THE D.gmOCRAT.;, .DfOIYT~W` ErFEivASY tsi 1952 a L T . _ : . .ktit_ls.o' =NIE ,Aunt lietty-on::Matrbnony, !tt,;ir: 614 oiLikunt Eleity;- put , down youtz'"iiiihieidery -and:triirsted work -do something-ionsible i *d' ettei.-building air -castleeifiittti _talking _Of= West- *id honey:- moone'; - it makesaso aiekit's perfeetlyan timonial.:,... Love ism faree--matriumny is a hinnbuohnshande are domestic Napoli:i -nt-lap-I;6l'es, Alexandens, sighing: for other htir}rts'to contfirer after ;boy are ,sure of years; iTtio honeymoorris as abort-lived 4111•11 heifer .reateh ;- 'after that you may iirear your wedding-dress at , tho wash4iiir onif }.-eur night-cap; to Meeting, and vim', Husband;'wouldn't - know it. , maY pick up nu own pocket baridkerchief r belp yoursalfto a chair, and , split :your gown across the back reaching meth table to gots4.4oQ of butter, w>iileiie.i§`laytag._a his breakfast. as if _it:. was the last. ince! he sii'ould 'eat this: alder of: Jordan; when he gets , thrtniib - ' he'laill . ‘aia your ffrgestioN, (arhile yen- are your first-cup of cOffee;) by it - igniting -what yoall• have , for diriner,•*thethar the cold lamb , was all ate yestorday,if the charcoal ont, and what yon ,g . :lVei. far the last green tea you bought Thenlicrgets up from. the-table, lights his *ter with the last evening's paper tbatyna hive net tad a &hence to read ; gives two oillree whiffs Of Smoke, sure_ to give you a headache for the afternoon, and just as his coat-tail is vanishing throughthadeor ap - oliigiseiler, riot doing -errand' for you yesterday—thinks it. doubtful if ho can to=day-!:-.,‘So , pimcd with ,Itsinesel-7-. }Tear or him at- cloven o'clock, -taking an toe -ereatir with some ladies at Vinton's whilelotti ire at home new lining his coat sfeeVes.: Children by, thti ears- all day, 'can't got put to` take the air, feel 'as crazy as ally it. a drum; husband comes home at night, nods a "bow d _ 'ye do, Fin; boxes Charley's ears, stands little Fanny up, in the corner, sits down in the easiest chair, ' ip the Warmest corner, pits his feet up over she graip, shutting out all the fire while the baby'slittle pag-nose grows blue with the cold . ; reads the. newspaper all to him -reit, sulaces his inner man with a ~bot cup ofiea, and just as you are labonng s under the hallucination that bo.will 'ask you to yoke a ineuthrul of fresh air with him, be liuts.oti his dressing-gown end slippers, and begins to reckon rip the familY expenses after which he . lies down. on the sofa. and on keep time with your needle, while he onore.s 'till .nine o'clock. Next pornin ,, ask Will to_ leave you meriey," bo I"inks at you as if to be earls that, you are iii sour : right mind, draws a ' sigh long enough and strong enough to inflate a pair 1.11 bt-lbsys, and asks 'you "what you want ~f; it , and if half a-dollar wont- do. ' Gra pious king ! as if all those little shoes, and stockings, and petticoati could be ,bad for 'half a dollar ! "- Oh, girls ! net your tiffee• tions on cats, peddles, parrots, or lan dogs —but let matrimony alone. It's the har dest way on earth of getting a living—you , never know when your work is done up. Think of carrying eight or nine children through the measels, chicken-pox, rash, primps, and scarlet' fever, some of 'ern twice over; it inakesiny sides ache to think it; Oh, you may: scrimp and save twist aild turn and dig and delve, and economise and die, and your husband will marry again take What you've saved to dress his second wife with, and she'll take your portrait, for a fire-board, and—but. what's the use of talking? I'll warrant every ono of you'll ', the first chance you.-get; there'aa tint or bewitchment; about it somehow. I wish One-half of .theworld - warn't fools;and fother half idiots, ttio. dearl—Olive .13ranch. troll and WooL The Washington correspondence of the Ledier contains .tho following:. Gneral James, of Rhode Island, has trepared a Tariff atenndment,which prom. arses to enlist.a large number of Democrats • in its support, and which is really winning much favor with some of the old line Dern ocrati in both Houses. Indeed, I think the ainendment would now pass the Senate ithOta much difficulty. flea. James proposes to discriminate be tween low and high priced - articles of the elm sort, and to tax the high-priced arti cle higher, and tho low-priced artieleiess; , Vita placing the burthen of taxation on him who_is able to pay it. _ This is an oh viou-s improvement on the law of 184,6,and in the D.linocratic sense, Coo: Thus is Mr. James able to get rid of the difficult queS titan of wool, in regard' to which futnersi elitim protection, and , manufacturers aboli tion of duty on all qualities costing seven cents and under, per pone& The question puzzled the annmittee of Ways and Means Last-year, and they were unalle to solve it. "- The objection grade by the raanufactur ere to .the deinatid- of-_the. farmers, that ...tme.ritettn wool was worth 30 cents and over,' _per, pound, and could,therefore,:mot be interfered with by articles costing from tol rents; was prictieally met by the fact thatwhen low-priced Smyrna or South Americas" wool is wished and cleansed. it is not musty:inferior to onr own, and_ is worth 25 eents and upwards, per Pound. - --‘ tieueral James, proposes _a mezzo termini. lie' lets the duty on wool stand : as it is, di— minishes the duty on low wollen and worst ed pods, but increases" the duty on high, pr-prieeil &tides. The game he does with o.attin goods' With Sze. 'The: South ;O•ionot ohject to this change, which would rem* 14u-coarse- woolens used for negro - elstliOtaper, and 'remove competition frtim theit'uwn feeble attempts at -manufactur ktg woolens, by allowing the New. Englind otturkfacturers to"go into the manufacture of.the,.bigher.priced articles ; to which their aitChinery_iandapted, or capable of ,beirt adapted. - - What I have said of woolen goods holdi with itillgreater . force of cet toßgooda. - Indeed, the , iniendmente pro pqeed by '3lr.Aunee are all. practical,.. all -regioviog tatation from the poor, and put tiog on to the rich, who "are able to pig. s'Obenefittioi, the Sortti:arid theflotalt to 400;t 1 extent, - Same - such: bill is abent talcrintiodnced in a few weal* aid 'the , cflatifietrint thit it will pat, and thatltiftli parttepwill_be:glad 4o get the Tariff4lli pAiit. ,Olere;it never hid any busitiiisig MIMMI , Wise Sayings Prom an old Book. — Patnir: wisdom bolo° thrones lind sceptres: Wisdom is . thebrightfiesti of:he everlasting light; unspotted mirror :of the o rwer of , God, and the imilge °lbis ifthoo wouldst got a frimik prove him first, and:hi not hasty to ~credit him; fOrl Some man is a friend for his Orin ciecasionl and will noyatkideln the &id thy. trouh 2. - le. :Some are friends thy table; but not: in the time of thy - :A" faithful friendis the medicine °hire. • B:egc_gitY discOurse; rzoirra iv. ,Tunßnannab, raid let not truth . eseap . o thee. 0 1 2 1 401 c-a"-' • ' 'Sow not in tho, furrows- of unrighteous.: , • , ness, and thou Shalt not 'reap them seven-' f o ld_ . , , no -not -Aut-hearted' witch -tlion ,nta kest thy prayor; and' .neglect not to give Bind not one sin upon another. There is not amore wicked thing Alan' itcovetous man; for, such an, one setteth, lticown :soul to sale ; because,- while,. he liveth, he tiasteth away his own bowels'. Apeording to thy:ability; du good to thy self, and give the'Lortt ltislue offering. A laboring man that is given ta.drunki witness shall not be rich. - -irj Learning is te_strwise ntatian.ornainent of-told, and liliett bracelet Upon his right. As timber girt and bounded togetber in a building cannot bo loosed ivith, shaking; so the heart that is,ostablished by advised counsel shall fear no time. A heart settled upon a-thought of • un demanding is as a fair-plastering on the wall of a gallery. Give a child not too much liberty, - an d wink not at his follies. - - ]- - _ Excess of meats bringeth sickness,:and `surfeiting will produce anger: We'tuay speak much, and yet come short; and we may say little, and gain all.—Mor ning Star. Mormon Immorality. • . . We have already, alluded - to ' the Ivan of the United States officers, who fled trom Utah Territory, and who, charge the Mor mons them with the grossest immorality.--.. We now learn thatthe President has deter mined as soon as the Spring-opetis,• to su-. persede Gov. Brigham Young, and to cii • • tablish a military post at ; the, Salt Lake City.. TheiTudges, moreover, will go baCk I with' instructions to. enforce;. he common law against a plurality of wives.: . -This is the right course.. . Whatever the peculiar religious opinions,of the ' Mormona; we have, no- right to interfere with their -exercise 'so long -iiitin law of the United' States' is violated; ut when - that . k occurs, then the federal ewert meat is-bound to interfere. Nor is interference under such -circumstances, persecution. ~ No one can doubt that; VI: religious. Iseet Were 'to arise, which should, like , the. old Pagans, Seek to propitiate the Deity by lorman sac= ! rillees;it 'would not be .persecution to -pre: vent the execution 'of such horrid rites.— So, the Mornioni,iin allowing. a plurality Of wives, violate the decorum, the .law, and the moral sense of the land. and it' is biit right to correct - their licentiousness., In other words; ne limn; nor set of men, should he permitted, under the pretence of religion, to commit has which' are crimes by the lair of the land. - - Now, so long as 'Utah is a territory, its laws are those ol I the • United States. - The common law 'ell England -is the basis of that law, and by. 'the common low polygamy is an indictable. • 'offence. ' -.Governor Brigham Yninig can, and, we trast r will he . tried: for. bigamy, if; as the ;United States ofliPeis:asSert; be has been scandalizing ,this nineteenth century by . ..a - plurality' of wives. -;- Not until Utah becomes a State, can it alter this maxim of the old common law. It is very certain that Congress will never allow Utah to be come a State, if a law allowing polygamy. lis to supplant there the old common' 'law •. doctrine, that. a ;man ,shall ' have but' one wife: We have beard, front various trattellere, so much of the industry; kindness. peaceful habits; - tuid other virtues some the - Utali 'set; Alers, that we trust some sati:ifactory ex planatiori may yet be made of these upper Ent; immoralities. Yet, if the - charge' of polygamy should prove true; the laid of the United States must be enforced,- - at whatever cost. So say Decency, 'morality and justice.—Ece'ning The Western Pork Trade. According to statements published in the SL Louis papers,' the prodtiction 'of Purl: in that portion of the Union has fah len Off *my materially since .1851. From these we 'find that in 'him, during 1851. 69,000 were slaughtered ; in 1852, 28,000. Illinois, -1851, 210.000; '1852. 149.'4)00, Upper Missouri, 1851, 68,000 1852. 48,000, showing 'aeficiehey in' lowh, of 41,009; - in Upper ML•souri, of 21,000 and in Illinois. of 66,000; Malting a total deka-, ienoy at these points of 122,009 hogs.l. . A re' . .. t , A monster in human form, named' Norton, Living in Marquette county, nonsinfor some trival offence, took aipobr bay who lived in his family, to the garret of his house, and after 'stripping' hinz,to the skin, lashed his hands together. _tied him ittp tethe rafteri, and with willow fods {whipped him to : death! The Milwaukee Advertiser: says:, "W.e - Can almost fancy we! see the seem? before as, and hear the pitiful cries of the littlesufferer. flow often, during that cru el torture, must he . haie tailed in vain for a father, psrbaps long cold in , his- Ore, but which bnreinembered Once asap.protector. How ofien did he breathe, Mother Pas.the blows tune down, and his.blood Marked the tloorat: his .feet No came, no mother bear& her innocent's eTy for help; which, fading with :'his - strength, ended in the low. wail mid sob of death—peel; in 7, eicirable,death was, more merciful than the human protector the law bad- aseigned him; and kindly ended his sufferinis." ' BARDZIIOI73.--"I-say, barber, hid& t is towel been in, use longy7 _ slit It's been in •use sit weeks and no-other" man ever- found- fault -with fIROCERIC3.-atrottrito - issortraPrit.:43 .-boais 11.31137ro7;ood otherlioloares Bomb for 3-3 q ibg good sugar f0r11,4 lbs. I oodles for $l., and othler Groan. join proporticio,ito quality, ot. TIMM'S 1 ffEcT MUSIC at latitigy 15. IM!ME4=I ..iqii4i3.4:i*:',o,# . oo.:::.'_: - ,:, . . - Vetrgiti: I:IBALETt TN , TiOOKB,R - stubs Wiioit,Olotltlng,.TtitS . , Copy Boots & Shoa;dtc. , Etato two:doors bilow . 116Sch's Hotel. Montrose. , ", . . - . GOODS, rciaiiriti:Crogicary, 1.1-inulh•Ttrorare,,ltiatt,"olls,.£ll2.l4, Cattail, c. &a.; also - paya asst far all Wads af tittiOping Furs.. Store Azi;, liclo• the Court iloUtei, • • 4. Chaxles Tillman 2' 7- VIACING AND OMR DREESING SALOON, IJ ptilid4lF,;:tiP,...ll:doin to she roatoMer,Montroiei Da. • . • D' ,Hinds Co T. Iv Etilf 4 110 , EXCIIA1§41E.g . ,TABL11. -- Oz.uco aook; L belo!r,..KtePm'cillotel,Afontrostaa. . . . . _ • &. S• ll. , Chasei • A rroinvEys -AT' illiontiose. Office 'crroi • 4 toewstore. i n. 5.33. CITAISE, . . • 7_- ' . " Congdon_ it Sterling; - ~ ... . Dl6 %LIN'S He Alarttme itortartaltra, Trate STONDS, ..LI Tanta Ate., Tate.en the , Canal Bridge and Court hone., Court:et, tiingharatanflq.-It. - CsrJ.lll.Whitney . Traveling Agent. 1 .. .. , . .27 35 — , , - W. TVAI.ER IN DAY 0001)3, Uoota an stocc,„levehi, I:l'Nottoas &c., Great Bend.. - . Ytlit BOOT AND SNOB NAENR AND REPAIRER :' Shop' over ltaldwtn Al• Coes Saddlery : Bl3v, Igontr9se, • Dr. C C. Edwards,. DEITSNIAN AND EURGEON,liartord,Pa..omCe , •: , doors below G.J. Prldo's 'flora. 474' DI James Brooks, DU UKLAN AND SURGEON, and dearer in Druga, 'X ;Medicines, P,aintf, Dyes, .ke. Conner of Church anthem strieti, appal Re Col. P. Lusk's, Great Stnct. - i • John Dimock, A TTORNEI AT LAW.: °Oleo oh Turnpike street, A door.west yt the old Register Printing ofaceiArrmV MU, Pa.' r , • . M. t Truesdell. ' • TTOUNET AT LAW, Gera Dena,. Pa. ufflevirldi t 1 Col. F. Lusk. • • J. C„Edwards, EP AIRED. OF ci,cic ES, IFNI' 011 ES, Jewelry, 31 = 1- Reat Ro=es and Aceodeone. Shop ‘ in the atom of J. A. IFillianas,Wouth Gibson; Pa " 80m3 11= S. H. Pierson: • Iythra in all kinds otnry Goeds, Groeeries,teady Made Clothing, Rhode Is(mull, and common. Lime, Lumber; Previsions, and Produce of all kinds. • P. N. o.—The TelluirEtore up town. Carbondale, Pa. tr.3IEVE:B.,A7' Punt.lstiun EV . AAY IlintlaDAT Slott ING rilt. & _Si B. E. 8.-Chas Ilarroas AND PROPRIETORS • . TEIII NIS. One dollar mid My cents per annum, ens) Inadvance, of two dollars If not paid until the eno of the year, or time of sObsctiption. No paper will be discoutlnu d until all swreara get, are paid, except at the option ofthe Publishers. All eignratinleatictu3 must be post paid to 'reeelve attention. All letters connected with the office , shoititi'.be directed ti 8.8. it E. It. Chase, ;Montrose, Suslwehatna county, Pa. =l^EditoMTOffice over store. , . lIATES,OF ADVERTISING. ' One yr . :lore (12 tines or three Insertions, • t. el 00 EarA subsequent insertion, - - - 25 One squari three nointbs,. - ^5O One square six mouths, - - • - - '4 OQ nusineSS Cards, four lltres or less, . - 300 Yearly advertisements, not over four squarer, • 700 One column one year. - - 30 00 Yearly advertisers wilt be restricted to the business in which they are engaged. • ...—. - ',Ton WORE. - • fer The publishers having a laige assortment of Job Piloting materials, are prepared to rzecute all kinds of Job work with neatness and deipatch. Illrarski of every description constantly onliand or printed to order. , - - Entered standing to Act of Congress, in the year ISSI, -by J. Si 110CTON, 11. D., in the Clerk's Ofaca . sof the District Conte for the Eastern i District of PenaSylvanla. - • .1 DR. HOUGHTON'S . -‘ . _ S • Ir ; 4.4ofig • Atother Scie7ltific iVonder I Great Care for Dympepstal tit. J. S. lIOUGIITON'.4 PE OSIINt TIIE TRUE DI. G EsT a y FLUID, Ott 4Gat.tric Juice, Prepared from RENNET. or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physio- I logical Clieralstiby J. S. 110UOITT ON, Id . D., Philadel phia, Pa. . Thee a truly wooled' ul remedy fs.r rim ESTTON, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT. CON STIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Natures own 1 tnethod, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. • ' lerllelfa teaspoonful of Pei sin. Infused in water, will dcese , or dissolve. five pounds of Boasted Beef In about, two hours, out of the stomach. . , .:, Pepsin Is the chief element or great Digestive mina, pie of the Ilastrielnice—tbe 'Solvent of the Feed; the Purifying: Preserving, and Stir:atria:lag Agent of the I Steamed" and lute-tines. It is extracted from the .DI. i gestive tqomach of the Oi, thus forming an ABM' , CIAL DIGESTIVE FLUID. precisely Bite. the natural Gastric Jniee In its-Chemical owers, mad furnishing natural Gastric ann "perfect substitute for it. By the aid of this preparation the pains and evils of Indigestion end Dye- pepalitire removed, just as they would be by.a healthy stomach. It is doing wonders for dyspeptics curing ea-' sell of Debility, Emaciation. Nervous Decline, and. Dye- 1 peptie Constunptimi, supposed to be on the verge of the grave. The scientific evidence upon which it is based, is in the highest-degree curious and remarkable. . .„ • 1 ' • - Scientific, Evidence. —• • - -. num:lvan in ecleliratt4l work on Animal Chem istry., says: • "An 'AritHal Digest:lre Fluid, 'analagoutt to the„ Gastric Juice, may be readily:prepared trans the 1 muenue membrane of the l'omach of. the Calf, in which various articles of 'food,as meat 'and eggs; will ber - soft cued, clthged, and digested,ynst in the same mannertui thee would he In-the human etomach.s. . ~ ; rzy• Callon the_agent and get a Descriptive circular, gratis, stein,: a large amount of scientific evidence simi lar:to the above, towerber with reports of _remaritahle nures,from all parts.of the United States. ”. '. • ' DR.I.IO6CIIITOZPA PEPSIN is now sold by nearly ail the dealers In fine dingsandpopnlarmedicines, through nut the Prated Stites. It le prepared In Powder and in Fluid form, and in Preseriptite vials for the useof pliY-: siclantr. ' .1 , . , • : : , PIIITiITECTitetiAM for the use of Physlciansmiai be 'sibtelned of Isr.llooghten. or his agents, describing the whole process of preparation. and tiring the antbOr. ides upon which the violate of this new rensts , dy are ba sed. As It is not t weed reniedy, no objemibn can be iralsedrigulnii Its use by Physicians 16 respectable steindi. lag and regular practice. , Price, CISE DOLLAR per . bottle. 'ix:p.OBSEBTE TIIIS Y.!—trery bottle of the nienuine, PErrslN bears the written Isignatnre of J. S. MOOG Ili TON, 11. D., acre proprietor, Pitilutelpida, Pa. i Cep)- right and Trade Mark secured. .- - , . IZP-S. old by all Drogests and Dealers In Idedieines: -.•- Mr:For tale by ABEL TlMBELL,DEnggist,Montrose„ Pa., Agent for Susquehanna county. . , . 'N, 51y; . - . ... f.4. -: / I . EXIOIia to respoud 'hi thel ' gip, • ' . liberal aod 'Moralising pat-, -- • '7 , -_.,.., rouage of his numerous friends, - gt -,,,.qpi, aid customer[, in the *ay most i * . , r*" ..1 conducive to the intecest of 'ttll , , ~., 1,.., concented, the subscriber taint .. w 44 "C c. pleasure in static:qt./tat' he had, , „ c c i ~ .,..L,,`. Inst. returned from Ear York, w ..:;„ _-- oith the moot complete and ex . - —,; •• ' t entire moot amortment ofd goo I CTIT ' , opened In this courity, - embracing an its variety' Many articles - nothaforekept by him, and 'which has beau f - Teet.ed aith groat care, haying beau bought directly from thorniiufactunars, and 'macadam; and viii be sold at the smallest blimp:lga. - Extending to all a cordial in vitation to call and examine his goods and Oicell, - he sc annas aveser,the publlea . . -Mast rerpectful Servant, . .- ''. . . _ . . -Bingbinitott, Desembet 3d, 1852 DAILY EXPRESS LINE. lbsecßa nauseam & Western Illetilroad... • Per Passenger Trains trills Spatial cunt:cr., for , - • - ferveanting of Aterchandae "Pi es of -• • asvery descriptio' n:Spa*. Bank Notes, ete. . ALT OTES, Drafts, end Illistolleeted; all ssidere attend ad sithducceptuest and at iterodablerates. The Agents, of the Jekelaswenne & Western ' 'Conspany "ill net Sig &Wig. for ibesibql. express Sine. ' Express mom( wW be in readiners upon the arrival of each. resin at Sawa% to-ford : with .diskstf-tts iferchasidis a, ihe., Pittston„Wiliceiterre; &c • Leonordßearle of omtrose,fe eneiorised to ,rocelve girt forrard. EzPireav - Frvight - trona that _place ,to . the Montrose e.;tsdolo. and from said fftetion toldnutrose.., - S , C. Mafia of Irlh*honmock, oill receive 'and pr. litre"Expos 'fright fr.:mita piece ed" Tito' khannock Station, and from that Staihas to : lnnhhennosis , TELSOOP & CO: NOveniber,lBsl.-4 . 5,2t1 - TURRELL'S $.S:= Win4iiii4b7i, ALFRED J: EVANS,' Washingtou st, . . ,''ThrctiOOE &:C.O.i.''i.: - , 4lP l 7lbtift!dli. W*74, 11 :!. :, , ..,- t. : l'hihtdelphii, - Me dical House. 1 moveztly,gnomedell. IblIV4 - 49111, r i til it all , Esiabruhettfillesit v ggari ( 00 , ry Dit: EINKE= w T iu iltik Tie t t li ber tl e"thnigu i sran 6 t i e llit esto i: u jill si:co rtil x:pet l 4ll and vlgorn -h;„ '.,,,b.0.1 T&ft.P.43c. RP thin shall that be obtained and secured. Irw o ve 10/Ar e , XOT 4 - 1, , , est deriler vf ' Thirld '`aria;''' Cough, Col¢, Drouciatly„,, Asthma, Catarrh, Plena . . lUaion „Streets , balm= Spruca and ~' ' toduentb, qt extdrab,!or al Other =talon of Lunge or Chest; you will find in ter,e'lehrowl , : . pine - Slre t els, l Thilladelikiis '- ' ''' ' , COMPOUND SYRUP of BLO•OD ROOT, a attre and foivi.Ers YEAns lifsi.tenrive aUtt ndriter t iori`e,i try/seedy, or lfs44l4l4keta ste.ll,lols=llo-.Crellti .k pgactlce spent In thlt elty; hat e rendtred L. r. H.tlit , ' Ilooping CoutnranstettOntlile round. T 1 most t•iper4 stud strecetalta prlielititbillat ktild btu, In • , sndtlintabettankatcd.wlthlte.lllssl-TTlOcetsl4.o_l 'ho treatment of all ellreneta of $4 1.1 1 T 0,0 " nature. -Per- 1 )Iduntuttl7,6thP4fitraliinetno,7,,lmue4s,'" ions afflicted, with uteerteil the body, threat or . legs o p r o t e b seal g o e n , , r o or le a c tl es y l vi t b o e c y i ! tot the Lung.. .•The onsets of • .11lood limotas a rem, ' k hi cp s t he i b t 44 .. . m be e e u t 1 n t out °" tO favor, but, I Matter 4 wins to the bead or hones,Woretereallhounectlrmstrlc. :ores; gravel.lllseases arid ngfrom louthial warm stave 4 impuritlei of - the-blood, whereby the constitution Las ,t.c. me enfeebled are ail Mined tett IT Kw et s,f •,. . •-, . mytqlf•that tho above mmatanation la perfect dud that! Tn'..bierlbere having entetad into, corpagtnooslap , io *al I , - • 4 i o lace himself under the care of Dr. K. may ila' ise,,llll secure frith rthgetenletra.fllarsh 'll effort w or m , ds Wlierever:it iibtfered Watt .! hit t, * we e , Tinond sheet Iron'businese) ate pre.: breliglottely confi ein lea enor aS ..gcn Tau ! !sn con. enlightened public. \ i -4 : : ~: +` .,,_ landition, to Jenson yont carob , Pe7P `Z;;.,„: - 4 aredlo attend to Wy , draft's ItS their line at theishor-, l ,Pa t iS , o l 3' ti.Pnn Ide AP n*lL L P h .il leint " - •.. •,, ,', ..' it . A went) to Morns m-...t. wish yi attnamrate ~,., test tioleeo!! nil amcritho:osol „, s thst! b * out*ldet, i , Tags ParrtlLl7l./i It N .vec . -fnueg m , r, weep b ,!. pr o, dint; s, nr tender offsp,,lnril,,prstgvg3 to "xi Ws, and abaft,. that 4d,r s ,Al a r e irliwed themselves by natitteW practlte indulged iti-e ties, , which Ido be attention iribushaelionitnv Has', tabit frequently learnod from colt .conatanions • pr 41 , ... S remedy for their tile that la adapted-to their infilmil La reasiniable-itharesofpnbllcpatrenage 'lkeltSseottlatntln ' ties;alithout thn tear ! ho.eonecqueneds ftem rentedle. pattee•ns among which ate ihr Don wideaer Vulean-.-. , r,L e e f !d 'l n u i , nolt,WY L : 3 3 m o o n a d o . r o t to r e .4O u Y t i on t . lOl d a ,b laf t ly charged With opiates, so dotructlvesend dettiment al to Egodr haring the latest. End most improved , I ,,Veltl ie ll d e.c . F.ets Of n wlinli. We n .„) , tly,fel * t., 0119 whe , „ 4 stove which took the tirrt,Pgendidts at t huSbete Fait aei """ go many thousands of Our racO. 114 - alma !attain& and g ner l ai. eye-anise in-1.830. Y=O .Fori•Pt Queon r 17.:-C1 Forest' Infil " nrn;liYelll ' ir el h '. c .' n at all n lr . ri tal i". . 3 0 affect! 4 ' lntil ta Ily and oilmen° a lai a, - recta Tor the suffering lunditywhel;leltrlftems?le4rge'llVefehruli indication of Its solfering,asithing witlapalns fromaltok., ~,,,,,_„.O ~,.. 'Queen idaarged; Key etBtartAltTight, Phoeult, 'do do ` . th .. r . n ).. isbness , of dee Herr anA eTell dblollsa la' ic, emaciated from diarthret or 41On:teary, suffering r.!'-me a parlor stores,box stovos-for coal or w - oAll lanti ' s - ra Tin wore. iltene'altio and tin tubea.kWpt oti -an n • t t i T../ c0.,.c.P,. with th e PlocrcntltefurlCUoller cored, ,o . s, ! newton, ale m _ !! ~ a al alter motored great netrous latation cotton to Lind ,Irotla tewthiog-7 . hand-L.1.0141a r.ricesthatialll'eultd. All kinds of protbree, - , -...,.._ ~. •-. • , • • inftcn,brought to death's doer from cholera InVantum, ~..,,,e . and every ill alsing (Mai b l itnottrishment or nursing) "•• wan puyment and cash nOt refused. Oppatitetheold,, =ad : loofa and Manhood. A VigarnDS storeof Mills and Ilnatle: ••• ' BaTRE & iI'E.I3STITi. ' N .Life 6 7 ` Prenia ftu l p. Peath. 'Kis:hello. On - I halm *eenaittal, these cured lu a tiny almost, I I 4, Mcatrose, July 10,20.. •1 ~, .. I. 28 ly •,i i • , . _ s d i e ln .•• e. ,,,, 4 ' ; 46.- m. - o n l y / z 5 cg • n i . ~ , remedy that I lave been for yeara in perfecting, In an ~.- , , This Roby just publiskals filled with u sena informed extenalma practice of nehtlyqwenty yew-sand now.offet • , , ..... ~, .. , ~,. , e It to you under the true name sof " 'lr., 'I brclepe. , , - !,,• r armslor Dan, ~ ~ ~ tiou. lin the hillrrnltles and direr see of the parrot - ITel INFANT,RESTORATIVE end al °VIER'S' RELIEF."' 'rrnsj,ano"s 4 cribpro' all.' nOt'eg ageate forihettirlitte organs. , It addrovves itself alike to Vaxth, Mantmel, When this remedy hial:been'used, ft hairnet with tin. sale of Bina l'atato--Farati Unnamed Lott-lola. rand Ohi Ago. and Amend be reed by al 1 . The valuable- I bo • unded favor, and anyou value Soltrlawn comfort, or tea in somtuabanna coonty, ,l'a,. am who lash to opts ~ advice ill/d Ilaprellsige washing-it gives, tali prevent the welfare of your &triton Babe, I ask. you to Ply .° l e' il their n.opertYfor saletaegfre a &haute deseriodion of years of miser'- and suffering. and Savo annually thou. trlal..end,yen 'WIT say truly in its behalf, it Is the , •!• t bo r ihi r a s m. I, o t. as folicarkt; ;N umber of, am•tiaZlhowi sanda'orlires. , Parent". by reading It; will learn how 0 Mother's Helfer." - _4- .: , t Ulm m 1 are also predarttro or treat tor.' ore to.ehilt 4 . - - many unproved, and how oat ererl i t . Buildings; Orchurd,,l tut roent the destruct Mrs of their children. 'gtafted or &Altman fruit 1 nolo.' nit trnet, and shade; **A retnittance ot 26 cents.vnelosed ha a letttr, „a 4.1 .4 dean. of riper years, he,a,YrOplome Pr•lthlch cl'cll . Pot tree,/ f 3( 0 ,5,41. from Montrose , cud (ho nearest point tai dinged to Dr. RINEELIIB, N. W. Corner 0: Third and rent Is aware , and where Inspected, It-lathele duty t 0 , 14 denot, 0 , t i,,, New • york & EIS. Railroad; price and Union Stteent, between epruce end Plne; Philadr total*,.t exterminate thirn Ps Speedily as possible, which can be ', en ,; *o o pr i rn ent, , All mho wiah to sell urpurchaseßra I will encores book, under envelope, pet seturn done,onlywith stew doses of Dr Throop's WO R5l POI. ' Ikitate_,'Will,Stceive prompt attention by, calling on or I Persona at a distance, may, address Dr. letter, 8014,whIchls beyond comi orison, with any 'Terming. addresang us at Slontrose,Susquebaniaa touray, Pa. enclosing a fro. and bicuied at home. . of the day. It will destio Ikem i. and the very 'small 'Mr Conlieyance from montrornr 0 the plainisei.fre,e or I Pao:ages grill-lion:I, Direr:ions, de., forwardfed,,by dose makes It acceptable to the childrerl that dislike ,b,, g , , ‘.!,... , , , . I sending a. yettattance, and put np secure Damage ~ medealues of any kind.. Ft Is a haPpy! compotend Of .Nat e on ' !harmless vegetable medicines, that, n, their combhia- corner:! - . . erSligeßta, Pedlars, Canrorrers, and Tranplke`strett, 4 idors.west Of ibeltrloll'i or cnriosiN. ; • 1. ~ , ,• ~ . ~ . i • 1 Boolosclltra,N lion, produce wonderfnl'effecte upon-air:lo filthy Intru. .l•hefollosilaFarmiislail.;o4,l4lsl3ovrifkradfSif sale': till others supplied with. t Ake above work at, very low ders'of the human syM • em. . •• i ' ' 5 • '-. ~ No:I. 40aeres, BO haraored,Frame Rodeo and Barn Vasa. • .. ' ' - 4I-ly4 , 14 .4 0 ' i ii you aro suffering' from . derangement, of the atom., .1 No , 280 ,do 60 do •...' 401 JO' ' ash, Liver, or Dowels, won Nave Fever; head-ache, Sour., N0.,3,100 - an 60 'do' `, ''' do ' div • I stomach. or heartburn, fielnicocir •gortilencli..nnu .: N 0.4, 100 -do 50 ,do. , ,maid do ,•dn . j 4 many other mot ea Pa n t toimptems. for their entire r elle f , . NO, 5.70•,-do ,40 do , , I do do -, ,: yen have only to take 'a fen...doses et' ' , Mr. ThroopVd _ No. `6. 06 .to 35 do -' +' do :do ' ' BILLIO US PILLS," and yOu have o; gone. They. act N0:7,, Store, Warehouse and Lot. :.-, • .• . I upon disease by removing cue cense, restoring the FC. . No.B, 145 aCres7s hnproved«Oramed bduse an d cretlons, WWI the organised' the badys,and health la , No. 9 . 42,'4 do 35 do' $.6141! , do do' '. . . the consequence. - ~ - -- . ••• s'.' ) N 0.10,2 do do, .7 do do . • 1 To those of with core, smolt, - or inflamed eyes, - No.ll, ..role! ' do do 4 Lt' ' I famish you also a remedy that hat 00011. the text of • NO.l2.looneres7o.-ntprored,frame I hoist and bine years of experience. end restored the mod n0.•4. when r- 1.13,.340 do 200 do I ,do • do _ !!, !do , every other remedy known bad failetl,Dr. Throop . e EVE . N6.14;56 • do •50 do 'soled° • dri•o ,! do ITATER. These compete the lot uf,Dr. Throopkt ,Dc- • N 0.15, lot, do 60 do ' do dt's :4 - o I !nestle Medicines, that should be In the bands of every - No.lo, 120 do, 55 debsold do do, ~ 416 'house keeper. nen good remnly alwayiTready, !Indult ich, `'.. only,requires a trial to 'noire them - . N 0.11.100 do 75 do do do' '1 do ! . N0.18,112' do 80 'do, do do : do Agents, ltirssmerro.lrefitiry ts WWI. Montrose; - No' : 13'200 do 150 do : do 10 I . do' N. Granger & Co., Rush; If. DL SiSoulhwell. ttir.h ;P 'M C. C. , Wright, Middletown ; 11. Glidden. Friendsville; . . N0..20045 Jo 100 do -do do `, .do N 0.21,19 - 416 120 do, do . do - I do Rattier, Jessup; Drackney h. Monfort Draehney; S, H. N0,22,90N do 45'" do - ' do do ! do I Owner. Dime*, Scott 84 Root. Springville' Dr. Lam. 110.4.'3,-45 - .do 30 do •vo do. I do beet. aubula ; 3amea Tompkins, Tompkin4llle; flay= • N0.24;232 do 225 de Jo do l -do den h. 'Little. New 31111"nr.1; Dr. Break", Great Bend; No. 25, 11.5 do 100 do do . do Joseph L. Merriman, t psonatlle.. ' '- . , N0;26.106 ;do 140 do do ' do JS. 'BLASI:4EIA,, General Ag,ent, Forest Lake. • NO. 97, go do 45 told -do do do Jan. B, 1652-411-_ No. 28, 11 acres gad Osw mill'and dwelltna. . N .29. 134 acrea,9o it:tiptoe ediframe honer. and bagel No. 30,175 do 100 " " " " Nn. 31,1ag do- 'os':. I. •' .. .. ".. No. 32, 180 do 135 " " II 1 55 No. 33. ICO do •60 " ..,‘ I. '• ' No. 34. 150 do 100 ". . to" No. 35.150 60 •'. r .t " NNO.:10. 3uo do 170 • is , .. 58. No. 37,100 do 140 ' . .... ." No. 38070 do 100 .. ... '.. 1.. No. 39 175 do 00 do di) - du ! do n,. 40 80 do 45 do do do -do , N0.41:212 ' ;dal 160 do sold do do . do: , rte ; 42.,0. ^ . do 50 do do , do. ' No. 43. ' 4 sold do do , do . Ito. 44 136 do CIS do do ,!, da , do Nor 45.800 do 200 do do do, do • N 0.48, 120 acres 80Improved,frame house and barn and grin , mill. No. 47 250 do 170 do do do do , No. 48103 du do' do .d 6 -, do No 49 60 do 60 do do do . do No. 50 63 do 63 dt d'o" do do N.R.-Persensdesirlng to pnrelawe any of the above' bygiving the numUel can obtam a fultdm.c rDALDlVT Niptinn A T.FRED E G. BABCOCK Montrose, Pa. 0 etober,lBso.--44tf. ' s Office in Liver Complaint, . • JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CliftOlsiTC. Olt NVIIVOUS DEUILITICIIISEASES DE THE KIDNEYS, ND Wl' diseases arisinalrion disorderthPliver or stomach, such as constipation, A inward piles, full uess or blood to the head, acidity of the stomach. nen hect-barri;Aitgilti. for this!, :frilluMn or 'weight in the stun:mat, sour eructations. sinkinx:or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Meimming of the head, hurried or difficult breathing, illuttettog at thx heart, cholit..:g or maturating seusati,tms when in a lyingiCo - Sttirfitlinin of vision. dots Or webs before the, eight atver,and dull, pain its the head, detleicney 'Y010%1 6,1 " . of the-skin add eyes ; twin in *beside, bark, chest. limbs Ice., sudden flushes of. heat, burning ;in, the Aced, cop 'taut imagining - B'C' erth atdgreat depreasiun'of Spirits, cantle. iffectually cured by Dr lluotland's etlebrated German Bt.trrs, RREPARED DT • • D.R C. M JACKSON, AT Tiff: or.roreq MIDIOINE STOICS, 125 A1t4311 ST., PLIIGADELPHIA. • : Their power over the above diseases is not excelled. if, minalled,brany otherlelparation in liMUtllted States,. as the cures attest, in many eases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.— Possessing great vier ties iu the reetilleation Of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most .eareh• tog powers In NteltfilleS! and affections of thc ih4ebtice ur inals, they ore, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CINVINOED The editor of the piston Bee said, b. canter iffld— Dn. linearuis Celebrated German Bitters, for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chronic or l Nervous Debility, Is deservedly ono Of the most popular I medicines of the day. These Bittern have been used by, thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself i received an effectual and permahent cure of Liver Com-1 plaint from the use of this resnedy. tt e are convineci that. in the use of these Bitterti L thd Patient constantly gains strength and vigor—a fact worthy of great consid eration. They are pleasant in taste and trued, and rim, be used by persons with the most delicate et °macho with; safety, under any circurnstonCeta ITeare speaking from' experience. nod to pm afflicted we advise their use. I Seets's Weekly, one of the best literary papers pub- i t lished; said, August iletb— . "Dr. floaJlands German Bitters, Manufactured by Dr. 1 Jackson, are, now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the meilicabfaculty 35 an article of much efficacy in cases of female Wea'sness• As such is the Cane, we would ailviee all tee hers to obtain a Is it tle, and thus save themselves muclosieketers. Persons of debilitated constitutret,s will fluirthese Bitters advanta geeing to their health, as we know from cap limos the salutary effect they hate upon weak sl stems." ~ 310 RE tiVIDYNCI... The Philadelphia Saturday Gazette, the best family ,news aper bublished in the United States, nays of Dr. Headland's German Bitters— "lt is seldom that we recommend whet ore termed I Patent Neslicines, to the confidence and patrona,se error: readers. and therefore when we recommend Dr. Iloof lands German Bitten , we wish to be diet fictly understood that we ore not Speaking of the nostrums or the day, that are nnised • about for a brief period and then feegot -1 ten after they !lave rap their guilty race or zoimchicr, but of a medicinelang established, universally proved, and -whichime met the hearty approval of the faculty Itself." , ZonMenerato the Marks of the genuine.. They have the weitton,siguatureiot.ft-.3I.:JACILSONOOOaIhe-WroPPer, and his name blown in the bottle, rithout tukieh they are ipurioul. i For elite wholesale arid it4it. Albs , Girnilea".7 I ed leini IStirge. No. P.:O Arch fdreet,fte,4l)Or below Slith. Phifil: I delphi Land by respdetable' dStlers generallY through the viuutry. 7 ,,, - ; - / --,.. : '}.- , '.-. ~'• Peires . nelueri -o•Tn enable till classes br Itrvallas•ti enjoy the advantage-I of *thiiir7great Iseitarailve. powers. -- ..'... ;"----.-- .., ?!sate Matto 7.5 Ca To. r 7. , • • Also for kale by AIIEL TellatlLL,praggist, Minitrose, Pcun'a. .., i-..-1:,`,2 - :"1: . :..,..r. .: ~' L';3yl;euvr . . , .. . Ti :7: -The time to ; .Buy:1- ,•. j • :CANFIELD:wouId si,V; , .14 . t o his numerous ,friends and - t 5 "' 'etistotiierti in:lol.froit indite/11 , , c , -41 , 1ty, that he Lae just. retti'Vned .... _,,. freaa New York' wlt6 alarge ad, , • 'v".. ditiotil4klititerisivvisabitment et c„,..i , :i • t „ c"tiM,Aln: of Xi' at c lie a, Z ," : ,- Gold and sl:ver levers and Lenine -..-.-- ' fu l l jeisellednad plain gold goon] -_ i Test and fob chalas,Lockets,thlm• • bies, ep . eeks; gs, bracelele,fingir and ear rings, cuff pins, breadirtg—tirdietr;-pettitand shell yard - eases; pen and peneileases, choral heads, entlery,Perfutnery, Sit * 0,111344 P hiIt44I.;IITAW. WU riPaienideitiSsalut:lai tuning forks, violieestrings, cloaks, wallets, port.X.oPf. , Negdtes, and fancy i•orid3 Xate..ll glasses; toot* tat v.s.- tdials for the trade by lb; n duality- , The above will be sold at the lowes.t. prices . ."ll*.a.t!..lhes,pud 11,,swelry, of all kinds repaired on'shbre ' noticent -the oid stand' Ti . a.i.z ilr b'plioigte We Phenix , Cenit,s...l.liigliatiititt :....• . . Oct ,10.1851.• , Clocks for 8110 iti3d.tip: I 31 . 1 , 11`thirs ;and 13 days and ~. /i... !arm olies. style and wa.rante4 _,.!tt ',.•„1•!;t1,3„,sillEl..1). eve = riaipdeig i` EitCrtgive Chair and' .Estab , • , • .• 1,1[714 SIITTR & Co. have now' futTy'eothpleed their arrangemeuttfOnianufacturing Alaid , ikefti ; inkconstantly on hand all and every kind of Household - Furniture, manufael tired out eftheLei , C4itallty'OfSla. hogany, Rlack W e alnut,,B,apte. Cherrz..fird-other,tuniz her, and in the beit and Most 'durable mariner. ' Among thuartieleiwhich they Intend to keep on hand, or make to order,are,li.hognny, Black 'Walnut, Cherry, rod Mu pie BlirearnC , Side Boards., Beeretarlea, Book Ca/ et , i Cen tre; Carl; Pier, andh erTabler,"l3 tan dr - of 'every - Tr. rietn Sofas. Fetteee,Divuna,„Cttomane, &c. Bedeteada ofultkinde and ptylea Saari iff 'llthogany, Black Wal atilt, Cherry, atutßapie,r , Carl and . Birjet;ye Maple. and Faney,t :hairs, of every Verietrnird'dlserip tion, which theylmrp,opar on hand. pod intetukto, keep a constant supply: ''.llity article +halted Will be supplied nh *fiiilays notice. A a the a ularribere have oft en be en Panelled to enlarge thertnnduess and-to open an estabilahment of the kind itt zUrtalipte which could supply every varidty ofhouec hold Furniture, and nave the trouble of rendirgto the ClilealbrineVeitTelee;trilhepe tarriFicialth llbeia I Pktron and ewarngcm , eat. . Wm. W...F3ll'fil,' IrLAZ"L"C',II..I3IIIIIII..i , .° ROI3T. Alton f rote, Jun e 411851.-23,0 B. R.R.MIT --,-, r:: $. ;„..SEW f , GOODS,, mnEeza, -.81, 212410 , A-AE now rectirin3, a taiga and desirable stock of - ~.. -.1.1. = VALE ANDWINTIFIIt 1:00% U aensistln; of their usual variety of Tfey dondiliOroCriire; Cnieler , Hardware. Drugs, 31edicIner,Viints, fills. Dye. , et stone, and Wooden Ware, iron. Steel, Mille, Fills4,beithey, boots and abuses,. leaking glasses, and plates, kite. dins, and putty, bats, cap!, .earpeting. all . cloths, wall and windorepaper, clocks, watch: _, - Yr walryi. i :':. r..i, - ; 4 i: P., FINGER.MIN'OrS:I , 4, ..?; f sheer rdoons, , musimlfaltrt eperfluneryi bed:Mrs, , A VERY eitenrire desurtMent of lleillei elelie•efe . DWI a1.,_ 41 , 1 °r•bleb the] Mil A nloef flifro4liblp embla -11 l mond, Ruby, Paul, 0 aroet,Emventd, 1e .. x., Signet and 1 " :94e 1" .0 A1 - A1g 1 4... ... : ..74!)'-ei i,.•' f f..! ..?., . I None, also very beau plain dn., lif 3nd 20 . m:teat Due,', ' Atli .. t . Li f.. Chased do, and a vollety of {her litres b A y j i vAti . i andeth - - ' Bingbati;koiii4illit,ffia..m. 51 4T i.!,* „ A If Tr.L TIIR it ELL. Invngeht. nom rile. - a n icirgi vi lt t anc o gile for ev t ro Y ytar in lB 7 s2 i D . 8111%qe4yel&ntt;tret; 1p AIN T 4 )I la Oirn gs. rd '43 41c. hi n4-by tt 1 i . t al II t ite rlu r n - ' ll 1 "a I" V.t....1if1L x , Loma as seajAiga get ogm gratuitously, ten ti P, a ' rral u iely "i s fet:6haan.'lll4. eliafinaEPNumizfeY,xliftresusabirssopre.l LIFAYLTTE BURR RILI, SONE 'SIIINUFIt- TAY. FriHE UNDERSIGNED, formerly Foreman for many I,y - cam -a the Lafayette Pam storm Manufactory., IFtialllngton st.., N. V ~( W. TYsek,Agent,lwonld form }ay friends and the publiii.itairenpral t that limbed , . established a BURR MILL' STONE MANUFACTORY' Bigam~on, 1V: Y.. Lev ox tt uil :awl,' _ . . - - • And rol felts a slut:, of their patronage. 'flint re eonetan ly onliand a Ittnrertorit of French iltitr•3lolStones, ex afro a large FU:lpfy "f Esnpils nail i linin.stouer, alro French Burr Blocks, bolting cloth, sateen uire and Pla Ater Paris. frlte'rtuderrigned areurer hls Mende . end the public that he will faithfully •xeciite all orderr- entrugted to his care, not only in q wilily, but in pri•erVartielee fur. niched and solici.e , their kind patrcnage.i:.k, ~ Orders by letter will bo execlited . with as much care azal as, cheaply as whenpurclihsets are on the rpot.— Millets and Millwrights are reqootted to call .and exam his' stock buil workmanship. ' , , • .101130r.SULLir.CS. ' Binghamton, July, 1251. . 20 Ill.:Ft:BF:NOE • ' : Dapial Searle. Mon trr,re Thomas P. Phi'may, Esq., Dumlatr; Caleb Carmalt, I. IC. Drake, !.13:I1geweter. Joseph L; Merrun' • Tetli ES this method of informing his friends and 'the public gem-rally, that he has just received from New YOrk, au aswar taint of Goods, consisting (In part) of Stapl.and Paocy Dry Goods ' Groceries, Crockery,' Hardware, Dye Stuffs, &c., which be vrill dispose of, for Cash, Produce, or approved Credit, on ea favotableterme . and 0.1.415 /Irk prier, as at any Miler es'ablishment In the' count!. And he would here say, to those who are in the' habit of ;Mang; Ont of town - to - pnrchawe goods • that - hel mill be happy to bare the privilege of COUVrneitla them Vintliguan - Alatttell by them tos,those that make more show and greater pretensions. Please call at his Store in Upsonville 310 'satisfy yourielres'orithat subjeet;! , , , )r.ANTED-46til:ry. 0 Ifutter, And, Sheep, A"elte, feir arbieb r part Cash will be paid:- • • • • • . Upsinville Nov. ,5 , $2OOO WANTED. BY the subscriber, ris he lanai preparing to get bp bis fall:stock, he offers to his unmerons .customers, phis Present large assorttnen t ot goods at' lcirrir price than any similar es tablLshnitnt# In.lFeetern. New. liOrk., • ,This stock Consi<ts, la part, of a large stock of Goldaad Silver 'English patent Levers. of own imporration,warranted superior to any cver idrk! . .red itt.tdis 'County; hold and Stivetanchor Levers and Lopinc.s, Gold Lockets. Thins - bles,•Spectaeles, Breastpins, DracelotsiEarringi, Finger rings,CuffPin°,FenuEFTtni!srYwc,glikr , labd rob cbabas, gests,ltcyr. Zr.c: 'Ali; ' a wry stock of (Meer Wire,com. Prising overy article In that line, warranted pule as coin, a full assortment of plated wars, In every variety. Fan cy Clacks, Cutlery, Combs, d c. Bitrharatint: Oot. 10 ALFRED J. EVANS. gukd In Dlarket. Tit litscriii 'ersi • cr otot,k, finite an assortment of Fall goods, COWlinin of Dry Goods, GtOterifts,7llStdware, India Rubbets,DOnts sad Shoes, Boratli son edStl, and will Sell them as raw, as say on.W.lthowt this part %(,r: the. wOrld 'or !else. =here far tho,,eady John, or ttio right kind; of , tredit.— Thanks rot:grim tarots, tcha; °rotators, iiteryhoily in rited to r all awl buv.‘i!r... •:. O,TYLF,It. ,31optrosa, Sept. 1G; 18.51, Now and - -popular-School . book CiCIMPREIIENSIVE SUMMARY of UNIVERSAL. If 18 V TORY, totetliertsith a DIOURAPIIY ofDIST/NO. UISUED PERSONS, to which is appended an epitome of HEATHEN MYTHOLOGY, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL ASTRON, OMY ttUPHYRIOLOGY.. Adopted and used in the Publieschools of Philadelphia IL S. JONES & Publishers. Cor. FOurth and Co„ ince sts., Philn, •1: Teacher's and school Committees addressing letters to us post paid, will be f urnished. with copies for-minium. Ire- A lOU titiireOingileteitiioanidntOf tiokiandlit'a ; unary foloale at , the Lowest - Pricer. •• et= receivedby the subscriber a new and brains. sertmcnt of iteady-made Clothing; Boot, & Shoctr. Fall farhion Bats tc Caps, Cop letter and wrapping Pa, pr ; by thercam or Ices quantity, Traveltrug and common Trunks, a few slngleand doub le shit Ones, fancy Stationery; Books, ComW - Brualics, Fancy articles to numerous to mention, all which be ilmiMurto`seirforTeadtpajr t inmt enerttlp#itlY !UP cheap it Cilia ibee:pert.;' it riot' . . A fcw"ddsett-pair WOOLENBOCKS wanted. Fo 6 ttlMer o o.4 4 cl&i l, .= " ePr , q. FuLPER•T Iteadx-illdite - Ablotliliti.'. LATlGB'assortm4t , or latert`stylre;lsitiecellert .itittd for talerit:a ; small .adrafice . for, rradrPaY.,•"7 : Store next door tn:t udge ,BOOTSendI3IIOES, A unterned goad assortment of Itelestlent synoarrer. and Dine. t Calf andNoreepo Men ' s ehors-riVomen'A shoes; ' 1 es:m . .l6'lmi fine-Blises,"lloyriaudtibillirerr's shots: The largest lot in town and probably the cheapest received since tb e lire. To Dal -and rcitinOts , . Valuablep roper . ty for 'Sale.' AFARM . of2oo acres eii untc in.ilritlgoratei township Susquehanna County and state of Pernwivania of 150 acres of which is under good imprortrariat• - • The farm is we lldesignmitoradalry.and fa espable Of ' l. feeding 40 cows during summer and winter. end 'trill part of it brivell 'interact. • The bnlidlufs and laud aro irkgood.eondition.and .th e knees, • w hich are cif stone and rails are alsogoed, There are two largebarna upon the premlites, besides a granary - and con t tratn ihed for cattle. Three orchards principally of grafted fr tilts and other fruit trees. Said farm has a vary pleasant, and focation about two miles from Mot:arise, the County seat of Ells. miebanna county. and about 9 miles from the 14:ggettri Clap Railroad, to Which thereto a Plank Roadie process compktllm, and is eery conrenient to,ruce4ngs and schools, and mechanics. • , . AlmianothirValuableleirrn najolnetbe attnro, con. • tattling 200 acres, of which 150 acres is- under a high . state of cultiration..• •lipon it there ism large frame dwellins bonse, anti out buildings to correspond and •!' large orchard. It is well watered and fenced and admi rably adapted to dairy purposes. • Said property Will be sold on rearonabl e terms, a pop , Lion of the purchase Money may remain Upon lioridand Mortgage to suit the:purchaser. Application may be made personally or by letter to lion. Wm. dessu , pelt: J. Niren at Montrose. 'n said county. and any farther;particulars that rsa ay he requir ed will be civen.-23tr Ixotice to the public.• Neta'Seasunaolc Fail and Winter Goode' alike • Great Oni Price &areal - • E. !4:1613NHEIIIII, Groat Bend., Pa. DEUS leave to take Oda opportunity of tenderirig.hht JL) eiacere thanks to hie friends and customers,for the generous patronage the* have extended be him; and at the same time Inform them that-he has J wit returned from New York with a very large and choice selection of Fancy aud Staple Pry Goods, Also a fresh and extent siveassortmen t ofOrcceri es, Provisions, Boots and:theca, Hats and Caps, llardenre, Crockery, kc.. Drugs and which will-be Sold for cash and produce 'at a very small advance, at prices which defy all competition Flour, Pork,Ft.ils,Saltorlith•Aalenndretail.—bewould also remark Pus he a ihrres strictly to the system of al wayi o ring the lowest price at first.thereby givier the same advantage to all who may favor hhawith their pat at Bend Clothing Store. The largest, best and :cheapest assortment of Ready Made Clothing in the Village of Great Pend, Pa., Broad blothr.Doe Skins,Caftimcr.•s and Vestirms until qualities suitable for the Fall and' Win ter Trade. which he offers at such prices as to satistyany one that thists the place for them to deal. in consequence of the great increase of his kindness he has been obiiged,tn greatly enlargeblsstock, which bonen offers to bit friends ~n d•the public fur ex. amlnation,contiticut thatin so doing they willflod some thingto their advantage. .11u:subscriber has made are rangementsto. manufacture clothing in all its cation branches, and is now Priesued to sell the shine. wartnnt. ed to bear aspect ton. Custom work and cutting dnnt• at the l atest style and shortest notice,—allkinds of tail. er,Otrimmingsf oinished and for male. Donot forget the spot. Store nearly opro.ite thoillanslon Trent.. Great Dend,Sept.,lB:4. 1.. s. truant. n FORFEIT—Dr HUNTER will forfeit $5O if fail log to core any case of disease that may come under his care, no matter how lon standing or afflicting- Err tt nu stx . are invitee to his Private a North SEVENTH at., Phila.. withotit Tear of interruption by otherpatients.. Strangeta and others who have been un fortunate in the selective of a physician -are Invited to call. Those who haveiajuredtbetusclyesbysolitaryvlae are also Invited. • . nun n AND REP Lacy —The tabled would do well to reflect before trusting their heal th ~.happluesP. and In many cases their lives, in the hands of physleiani, igno, vat of this claps.of moJediee.' It - Is certainly lamosslbld for one man to understand all theills the human Irmily are subject to: Every respectable physician has bleat-. collar ‘yrlticlh he is more successful than his brother professors, a , d to that he devotes 'molt Ofhig time and study. YEAna or Pita esten,eidusivelvderotra andtreatment of direclrs of the sexu,tl orgnns,.together with ulcers Irain the 1,6:1y, throat, nose, et 'cgs. paths in the head c, • ...bones, mercurial rhenntatisia, strictures . , meal, Irregnlariflee disease miSfcg frrnr.yontllnt ex. cermet rolmparities of Os olc..aL, 'thereby the constitu tion has become enfeebled, enables tht Doctor to - offer wispy uncles. to all yam may place tlemEelves tinder Ws ewe. , 1„ • '•The Pefiple'n Friend : , T. T. POND'S - 9' 4[3f . Ittamtai,,2 o . , . pm): DESTROYER artnltztt.ta a Extrtaci.—AnTati'ac frcita the shrub called Witch-hazel; and 'purely from that with the exce_ptioU, of a little Alcohol to preserve tt. 'twill cure all local pain and laudations, old sores, fresh' wounds andbrolles,.Piles. and all diseases _of the ; bovrelsura chronic rmture, tooth-ache, ear-ache and an excellen t rem. dy rreinnles, &e. 1 It Is truly what it proresseito be, 'lllePeopre's Friend! '• Providence has scattered along the rugged piths or life manythings thateentrib ate greatly. to . he. coMfort, and happiness or every body; hence their grea Elaine, and well may they be called ‘rri.nds Or the People.' ' Ono word here Li:quail] againstiruposition". Alnan by the name ..rSpencer, has rnaiduraelara and':effered for sale a s puriolll4 - article Called . the EM.rart,—that would be extract of the hazel-nut t—ttar genuine Is is aldteand . pare as wat cr. while the 4pu:ions article is colored,Which enables the Publieto distinguish. , - None?, ennine.bnethcisemarked Ptind'sPalnDestroYer XXI. ITATCII, Montrose, aad stare-keepers and me ine-dealernencralty',,Sgente , • - The -Last: Wendel - . PT. DAlllit'l,the greet - bur:d:lager. is ab out intro . during tate this country the celebrated • Firilard , blister,' a machine net larger : then 'a t 4 free mill, : worhed• by n thumh-serear, which will put cult the largest flr• statitly: But tills has not lug to de with_ the fact' that Jun ftJaeons;Tallot It.s just teed the Lk & WiItTER FASINIONS, and le now prepared. tolialt on hie friend's witiAls usual alnerity; skill, and good humor . pa- Call in If, you Tint , trapitalps, at the shop over Lathrop' "taro. - N. 'anttlni - aoni eit . ustia litontrose Oat:1,1851 FIRSTIN.IIAMT WEBB'- lIAS rettirried from • • NEW YORK, - with s line stock of Fall goeds t Iv:Web he of eri for Sale-to those 1010 WILL PAY for tbtro;:titits sitteif s its ea be reasona bly asked. Not - Eirget•lng'llite Wan:knit& such of his /Ott ds, nit bare herettifore be for theht, ho invites thtm to:'COILEAGALti.”. • 3tontrose, Sept. letb. . • - - • PePgin ATATURWS ocro reriedyl,br I Ixopeßsta. obtaineii irorq' ''!Lketiliet. or tllolliirtno`.3 oleo or tho ' rem ita!O r••• " • AUEL TURllELLOrdatiore• • och.u.9..T6lmbleft4spocts, Fen oindVeiril Caoiit :1 I/ a fultaseortment 0., • " , DAYANYIELVS, • Cold Lockets. IN 43 LEati Dojitile iii4y tag,' S Ri ng l i am , Ai J,EYANS ,AV aishiogtOpqe 4 • - •he • tehest•-: ni, E kricige Eli3g • ovet pllFTedin Dlnchati; tot!, by ' 667- Pie c e Waro plat ed,vatil a MIMI r cpn Jeting. Tea, Illererf,lCreatiianairLiitirdSpcomSaltanidgrigitShoy.. 610,Forkuto.lEngravid gratisi at. , L. ok.skI.I4LIVIS' SlLV,Pridpootledorks =RI griktes,warrattred therbest .roartutitettaredlEvAakterica, _ TIME'S. 1, , , . , Otttic; es fins. 20sillociml isone but. nivie of 1. thOame sortie tin Oillimy-LI). . A goodaceond nand cp - okiag etoter'llia good now cue it-xer t or tate,a4eap.4i yuktsprigdo Al L 8,3 to 40 YenorNeilt;Ylooribd fintablig Nails N IdontrAsalisyl3. Lroxs Cutaincsa. whitWeEraiNuy bt. ifijigAidlt, .LllZergiie to 31110, 1. 11 , avnts Blaticoltbas onoof the mot dolrsh , I,l' "1 ,11,Ona ia tkithrin t r euntylrania. K stohls: ""'" 'ld ea•arit'en d aaltihrious village, op e mil s W m. 4 h tletc. /thirie t alt 4 a o z.., czaihin,bi,dzilY 4 t°ge , riOP ir t : 44 •„ ..eowatry:, 7 Urielloorttny tow been in a lai oph t 7L.4. yOOllO l,llll , 1 ) 1 1Sh it* Iddretiage has, h eta tib m " 4l. tr 4 constarittY,lncreiwilzw,„ , Through the vettniffsence Of Woctiietland,'lsi silditimisiSemleary building - dcrbyolo feetoied thrtg! r i,..At s b, hasten been completed, and by tht 111,,p s - of ilth. Zitsi Seniiett,/ the school ts now lex. r hh _ l 4 vs, esiciable and partost.e library. eutimy h ... ', Chemical. Plillesophlcal end' astrotornicil App ." of theingittlikil litgarlittli,kr WI wi g , hys Z 414 mi a s hi ;tat nrel B uf it- us nf 4 IstAbmate order, and ample y et y au , itti. el l nt, • Thelloard or tun tr dation for the tardy{ Kart. .4, t d. lows .i, , - • Ir.or. l lteti lien Nelsons A.M.. ... .// „L'IIINCIPAL. / • ' Hew. ' Von stir C.,. -smith:A. KT.. / Tea elatr ht Ancient Languages, , ph/Alp iri. is art ra. A. Lt., Tcticher irVidathemstics. , .. ~ It Clr,..Cti H. itt - ai , ,wa ., y,, . . • .• Teacher et Natural Science. . Janie* W. 4.11 aiw Site Kee' . . Assistant Ppm. , , . :Ibis~ "liar y Dietz, • , feather of Modern Esthei Patrick. .es A aaittent Teaclizr of illudein La Mn; Jaw- I...tveraori. . - . / P a get • Teacher of Drawin aud P hula ... • • • g 4 i• maw. S. A. ti Ir4voirre - Teacher of Seale. - . All of tite above teachers are employed to the the whore of path day except:h. Teather of Diat4l - " n . ata„weatlake,--„The forme? &mut.. such a yenh. each day 5 her clods as may be necessary, s a d the I, :f teaches ow: halal soali•day. • The politic will sa l e, that by elite arrangement the sehool Is under the srl n raa • ton andinztruettott of a vary full board of 4 . 4 r 44 abtd s pheteh p e Trustee* eenddc ntly believe that B a e rdtop rmote themost thorough lago ,o / •', • . , ' rho nac4A ,„„y ezonsiis oft hi; restitution arst o 4 4 ate. Tulilon exelogreau Ornamental brioches f: k to ,56,60 /per . Ittahrter, Board Water ' t o t NM per dozen, and fuel $2,50 per annum- , -- "*"1 The discipline of the_ Institution combines aild a ,,, with Unitises, luculeating sound, moral and terr y principles, persevering industry, rrict tea t e and tillel - - deportment. - The present Lena of this school CH cretins. tsa h i 23d o r pee. next. Students axe admitttd at any b,. but the moat suitable time for rnteril gto th e te m , pr the middle ei t crch term. Those who may 161, 1 :1 tend the school t. trough the 'reminder of the fin hi II throughout the IVintvr, would well 1. eater '4l " tfie 20Th metal lost. There will be a Tatatiati at P I N bag ApillOilvlo2 weeks at the elope of the pre,ene rein,. Th. 4 , xt ~., cowlats sr tbirtece .reeks commencing Tannery Taal' 1 / Caitilegues of the cminary and may int eica it k,,,, t tied toit can b.. , badby addressing the Prin ely el. etatth, ~r t h e tindersigaed. D. A. SIIiPAID, hi - N. ROUNDS, Seey. .Klngstrni, Odt 4, 113.51-42-tf. / - • Petitletin or Rock Oil A NATIJRAt, remedy procuredi from it well ik ghenY eminty, I mt. hundred tet dreg pat tt , so id i by S. M. R. 1131- Canal Basin, Pittsbendt, pt ' l - i ; put upin hottleajust as It 1/01., from the ern etahn admilture of any kind: 'All ye that are afflicted READ: READ!! ; 4 Rheumatism yields lathe pewerlof the Petrelna. g• 'mine Dona LuzerneCo., Union tp.;July etb, lit. lifer—Dear sfr, allow taz as a stranger to rv. , gratulate you as the sole.proprietor of an laraleth,., culled Petroleum or Reek Oil, width is destined t °take the place elan great medicines. limy Mena this neighbothoe4 have tried the Petrol am in eats* • acmes curing most of them and proringbighly in all. I have tested It is eoughs, mi t ts t a tto , i , teeter. sprains, and swelling; for rbetamitiim I dal 4 is a certetn cure. y wife has been afflicted with Rheumatism, for some years and never could gets thing to relieve her, in fact she tried rrerythisz,ett.„ thing senulddo her any good until the tried year ton. !cum audit has relieved her entirely, far tat birth that . ..- It is the greatest.pain killer now In me. yet:mat". . J. JU.1. , 0y, Anothei letter frank Luzern,. co., reecnunithhttt Peeroleum "—. "{NAN! Raves:, inly 31r. Rise , -Dear Si!:—! take great ticatote is eels. (sing to rho virtues, of r ur great' attuallsed'es.a,A tbal'etroleum or Roc Oil. whim, Is certainly s pet '1 ineditine. I bought one dozen of your spat emit waillong here last fall. I tested It in a notated met, and found it to prove good. . I also tented It in awed tettei and found it Very beuetdal 1 aced Fta raj much t o have another box of it, for I don't Bleak • withoutit.. , Respectfully yours, J. CAMPBELL A volnufrom Buquehanna eo.,certiryttlg wee cy estate Petroleum •, • Lime Darr JruL Sch. lit 'l 7 k Mr S. 3i. 'Ric sir:—Allow me to rettli;to • virtuis ofyournatitraimedielneealleoPemleerse r t o t Oil. I kattbeen amieed with the Ithrumacirtormaa. Cline. I was in Wilkeiberre last summer rad pt sk4 Ile:front your when he was nine thete.l is cured me perfectly: I have since eren_le t•et,l tof a. cut casesofrhoutuatism, and found if Tire rdief ia th VOry-rCErCCtflilly yors. JAM ES 1011E701 • , . Tisguassoci, July Illth LSO. . Mr. S. 3f. Ittrit —Dear ail—Allow tar to ecraul l b virtue- of yeurgrent tural medicine olio ' or Nock Oil, which I believe Is a good medicine. ibis been refilieted with Neuralgia. pain in the nem, last ten years. and never could get ninth's, to ens, • me: in fact ',tried almost everything and codas eat do me any good until I tried - your Petroleura:sLidta relieved me • cry much; I have afro tested scalds. and•breciser, it has °luny. shortihno I think it is the gr stoat pain klilers:ta use. • Very respectfully years. , 11101. MR • ; Call and get a circular frtm the select. whirl eine - full description of it. per sale by DENTLES s Biel Sold wia caseate by Haunts, 14 - 1 r.,&", CO., No- :0/ kkkl street. Philadelphia. 1851' • _LUSH Housr, Grtat Bend, Penn% • Addison:Bilant, ,f roprietor. STA , V leave this Rouse Daily for ddrereat p:irs on the arrival different Trains of Cars. Ds, Cr • .vy Teams furnished by lie. 31.Truesdeil, &tea:num i! and terms which canna fail to suit. ' N. .16..—A euvered carriage will Convey guati kd rom the .;-.35 • .New Iffilf'otil Stove Depot. • IJORIVITT nor/ in flora anew and irrtp ointment of Cooking. Parlor, and : , ,hop k ivnlid and eoll.ineluding the .ncv; Man 427:rd kinds of Air Tipht;Latgc Oven. common aide'erri oven, &C., with Stove pi pd,Sheer iron. and Zhao, hal Tubes do C., which he will sell very low fur cad a 97 proved credit • September. 1551. • • Abell urrell t • Dealer Iri Drugs, Ilearince, Chemicals, reztink Camphine, Fivid,Lamp.i.Dye et ulD,Grocedes.rnAl Hardware. stoneware, Glassware, Clocks, Unde.3" eiry, spoon., epettailes, Uurirnllestrtnrot.lmA 'Medical Ineernments, Liquors, perfumery, nres,a• tlenery,bannescahnes, Yankee Notions. Mentroto, , ly • 'FASHIONABLE ISEWEIRY. Ertis subscriber has thii day rectir.d saws Wei vcry rich- goods, or lad month's imp a rata Paris. consisting of tine gold erlimelbl birettas 10 , 3 and Lepines,_Pem I and Garnet Breastpitend Luta , to match. Silk and Bead work bar, beanafai im Parties Disatond• Roby, and Pea rl ,llages Ilispint let 4. Gold Sh-cvn Butions,wohts "seantital Off Pan. ve, Napkin Binge, /tc., to which re u paid icrin deo tent on of his !ilea!! - A. .I.ET I:tt Bingham t on, Sept. 3, '5l. munrek nOw insior'e a new sad &es .11.1ection of Dry oodiOneinding gust ftexii Ladles' Dresi Goods, Crape and othe ntlaStr illatt,-Vairaso7l. French Lace, Fang Etas 0 4 Leghorn Bonnets; a ocantiful assorttaret-of htMt Ribbon, Flowers and Trimmings of new rtyltr, Silk and Lacet. for,Manfillas.Bounetitlik, tattl Veils, Broad Cloth. Fancy Ca.asimeres, pf d summer Cloths:A. nrpet Bags. Trunk Italia Bia Shoes. Painted Window Ahadee,:Carpetiag, Btu, CO ker. with a large and general assortment of lUrduh Cr aCkary, Iron. Grocenes,Tainte,Medicines ,ta."ll ,,, o'whlchtelll be sold at , the lowest ri". • "" the ynoFt roalon old e tennis. .N, llearly 111011 produce wanted. Socks In particular, Ana ibt vice in Cash paid for Wool. /1011 f and Salt tertO4' on hand. - Notr Milfortl,?day,ilY,lBsi. i - JOAN GROrES: NEW AR RI Vi IfUIt,RITT hasjoie received ano ea H nuortment of . used lIVPs trr Gnodo. netuung on'elettantriulety of Ladies Drees Dada ir Long .stiewle,, new atylo BP:Mot Riblsons. fo r Cane ;w-ti S. tarta tined! dee.. ot the most dssirsta eh having boots pgrch.tsod at the late nine , Witt be entd unnetudly low. Itese-Mittord; Sept.2o; 1851. , , • • . • Flaw' Seed. NY.4l3Antity of Fla: Seel imard In t? 4, cericsoi Cash , . •- •- •-- - - - Grpons. A' AItiSPE ottiek of extra fine-Albita titloll ' ll !!,p;:!one, - Brittania-ware , !ire tteagtiituedo7 tea spoduastitiff table-111A tflt 4POCIIS. Oa aIS A rar ri iteil; Carminatives 'vacua, ale., ett,,l o 7i: And IP rWrUtiutr for the quality, at- - . 2 " l * . ' illontrare,July p,,...160. ~ . : , • , .. • Notice.. , I frit% fircet Plst & pats, butumn atodTra by!ie 114 07nOtilt, %IV. Fm.. P. B. WV,. °,,i!r9!°l 3 tOP ?.3.1351 ' otiOre.LerdM4 and CaMll O , for 14 Ice Cream, cookery, ete, (0.1! rale vi :Dx.,111,f3 . . $A O Veg .IPIIIOIII4 - COPlier !,ar e v o' tit sitibiliiberf !.‘tiv'cl just Parch' 11,44-- lit°.°l; lifliV t.,!, Tiu 4nd.Coppor Ware? they oflbr t(' - .oupublie as cheep re the der '''. ' ••-• - , IDA.LAfffIROP &Ca` DlP B froOt DO; 10; 1850. cl OLl), avid 'oak -nylon-holders Oaf ILA wad bastnualities for gaiety - D ittoWallTA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers