. . . . -• i • • 9, .... . T oni v-Lui4.B Do m e st ic - DOI' atil-. - 1.. :- ...-.- 'itietv - • ' ,. ;..'` . i: - ---.' _.• ". A'NeW.York..eorreePoudent alga . ... .. .. .. . • ....Thestuiess` of M . dam. Sontag.,in concert and operal\ss imineettlenntliind to determine upo • . n iiiting the . United - States. The' .. ~ ~a liv w a h a ppine . of her .. domestic: ' relations may have had 'some influence tiPok her in eoming to' 'thiidecision.;- but that she will'again ...visij our. shores, should her life be apared; . .ii. a fait :be- . _.sp . • • • . •-'•• . .. .... . .yond•dtute. • • ~ . • i :. • , . ~ ._ • ~. • -I a llud64: abOre - . to the .domestie:ditricultiei Of Senny.l.ind: Vhesii, I am ,inforniek upon the mo streliablo atithority,.exisj, and are-still becoming of the -most Sellouts i and .. unpleasant nature:. Shortly -after . the :honeymoon; some :trilling misunderstanding OcCurredhetWeeti her im(l.3lr. GoldSehimidt,*(her hitaband).whieli has . , been'.dailY increasing until ;her : Sufrerings are I • now-too intolerable to .be. . Ills 'petty 'zeta of selfishness; :inn& his determination" to. 'rule herlai w ith a rod Vol - i k on . ) : he' caused het ' . . ,the greatest unhappiness, a P..,ife'pritiikionlits ' I alai 'distinetly, informed, '• been agreed neon: The well known gen erosity.Of Jenny is one of • the main causes et.the!diffieulty,z;-: her hosbanti beieg,,Oppiised- to the:giVing away of . any thing . But then; it may be i that the high ternper'whieh i Jenny display at times, has 'also. its • effect in . :..iendering.her borne tinhappy...• certain it i s,i . ' . Such aState of things s exiit ; and • what ' 1.-h lye •-'Written.above.you wilt' find.' - cerrolionited to a l .e . kery letter. - ... - - I- - . • - .. -- ',......• ..., .- I - •1 The Gardner Case. This case is now on trial before the criminal, Court in Washington." Every person, has - -heard something about it, but perhaps all miry not kiiow,its historY. The counsel for 'Pe Government inikpening the case to-the , jury, - made . the following narrative:. . - . - . - Dr, Gardner, in a memorial to . the beard . of CommiSSioners; stated that etirlyin the year t 8.4-4 he - w3s . largely - engaged in mining 'opera-. tions in the State of San Louis P6tosi, MeiicO employed . 500 caboreri, hadUpWards 0f.5300„- - . 000 invested in men, buildings, steam . engines, i holses, Miles, ani-nien ofscience; that in )846 :ii was compelled fe abandon the . - establish. inent, his \ Property - having been despoiled by the Mexican soldiery; tic said mines were , worth half a million, and ould have yielded 1 hint $50,000 per annum. - .Tlie accused filed' with, this memorial, depositions • ptirportinf,rle , be from persons -residing in 4 texice, going to 'o show that ha wn° -id Mine. ..Thea issue was f , 'ty on the truth or . of these aisertionsr— jr, The United. States' affirmed, and expected-to prove, that every statement in' the memorial, and every paper presehted by hitn,l were false from begianin,g to end,.piare fiction and invert- Can, that ',Gardner received 'from. the United States, as \ thelruits of the - fraud,: $428,350, while, his mine could not, be: found; .though - $5OO hiid been offored as arawaritozny one • who wouldpoint out its. location.' ITE/LTH- OF THE . .VlcElyinstrENT..-H.The report. that _the Vice•PrkiAent elect 1110 .been sworn in seems.to be. incorrect.: We learn. .from the lion.. Z': Pratt,' who has just, ;returned-. from. Havana, that he ..vls invited 'by . . 51:;Shar kO.. a week •agi) last 31onday, ko go out. in a few dayiite be present ut .the swearing-in •of The -Vie.President,".shewing that he had not been yet.q . uali4e4, ;is was reported: • • • , • •,. -Mr. Pratt- also was told that Mr. Icing's health' was quite desperate; . and he 'did not weigh ov'er . a.hundred. pOunda,and•wonl, not probablk- live to retain,- even •if ho left; sate .proposed to, On theist- of . 4pril. . Hip inei pal food was milk and lion;liny,und he wa -dai •ly. borne -1)V hjs men into the su . g.ar4touSe, rare ly. being able to walk-otni.part\Of the w ,TIIC bArYIIIIS liol' DEAD T_ET.—A new turn! has-befit ,„iviven . to the,Bourbon ..q!testi 4 n by the alleged disenvery eiinportant-evide coa s t' New Orleans. 'lt is say' that an eld- French lady in that city . ; - wife to a former secretary-of the Duchess d'Angouleme, was present ; at the time Belanger made his dying deelaratoin of having brciught the Dauphin to this` `country, ; and that she possesses •a largo nutitber .o,f doe-- ninent going 10, prove the fact.- - ,tSlie . lately communicated her knowledge in regard to. the affair toa gentleman who . was .aineinber of Dr.-Hawk's churelt at New _Orleans, _without 'being aware of the interest...which- the ques ! : tion had recently' excited-at the north; in.con... l i sequence of the p blication :11 Pittni)77l'S 3[o4t-i iy. .It,is also sal ,that,the evidence she will, furnish is 'Conch' ive in favor of _Mr. \ . Williamsi It is desireable fir his sake.thaeit should be, so, as he - now oteupies - a , rather, unpleasant - position before the public; though we. - knew that his friends express the most Unhesitating conviction of the truth. of all his statements. St EXINTENDENT OF, . PVI ; LIC . Grey. 'Tier has appointed, Ephraim Curnman; editor of the. Carlisle Deinocrat Superinten dent of the public',printing, under , the act re cently passcd by the Legislature.: Air. Cor tese is n. practical whiter. 'and,vvill most tin lioubtedly maie.a good officer. - • . . , . . . ~ . . ROSITIVE .A.ICD CoreAs.A.Tryr..—The lean who iiittentive to the.ladiesi:s a-- beau; but. When. they don't like him, he is a bo7er: : . •' ' - . , . • - • 2 -Zik; •:,•••• • , ; 14- 04,74: • I • .`% 1 2 1 4* * • • , . - :Ce Of VetO: _ :To the Senate and Ifouscj Repreienti, tie Contmortujearch of Peunsy/ianics. : I, herewith Maria to you with out my signat . tire:Houne , ,..ltilliVo - ..4193, entitled, An act leorporating tlie-villne of }'Susque hanna bepot into;n .borouglt relative certain election distiicts." uy :Objections:. are to that part of the Bill which erects the village of Susquehatinti Pe • pot into a h%rough. It may-be possible that an act of ; incorporation would - promote the _convenience of the people of thati town, Ifio i the general raw! mikei ample provisiOn for the ease, through the instrutientalitYolthe Courts. _Through this medium,The wishes of the inhab-, haute can -be tarried out, and the endi accom plished.if desired , by them: , I must respect fully refer you to my, fpr.mer, tnessages on this subject; for a more: mend : o knowledge of my objeitk.nito this kind of epecia Legislation. ExsetrrzfE enillßEßs ItAasumulis, 'April 60 - . J 44.-ApikTerm, VA& GRAND baS• " Apolacon--Jojin FaMOB& -..: __. _ , _. •I . - Auburn—Peter Hay. • • '.. •• 1 'Bridgeiater—Lorip - Smith. --_,:' "....' ..." , . Broakin—Rbberi W. Getie,#; Y-,'llll".ell'',. ;Clifford.—Caleb Burdick 1- '''.- ': - _': 1 . 1 . tranklin—E, Cr. •Giovir: .-- C' ~ • - Gibsbk—,lasper G.-Stiles.' Great Bend---George Burlei.- 3\ oilh,hlbrSeinrtelcvtvi—Y--Lari S. P*, It c.t. :s4iith . . a ens, R: A: Webb. '-. - • 4 Jes— RlpiS.'iirchitd: '. - i Len o t - lainpiklitu*,S.T. Toier New iti Lorenzo linee. , - ard lfordP • Ir. C.Oiwins om- AitlN.:-Jamee M' ••• r '' l ' '' . 1 '. • . .'. - .l3llvei:lke•-•4Law co Olden, -Patrick ' Wh'alon. 6 , " . - .I ; 1 ... - • SKingn p.--Johil Tu tie.. . 1 - • Thomso Chester S da ' ' " - •- . - - ' isAvunsr. lawn**, - - Apolaco , Mahal G yes. ; i , • , Aarat nord A. B shnelli ', - Anhurn- - John Clay,- AliMiiS, Aiiogh,Trad ie keno' .-, '- • ' 'l4 '; * . • ridgew ter-Jamei• Valdie' .E. G. Bab-1 " moldy --I._ThSttr ng i A l i iirs Tetoksburti. , .lifford- r john NV: C lemani 'Hanson Hal-, sl. id, VI ' Crandai, r. • •I• i' , \ 1 ' smock amuel F. rown!.l l' : -.. .1 undriti Chauncey' milh.i Ri' . • I , . 'rietids‘ille,—Samue /kite* r. • ibson-A -. J. Chain rIM,I ptifjah _Wells, John. A. Wr//iams. • ' • .;, 1 ':;Preat Bend--joseph u Bei 1 Geo. Buck, ,4eili S. Lenheisn, .Da d Neo'm n. - i i 1 Ilarford—Tyler Clip nter, i* phen 8.. r- Ca per i afa i.;•L n e h. T. Emit, . 13:1 . 4dpinans,:zimob Clark,-Elias N. Carpe . et', SteAen Cooinan. Harmony—Lorin No on. rij I, ' ; Heriick--Thomas B _ dirt- Stezpart: • ' 1 .1 - Ackion—: - ,cin4r Grip, `Jessup--31. r - .11 : 01rop---, [. Chrtopher • Lp"nox---f "Totlirje, Ley: r ri11. 9 " • - . Litcrty 7 4. Darin D. lit -Knapp. .Afiddleto , lliontrose— ju34-•: - N 07 3filfr dric ,ipgdel S.. hymnal:, silier Lal ffv;C 1J „7.1 , r 4. gtti~ piznson-. ..11/1;70 hose N. Ik. - .11, * iye 0 I Tria. Wor VS. 'lnk of Si meson In'eszt I l V illtni vs )ster vs. therlsm nith 7or th vs. Cprse, Sti*` ?. . \pot, Impbell N'ciwt\nl .ink vs: Do'dgi, Trti tts & Warner WI V vier vs. Smith, Trt! chards vs. Riehmo Second -. p - fs , eek.Lt', .- , ~.rtis vs. M. * &[Hart; id. Dabiage. , . . ' . dale vstTerry, A ' , Peal. 1 i .• • •• yriek is: thin niime, ' PriBipa's.4.. *• • * •qi , kBburyi vs. Rus. 14 I,..Appbal. , —• ' .itt isAtlviotn,• Rep ;:`• yin. - 1 i.*, • ~ o irboek T'p ys.. Step!' .ns AP,itt.lll. - I, -; 'oso vs. Hblly,. Ejeetinent. i 1 ' • • ; eneet. Siv Tiffany, it. ni,i- Ii Case. • ' • ymour vi. 3lprtini •Adinr,l In Case.. - ' • le - vs. Bronson: T Debt:l ~ - . A sSup & Niven, vs.' ewksb'pry,&•,Lindsey . ttnent.' * • - ,I I ' • - ; c..vens*vs. N. Y. & .R: It Co., In Caie.. 'Lord Jr. vs. 3lanz , In - Citse. ! Tilbtir is. Gaige, Tr puss:'s - 1 nitlt vs;Curtis, In • obt. ; -• • . , ung, - vs. Summers, n (.Vase,', . - • • cGovcrn vs: Wilso - et, ,al.iFojeetment. ilinarth v - s: Titus, 're:4l4o4j ; *1 • ;• con Vs. - VVartrotis . . al. Ejc,tment." itfpriden &- Johns° va.N. Y. 3lntual lln -1 : i nee Co.,•Case. _, 1 - i . I I .; • .1 __ , rtling vs. Burdick, ppealt ,: • • . I ', tnp. vs., Irarali,Ap al. ,t, 1 I :* . , ge ; vB. - HaYard, es p.ist. , .aryo t vs. Maryott; ~ jeetrrikrit. •. • • ; oda 'e vs. Lott, AP I. i I ' - 4 ,,, ••• - 1 ' /so v.. Dunmore, e at., Tipapass.. • ales. vs. Brajnard,P rtition. , _ • - • tier - s..t.'lne, et. al Treipb•as: ~ • , :feljr.& Little-vs. timer k. Dalli Ej • 't i , aftr4us vs. Collins, • jeatu?en;. .1 :I 1 iai es 1 Jet p` I. ',,al-., R.'rtiti kl .TreS ' miler ~' jecth .2ii 6.1 1 5- i s .. • lii...t Office at Montrose . , eKebbeY,3latthew T. 2 cull), IL E •- ' -'- ' cD'ew:t:, Margaret errittArni. - • .. - agra, Mumma . , . errill,jAnilrew J., ", • cColluin Margaret ma L.' orn'il.Lac ' - . • •%",Nlill),-I;JOhn . Ilinstead, Doci. J. n o+le,Marcusli. I : ks, WIZ A. ! v eac, Mil. Polly' kille ry W. I - ekeriflgi, Willard - • -'. " ' fersOn; Ai bert C. 2 H. 2- t ersoni Samuel F. , - „ t agani, Honors ' • • - . 1 berts, Calph - - - - I ! dull, Joseph . • ' 2; . ' ()per, Miss Jane E. eardoti.; Wni. -, .. erAcltlff, John - ' 'ach•Pfgrick -- - Oberts'iin,_ Milton ~. ton e, IWii I in at "with; Daniel ' weet„Tfomas " loaum;jilhlr\z. Phoebe, `,hay, Jabob , faith, jabez -J. , . terlingoThomas '-. heektliiMrs. Susan luarf,paniel • - nyde I pter : kott, rizi C. ' hipmitii Catharine- • e 4 Wsn. • IV. •". ' ; Feter W. rid S D -m• Or Heirs )ntelia List:6f . ing,:in the: :V ~'1853.: • in, I'm., T. ley,Thoa. 2' ,p,l Lentuel,l-:.• 'nL Lprenio.G.t,_ .m, „John , I '9 , I I , I I rY-L ' .. .n, - George -, mid,:Mrs. Ama E.., -n, Elijah "; • • I • , Samuel :by, &Beaver i .. berlain, Aurelia 1 . , John ..- I n., Erastus 1 .e, JOhn Mrs. Bet ,G,_C. • , e,<Therop , '`Ezra_ _.Sumner- • or,. Daniel ote, James' .n, 3lieh..el • 'Miss Il.4igaref, z, Georgt) . 7.- - terMrs: Mary ; Ann Terald, Morris r; Win: A. i tro,' E. .p.• • • •--, : tr. Linn' i Go; -1g Gre _ or); Ge . ;I'lllo4 Ru .-8, Jarvis Ha I idler, Mr. =Ho' ;., aii, Peter n Hen_ri. .' A Mis. nn t ki • is John- - .g. s, Richard:. l'errY: ' ilolti, L. ,l Mise Jane ee, Wthen - 31ri..Lney A. _..Henry '-- ''- • 111,:heitei \.l. . pbY,'L D." .. -.'. rnlfOrd, D. f Kir To S e: Cneml fleeted "Mondn) • 'Re' re/fuer The pram. :on Fri e'eiatni air -be _l'll • Ckcrle;s M )t. APPeitl: ' [ nty, In' Case. - • f „ 1 , 1 lins.. i• : : • 'arn or4Fraplerin, piss. ! r - 4, - Eieo: ll2 Plit- - a i s own*.. abit. l hwArtos • 'm a, 4113,i1ra• ' l / Y ilberiVargare A ()palm ? 'John ar ei. LA TM I C I P! 1 = M. 4 -of T. Room be . . ex- N entAkst N:3l. \ I 7 will JOXIIIIOO tintil ther• 1011 za = . •-.... Agricultural Society. - : : .. . • , _the II twit:alai:Age and. St. l .lohit'Eucampment,, . . ' •oft • a independent Order of ,Odd .- FOlovia •Icalie .. : The next quarterly .meeting. or the . &agile. u f'th Odd Fella 'H if Ateaci . 'II harms - County .Agrictiltural • Society will •be °. *. James : Fs -. a . -• -Il uOc'r ' "l!'' tamest ?v. Chapman. • • L. held on Tuesday Etre,.A . pril !9th at the Cour _ .robe • - • •. • • ALSO, ~. .-- • 1 .- . _ Houio at 7 1-2 o'clock..-The- public are iti - 1..' . All.tbat cariain - Saw NW, Mi11.7&84,14/1 "Opittteliaii-: led to attend - ' .. • . , -- .. . . - east, situate ant being on fl/leer 1 Creelt,i i rear': the Salt : - ' Spring, in the township of Franklin, lit 4 CeuntY'.o ll • , ..- ' ...-* 1 W 31.: H. Igssup secre y.,j . Susquehanna; the laud pa Which sahl: !!!111t h stinda,:b.4 l , 11irch -- ii3d...1853.% ' --. .....- .. s ,. tee weeded au the north hy.land of II Wry L. m en itt:il ' - " - • __ land; arid . on the West by Nita P, ,Wtteitortandlo 7 ,' ranee Yana. - '.„ . H . ' - - '- - Writ of Ler.,Fa: Cl' thelsult-oflLorinso Tinee against ; ' Luther :tines Pa and George S • A l lik.. .i - I .. ' .. .l'• . - G. 'S . 1 ELDRF;D, bbariff: .1' "Sheriff's Office, Montrose; .--: I -i- " • ' 1- • March 22, 1553. '• $.!, - ,-- i . • ; ' - -- • ! . * Alittle of nearly every.thing,..4 e 91.4., at , i • !,' ' Montrose, Dec. Si, tspa t , ITURRELL"A '.l . : gzaivetratu•.' - . By the Rei..T.thomas at th ::house of. Wm. 0. jitindrick in 3liddloto noanthe . evening . of the 28th inst., 31n. Etturm S:HEsnitcx. to Miss &titan .1.. 1 ABBES: both - -of Spring. v i rine Pa. .. : - - ' • . . •nSaturda, the '2.(1 Inst by d Esq.,•Mr:l4l:4' Vammiti to - E. Prucies all of Thomson: In Bridt! wat , . Wa ren f lith ' .r. -, Bradfort . Eau, of-the In Great Bend, on the 9th of Febtnary last, by the Rev. J: 8. 1 ll:Creaiy, ..lrz Ezita BEEBE, and Miss M.A.nci..arr Cant, both of Bridge - water. . ,- ' : • ' hi Nov 3Clford, Wm C. 3liss 7rwater, on the 4th iota:, by Rev,' A.O. renOtr..Arsamos If: BRI&IIA'AL, Of le.: -, BOford county, . amI.3IissPELEDA JANE EER, of-the former place. ---' . ' • . . • In this_Bo6ugh. on Sunday the'll inst., after • a short illness, 3Luty. 1-lEr.Es;lvife of . Gee. L..St9ne, ziged . 21 A kind and 'aff . ee- donate husband:with two. little childrin'and .other.. relatiVels- And, friends are s called :to mourn this sudden bereavement • . _ . . Plank Road Me(iting• • - TM Stockholders of the sioU rose and Mir ford Plank goad arc -req:tested . tp meet at the house of Leonard Setirle,"ots Oridayafternbon the :2,?.d of Apiil. genera l attendance is i'-e -roested.. j IIEN RI PRIX/CELL; Pres. Titos. etteLsos, - Seey. April 6;1331 - -Lost! Lost! • ON tite'3olll. of Mara laat, — on "the road Va.. 'tweet' crink!s Montroite, a deer skin purse, much worn, containing .a ten._ piece, a N'exitian, Dollar, a }IVO: Franc piece, a foreign piecei . the name unknown to me, worth $1,04.;.. two !IN and some change;• the whole a inaitut ing to over eta,: The finder of the above,.ty-leavnig it , : with tinil Out.; acriberi or. at thia ‘..Dernocrat".ofliee-, will be lib e•raliit revrattird, •e• JOIMFESSE,I)EN. jesAiop, - April G,1353.-14w1:. -' 1 . . . • 2 Carpenters Wants& rirAVO ortitree Caipenters. uitd' joitieis—kood workmen—w}l I timlenupluytr , teut - by ; apply ing ictthe subseraik impiediutelY- - ' - - , • . , 1.1. BOYD; Aloatrose . . itiriT 5. 1553.-":-14w2o. •-. • . •• . Natio° to -All Intotostod:-.-. . ITAWS - this method of inforineng lthoyo inter ;rimed, that 1 shail expeet. all wito . ?ore indebt ed to me by Book account to ell at anear/y day and - fertile. and also .these -- inagbted by • Note, air. expectrd te , inakeintmediate payment, artto.fi eilitate settleineittle,-1 will be. found during coutt weeeks at .my lion4e or at . the. Old 44sici, now ,occupied by Mr. •Ge.erge 'R. • Haidey, Head of 'Nurlggtion wheralMy Vooki.will be kept for the: piesent. 4 i. TYLER. - Montrose, Aprii '7;'1853:t•-• l•its4 Notice Ito the Public, • TITE stiliscriberhaYlng purchestal dhe entire Stock of • Goods of 31. Tyler, and als.i a new and well se lected StoCk.orsomnier Hoods, snelcas PrintS,.. Poplins, Delanes. CatJanacrie, Paru.eta , 31antillei and Shairis .Lawns, Muslins, Skeetiotte Linens, Dread Clotho. Tweed, Kerealer.:S;Satinetts;Surnmer t I•dhes, Roots and Shoes Tea,.ColTeeSugar 31olassei, Linseed Oil, Dutch% Fluid. Codfish,' Nlackerci, Ilsodwar , „ Crockery, •de:. 11... Dent forget the Store, one door beloW Tavern, at the hcmdorPuhfic Avt,n4 - 1.. Tho ioilyseribut is disposed t Ottell tits Ptof k of Govan for' CA alt Pay as (-heap and cheaper than can he tiou,rist.: 'this side of SevrYtirk.' • GAO. It •ILALWLEI7. Montrosei . Aptil 7, 1553. .ADEN See , ls, ltaruing fluid CaMphime. Candler, NJ - Lamp and Tanner'e Oil, Linseed Oil, Piints ofnear ly erPrydeArription, tozetber with a,geurral asenrtment of Dings. Aledie.inea, tire- Staff , ,Groceries; Stone and Ginn Ware, some lintd.iare, tirycloode,Nueleal meats, anil a good assortment . uf -Natikee Notions, sell ing cheap at •• . . .TCILRELL S. 26.1'ontme, April 7th,1&53. • -; • • . - . . . o— , . • f Adnuru.stralor's Notice. Ik - rotyi C E is herebyygis t en that the undersigned .1.11 'has b4en appointA .Adjuinistrator of the Estate' of !Noma:, Iliardi \ ek • late of 'the township . of.,(;:i ord, dec'4l . .. r Ail persons indebted to 'the said state are. requested to settle the same im meilift ely, and all " pertons. having - demands again! said' state - will pier ••thern duly attest d forsettlenient. A. C . ord * April 2; 1853.-1. i . . • . • - Sheriffs loopy virtue of sundry .wit , Jl.) . Coulivf . Control:in Pleas of , ! Susqueh anna County , and to medirected and. delivered, I will expose to public :Sole at. the enact house, in Montrose, on Sattirday Apia 1601, at I o'clock • All.that certain,piece.or. parcel - f land 4ituato lying and being in i.e township ' o, Bridgewater, Susquehanna coni ty, bounded au described. al follows, to On the north - b land ,now or formerly of George Clymer ; on tlier east by laud" Of Miltcni Bunter 1 and Reuben Wills on the south by'lands of Perrin Wells and hill. W ells, a rhaid on the „ West by rand of B . ',17. f": - . containing' about 57 acres tncir6 or less, togeter with the ap purtenances, one trained house, am and corn house, and °reboil!' and.about 50 ores improved. li . Writ of ' vend ei. at the snit; 4r. Benj.' Sayre against Roswell Kingsley All that-certain :ice lor parcel of land - situate I .an the township . o . t; ~,l ittera,., ~_ ~.countv of barque henna, bounded a d described as follows, to wit : it r "On the' north by landof llilloway LoWry,orithe east by land ofZibert S.-Barris, on.the south by land of Jonathan Barni;tind on the west. by land of Wm. Weaver, :containing Oboe , • . 65 acres be the same more ol• ilea's, together with the appur- Lenouces; one , framed hinnte tunl,baru,,ttud abo n t 20' acres improver:Ll ... -.. f. . . - - Writ Of alias PLIFa. at the suitof.S. pr. Chit. tenden;to the'use of John : Stewa rd, Jr, 4; 'C o against jesse Parier. • . .. .'• ; • . -.' ' All that certain Piece or parcel of land situate lying and:J:6 . lsl6g. blithe township -of •Springville;. egsquihanpacoun y, bounded and described• as follows,• to wit : 0 *the. north partly by - James Marshall and nerd :by the` publie. highway; on the east by land of Shelden Wilson, on the south by land of - Stephen Lott, aid on thii:west by land' unknown; containing about 30 acres more or lets together with the lappurfrenances, one:two story dwelling house, one,atable, and mostl3rituproved. . Writ °Usher Ili Fe. it the% suitofS. S. GM.; Int against Abrarn - .Whitw_orthr.- •-. -' ' - ' ' • - ALSO IMMM MSS I• ' . .. . , '' • ' NOTICE . • . , 1- : . To . IVholeselk Dealers and De in Ilferchnn dize . te4hin Li Co4nly of Surq ehaiina. ' : . _., IN pureuanceoi t he Aet of Asheausl, 4f this Comm n` wealth, viz : the Aat et lb's:4'bl of 3la 1841, • entitled n,A act to..peovide revenue to meet th 4demands upt on the Treasury, andfor ether•purpoSeS; 'll.l- act the lath of April 1845, entitled-in 44 to incremie.the tern= s and diminish the Legislative extiel.s s of the -. Co m p = in nwenithoin itt.'passed the, td • day g AprillBlB, to I.'. tit ed enact to provide for the redact' oft the. State 1 del, and an-act passed the 10th lay otlApril, 1640, in ; titled an act to create-a sdiakinglutol •a ndl to provide fed the gradual and certain extinguishment of the.debt of }he Commonweal.la the undersignel. : tppraiser- Or .1d candle Taxes of Susquehanna Conn y has prepared 1 *lst *tali merchatits trading within' said cciunty, and r pl seems each of the Pabkinerchants in that class,' to hint right and just acconling to the prbvisiuns.of said acf Assembly, as follows, viz i :- ' - _ linstnateca. - raOPAISTOIOLI: . 'SAAIi. 'PA ' ~..i......A......., . 4 .....:-.1.,.?..,.—.... 77 ., ......dr, ~ MS Auburn, - John P. Lambe t., - : ;. 14 -. • Brinaklyn„ V. tV, Allen. I f It.: tent S. Kent, l ' - 14' . . *tiffany & Sis - th, .18..L1q. ' Nelson Tiffany,' • . - 14_. It. T. Ashley, i • - • -13 Liq. 'J. B. Salisbury; -: - ~ • ". -14 Francis Quinn. . John 31ct !vain: Isrun.lage kWh G.. Cone &-C0.,„; .G. A . .. Wells, „i S. D. Wells, C:11. Arens& 0 Church & plitoi L. IL IV, odruff ! 'A. Wickham,- .1 • Charles I:aleph , ' • J. Sus icy. 1 -Aga steward, - d A:R. Kennedy U.. Aurrews Sr., 4., Taylbr 3C - June.' - Case Baker Sr. Co., ' L. S. Lenheim, • l Isaac GliegAi [ . John McKinney, .Joseph Du Bois, ' item'. Langley,: • : 1,1.11.11arn Dayton, . A: 3. Seymour, 1- N..Leulteim, 1 Thomas Ingstrum, W. B: flail & Co., Jiunis Bed, - .1- •• S.D. West, 1 . A. Wi • tite • A: B. Ediett, 1 . It. • Cohen, . Smith &Shuttsl% • 11.- it . Lyons, 4- Co., Brandt 4- Schlagar, S. A. Lyons, I- D A. Lyons & Brotheil tl. S: Bennett, Eaton & Peck: 1 •. • Carpenter 4- Sibley, • • - S. Seymour. • •;. • •- • Johnston & Very, . '• • John Miller, i •• Selintis-: Eaten i & Co., . •}: It. Grow & Brom, •Gleer..guller, . I. Lyons & Sea, . .T.. 11. Cbandter, i . • 11: J. Webb; . S.ll. & D.• Sayre, • . I. L. Poi! &• Co., • R..Searie, - • I • • 31:S. Wilson, . -. . Bentley st Read, .. Abel Turret!, ; - 1/. It. Lathrop & CO., 4g , -!- 'O, S. Mulford & Soni .",ii -- ' G. B. Ilawley,•l . " J. Etheridge,, [ .. ' diddletown, -V. P - .llollister & C 0.,. New • Mitfoid, • It. 1,. Sototins - ,••• " • - .= J. Nlost , &Bros; " . , It. Ilurritt, - - - • -, ." • ‘ s :_. 1. s.Littre, i, ~ , . Wan C: 'Was d, I . . -14 Rash, ' N. Grangers !,' , .. 14 SilVer I.ske, J. W Brackney, .. . 12 SpiitigviEle, Seett,St. Rodt, . ' . ~'' 13 - i .• . ' McMillan& limt - , • 0 . ' 'l2 • ' 1 " . ' - Johnson 4• Dean. " 1 3 Jakkion. • Charles Payne, 1- ' ' ..14 Je.fritp, - -•Denue &Cooper, . 14 Primidin, ...- .1, L. Mervitian,l' -.. 14 . 1 . ." • . ...\:,/: Fuller, :i . 114 LIST OF- GROCERIES, BitER-110 I SES;dic.„, A Cannon, • 'taro , Barney, •.- .. ' 8 Liq. D ndalif, . . .:El„ G. Weaecr, •• • ' , 8 • i " • .• Mooch Chambers', - ' ' 7 Liq. Great Bend, .. 0: M' Crane. i -.. • •-g • - • " . - :F. C. Steele-a CO.,' 2".. 8 • • " •- • Ltichm Seott:• ; . ..- a. , . I " , L. B. Buel, 1 • •,7 U. • •.' 14 . Alfred Alien, - f '• . 8 • . " • ' 'John' Comstock, - I , • 1 8 Liq i ll_nnony, Silas Gray, I . • st . • .. " :.. „I; It K rat, - .. 1 1 ' ~8 •., as yolletict Picke hg, -1 L'q. 11 , . N.C.& B. -W nirton. ' 7 Liq. . . 1 1 . • Chellar-& Page,;l • • 0 • 7 - - _ 4 . 1 . .. i John Wisi , .eosu . ii, - .;- 8. cc 4i '3l. Cbe, -. I . • •'*: 11 Liq. ' -." i . It. S.. Daldwin,:l • 8 Lig. ' -.‘ - -.' •L. W. Fisher, 1 . . '' • 8 . 1.1 q: -.. : 11 ;i. - Oen. Eggleston, -I'. •I a ' ' "- - . . Perrin &• Son, 1 . 8 Liq. ". • • Whitdomb .t.Newnian,. . S Llq. • . -- 4 - •• P,, C.-Beckwith, • 11' Jackson, ' J; D. .l• • ' •• . • ' ' ". George Watson, ' • -8 , ' Liberty: • -A. A. Beeman, ' • : •- 8 ' Montrose;-. • A. Merriman, - c' ..„..' _ P.ll. Fordhant & Col.- . 7 - -. . " .P. 4.nes. • ' r .. • ' .8 ".• -•-• ". - : •1. N. Bollart;- '• • 7 Li q . - • " • B: Patrick Jr.; •'' • . ' 8 Lig. Rush,' •- . G. 14.elentltwell, ‘: "„ I - '. ' -Springville, • .3,- Smith.• ‘, . 81 - 1 ' Thomson, . George Sto , tdard, . •' ' 8 f.,iq •Sew.Milfor.l, 1... Ilarding, Jr:._ ' . ..8 . • Cl i fford, ." .7ohn MeAlla, Distiller of - • I - '• , Whiiltry, No. ''fi't tiallon 000. 1: 'Awl the Judges or the Court'of Common Pleas of said Ciqity, Will held a Court of Anneal at the'Colarti Gouge in Montrose, in and fordaiti Cutuaty on Tuerday. t he „ 1 0 th day of May next.' at due o ' clock I'. M-I,' at which tilt'' , and place suiy.oethe Merchants, defined.; , described. and classed as stforesakt,-or their agents or attorney,Mity'ap-• pear and appeal front -raid urserismesit” L7 l ' they think . proper. . . .."' .-: .. WM: ACR SS3IAN,, Mourrossi,Marcli 26,7853. - :Mercantile. Appraiser.: it . Choetut, Clifford, Dundaff, Dimock, . Gibson, (Treat Bens; }^llarmon~~ 44 4 liar it, it si 11 ek, Len 02=1 %. vizatalp -riaariveaot - At erreat - Bline-li l mo enea. l j. A urRS.FAINNIRD: B. CHASE Miss .11/.IL • JEANIE- 31.- GUILE 114111 open Hi Savo, Tor Yctiug Ladies and. in the Vit. lage:of- Great " fiend: Ahe ROIL Teri' commencing on Vireiliteedafthe 13th day of ;April next. -The yearlvill be divided into four Quarters of eleyen weeki - each. v • " • W I .1 1 . 5 ;1221 1 31 Reading. Writing. lila Peogrtphy l line, Maps, per - Grammar, Arithineti, History, I Natural ScienCes. Mental and •M a :Insophy. and the Higher. Mattnl Fie tich, Gernian. and - Latin Laiigi Drawing and (Painting- 'in - aratel (filtnti) 1 - - Mu is on the Piano and Gnitar, instruments, (extrii,) .- - A Primary Department will be the School. in'*hich small boy! Young Ladies from 'a theta= bOard in privatit•faimiliii, on ream, . • ".'Lectures avillibe given ottsetent.i ery week. - . Great Ben d; Marebl3th.l6s3. • A. dit • I n Or'o . ICE nodeerigned appointed ari the wioney made on a Sheriff's teal' dram we r ' , llalier Ther deities or his amp:Mtn:lmm at aka Monday IrianinivAptil 2541. at 7 * * 44 interested lithe rand Marra tend U di 13 . 011 ' _ .IMI ~-,. •P- IL DICIITLIT and L. F. PITCH ' --attend tivall . tinsluess en Aign! token. este: oder...tbs. sore and !tats of " - . - " " BENTL - & FlTtad.i ;Mosta**, Ape 1, inn. • - ' - r ' -•- ' • 1 0 ' .. , -= - '. • 1. TSB . , ,tiqssoLv77 `u TCepiaiMp - heratatereolds ...: *alba tome t tcyden & Little, Is tlde day • itihdlof natal.; et eoamegt. , -}, . •". 1 • JO • • IdAYDEN, 7 • New3llitord, r 43.1411 -a_ :71 1 , .10 1 01•1006 1 ' L paterowit*riloik"methi" ed. U 1) 1 lood.'eltiblidatri. 4 % gm aaga 74 - . , .-- Zataiiti .ll6 l4:: , -;.- : H.- .: ' 1 1 7.7- : --, c• -. • :- ',.:.V,c.'. \ .. , _ ,- ,1'..1.,,: - :.. :::•-,,.- --,.:. :: 1 ' - ' 1 ...' •.'T'' ?".'---!.'.,:';`-'-,:-.•:1.'-,F.-..-.,, '.':.!-•:','...12..!‘' ''''\' '' -Yr* '''' - ‘ l - =.'‘ . •:-•:- - ''':-. 71'' . - 2: •---:-..:'.......N...79+—..:..,1,... . . . . , . . . . . .. f', :. • . . .• . , lEnithiltiiiuiitliii I.4e*eir *Vat ikei. . .._ . _.."' -•- , ' i.nliguithp' iiii - eiti.tire .6 1 18 * I, I . , ....--r., AI ;., . _ .. . -1„., . _ ...i . .„l_, In. ennoutling.to fl , _.! l _* • . .. t ... .........P'. - - ~...., . :hpt be bats tit. day..reee redl.ll - : 0 - ;= -"'"--. qpi. reel from. - LlYerpool ano bit 111- _. i r i . . , ...T4eo9lllhteuper Leye i,inateli ( ,{ c . 1 ”Puerl . .e exprvely ttr h order `c, , ,-',- lull plant hunting- extra, • "4), ..);-' 1 "-:' litnry, ileo a:: met lot f bxtra ..V h., v . , ' ..tl it full j . eweltsl MOVere Ol t `to I t . le put In goIC ewes elf- ny :re sintroistyle nod gnttlityli. The oboe"- With hip former Stock al;an iuserttnent of lira hes neve r before equal* hal Ittn4haniOn'i.to wbieh r he nyltee th attrit , faun o .purchnsent,, '- 't l i , • Al , D 4 1. 'EVA. S: .; ' i Btu ' aniton . ,. dfarc . b4 l ;11 ' 1:3 . N . D. 2 Q t. F . -611 . °1! s' liali. i i ..0 over and . Ilinot poi, saietiy • . •;: , 1-• ft: ...'- • -a ' i .1 lt j ':i Regist kib t BLIC NOTioE is hereb y tons concerned jut the folloit __ 1-1. Ill ate of Wm. l'..McKane. ageaset l' 1 Nancy Y. slcKuti , Ezettat i , itate of Job Nichids. , dee'd l, I 1 l. ", 1 Gallon:Nichols. il ( itterz . lett Carrnalt Teplitee undeyihe•Will t npsoni dec'd, altd li i' Exi eo nomiti of Lydia frbompsot Unto Of Ebemozirlgtfillarcl, d c'd„ _ '. ' Andr u. S. Low, 1 dm'r. tote Hiram lii ch, dec'd i j t i Char!' tOsery, A, ni'r. / / tate of Simon' rtizk, dee'd 1 , ' 1 .. Samilef.W. Tstue - ell, Ez'r i A Id d 1 d tate of Nettie' mo . tt,ease .t .- Chas. Cluiin 'rho &I/atiey Hall, irate of R. 13'... - , cik, de&d. 11- -' n S , lillstni;l ''6llfleS Avery and I r st,. Hers. i t I . ` !I' i't !hate of Azel T Atter, dee'dt I . ' Char a', Tutgley,lAdm'r. state of Eplitai ' t'llralker, dit'd. • J Jame you time. 4 fair. ". lake!' Philip Leoitaid, deed, ; .. Aver) rrittit, Ad' r, the tinenUnattiti'havesettl d their a t Register's i Of4e, in and ler kite C elianna, - and qiut the sense will be the Judges i al O r d Orphatik Court. lty, in 111ontro404 on Weij#esday it if April, nezi.far i. Confirn4atilin and all J.l'r. LANG JN, Ile' ..ter's Office, ilforittrose, i ir Marctk 1. leia. ----- -lr — . ------- 71 i w Book I ',. just Recei \T ,t - Fr i e „t, Freemws be, shop, ‘tf Rev, / 1 - / "Although a story lit outiumk tit ,It is eats Amen hem the many Imitations of rr: Uncle. To /U." It is Intensely iniereeting."-43effuro • .. nk Vreentatesk parber Shop', wilt .be ;_r 41.041 i yby a large ttoPnrtion or, th se who t “L'n le Tom's eabat,rliand Orbit s they -w great r limn from the] Peru:at or tits than of t went ry uptm the tiohtb.' , —Ba.feAtE Gra:. ~ 4 11 we have to iniyis i buy the bol i t, buy it fo sake-I-for the . Friend's 'eate--ror yo own let want sJmething rat will strongly, dnepty tut —Sa urday CourOr. A,( li , 'ilt - e 4.Vaprileo7l 11,Pvnafdy, or i f he 'list° Buonaparte F4mot, teilit It'il...ctiahelit! traitis In the Bbvtiriv nien, ll' On 'ofilmmost ta l ts.46te ant InteVesting wi ttni.- . 1 t ',•:' I . J 44.1 Cities and tak-girairns ciT Am rico. with 1 dese ptions and Map Itml Rat Road thitanres, e 31 trmle, March 1,,1853. I i I Uk:Lt. 11, :Fashionable I ) 1 . Sil k Itt s 4 ) , in g Styl , . I , netni a vadat of uthe , ITatit. jos received: gots& {LEAD i 1.1.111 L" tli t OrLll 4 4 / 0 , ' '' Maieh 1, _ IT 0, yr .....____ I 4bmis EEL , it before 'Otter -people.," lac thy. best 1 IL Guy pads it a t. .1 . urat r r Su ed t Cou day 14 Llq 14 14 Lig I'2 14 14 13 Lig Liq 14 14 13 14: 13. /3 14 13 13 ' 13 14 ' 11 • 14.: 13. 11 U 2. 14 .14. 12 12 13 14. 14. 14 12 13 • FILIO I I3 Ikt1 41 . JOT iedeßela, be kept eLltstal4ly,'o , . Puie.'OrtSp.' a5 . .....0p F -14 1 ny.o. barfet, ,t } ; )tee which w sis Ir!! at infertfir t . v-It .t a ti 4 r - :vt e t r n e i be' -14.1171.HY.i ;Its - 11.epaito EH . ''' - ' r. " 'dolt lif h ti . 1 13 .i. II e e ft , _ 6 glidd as any).dcher man and in Acehrdeipie f old JeWr.lrY, and 11 new, 1 as rtie nhenpeilt; anCcpruiah ne Mocks 1 rantlt hem cp. iceop; tictiltime; e l l . .;ll; - Shop lin Baloll'a Groe ,ry. .. -1 , •Montro4:-Teb.:ll,G; 19;53. E. 11190 ' -H----,-- 1-1-., . .' ll _., ~. ! ' • Look at ths, • -'. . 4 - • • . 'eri lf rm art.# party pncer3: rrl E tiuset,tleJ itoernints,notoi. ah, ..; of t h e " of S. 11. Sayre Jr"o., are now 1.0 the hind Sayre tor settleinOn, t. l'eeLYSity roktit.els tali I min . late attention Ithein as well.ll/4 tilt o jf.l Urn soon settled the:ln-ill be -put I the li nil one pr legal p weentroit. '.. . .t " BENJ. S JiiiMary.23 - ,lS;i3. ' . -I 1, 1 - , ' • Por 4eliiiut aiiit Sit' 1 - . - i: ; A i FEW hurrelio 1r:of, rionrli extrSl3 !At' brapds. 'Alikri3tess Pork and Sill, barr'vl or load: ' 1 if, .- -•. \A.-BAIID Fedi. tit 1853 - . , 1 - .'. i. .s • .i , ~.... . Aniunstratnx ' notic 8 1 , "f .••, . • l. ll4•' . o - 11Achninis rut_ini havi d te: tilt! it u adersig red ou thS ........ Lusz,•lattror the tS;enship! c Bela -, decd. - :An ioersons' udl.lited- to ester ii.itie !equiestict io sett) ..the same tel .. and all persons havi •gfildentadds .said estate. will pleaie prese itjihem;Tilill ed,.' for settlethelut. il - . . _4J 1 - _ .-f, ' 1,. JAN ..r t usic.4 ''reat flend,.3laili 9..1 .3. -1 -49tv8 ,•. -., t he ..:.1.7.7r1 -- - ..Feed.i.ttangrsr, i ~,. • •. ) rirtEEundersigned.o, inkingt hat along ills. • / - ;wants of liontroSo F ah.l its ries lip, 'the neialtut ii that. ors Rik Bakery. Tutting . ,t Ilny we could do as Muth pioti'ha"Ob )ing we .- ..! Rev.' the Hungry ." 414 in any ot.hi; „• we hay • intoa copartnership lb the above men - busi lotrud to carry. it:On 311:• . all its . • orie:tiniu Itriall. Cakes; Roth'''. lin'Sli,Ples;&c:' : • .1. I I • - N.A. IVOiling CakOn;ulato o r and on tice;i* -- , • .. ...1 it sic:l4oU. & ill). am,Feb. - 0th,113.53: , ' , '' i . - ~...../...,_, '4....... .- .'; --,:.-.• .. .: O. COUNTRY - DEALE i.... . &wk.,. kind ratley Dr" Giwd.f. , . :. . tilailoisosi - e2 ' R . , I !CHIT . 1311i0 I -. AN . JOBBERS'..' .'• : • Of. Silks an ;F4ncy .Dry.Sio ,F Hviva retraetri Worn Si .Catla, street, Go 4 . - arble liaildieg.lo Liberty st et, tOurtl of Gtoadway, would tuyite thosattehtiou or. dixtt r t cities and tons t o r nyeryilext..zisire stisc of silks and faufy: dry - geoni,f conaistin Iberia, fiaces.-. Embreideriee, Dress 1 •riznmi. • . . _ i ,,,;, i 1 , i , :. , Go .8, G Wes. Silks-, pizilinto,-Sha le,l'aroso . la`'' .s- "'•' ery rticles, sk.c. ' - t.IP.. •_ - '' - • -'''' cradles, .4 00 A exandpation o re. Goods" d pritie's • ages,• . . .5 00. 4, thin -. • convince . cone y dcaleis tii twe can . I ...l . ct d or a • •' -,.. [full as adraptageou erm s . as tut3lltonieln .L. - l' -„, „„- - ..:-.lfdot better. ,We Pay - particul :attest z.• vs l lAtiction.selet, and irgitods are. sollizing att. I • • thusi of. • t • thahl they can be iistOrten—nsfs•sfimetimes .- . 8 00 We Idiall see that our ens:Omer ssha realise al ,-,-,-. - . i l efit accruing froutscinit-eale 4 . zlVisl fe at'ill t 1 eltitlectediiri; lug to exhibit our stntic.-W b. l3 Yer, 1 1 bother:- t :„ bi r ,... iv . chase. or noti-,wedo ttot ecnsiney it piny trout. !"- : `". .. ougods. ' 1 '.-.- 1.11 '. • •-• ...it .- --. • 1 ..:, can ..proeire - ci . Cash and dmepurchasers are ell a m. t ....;.; .1 ince to give ye a cal; ii.l'oprz our facilities Itre ''''' '.." 1 - ?tired that:we auk seq. them at Au' ell fllliPill , i d tj ects ev i. priori matistlicitory.- l'.',: , - Nly9t.SON-Ir . I.VATi -*• •*' 1 * 912 a r ' - • ' . - `-(:,,• by C_at. . 82 eao, • • Clis N LOVER 8.F.E6:el the, 1 - ' ki nd , .1 1- . 1.! • _ i BEI , exit -11!iifoid, use i'•eh 16, is .. . . .i. 4 Og.blAot - Sl'm p.Sus tie' TlO eabserlber is4dre taring all ,l tide o I 9 osier, nail ale 4 6aope no , gore. Stands, iiariesited well IlliallN i site eau, nag Ind wincliaii Itoelliag - ' rig. age 7 11Y on lettek Allah* w as fere wait Goal: ' getatilbit i t uld T • isllrl' Coma read] Silk s and Fuel' to . 1 11 3 ,14 ; •I. I.}! _ ,t, Ir. - 1,: aeleimula Depot Dec. 10, 11152t..-51y1 - - , ,LL'. - 14" - - . .GOODS - T. . errnunw se . i', -- - .1 . ea.ls 1650. •- - d"--D 16 T TIIR ' Ikt ' O`l' - 16. *B.iotve •• • 1441' at r- Tiiitotioi - . z :mini. tot - o!iOoortoroto, ly-U oott ,-, yittlttip:tto - mpg - WIC 0. ::IVJ 'tons igioT , 4 q.,T.t.,, ... '', tit'lN'' -4 1 , / 65 W_ - - _, , -2-n.- :—f- , ' - '11 7 4 7 —''' . 4 - 1' , .. 1 %1.'• ' :1 !rly to dlattibute the ease Of attoOd - to •ttit; • Montrose, two !.All /104itor , peF :7 thhat Pio ... . -1 I Open for Spring‘ Trade. 1 T ATIllt01" ilt. 11 • 00DG.UFF haring entered into 0..1 LI partnership, under the name and 'dim of G. 1). it thrOp & Co.. ar.' prepeted with au extenitve seetortrniert i ,_ . _ , , c tr ~„- Sur e . :...:: err:coves. Pape, Tut Wart-4. Japan Wares,. Brats kettlfe, ' ' New Drug G & r oer3v-- Copper, eta all nther.wareq.n our lino too noolorkl , to . • , , i. „, •,„., tamolea. We • are pre.paroa until a iargo.l, tof Lead Mites r . 7 - ‘OGT, M iI.TRLOK,Jr4 we ft mpeet,Otilehabroi f. ent:euw,- CAR lay the coming season *A cheap and in .81/14, j i las , s , „, n , rou , i 4 unal .. at „ 4 „„, , fri ,,„ ii , ,;,..,..-,.. . g.,..1 otyle ea eAll be obtained. All jolts - don a o out (,-Ri-.-eprorei7l4oii, and t 'il;f 4 / 6 , in W s ;r lk i t i; et atid with n e atness and dispatch. Plea4e giro as a c a l k,' e lets jn..i. en:thud:et' iu the alto rime qtrhtelf l 4.l ll 4 LS WV think it uill be for yonr intereita • few 41oers bf' 8 ,-h low on hand and is still rec. drtu,g a', full - and 'welt low :nestles :loud, al rectly oppcfsite the 4 ' - Democrat” i 'eh ts assortment, of ovary thin Ittlthi - ,711ne„-ce,Dravi, ' - ..: . - ' " ' l, t • 41 "„ 1 ., ,it r . 0 „ P ,,,,' , voi 0 °eerie , Dees PRICIA. iso.4e4all oterhlela , Montrose, r ab. 1.6.13,74. S. A. Wl o, ”'—','• • • holwil elrter cash or 'barter upn ,ho i " Pot , 1 II ' Great ' B Lid De.. terms tol the purchaser.- -la , refer. enCe to bli\ rugeand Methet:ries he would simply state ni L. , Bryant. . ease,o I 1 I that they Imre aeleetodl*.usztste tsfrom,the establishi. —' 1 f . pot; Pa. ,' ,f, t !pent of P: chief elin Molar Or. ele.. one alba most nalT. • I i rTIiTIS new;itml spacious building, situate(' butl ft riir...-..a u ble bl i the c l ity e .of s‘ N e e e w n lr er rlc- I „ x an o :l 4o4 fer ,i r i n et ri u tr a il e nt b e i g in eet; - I feet front the I)epot at Goma , Bond, 44" now °I'll" -, 1 aos l ° wi ti n't t . r _ A nd furaitthest in a intit.thie s tyle for a Ptlblie lloalse, stock ever rottght 'mot . - tlt ic/r a n a tte nn ou,a en tFr' lol- ittatit.- r I and'ariti lto kept Oen at all • hours, 4,hoth day and tright„ of isfuli and" . w , ll,,botitt: citta d etr a i sel l os s s . t r iz ir,, , for th*reception et travellers; and oepecialiy ler the SCO- can be sold' cheap. lith h atee-,aa ird. si tow , as A - , Modation of passengers traveling on, the N: Y r at J medicinal purwastrituble whir. _eta° o ug ht w . tor. _ t utus - _ iErie dr. 1.. &, '4 . I.allroe s, beta.. a the junction of these I Inferior article has gen t bren , Y -i i i ro iit he old4tliptrat , tweiroads, as Alio invert rowrenient potntto step hi i and 10'11 before . purehaaing' e ey , _, inrinni k nown** , j ake FecluntB,‘ take refresh eats andbe ontrith the fi rst. train-as well I Pitts ::di Ur arner,„ 4 lo. the limn.; y " __. 4 ,.. ,,,.. , as-the..= t c nre rent hoorm to aceenntntatate die pleb- 1 .4 teliTinere Store, op , eitu , -,Dl=c , eva, .1.....,,::. , 4- _ '" tY • °i V. °' )• v n iw et,kAN and W3IOLESO.VI.II--- I Montrose. F. .1,185 i, _, , ~ , ti. ~- - -,--, -,,.. - .'; , res e n t"; ili '' l ' ecal " ' 1 !•ii t anamaate 'Lt. Iwiaz,fitie3,lllP i --- - ~ ' ~.„, „.„.,,,,,.,- f „...„„„,,,, , - _, ... : -. 4 ,VI Ith rt.) . Lin en 21... o ace. "' "''''l with new turn ..nre eta ear 4, an f .it L. alwaVs set, ; rr.iM Alumna , for the liYear ........,............, .e - .. 7 - f, - e 20th , witit . It It ,%Itk.tt,s a,al rt lu P xui;S an t : P.ol 4 hod:' at ; - 4 mo- l-/ fatally in Susg , . Co• IPlea , ir Cal . lland, r o us t ux ona ckl at, s. -: , , . .. pa,o ufzer s desirmg rest and steep, can. Yes ,og I ' E , ....vis AGEßn : 1 --:` • "' ter ' . heii. - , avoid Fite ineonrenionee of taking an omnibus to I 1 "CARBONDAL b . .i 1! Mid :anion, a‘; well es the deter and sneertaintyl °fire- I , .. . oz . , i turning to the depot tat Ihe arrival or depitrtore of kite ,RitiE only = "Mail Line" ,Stages now, ru n „, nz , ...,... I /re' .. • ac a noler will be in waiting to condo& them i _ ea I l with u then. b./r" 1.7,7 t i ge to the lliyant . hetweedCtirbendale. I'll4lll'li Lielturv_itsints, i 1 feeil i Svilr' er te rtt Eattroadl, stops at.Toukfinnnock Slit the'yey," an 1 cc:l(l , lmA- them b.telc.tagain wit Inn 0r,,, \ , . - -... ... .. _ ....... - _ 1.111 I i reWarl, taking special care to Wake them fil dos, red ' at 0 ton., /New Stages tease L.:it nougat ? Je!mnetetinig- i i . 1 'dz., Inv hour a th e[ night , with trains\ for 'Noy/ York,"ll4 Duglitrics I:e!unk- - 41 t he' ' i 111 it CAb The location Of the. llryant - ritniSe In i tat ' ura toShe. scenery ar.out it romlone to make tt a eery detirable Ong leaves •T e ti w nithalttleek Stalintt on. , salvo! of 1 3 -*Atli.; summcit ILESetti,T tnr I.usmess men ~a nd others im the retrains frop N ItOrk an ,. o puil l kir T k. fitititgesilakl ve foal+, city who may Wish to " - cast <if cafe for a. few . dart.) i no l eave . c au l, h,,,,,,,,,k s ts ,, T, 7 ... i ., , z . ii derive ' recruit in the country -1 ii, th , ion arrival of cars' from Nowil ork. , i For, tsta at carol I • A Lartre and Contrnodimis Hall , , apply to _ 11 , . C. MARTIN. i ' '''. ' '' ' " November . 1 isso . 'f- ‘- ,- Fran•..ra is attached to this building for the eortventence of pleas-i n . , . i if you ,=ore PA R TIT... VIM Ylln.y l .12.1 is tsp. - find ,ator; , (l ueessiullirk,i _ st ..,, u 4, 0 0 4. bere, w:ts i ouvrev4ra.tts ournbcr•• 'with vutrin ta• e ", . : ble4 for their t. . Ins. am! rehableltelp to wait on teem. t. f' itri t CLl'' For further pArttculars MI alive at tl e LitFant .7 fJ .• "'" fti e on uktor Al-tliISO: 811.T.11 T. I Flott4e 0 I I .1 - C por- i • iteb.l3%3-71t 11., •ks \ of thd j EIM ompletti lance to f ZEE= sold 14 nnntity th.w. r • 1• 4 . LEVar. d. and as Iv repair cheni 1 ,114 war cite firm of Demi, ht.k. ih hie owb. of some , TILE. ieltigan ' by , the been' 'state of f Great said mmedi= akainst attest; F 1 , umerotts • e tavekt, I. t probe inutand. enterea I. 048, - 110. • es, T4l• L; hort no= 11A31..., [the :ten re"wrst ealere hi and rich Bib , White Rllt wSi er Shenk ew York in to thO 2 price.* r, pr the boor Ines .11 I ,lt , WV'? to show ally In. ISr. can al. Milbt LIT. , l atreet. vale by ITT- I will do oaslit "treti.one 0,14 M j ~~.- . ~ ~ s fY `..fi _`:. ~f~n, ' _p : Y ~ .. I I New Line ei'Mail Stages Vices::Curret. Montrose , .' . - .....I,.Ar /c,-.2lyirwq.,l, :z_ .....-4,lorrected Yeekk.. !- . 1-- .",7:;.‘. .'....,..-''''' \ ' '' 7 '. P. 'umb e l, 60 itill-;1. --1 1 - -. '-'T &74,:-•'-',-44 - Wheat Pi:. , 774, , ar- ,it 7 A '', - V__, - ' 21 .-'L=s- 0.• ,-:`, 4 - -s: : ', Ryet - '''' ' ',:' '''.. ti''' ..,,, _..;-:' .i 1 , r - i; As' to ,44.w.iii'-.1,.., ..p.t.. l'R- ~ a -‘ 3 ~ aiu.,-: ',--:;',,--::Z-:'i 1-'-'=rti'l444P .- '.-'-'- -- IL.--itaaiettivies4 t'pet 1nk541!:.7-',- -=4(ff • kite;,B,- 444)7„,-'::tis\:. - _- . , -...; —,- - ~. ..16,.. - 4-,,,3,, 1 , , , Fleers'l,,,,,i bushe),•l l - - ', - ' ; ~. ' . ,-1.7e...,-41;Oil.'q t - ' lie rty...4.6., 4;y,rynt___ .orning:e....:!'cor.i.r,ll);Axitt,:.tig*::77.tl;:l7l-siah_,,7,/,.•:'.,,,,Ti',..!;:i3.:,,:4-.."2,:i?4074.,,:,:::-,,,,-12:11 5 t '1 Aitct.47:tio.,loll-41,4,-0 itoreas Trams, 9- --". 7. , -li , f Wow! Pe r r cord , - - - , ~, :: ~., ,--1.,..,..2,94,t.,,.:7,, , I.ll.l,..",yrlltinlthoesell'llat.:ll,Cit,'l - * ei . a ,m a - IC :-`. i WQOI Stfelts:Ver, Ittrbmi --.." :' :',.1..-j,--=,:::-'r:,:,--:Pi-I`,!1--!*', r s- r • "r ulict N - I:rti ta .---,:,:. 1- Dried APO" P e ' - ','.'" - 'f'.l 1- ..., - : ~` ".`'.l"',-.11-t'::47,- t - 1 ri. c.- k --; • -' is 11 , seNt '.- - In ---_::..1..,.,,,-::. daily ('$llll,4Y• exeiPt;iat Tra • ins Of , Timoth y Seed ' , . - . ~ --; 40:-W.14.- ' Leavompetrese . 1. d i. . to - t ake the ,res and m .41 dozen.; . , ._. , , ,:,I„,_iti,,,, treadling Kitkwoon ("Able rur L;t!erteats , 14-..t.t 4: 4dAvak........, i-4 , , 4'' it (JUDI . ' .:. ~, ; .,,, . ..2: Alf to-AO"; -. 7:1. , ,-: -- • i . °ft".l)'ill I? arliedac'W‘i ;/te.h(ln.Y9c';‘-rkt,h6ll\l:l2lieEfitirß• apiLir,.i.cl .°I•EBFECr P6 P I r- !bq (r ... °1 --k ) . is -,- - - -' ' ',., , ~.. ---:::tilia',ltii-jxfr-r,,„.„-:,.,.,.,-,. ',- Teas PuvTii,khannock,W3,9ll""vmonds7, weab.• - .. i , ~ „1 13 -.--. ,:- „ .s. ,_ - ,-,t: ~,,f.-;:ilv?,',':-.1., si,rw ir rine, y a p .110 Unseat 7 A M o'7- ~'„jur. L'aiysittuf, . Cheese ,Pe. - 1., 'I . , --. • - p,--_. ~lahich 1e.,,,,,,,v hiugn, q lined Vr''' . l , l `'''l . • o's and p - ; • .2. ,_.: .- 1 It''''‘ 44 - - '- .:3- .'0 .":-_, ;;,-;..... -,, ,ti'4,#Z, - .., 2, i ale and ..”....."-' ' is mita comfortable L. 1 • 11 ' ?Ira to ago • - 1 Latru. _ r 0,.. ~,,,_, .' , '.. ~ ..;-,,r,,, .•'..,_,,,g - 4 , -;, ‘ snittit '',.... f, &c.l G.H.te. Ir4,letort.wlo sPur,4',.l/(etukTelt. I\ i !inn ) ," . .“, LI --. ' : 1 . ._ • 2..,A1WY-0,,.'L777,iii; , ,:; drd ' sn ' d 't e -I . ol( ‘'' • • -ORov,,T javr.s . 4•l - [po r k per Pei. , ' • lb ., -% .7! ' -/ ;;.', ONE‘r ,ii 7r ,--- modide th° Pu 133* . -31 , ' - A - gogs per _ , --- ,4 ' - :'.:: 05.tiif,44 ~, -.. Dtleeld _ Dre.use ~ -.I -.- , - 46:--' tiukees Per._ , , ~, ',A .Ij--.71.2rkie.t.A2-7- .. --. —-, • , • ' -, 1 - Ai itAW G 0 0 ifillS• :,-, .';',, , Arriiing Daily: at*::Turrill . -*- ''''...: ~- rieti tote--lie wilt tint beim..le:sold. call and see. °Direst., N0v.;4,1852. . _ ; ' L ' .... . . ' Gold Ituntinp..Watchesll . - .. - , 'X TRA.liite, ()piny 'own imporfatiOn, (Desalt:. by •• j. . ' A 1.1;111 , '.1) if. EV2ONS. • ' I i A - ifir 7 Orid Of .1 I= W.TY.0 11 31 - 111 1 .T r ail'. 71 .fing.P.11 - Pa.; . , At - end! y .!. dstelicrs t cieath the sun! -- li ..; „ ' , - -- ItithAbi tile )4 - ,4B;lers`_krt hAth dep.:. i ' li ! ' tVe talk by llgittriiii,r, ride by stkititi,' — ll j ! mkt paint by sul s eternal beatul .:-Bat witttoti; stopinnz to enumerate Illematly ~ e nefits deriVoti freni the •uire' "andtfie trabk e w would call attimtiot to the adruntstee f itro• . caring, ono or more of these bentulf9l - -.. ( i • '.. fi which are taken ut the Oti4 Ft;litiiite /fall: iT' the aid-of '‘lie,aven's otVii tinujidbt? and IN% B. mine,' the Aititst. • - - ' . l ...', • - _ 1: 1 ' _1 lie ha. ' jneiretorned ji-fotn the-city,' ittt.yeittE his theutl full of ktiowledgti,'btu. with It tigtilitf, interesting supply orplates and_eases, iald 'wadi plated Idt l:et:4. keys. etc Among his latest Lyles of cases aro the Mailame,.Sanfag,,•FarleY I - Tiltrild Shell: au - asLaies',Otvn--the most splendid 'and:, atirec \ rive:part ; eills ever offered 'to Lb., tib 'I blip.—: l Call aod see ! A ttliiiisiion free. ' • ” • ; ' ilonirose l'lov 10 1852. ' ' ' \' _ - I Also, LER, hand .! - ' •• - ..::i .: ..- ''':::. l'.Plitiid Vilie:.:.':.':',T: ':'.,:-,;',..--''',. A line assOrtment of flake -Ita. heta; , Ctnito Candle:' Stick - 4; Trays: e„,tC.", by.:, ..-. -: : -,- . - , , ..% ..,:..' ,- ,i • • Itraghorbton,'Tiec. :,!1}...-: : ''' r - ' r - . .. i, .. 'l ' •Jo s6ph-: L. I.4:orTiman..--', -- :'?-- .I rreAKEs tht,int6rhod.Of . Informing. his friands„,thatihar .L.: hasjnit redolvintanitddition to' the halation ot.hial fait stack of Gools which hawill rill f0,c , 14.jip4,;;0r on i .a airni i Credit "to thoFaivittatoveen: P k 03 411 b e tk4e fr : 1. ft•ii+ it , low n;l:cun bi , .bonsht . ,:anywheri 'ill' )111i3,:tiOlill.LY. I'arrioniti,lis 'stock can be.). u 0 -0., g64oral 'Ai : - tp i ti:96 , of , pry Goode, Grocerles,,Crockery, - Dye St Offsi . .. lrF Rip. goa l Watt pat,er:lloots and e-hoesi, A tai4i:,',Capa.. A . .‘i .; Tt'Ante,,k , lin ezehangelar COtats -any - quantity " of .o.ra , Itutter.:„' . Pork, .I:teet. : P oalt0; .:''Ocits, ;.ita,t.ls; or . eipn - h t..filthrl stuiryclopivaA:. , le want& forettor inform - iht,trienda„ thitt he har male. a , ranxemerif to, haiu Nett ogattyery, ' ' month si, as to' nable him to heap"( his ,as.'sort p eat'coto,:! 1 , X B. Thoite haring ides Mitts of over T...- months -1 t Flooding Must rattle mahtfoisthe Aril. Of Feb • aiitexti , I i .ava.shOrt sottieraeotarnake.langjciiendl..:: :.1:' t,',.1 .., ..:; : . i ''',';''' 1 3 '. .tipSonifillet.Jattnary 1,155 a, -: ' ... : '. ' • : ~.'.':_-.; • ':;:-.;,-..: : 1 i e variety 4t.. - -iz -- '•:-- .1. -. . ~ ..r , -,: , 2 - • "-- TP7TiIE,I.T- - .i -'" : s: ' • '. aition.:-,._ ~. , -- ~,- *1! p4rsonittre h ; reby ferbid harboring Ittiusi, i:l4. tiiy 'wife SALLi; , ,qe I' will Oaf,ria debtl , ' ocher. cOitnts.o.big. hereafter, eke litivifig .lert the wilficit. an., Just. cause pr..provpeatton. - •. -. ..J. , . '-, -.. -., t , .;. l'' .--: • • : . IttLE" Cuiritip: , .. X.allesboro.Marell flag,' 1853:.., ! ' . (12 4 !*3.4 ---. Dnuasdn eounth ar t e,: mace: IE sub..sitiber la;,.any.6elaenee trt 111. , •beattb; ' offers`! , . toi 'Mee hts etez,initti:fiiintAbed or.; P41413.E1t-_,' REAN It0f).11S, tais fuirdtdra.3- fitt4res';:ptistni; cede and. Stmift: :The' trairas .are to ae. d far Tott. trout he. Wit 0f.A.149 . .11;setything. ja. mrsk4, and ia the bCst outer.,'. ' The ?:stilttifshm antbo=:iioil: upona teasotiable'teraiti.%! '..any -. oprson engsgad 41e*istidlitig a pleasaut. , „ and- permanevit . ;_liiesittigi,thilr, priaeats one of, theA ...st:oppor.tustitieg for. faitati#ga : l I'6a:l - capital that !) . 4 Canna I thaSepttntry, I"Prfurtliir particwars inqulie at,. Tllt),3ll , s , OWS'Dagßikyretiti* A -Itingharatoui Mardi TER Cry' ges Gouri ioj. Sopqns: of :11i l'e4ce-in. 441 - fifr..die ounty af,Ous;re t ;mite'pataroti brSilatiP. afay. Sttggoitiitillit - TiOttOt; . township: otllannooy,or- sold enuOty,:tOspectio By! ieprer k ents that peOvide‘iiitif , ii,tittabte'eodycifext-,* coo to kiteNt Oral:lee/10 thetoitimilip - ,atoritoiidotturthat;„ iris hia tuteutjon to apply to the, ntit:Coutt or(tOsiiteel So.aqotitto La hiplieni irt and f0i.04141 ;ucinilay of April ttext.for liegrise. to,tke:ep,,s',OKOer . yr, !. aiitt.to /tell iitrutiz fit .:104 to'the Act A'ssesstbly : - of the itivtprit.,ll3x.q * : .;•- • : 'slka - ehtnisir Depot, ;41' , For Sale; • vJ A- . gooa Pnir of team tionetx; AltinbiglinnifieS4 ti b e e 'Aragon, for the by - / 4 ' Ll* Y ' Llat t t.. dn.MPII6TE Chinnliii.iredna;a In pike tfi.:1534 tt f; eftch 4t. 1 .: Tq'iloiliwk.iiii: la g - a:444e - 64 - ii/Bii 4440 2 : -- - - ls 4 ter. 4SeeSIMIB. ef , th.e - `Prace. 4n ~ i lliti-f. f irr the 0. -/ 4 1 . 4 1; 1 ,- * , c o o(v..r.f.SusOlOannei:, - _:: , - , i'''''' .. . - 1. - -' 4 ' ' '`.4 , CP:ifirtill' n i 't , ( 11.F t gietittottpt W' W. Sklanmotrlttegeetwinie- tla,? - . , .." , :?-,",'. - ; , '—:. Opt; toireehili'-oUlteitiminny at 101- coynei; rttgls , ,4-, '; '.. 411,t 096,00134 thatii&le ireritleit„.erkth. etiita, l!epe.:3:riyop, , 4eishintes tii.k4eiii' 0 isni•uld :th'i . tfritili#4,:AN'ktitiak Z: j, - And that it is hiciutentige - ko,appiy-to the eii4.penkfar 41,ji 1 a 5 1 ag : l_, Queiter settehe to tie holdelilsenfrfers4l4 . g .I.Blt x,4.)11:. :'4 5 4: .il,- ., ;:, - )4, the fatuth.m .ay:OAtirll nest . fOr# , : l 4efam.z o - * *“P ' l .; - ICott., 000,70 in t :seiletroei•lbeir,',ele., , or *Nisi; iliait t kilf\!:A.•. o - '.." 77 : , 10,,,eceel4ing 'Wilke - act 0112 - 4e!*.ttblrell4th:loiiit iflkt - , ....,„, :-:, j,.. - .. - ' .... -..;-..,, ;,- -.,:., , ,i , t , ' -',:-.' .=:. , ,W31:: , ,,W , A1C1* . ,19,i111.:•}'k ' - :-Pl u sq4ol ll3 ,*FißSOtst i.4o ;l B6s ' 4.l.3ir4 ' - . ' " . ..4-' , .j I ti;theifint:f 4 4 l:: 44444 7 ef . 14e;00iirt .4 . iggar&z: ;1 - :'iefr'•,;lseilif4iti,3. - 4 1 :„Iiii'Terio47 ::q a n d: , (th:# 4 -.- .-T --- -- - , -- e . ° 6 , - -' , l ta ii -t...:- .-, . ..-i• .'..,lP''';' - '. ....- * lll 4 r OS,- Pa 7- -''..r*..: - . , -' ' : - .. , , 1. , -:,-.. , . r ktio,_„,,i,v43l:,*;:biai4si*ltti*iiiiii4(:p ii, tio 'aio4oshipiA,-Ilavizopy. Vii4d-Aiquati , i, .. , It . 4 entente Okay hitt provi de d -wifttseit4ible , Niageirtilen4 4 444 0 1,1ii'1ge4,4, ylioseri.ht:th te 11 2 1 41/P' B lol44ll4lo4thir UAW. ititeedop,“! *Opts; t .080 , 400 94tittorlai,eter: ilissioia to be Itolthai In sint*lbr*llogiViitk litiltkii -Attr:, moodio-vrAprltnltt.Yar'ftliatitote , ' t! l :,tefflii-*1:. sotto ististroasteef;a l ,olo, o lber*lf Illne -- 4.4 1 1140,91•4 4 *'cifAtmx - PtiltiOft.k...... ll. 01 1 1.48 11 1„„,,..t.„,„ z .,...., .t:4,•,--.;4-...'41,2,:.,f.._.- A, ~, ~..-.:: .r:73• , ..17 - aL.'43,,01At1y . f . 4.J:_,, , ttalliin4lArft4. 40(44,51141:40-VT-1.-714: 1 , :.,, , . 4.,-44... -- .1:;, , -.11 , , , , t k.. ; *.;.,-,3,,;1,,i'f' -.44'1Y-r,:0;4*'.44:1".''' 114 .:- '' , i'4.,;:k . ':: , --- 1,- :- -1'.,.....*:i1.;'1::'," ffEi Tri -- :,llllRntrr la norrreaelaing alaytker, ga, , ~., 51. , . sAgfortipeut of„,lrn,ter.GaWsprialudingfi r: ~.,),.. rittt3 ,- Of .De3anet, and ' , idler - I)4a/ ';' .. GiaKts an.diCon, a,., : Sn'asiinaneb- reduced. fron , ..falFbripas,,'2Bitital,a)R4 41,, Sto6es-tcp_..,c. which la will gel Cat the Ina:aaa , ,pal4,!! „ ._:.,, via ..nradiace, - nr aiipkOaed :, 'tiadit:L'.:...,!'':• ,- - , :'"!'‘.;,- ..,4 . it. ... 3 i, kNTIIIP.SOOO tins. Woortleeka,po-o.w,d, s IV( ~ p 7Tlnt• ~:-:,; .0 , Buttri,lci;;toi whit* 'the Veliestr4 l le!)! l #, • -, . -, - ' '2 \ , ' '-_-. :- . "-: -. ,1: - 't ~.' ; :• - • -: ' ,, , , ;..3' i' - 1.1 K 311:11)ra Nc:kt, 16, / 862 ,7 •.,- : - f, .- 7 ,'.:1 , :!:::.::: ,- ,?1:- _lf:, I:i..- •,-, ,_ ~,,,,,-., --,—;,- - ~. „ -:-..„.f.., ... iv '".' irter ri' litEslitbinlTher iiii 4t:in.intirt, .IC1! ,cl± l6 _ o ( -- Fr . 131: ,;,,,_'; - t . .itii -4 tO which he-'764141.iti.v !"1-t4 .. 11 -!!..!? , !,: 7! , - , ''....-, friend.: mild - >, -. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers