The Dame Austria. : l'bere is plausibility in thefoiluiviniSmir, from the Bvsning .• P. The p tho of Austria in reference to dtory's hereafter, is begintliug to its 0 " i t t ' . l We suspected,. when Catthisni'l f,mron Kossuth appeared, that overtures **l been made •to him by the Heine of bs , l ,„bnrg for a r econciliation; and a late . ! f r „ r o turope that ho bas , been par, dram o t s ppers to* verily this view. - nie luct Austria towards this still pew ee noble, 11t. . a type of her policy to orb the other magnates. She Pas made op her mind, it is clear, to purchase' all the' , Magyar nobles, awl' thus unite the Bngarion aristocracy, in a solid body, aping Kossuth and the middling classes.' goofter, eonvquently, Hungary, if, freed at s tj must be freed as a repuhiie. The g o o of Hapsburg is really playio the pan of the great exile, though it dos not to this at present. It is true that, this polity of Austria , in thus conciliating the tot proprictors, m Hungary ; buay, for a while, delay ar resurrection of t that it c i o E m ily prevent it, no one can believe silo has faith in human progress, or in the ttstice of He. There is too -much endeney, justaven now, both here and in Eng. 'it'd, to despair of liberty in Etwor ; ' but shuald remember the lines of 3ryant, tiltich are not less consoling than beauti. fal &Troth crashed to earth will rise again, The eteMal years of God are hens, Eat Error, c amlished, writhes in pain, • And dies amid her worshippers.' T e l KOs= HAT.—It is surprising how speedily the Kossuth hat has become fuhinaide with our eitizet, ! s. One cannot tarn a corner without stumbling upon half. aeon, feather and all, and some of thoso Vela) have donfiiql them cut an odd figure eno ugh, the dress affording the strongest possible contrast. But it is sufficient to knewthat it is lashiouable with a !erg Mamba, to ensure it a favorable considera tion. The New Orleans Picayune, in re gard to this New head gear, is pretty much j ear way of thinking. A late number thus comments upon it : We cannot make up our minds to ad mire those black felt, black ribboned, black feathered hats which some courageous indi viduals' have been sporting around the streets fot the last few da',s. They are pictaresque, certainly—on the stage, or in ashop window, or on a boy in holiday dress; but we always have the same inclination to ligh when We meet one on the cranium of an individual, who etherwise is dressed like de majority of civilized white people, as when we read in a book of travels of an African king or imbue chief. dressed for's' grand ceremony, with a cocked hat and 1 military coat on the upper part of his soul clings, and leather leggins, or, more fre quently, no loggias, on his lower continua tion. There is no appropriateness, no harmony, no elegance or fitness in this Fossath hat or any hat like it worn above stiffstand-up collar, swallow tailed coat, tight pants and tighter boots. It is simply ladicrous, almu , d. Whenever we encoun ter one of those, who mceh under these imitations of the great Magyar's plume, and who is not otherwise costumed pictu- j resquely and nationally, we cannot help 1 1 imagining. that cwt' are gazing at a stage tra , 4 wi - 6,11A - ving an early engage mint at some lunch house, has killed his pert and the • Babes, in the Wood," at dress rehearsal, in a hurry, donned a re spectable dress in a hut ry, and left the the atre in a hurry, forget of iu that'hurry to le'rec the "cruel uncl e ls" heaver in the tflatrical wardrobe and exchange it for the everyday, sober, precise segment of a stove pipe which Beebe or Genin has dubbed the "very last style—onl) A Fontsn FEttow On a certain cold eight during the late cold spell, a ruoaway :eve was caught in Yorktown, Va., and put in the jail there. The rascal had Borne matches about him, and negro-like, with out looking to the consequences, used them - eet Eve to the jail. In a short time. h.:limier, his quarters became so warm that he was frightened into giving the alarm, which fortunately for both himself and the jail, eras heard and soon roused the inhabitants. When they had broken through the doors of the room in which tlia negro was confined, ha had his face ptessed close against the window bars; to ouch the fresh air, being almost in a fain nog state from the dense smoke of the fire. It was with great difficulty. that he was meta, and with still greater that the jail ris eared from destruction, the fire hav ing gained such headway, that it was sev eral times proposed to leave it alone. , a 7 Tit*Ztati In Liberty, on Monday craning, the 2d ti!t‘ by Joseph L Merriman, Esq., Mr. Irrcs S. Full and Mizs LYDIA L. BEE -114 bath of Liberty Ia Gibson, on Wednesday evening, Jan lar; 21st, after a short illness of 29 hours. tf. potted Fever, (Typhus Petechialis,) luaus Ettm, aged 2.2 years. /Übe residence of her Brother, in Dim , 1, on the 6th inst., Mrs. FANNY WELLS, ?iti49 years, 10 months, and 9 days. in Friendsrille, Susq'a. county, Pa., on the evenin g of the 9th :nst., of Apoplexy, BtsJults G 'GLIDDEN, aged 68 years. Zedeceased was one of the earliest stet- Jen of this County, and has left a largcale , of friends to mourn his Joss. 4 Thomson, on the 24th inst., of Serofu ^us affection of the lungs, °SUR. MESSEN- G6 ' sfl lY son of Everett and Mary Mes , en- Pr, aged 23 Years. The deceased has-left father and mother, two sisters and friends to mourn his loss. ---------- , ... . . ANIA. Llabtee Who are inde LIFO R bted to me for ' 4 t Black athiiifrxrii;lineataettle the their Aiery.Za, for collection. HARVEY PATRICK.- ~....L4tNie. F eb . 11.1852. --.. . 6‘3 -----..:.._ . rj,, An Ansoirtment- . . -.'. t.f.".nAtee moming and Hata and 'Cap' A. eon pt 1...42 band A few of tbe.,,Km .Rataantb" , gad s uer supply i m• expectod in: , du, Pr t VA LENTINES. • I /i n itaditl kt . of Valentinesjurt, received. - r ,. , ....!. • GEO. SULT,P.R. oeamsd tii;;;;;I;i"--77 h•kbie! ." s" PlACJ.itit*-; rriTE sithiMiber dayric.ivecl-arr ex. 4earaiter addition _ti:t..hia - staidt-id 'ttloatittiPPW.: sistirry.,id port nf , aome new sty Ira .Earrutga, ,fingirrinta; Gold ';Chaitir,' Witehais - Loch'etkor nilotizee; taro lot, 'of and ST , 'yer Spectacles; Gold' Penr,"tim'#mi . which, 'to• tether with :his termer Mock. rookie ihe moat complete assortment in town ;Jo *ditch he Witold anti the attention of his minernua trit:pds and ei:4? tomere, as he' is determined that no exertions .on hie.pirt elan be:wanting,io'a.Mutr a'ctiritintnince their fauna _..ALFRED I'EVANS, - • - - Washington Street. Ithighamtou, Feb. 12;1852. 'Administiator's Sale. _ - VOTICB is hereby given. thit ptireonneerot /I 'on Order of 'the OrphateeVoun of Sueque• benne County; there will be eopOied, to Only; on the premi s es in. Greet Bend, , . Ott Pridny the 12th day March . 2.lB/3, at I -*Mach P. - 11,, • the following property, late the estate' of , Nathan Arnold, late of the township of Great Rend, dec'd.; at those tiro certain pieceem twirl' of tand,'Cini. taining 140 acres,.3:torite in the township of Great Bend aforesaid ; end the.undivided half part of an Estate for years', of and in - a certein Baw.tndl and lot and' the privileges anaclied thereto, situate on farm of Nathaniel keit, and bounded on the North, South, East and West by lundrof the said Ives, containing one:,half of an acre, of lend' orilkniet-, bouts, be - the same more or leis, with the tipper, tenoncee, a saw-mill water privilege. dtc. , • One of the tame mimed pieces, of 'laud being,called, the '.'Homested'Property," and the other the "Ile: man Hall 'Farm,-' bounded as follows, to wit t On the nonh'hy tha'Susquehanne River; on, the - east by lends of Nathaniel Isee,.ou the south , by binds of Johrs.§cotten, on•the west •by other lairds belonging to , the entail, of said dededent;contrunz ing 90 acres . of land or' thereabout s.; ' Terme made known on the day of saki. • HARVEY HALL, , i vni , • • , Gilt% R M LES CIIAMBEL r G r eat Bend, February 11, 1852. . ' Bw4 _ -- --,............., ' • ' : - PROCLAMTIONS. - -, . . SUSQUEHANNA:. COUNTY; SS.: . Lydia M. Fisher l . - . , ~ by her nestfricnd .1 In the Conrt oiCommon Pleas 1 . end father,- of said County, of November E. Bedell - Thin", 1851.N0. ZU2. . Elijah D. Fisher. - To Elijah 'D. Thher : - Wh;reasi a' Sdhptenzt in Divorce 'was issued to November Trim, 1851, which was duly returned non est limo?! us. and thereon trn alias Subpoena was issued in said cause, returnable to January Tem), 1552..up0n .the re.: turn of Which proof was. made to.said .Couit that the 'said Elijah D. Fisher could not be found in my . Bailiivick. , - -' -' - • Thie notice is therefore - to require you to appear before the Judges of the said. Court on the third Monday of April next, to an.irvereail complaint, &c. • G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff: Sheriff's offie, Montrose, • February - 10, 1t352. S - • • SUSQIIEFIANNA:COUNTY SS. - [ Mary Ann' Webb") . . . by her next friend j In this corm of Common Pleas James li. Foster }of said County, of November Vs•_ -I Term, /851, No. 116. Benjamin Webb. ,j To Benjamin Webb: Whereas, a Sabisena (it Divorce was issued to November . Term, 184: which was duly returned non est keenks, and thereon an alias S.oliprena was ismed•in said cause, returnable to January Term, 1852, upon the return of' which proof was made to the said Conn that the-said Benjamin ,Webb could not be found in my Bailiwick. . 'This notice is theiefore to requite you to appear before the Judges of • the .said Court on the third Monday of April, next, to answer said complaint, &a- . '• G. B.ELDRED, Sheriff. Sheriffs (Zee; Montrose, . February, 10, 1852. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY SS. Chafes_ Trumbull In. the Court of COM . D. Pleas vs. • of laid County of November Lucy Trumboll Term,-1851, No. 8. To Lucy Trumbull: - Whereas. a Subpcena in Divorce was issued - to November. Tenn, 1851. which was duly -returned non eat inteolus, and thereon an alias Scibpceu a, was issued in said cause, returnable to January Term, 1852, - upon the ire. turn of which proof was made to the said Court . that the said Lucy Trumbull could not be found in my Da iliW ids. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the 'Judges of the said Court on the'third Watley of April next, to answer said ccduplaint, &c • G. 11. ELDRED, Sheriff. Sheiiff's office. Montrose, '/ February JD, 1851 • ' : - :• • ~SUSQUEII INN A COUNTY SS. • - - - Dewitt C. Vauce In the Court of Kam'n. Pleas v& ofspaid ,county. of, November Elizabeth Vance. Term, 1851, No. 9. ' To Elisabeth %Vherems, a So pcena in Divorce was issued to Noreinber Term,llssl., which was duly returned non est iircennis. and thereon an al ias . Subrxn a was issued in 'mid cause, returnable to January -Term, 1852:, upon die re turn of which proof was made to the Said Court that the s•lidEltzabeth %Tine° could not be found in my Bailiwick. 1 • • This notice is therefore to require yon trrappear before the Judges:of the said Court ou-the , third Monday of 'iApritatext; to answer said complaint., &c'B.,4LDItED, Biwa Sheriff .. P . 44N MontrOse. : February 40, lea. , . DR. g. S. PARS, • AVING returned to Montrose to resittine the N practice of his profreasiati ; ; may be found at Searle'e lintel. wh'ere he will be happy to watt upon his,old friends as well ate new. • • ' ' Montrose; Feb.- 2, 1852:-51f. - . SOLEON B. CHASE, 10FAVING been appointed Commissioner of it Deeds - for the State of 11)%A . ,'Will at tend to all bosinesi entreated to'him with prompt neseand. , - _ Montrose, Feb. 3, 185.11.--Ztf. . • - Dissolutions , m . T-HE eopartuerahM beretoto eiistine ;nude - e the name and firm c.f E. AV A. B. Haw. ley in the Blacksmith huainees. hit - I,lBday diaeolv, ed by mutual eonient, E., W. HAWLEY, .• . : -A.-E. HAWLEY, Moirtroie. Jan.- r, 1652.24tf. . • " • - NO TICE • Ts given that the underpignrd having Opined 1. of his property in Montrose. end about =to re; move from the place. therefore alI persona indpbt ed "to me hy Nate or 13clokticet: - Ire reqtisted to call and ,settleltbe same tintiedintilly,-and those not nuending•tothis call` will find their acct. with a Justice for Collection. • ,••,E.. W, LIAINZEY, 21onttose, Jen. • ,1,1852 . -751f. - • • A. - E: HAW= - ' BCKSMITH, bet;ing purchased , the shop of E. Vi. Hawley, in ,Montrose.. where 'I can conitantly found and rind! be Inippy. tiieeri ',the old patrons of said ihop -anilwait upon "therd as usual, flatteringrayeelf frorrillie experience- I hkve bad in thehneinerse that leao "giresatisfaeliiin to all who smiygive me 'Mind kiodeOf farm ers work kept on hand-or made, to order and in good etyie..l expoc4ricttlemein: to be made prompt ly once a year.. :- Ack.ossyLEY:. Montrose, lin: 1, 18.52L-stf. - • - - e . • 4 trifiß Illstory . of Ltomeary and notnith (arinablo - work" by Ilev.1; Y. Tefft,and tbelleport otth*tt-' mous Forrest Di Ypres Cote, In pathplitir, lust re4eived— A generalAssonolont'of .Bobootilooks,alicl Ecgiol3o7 A ti.w PUPPV or Feb. 4, 102.: • , O,.FULtEIt, Going at a itttli:aticive - Cos I q'a Subscriber :has .6 man Stock let" of Valk'. aid . Bora' rse .apd fineflotofo'ald . Rioes, aud a gOod amortmout wo of Ladieo.Misseo.ood rbiLdresealtoots and Shoes, which ".he is now selim et prices but litqa st!, bore cost. There is an opportunity . Cor riall tistMl this Hoe - :- Yebruar7.4. 1862. I ~ • „ LOOK to, sate at chest:treat WZDZ monuroso, ISO. • - • STATEINE' NV - IFRECHIPTSAMI - EXPENDMIRES SUSQUEH9Ni d. bOUNTT ,"FOR TEE YEAR 1851, (.3ffe::4nd Piittri4ed 'in - pursuance of an get of Assembly of , 15th- 4ptil , 1840. alaaot of Colleigois Acootnts f0i1843 1850 1851.-- caWtOr: *mtvg. Townaltip& - ez• - .%:::!*: - . --- ..: yl David Itieiy - -..:: :At:B.:Bawdier Auburn, Priei.dsville, Forest Lake; Franklin:. Gibs Harmony, Herriek; Jackson, ' New Millard, Spring Apolacon,' Auburn, •113ridgewater; 13rooklyn, . 7 ICbocnaak I, 'Clifford; Di \ mock; Friendsville, Foreit Lake, F,rapklin, -. 1 Gibsrin, - • - Great : Bend, Harmony, , , &Labia, Herrick, Jackson, Jessup, Lathrop, Liberty, Lenox, Montrose, Rush, New Milford, Silver Lake, Springville, Thottixont, 11:13.i . :9.. :i•-• . :,;:: - ,! B:. V. 01404 e; ',1. -- A:: 04 urelliii; :1",.: J W. eariiiiiiie4' Dl* Npvv,cuan.:, • .: '-. A. Spool, IT'... i' i', • ... BEE X. Bishop. • John Fallahee* J.-Shannon, .0,. Foster;. T.. Forms', .n, s liaret t Slierer,* n:,L. Bloircra,' L. Maynard, • Aaron Thomas, . Martin Newman, L . W.Peok, S. P. Mendel:, H. French, R Perry, E. N. Lord, West, 3: Ii Q. Donnell,* A: F. Shaddnek A 4 n: Brant; - M. D Gsge, Sritri'l. Quick. jr . ., Nathaniel Wet!t:;. l•Flnee settled Amount of: Duplicates. Amount paid by . C.illectnrs Am mot of tExoneratiops to CJllectors, Am , unt nt,Percentago to Amount unpaid by Of Treasurer's office,. Montrose, • Demobs,' 81, 1851 - . Dr. - • - - SllSquehan: Jail; ' ' .$331 54 `Justices of the Peace, • ' 7 871 Printing, Coroner's Inquest, _ 15 11' S. Crosstnon,ciier,).- 60.31 1 0. M. Gore, ( Jailor,) .649 04 Stationery, • _ 69 50 lt.,ad Damage, , --- k . 291 50 Road-Viewers ; ~ „ . 4bB 00 Wild Cat„- , • 150 Offices are proof; 35 55 Court House, 49 33 Postsge, . 0 80 Assessors, , • 533 99 C. M. Gere, (Sheriff,)• 252 00 G. B. Eldred, "... . 150 00 Counsel, - 15_00 F. M.Williams,(Prothy. & Clk. Q 5.)293 97 Traverse Jurors; '. . 1,474 01 Grand Jurors, 464 29 Fuel, • • •5 00 Constables,; ' \ 253 31 Commonweidth Costs, • 995 09 General Ereition, • . 355 45 TownAip,Election, - 372 67 Eastern Penitentiary, 110 78 J. A. Dia:nick, (Prosecuting Atty,.) 291 81 D. 0. Torre% (late Cominissiuner,) 175 50 John D. gurphy, • " 216 00 Shubael Dinumk, i U 222 00 John' Hancock, i - " • 34 50 R. J - S,I yen, (Clerk;); 300 00 Refunding Orders.; , • - 31 17 C. D. Cobb, 1 ' A. Spoor, Auditors, M. J. Mumford, • Treasurer's Percentage, • - • Statement of the T • • DR. "O. G. IiESIPSTED. , To available funds in. Treastiry, $2,033 2i To unpurretit money from late Treasurer, • To net. reed from CAlectOra; 1850-1851 To•am't.' roc:4'd. from G. M. Gore, Sberiff, _l6l 02 To ain't. reo'd. from F. M. Wil liams, Clerk (?; 8:, To ain't. reed. from returned lanai, • Stateinent of Treasaiter's'Acoo Pena it ,with the. ' Comm onwealth of . ~sylvania., R. D -. :0. O.IIB3IPSTED. ' • CONTRA . T . , _, . ~. _ . o a aggregate am: „ t. of Witte Tax By Cash sent State Treasurer, for 1851; - $7,754 24 Tax of 1850-1851, . $6,794 84 'To aggregate ain't. of'optstand 7 .. -: By Cash •sent State Treasurer . ing taxes for previous yeari. 1,100 45 from returned lands, • TO amount from retu*Oedianda; -.- 5,868 Y I per ci, regained by Tres-. • . • , : , , . , . . , surer on 66,869 33. I , ' ( -. • - '---- • - - - - - By spr et. alloired Collector's on settlement, - . - y , _ allowance to Collectors as per certificates of Comm r., . • 171.80. I I s ' , lly ain't, unpaid previous yrs., 1,784,05 D rt, • 0. M. HERE. SHERIFF. 'B5O. peeembPri3b4; To .. inn% ..of Fines st4 i tu.rjr fees collect- EWEN _ • Statement of County - Treasury, Januar,' lit/ 1852 . To available funds. in County Treasury, ' • 1632 66 ToSusqueimona County foods received from liite Treasurer, $300, 00 _ To State Bank of Norrta. ; " • " •ga,io To• other imiorrentintineir, , To, MU - plant due from Collectera of 1848; 132 1 37 - To amount glue frOm 1861, 402 32- sivetalaitiontile ou Notes " Banda and Judgment about We certify ilteloregolie .Wbo it true Statenient. - - Attest- - -2; 41`. , .111VEN, Cork, C'onsmioiceiTeVce;, - ,rebpary 1,- 1862 Duplicates! Arn't. paid 8 clo 67 87 , ' 17 31 44 65 13 84 ;3588 YE= 1 7,564 46 RECAP a County. ' Cr. By County _Orders, from No. 1 to N0.'545 inclusive, $8,760 49 .:y amount paid County Audit itors, 18 00 By refunding-orders, - 31 17 I By.Treasurer's Percentage, 18 00 331 20 89.140 86 easuroes Account. CONTRA 'CR. By order of Court Auditors pay, $lB 00 By County Orders redeemed of 1851, 8,760_49 By County Order redeemed of 1843, * 5 00 By four refunding 'orders, _ •31 17 By Treasurer's percentage, - 33120 By uncurreut money from late . ' Treasurer, 507.00 By balance per contra, 632 66 507 OQ 7,564 46 514.285 52 :49:220 55 CONTRA CR: By percentage returned by *LT. for collection, I $4:98 By arn't. paid 0. G. Hempsted, Treasurer 161 02 $166 00 $166 00 L' R. 'MURPHY. _ S. M i COCK. , ommissioners. ' J' . HANCOCK.- - . • . 1 Exoneene, et,. dae c Percentage. Mc'' 23 57 8 54. x 205, 11'64' 22.7,61 5 43 0 36 4'.89 1 921 12 07 2 , 44 0.'58 8 97 5 72 10 06 13 29 28 86 16 06 15-86 34 32 16 19 9 52 G 8,5 10 02 0 501 8 99, 101 20 111'23 95 37 5 95 1 97 3 45 11 02 8 00 6 38 3.09 1 26 2 64 2 60 22 45 19 45 10,79 17.74 10 Ok 13 35 1 'l3 16 1 4 62 9 55 12 17 21 GO 4 05 29.90 12 58 23.53 14 80 15 74 7 32 8 60 4 97 6 19 8 55 2.97 534, 70 401 48 178 99 - $8.739 GS 67,504 46 178 99. - - 461 48 - 534=70-$8,739 63 0. G. HEMPSTED, Treasurer. $9,140 86 $10.285 52 $9,220 fik $2,074.26 . I For the cure of VG . Bronehiiii. .tVhoopm,g-couith;Criligi, Asth and- Among the nu art discoveries Estates has made In thts generation telfaciiitate the buifuessof Ilfeincreaso Ititeedojniciat" and cern - prolong the term of hymns' es. :hal:meth need can Moneta etlefruorereal value_ to 103X11-, kind, than Cris contribution of Chemistrt tothe fleeing. ..Artr''A snot trier of;ftrvirtues throughout. this • • • country, has proven beyond radeubti glum tth 'medicine I or cousbnuoun of niediciniuryet Anima, can so Surely control and Cure•tholneneroustarirticabrpttllntmary disease which base hither tecm, ptnoen ',eremitic" then, sands andibunstrzuir everryear Indeed: throe .nom ' abundant rens nto believe a Itemedy•krAsnt bag* , thumlwhiehcanbereLied 01l tomure the most dangerousa~ectonsofthclucgei 40 at edit not permit.; tis to publith a prprollidittalK Of the C4rcsidle4ed. by Its Me; but 'ive,untild present. tlin bag opinioneof ant. nent Min ed refer further Inquiry to thecirottar 0,;(4, - if;t a below nom. &mill always' be ploasclitiffur. :ad, free, whereinetii fell pirtlcidars,ond im disputable - praetor thesefects, •-• • ;`,." r" , Prom the Prcvlitent of Arobent College, tbs oelebspfei Professurlfitcbcock - - "Jamas C. As ers—Sir thaw- used-your,Chenr roc 'oral In meow,, ri'rse ordeepopial oil Bninithitic,and am satisfied:root Its oli.mical conat taitfon:thalitlls' ell lid - mirabla compound for chi, relief of ra'rybefel end brolicir•• ial diinenigieV• - If uly,or talon of its pm:Trier . OharaCter Can bo °Sans you aviitifirty to use it as you think proem:, • .I'.DWA , L.L. widely celebrated Prrifessor'Sillltnali.3l: . D.:Professor or oieiiitet -3 . ll fiert:ggy:*c.. Yalu cou og ., ar,t tio tit, Iliac. Ned. plqi,amx.schatir, is Societies of Antetica' .I.ll.ropir '' s ' • ' • I deetn thetlnerry,Eactorst tideitrable orienting= trim from some - of the- bit articles in the Alateria Modica" end a 'wiry Meetly, remedy for the dun °Mimeses It is Intended to cure-' • • Neu Haven, 'IL N o v- 1, 1°49 , - - • MO. rattigoll..Prvitlecit . ..Al :the 43.7 C. .enae,,states that ho has used,that)herry Peeterelvritb mindirfutatto , cetif, to' Mire eninliametima of the - lungs: ' Prom one of the first Physician. ' • - • • ' - ' 550.'310.; j5ti11.04841). Dr..l. 0. Ayer,'Lensell‘:-Diase c lrx ram uow con sten t iy. urine YmMl:b"rl7- P3 ; c*nral baltlY inactive, Otantatet. lido any othermediano forpuimonsry complaints: Neon" Observation of many severe cases, I run convinced it nil cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs", that have put to defiance Mt orlirr remedies , " . • .-• linsariably recommend itir mie Incases d'oonmithp., ties; and consider it - runrh the best einfetlithotru 'for that ' discase. - Itespectfully yours,' ' '• , S.'CUSLitil m. D. Prensred and sold, by James 11: TD Ayer s ' Prattlers!' 01ent.,1 Ist, Sold by A. Turrell, Montrose; Lucien Scott,. Oscal Bond, and by Druggists everywhere.--6yl ' • • • . Venduei - ,' W ILL be sold on - the proiniseirof the kubScri - ,' ber, on. Saturd4 the,l4dt of. rxbritiAry next, one four years oki Rull ; one breeding Mare; one three years Old colt'ltWo.,yeailhig cot!swis soaking cults; one yoke of four years old oxen; two yokes of three years old storm; two inairs' of two years old steers:;.six" cows, Wm yearlings; one two lorbe• buggy: Dud' one-horse - baggi• •, fngr pigs, and other property: , oat. Mentioned:: to. comineice at teu o'clock Terms. six rnonthd credit for all stove five 'nod tuider, twenty dation, and nine - MonthsJor all larger gnms:—.. Notes with good cutiOrsers wilt be retyai , e4;..'• • - • FR PIDERICh. FOSTER.,; Bridgewater, January 9; 1851 . ! 4W3 Sheriff? .S.ales,. is 13Y virtoe o f `a writ of sntidTout of the Conn of SusqUelia nit& enunlY and [ directed.) will tapes. , •lo puhhO sale ON THE -PRE.IIIBEi; FfitDAY;'reatt.B4'ilv 2Uth, 1852, all that. certain' two story dwelling house, sixteen feet by thirty-10A int.tlie ground, with a lean. to on the bucl(part. of suidlunkling, twenty feet. wide .ou the ground, , extending -.the length of said house;'wit!h.o piazza in kink Of sall two story fart, extending the whole liing2t'of ilie same, with nine tWelvelight windows in the from,' and hall door in the-centre with' 'side lights, two <l.c., the whuilo, building pidatted white. The said building bsinglatated in the' taWnship of iit , rtick, in ]he mud ty .ufornittid, - on the road leading from the.Gretullend ¢ Cortecton -Turn pike, near the liotq or A. 7 ..aa, and ; P risin g through the Sinuituiy,ettfrineut (se called) to, the Belmont 4-70wega Turnpike-Road ; together with the lot or piece of ground appurte nances necessary for :the proper use. and enjoy ment thereof... 331 20 • .. Taken in evocation at the suit of Tabor J. LIMN. is to the hse of Joseph B: Slocum, amanita Thom as Kelly. ALSO, • • I- • By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex., isshed and directed as above. I will expose to public sale • at the amine' tinie - and Valet,. 'elf that certain 'Pfece arid parcel or laud situate; lyinganti being in the township of Herrick ;luate county or Snstprltuu na, bounded and deicribed reit follows. to, wit : on the north by lauds of L. Tyler, on the east by lands of 151,. Ewing, on the south by lona, of John Duun,•and west by lands uuhno s wn ; .containg 140 acres, be the 'Caine ,more 'or-lens; together with the appurtentinctls, two framed Fianses; one framed barn, one orchard. And :dram 40 acres improved, late the estate of Thomas Kelly . .. Taken in execution at the snit of Joseph B. Slocum vs. Thomas Kelly. • G. R. ELDRED, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Molitrese, t • -1 Jan- 28. -1842.' "-.- Prddlathation, 1- • SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY SS—. . 4 Elisha Osborn,— - the Court of coinmmou vs, Pleas of said County, of No. Julia Ann-Osborn. ee,nber Term,-11351, To Julia Ann Osborn . yhereas; a Subpre na in Divorce . Was issued to November.' Term:, 1851, Which - was duly r e turned non eat in v entus, and thereon an.alitut Subixona was issued*, said cause, returnable .to January 'Form, J 859., upon the return of Wide!, inner. Was made to the - said Court that the said Julia Ann °sink& could nut be found in niy - - This*otiee 'is therefore' in requlro yen tci!tipi;ear before the:Jud'izeif of Ike said Court on the.- (hind lilouday of nest, to answer said complaint, ' •'. G: HELDEENSWIE Sherin :Hcnitrosel 'Jan. 28:48.52.- - SEIPPAVG )1 3 HE atilis.tiriber will pay eush,for alt goon prime I. Fez, Mink, Martin, Otter, Fisher anil BeNr skins, at fair pricea,nud although Coon and drink rat,are very low this year in market . . yet he Will buy them in trade or part eash:at whatthey, are Montrore. 111d 7. 1 '51:: TYLER NoTrez•-:: Tirk .. .Notes and Accounts of the-laie firm, • of Eldrid iwihe hotidi'of A. EN4ftii tled.before .ther.firot. of Jouunry.they_wilt healed iudiscriminately. 0.. 8. - ELPRED.;' Dec. 19; 1t351.' ; S i ik4 I Eyes.Oter the Left • C. BISSELL having purchasedthe inter- N: ese of R. 'F. Jencesoo, in the Toiloriugfiettt-' loess, can-be friend at- the_shop formerly occupied airnetort do Bissell. , • •. • : 895 37- Lflavittg'reCeived- Instruction Trmn - Mr. G. "C: Scott oT Nem York. he flatters himself. tt.itit lir' co Bait alt who may , favor him:wi th their-clii. to . Fall and winter Fashions for ft3slandi 852; jay r i recived -..-. - ..... ... :N. C. 131S§ELL: - , Aloutrose, 0cta. , ...16 /851;442-m3. 5 ‘ --. 7 - • 10:000 - oecount /, , exohatige or Cloths,oiroihor Goode; with,eodlo Cosh od,xeddoly ' -Montkose - ; May 29, C. TYLER.- etNTED '20,000 bugheror 10;000 Ut , , U ete - of Ryollod, Coro for which gricomill be paid cash - or undo by- • , ANEW lot Of Ladies Rabfienr. Bursliins & Gaiters—also gtintlemcil's Rubtirrt, - ; Plush. caps, A.c., just ; rackvectly' . , . _, ..... 7.., 'BENTLEY & READ. , $166 00 'Administrators,sliotice. LErrEtts otAttedilstrititio Of the of DEY- NlB DIt&X, letepf,Fdendertge. deeetteodt - pering been granted to the emderelmled, notice Le nereby Oven to all indebted to the ostatelo tall awl settle tn.imme without deign =Wall persons' baring demandiagetnet tbe estate wlll#teoso to piasent them duly attested for settlement. • litotittose,lstotary 1 313,.! . aza: : . Atte 821 00 184 00 . 634 U) 400 00 _ intstratorktltotiCe..,-: truzltWOAdmlniertitlon 'of. tbo ' , state* bi, 'Jaatka OaXt,Y,'<leed. ftb i Oirtiehlp, baring boen,oiatitod to the pad Orslirned. notice hot& by stun to ail Intledteillo' the estate sweall sod 1;444 the aamarithoOt delay; and 'atl perso's kataltwilatoandf nalnikthe ealate vlll please prevent them 41'17 Itttetif al for aot,teo;ent.' JAL OAHLET. 11ULD01744,1019Aiti5 .. .., #*, - • - i 114 - TIM trlntei Venn' of thialastlidtuneiritt 'enrnfbetir reception of atudent.4 ort-Wadtseaday, the 14th day I at:Jarman-- nada?, theAlire6t onporvition 0ta1r.141,1, Aftii GI DS iYir ,r { hell the conifietent etrietatiee de 71re advaniageacrthir ituitliutfon, with ;regard to Tra ll l9. bealtb•ttn' =drat infitichce: render 11 nr of the 'meet sfoalrable r liarinis Thpnrityirkatti4 their . cididren' - abroad for instruction. Every ricility will be afforded by the inttabittriti4OT the ereeeminOatt on% og _Pi &lib. front 14 broal s • Th. aeodervie year' Tedirldra Into four terra* ortwere _ameba ioiebr—a venation of Otte week innadieitel: 4tlk • _ . of 4. 1 p: krirnori Jieptittoitit, ;4', 12 V) . erarnon'actiactale; per troa;,. • . t , . 00, I.llglair Anadcrac, ,- • ' ,'4 GO musical , TNIO f;a.";„:;.: —1 4. ..1 id Frenc.b.witit stay otbe:ntdatich,n, ,• , & 00. 000 d bOartillbay V PS pkr week. ; • ni,1110C!C,27t4 DPCO.LbCf - 0,85i. - • itetiolittoh ' ih '.iiittbilif :':', . Am PoRTA NT .TO , IVAPIAVMS.• rptrauntleno-uecitoleiri g r recently purehared, tb, eic u 1; known " Ilk I: EQIC D 311.1.8;" nie "note'Pretiated to do all kinds of Fancring, in the he.t manner and villa i. prointitnera. Tisirticular atttntion.willtoS Pkid i to cgs. toro work, nudt p lo his i paied 'to }Oulu to our dusfara• era full tatlshietton;,:•_frhe high Ireptantloir,lwldekr the _"linrford Mills". hare,preeicKy batkwe Intend ball be ' fully iuStiined.'tiudereti therte. ` We shall pay twig f4i , Il t -heat:Rift.- 0 0,14 1_11PI• a uckialew;.ond keep on -I 8 at for saleot AV times, and at fair prlce*,_Floni s ,/tittii Feet; ecc.. rill it, t iho'beie ;fig si iti iii., - 'lt'd hcipe, b i ;Jot earnest eioltuvor„ to ens ri f IttiocouSaence and:p,tronage of the public., to reedire lt 'fo . full; era thdelhxdAricist respectfully add 'cordially 'lrreltis it trlal..l',',:‘, ' Ifidninl,7an.ffilBi2. '' • ' - - ' - ""0:TI: 3IILLEft ( -, :Busmess:Rotie . e, wohlit'reepect ecquerc cif mere Mg unsettled accounts with him, to call and tide Just the same. ' , Theirercantllek.u . ,llnme. bill be coniinoirl,of Ids Uhl stand, umler tbe 'firm of M. S.,,Millson h Son, They Inte64 to keep'a g4nieratrarfaiY.'aii.l Will !Vet' be'restly 4 u l / 6 thulkful to; accoMmodato thorn who.,fatimr • theta with a call. They will keel) Ori hand a ii4o stink of fir y Goods, Grocer' hisi Crockiory '• • : PartioiilaiOttentbni will be giveti 'to this beauch'of, the, hueluePe. toi*Cepiu full estortutette.'" Carpontere, Blacksiultlii. Manes!, Carriage, Boot end Shoe makers, will all fled the articles they want: '. • • Boots. Shoes,themilerisle; t o snake them of , kept on band by M. S.. W;LSONkS(N. ~llontroac, kSS2. •••• ' ; • • kyllf Kossuth Has-, Come,- rrup..ttnitud glorious 'taut a Tesejti to distant Turkey. to hteakdho chains-by ythieli-thstithyhtleit draped' of Plc 'rap° (uttered the activity of the Illustrious exiled lln gariatfehiof, whose very nano disturbed the Proud; se eurity of thtif iluintter." - Ite La tow that:ration's guest. Ile come,. to-enure dur sympathy and osa.nur atd for Lis people and their =doe: 'fee viral it( the-Kossuth ex citement, and,otin.7 omsiderations montAireelly concern ourselvei, late Dun 'or lint:l;Nrac'D. Drundagoli dlosnlvkil. by:tont alai erni?.eUt. . It; come necessary, ..moottively7.lo ;lose up the. affairs of, our old timiks. uhtelt 'have 'teen - frniu one tO'sixtirof years staudtur; ariddvould rospeetfully,beg leave to ten AM:attention of all thoovintiebied. to asettlemental the same ivitheitt fUrther notice or deliyi' Vie 'mites and books .may be found in' tho .havals of ,J. doge for a 'Olort time: Payment can ne maile in. either of tit- fatoMirtners:l" , • J. W. ilittiliDAGE; ' tilbann..-Jsm; 1.1852.- . . D. P. litIUNDLefl.- Dr D. P. 11.rttedarre reit peat fully aslisletlie:trilender. .hlttainenrO than lotto the citizens of .:Snoquehanna,'hu..l zefue- lYn.vllo and Wyoming . counties for thelr,sery, lib-. oral patronage. mut dIY pronto of friendship. 'He de- Mgt, a Permanent residence-fa flaboott.and 'may - be found., as risital. at the old office of ;Drs. J.-I,y. dr, D.P. Drontlagiik "tea not .52ra2 , , D. P. IIItODASP. .Exeolitor i 's tie& .. t . ..pTTßS:•Testuziistisfy ;i ark , the, Eotito :of: ?mat: Pim*. tete Of . Kraiklgo,tlio y a.,lavittg been 'granted to the ea:thee:ether: noileo Is hereby given to all inctobteU to tho . estate to call : loud seat,: thoonmo without dolly, and ult perilous' hiving demands against stile eStato wRt present.e.hotnAluty otteste..l. foreettlerhent. • Jan. ; 27j.:SAWL. W., , • • Ad * L- -' •-• SmnStratoe s Notices • . • - T. ETTEMS of Adathalstratlett of the estate o f Aza, .14 TArytart,,loto deceased;, having been granted to 'rho initletiP;pied; notice . is 'hereby given ttil all indebted to the estate to call and settle the some with ttelayraud alt persons having tletriands.amenst the estate willPletise present them duly attested for settle— Ttenti _ l' .CLIA'S.TINGLETt, ALloer. ~rnr'__ HORRIBLE t • • A Mna with his . Throht Cut ! B uy be did it himself, the Barber. had nothing, to . do svlth it NI man ever heard of such a thing being done; by tlii'llarber. while the Nevespapers are full , of installeds it men doing it thenitelves, A razor is Iserotiv thing and none but an experienced' workman should be - allotted to ha wile it. .Every than should think of this, and not trust to himself for no ort4 can tell what may happen to him.; Notrlf you never touslia'rasor you Wilt-never cut 'oat with it„.: SO illgt (lIIADLES TILMAN, Dasher Zs Hair Dresser. in Searles, buibling.text-door_ to.Postoilice,who will shavieyoti'as, smooth as a new born babe. , GU ARLES. TIPJAN. - MontrOse Dee lei 1851. sotf ACKAWAAVA'POA L, Vont ind SOD it 4 - holesall 1.1 or retail nt New Milford Depot, by 8. DDDRITT, - Ifeeember 38.51. • Lost; • OFTWEEN . the" Store Betitlek &Read and U the residence of F. B. Sticetar. Eso.,ort-theAtf ternoon of the 9th 'inst:i a !steel bend puree,. con= Loh : ling between fifieen end twenty'dollars in mo ney. The - finder'nit{ liberally fe'crinifkrbir Johvinz said purse and contents at the §tons, of Abel Tairelt" lAtfontrose-ann.l.s. 1852, • - . Hear Yel Hear _• A4 . Tiporsonet, itadhted , tO the, sahsoriber: are ro t ' Attested. to make payment speedily—at prior to ]et: of Febitiaryrne;t. : , • " • ' 13LAPICM4N; - ' -'_Decelmbei3,lBst._ '„, : Mal -New Goods, HAyDEN&LITTLE'stock of Nevr - Goodp here orrived r r.omprisiog e...cemplete - tfisort. n l ' ll ' o f 131 9'. G° 66 ; G.FaibiitT;.iia - rclware; Stove Pipe:Zinc,. 'Neils. Weis; S'esti I,lixideit Wore !hags aitd mie!lieine, • Paige; Fish;Frotti mild Safi- = ;fret', rata ; lot - and : goOd aft/Irk - bent of Ready 3ludaCtoddagiofillaaaaall4eicriptioug ! • Bootsptid Sho , ;,st, H,di; '. piat,d Bonnets airrioever,yoipg, neuallylcodnd ,la a cfalatry - ..oaiGoik,it meat be soli); otid be. - et vary, lowest ,powiikde?,prico. Oue..frientie 0e i 1414. led tct cull and look : at ouratock. ~. , .! • , , PftNinee or moOCali kinds; wonted itiexchttfig e for goods .•• .• . A Y DEN' i n -rtim Now Milforit let:.--- -•- - To. thfr - Publie. ABgL TU ItR,ELL hue,just4eturned,frots the eity ef Neer, Yorlt,,Ayith,ct ;arse and ,clisirable tiseortipent - Ot', G . OOD'S: , --;` which tivilT . be eoki,very ;6% 7 foyceph'er ready p - a y, The stock is composed of.a firat'rate`asecirtm'eut of Druge, Medicines, tit emiea llye-Stutls, Groce.ries,Glass.tvitre;spOOnn, -..'„, -.Spectacles . , etiti . usical• Instruments;";" iltankee4 Notions, and; • --;-" • '"‘ 1 '4 ,1 " ) 1;1 - - Dry..Gtiods„ _ Hntdware, S trint ware, R rrorsF Stiitioneo; ' , l!iie'dleril'lnstrontents, Perftitzlery' - • Tntisses; Supilbrie're. shotild'euaraces, Shoot, Camphine, i Durning Fluid, Lamps,;; CloCkst WatchesY Jewelry, 450. replar'reod Ilkyeicaut *ill. be! 12 -.` 00 9 8 44 atteneepce to naiist to ..3vahilie. upon cilium:re, Alt peiviinekirshliti - to purcheie'Drturiroi any' olihe tiforsttid departments, teill find their in tereetelpromoted,.hyeallitig the Drug, , and Variety. Store Of,,i AO ,/ ,4 1...YRR.N.P 1 64:,;:r.. Montrose, Nov. ,1 :;W rated . /6 FEET good Uenaloolinl;elsr eingeidit;ooo "44'i11,44***d JAR 14.100. „ /ItE&TuIt.EEP., Dtssolution.• A .„,, L:. — usseiZ4 s3essk of iteic bueleetelns the. tk , W*!ft. R.,ls thb deY dbelokred bi mutual commie. • ;: , ions EdBs. 101. ' • • U. TUBOOksil• -P. 8..4be badness wilt bemuse: be tenici Tbrxrp le CO: Olt see Ittrersigemepel rtl whom 'tatty Concom qmir.tiNt Salinity git Can .1 4 illitary Tallorrar Batrtlngtab uond, Leadolle, bOing Maleed laltealrosti It ready pse. pored to cut garments Fall and Sptima rashlm,FAtnetk... andtriellrfi,'pht torg . nftiiig'Anierlean. Call and see, IA air. amaktba'epeltaserialainici4teiCelarie!ar With* Cattill4 Xalues.rateaunsa. - ...Fallonesangha the waggle. Impnrred tut at cnttlng . Tena!libeno.., 7 ?tf • eoun an.:-;lllB.elloos,l6:l2lc42llbilalgailtriltr.ll36o-'llP4Lar:ltail o'l7 frobnins trf ypiki oiro eu titiatttrequistiod to coals and zett4e, ma'am:pa Attnedltekr, Y. liontrose,Jautivy 10..184:;. • . . .• ' ni"'' CIS • • gr., • - •., • - lINOFFEBING.ihieOPanoti Celebrated Sprit*. .I,ete thic.publicJbe:Sobsepitlete roipectfully Witte ciimild.qtunirt f etior‘ascteite mFfite„. jt a l er ; lA. , - iulierideity Over all 'ather - ,iivr.Tee. let thecil tvt,w, have (eitlid them, : beer , Arituerg, esid = the 'subsist. , beim ere ivillitig 46 abide br - thellecielop. ft tits: been.cutrfollytriathincti - by trcetrof Potence, WAY tly:lttepts,heerfu!ty e•2rectrainendeti . to the publie,....r A.cartintro tin lie liuklt teith thate,lifprinipt,eleep.. er 'Milo 'durable emit Cepa - h te. " It d ti • Pfrilt fir tie '— 4 •uot equa e y ) 5 . • 411 mirra!ited..•`. Mat isfeete.".d It•ji „-;SPROUT, BURROWS. & . • ~ • -.EA Lake, Surfa. Countsiry . Pa l l. & A r . NO* - .3lilffird ••Shivit itrid ti 0441 etiOd ' • • Tr- - 13UHRIT2 /IS again ri tnitiliet 'with tieue' L ar a n d hilorged sto c k ;of Winter lone:mid:- &Jingo ShawhiA,Lailico,dicas - Roods:of nes!. Mid , sp!endifl.p4lterns.und priccisiadaced lower..soi. tltaoitq'pinie. toile upon the' nuirliet.' And: inaloifing;nlsolits Ouriiil ;bpi; Nei for'tho Fall &I Winter chide in, Dry:Goods, arociliiiis. cuiehery.; liardwate, iron &-Nails; flats and -Wlutisi,Cops, • 13Rauctii, Buffalo Rolitis..Boots, Shoess..; Stoma efc:eta: all which Ito on tila'nsual Mans* terms and tit prices that cauriot bo peat fo! Prodace;dr oppuSvoil credit.f2 - • • -.= Flattr,-ocrl Salt constantly on harid. ; ;1,5140'f • • - Altar . A:_S haiis' suppOsOf 'that I Was nocnit to!" - Afontrosi.;frocri-triy,r - riAling ditgdodiiis=. unction; I itticeiltils tit ethod - t 0 - correct • sticWidene.l auctliould'say:thet ; the' bilsintss wilt , be .triurietti On es,forinerlyi except-that a roan wishes to bui,..- an'!ithttig in Ti line they 'enniorittrely do it IS, per 'n;.`nr. che - oplr thin - they hare'ever done' it. 144 th!il plaCe: I shell orifine- trado- 'ptzneipsp '' to!Wnlchett buying : ,tow for natal l'esue and,ssiti seittowcy then any man in this coda,. In weeke I will have. lull assortment-- Alt kincts'Of Piee's tofu flyrr paired and warrin ted;' Aniciogst the nitinerons shops in this plaits don't forget . .the l'iue'one it the place to buy ehsislik: ruttcti&e at, in„the Candy shop. , • Dec: W 48tf., restThe'Liteitsews - 131rEzp . q IHE inibseribers VOW their Mends end, X the public •keirerat,.ihattheq hasejast tttrnedfrom;New•York"ttith . n large and extenalei.. l ntoclt of,OWDScombracing every article in That is Milled. far irr this market ; and m a d e arrangements with the. inannfaetures to for... ward ailditiocol,sopplies, Wheueyer vranted.:rindi at each, prices nevi!! enable us to sell much:low« et b lime ter lidera &Aron troie; tieing inne,, t , deal shoeinaltere, dor opinion is that we know-thei wants of the people - hotter than these tt ho are iat otherhosiness. Wevrould therefore deem it mays deCeisary, to seir O nsteadnf giving a hat of Wirk, and prices, that • , • • • • Gicinpetion ; -• ' =, • • - Inspecponiolleited,--• - • And oatioraction partesistiodit. -..- IMPORTANT TO 81:1101MIAILE89-.. We keep alio on bend hernlOck. tanned sole loath:. er; French and American ~.04lf • Shins ? Morocco. Linings,l3indiegs,Shoe:nallii. Ilittd-stones* Shoe;kiiiires,, fog:Runts,' Iterniners, - Pincers.. Rasps . , Tacks; Hit and French Shoe Tooisofeve>y description.TOot Urirnrie, , ,Wax. S hoe.threed, Boot w ebb..lieel-1441. /Myelin: Shoetnakere are repectfu'ely solicited to vim.. our stoektefore purebashig, its our toots aw findings are all select ed 'cine 'who understand% the tersinerl.: - .Store directly °pot:at - Searles Hash. Dup't forget . 0e VE444 • -; ". • • . . • The subscriber would also thank hip numerous friends. for the libenst patronage he, has receive* for the tact four years, koping that lie may. sta. nierita Shareoftheir patronage as lie Intends ? , to. keep . his .Eetkig Salchrtuarid,Grociry heretoloa. Ssptl6„—tf , ••• -- 'A. I'iIERRIAIAN.. - DENTAL SURGERY. ' CD. VIRGIL, Tenders his professional rien.. evices to the citizens of Montroseaud vicinity among whom he proposes to locate as REXIDESr DENTIBT. be hitieildeaecir the beet of' his:ability_ to serve those-who uray favor biro with. their patron - Lige .: He does not propose se to cheap.. en the professiorias to lower- its,tignily. or prot:', yoke the icharge. , of, incompetency, but knottier that the` high prices of Pentietryrfeter many. who. very Much need its benefits,but feel too poor to. pare/lase - them, he' dog . Propels to consider , Chi circuits-guinea: of individuals' and 'eherge seem.. Ale sincerely : hopes that none, ,howtiVes liinited-tlieir moan's will Jet the Opportunity slip: of paraliasing (or a moan', money se great a benefit, How many• Weeks iturrnotithe of bitter, steel:dem agony, 'Might be preven44l by• Mitt% lintely at. ten tion to. the Teeth., Why Z' the , whole earth is Ailed with ;- groans from-zoothachs"; itf almost every family this dire - spectra : 4min biddy its , might. tang AncL is there 'no 'reined)!? '0 yes. sava Ono, Advert p ulled 'Nee that:save it I , No. tt!a lost forever Does that' prevent 'The - decay. pain. and:loss of others?, . No; it is but the Certain harbinger of their, like. ''fish, nothing then' bedoim to relieve}. and stille.J.- Yes, trine-tenths of all thirirriiiery and lola orighrlui privented' by'a seasonable'apaficition to the, Dentist., Ignitor Mt - point (above your teeth earefulTY izaniitted at least. ones- a year. . and, as Semi Mid Cavity inakeli its appearance, have it wall fitted and grim;Vise&dioothache . will not haunt. yotir - night akimbo/ay he assured. ''Dr t tc)emiit,c-pleastriti - to= rettia:em Tim tit airy- dam between the huh= of 9 A-151., and 5 P. 411, al7. Ant Officelif Odd Fie low's, Hall,' Carrier of = Chestnut and Thriipika f teriets. .Wrh'Werianted, I:... Nontacis; 4 oct.-25t1i;1951. - ' -'4s,'fitzr • liew-Bodtand Shoe Store' - L .:KEELER & SytItDIDARD. now firm pf Keetars dr. , Stoddard basis opeacnialicof and Shia store on nein street. first dooi belo‘if,the Mick corner in which, they oiler for eide inarrrout Asiortateent 1 -,, of Bpote.,§hoce and riudinga,at tho !await rice* IN We soli toi'rendritity add small Profit". The tfitisene orehavillage and - conntry are te: spectrully invited to cell .at ti- real g l nui n ... B ook and vitae. etore where Boot. andfehoce ate sold Ina etrid o(.l3eer and Oysters. Keep It - betbro People That wehate a full aeisortment moot% which We entunonnot, ,,7 , - .-Mens Cork see water.proof booieJang leg Title* wen?, calt halteote and, pump • booth Kip halt more boutti. thicitttnote, calf. kip end cowhide bre*, inns, Over 'Ones, etc. , • , YOathil Calf, lap and cowhide Witt, boys thick boat,, star Ladies "legit( litindicei'daiteni. Patin! tax *oil Gaiter,, interneled nod Kid. Polka , , enameled r front. lace, rolital, kid ; and Oat:Jeans We% Nei, York tieitienceliinnh'Jcitiq 1 0 114 / Rooltlosq , rubbers, etc: r hfipaei+goal and calf tool beeti. Jeauy Vitra ettemiled Polkes;i:iutels hems, etc; . • ~-Childrens' hewn thee., rut Sod cutmeled hum boot., Qiiitoie,Downipg'uets. r • b u r -Fhange ‘ we o#br French calf elllne. Otihind Hemlock laeried Caluidoug, - , At om i c* , Molt and white 'Whig ekitni red, bine. mamas, iens,l upper teutheir , 'oak and hemlock soleiestits4 PcVsAins P 1 0 144 cisObtss• heel We Webbing,etc—, - N. D. -, 'Work Midi t0t:44344'0d tepalrlsi ty - datut. • •- 4 44 r „ G. W. PATRICK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers