TIMIEIVIOCRAT: 31 "Tit*ErMniM -28 • 4450 : .Troatbseasteittcamtat. - • from . Chlifor. xds._ letter which•herm oteiveffreuiee beotheritv California by the last steamer - an& which - iwis Written in reply to one . asking advice int regard to tuiother brotheee goipiont to the; gOld‘regions2;Thilidterlin fore .us WieWrieten, not tor Publittion: but : as •tk brotheeet advice to at brotlm, ; it & s tate. [CI ett4 Mattlhentiore ttpon int the eVants whichwe have made,Ottglitto Ve4vt:lll considered by,the hundreds of young Wen who re cow rueting .for, : California, •with hopes which to all honied-prat:Air:o- Must be iadly ~:dietappe ed:- The lettenis dated Bear, river, Jim 27. The writer saist . • "'The prineiple object.of-your 'letter Wa& -cskrof-advice about brother A's coming,te California. Now I beseech- you, do-not think -of each a thing for - ainement. I will tell you. why. In the first Place A. is a married man and ban a "family of children to watch over and *din care of, and, what could he do rot, them hire: Another reason is, if A. Comes out here It will _cast him nearly $4OO, and he. will be landed without a dime in land where army. tiding is ton times-as costly as athome,. with ihel only arctiptionof labor, which at the pies. ant; time le below par. - I will give yon re kw factesichieh you earl rely upon truth. The litatirip up of the Golden Gate she ha& op beak ' thirteen hundred and fifty passengers inoativ mi t, aidei of. New : York and the state . - of Mine. good portion of them immediate• ly started for the mines. 11 7 hen theihad got some hundred miles from Sacramentoi . they ftUntdi themselves without a dime in the world. The land was fulls of them. They could not go to,mining. 'and it they should ihey would not make enough tn- pay for what, they eat, 'potting aside-tools to work with: I have had stleasta hundred , men oiler to work for-me for their board, and you can hire ss many is eon want fbr fronts3o to $5O per month, and on, Alai MTh no num can - live out, here, when provisions int as high as they now are. Every one' I have spoken to about A'a coming, out here, 'say to him, stay at home by all means. Do not let him Make a fool of hlinseltby com. out here, as thousands of others havedone.t.— lytis ten thousand times better off' at home with- 75 cents a day than with s3' or st-out here. You must hot believe all the stories that are written about California. Moat of theni are lies and , bass. forgeries. They are manufac tured by a_ few men engaged in Steam boats and other conveyances, to keep up this excite ment so that their boats and coaches may go folti I will give you an instance which actu. ally; occurred. Juitatter the arrival of a large numberof new corners at Sacramento, the pro. prieitor of a line of stages runt!ing into the mountains' gave a large specimen ofgold,which he had pnrchased from a gambler, to a person rind:told him to raise an excitement with it.— The lump was worth $1575. The man took it and went dowrto the lower.part of the city, where. he exhibited it on the tide-walk, telling at tit" same time, it good story, bow, when and where it was obtained. According to hii story it was found at 'a large creek near - Auburn, i where there are plenty ofelaances for thou. =ads of miners. These new comers eagerly bit et 'this bait, Some of themyerlums harp; buts few dimes, pr at the most, bit a few dol.] Jars, and these they readily give to - ride in the deice to this golden - place, where all they have to do is to stoop down and pick up the rich lum - ps. The poor fellows soon find that they have bclen gutted—that they are pennilies and have got to:beg for something to eat: This is solemn - truth. 'There is not adz) , that 'aeries but I feed road let over my bridge free, from ten to twenty persons, becaune they have not ]dare to pay for it. : • Think' over the list of thole you know who seine to California; and see how many of them haze nude anything. A great many of them get just Money nought° get hpme, mid thous ands aed thousands die and rot here; because th.y cannot - get money to take them home.— Vran told by persons Eat have just arrived out here, that the enchantment is greater Than aver Before in all the Eastern States, and that one half the population will some out here in tie Spring; How much coffering there will Ite; God only knows. Now let - me tell you how klive out here. Since last July I have Slept on the ground, with merely a blanket ertir ale, and when it was raining in torrents, xpiece of board to keep me from the wet, and an old tea to keep the thickest off my head.--] I have lived like a nigger. and worked like al Liave, and yoa - know how much of the stuff' s meted - gold I have been able to send horoe.- 7 lf it bad not been for my. pride, I should have been home long ago. Zo one knows what I bare auffeted—eometimea - even for food, and • with nothing but the fine canopy of Heaven to cover me at night. - it at all strange, then that, fie about coming:out here E for ifttedoes, he has got to go throne' with the the same. Tell him he is better .off withl.s gents a day at home,• thma he' could be oat her ' • , , •- I :Yoe speak in your idles:about those who seine home after Staying :a few dips, darting agair - k California, and you wonder why it is s& - is tell you. After a person boa beeu - 4 ? Ut mere for a ,year; = or two, he becomes zed. civilized society: They ray home sieuza„lita *iiidaYaU the time. There is not ' **lament enough.. This , is. trite—butwe Ric', a Ufa Of toil ridluidship, danger and sit: Ilaring--and - wham a ` :wises bee lived in that -‘l4, for, a yeast or two, it bira for all IT!Od e eei et Y., '; - 1 0 t*ill . Bei:in the papa emit* of deli dfaciiveries made .out tome: : Seine t ot` them stci e s . flit( atep would net-rya : mini dollar's' daY. At the, ii*aut ti me there 4treFame seventy minersarottud t er.:(la yt u nkA.k - AP -411 teFei" the Ithbee; 'There are ,some exeeSteeil,let they - tie - WM/Iv*, so& aS4butliend brat, "d¢tslder"td get,a Chance al: thetifia tithe edflUalrOlaWit: 7- 77";" * T ';": .7- tiietufrAhe %v i a& is z4eupsibpo vio:44**.- EMMIIM hare: . to- w — orit - ..0n - 'A1105'1'1)&4 - To'dthy Soadarand thnlittnlitior thwriier it'd fhb ahien onigoldlci - pyr l. thole expenses of.the day. One ludf of the igen. days since nixie bsen *the' inointainitiaict been passed hittili YOn.think in.eotsla work at- his,..toule4 o Itneonidi these 'Was Work tor hinipi dci: In' St Saerintente:." our knii":eition of any moment, you *n hinithe lest of workine.p ' per day,'and both. places are crowded to 47)113:rflciw- With the- _hest of Inechanies.,,rttkesdeti- AMOOotiret will some ns this husl this tprioir. What they tangoing to do is.copra. than le.an irnagine..,:. Yon, knOtv_iire, lean eniirely'upon the films' and Millers to Side ont heny.:-'Ari soon 'is they begin to tail, ' everything ohm mist tail leo ;and yet 'the high mee o provisions,mnst be - kept up. ; CI think can say with troth that there are more pis:Wotan Cralitornia, novi than in wiir ether L- • ik.o.thi,Fifi,low 7 iai to Atmil. corn—Lat. Early . Pl sting ma l gurroa c I prom!ssd !totoetime_age., non 4 qpp•nn Ara* on miring Coro, atyi lathe ! , eoraize' ' - the:i 04:12i313 hive' bus* promise;_ penn the : following, - which is nt'youteep. vice: I • - - • ' —, • , .. „ For the _last six years) have, been experi mentiagjor the Purpose' of ascertaicag the best cab& of growing corn. One, putt error into wi l lich one farmers fill,is'that - of planting too.cluse; from three feet to:six inches being ts4an the ii • co usually allowed between the rows each y. My plan is to acote out my rows from north to. south, leaving a space of full four; feet between each. I then drop two grains at one place,, with an Interval of two and a lialf feet between oath dropping. My object in scoring out north and south,. is to give every hilt or stalk the benefit of as much sun es 'possible, and to prevent in a certain de-' grey one row from shilling another. .Corn, like an t ukes, is fond of the sun- Every-hill is covered wit the hoe, (preferring the goiid old way in \that nave * et, to any °the* taking good care that no stones or clods rest upon the place where the corn has been planted. "_This can be acCOnapliihed in no way so well as with the ho. ' •I t? me My trio foe - plaating is generally between the loth mid 15th o:, May,. giving the ground a chande to become ;well warmed before the seed is put into it. There is-far: less darger of the corn rotting when the ground is warm and -t ' rapidity of its growth more than coin pensa for the lateness of the season: be. sides, is - not near lie Betio to a back set'as hi when it' is planted earlier. Many farmers plant their corn -the last week in April, when the ground iis wet and cold, and as a consequence (unlesslunder very, favorable circumstances,) it lays thre for weeks Without Igertninating, and very4r quently rots:, I have known coin to remain t'n , the ground for three weeks`before it made its appearance above groeind, while it is seldem that, corn Planted froz the 10th to lfith of May, does not sprout in. three or four days. llt may be prOpei to-remark here; that ' I always soak -my seed' corn , in hen manure , water before planting. .`. • . ~', . . I I prefer my Mode of planting to thS drilling system as the corn is less difficult' ; to keep, clean, rind - I find that ! I can raise justas much as by the other plan. I hare raised' ; from 75 to 80 bushels per acre, without oXtli manta- ; ing, which I consider a fair yield. • i _Lasi, season, I tried an experiment upon ten! acres, by piruiting one half folk' fdet - apart, two'us at .a plaCe, 2 1-2 feet apart. The other : was drilled in, - 4 feetrapak The drilled ortion was much more difficuli to keep clean t ; n the ,other:, 'rind the , yield was about'. gr i. , the sar. - The corn .os the 5 acres planted according to my favorite method, that is, full 4 feet bdtween the rows, and 21.2 feet/ between the dippping, was Much the finest, being ler: ger and fuller in the ear, and easier husked. -I shliuld have mOioned in' th-e beginning of this Wick, that myi- ground intended for corn is always put in the:very best condition before plantain'. Spring plowing, Is, I think,' muck to be prererred for Corn; unless the land is too rich, which is'not often the case.. In conclud ing this plain statement, I willmerely remark, that 'lithe same attention - wire paid to corn growing, that is given to the isising of wheat =die land was as well nuinmed end worked we colZld as easily raise; one hundred Inithela to theniere, as -we now raise filly., '.' 1 , - 1 r - l' - IC F. Eititaicia. • !_ , . Spirts./,awn Farm, .Lerm.rxi.; Fa.i. E - ; li! PLA.NTDIG Or ParaTota;4liiiiliest I • way. escape the rt, an da. the pOtatirE bug is to,plimt your potatoes asl early aitbir last, of March 'or first of 'April—puti little Bine in each tll' when - planting. ~phavel planted my potatoes in this - way ferthellastlre years, and none of them have ...ve.i. rotte d. ! hare also 1 . I planted - - ; some in !il,ay.. artery :year .for several years ( without liming,) and they have always I rotted, more orilesa... ; 1 - ; :Put petting lim4 ad': the hills !will' net pr& vent the bugs fit:lm outing ari/ratopsjiueither will sPrinklitt limeen the - toplieit`iit atop to iheirOinitirSng.l . 'But it yeitylllolaatyol early, your Potatima.tvill be -14000 Ofil size I* fore the hugs make their appearance; and you - will . tiime : iicititierin • in :Ole' „of i thilraga:4 While if-_ those planted . late attaelted: lat the sameifine,:theyWillaearrely be Worth - digging ali tti # • k rc ki i .** - 4 f te.**o . 4* 4 *) . ol ' '.oiilO, Oultivitei., I .2.- •• :-.1, i .. l'l-:; ..; - j-- if, . .--'--:- i).: i• '.- i - P ,;1 1 - z • : •1 • '_ • ': •••• ' : _ - "" ; H. . •Mr.i....irdreur : ' tienri' well and will tititi. - Opooititio4 lit4#itb..oiiiat:!caiio tion, and ley eggs at low prices ;then will be. the iiiiiil.o - fio . for tiOtokinz . ...sit two eirthitie liertalitbninme.tiMi; and w — ..3.l}eY.litii. 01'41 the.' ehirhateryt:tr; ; .cenCl. them omelet th 8. 40 4 5* 7 6 to' 1 04.- :.''..Eariy; 44 .:Ate I nd, 1 4ei - **P io fiL l o B .Sl 6 r . - . .. 1 t0- ' *Fk BA: I ** ll- bi* 1 0 . /alr . ! • o.atii winter. ',:'-•'-.--. "1 1 .4ti5i115 4 441:-..*, . 1 1 q04.10t!**0;, *tit IS' 4 . , - 44 1 1 , Vbc.1!PeTY.1 1 te. 41:4144e . ta, let*riP . .: , :XtiOittiitttiri,3s*attirr' , ol4* . ~ .- : . 214 iiiiihoioio*iisit*abi Sl*: i 141 fa vtiontii.v.!-: - --• . , . ';',:::,',...; - ;',:nitstittSiti . ',o ll .itiair: i f.i7 : ' ; - .:.;'. MMM - • initdLOlA*DMEßSEON:Okmtmat,4 4 ,iiti4t ; -lead:to la tomes& that' mq he Waisted tar flu charm 11 , 10 ii Ortr!:iptoo, lidtUtt.', Wee at' residence or Ittrtmikcstaltet 'Ealdeneepli!kleM4lld , ryt, foot, of.Pollo,lLuans. • - George' T%EALE 'IN 10042, Batt & .1-/ Cape. Boots a aboektfe. BtOt two demi below titbit's Hotel; ildeintrose , - • •-• Tyler,:: . TIEALEB IR Intir 000DRtilocaies,CrWekes y, JAware, Tinware, Irish, 0 Is, Lula, Paints. are. ige.; Site pays Cash for *II kinds oiShippingTurs.: Store gni below the Court . liarles. T UAlrtaeu Ay HAIR DREESINOiIhnan; SAL 4 3OR. Endes S tetetiltioor to the Pottelipe r lpttriite, Po: s: . S Winohestei fti - eft Al ta T.,DgMt l tr LAIV , Tunkhambora, Stesnalook Row: . • :D. D.: Hinds. , • i i rVETVW AND EXCHANGE I•TADAZ. , . Wes 3Gpois _ bolo, Reel. A's Hoteli NOntrOse, Pa..: : . • . , os t rc ; E.l. &S.D. Chase - . A RNETB 4.4 W, 'Montrose. 0191 .are: 2 c . 5 ce overltr,. . B. MIMS • • `Congdon , 8: Sterling,` --.-- ,i , . . DE ;us lit Nla - Lianas nontlMente.'TollitS'PONES, TARtna tte;', Edna= the :Canal Bridge and Court how, Court at, Binghamton, N. Ir.„ OW. NAlrbangle Traveling Agent.. ,! • '..- . ~ - .. • -$7 ly , . MEM OEFT AND MD MARES AND IMPAIRED'. lino B Dabilq4 Ca:z'o Saddltrey Shop, Montrone. • Dr. C. b. Edwards, : • PUTSICIAN AND SURGEON, Harford, Pa.. Ocoee 2 ,doombelow .. G. J. Pride's store. . Vet Dr- James Brooks, ' DRYS CIAN AND SURGEON, and denler ! In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, 011 e, Dyes, tee. Corner atChttreti and Plne streets, °mat Re Cot. Faust's, Connt Bend. John IL:Dintoek,' -• A TTORVET AT LAW. Office on Turopilte street, 1 .1 doer west of the old Register Printing office; Mont rase, Par• - - • • M. L , Truesdell.: , '• • AA 1 - rOBNET AT LAW, Great Bead, Pa. Ocoee with Col. F. Lath. • ~ *t ~C. D. Virgil, O.IIRGEbN OM. TOW, Moirraoss, P.a. Moe' In Odd 1.3 Felloirs' Building, corner of Turnpike and Chestnut streets. Operations upon the teeth performed the most carefully ' and tenderly. Plate work done with the best material and In the mist improved style, Charges low. utiiiotßat EVeRY iTHURSDAY /4011.15111113 .lIY. , ' 'S. !lifer, g, B. chase, Enrroas AND rtoralwroas Ono dollar and.flity cents per annum; cash itiaftirer; or two &Nara if not palCuotil the ena of the year, or time oteubsetiptift. No paper'svill be distention d until all arrearagee are paid, except at the option of the Publishers. All communteatiobs must be post paid to receive attention. All letters connected with the office should be directed to 8, B. ftlt. S. Chase,hlontrp , Susquehanna county, Pa. perEdliers' office over M. C. Tiler's store. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One equareTl2 lines or Imo thiee Insertions, $1 00 • Each subsequent insertion' - - - 25 Onesquare three months, 260 One square six months, . - - • 400 Business Cards,tour lines or less, . ' _3 00 Yearly advertisements, not ova four squares, 7 00 Otis column one year, - so 00 Yearly advertisers will be restricted tothe Mohnen ti which t h ey us engaged. 'JOB WORK. yrii.orne !Publishers p aring silage assortment of Job Printing materials, are prepared to execute an kinds of Job *ore with neatness and despatch. Blanks steno description constantly on hand or j printed toenter. Litrer Complaint., SiII:VOICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY;niseser.S OP TIER STUARTS, AND all diseases arising front a disorderdd User or stomach, inch as constipation, inward piles, fan. nets or blood to the bead, acidity Of the stomach.,-nan sea, heart-burn, disgust for food, fulines, or willed in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or nattering at the pit of the stomach, swimming of the held, hurried or difficult breathing; tiutteting at the heart, choking or suffocating sensations When in a lying posture,dimness of vision. dots or webs before the. sight, fever and dull pain in the head, deddency or perspiration, yellowness of the skin ind'eyes, pain% she side, back, chest, limbs ike.„ sudden flushes of beat, burning in the flesh, con- Stant imaginings rater% and great-depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by„ , Dr. Iloofland'i telebraW derma tittets, DICO.SI JACICSARA Z 4 A, firi 3GYEEszeS.MEDICMI DriDIWITNI:tiedIIST.,MHILADELPILIA. Their power over the above diseasow is not excelled-if, equalled, by aro other prypiirstion In the United States, as the enztvattest, in many cases after skilful physicians had tailed • These Bitters are worthy the attention of itrialids.— Peisesdng great virtnealn the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, ezincishig the mut searth- Dig powers In weakness and affections of the digestive or• tows, theptiVei withsl, Safe, certain and pleasant. - READ AND DILDONVLNUED. The editor of the Boston Bee add, Um:ember 22d Dr. ilootande Celebrated atirean"Bitters, for the cure of Liver Complaint, -Jaundice,- Dyspepsia, Chronic or Barons Debility, ',deservedly °nut the moat popular medicines of the day. Theod Mites* have been used by thousands, end a friend at our elbow gays he has himself received an effectual and Permanent cure of Liver Com- Plaint from the nip of this remedy. - We are cenvineed tWit.in the use of these Bitten, the • patient .constantly pins strength spd vigor--a Tact worthy of great consid eration. They areplrasant fn taste and smell, and ran be sued by person); with the moss delicate stemichs with safety, anderany etresunstances. We are speaking from esperienre, end to the addicted we advise their use. Pooo's Weekty,OniOr. the best literary papers pub-, Oohed, said, Atigust 25th.--• - "Dr: lint:tads German Bitters, mann!** urtvd by Dr. Jackson, are Dow remminended ;by. some of the most prominent timbers of the medical faculty as an article of much effleacy incases of female weakness, As such is tbaease, we would advise all:motbers to obtain a bot tle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated eanttltuttone mill; And these . Bitters &denote pone to their beelth, we know, liom experience the minter) , etreet the) , Weapon weak systems." MOLE EVIDENCe. ' I ,The Ptitladelphla4Batarday Gazette, the best family news aper bublished Jn the United. iltatee gals of Dr. Noolland'a German pittei!-- , • It b seldom that we reel' itionend what are termed Patent Medicines, le the confidence and patronage of oar readers, and !hemline when, we reecnoniend 'Dr. Mot buds Overarm Bitters we wish to be distinctly underlined that vie ereuet epeildng of the nostsituis of the day, that are noised Arent for a brief period and then forgot ten alterthey haves= tbelritolitY. rage tr rultuhlefr but of smedidaelong established, universally proved, and which has met th e hearty approval of the faculty Itself." Look well to the marks of ths ermine. They have the written signature el e.ytt.yAcKsoisr upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale wholesale:ma retail at the German Medicine Mere No. 1 . 1.0 - Arch street, one door ,below Bluth, Phila. .delph i • ; and. by rtapeatable dealen generally through •Priees esabbrall classes of fortltilo to copy thewdosettages of their Mat 110.011141,0 powers. • ,FINGILE BOTTLI 75 BUNTS. for Web! ABEL TURRELL,Druggist,lfontrose; Peon's. • 3yl eow • New Amusement I &ietisizie,Chair . Faiiaiztr;Eitab.; lirrat,w.&wriff & ro. DAT tally completed V V " theirarrangementsfor mataifsetsring and ke*. leg constantly on haisd and - every Mod oflio csehold Vunatare, osanuMetraedontelthe- het! qUat7 ol ) ls4 hominy, Blatt Walnut, Maple, Chetry,and Miler U m-. I her, audio, the- best and mast durable moaner. Ammar Um amides which toe:lntend to keep on band, or make to order,are Mahogarl, IllieltWolnot; Cherry, end Ma. plellarettne, Vide/toads. geeretazies,ltooktases ; Celt. tre,Oard;Pler, sal-Other •Tebl es; Iltanda of everP va• det ; - BONN &Weal Din* Ottomans, Ike. Bedsteads do; kluge abdit ,yles made of MUMMY; Mick Wit= nut, Chermandbbple, • AL/30.-.ldahogany. Black W;lnat,Curl and. Blrdsge Maple, and, Fancy Chairs, of ereavorlety and &wilt-. monortdell they hire slow oil band. -and intend to keep =Mont itipply. 41npar Ude delayed O4lNl:M*l l 4'i lti itreardeps - • AethemaNftamchlsert °Bataan; ealtelted Outlaw thdrbmaneu and tavola ma atateshment Jot the kind la Montrose oldeb•couldsupplyeverp Taal! ofhousa , hold Fandlare, issuloare the !rouble a! swank to the Otis for sad; a rt lelee, they hope to, Matt'arith liberal Waco arta ericoarigebtent; - Wm. , ;1 •." '" s ALMILMBILTTII. - • ' R9BT. 41.511414 iftikeAlluf,2B7l:ll4l:2lll,l?o, A air; tneitiertOna, stood ahaanse forthq.yeatipp. 17teler• 4 " 4 11 ; r1 4 4 . te V?'" orson(luipionegrataitonsly 110110 011 e Dints Vadiaines Sty* - Neat OM wmftnrielagbiGlessand Putty,afrodissant not; azdslirm as baud. StEli MEI At BUD. i!SIMIIP=S 1144, L, S. HOUTON, - 10.D:, fa the' Ace of , Dlttlict Court for the listerb.• -.DlstrlctofFeeneylvoftlec DR:IIO:OGHTaIta t a. . ' iteiSt nothe,n-:&intip Irlof4er! , . flient Lire lbr DR J. 6. HO*IORTON ' 9 PrviiN;Ttizilitrs DI. GESUVic,FLOID,Of!, - . ,_ ~ . .. Prepared Ciotti' RENNET ' lir di& foilrili Strthath' of the 01 afteridirections of Marco tjoblg, the great Physio. teal Cheirlitti,bxJ% e ..LIOUGSTON, AL D.,ltithadel p ti; Pa. I _ . -i, -- , • 1,-. -•-.:" This is ti &tidy worotavf ad Malady far naorapartoN. DYSPEPSIA ,JAUNDICEi 'LIVER COMPLAINT.; CON STIPATION nod DEDELITY, curing after Natitha's owl pretlpxli,hyt Nature's own agent,the °utile Joke.: , 141.1talra . Sealipociiitul Or Pepsin, hifusect hi water, gni -Atlrlit or dissolve, gee pounde of Roasted Deaf In about teiteurs.eataf the storeach..;. ~ ' ' - = ' Pettainla the chief element or great Digestive mind! ple of tati.OnstrloJulenthe. Solvent or-the Food, the emitting: . Primerilog; and' Stimblathig"Atent Of the Stonlateh and Intestines. It Itrattracted, from the "DI:. padre Stinasch of Oa OLthniforming an :ARTIFI CIAL _DTORSTIVE 1 4 1131)..preclaily like' the natural .Gastric Juice to its Chemical ,owens,and furnishing -a convects, Mtn pal act subs:Mite for it . By the aid of this preparation the pains and milt of Indigestion and Dys penal& are resnorvid i jnet as thel:would be by a healthy stomach:4 It is doing wonders for 4yepeptlCS, curing Cl• sea otDehilliyiEmaciation,llCmous Decline, and Dye peptic Ceasumption, supposed to be °lithe verge of the pare. . Thescientific evidence mein which It lalateedi is to highestthe ,.. dtgree.entleux. and remarkable. 1 ScseMific i kpidence. ..-- . ~ . , : : • Raton Llebeg In his celebrated work on AultaatChem— atry, taril: ..:.t•An • Arificial Iligertire ,Pluid, aualagous to the 'Ciastric:Jolee,ltuty be readlinprenated.from the moonlit; Membrane or the iv-orison of the Calf, In which various articles of food, as meat and emporill be soft-. ened,ohatigul, and dlgested,just la the , smne meaner as. they would he in the human stomach.' '- 7 • 14r . Call (Mile agent and get a Descriptive' elrettlar, gratis, Odin{ a- large ruirniut of tielleotiflo arldence,siml lar to the' above, towether with reports of remarkable co res,frorn all Parts of the United States. DR. lIOIIOIITON'S PERSIN 'is now sold by nearly all: the dealer} In tine drugs nod popular medicines; dimwit:l -otted:lo United States— It Is prepared In Powder and In Fluid form and in Prescriptive trials for th e tee of phy 'Wank. r - PRIVA 1 ) P. CIRCULARS far the use of Phjsician goner be obtain d of Dr. Ilour,hten er hie . agents, describing the whole memo of preparation, and airing the : author. Ities upon which the claims of this new remedy are ba sed. As it Is not a sestet remedy, no objection can be raised against its use by Physicians in respectable stand lug end regular practice. Price, ONE DOLLAR .per bottle. __K ErronsußvE THlS!!—Every bottle of the genuine PEPSIN blears the written signature of J. H. LIOUOII - U. D.; tote proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. • Copy right and Trade Mark secured.. 117 , 901(1,6y all Druggista mid Dealers in Medicines. terFor sate by ABEL TURRELL; Druggist,*entrose, Pa., Agentfor Susquehanna county. - . 1 Sly • - THE ROAD: TO : WEALTS• W itA ,,,, th — r - i - o - ,!; 5 , --er ,,,!,itt,, det r it e` ortir a traViealt e ir, and vigoicif youth; nothing. Then the questioli le,how . shall that' be obtained and . Secured. If we, have a Cough, Col!, Bronchitis, Asthma; Catarrh, Pleurisy,. Influetwa, or Hoarseness, or any o th er affliction of the Lungs or cheat, you will find in Dr. lrhOop 9 a COMPOUND SYRUP' of BLOOD BOOT, a sure and safe remedy, or if your chthiren are affileted with Croup or llooplng Cosign, no better remedycan be round! Thom sands have been relieved with It, and "certificates of its curative powers, now In my possession, place:lit beyond doubt; the greatest remedy of the age, for any affection of the Lungs.. The powers GT Blood Root as a remedy hasi long been known ; out its harsh action alone has kept it somewhat out of general favor, but, I Ratter myself therithe above combination is perfect. and that its use, sill secure friends wherever 0 is offered ro.aa enligh(eneil ptiblie. - . ' '.' • ... ,' ' • ~ H A WOAD TO MOTER/So—l .11141 to am eliorate your . condition, o lessee your cares, perplextries,und aurae; ties, vrhl remedyl" do by providing far your tender offspring, a el, remedyortheir We that isadaptsd to .their Infirml ties,with t the fear of consequences from remedies 1 ehargedvdth opiates, so destructive and detriMental to 80 many iamends of Mr race. - Who amongst you but, feels fort e suffering infant; where ries are the only i :e indication its suffering,writhlng mth pains frets chol ie, omaci4ted from diarrhoea or dtsentary,'suftering great ne ous iritation (often to fits) from teething— often brought to death's door from cholera Internam, and everyill a ri sing from Dar nouriehinent , OS nursing; I have seen all of there,cured In a. day almost, by a remedy ttiat I have beep f . oryears In perfecting , in an extensivapractice of nearly twenty.years and now offer It to you trader the true nama of “Dr. •Thmophs INFANT RESTORATIVE and MOTHER'S RELIEF.... When t Is remedy has been used, it has met with un bounded f vor,; and as yoir value 'our elm comfort or ii. the wee of your darilug babe , l ask you to give it a you... Joni le: Ii the Relief." . . ere also prittn. of recut torture to all. per years, ' loptomo of which oTery- Ure, Uttl "titre suspected; It Is thele,duty to' • tool, and "Mother's Woons dren of t rent tan 1 ettermina e thin; asspeedilias polisible, which - cal be done only th a few doses of DT Throop'sWololPOl ßON,whic i s beyond comparison, with any Veradfuge ofthe day Itlyrill destru them ; and the very small dose,rnak it acceptable to. the children that dislike medicines of espy- kind. It. Is a bumpy compound of harmless egetable medicines, Mafia their combines-, Mon, prod cetionderfili effects upon those filthy ham' ders of th 1119131111 tuatara. ' If you 0 mitterlng from . derangement of tlm,stom. ach, Live , orflowels, you haie'FaTer, besd•ache, sour i , stomach. r „ heart-burn, Catulency costiveness, and • many oth' r unpleasant syniptoms, for theirtntirerelfof yen have nisi to take a rder doses of "Dr. Thinors BILLIGII pruly. , and you have a cure. They act upon tilsUse by removing the rause, restoring the se. mations, of all the organs of the body and health is theconaeortence. To those afflicted with son, weak, or Inflamed eyes. I tarnish *on alto a remedy Mathes stood: the test of t years of e erience; sad restored the most eases when' emyeth remedy Minya had failed,Dr. Throoya EYE' WATED. • These comprise the Use of Dr. Throop's Do i mestic M !eines, that should be In the:bands of every house k ee er, toe good remedy alwaya readj , , andwhich. only requ res a trial to Insure thein a place; , , Alrel3 0 rizunetav-Beritley & Bead, Montrose. R. Graug & 00.,Rush ;- IL M. Sontbwell , Bush; C. 6, Wright, 3 iddletown ; B. Glidden, Friendrrille4 P. IC Barber, 3 gaup; Brickney &Monfort, Drackney ; 8 8. Grover, D mock ; Butt & Boot, Limingville ! Dr Lam beat, Aub • James Tompkins, Tompkinsville; Ilay.: 1 den & Li tle. ' New-Piliford; D. Brooks. Great - Bend; Joseph L Meariman,_llpsonville; Dr. J. Barney. Little 31eadows; lasperStanley, Choeonne, E. Wont. Brook lineentre Ji. A. Wlitrams, Clifford , Dr. J. C. Olmstead, Dundaff ; Anson & Very.Herford.• . J. 8. DGrDELL, General Agent, Forest Lake. JaP. 8,. 832-133.. • - • . . ' " : .!, A • er's Cherry Pectoral, _ Poi, the cure . of_Couhe, !Colds, . H oarsenes s, Bro . ' itis,'Whooping-Cough, Crityp, - Ast. ma, and Cdusumptiuft. • - . _. , . .-, -- Among the nimerims diMovirlekSolenee boa made in this keneatlon to facilitate the businessof life-‘-inereasti. joq t Ite en ent, and even prolong the term ofbtunact eV laterite, u ne can be mimed °furore real Tahiti -to man. kind, t this contribution'of Chemistry to the llealitrg Att. A v trial or its virtues throughout this broad country, , ti t ts prmen beyond Wdoubt,that tio medicine or eombi , lon of medicines yet known, can so surely control an cure the numerous varieties . of pulthonaty disease w eh bare hitherto swept i i iis Prom one midst thou. sands and thousands every,year..: , /ndeed.. there Is now abundant MI to believe a Itemodyluts at lengthbeen found whl can Limited =lomat. the Mod dangerouil affectotti !the - Creep - . j Our apace here - will not permit jas to pub b snyproportionUfthacnres ailed:o by Its . use, but e would present tbefoUoir int opinions demi. nem men, d refei further inquiry to the circular which thb Agee Irelow_named,Will• always be pleased tam. Mob tree, heran *refill! partlcUlam, and _indisputable proofed t eseficrk, . . • : - . . - ,_ . .. -- ,• ,- 7- From the President of Ambtrst Callege, itte 'Celebrated . Professed Hitchcock. -- " . -- • Tamea C. Afers—Slr: 'have used ycUte Chem Pee- Coral in MY awn caaeofdeeleatedlirolichltle,and am satisfied from its chatalcal coast tutlon, that It is an ad= a:arable compound for the relief oflaryngbil and brooch. MI difficulties. If my opinlon of Itireuperlor character , ran be of Any entice, you are at liberty to use It as .Tta. think smoker. . EDWARD'ILITCIICOOK...L.I, ;.1). • From the, widely celebrated Professor. B;1 L. L: D:, Professor of Chemistry, bilnes ll 9B7, achr Yale College,lfember ofthe Lit. filet. afed.'PhlLand Selena- - le Socletlea of Amulets and Nerogg ' r r• ! I deeeedm, theCnerry.Pectoral as admirable tomposi.: Con from some of the best articles In the/detests/420m; and avel o etfectiseremedy for the clamor disealies It Is Net Battu, I:X4 Nov. I; IRO. • , 1 ' NW. P4tlson, President Of the '8: o.Asesuiteilitatt that he has used the Chary Pectotul with ems, to cure anlnfleseatioefef the lan& •-• Wrote our pie:drat khysichnis le Maine. 8400,tfe.,Ap . Ayer,rLirwell—amr dirt I ant new Constant= •urlngions cherry Proteinit saT Practlteild, 'Units_ - It to any ethermedicine for pulmonary eimaPlaltlte• AVM .observatien of many severe eases, LAM couvhided It *Li cure congts, colds, and - diseases of the luageOftat 'hive put to dedance all other temediee. Insatiably recommend taws lii eases of eonsump. eon and, catudder Is much thebest . remedy Inanms For. thatillecze.'l.. • .•,!tespettrialyzotirs, • , • Prete sisiisoidiiy cturni : I Ist, Lowell, NAO. - , ; • - Sold by A. Timidly' kept:rose ;Indent fleet!, Great' Bendiand by Drugglets,eires7Wher 7 45 7 1- '" ' • NEW G00D544,,, BE ..-., tilitaltafratuxw. .A as TeCadalre large4oll desirable 'took et: - ' . : r i, -:. AI•LnIND WIJVTER . GOOftello,l , ~. omelet of thgrusnel grealeti tit DiValxillselPgriAly Crock Aarlillare,lninge, treditinei,Paints,olls,Dyo itufk a oitosev Ma Wooden Ware, Iron. steel,indli, hb, LeStheri: bonny and 'ahem tedliesiglktia,:all4 - wlsterreele ladittettyg hate; cape, eiltWeehlg: ea dotal, land wledow parer, ekaks, watlleet; jeweler; Allier ',mules! Instruments, Partslontre biltalt4 40., all of eadththey offer= the moat !aircrew. tam. ,Idnufr4ee,Ott.l,3B3/. • ' ''.!-:'.'''4l4Artoi:-3eflOijah:;;=',:;, 4,11 Prii '., n the those, Tin aid - *ht._ _ , AM pr,, posed to attend to any orders ha th eir lipowt the shor test notice ", TbeytlattOt themsdlires thatbyidvitiolridt attention t 6 bitsintskandlcoatiricesVthat theywilt ham a reasonabie share ofpublie patrenale, Their assortnaint! of/Italia Is iteod, having the • latest. sad, intial'iniproied patterns, amorig which are the Irott-sidesor.! Vulcan-4' store Whielt toorthe tlist(Prdilam eV the 8 tate Pik at'l eyracnse in ,1850. E-4) Forest Queen; - E- O; Quetri - enlargedOtey Ftbdd Air Tight; Phoeuli; ' do dvi, Premium; Parlor stores, haistores—for coal or wood. All kinds of Tinwsre, st me sine and tin tubes, kept on I; and—aold at prices thee will suit... Ail hinds of; proditce taken in payment and cash net ithised. Oppadir the old store or snit ana Knapp. I jf 4YRE Avi,vE l3B TEK-:. tiontroie;duly'lO r qit. ~. , -1- . - , 2817 ' ' i . ' . Farms-foli Sa .4. rrisdle aubscribSrs wilt act s agents fort s psi te A. sale of Real Patato.:4Partas, Rouses and Lo4—loea ted Susquehanna counpy,,Pa.: All who wish to offer theirnrcipertifor salecon glee, infante 'description of tlielrYarma or Lpts as follows - Number of 'stereo; his', manyimproved, and how watered; Buildings ;. Orchard, I grafted or. conartion.frult ; other fruit. trees, and shade trees; how far from Mont rose, Ind the nearest point to a depot on the New Pork ) At /isle. Railroad; price and, tumour payment. •All whowish to sell orporelpelLged . Estate,WM tare' prompt attention by calling nenr, a ddresize neat Mon trosejitipAniamittno comity; Pa. irreonseyanc e from Montrose to the pre inisrifres of charge Offies' on Turnpike stre et id doors crest-ad theßrick LOtSaronoWpillitudfor sale: Thotollowlitdionms Oak No.l, 40 item.° latprovid.ltratne'ttlinso and Ilati No - 2,80. do 60, •-, r -do, „sold 30 J . . -dots N 0.3,100 do - 60. , do , do . do No.4;100 do • 50' ' sold - do ' 'do : ' No. 5;70- do :40 do sold -do . do- • No. 0.06. - do 25, J do - do. • do - j No.t7, Store, Ware/10090 and LOt. . - - No. 8,145 acres /*improved, framed boose-ond • ' N 0.9, 52X;d0..115 .do sold! do :do.• I • N 0.10,2 .do do. -do do, - No.ll, ' sold do do dLt Az0.12,100 aerie° mproved,tramei house and boo 0.13, 340 do 200 do.. -to do ,• do, ; N 0.14,56 do 50 ,do sold do do . do . N 0.16,168 -do SOdo do 'do ' • Ido • j N 0.16, 120 •do IBS - do sold do •do - j do - N 0.17.100 -do 75 do do. do . N 0.18,112 ' do 80_ do do do I do No• 19, 200 do 150 :do do -do - do N 0.20,145 do:100 do do. do t do N 0.21,100 .do 120 • do • do do ; do. , 210,22,90% do 48 do sold do 'do ' do N 0.23; 45 . do- do , ' Ao do - do N 0.24,292 .d0_225 d. do. _do 4- . N 0.25, 125 do 106' do do j do .140. 28i 196; do 140 • • do dm j do N 0.07,, 80 do 95 sold _, do do '170.24, 11 acres good saw mill and dwelling. ! No. 29, =139 acres, 00 smpfemed,trame house rind batik No. 30,175 do 100 " • " -." N 0.31,135 do 05 . 0 . j . Na 32,180 do 135 • " " No. 33,160 -do 00 • " NO. *360 do. 100 •-• N 0.85,150 80 N 0.38, 300 'do 170 • •es No. 37, 190 do 140. N 0.38, 170 do 100 ." " " No. 30175 do 00. - ; do do do . 1 do No. 40 80 do .45 do do do 1 dO No, 41, 212 do 160 do sold do ,' do do, tm 42 o`.l do 50 • do do do No. 43, 4 cold do do •do No. 44 138 do -OS -• do do do do No. 45 800 do. 200 do do do ; -do N 0.46, Macre!! 80improy - ed,trame house and,barn and grist, mill. . • • - • N0..47 200 do 170 -do .'do.- do do •' No. 49 103 do do- -do • do , do No• 40 80 • do 60- do 'do doado No. 50 83 4 do 63 dt. • do • do - do No. 51 02 -.• CO -` tinproted , - • N.B.—P,ersonitdesfrlng p nretwe any ot the above bygloing the ntimbea can obtain a fulldescriptinn. • : ALFRED 1351:11A9TN. DADCOCN, • SI . ontroceMs. Octobar.lBso.-,44tf. W - 00DRITIT'SIACADEMY Dimock, Susrptehqnng cptpty, , Penn:Amnia. fplIE. Winter Term of this Institution will opni for the reception orstudents OD 'Wednesday, the 14th day of January, under the direct supenlslon of 31r. WIL. AItD P. GIBSuN, with all the competent assistinee ne cmmary. , , . . The adrantages of this Institution, with regard to lo tality, health and moral Influences render it one of the moat desirable to partotawho wish to and thelr chndren abrmul for instruction. -. • .. Every (a eility will :he afforded by the Inhabitants far the accommodation of rtudrdt from awed. ' The academic year'is divided lataone terms or twelve weeks each—a Tacna:a of Clue week immediately sue, ceeding each, term. .! ' • . . .. Terms ,of Tuiti o n. ! ' The etedlee Of the prixaary Depar . tment, per . • , term, . ': $2 50 Common /traded:de, per ternti - • 1 -3 00 Higher Academie, do , . 1 400 Musical, , _.' , 600 French, with any other branches, . .., I - 5 00 [Cr flood board may Po obtained at, $1 00, to $1 25 per week. Dimock, 27th Deeembera4sl.. ' • • , ; It . . . .•. Dissolution , : • WCOPAUTNT.RSELIP heretofore exirtinit.itnder ho name and firm of Sisk & Thivop, in the ti woos bushiest. on the L. &W.B. #, is this day dissolved by mutual eenstmt. ' '2oBBlBs. Jan. 1,1851..• • ' - B. li. TIMOOP P..B.—The ha:lslam herealltr be tarried on by Throop & CO. 02 - See advertisement. I Toseph L,:niernman TAKES tbis method . of Inform ing his friends and the public generally, that he has! just received >from New Yorkiwn assormentof Goods; consisting (in part) of Staple and Parley Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, ilardware,Dye Sian, tee.; which be will dispose of, for 'Dash, Produce,or approved credit, ones favorableterms and at as low prices as at any other establishment in the county.- And be would here say, to those who are in tho habit of golng out of town- to purchasd goods. that he winkle happy to have the ,privilege eoarmeters 'them that heean do as well by them as those that make more thew - and greater pretensions., ?teaser call at hil Store' in Upsowrille and satisfy yourselves on that subject. WANTED—Poubry. Game: Butter,;and Sheep Pelts, for which; part Cash will be paid: • • t J . • Upsouville,Nov. 5, 1851-47tf. : view' Gond% 2nd in Market:. TI. Tibor:l6er ir receiving an , addition to fonner stock. quite an 'aisottnent Of Sall goods, consisting of Dry . Goods, Groeeries,Hardirate Indian abb eohlioots and Shoesi ;crow" TOR CAIII, and wilt soil thent as low as any coricarta about Mpg part of %be world or the. wherefor the ready 'John, or the righggind of credit.— Thanks loan for favOrs, what areftroat ereribOdY vited to earl and buy: IV , .0 „ r,BB . Idontross,Bept.lo, :1861: . New and popnlarSehool book. COitIPEtEICENtiIVi sindii.s.nforninvEnSir. Ins TORY, 'together with's BIOGRAPHY °MISTING.' WISHED PERSONS, to whl eh la appended epitome of HEATHEN. MYTHOLOGY, -NATURA L 'PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL ASTAON-_ • ' 01IY and' PHYSIOLOGY Adopted end need to the PubliesehoolsoMbiledelplo . B. S. - JONES .41,•C0., Publishers. - S. W. Cor.' Fourth and Race sis 4 TeseherS and school Coxtuulttees eddrtstag lettere to us post paid, wilt be I lion..uridehed ,Bith copies of Peemitite. fall an d eomputirisiortsainst orßook stud Ste yen? y fozsala at:the Lowest peen; . Neir:Goods.: TUT reeeired by this subsedber s new and large ar J Aortioent of Ready-spade. Clothing, Boots.& _Shoes /an fashion lints & Caps; Cap letter and wrapping Pa,' pr., by thereon+ or lose quantity.' - • • Travelling and common Trunks, a (entangle anddonto la shot Guns ? faciejtitationeryill.ocdts,,Cotabil,llntthes, Knives +tn.' • Fancy articles to numerous to mention, Mt warn ha designs to sell for ready pay, aufloo ' nsequently as 'cheap as the cheapest,' (f not cheaper.. '; , •'. . A few dosen paIrMOOLZNSOCKS wanted; ‘Nontroso,Oct.B,lBsl. , 2. _GEO FULL24I. icilh • •-•"' A . iatuat asiortioint of life it stpliajnetrieeteed .13.: and Cdraaleaa;,a mall advance ,for. ready - ;lay.— Gera next doorjoindgaTyler'a. ;BOOTS andBgoB/3. lien and good arsortnent - of Nen a Wats, coats*. and, flue. pair and MorbOco Metre , sbcosa:Women's ehoezi remand nnelillgoes j . Boys Ind Ckdidrefei Fare. The largest lot% tone an 4 pra4blT-the eb!,P.elkfile4l4 Etwirtattmto4tturtmt tof flatilting•Afioni- ZipopdalubytPearl,oaroaCEmerlill, bos,,lllspatimt Ottmeothrowm,beityy Wahl iin;, - auisaldointiftrolittst ttyliistst t=-3 BilleMaititi;i4ol3;infilitio7lB6t, whomAtmay Conaeirn; irusingnmonetro;lifeitlt4o,oo44torMlAling. - BOAR:- Tirib"O,t,3QAr l U toq as,. 0064;14miort,liatinterelved Montrose: le ready OW 0 1 14 to eat - glitter: ad illittetriddatrurilirenali; orrel VOW trinetryttlilar Anall . arid lee t af grilitierozeir prttetti a/siderite, kdoor tol-SvOrei Caielsi Wu it., Moutroart. - Tailors tauglii, ator Wipe iraprerred art ix:Cutting. Terms liberal. • 2tf W!ATT; AFJPI4IOTE ItEAD. M<.` Philadelphia' I~dieal ; House~' Establishnlet YoriVO,4IPRcELNIZE: :LIN, 'l l Crirher-if • Third and I Union re:etty; Jammu - 4 Sprnee' and pine ;,: ;Y ; FlT2E]i 1: YEARS of..extensitta an 3 AtAlotarrapeed ' plactice spent In this city, has • rendered Dr. K.,,the I:lloSteMpertlind auttestifirl prima Mut/far and near, hi . ,thetscatratit of all diseases of ('private ; nature. Per sons ethicted With Ulcers ED the eddy, throat' or Icga; . pains lathe head tit bones, merearealrhentnatisaistrie- Urocgtatel;distarea . arising from youthful exceraiser ImPnritlee or the 'blood, ,whereby the constitution laris ' bectiute Onfeehled ere all treated with metals. ' • • ' lie who pieces hint - Self under-Atli tare of Dr. - If s :' rosy religiously canticle in his honcir as a gentleman, Andean tinny rely Upon 111'11411as a physician. - ' • Taxi PAUTICOLAR NuTICIS ;,; - " lbting rift 4110 . Lnve labored thertilelyte kr a tertAlW prattleeTailulged a habit freqffentlylearnefl•frore tompaniona or.et, sehool-tbe diens of wliich are Rightly felt;avenethan asleep, and destroyhoth mind au4 ,body, should - apply Innziedlatoty.,.; Weakkiess' and col:Lahti:Won't' - debility, loss of muscular eneigy,phyttral laasitnde anti general prostration, Irritability and all persona affections, indl elnggishnese of the lirer,'end every disease In. any way bonneted with the procreative functions, naupti, matt foil !Igor restored. 1 Youth a,nd :Reath:,Youth or . Premature • Death., KinkSitn .t ••J selfpreserraeion: .Only 25,ce1114: Ildelleek ndpnbllebediaMiedgltbuleralinteimtti, iron, on the, infirmities and diceares or the generative organs.' It iddreaget Hien" allke to' 'forth, 'Manhoo 3,1 and Old Age, and ehould beth by AL. , : The talnable advice and Impreseige• warning - it glees, *lt—prevent :years of miser,. and suffering, and savo annually thou.' Finds °fibres. Parents, by rending' it, will learn, bow tonrevent tbe deatntetion ebildeen. • &" - Aremittance. of 26-cents . enclosed in a tether; .drossed to pr. SltifLELlS,N:W.:Corner of Third and Wen streets, between Spruce end Pine :Philadelphia, bobk; under envelope ; per Pine, mall ~, . Deraontrat a-distance nit) addreaa Dr. IT. - lkyletter, enacting& fee s aildbeettratalhodia", . Packages qf Medicines, Directioneote4terwarded t by eending a remittance, and put secure fro m ' Damage •i • . • • • • • • , • • , „ liooll.4ellOrli, N(1111 Ageniri Pedlarg; PO eft.' and 1 . .nllnthera supplied, with. tho &hove . work at very. low I 2 fttes, • - , 47-4/•• F. TO' Dairyilleo Taringlit.- • J,Vtilu4Ole property for -Sale: AFARM of ?.04 acres situate in Bridgewatet township - Susrehanna County and State' of Pcianslvania 150 acre of which is under good improvement' - Tho fa m Irtil designed for a dalry,and is eipable.of feeding 40 cows during summer and • winter; and every part of it Is well watered . The.hulblings and land are in good Condition and ',the fencei,, which .are of atone and ralivi are also gocd." Tbcre iambi° large barns upon the,preMises, besides &granary' and convenient shed for cattle.. 'flmce,orchardi principally of graftedfrults and other fruit trees. , • • Said firm has a very plhiant and desirable toil - Slim about two miles from Montroitytke County seat of nue. .4nehantos county, and about 0 miles from the Leggetts Gap Railroad, to which there's aPlank Bosdin process of coMPlation ; avid Is very convenient to meetings and schools, and mehhanics., ' • Also another Valuable. Farm adjoin; the stOne,• talalag2;ooacrescres . , of, which 450 acres -is undera high state of Cultivation. pon it there is a large frime dwellins haus°, and outbuildings to correspond and large orChard. - It is well watered and fenced and adatV, ?ably adeptedlo dairy purposes._ • - - 'Said property be golden ressonsbletamni, a poi tion' of the purebase.monry, tnizy ai ti'up oin Posqlt in d Mortgage to stilt the purchaser.' ' , -. ' • Application may be made . perionallpin , by:letter:to fine. W.m. Jossuo or R. J Siren at Montrose. 'n said county, and any Further parSieulars that may be requir: ed will be given. -23t1- - • • .1 , I:. - • ' VotiCe .1,6'-.tho' Public: New Seasonable Fall findWinte r .004 , 8 at £Ae Great One Price Store OGf L. Erg HEIM, - Caving Be sids Pity; BEGS leave-to take this opportunity or tenderiug!-143 I sinceretluinks to his Silesia: end customers• for the generous Tatrenage they have extended to bira and at the same time infornithem that ba has jtmt returned num:Yew York wish a very I sr& and eliotee selection of . FauciandStapie Dry Goods. Also a fresliand Silent siveassortmentof Groceries,Provislons;-Doote and Ehoes', Hats and ,Caps, Hardware, Crockery, e,,Drugs,,,and 'Medicines, which will be cold for cash and produce at a very Small advance; at pricee which defy all competition. Flour; Pork; Fish,Salt;whoiesaid and re taii,..-De would also remark that beadhcree strictly to the slat= of al ways n •mlng thelowest prigeat 11 tst,thereby giving the same advantage lo all who fad . or hi r t with their pat ronago, - • • Great Bend Clothing Store. 'Moistest, best and cheapest assortment Otßeady Made Clothing in tbeXllloge of Great Band, Pa., Broad eloths.Doe Blins,Cassimeres and. Vestings of align:ditto suitable for the Pall and Winter Trade; which he offers at such prices . O to satisfy any one thalithists thitilnee for them to deal. in consequence of the gicat Increasenflle business be has been obliged to greatly, eningeble stock, which he now offers to his Mends end the public for es amination,conlldeat that In so doing they alllfirid some thingto their advantage. The subscriber has made aro Yoga:matt to manufacture clothing in all its varlet'. branches, and 'snow prep arcd,to sell the imam, vorant. ed to bear inspection. Custota work and tutting dent at the latest style and shorteatnotice,—all kinds of tail. ors'trimmlngs furnished and forests. Do rot forgeP the spot.... Store' nearly opposite the Mauston Goner. Great Bend; 5ept.,1830.„ . , S. BENG:Bill. 50 FORPETP—Dr:IIIINTER efiliforfeirprilffalle tog to coannay =tent diarase ;that tray tOlXl ander his care, nolnatter bow longstanding or alnieting. EITHER tax err invited tO biO Private Itoolos North BEIENTILst., Phila., without fear of Interreptidn by other ;indents. Strangets and others who hatobeennn. fortunate In the selection of a physician arc — invited 'to call. Tbute who havelujuredlimmaelier by solitsrjAzo are afro invited. , REAT.I4IID Rarratcr —The atllleted would dowel! to reflect before trusting their healtli, baivlness, and in many cases their In the bends of pbyalclane, ignn eat of this chum ot maladies. it - is. certainly impossible ter one roan to understand all thellls the human family areenbject to. - EVeryiespectable physfeidu has Mine culler braucb,ln which be Is more successful than his brother professor*, and to that ho' deleted'. mostof his time and study.• • . , , „ • . ' TRAIL si or Pa at,enci ; ex elusivelvdevoted totht;studY and treatmentot diseases of the Sexual organs, together with ulcers .‘ponlhe boy, throat, nose, calegs,painsin thebend c Jbonts, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, hregularitlec Masse arising !tom youthful ex. cusses arlrepuritids alba olcod, aberebY".the.ccoustitn. lion has become enfeebled, enables; the Ilnctor to offeV nactir alma, to all who may place themselves under The Feople'Et Friend _ . POND'S, of Ithaca, -I‘. Ye • paittDasracqua arinrinatitio EXTILACT,,AIIIIIIIIIIIO from the slain' called Witch-huel, and Purely froni :pat with the exception of a little Aleoholio preserve it. •It willcure all local pain andinflamationt, old sores, fresh wounds andbruises,„ Piles, and all - diseases. of the bowels of a chronic nature, toothache, earache and en eicellent remedy forfetnales, &c.• ' ' ' ' It istruly what It professest6 be, the People's Friend/ Providence hasscattered along - the rugged • paths of life ninny things thateontribnte greatly to • the comfort and happiness of every body ; hence their great value, an. wellmay they becalled.felands of the Peoplei't ! • • One word heratoguardsgainstimposition. 'Ataan thename urdpencer, hen-manufactured and oidoed for "melee spurieue article called the. Coryll 'Extrat.4-41tat, would be attract of, the hasel•tiviti— , ttie genuine ism white and is purees water, while the spurious istlele Is colored,which enables the publicto distinguish,. ,• • • bionegeurdne,but tbosemarked Pond'sP.ainDestroyer Wel: EIATOIIi ktontrose,arid tore 7 keep6rs and me. Ine.dealeragenerally,Agents,. The - Last . Wonder; - P. BARNUM, the great butubtigger, la a 00at intro I'. tinting 'atoll:dr country the celebrated 4 111*AI:cab Mater ' a ntaphinka not latger thou aeottee milli, , worked by a tilumb4crew, which yid put out the lergeet tire in stantly. But thi s not , tact° do with the tact tket lona Jaavie, Tallortrerjust reed the ' '." • - .FALL'&;.WINTERIPASIIIIONSi' and la now prepared to wait on his frienjis with bit tonal alacrity, stin t -and good humor, • . • • • Irr. Collin it you want capitalflts t at the shop over Lathrop. 'tore. - - . • , - ; • N: R. Cutting donut na - , • MontrotiOct. 8'1(ot • •• • • * JOHN Onoirr.s.• . WE-BB stock eferaltitimetskerldelt be offers ter sale itithoie vdei WILL PAY too thetoi etas low rater as Ottibtreisani blfiskolt ,Not forgettlim due theake to , Mb. of hie Mende, to hare heretofore bee& goods abbe. amipaid tortbem, he invitee them to r cOBIE ACLON„ ,, , Montrose; Se* 'lothi 1851: ' !"'• !-. : -0.1 1 1 1 /11 -1 ' NTATtigiO a.. • 1! . 4 enact. - or ttOtOwitnollulet ottbb Ox. Yoz Aalo , 0 " . ;,;', , ABEL TtllTELLiAtotittoisr: Gold °hams LtchTilagle:/°P!a!! , Pim, - Vet" TA,sei,,a t StNOLlUnduoublopf e#gryiise,t7, Ilingbamiop.l„ ithelltr , 4'' hiCTlONOtßroistPlisitnikagi ottersdin hind 111 r - .7 NUNS. 56Tpleixis • —7Pr;k9Cl44lsthigaf 44b14.1 1311 0 DosidAlieuittrdiftistir Spaoanl3oo4o4gutsijnov* elt,FoltettiQ., epgratedgmtisa al VOANYIntaa'S. • QllNSlBpoono, Yorke and( Bi:oilCattowttnte4 Winuftiatitilu Auterice s .4l- -TALIBISr• Inns Isstpt r ihe CtOokiiii'sofierni* iitemero •J. tbz 044440it1i thicirsj toPfruelJerelry • A good 'mod band cooking etovi;attitegiioii - iew 11 suter k far ealc a ebeap at - Iov.RELL's . WYOIIIING' SEMINay. 'Kin &Mon,. Lazerne : County, h , mins instiintion,bas ins of the most, dest,4 l ,,, 1 Bons InNotthern Pennsylnula. RiaLsteqh,2 pleasant andsiduhrlousvlllage, olutatile-Wert oftiQ bane, and itettnsible by dail7 Itlill 4 afrem sit lute m. conutry." The school fiat now been In ope,v,h„, ..,_-• Tenn, dewing Whldt its patronage Put been , In—'' , construitly inctusing. • • Wit Through We munificence of WatAwittland, b, additional Bemlnarybnilding deb, 49 Dm; ladthl , ,,lll nee high, haajzot been . completed, and by *heti of Ron. Bibs Benoit*, th e school is ass turabb/ a valuable and 'extensive library, entirely Dm ~,,_ Chemical, philosophical and Aistronend 7 ed an k ,;_ of the Institution is regarded, by all Illti littill7 edge of It, as of ft high order, and ample for fag ments in Nakural Scienee --. , „ mrsa lows:TheßOarl of Instruntion fee thdi roguing 1,,,i, am. I Bow. I'l enben . Mallon, A. lily: - IoI,INCRAb. - • - • litOlfttiTanun C. SOW th, A • not . • Teachn of Ancient Ltagulgui. 'plaint) T. 1 1 1werw,".11. Vt., ' ,- • Teethes of Ilathematlce. • ROT: ti e 11. Harvey, , , , Teacher Of Natural Science. James Nr. Venni take, Assistant Dupti. t iglu Diary DletZ, ' ' ' - - , _ • , . Tattler ormoden Lb,.._' Mini zethei Politick, - ..tos __, t Assistant Teacherof Modern Un 11 arm I.tw..Tsxne St. Nelson, Tea Cher of Drawingand Palatial. , NA. 13 V , A.iegfory, - , • Teacher - of Made. • , All of the above teachers are employed-it Utt the whole of each day except the 'Nuke brp riTh . - -. Air. Westlake. The former devotes inch aipo l iV! each day to her elate as may baheensary, as tUi; teaches clue half of each day. The public eel se e ; that by this arrangement the reboot is u'ellertinn,- hisloit and instruction of n TOT full beard of tail; and the Trustees confidently believe that borsh t be spared to promote the moat thorough tarttectthl all , t he pupils. , -Th e necessary expel:mei °fads Institut:len ntn e ti, eta. - Tuiti exclusive tit orramentallopebnje,„ to 85,50 p er quarter. 'Board 81,S0 peyetti,,,,/f 57,1 i per dozen, and fuel $2,50 per mats- • - The discipline of the Institution cotahlettere., with firmness, Inculcating sound, moral apt K l ;4 principles, Detaining industry, inn Edda att r et , deportment., • ... t he p r es en t lenn of this reboot t, will mane tz =dor Dec. next. Students are admitted st ay (b, but the most mailable time for enterhuglithel or the middle of each term. Thom who we d , - 4 7 tend the school through , the remainder of the 14 4 tbrooghont the ITinter,'would'do veil te enter 4 , 04 , da the 20th or22d inst. There will bet narks et i t , weeks at the clove of the present tent. The sus t e „, [ tocons April ists o eth f th 18 irt 52. een weeks commendag Janusw hid e . - t Catalogues of the t• cannery soden; Infonntlin*. the to it can be bad by addressing tlisPrineind,,,e,,, of the nod ersigr.ed. D. A. IllilPLlD,rei7 N. BOUNDS, See'y. _ Kingston, Oct 4, 1851-42-tf. 1 - Petroleum or. Reck Oil A NATURAL. remedy procured from a t<eg h Eigheny county, four hundred ,set deep yit. o4 . sold by S.M. KLER, Canal Basin, Pittstn:di, k kk put unlit bottles Jim as it flows from the mil at a i admixture of any kind. All ye that are darted READ! .READ!! ithemnatiant yields to the power of th e Pennine. voice trona Luserne Co., Union tp., duly 9 tb,1511 Mr.-Kier—Dear air, allow me at a saunter ts rat gratulateyou as the sole proprietor of, se isatalk i called Petroleum or Rock Oil, which It destimiat to take the place of all greagmedithics• Maitfltiesds thls neighborhood have the Petroleum hum* or ea See curing most of admitted provinghighllindu in all. I Icave tested in coughs, adds rheum *tatter, tatter, aprain a, and thesurathml. egak is a ce;tatA me. illy wife has been &glided ski th Rheumatism for some year& and never could tarsi, thing to relieve hes, in fact she tried everythincer * , thing would do her any good until she triad yam htie. loam and it has rah eyed her elidirelf, formyperil MA It la the greatest pain killer amain use. Ices Se, f. error: Anothorletter from Lorenzo eo., retteramiths Petroleum: Bas cg Havels, .lairldyism Mr. Klan—Dear sir take great plasma a nevi. lying Lathe virtues of your great natant medkitiebr the Petrrolenm or Rock Oil, which it eertainit a ger medidne. I bought one dozen of yona agent ab, wosalong here last fall.itested itin &Amaterd sea and found it to prove good. I also tested it la s m d tatter and found it very beneficial. (would th vcr much to have another box of it, for .I don't alter withoutis. Respectfully yours, , ; ! J. CAIIPML A idei Crain StlisquUhanns eettifyiug to tie ita. cy ofthe Petibleum.' ._:DllDDopy,Janeatt. lUL k Mr S. M. lits u--Dear me to tut:lush it ea OfyOur Marital medicine ealled.Petroirudei Oil: had been afflicted with the Ilbeutestimfatese. time. I was in Wllkesbarreluatsummer sadist tan IlerroM your Agent when,ate- was alongtbre,B tr cured me perfectly. I have seen Is weed bia, ant cuesof rheumatism, nd faun dit giverellein Very respeetfullyveurs, ; Twentseinkticw,Julyl2thlall. % 3lr. S. M. Hun—Dear sir—Allan tit to testify ttil virtue. , of yourgrear, natural Medicine called htnasta ark ock Oil, which I believe Ina good tardiest. Om been Ml:titled with Neuralgia. Oat In the Dirt, Mk lest ten years; 0111 never could get anytlatts uraw me: In fact 3 tried almost es erithio_g and sottutvoM do tar any good until I Stied your PettclevOldelds relieved me very wadi; I bare also tested ft is 1:14 scalds, and, braises, it has Wirer , riven tttloTStrrp short thno. I think it is the gr steel pain kllleask ; ; Call and get a 'ebonite ?rind the agent, which gfrei ittildeseeiptioa ant. - For sole by DENIM d Md. Sold whol e ale by EfAssis, Hitt, t 0,10.030 bl stret.pbilsdelphia. 2919 LUSH 1851. , LUSH HOUSE,I: Gresil Bend, Penn!a . -- oil-Biyan, Prciptielz' QTAL,VI. larva this tronse Daily for differcattn4 on the arrival different Trains of Cars... Li. eri Teams titrniehed by Mr. M.Triteadel,atagnake and' ternmerhiell 'cannel fall to salt. ' , covered carriage will cowrygaeeti hat row thetare.-735 . . . Nev . Milford Steve Depot , Issl. - • : HBan. to . sortment of Cooking, Partm and Shop wood and conljnelnding the new and molt htimiel Midi of Wright, Lege Oren, common mitioned oren,& c.',Wtth Steve pipe;Shee Ohm, and.Zhi. itm Tabes,&o.; which he wain!! tort low farads' ti.• proved,eredit..-• . - - September. ISM . Abel Tetrell, ' ' • Aprils' , biliings, Medicine's, Chemino, fitte, • Campbhie, SI old, Lamps, Dye to tie,o roceriti,kdr.ii Hantware, stoneware, Stemware, Clocks, ellY, spoons, stmetneles,. Minkel Immune - I, TTY e klidical Instruments, Liquors, perfume:7, Xittnbti• dotiery,brziehm,aboaa r 'Santee tiotione,tro. Atatrtrolep Pa .3l7X FASIIIOIfABLE JEMLBY , mHE subacritierlas Shia day received watalsoLd eery rich goods,:of teat montil'e lap ltnta Par* eons sting Ptdial gold exismalled boathil lect Ind Lupines, Yawl aid Garnet EneasVina sad lalkl to Match; Silk and Bead work tap, beratlfal hits Pullen Dlazondyltuby, s.nd Pearl ibger Ithp,to lOW Gold Slalom Mittens, same beautiful Cuff Phil Ter l'aupitictilingriitio., towhltlibe would invite des tent on pc WV:lends. . - . Binghamton, • ' • , HRIIIIIIII3T has anis Wotan. a nee and ode 11 • lectf on.of Dry Goods, foelodlos i preen o / 11 Ladle/711ton Gix?ds, CraPe and efie ;non GI 8114 Panseo:s, flontbLace,lnty Sint Ler,hen: lintiottsv s besutifol assottoiot 11E11 Ribbon, Flowers andTriintolosit..of maw AIM, 154 t i amos, for Mao tills Boootallk, bin If ,Itroad elotb,fancy Casshoters, TestiV straiten Cloths. tsirpotllass; 7 7sualt Yells, Benz 13Locii Path led Window Shades; Curling, 111 2 1 1:: &e., with a large and general assortment of .Crockery, Iron, Ito cony a t Paints,Madiebeei 0 ito. all ef nhichirm be sold at th e inn, pits!: d theition reniiimablentms: Neu!, kill: La produce wanted,-Rons in partioniar,• sod plied% quilt paid foiNeal, :1101ar sndEaltst on bond. Now 21Uford t Mop r 27 1851. L. tr too.' tees,..vcd ewe es -Lao. eseortaloot of_ - . _ ' • ' I roll AuttWltif fir Onside , Attune,* en-elegant variety of ladies Dow Or, fte•-•,1(oes. pbeille4 xvos etoe Doane Bib b leeps - ,SesOloGapfle- 40., of the moot. doeireee vitleb; heyththeee ptireiteed 0 the lets skll sehheareraelly tor. , • Sqt4, o l 85./: .7 ---- 4 4 0 - - • Via% • Idol tioicasttbi , 0ck.. , 28;- . - _ ' _ , , . Spoons. • 14. 0 , ": . LASsbl stool 'Cpoons,: Ddttan~Po vats, vice .0.064eap iiiimoimis,bviff 11014 *id to *pinta ! , 41rA id r - o id irolplated,Caraura &vet 056114'0 0 4 M t ' 3 1 00 , PP l oll l 9 l Kfot auFraillyi at AftilltrP l •3 4 T4l, 3 t 1 003 . . I ra i d! - , wuciA 'vv. , * •eidmit , taicKitiAt4A:oot.vieut and 6111 0 e,r. ortetakt tiell4l, - Deeembsr;ll3sl ...kgoo,zwiritteed itessil6c 3 cLre iber, frs lAA** &Wood usittgat, •r A • lL 1959 NOtieft . 91Mrerii 13140iii,SCPREsi Ruben m. er . WX.10.• - one ease, July 435g0il ; • p, , • •10.0 EXTRACTS of toii,teiiou. solirsoui;for Is Ice Cream, cookery, etc., for tee by ROTES! IVA tux
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers