletat i n a tiepot , Dec.lo ms ', • - Fatms fo; tr. atihscribcrs will act as, selling lt.til ES tate - ,—rat I tett 313 'S"lisettetana • cot .. 01111ti,N. - V,ankt also Pleili h.o wish to Offer their proper, ore descriptluo'br.their tar n ,! f Sell"; how many Improved, i ge; Orchard. grafted •or co wi• how fir from Great. 3 t t the lLL. &W.R. R. and . and terms of payment. - I 1 .1):11 1 ' AU who - with to ttdir or, Act t. Real Mato, ,iriit ro&Pre prompt attention* calling onto addressing -ei her orals at Great: Eleted; - S usq Inhume County:Pa. ~ .• Der • Conveyance from. Great Bend to the - pfemlsea. "-eke of charm... • - • .• .: . . • r .. Odloe on Main street.; in the dwelling house of S. L hate, lately occupied by N. P.. Citltenter -,—_• . • - •• . : •.:. • • - - PEI'S% DECKER, Great 1 ..1 - • , ONEY - can .he saved , by putchasi.Gg of , .Lrii ainnau,, 4- „.: Cu. at :Binglianiton, who i rep ihe largest sionittitent-hetwt4u - New-Iturk I •nd Cincinnati, of brigs' 11l ettichtee - Paints' . 6 ilea: Dye t-tufro.,ltrttiolles, Giciel,.:htenolleo;_ ( hemicale, Patent z tedicines,.Eerfumery, Fall : . • y GopciP, Ste: -Also. Window Gbitis of altaizes om 7 hy.9 to 28 by 36, Putty, Paint . -Brusher., t. raining•Etrtiabes,,Gtass'lViire, and other things . • 0 annterons to mention in !his notice. .- - • Ail of -Which .we ptedge nu noelies _to- sell. on-no .good ternunts therean be liought in the 'city of, New Ybrk orilsewhere.„ - ; '". ~ . 1 We aie prepared to ,supply 'dealers' as wef t as Copsunters ufthe loweit market a stes. .. .; -....., - . -. L. lIIP - 31 ANA" Co. — - -...-.- Tompkins IllOck • Bitlghalmtin Oct. 1 - 1;1853-41m3. .. •'-, ' `• .._;, l• jo . seph.L. Ifferrithaii -'"',' *.. ID r: s PEG TFULGY informs h le:` rein diCi th a t he is now receiving a - pite of 'choice Goitds from , the , great: "_Emporium,' witith trigetker I with his old .stook trinket' 'his •asscirtment cralt! 1 complte , and will, enable hint to Kuccessfia l iy compete with hit ti#.ighttor.• Among - his ,atckit . mayl3c found a rood supply of Dry,Gootls; Girl _ . ceriet ! , Crock ery:.llard ware: and Wootli.fitinie,' Neils; Fish, Drugs-and Oyes. Paints "end Oils. Bents and Shoes., (a superior 104 , i-tots and Coins. •TAdi ett Winter &musts. satchel's , rat:pek, Da ' .. Trunks, Ready M ado. Clothi n , /re/acted expr' a-. hi t % cur, service. ,and a thunsaud,other, ittieful ar i cies ot necessary herffito mention. 41,1_14 2 w1ti he will sell a the lowest : /itkkzpreftt.for Ciqh. . . . ~ Produce, or apincttrt. rrilt . , : : .t Tipaonville. sikpt. ,iI.V. f.tr..i4. -- : -.. E_ "- - •k. • 000 New- Coods "i• 1 - r t grreeeited: reeeitipg at Eatorti•:Qua !'rice al ann.'s.the grealittand-Istrgan prock of fancy; Do ors*, aud Arai 1r Goo Ari.q:tar nought Intri Sumpelstil riofouery. • On. hundred Case's Da - Grob, costipris. Login part as follows;, , -- • . . Ricli'Cliangatile Sil kp. B!riiiido. Maid dii; "Bin .1C •do,"Coliired Bonnet silk, Bonnet aatini,•;all Wo; r de Liines. Pereain du, Plaid de Coma!, Cloud • lie Berge, Engliih Nlerinpes, ,Pararnatta, Syo', - else Clotbst, .t7obuilt's v Froch• thingable e Reilie, E:nbroidered ,liobesulthams and Priut . p se u t c h „wai . , white G oods , :lN miglit Colia . da A.uslin. Ediingi.--dli • Cismbrier.Vginr..,do Linen Edgitvs, .F.iehionible 'silk anii'fiatiu Rod iiet.P, 200 pr Bonnet Wilit.onti, 1000 pe plaitticßitil boi,s; plain and printed Velvet,triouriin — ek, _llth Taney. Dress Triu:/plifirs, - ,thri. Buttons Veriei. Figured and colored Veleets..so, Ba'y state wool "-havas.pashinerado, Broelia da,-Silk do„*Clovei and .floinery, &e: .- ' - ' . . .- ciiii,fis. Cassi Terry.' Yeati rugs. Flinneis,' Wool 'Blankets. Pickings, Damask.,spreads, iiitien do, liitti.ttis, Black %Wins:. , ' ,1- .-. 8.. F.•& li. H. SAITON. .." ~.,, liartOrd, Pa., 0e... IBM. - t. ' ' ' 1•". , " . ' ., ; '• - •.:.1'. - .: - : A= CARD: ..7,-71toTritt.:0_13,viVii,:b.. . , 13LEASB examine tin). followiug "Catalogue. J.:.. and if you there \ flud. *turbid.; mentioned, that-you:'may Thant, callCia the* store, of the-Soh scriber and you can boy i at a/ lower price, than it any' otber store, in the, couutry, quality considered. lu the fotlowitw httk'euatuelated - am , • . . 4 -. -a part orsny stock— . - 1 .. • Prints, ; De Leine*, Alpaccas,i. Cobriiiis, Beim.; hasities; :Popher, Silks, - Satine; Muslin. Lace. Edgiug,s,lEinbroid. Tire. hitteit, Silk' and Lipari lidk - fs, black Lsce Veils,'Musl scollars,Shawis; Gloves. Hosiery. &c.; titc. I 1 , . i. : r , ' • Broadcloths, Neissitrieteo,: . Veitings, - .. early-, made Coats . ; Vests; Nati, Skirts, pi ink. and Undershirts, Hits, 0 aps,...Nfutfi, . B r s , -Ab u . , "Trunks, Triivelliag Bags .omb i as, 44, &0,. -:,' Flannels; Sheeting% iShirti ,' Picks,` florae Blankets • CottodNarn, c rili• Olapere;lable / 1, cloths , Tablet Spreads, ii , &a. •=i - . — Wall Paper, Window. &idea, Violins, Whipir. Am. TrapsfiStirir Handles, "tfandsarrs, - -Bui4. Scythes,_ Bain ela;. lid. ;Paiute - id-de, : bud obite.a ?aria of 'Farming Tools generaliy. ~----- Broad pe :.. set, - IYartaw do.; itilz.eir,' -Phi p p s arid 'litina, h .Screwsi • Frainini, • CblOaltif.PAteut -0.!ll ' kills, Patent ,SWilie At i rla and.:llindle i ace:and Biti;steor Squtireeisand:Paper, '001,,,i' ( Latches, bolts, ,butts, , bataws..,liVindow.Fasten..- 1 iugs,, W.:mdow blind butts, Docr,qcrakCts, cifinde, stens ~/hinigings,-- S teelyt• A rthi, - riiihr,. • Fliskititid' Hemp Bope„ - bed cords, coal -lisda; Cosi Sieves... .;:f.;Bittiiitsbir and . Firkins; 'York littirifei'lled; : 01 e 4 .; 01 13 .: •' - Washboards, : ,ia.Likfi T 144". i'' . .iti4iii. g.3 / 1 - bowle; fi lnielteis, brobtrisd Patetit Pails,. 4-i: , :,,,... •. `'o!pait,:filiiiits,,Liuseti :Oil; Putty Land each - Varriktii..Visidei it'. . tiiiertiretit.nf Cf,iiiikery: Stione,and .ClassW m le', Vreeirkes,Ditiip4'Dyes; 'Medicines end 'Yankee' Netioste::. • • ..--,...,.::;•.•-• . .: • -',, I Irate `deter bred:Ao g o lr lit; arid' mil!' sell i sitY.entire 'thick folgeod'pay' ithciair:.!eirsiO to i sm '' ~ I r : 7:4erei is no b Wing a‘out the abotc ; Ifoit !'. ~• 'tit. aitytiting - • iriy litta , j ust eel( Ind*,,riii - ,ctin' - iY. ,, ..144ir Milfor d Nay:; Nese::B;ll6s3. •'. Gioeenes--, • •••,, gr,s thir Most 10114 , _firms. His Siictioi*c4 be, lrim**.rtik Orcieery 4110 lee& mismieittiogi Tia:. ` - rit•ditdai 1 1. 11 ,opt.Feac4rlr, and _on Ift nj the harp;.. iben"el . os load' . • •14: _. . h , 1 ,.. & c.: , ,......AD. 11EF, -1,7 R .R T " IS I ES A TF.I I 7 II O?NEV . GOODS. • ado to order is th*lost • f r o, L'..lC/3112.F.R, • , • agouti for .hd.iing and acid Lots-- 4 ty: Pa fa Broome . Land .frarrantsf... -forsale can era a mi• . o of Lots as foilows: No. I Ind hoz - watesed ; Wind; co moo. 'fruit ; other fruit • d. and the rieciait, point d E. R.. price "V" MONEY ! MONEY I . . 1 ... .-4-:,-N-EWOCIO.II •. • 1-. IXTM aid! rasalYinrth week 14 , aglilazille.Pui - kik- YU of Jr* V).ettli eofilnetZ:.PO4.,ll l l l * . tkili , 1 &..t.+. si,,bo to. $ ll . O ll atm* 4 1 .' Ipt , ntkr. '47 . Goods,thaths, atersityabt '. - - *in ''.4 Itt Net almost any t bin; in i thitir linY, Whieb rend,: • ./. assortment comnictavaMil tie which we:Si:Oilier - At tt el. i t ion nf buyers, assize ng Ihtrat . khat. tit:07 1 14 1 1 tilt ° O s ' i t as abet...kis 444'4 eta* istiblistunent ... - : . t.i -, : - L.7. - 41: - - - ' wt. zt- -- ;'' _..,lq' - ii 4 : , .BENTLlrailt * *o -.' 1 kloweeeke. liCit3 - 1555:. - 'it 7.,-: ' ~' lc* .- - 4•- - .',.. ,,, E.1jt -_, • .„..... : 1:.. - 1 - ..„•:-:' :.; Mete wpil 'Uppii-146atk4o' =Pa of the b lan4, l ftbiasistal pott bind. - : • Io*EAD7r IS L imp oieS.TSTI.N manta. t. to - ptesser. !mine them. hiontre”.e,v ~'~. l:t Drugs, A Tint 'tab lA. 1421 "Pip.. Piesdrtpt vow nrtict o.t; n t • L.V.1.1 1 Tau asw 1 74 i • - Grocer; the. In Krk et - . Pry E#4)4+4 .t.;—% I ° li.lmit dhile*Felectton.ort soOt stiipt•AiMcieti 15111* 7 1 144,11400 iker i on"" 1.°14 prt-o that lill'ittiacis ti r theintireskt or rirehasert t - calrztilie stote bt , ' 1 -,, •',i- - -- ~ , : ii, TCIatRLI.4. .4 , 111n...it•tve.rfa An' 13111 r "Irt . 'Mtn' da* a 4 00 assortment- o those ,o;tleliratrtl Yaterbury.t -, PoCkie Kali's. Stoll :ware,44. lOC., at - • TLIVRELVS. 0 / rift - gists , Tal sib-Warder-k lame Ask) rittLi a!, -: ‘• I A; • •-•-• • tl4 nor*. A chcc!eti viiiety of Ifiluers for meth us' Pun'osPl. t ' : i"i- -; I .-- •'- - - ;c aFGRItELVS; ' TN usi nier, Ilinsl rs. tarn iti.__ --_T .. Inlins, ..Bon ./.. Strings. Rosin ' Bridgek „Pest, and . Tell PlVen-stii As tetanus, F nips., 111; S_ t r isrations.• Mauler, Taub , Ftirks,.tastt3;e. ion ItoOki, Altus- Nasky it e l at. -- , - - ', ' • • • ,-. -1 i, .....:1 . ~,. , Tit4ILULL's. ' , • ' ~ . , i .wets v4-..k ins slipply ; a IWO onaLl ti Jettelp,. Ladles and Or .tlemni, piesi.e ealks - SAbe /eery. sate of" I . Tr' ,-- 'A; TV ItItELL. - ' • eerfunt4 l'extry, all . Fre tiey G Urge and drat ri . ttions, is at lk•st least - s edit isstl4, - A greet' yitsietli'mtd .brncing tkeirl all of Ole Inn e at valuable hinds. at - : ' .. , • . :...„.? r„: ; il - ~.~. - • LI gief .-711 lux ill n.l; ampbene, Ca ndles, 'nod ,6 good satiety 4 - I..anapplia,' • c., at ' ' 1 :ICH.l:ll.l.'s. I ...• • ..... • . , ... oboes, u mbrellas, i liViiiiia `, - Minara. Watt Paper, St LI ilone , l. Plaid *ILI ri311 , , .lartims. lirtistici. Windoir 45 bus, P ntry , Nail s. Tim limit! tin pporters, Shard lir B-4- ces—a,gooti assortment iirilpc:ctiertp,:Thitotiles. Sena, Pencils, Np norm. Itlitterltares,2co:' itc__ V _,•. filo . t anrarl't ons to menthol, still/it - olr, IA . ''. ' ' TRIELOL . .. :EL° alit r, 1 , _ pr • „ ace .. • .. s. o. x . ~ i 1 roTir;s is, het`eb Oven _thaLit, persons who -.LA : have dotand6 titit,q.nstlheEltiate of Hehry Ellatv:orth . late of. ill'rfiprd iotirosh'ip . ; dred.- wilt present them to Chitriia Frogley•OCitaidiowpahiii duly attested for ci l-it2Pirient, sod all persona , _ _in. j debted to said -Beta ,ejltti -i m e requeste to eke pay. • snout to said Char; .6 kWiiiiilry. :, -: • , ...-. '. :.-.- : -.• •.• • „. . - ~.. .11* li /..t.:5.211,, dt BY, I .., i '.'"i';ilcl'ELLSWO KT/4 - ' : T " -- , Exec:J.4oot: f II.: E4tieos th,ed. de - Nor. 3,1853 a4irr'' ' ' - - •'' - ' •: , ',i6 FA XVI 00 0 IMS •*" . • -:: ' ille , Tki Wi.15121 , 44 u44!reet.iiinittio 4 F-44-stoA ~ 11:4 Or Goods... VlOate" call and ' examine: it, they tt4:lb.`odd 44!tot• Cash '' - ' i -' ',.. II Montrose: ontrose: Sept • 4;111153. - ~":1 -; f :,-Fireig , ( rri.vait'of .- ".- ... N-B. ,fao,kiklars '1 .11.%5:1).'SA"ftitE,aieljustreCeiving - a'rn,.; is) i •rlety of Need diaiigiottiMfig.iiliiih' May Ule . . , Ladies Kut Gloves &tip tic Ad. pat. pair,.Read •••• made Clothing'. COViired" C ' -rpet T . 0 : 6,- : ._p f .1,, iti . e4% : 0. Berge, *Cashmere . ; k nett, ,Engtisi and. :Sai l ,ony Merinoes..dtc.i an: f 'which , ,ire will ~ sell ~as cheap if ni:ot cheaper tli- the chtaiptist fox-Bee:4 Pal, - - '; , :' I: ? ._„ ... V . ' ,:: -., . —'" - '.1"*.:1 : Montrose, N0v, ,41 1 1 k" , P, r. :.'. . i' - ‘- .- . -,. ...:, 1 . . • ' . ' - .Ekoc 'tOT's' , Notice. ' • .:----. ,3! TET . .r.Eits "I';1. rune tarp. hnve been trr Id, 'toll's inhteri el* on the- e state of. ?Llearasit der:D. Ilarper,lsteri.Etriit676ltei to brushiiiiiel ' I.p' ;aspd All pima . s:irjidebted_tio said estate ..,tedr. 1 1 make i'Murtlnltft P Y,oolt ; : lindperN ius Lavin' k tdernands will presein I•cbem. !?.tbe• underaignedi ! int).- afusted. for se.ttWieti!... -' , .. ~ •‘. 4. . . . .. ~ , -, .. - .. ,-- , ' .'_;p4o.rfpu *par EIV:'-' 7 1.E x ii.- 1 , clatzt-,- - ..is. GI bBEFit 5 , 7-:.:-. .: 1 _,..Nov. 1,1331.-130 t; 1 1 ,1. - ‘ - *. ' - '. r Asslcrneria s .Notice :-. --.....1.. , .: - 110hUBLIC Notice! isqlierebpkiitii,:th t the • 1 N. tir•en, •a. neeof -%V..d'Eage • forth' • 1 'bPnefit of hie eredittps; filed inihe'Pro .. noteWto office in and for the .county. of Snjoque aunt a! the lust April tennt,of.t.4en. his Partial vichtl e t. as arkignee. of i 'Baler: d that litt . .. elitki • I will be prentented . alit : ! tot' Col.a. off•Pleli : lof:said county to • • si# titian ',end . agoamace r on the 2lat dario . - i .i. eitabitpaett, at tbk•Goitilt iHoule, ai 10.561 , ' w h ittle- forigi'peola k . 14;40114 time o.ld:iticohi . I %Oche canna . . tint beftliti 0.1 . Node a'. ofri6 . • 'EXtip OTRIE u by. fir nave' dein iizidii . itdinif tti - d'Estatei . Of DaT4 i' . .. i .. . 1 . - - 141 .- mia ,4., n - a bl o b o - 0 7,1 4 - i s i or - 1i v 7;,,,,. — „.. - ti.,,,, d i t ..-- - - - I I - ----p--,.2.-rg7;ri:,,. i. 04441 - `Aiilioiskail : iel Tingiei. late enlae4son tinvii , i.liip, deceitsicr; stilt;tißitti ititriiiTe - iiiravelt aoileAtie pee.: /mina/6 ' 6'44 ltrat,„ ~,- P oltif...if- . *1 , 1 , 1 t .it,b,* _a_nagt,„2114...,11/ 4or eas -- -- '- wilt present thelit .to ; th e undereignedt duty- at: Of tt*44lT*l4!ltieS argaldiValiCti Mibt":o4dtedk, roF tolt selecNdt 4s ientaprtfarifileffellitroiini - ' teateit 631 ' ;er - t tlittie- 1 : ikia ititez l ;-r- - -.indebled al-di—gm .r- t :, -. . at , -4144- bm ` V ' andkl* lie 414dcf - ' ' 614.5. 12114. 4 148611 A 1441 " t 'Wfili'*Miii , - - ir - Otid4 4 i ; Ail.. a". I' •': t.. , 44 , FV. , ....." . , imiZityait will. ao,kind alt to tiripr pp iitti iii'eati4ic „ 33 ,.... 4,...t ~.;‘,.- , ~.-_,,,, 1,..,A „„.„,..,.., _, ,_,-, i ,„ . . :,,,.. i,..•..___, : ... i..iid Ritate, are rdqueiaed le make immediate irit i tticiskg our it. 'good. , OM - stock or - Dieis '42rliod. '`-` l "'';'`'-`I S, R I F` . . -s?- , .• "If•TICISPOirt-iinitituu.:l. 3ll rry .,- pus men to - ' , %11°,4ALES Tt NG L;EY. - i catkin* M "pare-or ' l . - ' 7, 1;3 , '.1.. -- N 7 "- , - - .-V '.-"; :srt-nst" • qtoiiiilkilA`.st.ilknof i ll ficil47:;nifini iyiLtainjin4 - ...1 • - 'l iifilt . -1- 1 .1 IF ' i -µ: : - I. /1 AS - 0 , .. 'rl.ts, GI. 4Y. i ii ..,.. 1 14ckt.. „-r-- /d i ., • . -a 4 e*, /g ,,,, -i, --,, t . 1 . , 75nron 5 --a 5 0190 1 0 04 1 out :0 -.ate - - --- ~ - • • , r ... , ..i n acct and no naiDel .. a'qct, lain - ,iii i ii-b r ie4,-/,, 114.-fl• 1ivr,, , 1 ~t. 04- 'A N * ii .... 4 ./.... - .... 4 p, t r. . .•., . , ... t.. -•_ ~ • - -' .- c..-xtteow".. - /.- ,- • - . 1 ~. :: .'. ,-;., :-..„, t ..5e...!.. -4-11.., . Jae% son; 'N'ilv-,-2.7. -1853-4,Cur& ' •.!, -. ' ' M. de Brgealaid Li.tit4m CoToitell'edieltßiatinele; vit. ' "41: nAhiNK , lAtho.ahalvtioc. !kiwis V - . 1 . ?ooes. 4 ''-Ece..t • - -- , t • -•. ~,!- ~. T 7 .' - , , Initlent 0, 10 ,,,t,0 t irr bplift9lrlic_rill m 4 1 . 1. t „• • - ' • 1 4,'ItiVi 14 -IM`'eatelvi_ o'intve'Val - andi4Kiii, ~/V— t lieir ii'dyiiiiiigii'lo c ofiotV , '' ' "--*'' 1 - r . - 411 "•""l er g";” I t"' ' 57, " 444 AP 1 Y 8m Pt, 14 ",'5'"W11i.. 4-, ::".f.Mti ' t.'.i ' .-"‘i. ilite c 4; Slum do•ifig..ana Min tiatet;** 4 .- WC- " '''' ''''''"'", r .,. : - , ~, . -.. _-•-zi v , , ~, w ..i...„1:,..„.1.,..41.b.„p1aytAg*.teim.1.*.t .4 101. !mtir° 16 -g lirglW- i-ilialinit :tip , mnettapinia Ey6 and wissii - DbPizr, Irish Pain ;la- ..noiut..lotf.;. - - = - - 1. - --"'"r.' f.-- tifii;ltiveit..l4l.44:'Clittiilii.kinhidistitd,„..iiiiM-Maittcmed. ' •'''., * set 0 1 41.., ' SibisAtil - lodie, Spot- S1111,1,1;6, Victoria ail ' rifticipa - Lait's`,LideikeiniEr*VL eilni'Alainevii'lt.W. Oteetiirtirktlki44,taftailit , underl l .4lo4/)pialii4 jhA pin,. Linen aciikeottoti slieattnit inikshirtbigl'aird.' Wittifttrinnif - Jeiditaird.tippitroica.4l. - '; al'il•-:.,-.. i Get..vi.-0-gr riareant!rearad *is• of Meet '.. "' net .11,M 4 iteketi, :Prato:ter ea:TA/et MA Aanvy, t, 1 'kW IMllieer'' releitatuek . -leith'iu_Cabrizeeiitt. i i . Satin. tromted: d , Filk V estirigs. Mack *id,.. I.kolg,die Batts "Stocks Neck Ttlei. tto,r.rafoiilt;'"AvidiC'llto IX l Wrakdraittlifiecitil; t 44 '4 l 'PhatTklll*PP 14. Wa ri Alti giiia;a 4 Ogiqi4' l 6 4 ' 3ll .4 1 ;ilitl ' e . "e*Almta: .14lietV- . . g e allifitfriLO l Pt e l . .:Pi" / •tatitit sludei ' thtil •' ; oyes' lauedk, . Lteed.Beavei- - K ;Buck akin; ste:& 0 1 i ' , '"Pl-:. -- `` <s . evl lAillei,„Missei sili. Goat! gottow.tioae..itzr - kitel Nnaltaarniix!„ll4 tiOdilick so ,e Made cow; alp Vfinlise sisma , :oft-iiliAkilft tilVi„tty.faiirenify !ti z t. rAtok4 -- Tznoilr•Y , ---,.f.,- -1,-.7,,..-4;:i.- 4 ii ± its. , Atiti: 40) - Nlirletiorotaer-qyabe - ar*iabteae askimilmilitr u gglO o fi e*An . 4,olK ili t u tri, t ,41., v e uerti.counterpaips:Moreetili.tk PI 'Llaui'lmnitil tt . otlW,toOglgtolilidatonierillictitmta4 la'inikkoMittielV., A u si., Mari era atzt . OUCeetatti4grtiltinakiltt4 ,, V l, aro at mr4S tatele`. 'Mee s r; ~< 01711110 eqyt p ! emi, vw ,- ;'oritfori an: 2'll :M '4l6 * tuttouurplesrsti*M4thsa . ,". -Ititt4„-1, I, Oar am ort.llry-.1110 ow/ „ .It yea , l et rnatela . , ' 44Atroleia , 014:t 4' , 21(1 , - - poops Inn wilt tilt at itifklaimAleeMitt s i ' - ' oponatto tho-Popt.onto.". , i' - _-. - ---I" , '-'-` i , ' 3MnitisnitOttliri u l ow - EAI . "iV . re ...s W the subscriber:- a itike?!l „ ,IF: 4,re.. ~ . far- • nitC.l l .ll . er le .reqeestedla- projoatiyi-paY -cis ': Unktkiki *writ& 7:; . i4 .. ' ... c: •`'•= - C.+l •.'":".f: '''''''?-":: *.'" 7.... :*. t • - : lr. ID t 31 . 1 '9W.44. 03-. . z ..;;.,..)., - ...: ii - ..- ti .. . -. 1 6 .- . 4 , •-..,-- - r.riii'iiiiiiiskri i4;_ ''t 64 .44 : oti t oot Au-- ja .4 4 04.. tills , ' S e i rW ie n tr. i l f il t i o7 . !' .., . ' f#•:$ o ..si - gapt. Jai. iii 4 1 1)10. 4 .- 4 -,rtlit lititl.F be r .,Hoviirio ti*i.i. a 0144 "fin Ilitlgi'%; i4(glai totTipt! . . , f r .014 h '..Pliise !Tire' hitt' Ai e a "' • • . - -'' , iif 101#141t1iI1ITNEY44:11 aniii l •prigeb i lisf' . iii 1. ._ ..........' '. ~. . • . ituot‘iii --thimti rm . to f f. coit 14.2.. dor s l4o . i.o;t* 1=411(4 of itakobuiiotag...}G.,thet..p c. - Ot:4,i ; ru a 3 y bc, fittsidtiitl 014.,..5ttu0i 4.4111,r4:400plol: SpuKtille g vh . b' p . Jsity.ip! I : ". ' ....- i 1,,,d:k.:„ . ,... folly selected • 1. ' • ;,illit' .. •• ... dw.r5,4,r, . xr n be sold cheaper t : ;401.4. e:iitr.tkiAtlr ;.. ' Our mrs-dri me At?liar'll!itlet- :I+,' tioh of Dry G-, - F. 14104. t.fte..'Oß!lrfu lajthistr place.b .., ' 1 ret:eletif,iniltegttlati't 'pisr, ~ -- • , - L I t -- ntitig:,l I t , • ; ' ateszg pe iriebange 011 1 00 4 'obteeep;, it eip, ..„c in, the, mud u pop .41146 ~ F ~«0 • .Atf, 11 11?4:. sik 111 1 1 .0.04,4 ,elts• . .es• ;Afar . n .406 •T FtE 'te4 ~;•.•••>. '• 1-E74:1 • thu 44v-ar,:ibutes s*Anbtedit;'eutinist-1144-4; eli Ida :11'''/4 St to'snl! bald Th Op:pc 4re:ln. 11 efii ins fin". 7 . Clio . thiaa - iti:- t, xtsmrtirgin • Viiii , Areittnte-Itill ittbu.TyMat 'Fp nttrettaftel .stiefallg ofmtvolinfti•L'. Thor twin ttn ill fir ppti da7l4ttteatt ActilLbafoipid ankle Dr . • I pf •-F :-• •-•• - ' z l 4 .617.4.144Y.DY:E•$,TUFR'S.. *at,voot beidgn#l#l :ea3K: ter : ; nztti TI the u a:agril34' 11 t, A jr :..;:'II7IIItELL'Az: - . • , ' ry , ..-- 4 , -o: 4 iiriLl assort txpetin . of • choicip i : '. 4, : -- • Ti3ititELZ'a 1 . „...,.,,i-1,.... , • I did t 4 . 11140. : keer Nat I oflm.. 4i4*,...-0. : ate zoiort ,pt. . Ti,o/best Oleo to buy tat.st.t??Foll ;1.,- - :": ;#;',.." TLICIIII.,Wit. 1 • . .. , .. 1.. utctutir., ;Adler . 1* Oeuc ' 7 , ,Clto l -4Pikiesunr, F,I": TrAldo.!lna7r4ls, Trogiiki* . Bhoti,•4•Cr'' • , iortiitaut 1,i3 - 12,64# kidtd Sa i tiara :lnducertezzts . Ito corizioori . "" .. i ..`' . .t , • • lie reavicctfalivailiviltiv,au ivirliv civil from 7•5. an:i`rwortipili itosieur roo , A . Croinbi tut "latillOtiill'tge price ; s44llfor - . • Sanuicierilla ffifiti sVgait I,arter,- all *sityiPs vanitoricaPii - th aCt, tt, bv.sl. aseorta.se4c..trcr - otreiteia' ectiaty gust;rikelras:'at't , us raha a uarnia- .' br +2. pace . A'tli' . Giobt.,.celividt:loresOtikferftl: ''`.' °' .EEL 't *'S'I'OI2!DARU-Sr 1 r .. . • e 11,-.-,: , Bp_oi, ND StiOli.. S . . A A ,Arii-,p.•,,,a,,,,,,,,-„,,a..22,,,,,,...,,f....,„ v.v '''‘i;ttltie . rtatelit or: art/cies' ilr.,thVirranii.; eiatiiiiiing. a: ` + 'll4ialCiii;ielt at 1`,.. 7 t- a nd !O t t* - etvietay(-Lltdke :`all4l.9Villii!Ptte/ 1 -2rell..,'4 lll °Pg %chi Cif arA L'ad ~ ,s - Fro stab. -.Si I k Lasting end, liths, utile c,outerv. jti and: Baatneted !Pelkaa; - •'va Pitti•atitefather - u d -laiitlaifa i -:lonn y -LitidelEtas. kide,aailffiee ; gratle*eii . v. -Xrell'Fil: wild;_?,*- - deip4ite-qii-..,ta 'led palfskin:*q_kipliciot,,q,nt , 1 kresa - tiad itittie { d'atitie:ga:nteiay is:Vie - A#:01.; bi g t o ir.Bi a th i . D u c t, . Slips:: ltlarshet.. - calfl l ,:otal Cowhide, Sep tte,**.; .n.B?y, kip . ,, , cali:nd,Fotri; hide - Boots and Progane ;. 101 kindepf - .liiiivs4itad Childi,ets's wee . :-' Alin. ik: , zeitiqzir igiiiitnietti'au Flikaiiiii,i , hii - , :eousigf - 'lli .piktr of -taste, iiris. 1 sparabies,lian ly;1111 heiii;tOcki i ,thred,i--Wa,F,; - .Pnslief;..§hie bind loge, als'1! ! . r4q0.3,,, , r' • ''ln l3 4°4:e l ; ishoe'ktirt;io, - . Mali. Oak' end' hitnidek eatia'ed i..ii PO O'isi'itiii ealeleither.; ' 14.tofeetto;skIveiTand liisiti ' ~, , .. - ,...- - J , :vi,.. Work made io order itid ripatvititypeatlyjltaiO. 'lli4tiiiiiii, - iiiii - ei11i'18.53. 41 .. .!:. -;:-."':<1:::-.^„-Fi: . . hifrtuibro Rcrpiy . - tpi;:l ait....fig4regoiii.:::-'..' - **: 1 ontiTifst - nia:iltie.AiatfOht . e.tott.t.bei toltO*Apits? . zi. eases=-=: ttlyr us siti, Old 4.4 3 4. ail> o .s:' . - 0 wi4to l3,ll * system:P...lllW v..t•ltiteoOrstist . tufnelniek, Pirei..l:l3le.i l• beeti;::o3l3litery; 'Ile:Ovod; -, Tll9 Chttbilt; : - Feiri'ei n prtl; 1 Mies, cat5„....511 sm. «ialses, Burn!. 2,1:013 sestl.ll..- ' ..- • '.- '-' it fit - ititls••.: .tv. , ...-11 , Siris'o',...N1 , ...ra 54 . 5.; fettolioni -Itine•-B Mies.. Alva ins;.stsseeny v ,,Poll„ . 11,rvit ~Ctsts, , sollfitii, n'anxi el:F . 011s. s :aches, LlraetieSt.'sp:l4Oefrott,".Biltis4. es, 311 - smo-totkoSositiottorthoaMogst. 4... ad all - Feteesi .t , tort ttelt Slams se- suWett - . ~ ~ .....,.....-.--...- .. _ --,-...,,• .Vt...ii - tatli I miiigiazkriilii '44g-; #i:: tailey.. ii-- ,raysslite••••= . ^,y'rlie Amoty,,.Wrettsistp- . .L. - '11:-Iti.O.**04 1 bitoor.—Ac J.' Sliorvoot), titsli. :. -, 7 1", • • :'• .-'; ,•-s- , •,, . - - • • - - LooP -- put 'Yor the-- s... Pan Trade i t'#'o 0 DlOVylieg tb asstirf the - innl;llb . nopr.p ri for ! tbeix, tvLsorttatnt 4t" . . . • ' • slni ea . 1,114.11i, - _:l2,llm4trasr.:l434:llaptiei,Warelf4'belnifitli Auld complete. nil Of wtiteh e wllt b e gbitt , e*ry,,teivrcir _ cash 7 cottaxiv.kti fOri , Weittes. Tltote wbo „els t to pnrr,4ase .thitiLttonZar: '‘,5311 et. wilt Ifni 1.4 b thelritiVitat itii,i — itt=ti 4 e4Wsk* * kre.tero3, , incr-•fca-irriet d In tbe,beittoneinn *4* S bee •U911.44.1147.4!reV1 moi al oar shop with psi - actuality:and ; to. r.rePt:a few'tlctors betaw,;:pearleir 1-114310,331;. , 18:f 41k4WOOSZEr.:-. ..:_i i40312i , e;i1.i; .:1-1,-,i.beeF. :Itlakrktitd CZIIIFSEiTESreiri SEE ......, olio: ellecooo6 . s - at. 5:: ?,... . ' 11 217`41ifii ..;...1:.,;;341Wi-A4 - ,; i•.ii.riiiritii -e ii i ' , rif-Pairkie U nfair Giwodailipi: ' Walla k‘ ' ;meet. Inltir int t sepleaythett in ny , - . 1: , department. aid Tuntp.:44',lTi.iii ikaid:tiniviacte.i , • traliill n - laiw --attrie or i•4 4 4 l 'D etA 0 ocol/ {l4 -KP -', 4 4 41 4.1arY:-/Y tabies.and qiehmere, : lleramettes, - ' ' tiZija4eitien,_"iti '' , Baki,*; Itrobletr.Lui , ttewiteibitildertel ;-, aieeiglitkaoltner'i' tiete,ltieknannet Itilibi.ias t i t • large , new aseuetpent 'or' Winter ' Stiteici, ' Ladies , Vier'Cu er,'' . ' -Vieiatines-sienT 1 il 111111* - 100110 11,1 leerts.kliple • ;last:, nr-: T r : otat'a Claaltii eic'elent audit. ti -i4iler an a=new 'aist,eteuent tntStuie v Vertman I.4lnakinas , fat ,, , ..th . a Peet yergrety. of ottwr Pansrinl,Staile- . clot 0i.71 - ii. - Ike; .. "914:00 Alii Janet 41iToretile *erns e Ow, ee l Jealitteastintir to 4%4 Imitate blikrz• • ,' .::. •'...:. • . ' ' - •:,.., soultoid; Nov. - .,_;SSI 'j - 1 - s! . - 'l;,'s ,-..r .-.:" I2'''' ri. ;, ;< ,- '...1 ---,-- •t--- ' , : ZtOVE 4/. H:.. xtqq, or t.ilt t.itth!ga!tt i#144.-ar_pr f t l - m e .1 ,Coo,: ag. r or, n. 'cho p'Cl V .o., , , , i r j r4) . 4itta ill ..t‘ t(2Z "F leeEls **4 ;!.o:prvy, k4 l 2*. ,ptoeci wilt inakeaileteet a.nd elnuag.tainaorcanantic the mast: [ popu lar and imprpved kin,l4 et; " -.1. I ', . ~,--,!..- - -.1 , ' . 1 Air; tr r t . " .. - it tire - -- P . i • - Trt-reDate at r nuunt an !-7 1 Pkfa , Stiioe4, , q , ' :-; ,---- --:::=-: , •.--, - 1 - Alon---etove MA weer; Iron; Zino. Store , l'lllbos. Ate , . lortli*leWeittl - aelt at t4a i loi 4, 4l ll igri for 11***20P10- VT: iteWileiittig ~.„,-;*, • • • • - . 4-rattp-k:44.•-w. • ....•• . T. NW Itiii , vganliili.**:**4.:V. ; :ark:. t ~.,.-, 0 Am. :.!.... .'stentrAtiza*, : : 1 • .-.. ..**•:••!: -. ::••••!..-,.;.1_::: -, • • . C.l)-,• .. . . ....._- . . .. bes. iiA . 11imiiatt4 1 : 911 44/10,15.1i., ' - 1 9, 14 0rir cirri y"-thavity. sci ste rfre y mai- , --,, oft, i by. •7 , ey. 4. , Pri , . 7f4..." , ~- . . Ic. l - . .. ... .••• .thbit; T 4ae§iieckW ' l,..jeiWili.k.. ; T iikvil "....-- • ' mom. .::-14•40 - 6 liok.:41•:-.1fainaci•.__4 •,,,...4.0 4 , 1.. :.,:e• • 'ftsaortmoit ../t4phalre 1 / 4 M• . 41111 -CfPg- " 41 - Lie: P 4. 1;r. " Itil i ' ilW l oi' e. cli . ".iirria'f.'o... ",iikiirigii .., .. 'iiiys4; lll l : thirli'§ivistWdel'"=elef To.thweititeililif-33104 . 1011an . ..t 16 — ,r -. 14***01-014110i7C6N- '4iliai. ~ ~ j , .. tr. -± y .IW-19.4,,,/Vg--C...figAft4t_ 1 v. . me.6*_%y * ,:'-'.,... ••-.. " •v". 7... ,-;;:•_;-, :t* ' " • rvatint;Weel, Ivastri"-P. 3 -uolo 'fPl** vr 74. ietiii4 . ,'.iiEttillTiV.liiiiala: . 'eslitib*.l'eglk "pa t i r psinikaaltik.g.. t*,•C'- 1-0 4 , 11qg .... • V V,!.; flit .atteintoill ..cra, 1 hik1att...." 41 4, 4 ~I4 k ifink'=e ..,44-t. - : 4l.)i.airfietiiiiiiilAjjwi i iiitialoia: County andillei to ty tO tarrelmirg• ova wumezmiectAt .au . 01ei5....., r m 11h _ .., , , .._ 'stock or Dry 130041-9. ad gonoardst* des Kii l l4l, , iiierlifilittgteplgrii. -' , 7004P..1.#0 - . selirisaftN.E l l;i)t:•.rtbilen: r al ... • ''. , l - 1: :1 5 . ' WILOVeSe 4 i .4. ' k ayelehot, - 7. ilifill 'writ! twit,: by .! . f . : r,it:All..zi!- - 1: , ... . I Citi r iti f - l iiftoA t.r . ll3f3: - ' ' ' l `"*. T1#.9.-..10 rici/lite,# - Nditdr..iale by lJ 4. , ui.;: it Neirilitfoxil °Ct. 15 1853.; • '•• • • • 4 • . it , I LA.tia , =an ordwars. - Atair, Wer. ':3B44tdoinW) TURIEWOODMO -, ~ :', ' ' ' qatiterßesE:'• ,1: --- -.-- - - - - -7- : , --- --,,- - 4 , --:- s---m - t- ---"' t fr ‘ ,. i4taa v irin , :rt tM 4 V4ltSateXti Ojai Otitii - Nair WI of Coif; WA' 'XiOli 74 o, i t k!' 4 bilf, ' , 3 l"?. ltra - 1 it t ra! , l*. 7 7. A. -.--,,::. , .._ J• IR ETV-fi. N•tiNG;- , - ' .;.- -_-: :.- - is.4 siitiiite. '- 101 . 11144464e.d. ) l aii , i,V- -- 'satr,:lito Kirkw - la tune tO tete iillo ' - gall,'7ll4l2i:dsT CM, bk , - r.rAti.. ! wywor -- V _ -1 11,140..,213315 A '•::' 'OrilitibtiO utel•r4•lntemialiam o = - r . "'''"' • 4. - - , 'Mai ; • Int rit .tri...-1"Ibto 'g . Prin 114:r 6u tiViir4i3Wililii4 It: ilthial , Tel 1 1114 Ift+Ater:t bli#t , ' FS .4 32414 t ' 43' toOl frtd•Y.'" I• 4 4.'slibeta,ltaimitaa Yovill i a .." - Ike. , Cr,.. od.Te•ar . sheinnforthblilagatare proof? . cef l r i fa ini tto oda i a‘trtn.,11,40..wiap.trew,LE:717„11,....,:-, . ',N)aftalrrkiliiTt- '',*.:- 1 7 011.! &Irv. al ttt *mid L .l ion tea -----. 'Eltia l / 4 74 A% 4otiVittitiaimi TI*WAREtDEIOT. ...„.r.7,..-4,....,,,,..„,,,,11,42__,.L,,r.__...- .- liT Vd D'a l Mal: ly 10 Ur k...lllllVreVMPOint YinquoirrOe Tefcl.4o.ll . 4P‘i* , t. 4 - : h'j...gpoP4) , AhltOkey 4 , 4 -4 1 04 Ni -': ineutAllTie - 446 , 4 - krio - rie , atilie - , - *- •ithlivar-4.1i4, aldiwitiit '6 , -itifisititir oiirminidilvt444l6:ikigietithiiitiditiot ' 0.,034 n 4-1., Yim ,- ,,i'ir*qieP ti 4 ;.4,t4-118; viper,:grss andiliti4ll4 - Virekhr, atror • -_ thiT 4 l l l4elE'as• ifiisjiiiirl ffi4Feki:ie:b s -: in:PrProrifini;oibir countlc*44llllo44r.- a .11 1 t5"P' 414 1 1/ILf q i -574.!1,41 4 03// 16 ,A - "erott* CO' tiAI Uri; . • : ':-1 . :' ,. ' ',--/ qrair-tiiitp.' . .fiktith: oditiP-Thip'q",iq 4 3 : 4l:4l t .144 / 1 1 140., too/it4l4e: i.v,et j1 ,,,. .if1a 1 x.tiz ,44 .471i•-:C:4: -.- " , ',.4.: , .,'-t- f ico. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers