ilimaliki.Wbut in deep plowatiandtherpor 'etratiiieeply sad tberefore are not 'affected by slight droughts. Another point tt:i.iihaidered -I.hyor:.of deep ploWing, is uerized soil given fk rec ihe eitkon the'firi taking rain which fafisnpOn'A; h;',u,ltallo'w tilled laud thsrelis soil to taki . tip,the rain - s,thtf - #insequen,ce is that* very_small quantity of water filling up on it, fills and then if the rain contin ues it - rnnsoff on_the s urface, doing,pu benefit - to the soil; not coming ,in contdrt.. with it to extract its fertilizing particles ; thits , Much of that which nature has provided fur the -en tiching is lost on 'shallow - plowed land. This is no new thepry,_but n well milli enticate& Act, fox,ft is Feti'knoWn - that rain-, water, contains a quantity of amnionii in solo: Aiou4kthis the.soil extractsund retainalvethe use of tbkplanta. but if the:Water: runs off on i -the surface much of thia,, fabia,ble matter is. , Jost to the' 'LA ilia' farmer, well' • Weigh-these:facts - n& let hid not" pass over them slightly, forif ha' kvi;ligs, 'no doubt ha, does, to get all he - can 'limn . Oa soil, We' say let him piovide for thOice`eption of what Us; lure gives, 'freely,--LRisTithuut • ,eost.7. - elusion; ive:say,..plOw - and ,thoroughlY *uric - the larkl ; thus iilo‘va,f a - greater ;viola, • and a much-finer gnalitywill be' the. result -Antericait'Gardencr's - , , The Tradeinareadstulfw,Proi iiect of . Another L 847. The mai , I'Lmadstutis in England is• no; table fact: azioa Ohio and Western canal Roar were selling at "315. - ' and - 31s.' 344 and wheat.was quote . inlitark loon at 555: to 58s. :per quarter. On all sides we.: - .find the same evidence of Short 'crops and'proopective;searei - ty. 'Napoleon is : continuing to effeKlarge • purchases of grain in Lotaltin' and at 'the Bal. - and Black.seal ports: _ has removed the differential tonnage dues , pit ships I -freighted with corn. Meanwhile, flour s-risen nearly -one hundred - per cent in many parts of France Ifi Belgium the duty of 1850 on corn has been suspended. The. exportation .of brendstulfs from ,dominirins.o the Pope and:the 'King of ' Naples hhe been prohibitedby law. -Sweden, ; heretofore an exporter, has- been competing - with the Eng,lish . and French purchasers, in . the Baltic, andiarge cargoes of corn have been impoato tfie Swedish ports. Add to, this • that freighti have risen' - so high at Odessa as to amountto , a ppohibition; 'that tho naviga tion of the Danube is interrupted;.that mt . • pation of large sections of the wheat growing; -country in the southeast of E ‘ nrope by, the for . ees of Russia end Thrkey, have checked both : agricultural and 'commercial 'operations, and „theslaruiing ,nsturn of the approaching Crisis -*ill be seen with tolerable distinctness.: A-second 1847 is in fact clearly foreshad -lowed. In that year as mast of readers reel) I. - led, the failure of.'the craps in 'British Isles caused an' unusual , exptirtation nf wheat nearly 2,000,000 enarters--from this COllll- • - try. Bread-stuffs rose to fabulous prices-- specilation knew no limits—and.- as is invari . :ably the care on such occasiens, , the net result of the fever Was a commercial vanic,accompa.' Sled by disastroui failures both here and in ~ Great Britain: - . . • Our present circumstance' pre not precisely I analsgous to those of 1847 .. Theo, 'nearditY was confined to the British isles ; and lore supplies i'fwheat were sent from the Baltic, * f _Belgium , France, Italy and the Levant, to Eng land.,NoW the failure Of the crops is expected 'to be general ; and the 'countries whose, com petition led to one ruin in 1847 ore actually - our customers. -We. shall belequlred to siip-1 ply all Europe with lbread,„ This very Upper-, taut 'distinction between the two periods must be carefully borne in mind. . . '_ ••• •At the - sanie time the;old eornteerieal`plan of anticipating en dile side cif, the Water, and' exaggerative rise treadstaffs in Europe, was nevermore finely egemplified than our •• Markets to-day. Thies months ago • Ohio Haar sold here at $4 et‘ .to $4,75, when: our Engiish advices reported sales in London at • 21s. to 234 A - month later'Ohio was worth St 88 to ss,na-f r andon adviees or 230. ' Os. ,Thirty dayo ago it sold here- at $5 12 t• 14 to $5 37 14 on London advices-- of '27s. ' ca NO* siftear of saleo in London st 31e.,Inde - w suppose that holders T.-6131d not : care aboutselline here:tinder $6 20 to $q , j . . 73. The careful reader will see how "eagerly , - eVert.fise is seted.upon atl•esed ontkipatedl le our our dealers,' and , how etnall a margin, Loi left forprefit to the , shipier; Should' the ex-j Europe to - ntinue •it is more thaw 116* that:' flour will:sell here at even high. ek , rates - : than it would fetch in Mark lane.- - ".: 'Our .toeichtuats know their. own business better than-we - do, and if they ehiOsete.-tnake \ • the fortunes of our-corn growers shall not . 4. be the mert.tir.complain;..butit dees seem to as that, ilTiel-13 0 P 0,448 nornbination - of oir ctnnitaneldrcan strode be proseouted prinelide- . ;Li4(ritteiple'' more - crOsely.'alfied to , A leniftg.,tha s =rhino "Ase Or letd anyl Ober _result than al threats ruin It-- may prosperotei fors while - Those who purchased flour here at $5 may now melte $l, 504-barriAbY Selling sipot;:dr more bvsendinejtio London.-• Shipments - at 'pros= . cubsles may, pay,; ,but;* tims. mist • - •cornif when European markets will take..aturn,luel I the worst of that event Will he that it will an people whO; enenniagedi bypastprofits; have . invested "laigei and still , lamer-sums m thitraffic, and for whom a Anna loss wil I -probably, ixi ruinous. ci.-F;igit:' . • teen hiuidred and forty-tevenie not so.,long. Argo that its calamities tan have been forgot , tea. ,= Let Otirineruiviitbs bear 'then - in mind l*fay:thirst for. grain iheuld -lead' totheir -flpettotn.—/ir; . ' - _ - t • .-,- - irtioid by the Mad. '. „- • • . - - Stand by the ticket :indic wi lli . ataad br the Democracy: Rest menial ;nf ihisliet,inid not led any seductive **Mises of the Whigs:, „Take our advice . iThose who , leseveihe Republican party if any there be who -contemplate so, rash and ill-adviied a , movement, will' Sincerely' iegiet a step which will certainly be-retraced with shimer and so .. row. - - - ..C , , .'2) Fidelityia"regular nominations tompela adherence to. Diineeratic principles by. Focu-.. ring the enecesikathe Democratic party. ;The principle is a cardinal tHli in Our 'laity drit), and ought to be oberid.arithZ.cigitaty.propy. , Chide and strictness. - WiliktPut Auohlo-PrOd oo we can never secure biOlotiy, - .4,actisin ' , thitioig pall, strong - pull,.and the:pulratO: :. gethec which will keep the Stite s al iilijii in the cleatchannelof 'aemeerefgOiltle tiloef : ple.silences all..dhesatistaction liadlinshiiii a , wiy:the Whims of individual Preferem**4 Prerhike: ' " - , : .-, ~'. I 'MIS cindhiateiresCated'T9*(initt:444 the OurtYilesto longer my telt.** hiainsifi Nat he is_ l mts: 6 * pert7s the ~f iglibitiy.nosiia hui,019,. and•je ~ : t het CALI I 4d4. AnrY Dennicinf,bi %ad ' , ,io..ionlefiei. brim, T h e imikn • viistikbeskilattitelaiti r ithla 4.1 1 4 AlOcusioti • .of -eacconreciiiiiiina 4fisifitiongi oughtfel . tektvidOir : treiiii4 - *idmilt:esillmi: eserhei, of thkg.',.' closes , .4 l Ci_ Elg 411 !'0.: , - tot i - - sequieeserigf , lll4l faliboic' ' e'aaiiir - thett3lei:. hild 444. --- - ,theigiiiiiiii, tiiita " reiblbolifilistorliblb bilb*COraefL , ?: ' `)' ': 11 10 0 :004,0*q iken Sl for ; - ons-ar-vettekier.., vim .iii4iwif. 1 4 - - - ..v....3 - I.,Lolm.urtspF , Ilillt*.fir- #0 l ive,‘.., ...S ~,,, =BE ' • et CliratillaClain in Wei' "sic 740332 C jo Ihe Lust A i° !liarl p- _~_ ~ ly,^i _ z ~_ ~1 ~-._L~a • , t 4 ,.• 4 g!' . 841t.20 pi IP , q .-s.1111:1NT offtatic 011111111M10 'De; hn,_ C._ll.nox, - ' - 'of - Tiogit County. • • CANIL - 63431iSSIOREE. 1 ;Thomas - - #. Forsyti or. Phitadetpliia Co . inity . 11-- • _. , - II i l l At-ntron. 4 CIESERAL,. ; "---Eptif m ".'-' ,Mike Of Itity., • .::j' IS#RI :RAW O twl . , • 13_ t Pat Crawford County ? ' • - • , TOR REPRESENTATIVES, . 4Z.RAA. ,1 4. "'ILSE, ; I Susq'a Cm 1 I JAMES`DEFIGIAN« I 11 - SatrapCilw. -II 't ' 1 91 I Toi rmmlci Ar7 oßll z T i I 'i FRANKLIN E I RASEAti Of M o nt r ose, 1 1 , i i FOR' TRRLSIM, I ER i 1 _ I s D. lI;., LAILTHROA - , i 1, 1 Of 31ontme. • i 1 rim cOmMts.SIOSER t ; AMHERST C 41ILPE1111'141, i Of llarford. .1 -1 , Tort stavixon, 1 ; . rinoTnir rOYLIE, i ' Of New 31 lford. i 1 I 1 I FOR Au , Dtroß, J. W. C IRGILL, 1 I 1- ' \ O raehtson- ; 1 4. , ...-...04,..••••,,,,--••••.•-.- -.. "....... e. --,...r , •-•,..... es..l-5." , .."."...-ti ELECT lEi i , "Fr ...DA r, OCTirjEir il l s 49,500 of any; ;to re Abe Sheo, klection he number cr quiredt ': . law.- It last; wear, but. was no 011 r WAS The ews. I • fjohn - C.l . llalber, the onrs'of. ;*Zew.l7ork;-intS,resnite4l in 1 r v e rdict a acquittal . The reis4ing among bi 'ends Id '.this reiult' has been - kr:eat:. "fria. M duitely on the .- announcement ~ seing made, r 2 ~ ,.„ ). „ ,...3: _ wb ye rt e h fier , : at : h l e ba it n c y o , n a i n . : o r o m n d: t r z d y e.. m ' rations .were made in - other lil.ies. Mr. • r has -bend' nominat e d fu r C an a l Com sirl/4o Serfons r a ilroad accidents hare occurr edtco our last lna. The fir 4 rim a eol lisi 'a , ol Ale' , ll dson'lirer-rgr4d, :near Pc eikeepsie t in Friday last, 114 which Iwo persons iere ill I I d, and a nuntber of others setrnaly Injured '. It appears to have been calm& bir'some ; ismarsaketnOnt,::for the cOl it rojoi wS"'wi Ah rery: engine that:, was com: ini yfri the - t.4:• dravithe train • and which to4t the latter nexpeetedly in motion, drawn; bisuother 7 , en 'ne-- - ThO ` li,e!-oectikke.ctirred on The sane day;. oh thi ig . ow ;York leioiral rail -1 road.:___, The_ei resstrala,,whilF standing at the Oneida;Statio was-run into by a! freight train, whid' ' I-- hurts been ' t i 'time.lel r-is sa i d to, l oss . o :., r.., nntelini; of :slide., iran"lriltaistli,killedl; two nten , itfd" both !their thighs,: ro en,- . ... many q..-. oth.faosebgers•• were ishoekiniTY' bridised some of them isp - %Ai , that it'lis doubtful wheth r‘th4 ei th . eiiriive'- '- --. , _ -. •,.. '- TN last - 14:11r0 fro Isiah* render itl I very piobablatlhat:the woe-rats-ill have al small ruitiority 01t jaunt : " ot, in , the tegtsla-1 lure; is whieb*in the i On: - parkei Pillsbury ect l the reeslat:l 4 ,lenicieratie: - nominee, will. be el 'elL , Goilernor; 1 . : - .7-_ 1- T. : -"i '..: ' : _ ,The iettex, &pm Gen: as s' o - the President; about , whieb 4 tbere has tely b(!sin ~ ,annsiderl..,; 'bie•tall4 is reported to . vo isiiiilY - oPPioe4l of ; he polierof the ilia - guild, and'expressed l eO 'anis ifi the bones arid integrity of Gen. Pier .". - _ -. Nt a worcl a W" thi.' • - 1)0 1 ;4:U1 0 6AI I Or•tiioSB who/Lai . ell 1 bee_ appOinted to,oifte - 4 ... - .-i ".- -- - -=- 11 - ' i boane4- who has been 'on trial" foil . , , of sissisetrea - Isalt before a Court llhatepa, at, CaiudenLiii. 1 1 jULS been a c quitted, Or. rather, , the iirosecutt has been withdpurn. ~ There •• , i, were thirtY- 4 ,', 0 * - ohatgett.' aga44 the .Bishop, psinaiiidli foil eitorition . arid 114t - ry" in • mOney , ~..ri ' .•-r--: - :•-• - , i -. '.ts',testar 1 4 1•:in ' ' :- withl.(tidoi the hut: arrive d at NeW -Yet* "Ott IPriday - : The . Eastent quesst on remained; ; up,' di - alit& atoment; - the chief tut ofjpOrtliesd,..interest„ lAitenei.4* : : * i?ial ca pital s th0,,q411. I Geniis loOkesta utak - netlled; bit the',.liesita= itsotroft--tha Sultan'tn aceeptani Ise "Vienna eete;tteleee*tellalti ei!.,eie l d;*d.fausi 4 c° l ' : / sides' ablaistri - nOttey- s :,.ininets4 .oifaire, in London and. Pains, I There'll much specula. t ioh * Nor s . (4°O"eitiele - f r lua r ! 'k ' '' //er ' ' " slain another lame, - and '--: - .riresiilt gl;-, pr ; jet OP.:: - The4e°e° had to4lioiieleit. to -the bublin Exhibition;;::.The•Engliils • male an. iron/ie.:the death Sir Clairlitf Napier: - --'";," ' rfeipiloll! Piii . :eitt:isl4*Oxici) io: the. 4tli, iiisi;tonai ilt:Cimhigii ibeimpresal6-6;ti.iie ;bitritry,pree‘dings of Banta :Aim will laid another revitutionatitin Matt A!ty., -Irk - s dolt ;...„_, • ...,_ ..;:,.- 47,..:Z; AI a g a in s t , " P,9 rt. ..; ,7: i n I 7 4El f e, e Fell l !s . !iiigP*ii"ili.* l 4+ 4' ,4 l 44#•,4o'. l l o ,o9tea it** loaraine.•.-V ' v - !:-...j:,;:::-. -F. -•*-.-: I.: P. - Thits 'Peelgo'lk: Onto ir Ii a - g eat ''ffitialiti - ifintqlelibit*Oii3nitkiiiiiii — ,, riv i t i o ** - i l io ii tt i i *,... -.:.- T rl3 vof ,lagiVl4ll.o4*** , 44dtioilift*IW :.. SE it r6' per i s wee • u ,on. pi ' ' T afti Ts 'proclatnn i tnin. for al I insertions +t! tine• fit :to'hakapPesx -. blinded in: Ili ilia \ - Cell OM , '. i ..., . - aft lithe - riliit - :feirefiTong - tae Gulf coast Jug' the lower .bIMI f thiltissisSippl. The epidemic seems to. tie -- ;ZionmiNag as great 1 1 ,5 1 41, at tti44l o , i,ifilirling - to the popula t :trio* 4idiirl'ieW,Oileamt when it , was at Ali - kik :,.,....,' ' 1::' ', . ' - 5. '''-, An ar 4fif i ty-tWo'persons fOt - selling li-, •qno kt lol t -liecp* iilui...mado in one day '`l in Ne wt orklast week:: They all plead gull. , ty , and ere fined ticeordingly. • . . - The rqtail liquor dealers or New . York City held It *Ling last week to take into eonsid- the'_,iropriecy,oi price of ' committee of two from each ward Anted to report at an adjourned meet r • iropriety.of elevating - the price to a Per glass, , -•— , of flour was sold at tbe Hetropoli: tny tiall e litest-Yorki at , the-elosing TIP of the World's 'remperanee Convention, for one /tun- , dr4l.intd ftq Dogari, the proceeds' to be, ap.." plied tolthieireulatton 'ileMPeraliFe."Tracts in Wisconsin; from whence, the' tiolir %Vali sent. . . .1 1 ..• P.:Hunt. waft.the auctioneer. •. - • lion.' James.; li",.. l lKaY,Of - North Carlina, was ti,dMn in'tlie!carb; hist ThundaY, Minton, *rid in - died l-a few•hours.' He' was: • member or Congress lei, sixteen years, and s , chairman of' the Committee of ',Ways a I - Means; reporteu the tariff act of 036: Maine Lair' Cenvention ;*esnbles . • n town today, but as we go to press before.gio bell ringa, was= of the pro-, ceollo* ''• eration drink& WAS app ing the York eh A ba Bank Charters. tis important for the publie 'to know,.says th DemocraticHei : 4l, that a powerful; spite tio:and. deterinined_cffort will; be made by adv4ratoe of ;special - privileges, to wield the legislatliii hp:Nonce or the Commonwealth "the Conking session; Notices have been 'given in the Ihrrisbneg - .papers airmuly, by some _ - y_different companies, of, their determine dm'te solicit banking privileges; ' Fourteen, i t are.foi re-charter t mid the othets for the es-. - tablishment - of new.institUtioas; and altogeth er eiiibracing a capital of some fourteen mil- • does of . -dollars, which, _multiplied by three would open the way for a paper circulation equal to forty millions: That the people are prepared to allow of such an increaser is not to be presumed; but unless they speak ont up on the subject, the -evil may, come. - Thle rep utation gained by : our legislatures, for dMpait 1 few years; has net been very - enviable,l as to morals. -And with that reputation, at the acknowledged charaiteristica .of .ap.. 3ators it . 1 not: unreasonable to expect that th colu mn sebion will witness scenes of bribery and orruption, not pleassat to eOntemPlate.l - FiftY ' c different applications, with a cemtnonliebjeet in view, and backed,by the powe! - .2 0.14 influ ence of wealth;da will be pable„.for'mutual in- terest, of exercising a -powerfully .corrupting influence. if the peOple weiild prevent this they must be vigilant; eirefutio.the selection of men of kepwn worth and character, to . 'ref) . - !cunt them; -and steady . anti deterMinedir giving encouragement: , -It wilt-jot do to rely too implicitly' upon the rebutting influence, of the PoVirpOr's yeto - However j pure ,and pa tziotie he. may 1* we have no light to expect that he will fill the breach ve•hile'we deserthim. . . . . - - -,:. -. The • .l tleolive4tioit, 1. -.. The Deni va tic - COni-ePtietfef New York tate : met •, . raenSe last Week.:: • AS Was-Pp icipated, th two factions -beats Tartiie that state came. there each with: a: de termination . not tciiield, or corppromise: - Th e . - eopfesion Wits_n'earli - eegreAt; 'and . the- delegptea.aa' 4. Iroarons,, ILs'.. it the.- hite'Whole World's COn. ii I on an New an d de libera t ions !ehstranteriied'witliabent as mach decor n me.- !The Ijaids ,Met iii.preliipinerY eauens,nernip stedS,_tiaket.;-:a..yery ge . od - one,, too—and dis 4. parsed:-,• The SOftp .also lnetet another liall, nominated;apethertieket . foiptabSth :oeeri, and adjourned.-1 : 7$0 isuit:i., - 0f . ..t0406, that our DemearPtiahretiaren'ef fh4 Empire. State, litho done such good 'service:for the-punnion rinse at the PresidentiPtitPtl4apalast fall; ire badly 1 . I split in their: lotat ,iiffrinpeion*. The . , Whigs of that iitiii . . ; 6egiirlci;pinek.-,ep:e.ourige.,,and if ' they Wereipitaa'diep:ia.. the •_Med-i-,at the peineeratehibieal.iisaefisions, we might imag. [ me . .that. they intended to takeadvatitnge,of the I aplit-irf.the' - Denoeistierinik - As 'it is, 'hoW-' 406 - irkWkiii , ,4li - sue.h.,f.„ - fei* .- The a : wine:4oe Ae5d'...;..":' . .5.'.,:. - ':.. ; -[-• -.... •...- ..-_-,.', -' --: • :•-•'- --; -.*: - . . .....,. .. ....,... , .. .. . ~_.._. ..,.. ~. ~. 17DGE MCLEAN: ON THE FLIPITIVE -EL/OrE' 14w,, r -judge 'McLean, of the Supreme Coiort of the UnitedlStates;reeentli;in Ohio, 'uffiipi 7 :: led the eottsti!tifiorOitY:of the itOgitiVe . Slane heiaihic while, •..before st". 'Mode Court ei s:Conimigg loner, proof may- be .. gaited of the , fact that , StaverY is = established I ;tli tv- in certaint tSt'etee, and that Kentucky is One etthesii:UJedge of'the,SuPromO Court of the : United, Suttee might ;know ‘the fact to , be ao, aidAblusdispense,with proof. Slavery; he -authArity. .of law Tii„....e1;!0 1 141P! the .several tati6l,frrom paw . n a law oWtructing the master. in p a r it of his escapid 4rvant, who= mast be given: op i„:11-: proof by the c laimant . that service or labor. is due..") NE*,Parna....--The Deposit Union:D:4w: er:4le the"title"l" n newspaper jnst started`at Deposit, Del:so. by Hr. S,' D. litit:sr: starts off With a vigorous spirit, sad Mtn '4necelisi in his:enterprise. Tai Ouvz Bamici . l.--Tbis excellent liter arrive rithin A! few - , h as tailed to arn mattes? ~ We call art PePer t. What la the ar table. ' Come; "weeks' Pal ca-2 paper frlm have , ab4o4 net tare " a.___the ti°°4ll . ' Branch ' - os f (rico-- the 'Nis,. Co* l° - ... ,L. we: moa t have I ' l ", ~ :long -10' lisia, :: ~ --,' - • - ' , - ' k gran'. „, EduoatOrt:, , rt 1 i 'irith,. Popular commend dila r ' ' - ~..,aw =too atronglY i ...,,t,' rs• Its .4 _ . oatiaSt_,., , 1.,00-of sur ..,--Pu ;:, -, o f 1, foidabic idiot 44ik e , atten'en ".2..r.-... is LLto,tevg , /..iiiid bulepek L. ... 'A, iliolbe fiunilPettrn"hro*! '47 ) , e k w - 'a sliTeop all it! #4;14 Ofe:_th.ll?" it !l t. in sibio6.:,'.±ll kit :' .11 ilsk back '- t ,-mi ns fe . 7", ,er 4 agree ible itYk The ... I ve IL an ,s, I,e - ri ' t: 4l : 3 n il a m b d l e e .6 l , l l f o ai S i th h lie f is u - l e , iiiii- o an ' un d: try h an o . n os es d piei t ig° pu a r y lic o m n e e L . s. 4 ; - 0 the lierVe to stand !Pr at ttiqae!"ki ia r in the -fisie of.hnitri, and giaspltrg.cterests that are beir4linilt . trp - ,by .citioital, and warn hiSeonnkicentefidiOndieff;daner;;- % . ,,1 .. - "rTtrere'lutivUeit no porie#ltr the Bast hilt°. 1 1 i-of the count4r,, when its whole monied in terest has run completely mad 'as at the pres ent thnn—when risiOnary projectors and char , latan financiersluive infused, nfo the 'moneta-: I.y world a spirit of snob thoughtless feckless-. 1 1 nen: ' Credit,-Credit, credit is 'the order, f the day for the - constoctiort-otivailroads Very. Where, scarcely : with the first th?ught, r mi -1 dent 611CW:dine for` the day--of payment orthe 1 Means of liquidation. - - , 1 The Most' drischievoii project . ised 'to burthen the masses of the people, nd, to make honitst toil Pay, tribute tip capi ' and these whO . would be capitalists, is,. the sub- . scriptieS of stock by coenties, lien's'erighs,y and other munleipaicorporations, to Illutioad tom paniem.. In_order that: cur .teaden may' fully understand, we will aupporre„thairthe Lacka wanna Railroad-Company take a-notion'tio tax every citizen of 'Snakicetutterageounty for the. purpose efhe/pint_theni build their It i Stc!.. , • 7 TheY then - ge to ths.laegislaterci NA get ii bill passed-authorizing our Commissinners to sub seritasloo,ooo to . the stock of thAteorntrany. By foil means, if fair will no t , `answer;; they then approach the County CourwissienerScnd induce them to'make , the subsc4iption, and ihe bonds of the county are issued ferthatanonnt. which koedli the Comininitaire and sell -ick.the espita)ists for cash, .with - whikb to , construct their road. Now. %heap bOndi vial some time fiat due, and then the !people 'of the county find themselves hraded down-with thilgreat debt, to pay which they are taxed to, t o ut most farthing. Trnelhey_ have so much i stock in that company, the, dividends of which-per bapsn h f pay the interest - their odebt, and , erhap don't pay anything. , pAt all events, it 11 Will ne ver fray the principal. l. ' Politically too, it is most mischievous.' We' have' seen members of the Legislature 'sit 'in their seats and vote for the most obnoxious projects of . Railroad boMpanies, and :mho as a reason for their' votes, that their counties had, large subscriptions *ofstock in them, con sequently the interest. of the Comparty was the - interest of ,theii.constituents, and they must support it though it relied 'half the rest, of the. State in mnuniing. It enables) these. corporations to control the politics and legis lation of the state so`tar ns their intereSts. are concerned, whenever they may have such gut; scriptickns, as effectually as though their Pros. hient and Directors were the Legislature' it self. We have thus just hinted at the mischief f this thing, and keave oni,readers to elaborate 1 ih their awn minds. 1 , ' !. - The • Demoe'ratei in the Legislature have - gen- Melly taken ground against these subscripti:Ons, .d by many they have been considered. un-- onstitntional. An Act was pass hist win ter authorizing the city of Philadelphia to sub scribe $3,000,000 to the Ilenapfleld nsd ! • and, to-test its constitutionality, the gm stir was , brought before the Snpreme Court by,lnjen thin. We have - awaited the deei ion of the Court with much anxiety: Con .ry Ito gen=- eral' end expectation, a ' i niajority of . he I Court, - Messrs. Black,.Chiefl Justice,'Woodwind and Knox sustained , the Subscription, and Messrs. Lewis and Lowrie dissented. . -, Below, we give sfme of the pint in the' oninions.ofludges Lewes and ' Li -tie which we commend to the `refit attenti nof all re fleeting men. Wo' wish we cou d get their' ia it :opinions . at length, for, judging fro this-brief synopsis, they deserve to be writtehinrinarble, and held in re tti inehratie -14; every r ! honest, , 1 , ! toiling skizen!of this ComiumWealth !forever. The Judg evidenq felt the tremendous re sponsibility' devolved upon thein, and right nobly have they discharged! it. yhen, per ' lamps,they shall = hale long rested from their labors,• will the sen timents_ language of those 'opinions be quoted by - generations ,of ' living mar; we hope, not with melt - y][4loly re , gret_that . ,- wise and admonitory , theirreciunsel was not heeded. • - Judin Lewis read' his opinion, ,sustaining tlie - injunctinm It is the niostien,gthy of any of the opinions, and presents the 'dew* of the learned Judge with'great finee and de:tines& I The reasoni,which,indueed Justioe .i.iewia, to 1 form • the 'granting of tbe injunction are set forth in the following summing trit:-. , • I. 2 The preposed subscription pats the prop 7 ' erty - of the citizen undei the: control of a pri vate corporation without his congent,i.thus cle. prising him of the , right of " possessing and protecting` it, and theref! . re violates 'the ' first section of the Bill orßights. ' ' - - --2. It Converts the merriberi of IsT ntmlleiKti, government into a corporittion which has noth-. ing governmental In its °Meets, and Whieh be ing. bound: br eentat% cannot be altered, t. formed or abolished at the_pleasnie'of the pe , Rle • and it is therefore, &violation of the.sec ond section. ' - '' ' I i - -, - i ' 3. It puts the property of the citizen, with out his consent,'under a government 'white it Pan no longer be:protected by free and equal yotes, but whers.wealth controls "porbrty. and where Money bas mire votes- than, men; and' therefore violates the fi ft h section. ' ''' • _4. lildeprives the' clew) of his IprepertY without judgment of his , peers,' and •Ititfiout a trial in the course of 'law,' therefore vio lates the ninth Section . . - ' ,-e eiti en ' ' 6.' . It takes the pro p erty of with outth,,,.. 1 t coMpensation, ands , therefore, a usurps. ' . Ziattba , tion orpowet not granted - well'as a 'viola,- Tho'nekt et tion of the rights eleitlie . 1 ' * pressed' " and int-, Pennsylvabial - plied in the 10th section. , -` " bed' at ersey G. It deprives the citizen of the landh- and of September , , goods secured to-him:by:patents,' deeds; and be delivered - -b other iontricta, and, therefor* -violates the of the. Associsi ,17th sect/inf.' --', ' ' '''.'" - '- r - -, " 'end ' pihir .d ' 7: It invests a cogs:grits - bide! with" s'pri.4l:: will boipreseil 'lege of taking propertyivithnit regairing such tithe, 000' Fa corporation to Make just einirpensa nin iid - ; "negtion betsi: - Vane% or to' to ' adequateeeenrity tlicforofi :patiear ; 'En' I) and, tberefore, - .siolatel thcatth'ieeti n of 'tni Cies to-Eitaca amended-Constitution. ...' ~ '''" ' i ' -'' ' - ' pline., 'Edna) 8. , Thee ripinttnent, bi thk, L'eglilatnie. of Qualifications ;the inunimpal Officers as'the' idiot the pies- 'efl'otts Rion- - , lint-Ohilpta-to ishavg,..theterlitadi 4 id-lecids exime - "ted:',';`' with thesi - liarthensorttheat th e i r - "...tutTiort ' - itra4iiii m at iieut i :- gitrestinich":oolCeriiivilir;nitiVi; althea "iciaitiiirfO t t Vim * shanarlessethieitt "Iroard'in;lfsiigii) 'irecri - 04414, 't r azieenAriettuttror-Ensperote'litchrilis. - I It - Ji e i l iaiiiii n alf Asa s iminz violout , witboutlitelreilityA rid.' iieliiii tii krii I sent, rlaj therefore.latr , inWebnnt !tile ':i. - A ;''' ' _ Pereirtrefedtueder efrotimsts 'or peculiar ' 1110, - , :_,HEe i 400. , rejkoisr• . .'4, Twitter," iit'litiiiti hyliiiiiii iliediif ittlitutrafilirpeild*to , --ireftWiii 'Mad; l' .'" *ld into 4 nitikkand4ll l3.l P l , l 4l4 6 4 lllo l#7 l° °ln u ilielea " litk" ~ ' v l iiirk44olll4ifir i arthir " Viii iietrini '.'that etatar ~,i6664o,oAffirk-wfuleta;'4 ta444*4, ------,,l;stitt4telia=3,te-l't.4 :,... - r,s -, :e.:1 r , !"., • ki' , ..l. ..4, , ,0 0 . TA ?,-,.er _ . ' -- i- f- -- - tesdet =l3=ll ii i ), tli; 1:414 .. views 7 -....-.1 . !..1. -- 1 - :- • -. i - 1. say . on true omelet stay . numb ionable, but . When- edit ,Ishall . be -I . hi led 'an _Pie day of paym itt . sliall come ;•iw 7 7the ,(which are to i 5,4044 like 1 ,els: IQpitlorls'orilet.,./ft 17 . Mtb.0:0 111 .0'. - r° *iir4 1 i; fer.Payment,)sns4 ' linstiftto nittuOty,.: lien the: railroad Int; h4l Slo_lo ane-*- Ficin:ishall rtgittinfeka: Otettilort4Ali n tirt!ti Oh A l Cir :1 1 . cill , . i i e-i•Pl.ifte. VI Igive' alp cie pladelo•itti•giciiii tb: be prOI.O 'tilty/the grinding (Actions o tbe tax.:-gathe r. - .•. 1 1 When the rich s a ll 00 hnpover. shed;and. the poor shall, be ti ' 'ld prison ', whtin all .classes shall be inv 11 4 ,t4 =iii milk. ofl debt beyond the means o 14ayt ent; Whe . individn al industry and entc ris rib:aka' ' ' ;with:the destruction of indivi urd ights; wh the free men of this Colunio vier . ' th - shall_th _ become: the bondsmen of Cs* tions, I slihlt; if sue t irMng,.have the m .I.lne oily - conablatlen of . lineWmg-that I. hay. - - end avored tW he extent of my feeble AMC ~ 4 . ? ,iti_ert thTi talaMidst 1 itd from - my felltiarel ' iins i llindfitinar i tain:their : rights:a : pill:ollY - luiritioli ton, ing of the prtneip . . 0 t o.cOnatitti ten.l - As I think ate injuAll a ought , . , .; be grailt7- ed for the ieasOns - already avaigne, , it - is u n ? necessary =and' icupr .pe i r,lon ,this. PreliMinary: motion, l to consider the '.ther-Pain nrge4 , in sUppert' of the appl catic .„ .., :,...,- i :I-. - . 7: - 1 justki La u rie n.4..1de ivered an cpinienr— ti4 Coin . ..idea with' ,Inikle Lewin; : t.., , t ;ap..._ - plimitien for. en inj ,nC idu 'should ':o., rusted: IllizniciPal . corporat onajthe J4dge,lcont nded; had po' right, - eve , - .1, 1 / 4 7Lb :the conienti f the stature, And o s i tu. itjarity,.pf (Se ,i;ens,. i i tq'liecinne steckhe dtirsilin , Railr i,a.c rpgrze-„ _tuna. •'..The e:orpo `tis"ittt aided-14 the, itsent;:r, tnent;are private - oinplutieS,..snd: pot. ptiblie,• • and. the Stitmtance pc, .hu, mfisu !Titan:reit out,' ivouldi be to. .. • • -eta .xottniel t Orpui*. don, and therefore _1.14 . citizens, . 0, , _ - 0. some p. extent_ all 9w ring . ritiltiry where : ' i „Members.' of, a' ppikati , -co •' ration; tt , iroul take.,thai properti'ef the - ei izenlandinyeat illnia-Prti l vate . ceMpany. T._ e.gaterimwt .k , Orit force i any parrion of the peeple to e m' i' k their n'. ; ter,eits in the spec li.ititoc:a prig , to iftirPere trap or partnetabi ; ilk govent ' entail inter: ference is eicled • bii i heWhaje 4ppiri . t.l of the' bill - of 'rights.. Th, h.larned' ,lidagii addedi•L-.. 'The incongruity fithtproceedm is . presents itself in a' strong I ght; tf: we talee t nto 'conaid. oration the: rule. . ltiebilmi- been a often.or finned,- thai, tic* of a Piiii to . eprpara: tion is placed 11 - t el Cimetitujihnl of-- the ,Uni. ted States, entirel • ileyond_the.: eueh of rd State power. '• :1 i, ~ . - •.,1:•`-.: - ; I _:lt. Ls stated' that oi , ei ! sixty - mill lars are invested i • .thin :dray, in - se : under various :le 4f- 1 ssembly.l is equal to the - a , . e • valuation _ _nil*: Id; he C4O nti es ant aq,ig theltior, tutiOnt may bi 1 ; i'rtit t.- ::Whatd 1 t. .• .. , a' 0 itica 41 I; oil vate chart in' Stidnal wit)! ... ' but by th 1, i 1,.„:-. 'goverriin 1 rt,y.4h irt. , . .order: ; , ofi bb o: . tbo, t,l It eiercisesl .. . . . r, log rather to 1 N.p.ogerty .'w , chiles of : he::t . +banishe - 4, itii 410,4mi1e - of a ; a•Olitiin'Onlyin ;ichicif tha lawn a-0' i--- land t.l*, o - reeritett.hor.disre OttOntered in torylkohe" dei. 4 .1 - TO *am:ill:Med tekirtjimclion eh' in About balf the tOry.of this State, Th but this le unim proposition 1 It under the control tions. Not by the i3on, acting for hi . ,grn oveutent.. T with - private 'pro fond flit. contiot the government. to.abdicate • pow Private _hand ` *. • were subject to t iditution outlawe sent lit() the' - de ration, whet° it , and where the v . stitution' is unh the, independent: ,c 1 Judge . 'Awrie 1 riVate ri hts.' . ation..lf "t, e-' hiS p 'I his opinio that I ted. • - I ._. . . _ ...- -.. Imm ens . Ca ..*.' -.- . 11 .Tile •Ltizerne unic4e• -isf.'' vV, „„a s s_.. - ..Tiipso teh have net, ,she,; Baltimore ',Vein; , na Seir.the..Cel . .. 'ken outer the,ll Itinikieiiiirnii: l der-pray, and .w ielt. iiSihont . . 11 .the Crystal Par 64 i t il.S4(ithii, A coin* of sal d cold , fen'i,.fee TWENTY . Nl'lyil;f4i iii , .heig 1 saw this hate a aft if teal - , 'Wel l of the vast-weal h thiit,iiiiderlai! !tiideegY inter Stin4 and; 'alai!! When . this Blac il'aMind eelal "erect in the Fair 'of 'till *atoms , : be not the thing whip iiit - -''Ull! dmw.the most a tehtiiik:ls:dii6 ll freta,different-pi a* ,jive ,teaili,,t: thin, but as the .are 4f much - .11 . ',1 thaathe one' to liiiird.lieferiedll'; deem-it neeesSa ' teilefef :battle' Mr. Itilliard, M Beikley,iMrJl Col. Teeelmin,, Will - all',-_ be . Our citizens ha ' :. ecnitilliiited-it expense of tro • mount of Wy4 1 it neck in .t tfie best onimery .4- Lars tnAtitrny th porting : these:a. And what wi greatmtd. from totho,gieitteaf .:nlutitral, 7iie July, A etit4l:," of the, above / , ‘llsgiitine mail, Ni s t , h 7 ll peo.4t. ili! i of them lon4--0 1 411 ecti4mio?t pie, iglizi the paperis of • - '• .- foi(11; ter-press, the tit* satisfied:with the t ~.-..i ' P.,, ey §t. J'ahn, - ztpd 9tit 7 Tre The Mil:taints pf i_Art, . each. nuniber-tiont4inini . tr etigrefiege;•"bi , 4141 est, S#juce ifriet; 4:4 York, $3 a ;i•ear.: ~ - ..i . - I ,',_ . '• 4- .T# NEXT •been 143 Dem 4eniate elected land; tiped ON4arss• • I „ W 112) • tc! !ivit Iltstifsjpp! ~ .beral have ' - ,;. 4 .. bitiltAiLli , ii(11 ; - mietior dOttional - opil ,), on V . 1 liiii4 X.M. I . ltpii - I . li. M ~ kii;...40 11' .- T 1 . 40'.44 , 0011 ..01,P30v :: i,ki... - Jii, ig.i : p oo l : •F,, on[,. onal foi " ei44 Olt ilk :ensiof dol-' enditS4tN ~ oat . % of Property half of terri- . thinly pop ovrstal.ed, hen 4 is/ the is property !red ..orpora -1 each per oriil of -the nt interferes place it be i~iduat=Arid !n crier molder it jo 1 1 se ids tions nw+the retations,and 'rate - cOrpo I xilo's rights,! h d , of t!03,4.i0n.! oat laallot of ided: an eastern- - , elopment of y,eirpresaing 1. old, be grim , 'f Coal; .dile B 4#3' 49 to the ain.of cam! I Aleivim shipped ` to koriti seeing aquani and tI - Till we oz6-itrriarn . iit thisvalley. t astounding. shaji stand e marvel if it will ttior columns tnwisporti ;• dimensfohli we do not 1101m . nn, , -and: epresented:—= thonituld (Int ink► nn Itown.- I ta9g- ..Coal -v. - In building wo . rl;f! numbers 13' in one El elegant, ithe 4 U : 1111;6 . 4ts, - Pct !.i 13 .7"T uMnthli isuirl,! !tilts a . No. or. Jar. ~ 7•`, I,P .therli 1108' intt tiyAbpiLn Ir. • • - .11819.1114 hoill oleo, MtM= tllO . Nwdiein the 118th JresseaSciiii we - RlV4(kent t,Botrir t tintAs4 ?",The:Goti r - ..-. . . .., The.Prtylor.totmg Met.. _, , o p) Democrat ,, a 'the =: nfollowing 1.0 a4o4,are4 P4ragraPba; Ovetgxlweesink 4 10#14:!:*itINthe 4peration pflel4s:,ilkireOii_ io*V44..ifir-ino4 eiident and mltiked 4 oni ' 'ninlltr)' ., :t z-: -.• - ' :- tilitV ~,'•. .'llte'etZt t 's2Oks that journal,'" -thai - 4 Iliajkr", i it .., tf the , t'ontienten, as soon ait tliii-begin tn : • , . e eretse t itt'ffitiiiiit'tn's prerogative of 'voting, Ole in.favor -#Pihe dernotiratie tiaket, is but ecirroborattve• of the statement above made.- 7 • 'I d whtehould it tiot4e,:lio I 7 - Has-net •thel T AtiiVi.eall and a yfor tl l t l e ,e n i a r ; 1 d tit in ie l s 'e traionYorithin"YeLsityltimup br avely. eof entustrineets? They I find that:- the' dethocratie-1 • . •. . rty kas . alWay-S; hefni_ •thelrue jriond of _the pole gut : i ti aii m - -, ,,,c t e n v n e d i i :mj e ,iti n t ru i .4 6 y ed s so th il n iti ti s oc :to t d ri e n f e end ol „t b Oppressed 'against, the m.:chinatiOris:'of the strong ,and the} hence„feqa o _ • 50,,,,5ta norkni 141:ildtirdeliiiiiiaitif - their.lTtpport; 'Aye; utore, - • ” - ' ' - • - thanthin: l'hey 'Can• also •,-see„,,ltovir Marked •' - . • E11i.40240013411.Ct6111. ~. , ... . , the ingratifede. of iltes witig - sliai been in thi' • ,•Onlhi,English railroads thi-erinducte r treattneut t whieh tivo.of theirmoetdcstiogubib ; mi.'s - firth% 9,1 . the - .train , receivis fn - ed leadera OVehster and o,4 l o:rei.eiv - ed,.--_- N o t bands_4lbe,proper offic.ei-,:itchronemi + With the':Detncieratie party. ":' Here Merit re. arl.nn; Moil ; approved ionstiti - ction -eeives it-Aldine re.wardi'and thtne,#hernie—fore.l e n h o r t rzcze i tr it y =e h lo e s i zd hef tt s s i t il d' i tle a . e t ori t tu e el i ,to donervie in tite-A•a - use are regarded With i i PiCulini catch the partPCTll.O - Presnut t : earn - - kis. •k 0... P.tet'helliands the _!.."chronometer I , , - d •.--•- -. -•- • •I olliCeirt - ant 4 t '' ' ' bent Air 4 . 11 , 43 P-r!i• 1. .e‘a tla 1 . 1 714F - . 14 . - .'•! ( i u Pi tn • it4v OY 1 tame - an o rP ,eOrap%ire:'i r t ec w i lt e h i tit t' e:ta hli nd! °l' en'_ — , I he - executive of • this fl'vana 47"1 is nano 'a ) _ ..„... -. •• . . -i• - •en k sdnitcjeof a railroad passenger train sinte.: 'Thine , are-bid •thelternmitg _of 'ex:tin-I ,--,-- Ples: If -the.-oecasioxi. required,: an -•tett'cled I Oa', tir•c'f treatanaaPonsibility than ti :fist _of„,_'Ulasetriiitti nathee-might..heliveni• to tat,q•P,_.r.:_ f a.n.MnPany,...n....f .. ..o,diern- - ... -- Nothitij t rinc.tiiiit :the young Men. of,. the demberatie- F'• P' l,uu . l. " 4- () UV - Fna n- " Tut. r uder • •trty - itiitiegarifted with'''Acei.- by • the ma , ses . • eretion . ', tellk.rencei Anal be se ' , !Arti ia Wayg certain of reapingi: ;list ite! - . 41.1fz ev -a r7114 - uld 71 '':. :_- c ' t li a' Jentrnited t i e ware fur theirserviee* - .•:, i .-',- - 1.4 , '; , ' 2."`Fi -, ,.. .. ~ the charye.of a train:til tnerlave tee Let then - .every -.Y4lMizMait;re•ho•ftill3i'lle.l.aulliill.Matrae : said i tliat = they `. - shetn ides tO,foin the AVhigrookl.,, pr 0 er.,. 4. e 11 . ,t h- , ! paid snek_a. eompenstitioti,ee fill mike 1 ‘Othier t iteneei'iif that act. ~•li he is -W llinrii. object for men of sjich-citer and ° al ' imite':iiii fbrtiitiei - with . - itclify viritti6u teiile 'Ogni - }'-tint! • 9 /) 1 '•1 94- . olUt i a w i th ' view h r ptinciplon Irarty • wh *:, biiii, ..s '` hero `, iiiiuziii4.)inaintiottgristenlot_pbeerrnmanasetnia,iak,ointgrantbspoeirrtal r. - i tutiversally :- rebtikedjiiktheX .o4.•,..... .-_ t , h • • sti , . 6 . - . •-,, •- • ices: =\ superintendents and presidents Of ' ilrei . t 6 di da ( . -1-, 3 P" / I F -? se- J.! .` l --- !'"-: -g l r which the best bf. them 'ut" ht '' ...,„c'eall , °.,ria,, - ,9,.9a! i ar,a" - ) wohl qaP a d--which ' i c k i k -•.-- . - i g. rt all MO eq;,.. 1 0 0‘ Pebele of more nob! , , spirits ,*- . - - - i `,.. '.. . . . I ' th e g4sar . l' ln s . lo . l. ', s°lw . h . eilrhi g liae: - : "8i . j3:13 . 4 . 6°,07tbhien , e°4-:-.11/et*l . -;'''.: ldi'6 " ilifihnia i! '''e ed "ii-17( t ' o afi t hl he idc c r o k n eils d i'- u ac c anh t i: o o r s s nuo . i) , ; Th eyt ' e e 7 y !h' i ti h iii e eld a le id -A :o lf t lul)u l r woulot, avoid assoeta-tonsisonestruett e:to the • iit, eve . r . loiced tolnutby their Own t i ne iteepen, ienelik. $, pi ii t., and. enthusiastri thyd, be. found': in thii' tii) in of 'every YO ng 'man 'a'alf bit'thesn tested and 'lnpt ion - Staidly& l i crate. hy_the Comp - anY. 1 • F;Veli the Camden: let- him Ijoin the d es riiratie party, and ht will . - , Ambok Railroad we - noderstand,' do th' find th tit h -* " a "(I** '- - a i e, astna. +4 a wise- an pi tchnis.-se: :.and - : . ps 1 . ~.... 1 ~ this furnishes su ffi cient - ,evidoncif 1 teastion._ _,.. - 1 -Tel) . that , t. is .important. for , the' Wet] the,tnin,- but - that-it is, :On' the ' , whole; cheapest polie.Y.—PrOrirreace Jottriai:- APrivateid ' ' . l,' ''Ait - i . , amer aw : air.•i i ,'' ii • -ti th' ti - ' rs ci-iiliiisaiii la;.,_ -ur twn was to. ea e (',of a novel, and exciting ' scene, ;such: . as.we :s . m ometimes read. about',but rarely - witnesS. ' Sonic , half a dozen;females foreor(less, , all . Married, We befieve, and, of iespecta le stun-. ding in society, residing in ..Fairilel4-.-Steain Corriere, were "arraigned-before A. G `Sutton- Esquire, of this tot¢n.' d' •an on ;Ili - - iiieiiods• charge, of riot, at the coMplaint . ef a an patn, ed Kirtland, inikkeefer ef.that town: Yhe . gtr:-'' i eninit,anceS Of the Ltse, as we learn, hem, are these :- . -Solue - - one .be more ' ladle. Of that . ' place:knew, or fancied• that-the rtforelsaidinn. keeper fuirtished : the inebrieting - - arlaughts. to their Ifisband - orluthailds . .... - Whereupoei a . 'iiiati'4;4 operations Was concocted to 'put. step' to the practice. - Accortiingly,;tne" 'aggrieved wives; in , company with ionte (Mien or fifteen, neighboring -women, called apart- the eaves:lid landlord, .preferrod their "charges -of ' Selling' ' liqnor' te their Misguided buihandswllieh 'the landlord stonily denied)—and` del, anded a pledge of thetool,surrefider ,of the del, bnt the answer t&,which net proving- satisfac- i tory, they pro,e'eeded to tho Cellar of - , She-bitted whieli itiefo :entered hi._an open. euts-ide ,door',', and-tninihg the faucets to the'ilignoT. birrelre let the critter inn ; after-which, they: : quicill and umolested,. retired,: Hence the- *akin - ft; riot. T eleir . pri.'vorwa . : were ,eseorte4 .iito town_ hi `: large Delpher:el lAdies acid ~gentl33l ., men . - fro Fairfield, and 'we're "received' at the. hall of t e Sons , "of of Teniperance'' herii - --. byi a . crowd o Norwalk ladies in whitino: The Ox aminatio toek place.'„ in ._the ~.,Cart. ~Hot4e, which w i fill ecl, to ..the'britU.Witl-euger ifle i tittois.. of being present, We - Can. .only,:emk [ ot the result; Which' was' a: triiiintihanteequit4 withouLthe argument ,:ef countil:-`The fair -prisoncra . lveye, in, ciiery.ltense of the woirl;:the lional'oe, the day—‘thilobseried of,Observeiw:- They were toasted ' and feasted Witli'la free dinner at the IlansionlinuSe,' 'and`s . h4Wered with .tH4tots by otirlownifidiesAnd at evening serenadp,d. by the' brass ; band. ,- . , -AIE 14 Whs. a scone rarely. Witriessed,byr. ,Zur.: i esnally quiet toWe. On the artneuncement of acquit liit by the ennit;' a shfiet :went' ufilh'st ° !drool.; the -walls of the Giurt'HOriSele its I've Sr; form -4Lition,l7 Of course, 'withotit inquiring into the - 111 ..1it5 , 4r. Os. , tract justieeopthe ; caa .„ouraym : 7 , pathiii-aie 4 ith the tidies, lint .yre.,s ll,„-can -1. nit bet i regr4 Il.e'ir . i in - Patienee' CO'S ai t nit; the legaVeriactmenteralawle'redfda ' the''iril eltpplaino4 :.ef.--Nottiaik , K cant,' -,irexiri; - .71----,.., .',...- :?1 . V 24 -itedr-DIAIXder... J--.;-, „.i,, :: , ,t: ... ~...g - - ‘'' , f • s i t: ; A bo u t. m'u•d it ' iii ll: i ° : '6 : 6 : l6: tn ° ; ‘'. i l6°' :-d.k. i , :nl- 7 'B , - t fi t t ` 6:e griltidiiiiMrriligr:ll, rill which'. f or :hiatitityiinelero7l, 4l , 64,4atrperr; w nA h railel in the. Taylor ;, in _ t° ' r „,',,,,, , an(k.labout; e# ' inNatick, ' just . nu l ' lr-t 'i the present - from the ste9Do“ , ° ~ ~ '. a x i s: mile*distan' -,/,•thAs'iinliriAteulk'n ~-., massacre --. ' •Tini . le.',_ , --r .1. iu- iirtheretiie...-- 't 'ri and-lus-wl e,". •-• ,_ my c..! i for of : the. ntl ; a arm * i-, at tn. jebw;Ctiatirmin.. : , . ki. _ - d , ,,i n 3wl is mut-about 19 Yor: .. - ,4. - :!;', •-:;t-4 . Abonf the ,0149.9,4%11iiiia fr ont .v.arletis,,,,!9lF" i, - ,,NV,i hive . beer k ir in6:piiiiitideire,,,-ttoB": ~„ tn - i ) btabt the fo .ow . r. t tirt;_ki,-fific?ntoldr.- ---- hat ChoPfnan . ' /It ' d a ' 1;- - -A. man ef' pears ' t toinforni•hhFrMiOttle#° 1,,...,,, , „,,,,, °ma'!" lwet*';ve`,*ol2l4l4ettam'anrilall7-7 led' been thrown,fiym la ': :F C. injured,and rel P rir°ll ...- h "." .4"- ittthi:,Aiftnit.4-, was - a t. hie'wkfew - ' bentVbf in 1- eit - snd.dnh)iluedrFheihots , ~ ::. deg ;_sho- W .e,.„l,ll43l62.lworitlingbr° • l aw,,LuTVil.',.;:nnpnAy ...w.t9t'9.P.f!p Y r i ii-i - e:.' hi----71; " nn ti"""iinittife prefintone; 2Lr li ~,, outside;:' 0411 1 mae chi s ~ son. - 'lota 411,1,WL°47,1blikie‘ Piilau'''Chatniinn 'll6floli'.ll#:9l'-:44l;;Atiini rtri tile d ia n Aimifetur 'with - ailli*.eivfml7 f , ~k o., find-Abby 4?,e hand ; . d th.'''Hitb"ilir '''‘`inliii.,-,.--t- iiativiiiltior death.' '' A Ahelnia' i* lt-1- , 1 - 1/*l' k P it4r by. --,7,-- ft - yd e riotp, ~laying' -,,,, l're.lettntidiiint4tsik.P ~,40,4'`• - rthitriaena. hi4 ,and.O' Erw- -.,.. 4 - " r ,it,,,- mind tifr.ttio i k a . s . ,l ,-. - --.:, .. - Th e Editor - ...44.,i,tie 5 -i t as ChsPitimi'*"'"-- '7 I ' Tafttliiern, ii*lgt Plltor-ifi':fi ditAtee-f, I* ' ,e `* - = 1 " -- iiiiiaikl not be fie-pfdyyd -MAL t ; °30 * . n .,1,. liiiiithir. v'E.„'.llAstillOc.,„ rats idit*tlat_l4ll l l 93,;., :in un di decla. table continuing~ k , ,, a ,, iiifilthr._._4 ... , ra.., ihi J,'*° .P ,, i1 1 -.,nh ea ld - Ile! : I, 4 6nthe front P ai`-c ' t tu a ax ',6-...ttelse,t4th7 .*l-1171r10 l eg it . ii• .. 64 - -- ii - ot 'viol': '''''''. • ' friiihtftil 1-*ll'"‘''' „*B ;;Th''''-coree- tit inli9"? ~. .•Ithis.'iireatficirl'l:,, -..-.-• erenting. a ‘ f•. .I._ the - ilypf• ~$?-4,'- • - ` ao -titer* Ww*,-.- - '. ‘ ..• - c o if _tht.thii ftiier; W g !, 1 15?--ii .r - ~ . .t--v -:.....' ~They are ...: ,bfiddieetc`trw pnal 'ple44nd eitend i ng t s t h e bttiw ItoOcr•'"',„,_ , i ,.. - t': --- - • ;bliflite-..;!,,, I) S'i,' :-1- rfralkeTitr°,;,,,iiltitirbielli!! ( ' . .r.'7, . m IneAreftirtlY, ft ,7-,, ; - ..•,z-lt ','-'. .':'-',.„ -'4:.,'-'-,71F;. ii,AtentgOworr 7 7 !` 7 ' 77 -if' ::;`. -:-'' ,t- i =-. ;,.'.... ' , 1 :: ' '', , .„, ..,.. :rit.,ltibi l i nto, .. ~..,, ~ .., . 1.,,.__,... ,,... r ., -, 1 ,„ ; '-,.t ....,,,,,:,;•,...,-4", : _...: eXthieu '. ' ' ' ' ,-.., -: vto4rtoOn !1n;,t,,,, .-1 ~, - b9o . ,''' -..."'1i... ... , chikpomalthifil IV iiiiirtaioldittl*Kthfk. 1...6 ~-Is'f.V2 , . i'yeoil.*'oleF!e.' 141601 tietil iged N. '!, 'i, ivilbiiiikiati*.*! ti . o. ; - -A-I; intolf i l!? 4 ,-, , , ay of liar tAUSII"ki, ikiitii iffe-Othir ' ', •-, - • : - : - 1. ,to isjIIVR---4 i f [um- , He broke )o,, r ,thet..t ry i n iiii t igif:ko_,..: ..,..-i 151AT,p.... East seethe!, en ' IthelitWlw "1-I,thTit, *- Alitiedrilialt' 6ll= ' i * ,, milli& tenit'AOlii'i '7it,,,,,,,,.:' i.l it 4 th‘lititeke:l*l.7ttri:ellhol44#:•,lll4. .W.•lLWiifirCi'l''.4- Al7. 4hit.W. - O - 14;i,ia it . floe 1 - - " ' ii'liefoiar- :d411,111T1.4,-,--, uiti t t,l - :by; .. wand ui„--4-14 le.;&!.: c 5 , T.2 p. -an ~... , „ t - .'th e - ..,..T. ~, ,_.3,,,,,-‘, ,-., . ..- • ."-a fivt ite n - '' ----v 4kA akt.litii-excuti'.,d),F-t. , •••fiwitilif . 11nr,t,., : Dally iwr i 7r14 . , ..... , .. „„ 10 0 ndfy, ,, ,_ , 4_---, -- ,,,g init '''. &Atli& 11 ! fteri P er4 ii __,..- -6- •ty "VtillOfilt. L...}.k, -we "royal" e-T;7,- ;-_ - _"4":: - - ' ll4 . . -.- ---.+ ' ' .. ed -, Tllitfto " 66'1E,-.211-s- jiriiirg ; 72 : " r '-- , i . ,-- , ` ' - AftlYV' ~. •:.."-,•• -.-I ntaleY, • - A . w.e_reulit,",ptilessittil'el4olllll3CW:,iii 14.1 t ‘a`Trull'ithfinikkt;-;‘061„;!%.:,..i., P- - '1'‘:"11:24:11,,,,eii,„1-116-' 41 :14 i8i :• fj66 - it- ter4l' la ' -'l' ''ia, iier1"::::::::: :IleiPo,r4l,llk."l,Y,ll:::::'kiti:::,vd;-Eit-2*: 'th e "hike- --•,, -----:,1A,r,"..--",kttl'4.-„, , 144t,i - 4, 4-,-2t., iJaresnt-: iiiikfilciesun-Y-.,...1)- M . laillti3O., -- ~..i• ~•Va. in t ,„l, e V # 1 ,...1Mi 1f • b Soll'Or . 1 ..- 31 i 0 - 4 %. ABU 4 o,oos4,...l,,,,,tVieft4frigillfg4.l"tt, Pattrit% . *, ,' Miiiri*t.l4-..., ,ortili ACA 72, Is-v:407.44;:;;:,:„.:.::344:_.{..;:,,, ~,,; ;D iu. " ‘;;;;:i n,:: i ft.. 4o :ii -y, ,, ~,, 7 a , i_te: ff i::: ,,,, ..L:7 lll:: : ff:. , o: ,T. _ , ,ti, 0 4,7i-77 7:T'gor 1160,07 _lk.foaiti„,-6:7,;-7...it_iii:iih, :) #:!,°.-..,:i• r-. 444 ~ 1 111 ,A iiYi r:4lo,!'nfkr. ,-.)-1)41r1r0,t~.-- = -,, ri i- r. , -,- , -- - - 41. 14 il.ll;l4,,..A,li*Mtlpt'zfliita'l,l4; ..#., a f r , . : Frotilli). w it. Bc . - -, ~ Ti, ..,-: . 1 ., Iverthfiioi' 4ti , 0,7- 7 , nrlf- :1,,,-i* rsitobiliii,i;l sq _ . ',.. - fe.-v a paday,_ ~ '4t,,- - trailli%.,L-Y.-41,ff 4- 1 - .'„;:_..;, t , viiiiiir TUUktrnt iC it sist.. • 4 - 10.1 k, a t id `, : 2.;l':* ‘s7i''- _ I .• . -F • ' i: '', ,‘ ''' '.-1:- ....:: : . 1 11 - ,: : ; . -1.." '3t4...,1,1; 'cki:.-..1,,,,...'.;;:.C17,:,"..:1-.":"..; Fw iii'''t i. ' " , ''i' yc .:4:4lt':'*:l''it'''..Yg'..l;W,t.e.:7';,,4..•„.4 i ...' i -. '-'' , " 1-:;!4 ''''''''' '' -`~~ti;$Il~ - ~-.. r:40.0-NIAI Zfi:nret:T' - -- , :€11-_ , I - L,-;: -, f-w-z ,-, -,-,::1•;:,,1',v_r1,,ka-41 I' - - - Foreign' News: i l iraijstitigh 'ateaufet:Aintle arrire4 e lircirk'iin Sunda -l osiiirnirtit.„ - Fthe.le ion thei;7th. ' s . a. miepur difficulty Itaiiiittled - n:k '' fore' ; ;ewing to. like nritattientic,in 011igenie from St. Pete, ut7ttilinthei,,t et:'Sza had accepted or teittlifileriCnitte . nate ~. tut ittuended--or at aliiii:e&rlifiistriatiltart. The teat of the , !Ittir; with Aid with Out the alteration*, f tit: 'staple aubict of remark and debate the, leading_pOliticiana, and in thei - cohima t iliff.Pre§§. ...., .-.. " ~. ...-1 , ,. . . , .. -. 'All qttiet in France, the supply of cOi the modified food tariffengaging; the attei lof the peo p le and the Emperer. I ' The Arc le itrouirlit two hundred and! passengerai 'Among thm large number sengers are Judge Ingraham of:Yew y 0) lifra.iillacikT4tri Storie, .:.....', '-'l , , [, ,-;,.. - ",.. Brcadstufls had declindd in Price.- EM= - Lovem akin g in - Olden Tun' ea. . . Tim ea. - In ' the ' hiStoirf-of the Troubbadinirs very long and .curions'directions for tot love.. In, thri - reign,of Elizabeth, the folio' - prieticesprevailcd:-- I Tlaying with'.the finger in amorous dalliance ; sitting or at' the feet if their-Mistressesia ,telf um looking sugar-plunia in .their . .,eyes, 1 3 : called gazing closely and-amorously. it -other's eyes. . Theyalso .exbibited "iha sion publicly% ~ EI, pendent-lock of ' hair, platted and tied With,. ribbon:, and hangh tl '.le ear i waS so fa - shit:fable in the age of l i hare, :aid. °' a ft erward*" thet:: • Chrirles I In rts ny of hiS courtiers -wore theni '..T.his w worn,orrtheleffliide, and hung dot t_be.slioulder,considerably longer thin th of the hair, soinctinien even to the kirdl was: supposed to -- have •th'e effect of ft, lov'S and - was •originelly.;kFrench t ea .Wigs•were made to imitate it. -.Burton,' i to the love-lock a tlower.wernin the.tar. ling the eyes Was . a,"'inark of exL tenderness• In the,foni part ofthe:An anciently a pocket, Where:Wothencarrit;i letters and tokens, Money". and, meter needle Work. - When prOrninent staff 'worn, lovers 4ropped literary favors int If a woman put a-love-letterinto ' the pocket,jt was a - token of hee...affection.. low garitind.were_ wort: " 'by: ; , PrPns 'pointe.d in.leve, su p posed d - froM the-tree uniting, : chastity,,, or the farboui'pasiav .I*titag... The Oeities atlowtd'to lon .even:to ithitliti'attiliatitutleei; in the tiay. Elizabeth and Jame 4; wereiery-bideconni -A ST. hiri:9-LADS(...whii riot longst, ried a Ifortuoti and leudirated to the S: Pity, *rites quit the! Alormeif city 'is rate place for a new stittlement,'„ and standing sickness-iithe fluidly "and. tl Cows,' she c4atotta le' Alia contented.. Brigham Yotnig so ' wire says, the tr i timbersiventy-64 is right,- can tell you le is 'about the - best man I No man is fallotied•te have Mori:thinot eept he, 3erin *ell'look after them lever. here - in the-Salt sad Thomas has no thought of my : mom Every man he likes shoji; it. , Tue FAD% ormts.-.4surearrliiri cpen et_ Castle Garden,: on Thursda) and ceptinne.threOgA the two-ensuing Tile Vial of Ploweend -Spading Mat taks place at Flatlittih the 70th;. et' , ghew et the Gerden On-the 11th; ilejShOiF at Hamilton-sqn*' on the the! 21stinclusive; Annivetsary. delivered.ig, _pew. SiNgtos st Pplitin Hail okthe evening of thp,Slo,lll.l Ve.liVe doubt. that tile great .00 bitlowat the Ciystal PahkeesO!. far ir" shadowing arid-AViargini, will inspirit prove tlie. Institute 1.)4.z.- 4 .,..We. hen alto .e...o 3.9 44aYeiltoilk . :!oo d 7 lduzlifieturel 'del - fling te: exhibit eholce pi. 'Rservoit4scpisieibnt: will be IT -- ham &roe . it Castle Garden..Pilesirs....l l es *their ifVut are is el an ether everlit lorodeced;+:llribi fiAt aid iiineipaity, ktio iielefge ::which' is' r!ciiss4iy for so, ¥aii dZkem&ei = N«¥ is' ri . ecifitk:ar)v lifiisfur - ipsyttinini:. - wiy _of After Wards "cottiielfiry, offiskientat - firitixon, leisure 4ind forilihe:' 411(4: -1' well;4laft*ei's 614 ..4 ttoi 4 whiel Ahiiwa Ia -and. abo!e, diveler Vidukhi.lA- ' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers