,Froese *Anaemia' dairy itiadwilt derive • ' cal rn s.§ernka these .T • he COrgeSt Clrcalatisn iei .11reriltern and le:lie the rest -to -IPensasylviansa-1. 1 1132 Copies ,liveek iy. • • - . shout , '6"4 milked as near SBi E. B. CHASE, Eurron. \ ' ,3101111111110 SE, APRIL 74i1 ...i 653._ ' : crea !dishes. '. ... 1 ' • Er , cow'S -milk slio Arne dote of Idr- Webster: ' , . - . 1 - ' . till th i peculiar prop:true Just before Mr. Web nter died; and afier his , . I know' as-to admit oft.ke recovery was despairia of, one cf his PhYs ic: l,oces hat ire most near! Pun aPPrrtaebe d- his bedside and asked-bow-he ; -loget.' er. :Wlien it is iol found himself. 'I feel like the Jac . kdaw id , ill 7 iof a serf fine quality, rti church Steeple,' was tbet strY'ge -- T e P I Y! - -1 Thee, of th i ri so cows:wlie yieltl phyiician withdrew sadly from the bedside to ay . , 4 fia alit keep the fri another part of the room,where some members 1 from`the cow at; e3t i nni - tif _the family,Were standing together. andisha.. , i nom thut Which Isafterm 1 1,. 1 king his hialt . confessed, his ' a PP re 4 n ' ° " s i qualitier l theimtter _lii ' that the brain of the, dying statennifin i w. et ', i base!,d; without materiall feeted, that the stately oak was . penshi - g at.l tityi • .For - the same P the_ top: Ho could see no . method . in't an-,• cream that. is 'first sepal awer which his'questions had,. received. i Ono I mill{. , - • of the ;ladies yresent, Who knew 'Mr. Wq t bster better, did not believe his - mind fitai..wan4ering ' and, qnietlystepping :.;to - ` the bedside,. 1 ked • him what he;mtinnt by saying he felt 11 e the - jackdaw in the, church steeple. ' Why, Cow. per ; don't you remember 1' was the eply. She did remember Cowper's delightfulltrans... Utica of,:ene of Viiient Bonnie's little '. entitled ' The Jackdaw',: The follouti • the veises, from which the reader will pi i the perfect 'fitness and point of the repll \ ' • ' The Jackdaw... -. . • . There is a bird who, by his • coat, - , . . and by the hoarseness of his note, \ " Might be supposed , a crow— - ~. Agreat: frequenter of the church, When:, bishop like, he finds _a per . - . And dormitory too. - - Above the _steeple shines a plate,l : - That turns - and turns, to indicat • From., what point blows the, we • - Laok upt-yoriebrains begin to tr 'Tis in the • Clouds—that please _ " He chooses it the rather. Fund of the =speculative height, Thither he. wings his airy 41igh1 And therms securely sees.. I ThC bustle and the weeshoes, I - That occupy rruinkiud ectue and : at his ease. - • • Ton ".thin no doubt, he sits'an. On. future broken bones. and b If he should chance to fail, No ; not aSing,le , •thought lik _ l Employs.. his 'philosophic pate, Or troubles it' at all.• 114 seea thatthiagreat round 'The warp, with,all its motle Church, army, physie i law, :Its custom mid its businesses; Is.uo concern at all of his, - Ana says--what says he !Thrice happy bird ! I too hal Mueh-of. the vanities of *ten .1 Arid sieleof having seen 'e. Wiliold these rot-ma a,;pair of wings as .t I And snetta head between - Agriaulture• Tier& are some wholesome - suggestions in regardr to milking and: the. management - of milk in a dairy, which we condense from an -'English work on the , subject: 1 . - . - The operation of milking . shonld be pcifarra • ed gently*not harshly.': If -harslit - - perforMe4 it becomes painful to the cow, Nfifo not unfre enently brings Into:action her facility of retain. ing her milk at pleasure. When i gently per -formes,•milking generally gives pleasure to the _., t ow.: .': ?tiny instances are recorded:where Cows whi notelet ' down a ""'single : drop of mil to one dairy maid, W would let it . flew in ' would4 o a Ce . whenever - 'another i Ipriproached Coons that are ticklish or skittislishonici al ways be treated- : with the utmost gentliness, • : and when the udder ; ,is hard and, pain ul; it '-should be,tenderly tormented witil.lnkearm i n 'water, and softly , rubbed. Such ;tr e e. eat ' will bring the cow into good temper , 'a d Oa , : duce her to , yield her Milk freely:, Whenever a cow's'toot& become - scratched. - or woundell, snits to produce towl.m* ) such -- milk should on no account bemixed- with the sweet milk, but to be given to the - pi - with. out being-carried into t h e,milk house, t its presence shenld taint the atimosPher : 4.1 - gs an -- -- prove injuriOni to the other milk:.. ' ' ..I 'lt is well to comb and min"- cows, as it pio n-fates cleanliness. e fact As, wh _ clean • - -milk. is an Olieet, the comb and binsh ge o i;.. t. er - With n thorekiiiilie*hing_et, `the n der a` hidiapeiitahk , '''',...-'::: . ' ,1 '-I ' • I. :Of the unlit of one cow. at an y time, that ' ... Part which 'eotnes offihe first is lwaytth4er . and . ota anti *Mee **lily for- lag l'lliter than aiierwards obtained: 7 —mnd t his lichneso l ak - ' - contitinemi tokrreise progressiv y to * c . erys luitArep that'can d be obtained. ' ` • • , . t 2.11 milk be putln a dodhinci OWedie stand ' . • till it-thrown up cream, the po rtio ns • - cIF 'cream •, . zatiret to ilie . aurface is ab l er in. inslity and greater in iienntity, than I,WInCh . rises_ in the seeelAtreq*:S V IM of . 'li tne ; l i r ind OR ' t which risen in the roma' et4iif spacalp! time ~ : • _is great* in tirnititity t and. better:- in l'qualityri • than dolt Whieh iliaiin t he. hird 'of time . . that of the third.. is greater than tha or the . . - . fotu:thand so of the ;int - . the ,cream'' . that ii ', ..- ‘. sea continuing Pregressiveil h ?r lil ereas e- 4 ' , vanity, and to decline in i iiirit*,:rii : ion xii '. l _ - "' any,... rise, le the surface- '- :'.',- .1 -- .- -'I v- . -- 3- - tikicirionii"tirecrse a elicli#Prolsir„ ' =l 4- c - tolinf the cream id** It ' twil l" .-- than - milk . "A ' inner ; 0 . than "milk that - thin t die eiiiiiiii i I :it rifle . quality water . • _ruld_ ear Wt3hat thick mill t, It t rill: a ff ord a milder: lily -.great .-;:.. ' Av quantity 44..14,W0 and edn, e 4 44l OY more - " ' ' butter -Than it l o7 l 4c l have done -if allowed Ito: --:F----.remain tuili.4 l hut, its - qualify lS•, at the Ilikkil .:. ;,,, , .''';*ljilijriegt ,l ly4ol lB9 4.: ' 2 ". 1 . 1: : t .. ..- *: ; ' :1 ;, : -`* ,' A filk Irikei,l-ei ' tin - b u cket ' Pr Aber isii- 1 , ',- •,4 ; curried it 14 . 1 1 1 ,;. 43 cult;n 1- laie 4etin*4744-440ie !Mai ..,. . - in -, -.-,1#0 . .:#A 18 „Pit-bi4:. J ,l e , 3 4:1*.i - 41 • . --- ,....ff-.6.,4 oto - . -- '',#ieirtdribioi; - ,- ;;•; ... .0,...1 - tititai„l . - „.:,•.•,-, :- !: ;,77,?..1., . • - - •... 0 -----,-,.. •• •:,, ,- .4 2s ialliii l ' ` 2 ,Sist- -- ' ' ..,.. - - "-- -- :-iliti-thiligriiiiidireetly after tit auk , ...',.',-.,.:-_:,-.-.- :- ....,:'.--.... ' --: -- - . ' I - • --... lo 'prevent e n the. milk ben A Young C , qn ono -of the ferry genticimien were talkik the Ericsson when a been listening attentivi lid already .been on t supposed she had, no ITh'ere was something net's of the child that drew. Itiin'Out on .the:s i gre and: -found him n 1 with'its general on leonveying to another: Ills -reinarkable lute stature y i , e ' an d d t i le g t i npp - en en tl r : Years,Old, and sppp type., his task was said that when he ch. by 3 ei!Clocit in the himself tp be pzrfeetl nicalities of his trade er ha is one of the "m 1 tian typos we have e and -Enquiirir. . 1 i. Cake for the •irap.eria . London: The cake elusive , of Ithe decor . - sista Of a ipaup . of pouring. oat.b - 3autif Pogue an di Meaty, a of alabaster, 7exqui., files Of}ranee for" for the,centre_ of th, delis entwined wit ; Trish ilhatitrock,-0r .,1 feather Tile Whole: • lish laauutacttire. ; the •orbameots; within timer ddys. - . gredients of the en , )oaf sugar, .84 lbs.; . 1 30 its:; float; 58 lb • -egge, •.332; lemo . Citron -rinds, 24,1 b 'o l bottlek'creroe , The. etuperer is;' ' giro bottles of t • daitC. I - EI:1111 rout, • resign .Ine I hA - i a pretty 1 1'1. - ro‘ sskilitca, letters that lie'sil botiorn- and on . t 151y,•13, ern. 10 and neighbors g the case: _'Aly 3 aid 5 zr tom and on - the • 31y Os the s 4liOs Brie, 31y 7 the s. My 12 I • left side c f the I . '3!.y 9 is the S 3.1 y the oLan article of Crtna. . :My whole is Rr"Hatiin what do you t Why, sir, 1' that-al.ll3ut th 'ln4eedi s Giles 4' • t' maid a 91e look at a Ile .. 4tog in .days—won inten, 5 to Li : • Vgfr A had les i 1 g'g lei corn itent>d figr Tr.rr,„; love: a pow choked with *sots,- toe.--make-hi , slitllow . a pumpkin;- and ".the potatoe will - ti l re to ko down. Eir If yo . w i ssli to dream Of wedding rings i . intitestr. .. u- t?'. with a book muslin dress 1 ' tared with . I eall and palpitation. MEMO • , facts the reflecting 1 t TUE ROAD TO il , Taill ; y Impiftapt prada . I . - - 310110W4.21.11; 2%1119 ,fa shalfen*ne,rute t-. . , . .-. , --....i ••• ... I . ~. . - disrverert. 1...0w5i CURS OT A DISORDEnED ;%IVEN' AND BAD he dairy, as possibiel • ~... -, . DIG F,STIOt . • - • oco ity ca i, rv -, :hg , p eep!! of a i Le z lt . er fronl d .lif it r at .l ewl aTVj u trk is ili . Ch err s ist ! ~ 1. _ : of . into " t he,? 4 retcot strie , !etrixtu , iisit IS ptti, - tritiii the." T, , , Professor - Judtesray-sir;:--Your, Pills-and Ointe rl 1, i . • _ 1 Meta have.etoott the highest on ear .saielist of rtnPrlnli 11 .•• ] • 't'• - , i Lary 31e.lielues for scone years. A eustoieir, to whom 1 • a bet kept: aeparate l n a n of canh are so well ! r ' being cla.ased,wheal . I eferforany enquiries, deslrei 'air to let you know ', the pirticulare of her case- She 1;a1.1 been. troubled for .', years witliti disordered.liver; and Lad digestion. Oh the 'last occasion, hiawer er, the miruletree of the' attack was ha- ' .. and the 'nflatnatiori vet iu sty severely, that t a ill e dliniy b e i iii xe d - ', Plietmaht..47l:enre' entertained of her mit Lein.; able to bear up , ndiid - to make butteri [ under It: fortunately she ...v.)! hi lured to try yotir 1'111,1,1 and she informs me thlt after 'the • first. and oh sue-1 ...rceelihrt dose...din trod_ great relief, She eontinned•to I Get entirely , the ; . take ttorm, and aitlionglymeoused only three Dozes, .ebe! ' 1 IF nn l4 in the en nerment of perfect health: 'I could hire: remit 4:if , a bad . goal-:I 3 - h th t o fron t the e lksent con eases, Itt o a ye. that is first drawn ...terity of the attack, arid the. speedy cure, I think, speaks . N : ; much in favor of your astoulahing Tills. 'ind-eatirely separate i <signal) • It. W. tFiIt'KUS. I s - ds obtained, ills the' Ali Extr u " °.F ,' Di ' l4AßY Cu ; itE OF _ Ru ' 4 F 3l-4 : T'c ust otherwlie be de. ' FEVER; IN -. VAN : DI,T , ILEN SL- IND• i • Corrof a Lek , - inrertel in the /Mort Town Courier r aa,"7,rfletltlti,g its quail- ‘ o . th - h is ., 1 li , . J . iv ,th.. - i 1 ~, clst Mare , s , g. , , aier ~ ..,.., ri . .iose., take only the mArg.l , l:et M'ConnieNn.ninetcentyears a age. residing , 1 ,i - , • Oa .".h..4• ..wn, had been suffering from a violent rhea-- ratea Irpul tud 11111 WIS • medic fever for. upwards of two Months, which lisd en -' ' 1 i - 1 tirely deprived boso ns ,' of the use of her. limbs,: doiring this , }. . )feat men in Itoinat'Town, nod by them her casewas con-. I 411206/t0 re ' i l uAl ass , ti • i • oats ;yesterday 14 ,A' frientrprevaltal upon her to try two .0 1 , icnier'd h'sPlP'lleje4,.whieleshe consented in dn.. and -in an :40 il ell) e ' &la! tri-P?Od Xllll5 OF OsF,-,A„-r,tiei:OAENAD. / : incredible short space o f time they effected a. perfect tore. TIGIITIFSS IN THE CHEST Plasm: . 8 . -I YEARS Or AGE. it le .ti Rho had iv From : Tfilsrs -Thete d•Siot. Proprietors orihe Lynn Ad statement•• reniarked that she erteler. who on rouchfotthe Allowig,- . oitriat tr i ps, and •be 'Ts prer.f.ra unne4sr-girt-t desire to bear testa -1 I lli V 0 d,dfects of llollowaY's PIN. For.tom e ' - 2 '- .1 • 'n a - . • ellyll *--- i %mrs I suffSred seekre'l from a ;edit and tiglitness‘ in 1 O Ongaiing,in-thel anin.:lthe stomach, which was six* accOmpaided by • a short- ;i ~ ~., - Ines.% or breath, that prevented mo 'from walking about. Datt 'pl " t he gentlemen I eon 8 . 1 years of az.c. 21.:1.1 not withitauding my advanced ; 1. • , , Puts buts se relieved me, that I,am bi tet.l f..t uto n;doeto f1,,:14/ft,..mst...rinitttr,lltfhe,t,ttlt,oet7esans.Pil T% should be Made ac . qual,nted with , ., . ; •-- • 1 ' ' - --,------ i_ eel . . t ~,,,,,,, to„, f am iliar 1 , their virtues Ima nowrendeeerl. by thet r mean 'Neon.- . T --- . , . . , - i i 1 ~ file, of . paratively active, and can taker exercise without ineon- 1 .DRY "GOODS -AND C PETS' I N I llpp I riietipn, put cap. Ple.of i sentence. or pain. which I (maid not do before. • .. -i 4.. , ...ave1‘ I c l ear , Li na,n r i p i am i r (Elp,e4) itEwitv.,ol-., No;111 st., hyn?,"Norfolk. 11:: s bstribers would , ihrorn the citize - oi; , at il sc ,l TI u g . ,• . - , wostalas - nt. .EFFECT-.OF ItoLLOWAY-S rtt.ts la susqueltawan county, that ley have-nOW•On , bit t • igencii, and dimi nate • crtsr. OF DROTSY.' .. - hand itkrge its:mu:meta of Dry , owls. at whole-' soT \ Persons suffering, front Dropevi , either about the turn sale and retail. • ••• _ : j -- . i . , 1 , • len -to tines:ties . him , . i Mille, or at.....ther times sootild immediately have re-1 , =t; EN . •,.lt , r ' - ‘IF.I. Tt . DM. EN,S I p, Er - ATITSIENT, .. , 1 . 151 he :was exaed , eighth contse to thrPi Tills. as hundreds of perions are annual-, . Is• cured. by their rtse, of, this direful complaint in its ' consisting in , part Of broadcloths.l cassimeres, sat.; • led' hims'elf by petting f different st'iges,wheii all other Means had failed. . tinetts. Kentucky jeans, r x.estins, and inniMet I , . • ,Goo etusA day, and `he he : Thve celebrated 1 1 ,711 arc woriderfutly /gracious in the l goods of all kintfs.' ~. 1- I - . -.- . , • eh' Could cOniulete id - . fternOUP. Ile showe ' il l : familiar with tile tech- i .. fonotrinir complaints : , Ape, ...thmrt.itillios L'orap slot.. ntatebes. on the , e„ . Skin, Uovi...lc.oinplaint!,l,..oliCS. psustipation of the DOM' i con ...IiA1)1a DIfi'ARTMENT, • rnstntg olta lar ge' ariety; viz -...81ack silki,fan• - els, Conscirantiom, _Dropsy. nyieutery; Erysipelas. Fe- cy 40., sating, gingbame, Scotch. and, American , male trresniarPies, Fevers oral! kindt,Fits,Gont.liet: prints of all .kinds, some tit C pemee per yard of riot quality . and tale him a t3. 6 31.1.1-i, a m c l lle Fl T ieft ng : a iNo t it il :a n atlST 33.4lt . 3ll,,tenLtii ; nrroCi°l3MnPnie4i,nStrys'll'uthimajtlLel4 , Mat ki. ' a . c rmor in:try p - w . ,ik Sine Throats... 7 .4one and Gravel' • Secondary Symptoms,: Cashmere, Poplins, gloviS, liesiciry of every grade 'i il I - a 2 Ti° noitioriretts, T,u-neirs, 131cfrs, 'Venereal Affeetilms, 1 and qua C 1 )-;-r rt •wt • dS 13 .1:1 dbl- - b d out goo, .. r ten' and eac e , ; sheetines, 4i4. wide, heavy dirt its.- at Gd ervd ' fr secri.—N. Y. Coitrier Av °aro , of al': kindei Weakness from whalever onut•c, &C. ; . Bald at the 'Establishment - of rrofessor Holloway. 22.1, .. ~,, , . '•• . ~, .1 .• • ~. i• • . •:' . .1 3 •f, , • Strand . . trioar Temple Ear, London.) and 1)y all restiecta- 1-A ICKlngli an • lIIIV'RI liannels,,Sclatch draper, birds l• . l• ------ . bre Drricalats and Dealers in 'Medicines throughout the '. eye, do., naiiliaus, Irish linen, al d,spreads ;iu fact ;,' . , 'British Empire. &of tiler ert till United State& in Box- i almost every thinw in th 4 dry - e' od r Also,.n i no bride- es at/Trge.,Blc , and "•;1_531, ei•e/. Wholesare by- the. ' b ' .. 9 me. - • large lot of( , t.•;. , ; k . . I,' -de i n 1-principat Drtia hou.es in the I.l,niore; by .31 es-rs. A., ft. I.h. D. SatvicrNew. York.; eand,lby dlr. C. D. Knight, Ti• •t. ' :,cA.p.rETlNcii - •.. , I - 34 35, ex_ , Soot, - r. sr. ritilaielphis. 1• - . _ i ,f; .., . , t h e j a s....„. i . Th!ec-piY, l llograms• cotton and. wool; "cotton . , 1 , 1 itfr-There is a considerable tniing by Lakin; gn con.; !ale!. . - t - rf N.rt ---Plreettun for the guidance of pan/anti in everyi floe/ and ; Shies. ;-. . -, I •nueopm i disorder are affixed to each noX. *63-1 rN• • ' •- • ' '' ” 1 W Inv,ri all sisiting,onr place _to call and ex- I antic of i i , : 1,.. .. 5e i IITV dollars forfeit, Di, 'l, Unter alli.forfeit po.if Nal Tei,ll 6 out r tick, for we' feel c &lent by so doing 1 4 inz.to cure any ease of semet ilisesssc that 'may come ' F it will be a•saving, of tea to twtut per cent... won, .-. . , (under his care, no nirtter how long sranding or Miming. Ilnotto is, ql,ck, sales and such 11,profits: ". • . .i. tno en-; , Ili t tlier i ce s x al . e hi !ri . vit' . ..4 o n ) t, h;s n Privat eriot notilnt,tS Nortthni. Stare net t rly Oppesite the P#•stoffiee. tli ugh ern • boquet ? s er e pa en ties' t.:: st; s 3.'s;rs a and o r il ° ler's oi r t r o n .Vv ° : h rc t:e m u e' un: ton. N. Y. , 'WICK:IA* 4- BENNET. 1 ho fleurq fortunate in the selection if , ' Pbystrianstre invited oil April 73 ins and; 1 Pro - f . 's:No 7-Throitgit tr. ~..? ~ the passion., by:excess orsel-f ' eagiee 1 roue. -limenat nr , e impotency, of E -c, ,;l e fo it r ‘ f r m ale a s n ocineg y of the 'Dreams, general deb nclutlingtran.;efitelit, are sure to follow; I ,_, . , i Decree with confidenee; he o f utpieteu i •ItEl AD A. 3.) JI L EFLECT..--T e- the inl reflect b!r"" tru'ting•tbele hi : le . i ny eases their lives. in the, hd; %Indere . ..turd. all till. T114.11)3.4 i of this ein 2 4: n 1 a t s- o i of - maladies.. Ii s; raisi rls, i F l r l in ee t, t ,. to: tt . 5 ,1 1, , : i cg rgp i :etanlA' rotas Is, 421'05.; !,. p b r , f , pi ,,,, 11 rEI , and to that he de • state. • • oon, .a nd' .y i .u . t.. .. 3 op pracrEcE, tu4ervie,:l study and ileatraerlt of rine - - erthet with Marrs lIP4III the _. 'Wm* in the irmd. or boner, none:ars. turesigravel.irreitedurities , - •, fad exzess. or impurities of ' piece , 'of ''. stitutlon has l i ssome cofeel offer *peeky relief to anvil° - his care. • , Medicine forwarded to %aft part of the.Thsited Stat,- , Price five wall en dollars Pe package.--3flyl. • . • • n.nd 4 2 are:, WINTER • i.LOTHING, • . , zse,' At the' Tar . • ~... 't to ~. . tahszr.her, thtn..ni to als .rier.d; -for their fug ., i . tui i , would remind theln that he has received the ' •9 i . FALL FA.BII.IONS . - . • the ' case. • ' i for 1852; and that lie is ptapared to serve his etistom -2,' are• Dear efP, , - e.• usual, with clothing maid up substantialin 'handsomely., and prosnoty, , . ight of the-i, ca-plesse (Ali at my shop in Reeler's block, a -few 1 doorr below ihe Democrat;office, if you want good work - [at fair prices. - 7 •. • 1 , 3"-In- enttint lAm entirely-at home. Ever eclat I cut I unite a twelve eirik is, boy and pint down, and the end . of Itie alley knocked Out. That's 50.. , Montrose, October 28.1851. -3011 N, DITC.VES. E=MI -mirriago-was. - ' -dined - 3M pOti ThO; de , ghtaplonOid co is fi , ~wers, ;opoLble I i d silnponnted 11) pp4rlpl - 3:1 TG cOeitains jas t f 4o; AO . ;crs at I • I he i t eWee foilp . .e c‘ra, 110yea l ot Ftitieto tder4; d\/)\ oess for 1 . Caine, and ving a t but 30 lb • lmon , , ge, I ttli..s Pa - FS A. ' byl side i right ha tienily qu • like - MN' of i end the ind also :ti;inisistcrs' ft ease. e 4i:my 2. .tly e my 11.1 1 - a place la tie. ' ape on:the at the bot- . . Amsriean. Express Company- Jvells: - Buifer:fiela . 4 . . 67., :•Ei Erie Place Co.. of Reag and. .Washinkton„ streets, New • York. I.:icing.stcy, Fargo 4- - C 0.1451 Alain :street, -1- , . - Bajfalo; Proprte/onS. - . - -- ~..ifl/livT•wrocu- Cog PA's - v, e.apittii• --. .• " -- .$2OO 000 - • - . , .•.. ...., -1- -. ,---• • , t rATIN.a purchased int united interest of Dr. It .11. 1 .1.1. Thrxrp. itidtids FIXPreSs bu4nesson the Lackawanna and 'Weetern Rail Road, desire to to inform-the public, they ate now prepared - to ido a general expreis and for wanting boshr , ss from their &Mere on the L. 4* W. R. R. Ito 3l. V. city direct. and will forward ?Se re ha ts d Lae , dc• Aon,..y. cohett . ituti -with Qoo.2s,Y,n,tes and Drafts' . tbmughout the St-ate of New Voritand alt the principal: .• ; citieT and'rowni in, the Weitern and ,Southern States • and Territories; and the fdanadas,(setitlins daily Su tidiya but :.I do - think E • c : ~ . . , , Except-lug. .tax. i , : ... ~ pack of r .e. 7 i all ..onds former led byd.his Company, are accompanied ' • - Orrß q. ~, 't k by cateful and: experienCed Messe_nsers , and are taken the Itviyers, Mr. thronarsdthout tiny avoidable detention .. . .- . .. ".,.. .. .. .. ..: _ Produce dealeirf attnireittul -others irill find It- much totheir ;ate:reit, to t. ward their Britter..lionitry, Vent eon. Eggs: .ke. Ice ,by expreste to' Market; frelgirt . will *be reCetred and receipted for 'sat any station on the L. & - W.'lt . R.where . welaave.tlo Atenti by the - 3,lessenget: 31r. Samuel Nasson onthe Care, t . : ' - • - _ ' • - 1 '' i • 1.. 111ZNAT U. RICK. '.' - 51mv3 , .' I ... .1 . . . Superintendant. . .- i t of the queen tteff in. 44 ray 12 zne,l is - my 3 .nriekbandize which reminds, imported .frorn . • e untne,Of t c'anthor.; ' 1r - • euliondth i ; DO know' cite,Giles, awrers ate ,a.;Vbat of them, rrn re .114 be: he-knew the mil hill% know whose .ttkuth3 heitij • %flys eyes a him• is she does Pettier he Timab \- des bought in!) -4;4, Tom' tiny, c°1072 . i rrliE RAIL AY-barimm. 1 ...: in F u l l Feral hi n i% ‘ ! - A LARGE stock of, NEW-GOODS just re. LS: celied, which will he toad for ready pay Cr ;hot akoroied • credit,. lower than at any other stor in this section of • ciaptrY. The peop l e of this aunty; whO like ii - •:, I t } GOOD 'BARGAINS, } . are - T,. espectfaili invited to a ca,ll and examine nif stock of goods. and the will find theabciire , to be true - .No trouble to s7low Goods. 1 .. , ' gier i Socks, Gipin, WoPd and Hemlock Hark 'I watlted . • ..I. S. LITTLE. 'l ew Milf or d ., November 4;1852. • ; 44tf • , I - 1 V.'S. .11 CR AIN n. it - Pli ws M rt, takes this .1.1 rnetbod of 1 nand ;kilt friendso i nd the pithily in gen.o4l that he has_retZt yt,recurned [min Califorrna" ' 1 andloeatedin the Till of Owego, - County of Maga, • imA bee established a w /wrayment office on Lake street,. over T. P. Patch's ne . k store, emits ready to It r, ten to any - iuiness i t+ 7ine of hit piofrasion'. 1 . ssuperior method of• .. 1 Mkt at a correct diagnosia in and We as • Ai tied mite* in treating the l ea us i! Cis ' eMes lucid. o tid. human system, mote cogigly thin. of as ~ . o,' subseate, chronic; or corn pli "ted character , al that is necessary' for ;him to ••Mr the invalids and • • • ed of . every - &erecter to en! tit e him to the - confident ;• f a: 411serhohiatint Public.-- f_.„cf. y the benefit of those •,• . ciliated with his tnetima of reales beesowid inkj hit he slestn`bei disease by a ei rigeal mind sniepi - etentinatlat of the llama. Personating send or • • their Urine ilia clam) Set trot ter° ounce) stall • • in'the morning Ulmer% t d l: ll4 yeeortla . k • or strike - Osseo imitizilaeit, -- -P =e utast! ) or tu f ' :4*r* also r.equired* No Z.zzirct. sr•osibmort sssrs 4 liunwfsa , 1- a-ei—where n o ae O F irlt ti v r wudomp i anst Vith i tir y • tM r. getting!, et b p.....didnef , w... - , t , N . , be:leeted•rroto Ski •Ifet& - • " ' andirßtar * i ' • guId: L LI O edierin g fc'r your dr=issa3ongar::.l..s.-...„; 7 1 . -' 1 1 45"3.4 - 113 4 t !, , , 4 understandings, which 'I. commodity, *if: . you ire would ohm add, t • ha s at nun %tides* Innuiril poinein the other. two, you will be:opt to seek and tlat discovery I,p___. ...to .. treettatsaliw . roof a i calcu l i i _ ._ ...iii - at .- - a l i '.. Ntelailir an: Staddard' - Boot and bbirtot disiinetty visibitispoito eliim• esjohistion; - - lnaba+ a - m." -.1 ' iv mann in irregnmt Shaped traitseaniar eono'rfst •-,- ' -----:........."•• e• ' . . ' tfo l tiallisainittill - C g ri e lf tianillydbitiagtdtlktbyth s riii 61 **th * eeiikin Merrraw*z ; , tie, ind onscoinna nis;.- . - i _., - 1 ~2 .zA-,,,r 4 f rent bac; h a s tot . :, . , ~ ins reparation that* has tatiadoeea is eioahlai ilkais, - -17tro i d. heio tha public understand -- I - . . and holding • 1 1D 112 "/"Ieukagoctk i tO lt0 . .•• en•-. 1 ._L„.. - it_ ....;,4,;-;,.,4,4 r • which %tit, • roe el Civilian**, mid Ter ( re!.`"j` ' ""'''...""' -- '.. " ekteldialidiaute • • of tbe thinirk o*ins ant 'OPT innorhinut,tinnigkunt:lfeninir en ough to : t snowing trio ' ' to . sooo - 0. - ' , 7. - - -- - , -I , 'Y ".-1 .1 i c ry, iiinbidn: - .044.014ce AO.' the - Ai:idiot Tiiialictot ,- ashnonomans- . it.nis,o6,:itrna persona lhist -110:10tabigfOfyittiiititietioititAideoo,i SlOT:f r air ot," .. : dish : Slat. I in; the:B o4 d ra i l l 10* *:- Iiiiiia' eika toAtio v outlook :, . . 1 ' lissoboArt** 11.10466—!i'initni*,h* yet . ,t, irks it ,knainin rt kes, of torm7kbiari ',. tomoer dm tgroWirrofitir.' - t --, ' A. 'z'at.W! ` _ ' V- MilWilbe Vet, '1 - P 1 1 101 4 •14 * . . N. 0= Wink made - to Onloiviatt s apaithm . ibvi d" ti r,ra,. i .vvitartarivr dun. wilily.; ' REELER - 8c STODDARD. rovoso,Jamsary 3 .1b2,11. -. I - - ' i . Clirp: for . C a s h, Ks 13E =lr _ Ksz ani er respectfully Invites th e attention of the it . public to a targe - stook of - , Fall and - N - Vinter, Goods , .blob be has just reeeived and will sell extremely low for ma, among which may be found - = - - Unbleached Sllretings at 6d per yard, extra heavy. Ttleacbed Sheettngs from fld t: , Is, Irish Linins from 2r ild to SI. • I.:. ' , Prints at. 611, 9.11 - and;l6llent cluthS, and warrant: exist _ Gingbants Of every kin Ci—it large. lot at is a; yard, mita dry tOlers arta very itravY• - 'I . - De Lantos , ftwit 64 to:de—some very fair quatitles at Bd,lod and la. . , - ; . Alpaeaa and Parantettas frens le to Ss. - Froneb MeriEld4 of- T int grade and'eolor. .. Black and nolo:red Saks, a complete assortment. Cloths. Caashores/Sattlirdts, Tweeds, Kentucky.leans ; andUll other woo on spode for Men and Boy*. - Woolen fl ume t*every eolor and quality, from ls to tts..-apate\ red, ali oul, es limas le 61, Canton Flannel horn 94 to ln:: Mariners stripe Shirting at lidafid and le. ~ 1 Woolen : Shawls s Ives lot. Oonlf an 4 a4uare4 of overt 1 irt;Sle and quail . ft; 10. to $8 each. A good assort mesa of Broele .. extremely cheap .`, - ' : Trunks, Tall ' knd limpet Ilagsofetesideseetpum. constantly on hai donid offered at prices admitting of no The imbscrib r-Pruposes ,to Ise sonsissaly. supplied with the ibove goods,in all t sir varieties, and ,will en= dearer to make it *waded. to his friends in t 4 ttattnehave. t og oonn i ty,otto wish tolsnygooda vale:heap foi cash, to glee lan a ail: ,' . 7 . W.N. W , Corner of Court and *ales streets., nearly oFfolite I, Anteriert Rotelolitegliutdou;N. Tf. , ' $ .. , lawyer. ilia it is your this wri single lit. Oft xiegra. #4.4 10 ban sulge ,—.---. . , . . , WA` ONE - : , INIC OlitlaWil - -- 4 1 , _-. . : L , :Great-Bond de/ioders-y.ille•- ..1 , SIOVE, COPPER lINA-SiItETIIRON EZ-I l i 1 --- i stfaillaiiMENT ..,e . . ••PEE su*rifsitr,sespettfiilly int is the . putt -1 lin that hi tise . rineived a WO. addition to hie termer stock is! Statics; consietin of a variety of the meet appreved.kinde. among *Wets are 1 CLINTON-AIR TIGHT,' ; • - 'FOREST !VEEN, . STAR OF TRH WES ! . ' WES'I BO QUEEN,. • all -elevated - Ovens. - bf, tiitiare - air , aro .WESTER .1.111:15.1tth k..- ... -. - ORANGE AIR TIG. -, • --,-- lINI . T I ED STATE S,A .: , ..FAR NIERA, OTLOA COAL STOYII .I i :14: - variety of Prtnininslacitne tif f ue , `style, the r; WALKILL; IAIR TIGHT . • ARM.:ERS: , ..4' : iood and Varicose, assort:neat ' f i Parlor and nail stoves for(WoodandGoal. .. ox - Stoves tit' various sites aud patterns ha'-! - is continually rti ceiving,- and in tends.tiilieepi t s' Ott a variety of 1 lite most poputdr Stoves as any dett iin the coon!. V try. aid it Ptcar"thciliBr;iftthi:tt.Cit:a.llluotaci;itilli...tttivheelly w i lt ;TiF- I , °1 : 1 _ 1- fiud - bis ,'- H: -' -:i:' • : . ; • -... . li• 1-. , : Steve Zirnittir . ii . '' t . - made, of .. the stromiest and best materials. and 'el° l " cheap as Can tio-hotyrhi-inlii.l- or Broome coun t yi .. :-..: , . • and inach better than offered Ify.o.dtars.- . I. ;.. N u l f , LTStove Pipe .& ; Tin. Ware:kept - for sale 41; ileP mariod order; 'Partners Inill be sUPplied with Pauti,-made ofstronginaterialg, atYlintesale Pri-17 ces, all orders for %Fork in .hisline.ivill be . thini; 1,4 fully rceiveriland intactually, attended to. ' ;1 -- , r y - ; .: ..TOII,NCOLSTEI N t I ~ -1 -,- Great Ben , l; Julyit, 18p: ..i .- nrestrained 'indnlgCnce of •anuse, the evils are Immo ,-involniitery seminal ilia , loss of Memory. a distaste or -constitutional' cie!. 1. If necessary, consult the irrs ucifect cure. -• te ar.F. cieil would da irell to slth t haiminces, and in mc.- 00.4 ur Ignoont 3 is certainly impossible for. ills the human farilly are physician has' his peenlior mccesFful than hi.. tnnthet 'otea Most of his time au.] xeltrivelf devoted to, the sea of the. sexual orgatic.to. 'body, throat' t 011ie. or leg*, te:eurial rheumati sm.strie- I isences arricing fiom Youth 'he blond. whereby the eon- I ed, .triables the Doctor to rq-place themseties under hIX,,iARAGO [ jr DRY -AT - IIIENV• MiILFO /cr -11 . .1431.,1`1.1,i'1TT's May' /1.. .. sive tend nisi- nisortineu chiding fairestvariety of : l '..* • :i.a.-dies -- , - Dres I In P rots; Printed 'and extra, rie I i : llaref4e Delancs' Ginghtiinft ind _Chanitnitys,' and fanci...,silks4-.. &c ; Gni C:ushmertiftand• fire Sha -rarest - 49J, iilain and figured S I French F loice . and , Silk` B_ Ribbons rid wer's: . .." 1 G E,Ntt.W.%IEN ANIS B ' . I SI3.I:IIER ,G A large sisilortment. /ints,C Trunks ITralices, Csipet • -Cloths Ilsr doors and tables . Witaltivi ; Shades; • Wmil P.r I of all kinds; etc: etc., which tiniversdl• aszortnientln goods, stud. being ilutell'aised 1 etiable riurchysers to secure, and kilns no!: to_be found i nientL . .. 1:. ' . •• NI Eli,: t Solt find §'lcitie 1 hand; .1 - , - ltinwfAlilford, 31n.y. 15, -To the - I i " Tf t , eit - .cqUatantly on Baud sofixnent.e 1,-. - -GOO which will 11,aohi'very to • The stock is rompoied or al -DrugiA, .ItetlieincS, •Chei Dye;Stafrs, Groceries, II . . • peotaeles, -, lllusie: ..... 1 -Yankee Noti ..1.0 q .ti , Dry 0 I I ".* lTard‘i , ,are, --. . . . i . :11irrors Ptatio • i 1 Neriical. Inktrumel Tinssai,Suptiorters l . hogs; Catriphifie" -nu Cloelis, Watches; jewel ' • Ailltriaints wishing to r in any of the &foretsaici ~ their linteresta premoted Itragi.and Variety Store Mclatroti.-Novetohee, ri:r* alwaYs Re* rf elin.* than by ,ny other ron receiptia Varlowtorle at . .!.b M ninitretc - slew bloonn !loin ' [. WTII tight Stoves EBIORANDI '-, , • $. OF •- , . TlinflP:i 11031.E8TIC -1. 'oV:cre ISr-gCr! Or DLCODI .'. .. i i ~,...;.'' 4DDE or : ' m I m p ti ,,,,,,l'Artignsit /trot' chitris:l l Plug -901201,5Y134 !rouP. ,- - broods liifoit Presert l 1 'rilif: . r's Itelicfl , Flainteisee.Cofif; 0 ripss, 1118,. ra i 14 r ant.!', or. lay or the ei Ttiropp's Worir is tfo r 'Sd. 51(4' in indorsed' tini, septiOn ,of!ti , nd or nuinbArsi ,1)f.III•ts 0V14;.13i11i9 ifidigKtinn.;:nti ions.ato-arder srhr, Tresivtlatir i 'Fever. In i'• i tery. itud. req res a 'heath s ot•the body. 1 . • --. . -- l'Pr: Thfoop l it Ey . , , nsuipl.sred lir Cara 1,0 virtue Erection of till, eye. and.' : 1 ' Dr.flirpop ' R triiitrpised!iiiis dressing for . ' ,Salt ithenirb.o any. ibrasto e ill f* , r Nis rts I.n.—Bentle . franger•i& Co.; itudt; U. L. S.: Ist er, - .llAdliTtorrsi ; - D. O /lidde to*t. „ttririzr.itt*l. Dr. • 'taro, ts. l'i,' )11Iford;„: D. Bra) . I Cil L' . ritnAti.-1 ecinlitle; T :. dow..; ssp s et S4tilley, Cliero. ren trs ; llit .. Mlinin iss..Clian idatr.,4olnis'fin::,b Very, irarlO S. zp.r.A..s:Dr.l,-, Oeneral Ago e l , Lunaii-',1,1533 ' - :. - i I . 11 : '••- - • . .-• : . i , Lvll. Corrilaint si -., • ! •-• :. fi.unilite..Dy4epsia, C'l l onie o , Nervi.. 1 .1 . 1 Debility, pl.seases 0 the lii neyg,. 1 ND ',.altilitasei arising. fro •s: disord red lire...or, stool-Cch }nett p.;s• constipali • inward ( Ids filliesal blood t - .. •1,114, - bead, acidity- th e :grow eh, nausea f l, 11 art h , ',4 , disAittit for trod, ro, ness pr . w 'tete. inl„the il ionvicli, i scitir • rrne.tati OTIS. sin ng or lint vein. at the' D t or th,d steruitell, swimming o „the -beat - hurried lor L I li Mettle, lireathin44nttering 4 the heat ,-ehojcidg ..-pr j i S fforathil 1411.4 , 010115 who in.fi lyingg - poi raw. dimness' i'visidnAlotS 6i. ' , iv' tbs . bcrore t sight., f, ,r and i',lnll- lia3n in the head, 3,dicietmy of ' ' expiratio . - .yelloavneas crate ritiri arid OYcSipain.hi th side, bac eheSti - limbs &c.; sttddertitins irs.or boat. it, iniug ltr t t ed,e.h.l.cop.., e taut intlettilit!s , r evil ; and ' t depress on tit EpTrits,;i l eadbe et ectiutif cared by 1,- • ~- -, .. 1, ~11 jj grl -Dr. Hooltand l s c ebrat ii Vet. ::,._,' I I ...• .. •••;:,.. main.: Di c i e1 4...1.,. :., : ',. • ...1 Prepreil by . Dr. .0, 4 .. Jacks Oeriiinfan '.41 .icf-iie - 5t0i1b,..120 -. eil ' -'l. ~ i i P-hita ; de - 4 hia. : ~.1.; , Their voleor o er the / above.' iscasesis , 1 , -^ equalted,bl an other prepa , ion in the as Itmetf res. iv st,in , mitny : a3es afte crone had railed'? , ... • • - ' 11. '. .• TheSl bitters bre ',worthy. the at tentio .PosseS. ng great virtues in th . ieetititat of the J.iver ejpl lesser il ' :tilt, - cierc seafFhitig powqr , in weaknet d affect geetiVeiorgalle; Fh4Y are wit safe, cer ; t • 1? (id alitt Lel iinvin .713 i Editor., or the Bosfon B e Said, I) , • , Dr'. lionji , i7v.f.7* celebrated 9grinan„ Pit of - LiviT Vow plaint, 4 atiodie4, Dysjiep Nerv-o#s debillity; is deservedly one 41, t meilleit4es et. the daY. ; ThesritterSh ---' -a afr -- :td. at o r elbow s ~... , OOD `► DEP I found an of Dry Go o~a.in- Goods, )mbroidered Ltisiere'd f.. new style: ton, -Crape, Silk vise -31uslins nets, • bong. ,(ayns,) Pop , lit's. black Broch autilla Stra.• ,t Silks 1i:1 . 011 : SOWS:, purl a frten , - _ ___ _., -self re,eetiO4 an etletanal ati t)ernrant Conittlaintic:frem the use of Ids 'recite 'vine' eit•tbatf s in the nett of t " e blt t s rs:' steal' gains strengthsami v r--a tact consi _ration V They:Art.4d ant* is ,f, 1 tf , can b 11,4 t 13 nerSons Wit ,ne moSt 1 ilsith:' . safety:,tnitter any Oren, stances: . -. • ram strpeti , - ;itec, and to the 4tSirted : u - I d . Sl,ne, • g6eirs ttpiltt , ... an* of 04-Ate-tt . iite i fig.. ilish'!4-114'..AuFn't 25-tl!--il -' ... . tprinte l d '‘lp r. ipe-z , ,,, ir s aerl7ltl I,lli ' itti,f,. Dr,: „lieltkott , are. now .r. fnmen ed Cottons ! rmSt win:ill:lmA. members •a the ned ti with, , 1 article Of if ti it edleacy in c esoen in: 1 Is tlticisse, Weart.uld a vise tai slats. • I 1. - " , c'" .1 4., vi l i - _,: • lan r, r , midi ins save them elves •n t 7. 8 P I , 1 sons pf.‘le: iPtatc4 c.. situ lons 'al Ic'e, gilt'. radventmze tis„,ty, their hea h„' as' tp , establish -1. 1. en etthe ,s' ihtnry efft•ct th hare t i ~ •-• : I 1.. 1'. 7 - ' ;1 1 , - :' Mora , Odell #,, nily•• n' • 14 l'hilOel hfa Smtnri y Das , i 1 p in agr.f i n iif i tilked in 2J .,, 5t . 1 1 , „ Stat . 4xuii 121 , , ~,,! t isi . - 4.i.:o?mtliat.• w 9 'r C . (14134:" . i . 1 r . a . .1 . 1t V l e a lc.nes, to 'the , . utide , i • .cur - aft - . and therefor whe I lino and terman Eitterttre wiF ' ilers'ot4 . t'we are net fl, eking dithat ' .e, noised abo tor' a I tin tten ter. they bare un- the chic .lrti ' a nie I.lcine to ~- e stah pratt l ed; ii,' which has rn t the b faol ty 3 s'lf:- r : Look; .i. to the initlk, s . f the re written.* •*titre of C.1311..7ACE I and; his - nip ''ClolOwn in the hotti 'arCSpuri r f is. -' .•- .. r. : rprsal . ...iwholerale and retall i , •cio Sid 11 , 1cf.1.V) Areh rept, 1 Philadel itilii by tespe table I t kl eitt.tbd sen try. -, •. •' • • ,:l?ricii r uce4.—To esti le " al} enjoy th edrants_rs or' etc •SinioLa STU; 75 Cateri •. ' Algol' . fettle by ADEL Ditltt; lienn'a .:, -: „ : • 1 • I- - . 1 , -----,---, 1 , i. C.13:0 • i nArt_ a dditions Or itrai still '-! will Y•-receiving at Il s e Cr planing r: tablishment,b,.... •71 ,'„ • inghstnton,Oct-1 4 ;1p 52 . lri'etl var.ety : style. loWett }wises. maybe fens -- Dink , lfelnt•en,Det., l 4.-1 'AI : sa : - i:10 HOU d . otbils who_are In a r d DlistlYare,Lamps,! etw.ttijkannia Ware..oaS apos4srittlestieka, 'l , l arts,: WOO4IIII and Wi Shad lettsattrd 0 ' ~ 1 e4.,,F er Dusters; Co' and .11" Vtet. , and .all. r . ,X F,iney4Artieles.' IVe ed. 0,A:41011nel:A both att a here Atiey eau fled allftli and a,t,!the lowest poetitk ttitw t hlitnton..oet-1 4 :' t__,• °pros. TS DRE I p F , Boots and : a g s ' 'C . a 94 paroled an' Dorneetie I in coiniecti" I her depart let:Airily for o tiOfits in any other e S AN Coal conit l 1 ' LT reeeiving 4iyge.attd-d nd keel* irable as- - _ eady. rriment of fits, 0143, d6poon4 tsr • : for cash'-or. 1 firs: rate ails inls; Pak] 1 1 a i 'sZ ,.. l7 ware,, in 411 s, , hlid ... . .! S I Conen are; . 6'14 Biush kit;, Pcrfpm In Flu i • .•:; .tifchatie ilepartmen I),y ABEL 4 1 - • I cry, Braces;l, 4 4 , Litt9B,. p, will pTid rpt btthe RRE4L:r „ 4g'et it anonam BROTti EDS.: • „ 1140 T, r 11E5 (iv° a • •tuvia, Dytit than tlle ..T l° olBqn lIMTUI Sy 4 Pills 2 CostivP • ammatin • Ix act iyu Water for snit alto . ' ; Tirnanna of t,heski i & Rirad, )lontroli uthvell. 1 ttih;i" V-. r,-'Friends tile; 4 Sill 1 ,-. t. Aub - rnl. 't- s— Great Bend; . tr.. J. Da eill. l . at ;t. Ti ny. Dim (I : Dr. J.: .Ohnste f; D. lio glqesq .Forest e. : . ! WA i n M ' Beef ili 5 • •XI '' ' 1 leer, 7 usiTe * , $e - Ora t voring o minutia e prises. fin i 71 1 ItIOU 't PRO! 11 1 Tlit ell & - iINIY I ,- ,ii.. BING . .WITOI .TtNitts institue 4 :locate, 4.ll.46lmantic g r. -- - pec . 44,nd within -parried of an ii, 1 I. attr ', advent!' 1 iki arilage and Irts! e . r ooliing a seine i i I graialear, asiol'sif - 1 1 basSj life," With . I 1 legitti on theples Mime ereA fetid o r ofteqi to the invalid. 'f'll6 house ti new i e ap reacts excellent fe sea. ' radical de cm likr f 'flume.ek A . • ' *ow is Hydro, , - rknown as t t t i ,-. roes of Lec i tra • no, will be gll 'Oil Bteidente and Si *i c y, ilydropeth trill be no edditio 1 ;:`Females who h i , roe pearl, are in 1 tive pea cell. diseases'jitietitier ii • d4em , and:vit, It "I l'iAred 'inn& inOt 'stir more` trial , r er iii flow . iyieekly,) act:veld! *.‘,. ,h 4 1 Patieuhi pt iis t ' ` b 2. bias ' t i r tur i s h i .r , .0 .c....t1 It. l' -'r:l '. (19tf D,N 1 11". ' lINEEME I::ri . ' 1 .:. .. r. . T. ';. ss' 0 - o`ielriadl47 3 ger , %, ~10-1 1 1 iTtVEK Coneerne;Choopiall . . ..... ~ .. 1 w 1 1 , 1:a people is aVall- times. iortitinsi.:- I te.he.it.for.E l l.o o4 •' dealitin theit y powerz:tensvelho. tunli.tlitt every person will awl , Wild health at till sacrithiest rot sot for romine--:yow ,, that:lirr. MOW nof - the tue•st celob retedl l irtiarY, A:answer a large - inskirityl , !Arett ui knit adults arc liable,' lf yin .!tha jy,ilhiukV siblw frinw l'Ows VI had tireathAtatii in: the:. stymied' hanlUrsintul fatness of the hell 2 pultifirregnhie, remember thatlal and f'on should at mum 'apply thi • -. .' ra' 11,01tEE8AtileE - Wt An Mikis. found Upon' scientific withipurely: vegetable. substitne.„ 1 whesk,taken;ind 'determined in z eilts.—_ I lensing t he. systr ni in &diseased uditiones.m..., :Used nostrums for the, ramirtal , of ireinis,. - Coutpiim, I..mdeMel, such' ait lonsettgelyNerelifuges,_&o# bit p f rli:ipmed the m eat " mtuttishict'eures and sired thiiii ,`, of thousand*, both - "id yea ng; nho - base been : I .llo a 6 et"A **PPeic;;o- ape WO by plryilidans.. l :tuiiidi 1 foildeing Mid. tokom enuidet .ft of 4W:efficacy. over 1.. '- ' '.' . 1 lorri'iltlier,..,7s•J•;oB. - it .i; . 85 I„' : Me. ~ .i N. li ttsock.,This is. to certifythat my ~ 05 + l ears of age • .having been sick for three "tended for 4 . 1.1*. siseof the spine by ,fity.s."LopeCi l ty if - jail,' P4lster or a long time walkout twOring' mil b ' Ilt:f After Alsing her up xi. ineurablet.:X.. - .4eni , . to pi deltaic add consuttr4 one ,Of the best physicists* Ler . 1.- • i Ilislais Ant growlis; 'raise. . A was at this, thlas.L w hi- ~ - d utetVio try • i obensit.s. - Wlonti ,Syrnit,und itro - r, ak. ; , - • • ' Tia tkattiqs Atte • nixtnly, ittained'i her' healtiti, iiet--„TNEfi.I. i t AA iiTygP.• gimtonantity of .worms. - fleeing IVA :wi I be ••:.. 1 -''W • wr p nefit tOparentewhote children; arb:similarlyaff ' e,C'. alio paY 1 .-,' ' ' '.'-:: lam - rum, iltc,. -- . -V. .- - • • - . r, r:j.•,... -. e \‹.... 4 b•it ?i r. r t is ' •- 1 13.0BXNSACK*Isi. - ', TILL .•- 1- . 1. lICT ;( s . 3 litt, of tho 5y...0r* IS mats listitOlko discas.ejha the" ' It u g . 1 litpr, Itserving 'aes, fitter to 'purify blood, the... "Or'Y Ting? ;- 7 . ,,,,.. 1 ; thiii proper seirsratiou. int" s ,, wrrAiwil tvat e bliiii...o that: ' . 2 ...,. / it 1 6 1:24:5 . Ale s ct y l i o tr i ci f a th nd i rtll lt ht lig y e ttif i ll :I I:Vi t i r l i r - ' l4 - 1 ::' -: - ' ' :.' hihatt.34w4hces Dystlepsiw. Fere l .tt.e. -- W, s ouliit AT L IT t therefore. watch _every, symptom-4 t might hulliiitO ~, a/ - ~, wrrng action of the liver..' Theite. 1 1 Ilit btmMoseill.... - 1 of roots 'and plardS, furnished by natureo Itealthe' sick, t -4 . i tiantelYt.l.st,sii Expecteraut which tturittents OfP ~ ecre- I T 1 lion from - the ptiltaonary Tapcus. mtlubrsme, wi, priwnotts ' I.: t3h - e . ttlicluir,;e of Secreted ;mitter.', 1 2d,Aitit elterative, I - .-- 1. which Changes in some inexplicable ittwlinienSiblil roan- -.- 1 nier, the eertainntembhrttetionS,n4e sytern: 1"' 3.!, es tad'...ii ,Tonic;'which gives :tope' end st -ibite the riervonsV _, .p rw •! - ,Sistern, rooewing h ealth snit.vigor to 1 air patiC of MO. 7 Ibetty,. 401, a Catbmtic, which. nein 'perfect . hit : 6:kr 1 - •.'-"' 1 Vail the.. other ingridients by, -op ting',onlhe.., ets' ...,.' -. ,IWhil ex.pOttni'the *twit- mass of; co niallow And e tiated i r , 1 Matter end purifying the: bitutd; - * ett_fiectroye isetice I, Andritarils•healtit. ;-..-... .1.,, .• .' . .;..,..! .......-. - 1 ,;!.. . .. . _. ~.,0 1 • 1 .Prel are';. at•ilebeisockls • Lair feu; l'h,lindelishlai ; 4,,,. • ntner 4 th add Georgeitt. :price .2 - cents., l' i cir Sale -by ''!:' the princi ‘l.Dreitlrletscottstoroi enerally tbrOnOont .- - the r connt y. :fly - ugent . ..kebbury. TA iird; . Pltlisviel . :bli , .. - -_. 7". IL 1 AQ,EIf tt—qtbel 'Correll and. It, ley - 1i ' Rein!: ;;final -. 1 lEst. i Ilayleii & lattti smell Witt. 0, 't-iyaril, New Word; . .• stop, & PPCk Atli Saxic Seyntottrilarfor!4 l l,:fhiriowc. i'•• • eo.. Gibscin; '0 11.•••IVells /14-. Chi ' enden and Chortle:at .. •"Phinitey; Dundat; 0 ' A •.: ; Eldri • •••11tooklitii3O*":& 1 Oros ~• filennoori ; Lpelin tia.itt : tt: Dr:i jarnee rerobti., 10reAt Demi ; J. IV 147. _pw khataitle,,`„rsWr & Russell Sterliceilie• 8.,,,! Stu - grant Istaintrlitt , - jof Alst e. divt t EI;:H. ! A T! a ,11.). tery and f law:4 • .1 tern Witit CO' Dlashe Of 41 the flamtetttl- olds, a • ' - 14InVIT , )Ijbui ,-. ...-1• 11E alrperibe r,ha _ , reCatireft hit ' '. stook of -.--, .... -. I ..;, T :-....:-, *e ady.-is 4p. ic=.lboinl74,,_- for men 'and:boys—a bracing 'etieryiTartelYof l , - style"rind 'qualityi - 0 erooats from: : 12--. 1 - s . 3't• $ ' / Dr 0.4.84. FrOckteeti - aw • Sack tjuderCoai i i Om $3l ta $l3 :, 'Pante :trot 20'skilltrigra tip i c,4Y - astei,a 1 - good nesortment:,!.from 10 AMMO to ; a ,',,,iatin; i -Flinn 1-Under -Wittig Drawers,fine Ski. ts'COl-, . .., i lars,.:StOoks; Qier-alls„.0 or-shirts,. ; uspend ro.p.,--4ca: ra...r. . . --,,. --: - ,:.:.- --, ,--..` i• - i " 6, Te• ale'. ~, '- , ::..k '- ~! '.t ..-.. ardt Street Also. - a nori-.enpplY of -if is - and ca Hootsir, - ' - I and. Shoei, Walt Paper an Border - ,114 '?a and 1 . . . _.. .1- -Stationery, .doublec• and' St ftle..barrOi PLIN§;• ,oteiseneda , Trunks. Barrtinilflhid,:l ll inic Bookft r il.and -2(:* - -. i l / 4 1t.e4 St " . : let • Of stnallei ~. traps "it: - ortir'Whicht Pock 4 \, • "fu r : r ' l- ' ' ' tbk '' - 1 '0 ` •-d . 0; . , et pep ..nyvea, pao e- o, note if .. raw, of In* . id , ';' -- • lag paper and penails,. Pa :Beaks', _ °flat Dia "il °I. - 'n'e a-10 `1. ries *metnorandetn.booki,' askete, h ir- ‘ brolthei,: o p i . of Ole, iti... tooth -brusltes,. fancy ;s=tap , ; hatr,,brttshes, tooth am, and pleas-IL/pekes fauci - soaps, , hat • ods, baking , powders. , i, .4p . ..., Stp,-1 . 1_411 far - sale'ad t the , otoo,a;„,fites an .. for re pay: •: .1 it hose w tiarf s etothln# wilt do well to examine, my ,stock- fore-maktuk their pu, fitness • • -.1 L' f r = . '. GEI.:L I :IU tElt• -- 'llc:ntrnee; iklovernber 1 - ,1185%-:' , : : ,. 1 r:.---".- . ---- . - ' • 1 `.--.`.. - 7-' - .-1:i .:.- • '.... I , •-; -.- i --- - i '..- enc.; Ein• Oderre bt-, 'rxtute, F t` u u t q s t . pneyrlar 'e been Itted by ys he hhs ihint t.:o.tre bt" A.lv. e i '.. We nre , eltt. the.iiitient.enn *cirtbrnt gritat 1 to and tufeJoind oily:ate fitainaeb, 1 We are treiltkirig e.drise th e r nke. 1 1 41 . 1,; • - ... . - • tinntae arto I)ls*e . clellacultyl . ~.. ._ , ~ :f lik B. OtTO . Y trItSELF.'...._ •... '' • . :.• '. ..0r .. entiii,....-.. .....), ~" -lITMr.INg .OE-T 4. " PQC.k.E7 iSCUIATII- -.'. .... . -1a5,..0r every, one . is-own l'his4hru I: . 1'hir ............-+ ,sixtli.'edition; mi . iipWards.;;Ot *.linndreo ... . iff • eograyings;sbowi if prt Tette .disewse in every :.:.-___.. ? ' .Ihetle ant Oral; . 114. millOtioalitong of the -- A ---- :,...iqueiatitesys ,-; -.- \ 4,- t .:: t.'t -t. , '•.i. •t - ,y, Wit {juin 1iet9323Fi.i171.1 1 11)...1 - i.. - , . . .. .. _.. j, . . - The tinit.t,hm.s . pow arrived that pysons t , i ft ering from' 4 ) b'' , .see'ril , diseis...es nee& nO - tofirrleeepnri - th4l-ifetintc....`cit. . o' - theXquackevi , nit by: the wocwititMos - r6nntaine4.:in thiS book', Ils% -?m 1 any one may core hiniseiT, ;Without' hirhee !Of •hnSi i.; ; Ali , ne.K.,- ,, r .the kty)yr: (Am. - 41' the uisistlied d i e' friend, nnd . tufts al with one tenth . the lastly! est:name:2'ln nib iticit;te the. ' Per- c general r 'ititine of pri rlt 0. disenteilt.,rnily4 4phi-ins:the , liate-is'i causeof Initnhooirs,".earli..l.l6eline,.witibbler.rotions On. xtriTl-1 iparriap,..t.---beFide. really Otlier.'ileran eittOititithick it enis.”- • Wonisi not be 7,xiiper . :t() eniiini,riit'ein Ibis T. l 4biic-inintiC-.... / .... • .. - ridr:.3r prtlLon sendinq T-WrISTY-T,'ll r e;r3. - enernz sii '- , s.td IO 'a lettcr,swill receireC : otie .enliyof this' b ook, by fily :mail, or live epifilei will ht.-stint:for orie4olls.:'.=:i dare:FA ~ .i>. Dn.Yit. - YOUN,G, 1 0.152 Spruaistreot.)Ftits.nnirntii . - - t post-pai , l: :,... *._. .- - -,- -. :r. , t ; . , .1 - ,....., ~,.::'so . .? , Ci"r l D It: XOtTI'M .chn li e consulted nit ti,nr : - -of the.dis-, 'eases d,eseribed In hi difforentlvutilicsitaoo, at 141... tittlie,' '152 , Sprrtee.street.:•eyery ' daxbctureen p nail , 5 &Clock, Surclnys.e.i.. eepted:) .' •, , N .." j'':;. ',V. ': .• ' ;3,331 . : . , .. MEM thorn t 4 e sielme4; -I.dieaE now Imp!. I. weak os3 I ;ttio,bekt ays cf PI ; ,•*t , I . , 1 "aua' a p terrace ad - Isa trorke_ _of . reeetaraindl 'Di, 1 f beAstilie .Iyi an epotitrihma et the 1 ft periraJaDiEtben. milli - raeo bf Inds. ed:leofeertialiv af ap y'prciscii Of the they,harte thel upon the ar:iiirperl Ithcint..alidehi the y ! • '.; • I ii he &rfactn-.4'lledi doer b plea , - I, 4 !xth, to, geeeirodly thre'-' ',..., tee. 'et. Invilidt tr. riatorative• !sewers., .. _ . MONEY TO -LOLAIV. T F any gentlemuu volute to btirriiii I, i 000 dollars 1. at five per cent., he cannot Nitro w it or the 10nbecriber, but gentlemen can sax • shore. than .25 -g; sea I per cent.. in their clothin expet by geuin liheir.garments made at iny shop.' if I was inl,h I i t habit of trramging' I co Id plaint l o My woOr a yaw• - ' ~ V beet assorance'of , y skill in t , ne art, bpi. lilisecriminittirig and truitelful. publiel know whelie i•go to get ,-- - l'' li 1 - - C.30a1.9 Is Coals! ~ i .riot te .entiou ai ms ! tionable' item, jackets Becks, surtoute, colttes ad.isi, ' Im. (Li — Gentlemen wit/ pl see to t 4 notice that 4,1[ le halo‘ternoved my shop piMr:h il oler's block, o , if cliodKrat ' ,r are llain street, first story ~. . 0 . 1 Y old . Dep th l'itr• ti'Culting done as anal. r i li.Dit CETI • ' ' ;JOUN GROVES - . ' • 'Montrose. June 10, 852. t / • . --, - 1 „ . . color, sadist the ! Tile Pe© e's Frien • - DE PO 'S. 1 ' I / ! .• T. T. Pancr.s, if ith ..21r.,101 -P,ain Destr - : • ERs er l and /I 411rtXtrfiCt. ' article of Crockery f& N Extract trans the 1 .03 a tit -Witch hazel, aLI vses. Cutlery, Eery. 1 11. purely from teika f , - 4htf iireeptilis of a little 1-, .odgpieemineip., , cohoi to preserve it ..,.....:, "._,... ,_' l t.. 1 , it • CIOCI(#4. Taney Itas- ' t It will cure ell lottery •rnmeilollamtaatiloo,old sem s, f all kinds, %ludos,' fresh wcumill .uni bru 'thee. and aUidhemacaot t e Ts. V. llcaL..nrush , bowels of a chr -Ilia not ,tresil*ache,, eileackw:aid Cutters, Coal hods l, excellent remedy for females, Ike. ' ', ' ' ' 's rtmeut of Toys andi It le truly, what It professes to be, , q,!rns PIOPL eau it thls cattensivelrata 4 o." Providence has scattered ' along the time and rs6ieq l , for I Paths of life maul . thlugs that coutributp greatly (Wi s e -sti,ted la thee Ilse I comfort and lisipp cress of every body; brute theft t J. 11. To81911:1.k. value, an i well may they be callectirdeode or the P o• 1 : P le ' " ^ .--- i . :•i'l ) ::1 - -- - ' -.......r1-:"-.... One word here to guard against imp , don An= b. ' the name of spencer has manotaCtxtred sad offeied f. sal. a spurious article railed the 0 0oryallIatraet"--t would h. , extr%pt from the touttd-stigelluirie It while and ored, whirl None arm WILLI k sod calla , Druggist ,lion,rose Byl P 'T I t ~ T • , i I STITUTE, i i a a bviutifut 410 AV Pros; ,e 3 ....,::, 1 ilia 1 ta vg.L.ismortattoWsmr.rllN. 'rag 'TRU e 4 , ,0 '1:: - .- 01104.1PF16100114.00a Owl/trio Jzll l3o ,t PT me imitrinimilltoOtlnr i er ibt io rknk.i3.!.r.vi p .it y v i iNe,i- -• • -. • •• - : .. --, , " . Ina itotroTt, pg., .. orati p '-4.a4act0..--.4i-;-L;-Fa.4- '. ,1 .-'h A - ,; ' ' - ~ ' 'Thildittl4l,oloolo4llll46l Wrier an h e thl ~,._+ , s taiikagnitkinValroiikti'dAllique44tifiinrialvo ow , - t 004 -IVOTit(iiinkti, it AO1101; lit tinit,'Ankla,- or Nirsi to 1 owe:Thugs- It tsexoeitply ogrtwatiltito;tlto tog , and 1 I psi - ' ...itj' a tio s t o e kt r try the i ;nxt to t u ft.te i r tle: t t r i 1, , 1in i e l 3:rot "" 1 ? of Dried Itoltition• Prlia.n-1 100 t A DzuEC. [ iv- Oollbotti'ligontt..,6nd gst:o Drweripti To ciraular r1...r 4 large amount of imientlEio eriolsooe ' fror i be.dlktralt *I• -vt o -. , a r ; _ oblic IAo toe. Nom tty,_ - Dr, qombe w. Phy plot ' a 71 .. „ of Dtrottion Or: PontlrtrAnkitOwd a nd Disk; Di; Jo! t.' o!. 'w, Draper, arlion'l(oo6.llpiwint4 i ; Prof . Done On nifil,:lihystoloiDr. _P,rottBlllltAttit _ZOCI e War 'T Dr Car - ,t , p en iker's Plapnoldre.;-l'aisstethilitostorts of,enires ' 111 :-T.4:11poovall ports of ;thittOdlltgewa_,..,- -- - ~. - iikbr . „32 008 eta g Ttilsll':: 4 . Ile " *7li'N!ln' It the rennin(' -?I,PEPt3IN 'heart Lb, lostftet;: of J. S. Ittrlca.• •tTOS - . IC-,Di ' uolo:-PrOpOokmr-rtilnkhlifibiat 'rig. PoPY ' !Wit iks4 . lv l 4e laiirk eaele.4. - 1)!, - 1 r , ic i 03- Vats f0r50....r1471 !liiit'nel Feca l ' ;461elaiiiitIer. -'• ri4 ( .5 •.--' - "-• ,- d , ' .' . o voutv-ityr.L t iott.L.isra..4...._ igc0n010g.0.....4 "" . - Tab!! lam- - 444 1 4 ! 461; t: —tets _just.: 1 ^7 . . ) er Ir. ; • swiglND-s= 2 , areir; • - f - • , if:: 1 ;•, Teittia' s ;" 011ice,over BRYANT:11011SEI - Feat Beilid Dellit;/ 414 , ISON BitSUiNTs 'PrionturTol.- _yft ANT TAILOR:, tailiP ll o eet4olifefin: y 'oicaaplecit by 4.ll,loltrioa a Clothing • • • ACTT ILEW SPltOtt!if SPringt 4 31 "t"kei Pll* or lA's. Aahr liagt'ol_ria iCeet 1 ' 11 ;1 - : itIVC AUrN '• 1 al ree , • 1 _. lid - ftANEKL 1 .":1,7 Cap i a -- .,,i Wader 4 - ot,e4 *.ankr9r-!'s 1--:-.-_;! ,- E7 , -' - '", - ;;;.e..* - 1 0 -, ir;:A•P.2 - :;•:W' .. 4 .`-.2-::-;..-....-:...: MY. IIII;1°6 " I' G'(*l ' e°l Zil: 77 oirk t t )lirriraiklVlOi_ ,14;.- :r .10/ i v i".Liti c ii ens riash for altikto4o of §hippl#g „ _, .!!p ~ ~,........ e'llOuit lion iiii,. - --' , , - .'•:i-1 .i:7:.;:::t,.,i,i AND MAD% DICEgSING SALauxii4 einine int, Pelt dockito -he PinfolicetMonir.se.l4 rterickßrw. , rritY,AIkiDVXCIII.NOB rtTART;Z:„,,dII.! ; - /./r-; -13 1,1-.3f-04rose--;!Oefe o:#4 - r ill. 1.-1...- . ,11 .- at.' - lri 4toic..-.:,,,...,,,,,-; F.. L,88:4. Jotrit.g - , 1110stretrori Brawn, , T sue.- frp.;Between the! Ceti I Bridge, end Co Court st,' 'we r-i ~., ... IMII• Slim grown V IZSII.9E3I 'F Y.R ,,,ie 7D-- tufkzn ~i,..„,,:4-coi „Ss. ~ ery_ ,,. ~, Flo. . f . 11 r: i CIA AllD ' ESUßOßOlci':l l 4rford, ING - ! = yl cibifi We it GA"i'ltle!s'etioie: - 'l-F.... , .' , ': if ;":.4::'-'::::-.•,, 1: -," - :;v -- - -: , ''..E C. ' . D.: - ir i : :' ,, ..';: . ,:: , '(-...,.f-::: ,-- • iiiteitt DENTIEti.;S/iikitis,Pii; Til:Ofite iili f i, 1 iiii) ; lie Xl:lndia& etornii of '11164)11 and lalidni • ta:. 4 OppratioliA- nkplitliti\ ct!prps.FG:inifed Ovine : , oily tintlteniftrly, Plato vork.46 . nl: ; wit h tb,lita , tit all ' In thi moist improved st7le?rty,,C4rOtOsr..: winter. tibl DlDLlVAlatoess ak VOA Sianidactnier-414 ,•• dwelling, a fewtorls sauth of the villige otc *, Ittontrose,Ra. Ghee. - :Clocks:;: iitioqe day kNO T i rgl Ca ". Cues - of-Alum sa 3 SI T r itr iv bi ejl oktil ° b usualverYtaw, rec 1 5 „Ef " * -t o. 2Odd Yellows' • o.l:ttick,'of hand•(iit 0 . as cola) einbr4:cii3gin;ciy,:aittclikii,i:"Ae = ' yijak gratii,),l4 ..ver d Ir k. * d Ca*, for Decaw'Milford,: • , -- - -t• - • -------- ---, -.- 1 i ciii inlaberGlovoi§ldittens, I OVNTRI 111MICITh NTS, Iti! Making their; ',arc should to., n4,..leeethese ditdrable awe, laltattl 'Their monufacture bap !been :Anntelajittprot oily tpd they_atexeltdesverltdttral:da.: , Paitte t !Woe to requesiedte tlit. /. :•• . : • , ••••', :Wool Lined Glores . ftnililfitteits..: nary Axe 6(ll6pm:tittle in col &sod -wet' weather. ; et will inil thesegloveo tieerul,in , any'.'wotk th 1. 11 the hatitti; at the same thhe -titat.they wilt et II rot Salt Ithetiut or Chappel ilatidsivomediately. o . made tilt lengths to proteet the *ma and wilei I For wilebyirticox, nilliori a eo--lite `3,ol.nreh , ; hltallel phi a.• Goody** teo fitPettft.tentStteet, do. :Phillipi;•Plitatitargh, Po., IFoleoherelhskellt l .; ore, 3111.1 It.. W. Shlffer, '..Charletot4 F. o_, lie.hetto:Pqlelntsitti; °eta, end Wen Aubbeepf beMnion. - • . . • • :: - .li . ~, .1 ..:." • •-', .: ',yea. sate at reign,lt rgea by Conwtcy ereluuatim ---7--- -. . 1. ',-'• . i.;... ~, rilar ins,.and ,ItT4llP,riitalegfid, . ~ , . • f.. Lots for Sale. .11E Subit' . .stfber offers for e ale. thefoi AZ valriable pioperties,,to wit; one faint of •liarlord containing wine siAl about thirty of which is ; improvcd, .hal o a r n c d ha t r t ,d h , a & if c fr , o t rri he . r oi co e r4 Said ;jii : tage farm o tia l r i t eil ii i ~.. . route of ilia.4lotiliose and Ilailord 1 9 )461 lt,in & beautifdl And 'desirable locatioir;:iesi tbred 'lc. - On the ' I : . ..?:' Also one other '.,. jYittg!'t Turnpike,:gui.'.iiilioili'‘. In 'Lai ePbOr o ; N. Y. iniffi4iitOtailrod't4-cOntainlng about ac . 11:#01nni::,ceineire..f,„hiicgis irepriivt t re hO ~. _ :riti..diebitril, ./kr.9r4"Olit . is a r , wg eii Q. facia from its iotititioi, li'iing 'well ti ftild•iiikt ,r,-'- '..''lliAitii rieveAtt tnilding ,) .lots a t ilia village cinelkainairin the:Niew : Yii,r.k '&i Erie Rail Thiiis one, of . he - rnOsil thriiiiik locatiOns ' country; being•tbe'leat - of the tail ROS 4 M ShoPIHI/44.---iccontaina:uovr ribout.:lloo tints, and its boldness facilitie6; are;owl , ' COl3 II opt.lOil */ Of the .12 irIM lots ;Artilimir pi mill-seatsi4lliii!'cimutyl>being inunidiatel Susquehan ,1/2 na . rivei,'ll ksitfEniiiitrpsifr Put posei of papafgtatirilf*;::Tr be , most'' -inducemenbt; it& herd. air - by.iiie obeli, fore ltotaiiiffli;.ihoii ;` tou t , ',ttlAkiil the 0117118111610iiiiillOpiln. getaiii , " ' lig:lndio ThePtil'itiiWisfroiril tlie*i .. _cOtirisodit readiAilliiiiiiiiiiioir+l43rYth rileis!thi-** :The atinve.istiriiertyk4Or ?)I.4aj.r.":pitS, 'old 'on leitissibis, most;:iiidia • ate:Ons G. iia 'ere. ' I -will gii,e krik . ' fliiii ins.. Corot :Uoitkaiitlisiproippo )4! e tli,* ' itcraiii, end all sinilinire,s arts p .iii iiilidlY• .: '''':-. • . / '. GPs ' -Ixpe q Rig , ~_ , . . Snsq. ; Deirot.'.. idea -,185.2; -Evrry -family ItoaldjilaTk a Cep' lAnindividitta boo .-:efib , ?k. A,: -, . Man Alo* th yself ( ,',l i t, Tvt:IITNTER'S Medltil....llanliel and Eat la , ; JI., thecAtlleted,Contsdriti3g an Ontlintof the ..74-Pglllit,Treattnent and C Ora of every Term of '," j-inanotd by Protolectiont Se:vial I nt e rebore' o''.. t fliiiiiiiriittj• Sexual INceit, with adVitaf cr ,"464064i , can nOt Orfttiti, the ear Or dreenels. 111:.,t..Sillt,Oflosne tieenty years "Ocientrii Palette/of. t ' , -.4140,0ted to thioilfe of disease of a. dedicate et j To which It lidded,' receipts foe the core, - disease"; and i treaties on ibe ; calais, ri cure of the f e serand.Nifwer,for : ity :Sse . ' . six taSpies one dollasl.. 11an.,, [ the United stlit4lo3lr. ... . : `II!IIM" . - fr , age' Vd, M05eyae.,,0.....,#.04e1l I Seveth strati v•itki ~.r.- s Y-..4 L, V''i,''*' 1 to ~,!..; :::.: - : ti: : - 62.114 1 7: ". .... , ::: . ti- *.,: - 01 i 4 *4e g --' EDiTolisA/"D: 4011 OP- 11 k he 'SA nei deans' anti aid tnin i slninltta: * l; 1 ...- :or two dolls:all not paid neitU the it'd :ear! -] Ahdo of anhaeriptlon,l No paper- 11M:,_ . .. b, - - I, * ligitlllll arrea rues are Palos eta*Pe.:"Pl° l ° l Plibliaber,. AU eosanianiaatitAllArj teekkie attenticti: - Alllettera boa .wp ilhoul.l be directed t013.13i& B 11::01114et, Bauu eha nu a 6 °linty? Pei,, 4 . .7.5e.iik i, -:.,r: ..' ..-' J. '_ ',. -" 7 " -777 -'- - ItZiat'S ilk • ilb AT S pir..,AßyFAill'a a gvil, ,-; a onisflusseo,2 l iltiai s eA ti /1 _ 1) .` ?"1 .! . ~1 % • Each sOraqdin 1 4t Pnw ' f7-';' 1 1; 7 -.4 . 1 7 1 one *genre tYtresia# shif -i' - '. , '.',.' . _6 : :),,a,M . V . . One 1 1 4 / 13 1 1 -r*, lilt 14 1 / 04 t.. ' ,-1* . ''Z' . 4 . 4 7 , ,, ;- !Ai %wino& c anti;tous , ftell of fats,ii..-. r, - lettiyadreatticscienti,tiofneei fins square' One column oncjenTi4;.._ , ,--, • - - i.,4 is , Ye azii adeeet,leene l o,k, V , . 3 a , ~.., 'Luella Olen thej T, ..:.-? 1 ' , r '-. ' , - - Arip 4e.OR iL• - . . . ,„._ I' l t4.fi titililibirol4l3S -* la Tilt al PlingAlSlAlitin 44l 4 lll F l it ors p *redlo Cl Job work with neOziellaten!d de4ateh. - Eltainks oferesidieferlitleueene pentedlo Odell- , V '- -, i l i iecWei 44:04 . V . '' ,4 alzicllia. . , v:554.4, , 7 , ?•; ,- ' 7 -:•:1- - . "- -,-:- .- -,•,, • h ' t z le -Aft.: : M6l 4' _._, M;Mi Mi=ln= 3l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers