..11. • • _ . . ages of deSpair , flitting throngh his brain. -'in ..one moment ofthit eventfut twinerit,be sufferr ed au eternity of pain; - :-:-thitt Pain, not,: 011.bn] A ddy,- so terrible tli e belaK.: fl, • -. ' - 1: ..-. (To - _ . , __, Flom tteildaisipatitines,A*ltl3:',....--_ -..: The:8000k eritossoth'eAtutio . ..,- b 7.,:. o - London Police., tito• . - Tiielliiiiish ge'vertunent his ia Wilted long - - 1 - -- - --.----1,-; • toi en cpportunitY of proving tnall the world -Demoolutio-l • iominaitioris - dielinceritY 'of its re - Solution tri - " -- pot the., law litorously. in force against - such foreign refut- 1 gees resiaing in this country as. have abused i the tolerant hospitality of England; by carry. inli - on cOnspirnetes against ether Sintes. - We "believe that we are correctly informed when we state Ahat, , tipon" intelligence .received; by. the S ec retar y OtState for - the Ilotne' - Depart- EueltNi„ 4 the Potr,iinisstopers of Polkg for .0 1 9 metropolis, netive measues have ~ i iiin'taVen _ - to' , itubstantiatis . the char ges Which'- , haves king Ikon:vaguely preferred against - M. 'Kossuti l =labia - adherents: . Vomit- _this , legal infornia-' . tien,_ a boas°, in the eceuilntiott of M. liossuili siraseesichiid yeaterdny'rdmiing, lit an early boar ; by the.competent authorities,'neting, - we I *asap:DN. - ender the - Se:cretal a stmo, wnr- 1 raut.andtheresult.fof this investigation' wasl the disititery ern large store of arms, aminu-.1 nition nod 'materials Of war, which may be.the'. nteerintride ofif.. a political incendiary, but; • iertabili ler& no part of the household goods Of-a-private_gentle'manlivini in pacific -retire . ment.c,..lrideed, there is reason to believe that . - these,preperVines hate been going on upon a f . ''Spititital ilapi?ipg;; - theftitio' of a_ berik .... scalnentirely iiiconslistent with , the, notion of r- f n d... 1 -1.,,- -the s - 1 . „Iti...i. - • ~,,- h u m bug, pin u ... mo b • atiy.liiire'privata speculation - and 'neat have , 11 Z• ,1 ' e .," ) . 5 , 1 "5 , - had. in vie*, hostilities or insurreeti6nary . mow:: b y l'-e! - • ' lld F a *a4 18 9! 1 ° . Pith St- M. P: , , tricots:Pt:a -.very destructive character. We Cautch, 1% . ,. 1„ .: city, is pu . lisi .„.. i by Mason . . kilo* not hoW long the attention of the - lime; •Brethers NO:ti3 .Piii,k ROW, '. ' . :City. . .Aliy 1 otnii hnibeen directed to th e suipicionsi pro.' :p e rson ep oo„k r , ‘ ,. 4 6 e t s - .FO - 311243 1 w illi. ece i t .. e ., a -1 - . feedings of the : persons engaged in these law. __. .; .j,..,,, i -_ _ . -.1 i. less; undertakings, but Lord Palmerston hail t- PRY P` - ' 4 Pa'wle'°Tatumg i" ; e s with Eid' l rt, shown his usual energy:lnd skill iu tracing :era! illustrativ_e,Puts. , Any fiv persons unitf _ thoevil to. its reot ;.. and it is ; extrectiely-sstis-!ing, their' funds nisi enclosina '2 on nitiCh z. I , faitory that the minister'who, has been so of- extremely-satin-ling p os t aL re, will be on ,, ~ cen , w ill reeeii,•e ten identified With these adventurers by the ' t h e i r - five co pi e sve st paid.:' It 3 well worthy ignorance - or passion .Of :foreign :governments should noW.have it in. his - power' to iflow by p 1 the perusal er. an. person. . t contains. :nu; .. conspienous example, that the 'good-order of memos quobitiOna from tl . papers tind,_hooks , society and the friendly relations of this coun- i published by thbi" rapper 1 ! themselves and' try - With foreign States are not to be %Jointed lon on . m i ni nernso i . , on . .nnet C ; ,to . :convince any with impunity under:lda administration.- ; If • Mi KoSsuth comes to _ thi s o o nntry for the pur. l one of the fillsey and corriipiion of the wlti",le: . , . ~, •, n kiil i be in :the pp otlievying war against foreign nations on i concern.:'` ; Such -ii b-0--ng.it. to , : I l i - t_ and rh,-, the ~, „ T „ , .s own, - account, l, ..-- ,uses • T_ 0 tto3 , hands of overt fiiroily in \lizi Li, 16. ;heinayihiiitent his disposal to prepare means i " • -- - , i 9f, destruction tigiiinst, our neighbors,. he vie inteS the:laws;f England is well as -the laW ef : nations, We assert: as stoutly as 'webe. av over, : donetho right of this country' to, 'Protect - those Who - seek shelter in ,the Q,uectisdornin : ion.; from . their political enemies:._-The En - VSII , government has deelared that it will nev er.",deviate from thole maxims of Our lorefath . ' eri; and , f 1.4 strongly WAS this lethtinirlitiOn . ' .. -express - A that =thegeverninent of the - Conti ' -iontdeSiated trOm their demands bn t'nb 'sub -.. Iff•the ieftigeos, withent havA4r fOrmally. presented to: Lord Clarendon a'-request, which voul,d . only boniet by A refusal-But - the more this country is , resolved , to'maintain inviolate. its right Of pretectioti to the tdore , iris bound to keep• them:within the-hounds of ' _ -the; laiY,and_to punilit ,these infractions of :it , \ which are dangerous' to other nation's. ;It is * i Ali. the hist degiendisgracefel to those poisolis - 1 hat they Should' have shown ' thernscly:so cs \\ Insensible to the -claims this country has ti _ their gratitude and resp ect as, to use the . liber tv conceded to-thetti or the preparation - . of pen!crimes against - the ci'otthe win Id. . Th ey l would - net hesitate to embiloiltili t il - theyeen ~i 11iiitli any :other- nation ; and the ()illy - trade *deb...they lia.vp aticniptedle carry on in this ieflo*S*ledrainunityTi is a ~;:.,,-...ltartufacture- of -4;-- -- -- --- 4 , , 'i..,4,1... 4Ctit_f 4 -77712 .47ww-tvanieverri y to hit ins piace - was nrst •sucgestest by a riate, ~,„_ .„,,ai., .„,., „,._ .., equidly . di •ided: The SOlate shall thecisO, their 1 ., other offie rS, and: :Ilse a! President pro 41 - spori •fn , the ah.ence of the Vice President, or When he shall i±ercise the _office of preSident of the United Stites.' •- • ' • i' -:, IJudge Steyr, 'ha Lis commentari , 1 re marki ; . -. I - I • I 1 • The neeessity of previding, for a ,lof a L I vacapc3, in the ; effi,c. of _I rE silent, do biles:, 1,,ca4 rise to" the _erea on i4'..tlie office of Viie 4?reliiclent. ~ ~:: •• ' . . . 1 ; 1 1 1 -. '" - WemaY, add, that • the convention : which I Vice" framed th,i ponstitutidn the idea of. a l . 1 . President., to be chosen at t e samotime with • -1, - - . 0;, - t•f - .4.1..=!..,t ;, - .AibeSkaiVilra - honest - livelihood._ It is PiraeY,in the-heart-of _,-„,,.. A . 0 0. nim i tteti; ' eolbpos o 0! one . /3,/ ei rther. . itirs l, , ; this metropolis; and ii;p• are confident -.that 1 ii!'"'"". wbatever`ptuaishrrient , ;AC law . , may -inflict earl frOm . each state, - `te whein t the question _Of the such a misdemeanor, public opinion-mill not I Executive was: referredi 'ln the - draft,' Which . only ratify thosentatiea but`increase the 1 this committee reporte . the President of the "of it by' general aversion and contehapt. All p _. li. was - . to have ful lied the function; lint that.we have hitherto learnt of M. Kessyttla's ~..- -13.; " - •- ' ' - character, of hislconspiracies, Mid of.his absurd ‘P7 e article 'AS agree 'to. tho Viceyresident :._delusions, had ,tkePared„ us to believe that:if was male ersfficio r. sidept of the ''Senati. -, "a of plot was eter ideteeted, Le would be found Th e first section of tin second articloof the -..-:: tolie' engaged 'wit. We trust that the evi-.I eonkt i t , o - doh provides , at— - . ' -. : ! i" ' -demi which is in the bands of the arithoritieS • --on-this occasion is such that no doubt will re- blease of t removal of the 'Presiden -, from Main-as tothe tree natriro of these ichemes,.l oince, or of his death, resignation,'•er- hiII:LAMS' and - that the; persons . dirinCipapY 'encaged in to diseharge th 6 P°were :and-duties said same• shall devolve on the ; Vice -'s 'them Will receive the punishment they' s deseive,, offi'ci!. ' tho President, mid the Congress inaY, by la ''4/2 ro- Our readers will do us the justice to. reniern.. vide for the Case of removal, death, resi ion citizens thought M. Kossuth a ,person deserv. , • bar that when . a Cortain-portiorr'of our, fellow' lor inability, i boll) of the President an ice declaring what efflux shall t . iiiiiact. ' ink of all hcinor, and when Lord Dudley-Stu- 1 r Pre - ' 3 ident , `"art, Mr. Cobden, and the corporation'-of u n lstas President. such effieer shall th i n met" Am took him to•their-hearts,vve described him' 3 aceerdineY , Uri the disability bp rein s'o, or „I be plected: --. as he is, and: she Will be .yet 'mere clearly 1 a Pre;sideht . proved to be. , Griildhall is, 'after all,..nnt very 1- •By the net all congress of literal 1; 16 . iit : .tar trent the O i ta Bailey.- : -• _ - :41s, provided, n iuraualice Of the powe r 'above Tho publication' of the-forecoing a s* i ee. l - '' - 4 1 - considerable s flan in tbe House iaf • . ._, mused masa__ That ” - f - resignation • Commons bn the evening of the .I 51,h, Mi. wile oiliriability, both of the President and Niee • be seen, by the- oll ow i n ,, sr ib ps is o f A b e d e , I President.of the United Sates, - thel.Pisident - , ',.. .. . , . • : 7 . Ft of the Senate,',prO t tern .ire, and in. case there bilk:— 1- . • ...• . . I - ~ _ /-••- - ~,, - -.-., • statement. : - . 4hall, be tie P, resid lit a the Senate,: then the - . Nr, .I. Vt. almsley referred to' a • In I. Stiimlfer of the se of Represent:tbs . -es, for one of the•morning•papers of Friday, and ask- ', t he Mme l ManseManse iiing,, s h a ll se t as p res tdj o t o f ..edivhether - there was any . and - what toundationq i the vTT oited 'ides, until the disabilitylie re . - for th, e report that a large qtia utity er warlike '• moved,\ . or. President shall 'be elected. implements had been..seized, suppose , l tObe,l • -;.- aet", 'also pro:Videi, 'for. 1- ' extra 1 long to 'M. Kossiath.; and he i''' aired &se I . .' The .. .:::'whether government h a d g iv en a n -assurance; election,, in he, usual, mode, by electoral, col- ,- 10:Anstria; or any -other- foreign, oiVerithatP, leges to tie ho en in ca i eh State, wheneier the 1 ii u and Vice Pres - ident shall political refugees - should be p4ced- rider sur- 1 offieei'' of Tres' at de - -,• ,Lor Palmerston said that information had , - bleme vaeant., As the-constitution' iares dee' Preside 4t ' shall , hcenfitietved that lore was in a bowie tear; tl at the Proddent -au& ' Vie° ____Rotherbithe; but no, occipi - edhy M. Klissuth ; hold tlifeir offices daring the term of fonr.years , • - • a quantity of; warlike stores and_ grtuKcvdei7. I we icifilithatan extra 'election would be for al .:A searph warrant was c.ontequently _issoed; I p u n , -:-,,,,, iii ; and 'not for the. balroce of ati u - - , ' the house was entered, nod:seventY•eases; con---filito an - i . . •• ; . ack "•!I .".. '. *rifling several thousands of war rocketi, were ; '', - 1 ...." . F ' - - .1 Chula. .-There -There are also -- ; found •a number of 1 " -- *!t'"ls*: §t°rY :rem arks :-'' 2. '' - -, • / ' . lockets in valions stages: of preparation, 2,0001- .Uthe.'effire - of President; should deVolve on . shag unloaded, and 500 , 1b5. of ganpoWder.,i the 'Speaker, after the Congress for which the "Vhese yoreseized,.. Who, they,belong to, the , lastl•Speaker was chosen, hid ..expired,'And be '•Zfoliise wouldnot expect him 14 say,/ No as: Ifur the next- Meeting. .of Congress,) it- might " srancen reliPecting political 'refugees hadbeen 1 he a laest 4 PlL whP is to:. serve,. and Whether -• tr i er' to anyforeign power beyond thatWhieh - the Spenlier of the House, et RepresentatiVes ldraadY been in - Parlianierit,. that then eitinet could" be diem,' the person in. the,• .. ,would nokbe,allowed ;abuse ."the hos. tended: I • -' f, l' , pi 'ty - of this cOnntry l :by hostile proceedings - The term &Mr.. Lynn "nn"-Boy . - against powers. . ,-. , " .. ' - • the late Speaker - \Of - the:lions Mr. T. Dapsaidthe.p4ace where these tirestiarin 'expired; - , thinki_wer4oundratitma'rocket inumfrictory, ,- ' fsr , r.Ate -.- - and that .**juge#atentsiii with r egar d to. i ri,,tievf Presi. eat of the, Sena .- - M. *month ';vian -In '•faliri(iiitien. The:noble I•OhlY Pers°4 entitled by=law t ford willkneifibat '-tlie rockets had beta of=` i esideney, in case'oftlae.d Aired - teriale to - the goV4rnent.' ••• .':...: _:. j I dent until-another election" ." • Xi. Night oakedlhe ncitile leith whether M.. ''. - -, -• • - -•-• • , - - Atchiseirts attian of . m der , Eilitath.tvfOr Pi ita.Y• reel! , Wre .eeinr:MiSed; ' - . , r. ' • . ' ting i -'s44:34mber of , the ; priesos44y .. iiy t hi s . of great influesice inlfdi our i tratinietiOnf:' -- ',: - -_c• ',.,,--•._-: ~, ._`. ' 1 the democracy opposed t lit -- ' - Lord PiattEot . ritdd4iii , iMsitifio'itrrPutation we her , ' ' it- , liir;.,-..- ,„...,,,, 1 • • ... _ • lese over sixty y • - • sition M._ owt,_, ~,tstmotusti, - - , 0ei... a. nutoect or., -, 1. ~• .• - , •- _'- '-Attteoaquio . 4 4 i , :'•,, - 4` ;' ' ' ..: olll * Jl!ekfagcal- ' , .. fr ' , :-7 , ...? l, ittl ), Stiiiit: ; ~_. Vie; gOverimentwitir litiglightid - sa , allegatitin,d - declined : l4i s,a.b-' ~ , : - " 'itiOtinth_'•it'- , - , M2- i th• denic4-alli-knowl• • -',,-,, . ,Pf-the lianatictiOn.;,C- . .:.• , •',- -.• '•-; ' ;•...-;--. ir,,i;i4tlionby COmPlalitisli,.:that - ,the charge . , .. • „, b een brought forward•by the, timer ag it il4.,licten'isatisfeztority4ioviiit'..ivlieieati,' it ] , from the. statement ilt-;ilf4 tioblelord,' -,ig i iii li ob-*sis-xio the case - • --,',/,'-.---':'-'`• ,-, , ; ; - : ;', - : : :-.. - :• . : 17 -f-' 411 ko-om i;,..,:iiirlhe-precoiniug fashionfoi iti i ipon. .1 . • . -Ads. this - summer is to = be ...Leghq - - fi-i m i -;,*4010**441(01 :IFOre" - i:tieli liner nn n:inil-• ~..ett.tit*ttieril o 49tningiti tdaaile , : They:are 1'.2:144,04nt1iVirii4:44-14-.*Oveithefseetiore - '-'-'7-401-I#o474,'Aitt„***/-*.lnderiatid ;: - Nritti l ea • _,Airs - ,-,ltsztii4W7, -, 1.viPtuiig.44 , 40., , t6 - f .. . - ', 4o cauttell* ' ' , I k,7 l AajaszKillre'Yeil, Pro” ' , - .?; . * . .8 ipi OCRAT • ,• calla n Nail/kern 103' COP eiNggliklY!' „ree, , .• *liir: l iiti. • ItioN 1,8114 - 11Li1ir 5:11.863 ThiN EaIMVO/1 roa.iinsylvim 011 ISSI:014 ER t ;, e - • . H: Forsyth; County. _ • • . • c , *4t Tho has Of Phil I • `m Banks ffiiii.o64"pfy: AUDIT'E 'h •SURIFF.:StOff I,.•Portei:.Brawley, of - Calm - v6r4 Citiunty hidtte; Gil)Eon 'nf tho. §l9tem - P mac , of this .State,:*l an fOr nlay, years..Cidef.Jut,- i, ticei- died . :at Phil delplila nn,Tuesdayllait. lie was cine`of t einl:4 . ciiginguished` t. Jurists of our State; and had t. ached a ‘'e fy advanced 114 9 i The Vieci,.Pre.sideney Now Ira , - - i - - .f -. Prorisiokts: e r t hii con.4ltion and lam of, Con . greisLLit:t cif -Vice residents and.Pri.si _ dents (if ilk Sefiate prottent.' • The iirovisiTs °I. the '• to the :Vice PrOsit3ent ,e Senate pro icez,:itre ' its 11 . -.... 'llThe.third seetiett of enstitatien de:::larett---" r . t e United ::States shall S seate, het sltalt have n . ~ . P . OBITAIf..Y.- 7 4, : 1i, . t ethi, .,- I a er-m -:' laW t o. QV.. 131,gjer.yclied in Cl ~ ield, gennay.l - xani4 n `the 28th alt 4 "in - e • sixt'-iieventh year o 'his age---that day-being 1.11 '} inpirer.. 90 ii• h 4 birth.! - The' Go iinor a ' 'his lady !awe $lO h .. death, and found b in thoi full PO4- --- 80*0 ' of liiiietirji: . Mr. - :Ikea was one r of the '.64 4t,, - *thitaitit4it tp,it Of *Stiite. ;and--.. ': hielli.iste 7 , r_-his integrity of ranivioness P.....,' . ItA l--- :" - ; - • :fl' 0 3 :Tan WO2•=4-raxik;"-.4t he , ,i4gagted -tat ..b ' ,3 0 0 iIiiii.00otriti i 3, tat‘Joiiinii _> 1 ' WcitioriFaii at W l'oiifAm. ,' mar,'.tit, *lad-. -a.n orei,'And at ~ - . _ J'ad is :h ' in semi ' . - irt.s . ' he theme ;.,:tea -_P ept:' 1 ' ' '- ' _I - - L '' -':.. f - . ' .•• • - I Or The following' COMnintatition came tO krard sole weeks 'ini:perhapi months ago. It Oita:, ni at the i tline_,as being ,' a perional t Ord. at' some 'individual -and, therefore we.. I iin n it by, st;'net admissible:: Our attention ha g been.- .Called: to it ; recently, on-'. the -as is. .' Co of our correPondent, that it -Was not iniended to be personal 'towards any cif the human smcies, and rather liking the thiginalit of .hi 3 docurnent we' revoked - - our former cistm -and concluded to sive the a rats" 'the lief .of it. ... . -' : • ' - - 'r, '.. - ' ~ . A . Chapter ,. : : ab:) , :it.1:::::: .T. _ _ .. A. Rat, a Rat ' - Dead for a ducal!! • Tetc are ninny varietiefs of the .14t4criui, Ire: !lg. Perhaps in form; habits, and qualities, ,t _ 1 cenuected by in-.infallible• - relationshiP. -th t of. - being the meanest and most can tetuptible..of - aniinals--and, therefore, proper - subjects jt.o be pelted, Wherever they • may .be fenna.l doubt - whether ,atuialists have tall, en the trouble to scparat all: the valieties of Oat*, - the rat genius.intofor is a class' I hare never seen'deSeri d, 'unless the lowest, kind of snobs,- so adreitubly pelted:-by Thack,.:l , , • cry, answer's to, the description. : The peculi arities of. the .I.4pecies referred to, are- - walking erect like mau, and otherwise resemblino him , in stature, form and habit I could point, a sample - of the 'fipies r a great two-headed, sneaking 6llow, the hollWether of a rata land; iy—hut some sensitiv - e rat might takei as - a 4 1 „, persc.nal affront, ma be . a ront, and an angry rat terrible thing to encounter. Better to ace a good humored elephant, than a mad I a But.. ono is not to be•debarred - -from cord lathy. the intricate and' nteresting phases o niinal life, even at the.srisk of giving offence o the objects of his scrutiny: The truth of 4 tural hist.)frmuit be ;vindicated. / . • The qualities of this species of rat are.of a . . anzei nature.. He walks and eats like a - min —talks and acts like - a rat: . - But =you .riutY know , the man f+n the'ratthr certain 'infalli ble tests, which•are never at fault.- ' ' The rat is eunnirik, inischieV,eits; treacherous, cowardly. He will glorify liirrishlf in a thousanddifferent Ways, 'which none but a rat would hink.Of.— il ? t IHe will i lssue respectability, and a empt to " persuade you that his motber w an Alder man and his aunt a Justice of thel ieilee ;', or, perhaps,JO'sbow that ho is not Diu illiterate t rat, he will el4im -relationship With a venera ble College President—Dr. kat, l'or - instance.. -.lle is'a poet; of course!. Ther'e is-no - surer test of this species of. 'rid, the a constant scribbling of doggerel: fancy rr-that ho is i the especial - ..fm.orlte .of . the Mu es,, he will Predicate his claim for renown's on -the fact Ithat he beefs the tuune of a classic poet—the immortal. hloaier. If the great poet knew wind animals..are ctristened after hiin, he might say Of his . - n.qtrte, as Johnson 'said When _Sheridan got a. pensiir 7 ." it is time tgave lip _mine V' Still the rat rs'a,poet. Of taus you Would be well assured if yOu,sair. hi' curl up -before e 'sheet of white paper;w \ he the poetie fit is on f ul j him- t -cars , sitarli -Not-.4ive ' . . fiasti_6lpiy" '.- i 'Constitution relating, PreSident 'tif ithe klle , :vs:L—: • ' - tie\firs't artiele ottlie he' Viee. Presi4ent..of lbe President ;of the rbtc,',unlt-,i,s 414 be It, of Kerttjteky, ;'"of 'lion s of Sewn 'pry te4ti, is the Buiceekto the ;th ,of the Presi- .1a . 4 444.41YJAH4 Benton. IL is f M' tea Fer ato Democrat prinind for a ". gipci volupto We will simpo,te March hare" at sorielitiribi kisible-ehurch, end that hit ixbat: - more handy for a titi used epithet, ."4-lypeeyite I" in :a truly Homeric strain, .a . I give ass samPle, the whole being published in the " Susquehanna .Regisier 4 not long Since, the only paper," I venture:to say, in the world, that would have published , • " See pacing down the aisle,.inajeetic, zloty, Yon white haired nau—hirti %would ke well to know.!' - . • Then followia . deluge of epithets, Piled - Up . like a hecatomb of horrid skull% grinning with a ghastly . aspect, and so'arratiged-:by dint of hsrd labor that the : endi'a of each .thluble row' shall jingle.-, War the Bottom is this rich couplet : . • '4 Andihosileceived'of firstosoinv come to know . •. • • - They spy the wolf beneath his fleecy co-at !" l lk,- , lno how this - rat chuckled' over , his satire; I - no il• only Ahat th e : obnOxions " white-haired" I Man- Was. deinolished, andhis own reputation ' cheese _' - established. but that hisliread and was paid for in consuieration_ot , the services rea -1 dered his:patrol:l and master; /But the instrne-. Itive qualities of the rat soon becautt apparent, for when adeputation of deacons waited upon the editor. for the - writer's name, loCholdie had retired to-.his den; lelving , the. editor - to settle with the deacons 'forthe scUrrilous libel as best he could. _ , .t. ' . • What more :natural than 'that such a ral i should get access to a kW library / and become a pettifogger: To do hint( justice it may he's said that iti is the very Calling for which , he is best fittedf How. ho • will strut with all .the dignity of Milord Coke; when he carries the. scales aid knife , for some exacting ShylOck ; and how he will chuckle with' a pecnliar- del . light when the judge decrees that the pound of [licit is the only legal tender: You may see alim ever 911' the alert' o breed ,quarrels sunorig neighbors, in the tope •of pocketing a -fec.- watehing nionths.and years for. an opportunity to sits umpire tetWeen two men who should .ebanCe to find an oyster.. :.. - - ' • . .. In lever) , branch Of -the mechanic' arts this Species of.rat may be found, 'the horror ana I deteatation of genuine mechanical,. who strive 'to:maintain and:vindicate the , esprit . .au corps kof their calling: -... - But you may know hint - lii the Shop ty bli-i*kwardness—"jack 'at':all trid+s, - good a:twee In Vie printing - office you may know thit by hiS _big; blunt fingers, leaning °vet his case and picking-type .as ail i old en 'Weill d pick bugs from a cabbage leaf.'! , ', 'Dia kind of rat Would he greatly offended iryclu should ijuistjon !iii motality, for. he is' a relar'attendsnt on Divine service, whithei ae he; e s : to get inStei & n for his doggerel ir thyl - 1. - When the 4 f white-haited 4 rat, With his . fitioey - io-at," ceines - luicing dOvin — the 1 , r ale • ona Sundarmerning; the congregalion may reit 'assareci:thai the illustrious deacena;.. alit, pf Dr.'Netthati4iiived, -- -sid "-•thai.. he Wilt , _ pub ishitteir faults through the newerq*r' do is rhy Re; for- Itiyoo dia - but. , .kainc.4,7! it, of the ei-shicite7ae * `'''' linoionlyta vitt peg,- ~ And the regulator .f the . morals of ;cam muniiy. ,il t i Then? are - •tithir ualities pee' ul c iai to thii spries of rat, wine I coal ... men on t ~..,..3 *aboviiiisuffiei I ntliisfre him the right ,pytee . in Natural-Ili , eh a n d I would . not have writ. f ten oven this, i it: had;l?sett imirPcir . ti 1: :'1 10 0: the rats . r e Or they. tray bo found. '- ' - i'l 1 1 , New. .: .', --. ', 1.. -. = • - 7, , .. New :YCYII.N - ) Sattrdity; Ay;: - pr _,.. IldEssus. tin' The near approach of the. dreaded : “ first - f Slay!' needs no ether herald thin the blaze.of bonfires,- ,and.the crowds of I negrO;khiteltiashers.which :we meet where* we go. _.„ riom the, greatlyincrealed"dermM i s of • the landlords . thin : spring, (iri,mani eases , withinliriy Imo wledge- they have -ridded it _I per cent,)—l haverreAoubt there will he more removals then,has ever been seen before,Vfhilei the -exodus fr om. the , city to the iurnMuding I villages . will be sufficient to, suiprise-ifi not ii Marra, our old.fashionedeitizens _ 1 f : „ . .• Our city has been unusually quiet . iduring Iv the past . eek, andl have little loettl news to ' relate thr t.wilLinterest your readers:,' - .. ,- . 1 -The rainy: weather has retardedthe progress of the; Crystal Palape, and I feet confident the ' , building cannot be completed' and,the artiefes arranged for exhibition much, if, any, before the • first of July. ; The weather, the contractors, ' and (if i rumors speak truly,) the blinders of .the`iirchitects have conspired to thWart the ta bors and the wishes of: the manageMent, and i'ProYes that some, thiegs,et least t are beyond the remedial reach of Money. The efliders of the association are entitled to great' credit , for their exertions in. endeavoring to overcome the 'rltfiicultities by which they hare been eurrotin 41ed: : . . . i. _ - The Kam° case, so well known as the first' -extradiion case under the Bulwer Treaty, has been disposed .of by, Judge Nelson of the ,P. ' S. Circu t court, much to the satisfaction of the.pris nor, and of our Irish_ population-,err orally among whem it has dreated ei-Isi era ble esaltement. It, appears the course of the - British 'Goverturieng, in the preliminary pro- . . Ceedingt, had made seite.serious blunderand, much to, his discredit, the prisoner was dis charged. Frlther Gavaizi continues to attract crowds P to - his lectores. bitring the past week fhb re-I ligious . - cemthunity has been , grieved at A attr.ck." on the Teruperince ni l oyenlents made by this gentleman .. Tho - attacit was not only out of plaet, and therefore itneal t led-for but the style, of the attack wai malignant in , the .highest degree. :. ! . 1 On Saturday last a select party.-ot i the Wits i i and literati of oar' city assembled, oil the invi- i i 1 b 1 tation of Burttin, the comedian, to cola rate 1 the birthday of Shakespeare, and to , ' form a 1 1 . 4-- Shlkespeare Clut," forits regular , bserrance hereafter. With Burton; Keese, anderson, and ethers of a similar claSs at the board,your tenders may, Well snppose . . 6 that the oceas irin ix-ill be long remembered. by those !who were present, aa,boti of the hriiht. spots Oftheitex . Ist-epee. . . , -. ' - • - . . -227 16 - 2itsuq...gark.xwmaG , r"frr"--- Jima- o + o .' o. m' [. fly or ca-TIL - 4,113V/11110 tae ,Au r9n, •I;viier; -- itreh 1 is son At j artinesixe fail Europe, per the Bal tic, at. noon to-day . I ASthis Willlie fhe first in stance or an ex-president visiting Europe I pre sume otir venerable and distinguished New, Yorker will attract conildera le attention there and be made the recipient o unusual, - and I presunie unwelcome honors. "Th new coinitgehas ma e its appearance elmin the SU•eet, art? f commands apr ium of 2 per cent by quantiti_ The Banks have par'. ,\ chased all the can get ,)tt, 1 - ,41‘ and a half per cent. So it Woul seem that" the standard is sadly out of sorts." he pieces aretpreeeptibly smaller than the old ones; _and, with the es option of rays springing 'r the eagle rn . I have only seen , the que:tt the round ed edge, I can Hee but little ifference in ,- f , their ppearance. , I\, The steamship Ericsson, schic i ll :inade so much noise a sPrt time since, i 4 tiedp at Williainiburg, and will not starili34 her 'rip s for Europe before July. It is said that some great improvementa are being Candi yin the ma ehinery which will improvo her siiieed, and make her one of the fastest ships fleet. .. ' The,f/illotype which has .sci long engaged the attention or dagnereotypists, 'Seems in a fair:way,of success. - It is said that a commit. tee. of the Senate, to whichbody a etitionWis i , presented asking.. a fer special pat ni, have err amined the subjectandgiven it the r hearty en dorsement. If successfully estab isheitit-wilt completely revolutionize the war f art, The intelligenCe;from 'i't eed» t n contin ues too be looked for, daily, With, eat inter. ,est, not only by thosewho are looking for of fice„lint also by our citizens generally. ..The line of policy adopted for the._ conduct of oni foreign relations is a . Subject:which interests all of us; and 'one' that is anxiously watched especially by the Commercial financial . l i n l classes. _Senator Borland is to go to Central Anlerici,'lnt, with tlits - exceptien, no,foreign appointment has been announced this week.-_- 7 - Madame Rumor that bfisy old, dama l , liars that kr..bix 'will go to 7 , rance; Mr. rise , io diti i Gov._Seymour bf Conn. to Mexico; Ibillige Of airacusiti to Naples ; Rowena of 44. to Bins. sans; Judge Briel, of ' Mich, to tßerlin'; ' and Stephena of N. y.. 10 the .1 - lagne.'l Qa the'oth: er hand Gov. Foote of:Miss. is"looked :for . Franae and Mr. Wien for Brazil aud!ktr-Moade , of Va. for Chili, by others.',. The Ara i this tie r bodyknoms anything about the. w eather,' ex- , cePt the Cabinet : the POsident:, haring 5et . 66 1 1 glurii i me 'example Uf / keeping his lo skin secrete.; The demand for nimbi's, horerer, increases withlhe tightness in the Marl; t Ofes:Urt la; formation.and I ans .obliied, li e OtheriiiiiiilM positions, to notice rumor s th ough I detest th e' praCtisso. - Tke St'erid!lrY of thta Ifaiy 1.3 btisili i mined in loiestigating the iiiffi 4 ties - whieli I i° lbni:lifivAlled in the 111echihkia: - dePsirt.l' snenta of Ple - soireind navy yards, and forced in 4' feifr_workmeti on the governMe44 l ` He seems determined lifc#- a iiejigiblO_li3St4 ti_itillig'tb oie:iiillellt''llp tki ihe- 0;0 of liiiiite 1 Igill*eibi;eonil 4 bit with' WO . *Likes . oithii, *es Vrhicl ohi Img4ir s iiinerilliteioinizii i l 1 Payinirthe '.B PM, L , .wigeN L „emielitifilt t!4 ; ; name ibilitiesileft he'll* fro mthe - limo whisk the beet regulated Privittelir_ A da l re4l 66 . ''' Thii is ivioiiiielit.wigrik ifile.doui, iothintals. rk o)kr(3spondenee! . -- -T - .. I . ' . willarnmortalile Lis nime,-and place it,..4)eatdo that et r calhpian in the annals_ of rxectittve.ec-,, fiam4/ . ; 2 i - lie ,,, Pft mai . e r - I #-I* l l l Me `got illq?Ir0Pb1411111 , 11, eigitne,pettitcigkii, in " this titriio:•orsi.lisiilLl t #l.;l vid , ee i e ' ar ;t i L mdu # 2. cL - " me 1 66 . eegnOrSitit tofri4ign:ilig mit' iiirg ln!tf it., ter invesiiitien:l;,lt*eo3-that htlutsi'rela! at ed the 'papers for iievel . ar 'menthe Prad . no* peeli-':. - itiveltdeilines ttrrot ra them : plass. some _b C.. ten thoutuula dollail paid '..i4 • hin2.- - .ooer „,, bpete SainTrnit'vid 'aajci_..44lvii me h'OM ' Inyi*": friends." :- Tin( lady . :.: the veneinlilelGeo.W. :,by P. CnstiSsteP.giiind not Gen ! Wisliing,t6rii r and the sore entvivor Of his iiiin;ti ' didto family : 1. " I died at Arlington . l - lo se , :near iyitoog,!.,on,on st I ; the'i,a inst. aged 70 years..i i t.,:, '- ' , John ,Slidill, ivli 'declinedi the - 'Central , Aiiiiiiiiiiillissiiin: - intty - tLagerid:Ae,:bita; - I hie bee:electedtO i Solite 'hi - the - Le - 0 - s= •IA 1., --- , ...r. .- ~ ._.., ~.. non.- _ • , lature of' I.. t omsnina, - ce- rt7tre Soule, m appointed M i nister to. Spain., - - • • ,_. .- Th - e - Legielatuie of illaisaehdsetts - has ityi fi, ,propriated:-trin'thens.joid 'thillail for - the - ere }ti iii 00 cif a• statue .. of Daniel 'AtebSter, in. BoSten: irn 'from .7i.xitioco learn thet.;Caravajal: - ilia t," Norton; his lion`fenin't -are Still cOnfiiied in VI , - th . I VOA -Drown.--Goldin - prernises'-aro now the t e orde rof the day.% Texas, as. well as Califor.:: t nia, .and thousaads-I are rnshir/g - tciwards =the-i t i l 1 upper Colorado; where. plaecral - et groat_ Tich- .. ne - es,`lnwii bderi• diseovered. I, ! - i ll. is: said' that ol . I fresh discoveries are being Made every day.-.-' ..., ' Texas Stock past - bp looking Op. . • -:' '- e l From NeyAle.riiv importar4.adviccs ..haVe ,t, bben received. ! Gov. Lane hii" taken, the ye.. - 82 sponsibility,r and seized a perfiion of territory - assigned te..3 - lexicolbi the Bodndary Commis- - I ‘, l .signers contrary to his (Lane's) - viewsi)tright. lic lias. issued a - , pr,qclainatiou[annexi* it. to New lifei'icO;Witto,nt the advice -of 'the Gov- s - rnent, and taken forcible'" pOsshssinti - ivlifilhe . . ' forces ander his Centrol. 1 :T4e- , ' commandant '" of the trj S. troopil refused' to'ce-operate with him; without prderii ..from 17trashingten. ; . The - ,i antheritisit: Mexico presented "ii protest to '- Judge Conklin;oueininister there, and -iinme- - n diately sent a reinforeament. of troops. to !repel 4 , Lane frO l m the ten4tpry., . - 'Obese .who i - have s closely lwatehedi:the- progreiis -of - events in. .lexico 'connected with the return of Santa 1 Anna, have expresied their : Oars that all '7illt i pot. end swell: liis well known malignant :feel lags- tovkirds the United States, taken in' eon= i nex,ion with his ..trien&hip - 'lwith . Spain and FlAnce,lSeem to indicate a idispesition ' , Which . 1 IS hostile to the United Stat e s;' and this Mis- --, ste o ' f Gov. Lanc7i.will'add "( immi fuel . to. the etn- I onbe Al classes' of the conk, tlalough..l i p . 51eice, - weic intensely excited.. . i t _ •' 13y.the "arrival of the .." . tailry . ,the . '" ,West; on 11n111ndaY; we have advices fro)on California, two; w ks: later: The loss of V#atlerbilt's &emir sh p ko i kpeedence, by running on - akutikuolyn sh mai Off the _coast -of Liwc4-,California, and if rWardS taking lire and burning to the Ni`a;* ..0 's edge, is rho princial - I.o,pic•Of, news:: .0f day; isassenfrersl-4(i!iere - lost, "and the• it - nn a sandUr, I snlftired , greatly, from relit east thb want of food and water, before they -were rescue by some whaleihipi: - igarysfille , and several 1 , other places were submerged, and con i. .siderable - damage had been done bythe floods newednthew 'depre ati ris, ;an sever ! tees ' bad been talon: by theta,;-Fresh discoveriei . ofgeld bad been' mado,'sonie of thein ofgreat 1 richness,' and the,' older plltiers seemed to. ield crops. almost as good as at thew first opening.. , Ersi ees s enerali.v Wa4 perfectly siamated t and allkinds of goods weri;sacrificed at -bow -1 inal reltebs.. ...- i . Du ing the past *Eel, Nti have received spy era! days . inter irs from per the • • i-linni ,ne o/f. and Canada.:. lc ' 3 E a glond , the ditty -on'adi'etisernerits was aijolished by . .Parlia,'. [tent=. -The police had been f engaged inlnak. I ing searches, and the limes says they search eil,'„lctilinth's 'tome, and found large (Amish-, ilea erWarlike itores. The- question - Wee ire . tnedintely introduced. into parl iament,: and the government rebnked by several leading,tnetn tiers, Who asserted that .Kessuth icehied in .a , e. differe i art f c "cite; -Ibat „tb premises searched is ti,faCtory. Where rockets aro made.;- Jhat the ideriticabarticles Seized' had boor t :of- IC.ted lio the 'government ;'' - irrio that the 14tter . had` Mad, the eeareh'and4 tiered the re ort ",42 . gct=ribroad Rir . the Pirrpti eof injuring os. ~suth.r - The Queen is rapidly,recovering. oils] l' her corifinensent.-11ro - Stowehad been - os-.1 I,!pitabli entc:rtainnt i'l,,iverPoOl-'4totton had l`tlightlyadvanetd; and ';Walquite Relive. tread: , stuffs Wer e held pp Ilittle, bat the .dcf2aand l'-waeier Lai Wiiesi - was eteadiei 'and re l Pony, waKmure . active.fl . .litoisions , :generally 'Werel(ii i tit, With' a "declintt*lntarket. , -NaPole. On - Earpeienr was quite Sit4c.:--;Arreels i'ere 3 continued in l Paris , aMt i tliel - reftigeea - lelo eided in France had been: Pieced- under tom ;very, stringent - regale tierr3.-T-The : project ..! lineot steamships trr New York-had - biii, gbandoned.- 7 -The Pope - has , concluded to - main - in , A.6ale, end,' let some:-other 'perk) ! 'crown: .the :Emperor.4Tire. Spanish 'f - 2iiirif hid- Iresigned.- 7 -In - .ferikir f.iftirther. - airpstaf. h been'.made amingthOievho entertain -liliera tieurS.7;;The troublealns k Turey are aid. ttr b' ,' .., in a fair way for adjuitnient, . Rtissla:havin_, softened tawn j i littld.frO6her formethiMg; " t , 3, di . or . -i --,,,.' j , - ..„ ,_ 12 - - - ;', 2 -:.` ' - - ..4 . , ',. .• . : i .- 341 DER .itrir ItOnl*ltYi I.! CLEITUNto.4:. Tan ,widoti lely, aged 411 ; litarried:Chrisfina 'Si ..:.; ,by, living- alone; on MOtiiniCattreeti' - irrut'fbun 'dead - in' her house tOdayi,.- - herthroet - hal/W . ;hoed cutfinin iesr - ...th!,e4r4 'i,Thera j is:l4o - dopb of it being a .dlabolkeel murder: - • The ~hobs hitsbeen ohirerred bti i ithe4.,:rieighbor's- - te . 'har , Wei shut iiplinee -- - R,ilditY= lest:7 - TOAli.Yi'l being trara, ausPiehM - wati Moused by_stene ' -trout the hi t use. A. window waiiiperied, - AII amest horrid r!tight .a`ras - jOyeale4 , .'. Thor:Ole thedead body of the : ,,*!o(nan;),ll - Parftal:PAri purl' - cation, hen head tieirly'Striered,- laying::pititt r under the' store;ind the intermit terrlbie.i-4 - r -, cry trunki d rawer , and , e..hest, iri' the house: hi, been # ll 4i=7. Oe : : , .._riiiil4 ; o4lr'':::: - . .:. , . ~.. PIRAWVirfLI. : --- litilfi'Uliiiiid , StatiW:Ci cult - Cearti . . ll V Phi ' Allitiiiir on 1V, 11 1 1 : 1 jOsdk . .1 11 4 0 ;qrilerfiriiied.,.. ''-iiketion far, a 'mew .. •sii i in.alcaseibtitwoeri th ;leashes (iftliiik;ii.:,, 4'3 WO' iteiitii!lhei ' - 'iiitife;'-ii - :* - th&eltii:: PhilideiPlum:l.Thins4o4oheiinfiiniii - tiiirii: ' .d144 - 4vbielfl*isAdviiielicttio - city,,:alkiLgt: ' .014.40; hej*;:eleireit ,i'Orieti - - rik : [:coatlandr:i Sehttylkill ionnty;;isluelti at, - ' one _ iiiiiliiiiiY 1 dollars::: Inta, title 0413' linikiii*':l)46:* ; ... in Girard iiiikktVc - inikbieaktbovi lot, bieliitiiiiidacrlikii:etti;ro,944qh 1 04ginent4:#0' 4141 4**ihat IV-Y.0444i ' pia! to thli'eity .maaki aiijliiikrthoditithK tie It h 4 einee . beiltiPimPlete4o - j , . , :' , . - ;' euip 6 t'" ' itik - chi 131- Mae Or 031 e 't t ' sh 5 ).. if',i't • • .(. 1",., , t ' . ''''& ' Oestrus nrg April 30-9 P. q .31. I -, ". - VVGOterlrbi Ph from Kihrt4 ll- PflA , 'an NVt thtft* totthug.Ckes- 0 -W l *.i .'l, l ll l l a 'Usti 3. , Weil% Friday night,, six 1 Miliii iat ti'llie 'Dila - and about fifV militi: i Y I °%s t b,'!",; 4l . e . ,, : h i . : I tt r :A P :y "L twift o ' f il; ; 110411-a V fi e ft r Y o P on eisitui ty_stiv i i i tau' lug caPtarfi'-r il g lit e 111 ° . ' 1 . 11 to; an4`the a - sr.- , '.- i -.-, ' 1 tr) e - ocesiiivio wan owned plate; Iliy t a Northern 'Trend -COrepatiy,- and.has, een running hettyten this port and`, Hamilton ,r f .ight, and P44engers. -She N%.*As en- her • ow ward.,trip. - , : ifilho was insured in different tat a and in thei[Canadas. - - - I . " L'Yr i 4 33 0AunctiL 2 I tYL Ats - ' • ---1•' -- • ,may 1. 1853.' A U l lin — valiiitligriiikie.`filits — o'rth .o-,T- Oen tit i Va ii, - trii*:Onalcif they , crew; Stephen Black la ' - ',, <-2 4'!' ' -- 2 - ",-- T i 0 sr:) . (::umWkivo'took fire Lfio#iherlurnace ii Pudowavall.triPiod..the.)(loo...! ah(kut; art miles above Kingsuin, on Saturday Tor inTf' about twollo'cloeit 'When the fire f Was is disco% eted.,l-aire. yes about a mile and - st all frOm the stOrewhich she was immediate y • ado& for , i ut so intense Was the „ heat, ha the. Machin r7' gave out, and she was,ar. cd to sea- -,- , i r .,- , ''. ‘,. , ';::':;J - - -- -- he uppir- bin; .iv:ip consumed aunt Xi en ininateiiiani'l in'nhout 'tivo'' hrh the illiwent driwn'.''''. - '; - - , 1 -• 7 ' :-' . . lease Leaved; were tithed off:by the settoont z. earguala- ._—,,' -x , 1, ~- ,-- 'f. , ;„- , , •lf, lie CC te an Wave had on , beard_ fourteen a .n arid nine dOeft liasseniertV, besides,fOur ..hi dren and tlisis erew, *lto swelled the whit )e to abOut firty, 4f- whoin , :t3kOoty two were at , eizi.: - .- . : .- ' i _. .., ..., - , mong.thd,ciew saved.were'PaPtain "lirright.i in 'both mateti;Thomas Oliver, the partltk i, )O li'wheelaine'n ; 'ihs' second) engineer - , 31r - ... 131 •chi= ;,. _and a' dumber of ilenkhands. t'. 4 : bs followhig Were among the passengeis in ed„:-- , ~I !, ' '•- , c - - fir, Francis giahand,wife, both of whom \ Nr , re burned, limt - not • danger° Ay. . '/ i irs. French', of Cornwall: .- - fhia -ife of ,:2drAtoore, of th Gore' Bank, El , mill on. 1 , - i - ' { ho e threeiribove ri , amed, wr a lea svved; 1, - . - . , _ A 'sin all vessel'on the way 1 L. the 814st:diet ottite • 111 fat li men being I fright:vied pulle T'no schooner. bleorgiana the o vered a- boa, ;which %vas n to and, two odors;, and slice ' - np,i4ghte persona.. - 111 two min tes after , the re Wnt down. ' 11 She had tiri ed. eight miles [ 1 b :faro she sh o a l - u m) f: r . e . n . ear .he di' • Tile eaptai first - thatatmd; Inset _hroug the rest,to ' 'pestruct: 6.bont'one chester :Hort - to beifit fire s three women 'here any, of; the nd the se • eurred is c c o se who la', .tifficienk-to. -IVe: ne Conlan; 'heelleY;f o, —as,reeently I. : 2 , I `.nn , .. , nee belse. 4 nd criargre t estraygd...- • nd drybk,i ine d i : Gut:_ 'n - ttni . ll:o4 . at' Ptc*ntar. ,At:the se= it Ipswirb, - f reported th which,':-aftet Opted.— and.ddeply ry_slavehol. bondage fo cilmstanee hu-manit3f- , Sr,ego d.: tlecl .opinior the sin of al dm:abets. le - ,Thirdl, a. proper i it tho s piiit folly' earriel w °old :soU kd refOrm i 14dinejszt i . - YArLI opinigh its i reads, word / _cornirkallio that. dui ilia gillended, elearlY -e..TP tioninto th pal .i , Episco • ttie pt.]] in'faror of! - fredelegrl "the - World' -: ::, ArthUr I :the- evido Txteol .w 'Mitt G Since ha*, Ogre t I 'This ,waruce, tlukrA sidered lies up ..if by_tin: :driver ,eonrisie) awe t not a( °yea `` l ‘ar. itvite„ Cris* the r I.o* EKE ` '{,': j y . Vii.. ~, ~: ~~. ~,. 01 . 6 : *11' , : -:ilie-44--; !a, steatiii.r, but away avin:,t linte n`ght, ruled 'with hey edo(' PjFkl I tie the wi6ck - rota tho , •Shore lone, , ,pssepgers 11,2' • •• -•, _.,. „ 6.610tp : •, - st':: , .: IT:-'.'.''';'.',?i e Tiro in ): 'dr' Lives , I . . ..: • ' - :.- ' '..,. pril 29; : 185.,-,. 'ig.i,cii tiiii --:" o - li* ;,..- 01n' . 11! 1 .13 1' 113 4 , 0* 0- , 4' a - teniperanee 1 tel, waa found , _nd sad to re1:41; four. tiondeati and".,onu, boy,".: lust. ,kheir,lirves: out '120: iierso. iS:in.tlte botOl, -- fainlliels - *he . werebiaideig; , of e,inifuSion ad Ilismay ,Whieli ,neeivablo3.,! -.No ling - rOmained al! riihpd but a fel 1 - ebar!e4,, ' bongs, , k 9& the dent jn.- 'designate earn onlyilie ii 'thee .. of."'Cathar;. ged abont fort); ,- ears, and Janlei rteen ‘: yeais ,-01 , ... The. bUildlo l purehaapd. , by . ;,- M.: ': French - fox Was .iaiurede , . n' ,t 16,060- 111 - stlf the. building . ;alboperty , :¥ in•thoAqolking stable. was .. also saved,) 6 Theloss ot be-ascertained _About. two-thir ... ounto t . tierso' he fire oriaina 914.: . 4 14rgi), i.s - coiatezits "Nlids : ter 1 istr can Mi3thoffiat Eqglan. :Conterenc: - on of the 31 - et chap; the COni !following 1 ceisiderable ticlist Cpilfeeenge s off_resoluttows l ussicni Nv4ie-* . .ce, we •a re fully le — nt ~that vo kt '•wif•• 'w against.,_Cwo i.aed IC • o ff, as a confere 'ciakdiriced as eve hol. th3"pake fkgraq elibei - ate - 'ena set= erions gtn - 14t7 .— 0f it be: lidruitted: as 1 1 ,, hat „..it ' ,stn • yeheldineshott oer church: lb's%'Ave re !elpliee2u'eree,del leveri,:eif'ouir pres yet alt- vole , either.,breu tion xpelled.frim t Thee is there'' , 'ortr,42 n d etieh, it m a6sesense !•ipline . ,Sheuld a ¥d rule /oh 1 I _neilmaciedtthat if , edtiiix , lislixed; 'Or, pt dii,eiplidelweie tari ' !ibtvehdiders I lit 4 0 -, r 6 P 6 liii4ce. [f the Esin ef iiiide ~ r. 4, -&',,.'aittitiii*iitf: icittitne;.43(...ol:iir. - . liOtsolfs - 'i:fr4lo.=-04, ,f - t4i3 , ,'osiiire*** !..i iirinitoW.:#44 'iii , :- , d - 66!feltiiiicf, r bitifieilleKi* o :, i f =- the .;..,; j..,..,!•.401',:i.„i: ' "'T.:. - .79-'i!, 1 :”.:1:- i ;iiiiisve ~ - A cii : ..kign,,r , .•• - ,iii*i. -2. eoifriki4o, i ie' l 4: l4 ) - ti - i'-ttzd'I A. „ , .-.- . • !.r: - '--.:?:! 0.400iti.pi11..1" . i .-- -::::' . ' , ..0.. ,2- ,..: .- . eiiiisiaiii.iliatteleti 05 - 44{ - iil.t.so,!!'?gith ii -, biii*Ari*lii4hl hi;(1 11 ii0 . 01 ,- 4 2 t 611 ='. 1 r ittniti*Vofk Oa ~lt. 1t,:i1if,,i4a44'74446$ vsunintimpn hum)). vgi)ticp,,After, the 11T4ine 'law, ToPrAent• Telniieran66-.0 S 6.''''''A ,prm..tt - .., ~J::., - - ,c id.44:, - 41-41iii4ttlioah: iii..Sitliiiik:.liii '. . liiiiTiPkt.o44 ".• 1 , i'fjiO4:lol.4e4'::t.4.; 1 , , rtOok-', cif ii?..01 , -VO'l4,traiirOitl . W. ii flka; - . liti* ''brifib \ . 4,,,. ; 6 : o. : : p .filgiire frib gil. :4 :iit6: : : : :: : rs. t ,,,, 1 li.e- ith fiti • person 410 - 44 Aenr.Pori! 4 • , .0 '. .;1 41 *. i i r : 7 ;x 1 T0 1 ": 8 0' 'alma/ 6161 00i 4uld 1416114: ; :14v' \ --. T g lortilf .: (l , l , lli . a , e: a a p ur ere. , 1.4 t-k, ~,....,,,?,,:f,:0p.4 . ., . ..., ... R •.., . F ._e - a aLAteut Preeerltment ' - i r ,,-0-.-.4ca.94-c,e,r..1 this nornin ; : in relation to the Rink murder, Piiiji* . ,,,irtikil the 4,ence: roiteniog _ the crime tir'n'nlvP.F. , - r. ' \*hiek.,*,:Aeetfied- convincing o f . . o#:inn ~ , - osof IfiromilFeekeit, arrested_ oo • Ciliefrilird.;e:l*ea :W rceilfaS;(o;-tV:. .1• th- s , e . k - u • T:kgeistir'ittweurtupon r • g e - t.o , - the motions - 1 fOr*irloWitriril, and arrest foriudgouten, tie the case , of Abe. CoPia:' orld : . P 1 ,1 6- 4, 0 °4 for , I them • . eo4!;,6l,l,lSOOfriars :Irte:::. 00ormcod IT ', ' 311 4C Ailloort everriiliOg 11:-ITite - prisien.: era wtrkthoi4l . o4a whether MKT - hod my.' thingitc44::iitir Sentence:o4oth should net bepasSed.,:` l'heit'AO . , eel :vitur- • pailern fr ool each.:ProtgO:tilii'Xiiiir '.' .'. - elloei-Ahat , '; of Ent. ,00e-iratie „ ikthet:ceple;to . him - that So ; ohno . vtAieoinet Attskicki. in,:irl;thit then be stabikedSoehat Sentenie e death' fin • t l " ; lot4tiricett il4tidge"4l# l * - T - •;:•—•• '.The 'd4urkiteunct.a. true ...11 • -against Springlfe ~ke.nitirder pf Rink; and,: - a re a the bill :`e, rgitig .feckert ;wit4. the crime. Th e ,' Utter 1!,,, ill held`for, 'ofi assault -with: la t to kill;-`o WilsW-ii-eab driverc , ": ',. ; ;':]. r: ~_ ` ~ µA 'i M ' - Ida Anna itialexicci.. :- ~ 4 .Thii.i. urn - o f sifitiv Anna . to... Mexico "; ba - re : * :thef4estifitt a 2 P -tr:';,te. 44 lveeize that - 14i unapr- iountry• into•;_life: ',The if. fort, lie,:, ver;:ill fail. A - A. natiOrf, - .irlitelt• hai • •eetee'P'4We'lieee of *exi.6o;-vhfah is Ara-, gitilizig in all ita- - Paits'idreafr.f.f a nh l g - te - Picee.;, _:ur,ehiediehte•dgeart•qulto , t•helevet% t b Y 4t' A-01!ing-er.theetereN--, ,Tpleetf yam; ago,' ~,,..ITI `,the'Pere•elight.' , have:atiewerimr , A' kige OtOi•lovernmenl, `w hich 5h0614:1 have,: nOnria cd fateful' life infant reprlblics;-ii 'govern •prit;of justlawa, of equal' rights, °fel: • crated' views = -might have raise4l,l4exicil iii this:itiUe, to the 'condition of '.a. religietatile as. thin, tienoreil. abroad; old'tbelovid. , _gliotne4 - 'But thi ievelittiori4/hichiti MiXleo froia Spain; lefto-lhe ;au?* -rephhlic , witk,neithir, statessow - nor : patriots, ••Thez,leaaefs.;-fR ter themselves, not sot!, their - Coiuttr7; -viliPe . the r. hattle wee w 91 1; tticlitritf'brili- . .- a olls. I TlMie'•viaslie'-‘l7aattingtiori'tWief ' vl t .cri6ollt.th4*Ple'slibe:ities:44 Wed e iiiiplemithiCh awe& others! Je L ai noble in . quiet='. The, nation fel- - a PrelA. o:- •::44 -Irdi and,it - 23', genir.als: - _,' But ono :powe r _ existed: ea• p l it o i . le, - ,evC - n: clVieisiitvietS' at•mi:' that 'friii: the ~ ;elo:ol;4liiaijimextco:thii - Viurei'wes:-Mily ; isiss':relUiciOne ,- thailhe-, army. Thts; tit4phi) 4 , gquendi m x , ' :the P 4 °o B - 1 1 1 ,q/betlh'skiehei 'havhward andfarwa4 between theae• t tWifia. tions,:tiltali their - patriatiati; alt-theitiatioa: it: vitality< all,theie-lielie itieri'istxhaastid , . TOOlieuk etrriglY : =lgnii r ih-e 6 rPee'efeetiliiin remains. ::.• ' .I. - ..... '- •- -i `-- -**, ''- --- `----, - ••• ..• : .- . 1 :: , • - . The - testumitation of 'Simile() tea hefmhegrak too-la .e-ther4forO: -- '.The victim is In . - eitiend." {iii a i4ltioTnysic6n called in:uctil.onlypirift, ~.1,0 diieover he ii too late, and. to advise.wiihi• the frlenda Rh. burial:. - In . plain :404 OMb, , :Anna will; soon discover •.tliatitO7 - saii Aiiirea . iiiiipossibleonnd that the wisest•thiriglhe can:' 11619 i. Minielf; VALI bito•Makeiniikid;haigith •; - wittienroe foreign: poWer.• , Will he self ;Melt: i• ieo'.lo l .Sinvirt, A.s.soinel assert, for a Vl*Klit. f . tilie , Pr.* ll lie , .prefer :#n ,tirtlo. England, A I - P/Inanef-; If ik diftteutt,li tfilf."preseift atop oti -afraiii;to.detiinil4o ; butting he`will bettini-ji !idled tii , `scinse stich course, of Ao.inotlteriur iro,-appears clear. 'if we may hazard 11-0 /liee' l tUIIS it:lA:that flight will tie hbiAltimati molt! The.Mexicaus except . Santa :iiii4 Wiley. than - tioßt;ailitichf, -- whieh een' rank ,bi'dchiet 'only by. a'iiiiiiiile; so:that; in the 'imit,•=they" : /Bib* disaitpOinted; and turn iL,,oliinst.:hiaii:los usaal,. ;fora traitor: . :,:;lixigi'sPid = disao,ql4:lent.list '• their:.istrt,,to - say nothilg - it qtbei motive, iwilt,'Avir think: *event their heiriglilinik dopes in any,iichereek'saler Santa ',Aim - az - May plot, •= - We look ; therefore; for . the White:P-( 0 4 1 3 0 s . ent.ixperiment,-avia,,aftr that,for -scene, of eral,ltaaraliy..oveir.all'llexiCe.: : '.The'phipii among the Ikeakeis; is beatingto ; eies;stut . cannot be .'saved b pany pilot hatefer.% Out '4ilie - fragmelisiiiearefenk-e o l l ea s e otl- - 'er.etAte may he cenetreeted;' - er Perhat'S , "ve` -al, 'Which shall•iconfederate „with': siiii own :re- ' Aiehlie. but Mexiciiltself; - Ifeiico iii'-kiiii.in;.i. 'dnOined=ikialreadY', : in orticylo" , nOmitif . &,-Eir tiipi:Bitllithi. - - ;...., • '•.=.:42llortailt.to:POStkinagthiinhir - Ives Vied; dot r ig of CircuitCo tin "Nil' chrvirbieb, '; 1 441 4 :4 0-1 4iinbnillY lidakist4odr*Sth*the pi:brie:and the officiate Wh ebit.telif the•Fillipits:Post-Officei o' thkebiloe try.l The PosinrnotC4 at Silva:its; in Salvo Poltir was arranged and fined WWI, for elaigig jletter in his office. law the imperative duty of eve .-. l ), asttniestetr to fonvor& niLittail matter deg:mite& one hidf hoer. before .the departure ...time should be aet 4311 4 3tl6 :4 llBl i hia l i°"o " fite; I f heie penaltisifor detaYill 'tt •Vapersifte after they liter lisimonsit• Prik . • e • :rickare on. their way to tholinlimirotais. ' So stringent Are the` i s" . Abet' • a t And Orompt diucharge of their's - official:du tl . ` only save the Postmasters' frOot ffieir he first instance °fa-comic that. w leard'of, and publish it fir aukti6pipg that it may lead to hi Sled carifulnesif on therpart ..-of all, wbo liticr anything tcr do with tifolitstietliom ' I ;1' amore the , kind e no intoa awaken ee so of their obligations; ierae: 4l Y Plestibiegidkil* • * *9 iiinkl&—Sentinalt - fir; ';vl. - - - imam- t h • re. j iT nm..- I.EIPP.• .UMe e ': :'', „-' •- • • • : ..-,...,, i t - ; 3a s i te "ass ,cievfiaili eottPlett"'"id,life, left - - kitty" , youngA f coning, - --, 14 St:•.Co •e, ' 'biiitioa e • aiidloc k:lit i t 'morn! eP s l )* *day evening , and gliejt,teikAbeideeNstbe o*l'F-'q ' Inerni-lit'''tblea fati-..- mean time ottStm4t einati, dee bi : ,0143 .„ their ih-rsii'Lm„. Lthe. State!. di e ever t g, '.• - ...-4.tiewo - . liners , 0 ..tho MIA" G6lO/1"4b0 thej - 'man: ei_. • smut- atitb.4teme,-.l74.riett',o,oll!itgh-bat,,,rilliliios4treatdr";!, ways.- PASS° .' • Wein topping t o . ~ ......_ (mg 01 ffaet ... ..aiiirtout, lin • email ••---i 4kl3%.rrtisiatthe gentlemanof the 'ladY-• .„„,,,-ia*,.olo:' *LIR—4* • --'' t • sit or —.. rilisit''- •-,,, • life •titt. ray:lf - -tile. forme ,A nee - - lhe ~,„ar at ed b-- • where -• e .„... 1 ..,______,,. obine :14:0tAifl'' '. `Ce of t - - oh i 604 . linellaqi-4iiitiOlv-11° ir adroitly s'iriitiil, ot 2 x.- ,;-,,k tiiiiii-eNertd• boviolduie yowl isiremfo,l 0004 ki ised. ttftlii*WA , k a lio rdi:100 IL 0041111fdiggitii:Tiol kiofolu'd oreo* .14‘059:"-iesiliiii ',,- ~,, 0,-)kri}r:ciii4 eli."the fi4lo*!•er . a stil th' t Y . lirditt#l.4.fe4ite ' Mil- tnittAad ,e6ll .13 - .atmuad . in hislaore. ! me nt 6 ..,,Arrtibig,S;439 ' ilak P„....nr, -- -- gore-.: '''' growing 4bitii9l4Pwas o f the m'F'7 l ,h o i lady, atue• tickets 0. w e ' - the Part' , _..,....-1 -- • 81P• 0 OAg: F...,_. tuis on, trim" aut!„"..6o, um aiyitrAar • • al .........„...1.1:„_ 'in s , _ousel tau.t.9..,t-th.b,...e!...:--,qtritettliz.goramtkik- foo, 'Aer.oulkv.:^,•l46umm,..l.. lAiti-.916ed 'be 77. ‘• ' • . ' '4llr4ft- • • gifiliiikibt '1:alopl ert , t ~„.e...,.1 0:-.TiAll,,,iir giciwvg,. 7 1;., .77,iwea ]-fie was+ .'•"- ' lt a .t h e " ':,e'- 4 ''':::: g kilflit -0 6. 3 rittle: 'A i r t %''' :iii.--27P,-•l• ?ii.';'; :A 4( 1 1 1 4;1 "A - 116 '• l'ilsod..l;. ,sw.rhet--01 dtorizt:: ' IteV, iideedipit....,..-of: ." ~ tidini-? ,'• • • :tiviVitligioseom., :PIO:. "Jr ----;:1,.... - -cd ~.exleslAr: JA?!.-11t: dvg,"7:7."-!iipa`....*At*ii-iu4tOr': agtztPs, ~,.,r.,l,___Ai it;*(7ifdie.„.,l2l:'4o,,*4o:lo,,,44,rta#Fr. . ......-dittt , , -1:300.er _ ,-- siit , uov lag` -„,t,i, .swat ...all, keel; 044UV E1fiii11k...„,.:kAtP.4.....1-thii.eft itc - h4,CD: x tl iir‘ , 'i, , 10:connalf.r. tty; ala-ti2:ViA ilaioNtrrirt protAt. k.t..,-tt, t , ,111: aii Atl9S' ' - 1 ,,, , , r ,t , ,t -•'. - 1 : - 'tinenp • 'etA EP - - .-•* i f 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers