kostacupt. o rals tvziatiy) morning., tonie, that Col: {tom , rm of the Sages of our Su-- c o ot, died .a few days since c. , hile t'sti t is folly . . Mr. COMO! stas the only t lerted lost fall, and drew the long term .offißtl fe3n4 giagglatti pop, on the 15th inst., by . O.'8: Beebe, ol „ Mr. lbaceos WPM of Forest -Lako f gss gIIIA T. Fassr.anns, of tho fo:- - • per pive• ptinteelloya Were bountifully :einem-, to Tho o t, which whin them call for all kinds of ty,,lngs-to follow the happy, donors -through If itos the handi-work of the faithride, ay her son of life when detlining in ther- 0 . 4 1 4 fog setting and gently go down. , ch oint, on the 14th last, by Rer. E. Duo; Mr. Pnams S. Rwa, of Middletqwn, al Miss Alma Tnomas, of Choconat. b u r ottaier, on the,b'th at the House o f W, Ctoel:er, Rev. Mr. idulhey, Doe Atatt and Miss Annr . L. CnocErn; ili catiagenter. 0 ,0 ,oth mad., by the same, at the House k fitec, 3. F. Deans, Mr. &mos G. Roman sti Miss Nam A; Mos, all o f Map. rater. bliteocit, on the Mth inst., by Rev. E.W. fteeVeridge, *r. lota , N. Dsins of Win-1 rosin, in'a Ni5S RUTH Ass ,Rdsnlicsans, 1 ,of Maack. , . , ?Oh o d e e s o u n , t a h na Mi ss CA , T u 3 ry W ciAm ow, of Lathrop, .at the Parsonage- ,it &Alp Buford, on-the 11th inst., by C. Tiffany, 34.-losun Refints and &Lean &As vs. aii ofllarford. age. Ib Ina, on the Ist inst., Ett.A. AstorrTs. 1 4 .1nOter of Alson and Fanny Tieny,'aged nine m o nths, ono week and three days. A fermore sups had rose and set Behind the western hill, lihen oh! another babe was called An infants grave to fill. OD IV 6dt inst., after an illness of pne, week of the ism , fever; Cririta COASIELLi. T.tt - - fo r, agrd 3 years. 3 months, 3 weeks, and ?, dacs, was laid beside her little sister cold biheirats of death. seeks and months may . pass away, ADd yet the fond recollection of eyntha's rover rig oft receho in the ear of those who were used to hearing her infant voice tuned in sing irt,l songs of praise, Here one consoling the we d M to hat tomivintr friends, that if they are gin' tse prepared for Heaven and intraortul rtas those little Ones that have gone before, itg mil soon meet: them where parting will kin Vet. ' cOM. LOOS OUT! rfrNater and acanals of Pitts s ik,,Warner booing been noised to P.R. Pitts, try in the bends of C. Avery. Eal., for ,immediate col- All Timone indebted are hereby notified -the. costs wilt be undo on all onagers not nottied tribin thirty dap; from this datr.} r.\ll.rftrs. 16*-2 gottrose, April 2,1852 Tri?The tditctibet has just received a a large stock and excellent assort mat of Nen'n end Bore' BEADY MADE CLOTHING; ihtest tales stud ousted to the eeasaa. la—Falhionable Silk Hats, (Beebe!! spring 04.; Kossuth Hats, Leghorn, ;Straw "a Palm Ceps, Shirts, Stockings, Gloves. Sae paten, emote, toots sod Shoes, Books, Wrap. Tag oul Writing Paper, Travelling Bags, Wall Psper,ia good etock,) Curtain raper. s,pti Fancy I! en too nornerous to speelfy—alt or any of Vsit6 I rillieli as loss , es the like can be bought ia"/Ingharvaa" or any other town. GBO. FULLER'. taro*, ..ltprl 186rl CHEAP WATCHES, inWEJAY AND aILVER WARE. Greta itconction In Privos. Tandy per rid at least less than ever have been sold in the United States. • GOLD Lem Wetchrs,fall jeweled, 18 karat cue, sale $3O, usually wild for s3s—Gold tat Watclies, IS karat case, jeweled, ettlfrrer Watches, full jeweled, $4; canal add for elB--Silver Lama. %ratchet; jameJ tt,slo--Sttaet Tea Spoons per half dozeit, Wirer*, idrer holders, fst. fans wishing a Watehor watches, tar hew korai, hare them sent by mail, with perfect Wel, many part of the United States or West Wee, be firer sending the amount of moite7.— Ait anitles warranted as represented ribose. - Or denrimathe mantry respectfully solicited- Per* okrox (poet paid„ LEWIS Likllf,thlUSAOG Ghestnat , opposite the Franklin flow*, Philadelp4ia. r..'esldoraitt Gold bought, or raztauteutured 'ojewelry. 16T2 GREATEST HISTORICAL and Allegorical Print of in • . • te, e. etentnemmoration ia ef Ag that most impor-1 tent event in the American reoltttiont, the British Surrendering their AIMS t :o' General Washington after their defeat si Torktoce, 'Virginia, October, 1781. T HE sterseing is executed by Tauter, Val- Intee, Kearney St, Co., from an original erring by LE Renal& and published by Den itsis Tenzer, Engraver, Philadelphia. The size dthe ptiat is 25111 34 inches, and teas original ficablished to subscribers at $l2 is the ehee.t. Explanation. 414 . • In Morose -1a the fins and grand plan are 44 three terge.graups of the principal oft , on,tho were present at the Vat - suction, with a levet likeness of each. tithe brit group is seen 'General Washington; %eel Pachambeau, General Lincein, Colonel IlatiSen, en old Farmer eager to contemplate „ 16 *me, Billy thone servant, and the Rime of ' , tar red ‘lttthin Fs the ace group group are American and French vte , v3; Gains! hoot, Secretary' Men, the Lnezln, and The Marquis Lat Fey stk. Th third groni is descriptive 'of the British 1 '` 44114 " * . theirihim Lord Comwalfis, Gette7. lovEniCoundors tiimmons, Colon! Tars L#4 teTe to tut oft. Lieutenant Colonel Lieutant Colone lis ap pea r s IN'bonen. ifc„ -Lord Cornwal io'tg his nsord to the first General Ofneer % ktd General Washiness is pointedont U sward. onkypetvost to whom he is to sus? to*ltis li %ha heights sod th e dicta t es ate the dirl uvies end triords of epectatori. The et ratory AVilson,esesPleil - a e and his star, "Weil was ,bortabetteu 4 / 4 Arced with hallo; the Marquis do Lew remarked ",that -the were carryin 4 t 6. _ 1 3 he this dieser or bard Cornwallis. joked 7tted Weshingtoo to serve him a dish ovokirvi and immediately after inriPre 3 ‘ l alia fell threa&h this toot on the tables -1 0. t:Asn some sod dispersed the pony. - tts 4 oortr.--On -the left is erected a rem. fee t ..,t Wier of Wow •Alustrions heroes - who itha7:4eir lives and fortunes So insoroUrtheo . ' .." -u s 41 tibial and independeuott: tlistPor ofoy, P s • 0L; MOW at $1 ,Wm. B. Lane, Pbilede)- ?"4 ' 4 ad at the office of the "Antolini' er:la be b Lotniauns 0.1 to 41 th st p Chestnut street, Philtufinthbit' aper - ' l•rA r!hssol discount to Age hs. . „ 7 7 NEVir ..t.WE00.,41,0* reeitivioir hfuptinseud L. sampler. 4otir. -0994)16 soVe!t Arc oft,pnii April tta, be sold (nuleat aetbttr dbreteed bA st.Vabile Venda the yara Oahe stlynattaar tbelrot , , Thorsdity- the' 29th. }at: ' 4 . 4 , 0 pat; attire nese pitimetkltil Inert; ,e Cte . pelt"' Vit two mots,' mat , ituabat Wagon, one. tettlyto, bone ROW.s., two Wales, toe BladiPatc.P.Joy, aatitanaws otter ertields. gala to Ceetimente . lo. - . TT5119..-sSoww.l $5 grate; cola) oor 464' suo watts at mouths !dela igtotatattzlV Arid Waren. ', • Gatos*, Apt:lll4lSM .; . . . . , ~.ME PLYING SIM.' ' i 4 he n ce "tie vaitie a cash &mine af $lO $2O p . pr,tpeek fir tw enty fear s, byl .-- the Investment :of five doilara = - 4 . •' 'in 'adrinirli '. ' T is eXtensively kuotra that the .utedritraitgued J. has by, theory and practical_ eipitirtrenti! so fully dem:rimmed tire-practicability of Alerlitl• navigation that all who have duly examined the subject-lira convinceillt and no Teraon, !yen ditto whets iateresta are adverse to its intereta, citnUfr. fee, * Word of rationed argument againtit. it. "Sir-1 - temlmerdel machines "have:been constructed. and 1 each of them has operated successfully f and one jef2lham,,l6 . feet, long.'carried a smelt ' steam en , gin , by fhti Kwer of which thee ntaChine , ertfis propelled; and, being guided by Its mew-helm, tra4iled rapidfy thrtingh t j thi :di, even eigaitutt 4 breeze of,wind, indirect Saes, or circler, accord ing father:adjustment of its helm. k .This machine was e vitoessed and applauded by hohdreds In New' York and Boston, and .hotfees thereat tiers pub: liked in several newspapers of thoie cities at the rim. Since thositexpersments .reere made,the into for hai made additional improvements tvitere • e bye e invention it now perfected, And it apt } peais certain that a safe and durable aerial ship I (or ticropori) - capable of Carrying oneliutdred and fifty' passengers et a *Peed of ttinity,,tetrita an (hoed with tnore.priefeet safety than either steam. boat or Milroad cries: MTV be constructed for I $15k0(10, and that the expense " of running it will 'not-exceed $25 per day._ This aerop o rt will Matte 1 I the rip to California or ta Eurepe m two"' days; 'and will bepatrouized with abundande of Wei nest more than 50,000 persons are now ready to engaoo passages) at 200 per nissage, which will motet to 30,000 per trip, each way ;, or 60,000 per l l-eak, besides 4,000 tot carrying the maima.-, If t isneroport is owned in sharcsof S dollars each a' s i ng l e share 'w,il produce an income of ' . 20 T t tsars per week. I lt s ascertained, by a minute and careful esti ; mate, that'an aeroport 150 feet long,' and capable • I ortairyleg Svc persons at a speed of .60 miles en jihour,lmay be constructed for 1,500 delimit.-• Now, t I having been disappointed of the funds requisite to i PM th is invention in Operation on a state of practi. feat utility, I propose that if SOO persons will sub ,l seri Svc dollars 'tact?, payable when the whole mam nt of 'I,AOO she)/ have been Subscribed. I Wm 1.1 . t orthwith - construct this pioneer aeroport, .1 (orkilit maybe one in eis wee/tar) and when this I is putt in operation I ,C 6.13 readily command the Irequi#te funds for corattructing a large import as . above mentioned. And I Will So arrange. that each*abscrjiber, on the payment of 'the said See I. dollars; shall be furnished with ' n 'regular. title deed, Which shall inside theholder thereof to one three4mndreth part of the first fargeneraport that shall constructed,and of all beneSter and emelt:l inen .that may be derived therefrom for twenty years* the said aeration to be kept in repair with out eieuse to the she:Molders. Sobseribene will" not .b restricted to single shares, but each may, hoW iiis many as he is disposed M subscribe for at the first; and will receive dividends neeordiney. whichf according to the foregoing eirtimate, wilt be 20 dollars per week on Each share. payhtle weekly:or monthly.. " - Subserilteratriarlend their names r to my addreas by.mad, (prepaid.) and the same will ,be-duly' entered on the subscriptio n] book, (Whieltattready. Miniskirt riteinit futy names,' of subscribers in this city .) and alnico Will be sent 1 (prepqd) to each when the three hundred shares 1 t than have. been taken i and the ttraney may bra j seut either to me or to 'fire ' fires of Sheldon, It'it. :here 4 - Co., (well known bankers of Mia city.) who Will on the - receipt thereof forternd - to each subscriber' i title-deed:era above stivralrtelt,lna will Ad i. t. as treasurers for the shatebolSers.nnd trensfe the money to .Me as the Twigless oft, the. 1 wart r/qoires. Each subscriber will holutilislied senii-nranibly with a minted Acre-letter, r-eport iug thelpmgress of the work.'t i - .-. . ~. Editors or publishers; 4 . ,r newsprepenerber; 'Will givo-tb corvine 'prospectus an insertion within three eelts, and strad steno- 'thereof .fe the tin dersitt+A ehttli be entitled to one Atm ite"..this large new:Tort, and be furnished with a fide-deed or fiveldollara it cash forthwith.- - : ( ' , RUFUS .rCileigrli. "Washingtour, Apr 11.1,1852. .. , - - • P.S t i It is - cancriently believed thar-bry ; this ial'etitl n unexplored regions May be eiamited, and the _ j light or civilization and Christianity may bre diaminased through benighted landswith fa cility.; nd that the world will horror the names of Ur who now.sabscribe toairl the introduction of attinvention calculated to OOnfef Murree:se ben efits "npnn the entire human race. t - J- . , : ti t uit TRIPS' FOR &Lig / . , . ~ rrY 'S - VitSCIOP . F':II. 501.1 . .ba `ii„tlOpiA'allo... I. -te i n Montrose 'during April , court,- with Fruit- rear, Grape Vines, - Ornontiotal -Tree* 4.c., all of which toillibei fresh ham thereelebiated ursery:if'_ . U. Snyder,'Hititterhaoli:N,T.; Wend for size and thfill "yrinislif not exert lady ever 'sold, in Susrpaeherren: CauctY. 'Tide burners- contains come 40 . ar 50 ' acres, end' the: atrcier gives. his. whole time and attentittialo this bniiivers atone; Naas he grafts. froia,-tienring Creei - on'hirr Cacti grolinds.', - he liege 'not .hesitate triAvert:tat: there . trot, to Oa c,aow.s. -, The Apple Trees air; from 7 to 9 feet .' Peach S toll Pear 6 to 9 v'earaer et ! which .fricited fait 'Yeacin , the.rit*ry..„ A mong, the Apples, will; be the .Betdicia,..frait bite. ' bright red,juicsrlindrich.;-,crecalelT' l vicnd . ` prodootivearge:trees beiirt proOttea frill, 40 -, ,to .54„ hoiliela in ore reason, Ond ',.6.0*,...e1triit. in . New England ..the.beet. icvinten app le ' r 2vort7,4ere Spy, o4n::1:of .the large - it. - most ' beestifili :lens. , kr.epirit - apples:yet . kriire.;-..ltiicf rich"; _highly . • • • ~ - tirometfp,. retaliate: its fresheesser Mimi, end op- , pearanee, tilt 3oly ;. Pall Pippin, first in lice end ' queVity,'hits,beekkeoter to, weigh atnauces ; ;11. 1 I.. Green, ing, , ietacirita iecietybera,' - ; VairdeOra, Z.: Si nfivibirg ..W: Seek:no:PartAir,, liadiall Sweet, iStoeet : Bata,: R ed . Astraenn, • ,RoifOlti 1 Ausieti c:; f ~' ' -- 2 -.:; ...' - , '''; - I : Among the tiers **the '4feellge's4; ea:l'lBl4r- 1 ed the-heel early Peer*,-' , 4reit. 0 median rise, but. tefs,tecittrig and iich=-'!iipciiis Id: Atigust f'. Bart. leis—large. buttery, silth- a rich'irriiiiiiky,fitteor—ii . , is a fair- erect grower; and bears ring and oboe. thteti3'; ad the 'fruit ripens iterfeetlY'ett'llieheiro' . : if gathered two ti:* three' Weelitt before riirottiiis is a desirable Variety far , those who. are . liable to; have their. fruit Aioleti tr. 'll.r.:Thernss, Sather of the Ertif Coliariel;Wtia he: has rakes,'4 Oa of ripit„,froit front - a tree, of this varlet/ tritvr6 or 7 feet in 1 beight);-tipeiW iii; SeptiWibert Seckel, the rich et td.alf, pines f•VitiodiesierVitrai Dog.. eliite- , -r, Pee* in Ooti.her,- ""Thelie4, 'far,ietilol:. :file: ' selecte. Ira _liver ilbandreil; These :," 4,' botrO pro. mince the'. best ht soltivatios.-;' Peaches , N e i IlaririA. Yellasti . . 4160ga i:pr.., ,Pliald;Rafiiio EarlyYtoik; Raja/ Giotto . and Itirgiett liffete. • These are foie varieties very early,- except, -the last,' which rip . eottsbest . ,oe : guldle of Septeinber inehioift.,lfeturebts ih . iliWt-,efiett the ether . k inds are gone,:: The trees are ;7 twist:As size ;Of Oterie aid in frtainehatsos•Coanty,Nviiiiio ...the last two years from -New Jersen / Ind lee let brought from - Ethe with ore iiitisli-TeltS7)1011. .';4 . 0 he:lo.lantl:fil !cnrr severe winters than t h ose WO the*arMVISDI dy - si,l , lelf that' State. : The Geepee aretho:',feetteLi Isabel to and `Catawba .the - 110; Usk; hardy varieties. OrlifittleAl4 Tree* Horse , eft*estk Eur opean gotsal44ltett,i,C•4•Are'sr. itted'aise,;,,:,Thesiih;: actibsr will also stirta ie' CaLoriffiii I 'uP o6l-14 total or Oherwise,fo-,A*fell:reitabf Platri:i_nier.• 11., , ctuippe, .40k - artrectistiiii, iipa..ginkimiita. Oputui"!al ;trees; betli_diohAtioitti:s4:its!eire *lli;. also Gieweherrias s - Raspberries, atiriauts .straw. berries ite, to tetleliwtote. 'hest Wawa efAllft;', • Trarktiaitoeit. --.GEO.,I,EIGAIT9Nratger4for 'i .1.::',-- lruiti4Olt; Aprii; iii4t::.;:'-• f ribtOija r SESO fcc ate to , , • - AD.. 49, umator *.-c9 April I 185° , R - LA, ,TifitOP &C' Are receiving a fresh supply of I khltaki. addaien to their former etock.ll4 ter to the Imblitt at UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES, Theirs tioode tiering been bought entirely .; * - C A Stti ' they ese Frei indonemente Sc, those erheaish to goods - CHEAP Aware tlek.muck. rimy be faun a good assort. 'merit PRINTS ) curtas et NUR! Gnarl. , BROWN AND BbEtell6o Egat,TlN „ tarwnihDeLinsess Alpaccos, HAWN ant /RIM BONNET AND .11:1014B 3S NSILITaI* Satins, Vcivett; Merinore, Combries and Mus/ins, CfgaElD/D2, (A large aesortinont,) EATS, cArs, Arm BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Fifth Pilot tad Oila, Crockery, Rentwate,lson and ErProdnee of trey kind honght..cg V.B. LATHROP. 4 JAS. P. H. RILM". Alonitter, April, 1852. 11'0110E ' 1411131,13ALN DS4t2BB AND DirAtPRI lIBRQUAIIDITS WITHIN TUB COUNTV ' or sustrOEHAtax. IN 'of the Act-of Assembly' ofi this commenwealth, viz :.the Act of the 4tlt day.Of MayslBsl, entitled enact to.ptovide revenue to meet-the demands upon tha Treas, uty,lind for other purposes ;, an:set_ the %Cat of April, 1845,,entitled an act to increaselho revenue and diminish the Legislative enien-' ses of the Commonwealth; an act passed the 22d day of April, 1849, entitled an net to pro vide for the reduction of the, public debt; and an act'passed the lath day of April, 1949,:en titled an set to Drente a sinking fund and to provide for the gradual and certain extinguish ment of the debt of the Commonwealth, the undersigttDd Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes of Stisquebanna county has prepared a list of all merchants trading within said `county, and Pla ced each of the said merchants in that elass to him seems tight and just, according to the pro ' visions of said acts of Assembly, as follows : flasiamer., • Proprietors. Class; pat • J it e „i. Auburn, ' John P. Lambert,. 14 -4 .i, , Jonas Carter, 14 Bre'playa; Edwin Tiffany, 13 ,Liti. " Ewa S. Kent, 14 ." ,P , -W. &E. Allen; 14 g., IL T. Ashley, ,•, 13 Lig. ,• 0 Nelson Tiffany, / 14 ,-. Choeonnt, , naneis•Quilin, 14 Clifford, . - J. Baker & Co„ • 13 Dundaff', T. P. Phinney, • - 13 Lig. 4 , Ge,o. Cone, . 13 , Hicoek & Wells, 13 - " Wells & Chittenden,. ,13 "%PCBs & Langtion, 13' Dinioek, S. S. Grover, 14 ' U L. ILWeodrniT, ' • 14 ' 4 H. Blakeslee 14 Prlarrlsville, Campbell Blakeslee, 13 ' 4 ' ' A. Wickham, • 14 IL Borrows & Co., - 12 3 N. E. Kennedy,. -14 • „ . J. Sitilley, - 14 " • ~ Asa Howard,: .- --- - ;144.18. Great:Bina, - •JohnsleKinny,.., a ' 13 ir ! Willtam Balzer,' • 14• ' s Tinkham & Belcher, 13 J'Osepts Dubois 14 Wen. D.'Prowbridge, 12 - • Wm. Dayton, 11 1.. S. Lenbeim, • 1 2 A.Gatefiela,l4tlStr'e. 1 4 • Young & Brownson, 13 Ltii, Taylor & June, 14 , liatlhonyi I,. S. Lortheitn, 14 taq, - 0 .11e,Knne $: - Smith, 11 " • IL gotten,- 34 ' " James Bell, 14 - 4 .. j. B. West, 14 ' a •T. P. Bailger.& Co:; 14 .. " - C. S. Bennett, 13 Lig.- - ~. A. J. Sevmciur; l4 Ilaitor4 Eaton & Peck; ' 12 Lig, 4 " S. Seyrnonr,- ' - • 13 - Johnston"& Verty ; 14 Hetrick,' 3otm-Millen;. .- ' . 14 ,•_ Lenox, - - —Shultz„;Entein & Cer4 la - - • " • - E. IL Grow & Bro's., 13 ' .1115131u:44 .J. 14 Post &Co. --. n , • 4 .. S. H. Sayre 412. Co„ 12 " IL J. Webb; ' i.s P.D. Chandtei 13 ' , ~., J. Lyons & So ' nf . - - -13 w } • , George Fultei, ', 'l4 - .`- 3L. C. Tyler, ' l'' . la iv A. throp ei. Gay 12, ' a' - Abet 'Antall, •- .14 1.101. 4 - • it - . .31. S. Wifson &Si:in, la - Jo' S. Si, Mulffird /iv, 50w,12 , ' Bentley & Read, 'll Lig. 4 . "', ' Pitts & Wr.ruer ; 13 Lig. 4 a- `3. Etherikige f , ~ 24 Li+ " . - R. Searle, . , .34 , ..' a . Geotge Littre i - 14• , 'Middletown, C. C. Wiight,, , 14'. New nilfOril, R. i ,L. gutpliim 'l2 iv A. S 1 ss & Sons,. ,14 4. '" 2: ." tent Stitiitt, ' ~ " II -' nivido & Littre'; ‘ ,.., /3' ' :Wilii4m C..),Ntard, ~, .- i.f, : ' Risk I .N..Grn b ever4l4 . C 0,., -14- - i• - ' • ` ',l - ' lifilliain P. Can' ~ . , 1 - 4. -.."- airier' Loke f rnek Bely it: Mailori, 12 , 1 , , Springville; - Scott l ik. Rook ' --.27 ' "il t • f' B.S.."rover. I'4 . 4 ...-,., iilwitr, ' "'', .1. S.• otripitinn,•f ' 14 ''' :-;, PTan,kllcri• ,'' ' IT....*errtron#l' : . 14. j, Vi ' IS. relltei, , ,- 14 . ..3.., .. Gibsan. ' 00CtitlES, VESA ttoasss, Harry Bariiey; g Lig; Brooklyni - : XA.Newenmb,,' . , r . Mil fianie f ._ , George . - Aniplat - .Eneek-aunnbers..; ,- &law Friendliville,;Tenjimin Gliddet,r • • 11c Great Bend, , Lucca ti Scott s -- j - " ;drat Woodruff; - 8 Yee & Steel, 8 - 14: 8 ' Jobn Comstock; :; S rigraocul Petite sc. WY* ,e Lk. " 'Frederick Pickering, -8' _ chino' Weeks; 1 4. ' Whitcomb &Newcomb 8 Liq.„ liktford, .3tulper Seyttionr,,- . Tamp, - • P:21.1; Bobo, Jackson, & Hollis, ' 8 -.4 4 , - George Watson,.,.`':B Lenox, ,• Abro*lta Churchill, umatcq,e,:' - mirrimanzr:Paride; 6 • ,F, Farb= & CO, • - • ' ' N. Bo - • -11 &mama: • Silver Likev-Ifenoni tA,Ga c an' - New liiirotd;tlliteing; - _ - ) iota bleAtts, Mistie r 1 - 1 1 "' " ' key;,,-I r fir 4 dioliii 300. :,',Aztd aftes• the eisurt of COMmori ' Plea ' sid4 COutitYi hen & I "Cputt of ,Ap. ist. the ciao, itooie-itt !blame, kt -Ana gm; , ib e l6o,ty of ,filagnettaa,, 80,3504 y the 10th day ,of nee.; P. ar*Thitilmi , ottthooyotivo debt* atieeTibed, sad e t ismed ss stmezelitt **spite or Aformi.maY 5P1 , 414 4 ' sett a j i. Peal i sist ~neat they ~thibi Oqw - , ' • AP% Apal 4851' ,• - , • • 'Ativits STOVES AND Tili-WARE.-- Tag, sub s enbers haring entered into nsr pe T t. tiettip in the 13tave;Tin and Slieet.iron business, ace prepared to attend to ail orders ' ln thei r line at s shortest unti e s. By givin g strict attention to the business they hope to.n t erlt thelethar e of tbe t ade. -'--- ---., , ',..- ~, _ - The business' will be-curled lee -opposite the " : . 1 7 2" thrtV I" 1 B C 1 :: .1113 ' ' dc! - 11;: ' 15 : 11 4 . 373::+:::12 fi1 it 7 0: C. . . . , S. A. AVODRUFF. JOllttitv DINIes. ontrose,lderett2l-18e2. . - .-z:, 22t ka Regiatofs - p,AoLle,=lo . Fics is heathy givens 10,01 pot- Nis' so:wergild in thifiAlowing.estatee, to olhooti Make, desert:Bo;3.lC; Adains, Executor -1. , • • • - • WEstato of Heni l f-fraytien. deceased; Sally & iMatin Hayden, Execatena— , "-- Estrtte . of Arms Smith, deceased; 0 1. Gaftty. lay. ¢er—. - • , •• - iEstaitt of A. R. Read, deceased ; C. F. Read & M r Tytor, Etecntors— , Estate of J. a. Reynolds. derteased ; A. G. Bit. Adallnistrutot.— • , • 'Estate otaohn Keel . , deceased ; JesprMci. ' Keeby; Administrator -1 Zoete of 3areph Buttailield dee t 8.-A. ficita teifleld and M. S. Mimi - Administrator; That theacconutants hate Settled thf - tir acoounte in ' t iha Register's office In and,for. l tha County of Sesqueltantia, and that the name will be present. to the Jadges of the Orphan's-Court of said toitvity, In:Montrose, on MoadaY the,26th day, of Aitit'llort, for 'confirmation and allowanc. i 'J. T., LANGDON. Register. pegister's *Mee, Minch 30:1'1852". - • . 4 the Hon; - the Jape of the.. Conn .of ,Quer., ter SeirionooNe Peace, in aod fir' the Coon; . , , . of Susquehanna: ' i f HE petition'of L. B. Boer alba init . :nth, 4. Of Great. Bend in said county. respectfully•rep ftlet t, that h l 'poviied with se"a ll ecovnien ce to keep a Grocer y in the township aforesaid ; i .i alt that it, is his.intention •jo apply ,to the next to rt of Quorter Sessions to be holden in and for cei county on the fourth 211onday of April for a lic4nsa to keep a grooery, and to sell strong bt;er. ak,ar Otte; melt livers, =cording to the act of As ably of 14th April, A. D. 1S51; L. HAMEL. Groot 8end..14w4. SPRING GOODS-4113-1: ; ' I I _ UST received, rots of netvE oods, Prints. pe. t tapes, fresh Teas, Summer Hats.,. Carpeting. Ronuots, Dairy Salt, Cotree, -Weinern superfine Fidar, Codfish . , Illachnrel, &a. 44. ,S - pee cat i and bring along Ratter, Ens'. Raga,Vraia. Ca )t" pr.Ood ere - fiit , and you' can, Ims Oi;ogs riii. with many thanks. ' bilk!, C. TYLER. , Montrose, April 5, 18.52 • V Digsolittiofl OTICE is hereby given that Os firm of Pitti & Warner is this dey. di3sntved by mutual coriireut. ,Those_ indebted to the firth ; are toques— ted 'to settle up without delay. • - PAUL It. PITTS. 40hirosit April 1 1851_ P.WARNOR, • —. , •} : -If You Please. . .., ;et. persona indebted to me ere requested to. 'irettie aud make' payment bettafeamtio date andAthe first of May, next. ABEL TERRELL ooatrose,'April I; 1852. , .., • T Rill whom it may Coneetn. Qo e hglfdozed young ladies 'desirous :of nc. 0./quit/ming thainsolres with the Taitara trade can do so its the invitation is immediate, under ciront sistiOes quite favorable, and inn manner mitotic. pitosii i d by a foreign bragadoqlo.'inay now avail the inselveti of its benefits by caging on • JOHN GROVES. T. M. Artril 1, lea 13w3.' Lever Watchee, pj'Thin ibis day 'veered from Llierrisd, alantiitr J. ,voice of thole very taapetiarTigOnt richt Watefiva, to vilverlflunting Casts, extra, heavy, ricade order; at; so: a for mall sized " movements, whictk , will be lintee%ll; titely nut 1 to gold rassi for Ladies.. At the tirprtiolitp of these ratchet over any oarr that has hew arml for sale in this vicinity, has been to thorouglify rstabliatiVd, it is needless to do mote than to eat; the attentloh Pf:Tey sear:uteri , tothtlect - manerrs,:lttloss, :iLarch `20.1 srssidnion st,„ Binghamton To 'the Hen: the fudges' of ths Court of guar. to Seesiaas of ate reeee in and for tite county of , Susquehanna: 'TIRE patition of Genic!' Stoddard elf TheMsea, J.. centre of said county respeatfally represents that ha is provided with sealable convenience§ to, /cove grocery in the townehicinforesSid,Sudihat it is hid ititeistita tti aPjAy . to the . next Cairn or Quarter seesiena to be hoiden in and fee said court ty-on the- third Monday Of April. unit, for' tr cense tdr keep . .et Grocery,: arf4 to 0311, strottif beers' ale, or other met liquors, iceohAng tite,set of, :Assembly of 14th April, laisl. • (IMOD STOD'itAitt. Tatensort, , lrtareir 13, teal.- - - • r..tre 'Executors'- Notice.: TERriatrzitattx, ea the,. fotatt..o JOIN eDONALD, Sato of !SURETY, tleeetsede,hatiog beet lufabSeil to the undersigned, tittle! Ss herebittieen• to ea letletate4 to the estate to rail and settle gee tame *Eliot! deity,.r arid saLpeesaus. hae!ng dettatcia against the tsitte etEl pietist to Reset! them Sldly attested Pat. mac:De:us,. rirjevlS sattavas. ' lqqateli grittpfidik#Aittil2l,-Led2.. . . • • WANTED; rt ttES ANY) SHINS Athe 04 stud 61 Willtdlit I' o l. ltr, rot wbir.b Cast:V:6lll te. yald"or Leathri et auto& by - '. • -• " • r.. - Tt 4.3p.liblVdtai.. lacutruse,,ll.atalt 2.1,1852. - ' - Itt - • . , , ..,,,New- „ Books, - . . ' Triz liistoft of Haneary arid Reread., (a valuolde Ivollif by Kee. 11. F..Telfromdtbe Ilvort of the fa !adds r °ate t. Di vette Cave, in pamphlet, just received. ' A general aveormati . f of:3elpol,lloolte aaditatiouel .. .. always on flab& - . Aar* envoi) , of itre "Posladat" Put reeell'ed. ' ,E3PenteirSOttai—,, Tta . AAI tnAllt. OM estate( of Ettka E tms LENcoc, dennxq, having time' gtioxted .13suletsigisrito abitee Is hereby given to tillloriel,ttdtoiha.settte to call sled settle thssattesetitb,. mitt &tax. sntialt. persona hativg drui=ds agaktet t l es [fat , uIAL please presept.Plarr duly Sticatil tor xetti t . robot. - , L , Ta 03.11.3. WitsT, Isttox,YAlttecb. 1842". • ;, t*Giel. Notice..,. r T int,ritrii o l4o ; ti a utionn . to/ siettatteettfof,tatii; totitttlt, stud -ptracas On here ateettut, irtanding aide eat fourlears, ere eatt#oll reiltiestatt.te tome and 'settle the same immediately. , tj, LivEnp. , NOlktrao'so,lanvary 7D;18:1% • . , , retiztraed to . 4Vaptrose to reautne - the prietice ofbis prOffersioa ; They by foiled at Searferafiotel. where be %rill be , happy to wait upon bieetd friends as *en a it nezo. - MonttOre, Feb.:2; IM-41f. T it ttpartetshlp ? here tely aesistitgt:d/s :tfi metnoAri6r thror&c.,e 'dlsadied: 7 l b6:bookr.and a sinul* of OlebitS fintWillbe settled by A. rap. The btwittere will be berettflet eeedeeted by D. R. Latbrop; & lit:turg Rikl, Oa the pay detOu and sbert credit, system. coder tb,..), &flu of D. 0.. Lathrop it Co. , . OferguisSi"::.. :: k' L .6 211 11Q1 '' .# Co.u ... - - SIBMIf- It CHASE, pop r it-VINO been oppolitod Commissioner of ./.../L:Dieffi for z t6e State. of lOWA., vim a c. tend wolf Wines, eotrusos4 to hitu with prompt.; neiteoCdttelity,' . , MootrOise, rob..3i 2hs2--50. : , . eopertilembip hstsiotore existing tietweeis G:#ll4 D Bourse, is this day dissolved foliaotoil tostiset. B. G." 4. R. D. HASKEn; • Otidgessete4lllerels 184-1101e3: A NEW leg{ orLsdies Rubfiett. Raskin itz G 4 ltem - t4 l l lO . gentiMedt 4obttem Pint cape, &44414, reale by: HtNTL'EY- & READ. MUM - - - UtitNTSI) 20 4 ,000brishel of OMAN 10,000 bush fi els critiomtit tit-tot Whisth Ifl6 Watch pry, a Iflbp pifid in co oz taddlg n ads zogaira 417,40 Valdowasod Rip Bluarf lowlat , PATS, SvP & Co. ?Bpi = • , „ ' of ITOt.tiatticiPtOdkurlitalirtt;A:4 • : I\TOT/C& -he' ribii:*ifei,thit tigreetthlp to IN the- ego of the-Gene* disOetnbly of. the Comrneacretatft, of . Petttutyt?anio, directing she soda of zeilioittiiiiiitVd letttle tot tefee,,,lhe fOI4 fowMg Ptoti pid'peitifor tteetti 91 ttesteated 4411 be isold, tiablio• oiodtie :tat. ati:iteieoo4 . 344. - dey of-Jane.zeit t at Consillouto itr•Ebrat• race, foiarrearagel disc, etClifdie col* aeon:l'4_4* i each 1171- cf relriectiief*,4l6less the_ lame . &Timid . ' trefetit the if_ey. at 20 ,43,!..a1i)C.1F, thopvtizi: • j'AVO. Samna Suout.V. Bnetbra • tLett) W. Ilarklas. teener) po • Groot _ . ' icile,boota, shim ante, ci cow) ,loarithrialtattai „gtrt, i . ' 1 - ,19 Yana, Oirefettoes, eta.' • . • Youths ealf, ;whid , e:bect , , ih)ek ettoort Romeo: '• • a 7 4f' • Delta: tC 4 4 44'' Francis Ittehartsearjr; e,io =:„Ladite 5 Frac* ohmeh . Gaitotv Pateut 'Fir/ 4 iraffitim 5•/' 9aitars, ernkineled and Kid Polkas, enameled c rt iaiikitk.trarp a l i t so • - 12330: front 'urea ' , alkali, kid 'earl goat Senn't Joseph. Mason a pt. 254 ' t2 New. York ilea` eicoldiora, hinny Litids ROsettea, Henry Touted 16,17 " Reek Reese 17 y 9 • Kid ties, fakers,: etc. • • 5 - '5 ' ' David itacklay - • . • - • sot - • =•=:‘ 17„2 , rillaseri goat and, ealr,Lace hoof's, „Tivany,,t l itnra <Li,. Ward • - 33SM_ 9,93 e 4 i r i efr or e d p o lli t ,i; Dutch latictrir; etc. " " . A , button shoes, goat and enema . , , Osherw inow Wort etec Among our findlogs Fraoffer Franck calf Oak and Hemlock' tanned Celt skins, Morocco,', pink aodohite lining skins, red, blue, maroon, Roane, Binding, afpr leather, oak and hemlock; sotetenther. pegs, tine nails, 'sperables, tee) bill, tcehhing, etc.- • • : = 5 5 -• • I B. ' Wort too‘do - te - ortiar and rs'iairinr, neat.' ly dime— • 44,„*- tittlltim To , ibts .lonittbst,s) Eltadgetit Itertb,6lstiew Mai4.o Jaunt hut Neatens tiamutt warath Mott (irset) Joseph:PM:lW , „` - -400 Nrt - 232 Wm. Ab (taints) Sloane Ustafltaas• ," • - $• 'WMiura . - • biz Van • .ldcjcsot. 411 , 0 mattbian Qoplitt , - hiattbiea Copt% :Sedate thintult) • • E.l. (Orbit) ; • lEss Lathroz, • to .- et!- ' - ' too- Antlre's" Tybottt:: Roma Repler . - blattblooltroolot r. . SYaUacs , Robert Jack►pb Samuel Jayne ,tioeti Meta Lem.r. 4 / 3 4' 48 1 , 1,C4 Sa; ^ .94 (ersran); ' LBl '214 22 - 1..38 ',1103 11,92 Liberty:. RObert Patatop lgtsn Aorrey Alitlre's Tybbilt 134nict tellmort ' EbtweerrJapa• George Ilepterii Nlattiew Brooks x 0,07. CS. 75 , 7 6 . — : No. VA, 59, , ' 4,11) .! • • 14.0 aoo' L . C. fliorni.v__ Hatt; rantontan No. LT, Joseph Pattotqu WeiD lEfiurd , 124 Jobs Scimitar , /'Maley' George Relate 1 . 7 (Lot acid? Ittiach - -•-: • Sal% Ehleithm, Joe. EJtlrkl ~ r r a 6 . 5 e James Eldrid2er. • f - Pte. Tracts of S. J. Jr. Solotahm . Rialt 125 . Lot Pact ofJobn Ilavrt is Liith.ro.l42 • Norman Vttebott". ' (other) John tlitbcr6 4 . • Thug, ilorrie Silas Sgilitet .4.lsada - Males Pe;riart (iesuin)- , • . . , -5.20 A:EiI•U•SbarYA CO , ' • l° ' JeAl , et. V. 111113 ,3: .4 20 • i • 3. 0 1 George- Starr • - ,-- 414 1 • • 24.43 Illathew rlorr • .. - 162 ' i 803 3tatbeta-Plxerr - - , 1501 3-0 &ea Isaac Slider 3 - • - VA -3 - - - 1 6,80 3 ' Samuel lladzlete 64. n. •288 . Yemerett Bradley . • •' ' ZVI' 1 • 3 li-P 4 Peter bradley - , ~- 22 ,t , ..6:12 Patrick Jai:lead . ... 84 , 3 ''' 11: " ' William flatietrury -oAreter) 3 . , OSI 6 SO - 114 - 4 - -.', 6 54 Veranda Larttla-- -• • :::- - • - .I. , :64, , . 111 ,- - C 4 P 4 ra4l';u " . ' . it';'. B. nAtig, Treasdrer. Treasstraea ofst,eo,7inas,ch 2.i,.1842. 500 - Bocik_Age,nteillilUted. A NY tictivoi tor n ptelli retCt lino. with a 21....emaii capita! of from 0+) to' r3 - 100, , ottr maker lorge - prots by , : engaging id the sae or tho folfori•Mg _ ,` , andirstful ClOttilltUr VO/022.410N1ra1g 'ME PEOPIX Pop. Oaf Encytilopedin of . 'Useful Knotriedga: 'Tao Urge irnpetial actatto rolurnei., cnainining 1100 Prenneag's'ffial!attr or lire korittevor ilttotr spq teege•eeliye pagre4, with 200 'fit:in Englarings. , , Pr:manor's Hyaena - it-or Tile thirty) ST,rtrii hag, °Mara Op , and !SO fine Pl' zraiitsl . ol. :-• . ; ; • Faust's ItnsfuitutanLic Pie.vra lii TORY z iv.WO: intlgia . ,oll2Mi , Cl 7 s. 1114iil• itte 16110 page* and 700 Engragnagn. :The 'heft history af Aaterien'ptahlbuted.' • - Pittireit Pict6titdt Lire or WaentiOTO3:. &Viet!. book,..containing eooontaver pages trod 150 • elegant ringravitegst The cheapest Ufa a Wash, ingetaitetrer published:, 'Moot 's,. Barre/or pr -I.tumtt tirmts. : •Fine colored and pin,lri:plates. , • 1 'rim:Tana Tittroitiicax: ;„ Containinithelnartga .„ rat ficideesees and the _fievt,Annuat Addressea and Message * * et - the Presidents of tSe lini ted ;Antes, the Conttitntione et the mart impar• taitt.",tateit Iv ilia' Onion, &a. &c. Etnixdiigh. eel sailb partnxite eclat the Preaidente, engraved on etett,eind a view 430 the Uttpttal, of the Vat. . . ted etutes. - 500 - peges, 12 trio, koz*.s, littotz of- ,A 'splendid ramilk Edition, large'• quarto, , Fitb 55 En:wrings. , beatt!ifolly bound in morocco', ire - , Co surges linrrent or Ins, rdro., ' 930 iorge .Celate pogeerwith ilintutationa. ,-, A Jos - stars' Wanes, Pyre: edition, oue huge vol.: . , umP Sitnn rgritts.cpsois cti IjTG , ,%Ito Cr Gpv, S-rg Pommes Sy/vial:sr ,Nirrititn‘ WneE'S Witittb: . A italneibto genera( his cru! large *aim volume, With handsome Agravinger.! Load ow Go:iv vlrr C same*: CoMtscraire, Of 'at( ages' tiodeolintries;* Oiti7.largeveltimei of 800 pages. with nnimirags Ongravitgti._ • . 27'sgether with a number of other .rororke,par.t. ((orderly Joilti'ple4 for popolir* reading. l• 2 •The. most liberal diteaurgi' irdt giv"ext'to Aft•e'r l ( B who may: elltige in the - stale aC the abovo valuable hooks. farther-partieniams, address , iimoUrg# • J. & GI (lON, Publisb 13me] Na. 9! Chestnut street, Philndelphiti4 . ~• • ' 'Headley's' We Kotauth:i. - 'l., prib)Wirif in Jahoiry ; .'re 'Life ef Xoieittli,GoVeirtOr'orilaeg4'.: ry, with noti c es of: the 4iitiagnieheil!nion and stapes or the' Ilrogarien•revolation: To giblet% is added ea it twttenottv-enottialog the, Ineetlin— portant bf lbw ..4ridrestree,l*itire.end ;Speeches of the greiet AtagYifelletctfir C. frettiltoyoto.thor or the'nEntgresejOiephiiter LereYkte," Ste., with en tatrodnetion hi,Horaee 9reelVy t bone . iq,ave:, - ,vatinne; with ri",eiteli'por•l flail . Tjaifortiimie*littii'etYle:with jorephioe.".,: Vitietorte,:rfollas :ito3 , Iwensytftve cents per copy; grit tri , ' netvitriVe , 'pOta tired 'sillies 41 Iftov:lCOrk Sit6` ; :itial , lol Wig:tithe above three insertion*, shalt receive n tOpyatthe work letitnitliitely•;etr Ifiqubtioatitta t Tree SieDitilli..oe4i;:- 110 • - Auburn. N.Y. Gt iit MAR sobtetibos tot scull stock stt-or Men's. sad ,L flop' mine and Anaßoott astit Ottoos, sad *Pod sztortmeat of4,lloo,l4ltaskliatt tlikttogs Boots scot BlootsotbSoh - tolls str. *On st ;Moss bit:4'l3llo io• boosted.. Vitrsllepgttaattytotrwd - bantfLor to OA tine '• - aso,raLlautt. -tabours 41.1.142. , ,2: - • ~•= !Ali Assortment • tillirititi,ttatb,l4g,amiXito Cos t to; ll e. on lstid;' r east "gatantb u lrikto yet rnmainornd I tot suppljranontkl.ln (Wart. rpovll IitJ A WZO)). ~11144tca1*05it4,41;10,1658!' • 14t 9 pi t - Aelii POlTtotatwitirti for rim its:ll4,lo .101 e - • '• ..19P I XTV Ii • 4,; • L,New Boot and Shoclitora:.— t rilßaffrie' firm iat xeetorftr. ;Stoddard' , heir* l' ,opened rafern arta Shoe etote en Mehaetreet, fin* doer beleNr pre fliiike,comerAt•which, they offer Ur srpla i :;., tiaranst.Aisartaieuv , • • pct BeltrOhnekend Findingara the ./el;reat rive tt7e'stilS, for " ,ININONTROM remit : vs* It'ait annuli *ratite citifentitir the ittage and'country are re-, epecribily inviredie tell * real -franahre, and slice stile wh e re Boots end shaeA,4rxf sold aread'of • - - • Kintepi it before - - the' Veibple, mat are hes% a rni!assartarentiturang ,bigh as eos Corklatti rinser prod hdotiAnk trig Hai• garinna cab& sole antr piunO:boost e , heir Ick‘bor taltOrip,and 'bide bre CO SIS 2 • MAI 3ao 371 3 1 30 'BII 91 12,44 l 44 8.6 S 8,74 4.21 2.44 57V 2.55 / 03 1 4r5S The Latestnews xptes Mite enbrairibeti wesiid inform blinds end t he pubiip iA geheral, that they: have jut. ns.; turned - from Nesv York.With,alerg,e and estatiaive ,etocts of GOQDS,Olnlai:atirm every artiela iatha BOOT& SHOELMZ • " 1 13, St U that -le 'called - for in tine market ; - sad. hilibtg ..1 made arrttngelpento whh,tbe rnennfaeturee trefor ;-61 Weed additionel a,•upptiea, whenever wanted, and 7 7 2 et - i n ch - price s as - wilt enahte - as to eel! Lunch taa... 4;42 ,er than ever before sold. Monitcete,.' Beinrisrea ' ticol ahoernak,ere,,pqr opinioata that. we knote the wants of the 'people better Than those who era in We'vc . citedtlitsieri'ir tliim it6%4 uecefinv . i. toaoy s 'inaread of :giving' is Flit 'of *Orli and pri ces, that , . l , • , • • • Gompetition ie &fled . liispv . kt.ttuu solteited; And eatiefeetion gitetentied l 24,74 11.44. 4.11 4.11 4.73. 2 .4 S IA 4 II 111POIRTANT TO SIIIOE3 I I,4KIE.U.S; )Y4: krnti ai§you hiqtd herOick latinedioitt tenth-! F ros pel f and Aworicwi t' 4f Skiha, morocco Linings, ilkodutp; Shoo:lmila, P r k s ,'Ar an d.i t i atke e, `hoe-kuilf , g," fiaainaPre; - Pineere, Rasp?, 't'utlia . .Kit and French Shoo. Toole of every ilescriatino. Bout Crimps, Was, Shoe-thread, Root we'bh'; ifeet-halt. Blacking, "&e: :,:shoemakeia r"eerteettntly vrotteitell , toevirn:i itmour etock,before:p,tfrohaeingcno.oor tools and ; fitiifitigs 4te,mll aeleased by one, who understands the Wainer:a. Store direitry °Oen', Seallea rioter. ; Dou't forgetiho plader • ... • •, MERRIM W PATRICE, 2.80 1,(4 .94 1.511 10$6 c 4 rher subseribei would nlso thank ibis - net merons friends for the liberal patronage he, hot received for the last font yews, hoping that , he:rnav still' frierir n - share ()flit eir patiooegre "her ads to keep his Eating Suisun and Grocery treh'erstofore. - Sept, " ; Now . Iffilford ShaWl aftd - Drets GoOds,, Eniponuta, ; BURR!. TT is tittairi• in inniket.with a neer Lilo * aud enlarged stock . of. 05/tee:long, and 'square fltiate &j adies dress goods of new and splendid pa iterus,itid'prices reduced still lower, tut the City eush-penis tells upon Ake marker. And iochadiug . elso his general supplies for the Eng &I ~ -Whiter trade in Dry Goods. Groceries, crockery, Morrie:err: iron Sr...Ntills; lint§ end' Whitey Caps, Bonnets. Iltdialollolses, , Boota cf acts. Stoves ere. etc. ell which he will sell on his usual liberal terms mid - at : prices that cannot be beat forl cash, Virsiocrs ni approved. credit. •:C: If: Maui sad Soltecmstantly on hand.. '- - new 0ct.34 1.7.51-4 , 40 • " Tte~alutio~r in. fori! IMPORTANT,TO ittideiritigned !rating recently piirelit Fed the Veil .11.. 'Wont' o - .l.l.akitfOßD 11.11. LS.;" are tiOW prepared - to kinds of F.n trinti, in the tifeintinnoer and with - I)l'6mi/inert tartrcutar attcation Wilt be paid 'tnoni.. - tom work, c ful no pains spared to retain to ony,runtom efe tie ttethetiott. The high reputation which the •iffarfard Villa" have prevfotiy bad, we intend Oran Do fully meta theft, and even more. We shall pay tax/i for ;Pleat, Rye, Corn:and Ilaitichrfai and tertian 'hand for ogle, at, all timer, and of fair, p iced, It'/oar, Ara, WeT.. nll girdle beg Hirs t - etarve. croferatit,toviseril the couthleliti , and patronage on Mc to receive It 'in nal, rani therefore meet reopetifittly and coral:4l4 lirvitea• • lii, S. ' • n. mum. `Tlir — o - op: 6; ..--RAILY-EXPRESS-.LINEi- 44.. te l viculdwanms et:. Wertfewo ,Urattrz?ad- Per Par/ender Trithr.t with gpeciarmessen.er,s f or th fortrio 4 b 2 g of iferchandizo and .4,7arkfoges erery deseripteon, Specie, Bonk Notes, 4.e, lakjernS,lrrafts, and ifilia talk:tad...2-11%61'4a* attend• to.trith promptness am; , 1:4 TtaSorable rates. , 'f he' .4gOota of thy Lana:mum &..Itettern Itallroad Company witl act 111 , ./tgelattkfcir the.stroveAmprefs gaei rupress notgons wilt be In readiness upon the arrival of, sack fr n. at Strautonf :to, forward with' dispatch, tderchaudizo.,tco., to PlttAtor!,WllkestsrreOcc.„ , ,• , teowAr4petiiie ,troontrat, a authorized to redeleo and fonvard SAPtewJ Frolzht . tract that , tdoca 10 the alWatro3o SthiloW, add Trout sold Etatlcin to Montrozo. ,N. :1 :. )larthz Tuaihnunotic.-attl reed*. and,f? , t u ward tapross fl right from that place to Tunkhoutook Statloui and fthm that E.tattou to-firialthinneek ' - - - - T11.1.140P CCt. 4Viiretribei,l33l.- . 42ti • " ' • 's S. V, 1.45% ni Weald A./Fretfully request all 3rar. Buusiness. Notice,: 11..164 tinietttenlatk.ormis wltb ltim; to eutt and ailL 4uss the,sar gr .., , - -. • viovetciticue'biditefimiil be stability:Ted at his gettud, under the - arra or..M. S. W Sipa 4. gnu. They ' intend to keep a general variety. and tviil ern , be reedy-' and Wan/41bl la nedntautodare those whn Aver Theta with a tall. They nil kitetilion hanit,a large stuck. of H LP( y Gorius t alroce racy, Itlsockery Particular attentinn. wiii,be given to thin branch of the hcisirrest; Tgheeis et tuft 'assortment." Carpenters, Slarkstninte,lionessiVarriage,itoot und.thast maker*, *fit boa the uttetes'they vans. " Bard's, bbstes,,aad eiV3Waltl7llll4 to 11104tittert:St kept' on bona, 4ON .0. WILS & SON: • • Mantroae,,lWn. I eIS.V. - • ' •, • '•" lyltf riibyrqu.g. Tie Miikcal :- • I JoultlvAL TUE LINE Arvirs t . .. • "snit h,!rt. Mireetrit4s , of / iTutia; Lit- "eVotttre nod Art, hi; the- - piiidd ttniinally to eubseribere over five hundred. peL,ion . q(ltalttable end interesting motto en#.;erphrecing neerly s oner }kindred' pazen . - Ptiblistied on 'the I et•tiud -15th - or. reVery 'month; ot• SLJQ per , dn.: nunt,„„TtprifluniOpilieperttnetkc : tvitt be. enriched. by ,the',,couttibittiene of•the,tnewpopuler. cp meal eete end - bteste,re' nf Ititisia`novi before the public; who trtio been panted' ealureleit - 11*".0kes with th potopoeitione,stul - Arith.Trenties Pr* the Principtel end_ kiertiee pf 'the Art, hr. thin adfi . i iodiari .x., Otheeto " . • The' objettenehtidintili tbiono. , entihicdepertmentotrelootoca.en artel,euitipate tniitrie4 talon!, end tci,! . noppritgp,,ttitl.rAnthitthe /Ifinn'ent Writoiii_OtArnitrietti; eePoritung the ioth4h; osuie. of Iditsitt.. Secular end Stteted; -VoPor nrid •lnetrurnenta4 PnPniatienaldnientifterenditiewing meta high tiat t inilaetteing the /INC kinniel, , tltl6st and raligilins-Editention il.khe NO*. • • All';'Opitititunteettptia 'thud ti .iddiefiteti(iiiit paid) 7 , 0 11114 r at' 7 1 1 0 1 WOCIO W*l4, ;237 eitidarey !ItterTerle' , A,Mari-with'hia Throat Cut! UT - be did is lma lt a thsStew,btd aotbiu tR da „Lutrid: ft fbrauat ore hford of snob a 41*; Sams'l daaa AM inarllaroddia the NVRip•per* me out*" inosaaa of mai doing It a thinazalrea. A razor la la Ow ge o oolls thillifr Olt Isaaa 4 tadtitt'aolatTeneld aboald ba adamodaaboadlols_—Zraryzoaf:ata: l4 Wok I dads, Idai Vat Von to Idyroara fora° ou , a tin tad Fa* w lAtimtoi Nror . :=on ni'ir tete** vamtv pas ry *ll never your ilt co ;dr.., pod pia: ,04141141IPTIMIN; Soiaer&ll.•,, ir noon. ler earallea ball.4l*, **door so ?ostolge d i n l ebr. malt otaiitTht womb Ufa bent NOW cyAdit,LES-7 1 ,6 < . tt • ,- • -2.IIINGIII4TWAIVIRTISENEF :WATCIUiY-U fivtectiber silos Omen tateVeinisnctae (Mos. eeocouitze %Wu bluets ilittoetivid semi, r. k m , lot. of bli pope/kit Patent Lever Wino -. eel Aiancfutarsl P l Prvi l t Obis ark& vitli We trete mime mmll 4 on . eiceivestinitenr3' dui of lit • Irtfmtazb.terrsve 4 ll.revette**As tun Vee 'W .W.II ryas last!ty er_tbese,Cietteli,,v moo goopyle, which as one. .102 Nee Wir Port W401441/1 pftry - ieiritatedineteeL . - • ' 4.“J.EV03i 2 104.4142411 . e11eve11itar., , rpsl,44ismet, :•: . 3141,1Urzytoei Aprlll4; ' . .• .., ..._. cittitKEßY,:. GLASS; '• AND 11013Str. .-. •'IVIANIgHttra: STORE. . . --- ;- ' '(• '1 Vera ' ' door to' it . A . ' Afro's%) ' - . rritiv-sasteibetta Entakaing la sieciodYist initil I .1.. amder.his thanks .i.o, his whivammid =tams 4, t_ . ) Ma Oneonitionnent taneired 1z the sustaining otso w , -* Ifni Mud entenslis *a, ogabllshuitut t whom ihs - Mt" -,',.- a salsa nasy aims oti ilia Minutia for nndniot ita ,d , i tin boa a piquant lask;andmosehmk MIMI - LW Itlito '.. fy tho partor- ~. , •- my frock or Frinehi Stmt. Chino,l,Vca4fati;ifbaki;f '" tam, Yell= .and Woes tfrors,ts too lug. and liorke" , '. snd comptsts, emheicing some nso sties Of my. on-la importation) Wm .gaidathar mosadalimas tense may - 14 - - • arstlfad; -' '- - House-keilyi2ig 4iiides. • •-• • • • , :cintair.sarsetsigoaliar earststidsnisonsins, marl a. sticks, snoteds and tonsior anlaisol r.s.i•ii.. sleskfat , i;. eozda.and-lionsi odiatrtliostrinlr, &c. I . :' . Woo de a and Wilbrywc-ct are.: :. • . , „ . . . Pottodms, pahronortms, broonity. L onoFsii?oislit, der,. males, irtsouteltGle*ltaintrai lt.c. - - • 5 ._-,- I• H< - .: :11 , 1isellancous. , -.- , . ...' • ..,,Itip ant • Pomp anti halt 1414'125M/. ertSZHatt Wart of on de it tptlmm: Looking Olatort; Vase* nod Orman:nth Sl* 4.Ttana,emloott gists ; rope- al foxy Goode of ell Idiot,. prices and descriptions; Cloaks. rope,..jote, Pooh Atli ea tot t'orMstut. t . Whodber:ShatlesArgyebeapAsuat. 8144 gages of eeriona styloti. Oat , storg-ta or complete, presenting sorra tt great vs,- , rtely of useful. and ornatatztal ankles that rho* ertsb.. tag to obtain a complete outfit or replenish hautboy tag ankles 0411. sale amnia-time and money by mating at, this establishment:by 1, , 11, Dana. ..:BitglsausOn,K Aptit i4t1852. , ` • I,5yE, ."-Ttnion aguerrean,_Galleiy., .. 11ESta . 5..1 1 119111101, 4 , , LiioMt3 ... Would res , pectfally call the attention of-the la dies ana.geutremett of Montrose and vidiuity,ter their trew and elegant suit of Dagirrhitta Itootente in Diughatnton, apposite the Phenix ifoteL..Ther hdrC the advautugesef a watt/ranged sky-light. hhich 'will enable them' to prinince u flue like, nettles as any la the Country. =, . Persona visiting Binghamton, should - ha fisi: fo Cal( and seaura for. themsetses one or more nt - ' their life-like and welt defined mizzotini pictured . - ,ELVIT ulteritioir will te 'Oren ir'r order to seeurel likenesses of ; children •and family pup. 'Tiliev (have on hied 'and tor sale a large assortment ne ± silt add glint's:. Frames, Shell e .lltache and .140. lay Lind Cases, Gold 'Lockers, and tr put vette • tv of. daereut .trtyien. of Cases, which they. wilt furnish with likeneases upon the most libel:11 terries. DO not fell in'atill and examine our room* and specimens. Pupils instructed in the Alt butt • . all kind of Daguerreart mate/lab fungsturAhatbee trade opon the best terms.. . l. . . ' ' -Bingilaraten; April 7,.1852'. _ . • MELODEONS. - ,StiPtillOß. artitie or, Gerhart** improved 4,‘4i, and 5 octave Miledeons for cat* it the Union Dignerreen Poems log arlthing:of the kind, Arnold net fait to real and examine them. They ere of different yet , terns, and will be furnished at the niemoreetereett , lee, try .' -IfICaf'SON & 1:003119. Dinghernhin, April 7, 1851 < .14lf . , DRY GOODS AND CARPETS. rrite subieri,tress would inform the . iitizeus ,Ir JL Susquehanna county thit the- hatzei near out hand a krgenesatunent of Dry Ands,*[ whole sal.e and • • • - . GpiTLEISEISS. canithgiiv in imirt of broadcloths. cassimork Fat— luetts.--Keutnekv jenusi vOisings. imul• goods cif all icinds. • • LADIES 'DX PARTMEZT . consisting of it large variety, viz: Bieck fe ny eStitiSt gingham!, Se.o:ch and Atnericais prints of ell kinds, some •st ,6 pende per yard-a£ imperior quality of colon* warranted, m. de Isines: Cashmere, poplins, eaves, hosiery of every fades, itad'gaatity.-i•Whire goods Itsblea . and' bliriafhed: sheeting, 4-4 wide, heavy qrtility, at 64. per yd. flicking's, drillings, flannels, ! Scotch diaper, bitzlat eye do., napkins, Irish linen, and *preens i iA fact, almost every thing intim dry' goods Also, is • CAMPETING, Takee-ply ! ' cuuau aud tivooJ, tattoo. drutgiia, wocit'aud - cattou—oii,claths for, 'flaws and .241i/tea' • "' ' • • ' , Witi,irtvite all visiting our plate- to cull aild'es; athlete oar Kock, far we fee cooGient by f ootoing it will'be noising of teu to twenty per. neut. Our motto is quick sales antfertitil profiti:' Sore neatly ,opposite the Pastaffice. Bingham= ton, It Y. • 1,1710Ki1A51 KT= -` Ainil 7, 'lB5l • • " • 11113 isabseriber il ,bias etteiskug. his sprit . ; Flock of goods, ,Nbiett tngether bts formes sapply. make& the)reat ilea/latest ae. sartrdebt er ptrertd 10 the clti. sera -fal itro4rneetrogy;i hie eteek tomplizcs a h.A nab toror rms .. WATCITES) both Gobl, irad leer, la bunting and plain one from to ELM—, part or *wit , ore of 4.otere inipatte,ticit,poile.to °vier, aa3 cotowdei by all Ides boy* tested them to be the btxt, weer otterod. for ,00le to.thts section of co - untryi WA* A Ingo wort. , meat ofSlLVElA.WAßE,eareeetteli to leant se cola,. Ass extensive les.rlete'st now ;pettorce,ot 'lrYingPV - itzettf.' P ills, al:LOAF:lel Jiwetry of the beg. cnolityo. elto,'Plitted Goode,toiatie; &c:; &c: &c., ta which be wotti4 cult lbw ottetteloW ofalLthose v 1 blpg tp.parthashas b• Is deter•" mined t 6 epM.exio pales to merit a c.ontlimannet of their, bbetal statronsgs. -F - AISEED &EVANS,. • '7l iVothiogton itinihneittosi;;Marehil: • '.., , Ttl VrIBINZ,II AN LAGE 3nt Sibrernated Auld emu) Pew TAW Xi and Tee §poottehy the trees or doses lolOry ; • • ; _ .1 4 RED suss. suss w astangtcat ~ S ;1/41,11 1 COAIlla• A litTirnainitnnrna of Shell and Buck galas of drnevr ent styira,Patgenna and picas zer.titig,' EARRINGS AND BREASTPINS: CIOMS 'yen'', 'fell tont SpplnA patteros tblit dor wetted. fen•aotto nas4safactufet bl , 'MANS. . , . ~ ~,'": ' , The time . to - Buy I - ... „ ' An.: '' '. U . -'CA viold oar to Ids n umaretts Maude and , '' •'. ;5 1°. '' :..0 mitten:len In Itontrop andeithe. "N • 11 it --.• .• . ' itr, ilio%. to baijnot, setonsodi, Tort: with nigger ad -2 ~ ea . fr om bier,. , , r i - • ;,.... '(,,,. dltion told* exterutiveatteotement. ~ tonothtlna ,of ye a 11- c- h e ies , 11) '''' - ''' OM and silver lee m end 'Wier' ao4 . ' , •: 4,..e 4 , ~., pitgowellpdood,plefo gold gun. ' •" 4 ' root and fob ibaino;Lor.ketp,thilo files, vp.,10, Wlrs,'-bettetetei finxio^ end our•tlago, ear v0., - ,bronehts, attotetf, pea d end Abed eird . 01 31 1 * pm: Ond pet eil t met, etibrnl treatie s oinlor,f; Poitilloorh Ail . wer, Rattan:do and Vatic; ilvtkrevteeordevoir, tote* tu atm; forks, violin ttrlogit,'Oeck it, wallotO t {Wit bower Needier; and VIA CY 6104 As WS - tett 0E01,14:tools and ntae. Serial a fat the trade b; rho etenetty, iThe above Jilt tier sa w si& um iorte4tlytfees. ~=••• Writhes 'sin! dowdily or all kinds repaired on gbort nottte at the old shod taso4 17 olosonito du) Phohots, Court at Itioghtiatoo. • Oct 79 60>x. (Melo' for 140 and up. Mlionts and a dart /Mt tP. liken Nov *L MM! if aglintl4 ' a -U. 0.13/321.1r• " OFOE'rit ' 11.4riljPir ToEll matinglaNED;Yormirtileiesistilet Man*, yatatof thtrAtaXattO aare.:l4l) lame alanatamn**,,i : 40 Washiliittrmnf:, ;1( (W. 4 faricjigen I.) monk( im% form bin kind" awl the:1111%i: Imimasmasothat Auk ratabtirtien a- • ... - • • BURR % Mi sTori 3tAntrAcroar •,- 1•••' • Bingbfantoni.N Le 11 10 ., a Pfkmailt 111(0404 .4 4 Wlichi a alma *IOW patronsgo, - • He will/Am roar tsattionbancialogasaar.katiaseri - Burr Nlll fitorma, aJaa Ivo „ orMoatuslim: Italmstansh • sYso Wand( (Um Marta, taaltMg 41$11, seraaniern suf.', flatter Pub. ••••, „ .The landerngnoti smarms Ida trienaajaa4 tlkepabgal !WA* *SU laftbfkariailiadt. 011iall`gratintaWdtb allet 4 °A SUIT•ki With Iftif Ica prtras MairialtN4- 11riblqb 0 1 11041194 1 and pattenarm. csOritaa'ti sll tiro 7 , ja tlt: p r ci, a tl ai gat t y 4.l 7: vo, 7. , h.;7 .4,b p77:l; j0 .,t,44,,-1 7w 1 0 3 4a n zzl ib ib ill n pr c riart , 11 0 7 0- ... „ fints , NWllittitslegisictte,a is mit 'Ont 4Masat" 1 , • plailmipma alghtia. Dikatst &jug*, Roam.; Melia t'intrull7...S4* I:frutdal; tiaisn Carmair c nitsclailUaro; mania c Inidgmr' maxi z-:••••-; ••• f• • --- . • X I Ma M 11 - 74 alatt#ls../t44r ; g.;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers