PROCLAMATION.. •••• • rBE aDENTIAL ELECTION. pursuance of an act-of. the General As. te cobtv of the Commo weal of topennsylvania, c , An Act relaing tthe Elections of 1 entitled e co mm onwealth," . approved the second day ably, Anne Domint oneAousand eighthun ared and thirty-nine, • • 1, G. 13.-,ELDRED. - trio &Emu . ot the county of Susquehanna; in aid Commonwealth, do hereby give notice paidthe Electers of' te aforesa, that a e ntial Electionh county will be. held id in said • „ mi t,. of Susquehanna, on TUESDAY the, .8-EViND day of NOVEMBER next, at which t hae will be elected p c .4.secen Persons as Electors for Pres- . id r e and rice President of the United States. fella hereby make known and give notice.' thst the places of holding the General Elec tion in the .sevend Wards, Boroughs. and Townships within the county ot•Susquehannal gess follows, to wit : The election for the-District composed of , the township of Apol.scOn, will be held at the 1 ' bone of Joseph Beebe, in said township. ,The Election for the District composed. of the township of Ararat, will be held at the School House, near Edmund Worth's in said te iroship. The Election for the District composed of the township of Auburn, will be held at the house of George Haverly,,in said township. Tha Election foe the District composed of th e township of Bridgewater, will be held at alehouse of %Vm. K. Hatch, in the Borough of Montrose. The Election for the District composed of the township of Brooklyn, will be held at the bow formerly occupied by 0. A. Eldridge in aid township. The Election for the District conipnsa•ad of the township of Choconut, will be. held at the Shoal House, near the house of Robert Gif-j is, in slid township. The Election for the District composed of the township of Clifford, will be held at the 1 heath formerly occupied by Arthur Semitic, in the Borough of Dundaff. The Election for the District composed - of the township of Dimock, Will be held at the hose of John Riker, in said torimship. The Election for the District compesed. of I the Ilarou!,11 of DundnfE will be held at th e Desittfliotel, in said Borongh. The Election for the District composed of the township of Forest Lake, will be held at the house lately occupied by Preserved Hinds,; in said township. The lection for the District composed of the township of Franklin, will be held at the school house near Jacob Allards in said town ship The Election fur the District composed of the Borough of Friendsvillo, will be held in • the Shoot Boni?, in said Borough. The Election for the District composed of , the township ot Great Bend, will be held at i the house occupied by Jas. Tillman in said township. The Election for the District composed of the township of Gibson, will be held nt the; honeof Joseph Washburn, in said township. The Election for the District composed of the township of Hartnrd, will be he'd at the house-of Nathan W. Wa:dron, in said town ship, The Election for the District composed of the township of Harmony. will be held at the how formerly occupied by F. A. Ward, in laid township. Tor Election for the District composed of the township of Herrick, be held at the None of the late Warren- Dimock, in said township. The Election for the District composed of the town+hip of Jackson. *in be held at the !iodic fmaerly occupied by N.ithaniel Hill, in. s.lid township. The Election for the District composed of the township of Jessup, will be held sit the house of Da niel Doff. in said township. The Election for the District composed of the township of Lenox, will be held tot the house of Grow & Brothers, in said township. The Election fur the District composed of the township of Liberty, will be held at the School House near the residence of 'lsaac) Comstock, in said township. The Election for the District composed of the township of Lathrop, will be held at the house sir Elisha Lord in said township. The Election for the District composed of I the township of Middletown, will be held at I house of Joseph Ross, in said township. . The Election - for the District composed of the Borough of Montrose, will he held at the house of Leonard Searle, in said Borough. The Election for the District composes: of the township of New 31iIt'ort Will be held ai l the house formerly occupied by Joseph 0. I Fine, in said township. The Election for the District composed -of I the township of Rush, will be held at the house formerly occupied by Nathan Sher wood, in - said township. The Election for the District composed (S i the township of Sprinzville, will be held atj . tbkhouhe of Spencer Hickox, in said township. The Election for the District composed . of 1 the township of Silver Lake, will be held 'zit the house now occupied by Robert 3lcGerigle, in said township. Tne Election for the District composed of the township of Thomson, will be held at the. i l 310111 e formerly occupied by Jonas said township. I alsb make known and give notice us in and be the 13th section of the aforesaid act f am directed, - hitt every poison except justice of , the Pews, who shall hold any office or np ;ointment of piolit or trust under the United &nes, or of this State, or of any city or in lotpotited distract, whether a commission offi cer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, rho is,,or shall be, employedquider the legis hire. judiciary or executive department of tan Slate or United States, or any city' or in a:pried distriet: and also, that every them ter of Congress, and of the State Legislature, JJ atidof the select or common council of any] rity, or eolitniisioaers of any incorporated tattirtis by law inenpable of holding or ex., usisiugat the same thrie,the offwe or appoint ant of Sedge, inspector or Clerk of any Oct. ton of this Commonwealth, and that no In- J qtglor or Judge or other officer of any such elnhon,' shall be'cligible to any o9:e then to.l be toted for." And by the same act of Assembly it is also tule"the duty of ever Mayor, Sheriff, Deps 118herill; Alderman, Justice of the Peace, Countable or Depot y Constable, of ever city, ' hin lYilownship or district within this Coma anyplth, whenever called upon, • by anat. e set z of an election, or by three .qualified elect thereof, to Blear any window or avenue to I.4.ll.i.viddow of the place of General Election,' k a rit shall be obstructed in Such A way-as to !ilt voters from approaching the same; rAlit shall be the duty of the respective Con eof such ward, district to 1 ' w'th , or Ins Ilp 1 7 wi nmotatealth to be present in per -1°24 by deputy , s at the place of holding such erT,li ti n ,pch ward, district or township, ;ettilkd., of of lirtrrying tho peace ~us . Aliso.,!ttat the' 4th section of the Act of entitled " tL An Act relating to execu. undo% !.Other purposes" approved- A ill enAct,oo{ool4 aforesaid 13th :". 1 tia. construed as to prevent - 1 Judge or or borough officer front 14.4, iudge, Inspector or Clerk at • any .14,417„° pre Electien in.thia esnigmon • rtiant to the procus ions contained in this Retion of of th e afo 4.4 aforesaid,. the Judgfis a !-strlnt shall reipcetivelytrike ce ll&tate er return of itte 'Oct' eon of-their respective disiricte, and produpe them at a meeting of , ontvitidife from each district at the Court Rouse in thelßorough of Montrose,'oe', the third day - after the day_ of election, being the present year onF o it/DAY the Meru dny,of November next,then and there to do and perform the duties required by, , law of said• Judges. Also that where 4 Judge' by sickness -or unavoidable accident is unable to attend said meeting.tif /edges,' thnnEthe eerti ' lento orreturn aforesaid:shall be taken,chtirge of by one orthe Inspectors or 'Clerics of the oa c tion . of said district, who Anil do and per form the duties requited of said Judge unable to attend. Also, that in the 61st section of said not, it is enacted , that "every general 'and. speed' ' , election shall be opened between EIGHTand TEN in the forenoon, and Sira4.l,continue without interruption , or adjournment until SEVEN o'clock in the evening, whenithe polls • shall be chised." - -.! • - Given under my 'Hand, at my office, in the Borough of 'Montrose, this eleventh day of - October Anne Dordini)lBs2,'and in the year of the Commonwealth the seventy-sixth. I, G. D. ELDRED, Sheriff. 1: • • 1 , ' . . [ [ [ . Pamphlet Laura for 1852. s l; OTICE Is herehygiven that the Patoplakt Lomita!' thit 111. Sir‘afau of 1.852, are this day rectiv.ed; ad, ready for divributlon to those entiticd to reertselthetn: ; • j ; j • ,: Y. A. IPAR'O, reotly. ,Froths 01B , ce, lontrosa. Octal, 1952.---40,c3. i.LOST !'iLOST !! A POtliErllooK,shy i the Untbstcrlbee, cOntehtlfig Proem! story l4ote,,latod April 185&?, paytbleto Mishit dConyon or bower, one year:thin deteOrtthqtiteiett, and signet by tho eubscrlbet: As said note haebeeu old , by *no,l would tenant alt perique not; to purchase the same. 0.1:18U3111E8S. unnnerieille, Oct. 0, 195;.-41*ti9., . 1, I - i ; , • i r ----- -.,' Wilig g 0 LIU T. '4ol'l l / 4 • - ' • 1.; , TH E conartnership hereto fere isistint between the subscribers, wider the firm OE //ayden and Little; - is dile day dissolved by' u l tual conj,! sent. . r. ' 1 1: w i t To those indebted to the fi rm either by Note o Account, wo Would hereby give part'eulnr uotice r that alone of, the undersigned is ebont to engage:, in other business. it becomes necessary to hare' l the business of the firm settled immediately. , nAlr7Dtp 4 LITTLE. New =lrma, October 11, 1832. ' ii ;- i ' • , I . 1 . • NEW: ARRANOEIENT. The businetni will hereafter be condueted by the subscriber. whd will be highly griitiOd to have! his friends and customers cell ou him, at any.time I And. if they nieJ, wanting, any goodir, they will bud it to their interest to purchase of him, its his prea-i ent Keck, for ready pay, will .be sold without re-! gard to profit., New goods may be!expteted soon. .1 'r. S LITTLE. . New Milford, Oct: 4,1114. i 40w3 *-- --- CROC XL la ITN L e T . AR GE additions of new style* or, CROCKERY are .14 weekly receiving at the Crockery and !tome TUlt• 1 Wishing Enatlishment. by., J. 11 , DE PEU Binghand.on,Oet.44,l94. ' . I ' f A0.1nai.1113,3 il74 S aTZ, i In. esery vseety„-style, shape, and .etilor.iond at the lowest priers, may be found at.' ; - D PEWS. Binghamton, Oct. 14. ; f ; , . • . i . :TO •HOUSEKIIEPER iAnd others who arc in want of any artiste of , Crockery and GALS 2 Ware, Lampe, Lookiim 0 lassei. Cutlery, SETT. ers, Britannia Ware, Castrits,Coffee awl it'plee3llll3,Bells, . miens. tlanillestichs, Plaited Wares, Clocks. ;Pettey Ras. kris, Wooden and Willow Ware of all kinds, Windi,ot Shadesillotts,lll. d Cages., Beef:Ricers, k,re. Ileats,Brush I es, Feather Dusters, Cornices, Meat Crleters,l Coal Hods and n'elres; and an 'exterative :assortment of Toys and Fancy Azticies. We ad. ise them to ealictit. this extensive establi.shaaent both as a a tiring it time, and money, for here'they eau tind all the minutia wanted in! their. line and at the tamest-possible prices. ..7:. U. DE PEU. 1 Binghamto n , Oet.ll, 1652 .. 1 I ' , - - Sheriff's. Salem. By virtue of write of Vend- Es:Rsnted out of the Cuurt of Comnion Pleas of Susquehanna ! county, and to me di:ected, I will esOoseito public sale at the Court frouse in Slontrosto,on Saturday the 13!b day of Ncveniher, at oneiiiclock r. all that certain p'eee or parcel of lau d situate, ly ing and being in the township of AptilacOn, coun-1 ty or Susquehanna, and, bounded be follows, to wit: on-the north by the Milford. and Owego! Turnpike, ou the east by land of Edward Crum ple, on the south by lend, of %Vetch, and on the west by lands O 111 - f ,i Nolen nal - Patrick Ry an, containing- about 50 awes of %slid land ; late the estate of Patrick Trodden. Toked in execution at the snit of:A.. A. Hesk ins,against Patrick Trodden. I', - ALSO _ , All that certain piece or parcel of land sitaroe, lying and being in thetournahip of thirrnony, Spa quehauna county,. bounded'. us follows: Oa the north by lands of James;Comfort, east bylands formerly of Gilbert Dickitnion, sonde by landi , of James Comfort and.— Rhodes, itidlwert by the Belmont and Oqusol'arnpikeißo'od, con. tabling about seventy-fled acres, togetiter with the appurtenances, one framed heiase....and barn, au orchard, and about twenty acres improved; Taken- in execution at the suit cif, David . A. Lyons and Frederick pl4Lyous aglinst Sedate Griswold. • r, ALSO, All that cert aiir piece Or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township 'of Bridgewater, Susquehanna county, bOunded euVitecribed as follows, to wit: On the d r orth by lands of- Henry Cruiser, on the -east:by lantlsOf Israo Yonag, on south by lands of Siiiecea Lewis and on the west - by lands of John Sherer; containing, about thirty-acres, bithe 'same more .or leio, with the appurtinanceik, one saw.snill and &Joni 'eight acres iliproved;late the estate of Orin). 1914lierns. 'rettetin execution et the fuse ti . egeiust Orin J. • Witlianisl -; By virtue of a writ of leo. Fe., iwor.d and di. reeled as above. 1 trill Mixer to public isle at ,th e aim, and phice. - „all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the township Of Aubuti; in the county of Susquehanna arid Stile of Penn sylvania, and, butted, bounded and discribed as follows; to wit, Beginning at a paitintheiorthi. east corner hereof In a hue of laud snrveyed for John Oakley; . . thence, partly by'laild land and partly by other land, west seventy-two perches] and seven-tenths of a perch to a cherry sapling; thence south one : hundred and ten perches to a i n e m: oe k filbert - co *est seventy-t vro. perches and ot a perch to a ;;;and thence north one huudrid and, ten perches te'the place. of beginning: eonfitining 50 aeresc being n'peri el the two hindred and forty.cine Contigdons tract of Land granted by theCoonnonwealth of Pena.i syhraulaciA'the said Henry Drinker the Elderind being the.sante tenet oflandandprennaes to which the said Henry S. Jacob, Henry and I -Thomas Executors etc.. Of ; Henry Drinker the elder deceased, by indenture bearing even date 1 therewith, but executed before the same, granted and - conveyed to the said Amesßennett. in fee simple. togethet withthe aptrurtentrucSe.. - . Taken in execution at. the suit. ot, 'Elizabeth Gurnmere against , Welthy ,flenoett and William Bennett, ExTs. of A. Bin* Deed,avitheotice 10 T, • ALSO; - By Vittle of a writ of Fi. Fa, issued ; and di: rected err above, I tcrill expOse to public sale at the *lime 'time ind'plare, all-that certain piece or. parcel if, land rAtutste; lying and being in the township of Gibson.' county of.Susgueharma. and bounded and described, at follows, to Wife Brea ! 'Jung at a state in the centre of the:rend iti, the line of land belonging to.G. A. Hogohreito'; thence on the'sald "twat :/fogebone i ttorth elghtx two degrees it four perches trudeight-oue.hotidiedthe to a, stake in tbe centre ofthe road. ; thentenorth three and one.fourth degree. grist ttetake and atones; thence ten and a half degrees east firtrerl'Perchei and 'sizr-one-.hundreilths to: it stake and *mice ; thence north 83i degree' west eleven. and, :two. .I.loj pereies to a corner - afthe lauds etvried by Alva Fish ; „Thanes tiouth'66 ;let - testi west 17 perches an the line of George. W. Walkeii . and Aso Ilowurd's land; thence 07i degrees oast Eisele° hiundradth peiehestbrilinent thesokl , .ll,9lTO. triuesland,;,theuc esouth, one - toarth*OrtiO.sast seven perches to iffe!place of beginulogyinantsitt ing I acre and perches, be .thl, same, mere or tem.-with the appurtenances one "framed fronted house and one framed berti, all improved, !tilt !lie es-, lateof DisidlE;Maji!s; r. .e(..; Token in enintitioik Wftheinli Sizatoy . 1c#9. 11 6-4 1 ,4;x 0 Mm]ofer.1 2 ,w. ?,,. 101-„( l o Efri . N. -,- NAI.O r t.-kft:i - Offit:CTA . .t . ji:OlTg:34 - 11 - jr5:2", ~ownshipa,. Arafat,' . 30 24, .Apolaeon, - 3229 -Auburn, . . 115 . 80 Bridgewater, . 180 .175 - Brooklyn, 115 79 iChneonat, 55 23' 119 :56. • Bitnoek, - 97. _ 44: Doming 23 24 Franklin, 63 39 Friendsville, , - 15 02 _Forest. Lake, 66 - 143 Gibseri. 66 182 Great Bend,. - -106 187 Harforcl; • : 125 143 Harmony, 165 178 Herrick., 50 J 27 - Jacksoa, 105 :48 Jessup, 79 ,34 Lathrop, •67 13 Lenox. 184 ' :12 Liberty, 82 18 Middletown, 72 • :28 ' - Montrose. • 63 • 88 • New :Milford, . 109 61 Rush. • 97 42 Silver Lake, 36 32 Springville, - 65 100 Thomson, 66 • 10 Total, 2447 1331 7 Majorities, • :1110 Rozulai am - nests mulled th _ . i IS tOV IES I , S•T OVE% % Great Exciteient. i ' NEW GOODS Great Bend & Lodortavill - 0, rrREDEPIDOILIS itiNli to 4 11iO3 , pson'ircel•• T. boated Dagneerenn Gallery! Litre/erns cal M land JUST ARRIVING AT put up la neat Morocco Cases for only sires noz.t.en - SKIVE, COPPER, TIN & SHLET IRON E . Patents and Children. Brothers and Meters, one and all, D. R. Lathrop .& Co's, I ' - rAotisumEnr, new is the time to secure for yourseivs. and Glend a on e THE subscriber respectfully informs the , pub orthase little meinentoes in the from of a Dagnerreory t e IJkehen, which at some future time may prove of l'so- MonaosE, SEPT. 9.8, an. Gamble value. The expense Is so tiillin g that It Me aid- lac that he has recuived a large addition to be an inducement for every family while in lire Vell to his former stock ol Stoves, consisting Pia vehety aril themselves or the benefits of this mysterious and DOCTOR YounsEtar wonderful Art. Imprinter's of children taken in from A sto iti 'wends. EvtTi eff, , rt wile be made to produce For 25 0( the mostupproved kiiidie. amon g which are cents CLINTON Ili TIGHT,. clear and well defined likesiessee, combinin g an OX stnd 'BY 11l eitNl3 OF TIM POCKET ESCULAPI- ' FOREST QUEEN, ' graceful attitude,and that Iffe•lik *squash aloo f, Is / PS, or etery one his own Physician! Thir. ST OP VIE WEST, so rery desirable. and which can be obtained by a visit at --.-- sixth edition, with upwards of a hundred ; Thompson's Magnificent Sky Li g ht Gallery, opposite tlre %Sr en g ravi ngs , allowing prtvate disease fa every WESTERN QUEEN Exchange Hotel., • I • - shape and form, and malformations of the r -To Artists. ; IL generative system, all elevated Ovens. Of :square air tight Stoves The subscriber would esy that be has on band and for - - .sy William Tonna'. 111. D. tire - • sal e a.general assortment of Dagnerreotype material, PHGENIX, PARAGON, , }whichconsorts of Cameras, Plates, Fancy end Common The time has now arrived th - at pawn% andering ooze WESTERN EMPIRE I 11”PeS, Lokrtt. Chemicals , and in elicit almost Reny newt diseases need no more become tint victim of thin g trod in the trade . l guadtery,sul by the preerlptions contained in this book, . h env Double Aeolian 1 any one may cure himself, without hindrance of bust. ORANGL' AIR TIGHT, [ Just received from the manufacturer. It has moults nen, or the knowledge of the most intimate Wend, and , lINITEDSTATES, r ot :eye, and combines all the ad vanta g es of the Too with one tenth the usual expense. In addition to the Banked Or g an It containsi two *tops cortesptualogl t o general rnitine of private disease, It tally explains the FAR3IERS. UTICA COAL STOVE. the Open Diapas on and principal I a organs. Also. map. cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on cricnicgc_haidw. - merry cow r dcrawmcccitc which it A variety of Premiums. some of neve style, the ler and Swell Draw Stop. The arrangement Is such ttt either stop may be played separately or together, or oes woOkinet be Fronts' to enninerate In thitpohlle Prints WALKILL, AIR TIGHT, FAR3IIII.S. with one band and both With the other-one under ac 0 . Any person aending 'l' WtNTY.FI a E CTS. melee. A Eood and t E ven of Parlor and J ral swell. the other with an open rvell.tte. It is the led hs a letter, will receive one copy of this book. hY - various. - es s e r re s taffy innroment except Double Banked Church Or g a n mall, or Ave copies will be seat for one dollar. Address Han Stoves fpr Wood and Coal. Box Stoves of Upon which Organ make tan he ac q uired, and for brit- DR. W. TOEING, N 0.152 Spruce iltilitt, P/lILAISaLPSII4 4 various sizes ptid patterns he is continually r e . Caney, variety of corulAnation.andPower. it far manna. Postimad• ' • cenong, and intends to herpes great a variety of ciliary thin g of the kind rn I/neut./I. .411,0, lIN tllDlt . rnuNa can he eocianited cn any of the dlt. and 5 oetas e Melodeons, for sale by the eubscriber at asses described In his di ff erent entail:anon', at Wanks; the most popular stoves as any de4h3t in the outill c•aquerrean Rooms. L. TIIOMPSON 152 Spruce street. every day between 9 and 2 o'clock, try. Persons wishing to purchase stoves will Binghamton, October 14,1522. (Sundays excepted.) . • 3831 Butt it to to call on him. They will ---- Sud his . . Brooklyn Stove. Depot. TIFFANY & sluTu would eall the attention of • eitisen a of tlrciOldyn to their large variety of stoves turnlture. We have on hand tho. best patterns of t best material. • W. , shalt sell at the very lowest prie and on the most Liberal terms, Call, see, and examine • • Pall Giods. havejun rresived our faro seleetios of Pall an Winter Dry Goods of eicii description, whieb we slaw for cash or wood Par cheaper than was everi before oil In this markrt. We cannot . partienlarfsM but we rat' nestlylnvite• everybody . to ean and examine fo r them mires. We know we can suit yon In price, quanta Aid quality. TIFFANY ; & fI.IIITG— ,; Brooklyn ,Ott. Id, !S U. t'SerOVES I -W•Toler. i. T" ' aubseriberareapeetfally inform the; pubile, the the, have reertredi a irate addition to thee tam stock nistoves, consisting of a variety-of the most sp. proved kinds, among which are, , Forest.. Queen.,. New World: • Star of the.zWeet, • Farmers Utica Coal Western Queen, .Stove, ' Pheonix, Parlor Cook Stove, Paragon, Premiums' of various Cultivator and Atlas, Styles: imaa a good assortment or , • - I '' . Parlor and 'Hall Siorea., . , tJt wood or coal. Box Motes of trartotts irises and Pat: tents. A Wan/islets tbryare ;revised to sell as cheap as can be bought In this market. ' • Montrose; Sept.3o, Ida . , In the _Orphan's Court of Bus ' - quehanna County. • TN TEE ESTATE OP ESECE THATEE, DETD, I\TOTICE is hereby givett to the heirs of said ILI &leek Thayre, decWand to all other per.. roue having any interest in said Estote that a rule has b een granted by said Court fOrshowingcause before said !Awl on the. third Monday of Novem ber nest, at 10 o'clock 4. - 111., at the Cam House 'in - Montrose, why the real estiie of the decedent should noftio sold under probeediags in partition, had in said court, - as will appear bribe records thereofi at which 'tiros and plods any person or Timone having any cause to show why sail "sole shall itt;t he deemed will , that attend...._- • By the Court.. .1.2% LANGDONiCiIt, s of OlphOu's Court. 39w4 Audite' r's - Notice'. - rrHE subticriber;havintbeen appointed an and JL.; nor to diatribtito the funds arising frost the sate of the Real Estate of ;trillions D.lDennison, would hereby 'give notice to', aft persons interest jed in the distribution of ;midlands, that he will attend to the duties of btii aPpointtnent at his of iu Ilion trose`on Thursday the 21st day of Oc. ;wirer next * at ten O'clock in the (areaway at which time all persons in interest ere Oesind to attend. 1 A.GUAMB,CRLIN, Auditor. 1d52. . ; - 'THE .4DVERTASEMEATT. s . oolliginta Wiatad- - -t7slooo. a - vg - ANTiro Evenr covsTrtig 'ME IMMO BTATES:aetiro and ertteiprlalng men. to (mpg& in, the sale of some of the , be*4 flooka pubffebed Mt; eOntitrY. To men of good adoreea, poeerfelng a Paull& latplta tor from $l:5 to $lOO, yea Inducements be .offered as to enable tbein to mike front $3 to $lO a day. • 112•Tbe book; publlebed -b7 lug oto all useful In Their Oareeter, er4reniely-popnlariand command largeeales trbereier Qui are offered. " • For fartbis portioning, addrees,(postesreliald : ) - DANIELS & GENT& _ • , glieeemora to W. A. roar,* Co, Witt:l/2 North Sto3ndBtrtet,sloladelphls.. Posilavely 1 11E3 Ithin l'alfgata , persona indebted to the enbeerilier feriae" - 2•1. - seeming In 'the ofce of the Rees:o4'ol% 7 litefend fluke( Orpbnui Court, ere heri)ry in farmed ibit'Llati•ere in the hands of XT. - Lang- Pweent.lteecirder. 84e.. for•O l olleekion, 'end Wool Paid - O'er before the November t?rrn of Court; nut ensuing', they mill - be pieced in the , a l beinfore a inking of the Pelee kr be Ina. Sp Joijioe, -.-- ARWS leptiNif.; ea. ' • -• ' - JuJgcs !of Supreme Congress Court. C 1 , a I.g EA • o • : • I '5" • • - . - I s, [ 4 ] Whip thus, [f] Independents thus, Et] andyroa Soil thus, rn . . . ST.. JOSEPHS's - COLLEGE,' Stove Furniture.. made of 'the strongest 'and beit thaterials. and al. 1 SUSQUEUAlsilkilt. COUkTY, , P.A 1 t ..... cheap as can i Ire. bough t e y e d is or Broome county • . e rptITS Itatitution I. 'Basted In the most. heoltliful and much better than o ffe re d by pedlars. .. I. JL alai picturesque part of ausquehanna coubty. in r•'Stotre‘pe &- 'riff Ware kept- for ante ,and I ' thd Chocount Valley. . stage leaving Montrose Depot - ' • •e. • on the Lackawanna Railroad and - annnenting ali , b th e made to order. torment will be stniplird with Sew Turk and Erie Railroad at Great Bend, lal a ale.. Pont,, made nfstrong materials; at Wholesale psi. Canoe oral: miles therefrom, panel too 'agitation daily. cee, all orders for work In Ms line will be thank .l The distance between the Depot and the Institution is „ received sixteen miles , one half or which is by. Plank Rosa; it is " HI, and pnactualty attended to. wso equally distant from Bloghamton.on the New - York ' • • : JOHNCOLSTRAN. c. and Ede Railroad, an 1 cunneeted with It for half the Ws- . Great Bind, July 1, 1851 • • tance by a Plank road. • • The regopar course or instruction comprises the En- . ; . . . , . glfah, French, Latta and .Greek Languages, ineludkg - f. Great. -,l3en . instm% Geography, laathecoattes. Logic, Rhetoric, Ns • - enrol and Moral Philosophy and Chemistry.. Care will -VA - RIE. T Y STO R E . • ho taken to adopt the coarse of instruction to tbo Dame parsaieor profession of the i Thle way, Ladles nniiGpptlernetiti , The collegiate year begius on the first Monday of Sep. . , , 1 tember, and *pas on the 15th of July. - • Pilaf; rubscribt4 would invite his friends , to call . .„ • • TERMS. , _I: et his neWatora .iir Great Bend, threctii tip . The annual pension for Boa r d and Tuition, Mahler half posit! the "Utak liaise," end ego:nine • his Mock yearly In advance, la , • s l °° of goods, feeling assured that they will not go The modern Langusres, German, Spanish and Hs u - au away' dissatisfied. , lan, will form an extra enamel, earn per annues,l ..•• B oo k s ; stationery, .and.3leateal attendance, will lin would first call the attention of the L a d ie s ' form extra charge*: to his great variety o(' •. • ‘. . Wishing and mending will farm en extra charge, ' . . - - per annum. - .• • •I' $ 3 '•' • ' • Dif,a...,5 Ty'DD43 7 ,..., • - I, Is oJtional with the student to funish himself with bed and bedding. lf fornisbed by tbe inftir conlisling of embroidered audeiuted Lawns • ; De- ration it will Pun au %atm charge, per ancum IR 1- lames of - slntest every, variety ,and style that the.] Dey tebolaro for six mouths - - semi annual Hailettos wil l be sera to permits orgua r . • the New York market affords;_ black and colorr:d I Wens Infonning them of the beaten, progress and til•porl. • Silks; Prints, Gan:hems. &c. dic, "A iplendia meat o. their children or wards. ' : • Those who may desire to have their tad and bedding lot of Shawls, handkerchiefs, Table 'Covers, no. •- furnished by tie. Dinitulan, are requested to send pro- aiery and pim....... Straw and Millinery epode,. nous a otiee of the fact to either of the undersi gn ed ' . , AND, Broadcloth', Caisititerie, &whirl's, Wit . Those who Intend tombs; bY the way or looThorotott :, logs, and every material- for boys and men's tilo sre requested to give previous notice of their outpost., ~„•,,,. hat alai may be man yed to the flollege without Orlin'. ''''''' 4. . . ter All communiestiors, 3e., for the College Should , .1. Hats, Caps Boots and Shoos. , I be addressed, St. Joseph:* Pon °Mee, fin:quetianan eoutitf, Pe. j • ,, •'1 - • Trunks, Valices„ Carpel Begs, Car peting, Sheet.; • ' IOW; -10IIVV:O'REILLEY. Preridett. , Ingo; -Goole 'keeping' articles of '• all kinda,:Groce , BET. HENRY rfTZSIMMONS, Vice-President: ll • and sin short ev rie.<lrun &v. - etc.; - - •I 1 1 11111eressee" , .--Caleli Commit, Esq., Cbdeobnt; Ya n kee Nottons. ImrNon. G. A - . GPM, Glenwood; lion. DOVilmot,D..l. srythingalrenton lords for comfort and luxury. anl. Eel.; O. I'. Bard. Towanda. • STmoi. ' - friTlease can and catmint*. : •' • , . I . C. D.1.4.171UCP /c Co. . '• '• ••- - ' HENRY LANGLEY. • . . New Milford Stove Depot' • • Great Bend. Inly 15,1852 . ; ; -. • - - -etn6 :" •-• ' 1852 .,, -, •;- . ..... .- ..- . - IT 'BUItRiTT - - _l' ,• - - MOUNT: PROSF.TCT: .. , .. AS just , r eceived a new and large assortment ' 1 IVITEII CUBE IXD INNTITUTE , i, . i .. - of Cooking, Parlor-and shop - Moroi, for. • ood or coal, which. ineonnection with his pnivi; ' • - BING.11:131TON, V. Y. ' ' ius snick. will make his assortinent unusually - Irms iiiatiiiition is located in U beautiful and umplete, in the most popolor.and improved kinds 1 - romantic grove at the lingo of Mount Pros t Afr-tighi, Elevated Oven . ; premium and late pret, and Within the corporutifin . of the rang,. stores, Stove . Pipe. Sheet Iron, Zinc; StoveTittws possessed of au ahunduntsapply 0P /invest soft &e., which he will sell at the lowest price for . - water . udVantages for exercise le the pure air, a cash or approved credit... •-, - + carnage Land toot calk; op - th'e' mountain. over. Anutt,' ken. .. - _. - - - looking a scenery .ua su rpaiertgr- iii' b e auty and — .7 .-- .--7 - --,- -.4.---,-,---------,......_____ grandeur. and **free from the nois and turmoil of PAY :YOUR: DUES! -- • I s _ busy life." with excellent sailingOnd reetlogprivi- The 'Notes and Accounts of the late. firm of D. . loges on. the pleasant waters of the Chenatmo.--, hetet & Co. in the . Wool' Carding and OlOth These are a few. of the presentation the "Cure" /relying busbies's, must be paid iinutediatsly!and offer s _ Tile hoot, is D., and „ nm i o di o ,,,,_b athior vithout farther notice : . + ' L p ' ' .'' to the invalid. . - . i • - - , ~ „ - - apparatus excellent—well ventilitted, with: 21fil The subscribers give - this notice, that all ho r et i „. ii. „ • , • , • 1,- ---, •• lave -unsettled accounts with then may save'. D. SIBLEY. .i, 'l 'l'ffti Medical department is Under the entire bejilleivesccislik ' .- - IL 'Slillil::Y. r ' cor eo r D 'TI *yr owl wife.. who hair° hod largo P. CARPENTER.- estwrenc r e . :in i lly;ropatilie pmciice, - Mid ovefis. aa t - vorehly kpowo Its sitecessfutyMptitioners.; , • ' - : 77r . .0013,1'01-0( Lectures, with lull los mot inns , . .• I'iNGLI SO OUSTING WA TCHES---i no- '. the Students and Putietie, Upon A iitially. Physi. ;/- English p a te n t . . Layer Watches, , limiting ,„; tuitions. vrili be - given thningtiont Abe seusow+ to .I+l subscriber his this day reeuived autithee lot._ ° lo gy :Hydiuputlitaint Hygiene; flie which there +, witting, for sate very tow . . .Auritso:. Beane. - . F emales ' who inure been confined tWtheir I+Cdti I - Diughatototi, - loly P. -' • • '2 Odd Fellows' Hall. i will no no additional charge.: ' :1. .• • - .., ~- .. , 91' . ledrill,Otniiiiite'd 10 - oTriiitand - with or .0..... -... i.; ---- 77:77 - f - 7 'give os ..scan, Oar success in the treatment of :'• . ' Fall 7x 1141,1130/4 ' ~..r ' ' t , di sease ,- peewit:4o females, hus•gisen us ronfi. . 1 ILK KAT!s tafibeiitykYiest fesehrtd4 . dence; ll .Md -it'. ssY b" eft anshi - eSeti if - theY. l lmys ~. . 001- FULLEIL'' .. i 4 ii.trited- much• many ' physicians."- make iaintrose. se*cmtme-t'/ 85 2- - 1 ' -.-- ' 'l . . -- as. more viol r-. .-_- , - .. . - - .....' - - • - • - " • •--. - - (10 1 'n' 44 to El r - weft*: (Peri ll " 1 M. ' . -Beop ' Pelts .'-. F , , 1 - - ~.; weekly. ); according tti'Fbom.untl Attention n+ quit ANTED for tradv4 on stemma tor oteb guid: . Patients Will Mov ide for personal use 2 cont. S 11_ _ . ' -by •--‘ •-. ,-•• ' • ~ --1 ' - - - ...111.c. Trx.1 , 4, : : ..:: fortablea - , 2Adankets. 3 Mien or eintsn sheets and Montrose ; Aug.- . -- .... -:: .-- -': -1. -, . - - -. . 1 - . • .- 6 iewele,;',_'', ;..•, ''o V. TONYKR. At mr• . ..--- •-, .• . •- ... - - - . .- ... -' '2. - . Residini Physician: )1•101,,p .20ALSi-iottie:entiralyrstew 'patterns. • rl9lf, .-:11, t0i , ,,,1n 11. M. ItANNEY, Prop rietors I•lbiti day received' bY l ' - • ''. '-' .1 -- - - L . • ..,-. - •, —•— - - - Binghamton. Jot). 20: - ,, -, 1 •A. J.= EVAN..:' ._., .. . .... „ . . .. n:arford. Aug. , 18, 1852. URN and •WART. CORE4-or. Ramo', NEAEI, - -;.4 nip's; ,of that nhoj a . 6 04 Cr 'Cortland Wart gliair. that will remove - IAI 1.. -- .jost..aeceived—Fair at 34. and .first rate at 4. Itindainf.Corae;.W.Art! Oi-/ifotrit, i Three . d • e DENTIN:Bc READ. daya,— price 4o nenta. - _ , AstarDr.:ll36aaett's.T.noti t Acker #allap , that _nrfil. inn: tooth nth in five 044 liit ip rie i t'23 : o 4 l,4ol .ll l k4t . :2- 2 ..:. 5. ..1 . '' ALtp: tx..? •1- . - • for neap Pelts. bit C. D. ' Representativei. 5. 1 . * 30 32 105 15 83 44 110 73 18 37 2208 2082 1609.1669 2470 1349 599 413 Canal tronimisioner. Disiot County Awl - : " • Atey. Cdrn r. itnr ;Cr' .3 0:. 4 11 . : SO - 23 81 29. 117 iB4 177' 77 111 32 62 - 19 118 '55 - 96'49 21 20. 62 40 16 ;.::13' • 66 44 62 '1 , 7 . 108 es 124 42 158. _Bo'- 60':29- 106 - 47 77 32 62 15 182 83 - 15 74 28 62 87 188 60 / 00 ' 4l 8 2 30 64 105 64,14. , 22 22 83 34 87 ' 90 108;:'114 91 111 38 88 5'6 •56 74 '7O 28 28 39 , 45 17 IT 47 : 64 81 82 88 81 ,105 105 .82 31 30 57 55 44 46 18 20 16 21 23. 23 41 - 41 106 II& 48 48 79 77 31 31 06 120 13 13 z s • e 36 36 34 , 33 140 la 177 173 116 113 62 59 118 110 115 97 21 21 ' 67 70 •15 .16 ..68 65 62 106 109 124 - 120 170. 103 -52 , 47 105! 108 82 79 73 .70 188183 84 84 81.... 80 .96 - .51 11'3 - 122 113 IIO 85; ' '5O 109 63, 66 64 75'_2440 2685 2510 2440: ,2685 , 1 2519 NEW - GOODS.: FOR -THE STINKER'S TRADE. - - I)ENTLr 4•RE.%D.;have. - just receire:d 41 —I large addition to their cornier stock of lipids consisting of Dry Gooils of almoit every Lien: Grocerier. 'Creakily, Hardware; Drage, Medicines. Paiute, Oils and Dyestuffs • - Boma - Shoes and Leather, Stone and Tin were kVathes jewelry. Silver Spoon", Perfumery' and in fact the greatest variety - .ilia* 'Can- be - found in 'any Store in the county —all or which .. tve are prefUired to sell fur cash Produce or on approved creditaat err low mark as" any 'of oar neighbors. Our nicht°, is `soli the same aieVer—”Not to he eileriald7 READ._ •. . •- • DRESS-60 = WE are rCaciving , tr Ii rgis stipply..Of Dien Goods, embracing ti great variety of kinds, Stud of beautiful styles, and paitetrus. and the foi l kind, of eomtv; viz: Nona. Delatirs.Per., rage,do.: Lariat; fplain,striped and plaid.)Cham brava, Engltsh, French and Domestic Prints, esc. AEC.„' Most of which'ihay olrur conliderably lOwet , than early opting' pi ices. ' Gibson, Joao 12,1822 - r.... 2.. , .. . - PRINT4. 4 i . PItINTS,' PRINTS.', -. , PRE largest stock and greatest vailety of hand l. • some styles MO patterns ever offered in this taarket;'whieh we ' offer . isiextietnely loar 'prices, including a large lot of Isindsonie Frinhii for dress , es nt fi, penes a yard. .attaione,lunel2,lBs,Z „ Dissolution. • ~; VOTICE.iii hereby : givemthat the firm of Pitts 1.11 St, Warner is this doiy'dips;lied : by mutual consent. Those indelnid to the firm , ate rives. tell to outdo up without delay. - •• - • -, ,:•- • • PAUL It. PITTS. - • .11/oaticiii April I 1852. WARNER.- • -'• WANTED • 10ri-pounds wool, uncr3,oofi'doltara in 4 OU n V Co oti-4ttini; ara ,;!p inter, - fri th . ero;•rocir, mid lioestvax an accounts or fur trade.: - Montrose,jutle - 16.:M C TYLIRR • • BONNETS; 'BONNETS: ,t•SEW elipply.- or- thnse silk:Tinny B.lrncr, and French GoCanmerj a nce. !Janney, Lind . Rich .Ribbons and' Flownrn, g(enly. reducer! trotn.npring • - 31"EW.._GOODS LT 1 WEBB iii 129 W, receiving,his spring and surniner. sto4 St GOods, lie affair cheap. for.crieh. • • 'Montrose, April 13,1852. (16/ d 11**414r,..013h. OF:tor TR fmy;" w n impartentom oalg, Fi X"A by , ` fi ALFRED J. 4" V ANS':-T- .-- . . 110, REA STP I NS—TI4 ilia doz. flpis to t i t i s to no , dome entirely aim inttOnup t leoed tbie daY by Pinr,heurilantqlug.2B,. , - :". , :EVANS4 • , 04•1111111611r-= - !',.... 1 9lft .u , 4441.7.112.44:C1utb; • . mod Miita.:l l o4- , 4lPp-euw smutty on'baud: 4' swot Wrogodium 'Thus 10.1404,4444 avrstsupp 7 flpfol4Lltt. , <. dig di' toot: °.? 4 37 4 1 5"' . :-• , . 2" TICE WONDERS-OP'ANSI-- (TUB: 5 8CEILSITIf cry Golltir T 0 Binghemtori - onviATEDly •r; e i • What halt) magio power tit trace ;z Beauty'. lovely tormAnd • grate,_ - Oith o , plaluesthomeliest facet • •• • • • • Dugueneotypet _ • What ego infaht *miles oneage;i--: • DupticOn middle wage,: . . •. _ Err_ the hoary hairs of a ge ? ' • Dagnorreotypo the Itiaefe eV*. -. • - .Callingforth' Militate sigh. • •••• Though the loved out . be not . nigh,l' • '.' -What gives corrifert to the -heart ; „. • IVheu our dearest . friends depart? 'Tis this wocider4vorhin.* art— , • Ditgiterieritype 1 • This • _ is hallowed feeling'rends • 'And forrribseneezinakes mo , nde,: •• ;Whets we hold woe Mturtslte,d friend'a - : Daguerreotype. :-; • Then why need you longer . stay ; • 'Court.! there's danger indelay; '• - ffave your:pictures dieWn to day., ' . . Aud you'll be prepared tpzsay That there ,Is trod. if not peal?-r, le" thy :above limes; and that at, dn... DAQUEMZEOTYPE 1100/13, OF Etl . . is the place to , get a faithful and pleasing portrait artist takei this opportunity i - ci tender his gratefal acknowledgments to the ;nitrous ably Art—truiting that his efforts to ple.ase, ill the path will ensure itiisuocessin the tutute.„ , • •, To his former facilities he has now added an im. proved Haff.size Canters, by the nid-ef which he is prepared to to take groups, or single pictreo,ii 11 . superior manatee. A: new and brifittirut oariutretplain and fancy caites.:Muttle,. 011.44' Muche, and other splendid styles, rf various sizes and puttetitel, gold 'and &d. , You who burr. beauty 'come and !et me tete it. -You who have none pray come and let me Mahe it. it Odd Fellows' Hail; corner of Turnpike aid C o lieutnut streets. .. Jtinell3. 18.52. • _ Ntere.—A. good Quarter - Camera for sailt at a very low price.- I 1 The artist, when not irt his rooms, May be found by inquiring at the Cuudy Shop. . DRY . GOODS-AND CARPETS riHe autelerihera would Wrenn .the citiirtis"ol ISuaquebanua coualy that they hive aow au baud al .rge assanweat of Dry? Good,, at *bolo-_ sale and OE:alai/In& DEPARTMENT, !: consindnx iu purt , uf broadcloths, cassimvrei, eat. Ifeutucky% jetgur, vestingv. nr.d atume: goods of WI kiuds. , . , ' LADIES' DITAIMMEri?„ • consisting of If huge variety. viz: Blackeillu , fan cy do., satins, ginglinms, rScotelt and American prints of all kinds. smite. at 6 pence per yard of snperior quality of colors rre uted; in. dr brines, euslnnere, poplins, gloves, InisierY of everigrade end quulity—Whi to goods: proven..mid blencli`rd sbrotings. 4-1 wide. heavy quality, at Gd. per yd." rickings. drillibgs, thinnels, Scotch diaper,: birds ' , ye do., napkins, Irish linen, and spreacs; in fact - almost every thing in the dry goods line. Alio, a large lot of - CARPET.I.NO, ' - • Three.ply, ingrains: cotton , and wool, .cotton, druggits..wool !ind_ cotton-9B cloths for Boors and to4les. Welnrite till . eiaiting our place to call and et. amine bar stook, for we feel confident bk sodoing it will be messing - of ten into:Wily percent. Ow motto is quirk sales and ematrprofits.. - .S:ore nearly opposite -the PonotTiee. Bingham. ton. N. Y- BENNW. April 7, 1852. • - . . has The anbseribei a just . received a; arge stock & excellent aisurttnent of : Men's and lops' = READY WIDE TigaiD7lll:lS% or latest styles and sniteil, to the season. Also—E'ashitinable'Silk Hats. (licebes raring .tyke,) Koasuth Hato. LeghOrn, e'traie 'and Palm Leaf flats, Calis, Shirts, Stockings, Gloves,' Sus. `' penders, Cravats. Boot/ end Shoes,. Books, Wrap. ping , and . Writink Paper. Travelling Baga,:-Wall Paper, Os good stock.) Curtain Paper, and Fancy articles too numerous to 'specify—all:or any of which I will sill as lciiv na the like eau Int bought in '.Binghamton". or any. other town. f:1 • - • : • OE9. FULLER tlnntroie, APkirlio 1852: IrefLflo3VB x CO ► A ' Di 10,1300 'dot' wo'olon Slifka in ea • change, far Goctle 1/13ELinr* "4134 *tool riuP July 12 - CRY: GOODS o riiitroito DEPOIri. m ti4BUR,RITT'a amity be fOrind • 'an siva, i atid now assortratzt. of 1241. i ekid , ing io,rea!: variety . aeds - . 11adidit:D reSS_SiOilit ta - rinti Pints, Prita‘d . a 44 Laibroideretl Larrn , ..;' entea - ridh Berate .Delailisi,4nitated.- - fifingheitia six's* i§flos; i"; and .fattay 4.; Caiiten Crepe, 'e„„ I . Cashmere .mid Bartle ;Lek's* Sllk Monti! . • Parasolsit:aiii andlottiradSeitieStialins, Stsb, French, ear end ahlrlionnstaiAreelee Ribbons epil - FlOwers.' GENTLEMEN- AND BOYS . DRESS -is%) fI- SUMMER:OOOIM lerflii, issortmont.i.HetthiCapa.l3oo.- andßhot .Trialts slices , florpet Drip: Surpenpg. Cloths !for' floors and tablei,-setinielf . end 'print, :1. Allrindok,').Shadeos- Phpor,-Domestbi Vsktiel of, all Willis, etc.sto... which; ip_oonileatioit u. nuiveriaL I ossortnient ha other,:depertrnekts. t goods; et 4being purahased , entirety . for 'tisk; kir I enable parchasens to secure benefit' liipriairisire. end tarps! not to be found in aniotheiSslebilsh -14- ilia staiiii-'go;zroniiiiiiii*, f4i hand. ~ I -• • = •-= ' ' Wow'. 41.1-15.1852-:: . . Fes;;ati Mill • .11 r Lots foi.' rpnE qutiserther(l6iis t r • valutibie properties, to Wit ;' ice Stirni In tenvinthip!Of Harland containing staniel.styanft.. - about thlity-Of ivOlabis improved.. touee, took oiChard, Arc.. thereon. Said rainy lien nee `di , * and a half from the vfEarfont,-ent 'route of.tho - 31ontrose and Burford It is a benniifttl rind deli:able loesttlost,- Well Via. • tered • -. 2 - .Also coin other farm: lying On'tfill'Estiftioil Tnrupiker four • miles from Lantsboro ' : N.Y. null Erie RAiiirod, contniaiug ebout Eighty nerve, twenty or'rriorci of which is iniproved; wit a' house..bairt, orchard. &Le; This: is a • isiaidi:* pmes of laud from Its locettankbeing welltitubm. 4 and watered. `Also several Buildiallois at tho'vlilage ofSub quehannajou the New York'Sr. - Eria This be ode of the,most • thriving locatioui in cov r ay, Wing the seat of the RallEoad I Shape dtai It contains now elicit' 231:11 halal tants, and its buaiut.e, facilltieerare 11,1141111ted.'ta connection with the obove lots, are four of the b...z. : mill.seais in the county. beinz immediately. on the Susquehanna river, with sufficient-power for ar purpose ofmanufcturing dr.c. The most insrpassiilz inducements' are hold the above locatitor-. foe capitirliste, wbo wish to embark in The buidn. r . ofruanufaaturing,tenuing,flOwerin g aud lumberis i . Tito Rail Road affords fill most COMMOdIOIII 111./ 4 ready tranapottion foreverythingfu the above lit The abrive property, 'in whole or mart, t l a sold on terms the most- pdvantageous to pisrch'of • ere. 1 win give. great bargains: pc' mcmisier • lions will be promptlyauswered [roma. diettint'av - rind all enquires attended to prornptlY. . 11. SEDATE GRISIOOLD, Susq, - pepot. Pa.. June 1.1652.' : 23 tf. TO: EVERYBODY,:GREETING eims, pork & Co. TIO , present Prdprietors of tbs. ; • BAKERY AND CANDY: SHOP , lAJOULD call attentrop to the fact that the y Y . o:Cil,tiow carrying on business at the steal lately ccciapied by Stevens & Dunmore. . • - They - belie secured the services of good work men, whorie . ability • and es,,perience! will eitatl k . them io pOduce article, In . :heir IWO of a sapirrice quality. ! . It will be the constant efforts of the proprietois to make arnPle provision- for Ilia: wants of the- r customers, laud, as far as may % poiver. 'will elideeepr that their iuterccurso with snob shall be both sweat and pleasant. • . _ :%Vhiltt . sod Brown Bread; Rolls and Beak, free.' every Tuesiday & Friday afternoon ; also, Creek - eta;Calins and Pies always on band.l . • • • , Fruit Drops—a new article. posiesaing Mega. vor, diqrent" kinds of Gait•—Very-pieasant rove of. L i • •, t Flour, by the barrel ors:telt, at the!dwest mat - ket price. Also,bagais, Molasses. and Most kinds of Groceries; on the most reasonable arms.' • • Great andintall,oue and all, give tis a call& li. A.I).&ANS. ;• !. • IL W. I . PARK. A •I 1' ' quantity at seasoned Pine Lumber for sale. DDAN,S, PA6K dc KIRK: • DISSOLTITO . • - • The co-pekoe:ship henlofore, uncles the' firth. of pane. Pork & to her.. 47 dispolvird. Thesubsorifrs will coutioue to carry kink' ood.Ceedy business , undei the bathe end Ktui of Peaus, fiuk'&.• Kirk.. Ili DEANS. ' . , H. W. PARK,. _ Ahg.l9, 1654 . J . .1. L. KIRK; • 8000 OF .PAPErtiIIANG., I. INCS. r VirtfirtAClNGii gr e n t earletyof be,aotifal pat. LI - tem . *. wlr4et we offer's! lowrruirrieir 'hiv es*, heard of-;before- these'parto.J iHatuhrozirr. Wall Papera 9, to . 10 cents a roll.: .Also. a larg* lot of P.hifaileipkiii Paper. beautifut patterns roodl superior quality. We wilt make it fcli. the hits. reel or oti..otiphog to - paper'dwelfhigt,idd . ot no*. to parchase froin our III:41 . ‘" • ' • • : u.ntizeitots:a co. Gibson; June • •. 2s t • , - • THE - L.IGHTIirDIG. LliirE flarber ond Hair presser; re- Va turns his thanks - to his 'numerOns friinda and patrons ;,,aisd buying, as he hopes.itonvinced ell Or the great'. danger and risk of milting their throatis by shaving themitelves; he, bt;gri that they will discoutinnif that 6drher-ous practiCe, and en courage home industry, sby calling on him for. 111. shave.„ ca. _Ctoc4eteet 'uncle was saki to , be- to smart that he iropird himself with *heel teghtniik. and C. Tillman *ill perform the tame feat on - any issho'pretir thatjlto a good 'rlzor; if they will till bis shop in. 4earla's Hotel basement:. If. yea don't billevait; call and see. lifiustrose, MAY, 6, iB5 7 'a.Tltl/1.01,N,• " Mont .:To. LOAD I F oily getitleiterit wawa to borrow-IUOO oflara , at five per 'crOt.','hi cannotltoriow)t subscriber, but Ontlemen can save wore thaw-25-, per, cent. iu their clothing -expellees by iitettibe, their,iarnoWts Wade at ray shop. • H Twee in line habit of braggiwi; I ciatil&poiut•to my !work 'ai the best. assuracee of , roy , skill the- art, bat - a. discrimivatiug: wad t asiccriqublie knots; where to gotti.rt • ` Goals as pa Coatif • - net usentiou : titntutionebtes. reale; jackets. 114 ° 11 K ituloutek iciatees, ad iofinitum. :! : _ , • .. - 11-TGeniterned will Faeroe to take notlee.thiii hire renieved -114•011iy Recipes kilacki - ott Mn,,, street, first 'wary. - r .I•o.7Puttingdrittir as octal. • •. • , - , —ll GROVES— Sliintrose June 0;11352: I • v.Burtitoiis k CO. , „_-----, -, - . ! J ... , .„ ... .. , Shawl&Divot Goods Eniliortom. . , ._ . 1...1 . itufttliTt .1000314 cell the attentive if iin • etee. -Lk' new. : eed - eptreahl 'tut* 4.l.irttise Lairs and ' SilllarlißhatehiA Zateiits hrs•Pl Goals: sad Pei , Ribbon+ ortkeir =style ehleb , in eespeetion: uttbt mg. ankoffment or Staple and ream Dry Cineate s GTO, eetit• Crack,* llttiilware. Scorer; Det ll o^bre. Hal -11e4 Cape eta, wilt be field as tome SW VW ,efelitert4 veltbeetie tbeteoek Oat Ire listeractio!k audgl7l4 WWI.. Nev 4.11/fordi 8ePPi 1832 ..:- :, : - :. Y —. ,-.::. , ..: e 0r . ..1=110' w w;ororicitiit it lorsitiiiipply of Ns* Good+. 'ASlT,:stctek 'more - complettt than Ovrri o nti•Wi' Invite - Ain 4 1 amigat4 6 11 pity all wittiiiiit 10 ' I 11. BURROWS*. CO 1% 1 ,162. n! - • - - 1 " LOTa u QUMAIV.R 1 - 7 mei "ti otr t% foit Igild4Pawor• add "io . j 111 A usirre,4le.Nva QS T,X4OriNA-44, riLOCKS ot . ievert 40 . 6 1 1i4 .*:11, 1 4 ;agl • - 4 6 ,1 lauMs10 - o(olahtiit b, 4 . ItAghlitOPP. " ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers