. ...... , - 5,..5.....,....._-,,-, 5,...-4, 5 -s s . ..' , . s s e stve.ars - 's•••• - • s- sssas - s 3,-, .':b.'e.a.zs.--a•-".s.'-iss -..--: ".•- • - ''' !-- 1- •'• '' " - ;- ' ' ••• •- ' - ' -' ' • ,_, .. i • _ . —,- . , , , -. ,•-- - , ~.. .'.7 -- . , .. - .1 .. •„- _. _ •,-,,,,....IIIISCELLWEO US - ADVEBT,ISAITS "-- CLOTIMIG BOOKS BOOTS - Ike • tt . if lactubisbio, - - r. ,-,- . -,, wiwrxeolots' stows.' -'-' * ' - '-:-''''- - :'•` - `.' -- =:•t - List-- - of lettere-. ' 3,-,- ..---- , 1.- -•- blEw akiIIiTIiTISEMENT ' - Uffitt 0 0F . Let r i s r a ti t e - ; 4 4 . o l 4 e l n ti c niqe• Ney, 'premixed eiebitilde twee . 4 t b o . iirov or the Month ending ov.10;1851,, ~,., s ~ , . - _ . a s ' _ etratp - es -Notice: - ---,- ,_-_. • ' - ' • ---ZioNv• Goods: .;-, -' ‘, -- . ; • ist se: P l°l . i- t ;' ; e „f, i rre -1 'a ,liiiiio)liiiiklii. g4l" , ..'dalliAti 4 OfQ.l2lfOillitti f Old, einee , ita ' disco': - Md ri s-tchi'Albri.... 4- ,''' -1 SAlletisMisiltegaret- -, -. Z110:0 - hal110 II ' fittl uar Benefit, ~,..,, T . sn s rsitsof At ittletranott of the carte° of Phsche JUST receive.; by the laburnum's-award large v. - ' parillefet W a le. ' ..' - ' a ' - ' - • • •• - . ' - 4 . 4 . - ' liii ' ' ••••:4 'eti r; Plotitiog ilia it hie been - einididerallY' '•4ll4l 4•lttnii • Anii •' ' H AverY; E. 5 .8.%-2 - ' --, •-••'- '• ''. - ' ' t -, ' , , '4 ASSOCIATIOItf - : --•‘.• ' •• - -• .. - La ti Thors tate of 0 n j eatßettit decosserLimaing been V' t, .. l .WoOensof -Itrady•roade Clothing, Boots & Shoesa - i • , • . -grated o the leaders gni:d r agnet, is hereby given to eli halloo Bats. & - ii/ap5,Ca1rie4,47.11144 SiSalflag Pas ' --- ' 6.• ms - "and ono - Which - - ./IttirS OVA'. • ss „ • - .._, i,, •, - - Th "tilli `to C •-' ' - 'BIO '' eh I •' OF 'SPRINGFIE AS lUSETTS, '. an Indebteq to thts.,Btlttatopall end settle the same wtth. P". hj t harea 4 ; or lota ilualaihf.- - --•-••• - -'..„ -..- _ ..- baiDe s4 -- ' • ''''' '' 4 ' ' ' l'i n i'' ! x i'''. ' ipthr ene.liiitadrectinAliona or diAlerei mime): u- ua .- ... -,-. worst - Pr ea '- ' - . . IA DI SAW , Tan attention oral( 'btoss . 8,- Ws - e A ss - , ~._,i s, „_ s _s. r e._ -, - ~,,, - ~ _ s _s_ - - Bulla - -- ,T; C r , ,-- • J.:. ;Brooks, Wra C.'" • ; ~ Betench. : offlie, ..281Y s iaz - anduray., N.-, F, = - Pat aelay, awl all „p_ersons having demanneregainst the TfivolUagand pommel Tru abbe fest single anddoirts, . present the& duly sest (4 i t er eet th, le shot Ilium, tansy Stationery; ;Tooke; GorabO,Broalloar -. • Or. - „ • t v t , - ''•- d - iiiiii„ ,, ,, - Ao , cno . .. , nol=l l4 , l P.WillalLlNO.ll4o Or sue. eminsry . B - k/ Th • --' .... „ B . va ". ll • N; p. -- s s, ~._ t , : ~...5....5 . ~„.,-. , . , , estate 'wnliplease , ere b "'Le is' • • ‘ .?5,it5..,,,' * * An' T a t .wprise:s.-4 1 " 14 4 , 8 , -5 5 9 ,41 A. ° l i , *6 O Brt t ish '- ' gqt,7 -Bissell, Lydia X' '_- :Blaidell„I.• S. •.. _ '...'•: 4 •-• itecuninlated Cash Capi- - , - - . Great Bent oct. ta,isai.-41ass: - ..1 - . 1-. ..- - - - 4 - . - -..---- . - -.• ~ nh47 , arti gl eit' ta•aaPacroiss io'ils arloa;ail - ah l4 ha ,' • • oa ts The ' se e ,_ u g n '',, . 4 24 ,--"- ,1 7 -".„!;: - .. , ..‘ , ,,, , iat,„ . . , ; - Toirei...A.; .; •-,, - ,,c",.'. - ..';' - "' ; '; • .:si ,`'-',.i - ,- , ' • r ,- : ' <:, -• * t - , Backti.S./.• 11. , ' - ,-. ' ,'' ',B o l l es, ' ,/ehit;, , -', 2 ' ''',. - -'' till '-- -• • - ''-‘ - i. s - ''..; "' 4. . - zs33'ooo- , --• '.. - —.-: , - .- . • i.. :,,,, `,•']..ettn° .° 60 ibrfm4lr P* V ati dulf 6 ittiontli,• 4 ' c h"P ''' aon Page 52 5! i F; PluPille '` 'WS " qa 1 ; " ` !,2*, , itii4.80,0(10;110.0 - •kepived , at die usiowiri, Geo.A: -: • •Carrier Edward ,'• !• - • , Guarinty -Cipitar. •• - ~-. 60 - 000 -- . ~ Admunstrator s Nalco. ~ , , ~,,. , 1 as the eheopest,t-rf not, theOper.,, -.- • ___.- -- ;-- -f , • , - J.. ~ A few dozen pate WoOLENSOCKIi waisted.' "':', • .• 100 _.„,:-, ~,,,.„,..1„..-4,..c.in -.1..... ~,. . -.-...,.. .. ..-,,,-. , • --, -„.---.- .. -, ... ; ~,, -.% ...._o_ .. ••,.. , ...3 ~ .E, 5 Ini• ~,-;,-' 5 . , ,- -- 5- ' / 5 lki . OnCEls bertis ghten amiletteree-of aduiiiiistiglon' r - Notitrose''Oet. 6,"1841'' -' '-. ".• 3- , ..024 - - ; 004 is. nit frotn ann s astter..,"r, W.."" 4 1. 1 ‘!•,F1 • "Itrmlinstm.,t inseutdegjargwamountsrecelven, t• , ...onssee.Y• reu - sun , , <*arlSe • 0 4 30 f)• acl. '• •'•.-•".. : ' ' ' -- - 7 - 2' '• -'-- - ' • - •', ' , LI hare buil granted to t; ri undersigned on the estate -' ' . '•--.- --- - • 11711411:1': ....": .7 1 ` on sfnexY all PelsOnfs.:who a,rolol , lu ,? ln g . "Add'eansuo4:l - ,x-eentimatiaid, joielfers .; ~ Caamberlia,.C.-.• • '. - • .CrnWford, Ge'orini -„,. ..-•',,l7tisci an ~,,tsioelatian,o4_,Atedinika . iiid i g h. , orNathanArnolddeceaselt fated Great Bend towastsp,-•!4 -• , nettee,lo: the' rtiblic ''''• •'")'• 01 *. a avtneeship..eaffacity -in this Lam., aim - la - - - .. • •,,,,, 1 , ...• ,i • •• .-- , , Camp, Patrick '- • - Colville,*Alexander- _ , ers, „ or . _ .. 0 „_ _ ___„,,,,., ,--_,., ~ ____,. . • All persons hastier onuttled accounts With salll estate ,ay '''s, - -,, „, .„,., _ , ••• . - , 4 ,- , ...: "'",,' 1018013 111 r' , - 6- use a to, ini Bial a --. co _ cm . e timergritst,• a Irv% ,". from, aau, , . _ ... , ...... ~ . _ ~,, , . ... ,_ ,i nat4 . 4 j - , rme InsUliti4 , °env Ag Of enact - 2 ' -lin pletne (411114.68611)o IMOIOLUAtcIy i. •r- . , 1 +(CIO Area/it/name rats one Winter Goons at tat ' ~,,irealth, shall file or ,b,, ~ __ no _ . , __ _ _ 4 ~., t „ „, ,, r . . , . ~... c tayten, Tames , S.- . - Levenagh, Miehael=2, - , '' -' igher;in`case 4f: aft:hie : Si fir' ficcidea. ' --- - ~ ;-- .'___.., ' ..'. - 11A1Vf.131"matz. .- ' '' ',' - ' '' ' ' ' tient One Price . Mc) ' of- ;-' . ' -;-! - .L'''' ''''.. taso f PrOthOnottirt in' t 0 county tit -Yin MO!) 1110317f4„ tIX,I, P er i , ; 6 o 6 • ll / 1 16 6 s toe ' lMansiPheoba A. •D • ora•-•W .- ' Walt th payment ,ofthe folloWing annual' Wee, yea •': ':'• -' -,CISAS. cualresitLAtti, Aa * Ti. " •*. *:*'* * ' re ' -'" •-- , IL. N.;10ENIIIIKIJI r Great mond, vn. ,- , - th e °"- ° h • d • rni WC la' 'elf' wholo'sMoniila ttetoyr ' • - a • •• - --- ' ems ' m* '= .- - ' 'Dwill t° here t.e sat pit, e ip _rpgri , ... _ . , .„ , r , ~ , , sminne, an otr- Demstoni-R. •.4 . -- '••-‘ • - -hiekisison; a.- ~-„, .. , ,,... „ , weeio b ix e r , it u l t ife ?je ro mi l . r et=ll u b l e , tntitte4 to a Greet Tend Oct 21, 1 8 .5113Vv6.• ',. . ...*:•*.• Traa leitte to take this.opportanitl or tentleting lits 4, _ counties's. , th e names and location tit-suck. Pattn*:l 9iilatiOtC,CrAlifOr4Stiflitait 3thilaiding , tbe - Darrolv; Wm. --• _'• •- -Eddyataria-R - -; -:- • , Sickness or Aceld M ent, front eitending to ,414., orsi t t4,-1 ' Admintsitrat7ef*N -- tre -7-7 : . n u n a u'.erthan 4 .,..4 ,, c'hil°Tr'entb' aluveus'emer.. o .%; ...0, : r4,,--,,,,-. -- a , th style 'and" i i tacc:: iiic die ludnev. ,sso. Veit*, itatiped , bithit United :- Stites Foster - Constable ''' - ',"•F tor ,„., • ma_ rs,„„.; -.- busineas or emanation, and at thee decetege of e• member - ' ...___,_. . , .' 0 . et' "'- il ' h er : s us t a" P e s l ei : s a ; rm e ' Y th tlak e Ih elle h la r, 11,1-1-1 , „4-_,,,-. . 1 , , --- ° - rehan Wei imeinfientia sair -: `-' - -, ''' - 4 . -••- -~ -- - I. - Gim e, , _ . . .•-; : 7 't . s'S'aa - ko;"!J ' , this Astociation elan, eppropytete ; sge • t e b e pot as 4 5 -LETTERfI o [Administration ef tho estate; at James froni Ne n * Tor t k with c a 'Very l in o n ated c ohoic; sel l ee e t t lotioti:l•-. is at 41 14112'S hil), , • 1.,..„,_,..,:,;;. e . tc hat,h,;•..-Ana,Yerl'.oo:Ohl r ien t e.,rMieived . 'sinee AU , Wm, S. • , . - Gere, " David•. - . -.. ,tescrei benefit - , to Such Person , or, Pc:lons as shall, LlO7 ... ...Cith. 4130.41 ,1at0 of the townshiyt of Great Bend, Paneyanilsesple tory tioodor e . rg ,, - Alte- a freehand eaten , . f•,• patinershiP sh all ta• " 3 P i -- e ' ; •It"? ''!•"•,' 4 " •4 ' 1 ",". - ritit iwf Odtater - Aintotthting if; - .Ne*' York : - Her Per, Alex.' •-,- - 'Hubbard; A: ' 4.. '' nut'lleri4 ed; to r4c ,..., ye; /I. _ ; ; ;,; ~ ; ;; ; ..; . , ;; nanng eng i rrtcd to the undersig t i e d, aotlce Is here., - ,,siveassortenentof Orceeries;Provisions, ItootSartahhcany, - , • s bth inembem - Of saga 'now lu i r c ner'' - *-* -- 1 •' - - '''. - ' • 1 -- '' - ',Htiwly'llenj ,- .' ' 'lleac' Th '' . 2 .- '• • TaAney DEPonT Fon / 41021 all'liaaaa• 8 0 'rens at , hY(Pren tO el ndeb fed to - tho estate to ealliard sane Watt and caps, Hardware, Crockerjs ice',Drugs illut - .." 114E4 e ce ,f Y ' , 3 • mid in default Or negleet of ' 0 s ' near .ii ' lAtitta-$ 5 , 000 . 0 9P ; ' UP • `-`l lll , the* 1 i x i ,. i , ~,,,-_ -,. j Yr s onia•l7 . .- - , • . , , st , , , ,me , .„ , , , . thesererwithout - deley t and all perscrierhavints demands Medlelnes, which will be sold for etish.and itodace. at is ,".: - IMP a s -artsli ' t o do, the - *hall not 1,4 - 4 ,• , -11 , 41 1 t ifttstr iliwiaithelatisitt -;, ol 'miners- end .17 9 . es '',,,,, re • - S-, • ones, ans, ..s . , ~ • snin dellms a yhar you will thaw, per week - $4 00 ".. 1 . 9 ?!.. 11 1 4 _ 1 ,?, Z.: all' Please_pmenti them drily attest, • ' very steal advance, Litt:ll'lcm; uhlel defy all competition': .. Ach partnership so . . . . Y - ... „. . _ „____,._ ___ ~ ..., „ . „,..-.. ...., , ~. ~.;_ ~, .- . , -.ascot, lav Leon „ -, Kelley, Win, ".. .., , . _ '.ln , - .. - - , - 7 ... , - ~,., . 3 oo , .. , ,r . f . lej; : i . f ..., „1 , ., t ..;,,,.., BlylD TIIS3I.A/3„ Adm ,r. • - Phint , Vorh,Vish,Balt;synotesideandretait,-hsworild . " u • a suds eir 'nations against mem/ . east - peumea , Ott itle - Ktioutoirittae. - •-• ts wat nos- .Li noa, i h ,i t :: _ .1011 e, E.-A, ••-. : '- ' '• . 1:,,fT. 4 S. ~ ,-' - - - - & • -,' ... .. •4 00 a 7 '''''''""‘"!,'S; SSeS. I' , . 00 c - s-4/"' . - ,• 1 , ••• also remarkthat he a/berets t chit) , to the system of al-,,,,' Permitted in y .. . e ~c . olii. _ , ,ii . „i , , , tor before any Justice of th pea . o .4 -bo I . iarge, rt est= te, -- probably, tapir. Lee ,D a r t , ,* -- -.--- M, n - 0 . 1 . p e t er .- i Six .• .. • 7 . '- -'7-' 7 t • ‘ ' I; tia.. = ..Eye over the Left ''.,' -- ' wail n 'ming the lowest•price et first,therebygislugther s 1 • ' ; ,santeadvantagreto all who may rover laim viehabeir pat.. ~' i n an y our . , _ It h : to ' Plead•` ' d - - th - -''- "..--- d ' ' --• ' f $l2O '1 ' •-' - l' ' ' -s - ' - ' . ' '- • 43 e n . ' ' ' ' • '' . 'r ' ' - - - - —, -. .., hk ,„ aaa in this Commoatve.a , . , , _,_ owe etattre pro . netieo, so . in . , at ,IA ddaugh, S.' ' - - Marshall S. B. . '., ,' '. Z i s.. ,-, _. -'- *-.„ 1 ,*.-- . - -, „ ~ lc ; AT , C. bIssELL, having p make Red die inler.' - 4 ' •ha g e '. - ' ‘' •-' . ' "••• • ' „•: - ' e a r l , m i s nomer or tho ()mission of the: name, ofs. 0 • 00,00() • ;•:f's - ' - ' s " .s.:, •• -• -; . ' , MOran, James • Myers, Henry: • ` * . - 1 -.. • . . • Pem•tlef;tea; frOno $2,00 to ss,&;;, , ,-... - .. e m ' IX S Mit of R:T. Janette), tar the Tailaing buts.; -'s Groat:Hetet, Clcithlrig• " _Storti.r.' - . 1.-, , - , r ber of the partnership or * the inert- ,-, :s„ - The - Pie - hid ti ilia:big . detir6eiatid l. MCFarland Mei i ' Munnor Mrs 2* ' • Th°" Ova fit,y year , o f _a ge w in be chatg e d ;25 p e ; r ' .r i tt ' itlette e Cert be found" at - the shop former! 'occu 1 • 411 ' - Y. P e Blade Cie The largest, beat:had cheapest anertmmat ,of Reidy -'," thing in thervlnap.of Great oarid, Pa -s Prwld - A mem at mendsersefisaid ' • ••• -••-- °- .• -...... _-. ,_ - --- --' ,*•„,„ • , .1,.,.-• ~ • ; , ~rxtra. $1,50 Admissien Fee will be charged in addition' Iso a 0 et..13 . 88e 1 • ' ion 0114 1 ) 2 "f P ers q tts n , . -- • , s ; .: : : 4 116-*alt - te , of_e4ter in Comparison, atid that -- . 31 „, °c P i1u T , ,,,. 21 . IL" - N _siwcomo isaurivst. , to tho above, the Bret year and mast be paid at the a e 23 ' . '- I • l ' ' - • '' "•' ' . -....• I ,' e- n. ' ' '.- Cloths.tioe Sitins,Cassiruores end Vestingsof allwattlitteri •I mrberthip. ," '. •• ' - ,-'' ", ".- i • - it• - i'. • • , '.• • h." ' - t *S ,Ir " • •-•• '. •' ," r. • ttessegie, nutty '-, Reardon Mathew' ' ,thrmof ma ktozlMPlieetto°, ' and - the first year's deposit -._ „Having, received - instruction Loos - oss. G. .C 1 ',. imitable fertile Paiipa Winter Trado,whlcti he calm es ,Ri z- iiic, 14. That heteafter, where two torpors) ci s:. t .. n 4 Itl1: 4 w ~el 3 u 0 Ite alva, Tame _pi, ~... nussell, E. L. - ,;-:- Ht,everns, Carlisle ..._ . within thirty days. The orgurizatlon of thieDualtution 'Scott, of New - YOrka.h&flottent•ltioneclf ; that...he '..filLlPtroi iTtarttr a VT:anr l ll i i ° ' ll- Pl a tt , 3 ° ;ggi ," , Cons may be desirous of entethass , latAi Inty,l l 2, s t . a ., t _ t ,, e r: , 134 0.:§rP. _.i..narasetke by ' 5 , Eefleti" . ,-s aw Ere m.o . 1" '.. ' _ . Shertlii, John . ',' -'• '''. IL"e`Piril..lllZ424"l,,`Allt;';:rtf:i rg b i er, 1 i i:,%%: 1 4,3 , 8 e . , can suit all who may favor him with their cut... businessl;•el:a.abeettccitilisreeltnogr;q:,,,,,,ga ...4...-.,..., tess whatever in par,taershifr o-lgostY,• et',u l l?t,Oloiat tdo ,e_intr. l 44 la , t l tPtiPtii,so 6 4:Smith; Phineas ! Spragod, Oliver" -, . - : g e estr o r r•qa., And tarther • - n °aid invite attcriclon to Au u t t l i i i i . . i n v il: d ud Winter l''ctishient i o v for 1151 and. 1852, a w l ' l e n t : t h i ( Ori n ° t w o igi e e r nt t t% I' s i ti f u rl :Od ds ° i I r ‘ i; tl t i l ay e t e l Vl E :lronic: - ' ; " th e y &h,tll before they engage . so . enter . i9to :tvb nttifist - ' , ltisfug - , titsr - Uiltier' cola.' ', The , Tilden, George'* - • • ``: 'Vaughn, Miss Anal , _' ilea, Ve n, i ' d;ittfe ,- -!,:l.ilVil'Tti A GroW bid: j -310allose . Oaf 16 1 851L.I''' 'C. 3 „„ 18 ,§ EL-4 • ! -- thingto their a nvantage: , The.snburiber hats mum sr 7 J., - aursochilaSineSS as aforesaid, COMply. Mgt , enly. - tethedy, which appears: : feasible, ' and ,:Van Ess, Jesse ' Warner, Mis.s Betty •- • isrdsvnio; Don. F.D.' -C -, ..reter, - an. istit s, i,„ 4 , ,s, ' n et ..,„ _,'. • --s s -• ' -.- ' • isasen oats to manufacture clothing in nil itortriorfous - -- z b'd be subject to all the provisionsond restric:, 'Aik e i t , -, ... . se generagy ' acceptable to -, be ~the, . .Wells'; WM. D. '-'' • ' Worse, Abby." • • Ml' Ohaso, Maiiiroscl Ma. ilo'aer Greek/ 'NS. ( IV t Now 11121for - d7th — awl and Dress _ ... .. ~ , , Ron. E. D. Bench, Spnosdeld, Shoe. --• , - . . Gd ..... 3.. "M..' • ' , " bra ncp es, arid la now piepared to sell the trameWarrant- .r.," a ed to ear I asp( ction.„ Easton) mairk foul _cattlng done ; ~, , • the' next preceding seethin of, the% act .., • 'l' - - - s_"„ c •,..• - - ... . - ~. • ..i ; : • - 11 lions ul . - _ vottutry,lieeint SO uct 'ltilt•A;ongress to an- ; • rersons caning for the n ovo Letters will I &Oh m amber is furnished ;with a cap/et the ar-Lairs _ uuz, ,j• supOnilln. r at the Latest style and Shortestnotlee, 7 -allkin Is of tau. , , ,_ - , ; ors'tritnmingsfarillibed and rot sale. Do not toratt *be -, ;,, ;. ...; ;;; ;;; ' ;; , , ~ . ; , _ _ , „ - ..; of the Association and - will reecho the "Monthly Repot'. ' ATTEMPTED A.SSASSLVATION. 4 :-A most Toni '- tho ng° !. 4 01 2,t.lcirto - - to, be taken froth all .-• Please PaY `.` A dvertise,d. _. p,c• AsE, 1 , , ,,aia. , ter" which enables them to know the prosperity arid II HURRITT.ii tiguin i* in Oritel wan 4 now spot:, Store nearlyopposite the Stenslote House. ••• - : -,, attempt was made to take' the • life'. of Mis , ‘the ne* femme „tefAtilroi- coin'. • .It cannot . - Joseph ' , L; • Dlerriman_ .-• il l Y er g e iv tY en e Ty b e e a l itrn ti g tt rt:t I n t e l :r l Z l iii nelt o le r e t etrie 'noir enter d sto lc 1 - ' ' Cited Bend Se f 1830 •- -1.," S' LENTIFIlll• •- ' 1 ., ; its_ ha is & ge ud„ 9 of ruiter- long and; • ........._____ 2,... P . l . ' • • '_ • ‘ ..-:.: 11555 Y TEMCLEY, 21 Church. Bid, .Queei ~ . obtain a free - eirerdatioa,at its present value ' .--- &hilts this abed orion; t gl,l flit' , i 0 ~,,,t the ' - '.t.reee Democrat," over SI. C. Tyler% sto ce re ' . ; ho _tilo' ,: 7 s 4l7hi s pal. , ntd ki l e r I f e .. d e r s e rd G u c7t d l": . l i' l t ° vf '- r, 14 liii- nr! : V. , ' asid populat SohOol b00k..-.; Anne's county, Md., about dusk en the eve- ' :as , .it,?ii wor th ii ib e o - three Per cent. premi- T public gen e:L er:illy, 'that h rm eh e ta jn:t t r e eecived - frcTra : ' tioatr (-- Ore. A•• ./ .71 D . AITIS, Ag,t. for flu.sq'a. Ct.; .. the - city cash pa g' nic tells np n e the Mu t rket. we• ano • - CO3IPREELENSIVE„ tiSMMAILY OenNivEitiAL ma ' '. • tosether with-a 1110(16,,APaY drama- ,• . ning of tile election, and which Came very leats.:: ura',Undidl largo' pieces ere quickly tak. n , „wee York, an assortment of 0 gods, contains (In Part) ----L---' -e '-- - ' ';e7 • ' inclaing also hit general eciPelies for the Fall di. l'"? ' .'m STIED PERSONS, to which is appended an epitome or, , ' ceesful The Centerline Senfine/- - -.; , •,,, _,, ... ~, _ ,' . • ~. , • i" of Staple and Fancy Dry GOOtIB., Greeeries _ Crockery, N ow B oo t and Shoal tore Winter trade in Dry,Goods, Gmeeries, dasck • ery, DD ' A.TIIEN bIYTHOLOGY; , NATURAL ...- proving sa • . . , -,,for,expert.l- ' : Thorearo,Many objeetioos , o , .., Ilardoraie - ,Dye Btnifs, &0., which he will ditisase ot, for - says :- 7 ' * S• 7 , 'illiti 'in th •I ' '' thbase ` 15 . ,. -- b" ' 1r c".t,, PrOduce,or approves reedit, on as faverabletel me • H.Eirts . IER -& STODDARD. -. Hardware, Iron & Nails, Hats and Muir Cups, PHILOSOPHY GENERAI;ASTRON- - '• - ~ He as standing, nom . the hotel:o _ Mr. -.. ~ .Y g. ,0. eo n - wi . ~ r mete wic and atee low pries% as ninny other establlalunciat In the Bonnets, Buffalo Robes, Boots ci• Shoes,' Stov s "' ,c. • ' ''' ••-' ° OMY and , Plll SI LOGY.' . - --- • Irm he v•as fired at by Some Onti in WIIIII(1110t" apply Ur .4 - ediicing -- the weight " fi -ofK el r &... S addard hi ' county...inane raid here say, to quote who aro in the new rm e e . t , T B ' ' IWO , . - etc. etc. all which he will sell 'on his usual liberal Meirdt, ir i , ' • -_ - ... -„-),.,- „ . ;- , ~.. • habit of going out oilman to- purchase goods, that he , opened : a Boot and Shoe store on Main street, Adopted and noel" ho the Public eheols of Philaislphia, ': an alley adjoining the tavern-..the ha .. 1.1 took . iso, aeve . n per cent,'," - De - LIZOn' oy tne ' trot- win be homey to have the privilege 'Of convaucing - them . firsf door below 'the 'Brick corner in wh i ch • t h ey -terms and at prices that -cannot pe - beat for cash, - - ~ u is e . • - B. S.. JONES '& s Ce -P 1,1" h rs • ' ; ' effet on the back of his hand--it then - Oozed '. ertimeift trein - the present value - of the _us _ .pa cic t hem do es well by them as those that make more off •r for 01 - '-- i ' ' Produce'or approved credit. ' • .. ' WIN t. -_ • ; • . . Cor. Fourth andlince stet, Philo:, , .. a* out greater pretensimut. Please can at his Store ."' a ° __-_ _ _,_ 12 , ' It N.B. Floor and Ina constantly on b l ots. . ana passed eptirely through the back part...Of ~ , , , I t t ei n , te a „ gem milli° sho r rio . to . legal _Di et : . t iii Upscassille and satisfy yourselves on de t subject. „„ ' Who Largest Assogrusettx '. ' •TeaShers and school Committees tiddritssing lettersto. -, his neek. Had his hand not been in the. peak '''' 44- fOr nil • nnieuirta aboire thine or , fiie- wArrimn-routt,r, aemp.nutte,, - Aaa n slicep roue, of moots, Shoes and Findlogs,at the lotecal pricea . New s filfordDO.l. 2 / 1e. 5 1. -- 5 1 41tf • ‘, ' _, Sits post pahl, will be furielshod with topic* for examine. -' , IN' AIONTROSE. 1 - ton am} it was, at the instant, the ba!l :would '. s _„_ .. ~ ~ , . _ , ~ _ _ for t; l i iii h rhino c i.!a h i ' l l litNi t r i . ' ' ' $2OOO WANTED. ,*,* * - 11°a* - A fall and cern .' teie iiraortment Of It ' * -* " ' ' oohs andBta. _ - • assed through the centre of his neek, unuqtr., B , ltoo. z . Fie (Frport. tlf• 1 3001 WOUld at -.. ,t i . t , , , 'We sell for ready toss-and small-profits DT theaubscriber, as he is now preparing to get up his : otter y forsnle at the P Lowest Prices.. .•. • , -.. ' . hare y be , ste ea 1 / 1 1 The citizens of thervillage and couniry are na. .1.0 thlt stock, he offers to his uumerons customets, his • which would, no donbt, 'have caused instant ,-." one° .pp -, w......0_ ett - vrie -could - be . isoaiwzyms premium Starcit - Lnatte, for masing Eteady-Made Clething, - - -- death. Thawlepis the samo individual 'who wrooged. - The ' , present', - ..eoins, would be -1- ' um r4 I - U -- at w p, il je g u i Zai l es " , re. th , g g?_ at It s eea t l u c t one e rs :.- spectfully hvvited to call at a real pouine Boot wl , eniaiftr present , large assortmcntot goods at lower prides than establishment, In "Western New York: 'This ' A• LARGE wortmeneet latest Styles, Jai refitted ,; . was a short time since confined in the jail.: in , worth their full value-4e -the holders ; tho In shirt and collar Factories- rrice Iliii cts, Portal ' : bij ' and , ell° . ° .•,! t°r° whe - re B"ts _ and ' dm° u ! *43 " id in " stack consists, in part, of alerge stock:oral:mans sur er 'Li and for saltrat a small _advance for ready pay.- Centertille on the charge . of being - concerned , new -coin tetdd be, olaitivd - at pit for the • - MiTtrose, 'Nov. 2,e, .18a1-- _ A DeIIi•TURRELL. atoun or riser and uysters. . 'En -- - Keep It before the People, glish patent Levers, of his own ion portation,Werninted superior to any over offered in tdls Store next door to Judge Tyler's. 'l,lOOTIli and SUOES. ', Counly i Gold end A new and good 'assortment of liden'e Boots. coarse and ,; , , in the recent kidnapping casel but was. re. convenience °Cain - -.'" - a th 'C - - . 110IqTROSE IdEAT EMMET ~, ge , an : o -overn • , That we have a full assortment among which we • Silver anchor Levers and Lepires, Cold Lockets, tsbim. ; fine. Calf and Morocco Min's shbes.-11roitien's'shoes, - • bles; Spectacles, Breastpins, Bracelets, Earring), Finger • coarse and fine-Altsses, Boys and Children s shoes. The ; _ leased, in consenaelme of his fuming Btoie'e meat wbuld b '" li d I :11 ih .. , . , . . , 9 tette Fee .orB - e ex- . . I . I' eow e OVE doo b I lb " - -.D -Pe • f " emocrat , noting o . enumerate : - ' rin• ' „s, t. nu' pins,Peae Pencils, vest, guard and rob chains, largest lotto town and probably the cheapetll received:, : witness. , , - - ' lietiseS - of the' mint.'-' .-''-'' ' " '''--- '' ' ' .- i - : fice, basement story.- , • . Meos Cork tole water proof boots lo IH • Seals Kees Sec Also ave tlt off ll W ' water tha fire- ' • ...,' -,-. ' .-- ' * "-'• .ng eg tin. , • - - , rya oc . ver are,com• ar on sanday Last, i n D anv ill e ; Li v i a,g . .,a s , -, • - .. - -•' ;.• •••,- 71' --",••• --- ' - B. Snarmitakes this method to return tri his .- gariaiis s calf half sole, and pump boots, Kip half I n iv r i , s i l l tilgfr o e r r t y a oa rticla. in th a t line, warranted pure as eoln,„ .MISCELLANtiOuS ' !ADN't - RT I S. .'',. ton Co, New York, a boy about fourteen -- , Purnosortirearlie - editor of the E3S.- n v onierr i oti rs aousto tr men. his sincere thanke d - for their sole boots, thick boott, calf, kip and cowhide bro. cy floo n 4, til m ocke " , jeraVely'cd, C r o m mis in ,;e7 rv varier !: '1.44. GROCKERY, STORE; ..• - ~ , _ , sry . l be I pa .. °nage heretofore erten ed to him, gans, Over shoes, ete. - . Dinghaall-Cri; Oet-10 . ALFRED J. Et (INS. r tile of Ray, met Snoth years ke. by the ha or • tOn - -.47421.1 Mr: Vi r - H. , 114 ' ' tter,was defea. anittnasts that ot will be continued for the limo to ' ' Corner of Court and WashingtoMits. - ' LiFATIiITE BUB:1171111iii - SONE. - 11l i iii - FIC- ' 'c' -1): ' ' aad, of about the' sante age who had some, ap..... -- t e d, fe" b tli .1, _l_l , , - ~ _Dr • „ m i t ,. , .... 'Youths Calf, Kip and:cowhide boots, boys thick • 1 ,,,- 0 ,. etc; ... ;„ , „, , , . t„ , ~, frit Stetson estates pleasure in annotmeingto the , r., o egmatere ma .. orthompton - - lair ' .1. public, that in consequence of the liberal patronage- • F i t t, Ray 'retineated the boy to give him mime . eO , - ,„,., k .11,_wki. i.. e,b,,,,,,u nu ' - rt 'ln 'wadi= tribis business as heretofore carried - ''''' - hannel Gait rs -at 1 F ' - '-... ' :._ ' .... ' ' • ' •in h ' Ir t towy d pon t isestablishment the east year. her ~,_ which the boy rerased to do. Kay then set ~s 7 '.g. -7. g PP,P etle _ n , , fz. 7,7 -7 r - on, he has prochred a Machine lor the. cuttirm .. of Ladies French c e,,p en ox Tau UNDmItSIGNEu fo cI F ' ' • his dog upon him; and the dog held • fdrn while - " I LL 5. , knelly . simieunceS . : -•„,. 4 ,, 1 . ~, Mince and sassage meat. He invites faimas,`"and ' welt Gaiters, enameled and' Kid,Polkas, enameled ' Years or th. - Larsytte;noTrtitt y nst o o r n e e n Ti n su r r7s=7, b e anT: r ., t6. ° T=o a r n sr l e t cra 6 rt e r 6 e n s_ tl ev u ery ue ty=tc h ay Oi -, , front lace Polkas, kid and goat Jmerv Linn's, 2 40,Wanhingtett 81.4 N. V:, (W. Tyack,Agen t,) Would la. C rot gzery ha genet3l U.ft, for Table and Toilet Ware. =- Ray struck him With a long ' Club - over.lhes - **,.' .;,tbsi. getsmtion eski . 4ubmitted to * t,ho others" having meat to cut, to give him et ca i. 1e ,.. ew York ties„excelsiors, Jew- 1 Y Lind* Rosettes, form his friends and tho public in general - tliat be has and will be soh' in settsorhy the single article.' Aloe st," ; • . right eye, fracturing his skull in such a . -,. , , , , . , , ay, . Ithng on year meat, and thus save a great deal of - . lam People of NortbamPtera County On Tuesd - ' " • • • kid ties, rabbets, etc. -•• • - - c 4 "talrheil a _ __ ' ' • variety of .. -- _. ; • , • ' ,_.._ ~ __ 2 - , ner that the bor survived but three boure..ss- -whether they, would shiste - a . 0(4 reprisen. /ab° ' °l°l time. : °tu ll e s/ v e rY amder ate" - Aliases goat and calf Lace boots, Jenny Lind's " BURR MILL, STONE MANUFACT'ORY • CHINA. T - gA SETTS DINNER WARE, '-'r . i - Ray was lodged in jail. ~ ,_ _ lee or a goo . 0 tom - ,,A coming waiter, -. ' ' _ E. SHAFER. • anam m Aron , Nob. - 13; lB5l . - - ' ' ----- 'ed Polkas, Dutch. boots, etc. -- .':- .- , - - - - ,-- • - - - „ At- , , . ,„ clad Pane.) , erticles, such , art Fruit Beakets, Card Aortas,' - _ _ : , • Colognenottles, Togas, Oa together nith a hype stoek,ef ,'.. lollr and its Fatal Consequen-, ' end they ' ' - ' - ' al . decide by a ma, . ty, Of !O th 1 Chi'drens' button shoes ut and • ' f . . Emote, Gaiters, Downing's ete. -at d7"- ir - ar - tiFT * f - - ' • no e ann or Sale ,go enameled lace ~ - - Ringhaintog N. Y A . ... . GL A Ss-SNARE, consisting of ent,:preseed, and ; . / ..„, 1 igen' Tatibters, Goblets, Wines, Decanters; Frultllonls. - ‘ 7 " • • nes. theywonld:rathee Live ic:: od dit ' , ,„ „ go e or.-- -. ~ a „ _,, 5 ,. - • • Is I s croy nuflittnam7 opp Phenix note), ..uishes Nap les Pitcher* Candlesticks Lain e Epode ~ ~ ..,,,,- Ilinzalliar Mir - Side." -• rs 4 ' - - - • rpm subscriber orers i or mie ~,.., a ___ :„__.,_,. ,- • Among Otlf Findings we offer Fre:tenter' stone, : And solicits a share of their' patronage; -- •J'if - u P ilottl ,Lainp Globes' ' Chi i' ' ' fall .••••• Ai ocomrence . which recently transpirou ~t - •- - - ' -•.- • - 4 , ,•_' _ A; BlOOklyn omi:this ) ; StwsvmhZl,M i LL," . ",l ar '''' t ?,' :!, Oak and Hearlokk tanned Calf- skins. Moroceo, Me win have constantly ;Ashanti a larsestock ofFrench si c r c e n s', - It n e c . ' s L e so con e :tautly n hand, c- ta l : ort c rirea c t • of•:' ' sibs! of our most popular female seminas- - : Is A ' Axisisr . Teiss . fittiP . : ' l' lk h. Laakawar.no tmd JVestern - Railroad, containing 80 , pink'and white lining skint, red, blue, maroon ' !aura.. annstea n ts, ast r al/a n large supply rif Esopas end - Spirit, lard, 'Solar, and Cum ° Irene lamivs,, wrest- ' Blocks, bolting ,oloth, . Got tsS'andllallLantertur Also attire° iotof• ' _ -, , ,• B O -taems , rp, a wn etes of land, with 65 _tares under improvement, wall - Roansi - Bitoding,:, trpper leather, oak and "hemlock' IL ' c r :n et w e iro e %nd ie r e il i g e ttil le . " ries, affords another and powerful warning .. in Kne - r oe -. iiiiii„, , , - • r;Rn; 138 , _ aeraewee sprtngs. amid farm has good bulldogs ini . "sohlenther pawl zinc mills !parables 'h I ball, c ' he il gated ti 8 bI hi hti - , ab i t :"• " ; LOOKING-GL2ISSES, ~ . .'.. in those who are indulging in-the thought-, , ,foriNirkeiT-!: P:3; ' „e g li7n B- 0 , til e a.7 l, lle - ee l :, L,.. O b er;; 6 e gs " tr i ale t iglitio ar.ie r n.o.s cr a c n il y on c e ; :is n eur ni m 'cgc o p iht y e b n* - a s s " - webbing elc . i ' '-' - ' ' . ' ee , ',tilt I,: e will t'atthfullyy n eZ e cCu s t i o - all en teZer n a nd en i tram P te;f4:- Window Shades,Tea Traya, Castors, Table shitestita._ isptactice of attempting to frighten oth.: - . Reildi,,,,. - G az .•••; •-- "- -_,-- ''' ' • • . 7 "i . - ' a good farm. . ~; ~ - - - t - ti ; 'l4 B -' ITV k'so"tid 'to rd ' 4 • - ' • o er an repotting neat- his care. not only in quality, butler prices of articles fur- ted, 0 ennari Silver mad BlltiarmiaTabla and teurpoons,,: - nished,and solicits their kind petrenngo. - Table' nattleryi ece,, - .411. orwhichwillbesaldserylowfor• .. , • — 4-0 •. . '' ''' . ' '. '" - i • Tessre.--$5OO down rum toe balance I I - r i ° Cash.. With increased facilities forinuinese,' and Imre- .; 41. Two of the young ladies in the insti- s ' A. Guakiiii.t;-;l3e ' ' - ‘- monger . towns IN to ZaCia b- ' - ' wont at ' "Ai a Y ear 7 P v Y" .ly done. aline nterest. so for saleat . • . - , , .. -44 Orders by letter will be executed with' es tim'cls care _ mittlleg attention to the wants of ,hbi Cfmtemers, the au- - Mien to which we have referred, were ea- - Elk ecinnty, - gites . ”.-Bisiesnt -1, 164-John= - ' ..-_ .:- - --AI7CITZO.II. . ' ' CemPhine and Burning Fluid for sale nt ,! Etiagabtiettlipz:ris w gt b it s t n ar p e nrc u, b n a e s:T e s d arit o olo i h a elpot.l-' ~ , , i-e - o otoe,d hopes to merit tbz vouttatta.patroage of . the gaged a fez days since in their own rod ma ' - spin - - 00011 'So liend tho linnet" - ha ' k.; -en Saturaay th- WO' day otiforember next, thefoilow. • - . ;•• ' , -I. N. BULLARD'S - i petty to wit:••it !I Users' 3 calves _ , s ,!_are t Sea Inz , . , , plows, • • if - 0 th — e Pii Tilli' -- ' -- -- ' . - ' Oli N ne;17.11 stock and IVorlartantjp. - e ex•ein communitY. P.I. OVERACILE, Agent, ,„ mr. sulay i N. , • inn a,hamton,illay 27th i 18.31.: _,, _ =,6Lts - conversing upon the science of anatomy, _it e ones - tixtbe• , "'Benin. ' 'ws, mos trio assortment et terming utensils„ ,: - Binghamton, July,lBsl. • - .30 STROLOGY-TlLEttelebratedDr..C. Pt. • H.OBACK. . h _ _gallant west . , Inin,,sionsebsfi e Lnini„,it c ,„„t e , ~,, . !, A BEL 7 1 / 1 1REL/r bas jest- returned froin the - , e . a* a . ~..a ~...' - A .r..a.Prefessor of Astrology, Astronomy, Phreuol gy, - . the mime of which one of them t proceeded -fe " - t . te , he' erected into a , emu:, 4, it •._ Taa : ars , ;-.4llfinras,: over $5, Smooths audit" wilr he .. ..L - I,eity of New York, with a furor Fad deeireble ' ' -N C. VI" ,i A. 013.010 DS. 1 , - • OeortmerYt combined wi th CONJURATIONifro C m Swett- '- tit nlate state exPerience she had forme- ' 'e r iti °u f t i ~y , s t ;_ 2 . ,-...±,,....„ .. ~ , 7,_ . . garret. two .=O,l oar's credit ;with good, secinity. , , iiaii nmeat v i- -, -- - - - s - ' - , a .„,, s - ~,„' - , v ,,.„,„' „ v .,. , vv ,.." - '',. v ,„ ~. , 5 ,.. - ' den, aloe NO. 71 1.4C03'n Street; Phllidepbta, ettenr - ',. - Is acquired in a dissecting-room. - Just as - 1.1 Y e : se ' '-`-!? ` gu - ul g e st•.Y• ~, , - - _ ,-., eroomin Oet. 8.18.31--41w3 P.ETLEIEERETSIBB, . .• . • o we t , i sii ill 141 41 Q ' ' 7 , ' - ' ' 'Z' i . MIT' 44 7 ab . o 11 . de , -fngAzi,,-,-.10. sec,ice. to the eltizeus of Montrose- Helms beet% • ' • - c o on:tilted b o y ell the crowned heads of ~Ettinpe, and en- -, the conversation 'reached this point, the door - -.. ernwr',,..ss. 5,,,..., - - ' . Iramtg out the 13 armor !I - . %11... 11,4 a. , go •••- < .< A uto, rrzeloitlx abr... , 5 Willett Will be sold very low foreasho or may pay . - .„,..... and *tearable stock Or FALL AND IN/NT )70 ' jy w high r - reputation ns an Aettologee then any one ' 2. ' 44 4 4•lS s_.;__. : -thin sl thin 4 calentated ace rdi • t a of theroom opene,„& - and another bf the in- • • :alr i ,s a szliw.it ° 44 tw • ... - tti•o A tend of Plank' cad hasvigation. . The stock is composed of a first rate rt • s, ,eonsisting of their usual variety of Dry ooteis,Onmerms, l g . • '.' 4- „ 0 ' l •3 0 ___lsMnartet-. e ts, ATM 113ehlt 0 • .. Croekery,llardware, Drugs, Sletlielnes, rotate, on e . oy e „ , -,,./.. 4 .1, es SS, Gentlemen Sa- „Person: at .1 . . ; wscsa,,_, „e r t cilia males of fte semina.ry entered with slow In LOneslioro' orillie * l2tlfolt; .by Rev. C. V. rrthe Sobscribeillimi again returned from N. Y.'. *- D * ss di • Cli ' nags, s e eines, cm= Paints, Qii -at - stuns, tin, stone aud 'Wooden Ware iron steel nails s" s4eth4ir 11• 4 14itles dra " " 3 " 44•1 `“ a l • t ' e••••••• F 4 thi•-, • - • -- • - A. where he found the Deonlent home ad ' 0 lel . , - day of their hrtit. • All letters nontein eg tha abort. fee , and solemn tread, having a white sheet *- Arnold, Mi. nma:4-BoN D tn .- Miss Ham LET -•' - - -- ' ' • II- I V 11-- 'Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, Glass-ware,spoons, • -rah Lth i. zad h-' kJ * elm , , ea er, oots a e 003, /0 . 0 ng ;;; _ses, end • 0 u • inform his friends, and the Public - at Large ' that ,_ „ will receiv immediate atte tion,Nativftles sent to tune' , raised about her form, and be face pow- •- L ga}SDBITS,' boill Of ifairmon', PA. ,• '; hill SUM& of Goodr‘ '• ' - "b, ''' • - Spectacle's; Musical Instruments; - ''‘P ilteg ' 4 - 1•11 ' °IRS ' aeßiPatt h now arriving was right at tho cloths, wail and window paper, clocks, Watclics,„ Jewelry. hats, caPs, c a1:1' 044 4, "h patt , of the world writhe': on durable paper ; aid h 'l* • oweat prices an mostly, or cash, and as. tut dered to perfect whiteness, her jet-blaci - - • '-' • • •'- • •Y ;* ' '*' `I - ' * d 'l' - ' - Alio -- bY tfie.sarie - nt thai .e - lac th ' Yankee Notions, and silver spoons, musical instruments, perfumery, brushes, pripered to realaiuse rif hispoiter by Conjuration o : ''' ot the folitr&ug Lew' •-•eMurtthip &did Ogren fo n tho i hair, eyes, and brows presenting a contrast iii,,,t . : - . 3j r . A.,,' ' ,gi,..„, --- ("! -- k.,,,- 'pe,on _ 0 . neat of whs . '. he intends to do in the way , of sel. ` •.Liquo r a , _ - ' . . acg o gild r o o rsirseZ. t l' e f °ler?? the melt ' f444lahh• t h•m l ' ' • successful aceompliefa • ent, of a tictifthsr ro c arriage;he r has ' .1,1651. . . , . • pve a sMrtliug lividness to her ghost-like ' - },,,,,, 2 ~,' ; • i; ' • ---' '-•-• ''' lo - '" 4 - ,s ---- , 07 5:." iti °f 8 " 4 tm- lin g' Imula "Y, lliat he 'wilt sell his Goods from ' . . ..- " ALSO, .. ,„, ~ • TB -the power to redeem suCh`as arteitsen to Meuse ot the ' ' .s i - -Seism; orator all cases of basted, and for thereeen t y, t 1 - 5 t,,,,,,,„, A five to tea per cent cheanterthen the • bare bee ' "; ' D Goods_ . ttantenance. The lady who Was relating • , ---7- ,,„;,..,'" • g ''• '• ' a l -'"' *4'''''' ' ---- -Id " -• • • - " 1 •° • r Y --, . -•- - J. - Re tune to Du3r, .. - ofstolen or lost prope.rtyi and the perr_hasing oft - otter?: i . i t ,t..... ,..„, , v .• • _ - • so tisthesses dawns, for casb. - and would mcst • . ' Hardware, Stonew * -'. - - tickets Thetvands of the shays named eeseshave been % • her experience as stated; is said to benien- -NE—RI l' !"- ?"-"'``" * - 4 .” . a • .• : '' - cordiallylnVite all his old customers (mid every • _. . _Mirrors, Stationery, Brushe ' * ' -- . . 1 ., 1 . . CA...I7EIt7CLID arould say d one 1;0 4 , • et ty end it s tight' ty. end frithe 1 7 nitellStatee • " tally stmerior to any of ber ciass-mates, Also liy theissini - e;oh the s 'itli " fuel., '3fr,•iirite body else) after having looked throng,h the mar- .- 'n Medieal Instruments, Petfutne a' ry,, - . , - ~ ... 7*• ' 'ss -, ... s t ., : i ; t t is o ni h e, , is , ,i i i ;:tis c r r o .t vi-4 0 fri2 av end , : i s ti n n d ... 'to the fail satisfaction of ell: /0,000 Natleites oi nom- .. osoopeshave been caltdterieg tho last ;font yearawhiles: , ~ and neted for her strength of re .• il d 3 .B.atesok-tO Mai: '"•- ii : 451 •I i in an kat LO call add buy Of him if he Can suit them, : • Trusses, Supporters. Shonfder-Braces, • • s•s".Uses,„,,, - ' Icy _that lie hes jet.. 4 retAwned here Letters will answer every purpose end will do as - , - - 's ''' ' ' New Y k with la •a - " • • rtment usgeneral, consisting as usual of ' ;Shoes, •Camphine Burning F Jul d, InniPs, ..1 - . o ,* V from 9r 9 •Fl- 4 • well as to call esperson, axed the trial! is now so safe that- ' • freedom from nervousness and absurd sea- bthfSe ' ' w .---- - '.' '• ' ' - o o Mt, aste ty,Pa. • _ . Dry Gcsids, among ivhich may be found French 'eik 'w fi• •j' , 1 t- ~ ,L di Um to his extensiveamortment r flans sed - not fear to hint money- thitnagh the P.m: ..-• - oc 8, ate es, e welry, &c. ' ~..,..\. ; - - ' • nsittin of S' aelt e tr 4 - e 11' t . , CO g , . 1, a , s Oftice.. Dr. Roback receivea hum, 60) to 1000 lettere . • slily. So sadden, however, was the ap- -.4- . ......7.---ii •,-....,... , . ~. and other Broad Cloths; Ladies• Dress - Goods, -- -.' A regular read Physician will bi in on taut (b • "• , :f .0. 1 • 1 4, ciA4 Gm 4 " ' l ' Ver I°T 9 lia n d Le P tU ? ZOOLahliailld hits neermaissed one. All letters will 'be • '; preach of the figure, just at a moment ' ' ' '•§4 IV " "*' 1 • ' *• ' printii, d la; b t - i lir ' • .' . '''''s s ... L.,] ~ e ns, eau ifu.st- warp and other a 1.,. . , .. . , , c s s , _,___,„ l „ ~ nsiisuensessd phtnitgold gUyvil 881121m:181y wttencled telt pre•Paid, ',For Inartieulars pit -. when her mind was least prepared for any- I ' c ' ' ' "-'; '''';,- ''- ' ' ' t-, I ". * Pacal. gi°ves rails ailk l ace, r in d ei b erNe ii,. h eavy ~ a ttencance to rissist - in , waiting _upon Customer!. z-,, , , , ,, ,-. , --,- , , c ,, , , , -- 0 ,„ b yes e t end fob chainaocktirstillm. ~ at theDemocret pines arad get e * Astrological Almanae. "; thing - assoeiated witlithoughts of the dead; 9 Providence,'lL L, sa?' „ Ote. SW -his-, •-tunicess libertines splendid , bath cotton yarn &c."&e. fn.. :A n li_perator .W,i,ishit:_itr_to purchase Drums. Goods 'in d oves. 0 4, pet, _nyof th aformaid departments, will find their in., Pins; bProaches, rtniA l iZlea l'' il i ti e tTlTta d e e s e r i d •ei ca e sT ' s: ; ter m , ' - ': - . • n - M E ss ° . - D N Ac'E i r " ot " '' ' . that upon beholding the a ' ' pparatien sue , . . • E Foox,e; ag,ed * ,21 - yeati, ' .... .t - , , ** l. Also hest Tea's, Sugars, Cessia, .... ,, i . ,„„ ...,‘... - .1,,. - - '.. . ' . 6., .._ . 'i - - riee, Threble refined aud sodn'saleratus, Tobacco-- and pencil eases,choral bends, cutlery, Perftuncry, , Slll.- fttplie OM-flatter tt. * ,raeutlon the l'est.eftice. cw co c untw ''' tercets promoted, by calliog &rat at the Drug , and .-ver, Britlannis taut ;Anted AVare..secordrons, flat ea ndSta to ,- • . - ,- -• .i• lisi i • . ... •; ' fell senseless to the floor, and aweke to la Pflugewater;-‘-'4.4- i, t44 'Al's :11- ' l4 ' n*a: l Ililit .• . d ede . 1 ..y . i i s 1 h d 'Variety Stan of . ' ' . ABEL TURRELL. mon an et, cat eys JE ~ a t., atver an ,- tuning forkt.'vialiti :strings eto , eks, wallets, port. Menai, a • ~,.. :-. A '. ' ''. '- ' - - II - ' the smiles around her only to show h - •th 3 ? <l ' llini - - '' ' '''' ' - tiaill; Powider and abet, Boots and Shoes Lamp ' . ..lijontrose, N0v.,1 ._lBl. , , , - 1 . ... Needles, a -- edfency goads,,lratch glasses, tools owl ma. "•-• •'• Di or tirTangenlimat ~. -: - - tenets for the trade by - the (1,11811(11y. The above wili be - ct sm.. • - - antinus attendants that reason had ft d 't He tms , a teem s l i e .: . i s. , ;_ f „_,-..„„55„,-... ' .„.• ~ ' ' Oil and melanins, thiffstri Robes. Leather, I.e.and And.itOrs Nti . sold at the lowest prices. issisiWatdies aud Jewel ots. Extensive . Chair - and - Farnitard 11:tab-'1 _•' throne andl ft d k f a 1 a .'- . ' -,....,_n0 . - 01 . 0 ','' me •F' 3 l :l tia he weild add, thai lie reinernbera and shall, with ' - ' . ' 0 ce.. . . all kindsrepaired an shortootice at the old stand near- • - sa p,. ly opeosite tho Plecenlx, court et. Binghamton. •t, ' ' .-- - 7••• ; ' - -•--- r ' , esa to ens o the mental ' Church, and , diedlejoittintini.the Sailor. *Be „ ret h ede - th e - se - w h o h ,h e -- . it ii- • rrhe undersigned, baying, been appointed by the wreet Everything that,professiOnal kill has Ift ' III] . -•-•-• - ' z fiiendsh bn ' ' d ' s e. a wife said,C , , dreri;iiiii - a large circle ave s ea s - rea Y* 4 .1 Orphans Court of Susquehanna Coanty au ' s '''.* ' - ' te th • Y h P u t . '" M in g " P er3l a g rad * all . d - auditor te mike distribution et the: , - °cals. isa. ixrii, W. saran la, .c . have now,inity completed., -_- . . s. . , Clocks for $l,OO end up, .80 heirs and Sitar's And A. V V their. errangercierttsfoimeaufacturing arid k_eep-: I. could sassest, f th r f f h v „ or erele o t e sufferer of fri Mis and nig ' tiit ' b -la - ose w o never pay let hire in all froendiship asse lu. the i loon New style end weranted et L. 5 Le CANPTELTI., - . ing constantly. on hamlet itend every 'kind of Ifousenaid ' vas tried, but difriii ft• h h e . s train we, ,sr - oom he ma y th ere i s hd t i n ,. „ m i tt s ~ . -,. _, , , handset B .Richardsoristulininistratorofthe Estate,- -, , , IXratChg'S * . , *Furniture, inanufectured out of tho best quanta. otAtto. ;''' . - - ' ' .- - : hogariy, Biarli,Wainut,llapie l client and- Int...alum= -• ' sor y-qg t OUTS a . wai Mott] esteerdetli' '" ' "'ids ; '••- - . •_. 0- If' 3 ..m. '-•ofJ h R' b' 'd " d ~,,, . t . 1 , , o a o omen, ecease , emong the' legal - •- - '. few flitting moments of intern ence - , "..101 .v.. .. , . ~. . ~„ :pputp, , ,_, .va y". -, ~,,;. . , ' ih t - R i ......,;(/. = = =,...,,,... h e i rs -0 su i d d on t i ; t . 11 - . -. cliN sales totection of Genev,a and Engtlido Love e en ywi attenu to the duties of • 4,,) , I T.s. her, smite the best and Most durable limier. - Ammar - that offered hope t h ffi . g ' was ail dell°. - ' ' '' ‘- '''''''''''' ' -'' - ''' ''''( ' ' -.. *n°tltmse-NtW.l3 1-5- : . -' . ' " • ' . pine Vertical tend other escapements In gold an r 4 sli - * ' the article', which tney intend to k Utica hand,' ot make'. . o er a leted friends - ~ . , .. . ~. , ~..,..,, :._ , 5 , ,,,,. , _ ~. . . , ... . ...„- 5 ............._ ,-__ -__ ........,_ ___ . ......,__,.____ s ________,____-__ .• , Ins appointment, at his office in Montrose ou Sat. ver Cast's, Now a add temyvarynumerout Wends end 'to Order,are 3 1 :11Mminy;tintetWaInnt• Clumry and Ata.: at thore times she epo'• f f ii• In Auburn, A' i - IT - li" - ' att Fawn ' • zed 80 ' - , - so o am iar names •1' ' ' Errkq ' ' 4- • ' ' NVATCII IMPAIR/ND - ' - -. ur d a itt y the .2.24 day of Nevernber next 2'l' k ~at oc oc • ° t i n '' n th 111'1 t r at i b ' -„, •in ~ s mil is re' I - ig %C .' '43 • •• . genera . CM 2110 . 0 lay t tit Irty, try p e Ureliti . (r OAT , 0, Ce oar es, oo ases , ete., • , marother Tables; Stands of everreas, recalliag them by, strong mental ' • ' ••• - ••• d" .• -' '.• -• ' * . ' ' ' - 9 ' P.• . ' IAII tis*rso h - '-• 1 ' ffort yearat 3 months an -19' slays: -, ', - --. , AT TllllO OILD ST;IND'A.RAIN' - - • n . 4 - ,- /on experience has enabled roe to select such 'Watches ~ try, Card, Pier, s eying, c aims upon POI fond, , as ; h a t ea , n ,„ erad i s „„,/ the purchasera lasting service • .riety; Sofas, Settees, DtrenitSottomans Am, nedateads - • - whierseem ed t ' ha - 1 ''s win prefient theM at that, time, or be- debarred ,it sboud be bo I mind' th t.l te i -. i ; 'efull kllttlit 311 Wiles made of Slab 'yto k Wal - ' a , taper rf n_sensra. , n. . ~ , oven , ve 7 . r oex list er shattered At the - sate la ; Ana l • ' 2oth' ' lnd' 'nl '- he Subscribers 'having ,resurned . the above , thes e aft e r- ,- ' '. s - . - ' rne n , • - - are not always Wretch ma'kers but agenot or enerchants. , out, therry, and Maple. ~ .-- . _ , .;. ,; ; - •-_, ~ r , ,-, powers, and her reason again den' g . . P cur, ~..es, ' ' , •S ' B I .° ~T • Named - brig - nem- under the management f -' • 0 5 •,-- _., i ii DimocK . .. A n ' di t , • , tinder these than:Stances I select according to wit' Itidg- ' ALS 0-3 I ahogany. Mack Walton t,,Ctirl and Birdseyer ihe tlelaiMed, " Blit I. can't ' wan * "a- son of Tracs i ,end_lii* it I..ititlic, - *god' q .. • "Perx, - , Alfred Say*, reepecttally Solicit *- frOm * their •-* Oes s 7 1851 4 4 . • • - - ---•'' ' -Ment and no Wa - ch is permittol so leave . * +men token: 'Maple. end Fatal Chairssof everytariaty and ibicilp wl. - see 1 „ . newt, examined mid read - 061.1'er the 'Wearers pocket; ,-;tion, witleh they have now on band. and intendto keept` ' old monomers in that iine - a ntUrn "of their Pat- . ', .. Dun't let me see! it ii tOo horrible r and years and' I month. '- - -,--. ••• ,„. ,'• , . - • •,- - -. ~, -• ' ••••• •.,- -_ ,- i , m 8 • - E • . . . . ei A. 2. Extra , . A *mittens warrant given for two years acchisu ts excepted,: - '` e con stant supply. Any nr tide desired will,besupplieg ' • It is wII • th •a t - %. a1 ,. - •,.• 4 4 t , 1 i c . ;••• - °nage- r. ayre or an spenenceo and skilful '• •- , - uanuon..- . , Repairs &a. Hours or businest from 'f A. Id. to T Is-U., '-cm‘a hav dery tittle°. -'' i' ' ' ''''" '•','' -, • ' - '6Oll elapsed before , the return of a lucid " ' ""1 um' er '. - 1 :: ,-.i , - "eP l ' warkurum• l ' °3lin g - "Hied his - el:manes, nd for ' d * •'d' - td - , --' • . • '-..- -'-- J A SINGI MOM' -As theaubicribers have oftenbeetts elicited to'enla - _ ! 1 _ _ . Mhe on ersigne woe rev ectfull sn est • . • -- - , s •• , . . , . - . - . , - r ilv, iitzral, and the heart-rendin As thou seest,itiyiosed, oitesinhisifittangsleept *many years worked,in some 'et the best soups in -, .1. th - - h * - P Y .gg t° - 10 000 LBS "°I; , ase petal:me w o are in any manner ui _debt to - • emote__ onoccount, -i n Li , - their business and to open an ettabtfibment dram kind - atoutfose which. ertuld supply every varldtrat bow*. • tithe paroxysm. The g recurrence As thou thi - ', K ai- -"• '• ---•• - ai ' 'll' ' r.: New York Git ;is m Mot to do an . kind of •• ' young lad • Whose ger gintessn any we ing erc!ay, , ,3"co Pe . Y . him for feet on the public offices or otherwise that • or in exchange for Cloths or other ' hold Furniture, ilad save. the trouble ofirenditig to the , th o ,,,hil essne . s i n4, ,_ sue , Y, Fer _ ettiag m.y . s i i i it. in h e r w hite : Atti - .1, , :. ..- • 4 .... :- work that may be , E'iatrwited to hims--Promptness*. he designate - losing op his Matters "v;er wo ' tut ' ',GOA 'with sortie It 'dinby s • •-,' • cittesror such ar titles, they bope to tneet''with nits! , h terrible mill. ' ''' ' •• • ' ••' ' Y. ' . 18°11 h 11 f . Er .° ' vaa mix° -. patron and encouragement. ltm. w. , swim, - , - e t. e -PT - i . "F" lu ; '' , r , f : t tnt.ii - *lc cages ' e warrantimv o 411 good the i t rif tn - a t ten n • 91, ' r ' • It ' , and de tee th,, ma y , lontrose, hilly 22, '.51. , `M. C. TYLEILi ' - ALEXT.SIIITIL , ' ' ' • (i I, LI spoken of a mott amiable "rl d ' - --' '. .. ' . '• . '-1-" •' •- - - . ' . . 11 ' b ' °Be ° fil ID CI ;. Pt - h - • * • • • - ' ?STET) ' l O 000 If 0 ' b ••• • . ' -•- ' 1- -•" ' 1 • -'•• Ott of tbe warmest friends f h gi ' au it 19 well seltill3ll4 niollie!i'mir . tqfi'll 1" 14°1'7' - '914 est_wo . t.r . e . at wit secure a - hasher° - -fs ,a 7.- - e received as a sofficientcantion, and insure epee- 11A- ,-, , bustle o ate, ,10,000 but : .- -, -.•-- , , - Rom A .suiTyr; -, s . /ler distress and des air o t e sufferer- Earth'°"l""l"ithaug"*B4lr"'-*l"rei,:,•=itr.Grepdaijfendr 17gde S tc E1117. 113d a lM il Ati a°t-'ll- .12 'f itirriP PaYE"nt ' *.' '• • • , :slit !of fly° and:Corn for Which the' highesi• • IMtit - firoac,Juno 4i 1831,--`4ll. E. R. SlidtTll, ' , --. - eta of h4r oar. , 1, „1: 1 at the conselluen • C I - flee will he aid in ce li or tr do b - ' -s , - -- • - -s - - --- - The little brief periodscif lifitteine tisani's s- - - -- - „ss 12 loss , , - -.• • • ,-- ' 4% ', ~; '' '-';'• ~. .• • BROWN Ree - Cider.' •' . P P li l• Y , , s ,-. , , . -, NOltiCe. . : .:;,..: -." , i - 1 .- . - '' l ull 11 Y, can bs - -bet ter ' s , , , ;, _ - .- , ov. . ', _ - _, ~ , - , .. ~ - ..litentroseiNt. 2S, 1851. - - 440. .., '"• - - • . -.... I. ' D. R. L.-.Se Cos • ' triunes-in of Peat & pittsihatilieendlssolVedb' - nontne - ~ •ed thiin descrilied. -I nnag- b' cha i ned for" tlie ia :siing ipjoymentsollui ' .'•, • ' . , _.. , -_' • • .1119 finfTS,rolle,Praza,rtfetlicirde,,toye,staffo, Pistfuni" ;JL al'aotisant. - '„ ,;, ; _ WIt.M: OST. •- ._ t seems to ha , , ; -,-, .: musers ofltose,temoo, and Venn. for Bavaria A • '-'--' ; ."-'*:;•*- '''''" D l2 7l ll 4:O ll 4GraY, : Eicce c k t f rb in ' ' erYi Wind°W 84Sh ' 611" '''d 'Ptaty t ,tifte.BlloB.Bort...; Montrose. , July. _5,1861, -,..., , „- .1),14,, , ,piTi5 5 ....., ; ., ... _ tqa atipposetl that no device of th ve ' . li. 'ill -'.--- . tilll. ::' • • : e ki n d. tas we wa Me s ino . 4 . . ish•lar uP dlYt:team,,.: , 'A - VIRGIL, Tenders , ins professio ' ' nal sers .. r ' x ''', °° Sri, sso arfa___a_ F teen/. soda/ways on baud. nr.,NTIAY&REAI4 ,_ . _ , ,- ; , . . „ , ' DISSTLUTION, . - .... . _ , ztdd 11 effectual in frigliteniug tb la s y Tlae borne of thychild is.notziddezied hi - fearti ,',-.: ' c 'Mikis air, the eltizens'of Montrose and vicinity .- ' . ' °a*TLltr- 't . mu) " • " 'Cliiiks W — ta — he — es' litt'liy - 1 7 - ' , _ , _ p,WEI . , ~., ...guru eo.partnersme heretofore existing; inide r li o s . - nose mournful eonditi - e • -•1 Pm tb fe f S '' s ** ' • ' tia ' • '' ' ' .ot • itou he P r° l"" t° inente " " 11121D2141- ' ' s on we have related. m e . e t,o .my aviorthysensint nee * ; • Orlllgs , _-- s : .11fitital ,Ilfiits ti Atterallant, ' . ; - 4 fdryritnlidh:42oLe R i llVVlDO T trellll l l l p d lt i rt i tt . ' - : tie sad eonse u - s '- [ - . Maim:. 'lt will bailie mrdenvor to ',the best of- '' " - ettt..„. se . a l i n e : D ees _ of the error i n this ,It witohlehut . theC o bthraporres'of I , jetiiren ter tab..]: h ie t hrity l e s e rve t ho w „ ,w a c , may f uer h i m w i th JOHN GROVES, the' well own Tailor has ' _ esp./taro & WailAtrittD wr J. fi. EDWARDS - - without u delay. • • ' 1 _ ' - T.. ,I. LAKE ' vi g e. o n ai t i t mg to the' tholightless It is well with me, inothei; ConSe - S-ktirn awity; - - th i i . u `Patt u nug'i'; - . lln4°P4 AP t P.''. °l) '""," t?cheal " rat in tb be ' db ' hid d te i; ••• „. - i ,-, , 441 th al 4. eu • PI !" I • '••-• N: 11.--The iietes end itCcolints of thelate that may • , h no pass unheeded. - ..- . , , s , , -- i n sh e - rns eemoj a-ei t o l o i rer i ts di gn i ty _n t „ res , e . e e a ve name =nese at tet - --.- be fo - tnit sit's, B. If. EatOtt, at the old,stand, where het ' . ' s eeposti no chin ffe d. At last To gnive will restore me,nllponquered itasWay,S Iri,li e ib t ot m . ge, -. 1 ,4 :ii i i,a gs - .•- e . b ut 1, a r. • directly . over Lathrop's_ Dry - Goads store, and •-• s . Tim Q TIN DTAIIKET ._- ; „will still cot llinue to carry on thebutiness,sndeell goods • - ,n..... „ , „ was ascoverable in the Di vrint forth tO meet thee lathe e r suni i it ' aglAa. that - 4n - 11 4 4 f-D "t - u . ! m g • .would again tender 14'8'am - ices to the r; s ubtle - and '''' •-, • a Law _ .__ I',", ' at grewt l .9 18(10801 prices. " -•B. V i ENNIS. 'i . . , ' enera, A14 . .288418511 : Mr.. -. • ,-- - ~ , ' : '""M 4 ng 6 ,5 133 . 0 0 ins of the unf * adreita their patronage. - ortianate . mod, . `- • •-' -:, -- ... ..... ,%, 44. - chimed Is' hen fits butTeelit roar rto • . 0 ' ' ' ..' 11 .' ' ‘• - Isl . E. W ' GO- DS— t one there is little en ~,,.,. -• 3laking 'and cutting done in the most 4pp - roved -- ' ' • - ' t "AnSir'S =VIAL FIRE PItOOF PAIS*, by thablit. coma ement t 'if . -ed. ' j - ' ft:6ls4°w . es .pe thit seuen . il g .0, id them:gad the ransom all sisre-lbng around. ..g. -.* dAit a.* ) . t ? cee !m_ ' - e' -••••••• _ tyl sib a „ 1 , ‘ „ ); -- •th 5 1 1 -•'' • yr - 1 -- TITER ISt 'GAS juit returied from ~,,SS, ii. , 0 % - ... , for tale by - - , .11.116111111 V: " ' • . ss ____, WI ever resume its seat. - ' ' ' --; ' '. " ' J . .. '-- - ' - pircumsupwisq'bi 1 1 end ehatile' amt.. -- 166 , e "" 6‘61 6 "test ;lobe° as XI el -YV 1 . 1 - 11 . 9 • law YORKo with a MIS - N.'. D. - Alttlie 'colon may be got tip - trona ibis cam P o., , ..,, . . . ~. . . nip, grieve not, my mother 'tie yid! with thy' ( 46 1 7- = ',4"Leellteere/Thoperthat alpine s _ hosivei . w t . - •• , ' ,•• . , . ;,,, , 1 . stock ofFall geode, Well heetrers for sale.to them whit - ,sPerourcont state tolliack mica than 'mire/elm/al :, - P,'-, ; Setneh ( — i -- ---------- --A-; r• "- . ontrose, Feb: 12, 51. - ~ IFlLtosPait tor them, ;Maslow rates as eaio be,reasona. ‘...4 f raponneand twice as valuable', and is 'suitable forpe _ _ 1 3 s e w, ° Y a .tises koe whig pa rt , wid , . . • - --• •, . , ~, • slimitedtheir-reeants.willierthe oppoituriiti slip '_=,, , ? ut, ' ni l Oligrate to L ' anati.s.-:. •- c 1 ' - -' - . •' - cirfcitclicidcr t- ftliiiie - .. i be - fi ' ' ne t. Aussa to 40 Penny nalisSrloor and Flahldug NOS. :- friends, es hare heretofore bc ught geode ofhim andpatil,, sl e w num). septist,lB.sl. ..•, '. s - • -, . This GCOI gave - me He taken ine ' His ciaii -• . nig ' •---- g 6E- • ' ' La6ney"gr" a ..1V Montrose, May Is: . • Lsons& CIIMIDL6II. , • for them, he Invttes them to w GORE AGAL.F."' •• • • ---- ' ~ " ' "" " " ,s, • unkind forts° rdason p• '- - ' . - .., . ~ , !.. up,w.matirweek , s4monthaotbitter.--sleepleso sild bay tile stcti, of 4 1 ;-2 end men i 1 L /Mt nobody ,- , mild. ' - '' *- . •• - • sal *hale tiled '6 . ' l'itit. tim I' - ' ' ' the defunct whig _ _ . ~, , _. sagony, „ g mere ya i e y-,. at- : •Ildimm.. - - t ra t or t s ig n ii, A He loolts kindly 4WD (111 thy pitheray•ef tearer - log Dem e e ret p; eveu ', Canada is fast He - tees all by sorrinis andsoothierall kriaii -- 'Pg.46. 1 .,47 , gfotkukralu .. !la , , -. ' tension Isi . the - ST.iielb j s' *- "Whif the "allele earth •,•'. ivronos halte7s7t,hat lette - ri ' Zi - iallnlst .** * * * '' ' M"tr°s° ` 99L " < th ' 1851 ' ' -, '' ... -s. r• - ' Tic -nuiturer tiannowipatoro.aisiw Nadibitce - se. - , ration • ha c - , 44 _, , ,- , -- 7^ -- • ..1.4...1 ection of Thy Goods, In,cluding a great:T i nt , - . ~ • I • ,-, Ladles' Dress Goods, Crape and"otho aummer aw ~. „ ~ he ,to altuost. .1.1 have been granted to the undersigned ou - tho estate , .-- '' „II 11 V., Rtil VA t 4 . - • Silk Mantillas, Pa:Stan; French/40M Pahai Shrit4 a 44/4 " - ; * ' ow e se e t - - ' , . , .._ ,„ , • ~, ~•--.,.. , . , .' ; eiery Arno this ttii.o.• ,, weetre.t,Ait t home ;IA night. erring Div:bard lato of Dtmork township decease 4; all • T_T ' nuntivrr ma VII ' A L . i . 1.. t. received norm 8.•; A .- '* • L born Bonnets. b antlfurat.•ortment.or Donut • - ,- .. -, , ,i 1 d /nt . ef the i , hat a ear. '.' II . - . , -_.' . . -'; •,:.-- ' •.--- , ',.. . .- .--.--iv : , 7 ' - ' persous bewhig ammtled See ante with ret,i est temili .J 4 I ' ~ '. . , , 1.. 4 . 111 1' e # 0 ,!' , n 7, -,.. ~ a a ri e ' f tie* 'stAel 'Nark ".; * 'tl Moat-mai state nzel i edn „_,,,, ~_ ,i t is „„„ e „,,,,r, „,,,, _ ether , .;.,,,.... 7. ",,„_„,,,,,, ekieer .. ~ ta b . 40, it , i n s _ , v, t oi. 04 „, e de , ~ cr yee, , . _ ixit the e. ea : to _ I.E. __ („nr il uir , , ,• at , ortraent... -, 1 . ,„ „- -- 1 , ban,. deers en T anminge o , L , o - a - writing 7 c. '-'-'''""'""'" '"' h ' • fe ,. _ . tliat on t e reeeptio ....„„&„ that the ' , t 4 -* r •-•-• • •• 4 -''''" .."" _. , ; - ...'illSVO' one,"kave,t-t.Ltilted;:iDipes that - save it 3. No ' mi "'''''' ) ,- -'''?` , uum . ._ l , i, 4 ' UM Earth_a al/tidos/7 waits thou bast, leantedie sew i .5r , ',,,,L., ,‘ -•, . - , ..,• -- - - ..• : -•; - - - -• • , .W.,BUtouantn- •+ ' r.ceadlng air etilaucvlosetsortsidleslns.ess o ; • - ', 1.. •-•- S. s t s ' v er,s` MY. 1 7 4 .. s • . l i so . s s_PTS , ..nt me easy, s. Jesimp,oet. tarsal-4W, - - • , silk btals tate - '- - ' Falil and Winter AR; 0 0 , ./a.. - . . En 4 and Laces, for Mantillas. Bonnet . , ~, „, cods, 'win Vella, nttual Cloth, Yancy - cettliperetCY , it , , ~ - , . - . , . ter . Low $11311,1g. uew style Itordieti ,nibbont, wipter .-: monomer Ciotht. carpet. MIMI. wroult •14011 00 100 ixand . , . oats 'raps - '• - •-ss' s !leen of England: - - !Pi" ! '. '-' . ' - ' ..I , 7 • ''`, ,• `; ".', ~ ,- ''' 't. 17. 11 4 .: Yi,w,.' i.! c r:Pl' 4ll . 4 -ra!' - '''',l" . ,',,, -'' ''' " .-;; '• ''', " ••''' .- .' , , ...: ' ' rtfilfterfiß7'. ;t . ,', -,, .• Otips,btarlaGoods _ae...... or itie moss , dmirable styles; ` Shotte. , ?alutedWintleelthedeettletreth4)- ...t- . ' - ; 1 4 the bill f • i g . i i ss her n , ? paws Be d. p ena l t i es Al! . leave r thefn beiturd, let thy beartreot *OW, -•;-'•,'•'. '441,?; ., ' ,, Jr *. t ?!.1.__4 11 1' ..- PA r t elre lk, s 4l i nge r Af t l./el4', Mt° ivriartisSisT * Yrt7=47al .. left ; - y h a:" .. IT' ha ll b u r :itat u _s_lv i r tl at ' it •• "1 ". 14e -• ''' ' ' . 1° -!ri,c ."'l4. ' ;lo l .7, 4 l ' a t e a e rg il:e ll et A e o n s e lWiLVATie ` eTar47:411 . • '-"- ':- ' 1 4 taS I nr u n a e t t i n °. ha i e ubjects the Union - la th 3 Equare that eat. - - - , Iti the 'honor' ofSby child, ho the ,iigiaalik et •-- 104, ' - ' ,11 .4 4 .4: - 1.7-.., 4 1 , 4 - „ - trisst,wre , ';„, ....tkieSX„bosalues. to o. l *Sus !Sid • ' • board without say, esiso ' or pnysec a ,T o ,,, - ; in t ,: s 4. ., - l' srow e ilr u' orog .9ept.7,4, , ien - . •-; ,' -, - s i, •,-......••••;',--- ''.. - de s alt or whihratu be e ' old lathe Idweettal(e) mato ''' '-. -''' 4 ; •- ..1 4 4 1 1 c. „ 4 "4,-i... 4o lV l . o . ,, , , ,..,4SUlWl L „naeltiltiorniatery out /on , 'r,o „caution slipcases/I artia4tll4bsear or 'smelting t'. ---,,,,, „„ it. I ~,,,,,,- -,,. .."-", ~. ... ...;', - thinisit reasannble tends. ',lv ii.' Nearly, enfilade of -, • , ° Celes c omet l i d ~ . -• .1 ,, m 0.,,,. - ," • A•y.,,r.,„..." .„,.t.,%-,,•• •"' 1 :* r' ' ' ' '''' ' ' •.. e ;'' ;""4#l;l°)AlPFl*l4c4l74likablea:Pideationio. 1 bes on sorsecou.nt , osl'wiltt47 ma debts or her COW. , Laver I#o o /!s., ..sal!-11. art ,pilarlielp m , • ',, produce : wanted, Seekt.ittlialtitrular, and tht-tilabottt., , . ; ia e ' rder t "i• P cut turtcer statee • - 4.4 kr olil • izamkru;•,..ktimprloy,/,T , ia 1t.,,• ; ;,,--4.5...t,ht0iit00w5. - - sx.',,, , mskoo,•it .: • -pirid,. - te . fia, - ,,,yea z ,t eet h .„„ taps &nee We .. datr , - -',4.24'n,10:4Y WAIOILT. ;.: mu.' hscribtr is er4iritssiss esdifirn ii_lllo:folee'r - P,,,,' 1 r l u ri e, liDat ! ll a r iF ° °'. '" , '-'VY.tr. " -, 1 - a1 .. 4 -r t : l . e ."-. 8 - 4 - I T 4 ' - .pa se ii ge . 1 eep 'the Matter as private - •.' - - ' ' - - .- :, • - _ ~,,, ,•;_„._______,., . ~-,,,z 2l ,, ,,,loW44aloiittaftwakoai;• - - i ,:• , ,,e aric e nd A „ : , . "?•;°P•li , elJ4 h t , 847-454 " '',- - '''' - • -4- -t =, '-' I sti:4;liaitaaa. p` 9B P 99l4 l l :itAt Alroo. l katobting - -- Ne n w - ydaroid;idivi 2 , , 401 - -1,1, , , <,, - '•-•":',---' -.- ~ ' o,_ , , In atmetiotie w ' ' t - - -gape offices n t ' ero given at, tun :, '-,•.. -- r - - - ' ''' - --'-' "''' " -: 7-' • noon' "‘ti ' ' ils/4 461411- itifilidooliiirive ft'w It ' IrreLbot - .Wel 4, onstiiir'binjOs• etiitorietts's artirlOsoOtt Orss'esi"iltuxilwars. la/rnliberS,licets •' ' - ' S Dr, C. - C Er a / 1 011)3 .0 .c' ' ',.';- • 5 4,g- r''' - - - -1.44 - -awi6,• -,-- - 111 . t= e --' v - inre;Pa'iltmkrixl7::lloll4 (6 s t i . ,; _ r p-b,4 4 1, 50 ,,, r i a g --.: and shots, votrona pose aan,arin will sell dine 0810W.' ' • '' , k ,„ • • • • • ~,, • 4 1 ,-,,,,,,,, ~...,- ', .7 - ',.. - . ~,, • -., and th , i . ° t., 0 report ' the , beaar_. _ -.., -' ' '.-- - ".. , i 4 - , -...12 ,,, ,... , ik: r tifi1,,. ..„-, 11 , 1i ...• ~,„ t_?, , ,,T ) , .14, ea:- b00k",..v.n 0 c,... 00 ., ftztakel Art lostrusimny: a" " 7 " °° ,,,, c4 ",rf4V ik P A rt ' ' 'l r A li zi ve i l zil r,,, A:A tf 1i...-,.!...,t,.41' _ , lka.•!e'l. - # 1 ."?!!,„" 7 %.. 11 -,..,...,k 4 , 1 ;1 i , , ',„-•'_' - h ,„,._ , _, 4 ia aaus enue „ ea .„,,,,, - .., , , .. , orgysimuusr Aye, . 4 , Egigotememk..7 ~.... - . , ...,,,RT.... ~,,,,,.. , _ _. „. _ , ......-•, r.,l_ „ , .,v1",.. ces,-/-. e,t , s; - ,,stssselkOsti.snsatlnst antra st Tcrikasaa's, _. .1 0 fier-e., o r.-- - ry - J 0 rft R rig . t° A• ••• su f .f f , aiters....also ,cent,einest tt- ~,a.,,,,,,.,, „...us,f . 2 ~,_ ~- -4ez t, them& ~, . 1 . -,,,. "` "' es ? ID' , ' '.-.; . B e i 4, ;p url — t, ' -.: -,-- ;x:dt . _.rif4; , f..ts4j)f'ka " ..„,,,,,,„,,; - Oirliatir , !; - 74 - 41 , 11,4,irthire , ‘!-: •Woratebsa,N - 6 1 .3,1851,,,,_?, ,-- .1.-.. ~? .., ~.»,, r i...4-1 , _.„,.. .- - _,Tiianirsio.afilbr f!Toidt ,! o +.f , cp . 'fArer . /r,',.b 0rrT,..1,, , ' 4 ° -,,, eitte-i,iii n it r ithigig his sis s -is ...-4 , ,: ‘ ,-,?-,,,,,,..-...1. , - * IV tom, . ' r rP erm Ationtreal „that: ~..- --'- - , - • ~ . '- ' ^- 4:r -1- ' ,-, t 45 ;';' ,4 " ,,,-4-3 ttiitt , lit* '... F 77---• . fit t..P: : * -- et'bi,e,.-, --- •4 14 '; i -714. e . rev ' reite -.1 ,- e .7,, *t - , '-- Iltellbv"li r d ell'ig6i;;, - 2 --- ; '.`" ''''?"'....!!". .„-__*:.:::. 7•. - . .-, •," .: 1 - 111 - 11tPiLEir i - , RE - Ats -Ss * ; 14 , 4 t . , o,guyeing o f -th e ,,p eiou ph , ..,, umce 2_deors " iii10iy,'4,_ ,, , '9,p , ti,d5,0vw," ,, , , ,,,e,m4 0 -, , , ~ , 4 46_ , i i i ,.,,,, k ,, ,i d biiiiihiti: ,,. , .„, ~,.. .•..• ,_.„,-..„ ,•,..-,, - - Lyons & ertaisiaiiiVr;'i -14 ? .41 7.T, ' . , *. P r ii: I- , ' 4.; ,''' ..,-.': ,";..... :",:::':'..;'''.'-', . '1: ''' .--- t . '"'*^ . ' - '''' - -'-'---'-- ' -- - '- lk eit _ 'azette....- Columbia D , g Ap 6 .s_ o E-nisor.t.,44pulir vanittyktiom_ic-it'oiliiist'ilW :-.' :1': - : ',,kw. , !•:''t -414460,niiiittritt;:f( -, 4-. 11A.R1**Oititts,4fait flgi:ilbig;:lot,' -- -, .:.-,-, it7Awriz ceituarers; csisolioretuni 0-eirefelausii * ' " ern" - - B" `"' 13 ' "`" ' ‘'.- • - *:, '''''s,' " ..M 31 4414 1 .P.V - '.< - 1/I*.istak r ietif.,;2s;ft - 4 . 01'-''' , e; 45 . • - 301 1- ''' :.''''.' "4, - . ) - '" r : • `'' '''''` . TYL/INI 11 " 'an Mustard, Lotter Poper,Ttrine,Blankipl arra,,Barhyt' ' -• '' '- ' ' '., ' *'''. - '..' ' ••••••*. t ;'• . Sse• ' , ''',,'-.C.,,,.!.,: (~'..,'..!,:- r.:' it ‘'.. .r, 'ti-,; ,- , 4 ,':" ..- ' , ',, t t '` .' . ' ~- , - -'-' ', , • - _ .- _' ~- - ate, forltaU hp --,. •,' . ; , -- - kJ sI , UCIAL AIM.; • isale [Geri* itf:, ;' • 0- 4) keth.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers