this LaftweltOirestatloill In Norther,' Peasteylvatatio-.llBll9OplesWeekly.. - Eii.iii:_* . l'Exi'f,C.kok.",__)fikoßiii. itt22==i Sisq Co. Fair and Cattle =)i . To lie beli Messtrese, a i.. is, 111113: Pleuritiag Illatelt, Oct. is.. • Sr OP-111E11111M. ,' NEAT STOCK ; Best Durham Bull, Second best, - - Best Devon Bull, Second best, - Beat Grade Bull, Beat Cow -, I C Third best, ; Fourth best, - Best two years old Heifer,. Second; best, - Best, 4 Yearlings, Second best, Best lot of Calvet not less thin five, 6 Second best„_ , 3 Best pair . of Worki ng Ozer, .SeCond best, Third bait; Best pair' of It years old Steins, . Second best, '- - Best pair of 2 yells old.,Steers, 1 , 4341C0nd best, SHEEP. Best Pine Wool -Buck, Second best. = Beath South Down, j Secondbest, Best Long Wool 1114, Second best, Beat lot fins wool Ewer, not less than 3, 3 t3econd best, • - 2 Best lot South Down Ewes not lest *in.', three, , . Second beat, 2 Beat lot long wool -Ewen; not less than 3,3' Second -best, . HOGS. $3 0 0 Best. Boar, Second bed; Third best, Best ! Sow Second best, Third best, Best litter of Pigs, • • HORSES. Best Stallion for all work, -‘ • 65 00 Second best, - . • • 3 Third twat, Best Brood blare with Colt by her , side, 5 Second best,- ' 3 Third best, - • - ' 2 Best pair of marled Horses, (geldings) foaled in Susquehanna County, _ 5 Second best,- , - 3 Third best, POULTRY. ' • Best lot not less than 6. ' $2 . 0 = Second best, • - 1 VEGETABLES. Best and laigest variety, Second best, • Bea' half sore of Potatoes, Second best, .BUTTEIt. Best rvkin of Butter . truide dozing the Summer months, _ ...IP - 06 Second bat, _ - Third best,- Best during_ thirst', Seeciod best, Third best,'-v=„ CHEESE._ Best not less that! 25 lbs., Second bent, Third best, GRAINS. Best acre of Corn, SeeOnd best, Third best, Bost acre lArmter Wheat, Second best,` Bost lore Spring Wheat, \ Second best, • ) Beat sere of chits, • &end best„,• Best acre Buckwheit; Second best, - Notice is hereby given to those who desi gn , to compeie for the premium on corn, tiu.t it will be necessary for the crop tole examined and the gmund to be messured,before the crop is eat up; one of the judges thereof toleilies. ent. S. -A. NEWTON. • Brooklyn, Sept. 6th, 1853. 1 FILUIT. :BestrallApplis, one-half bushel, SI.O Beat half bandiel for Conking, - 1 Bell. Winter Apples, _ Second best, `• ' = I , Best taginees, one peek, ' - 1' Second best,. - 3 Best Pears,:l Peek, , _ 1 Second best,- , • , 1 BettPasel3es,- 1 Seenid host, • *.• DOMESTIC-MANUFACTURES.. Bed Flannel not has thin.lo. yeids, -. $3 00 . Second best, . - • 1 Bmit,Quilt of aay daser!ptie' a, • , 3. - Seecond best„ • _ 2 • Third best,'• - 1 r o t oaa pieoe of Cuiptleg, - - las than 3 pair, 1 Best Cottosilenititot kw than 3 Pairs Best 'Wheat . ° - lieLiOwl 'beet. wilest!ph and (*Brawl, r e°lls _LEATHER. - • -- Best aide of Sale timiiedMithea, $3 00 &toad bed, • ' ' • -. 1 Bedside of Upper :do- - _S Second beet, _ . 1. - AGIeCULTUILAL. Best Plow for Elusque a oeiter, Second best,' Best Gultiaater; Second best, Best Straw Second beet, • Best Ox Yoke, - Best 'Lumber Wagao, Best Oa Best PloC art,w Chet aisdcleirke, • 1 Rest Rorke Shoe, y- '.l:' Finest mkt' _sf F9imme-4- Cerebella* sad' Book ei culture. Beat ma k*oske Was of Bees; For 2. _PLOWING MATCH. r eke beatlikkwhig; Sod best 0 _ 114 Usti 4th-bat - . 46 Mr* or Oz teams naj be enter . a. R4lllOlll AMR Winks Swat Wbisk, and Ode o letar oak st the Palk - Oa Cola, mid - ..Sisekeflukaajat the kelt*, aiestiug..; aulokateilwiweektos os-Altaki are reklusiet• echo bare Sas grots, essoured sod Abe limb: - titrereettlfl64• = , wile; ~00U1,wren iwi.eted the beeliyAlead4 *elf With 131 Pkwhesa' Ithiaiyeetekt tlikt - eaV beolareakal le -1 4 0 k;;- qiiehailik_erakiktiefearatrjW.:lbe 4 VI - • r elitists - I - Society ti give' ittheir eountenan, by sending any a Wes 'oil merit for ennosit. that,any add en hitenuit;tei the Fair:, ; The felioiving persons are 'appointed Judi. '-- . ' - NEAT Ber ALL LENDS .:. ..I' C. l Wm. C. Ward New Milferd-i-Wm. Hiir. ocz kins,Springville- T Aitir Lathrop,Br t eugewl 411 - e - •-•liael Kisse 'Jr. Checoriut---Sausuel . Townsend, Broo klyn-Col. A. Carpenter, . ford-E. G. Babeeek,,BridgeWiter. - ' .. - • • ISIIEEP / - • ,'. , . ' Joel' Terrell, Middletown - Orin Ely, Bro is IP./.,-.C(,1•• Rufus '4lnith, Franklin. .. .. ISWINE. - '' '' - Hirani ates,Checonut—isaiah Maines•Db trek, Jose li Williit is Bridgewater i ; • -' - - • ORSES. '.. '' 1 Joseph llyde; Choconnt----Dil Springville--Goo a Harrison, Uri . POULI'ILV & VEGETABI William ,L Peal; F. B. Chaudler; Terrell. - .• : i • - .. - • • BUTTF.R•dr. CHEESE William T. Astiley, BroOklyri—lJ fin, BridgeWater÷Reuben - Welle; ter—Mrs. John IHarrington, BrU Mrs: Alfred Sinstbaugh, •Bridge# B. A. Butt rfield,tßridgewater.! $' - - : I. GRAIN. . I I .. . , Samuel A. NeWton, Samuel Ti ri ..Wells. - 1 • ~'-, -. !I ' - I FR UIT. Win. J Mulfo 4 td, .11iigh 11•Ctil •K ler. i I ' .' - J ~ ! I__ BEES... ' ' Samnel•NeWton, s iThismas Johnson ' .• 1 DOMESTIC MANUFACTUIOI Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Mrs. Ret .Mrs. Charles Tin ley... 1 . I . _ ATIIE.R. ••-; • George Keeler Wm. - Wit:lndus', Breo, Jr. 1 - • '. ' 1.• I'AORICTEL LIA: AL IMTLEMEI William Jesse • Nelson ' —Georde Gates; Di , ock.' 1 1- 1 . LOWERS. I' : • Alfred - Spire, 1 isa M. Moler Searle, Miss I le , $ ester' yas M co l house. ', ' , i tem% Er. '•- 6 $ • -i li David Post; E ~, Gilbert 11 1 $ , ers Esq; A. Chamberliii;,Esql . - j r. 1 . 1 t i JUOG • OF. PLOWI . , i 1 A..B..•Goodric , Brooklyn -Samuelßard, Bridgewater---Re $ erf Kent, Bidgewater.l The'Executive Committee,af ter much con sideration, conch% •ed to - appoin seven . individ uals to. the Oa .ent of Neat Stock, as it is a branch f Agri ulture in wis ch Susquehan na.i Count ' far rising -to pr eminence, and every endeavor -% been mad to select wit.- sous well quali 'ed. Blank' reports i will be furnished to the Judges,. together with 1 the . premium' list,- to facilitate their dties. ?‘. Celli mittee otreception wi I be in att mdans.e to itid in the die position of he Stock,&c. [Ba d ges l to be h d at Geo. Fill er'si - and at theOffic6 on the sho - grisunds, which will admit ecnbeis and theirfamilies. ' TAe Montrase riewill give the r best servictis throughout- e daY', -and it is hoped t at the whole proceed galwlll ,b e cred itable to' the cemity.: After ,ex . ii ence of Owes the Society found Jtha ;tlie eat rr .funds nemsrary to c yon their operat onto could nothe. obtain from the contribu opts of meriibers, and the plan was-adopted of en. closing apiece of grolindfor the Fair'ind Cot. Ile Show, and the_ small 'Suit of 12 1.2 cents , chaiged• for admittance te r those who- do,i, not wish to become' members. Some - dissatiSfac tion has_ been-expressed a tthis course a • few persons, .and the Exeeptive Comm ittee_ have thought it best -to bring trip subject les fore thp public and' show th perAet propriety i. of it. .;If the greater numbe of persons inter ested in. Agricultural purls its would suiitain the. Society by - , becoming rnerbers, there would be no necessity for the , course adepted. This not be* A the ease,a resort:to other - km*s he comes . im perative ; and who' that : : views the Bloc fairly would object, to a' triflingispni f the support of an institution ileitis lean ed _e ff ecting a remarkable improvement An ' ' g ri culture of the eeuntyt It is earn-, 1 1 eitl nested, that if angler the Judgef at Tina to • attend, alnico Will be - given ~ an early y to he Ex. Committee .,_ and those, who , 'lt give heir serviceit, are expected, to leporti mese , ves it the- otPce on the ground, by n'' oieleck in the m orning. - .1 • i 1 1500 '3 03 00 .2 90 e 3 - 2 5 3 sr 9 $ 3 00 si 00 \_s ; 11 1 1litelsee.1: !OTHER I t my ilebrated Bfiglish-pat= fiver Matches reserved iy direct from Liv er: in Plain Heavy, !Finny. --uses, also" "the: I sate of movements in +peri l the above being Made folly 'sustain theirei.' le heretofore connirian. Astelseepers ever "feared , mpg' . sired in any • af. Watches of siitrious oiuld and Silier, _Which oisest cub price'', and war.' ranted tolive satiifietitin4 • . 4 ~•,tr.ritro J. EVANC • I 1.• 10.2 Odd Fellows' , lltortiaatton, 3111r23.11133:1 • • •. CLOCKS! CLCICKS * If 1 fallA rttnent of Clocks,' received from] 04111 " hortorY , 8 day i and 30 r, AlarM and . 1 Phfa,Startie and Parlor, of -various *tail* andl pricea bill • - • • A.l. EVABS: , .81 L .VER :WARE. I -IA large lot, of --Silveri Forkir, , Spoons Knives,' Cups,,N4pkin lad eirery„artinle th line for le, warranted as good au • Coi, p.l l Ei • graved - . gratin - by.:..,`.: by- - A. J. EVAN. S'• ItingliatutOn, Sine 23. 2853; • 1-4 4 , , ti " 2040 lbs. Aibton's sack ilitt;largelss and smsllolo very illest in market for and ta ble tenet or , ialliai to "clads* for. yOw OD moms 0 terms, by I. N. BU LitRD.: /intim! Firkins . , 1 - t . Tann ape to 0116 bondtad Butter Firkins, of asperierquality, 'warranted nat to. Nikki every One' of them, constantly , on hand, flie salO or to ozcbango,* butter" , by I. N. BUM/4f% GroCirkiis =- Wfiolesab ill i Pi l tail• In great variety, considerable qualjtity. l . supe rior quality and cheap *leash, of to edoihaage 1 fer morn lam* Sr MerukSitsbk Pmintny2_Alin good termi: ill t aiock of 'Sugars, Trap, Tpbacce. SPinen* an , being se numerous, he - diemtkit ill ly necessary ' to say. that aliaost anytaing in he Growri line o by families, can bs,found upon ifsand faulty enumeration iiitionaid • ' - ,..1n pirticulat he viceld isk; all - 41 ' 1 1 9 n of if ed ihaltir, 2 n. rebiee‘ nntr e T A ded on ororth saving made to tb * buyitelo ' qiuntities. Chant ojiiimine , an how, Wel, Pokreb"ag 148e itty re ; r . t r ' ni l 1 I. lil • . 1 1 -• sly sdl - 18SL 1 - .-\, 1,, , AP 0 0 2 is oo 6 ZIeW ", • Ali 11!fistiff i[e.F---- -- ,Apc einfratir *distill is as HENRY .ORINRRR, MARTIN L. CATLIN, Hi, JOHN F:DEANS ~ ii , = m e at florin& , 4. 7 a . . livid 1 , 'ti - tr . ' cf• 's Rai mute? 4 • 022 1 vet/ Miced*Y•Tsioliik; .1 Or . y il ki i i i i ii •. - 1, .:,,c-• CEBONDAIM STAG !Flt Subscribers are:runningaDapj line'ofrit t green Carbon tale and llophottord Station nu Larkawanna & Western -Roil Road. Distance 20 ml .Leave ; Carbondale in the morning and connect with oorigoing North Returning, leave on the arriva the mall train from the Great Bend. The nearost, direct and cheapest rout from Great Rend to Cowhand 'Passenger , by thisllENialways getintollarbondaliear in the teveningthan by any other rout.: Fara rscelptel in Carbondale at the Store of the a scribers, Main atreet, *few bteoksbelowr Bronson's II 4kugu t,1052. ' GROW & BROTHER/ • lie Jus ge%!ate ES. Willis . Bryant ,Hottie, Great Bend. le . ... .. ~•.. , - pot; Pa.. : _ . . frIUS new and spacious bnilding, situated but a few 1 feet fromthe Depot at Great Bend, le neir op :ed. audturnished In a suitable style for a tribile 110 • se, aad will be kept opedat all Vows. (both day and nig, t i l for the reception of traveller* , ; and especially for the ae- Itteromoda tI en of passenger travelling on the N. 'X., & Itile &.t. 4 W. Itailroads,helnit. at thejunctlon of these two inside. and the Moat convenient point to step in and take refreshments and be off with the first train, as well as the most convenient house to aisoommodate the pub lic, heronse it is NieW, CLEAN and WHOLOOMS I— with room ambush to aceommodat• att. being fitted up with new furniture;to,correspond, and tables always set; with WARM' MUkbil and luxuries. furnished at a mo silents warning. •- i •. . -' fiarl'assengers desiring rest and sleep, canary calling here, avoid the IhConvenlemce of taking . an omnibus to [ did an hos. as well as the delay and, uncertainty` of is. t timing to this depot at, the aitival or departure of the I gains; as a porter „wilt be in wafting to conduct them with. thew baddart to the Bryant Benne,' s.just, arrows the way," and conduct them bank again wlthnnt rip or rVward. italic special emit to wake them if desired a am hour of the night. • '-, [ /... t 7 1 The location of the Bryant Wont*. with the - *Mural scenery shout it combine to make it a Tory drsirable 'auFtxaßr.sont for butane*. men and others(' In the . city who may wish to," cast ode:are" for a- few days to . rommi—►i in the country. - I ' A 'Larg e ra cammodic•us *till ". • 1 . --. 1 • is thisbnD4ing for theennvenienee of pleas! wre , Pa alias. who May *way! find good' accoMmoda ! Goes ham witNout risgard to numbersorith. warm sta bles for their teams, nd reliable help to wait on them.. ',- 07" . Torfurther particulars inquire at the' Bryant "Rouse of the proptii!, r. • - 41.1)DISDN BItTAIIT. - Teti:. 111S3-Itf • 1 • - -- . . . _ arvey G Bridge gewate ater— am, Al S. ben W TS. , Broo Miss E, A W ' •:•••• ABEL T-URRELL I . AS just received a large addition to his font:ter-stock H'of • . GOOD% Which' Stow renders his assortment good. Ms Wide* will be sold as tote or lower than they can be purchased elsewhere in Town. Re will receive in payment, Cash, Grain of all kinds. Eggs; Rags, Sticks. Bees-wan, &c.— tio.ftette s himself that hebuys.hls Goods as low as any one earl, and he is confident that he will not \he under sold. Re will at all titles esteem it's pleatrure to receire calls front his. friends and customers. and the piabile generttllyf to whom he feels very grateful for past tasters' in Sheila patronage. Hit stock is composed as usual of nearly every thing usually kept In a 'general asnirtment. Stores--hls leading branches lo trade are Drwrs. Medicines -Chemicals, Paiits 0/1-S,D ; ye Stuffs; Groceries, • • Notions, .4 - - Tonildltlen to these, herkeePs i variety of ! ' DrylGoods, Hard , ware, Cutlery, Stone ware; Glass-ware. Liquors, • Musical • . Instruments, '.lewelry: -Perfumery, ; • Shoes, Umbrellas, Whips, • . 1 rors, 'Paper,,Station.:, : - cry, Lamps, Brushes, • : IVinflow 'Glass, • • •. 4.c. - • ; ALSO,--Jtist - ar ",e,rl at: . • . " f ri3RniriiiA.l4 9 S • A eel endid assortment of Gold rt -r Rings: Ear, Drops -sad Rings, Breast Pius, Watch Key , • elicits, Pens, /sc.' Also,SilverThimbles,Pencils, Spoons. .isetacles - Silver Plated, German Silver ; and Albats corms: Silver ! Plated and G.S. Butter Knives, and Speetae .Concave j Spectacles for near sighted persons; another lendid assoriment of those celebrated Waterbury Pocket • "Des , lnarivittled in quality tif:materint and Sahib-, She Plants, Fire Crackm,Tlanisoes and other kinds' of Per an article for the sure and' safe prevention' of chnowtion,"Trusses„ Sapportera.Shonlder-Braces.Breast • Pumps. thebest In nse, Piano MIMIC Accordeons, Iles,polio Bons, Strings , Books, Bridges, Rosin. Peg* Han'ond Tail Pieces, Mutts, Fifes, Tuning Folio, and the t assortment . of Yankee Notions in Town. ,In shornsonsething for every bodr. Come and Sea. • ALSO,-i-Broad Cloth' _:' Onselmeres, Satinetts," Ken. tuck* Jeans, Drillings, Treitings, Ptantieds„ Ginghams, Lawns. Cheeks, Apa.ecas. Call coes.Cotton Batting, Wediling,Sitspenders. Buttons, and all articles for mat ing garments' ; Brown Linen, Shirt Linen,Shirtins,Sbeet lug, Handkerchiefs, Gloires; nose; summer Hail, ate.l • ALSO.— , Shad. Illackirel,Codfish Molasses,sagar, yes, Ceitree, Saleratus, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinnamon, cl a sps, Mare, Raisins. Vinegar. Soap, mitt and hard, soap PePriter , Pal We. Tweet Powders, ace. Putty, Cam pbells, Burning Wahl. Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil: Candles. /cc., a full assortment of Groceries, - . and all sorts, of Paints and Opla, constantly on hind, and for sale amp by Montroie, June 2,1851.- P . , C4:9. . , 1 i i .. _ Ne w • • • • .. r New Sp i rg Goods; Tlllionisse ibex ones m re, tenders tbei cornplimenti .1. of the season to his f odds and estshitners and • de sires to call their adention to the eerp importaaffaci that he has now in store and is constantly receiiirk from the eity. a general assortment of Goods suitable for the spring trade. entliaininen - part:of Dry. Goods, Groceries, Crockery:Hardware:Nails, Fish; Drugs and Dyestuffs, Boots and Shoes; Hats and. Caps, also an ••isortment of rirypretty Ladies and Misses Bonnets of the latest style: AD ofwhich be x9l sell on termsfarorabis as usual: The highest prices always paid for merchantable Pro. Idune. I • ..• - • • Returning thinks fa old friends and COstornort and toping for a coition, . ceof their favors, and assuring all of* desire to aer . them to the extent of his ability, he would subscribe : mself their . . •Ottedien 'servant ?.1.. MERRViLtIf. 'lpso:lowlife, -April , -1843, .. . ~. . . • - At Kir Milford Depot . . ould Invitb the attentintiof ids friends 1.1. and all chit want GaAs Cheap to his New Stork, which Is now-being opened,lucluding a superior assort ment of . Ladles Dress ,Goods in rich Prints, Brian's. Printed - Lawns; extra rich Barege Delano*, Lustered Pop,Bam Muslin and Gingham Robesoolotod Bareges,Slik Tissue Black and Flores? Silks to Kadin Collars and Embroideries, Crap Broth, and orherlisutamerShiwls. Silk Mantillas, Parasols, Straw. Fisted Laee, and Silk Boaorta.lionnet Silk, Ribbons and Flown". Gentlemen and Boyi Bummer Dress Ganda, a fall -1,111 sortment of Mt% Cape; Boote and oboes, Trunks, Tall& es, Carpet Bags. ill wool, cotton ant wool, and Cotton Cameting of splendid patternseldil Cloths for Floor and TaWes, Painted and Printed -window shades, wall paper, , Domestic cottons of all kinds: Re. . • ' Also,Croekery,lfardwars. Iron. steel spritypi,* nails, 'term; Groceries, Fish, Paint% ON', Grindstones, Win dow Chios and sash, Re., makinrin . all a universal ai sortmenr, and being purchased entirely ter cask, will e purchaserkte mare boned Is In prices', style* and terms not weliallY found in any other . establishment: I X B near and Salt constantly on bac& : • " • New =ford, April 25,11G13. " ' - . . , New , Drug A - .Grocery ... Store, D . 71. Zilmllig i llf.l ; wail tried i t e i 4. ris bil d.Z . b i t: It T I: ardent's( the Profilebni ; and the public lie graMal that be haslst u mibarked he Pim above named Amines*. aboi bee now ow bind and Is - still ievelviug a full sad Veil Amen anointment of every thing In the line of Drags, Nedkines.'Groesties4liyed,Palu:e, 41te, &IL ? olinfl!Diob M he 'Moen for oath 'or, barter upon the: cheapen and wog adviulfniPwiliv in 4ln, ii to 'the purchasei. -la. refer his Drags d litedlidoss be would denply..state i that they were sele by liusect front the establish ment of P. riblelferiu Haines & Co., one of the Most reli able in the oity of New York—sad for puritf and =eel leneehe helleves were never exeelled, if equalled by Soy stook brought iutolleugetelianaaCounty. inp io ..&. of G deals full and, well bought ' and consequently sold cheap. - : e has also II lOW ebalee Llgewne for ediehial mle wet _ , ithe ein stood as low as a: more :le er Inferior artidiflimi :tinny been bought for. Plena" esri before p. . • . ug elsewhere. at the did stand of Pitts &.-- Warner. . the billdlug formerly the "Fainseie Store," , . . e the 'llnuiewinit"Oillwe. .. , llontrosa. PAO .' - „. .- :-.....:: • D&GMfit - OTTPE - GA.LLERIL _ 11.411110116,avitati the attention of hie former VV • gattreite, and the publiegeserally, ha seremer 'apply ofgoods, whist he bre repeal, patehaspi. . - i • • NEW littol tori'Citelii `, -• ' - lbi Ptillatligpida,u 'Mies Albert, . Anioni, and Oval Vaivotiigru-mfrq. - sad doilllrVilispittio 'Mori ym 4l C-7.:* Sal, 4 00 11 .5ie•1N,PP1 418 7 ,4 * 44 0. "'',...-..-, .-:-:.: .--.::- : '-''' PO . 'ir,ralaga; I . - • ..-:' _* ''•::- • Willithlrlo* with. . lkihOist!eto• negind*P. 81 4 ‘#!J* . 6 c,4. •:. , • - - -- rscbtlideapposs*Oesty: tio ;hie et - \ .'''"- I,; • igLitr -- iXklpilk.:z- :.- :- --',- ; 6-. -. _ . . - . 41 irlit*Oll . issfritailot 9f. Looteti c Pl!tly .. MTN IrOb " 4 4 .6 t 4 kar1i.. .10iPrlirc " - ' . _ • - -„ - -' 'llsvilliP - `o4%'illitillit ilia iialitlA iiii .miglii 1 4 'th. alidort - aildietvileibisesriatvidtere,•T eiltittbm_:arrie• boat. tgasso limilipt , e ll th iquesis ,43c 1 1P i 1 41 ,1 4 , 4 44 '- 4 Pti*Posi; Ewa 0 1 ,00410 m. '.**! ;41./..1411.': ,,, 7-_ t•: , '.4.1-1- ;',71 1 7 . 4' -". 'I ;; ‘; 11134141 - rit . 1 -.odaffilime - - ~. .-- 1 - -. lllrlif - MI ' ' 411, iIN :',.l l ll6llo6driviil)l . ' 'il \ ' , ' ill'imp fr : 7 '-':-• _, ' ABELitrilitE!.L. New Spring Goods ittaittiess at the I ,I,4OuS7,PRosrEQT:,-,' 1-WTIitURE STITUT AID VI i , 9 BINGAAMTON N. Y., !I I . i H IS instlintiiin is located in a beautiful! and , romantic grime at the base of 'Mount Pros pect, and within! the corporation. of the Ilvilugp ; , i possessod of abundant supply of puTes soft tso ter, adfauferVa for exercise in the pure iv, a 'age and fait walk up the mountain, ve r . 100 ing , a sceneil tinsurpapsed in beaiiti i and ge deur. and “free front the noise and titruioil of buil Woo" with ixcellent sailing and rowing privi leges on the pleasant waters of the thetiango.- 1 These are is few of the presentation thiii“Cure" offers to the invalid. • 1 , The house .is new and commodions—Ebathing --....ru5U11t7 ) “ , apparatus excalleur-- well ventilnted, With llilb• feet piazza, c . •,. • , 11 . ~ 4 : The•medical department is under Hie expire care of Dr. TheYre and %Wei who hive bad large t s 01Perience -in lillydropathic• toractice, an are fa vorably kuown l as succesefuy practitione , . . . Courseirof *Lectires, with full plates ud illus trations, will tro given throughout the,s'Otsee !to the Students•and Patients; upon Anatomy, PbYsi ology, Hydropethy and Hygiene; for - which there wil F l e be m : l o es aid w d h iti o o h n a a v l:h tle ar e g:. conine • d •_ 04 1 ,6 , or b . d. - . for years, are invited to correspond. ~,,)th ; us: or give us a call. Oar 'maces.. in the treatment' of diseases peculiar to,fernales, has 4iveiilas aaafit dance, and - we say, to all such, even,if they have ..suffered • much from mauy physicitt 1 14" make one more trial. • ' . -Terms'from Of 4 to .89 per week. Weekly,) according to riki' m and anent red. Patients Will provide for perstmal ` 4 (liable'', 2 blankets, 3 linen or cotton towels. O. V. THAYRE., ilf • "Resident Phya fl9tf .D. W. &U. M.BANNEY, • - • . . • , 1 . ~ - - Books & Stationer • - ,-,- .- i , • ' - i T. tir (101,11 SALE. • KiIfOINS & KkLL -, 0 . 0. Pub. 11. Ushers, Booksellers and Stationeri, SS ohn Street i New York, and manufacturers of every d • iption of t Blank. Books, having enlargeidtheir Manetaring de.' partment, 'and added aye* sales room'to , heir'estati-1 in lisheut, 'are how- prepared to. supply . no Petters and ' Country Merchants with every variety of ks, Blink it Books and Stationery. on the most Biretta e tenni.— Their stock of Blank Books, all of their o Ananufae tare, consists of all the ;various sizes and ' ries of; Ac count Books , Memorandums, Pass Booka, , citing. Ct., plaiting, ' Exeroise; , Time, Roll and bra ' it Books, I Bookkeeping Blinks, Ada., Diaries for 1853, great earl ety. 4 - .• . • - ' ~ Books in every department of literature 1 ratable for Schools," Academies, Colleges, Sunday 0, is Public and Private Libraries, standard works Inl e and po etry, Annuals and other books in tine- bin gs for the hollil tys, Juvenile Books of evert 'demerit on, Bibles, Prayer and hymn Books, in all their varieti R. Albums, !iltisle. Books, &a. fibitionery, plain and 1 *Hey, p w . i ilsh, French and American. States by the eat Man-. ufactarea's lowest prices. ' - , , All of which they _will sell, at prices aver ing proba bly lower the i - any other establishment in , e city - Orders by Mail Ailed • carefully and pforti, - as low prices ae if the parch' sers were Oriel Si John,"For. of Oold Striet,,New Yorkq' • ' . • : - MEMORAND • . OF. * I ' . Da: . 711100Pi . DONESTIC 31 E .11 1 1 ' t COMPOUND SYRUP OF BLOODBOI3 . CURE OP . i - -1 - Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, influen Whooping Cough and Croup. . ' L Dr..Throops Infant Preservativ 1 , , • they a Relief' - 1 Cures Plaint/rice. Colts, Gripes, Diarhea, Ysentery and Cholera of Infants, ox any of the commonlill *or infant life. .. • , • .- -Dr. ThrooVe Worm Poieon • • Expel!. these filthy intruderi of bleb roan system With out exceptitin of kinds or numbers,: : . . : ~.. - _ Dr. Thrnop's Billiton Piths •'•' • Cnreludigestion; -Bililons disorder4Costiveness,Piler, Ilsadachly Heartburn, Fever, Inflatomation, Diarbea. Dysentery, and 'restbres.4. healt b' ‘ acitun of ail the glands of the body.. i - - - . ' [;• , -• . -- • : Dr. Throorife Eye voter .• : . Is Unsurpas sedln curative virtues TM. a ' Indairmato ry affection of the eye, and - il ' I : ' • Dr.•Throop . 'I Salve ! - Is . . urpissed for a'drcsitlng fOillanfe d Bealds,lll-' i ii eery= it Rheum , eriany abrasion. o the kin. , Arregire.'Nanans.--Bentlej Reid, Montrose, N. Granger &Co.,RWit ; 11. IL Bout ireli,Eash; P. P. Hollister, Middreqtwa ; B. Glidden, - friendaville; Scott & Root, Springvillei; Dr. Lisaibert: Asibtarn ; I. .9: Little. New -Milford • Dr. Brooks., Great' Bend; 'Jot seph L.' Merriman, Upsonvillc; - Dr. 3. Harney, Little Motidmrs ; Jasper Stanley, Chbeonuf; E. Tiffany, Brook lyit Centre ; ILA. 'Williams, C liff ord; 'Dr.J.C.Olmstcid. Dundaff ; Johnson & Very: IlarSord-; D. ough,Jessup. 3- S..BLASDEL, cleneral Agent;Fores , Lake. ...Iyl January 1, IE.S3 I.' -• I , . . • DOCTOR rovits LF Per 25 cents. . 'BY MEANS OF THE POCKET ESCULAPI-, VS, or every one hisown Physician! Thir,; sixth edition, with upwards ;of a hundred engravings, showing Wrote disease in every - shape and form, and malformations 'Of the • . generative iiystem, - ' • • -• ley •Wiliiatn VW'OW!, •D. I- The time has now arrived that person eufferingfrorn secret distares need, no more become the victims of cratirkery - ,as by the precriptiona contain In this book, any one may cure hithself, without Mu ranee of busi ness, or the knimledge of the most Intir'ild e friend; arid with one-tenth the.-usual expense. to addition to tile general r)ntineof private disease, it fu explains the cause of merabood'a early decline, with observations on marriage—besides, many other derangements which It' would not be proper triennmerateln the t rublic prints , kirAny person vending TW ANT E CTS. enclO sed In a letter, will, rieeiye ' one ; copy' this book; by mall, or flee copies will be sent for - oneollar. Address DR, VF; 'YOUNG, N 0.152 Spruceatreet,Furt4uSLPllli i . P 61 0 4414 1 - '• - DT•DR. TOTING tan be consulted or anyof the dis eases described In his different ptibllcatkins, at his office, 152 Sprott, street.. every ,day betiveen '1 and o'clock, Sumter excepted.) I 39 • :The Peeple's_Friend._ • • .T. T. Pines, of Ithaca; Pain Destroy , • - .er and tlealiog Extrct. AN. Extract from -the shrub milled. Witch-1'114,1.nd purely froM that, with. the exceptikin of a little Al cohol to prevarre It. ' . It win cure all local pain and initial ' Son, old Sores, ,fresh -.minas and hiltless, Piles. and al diseases of; the bowels of a chrmic nature, tooth-ache ear-ache and 'an excellent remedy for females; /co. it Is truly what It professes lo be, ynyt exprix's ratan Proylderace• has scattered long the rugged pathi of life many things that contribute greatly to the' .00mfort and happiness of everybody; hence thidr gritat ! value, ant well may they be called " f riends of the Poo -1 Pic". - One word here to guard against tar -Position -Jinian the name of Spencer has ufacture.d and offered for sale aspurieus article all the "Cory ILlittractthat would be extract from the tel•unt.;- he'gerroine le as while and pure rut water, whi e the "porton 4 article I/roi -1 ored, which enables the pule to'dhatigobtr. - • Nonegennine but those marked Pond'i Palo Destroyer. WIGLIAM K lIIITCII, Montrose, _and store-keepers land medicine dealer" generally, Agent 4• • • - ,1 - Susqueluile : l42,.driaty. , ttentiow . . , BA New Era Hi the ID4 Goo .. usints - s: 1, , t ,ek Urfeltilblf& .BIWIST have reed ed and are now V V._ receiving a large and extensive. of Bey Goode and Carpets. seleci r ed with the great t care re, nn the Eastern marbets, having been bought f each exclusive-1 13'. aillbesold at rates which defy ell competition. and slip - Orions from Susquehanna county Sind vicinity. will dad If a raving from 16 te2o per cant—in sly* us a call and rzunine a stiMMaf ;404800 -will Roan Mk oars& nation. Our stock of Drees dOods Mnisists lit ipart•of rich black Silks, Brocade, Changeable, - Striped I d Plain , dor K. DeLidnea Stall qualities, Binge do.; Sot& and Aimed; can Gingham*. Poplins; Bargees, L front 10c' to lc, Preach aid Mamie's' rent/0444 Bo; ,r smn great va4- ety .0 • _ - . S'h4l.llB. i —.. _ f -11tichsr, Square and:Lour, Black 81 from $1 to $l6, Cashmere, Ng Plain and natimidared, rDeLeine dor, Misses Cadman • - ,/t ea • 'II - ' ' _ - 1 _. ' Gent lemen' Depari »Rent' • , , - 11 annum 0* larlie .of Sincleloths, black and hum Oamshmermi, Satineti, Kentucky Asia, silk Nitta and niamailmo Testing& ii good y ty Of Summer 1 Goods tooMinnicrous to tion. 1 ; . • . • . , . - • .-. .- t ' . Wit el GOOil*..l .: -, t , .• . . . . re k IldidsPartnterst it • with GS IChoicesi 'ititielei coediting ha part of p . plaid an . *Opal .7samet Muslim. figAM plaimblwiss, muslin foi cut tains, Carded goods for limmeta, caehia brown Sheeting hots 4d..t0 25.44.. Irish ead Brown Llaeoi fAtton Sheet log, „ttistis.sie, Scotch anditiuk4ablepet. . _ ... : ' 'Napkins. •f, li • linen and Cattail, Table Owns*lllfaisaliMi Skirts, Countimpamm,indismindSpessids,B r e, :- t . • .. - • ' • 1 - - " . _Carpeting.. ...,..., ... . . ~ - pi,_imiesi - OW.= alai* «Boistaum6i, Sudrdo., both Pollan and wood, `Druggist do-. Oil cloths for 116dri lad bibialle Bub carsollisp w a t 4* * ,7 All tbeitaiwe Manua itrthdes we p elo keep mon 'atalaq. OM ltaids AIM? Itri.fe ,iri. 4 . 4 , 1 :7, i., ,, ,-.,.....- cm vurtatni! ' . 41414-O l all gond am • ' le malts coma west to N. I, thy. lad a Mat ?!,. Yof o th er goods WM& lbw And spice willontparmilt tow p. Sal iflgalantitsdliellitsittit iodises ill s 1* elliatreli Seta* Mai Sallid Aetadft. - Deg . mit PKINIEtte_WIP-V i lgoe •T• , - , isso l a . 1 4 .:_r ia 7 4 rem e . 7 -the ra ,stilotsi. .. ~ 4., May _ ,1110$: , t ~. "tit -44'''' .. 4 : " 4.- :Li*or Co lamt : . . 1 . Jaundue,Dyspepsza,. , rontd or Nervous . .. • , •- ~..7 , _; .! , ,- i ..c - .., - Debility ,Diseases j..o4o.bianey , F; - 1 - A ND' sill dimities - arising . in a,' tli4olni - t4l Direr or 1 13...:atornach snob as eoludina On ,Inward pile" follinesa i or blood to the head, acidity r therdonutch, nausea,' ; heartburn, disgust for food.. # rlais or 'weight lu, that - stoniseh, sour eructations, Pii king or Natteeing tit the nit of he.itoutacb, swimming 4. the : busdi . hurried or' , difficult breathing, fluttering at the bekir T , ebokltig or suffocating i sensations when in{ a lying 4-.,ostute', dimness' , ofeision, dots or webs:before hie Ow. rever and dull pain in the heal, deficiency of per/Vriition::, gen 6wnestas , of the skin and eyes, pain in t. if villeiliackie estj limbs &e:, sudden flushes of heat. lurking !It:Melte-eh; eon- I :slant ilaltaitilltse of evil. and. eitt tieptesskne of apirita,l can be effectually cured by t 1. ~.: '.f r. I:- • • i Dr. IlOottand 9 s;.t lebtiatiiil 'er.l .' - -.,man 131 ters4.- •.t 4 - -' . -2i " •if , •:- -1 ,Prepared by Dr.. C. - of acksbn- at , the 1 ' - 1 i. 4 1l ar ch i German Die :mac stor e, treet , , • • ..•! :, ~ ;• I . Their nearer over the aboveldisetisis is not aacellid, if 1 eqUaired, by any other preleittiotlin the Unilidirltatee petite c ures attest ) in , many mi4ei c : after ...i a phyal- , clans bad failed. • - , , , '. 4 .1. :. ': ~) I kb 1 These bitters are worthy t a attention of Inv lids.--1 i t Possessing great virtues hi ti . ei reatitis . „ation.of - diseases of 'the Liver and lesser- gl, 'NA exerching ! Mk! inept "rarebit* power in - siredtnesie anda ' ffeetiotis ,of the l di gettive organs, they are : aithid eafria#rtatn, autd.,pleus 1. .. i . i- : I COltrifiCe4. - es ' , Ad; treceinber ,12(1-- . Read and be The Editor of. the Boston .4 . - - . . evil, for! e cure D r ... HookimPs Celebrittel e ti n i At io : eh i l ia; or . Of Liver tlemplaint, - Jaandi .. y . . , . Nervily deblliity, is deserve IY °dont themest., pular M odichiesof the day. • These Bitters have;been Used by . thousands, and a friend at.olor e i :ltcrto says be hiss' him-,. selfreceli• • effeetnal and : p inattentienre St Liver Complaint from the use ofllls remedy j We tire con ! vinced that; in the use of th bitters, the 'patient eon-, IVstantly gains strength end V Or—i•faet werthy 44 . great' Consideration.. They air plessearttin lute end "Mellon:id] can be tpted by persons with u l i tne Mojit delicate stomach. with safetj under any Clive et:meets; We. are spealting ,frtim.experiente, and to thefftlefled ice adiiie theirisse .scowsWeekly.,eine of t eked:literso Papers•-pub. lished,said, August 25th—fl '4' t ' 1: . .; - r - ;....; • Dr; Ila atm cyfcincr s dermas -./Dltia,imatittfacteteed by. It Dr.• Jack, are now ree Wine,' sorneof the most prominent stembera o the cmt?liced faculty as sax! 1 article of mneh efficacy In eases offereale Weakness, A:a , 1 such is the ease, we wauld advise tilt ethers to obtain a I bottle; and thin: sate thenusslVes much ;Sitekness. ' •Perw I sons of debilitated 0-institutions 'Wilt, find these •Ditterai I adeautageotti to their heal h: . arr i weiknoir tram expert-{ ence.the salutary effect the haveupcm wqmik systems." , I . •• - :' ; - 3 orc . vtdeicc. l' .. -• , The published &third y‘Gasette; ths; est tinnily paper published In the Ugh . ;Stateti; says c Dr: plot -1 lanes German Bitters— '- 4 , . , ~. ",, Is selOom that we r aim el -whit re termed Patent Medicines. to the dfidene 'and. pitronage of CUT traders. 'and therefor whein.: We' retommend Dr. ' i Ileofiand's Geetnap Ditters j ire wish to ift distinctly nn derrood that we are not eft akinkolinetthettums of the • day, that are noised *thou for a 4 et Period and then I forgotten after they have en thkiegttlitr race Of - mis. 1 elder. but of a me ticine4onestnhilehed; trianversallyttp, proVed, and which has' - t tha liettity approvilof the iner ' faculty itself.' . ~;. ,1 I - - . ' Look wiltto The marks a tke etnktia".. 1 They havelhe I written sigittatnie of C. M . .. t IA.C.fiSQS-- upon the wrapper , and his name blown in the! bottle,l without Which they .1 - tore spurious. -- - ..! :f •..;. ‘.: 1 Forman, vrhel-sale and retalljati the Germai firteli- 1 cise Siore.No; 120 Arch srect . , Mid don"( below Sixth, Philadelphia;fted by respe table i i. .den)ers generally thro'- - out the country. : : II i 4 •- • ~ ' _ Pricis redaced.—To enable .alLelassesl of Invalids to ,i imjoy the advantages Of- their &Cali rest.brativei powers., SINGLE POTTLI 75 ilstnirs -, '' ,-1 -1 i .. ;, Also for sale by ABEL TUB.RELT:„Driaggist ',Montrose ' i Penn's, ' - ; ; -11 . j -i " 41 . ~. . ; (payable on ieggl 'se 2 corn meta and D.,:- Ml= INES. • . FOR TUE , 1 ' DR: HOUd i lfir NfS . ps . • . - • H .. a, c?,uglls, and Mo- v •1 -- 7.• --- 777 -7 1,. .!: ~: • ~'• Great Cnre for Dyspepsia:l.:, 1. DR.J. S. IIoUGIITON'S iI'EPSIINi. TIiKTRDE Dt. -6 ESTI VE EEGS 11,!Olt GislitrW tjtsiifei "I . PrrYared from aDvtIET or 'Orel iiiirtlil fiti3eiach of the Ox after. directions lot Baron - Veit . the. I great - rhyr-16- ogicalCheinist, by .1, 5..1110 UOLIT' N, .41.4 D r , Plilladel phia,.Pa : 'I. .- L- ,- . ,4 . - !-, .i ! -'I This istruly Nature's o, I.; Itchrtidy for; ala r m; heal thy Stomach.. No art of reanrcnn ential itis' Curative pow era. It-contains no: Alcobol, Bitters, A - eidi, cir.Niuse one Dtugs: Itis extremr. agrinitible to the laste;atul may,lß , taken by the nto t feeble i p orients who* relent eat sOwater cracker 1 without atiute diStress. - ,.' Beware •of Drugged Imitations. !Pepsin linat,a Ding. ' - ' • ocr Call on the agent d get 14 Descriptive circular, gratis, giving a large a m, ant of Iseientitic ;stridence. from , Liebig's Animal Chem& ii; Dr.ilfionibe's Physiology; of Digeirtfon; Dr. Petel • .a.Peolaii& Diet -; Dr.-Jolt / W. Draper, re-Nesi Pork Universi y; Prof. Danglison's ; Physiology • Prof Silts ti,, of i'Vele qlllege ;1 Dr. Car- I penter's Physiology i /cc k tp g ettio with reports of cures from all parts of the , Mnited , Statea.l i, . 1 ' " xr- OBSEILVDTtIIS Hl—Every*, ttlti - '4 . the genuine PEPSIN bears the written signatttre of J. 11. i HOUGII TON, M. D. - role Proprietor Phitaidelplga,J Pa. copy. : rightand T rade Mark se , eured., 'l li ' . ~ I ' : • -! - 1 rrptold by Sill Druggiats.andillealeris in kedielnea.-- Price, el per bottle. 1.4 -.! , • , I ~. Ca' Par sale by A BIM illitllPl/I4 Duggist,MontrosO, Pe.. wrodesale and retail Agent.' I 'a ' . r 9yl , . - ___,l • _LLis I. • : . ri .Irut'aoAD TO nErA LT n s. . igpoi• isivo .. r W , bail 111' 4 t_AVfla. ialtt ink Willi/ . § ildl i iE camat OF . A I 1:01 4 8 - '0II: I DEHEPI r LIV:Et AND ' B . , -• • • DipitBTiOW. ... • ... • Copy of a _: Letter from Mr. nti Ir. kric,,s. Chem Prcnot Itret, Lirerpoel,dotaGrA Jarie,,1851 . .. 1 To PrOreAKOr HOWsifity.7iSilk ion r ' Pills. and 0 ,t. 1- ment h.tre'Stmul thebighest on .o ur salellst of Pratte tory 31edirines for somey ears. i CUP inner , to who I i jean tefer for any trequities,:deshiei ris to let yen bine' I the particidars of her clue. filielltitti elm - troubled.lfor ',years with idisordered liet-r. ant bpd digestion. Orthe i last occasion, however. the .virtilenee of the ettaek ei so alarming. and the inflairiatier4Set i# so severely, at 1 -doubts were entertained ether it ttbeing able to beatl up under it: fortunately tilievias in need to try your P lie, i and she informs me that after t ' find. and ':earit ac-, seeding dose, she hod .kreat :idler : Vie continue to I take them. and although she u liviiitthree.lioxes, she' is now in the enjoyment o'p health. I cent d have + sent you many more eatiesibu the abbve. from thet se verity of the attack, and tho spre f ly cure, I. think; spealui Mnehin.favor ef your isteitishing Ma-- ' , " • ! i . --"'•. 1. . I (Elgnedr 11.1 F. IciiiilEUF. - 1 AN ISX.THAONDINA I RT• ett4E.Or..iirpu&c.vrio FEVER..IN. VAN DIiMEN'B LAND. I 1 ;, , Copy of a 'Late.. inserted en t he Unfur l Town courier of the lit March, 1L51,4 illagirj,.' Kale& • .." 'c. Margaret M'Connigoti, nineteen years of age; residing at New Town, had been sufferink fralit a violent' rhen% l made fever for tipwaid of two Montt's,. which - had' en= 1 tinily deprived her 'or t e use otter limbs; during this period she was wider it eare,OtheMost eminent Med i led melt lirllobart Titiett.- and by there her ease wastioni oldered hopeless. -A friend prevailed nerd her to:tly 1 llolloway'itPills, which she contented to do , Mid Ali an ; incredible short space of threttie.elfemed a perfect care. 0.118.8 OF A PAIN ASH .TIGHTNEB4 IN . 1 THE . CIIEST' i :tIW . D STOMACH : OF 1. ii. 8-VICF.AHE PP AGE:. it....2 0n, f• • ! I . . Front Messrs Them 4- Won, P • tvs qf the Lynn Al- 1 .verliser Seiko cam sewichfor fol*wint: .statementg4 Angustit tnt. • I. - • 41.. . i i s --;* ...- - • .*:. i , • . .. To Professor licilloway-÷Eirt.4-I .41 re' to-bear testi ;Mon, to the good effects of Holli, wayje. Phis. , For some • 1 Yenta veered. metered,' from . 11, pain'and; tightness itt I the stomach. which was .ilie t _ntquirquinlid - by a short='' 1 nester breath,thitt prevented MO from ivalking about. "Ism 84 years of age, and notwithstanding my advent:rill state oflife, these Pills have so ielleied .me, that 11 am 1 desirous that ethers . should bti. Made aisquainted WIWI their.virtnee. lam nriw , ?Pederast. by their lians,COM-. paratively active, and n take - taxers's* Without ince;t:.• venience or vide. 'able I °Quartet do before..." .1 • - c.lPlgned) -. HENRY 00E; N/rthst., l Lyrie, Norfolk. ' • 11FONDERFHL EFFE OF -•goLtinvves PILLS, IN. tits .orriviorst.; •- - •: , I DroPtij, 01014 about the turn . s. 'shenid immediately hive vet . i buddreds of persona ire - anntied 4 of-this )11reful:" cOmplaint hi lts' ell other meads bed failed. ';. Persons suffering . 1 of life, or at other tim connate these Pills, r ly eittEdi by their . owe differemt etagere, when . . ... _. . . . _ . ' These Marcia: Phi , re Mi c iAVerky deadens iis !ha i , . _ , •• : folio 'n,g; s. -,' .. 1:. , :_l , . . ... - - Ague,lethma,Bild us: Conigialuts,l Bletehes on'the I Okla, Bowel Comphila a; l. olieslColuitipaikee of thelletw• els, Cousumothyn, D ire/ , Dieeniterr, ltrypipelas,' F .Fe.. melelrregularldes, it ere °tall hie de. The; floutMeakil; athe;Tuftamation,le . 'filet , '•r Lugo*. go, lillee, Rheumatism*,itiltqffrlC4l or Tfrifte.* Oar 'nil', or Alore ThioaM, Biome mul Orate, i'B4 o oodort kimPromoi Tie ihuitourecUr, 'Tumor!, .1114ers; Tenereel'Affeetkem, ‘Vo:s me of all klatlsllVeaknme trout hatever otusei*e... gold at-the Ditablls eseutOi r Prof . - r4loiliMity 224; Airmut; Omer TeMpie, Oar, LOA_ _ilea; oithr,by all impeetat ,bleDrureits and D len IMAloil , throughout the 'British B 0 . ice, & 'of tho:e.orit&r. tea Stites, la 'Box; i en at Trge.,ll7B ,an d ol7l.oo eltett4 Wholesisle rf. the prinelpat Droste:lmes in'--the Miklioe';.tW Moises; A. B. ids D. flawle,l4Wer T . k ; 1114114-Kri U. D. - Xedght, 1 1:8outc.11 at , Phliadelphla. .., ~t 1 4 _.l. • .: . , .... -..-- • ; . . wr There III& COMO ilerableihaehif !T . tr, : riN dr 1 41t.. 1 ' N.B. , ,Direettous 'toe - the gulOatumrettestleute 11 hMhi dleerderem 'taxed I . each Atii.-I.'. .-: . •.. ': .--,:-...1:71,'. CD.. 'Moil, D • .Ilea tu 044- Fel Court where two will too to attend - to 011. 1 , for peat -femora. - -• vl 7414 Y Sto3:.' ;VIITANTEDIO eillfioakii blihist price!! in t" ..nernEss AND cogpETERE: kt td.l 11' :'.. • --.-..;,,,, thiti;intrzWliitnd v it:-'lO Or- fro tow.* nist < t Nth; gash' tam At ready*f pi" not to be way" ' `visa Soli liiit.' .:14ny thanks: liGicifilMieOliDenSillt.,;' • ao do e n 1#111:411' 0 # IRP for- -ustfertigrar.itipc?i MARRIACiE, . • . Thai we behold many feattles, ;carte in the tkeridinti of lira - • broken la health and spirits w ish a einoplieanon.of Oneonta And ailmentsodepriving them of the power for ;the entoyenent 'life at an. mot when .physieal health. bu oy of spirits. and haPpy servant(' of ratud t anstog from n'eetion of should belinidoininant. • • . ; • Many of the ctnis of .her sufferings at firstt-perhaps years before.. perhapa nfing• girlhood. or the first trea.of.snarringe—,' were in their origin so light as to pan otmonta4. tad or COSMO' , anteater!. • - • • ; • • ; •-• • • •-•- Tic hierEn irszwits;Fi ' • • • • When too ',di to be benefitted by nor lontrailedite..we look bark' and loonto. and regret. the ftill.eollse4nentes of our •, What Would • - we not °knurly, to pouch: in early life, ibe knowledge we Ataio iq after yeah -Aod !What. days and • nights of 'aguish we. ntbriat not, hare_ been stramd.. if the knowledge ..was anni.g.P.istew-ed• It is, • 1" BIELABICUOLY AND; B.TAILTLINO To behold therdekseicand sifferineerldnmdbir Marty • Wife for Inlay years. from causes simple - *ti controUalife. !earthed—or betteratin;—nottsicurred, ifC very = ND mi:Orinr" •; • ; romessed the informatiii iminaired in a little *Dimas, (With st•tlie oralikWhition'ould Spire to berielf . . . • " • TZARS or •• !Awl to her husband the tin/mutt toil and Midair of viand: necetearllT'devolrine upon limn sickness ol the wife, - wiehonti wring litre tic opportunitr of acquitinirthat core .petencelwhieh his Clew ens are entitle& and the -pomession . of which , would securelthi happiness of. biltself, wife, and thildted .. szciarm. *ma Alcsi•or .• itAprielifsais • Etrireeritstirrit lithos sto n ed of the knoileate, the - mate of which hasceased sickness and priserry'of thousands. - .In view of .suctirt maces, oiawire,or- mo th er is 42C-• sable if she neelecrin avail' literati( - ofi thatthnoeleAte is respect to herself; whic wouldlapere her meeh.sittfente,, he the means .of, hattio and presperity to her. husband,. and. confer !moo her childre . thatbiessitur above ill Priethealthe bodies, with healthy or • • That knOwledmriecootahmdm a little walk entitled' • • . • • • - • , . 1E6 1 1.y,10y,1145i died Compagion. . NI A ft frlyate J . BY TROirilliO° DI or . ..rt °tin - • M. lenl6„, pp. ' , 4o' . Price, id cfl: 111114 DIN", Si . ,90.17, • Ow Hes*real Edit , • • low 1111111t_IV - • I Fint rubr fDBPRIZ W e h eelNVlOPlE lt ettieri*tz tli &awhile - a eltraiteter,entl' walk the vial lattitly • Ml=M # Oll -AV9 l '.4Pic l o l 7/••••• E'‘v-ratir,L - VitimatLl4. 111,01IED Oft UOT, eau here nowlcalge of -tae Can 'nature, mum •of - . her-complaints, ms symptoms; ami Mat IkfILLiON cpnici • .11AI:F A . . convey', fully the 'Tarim:, subjectsi of • a :satiate strictly intended for ths in'tniagel but, 00 female I Ith.. d that beattiyfrimsequCet uron IltiTe to-her own'happi n eui and that her has at Will Obtaitj 15 as has or win a thelove,and affaettim of : his wife as r a pecuniary imMotetrietite • • ON$ iIdUItDRED , THOtt.. - AND COPIES IF MAIO. withinthe fast tow utrintlw • aboidd have been sold: • It is impracticable treated of,-as thepaie fawned; or those mil rain des of erdpyiett heath: which is sa coo of her husband, hot eiti evernhasband who bean. or that ofitis aw • vrwimos-o • • al &ma beta 1111LIIIP '7 -CAUTION I • • sr..itci TO , THE PUBLIC. • DEPEAUPED - .' • . Buy no. book untens- "Dr. - . - A. M. • tantieetu,l26. Ltherty is on the'title pike, any 'the j . entry in the ttlerkre OMeei . un the: back of the title- "page; and buy only of. ierpectable"- end honorable 4.-alvrs; or 'iseed:by mull, Und addresS. M muntireu 6 .'n 3 thete are epurtous and • isurreptilidoi Intritigetocnts oftoopy-righr." - , = LET EVERY WIFIE . /CRP • - •111UNIIAND PANDER! - • • • . No crease for Ignoyance4 whoa hi- Misery - •to those't Ive hold sitar and dear. Add wheat to . dispel our ignorance: Is. within- onr'reach. • , To'-epable every one to decide -upon. the . . . , . p4avalla.ftec4sally et paynetoing *cop.; and Dud Ito wife',.Or mother need remain uninformed upin the amp , . .Flu whieth.-epotOr or, tater, are deaiitt. - %1 to make fearful ntvagei' ripnn ;beilioaffir; tuilesa guarded it.triyint, and that no co&dderate and ", affectionate ittistituiiltutt'o. causeto 46tHit httniolt negteet ... • • • . it the welfare of fall pannittlet.of ' pag', &retaining/all Tille-page,atoi Ingero of .Con- ents, together' with 'extritta from . the tioak,'will, be ' eentfreegf ehgrpe t.)- 4n2i parts.[ the Vaned Staten, -; adaraing; pos.r-pald, ea herein; •, ' . • %%lieu Knowlu l / 4 e IN cu pable to be IgtiorsuO: . . , V"' Oa reeelpt;of One Dollar (for ithellne . lion. extra biniting.)."' THE MARM RI? I.I7,O.NIAN'S - PRIVATE MEDICAL cogrAmos- is sot (via*. el Pm) to .any part of the- 'United' &a n tes.. All -tem mast be post-paid. and liddre4ssed - id itIAUDICEAU. Box 1224; New Fork City.- Publish an; Mee; N 0.129 Liberty Street. - . - -!- I • ' . . Fort S.tta my—Manch & Oraps,ilarriabttrgb:J.Saltrts, illootasburz, - .0. W. De Witt, , Atitfor l .t ;IS, 'McDonald.' Uniontown' ; 3 11. A. Lanti.'fßeatlinm-- Wt•nts- db.' Stark; Carbondale; Mitred &Wright, Willtattnipot Willtaibarre; Gad. W. tarle, Wayntisbitro ; -Crosky, :liereaft; T. I.l..Piaterson.:Ptilladelpbbs--Dentt. Near *On it CITY, BY4Stringor ovratteria;_Atlri-. ineeiSheissum & Co., De.Titt & Davenportillarnes& co. UIPTY dollsis,flrfelt,Dri, limit er - will forfeit $5O- if fall ...L' -Mg to.cure any case ofsect et disesasethat may come under his care; no mrtter hew lonestanding or filleting. Either sex are invited_ to his • Privite. , kOMIO3;3B' . North iSeventh et. Phila. withnot fear of interruhtiort from nth- , erpatiefits. 'StrAnc,ers 'end : others wh o have' been. nn- I.fort Mute In the selection, lof a : Physician are : irivited, tcr coll.(, . ' !'• . - l i • . • 131 PO TENC Y—Thrciugh: 'Unrestrained ~ M dtil ce of 11l the passional., by excess or self=abrisi, therivilit a e nurse rous. Preniature • intPofeney;lnvolnittriry : se insf.dis .cherges..wasting of the organ.. loss of nteincty . . distart to . 1 • for-female society, generiti delfilitY. or -,censtitirt pi:tel.:le. i ) c FaMteleeut , ere sure to folync-- If nepessery, co nit, the 1 Doet er with c , mll , lence:,he offers, a i perfeCt vim ....... -.; REAII CID REFLECT —The hifilciedWould it welito 1 'reflect before truiting. their health,haPP,iness,'ai l ,id Currie! ..ny essmttheir lireti, in the hands Of physeiansiignorinst-1 of this class. of UMltoliets, ; it is-certnittillmmuisiblefht .- one : ririo fo'noderstomi silitivt ill'sthe:human fantilt_. are, -; nbjectio. Every re . .il,Jseetarible pityiriMan his bis Pe,,etiiiir k branch, in which he is mores stageissfial ihairhis brother ' professors; an to that he devotes. Most of - , hlsititika2ml- steal: ' _.- . ~-: ,"... • _ : 1 .' -.-. . ' . - ,- . ,- . . k YEARS OF PRACTICE: , et elusively' devoted to .., the: And' y and treatment-'of diserses et the sexual ergans,to -1 gethet with n leers upon the hody4 thrpotocke,. or regs-i rosins in the head', Or boner, me:ettrial rhertmeti sm,strie -1 totes, :travel ArrigniaritieN diseases aryisin4 front youth; : , ful'excess. or impurities Ot- the hloCki, whereby the,:-conZil I stitution ha's become enfeebled ,', enables the Doctorl to offerspeidi relief to : all who may' phicittliensielvmt unklerfl 1 his care. :,- . - .. . 1 : - ...., .' . ; --- : : ;.-. . .. lifedichse forwarded to any part4theEttited Stateset; , ' Pritedr• . al ten dollaie iler pietage.436yl.l' Dlorse'tr—Conipouad Syrup. oi ' -...- YELLOW ;DOCK ROOT . , . - ....: -.7 TIIIS is a - Perely'ffregitish/e-'CoMpOilift, • selenelfleally I prepared from the twist .Roots and. tints of the 31a‘i teria It oliesoril hargauiel 'an -unrivalled reputation] . for the followlng ;Ariel a, lie ..Regulating and Streugth; 1 ening the Lister 14114 igestire organs ; rind .Clearisitilthe Stomach and:Bowel , and thug cuttAna]all Billi,onsßia-, mums,' Liver Cow pl ntil Prspepsilt, Artiligeitlon, 'Car tivenesa, Ntes , ilit aehe, - reser . and , Ague, ditundl&' Neusita, Loss of p lite; &e..'and eitising the ',food , to I nourish Mid sup or every part; Turifying;the .14401,1 and thus !Miring al 1 !tumors,' Cantaneons 'Eruptions . , 'Seroftda,,Sitit Rheu ,'ltrystpebur.: Scald lirad t , 'OMelter;" Pimpbts orithe face illptidies, Ricers, Tumors:ill:term:id al DLteate,ketTit, itc. 1 ,- ' , .. .' r • -- '- " : i -- - - kieriiiotiT; the 'Secretary Prgaliiv ,' :::-: 'anti by .t . isblio:r th . " to na tt i trfornithiditiiroper. functions . , prerentingand enr ui • uig y painful and'ils , tgerout,dia; esses;.Striengthaibelt a guiding, the Siis;:prs4 thus allaying _Newels Initationiand Miellitt all dhisatint of the %tree:44 !Ty tithe, Nettralea,prainps ko. .: T. • ll u unrivalled: in the cure of all' Fe,mala coil, iii iiretiiness,'griletii debility, Trregidirlty, '.4bttlic , ... ticrat,Setilling of tie Peet, 'Mahe,' 3oltitri; ite.;'clinsed . by weaknesti; also 'iLung ant Throat .Loniplaints,'''ite 901s,Cottgbai,.3stiiimaitionsumptitin, ibm ! ,,also; Dropsy 1 .14ring inatie'use'ot the CoMpound'llrug.. 0.- YOU! - Doak RoOt, preparei by V. a0.,,eftber:04..1.. _ aches; or ln. our Willi* thidinsi it to be a very sal.l dtaou.N-sn4* - Ptathl:on 0.41.44 " 4 "Ptalki ' lig titaryamt eSeetual aration, we Jo'..most , °tint° y ce r a t r i „.9# ~4 , 11 , 1 ° ,,,,, f6r - r" „,t"„n i nt t a7 :llTt e a c . an gu r t' tut s e n recommend It tO di public ac .a„very.ildnible medicine, R:Boirne, Esq.;pashlor National Bank, Providendt the United Stitii,lrr malt,fretof Pcsdskise. , Address pcs ouei jl? 14 W A. ,ISueneer.itsg.. Cashier Edina Reek - Shr ace u l'ore o.laCei,it the'Auth, do do. Rev • Be, J IlieliMon4C, Si Seventh Street, r ' " Jones, editor Provhieneeiden: Advt., .WirkField,-.H.,1F. fit 11. Cyrus Fisher, N it James. illuichitisOn V J Bat . es,' Dolt ReskjColtit and, one hundrea'otir. ars of the mist rOlpectalsie fami rapt PrevideneS% • This certifies ',that I have for number pars iota ;acquainted trith.thh•comptidtiois end .nn.le " e manuthe= tare of atorsq's Conspounil Syrup or,Xellear Osck, RbOt: I have also barn ,iseq'ualntiid with is rondos "operandl dierase4 'rid can vat. Stud In ail resceam it is :adifdrably. l calculated to remedy that - clawrofidgentses for- which': IV dime designed., 'lt -is esaecially :valuable In - lacligestitm and all Its attendant synmi oins, exeltel tnhaaltlirac.l 'tiontheL:ivet, yemoires , Tiorpor, - ainkinietivity this' o r g a iyao l g in ntateetiamdtts nation Wall the 4yatem.` l As a Licp,pratnr puritierofthalliondit has ion- Sup* DAVP)nouner,•gir r 'J, I **RI; byo l / 4 *Priplik 44C1inilidiri3r. Y. and sold - bv Hew* . °that's thyuitghout go' and eostconntrieft:' , t ' - - -Or 8 6 4 1 re'gontY4t , bY. • 0,011) '-' 1 • I • ' • ' - 13 . PATENT 13D/PINITS;a full. anortn) ,embretvint Pr, Jay,Orriltoop'sjinotiaqicliii Christtia*ritCh!ii and.tlio.b ott4o- GillfrTubiirg Co.'.:Cber.r,r,P.:ll 4 4i4valf: Riiitiqoplonaped. • God:-Liver • Oiliti..:: - _fitiireThitiCs ielebtAtO INektr4iWii n ithilknilTOPOf redd other diffikrerivlit±ifFolp* - 41 , 31itiost-ipt, otititto • Bw.waTirlwrity,, - 111.Y.41TBOVSE_ i t` • JETS• AI)DISON SICYAWT; PRofity.Toß. VrAINIVFAcTURER'ioIAtabIe Mimuiatenti,, iii Tomb-Stoneoi pot. Via:.." ' • 0# 13134 1 - , B:. Sprout, ANUFACTIMER. OF SPROUT*" COMM!), cat U)!%I. - ?lige Sffringfi'MontrogliP,- ' - - _ - 'BlllithlC CO. fIABINET: *ND:CHAIR , MAIitEPACTWIM i IIai s itreek, 3lo z!.trole4 B - +.; • • . • • - • -:1 deii;i4o ALEICIS Clqthing,Bat I k 'pap; Boot's klhoed, Store two docrOftmlour #F.legA:c4,el x idositrpsik.-.• • - Ch . le - S HAVING . AND HAUL DRZERING SALtiOn :Pewit tolt door to the roefollite,Montroie,h . • . - „ . TyORIVEY AT ,LAW, Tunkhaisnocki.Potz OMes is , • D. L _ ... • • . • - IP EACHANGE r - TABL,E.• Ogee 3%beri -1-(!r's notel. MotOrps!, _l B. & : AT- Lear,' niiistresf. , 01111 et over Ty. 'E.-B. Cities. 8.8. A a!itore. 4 " pc l ow A DSIuOE 71.AKXR, ANI!RNPAIREIt.. f itk oI oier Ilaldvs!ti st'Coa's Saddlery Shop, ifostross.. tr.' .I)I F YSTqI4N AND SIIROZON,Harford, ute 3. 4 1/ a",7 5 2 4. 43 ;1 4 * - • j 47: SURIIEONDENTIST,IIftmt>e+e,.P4'OIS4 hrOdd 'yellowe- Braiding; eerner-ofTnrispike ' and Chestnut streets., 'Operations upon the teeth:psrfOrmed themtot Caurfully: and tend . Kite work done:4lth thl: but wisteria; and in'the motleimprimed sleet, ,Clkiesliw. • Caleb .W eeks, SADDLE; arnrss arid Trunk Manufactu a - bis awaiting *few roan soutkorthe yilla gcr t . snr. afa QtiltGbiN_DE2f,tfST-itontron, Pa.: will lita at Bear • Dr.-. H.. Smith Motel, Mondays and 'lnesd4s of oath-yet:lt. , - , . (15y1;) . • - • .. --•--....: -- '. - Moillillan - ei Piiik- ''-, '- --- • •. EALERS' in Dir,Clo*la; 0 iactriet.. .11ardwina:, Croak: ' • erv, Boata a• a Shoe, iCe, Springville, p..\ ~,y, , - ••, La* Paritiership: 8..-t Bb,iTLE , Y: and L:P:llTqlratti - attend . t 0,41 nnuness en rasted:to their eare, ander. tbe anti 'and style of Moutraite,:bpri ... . . , - - co- . 0.4"C16eks - - . -' -s. i - itocrnira . ' - • ' • i 3.1 just recelv a :: :Ist 3 e Care a ; 4 :f f !Zi eigh . t an d r 30 c r ks me Time , Rietes.lehl h will be acid as usual very low, by _... . . No- 2 Odd-Fellows? Mill. Dee. 20. Silver_ • • , lame stock 4:4f ifver 'Wan :on hand (wurnnted u ". good as l coinj embracing every article in lie line. (Ita griviinegratfis;) 1• A. J• rrANS— . - • • The I Noniron° .Tailoring - Estab• -; lishm nt. • , _• y.. . -1-, , jim,s OLDS, Fasilonable dote J-I west of hi..l;:Witsen's - store, teadyjaf all dines to pleise the public an 4: minister to tlie taste and eoWfon of those who.watit clothea. Latest Tedeived;anitold' ones Observed when regneited: , . --Chase' . • •_ . ATZAW.H . !"/ CE, CorraeyiyAiipted by LAttl4lo4lleter, A. 0 • S aquehaana - Couu th Pa. ;. • 14‘ Liu 1.1 . 11 cirri CIEALSE i st TTO2N gY A na Counsellor .at .Law,i'ay4 Commissioner of Deeds lior - Wisconsin" sot lowa - .Office direCtl9' .opiositei; the ~ ALnig Ilmise..7 ; Great bend; Pa. •• • (tt) . ./ Congddn : " , Bevies, 71EALER3 la Marble-MOntintento,tald*Tottib•itesu Ai_ /co. , ' Corner of Court and Exchaue , l , treetsioi* cite. Broome County Bink,' Bfingtounton, N. 11% 132" J.;B: Whitney trl7l,elLing agent, , . Farmi,,*atidill rriwlegesianti ,` Lcits for-Sale. - : . - - - .1 7pg g subserther, . offe. - 1 .. ; for sale thefollowist ...kyaliaable,proporties, to wit; = one famt ie the iciOrnship of tiartoid comaining,sOme Di:often!, nbottt thirty Of ':-.improved,- . house, Um ' orChard r &c., thereon..-. Said faun ,lies one ma and ~ half from the" _Village- - of ilarfOrd, on the'' . Mono of the Montros and HarfOrd Plink Road: Its io a benuoiful and desirable location, well war''lte. , r; - -:.S. :. . • .'_ ' ... ..-. 1 - . • - - .."•- i 'Also - pue Wier-. ' farm - lYingi : ont the Belmoat 1 . Ternpike,: fotor :' miles ..froin.Lanesbero;'_alid ibi" •N. Y". and Erie Railiod, containing about Eighty , acres,_ twenty or more.of whic h is improved.Ovith ' horse, barn,. . orehard,_ ifitc. _This' ii, a valashle . piece of hand...from its location, being welltintbild lacid watereol. -. .. .-:.- - ' . •-•= : ''' - '',. • • ; ' - ; s Alsotorair a i Building lots at therVillage of,uo - ,' s. . ornilainpa. pa the piew & York-Erie: Rail**. , This is one of.the• most • • thriving -locatieris is !he . t country, being-.the scat'of the Rail Rotd Mach ine ' Shops 5t4...;•: - It,coutaiinar now about- 1300 inha bit:: titons,„,and. its businesti facilities are unrivaled;lB COuttection _with . theibove ,lota, aryrionriithe bed ' i malt hi , the,pugpty, being inutiodiatelY on tha Siosquelianap river,, with sufficient 'poises fotSity - . porposoOg,,mantifcturing ile t c.iTliel.most earpipigot . inducements - are' held 4AV-the above locations, i for capitalists; who wistfte embark in thebtedsist i o fmanCiacturing,umning,fltsivering Ind rumba* Thißail Road affords-the most coinmodioas and reedy tmasportionfpr everything in the above NS `i•The:alieve oroperty r itcwholsotpert, 'MIS sold °totems ihe most'itdvantaigeons to purthr `ere. ' if Will give,. great .bar Ons. '.;',`Commtini,c l - tionswtll be promptly-enswered ,fropm a distaste and all enquires aittendectie:pnamptly. , :; ..=. '.• i * ' ' -= ;,".`; -_--• '-,.- -..- :... -SEDATE GRISWOLD, Snail; Depot,Pa.,. i inrie - :.: 1852; • d 1 23 if '- jj' .'Etitti-liiipill . 0(414 lave, a 4py: . n lair:dual book -0n1y . , : 25 ctit'-- pe . r cops. . , 1 . .., ~..- i . --- , - - r- , -,.. -. , iktitor,knpw thyself ,1 ,', irviAluriirs-arofueiamiiiuid - iniunia IfookfoY I - 1 ,- -. ShoMliated;Coutaining &waistline atlas o iithOr • Pesll, Triffiatment and Oars of eery farm of distoieteOr. -,.trocholby,ProatiocuOuo • Soxasii Intorsoitste l f Wa r ' *lnwei ot , by Statist Riteio;- - with advice for their, preps, i' tionitiott cannot 'offot! Ilia ihr eit deeittoi, ;lOW these MI of some twenty sun sucCopstolliesettoo; exteapiwir ilevyWK pith° oWto oFfliowtoo Gr& doliostero!pttroteis• To whielOOOlided: 4eaeipiit iitr iiii* of the" 041! ''' Ili' reltitollikti - 1 ~,..-:-.. f.-,.rtlsimakii'i.isier TitiTtisiiir itioulun BT' -,, - , .. , 3 81-;& ' ei \ z. . .- *pro w svirivirso.!..*ivota.s. 1 --,-..., -,...,,, .... . . ....... ziiiikiatiii - ..,.4614.A...,,... ...- iiiiiiiiiiiiiie; oroa_donariarßot paid italli • d t ,of the S cat # .A SF '..411310 1 01' subiserlpttoa. - ' Ka - pa 11 be: &matins , - . matflallarsearagaa are paid, except at the aptlail 0f_ 14 , 1 - Papliaket..:AlLeotatattaisittkieut mast bir poll Ri b 'I ..: secaltaittmattaa. . 4 1111attorkeconnitaMin tb- 24;;it.; iliatildteVrttatid:to S. 11.::'41s.„.111,11. : . ttA,ris,! , * • „ -,:, : tinilialta!that"4 43 ' ,l " '' ' ::.- ‘" ...:„.• „; `.l. .L- :: - : .litkrEsl 4l T - A ll O l - 11 1....! •14 _, :Onakilariallllitas:arlii l 9 l) ,4 4 !"4 4 .#__ °*! 6 .1 , ...r* ~,,, .- Itaah anbatiltfitAtivertitati ,- .;'Tti'-- - v - ' r.- ~ i 60 - Oneiktigia.lll.4lll.l. outh,i, , ,l't ;,.,,,,.•., , ~,,. - : -.1 , -f ~ . 0., i • . elinare ift'U Chili '' .. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers