IVU 4 Tirgeti: I Q 1.9.? x on the 14111 ult.., by E. P. Farnam Esq., ML,Awrio A. Pwi Eto Mkas ItAzia BENNET, all of LenoxPa.. On the 18th nit, by the same, Mr-- Wit. DRIGGS Esq. to . Miss Miity. Tztnume, both of Nicholson Wsoining,COnV. ' - In Clifford on the Bth inst.,by the OM% Mr. DANFORD S. IirApLER of Arlin it to. Mei Coa: DstaA BfART, Of MXO4- row SALE. TIME subscriber will sell at public 'vendae on 1. the 12th of October,lBs3, his entire stock of Household Furniture, ccmsistingiof Bed4 . Bedding, Bureau,' • Tables, Stands 2 setts Chairs, a lot Cairt, a la: hi fact all kinds of household (furniture testi/calor: ous to mention. . The'sale to commence at 10 o'cloci, .. M. on t h e premises ef Sylyanni Tyler. Conditions made known on the day of sale. • - • - JOEL COMP TOl4. Dimock, Sept. 20, 1853 3t • . . Farm for Sale THE' sabscriber offers for sale a.valuable . farm, three utiles oast of Montrose, l on 'the Plank Raid, and four miles from the Railroad. -It con tains one hundred acres: 70 aCtes impiTved, and good buildings. . It is well watered; titular a rim]. state of improvement,: has a good orC.ltardi and - well adapted \to dairying pnrposes. fificed with Wall &e. Said =fast will be sold very cheap: Address the subscribes', Mcintrose, :Sus sztelianna county, Pa. • •• ' . —A BRAIIAM CHAMBERLIN.- ' 3lontrose, Sept. 20.1852. . tf • - . • NEW SUTPUfN invites attention to \ the anssasgy. J . large and complete assortment of Netp-Goods for Fall Sales.. - fts Is now reaelvitigin.achEtiOn to- his usual supply et 'fisapie Dry, anode, droceries, Hardware. Stalls .tc. Neem' -offeitp to' the Ladles a. rich aura of Fall' and .Wiriter Press' Goods,. _ • sou 4 Nelvrt Bonnets, Shawls ; Ribbon,. °hires .and Hosiery.' Veits;_fable spreads& Cloths, Satebels, Ladies arid Misses fine Boots' nd r. , .hoei.tc., bec To the Gen tlemen he offers a large Stork of best quality Ready Made Clothing, Cloth eimittfore. i gt. Tweed. and dean., Teatiaga. Rat ant Caps', Rootp rboes, stock eiabraces a . .moresster . lsive acid -*aried as. sortatnot thariheretofere, and be it prepared to bold ' • - ,- .- Superzor .: : inducem ent s" to c-isfi purd i tsers. - - , • - . fie re spectfully.fiolielts an early call from 'his Merida .and MI others desiring gold goods that . ire wok tit the ... price asked for them. -., ' . - .. . . Summer:rale Sept. 13th 1853 . . , 2000 'lee"min . Paper, all stylez and pricer,' the best assortment ever; offered In this county just received at - ..,, • . J.LI. el UTPIIINS.. .. , New :Arrangements. Binghamton More at Lodevevii e t ra. TO•TVER S . 4- THOITA S. TITOULD respectfully announce to tile inhab t• itanle of Lodereville, Grear Bend and Ai , - deity, that they are now receiving a new, sup ply *to their already large .stock of Gooda, in their new..store recently erected _by David . . .The assortment is extensiie,,ernbraningevery article usuai l ly nailed for, and will positively be sold ilieoper forcitsh, than ever before offered in this section of country, consisting of • . • ' (TRY GOODS, GROCERIES,. Criilery; Iron, Sieel, Sails;.l36ols and Shnes, . Four, Fish and Sall; . ." • - added 'to . ten thousand notions not enumerated. Thesnbscribers wish 'it:genera:ly • anderetotA thatCasu is what they most want, and for earl will sell (Not as cheap) nut. cheaper than any, other establishment West of New York.- - Please-remember that what we tell you is no bat" stubborn facts," which we can and will denionstrate upon examination of.onr_stxtei sod priCes. . All those who have heen in the habit of •going to Binghamton to purchase Coeds Will find it to. their advantage ,to call upon . • - ; • STOWERO before going_ farther,•foi we briii what yelriiir irant.--36tf. ' . • ' PROCLAMATION.' • GENERAL ELECTIO N. • , N pursuance of an act of the General *sem- I bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an act relating to the Elections of the Commonwealth," approved the -second day of July, A. U. one eight hundred and thir ty-nine, 1, - G. B. ELDRED, High. Sheriff of the County of Susquehanna, in said ComMonwealth do hereby give notice to the - electors of the coun • ty aforesaid that a General Election ‘ Will be held to said county on the,second Tuesday of October' nest, 04. being the'; 11th day of. said mouth) at which time -state and county officers ate l)1)0 elected ai follows, to wit: • One person to fill the office of Canal Commis. sionet of the Cothmonwealth of Pesintsyhranie.': One person to fill the office of Judge 2 - of the. Supreme Court of the Co;nntonwealth sylrania in place of - John B. Giboon.'deceneed. One person to fill the co Auditor Gener al of the Commonwealth' ' •' • One person to fill th • .of Surveyor 0-en- . end of the Comnion weal ' of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the *, ci of ;ienator , in the 'senate of,Pefinsylvania, .r the District ed of the_bonnties of Su .uehanna, Bradford and Two persons to fill th :ofps - qf Menthe?' of the House of Representatiies of the • Comtnort wealth of Penfisylvania, for the District, compos ed-of the counties of ensquehanins, Wyttoingand. Sullivan . One person to fill the office of District Aitor.: Ley of the county of. Susquehanna: • . One person to fill the office of.County , rsiis. nrer of the.county of Susquehinna. -- . One. person to fill the, office" or County Survey-• or of the County of Susquehanna: One peisowto fill the office of County Corn . minioner of the e.ountiof. Sniquehanna. Oae person to fill the-offrce of County Auditor of the COnntYof Susqueharsa. e - I also berefiy make: known. and , give notice - : . that the places of holding the General Election in the serdrel, Wards , Boroughs ; and TosinShiPo within' he county ofSusqljehannainre -101'` vs, to wit:- *- • •• • ". The election for• the District corisPoend of- the tOisuslaip of - Apolacon, will be held at , the; bottle; of Joseph Beebe, in said township. The Election for the District composed of .the 1 township of Ararat, will-beheld at thessehool Houle, near the Presbyterian Chisrebi- lO" laid township. ,* * • . , „ a The Election . or the District comp os ed lb* towahip of Auburn, will be held Itt the house of 1 George Haverty, in said township.'' • r :* " * The election for . the Distriet composed of the . township of Bridgewater,' will be held et • the house "of Wm. IL Hitch, in the'Boroisgh of Mon . The Election toithaDisiiiet:ootoPcoled.idthel .b...hipir.Brooklyn, WWI& held at the ; beget f°r mertY occupied ' by O. A . 'Eldridge in said 1 " 1 " 4 /iP, • • The Election forthe District :Comp* of the township of phoconnt, will be told it the school' . How, near the house Or. Robert Gitrin.in saidi township, The .Election for. the District , comPewed'eribit.; tsurndlip of Cliffqrd, held at the ,boiniti fonrirriy occupied by Arthar. 8raith,13(4,61901,:l 'nth Dundaff. - ' • The Eleetion'for the.Distrietnensposid 'Of the Bortiugh of Dundaff,'will be.hold ithe-Panda' Hotel, in said Borough.. leThe Election for the District .. .Oinpfliejoif or:filki;l wnship of DirnocktWill lie held- at _the boas of! X Eleetion for ihf Distriet'litionposed I - -•- I*l teginshiiP of Nies t LAW eiil ll *--Keid Mt r eoe ' 4l ° l 3' oven • rvsid Hinds, In tholth two-Yol4 r Pow ed "JO Imre said tow ' 41"8- L • • • red • ~owinsc , 4 1$.7req, • Thi Election for, .ihe oosoporod of ropOrty; • ar t°l " 4ll ,_, ifr of Prinklin Willing' held ":1 "lea ' rgetlei in • HinP0,47,1-*tikOt V • weimummaiwomllllllllllllllßM , The.Elscitioii foitho Diettblittniolled ' Lof the Borough,of - Filindiville, 'Will held . thil , lochnnliietunkizieraid /1' . lb'..': .. -, - .. f Thi Elector th tit* e ntioied'if the 0 7 township of Chat • Ben , .will - held ';at the honsi occupiedly IN. VI aiPent .in said towP ship.l -,- . .... I ;-• - :-The Election for theDistriet c mpoeed of the :township of Gil**, will be "held t.tho iheuse . of Joseph - Was/thorn, hi miid tornsh pi II: I . •..; : ' The Election for the District posed of ;the. township. r of tfirfo I will bey bet at ' the house of-Nathan WIAVild n, in mud t erushipe. 1 ' - . The. El ' fo r f i e - Districts potted of the ' 1 townshp:of b li rtnOttY,'will be he •at I the house w i ll latelf.OccuAd by F.[A.'nraidt i said: inwmibili.- I The Elect" for the :District: oflithe . .. , , -T . . township of itrrick i will be held at the house of the, late Wartm'D' ock, in - ilid township. : : 1 , . 1 1 4 .iireleetio lei' th .Diterict'cOmpoledlo ,''he 1 township of.r l ti,iwill be . held at the: Nou t le of ' Nathaniel fit 4 in sit d toernahlk' .":- '1: The Elect, n 'for tlie. piittict.aptapci4iti a the I.kao I-toivuship of kssap Stlll - be held fat the h 'use of Daniel - 110ff, lii-said: waiship.. -- -:. 1 - ' ''.,: ,II I - The Ellcti . ik . • font - ek, District Conine! .. oflthe toienship - of noe; ill 'be held at the: se•of ' , Grow it,' Brot ' - ers. i said township. ' The .Electie '' for. is' District composi;tt t o township. of I. bertv,}will be held lit jthei I.,re4it boil,. nejar 'the , rem . dence of Isaac • Cornet said township:, .., ;.•:-,-;:-. - ::, :'-: : H y :' 1 1 .- ; :: - ThrElection forpie.District composed of the -townihi - -41 . ,,,Lathrop;: will behead tit, -the hinise of 1 Jolin•ISII t,.. - rMiPin enidtnithibii;-..4-" .- ' 1 -i; ' The. Election fertte District eiropesedlof thi toviniliitootOiddliiii . mil, will be hell at the house ,of Joseph Rots, in'intid townirip: - ;:.:: - .:1, i - . T 1 Electron, for. the „Distriti, nonifried of . t tni borou h. '0f.... 4iikatiose; win ,bis*itd at ;the; Court. Ilonso.in said bormigh. -,- :i , ~- -, 4-- .-•,.., The Elentiiin teethe DistriCt ,cortippliddrief the t° 1 114°1 :N ew Milf9" l .w.iii be held at tit share , la t ely , ", occupied by Joseph O. Pine,- in - said township 1 : :. :• . . The Eleetinin for the District composed of the township of_ ush..will be held at thebense -for merly occupied by : Nathan J.. Sherwood, lin said to:vniship, , .Li • - I 1 --I :4:: The Eleiii n for the District cignposidor,the township of Singvirle, will--bp fiel;ht the house 1 of Spencer.'ff k 1, in said townshi ;-, ,I , :i 1 :The Electi :if,' the District - eompriekl, of th e township of 'Silver ke;will be held at the honse note occupi4 y , R' rt MOGerigie in said town -ship. : ' .- : ' - . -7 . I, •.., : •r • ,- The Electi n for the Distii4t co 'pied °tithe i n \borough, of Sus quehanna „Depot. mill be ; held at the house - of hot Benson now ocaupied.hy Ro• bertNicol in is borough. 7 - i i+ e . life 41- 'The Electi r the Distrilit compels . of the , toWnehirir, of option, 4111 be/ held atlthe.house ' efiJoaaa Blatt ingoin . sita towhip. ..„ 1 . I also mak known and: . gi a notice- iin and 44Y4he 13th .s ' tion of- theittoresitict set I - am directed, ":th• t/erery person exeep Yustiees notice- in the peace,-Ito shall hold any Mille :er ap pOintment of . rofit or trust under ti c Utiited States, or of thiS State, or.of any,eityl or in, coVorated-'d sti jet, . whether tr emu, , inisihned soffeer or ot cruise; al subordithite ' itlieer -or -Agent, who: is; or shi ll be, employed nder thti legislative,, j die' (ry, or executive cit Parttnent, 'of this State. u. United States, or a, y ',city or incorporated, district-; and also, . o at; eveq member of C ngress, and of the State iLettii, tt . !attire, and o the select or common ottneil of . any city, ore mmiseionete of any ine rpotated 1 district,' is by law incapable of .hbblin r air eieri 1 eising at the acne titn, the offiee o aPpointi melt of Jud e,. rnspeetor -or Clerk (if anY' election of.' is Commonwealth, at ' that nl inspector or udge or other officer f any suet election,:shsl be eligible to ' 'any otll 'II Then - to. ,be 4-ittett for. : - 1 1 I' . 1 . i And by tho - safneltet of AsSembly Rig als4 - I made " - the duty of etry 3layor, Sit' riff, Dept 1 uty qheriff, .Alderman, • -Justice Of - int Yearei ;Constable or !Deputy onstable, of. every uit,y, comn y, toWOltip. oed trict - within this Cotui mow‘l. --4,6 •ealth, tth t enever called upon, 14i nu otril cer o an elOction, or _by , three qualified elect tors thereof; to clear anyWiridow or tiV6' n. ue t.. r .1 any windot.6 i the plaice of Gener a l E ecti• n li 1 n - 1 which shall obstrue, ed in such a way asl.tci pret:entr v ote r s Jim ' pproachiug the lantiOn !I i and 1:, Shall be fto dug of the respect iv 4 Con, i stabl of Such, vi.ard, d strict or town Ship With! 1 in this Common.vealth to be presentiin '' rain or b de.pnty4 at the ace ot holdin k; it ch E. T lecti xis, instich ward, district ot toti - ns ip,fui: theurpose of prese ing . e peace*, 6fore4- stiid• ' • 1: Al - . ' - 1 • .. ilcb that in the 4t se ion of the ',.act .. o f Asst bly,' entitled " n tic relatingito exeen i tions and for- "other pu os " approved April, 16th .1840, it is ens d that , the !aforesaid , 13th isection, "shall:ot be construed itts to prevent any i militia o •=cer or borough officer froteieerring as Judg , , Inspector, or lerk at any Oeuetal or special Election in thisCoto mom real lt." . I 1 . Pursuant to the pr. visions contained Judges the 1 76th section of the a t aforesaid, the Judges , of the aforesaid distil shall respectively take charge of the eertiliea . or, return of the elec tion of their respecti e districts, and 'Frcoduce them at.' melting, mei.ting. o one Judge froth each distict it t e Court ouse in the 'tieing/it of Mon rese, n the Ihi . day afte• the day of eleetten,ng the pr, ntl year On ?allay. ther -13c3 14th day o October n xt, there to dn and, pe fonnitlie d ties requir • by law or gaidlitiJi. es. Iftisc. t at where Judge by sickness or unavoidablf aecident ,- unable to, attend said' 1 meeting of Judges, th n the certificate' r re turn hforessid shall . : taken charge of by ope of tlasPectors ot el erks of4be election bf as a istrie , who stall i do . and rfortn the dtt. It ti s flair of Said Ju unible to:attend. l , T tin the Ist sections of 'mild act ,it a enactedthat " when t co erniere counties ', shall; ;cam se a die rict for the choice of a member o members of • the Senate ef this 1 ' Commonwealth or -of he House of itepresen- tatir or e United States or of this'Com .moniveal ithe Judge lt of the eteetiOn itt each county, ha ' i ,g ' met at afgreslide thtil clerks l n shall' make mgt a fair statemen of allithei rotes whicir shot have bee , given t 'such olietion within the poanty, fo every Perso t rted for' as such a 4n o tber or ~ embers whic Shall be, sign by - id Ju , g ... and *tea ; "by :'.the ; I Clerks; an 'ne o th said Judgei shall take charge of iehcc • , and shall priodulm the slime st 4; Meet n_ of one. Judge from eaeh i 1 county at hp - ki such district, l aS is or may bo °pp& ted b I, l w for the. PaPOle:'Which meeting shill be h Id On tho seventh day af ter eleetiou. - ' , • , p i i. The reed Judy 'of. the Repreisentatife Dititriet co sed ,f The counties of, Suque hannO; W ing-and - ,Sullirm, will inpet at i n the Court use hi the Borough of Montrose in "tens eon t of Susquehanna on Tuesday the Eigitteeat ' q . of, Dctobei next, itei :pcirform , !those duties enjoined by laseupon'lthesaid Jude". .1 1 ‘ [ 1- ,The Rf ' 0 .Judges of the Settat.Mial Dia tco ... .. of the counties'of Sinsinehanos Briulford '=y Wydating, will meet; in the Bor ough of 14 .111usqbehantut county,Tues. [ day, the day . of Octobierinett, to -I [ perform rat dutieliienJoined bY lawl!Pint tb! Said Jud ea. I- , ill I •,_' - 1 ._, ' '..:Also, at n tie(list section of saidlact, it el,enacted that;": -'ireiy - _: isral ane, special eAloashalli be , ~ , between Eight and' Tenlin_the,gqenoo , , , shill obratinek'srtthout interruption ' , ler adjo romoot, -notil Be*en'ol clock in tho - iveniog best . :-theloliti Anil be ; closed:" ~ --••• '. 1 . -* - "} , A '" -1 ' - 1 I . ' Otri‘e, : I • Gireir UM* Mil • : ' *4O _finthe.; 'Boretigkof 3Tontiloae; 'this sixth daYor Sep-1 1 7r A no: Domini tau, and in the year of the. CoC !meth 'the, ievftty.sev e htb„ Qll 3 - E gtakDl f i l hOtr• ' ari f inouso , 0 , , .r - Franoonrs. p 111 podrieim ,zytithe Bearded Walnut are among the iii 1 - 1 - ohs no+ exhitliting at Gotham. The Beard. ed woman iit sautto be 'nearly. mfgrent a curiae -itYALthes-beardkne,granny who diemeilnlinale lett* • Zint:tivrltauide, 1 .wish the 1,14A1 to hear,iii•mind'thettlierell - no nit:tensity of - going bore ! ,l . Meked when clothe are, io .ikeap, and ex- - pert workmen ready to tnanufactunw thent.' hare just received the . , • . A UTUMN .STILL'S . . For Gentlemen and - Boys . '. - • • I . CAUTION i- , The public are hereby cantion ed itgaino harborini or costing the i dea , that I can be beaten in the, Art of . Tailorin g,.: or. isi,the velsoriablenesirorMy charges; i'deprompt pay. '; er Please take . notice.that• :1 • have' removed My sircp 10 the basement cormirnt- Searles itoJ -tel. about 75.foet from the liber;ty,-pole.' - i !'. 41 Cutting done as nsual frit! pay down. - - - . - •.- • JOHN GROVES. Tailor'' Montrose,..Sep_t.ls, 1853 ..- 37..3 .' . • . 1.. • , t r-. 1-••• ..' Executors' Sale. - : ,l 1 NATILL be exposed .toaale• at public •-ireadder, 'at the bogie . liter of Wra.,W.estouli.ihe tetnship of Brooklyn, deed, -on Saiurdai-ibli 'fir, t day of October•nost, the following propatiy. toiwit; . - . ' . ..- - t - ' ~ , • -,.., ''' - iii Bafmare, . 1 young -colt , genre!. hives Of .bees,3 true home waypniv;l lig it.eatti 1 caller. "1 pair Cutter shoes. -2 or '3, sin le hartiresses. 1 tranklin stoire, 3 or 4 gnus of ifterent - driscrip=, 10e5.3 watches end I•clock; a lot :.of : Yankee otions, such : as; threajts but - epos. iamb , . +a.. bout 40•tmaks of all iizes, I hex of letweili; 4.e. 4ntl a variety of other articles too' numerous to Mention. -Sale to cominence at 10 o'clock a. Y.• : 1 - Tomia.--.411 spina under three dollari cash twry, all above . $3,00 end less than 8.0,00 ,three onthkeredit. and-all above $6.00'. six •months tredit with kir terest .an „approvcrirrecrinty.- A. t* I li v AitiETi 1 4 EsTciv . . * . 1 . :, .. 2 Brooklyn, Sept:l3. 1859 —37113 • ' • .....-4 . ..:____.-.4_1'........_ ...,..-•• ' - :of the ek, in REMOVAL.: . INES .4t, REYNOLDS base rettiosett their L!billeting establisktnent to the footivoeer R. Howlers Store, near -the." Franklin s HOtil„."-,- Sibere they ;are prepared .to attend peomptly • to' all calls in their 'profession, eptira faction to every' , reasonable ntan.;' , :- Lateitt New York end ,Paris fashions itutt'receiied.! Montrose, Scpt:l,s, 1 . 853- 1 1 7 :- 7 E.W - CT.-:•0 O. S • •• . • . •• Just arrived the HEAD , OR NAVIGATIOW •. Montrossi, Sept, 15;, G IIAy.F.LET.. NEW °Rif. t'llO.lE, 'reagtai:Cat'aTT CIDIMOStIg; -officp. 9 Wall Street. ' • "CAPITAL tru Cash an,l Approved.Sentuities) • .1 • • : . • 1 9 '1 1 . • Insure against LOis: or. Darn . agetiFire. • • - 41111.1.C1r0165. A. Q. Stebbias. 113 Ileastl.Street; Peter C.llaker , 1 spruce street; Girard Bancherr,llB Broadway; .ThMnas Andrews _136 Cedar street iliuntset &ath Vayd, VI: est. ssfreet; - Albert T. Gretstaieh street; JamesA. etatti4,ll3 Broadway ; Charles Leta. Kings bridge, N.Y.; Lambert - V. - Ilan; Chrevo. - .1114 I Smith ilobbie; Wm. W. Letand.,New York; Peter R. Risch, 133 Bank street; Stsateitt. Bell, car. West' and Laisht streets ; .1.31 a L. been. 78 Water,street ; D. Tan Wirt, 118 Itroadtray Horatio N. 'Gallup.. cot% Wert and RIF. raw Streets; Peter H. Faster. ear. Gansecort lied West;. Reuhen Kass, Jr. 48-.Erghtla Avenue, Stephen Crom well. Camden, - Y . J. .Albia Wadiefgh, Philadelphia; Dexter B. Brittan; 46 Water street; Stitonet'Shattlair,; Tribune Duildingi; Samuel R. Shaw. Oiereiand. Oblo. • - - • _ ROYAL CIDI.IIBERLIN t I!res.. tRARLISI L. CLARKE,. Pett . .7; - - . CHARLES L - • 3doutroo, Sept. 8 . 185 3. • "s' ' • . • • . Farmer's'. Union instrance Co: ~rHIS, Insurance Corripany; located•at;Athens, Bradford county, Pa., is now . in -fiall',opera tion. and daily_issuirur Policies. • . The plan upon which clganiz.earcannot fail.to be highly.suc ceskul. Under, its . regulations, risks ate only taken upon fatni houses or dwellings so isolated as not to be eicpused,from adjoining buildings.--:= ibis plan mast secure the Company 'Vont heavy losses which frequently occur In villages, and guarantees-perfect safety to the • operatioris of thri'Compitny. ,r.Pho officers and agents are Ca ? (table_ and careful men,. under whose manage ment. 'success is ;nevitable. The Secretary. is J. E. Canfield Esq ,of Athens, Ira.., . * • . S.I3EEBE, • Aarxr Cur Susquehanna County - .I,essup, Sept: 15 ; 1851- 7 3/n.4 • Cabinet hop in Great Bend- . . subieriber is now baring all kinds of Cabinet wort done to order, and also keeps on hand • gureau 4 Talks, - Stands, , etc., . All warranted well made. :Ali those desirritie of paretnis Jug furniture will do 'well to glee him -eall Repelting and Varnishing doneon shot} notice. • Onertriir reedy .made 'and' made to order in the beat ryle; and - the entweriber also keel's an elegant. hearse with which be attends funerals when desired. ' • • ' A: T. HOWELL. Greatßeni, June 1.1853;—tf. • '. ENV G 00b.5.). 'ET WE-1313 is now receiving Fall stock 1.141 of Goods. Please call • and examine. as thei void cheap fore:Leh. - 8ep1..14, 1853. - • . • - • • • PROOF. PAINT. riff Eittß.o O. Mineral Fire Proef Fnint,•the i LJ best kind in - tna ket. Also,:pare White. Lend, Zinn! %Vkite; and Linseed Oil. Also .neite ly every -other undid' aim. et - Ilfoptrosti; sept.: 20: I 53.ELL'a. • • • ! -portio' , at. T UST reeeizel Another Importation thaw splendid el' Fen .fmeried . Detached Lever .and dzontal Wateb- . ee with seconds andbard Enamelled la; .donble bot T touted in open eseesi ail of which :are j Warranted and ,received direezfroni -Switzerland. Thls,few subjoined prices will o a r l t tnee point Out to the _pnbile where and how an eb us per cesitage unite saved. - Double bottom Id Jeweled Lever-Watches as above in elegant silver Cams from -$lO. Same movements in Bunting mew rrom $l2. Horizontal Double bottomed d holes acrweLed open face and - seconds from sll,74;dhe same movement in elegant hinting eases with sunk sm. mote from 69,50; Ail of which have bard enamelled Di als. - ,l3.4d.Diamond pointed rens.vith pencil and silver eitension magszipe 'for leads- km.froni $l,OO. Gold Dlashoirl'pointed pen blades from We.' Jewelry kc. d•e• egailly things .A - good assortment of ezeralsas , ft eend 'mod Watches, eminent makerejn first rare go. : log.eendition; will be scold decidedly low for cash. Best French Manta WOW' Cry stale, 190.- Wake repairing ussa/.." N. 9, Watch Chainenid Keyegratit to pure:bases+. • fgr Hews of business from 7 A .M. to 7 P. M.- - • J. .11.131NOLETON. -4 Aug:lo, 18530 - .Steh Maker and Importer:- /000 l oZte lg isi 2 1 1 1 s * reg il ldn. * Li T ran i 41 i s i t e 4l ‘ii la t t li t rat Is ed for the Artists arid 4d cts. for this Tubs. for.A Lis boast m 6 eto Os trade., , J. If • - " La r l - 1 -4 . G. lUWLtY RICE : . ' SUGAR 'UST reeefved;saotber Ilitot that. superior Sugar st • eta . ..* ; G.A. IIAWLE Y• . _ • •-•-- whArtni).• CORN inuaMAnak:sehanie tor Ooods.at ' : • • Bialanorm ll ; aAnna - v/4'41;111p: • . ' • t -y ' • ElecutOrif _No doe. •.., I NoTicEYheyebi givin.t . l;t4,Le`tiarited4a:. ioinentery ofthe.-estate of Clark Dicker: I man, deeNkley, ' Of .Iferford. have been'givititet, lib the andeniigoid: persOns ladeblet to said lostaio Are regensted:M.'make - iimoodiato paent,•;and - Mama hairiat . 'detmanda against said *ate will piesent - theio,duly •iiiteetioj for settle -, a! rit , SEYMOUW - 8 6. Ail V 1 ‘.4r41 40i6.16.1b53-43w6 ROO OS &steam wo ifkime Po w wilco r. Obi* , poimooatri,o, oixtoeo,ho tor We low. SALT + Effli Power .. .... . . . , • StOvegi - ;titimreir ',Atoves 1 1 . .... . , ... I. 6,6 Irtillinroararfilloa, ,' .. • ' • • lt! mat we ..'. i ' thstapprosch if the . • : _mate.etlolll Grey 'Mater, when one MAN* - , • e and highly approved`Staires from the inost if . . ::' Veitansfpotories • thelliiima, , lfesera. , Slitle '.. - i ite - eolne 4dis-- 'Pellsablii to Wary Gutsily. - Wet... ' respewsitly an.. ammo to the 'Adams nf Sing aiiiL ad.loinint counties that we liniejact rang " :awl . are - ricilehig it the largest and beeCemottelent oft toves evir'hltrdd, tic *Hato ll:astern Pennsylvania; wil l be atild at the eery. lowast-cathillfem . th ole idle ;are ilk !nit . of Sinew' they will And it to =we latutt.to:call. and en :mashie air rttletr bete" ittitbetiltststirkfte; rat: aosoprise in past as ligleare , . - • • .. • • ' .1- . • On4ed' agtaVysi - . ,- , - ,- ',-c -: : - . :04enta; Parlor, . •-; Enstern- Queen E. 0. i .: - ;:lrenitian,i ' 4- ..4? ~' • reB: - olippeo.R-0.1;. :,"'. •-• Fa 1r y - - : " do., National kir...Pig/4 E. O. Irving ‘ - ',46 Morning .. r , ...,.,..._._,,_,.:7„i. ._ Farmers' - A ;74,ght, ' '- ' '4.e., lc. ; ' - . 1 i • .; .f The above Stoles are ton well interl' to Midrib **/' nituate'dederiptinn being thainott pular and iii.- proved Store in y tirket.t . All 'be ma } ol itisvne as - nith ra Nikita% Ank Au ' throap oar" _ assort sot witb id=e• are. • u neraltftOt the nualber7lavo N far famed - ' • " - i .....- ~0 a Pale Store. , ~ • Ifinford.Pa. t it4noi.i , tiltirSif '*" . "'• l ' " : ' •j . , ' enntiVie Come : AIL 'trait /rtilucemisiti,!. Our entire stack of F anners ' Goods lain be sold% it dem elyleve in order to snake town for pintail per chap, Indoh_lninass anything ever-before - introduced: • 'Then QMe anion dent be Manned. Uncle.Sila is rich await' .to bat airitlinin 2l teCollect" " I I ' ' : • ~ , . , .„ . -, . ~- ;'. .. . EATONIV Ono Prin. Store . 511 n DOZ. all Wool Socks _wanted in. exikinic I ;is Ulf • Goode at casli - prices. ' Ordy good oars teed he offered. i ' , Take heed-knitters." ....-i - . • ,*. •i . . , _ 1 ' , . , •: .. li ITO:CV Ons Prise Store. i . • Ifarfoid Pi - &pt.' 1 . 15.1.1.'' . . 1 • _. - • zblarble Mailufactory,. ; r . rnWint,deirsi g ned leg to arinounoo to 'the nit. i;ens• - of.En4fihnittui 6runty, that. :thay haie.eitatiDaled,e,'4op. iu Reelet'a building, on . Main *Liget, goat trait, where thei l will, keep o,u hand a aupply.or Fareign and American and 'lnkattraiitire the same= into TomlK'llatut 'Stance,. nizi and, ;Centre - Tatile - - 11.7 The Gad it to th'eir.j , itaiest, to glfifttart:dall bedbio going. eliewhare • ith ,tbeir . , SHIP LEY &.DE LONG. Mantra*, Aug. 44, `IPS3-:••34wtf - . • YOUNIF: , 4ADIEgi"IIOI - 11DING sclloot , . • • At Great . Bend Pa'' ' • CIE next term of• this Institution .wilt cotji- T nience on WednesdaY, Aug..3lst, 1853, IA lam and conimodlous budding having been , fit.' ted up, young ladies from eidistabce can procnro board and rooms irk-thee family of the Principil, on reasonable.ticar: • I Tuition in .Prirnetriebeepartmeut per ter., - • - - t 2,10 Grammar, Arithmetic, History and Phyi iology, - -"- - --" - I. - 3,00, Natured Sciences, Mental, and Moral Phy liesophy, and Higher Mathematics,' 4,0 q Fiench, German, Latia.and Greek Lan- I' ; ' MVP. - - Drawing and Punting inL water colors,. - • ' (extra) R.OO Music on Piano, &a., (use• of instruments I I extra) • - • - - (extra) 10,00 . • • 1. A Ptimary - Department is connected with thee school, in which small boys are rebeived. - • • - Competent teachers - are•engaged in all the I departments:: - ;Leitures n ill be given on-Elocution and scien- tific subjectd - every week. ' ' ! • FANNIE D. B. cwAsE,l . Principal. -Great.Bend. Aug. 10, 1853: ' I . . HIGHLY 'IMPORTANT'I: itaCits:& . gEOZSCAZItit Tpligcraft.will..,..*Jease take notice that BMWs .A. ter .& Sunman. are' proprietors and mitnis fairtnrers'of jl. Gr Dewitt & Lemoreets Patent Revolving List Holder, by-the use of which: the work of Shoemaking is greatly facilitated. This machine is calculated to 'preserve the health Of Shoemakers by enabling them to do. their - Work while standing or Sitting in •au upright „position. The utility of these machines may- be:tested by calling at the shop of, C. M.Simmons , in Mon trose.. The' subscribers will visit ;Suiquehanna s ,Bradford ! Lur.rue, Wayne; Wyoming and liven counties for the purpose of sell ing Machi nee —shop, town or count? Aights;, MI orders thankfully received and promptly filled. ' Machine with right to use.' 815.0.0 • - Bstswarra ¢ Sixmosik.i litontrrne. Aug. 15, 1853: n , FULL assor t rent of 22 carat •heatyplay -LA: " Rings, received-thin dolt, by ' • - -ALFRFfD•I • • N 0.2 Odd Fellciwi'lllll.l - -Binghamton. Ang. 23. - ,•- • QOME-vety baridsome Plated 'C e 'Baskets, RD this day received, by ; . _ COCKS-4 very large assortment of Clops, of every description, on hand hand.: for. jails low, - by • i, • Evans.l - • ILV ER. Ware—=4 large addition to my itoeit IJ. of Silver Spoons Forks, Napkin Rinti,ia6. warranted as gocod'a, Coin. (Enginved gratin) Aug' 21. J. Ev Arm!: . , CASH pitid for Sheep Pelts. • : D. ILLalits9r , ,* Co.i • Cash for Wool. New Milked. May 4 24 $ 1853- ...., . _ *E TRAY ; .• . I I nM AE into the ineleettreof th eubseriber on N . :l or about. the 15th of .Augus 'last ,3. Ewe Sheep mid - 3 Ewe lambs. the o neVis'requeei ted to "prove propirty,:pav'ehafees and stake iheiu away. • • . ~ jte.. M., tINGLEY. . ' Lend*. Sept. 2. 1853. . 1 • ; ' • CROdSES. A-fitn; aveortme t i of Getld;'Cor nelian;aiaJet yrosees,ilMit received by ~ • r. • • • .' : - ,A. 1 4-E VANS: •. Sept; l lab RSAST.PIN S. , Some befiotifol , rMterMi. net!, received tido, eeir,bi le 1) mitirely , , , Septl 1. •._ . - ~'A. ,, J: AVAN-S'« VAi.IIIIINGS• " ForterfOimi POrti 4'4llives and plummy, just openiA by . , , • ~ -....,. ... SB*ING;NEEDLES. I :4iii plot of,supe _ AO: -needles of every -num this day re ceived by • • -' lA. J. Pcixl!." __ , • -.----.-,..-_. ------,-- - SIMIMIFITA ACADEMY; , .. 1, - . - Montrote, Pa r '. , . T- Institution nest iCademic. Year - of this flourishi n g ' - InstituticM *ill commenc e . (on Widnoad4Y the . : 14th,day of September " neat. under .the charge of its present corps of .ingtinctors. Tkei r reputation and ancgete- hitherto : gives the assitr., Lore tol'thoie whir are desirou s of prep . iiingthini... selins as teithem or for,auy.: lass in.A:allitige. dull they can : here Obtain the beet initrnetion. Which e century :fitrirda. , .Alt Trustees • hare seiniu a sufficient number of. • tau to accons. re4l„, inciditelpusee.,Who may wish to' 'id theiiiiiiliii at/ow tgets,•which can he'll - :'od'uioeit `appli cation tothe Secretary or t ' ' frer._., BY eider of thekTin es, ~'"., .-,,., • ".,,. , .- '- / ', L I. . - ' - 3V31..1 ' SUP,-Pro. .:: ;: . Gue.Futzim, Sitee'ri?- , __ .!.r...,- i • ,.,' f. 'i ' 1 . M. SO mho*, treasitrim littout L ime, Aug. 1,. 11353,42 ii- -' 1 • :11...t. , ' ';..' ;.; —:.,...; ~..; -.; '-i Carpentext T av - -- -.- par vat a selected tot cit 7 ': tersi:X•ws one: tu,s, '' . . ' ' a i zett — tokrkts •” ' UST for .. aaa7 k .e _ it .1 1 " * .. 7 . 1114 " 9 " 1i5 , _, ,_ , ,, :::.;1;R ai1 „;1* . ". vrt 7 5.2 t .: A al; theseleOs.r•usielhipi T,T;itimileiti fie :kir to.. ,• . . .'• • ~`-• S •i , :-11. li. & 1!. 811r,1111— , • h _ . 13r 44 ` 4 ""). arint'ffaii 14*50• 1 . intim soriotthogiviose. irpftigarry - t 4. 12E1MEN EMI ABEL :a: :4 f;toso, Fa drip/14, ail4.o4sid - -I Ai et( - 9 - 6,044 aft the popolail tent ,htelfici es; a few 'Of whim:tare graated II Js . eileetebrateit 4,401 011 77 t 11 1 . - Ka if*, - Brant's ''. 4. -nobeist!deir:Tah " ' I'l *helmet justly eigebt'llted Gargling.O l,vr r 019 k Inds of. *Aloe or laiiiitie* Sri ate itsi,4llexicon" Meet ang Lialtnent.fo'rfairfeneli ind4,tiaitieej or: fad r it;rie der- All. Melding Oint y'a and Walfacer Pain ••Ex- . n.Killing ; 13Inten's Ginger, Lu regulate,_ the this hot :weather,. -Traidee A t ilt :rate thing• . for then= ' thsbnition, ..A . yeir_si Cherry loam :of tirry; foof. ,:igerae7a Syrup or Yollo* utjfi'ir; En kor'sitf Vegetihie teryV&c., Orickl'a and other 'eat's - Eye Sal# Venetia ratfia•riPue ., . nea rly . n, fifty dif . nahracini alrofthe• beet lu • late. in this . dePartment too Inbrief, "the rneople'lyill g ;the line of : I:into-a 'and • 211RRELL'S- • saddle gall!, &title man' Ointment, Mc ment, Ealley'a Tot tractor.7 - Androws` . P. EseencO of 3aniatc stomach. and boarels Magnetic Ointment; biirtia; and i Peclorit, Wista'r's B. land's German Dian bock Root:- ' Compound for kends of Yormifugv. Mid, six kindsntS fermi kind' of Market, and othe.r ar nurnetons to mentio find nearly every. thi Medicines; at - Porkilitircand - - A•rw' barrels - of!. ftriati ixtt. '.Michigan braidi:":Alaco IP . oilt 'and tiAr . the barrel or load. : , • - •,(• ; - A. 11 .41•DWE1.. Mikatroat*, Feb: 16, 18p .. : -•• "' „ . _ .. . Aligh 14- - Lig ht.l. .. „ .. . . BURNING Plaid. ea pliene, Limp .011 ecend - .enotigb for lit per gal.). ti • &rut • Tallow . 41) sedles, Bood. and Mutton Tallow' ; all of !Keel lent grisly, for. sate by . 1 , - , - .1. N. ULL.IRD. -i ' : . ...... PA 0 1 pIb.Y.S if b. 11: • .- Flour, Corn Meal, Pork, Coasts, Ilfeekerel. fie.,' - ahni; Corn, Oats and Ilickwhiat; for sale at ' 1311LLAIID'd. - 1 - bRIED TRUIT: . -••• • • . Dena Posekea, ApPlii, friaries; Prunes t iZantei Cur rants. rib, Raisins, Cition:Tantarinde.lice-Atn Gold Magna for De a lb., for sale by ; , . • I bl.llt)L4Agl) FGA_ PORING.' *'XTRAIT TS. s - ' T ~, Tor &espying Ice Cc Gold's: Pastry4.Serdra s it P ; . f. ONE Lon..R.ildresut klrule—ssas the vans ass--Larn; ,on, Vazilla, - Clore, :Jtitailesi Ginger, - Alsplee: Orange. Nntmege.„ll.lnrynnon, llese.„,dltnoud3l a,.tert: snit Petah. for 'salt at, •-•- •, -,. •••• ! ~' " i . , ••• - • • 01.4.Lp:we, - • ..- .; i... f I.' i: . t. . 1 . - .-Brgains 1 - , ,, Jiar&ams : i , 1, • . Look . out for the:• Fall. i l:frirdi. - ' - t •'' ._, . . ~ T ATIIROP E . c WOOD . RUFF,beg to 'sure' the plastic .1-t• that they- are- nowrpreparing. foe the Fill Trade, their aiaorunent'of • 1 • - ti 1 - : I . • • . 2.. •1 ' ' -.. ~ Stores (of *1 Onds)f amt.. , 'tmingr, s And Tin, Japan, Brasi,, anditopper- T rade', being full and complete . alt of which Will lie act very low for cash dtiwn, or eachaated foes Orodnce at', f ar rittatt :. ,r :' Those who wish to phrchate . Stovils rfOr the .Coming winter wilt and it to their inttrest to Ova lara a .call. as we are determined to ire 'aa . t traction to price and .qual ity. • ' . •t t -'1 ' j!!. .! .. gl tr7-Joh.worE done a (tar shop wit ti :littictuatity _aid in the beat manner. • 1 • ;1 .. - • - ••1 - • . •.1, • re' Shop on Main strfeet, a •few dociia . boow . Searlies !lota, and directly opp tatter . the Detrtoerap, • oftice . I . .. • . - • .•' - ; i : L(7,1):. LATIIROP, Montrose, Attg.ll, If 53. i; :' •S. A. WOODRUFF. . , . • • • Cash pctij for Shecp .Peps., • : . • • • • V 013 it ,' • - :. •-• • .._ . SUPEitYINE Flour fair said tiy ' ' .-I- • • - • • !' GO?. FULLER• ' . . • • . :.coolcrivG4l•OvEs.i A few Cooking Stovea of atifiroceil pattern, ,. alit twat ranted to give astarfact4on..for wile to rib* a concern and will be sold at a bargin ftirgood4iay,either trimmed or without trivia:rings. '.. .6'l ' , COI..FULLER, • - Montrose, Aug. 10.. ~, 1. .... • - i • .- . ew.- • rind from t he comtnereial flesh supply'-of Goodi. et stoelt , makes our estort . , e ate- prepared to serve our ''ind to do-lhern impartiql I goodsf o -a- ehoic variety 49 : flotilla! Co pledise 1111.1Ovir: . • New. ~Go o Ard.G:jyai is 11, Empori nin ~wi which With tiny fa mint complete.. 'friend. and caatome justice by atipplyiu • and at price' that c ever, fastidious. Aug. 17. De . Baer S. 11. - e Lain :Caih.meres, Aioong onr.atock or . - De Biges. Delia Do.Lidi at only oia or roles and . toxtur may be found choice - styles attlttlineree. Prints, &c. a shiiiing per yaid of supati- Wool 'Socks 1000 noifofu the'firsi •of DeCeistb Mg. 17 .• .oahfornia Trade; 9` • wool Sock*" wanted-for. and Oregcin, trader; before • • i. S. I/. Sc LodOrervillo • ook &Drug Store:. . , MILE subscriber via , d inform the - inhabitants of Lo. -L.' dentine and min uniting country, :that be. his greatly enlarged Noted his Store. and' filled is p ;with a large and comp ete anortment c 'ef Paints. Dye-woods,,Dire-stnifs, .Window Glast4.-Sarh; Putty, Venda' and Brushes. Also; I ' - Patent Medicines, Oh mieala, 011 os-trare, Peri - amen; Taitked Notions.Conf tiontry. Toilet articles. and ail article! usually kept in any establishment - of the kind. Also on hantra lane: mutt:lent Of .i.. - - n • BOOKS:4- ST:4 TION.E R ir. . „ . • "Paper angings, au. U.; iihjcitheif , prepared tit fen un \ as ream . ttabl'e terms eny i adore in the country. D • O CT. .1: AIRS Cr' ,Also keeps in Santoro= general .anortmtnt of. / the Cud - must. 31sotchtss, strefully.Selected, prepared and filwerintentlea.by him* lf; fur ' his 01/11,accummottatign and the benefit of the pblic,.l • 'r` • `Builders. PMnters;•P ysicians, Teachers.: in , deed all classes and p. trtidosio•wilhing.to pnrchase are invited to tail arid see or thenselves. . Directly over Jol I . snorr Siorr an Atie.4. K., Lo,lerstille: July 18;1851:-t$ ' ' • ' •- .• ... ' ,AIM 1 WV:XL ' -.. 7 •, .. "L Mlle Subscriber .h 'retrieved to Ake Store for , 1 rnerly occupied by Lailinip . .l,tc . Salisbury,. and more . recently 'by, Sayre ; is Co.. oFipitsite, Searletil !lota . Where be , hai ott , band:a -good ..aseort::l nient -or . Reid' y-mede Olething;• Hats &. ape, dr.' Shoes, Pits' if Statiotriry. ' Wellpit-, per Zee., kc., :.. : '.. ' -, ' GEO: FU LLER..„-- Montrose;..lnly 2 iIKS3--- " - C ,- ' . • - t '; ..-..' ;- 1 - .: _', . -,.;, -, • " '.• :' .1 : ARP '8.1107AL.: • (FORMERLY " LtrsHotiig,")GEtt.. l / 4 *•l3g.*, - PA . ., T . flEaabsetiber, ha 4Tel:tied tblaviellknownbouvo, -and re-fitted and -furalsbed in korai atyleas. • now prepared to receive an :entertain guest*. This „house is delightfully situatedoh, thellreaks of the Surqualisur•:, us river, an the line O the No* it orkand Erie, and Ihis • Delaware; jmekatrann' and 'Aeatern. Railroads ,kaver. looking a most beautiful eeethot of , country, and le 'the u panorama of Fernery ' , quailed anywhere,. %,_. . --:,- ~_ - As a Sonora Raaohr.firelher.boainam-veamioiddif • quiet and freedom (rowtim noise Aga diner Arr SOAP OP] for and genital - alio jnyrtieuftW nteseure embithe rtirif scenery of the uittry this location cannot bey - equalled.Here the erWtry4testreeer I. 'attire'. from aw!, cootaelonineldratte'tbe tiinitiniutrarrivatinddeperkere ; ortrides, Which,' earieciallY in the night, tim e ih-- A very , ere" iP"ildife!'d•ti. l4 ie rdiiiddS:at hidiel! very = P 1 1; the EvTot• • • " ' , 1, 1 .•_. :,..,' -'i = HE, Roam err new. cliimitti-iimilien'iii6tiala;lii tid. if: .1 4 Taitta with ail the d iritetet erelitt bath :counftyle iltYlrwtrltiesilford; i d 0 'Pato *MU 1 0 4 # 11 449* - ehe„ his onvealdinsaat h ta all .., Engin *ill be veYed re%iktel,frore the; a t any boat. day or it ht . , tol good Pmaibut; fi r;it. .`,..,.1 . ',..., 11... T.; CArlt?..S, Al e -..er. A. Lyres! Se , : , 1 ,;.. .. ?..t ette :,.. e.1i " ed kr t7t i tt ,. 7 : 7 1 0 ,,,1 .-,...,.:,,,,,,,,„, t Ditnildond2 lover FoR CUR . o.th' - • - !BINNS'MSTICE 3 tie'rieelfdlipl4:4 7 4).lls A 0,:. -f -, nti VA L - GEO. kIMALEifo azrimitep#':e. , t • • Ik4iffi•t/Wst:Jf haidt,.14.461- toottity trompols him to ruktho. r as Ittliturthoto Or bit iMat "An blePiatititteri tOrtrits tirissaiir DENJ.SAYS*'" • - 4 •:j sioit /MN Sitiee li Sayre fat itlitittninit. Immedlaterttintion If not soon seittettili• vie twins' pftdectud January 211,11133.:'.i . . 1 -,' '_MAR LE-SHOP ~ TllEtlnd mho h.W4 l iiiiiiitglifsiele'ir Ii -- ' - - - . i. - th* 4lionli I,l4r,s.ayce**ivA.4!-. we iiliteith e y, lll ;'fit all dam keep dm ;kis& FOlllUila mei:foto NOLMAIWUri ' alld :nntitOPOi" iarelliii i int* ' f.' .'• '- i`Xpilliikei4 r . l *.nlilikkOsi. T-able.,tomo, ?Le ? , k . ) 7 , i 1,, :,,...,, -. ' .- JlMlbepatrets i Of th;; pine , ill - i: iultseLleitt i 'l .-''''''..` :,.*MIIFTIM.IqI? • HouseFurnishing , Storeizi!- -. -- I.is:Dspiiplk*oolgr• f its- eCttitlaytts =bat .. . , • gutsrally to extratuolos vatted owl- ttt low sartmoOttottOodswhiatt(iiihit Li yn.abledWilriirtirllovit . Vbinti;• : : • . " 1 ConslitiaWOttioji DicozatitiiiiiP*l:4liiiiir: !ad Wekkietyia,, Fruit YnU Dlaneritid-TosigetthOrizatAin4Plittiltaptrep In; Set ts. oiltiYAhe sine villa, of bouga*.` sylesca'rnitec War*: • _ •••' - 'l'" ' •••''''• -' ' 00 •11 ' .. ~' - T- - - , "' - "-- rV - ki GlkiiiiiS' '."". • ' ''- m4ho g any,Alitt•itat ornim t entiil , •-fromied 'Giulia bixal 6 eta. to . $73, also; Marbla - 81shs sad arricauks. •.‘ ..:,, .t.l ..,, . 1 , —, ::•;:: -, Glass Nara, '.,; . _ - ;z- i! . -.,,..,'-;', ~ cut- and ..; pruned __Goblets,: ,lleaanturs.:.-TuUtireert,' Cham'pgs,'Scoslll,64foot t C.Urd 'Buiterii: C7lotmia, - C4 411asticks, st4i4 .'',-,••• --: " 1, ," - ' -,'-'' .-: ' '-'. ,-- are ,_-.•;;;::: liti.asekseping - IfitillW.: -;."..,-,:: , ablo and:!aak t et Cualeryarinons;-Tes TeitysiOlaalia, Sadlrona!llslautKed: Zeal es, Gat Reeks.; dlOdeleratota, yrter.:-,noraraitiiiiVisaut eras:oil; dr:a . .... ••. .", , ,r ' ;!, ... I . Wiiitido# a nd -- Willow - ' , Wax6: - -.;: j, proliellers; Oa ' 'Wagons Iloc%hut,:ltartaa; -Ciidlai 04,1 a r . Pills: Tla ' ',- . 21.,i55. , 'Pcritudaivi ;Makin/ L k,- •Floakkg, H . la and 4tool cl a*s, - tc,a. - ,;, :1::::•,,5 - r ;,. -.• , r.',.s , ;. . _;`• •i, ;..'"•_ .1 a lesndow ,4 Bllt=: ,. -r ~-.- ,, z. , •orTipes: alai , and Gilt sPlut: is& Ileada,- , llltida, Loop and Tassel also Stain Puols In vap:aty. .- 7. ., , ., ' ' ' -•'. - ' • ', T;Ti,a4riii d. Wata,./.. ~ : , Tullettiett c 4 Istlag- of Tont Talie, Sloriliriiiid *1; ter f's% Cash Efi es and , alt actlalis , ‘ , nufacttirediti. tillllu, ! , - ;.: .''''. %,.•_, , F , 'L . - ! e..,. ~- '.' 7, : :; 'l , 1 , 5., , .... .' . Britan a '6;24 'A rAr-iiiie: I'Vai..J - <7:‘ . : - • • Coffte and Tam Urns, !EC; CAUlarli dilacorai •Chaelri Dlshes, Aetna?, P Wheel; llandleadeka ! , 4,v. ' • • ~,;., • ••:: . , ..'• '• -, , =-: :,:ini),=o(24 Laniimns-. - ':'''.:-.-.,, --:, •1 n ..every varlet • , afyl a, prteeandluallti. ~-. :•-'-' -'-'i. -_,... • - . ' To/ S/add.ralicv 'Articles.. , . -- -- --':I; . , Can‘lstlnir ak.Ctilna: Glass, troad‘,. Tin .; witialti':itiort. pgiver,maeir(T‘hi •c*4,raiioi and .shdtater Pins, _al7 ,- s ....>.7 . ..- Plated Weir, • Tabte aniTtop'pona, Tata*lett• D,(sert CdlreA, SoOto and SaumplAilles,' Omura; . 4"1ng.',1 re» awl TrAysi..M..i anti tUresSetts.' I, 111,4 C*tat, TWIN iro:117 .description, in faetl almost *1147- artrcle as llktrAlt4C. of borne nuntshl . pg. Optil wieful nutl.. ornamental, . npay lio foucil it Oily excen4ll4 est.4olAstuneilt: - . 4 loon &nit nffthir tin,rlevk hotel.,, New-Yetkr.Dry Good 1 ; T'E.proiirieto - rti of tkis.Nelityi,ik-StoreS•NOJ 7 . (79urt street, Binghamton, Broome Conic 4 ty, N. Y. yotecuiaraznecki)tegiium , y, returning ititreiticere thanki for lite :.patrcinaoLbestewed 'men him since bisapetung. as his tradeibustar hnstniipassed his higlieit..anticiptitiene. . tie noel tukes.pleasurein „aunotincing„that' his arrangt , mews for the Suktyker leifnipafgks are.:ettoverefe, having hiearrangententain New York to be supplied with every. article ttt.cos.4.*ol4,sts'. - oldes him:to sill goods in any t . ptantitY,- 'case, piece or yard, at. thesernepricee thatAti - ey" are Sea in New York it .wholeiale.. 'Title' will at once Satisfy' every mind that.goods at this any 2015 to per . cetit.:Ctiertier, that i any other houee'in town can Merchants:lh :this •tlrjeiritty are , nclierVaing Voodecheap and at, cost.. Their old stock - U-1:1re flooding the market at very higheat . prices; even at cost. 'Don't be ilumbigged by them-- chmerto,the New. York Stkro,. where you can .get goods Rew,and fresh from the Atlantic steam=. ers and - the uringlisctorys. IL have foist receiiert 20. cases of :the newest styles,f rich Wick. tart, cy, brocade, cheek and changeable Silks ; Bare Cha Ines, tatins, Jacoriets, 4.inens, Damitik TableSOreeirs,,,Embroideries; Para- ants;, Shawls; Vizetrei 'and : Mantillas, cloves, fieeiery; - Mitts, a Taiga assortment Dress Trimmings;:Trunks,Vallees,Satcliels; De Lan'elti• Prints; bleached and unbleached- Shirtlngs,',and- Shoetinffs. Ticks, Stripes and Denitha. `.The New York Store le••thi: Rainier We buy forash, sell for cash rindtoliargeitoth== ing for showing goods: The summer CamPaign is open. Come' and see the battle already begun; and buy a pile-, of cheap „neat, and - fashionable;, goods.-; ,Rernembor,the nambeit - iatid plane York Store - No. 7;. - Ceort st.;itirew'dtiors-, : eist-of the.Chenango Broptunco4 NeW York.. May - 19. STiIATEVANT: EW G 0 ' , WILL receive . 41uring lattv`addi v V their"presentetaek - of:: - - SUIVIIITER_ GOODS .. Jniludiagall of their usual variety,. eihich priees almost "every ‘ ititicte poet.: called ;forir'.;924 Which; fi evins been bMightlfer''eaih;:erieidea lei offer diem ou terms which Oktimet t;i:',lkel eatitttectorgto the toi*ir •patiehak"eiiva ettlicit a iiiatintrancii•Or thk(atiaiii trom ourold eustomere, and Invite'tie; - Uri* call and examine tor theMielves.: Sloutroeirli.l:uoe 8.'1853. ,f; f • 6. 1130 t4esicico ',or / ;int:aka . . . _ This Begetter , - is ••;11 preparation ofilli r i . - Celleitoo. . Iti. ordi a ary iliarrlimnr, inijoreitr l e.hol-. 'era,: in short, in all easel of pre similokeittle di., gestic's, fouetiousi, it is ofitiestitililloalsl,4l4- -mak the provalecne afepidanaiWfilaratin7. il mer ; ooiriplaints of childreitiitfair,*eatitiarlyii ..7. ejou. itio.fainity • or indivldostiktritte4afidititi tie without it.. As it.srattlipii the afrittiiireir the i nfilriPtioe.of insipieut disieseii irlriett, hirk-ht ii , distmingAimitte. ~ f, . --. 7 `','l . 2f,i -,!--- 1 ?::= , `:.':- . . - L , , , 1 ' • Catriioi —Be sure -to get the fittaine-eliiiirei . , I . L.,whieli 'a: prepared.only ' hy ..F.,.BROWN: at - hi& 'Druk and - Chemin - qt.:Store,- N: E:. , :.ooraiikof Fifth a d.Cheitrira t StrertsiT ihiabiiiiitizri ink, . for, salst by alittherespeetablelat wearies irk thet 'Jailed rStates; and at iklotitrose Pa by;l l :..n '.:1.".4.1-',. ~,,..„ - Strayed 'orstoree , - ruIROM the emises ; a( Atm eutlieriber ••ystpr I.') r 'ithiiats,:tliel . sol:4 Atzgast; elerio - iiiickl!'t.t. !larkriid'Yetertiag riarii;..orioi."triii4uTiitrow4r,,: short .etas; 'ttiriniiie inakir'ir. isnittr - aiiis.,:iiii .. ik 'flavia V ery ornall, the hind part of,the biliiapco),:: ted. % 4,, lien she - aft, it; Atli eonditiiin: - Apyper. r .. 'Bon Wt wilt:aura taut he i fer Or.givaiafonstra don la eraeha.may be fouteli•A4l -1 4:reir9a bkrs te aided. A l i• ' ~ 'l' I .; • !:•..: Y ,,: ;:;\ ' ' ,•• -, LJ, ,-, 1 , bt/ARLES B OLES.&I -- , Jess p, Sept.]&pt. lit., Iffsll - - , -17ar2 -e.2 . 1-,-,-;:fvrii• , 1 • 4 ice. id Mittiiiith oritl 4 ol t ilTr i L '• t' 3,4 , - ^.- ', . =' L t 31.. , fi ' :- Zr, ~ rit; i.L TO lue lehereb.rglveu4 I , llO TWii. h r bia...-iiiiid.:,,tdiniuntim,t,._ol,..4 _tit,„ ,iiti4iil:liiiwis.w:fitn;_er44,iitto:44-tgc t ioi i,,„tei..,604,41,iii..,.,:-All means igetiti . s4 lei' ;lard' estate, are t • reileisloAnakiftinsiireiSiite pay-: aSuCt , o4'shol#:sbiliint;;fietbiliatiasiiiejnetvulid . *eta.t.e*lveiiiPreiva. alOhedelYlittesatth'4 ol4 o l ' -tleirmeadr'fn..-: '--.. ~..: , % . , ;, - ) .. 41 .4 ,, i 1... -... ~-:, ,r--'r '`C"';' , :'e , -. 2s,i • , : . t . '„l'' T - ; . tii‘i!, lA r - HlLL. , Atini s r.2 , : t z , ' WIN tha,"•Wilkaaueof r ,i' , l L.: ~„,- -,ct ..,51,' •c,' +"*T6eq. I- -p , fti ' 6 = O',Zl - 1 -- - ' 44 ungOwater, An': ; -- 0 , ---oorf ..* *c4iItiEIccCIA. , ,OVI'ITICF , s.4I-Ivi 'STOV - it:WrIN ; WAREGANYV .11: „, vf „ )=0 , *.0.,..:000 . frAdi0ire.163:110:i0 4 4; t l l4 PO1 1 0# 04 ; e -q! 1 ,4144E z :thiYli# )?P°4 1 14-** esablis. IT.tent qr,0 0 .. 1 4 0 , 3 ti;T0M1 1 4t oI*IIPAS,I thi : " 0 " 61 ”tor-S *1 46iatill .We uotlli . ~ the 494ep4, Riallii:d)t I'o9 ii!tOcAtiPi 4,,tovt l V Th4toPtilitV.rtissi 1 1 4 5664 . 4 16 1 0 MP, tlf.- ; illtoh * tkifAr* l !.;":o, 44 P*7.they 49Mkftlit bought-M tlikot t - any otfi - oiitiuity: Among our ' stoveii may roulid - the for 4pia.nuraerecia ta. !new t 's'', ;., 44'45614 , 44p ,M4pro, - ;r4 Kis iif >. 474 t`e Forestaamempoksi,;, 111 1 1 • = A h D ; tl OfTheir_ Wad, • aigi****o l-4 4 1 * - 14gh. 1101 t!ntrikiiKPlutrii:F*Ps*C3 EPAIt . Rudd* 'daitorn.'W Ais. Omit ' ? • t 4 ltentme sve4s, fail& Sp* IrNet day &e. des!, seeds /Det .. ;16T ...-- 64sprinustr, tittile Noiva, ~ ; :. Tic Ois. h e ikby i giitMth aek tifif :#. .. ' , is'. -- - :_-. IN 1. ed itite. heati.stipointeifkrtitialliiiip:iiii tf--4 -• ' '.. retain ttf - 11-qtrY Benson,. Jr., deb - giteof I. c - , - golf towtphili..: , All ..pefsons Itfitiblid • -io Teed es - . . . inks . are requested' -to. oink:a loireetitatetttirseiii,.. . • mitt, tittle ileFittfeAtentlidttogiaterit if ldeetate qt.,. • Plikent the tit , Illy a resit: .. for:lettlerilent f , .. f A-LIVI PQ,tijila4-ONSOlvirAtiO4'.."„ ' '..er. Jaitkaori; Aug... 23 :Is ..,3 , '34 w 4- , •-'.-;'-' , -..- - . .-..-- • t; :-.. -New anea Price l. 1 -.A Store . flow -Pricot, ,, Liirgel.Ffialetiszi-:, ---- ... .14 0. ii-300:4:.-wislwiiiicitetiol' 4 :1-d - tioiiiiliiitilii.,.-- •:.0- IV noietreerS tot hoeitizens Of Bingimettok ang - eleati . ...." an ivptirtuniti Or, Ilitsisq rviralo co It, . per et. • iti theiirr - r'' ,p!trahrtse. linlat tarixe - pei - qp...insiliocke ... notie " 4 r ,giviiiisfiCk. the! "..siiirit .. .ofAttie-ageti.-4 17 unifOrtn price- ......,•-, --.. smalltirolts art 1 lrirge Wei.' 13:msiderimpjoistianitik a'- - money ',twat : lnst. as ninth isettothenthmetaP,:••• `. dslie e oilris rp,ifomers .worthinkielit theiceig inn thew ---.-.;. . 4 •., any tittmorary"advantage that Catt.he:irainatitiY*lllnef- - ; same 0711 - llElitit eXtrealltiy jowtia It..!',tstitir to opriasokito - -i - ,-- a find s l cr 'which other articles Amato isol4 - A aii;..*ir:-..- bitint 'Profit Ittf h3s adept-viand sin 'Whet* Wale Ont. , .:''-, i'lles*.ltAlititiatiii*ltc4c4ll4otartkokatinits4b.at , ;4 -,-- • I selling at ail %lines and to all persona the ssisiAartiole is'a: • 'r ~ the•seinepricei-.-whiela price ha, olelgerlditimilf ihallli‘i -- • .1 • as 144 - .4* icesee.thilicthe lewittliistricazirilieWitrtiputr: . r . eing'lhr the fatureishilst ccinstatitly - galeingtwittmtease: [ of. tattiness. • Almest- eVery iktY :Will presrot somethhk. • i new' and attractive to slid t atajtaii. the: Eintriii:ltdmitir..- ; ; -s. i Oen ald'iiheralpatrcetage retofthirt rikackeiroitsefq"-- . .' 1 tartly: wilt not lessee:them - I o - makelthe.iolio .PoZois • i - 7,---: '4l4aitiziors and triore inviting . - ••' 1" • •''' ' l. 1 - -• :; ' . 4 - ..-• !r . -- I:DRES'S - r.GO6I)S.' -'.1..... - -- ,__-.,, - , 1 .- - '-' Mts. deparnent embraces So great til yarlefithit *ls • -. mei-mentionlevy only ofthe leading.. intielek•-tinst: fee -.. ' t ,''' ‘ the ladies wit • call and qaainineYoitheriselves.. i• ; 11404'4g ! .:. • English, French and Arnerieau Lawn.. and anOrtigliatm, l a Tie/int-ons; Granilliens, =Swiss, laeone ,t . ;11ctacCrebitilest and . Twille4 llitslins; Tissnes,-'llarer.44-tlllad*.:.oinip;' .! bun, Silk a , a 'Linen Waite*, ,-Ainettecoc-Boinhaaietes..:-. 'Ear gilt., beiddei a very large. assortetetitit-rieli - Ins., tred - bitch. ilitsterld; Steno,. ,phald;l,..W l - 0- - .: - I din tl eenhi... - ' Silks; TaroSailis,, le ateellytesitia Florenec Sinus to all-of •:-':. . which be is dome entlY.-klding..aild Whirls- it r. lienald.-"-kr. ..:-. - n 'Well tO see hirers arelsithig elsetelierst, - . . - = : Betit;quelity - --, 4 . „ of..lierrimack-sed•Englikhtfietlat lr etit - -par,;.yetd-; - oitai. '' ,-: yard Fide ilitioAt Is. --- ' . -.. *i.r':„. ' ,l '' , :;i ,. .-1,-3.7:. . -: • .. .r. ' ''' `-' ' 1 ' • - 4 SHA IV4s.-_ , _.,,,: •:.:,;-:-.-...-..-•-•.._•, Including. tbit - Varioni-.gailitiiis- ..o Xititan:, Crape. • , Black, changeable and B.s-ttre4 Silk (frotift ; ;;e4 upward,)._ ': Thibet Cashmere. liroche..ke: - : - , ----55'5;..t...... • d'''-: r t - ku • -',.. ' :, .. ' . ;.•:..., - ,::::•.:::,*.g1.1(8.R0.11) . .ER1Z5.'".7'f,, : 1 - 4ii-S' : 4 iladilArfitiOut:lherelinetihittiyietititrif4:ilinerii'l . , others may -14 reined the - latest' awl ••mostiairpreirtst styles - or liatall4kaklefs; Chentisett+irAtticll4abiai:r.l4- -:' - Collars / -Bbn-is, Ildgi pp; Insettionvi'-'rfoln T.. . ' - • .- . - .TtritNTIALAS , '.--:* -; •••• ',-- - _ , • ; A:llt!ii. larie: stock *Of dilfe.reet.styllowthleit wirebo„s• - low and are.sold accordingly. •.'Thetunottet•hion-F.:*ie . •:"- in thisdeps:rtment Is proof-positive thaVizioi,, **leaden*. ' have been jiadiciotik-'=•. ,-, -1 , -i - -3- , -•;1. -: , ... '' ••-•:- -. ... ' - ,-... •• .. : f'..Pattteelli and Fans hlenfiletwimifOsitle ' 401- - .:. ~ -,-;-- GLo•TTES ALVI). - 110-S7E.R; -,-,•::•,-„, :, . D i • Rye-Ty - size-shade amratrailtstef . -Ki d ,jigliktY Cuallilla : ' • , and Cotton shores ficAl. et to`•;4; dottort . gos. gild' eat'— - t •. ors trout Ild upwards - : "". ; ' - ' .-, 1 , - - '"- - -r-z• - ' , .. - ---s.*: - -' , u - --• / Ladies iiiitt lifis*k liejois:ait'Sido- -- t.' . - In this lini wiliefe'every:variety , ..or"stYle mmitittlee- , torrettererder'aml.::-mill be sold,rit y. mush. .. -. , . - ':itirer -• lieftirtroff .. ered in Broome eonnt . ..ns,',_ia, _ per facilities itt btlyiog „that enable 'us to,liothientid - those " .alitidonbli aro req uested to call and - ariesilneTois thret-!' selves: - -- • ' ' •• • - ' 4: 2 : e'.7.. ,, ?;- - i -.-- ti2:4l•ite-- :- :"-.1,--1_ -- . -- Gentlemen's }Ninist: - .;:piyiu . ' :A4-... ~-.... r„ I down 'mean '.sliall. ikck any thittg.-:7.' Cs.isitiMrslitrS .t -.. : restings of all the - newest styles arid we itri'aived',br ip. ° o44 "l 3 etitic , tt le these goo ~Our Clothi have bone be a., -....- lois and.as we are content tiltlt l , ini , nl).- triktoofst aster i - • Shoir - them in vain: - r_ l'"' ' 'l 2 . - t'r'' :: ' ~..,,.,- 1 ~."-‘..-,„.,,,• - -.,,."--,,, ~..'- - • • Blecolied and little*" Oattan* direct frOlor!tibtir . rnilllnt -- 'faeterers end very go* 'together. with koettirsiottn* l T ' 4 •• • merit of blue. plain and pa.crama,Tiokosl44alanr- -,;,. Stuffs; ice.' •Are litivelitiestriliet devoted itl:'s' . .T . , - -,fii.,, , Vatitter* -.Stone, Lilacs -Mirk:E . -Elk:: . 4514 7 ' '--• .Iti-Nrbieh'sr‘bave a folt areortment , etirkeselliet- -- _*l_, -- torly.defir competition . ".: Good--014:4 "4 44 4 7_ 1 0./ 43 0-='' ' els; per lb: - Avery good Aualltl tif, tat ft:iiif4, I"- -• aPst Old; artiele at zi.-frea. - - , ‘ ...... , -,:: - .7.: , .. -, .. , :; , . - '?:7h: 2 1t,'. , f...• .. . Wo keep coustairtly- on hand : an .suratkinent44l4li , ' - .:- above naineflgoods- and Many otherkitiaaprotoogin*lik-'. ly reieivilk large aa - aitiong tciiinettiek - aba -at iiiiiitiwtt. ~ .; can always be foiled the choicest itn4"eiteioiisbithilbfw ' - -; • gaols our best matkets afford. i Altd.lVlMlthkikeglCltf- Tore Ihe public that I dli- not buy'iny'gnOtttlott , Mr4-,90 -, eight inonthi credit and pay in twelve., • COnatallt.tnr ' .'.... custoniers - tri pay me greaupshente tioden - vent litior :: • loss ' from bad, debts, . .on tbe. contrary rozotirA.24,-..11*- dins for ca irk an 4 notb lag .el se-40 a "great - eittinci.'..•... • • oti 4 POrwallitireekAtmw*Oitetg , iii - 010 - iitso- . ...• - loss to ,mhohmom the comp lye. cash eteltstied.s . - . '..- if aii 'make' k iarti : diffeitince I ti-ta*or - atiliO.'taih - bOY•ti. , ..• ".--:: by * h• lain -'enillied:les. *Kill. rciliruitaitotieili,s,'ltitli -. 4. 44 V 3 .1 t.40141° 1 4 'F °14 04; 4 4-vaint.o l .4V.o4i/FPeir sale 044. • - Atell: pl94,pm4lto,ol: 4 ;o64.lpApoti'pp ; ' . • : iler,l47".trif - viva" low ox;.lowiti- Oits - **l* - or,:' - eisattit-, ..._.:. entablhftitnt IttireSteitt New York-. -', -:- '' •- - • - •" 4 "-'" --- - t".:1 4 .1 ~ ' •].. .. . • ".!' '- - . 5 -. • .-,.. , ... ,1 1:0.1 1 1i 1 4 4 k.„ --. ..-:r1. ibiroar ec,icautt and-Wll6 st*.itsClo/,'ESiiii# : • : - .. .' '.- 'llcitleis. . .;-„.• 7 , •• • _ ~- . .•:;.i•:. - 4: 7 •72.; • :-.,-• ;•-•,.,;:.• 7::•:- ....^•:.• : 1 ••; .- ..• ::: • .. ' •.. 11 x t • n j e k irrits -"I i '. r .iri-7...11• ..1;V: 11 .!::i t t i !,qti'- 7 , leg 'ii; -6:-.;,ti•'-',•l:' - New B -pringlttiods-t -''' bIEAP . FoIVet3I4% 1 , - ': 1 , :.:, r , - ~ . , 0: , . . iljrn N. WiLSON 'retunslaltier-ierigal* -, _ 1 V V . mentsito the public - kr "Plseilsl 4, 1 1 04 1, 11 4 .. 1- attereion to a very lar-re dock., of - , - 8,111 - BMl* • "Goad which he halt t'acila4BBll ' V B O 4ll . ;10 8 1 1 4 1 ltk--' .' 17 /- .or Crish. Ifavinteneently liinlidailliSlideB4lBollll4 ---: Oral facilitles for busloeti -greatly A ,ftegyaresk:l4,W, . cr • 'Pre ed to exhibit i Moro extensiVi - andan. 7 ., Pent-Dian - here tornri t iiikii.tii-hiilttotit aapwar,mtis.„ mentstkB 4ll " 2 4 . -4erittieltt§ ..Pti 4l4 / 841 : : 484 44 1 .. : 4 1M swum* fiviaalliiwAr "drat XL ;8 8 .reIlleeeilitai.118 ibr i eNditY - rt' - ' 4.-- q . --=-- i,-:-•-t -acid , 4 " -..' 1- - . ... Ladies Dress :POOds i'Mv 9 ' • A 'size stock of tdialaattat Ailltoeled*atitmak igradetand pattiens. from .4it:',B4l:lf, 14a,,Agehi t „ IBaraia Delralues, 'Chaili DeLainiar r , ns --140 B - aigeNln braless variety and 'Tzli. e Jo- :!`'`...- ': : 1-' : -, i - ^:':' 4. - , Piints . and-Weirklatit. • tal i '. 1.0.068 yards" of .Iderrimacki YAW ItiverdziginAM. 04. boehleo t tlaVithmtitedhat fayott 4C10 13 544:*460. - I*4 , :i - 3s. inn 74Kit: 4411!;940P-°t:ol,vt Nitthiclar , = - yard Adwileitii§lbtrlittee td. - = -1.4 ..; - 1 ter and Glasgow Bittighmusi new ' wirterniVerkeerrS ;- Colors. Also.;-Scottit and gfenc . - thrifiniii,ijiiiiki#,W _ I • . - likU r ni g4Al96l,l*.t ;. Z Binsibasines •Ai panas, itobair.L'astres . titCsaMt.o ',Cloak all wool Delralps-piagdkAssucs,titirtOlVaidisl- .. goods used ids motterdnit , t4V-i-te , 44 - ' ' =:,;:;, .1=7,10 ' r.* ,i , .( l, zkaTtekitilkaiiiii.e.fgalltf.4k-- 4. Plalg, plaid mid teiPed;hicortei N'Aillifliiiirtr fitfila- , 1 ' plaltrand dotted! S e nel441140r11444118111714:. Lthen.Vßittbria., Hi 7s -Eye i.rsert r ffe tall* lo ri, -._, fitpkiat,. SOL.% ' ..,.. Una* a D , ~, rr , _ , L LI "firkhosttlrigir -. and Shierlpg, ' is , , . _ .. OVA . , _ .. ....$1- to > ;Mitre la ., „ o l kCjil i at i ' ' '''' 4 5 . -5 11-4Z.441 1 - c - ,.. • -84•Ty'S. '.% ' • ' eu.,,,.;-,l;:r.,•if.,:tii; I - 812..tmeellent.',iiistortinent and very_ ~._• WIMP, , ~.-.`• -;:4 - re,- s..' , thein'ailargilal. o! White Cotton ilosecii7l ll Y - lill 8,- --, .4 ,0 1 till- a Pair, ' _ ' - r . ,"k , =: , ::,;i44,*t.',: . k,: 1 : t ., ..: ': •:-:. - • Shawls I A Urge lot hf Denali., Cintaor :Ot i lPe*-ii*:a.liateilL• :.., ::' . f ', Shawl. bhem!per thxrt tott' ero,ra ofteTegg‘i.k' , -„, L - .V4, :' ': :. E s t , -:. `•,,,,- . .' ~... Handle r catfit,.,3.i ,:::4d >..t. ;,. P,itifiimatinbroldired nen r aidallidlror E . OOl -. '•. k irade L trofin Bd. ta tt eac h. ,- . . • - -,7 ~ ‘ . . 7. 4 .-51•i%',?!fit.2..., 4..,/,' ' 0.- 'rate a/di PiaAsflaiittiAlitct , ? ., 4 `>. All , oollithosied. Woridad so tioitfiiiiig-: I' -kthk., -, .. -, •? --, c•:7* - ..4. 1 .- . ,06 -for , mw • ois4-:it' ikkirk - ',4i . -0 . .,7-:2- .1 fano& , u4 _,. ,f,1.,_ . ; ...... . :I - . % , n.' Twatt*. 'tjt 2 ._ ~ ..: . *,'...14..1te5t,..' --- 4.9w , tri s t y d.ariptto .; - ittgertd 4 , 4 „,;i tl tri ... 1; . , ,t43 :. wi1,z,..<::,- - 6,ooltiarital Shiretit gsfuliSirlitlitgai : froarOdlo:7111t lta.:. - , -vd. - - .ZACK , Ned' I,llar Ord no.e --wi t . , - .ai' - i'io - iii.,11,. 141441::for-pDisiwt..4, %Ws/. ,111KlaGs.. AwiliriPiljg3ll4/Plp TOW. Pcratt,-Proll' • pains( , to - tooth list :: - Wltaf.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers