wi t sitingtO Nevrt-tand-!Classip. , ' The New Yorkellerald's;Washitigten cop realifludent learns, at the - State Department • Abed Mr Bucharuni has solicited to Hon 'John , A ppleton, a prominent ex4nember.Of Congress, . f ro m Maine, to accept the poi:lion of Secrete; T y of Leg:dien at London, _ Solon Borland, of Arkin - teas, has been ap pointed envoy extiv_rdinary mid Minister plen ipotentiary of the, United:States":to Ceetral Ame rica. . ' • • Major Cautivell and Robert Strange:- hive ...isitildrawu their - applications -for the district Atoracyship of North Carolina, and-the. Pres ident has decided to -make - the apPointinent froiri.the western part of the State. - . - Charles S. Frailey, of ()hitt, has been. itp onted Chief Clerle of the Land Office, vice Caliell, removed. 'Vie Washington lUnion Genies theiePoited ill health of the President, and says - .that his h e al' decidedly has improved,. andthat he gai!ad, bath iti.strengthand weight, since ‘n, the insug,uration. , John Van, Boren and a delegation ',of ";soft li- 4 'shells" from Albauy,.aro in Washington, to J it is oiid, the appointment of -bln. Jehason.of the Argus, to the Posituastership - - The lion. A.G. Penu, of Louisana,has been appointed, Commissioner for the construction of the iniipiiieent new custom house now i s built in New Orleans, which, when4otn pleted, will be the most elaborate and 'eaten ore structure of the kind belonging to ,t,fi n . gorerainent of the United States. lisjor Slams has nearly completed:hie 'tie:. • rangelnents for the survey of a northern route for-the Pacific, Railroad. Lieut. 'Down, with party of sixteen, hare been sent to Oregon, via the Isthmus, to start from fingeta Sound and meet the exploring party in ; the. mountains Another & the, party has been, sometime in Canada emilecting information from the Lind ' seq. Bay Company,. It is said that the 'lon. Thomas Corwin', on his return froth • his approaching continental tour, designs b)cating, for the practice of his pnofession, in Louisville, Ky., having made ar rangements to residein- the immediate vicinb; ty of that-city. -' Mr. Kennedy,. late Snporintendenti of the Census,' has. been - appointed member of the Royal Statistical Commission of Belgium, having previoUsly been chosen, corresponding ' member of the French Academy. - - - - FromWashiiigtori. N,'VasrirsaTos, :lprii 3U—Midnight. We halo the following nominations so con fidently spoken - of this evening by reliable men, that we shall speak of them - as if definitely. greed-upenr , Gen. Dix to France, to say nothing of Go's - - Seymour - to Russia; gives the-soft - shells the prepoaderence in the affections otthe adminis.- trution. But Gen. Pierce acts upon the doc trine that. prima facie, all are good democrats that united in his clecticia, and on the. Balti more platform. That'is his chart, and he does bot•o behind the record to inquire 'Whether !this or thit man , was a backslider in 1848, or f 19 . • • lames Gadsden, of-Sobth Caruifria, for Alex.: jco,7wi'd make the." abolitionists' tir their stunipscr lie was a secessionest 856--1 on the h , .g:ro question.. it ivas who sag. - .pied the plaa of establishing a footing fur the South in California; ,by carrying a good stoqk-jor slaves into the southern' section of that couhtry,, so vrell adapted 110 slate labor, •, and hile he 15 disposed to the thost generous polr with Alexico, he is nor th4ltrian ; should Santa . - na desire to sell the Northern Alexi , can fret:Lief ! who wiiHecline to buy for fear of another agitation of the slavery qtiestion. There have been. a variety of other matters appn•the, carpetvF4lt r i the last twe'days, with regard to--Mexico. *bend that Gen. Pier. will abide by -o , treaty stipulations; -, and repudiate. any • IlliTtElt: Departure of ei-Pr e , .t Van Buren for Rl:mope.. • oar worthy ere-PresidentAlartm Van' ren, took his departure for Europe- at' 12 eel. k yesterday, in the steamehip Aretie. 4 ' ,For an hour befdre the vessel left. the;dock, a large. number of his personal friends were assembled Int board to bid him a:hearty fare - well and safe retire to his native land. - Atnong his nnmer ons and acquaintances were Benjamin F. Butler, Dudley Field; and sevetal of his old associates and: adherents. Although occasionally a Shade of regret would path over his - hce at pe thought of leaving, behind him, even during his short absence, se nanny . tried Mends, he 'was' generally cheerful; and appear fit° be in'exellent health, talking to those erouiKhini in'his. Usual. self-p . osies.sion and easy manner, Mr. Van Buren is aecompaniefl bi his sonllartin, whose ill health- has been the chief cause of his present trip to Europe: lie has, boil:cc - 6r, for some'years past, enter tained n strong 'desire to see the Continent and visit the princip. cities-and:other:, places of note. Wherever he travels he - will attract no little attention . . its the finst President of: the .tented St4es who has visited Etirore; and we have no doubt the he will =receive a' cordial welcome. Mr. Van Buren; it will'be rernein; hered, , , visited England in an. official capacity,' having been appointed ambassador to London. by General Jackson; but is hiS apprpiutment was defeated in the Senate lor the castingvote of Mr Calhoun ' who was then 'Vice Prekl4ent he was recalled. This, -howeve.r, was ..Zrtsv his 'election - to the chief magistracy. Al though in his seventy-first year, he appeatt; as vigorous asa man of fifty._ Amid allthertoils and turmoils - incident politieal.life; before 1 - which a man of ordinary powers would -have Tenccimbed at the allo offorty,.he hag prieerced . his health and far tea to a remarkahre de; . ERIE RALLIROAD.--011 and aftr' MO nday, May 11, the folliming, trains' will be ma .‘Oll on the Erie Railroad : ' Duffalo Expros.s nt 6 A.:311.,-throngh to But -410 in 14 hours, Nla Chicago; Express' at 6 .-A, - if, through to - .Dunkirk in 16 honra, 'connecting with the Eir.- press trains tO.Cievoland and-Chiango. - Lake Erie , Expieasnt : 7 -M, 'through to Dunkirk in. 17' hours, connecting - with _the stearaboats for Cleveland and Toledo, and with . the lake'ihore. Mail train. at 9 A. -M. stopping at Patna or es bight. • Way train . at 3.30 P. at. for all Stations east of the Delaware river. . Night Express at 6" P. M., through to' blip ibt in hours, c onnecting with . steamboats : for Detroit, and Lake More railroads. Emigrant:and adeoruimodation at 7.45 r, -My !steaml)oat for - PierrnOut and 1 - Lorillard cosusty . at Bs. and 3.30 - • ' Mas. tins. Csns.--Th e late Mri .01815 was a daughter of Dr. Joseph, Spencer, of Cocnec-. tient, who reinsured toi , Laneing rg, bu New, YOrk, in 1786, at which lace/ sho waif Imp September 27,1778. re vim'idterwards alle removed with her father's familyto - Wood' tonnty, Virginia, - where she resided' until she nits married' to Genera! Cass in 1888, After, y *residence of:about eight ears fn Nualting.: am county, Ohio she came to reside in_Mich:' then p 't:rritory, over Generid h ad beeil afTaiat4ar Ptkientox, in 1815.-- 'r'am that titne `l4 the you 1832, she a 4 in Detroit, wheirshe left to makelier sea: idenee at Washinu with her hAand,Whe' ILA been xpOluted Seertitafy orWa g - Odic Sen. Jackson. In the year 1836. abaiewai; Puled Gen. Cass toter* ~ where Vie 'keidded !luring the eontinuano of his :term oups.uTarm. ie Nati, iettirnlit I**, -iitani Molg, 'dilate of him in 1841. 4'. The National Typi). Pidig Union tnet this morning qty' •I. MleXelraa►billt attendance; and:nine =tuti*irtiietikisan 'The following‘st4 , ' Unions. were ad.. ded to the Charter :—,.lLcielieitCr, - No. 15; Chi- Mtge, No.:16:; New:Orb:atm, NO; ; -17. ' _ Aoapplieadton from' the Cooperative Union of New - Torlt city was presented. Their det.. egateilgr.Smith, was admitted temporarily in the convention...;' After n- _Vong. discussion, n resolution 'ass offered that, lowing, to eitertml stances exbiting In Now , _York eity,"and not , I other localities; the Union deem 'it W exient,,l, that two nrganizationkshOuld.exiiit, them' su b-ordinate to the National -1111011.' A warm discussion' follCwed; and pending a moticni to amend, by granting the applicatiion.of the,COo perative Union; the - convention adjourned till . • to: ,',".Ziiiiiii,iiii , . AFTEE:110021" SEA. _..S. Upon reassembling the application to charter the York Cooperative Union was rejected, g. Mr. Sitlith made, u able defence for the Coo perative Union, _e c ompossizg the - inass - of Ike printers in New ork, and enjoying the conff: dence of employ , • - • -.- On motion, Mr mitb was admitted uMmi tt musty a seat nring the ,enwientiononith ot tho.p 'Yilege of troting.. 1 •- • ' ' ' , tirth • appointinent of several committees the Union edjourne4 - nritil to-morroW, at 9'A.' AV - '• 1 1 -• 1 • 'into N;ltietV Uftiort will -be in se:itsion some daA ball is to be give day night, hi the-Pitt It'BOStO 4 Priniers on a S trike . .. - -- L . 853. , etin 'of iciu I v ' 1.41" 2. 1 T ' ;' -e, men nate ' employ; ci 4 ofi lu t e he rn - Orning n vs_ pa i te . -- ra, l) wit s : kiekl:*?n Saturday evening, at 'lnc .it was resolved to deinand 5 cents 1000 emus advance, .and [if foil tonceeded, tO strike t is trorntag. Sevfral of the papets refuse.to . How the advanc, arUll the -printers-e now a a strike. :. ' ' 1 P.-S.—‘yi , ono o two expec.tations, the' morning pap rs have ceeded to the deinands f the Jou- ' nte men ,'a. dtheilattOr bevel' gone' f to work. . - 'l' - -. , I Bill Strike in ploy() Mai 2, 1653. printing office !afterwards. attacked Mr. aiin to Ty for protection.s •11- The. eads in_ Stu Struck to liitay, and Sherwood, foreink Springto 'be' Ezetutea-7 Illness, ,- °f ire. an Gibson. - P iiadelpitia;illitly 2, 1853. The warrant 'of ho gorerner for the execu! Arthnr v on Lth4loth of. June, was read toc condeemed mak this afternoon by Sheriff Allen. lie ataetfeeto not the aligib-1 test - eireeerri, end tirofessio readiness : to, die immediately.. but asiovp atedhis innocence and the ex pi _ pool.. r'• ' 1 14VERIXOL, April 14,18:,3. 1 ,. . 1 The oth "Sabbath morning, while lcavhig, my hotel in Liverpool, lihetird three i dlitinet;l' extra, well' efmed coups ¶le - canon, proeeedingi fawns inforkned:by James, the Waiter, - from'," the guns of steamship Canads.. James iul.!, dad that Blissus'Arriet .8 .huni;Sto' waSeat. peet43ii on the- steamer, an • then' 'there would; be " &much to - d ." ; !' - ;li Leaving the H tel, I h . time. irbile saun4. 1, ; -tering towards t wards docks, tfo observe„ the crowds of ch rch-goingpitizens, and listeni tithe hallowed nos of tne churcb-going belli. i Need it be said those Who. have heard Liv.ii .erp,ool ehimee, at this tintinnabulation earl ried.me -Leek to he woOds Of Maine, made musical - at ventide by the bells of home-going trine? So s rikineWaS the - siinnilitude of sounds that my f elinp , overpow'ereA me. I dreW. forth my dkerehief . and—blew ',ay nose ;•itt would hav been umninlylto have wept. • , co la arrivi g , t floating .platform called the, i t. •. o s e,, • f which the Liverpuddliims arc;, . (and, I fenind - rdyself in a crOwd of. sit; .hd ( 4 3. ;people, mostly, by their 4 •-; .in cotton offiees,and all gar-1 firer. - The cynosure of all; `' '• lite" river steamer, bring--{ 1 -- IL 13: Stowe froth the; 4. Satelite• clutnged her; , n, . laee, and then be-i . as ..“ Zur lusini3l theretreit' - •;: i ' 1 •.bledt - I f lam. justly , or seven. la pearanee, elt) ing towards eyes was the .4 Mg the mails and Canada. Suddeily, the course_ to .anothir landing . , cran a race of 'the crowd snot artist" Wight' pieturo - fromthe of the ten thousand Greek's— "coat.. tails and hair . Streamed like twid-metedrs on the tro) air!" Eh Bien ; soon the , Satellite mak . es fait to` th e stalri--eyery, dy Stands on tiptoe on ei'" { .eiybody elie's and all necks are elon - 1 ted to. look over cc rybodi Clie's hat . `, Beira as You. know; rath r short and_squabby, I wal under the necesiit If climbing up a passle, 1 individinil. in - ficit tomb n a view of the eft , : camp Then burst on , y enraptured ristci' ' isee, Petrarch,l arcalip.4 L ion : of the closet '. .veiled bennet of alady'si . ead, which we toO ' to be „MTh...Stowe, huriedl on a Ole of al4it bags..: - Attending on Atli , adfs bonnet was 'gentleman of : - strikingli intellectual: sip-w 4 who was,. ofi a coursel.hli 'b and . of the lady is i I n the bonnet, thougii th I crowd insisted that he. was Sam Slick, of . uo- nos celebritY,, land whO *is' known to be Mrs: Stowe's f( 1 14 low passenger. . lacer* of tithe the_bala4e' of the lady and gentleman was extricated, I prowled arm in arnt r L diitta lane obligingl opened by the people to ally 7 -.lncob's, ono:4 horse, two-wheelod, - drab - lining, - ` copy of iegnt - lotions inside,- farc.ona - shilling a mile from tha stand, horse;brown,,and off leg With will stocking' . , We ':mention these' .partieulari : 6 the 'lase- of:the histhrian... Mrs. Stoive hafin l i beeti ,carefully put inside, by the - driver; the tention.of th. British 'Public was, next -, ' ~. .. i .ed to her 4 y "- pl nder,- *Web duly ap , . ,'.. the uhapelf s • trunk lrith the inscription B. S. ' Th - assured that the ' areibat " lady ' was rio .- .other than the authoressOf UncleT. and owner Of the. Wink, what a 'shout rent . rgrl h was a trio Bull "Hip, hip, boti w ith .the.ahr . tut utf, - being Sunday- some beMi . f individuals, forgetful ,orthe ' ered driy, thrizst their Made through the 414 l and -windewa a the fly: to giTg the'Platrie) l strangersj the grasp of-hospitable welcamei that shore Urberepi Uncle Tnin can live 4 .4 fact thatY; . and i . 'tithe Permitted- 1 her' ~ doubt the more ; . ospiMble,wanld .have, - ed theoliii. ; - , ee- with beer.li .1113 i 144 anyone had ' 2- nee of . mind to make the tri l. peard,theAtirky . ,it ihi hfeW horse with ti , white stocking It : li Ck-011 the near Sialit:•ot. I bead ; -- the" ' . . kicked Out behind; , end '.- stove fauglY.4e-foi the hosphable'*; i_ly of Mr.'Crti . , r.7:-.Anlither , eheer split* wlbaill itai° , lll *' ' 4 11 C*0 11 4 1 i0 6 = 116- 1 1 ) 0 .3 ‘d ifithiir d -•iition T.:- .-,,', •' . .:,:-.." ; I -•.-• ' - - . _ .---7-7- - ' . '-'; -,' NO*` , : -- 'll in i '9*ol ' - ::la--340 - 11,14iiiiiiiikilit. .: 4 ) :24, 1 ettc:ptp*ed - :A': fitileasion or the—. ,-- ,'-, 0,,f-.4'ethijii ll _ ,waAndi. t#4.1 1 44° •116 4PrOr•Lnil'''utiftr,:' newt init44. - . .044110441: - !.....1. ' • In - Pdbligiungiakk ; .?':illeu..li'littu ' i'; PlthrOd 24 knka*OKS-i" --'-'':.,--:- ' ' ':-.,.'f-'„".•' ri-:, •. if Age. biveita-1. - - ..: :41-„iiiiim : .i . - lengths fol .11#:thitit . • '• - -,: v0w 1 4 1 4 - .: ";#,i would - not:-te - ' , l*, , t - :::_' . 4i:****-..,' j:1 thelrerigri " : ' ll. lir', ' : -? T l i 4 " '' ' 1 3.40alleCof - - t ''` • OtitoldhC,*; ' ' , it says2llooo , l - 40iii ' ltisiilini : .--. . - 1 ''', -... t „,;: ,-::::. ';'.- • ', ----, ,,t , - - -._ ~_ - - -,,,_,---,,-- ,i - „ , ,i ... Wedueli. The Uukin burg union. ore and. an Tan Struck,. sly ill at; Liver- 1 . - of 1131A00,000 ttib0 , 0191014141 011 NA*. fi - AewirodowtTben:thpas -4 4* win i 34- reds of Miler no* In . Which will e,0n.. - ii*ne many WI. fia'.i . na:7-:llealdes all *ON Id the Ori,Eittdative - sell embrace a :great many . el.'Welpen4 to4ormet charters anthorizing corporation* to •stibscribato stock 4 others, and explidtking the -details of others. 4 t v , il these, with die , railroads now in - TrOcess fconstructioNwill calf an outlay of some t enty million* ordellars ; rm. that we speak mode ately!ben Wiestimata Um amount•the 'Poo& of Pe l lll4lvanliare'eplied4piii to`ea._ r i, Tend in rail ' . withina few years, at about fifty - million of 'thillars. It can scarcely be iess than_th IN "find may be fai. more, •bnt thiik 'will ,dO fiir, o:preitent. In the meantime we 'may, ask; wherels the , Money to come froar 1 Ssq• Co.- Fair and Cattle, Shalt: To be beta 'at 'arose, cots less. - ZST OF REINIUM: . , NEAT STQCK. Best Durham Bull,l second best, ' ''-' Best Devon Bull. • . ;Second best, ' ' • . - ;Best Grade . Bull; - - 'Bei4t Cow, - •• • . Second best r 1 . . Third beist, - Fourth beet,, - '• .. Best two years .old ilisifei, . Seiond best, : •. ' - ' Best 4 Yearrings, . . Second• best, . ' • . Best lot of Calves notless - then five, Second best, ' . ; Beast pidr orWorking • Oxen, -- • Second best, - - ' I Third beet, • 1 Best pair of 3 years, old Steere, Second best,, - , - • Best pair of 2 yeers old Stiers„- Secondibest, . - - . . , • I SHEEP. . I Best Fiji° Wool Buck, - 4+condlbeit, ' , . atts 4o l uth DoWe,- . .- . condibest, ' - Z • . 4t.Leng Woe! Buck, . • - . t • Second; best, __ '.. • I _ t, fi Bst lot E 00l wes,viot 1 than 3,1 3 Second. best, - • • 2 ' :ss Best list South -Down Ewes n t lesui thasi 3 Sevand best, . . . 2 Best 10, lbng wool-Evres, not, less than 3, 3 ' Second best, - • • ' - 2 HOGS. Best BOart Si.cond hest, Third best, Best Sow, Second best, Third hest, • „ Best litteti of Pigs, Q . ' . .1, ' 11ORSES. Best:Stallion for all works; Second \best, - • - • Third best, Best Brood - Mare with Colt.by her aide; 5 Second best, -- - ~.' 3 Third'best, - ' • • 11 1 • 2 Best. ir of watched Horses ,. (geldings) fon d in Susquehanna County, • • 5 Se.con best, ^:. 1 . , .:. - 3 Third best, _ _ _:_ • __ . . 2 . ' I POULTRY. Best Int not less than 6, Second best, VEGETABLES. Best and largest variety, :. Second best, Best half acre of Potal.oes, - f Second bee s . . 1 -R. BUTTE -- Best . Firkin - Butter iziade during tho Summer months, . 4 1 , - ' . ss'•oo Second best(• - .1 •• - 3 Third, best, . . , s ' - 2 i Best doling oe, Fall, ':, -5 - Second best;l' ' " 3,' Third best, ; _. 2 . I - • CHEEK. Best notless than 25 lbs.; Second best, • Third - bes • ' - GRAII4S. Best acre f Com, t Second .be t, _ . Third best; Best acre of Winter Wheat . Second . . Best acre Spring Wheat; • Second: bot, - Best acre of Oats; Second: best, Best acre Buchrheal4 Y• Second best, Beal Fall Apples; one-half bushel, -81 a p 4; Best half bushel for king, . .1 - _ t. Winter_ I est. Apples, • and bwit,. . - - 1 Beat I i nces, one - ' , 1 , Seeon. • at, _ .' - .. ' 1 -,. 1 Peek, 1 I 1 '• , • UFACTUREB. ‘l, 10 pas, 1113''00 tine 7 , ). - 3 . • a . Best Peat,., Second best Best Poaches. 'Second befit, '• IiOSIESTIC-, Best Flannel not less Second best, ' Best Quilt of any di i'ptiol Seecorid-„besk . ! , Third.hest, : • Beigt piece.of Carpeting, - Second beat, .• - Best Woolen Socks not less ttum 3 pair, , Best Cotton Socks not less than 3 pair, -, 1 Best Wlest-Eread, ' " _ - - ' I Second beat, - , . - .* , I ' _Best Aye and Corn Bread, - • 1. Second SecOnd best,. -• : 7 1' • • *.- . , LEAT HER.' i- , ' • Bost side of Sole 'tanned in the county; $3 00 Second best, - - Best side of tipper; . do serAnd best,_._ R ' . _.____ rcm AGRICULTURAL IMPLEME. Best Pfosi , foi Sniquehania county, ; , - $l, 00 Seems:float, - - .- • - .- 3 Best Cultivator, •, .-:- - '- - -'3 -' Second best, - . -= .'- 2- : Best Straw Cutter, -, .. , v •: - . 3 . Best Oi Yoke, . _.. - ~' - - - . --- 1 Best Lumber Wagon,' , - -. 3 Best atCart, - , ' . _ ; -; .7, -• . 3- , Iles& Plow Chain iiwi aeiice, . i .• , • 1:; • Beet Heise Shoe, - ''. -'- -,. - I lineit variety Of Flewerig...A- Oertiffeitte and Book on[their ealtztre.--. Repo:talon - , %Slater,. Wheat, Spring: Wheat .and. Oats; to bo Made at the, Fair. - -On 'Corn aid 13ttc,kirbfiet - et the -Joinery meeting. -= .Claimantsforpreinitiets eli GruGrain are tequat-. od to Java lii, e . grotust measured andthe quan tity 'properly iettiriel. ,T . Corn is - to be.abelled when merchantable, mewed iad iepoited at thiJantiary meeting` along *O.-Buckwheat. It is ex -thatthe putteat mammy :Wilt bi observed. in - aseertattong those . erope, so that all Wi ll ) 06 -A 2 tiaked'ef the capac ity of Stu-- l; qiebanes eotintrto pmdweleijecte .pe:,, The wners of Idlich Cows lrho alsOr for'freuitam ito r- j ee4oeStor to Iltate to the'CotimitUte 'on Cows, the quantity, oftiittei niedikirrepilthem. dating the; kighthef arose and -- ,090 -in the 'fall.-:' And the ExiiiooyOro3intliteill,farther reattS all au Interest jullte' Atil;,,, ij smip j Society wSit sisilt,theirt****fto by Beading iiy - eitielee , Or,- - :.keeiii , ass essiiiiity - tar edilaiiietiereet to thip-1Pi0r.,..,- .... I • ,1111NRYIPAINKEL ; '' • ' ' -144WIINii-CATLIIV tit:X.li. .-- `iontirr.lol4ls -- - -,-. ~ .. ENE - . . `. ..Li Bleingsille 'on the Sittr.trit., - 'by initue Knapp ;:,,ift--Ainanir:► Jlthe t atamesi of Fa Siott i - Wiitioti 'eci . nely.Pa, and : ':14164, LoarrrAdauglitor of Win B. elth,, .1 of theformor plate, ." . ~ : ,: - : - - - In liimock-on . the 28ch, ult., Kri. Jr inn. , STEveits, relict 'of Siinen Steven% stged. 71 yearn, B . months and 26 day& -. MM. Stevens has Been_long and taw 2) 'known in her neighborhood. :She 'te e'hind and obliging dispositiOrt; s has ea large . family .of children: that 'no , d mourn her departure. 'She . - will. be g l i 'missed not' only by frienda but by all l knew her. L . :' - A. O. vIILLINERY! RS. S: H. CHAMBERLIN; wishes ;to in fonn.the i . nh a bitants of New Milford and its .viciuit3r* that she has just arrived from; New York city with a full-assortment- of Jew :and Fas4ionable Millinery Goods, Straw and Shi, red Hats, COS, Ribbons, Floivers; ; lc. Straw Hats cleaned and all repairing done in good style _find a t moderate prices. F Your pat ronage is respectfully solicited: I • New- Mil ford, May 2, 18 5 3-7.18W311 • , • $506 .. 'I 16 . . . :. • . -.McMillan it Park -.-., 1 DiriLlSRS,In ton; OoodeOiroceriri , trakwiril,cio• ery,iloot• *ad Moat, &a , Spri44ll#l ra. • : : 118,1 The Btontrose-Tailoring•Estittv;. . - -•• _ • - , T INES At litViOLDS,Taidtionable Tailors, one 'door 11 west of 111:41, Wilson's store, ready at ail times to please the public and validate, to the taste and comfort _ of those who want clothes. Lateid. Fashion/. inularly received, and oid ones jAserred whe,n requested. ..'' New Yo A r t k n fOrt . to t o o lls St . ort!:. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW.: S 3 00 • . . . o:the Ladies of Montrose and vielnitY,Wewoild soy. 'l. '•tbsit the eubseribir has latel y opened at his new 5t0re...N0..7 court st., a few. doo . iesit Of the - CheUtutgo bridge, thelargest and,besteele ted stork, of Dry Goode ever brought to tile market; .. neisting of 811 k Bhawit, Embroideries', llosiery and Dee oOods of.every deSmin- Mott; also a eAmplete assorts's.. t of drinet triMmings wlikh ean.be found at no other tore in town. ' . IT • . These goods hare been Baton • tour and eons%neat ly will be sistn tow. - The tad es Of Montrose . are re spemf Oily inyited 16 call-and-es Mina forithemtso rel . .. Bitugliatuton, May 3, 63-141 8 :it. BTUIt.DET'. NT. A Cary: D. Virgil, Dentist; mi be, fOuml at illfs of.; V. lee in Odd Fellows' 1141 t through eaeh .term of Court where he will -be ready' tut hopes nut to be wits, two to'attead to all bulb:seas in' his line. Many, thantS for piit lavers: . ]lap 3 , 1853 .• : C. D. &wenn Dentist. $3.00 2 1:. a 2 1 3 MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. A. SIIKELS from owcgdi' has M i eleue ll i her shop in the Odd Fellows' gill. by st airs-opposite the •Dagnerrean - Rooms:wkere she wilt attend to Diess-malting in all its branch es.. Also, Millinery, wort done to order, 'and: all manner of neat sewing done upon short.notice.. Montrose,•Apfil 27, 1853-17w3' $5OO - - ew'Spiing ods Tax 'subscriber once mere tenders the 'compliments . . or the season to his friends time customers and ': - der , „ Shea to call their a Aention to the -eery imporlanyart that he has nouin stare sunl Is constantly receiving frotn' lho city, a general assortment of Goods suitable fin . , We spring trade, coneisting In part of Dryoo.de, G Fh'celerl, C rockery. ie ll arduare, Fish,. Drugs a dd - Dyesttte, Boots and Shoes, lists and caps. also an •asonmertt of verypretty Ladies and MissosZonizets of the lalest'Style.- AD of which Le wBl sell tin terms favorable usna4 - . The highest prices always paifor. nterchnntable rpm. duce: . , , Returning thanks to old Mends and' customers ;and hoping for a continuanee of . their favors, and assuring all of a desire to serve them to the extent of his 'abi:ity, he wouldsubscribe blinself their . • Obedient servant • J. L. PJERD.13113...N. - laPsonville, April 2.5; . • - 1' • $2 00 1. 82 00 1 • 3 -9 _-:New - -Spring Goods - 1 • -..A1 Nes* Milford Depot. Ir. . . lIDGIIIIITT would invite theattentiott of blifrisnds • - and ail that want, Goofs Crteap to hir New Stock; which is now being'opened„ineluding a superior *Wort- . mentrof Ladles Drops Goods irk rich Prints, dietaries, Printed, Lawns, extia , ?lett Marne Dental', Lustered Poplins; Muslin and Gingham Robes, Cat flat , ,egetc Silk Tissite,"Mack and Fancy Silks 'co , Muslin CfoMars and. Embroidedes, Crap., Brock* . and otheifinmpoirSheiwis,.. Silk Mantillas, Para. 4 ols, Straw, Ftencli .Lacei andrSilk Bonnets. Bonnet SG , Ribbons aid F,loWers. 1 i 't . II 1 , Gentlemen and yaSummer Dregs Goods,,le full1p; a sortMent of Ilats, l'' pß,Goots and ahoes, Trhliks, Vatic es, Carpet Bags. all 001, cotton and w.ioli and Cotfon: Carpeting.of :pito) d patterns, Oil Clutha for Floor and, Tattles, Painted, and.Printe.l -window shadcs,vall paper; Domestic cottons of all tinds../cc. ' • $3 00 2 1 $5 00 Also, Crockery, Hardware, Iron, steel' !print'', nalis,• stores, Groceries,llsl.,Paliats,Ogs, Grindstones, Win-11 dear Glass and sub, making in all a tad:remit aa.h ♦ortment, and being i v:inhaled 'entirely for :cash, will enablepurrbasers to seeurebenelltsin pricri.ityles and terms not Timely found !Pliny caber. ertablishrnent: N and Salt militantly op band. 'Jew Milford, .41 , 4 1 5, / B X I- • ! , ,G. /any ow.. ally op haw— d! . ..Appreptic Wants • ANTED by the s lueriher. namaitintel-. 1 . ligent tad,' , as an Ipprenfice to the h Moe land Sign Painting trade %Apply soon'," I I . " MARK j.. O'BRIEN. Montrose, April 13,-.180--15w3. '• Administrato NOTICE is hereby 'give has- . bleu ; appointed .Estate of Thomas Burdick, of Gliffoid,del,'d.. • A 1! pe_ said - Estate are requested t • Mediately, and all perso against laid Estate will ple ittestedi for settlement. A . CH& d, April 2, 18.— NeW 'Arran . . . . ge . . ~. m-nt for .1853.• A . BREVES & Co's Rai • 1 Famous Lies Roar- i Great Bend.every &bind ' Tumidity, Wednesday and Thursday.- • • • • I , I !might will be it:ottani by Cpr,win ic liißlipnuph rid the days boas Mentioned at.t h eir Starelar tkeDepat In timile, also do Tuesday until twelve o'clock at t •• , trcse Station and at New Milford until then:rival ' f the gilt train frown BorantoM, on the same day. 1 • ' • • Wbeentrusted to our care', will be forwarded t I New TO* with the unn.ostdispateh end returne. valid I enrrentmoney at theplaese mentioned above. No 'ef= forts will be spared to Immure the brstpriees for pi:duo:l4 and we'imill transact promptly. ill Wiliness en It ustid, . pureare. ; _.. I . GRORGIC L. CORWIN, .. v .... • : ••.. , . . i'. Corwin-- 41---, „ i spaugh ~. i Ind. keep constant - 7Y fai sale 4 Cal assortment pt • Lades,- Timm, - Salt„. Fig I Tort; Boot.' and ly snide Clothing, Lest lier and Firidings,&e. 11 sell chesty! -forCnsli or Country Produce. ik—lentli --- - Shoe", I "bleb thiy Apt4lB, 1 NE ' GOODS !!. ikt.D. t; C 915- - • 1[ r s telitei vet skgr . int gnintitl of Dry (lood, of 4 ' Ro t as, Prints. Carpet ' ing4 Mite and - Caps.' Bonnets.. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron. IVOils..Pciiiits . aria Oils; at • 1 'Co'F. Apt 11111,18471:. - , , .i4L(iOll, 'oric, and Salt, by the bbi. at - : ' lu —Artn n i4 .144 - thealintsp. _ Mi ti oo ft 2y ro; ool,l , " bipild Cub bi ,4 '4* ' hlut as nso l \A Utaiof marlY 0 7 4 r *IIRILEiVISI . • • ' • .Noticato All Literested; ar TAKE **midi ri biter:new- th aw • 1. - seed; *lt LoballeilFmet, who 'ettlisite by Eeole aeceino to call aim/motif4f *Amide, 0 Aid Adm. thaw. Webbed - ley Wow - at ,* e=4 to Mille in tO t !`"tOPitimp.* l 4, 4, l l--. eeteleneerete. I will le!'"revalidating ;cour t Week. iiiy-Honee.or it dee 024-:fiteeird,refrer elope. el: I Mr George Hawley; ; /heel !ef ,MiigAreeMeee'rbeo my Ikeda erUl be-kept:Sr th• reent.. • it C. TIMR.R4 alrostreiei April T r 1034.440:: • FOPUSAL THE - ficinis c and-LoLltacthe i e sd a p ee A LL. ' W:Rayoford, Esq.; decealeloOtutited*: boroogh_of. Foeforrno of, sale; apply . to .tha.:loiOriber'st. Oviegok'N. Y 4,, or to H. tr. Filzii3rileq.; Moiitrotie. .1).3 . I._ . E. RAYNSFORD,, • , , • ? • • F. RAIMSFORD.: • Ap!il 20, - 185.1-46w4 . I _ 'NEW _O - CrObS . . rrliE Oulocrlbere are,•just reaelopii a fall stock and!great 'juicily' of_ sprili g. ana Summer Goods compriiiipg..e*aty st3ln` ai d description, desirable fOr this Markin , bougbcexelniivelY for cas•ii and for sale' 'reforence Our old•motto - 't Not to be undersol • 11kNTLEi & READ. , April 20, 1853. - - rably gyred': a eeply eatty who NV. amotz aimazA .otle, Tho l eieant be,ing placed within thli*Churnt ... ' - You've biit to give the crank a turn, . - When' ettryou've genre* had ttiocto utter --- . ' " Presto: ' cif o,itunget!' behold . th li g titter!-' INSober 'pros . iimply turning the 'Crank of ray ti:isrly-Invented; ; urnll . - . ., _ , fora feri.lrhiliittes--=itierebyi ,th twe dqshiri theruto att `cheli rise and . talliali iliktelY•PPi'ed ily, mann ( u taring your nriniiii in iltutrer—:-is a vary. difr4re t thing from the bid .tiresoruolinode i l l of batter- • \ ailintr. • • 1 .. 1 , ' Such as eaire to,Withevis the labor-tuebi .obuirt, eat d° kit ) : stole of I. .Post tr. Co.;, at' Idol The tiro • . Churns will be ni f order - by - . .1 - .- - - . - . -R. Montros . April 12,1834-161 .._..:L.,.1,...,..'_ ._. _:......,..._!_:_. :'New- Spring TINT reetireil aid for sato low foiCi .. - .lilontritae, flpril 19,1 Sin. ' EXTE To El:x.1111w - NronbabrblrAl ill great; itiree.se it limn of l'a*g where in 'oonlnneti. will be most ho:OPY old and 1141 FLL6EO Wheel. ramie and trio, and Unii . ereal iiilver done far the A viuirty of irai an 'on hand. Et•ery ' Sho ilfantlfa:Oo 0:7- 'loan! ot,titt April 13,- 1.453=1 • • i!! I-AR -TR/IBL !! Tll:anbecrilxrr sespectfully tendeti his, thinks to 14 . /1 old frieptis and patrons, as well*to the Public at . for,thei AlladOass tin& pational'ap liberally - be-. stowed npon hha`in years past; anti to .call their attention - pa they:lizge Stuck of ' *s*-. • VIW CS 0 0 Vieg r ' • 1. . , • 4 he Is now re'cciit ing, which ho hat ho ht. as low and will,: Jelin: loes - as any inland tiader casket- Ale offers rin. ts[s nsuall irlarie*oek!" Of :Lamas Duras oons,MasllLLAS,SllAlirts, itossatipttuaoss,OOra AND SIIDES.CanCKSR)".; ILI.D.DWARBiI i tON AND IS PAINTS awn Otts, 4 C. Ice.; at the lowatt passible prices, with the assuiinai Oe at` examination Of bls stock :wi4 satisfy e+ery reasonable mind thatth44ld-storiin .77107 s rate it the place to bay good. Coests at low prices , . ... . others m*y 'talk of selling cheap Ott he wil .do it;'—'; andsee,- . l. tilltTrlllX; Sumniccsdille r Apol.]B,lsa-Lictr ti.mi t-th,.t 4500 1000 - . B .u4resi k nttitxriex;slrioAnx, Doarrt ati:27l biros: .lEt i etil 5s 6,1 for th i Firkins and 40 etc for t M f f Tubs. "A Di s _ count,tatsloto the trade- • • • ipn-SUTPUIN. . :: i -;:.. Alltoii§tratostßale 4 y n v ! ILL, be drold at Public ventlite, at the rest: . dunce of Geo.:L, L•lthontlOf Dirnock, oril r 3 aday the 2nd day of -. May treikt, :at" 12i. o'.: "climk,,P.llll., 1 six yvir old horetill sorrel mitre, 3 i,enrliniejnitless, I nliw.t.wci hoses wagon. l Old two hornet; wagon, I two hOrsol*teigh, .1 dt ukile harneas.2lplonglis;.l. harroti,h..forks, ahoy els, seythse, cooking .atoves, w ick furnitare and pipe,rafe'ilt, .clock, watel),..Sa ry articles of i furniture, n quantity of pointoe4 3..t0 4 acres of rye on.theground. .;... -..-•.. 4 1 . • • , '.' - . I L .. CHA _ RLES •A , i gy, &der,. - • ; -1; . L ; - . ;Of- a L..* throp, decd . AT - D —l' nits of sale rii '-'/'•=-- . - of salet.'...-A prit '2O, 1853. • 1.. -,.......- k : Flout' --- 1. ' P r • A FEW barrels of: El _LA. brands. ' Also Mist; barrel or - I : , AMJULII~YIN. 51oi)troae . , Feb. IG, :1853; 1" . - Blorses Coipoin(PiSyrup of :YELLOW 1 DOCIE ,4 I ' 'P 00T. - frIIIS is akParery legehtBte Cum Auld. scientifically 1 preoared from the best Rootsarill llerbs of the Ma ted* Mainz, and hasgamed an rinitit:alled reputation for the folltiwing i nee+ s. viz . Itegulailog and Strength ening the Liver sad Dig ite Organ: and Cleansing the Stomach a ' Bowels. and thus cOsciakt all Billions Dis eases, ' Li l le Complaint Dyspepsia Indigestion, Cos tt i tiveness. Pi es, licadach Fever ant, Agne, Jaundice, Nxiusea, Loss of Appetite. he , and e piing the food to notnish end i support ev . part, Pii?ifying the Blood, and thus curia* all Ifuniors, Cautaueout Eruptions, Scrofula, Mit Rheum, Erysipelas, •B„rd Ural, Cooker, Pimples on 'the face, Blotches, Cleans Tumors, Mercuri al Disease, cano-rs, &c. 1 , Reffidating thq .Secrctoi Qrjons,• said by enthliogthem to perform Us proper foment:ins, , preventing and coring many painful nd (Ls .geious die doses; Strengthening and quietingl,' Nerrous Systans, thus allaying Nervous Irritation, en 'curing all diseases -oldie NerveS, as ljysteria, Neursigi.s Cramps &c. ;j - ''lt is unri t ja l . cure . led in; the of 'Female CM- 4 - , ~ litiitnlS. 44 Weakliest, gmerd dehlity. Ur Nulty, Obstrue tions,Sweg of the Feet, Limla -liS, hits, c.. damned ln & by weakn ; a*. Lung and Thropt Complaints, as Colds,,Coughs,44thina,Consumptiori fitc.,also,- Dropsy. 1 Having m de use of the tionspOnnii Syrup of Yellow Dock 'Root, i prep Bred by C. Morse & Co., either ~ our selves, or in our families, and limbos it to be a very val uta:y=4 ettectual preparation, we do;most chem.:laity, reannteend h to the pitinle as a verylt alit able niedieloo. R. Bonnie, Bag., OaAier National Bank,' Providence, tt I ; A. WI Speueer.Esq , Cashier !dine Kock Bank do do do. Rev Minima Phillips, New Ji II Richmond, C S Jones, editot Pioviderife fien.Adet ; ilWm Field. , M. W. aM. Cyrtis Fisher, At E ll' P , Jam l i Ilutchinson. 0 S Dea., V J Bides, Do xt Benj Colby, an one hundred oth ers edam most remeetablefamilles et Providence. ' This certifies that 1 have for a mother • of years been sectuaintol with 'Bd. composition net of manctrao• lure of Morsel's Compound Syrup .o ellmiTilielritoat. Iliave also been acquainted with its odes operand lin &wine, aad can say that, in all te4Pett iv admirably calculated to remedy that cline ofln sea for which- It was desigodd. It is medially valuable in Indigestion, and all tti at teigilant symptoms, It elates to healthy ac tion the Liver, removes Tdrror, and yinactivity of this OrKaa.and itimulatta health.. aetioqin all the syrtem. wet Depurator nt putttlire ofthe 1110 , d it luta- no supe rior. ! ?.DAN1101,51.11,1, 31 I) Prayldente, R. I.Jan 4 1853. .ig . mr. Prepared by C. Morse & Co. •kits . 416 Broadway, N. Y. and sold by Drugg ists arid others throughout th is and other countries. l Iv i 1 Sold In Montrose by EL' T truant, , . (1 6 9 1 ) - I 11 Naicci. 'thattheundensigne4 dininistrator '• of. th lite of the townshi .ns indebted to `the settle the Seine e hiving domande sa present them dul,3 R.:,BURIWK, • 4*6 • .' Adner.: • • . .. ,'... ,! itEl OVALII4;." . WE. have , remor 4 our . Tilijoringeslabliih . went to...the r. .m formally known .as .oe % Bakery and Candy mien ' T Inpikeitreet: one door;west of 11. S. VV, lonts.stor ...._ _ ... t, - ",- , ' INES- 4-i: EYNOLDS. Montrose., Ndr. 10 1b5.2. -4 -.4. -,. . . .',. ' • ' ' -- - -. • .N . QF . ..11 ! 2 .811\ sitants.of Pt? lisytania : . .. glean that in .co n nee:. of She ,n husinetts; the subseriberbas taken .tom, nest do or. l l O • the . Poet °nice. with the old one io, ti Main street We o -attend to 'the CoininandS 41r Illi eta in. the Wat . ch*c. - . department; Crew-Cutting, Reseatngine Noce's! liortfing, Galvarditiog ip 'Gold and rade.. Wateh arid .10 nu insterials. ' secon llitand • W il"Ches ronstanti* ript'On at Marla r”try reihaired. • :.. 7. urninice bagel, , -Main Streeq.Alontrose.` iiess front .? it.4t..4,:rPs. M. • • _: • 'J. marroN. tf Watch Mal* Ref.ntrer.,', .o,rlll, or VJghEATII !Wendt rides Behold the WU Wetalk. 4x Uab ' And paint ity3 Bat witholiVitoppi benefits derived' ft . we would calf ittent =Uhl one orinore O Daguerre nit - Wien , aid , :01:!Ittateen * i ow the ',lle bee tinttlet hb ), bead full of 'Jut% Utfiratiif siVPIY_ idati4loottets. Rani} of Oases isii.tbe - Btai . 1 'Shit; put it adiee* 0 1 ,psitterns . auldfs.. Jl.ONN!filifv. 4 9 l , - 7111X6a, lerltapith *maim I el . * Art,hailli,dinial I ning„ ride let-imeiin k ~Psetertial *mini gt ntotterate• the any the 'wire*" sod the 6traek'' to the!outage of..pro these be tiro) tY .Odd lpe Odd Fellogie bJh muff DO*111! \aYritnitli V\ t , wiedgoitho. l .oth..!4 Rest:lMit p . lateg . anfi clisig; rid ink! i t ,0 Aykco this Wed sllitio 0 3 9* . , V.,00 -- -,Turile ii—the apliatbd itid ver Wel tiv.tbeo . 4,4iV;+- - ea f ro , • . ...,.....,,,•:.: - : 7- _ A STA XA- bet rival of . ingblon _Leave reaching Cara,Wl feasible•. This 11 Sptiarrll *deli It day cold • ice. Ge ded end incelate - C Decent And s.' new lot o, Mardi 4,Tre • 116., ,b action of tido. GI, calling at the 'ttioee:- -.. t .. nnfactnred t 8 f it- -....- lii -1177-7 Tl' Sayre tot if not ! sot one fo to Janus L at 'Ma aitnre or 11:J. WEBR; ESS. Sumti SITTPIkIXB4. mama t i 'S aillt 1 iii.i' Ktik.i4.l' ; pulling ;tltiiiiigh:'Ota , Ylik , .# l . l liattrt.te - avrTy.moiniaialtat - the ar 4. wan wad Mocii . : 4,l;tous of thirt,reacli-:_ seitt 6 A - .1;...-. ; -.,.. r:-.- -.....- . ~. .I_ .; . - .„. ~.. • 1 , , . ETU:' . lisi aikt,6o,:a_Alli(Sundlysiieeptett) at CP, 14 iskwood In itma.l4a takctba. Matt ,Trattis _of . F.lO and' We •b4 . ii* 'She -ritawiti4 amt. ' 6.4 ttle,l6"reaehpte I( , !Yark'suil Erie . 1 etlittiilkeita a' tiloiyeattly„: line - -tot' DI - - ; WiTunkh*D ll 4 ) 4 .- Aricsmistity.Pat. VIC tiallontoaist T:AM avgry'.llonday, w ~,_ flay.--.Algh;.a.tink l / 4 . PriettaityLUNlanty 11., dleaata 4 atitt aanifartabla Car_riagaa are_ , ',kni t_ ha Proprio ins - Mit aiiiiri a a:: pains ' tit ..it,ltecoin.:, eVtatike '...- ~ , , L. , - - ". ilYi K. KATCIL 1— ..„ ".„ lettir.l3s2, - , . 2 -.- mOiloax & W lit. - ' / Spring, • i.riety of outer ilitto; v ••jai.* iec017041. : 11;04 st :110ESD 3J.ADE. CL0T1.41.1. • - - .1 • - " J• 7 ' - ; . GBO. 1131.1-ER::.; • '• • • •it teto - the people, t hett place •te 7.09 . 1.10.1% • . • ~11.111XtE144'8.,;.. . . Look this . ' If ynu are di party concerned. nietti4hia&Annta;tiatatt,;ke., - Or - thii trai H.. Satre & Co.. are now In the hands of X.e.trj' ilettieme -, nt. 'Nei.eFialtf,contpeta hisitta - th e,attinition to them as as thare! ask or Ms own n lattlwl they: will be lint in the hands of I Al p-twat:titian: • -: - tt . • - ‘II47IIOVAILI:*7 - ' , ::\ re:may': ut:,the first totho: . SECOND - ItOOR; • Artist will, o serve iiud"*lite c tis tiertofoie,. '•-• • W; rose, April - 'CO 111 Z in 0441 happy ER SgED.or the large Iliad 'for.sale b - .. . , , - " • II 1131.1RRITT.' 'Milford, rri*rell'lB, 1130. -T: .7'''''"' - ' 4 - '''': -- • .--, *7----.- - ,-.. -"1-., - ---.- - net-Shop inSiismiehattnt abser lbor Is no.illaving-ill Winds of work; o. o rder, arid'also keep* on aealt_ltereans; L . A . 1- ' e., warrantid meg made, isnd - allni Chairs:.. , - • a C and ' , nodal's,' raking - Chair*. &e - 4 , Itedicen. $ 1., MI hand' •AI those wanting:turn' , nre gill:.. o all., Depalrln and Tangsllin;, done on 'oho t Offlna'reaily . in 1 e and made to order in the 1) - t -, . - .. -z%-. ,- • ---. D. L. KLABEIC, otsinw. Deßot, ' oe. 10, 1052.-50y1:, - • : 'Cab Tg 4 Stande, aest,fta general 'welt to mOtlee. I . 11, 1F:24_,,,,T:.:_.... D.R. CATIMOP & eia?As • tiETruut . ittimt , 'Co' 1 .- oildess estrust ! ed to Ihelr tinder. ibe o of : - prron:l!' e - ; AprD 1G;1353 . ,- _ , . metity And , Glover Seed - 1 . 13 pure =4 , 0 Thitothi Seed,--Lalso, of Ogg large klutly Palm andfor wile by: h 30.150. • BENTLEY& itz 1. t1;11S not f es to dere eary. , .. . 1 s ' Oil wane aatnt of Clinhea thatehall gni &comfort lkith elegance and, dulls - bill ~do to call nrion ;JOILT-GIZOVES, hoae laheil reputation as; a SOkiliria . 'Cutter' rent. pliidg a to.givcentire aatlelaction tinuen#- , HE SPEINWEASILIONS - , . , hand; and,you can. select whntiver ?style thee!, that is the gnat; I whether it is hetttr to suireithe-paugeand -of bid-Atting imentri,l,orto:emptoy 1 1 .1 and experianoodiTs,ilor, find, b y bptiOsing, em 'Tie's eintisurnmaticui'devoutirto-he Cutting done ~ as nival ;for ready_ par, and .ritidone in tho:shOp',,wariantit • tion skill end 1 wis JOHN Gltol7 ES, ntrosei -Apr4,l4, 1853.1 . - . Niitice l to :the' inbseribhr having purchased the entire. Stock of nods 0f,31:e. trier - and.arsoa new mid loin le ° , Stodk Orsurotner Trier, such'ini,Prints, POplltut, Osiditueres, Paiinetto, illantillas and Shawls rialliucahrttini3s:Linene;Br6id,Cdoths,'rereed, • rigo; Satinetts, t ;nthes, Boidi and:Shoes • Oe.Siwar, Molasses; Lbsseed'Otlißrirnlng Mackerel, Ifardevar , -, thlichery,. . . . 4 Dcintifergetihe Store; 'one doorrheliiii • • ;at the headbf A.4nue., ~. / ,Thqs:suhseribat fjr,e•di 01100 -1 1 his Stock f - GeOda for Nish orlteady eap,inid cheaper than aist be bone:A..ols tilde , ork4' o£o. It ILIMLEY 241••• trose Apilh 7,1853. , •-•• • • • . , • -' ) tech Deli Lam' Kees I aa, CsKilt 0 - IE'VA '-' --- - -•-- ' ft.ljEN.Seeds, 161rtilng Rini ' Cainphene, . Canillei; amp/lint Tann*ei Oil; Lin cid 01 - 1, Paints 9f near . , ry deectipilou s ittigether al h a general ass9rtinetit 30. Xledi,Analt,i' Dye. Stull - 0 roeirres,''stone and Wire, dome llartiwire, i!r GoodsiMwsical'lnistiik; ;stunt a good nsinnaient o sYniikee Nntions, sell tan at. t•• ', - :' , - - " - -,TCR It= li'S - . -,, n.trolie, .11011 7t11,13553' . - ' -'\ : .- . . .. . ~ ly et of D i Glaa ing 'await f A , 1 -.. I , . ; 2 ‘" Drug* &. ; G tee ry: , Store. .. T. 2. VATILICIJEO.r., would .reipecttully inform le titonsious ' , old mane' tried' frlends,.ltoth :hi_ at'of the-Proration*, and the publioln general that or at Ttlra k rd: I stilitvel, 31CtItneinifs,721 asscirtment 'revery tbi in' . tpeo. line .cif Verigs, nett: Cinjeertns,Psee r r :Fiat q.. 41-e., all of which: if sell'fot. eastr 'or tierces non the - eheitnek and dvant..tgeousterms to t nintrt,hasor... In refetc; a ? o his Drugs:nil 31:idlcitheato 'onnid idandy state Lay were selSeted by nines tr.f i lota tlM:establieb-' of.P.Shieffelin Miner & Co.; o e of thf Most. relP. the.elty of New 'Nork - -sind for pinny and , iseel; 1 li e believes were never excelled, f 'pulled Ay any: ever bromrbt into' S utottellinneCotritty: iliP stock ' cries isfaliand:-Nfell-bbaght.tod, conmeat!eitlY 1 erecild eheip. -- Ileilis also a fewchoice Lipton( for ' rtil. nonevent which' li e can afford as low as amore'. Or article Las generally been bo t rght foe. - .. Please - . ohne purchasing ' eliewftete; A the • old' staedlet : ..t.,Watner‘. in khcilillLling fitraterly,..known is the w.t` Store;rmtnosite the` , DetioCrSt'Plflen: - .". ' 1 trosea . k.1,118,t:•:. - ,.?... - ~. T.:: :-. 5.,...' •,....: -_ '3 - . eiat ' -be ci~o I," I NI • • ! Le: : h i : : I can retell! rote,t emit I Pitt.l ..pmt . . . .. . NtGrSOLOptiOte , SAYS; II • . wisdont,iand with all yonriet,tmge.tet: 1: ii tideistandinjr;-enC9l99 - coretinr, toe. pone' ," r9tandings; , , 'which :-.'hiek...:ConinoditP;; it t . slia 1 :'9.9 diolothar;tWo,'you - witilli' ept- to seek arid i ! t i r 1 ei: •,; I. ~' .. --, - ',,' '..... ~: ~..::. ; ~,.,,--,. ' ,ler7:ititiov,stiiiidair ..-1,)0-iii* 1 - :. ,:"'"-: .s4oo_,Siliii , : :-.„- ; 7 1 "::::,‘:i=l I . :For though u 'iieiltkiii,..Vi . r#inie ` . :., ~:',--- 1 A - dirrent talihne iolg t . :: , .:,.:-' '-`..,".-- 1 Wed havit'thit . pOblio uritiiiitatiii f . '::::'.' --.. - 1 , We rout bo'iindenoCidi - .'; -, -.1 • '}-..... .":',,: e t it'iltni . l4le, iti*Ofn'Otir. Periiiiiioo ,4o , I. di . -IGeti:. Pierce afid:itho , . phit,,Toaish;to: nothing of-litar 1660 1 gr+iteir ilk:ligi!,4oiiiiiiii 9 - .-,ileot an*Ohoe:-lineiie - ,L-sexteinihr9... "sib 0019: and, Wit, Ihnpei : ylot.** :akisl,it'lool* e of,the reroie,,prO fi to:r.:,, ..,-ji 1 :!L.:.:•'.' , 1,',.' , 'i" 1, . :: 4 . 7 . '-': i ...11., .:,..we*,,m4o;looiir i..and-;:formirt4: 1. neatly . , . :; ,'.. ; KEEL._ D ji . . - -.&- ....rotto,op.e.• • • -in...,.'.; "' -GO'; -!' . s 1 ' ° lr i ;o l 4 l Ct .i' 3-iji - i ?' .it0c1ifi . ,7. ,, 1: IfirAiiidO',, iiiiii_.iptt.!Vl , ibpiiiig I 'aiit4 6 ol' l.74e r 3 l tcf :Prrateestil. _sikriii„,l.l3ff•Nl" 2iiiii 1' k"Olt*-'fiini'll..bllP I,,itspjd ef lsiiiiii;' Dr_ 3/44,0 I ,:Siickli- , .ii:iiii' ,.. f ._,,,.. ~..,, _. '.• -. . li r"- ispplYi of - /77!' ito.net , , „ fri -...-:, nd; ~.' ..sAie4-,Wlll'l- •-,,r-r__,...i 'Will.- i • , . •' - -'l,,=..iliiiibflii-'e4ul - .' le: trnalJl; - ;',Fiiildie .1-11 n.--• iikii;Oweiv - 4 -!: tilOn ' ilt I '-'oCoiiiliii°!:!:4l4lB!' 14:: r.„,,,s,„„,_—fi'-killie,7r---7. 7 3 - 4a-'- --4 -!:: N,E,..,,ru.,-', :-.-_,,- -imar„ifix....* ~.. • , l iii i iit yi'..:!_. t .....":—t i; i ~,,liiiiool,P:lM,..„*.):'-...liiik-14 - -: ' ' --f-- f i k ite r ,lool4 - 1 1'-tir't ' :',,:tti:" littlkit ' gc4, , ! ;4;C:; ' ,Pr ~,...: I,laiii.'. *. ...# ~,,,,,,„,......,,,-......., ii.*.,...„,„„:„.„,......„,,... 1 ~,,,,,, ' 4 ' .1,,, i.c .. . , ,.1. , ,7,r ., ,: . .q.:ki. : ,. - -n:41 , , , 5 - , - ' , • ' ithil v llta ', - ,Piit. • - .1 -f:; - ` -:- ' '' '4` Ofirteera . eekk b 4 ' fL_-4.,......4 , ...;‘,,.. ---, -:-...„, $;;., ...,.t. .Nvile4 perAiiikil; Or I*, - ., - ...., 'k.,,- . ;“:„:jr,, - . 4 .,i --) ! - _'.1f,',.' Corn,-',=•:":., 2, 1R _ 44, ;'1543..ia, Ll , ' Oats. --.-• - . 4 -, r i, ',- ;42- . 4 1 , lb, Buckwhie‘ptei.bielieli,4B .. , Flonr ficiiklibt;'-'-: -- F2'A- -s ;i: - '. ri. i PotittoiePeribusber ': ,-_ ;` -',' Wlite.-Beana*.,llishett.;! - : Flax_SeeC I t . ‘. ~ -"-'-'---•,-": ',' mo poi OR, '2'l' Wool Bias per pair; - - Driid'AßPlei per `.121141 Clcvei-Zeec Tinoliilgied:,.: ~_ tigi Peiti l6 4 6l 4 l- ' ''- 7 , :4::: itutter.pii44(rollyfiy ‘ , ,Ctieeee pei.l4., La,- ---: ' tif,';: ,. ..-•'.." .1 "--' ::- z. `P 110<ra;,--.:. *,., i orte per bbl, k -"d 91" , e, 1 Pri*d'nois Per.''b; : 1 - - , 4 3;. - ..._,Chiekg.tts per lb :1 6e ,-, ..-:epiiki e ir_.-- - .f.' , .. 44 - I 1 - 7 -f'cir-----°:--- . . fasnilYll3l33l.l.Co : PI - I K, . 7.. , ra 4 .,. .1!. - .... la . ,i.*:-,,-.• - ErAiiiiitth iii","i4i4 reselik i t .. - ,: fairthlV*4 - . . ~ ,. .6 lit Jui. - :' , . - l iitaiktlimat f of r irtritir G_ *i rielUd*lrlf , -.,;.. - rtety tif:Delako and Amber: D iu qoldsl- 1 ,4 1 0 1 " ,,,:.._'.,..,-,- Shiivfbi mu ch` taill, hid:I:AU !piletec , ritalo. ~,,~ 5t0r„,,,,....,,,,,,,...., wa OM at *0 .. er, ..1 ,.., ... k ;..... ; -4:ml4*d:tie *.iir appfoiikt 1 2 Naliti_,,' 4 :' . 2-' ,i '. , ;l i' .- . 7.,. '- ^. :fk , , . I WANTAD dui:44'ol tiolics, ro i i : ii tlr t ,2,E . 111 Nilfoliv 4 Oi c an;ltitt*i.,,eo.**/ 11 0 1-, .4i*, ~•41F.4. ~::.',,;77,,,.. rad ., ! ,- t- „, c ,,,, y , : 1 , , ,:„..-. , :k4'„,. \:...*,,upi,i;d.:;;,..,:. INI,SRL-.:,-1,1.::;,444,-7,7•L,..-2.,,,.,11:R1--.1. 4.4-5 i. - • __ ~....,:•--fT:ttt.'7 ' ,_ .• • . Via- n : itAiliVrA,-atlerir,3 m0i .5 7: , ` -. trlll' -' ''.. ' - - ti - inii,r - tit iawiocerviiiii.Fl, ttimtrattlbat at _ , _ _..._,,......__. ..... i....,. .1 GoodslOiblehlot3"°l7.l.tr3-7 ...—IIIIM=se:;,. ftl4dietit otestmiettal -'-‘ " 1 p l i .. itria- - Itisit.,l4',lV. , t: Bringarong YO i r c _ k " , grari fil' a ni, thipowi , isiiAllisito ...r, Ind. low_,ltuiter;a'sh , ""s u. ' - • - ii i ii i i e In" ' itifilt g. =' yolt liteyetio•llei4-1" hi lelte - - 1.4;i, 1/1014,..0 . 7:1011:' , Teri otfeap, ~ Calll * ll 4. llo. _forjr ir i s. , : • • - , sa tt sko. you triretruottaT;ll_ 1.,8 z ;, e.. forstoilitng VT& -I 2 --- -V I:: ' " ''..:;: ''''-. '" A ' -- - -,- 4 . 7 New Mford Deellltb;4B6 , - , : -, , 4 ,. agar;lrpubs 011,0., 1.1 4 1 -thelsittlis , ~. XEtzagralli; ~: 7 '" 2 .t - E , §'.:Af 4, i 4 it' ikitierst —-. r;'----- ' 4.- • ' •W, * IC a I , ziW --.- 4gitiiiii -' 4 04 )1 1. *! l ' _ , - ' ,,: ;:::::3 „ ;:-;:.;;:''•-c c .' 7 ClAlTlfwawFti; .. , , , „..- • :,.) „t 1 „:,,.. -,,.., ." , ,.. - r7',.. , _ :,..:. 2 ~. --, - ~,, 13 IiE24ST g IN•Sr t I 7 7 , I , Te, - ( .`,,• - • ,:,,,,,, i , e , ttriii , . 1.31 ~....... ~._ flewpolite . et' -- ..,., -;- 'iwitrie •nbrerY .1- .e.Ak.,-,,k,040411qi5,. j pibibtiinio4i'Aug:2B:i'...l, -•,-:- - f': --;-..:-.-: - ,- • ' '_...,. v - 7 ....., 3.2:lliipt rtlig+4.4l.....s;;:i'S 1_ Al r h ' 4 W - G. uu , i!..-.1.v.7...51.._.., _, . -..,,r,..„4\.,., ..-%..% ±'-i.('''Bin4Ag iiiimi..-- 044* 1141.10.°;, ttliieleieockfiP . b r ,l i ri oto„ . "Airirs,,ll,;,Ss, .21. it)nter,ooo4lB, c 4 l7lwP - , ' • - m. Irti t ro! . , -- Ar, : Broid'eactisi.,Clasimeril -•„,- ~ , ! -lu l u; : - orbalitifut paterqi_of - --% 16064' shiyik , D - i ut Dreisoooda, at different f ri „! „,.,..,..„ , - ;„. t.liGociWEliwarrielo.orewkWlTP,''i .7itz, 474 , - , i , 4 ,,,” stiff,,,vatetabliiiicha*_lloot ls -. , • (MI ._..,,..,.____ z _ .1141ta 'and Cart;:ltibbonsi, War gm!' dews r , ... ',ad , OPT. and in Xliat, ahn?ist. c Tr ~, _ er ; 11r! . , ;., , 5,.., 'fps- in the egiuittry,"all'..of whl ,k w ea': .111 , :1_14.111 . 1 , 0 T 4 4 -;.;;;;;:, Toiable tesnip, for Cask- Grain, n _t! , ialt.„ls t il o r :, ~.. Beans;llwwwwisriibli.e ' 45° ` &4 ".*,:. -•; • gi i eeswax, ,, r . , ~ , t r. 4 •,- , SIDLTL,I4. „ , „_,„ . :--- . i or ot , pmved urw.u!-- - 1 _ ~,:leat; -_,;,. ~; -., ;,-,,,,,,,,,-;.,.,' I tiontrose;Dee. ~ _ay,' A --, - - 1- --:-: ". •• ...,r-. , , , _ 3 , '- , -%.,, PaY'theiiiA"4thakrt'APT!eCti - iiietl44lo/W ' wl 'l o -°6 teil o l. - min 'doz wp.a.. altielii"?l;l:tl;li_ii as EN. ' erg- li m i* r u , 6l.l thkti Y a ds_ aztt ;""L "iflUL i;.;: .';; Coact}iils a - inerior , to, vityddit ! i i, ,, versallY uled-whereit, !'ka.`?"-u,l •E:TrtETIVANAP v - a inc 2 bL.cl i t, ;151the k P d '''' ' ' • ' Satchels ; ,, triabei o i &Ara 'Bissili,,, -„ iPowdor,Sifetr ',Milk, wai ouvlotioa, :Tridla li bbiu. Ohio Oriwdstones, garso ki , ;;;;;„ jectibawsliorz ;,Awhidi, ind-Win Pakirl 'W11.0P!) aTTL#A4wO;44:, i.ze,nt ~,Pees• at ; • • .T?''' ');,,,-- -. --- - 1. jos rioDris!'"4-cree. sPic*,4ll4 'N)Boitiak.r.,l, • o Jon's Wster PrOof-Ctalllitek,-1: • seet,leat artfele'for Car#ages,itszaira t ßiiiiti 144 , Shnes. Prtee riVe9stisprr ttle.=-:ltre-side . „Dee: 8;1 862...• ,TUARELL4I,_,:- , . . .Iteeds.r.rEncri. Vants; pegtect. cure 'a Wewf. that "affititi aPIY es Bottler Far sate et • - - • Au Assort. feyr etr,letnianda - kmat. sapid A - - 44 Good Am:at:neat ofD • 441,'01144 bye.' -elocerict.Notiorlik4 .. • LEST quality' of pOn and Canctl!si fit LOOK-:-FiPcke iliiro‘l44! family use; # couguinfly oir 1%44 in& for br= Itlsr! 130,1833: ' • I Arriving OPrieeii l.om--iie not ' beingleicat ei; 14:161.4 E1k - C'T 24ontrose, NoF 1869 .:;.:. L • p - Gol it uotut 1r . , RA fizi; of my I - riiiniesi 1 • FEE , r) 3.EVAMS . NN, Platia liCriiii):- - ' l ':' - "). ~ -, 1 ),- ant assoft-iitiiie . or 'Cake Itantetii s • onitconk Cn.4oc)o :4' .., SU cke,S niffer*. Trklei etc.,lby;; . „ 1...; -:". --•:- .-:----.-- tr,...f, .I ~ Brughttatoz! , -Peo.P L. - '_:o iien for T. -EfilSOP ,in:, WOODRUFF 'tuning entered ltd,o t- • i tarteersidp;, • tind.er the none Inca Sins 0t , 0,- , 4 1 ' .. :- our' tlitop d. C0., 11 F 4 Prftated:Oth aft.intt . . , 1 14 1Pilati ~ I, : ofS,toreSi'lnPetThtw!iresi'alaPaititnrek s DPW )tet:trelNi;- ''i Copper; end id, other naves i wear line't numerettfinn , q-•• 'Mennen: We' ainprepared trith a, 1:40,!' :id.,Lefidsdpna,7.l7 which' Ire - elichy the condniraeleonns I tsfi', , litidlek*,-:-. toed sty's aficazi. be' ;ebti4i4; ,- -4-0- - 1 . 0 ' '''' oa r„:., '. -, stand midi tientiteal and tai.: - . ,? one* - ighre Tiyiai,,,Clll.l'. - ii ne think It lOW l , y be' foe in ten*:- . :artirei , 'doln— I:,'j -• lair Istriges , * , .teli:OAreFtylokticrint.the.., , !-Deinr, LI , • !alai: , , -.-• _-; _ 3: , ,-_-.. - • ..__:-.),, g _,::., 1--f - : Montrose , 8eb.16 ;181 „" . 7,7; ,.. .i :..i54 A. I..TPAPAYAS'-lk; It' , . letiglish EtinattngilLievier:llifraf. • - .:::4 .. , .i.,,,, • \•, -..- ri B ii4o4ol;eiiii.kei4: l , q„ „ -:, fAi... - • :: 7 ,`.,, In anndnniting, EtilditiOndli-;, ,, .. ' W..- " - . li i - ;14!, i9l e hski i ttiicasy,4 41 , -,• - -, . ..:,.- 7 , • , . **:,.. • ? stet ;from lAveznomt alsOls*Jita..l - C -essnifiiii ,ex P r**o-191 ; 1W(a r : J - - , ~, 727 votiii, - of his isivedotteniiiititi.; i..... c jet.:34, r -01W 1 ; 1 .__ , . . .. - . - ‘ne tan ettied Anon's:ads* je. zi„. , - • 1 . Ant,plit In geqd`F ,- - liriiiirl.4.:f , i'' jinltedstile - "adA1111Itr: Tan 'l4)4mi - •rftilalld'f9lll4 .stbalf. snoXink. an. nilortais*C4rll4.6 iiiii`Wiiintinin ... 41 4 11-14111 i 11 . 81 n# 4111 1t 1 )10filllhailid 4 . -- ititCat l i •_ tknkoxparquiiets. - . : , , ; ,- ALFREDZ.IIrA.NE,•:...,-.--..... ,_" lc - AQdd i. --411 10 )111 1 1 t 06 i , Mareha, 18 5 34-, -^l i - ' , s,l :-' .1 , - Clover ;end , :Timotbritted - :; ; .„, , ., von . r• - y5 - -; ,,-- ,: -t , 314 . 7 - i.F..•:.,01-:...7. , ... -. . , ....,::.. 1 , ;. -- - .. -, ,V - ••, - ...1. . , I .'. `‘. - ...-' 2. •: :,.,.:;,....,.: .7. !LC: 0,..T.A.111Reri1,71 - 1 .. 1- -For Saler le baiii less - 1 -1 1 , 1 ' 1!„ • — 456 t ephredp in CO to) tali., ' 110 3 4 11 V-Ik A liktili4- *I.- Nii llOokividiVitil - - '- ~.:, w : , ~,.,, ,- cei v e d y ,. -.Flank .idiesill f*M 6 4 4 ol4:Aiileikifa-iiiit'ittb'a., ' , ~, Aithow b o, 0t001.4130a1100 . o•IllOiltio totOill.-dr feigisttii*thinistortillatiops'oto.ttitiale'34liii eilow Is o, nathriuungevnuts..lapi• • drisai - RessoloWl - f- Wilk• -" , -,- %IA IIII -4: , 1 ...Sarbtmr, 101.1 'be rouljtiti .--.1 1 ,:, - ; - avouty- brir Jorgivioptiejtoit :, '" ' ".-: iltitiV'liiiivslisigi —r .7' eve 5 , 4*.t.r. Pt. it!, Illie*loneiceibini.?-anCtaliii*Abey vitrilytini t [ , ':-. urn 83,0 11112.= vellevtainAtinkilic perw ritf tiklikt tittluitifiel , , &:,; soon-,n&ii 'the tlckath ftL-31(44,0r1171451 , 1*-1 1- iO 4 O llll 1 1..." 10 1 . 1P4 , it gailreilie tosavis,iiiiithiii-btkr VW OP if: 7 _o 4 4'i; 4.60 - - 4cTuifiwkaidisekii l 4croi# * .14,.0. ;.**qty, e i c 'E'. to it thie,jaiiin4 *itAtaltaillethiPePlititiltilo/*71101106401-ric. finie; %If* Col- ;'? 6B4 "iithlirataetsr' s' ,'• : ,:?- ''' . 4l . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers