THE DEMC4CR/T- ECONTROSIE. AUGUST, 8,11852: . saineehialientito - tha itbla While the iegt!lete, l : o ,- - - 0 f ; 4 1 ,!raenTi: was in session, kfUWYciarS,4o,,a greeti„fell'eni - from the et:nifty came - - ta. 'Jefferson tw. seilsopte chickens._ Ifet-badAmit tWo'dcitea w .!nil of which he had tied by the legit to String; And: thts being disided eqttally,Aind thrown !actonte IMMe'orihis elieuldtr fettped his stiodo of conveysace, leaving r thafOrr fa , with their' heads banging down, - with' little ol'so of :them /risible except Oak. legs,'and a pretillsivatts. pile"! out-stretched wings and rallied feathers: A_ t' tense_Veral ineffectual efforts. to,dispose hi* load, a wadi to whops he had made an otter of wde, told has that he did not want Chickens buttlutt perhaps htilConld ✓Steil ;them; at that largo stoup house over-thetas eittA Ital;),that there !as- a inarCoV,er there bnying on;spi.culatioa far OM St. Louis market; and, tux deubt,,he could find ti read'y sate. ,r• r. deliglitad`CollTSstarted, when'ldi innirmer stopped hire. ' P Look here, "mit ha when ybn get over . there, go up,stturs, and then !urn to the The loin stops id, thaf. 3 irgo room, and is now. . , engaged with a number of fellows buying shickens. If a at the i dom should step_ you don't mind.hitn. He has . got .oliktMeits himself for salei and tries to proventotber pap fromnselling theirs. ' EiAlowing thfa directiOtin,' our friend soon found himself at the door of resentitircs. To opereit and enter :Was. Om work of amenW. rTaking from his skonldir Vie stria; of chickens, and 'giving them a shake, to freshen them, he commenced his journey crirds the Speaker's chair,; the fewls,L' in tke meantime; loudly expressing, 'from thU half termed crow to the Mush gaark, preeence, and their.sense of bodily pail .; snYt- air,'- Hero 'ho had advanced about half down the alsle, li,ltenheiiree'seiz edby Major . .Taekion, the ;doorkeepei, who h ippened to - be returning •Ifrom the. Plerh's desk. - , = the devil ere fon doing here With the r f,ac dickens; get out, air; get nut; whispefed the gfuoikeeer.. • !,No you don't thou*, you cant coMe that game over me.' 'You're gotlehiekeris yoarsOt: f. sale, get out yotuselkand lot the sell I any, sir, (in• a louder„, the .Speaker) are you buying chickens, here to 44! Tic got some prime ones here.' , - • 1: And ho held up his string and . sh:C - ok his fowls untill their tattsie mat , le the Walls echo. '-Let mo go, sir. (to - .the deorkeeper,)!let me go, I say. Fine large chicken! (to theSpeak or), only six bits a dozen." - • • ' Where's the Sergeant-at-Arra:lr iollred the Speaker—,-.4 take that - man out.' 'Now dotit, will you, 1 ain't hiird tjj _trnde . with. 'You :let mo go (toi the doorkeeperj . youv'e sold your chickens, now let ros' i hare a ,Banco:say, sir (to the peaker, it:l4l loud er tone), are you buying chickens 'Go ahead, at him again, that's right; whis pered some of the Opposition members, who e:Juldicommand gravity. enOughlo ' at lava again' He'll buy them) 'llO only wants' you to take less—at him a,gain.'l; - „I - 'lsm? sir (in a loader toile, to the Speaker) _ • suss your pictures, let me go fair play—two men to one ain't falr, (to the Speaker and Ser= geant-at-Arms,) let me go I sai sir, you up there (to . the Speaker ) ) you can , bast lent (or ail, hits—won't take a tent less. Take-'em home .sad tat 'em myself hero!! I'll take • = . --4- Drat your hides, don't shovi, so hard, wall you, .Inult hurt Iberia chickens, and they have, had a travrt of,.anyhow. I say, .you sir, ! - Ilere th'e voice was lostlik the closing:of the door. An - adjournment was mcived and carried and the members, almest frantic. with mirth, rushed out to find our friend in high,alterea lion with the doorkeeper shout the triesteneis : of selling his own chickenkand letting nobody olse sell theirs, adding, ',that if he could just see that man up there by; himself, he'd he :bound they could . make a ; trade, mid that no man conideffOrd to raise chickens forieSithinn r:is bits' . * ••• The members, hought;his fowls -by:a Posy purse, and our friend left the Capitoli - saying; vibe went down the' - Well, Wale . the &mast roughest place for Felling chickens that ever I tame acioes, irci;e:t 7 Spiiii of the„tinies.i _ , Arffersois - City Mo. Health Itu;linuiee• A thin, cadaverous looking Gentian, snout My years of age. entered the office of a beaith, insurance bompany, in 1104% a few days ago and,. inquired= `: - N !eh de man :la sat icOurea_de people's tells r - - The agent szswered, attend to that bus -;" Different.~'prices:answered Ithe agent, '.from. three to ten dallarsla year. Pey ten dollars a.yearsind yen get.',ten dollarta. week in case orsiekness." iald . liyahaer, I 'auto ten dollar The agent inquireti his grate of Ilealth , Veil, I ish sick the time. I shiest out to bed two, tree hours a tai, ant-to doetor says he can't do nothing moregoo for me , " IE that's the state ofyonr health," returnld the igent, "we can't insursi,it. We , only elite persons who are in goOd - health." - "- At this 313iigeer brititleks up iri great • " You roust link Yoe a lan fool. Vat you Oink I. , come you belto:eu'irosicell . ." . • - Smile Ind' devote theil!selves so ezeittsively to their bilisoeo, t, to siniost entirely neglect Iheir•aqueoeso-s o6ll relationP• . A gentle. lean of this elan' keying .failed, wa s asked . • what ho intensiodto do. ~1 Tam going home: lie eitid qo gel seqxuditid.l?"o toy. wife- • 411,41 ihildren r _ ..... i•.-. , ..- . ~-, : '.Tossris, it. is Gild, used to Hie fa: ansir At. tic, 144 was also a good drills drinker; so that hid -e yries:dim:um to be called the iitatrictp I Acariespondent of thilsiadiagn,lid., Criur- Tier, his been making ipilgtiMage. tit the rtillts of what wa.sibilstrong hold Of thi diitterDay Saintet—in the time - when Joe Smith was the Prophet. Wo extrdct the folloilngfrai, interesting letter: Thelcity of the Mormons once had 10,000 - inhabitants ; therenre now hut .1',000.. half Ofi the ho uses. the Voimons left Ono lieen remoVed or 'pipit don n, ' imit the half are tenantless. tech lot . Contains; an acre. Ia walking thrOugh deicried streets I. star ted several quails, in the midst of the once pop ulous The mansion of Joe Smith is kept by his wife, once hiiwidow,:but . now, apiin a wife, of Anothir and 'a 11VOMin, - -ao . a ,takern. Between this mansion and the river arc the re mains of a janioushotel, which , was nbandOned after its walla .:find „reached . a -story. Thu walls are' or gne ; pressed brick, ; with mai•ble idoorsills and Joe's store . I:Alio:la Stan ding. 'The Mishaic INI is ; line, brick 'bal.. _ding, three !Aerial" high. : ,I -am :a mid thht .all the Elormens ivere Masons: Tligrledge 'Was under trio jurisdiction ot the'Grancl Lodge of the State of Illinois. - Smith, I on told,,initia tedriorneof 'inoliteM in the churclt,' When the charter was taken from them and the lodge comriapy of trench SochdiSts Toni purchased a podion of fink. property—the site and the ruins ofitha temple includcri.;' • - • Love eisp .I.EALOttsy—A zmcs. , ;—A rich scene took Plac,e in a dwehing on washing, ton street, Roxbury, in Tuesday- afternoon. It appeare that o respectable citiimi -of, that eitY . Went to,Califernia, not !env in,g behind, him a Wife, about flirty. seas old, the mother ot . eight children. The-good lady has been visitedlotten,..and very' (1.6'461 - sine° he! liusbands'departUre, by it ,geritternan of about fifty, a ‘ protision dealer:in the - ncigh:' borhood, and Withal - a InW:tand - and' father.--, ' His•frequent ca its to: the California .widow excited-the suspicion Ofitis " betterhalf," tvho . •. • stiddenly .became•tormented With the '"green . stied monster ' jealOutiy. .' She watebed gently his every! step, detorinined-to: hear with her own cars his Vows of hereto another, and witnessing-with' her _oWn ... eyes Tuesday" last Was :the Sal husband Made .on of Ids; .acCustented: calk upon the veld hunter's- wire. • He Was - ushered into the parlor. Soinelift6eri minutes Cl4).sed, suddenly the:doer liurst,ipen,,and.tei. pros ! ion dealer's Wife .stood before-the false-pair.— . We will atterept to describe the,Sceno; " The injured wife seized the false ono of tier sex by ' the hair of her head and 'dragged her from the, • sofa, tore her clothes int string,Said all' mart ner,of noughts , Words to her, and then turn, ing upon her husband,- pulled the hair from his head,,stratched his face, blacked: both. his eyes and frightened him so that the ; poer old man has not been seen nor hoard o fin Roxbury since. The whole, matter May yet result in a legal • prosecution until • thdn we suppresS the narues'of the 'parties.—Rditoo Heral(l . l7lli ult. Cunt roa rna DeAr AND DUMB-A Dr. DaudtloCque annuounces that ho has cliseover-, . ed the means of communicating to all persons born deaf and dumb the power of hearing, by a treatment without operation; add Iwo or three years I:iter;orctiobling Own to reilly, so thatthey,can reeelio an oral education. He considers the great.ditEculty conquered when once the patient hears—ea a great 'prone - Ilion of those who appear to be, born deaf - and dumb are only born deaf; the dumbness is the nate: ral cthisrequence,of theirinability to hear dn• er.persti,ns spealt; and theocratic' words and sen tences AIIECDOTE:•-A friend tells the followini , anecdote, which we pronounce deciedly good. 0?le of ourstockeepers of this place, a few days since. purchased of an . Irish woman, a : gentlitity of butter; the lumps of which, inten ded for the pounds, 'he weighed in the balance and found Wanting.' Sure'it's your Ownlaidt if they are lig,hksaid Biddy, in reply, to the complaint of the buyer, it's yer own, fault, Mr —fdt wasn'tit n'pOond esoap I bought here' meself, that I had in the oter end of - the scales whn I weighed 'cm ? The storekeeper had :nothing more to SA y on the sn jee TUE Yo.l7SG,—Childhood is like i mirror, catehinzitid tainting images al Laround it. Rememlier,that4 profane or...vnlgar , thought may , operate upOn nyoung.heart like. it less spray of water thrown upon polished steel staining it _With rust that no niter 'efforts urn Wan.. I . - , Tar..,F" 110 t THE _ND. . u c - man defines this'terrn, As. being 'girls whom ye 4 have to hug twice to Tonle a complete circle - of their waists._- Let, those girls get hold or the 'caltun - elator.-jrndi theyll - make him'one Of the-‘lean kind?-- '• _ . ..ttittat i VaTi. PCiLIKEE'D EVERS; :'IIII:7IISP.iY .111:1111illiy; •, • • 313. r& Ei , IL - ."Chase v , EDZ Oz&SAr D PlLOPilik.l-011.5., . . TEARDTS: - .; f- . , One debit and fifty centsper rantitim posh In advance, or two dollars if not paid until the end of the past, or Gale of subscription. No paper bo discontinued until ell arreareges are paid, except. at the option of the Publisher, AU COMMUDIC4IIOIIII2IIIUSt he post paid to receiveattention. All letters connected with the office should tit:directed toil B. & ClllBl4 Montrose. Protinehanna county, Pa. . . . . , - . ' VERTISING. .- One squa r e ( 12 thief or lesi) tirce lairrtioor. e 2 00 ', Estifintwepoont Inecrtioa, •-•- • -'-- 2:, One mains three soinaths, -_ - ' . ... • . r - ' 2 ,e Onsericutre mix tiontbs, . - ~ _ 4'w ItwilniEs Cirdei tat:Nock or . Irse, .t. ; . . - 3GO Yestri.*aarcitisenteutsinot over Pori ignores;'" - TO9 One oolunia one. year,- ' -,•,' -' -, - - - 50 00 - Xcerlyakirertisernenis len be kostrietsti to. the burl; jaine it 'Well tbeyare engaged. : '-' .-, .. ....,, , ~ ..., . _ Ina ' —•••,..- . -''': - . •' ' L.,. •. - % voila. . c Publichers harlot atitnpo eisortment of Yab Pe Mug trotterisls, are prepared to execute oft kinds of riorralth coolness and.deepetch.. - i -.-- - - husks of every description constantly on hand ce ntssOLIUTION: - JIE eopetnikership] beoltatore esiuGoj< `under ,:the atone firm or A. Lithrep &C0.,.T The books. aud'aceoaula . late Gran' will be eettlO by A.141140;1.: Vile; baeinere will he. beieafter conducted by D. 11. - Latbrap Jamris.Ailey; on I, -:'pay dosed end ehorteeredlt ',rota; cadet the of D.,R.'lietlMP Meatiest/ .4 t.T.A 711 / 1 0 P 45. CO. ifefeli; WM. - - Ott -~~ TIARFO 'HIS UNIVERSITY is located one Mile East _ of the Village of Harford , three miles from' i the Lackewenna t n Railroad, _, . twelve• Miles from the New , 'York & Eria Railroad at Great Band; making it easy of access from every ration of thcieurroded r country. ~ .; - - 1 . ' .. , . This institution!was commenced at its present location:in 'On jear:lB3o, under the management' of pcg:IM*.II,ICITARDSON /OM. locipal,,WlCLAnD ItICHAN6SON, Assistant, and Mrs In T.Ricusansorh . PRECEPTE DS, It IVOR then-ealled FR:ANEMN ACADi3IT, rich name it b o re until its-University! Charter was cibtiiiied., Previous - this however there had school, in !the no place for more than twenty years', ••.,'" -,. - '.: .' -- ' '' - . i , fn the autumn Of 1836 PRESTON RIcTIARDSON, to, whose indefatigalle exert;mis. the Institution owed its eagle', died , and- Rev. . Ward Richardson became Principal , .R F.. Streeter Eel, Assistant, and Miss H. A. Tylef, P.ieceptress. . In 1840 Nathan Leighton took charge fur a short " time, when the Rev : Lyman Richardson the present-President of the UMVersify elected Principal. The qualifications of Mr. Richardson as a -Disciplinarian and teacher are bestevidonced frpm,the ',unexam. .d'success that has.attoncied his ,unwearied (irons. In every eminent and'useful station in life, we find those ,who owe what they to the supenor advantages.and discipline of this institution.: '! ithe Alpha Epsilon and Amphietyon Literary Soeiciirs, connectO with the Urdversity, were organized in the fall of-18.46. These for mental and social improvement, and have quite extensive Lihraries and: Cabinets . -There is also a"similar : society -for young ies, " -, he proud position the Academy had gained"among the. Seminaries of learning in our. Land, and the more: extended advantages wants of tile Community required, induced its friend's to procure a University Charter, ; which was granted in the winter of 184 to 1 a called Harford University. ~, . .• , -,- ~ . - • , ' .'l'he year is divided into threeTorms of thirteen weeks each ; the first Term will commence on, the laSt Wednesday of August ;_ the second Term the first Wednesday of January; the third; Terin will succeed the second without vacation,, and.clole with an Annual Exhibition the first -Wednesday of July. , r ifi Services ofProfessor Monnrry.xy, a native German have been secured" for the future, who will instruct in -the Modern Lan , gu g 0.% and who is well acquainted with, the Ancient Languages. This will afford additional advantages. , he Institution is now.n the charge, 'Rev. LYMAN.RICIIARDSON, President,.Professor of Na tur al Sciences &c. - • „ . ev. EDWARD ALLEN. Professor of Moral Philosophy &a.- ' . - co. WILLARD RICHARDSON A. Al. Profeesor oh AncieriLlanguages .tze. 10BERT MODRITZKY, Professor of "German , French &c.;' with competent FcinaleAssistants. •' ' --- • ' • ' Pr Bch sai . - DRY GOODS - --•:: NE IV .STOCK I.! -CHEAPER THAN ' --' - EVEIt fi ' - --. ' • • •• W. N. o!,llt4tfort s . '' _ • Late of the Firm of 11Tilson & MiliCr, I)Ven i a l 4l ° us c i e u t erenn li a 4 cgu i t t t c y ru f l or til tT, n e l l7llf4 l r i k e l c p i a t t l• ___ _ The subscriber has just • . „ .. r ef c o a n t i n o . In uc rLnet er. ti th e e p i ns t t ri y v en o, r ; en u d tt r , es t p n e g ct r l t ts .o li p y t. s u oLtmt t s b a t„ Asreceved a largo stuck ' Another Scientific Wonder !_- _. .... . . ( i, i , ' , e p re m i c a ,. T d. o ) in wi pri t t i o l s x : I t t i tt o t c t k ; L e w (which e o h t. ta p e r t te g m , ti e t ;ut d o x ra tt ed wat e and I . - - .' 1 - 0 oods, he invites those who wish to purchase Goode St excellent assortment Great :Clime -for Dyspepsia. very low, for cash, to call end examine Ida assortment. ~ . . of, Men's arid .'. Boys' '. Dn. J. s. noutittiux•3 PErsl:ll.l`ll6 TRuF- Dl' The subjoined lila of Goods era prices he believes will II- GUS ra YE ell-all Or 9 4 61,1 7 441.00 JUL/eta_ -• comparefavorebly with that. of any other merchant in ' . READY irii7L cf... 11 Mzir Evica : •:- •-•••••• r O c x viac , aft- f a c Cir ra ctr .i ion l i N er.Baro cr la t ' ls f e Ac llll4 `. “. t h llE St ff_r_e °ll 7 h t_r! -°' fr t j i i:. : 1 ' 1,15 TielnitY ' .1. : ad ' le..l : Dre ' s. Goods. . .. k:-.l' ii , •,..tfr ' -P-PC.- 1 ,-.) ! • ' logiml Chemist, by,L, - S. BOGGIITON,. A.t. Li z! .1-11u .. t . t .. A large assortment of block end eolored Silks, of en styles and suited to the seasen.on s grades and pattems, from 4t. 01..t0 148, per yd... •-l-Fashionablo Silk lists, (Beebe's Dys l ttgpslA, u JAUNDICE. LITIIt COMPLAINT, CON- . .... - ' illo'useline-De Laines,- -• •• ••- ie.) liletzuth Hats Leghorn , fitmW and Palm opring , - PbTf lts i ta 's a fr I,y :triMil . ert . id ' rt:to My for rs..'DIGESTION, STIpATIt es end DIIBILITY, curing nftteNaturo's . own , 2060 yaw, of song , De 1.. .. i., ., or almost eTers ,, ~,,,a , i:i . 1 2 9 1e. e t ml o3 1 . y p lo er t y b a a r t d tae , e, .147,T0rk mnrkel affords, from Sif Hake, Caps; Shirts,„'Stockings Gloves, Sus- math d., by Nature et. 's of i t ' t e r G cl ast ig rte l lt e d i ce- the .. the , Sol , vent_of . t!.: e. Fx 11 ., , , , ,, t v b f e ,,n, Pri ,.. . 1 ; ' ' ' ' ' ''" :Prints and Giii4rha ms -.• •'' mders,l,Cravats. Roots and Shnes, 'Books, Wrap- elNettenwftgotellotr;srelbeattriAteneVuec:itieirde ig and Writing Paper, Travelling Bags, Well ‘ f y i ng :r merviDg, apy 5t t aniaa:1 , 17,, ,,, .. m g ii . ,. .. ,i1;, ,- .4 ---- . : i0,060 . yitrtlst of 3re'rinteek; Dili r.iier, lifaneht:ster. err, ( good sleek ,) Curtain Paper,.and Fancy c.r and . r. a t t e t ze i. ,. ; tl i dls t 11 1 ' i:03 c ; en ARTIFICIAL DIG ES- lloehleo,F.nalish iond other: styles 'of Prints. et Se. oe, rticles .L ou numerous to specify—alt or, - any of n Virg FLUID, precisely like s the natural Gastric Juice in :10c, and Is per yar .L . - One case of: superior clothe and 7 hich I will sell as low AS the like can be bought 1 Its Chemleat pew er i lle im nd t f i l:l:l; 3,!p a CO,..iiii;aileterettracamovprear- z cal . ci t ra_t p,.7 3larff y lc d idt: A a;: , b;-I c i: t W eh Pri ,a C ti e a liit yi la cri -- ai i .. 0 4 (0 0 rr Yard om a. 4 o . f . a "Biu„hamton" or any other town. . • . . fed s u bs:au:elm It. • Bythe aid. of this. prmaration the ..f.r . ,ic it ciat?' Mid 01,aagov o,ingherns, warranted fest colors, GEO. PULLER- ' P• 11" an'[ evils of just ea they.would be by ahtalthy stomach. -ttis doing •60 ~ it1(11 . 1t ge, April 20, 1852. .. • •J J . • A ,q, fDebility ; F.199C92. - r• . MOUrning 'Goods •-•- • - vrondres for dyspeptic", au ng PE 0 •.. t led, Nervous Decline, and Gyspeptic Genitally Gen. nip . Bombazines, Alpaceas,MoludiLustres. BalneP. Can Tii.OIkI.PSON'S • .. . Union. baguorroan Gallory. ' d°usana ' rrnar . - - ' Scientific Evidence. r • HE subscriber continues the Dsguerrtmn ti - nsi - - I'4' '4l I.° be l'n the verge °t. t4e gra". . 1 ness at the rooms of the late firm t/fiThomp- Baron Ltebeg in his The !cient ls ° e c' , " ton Clothe, all wool DoLalnes,:_lik Tissues, Lind all °tit drum, rapist which it ts Nisei, is in the h ghestegree ' ell' er goods used in mourning. ~ • .. „: . . . , .. . ... ociebratetl „ a t e:AL . : l le:treat Che'ra- . ,'ll ye Goods. -...: ;, ..• ~ 1 • •• - , Plain, plaid and el riPed, JaconetMustla, Cambric do., ' plain 'end rit.tted Swiss Stull, Nall:amok and Tarlton ~,. t o Linen Gambit Bird's lie Lleen Linen - Table (loth!, sou .5. isttOlUiP , opposite the : Pnenix Het et, where . i t , , , ,a,,,,-,il,;t......Agyfita , ,, , ,Tp i ,„F p i tire „„ 4 ,.. rf ,-.U. u. NapUt7S, Sciat:t and ntneta otspers, - Ll'oen Sheotinga & Zee., &e au . at surh prices as canna -fall (ogles he will be happy to wait tmon•his ;friends and all : co u.,..mtimrie or the 6tomacb of thetialf,ln which vari- Slit t li e lliffst who may favor him with their patronage: Ladies ens artieles of Wit,: as meat und - L"gs, oat Ito softened, ,eu Ic ‘, fit . , IS, „ to Customers. . ,„ - , i _ acid gentlemen wishing; a fac-simile of. themselves cha0.7.0 ,1 , and d'ct!ted; Put In tt4 , o "F‘V ., """tl " they Shawls. id he in the human ,stomach. . , '•• A . largelot of Brocite, Canton Crape and Casbtnere will find it to their interest to' cull iat Thom *mon', w 05,... call on toe agent Oral sot' a; tlmlifave circular, Shawhi i twentY per Cent. che mcr 'then they were sold P and elegantly arranged i vom p, p o d no., gratio,civing n larg,ti .amount of scientific evidence, sin& task yeari 1 , . • . 4- nu e ono or more of his well-defined and fine toned tar to: the - tabor e, toge th er With report's - of remarkable , ~ ..Handkerchiefs. . . - - - Daguerreotypes. Be loins and ,?rempmber the- caeca from all parts or the United States. . , cu m it .110110/ITON ' S PEPS I N li,noi , Sold by nearly all - Linea.- Itandkergidefs' of:. every grade, front 01 to $4 pl C9—opposite the. Phenix Hotel,. . I . • the dealers la tine. drags and popular ritialicio es through- ,oitch. ,-- , ~,, ... - _ _ - . ", •.. -,, . ` ' - - .lle has on hand also, and ,for sale, a 'few- of out the nulled S totes. ' , lt is' prepared in posn/er hod in ' Tabi e ca r e rs - . ~. .., . e . those suplrior. toned ittetodedne, at the menufac. ' Dui, form, 5 : 4 .in Pre.teriPUTP sinus r ° !!,°'F' ur of rb3.4- - Several dozen 'colored cotton, reistr:d . and.iinen;tuid tnier's prices. Call and examine-',thern for yonr- . ` L 'ottiYA'ri CTRctiLABS rceitis are - tit it:rile:2'one, mit,. ali wool Limboi.tsed Covers, from 4s. tu's4 aPieee, . , , f , selves. . -••---- -, • /o•TLIOMPSON• be obtatned Cif Dr. Boughton or Lin agetatedeinvihlng the aondd tin 3len and Boys.- - - i, pingham toll, June. 1852. - . 3.. ... o whom procereof preparetion, nod 'o : vine trio' anthnrities • .Broad Cl'ilis of crery color. and quality, from 10e. to ; . • upon which the maitris of this new remedy ale based. At EMS; black and fancy Casaimeres, from oto 2.05. i Ken-' . Bin nor a secret etmerly.oo objection eon be ratted mating tacky" Jeans; Tweeds and Satinets, frota 'ffs trd to is; • . • IIIOILNT .PROSPECT• .; -- - lto use by Phyaiciana tn . respect able standing bud ' egular Vestings of every de sc ription , quality and pric . e. • W tTER CUBE AND -INSTITUTE,' P7f- 7 ) - n''s P lall'E n TWlLL L L' ul veriP 6 ja i tTi t e i - I Peth""lim n ' :1 '•• -.: Domestic Goods.. • ' ,• - - . COO yard: of brownshcetings and sbirtlngs, from sto Copy- 9e.,peyil.; semi bleached dn. from 4c. to Is. per yard; B ING 11 ANTON, -N.Y. - - • PF.PSLY bears the written signature_of J. - S. 110 ct B . TON, ,- sole Proprietor Philadelphia, Pe. riekinga amilM . althels' shirtittu_a, from tlti. foie. per yd. right end Trade Nlatir secured: IllillS' institntion is located in a benutiful end • . • .., '-. to gold by all Drumiets: mad Iteol,;ra In lifedidoes,' ± - . .-..„' ~.rust and. Gloves.• , - romantic grove at .the base of lktonnt rieti. fgr For lAI9 by ABEL TUTtllELL,Druggist,lhintnwe, AneXeintUt ashOrtMeat: and ve ' - cl, Anao_pg h pect,'end within the corporation of the vitae • •, pa., Agent tor SammOtoitic county ' ..,, . Sly. a lame lot 'of Wlllteeat ton llos C 7 c a. li ' t I ' °, Tc 7 'Via 4 . " 3' possessed of an abundant simply of purest soft - teter,•advitutages for exercise in the pure eir, a NEW . DRY GOODS - ''', • . Tritoki. Valises:"and'earpet Bags. • I e i triage , and foot walk , up the nionutain,•over: A. well ivsorted iteeE j tivirchaio direct from the Meg : looking a sceuery•-unsurpsed in beauty -and AT •- , liiiii&W 111 lI I FOR 6 kir EPOT. eat' rermaritetorY!fri this ontnitrrs and for 'Sato at such '! ' 1, . >o and --• .. ~ Oatidenr, and “free front the noisp 7 and turmoil'of . • it • ,1" H. BURRITT's 'trier be loan. an eiten .. Prieclss,nitt'sdadt ot., no competition-, .. . „. . busy life, will 'excellentsuiling and raiiitigprivi- : ilk: sivetuil neW l aisiirinient'of Dry Gtmee in- • .:- . Str in and J.Ti lePes on' the.plentniut waters of the (lie tango.-- chiding - kgreift , variety - ot . ' '-:- '''; ' :"- '-' - jj ije l .rutfi t e! en r,Z=3 l ,:,l;,f!tt,V7,. t .?,' e € i tk ,` " k, " :l' These •aretOfeve.„of the presentation the • `•Cure . '" -----' '', I a• Ait..e...lllrtsaa' Ill ' attiii - 6 ' --- ' l ' possesses . tireatraellities for petting Bale gC:e';:eheep ()acre to the.invaiid.' '' •. ,-. , • 1 , . ''..:., -.--- '' " "* "'"l', 41. " 1 • U P J W .... " 1416 1 . ~., '- i- 1111 deggtup keeping . constantly on'lland Canting these,-- la - rinh l'Auts, Printed anit - Embroidered 'Lawns. :Thy, hunter is * Maur and "CorinnodiotiO:-Imthing - -MSG aplarge stock of Straw Bonnets, arbich be will offer with 23u ei!fl 9 elek . , Bai9gE! Ilelsees,_ f.aste,o4. 4 roph isB . f i c c r eenc ;ei c t hearniri t tainitter esn ' hooriott it! retell la aporatus excelleut. , --Well ventilated,' r,i,„ piazzas ... . "',;., -,-.. ~ ',"- , .. 42t g ila f na . and. Cht t ril b r a.T o o j r Miir siYle4... - bluek wia-lind it-.4atiJ icti c h 7 4; ° al c r a l:ir cr ge r V i c i ge 'c tftrlil ' sitks, &0 , -,‘ : ;-: - „o enten%pe A p s ,, :mocha- stock-Offers making pnrcluutes elsewhere. .. .• :. i I . he , medical department is Miderilicr-entire' and-fancy , Ccoloriero and :Shawls, Silk ' sltinti 11a5 .,.. Ribbons sia .. o Dries .Trimiatces, a good aiiortment at care of Dr. Timyre and wife, who Inc ti had 'taiga experience. ill Ilydropiathic practice. and are - fa .= -P01 " le ' P lB4 O "d fi g- ured S wiE4 '• uu66- "i j 81 ' 1 ' 4 1111 - f P ti . ce -!ik j-j? ' i;t4COOrt - an ' t v gl i r ' rtr i ett s s, (L ne j i : i;lit ,' mactitiinier , s. j .:.,.,.; lA•stiels.Lacer; and•Jßli j ii -4o,a4et!; ; . flounce. Salta, - , .„ ... .- ,- , opp ov it o t.L. American ;tote', .. vibrably knOwn as successful -ICOnrses of "Lectures, with fun platesandilliis: 9l l 4 ,` il i' i 'll ' Flinviira• j- ' • INTLE3IBIsT:iND BOYS - Ditg s ..OD- - - .- -; ..: -. ~, . ..L., ~ . • iimattAsiTon, 'Apt!' 28, 18152: '", ' ; .F•. i :' • nations.- will be given' throughout the season • to 4 2 '' - T - th o w . .. . .. the Students and Patients, upon Anatornyi•Phyei: -• .J . - -., ~,. - . sug N ER '0D0D5...,;. -',:. •.• i . • , 13 • L'TUltREI.47,h j . noW j itice e iy . iag a j ad keilis °fogy, Hydropat by and Hygiene, for which there 'A large assOrtment. - ./iats,Copii, 809. le and Oho . en • corts i t ) 7 . ntly on h arid' a large and desirahlens - ` P..- --. .:A siiiif be no additional charge. r- ' ' '' - ".- ... Tttltiltss,Valices,- - Carpet Bogy, Carpeting; Oil Femnlei who have ; been cimfined to their beds*: Cloths for floors .nnit tattles, punted. ~and. primed , B°llment ' • - - '. ''-- ' -.. ' - . . --:-..:-• : •:- • •• • Mr' I yeitre, are invited to ccirresionil' With tis - Di ' Window. Shades, WallPoper, .Domititic _Cottons ; • • ..''' . - ,- - - -GOODS- . --- -- ..• gyve us a call.. Oar 9UCC499 iti the treatment of of all. kinds, etc. etz..-which, * connection with a • which will he.oeld very law foie's:slier ready pip. diseases - peculiar , to females; has given ms confi- universal assortreent in = other dePorffnelifi of ; T h. ° s o ek: kirtuPPAqd-°ll.-4 first ,l rate 4 "° 11111 eni of dSocs, and we say to all Such (, Mien . if ther have goads, Pod being purchased entirely for ecrek, will.. Dru e lii,..Medinines, Chemicals, Paints, OHS, l'.,tilffered much froth many physiciatoi," :intik°. enable purchase's to securebenefits in prite style • -Dyci-Sttiffs,,Groceries, GliutO-ware;spOMS, cure more trial. i • - ' . r - and:terms not toile fonnd in any other:est:M.lsh; '' '• ' ' S p e c tacles ,'' Musical ` lnstrent t ' • -.' Terms' fro th 84 to e 8 per - week,; (payriGlu meat Yankee • , - - . • - - Yankee INations i ., and, -'- - • . . „ weekly.) rteeirdiu g to room and.. attvntiourequi- '. N , - - S. Salt and'Stone - Coca constantly Ca; ' ::: -' - ''•• sr' - •': Lie tiers -• ' rid. - - Patients will preside for personal Noe 2 corn- hind. - • ...- . - ' • - • - , ' •• j J : ••• - J As• Qn jf tables;fl blankets, 3 linen or Cotten sheets and New' I iltordatfai',ls, 1852.• •:- ' •-' _': : " ••• ' .* `''''''''''''-' • --- • 16 towels. : :'o V. TIIA YRE; tif.:D.; --------- it , ' - ' l"l o.Croodffs - . il.' : :.-. - -• ' 1 ' .. - - Resident Physician.- ~ - THE - LIGHTNING LINE r' ~, ~, . . ~, .. r , ~ ..,I,Ta,r4ware, Stoneware, .• , ...- --,- (19tf _ - 1). IV. & 11, M. ItANNEY,•ProPrietora C TILLNIAN, Berber - and-Hair Dresser, re- ' ' • - Mirrors, -Stationary; Priqthess' - ,':" '---- ... 4 . turtl e - his- thanks to his' ninueinul'.friebds --- -'-' Mildical:lnntiliments",-Perinipery, . . . ... . - ..„. ..• WOOL!.WOOL !-- ._;.' ....: and patrons '; and having, as he hones, convinced ' , Trusses, Supporters . Shettlder-Braces,', I - Mid :paid ler Wool by,- , :11. BUHR' TT- . all, of , the, great, (lunge; , and risk of cutting their , Shoes, - CatOphinn, - .130 - rning: Fluid; Limps; 6 ...„ ' NewAfilford, June '1852. - ':l".‘ :; ' throats hyshaving themselves, he begs that they Clocks; %IT/ktnhen; , l6wOlr , ;- dta - ,.•..: - • • • . . , . .. will discontinue that 64rber.otta prectiC - e;'und on- --• All perilous wishing to purcheio LI zn fillotir by thi bat , or . pouud . ' also Lard far Sale courage home endue calling ' ' acidrti-4"'.61;d8 try by - • .ou him . for a - in . any of tho. ' aforp departments ; : Will find by . .... '.i. - • ',BENTLEY &READ ••: shave. : ; C01; - Crocketr i a - Miele was saki to be So : their - i t '. SI by ' - n erosts promote, - 'palling firilt• at .:the , I ~. j •. ninon that he shave:llllmm' f With sheet lightning , Drug and Variety' Store of.A OHL TURItELIi ' -•-; :' NEW GOODS. , - and o:Tillman-will Ppform the Paine feat on, any'..'- MontMiii4 Mai. r rSs2.: 7 :. =... -. .f _:.-.; --- -, '. :: ' -.Y. %%Tun ikknovi , receiving his apring and • WhO, Prer= r t hat fo'a good ;tizor 1(411- oY win ' o 4ll - - - '• --7- •• ''. 0 summer stock of Goods, which: he offers at his aline in-_Selitlahr Hotel 1 . 34in/tent. If .you . _ -. - : '- ' 'Dissolution., :, -,• - . -: cheap for cash. - - _...... ' i - IkTOTIC"Z it hereby givotrihilt:thifir,th Ofritts • l'firtintripsi, Apr: 1 13,1852._ ...„ j j.. ... ,j : '.. :, •• 14 6 .0trose.'llInf' .. 0; 1852' ' . C.Tlp4tAx..l . 1 .1 at, WirOer.ilf Ns. dak:Ainiehrtid>.bY - -intitulli - consent. Those indebted;to•:-Ons finai'aregellurs '• NE W . G OODS. '•• -: --•' . ;• G EAT- -- BARGikOl5' ---.- 36 4 10 [ 0 ettlauPwithontdolaY, . --- , _ -- .. , , .g• '..' ' • * - • 'PUL n:nrrs;' . • - • -- , CAN F IELD hisellia - oil -his large stoek ' ' •'' "': ' " '''' '' ' ' , l i J .a,. .. , - . -Montrose 'April - 1 1852. -P. MrAI,INSft. 1 - , "-' .Y 1 Spring and Stormier Goods is great ya- • •of '3r.walatin •W In '- r gye 'int Ott TL , --------- .. , -riety andstyle;•and a 'general, assortment of . _ , - AT BM .1 - kA T . tilide and'FaitorGends just - received iiiii - sellfig B f . P l ?- c r,P r i e s;trelrittke room for aietioods; • .- , . -L. CAN FIELD. orotund'' , low by '- - . - '=, B. BURRITT. ' .* . New Milford , May 8,•3852. - 1 .- . 9 - I am }molten April 23, 1852. -. -.' ' . . . • "JUST SAILING UP TO *.m..1 e I,ArD fiMaraggil, U PER FINE alict FLOUR ; elan, Codfish; Mackerel, Carpet Warp, Ashlbn tine Snit in 1. large Barka; 4.c. hl. Cz' TYLER: lay 20, 1252. - . : • - - - A...., 77. - _ _ - • •=7'. ^ - - - - D HARFORD, CO. PA. "DR HQVGHTON'S IpSlle f - , "'~!'9 lA . /ANTED. 10,0011daz wootilut Scat iti - fx- T IF:change for - Goods by.IBIENTPY 4 . READ. NonirosciJult 1.2,,1857.8w. ', - . - • Ay - ers , ollerry: - Pietopd,: , ... - . - . . i 1...... - . i .. toil'. THt-0utt.,0t.., .• "t, - - VOUGHB,,AtaD.COLDS; ~...,,A a T ' 4 -- . lIONCIII- IS, - ASTH - ' er..- - .I‘I4CANO WHOOPING.- 1 ‘. - -COUGH - 'OROUP AND , .... 71„,a- —, . • - • • • ..;- ;- 1 - 1- -- CONSUI4IPTION. ..- : ..-Inufleting to ,thocrairrannitY ibis "inslly c elehrs tad rut tamed, for diseee of the throat :and lungs, St ill not , our Wish to trifle with the lives orbealtls of: the afflict. ed, but frankly, le lay _before therm the opinion of ills. Itingulalld - :nen and some DIMS evideeces ,of lie sue; ceps, from Which thriy"can.;judge for tbemseires. -We 'sincerely pledge ourselves - , to make ;no wild assertions [or false statements af its efileicy,ltrofedli we' hold out any r hope to su.lcring humanity - which facts will net [ Many proofs are bore given, end wa 4 solicit an Ingot iy from the penile Into nit'we publish; feeling assured (that they . will ~ Ond"lbent :. perfectly -reliable, ant' ; the medicine worthy bele:sot:stridence and patronage. From the distlngutsbed t rofestor of Chem • ' istry-and Materia Dledica:-.Bowdoia-,;;• 1 -.-.- .- : --• '- '., ' College. , - :• --...--., ,! 1 1. Dear iller 'I dMayed answering tberectipt of t 'mx prperation until I Sudan ,opportanity of wituesalog irs effects - In my own family,or - in tbe fa:sallies of my ' - Thts I have now done with aWO degree of "aatisfae Bon. In, cartel' of both adults ried'eblidren. I • ' .. I hare found it; as its ingredients chow, a 'powerful remedy tor -p)l4s, and pulmonary. diseases. -- :• • ir' -- _, .., PARKER cLEVY.L.ABD,,M. 8... Brunswick, Me., yeti. 008 , 17.' - - • . ni _- Fra an Oirarse . er tni . thit.'Himiltoriills - , i ,: in this clty., , 1 . ~!--. Lowell; dtigust. 10,1841). ' Dr. , J.-0.-`Ayeirl hare bean efired'nf thewortt cough I erer had to my life, byyour Cherry moorni, or d no, er fah, when I hare opportunity, of recommending it to others. - • Yours respectfully, : .13'. B. MMEIIIsON. 1 : ' 'rxrueaa - the f 'llowlin,andsee-iftltis' faislleine is worth a: trial.-"- - Tthr patient bad becomer'aaryfeable, and the effect of the medielne was unmistakably dia tinci. - - United stator lintel, Saratoga Elwin , i • -..,. - • • .- Adj3,,isr. Dr. J. C. Ayer—Sir .: I dare been aillicted with pan. j i ful affection of the lunge, and all the symptoms 'of set tled mersumption, for tore.thait a year.. I cod 4- Mid 06 Medicine that would reach my.crise Untll eota-.. :Minced the .slue of your Chen)? Pieb.tal.‘bieb to me gradual relief, and I haveheen steadily .gaining my ctrength till My health 116140 edit. reetored. ' i • While tieing your medicine, I bud the gratification -of curing :With it 'my reverend-friend, Dlr. TruMat,-of Stuneter Dietrict, who had been SlFT:ended fOm his parochial duties by a:Severe attack or bronehitia. ;I hare plemure la cer,rif3ing these facts to y Olt, And am; lir, yours respectfully, _ H -.-- .., .7: F. CfiLUOUN, ogßouthPartfifria. glmPrepared and old by ! lamas C . 4 Tzi, Practical Chemist. bowel , Mass.' . . ... - err. gold by 'N.. Tureen, !ilinitrose ; tdeien Scatti Gt. Dend, and by Druggists everywherer ...: ::.• - ' 6,,Yi 1 MORANDIn4 Ile 'manors- DOMESTIC:11E1110N ' CO POUND 13Y It pP Or BLOODIIBOT, rin t s. - .TnE ... . . -CUILE oir • .." Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Infitmaa; Whooping Cough and Croup.. • Dr. Throops Infant - Preservative ana I „.. tiler's. Relief I • Cum Flatulence. Colic, Gaipes; oysentm.ii. Cholera or Infanta, or any of 'th,e,com,mort" Ills of haat Dr. Tbroop's-Nirorm Poison tExpeile these 1119 m intrudfrs (if the human. system out exception ark - Inds oxriatthers.• -Dr. VbrdoOs Billious.Pilts .. CarelndigestiOn, Billlomillisirders; Costistne4,Piles, floadache, Ileanburn, Fever, Inflammation, - Writhes, 1 Dysentery. and restores a httatby action . o all the. Dr, Throop"i Eye Water. .. Is unsorpaised in curative virtues for any infloitoMato: re affection of thweye, and ' - - Dr..Thirlopls Salve: , - :"- - I -- Is unsurpassed fora dressitig re? Burns and Sc ds; Vl cora, Salt Rheum, or any abrasion, of the skin. &aunts , :Vain tws.---Bentley & Road, 31. trosa , N. GraripT &. Co., Ito h; 11. !t. Soothwell, Rush.; C.C. M trtight: ddietovrn; D. Glidden, FrienJtille...! J.... 111 Barber, Dinsoak ;..Seott & Dont, Vprinxville; Dr. Lam: b••••rt. Auburn ; James Tompkins, Tompkinsville; Hoy den & Little, New Milford; Dr. Brooks Gnat Bcnd; Joseph L. Merriman, Lipson's:lle; Ire.: J. Barney, Little Meadows ; Jasper Stanley, Chnnouut ; E litany, Brook': lyn Centre ; IL A'. William s , C/Krortli Dr.J.C.Gltosteant. Boudoir; .7ohnsnn a. - Vury. Iti r rford. • - 3.5 . I.ILAIMEL, General Arica!, Forest Lake: .Iyl . - New' Boot . end' Shoe Store --REELER & STODDARD. - THE new firm of Keoei & titodtlard have opened a Boot and s7hoe atore - creMuiti street, gist door below the Brick learner in Which they offer for sale , Tho.LEtrzeot Assortnicsit, . • of Boots, Shoes and Finditina,at tho loweartpriees - • IN .31ONTROSIL-_ . . 'We cll for and pec;fiti. The citizens or the,villoge and country are re: spectrully invited to cull at n real ketiniue Not . and shire ettiro *hero Poore andshoes are sold in stead of Beefand Olsten). • Keep it before lbe People, That we have a full assortment among which•ive enumerate: • ". - • , Mews Cork sole water proof bootsilonecg ion. garians, calf half sole aud pomp boots, .Kip half solo bouts, thick boots, calf, kip,and cowhide bro. Over-shoes. etc. - . Youths Call, Kip and cowhide boots, boys thick boots; etc. ; : . - . Ladies French channel Gaiters, patent 'Fox welt Gaiters: enameled itud Kid PUlkas, enatieled front lace Polkas, 'kid and goat .16NY New York ties, exceisiors, Jeutty,Liuds•Rosnteen, kid ties, rubbers, etc. - !.• - • MissesgoaLand" calf Lace boots, Jenny Linde erimeled'Folkas; Dutch boots, etc. ,Childrens' button shoes > gout mid entunelell lode b'onta, Gaiters,Downing's etc.l ' • ! Among our Findings wo ofrer French calrAitil, Oak and Hemlock tanned (4tlf skins. MornecO, pink and white lining skins; red, bine, maroon, Roins,Bindiug. nppor,leather, oak. and ,hemlock soleleather, pegs,xincnails, sparables, heel ball, webbing, etc: , - ' _, - • . lyN.lll. Work made to order and repairing 'neat , done.. j.. 44 MORSE'S • CO3IPIIO stur• OF -.! YELLOW DOCK-ROOD I' ATE teet prompted by every ptindple of . hunasuilibto -V V make hnowa to the world the' Wonderful 'Efficacy- of-this Ex4anitiiiiil •- .•• . - , .. . . . Preparation;` - .. .. . , . ' Montan& have born rellovid'c't a treat amount of suffering, and many lives saved by the use Of iv.- .11 fs apictOrtiledged,br,tbe beat judges of medicine. to be the mortitietant, scientific and salutary, preparation nUirixt URN and b a .. ' .. ' ''' ' , . . , --. - --. '7l ' - I . - ' itt - (I . ---- - , _eptma tee me y seldom if ever equalled. It stands unrivalled far the vu 0-,of Erysipelas, - Salt Rheum. citidtert Sercriliat and I all the various di - teatea arising from an impure state of 1 tiiblood. „Woolf. _ . L --,- 1 3ilinu9 Complaints, And la used with unprecedcnted sunset's in all eases of general Debility Strorigniening the weakened bodx, giving tons to the Tasionui organs, and Invigontfing.the.ontiro.system i. and also for the cure of the ' • . Diver ComplaintiCatOrrh,.-Dyspepsin ellea,d nehe,'Dizsiness, Coughs, &e: Than; - affected. - with ehrordo..dlseaser, of whatever forni,vill- find this 111(.111CIIA , not only`pleetnnt to the taste.but a - certain tare,lf It be withiw the pester of a yemedial agent to etrectheir direese.-; . .. ; emnposed oftnedielnea so hOppily.iinbltiod as to tend directly to give tone todhe stomach and bowels, and excite to healthy action the LIVEIt end the whole . GLANDTLAR SYSTSW,eIIay ..NEVYOUS and promote the free action wf4lo LVNOB, thus tea diming It tipOlicable to all diseases ni • Chronic la pnrely*egetableond tacky; b a . used ba ail el:bastes nd at, ad, reasons "of tbe year. , Prepared only. by C. Itiorre Co int 2,1 i• Malden Lute, 'els:Pork: and sold by AlXELll.lltltELL,Mautroso. -lb Is put "up In quart bottles: ,Price $1,U0., •z. NEW . 'IIAT , elli*AND S.T.ORE. 11;„ w olanat,B, , TrirA1 - 4,t7ini f ,ul%l 4 , l 3 a .‘zmeeti: has opened end Int ends to keep Alamo and general as.. eiretnonit of all kinds and guanacos of Deafer, akin andSlik. Hats of, thelatest atyles; -Kosatath,'lrtis. go dart and otheietyles and qu4ltiles of-fur .and wool Cati; Vanamk" Leghorn, , Palna4eaf, 'and the tartans klndsot braided -hats,far Bummer neat;-Cloth, Glazed, EllltYbash: and_all kinds of. Caps for gents and boys apCyoutlee treat Gouts; Patent-leather Shoes, he: &o.; tadethei with all kinds et goods generally 'kept In labat. store, /'be evbserlber; being largely engaged to the abate tradef,at _the - Peat, bin always enable bleu to keep it Ids store In Ideliteoseiadarterstul Innate assortment than. cart be. found 'elarahere. jus temente ready pay,-which edit zeruttdo blot to sot. au geode ln fda line at trardrl6 peteent,, halter tha n a d ieu In the semis trade. -The eittaenikure seaport:fully triaged to era rnitiett,rar Ct-hemaatrel, R.l3.:Waptantru l edit always be on baud to extglitt thetcoods,Vbetber pronto Irish to purchase Or sic to,.,rottrounx .. Nautfaael Affil 28,18 U. • v- • L.ll - Spr t out • rAmicTintsit or sßaottr# l 4y.a. iisgur Spring,. Mont 1 , 4,,5, Pa. . WM.W. $ CIABLIZT..AND V street ktontroie Pa ..ith &Co. gAsencrualt u , .14 . - Pahrk,' TTAVISG retained toll. pirate to ionize th o tics of W., en - desist° may be to u L le a t as welts Mend be * rin ten e. -be beep, to wan opee-e3." e Montrose, Feb. 2 k 1852.. . 4. - Z. Dimoek, muysTayx AND sunanzi, ihmtr om , tend to 141 barman that may be eet re y:a dome, wlth promptness att ote, - .7 . $ etaddettes ott - Tnenelke sue t. Felidenceahi cti rt tag, foot of Public Avenue C 4 Georgf.ller, lra'AtEli‘ TN BOONS, Itielpmede:Clothtne,aito• jj caprjteete &Shoes, - e. Store len dem hu; Dateh's Hotel. Montrose. 0. DEALEICI2I DRY aoor S. atieedictNicd„ .l ; 4, J./ wra Tinware, Mode Fish, Oltei Flaip,Peakti,tot, Oro paprea.Ph'for,all of Stilppiar frig, A tm .. Irk.. the Coati ; Bonze, . 7 1 . . Charles ' §ITATING AND DAM DREFfDiO Baena, A , staling; neat door telthey orioDir _ „No l e,a nw q: .Se • - I ffrehegittir t : I,IATTOTIDET AT LAW, Ttetkheineitk,re. 011,3 9tark's*, ' T ANT) ICCIDLICCI.E eTABLZ. Oeeelbli 1.1 below. Keeler's Hotel don:role, Ps. E. B. & Oh's°, 'A TTORNJYS RC LAI , Alemtroze.l OS% ler's atm!. E. 8. CuAss.! pA t i r 1 • ~ Condon & Sterling, TIE *LEM, katit4tlOntritenve, Tottilivet4 'AA TABLItt As., pave the Canal DMA tetCpps bone... Court et, 83ngtuntaran,14.T. (1.314411t4 Traveling Agent. .. . . . ell •e•DI. -- Simmons, 11100 r AND SIIDE ITANI/ AND UEPADIEL ft. .0 over Baltbrin c07:1 Ba4dlcij „1f0g,„17 1 - Dr. C. ICIGMGCIAN AND EITIC door,' below G. J. Pri Edwarthi t EON, liarfori,e. Oi ts ,e's acme. D . - Br: Sautes Brooks, .ITIMICIAN- AND .suttaEm, and drine r& Dna Medleinen.Paintri. Ogs, De o n. &e. Coranntain4 nu& Pine streets, °ppm !till Col. Pang's, G ra d Boi. S . T/110E0if bENTIST, Fellows* Bulldlng,eo streets. _Operations non carefully and tenderly. material and In the most :Farm "r u t subscribers wit ate of Mal' l'state located In. Basgriebanna offer their p cop erty for s Mtn their Farms' or 1 acres, how manyimproi ings ; Orchard, grafted", trees. ,and shade trees; .the n entreat Win tto - a de Unthread; price and tern to setter purehmte Real tentlon by calling on Seaetnehenua cot nty: Wreetureyance truml of charge - Office on Turnpike str -corner. Virgil, Ontriph Pa. ifeli k em es of ramplka and m omiot i 103 i the teeth perdamed tke ta i Plate work doe. 'elk th. 144 It gyu s; forlales fleet as. egents for tl, ai—Parms, Howes, and fen., a county; Pa. Allirkeyfilt, sale ea/sere a Want, dew). tots as • follows :11 - selser 411 net; and how altered; let Pr' common fruity can hi g hew far. from Iltateste,td , stpot. Mk the New Trek L yy las of payment. Alk els,* pstateotill Vele prczpil, pr addressing us it Slesnu. otitiose to thi fra et, 4doors wedlot !bib% The fulhivlng au. ' No:1, 40aeres,30 Nu ,2, 80 do 50 . N 0.3,100 410 80 • •No. 4,100 • d'o 50 N 0.5.70, do • 40 d • ' No. 6::08 do 35 _'d! N 0.7, Store, Wareho • YU. 8,145 acreas Imp N 0.9 5.2 , 4 do 35 Lots are toe ofindfotoSt oved,frame Mote =aid o void Jo , ev ,o do j b o void do • ev void do v,. • ' do b eand Lot. ,• • *Ted, framed taus s 3 ;o rold. No. 11 - mold . I No. 12 100 acres 70 1m No. 13340-do 200 N 0.14 56 . do .50 . No. 15 168 do_Ctl - N 0.16 12U - do 55 No. 17200 -do- TO-. • No 18 112 'do 60 No. 19 200 do 150. No. 20 145 do 100 No. '2l 100 do 120 • NO. 22 )0) d 045 . N0.1.'3 45 do 30 • N 0.24 203 - do 225 . • _No. 25 125' do 11.0 .26 196 40140 N o . 27 SO do sat. N 0.2811 acres, - good --No. 20 184 acres, 90 Im No: 30 175 ,do 300: No.-31135 do • No. 180 46 135 No. 33160. do CO No. ,13 100 del 200 . ro: 35160 do 60 • ' No. 36 =0- do 170 N 0737 100 do, : 100 No. SS ITO do 100 175 do 00 ~- No. 40 30- do -45 No. 4r 212 - do 160 No. 42 9'3 (RS 50 . - - No. 43 4 do No. 44 138. -do 65 No. 45 800 do 260 N 0,40 120 acres; 80 and grist mill. • roved; Mme ben:esti b& do - do do do said do . , 'do b • Id • do . do b do do • b :. - do • ' dD. b do do. • to do_ do ds do. do .• do dos b do do- do di • do , • do . ow mill Ira dstil!rt. - • .tortd, firsooltuebbei do do b - • do .do b do do ' do ' do do do do` d 6 et do' Co do do' do - •• do , do te do_, do : h! 'do - do 'do; do 0 1 ; ' do do CI do, •do is , d do do b do do do proved, frame boirat al los, 1 'do •do - dt do . ,do do do 'Co CI , do . do fl -do do - dit g to purcbust of elthska • obtain a full dticiydta IiALFRED ItalDWlll. E. G. tABCPCS. 350.-11tf. i No. 47 200 do 170 No. 48103 do 80.'49 80 - 'do' 60 No. 50 83 da 65 Ito• 5192 do OS N. 8.-Persons dear by giving the umber Dfont roie, Pa., Ott... onCAIIPFSe , rln the eisezel untk that theyi bare neva at of-Dry Goodt,nt whit. • .3" DEP.AIII3I,ENT, • DRY GOODS 'FEE sa,tissribers. tt .1 • Susqaclaanqa cb hand til,rge assortipe I sale aedtetail; • ' ' GiNTLISMEti oadclot t h i egis; az iart e; ves d •-• • • coneistin fn-part of b inetto. Keutucky jea goods of all I,AD/E8 ; !PP.Sivill&F ! !consisting of a large enriety, viz:"Blo 4aso cy dot, satins, ginghairps, Scotch a Antrim prints of ell kinds, sane, at :6 per.ceper pad superior 0314 of coldrs warranted, midi:A 0"41"". poplins; gloves, hosiery of orerypril and quality—Whitet - goods : Brown and bhic/ 4 eatingevt4wide; l}eat y.ri,uality, at Ed. per }{ Tickiugs, flannels, Scotch dieter, Voi eye Act.,, nepkiits, Irish linen, and opuses ; 1010 aluiSft etierythtng, in ile dry goods line. Alvit Itirgiy lot o f • • ••• • - • • • OAUPETING Three-ply. ingrains, ottoe :and wool, cotes druggits tine! rind . cotter—oil clods anon, and tables. • - to call mitt Our pace feel ccolfaicatt Ey w , s_ W. to twenty per eta v ! id Intel! profits. e the Potoffice ENN .lra:o o TflA rd.§ B ET ' t• Wo invite all visitirq amino our Stock, for wi it Wilt b &raving of ill motto , is quick sates et i Store nearly opposit Wl+ 1227EZ21 .GOODS' late E=Chti.D6~ gth in aPt a ah t l' °Y er t s b :r a w ksu r idl l 4l°t :le' * direct from Net Tgli I upcu the go . ed and Id live.', Linde of Proda m ' OS. Iw MERRI.VA , 1s :1852. • NE Y 1 At ilk() initon, rlEeubscribeT, alt , merously incrensi rally inf Orin choice eidectiou of which he intact!' lose, jetted, prieciple at "live in excheuge-for good*, 1 nekespepird., Upaortvillh Apti,l3o Ito above:os . s stock Id 0Z,..1 Boots and chaos _ ii aol4'n~,kr Duty ut sonata!), In EO . iur ,.„„ - 0 , Going.ut rrint iutiserlher lkiui X 'Hoye coat** an/ dna loitiortmo,n4 t f Ladirs,Mw Shoes, wbich liensnow art Wye cost. Thoreill an orl tblslino Februiri 4,1852: BOOM 1 4 ciitoiki,, o Gossamer Ixf nod roveenis •of t .C3LEAttiiir._att ikettsh itidltiett:"Rtb nii Dr/ from *big do do
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers