---------_ The Fishery TrOaks:. --- A .,gier Vessel to Seiz ground.ecl,-..Vesids fl Trar Order , a 3 the .- - . BOSTON, July 31, 18-13. The fishing schooner Northern Light, arri- Te 3 at Booth its Maine, from the Bay of St. Lawrece, reports being boarded by a British e on and requested not to fish within three m ile of the land—headland to headland—and , h , h n e was marked out in their presence. , at ' The schoonerWrave, arrived at Gloucester, ter rs. that. on 3iondae , last, while lying at ocher-ear Sablaisland, in company with the oing schooner Helen Maria, of Gloucester, a Br irigt cutter boarded them,- and, on Jinding , a m o fresh bait on board the Helen Maria, :rind her, and took her into Pubrico. The e rg . of the Helen Ifaria allege that they were het 0 4 and had no intentention of evading thence, They had put in, for supplied. The intrg has caused considerable excite neat among the Gloucester - fishermen. ---- . c 1554 OF yrs r. S. scuornctrt sussmstept. bout 10 -o'clock vesterdav the At at • • 1 tam frirratc Mississippi got under weigh t! c t ad came rotted from her positten in the East ; iver. to a point in the 'Judson just off Castle Gz i e ni A great number of person, were on ; i h e Battery and in Castle Garden, Watching ihe work of preparation as the steamer was pt in sen going contion. There seed to L, prepration for seine important event. me The bead was mustered on . the quarter deck, and qtalte a number of officers, in full uniform, were sae standing in formal position. At length a boat was seen approaching round the Batte- ; iv from the East river. She was fully panned, 1 ,a bore the Commodore's flag. The speqa tcTs eta shore now expected that the activity on ha ,i- was precedent to sainting the Commo- 1 here's flag. No salute, however, was fired.— The boat carrying the flarwent along side, 1 the officers in her gained the deck of the steam- er and the small boats all round were ins few pool their tackles, and soon hoisted up. I Th e on of the men on the quarter deck was now speedily changed. The band did not ea: bnt instead of music, the smoke pe Ghat the the engineers were firing up. The Contnioaore's flag MIS run up at the main, and presently it was seen mat the go 2 od ship was notitin. At a quarter before 1 o'clock she I started on her w.ay down the bay. But "why I dont site fro t"—"is she going to leave us that t in y r _.nsid many more queries of like import; were pat by the spectators on the linttery.— -OA' said one belligerent son-oltheEmerild Lk, -the black beauty, that she is, she's going.' 1 ., ave her powyber fur the Oaring sons Of lota Bail, that's to he on the fishing banks, 4ea der, whore she's tould to go to." This Ir. of c ourse. received the approbation of the" m cd, azd the witster was immediately invi ted over the nay to drink-..—an invitation which teas accepted instanter. The dipper ship Raven went down the bay jastahosa of the Mississippi. and. the steam chipllumbot followed close in her wake.-- The bar was covered with craft of all deserip tior,..ral to arid life to,the whale, a sloop race its to come off in the-neighborhood of Staten island. It was, taken all in all, quite a Fsel.F raarning in the harbor. Portsmouth, Va., July 30, 18:.2. Th e rehett animation exists in every de. r arent st of tbk , Gosport Navy Yard, owing to o•••••-len - ing been received to fit ant, with all ...P5 11 the fireates Co: imbiaand Savannah, p 'l.i,lt fur the fishing grounds; the former NI ra to Ibereads fur service in thirty J , -, The}'arc new mistinghc r and hciore sl' ;' V • VL . -f le• enclosed in the mail bag, they 4C I ? b , ih tn is r -peetie e po >along: The Democratic,County Committee met fi-e.. --1 , ,v the 1...' , .1 steamer En :weer, 111.1 s. 4 r,; t ~,_, zu i ln; a 1 ,,,,,,,i is to go d , w • I t o pursuant to pnblic notice, at the Hotel of Wm. t ' I'e,,;t and eon , 1 En-Ge"ee eraor Fish, of E. Hatch, in Montrose, on Tue-sday the 20th yis. 'l e or ' , CI i.'•rd Senators, incl adult, aI of June last. On =don it was r , 03 1,, • ,f . th , fir •wc, to the• Nw3 Yard'. 1 1 _ e Delco:Ito Elections-be , '' '' formed'" that G aerj se 'lt was erase-; held in the FLvernt Resolved, That th Ef&tionDiti.triets on SA'r , i 1 i tee nerd lin Copt. Breese*, corn-1 RU DAY the FOURTH • auof Septemberl y r 1 a• e en , sution, but he declined. 1 ~1.,, Yer' - Herald 1 nest; between the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock -4.-4.-- I P. 31. at the places of holding General Elec- l I tions;for the purpose , of choosing two persons,i The Polish 'Murderers pit P_ } lila - ,to represent each district in the Democratic I delpbia. e 1 County Convention, to be held in 3lontrese on I ifordezu the 6th day of Sept - ember nest. 0-r realer. will reenember„says the Phila- it- • , • •.. . . c phi. Inquire r• a statement published some Resolved, That the followin,g named gentle t as Committees to gave notice of and L .... , 11:1 L firing the details of a confession s al: pe n 11 C..it I.- liatthuis Sktiginsld to a count-3 man r u intend the Election M ., their respective 'his OUT named Shah 11:1 ,1 ,1 That inelitidu- Districts: : hai tor ncm b t•(•1 acquainted with the elder ! Ararat—T. B. Ogden, Alonzo Walker, Na-' qvin•kn, and visited him at the 3locaineri- thaniel West. , l l •ai p.i. a Marti) .es made a confidant of Auburn—John Tewksbury, Patrick Donliu, I '-' ant told him a fearful t...1e of cr ime and Jonas Carter. R .... . 1 R Kl-he 111 which he had het n a con-piteous ',. Apolacon--Harry .narney, Timothy Gniret. n .11' According to .this statement, the ag- , Reuben R t ebe. 1 , ,-...pa. ramlicr ot per-ems murdered b.him ' Bridge:hater—Hugh MeCollum,llyde Crock _ I I ..ri li • friends were rot less than eighty, I Cr, A. F. Williarns. s' ilo a, :rte houses were• burned by the same i Brooklyn —Daniel Terry, E. G. Williams, • Trtr. This co:efts-ion has de tailed to May-., AVin. L Richardson. i'• Galpin he the recipient of the disclosure.—' Choconut-31ichati . Tnne, Jr., Daniel Sher- To store eras published in the newspapers ati er, Francis Quinn. i the time, cod canned considerable sensation. 1 Dimoek---Charles Gilbert, C. J. in hrop, S. line h appears that Blaise, the younger of i F. Brown. tile recoil d hroih,rs was shown the confes-I Duniaff—Sidneyl3. Wells, Geo. Cone, T. mr, of Mat,.ll a, at the time it was first pub-, P. Phinney. , ~ ltlq, and a(Lnmcledged the truth. This en-I Forest Lake—Wm. lalarvey, Moses Stop- - , duNzort he has not withirmAn since. i pard, 'Thos. 3leehnn. • I (it l'nur,dm last Matthias minced some Franklin--Daniel Davis, Tyrus Peek, W. C. 1 bite signs of continua and in the morning Smith. I 'a ticpretence of the Rev:Wm. AP - tender:l Friendsville—Char'les Campbell, William; tlpeha i rfam of the prison. and Mr. Lewis Tows- Bobbe, Calvin Leet '1 elPg the ~'orn interpreter, he made a full eon- I Gibson—G. S. Ames, John Smiley, iteuben lesson of h s crimes. He said that he killed' Tuttle. 11. 5 , 1 Li l'am h. striking him on the head Great Bend—lsaac Reckhow. B. B. T, uthill,l . kill: ,L von leg of a stone and that he and Charles Chainberlin. has-cat op the body. Bl l nisc, ho-says, was Harmonv—Jonathati Taylor, B. ILMOrnnee ~,; T .,. r iv oatl,-c,at at 1. time. He told of a se,..ts ..,.,...„. N. S mith.' if comes. whichlolls, corroborated the state-' ilarford--Gen. W. Seymour, John Adams, meat made by Mr. Shah en el.i. To this terra- ' Dr. 1. B. Streeter. = 1 t o tage of blood, Matthias added the details I Herrielc—,Alran Chandler, Almon 18 Pc.'° 4 t ' se' L'al Earful sc , .ncß, , n which he and his' Jacob Lyon. ' 1 t mianione were the actors. Jacksen--Alonzo Brvnnt, Dr. T. .I.•'When , - Oa tat, aftenoin of the same day, Matthias 1 1 , to Daniel lit Farrar.' cal , another confession, which tallied with the fin: in all its shocking details. This 'sec ond dnelosnre was made in the presence of! Sheriff Deal. Deputy Sheriff Miller, Rev. Mr. kenr.aer, Mr. Anthony Freed, keeper 'of thee, risen, Mn Henry C. Anyder,,and Mr. Tons '-'g. the interpreter. Matthias says that Raise Cited in concert with him and Kaiser in most e! these outmges. From the story told by !, monster, there is but little doubt that he :Id his associates were the perpetrators of the 1, Cosies and Bartle murders, and many others which have been involved in mystery. The 1 feeling of contrition evinced by the eldest on t isanday. appeared but temporarv. During!, the recital of his misdeeds, he displayed great deal of fierceness, and said that he was ; to worse than other folks. Ide murdered pea istet but the Americans murdered him; so they I wer e nil alike, he contended. The number of i mutters and their horrible details, of which tethins confessed himself guilty, were so tkr ni.le as to fairly bewilder those who were list fang to hint. Daring Thursday the miserable brothers and en interview for the first time since they Went Rstenced. They embraced when - they net but neither of them exhibited the eruct,- tion which might be expected nuder the cir, I, tzti t tatees. They conversed freely in -the ' ' 4l.a l anguage. The burthen of their cod-1 oration teas of a recriminating character-1 tae Alta went present gleaned from what 1 i". l4 ?t that thtty were compelled to leave Fng-, thtd dont two years since, in Consequence 4 1 onws th ee had eorpmitikti there. Blaise said wl ritorto go to litaisis, but that in this he raro-nate:l by Matthias, who insisted on 'R . .' to t the United States. The prisoners am Visited by two Catholic l 41 A. Neither of the culprits seem disll°!"ed • "wk consolation in religion. The eldest, ItTellf occasion, mils' at the Ataerlearis , fer tc, the 7.110 rm He: keeps . _ strict count of ttu3 - 4.liiya -aa.thoy pass; on a watches withfe n fixer for anoty for the coming of the time for tho *expatiation of his great crimes. • Net?s by Telt?graph. • . _ L3TEit FROM .Al}..xteo: .1 OBLEANSi, 1851.-.. • We.are.in receilit, of .clateti frem - the . eity Mexico to the 14 h,. ;Great' e.telternOut, was manifested in Conseritteece of the -daring deOreatione of the - •Zieatatis tribe lately atmeki,4l a town fiottuere than:Omi t tinndrod miles froth the capital, - • Doratz Fate-ems AT #tractuististr.. PounitimeistE.,iduli 30, .1852: _ Ann Hoag (white) und4onas Williams (M: gru) this day suffered the'extretne penalty; of the 4w in our cour housC....lThe fernier-was convicted of the murder.or him . husband.,Nel-1 'son Hoag, in the latter part of:June 1851 ; and-the latter, of the.tnurder of hid' step-child, by the continissietilof a rape, in January last: The woman was thirty-one yeari of age; and the negro twent s y-seven. Both declared their innocence, and -utaraed to the "gallows with firm steps. —The vorinin waseenvicted jot' poisonin..orber husband, and elfin:Mgt, she ral. tnited Ise died frour the .effeets ofMrsenie,:.'rthe denied her guilt.. There :ire Many iiiterestii7g. features in her case: She was - a woman lot noble appearance, naturally serewd and luthl lig,ent, bat without Oucation. The bodies 431 f the two - were - this 4ventng buried in the grounds attached to . otitrenurt house: Sheriff Moray perfortned' Adis .duty well. • 't . •• 1 ' ' - , - TELE etrotxx.t at: Itticitts;rea. - - - Rocurstez,, Aug 2.185.- I- _ There Were twehiy•two': based• of - cholera he yesterday, anCnineteeikdeaths.., On the day before there were tweiity - cases Ond nine• teen deaths. - - 4 •• , - • : - SECONIi - DESPAT J FIL. ' _ " TtocitrsTEn,Ang,2:-4P During the last 24 hears; 25 cholera C: lB eS andl- deaths liace been reported • in: thin city : and during, thelast 418. hours, there 114 ye been 66 cases and 26 deaths'. • - .SETZURE OF ANOTREft. ,ssr.t.. DOsiov, August 2 , 1 1852 The American fishing selnioner Union has been seized fur a vie,lation of'tbe fishing trea ty, and taken into pbarlottetown, Prince I Ed wards island. •i j - - ADJOL'UNUOn oi , . WAsaisupart, August 4th. Both- Houses of Por)gress:have agreed to Adjourn on the 31st.. 1— THE EITHOPEAN AHD NORTH `ANETEICAN RAIL. ST..Joun, 3d. 13, Auenst 2, i sp. Letters received pCr the - Europa. 'from the contractors - in England. for the European and N'ors.h American &a-frond, confirm the bargain, It is now assented to on both sides; and enoi. veers. &c., come out,bg the Niagara.; expected at Halifax to-morrow. The work must noui go on Democratic County Convintion. • . 4114 **L • . Jessup--A. 8...1. - sibrop, J. C. SheaminAbel Chatfielch , - ; . I ..- -., - Lathrop-Seth Bisbee, G. S. Tcwksbury,E. N. Lord L e n o s—charles Cornad,, J. If: Marty, Ell slaa Bell. *, - ~ : - Liherty--;Jobn D. Turrel 11.3, 1 , Conastoelr, —Tompkins. - '. - i i • - ___:, Middletown—e. IL -Handley; - Olin Mini, Johnson W. Stone. c '. , i Montrose—m. c.,Tper, ww. Lliate . 0. Crossman. -', . 1 'New Nilford;—Nonnan FcMt, Peter McColl:, hum, Trney\ IL Hayden. II - ' Rush—Josiah - .Ellis, .N. J., Sherwood, Ora" =, I tns Maynard. - ' - ' it Silver Lake—Timotby Murphy,M. D.Gt;ii,ge 7 . Dennis Sullivan. . - ',- - , - ,T,i { SpringlillaW. 13. Handrielh Jonas .#lO - lips, Asa Carlin. .; 1 . ~ I • l'hon3son—M. T. Whitney, Chester. Sled. (lard; Ebenezer . Messenger. . __•-• '• " . WM. J.TURBELL, Chairman , ' S. B. Ciumn, Say. -- „ • '' , .. - DRE - IDEtI. MOILT.ALTITCrg BOAED MU Ste: IBritish 1 ship Sir. eharle,s Napier, ,eriptidnl .Welrstehar. rived yesterday morning; ninety days from gam ( awn; the measles, dynode); and, fever.. thOto }to show themael ves,4Md&ontinued with more o e less virulence , - for about three Weeks,l , -in 1 , which .time no loss 111 4 0 tilirt,Ydm • were 2400 BBLS or - FLOUR. : i ogin n in ett n o n i e h a e r d ti e te ep ,e ; qli /1 14, n r u ,,, cc n e o sni (f o o n ub ot ..,,, vo‘ riee ttus d , "Utr y onwoharle float, si t w g, et:k an o d eot rrt r b g btlll 3 this great mortality; awthe heat at thrit . g in e :;(1, f t e lreat. r 7t ei s v p; P l uT i ltrib d e ll Cit; fr apl was most excessive,' Although the: pas,ge itierlero Sail 'need, or Am he 11. ° x Y. air. Erie asP i edo was ainety.days fron port to port, e r e ?rill at t a r ° rtitel,7 6" "e;o , l,.' I nut thirty of ..theril - 04 'IRMA Was:4.n. 1°10402 bisip.4l3l le from c o n aq .wfferpt, "l4l nf t ruclt ti.nOtigh tto keep her sails IhiL 4 Ail appoduhen .04 1 ;i4alltr .srut eitaust tall to Please enatorner. - at" disease lett:the vessel weeks; prOtt.l _Gibs* 310, 944r 1 ,( 24 4 ir„) u.-notaows &co Oos ber'arival pooo,...=,Frtto the Atto? ffe N nfon, ay • I : • Tzar D:anntrintr.=, , Tho: early__ isittott - of 1 the daughter might to be more thorongl ,deep- , er, clearer, sounder, more extensive and b etter{ than the education of the son; becou the I daughter early in life, becomes a wife and a, mother; retires from the world to her own; peculiar empire ---her home. The son, if hot thoroughly educated for his calling at fret, is' compelled by circinnstatices, by the world nil I around- hint-,4if rivals. in business-5y bis j e own sham and : emulation, to educate himself., Indeed, }lois always learningsomething;leither by good-or bad luck; useful for him to know,' It is not so-wiih the :daughter who magi learn in earlylife or never learn.' Be a woman ever ‘ so wealthy , in ihilcountry,simmtust knoWbow to cook her food, to wash and Iron her e tithes and, those of her family, to nurse her cildren andito teach her daughtent to bo the san e :— If she has servants they mayhe ignerait ;lazy andlivorthless; and there may be times when no servants can be procured. She may e too poor to, hire servants:: So' that every °use keeper-I:tuna' know alt , these arts -of ouse ta ROBBERY AT GREAT leatll That the Laeknwana & Western Itailaoad Co.'s safe was bridten open and robbed: last night, (28th) of its e.ontentabout $5O in n oney and trainable drieuments.: And, that , ti , horse was stolen about two miles from that -.place, it is supposed 4 tne same rogue. It •as a larg,o.browrtinitse with short - ; . _ ESTRAY. ABLE into the euelorure or the subseribe z ion; the 2lst inst., a pair of tiny Home, intlgedi to be about 4 years old: The owner in reqt rated. , to prove property, pay.ehareen and take: their' away. RAYMONDS. SCOTT. Hanford. July 30,185. , 31w3 • :.NAPKIN RINGS. • , ta:AcTirui; nvortilient of Silvez NaOlti • angli, some entirely nes, ottani, melted ihiq da • by A. J. EVANS, So. 2, 014 Fellows' flan, Dingh • triton • . Sllver:Waie. Ainos I.CIT - ot Rice Spoone,ll4l6l; tee ,fn II iehed and for talc•—ulFrasit.ea, as pure -as • en graved gentle byl A.J EVANS. nine hamton. gulf 28. I Aj. 1R GE lot of UV ch !Cep. Vent Button Illette,Steel Key Rings. Ctotchtt Needle& fcc.3tt aryl July 2.9) . - A. J. F,VANS'..Binghamn _ . • S. B. West—Druggist; ! 'Susquehanna Depot, 4a: ITAEALFR in Dings, Medicines, Points, choicest IViuea and Liquors, Dye...Stuff:4 Patent Medicines,- till'kinds, Combs, Trasper4 B,rushes, Iferbr, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, oLn and"Pixtio ./ElintLAY- T -Cuttery—Violior,Fluteti, Fifes, ,Accordeouri, School :Batiks, Stationery, Children's Toyn, Confectionary, Fancy Goo l ds of Feat variety, Looking-Glasses, BYS9i)As !VA -TER,zni Campftene", Alcohol, 'Doming Fluid, Tobacco, Snuffs and Cigars, Jtc. /e. saki et the lowest prices; July . 26, 1852,, $lOO TO ,$2OO PER MONT: r HE above sem can tray be made by industrious Maw, of reepectable address possesses good business qualities, and who command a small capital (to begin with,) of 2:l* to 50 dollars,—No whore uet-d opply.—b; gaging with the subscribers in the BOOK AGENCY BUSINESS Whose Publications are very Saleable, and 1 the psorLe wtm. t Et — Funds can be forwatded at our risk. Uri ed in presenee of the Post Master and cant and dates of the stone retained. -. 11:rNo books kept or sold by ns of an im tendency. - • • rra Wholesale Price List, with full DI tines, for operations. will be forwarded on al nation, Post Paid, to - - GEO. IL DERBY &C • BOVIL Pvecwt Baffiilo;, (Not• Near York.) (3u: Tr A DIE T.RAITELLEC' G PUBLIC. Firs* it;lnisoi.ifoseiss. Fermis 81 s 50 'per clay., THE cubseritier, having lately become psoprretor of the F.RANK.t.rx House, Chestnut Streetbe• twerp 3 and 4th Philadelphia, and Imam& red tea the price of Board to 31,50 pet day, givtlactice that; notwithstanding this reduction he will still continue to keep a From. Guars Muss. The Franklin House has juet undergone es t nd ed 'alteration., and is now fitted np and ref re ish'erl in superior style, for the reception of visi to The Lower Floor, formerly occupied by store now included in the Hotel, forming a spacious i ception Room, Gentle:mm*ls Parlor and - Di RIJOI.i thereby allowinp en addition of thin chambers aud several beautiful 'parlors. fronti, n] on Chestint at - The Britons of this Hotel ler , m . superiors° ost others, bring constructed wit al looses. romtinz parlor and hed : ehambei . :attac ed I well-lighted and vemdated.,_ Ille.locithert is nu' I surpassed, either for business or pleasure. I • 1 - - ' BEN. U. *DUMAN; Prep' , I Onial , ' • • Philadel 'M. E...A. , Thig1ey,..11. -D., 1311 1 /SICIAN AND ,SURGEON, 5C114217E. mesas -Der.e,lre:,—Otritol doors We . t of c. S..Ser*it'ei Store. CIODN and WAD.T - CURE. Dr. Daitt' V) Corn and Wan Elixir. that will reinoto a ki n ds of Corns, Wanior Molre.in three: or . Doi days—pricP 54 coots. Alms Dr. Bazsett'a Toth Acke Balls. that will care tooth ache in fire min utes—price 25 Cents-4or sale ;at July 20:, - • 1130 1 Wanted • • i Agents, • : 1 • - 1 TO irstref in slim count/ is theLraltial States, to J. circulate the authorised eltion o f the „I, i Life 'of Gell Frank. Pierce,! • 1 . . . -Or , &itVir 11-131P511111E, . I 1 1- Candidite _of the Democracy .for Preiridentl of } 1 the United-States; by D. 11 7 . Bartlett; 'r ; ' Author of "What I- saw in Landis, of Men and ;Things ,in' the great Metropelbt,r in en elegant 12 ino i ' val. of =0 pages, with as accurate portrate of Penis, i The boat( contains the parti tutus of ids early We, isolates connected with his pirate and professional fs. tort', and an aastiant of his public and usliltary..ereit, ice. 4-.., by a ;loon tar Nine Eagland autbor, - who • visited Concord. far the special potpies of prierniria , reliable nod itathmtle. voltam c, under the - advice d a>masel of prominent Democrats. , :- .- ...- -., • The eTart has the ~suasion of thediatingaishett;stile• lee& of the memoir. whese sudden and Unexpected le. cation from a pnette cittzett to the proud position of the leader of the Drareratte party; and, as the e -1 moeritcy confidently .liellere, soon -to be elevated them tattle most honorable , port is the war o f I .flagratrate of the tralted Statef•—crottiV a desire on e WI i part of every American to Mow the potentate 'of Is MrSottet retail price.ln paper corers r ed tents; in prat f elotb.ls cents. ..-- ,-, • , ,-- . :, -, r.oplei tent by )ann post-paid, on receipt of price. , FOr frifthey gertiehlassokeldress. hoO•paid. ~. . , ' ' • HEItIIY & unturt, Soli Pnblishers,Autrarni N.Y . . . iZr Publisher! of Demoeratle Pame,irithla tal of Neu York State, Weenies the obese, Oath this tl elem./tide-0 tiretiout to the let or September uext.th receive a copy or the mime by men. tree at pcookat DERBY Z 6 'MILLER Auburn, N. T. 4u17 11.),11Z2 i • Regster's Notice._ woncE is hereby glrett tb aii pewits copteettied I. £ the funeral/ estate, to vitt_ Estate of - frill aut Mason. decimal; 1, iliNgtO NMI sad Lewis ?u he: , Admintetratior— , • - - . That the aroatintuuts hare settled their, aecounta the hesixteets olden and for the eoutity of stun • h um:And that the same WE be presorted to the Jet coot the Orphan!' Court of told entuati.to Mout • T Welltiretisf .the ;hitt tyty of august natty for haustiou aududirrauee. , • - • - J:T LANGDOII, Ergliter EPritlt'es once; itd3, ' 1 27 1852. • • ItitrenlLT at • IWO& Turrittialt - - .- . .--.' 7- -- --- Sherifrs Silo, '.i. . '.- -..--1- B Tvo'ulltr-1, °Sou.= °;, Yarn . .ia:a '. loan ed mta ° et of f ty th 4l Susquehanna. and to me direttett I will expose to pnii- - ; }lie Isle et the Court Gomm In Noutiose, on Monday., 1 tnonwgnu.sht:Colfh,Nlorfiri2m,isitt:rdo:ie,loscunk P u .l7 b . : ::l a th e6 a u t n eert ty certain ~ 1 piece or parcel of land, lying-, being mid Ornate in t h e' State of Pennsylvania, bounded mid ' dercri n b i r:e a s to fo n i:i i i Inws. to wit: . On :he North and :Cast by land of George , } Corwiti, on the South 'by lend of tWilliam Corainoind thloy :Screw. with the sprairionaners , about dirt° acres ; - . o lin n o t ino tie wed iVe .l d at b e y th l re a st tir ste B n a t n E.e ne o l s il n ai• c l:i t e7"- . Taten in exeentron at iho Mt of Newton S. W a lk e r against Enos West.- t ... - --,. . . . ' G. 13.!ZIMUIID, Sheriff. 1 ' Sheriff's °Moe. Montrose, I -! -.-.... . . •- ' '-.- II PY 29 . / 842 . t-• f ; - : _, . . _ .Estraye , kit* nr ituriterdier : *boot dd. lot urinne, three yetrlinotiirs , me titan and tie other. red. Tno . on - ner - Isrequested to ptolre ProPottl, pay otungei and taker lb m noir - " 1301gowtit er. 13; 1852-22 4, ' Itegi to 's Notice' • DtroLiorto Ttut Is haply gireit'to all persons coa l: corned In the following estates; to wit r • Esta.e - of Taylor, deed; Jonathan Taylor s Ad ministrator.i • Est ate of Lyman.Trowbridge, Amens . 710, bridge, t'x' Estatt: of .IViiiiam Thompson, Caicit Carman, Trustee. That the sotauntants have fettled thrlr 'neonate in th e Itegieter'antleeitt and for thecounty Of Susquehanna, and that the eamo will be prowmtud to the Judges of tho Orphan's Court nrwild county, in Montrose, on Monday the 17thday of August neat, fur eontlrmati" n and allow. anon... • • J. T. LANGDONOlegister. - , • Register's ogicti - July 21,1652- Administrators' Notes'. NTICE -, is hereby given shot letters of ad. ministration upon the estate sof Timothy ShaY,lite Of Forret Lake totinship, deceased, have been granted toshe subscribers, and all per. sons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate - payment, and those 'having claims 'will present them duty attested for settlement.` Clunks and accounts may be found in the hands of Bens jumin Shay. i • I ' BENJAMIN SHAY. PAR M ELIA SHAY Admr's - • FOrrte Lake, July 10,18 M. , . 28q4 Great Bend . • . • !-VARIETY.STORE , .1r lals,way, Ladles and Gentlemen! Pr HE subscriber would invite his friends to call • at his new store in Great Bend,directly op. posits the "Lusk House," and examine his stock of goods, feeling assured that theY will not go away dissatisfied, lle would first call the attention Cif the Ltdies to - hie great variety of 11111...3 , 3 . DCB;D'A ) • consisting of embroidered and printed Lawns; De fames of aline* every variety and style that the the New York market aftords • black and colored Silks• ' Prints, Gmgharns, A splendici Jut of Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Table Covers, Ilo sieiy and Gloves, Straw and Millinery Coeds. I Also, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Vest - ingt,ltnd.every material lot boys and men's tin thing. . - Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. - Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags,Carpeting, Sheet ings, house keeping articles I' all Muds, Groce ries, Yankee Notione,,&c. cic..!and in short ev= erything a person needs forcomfoit and luxury. ErPlease tall and examine. EBNRYI LANGLEY. Great Bend, July 15, 1852. 28m6 :my who coil rum . .... . - . Dr. E Sniith, - . .: - QVROtON DENTIST. eattbefonnil as =nal on Mon k, natl and 1171304T4 of each week, at the hotel of IF.. Searle; 31ontsose, PMHe would call; the rothleniar attention of the , a who Pa., 101 l setts of teeth, to his manner of Inserting: on the almospherte pressure princi ple, which lie has i meticetl for a nonther of years. All other work, extracting, Ming; clthwingy done in the moat prfOitific manner. ' , ' _ Montrose, July 12, 1952.. f:Sin3 'NEIVT. GOODS, FOE. TICE:ZUNVER'S TRADE. ' IItENTLY: - .} READ. bite I just received a iiltness P e uddition to their former stock of Goods consisting of Dry !Goods 'of alinoilt every descrip tion. Groceries, Crockery..., Hardware. Drugs: Medipines, Paints, Ma- and „i ttyestiiffs, - Boots Shoes und b`ilitliq. St4itlicillia' nr fact die 'Watches Jewelry.'Silver •Spoone, - i.rerfu efy and in at 1 the . greatest . Satiety Alit, Min” o , found in any Store in the county —all Of •Whinhl inlfo.Prefiiiied I totiell ( or. cash - Trainee or en epUroired credits at as low marker any ofyiur neighbors, Our motto, is still the same as ever—=*.Not_ to be undersold" ' - . •.- -.- - BENTLEY 4•READ. • . ' . OVIES I. %MOVES Gioat f SfOVE COPPER, TIN - SHEETIRON ES- TABLISHMENT; rrtHE subscriber tespectralli Warms thu ,pub _L. lie that he hes received u fate addition to ; I tris comer stock ci Stoves, consie6ng of a variety of the most approved kinds. atnni6 which are : CLINTON AIR TIGHT. • FOREST QUEEN, STAR OF VIE- WEST, • - WESTERN QUEEN,.... alrelevixted Ovens:' OfsSiitisre air tight Stoves are PACENIX, PARAGON', • m Re- . iug, tiny , JON, .WESTERN E3IPIRE. ORANGE AIR TIGHT, f UNITED STATES, I- I FARNIERS, UTICA COALI STOVE. ' l .i A variety of Prerninms. some orn i ew style, the WALEILL, MR TIGHT, IFAR.N.II. RS. ' - A good and various assortment of Parlor end Hall Stoves for Wood and Goal. Box Stoves of various sizes and patterns he is Continually re.i ceiving, and intends to keepas groat a variety, of l the most popular stoves as eny dellier in the coml. try. Persona wishing to purchaser stoves will find it to their intervst to call on hin. They will find bis Stove Furnit*e. madeof the strongetit and best materials and as cheap wean be bought in this or Broome county arid mach better than offered by Odlam. rr Stove Pipe & Tin Ware kept for soles and made to order. - Farmers will bei supplied lariat 4. Pans, made of strong materiels, at Wholesale psi ( ass, all orders (or work in his line will be , thank i fully received and• punctually attended to. II• JOHNGOLSTBHd• $, Great Bend, July 1, 1852. - TQkfELl's •,, • _ . esSo.BEWARD. QTOLEIV from the pasture of ..IheOubscriber; o Tuesday The Bth lust., a dark:bar Mara, four years old past, go od , size,aradti fast' traveler. Twenty-fire dollars reward will ho 7 paid s for the Mare, arid fifty 'dollars for the Thi4.-. - sxmlIEL TRAVIS. ~b m;gaehattna Depot. PL, JoiyA : 1852. '• • • LOTS OF • O.flTAf Af trt Shawls, Mont;-11 us,., —bbit rm. Snh 7 Trier malt-straw braids, floiver , and Sprint - 4 ,j lust received at flii.a t s,Anevr atippty of tltat ohole4 fir Tezt just- received—Fair et 3s. DWI fire rate at 4 tied 51.. BENTLY, tr. READ. AitTED .1A (I(in roaadF . l.kaalt and OrOdd.doltars in kill./ IJ Carie—atea,' grain, baiter, truth. are ; raga, and berswai on a c counts - or-for trade. •s, Moorage, Judd Id. . /11,0 WOOLI- . WOOLI [ATE wain 10,1.10 pendia W#l in exebenge YL. forme!) elotha. , • ' , D. 11.,LAT,DflOp - drck.i, 24, 18.52. - r i 210 Montrose, May. NGLISi/ 'WA Tri t aubacriber *this day iic*.li4d . !lootei. tot of Euglish ' Kula, 'Lavas . _WaiA'es, _Hunting laggeth for lid. 'very )E., EVAN., B4IOIII4IMINJO/Y4l-- 2 Oalretlaws• Hall. • • • C101,17.011.4iN5.- of - every. juit_ ur. 1.11 ceived from, the maitufectoryi 87 ~, 3nly - - A. I. EVAN . - :Sherd's - •- - • -] 1111 COY virtue of writs of Ri. Po: issued opt of the )14.11 Court of CommOui Pleas of Susquehanna cobuty, and to Ine di.:etted, I will expose to public sale at the Court Howie Ntoutrose, ma Saturday the.l4th day of August, at one o'clock e. 11., be. ikthe undivided third. pOtt of two - certain lots lying . aed being ili the Lbdough Of,Moutrose,nurn. Wed as lots b 7 auclSS, e bounded as follows, to it . . • Ou the Worth by lend of WM. ,J, Melford, nn the east by lanfl , ,of .lettea Poet,: ten the- south by land of Wm. - Jessup,itud'oti the . weethir the pub lic square; together a ithr; : the lions e S,• bar ns an d l out buildings thereon, being and containing-274 8.10 rods, ' • - • . - Also_the 'undivided -third part of another cer-i lain lot, numbered es lie No. 37,bounded' ou the, north-byland of Isaac, POst,'oo the east by . they Pablia squate, on the Entail by taint of Daniel l Searle, together with a frame mouse thereon, curt Ming 84 rode: the tindivitledlhird ..f all that : eel.. lain pie^e of hind, dying and; in the town ship of Dritigewator,ond annoy of Smiquehatina, described as follows, wit: Beginning' at a beech the sonth-east cartiOr of lands conveyed to Eben e z e r Whipple ' mid theyoutti-west corner thereof: thence by paid land, and. by lends late of:Hobbs end puivers undiutti of John Whiteley North deg. Ilea . 150 perches, to al stuke in the boundary line of the e. Drinker lands" of which - tide is a part, thence Meng rho said I tennulary line atilt by land lute of Henry Patrick and Israel 3. Stebbi ns solidi 67 deo, east 72 per I i - cite" toa chestnut. thence south deg. 'east 120 . . perches tr. a stake end stbues at the south-east I corner heretic and thence South_ 894 deg. weft , 64 9.10 perches to 014-,phice of beginning, con- 1 Mining 54 tteresand 135 peptic', snore or letie,l bring the same land and premises, conveyed by I Thomns• Stewordson soli: surviving Executor of Henry Drinker - deed, byl'cleed bearing date the i .12 t h day of March A. 11 197. recorded in Deed Eltiok No 6, page 24e, tdiOnt 40 acres heing im proved, one forme burn acid n snail orchard. • Alsoolte undivided third part of another piece or parcel of land lying and hobo , in the township! of Dimock and county of Sesqueharma, deedriVeal las follows, to wit : beginning at a post the north west corner hereof, thence south 56 rods to a post by. Benjamin Blakeelee's land the south-west corner hereof; thence east bY Benj. Blakeelees l atid"Win. Harkins' land 207 rods to a post the sootlt.eost corner hereof; 'thence; north by lands owned by Drinker 33 radii to a post the . north east corner hereof ;: thence west 29 rods by Antes Brewtisetut iine to (tie ptade of beginning, , containing atop-a:and 42 Nrchcs 'more or ' lestOtbdut 20 acreb-heit4,ittiproved. Taken in execution at the suit of Azor Lathrop against Wm. D. Lienison.l ALSO . AU that certain piece or_parcel of land situate [in the township of in the county of Sus mtehriuna and State of Penney-Iselin:, bounded nod descebed us follows, or wit: beginning at past cud stones near, the creek a collier of laud surveyed Off for Allen McDonald, thence due west by the line of said survey 20 perches to a post' and stones a corner between said survey and land surveyed for Ge,rge; Felton, -thence so u th ' 86 deg. West by said Felton's survey 1(10 perches to a stake and stones, thence south 21 deg. east 169 pere'res In a srike and stonoa, thence eolith 74 deg. east 134 . perches to a stake and stones in a line of land sin veyed to James Hartley, thence north five degrees east by Paid survey,2o perches to a', stake and atones. Thence, north 40 deg. west.on the line of the surrey to Allen McDonald Fifty' three penalties to a slake and Money, thence North thirty two degs. ;Void by tie same survey sixty Ile? perches to the peace or beginning, con. mining 120 acres and 139 'perches of land he the same more or fees.' . Being part of a tract offend conveyed in pursuance of a Warrant from the Commonwealth of l'enniyiveuia, granted to Henry Grutiley, with UM appurtenances, 1 frame house, 2 frame Nun", I corn house, 1 orchard and about SO - Acres improved. ,Toheo in execution at the Fait otElisha Will. iams agoinst"Johu A. It' ALSO 'All that certain piece miparcel of land situate lying and liehig nethe township of Lenox county of SueqUehouna and housiled end 'described' as follows, to wit: on theitorili and real by the pub. tic highway and School houSept,aud en the south and west by lands of Emanuel and 11., W. Gar pone', containing three acres, together with the appurtenances, Me Ikr.nse cud one barn and all improved lute the. estate:of Nilre. L. C ar pe n t e r. Taken in execution at the sift of Starling Cash lag & Baldwin ageinet Niles L.-Carpenter. - • • 'ALSO All that certain its qparcel of land situate lying and being its -the tosrobhip of Spriogville comity of Susquehanna, laud bounded as • fol lows, to wit:. ou the north by land of S. flickcox, George. Ely, and land formerly owned by No. Mamie: Hobbs, on the easOy land of Geo: ou the south by land of. Mack, and on the west by the Drinker lambi, continuing about 76 acres be the same more or less together with the appurtenances, one •fratned house, one small Or chiod and about s acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Spencer Hick cox:nguiust Jeremiah Swill,. - ~ALSO . • fly virtue-of !finial 1 1 61 . .- Ex issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of :Susquelienna county, and to me shrecteckl will expose-to public merle at the Same time and place aft that certain piece 'or parcel of land situate !king pud being in the town ship of Clifford,- esuiquehantiss eonuty and boon, ded as follows, to .Wit on the north by land of James Brown. and en the east smell and west by lauds of J. McAlla;Coutaining about 25 acres be ing the same More or less, With the appurtenances 2 houses, 2 berms, 1 ,wagon house, 1 coal house, •and f orchard and all itnproy' ed. • • Taken in'executiou at the suit of Wheaton C. Brumley against-Truman Finu. . i ALSO . . •• . All that certain lot pletJe' ; .or parcel of laud sit. l pate in Bridgewater tonmellip -in rho • countyal Susquehanna and 84ute of ;Pennsylvania, boun- - (led as follows, to wit; bring part of a large tract 1 . r" Administrators' Notice.- - surveyed in pursuance of, tr , warrant to ThorriasINTOTIZE is herebygiven that the' undersigned Wharton, dated, thel9,th of ....4ugust. 1174, begin- - 1 .1. 11 have been appointed, Adsninistiators. of tbell &luting at a beech . ; theoco; laud of Charles I Estate of Tommy Nato, deceatied,,late, of Au- Wharton Routh 65 dee-cult 200 perches to a stake; l: blifu.' - All persons indebted to the 'said - estate ere ..a corner, of Courodllitid**"lartd, thence by the i requested to settle the same immediately; and •all said,lliud's NO north 33 deg. east 2111 perches persons having-dernandw against-said - rotate will to the ninth bee of said large tract, thence along! Omits present th em, duly attested, for settlement. the Said northern brie, hortli'V.s deg. Wrat 290 per:l AND ft r W S. LOIS," • •. cites to a beech, and thence - along the .int4l West-I ' - JPAENHAI - I . SIAANNOE; Pidsnes: em line.of said large truct;sitath 33 deg. sitest^2ot - Auburn,: Juno 24 1812, ' ' ItStal perches to the ploc.e•of beginning, containing 248 t acres, (1101's °AIM!, excepliati t therefrom 20 acres i owned by ivory!). Beebe. and, 50'.acrent owned by reseetttNn, with -the appurtenances a framed hotise, Garr, au orchard,. aud about sixty' acres iniproved, ••. •,. • • . • '• Token in execution at 01E400 of Samuel War ner thn - Use_ ofJoseph perbe s againtt Eunice Backus and Asa Backus , ALSO By virtue of a wet 'of Lail. Fe; issued out I' the Court of Common Pleas or Susquehanna county,and ' to Mt directed, I will expose to "pubbe tale at lie same i - GRIND STONES: - Was place; all til"- Stf.Bll" tract ' or Weer of la" TONS , of Berea CI end Stones, of the -best mannfatta• ;dtaatr In the t ° wn•hy. a " °ll ' on "" 4 ' 444 " b ;' in au' 4bre man: entail Shen And 400141 mi trout Oh to, 00 ' 44t "" rSul7ueh "" a cnd ' 4 ' 4 of P. "P r Y / " T ' )a, 6. ° 1 -lb., at I,M, to 2 ets per lb, according to size ,butted, and dertilbod sabdhies to VA: ALSO, - - - silo maple tree, the forth amain' Gl' load' sold to • '. at a Whito • • tt care I y tbs,sarae , north 41 'deg' '2 tons of.' niers Jr" wider will `''e cot away" - faster '). Vi'l•t • • ' • t r . than the Beres, and are very ruppe•lne stones for heavy, 1 127 Pereb"" .4 " " t e l ' s . s l „T: t. 46 41 1 :r Ti . v s ,Tl l .2 c' i r tle ncr i; l 4: south comer of lau 111 t work. and water rower, Vice tol;t t ets' stertb. Me 4rtani o , ld tt , 61 ,, rj'e Uendt Jr.. chime° by ; 01beon July e,lls2,t:eeto CB ROWS leo. fact mentioned 1.4..31 south 4t t!,' di* Bart 1k) perches le ; a b ert h sapptinx, the said Chian dr.'s eaut.h err'. wer Admulistrators. the ties of !antacid to, °Matt, sr„ thenceby the land last mentioned south 44 3 t iet t , west )27 perches tea'Vo = ' to , bereby * Ovenihat undersign' lbeeett tree, O r.,4 Glel On said Oa .aft tsar's meet ebract; in th e ./A- rcl have been; !rusted Administrators of Itner'or Wel ennveyed Co Ain nyron't Trustees, - and the estate-o r caivin aminersAdia of New mit; I thence by the last tneationedlsoS Winn stet. , , r son indebted to • 150 wettest* the becneing. contaiving.ll9 acres and Torn toWil".l4 oeceaseq.. , `l l Pe: „ luporebes.and allowance 'tin aetexper rent for reads said estate bra iequested to - settle the somelrorne ece ,bathe Lune mere or teas, tnti!ther vtigi the improve. °l • .. • : ately. and all' pereentbaving tic demanogolusti raeatj. and intiarteretares. onerriont d hears , one tenoned said relate 'present them duly Uttested to the ern;eine frame) wagon houst,ono Grebes:4 Sad about • 80 • , bibers; ..Takeo in exemitten at tn. salt ,N „ tt ,,,, Eit e and su b scr iber s; 11. SUTPHIN.. Thomas WilltemPen, Trustees; &e.. 't i niest .tn.dah •B. ( WM C. u:Gours'O . Tll, Adres, Inn and Moab) Chnoller, }lens of the lit-t will of Unitert - Jely•atb,lBs.l. - : •• i •••• Alta Chandler deceased vital notice to,llettry Chandler terra t • ,sh, r yystr• rate', Mouttosel - • --- - July - 0.2,•152. - ' •'‘ •- ' -•— . • is y, twat 15' siiiNGi,,Fo ' - 50 00() . "" , , " anY 9, . . , iluki!'d, c h e e p for eiiiiti...,.Aleil.. Blitcl!16,0 Pipsys..lowir !hairet. ariyethrir *co. JO Sc!tquejotnila county: - - ,'!",- ', S.:F,ULAX/r ~•,.., • Franklin Fork?;•lillty 10; .1852. = • , ':,• • 1 tr THE WONDERS, OP ART erns IiZCii3SIT I" OF GOING TO BingliaMlOn oßv.iartb!) What bath tiinizio power to tries Biantrulosely torttrunti-gritee. -- Qr-the plainest; bturteliest Segel : . •' • Daguerreotype: What. via .infan t _ qmites ongage- 7 t `. . Ikipliaato middlti stage._ Vr thefioary baits of -age?` Daguerreotype What attracts the lover's eye: . • Calling forth a teil.tale • Though the hived ono be not nigh t - ' Daguerreotype , • What gives comfort to-the heart When our dearest friends depart? ' 'Tilt this wonderomorklatr . art , • - Daguorreotype This is.kolfoured feeling feints. .And fur absence wakes amen ds,.:d.s... _When 'we hold some cherished friend's paguerreotype . Then why lieed'you longer slay T Come? there's dangerlu delay; jiavo your pictures drawn to-day,. - And you'll be - prepared to eiy ' That there, it truth, if not poetry, the.abovo lines; and ihat at the DAGUERREOTYPE Rooms'. • •'- szw. - • is the place to get a faithful . and pleasing` portrait. Ti-. artist tnkes : this - opportintity - to - tender lila grateful acknowledgments• to-the capons • of. his Art—jrnsting that Isis efforts to please,M the past, will ensure his - Simms in the future . . , To, his former facilities lie has'now added an proved Halfzsize Camera,' by the aid of which he is prepared. tu to take groups, or sin . gle pictures, in a superior_ manner. . _ • - A new and beautiful variety of plain and &day cases.—Turite Papier — Macke; and otherl splendid styles, of various sizes and patterns; gold • and plated Lockele,Sco.., . • T You who have beauty ! canto and let me take it "I You who hair; none !pray come and let me make ErOdd Fellows* Hall, corner of Tiirnpike and Chestnut streets: - -• • - • • •,• Jque.,e3.'op— „ • , • : N " B * - A good Quarter Camera forrsaiir" at a very low price.' • 07 The artist, when not in his rooms, may be fouttityl inquiring at the Candy chop., NEW. GOODS: - WE are: now.reeeivinz a large supply of Nov Goods, melting our . stock more complete than ever, 'and we invite an examination Of-it by any and all wishing to purchase. • • U. uunnows s k co. , Gibonii. June 12. 1852. DRESS GOODS. 1,7„ 3 a o r d e s. re e e m e b i v r i a n c i ng a a a e r r g e e ta tt v u a p y o o f f E n t e d s s o , and of beautiful styles, and pattr,rns. and the rol lowing.kinds of goods, via: Poplins, /Manes. Ber rage do.. Lawns. (plain, striped and Chant tiros, English. French and Domenic Prints, &c. &c„ most of which they offer considerably lower than early Fprice prices., Gibson, :one 12,18,2. If. tI.T.ROWS et. CO. Executors' Notice.' THE undersigned, executors of the last .will andiestement of Michael 3, Sullivan, dee% late of Liberty,"hereby, dive notice that All claims agaitist.said estate must be presented ta. them im mediately for settlement, and ,those indebted to said estate must attend to the some without-delay. FRANCIS QUINN, Z' g J. D. M PAPHEY, s sipier Lake. June 2P, 1 t57.1.-12.6a. G. Administrator's Xotic 9. ,8 undersigned haring taktu letters of Ad- J Ministration in the' estate of -Walter IV il- • marth, deceased, late of /heard township, here- - by gsvea notice ttrati persona indebted to said es ( tato that them:me most be settled immediately . ; land those having cla:tna will Present them for. ar rangement. CHAS: TINGLEY, Adner with the will annexed. Itarford, June 29, 1852 , ---2Gtv6. - '.• • , TO' EVERYBODY, GREETING Deane, Park & 4po. Tho preoeut Proprietors of the BAKERY 'AND - . CANDY' SHOP NAT.,613413 coU ,attentin'a ',in the fact that they) novercarrying on business at:the stand Ifttely'occurded by Stevens &Dunmore: '• They .Imeg eectired.: the Services of good work men,. whose ability and experience will. enable them to produce nuclei in their line of 4isuperior quality- It will be tbe,constaut efforts of the - proprietors to make ample provision for thewants of their customers,- and, as far as mug bo in their power,. will endeavor that their in terceursewith snch shelf be both aweetan4 pleasant., •i. - - White and Brown Bread, Rolle and Rash, fresh every Tuesday & Friday afternoon; also, Crack- ets, Cakes and Pies - always on hand. - • ! Fruic Props.-; a new article. possessing the Ha-- vor of different kinds of fruit- 7 my pleasant to I taste of. • • ' Floor, by. the barrel or Sark, at the lowest mar ket price. Also;bugurs, Molasses, and most kinds of Groceries, on the most reasonable terms, , II; S. A few of those cClebruted Pin e-apple, Cheese--4ich and rare—just ba;tind and setting aff fast.- : Great andamall. one luau% uive us a call. • - ff.' A. DKANS. 11. , W. PARK. NV. 8.-DEA NS. A quantity of searonerl Pine Lumb.r fora nt?; DEANS. & CO. Admiiiii3tiator'i No . N°l l . l .t.i.s.hpepritibottgli:ke3m"inaitettrh:tournod;rthgneese d .! tate of-SAt.t.i.A.Vtlltt.r.srto,deceasett; late of AO bunt. AU persons indebted to the said estate are requested to tnake linmediate paymeut, ,and eat persons havhig,,demands, agaiust said , estate; please present Ahem; duly attested. far settlemeht. ANDREW Si LOW. Ader. • Auhrtre;JUrne 211,1551: - 25103 3000 PIECEs 01 PAeptnANG.; lrlm aft A Pi NO_ n g re at voriety of beiotirutpii. which.. eve Mier, at jowitr prices than eirk heard' of (Jerrie "in' 'fhetie partyHatalaome .Vapere ( 9 to It) ccnta u roll. Afro. a large tot of Phila.telpAia'Paper. beintiftil-patlerua end superior qUality, - audio it for , tbe ipte= . rest o f MI tvinhinklo paper dwelliqse. old or new. to ptirclitsoe tiour our ' . & co: Glb;ca,Juuel2ilSsV -- - --' • -"' rAI - . -111011E^A' -TO L0AM...7 Ti. :- ..... . . IF any gentleirnao wants to borrow 1000 dollar* ~ at free poi - tot., be - Mu:mot berroseit.-iir Om . subscriber. bat, entlemeacarleaVtrillettir than ell per ment. in .their clotbiog - expenses - by littittg their garmentsads aktny shop. It I smelt:labor habit - of brage i, I, could . point to my ~,work as - ,- ; tho best 4tesur ce or iny skill in the'art. bats. il, i discriininating nd tasteful - italic know where to__ go to gel - : 't - ' t aIS ails ftsftiiit _ not''..to mentie unineittipiablis, 'lresis, jackets. f Backe, IllrIOUtS, Catigerlf,rad ileirnitAim. 'I •-. -' ' ' -''. 'Gentle or w il l"please toiske notioit. that -1 t-- r !MVO remove d • y shop WM,. Keeler's bloat. wa „: Mehl street, fi t story. .-- : .-- 1 • - -.. t•,- o.7:Cuttihg fiookaa natal. , . I ri ... ii - - 301iN GROVES. Montros, /Ono 10, 1852. - • - • "Litt, More Light - A ! 800 I OIL THE =TIMES; -• • Life at at Ahe = Louth; • L l )Pi it oR 64 TaNis3ibab• TB" AS IT IS. Being Narratives, Scenes tint! itioldout the real of the Lowly." yr. 0. SMITH, WM. PILE object of the author is to Ireprearent the ; L. condition of the Slave in his rude but com- Portable cabin, hie daily occupattoneand petalurea the rotations between the mister and stave, the mivtaken impubra and mieccurceived Views of the , Northern Philanthropist, etc. etc.., end to repre sent the passions Dud sentiments in their natural forms, as the sante nse displayed the humblest tut of society, thus firming that, the case of the slava at least, contentment bestowe More happi• nese than freedom • and at the same time to rep resent, as it is, a class of people. viz : the Planter, to whom justice has seldom been done, and whose character, es exhibited iu every day life. is will { maculated to. win the amiable judgment of the weed. 'fire above work will be published orr the first of July, and will contain about 500 12 mo. pages, beat:Offaly illuatrated. The price will be $l4O. Early orders will meet with first attention. _Good active agents wanted to sell the above On the receipt of , $1,50 we will forward one - copy of the above book (which agents can use as I a sample copy) tor mail, postage paid, to anyplace ; lin the united States, not exceeding 1500 antes from Buffalo, Chicago, Cinciunati or New York. , Books sent by mail must be;prepahl according to, the new-pesteflice lea. Postage on this work is about 25 cents for each andevery 5)0 nate. Wholesale prices for above, and other saleable books, for which we want agents, will be forward ed on application to ha, postpaid. _ G. IL DERRY & GO. Book Publishers, 1 5u 111,1 °• Y. Parms,,and Mill Privileges; and Lots for Sale. 4 • - .valuable Subscrfber offers for sale the following properties; io wit one farm in-then township-of Daniell containing some-silty acres. about thirty of which is' improved, house, bun; orchard. arc., tkgreon. Said faro lies one Mile and a half tram the village of Harford, on the .. route of the Montrose and Harford Plank Road It is a-beautiful and desirable location, well war.' - tared . • - Also one other farm ", ly . ing on the. Belmont • Turnpike, four miles' from Leuestiro .and-. the N. Y. - and Erie Railmd, containing 'about Eighty • acres, twenty or more of Whierf is - improved. with' house, barn, orchard, ittc. Tois is a volt:able piece of laud from its location, bring well tinthertd , and watere,i. • • • - fr. • _ 1 Alm several Building lots at the village of Sus-: !quehannit: on the New York ilk Brio Rail Road. This is one of the most thrilling .facetious in the conntry,-beitig the sent of the Roil Road Machine . shops &C. It contains now about 1300 inhabi.. mute,: and Its business facilities ure unrivaled. la. - connection with the abeire lots, aro four of the best • mill.seati in the conntjr. being immediately 'on the': e , :uscpsettanim river.. with sufficient power for any' purpose oftnanufctoritig Stc. The most surpassing. iuduceinents are held out by the above- locations.-:, for capitalists, who wish to embisik in-the Itusinesi of ma n u fact aria g,tonn ing,floweringand !timbering.; The Rail Road affords the most, commodious aced:. ready transportion for everything , in the above line. • The above.property; in whole or part: - Will ha , sold on terms the most. advantageous to pincher. , era: I. will give great bargains. ,Communica. fiesta wilt be promptly answered- from distanca and all cuquirea attended to prortiptly. - SEDATE GRISWOLD. Depot. Pa.. June 1. 1552.. - - .23 'lf. .I.i 7STOVESI.STOVESIF: Tilt enbseribersha , ini nOteteti into cO4pait- - twist*, in the - . • Mime; Tin; and SheetArion, business, are prepared to attend to . all orders in 'their line at the shortest notice. By giving et riot attention to the basin la they hope to: merit their shaie of the trade. - • • The business tv)II be earrie , l oh - opposite the "Democrat'' Office. audit: the name and firm of V. D. Lathrop- 4 co, Konfroseducie 17-,1852 OMB 111A13 lit C RAMIS.; E_ uadeiajgard on 1. hand, it'supply : of .stock such as Hydraulic;Rams. for bringing,. water op bill•do houses, which, he ,will. itiy and Warrant one ftarAlso Chain PiimpsatittGast. Iron funips,,foi— bringing !water - from lionises, and asupply of-Lead lie wilt lay and warrant well done. :Mesta' whi.:-waint 'work dore*in tity-line of business will ud;it'ryta: their inte;tat to . ,calkonl , • ~" OtiVER Gibson, Swig's. co - .; Mu); -18:?!..). Haying. and A 'Harvest W- - NE lag :of - Grass Sek th ea, - Cradles, Hay .end siraw,Forks, Sy' surToie.• new pat.sro Scythe Sticke, flakes; Quiiirbang, Scythe t;tones and Ohio - Grind Steneeiin-Jkona and far; sales hy . .. • - , - DURRITT., New Milfard, Tone, • - • WE STOP THE PRESS '- TO ANNOUNCE' TIM AnErrAl, pr 310 A& NEW :GOODS At Webb'a. l‘ t oirinost, 4NE IT, 1533. VIVA:STEW FO.R ICALIFOTIA NUL MARKET; . e l p wool' Sucks, largo' I.:TA hhie mixed; M ‘ in fixelinagelor tjooditacenpli prices. Time dullrtrs e q .iprz.rti alluwed.. , tur tit gond • EATON PECK. fiurfard, June 18'52: • - • , .11'11tINTS' rittarts.t. - frliE tarpsl.l44CA cid arcutePt variety of I 'and. 'some styles 444 wttleins ever ifertd this mat% which we: Oro at extremely law p iccm, incladiuz 4 litivelat cif bandanna pinto for reel. raga 6 ppncei yard, Gib#oW Juni 12,1852. IT.BititrtQWE Ir• :Ware s ::_: , iyuRE 'AS COIN, (imitka r grubs J. full untortmv4k9f rioted. Di it tHiligio . 41 4 ver • ~ OP-rtetity,rrtidif . Clothing . and lital' . ll . fla'f . :Al . t.t._2 , Al,lll - arttiy .vu batkil. &rim_ 0 .. t &b A Li% ° -1t i , ; 4 7,=, r„.. 0 111 rtranixits,stkilca.uuw bald; , !IV" c OEO . re , taw . , . /1101;10: - SEAL9;itrifw eplii;tly 3:64 %A. ibis .dAy rreeit'ted by - -, J. RY:ANs. inCrOCKS evity. . Oily; .- aid idipip, fur sid.ct tdselift by Bin.hatatondulyr2o. . J. EV C. D. LiTIDIDP, E : A. WOODEupp JOSIN L. DENNIS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers