MEM TIM DEMOCRAT. The Irairkilist in'i?tiorthekn Posurrylvitilm-tl.U,A2Copls,Weckiy. .1119/11TROSEM42. 20111E1V 2 I T 1 .•,•••_-4 - t 1c4;:1 " 4rietltiattl Tait - Thi; 'Fair held. de Tlutts4:l;;Qct. The atOtilfois6yra,""ttnierll:lrg,er than, it : his:ever' btforiie- ad'thc ; E~hibitiuti in all 40 : crqitime ,eoii9ty t.gan anylift;vions one. , [ Dimly peroiiihti • Wein the ettrro - ttitili . ng Counties of Eits42rd, ' Wient" in; 3 : 4111 ,(vere an.a,t te,pajtiice,.vt,eic*sseiiiite-ussefires-rnuell - • 45 ploclnerl.ritilrfri was deli‘ ered Von., "TsntliertAler, of - I.:l3;zeitie. for which the of the So - el4yriere:.i.,oteit, eery. enislied . ' co s turßittees ly . are,th,en read, Allbrie Committee en 'llOter Iteport: - tisit greid ranoti - of our ; Agricuituiji Troduel,ts ;more -attention , than bar'ettiforkind , yekiinf as' inuefl'ascsbould ~iceiiin i L. -- '0 Of co u f '.ehsyncter , far, •it..Butter--nt4 inferior' to ,nny, .end=it-netds but nttentinn *.pla4 it. inibe most - rank , iri.:thi9 bra %cli,of air The 'pr,esent high prices , gives :strong-incentive . to the dairy- farmers to pret foryrna in. this gre*, aiffrieu pnci to:esiimate.lim yalne B Later , prci: suet i .. n.the:countY,,but jr-Is bblieved - taint t. :illThis- year. exceed 4150,0 . 0. :That *Mau t i ongbtAck,be.greatly:inereased... - • .The'emlnietition.this year,ls. very : far in :i(- unroof Pit;vidni -:years. There; ern oXereil .23 Firkins rind d.Tubs, from sorno of tire,'bet dairies Of:the county. When aliare : So• good, the'embrat6e*finil it. diflieult but .althot tilfilcult, 4 ley aro to;perform i them 41.42; and imSrd; *the' premium* for, thel bit Firkin +Of — • ` • ' - .Itn'4.4l4l:ter, Jo't n Ihr.r:ngtoni G 85 JnT Ilittpr, 7as. i ' ' 5 Angpst Butter, Jolm linrringtori, • Septembeibtifter.,ltoaney Jewett, 1- 5 Best Tdh Batter, H. C:gonktin,_ . ..Itia . floilo - e:zin;gls the Report the - Corn. tnitteo on the Plonting,'3lateh r • ,Tne.Conimittee on the Plowing Jratch . Fte-. intereilfoi eompethiail, 0 :X: h orse teams: ; • "•', - . :I...:Asa , Deeker; 'kith nn Eiden' Pjoh, a pair'of 'Auk biorees',.lielangin,g to_ Judge, Jessep, - Austin, a Thatchley blow. h, pair of - , .eery fine sairel horses:' •-• S. L'nes, a Blatehlert'ion, witb wheel arid_ A . pair of etrong sorrel; bOrses; white • - mane and tarl, owned by Tbos.. Johnson_; • EM. — +um 'Matt, a east.broarloW i with wheel - . -!..a713 - ,eatter '; a pair of bay mares owned 13;± Stott, Esq.. - • • 4: P. Eaans, a Blatehley - wit)t cats ter, a pair of strong, good farrnlloTSo3' 07 Patrick Carter, an Eagle Plow, with l coulter!, pair of ; bay mares owned 1.2}1 durd , competition 5t".1.9 spirited. The rnerigied- the time for doing the Work at one `boar and a qmater,fcWthlity eight'iquare red+ The time`ams as follows: ' Aal Da.c_ken - _ I.'„Williarn Austin, Lineq, d. William *At, F. Deans, Pairi4 Carter,. The-plowing was all very good: . The Rules Tiqiimr-if to be at-least six inChendeeriiand she average was „mere than six.: inches- per. The kriinnii . was somewhat stony, and nit:so favorable fot the furrowS smooth! and vren as 'could. have been: desir6:t In 13011173 was &Beni( to decide.. Vat the C9mmitteethink that the figt pternium should 1 1 Le awarded t0 .1 31r. Mott, - of S 5. - ' Ile used a cast iron Plow,' of u form not mach-,_known •,hitherte In . ' . the :c.Ountry; bpi whichTei drat, for dufabildy. and Werh.2eseryes the conalikratleu: of onti,far. tw'rs. ' The-wheel was- it)fgre)A.: service in re-, liming the - plow, and lightning toe draft ' :: -The neOUd premium is aliarded tslo• 31r; John F. Dein% of 83,00. "The third Prerniem $2 to Mr. WM. F.'. Anetii:• I - . -; • The plowing done! by Mr. Carter, Who has taken - the, first premium fur. three sucee4iyU yem7s; was beautiful,' but in consequence ofnot bring within the time, required liy!the:i"mtes of siva 'ndeh, a premium could 'not be awarded. Me..C.trter.lipriibabli the be:St , plowinkrt in tharonnty...•-• - - -•- The. disettssTrins on" the -grormd among the 'reet. number:of fermere. who ;'were ,'present, _the compnrison of viewe'und the -information elieited,all tend to , difuse - Corr4et knewlede upon thii most impertUnt brandi- of ngricultu . . yni business.: Plowing, good plowing, is the all-irep. - ntant busineis , of the Farmer, anti it witness the 'great improsewept inaiein ttia county within the last few T.:la . carp mi ttee. , expresses • the: .hnpe.: that a `eitendedi interest will lie felt in thin part et tho Soeitten . in . time' to and epecialy . mat 111Te:131ily be more eon. r#4193•3F'0 oxen. ; wks on the gR 3 i4 ,4 • t':•'? •- - • , rii i ii e ) Stip.Art,- Itiatehley liitur belonging te W.. 44. WM mit; . The jiletiriog_etiiile . ne I.;ithiri time, ent) &Me' As thins' irtis til l tion the tocuniittee tho . ~..Tptcquip,l4a 013 born innhio the folicitr. %xi:apart . The awards:-not-eoutitwivithin thezi l iTei:Of the 'Hoelitt; the' Oreraiiiikiigite - The - . Committee do Corii ittifiort,Vlitt !loy ol,soßioe.otot.4 ,)) opouThini . ..the. , HCornAbot, Itir" r ,ttlvrp ais Is yeitaiied:lo-iinatiolit of Oheila Oorn'iO th•ei Thatjjy;lo 1 6'640:: ';t : 0* Ifei, ,ifff B iaQIO(P Suah'ilerof efillecfcbtiftioll*•cfre. aita that Doha R t an, cc Bridgeirater, - • ,•• IMMernif , km:raised §l,bushels - isnd• -3 quatts , te .-'11Cre:11 George Walker is therefore entitled! to the, : Ist premium.:;. kb de, Crocker, 2nd::, [-`i. , ' - - . . , :ilr. Virtlicr',3"ateclei:,of,' Culiirdiott;'', - . . Ire4lowcd green- ward for Corn, the begin. . Ding Of 8Lty.. 7 ..,1iatl 4osleadief tnnenre!, on i live ems of land.''. Aftet:_ [ the, - -manure! was-1 , ,' 4pread,4llc.,' grottiad: W'ait' Welll"liiii<OWMi endl planted tile last` _el' ' )1ay„,,1n 5 •r0w5,,3),4! feet i ~apart, runniug - ' , ,t Orilined Siinttli, - . iiidii, feet; apart, in tows: running cast ntuttrest, From 54 to 5 1 erains'in'a hill, 2 bushels of lime, mixed I • with 5. bushels- 'of ' PlaSteiv-vai applied to corn the' co 'very' itinii niter it Mune 'up -'.' Apliiw did nut enter. titCfieid`after.lll6 corn was pfanted.l The gi:Ound, iwas• kept doeso.,andmellow, and; i • the grass and., weeds subdued:l)y .. the use ofl I the Cultivat4. -- - blaking',..but 'little, use of the hand.hoe., '-:' , - .., . , Ilyele etiiettee tiinnnied,hfs'enin - In'the hill. Rows rntniii*.:l 4, lottit'atid: SUittli 3 .L 2 feet; . apart.. Tifothk.running-Zast -and„WeSt.tather' lesithani3leet apArt. ,, ,Froin 31n ' , 4.vrainsl.i the hill'. : His corn * Was plOyeid tWieeintild lined • in ilm , .ttsual l eitay.... 4. • -•-•... - .., --- • The 'other- Treu..kuins4wiired were as ' folioevs: , '.-- '. ' = ':- '-'-- '-''''' ' ''' '. - -1'; ilei4d - S:-,4lest, Staliion, George, llarriento, •:$3,00..2m1 bestileretniah.Meacitainirs3 'best kireedll‘fare.g:D; Wilshn; $5,00 ; 2erlicati I .I:tie., P. liardirii;; 's3,oo;''.Bii;ii'tifaielled Iti,r-1 (sea, Robt.. Kent,'. $5.4 , -The: mulched horses ['exhibited liy'Danier Silhile; were .worthy ofl 1 . , , : . ~, !premium - but were.not .ritisett within the coun..l ity.- The; hors'es' - exhibited - by, Thus: Johnson I•were entitled-to 2nd premium had one lieenl I offered.: A p:dr of two4Mtr,old c0t.:.,, elthi4 1 i!..,_,4 .1. 1 .0. o.,Conkliti,Tand • n 3 year old.stal. I lion by- ,, D. : -L. ; sorth._. were' also Worthy ofmo. !tree. . Ihe . ; . number of horses on \ exhibition Was I 4 e- : ... . . - Cafile:-Lareatest number of neat Cattle, .- FranklinAownship, $lO, 2nd best, -Bridgeeva- I ter,!allntitier.;,ißent ‘ Dttrlitu - linll; I!,',..,Ponter, 1 83 J 20 .4 best, A; ',C. 4fisc.lY B.3::!;:itrit: . Devon ' Ball, F. - C. L - Hollister;ss; -2nd best, C. IL Gritliii,i . $3; 114t..e.iirhii. Con, Gee. W'.ll - $3, end best %Vet. Jemup, $l, (re-turned.) l i Best'Deson Cow, Perrin, Virells; $3, thid best, Theron i'Deleh,' s2;'-' Beat' grade • COW; Jas. Le-ighticut,',s3." - ',"iind best; IGeo. IT'alker,', $l. i ' The Devon:Cows exhibited by 3lr. llollister and :Mr: l'eek . were ,yery . good, 'as were rano others !exhibited :fity 'Jas. Ileigliton,.--The' D... Von Deicer 1§ months old, with her sialf, mvld b. ; Ilea by-Mr. C; B. Griffis,--was. believed by the. ' ...Conithittem to be WithOutthe rules which on'.y i 1 preVented other notice being taken of her. •• I' -;•'ek, - Sf.cers.--41st: preni lout fur Oxen E. :ll.' Geodileb,.ss;initei ILI': Law, $3l 3.Year old Steers, Ist to -Datid ; slarsh, $3. , 2.Year , old; Steers, 1a •to TI _Ross, $3.:- A pair- of 4- ".year 'el cl. "st ecri• exhibited -by' Kobt. - F. Breed dire very, fine, butnet,beingbruki!n, the Coin ! mitteo did not feel :warranted In giving 'a pre:l ' Vil illrt: . Those •exhibited- by: Caleb Carmalt, E.S.lle.ebe, Piffle* Peeli. ' . Jno.'l3ard and Ti , , tus'Sulith,were all superiar cattle. - --- ~ 7 4 : 1 li Best 2-year old • Heifer, Wm. 'Jessup, - s3.' Illie heifer exlvibitedby - ,C. Carmalt would have been entitled to. the..2<id.•preninni bad one 1-beeu ellered.. Best, four yMirlings, IL F. ['Breed, $3.',. Best calves 7 Merritllott,-$3..: : 1 ',,,T,he - riiinir,pf. Cattle entered .for coinpe.• I titian was 11 . 6„ besides; those competing for the greatest number'.exhibited by t o wnships. i .AII. the Cattle exhibited- were,3lo, , . ; • ' "S'icirte..4-11eittear„ Wro. Harkins, ei: . Best B r *,. Jereinialt: Menehairl; $3, ....Ind 'best E. T Timmy, $24, Pest lot of Pigs!, Jeremiah Meech. am,[s3. - ;Thii'Pigs exhibited by Wm. iessrip I anOredrickP.' Ceon; wire 'also.' veriv tine,. and the Committee. had mneh . diftimaltiiin• de. I ciding betviveit.'-ihe,- ,threelots. The whole number-was about, nil oftheui excellent.. '. Best Sonth%DoWn'bncic,tri Gregory, $3 pest' fine wooled ewes: IL! P. ItobiJins.:s3 - ,; Beat coarse woolen beck, .Vm. llarkins, s3't Iteat 'do. ewes; Milburn Oakley; .$3. I - ' • ' The committee , . report attexcelent exhibition I . cl .. .coarse:El wooled sheep. - •, '-, - • • •.. Small. Grins.-71st premium, Winter Wheat .... Otis• Ross. $3 ;‘. 27 bushels, 20 ltst per .acre; Ist premium Spring- wheat. p.-, Searle; $5. 27 , lishels, 22 eiti. per acre 12. n d•Preini rt ni, Spring Wheat, F. Ifollrster, $3,26 . bushels,.3 qt_s. , poi nere ; Ist pretitinni,bats, 13rariford Wart ' rows, $3, 80bushels,2 qts.per acid . ; Ist "pre -1 mium, "Buckwheat, Jeremiah l'lnsion, $3;44 i • hnshels, 7 qts. perl acre."‘..• •- ' - ' - ' . ' ' --', 1 717 2 i 1 -•—Besi , cos king apples, , S. 31eacimm, 811 Best winter do: J. l'ewksbury,st ; • Best quinces; ?.:Peelt; et,;, - ..pj§t p6'.at.s, 17 - ,- IL & C.l: lloNister, $11: . ... ,i-. -, • ...., ..: -,"A apeeimeriT'ofTall -eating 'apples oirered by Charles. nude, 'mums:too : l late : : to compete, Which waT , re."retted by tae conttnittee „ . P,01./trv.--Ist , pretiniura.: to • John : Warner, 'hour, 14 min' r ' bOur, ' 4: hour, b mitt. 11, min i . i li ; kotir,2 min. CluTsc,--Ist premium, John . Trutribal!, $3; 2ed do:Edward Bennett, $2. - - The Certincatofer the :greatest vsriety of 'vegetables, xi.ts' :IWarded.r to flugh , gar4iier,cq WM...feSsup., • I -„, Domeflic Alantfactainst—BerLt. Cnrpet L W.ltre s3';.2d; Mrs. Otis . Rnss, .81 BeSt Clotn,A.; C. Reynolds; Best Mann ilMiss. Iklvry E; 14rrington,$2;„.1saae-Buttj,;s4. Best bed•quilt, P. W. Babcock, $2;21 best •liss-S.Carinalt; $2, re ined ;2 1 , Nt'w:94,s Best. woolen marks,-C. Newton, $3124 beat 3.'Test;'a'inry,rsl.' '4 - Best - cotton eocks; A. - c!,- 21 ikst,-.E".-11,11Abcoek,Ccrtifient r t,• - Best whe:ltirita4l,lMis. ifaikins, $1 ; - Best corn 'bre:lo.l .try,l:e.wtoo, $l. A certificate fo . Barre, best 4114 play. or Flowers. • ' 'rhesoronaiitcenlip;notice,n;beautifu sick _,Ye r 4Cdn"ql 7. .rif;i4 **ifs Mt:Eimer and Stnitli,.4nd a quilt trintitt,;sikft!'k the first qf. Dlay, bY-. 3 trj 911.114 -Tquk.bur}, raciannefitW speewl premium for Agicy'weiltflo-;l4:.Cluilia fir"..:lfikaTipiciriceiii-kitiikilect.-*ll4iss'43* iti.B4* ttnil.isErnh Watsy4tre - veiy'fide,z-' 1 Also toilet eusbtoxi by 3lrs. 11. 11 Piist,Stiain • Iludeon im(1144.2L-E:S...Dlinock, the fatter nn. ch : thol64 *Pr-ettir : 666 !aPeeltifeitiiif marking in aurnbitik;bylausgi.lludluin - innif ngs y Jessup. /Vane display of dagnerreotypas by air. W.: Dents., t fi'ul' 1'0; iri - n , - -810 - and tkvo ,eun ie . e tto oss.,b)„the,,n . n., • .lolett'tbe`l• l 4hi l latel,.bitt kottnHip9iini6us , of 1 • 'll nt,.iii 1) ' atilt kt.yttt . co ; ,unt . g.. c ...„-.... ~,.-, ,. .-7.,,, , ) .., 4 gricultui r itt. lifiilem'i7i4s.-:-"iiiii . cilitii : ntor,. IS.i.ll'..tei.get!iity.,4lP;:riiiim_.B: 2 .A„Nturne d :t lies t Pinugh,.4o. 43, rdturneili- best stein cutter, S. I:ltanittoni fi;fl , Bet ox- y.t .r tlie, nolit.'Keniiisl; ' ikst bugNr, 11. Olemons,l43 ; 2d t do. A. gild ' ,win,, Ce it die. tte L best Itintber Waggon, .11Vin,, i .. :,.. I .epti•ley;t3 ; bept (Ix eurtf, IL Cioeker, $342d ilTst,do. 1 .1.'0i1er. , ..1)e1c, o.,rtille,nt?a; and i't:cer titientetii S•yre, Bentley ::nil P;ricins, fly. tho . best Horse llhwer, (without thr miter.) . .., .Tne cppun t itteecodgratulatetim firtnera up ' F ilj the enti stitj;%ess whioli has Mended thou'itttrts in 'pi rt n•i 4,this -their nnn6ttl gnt.b2ring, , !lieneliei:&,•itpl inltresting„'' The ittitubo 4 rier. ;non in niteni ~tviii.; is viiiinusly;'eittitnatO ';nt i t d (ire intelligent I ;front fi'vt..,lo ten, thnusutiA, un... Inlet) of ihe (Inky ;expressed- itiqpt natisfac t:,,in wit:. • tlti.nrriingentents of the .fair nnikex t f ~,,t ".r..1"1 .. • I 1 Illt" .., 4::d ire:red it , is duo Wine farmers Si: Fr-1110in Cur thdir exhibition of Svotkitti.'ent- . 4 tie. Tite.l.lltdiel bititt;ir offerrtis nndlbeir 'ptese nee grZ , :itty...een t ri hilted to itte plearitt:b of the Ineeni.ll l l . ". .- 7 : V+7.II...JES.SVP- Pr i ftl. , -'. - , • `,- . ' s S.tm_q'r.t. F2.(:!,ttotA.E . r; See'ytl• • tut;s6=ismitusisigi... t•-••••untreetiattessetuottlxitiors 'Tilt ON iILE ST 1 ' ' 1 AG . -4,,, •-i ::..., . ~ ~ .. ... i .......___ : ,, ,_ : t i t • ii .. .. „ . _.' ---- -- -s . 1., 4.c. .•,-, , :,..,,..,--,-..--y .. _-:- - --1,"2----_----...!,: ,,, .., , „ 3 . „-* - I • - fr-igvil p 4 3 95 - • : 04, i. - - -- - ''''_ . rritE Sithstlibers are runnln'n'aDnily line of Stiileitte; • .I. tuven -lu.n.lnis,nnd ilorts.ttom, :Ant lon ott -thu T.neAntranurt Western_ hall Road lh,lineo 2D Inllev. nave un t l,eur i ,lnle in the morning:and inetneerntith:tho ears-going ...N. - 1h Returning. It nvo on- the,/srri)stri the mail trahr from the Arent Bend. The".rearest, most Itirert and it.lopest "rout frovlllGreat Berati-Varbondale. palseneurs th , s tilts always - get inth Curbonahlueadier In the evetilh4 thunltr nny Mho. rout. regyin in enrlutnlnto at riteStnrr„,of the,suh, suribert, Veit streit,A ten bluic , :iiiielorrittrnusou"s Hotel. t,t - 2; ; ' 111101111I15,.: Boot and Shoo Store LER. & STODDARD gi E I runne oproPil off,gfor, ea! of Boots, $t i h t , firm of litothiuld'hityct, :I Bunt end shbr store on Main street, 41+0- 13ria -ectutrittlkitivh.. they Amsiorttilckul Fiiittitizst4t, the .1414ev1priees "NIONTROS11::, • rire.att y !..rtitd snot 1 tn .11s, or till village ; rind country are re vited reui genuine. Boat tit . ; Boats attiraltoes ure 5 . 01 it in •l Unit Oyttterti. • itt)efor6 tOll f ri citiz isrecfMly it nutl•rlmo sC sit-uti of Ile • Kee Toist . wo b• enumerate fUllUsourfnii-uctilUng whidli iv° t: - • - • k sale walpr prAar baqs•Toif leg Itun• half duir and. pllnip:Vokots, - . Kip half boatti s cplc. .k.ip - and cowhide bro hh..i.; P 1.4 , alf, Kip ciralude boats, boya thic 11,th s Col garfons, mil sole boots, t qaps,Ovei Youths bort.! rtr.. tench= channel 'atiteta; patent Fox :•%.liitnefiiel :Anti Kid Ni enameled kont,ltt,tatv, Lmoe, iee.e,Teltior!i;4ennyjiintte Rovetton, heti. 4 , • . • • - ht tiooin;J:eiik' bonte.,etc:, , Larlie. weit Gnite front lone Nen York 1;:d ties ru etitimel.o. Children; 1)a0t,.4. - Gait, l Amon , * 0:0c and pink w Ront , ;-/Tin! ~co.leatiter, e -Iyl.l. B. I done. „ . botttni Otipt.t.t, mint - and i•ostmeded laOe eta: • • wo ofil•irtfitett calf tutor+ - tßottPti Golf •sltino: rite o'tino, red.% bine, ntoroon. 'tapper lenther, oak atnl , herrilna nail, , soartiblesi,. heel boll, 'Orb nude to orger and repairing neat. )11)7Light Still !" • I Q OE: FOR Tll E „TI3IES, I • ENTITLED. e. at at the Eolith. LC I - Dh i ,112cP.IDE'ZiffIfil14 11" AS IT 'IS. ratives. Scenes „and incident in real "Life of' the'lnwly " n' w 1.. G. tt3IITII; •ct o 1 the a itthor..iszto represent the an o 1 the . 4 7iii:e . hilis'redn'tnn e-9nl - ace eputt tail and pastimes the'tnister and 'elute, Ow Being Na ' the L ob% coutlit 1 . 61'6W cap th 4 raitiou ijsidri it and InTo...oti6rived cieii s of *he and An repro inTittiken u Nceithern issions and semi:us:lM in their initural le earpa riii displayed . m the hiniddest , flinsshowing that. in the case of the tin:; ponteinmmtliestaws more happi erddin ; and lA - the sante' time to rep : 1 1 . 'is, a Chlf . S . of paps'. viz : the Planter; 'tice has seldom been done, - and WhOse is exhibited in every . day MS is well. to. win the amiable `judgment of - the iriz will tn - 'ildislied 'on the Rent th:. forma, as tl lot of social, slave at reli nags thun'l l l• reoent,,as to whom jai character.) calculated The Abni ty Duly n,r4 hook.• . Or re Work *h De publisher' it wilt Driittrrin'ublufs l lo 12'mti:Ortzes, illuetriired.. : The Price Witt be 81:50.' 'lets will m eet twilit 6114 attention: "ti tier :rig;ruite 'manta ta - sell,tlid.atioC t , I 'tor $1,50. corn-an:l.o.'lp .1, J o the receipt. iii _,, 1 ;;W . v•• c - , .•-• ••• , - copyOf:Oa . shine . hook .(whieh rime's te. can,mse Us s sample O ipy) hvimmil, postage ; m id, loony pl ooo iii the fltited Staler, not escerdina -I 5611 mike from :Ruffs 0, Otieago,'Citieiunati or New York. "looks a nt , by mail nmet be ,prepaid.aceording to the ue,eipestoffice lew,,„Porisge.„ou title work' is about 21 coots : for each. and every , 510 mike. -I W boteo le tiricri foci:bore:mid miler suleable,l booke:Yoi: which we warWagi-Mts;will be forviaid- ed ou appilcaifort In tiß:prictirtirl." , . . . Boob Publishers. finfrele.-N:Y: 1 i fiunilv naafi( . have a Copy.. - . . .• idual'ltook only 25 . cts: , per copy .. - 'Mein - knoto .thyself. - ' ' ' ' '-- , .. , Tl , 2.llrirgirETll4 Nle - die d' Mantle' and Ili;titl 'nook rot! If ' theAtrett. , l.Containini; , an 'outline. a the orinio,Pr gre,44.Tres urtt mud Cure of every-Omni of discase.eom tratte Iby I I,l*E , :untie * . 5x1,t1 I ute reouraei• by Ettc , a,, Luxe, or by,. e.t.a xl tueii, with nlricet i'their prevent tion, that' e Taint Offend. Oa erqi of decently . .froth the re! , Streit. salt' of an:n twL.nty.years a.tem4fol practice, extettglay .I , r• , ote I to t I u core of disc:Liu of a th , 4ente ur ptlyntett? , 7 , ?e'er An ind* Is - milt 1. -- riot:4i;ts foi 010'61re bribe : !Nur° fta tr.txtien oq lbw oil otes, - - opoldoris nod Pr.-r mod Ague, for, twerity-Sve,ce,rds o copy e floller ;,-weill betortyaoktl tcr. - .lY p art of, 'tit e t tie , milt; Free of postoge..,',Actlroge pbst , int, .131Piokr, 0 ritt.let, or the 4 uthor, 3S' Skirtli :pee.-I'ititade;phfo..t • ~.. -=: t . -. , :•-•,•• , • To which fore of the . ris reg Pie`" the UrOtelli ewe pet, i. S.-•••nth Stye. . . Ls! r,Vio rfra, k7l fOiteit iiso if fal r in; to curenOy c.c. 4 ni of Fec aSe that inny"ccAne under . hiss titre; no natter ht or long at-inkling or fdicting: I:uhet .seS ltio private.. itcgoma,24 31 . , 0rth ;?wen (Ix Pt.;' { P;ii)A. wlthn,t. of interrupti.on from otb: p , itfents'. +m tranzili a - . otbti lti •hiart! born-tin= fortunate in the seklction - ord . Physician are , Irtritod. to - %H. . ... . . . . 1111'01'El:I r.,-.1 - hrout;lt antatttnlna,Llnda4rnae of 6011,41i:744.1,y it !...,to ~ .,,r.,., 1 f wstr,,e, tho.Olatt'aro riunir..: rout. Pre,,iliturr: loicoteukY, Involuntary 'seminal • au: rhantres: 'voting. of the OrpUlfg. toes of memory: "a dittattit 1 for fottotlo,spelyty. }I - corral Oebillty. or c onstit u tional Alo, 1 ra ogemen t.'l4 re ' rare tqftiltmr - It neeassarb coxi!sr:nlC thk n6 , ltor witli on - Ad:inert he offtri a ttertaat .ea tn.' - • •'' ' I it g 1!I AND ItY.FLECT —Tito I:lake/ea trotll,llo went° f. r 0,. . !,. I),lrnto :I ru,0114 thAr 1135Alth.AVIPPInt19•4M1413P5' nr aaaaathair lINCA , DI . Illy, Itriatti of paypitioni. iguotaut of tfils - ol nevi of mt13.,111,..: .it 1.1 - mlllll,ly iropot , tlhlo for elle Mail toDtijakl4l,l4 all 6. 111* the human Wm rtv bar f subject t0. , ' , , E ver t +'!n'e+++lll l + tilisici ,l 4 h115:3 11 4 P , ragat 1 brantlt, ta" ar1,11.1, , 1t0 Sr nme: anecaaatut than Ma • brnhat ' Pror , :osard, aril' to'that tipteiOtrt wort or tibataia itild -. ~ N llllolo£-VnACTI. C E. 'oiettialintiActiited to! ad stu-4-ranalsitutuent-ouslisersea a tis.scznaL4:oarts,to: (c,:thet "lilt a icms upo99w b , ....ty, throat, 40+9, or 15 , , Isaias la the troiLortiliapfirtiertail:tlrhialatittleat,litrtio , tures, grairot, Irrogolarltle,s,thlt•imaj'artiting ft OM yotith: I .Pti ItoparitlVO jor , gie.4loo:l, 14iartOy {he . con. rtititt9al bait . heanni Infeahlatt, lanablitigni Dottai to I . attar atieel*rallat to an wilexattg . p)aritittit - Flitorepra under .: ~...I%V ....',, ~....,,,,"` 3faditina[forwarag',ltntiny paO . :if : We 'Conga it19+11 4 , 7 Price Are aiatru tttllaraVor patt , tto: , -1,,8y1r,,,::4 E HARRISON'S reftiqsinty ciii/-' ' I intl. 213.- - • - Tune - , • alias • , 1 ": , ..' , . , '`.. , i , - ss,, , I.i . ;; ; ' COMpiaint ' ' ' ... • ' ' e. - •" ~,tatindice,Dyspipsia,'Chronie or Neivoits' I ....7),eblity.-Disj'easf - s' of the ladae y5,,, , ,- AND` kit' titilleca • 'aerial...from a disorderMe hi r er or etountelt Ruch as ehnstipation, illy, aid plies inllpePo ' or blood In tin, head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, , ti:ftl-I;iiril;-azi;l4l.-tirl'o-54;lithiti3; ay - might - fir the at tu orb, ibdr eructation!, viaMog or Attrettvg atthe pit rho bteinach, mule estutatienS heuttOmrtled or dt i tfillt breathtes, tint tOng at ttfd heart, choking orijilfm. i eating, seratttaonv mica In a I,)itis roar nit; rhturitEv• of 1 Rion, dotiblr webl bepre theVitht. fee ei - and dul!;paln , t :"I, sklu and (let., 'pain Ikthe "ridn;thaek, chest IhnlarAc., . Irtll B 6 g 'll ln it i : n a g l'll v ega o ds fi ad v irina. rrt:hieo;;;lo'futPrndete:npliiiet:lan"dlit:la:'lol::::ah:f‘rT'utiel:,:etaliantt F h b' : ii i. I elfectually4tted by ,_ s , .' • . I l Dr. Ileonanats celebrated Ger- . I .. Il i: in taitter'm. ,,- : "• j ' Prepared by Dr. C. M Jackson, at. thel lairmatt'3ledicilie store," - I'3o Arch stPitt,) t t..' • -.... eni T u t i lf li t e r d p: h vt y er it ' Ti c o r t tntAboyr 4 1 1 , 6=ntes to not ric ol ‘"L i f . tir4itylFelapdare.titiPoiliti:alu.thUnited EWA', I nettle eurefattegt, in tuany;eater after Willful phyaittaiss i kqd falied.t ,1 -;:, ' ;., j Thettc bitters ore stinky the attention of thrall''! t` Ii keiwoiing grp t sin Lk:. in the kotitlcation of allseais of, . the IdvcrauddeSser gletts.exerc:flnEr the most searching iporter in weakness and Ca - err lons of the digestive o' gang, i the:rare, withal, safei:Cert ain, ;nl 1 learapt. r' : • Xead and . be Convinced" ~.,, Tlte cilltrir - or the Doiton r.e.iiikid. December 21.f.:=,' sfYr.lfunflond's Celery - re A Gerttiun B tern, for cud demo , al liver pamolalot,.:Joundiec; -Dyspepsia. Chron+of or i exrens Povity, is de:tervediy:olie of the most pepttlar medieine. of _thti days :•These (litters have been used by Ithousaudi,nrl a satfrien oar elbow rapt hn tele tilutomf Vecolved Tr eZeettril 'Mid permanent cure of Ltiertforn rin'k fro re the urn of o titis remedy. IVA hte convineo ,l 1 thn ' t f in Ctn.: roc of tliese_bittei,,, !Ise patient con.tahtly 1 gilltoestrepeth and vitrot-La (net wiartby of nrcakronelit. oration rfltev are plonsant to tote andarned, and 'can liti,u.ed lie rt,r1,011,4 with Ib, inast' neticath # Commix Ititli sleety. under.nny eireuthst.theni:e We are spea'anAtOra experlenct..r.raol to the aflcte !sty ndviso their use. • e ',lscott's tl''rltly; oni of the best - literary, Impels Vuhs Iltdied: sold; Aogstst 1;10 '• ' _ _ f• ."-Dr. I !organ i's flerrnan Bitter., mannfartured.hy Di-!Jaelunn.are now recommeioled by tonne of the mon pinra'n eat .moinM-rvi", 4 the me heat faculty as an artlolo ar much efdaacy in' cases of female iseakne,s As sitchis the case, We w mild adrisoall mothers to obtain a bottle, and tints Save'themselver to trlt sickness. l'ersons.of de. blliteted conttitutiol6*ill ilmt these Bitters ibleentage. nu* to their health. As , we Imerr from exkrieuco tile sale t utry dept they have upon ayealt iyatemA. ,, 'I Li - ..‘ • -„,.. More Evidence. • , 'The Phiiatlelphls Saturdsy Gazette. the best familytia. %Per v übilvhed in the roiled S tateS, says of Dr.tion3lfutd's i Tinton Dittm-- . :. , 'li to Vehlnto that we recolimend what aro termed {'('then' Monet - nes. to the entalertl . o and patronnze of qtr, i readers. and "theri•fro e when we recommend Dr. 'l.4'- 1 Istid's Geimtni-fSitters-Thl wleh , to-be distinctly uleler 'Rtood a har'w&are urn spintlt mr.of the nostrums of .the iwdrty;that ore noised about for abider peribY and thissl - nr. rotten aftbr they have run-thetrussilty tore of I.l4Ciliur, but of a into Tine long evtablivbet, universally Appi.rvol, and which has met o.le hearty abproval or tho acuity I Itself." - : 4 Lea; mill ((sac InarA I' of the rznWne, They haeee the 'Written vii-,ontore Of O. :il:J.tcltcON `opus' Din WritiTor, 1 sal hie name blmen in the bottle, without which they arc For sail. who)evale an.l.retail, at,. the Cfrntan ;Usti: nine Mere. tiii, 120 . ..lirqh street,;ei,e iloot• balmy Sixth, Philadelphia. orid by respectable dealers generallythre'r 1-, P.t4 c es kefite r l.,-,Totsro,bln alfeinapea tif . Intaihla "to , enjoy the; adrant,ccv of their great rester Ave pl:MeiJs Stsocr: tins Le, 7:1 estiex. ~` . .., ,' ....r_. I • Alto thr sileby All KV TC.ItatLV, Drunisicllonlrosc. l'ann'a, , lyl ' -- 1 - Tissiiiop - .% - Co's- ,- - D2IIT . zpr e ss.. tine. '. LACK A;WANic.I.='AND it - ESTI:EN It AIL IMA D. i' l o . ' -Prls'sepr er. l'reizas . with Speciat-',llis,zgri- 1 - sengers for " f,wwa rilii i in, .- of Atercitaiiiiise-r` •-,j_ ."..- ,ria Pace cf . eufry.tkiriptui.. , 1 , , ,_ _ . ~ Srwcw Hank- fiace, iic. .i: i ••••• • i , 1 .... AT OTfli t 'Dmfts, sn..l..gillsp!l;ervil..etil anter.etVna. ..1. 1 ..d. 1.4 Rill pvimpl,eiii ands,t. rea. - ..wt le; rat . . • 'lgo Xf.tplits =of the fAirkarianiin at:lVi.stvic4 11." IliOnAl ComiiinyinrilrAct lisi 1.1....mts fortlik , citicimEexpre'its i rip.- ' lispreqA.lion.4 wilrbe in riquilliCss.: rinonThe a • iral of eitiii. mid . a . sSenninit; td' fr,rtriid ssit.b de Putt , 7 11 e;'• rhsncliz4;'..s.7.ri. lc. l'ittsfriir, Wfamidorre. fro. - •. '• - - • T.o‘miird Si it rle of ylOrit rririej, nistivri r,sl t 6 Seco .. - WI a foiwalil Express Freight from twit plari., Li: tb=essltsktioi., • Stltl6WitrAl from mid Stst.foli to I'doistroSri.: - i' - . : • • • N. (.... Nt:trtin Of l'unlthriiitock; ‘..itl• rerelvo n. IT for ward Exprtis VrOdst - ,frinji . helt.. : vl(o6' tr. TunkbSistooli 'Elssilotsi - a!virrovi .t., - .it se - tali:II:to Ttii,ll:ll:lnnnek , .l , = - NOrsosirt. 1i51.--%lif: '-• ', : • ';' • • ' ' • , . . ,2 1 _ Dlf.3S4illtiOnt. pn: P A I , TNC e. beron zie are ellftg - u . ndrithe .T, 'atl • firm of 141,k x ,Th,n .41, In , tbe l;%prrss bustle's pn the L. & thle day diletplred byiuntn al.enteent. . _ . ' .1.1)11IS Jun .1, 11 . ..111n0r3t. bitibidos e I eirn:i by Thrt;op -• Tne Peo pl e's.. k nena.. T. T. Pond's, of Ithaca, ::' ,' Pain Destroy er alul'llcaling• Extract. , extract from the, shrub ,1 Witch hazil, and _ t. pro el)* :con that, 'with the rAcci.tlon ot a little Al. coital to prererre It Hilt cure' _ all local gain_ and Ir.e.matnation.oll'snres, fresh anti bruim.s, Ptles. and all dimsses - of the bocrets of n chr nic nature, too th.ache, par-ache, and an excellent rc.:210 , f9r frma!es, Zte. It is truly whet it professes 're be, 4 . rnr. prorta's Fataxo." Provldeire has seatte•etl along the ragge d paths of life sanity thing. that contribute ,7catir to the comfort.and haptene.,. of every bode • hence their gal at mine, ant well mny they be called "Friends of the reo. Onz. and - here ta Sttiidttsainst imin<itlen., A tram lwy the name of Sperrier file trt.tatif,artured - nn l: etre' sale a p•trio ui article calleil the... Corp), Extract"— , hat 'Arnold br tm•ir treat tbd haarl-aut--f.he vanilla - la no while and pure aa uster.while the rpatiert- nrticha is col ored, uhielt enables the public to dist argubb. None cennine hntlbrarr marked Pond'a Pain Dettr.yer. 'WILLIAM •K llAToll.,..Mantrarr. and store-keupett and medicine dealera generally, Agents.-- • 1000. Agents Wanted; . MU - trawl' C7ery entinty pt the'rratett Statep,.to eir,utzto the ktlithOttiZtCd lialtr6ll °CUT Li . • • fe - of Ge\rt. Frank. Floret •• . :NEW cf the Democracy far Pracident.ilf 'the hy I). W. BariZeti. Anther of 't Ci3W in London, or SUif a:4l Things In the great ; \letn'peli<;'„in au elegant - 112 Lao vol. or ,X 0 pigrs;nith aiciir;te Portrate ,q - eneizil . The .heolt-inntaini the nardeulatiofhisartritt, lifo;An &doted connected 'with_ his' private and professional his tory. Mut an aqmant or hi:, public and military,•ervices, ha by a trap 4 tar. Hew Erglapd;atitll6r, hrui visited Concord 'fir the_ spe;n3i purpose nf preparing a , re:labia and math .ritic .reinme, un.trc. the.Adricmand couns , dapronv.hotit Oni4erats.- ,-., • The eifirt has (hi, sanction of ; the,distimrnihed, sub, , jest or the tnemotr, nitoeaullen and unexpected ele vation froM n private ellizen to the .proud position .d* the leador ortite.ltemnerath! pariy;,..and;,-as , .the De. cinerary AnatiZentlr bell,re,-sqou In be eleinfed by them to the mast honer - able :port in the world-Chicr Magrstrate of the-United-States—creates n desire on the 1 "part or every American ter knit the . :particularS of his - Uniform retaH price,ln paper.,,covers,so cents •in neat (.1(411.75 cents. COpter sent by Mall Postntiti; on receipt orpricr: furthr partletdars,n hirels4 post..paid, Bole rhblisiters Auburn 11;.r. je,•Pnblishers or PernecratieT4MPro,trilta sno mricit of-Sew York State, Inset:tin,» the itbeere, (frith' this no: ' tier.) twice prelim's to the Ist ir , bcptetnhernext ,shall receive a copy of the same by mail. free of postage .1:tE11111* Sc IIIILLETt„ ' Jtily :0, 1532. ' Aubttrn, ` the . BEL TUIZRELL is non iecriciii, tiiidkeep. cpuffilintlyOu build a ,Inrge. Aug, cicEl,ritlAtiul}-, iortment of •• wvich will be - sold very low , for cash verCatly!pay. Tho atock . iterintwied of a first .rale - astorinienii:d Dragstsletteines; Chemicals, Paints, oils, Dye-S t tilt; Groceries, Clans-tynte,spnnlis, SliCetaeles, lnstitmints; . Ylink'en Nntinns, ;I,intle • • ' ALSO, , • Dry Goods ,• StationeV 31edical;4tstrumMtisilletruniery, , Trusses, SnNiniteii;;;Shnilltter ? ,//rimpn, • Rules, .Camphine.," 'Burning Fluid, lampii Melts, --- 4111 - pareinnrisfoliing-to pnrottostr Drags !memo& in any of the .ri.rarNiiii7Oriniirrnento, will find -their, in t erest*.. prom an ti firortl.nt 3tie Drng- antt - Yurjety, Store' of ABEL rillontroso, 51ny 185?.. - WE Want bare' ..for ,carli dr cloths.t:: , BloatrooMay '2.l' 410 0 4",' •P ==WOOL!: WOOL! riastrpottrix62l-*-..,. RttAttrrr - " . ;New ifitfordilutiolt)s2. - the ,§bt.7.9; ponecLestve4orli for en . % AO, I 1, ..,; ' '., el*ilher Siiintific.:loinder I ~ I `:Groat Cur& for- Dykriopsial 1 !Dil , 43:s: IlOitaliTO:lts f'lll o s'll:i..,T.l.tgT-Ittlii,;DX - i Iti;kilri`trt:::ri..liiizt, Olt CavAirtts'.litirci': . ~ 1 ~. , _. , • Priletio rma.'illltNNUT. or the fowl' . Stomach of the: ' Os.'nft , i diiitionit of Demon Liehig, the:great - Physic; logiOlChuntiq, 11J. 4`..1101;911T0N,, M. D.; Philtulct.i , phil6 Po :•i.. T.lttala :t truly wondWifol remedy for INDIDF.STIO:4; 1 DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. ),I VEIL COMPLAINT. CON- i ETIPATII, tt , h and 1.11;14bITY, crying tette Natura7S,QT,n' meth. &by Natures 'ow n:egent. the Gastric: Joie& '' " • . 1 Pepsin is the:chief efeMent or greet Digestito , . minclpio ? ' or the 0 nark Julce—t he.Splient of the, Food. the- Purl. ' fyinfr,Trescridng,. end Btfrittinting• Agent of the Etat:Mehl and I testiors: it is,estractcd from the Idgestivelq,tont. neWorthe 0r.,.111us fettintmt nn ARNIPICIAt DIDIIS-I i 'alit FLUtD; ptcchn4rltke the - nett:mil . otitirle'JttOe • : Its Chemientimwers, and furnisblogn tompt . ell !Intl' pOr-! I fe c z l ig,stnntifor It.' byftbe aid of Ibis prenatafiest the; • pains end etilaof Indikiltion and llyFPtpqn are TemoVed i Just as they would ho byst healthy stomach.,ltts doing My wonders for dripeptlenting Gases of Debility: Felonlit..l lion, Nervotnittectine,'Ad Dys.peptle Consumpthwi et p. peed to he on,the verge,rt tha grave' tile iientlie eil- 1 . 1 &rice 0 poi Which it is base:lila le the highest ilegree-sn i eons and repTufritable.n : . ' ~ ...s''etentific Lvalence , ' -, -r ~...,. 1 Dorm Lielit...inhis celebrated 'work 'onanfient ttietr.: llstr3. says. 'L AU Artificial Dige,tive Fluid, nnetsgouk. to tint Gastric Juice. tany-tolyeadily prepared from the mu.: cods.membrah# of the Stnmach of the fhtif,:tit - Whlch earl- cnit articles Urn: d. annlent and 1,77,P, ell lir stiftened,', chanced, and digeste&-in;t in the same Manner as they' would he in the lationn'stAmaelt." :: ,;_ti• .:: ..,•.i..,.. I fr'r Call rdillie 'agent. and get a DoscrlptliE ciftutat,l I gratis. ei elm; it large ateApet of scientific eridince, siirii- I inikto the Ante, tea-mbar with reports of, retiarkabie ; 1 etrret front all parts ntthe Pnited Elates. _ - - , . Ea. iloUtlitrON'S - IrEPPIN in now sold,hy • kireiljr - ntl ' the dealer, hi tine drug's rind popu!nr. medicine, thiongb out the !Jolted , S till es..- lt.iii prepnred In powder end, I n - II 'lid Corm, endin prta;itiptive vials for thnuse of Physi cian.. 17ItT V ATlfel R CittAltS fnr the we orPhrtleia; 3,l , rclir , be obtained Of Pr. TI oriel:ton Or Lis scents deseraihic the, I %thorn proecrs of imp:4lll,qm., and siring' the. n uthorities ' noon ,which the maims Of lips new remedy tiro Noel '"Ao It Is not a secret ronefulict oldertien eanhe ral;eil sininst it s n i, by phyortamt in rrfpf rl able standing ..nd regular prnctice. Prier., ONE VOLTA It per bottle. -" rry. 1111SP.DVE: TlllS.:!.7,llrery bottle .44, the -genttine 1 PEPSIN hears the wilitrn simpeture et.t.:f.t. 111.111V.,1J TON, M. D. ; , 'Sete Ptt4piletor l'hliedttplaitt, Pa.4,'iCoPY rich t end Tradk :Mark tenerrd. -1, , 4• r frg` ,4 ol , l br all Drrtrzst."and Denlors In Ilfe,fhines. ' 11'.14" - Por ante, by AIM, l'Efill ELL, Druggisi,M , n trope, PuaiAgent forpusquehann= county ' t,. ~,,,. 51y. -I DRY .-GOODS. , NEW STUCK! CEIE:iPEn TITAN • EVElli TY. N. vi Mon, , Late" or (he Firm of & Diislars to return his ~.., • ratern I thanks to the eiti. I Zeus or Snaltiehatint'innnty jfiir:t.hhirlii.eral pet- I ronnno 1i 11 rfilg tjrl pa I:trYl,iii, icily ?5 , 1 c . i I,f i thmtinunbre' or their rasOr; !taring reLopentd•-thri Istoreiri Tompkins' Itieeti; (which - Intsheeh , en rsrged 1 , 0 t Irovedl. , wit it" a -full stock: of Sprink 'and Sunimer I.GOOds.; he invi tka 'thee e 'who 'iris!' 'to J. u rrlisse Goods! very low; for - mesh; to eta mid'esnu.lue his Ass. krttneat. I 'the ,‘lllqoineellist of - ti ail d prices iii belier wilt •entnpnre tororabty with tlidt - 'or Otty other, metebaht in ; •- - ' I • adLeJ. ress Coo s . 1. A Lar.7o.nstr;rtment of .I.4nek and rolerrd Va.- ! ',dons grades and pat t erns, from 4s. psi. to 141. per, yd. I • , illonselinp .. De Laines, ;. . ^OOO yards of - Spring DO T.aines. or atirtost-everyr-arie rty Mid etyte that the Xinv Torii . . market, affords, !vim 11c.'to as:per yard: " - • • Cin*rhains." • .10,000- yards of 31 - arirpaelt, - . Fall lacer, Manchester. Coehten. Et. fish ond. ether 'styles' of. Prints:tit .Se.Ce", 10a.-and,lo.por yar !. • One =soot' Superior eieths and nolorsi yurd.wirie,nt a tho tow price of: - 1000 yards by, Lancaster and GlasT,ove Oringi)sms - warranted fast colors; at I s per. yard. 'Also; Snot air - arid Premix do teem Is. • ikrournin fr:• COoifs".• I - • Ilimr,lAzitrv; Luti•tre.!. raTC'eF. cnn tntj t;kit fix. na wol.1)!. Laines, ;114 . iloo4s ussii in riat , urniug, • , . . . ' , MMM , . . . 1 ...Plain:plaid and al rip rd Jartinr t 3tagllniCanitivie 410.. praitt and dettrd -I.Viiina.: Mall. Nfliti,ooi; arid - Tn.llrn. Morn einulide, iiird'a Eyo - Linen -, tiara rTo IVO (1 , 410 , , Napkins; Eroteh and. ltu.tla: plit,ers. Linen Sheettngt ilt Starlings. h.o. &a. nu .ior lt titters .iia cannot fail to give ratite astistaction to rUltiefi.CM, ~,. " • - . .. • - ' - • Shards. A - Int of Erne Cuiatcn ("inpe nrat enginie•e rStntwis twenty pet cent. cheaper than they were G,l Ira naerclue s. 17artillk cir Table,an'a.s. :Serest tblett nnTorod not to tiro: st i 3. and . Ltavt, and all wool Ealbmsetl . covq.s;.,- . ...ftno l .ls t tn $.4 opinco. . Goods' for - Weil-and Bogs. • , rrmia Cl sus of every Analpy, frnto, /6s. to -.6•5;, block and' fant , • tbur,s.tnernx.;. from' 6fd ; t tck". Jeans, 'ri:' ! •nds: Sottotts, from 9x .61. to '.4; - , restiogi of cro tl r 4e.srivtic..6 . ;* . qt ! abny and..- - . Domesfec . Goods .>• 0000 J3rd - df trrownjhintit.7,9 and iddriinn!cfrninrS to 9, per yd.; 560Uldrarbot (In:front Tn. tolo; per yard ; ,Tlekings utid 31arineW *bitting.. from . Cd. to Is. per. yd. and_Gloves.- •,- . . - . „.. . ett errrlierrt ni.rrrtracnr grnifverfaritp: Am them a Immo hit of,rl,ltr cotton' Ilorr, very fair gisraity,anly . . . . Trim 'Valises:Yazd Cotpet • A era msorted stock. ptircliared ilireetfrorn the tarp, set manufactory. in this. Country, ,and`for saitt'at such prices as will admit of no compctittnu.. The rnbeyeber destr6le of dirt t rOgthe'itittnt i or ef, the pnjdie,partienlarly tti'tht.. Inantli of !metro,: of h.., ',noel:Fe...oaten, facilities ltr gt trrt , that, p. roe cheap: !littlsh:ins 'keeping; 'enn , tanily on hand (during the . eets• enn)a - targe stook of t:E. Ftrair'llatintte; he- offer I Per rent. rintapentlian! they Frrt - tio had at retail in t New tinrit city tither Wholesale hr•retail enetomora will find It greatly, toll Mir a ,ToOtoge to exp.miLe his I stork bafore making purehieerelcorthere. „Ribbon,. and Dressifirimniittge, a -gond aerortment :at I - ttilf..SON; - Corher Of Ciiiirt:ilnd Wtater. Ftrrete.Auprly...... , ..„. • - •ortpneite the:Amcricgmllotet, Ilisotti3trms; Apr11 , 290 , 6..52, , -s - • 1 ? 1 re ' t 1 4 D Estasli.ded fifteen llecO. ICE !' 'LIN; :' a nd • . eill;te(tcqo): Spruce and line S`t. VIPTEE.y Ttl it:S . , of 'eifeitiolOre and - Unirticiritidrid IL: '- - practice !pea hugs etty,have'reliderectDr. K. the trurst. I's - avid and suet reaftir practitioner •far and Dear: in the treatment of aU dimarms ri.:private nature.: Per eons' .urcere nq,the body, - throat or legs, pains In the heart 'ortionca,pricuMal: eneumatleniArirt7 tires..krave4rllnialea arising from- youthful et messes of Impurities of the blood whereby thetonetitutioit-4aiuht enmovuntel?led are, nil hutn.l : with success. tunlcithr 'Cam .of f/r. ,mey confide in his boner as it avntleront,- and trea firlently rely upon his it physician.- Tax.o,,/ktavtcPbart unz !nen tt'ho have Injured tbeniumiresbi. a 'certain practice inch:lige:Chi—a habit - frequently learned front compaidona or at School—the-effects of which- are, nightly felt oven ti hen asleep:and derfroffh.ottyf mind Ind;tredy,,,,should apply Immediately,',.;',Wooknerbr ' land. .colltilltutlertal debility, loss of musrular , energy...physical , loartttolo and) et!tral Proitration,liritability and all. - riCivons affecileur, Ind!. 4 - rluggtherse of the liter, and artry dleenteln aurvray connect. d withdhoprocreattio (apathies, aired •-t .„ , A Irigbram rifle . 'air? flor°Ps'erratlon " — Onry 25 , n/Y:' " Thin Dnak-justimblOfted - with 'useful Informi Den, on At. fullctnitirq and dia. a see of the , cello , ROT car gene. It addrewsos Itself,nUbe 3laiihood And Old,t;e, be reini . 41: - .'phe valuable ad. vice and impresrive - Lwaraing It triveivivill prevent year's of 'misery-andmulTering, and raga. annually iliorisunda of liver , . Parente. by, reading it, will learn how, prevent , the destrnetrats'er.their eidhlrenz remittanee of Vt. ceotrkenelovad n letterfatl ditesed.tri Dr; ETSKP.LIN,N. , ,IY. Cern - 0 id' Thiri , tlulou Streets. between Upn§i'and Pine, Philadelphia, ensure aback, omfer envelope;per return outil. - .1 - 1 , - ...Pifremnait a distance May.addreett Dr: 1r..,;,by letter,:etro ileelng. a fee, andhe cured nt ' . ' , qf ite.,tor;ini;lo . ,b • fendinz rentittance,:iand yoputt, .froin,Danp4e or , • Otars, ctdivivv. erg.. ar , l iltll tho o .7oftc :very • • - • W , GOOD .Att'.Uu psoliillio Excluinge.,- , 3 1 :111( - E,subsriber. ti,th many thuuks to.his uu, 1 J. merouely iputraning patrons. svou!d respect ! fully inform his friemig,'lfriat Flu is nosy t e eviNilla It cheidjtleji.kion'ori 0049 diri , c(froui Ne.-14 , York. whrWaiiiinids 1 iisei(4c n 1111; g;:ubil - fitcrjath. row ttita,q,Je'4r .tiri.-a, , f rq' tiit:). l w lin Ito. iii' ekcjitit,fge - flii EciodaYtillicinflr cif riri;dgep:' Ce9ll irk i:iiviitcB.' --:` ,`'',lCik t,.:5:#11.1Z11.1N: ~., rtrpsouvitla'Aprit 30; f1352: ''-• ---• ' 1 iStf f.O4 I DOPto,IO of) TRI 6 , at Atio.l44li;,s'iocif Y - geKATAllf ~I? I;UP4PrIccN la f gr rttaPnilai; k itt • , .111mghamton:ApAl '4 o .' • ' ' - • . Ayers,- -,, ti .,,..,f•.:... f ., i .,.„ 4 ,.:;,..., • „,_ ~- yers,- errst ./.0 or ...... , ,,z.71 .(:::. 1 :.. ~:' ‘; ,, t4.,..,-...: - : ~kol;,.,Tlit,'!otlit: E . , ol?, : ' •,: 1 , - -,,.. ' ' 1..... :: : :' : : :. C.' I .- 0 — ti r G ' 'IIS . : - 41 ' i4 j ' il ” - ;O.L .' . D ' .' ;,, i' Z ig, 1' • ' l''',,,, .. :qt • - iNIAL4VND •:.11/41,0Cit t _l NG: , .1 ''. : (4' 5 ' COCIG ft -C11:0IIP• `4I:ND 1 . e•ce),N.suAwitioN:';>::. •.-; I. , lir-Zit - 4 I . 6•tt,d.i.iiuiiiei'lii;iiii ,, iii ;,,,iAinii..l... . remedy foi Mtiiieg or ihti-thiogirotoll ittnuKit ii• not; rohiNtbsit to tittle 7tit tbaJlten..o hadth or theidlhet-i od,but,frOoldr. te lay) heroxe-them the 3p?nfou x)1" 11,11.' 1 tin4 , l fshiel. ifiep - niiir - i . ehiFiirtAryeifideiMili'df-lti'i.oe. : 'iPM4,... tenth; 'if lircti'llOy,en IT 3 tutgos for Itaolit.t3iie: - :: IWO: , r ogoceraSy 10d144, ottroelves tot:lake ne witi,toyelgole , 1?t. Ltl.metate4oente et ite . erAca ov,.notje r iII *i 11614 out'. pro,' hope, to lett2t ring . li'iMinhitt lobiO.t*tei• will 'net' marm0t,...,(,, f,,-,-,---. ..,:,:e - , =. -:, ..:,,31mtrprosif? . ate en hero giv, end . re If olkalt. ,iin inqul iy re4m ttio polillo into MI we pUtilleh,lfeelifix :a4iory4 Thlit: they 1011'.1Trut them prirlectly -teliabto, and. th4' laedleiar wort hi. thde brat ctallldeitce it 1..4 , i "1.1,4. la. ge. From thii d Iii•o istinguished fes*nr or . Chem, • -istiy tlcid . illaterin 31e(lien; inowdoin: ' - 2; , ;.3 ` , ....r . . eblieg e - . : . , • I 1.. -. •• • . _ ' Tient 1.41 ir z 1 delnyt4l. anstiering' tbe Vierint of Your pre . ptratiuu until :I buil, ,ort: oiportiaulty of witnesaing It Ec•flects itt,,toy own , family, or. In tin; istitilies .1d ray, - Thlatirivo itOir , &On i' with a Itiglfticgree of Entine ; Cott, irICAPCN of both alnits awl children. _. a _.' .. "I hniti fotind'it t as its iiigr6lli.nta - Erma, - a pontrful remedy:Tot t * ilds,a.totpuloouttaev.aben'sta., - ,.. ~, 3' -''''' '' PILIIICtiII I.:Lt - tilt. - ANT.4 1, 1. I). Alrantoisie'4lfo:;l4sl,-44154.7.•::• ' .-': ,t- ~ : '... - .'i . : 7itini'.ini3Ovefseijr in'. t lib liamilson 31illp - .. . . - , . • . . . 1•• .-..-.:. -.... - - t' inAws.etty. 1 a . • i t ' ' -," '- ' ' l': ..' '," Lbatelh . lAtigiint 10.'1812.. f - .Di. J. (1: - A ler j.' , l.lnaTe b ecit i'.inediorklu. warn t cough I T ever had in my lify.l,y;Sypur.Cherri,l'etoral: and new prtlWOrhen 1..ha,r0 tutrprintlity, o.reiomniending it, to : r ottu4ll. ':::1;ours rk . tpot:trtil Iy, - ~ : bat.-L°!illIF:(1:C. 1 ~ •,,iiid•lttatits. the,falltrgigii,.ttiidlEcn.lf..Ohl, me , lielne , ts worth. n fatal, • This patient , bad beer me verpftiebie,:, ;and -thn - eCeet..of the ractlleblo unit tinruistably afht tittei. - i' ::'.P ' .1' ,_' • ..j 1 ' . tnlted:Statts ttotel,,Se ntogn Springs, j' , I.lti t ly'Zi. 1%10. " f -- ir ... . - 2 . .i1. Airs—Ste,: I, harp been ogy fro Iran again, NI alTglitint2l7the lunts•ei nud all Lilo Eft:optcm:is of set- I tied c mitimpilon,for.ni4. than rt. yitt. i could find tuf. - ntedirino - that 'a oUld reach. my Iradt., until' I Cori- i mintra the UFO of your Cherry Picfriral. liitida ga7:o ma !gradual...v.l4l,-07y' , I. have horn steadily , gaining my, i ettentah till tnyltCilt bis well nialt . rl , ..tored. ' ' ' - ' I White-win:: your tr.tdicitui. I liol kiln zrat Meal inn of emring ,wllll , it , ary:rereruhl - frirtut, 11r. -.Trn MIIII, Or' SUMIler district.-‘IIN. bad Jfreen,susticnded. from his', i parochial nut Jo , , by sell rt 4 43 tr.rlC of bronchitis. .. i A. latiro pleat urt in certifi inetheu- fa etc teiyOtt, t ' --' , ''- , And WTI, sir, , yours respectfully, -.-,... r _ , . . . .. ._••• , .. •.!, - - J, F..,F:cutiI Comlinn. , . - - nr.P,repnv.^l.3ll.l,l sohl-bli.lsm es 11.;ArER, Practical Cbcitilft. L6wel,.Mitea. .- , - • Ml. 5. , 111 by A. Tarred; . !ontrnsel rou.!en SCott. TIE., Bend, dually:Pr axgists evetyr4e - iv. _1 ...._ Oil' • comrotNn.srnupor mr.ootifigor; rpa TIFF • cußif - iiv! • 'Consun•ptinli, Astionn; Bronchitis, inil c ien23; Cone:is, 'Whooping florrzli anti ernup. . . . Dr. Throoo Ir.fant l'res . erv.' tiro and Mo .. 'tlMr!.97:Rillit!fl: , . Bores Fintulenec. Cone, G eyes. 1,.1 tee, Dysentery cil. Cholorsoi Infaatv,,or_aity or pc co :non tile of Infant lire; .', • : 1, 1. - ' Dr. Thronp's Worm P. , ' . .. Espors iheSe City,. intruder? of tiltutunu sjotern , si th out :eziertbin of kinde or numberi. ' 1 - ' ' Dr.. Thror;p r s liillimisTills - Cure ingUgest; on, Billions intorder 7 4 ,, Iroviii,ii cps, pile v, iiC:i.laCil , ';', l learttiurn:, ' revvr, 1111116:114....tierl; PlaTilen. 1) - t...ntteri, and . restcterS -4 hatic h"--- - -it0;,.1, Li k:1 the ~;!audsut the body.' , , . - -, 1 ' : :-= r. • .Dr. Throop'A.E . ye - tmte.r,.. --, Is: I - any:ln:rased In cur:Vivo virtues -. for any itanznnto kry affection-of the el e, and .. ' , .. ,-- ' i '. ' '''' Dr2Ttinmp's Silre , -- - . Tf, unsurpnesed for , diesSingfer inirns anifSenbli, 1:1- V.ers, Sal t lc be tun; or riny nbroplon qf tte ,ii,i ti . _ )0;4.n . 74 . 12 iltratli.3l;mtrnse". MI - IP'? kCo,, Ilu it j 71. - ,kl.ficnlttoirea, ;C, (:111.1,101, M Ilniber,Tlimnalf; Scutt It n - lt,f. I.nn.• b 'rt... nbra nt ; J11:1I•A I:tan pun'. tine Iroy. .I,ls k. Littic. Nris..3l,llford Drnfilis fast hand; Jni(l , ll L )Tet 111111111.. V - PEMT) rnry. Litt!. -31endou , ; •ttnn Icy,. Tiffnuy. - I;nno4- Ivn It A. I'll - Cu:lnv, CliSnr,t Dr. J. C. G Innstead. linndtar: abbn*Fnit ry..lTarfi ' * ;-• .7: S. 131.4.ASDEL, Vederal Agnnt, F l 4,r'rn , Lake:: ..111 jSOO -CHALLEIiGE... • -, -xl-rITATEVIIIt 'F'on7 . eraßtho' hti!eh !it - a.I Ithprinext to? a people is at :et tnites'a the ;traist ra.uatde ICU portanco.• • I tahe it for:granted that, trery - rttton ant do attin their puller. •to ,tt•tre the lic'ex ot.tb,ir eltildreu and'i-ve,y pirma. ell? Ito kuntoto rlt.dt osrtt healthut nil zkrille.4. :i feat it, to Ito my duty' tt. Itolenualy, tetAtize 1 -you that iVart4 ' isecualng to the opinitet or, the andt etiohrated .I'livir env. tire:tit . , pri ?ftuatysause'of a lirgo no.l.yrity 01: diFeas , to orhjeli chlt- Ar t i t and adult s lire lialde.- I? you haVe:ita aapetitt' etm dun:illy elianFeablelrota Oita kind' of food to et other hreath.rilo in, the stoutish,. pie Log ae , , the note, liartliirtititel to neFs of the belly. dry ieotigh; low revel-. raise irregular. remember thitt ail thelte denote ?Form% and you elandd at once apply tile remedy . . • Iloa6 - sAim's• - IVoi:sl:6,Yntr. • artiele 1111111.1?Iri012 comp.:no:tied nith purely , rmetable Lehi; pertes,:rly-, ewe when =ken, no tletenninet Itt alt hy , efoo 0,-und nut leaving the mypt- m in eurelitinn as mutt ;WVIL tl,eti nostrums for the toooval of tearioti, tt finiosed. calomel, ports no JArzenges, Verollololl, &e.t_hot' hts 'perforMest the ml- , t ASlnui4lor,t(tin rut , Au l mewed the lira of ttunnsAnla; both old nmt roung..ho liStrc , hoeo pro nounced hopoleuk.itic.urable, by phyrdcf.sns. Itend the followir,gnuttL6L'ome c.rM - Icted,of orkr alt otheret - ; • IforriA ,P.lter, Aug..l3, 1831. - IrrAn!sriek-,-ttais to certifythat my child, , cars Ur ago. harin7. him melee for throe years, SeanOt. I, tended, for n dhumie of the Opine by 11 toper,-A - 14111E; !nod Phi sler for a long time rtl. hDut. reellith:g any tune flit-Gltte;7tiring her -ousts Ineurnble. ll'isent. to 'phna ;.delphis and consult...l or s tu of the_ betd pliya:cians, her dirsenio,still grossing iforre. A was nt hi s time=us dneed to try' • obennek's Wurni Esti!' nntt - after Ink. togisro bottles tthe entirely I...gained her health, ,nfter parsinstn great quantity of wormy., -Hieing Oda, will he fthenttlt parenti whose child 44 . 0 A MI IY . aff • I ari yours; &e: 1- • • • • • 'FIOBENSACK'S- TILLS. part of the system is more:labia to diseare - than the liver, it setting ilia filter - to purify the blond, or tiring the proper Separatleri. and secretion to the bile. se, first any wry: is aeth n of tho - iive , r :Meets thenther important. parts of the system, and results carieusly ititiver thini plaints,Jundice, prspepsla. - Fever:. 111,..e. We should therefere , watch _every - symptom • that might indicato a ssnrigaction of Or Pilta being composed. id. roots end plants. furnished by manic to heal the sick, ndwclyl Ist, an Expectorant' whieh migmeriti, the seers.. tionTrom the - pulmtmary ratteres - membranerni promotes the--dhchtugo of.•.secreted ,matter. , . / t,d; an alterative, which changes to some Meiotic...tide and thsensible Mao. iier,"the - ceitain wirtrbid action* , thesytem. — at. is a Tonle, , whielt- gives' tone 'and stren.stb tb•• - the nerraciii syttemirenewirig health and Adger t¢-all parts of the hody.- 41h, a Otthartie, ehich_ acfsin perfect harmen7 2indwith the other Ingredietiti 13; operating:on the bowels expelling thewhide 14Aft$ of etirruPtien•ind vitiated matter , and purifylng tholdood, ablell'tles:troys diiense andretar.ts.hoilthl. , •...Pre•ared Ilehrtifack's Laboratory,-Philadelphhi, eorner.4th add Genrac st. - Price -.25 es•nts.' .For Sale by the principal DrrTeests end stores' grn'erallyi 'throughout the daunt ty.„: lty ' stgott-lishhtire At'ard,•Philadelphia. and • miry. lc. Read,. merit., irtsei Hayden Little. and Wm. C. W ant New 311iterd; Going7n — t7 a -7 1 - 1 - 1 --- e above Cost.; Eaton, & Peek imf Sak•tSeyinottrjlarTord,,-IT:Purnites ettl :•111 Subscriber •bas a small stock yet oflgee net.; Gibson;-C IT: Wells &• Chi Monte:nand ChurihA 1 1340 coarse and hoots ardehoss,suil titf Phinney. - Druuleff; 0.. V. 'Eldridge: flrooklyu; Grew aarertrnent tit 'hatlies;:slffieo.4ll(l t Paves red s a: Tiros.; Glettworsl ; ,Luelen 'Scott and 111 r: James, ttiOok s , filtoesorhlch he is. nest rell , rl at Para b 211. '.... ° b (trent' bend; .7. -- W Lyman, Thnkliantineic;'llarter .1e 1 ; boinieost, _There in an oppottunity for rod . Braintrim. -• ' this line —. • . ems-Intr. . , . • To Dairymen and garmera -GRIND 5T0NE .: ,,..„,,,. •: • 'Valuable Praperti Jht sak ~ A TONS efllervailrind Stones, of Me . , ti , 0 •- • `ltre, eeonandeal ;hope, sod elan Ai:term:at , ,t VAIIM hi" _CO :arcs situnta In - tiridieiater township,' lb; at 1 7.3, to: ,If eta per lb.. arcont4 to I'''' A ‘. Susquehouutt renal,. and State o; rentrylvahla, I:m, - ALSO, acres'of width are under met ovement. . ; • / . -tons o at 8000 l Jr "o „k i k!, vi a Sot sin! DON The. farin,lo troll des‘gne.l for a doiT, and Is copable of - ' i " is m lall feediug '4O we l l during SUinnier AIM orbiter, and 'eters fflanAlie-Detras and ate very suing . ' rt f 4,3„, , nark and wider power cello I y telt ell r , „,,_ port of it li welt nut. red. The buildings iind land am in vos .' ~,,: , st . ~.`,„o ml ' ' u,guldlols l ‘ - ' good contilf•ou, and the feneek,othioli are of fronn and • "'-""" - -12 ; '''`-='• .• • rails, are alio goo!. There arc two IctrYsr barna up m the ----- promisee, bestdea a greenery and cagy, pletit sheds Inc eat. - • ..,1.7p1 . 11. n D--pErty2:TY 4 tie.,. !three orchards, pritielp.dly of graft il fruits and , ..--- - ,14 • t• ;,,m t 5.,,,,,} a otherlruit trees: t. la far M -1001 a easy pleasant itmi desirable Ircatfon ruilLisnEn BVT.VC TIII:TISDAT MOIL stout tem miles trum Moutratal, the County Seat.orfitiss; • cc:- ^n st d , it tit V! pt qe, quehunna county, and chant nine dies trout the Leg- : a- Di Vi, irl vlt"'"'" -4 . got t's tlop laillread, ti, which three 14a clank Road. and ' ~.,- ...„„ ... ...' ~ ",,, 0 ,,,,,,,piddET01/z.t t Is very outteenietit to turetinos and CO oohs and minium 4.a5r. 1 .9A11q•;. ,, .." " "' • I Also, another valuable tam adjoining the thove.con.} . ' TIMMS. taming mal acres, of aldvh 150 one. are ender ahidi i ' ' • mimeo(' cultivation. Upon It thetells a blight deellind i One dollar and fifty realertr •Inough' .l4 o 4l . ' } i el house. and out hailditurs tamirrespiind, and a lams tus• 1 -,3 Ilia dollar. if not Pv-' ,l un' il th. ...` 4 ,1 :e f d•sta °l chard. IC fo-woll mitered mut fmtmal. and admired:l time or subscription. No fart/ , - ,„,,,,m5ti 64 „ adapted to dairy Purraso.. ' :1, '' i until all arreatoges are paid. eserio•a"" ' O l pi. Said prripetty mill bee sold en remionaideterins, a per- 1 'Publisher, MI vera%ounleations mutt be ,f.,. 0,41 thm• of the money may rents non bead , or mortgage to remave ottOnittt: All letter" crotomete.lll7,olol, stilt this tidrobasior. • , -,''" I , ' -•-. • I should ho.diteeted to fi U. dr, 1 If. CH•f'` ApPlie c ittfou -may' bti wade ravomlatY or by Jetty'. to Shainthauttaeountp, Va. . Rffliv IYOO,OIO J'a=oop av 1t..7.'N Men at Mcmtrose. ins, mail • ounty: and an} forth. r pm, tleularsj that ' tuaybe regal AA iqi A,.' , R . i ii A. As 3 IT Ft, VLSI. A. ~, rod uill be given,. . ••,,. L. ~. ;; ... •.••• . -flit Off • ''', • .t.— v r-- , --.— • - r tiqpf. I $ ---- ' ' ' Oil3 Milton (.line! or less.) three Mu . . 1$ 'Earl% shboottient Insertion, ' . ~ One vinare three nmhths, - •• „ 4 " One mitarri elx.,l3coutt.*, • _ . IlW i lleSf VCren. (NW Illiti CI Ito, 1 , ICI o V :n ;k ne r i : i tt ylun tl: 4 7 :e ti rtp i e r: ". : 4l ;s l,,..l l :::: li n i i t er:: ,, t t r tri " , : t i iti s . 4 .... hi whirl:Mal aro engaged. ' . llk qtrigrtmetitr-pf,Silvor;- fcTIP "!"i7 !1?` .1416. 2;:4)(jeliedlftewst: ittittluantou • '.AiiV-Vr11002,114 - N. TAR Glt LOT of sll.vor EloouN•vosim fInT, -c4..1!0t04 ;Lila or ao-,riirrrcdro da kusu 'us torn- , 414 ' • • EVASO. - Mmauuten:Jvtly 28. -;- 7 ' . A t , Vlt riwilt**l% 147iLvivi 111104 R Ins , , S Xi, Key Übe, 'ClOchillitedleA;ifi.*Cliurt`firrileiPA :J1311,2111 . : EriANT,tlitiO4kl,on. 1 . ;,.., 7i7.q.att mi 4e ,,,, NT '.triode iiecuoted by J. U. vizotk, Icicidy4iliroutOs4ll3lij.islwVorkslites.: 7'4? Droll •- • • OT S:Pgcrvz , _ 311.,g0 4!lpgs. Sllbtrlso t P.a, CAI .OliniNET • AIANCFACinigt .StrutrtnuntrOtib. . - - P returned tune memo la „A, profoi&loss aty,bd:rdatid fr H lon.d uta, .rittv..w *hero el hi ten tiir Lapp, to-Inift'spiva 14 - - Alorttior, kit?. 2 w 'i•&•2. ". • . • • ;.' mock " 131117:3TCIAN ANlj , IttlE6X; ifda Ito/a, PC, it I " t end. to _all btrA . lnqa that, may Do ea t cherry,ra lk nt,' cherry, .3.l th protoptness 'aud thleit t y. 011nk ,sid,nee Tumpik,e,.streit. - • Int, toot: of Yabire . . .. ~ . . , - • . . George Fidler, ........ ~ . . TNEALEII. IX 800 Rts a t eatti - tatitcelothli t nit, i, I/ Coincrlnt4/Ik.:l4.nititc. • ! St'Oni two - *rit' 110.tell'illotC1, IfontrO!n. .. -.:—.;--4 . ......--..--,:.:.. _H--.._....... LI- 0- Tyle r,`-` IyAltly TM •, at Ys• YSt ef ( p,, wure i . Tiny/y.4 PIA; Oits.-ilurd, hib v.; I,:k. t* eall pays eaxit for all kinOotSlnpping,fors:Strit • -be:ovirthe conyi I;onse. • tis • • • • •-• : • ... - 'Charle s - Mita.% - i • grIATLYn.AND.II4III DREffIM4AIOOIt.III4O Building, to.s.t door to the Pot re, itnt,....._ .ro :. _Winchester,` A . 2:I4INRYAT LAW, rinkhahildek, "XX.' l•turk's 1::Ick. now; - . " • •-• D. D. Lrr.rtry AND EXCHANGE ~ TAD4E. 0 etee ll4tas . below Keelu'l Hotel. Montrose, Pa. E. B. &S. B -----7-7— "Chttse • ATTOTIN ES,'S AT .! AW, Movtreq. elb et , ' E. 11;.entur. . ..• •Ccingdon Cc Mosesslts: :LI YiM tes kr. ,Ertseentho•Canal:l4too miail nnrt t I.lla2,liasitou, N. Y. Ertl. thi Travelg .44czt. 217 •• nowr .%D smoE !twin n A REPAIRER. 4. LP civet 1241417114 GOV'S Raddiery Phopi, Moh o , ' C. • D t.- k- C. EdwaidE rtr.Errial,i4ND EMIG EON, llntford, ,-. door. biMp* Pride's [tote. : - CV• . •• . . ' '' Dr:iLimes Brooks, nIITSTCT AN AN 1) SURGEON, and det!etinlnki 17, )3„ei e f ucri Vaintic 011 a; Dm, &c. CornerniCtink nut 'Hue I; t :vets, npuotite Col. Y. LW', GtezlEnd. C. D. VSZ C iI P:1 P crn GEOYDENT I t-.T... l lcrifew e,' ra. oe" t i ( .4 F. Ilox - s' Waigng, corner of Turnpike scd Chat= tr64:15. uper4tlous upon tbf teeth it2:l7med finest rars-fillle awl ler.der:y.. Plafe 'mil: dime with tle Est mai,ria; +ILO tic mug :mirrored stilts. Clagnict. Dr. H. Smith , , VIIGEON 11NTIST, eat' be loac4l'naletal rots. nays nod fru tys of eath veelz., alit.. Medi I,2e:trio, 31orit gc,s.e, Pa. Ile Troakl cal tte Fink* attentlcn or those .who nead fall seqs. of (era, toil wanner orlilti:rang on.the ofmospkertrpressmi,,,, pfe, which ha has I roeticed for a - Dumber or Irtts, /7 nth.: ,work, ‘xtrac ing, emit:as, dear Lou moi.c stientlfie Tr inn, r. Moutrole,Jidy 12,15.12. 2ti . " r~s fog ;Sale. Wl.lll,Ct at 'grits f.itle T pfiA . of ILer.ll'ntate-4-trrar. 119ufts and tntlT located In Eusqurbunno, eoutgyrnt Alt abonnits otT••r thrlr p. ol per tyro: s.tin eat tftit .1911kUtt dte!!) , ti.4l',ii.titrir Farms or Lut n!folltnn: •iu d tacytt.„ how n.1“14 tutpro rod, hcti wattled; Prrlnird.. g r i4tt•l .'r rcu.nicnlrnit; can n . :, trecia, andehrtl• trotti Ica. far ft.',rr, letmoyo theinerrert I , ••int ton d: put on 'the :Nen Talk it lie It etilro.sil 1.• flaws 01 yn3mTnt. AU stunt to sett 'or purchase Real Eftnte. rIU t• trite prcon• trillion by citlift,n on or at lungs, snri-utlint tm rc , ttt ty. I's. ..i . 'Conveyanct•lrom Montrose tOtter,rta,nufln 0!..-elzo•ge- -' , , Oilice an Turnpikes treet, 4 doorft cl ad:o ,v follon14.• Farms and to are npw ofeetdfortie •N n.l - . 4u to rrrs linprorna.Fra Intik Sr .Id.tia No 2, 80 do 50 do • sold ' do .No . 11 , 0 do d'o" do . 'do - do . No: 4.'100 do" "0 do sold do dr • No. 5. 70 - 41" 'do" sold do - do No. 6 .06 ..;do 35 - do do WS • N 0.7, Broic.ltiorrhoure and Lot! , "No..S.:lll"aorrals sinoroved; rrain:ed "canoe No 952'f do "..13 Co add No:10 2 . do." ' do . do i ,do sold • • -No: 12 100 not ea .70 Impriord. frznie house Isi - So. 13 740 .2t9' do do do , N0..24 ttl' 410 50 - bld No. 15 105". ;rlO 4.) ; do' to t No„it 120 !do:* sold No. 17 200, 40 75 : No. 112 do SO, • do .do ,do 'N0.49 2$10" do 1 , 4, do ' do eo .1O11:0 do do do' 21 100 •do 120 . .do do do , -- ' 22 0 1 3; do 45 ido do told de" ' -No. 23 45 do 30 . do . Co do - ".,Yo 24 292 do 223 do • do - .. ...No. '25 1 - 4 'tlo Inq Nu -2.615.3 - do 140 No iSo reirN good say tolll a a o. ah . cs. lit! imp ror d, fr:m bOrielsdlode ' su - ico - • ‘1& do do So: 31'135 klo • -do . do •No. ISO -do 135 - do do do No. 33 160 do CO do • de 15O• , rICO do - do , dr • ' do do d 4. 'do 170 ' do .er . •No: 37 IOG dO 31:0 • do Jo .• to• , MS= .No..:AS 170 d 71:0 du do do' ~ No-3317' er% :du_ 0.0 • - do, •do , do 1 ....'7 4030 - 45 ' do • do b -• N0..41 - 212 163 do do tea • i No. 42 02 du 50 - do._ do • • 434 Boit!.' - N,o. 44 in do 6$ •do 'da ' • N0::45 300 do ':DO --. -do ' do do No. 46 12011;z:zo, SO InsproTtd,trinae balite and oin,ot mill." • , ' - No. 47 200 • do 373 do - • • d c ; No. 481 1 Z. do:, SO du do . No. 4330 dq 6 . 0„• do , do „ do, ; N0'_;40.33 do "65 ' do' ' -do di No. 5105 do 60 - '. do' do do ; N 0.32 123 65 , •do do , do I• 40 200 do .7;0 do da • N0:54 140 . do- 100 ,• do ' Nn-65' A6O do.' do, do: do 1 No 50 165 .do 125 ••do do Poionio,d.odiitc to porrebaor toy Of l4 *nd &Woe:the-tato:omi tan obtain a fall deocittla. , • , A1.1 , 33:D 1i3L13 15 . t A3;066. • • 0c1.; j 1930.-41tf. - ' iePoitiiiiiittellaitishielin a line Iku' ill !toisi pilter! ale, ptt prrpare4 to imciute : *w,csmirlth t.tittiboi end ilkirata. .: -Is ' lllllll* * ,44i i .detitiplioti ed to trity, cone do ' do,sold di do do
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers